Friday, 2024-06-14

opendevreviewPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/horizon master: Allow non-admins to cold migrate instances
opendevreviewPavlo Shchelokovskyy proposed openstack/horizon master: Relax *POLICY* definition requirements
lajoskatonaHi, I have the 1st patch for changing to SDK for Networking: , if you have some free time shall I ask the review of it?15:30
tmazurlajoskatona, I am looking at it right now :)15:35
tmazurlajoskatona, could you please answer a comment there? It's not quite clear why we need to test for network=private?15:36
lajoskatonatmazur: checking15:45
lajoskatonatmazur: I checked again and now that line  in the commit message is not needed. As I remember I added that when I had issues with the logic of how pagination works + non-admin networks15:50
opendevreviewLajos Katona proposed openstack/horizon master: SDK for Neutron networks and subnets
tmazurlajoskatona, great, thank you for the clarification!15:51
lajoskatonatmazur: yeah, I found my own comment from ps13 for that when I was struggling with that part15:51
lajoskatonatmazur: thanks for the help and review15:51
tmazurlajoskatona, it's in our priorities now. As soon as it passes the tests, I'll +2 it15:57
lajoskatonatmazur: thanks, I try to allocate time for the coming parts to continue this work16:03
tmazurlajoskatona, thank you!16:03

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