Wednesday, 2024-07-03

*** whoami-rajat_ is now known as whoami-rajat14:00
tmazur#startmeeting horizon15:00
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Jul  3 15:00:24 2024 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:00
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:00
tmazurHello and welcome to the weekly meeting!15:00
tmazurIs anyone around?15:00
tmazurOk, let's start15:05
tmazur#topic Notices15:05
tmazurFirst, schedule reminder.15:05
tmazurThis week is R-1315:05
tmazurNow to the more interesting part15:07
tmazur#topic Release priorities15:07
tmazurI have submitted a patch to drop the old integration tests:
tmazurHowever we cannot do much with it yet, since the jobs are broken15:09
tmazurWhich brings us to the most important topic for today15:09
tmazurAfter merging the devstack patch horizon-integration-tests, horizon-integration-pytest and horizon-ui-pytest start to fail 15:11
tmazurThey all depend on devstack job, and according to the logs devstack simply cannot start due to unmet dependencies15:12
rdopieraI'm +1ing the revert15:13
tmazurYeah, they have a revert, but it seems it's mostly for experimenting15:13
tmazurI have discussed that with devstack people, and they assume it can be cured by switching to the newer version of ubuntu15:14
tmazurWhich we cannot do from Horizon side, since we just have a parent job dependency. But we can change a nodeset, so I will try that and we will see.15:15
rdopierathank you for looking into it15:17
tmazurAnd if that won't work, I will bug devstack people again. That's the plan. 15:17
tmazurrdopiera, no problem. 15:17
tmazurThat's it from my side for today. Let's move to the next topic15:18
tmazur#topic Open discussion15:18
tmazurDoes anyone have anything to discuss today?15:19
tmazurOk, let's wrap up the meeting then. Please keep an eye on the failing jobs and the discussions around, fixing them is our priority now.15:21
tmazurThank you for joining and have a good week!15:22
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Jul  3 15:22:35 2024 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:22
opendevmeetMinutes (text):
opendevreviewAgnes Nduta proposed openstack/horizon master: Test for displayed volumes without attachments
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: Remove nodeset from devstack-related tests
opendevreviewAgnes Nduta proposed openstack/horizon master: Test for displayed volumes without attachments
opendevreviewAgnes Nduta proposed openstack/horizon master: Test for displayed volumes without attachments

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