Monday, 2024-07-15

rmnijghHi All, I want to start with contributing. At my company we have multiple volume-types and 3 cinder availablity zones. Some volume-types however are only present in 2 availability zones (i have this metadate in the extra specs/properties RESKEY:availability_zones='ZONE1,ZONE2'). But when i want to create a volume in horizon, it still shows me all 3 AZs as selectable. I want to create code so that when i select this volume-type, it will update 12:11
rmnijghthe list of selectable AZ's based on these properties from the volume-type (if the property isnt set, then assume all cinder AZs).12:11
rmnijghI have experience with python, not all to much with js. anyone who can quickly summarize where/what i need to change to accomplish this12:12
rmnijghI think it would be a great feature to make a also commit to the project12:12
opendevreviewSam Morrison proposed openstack/horizon master: Hide unallowed instance actions when locked

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