opendevreview | Merged openstack/horizon master: doc: Switch to PyMemcacheCache backend - Manual installation | 11:54 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/horizon master: doc: Install and configure for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and CentOS - WEBROOT | 11:59 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: doc: Create and manage volumes - fix for Size (GB) - in UI already GiB | 12:11 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: doc: Create and manage volumes - fix for Size (GB) | 12:11 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: doc: Create and manage volumes - fix for Size (GB) should be GiB | 12:12 |
tmazur | #startmeeting horizon | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Jan 15 15:00:20 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' | 15:00 |
tmazur | Hello everyone and welcome to the weekly meeting! | 15:00 |
jjasek | Hello :-) | 15:00 |
tmazur | Let's wait for couple minutes :) | 15:01 |
rdopiera | o/ | 15:01 |
tmazur | Ok, let's start | 15:02 |
tmazur | #topic Notices | 15:03 |
tmazur | Today's agenda: | 15:03 |
tmazur | Schedule reminder. This week is R-11 week. Schedule: | 15:04 |
tmazur | The vote for "F" release name is over. | 15:06 |
tmazur | OpenStack 2025.2 will be known as Flamingo! | 15:06 |
jjasek | Yeeeey | 15:07 |
tmazur | I was really hoping Fjord would win :D | 15:07 |
tmazur | But Flamingo just beats everyone :D | 15:07 |
tmazur | | 15:07 |
jjasek | Sorry :D | 15:07 |
tmazur | Results ^^^ | 15:08 |
rdopiera | you can't spell flamingo without flaming | 15:08 |
tmazur | Yep | 15:08 |
jjasek | :D | 15:08 |
tmazur | Flaming O | 15:09 |
rdopiera | it should be flaming flamingo a la ubuntu naming | 15:09 |
tmazur | O is for OpenStack here | 15:09 |
rdopiera | that explains everything | 15:09 |
tmazur | :D | 15:09 |
tmazur | Anyway | 15:10 |
tmazur | That's all for announcements for today | 15:10 |
tmazur | Moving to the next topic | 15:10 |
tmazur | #topic Release priorities | 15:10 |
tmazur | Last meeting we agreed to discuss the release priorities more explicitly | 15:11 |
tmazur | And so far all that we have is our etherpad | 15:13 |
tmazur | Which needs loots of grooming | 15:13 |
tmazur | *lots | 15:14 |
rdopiera | we did some discussion on the last ptg iirc | 15:15 |
rdopiera | I think we can remove everything except the openstacksdk, as it's all done | 15:15 |
tmazur | Agreed | 15:16 |
rdopiera | and then add the angular removal, and anything else that I forgot about | 15:16 |
tmazur | And I am adding AngularJS removal | 15:16 |
rdopiera | do we need a blueprint or something for it? | 15:19 |
tmazur | Yes | 15:19 |
tmazur | We totally need to restore the blueprint practice | 15:20 |
tmazur | I am also adding the 2FA feature | 15:20 |
tmazur | For which we also will need a blueprint | 15:21 |
tmazur | Ok, thanks everyone, it looks much better now. | 15:22 |
tmazur | Am I forgetting something else? | 15:22 |
rdopiera | my mind is perfectly blank | 15:23 |
tmazur | Ok, let's move to the next topic then | 15:24 |
tmazur | #topic Bug deputy report | 15:24 |
tmazur | I would like to discuss a couple bugs from our backlog | 15:25 |
tmazur | | 15:25 |
tmazur | This one seems to be a low hanging fruit, to test, confirm and check the suggested solution | 15:27 |
tmazur | And this one here: I wanted to discuss | 15:29 |
tmazur | It seems that translation is broken for django tables | 15:29 |
tmazur | And I assume it happened after we switched from ugettext_lazy to gettext_lazy | 15:30 |
tmazur | After ugettext_lazy got deprecated | 15:30 |
tmazur | I tried to investigate, but I am stuck. The field verbose_name works for table names, perfectly translated, but it is not translated in column names | 15:31 |
tmazur | So please if anyone could take a look and just come up with ideas where to dig, it would be great | 15:34 |
rdopiera | do you have a link to the commmit that started the problem? | 15:36 |
rdopiera | (if not, I will find it, no problem) | 15:36 |
tmazur | I am not sure if it started it, that's the problem | 15:39 |
tmazur | I only can confirm that gettext_lazy doesn't translate all that it suppose to | 15:39 |
tmazur | Thanks rdopiera | 15:40 |
rdopiera | I will look into it | 15:41 |
tmazur | Thanks | 15:41 |
tmazur | Let's move to the next topic | 15:41 |
tmazur | #topic Open reviews | 15:41 |
tmazur | -- Bump oslo.policy to latest version | 15:42 |
tmazur | jjasek did you have a chance to look at it? ^^^ | 15:42 |
jjasek | I am sorry, I did not have a time to look at it yet. A lot of things going on in downstream. | 15:42 |
tmazur | I tested it on my env, and it looks ok. rdopiera has his +2 already. | 15:43 |
tmazur | jjasek if you have a minute, please take a look, so we can merge it | 15:44 |
jjasek | Yep, sorry, will try! | 15:44 |
tmazur | Thanks! | 15:45 |
tmazur | And there's two SDK patches on review: | 15:45 |
tmazur | -- SDK for Neutron Quotas IP availabilty and Agents | 15:45 |
tmazur | -- SDK for Neutron Floating IPs | 15:45 |
tmazur | rdopiera thanks for reviewing the doc changes from the new contributor | 15:46 |
tmazur | And this is all from me for today | 15:47 |
tmazur | #topic Open discussion | 15:47 |
tmazur | Do we need to discuss anything else? | 15:47 |
jjasek | Nothing from me, thank you. | 15:48 |
rdopiera | nothing | 15:49 |
tmazur | Ok, let's wrap it up then | 15:49 |
tmazur | Thanks everyone for joining and see you next week! | 15:49 |
tmazur | #endmeeting | 15:49 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Jan 15 15:49:29 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 15:49 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 15:49 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 15:49 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 15:49 |
rdopiera | 無 | 15:50 |
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The paste service at will have a short (15-20) minute outage momentarily to replace the underlying server. | 17:07 | |
opendevreview | Jay Faulkner proposed openstack/horizon master: Support new pytest 8.3.4 | 19:45 |
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