opendevreview | Shyam Biradar proposed openstack/horizon stable/2023.2: Fixing Incorrect URL when browsing Swift containers | 06:34 |
*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh | 08:08 | |
opendevreview | Agnes Nduta proposed openstack/horizon master: Test for the deactivate/reactivate image feature | 08:45 |
*** tkajinam is now known as Guest7334 | 09:05 | |
*** whoami-rajat_ is now known as whoami-rajat | 14:02 | |
*** Guest7381 is now known as bbezak | 14:56 | |
tmazur | #startmeeting horizon | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Jan 29 15:00:59 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' | 15:00 |
tmazur | Hello everyone and welcome to the weekly meeting! | 15:01 |
jjasek_ | Hello everyone | 15:01 |
tmazur | Let's wait for couple minutes | 15:01 |
tmazur | Ok, let's start | 15:03 |
tmazur | Today's agenda: | 15:04 |
tmazur | #topic Notices | 15:04 |
tmazur | Traditional schedule reminder: | 15:05 |
tmazur | This week is R-9. Schedule: | 15:05 |
tmazur | And speaking of schedules, we have Flamingo schedule plan | 15:07 |
tmazur | | 15:07 |
tmazur | 939528: Proposed 2025.2 Flamingo release schedule | | 15:07 |
tmazur | Also, we know now the dates for the next PTG! | 15:09 |
tmazur | It's April 7-11, 2025 | 15:09 |
tmazur | More info in the mailing list: | 15:10 |
tmazur | | 15:10 |
rdopiera | o/ | 15:10 |
tmazur | And one more announcement | 15:11 |
rdopiera | (in Tim Apple voice) | 15:11 |
tmazur | Somehow, it's this time again. PTL/TC 2025.2 cycle election | 15:11 |
tmazur | Hahaha | 15:11 |
tmazur | | 15:11 |
tmazur | And more information here: | 15:12 |
rdopiera | are you going to run, or are you going to run? | 15:12 |
tmazur | The nomination period officially begins Feb 05, 2025 23:45 UTC. | 15:12 |
tmazur | So if anyone is interested, please go ahead! | 15:12 |
tmazur | I am not going to run just yet, and I am planing to nominate my candidacy for Flamingo cycle | 15:13 |
tmazur | And that's all announcements from me for today | 15:15 |
tmazur | Next topic | 15:15 |
tmazur | #topic Release priorities | 15:15 |
tmazur | So for SDK, we have this patch on review: | 15:17 |
tmazur | 938488: SDK for Neutron Floating IPs | | 15:17 |
tmazur | Thanks jjasek_ for your input, we're waiting for the patch owner now | 15:17 |
tmazur | And for the two factor auth, I submitted an initial WIP patch: | 15:19 |
tmazur | 940066: [WIP] Improve two factor authentication config in Horizon | | 15:19 |
rdopiera | tmazur: do you think it should be one big patch, or would it be better to have several patches? | 15:21 |
tmazur | rdopiera, it will be a separate one for qr code, for sure | 15:22 |
tmazur | I don't think it makes sense to split tables from actions though | 15:23 |
rdopiera | thanks | 15:24 |
tmazur | Ok, moving forward | 15:24 |
tmazur | #topic Open reviews | 15:25 |
tmazur | Time to bug the team again :D | 15:25 |
tmazur | List of open reviews: | 15:25 |
tmazur | Thanks rdopiera for your translations fix | 15:27 |
tmazur | 940297: Do column name translations at runtime, not at import | | 15:27 |
tmazur | jjasek_, omcgonag please review and vote, so I can approve and merge it | 15:28 |
tmazur | 939546: [DNM] non-existent timezone fix | | 15:29 |
tmazur | omcgonag, please address the comments, and if you think your patch is ok to go, you can remove [DNM] tag from the title | 15:30 |
omcgonag | will address comments, thx | 15:31 |
tmazur | Thanks | 15:31 |
tmazur | 939389: Support new pytest 8.3.4 | | 15:31 |
tmazur | jjasek_ thanks for your input, we're waiting for the patch owner now | 15:31 |
jjasek_ | yep | 15:32 |
omcgonag | I took a quick peek at - maybe my lack of python understanding in the context - not sure what was broken and why the change fixes it | 15:32 |
omcgonag | I can add a comment | 15:33 |
omcgonag | comment added | 15:34 |
tmazur | Essentially, the strings for columns' names were prepared before user settings were set up | 15:34 |
tmazur | So no matter what language the user picks, the columns' names are already set, in English | 15:35 |
tmazur | Anyway, the last patch I wanted to talk about | 15:37 |
tmazur | 940362: Test for the deactivate/reactivate image feature | | 15:37 |
tmazur | Abby implemented quite a few tests for the new feature | 15:38 |
tmazur | That's it from me for today | 15:39 |
tmazur | #topic Open discussion | 15:39 |
tmazur | Do we want to discuss something else? | 15:40 |
jjasek_ | Nothing from me. Thank you Tatiana. | 15:40 |
omcgonag | all set here | 15:40 |
tmazur | Ok, let's wrap it up then | 15:41 |
tmazur | Thanks everyone for joining! | 15:41 |
tmazur | See you next week! | 15:41 |
tmazur | #endmeeting | 15:41 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Jan 29 15:41:25 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 15:41 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 15:41 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 15:41 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 15:41 |
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