Thursday, 2025-02-06

*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh07:40
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: nominations for the OpenStack PTL and TC positions are now open, for details see
elodillestmazur: hi, quick question regarding releasing horizon: release tooling caught horizon as however has cycle-with-intermediary release model, it was not yet released in epoxy yet16:55
elodillestmazur: in such cases the release team wonders whether cycle-with-rc release model is more suitable for the project16:56
elodillesin cycle-with-intermediary projects usually release a couple of times during a depelopement cycle (e.g. at milestones)16:57
elodillesit's not necessary, but this is how usually projects do16:57
elodillescycle-with-rc release model means that a deliverable is released once, at the end of the cycle ( )16:59
elodilles(note: horizon changed from cycle-with-rc to cycle-with-intermediary some years ago)17:01
tmazurelodilles thanks for reaching out17:02
elodillesso could you please think about this: does horizon need multiple releases per cycle, or is it enough to release it at the end of the dev cycle?17:02
tmazurI will discuss this possibility with the team on the next weekly meeting17:02
elodillesACK, thanks, that sounds good :)17:03
tmazurI'm not sure why exactly horizon switched to cycle-with-intermediary, but currently i seems like cycle-with-rc is more suitable for us17:03
elodillesprobably in the past there were breaking changes in horizon that required to come to light as soon as possible. at least i remember something that however horizon is not a library, in some cases it acts like that17:05
elodillesbut maybe i'm wrong o:)17:05
elodillesif this is not true anymore and the team does not want multiple releases, then cycle-with-rc is better, for sure17:06
elodillesthanks again for checking this with the team17:07
tmazurYeas, no problem. I will let you know next week.17:16
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily while we upgrade for a new jeepyb feature and switch our database container image source repository18:51
opendevreviewTatiana Ovchinnikova proposed openstack/horizon master: [WIP] Improve two factor authentication config in Horizon

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