tmazur | #startmeeting horizon | 15:02 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Feb 12 15:02:32 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at | 15:02 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:02 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' | 15:02 |
tmazur | Hello and welcome to the weekly meeting! | 15:02 |
tmazur | Is anyone around? | 15:02 |
jjasek | Hello, I am hereeeee :-). | 15:03 |
tmazur | Awesome! Looks like it's just two of us today, the rest of the team is on PTO | 15:03 |
jjasek | yep | 15:03 |
tmazur | I don't have much for today anyway, so let's begin | 15:04 |
tmazur | Today's agenda is here: | 15:04 |
tmazur | #topic Notices | 15:05 |
tmazur | This week is R-7. Schedule: | 15:05 |
tmazur | PTL/TC nominations are still open until Feb 19 | 15:06 |
tmazur | Moving to the next topic | 15:09 |
tmazur | #topic Release priorities | 15:09 |
tmazur | Not much have changed since last week | 15:10 |
tmazur | jjasek thanks for reviewing SDK patches | 15:10 |
jjasek | yep :-) | 15:11 |
tmazur | I will post the links here again, anyway | 15:11 |
tmazur | 938488: SDK for Neutron Floating IPs | | 15:11 |
tmazur | 940462: Remove leftover Neutron test_date variables | | 15:11 |
tmazur | 936008: SDK for Neutron IP availabilty and Agents | | 15:11 |
tmazur | Next topic | 15:11 |
tmazur | #topic Bug deputy report | 15:11 |
tmazur | We don't have new bugs this week | 15:11 |
jjasek | Nice | 15:12 |
tmazur | But still, hen we have time, it would be nice to at least try to reproduce and confirm the existing recent bugs | 15:13 |
tmazur | | 15:13 |
tmazur | Okay, and that is it for today | 15:14 |
tmazur | #topic Open discussion | 15:14 |
tmazur | Do we have something else to discuss? | 15:14 |
jjasek | Did you already think about the planning of "marathon" to sort/clean/check the relevancy/priority of bugs? | 15:14 |
tmazur | jjasek Not yet. If we want to make it properly, we need to organize a few machines for those who will come help us | 15:15 |
jjasek | I think that we have enough of resources in PSI so it should be quite easy to deploy there 2-3-5-whatever number of devstacks | 15:16 |
tmazur | That sounds good. Is it possible to attach local Horizon repo to this devstack? | 15:17 |
jjasek | But I am not sure if the deploys will be accessible from outside of RH network, in case when someone from upstream (outside of RH) will attend | 15:18 |
jjasek | Good question, I have never tried to attach local Horizon repo to the devstack deployed there to be honest. | 15:19 |
jjasek | When I needed to do some changes then I basically did it directly there (in the instance in PSI) | 15:20 |
tmazur | Anyway, I need to talk with my manager first, to have a full picture of the resources we have and can use | 15:20 |
jjasek | Yep, sure | 15:21 |
jjasek | Then nothing else from my side :) | 15:21 |
tmazur | Okay then, let's wrap it up and have half an hour back :) | 15:21 |
tmazur | #endmeeting | 15:22 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Feb 12 15:22:04 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 15:22 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 15:22 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 15:22 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 15:22 |
vsaienko | hello horizon team, please review already has +2, extends | 16:24 |
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