Monday, 2017-10-09

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eumel8don't know why this failed:
eumel8po file looks good to me08:46
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amotokiepico: L.986 looks wrong10:08
amotokiepico: sorry10:08
amotokii intended to eumel810:08
eumel8here is the fix:
epicono problem10:09
amotokieumel8: it looks like --check-format should be done as part of pep8 in tacker. It detects problems earlier10:09
eumel8amotoki: dunno. tested localy this this and msgfmt is happy10:11
amotokieumel8: yeah, it is just a possible option. horizon actually does it to prevent wrong strings.10:12
eumel8amotoki: never heart from tacker project. only that this import jobs looks broken since a while10:14
jpichwell spotted10:14
eumel8jpich: I'm the I18n PTL, as you know ;)10:15
jpichfair play on finding those two stray -s- anyway :)10:16
eumel8maybe some low hanging fruits if someone loved the be an ATC10:17
eumel8unfortunatelly our apprentice is sick today ;)10:18
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amotokiboth were introduced by tacker commit 8b479f42 and it was merged Sep 10.10:26
amotokiperhaps the tacker translation job continues to fail since then.10:26
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