Tuesday, 2018-08-07

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eumel8ianychoi: fun fact - installed zuul today and now I'm here: https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/1219 ;)11:56
ianychoieumel8, plz reply haha :)13:59
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amotokihi, does anyone know whether white paper translations are updated continously?14:06
amotokiI mean the published translated whitepapers are updated if we update zanata translations.14:07
amotoki* or not14:07
amotoki(I can spend less time on translations recently and my involvement would be random)14:08
eumel8amotoki: that should be updated nightly14:09
amotokieumel8: nice!14:10
amotokiI confirmed Japanese translation has been updated :)14:10
amotokiif you look at https://www.openstack.org/edge-computing/cloud-edge-computing-beyond-the-data-center?lang=en_US14:10
eumel8ianychoi: I removed all that host key stuff in /var/lib/zuul/.ssh/known_hosts and it works14:10
amotokiyou will notice "Beyond the Data Center" is duplicated in the title14:10
amotokiin Ja translation, I ignored "beyond the data center" in "Cloud Edge Computing: Beyond the Data Center" :)14:11
ianychoieumel8, oh not paramiko error?14:12
ianychoiamotoki, I didn't catch it thanks :)14:12
amotokieumel8: ianychoi: regarding translator section on the edge computing wp translation, I have concern a bit to generate translator section from Zanata stats.14:12
amotokigood example is Japanese translation.14:13
amotokiyou can see only me as translator, but actually I didn't translate anything.14:13
amotokiI just updated Zanata translations for new format.14:13
amotokiI have no copyright on Japanese translations.14:14
amotokihow can we improve the current situation? I would like to honor the original translators.14:14
ianychoiamotoki, same concern as me. Initially I expected that all the translators in upper comment lines on po file would be the right person but it was wrong since Zanata version was actually changed: from txt to generate-pot14:15
amotokiianychoi: yeah, Zanata translator notice is generated automatically14:15
ianychoiThe problem right now is that the po file in txt version was removed - I am not sure who removed it..14:15
ianychoiWhen I manager translate.o.o production, I preferred to set read-only instead of deletion.14:16
amotokiin my understanding, it is a collection of translators who committed latest translations14:16
ianychoiOh not deleted - in master branch14:17
amotokiianychoi: is my understanding above same as yours?14:17
ianychoiamotoki, same - for Korean paper, ujuc and me did but there is only my name - I asked ujuc to purposely change a translation in current edge-computing version..14:18
ianychoi# Akihiro Motoki <amotoki@gmail.com>, 2018. #zanata14:19
ianychoi# Hajime Miyamoto <ha-miyamoto@kddi.com>, 2018. #zanata14:19
ianychoi# Shunichi Kuroyanagi <sh-kuroyanagi@kddi.com>, 2018. #zanata14:19
amotokiianychoi: where did you get it?14:19
ianychoiamotoki, would it okay if those all three translator names are listed in Japanese translated page?14:19
amotokiianychoi: I am fine (though I just made proofreading)14:20
ianychoiamotoki, read-only master version instead of current pot-translation version14:20
amotokiah, i see14:20
ianychoiamotoki, https://translate.openstack.org/rest/file/translation/edge-computing/master/ja/offlinepo?docId=Cloud%20Edge%20Computing_%20Beyond%20the%20Data%20Center.txt14:21
amotokiianychoi: thanks. PO download answers me :)14:22
ianychoiI don't know how to purposely add the upper comment part (translators) in one Zanata version, hmm14:23
amotokiit seems that ad-hoc workaround is to ask them to update some translations so that they are included as the translator list from Zanata14:24
amotokiI can ask them :)14:25
ianychoiamotoki, plz do that :) It would be faster than investigating web-side from Foundation implementation.. :)14:40
ianychoiamotoki, eumel8: I would like to ask review for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/588110/ for defining job name for translated doc build and pdf build. In future, translated pdf docs would be supported (but I don't have enough time to implement this part), but I cannot come with better naming on job name14:41
amotokiianychoi: how is it urgent? these weeks are for Rocky release and I don't think I can review it enough. I just added me as a reviewer.14:53
ianychoiamotoki, not urgent :) I just try to ask reviews for better naming.14:54
ianychoiamotoki, thank u!14:54
eumel8go go go - we'll have a party in Berlin!14:57
amotokiI need to get an approve for PTG rather than the Summit :)14:57
eumel8ianychoi: regarding paramiko, I think it depends on different key formats in known_hosts file. At the end I deleted all this stuff and no errors anymore in zuul-scheduler15:04
eumel8ianychoi: unfortunatelly no webfrontend running :(15:05
ianychoieumel8, I see thanks :)15:07
ianychoieumel8, I have just replied http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-August/132960.html15:08
ianychoiI would be so busy in upcoming two weeks but try to address many topics :)15:09
ianychoijamesmcarthur, just minor bug report: two "Beyond the Data Center" on title & sub-title part on edge-computing whitepaper (English & translated versions): https://www.openstack.org/edge-computing/cloud-edge-computing-beyond-the-data-center?lang=en_US15:10
ianychoiamotoki founded and I am just forwarding... :)15:10
eumel8ianychoi: I tried to install Stackalytics to test the imports but it breaks all the time for me. You know if there any backups available for download?15:11
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jamesmcarthurOh - thank you for the heads up ianychoi: :)15:11
ianychoieumel8, I did not succeed to install full Stackalytics but I had experience on installing some part on Stackalytics. Just stackalytics repo worked fine for me and installing redis was needed. Other parts are related with git repo keys to retrieve all the repo information but I didnot go further15:12
ianychoi(Long time ago I just tested with translation part)15:12
ianychoijamesmcarthur, no problem :)15:13
eumel8ianychoi: yeah, a lots of connection are going on with stackalytics-processor and it takes a very long time to collect the data. It might be better, if the memcached dumps are available for download.15:18
eumel8ianychoi: now my Zuul can talk with Gerrit: https://review-dev.openstack.org/#/c/107981/15:19
ianychoieumel8, wow congrats :)15:20
ianychoieumel8, https://translate.openstack.org/rest/stats/user/eumel8/2018-07-25..2018-08-07 -> there is your edge computing whitepaper stat15:21
eumel8ianychoi: yes, but not here: http://stackalytics.com/?metric=translations&user_id=f-kloeker15:23
ianychoieumel8, hmm no further idea right now and if project should be added in Stacklytics, plz consider my proposal on mailing list15:24
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jamesmcarthurianychoi: the bug on the edge page has been fixed18:38
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Due to a bug, Zuul has been unable to report on cherry-picked changes over the last 24 hours. This has now been fixed; if you encounter a cherry-picked change missing its results (or was unable to merge), please recheck now.20:42
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