Thursday, 2018-08-09

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eumel8good morning07:01
eumel8#startmeeting openstack_i18n_office_hour07:02
openstackMeeting started Thu Aug  9 07:02:06 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is eumel8. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.07:02
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_office_hour'07:02
eumel8Welcome to OpenStack I18n Office Hour07:02
eumel8#topic Open Discussion07:04
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/i18n master: Imported Translations from Zanata
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AJaegereumel8: we have translation imports again,n,z07:34
eumel8a many07:34
AJaegereumel8: want to ask project teams via email to import these - both master (for release note translation) and stable branches?07:35
eumel8good idea07:35
AJaegerI suggest to tell them that for stable/rocky the releasenotes.po files get removed since releasenotes are only translated on *master*07:35
AJaegereumel8: a few periodic jobs are not finished running yet, so that many might get a couple more... But no need to wait for those07:37
AJaegereumel8: still 30 repos in the queue - some have run translation jobs already and run long devstack, I guess 10+ have not run translations yet07:38
eumel8saw also some failed jobs beside the missing rocky branch. have to check that the next days07:40
AJaegeryes, please do - or ask others to check ;)07:40
AJaegermissing rocky branch is harmless - and will fix itself hopefully soon07:41
eumel8some projects missed the Rocky milestone so we have to adjust our translation plan and may reconfigure syncs07:44
AJaegerif those branch later, let's wait - if they don't branch, let's remove jobs...07:45
LinkidI'm wondering if the locale en_GB is generated, for translations07:50
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Linkid(Or if someone translated it in Zanata, manually)07:52
openstackMeeting ended Thu Aug  9 07:58:31 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)07:58
openstackMinutes (text):
eumel8Linkid: there are also different language settings in Horizon (US/GB-EN)07:59
AJaegerLinkid: manually...07:59
eumel8AJaeger: why you are here, as a new IRC channel op: can you repair our channel topic? It's broken since some days08:00
ianychoieumel8, sorry for late I was doing something and completely forgot today meeting08:04
Linkideumel8, AJaeger : OK, thanks.08:05
eumel8ianychoi: welcome :)08:05
ianychoiLinkid, hello! I could not catch your point right now but your saying implies that deleting en_GB locale is a good idea?08:06
ianychoieumel8, regarding and, I would like to choose a project for implementing prototype - which project doc repo would be the best target u think? openstack-ansible?08:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/i18n master: Imported Translations from Zanata
eumel8ianychoi: yes, sure, because it's already translated08:11
ianychoiThanks :)08:11
AJaegereumel8: we have en_GB in translate.o.o, you would need to delete it there. And it is a different translation with a few words changed08:14
Linkidianychoi: no, no, there may have some small differences between english languages. But I just didn't know if it was generated automatically or translated manually, because the file in cloudkitty-dashboard seems to have no differences ;)08:15
AJaegereumel8: regarding irc topic, let's do that a different time - I can help08:15
ianychoiLinkid, the list of languages in Horizon are in
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ianychoiLinkid, does it address your asking? :)08:19
AJaegereumel8: can you tell me which topic to use? Then I'll set it quickly...08:20
eumel8I think the language  list is autogenerated and yes, there are people they translate en_GB. Maybe this are low hanging fruits - for native speaker in UK08:21
LinkidOk, I understand. Thank you08:29
eumel8AJaeger: OpenStack goes multilingual! | I18n & L10 channel08:29
ianychoiLinkid, no problem and this is why there is I18n office hour :)08:46
*** ChanServ changes topic to "OpenStack goes multilingual! | I18n & L10 channel"08:55
AJaegereumel8: done ;)08:55
eumel8AJaeger: home sweet home, thx :)08:56
ianychoiAJaeger, wow thanks!08:57
jpichyay topic fixed :)09:07
jpich(Sorry I missed the meeting)09:07
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ianychoijpich, hello! That's pretty fine :)11:41
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eumel8We have a Horizon dashboard in Rocky14:54
amotokieumel8: what do you mean? we already had a horizon dashboard. another horizon?15:44
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eumel8amotoki: stable/rocky version16:38
amotokieumel8: i see. it was released several hours ago16:39
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eumel8yes, just refreshed the Rocky Translation Board in Zanata16:40
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AJaegereumel8, so, should I unwip and propose the followup change for project-config?18:13
AJaegereumel8: will followup tomorrow...18:13
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