Thursday, 2018-09-13

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eumel8oops, it's merged :
eumel8and failed:
eumel8may I forgot git add12:52
eumel8#startmeeting openstack_i18n_office_hour12:59
openstackMeeting started Thu Sep 13 12:59:02 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is eumel8. Information about MeetBot at
openstackUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.12:59
*** openstack changes topic to " (Meeting topic: openstack_i18n_office_hour)"12:59
openstackThe meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_office_hour'12:59
eumel8#topic Open Discussion12:59
*** openstack changes topic to "Open Discussion (Meeting topic: openstack_i18n_office_hour)"12:59
eumel8Start the meeting ;)12:59
eumel8Welcome to I18n office hour12:59
ianychoii will be online in 15 mins...12:59
eumel8but will close in time :)13:00
eumel8hello jpich :)13:05
jpicheumel8: Are you in Denver? I can't recall13:08
eumel8jpich: I'm already in Berlin :-))13:09
jpichOh did you only go for the cross-project days?13:09
eumel8no, no Denver travel13:10
eumel8too many parallel events this week. At the end I was already at home ;)13:10
jpichNo RDO party for you13:10
jpichFair enough! That way you won't be late for the Summit :-)13:11
eumel8not sure, I have so many other events to organize around the Summit. Hopefully I have time for the main event there ;)13:12
ianychoijpich, oh are u in Denver?!13:14
ianychoijpich, I was in Denver but now am in Korea :(13:14
jpichAh! How was Denver? :)13:14
ianychoiGreat :)13:15
jpichProductive conversations??13:15
ianychoiSure! So great memories13:15
eumel8I saw only beer bottles and glasses ;)13:15
eumel8yeah, the Docs Team :)13:16
ianychoiAnd the following is one of productive conversations, although I was not on Wednesday13:16
eumel8ianychoi: is the interview already online?13:17
ianychoiAlso I18n :) I had nice conversation with openstack-helm team for from Korean to English documentation13:17
ianychoieumel8, not yet :(13:17
eumel8just wondering, rbowen wasn't there13:17
ianychoiAlso Doug and Monty kindly tried to help a lot with nice conversation, although the the discussion on the upper link happened on Wed, during my return flight to Korea13:18
eumel8yes, time is running fast13:19
ianychoiAnd I discussed w/ Storyboard team how to I18n-ize Storyboard dashboard, and we discussed some possible ways of I18n-ing Storyboard dashboard13:19
ianychoiIn addition, FC-sig team really wants to make contributor-guide i18n-ized. Also nice conversation13:19
ianychoiSorry I couldn't now provide summary - I think I can summarize on this weekend13:20
ianychoieumel8, and... Petr suggested an interesting idea.. merging Docs office hour and I18n office hour into one. How about this idea? :)13:21
eumel8mhm, I don't know. Interests are slidely different.13:23
eumel8But I observ the situation how Docs office hour works and ours also13:23
ianychoiI think it is fine since 1) we don't have enough quorum 2) Some interests are duplicated 3) We know each other a lot13:23
eumel8yes, but I was a little bit disappointed when I checked the attendee list on the PTG etherpad for docs/i18n. There are fewer and fewer people every year. I think we have to change things in general.13:26
ianychoieumel8, which possible things in general?13:26
eumel8from my observations you collaborate a lot with other teams or SIGs in Denver. That's be very good. But there is no more work as an independent team - on I18n side and now also on Docs side13:30
eumel8but maybe I'm wrong. Want to talk to Petr also :)13:33
ianychoiI think collaboration makes I18n team get more attention and be much stronger with the help inside & outside of the team. I can definitely say that there are more progress on doc translation support, translating whitepapers, additional I18n process on openstack-helm team as a pilot, contributor-guide, and Storyboard.13:34
ianychoiSecond, it definitely seems that Docs & I18n are stablized, and more additional unofficial projects (from the perspective of TC) want to get more Docs/I18n.13:34
ianychoiI cannot say that I am the best to address all possible Docs/I18n issues we are facing. I cannot change current trend and the interest of people and contributors, but what I could do is to share the issues in Docs/I18n which might be related with other projects and discuss how Docs/I18n teams can address13:36
ianychoiAha.. one forgot thing I wanted to share (although eumel8 already knew): AUC criteria and it seems that there is no objection on UC: "i18n would like translators that work on whitepapers or User Survey to get AUC status - Yes no brainer :)13:38
ianychoi" from
eumel8ianychoi: yes, that's fine and I'm happy with your tireless work, but I don't know if this justify a project team. You had this idea with the I18n SIG. Maybe we want to think about it again.13:41
ianychoieumel8, thanks but you also do tireless work :)13:42
eumel8ianychoi: yes, but this is not endless ;)13:44
ianychoieumel8, I had two different ideas: 1) I18n team -> I18n SIG and 2) I18n team + Globalization SIG. For 1), let's think after I18n team has no PTL candidate. For 2), it seems that more agreement on all OpenStack world might be needed..13:44
ianychoieumel8, we are now doing well - that's pretty fine and let's seriously consider on next cycle :)13:44
ianychoiMe is also under strange situation.. with unstable life in Korea but I am happy to still talk with u13:45
ianychoiand many OpenStack contributors13:45
eumel8yes, but somebody has to buy the rolls at the end. You should ask Jimmy for a permanent position at the OSF local office in Korea :)13:47
ianychoiHaha.. thanks a lot for such saying but I really don't know how to proceed such position..13:48
ianychoiPerspective and thinking might be very different13:48
ianychoiMy perspective, your perspective, the perspective of others might be different..13:49
eumel8ok, have to move13:59
eumel8thx for participating13:59
eumel8cu later :)13:59
ianychoieumel8, cu later :)13:59
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack goes multilingual! | I18n & L10 channel"13:59
openstackMeeting ended Thu Sep 13 13:59:27 2018 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)13:59
openstackMinutes (text):
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