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eumel8 | morning | 07:02 |
eumel8 | #startmeeting openstack_i18n_office_hour | 07:03 |
openstack | Meeting started Thu Nov 29 07:03:43 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is eumel8. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. | 07:03 |
openstack | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 07:03 |
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openstack | The meeting name has been set to 'openstack_i18n_office_hour' | 07:03 |
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eumel8 | #endmeeting | 07:56 |
*** openstack changes topic to "OpenStack goes multilingual! | I18n & L10 channel" | 07:56 | |
openstack | Meeting ended Thu Nov 29 07:56:57 2018 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4) | 07:56 |
openstack | Minutes: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_i18n_office_hour/2018/openstack_i18n_office_hour.2018-11-29-07.03.html | 07:57 |
openstack | Minutes (text): http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_i18n_office_hour/2018/openstack_i18n_office_hour.2018-11-29-07.03.txt | 07:57 |
openstack | Log: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_i18n_office_hour/2018/openstack_i18n_office_hour.2018-11-29-07.03.log.html | 07:57 |
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Linkid | hmm… 4 new errors in the propose-translation-update job for horizon | 09:16 |
Linkid | http://logs.openstack.org/periodic/git.openstack.org/openstack/horizon/master/propose-translation-update/d475bba/job-output.txt.gz#_2018-11-29_08_50_12_688534 | 09:17 |
amotoki | Linkid: you can download the corresponding PO file from Zanata and run msgfmt on it locally | 09:28 |
Linkid | yep, I'm doing it | 09:32 |
Linkid | wooo… arabic has about 5 plural form | 09:33 |
Linkid | s | 09:33 |
amotoki | Linkid: yeah, nplurals=6, so it means 5 plural forms | 09:33 |
amotoki | IIRC eumel8 investigated the same problem a while ago | 09:34 |
Linkid | I found one error : https://translate.openstack.org/webtrans/translate?project=horizon&iteration=master&localeId=ar&locale=fr-FR&dswid=26#view:doc;doc:horizon/locale/djangojs;search:Displaying%20%25s%20item | 09:37 |
Linkid | seems like msgfmt doesn't like empty plural forms | 09:38 |
Linkid | ah, do you know if eumel8 found something ? | 09:39 |
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Linkid | ok, I found something : https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnu-utils/2007-09/msg00010.html | 09:59 |
Linkid | it seems that msgstr 3 to 5 are mandatory | 10:00 |
Linkid | and the djangojs.po file only has msgstr 0 and 1 | 10:01 |
Linkid | so, maybe the "Plural-Forms" header can be adapet | 10:03 |
Linkid | *adapted | 10:03 |
amotoki | Linkid: nplurals and other plural definitions come from Zanata, so I am afraid it doesn't work to adapt nplural manually... | 10:06 |
tosky | if Plural-Forms has that form for a language, yep, it should not be touched | 10:09 |
Linkid | so there are two other solutions : removing msgstr 0 and 1, or translating msgstr 3, 4 and 5 :/ | 10:09 |
tosky | rather, the message should probably not imported, as invalid | 10:09 |
Linkid | or putting it in fuzzy | 10:09 |
Linkid | I can do the second solution with suggestions, but I don't know nothing about arabic… | 10:10 |
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Linkid | ok, I put those strings in fuzzy | 10:21 |
Linkid | and msgfmt is happy :) | 10:22 |
Linkid | (don't want to add bad translations or removing ones) | 10:22 |
Linkid | hoping it will work tomorrow :) | 10:23 |
tosky | better not translate a language which you don't know :) | 10:23 |
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