Saturday, 2013-09-14

anteayaI am arriving Saturday yes00:02
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anteayawould love to have dinner Sunday, clarkb jog0 pleia200:02
anteayapleia2: see you when you are online, enjoy dinner00:03
reedanteaya, in the bay area?00:03
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anteayain SF the weekend after00:04
anteayaat pleia2 's house00:04
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reednice! I should be around the weekend after00:04
jog0clarkb: I will hold off trying things and see what you can put together00:04
clarkbjog0: I just pushed the change to gerrit, going to apply it on the logstash server now00:04
clarkbjog0: applied any logs that go through at this point should have the new ocntent assuming I didn't derp anything00:07
jog0sweet, so I can use the logurl to filter00:08
clarkbor the UUID if you truncate it to 7 characters00:08
jog0ohh thats what that is00:08
jog0either way shouldn't  be too bad00:09
clarkbright and either will give you a 1:1 mapping00:10
jog0clarkb: well with 8 jobs running right now I will hold off testing this till Monday00:11
clarkbjog0: ok, I am about done for the day as well00:12
locke105wow... did you guys know that you can parse JSON with pyYAML...00:12
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clarkbjust making sure that I didn't break anything with my change00:12
clarkblocke105: yeah json is a subset of yaml ish00:12
jog0clarkb: thanks for the help00:12
clarkbI think there are a couple corner cases but you ignore those and pretend everything is good00:12
locke105i wonder if i can convert my jenkins job configs from XML to JSON and then run them through jenkins-job-buidler....00:13
jog0can't belive this actually works00:13
clarkbjog0: no problem I am really excited about the work you are doing so any thing I can do to help is good00:13
jog0and how easy it is00:13
clarkbjog0: stuff like this was why I wanted a thing like logstash and elasticsearch00:13
jog0yeah its pretty boss00:13
jog0anyway see you sunday00:13
clarkbjog0: yup00:14
locke105logstash is pretty badass00:14
locke105i have one set up to index nova messages on one of my openstack's internally00:14
clarkblocke105: if you do a 1:1 mapping from xml to json to yaml I don't think you will get yaml that JJB understands00:14
clarkblocke105: one of the nice things about JJB is it simplifies the configs00:14
clarkblocke105: the CI system has one to index our build logs00:14
fungiconfirmed that using UtahDave's trigger syntax on the salt-trigger slave, the master does in fact instruct all the slaves to fire the puppet agent successfully00:15
locke105thats whwere i found out about kibana00:15
locke105this is interesting00:15
clarkbfungi: WOOT00:15
locke105how do you map a failure to a bug?00:16
jog0locke105: by hand00:16
jog0for now00:16
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jog0its not that hard it turns out00:16
clarkbya so a human needs to sort out some identifier that can be searched for00:16
clarkbbut once you have that you can check for instances of that bug00:16
jog0the kibana interface makes it easy as point and click00:16
clarkbeventual work will have us doing statistical analysis to find anomolies and potentially submit bugs00:17
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jog0right, but this is the first baby step to awesomeness00:17
clarkbyup and it is pretty aewsome as is00:17
jog0once its wired into the workflow better its gonna be really sweet.00:18
jog0I am hoping to get this moved over to openstack-infra in the near future and then send an ML email out about it inviting people to help with the queries00:18
jog0gonan try out mordred cookiecutter to fix the repo up00:19
jog0anyway I'm out for real00:19
locke105so many new cool new things... so little time00:20
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clarkblocke105: right!00:25
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clarkblocke105: re using yaml to parse json the rails vulnerabilites at the beginning of the year were related to that00:25
clarkblocke105: because yaml allows you to serialize native objects and code you could craft special JSON that got parsed and did nasty things00:26
clarkbso use the pyYAML safe parsing method if using it to parse json00:26
clarkbhowever json support is in python's stdlib so should probably just use that :)00:26
clarkband now time to AFK have a good weekend everyone00:26
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locke105thanks for the tip00:29
locke105most of my jobs share common config so it shouldn't be too bad to pull them into yaml, should save me a ton of work whenever i have new projects to add00:30
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portantehi folks, where can I find swift's code coverage report?00:59
portantethe one that is generated after a commit occurs?00:59
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clarkbfor the commit you want to eee01:01
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portantek thx01:03
anteayareed: just got off the phone01:04
anteayathat would be awesome, I am still looking forward to your sailing invitation01:04
anteayaI'm not sure how much I can pack into this trip01:05
anteayaso I will be a good house guest and show up and listen01:05
portanteclarkb: verified it works now, thanks!01:07
anteayait is 9pm for me and I still have a ton to do plus wake up early, so I'm off01:08
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lifelessopenstackgerrit is awol in #tripleo04:25
clarkblifeless: yeah it died at some point today04:25
clarkblifeless: I will kick it tomorrow when we do project renaming04:26
lifelessoooh whats being renamed ?04:26
clarkbmarconi is moving into openstack/04:27
lifelessclarkb: speaking of, we can gc the stackforge tripleo repos now.04:27
clarkblifeless: which ones? (though I think mordred and jeblair like keeping them around as we don't really delete things around here we just shuffle them around)04:28
lifelesswe kept them so we didn't break scripts when we moved to openstack/04:28
lifelessthis was a deliberate temporary thing04:29
lifelessoh, looks like they've been cleaned up in the last 48h04:29
lifeless(GheRivero was going to get it done, I thought he'd missed everyone :P)04:29
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fungilifeless: nah, after he commented in here i diffed what we had in review.o.o and git.o.o against github and then removed the github cruft15:18
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mordredmorning fungi15:22
mordredI see that the salt thing worked!15:22
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fungimordred: yes, so far... assuming this holds stable the remaining steps i think will be (1) make a jenkins job to fire it on merges for relevant projects, (2) disable the cron jobs for puppet apply on slaves, (3) extend saltiness to remaining servers, (4) disable puppet agent daemon on those15:37
mordredfungi: I thnk those are excellent steps15:37
fungioh, actually (0) is to expand the trigger to also pull the git repo on the master before sending the update command to the minions15:38
mordredah yes15:38
fungiwhich means also making the master a minion15:38
fungibut easy enough to tackle15:38
fungiand i think to avoid replication races we want the master's clone to use gerrit as its remote15:39
fungithe tighter we wrench down the update tolerances here the more we're going to expose other races too. i think the incomplete git clones with missing origin/HEAD on zuul are because in some cases it may start trying to cache them before manage-projects is done running15:41
fungispeculation, i have no concrete evidence to back that up15:41
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fungibut it's the sort of race i would expect to expose more of once this is in place15:42
mordredyah. well - also, once we've got this, there are potentially more options to run some actions in sequence15:45
mordredlike, if we didn't have puppet run manage projects, but instead made it a salt thing, so that a) we could trigger it manually easily but b) we could construct sequencing for all things that need to happen when projects.yaml gets updated15:46
mordredI think that could be a real win15:46
mordredor it might just be extra complex15:46
fungiit will take some meditating, for sure15:47
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mordredclarkb: if you happen to wake up and feel like battling python3 utf8 things is fun16:13
mordredclarkb: the python3.3 failure on has me 100% baffled16:14
fungiclarkb and i will be working on the marconi rename in about 45 minutes anyway16:14
fungiso i assume he's waking up16:14
mordredfungi: I might actually be around - sandy's still sleeping, so we're not out doing nola tings yet16:15
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fungistill sleeping? now's the time for a breakfast of greasy gumbo and chilled jager shots16:18
fungimordred: so i think _run_git_command() is returning a byte type, which you can't .split() on?16:20
fungii haven't tried recreating it yet16:20
fungibut i think you may want _run_git_command().decode().split()16:21
clarkbfungi: mordred I am filling that out now16:24
fungiclarkb: note the slight modification i made to one of the update queries so we preserve timestamp fields16:25
mordredfungi: there's already a decode in the run_shell_command function16:32
mordredfungi: sandy does not think your breakfast suggestion sounds pallatable16:33
fungii got craving it after i mentioned it16:33
clarkbI agree with sandy16:33
mordredhrm. I wonder if we could script an org move using salt (once we've got the salt stuff up and going)16:33
* mordred especially likes salt for "run this chunk of things right now kthxbai"16:34
mordredwould still mean downtime, but potentially very very short downtime16:34
mordredyou know what I'd like to do - but would mean every dev in openstack killing me?16:37
mordredrename python-*client to just *client16:37
mordredit's a stupid departure16:37
clarkbfungi: did we lose you?16:39
fungiclarkb: lose me where?16:40
clarkbfungi: you dropped off of the etherpad16:41
fungioh, my wireless hates etherpad16:41
fungii have to reload the tab fairly frequently16:42
clarkbI will put the jenkins masters in shutdown mode in ~10 minutes16:42
fungiapparently a little bit of packet loss and the ajaxy bits stop working16:42
fungiokay, sounds good16:42
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mordredfungi: I have that problem from time to time - we shoudl sort that out at some point16:44
clarkbmordred: fungi: my upgrade etherpad puppet stuff is just about ready I think16:44
clarkbmordred: fungi: I want to spin up a new host from scratch and leave the old behind16:44
fungialso just realized, when we eventually have salt triggering puppet runs everywhere, we're going to need to begin stopping salt-minion instead on systems where we currently stop the puppet agent daemon or where we currently comment out the puppet apply cron jobs16:44
fungiclarkb: yeah, i'm 100% in favor of the new etherpad plan. hopefully i'll get a moment to review that change this weekend16:45
clarkbmordred: fungi: the current patchset redirects to /p/padname and makes import/export work \o/16:45
fungiclarkb: i saw! very exciting16:46
fungiclarkb: on the marconi move steps, do we not need to shut down jenkins.o.o i guess? (would it run any jobs which would try to use that repo?)16:47
clarkbfungi: probably not, but it won't hurt to make things queue just to be sure16:48
fungiis it safe to delete the local mirror on review.o.o instead of moving the dir? will gerrit autocreate it again?16:49
clarkbfungi: yes gerrit should autocreate it again, I suppose moving it is better16:50
fungii've only previously mv'd the local mirror repo, so didn't know it would16:50
fungii thought we also created and init'd it in manage-projects for some reason instead of having gerrit create it16:50
clarkbfungi: jeepyb will actually recreate it, but that will use more cpu cycles16:50
clarkbfungi: so moving is better, good catch16:51
clarkbfungi: also re jenkins.o.o any job that may talk to review.o.o could cause problems16:51
fungiyep, good point, not just that repo16:51
fungisince gerrit will be offline16:51
clarkbjenkinses prepared for shutdown16:53
clarkbwe have about 16 minutes until jenkins will be done running jobs16:57
clarkbfungi: do you want to do the db update and repo move in review_site and I can do the bookkeeping on our mirrors?17:03
fungisure thing. logging into review.o.o now17:03
clarkbfungi: no rush we are still waiting on some tests17:04
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fungizuul says eta ~3 minutes17:11
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fungifinally got the last of the straggler slaves with hung puppet et cetera sync'd up to the salt master17:12
clarkbfungi: nice, that will be helpful when updating the jenkins job workspaces17:12
fungiexcept for the devstack-launch slaves, which i believe are pending deletion anyway17:13
fungiclarkb: yep, i expected so17:13
fungiwhich is why i wanted to make sure they were sane before we started17:13
clarkbactuall g-g-p may hanlde this now17:14
clarkbfungi: it does handle it I think I will mark that step as unnecessary17:14
fungieven better!17:15
fungisince it looks like i have about 10% of the slaves which submitted keys for approval not currently responding to salt ping17:15
fungialso, jenkins is quiet now17:15
clarkblooks like zuul is done, I am ready when you are17:15
fungigoing ahead17:15
fungioh, nevermind. that new one is queued17:16
clarkbfungi: let me know when gerrit is down17:16
fungiit's down17:16
Alex_Gaynorfungi: eh, sorry, are you guys trying to do a thing and didn't want me to reverify there? You can cancel it and I can re-verify later if that's easier17:16
fungiAlex_Gaynor: nope, it's fine17:16
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: we have protected ourselves from you :) your jobs will start when we are done17:17
fungiit'll start running as soon as we're done17:17
clarkbfungi: is gerrit down? I can start updating the mirrors?17:17
* clarkb goes ahead and deletes github repos17:18
fungiclarkb: it's been down, yes17:18
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fungiclarkb: once github and gitXX.o.o are done, we should be ready to start gerrit again17:21
clarkbfungi: I think I am done moving things17:21
fungilooks like we're ready?17:21
clarkbgithub repos deleted too17:21
fungii can log into gerrit, so we're clear to cancel shutdown on the jenkinses17:22
clarkbok doing that now17:22
portantefungi: is this scheduled gerrit down time?17:23
clarkbfungi: done17:23
fungimerging that change now17:23
clarkbportante: yes, just not widely announced because we only needed a couple minutes on Saturday17:24
portantegreat, thanks17:24
clarkbfungi: wait for that change to be on the puppetmaster before starting puppet again on review.o.o17:24
clarkbfungi: that way we should get a puppet run with the correct info immediately17:25
clarkbcgit appears to have cached stackforge/marconi on the front page... that should go away eventually17:25
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fungithe change is merged. i'll pull on the puppetmaster17:26
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fungialso, restarted gerritbot ^17:26
clarkbI can't get
fungiclarkb: we probably need to restart apache on the git servers?17:28
fungianyway, puppet master has the change we merged now... safe to start puppet again on review.o.o yes?17:28
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clarkbfungi: I think I need to edit /etc/cgitrepos as well17:29
clarkbfungi: yes go for it, I will poke at cgit17:29
fungiclarkb: ahh, yes that file may only get refreshed when the project.yaml changes17:29
fungiso probably needs a sed -i before restarting apache on those boxe17:30
clarkbfungi: one of them has updated, I think puppet will take care of it for us if we are patient /me tries to be patient17:31
fungiof course, the projects.yaml change we just merged should cause it to update shortly17:31
fungiyeah, what i was just thinking too17:31
fungiand when salt becomes ubiquitous for puppet synchronicity this should also become a less obvious delay updating17:32
fungii think a lot of the rename process will, i fact17:32
fungier, in fact17:32
fungibecause we do some things already just to work around/shorten that delay17:33
fungiwhich should hopefully be obsolete soonish17:33
fungihmm, we are also missing statusbot17:34
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fungithere he is17:35
clarkb2/4 mirror hosts have new cgitrepo config so yes puppet seems to be doing that for us17:35
clarkbfungi: new repos are not on github yet17:37
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clarkbfungi: do you know if the manage_projects script has run at least once?17:37
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fungilooks like it's currently running17:38
fungii probably should have manually triggered a puppet run on review.o.o before starting the agent, just to eliminate the lag there17:38
clarkbfungi: meh17:38
clarkbfungi: cgit is happy now17:38
fungilooks like manage-projects has only been running for 2-3 minutes so far, so may take a little longer17:39
clarkbmore patience :)17:39
fungijenkinses seem to be working sanely17:40
fungishould i submit a .gitreview change to those two projects, or let them take care of their own?17:40
clarkbfungi: ++ to submitting a couple changes, it will exercise their tests which is a good thing17:41
fungidoing so now17:41
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clarkbfungi: github repos were created, now waiting for replication which your chagnes hsould trigger17:44
fungihrm...,n,z are not happy in jenkinsland17:47
fungiwell, one of them anyway17:47
fungiissues installing d2to1 looks like17:48
clarkbhahahahahaha I think it may be due to being forced to use the mirror17:48
fungipoor suckers17:49
clarkbso uh ya I think we can let marconi folks sort that out17:49
clarkbfungi: still no replication to github I am going to manually trigger replication for the two repos17:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme to 0.3
clarkbwoot both are in github properly17:51
clarkbI think thats about it17:51
clarkbfungi: anything else you can think of that needs checking?17:52
fungiclarkb: is my comment on on track, do you think?17:52
clarkbfungi: maybe leave a comment on your marconi change indicating why we think the tests are failing?17:52
clarkbyup that comment looks good17:52
fungiother than that, nothing springs to mind. stuff looks to be working17:52
Alex_Gaynorwhile everyone is around on a saturday someone should clearly review :P17:53
funginice. javascript uses !== instead of !=17:54
fungioh, i see. includes the type comparison that way17:55
fungiso sayeth
fungimakes sense when comparing against the null type17:56
flaper87clarkb: fungi thanks a lot guys! You rock!17:57
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fungiflaper87: note my comment about requirements on
flaper87fungi: saw it, will work on that in a bit!17:57
flaper87thanks for pointing it out!17:58
fungiand let us know if you still need any assistance getting tests to run after trying that17:58
UtahDavefungi: how are things looking with the Salt Jenkins slave?18:02
fungiUtahDave: seems to be working as intended, though i'm making sure salt communication stays healthy before pressing forward adding the job to trigger it automatically18:03
fungiUtahDave: right now i have a handful of minions which submitted keys and which i accepted but which now don't respond to a test.ping18:03
UtahDavefungi: sounds reasonable.  Have you tried triggering the puppet runs from the cli on the salt jenkins slave?18:03
fungiUtahDave: yep, that part is working. the reachable minions all fire up their puppet update great18:04
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fungianyway, looks like a majority of our centos 6.4 minions have stopped responding to the salt master18:04
fungier, around half of them at least18:05
UtahDaveSalt requires that ports 4505 and 4506 on the master are open and available to the minions.  Could there be a firewall issue?18:05
* fungi checks iptables18:05
fungilooks okay... the input chain includes18:06
fungiACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             state NEW tcp dpt:450518:06
fungiACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             state NEW tcp dpt:450618:06
fungion the master18:06
UtahDaveok, that looks good18:06
UtahDaveI think cent6 might have an old version of zmq by default18:06
fungialso, it (so far) only seems to be the centos minions which are dropping out18:06
fungiyeah, that could make some sense then18:07
UtahDavewhat's the output of   salt-call --versions-report   on one of the cent vms?18:07
UtahDaveHm. zmq looks good there.18:09
UtahDaveLet me go find out if we have any open Cent issues on that.18:09
UtahDavehow many of them aren't responding?18:09
fungi7 out of 16 are unresponsive currently, after less than a day18:10
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fungiUtahDave: also, salt-minion processes are piling up on all the centos minions (whether they're responding or not). some have as many as 20 running concurrently based on my spot checks18:13
funginote that these are all running the latest security updates for centos 6.418:14
fungiso shouldn't be out of date from a centos perspective anyway18:14
UtahDaveHm. I seem to remember a recent email thread about this. I think it was a packaging issue with setting up the service.18:14
UtahDaveAre the centos minions with salt-minion processes piling up the same minions that aren't responding to test.pings?18:17
fungiit's piling up on all of the centos minions, whether they're responding or not18:18
clarkbfungi what about the other slaves?18:18
fungiclarkb: the precise slaves i've checked seem to all respond and have only one running minion process18:19
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fungichecked them all. tons of processes on the centos slaves, only one each on the precise slaves. so definitely centos-only at this point18:26
UtahDavefungi: looks like the salt mine might be causing this issue. I'm tracking down exactly how to turn it off.18:27
funginumber of salt-minion processes on the centos machines varies widely18:27
fungiUtahDave: great! thanks again18:27
fungii've also got a problem with salt-minion not starting and puppet agent failing to completion on precise-dev1 but that seems to just be something unrelated. the vm was also unresponsive for no idea how long (weeks?) until i force-restarted it through the rackspace webui18:29
fungiwe might want to consider rebuilding that vm at some point18:29
UtahDavedid the minion respond correctly after force-restarting the vm?18:30
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fungiUtahDave: on precise-dev1? no, but because the minion daemon dies as soon as i try to start it. haven't bothered to troubleshoot because it's a fairly unimportant system18:32
fungiit's probably missing configuration and other things because of puppet not being able to apply them right now. i don't think the issue there has anything to do with salt18:32
UtahDaveok, good.18:34
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UtahDavefungi: ok, on the salt-master can you try setting this option:     minion_data_cache: False18:38
UtahDavethen restart the salt-master service18:38
fungithat's in place and restarted18:40
fungiand now most of the centos minions are not responding to test.ping18:40
UtahDavecan you manually restart the salt-minion service on one of them?18:40
fungisure thing18:40
fungiprobably will need to log in and kill off straggler salt-minion processes. will take a few minutes18:41
fungiafter restarting salt-minion cleanly on all the centos 6.4 machines, they're responding to just fine (but that had also cleared up the issue when we saw it in the past)18:52
fungii'll have a look at them again tomorrow and see if the issue has resurfaced18:52
UtahDavefungi: is your salt master running on an ubuntu machine or a centos 6.4 machine?18:52
fungisince it seems to take a while to get into that state18:52
fungiUtahDave: ubuntu 12.04 lts (precise pangolin)18:53
UtahDaveOK, good. I'm going to set up a matching environment right now with 15 or 20 cent vms and let them run overnight to see if I can cause this to happen, too18:53
fungiyep, 64-bit on both ubuntu and centos18:56
fungilatest security updates, et cetera18:56
fungidebs and rpms for salt-common, salt-master, salt-minion from saltstack package repositories18:57
fungilatest versions18:57
* fungi needs to afk for a walk... bbl18:58
UtahDaveok, great.18:58
UtahDavesame here.  talk to you later.18:58
fungithanks for all your help on this18:58
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clarkbmordred: ^19:43
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Alex_GaynorI am not a lawyer, but the text of the Apache CLA seems pretty straightforward to me, "such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by You that are necessarily infringed by Your Contribution(s) alone or by combination of Your Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted"19:47
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: sure, their point is that you could do an NSA and read it how you want to.19:48
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: yeah, I haven't taken time to read the linked email thread but I am not sure how that conclusion was reached19:48
lifelessyou could say 'you wrote this if statement in the same program'19:48
lifelessand so your code is in combination with the Work19:49
lifelessengineers make bad backseat lawyers19:49
lifelessbecause we look for code19:50
lifelessnot agreements19:50
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fungilaw is not science, it is art22:00
fungiit doesn't matter how you might choose to interpret that text. what matters is how a judge decides to interpret that text22:00
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fungithough kudos to the author for voicing his concerns and pressing for clarification. hopefully the revisions went through a competent lawyer at that project's end22:08
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