Thursday, 2013-09-26

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jog0clarkb: WAT00:00
anteayafungi: 12 jobs processed at 2.6409 j/s, 12 failed -- 2 jobs processed at 3.0787 j/s, 2 failed ...00:00
jog0thats no good00:00
anteayaso right now as many jobs as it is processing are failing00:01
jog0clarkb: I guess I should change my wait logic to be an exponential backoff00:01
jog0clarkb: any way for us to keep that delay under an hour?00:01
jog0clarkb: and or prioritize failures?00:01
fungijog0: quantum computing ;)00:02
clarkbjog0: yes and no00:02
jog0clarkb: with that kind of delay downloading files from and grepping them may be faster  ... sigh00:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Visualize Zuul's NNFI scheduler
clarkbjog0: I really don't wnt to prioritize any particular type of data as it will make it harder to understand breakage00:02
clarkbjog0: let me rephrase: we can use gearman priority queues to prioritize failures00:03
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clarkbjog0: if we do that it becomes harder to see more of the state (but maybe that is a decent tradeoff)00:03
clarkbjog0: as for making it faster sdague has an idea that ought to be good00:03
clarkbjog0: which is stop feeding debug logs into the system in the first place00:04
jog0clarkb: well waiting 8 hours for elastic-recheck to say what but you hit won't be good00:04
jog0clarkb: oh haha00:04
clarkbjog0: why not?00:04
anteayafungi: that git job is no longer in failed:
clarkbjog0: most people don't watch changes like hawks in my experience (the delay sucks but it is still useful info)00:04
anteayait moved from failed to unresponsive00:05
jog0clarkb:  but 8 hours is a whole day lost00:05
jog0clarkb: 1 hour delay sure00:05
jog02 perhaps00:05
jog0but 800:05
fungianteaya: yep, that's what i was commenting on a few minutes ago, and then noticed that a bunch of other systems were ending up in unresponsive as well00:05
clarkbjeblair: my plan for moving the TestSeries flopped. Any idea of how to animate that to the new location?00:05
clarkbjog0: we can try it with failures priorituzed00:06
jog0cool that would be great00:06
jog0I like sdague's idea too00:06
clarkbyeah I think we should do sdague's idea too00:06
clarkband both are in theory easy to do00:06
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mordredwow. scrollback00:07
mordredI believe I consumed all of it00:07
mordredand - as best I can tell - there is nothing needing my attention00:07
fungimordred: success!00:07
clarkbmordred: there are things00:07
clarkbmordred: I forget what though00:07
clarkbsomething review related00:08
jog0clarkb: whats tempests failure rate today? and the graphite link00:09
jog0I am drafting an email to send out to the ML00:09
mordredclarkb: you rebased two changes of mine00:10
clarkbjog0: I don't know what the rate is. should show you though00:10
clarkbmordred: I think there was somethign else00:10
clarkbmordred: but javascript has melted my brain00:11
jog0clarkb: what does that graph show?00:11
anteayafungi okay so now I have caught up with you, so far behind I think I am ahead like usual00:11
anteayaso what would be causing this?00:11
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jog0total jobs?00:11
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clarkbjog0: it shows 24 hour totals for success and failure in the gate-tempest-devstack-vm-full job00:13
clarkbat one point it was >40% failure rate (maybe then pyparsing was giving us trouble?)00:13
jog0looks like most recent nubmers are 25% failure00:15
jog0~110 pass 28 29 fail00:15
fungianteaya: good question. normally it means servers aren't reporting in often enough, but it could be failed report processing i suppose00:15
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ability to do smart backwards compat testing
mordredjeblair: ok. syntax error fixed. I think the above might actually be a winner00:16
mordredclarkb, fungi: ^^ you too00:16
mordredclarkb, fungi: also, jeblair and I were working on that earlier - if you could make sure that makes sense to you, that would be great00:16
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anteayafungi okay00:17
anteayaI am restarted the jobs:worker00:17
anteayanow we are 46 unresponsive00:18
anteayaseems there is an issue with the jobs:worker00:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove gate-requirements-install
mordredclarkb: ^^ updated the commit message there - the pbr integration test installs everytihng00:19
mordreda couple of times, actually00:19
clarkbmordred: but it only installs things in our projects00:19
clarkbmordred: it never grabs the whole list00:20
jog0clarkb: draft of email I am going to send out00:20
jog0mtreinish: ^00:20
mordredclarkb: we don't care about the list other than as it affects our projects00:20
jog0if you have a minute can you skim it00:20
mordredif none of our projects use a library, and it breaks, we don't care00:20
clarkbmordred: we do, because the list installs our mirror00:20
mordredclarkb: the pbr integration test also builds a mirror00:21
clarkbmordred: we care if it breaks our ability to install the packages for the mirror00:21
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mordredclarkb: so, it does in fact do all of the install steps we need for building our mirror, because it builds one00:21
mordred(it has to do that so that it can inject the proposed version of pbr into the mirror, so that it can test that depending on pbr directly from a install causing it to get pulled from the internets works)00:22
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clarkboh cool so it is redundant then00:23
fungimordred: the "gate-pbr-requirements" job?00:29
mordredfungi: yes00:29
fungishould we be running that job in the check and gate pipelines for openstack/requirements changes then?00:29
mordredfungi: are we not?00:29
* fungi triple-checks...00:30
fungiperhaps i'm just blind, but still don't see it00:30
mordredfungi: actuall00:30
mordredis the job00:30
mordredand you are right, we are not running it for requirements00:31
mordredok. my bad - and thank you for double checking me - I could have SWORN we were00:31
mordredand we _should_ be00:31
fungiokay, just making sure00:31
jog0on logs.openstack.org00:31
jog0when is it turned into console.html.gz00:31
mordredfungi: we should be running it on requirements, and we should port it to use pypi-mirror and then we should run it on pypi-mirror too00:32
mordredI love that a change to pbr at minimum uses 18 disposable vms00:33
fungiclearly you're wrong and it should use moar00:34
clarkb\o/ javascript has bent to my will00:36
clarkbjog0: every 4 hours or so00:36
jog0clarkb: ahh thanks.00:37
clarkbjog0: however if you say you can receive gzip encoded things when you GET the file you should get it gzipped00:37
jog0clarkb: ohh00:37
jog0clarkb: have a minute to review the etherpad above00:38
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clarkbjog0: in a minute, I am cleaning up my js00:40
anteayafungi here is the db migration for the creation of delayed jobs:
anteayaI am using mysql as the db for the dashboard00:41
fungianteaya: why does it need a migration? we started with an empty db right?00:41
anteayafor the schema00:42
anteayathe migrations sets up the tables00:42
anteayathere is no data in the migrations00:42
fungii'm no dba, so i'm probably using these terms incorrectly. i always thought a migration transitions a schema between two models00:43
fungibut if we're starting with an empty database then i don't understand why the migration of those tables would be relevant, since they should start out using the latest model the application wants00:44
fungi(i.e. there's no data to migrate)00:46
anteayafor rails you build the db schema incrementally00:46
anteayalike we build code incrementally in patchs00:47
anteayahere are all the migrations:
anteayayou start with the first one00:47
anteayaand then as the app is built you add the migrations00:47
fungiahh, so what's the relevance of the db migrations to the problem at hand? do you think they built the database incorrectly?00:47
anteayathen when you install the app, you run the migrations to build the schema00:47
clarkbjog0: it looks good00:47
anteayano, I don't think the db was built incorrectly00:48
anteayajust trying to find a clue as to how the worker is running00:48
anteayaI am looking for the jobs:work rake task but so far I can't find where it is00:48
anteayaI am going to try clearing the delayed_job queue with rake jobs:clear00:48
anteayaany objection?00:49
funginone whatsoever00:49
anteayahere goes00:49
fungiit's all throwaway data. clear anything you like00:49
fungi(it was being thrown away by the old server which is unusable, so no new risks here)00:49
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Make zuul simulation reflect NNFI.
clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred ^ now with less cheap animation00:50
anteayafungi: okay00:50
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anteayathe pending tasks have cleared00:50
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update projects when requirements change
jog0clarkb: sending it out00:50
fungiclarkb: bending javascript to your will. awesome00:50
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add a script to submit changes to all projects
mordredfungi, clarkb, jog0, dhellmann_ ^^ moved the script into the requirements repo. added branch handling. (the two changes above)00:51
mordredjeblair: you too00:51
fungimordred: so the idea is that we'll branch the script as well, and backport changes/fixes for it to havana when needed?00:52
anteayait maybe that jobs:clear clears the pending jobs - either that or they were cleared before and I didn't notice before I ran the rake task00:53
mordredfungi: yah. the projects list already needs to be branched00:53
fungimordred: makes sense00:53
mordredthe script itself shouldn't have ot change much (if at all) over time00:53
anteaya*clears the list of background jobs00:53
mordredfungi: this'll also make it hella-simple to pin all the projects around release time :)00:54
mordredfungi: how do I do associative bracketing in bash?00:57
fungi{} normally... i'll verify00:58
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Process failed jobs first with logstash.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Deploy elastic-recheck on
clarkbjog0: ^ will set priorities for failed and non failing logs00:59
jog0clarkb: to bad you can't fix all the bugs we are finding in openstack too :(00:59
jog0just found one that happend 62 times in past 24 hours ... in neutron00:59
clarkbI would like for logstash to catch up before I put that in place (restarting the gearman client will kill the outstanding jobs...)01:00
anteayajobs:work comes from a rubygem called delayed_job: this is what is running in the background and processing the jobs01:00
clarkbjog0: but once in it should do what you expect01:01
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clarkbmordred: I plan to review your change when I get home01:03
mordredfungi: vim seems to highlight {} weirdly01:03
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anteayaI'll let this run (I hope) and am going offline, I will climb into delayed_job tomorrow01:04
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clarkbjog0: I think sdague's debug filtration will help tremendously as the vast majority of our log lines are debug01:05
mordredclarkb: what's sdague doing with debug lines?01:05
clarkbjog0: the problem now is we are using logstash to remove the debug lines and it does so slowly because it is still classifying each line and so on01:05
clarkbmordred: he is going to make the apache wsgi thing in front of our logs optionally filter out stuff for you01:06
jog0ohhhhh makes sense01:06
jog0so this will drop the load by 99% or something01:06
mordredclarkb: oh neat01:06
clarkbmordred: so GET /foo.log.txt?level=INFO will give you INFO and above01:06
jog0clarkb: nice!!!01:06
mordredclarkb: sexy01:07
clarkbhowever, we need it to also do that when retreving non html logs because logstash doesn't want the html01:07
clarkb(that shouldn't be too hard)01:07
clarkbok heading home. mordred will review that change in a bit01:09
mordredclarkb: thanks clark01:09
fungimordred: yeah, that looks right... an example:
mordredI probably don't need to write your name twice01:09
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ability to do smart backwards compat testing
* fungi doesn't want to know why he remembers the nuances of bourne shell compound comparison operator precedence01:12
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jog0mordred: can you review
jog0first elastic-recheck patch01:16
jog0I touch setup.cfg so you would know best on that one01:16
jog0oh and I gave infra-core core on this01:16
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dstufftclarkb: ^^ uploaded by doing python sdist --formats=bztar,gztar,zip bdist_wheel bdist_egg && twine upload -r testpypi -s dist/*01:26
Alex_Gaynordstufft: dang, are you doing a release per push on master?01:27
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Alex_Gaynordstufft: wait how does this have 200k installs!01:27
dstufftAlex_Gaynor: huh01:28
dstufftAlex_Gaynor: I'm not doing a release per push, I'm doing date based releases, but I'm just using warehouse as a01:28
dstufftthe thing i'm showing clarkb is uploading a package to PyPI without executing setup.py01:28
dstufftbonus points of using twine to upload a wheel01:29
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dstufftyou get dependency information on PyPI's page01:29
dstufftthat was accidental :V01:30
dstufft look under the troves01:30
dstufftclarkb: I need to clean it up, but should release it later tonight01:31
dstufftsupports all the same command line args as python upload01:31
clarkbdstufft: can you have it load username and passwd from a file?01:34
clarkbeg pypirc?01:34
dstufftclarkb: yes01:34
dstufft twine upload -r testpypi -s dist/*01:34
dstufftis literally the command I ran01:34
* dstufft goes to get food01:35
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sdagueclarkb: it does it on both html and text, I made that work already :)01:39
clarkbsdague: woot01:39
sdagueif you don't send a content type, it comes down text/plain01:39
sdagueor you can override it with ?content-type=text/plain01:40
sdaguecontent negotiation for the win01:40
sdaguenow tv time for the win... night all01:42
clarkbgood night01:42
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zyluoanyone notice that all the gate tests are restarting from about an hour ago?02:08
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clarkbzyluo: I think there has been a lot of chrun recently as ~25% of the tempest test runs fail02:25
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dstufftclarkb: mordred
dstufftfungi: ^03:00
* fungi bounces excitedly03:01
fungi(but is basically all hacked out for the evening)03:01
dstufftfungi: it's had only a minor bit of testing (it uploaded itself) but it seems to work03:03
dstufftit's not very complicated03:03
dstufftpatches accepted and waht not :V03:03
fungiof course03:03
dstufftit doesn't provide "pretty" errors messges, I find the tracebacks more useful anyways03:04
dstufftfor a dev tool03:04
dstufftbut yea, if y'all use it lemme know how it goes03:04
fungitracebacks are great as far as i'm concerned, as long as they don't leak credentials into our logs like curl's error output can03:05
fungiand yes, can't wait to try it. thanks again!03:06
clarkb++ tracebacks are good but we want to avoid leaking creds03:06
dstufftI'm pretty sure requests doesn't leak creds03:07
dstufftI haven't audited it for that or anything, but i'm pretty sure it doesn03:07
dstufftsuppose I could render the exception as a string, do a quick "if password not in exception", sys.exit(exception)03:08
dstufftjust to be sure03:08
fungiprobably excessive/unnecessary (and i've still got my tinfoil hat on)03:19
dstufftalso i'm lazy03:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Revert "Update Ceilometer alembic requirement to 0.6.0 version"
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: doc: point directly to zuul.conf section
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openstackgerritPavel Sedlák proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: KeepLongStdio argument for JUnit publisher
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add RTFD hook to trigger auto-build of docs
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slddoes anyone know if it is possible to add an inline shell script to a publisher job for jenkins?   ...the job itself would stay the same, but I would just add a small one-ilner shell after the publisher is done, if that makes any sense.13:22
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fungisld: i assume you just add a shell block, but let me see if we have an example in our publisher definitions13:24
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sldfungi: k, thanks... in looking at the publishers in use, i see only one at a time, thats why i wasn't sure if you could publish and then exec afterwards.13:24
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fungisld: i see jobs with more than one publisher in their publishers lists13:26
fungifor example, infra-publications.yaml has an ftp publisher and a console-logs publisher13:27
sldfungi: i think i just found a couple, too... not sure of a way to use info from one for the other though.13:27
fungiin both of the jobs in that file13:27
sldi'll chk it out, thx.13:27
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fungioh, you want to have one publisher define parameters and then pass those into another publisher? yeah i don't think we have anything doing that and not sure whether it's something jenkins would support13:28
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sldthats part of the idea, yeah... heh...13:28
sldfungi: back to that doc extra files laying around thing... thinking it might be simpler done if ftp passed a tempdir with the target...the only thing that would be needed then would be just a simple mv command to rename after its done.13:29
fungiclosest thing we do is chain jobs off one another, and then have the second job retrieve what the first one published and dig details out of it for further processing13:29
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fungisld: again, keep in mind why we're doing braindead things with publishing to the docs site... it's a rackspace cloudsites vhost, not a virtual machine we can perform filesystem-level operations on13:30
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sldfungi:  i coulda sworn rackspace came in somewhere, but wasn't sure where... cloudsites...okay... i know they keep adding functionality to what is allowed with the sites... i should call and ask what all they support these days. hehe.13:31
fungisld: definitely--i'm interested in what they support as far as remote interaction/automation13:32
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sldand if they won't answer, i'll go find them in person. LOL13:32
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fungithough also i'm pretty sure the long-term plan is to move that content to an actual vm running apache or something where we have more flexibility13:32
fungitake plenty of ammunition ;)13:33
sldfar as vms go, i have wondered why the openstack infra servers aren't even running on an openstack infrastructure. lol13:33
fungisld: they aren't?13:33
sldthe servers are firstgen, not nextgen (openstack) servers. hehe13:33
fungiwe only have a handful of our infra servers still on firstgen rackspace13:34
sldwhen i looked up the account a couple months or so ago, i cracked up when i saw that. hehe13:34
fungioh, you probably looked at the wrong account13:34
sldlol how many are there13:34
fungiwe have several. the oldest one (called openstack) has legacy/defunct stuff we're moving, replacing or decommissioning13:35
fungithe only new things we put in that account are dns entries for openstack.org13:35
sldah, cool.13:35
fungisld: bug 108278713:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1082787 in openstack-ci "Migrate remaining servers from rackspace classic to rackspace nova" [High,Triaged]
* fungi likes the phrasing there... "classic" like "coca-cola classic" (so rackspace nova is "new coke"?)13:36
annegentlesld: fungi: I'd like a discussion around "real" content management systems and our requirements, not "get on this kind of server" for docs... too many reqs get lost when just going to implementation.13:37
* annegentle shudders at new coke13:37
fungiannegentle: yeah, i was being a bit opaque with the description. we (infra) have a goal of getting docs on some platform where we have better control over automating publication of content13:38
sldannegentle: i wouldn't suggest a migration for fixing anything... that doesn't solve problems per se, as far as the docs site goes, though, I need to see what stuff cloudsites supports as far as remote control and management.13:38
fungiand also flexibility in how it's served13:38
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sldthat's funny ... 'new coke'. hehe13:39
annegentlefungi: sld: yes I trust you both :) I do like the incremental fixes we're doing, but eventually we should move to some sort of CMS13:39
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annegentlewell, even a CMS might not be what we need. Who knows.13:39
fungiand ability to rebuild/publish the docs to a different provider in the unlikely event rackspace vaporizes. also cloudsites is not an openstack project so...13:40
annegentlewhen rackspace docs "solved" it I still don't like the solution (tomcat and war files and config files)13:40
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add missing graphics for zuul status
jeblairfungi: can you aprv that pls? ^14:25
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markmcclainjeblair: question about quantumclient updates14:27
jeblairmarkmcclain: go for it14:27
markmcclainthe proposal won't pass the gate because the tests are run against the master devstack14:28
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jeblairmarkmcclain: link?14:28
markmcclainit is assumes things that's aren't true for the quantumclient branch14:28
markmcclainAlso the tests won't exercise the changes because they'll call the neutron executable14:29
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jeblairmarkmcclain: since there's only likely to be 1 or 2 commits to this branch, my inclination would be to merge it without tests.  if it's going to be a bit longer lived, we could disable those tests.14:35
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jeblairmarkmcclain: let's get some more eyes on it before we proceed14:37
jeblairmordred: ^14:37
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fungijeblair: on it14:38
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fungilgtm, aprv'd14:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add missing graphics for zuul status
fungihopefully by the top of the hour we should see the new hotness14:41
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Better English in failing_reasons
jeblairfungi: i ran puppet manually, it's updated now14:47
fungiahh, so it is. nice examples in there already too!14:48
jeblairfungi: if you mouse over the red dot for the failing change in the gate queue, you'll see why i proposed 4846614:49
fungioh, slick14:49
fungivery engrish14:49
jeblairfungi: the patch will embetter it.14:50
fungias i can see from the awesome prose in its commit message14:50
fungimorning ralph14:52
mordredyes. that is correct14:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Better English in failing_reasons
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jeblairmordred: btw, the subway map is designed to still work with collapsing change boxes (once we get around to writing that)14:55
mordredjeblair: the subway map is amazing, btw14:55
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jeblairmordred: thanks :)14:57
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* anteaya scrolls up and down the status page following the subway map14:58
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jeblairso, fair warning.... when zuul is resetting the queue, it gets _very_ wonky.  you'll see it work down the list.  i added a thing in 48466 so that status page can detect that and perhaps not draw lines in that case.14:58
Alex_GaynorDoes look like a sane thing?14:59
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jeblairdtroyer: ^15:01
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: what's that from?15:04
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: requirements repo15:04
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: that does seem sane.15:05
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Alex_Gaynorok, I'll put it up for a review in a buit15:06
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: otoh, i think has been superceded, so it may make more sense to delete it...15:06
jeblairmordred: ? ^15:06
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: deleting code is also a thing15:06
mordredjeblair: hrm15:06
mordredyes. please delete15:07
Alex_GaynorOk, if no one gets to it before me, I'll do it when I get to the office15:07
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add doc build and publishing to tripleo-incubator
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mordredfungi, jeblair: if you've got a sec, tripleo is ready for the above to land (we have a corresponding change to tripleo-incubator which does the doc move that needs it)15:14
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fungijeblair: yes, now that we have pass/fail indicators external to the detail boxes, collapsing them by default (with a click to expand and/or an expand all link) will probably improve usability15:23
jeblairfungi: yeah; i'd want an expand-all button though (because i want a bird-eye view of all jobs), and we should probably merge that cookie change and use it to store preferences15:24
mordredfungi: but it's they're collapsed by default, it'll be harder for me to see all the great status bars :)15:24
mordredjeblair: ++15:24
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Removed a reference to quantum and removed a dead file
mordredalso, we should probably merge that cookie change15:24
Alex_Gaynormordred, jeblair ^15:24
mordredAlex_Gaynor: lgtm15:25
ttxfungi: did you make recent progress on the requirements capping for stable branches ? Or should we defer the whole thing to a design summit discussion at this point ?15:25
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update projects when requirements change
jeblairmordred: i don't think you need to go to perl for
jeblairmordred: i think you can do the same thing with sed15:31
mordredjeblair: I can?15:32
jeblair$ echo "foo/bar" |sed -e 's,foo/bar,baz,'15:32
mordredAWESOME. I have learned something new!15:32
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ability to do smart backwards compat testing
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add doc build and publishing to tripleo-incubator
jeblairmordred: lgtm;  it's worth remembering that this works as long as we don't have branches for the client projects; if we add them, then this logic gets more complicated (i think we'd need an explicit list of which branch for which project under certain conditions)15:37
mordredjeblair: yes. that is very true15:37
mordredjeblair: although if we add them, I think we have to rethink a lot of things15:38
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jeblairmordred: i vote that whoever wants to add them gets to think of all the things.  :)15:38
mordredjeblair: +10015:38
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Update tox.ini to use tox 1.6
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add SSL error checking
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Encapsulate the raw socket.send calls
mordredrebased those two on top of a change to add the tox.ini setting so we don't get screwed by pre-release sphinx15:39
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SpamapSdid we forget ${ZUUL_REF//$ZUUL_BRANCH/$ZUUL_OVERRIDE_BRANCH} ?15:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Remove --pre from tox install command
mordredSpamapS: will that work if $ZUUL_BRANCH and ZUUL_OVERRIDE_BRANCH have /'s in them?15:41
SpamapSmordred: possibly. :)15:41
mordredSpamapS: NICE15:42
mordredthat does in fact work15:42
SpamapSbash is magical15:43
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ability to do smart backwards compat testing
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fungittx: no patches up yet for it, no. about to send the nova stable/folsom one up here in the next few minutes once my current test server is refreshed, then following with the others15:44
jeblairmordred: just merged15:44
mordredjeblair: thanks!15:44
jeblairmordred: but it lacks skipdist, so maybe you could reduce 48478 but keep that15:44
mordredjeblair: I see skipsdist15:45
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fungittx: as far as a summit session, i think we ought to discuss what happens with havana and later since we'll have requirements enforcement/change proposal implemented we can more easily apply. for folsom and grizzly i think just manually capping them makes more sense15:45
jeblairmordred: other way around15:45
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mordredjeblair: doh. sorry, yup, with you now15:45
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jeblairmordred: on 40068 why did you move most, but not all, of the script to a different repo?15:47
ttxfungi: I'd like to discuss ways we can actually freeze requirements during FF. With the current system it's actually quite hard to follow because requirements are being added all the time for incubated projects15:47
ttxfungi: maybe we should use some branches15:48
ttxso that the non-frozen projects don't make life hard for the frozen ones15:48
jeblairttx: we can tell requirements reviewers that requirements are frozen15:48
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add SSL error checking
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Update tox.ini to use skipsdist/develop
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jeblairwhich i believe some of us have been doing15:48
mordredjeblair: done15:48
ttxjeblair: you don't really want to prevent incubated projects from making progress though15:49
mordredyes. we do15:49
mordredthey're incubated now15:49
jeblairttx: why not?  they're incubated.15:49
ttxjeblair: but if that's the only solution...15:49
mordredthat means they play in the system15:49
ttxwe also need to discuss rules for our own libs, how much of the freeze they can actually bypass15:50
mordredttx: example?15:50
ttxmordred: is bumping requirements to python-ceilometerclient 1.2.3 to fix bug #1234567 acceptable ?15:51
ttxor just acceptable until RC1 ?15:51
mordredttx: I think it shoudl be acceptable across the board15:51
jeblairbug 1234567 is a big problem, we should do whatever we need to fix it15:51
mordredif we find a bug in keystone that breaks nova during RC1, then we fix keystone15:52
mordredif we find a bug in keystoneclient that breaks nova during RC1, we fix it, release a new keystoneclient, and then update the requirements to reflect that15:52
ttxmordred: I agree with that -- I just want the rules spelled out in a coherent way15:52
mordredttx: ++15:52
mordredcoherent is good15:52
jeblair(we're only 3000 bugs away from 1234567!)15:53
ttxcurrently it's "let's try and see if it passes"15:53
mordredjeblair: zomg!!!15:53
ttxand without written guidelines for reviewers it passes more often than not15:53
mordredjeblair: is it cheating if I write a script to file 3000 bugs real quick?15:55
anteayaI am becoming more and more amazed at all the power we have in -infra15:56
anteayabased on conversations with other programs, apparently we are omnipotent15:56
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ttxanteaya: if that's the case, that's bug 1234567 and we need to solve it :)15:57
anteayaha ha ha15:57
jeblairttx: we are powerless to solve that, i'm afraid15:57
fungijeblair: ttx: do we keep a mapping of which git repositories correspond to which official programs for purposes of voting? now that programs are spawning more and more repos it's verging on nontrivial15:58
jeblairttx: seen ?15:58
ttxfungi: We don't, but we should. There are a number of edge cases to solve first15:58
ttxfungi: in the mean time I try to clarify to anteaya so that she can build voters lists ;)15:58
jeblairmordred: i don't think your gear rebase is right15:59
fungittx: heh. it's rolling downhill ;)15:59
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ttxjeblair: 26! we are back in business15:59
jeblairttx: well, i meant to point out the subway map, since you end up watching that page a lot (reload if you don't see lots of green/red circles)16:00
* ttx reloads16:00
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jeblairso you can see how zuul pulls changes out of the queue as they fail.  and you can mouse-over the circles and see why it has decided a change has failed16:01
ttxhmm, looked a bit funny just a sec ago16:01
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ttxcould be the refresh on firefox tho16:02
ttxsome segments missing at "openstack-dev/devstack 48279,1" level16:03
jeblairttx: yes, when zuul is recalculating, the graph gets _very_ weird... i'll work on fixing it (but the fix will probably be more like hiding it)16:03
ttxI like the idea though16:03
jeblairwhen it's recalculating, you can actually see it walk down the queue and move things around; by the time it gets to the bottom, everything should look normal again16:04
ttxjeblair: so the fast-reenqueue-on-failure thing is active right now16:05
dtroyerjeblair: belated yo16:05
fungittx: yes16:05
jeblairdtroyer: sorry, i was confused, nevermind16:05
ttxjeblair: agree that without the subway viz it would be a bit... confusing16:05
jeblairttx: i call it 'nnfi', for nearest non-failing item.  every change is always being tested based on the nearest non-failing item ahead of it16:06
fungii gather that was the impetus for the subway map16:06
fungibecause yes, the past few days of nnfi with no tree depiction was indeed somewhat hard to follow16:06
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fungittx: what's a good way for me to confirm the lists of projects which have stable/folsom vs stable/grizzly branches and should have requirements capped? wanting to make sure i don't miss any16:14
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mordredjeblair: I think nffi + subway map deserve a mailing list announcement. and a beer.16:15
fungittx: nevermind. i can do something like 'ls ~gerrit2/review_site/git/openstack/*.git/refs/heads/stable/folsom' on the gerrit server16:15
anteayacookies, I understand jeblair likes cookies16:15
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pleia2mm cookies16:16
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jeblairmordred: good idea, i'll send out an annoucement in a min16:17
mordredjeblair: might even be worth a blog post, since it's a pretty cool advancement in zuul16:17
jeblairmordred: ++16:17
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Substitute tree for graph on status page
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jeblairfungi, mordred: ^ should fix an occasional hang with the status page16:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add SSL error checking
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Update tox.ini to use skipsdist/develop
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Encapsulate the raw socket.send calls
mordredjeblair: wow. you're right. I didn't rebase that right at ALL the first time16:25
mordredmorning zaro16:25
fungittx: so here's the list of openstack/.* projects in gerrit with stable branches for folsom and grizzly. i've marked through the ones i suspect don't need capping and bolded the ones which are new in grizzly...
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Substitute tree for graph on status page
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fungimorning, clarkb16:40
fungiclarkb: time to catch the subway16:40
clarkbstarting firefox now to see16:41
clarkb(laptop decided it didn't want to switch monitors when I docked it...)16:41
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clarkbsdague: excited for I think I found one small bug though, noted inline16:48
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mordredjeblair: it's really fun to watch zuul. it feels like there are less things in a red state16:52
sdagueyeh, the nnfi I think is a huge win for throughput16:53
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jeblairdraft post:
jeblairmordred, clarkb, sdague, fungi, anteaya: ^16:54
sdagueclarkb: so in irc you defaulted to saying level, should I change the param to that? I was having a mental block on what to call the param yesterday, so naming might be suboptimal in the existing code16:54
pleia2jeblair: looks good16:55
mordredjeblair: ++16:55
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jeblairposted, sending email shortly16:58
clarkbsdague: sure? I am not too picky, I just couldn't remember what the actual parameter way16:58
clarkbjeblair: did you see the new nnfi simulation that doesn't treat keystone special initially?16:59
sdagueclarkb: yeh, making it more obvious would be good, I think level sounds reasonable. I'll respin the patch post tempest meeting16:59
jeblairclarkb: no i haven't seen that yet, cool!16:59
clarkbjeblair: I think it is much better but figuring out that you have to transform a path instead of just moving it was annoying16:59
jeblairclarkb: sorry, i didn't know that.  :(17:00
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clarkbjeblair: the number of stackexchange posts about it seem to indicate it is a common problem :)17:00
clarkbmy fault for not turning to google sooner17:00
jeblairclarkb: still, pretty cool library, huh?17:01
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move savanna under openstack org
clarkbjeblair: ya, surprisingly easy to work with.17:03
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clarkbjavascript isn't something I touch often and it only took an hour or two of understanding + fiddling to make it do what I wanted17:03
SergeyLukjanovhi everyone, I've prepared a CR for moving savanna to openstack org, are there any other steps that should be done by me?17:04
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: yes, we will need to do a little planning as doing the move requires a small Gerrit downtime17:05
clarkbtypically we like doing those on weekends17:05
mordredclarkb: (also, jeblair, I may have changed it slightly after your last +2 to use SpamapS's bash substitution thing)17:06
fungijeblair: excellent article17:06
mordredwhich works, and I think looks cleaner17:06
mordredfungi: ^^17:06
jeblairmordred: that's gonna be the most perfect change ever17:06
mordredjeblair: srrsly17:07
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: the last move we did we planned in our weekly meeting. Do you want to put that on the agenda for the next one?17:07
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mordredjeblair: I love, btw, the amount of mental effort we've all put in on what winds up being a +8/-2 line change17:07
mordredSergeyLukjanov: also, if you're not already tracking openstack/requirements in savanna, be aware that it's enforced once we move you into openstack/17:08
clarkbmordred: sometimes you can do a lot with a little code17:08
mordredSergeyLukjanov: due to enforcing the mirror17:08
SergeyLukjanovmordred, we already syncing all requirements17:08
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mordredSergeyLukjanov: great! you're ahead of the game then17:08
jeblair-dev email sent17:09
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, oh, it'll be next tue?17:09
jeblairmordred: SergeyLukjanov already gates savanna on the requirements repo!17:10
SergeyLukjanovit's now non-voting, but I think that we're already able to enable voting17:10
SergeyLukjanovthe only diff now is
AjaegerI'd like to have an approval for this patch:  . We removed the Network Guide and thus need to disable building of it.17:11
SergeyLukjanovwe're add <1.2.3 to requests>=1.1 due to the lack of cinder client release17:11
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: yes next tuesday17:11
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, I'll add point to the agenda17:12
jeblairAjaeger: lgtm17:12
clarkbsdague: one more comment on that change for when your meeting is over (made my concern clearer)17:12
jeblairmordred: in why did you move (most, but not all of) the script to the other repo?17:13
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, just thought that such transfer isn't the problem ;)17:13
clarkbAjaeger: approved, should be removed shortly17:13
mordredjeblair: based on a chat that clarkb fungi and I had about the script being better associated with the lifecycle of the requirements repo (since that's where the projects.txt file is too)17:14
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: what?17:14
Ajaegerclarkb: thanks!17:14
mordredjeblair: it's also potentially completely runnable by a human if they wanted to (not that I expect that to come up)17:14
mordredjeblair: I could just as easily go back the other way though17:14
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I just thought that transfer of projects between orgs is not complex process, forgot about gerrit...17:15
jeblairmordred: tbh, i feel like it's kind of infrastructurey -- and the script isn't expected to really have a lifecycle, right? (not like the project list, which obviously will...)17:15
Ajaegerjeblair: thanks to you as well!17:16
jeblairmordred: more typing to come:17:16
jaypipesdude, sweet work on the new Zuul stuff guys and girls.17:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Do not build Network Admin Guide anymore
mordredjaypipes: jeblair is quickly taking over the world17:16
jeblairmordred: i think i'd primarily like the script to be in one place (not split in half like now), but i lean toward it being in config because what lifecycle it has is actually probably more in tune with config -- i mean if we have to change ssh commands or users or git urls ... etc...17:17
jeblairmordred: eot17:17
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jeblairjaypipes: thanks!17:17
mordredjeblair: nod. k. I'll move it back17:18
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ thoughts?17:18
clarkbjeblair: are we talking about the requirements pushing script?17:19
jeblairclarkb: yes17:19
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jeblairmordred: regardless, can you also make the jjb shell snippet a oneliner instead of a multiline?17:19
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jeblairmordred: er, does that script call the script we just told Alex_Gaynor to delete? (python $PROJECT_DIR) ?17:21
clarkbI made the initial suggestion that it might go into requirements. I thought it might want to live there to colocate it with its config and data (project list and requirements list), but fungi made a similar argument to jeblair's about why it should be in config and I thought we mostly decided it should stay there?17:21
mordredwe told him to delete updates.sh17:21
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: is the one I deleted17:21
mordredwe told him to delete update.sh17:21
jeblairok whew17:21 is _SUPER_ important and is used in devstack - I do not believe a change to remove it would pass the gate17:21
jeblairclarkb: ok sounds like we're all on the same page then.  :)17:22
Alex_GaynorSomeone should go approve that change now ;)17:22
clarkbjeblair: yup17:22
jeblairbash: ${$ZUUL_REF//$ZUUL_BRANCH/$OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH}: bad substitution17:24
jeblairmordred: ^17:24
mordredjeblair: ok. I'm going back to the sed version17:25
jeblairmordred: it would save some time if you run this yourself so i don't have to:  :)17:25
fungithe sed version was less black magic. also, yes, i assumed he'd run it himself ;)17:26
mordredjeblair: GAH17:26
mordredI did run it locally17:26
mordredthere is a fat-finger in that patch17:26
mordredit should be ${ZUUL_REF//$ZUUL_BRANCH/$OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH}17:27
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fungiahh, yes, the first one had too much money17:27
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ability to do smart backwards compat testing
mordredbut screw it - that's back to sed - as fungi says, less black magic17:28
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fungii'm not particularly opposed to black magic, but for some reason i have a tendency to avoid explicit bashisms because of having shell portability concerns beaten into me many years ago17:29
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fungimostly irrelevant these days, just habit now17:30
jeblair is an excellent example of why rocketship alignment enforcement is stupid.17:31
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dhellmannfungi: the edge cases for shell portability with bash, zsh, and ksh are fun in virtualenvwrapper17:31
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update projects when requirements change
jeblairmordred: now what?17:31
jeblairoh, different change...heh17:32
mordredjeblair: that's putting the script back in to the config17:32
mordredjeblair: oh - but I forgot to online the jjb17:32
fungittx: a somewhat fun situation where coinstallability of folsom requirements and test requirements is concerned... we have conflicting (non-satisfiable, exclusionary) versions specified between projects for anyjson, eventlet, pastedeploy, pep8 and xattr :(17:32
fungittx: ideas on how that should be handled? bump the common requirement between them to the earliest version meeting the higher required minimum?17:34
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move savanna under openstack org
* zaro likes the new zuul tree interface. nice work!17:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update projects when requirements change
* morganfainberg agrees with zaro17:36
mordredjeblair: ok. that does your single-line request too17:36
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clarkbfungi: I am updating our pypi upload job to use twine17:43
clarkbfungi: this will conflict with your WSME accomodation change17:43
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openstackgerritJaroslav Henner proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add dynamic string and choice params.
clarkbfungi: I am tempted to just have wsme and friends override name when they use the pypi jobs job group17:45
clarkbfungi: rather than try and determine the correct name. thoughts?17:46
jog0clarkb: how far behind is logstash now? and how do I check myself?17:46
clarkbjog0: way far behind17:47
jeblairthanks nnfi!  :)17:47
jog0did it ever catch up last night?17:47
clarkbjog0: @tags:"console.html" AND ( @message:"Finished: SUCCESS" OR @message:"Finished: FAILURE" ) is the query I run and I set it to 12 hours17:47
jog0jeblair: heh:)17:47
clarkbjog0: well it didn't fall much further behind so it caught up in that regard17:47
clarkbbut no it never returned to sanity17:47
clarkbjeblair: yes nnfi and rc1 and many flaky tests17:48
jeblairclarkb: is determining the correct name hard?17:48
jeblair(i thought you'd worked it out using the configparser or something)17:48
clarkbjeblair: not really, it requires a small python script that fungi wrote17:48
jog0can we add extra works as a temp fix?17:48
jog0clarkb: workers *17:49
clarkbjog0: I think it will be quicker to just get sdague's change in17:49
clarkbjog0: which should happen quickly post qa meeting17:49
jog0clarkb: even better17:49
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Map all savanna repos to savanna at launchpad
jog0sdague: thanks!!17:49
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Improve git2lp and is_direct_release behaviour
sdagueok, done with meeting. Let me dive back in17:49
clarkbI need to write a change for the worker side but that is simple once the wsgi thing is in place17:50
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sdagueclarkb: oh, right so I actually need sev to be global17:51
sdaguewait... no, it's a generator, I think it's right17:51
sdagueit only gets called once17:51
clarkbsdague: is that idea that we always want the last known sev if newsev comes back None?17:52
clarkbsdague: if so then I think the other filter function needs to be updated17:52
sdagueso that we don't loose multiline bits17:52
clarkbhtml_filter does the thing I describe in my comments, the plain filter does not17:52
clarkbsdague: line 15417:53
dhellmannsdague: have you ever seen "Error parsing /opt/stack/new/tempest/setup.cfg" from tempest?
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mordreddhellmann: no - I haven't - but what's trying to install d2to1 anymore?17:55
dhellmannmordred: dunno, those are pbr tests17:56
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use twine to upload python package to pypi.
clarkbfungi: ^ I did that without worrying about conflicts so that others could see what potential conflicts we will have. I am happy to rebase the two changes in either order17:56
sdagueclarkb: ok, let me refactor a second here that may help on the logic17:57
mordreddhellmann: something seems to have gone sideways there17:57
fungiclarkb: okay, wfm17:58
dhellmannI'm trying to be a Good Boyâ„¢ and not just "recheck no bug"17:58
dhellmannmordred: tempest trunk has d2to1 in its setup.py17:59
mordreddhellmann: yeah - I have a change to fix that that weirdly dies17:59
dhellmannok, well, that's what's installing it :-)17:59
mordreddhellmann: fair17:59
dhellmannmordred: I see a failure installing some xml stuff because libxml headers are missing, is there something else causing a failure?18:01
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sdaguedhellmann: the error parsing tempest config isn't a real error18:10
sdagueoh, wait, this is a setup.cfg ting18:10
sdaguethat I don't know18:10
anteayajeblair: great blog post18:11
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add min-sev parameter
dhellmannsdague: ok, thanks, I'll recheck it and see if they happen again, then debug further if they do18:11
sdagueoh, need to fix the commit message18:11
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add level parameter to htmlify-screen-log
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sdagueclarkb: ok, see if that addresses concerns. I think I basically did the html one wrong18:14
clarkbsdague: looking. I have the gearman worker change just about ready too18:15
sdagueit might be good to land it on log-dev if we can (I don't know if they are separate enough to have different versions of the wsgi script)18:16
mordreddhellmann: GAH18:17
mordreddhellmann: I do not understand what's going on in the tempest repo18:18
mordreddhellmann: I cannot get my change to update pbr and tox to build docs18:18
mordreddhellmann: error: invalid command 'build_sphinx'18:18
mordreddhellmann: but the funny thing is - I get that _in the middle_ of running the command18:18
mordredso it runs part of build_sphinx, and then something borks it18:18
clarkbsdague: I am not sure. fungi do you remember?18:18
clarkbI am still reviewing18:18
sdaguemordred: our normal tox doesn't install anything18:19
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mordredsdague: right, but testenv:venv does18:19
sdaguemordred: what's the review?18:20
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mordredsdague: it's totally reproducable locally18:20
mordredand I have NO IDEA what's going on18:20
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dhellmannmordred: let me see if I can reproduce that locally18:20
mordreddhellmann: I think your thing and this might possibly be releated18:21
sdagueok, the only thing I know is normal tox for us is just a way to run the gate, so runs with the site packages18:23
sdaguewhich is different than most folks18:23
dhellmannmordred: the docs build fine in my system with your change18:23
mordreddhellmann: are you bulding them with "tox -evenv python build_sphinx" ?18:24
clarkbsdague: did you test that locally?18:24
mordredthat makes me want to cry18:24
sdagueclarkb: yes18:24
sdaguebut only with one old cinder log I have18:24
dhellmannmordred: let me rebuild this vm so it doesn't have any devstack cruft on it18:24
sdagueI should grab more test data, just haven't yet18:24
clarkbsdague: I am looking into testing with logs-dev now, but I think you are right about both using the same wsgi script18:25
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sdagueyeh, I think they do18:25
clarkbI can do it manually if we really think it needs hand holding or we put it in and see what happens >_> worst case log retrieval is funny for a short while for humans and logstash18:25
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Retrieve logs > DEBUG level.
clarkbsdague: ^18:27
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fungiclarkb: sdague: i don't remember but i can check18:32
fungioh, nm, clarkb looked already18:32
clarkbfungi: ya, there is just the one copy of the script18:32
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Rework run_shell_command
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clarkbjeblair: there is a bug in the nnfi tree status if you look at status now18:37
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clarkbjeblair: first item is passing and second fails the subway line for the second item does not touch the green blob for the first item18:37
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dhellmannmordred: ok, a fresh vm without running devstack and with libxml2, etc. installed by hand lets me build the tempest docs without error under tox18:40
sdagueclarkb: so the changes lgtm... (and commented to that effect)18:41
sdaguebut.... I think there is a bug in the script18:42
mordreddhellmann: aha!18:42
mordreddhellmann: found it (I think)18:42
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clarkbsdague: I actually tested that18:42
mordreddhellmann: it's a combination of use_site_packages, and pbr being on the host system, and sphinx doing autodoc scanning of the source dir18:43
clarkbsdague: I think the reason it is content-type is apache is givins us back a zipped file which when unzipped is encoded text?18:43
clarkbsdague: I didn't bother trying to understand all of it at the time18:43
mordreddhellmann: which means that somehow we wind up in a venv that doesn't have pbr in it, and sphinx tries to import (or something)18:43
mordreddhellmann: I don't know the full solution yet - but I at least know where to look18:44
sdagueclarkb: ok18:44
sdagueclarkb: actually, that's probably fine18:44
clarkbsdague: I am reproducing now to be double shure18:44
sdagueif your workers aren't saying they can accept gzip encoding, then apache won't do it on the fly18:45
sdaguethe way we have this filter pipeline it's now on the fly compressing if you want it18:45
sdagueit just means more wire traffic in the current case18:45
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clarkbsdague: it does do it on the fly for the files you are transforming18:46
jeblairclarkb: do you have a screenshot or the status.json?18:47
clarkbr = urllib2.urlopen('') content-type is 'application/x-gzip' content-encoding is ''18:47
dhellmannmordred: why does the system have pbr in it? or why are we running with site-packages enabled?18:47
clarkbjeblair: sorry I don't as I was going to grab one it merged change 118:47
jeblairclarkb: (also, was it in the middle of a reset?)18:47
clarkbjeblair: I don't think it was in the middle of a reset, becuase the change at position 1 merged and it went away18:48
sdagueclarkb: hmmm really? that seems weird18:48
sdagueoh, .txt18:48
jeblairclarkb: hrm, ok, if you see it again, the most useful thing would be to grab  directly18:49
clarkbsdague: I think in most cases I am doing less over the wire. For console logs I am getting them in their entirety18:49
sdaguewhy are you fetching .txt vs. txt.gz ?18:49
clarkbjeblair: noted18:49
clarkbsdague: because of the way we compress the files on disk at one time I had to request both18:50
clarkbsdague: also urllib* are really annoying18:50
jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi, jog0, anteaya, ttx, sdague, anyone else who watches the zuul status screen a lot: if you see a display bug, please grab  (but ignore such bugs if there is a gate reset in progress, that is known and a fix is coming)18:50
clarkbsdague: hence my comment about requests. I think with requests all these issues go away18:50
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sdaguewell if it works for you, it's good enough :)18:50
clarkbsdague: what we really want to do is always request .txt and not the .gz and have it come back compressed each time18:51
clarkbbut then there is the console.html race... this is not a perfect system :/18:51
sdagueso the .txt18:51
sdagueisn't going through the logifier18:51
sdagueyou'll need to grab the txt.gz to get the filter18:52
clarkbis there a reason for that?18:52
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clarkbsdague: simple fix I can just swap the order of the GETs18:52
sdagueclarkb: well I didn't know .txt would return anything, as it wasn't in the directory18:53
sdagueso I don't know if it would be easy or hard to handle it18:53
clarkboh right, if try opening the file it won't be there18:53
sdagueRewriteRule ^/(.*\.txt\.gz)$ /htmlify/$1 [QSA,L,PT]18:53
clarkbapache is smart enough to know that it can do magic... hmm I will just fix the urlopen order18:53
sdaguewe are only sending txt.gz through the wsgi program18:53
clarkbsdague: I wouldn't worry about it. This is a simple fix18:55
clarkbsdague: I htink fixing it on your side is more complicated18:55
sdagueok, cool18:55
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clarkbsdague: but long story short some of the files we host start off with out a .gz prefix and get compressed. So I need to try two GETs potentially. I could just get the non .gz suffixed filename if the stack on the other end is aware of this, but making it do that is probably more work than it is worth18:59
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sdagueclarkb: sure19:16
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Inspect the Gearman queue for immediate demand
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Retrieve logs > DEBUG level.
clarkbsdague: ^ that handles it on the worker side19:23
clarkbjeblair: O_O does that do what I think it does?19:23
jeblairI'm still going to do a bit more testing on that nodepool change, but it seems to be approaching reviewability...19:23
jeblairclarkb: probably so.  it launches MOAR SERVERS!  :)19:23
clarkbhmm no fifieldt and I have been bad about remembering in the mornings19:24
* clarkb lunches19:24
jeblairclarkb: good idea.  me too.19:24
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fungiclarkb: i've hunted for him in the likely (dev, docs, translation) channels when i get on line the past couple days, but perhaps his current trip is keeping him away from the internets19:33
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sdagueclarkb: so do we know if we're going to see a change by dumping DEBUG early?19:36
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markmcclainShould gerrit be truncating the review history: ?19:41
markmcclainI can only see back to Patch #619:42
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fungimarkmcclain: prior patchsets are almost certainly private drafts19:43
fungii'd have to go dig around in the db to be certain, but i'd bet a lunch on it19:43
markmcclainfungi: thanks.. just hadn't see that before19:44
fungiyeah, that's the usual behavior with draft patchsets. it hides them unless you were invited to be a reviewer on the drafts themselves19:44
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markmcclaindid realize that behavior persisted after it was made public good to know19:45
fungiyep. only patchsets which were explicitly published by the author will be visible, so patchset #6 was either published or uploaded as not-a-draft, but the previous patchsets are still hidden19:46
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jog0mordred: can I get a quick look at
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jog0Alex_Gaynor: ping20:27
Alex_Gaynorjog0: pong20:27
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fungimordred: sdague: i'm working my way through requirements caps for folsom and grizzly, but am a little unsure what to do about places where our servers have (direct or indirect) dependencies on our client libs. there's inconsistency as far as some install from pypi, some of those already specifying max versions, while others pull in branch tarballs20:29
fungido our integration tests at this point deal with overriding those caps for backwards-compat testing of client libs against stable branches of server projects?20:30
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fungigrr, and i continue to be stymied by intermitted download failures of thrift20:32
fungier, intermittent20:32
jog0if can't get pypy working will have to make it non gating. good news is don't want to push out fixed hacking until after Icehouse opens20:33
jog0so have a bit of time20:33
Alex_Gaynorjog0: Yeah, I probably won't have a fix for not having noqa quickly, sadly better to disable gating :(20:35
jog0in that case can I get your blessing for
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1230407 in neutron "State change timeout exceeded" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:35
clarkbsdague: yes I expect there will be as much of the time spent is processing all the log lines20:36
clarkbsdague: then we drop the majority of them20:36
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clarkbfungi: jog0 mordred can we get more eyes on that?20:38
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clarkber jeblair ^20:39
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clarkbjeblair: I have captured status.json with the bug present. Where do you want me to put it20:41
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sdagueclarkb: there is also a nice new header on the html version in that, so it's discoverable to be able to select different log levels20:44
clarkbsdague: I saw that. should be handy20:44
fungii guess we don't map bugs for openstack/requirements to any particular lp project20:48
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clarkbjeblair: I can put the file on my swift when you are ready to grab it (I think the default public urls are temporary)20:51
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mordredclarkb: no!20:57
clarkbmordred: ?20:57
mordredclarkb: no more eyes on that20:57
clarkboh the review request. okay :(20:57
clarkbbug 1231659 is interesting, do we delete the account or blacklist email to it?20:58
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1231659 in openstack-ci "spam from" [Undecided,New]
clarkbfungi: you are familiar with the gerrit DB tables. I assume an account that has never been used can just have its rows removed?20:59
mordredclarkb: (I'm kidding)21:00
clarkbmordred: I figured, but I also figured I should play along :)21:00
fungiclarkb: yeah, the deletion section in gerrit.rst should be accurate21:00
fungii've followed it successfully21:00
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fungiclarkb: is recently updated with some of my discoveries there21:02
fungibasically follow the same deletes i the section before that one, and then convert the first couple of update queries to delete queries as mentioned there21:03
fungiif the account is unused, most/all of the other update queries would have matched 0 rows anyway (most of the delete queries probably will be a no-op as well in that case, but worth checking)21:04
clarkbcool. I probably won't get to it soon, but will do it if no one beats me to it21:04
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sdagueclarkb: ok, I'm about to ride my bike home so I'll be offline for an hour, but I'll check in as soon as I get back in case you want to push the logfilter changes through21:06
fungii am heading out to dinner, before i return to continue working on stable requirements capping... mordred/sdague: see my question above about dependency caps where our server projects are requiring our client libs, and what impact that does or doesn't have on integration/backwards-compat testing21:06
clarkbsdague: thanks, I think mordred said he would review it21:06
clarkbhopefulyl he is happy with it and we can merge21:06
sdaguefungi: sure, I'll look once I get home. I think you are hitting the thing I was running into yesterday thinking about this problem21:06
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fungisdague: yeah, it's ugliness multiplied by more ugliness21:07
* fungi will bbl21:07
jeblairclarkb: please do and send me the link21:07
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clarkbfungi: sdague: I think the issue there is we don't encode any correlation between client and server versions?21:10
clarkbfungi: sdague: should we maybe consider doing something of the sort going forward? (doesn't fix the problem for grizzly and folsom)21:10
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jeblairclarkb: heh, i'm trying to figure out if that graph is wrong... :)21:13
jeblairclarkb: but yeah, i think the solution is to not draw the line for change 2.21:14
clarkbjeblair: I don't think the failing job would get reparented to master. Change 1 should still be the parent. I think the case where graph_position is 0 isn't handled by the make line curvy stuff21:14
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jeblairclarkb: i think the parent of change 2 is a change that used to be in the queue but isn't anymore (but i don't think it's change 1).  it may or may not be HEAD.21:15
clarkbthe nova folks just mentioned getting summit sessions in soon. We should try to do that as well. That said I can't think of many pressing summit sessions21:15
clarkbjeblair: *lightbulbfires*21:16
clarkbI get it21:16
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jeblairclarkb: i think i'd be okay to just not draw that line.  i don't think it substantially changes the meaning (either way, it means this is based on something not in the queue).  and it will look less like an error21:18
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mrda#rcbau bunyip21:18
jeblair(i guess, i mean, it'll still be in column 2 and have no parent, so it's not going to look _normal_)21:18
clarkbjeblair: ya I agree, now that I grok what is happening21:19
jog0whao just saw the new zuul visualization. Looks great21:20
jeblairclarkb: i was wrong21:22
jeblairclarkb: change 2 is in fact behind change 1 and just didn't get the angle drawn21:22
jeblair(took me a minute to prettify the json enough to read it)21:23
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix missing branch angle line on first change
jeblairclarkb: ^21:29
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mordredjog0: right?22:01
clarkbmordred: jeblair: I think fungi didn't approve as he was headed to dinner. I plan on approving shortly if I don't get anymore opinions22:02
mordredclarkb: I'm fine with that22:03
jeblairclarkb: will look now; i had been ignoring as it was in heavy dev22:03
clarkbjeblair: thanks22:03
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jeblairclarkb: i left a -1, but let me know if you think it's not important22:16
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clarkbjeblair: good catch, we may as well fix that as it is running inside the tight loop22:18
clarkbsdague: ^22:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix missing branch angle line on first change
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clarkbjeblair: also, good point on coroutines. python3 makes it clearner with the new yield abilities iirc22:21
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jeblairclarkb: i thought the needed yield changes have been in 2 for a while; what's new in 3?22:23
clarkbjeblair: yield from and generator delegation22:24
sdagueclarkb: checking now22:24
clarkbjeblair: I think it makes it so that you don't need to import coroutines and use the decorator to set up targets22:25
jeblairclarkb: ah, ok22:25
sdaguejeblair: so it was optimized for readability, the overhead, at least on my laptop, was very little22:25
sdagueI can reoptimize for speed, but because the plain text path is just different enough from html path, it was a little squirelier to see the logic22:26
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jeblairsdague: the colorizer isn't used in the plain text path; maybe you misunderstood my suggestion22:26
jeblairsdague: i was suggesting that the colorizer take a numeric severity argument so it doesn't have to make a second call to the regex (since you already have that from the call to the severity filter)22:27
sdagueoh, right, I was thinking about this a little different22:27
sdaguegood catch22:27
jeblaircool, thx22:27
jeblairso i think i can make a much simpler version of the new nodepool algorithm if i move min-ready from the target-image-provider to the target-image level...22:28
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Update talk with new information and images.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Add logstash slide.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Make zuul simulation reflect NNFI.
clarkbI expect ^ to be the last round of overview talk updates22:28
jeblairit means that we'd be saying "jenkins1 should have 3 devstack nodes" and "jenkins2 should have 3 devstack nodes" instead of "jenkins1 should have 1 devstack node from az1, 1 from az2, 1 from az3"...22:29
clarkbjeblair: then you would round robin across the AZs until each individual max was hit?22:29
clarkbjeblair: I think if we round robin or otherwise spread the load that is fine. I don't think we want to fully utilize the first AZ before using the second22:30
jeblairi think it would calculate the proportion to use from each provider based on their max servers22:30
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add level parameter to htmlify-screen-log
jeblairclarkb: i'm actually trying to reduce the looping in the algorithm, because that's what makes it hard to get right and stable22:30
clarkbsdague: do you need to check if sev is none?22:31
clarkbsdague: or at least not false equivalent?22:31
clarkbI think it will work as is it will just create a None class in the span which won't have any special css applied to it22:32
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clarkbsdague: still around? Curious to know if ^ was intentional or not22:36
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
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clarkbsdague: I don't think it will work if None because link_timestamp won't match or it will work without the timestamp anchor22:41
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jog0whoa logstash is still 10 hours behind22:42
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* jog0 hopes sdague's fix works22:43
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sdagueclarkb: one sec, let me go test on my laptop, I thought it would be fine though22:44
clarkbsdague: ok (it might be)22:44
sdagueit's basically just the first 3 lines of the file22:44
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clarkbsdague: yeah where screen logs commands stuff22:45
clarkbI guess those aren't timestamped so it should work?22:47
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sdagueyeh, I do seem to have lost the first 4 lines though22:47
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clarkbsdague: probably should put the if line check back in then22:49
clarkb(to avoid confusion over whether or not services properly start)22:50
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sdagueactually, no I lost it because I was dumb22:51
sdagueit was gone in the last version as well22:51
sdagueok, let me clean up this fix22:51
fungiso, thinking about client library backward compatibility integration testing while i was out to dinner (because, seriously, i must have no life or something) and it dawned on me that the conflict is between the two ways we're using them22:53
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clarkbfungi: as user cli libs and libs integrated into a release?22:54
fungii *think* we want to ensure that new clients don't cease working as clients to old servers22:54
sdagueyeh... though we don't have a great way to seperate those two at the moment22:55
fungihowever, there's no real sane way for servers to depend on client libs as runtime requirements while they're moving targets constantly growing new dependencies of their own22:55
sdaguefungi: except, we sort of force that on people. We don't stable/grizzly our clients22:55
fungiwe should have some way to parallel install "client lib which is a dependency of a server" and "newest client lib which is a client" for these situations (dedicated virtualenv for the latter?)22:56
fungiwe don't necessarily need to have a stable branch for the client libs. the server projects depending on them can declare a max version they support as a dependency22:56
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clarkbfungi: and if we are more formal about what client versions mean we can do so sanly22:57
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add level parameter to htmlify-screen-log
fungithe trick is not trying to make the dependency and the client we're testing backward compat with and not trying to make them both the same release22:57
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clarkbeg major release number bump for incompatible change, minor release number bump when corresponding server bumps, point release for fixes intended to work against that server version?22:58
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sdaguefungi: we still have a problem that we can't have 2 copies installed. We'd need to push a set of clients into a venv that we'd run tempest from22:58
sdaguewhich I guess would work actually22:58
fungisdague: yeah, that's more or less what i was getting at22:58
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sdagueok, clarkb see if I managed to not entirely screw things up this time :)22:59
fungiif server w depends on client x version y then we install those together (system-wide or in a virtualenv, whatever) and then we test backward compat for them with newer client version z but we put that client explicitly in a dedicated virtualenv22:59
fungiso that it doesn't conflict with version y that the server needs (and has explicitly declared a dependency on, with a version cap)23:00
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clarkbsdague: why do we need a DEBUG level?23:02
clarkbsdague: in the selector23:02
sdagueclarkb: to drop the NONE level lines23:02
sdaguewe probably don't need it23:02
clarkbno this is fine23:02
fungii wondered the same. debug and none could be basically the same right?23:02
clarkbI grok it now23:02
sdaguefungi: honestly, they could be23:03
sdagueI can tweak there23:03
sdagueit's basically just the first 4 lines23:03
clarkbjeblair: fungi is ready for rereview23:03
sdagueat least remove DEBUG from the selector23:03
clarkbsdague: I wouldn't worry about it23:03
clarkbsdague: this looks good23:03
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fungiyeah, latest rev lgtm23:05
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clarkbjeblair: I plan to approve before the next puppet git pull cycle if possible23:05
clarkbjeblair: let us know if you want to rereview first23:05
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clarkbwoot ty23:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: add level parameter to htmlify-screen-log
clarkb is the corresponding change on the geraman worker side. I will apply that by hand here shortly23:08
fungiso anyway, i think if we want to cap (folsom, grizzly) stable branch dependencies we ought to cap the client lib dependencies in the server projects on those branches. backward compat integration tests shouldn't use the globally-installed client versions, but should install the clients into virtualenvs and run them from there to allow the versions to differ from what the servers are using as stable23:08
fungibranch dependencies. that seems like the only stable path forward23:08
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clarkbfungi: ++ though I would try to push for some semantics in the client versions so that we can have room for security fixes and the like23:09
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fungiclarkb: in those cases i think we would change the stable requirements caps to accommodate them, if it was relevant to testing on stable branches of the servers23:10
sdagueso in that case, we'd probably only need to run the non-API parts of tempest, as the API parts would be exactly the same23:11
sdaguealso, is grizzly still fully borked because of this?23:12
fungireally, the goal is to reduce the stable branch management burden, because as it stands the stable branch managers are not fitted for watching bitrot jobs and constantly tracking down external dependency changes23:12
funginot sure what the present state of grizzly is. last i heard the quantumclient change to fix that was still pending though?23:13
mordredoy. scrollback23:13
mordredfungi: I disagree23:14
fungibut anyway, i think stable testing should be limited to 1. making sure our occasional backported fixes don't break those projects on those branches, and 2. making sure that modern clients work as clients with stable release servers23:14
mordredstable servers should still work with trunk client libs23:14
sdagueok, I think I need to do dinner things. I'll check in a bit later.23:14
clarkbsdague: thanks for the help23:15
clarkbI am putting new gearman log workers in now23:15
clarkbso they will be ready when sdague's change hits23:15
mordredfungi: so I specifically think that we should not cap them in stable releases23:15
fungimordred: that means stable servers depending on constantly changing libraries (whether we control them or not). without capping the transitive dependencies of *those* libraries, their impact on stable branches of servers is left up to chance23:15
mordredI could see an argument that client libs should never have uncapped depends23:16
clarkband worker2 has decided it doesn't have a pidfile module anymore...23:16
mordredfungi: but honestly, I don't expect that situation to come up very often23:16
mordredI'm not expecting ANYONE who is deploying stable releases to do so CD-style23:16
mordredand certainly not from pip23:16
fungimordred: and part of what we're trying to stem here is that nobody watches bitrot jobs. the vmt doesn't have time to keep the stable branches in shape, and we can't ensure that we'll be able to land security backports in a timely fashion if the stable branches are perpetually broken23:17
mordredah - so...23:18
mordredI think that adding trunk-clients-gate-on-stable-branches will hepl that23:18
lifelessyou could always stop shipping stable branches ;>23:18
mordredbecause there will be changes landing reasonably frequently that will need to run against stable branches23:18
* mordred throws an untroll at lifeless23:18
* lifeless was a) completely serious and b) teasing not trolling23:19
fungiwell, it'll at least prevent new patches from being landed on the trunk of the clients while some transitive dependency is breaking a stable server branch23:19
fungiso i suppose it'll raise visibility23:19
mordredI mena, I think I want to see what effect that has before we take further action23:19
mordred(one change at a time)23:19
mordredlifeless: a) I know b) fair23:19
mordredlifeless: you know we did not used to do stable branches, yeah?23:19
jeblairlifeless: people keep merging patches to the stable branches.  i'm pretty sure if that stopped, we'd stop thinking about them.  :)23:20
lifelessmordred: I didn't, but since trunk OpenStack still isn't up to CD requirements, that doesn't really tell us much23:20
fungimordred: okay, so two concerns then... A. i need to special-case the requirements entries specifying libs under our control (does that extend to libs which are on stackforge?), and B. what do we do about stuff on grizzly and folsom which already has version caps specified for some of our client libs23:20
jeblairlifeless: it was less because we were cd and more because we only focused on next release23:21
mordredlifeless: we added them so that the distros could collaborate on their post-release stabalization patches23:21
jeblairnext thing i knew the project had adopted a stable release maintenance policy23:21
mordredfungi: a) why?/in what context? b) aslkdmcalsdkna23:22
lifelessmordred: right, but thats batching pathology on their part :)23:22
fungimordred: a) special case them to not have version caps, so we can continue to test latest versions of those as dependencies of some of the servers23:22
mordredlifeless: we are the combination of the members of our community23:23
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mordredlifeless: the distros seem to like releases, which means we care23:23
lifelessmordred: we are23:23
mordredoriginally because canonical cared, now because redhat does :)23:23
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fungibut part of the stable management labor shortage is, us testing stable branches of server projects against constantly-shifting dependencies doesn't really match the needs of the downstream distros who already have set their dependencies23:23
lifelessmordred: but sometimes one needs to teach folk :)23:23
mordredas soon as markmc stops caring, I will23:23
mordredlifeless: I leave that to you!23:23
lifelessmordred: working on it23:23
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mordredfungi: hrm23:24
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
mordredfungi: ok. maybe I'm wrong- maybe stable branch should cap our libs23:24
fungiso asking the distros to figure out what new dependency is breaking stable in a bitrot job is not well-incented23:24
mordredfungi: BUT - I do think we should still do the requirements logic in devstack23:24
mordredincase we need to up the require23:24
mordredand we need to figure out how to write that logic in devstack such that we _do_ use trunk client libs in those tests23:25
fungii think that much is totally reasonable23:25
mordredand don't get blocked by the requirements.txt caps23:25
fungijust, as it is, we're frequently in situations where we can't land backport patches due to test failures, not because the patches are bad, but simply because dependencies somewhere have changed out from under stable servers yet again. and tracking down why is a lot of effort which doesn't really align with any particular need from the community23:27
fungiso it seems to me to be a waste of (human and server) resources better spent elsewhere23:27
fungii can start out by not adding any new caps on dependencies upon our own libs, and just grandfather any existing entries through as-is. longer term though i think capping them is probably the only sane solution (from what i've seen so far) but i don't want to do that until it no longer breaks backward-compat client testing23:29
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clarkbsdague: it appears to be working :)23:31
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lifelessdo we check the stable branches are compatible with global/requirements changes?23:32
fungilifeless: that's up for discussion. if we start doing that it'll be with havana i think23:34
lifelessseems like that would avoid scrambling for it later23:34
clarkbjog0: I think we are catching up now23:35
clarkbjog0: with the new stuff in place23:35
clarkbjog0: a bit of time will tell23:35
fungifor earlier stable branches i'm currently building a list of global requirements as an intersection of the requirements specified by all the integrated release projects, plus any transitive dependencies those bring in23:35
fungior rather, i've already built that list for folsom and grizzly. just working out the details before i push the reviews23:36
fungiand then stable branch reviews for all the relevant projects to sync their entries to the versions specified in those global lists23:36
fungii think the missing bit between master and released stable branches is that for the stable branches we need to amend requirements lists with explicit version caps *and* add in capped entries for all the transitive dependencies they have, to plug the remaining requirements stability holes23:37
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fungiotherwise our project a depends on b<=1.2.3 but b depends on c>=3 and someone releases a new c 4.0 which breaks our project a23:39
fungithere's still the risk that a the author of some direct or transitive dependency re-releases the same version of a program with different dependencies than we specified, but re-releasing same versions is taboo enough it ought not happen especially often23:41
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clarkbsdague: jog0: notice how the outbits grew \o/23:48
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clarkbwe are slowly catching up and once caught up should be in a good position going forward (I plan on putting teh gearman priority change for failing tests in to index those logs asap for the rechecker)23:55
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