Thursday, 2013-10-10

clarkbheh now my server that runs the stress tests unpings00:00
fungiany of the former mysql'ers in here know a way to get encrypted vulnerability reports to oracle's mysql devs? (their security contact pgp keys are not exactly easy to find)00:03
clarkbfungi: stewart over in #drizzle may know. IIRC he is still in communication with oracle00:04
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clarkbsdague: new etherpad* now running tip of develop (it won't auto update them but it is up to date as of now)00:06
clarkbI am going to send my mail list note about sundays outage00:06
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clarkbgot to my test VM, I am running the stress tester now00:14
clarkb(I have relaxed the number of lurkers to see if that makes a difference and if I can't reproduce will increase them back to insane levels)00:15
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zulso hypothetically here is a problem iso8601 hasnt been update on pypi in years00:19
zulby the looks of it00:19
zulbut according to their site it just added python3 support00:19
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fungifunny. 2007-09-1800:22
fungiextremely small module which happens to be py3k-compatible by virtue of its simplicity, and the author only just happened to get around to noting the fact, i suppose00:23
zulfungi:  recent activity 5 minutes ago ;)00:24
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fungii guess they'll release that... eventually00:42
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mordredfungi: do you want me to put you in contact with mysql devs?00:53
fungimordred: more just wondering what their recommended vulnerability reporting channels are00:55
fungianother researcher on the oss-security ml was asking, so i figured i'd ask around00:56
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mordredfungi: I have sent a quick question to Tomas Ulin, who is VP of Engineering for MySQL at Oracle01:15
mordredlet's see what he says01:15
mordredof course, I sent it on Facebook01:16
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fungiheh. thanks!01:18
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hub_capmordred: and co,
hub_capill be pushing troveclient 1.0.0 up to pypi in ~24 hrs after it gets a bit more real world testing02:38
hub_caphmm maybe ill be pushing it up now for some internal tests02:39
mordredhub_cap: so, you're saying we should pull that and test it out?02:43
mordredhub_cap: we're moving our stuff to trove you know02:43
mordredhub_cap: before you cut a troveclient - lemme give youa tiny patch that will make you happier moving forward02:44
hub_capmordred: ++02:45
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hub_capand do i just git tag -s 1.0.0 and git review when its all ready?02:45
hub_capand yes im saying u should pull that down and use it! (itll be easier when ive tagged it, and then ill push a >=1.0.0 to global-req)02:46
hub_capmordred: fwiw, the reason i pushed forward w/ the client upgrade was cuz yer moving to trove02:48
mordredhub_cap: woot! you're teh awesome02:48
mordredclarkb: ^^^02:48
hub_capsweet mordred ill let the robots +1 and then merge it02:48
mordredclarkb: python-troveclient should work with our accounts now and should behave sanely with our env vars02:49
hub_capyes yes!!02:49
hub_caphorray for not being different! screw snowflakes02:49
mordredhub_cap: mordred@camelot:~/src/openstack/python-troveclient$ foo/bin/trove list02:52
mordredCould not find any suitable endpoint. Correct region?02:52
hub_capdid u install devstack+trove?02:53
hub_capor does your service_catalog have trove endpoints?02:53
mordredhub_cap: I did "pip install -e ." in python-troveclient02:53
mordredhub_cap: this is pointed at rax production02:53
mordredhub_cap: nova list works and shows me things02:53
hub_capdoes rax prod have trove endpoints i wonder02:53
hub_caplet me c02:53
mordredhub_cap: do I need a different region or endpoint02:54
hub_capcan u --debug it and send it?02:54
hub_capwell if rax hasnt standardized and is calling it like "dbaas" or somethign goofed u might need to set another envvar02:54
hub_capOH WTF rax:database02:54
hub_capu gotta be kidding me02:55
hub_caplemme find u the envvar to set mordred02:55
mordredhub_cap: can we also file a bug with them02:55
mordredand let them know they're stupid?02:55
hub_capyes ill send an email to a ML and ask wtf02:56
hub_capi mean in their defense mordred02:56
hub_capthey prolly assumed openstack woudl just call it rax:database02:56
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mordredhub_cap: can you tell me what it is that they're calling rax:database?02:57
mordredhub_cap: I'm sending an email to higher ups at rackspace to let them know02:57
hub_capthe fucking service-type02:58
hub_capmordred: can u do a trove --service-type rax:database list02:59
mordredthat works03:01
hub_capu see shit now?03:01
mordredyup. looks perfect. you're awesome03:01
mordredis it possible to set that via env var?03:01
hub_capnone o the other clients do but we can check to see if the other envvars work03:01
hub_capgot a min to test?03:01
mordredyah man03:02
hub_capTROVE_SERVICE_NAME=rax:database trove list03:02
hub_capTROVE_DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME=rax:database trove list03:02
hub_capugh i can totally add a TROVE_SERVICE_TYPE03:02
hub_capfwiw none of the other clients have it03:02
hub_capGOD DAMN U RAX03:03
mordredhub_cap: ^^03:04
mordredmerry christmast03:04
hub_caplol ya thatll do it03:04
hub_caplol @ your commit msg03:05
hub_capok _now_ i can tag.. mordred its the git tag --------SSSSSSSSS , git review, right?03:06
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hub_capcool lemme pull it down and do the needful03:08
mordredgit tag -s 1.0.0 ; git push gerrit 1.0.003:08
hub_capahhhh ya i wouldve flubbed that thx03:08
hub_capill submit a review to requirements too soon03:08
hub_capafter its up03:08
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mordredhub_cap: oh!03:15
mordredexport OS_SERVICE_NAME=cloudServersOpenStack03:15
mordredwe already have that set03:15
mordredso maybe OS_SERVICE_NAME _IS_ a thing that needs set03:16
hub_capwell your work of art is in 1.0.003:16
hub_captagged and bagged03:16
mordredfine by me03:16
mordredwhy is it OS_SERVICE_NAME03:16
mordredwhen the API thing is service-type?03:16
* hub_cap shrugs03:16
hub_capi think dolph might be able to answer better03:17
mordredhub_cap: I see no reference to OS_SERVICE_NAME anywhere03:17
hub_capmy guess is that you have to set that because thre is a older cloud servers?03:17
hub_capoh lol03:17
hub_capso its legacy?03:17
hub_capya its not in the code03:18
hub_capnuke it03:18
openstackgerritMichael Basnight proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add a version for troveclient
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hub_capthx for the help and testing mordred03:23
hub_capim glad you put it thru the paces a bit before i tagged it03:23
mordredme too! I'm thrilled03:23
mordredhub_cap: next step - heat providers?03:24
mordredhub_cap: you know I'm just making you do my work for me03:24
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hub_caplol if fixing the client was your work then you have too much work03:24
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hub_capbut this means im officially back on getting tempest tests runnin03:25
hub_capso ill help in any way, as long as it makes u look good ;)03:25
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate current clients on stable branches
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garykhi, anyone around?05:02
garykdoes anyone know why jenkins did not run on
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clarkbgaryk: was that a draft that was published?05:03
garyki think that the original was a draft. when i took it over i just pushed it and was not sure how to remove the draft as i was not the owenr05:04
clarkbbut patchset 2 wasn't pushed with -D?05:04
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garykthe 2nd patch set was pushed as usual.05:04
garykno -D05:04
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garykany idea how i can get jenkins to run on it?05:04
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clarkbyes recheck should force the tests to run05:05
clarkbnot sure why it didn't run when patchset 2 was pushed05:05
clarkbmaybe gerrit doesn't remove the draft state until after it handles events?05:06
garykclarkb: thanks, i'll give it a ry05:06
clarkbtests are running according to the zuul status page05:06
garykclarkb: thanks! much appreciated05:06
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sshturmmordred: hello! are there any changes in question about database user permissions?05:41
clarkbsshturm: I don't think so. We need to sort out how to GRANT CREATE and DROP to openstack_citest preferably without giving that user DROP perms to the mysql schema05:47
clarkbbut I am not sure if mysql can do that (I was trying to get an answer from mordred but I think he was busy)05:47
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hub_capclarkb: u mean fundamentally?05:55
hub_caplike can u assign drop priv's to a single db for a user?05:55
hub_capu can most definitely assign drop privs to a schema/table and not give access to mysql schema05:58
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konggate of the stable branch blocked now?05:59
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sshturmclarkb: should we wait any changes in this question or we should find another decision of this problem?06:03
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kong<sshturm>, is this a problem all of you know?06:05
clarkbhub_cap: it needs to be more special that that, I would like to make it DROP on arbitrary schemas excluding the mysql schema06:11
clarkbsshturm: mordred made it sound like we should just do it, sorting out the how is what we need to do now06:11
hub_capoh like everything _but_ mysql?06:11
clarkbhub_cap: right06:11
hub_capand the everything changes?06:11
clarkbhub_cap: its a test machine, I don't mind the user being able to create arbitrary databases, I just don't want it to be able to derp the server06:11
clarkbor at least not derp it at a fundamental level like that06:12
clarkbkong: those look like valid unittest failures with mox, could be a test order thing06:13
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clarkbhub_cap: the idea is that unittests could create arbitrary schemas to avoid races and conflicts among tests, the unittests also need to cleanup after themselves06:14
kongclarkb, seems the failure has nothing to do with mine. what should I do now?06:14
hub_capok that makes sense06:14
clarkbkong: right, I don't think your change directly caused that failure. But nova runs its unittests in parallel and there can be races between them (unfortunately not all of the tests are safe yet) so you can try debugging the failures06:15
kongthanks, clarkb, I'll try06:16
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hub_capclarkb: i added a user, gave them * privs, and while mucking around, tried to drop mysql schema, and got a06:26
hub_capERROR 1580 (HY000): You cannot 'DROP' a log table if logging is enabled06:26
ekarlsomordred: why should I remove the version from setup.cfg?06:27
hub_capso enable logging and you win clarkb ;)06:27
clarkbhub_cap: that is a fun hack. won't prevent maliciousness but should prevent derps06:28
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garykanyone familiar with the boto libary?06:43
garykclarkb: you around for a silly question06:47
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silehthi, global-requirements have sphinxcontrib-pecanwsme>=0.5 and when I'm looking , the local mirror seems not uptodate, how many time should I wait to have the pypi repository updated ?07:14
jd__hm, looks like a "bug" to me indeed07:16
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jd__unless the change went in less than 24 hours ago07:16
openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add murano-common to global requirements
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silehtjd__, the global requirements have been merged 7 days ago07:21
jd__I thought so07:22
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anteayasileht: sorry global-requirements are something I haven't gotten my head around yet07:24
anteayayou will probably have to wait for fungi when he is online unless mordred pops by before that07:24
anteayafor those who care, Vienna is surrounded by fields07:24
anteayawas expecting mountains got fields07:25
anteayaand lederhosen in the wild07:25
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anteayafungi, sdague I was moving toward using vcsrepo as I puppet up the sodabrew fork of puppet-dashboard07:37
anteayadoes this mean I have to fix vcsrepo to do so?07:37
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lifelessjeblair: I'm not sure what the error here is caused by09:20
lifelessjeblair: I presume I did something wrong in
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ttxLots of bug 1237895 this morning10:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1237895 in devstack "devstack stalls running install for python-mimeparse" [Undecided,New]
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sdaguettx: it's useful to link some failed jobs in the bug, so we can look at raw logs11:24
ttxsdague: will have that up for you in a second11:24
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ttxsdague: posted. The logs are not very verbose11:28
ttxsdague: also there was some nova unit tests persistent failure due to a boto bump11:28
ttxapevec was supposed to push a fix and bug for that11:29
sdagueyeh, saw that one, go boto for adding a non default param in the middle of a param list11:29
ttx(see openstack-dev (thread misleadingly named "stable/grizzly"11:29
ttxsdague: yep11:29
sdagueso... I see garyk's incorrect fix which is changing nova requirements (which should get rejected by the req test job)11:31
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sdaguethis looks like a better fix - - though the commit message isn't helpful11:32
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openstackgerritgaryk proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Exlcude boto version 2.14.0
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garyksdague: so we should change the code?11:39
garyksdague: i think that the same thing happened in the past and 2.13.0 was excluded. i am not familiar with this code so i just follwed the previos fix11:40
ttxsdague: I'm seeing more and more of bug 1237895 in milestone-proposed backports. Could it be a wedged venv on some nodes ? Or soething that only affects milestone-proposed ?11:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1237895 in devstack "devstack stalls running install for python-mimeparse" [Undecided,New]
sdaguegaryk: right, but global requirements came in since then, so you can't change just in the projects11:42
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sdaguegaryk: so might work11:45
garyksdague: understood. i have updated the global requirements too. i am not sure which change is better. just know that gateing is broken :)11:45
sdaguealso, is there a bug?11:46
ttxseeing almost everything fail in milestone-proposed right now due to 123789511:47
* ttx tries to build a logstash signature for that one11:48
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garykttx sdague i opened,n,z guess that it must have been duplicated at least 5 or 6 times today11:49
ttxsdague: is there a way to say <<"x" and not "y">> in logstash ?11:50
sdaguettx: I don't know11:50
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sdaguettx: so I think the actual issue with 1237895 is this -
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sdagueour devstack nodes are under enough load that the bash "kill on bad exit" takes a few seconds to actually trigger11:52
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sdagueso the actual killing fail is often further up the logs11:53
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sdagueso 10 second earlier we failed to pull the cirros image11:53
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sdaguethis is something I started to realize the other day, which is seriously confusing11:53
ttxso that would be a dupe of bug 123228311:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1232283 in devstack "devstack exits with error for "no reason" in tempest run" [Undecided,New]
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ttxsdague: a quickfix would be to get fixed11:57
sdagueoh... damn, I wonder if this was the hypervisor refactor in devstack11:57
ttx(or should it never ever download that in the first place ?)11:57
sdaguettx: so the issue is we shouldn't be hitting the network11:57
sdaguebut I wonder if the hypervisor refactor in devstack moved things around enough that the cirros precache isn't in the right place11:58
sdaguedtroyer is probably not up for another hour or two11:58
ttxsdague: that said, we hit it very consistently now, but probably not every time11:58
sdagueyeh, I wonder if it's confined to an hp az11:59
ttxsdague: did you see it affecting master ? All my eyes are on milestone-proposed right now11:59
sdagueyeh, it hits master12:00
sdagueand did in grizzly stable12:00
sdaguewhich actually means it's probably not a devstack change issue12:00
sdagueunfortunately I'm about to go flat out for the day, so that's about as far as I can get on this one12:01
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garyksdague: i think that your patch fails with the python tests12:05
sdagueyeh, it didn't handle the object case12:05
garykare you sure? it looks like all of the tests in the nova/tests/api/ec2/test_api.py12:07
garykis that the object case?12:07
sdagueno there is another place it hits as well12:07
garyklet me know when they pass and i'll abandon my changes12:08
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garykto be honest i think the exclusion of the version for the stable branch is the safest option at this stage12:08
sdagueit's still an issue on master12:09
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garykagreed. in master i would do for your soln but i am not really familiar with this code and am just going on the changes that i have seen in the past (really no opinion here)12:10
garykonly think i know about boto is people like to add an x and inject it in their faces12:10
garykdo => go12:11
sdaguebecause it's only a unit test change, I'm inclined to fix it in code, not block boto12:11
garykdoes the actual code call this api? or is just a test case?12:11
sdaguetest case only12:12
garykif it is the latter then i am in favour of your approach12:12
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sdaguewell, I can't seem to get a functioning unit test env locally due to glance errors12:19
sdagueso I'm going to push my next go and see if the check queue does any better12:20
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garykttx; sdague: can you look at this will help us get the gate going again with the stable branch12:23
aspiersdoes anyone here know how documentation gets built via shocco?12:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1235626 in devstack "Use of shocco not documented" [Undecided,New]12:24
aspiersdtroyer maybe?12:24
ttxgaryk: we sure that only 2.13.0 and 2.14.0 suck ?12:24
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garykttx: that is what i have seen from the past experience and the global requirements12:26
garyki have no idea who is familiar with these things - if there is someone it would be good to ask12:26
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ttxgaryk: well, it passed tsts so it's probably accurate enough to unblock12:27
ttxgaryk: does that only affect stable/grizzly ?12:28
garykok. i pasted on #opnestack-nova. maybe someone will check it out12:28
garykyes, it is only stable grizzly.12:28
ttxgaryk: you need stable-maint, not core on this12:28
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ttxthose have the power to +212:28
ttxthat includes me, so will +2 now12:28
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garykok, thanks. i'll ask pbrady. he is usually up to scratch on these things12:29
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anteayaseeing the world through new eyes12:32
anteayaI'm fighting to stay awake and fungi hasn't popped in to say hello yet12:32
anteayathe mind boggles12:32
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fungianteaya: why are you fighting to stay awake?12:33
anteayain Budapest, haven't slept since in left yesterday12:33
anteayathe flight wasn't ... conducive to it12:33
anteayaand good morning12:34
anteaya*in left/ I left12:34
fungioh, cool. hope you get some great hungarian food12:34
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anteayaso far found a vegetarian restaurant, a _whole_ lot of great architecture and a steam bath12:35
anteayaso far, Budapest is impressive12:35
anteayaand since traditional Hungarian food includes such stuff as cold goose liver in its fat with onion jam, I think I will let others tell me how wonderful it is12:36
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anteayait is a pity you aren't here fungi to eat that stuff and sing its praises12:39
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fungiindeed. sounds delectable but i agree it's probably not an easy place to find veg cuisine12:41
anteayaI lucked out12:42
anteayaI am doing well with concierges so far and this one found me a good one12:42
anteayaI only need one good restaurant per city to keep me happy12:42
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silehthi, fungi I have a trouble with it is not up2date or requirements repo have been updated with version >=0.5 7 days ago13:31
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fungisileht: yes, i was about to look into that. i'll see if i can tell why13:41
silehtfungi, thx13:42
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openstackgerritgaryk proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Exlcude boto version 2.14.0
fungisileht: it looks from line the mirror jobs may be having problems on master at the moment. i'm trying to install the contents of global-requirements.txt into a virtualenv now to see what happens/where it breaks13:54
fungimordred: ^ if you're around i know there might have been some recent changes around that stuff, in case you're aware of what might be going on13:55
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fungijenkins@fungi-test:~/scratch$ testing/bin/pip freeze | grep -i pecanwsme14:01
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mordredfungi: so, post-mirror was having issues, but you can't reproduce?14:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1238012 in openstack-ci "Create elections-committee@ mailing list" [Undecided,New]14:04
fungimordred: well, i did the very rudimentary "install global-reqs into a fresh virtualenv" and it seems to be fine14:04
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mordredanybody working on that yet?14:04
fungimordred: not yet--i can unless you want it14:04
mordredI can do it (seems like a thing we all want :) )14:04
fungii just saw it pop into my inbox14:04
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mordreddo we not add lists by adding them to lists@ ?14:07
mordredI mean, to the puppet?14:07
mordredfungi: I see a transparency@ list, but I do not see it in the puppet14:08
fungimordred: it was probably created through the webui14:08
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mordredwow. ok. fantastic14:09
fungimordred: recall we only started adding lists via the puppet module fairly recently14:09
mordredahhhhhh. ok14:09
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fungithe transparency list (and many others) predate that convention14:09
mordredso- there seems to be only a single $listpassword in the module14:09
mordredbut multiple list admins14:09
* mordred is now learning about our mailing lists14:09
fungithat's how mailman works14:09
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fungithere is one and only one administrator password for a given mailing list14:10
mordredyes. but $listpassword is being given for multiple lists14:10
fungiwe build it with a default which we stash semi-securely for completeness, but it's really just supposed to be temporary and the listadmins for a given list are encouraged to change it the first time they log in14:10
mordredmarkmc: you wanna be the initial list admin for the elections list?14:11
fungithe module will not reset the admin password for a list, that's just what admin password it should initially create the list with14:11
markmcmordred, yep, I'm cool with that - and whoever else wants to help14:11
fungi(we tested extensively to make certain)14:11
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a mailing list for the elections committee
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a mailing list for the elections committee
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mordredfungi: you ok with ninja-approving that ^^ I'd love to jump on this list being real and open14:15
mordredfungi: also,
mordredfungi: the response I got back about security reporting was that14:16
fungimordred: yah, davi_ on #drizzle got me that last night. thanks for the second confirmation though14:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a mailing list for the elections committee
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markmcdo your thing puppet14:21
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ttxok, this cirros-cloud thing is officially an issue that will delay the release candidates now14:33
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fungittx: is this where devstack started spontaneously downloading cirros disk images from the internets instead of using its cached copies?14:34
ttxfungi: yes14:34
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fungiwhat did dtroyer say about it? (i know sdague is gone-ish for the day)14:34
ttxdtroyer isn't on it yet14:34
fungiwhen does it appear to have first started happening?14:35
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fungior do we know?14:36
ttxfungi: logstash graph @
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fungiso just in the past 24 hours eh?14:36
ttxsee discussion with sdague 3 hours ago14:37
* fungi looks at the devstack changelog14:37
ttxhe started investigating it14:37
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fungii don't see recent enough changes in devstack, so i guess the theory is that it's in a component project (glance?)14:38
markmcsure it's not some bogus headers on the server hosting them?14:39
* ttx is too busy doing recheck/reverify to investigate, sigh14:39
markmcmodified timestamp or whatever14:39
ttxmarkmc: let me see14:40
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fungimarkmc: elections-committee ml exists now14:42
YorikSarHello, everyone. We have a change request stuck and not merging:
markmcfungi, mordred, thanks much14:43
YorikSarGerrit claims that it needs Verified but it has one already.14:43
fungimarkmc: is that going to be open subscription, or only open archives?14:43
mordredYorikSar: yup. that looks weird14:44
mordredttx: what's the issue with cirros-cloud?14:44
fungiYorikSar: could be that we don't have any gate jobs for that project. checking the zuul layout now14:44
mordredfungi: me just checked14:44
mordredfungi: it's in the layout14:44
mordredand there's nothing running in zuul right now14:44
sdagueok, sorry, I can probably get a slice of time here14:46
sdagueso the real question is why isn't devstack using the cached image14:46
markmcfungi, based on the transparency@ list, I'm assuming open subscription14:46
fungimarkmc: okay, just wanted to be sure before i go trying to subscribe14:47
ttxmordred: it triggers a devstack fail on about 95% of the gate right now14:47
ttxmordred: just when I kinda need tit working wekk to publish RC2s14:47
jeblairttx: i'll look at nodepool's image build logs and see if it tried to download cirros images14:48
ttxmordred: logstash graph @
jeblair(nodepool is supposed to cache them so devstack-gate doesn't have to download them)14:48
ttxsmoser doesn't report anything weird on side14:48
mordredttx: awesome14:48
mordredfungi: dude. we need to keysigning14:48
mordredfungi: your key is not trusted in my chain14:49
sdaguettx: you a recent fail lo link quick?14:49
ttx15min ago14:49
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sdaguejeblair: /opt/stack/new/devstack/files/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec.tar.gz doesn't look like it's in the image, is that a new location?14:51
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dtroyer[ /me reading scrollback…]   To my knowledge, nothing around cirros has changed in a while...14:53
jeblairsdague, dtroyer: i'm pretty sure it's a bug in the nodepool caching scripts14:54
ttxdtroyer: and nothing was merged in devstack that would explain the sudden trigger of this issue today around 00:0014:54
sdaguejeblair: ok14:54
YorikSarmordred: What can we do to push that change?14:54
sdagueyeh, the devstack code looks like it's doing the right thing14:54
sdague2013-10-10 13:52:50.303 | 2013-10-10 13:52:41 + [[ ! -f /opt/stack/new/devstack/files/cirros-0.3.1-x86_64-uec.tar.gz ]]14:54
sdagueand when that isn't found, it's trying to download14:55
sdagueand failing at some normal internet fail rate14:55
jeblairi believe this hasn't worked for some time, i expect the 'sudden trigger' is a higher error rate from the cdn.14:55
jeblairsdague: right14:55
dtroyerok, good.  I saw 'hypervisor refactor' and was gettign worried as it hasn't merged yet, and isn't fully working...14:55
sdaguedtroyer: yeh, I was trying to come up with possible causes, because it was such a sudden onset14:55
sdagueit was wild speculation14:55
sdagueand I knew I'd pushed the xen bit to merge yesterday14:56
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dtroyerI am seeing some differences between my simpulated gate VMs and the real thing that I'm trying to pin down, I wonder if there is a connection here?14:57
mordredYorikSar: give us a little bit - we need to sort the devstack/nodepool issue, then we can look in on what's going on on your project14:57
sdagueI wonder if it's worth poisoning dns in an interesting way on these nodes so we couldn't download things all the time14:57
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YorikSarmordred: Ok, thanks.14:58
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jeblairsdague: we need to be able to download things when they change14:59
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix devstack image-cache script
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce max-servers in rax-dfw
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove tripleo nodepool config
jeblairfungi, mordred: I'd like to merge all 4 of the changes in that sequence and then it should be safe to run puppet on nodepool ^15:01
ttxjeblair: cool, thx!15:02
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jeblairttx: once those merge, i can manually trigger image builds and it should be better; at least if the image build job managed to download the cirros image15:03
Shrewsmordred: how do we get traction on ? I might have some time to work on fixing 46741 if we can get this one in.15:04
jeblairlifeless: i left a comment in
ttxjeblair: sounds good15:04
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Shrewsor jeblair ^^^^15:05
dkranzjeblair: When we see a failure such as should we ignore it or report it some how?15:05
jeblairShrews: aprvd15:05
mordredjeblair: all +2 from me15:06
* fungi as well15:06
jeblairdkranz: you can open a bug if you want and we can trace occurances that way; but honestly the only solution is to stop using jenkins and we're a ways away from that.15:06
dkranzjeblair: k, didn't now that was in the plans :)15:07
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gating tempest unit test job
mordreddkranz: definitely. it's just a slow road from here to there - many many many moving pieces :)15:08
dkranzmordred: If I may ask, is the idea to go to a home-brewed solution, or some other existing thing?15:08
mordreddkranz: yes15:08
mordreddkranz: :)15:08
mordreddkranz: current thinking is something home-brewed. zuul is already the work coordinator, so all we use jenkins for really is as a remote execution engine and artifact uploader15:09
mordreddkranz: we don't use any of the additional features of jenkins that make it interesting for other people15:10
dkranzmordred: Sure15:10
jeblairdkranz: as you can see, jenkins is not a great artifact uploader15:10
mordreddkranz: howeover - it turns out that doing remote execution in an untrusted environment is hard15:10
mordredand also, jenkins is not really good at security around executing untrusted code15:10
dkranzBTW, I have pushed the log error, whitelist, fail build stuff but in a way that will not actually fail anything yet.15:10
mordreddkranz: woot15:11
fungii started looking at why zuul is ignoring approve/reverify on 50651, and judging from what i see in the debug log it's as if zuul thinks the parent change 50331 hasn't merged (even though it has)15:11
jeblairdkranz: next on the list is artifact uploading outside of jenkins, so if we get that going, that small step will help take some pressure of jenkins as well15:11
dkranzmordred, jeblair : We should discuss how that would be communicated and turned on at some point15:11
jeblairdkranz: it will be invisible15:11
mordredwhat jeblair said15:11
dkranzjeblair: Until it fails15:11
mordreddkranz: I think what we mean is - even when jenkins fails right now, it doesn't really tend to manifest as a jenkins failure15:12
mordreddkranz: as much as it does as a devstack or a zuul or a gerrit thing15:12
dkranzjeblair: I think we (I?) should send out an email to dev describing what this is and why we are doing it15:12
dkranzmordred: I'm talking about the fail on error in logs thing now15:13
jeblairdkranz: oooohh15:13
dkranzjeblair: And try to get people to fix the bugs15:13
mordredit's so much easier when we're having the same conversatoin15:13
dkranzmordred: I have seen some things that look like bugs to me, not errant ERRORs in the log15:13
mordreddkranz: yes! I think that there should be an announcement from you about what it is in general - also,how to remove things from the whitelist when a log message is fixed and stuff15:14
dkranzmordred: I don't want people to ignore them and just keep adding things to the whitelist15:14
mordreddkranz: agree15:14
dkranzmordred: It is sort of similar to the gate failure issue15:14
jeblairdkranz: very much in support of you sending an announcement about the bug whitelist/check thing.  :)15:14
dkranzmordred: in that way15:14
mordredI would say that adding things to the whitelist should be forbidden15:14
mordredI can think of no valid reason why a new whitelist entry should come in to existence15:14
dkranzmordred: After a transition I agree15:14
jeblairfungi: add a comment to the merged change and see if zuul re-loads its info15:15
dkranzmordred: It is a slight problem now that some are non-deterministic15:15
* mordred SO LOVES non-determinism15:15
dkranzmordred: And neutron is hopeless15:15
fungijeblair: it looks like one of them just did reset their approval and reapprove it15:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix tripleo test cloud config
fungiand zuul is testing it now15:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix devstack image-cache script
dkranzmordred: We are going to discuss this a bit at the qa meeting today15:15
fungijeblair: on the previously ignored one15:15
dkranzmordred, jeblair : I'll keep you posted about progress15:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Reduce max-servers in rax-dfw
mordredfungi: weird15:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove tripleo nodepool config
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Encapsulate the raw socket.send calls
fungiwhat's odd is that the parent change passed gating and merged an hour and 40 minutes before the approval on the next change, which was ignored (and i kept seeing references to status on the parent change in the zuul debug log)15:19
sdagueit's not so much non-determinism, as statistically infrequent fails15:19
fungino mention of seeing an APRV:1 on the second change though, so possibly zuul missed a message15:20
fungior maybe gerrit failed to emit the event on its stream15:20
* fungi checks the gerrit error log in vain hope15:20
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fungia few javamelody and ssh exceptions around that time in the log, but not enough context in the backtraces for me to match them to anything helpful and suggest they were related to that status change15:24
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gating tempest unit test job
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jeblairfungi: any chance this was around the very high load average period?15:26
fungientirely possible. correlating to graphs now15:26
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fungior do you mean the one yesterday when nodepool went nuclear?15:27
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jeblairfungi: yesterday15:30
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funginope, this was less than 6 hours ago15:30
fungiand the graphs for zuul and gerrit don't reflect much was going on15:31
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jeblairrunning "nodepool image-update hpcloud-az1 devstack-precise" now15:33
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garykis there anyway of stopping a jenkins run?15:33
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fungigaryk: you can upload a trivial change to it as a new patchset15:35
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fungigaryk: and then it will get pulled aside and not block other changes in the gate15:35
ttxjeblair: let me know when the issue should theoretically be gone15:35
fungigaryk: but to actually abort running jobs on it, you need intervention from a jenkins admin15:36
fungi(unless that's changed recently with the zuul scheduler improvements anyway)15:36
jeblairttx: will do.  there are 4 other images that need to be built if this one works15:36
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jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi: looks like there's an error running the install_modules script15:47
jeblairit doesn't seem to be impacting devstack-gate since it doesn't use those modules15:48
mordredjeblair: STELLAR15:48
jeblairbut it could be an error that may affect puppetmaster too15:48
silehtfungi, have you find why the pypi mirror is not uptodate ? can help ?15:48
mordredsileht: what's the problem?15:49
fungijeblair: yes, i think i've seen that come up on initial runs of unpuppeted hosts and then rerunning it clears it up?15:49
mordredfungi: wow. puppet is idempotent15:49
fungisileht: i was able to reproduce it in the jenkins workspace on the mirror27 slave, and am now trying to reproduce it fresh without any baggage in my own homedir15:49
fungisileht: but i'm going to have to rerun with debugging to catch where pip is breaking15:50
jeblairok, the hpcloud-az1 image built and it looked like it downloaded images15:50
fungisileht: oddly, i can install the global-requirements.txt list into a virtualenv manually with no problem15:51
jeblairalso, it should now be pre-caching debs too which may speed things up a bit.15:51
jeblairi will run the other image-builds now15:51
silehtfungi, oh ok, I run run-mirror locally but everything have works, I guess this because I have no cache and I downloaded everything15:51
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silehtfungi, same :)15:51
mordredfungi: can you point me to a failing run on jenkins?15:51
fungisileht: well, rerunning it in my homedir on a fresh/empty cache seems to reproduce the issue as well, so time for debug15:51
mordredoh good15:52
fungimordred: i did earlier, but your coffee levels may have still been low15:52
fungisame issue we were discussing when you first came on and i asked if you knew of anything which had changed with mirroring recently which might have broken it15:52
funginote how the run for master lists a whopping 14 packaged cached15:53
mordredfungi: indeed. what would be really neat is to be able to see the actual pip log for that run-mirror run15:54
fungisomething in the master requirements list is failing to install and breaking the round for that branch i expect15:54
fungiwill have shortly15:54
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mordredfungi: I'm going to suspect something related to pycparsing15:55
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mordredbecause that was breaking in the pypi integration tests until just recently15:55
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fungitoo fun15:55
mordredzul: if I release a new version of pbr this week, is there enough time for it to be included in saucy?15:56
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zulmordred:  no16:01
zulmordred:  final freeze for us is today16:02
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mordredzul: GAH16:16
mordredzul: well, there's no api changes and requirements pins won't change either16:16
mordredzul: and the bugs fixed wouldn't affect you- so no biggie16:16
zulmordred:  still...our FF closes like in 2 hours16:16
mordredzul: how is havana going to make it?16:17
mordredwhy are we now not-aligned?16:17
zulmordred:  its not...0-day update when saucy is released16:18
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mordredI love it when we love the process so much that we do crazy things like that16:18
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zulmordred:  yeah well16:24
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jeblairttx: all of the images used by the gate jobs should have cirros cached now (one of the rackspace providers is still building its image for check jobs).16:25
jeblairttx: there could still be some machines spun up from the old images, but they should all be used up soon16:25
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jeblairttx: in other words, the problem probably should be mostly gone starting from now.16:26
ttxjeblair: great, thx16:26
ttxwill be back later to nudge milestone-proposed jobs16:26
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jeblairclarkb: good morning16:37
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clarkbcatching up on scrollback now. looks like nodepool had trouble again?16:37
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jeblairclarkb: well, not really16:37
jeblairclarkb: cirros cdn had trouble, which exposed the fact that the devstack cache scripts weren't caching it correctly16:38
jeblairclarkb: not actually a nodepool problem16:38
jeblairthough the solution involved building new images with nodepool16:38
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david-lyleopenstack/requirements question... python-troveclient released a very non-backward compatible version 1.0 release this morning, that breaks Horizon's Havana RC.  I believe the general policy is to not place an upper cap on the python-*clients.  However, at this late date in the release cycle, the resulting work in Horizon would be non-trivial.  Can we cap python-troveclient until Havana ships?16:47
clarkbok mostly caught up now16:47
clarkbdavid-lyle: I don't have a problem with that16:48
mordreddavid-lyle: hrm16:48
mordreddavid-lyle: I didn't realize that horizon was depending on troveclient already16:48
jeblairyeah, i thought that would start during the icehouse cycle, since that's the first cycle where trove is integrated16:48
david-lylemodred: we made an exception because they seemed ready to go and the trove team did most of the panel work16:48
mordreddavid-lyle: (I'm fine with capping until havanna in theory - in practice, that's going to make trunk-client-testing-against-stable-branches hard...16:48
* mordred thinks for a second16:49
mordredok - trunk client testing against stable branches would not include troveclient in the gate for stable/havana16:49
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mordredso the cap should not affect any of the gate jobs16:49
pleia2jeblair: if you're in town + interested, I'm doing my code review for sysadmins talk at bay lug on tuesday in SF:
david-lyleok, I'll propose a patch to requirements16:50
mordredI think I'm fine with that in this case16:50
clarkbspeaking of things, I will be catching a train to Portland tomorrow afternoonish. They tell me there will be wifi so shouldn't be completely useless16:51
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clarkbI am going to make another attempt at reducing the review queue. Anything in particular I should get my eyes on?16:52
mordreddavid-lyle: next time (like next cycle when this comes up with savana and friends) I thnk we need to be more careful about integrated projects growing depends on incubated projects16:52
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mordreddavid-lyle: otherwise the incubated/integrated distinction becomes a bit weakened16:52
david-lylemodred: agreed16:52
mordredalso - just to bring up savana again - they've done an excellent job at out-of-tree horizon panels I think16:53
mordreddavid-lyle: should we encourage more projects to actually carry the panels for their project similar to what savana is doing?16:53
fungimordred: i still think we need to revisit client-as-library-dependency vs. client-used-as-client in our integration tests. i feel like we need to start treating the dependency like a normal library and then install whatever client version we want to test with as an actual client into a different virtualenv and run it from there16:53
clarkbfungi: after letting that stew, I agree.16:53
mordredfungi: how do we track trunk-client vs. stable-release though?16:54
mordredoh - wait16:54
mordredI think I see what you're saying perhaps16:54
clarkbotherwise there isn't a sane way to reconcile the difference between user needs and server deps16:54
fungicap the dependency like any other lib if we want16:54
david-lylemordred: at least until they come out of incubation, that would be great.  I know Tuskar had their own Horizon clone16:54
mordredyah. I think the problem is that the only testing we're getting of the client libs for real is via their use by the server projects16:55
mordreddavid-lyle: ++ - I was mentioning to them the other day looking at the savana-ui as a model for structure16:55
fungibecause if we *can't* cap the client libs we use as run-time/test-time dependencies of server components, then we can't sanely every hope to cap the transitive dependencies they have either16:55
mordredfungi: I need to think about that more16:55
mordredfungi: in theory though16:55
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mordredwe should be gating against all of those changes on the client trunk16:56
mordredso this is a problem because we grew a depend on a non-integrated trunk16:56
david-lylemordred: makes the integration down the road a lot smoother, heat had a similar approach16:56
mordredfungi: maybe we should have a summit seesion about this16:56
mordredfungi: seems like perhaps a dense topic we should all stew on for a bit16:56
fungithe problem is... stable released server a depends on unversioned client library b. server a as released is incompatible with third-party library c. new version of client library b needs features from library c16:57
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mordredfungi: nope. can't happen16:57
mordredfungi: unpossible16:57
mordredfungi: client lib b doesn't get to use those features until it's not incompatible with stable server16:58
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mordredwhich we'll trap once we turn on stable-branch-trunk-client testing16:58
mordredotherwise, we have to go to having stable branches for client libs16:58
fungiwell, for the moment we have basically unresolvable minimum and maximum caps on our own client lib dependencies on server projects in folsom and i think also grizzly16:58
mordredwhich is a path to madness16:58
mordredfungi: yes. that's because we let them get there - we have to block that from happening16:59
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fungibecause we have newer versions of clients needing newer-versions of other libraries than the caps on the stable server versions allow16:59
mordredI agree it's bad - I'm just saying it's a thing we canont allow16:59
mordredwe have to block that16:59
mordredand the client libraries are just going to have to learn to deal with the disappointment for a cycle17:00
jeblair"get used to disappointment"17:00
mordredotherwise, if we cap library B at version X17:00
mordredand that's what server proect Y and stable/M needs17:00
fungiso here's the challenge... we want to cap all third-party dependencies, including transitive dependencies, in stable release branches. if we make an exception for our own client libs, then their dependencies (which are transitive dependencies of the stable released servers) cannot be capped17:00
mordredthen how do we deal with a bug in version X of library B17:01
fungiand we're back to the bitrot problem17:01
mordredfungi: I donm't think we are17:01
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mordredfungi: as soon as we have the trunk-client vs. stable-branch gate in17:01
mordredbecause it menas we'll be testing trunk churn against stable devstack continually17:01
mordredand trunk client lib won't be able to be worked on until stable issue is solved17:01
mordredbut it'll be continual and not a surprise17:02
mordredat least, I think what I'm suggesting is- we have one almost-finished step towards a soltion on the table17:02
mordredlet's let that try to do its thing before we change gears17:02
fungithen yes once a dependency of a dependency of the latest tip of master on client b is breaking something in stable/grizzly of server a, devs can't land new changes on client b but also the vmt can't release security fixes on stable/grizzly of server a either17:02
mordreddevs will have to cap the depend on tip of master17:02
mordredthat's easy to do17:03
mordredthere will be pain as we get aligned for sure17:03
fungithat also means the stable branch of the server can sit there broken waiting to surprise someone until someone else tries to push a change to the client in question17:04
fungihowever, it also means that if we can't cap *all* dependencies on our stable branches then we effectively can't cap *any* dependencies since transitive dependencies will come and go, other upstreams will constantly increase their minimums until they're unreconcilable with our version caps, and so on17:05
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fungiand with pip not having a real dependency resolver, the behavior when dependencies disagree on supported version ranges is effectively undefined17:07
mordredI don't fully agree17:07
mordredI think that if the client lib has an uncapped dep17:07
mordredyou can TOTALLY cap that dep itself in the stable global-requirements.txt17:07
mordredand since the client lib worked with that capped dep at the time of the cap, it should continue to work17:08
clarkbI have done more etherpad-lite connection testing. It appears that all clients use >1 connection. 1 connection is persistent then others are opened and closed. The connections that are closed then sit in TIME_WAIT for a while. This happens with the stress test tool. Trying to see if that happens with etherpad-lite proper now17:08
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mordredbecause changes to the trunk client that would break working with the cap would have to go through the gate17:08
mordredfungi: the only thing that might break would be a transitive dep-of-dep - and that's also easy at stable side17:08
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fungimordred: but transitive dependency changes don't go through our gate17:09
mordredadd a dep to that in global-reqs17:09
mordredfungi: they don't - but if we hit them, we can easily add them to the list17:09
fungiyeah, i'm doing that now with my work on capping the stable branches (adding all transitive dependencies and capping those as well)17:09
mordredcapping client libs in stable branches will mean we will have to have stable branches for our client libs, which means that we'll need stable releases of our client libs17:09
mordredand we have no model for that17:09
mordredfungi: I think that's an EXCELLENT idea17:09
david-lylemordred: is there a pypi cache the openstack is maintaining?17:10
mordreddavid-lyle: yes17:10
david-lyleok, that's why the gate jobs aren't failing yet17:10
fungiwe don't need stable branches in our client libs to address this, any more than we need stable branches from any of our other dependencies17:10
mordreddavid-lyle: it's enforced for all of the openstack projects17:10
mordredfungi: we do17:10
mordredfungi: because what if there is a bug in the versoin of hte client lib that we're capped on?17:11
mordredfungi: how do _we_ address that bug?17:11
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mordredcurrently, we address it in trunk client lib, and we proclaim that that will always be safe for stable servers17:11
fungimordred: that would theoretically have to be tickled by adding new tests to stable branches, or new code to stable branches which did17:12
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mordredfungi: what if there is a security exploit found?17:12
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mordredthat's actually an issue in one of the pinned client libs?17:12
fungimordred: we're not deploying it ourselves, but the theory is that we would increase the cap on that dependency in stable and apply whatever additional patches were needed to get it passing tests17:13
mordredincreate the cap in stable to _what_?17:13
fungistepping back a bit, the only reason to run tests on stable branches of things is so we can prove that a backported security patch doesn't break functionality of that branch17:13
mordredwait - what?17:13
mordredcan you restate that?17:14
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fungiwe have stable branches. we backport security and bug fixes to them. we need to test those patches17:14
mordredremove security from your original sentence and I agree with you17:14
fungiwe care that the patch doesn't break the workings of the stable branch17:14
mordredwe also need to run tests that show that trunk clients work with stable releases17:15
mordredbecause users in the world will want to consume stable clouds with trunk versions of the libraries17:15
fungiwe don't (necessarily) care that $random_new_upstream_lib_version doesn't break $some_old_stable_release17:15
mordredwe do17:15
mordredvery  much17:15
fungithe argument has been made that we don't because it doesn't seem to get much attention to fix when it breaks17:15
mordredthat's because the gating hasn't landed yet17:15
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack/requirements: temporarily cap python-troveclient version
mordredno one in openstack cares about anyting if it's not gating their current work (we seem to have bred that monster)17:16
fungiwell, i'm eager to see if forcing devs working on new versions of stuff to care about whether old releases are still working is actually going to help. hopefully it will17:16
clarkbmordred: :/ ya17:17
mordredfungi: yah. honestly, if it _doesn't_ I'm game for trying the next thing17:17
mordredI just wnat to try this in-work thing first and see what effect it has17:17
fungiwe have enough trouble just trying to get devs to backport security fixes to old branches17:17
mordrednow, I still maintain that we're maintaining old branches too long17:18
mordredbut, that's a whole other thing17:18
mordredI don't know the _right_ amount of time17:18
fungii'm sitting on a couple of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities in nova which have been fixed in master and i can't even get the devs to tell me if older branches are affected at all, much less backport anything for them17:18
mordredbut I think folsom stopped being cared about before now17:18
jeblairmordred: as long as devs care enough to backport them?17:19
mordredas much as it pains me to say the following sentence ... perhaps the new 9 month ubuntu model is closer to correct17:19
mordreddrop suport for stable-1 mid-cycle17:19
* jeblair is a fan of setting user expectations based on what we're actually providing as a project17:20
mordredbecause I'm pretty sure by mid-cycle nobody cared about folsom17:20
mordredand people were mostly either doing grizzly or were doing trunk17:20
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fungii agree. the long and short of it is that if there are no devs stepping up to provide something, we can't in good conscience claim as a project we support it17:20
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clarkbI agree, that said if we drop support for grizzly in ~3 months I expect there will be noise about it17:21
mordredttx: I propose that we drop stable-1 security support to 3 months after next stable release17:21
mordredclarkb: doubtful17:21
mordredfolks shipping product are working off of their own branches by that point17:21
mordred(I know HP is internally)17:21
mordredand other folks are running from tip17:22
fungithere has been noise in the past when we dropped support for, e.g., essex. it got silenced pretty quickly when the people complaining were asked if they wanted to be the ones to continue providing it themselves17:22
clarkbpeople not shipping product are running off a stable branch for a while17:22
mordredthe 3 months is the window for you to get from grizzly to havanna after havanna releases17:22
jeblairmordred: wasn't the idea to have the branches as a point for people to collaborate?  why is hp doing that work internally?17:22
mordredjeblair: inertia17:22
mordredjeblair: I think what I'm saying is - if we got rid of the grizzly branch, HP would just make security fixes for their products internally17:23
mordredif the branch is there, they may or may not use it - I have no idea17:23
mordredbut they won't flip out if we make it go away17:23
mordredand given the lack of resources on stable branches - I don't think anyone else will freak out either17:23
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jeblairmordred: if hp has resources to do it internally, then there isn't an actual lack of stable branch resources.  they're just misallocated.17:24
mordredjeblair: sure. I'm merely pointing out that our community is defined by people showing up and doing the work - if noone is showing up to do stable work, then we as a comunity do not support that thing17:25
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mordredand that if there are companies who have built products on our stable branches and they are not ponying up people to do work on them17:26
jeblairmordred: yes, i agree with you.  separately but related, people doing work in private and not contributing to the community is a problem.17:26
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mordredthen they have no position from which to complain if they go away17:26
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mordredjeblair: totally. and as always, I'm doing what I can to work that problem. that's where the inertia part comes in - it takes a good deal of re-education and is not fast17:26
fungiso, on a different topic, here's the --verbose output for run-mirror on the master branch packages list...
clarkbI am going to keep playing devil's advocate. I think changes like that should get run by the Tim Bell user group thing. One of the problems with the Ubuntu decision was that there was minimal feedback to the community17:28
clarkball of a sudden if you had a cadence it was broken17:28
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fungistill trying to figure out what's up, but the last thing it mentions successfully installing in the first pass is mccabe17:28
clarkbfungi: that list is really small. Is that the problem?17:29
fungiyah, or rather the symptom17:29
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jeblairclarkb: i agree with you but if the choice is between reducing our support level on the one hand and lying to our users and saying something is supported when it actually isn't, i'll chose the first.17:31
fungiit's doing pip install -r /tmp/tmpwagRwG but if i cat /tmp/tmpwagRwG17:31
fungi# NOTE: These are requirements for testing the requirements project only17:31
* fungi sighs17:31
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clarkbfungi: oh! does it have the wrong list?17:32
jeblairclarkb: iow, i don't believe the decision we're talking about is "what do we think we should provide, ideally".  I think the decision is about aligning what we say we provide with what we actually provide.17:32
mordredfungi: how did that start happening?17:32
clarkbjeblair: ya, the current situation is a bit dishonest17:32
fungii find *no* mention of global-requirements.txt in run_mirror.py17:32
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clarkbfungi: is this still in jeepyb or new pypi-mirror?17:33
mordredpypi-mirror has mention of it17:33
mordredI see it in jeepyb trunk too17:33
mordredis something using jeepyb from pip?17:34
mordredmordred@camelot:~/src/openstack-infra/jeepyb$ git grep global-req17:34
mordredjeepyb/cmd/                if os.path.exists('global-requirements.17:34
mordredjeepyb/cmd/                    reqlist.append('global-requirements17:35
fungimordred: yeah, i meant in the versions installed on the mirror27 slave17:35
clarkbis puppet/vcsrepo not updating the repo for us?17:36
mordredthat's from june17:36
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* fungi checks the others17:37
mordredincidentally, that's the last pre-pbr change17:37
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* mordred goes to see if something is borked with the upgrade there17:37
fungiyeah, same version on mirror26 as well17:37
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fungiand pip us utterly broken on mirror3317:38
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fungier, is17:38
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mordredok. 2 differnt things were weird on mirror2717:40
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pabelangerquick q: which project would be an example to look for the latest PBR setup?17:42
pabelangerhaving an issue using build_sphinx and think something might be wrong with my configs17:42
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zulhow do you you new dependencies in gerrit again?17:55
fungipabelanger: i've been looking at openstack-infra/gear but there might be better examples17:55
fungizul: you need to rebase or cherry pick one change onto the other, then git review again17:56
zulfungi:  so what if i had a series of changes?17:56
fungizul: what i usually do is start a topic branch and then cherry-pick them into it in the order i want them to depend17:57
zulfungi:  heh ok how do you start a topic branch17:57
fungiyou can start your topic branch by checking out the first change if you don't want to inadvertently rebase it too17:57
fungizul: the workflow i *usually* use for that is...17:57
fungigit review -d 12345617:58
fungigit review -x 12345717:58
fungigit review -x 12345817:58
fungigit review17:58
fungi(resolving merge conflicts along the way as needed)17:58
zulok cool17:58
zul(porting python-keystoneclient over)17:59
pabelangerfungi: thanks, trying to reproduce my issue now using gear17:59
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fungiso, on mirror33 it looks like we aren't installing jeepyb via pip3, and vanilla pip is in a broken state (ImportError: No module named pkg_resources)18:00
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clarkbfungi: that is the symptom of broken setuptools upgrade under vanilla pip18:01
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fungiright, what did we decide? just limp the machine back into a working state by hand and pretend it's not an issue we need to automate around?18:02
fungii think that's what we did on the gerrits, zuul, et cetera18:02
fungii'll reinstall python-pip from ubuntu and get setuptools upgraded properly on there18:04
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jeblairhey neat, the 60 min meeting timeout thing worked! :)18:05
fungiand python-pkg-resources too apparently18:06
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clarkbfungi: yeah I have just been fixing them by hand and we did update puppet to make it not transition poorly18:07
clarkbI think a big problem was getting old servers from here to there, but new ones are ok18:07
pabelangerfungi: okay, looks like I need to rework my tox.ini a little (and maybe upgrade to 1.6)18:08
mordredpabelanger: cookiecutter18:09
mordredpabelanger: we have a thing called coookiecutter now that you can use to generate well-formed new projects18:09
fungioh! right. i keep forgetting to recommend openstack-dev/cookiecutter18:09
mordredfungi: I fixed mirror27- I'm working up a patch to embody the philosophy18:10
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Debian to profileos for Install Guide
hub_capmordred: did u send a msg to rax highups about the rax:database service_type?18:13
hub_capim wondering if i should try to light a fire as well18:13
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pabelangermordred: perfect18:18
pabelangerchecking it out18:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use pip install -U instead of install
mordredpabelanger: openstack-infra/cookiecutter18:18
mordredI mean18:18
mordredfungi said the right thing18:19
mordreddon't listen to me18:19
wenlockq on how setuptools is being upgraded... fungi mentions using ubuntu distro... using their seems to work better (at least from my testing)  wget -O /tmp/;python /tmp/;pip install --upgrade setuptools18:19
wenlockis there another way?18:19
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mordredfungi: ^^ the change there should take care of our stuff18:19
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mordredwenlock: I believe he's talking about using distro to get pip reinstalled, and then using that to bootstrap up the chain18:20
mordred"pip install -U pip ; pip install -U setuptools"18:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Reorganize tests into unit and functional tests
clarkbjeblair: looking at zuul status, are we out of available nodes for d-g tests?18:21
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wenlockahh ok,  so maybe an update to init.pp in ::pip18:22
fungimordred: wenlock: yes. using distro package management to repair pip enough to be able to use it to update things18:22
jeblairclarkb: it looks like at least one of the jenkins servers may be having trouble having nodes added to it18:23
clarkbjeblair: lookingat jenkins01 it doesn't have many nodes18:23
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clarkband jenkins02 isn't loading the web UI for me18:23
jeblairclarkb: i think jenkins02 is throwing errors when it tries to add nodes18:24
clarkbjenkins on jenkins02 is defunct according to ps18:24
clarkber thats jenkins-jobs18:24
clarkbthat will teach me to read18:24
clarkbI don't see a jenkins process running18:24
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fungithere are often tons of hung/defunct jjb zombies on the masters, not sure why18:25
fungino jmv running?18:25
fungier, jvm,18:25
clarkbthe log file ends at ~24 minutes ago18:25
clarkbfungi: no jvm or java18:25
fungiyeah, dead dead deadski18:25
fungiwonder if it left a suicide note in the log18:26
pabelangerokay, so looks like I needed to bump my tox version for pbr18:26
pabelangerall happy now18:26
fungi...[Thu Oct 10 18:01:35 2013] Out of memory: Kill process 27748 (java) score 966 or sacrifice child18:26
fungi[Thu Oct 10 18:01:35 2013] Killed process 27748 (java) total-vm:40926868kB, anon-rss:29616120kB, file-rss:0kB18:26
fungi...and so on18:26
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clarkbfungi: is that syslog?18:27
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fungiquick, to the graphs!18:27
fungiclarkb: dmesg, but should be in syslog too18:27
clarkbI don't see anything in the jenkins log that indicates jenkins knew of anything horrible before it died18:27
jeblairyep.  it ran out of memory.18:28
fungiyeah, it was in the middle of another of those eat-all-your-cpu fits starting around 1300 utc or so18:28
clarkbthats impressive. Should I go ahead and restart it now?18:28
jeblairclarkb: i think so18:29
fungiyes please18:29
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clarkbshould be up shortly18:29
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jeblairso there are two problems that the new gearman-based bursting of nodepool has...18:30
jeblair1) if a jenkins goes down, nodepool will still try to assign nodes to it and won't move them to another jenkins18:31
jeblairthat's pretty easy to fix by having it just pick another jenkins at random if it fails18:31
jeblair2) if a failed jenkins has a bunch of 'ready' nodes attached to it, nodepool won't realize that they don't really count and it actually needs to spin up more18:31
jeblairi don't have a good solution for that one.18:32
jeblairperhaps it could do a health check on each jenkins and if one is offline, basically de-configure it.18:33
jeblairclarkb: i don't see any further errors in the nodepool log18:33
jeblair#2 might actually apply to a jenkins that is in shutdown mode as well.18:34
clarkbjenkins02 seems to be up now18:35
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clarkbjeblair: what if we dealt with #2 by minimizing the amount of time that jenkins is down?18:35
clarkbuse a watchdog or similar18:35
clarkb(I know you don't like puppet auto starting services like jenkins)18:36
jeblairclarkb: i'd like something more robust and flexible --18:36
jeblairclarkb: it's not really an HA system if you _can't_ take part of it down.18:36
clarkbattacking the problem from a different direction, what if we used something like Apache Mesos to manage resource allocation in pools of nodes?18:37
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fungiyeah, i think if nodepool can't get slave status info from a master for a configurable amount of time, it should delete the slaves asociated with it18:38
clarkbthen each jenkins and nodepool all speak to mesos and resources are scheduled independent of a connection from the jenkins master to the slave18:38
jeblairfungi: or at least ignore them until it comes back online18:38
* fungi nods18:38
jeblairclarkb: mesos looks like the sort of thing we'd use _instead_ of jenkins.18:39
clarkbjeblair: it can do that too, but does have a jenkins plugin18:39
jeblairclarkb: link?18:40
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jeblairclarkb: that looks like jclouds18:41
clarkbthere is also a talk on youtube about it
jeblairclarkb: and is based on the jenkins build queue length, which is always zero18:41
clarkbjeblair: its different than jclouds in that it doesn't try to provision cloud resources based on demand18:41
clarkbinstead it provisions slaves on top of a mesos cluster18:42
jeblairclarkb: based on demand18:42
jeblairclarkb: our jenkins has no demand18:42
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jeblairclarkb: the demand is all in gearman18:42
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clarkbright so I don't expect it to work out of the box18:43
clarkband it is a very heavy weight system (zookeeper, mesos, marathon, etc)18:43
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i don't think it gets us much in a non-jenkins world -- ideally we just want workers attached to gearman18:44
clarkbbut what if we had a thing that grabbed jenkins slaves when needed (from nodepool or wherever) rather than attaching them to jenkins upfront18:44
jeblairclarkb: so i'm not sure it's worth making our jenkins system more complicated when we're trying to get rid of it18:44
clarkbthats fair, especially since gearman avoids this problem by using a single bus18:45
ttxmordred: we'll have that discussion again at the summit18:45
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm going to put jenkins.o.o in shutdown mode18:48
jeblairclarkb, fungi: to see if i can find out if it is in shutdown mode via the api18:48
jeblairclarkb, fungi: and use that as a health check for nodepool18:48
clarkbjeblair: ok18:48
jeblairclarkb, fungi: (if check fails OR in shutdown mode: deconfigure target)18:49
fungijeblair: sounds like fun18:49
fungiand yeah, that sounds like the logic we'd want18:49
jeblairi also would like to make the image-building process more tolerant of failure before we continue testing the tripleo stuff18:49
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clarkbspeaking of, did pabelanger's change get rebased?18:49
clarkbpabelanger: did you see that your nodepool bug fix is something we want but it has a dependency?18:50
jeblairclarkb, fungi: woo: "quietingDown":true18:50
clarkbjeblair: so you could check that and if true or if error then treat jenkins as unavailable?18:51
jeblairclarkb: yep18:51
pabelangerclarkb: sorry, still travelling at conference, I haven't had much time to handle the nodepool stuff18:51
pabelangerflying home tonight and getting back into it for tomorrow18:51
clarkbpabelanger: no problem, I think mordred/jeblair were going to rebase it for you if it became urgent18:51
clarkbbut it hasn't been super urgent yet18:51
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pabelangerclarkb: okay, ya not urgent here ATM18:52
pabelangermostly just hacking18:52
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anteaya24 folks confirmed for the TC election19:01
anteayagonna be a busy one19:01
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove tuskarclient pylint job.
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lifelessjeblair: thanks19:03
jeblairlifeless: np19:03
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hasharanteaya: when is the vote starting ?19:32
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anteayawhen ttx sends out the ballots via email to the electorate sometime tomorrow19:32
anteayahe is pulling the lever on this one19:33
ttxanteaya: will you be around at 23:59 UTC to close the candidate list ?19:33
anteayaI am wondering about that19:33
ttxanteaya: otherwise I'll catch up tomorrow morning19:33
ttxno big deal19:33
anteayain Budapest and dealing with a small amount of remaining jet lag19:33
anteayaneed to be happy and smily at 8am tomorrow19:34
anteayado you want a closure email?19:34
ttxanteaya: ideally yes, but don't stay up for that19:34
anteayaI had just let the time run out before, since the expiration time was published19:34
ttxI'll just send it tomorrow morning19:34
anteayaif I am up, I will do it19:34
anteayaif not, then your plan19:35
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anteayaactually thinking about turning in now, but that isn't to say I won't be awake in a few hours19:36
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bauzas_hi all19:37
anteayahi bauzas_19:37
bauzas_hi anteaya19:37
anteayawhat is on your mind19:37
mriedemis 'recheck nobug' the same as 'recheck no bug'?19:37
mriedemadam_g: ^?19:37
bauzas_I'm currently having an issue with a py27 job19:37
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bauzas_a simple tox -r -epy27 works like a charm on my computer19:38
anteayaslow hotel internet19:38
bauzas_but the Jenkins build fails :(19:38
bauzas_and the bug is quite clear, my oslo.config is too old19:39
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bauzas_but the pip freeze shows me that the oslo-config is up to update19:39
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anteaya'module' object has no attribute 'DeprecatedOpt'19:40
anteayafeels like something should be there that isn't there19:40
anteayalike a missing dependency or something19:40
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bauzas_furiously thinking of
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1194807 in tripleo "too old oslo.config: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DeprecatedOpt'" [Critical,Fix released]19:41
bauzas_anteaya: as said, a tox -r does work19:42
anteayayes, it works locally for you19:42
anteayawhat is the difference between your local env and the gate env19:42
anteayathat seems to be the gap19:43
bauzas_both are having the same oslo.config package...19:43
bauzas_(version I mean)19:43
* anteaya continues to read the bug commentary19:44
sdaguebasha: why is oslo-config==2013.1b4 installed on that env?19:47
anteayayeah, there are two oslo configs listed under pip freeze19:48
bauzas_can't tell how oslo-config got in19:48
bauzas_but indeed, sounds like a trouble19:49
anteayabauzas_: are you able to paste a pip freeze of your local env where tox -r is passing?19:50
chris613Hiya. I'm having trouble with my jeepyb not updating ACLs on a project it creates.   running `manage-projects -v` shows it creating my chef-repo2 project, but it doesn't even mention anything releated to acls19:51
bauzas_anteaya: well, no luck, I just lost my VPN connection19:51
bauzas_no way to get in ;(19:51
anteayado you have to recreate?19:52
bauzas_nevermind, I'll look after tomorrow19:52
bauzas_I'll source the venv and check19:52
anteayagood idea19:52
chris613Using jeepyb pulled moments ago: e86214d19:52
anteayatoo many oslo.configs might be spoiling the gate broth19:52
bauzas_but what if I can' find trace of oslo-config ?19:52
bauzas_anteaya: how could I fix the gate ?19:52
anteayagood question, bauzas_  sdague, any thoughts what might be pulling in the 2013.1b4?19:53
bauzas_I was thinking the Jenkins job was basically recreating a venv each time it has to do a check19:53
bauzas_I pasted out my requirements.txt19:53
anteayayes, the vm is set up for every test, the test runs, the vm is destroyed19:53
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sdagueunit test jobs the vms live for a while19:54
anteayaI think it is more, what mechinism is pulling in the 2013.1b4 oslo.config19:54
anteayasdague: do they?19:54
anteayadoes that help us in this case?19:55
anteayachris613: I hear your question, I don't have a good answer19:55
anteayamanage-projects was operating sub-optimally for us a while ago19:55
chris613anteaya: Thanks for the ack. :) At this point I'd just appreciate someone telling me my projects.yaml and acl file look correct19:56
anteayaand since that time I have no new information, so I don't know if manage-projects is in need of some attention or if the situation was addressed19:56
chris613fair enough, thanks19:56
anteayachris613: care to link? I can give a bird's eye view19:56
* anteaya looks19:57
bauzas_anteaya: I have no idea what is pulling oslo-config==2013.1b419:57
chris613I read the "docs" such as they are and couldn't figure out the differences betwee acl-config, acl-base, and acl-parameters19:57
bauzas_our requirements are quite small atm19:57
chris613my python-fu is too weak to readily understand the source19:58
fungibauzas_: looks like you're depending on the nova master branch tarball, so it may be retrieving an oslo.config prerelease19:58
anteayabauzas_: yeah, I think that might be the question to try to answer, as sdague pointed out, how did 2013.1b4 get there19:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add the ability to ignore offline targets
bauzas_fungi: uh, you're right19:58
lifelesshow does one make gerrit autorecognise a patch as WIP ?19:59
jeblairclarkb, fungi:
anteayachris613: from my unpracticed eye, I see nothing out of the ordinary19:59
chris613Thanks for the look19:59
jeblairlifeless: not supported; you have to mark it wip after uploading (you can do that from the cmdline)19:59
anteayabut fungi and jeblair are here now too so perhaps they might offer something when they have time to take a peek19:59
* chris613 just realizes that perhaps the account I'm using to do manage-projects doesn't have rights to do it....20:00
anteayaah ha20:00
lifelessjeblair: oh:(. How do you do it from the commandline? [doc pointers are fine]20:00
anteayachris613: perhaps you can investigate that?20:00
fungibauzas_: actually, nova master only requires oslo.config>=1.2.0 (no prerelease refspec there) so it's probably coming in from elsewhere20:00
chris613I'd exepect some error messages in such a case, but worth a look for sure20:00
jeblairlifeless: ssh -p 29418 gerrit review --help20:00
jeblairlifeless: (--workinprogress is the arg)20:01
jeblairlifeless: web version of same:
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bauzas_fungi: sdague anteaya any ways to get trace of venv install ?20:03
lifelessjeblair: huh,20:03
fungii see some pep8 overrides in nodepool's immediate future20:03
lifeless:!ssh gerrit review 50737 --workinprogress20:03
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add the ability to ignore offline targets
lifelessfatal: "50737" no such patch set20:03
bauzas_I mean, no way to see how the venv is pulling the deps ?20:03
lifeless(note that I have an ssh hosts alias to control the port and user20:03
fungibauzas_: pip should create a pip.log in ~/.pip i think?20:03
jeblairlifeless: i think you need the 'change,patchset' form20:03
lifelessbut exists20:03
lifelessthats a little less user friendly than one might desire20:04
bauzas_ok, will check then20:04
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bauzas_still can't figure out why my own tox -r is passing20:05
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bauzas_but anyway, will perform a full venv recreation by tomorrow20:06
bauzas_thanks all20:06
fungibauzas_: chances are it's something to do with our tests running against a restricted pypi mirror at while your local environment uses
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fungiso the package versions pip pulls down for tests can sometimes be different than yours20:07
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bauzas_ok good cactch20:08
bauzas_I could try to use as mirror20:08
bauzas_and check20:08
bauzas_too bad my VPN connection crashed20:09
bauzas_Murphy's law...20:09
bauzas_ty and bye20:09
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jeblairlifeless: no kidding.  but considering that _david_ is leading multi-party peace talks between openstack and gerrit just to try to get some kind of upstream support for WIP, fixing that should probably wait until the overall accord is signed.  :)20:09
lifelessdavid and gerrit eh20:10
lifelessdoes he have a slingshot?[6~20:10
_david_jeblair, that were my peace maker change, after mordred discussion with mfick on #gerrit:
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jeblairwow, our change numbers are ~= gerrit's!20:12
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_david_jeblair, what mfick told yesterday is "piece of cake", but unfortunately is not doable or better to say not reviewable for 2.8 ;-( but who cares ...20:12
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mordredjeblair: nice!20:13
mordred_david_: nicely done20:13
_david_mordred, thanks! let met stabilize it, testing, couple of days20:13
clarkbjeblair: I am reviewing the nodepool change20:14
clarkbI grab a sandwich for lunch and the amount of scrollback is scary20:14
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i figure if there's something important they'll ask again.  :(20:14
clarkbin other news I finally found a banh mi ish sandwich place that is in walking distance20:15
_david_mordred, just to be clear: not everything what was told yesterday was true: /me contributed ca. 100 commits upstream to Gerrit recently and it was done *with* and *for* Gerrit community...20:15
jeblairclarkb: nice!20:15
_david_mordred, these commits made it first possible, that such funny things like wip-plugin are doable at all with Gerrit plugin API20:17
mordred_david_: I am thrilled by your work in that area20:17
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_david_mordred, that why i've found that somewhat awkward to hear from him: that was "a nasty hack"20:18
fungijeblair: what was the need to start adding build: prefixes in the messages from the fake server? that and the change in node label seem unrelated to the rest of the change20:18
fungigot me curious20:19
fungilingering cleanup from the earlier change to how gearman messages are parsed?20:19
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jeblairfungi: oh, sorry, it was wrong before; the fix to the code that uses it already merged20:20
jeblairfungi: yeah20:20
fungiokay, great! makes a lot more sense20:20
jeblairsorry i forgot to mention that in the commit20:20
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fungilgtm. okay to approve? puppet's still not running on the server right?20:21
jeblairfungi: yeah, please do20:21
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anteayafungi do you have a moment to expand on your comment the other day that vcsrepo puppet module is under-performing?20:24
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: temporarily cap python-troveclient version
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add the ability to ignore offline targets
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notmynameclarkb: mordred: jeblair: now that we have our swift rc cut, I want to create a new swift-bench repo to go alongside swift and python-swiftclient20:25
clarkbnotmyname: swift bench is being broken out of another repo? There are two steps to this process. 1. prep a source repo with the content you want to end up in Gerrit. 2. propose a change to openstack-infra/config that adds the new projects to the projects list, jenkins job builder, and zuul20:29
notmynamemordred: note that you have 3 change-ids in the auto "updated from global requirements" patch20:29
notmynameclarkb: ok20:29
clarkbnotmyname: we are more than happy to help facilitate those steps. Did you have any specific questions about what is needed?20:29
notmynameclarkb: I had discussed it here a couple of weeks ago, but we were holding off until the RC. we've got a hackathon/sprint next week, and I was hoping to have it ready by then20:30
clarkbnotmyname: the requirements proposal change shouldn't be doing that, it should propose to the already open change if possible. I will poke at it20:30
fungianteaya: i'm not sure that was my comment, or at least i don't recall the context20:30
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clarkbhmm looks like the other change was abandoned, wonder if that is the problem20:31
notmynameclarkb: we don't have the code separated yet. is it possible to have an empty holding place for it? would that be your step 2 above?20:31
anteayafungi: ah okay it was from a day or so ago, clarkb had encountered something when using vcsrepo - as in it wasn't working according to expectations - and you and sdague verified this20:32
clarkbnotmyname: you can start with an empty place holder, but then we have to force push into gerrit when you are ready. It is easier to start with whatever seeded content you need20:32
notmynameclarkb: I can start with an empty README ;-)20:32
anteayaI was just curious since i am using vcsrepo in my glacially slow puppeting of the sodabrew puppet-dashboard fork, and wanted to dodge/fix an issue if I needed to20:32
clarkbnotmyname: we can just import the entire repo where swift-bench is located today then submit a change that deletes all of the non swift-bench content. Or do you just not have any swift-bench code at all?20:33
anteayabut if it is a non-issue, please disregard20:33
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clarkbanteaya: its a particular corner case. happens when you subscribe to a vcsrepo resource or have vcsrepo notify other resources20:33
anteayaah ha20:33
clarkbnotmyname: if there is no preexisting content then we can start with nothing20:33
notmynameclarkb: ya, all of swift-bench is in the swift repo now, so it would be a copy. an initial copy then a 2nd commit to delete everything would be possible (but uglier, IMO)20:33
anteayawhich I don't believe I will be doing, but I will be alert20:34
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anteayathanks clarkb20:34
funginotmyname: one way is to use git filter-branch if the contents of the new repo are easily separated. then they can be filtered into a new repository which is garbage-collected of commits not touching those files20:35
clarkbnotmyname: the problem with starting with something that doesn't share history with what we will have eventually is that requires force pushing and breaks other people's repos20:35
notmynameclarkb: why would it require a force push? ah. you want to keep the history of the existing files20:36
clarkbnotmyname: right20:36
notmynameclarkb: checking...20:39
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clarkbI think I see the bug in the requirement update proposals. the read is in a loop so COMMIT_MSG is updated several times20:41
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clarkbI am trying to remember why read was used in the other scripts. I clearly should've commented that better20:42
mtreinishclarkb: does that explain the triple change ids?20:43
clarkbmtreinish: ya I think read is just appending to COMMIT_MSG each time20:44
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clarkbI remember now. Variable interpolation20:46
clarkbwith literal newlines20:46
clarkbfungi: jeblair: mordred: is there a better way to create a multiline variable with out squashing the newlines and allowing for variable interpolation?20:47
chris613clarkb: I'm still strugging with getting jeepyb to write ACLs for my projects (pulled latest jeepyb from git earlier today). I'm wildly guessing that perhaps my Administrative user needs some initial permissions that he doesn't have in order for it to work. I gave him Read and Push on ref/meta/config in All-Projects. Do you know if that's enough?20:47
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clarkbchris613: it should be 'refs/meta/config' (note the s in refs not sure if the above is a typo). we also allow force push20:49
clarkbnot sure if force push is required20:49
clarkb(it shouldn't be in normal operation but might be)20:50
jeblairclarkb: maybe that script just needs to use a different variable; like start with INITIAL_COMMIT_MSG and build COMMIT_MSG each time from that20:50
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chris613Whoops, yeah that was a typo I do have an 's'. I'll try adding force push. `manage-projects -v` shows it doing an ls-projects but that's it. No acl related messages at all. No indication if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just broken because of bugs20:51
chris613Thanks for another thing to try :)20:51
clarkbjeblair: that is what I am thinking20:51
clarkbjeblair: I will propose a patch shortly20:52
anteayaokay I have confirmed the 25th TC candidate and am off to bed20:53
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anteayathere are still a few hours left, so anyone who submits before the deadline will be confirmed by ttx tomorrow20:53
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fungiclarkb: that sounds like a saner solution, agreed20:56
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use a single change ID per requirement proposal.
clarkbjeblair: fungi ^ I think that will fix the problem20:57
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clarkband I have commented why read is used instead of a quoted string over several lines20:57
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notmynameclarkb: ok, for the swift-bench repo, we'll start with a full copy of the swift repo and then prune it from there.20:59
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clarkbnotmyname: ok21:00
notmynameclarkb: but I don't really know where to start with os-infra/config.21:01
jeblairnotmyname: not going to filter-branch?21:01
clarkbnotmyname: is a decent reference if you s/stackforge/openstack/21:01
openstackgerritEric Harney proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add rtslib-fb to requirements
notmynamejeblair: not necessarily. commit 1 should be the full import of everything. mostly I want to get everything ready so that people can work on it. I don't have the final product ready now21:02
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jeblairnotmyname: does this exist now?21:03
jeblairnotmyname: is it part of swift?21:03
notmynamejeblair: swift-bench? yes. it's been there since the beginning21:03
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jeblairnotmyname: so we can make a new repo that has just the relevant files in it, with their full history from the beginning.  would you like to do that?21:04
jeblairnotmyname: that means you get to keep version control history, but can prune the irrelevant files from the repo so it isn't wasting space21:04
notmynamejeblair: ya, that's good21:05
jeblairnotmyname: okay, if you send a list of files you're interested in, i can make a repo for you21:06
notmynamejeblair: thanks. will do (and it will be short)21:06
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* miqui talk to you guys later....21:22
miquihomeless. letme know if you need more help prob....21:22
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notmynamejeblair: ok, I got a list. it's only 5 files that we need to keep history on. the rest (eg the boilerplate stuff) can be recreated from scratch21:23
notmynamejeblair: do you want the list in here or via email?21:23
jeblairnotmyname: you can just paste it21:24
notmynamejeblair: kk21:24
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make novaclient-python33 gating
notmynamejeblair: here's the only trick: the top-level directories should be bin, swift-bench, and test21:26
notmynamejeblair: ie s/swift/swift-bench/21:26
notmynamejeblair: I like to think I'm pretty good at git, but I don't know if filter-branch can do that21:26
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fungiwell, filter-branch can do the rest, and then you have a git mv as one of your first new commits21:29
* fungi can't remember if filter-branch can (or even should) rename objects21:30
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clarkbI think filter-branch can, but shouldn't. eg it can rewrite anything, but not messing with historytoo much is a good thing21:30
notmynameya, of course21:31
fungiyeah, that was more or less my feeling on it21:31
notmynamethat's my excuse for not knowing filter-branch too well. you shouldn't use it often enough that you have the options memorized ;-)21:31
fungii can totally agree with that. it's a swiss-army knife. very useful when you need it, but lots of sharp edges so best kept folded up and out of the way when you don't21:33
clarkbjog0: for and enabling py33 gating on python-novaclient. Any idea why the py33 tests failed on the first run but passed on the second?21:36
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Make image updates independent
jog0clarkb: yyp21:37
jog0other patches21:37
jeblairclarkb, fungi:  <-- more safer for tripleo21:37
clarkbjeblair: will look shortly21:37
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make novaclient-python33 gating
clarkbjeblair: self.updateImage() doesn't exist unless it is being monkey patched in21:41
jeblairclarkb: gah21:42
clarkbjeblair: should that be self.pool.updateImage()?21:43
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Make image updates independent
jeblairclarkb: thx21:43
clarkbI would've put it in gerrit but I was afraid I was missing something :)21:44
* fungi is usually missing something. puts it in gerrit anyway, looks silly, fails to care ;)21:44
clarkbjeblair: I just left another comment on the chnage21:47
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Pass correct server_id when adding public IP
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add SSL error checking
clarkb is a neat change21:51
Shrewsmordred: Hopefully that ^^^^ patchset will fix all the things21:53
ekarlsoany particular reason one shouldn't do version in setup.cfg? ref
Shrewsekarlso: With pbr, version comes from the git tag21:55
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Shrews'git describe', specifically21:55
clarkbekarlso: Shrews: pbr supports two version schemes. pre and post version. The client projects use post versioning which doesn't know what its version is before a git tag happens. Server projects do pre versioning and need to specify a version so that the version is known beforehand21:56
clarkbso for clients it is purely based on the git tag21:56
clarkb(I think I got all of those terms correct)21:56
fungialso there are other ways to pass in the version with pbr (configuration, envvar, external file)21:56
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fungibut its expected use is via git tag21:56
Shrewsfungi, clarkb: with that particular project, it will come from the git tag21:57
Shrewsyes yes21:57
fungidouble yes21:58
Shrewsyes^2, even21:58
dstufftclarkb: lol "pre and post" versioning term overloading +++21:59
fungibetter than perversioning i suppose22:00
Shrewsfungi: let's leave your personal life out of the conversation22:00
* Shrews suspects fungi will not buy /me any more beer22:01
openstackgerritAndrew Laski proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move cells job from 'experimental' to 'check'
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make novaclient-python33 gating
jog0clarkb: FYI the last patch for novaclient to be py33 compat hasn't landed yet, its in the gate queue though22:01
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clarkbjog0: ok22:02
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jeblairtest/unit/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/ -> ../../messages.mo22:03
jeblairnotmyname: ^ that's a symlink; is that expected?22:03
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ekarlsodoes one need a -milestone group in order to tag ?22:04
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Shrewsekarlso: you should copy what the stackforge/libra project has done22:05
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clarkbfungi: needs a slight change to pass tests, then I think it is ready22:07
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use same permissions as libra itself
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fungiShrews: depends on whether you bring olaph22:13
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hub_capmordred: clarkb we pushed a 1.0.1 of troveclient, plz update. we had to change some commands around, so u might have to rework if youve already done some work to integrate it22:14
openstackgerritDan Nguyen proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add pwtools to requirements for password generator
hub_capmordred: i told some people internally about the rax:database thing too22:15
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fungiclarkb: thanks on 49805. i hadn't revisited it since the last upload to even see that tests were horked up22:16
fungibeen trying to hammer the stable branch capping stuff back into shape22:16
notmynamejeblair: yes, that's expected22:16
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openstackgerritEndre Karlson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add pypi job to python-libraclient
* fungi needs to step away for a bit and cook dinner... bbl22:19
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jeblairnotmyname: does this look good to you?
jeblairnotmyname: i added .gitignore and LICENSE to the list of files preserved22:38
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notmynamejeblair: looks good. we can add the other boilerplate later. thanks22:39
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notmynamejeblair: for a couple of the naming things, we'll git mv later22:39
jeblairnotmyname: sounds like a plan22:39
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jeblairnotmyname: want me to write the infra/config change, or are you interested in doing that?22:40
notmynamejeblair: I wouldn't know where to start22:40
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notmynamejeblair: the swift-bench repo should be very lightweight (like python-swiftclient) and not need all the tempest/devstack stuff22:41
notmynamejeblair: we'll add our own .unittests file that can be called22:41
jeblairnotmyname:  (but s/stackforge/openstack/)  [ that may have been your way of saying you want me to do it -- i'm fine either way, but i always like pointing out we have docs :) ]22:42
notmynamejeblair: heh. yes. I want you to do it :-)22:42
jeblairnotmyname: no prob.  :)22:42
hub_capjeblair: while youre at it, i need some trove tempest tests22:44
jeblairnotmyname: do you have a one line description?22:44
jeblairhub_cap: sdague will whip those right up for you!22:45
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notmynamejeblair: "Benchmarking tool for OpenStack Swift"22:45
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jeblairnotmyname: will you be doing releases?  tag-based post-versioning like a client?22:46
notmynamejeblair: correct. releases will be exactly like python-swiftclient22:47
hub_caphey is there a LP bug status that says "this is a dup"22:47
jeblairnotmyname: python package name (egg and on pypi) 'swift-bench' ?22:48
jeblairhub_cap: you can 'mark as duplicate'22:48
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jeblairhub_cap: and specify the other bug22:48
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notmynamejeblair: ya. (I checked pypi and thought "oh no! that's taken". then I saw it was taken by you)22:49
hub_capicic on the sidebar thx jeblair22:49
jeblairnotmyname: i implement a two-phase commit algorithm :)22:49
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jeblairnotmyname: i also created  do you want bugs there or in the main swift project?22:52
notmynamejeblair: separate. it should be _much_ lower volume, so I don't want it to be drowned out22:53
jeblairnotmyname: coo22:53
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jeblairnotmyname: ok, i did some basic config (incl bugs) on and set swift-drivers to the maintainer22:56
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clarkbjeblair: I just approved
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notmynamejeblair: great22:59
clarkbfungi: is that ready? or is there sequencing with other changes?22:59
clarkbfungi: I figure that one goes in first then we set the new VAR so that it is self gating?23:00
jeblairclarkb: cool, thx23:00
mordredback. sorry. was on phone for the entire day23:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add basic nodepool documentation page
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swift-bench project
jeblairnotmyname: ^23:01
notmynamejeblair: the upstream is your repo?23:03
jeblairnotmyname: it's a poorly named option; it should really be "perform-initial-import-into-gerrit-from: ..."23:03
jeblairnotmyname: after that's done, it's not used anymore23:03
notmynamejeblair: ok, so your repo won't stay there?23:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Make image updates independent
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Pass correct server_id when adding public IP
notmynameoh, it stays, but just as an artifact23:04
jeblairnotmyname: we periodically clean up that yaml file.  and i can delete my repo; it won't actually be part of the github fork tree or anything though, so no one is likely to see/find it anyway.23:04
notmynamejeblair: ok. then based on that, I'll add my formal +123:05
jeblairnotmyname: it's just a place to stash it that the import script can reach; also, it's good to stage an import like this so you can review the actual repo contents before they get imported23:05
notmynamejeblair: jenkins doesn't approve?23:06
notmynamejeblair: so as soon as this merges, the repo is imported and we're ready to clone and start working on it?23:07
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swift-bench project
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jeblairnotmyname: yep.  we should propose a change adding a .gitreview file as the first new change (before too many people clone it).23:10
jeblair(i could push that to my tree, but it'll make a good exercise)23:10
notmynamejeblair: good point. I can do that23:10
jeblairnotmyname: cool23:10
notmynamejeblair: let me know when it's ready23:10
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jeblairnotmyname: will do23:11
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jeblairnotmyname: it's getting quiet in here; might be tomorrow.23:14
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bodepdwould it be possible to get another project into stackforge?23:17
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notmynamejeblair: thanks a ton for your help23:18
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clarkbyes jeblair is rocking the customer service23:20
mordredjeblair: is a god23:21
hub_capyall need a virtual take a number system23:21
mordredbodepd: NO. NO MORE PROJECTS FOR YOU!23:21
hogepodgebodepd: still waiting on vswitch approval. It's been pretty backed up here23:21
mordredhub_cap: no, we need more heads23:21
hub_capits is mine:
mordredhub_cap: I'm essentially useless anymore23:21
hub_capmordred: i hear if u cut off jeblair's head 2 will grow in its place23:21
mordredhub_cap: I tried that once. he got cross with me23:22
hub_capguess it didnt work23:22
clarkbhogepodge: it has my +2 :)23:22
hogepodgeclarkb: I saw. It's juiced, just not enough. :-)23:23
hogepodgeclarkb: moar +2 ftw23:23
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clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred ttx opinions on merging before havana releases?23:26
clarkbthe additional q-vpn service caused gate problems around RC time23:27
clarkbI don't want to interfere with release if we are worried about it23:27
jeblairclarkb: sdague seemed to think it would be ok23:28
jeblairclarkb: i'm fine waiting, but am kind of deferring to him23:28
clarkbin that case I say lets go for it. Like sdague says, the tools will tell us if it is a recurring issue and we can back it out quickly23:28
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clarkbI will approve23:28
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bodepdI'm going to try to get another project stackforgified23:33
clarkbmordred: is my comment off base?23:34
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clarkbbodepd: let us know if you have questions23:42
clarkbbodepd: but the process hasn't changed since you last did it (unless I have forgotten about things that did change in which case I would be wrong)23:42
bodepdcan I add somethign without any jjb or zuul gates?23:43
bodepdjust to get the code in upstream gerrit?23:43
bodepdclarkb: if only I could remember the process I used before ;)23:43
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clarkbbodepd: sort of, you need to have something otherwise zuul will refuse to merge your code. we use the gate-noop job for that. You can see examples of this in the layout.yaml file23:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Document running custom slaves in ones own infra.
fungiclarkb: on 50198, yes that's fine to go in along with the corresponding pbr change (if it hasn't already) in any order, then i'll un-minus-2 the config change which depends on those23:48
clarkbfungi: I gave it a +2 feel free to approve (or I will get to it after the current review)23:49
bodepdyep, I've done that before, just forgot if it was required23:50
bodepdhow can I see a list of all groups that exist in gerrit?23:50
clarkbcurrent review is it seems wrong to be running those tests with a different shell script than the other tests23:50
clarkbbodepd: go to gerrit admin -> groups23:50
clarkbbodepd: that will give you a list of groups that you can see (which should be most of them)23:50
clarkbmordred: do you know what the intent is there?23:51
clarkbmordred: I don't think we should do what that change is doing23:52
mordredclarkb: it is to use sqlalchemy-migrate with run-tox.sh23:52
clarkbmordred: right, but why?23:52
mordredwhy not?23:52
mordredthey have multiple env combos23:53
clarkbmordred: because we have now23:53
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mordredthat's for running unittests23:53
clarkbwhich is what the other python jobs are using23:53
clarkbmordred: aren't these unitests?23:53
mordredrun-tox is the the more general one23:53
clarkbthey are running the unittests aganst different sa installs23:53
mordredthey are - but unittests is for runing things tha tmatch the openstack pattern23:53
clarkbmordred: I don't follow23:53
mordredrun-unittests is how we run things like python27 python26 etc23:53
clarkbmordred: if the non sa07 jobs use run-unittests shouldn't these use run-unittests too?23:54
mordredrun-tox is how we run random tox jobs23:54
clarkbbut these are not random jobs, they are identical to the others with one slight change23:54
mordredall of sq-migrate now uses run-tox in this change23:55
mordredI'm not following23:55
clarkbmordred: no the other pythonXX jobs use run-unittests.sh23:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add swift-bench project
clarkbmy concern is that we should not run identical tests that differ on dependencies with two different scripts23:57
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