Saturday, 2013-11-23

fungiclarkb: zaro: i believe we didn't discuss which mirror failure mode behaviors we wanted in zul's requirements redux session00:05
fungiclarkb: zaro: the closest we came was mostly agreeing that having projects spontaneously break because of upstream changes is better than testing against package sets which are unnatural outside our environment00:07
clarkbfungi: that is a good start00:08
clarkbfungi: basically we should pass through requirements that break us and not try to guard against that when building mirrors00:08
fungiso having all our testing break in exactly the same ways that it is also breaking for other parties consuming master branches in a cd fashion is probably a good thing00:08
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fungii think it also somewhat mirrors the sentiment from earlier this week... taking the easy way out so devs can continue developing when everything is actually completely broken doesn't help in the long run00:09
fungihaving a giant development shutdown such that everyone is forced to focus on why openstack is suddenly broken gets a lot more done00:10
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fungiat least from a quality over quantity perspective00:11
* fungi is pretty sure this project is not lacking for quantity00:12
clarkbfungi: right00:12
clarkbbut there does always seem to be a big push to sacrifice overall quality for $thing working now, good to see that isn't the case at least in these design sessions :)00:12
* fungi checks to see if there is enough wording in the etherpad from that session such that we can paste something into that bug and close it out00:15
fungiclarkb: zaro: this other session was probably where we actually touched on more of that...
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/statusbot: Ignore all .egg files or directories.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add py33 and pypy jobs to python-savannaclient
clarkbfungi: we talked about how we can help problematic upstreams hurt us less, but not really how to deal with cases where they fall over00:21
clarkb(that was my recollection at least)00:21
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clarkba wild mordred has appeared00:40
mordredI'm on a plane00:41
mordredI can do things again00:41
* mordred cackels00:41
notmynameah, back in the office then?00:42
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding nodepool compatibility with Fedora.
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wenlockhey guys... and wb mordred00:43
wenlockquestion, is there somewhere i can find the hook info on :ref:`jeepyb` ??00:43
mordredwenlock: hey! I was just starting to check on, fyi00:44
wenlockive been using it in the office all week00:44
mordredcool. so it funcitonally works for you then00:44
mordredjeblair: ^^ that's good news :)00:45
jeblairclarkb: fyi
mordredfungi: /var/lib/python-install/ez_setup.py00:45
mordredfungi: does that work for you?00:45
clarkbjeblair: thanks, I will star that change00:46
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jeblairmordred: cool00:46
jeblairwenlock: ^ thanks for testing00:47
wenlockjeblair: no problem, fun stuff00:47
fungimordred: ECONTEXT00:48
fungimordred: does /var/lib/python-install/ work in what way, for what?00:49
fungioh, on the pip install from upstream change. gotcha00:49
* fungi reviews00:50
ArxCruzjeblair: could you please take a look ?00:50
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clarkbjeblair: before the weekend would be great as it fixes puppet on the precise slaves00:51
clarkbmordred: ^00:51
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mordredclarkb: I'm +2 on it, but left it not +A in case jeblair wanted a comment00:54
jeblairgetting to it00:54
mordred(seems safe, but I've been afk most of the week)00:55
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make pip install from upstream better
clarkbmordred: thanks00:56
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clarkbArxCruz: do we need to check for yum vs apt-get because lsb-release hasn't been installed yet?01:01
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ArxCruzclarkb: at least on my Fedora image, lsb-release wasn't installed01:02
ArxCruzclarkb: lsb-release is part of redhat-lsb-core which isn't being installed by default in fedora01:02
clarkbI thought that was the case, just making sure01:02
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ArxCruzclarkb: fedora also abandom the use of /etc/lsb-release (at least in 18+)01:03
jeblairArxCruz: reviewed; and re-reviewed dprince's change.01:03
fungiArxCruz: is fedora also abandoning the lsb? ;)01:04
ArxCruzjeblair: thanks01:05
ArxCruzfungi: I'm not sure, but the file /etc/lsb-release isn't in fedora anymore01:05
ArxCruzbut I can't tell you if /etc/lsb-release is part of lsb (probably yes)01:05
fungiArxCruz: good to know01:05
jeblairclarkb: +2 but I also did not +A because friday evening. :)01:06
fungiclarkb: i'm willing to stick around and help out if approving the rsyslog change breaks things more rather than fixing them01:06
fungiup to you01:06
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clarkbfungi: great, I will +A it then01:06
clarkb(I want this in so that I can stop worrying about it)01:07
* fungi has no wild friday night plans for a change01:07
clarkband if I wasn't clear I will stick around too :)01:07
jeblairi have moved a number of month-old reviews from the second box to the third box!01:07
* mordred will be here too - but plane wifi, so meh01:07
mordredjeblair: w00t01:07
mordred  Running egg_info for package MySQL-python01:07
mordred    Downloading
mordredthat just makes me sad01:08
jeblairmordred: aren't you the maintainer?01:08
mordrednah. I gave it back 10 yeras ago01:08
clarkbfungi: I have approved it, I am going to really quickly find something to eat then be back in time for the 0115 puppet update01:08
clarkbfungi: I will run that by hand on several slaves too just to make sure everything is happy01:08
clarkbmordred: that was clearly the wrong decision :)01:09
fungiclarkb: great01:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Consolidate rsyslog configs.
jeblairmordred: you could send him a github.  or however that works...01:10
mordredI have01:10
mordredhe did not take it01:10
fungion github you pull his leg01:10
fungior send a leg pull request i guess01:10
fungiit's all the same01:11
ArxCruzclarkb: jeblair both right, the correct is lsb_release my mistake, I'm fixing and resubmitting the patch01:11
jeblairmordred: huh?
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding nodepool compatibility with Fedora.
ArxCruzjeblair: clarkb and voilá :)01:12
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clarkbArxCruz: what about the different lists of fedora deps? are we happy with your list?01:12
ArxCruzclarkb: python-devel make automake gcc gcc-c++ kernel-devel redhat-lsb-core is all fedora need01:13
* clarkb found a full size bag of skittles01:13
ArxCruzif you use groupinstall development tools it will install a lot of packages that's not necessary01:13
mordredjeblair: oh right. I forgot about that. I think we're waiting on a new release then01:14
ArxCruzclarkb: I prefer not use yum groupinstall01:14
pleia2clarkb: sounds like you're lined upi for a wild friday night then01:15
clarkbpleia2: yup, this is going to be great, friday evening puppet changes, skittles, and eventually beer01:15
jeblairpleia2: yeah, i'm not sure "change the rsyslog configuration everywhere" and "full size bag of skittles" is a safe combination.01:15
clarkbArxCruz: jeblair: that list looks pretty close to what build-essential gets you on ubuntu01:16
clarkbso I am happy with it +1 (I will follow jeblair's lead and let dan weigh in01:16
ArxCruzI hope he be happy with my patch, I've been waiting jeblair back from his vacation for a long time for a +2 :)01:17
clarkbfungi: precise23 was my guinea pig. It was fine. Going to try one more precise slave then a centos box01:20
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add the possibility to pass the zuul url
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fungiclarkb: sounds good01:20
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mordred‘Following a study published in 2010 that bearded men are more trustworthy than those without, we’re also looking for fantastic displays of facial hair, so that we can identify those with the potential to take us into the brave new world that is foretold to follow Ragnarok,’01:22
mordredolaph: ^^01:22
* jog0 shouldn't have trimmed his beard today01:23
clarkbfungi: precise24 also happy, running on centos6-1 now01:23
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add ability to filter on flavor name
clarkbfungi: also happy on centos01:24
fungimordred: i intend to die a warrior's death and live out my days in valhalla instead01:24
mordredjeblair: ^^ could you give me a pointer on how to test that ? I ran the nodepool -d command from the README, but it did not seem to make anyhting01:24
jeblairmordred: you'll also need to run tools/fake_servers or whatever it's called01:24
clarkbmordred: we need to get the dev nodepool on jenkins-dev running01:25
clarkbzaro proposed a patch01:25
jeblairmordred: and it's now 'nodepoold -d -c tools/fake.yaml'01:25
clarkboh also fakes (need actual server to test new jenkins)01:25
jeblairmordred: otherwise, the rest of the setup instructions in the readme (about the db, etc) should be right01:25
mordredjeblair: yeah - that part I sorted out01:25
jeblairmordred: so add the extra 'd' to the nodepool command, and then run the fake servers as well01:26
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mordredjeblair: ok. I added a name field, but I'm still getting that traceback. I'm confused as to why01:27
jeblairmordred: no immediate ideas, and have to run. sorry.01:28
clarkbfungi: I just rechecked 55805, if I have any luck both python unittest jobs will run on servers that have the new run-unittests file and we can see how much of an improvement the subunit conversion gives us when generating html01:28
mordredjeblair: ok. I'll poke further01:28
clarkbalso I have no idea why python26 neutron is so much slower than python2701:31
clarkbnova unittests tend to finish in about 20 minutes consistently regardless of the python01:32
jog0clarkb mordred:
jog0can you check that out, I really want some pretty graphs01:32
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jog0mordred: you on a plane?01:33
clarkbhe is01:33
mordredjog0: yup01:33
clarkbalso jeblair just stepped out :(01:34
jog0that explains why he is here01:34
jog0clarkb: mordred is a infra core too?01:34
clarkbfungi: is the lack of purple on the d-g slaves graph an indication that your fix is working?01:34
clarkbjog0: he is01:34
mordredI am indeed01:34
* mordred predates infra-core01:35
clarkbjog0: but jeblair has familiarity with jquery-graphte, would be nice ot have his input but that input isn't necessary01:35
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fungiclarkb: not until it's baked in for a week, i think01:35
clarkbfungi: ok it is 20 minutes after the puppet change landed on the master, I don't see any kicking and screaming. Safe enough for me to run home?01:35
clarkbfungi: ok01:35
fungiclarkb: yes, run home01:36
jog0clarkb: fair enough01:36
fungior walk at a leisurely pace01:36
mordredjog0, clarkb yeah - I'm willing to say I'm ok with the idea of htat patch01:36
mordredbut I have no idea how it actually works01:36
jog0clarkb: so I actually tested this out locally !01:36
jog0first time in a while01:36
clarkbmordred: jquery-graphite constructs a graphite api query that returns a png of a graph generated by the given arguments01:37
mordredclarkb: that's not what I meant01:37
clarkbthen that graph gets slapped on the page :)01:37
mordredclarkb: I grok the idea of how it works01:37
mordredjust, you know, reviewing it would be disingenuous01:37
clarkbthats fair01:38
mordredoh wow!01:38
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make pip install from upstream better
jog0thats what it does01:38
mordredmany of the wheels-in-mirror patches have landed and nothing is broken!01:38
jog0and ' python -m SimpleHTTPServer' ftw01:38
clarkbmordred: yup01:38
jog0mordred: and we have graphs to prove it ^01:39
clarkbmordred: once you got it past that first set of issues with distribute and things01:39
mordredoh. I lied. none of them have landed01:39
clarkbmordred: uh there are wheels on our mirror now01:39
clarkbare there different changes that need merging?01:39
mordredyes. I even sent an email about it, outlining the order I thought they should go in01:39
jog0clarkb mordred: you can actually generate the graph yourself if you downlaod and run the simpleserver01:39
mordredyes. that makes them01:40
mordredthere are many other things we need to do to use and produce them01:40
* jog0 had to review html color codes01:40
clarkbmordred: that looks like a fun set of patches, where did you send mail?01:40
mordredclarkb: openstack-infra01:40
mordred"reviews for Wheel related work"01:40
clarkbit is marked read, I just don't remember reading it01:41
clarkboh it was sent on sunday01:41
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clarkbfungi: apparently I am getting distracted and reviewing code now instead of walking in the cold01:43
fungiclarkb: i'm still trying to get through openstack e-mail from yesterday. i can sympathize01:43
jog0clarkb: is graphite working for gate ?01:44
clarkbjog0: ?01:44
jog0because gate-tempest-devstack-vm-full .gate-tempest-devstack-vm-postgres-full have failure rates of 001:44
jog0that doesn't even sound possible01:44
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clarkbare you using an old path maybe?01:45
fungialso, has anyone seen dims lately? is he on holiday or did he also flee big blue last week?01:45
clarkbhe has sent email01:45
jog0clarkb: they worked afew hours ago01:45
fungik. he's just not been in irc for a week so figured maybe he's travelling01:45
fungii'll try to catch him next week01:46
jog0that pipeline worked a day or two ago01:46
jog0and the neutron verson reports real numbers01:47
clarkbmordred: what is with the git commits in there?01:47
mordredclarkb: that's because we update the source repo and then clone from that01:47
mordredso that we don't have to do a requirements update a billion times01:47
mordredbtw -01:47
mordredI think we should have one of the gate jobs _NOT_ run the requirements sync01:47
mordredso that we make sure that the unsynced versions of the requirements work too01:48
mordredalthough, that version should probably install into per-service virtualenvs01:48
mordredsdague: ^^01:48
jog0fungi: ^ graphite01:48
mordredsdague: I'd love thoughts on that idea. wait. I should say that in -qa01:48
clarkbjog0: if I open it by hand at graphite.o.o I see bumps on the graph01:49
clarkbthere don't appear to be a lot of failues though, maybe your average percentage rounds to 001:49
jog0clarkb: if that is true damn01:49
jog0Cl I don't belive those numbers01:51
jog0has no hits in hours01:51
clarkbI don't necessarily believe them either01:51
clarkbjog0: has the gate had a failure with that test in hours?01:51
jog0me walks over to #openstack-qa01:53
jog0and graphite reflects taht01:54
clarkbcheck != gate01:55
jog0clarkb: eap right01:55
jog0either way there are failures in gate postgres01:55
jog0at an earlier time01:55
jog0I see a lot of neutron fails01:55
jog0but thats it01:55
jog0mordred:  gate works01:55
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jog0except neutron01:55
clarkbthere are 130 failures over last 48 hours of gate-tempest-devstack-vm-full according to logstash01:55
jog00% failure rate01:55
jog0clarkb: :(hmm01:56
clarkbnone since 1200UTC 11/2201:56
jog0clarkb: \o/01:56
clarkbso last 12 hours no fialures01:56
* jog0 goes off to drink on that good news01:56
jog0if I had twitter I would tweet that stat01:56
jog0clarkb: how many merges01:56
clarkbjog0: no clue01:57
clarkbthe red line on zuul status looks pretty flat01:57
clarkbfriday afternoons tend to be quiet01:57
clarkbmordred why are there two commits? only the first one runs the script01:57
clarkbmordred: but we are doing commit in two different dirs01:58
fungijog0: you might as well go out drinking. it sounds like just about everyone else started around lunchtime anyway01:58
mordredclarkb: I believe that gets cleaned up in a subseuqnet patch01:58
jog0whoa gate has one patch01:59
clarkbfungi: wait what? no one told me!01:59
clarkbI should hurry home :)01:59
jog0clarkb: can cehck merges with 'openstack/openstack' repo01:59
clarkbmordred: it does, I see that now01:59
fungijog0: i saw multiple times today for extended periods where there were no changes in the gate pipeline at all01:59
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clarkbmordred: first in series lgtm. I am really going to run home now02:00
fungionce it caught up, it stayed mostly caught up02:00
clarkbfungi: O_O02:00
jog0openstack/openstack$ git log --oneline --since=1day | wc -l14402:00
jog0144 merges last 24 hours, 193 last 2 days, 210 last 3 226 last 402:00
fungijog0: failure in the gate!02:00
fungiand it's grenade on a horizon change02:01
jog0fungi: I was being specific about being happy 'gate-tempest-devstack-vm-full' only02:01
fungilooks like check-sanity lost its marbles02:01
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jog0fungi: gate was empty because zuul was working so well02:02
jog0not we weren't merging02:02
fungijog0: yep, that's what it seemed like to me02:03
fungivery few gate resets today, so stuff was chugging right in02:03
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jog0oh mordred the openstack/openstack repo is amazing for debuging02:05
jog0I used it a bunch over the past few days02:06
jog0having that timeline is awesome sauce02:06
mordredjog0: awesome!02:06
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clarkbfungi: still around? more account confusion02:35
clarkbi can respond but cant definitively answer the question02:35
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fungiclarkb: where? the -infra ml thread for ibm-china's third-party access?02:37
clarkbthird party02:38
clarkbquestion about whether request was granted anyways (pretty sure no)02:39
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fungiclarkb: i haven't seen the question if it was posted to that ml thread, though it does seem like mriedem was answering an unasked question in his followup to my e-mail02:48
clarkbfungi: mriedem had a question02:49
* fungi re-reads02:49
mriedemi'm here02:49
clarkbIt sounds like that request was fulfilled though given Jeremy's response02:50
clarkbmaybe more of a statement that is unsure02:50
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mriedemmy question was to shao mei02:50
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mriedemso he had an original request with 'root' for the username, and then changed it02:50
mriedembut then i never saw a response back to the original thread saying 'your account is created'02:50
mriedemthen shao mei sends another request and fungi said it conflicted with an existing email02:51
mriedemso i'm not sure if i'm confused (obviously i am) or if shao mei is02:51
mriedemrussellb asked if this was the only id for all of ibm, and someone (outside shao mei's org) said no02:52
mriedemwhich is true02:52
mriedemthe other guy is from sdague's old org i think02:52
fungiyeah the request to pick something other than root was fulfilled, the way i read it. i haven't created an account yet (tried, but it failed, which is how i discovered the e-mail address was already in use by another account)02:54
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mriedemfungi: filled by you?02:55
mriedemthat's where i'm lost02:55
fungimriedem: fulfilled by shao mei02:55
mriedemoh, request to shao mei to use something other than root, which he provided02:55
mriedemis the ML post from an automated system? this is new to me.02:55
mriedemmy guess is shao mei is throwing requests at the wall until one sticks02:56
pleia2it's probably used by his personal gerrit account02:56
fungipleia2: yes, i checked in the database to manually confirm it02:57
fungimriedem: which post do you suspect came from an automated system? shao mei's or mine?02:58
mriedemshao mei's02:59
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mriedemfungi: i'm not assuming you're a robot :)02:59
mriedemthat might explain the long hours though...02:59
pleia2some do02:59
fungiahh, heh02:59
mriedemshao me's seemed like a form entry03:00
mriedemi.e. 'i'll just fill this form out 20 times and submit it until someone processes it'03:00
fungiwell, i could be... (an old, rusty, inefficient robot perhaps)03:00
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fungii assumed the terseness and inability to understand some of the instructions was just a language barrier thing03:02
mriedemfungi: i believe you're correct there03:03
mriedemsome of it's being new03:03
mriedemto the community03:03
mriedeme.g. the direct emails to mikal03:03
fungithis free software culture thing is weird and wondrous to many new participants. i just keep a bucketfull of patience next to my desk03:06
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mriedemit's appreciated :)03:10
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Import tools for creating a virtual environment
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mordredpabelanger: ^^ ewww04:44
pabelangermordred, don't like?04:44
mordredpabelanger: nah. I've been trying to delete those scripts for 3 years now :)04:45
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mordred tox no work for you?04:45
* mordred wants to understand use case and whatnot04:45
pabelangerNo, tox works. I just thought with_venv was the preferred method for setting up a virtual env04:45
pabelangerI usually do .tox/py27/bin/foo04:46
pabelangermordred, So you prefer tox -evenv -- <foo> ?04:47
clarkbpabelanger: I usually run tox first then if I need to iterate source .tox/$env/bin/activate04:49
pabelangerI'll nuke the review, that's no problem. Especially if people want the files to die in a fire04:51
clarkbpabelanger: if possible I think we should avoid them for -infra project if for no other reason to set an example04:53
pabelangerroger that04:54
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix H hacking violations
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Ignore .venv directory
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup devstack-gate tests for Savanna
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morganfainbergclarkb, isn't it the weekend yet?  I know you never stop working but...05:16
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add merge-release-tags job to Savanna
morganfainbergclarkb, weekend? :)05:16
morganfainbergat least i hope you have a beer handy05:16
clarkbmorganfainberg: I just finished an elysian dragonstooth stout05:17
clarkband am about to AFK for a good chunk of the weekend (driving to portland pre thanksgiving)05:17
morganfainbergclarkb, Hm.  if that is the one i am thinking about ++.05:17
morganfainbergclarkb, Ah, have a good drive man! :)05:17
clarkbapparently the house I am staying in has a broken furnace too so it will be an adventure05:18
morganfainbergFire place at least?05:18
clarkbtwo thankfully05:18
clarkbwell one is just a wood stove but that thing is erally good and putting off heat05:18
morganfainbergNice.  I grew up in the mountains (in fact... i might not get to my parent's for a couple extra days becasue it's currently snowing there)05:18
morganfainbergoh wood stoves are awesome.05:18
morganfainbergif i ever own a place where it gets cold enough, i'm getting one installed05:19
clarkbthey are pretty awesome05:19
morganfainbergon of my friends (high school) had a wood stove instead of a standard furance in his house05:19
morganfainbergamazingly, his house (3 floors) was always warmer than anyone elses in the cold05:19
morganfainbergdidn't matter what floor you were on05:20
morganfainbergit was great05:20
morganfainbergand power outage?! No problem!05:20
clarkbya, it is nice to not depend on a utility05:20
morganfainbergtoss some eucalyptus in there once it gets going, warm, and it just keeps burning.  hard woods > pine for those things (imo)05:21
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pabelangermordred, clarkb: FWIW, maybe we should remove install_venv_common from cookiecutter repo?06:22
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Enable wheel processing in the tests
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Clean up integration script
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Use wheels for installation
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: change my affiliation to Samsung
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Clean up how test env variables are parsed
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Support building wheels (PEP-427)
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Savanna client is now using separated LP project
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chmouelmordred: you seems to be awake any chances to quickly review this ? That would help to continue dev on swift-bench
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portanteclarkb, jog0, jeblair, mordred: (accessing failed)14:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254275 in openstack-ci "check-swift-devstack-vm-functional fails fetching requirements from" [Undecided,New]14:49
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mordredportante: well, it certainly should not be talking to pypi.python.org15:31
clarkbthats devstack15:32
clarkbit is hardwired to grab pip from the internets15:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Get better format for long lines with PrettyTable
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mordredclarkb: we can totally make that better15:40
mordredclarkb: by having d-g pre-download those files15:40
clarkbmordred yup, see tools/install_pip.sh15:42
clarkbit seems to grab a thing from github that talk to pypi.p.o15:42
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mordredclarkb: yes. the github file is the 'right' way to bootstrap pip16:16
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mordreddstufft: does get-pip download additional things? or does it unpack itself and install from the included pickle?17:30
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clarkbmordred: can we make check the pip version and if new enough move on, then have d-g install latest pip via preexisting pip17:33
mordredclarkb: I have more complex ideas17:33
mordredtesting them now17:34
clarkbmordred: did you catch any of the keystone default port drama?17:34
clarkbmordred: tl;dr is port 35357 overlaps linux's default local port range so occasionally on our test boxes keystone can't start if that port is already in use. Sounds like keystone folks would like devstack to run keystone in apache instead17:35
clarkbnow I just need to convince them to update devstack :)17:35
mordreda) I agree- it should just run in apache17:36
mordredb) they should update devstack17:36
mordredc) fail17:36
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mordredclarkb: ok. if we pre-download get-pip and the pip tarball into the cache dir17:40
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mordredclarkb: we can construct a command line that will use get-pip to install the pre-downloaded pip tarball17:40
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clarkboh good17:46
mordredclarkb: what's the partial bug syntax? Partial-bug: ?17:46
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pre-cache pip installation artifacts
mordredclarkb: there's step one17:49
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pabelangerIs there anyway to restore a review using git-review directly?17:51
pabelangervs going to gerrit17:51
wenlock_pabelanger:   git-review -X <change number>17:52
wenlock_ woops, not caps17:52
clarkbpabelanger: you can also hit the gerrit ssh commands directly17:52
clarkboh restore I read that weird17:52
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clarkbwenlock_: does that restore a change? I don't know that you can restore17:53
wenlock_yeah , he might have been asking about how to un-abandon too, dono17:53
pabelanger ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master/temp/tox (change 54969 closed)17:53
pabelangerya, it is an abandoned review17:53
wenlock_isn't there a way to do that in the comments?17:54
wenlock_i forget17:54
clarkbI don't think so, I think you may need to hit the UI or ssh command directly17:54
pabelangerfeature request I guess17:54
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jeblairmordred: aren't you installing pip using the script on all nodes?17:55
jeblairmordred: or are you not going to install that on template nodes, and instead want to exercise the pip-installing mechanics in devstack?17:56
mordredjeblair: exercise pip-installing mechanics in devstack17:57
mordredactually - I'm doing too much there17:58
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pre-cache pip installation artifacts
wenlock_mordred: on should i undo that patch 17 to go back to patch 16.... is there an easy way to undo a patch?17:58
* mordred just realized it can be simpler - we have a mirror already17:58
mordredit's ok for get-pip to touch our mirror17:59
wenlock_was just catching up with the comments18:00
wenlock_my score on google dr who was 13:03... i suck18:01
mordredjeblair: also:
lifelessmordred: so I've been checking your pbr patches daily18:04
mordredlifeless: yes. thakn you18:04
lifelessmordred: but they've been unhappy18:04
mordredlifeless: they should be happier today18:04
mordredlifeless: they were unhappy first because of the gate, and then the cleanup integration patch was blocked on a duplication in d-g, which is now landed18:05
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use get-pip for pip installation
mordredand there's the last one18:09
mordredin case anyone wants to see all three18:09
wenlock_nice, so then you just need the mirror?18:11
mordredwell, the mirror and the pre-cached get-pip script18:13
lifelessmordred: where is get-pip located so I can eyeball it?18:17
wenlock_  ??18:17
wenlock_or maybe18:18
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wenlock_that payload at the front hurts18:18
wenlock_me eyes18:18
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ekarlsois there a easy way to add a non-incubating project now into devstack ?18:19
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lifelessyou use it's plugin aspect18:19
lifelessso you add the devstack support in the non-incubating project and copy that dir to devstack at runtime18:19
lifelessekarlso: an example is in the solum code base18:19
ekarlsooh :)18:20
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portanteis anybody who works on devstack on this channel?19:18
portanteThis bug, is still in play, though it is marked "Fix released". chmouel?19:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1055954 in devstack "Unable to locate config for object-expirer" [Undecided,Fix released]19:19
dstufftmordred: it unpacks and installs from pypi19:19
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mordreddstufft: nod20:54
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