Saturday, 2013-12-14

clarkbjeblair: looking at the cpu graph indicates possible goodness too00:01
fungigothicmindfood/colette is just north of there as well?00:01
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clarkbyeah I think she may be around too00:02
jeblairclarkb: at least nothing alarming so far00:02
* fungi is trying to keep track of where all the new blood sit00:02
clarkbaiui mordred is getting several of us together to braindump/onboard00:02
fungitoo awesome00:02
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clarkbjeblair: hrm, does nodepool need to be restarted?00:03
clarkbor is the lack of nodes on 01 just lag while it shifts load from 02 to 0100:03
sdaguewe just had another reset00:04
sdagueso everything is tearing down00:04
clarkbsdague: did it00:04
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sdaguewhich is actually *not* the error I'd be skipping00:04
clarkbright, that was cinder failing to grenade00:05
jeblairclarkb: nodepool is recieving data from jenkins01 zmq00:05
clarkbjeblair: cool, probably just lag then00:05
clarkbas all of the resources allocated to host 02 slowly die off they can be distributed more evenly00:05
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, you should see new nodes there soon, it's putting all the new ones there00:06
mordredjeblair, clarkb, AaronGr, fungi: yeah - clarkb may be less useful on Monday than usualy, as I've asked him to help me bootstrap AaronGr while I run around and do a bazillion other things too00:06
sdagueclarkb: and actually a completely unique failure00:06
mordredbut I'm hoping that the payoff of a bootstrapped AaronGr will be worth the distruption00:06
fungimordred: as long as we put in one clarkb and get two back, i'm cool with that formula00:07
clarkbmordred: you didn't tell me about the bazillion other things /me wonders what he is getting into00:07
clarkbsdague: interesting00:07
sdagueclarkb: though that job failed on another neutron error as well00:07
mordredclarkb: bwahahaha. you've fallen prey to my madness...00:08
fungiif the clarkb multiplication experiment works out, we should figure out how to duplicate jeblair next00:08
fungiyou know, for science00:08
sdagueso because this is really #2 gate reset today (after the ssh one) - how would people feel about jumping it to the gate and popping to the top -
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fungii'm game00:10
fungii haven't tried out the magic promote command yet00:10
* fungi flexes his fingers and waits for people to say no00:11
jeblairmaybe wait for check to complete?00:11
fungiyeah, probably00:11
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sdaguejeblair: sure, though that's going to be a couple hours00:11
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sdagueit hasn't managed to get any devstack nodes allocated to it yet00:12
sdagueoh, it just got them00:12
fungisdague: it has00:12
jeblairsdague: it's been running for like 5 mins00:12
sdagueyeh, I was looking a few ago00:12
fungioh ye of little faith00:12
sdaguesorry, my faith is burnt out today00:12
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* fungi always wears an extra tank00:13
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fungianyway, if it comes back +1 (or with unrelated known nondeterministic failures) i'm cool with promoting it to the head of the gate00:16
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1260894
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260894 in swift "ERROR root [-] Timeout talking to memcached" [Undecided,New]
anteayafungi: this is the patch we have available for the ssh bug, it passed the first time and then failed on what I consider to be a known unrelated nondeterministic failure:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254890 in tempest ""Timed out waiting for thing" causes tempest-dsvm-neutron-* failures" [Low,In progress]00:17
anteayawhat do you suggest I do?00:18
anteayasalv-orlando: wanted it to go through check twice00:18
anteayawhich I support00:18
fungisounds cautious00:18
anteayawe are trying00:18
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* fungi looks00:18
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fungialso, sdague: you don't have a grenade bugtask on bug 125990700:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1259907 in openstack-ci "check-grenade-dsvm marked as FAILED - n-api/g-api Logs have errors" [Undecided,New]
jeblairanteaya: where's the change?00:19
anteayajeblair: no change, we put it through check twice00:19
jeblairanteaya: what did you put through check twice?00:19
anteayadidnt' want to hit the ssh bgu00:19
anteayawe didn't want to add to the ssh bug problem00:19
anteayaif this revert would do so00:20
fungijeblair: anteaya: ?00:20
fungioh, abandoned00:20
fungiyeah, review link?00:20
anteayadims said he abandoned that since the patch wasn't going to address the bug anyway00:20
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anteayathat is the hopeful patch to address the ssh bug00:21
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salv-orlandotimeout for becoming active appears unrelated from neutron, and especially with the patch we're reverting. The latest failure seems to me unrelated to both the original patch and the revert00:21
markmcclainyeah I would agree w/ salv-orlando00:21
markmcclainI'm inclined to do the revert00:21
fungiTimed out waiting for thing 19fcdc4c-a60a-4bab-9380-b16ea865677900:21
anteayasalv-orlando: just wanted some eyes and opinions before next steps00:21
fungilooks familiar00:21
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: use parameters from project.yaml
salv-orlandoI would either +2 and +A based on the fact that the other jobs passed (and the tests which usually fail passed too in the failing job)00:22
clarkbjeblair: going back to notmyname's discussion about how eventually stasticially a change will go through at least one reset, remember when I was trying to say we should have a throttle mechanism in zuul? the idea behind that is to not waste resources in the scenario notmyname found00:22
anteayafungi: bug
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254890 in tempest ""Timed out waiting for thing" causes tempest-dsvm-neutron-* failures" [Low,In progress]00:22
salv-orlandoor if we want to be extra cautious , another recheck00:22
sdaguefungi: it's actually a tempest fix00:22
salv-orlandobut I think I am more confident to approve even if we had this failure after the recheck00:22
clarkbthrottle zuul so that it will only start jobs for X changes at any given time in a dependent pipeline to reduce thrash00:22
fungisdague: oh, so it is ;)00:22
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sdaguebut you are right, I didn't add it to the bug00:23
* fungi nods00:23
jeblairclarkb: it's worth considering if you can fully automate it, however, i don't think it's the best use of our time to continually twiddle such a knob.00:23
clarkbsdague: can ahve a link here too?00:23
notmynameclarkb: +1 to only starting XX jobs at a time. seems like a happy medium to try (I suspect "XX" will actually be pretty low, like 3-5)00:23
markmcclainsalv-orlando: also given the item we're proposing to revert specifically triggered the gate bug during the review process00:23
jeblairclarkb: but moreover, why do you care?00:23
clarkbjeblair: because the extra uneeded load stresses the rest of the sytems, making it harder to deal with problems00:24
jeblairclarkb: i'm not really buying that00:24
clarkbjeblair: I was thinking it could work like TCP maybe00:24
fungimarkmcclain: anteaya: salv-orlando: if it has a greater chance of fixing bugs than introducing them, i'm in favor of putting it in00:25
clarkbdo slow start (probably not so slow start), then backoff if we hit consistent resets00:25
jeblairclarkb: if it's not implemented well, it's an anti-optimization -- it would serve to make sure that we can't ever actually hit the best case, which we normally do quite often.00:25
anteayafungi: thank you00:25
salv-orlandomarkmcclain, fungi, anteaya: the revert patch already has my +2 - I'm disconnecting for the night. markmcclain can give the other +200:25
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clarkbjeblair: yes TCP's big problem is it rarely runs in the best case00:25
anteayasalv-orlando: thank you00:26
sdaguequestion: is 56994,2 going to get requeued if something else fails ahead of it?00:26
jeblairsdague: yes00:26
sdagueit's another stable/grizzly change that can't pass because docs is broken on neutron stable/grizzly00:26
sdagueok, I'll snipe it out00:26
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fungisdague: yeah, trivial rebase a new patchset for it or something00:27
fungimarkmcclain: sdague: so reverting , that merged just over 24 hours ago--is that when we saw the sharp increase in these issues?00:28
sdaguefungi: yeh, typically I just update the commit message with a comment00:28
markmcclainfungi: yes00:28
markmcclainalso that change had 4 rechecks for the exact bug that is currently breaking the gate00:29
fungioh wow00:29
markmcclainI'm going to send out an email to our team reminding them that just rechecking/verifying to something passes isn't good00:29
markmcclainand that playing a game of chance makes the gate more unstable00:30
jeblairmarkmcclain: so it's not the origination of the bug, but it exacerbated it?00:30
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markmcclainjeblair: correct00:30
sdaguejeblair: right, this bug has been around for a long time00:30
fungithat's seeming likely... clarkb filed that one weeks ago00:30
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sdagueyeh, but this has been pernicious00:30
sdagueit's at least 6 months of behavior00:30
fungiso either exacerbated it or this is a more voracious doppleganger00:31
sdaguewe turned off the ssh tests completely in tempest for a while because of it00:31
markmcclainfungi: my opinion is that this exacerbated it00:31
sdaguebut I'm pretty convinced that the ssh check methodology is solid now00:31
fungiyeah, i remember it was disabled for the longest time00:31
jeblairfungi: if you promote, maybe include both of these changes00:31
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fungijeblair: oh, it takes a list? great!00:32
sdaguemine should be good in 22 minutes00:32
markmcclainand the next step is to do a postmortem and understand why it exacerbated because it might give insight into the original bug00:32
fungimarkmcclain: i couldn't agree more00:32
fungiit could lead us to some underlying cause00:32
sdaguemarkmcclain: so was moving back to the metadata server discounted?00:32
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markmcclainyeah because metadata server verification still failed00:33
jeblairfungi: yep, ordered list so "zuul promote --pipeline gate --changes 1234,5 6789,10" puts change 1234,5 at the top and then 6789,10 right after it00:33
salv-orlandofrom my analysis this caused a different a failure mode. I checked all the know issues we've had causing the timeouts (missing dhcp notifications, slowness in agent loop, wiring of the floating ip) but the failures here occurred while everything was apparently perfectly wired00:33
fungijeblair: that's marvellous. agreed these two might make our weekend more pleasant00:33
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salv-orlandoanyway, the truth is that in my opinion bug 1253896 is an accumulation bug, where factors from each agent concur. Removing these factors pushes us away from the timeout threshold, but then 'bad' patches then push us back past the timeout threshold00:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1253896 in neutron "Attempts to verify guests are running via SSH fails. SSH connection to guest does not work." [Critical,In progress]
jeblairfungi: it should handle dependencies too, so you don't have to track those down00:35
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fungieven better00:35
sdaguesalv-orlando: so the timeout is 196 seconds00:35
sdagueare you saying the cirros image should take that long to be sshable?00:36
* fungi gives up and hits ctrl-c after about 15 seconds of not getting an ssh banner, for the record00:36
sdagueyeh, the cirros images boots in about 7s iirc00:36
clarkbsdague: in this case it is sshable00:36
clarkbauthentication is failing, but the server responds back with bits00:37
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salv-orlandosdague: not at all,  I was just talking about the nature of the bug; the 196 seconds timeout is fine00:37
fungioh, sounds like it could be i/o starvation then00:37
jerryzsdague: in large-ops , i have seen longer00:37
sdaguesalv-orlando: ok, sorry which timeout. Just so I understand more00:37
fungisshd in a typical configuration will most commonly block on processing the password prompt if it can't read from the filesystem00:37
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fungi(or write, trying to update wtmp)00:38
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fungiclarkb: or does it respond in the negative?00:38
clarkbfungi: this is dropbear doing key auth with authorized keys supplied via metadata server or config drive. I have a hunch that either the authorized keys file isn't showing up properly or doing the RSA maths is too slow on qemu00:38
clarkbfungi: it responds negatively00:39
salv-orlandosdague: sorry I must be a bit confused; I was just saying the current timeouts are fine, they should not be changed. It's that when changes are made to the various neutron agents, often the agent also becomes slightly 'slower'00:39
jerryzsdague: for some of my devstack slaves , io wait takes 40% cpu for large-ops tests.00:39
salv-orlandothus pushing the whole process more closer to the timeout.00:39
sdaguejerryz: sure, but that's large-ops00:39
sdaguewhich doesn't use a real hypervisor00:39
sdaguewhich takes time :)00:39
jerryzsdague salv-orlando: i don't think a common build_timeout var should apply in large-ops00:39
sdaguejerryz: so in the gate, we don't do large-ops on real hypervisor00:40
sdaguewe only run it on fakevirt00:40
fungiclarkb: my money would still be on file access then. rsa calculations are expensive... when implemented on a smartcard or microcontroller maybe00:40
sdaguebecause a real hypervisor actually bogs down too much, so doesn't move the load back to the control plane00:40
* salv-orlando decides it's better to go to sleep as I've just realised I was discussing a specific bug hitting neutron smoke jobs and not the large-ops job00:40
sdaguewhich is actually it's intent00:40
jerryzsdague: for large-ops to succeed in my env, i increased the timeout from 196 back to 400 for the test to  pass00:41
fungiclarkb: ~200 seconds to do rsa is not the cpu in this case, i'd guess00:41
clarkbfungi: right00:41
salv-orlandothat's why we were getting mixed up with timeouts00:41
sdaguejerryz: yep, that's a different issue though :)00:41
jerryzotherwise, the image would be deleted00:41
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fungisalv-orlando: sleep well, we need you rested ;)00:41
clarkb191 slaves 914 threads00:41
sdagueyes, thanks much salv-orlando00:42
salv-orlandogoodnight and thanks00:42
clarkbnot the greatest ratio but pretty sure that is better than 0200:42
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fungiThreads on Number = 1,399, Maximum = 2,530, Total started = 133,99500:44
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fungithe total executors graph for 02 looks like about 13500:46
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fungioh, short timespan graph shows more like 15500:47
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torgomaticthe python 2.6 check job for seems to be hanging around a really long time00:50
torgomaticlike, I could have sworn I saw it there yesterday too00:50
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clarkb it does look stuck, I think the red bar means jenkins tried to kill it but failed00:51
clarkbfungi: ^ that look right to you?00:51
clarkbtorgomatic: it is only 50 minutes old00:51
fungiyeah, i was just looking... says 51 minutes00:51
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sdaguetorgomatic: and swift 2.6 tests have been timing out to 90 minutes a lot00:51
torgomaticclarkb: yeah, but that change has been at the top left of the check column all day... maybe it gets retried for some reason?00:51
fungii was watching things clear from the top of the check pipeline earlier today, so it's not been there all day00:52
clarkbtorgomatic: must've00:52
torgomaticeh, I'll keep an eye on it and see if it flushes out... if not, I'll say something00:52
fungibut it may have returned for more abuse00:52
clarkbnose is still running00:52
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Don't attempt to open an interactive editor
fungidefinitely still active00:52
clarkbI have a hunch that change is broken00:52
clarkbor tickling other broken00:53
fungilooks like it's been silent for ~50 minutes00:53
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fungiso probably a broken change resulting in a timeout, yes00:53
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torgomaticok, thanks00:54
clarkbtimeout is 60 minutes we should see it die here shortly00:54
fungisdague: gah, fail00:58
sdaguefungi: yeh, it's the RESCUE timeout nova issue00:58
fungisdague: so, money on promoting 62098,1 followed by 62107,1 i guess?00:59
sdagueso your call. This change was clearly not responsible for that... as it changed nothing but the log checker00:59
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sdaguefungi: sure00:59
sdagueI just put it in the gate00:59
jeblairdid it run the log checker?00:59
sdagueon all the jobs01:00
jeblaircool, that's the main thing i think01:00
fungiwaiting to see if any of the remaining changes at the head of the gate make it through, and then i'll promote at the next reset01:00
sdaguefungi: 5 changes about to merge in gate01:00
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fungiwow, so much green for once01:01
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fungi61442,1 is failing, but the changes ahead of it are making it in at least01:02
funginevermind--it has a chance. i was looking at the wrong job01:03
sdaguethat last neutron change at the head probably has about 2 more minutes01:03
sdagueoh, actually 5 - 8 more minutes01:04
fungiyup. once it reports i'll promote the two we discussed01:04
sdagueit's in scenario01:04
sdaguefunny to realize the non parallel jobs are still there :)01:04
clarkbfungi: btw I think we should keep nodepool running on jenkins-dev just to exercise that server for a bit01:07
sdaguefungi: I think that job is screwed. It's been 8 minutes since it last logged01:07
fungiclarkb: i'm happy to leave it running indefinitely01:07
sdagueI think the test it is in is stuck01:07
fungisdague: i was thinking the same01:07
sdague"that job" top of gate01:07
fungiand FAIL01:08
fungishall i wait for it to fail out, or bump these two ahead of it in case they fix it?01:09
clarkbBUMP BUMP BUMP01:09
* fungi looks for a second in favor01:09
jeblairfungi: bump01:10
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fungiso we've got the potential neutron fix for the ssh timeouts at the head, followed by the tempest fix for grenade error filtering01:10
fungiand our other neutron friend formerly in front gets a stay of execution01:11
sdaguecool, time to run away.01:11
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torgomaticaha, something happened to the check job for 60215; python 2.6 is rerunning here:
fungitorgomatic: very interesting01:13
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use even bigger hpcloud region b nodes.
clarkbmordred: ^01:13
fungitorgomatic: more interesting still, which it's testing there was last updated almost a week ago...01:14
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fungiover a week ago01:15
fungiand has no reviews... I SMELL A DRAFT01:15
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torgomaticalso, doesn't show a patch set 2 at all01:15
torgomaticbut the job shows 60215,2 on the status page01:16
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fungiyeah, did it get submitted as a non-draft and switched to a draft while it was being tested, and now zuul is infinitely looping it?01:16
fungii think that may be it01:16
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torgomaticI'm not sure; I don't recall it going to draft, but I haven't paid this one any attention01:16
* fungi digs in the db01:16
notmynametorgomatic: seems that maybe we can't actually see drafts01:17
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torgomaticnotmyname: yeah, I think you have to be explicitly invited to see one01:17
fungiyou can't, that's part of the fail about drafts01:17
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torgomaticfungi: aha, I have Gerrit emails about a patch set 2, so that supports your hypothesis01:18
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* clarkb AFKs good night01:20
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funginight clarkb01:20
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fungiyep, i'm going to un-draft 60215,2 on the pretense that i don't want zuul burning test resources indefinitely01:21
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torgomaticsounds good to me01:21
fungii'll add an apologetic comment on the change after01:21
fungitorgomatic: good eye, btw ;)01:21
torgomaticheh, thanks :)01:21
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clarkbwip it and suggest wip instead01:26
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jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: ^ downloading get-pip from github failed.01:30
jeblairmordred: erm, did you add something to devstack-gate that downloads something from the internet?01:30
clarkbdevstack does it iirc01:31
fungiyeah, it's devstack. and i think there are devstack+devstack-gate (or maybe nodepool prep script) changes to cache that but i guess they either haven't landed or they're not working01:32
fungii will go in search of them01:32
jeblairfungi: i recall the change to devstack-gate to use get-pip; i don't recall a change from mordred to cache it01:33
fungimarkmcclain: btw 62098 is failing out on
jeblairi also recall lifeless asking mordred where it was cached and getting no response01:34
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fungijeblair: came later, but i do remember it... i think that was on the caching change01:34
jeblairfungi: "git grep get.pip" returns nothing in my config tree01:34
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jeblairfungi: oh, is it this one?01:35
fungiahh, i thin so01:35
jeblairmordred: please finish this change:
jeblairi really prefer it when we start caching a thing _before_ we start using it01:38
funginevermind, that's puppet bits01:38
fungi(me too)01:38
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fungijeblair: salient bits found in bug 125427501:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254275 in openstack-ci "check-swift-devstack-vm-functional fails fetching requirements from" [Undecided,Fix released]
fungi was the part i remembered01:46
fungibut yes, the config bit you mentioned is pending01:47
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fungiif [[ -n "$USE_GET_PIP" ]]; then01:51
fungimaybe i'm just misreading that, but won't it *always* match?01:52
StevenK_fungi: Yes01:54
StevenK_-n is "length of string is non-zero01:55
fungiright, i was more meaning "am i misreading openstack-dev/" but that was more or less my point01:56
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fungithough in this particular failure it was irrelevant. the not-yet-merged was the bigger issue, since was not found in the local cache, got downloaded (poorly) and led to a syntax error when executed01:58
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fungisdague's 62107 is going in at least02:07
fungihopefully that'll help02:07
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mordredjeblair: k. I'm on it02:40
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anteayafungi: can you look at this log: invalid syntax02:47
clarkbanteaya: that is a github error02:47
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mriedemi just opened a bug for that02:48
anteayamriedem: have you a number for that one?02:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260913 in devstack "SyntaxError calling get-pip" [Undecided,New]02:48
mriedemclarkb: i thought you were saying the weekend was near?02:49
anteayaelastic-recheck suggested for that error02:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210483 in neutron "ServerAddressesTestXML.test_list_server_addresses FAIL" [Critical,Confirmed]02:49
clarkbit was, but the thing I thought started earlier starts in 45 minutes02:49
mriedemha, ok02:49
anteayaah I hit both02:51
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anteayabefore I go round again, just as a sanity check02:55
anteaya doesn't contain code that created the github bug02:55
anteayawhat are the chances there is something in the patch that would make worse02:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1210483 in neutron "ServerAddressesTestXML.test_list_server_addresses FAIL" [Critical,Confirmed]02:55
anteayaif there is a chance I will hold off reverifing until after talking with markmcclain and salvatore02:56
clarkbanteaya you probably need to ask the teams involved02:58
anteayavery good02:59
anteayawill do so tomorrow02:59
anteayagood night02:59
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use yaml local tags to support including files
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sdagueman, apevec just self approved a heat stable/grizzly change ... and their docs job was still broken03:28
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mordredwow really?03:33
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portantekinda like crossing the streams, huh? ;)03:34
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sdagueyeh, I just sent an email to the list03:40
sdagueI pulled a keystone one out earlier today as well03:40
sdagueand I think a cinder one yesterday03:40
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sdagueI also just went through and ran recheck no bug on everything in stable/grizzly03:40
sdaguethat was older than Dec 1003:41
sdagueso then at least there will be fresh -1s on things that can't pass03:41
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sdaguea big part of the problem is a ton of those changes have last valid Jenkins run from October03:41
sdaguethen people +A them03:41
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sdagueon the flip side 60643,4 is a special kind of fun :)03:43
sdaguea glance change that fails *everything* except the docs job03:44
sdaguelitterally, everything03:44
portanteso ,4 has an ORM change and a rename, and it is still failing?03:47
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portantesorry, now I see the updated result03:50
portantesdague there are a number of folks who just don't run tox on their code before commits04:00
portantehave folks considered a git review type check before it makes it into the review queues?04:00
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move hacking guide to root directory
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add Python3 deprecated assert* to HACKING.rst
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mordredjog0 seems to be off the plane04:50
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jeblairi put 62098,1 back in the queue; if anyone wants to promote it next time there's a reset, i think that would be a good thing.  i'm afk though.04:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: HTTPretty: update to 0.7.1
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enikanorov_hi folks08:21
enikanorov_what's the best way to do recheck, if elastick recheck doesn't find the proper bug? (doesn't leave the comment at all)08:21
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notmynameenikanorov_: that means you get to read through logs. start by clicking on the job that failed, then look at the console logs (link on the top left). there should be some instructions there on what to do IIRC08:31
enikanorov_notmyname: well, that is not something new. I looked through logs, found the failing tempest test. It doesn't give much clue, not to say it is unrelated to my patch.08:32
enikanorov_so elastic is silent08:32
notmynameah. ok08:32
notmynameis this a gate job or a check job08:32
notmynameie was it approved and trying to land, or just the check?08:33
notmynameok, so you have two options. (1) search launch pad for a bug related to what you saw failing, and if nothing is found file a new bug or (2) recheck no bug08:35
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enikanorov_ah, i found the correct trace in the logs. it really faill due to a known bug08:35
notmynameoption 1 is better, but it does take more work on your part08:35
notmynameloh, cool08:35
notmynameok, so if elastic recheck didn't find it, it might be something that clarkb or sdague can add08:36
enikanorov_elastick should have been found it, because it usually does find this bug08:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't save mysql logs
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove the linebreak to see if this helps on matching
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove the linebreak to see if this helps on matching
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add check for removed modules in Python 3
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portanteanybody around?14:31
portanteneed help with a failed grenade gate job, logs got cut off14:31
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portantewhen i looked via jenkins it show me that the error would have been saved in some smoke log file, but am not able to find that jenkins reference again14:32
portantejeblair, clarkb14:32
anteaya62098 got merged in at 11:52:18 utc Dec. 14, two failures show up on kibana since then - timestamps 12:00:56 and 14:14:4614:36
anteayaI am going with the notion that the job that failed at 12:00:56 probably didn't have the 62098 patch when it started the job14:37
openstackgerritChangBo Guo proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add check for removed modules in Python 3
anteayawould the failure at 14:14:46 have had the patch by then?14:37
anteayahi portante, I can look14:38
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anteayaafter the jenkins job finishes, the node is deleted, so the jenkins console for that node would also not exist anymore14:40
anteayaI don't know how to go about finding a referenced file after the node is gone, as in the link it was referencing14:41
anteayasorry I am not more help14:41
anteayaenikanorov_: elastic-recheck bugs are added by hand14:42
portanteokay, I just filed a bug to track that the job got cut off so that we can see if this happens again, and reverified against that bug,
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260983 in openstack-ci "console log file appears cut off for gate job result" [Undecided,New]14:43
anteayaanyone can add them and they are encouraged to do so:
anteayaif elastic-recheck is not performing to your expectations, you are welcome to offer any patch you feel would improve it14:43
anteayaI think that sdague and the rest of the elastic-recheck contributors would welcome the help14:43
anteayathanks enikanorov_14:44
anteayaportante: thanks, I added some of the console output as well14:46
anteayaI was reading a bug report the other day and the link to the logs was stale14:46
portantegreat, thanks14:47
portanteyes, I have had to add .gz to the ends14:47
anteayamy pleasure, thanks for filing the bug14:47
anteayaI will try that next time14:47
portantei tried it with this one, but the .gz vesion is missing, or not yet created14:47
anteayamight be a consequence of the fact the logs are cut off14:48
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anteayaokay, the ssh patch got merged, thanks for the reverify jeblair14:49
anteayaI'm going offline to see if I can find a life14:49
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mriedemanyone ever seen a failure like this? not even sure where to start.
mriedemweird, console log is garbage but testr_results has information in it14:52
portantelooks like it is getting cut off14:52
portantesee bug filed above14:53
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add check for removed modules in Python 3
sdaguemriedem: look like a failure to build a node in your case15:00
mriedemsdague: but it's weird, there are lots of other logs - when i see console have a sudden fail like that i expect there to not really be anything else showing up for logs15:01
sdaguemriedem: over what time period?15:02
sdaguethere were a bunch of upgrades of jenkins15:02
sdaguedue to crashes15:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Fix typos in documents
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openstackgerritMax Rydahl Andersen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for sidebar-links plugin via properties.
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fungianteaya: portante: the console log in jenkins for that job was actually
funginot sure why it got truncated on the logserver16:41
fungi(they don't get deleted when the slave where the job ran gets deleted)16:41
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fungii think mriedem's is
fungii wonder if something in jenkins 1.543 is causing problems for the console log collection routine in the scp publisher plugin16:46
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mordredfungi: so - I didn't exist yesterday - what were you guys doing with jenkins-dev and whatnot?16:47
fungiso far the two examples we have are from jobs which ran on the upgraded jenkins master. too small of a sample size to call it a hunch16:47
fungimordred: we were testing nodepool on jenkins-dev upgraded to jenkins 1.543 to see if it worked okay16:47
jeblairfungi: but considering console logs are copied by a separate thread after a job finishes, massive thread changes in jenkins could account for such a change16:47
mordredfungi: ah! jenkins upgrade needed?16:48
fungijenkins downgrade needed, i thinkl16:48
fungior jenkins scp plugin fixes needed perhaps16:48
mordredjenkins version change needed16:48
mordredI'm pretty sure upgrade and downgrade are arbitrary words in that release stream16:48
fungido we want to hunt for more evidence, or put jenkins01 in shutdown to contain additional damage?16:49
jeblair:)  let's downgrade 01 to match 02, then next week we can try to repro on -dev16:49
jeblairmaybe writing a job to spew 24k lines of text will do the trick.16:49
fungii've put it in prepare for shutdown16:49
fungii'll downgrade it once it quiesces16:50
fungimordred: unrelated, but i've reopened bug 1254275 and added notes based on revelations last night16:50
clarkb:( there is a the old war in /usr/share/jenkins if you want the dirty downgrade16:50
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254275 in openstack-ci "check-swift-devstack-vm-functional fails fetching requirements from" [High,In progress]
mordredfungi: awesome. thank you16:51
mordredspeaking of that failure ...16:51
jeblair02 is Jenkins ver. 1.52516:51
mordredoh - nevermind. I figured it out16:52
clarkbshould be able to reproduce well enough on jenkins-dev so that is nice16:52
fungimordred: also, noticed a logic error in the get-pip additions to devstack (though they're not relevant to our tests)... looks like we unconditionally set the get_pip var to 0 if it's empty, then later check to see whether it's nonempty (rather than whether it's nonzero). haven't had time to write a patch yet, but might be of interest to you16:52
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mordredfungi: ok. I'll look at that too16:53
fungitoo bad we have to downgrade jenkins01... memory utilization looks to be improved somewhat (even looks like it actually reclaimed a little when activity waned)
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clarkb:/ I am sure we can get it sorted out relatively quickly as reproducing the problem shouldn't be hard17:02
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jeblairwe'll want to consider nodepool's impact too -- did the scp stop when nodepool deleted the node?17:03
clarkbjeblair: I don't think so because the master has the complete console log17:04
clarkbI can't look at it today, about to start weekend things17:05
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fungiportante: (or anybody) do you remember which bug was tracking swift container server not starting after a grenade upgrade from grizzly to havana?17:07
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fungiwe had a havana change hit it and just want to make sure i reverify against the right bug...
fungisdague: if you're around, do you recall? ^17:08
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funginevermind--found. seems to be bug 125388617:09
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1253886 in swift "swift container server fails to start in grenade gate job" [Undecided,New]
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fungilooks like we're about 10 minutes out from being able to downgrade jenkins0117:12
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jeblairi just checked the running job, it also suffered a truncated log, but the node is still there, so i don't think nodepool is part of the issue17:19
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jeblairfungi: 01 is idle17:21
fungiyep, all idle17:21
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fungiokay, jenkins stopped17:24
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fungii've retrieved into my homedir17:24
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jeblairfungi: let me know if you need anything; otherwise i'll cheer you on from the sidelines and check up on nodepool and log workers17:24
fungino problem. just confirming that's the deb we want17:25
jeblairi think so17:25
fungiokay, downgraded and starting17:25
fungiseems up17:26
fungirunning jobs17:26
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fungii'll update bug 1260983 with specifics17:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260983 in openstack-ci "console log file appears cut off for gate job result" [Undecided,New]
jeblairfungi: logstash client and nodepool are both getting events17:29
fungi ran from jenkins01 after the downgrade, and has its whole console log archived, fwiw17:31
fungisame for
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clarkbI guess that confirms the source of the problem17:35
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fungiseems so17:40
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portante_fungi: that container start failure one is kinda weird. It does not seem to happen too often, but it might indicate another problem19:04
fungiportante_: agreed. it also may be fixed on master. i ran into it on a stable/havana change19:04
fungitrying to pitch in cramming the last of the sphinx caps and cve fixes through for the 2013.2.1 release19:05
fungibecause, you know, it's always wednesday somewhere19:06
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mordredok. it's become time to go unsubscribe from mailing lists I was subscribed to but had sorting into hidden folders20:10
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fungiit's like when you move and never get around to unpacking some boxes you stashed in to attic/garage... after a year or two, you can be pretty sure you didn't really need whatever was in them anyway20:18
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mordredI'm still, it turns out, subscribed to the autoconf list20:36
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mordredfungi: hey - so, you know how we don't really read emails from root?21:08
mordredfungi: best I can tell - manage-projects cron has not worked in QUITE some time21:08
mordredbecause it needs to read the github key, which is in a file owned and only readable by root21:08
mordredbut the cronjob is owned by gerrit221:09
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Split config from projects list
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Finish the projects.yaml.erb rename
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Unlaunchpadify projects.yaml
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Track direct-release projects in projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1260644
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260644 in nova "ServerRescueTest may fail due to RESCUE taking too long" [High,Confirmed]
chmouel fungi when you say " need an embargo" what do you mean by embargo?21:28
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reedchmouel: embargo is the american word for 'you're a communist, won't talk to you'21:36
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anteayafungi thanks for the url, yes I wasn't able to express myself accurately - I didn't think the logs themselves got deleted, as you point out, they don't, but rather the gui to access the link to those logs evaporates22:31
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anteayawhich I still believe accurately represents events22:32
anteayachmouel: if embargo meant, everyone from that project needs to stop approving patches until <patch_number> patch merges22:33
anteayawould that make sense?22:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1260644
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260644 in nova "ServerRescueTest may fail due to RESCUE taking too long" [High,Confirmed]
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fungimordred: good find on the cron job. obviously we should probably drop it anyway, at least until we put some locking around manage-projects to keep it from running concurrently with itself23:17
fungichmouel: "embargo" in the context of a security vulnerability means keeping it private to a specific audience for some brief period before allowing it to become public23:19
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Unpin keyring, just skip keyring 2.0
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