Tuesday, 2014-01-07

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gyee_is there a way to restore a patch on behalf of someone else?00:01
openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add compass project to stackforge Partial-bug: 1265229 Change-Id: I29bcffc64e7f3ea1dbd50ffae87206fe5b1229fe  https://review.openstack.org/6517800:01
fungigyee_: in our current version of gerrit, only a gerrit global administrator can do that--if you give me the change url i'll be happy to00:01
gyee_fungi, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57811/00:01
gyee_fabio's on vacation and asked me to finish up the patch for him00:02
fungigyee_: once we get done upgrading to a more recent gerrit, we should be able to grant core teams that right via an acl00:02
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fungigyee_: it's restored now. enjoy!00:02
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openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add compass project to stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/6517800:02
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morganfainbergfungi, ooooh AWESOME if a core can do that w/ an ACL when we get a new verison00:03
gyee_fungi, thanks!00:03
morganfainbergfungi, that would make me super happy (as a core member)00:03
morganfainbergand means i don't need to tell people to come bug you guys for keystone reviews that need life breathed back into them00:03
fungimorganfainberg: yep, been on our wishlist for ages. i for one will be happy to no longer need to restore changes for people00:03
morganfainbergwell, i look forward to new version of gerrit then!00:04
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fungias much as i like playing the hero, there's already plenty of other broken thigs which need my time00:04
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fungier, things00:04
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sdaguefungi: so we're getting those mysterious lost time at the beginning of runs again - https://jenkins02.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-dsvm-full/4101/consoleFull00:07
sdaguethat was a git gc issue the last time, right?00:07
fungisdague: i honestly am not sure. i think we've also seen it when jenkins masters are hammered (like now)00:07
fungiwhich is one of the reasons we're in the process of standing up jenkins02 and 04 at this moment00:08
sdagueok, cool00:08
fungier, 03 and 0400:08
sdagueI'll let you get back to it. Dinner time anyway. will ping for a post mortem tomorrow when things are mellow, as I missed what happened00:09
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fungicorvus: /var/lib/jenkins/plugins/{scp,zmq-event-publisher}.jpi exist on 03 and 04 now, copied from 0200:16
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openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add compass project to stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/6517800:18
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funginot sure what else is required (normally i've uploaded them via the webui instead, so no idea whether those help and maven metadata files in the similarly-named directories are needed)00:19
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jobs for cliff integration tests  https://review.openstack.org/6518000:21
fungicorvus: went ahead and added those too. hopefully they don't embed anything host-specific00:23
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devanandasomething seems odd with jenkins on 4810900:34
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devanandagate started 10hr ago, no response. zuul status page shows "unknown" for the job and skipped for all the tests00:36
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: make scm test as the examples  https://review.openstack.org/6518600:52
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corvusclarkb2: let's start jenkins on 3 and 4 now00:59
corvusclarkb2: i'll do 300:59
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clarkbcorvus: starting 4 now01:00
clarkbcorvus: will need to update the logstash client to consume events from those jenkinses as well01:01
corvusclarkb: yes, we'll want to add them to everything except nodepool config in one change, then nodepool in a second01:02
corvusclarkb: i think authn isn't right01:02
corvusclarkb: i think there's some xml that needs editing; i'll do ti01:04
clarkbcorvus: ok01:04
corvusclarkb: done, restarting both01:06
clarkbcorvus: which file was edited?01:06
* clarkb is curious what was needed to fix it01:06
corvushudson.tasks.Mailer.xml jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml org.codefirst.SimpleThemeDecorator.xml01:07
corvusclarkb: want to run "jenkins-jobs update /etc/jenkins_jobs/config" ?01:08
clarkbcorvus: sure01:08
clarkbcorvus: there was an auth failure, I assume we either update xml to change the key or change the jjb ini to use a different key?01:10
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corvusclarkb: yeah, they have different api keys01:11
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corvusclarkb: i think we should stop them again and change the xml file for the gerrig user to match what jjb is sending01:11
clarkbstopping 401:11
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add different envs for different sqlalchemy versions  https://review.openstack.org/6513501:11
openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add compass project to stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/6517801:12
corvusclarkb: oh, i think we have to copy the gerrig xml file from another host01:12
clarkbI see01:12
corvusclarkb: /var/lib/jenkins/users/gerrig/config.xml01:13
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corvusclarkb: oh, i think i botched the xml extraction;01:17
corvusclarkb: we're missing too many files01:17
corvusclarkb: let me try again01:17
clarkbcorvus: k01:17
fungiokay, i'm back01:18
fungihopefully that extended outage was my isp fixing flow issues01:18
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fungii'll check the logs in a sec01:18
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clarkbfungi: basically corvus found that we were missing xml stuff that we needed so jenkins processes are stopped and he is redoing the xml extraction01:19
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fungiokay, caught the tail end of that already. thanks01:19
fungisounds like i missed very little then01:19
clarkbya not much, we were poking at it then corvus realized what had happened01:19
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hub_capso we just added our first core member (post the initial seed of members), and im really not sure what to do after the email approval :)01:20
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clarkbhub_cap: log into review.o.o, under admin groups find your core group and click on it01:21
clarkbhub_cap: on the left there should be a members tab, go there, and add the user01:21
hub_capo snap thats easy01:21
hub_capthx clarkb01:21
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corvusclarkb, fungi: the correct tarballs are in ~corvus on 03 and 04 (i hope)01:25
clarkbcorvus: just extract in place?01:25
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corvusclarkb: yes, then change those 3 files01:26
fungicorvus: okay. i originally looked at the 3 tarballs in your homedir on jenkins.o.o01:27
corvusfungi: same ones01:28
corvusstill missing something though; the api keys are different01:28
corvussecret.key is different01:30
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vijayCan someone help creating a gerrit service account, it will be used by the TestInfraStructure at citrix01:33
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fungivijay: sure, have you seen http://ci.openstack.org/third_party.html#requesting-a-service-account01:36
fungivijay: that lists the information we'll need to be able to set it up for you01:36
vijayYes. I have the details withe me right now01:36
vijayShall i post it here?01:37
fungivijay: the ssh key might be a little large (you could post it to http://paste.openstack.org/ and provide a link to it here if it's not published somewhere already)01:37
fungivijay: the full name, username and e-mail address should be easy to communicate directly in channel though01:38
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corvusfungi, clarkb: ugh; looks like secrets.tar.gz is missing a path component01:39
vijayssh-key: http://paste.openstack.org/show/60544/01:40
vijayUserName: NetScalerAts01:40
vijayDisplay Name: NetScaler TestingSystem01:40
vijayEmail-id: #Networking-CloudIntegDev@citrix.com01:41
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fungivijay: i've added it01:42
fungivijay: test it out and let us know if you have any trouble with it01:42
vijayThe email-id will be enabled only in another 3 hours. I have requested for creation.01:42
clarkbfungi: have you followed the ability to vote for third party testers discussion?01:42
SpamapSwhen I get this, what bug should I reverify against: error: Failed to connect to 2001:4800:7813:516:3bc3:d7f6:ff04:aacb: Network is unreachable while accessing https://git.openstack.org/openstack/tempest/info/refs01:42
clarkbfungi: I thin kwe want to defailt to not allowing voting01:43
SpamapSnew bug on openstack-infra ?01:43
SpamapSlooks entirely transient01:43
fungivijay: i guess that was your e-mail to the openstack-infra mailing list earlier today. i'll follow up to it too01:43
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clarkbSpamapS: ya, bug against openstack-infra with note that it appares to be a transient network problem will work01:43
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corvusokay the api keys match01:44
fungiclarkb: i've been following, but looked like we hadn't arrived at and officially published a decision on it yet, so i'd been doing business as usual and disabling voting for specific accounts on request in the meantime01:44
corvusclarkb: you should be able to run jjb now01:44
clarkbcorvus: running now01:44
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clarkbcorvus: did we make it official in that bofh last night and just fail at communicating it?01:46
fungiclarkb: part of the challenge is that some of the third-party testing systems are implemented specifically to provide feedback on one (or a specific group of) stackforge project(s), so i'm not sure under which circumstances we evaluate that01:46
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SpamapSclarkb: ty, https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1266616 filed01:46
corvusclarkb: i don't think we can make something like that official at a bof01:46
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corvusclarkb: however, no one has objected to that portion of the proposed requirements in review01:46
clarkbfungi: I think with ACLs? we can restrict which accounts can vote more precisely01:46
vijayfungi: I was not able to vote "--verified" with my account. But the newly created account "NetScalerATS" should be able to vote "verified" right?01:47
clarkbcorvus: thats fair, the change needs reviwe then?01:47
fungivijay: yes01:47
corvusclarkb: yes01:47
lifelessfungi: did you check whether your mirror is working atm?01:47
clarkbhowever, please please please, make sure you are ready to vote verifiend when you start doing that01:48
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fungivijay: though it's worth noting that there are some consensus decisions coming to a head about additional requirements before voting on changes is appropriate01:48
corvusfungi: until we have a better plan, i think 'ask the relevant ptl' if a system is ready to vote is a reasonable plan to start with.01:48
fungivijay: we'll update documentation accordingly once that information has been finalized01:48
fungicorvus: sounds sane, though we need to collect additional information to determine how to map a third-party testing system to a particular program, i suppose01:49
vijayOk. Currently it does LBaaS API testing along with NetScaler and then votes. It listens to changes and tests only if the change submitted is relevant to LBaaS plugin or NetScaler or Tempest LBaaS Tests01:50
clarkbjog0: any chance you can push a new patchset that addresses the current comments in the third party docs/01:50
jog0clarkb: actually about to step out for dinner, you want to push a new version?01:51
fungilifeless: i've been fighting broken internet service today, but have just about managed to get enough of a web proxy up to be able to get a vm launched where i can try running pypi-mirror. the job logs didn't indicate the usual signs we saw from pip 1.5/virtualenv 1.11 use, but i saw other tracebacks and so want to try running it myself01:51
clarkbjog0: not really, I am conferencing :)01:52
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jog0clarkb: oh right enjoy LCA01:52
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fungilifeless: also, i'm going to try to run it with newer pip so i can hopefully find other externally-hosted packages which haven't already turned up on unit test failures people have reporte01:52
anteayavijay: it isn't what you are testing, it is if your system is stable (is it functioning) and do you have logs and contact information01:52
clarkbcorvus: JJB is still going on 04, I have it in screen so will just detach if necessary01:52
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jog0clarkb: I'll push a new rev in the AM -- but if someone else wants to push one instead by all means they can01:53
clarkbjog0: ok01:53
fungilifeless: today has been full of more urgent issues which mostly killed my progress on that01:53
anteayavijay: if your system is voting -1 because your system has fallen over, people will try to contact you and thenn your permissions will be revoked if you are not responsive01:53
corvusthe only contentios thing in the patchset is the bit about the recheck commands.  the rest of the comments are about things people want to add.01:53
corvusso i'm okay merging as is and continuing to revise.01:53
lifelessfungi: ack01:54
jog0anteaya: btw since I got sick and couldn't make LCA I am seeing if I can make it to cananda01:54
corvusor a new patchset.  either way.01:54
anteayajog0: woohoo!01:54
corvusclarkb: jjb on 3 is done01:54
anteayajog0: get better fast, lots of soup and sleep, we need you01:54
clarkbcorvus: done on 4 too01:54
corvuswriting config chnages01:55
jog0anteaya: I am now on medication and starting to feel better01:55
anteayafungi: also I see two new requests for 3rd party test accounts, please make them non-verifying by default01:55
anteayajog0: awesome, keep me posted, health first, flying sick into cold weather won't help you, so feel good first01:56
vijayanteaya: ok.  Sure. To start with, to make sure our system is stable enuf. We have triggerred the system to vote -1 only after we manually trigger the workflow. It will send an internal mail if it is "-1" and only after we double check the system will post -1.01:56
fungianteaya: new requests where?01:56
harlowjaclarkb i think corvus was thinking u might know about how https://github.com/openstack-infra/config/blob/master/modules/jenkins/manifests/slave.pp#L220 gets exposed to say nova (or other test users), do u know if there are any ENV variables set (or something similar to let the test know that this can be used)01:57
clarkbharlowja: there aren't any set. Intead you can do what nova does which is test the connection01:57
clarkbharlowja: I will get a link01:57
anteayavijay: it sounds like a good approach, also make sure that muliple peopole check the email inbox for your testing system so you are responsive to inquires01:57
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anteayafungi: on the infra ml01:57
vijayantaeya: it is an email alias01:58
harlowjaclarkb thx!01:58
vijayantaeya: Also, the logs are uploaded to an external system for download, and we will available through email for comments01:58
anteayavijay: sounds like you are positioning yourself for success, thank you01:58
clarkbharlowja: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/tree/nova/tests/db/test_migrations.py the docstring for that file is good as well as line 41001:59
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jenkins03 and 04 to most places  https://review.openstack.org/6519101:59
corvusclarkb, fungi: ^01:59
fungianteaya: if there are any new ones to the infra ml, then my internet breakage has delayed me receiving them. more likely they're requests i've already completed and replied to01:59
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clarkbcorvus: lgtm02:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Start using jenkins03 and 04  https://review.openstack.org/6519202:02
lifelessfungi: alembic might be in the same boat02:03
lifelessNo distributions at all found for alembic>=0.4.1 (from -r /tmp/tmpcfUzJx (line 1))02:03
corvusfungi, clarkb: we'll want to merge the 1st change, then restart the gearman log client, check firewall rules, then merge the 2nd one02:03
fungilifeless: sounds probable02:03
fungilifeless: all fodder for a "pypi wall of shame"02:03
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vijayanteaya, fungi: Currently only the screen logs and the tempest logs from the devstack are uploaded by the test infrastructure. Is there a script which can be used to package more logs?02:04
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clarkbvijay: devstack-gate copies the logs, and it copies a lot more than just screen and tempest logs02:05
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corvusfungi: i'm going away for a bit; what to do with jenkins3/4 is up to you for now (merging that 1st change should be safe)02:08
clarkbvijay: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/tree/functions.sh#n334 is tehre02:08
corvusfungi: i'll be back in maybe 1.5-2 hours02:09
vijayclarkb: Wonderful. Thanks will have a look.02:09
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anteayafungi: you are correct, I believe you have responded already, can we implement this going forward please?02:10
anteayamikal harlowja do you know of a script that vijay can use for packaging more logs from third party testing?02:12
harlowjahmmm, not sure02:12
anteayafair enough, I have to stand up and walk away now, vijay you can ping me in -neutron if you hit an obstacle or need more02:13
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anteayaand thank you for being responsive02:13
vijayanteaya: sure.02:14
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fungianteaya: i haven't had time to read the proposal yet for revamping the process, but based on what i've heard it sounds like there may be some missing pieces to the picture still, and we'll need to update/announce those changes to the process02:25
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anteayafungi: fair enough02:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add jenkins03 and 04 to most places  https://review.openstack.org/6519102:45
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anteayafor those interested in the 3rd party verification voting conversation, be sure to follow and weigh in here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/63478/502:54
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harlowjaclarkb thx, making something similar @ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65199/03:09
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lifelessfungi: was pinning just virtual env sufficient?03:13
lifelessfungi: and is there a bug for this?03:13
harlowjadoes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65135/ make sense to u guys, it adds alot of venvs :(03:16
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: Pin virtualenv as 1.11 is bust.  https://review.openstack.org/6520103:19
lifelessSpamapS: ^ is there a bug ?03:20
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Storyboard puppet module  https://review.openstack.org/6501703:29
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corvusfungi: hi03:31
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jeblairfungi: i think i can continue now03:31
fungijeblair: hey03:32
clarkbjeblair: you are you again, I am up acpi says almost 1.5 hours of battery03:33
clarkbreality is probably closer to 103:33
fungilifeless: yeah, i opened a bug today to collect the various affected projects in. just a sec and i can find it03:33
jeblairfungi: i see the 1st change merged; has the log gearman client restarted?03:33
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fungilifeless: https://launchpad.net/bugs/126651303:34
clarkbjeblair: ps indicates that it may have been03:35
fungijeblair: i haven't checked yet, but i'll figure out where/what to determine03:35
clarkbjeblair: possible puppet did it for us, I didn't think it would beacuse you don't like that :)03:35
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: Pin virtualenv as 1.11 is bust.  https://review.openstack.org/6520103:35
fungijenkins-log-client.yaml ends up consumed by a process on logstash.o.o, or deeper into the worker farm?03:36
clarkbfungi: on logstash.o.o, the gearman client daemon03:37
clarkbthe -worker stuff happens on the farm03:37
fungiyeah, restarted 24 minutes after the config change merged, looks like03:38
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fungiJan  7 03:09:53 logstash puppet-agent[3836]: (/Stage[main]/Log_processor::Client/Service[jenkins-log-client]) Triggered 'refresh' from 1 events03:39
clarkbthat matches ps, so I think we are good on that front03:39
* fungi has been trying in futility to get at least a little of the review backlog handled before passing out for the night03:40
clarkbfungi: good luck (I feel bad for not helping much)03:40
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jeblairthe firewall on zuul has updated03:40
jeblairi reckon we should merge change#2 now03:41
clarkbsounds good03:42
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fifieldtthank you fungi :)03:45
fifieldtnow I wonder how badly this will break :D03:45
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clarkbjeblair: I think we need to clean up the slave list on 03 and possibly 04 (checking that one now)03:47
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clarkbjeblair: it seems to have been pulled in with the xml copy03:47
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fungififieldt: well, since it's called as a separate hook, it at least shouldn't break anything else03:47
fifieldtI hope so :)03:48
fifieldthey, where's the best place to see the logs it spams to>?03:48
jeblairclarkb: ack, thx03:48
clarkb04 has the same problem03:48
clarkbjeblair: should I manually delete the slaves or do we want to shutdown, then clean the xml?03:49
jeblairclarkb: if it's just a few, then manually delet sholud be fine03:49
clarkbjeblair: its a bunch, basically on slaves on the source jenkins03:49
jeblairclarkb: ok, let's shut down then03:50
jeblairclarkb: can you do that for both?03:50
clarkbjenkins is stopped, hacking xml on 04 now03:51
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fungififieldt: it'll wind up dumped in the gerrit service log, which is only visible to those of us with admin control over the server. i can spot-check for failures/hits periodically and post them to paste.o.o until we're comfortable enough to undo the --dryrun03:54
fifieldtthat would be nice03:55
fifieldtI really want to check that it's not giving false postives or negatives as much as posible03:55
fifieldtso a grep of the log for the appropriate bits in a couple days time would be nice03:55
clarkbjeblair:  ithink the css may not have been correcteither, the webuis looked funny03:56
clarkbjeblair: can you look at that?03:56
jeblairclarkb: yes03:56
jeblairclarkb: oh it's not running03:57
jeblairclarkb: i'll look when you're done03:57
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jeblairnodepool is not running03:59
clarkbjeblair: :( I have claered the slaves lists on 03 and 0404:00
clarkbjeblair: should I start 3 and 4?04:01
jeblairclarkb: yes04:01
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jeblairclarkb: i think it shut down gracefully, maybe puppet did it04:01
clarkb3 and 4 are starting04:02
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noorulfungi: hi04:03
clarkbjeblair: they are up04:03
fungihi noorul04:03
jeblairclarkb: what's wrong with the css?04:03
noorulfungi: I see 2 +2s on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64226/04:03
lifelessfungi: alembic was a false positive due to a dead dns server04:03
noorulfungi: Did you miss approving it or something else is required?04:03
fungilifeless: great04:03
clarkbjeblair: it actually lokos better now04:03
clarkbjeblair: no idea why it looked different before. perhaps local network issues loading css?04:04
funginoorul: yep! sorry, i missed hitting the approve04:04
fungiapproved now04:05
noorulfungi: Thank you!04:05
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jeblairi'm running a bunch of nodepool deletes in screen to deal with things nodepool may have missed during its downtime04:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Start using jenkins03 and 04  https://review.openstack.org/6519204:11
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Storyboard puppet module  https://review.openstack.org/6501704:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Alter zookeeper params for Fedora.  https://review.openstack.org/6264504:14
jeblairthe new config file is in place on nodepool04:14
jeblairand it's just started talking to jenkins0304:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update solum devstack job to install packages from test-requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/6422604:14
clarkbjeblair: col04:15
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Storyboard puppet module  https://review.openstack.org/6501704:16
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jeblairit's launching nodes for them now04:18
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jeblair04 is going to get the first ones04:19
jeblairlooks like credentials problem04:21
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add niceness gate for operations-guide  https://review.openstack.org/6456704:24
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Storyboard puppet module  https://review.openstack.org/6501704:34
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: jenkins03 and jenkins04 are both running jobs now04:37
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* fungi cheers04:41
fungihopefully this bodes for greater stability the rest of the week04:42
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jeblairfungi: yeah, should get nodes/master closer to 100, which is i think where performance starts to degrade04:42
jeblairfungi: clarkb was suggesting we sholud also move rax performance nodes into the gate (and increase our usage up to quota there)04:43
jeblairfungi: we might want to add one more jenkins master.  :)04:43
fifieldtfungi, did anything break crazily in the first hour? :D04:43
jeblairfungi: anyway, lunch time here04:43
fungififieldt: not sure--i've been trying to knock out more reviews, and am about to pass out for the night. haven't heard anyone scream about anything broken yet though04:44
fifieldtoh, sorry fungi04:44
fifieldtplease sleep well :)04:45
fifieldtno screams is good04:45
fifieldtbtw - thanks to infra for git.openstack.org ... performs so much faster than github (now I have a connection fast enough to tell the difference)04:46
fungififieldt: that's great to hear04:49
fifieldtReceiving objects: 100% (41222/41222), 65.49 MiB | 9.35 MiB/s, done04:51
fifieldtagain and again and again ;)04:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add gerritbot for #openstack-anvil channel  https://review.openstack.org/5397404:52
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jog0dumb rootwrap question: rootwrap's first arg is its config file. doesn't that mean that someone could use rootwrap as a local privilage escillation by making up there own rootwrap.conf?05:13
zaroclarkb, jeblair, fungi : i think we are all set with review-dev.o.o.  is there something you guys do for testing it before rolling to prod?05:15
jog0dumb question answered: the config file arg is explicitly listed in the sudoers file05:18
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: i shouldn't have looked at zuul's status... jobs on 03 and 04 failing with "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class hudson.Util" https://jenkins03.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron/46/console05:21
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jeblairzaro: yes, quite a bit more testing05:23
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fungialso "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class jenkins.model.Jenkins$MasterComputer"05:23
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jeblairfungi: hrm; we had to stop and restart jenkins04; i wonder if that could have caused something05:24
jeblairfungi: oh but that's on 0305:24
jeblairit's not all jobs05:25
fungii see similar issues for jobs run on both of them05:25
fungihttps://jenkins03.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full/57/console was about 8 minutes ago05:26
clarkbcould my removal of the slaves list have acused that?05:27
clarkbI removed the stuff between <slaves></slaves> pretty sure the master computer is special in jenkins though and you just get it05:27
clarkbrather than needing it listed explicitly05:27
jeblaira lot of jobs ran on that one slave05:29
jeblairpossibly many/all the failed ones05:29
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jeblairi wonder if the offline function failed05:29
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zarojeblair: i think i've pretty much covered the basics.  not sure what to target next but can get started on testing something else if you like.05:34
jeblairzaro: we need answers to at least all of the things in the etherpad05:35
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zaroclarkb: i've noticed that lots of methods to get master computer have been deprecated in the latest jenkins api.05:35
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clarkbjeblair: ^05:37
jeblairfungi: it looks like a bad node, possibly due to zuul having abroted its first build05:37
jeblairhrm, more than one05:38
zarojeblair: ok. most have already been answered, rest just seem like decisions we need to make like which plugins to install, etc..05:38
zarojeblair: i'll dig into it some more and try to answer all the questions that need answering.05:39
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zarojeblair, clarkb : didn't know if you noticed: https://review-dev.openstack.org/monitoring05:40
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clarkbzaro: I had not noticed, thanks05:42
clarkbzaro: that should be behind authentication thoug05:42
jeblairi think huge numbers of jobs are failing05:42
clarkband only be visible to admins if that isn't already the case05:42
jeblairlet's worry about gerrit later05:42
clarkbjeblair: because of the change?05:42
zaroclarkb: i'll look into that.05:43
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jeblairclarkb: i don't understand why, i'm talking about the thing fungi pointed out and i've been reporting on my investigations for the past 20 minutes05:43
clarkbjeblair: ya, I just wasn't sure if you had correlated the two05:44
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clarkbhttps://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-19453 claims to have fixed something similar in 1.54205:45
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fungii'm also seeing a jenkins-related failure on https://jenkins01.openstack.org/job/gate-config-layout/1825/console which ran on 0105:46
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fungi"Caused by: hudson.remoting.ChannelClosedException: channel is already closed"05:47
jeblairfungi: are you sure that wasn't an aborted job?05:47
fungijeblair: shouldn't have been aborted. was at the head of its queue05:47
jeblairthe gearman-plugin md5sum is different from jenkins02 and jenkins0305:48
clarkbo_O /me looks at what versions are reported by jenkins05:48
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fungii only copied over the scp and zmq plugins from 02 to 03/04... i assume the gearman plugin was obtained elseways05:49
clarkbjeblair: 03 has 0.0.3 installed, 01 has 0.0.4.ad75b7e05:49
clarkbjeblair: I think we put 03 and 04 in shutdown mode, then update the gearman plugin to match 01/0205:50
jeblairclarkb: i guess it needs a release05:50
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clarkbthen swing back around and possibly release the plugin05:50
clarkbya that05:50
jeblairclarkb: sounds good, you want to shutdown?05:50
clarkbsure, doing that now05:50
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jeblairclarkb: i'll copiy05:51
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clarkb03 and 04 are now in shutdown mode05:51
clarkbthere is one job on each server05:51
clarkbnope 3 is idle now, I am stopping it05:51
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clarkbjeblair: 3 is stopped, feel free to restart when you have updated the plugin05:52
fungithe jobs were failing rapidly enough i would expect 03 and 04 to quiesce quickly05:53
jeblair03 starting05:53
clarkb04 is still running a job05:54
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jeblair03 reports
clarkbjeblair: that looks correct, I tyoped the .2. earleier and left it out05:56
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jeblairclarkb: we can make sure the node running https://jenkins03.openstack.org/job/gate-config-layout/3/console is offlined and deleted correctly05:58
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jeblairclarkb: don't shut down 04 yet05:59
clarkbthe node for the job you linked is offline05:59
lluhi, anyone knows the failure at http://logs.openstack.org/12/63912/1/gate/gate-tempest-dsvm-full/1cd8253/console.html?05:59
clarkbwill hold off on 04, it is still running a job05:59
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Give Zuul file descriptor breathing room.  https://review.openstack.org/6462105:59
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jeblairclarkb: Offline due to Gearman request06:00
jeblairclarkb: and now that node is gone06:00
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jeblairclarkb: i'm doen with 04; feel free to restart whet it's ready06:02
fungillu: that looks like the issue jeblair and clarkb are working on06:02
clarkbjeblair: ok06:02
clarkbjeblair: it seems to actually be running tempest properly, I guess I will just watch it and restart it when it is done06:02
jeblairclarkb: i was getting a list of offline nodes on 04 so i could nodepool delete them (i think they are from our earlier thing.06:03
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llufungi: ok. what should I do now? Give another approval to put it into the gate queue since there is no reverify no bug now, or wait until it is fixed?06:05
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fungillu: i suspect it's safe to reapprove now, but you may want to wait a few more minutes while they confirm06:06
dstufft_fungi: clarkb mordred whoever, how hard would it be to try a 1.11.1 RC in the next day or two to make sure everything is kosher with it before we release it?06:06
dstufft_for virtualenv that is06:06
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lifelessdstufft_: of virtualenv?06:07
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clarkbdstufft_: not too terrible, we should be able to grab a slave, upgrade to the rc then manually run a job that won't report to gerrit06:07
jeblairfungi: llu: should be ok now;06:08
dstufftassuming nobody objects in the pypa-dev mailing list, we're going to release 1.11.1 without pip 1.5.1 (normally they get released together) to solve the regressions that occured in virtualenv with 1.1106:08
dstufftit'll still have 1.5 bundled that is06:08
lifelessdstufft: UI'm having to rollback to both 1.4.1 and 1.10.1 to work.06:08
lifelessdstufft: It's not clear to me that 1.5 works at all06:08
clarkbdstufft: though fungi may have the most bandwidth to help as the rest of us are conferencing06:08
llujungi: jeblair: thanks for the info06:08
clarkband that means he doesn't have much bw...06:08
dstufftlifeless: can you verify that https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues?milestone=6&state=open captures whatever issues you're having with pip?06:09
fungidstufft: yeah, i may be spread thin, but the pip/virtualenv patches are part of what i'm trying to get nailed down anyway06:09
fungidstufft: #1428 is the only one there i'm aware we're hitting06:11
lifelessfungi: and netaddtr06:11
dstufftlifeless: FWIW we can't really roll back to 1.4.1 in virtualenv 1.11.1, so the options are basically hold up 1.11.1 until 1.5.1 is ready (which we want to get the issues in that milestone fixed in that), or release a 1.11.1 w/o 1.5.1 and then do a 1.11.2 w/ 1.5.106:11
lifelessalso we've found another bug with --enable-site-packages06:11
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fungilifeless: the netaddr et a issues aren't a bug, just us having to realign our requirements with the "pypi wall of shame"06:11
clarkbjeblair: version of gearman plugin on 04 looks correct06:11
dstufftlifeless: netaddr is externally hosted yea? That won't change06:11
dstufftlifeless: can you file a virtualenv issue for it?06:12
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jeblairfungi: 03 and 04 are running the correct gearman plugin now; one job on 03 finished and the node was offlined and delted correctly06:12
lifelessdstufft: where are teh virtualenv issues ?06:12
jeblairfungi: so i think we've corrected the problem;  we'll have more evidence is ~40mins06:12
lifelessdstufft: do you have one about binaries being created in /usr/loval/bin rather than the venv (because the venv is missnig usr/bin/pip ?06:13
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dstufftlifeless: I think that's probably the pip/setupptols problem06:13
dstufftwe switched how setuptools/pip got installed in 1.1106:14
dstufftand when you use --system-site-packages, it erroneously sees setuptools and/or pip installed in the system site packages, and doesn't install it in the venv06:14
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'll file a bug for reverifies06:14
clarkbjeblair: ok06:14
fungijeblair: thanks06:14
fungidstufft: lifeless: yep, that's the one we're seeing--the fix has been merged to trunk for a couple days, just waiting on the 1.11.1 release for it06:15
lifelessdstufft: https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/53106:16
fungii've personally tested the patch for the sitepackages issue and confirmed it fixes it for us where we have than enabled under tox06:16
lifelessdstufft: oh, ok ! ;)06:16
dstufftlifeless: oh https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/issues/531 is a pip thing, and it's a purposeful change. warnings were emitted in 1.4, and in 1.5 the behavior changed06:17
dstufftnetaddr doesn't host its files on PyPI06:17
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lifelessdstufft: yes, I would like to see them all copied into PyPI before disabling it06:18
fungilifeless: the fix for netaddr is to talk them into uploading their releases to pypi (and the workaround is to whitelist them with cli options to pip)06:18
lifelessso we don't break /all the tooling/06:18
dstufftlifeless: we can't copy anything for netaddr, they have to do it themselves06:18
dstufftit looks like they might have done it though06:18
lifelessdstufft: I don't understand why06:18
lifelessdstufft: I'm getting that error right now...06:18
dstufftthey don't have 0.7.6 uploaded06:18
dstufft0.7.3 is the last version they uploaded to PyPI06:19
funginetaddr moved *off* pypi for their newer releases06:19
jeblairbug 1266649 for rechecks06:19
lifelessdstufft: so has pypi disablined registering new releases that are broken like this?06:19
fungii think it coincided with a change in upstream maintainers06:19
lifelessdstufft: I'm super worried about a moving target where we keep having to whitelist everything06:19
lifelessdstufft: or should we just disable the new 1.5 stuff so that we're not chasing a moving target?06:19
dstufftlifeless: so there's 3 classes of "things pip can download"06:20
dstufftthere's A) stuff hosted on PyPI06:20
clarkbsee https://github.com/drkjam/netaddr/issues/57 maybe we should all make noise on that issue06:20
dstufftB) Stuff linked directly from a /simple/foo/ page with a hash in the url like https://example.com/foo-1.0.tar.gz#md5=asdadasd06:21
dstufftC) Stuff either linked directly from /simple/foo/ page without a hash in the url, or stuff linked from a page linked from the /simple/foo/ page06:21
fungilifeless: there's no global "disable" flag for the equivalent of --allow-unverified/--allow-insecure... you have to pass it for each package you want to whitelist (or drop back to running pip 1.4.1)06:21
dstufftnetaddr falls in the C case for recent releases06:21
lifelessnoise made06:21
dstufftwhich is a massive security problem06:21
dstufftbecause pip has no way to verify the file you're getting isn't being MITM'd06:22
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lifelessdstufft: yes, I get that. I object to pip making the change to require an option while PyPI still permits class C registrations to be made.06:22
dstufft(C is the case that --allow-unverified, or it's older name --allow-insecure allows)06:22
lifelessdstufft: because we're dealing with layers like tox -> pip or cron -> run-mirror -> pip06:22
dstufftB isn't a security issue, but a reliability issue, which is what --allow-external // --allow-all-external handles06:23
dstufftlifeless: so06:23
dstufftPyPI allowing them06:23
dstufftI fought really hard to disable them06:23
lifelessand having to mpoke trough all those layers whenever someone does C by mistake (or deliberately) is a massive PITA06:23
dstufftbut distutils-sig wouldn't let me06:23
dstufftso the way pip works is the middle ground, authors can upload them, but even they won't be able to install them by default (assuming a pip >= 1.5) so they'll be incentivzed to upload06:23
dstufftbut not forced06:23
lifelessdstufft: I'm there, I saw IIRC two peopel whinging06:23
lifelessanyhow, I'm whinging now, because the predictable outcome sucks06:24
lifelessdstufft: could pip be much more aggressive about complaining? E.g. say 'you need to file a bug with the upstream, what they are doing is insecure'.06:24
fungi_needs more shame_06:25
lifelessI think we should do a fork of netaddr like we were going to do for mysql, TBH.06:25
lifelessit's simpler than poking holes in all the infra to override this06:25
dstufftlifeless: there's some pain in the short term, because we're purposely removing or making things opt in that used to just work, so there's some subset of packages that this will fail for. But long term this will be a lot better.. it just sucks short term :(06:25
dstufftlifeless: we can adjust the message sure!06:26
dstufftI wrote the message, I suck at wording things06:26
fungilifeless: it's not just netaddr. so far i've also had to whitelist netifaces and lazr.restful in some projects too, and i'm sure we have more06:26
lifelessdstufft: doesn't C require specific effort though? So there muust be some broken tooling or docs somewhere, or this would be a class B situation instead.06:26
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dstufftlifeless: for *new* projects uploaded to PyPI (brand new, not new versions of an existing project) C requires specific effort -- it requires the author to either manually register an url through the PyPI web interface, or to purposely set the mode to the legacy option06:27
dstufftfor existing projects, if we detected there was any versions that could only be isntalled externally, we left them in legacy mode06:28
dstufftfor them, often times the authors don't realize it, because if they type ``setup.py register`` and don't type ``python setup.py upload`` they can get in this case06:28
dstufftor if they publish a version to their homepage, which is linked from their /simple/foo/ page but didn't upload it PyPI, then that falls in the C option again06:29
fungiyeah, i remember the -sig thread... it was disheartening. "we can't disable them, ever, because we can't be guaranteed we can ever reach them to let them know"06:29
lifelessI'm worried about folk not realising06:29
lifelessnetaddr has been broken for 3 months06:29
dstufftthat last one was particularly troublesome before pip 1.4 when pip would install pre-releases by default06:30
dstufftbecause people would upload a pre-release to their project homepage for people to try, and pip's spider algorithm would find it on their homepage and install it06:30
dstufftfungi: FWIW Warehouse (PyPI 2.0) is going to eventually introduce a new API that isn't scraping the HTML pages of /simple/, and it will not support external links at all06:30
fungilooking forward to future sanity06:31
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dstufftlifeless: yea, We tried emailing what addresses we could find automatically, out of 30k projects or so there was about 5k total that we had to keep in legacy mode06:31
lifelessfungi: so I think we need an insecure-requirements.txt06:32
lifelessfungi: or something like that06:32
dstuffta good number of them were only for a "dev" requirement that was a git checkout or similar06:32
dstufftor for one old version that they forgot to upload06:32
fungilifeless: i was thinking magic comment tags in global-requirements.txt, but i guess a separate file could work06:32
lifelessfungi: needs to be in requirements.txt itself06:33
lifelessfungi: doesn't it? Because we'll need pbr to auto enable this06:33
dstufftFWIW you might find my pypi-externals tool useful06:33
lifelessfungi: otherwise every single one of our devs will eventually end up asking06:33
dstuffttells you what versions of a project are only available externally06:33
fungilifeless: at least for the tox use case, it's enough to just whitelist them in the tox.ini06:33
lifelessfungi: my assumption is we want to keep 'pip install .' working06:33
lifelessfungi: we have tox, we have tripleo, we have devstack, we have the mirror06:34
dstufftFWIW --allow-insecure//--allow-unverified//--allow-external work in a requirements.txt file06:34
lifelessfungi: + folk doing 'pip install ...06:34
lifelessdstufft: what does that look like?06:34
lifelessnetaddr>0.7.6 --allow-insecure --allow-external06:35
fungilifeless: good point--i hadn't tried that yet to see if it was also breaking on a straight pip install. i'll need to sleep on it though (approaching 2am here)06:35
lifelessfungi: SHOOO06:35
dstufftlifeless: https://gist.github.com/dstufft/829546206:35
fungithat syntax may be easy enough to implement06:36
lifelessso we need the updater to look for -- lines too06:37
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fungithough the fact that pip lets a transitive dependency override your download security policy that way is a little odd06:37
dstufftfungi: what do you mean?06:38
fungii ask pip to install package A which then pulls in unverified dependency B... somewhat surprising06:38
dstufftpip doesn't process requirements.txt files06:39
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dstufftnot unless you point to them with -r06:39
dstufftthat's an openstackism that does that with pbr06:39
fungiahh, good point06:39
funginormally you'd have to explicitly ask pip to -r the file06:39
clarkb(because easy_install is broken for other reasons :) )06:40
* fungi sleeps06:40
dstufftthere's no way for a setup.py (which is all pbr really is, it just reads the requirements.txt in, which I hate but it's really just setup.py still) to force an unverified dependency06:40
dstufft(this is actually why 1.5 turned off dependency links too, because a random package from PyPI shouldn't be able to control where you get files from)06:41
dstufftfungi: night!06:41
lifelessdstufft: so we can't make pip install nova Just Work anymore?06:44
jeblairclarkb: nodepool has error: [Errno 24] Too many open files06:45
dstufftlifeless: don't use dependencies that aren't hosted on PyPI and it'll just work. You can't use stuff hosted elsewhere and have it just work without the user passing additional flags in a pip 1.5+ world06:46
clarkbjeblair: :/06:46
lifelessdstufft: ok, so this is rather huge for us I think.06:46
clarkbjeblair: I propose we do the same thing I proposed to zuul06:46
clarkbjeblair: and ride it out until we can properly fix it06:46
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jeblairclarkb: we should bump mysql max conn too if needed06:47
dstufftlifeless: FWIW the process for deprecating things not hosted on PyPI went though was documented http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0438/06:47
dstufftdocumented here*06:47
clarkbjeblair: want me to write the init script change?06:47
jeblairclarkb: yes, thanks06:47
lifelessdstufft: yes, no problem there - again, I'm in the -sig06:48
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lifelessdstufft: my complaint is that we, as the nova authors, can't decide about our dependencies.06:49
lifelessdstufft: so we can't shield our many users from problems *we didn't create*06:49
jeblairnodepol just passed the 1M node mark06:50
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bump nodepool's file descriptor limit.  https://review.openstack.org/6521606:50
clarkbjeblair: ^06:50
clarkbjeblair: woah06:50
* clarkb looks into puppet-mysql for conn limits06:50
dstufftlifeless: well you decide what you depend on, so the future looking solution is don't depend on things that don't host their releases on PyPI. That doesn't exactly help the current situation but I don't see a better way currently to move to the desired outcome06:53
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lifelessso we're back at forking some set of projects06:54
clarkbjeblair: what value do you want for mysqld max_connections?06:56
dstufftlifeless: Of course we're open to suggestions, but anything I can think of just kicks the can down the road, either we provide a way for projects like nova to remove the pain of hosting externally, and projects like netaddr have little incentive to change (the netaddr issue was opened 3 months ago with no movement) in which case we're just shuffling deck chairs on the titantic06:57
dstufftuntil the point we actually do cut it off, at which point we're basically where we are today, sans maybe a few extra libraries06:57
dstufftforking might be the best solution for openstack, until netaddr (and any other projects) start hosting on PyPI06:57
dstufftor if they don't start hosting on PyPI, you may wish to their maintain it yourself, or find a new library06:58
jeblairclarkb: == to open file limit06:58
clarkbjeblair: ok06:58
dstufftto either maintain*06:59
lifelessdstufft: so, I would really like to reopen the -sig thing and make class C things flat impossible. Now.06:59
lifelessdstufft: that provides plenty of incentive for folk to register.06:59
jeblairlifeless: ++ the alternative sounds untenable07:00
lifelessfolk that want to host separately can advise their users to add whatever extra pip index url their stuff *is* available at07:00
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bump mysql connection limit for nodepool.  https://review.openstack.org/6521807:01
dstufftlifeless: I would be supportive of that, I hate the fact that class C exists at all, class B annoys me but I can see _some_ use case for it (it still requires a flag, but there's a --allow-all-external flag so it's not separate for each package)07:01
lifelesseither way users need to add some options to their pip invocation07:01
clarkbjeblair: ^ there is the change07:01
dstufftlifeless: an extra index can be as simple as a directory of tarballs if used with --find-links, so it's not like setting up your own mirror is hard07:01
dstufft"own index"07:01
clarkblifeless: ya, I think forking is probably the most direct and sane path to working07:02
dstufftlifeless: really PyPI could just allow the existing "legacy mode" applications to stay legacy, and just prevent anyone from switching to legacy mode ever again07:02
clarkbor, we try to advertise the state of broken, apologize profusely and actively work to change deps07:03
lifelessdstufft: yes, I'm very worried about accidental switches to this mode for deps we choose07:03
clarkbshould be simple to register netaddr-working on pypi and upload an sdist whenever upstream releases a new version >_>07:03
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dstufftlifeless: http://d.stufft.io/image/1u3v1W3S000e07:04
dstufftfirst number is the number of projects set to the legacy mode, second number is the total number of projects07:05
dstufft(if I remember correctly, a signifcant portion of the first number are projects whose only external version is a ==dev version)07:06
lifelessclarkb: we could even automate it - openstack-$name-working07:06
clarkbwe definitely could with some of our existing jobs even as they just wget sdist, push sdist07:07
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dstufftlifeless: clarkb I am sorry for this pain though :( I promise things will be much more stable in the long run once we clear out the techincal debt07:08
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noorulIs there any infra changes going on now?07:20
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anteayanoorul: yes, more jenkins are coming online07:31
anteayanoorul: why do you ask?07:31
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noorulanteaya: I think I found the problem07:38
noorulanteaya: http://logs.openstack.org/06/65206/1/check/gate-solum-devstack-dsvm/3a53145/logs/screen-c-vol.txt.gz07:38
noorulanteaya: I asked because I see that feedback from Jenkins is taking too much of time07:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Bump nodepool's file descriptor limit.  https://review.openstack.org/6521607:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Bump mysql connection limit for nodepool.  https://review.openstack.org/6521807:41
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StevenKShould I be concerned that my new patch hasn't hit zuul's status page?08:07
clarkbStevenK: not really, zuul is bogged down dealing with the existing queues08:07
clarkbStevenK: notice the event queue on the status page number08:07
clarkbStevenK: it is non zero which means zuul has unprocessed events08:08
StevenKclarkb: Status page number?08:08
clarkbonce that goes to 0 your change should be in the status page and if it isn't then you worry08:08
clarkbStevenK: under queue lengths on the status page08:08
StevenKclarkb: Oooh. '38 events' meaning zuul is behind by that much.08:09
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clarkbStevenK: yup I bet one of those is the event your change generated08:10
StevenKclarkb: I think that's a fairly safe bet, so I'll keep my money.08:10
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use performance rax nodes in the gate  https://review.openstack.org/6523608:22
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove devstack-precise-check rax images  https://review.openstack.org/6523708:22
anteayanoorul: okay, I looked at the file you linked and I don't see where it is saying Jenins is taking too much time08:22
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jeblairclarkb: ^08:23
anteayanoorul: but if this answers why the test is failing for you, that is fine08:23
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clarkbjeblair: those changes lgtm08:25
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jeblairclarkb: we have about another hour, i think that's pushing it for watching the first image build, etc, so i think we can wait to approve later08:31
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clarkbjeblair: wfm08:32
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noorulAny idea why am I getting this error08:55
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clarkbStevenK: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/122897709:03
clarkbits filed against nova, cloud archive, and the libvirt package09:04
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clarkbnoorul: no idea09:05
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anteayais this a pbr issue? http://logs.openstack.org/06/65206/1/check/gate-solum-devstack-dsvm/d1cbb27/console.html#_2014-01-07_08_48_06_78009:06
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anteayanoorul: if I understand correctly lifeless and clarkb think the issue is an import error, for some reason oslo.config is not available: http://logs.openstack.org/06/65206/1/check/gate-solum-devstack-dsvm/d1cbb27/console.html#_2014-01-07_08_53_23_19509:18
lifelesshttp://logs.openstack.org/06/65206/1/check/gate-solum-devstack-dsvm/d1cbb27/console.html#_2014-01-07_08_50_00_727 reckons it installed it09:19
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openstackgerritsahid proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Tox fails to build environment because of MySQL-Python  https://review.openstack.org/6202809:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Increase hpcloud ssh timeout to 180  https://review.openstack.org/6524609:23
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noorulanteaya, lifeless Thank yo for looking09:41
hashargood morning09:41
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noorulCould this (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64226/) be the problem ?09:46
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noorulI don't think so. Strange that import is failing09:50
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haypohi. it's still not possible to specific Python 3-only dependencies in requirements.txt. jd__ proposed a patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58770/10:55
haypocan someone please look at its patch?10:55
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haypoFYI i updated the https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Python3 page to add more recent information10:56
jd__mordred: ^^^10:57
jd__dhellmann: ^^^10:57
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chmouelhaypo: it would be nice to be able to specify a supported distro syntax directly in pip {test-}requirements.txt11:10
haypochmouel: what is a "distro syntax"?11:10
chmouelhaypo: sorry i mean python version11:11
haypochmouel: i asked pip authors if they plan to support distlib labels like "[os.name == 'nt']" and the answer is no11:11
haypochmouel: pip doesn't want to support that11:11
chmouelhaypo: and python versions?11:11
haypochmouel: neither11:11
chmouelhaypo: ok11:12
chmouelhaypo: i guess the tox.inis would need to be updated to support python3-requirements as well, right?11:13
dstufftFWIW (as a pip developer) that was a soft no from me. I don't personally think it makes a ton of sense for projects other than pbr based one because pbr is crazy and reads requirements.txt files inside of a setup.py :) Marcus or Paul might feel differently11:14
dstufft(Marcus and Paul being the other major pip devs)11:14
haypodstufft: ah, you're here :-) hi11:14
haypodstufft: i was trying to transfer you emails to chmouel11:14
dstuffthaypo: I'm everywhere!11:14
haypodstufft: the PEP 426 is still a draft, i don't think that pip is going to support markers in a near future, but requirements.txt is blocking me right now11:15
haypodstufft: jd__'s option is simple and you may use something else later if pip evolves11:15
haypoi don't understand why https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58770/ is still stuck since the end of november, the latest patch is just one line !?11:16
haypojd__: i don't understand how a single line is enough to support python3 dependencies. you also modified pbr?11:17
jd__haypo: the original patch was a bit more invasive, and I split it into what it is now and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/63236/11:17
jd__I already added you to these reviews11:17
haypojd__: ah ok :)11:17
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dstuffthaypo: pip supports markers inside of a Wheel right now, and has since pip gained Wheel support, setuptools doesn't really (it sort of does) but it supports python so you can replicate it in there. afaik openstack needs this because you don't write a setup.py really, you use pbr to extract from a requirements.txt.11:19
dstufftSo the pbr patch would likely implement markers itself, process them, and dynamically add things to install_requires as if you wrote some code in setup.py to dynamically add them based on python version (or whatever)11:19
dstufftWhat I'd personally need for markers in a requirements.txt is a solid use case outside of pbr, because pbr is the wierdo and the one "doing it wrong" IMO -- unless I misunderstand how you're planning on using them :)11:20
haypodstufft: for markers, it was suggested to write "mox [sys.version_info < (3,)]" and "mox3 [sys.version_info >= (3,)]" in requirements.txt11:21
openstackgerritSoren Hansen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make it possible to pass an SSH agent to jobs  https://review.openstack.org/6525911:21
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haypodstufft: (i don't know if it's the correct syntax for markers to check for python major version, python 2 and python 3)11:22
haypodstufft: "pip supports markers inside of a Wheel right now" i need something different. i don't want to install mox on Python 3, because it only supports Python 211:23
haypodstufft: in setuptools, it's the install_requires parameter of the setup() function11:25
haypoi don't needs markers, just the ability to tag "this dependency is only for python 2" and "this one is only for python 3"11:25
haypo(others are for python 2 & python 3)11:25
dstuffthaypo: Can you open an issue with github.com/pypa/pip ? I'm going to have to go soonish to take my daughter to the bus stop, and I'd like to get Marcus's and Paul's opinion too11:26
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haypojd__, dstufft : https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/143311:31
dstuffthaypo: thanks11:33
dstufftI guess I'm not leaving heh, went outside and it's too damn cold, we're keeping her home11:33
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Support nodes with launch condition  https://review.openstack.org/6526111:34
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openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Support nodes with launch condition  https://review.openstack.org/6526111:37
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jd__haypo: great11:44
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chmouelisn't that the gate a bit broken right now?12:25
chmouelor just super slow12:25
sdaguechmouel: so all nova py 27 unit tests are failing12:25
sdaguethere was a bug for that on the list12:26
chmouelsdague: oh thanks didn't see that12:26
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sdagueI don't know the other issues in there12:26
chmouelsdague: is somebody on https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1266711 ?12:27
sdaguenot as far as I know12:29
sdagueI just woke up and was just making sure the bug had all the details that I'd seen people post in IRC12:30
chmouelsdague: okay, i can try to look at it but i haven't touched to nova since i think the bexar version12:31
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for nova libvirt failure  https://review.openstack.org/6526612:35
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for nova libvirt failure  https://review.openstack.org/6526612:40
chmouelsdague: it would be nice to have the elastic recheck page http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/ directly in http://status.openstack.org but not sure who takes care of this page12:47
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sdaguechmouel: agreed, did you see my whole thread on that? :)12:47
chmouelsdague: oh no,i haven't will read it12:48
sdaguehonestly we need the e-r page a bit more functional first, it's top of my list, which is why I'm trying to not actually chase gate bugs as it will keep me from doing that12:48
chmouelsdague: yeah agreed12:49
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anteayafungi once you are around can you advise kruskakli if there is any way he can manually sign into his tail-f account and manually clean up the -1 votes still outstanding?12:55
kruskaklialso, is this the place to ask about this error when using tox: https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/issue/129/assertionerror-egg-info-pkg-info-is-not-a12:56
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kruskakliit started to occur 2-January12:57
anteayakruskakli: let's focus on one thing at a time please12:57
anteayakruskakli: these patches need the -1 votes removed: http://paste.openstack.org/show/60626/12:57
kruskaklianteaya: sure, but that error caused the -1 votes in the end... :-)12:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Mark resolved bugs  https://review.openstack.org/6515712:58
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anteayakruskakli: no, the -1 votes occured because your system was unstable and shouldn't have had voting turned on in the first place12:59
anteayaalso when posting to the mailing list, it is helpful if one topic is addressed per thread12:59
anteayaso addressing an error is best done in a support channel for that error13:00
anteayain this case it is a development error and asking in #openstack-dev is a good first step13:00
kruskaklianteaya: sure, I'm trying to find my ways around here13:00
anteayakruskakli: I'm glad to hear that13:00
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anteayaand hope that what I am offering is useful information13:01
kruskaklianteaya: absolutely, I'm very greatful :-)13:01
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anteayaI wonder if we should see a level of famialiryt with openstack and its processes prior to granting 3rd party testing accounts13:01
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anteayasince having a third party testing account randomly voting because it is broken has a very bad effect on the community as a whole13:02
anteayaand if you aren't familiar with the openstack processes, you wouldn't know that13:02
kruskaklimm...the openstack-environment has been kind of overwhelming13:02
anteayajust thinking out loud here13:02
anteayakruskakli: yes, I can understand that13:03
anteayait is for most people13:03
anteayakruskakli: do you mind if I ask, what is the motivation for having a 3rd party testing account if you aren't familiar with openstack processes?13:03
kruskakliI for one could settle for manual voting, based on the outcome of my tests13:04
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anteayakruskakli: some 3rd party testing accounts have the results reported internally with a manual process to forward those results to gerrit13:04
kruskaklianteaya: we had a 'driver' for our NCS product developed, that we want to maintain, however we are a small company and it landed in my lap...13:05
anteayadid your company develop the driver?13:05
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kruskaklianteaya: a contractor (a former colleque)13:07
kruskakli+ some inhouse work13:07
anteayawho wrote the tests you are running?13:08
anteayaas in how do you know what to test?13:08
kruskaklithe test was written by the contractor, I wrote the automation harness to make it fit with Jenkins13:09
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anteayathis just sounds really fragile13:11
anteayawhat happens if something changes and the tests you are running need to be adjusted to fit the change?13:11
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kruskaklianteaya: then I have to dig into it, I also have easy ways of contacting the contractor if necessary13:12
kruskakliit's an old friend13:12
anteayajust so you know what you are going to have to expect13:12
anteayaso this landed on your lap13:13
kruskaklianteaya: yup13:13
anteayaand you have no prior knowledge of openstack13:13
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anteayais setting up the third party testing the first time you have interacted with anything openstack?13:13
kruskaklianteaya: I've played around with it a year ago or so13:13
sdaguefungi: something seems odd in the zuul allocator, where when it's allocating dsvm nodes it's not going top to bottom. So you'll have jobs towards the tail of the gate that have all their resources, but towards the top that are still waiting on nodes13:14
kruskaklibut i'm really just running the unit tests of the driver, but toward an NCS system instead of a dummy sink13:14
anteayakruskakli: from your perspective that is how it will seem13:15
anteayawhat you are doing is conveying information that the rest of the openstack community needs to know is trustworthy13:15
anteayasince the information is relied upon by those making decisions13:16
sdaguekruskakli: so one other thing to realize, because of the amount of upstream code openstack depends on, that Jan 2nd event (which I think was the new pip release) is something you'll see at least once a month, where some upstream piece breaks an interface on us13:16
anteayaand -1 verification votes means that patch might not get reviewed13:16
sdagueso best to code defensively around things like that13:16
kruskaklisdague: sure, so that's I would be fine doing manual voting13:17
sdaguekruskakli: yep13:17
sdaguethat's what smokestack did for a long time13:17
sdagueit queued a bunch of votes on their side, and dan prince would manually verify them and put them through13:17
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kruskakliI guess I just can clear out the 'gerrit approve' commands in the gerrit config in the jenkins plugin to disable any voting?13:19
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fungikruskakli: anteaya: just skimming scrollback at the moment (was up seriously late working), but you should be able to leave a vote of 0 to remove the -1... just has to be done via the ssh api, can't log into that account using the webui13:20
anteayafungi: very good13:21
fungisdague: it wasn't doing that last night. very odd13:21
anteayakruskakli: that might be a start, but keep in mind this account now has voting disabled13:21
sdaguefungi: yeh, looks like it started about 6 or 7 hours ago13:21
anteayafungi: and yes, I understand, thanks for the new jenkinses13:21
kruskaklifungi: thanks, any example of how to use ssh for this purpose?13:22
anteayakruskakli: I can help you13:22
fungisdague: it also doesn't seem to be doing it now--did you catch it in the middle of recalculating a reset13:22
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kruskaklianteaya: aha, so I can't clear out those votes by voting 0 then?13:22
sdaguefungi: yes13:22
anteayakruskakli: have you read this page? http://ci.openstack.org/third_party.html13:22
fungikruskakli: same way you voted -1 with it (same basic api syntax)13:22
sdagueoh, sorry, that first comment was unrelated13:23
anteayafungi: will it work if voting is disabled for that account?13:23
fungianteaya: i don't know13:23
kruskaklianteaya: yes, but will re-read it since I've forgotten what it says... :-)13:23
anteayafungi: very good13:23
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anteayakruskakli: thank you13:23
kruskaklianteaya: thanks for your help, much appreciated!13:24
sdaguefungi: honest, if there was an easy way to do it, all the keystone and nova patches should be kicked from the queue13:24
sdagueas they are both failing unit tests, a lot13:24
anteayakruskakli: np13:24
anteayakruskakli: thanks for being available to learn13:24
anteayakruskakli: so after that page, read this one: http://gerrit-documentation.googlecode.com/svn/Documentation/2.3/cmd-review.html13:24
kruskaklianteaya: I'll be around in these channels from now on13:25
anteayakruskakli: thank you, that will make a big difference to the success of your testing13:25
anteayaplease join #openstack-dev if you haven't already13:25
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kruskaklianteaya: joined!13:26
anteayakruskakli: thanks13:27
fungisdague: short of uploading trivial updates to all those patchsets, nothing springs to mind13:27
smarcetfungi: morning , i just approved this change, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65152/, but seems that is stuck, i mean , merge didnt happen13:29
chmouelanteaya: fyi that tool https://github.com/pandemicsyn/fgerrit/ can batch bunch of gerrit votes if needed13:30
fungismarcet: the gating system is going a bit slowly at the moment... it should pick it up shortly13:30
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fungismarcet: apparently everyone is now back from their holidays and approving changes, so we're dealing with some unprecedented load13:31
smarcetfungi: oh got it, thought that i need clicking and viewing all files on commit to marked them as reviewed13:31
smarcetfungi: i understand np :), thx for the info13:31
anteayachmouel: thanks13:31
anteayaI will admit I am having a hard time identifying the feature set of the tool amoungst all the agressive language13:32
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anteayachmouel: we actually were looking for a tool this morning (Australia time) to do just that - batch gerrit votes13:33
fungianteaya: usually we just stick a bunch of ssh api calls in a temporary shell script and run it13:34
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anteayafungi: makes sense13:35
anteayamikal had offered to do up a script this morning13:35
anteayabut he had things to do like run his miniconf13:35
sdaguefungi: yeh, I should write a tool to bulk snip like that13:35
fungior a for loop in shell over a list of changes or whatever13:36
kruskaklianteaya: trying to vote 0 on this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64802 doing this: ssh -p 29418 ncsopenstack gerrit review -m '"Clearing out wrong -1 vote"' --verified=0 c1d53fd413:36
fungismarcet: your change finally made it into a test queue according to http://status.openstack.org/zuul/ so it should return in just a bit13:36
kruskakligives me: error: Change is closed\n one or more approvals failed; review output above13:36
smarcetfungi: tnx sire for the info13:36
sdaguekruskakli: the change is abandoned13:36
sdagueso no voting can happen on it13:37
kruskaklisdague: aha, ok so for those I don't need to clear out the vote?13:37
kruskakliok, I see13:37
anteayakruskakli: you can't clear out the vote, gerrit won't let you since it is abandoned13:37
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kruskakliand the same goes for status:Merged I assume?13:38
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anteayakruskakli: yes, if the patch is merged you don't need to change the vote13:38
anteayanot sure what gerrit will give you if you try13:39
anteayabut I do appreciate you taking the time to do this, and learn the process13:40
kruskaklianteaya: ok, I looked at all those changesets they were all either Abandoned or Merged13:40
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kruskaklishould I ask about that tox-traceback error in #openstack-dev ?13:41
anteayakruskakli: okay, thanks for looking at them13:42
anteayakruskakli: can you put the error in a paste please?13:42
anteayaand bring the url back here, I will take a look13:42
anteayabut normally yes, -dev is a good place to start13:43
dstufftfungi: I don't know if it's a problem you guys hit or not, but pip 1.5.1 will work with verisons of setuptools < 0.813:43
kruskaklianteaya: http://paste.openstack.org/show/60635/13:44
anteayakruskakli: okay thank you13:47
anteayanow let's go back the sdague's comment13:48
anteayaabout a pip version release that broke us13:48
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anteayakruskakli: so you are running neutron in a vagrant, correct?13:50
fungidstufft: good to know... i think that may be the issue which had forced us to use get-pip on all of our systems because we couldn't get in-place upgrades to work (various setuptools and pkg-config exceptions)13:51
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dstufftfungi: techincally pip 1.5.1 won't require setuptools to install from a Wheel (but will from a sdist) at all, with the ceaveat that if you install pip from a sdist that the setuptools entrypoint wrapper requires some version of setuptools installed13:53
kruskaklianteaya: yes13:53
kruskaklianteaya: perhaps I should paste my setup script?13:55
fungidstufft: great--that simplifies things a good deal13:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for nova libvirt failure  https://review.openstack.org/6526613:56
anteayakruskakli: sure13:56
anteayakruskakli: the more information, the better13:57
kruskaklianteaya: at the end of http://paste.openstack.org/show/60636/13:58
kruskakliyou'll find the Vagrantfile and the setup.sh script13:58
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kruskaklianteaya: sorry this contains the correct Vagrantfile http://paste.openstack.org/show/60637/14:01
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anteayakruskakli: okay for starters, our infrastructure uses precise, not quantal14:03
anteayaand we use pip for installation of python packages not easy_install14:03
kruskaklianteaya: aha, good14:03
anteayathese might seem like small points, but the closer you replicate our set-up the easier it will be for you14:03
kruskaklianteaya: I'll try precise and pip and see if that changes anything14:04
anteayakruskakli: awesome, thank you14:05
anteayaalso do a fresh clone/install of devstack/neutron14:06
anteayaI'm signing off for sleep purposes14:06
kruskaklianteaya: ok, thanks14:06
anteayayou are welcome to ping me in -neutron and keep me informed of your progress14:06
anteayathanks for taking an interest14:06
kruskaklianteaya: will do14:06
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anteayait will take a while but hopefully we can help you get what you need so you have a better sense of how to achieve your goals14:07
anteayakruskakli: thanks14:07
* anteaya shuts down for my night14:07
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: force removal of libvirt-dev  https://review.openstack.org/6527814:15
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sdagueok, here14:22
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fungiso to recap...14:22
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fungiwhen we reverted the most recent change to add ubuntu cloud archive on our ubuntu slaves, we apparently neglected to ensure /etc/apt/sources.list.d/cloudarchive.list got removed, and so upon installing libvirt-dev we ended up with a bunch of packages updated... http://paste.openstack.org/show/60640/14:24
fungii'll rework that list to show the versions they started at14:24
sdaguefungi: ok, so how do we recover?14:24
sdaguebecause that seems like we need to rebuild all those unit test nodes from scratch14:24
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sdagueas rollback isn't really supported14:24
sdaguewhat is the unit test node build model?14:25
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fungirollback generally works for most stuff. packages that keep data around or which make one-way updates to their configuration are an exception to that14:26
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fungisdague: we build unit test nodes by hand with the help of the launch.py script in openstack-infra/config:launch14:27
fungiokay, so here are the package versions which changed today... http://paste.openstack.org/show/6064514:28
fungiwe may only need to downgrade those first three14:28
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fungithe others are probably normal updates to precise, but i'll check them in just a sec14:29
sdagueyeh, probably14:29
sdaguefungi: so how would you orchestrate the rollback?14:31
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fungisdague: thankfully we have all the slaves configured as salt minions14:32
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sdagueok, but you still need to provide the puppet policy, no?14:32
fungisorry, still trying to get up to speed--it's my fault for looking at irc when i first woke up, rather than after coffee/shower/et cetera. i have a full day and it's clearly not going as planned14:32
fungisdague: yeah, i'm proposing a change to remove that file14:33
fungithen get it applied, then use salt to downgrade package versions everywhere14:33
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sdagueso the downgrade is manual14:34
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fungiyeah, but i can tell salt to do it on all 58 unit test slaves at once14:35
russellbthanks a bunch guys :)14:36
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fungirussellb: thank me for the unscheduled ubuntu cloud archive test ;)14:37
sdagueisn't there someone from cannonical around we can blame for that :)14:38
fungisdague: don't anger zul. we need him14:38
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Really remove Ubuntu Cloud Archive for now  https://review.openstack.org/6528114:44
fungininja-approving that ^ now14:44
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annegentle_hey all, what's the latest on releasing clouddocs-maven-plugin? We'll need a release soon for a pair of new features for the API reference page, and dcramer_ and I were wondering where we're at.14:46
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mriedemthis looks like a total infra fail when something was down, so not sure if there was a bug to reverify against or not? anyone know?14:47
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mriedemnm, looks like bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/126657814:47
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fungimriedem: different issue, but basically the same traceback14:48
mriedemfungi: do i need a different bug?14:48
fungii think someone opened a bug for that event last night14:48
mriedemhere we go https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/126669214:48
fungiyep, basically we brought two more jenkins masters online last night to deal with the increased load, but accidentally started them with an outdated gearman plugin which didn't know how to properly offline used slaves14:49
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mriedemok, i should hold off on reverifying nova patches right now though right?14:49
mriedemdue to the libvirt issue14:49
fungimriedem: yes, until i get the libvirt on the slaves downgraded to an older, more usable (for us) version14:50
fungii'm guessing about 30 minutes14:50
mriedemk, thanks14:50
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fungi#status alert working on undoing the accidental libvirt upgrade which is causing nova and keystone unit test failures (ETA 15:30 UTC)14:51
openstackstatusNOTICE: working on undoing the accidental libvirt upgrade which is causing nova and keystone unit test failures (ETA 15:30 UTC)14:51
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openstackgerritMalini Kamalambal proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Job for marconi-tempest integration  https://review.openstack.org/6514014:52
annegentle_wah emergencies always take over my doc build needs :) /whine14:54
fungiannegentle_: manufacturing emergencies is my job14:55
annegentle_fungi: nicely done :)14:55
AJaegerannegentle_, should we help with producing some doc build emergencies? ;)14:55
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AJaegerfungi, thanks for approving the operations-guide niceness gate working with openstack-doc-tools - everything looks fine. Now time to use this for api-site ;)14:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Really remove Ubuntu Cloud Archive for now  https://review.openstack.org/6528114:57
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sdaguefungi: so... with more digging, I actually think nova code is wrong15:01
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fungisdague: quite possibly, but that's why we've had a bug open for ages asking nova devs to dig into why tempest fails with new libvirt15:03
fungii hadn't even checked to see if the unit tests also exhibited issues, but apparently they do15:04
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fungiokay, manually downgraded precise40, confirmed on precise39 that i could do the same via salt.run... http://paste.openstack.org/show/60652/15:17
fungi(that's the resulting downgrades in the dpkg log)15:17
fungidoing the same en masse for the rest now15:17
chmouelsdague: is there some sort of regexp on the elastic search queries?15:19
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fungii'll do a pass on them once that completes to confirm they're all showing libvirt0 0.9.8-2ubuntu17.16 and then we can recheck a previously failed job15:19
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sdaguechmouel: no15:20
sdaguesearch engines don't really work with regex15:20
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sdaguebecause in order to search that much data efficiently you need to precompute all the token location indexes15:21
russellbfungi: if you want to add openstack-ci to the bug ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/126671115:22
russellbdocument the infra side of this15:22
lifelesssdague: there is a regex search engine that is efficient15:23
lifelesssdague: based on a google paper about google codesearch15:23
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lifelesssdague: search for 'regex search index code' in google15:24
sdaguelifeless: sure. I can be more specific - lucene based search engines15:24
fungirussellb: thanks15:24
lifelesssdague: ah heh :)15:24
sdaguewhich are the basis of all the major open source search engines15:24
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mriedemsdague: chmouel: there is some kind of regex capability in logstash, clarkb linked me to a page on the syntax once15:27
mriedembut i don't think e-r queries were honoring it if i remember correctly...15:27
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chmouelmriedem, sdague: ah ok thanks15:27
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mriedemchmouel: i think this was the one i had which wasn't working: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62067/4/queries/1258682.yaml15:28
sdaguemriedem: so even if it was supported, it would be effectively like going from an index scan to a table scan on our data15:28
mriedemi think it works in logstash but not e-r15:28
openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add message about failures on hpcloud.  https://review.openstack.org/6529215:29
sdaguemriedem: so that's globbing not regex :)15:29
sdagueand I think that doesn't work because you need to put the string in quotes15:29
sdagueif it has a glob15:29
chmouelah yeah "some sort of" regexp i was including globbing in there :)15:29
chmouellet me know if that submission looks good ^15:30
fungisome day i will write a paper about the various different kinds of regex implementations and their quirks, and call it "regular expressions are anything but regular"15:30
chmouelfungi: heh15:30
sdaguechmouel: is there really a reason to put the devstack-precise- in there at all?15:31
mriedemsdague: there were two different bugs with the same trace15:31
* mriedem gets them15:31
fungifor an out-in-left-field kind of regex, i give you "cisco ios bgp prefix regular expressions"15:31
mriedemsdague: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+bugs?field.searchtext=java.io.IOException%3A+Remote+call+on&search=Search+Bug+Reports&field.scope=all&field.scope.target=15:32
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sdaguemriedem: so they probably should be merged15:33
fungichmouel: mriedem: sdague: i question the usefulness (or accuracy) of adding jenkins agent java exceptions to e-r. those are individual isolated events, and usually fixed within hours. by the time they make it into e-r's field of view, it's time to remove them again so that they don't point people at the bug for the wrong incident15:33
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fungiunless you really just want a blanket pattern for all manner of incidents infra-side which impact jenkins operation or connectivity, ever15:34
sdaguefungi: I disagree for the following reasons15:35
fungithat's like having a bug for "sometimes python generates a traceback"15:35
mriedemfungi: that hp one has 61 hits in the last 7 days15:35
openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add message about failures on hpcloud.  https://review.openstack.org/6529215:35
sdague1) we can't compute our classification rates if we have some nebulus amount of gate fails which aren't binned15:35
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sdague2) it is important to figure out what percentage of gate resets are infra vs. inherent races15:36
fungisdague: so i guess this brings us back to rechecks on specific bugs for isolated infra events aren't really useful, and we might as well just have a catch-all bug which makes no pretense about what it is15:37
fungii can see the logic in that15:37
sdagueif you want to handle infra issues that way (i.e. you see no value in trying to bin them out), I'm fine with it15:38
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sdaguewe do need to be able to account bugs against infra though15:39
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mriedemsdague: for this one: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62067/4/queries/1258682.yaml , the logstash query wasn't working when there were quotes around the lines with the wildcard, and removing them made the logstash query hit,15:41
mriedemnot sure if that would be different with e-r though?15:41
fungiyeah, agreed. there just may not be a lot of benefit to rechecking on individual bugs since e-r isn't going to be able to tell those incidents apart so it's mostly going to be pointing devs at catchall bugs anyway15:41
sdaguefungi: some times. the pypi mirror was an example exactly the opposite15:44
sdagueI think think that infra has the same 2 kinds of bugs that other projects have15:44
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fungiprobably so15:44
sdagueintermittent issues15:44
sdagueand flat out breaks that nothing moves forward until they are solved15:44
sdaguemaybe more of the second camp15:45
sdaguebecause things like the jenkins slave changes don't get self tested15:45
sdagueso there are a few more ways to land a break15:45
sdagueanyway, it's probably worth a discussion on -dev or -infra list about how we should approach it15:46
sdaguebecause it does end up also as a useful metric of "what could someone do to help the gates" the most.15:46
fungiyep--totally merits a wider audience15:47
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fungiokay, libvirt downgrades completed... there was some delay as we had a broken version of salt-minion on some of them which was failing on the apt-get commands i was trying to pass in (apparently unattended upgrades from the salt deb package repository still aren't working, i think because it's hitting config file changes)15:51
fungii'm going to recheck a previously failed nova change15:51
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dhellmannI know (think?) there have been some changes to the recheck feature of gerrit, is it still possible to 'recheck no bug' for an old changeset that hasn't been through the test suite in a while?15:54
fungidhellmann: yep15:54
mriedemdhellmann: yeah, i think sdague actually wants that, there was a ML thread on it a few weeks back15:55
dhellmannI rechecked https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56093/14 about 15 minutes ago, maybe I'm just not waiting long enough -- the queue looks fairly long in zuul15:55
dhellmannmriedem: right, that's what I thought I remembered15:55
mriedemi did it this morning on a nova patch that didn't run through jenkins since november15:55
sdaguedhellmann: yes, it's all just very busy right now15:55
fungidhellmann: it's only "reverify no bug" which was removed15:55
dhellmannfungi: cool, that's what I remembered15:55
fungidhellmann: yeah, zuul is pretty bogged down handling results from resets and recalculating the dependent queue in the gate pipeline15:55
* dhellmann had 2 weeks off and forgot how to computer15:56
mriedemdhellmann: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-December/022797.html15:56
sdaguefungi: how's the libvirt downgrade?15:56
dhellmannfungi: I'll go review another and be more patient, I just wanted to make sure I had done it properly -- thanks!15:56
fungisdague: i've filed a recheck on 64893, just waiting for the job to start15:56
sdaguefungi: well there are plenty of nova changes still in the queue15:57
mriedemdo e-r bugs get opened against openstack-ci and tagged with elastic-recheck?15:57
mriedemnot seeing a bug tracking system for elastic-recheck in launchpad15:57
sdaguemriedem: we aren't using a formal bug tracker for e-r15:57
fungimriedem: yeah, that's what i've been doing anyway15:57
fungimriedem: for the couple infra bugs which got filed for e-r i've simply added an "elastic-recheck" tag on them15:58
mriedemfungi: ok, that's what i saw and will do, thanks15:58
sdaguemriedem: so if there is an e-r issue better to just stick it out here somewhere15:58
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mriedemsdague: the issue is my busted e-r query with wildcards15:58
mriedemi see that it's not reporting, so gonna report the bug and try to fix it15:58
mriedemshit gets crazy in here and lost quickly, so want to make sure i have a bug filed so i don't forget it15:59
kramanmordred: ping15:59
sdagueok, cool16:00
fungikraman: mordred's in australia this week, so if he's awake he probably shouldn't be16:01
sdaguewe need bug management via irc16:01
annegentle_fungi: ok, tagging 0.2 for the openstack-doc-tools, and I don't recall doing a git pull previously, but the instructions on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GerritJenkinsGit say to do so... is that just to make sure you've got the latest?16:01
annegentle_fungi: this tagging thing isn't innate to me yet :)16:01
annegentle_fungi: and we don't have milestone-proposed16:02
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annegentle_fungi: basically I just took the master, git checkout -b release-0.2 and then expect to tag that. I hope that's right...16:03
fungiannegentle_: yes. sometimes your changes don't merge in exactly the same order as they exist in your local repository, in which case there's a merge commit or the change got a different sha when it was cherry-picked in. if you tag your local repo without first pulling from the public one, you might tag the wrong sha16:03
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annegentle_fungi: ok so for the not-changing-often repo, my method should be ok?16:04
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fungiannegentle_: it seemed to work okay last time, but it's not really safe to tag without first making sure you have the same commits the rest of the world is seeing16:05
fungiannegentle_: in other words, you got lucky, but i wouldn't make a habit of tempting fate that way16:07
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fungiannegentle_: this is also one of the reasons to develop your changes in topic branches and leave your local master clean so you can pull into it safely with --ff-only16:08
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david-lylefungi: can you update https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/146,members to me?  I need to release a new version of django-openstack-auth to support django 1.616:09
fungidavid-lyle: sure thing. usually the outgoing ptl should add the incoming ptl, but in your case i can see that might not have happened as intended16:09
david-lylethere are a few things like that16:10
david-lyleI'm not admin in launchpad either16:10
david-lylefor horizon16:10
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fungidavid-lyle: it's also a good reason to designate one or more release delegates from your core team to handle things like that in your absence or during transitions16:10
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david-lylefungi: good suggestion, I'll do that16:11
fungidavid-lyle: i've added you to the group in gerrit... i'll let you remove gabriel or not as you see fit16:11
david-lylefungi: thx16:11
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fungigrr... 64893 is still waiting for a precise node to run the py27 job16:12
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fungisdague: though this looks promising... https://jenkins02.openstack.org/job/gate-nova-python27/14699/console16:13
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fungi(that's the earliest non-failing nova change in the gate right now)16:13
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annegentle_fungi: so how is milestone-proposed made?16:16
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annegentle_fungi: I want to be "right" :)16:17
fungiannegentle_: a release manager creates a new branch from master when the milestone is in sight, and then changes from master get backported to the milestone-proposed branch16:17
annegentle_fungi: oh ok16:18
annegentle_fungi: that's overkill for this for now, seems like.16:18
fungiannegentle_: that is the model we use for server projects, but for libraries and utilities we generally just tag sequentially on master and don't make branches16:19
annegentle_fungi: ok,t hat's more our model, the libraries16:19
annegentle_fungi: still, locally I'd not change master, I'd checkout -b based on master, I think16:19
fungiannegentle_: just tag the current state of the repository when you want to release, and tag again when it's time for another release16:19
annegentle_fungi: don't you love how I have to "talk aloud" through this ? Hope I'm not driving you crazy16:19
annegentle_fungi: sounds good16:20
annegentle_fungi: tag on master?16:20
fungiannegentle_: you can do that... checkout origin/master though, not your local master16:20
fungiannegentle_: yes, tag only on master16:20
annegentle_fungi: okie. git checkout master; git remote update; git pull origin master is the same thing?16:21
fungiannegentle_: for the server projects which use stable branches and milestones, we have special jobs to merge those tags back into master, but it's not necessary on a non-branching project16:21
fungiannegentle_: your example is of using a local master branch and pulling into it from the origin remote's master branch, but if you don't pull --ff-only you risk mixing local changes with the state of the published repository16:22
annegentle_fungi: makes sense, and I've never --ff-only, but I can see what to avoid now... thanks!16:23
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Fix the e-r query for bug 1258682  https://review.openstack.org/6530316:24
fungiannegentle_: if you want to do it via checkout, use 'git remote update && git checkout -b foo origin/master' which should create a local branch "foo" tracking the master branch from the origin remote16:24
annegentle_fungi: okie.16:25
annegentle_fungi: also how many -infra folks are in Australia?16:25
annegentle_fungi: mostly just idle curiousity16:25
fungithen you can tag on that throwaway branch and push the tag, and it will be a clean copy of the published master branch you're tagging on16:26
fungiannegentle_: depends on how you #define "folks" but all the core/root admins besides me, and also several of the non-core team members16:27
fungibut infra has tentacles which reach far and wide, so "-infra folks" could be a ton of people (there are currently 231 lurking on the irc channel, for example, many of which are likely there for lca too)16:28
fungier, many of whom16:28
* fungi hates when he grammarfails16:28
* dstufft is not in australia, but is also mostly here to whine about things16:28
annegentle_fungi: nice grammar :)16:28
annegentle_dstufft: I whined earlier, probably hit my quota16:29
fungidstufft: you can start by whining about how you're not in australia right now (otherwise you'd have written it whinging, i think)16:29
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dstufftfungi: lol16:30
fungisdague: i've seen three nova changes pass python27 unit tests in the gate, so i think i'll sound the all-clear. objections?16:31
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fungisdague: four more on track to finish in the next 10 minutes too and haven't failed yet16:33
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mferfolks, anyone have a little time to chat about https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/124256916:35
mferThis is the new project creation bug16:35
mferas I understand it, there is a fix that just needs to be all test... the fix has been merged in16:35
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fungimfer: yes, i'm hoping to try pushing one through today (i saw a couple which didn't have -2 votes on them) and will then ask the other cores to remove their -2 votes if it works16:38
fungibut they're all on the opposite side of the globe at the moment, so won't be on until later16:38
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mferfungi mine is at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/62069/. jeblair marked it down due to the bug after first passing it. I think this is fine.16:39
mferi did have to push a second change due to changes in config16:39
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fungimfer: yep, hopefully we can catch up on those outstanding project additions in the next 12-24 hours if nothing else major breaks and diverts my attention16:41
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mferfungi if there is anything I can do please feel free to ping me.16:42
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mferI'm happy to help and learn more16:42
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fungisdague: those other four passed as well, and so did the recheck on 6489316:46
fungi#status ok unit tests seem to be passing consistently after the upgrade. use bug 1266711 for related rechecks16:47
openstackstatusNOTICE: unit tests seem to be passing consistently after the upgrade. use bug 1266711 for related rechecks16:47
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mriedemsdague: looks like elasticsearch doesn't analyze wildcards by default: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html#_wildcards16:50
fungimriedem: they're disabled in the config except on one field, i think. if memory serves that was for performance reasons16:51
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mriedemfungi: that's what the es docs say, it's disabled by default for performance16:51
fungijesusaurus may remember more16:51
mriedemmemory consumption16:51
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mriedemfungi: which config?16:52
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fungithe kibana or elasticsearch config templates in openstack-infra/config. i don't remember which one exactly, i just remember spending a while figuring that out a couple months back16:53
mriedemok, i'll look16:53
mriedemi might be able to hack around it with a regex but not sure16:53
mriedemand not sure if that would even be acceptable16:54
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sdaguemriedem: yeh, I think that in general we probably want to err away from doing anything to impact es performance16:55
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mriedemthe wildcard in the one query is just to glob on build_name, looks like there are at least 7 of them that could be hit16:58
mriedemmaybe build_name doesn't even need to be in the query, but i think it was to avoid false negatives16:58
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jesusaurusmriedem: if you want to analyzed on wildcards, i think you would set that in the file /etc/elastcisearch/default-mapping.json (not sure where in -infra/config thats managed)16:59
mriedemjesusaurus: here? https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/elasticsearch/files/elasticsearch.mapping.json16:59
mriedemanyway, i don't think we need/want the wildcard analysis, we should doc it though16:59
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mriedemi ran this w/o the wildcards and it has actually more hits on jobs that weren't in the original query, e.g. the rally one, all fails:17:00
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jesusaurusmriedem: yeah thats the file17:01
jesusaurusi actually just stopped analyzing some fields in my cluster setup because the analysis does stuff like split strings on '-'17:02
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mroddenare there any docs for using nodepool?17:10
fungimrodden: nothing substantial yet--jeblair is still drafting them17:10
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fungimrodden: but others have gotten it to work by looking at what little it comes with and maybe some code comments, plus asking a handful of questions in here17:11
portantefungi: this grenade job timed out after 65 minutes, http://logs.openstack.org/35/64835/2/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm/c39e0db/17:11
portanteno logs were saved17:11
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Fix the e-r query for bug 1258682  https://review.openstack.org/6530317:11
portanteshould I file a bug for that, and then what is the best way forward to get this job reverified?17:11
mriedemportante: see the patch i just pushed ^17:12
mriedemexcellent timing17:12
fungiportante: that's going to be one of those edge cases where 5 minutes apparently wasn't enough. maybe we should consider bumping the jenkins timeouts to 15 minutes more than the devstack timeouts just to be safe (we saw log uploads going very slowly yesterday when the jenkins masters were heavily loaded)17:12
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portantefungi: perhaps we need to insert a heartbeat into the jobs?17:13
fungiportante: i should be able to dig up the console log for it at least17:13
portanteinstead of just doing a timeout alone?17:13
portantefungi: great17:13
fungiportante: perhaps... i think that's more or less the idea with the per-test timeouts in testr though17:13
fungiwe should make sure that each individual test can run in a reasonable amount of time, and refactor the ones which take too long17:14
portantefungi: agreed17:14
fungiand then we can set aggressive per-test timeouts17:14
fungiportante: oh, the log link you provided already includes the console log17:16
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portantemriedem: thanks, though it does not appear to be the exact same mode of failure ...17:16
portantefungi: yes, that appears to be the only thing that was captured aside from the setup .txt files17:16
fungiportante: oh, it looks like maybe devstack-gate didn't kill that job at the 60-minute mark, so it kept running until jenkins killed it at 65. maybe we have a mismatch in the set durations... digging deeper17:17
portantefungi: looks torgomatic reverified it using bug 125427017:18
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fungilooks like the job passed d-g the envvar to kill it at 60... http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/devstack-gate.yaml#n65417:19
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fungiyeah, can see it at http://logs.openstack.org/35/64835/2/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm/c39e0db/console.html#_2014-01-07_15_48_36_312 as well17:20
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jobs for cliff integration tests  https://review.openstack.org/6518017:24
fungii wonder if the gate_hook function never gets called for grenade runs17:25
funginevermind. i'm crackers. it has to since that's how grenade.sh gets reached17:25
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add some documentation on wildcard limitations in queries  https://review.openstack.org/6532617:28
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sdaguefungi: note it was 46 minutes from job kick off, until that job actually started17:29
fungisdague: yeah, i think the d-g gate hook probably was not reached until well after 5 minutes into the job, which explains the behavior we saw with jenkins killing it before teh wrap script17:31
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sdaguehonestly, it's probably worth providing an early kill timeout at job start17:32
mordredmorning all17:32
sdagueif we don't get to job start in 10 minutes, kill the job17:32
fungimordred: wow, you're up early17:32
sdaguebecause it's going to cause a cascading fail17:32
mordredfungi: I'm in Palo Alto :)17:32
sdaguemordred: wait, I thought you were at lca?17:32
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fungithe palo alto just outside of perth?17:36
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sdaguehe's just trying to trick us to not have to work on infra issues :)17:39
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mordredbah. like I do work anyway17:48
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markmcclainugh the gate just reset again with missing logs18:19
markmcclainoops sorry skipped over a line in the logs.. actually hit the 65 min limit discussed earlier18:20
fungimarkmcclain: yep, probably took too long to get started and didn't have enough remaining time to finish18:21
markmcclainyeah.. there's a 50 min gap18:21
fungiwithout timestamps in the setup logs, it's hard to tell where it was lagging18:23
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jerryzfungi: ^ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65178/ please take a look if you have time. and also https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1266603 , thanks!18:28
fungiwe're definitely pegging zuul's cpu today... http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph.php?action=view&local_graph_id=389&rra_id=all18:28
fungiwonder whether it's related18:28
fungiload average spiking up to 140 at times... http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph.php?action=view&local_graph_id=388&rra_id=all18:29
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fungiit's on an 8g rackspace flavor right now, so maybe it's time to consider a bigger zuul18:31
mordredfungi: perhaps a performance flavor18:32
fungilike rocky road18:32
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jlkgo perf, and you'll never go back18:35
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fungilooking at graphs for the various central systems involved in setup for that job (jenkins01, review, git.*, zuul) that's the only likely resource starvation i'm seeing18:44
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fungiunless it was the performance of the slave itself or something external like a network issue18:44
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fungichecked static too, and didn't see anything too out of the ordinary either18:48
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fungisome load average spikes up around 5 but very brief18:48
jgriffithfungi: correct me if I'm wrong on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/126562318:50
jgriffithfungi: seems it can be closed as "upgrade to newer virtualenv version" ?18:51
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fungijgriffith: i think the install_venv_common.py bit relevant to cinder is actually an oslo fix?18:52
sdagueyes, it's an oslo bug18:52
jgriffithfungi: I believe so yes18:52
jgriffithsdague: thanks18:52
fungii'd consider switching the cinder bugtask to oslo since that's where it would be worked around, if at all18:52
jgriffithfungi: will do18:52
jgriffithfungi: sdague thanks18:52
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fungimordred: so, if you're around, last night dstufft mentioned something which might be our ticket to working around the current external packages issue we have... we can put the options in requirements files like https://gist.github.com/dstufft/829546218:59
sdaguefungi: zuul leaking memory?18:59
sdaguethat seems like a really high load average for an environment that's not swapping to death18:59
fungimordred: i think we'd need to get pbr to grok that too, as well as the global-requirements enforcement/proposal jobs?18:59
fungisdague: no swap utilization, memory seems reasonable18:59
fungisdague: the git merge calculations are what kills it, i think19:00
fungianybody want an infra meeting?19:00
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added rbenv-env wrapper  https://review.openstack.org/6534019:08
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dstufftfungi: note, there's no way for pbr to pass those options via the setup.py19:15
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dstufftfungi: those only work for requirements files read via ``pip install -r requirements.txt``19:16
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fungidstufft: good point, that hadn't dawned on me19:16
fungii think pbr imports pip as a module, but no idea what it can actually do about it from that end19:17
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dstufftfungi: I'm pretty sure that's for when someone unpacks the tarball and calls ``python setup.py install`` manually19:17
fungiyeah, it is19:17
dstufftand that gets disabled when pip is installing it19:17
fungiright, okay19:18
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add e-r query for bug 1266611  https://review.openstack.org/6534419:21
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hasharzaro: hey ! :-) Wikimedia Zuul got switched to Gearman successfully !  Thank you so much for your patch to jenkins gearman plugin :-]19:30
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fungihashar: also, congrats on having a scalable ci. now you can add more jenkins masters, or replace them with turbo-hipster ;)19:34
zarohashar: good to hear.19:34
hashartook me a while :-D19:35
hasharour last upgrade was back in May 2013...19:35
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hasharfungi: what the hell is turbo-hipster ? :D19:36
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reedslightly off topic: what's your choice for spam prevention systems, free(dom) software, for website comments?19:37
hasharvolunteers :-D19:38
fungihashar: that should be the title in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/turbo-hipster/plain/README.md19:38
hasharfungi: yeah that is exactly what I wanted to do19:38
hashartiny gearman client that would run tasks instead of having Jenkins in between19:38
hasharI thought about a basic linting task that would fetch repo then run flake819:39
fungihashar: you should talk to jhesketh (whenever he's around next) and mikal about it19:39
hasharreed: more seriously we have a bunch of very lame measure such as captcha / IP blocking19:40
fungihashar: right now they have it running timed nova database migration tests and reporting results for them on gerrit changes19:40
openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added rbenv-env wrapper  https://review.openstack.org/6535219:40
reedhashar, thanks... any experience with http://bad-behavior.ioerror.us/ ?19:40
hasharreed: some private measures on the backend to detect well known spammers.  And finally we have tons of volunteers19:40
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reedhashar, makes sense19:41
hasharreed: and we have some folks that wrote some kind of AI which does roughly 10k reverts per minutes : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:ClueBot_NG19:41
reedI was looking at Ask OpenStack, we're incredibly lucky that so far we haven't had much trouble19:41
hasharfungi: I am pretty sure that can be generalized to other jobs as well. Afterall you barely use jenkins anymore.19:42
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fungihashar: yes, we're incrementally reducing the jenkins-specific features we rely on in our systems, so that day will almost certainly eventually arrive19:44
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fungihashar: right now the biggest hurdle is probably just making sense of the various jenkinsisms in our jjb yaml and turning it into something we can feed to a generalized worker19:46
fungi(or a fairly lengthy migration/translation project)19:47
Shrewsfungi: So, was a change made to pbr recently to not allow pip to download externally hosted packages?19:47
dstufftThat was a change in pip19:47
fungiShrews: the release of pip 1.5 on january 2nd19:47
Shrewsoh? uh.. hrm19:48
dstufft^ More details about the general deprecating external hosted stuff19:48
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Shrewsthx. believe i can work around this for now with the --allow-external option19:49
fungiShrews: we're still working through solutions for our end to deal with it until those remaining packages end up on pypi proper. tracking with https://launchpad.net/bugs/1266513 and https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/pip1.5Upgrade19:49
Shrewsthx x 219:50
dstufftfungi: there's https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/1268 though I'm opposed to it, but in the interest of being ~transparent~ and what not :]19:50
fungidstufft: yeah, i'm fairly opposed to it as well. it will just turn into conventional wisdom that you always run pip with that flag and nobody will fix the remaining semi-popular libraries which are the cause19:51
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fungiat least forcing people to enumerate the broken ones leads to a sort of "wall of shame" situation, and guilts the developers into fixing their problem19:52
dstufftfungi: I added it to your etherpad, but just fyi if you all need --allow-insecure to stick around past 1.7 just let me know and we'll make it happen. It's mostly getting removed just to keep our list of hidden options down to a minimum19:53
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dstufftfungi: yea, that was part of the original goal, I wanted people to know which libraries were making them type this crap out so they shamed developers into doing it :V19:54
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add some documentation on wildcard limitations in queries  https://review.openstack.org/6532619:54
fungidstufft: i figured, bit i also don't see any problem with transitioning after 1.6 is released. as long as we have an option which works across 2-3 releases i think it's fine, to give people a way to run it before and after upgrading pip19:54
dstufftfungi: cool19:54
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fungii'm just leery of forcing options right now which only work with the very shiniest, newest pip release and leaving everyone out in the cold until they upgrade19:55
dstufftthat's why we kept --allow-insecure around when we renamed it to --allow-unverified19:55
hasharfungi: ah I forgot about jjb :/19:55
fungiand it's very much appreciated!19:55
hasharfungi: at least the jobs definitions are abstracted out.19:55
dstufftI kinda want to convince folks to switch pip to semver tbh19:56
dstufftmaybe after i'm done breaking stuff :V19:56
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fungihashar: right. we're in a better position to replace jenkins since everything is in jjb yaml, as opposed to if we were stuck trying to translate it all out of jenkins xml19:56
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fungihashar: also, the yaml as it stands now provides us with a pretty good view of what we're still missing non-jenkins coverage for19:57
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add some documentation on wildcard limitations in queries  https://review.openstack.org/6532619:57
fungithe closer everything gets to being a reference to something else in jjb or a shell block, the closer we are to being able to stop doing it in jenkins19:58
hasharfungi: do you know whether turbo-hipster has a mechanism to clone the repos with the proper changes?19:58
fungihashar: no idea whether they're doing that or using our gerrit-git-prep.sh19:59
mordredhashar: I believe so - I believe it's cloning them directly from zuul19:59
fungii haven't looked at it closely yet19:59
hasharyeah code reuse!19:59
mordredme either19:59
hasharI wanted to write a tiny zuul-cloner client that would be given ZUUL_ variables + repositories to clone19:59
hasharand would do everything for me just like your devstack shell script20:00
hasharexcept, written in python :-D20:00
fungimordred: planning to be on the defcore call? if so, it's starting nopw20:00
ttxconveniently placed at the same time as the TC meeting, yay20:01
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mordredfungi: no, I'm not. I'm planning on being at teh TC meeting which has been scheduled for a few years now20:02
fungimordred: and #refstsack20:02
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fungier stack20:02
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krotscheckdhellmann: Hey, mordred just forwarded a question of mine to you regarding wsme/pecan. I don't suppose there's a project somewhere that I can reference as a starting point?20:17
dhellmannkrotscheck: ceilometer, ironic, and tuskar all use pecan and wsme20:17
krotscheckAwesome, thanks.20:18
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ruhekrotscheck: fyi there is a patch with intends to add pecan to storyboard - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/63118/20:19
ruhe*which intends20:19
krotscheckruhe: Thanks, I'll take a look.20:21
krotscheckI'm technically on vacation, it might be a bit.20:21
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jog0whoa gate is way backed up20:24
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jog0sdague: 74 patches, and top is from 22 hours ago20:25
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sdagueyeh, well nova vs. libvirt was a culprit20:26
jog0gah libvirt20:26
jog0it used to work20:26
jog0I like the graph http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/20:27
krotscheckI don't suppose someone from infra can take a look at this patch? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64761/20:28
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fungikrotscheck: i already have it starred. hopefully i'll get to it in the next day or so20:29
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fungimaybe today depending on what else crops up20:29
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krotscheckfungi: Oh, thanks. THat'd be appreciated :)20:29
krotscheckfungi: In particular I'm curious about whether the test reporting that I'm doing is appropriate - I've got manual tarball uploads for some of the test output.20:31
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add openstack-doc-tools  https://review.openstack.org/6536120:33
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mriedemchmouel: i think you can abandon this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65292/20:41
mriedemit's a duplicate20:41
dkranzfungi: The periodic-tempest-dsvm-all-havana builds have been failing for at least two weeks http://logs.openstack.org/periodic-qa/periodic-tempest-dsvm-all-havana/aeece8b/console.html.gz20:43
chmouelmriedem: yeah sounds good but mine was catching explicitely the cloud provider (i.e: HP here) so we can track those yours look a bit more greedy right?20:43
dkranzfungi: I could not see anything interesting in the logs20:43
dkranzfungi: The error is "timeout: failed to run command `/opt/stack/new/devstack-gate/devstack-vm-gate.sh': No such file or directory"20:44
mriedemchmouel: if you look at the elastic-recheck status page, it should already be catching those failures with the existing query20:44
fungidkranz: interesting. i knew devstack exercises on grizzly were breaking havana grenade20:44
mriedemso yes, it's greedy and generic20:44
mriedemchmouel: that particular issue is going to be an ongoing infra problem so i'd say let the existing query always handle it20:44
dkranzfungi: This error seems to happen before devstack is even installed20:45
fungidkranz: oh, that looks like a broken job--i'll see what's gone wrong there20:45
dkranzfungi: logstash shows many hits on that same job over the last two weeks20:45
chmouelmriedem: what if we want to detect a particuliar cloud providerr?20:45
dkranzfungi: thanks20:45
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fungidkranz: are other periodic devstack-gate jobs failing with a similar error?20:45
dkranzfungi: Yes, the periodic stress job20:46
mriedemchmouel: my guess is elastic-recheck will report back on the patch with multiple bugs and the author will recheck on one of them20:46
dkranzfungi: http://logs.openstack.org/periodic-qa/periodic-tempest-dsvm-stress-havana/419b81020:46
chmouelmriedem: ok20:46
dkranzfungi: Always the same two fail20:46
fungik, that may help me narrow down a common code path. thanks dkranz20:47
mriedemchmouel: either way, i think it's going to always be whack a mole with that failure20:47
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chmouelmriedem: yeah agreed, it's the "sh*** happens" catch all bug :)20:48
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: install gerrit core plugins  https://review.openstack.org/6536821:13
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add local-branch option  https://review.openstack.org/6536921:16
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openstackgerritPeter Balland proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove gates from Congress  https://review.openstack.org/6473021:19
SpamapSwhat is the long term plan for netifaces / netaddr? Are the authors going to move them onto pypi?21:21
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: install gerrit core plugins  https://review.openstack.org/6536821:22
fungiSpamapS: perhaps you can ask them (i think someone posted a link to a bug opened against netaddr asking them to switch releases back to pypi)21:23
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SpamapSfungi: Yeah I'm sending David Moss an email now21:26
SpamapShttps://github.com/drkjam/netaddr/issues/57 ftr21:26
pballandcan someone point me to a doc/howto for getting a project ready for pep8 tests (configure project for tox?)21:29
SpamapSpballand: there is a repo you can copy21:30
Ajaeger1pballand: cookiecutter is the repo21:30
SpamapSpballand: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/cookiecutter/21:30
pballandSpamapS: That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks!21:32
SpamapSpballand: no, thank you :)21:34
arosenHi, is there a way to push to review.openstack.org over http instead of ssh?21:36
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* arosen on a network where i'm only able to make an outbound connection over http today :( 21:37
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fungiarosen: there is not, no21:40
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arosenfungi: ah I found out a way to do it. Gerrit seems to provide this functionality.21:42
arosengit  push http://review.openstack.org:/openstack/nova.git HEAD:refs/for/master21:42
arosenyou have to get an http password and use that in gerrit though21:42
fungiarosen: i suspect that is not a feature in gerrit 2.4 (what we're currently running)21:43
arosenI'll go ahead and document this on: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GerritJenkinsGit21:43
arosenfungi: nah it worked :)21:43
fungireally? i'm surprised21:43
arosenfungi:  proof :P http://codepad.org/WkHZwfwq21:44
* fungi has been totally schooled21:44
jog0sdague: looks like you were right, now that libvirt is fixed gate is moving a bit21:44
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jog0jeblair: http://status.openstack.org/zuul/ the top of the gate queue is stuck21:54
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jeblairso we need zuul to push git refs to a git server farm and stop serving them itself21:56
jeblairbut no one has had a chance to work on that yet afaik21:56
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jeblairin the mean time, replacing zuul with a sizable performance node would probably be helpful.21:57
jog0jeblair: thats related to gate-tempest-dsvm-large-ops:queued at the top of the gate21:57
jeblairjog0: i can't see what you're talking about because zuul is so slow21:57
jog0jeblair: pastebin from top of gate http://paste.openstack.org/show/60694/21:58
jog0note the queued statuses21:58
jeblairjog0: it should get to it; that usually happens when jenkins completely fails to run a job21:58
jeblairjog0: we used to error out there, now we detect and re-enqueue21:59
jog0jeblair: ahh that makes sense thanks21:59
jog0silly jenkins21:59
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dstufftfungi: setuptools released, so we'll have a 1.11.1rc1 in the next couple hours at the most22:09
fungidstufft: awesome22:10
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sdagueso a good zuul web ui enhancement would be the # of hrs a change has been in the gate22:11
sdagueas that seems to be the best indicator of reset at this point22:11
sdagueand today it's all manual to figure that out22:11
jeblairsdague: yeah, would be trivial (zuul tracks that; item.enqueue_time)22:12
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fungimordred: so, here's a problem statement for pbr...22:15
fungimordred: this fails... http://paste.openstack.org/show/6069922:15
fungimordred: this works... http://paste.openstack.org/show/6070022:16
fungimordred: do you have any ideas on how we might take advantage of the latter to solve the former?22:16
mordredfungi: I don't think the former is a thing we want to solve22:16
mordredfungi: I believe that pbr is behaving appropriately - the user has installed pip 1.5 and pip 1.5 does not allow installing insecure things22:17
fungimordred: okay, so pip installs from source using pip 1.5 are not intended. got it22:17
mordredwell, I mean, nova currently depends on an insecure package22:17
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fungiwell, pip installs of current nova with pip 1.5 i mean22:17
mordredright. I think that is a bug somewhere, but I don't think it's a pbr bug22:17
mordredas in - I do not want to add an "allow insecure" to pbr, because that would defeat much of the point of having secure checking22:18
sdagueis build_uuid fully unique in es metadata?22:19
sdagueor is it unique per build_job?22:19
jeblairsdague: it's fully unique22:20
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sdagueok, that makes certain things way easier for me :)22:22
sdaguewhich, I didn't realize before22:22
sdaguejeblair: thanks22:22
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jog0sdague: thats the first u in uuid22:24
jeblairjog0: heh22:25
fungiugh, my isp needs to stop breaking whatever it's decided to break this week22:25
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jeblairfungi: if we wanted to resize zuul, we could do a host swap22:26
jeblairfungi: the only firewall that would have to be reloaded is graphite22:26
jeblaireverything else connects _to_ zuul22:27
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jeblairfungi: or we could work on pushing zuul refs to git.o.o22:28
jeblairor a brand new git farm22:28
jeblair(if we push them to git.o.o, i'd want to push them to an alternate set of trees (eg git.o.o/zuul/openstack/foo)22:29
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fungihopefully that's the last of my connectivity issues. not at all conducive to discussion22:45
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sdaguejog0: sure... I just mistook that it was tied to the changeset22:46
sdaguevs. the jobs22:46
sdaguemy lack of understanding22:46
jeblairfungi: i think that we can get zuul pushing to git.o.o with a reasonable amount of effort, probably not much more than a zuul server resize22:46
jeblairfungi: so maybe that's what we should pursue to relieve the load on z.o.o22:46
fungijeblair: agreed, just had a look at eavesdrop to see what i'd missed :/22:47
jroovershi fungi, can I ask a quick question related to bug rechecks?22:47
jeblairfungi: it would need a small-moderate patch to zuul, and a scheme to set up the repos on the git servers22:47
fungijeblair: what sort of alternate trees were you thinking?22:47
fungijroovers: sure22:47
jeblairfungi: we have something (is it manage-projects) create the repos on git.o.o, right?22:48
jrooversfungi, I accidently did a recheck with a wrong bug number, I have found the correct one now. Can I check the recheck comment? What is the right way to approach this?22:48
fungijeblair: just an additional set of shadow repositories, maybe not indexed by cgit?22:48
fungijeblair: right, we do22:48
jeblairfungi: yes22:48
jrooversfungi, "*change the recheck number"22:48
fungijroovers: sure, you can leave an additional recheck comment. zuul will ignore it, but the rechecks stream will see and add it22:48
fungijroovers: it's additive though... you can't really remove old references, but there's enough noise in them anyway that it's expected22:49
jrooversfungi, ok thanks22:49
fungijeblair: so, i think we could quite easily init a second set of repos no problem22:49
fungijeblair: but we'd also need to see if gerrit's replication config supports mirroring to a different repo name22:50
fungijeblair: or maybe just a different path but the same name22:50
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fungithe latter should work in gerrit i think? but serving those might get more complicated22:51
fungii'll have a look at the replication config syntax and see22:51
jrooversfungi, thanks!22:52
jeblairfungi: actually i don't think gerrit needs to replicate22:52
jeblairfungi: i think we just need to have zuul push to these repos22:52
mriedemanyone ever gotten a regex query to work in logstash?22:53
fungijeblair: oh, that might simplify things... right, zuul creates refs and pushes whatever objects are necessary to build them22:53
fungijeblair: so no need for replication, agreed22:53
jeblairfungi: yep.  i can work on adding the feature to zuul to push to configurable locations; if you have time to figure out how to get another set of repos created and served, that would be helpful22:54
jeblairfungi: (and if not, i'll pick that up when i'm done with zuul)22:54
jeblairi don't think i'm walking through the park today :(22:55
mriedemmrodden1: have you written logstash queries with regex?22:56
mriedemmrodden1: trying to get this to work (check|gate)-(tempest|grenade)-[a-z\-]+22:56
jeblairmriedem: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-query-string-query.html22:57
mriedemjeblair: yeah, been looking through that one for awhile22:57
jeblairmriedem: i think it's elasticsearch syntax, so maybe that will help22:57
jeblairoh sorry22:57
* jeblair fails to be helpful22:58
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mriedemwell this says most regex should work as long as it's in forward slashes22:58
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mrodden1mriedem: i haven't done any really advanced regex-y things with elasticsearch so idk23:03
mriedemmight be a bug or limitation23:03
sdaguemriedem: so I think what that actually means is you can't use it for message23:04
mriedemsdague: trying to use it for build_name23:04
sdaguemriedem: so you'll have to bypass the query builder to get er to create that kind of query23:05
sdagueor extend query builder23:05
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sdaguemriedem: https://github.com/openstack-infra/elastic-recheck/blob/master/elastic_recheck/query_builder.py#L2223:07
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sdaguethat's what an actual es query gets created as23:07
mriedemi'm just going to brute force the query and list the current check|gate/tempest|grenade builds23:07
sdagueso you'd need a regex leaf in there I think23:08
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mriedemsdague: do you know if the regexp query will get intersected with the query entry?23:14
mriedem*multiple entries in the dict i mean23:14
sdaguemriedem: so to use it in er would be a deeper patch23:14
sdaguebecause we try to simplify it for people23:14
mriedemyeah, like i'd have to add a regexp field to the yaml files right?23:14
mriedemsdague: so would you be against me just brute-forcing the build_name in this query? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65303/23:16
mriedemuntil we had regexp support in e-r?23:16
pballandis there a way to bypass verification (as a core-reviewer) while I get the tests passing?23:18
sdaguehonestly, I'd be +2 with that bug as is23:18
mriedemsdague: feel free to comment in the review :)23:18
dstufftfungi: mordred sdague clarkb whoever else https://gist.github.com/dstufft/ad130655c81e45098bff23:20
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dstufftthat should fix the --system-site-packages problem23:20
dstufftIf it's at all possible to test that in the openstack infra and let me know if it fixes i for you that'd be awesome23:21
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fungipballand: non-working jobs can be set to non-voting as long as you have at least one voting job unique to your project23:22
pballandfungi: do I set that in layout.yaml?23:24
pballand(perhaps instead of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/64730/)23:24
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fungipballand: yes, you can set a job name pattern to non-voting, or you can just make your jobs always return 0 (success) and rely on looking at the logs for them to tune them up23:26
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fungipballand: there is one catch with non-voting jobs... you need at least one voting job, and you can't use the shared gate-noop job if you run other jobs for your project23:27
fungipballand: so if you need something like that, you'd want a clone of the -noop job specific to your project23:27
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pballandis there a quick tox hack to make pep8 and py27 return 0?23:28
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fungipballand: probably, though i'm not sure exactly... i'd have to play around with it23:29
clarkbsdague: why does er need to explicitly support regexes?23:30
clarkbisnt the query just passed through mostly as is?23:30
pballandfungi: thanks, I'll play around with the targets in tox.ini to get a working set23:35
fungipballand: also, you can run tox locally and just not enable jobs for your project until you're ready to start using them23:35
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fungipballand: and simply start with only the gate-noop job23:36
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pballandfungi: I started there, but that's been stuck in review for 5 days - probably better to keep in the project and not bother the infra codebase23:37
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fungipballand: yes, sorry, our review bandwidth has been insufficient to keep up with requests. a lot of holiday backlog still23:38
* mordred looks away23:38
mriedemclarkb: query_string and regexp are different things in elasticsearch23:38
pballandfungi: no worries - if there is a way I can stay out of the way (like faking out tests) I'll do it23:39
mriedemclarkb: see my comment here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/65303/23:39
fungipballand: your patience is appreciated23:39
mriedemclarkb: and right now elastic-recheck only sends the query_string to ES23:39
pballandfungi: your build system services for a stackforge project are appreciated :)23:40
mriedemah infra, when i spend my day in here i feel like i spent 8 hours figuring out why something won't work o-)23:40
fungipballand: glad to hear it! part of our lack of review bandwidth is that we spend a lot of time keeping those running :/23:41
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fungimriedem: that sounds like every day to me ;)23:44
mriedemfungi: i know, it's amazing, always appreciative of the work you guys do23:45
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pballandfungi: FYI, replacing the tox commands with 'true' was sufficient for my needs - I can leave the existing gates and reenable from my project once things are cleaned up23:53
zaroclarkb: gerrit monitoring is already setup to be viewable by gerrit admins.  we are both admins so we both get access.23:56
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