Wednesday, 2014-01-29

clarkbanteaya: correct00:00
anteayathought so but didnt' want to interfere with running tests00:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added no_api env
clarkbdims "host_name": "Jenkins"00:02
clarkbdims: not sure that is quite what we want00:02
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fungianteaya: it's fine00:03
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add devstack-precise-saucy-kernel nodes
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fungiclarkb: anteaya: russellb: ^00:04
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anteayaany reason we are putting them on rax only?00:05
fungithat should make sure jenkins07 always has one ready00:05
fungianteaya: because we don't intend to run it a bunch or for very long00:05
anteayaokay lets get one up00:05
clarkbfungi: lgtm00:06
fungianteaya: we'll be reverting the patches for these once we're comfortable that jobs run with the new kernel and don't encounter the bug it's supposed to fix00:06
fungiand then we'll put through a change to upgrade the normal devstack-precise (and probably bare-precise) nodes to the newer kernel00:06
krotscheckjog0: for example markup, I'll adjust your patch with the CSS shortly.00:08
jog0krotscheck: awesome thanks!00:09
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Only plot gate failures in status.o.o/elastic-recheck/
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krotscheckjog0: That should get you the tabs to select the queue with. The navigation sidebar will require a bit of additional work, but since you're going for just an incremental change I figured this'd be good.00:10
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krotscheckfungi: - I made the changes clarkb asked for, any additional requests?00:13
fungikrotscheck: free bird?00:13
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* fungi has probably already used that joke this week00:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add devstack-precise-saucy-kernel nodes
krotscheck....I'm not certain I get it?00:15
* krotscheck is german. He doesn't have a sense of humor.00:15
krotscheckOh. Requests. Free bird.00:15
fungikrotscheck: you simply have a superior sense of humor, that's all00:15
krotscheckIt's not broken, it's advaaaaanced.00:16
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* fungi can't type00:16
fungi(though i guess that was one of the tallest, not actually zim)00:17
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fungistill, episode #1 ftw00:17
* clarkb decides to hack the name out of the root urkl00:17
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Update colors, header
fungii've got images building on some providers and once those finish i'll do the (roughly) other half00:20
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Updated tarball/client dist upload for javascript
anteayafor you00:21
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fungiheh. thanks anteaya00:22
anteayafungi: how long until it makes sense for me to trigger more recheck experimental jobs00:24
fungianteaya: when the ones you already triggered start running00:25
dimsclarkb, will fine tune it.00:25
anteayafungi: great thanks00:25
clarkbdims: did you want to work on that? I think I have decided that using the rootUrl to determine the host is better00:26
fungianteaya: the nodepool server hasn't spotted that config update quite yet (any minute probably, and then it needs to spend a while building the corresponding image, then launch servers from it)00:26
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clarkbdims: but clunky00:26
dimsclarkb, that sounds good to me., please go ahead with that.  if i find something better will submit another review.00:27
clarkbdims: sounds good thanks00:28
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dimsclarkb, i am guessing you are going to do a urootUrl.getHost() and stick that in?00:29
dimssorry rootUrl.getHost()00:30
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clarkboh there is a getHost method, I should've checked for that :)00:30
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clarkbgetRootUrl reutrns string00:30
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anteayafungi: very good00:31
anteayabut at least I have something pretty to look at while I wait00:31
clarkbdims: where does getHost() come from?00:31
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Update colors, header
clarkboh looks like is what I want00:35
clarkbthis will teach me to java00:37
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openstackgerritChristopher Yeoh proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adds query for bug 1273556
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wenlock_clarkb if your trying to parse a url, i think you want  .... not URL00:39
clarkbwenlock_: seems to be used in jenkins00:41
dimswenlock_, i assumed rootUrl clarkb mentioned was already a
openstackgerritChristopher Yeoh proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adds query for bug 1273556
clarkbdims: it isn't it is a string00:42
clarkbbceause jenkins rolls like that00:42
wenlock_clarkb, yeah if they plan to open a connection, then URL makes sense00:42
wenlock_clarkb , if they are just parsing to make a new URL then URI is the way to go00:43
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clarkbwenlock_: I want the hostname out of https?://
krotscheckWith the caveat of "it's not on the server with the API yet." ....00:44
krotscheckclarkb, fungi: Thanks for making this happen:!/00:44
clarkbwenlock_: I will have a change up shortly and people can tell me how I did java wrong00:44
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wenlock_clarkb, IMO URI is better for that, then you do URI("http://blah").getHost() and out comes a string with the hostname00:44
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dimsclarkb, technically both "new URL(rootUrl).getHost()" and "new URI(rootUrl).getHost()" will give you what you need00:45
wenlock_dims, agreed, my understanding was that URL is heavier00:45
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* wenlock_ wonders if URL supports ssh: file:00:47
dimswenlock_, there's tons of opinion :) googling java URL vs URI00:47
wenlock_hehe so true00:47
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clarkbwtf java. the docs say it returns null of no hostname but I still have to catch an exception00:48
anteayaI'm running check experimental on this patch:
fungiclarkb: 2014-01-29 00:46:40,250 ERROR Invalid parameter rules4 at /root/config/modules/openstack_project/manifests/slave_template.pp:13 on node devstack-precise-1390956157.template.openstack.org00:48
* fungi has a sad00:48
dimsclarkb, is lot older than URI so it is a bit backward00:48
anteayathe first round had jobs that didn't run and it looks like the node isn't ready yet00:48
anteayaso I will go to dinner and try again00:49
wenlock_clarkb, you think i can ask for a review later tonight on
clarkbfungi: :(00:49
fungianteaya: we broke image builds, so need to fix them first anyway00:49
clarkbwenlock_: maybe, depends on how quickly I get this done00:49
anteayafungi: I was just reading about your sad00:49
wenlock_clarkb, no worries if you can't do it today... i still have time this week00:49
fungiclarkb: i'll switch rooms and then work up a patch for that one00:49
anteayanot great for the end of the day00:49
wenlock_clarkb, know your busy... gota run ttyl00:50
anteayaI'll check in after dinner00:50
clarkbfungi: ok00:50
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clarkbdims: testing that now00:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Update colors, header
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clarkbthat worked, it is a bit heavy weight, but I don't care :)00:56
clarkbwe are talking a few thousand events per day nothing horrible00:57
clarkbfungi: I don't expect to get that in place tonight (as real review would be nice and it is getting latish)00:59
clarkbfungi: is there anything on your end of stuff I can help with?00:59
clarkbinstead of poking at jenkinses?00:59
fungiclarkb: keep poking at jenkinses if you like. i'm about to start deciding how to fix the puppetingness01:00
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clarkbfungi: nah jenkins can wait for when I can bundle a few things together01:00
clarkbI will look at that rules4 thing too01:00
fungiokay, though i doubt it's complicated to fix01:01
clarkbfungi: should be iptables_rules401:02
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Storyboard puppet module
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pass iptables_rules4 to template instead of rules4
fungiclarkb: ^ plain brown wraper01:05
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fungii'll speed it along once it merges01:06
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: register bug for new issue on instance caching
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Pass iptables_rules4 to template instead of rules4
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fungipulling that ^ on puppetmaster now01:11
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ruheclarkb: fungi: (cc krotscheck): could you help us to push latest code from to ci-puppetmaster? if i understand this correctly, mordred already uploaded previous version, so we could play with it on storyboard-dev.o.o01:12
fungiruhe: fastest way is for us to review (and hopefully approve) it. all the prerequisites are already merged as of a few hours aho01:14
krotscheckfungi: That's correct. All the pieces are there.01:14
fungiand i started to review it, but am currently sidetracked fixing all the broken so it'll be a few01:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: register bug for new issue on instance caching
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: update replicate command and add a version command
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fungiimage builds seem to be getting further now01:25
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clarkbfungi: they still going?01:33
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fungiyeah, for around 30 minutes so far without failing01:41
fungithe saucy kernel image too01:41
fungii haven't deleted old images on hpcloud-az2, hpcloud-az3 or rax-iad yet, but the others will hopefully be ready soon01:42
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openstackgerritChristopher Yeoh proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Narrows query for bug 1273556
fungiwell, i was going to tell krotscheck and ruhe to take note of clarkb's comments on 65017 (which i am approving), but instead i'll remember to suggest an irc proxy/bouncer or shell server to them01:51
clarkbfungi: :)01:51
fungibecause, you know, irc01:51
StevenKI've used my Linode to run irssi in screen for ... a long while01:53
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StevenK-rw------- 1 steven users 3.7K Dec  7  2008 .irssi/config.old01:55
fungii used to run ircii inside gnu screen. now it's weechat inside tmux, but same idea01:55
StevenKProbably since then01:55
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clarkbI had an irssi up for almost 2 yaers without downtime01:55
clarkbthen they rebooted the server. I was sad01:55
StevenKclarkb: I find something in screen or irssi loses its mind after about 70 days and it stops displaying unicode correctly01:56
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fungiat some point ircii got replaced with bitchx which got replaced by irssi, but i've been doing some semblance of that for at least 15 years01:56
clarkbStevenK: I haven't had that problem with screen and weechat.01:56
clarkbStevenK: but I didn't have working unicode support compiled into the screen back when I had that uptime01:56
StevenKfungi: xchat and then irssi for me01:56
clarkbwe should all use ii01:57
fungii don't think i could switch back to ircii at this point01:57
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StevenKMy muscle memory is so trained to irssi that any other client just makes me scratch my head01:57
bradmStevenK: fwiw my current irssi uptime is 180-ish days, and I don't have a problem with unicode01:57
bradmStevenK: but I use tmux instead of screen01:58
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clarkbStevenK: give weechat a shot. I mostly prefer it01:58
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clarkband one feature is worth switching for, smart filters01:58
StevenKHm, reparent a running irssi under tmux from screen. How hard could it be, and what could possibly go wrong ...01:58
bradmStevenK: /quit, start up tmux, run irssi01:59
bradmStevenK: :)01:59
fungii've been very impressed with tmux, once i got used to the idea of sharing windows between separate tmux sessions. a good deal more flexible than screen's model01:59
clarkbfungi: but ^b01:59
StevenKbradm: That ends up with tmux running under screen :-P01:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Narrows query for bug 1273556
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clarkb^a is two adjacent keys way off to the side. it is perfect02:00
fungii sometimes run screen on remote systems under my closer tmux session in xterms under ratpoison, to ^a, ^b and ^t02:00
StevenKround tuits have mostly stopped me looking into tmux02:00
bradmclarkb: "set-option -g prefix C-a" is the first line in my .tmux.conf02:00
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StevenKbradm: Does C-a [ work in tmux?02:01
fungiwell, c-b,[ by default if you don't remap02:02
fungiand c-b,] to paste02:02
StevenKC-a c, C-a n, C-a p, C-a w, C-a [ are my most used02:02
bradmStevenK: I'm pretty sure I've just made tmux work like screen, I don't think I use most of the more interesting features of it02:03
fungithough the selection start/stop markers after c-b,[ are different from screen's02:03
StevenKDoes tmux have nethack mode?02:03
fungic-space to start selecting and c-w to end/copy02:03
fungii can't remember if you can set nethack-style error messages in tmux. i think no02:04
fungiinstead, i have a nethack session running in one of my tmux windows at all times, in case i get hungry for those messages02:04
StevenKThat sounds like a missing critical feature :-P02:04
* fungi points at you and curses02:04
StevenK"You cannot escape from window 0!" "Your bell is no longer invisible" FTW02:05
StevenKA co-worker and I tried to work out how to get screen to bail out with "Suddenly the dungeon collapses! You die.", but screen's signal handling logic can be used to scare adults02:06
StevenKMostly because screen tries *really* hard to pass all signals to children shells02:06
* fungi smells a wumpus02:08
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reedstarting the shutdown02:11
reedsee some of you in Bruxelles02:11
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clarkbpleia2: before I run off to eat dinner. how did the nodepool stuff go?02:14
* fungi hasn't looked at the fedora build fails yet02:18
fungihah, there's been a tripleo-fedora image in delete status for several days now02:19
fungi76 hours02:19
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lifelessfungi: told ya :)02:21
fungimanually deleted it02:21
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ruhefungi: re irc bouncer. i'm using one, it just renames me to ruhe_ when i'm away02:29
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ruhefungi: and comments from clarkb are already on my todo list :)02:30
clarkbruhe: no need for a rename :{02:31
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ruheclarkb: i'll update bouncer config right now02:31
fungiruhe: that explains it. i have my client to filter out nick changes because so much of them are noise02:32
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ruhefungi: they also pollute logs on eavesdrop.o.o. i might change/fix that. maybe you can give me direction?02:38
StevenKI just tend to mark myself /away, and I'll see if anyone hilighted when I get back02:39
fungiruhe: we mostly just assume that if you don't answer, you're away and will chime in the next time you're around and see the highlight in scrollback02:39
fungialso, yes, setting a (not echoed to the channel) /away message helps for when people private /msg you02:39
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fungiwe all sleep some time... for me, that's going to be rather soon now02:40
StevenKfungi: I get notified about channel messages too if someone mentions me by name02:41
fungiyep, me too. i actually have a variety of highlight keywords set to help me skim scrollback of interest more efficiently02:42
bknudsonis there some way we can get a measure of what % of submissions are failing Jenkins for a project?02:43
StevenKfungi: So finding those out and saying them in channel every 30 minutes would be unhelpful, huh? :-P02:43
clarkbbknudson: there is. the logstash and graphtie data is a good place to start02:43
fungiStevenK: for that, there's ignore ;)02:44
clarkbbknudson: I know jog0 and sdague spend a lot of time on this02:44
StevenKfungi: Haha02:44
bknudsonclarkb: I bet logstash would have it... I'll poke at that.02:45
ruheclarkb: fungi: there is a comment from gerrit "Your change requires a recursive merge to resolve." on , do i really need to rebase my patch?02:46
clarkbruhe: yes02:46
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ruhedamn :( i lost all the precious votes02:49
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Storyboard puppet module
ruheoh, no i didn't :)02:50
clarkband approved02:52
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fungialso, generally, unless the rebase is really complicated, we tend to honor prior votes even if the trivial rebase check doesn't consider them entirely identical02:54
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fungibut still avoid rebasing unless it's actually needed, since it makes inter-patchset diffs harder to compare02:56
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add Storyboard puppet module
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ruheclarkb: fungi: thank you!02:59
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lifelessfungi: gerrit could just be better about diffs03:10
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lifelessfungi: the math isn't too hard03:10
clarkbI think it uses jgit for the diffs03:11
clarkband the problem is that they are correct diffs03:11
clarkbbut correct diffs with too much info03:11
lifelessI know03:12
lifelessbzr had the same issue in LP03:12
lifelessaaron figured out how to solve it03:12
lifelessits not enabled for $uninterestingreasons03:12
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lifelessfungi: I've tracked down the DHCP issue04:01
lifelessfungi: details in the bug, but I think I have a workaround in place.04:02
lifelessfungi: we'll know at the next rotation of slaves04:02
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Fix incompatibility with gerrit 2.8
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: update replicate command and add a version command
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow workers to send back metadata
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slongIs anyone here a git-gerrit wizard? I'm having trouble pushing my changes back up.05:06
clarkbslong: sure what are you having trouble with?05:07
slongclarkb, am working on an amended commit. It asked me to merge a file, but then gerrit didn't allow the pushed merge. So undid it all, but it's still complaining about the merge. (and I got rid of the .orig file).05:08
slongI'd blow it away but am in the middle of a review.05:08
slongFor this:
slongOh, and it's saying that I'm Jenkins as the author.05:09
clarkbif you amend a commit it shouldn't need to merge05:09
clarkboh I think you must've amended a merge commit05:09
clarkbslong: what does git log -1 --oneline say?05:10
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slongI did actually do a merge.05:10
clarkboh you did a merge05:10
clarkbso you can't do merges with gerrit typically05:10
slongyes, before gerrit disallowed it.05:10
slonggit log -1 --oneline05:11
slong360b745 Added HA/Neutron architecture.05:11
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clarkbso you are on the right commit, wheer did you do a merge?05:11
slongWhen I ran 'git review -v', there were upstream changes that had been done.05:12
slongThe merge was fine, but gerrit rejected 'merged files'.05:12
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clarkbslong: did you do a git merge?05:12
slong'git mergetool'05:12
clarkbslong: typically you want to do a git rebase instead05:12
clarkbgit merge is probably not what you want05:13
clarkbbecause gerrit will refuse merge commits05:13
slongYes, :), now I know that.05:13
slongThe problem is, how to go forward.05:13
slongHow do I convince gerrit that the files are no longer merged?05:14
clarkbok. to untangle this I would `git checkout -b marker-branch ; git review -d 67763 ; git rebase master ; make local edits ; git commit -a --amend ; git review`05:14
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zaroclarkb: what is a git-triggered job?
clarkbzaro: something not triggered by zuul05:15
zaroclarkb: using git-trigger plugin?05:15
slongthx clarkb, will try05:15
clarkbzaro: yeah05:16
clarkbzaro: it can poll a git repo iirc and if there are changes on a branch do stuff05:16
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slongclarkb, if rebase stutters, what's the command to say 'fine, use the master version'? (if I can't merge)05:22
StevenKslong: git rebase master should unapply your changes, update to master and then reapply your changes05:23
slongNo, it hates me.05:23
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slongCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in doc/openstack-ops/bk_ops_guide.xml05:23
slongFailed to merge in the changes.05:23
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slongno worries, I'll pull a master copy out and paste in on top and see whether it can rebase that?05:25
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slongWhich feels wrong.05:26
clarkbslong: you can resolve the merge conflict in the rebase05:27
clarkband you should05:27
clarkbthe difference is there won't be a merge commit at the end of the rebase05:27
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slongBut this is what I did to begin with. During 'git review', the rebase conflict came up. I did a merge, and gerrit rejected it.05:28
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clarkbright you can't `git merge`05:29
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clarkbbut you can `git rebase` the important difference between the two in this case is the lack of a merge commit when you git rebase05:29
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: point zuul-dev to review-dev
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slongSo, clarkb, right now, after I've run 'git rebase master' and it's complained, I run 'git rebase' again?05:31
StevenKslong: Can you pastebin its output?05:31
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slongsure, 2 secs05:32
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StevenKslong: Right, so you should edit doc/openstack-ops/section_arch_example-nova.xml and doc/openstack-ops/bk_ops_guide.xml and fix the conflicts. Once you've done so, you should run 'git add .' and then 'git rebase --continue'05:36
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slongOk, it's just that you can't fix them using merge.05:36
slongok, will do.05:36
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slongStevenK, clarkb, finally got it to commit. Many thanks for your help :)06:14
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: replace jeepyb's trivial rebase gerrit hook with copyAllScoresOnTrivialRebase
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clarkbvishy: I am so happy to know where AUDIT came from and that we can kill it06:38
clarkbthat literally makes my evening06:38
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vishyclarkb: kill it with fire!06:56
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Unpin kazoo
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Updated the logs directory for tripleo jobs
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svijHey, anyone around here, who can help me with my jenkins jclouds setup? I'm trying to specify my Image ID like this "regionOne/6b538071-b0a0-48ed-a82f-1c2711856d08". The error message is: "Unable to check the image id, please check if the credentials you provided are correct." but the credentials are correct10:10
svijany ideas? (I'm using jclouds plugin 1.4.1 with openstack havana)10:11
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: scms: MultiSCM is generated for scms hidden in macro
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update Storyboard jobs
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add oslo fixture module and update everything else
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Database fixture added
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SergeyLukjanovlifeless, ping11:07
SergeyLukjanovlifeless, looks like latest testools changes breaks subunit11:08
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DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, lifeless - or otherwise, new (today) subunit uses smth from testools that's not currently there11:09
SergeyLukjanovlifeless, it was broken by
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iv_mSergeyLukjanov, DinaBelova -- it's testtools, pinning them to 0.9.34 (previous version) helps11:13
SergeyLukjanoviv_m, it couldn't be merged due to the glabel res :)11:14
SergeyLukjanovlifeless, btw bug for it
DinaBelovaiv_m, yep... that helps testing itself, but it won't pass because of global reqs11:14
iv_mis anybody submitting change to global reqs? ;)11:15
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DinaBelovaiv_m, no, I mean that we may force 0.9.34 by setting <=0.9.34 in reqs of project11:15
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DinaBelovabut that is not global reqs line for testtools11:16
SergeyLukjanoviv_m, it could be easily fixed in subunit, but we'll need new release, I don't think that it's a good idea to limit subunit version11:16
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jd__ah, I was about to report the same things11:23
jd__lifeless: ^11:23
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Temporary fix testtols version to unblock gate
SergeyLukjanovprobably, it could a good solution to unblock the gate before lifeless will be able to release fixed version11:24
SergeyLukjanovjd__, sdague, ^^11:24
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1274056
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: oh wow11:39
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hasharwas wondering whether you guys considered moving out of Launchpad ? I know ttx started a new project Storyboard but it does not seem to be very active.11:40
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sdaguehashar: there are actually a bunch of folks working on storyboard now11:43
SergeyLukjanovsdague, heh, fingerprint for a bug couldn't be merged due to the bug :)11:43
hasharsdague: Wikimedia is investigating replacing our various tools with a single one (graal of IT).11:44
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, -  Add fingerprint for bug 1274056
iv_mSergeyLukjanov: lol11:44
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: you want to propose the pin in requirements at the same time there?11:44
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, it's a bad temp solution, but I don't see the other solutions11:45
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: actually, can you update - to also pin it's requirements?11:45
sdagueotherwise it might not pass11:45
SergeyLukjanovsdague, yup, will do11:45
sdagueyeh, it's passing it's unit tests11:45
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Temporary fix testtols version to unblock gate
SergeyLukjanovsdague, done11:46
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, I'm not sure that it's a good enough solution, otherwise we should wait for lifeless11:47
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hasharsdague: found out there is a StoryBoard 2 days sprint starting tomorrow in Bruxelles (aka pre Fosdem)11:47
SergeyLukjanovhashar, correct11:47
hasharsuch a pity I can't go there this year :(11:48
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: so if lifeless isn't on now, we're going to be waiting about 8+ hrs for him11:48
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1274056
SergeyLukjanovsdague, yup, he's living in US?11:48
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: New Zealand11:49
sdagueso now is his evening11:49
SergeyLukjanovsdague, oh11:49
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, looks like we geting the new traffic jam in gate11:50
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hasharI had some jobs failing on Zuul repo earlier today11:53
hasharsame issue as
hashar from testtools.compat import all11:53
hasharImportError: cannot import name all11:53
sdaguehashar: yeh, that's what the scrollback is about11:53
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hasharoops sorry11:53
sdagueno worries11:54
sdaguehashar: which TZ you in?11:55
hasharFrance, thus GMT+1 rightnow11:55
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, where are you from? I see you always online in this time12:00
sdagueEast Coast US12:00
sdaguebut I'm a morning person12:00
SergeyLukjanovsdague, oh, interesting :)12:00
sdagueand work from home12:00
SnowDustsdague :
sdagueso I usually just git on once the coffee pot is started12:01
sdagueSnowDust: looking12:01
SnowDusthmm .. thx !12:01
hasharI like US east coasters, we have a nice timezone overlap with Europe12:01
SnowDusthashar : what font zone are u in LOL !12:02
sdagueSnowDust: is there a trove test in the gate somewhere that would have caught this?12:03
SnowDustsdague: let me see ... :)12:03
SergeyLukjanovhashar, yup east cost tz overlap is much better :)12:05
SergeyLukjanovhashar, I'm UTC+4, so, it's especially important for me :)12:05
hasharmy team has folks in San Francisco (GMT-7), UK (GMT) and Sidney (GMT+11)12:06
sdagueyeh, that's just brutal :)12:06
hasharwith DST kicking of at different time :-D12:06
StevenKhashar: Sydney doesn't have an i :-)12:07
hasharso Australia and Europe can have 8 or 10 hours of difference12:07
hasharsometime 912:07
hasharStevenK: thanks :]12:07
StevenKI'm a Sydneysider, FWIW12:08
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sdagueI really need to get back to sydney12:08
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sdagueI was there for 2 months working on the olympics back in 2000. lots of fond memories12:09
openstackgerritTom Fifield proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add de and ko_kr builds for install guide
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sdagueI'm also sufficiently confused, the github source tree for testtools is 2 months old12:14
SergeyLukjanovsdague, it was broken by 2 month old commit12:14
SergeyLukjanovsdague, but it was released (0.9.35) today12:15
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sdagueyeh, so in 2 hrs, when fungi is online, someone can ask him to remove testtools from the mirror12:17
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hashardo you have any issue # we can refer fungi too ?12:19
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hasharthank you dims12:19
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SergeyLukjanovoh, bazaar makes me crazy12:23
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, passed check jobs12:25
SergeyLukjanovsdague, (fingerprint)12:25
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: thanks12:26
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: agree, bzr really needs to diaf12:26
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1274056
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, heh, looks like we'll probably wait for a long time before testtools version fix will be merged12:30
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support to list running jobs to zuul client
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: - your fingerprint just hit12:48
sdaguecurrent #2 bug in last 24 hrs12:48
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sdagueI'm sure that will change in the next hr12:48
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, heh - 203 fails in 24hrs / 248 fails in 7 days12:49
sdagueyeh, it also makes a good case for the hacking rule about not importing modules. There are so many compat import layers inside of testtools, that this just got lost12:53
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: have you done a pull request on testtools?12:53
sdaguefor the root issue?12:54
SergeyLukjanovsdague, it was done by dims12:54
sdagueok, great12:54
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sdaguedims: thanks!12:54
iv_msdague: isn't that subunit what should be fixed? or both?12:55
SergeyLukjanovsdague, and it should be fixed in subunit12:55
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sdaguesigh, bzr12:56
SergeyLukjanovsdague, exactly12:56
SergeyLukjanovsdague, oh, I find a diff in it -
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: last 24hr count needs to be failures only
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: want to sanity check that ^^^^13:10
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sdagueit will be a bit before jog0 or mtreinish are up, so I'd just like a second set of eyes before pushing through13:10
SergeyLukjanovsdague, looking on it now13:11
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: it's actually 14 days
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dimsiv_m, SergeyLukjanov is right. unnecessary code was taken out in testtools, so we have to fix subunit13:13
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russellb_lifeless: looks like testtools release causing all the tempest jobs to fail?13:13
SergeyLukjanovdims, the funny thing is that it was unnecessary code in subunit too13:13
SergeyLukjanovrussellb_, yup13:14
SergeyLukjanovrussellb_, you can find a lot of details in scroll :)13:14
russellb_k, will get back to my other irc client and read scrollback heh13:14
SergeyLukjanovrussellb_, bug for it in subunit where it should be fixed13:14
russellb_feel like we just can't win ... poor gate.13:15
SergeyLukjanovand fix for it
sdagueyeh, we've been trying to find lifeless, but it looks like he went offline 3hrs ago13:15
russellb_pin in the meantime?13:15
dimsSergeyLukjanov, :)13:15
sdaguerussellb_: yeh, it's in the gate13:15
sdaguebut... needs a promote13:15
* russellb_ nods13:15
russellb_thanks for the tl;dr :)13:16
SergeyLukjanovnp ;)13:16
sdaguerussellb_: also, there is a new nova bug13:16
russellb_just what i like to hear13:16
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SergeyLukjanovand probably we'll need to ask infra guys to remove the 0.9.35 testtools from mirror to make things working for all projects13:16
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mriedemSergeyLukjanov: the global requirements change should propagate to all projects once it merges13:17
mriedemso the other projects should be ok13:17
sdaguemriedem: as long as it's not tickled in unit tests13:17
russellbsdague: was that bug happening everywhere?13:19
russellbcurious why it was approved after a single check run13:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: last 24hr count needs to be failures only
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sdaguerussellb: - Bug 127355613:26
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russellbyeah was just looking at it, nasty13:26
sdaguebasically because it was so sudden, with such a discrete onset, which was about the same time as that patch landed, the chance that it was the cause seemed pretty high13:27
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sdaguethat bug is actually why the gate is 17hrs deep13:27
russellbyep, ok13:27
SergeyLukjanovsdague, could you, please, take a look on async gating jobs for savanna when you have some time -
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: sure13:30
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ArxCruzjeblair: around ?13:30
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, thx13:32
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Temporary fix testtols version to unblock gate
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fungisdague: okay, testtools upgrade is breaking things?13:44
fungiis there an upstream bug?13:44
sdaguefungi: even an upstream patch13:45
sdaguefungi: promote on 69840 should aleviate13:45
sdagueand if you are doing a promote, 69773 should go as well13:46
sdagueas that was the #1 gate bug yesterday13:46
fungii've removed testtools-0.9.35.tar.gz from the openstack mirror13:46
sdaguefungi: ok13:46
fungipromoting 69840 and 6977313:46
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sdagueso... thought, could we change the mirror and nodepool rebuild job to happen during a window of time when an infra person might be around? Like 1400 UTC13:48
SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning13:48
sdaguethen we could recover a little quicker if things go wrong13:49
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fungisdague: and defer any on-demand refreshes as well, presumably13:50
fungi(which currently happen on merges to openstack/requirements or when anybody releases just about anything)13:50
fungii think the latter would either require a patch to zuul or removing all the on-demand refresh jobs13:51
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fungiparticularly since we can't control the merge timeframe for changes13:51
sdagueyeh, fair13:51
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sdaguethough requirements is small enough job13:52
sdaguethat if we block that, it's not a big deal13:52
sdagueoh, you are saying the requirements merge triggers mirror refresh?13:52
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Limit testtools verion
sdagueI am so not looking forward to the run up to pycon13:53
sdaguewhile i3 is being prepped13:53
fungianyway, i think it'll still be a few minutes until zuul is done processing the current gate reset avalanche, but the promote is in the event queue hopper waiting for zuu to see it13:54
sdaguecool, thank you13:55
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fungisdague: i'm seeing jobs since clearing the new testtools (i think) failing with "tox.ConfigError: ConfigError: substitution key 'posargs' not found"14:00
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sdaguefungi: well... that I don't know14:02
fungioh, and here's one with "pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: virtualenv>=1.11.2"14:02
fungii wonder if we got new tox and virtualenv releases today14:02
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funginah, virtualenv 1.11.2 was three days ago14:03
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fungiaha! tox 1.7.0 today14:04
sdagueoh ffs14:04
fungithis does not bode well for me getting caught up on reviews14:04
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sdagueyeh, seriously. Well I need to do some chartware anyway, I guess today is as good a day as any14:05
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SergeyLukjanovheh, we have one more gate blocker?:(14:09
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fungii guess this is the changelog entry where it says "rework and simplify 'commands' parsing and in particular posargs substitutions to avoid various win32/posix related quoting issues"14:10
SergeyLukjanovfungi, yup, looks so14:11
SergeyLukjanovI'm looking on the diff now14:11
sdaguefungi: so can you block tox at the mirror?14:12
fungii have a feeling the solution is going to involve patches to every project14:12
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fungisdague: no, i think we'll need to control it via puppet14:12
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, looks like we'll need to replace {posargs} with something else14:13
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fungii suspect so. gonna grab a cup of coffee first. once again i looked in irc too early14:14
sdagueok, well I'm going to go hide from irc for a while.14:16
fungisdague: i recommend it14:16
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: XenServer installer script
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: XenServer installer script
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fungii have a tox pinning patch ready to push for review, but am opening an infra bug for this first so i can refer to it in the commit log14:24
fungi#status alert most tests are failing as a result of new tox and testtools releases--investigation in progress14:25
openstackstatusNOTICE: most tests are failing as a result of new tox and testtools releases--investigation in progress14:25
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ewindischping again on getting a service account -
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openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: XenServer installer script
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Temporarily pin tox<=1.6.1
fungiclarkb: when you wake up, that ^ is going to require a rebase of your slave puppetry refactoring14:34
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fungi#status alert most tests are failing as a result of new tox and testtools releases (bug 1274135, in progress)14:37
openstackstatusNOTICE: most tests are failing as a result of new tox and testtools releases (bug 1274135, in progress)14:37
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zulis there a way to get testr to behave like a nose output, (ie printing if the test failed or not?)14:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Temporarily pin tox<=1.6.1
fungizul: you need some sort of a filter to process the subunit stream. i think nova's pipes it through something which does that14:41
zulfungi:  cool thanks14:42
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fungianybody remember how to convince pip ^ to downgrade things?14:53
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, uninstall - install?15:01
fungiSergeyLukjanov: tried... i think it's finding previous downloads in its cache15:01
fungigonna try clearing them from there next15:02
SergeyLukjanovfungi, probably you need to remove -U flag15:02
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SergeyLukjanovit could not work with fixed versions15:02
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SergeyLukjanovI mean that it probably doesn't work correctly with fixed versin15:03
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fungialso tried without -U after uninstalling and it's still installing a newer version than requested, which is why i'm looking for a cache15:04
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fungi'sudo rm -rf /tmp/pip-build-*' fixed it15:05
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, are you planning to promote 69840 and 69773 after fixing it?15:06
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: yeah, well re-promote15:06
SergeyLukjanovfungi, oh, sorry, missed the first promote :)15:07
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fungiyeah, turns out it was premature given all the other broken15:08
hasharfungi thanks for the  testtools-0.9.35 removal :)15:10
fungihashar: well, we're not out of the woods yet15:10
hasharat least you are cutting trees to get out of them!15:10
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* fungi is burning down the forest15:12
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fungiokay, i think all the long-running slaves have older tox/virtuaenv now. checking to see whether the nodepool nodes need any help in that regard15:13
SergeyLukjanovfungi, I've saved the screenshot of how the gate death is looks like :)
fungimaybe we'll print posters for the summit15:17
ArxCruzfungi: clarkb i'm not seeing file15:17
fungiArxCruz: it moved last night15:18
ArxCruzthe is complaining15:18
ArxCruzfungi: where? :)15:18
fungiArxCruz: you need newer jeepyb15:18
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fungiwe merged an improvement which splits the configuration out to a projects.ini file and makes the projects.yaml no longer require templating15:19
ArxCruzjeblair: I mean the script from nodepool calls cache_git_repos.py15:19
ArxCruzwhich ask for
fungiArxCruz: oh, i wonder if we missed fixing that... checking now15:20
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mordredI thought I _did_ fix that15:22
mordredalso, good morning15:22
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ArxCruzmordred: let me check, perhaps I was the one who didn't update my local repo :)15:22
fungiArxCruz: looks like you need a newer version of that script15:22
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ArxCruzfungi: yeah, my bad :( sorry15:23
fungimordred: it's correct15:23
SergeyLukjanovmordred, morning15:23
fungimordred: in fact, great morning. new tox release!15:23
fungi(you can tell by all the red in the zuul status page)15:23
SergeyLukjanovfungi, mordred, and I'd like to print this one
fungimordred: and also new testtools, just to make the day interesting15:24
mordredSergeyLukjanov: wow. nice15:24
mordredfungi: yeah. I was just reading about that in the scrollback15:24
funginot sure what else is broken yet15:24
fungii've got tox/virtualenv downgraded and puppet adjusted to hopefully avoid any reupgrading while we get our bearings15:25
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SergeyLukjanovlooks like after fixing new tox release, promoting 69840 and 69773, we should avoid top 2 gate bugs15:26
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fungii'm working on that now SergeyLukjanov15:26
SergeyLukjanovheh, it sounds nice "fix new tox release"15:26
SergeyLukjanovfungi, I know and that's awesome that you're doing it! I just hope that noone more will push new release today...15:27
mordredI'm so happy that tox killed us15:29
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SergeyLukjanovmordred, am I right that tox killing us not the first time?15:30
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mordredhrm. actually, I think this is the first me that tox itself killed us.15:31
dimsfungi, talk about life of the edge :)15:31
fungidims: my fingers are nothing but cuts15:31
sdaguemordred: yeh, I think that's true with tox15:31
sdaguethis is not the first time subunit / testtools killed us though15:32
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, heh, nice15:33
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fungipip freeze on precise6 says tox==1.6.1 but this job just ran on it using tox==1.7.0
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fungimaybe our slave scripts aggressively upgrade a local copy of tox15:35
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fungioh crap. tox --version reports 1.7.0 is installed but pip freeze says 1.6.115:38
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chmouelsneaky :(15:38
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SergeyLukjanovextremely sneaky...15:39
fungii need to clean /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/tox and /usr/local/bin/tox on all the slaves and retry installing15:39
fungihopefully that's all15:39
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, heh, looks like single-use slaves are much more easier to fix such problems15:48
fungiindeed. well, except that it involves deleting all images and nodes and waiting a while15:48
SergeyLukjanovoh, correct15:49
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fungiso in actuality, much harder but there's an automated system to do all that work for us ;)15:49
* mordred watches fungi wave the pedantic wand15:49
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fungii cling to my pedantry because it's all i have left to comfort me15:50
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* mordred hands fungi a teddy bear and a bottle of scotch15:51
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* fungi trades the teddy bear for a second bottle of scotch15:51
mordrednicely played15:51
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fungiokay, i think this has got it... slaves are all cleanly reporting tox --version of 1.6.1 now15:57
mordredSergeyLukjanov: so what are we supposed to do differently now to support new-tox?15:58
SergeyLukjanovmordred, I'm looking on the tox code15:59
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mordredSergeyLukjanov: also, I heard you did not get your visas. :( I'd offer to go beat up someone in the russian government, but something tells me that would end quite poorly for me16:00
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russellbis reverify still off?  *can't remember*16:01
SergeyLukjanovmordred, heh, we haven't received our IDs yet from16:01
SergeyLukjanovrussellb, reverify bug XXX is still working16:01
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SergeyLukjanovrussellb, but due to the bynch of gate issues I don't think that it'll help :)16:02
russellbthought fixes were already in gate16:02
SergeyLukjanovrussellb, not yet16:02
devanandawow, looks sad and lonely16:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: it's actually 14 days
SergeyLukjanovrussellb, we have a new one - tox 1.7.016:02
devanandafungi: is it safe to reverify things now?16:03
russellbdevananda: apparently not :)16:03
SergeyLukjanovdevananda, I don't think so16:03
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mordreddevananda: I was going to say "you loko sad and lonely" - but realized that might be less funny if you actually were sad and lonely today16:03
SergeyLukjanovdevananda, currently waiting for the to be merged to unblock gate issue with testtools - subunit16:04
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fungiyeah, i *think* things are safe again, but i'm reserving judgement (and not clearing the current status alert) until i see positive evidence16:05
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anteayadevananda has friends that care about him, he has no reason to be sad and lonely - unless he wants to be16:08
mordredanteaya: nod16:08
anteayaand morning16:08
anteayaturns out utah folks start conferences at 8am16:09
anteayawho knew?16:09
* anteaya is stilling in hallway waiting for keynotes to finish16:09
fungianteaya: it's cultural. they also mostly go to bed at 9pm16:09
* mordred wants to go to bed16:10
anteayaour wild dinner that took us to 10:30 pm last night must have been a unique event16:10
anteayamordred: night night16:10
devanandamordred: I am in Seattle. It's rainy and grey outside. So you'd /think/ I'm sad and lonely - but I'm not. However, I am sad for all of us that the gate is broken.16:10
devanandaanteaya: good morning!16:10
anteayadevananda: morning my friend16:11
fungidevananda: it's not sad--it's joyous that tox upstream is active and making constant improvements... i see several things in the 1.7.0 changelog entry which could benefit us once we're ready to take advantage of them16:12
devanandafungi: wonderful news!16:12
mordredyeah. I like the posargs default value thing16:12
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mordredwe could use that to replace -evenv with just py27 and py26, tbh16:13
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devanandai'm speaking more of the sadness that is nondeterministic gate failures16:13
fungiworth noting that tox 1.7.0 now requires virtualenv 1.11.2 though (which bundles pip 1.5.2)16:13
mordredfungi: well... we DO want that16:14
fungiso when the tox upgrade train blows its whistle, everybody rides16:14
devanandait's great that ironic now gates on tempest. it also means we haven't landed a single patch in 2 days, much, i suspect, as other projects. but really - I'm very happy about it :)16:14
fungidevananda: could be worse. you could be neutron... it hasn't landed a change in a couple weeks:
devanandafungi: aiieee :(16:16
devanandafungi: i like not-being a software project. if i had to be a not-humanoid, perhaps a teddy bear would be better. then I could be traded for whiskey :)16:17
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SergeyLukjanovdevananda, heh, I'd like to be happy too ;) so, promoting the same change for savanna - :)16:17
devanandaSergeyLukjanov: ++16:18
fungidevananda: perhaps you could still be traded for a good japanese whiskey... i'll find out16:19
Shrewsfungi: ya know the worst thing about a telecommute job? no snow days  :(16:19
mordredShrews: ++16:20
* anteaya wonders who fungi is planning on querying about the devananda/japanese whiskey trade16:20
fungiShrews: at my old service provider job, they "let us" work from home in bad weather. it was very generous of them16:21
SergeyLukjanovheh, here's -30 Celsius outside...16:21
Shrewsalso, devananda is good for at least a nip of Nikka16:21
fungianteaya: i query Shrews in these matters16:21
portanteSergeyLukjanov: and inside? :)16:21
SergeyLukjanovportante, much warmer, but not enough16:22
fungiSergeyLukjanov: right, not so bad here...  -6c at the moment, forecast for -13c after dark16:23
SergeyLukjanovI have a screenshot of today's morning forecase16:23
SergeyLukjanovlet me find it16:23
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fungiit's been a while since we had -30c temps here16:23
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: that's going to be one cold dns server16:24
SergeyLukjanovfungi, exactly and I've forgot to setup due to the gate issues ;)16:25
fungiit looks like the next most pressing gate epidemic is that large-ops is entirely broken on stable/havana16:26
* devananda dares to reverify16:27
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branenGreetings, is there a requirements cord member available to take a look at Thanks16:27
mriedemSergeyLukjanov: we've been living with that for the last 2 months16:28
mriedemon the plus side, clear skies16:28
SergeyLukjanovmriedem, yup, clear skies great16:28
SergeyLukjanovmriedem, heh, the main problem for me is that we could have +40 at summer and less than -30 at winter16:29
mriedemlike mars16:29
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Allow to have noqa on H202
anteayabranen: core members for requirements:,members16:31
branenanteaya: thanks16:31
SergeyLukjanovlooks like the gate unblocking fix about testtools will be merged in 6 mins if no new releases of tools that we're using16:31
SergeyLukjanovbrrr, need to go home, will hopefully return back soon16:32
fungilooks like 69773,1 passed all jobs, and we're just waiting on a couple jobs for 69840,2 ahead of it16:32
sdaguefungi: great16:32
SergeyLukjanov69773 is a fix for top nova issue?16:32
fungiSergeyLukjanov: yes16:33
anteayabranen: welcome, good hunting16:33
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cp16netdtroyer_zz: ping about trove commit you added to devstack16:35
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dtroyer_zzcp16net: hey16:37
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cp16netdtroyer_zz: looks like the trove commit has the wrong names16:41
cp16net70-trove instead of 70-trove.sh16:41
cp16neti think that should fix trove to be installed16:41
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anteayamorning zaro16:42
dtroyer_zzcp16net: is in the gate queue for that16:42
dtroyer_zzcp16net: apologies for me missing that initially...16:42
cp16netok thanks :)16:43
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cp16nethm jekins failed it...16:44
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sdaguealso, anyone able to +A this today -
sdaguewe've got libvirt races in the gate, and we're completely blind, as we don't have logs16:49
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dimssdague, i've dropped a note to Daniel (cc'ed you and Jog0)16:50
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Temporary fix testtols version to unblock gate
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jgriffithfungi: yall seen this one before:
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mordredwoot. testtools change landed17:07
fungijgriffith: yeah, recheck bug 1274135 (should be fixed now)17:07
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fungiwell, s/fixed/worked around/17:07
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fungi#alert ok the gate is merging changes again... issues with tox/virtualenv versions can be rechecked or reverified against bug 127413517:09
fungi#status ok the gate is merging changes again... issues with tox/virtualenv versions can be rechecked or reverified against bug 127413517:09
openstackstatusNOTICE: the gate is merging changes again... issues with tox/virtualenv versions can be rechecked or reverified against bug 127413517:09
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doude_Hi all, I meet some trouble to initiate git-review after a fres cloning of Neutron's depo17:10
doude_I got this error when I run 'git review -s'17:11
doude_The scp command doesn't contains the revier server name17:11
doude_any thought ?17:11
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fungidoude_: was the clone of neutron your current working directory when you ran git-review -s? it looks like it couldn't find either the .git or .git/hooks subdirectories17:13
doude_yes, it was17:13
doude_In fact, if you lookk the scp command, it missing server name17:13
doude_where it try to get the commit-msg script17:14
anteayascp, why are you using scp?17:14
anteayayou need to git clone a repo17:14
fungianteaya: git-review does that automagically17:15
fungianteaya: he did clone a repository17:15
doude_I try to copy from an older openstack depo git this script and the command 'git review -s' success17:15
doude_but when I try to fect a review I've got another fail on an ssh command17:15
anteayawhich openstack depo git?17:15
doude_again without sever name17:15
fungidoude_: that is interesting. have you made any unusual changes to your ~/.ssh/config file?17:16
anteayacan you try again cloning from
doude_anteaya: yes, I can17:17
fungianteaya: please don't suggest to people to clone from cgit repos. the built-in gitserver in cgit is horrible. would be preferable17:17
anteayasorry, I will in future17:17
fungicgit is fine for browsing, but the actual git service running on those systems does a far better job17:17
doude_fungi: no I don't think. What 'unusual' change you supose ?17:18
anteayaah okay17:18
fungidoude_: mostly wondering whether you had "host" sections in your .ssh/config17:18
doude_fungi: Ok, I forget the clone from cgit17:18
doude_fungi: I've got a lot17:18
doude_fungi: I test without my ssh config file17:19
fungii'm going to try git-review -v -s on a fresh clone and see if it really is supposed to mention a hostname there17:19
doude_fungi: ok, thanks. I don't thought to add verbose option. I try too17:21
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doude_fungi: here the output with verbose mode and without any ssh config file17:22
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doude_the line 13 seems strange17:23
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devanandaanything we can do for the "Timed out waiting for thing xxx to become ACTIVE" errors, besides retry?17:24
fungidoude_: here's what a successful run looks like on my system...
fungidevananda: there's an open bug for those... i think the current suspicion is a libvirt bug? (i could be misremembering)17:25
devanandafungi: ack, i'll look17:25
devanandayea, 125489017:26
jog0dims: just saw17:26
jog0dims: hopefully we will get libvirt 1.x support in Icehouse17:26
openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow useage of server IDs as well as names.
fungidoude_: what does 'git remote -v' give you? i get fetch and push remotes named "gerrit" which map to ssh://
devanandahm, reverify didn't work ...17:28
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* anteaya is still curious where doude_ cloned his git repo from17:28
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fungiugh... we got latest testtools back into the mirror again17:31
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doude_fungi: does it ( work for you ?17:36
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dimsjog0, +1 hopefully17:37
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fungidoude_: yes17:37
anteayadoude_: do you have a public key installed on your gerrit account?17:37
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anteayadoude_: what is your gerrit account id number?17:38
fungidoude_: try there17:38
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doude_fungi: I try the scp command with the '-i' option and my private DSA key17:38
fungisince that seems to be your gerrit username17:38
doude_fungi: ha yes, it works with the correct user name17:39
fungithough ssh will generally try all the keys it has in ~/.ssh17:39
doude_fungi: yes17:39
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fungiso specifying -i is generally only necessary if you have keys in a nonstandard location on your filesystem17:39
doude_fungi: yes, understood17:40
doude_fungi: so the scp command works manualy17:40
markmcclainso I'm seeing this error in some of the experimental checks " sudo: unable to resolve host devstack-precise-saucy-kernel-rax-dfw-1237817.slave.openstack.o"17:40
doude_but git-review script doesn't provide the hostname on the scp command17:40
fungidoude_: normally it should17:41
markmcclainare we not populating the /etc/hosts file correctly?17:41
fungimarkmcclain: i wonder if we hit a hostname limit with that new test image17:41
doude_fungi: I try to remove my git-gerrit installation (I installed it with pip)17:41
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1274121
doude_fungi: I've got version 1.23 installed17:42
fungimarkmcclain: that looks like 64 characters. suspiciously like a limit of some sort17:42
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fungidoude_: i have git-review version 1.23 as well17:43
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markmcclainfungi: 255 should be limit17:44
fungimarkmcclain: short term, we probably need to shrink the image name we used there. long term we need to figure out where we're hitting that because we're already running pretty close to there17:44
fungimarkmcclain: agreed. something else seems to be arbitrarily truncating it17:44
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markmcclainyeah…want me to work on change to make a shorter name?17:45
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fungimarkmcclain: yeah if you don't mind. should just be able to git grep devstack-precise-saucy-kernel in openstack-infra/config and shorten it everywhere you get a match17:47
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fungiinterestingly, this may be a rackspace-specific issue. we have longer hostnames on slaves in hplcoud-region-b and tripleo-test-cloud providers already17:49
fungimorning clarkb17:50
openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow useage of server IDs as well as names.
fungiclarkb: i've made zero headway catching up on reviews, sorry. typical morning full of fire drills17:50
doude_fungi: what's the output of the command 'git remote show -n gerrit' on your en ?17:50
doude_fungi: what's the output of the command 'git remote show -n gerrit' on your env ?17:50
clarkbfungi :/17:50
clarkbtox and testtools?17:51
fungiclarkb: mostly, yes17:51
doude_fungi: thx17:51
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fungiclarkb: do you recall off the top of your head what funky local injection things rackspace does for /etc/hosts?17:52
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clarkbno but it is special17:53
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clarkbit doesnt make puppet happy often17:53
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fungioh, weird. maybe the hostname command is limited to 64 characters?17:54
doude_fungi: I've found the pb. I set my terminal language into french, so the output of 'git remote show -n gerrit' is translated in Franch. 'Push  URL:' becomes 'URL push :'17:54
clarkbfungi isnt that a dns limit?17:55
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anteayadoude_: that's a new one17:55
doude_and the git-gerrit code match line starting by Push to define scp URL17:55
doude_anteaya: funny one :)17:55
fungidoude_: oh, interesting. we should probably override the locale before calling external commands if we're trying to parse the results17:55
anteayaglad you found the source of the problem17:56
fungidoude_: please open a bug against
doude_fungi: yes17:56
doude_fungi: thanls for your help17:56
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fungidoude_: you're welcome--sorry for the trouble!17:57
clarkbisnt that what that change I -1'd is trying to fix17:57
clarkbthere may alreasy be a bug17:57
fungiclarkb: label limit is 6317:57
fungiclarkb: name limit is 25517:58
fungiietf rfc 1035 section 2.3.417:59
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anteayadoude_: I think your english/french labels in the bug report need to be switched18:05
markmcclainfungi: happy with devstack-prec-saucy-krnl as the shortened name?18:06
doude_anteaya: ha yes. Nice catch :) I update it18:06
fungiclarkb: markmcclain: found it. rackspace tries to put the fqdn in /etc/hostname while hpcloud just uses the unqualified host name18:06
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fungiand the hostname command assumes it's dealing with an rfc 1035 label not a name (thus truncates to 63 octets)18:08
anteayaI'd like to see saucy ackknowledged somehoe18:08
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anteayaso it doesn't get lost18:08
fungianteaya: it's very short-term. it'll be ripped back out again as soon as we're sure it's helping18:08
markmcclainok… I'll update to dsvm-precise-krnl18:09
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fungithat looks short enough to avoid the current issue so we can complete the testing18:10
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* fungi does not care what color this particular bike shed ends up18:10
clarkbfungi: doude_: that bug is related to ?18:11
clarkbseems like and 1274222 are at least related18:11
zaroclarkb: hey i'm looking into using git trigger to build javamelody.18:12
clarkbmordred: fungi: if folks are happy with I can roll that out as I update the scp plugin18:12
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anteayadoude_: thanks, the report looks good to my eyes18:13
zaroclarkb: since it gets triggered by the jenkins git plugin we don't control when it runs.18:13
openstackgerritmark mcclain proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: shorten name of devstack-precise-saucy-kernel
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zaroclarkb: so how would the reporting work?  how would we know whether the job builds successfully?18:14
clarkbzaro: it would copy logs like any other periodic job I think18:14
zaroclarkb: ok, how would you know to look at the logs if you don't get any indication that the job failed?18:14
markmcclainfungi: thanks18:15
harlowjahi guys, have others seen stuff like in ?18:15
harlowjaseems like some requirements aren't being found (but only by certain jobs)18:16
clarkbzaro: it is the same as any other periodic job, you would have to go look18:17
mordredharlowja: is taskflow configured to use the openstack/requirements repo?18:18
harlowjanope, thats a bad idea :-P18:18
harlowjaor at least i don't think it is18:18
mordredit's not18:18
* mordred just checked18:19
fungiclarkb: zaro: or use zuul's smtp reporter18:19
harlowjamordred k, ya, it seems like its only finding versions that would be in that repo18:19
clarkbfungi: well it wouldn't be triggered by zuul18:19
harlowja*even thought its not supposed to use it :-/18:19
clarkbfungi: I suppose it could be a proper periodic job and be triggered by zuul18:20
clarkbharlowja: best guess is derped18:20
harlowjahmmm, could be18:20
harlowjalet me recheck these, and see what happens18:20
fungiharlowja: clarkb: yeah i don't see the debug level output i normally expect from pip there (where it mentions the urls it's checking)18:21
harlowjai thought pypi was supposed to be more stable now they got on rackspace gear :)18:21
clarkbharlowja: have you seen the cheeseshop code?18:21
harlowjaclarkb is it scary?18:21
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fungiit's not easy being cheesy18:22
harlowjais it swiss chesse like18:22
clarkbharlowja: I am trying to find an illustrative example18:22
clarkbbut it is really hard to find the source because google doesn't index bitbucket or something18:22
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openstackgerritPhilippe Godin proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add best and worst status details for conditional-step plugin.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: glance requires pyOpenSSL>=0.11
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zarofungi: can you do that?  the job isn't even using zuul at all.  it's just an independent jenkins job.18:29
clarkbzaro: yeah, zuul can trigger periodic jobs18:29
fungimake them non-scheduled jobs in jenkins and add them to the "periodic" pipeline in zuul instead18:30
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fungithough i recall jenkins also has an e-mail reporting option, it's not nearly as flexible as zuul's reporter18:30
zaroohh. i see. ok. i was thinking on the lines of just using the git trigger to do the triggering.18:31
harlowjaya, fungi  seems like was pypi issue18:31
fungizaro: clarkb: perhaps we could track upstream javamelody in gerrit and have a post job in zuul which ran for upstream/* branch commits? (no idea whether that's feasible)18:33
zarofungi: clarb and jeblair are opposed to tracking javamelody in our gerrit.18:34
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clarkbfungi: it is feasible but we don't want to add that project to our gerrit18:35
fungigot it18:36
fungisuggestion retracted18:36
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zaroi'm thinking it might be better just to use the jenkins plugin to trigger instead of zuul periodic job.18:37
zarofungi, clarkb : ^ your thoughts?18:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: shorten name of devstack-precise-saucy-kernel
fungizaro: do we expect to only need this as long as we're running jenkins, or is there a post-jenkins option which doesn't involve having zuul run it?18:38
clarkbzaro: I like fungi's idea more now because it isn't jenkins dependent and will run the job on one jenkins master not 818:38
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zaroclarkb: you mean idea of tracking upstream in our gerrit?18:42
clarkbzaro: no, the idea of having a zuul periodic job18:42
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zaroi see, i'll shoot for the zuul job then.18:43
shivharisHi, I have a quick question to anyone who can answer: How do I skip specific tempest tests when running tempest using testr?18:44
Guest29663@shivharis - The way I know is to add skip_test decorator to the test you want to skip18:45
clarkbshivharis: probably a better question for #openstack-qa. I think there are examples of this in the tempest tox.ini though. Basically you can use a reverse lookahead regex to filter test names18:45
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clarkb`testr run some_regex_here` will only run tests which have names matching that regex. Python allows for negative lookahead regexes which can be used to make things not match18:46
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shivharisclarkb, Guest29663: Thanks for the pointers I will dig further.18:47
clarkbzaro: any chance I can get you to review
jog0so it loks like bug 1274056 is still happenning in the gate18:51
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jog0err I am seeing a different bug18:52
clarkbI don't see any indication in 1274056 that it has been fixed18:53
jog0slowest not recongnized18:53
clarkbjog0: that won't actually fix anyone18:54
jog0clarkb: o_O18:54
jog0not even in gate? oh that only happens in tempest18:55
clarkbit changes the global requirements, it doesn't change any of the project requirements18:55
fungisomehow we seem to continue pulling testtools-0.9.35.tar.gz into the mirror18:55
fungieven though the mirror should be built from the global requirements list18:55
clarkbfungi: I bet that subunit and testrepository both depend on testtools uncapped18:56
clarkband this is why pip needs a dep resolver18:56
fungii've removed it for a third time now (the hope is this would allow people to get project-specific requirements fixes merged)18:56
jog0gah pip18:56
funginot sure where any of the projects are with their requirements patches though18:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1274121
jog0fungi: I'll send out an email to ML18:57
clarkbjog0: back to the original problem, test comes from pbr I think18:58
clarkband that should accept --slowest18:58
zaroclarkb: reviewed18:58
clarkbzaro: thank you18:58
jog0clarkb: which is why I am confused18:58
* jog0 blindly blames to mordred 18:59
clarkbzaro: no way, that works?18:59
clarkbzaro: I will update, thanks again18:59
zaroclarkb: you can see what it returns by looking at the gearman functions that get registered.19:00
clarkbzaro: is it the fqdn? eg
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jog0clarkb: where is the jenkins auto update deps bot19:00
jog0when we need it19:00
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zaroclarkb: actually, i don't remember.19:00
clarkbjog0: I dunno, did we turn it off again?19:01
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fungijog0: it's broken. i've pointed people to the logs several times hoping someone would have time to fix it. perhaps i'll take a few minutes to open a bug19:02
fungibut the errors are fairly obvious in the job console log19:02
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fungiit's more a problem that nobody really actively looks at the log for it19:02
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clarkbjog0: pbr does a try import of testr internally if that fails test has no slowest option19:03
jog0clarkb: ahh makes sense19:03
clarkbfungi: have a link handy to the fail?19:03
jog0fungi: :/19:03
lifelessI'm on the s19:03
lifelessI'm on the subunit thing19:04
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jog0clarkb:  does this make sense
devanandafungi: ironic is stuck on nondeterministic failures trying to unblock our requirements changes, fwiw19:04
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clarkbjog0: yeah I think that is what you need. Note that if other reqs have changed you may need to update them as well19:05
jog0clarkb: o_O19:05
jog0do we have a sync script I can run?19:05
jog0clarkb: your right just failed reqs test19:08
clarkbjog0: yes there is a sync script in the requirements repo19:08
fungijog0: clarkb: i've opened for it19:09
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clarkbfungi: you know what happened there. An out of band update happened19:09
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fungiquite probable19:10
fungiwe wouldn't have noticed that in initial trial runs19:11
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fungicertainly something the script should be robust enough to deal with though19:11
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fungis/be/be made/19:11
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_david_fungi, clarkb: i am trying it once time again merge WIP workflow as core Gerit feature:
clarkbwe stopped using master as the update base because we got errors if there were no changes against the upstream patch, so we moved to basing on git review -d which opens us to merge failures form out of band updates19:12
jog0clarkb: looks like as long as the testtools line syncs with global the nova-ress job passes19:12
clarkbjog0: oh good, it is smart enough to only look at the lines that changed19:12
clarkb_david_: good luck19:12
jog0clarkb: yeah I am happy about that19:12
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clarkbfungi: I think we need to go back to using master and handle gerrit rejecting us becuse there are no changes19:13
clarkbfungi: I can write that now19:13
wenlockclarkb, what do you think the chances for review of are today?19:13
fungiclarkb: sounds fine to me. matches the "better to ask forgiveness than permission" methodology, which i prefer19:13
clarkbwenlock: better than last night. I hope to switch to reviewing shortly after fixing this bug19:14
wenlocksweet, ok, im here all day to iterate on it as needed19:14
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wenlockalso, i wanted to ask... i was looking at jenkins::slave.pp.... has anyone wanted to refactor that yet?.... if wanted, i have an idea around it we've been playing with.19:16
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clarkbwenlock: AaronGr might, he has been looking at our puppet and scheming19:17
wenlockcool, he has access to our work area, i'll ping him on it to see if he can contribute19:17
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lifelesssubunt 0.0.18 should be compatible with testtools 0.9.3519:22
_david_zaro, fixed in
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SergeyLukjanovlifeless, that's awesome!19:22
_david_zaro last commit must be reverted, as it was done against Gerrit-API in master, and you are trying to build it against 2.819:23
_david_zaro, i failed to create stable-2.8 branch. Did it now19:23
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SergeyLukjanovlifeless, looks like we could bump subunit version to >=0.0.18 after testing19:26
lifelessSergeyLukjanov: sure19:26
lifelessSergeyLukjanov: I have tested, obviously :)19:26
lifelessSergeyLukjanov: but you never know...19:26
SergeyLukjanovand revert my temp attempt to fix it19:26
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Revert testtols version fix and bump subunit to >=0.0.18
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Revert testtools version fix and bump subunit to >=0.0.18
SergeyLukjanovlifeless, I'm making it WIP to take a look on how it will be executed in gate19:30
SergeyLukjanovI think that it should fail before the subunit will be in the pypi.o.o19:31
lifelessclarkb: / fungi: can you mirror subunit 0.0.18 into our mirror?19:31
fungilifeless: says "not found"19:32
jog0lifeless: when things are working can you comment on the '[openstack-dev] [all] Lots of gating failures because of testtools' thread19:33
lifelesssorry, python-subunit19:33
SergeyLukjanovjog0, ut's python-subunit19:33
SergeyLukjanovoops, it was for fungi19:33
fungilifeless: yeah, i'll retrigger a mirror job forthwith19:34
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pabelangerHmm, when you delete a tag in gerrit (force push) does it also do the deletion for replication?19:40
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jog0btw I just tried running nova unit tests with tox 1.719:41
jog0and disaster19:41
jog0it came out today
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Extend fingerprint for bug 1274056
SergeyLukjanovjog0, yup, it already break the gate today19:42
SergeyLukjanovjog0, fungi was fixed it by removing 1.7.0 from slaves19:42
jog0SergeyLukjanov: oh we already pin tox  in reqs?19:42
SergeyLukjanovjog0, AFAIU it's not possible to pin tox version, it was fixed on slaves19:42
fungijog0: tox is not installed in reqs, reqs are installed by tox19:43
SergeyLukjanovjog0, some details could be found in scrollback19:43
SergeyLukjanovfungi, looks like mirror job failed -
jog0sigh why does python keep breaking us19:44
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: i believe it just failed to retrieve that one package mentioned above the traceback, but is still processing others19:45
* fungi could be wrong though19:45
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fungialso, i wouldn't say i "fixed" our unit test problems by pinning tox at 1.6.1, merely bought us time to work on the actual fix19:46
fungii suspect numerous projects will need patches19:46
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fungi is open for business19:49
lifelessfungi: please let me know when it's mirrored19:49
lifelessfungi: so I can let folk know19:49
fungilifeless: go ahead and let folk know--it's there19:49
fungithank _you_19:50
mgagnefungi: is there a bug people can recheck against?19:51
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mgagnefungi: 1274056 ?19:51
fungimgagne: looks right19:52
mgagnefungi: thanks19:52
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fungizaro: it looked like people were hoping you might reply to!topic/repo-discuss/Wica7iJ5DGk20:07
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sdaguelifeless: so if the fix is new version of subunit, does that mean we should set new minimums in global requirements?20:10
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dkranzsdague: Is there a way to successfully install tempest on a local machine and get around the testtools issue?20:11
lifelesssdague: It is probably wise20:12
dkranzsdague: pip installing an earlier version doesn't seem to actually work20:12
lifelesssdague: though pragmatically noone should get 0.0.17 anymore20:12
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sdaguelifeless: might be in distros20:13
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sdagueor system level installed20:13
sdagueand some of our test envs allow site packages20:13
lifelesssdague: 0.0.17 only existed for ~ 24 hours20:13
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sdaguelifeless: oh, 0.0.17 went out at the same time?20:14
lifelesssdague: oh but yes, I see - testtools broke older versions of subunit at the same time20:14
lifelesssdague: yes, but thats irrelevant, I hadn't clicked.20:14
sdaguelifeless: yeh, otherwise we could just != 0.0.1720:14
lifelesssdague: So, yes, testtools 0.9.35 + any older subunit release will be a problem20:14
lifelessyup, lets add a hard dep20:15
SergeyLukjanovlifeless, does you mean >=0.0.1820:15
lifelessI could backout the testtools change and do a release, but that won't fix the bad version being out there20:15
lifelessSergeyLukjanov: yes20:15
sdaguelifeless: we can blacklist versions20:15
fungidkranz: shouldn't be necessary as of an hour ago? use latest python-subunit20:15
sdague!= is totally valid in pip20:15
dkranzfungi: Thanks!20:15
openstacksdague: Error: "=" is not a valid command.20:15
sdaguewe do it a bunch20:15
sdaguemaybe we do it less often now, jsonschema 1.4 was a big one20:16
sdaguelifeless: testtools 0.9.32 works with new subunit?20:18
sdaguejust want to make sure - is actually good so we can get that out there20:19
lifelesssdague: I don't recall adding any hard deps but let me check20:21
sdaguecool, thanks20:21
lifelesssdague: no, it doesn't20:23
lifeless  File "/home/robertc/personal/subunit/working/python/subunit/", line 32, in <module>20:23
lifeless    from import (20:23
lifelessbisecting to find minimum ver20:23
lifelessImportError: cannot import name list_test20:23
lifelesssdague: ah already has it20:24
lifeless            'testtools>=0.9.34',20:24
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: you want to update your requirements review with that?20:24
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, looks like I've missed the idea20:25
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: we also need the testtools bump, as new subunit doesn't work with the testtools we have listed as minimum20:26
SergeyLukjanovsdague, oh, this one20:26
SergeyLukjanovbump it to >=0.9.34&20:26
SergeyLukjanovprobably the latest version will be better?20:26
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: we should be realistic about our minimums20:26
SergeyLukjanovand packaging too20:27
sdagueso >=0.9.34 is probably best20:27
clarkbfungi: sorry been distracted by a few things20:27
SergeyLukjanovthanks for explanaition20:27
SergeyLukjanovgoing to udpda the CR20:27
clarkbfungi: most importantly there are other bugs in the requirement proposal script and I can't sort out how to unbug them20:27
fungiclarkb: no worries. i've been trying to get caught up on bug triage real quick20:27
clarkbgit checkout stable/havana -- does not work in a recent origin fetched rep20:27
clarkbI think because we have mutliple remotes with the same branch20:28
openstackgerritShawn Hartsock proposed a change to openstack/requirements: add pyvmomi library
clarkbyeah if I prepend with origin/ it works. Going to fix that20:28
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Fix testtools version and bump subunit to >=0.0.18
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sdagueI think the testtools thing might have made a new record - 618 fails in 24hrs20:29
SergeyLukjanovsdague, that could be interesting to see the top bugs for the whole release cycle20:31
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: yeh, because of the rolling window on Elastic Recheck, we don't really keep that20:32
lifelesssdague: 'yay' ?20:32
SergeyLukjanovsdague, lifeless, is versions fix for testtools and subunit20:32
sdaguelifeless: heh20:32
SergeyLukjanovsdague, on the other side, probably it'll be better to not see the results ;)20:32
sdagueyeh, honestly, the point of them is to spot hot issues now we need to fix20:33
sdaguewhich is why they are now sorted by number of hits in last 24 hrs20:33
sdagueI'm actually hoping with this, the tox fix, and the image cache revert, the gate will actually move again20:34
sdagueit took us about 24hrs to sort out the race yesterday20:34
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sdaguefungi: what's the tox bug #?20:38
fungisdague: 127413520:38
sdagueoh, the --slowest is subunit still?20:39
sdaguenot tox?20:39
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lifelesssdague: ok so, your email about subunit parallel data gathering - whats up there?20:42
sdagueso with tempest, were it's long running tests, in parallel, understanding progress is important20:43
sdagueand understanding overlap can be pretty important to getting to the bottom of things20:43
sdagueso I'd really like the ui to be able to show those20:44
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sdagueand as a first pass idea, if the tests for process 2 were indented from process 1, you'd have some pretty solid sense20:44
lifelesssdague: e.g. show one timeline per working line, and the current executing test on each line ?20:44
lifelesssdague: so (at the moment) testr itself doesn't show current executing tests at all (which I know is an issue, *primarily* because of the understanding progress/hung tests thing)20:45
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make requirement update proposals more robust.
clarkbfungi: ^ there we go20:46
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sdaguethough it also raises a couple of other issues20:47
sdague#1 - start lines in the output today are completely useless, because they aren't printed until test is completed20:47
lifelesssdague: oh, is this for the local filter openstack carries at the moment ?20:47
sdagueas seen by timestamps20:47
sdaguewell, if we had the ui in testr, I'd be fine as well20:48
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lifelesssdague: so, you say tests aren't emitted until they finish20:48
sdaguebut yes, testr would need to default to providing progress20:48
lifelesslet me just check a thing20:48
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sdaguethere is also the other ux issue that when testr fails 1 test, it says 2 tests failed20:49
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make requirement update proposals more robust.
sdaguebecause it counts the process exit as a test failure, which again confuses people20:49
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clarkbfungi: lol at massive logs in unittests, it is possible that testr does that with the log capturing20:50
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clarkbfungi: but I really doubt it20:50
lifelesssdague: I have a bug open for that I think, I agree its a nuisance20:50
sdagueyeh, it also drops people's confidence in the toolchain, because if it can't do simple math, then it must have other issues20:51
lifelessso in my testing here20:52
lifelesstests are emitted immediately.20:52
sdagueso this is an issue with the unittest filter of the subunit stream?20:52
sdaguerealistically either I want that test start time to be time accurate, or removed, as now it's spam20:53
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fungiclarkb: i think i see an error on 69969 but tell me if i'm smoking the wrong substances20:53
clarkbfungi: good point, I need to init that variable20:54
* fungi resumes what he was smoking in that case20:54
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make requirement update proposals more robust.
lifelesssdague: which filter are you using?20:54
clarkbfungi: apply more smoke ^20:54
fungiclarkb: lgtm20:55
fungiclarkb: oh, you might want to reference the bug i opened for it in the commit message too, but i'm +1 either way20:55
clarkbfungi: oh right /me finds it20:56
fungiclarkb: i would find it for you, but i'm about to hop on a conference call for which i'll be mostly afk20:56
lifelesssdague: its the filter20:56
lifelesssdague: subunit2pyunit downcasts to the serialised python unittest protocol20:56
lifelesssdague: so its going to be entirely useless for your purposes20:56
lifelesssdague: the nova filter should be a lot better20:57
lifelesssdague: and I'd be delighted if someone wants to submit that upstream20:57
clarkbfungi: I found it20:57
sdaguelifeless: I'd be delighted if the upstream wasn't bzr :)20:57
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make requirement update proposals more robust.
clarkbfungi: and done20:58
lifelessoh, no, nova's tools/ is also going to be a bit useless for you20:58
lifelesssdague: ok, lets reset this conversation20:58
lifelesssdague: you want:20:58
lifeless - precise start times20:58
clarkbfungi: in other news, I am tempted to ask cisco to not have mutliple third party test accounts20:58
lifeless - worker identification20:58
lifeless - asap20:58
clarkbfungi: but maybe that is too heavy handed20:58
clarkbafk to grab lunch20:58
sdagueso actually, what I want is: precise start times, worker identification, and an upstream location that looks like openstack process20:59
sdaguebecause the reason we are doing this all in filters in projects is because that doesn't exist20:59
fungiclarkb: ibm has more than one (possibly severa)20:59
sdaguewhich I realize you and I differ on opinions on21:00
lifelesssdague: I don't have a different opinion21:00
lifelesssdague: I just haven't had /time/ to do the required work.21:00
lifelesssdague: *nor* do I have real evidence that bzr is the problem - dims put a patch forward for subunit overnight, for instance.21:00
lifelesssdague: testtools for isntance, is git, and we've seen about 3 patches from openstack land for it.21:01
sdaguelifeless: it's not where we typically are having issues21:01
sdagueor want enhancements21:01
sdagueanyway, again, I said we differ on opinions on that, per your response.21:01
sdaguethere were a number of folks that were interested when mtreinish and I talked about doing a stackforge project to build this kind of ui in montreal, that had no interest in looking at bzr. It's not just me that considers that a non starter21:02
sdaguewill they all materialize, no idea21:02
lifelessso, right now, my time is short. Do you want to talk meta, or the specific feature?21:03
lifelessI'm fine with either, can't do both.21:03
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sdaguethe specific feature is fine21:04
HenryGclarkb: I am getting Dane from cisco online to discuss about the multiple accounts21:04
HenryGdane: I think clarkb has stepped out for lunch21:04
HenryGhang around and I'm sure he'll ping you when he returns.21:05
daneWill do21:05
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1267537
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup tarballs and release jobs for Climate
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adjust query for bug 1253482
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Extend fingerprint for bug 1274056
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sdagueclarkb: when you get back, let me know. Wanted to talk about grenade log indexing, as I had a thought.21:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adjust query for bug 1253482
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup tarballs and release jobs for Climate
clarkbsdague: here21:37
clarkbHenryG: dane: Hi, I ask because one account can do what two can do as far as Gerrit is concnered21:38
ewindischanyone have time to give me a service account? -
sdagueclarkb: hey21:38
sdagueso, instead of adding all the grenade files21:38
sdaguecould we make the indexer try the grenade locations for all the files as well?21:38
daneclarkb, would it be okay if we use one account, but perhaps sent 2 (or more) votes for a given commit?21:38
clarkbsdague: yes, it will triple the number of HTTP GETs but we can do that21:39
ewindischor point me to the right repo and Ill submit a change request21:39
clarkbewindisch: we don't have that automated yet. Need to wait for a human to sweep through the list and create the accounts21:39
sdagueclarkb: we know the jobname?21:39
sdaguewe could probably just do that on grenade jobs21:39
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clarkbsdague: we do, jeblair didn't likefiltering on that (though the ability to filter on that is still in the logstash client iirc)21:40
clarkbsdague: why don't I push a chagne that does that then we can argue over it in review :)21:40
daneclarkb: We have at least 5 different plugins to test (at the moment), it's going to be very tricky to orchestrate testing for all of those to create one vote21:40
clarkbI am happy to do it that way though21:40
sdagueclarkb: sounds great21:40
clarkbdane: if you have a single zuul it sin't tricky at all21:40
sdagueyeh, that would let us keep all the existing queries21:40
clarkbdane: but yeah one account can vote multiple times too21:40
sdagueand they would just work in grenade, because the filenames would be the same as regular jobs21:41
clarkbsdague: well thefilename will change21:41
sdagueclarkb: can we keep the filename?21:41
stevebakerclarkb: hey, has there been a node rebuild since the iptables change landed21:41
sdaguestrip the old & new ?21:41
clarkbsdague: not in the scenario I describe21:41
clarkbstevebaker: I think so, fungi triggered them21:41
sdagueI thought we assign the filename var for the metadata21:41
sdagueso we could modify it21:42
clarkbsdague: we don't it comes from the filename in the config which is used to find the file on the logs server21:42
clarkbif filename != log server you get no files. obviously we can update that but updating it to special case grenade is special21:42
daneclarkb: If we can vote multiple times, that would make it easier (we can uncouple the testing for now... I'm not familiar with Zuul, so there would be a learning curve for that). The only minor concern is that we'd have only one contact alias, but there would be several separate groups handling the various plugins.21:44
ewindischclarkb: understood, I'm just trying to get the process speed up a bit - we're risking ejection from Nova, so I'm hesitant to passively wait for someone to notice the bug.21:45
clarkbdane: in that case I am fine with mutliple accounts.21:45
clarkbdane: just want to make sure we don't have multiple accounts for multiple accounts sake21:45
sdagueclarkb: hmmmm...21:45
sdaguewell, I guess it would be a start21:45
clarkbsdague: ya worst case we hate it and do something different, best case it works great and we are all happy21:46
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daneOkay, we'll try to minimize accounts to be the same as the number of different contact groups.21:46
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ewindischclarkb: is it a problem if I just register my own account in gerrit for this?21:52
ewindisch(not my "own" personal account, but a new one)21:52
clarkbewindisch: that won't let you vote in the verified column21:53
clarkbsdague: I lied we seem to have removed the filtering based on job name21:54
ewindischclarkb: it's non-voting for the moment, anyway21:54
clarkbsdague: but I can add it back in in the same change21:54
sdagueclarkb: cool21:54
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: direct link the job console if the job is running
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annegentlehey infra-ers, if you had to guess the number of daily hits to and what would it be?22:01
annegentleit's not really "visitors" so "hits" might be the right term22:02
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add grenade logs to logstash.
devanandasdague: i think i saw mention of this earlier - just want to check - you guys are working on a fix for the kernel bug that's causing all the timeouts, yes?22:03
clarkbannegentle: I would think it is quite large since our test systems hit them22:03
sdaguedevananda: this is the neutron one?22:04
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sdaguedevananda: Bug 1273386 - Neutron namespace metadata proxy triggers kernel crash on Ubuntu 12.04/3.2 kernel ?22:04
devanandasdague: the one i've got looks very similar, but not exactly the same trace:
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devanandasdague: ah yea, "kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-3.2.0/fs/buffer.c:2917" is the same.22:07
devanandai'll start using that bug id instead of the general "thing took too long" one22:07
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sdaguedevananda: it would be interesting to know if it showed up in non neutron cases22:11
sdagueand it was a more fundamental bug22:11
sdaguerussellb has a proposal to build a new nodepool set with the lts-saucy kernel to see if it goes away22:12
russellbsdague: that merged22:12
russellbwe should be able to run experimental rechecks now22:12
russellbhadn't really looked because of other gate problems today though22:12
sdagueyep, fair22:12
russellbwhat's the command again?22:13
sdaguecheck experimental22:13
clarkbwenlock: reviewed. sorry it took so long22:13
russellbi can try one to make sure it runs, but would really like some neutron folks to chase it from there ....22:13
russellbsalv-orlando: ^^^22:13
wenlockclarkb, woot, no worries... checking it out now22:13
sdaguerussellb: sure, which projects is it attached to?22:13
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russellbsdague: just neutron22:13
clarkbrussellb: sdague: there were name problems iwth the host that fungi debugged earlier22:13
clarkbdid those problems get fixed?22:13
clarkbif not I can chase them down22:13
sdagueclarkb: I do not know22:14
russellboh sorry, no, i didn't see that22:14
russellbclarkb: ^22:14
* clarkb looks22:14
clarkbfungi: ^22:14
russellbthere are some experimental runs going right now for neutron patches22:14
salv-orlandorussellb: we'll find somebody. I and markmcclain looked at the experimental builds, unfortunately the ovs 1.4.0 we used to ran needs to be recompiled for the saucy kernel, or we might just install the saucy openvswitch as well22:15
salv-orlandoanyway, I've added my report to the bug, markmcclain will likely take it while I'm sleeping22:15
russellboh, d'oh22:15
russellbone seemed to pass though ....22:15
clarkbwait, the older ovs package installs when the new kernel is in place? that is fun22:16
clarkbrussellb: oh cool so the nodes are fixed22:16
russellbyou'd think package deps would fix that ...22:17
russellbclarkb: great thanks22:17
clarkbrussellb: I was just logging into the nodepool server to check, but that slave has the new name so you should be good22:17
russellbsalv-orlando: no occurrence of the kernel error in this one log that passed at least22:17
russellband this one failed:
russellbJan 29 21:00:48 dsvm-precise-krnl-rax-dfw-1241316 kernel: [ 1315.872310] kernel BUG at /build/buildd/linux-lts-saucy-3.11.0/fs/buffer.c:3005!22:18
russellbthough that's a filesystem error ... lovely22:18
devanandasdague: i think this has hit every patch that we've tried to check or approve in Ironic, in the last few days22:19
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sdaguedevananda: interesting22:19
russellbclarkb: salv-orlando at least we know it is definitely running the new kernel22:19
jog0isn't the debugging the gate fun22:19
salv-orlandotechnically without a kernel bug we don't know the version :)22:19
salv-orlandoI could have read it from sys stat screen22:20
salv-orlandobut with the new kernel screen-sysstat is empty22:20
clarkbrussellb: salv-orlando: and whoever else, if you check experimental and tell me the change number I am happy to hold slaves if that becomes necessary22:20
mattoliveraugood morning22:20
clarkbfor people to do on system debugging22:20
anteayamorning mattoliverau22:20
annegentleclarkb:  1 million a day? PRolly?22:20
devanandasdague: short link to the logstash search:
sdaguesalv-orlando: it's empty on the old ones too... I was just looking at that22:20
russellbclarkb: cool thanks22:20
clarkbannegentle: I wouldn't be surprised22:20
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: eliminate false positives for bug 1253482
sdaguedevananda: so can you timestamp corolate to what you are doing when it happens?22:21
mattoliveraumorning anteaya, other day in the Sydney office, may be in and out of meetings today.22:21
* fungi has resurfaced... skimming scrollback now22:21
devanandarussellb: that's a different line # than I'm seeing22:21
devanandasdague: sure. ANYTHING.22:21
anteayamattoliverau: hope you are enjoying sydney22:21
devanandasdague: i've been trying to land this fix for the stevedore issue:
clarkbanteaya: the git.o.o haproxy log for today has almost one million lines in it22:22
clarkber annegentle ^22:22
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clarkbannegentle: I am not an haproxy expert but I think if you ignore errors that indicates about one million connects to the git.o.o site22:22
annegentleclarkb: ok that sounds right22:22
clarkbannegentle: remembre though that many of those connections are from test slaves22:22
annegentleclarkb: yeah not real people22:23
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devanandasdague: short link for patchset 69495 search for tha tkernel bug:
fungistevebaker: clarkb: all of the current nodepool nodes should have the iptables update (we had to correct that patch last night, but images have rebuilt successfully since). if you see evidence it's not working, i can log onto a node and iptables -L to be sure22:23
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sdagueclarkb: how do I do a timestamp query in logstash?22:24
sdaguerange query22:24
devanandapretty sure that's every time I've tried to reverify this patch, at least one and sometimes all of the tempest checks hit a kernel bug22:24
salv-orlandorussellb: actually the 2nd experimental run did not spit ovs errors. Which might mean the 1.4 build works and for some reason the other nodes previously used were not prepared correctly. Still we see the usual failure22:24
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clarkbsdague: field:[VALUE TO VALUE]22:25
zarofungi: i've replied to gerrit forum post.22:25
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devanandai'm wondering how other projects aren't getting completely blocked like this22:25
russellbsalv-orlando: so, the usual failure, but not the kernel bug22:25
devanandarussellb: are you able to land anything in nova right now?22:25
russellbdevananda: i think so22:25
fungiannegentle: if you really want numbers from git.o.o and review.o.o i can do some quick digesting of apache logs to put together numbers, but off the top of my head i couldn't even begin to guess. clarkb's "very large" sounds as accurate as i'd manage too22:25
sdagueclarkb: thanks22:26
clarkbfungi: haproxy log if I read it correctly says 989 thousandish connections today22:26
russellbclarkb: nice22:27
sdaguedevananda: so here is the 10 seconds (5 on either side) around one of those crashes22:28
fungirussellb: clarkb: sdague: the only issue we addressed was rackspace forcing fqdn for hostname, which ended up being too long and got truncated, resulting in job failures. that's been addressed by markmcclain's patch which i merged and new images/nodes were subsequently rebuilt22:28
sdaguelooks like the last think logged was a neutron port disconnect22:28
stevebakerfungi: the test is still failing. Search for "Return code of 7 after executing" in
russellbfungi: thanks for the help!22:28
devanandavery interesting. this is showing up in all the check-tempest-dsvm-ironic runs, but *not* the check-tempest-dsvm-full runs22:28
devanandabut ironic shouldn't be doing anything with the network at this point ...22:28
salv-orlandorussellb: ha I got mixed up reading logs22:29
sdaguedevananda: do both use neutron?22:29
devanandasdague: lemme check22:29
sdagueneutron is definitely running in this one I'm looking at22:29
fungisalv-orlando: a 'uname -r' in devstack-gate (around where the ip diagnostics are output in the wrap script) might be a useful addition22:29
sdagueas we have q-agnt logs22:29
stevebakerfungi: it might need spinning up a devstack in a node and poking at it until port 8000 can be reached from a vm22:29
stevebakerfungi: but I don't know if that is easy or possible22:29
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salv-orlandofungi: sure. I actually was going to do that, but if you want to go ahead that will give me 5 minutes extra sleep tonight22:30
sdaguejnoller: so do they keep changing the perf image?22:30
sdaguebecause I just tried to spin one up again, and it was gone22:30
salv-orlandorussellb: this log ->
salv-orlandocontains the usual error message, but kernel shows no crash22:30
russellbso can't blame kernel anymore then?22:31
russellbworth a shot22:31
salv-orlandohowever n-cpu fails because:
salv-orlandoand this happens because ovs-vswitchd is NOT running22:31
salv-orlandoalso notice the dns resolution error22:31
russellbsalv-orlando: i think that has since been fixed22:32
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russellbsalv-orlando: i think that's what fungi was talking about a minute ago22:32
salv-orlandorussellb: and this other thing, which you surely understand more than me:
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russellbsalv-orlando: oh, fun ...22:33
salv-orlandorussellb, fungi: correct, that's the issue. I'm not sure if that also the reason why openvswitch appears to not be running though22:33
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salv-orlandoI guess if we fail to inject the key we will hardly be able to ssh into the vm afterwards22:33
salv-orlandothe other test in the same suite instead failed for a different error:
salv-orlandoovs was running and no dns resolution error22:34
salv-orlandofungi: I guess that's perhaps because it was running in the hp cloud?22:34
fungistevebaker: clarkb: oh, you know what? if it ran on hpcloud-az2 it wouldn't have been updated... we're having persistent issues getting successful image builds there. i can delete the existing images on that provider to get it to start looping until it gets a working image, but it may take a while22:35
sdaguefungi / clarkb: when you get a sec, we seem extra backed up on py26 in the gate. I wonder if we lost our only valid nodes or something22:37
fungisalv-orlando: "devstack-precise-saucy-kernel-rax-dfw-1237817" means that one ran in rackspace (we only bothered to add them to rax-dfw anyway)22:37
sdagueit looks like at least 4 are running actually, but not sure how many we should have22:37
stevebakerfungi: OK, I'll hang tight then22:38
fungisalv-orlando: also, that was with the old image. the new ones would be named dsvm-precise-krnl-rax-dfw-########22:38
clarkbsdague: several of them are hung up on not having the latest scp plugin installed22:38
clarkbsdague: I will kill those jobs to get things moving22:38
sdaguecool, thanks!22:38
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove Neutron from Ironic tempest test pipelines
clarkband I really really need to update that plugin everywhere. It is just so hard when things are pulling me in 50 directions :/22:39
devanandaclarkb: IIUC, that ^ will make Ironic's tempest tests stop breaking with Neutron bugs...22:39
fungistevebaker: i can confirm that log you linked ran on a slave in hpcloud-az2, where the images are ~ a week stale22:39
clarkbdevananda: doesn't ironic need neutron?22:41
clarkbdevananda: maybe I am mixing up ironic and tripleo22:41
fungiclarkb: i'm going to delete the images in hpcloud-az2 so nodepool will get busy retrying to get fresh ones to stick, but we will be dropping aggregate quota by a couple hundred nodes fairly soon once that happens (since it won't be able to add new nodes there until it works)22:41
devanandaclarkb: a) yes, but b) we don't have tempest tests for it yet, and c) we can't land the patch that actually enables ironic's use of neutron because neutron is crashing the kernel in every test22:42
sdaguefungi: we're good on overall d-g pool, loosing the quota shouldn't hurt us22:42
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fungisdague: agreed, that's why i'm not too worried, just making sure it's known22:42
fungithe stale images hurt us more, definitely22:43
devanandaclarkb: if we were actually using neutron today, i'd think more carefully about removing it from our tempest tests.22:43
clarkbfungi: ok22:44
clarkbdevananda: roger22:44
devanandaclarkb: even then, i might -- i know folks are working on fixing but right now this has blocked all ironic patches since we enabled tempest in ironic's gate22:44
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fungiclarkb: for the record, prior to deletion the bare-precise node there was 210.15 hours old and the devstack-precise image was 139.88 hours old22:44
sdagueclarkb: the py26 nodes flowed into the gate, thanks22:45
clarkbsdague: np, I am going to put jenkins03 out to pasture now so that I can restart it with new SCP plugin then do 02 when things settle down a bit22:45
clarkbsince 02 has py26 slaves22:45
clarkbfungi: ^22:45
salv-orlandofungi: thanks for clarifying. The logs I've been looking at have a lot of ovs errors (protocol errors while connecting to the service), but perhaps it's better to recheck on new images22:46
salv-orlandoAs markmcclain patch got merged, I guess they're good to use now?22:46
pleia2fungi, clarkb - when you have a moment (if such a time exists), I have been updating with issues I'm running into, would appreciate some eyeballs to make sure I'm not going to far into the weeds, main problem at the moment is no puppet 2.7 on Fedora 2022:46
fungisalv-orlando: yes22:46
clarkbpleia2: ok pulling it up now22:47
fungiclarkb: yeah, we need to re-add the dead centos6 nodes that got deleted from jenkins01-02 in previous restarts. meant to do that and then got sidetracked22:47
fungipleia2: right, i encountered the same problem. also newer default ruby interpreter which made it coexist poorly with older puppet22:48
pleia2fungi: yeah, so I'm *hoping* we can just nudge configs enough to work ok with puppet3 on fedora22:48
clarkbfungi: ok, I will try to add that to my list too :)22:49
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pleia2fedora is being mean to me though D:22:49
fungipleia2: i suggest becoming bestest pals with AaronGr22:49
pleia2fungi: good idea22:49
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fungisee if you can convince him to help whitewash that fence22:49
* fungi needs to step away for a few and cook dinner, but will be back soon to continue reducing the broken a little22:50
clarkboh man22:51
clarkbdo we need to puppet3 now?22:51
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update some deprecated Puppet variable references
clarkbpleia2: I have a hunch that we can puppet3 ize the slave manifests fairly easiliy22:52
pleia2AaronGr: could you take a look at this when you have a moment? I'm quite sure it won't cause 2.7 to explode, but confirmation would be nice :)22:52
clarkbpleia2: before worrying about puppet3 everywhere22:52
clarkbbut that is a hunch I have no real data22:52
pleia2clarkb: good, I'm on the right track then22:52
pleia2at least for now :)22:52
AaronGrclarkb, pleia2 - i tried puppet3 against upstream, and there wasn't much to be worried over, based on extremely limited testing.22:52
AaronGrpleia2: checking your patch22:52
clarkbwoot AaronGr has hard data :)22:53
pleia2I don't know what to do with these pip errors22:53
pleia2it seems to run fine22:53
pleia2I even tried installing the python-pip package in fedora20, still errors22:53
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clarkbpleia2: is it possibly caching the pip location?22:53
clarkblike puppet things it isn't there beacuse it checked before it installed the stuff22:54
clarkbiirc the pip provider may do something silly like that22:54
pleia2clarkb: hm, maybe22:54
jog0sdague: quick JS question if you have a minute22:54
sdaguejog0: sure22:54
dstufftpip errors?22:55
clarkbdstufft: I don't think it is pips fault22:55
pleia2it's puppet's fault ;)22:55
clarkbpuppet says it can't find pip even though pip is in /usr/bin/pip22:55
dstufftcarry on then :]22:56
dstufftI like when things turn out to be someone elses fault22:57
jog0sdague: I will ahve the code up soon22:57
jog0but for
jog0I have tabs22:57
jog0going to start with two: all queues and gate queue22:57
jog0and I don't know how to change which tab has the active class22:57
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jog0sdague: in short I will have a patch that has the code working soon, but the JS won't be finished22:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove Neutron from Ironic tempest test pipelines
sdaguejog0: so is this going to be multiple html files?23:02
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sdaguejog0: so what I think we want23:03
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sdaguegraph takes a -q param for queues to limit to23:03
sdaguethe config repo gets updated with another command to run to build a 2nd json data set23:03
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sdaguewe have a 2nd html page23:03
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sdagueand we do the active tab selection similar to how it's done for status.o.o, there is a js function for that. You'd just be targetting a different div23:04
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jog0sdague: I can do multiple files but was moching something up to just be one23:06
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jog0sdague: that is much easier23:07
jog0give me 5 minutes23:07
jog0and I will ahve it23:07
sdaguejog0: sure23:07
sdaguewell, if we did it multiply, then we can add in the uncategorized as a tab23:07
sdaguewhich would be *win*!23:07
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jog0sdague: so only JS question now is:23:10
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jog0how do I make the graph.json URL change based on the apge23:11
jog0presumablly pass in a variable from the html page to the js function23:11
jog0but ?23:11
sdagueyeh, that's the right way. You could be lame and define the data file inline23:12
sdaguein a script tag at the top of the html23:12
sdaguethen have the js pick up the var from there23:12
sdagueit's all one namespace23:12
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sdaguei.e. it's all global23:12
sdaguethe right way to do this is with some js templates, I might try working on that on the plane on Sunday23:13
jog0can you comment on
jog0with your idea23:13
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harlowjaqq for u guys, about zookeeper access inside tests23:18
harlowjafrom what i see the tooz project doing, is that they actually start zookeeper using there run_tests.sh23:19
harlowjaand i was wondering if like mysql/postgres we can just have it running?23:19
harlowjaso it can be conditionally used by tests23:19
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add new job to build the javamelody gerrit plugin
jog0sdague: multi page is working23:28
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jog0patch up soon23:28
anteayawhat server is manage projects supposed to run on when it is fully automated?23:28
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zarofungi: question about this..
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zarofungi: not sure about the name, does it have to be in our gerrit?23:30
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clarkbI haven't done jenkins03 yet, being distracted23:36
jnollersdague: we officially released the HVM versions today; these are the final IDs23:36
clarkbshould be ok though there are a bunch of masters23:36
sdaguejnoller: yeh, I saw them in image list23:36
jnollersdague: email me if questions must go home finally23:36
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sdaguekey injection failed when I tried23:37
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sdagueor at least changed from the way we used to be able to do it23:37
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zaroclarkb: would like your opinion on this
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fungiharlowja: so... starting zookeeper on demand as the user running the tests is a bit of a security optimization i believe, since the distributions we use don't have it packaged under security support (such that we don't want it running all the time on all slaves whether it's used or not)23:41
harlowjafungi ya, looking at what tooz is doing makes me wonder if there is a better way23:41
harlowjaand then that is activated from there tox23:42
fungiget zookeeper supported by red hat and canonical in their server distributions?23:42
harlowjadurn it, lol23:42
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harlowjaanyway that there could be a special slave type that has zookeeper running, similar to centos6 or something?23:43
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* fungi does not really like being "hard-headed security wonk" but sometimes it's a good devil's advocate position for the sake of discussion23:43
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add new job to build the javamelody gerrit plugin
fungiharlowja: possibly. i think we would probably balk at maintaining server images specific to stackforge projects, but i might also be wrong about that23:44
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lifelesssdague: how do you want failures?23:45
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lifelesssdague: inline, or just [failed] and read the HTML we generate separately ?23:45
fungiclarkb: ^ your ideas are welcome on "can we run persistent zookeeper on some subset of jenkins slaves for tooz testing"23:45
harlowjafungi if say taskflow is in oslo, then would that make it all better :-P23:46
harlowjafungi not just tooz, taskflow also23:46
clarkbfungi: we do run zookeeper on some subset of slaves23:46
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: replace jeepyb's trivial rebase gerrit hook with copyAllScoresOnTrivialRebase
fungiclarkb: oh, we run it on precise slaves, right?23:46
harlowjathen i can just use it ??23:46
fungiwas it just rhel that didn't have zookeeper packaged?23:47
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sdaguelifeless: I'd like failures in the stream. we can then decide on display at the filter level23:47
fungiharlowja: clarkb: now that i think about it, yes there was one platform where it was available from the distro, so running it there may be fie23:48
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: point zuul-dev to review-dev
harlowjafungi woot23:48
harlowjais there some special file i can adjust to make it run (slaves.pp?)23:49
sdaguefungi: that seems like a good case for doing a functional test with a custom d-g script23:49
lifelesssdague: everything is in the stream23:49
lifelesssdague: I'm just doing the UI filter you wanted23:49
sdaguelifeless: ok, yes, in the filter, displayed inline23:49
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: update replicate command and add a version command
clarkbharlowja: it should be running23:50
harlowjaeven better then23:50
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add tab to only plot gate failures in status.o.o/elastic-recheck/
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Fix incompatibility with gerrit 2.8
jog0sdague: ^ what do you think23:52
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jog0sdague: and by that  I mean feel free to append the patch set to make it better23:52
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jog0it works, just not very DRA23:53
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sdagueso ... I'll look in the morning if that's ok. Need to get away from computers for a bit23:53
jog0sdague: cool thanks. also the config side patch still needs to be done23:53
jog0but overall it appears to work well23:53
jog0sdague: thanks again23:54
fungianteaya: if nobody answered you yet, manage-projects runs on gerrit servers (review.o.o and review-dev.o.o in the openstack project infrastructure's case)23:54
clarkbzaro: how does that look? it is running on jenkins-dev23:55
lifelessmmm, did I just fine a bug.23:56
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harlowjaclarkb looks at a test thats trying to use zookeeper, isn't actually getting triggered, maybe it has to be setup to run in daemon mode?23:57
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lifeless2014-01-29T23:57:04.980429+00:00: (4) testrepository.tests.test_repository.TestRepositoryContract.test_get_test_run_preserves_time(memory) [start]23:57
lifeless2014-01-29T23:57:04.980630+00:00: (4) testrepository.tests.arguments.test_path.TestArgument.test_rejects_missing_file [success]23:57
lifelessI'm going to have to dig into this; I'm sure its cosmetic, but yeah...23:58
harlowjaclarkb 'telnet localhost 2181' should connect on a slave if its running23:58
harlowja*as a simple test23:58

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