Friday, 2014-01-31

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clarkbfungi: really quick before I do 01, precise15 is offline. Should I reboot it before upgrading 01?00:00
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clarkbfungi: worried that it will come online after reboot and be unhappy00:00
zzelleclarkb: better than curl -XHEAD ... git remote prune -n gerrit00:00
zzelleprotocol independant00:01
clarkboh neat00:01
zzellei will propose the change tomorrow00:02
clarkbhrm precise15 seems hard donw00:02
clarkbfungi: I am going to remove it from 0100:02
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clarkbfungi: very close to doing the upgrade00:04
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: only print unrecognized errors in gate
fungihpcloud-az2 finally managed to get a bare-precise image to stick00:06
fungitook almost 24 hours of constant rebuild attempts to get there00:06
jog0anyone have an idea of what ' bad DHCP host name at line 1 of /opt/stack/data/nova/networks/nova-br100.conf' means00:07
clarkbjog0: going to guess a dhcp server offered a bad hostname to the host00:07
clarkblike it didn't follow dns rules or something00:07
jog0whose dhcp server nova-network or something00:07
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clarkbcould be any that can talk to that network I expect00:08
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clarkbrogue dhcp servers are evil00:08
* jog0 files yet another bug 00:08
jog0clarkb: btw
jog0why is launchpadlib coming from
jog0and not our mirror00:08
clarkbjog0: because elastic-recheck isn't gated by the mirror and I bet launchpadlib isnt on our mirror00:09
clarkbbecause openstack itself does not use launchpadlib00:09
clarkbjog0: for infra projects and stackforge and so on we configure them to use the mirror but to fallback on pypi for things not in the mirror00:09
jog0clarkb: ahh00:10
jog0its not in our mirror00:10
jog0can we add it?00:10
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clarkbjog0: no, openstack doesn't need it00:10
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clarkbjog0: pretty sure that isn't a think anymore00:11
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clarkbneed someway to build different mirrors on the same host00:11
clarkbfungi: do you know?00:11
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clarkbslow tempest is slow, waiting on one job before 01 upgrade00:12
fungii think the intent was to add a mirror for infra projects there, with a separate requirements list00:12
fungibut we never got that far00:12
clarkbfungi: there are a couple hpcloud offline nodes on 01, should I delete those from jenkins manually to be safe?00:13
jog0fungi: ahh thanks00:14
jog0so I will just live with a bad launchpad, thanks00:15
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notmynamesdague: I just replied to your logging format thread. I've got a suggestion at the bottom of the message (the top is responding to the specific swift question)00:16
fungiclarkb: yes00:18
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fungiclarkb: i've been manually deleting any offline nodes from a jenkins master if i restart it00:18
clarkbfungi: thanks doing that now00:19
funginodepool has 4 nodes remaining on jenkns0100:19
fungii'll clear those out00:19
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clarkbstill waiting on one job00:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add option to elastic-recheck-graph to pick a single queue
fungionce it's done i'll delete the dead nodes in nodepool00:20
fungilooks like it's the one used node nodepool knows about there00:21
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fungithat job failed. uploading logs now00:26
clarkbI think it passed00:26
clarkbthe Failed you see there is from the log checker which is disavled right now00:27
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove extra '%' in uncategorized template
fungioh, right00:27
fungiit does say "ok"00:27
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fungilooks like precisepy3k-3 i marked offline too00:29
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lifelessfungi: thanks :)00:30
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clarkbfungi: it seems to unping as well. I will delete it from jenkins00:30
fungiyeah, i can't get a response from it00:30
clarkbfungi: that leaves the dfw node that just finished its job, should I wait a minute for nodepool to clean it up?00:30
fungilifeless: yw00:30
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fungiclarkb: looks like it's deleted now?00:31
clarkbfungi: it is, ready for upgrade?00:31
fungiyou bet00:31
clarkbok stopping jenkins00:31
openstackgerritJim Branen proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Use new hplefthandclient
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clarkbof course jenkins didn't actually die00:32
clarkbjenkins is starting now00:33
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fungiit's been about 50/50 for me whether i sometimes need to sigsegv it00:34
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fungiignored repeated sigterm and sighup00:34
clarkbseems up, now we wait for jorbs00:35
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* fungi forgot about coach z00:36
clarkbwoot it is running jobs00:36
clarkbfungi: should I put jenkins.o.o in shutdown mode now?00:37
jog0fungi: ?00:37
clarkbactualyl I will wait a bit as a bunch of stuff is in post now and jenkins.o.o handles about half those jobs00:37
fungiclarkb: sure. it should go very quickly ;)00:37
clarkbfungi: yeah I will let the jobs in post clear first00:37
clarkbbut it should be a quick one00:38
fungiright, translation proposals00:38
jog0clarkb: do we log libvirtd.txt00:40
jog0err logstash it00:40
clarkbno that is brand new and no one wrote rulse for it00:40
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fungiyeah, we only just started collecting those to the logs.o.o site in the last 24 hours or so00:42
jog0clarkb fungi: ahh00:43
jog0those logs may be very helpful already00:43
jog0a 'qemuMonitorIORead:513 : Unable to read from monitor: Connection reset by peer' matches up with  Build of instance c576c184-5fda-49ac-953c-564c2c794e83 aborted: Instance disappeared during build00:43
jog0clarkb: how do I wrote rules to get that in eS00:44
clarkbjog0: or some such00:44
clarkbjog0: there is a filters section, you will want to have a libvirt tag, then have an if block that says if libvirt in tags then process this way00:45
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StevenKjog0: Hai, I've updated , do you want a put a stamp on it?00:45
bradmso, if I wanted to start helping out with infra stuff, where would be a good place to start?00:46
jog0StevenK: ask me again tomorrow00:46
jog0stuck in debug land00:46
clarkbbradm: the bug tracker for openstack-ci on launchpad has bugs tagged low-hanging-fruit, those are good palces to get your feet wet00:46
jog0clarkb: cool I will take a whack at it00:46
clarkbjog0: gl, and happy to help more as what I said above was really simple :)00:47
jog0just filed a super generic bug
bradmclarkb: cool, I'll have a look and see if there's anything there I can help out with00:47
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jog0whoa there is something at!/00:49
clarkbjog0: I think it is still mostly a mock up00:49
jog0clarkb: a really nice mockup00:49
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fungioh, yeah that looks like the old mock-up still00:50
jog0clarkb: where do thetags coe from?00:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove extra '%' in uncategorized template
clarkbjog0: they come from the gearman-log-client config files over in modules/openstack_project/files/logstash00:52
clarkber actually they may be in modules/log_processing/files now00:53
StevenKjog0: Hm. Except tomorrow is Saturday. :-(00:53
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clarkbjog0: but you will need to add the libvirt file there and you can specify that the tag is libvirt or whatever00:53
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clarkbfungi: meh these jobs are taking too long, you ok for me to put jenkins.o.o in shutdown mode?00:54
jog0clarkb:         out_event["tags"] = [fileopts['name']] + fileopts.get('tags', [])00:55
jog0so the libvirt tag should automatically appear?00:55
clarkbjog0: the filename will appear, I have been giving things more generic tags so that if the filename chagnes nothing breaks (eg grenade logs)00:55
jog0clarkb: ahh modules/openstack_project/files/logstash/jenkins-log-client.yaml:00:57
jog0StevenK: if you can fix libvirt errors I will review your patch rght now :)00:57
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fungiclarkb: i guess--they keep piling up00:59
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fungithough in good news, that means we're merging a lot of changes01:00
branenDoes anyone know how tests/files/gr-base.txt in project requirements is used?01:00
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clarkbfungi: put it in shutdown mode01:00
fungiclarkb: i see that. cool01:01
jog0clarkb: this is easy wow01:01
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logstash rules to parse libvirtd.txt
jog0clarkb: ^ first pass01:04
clarkbfungi: ok jenkins.o.o is done, stopping and upgrading it now01:05
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logstash rules to parse libvirtd.txt
clarkbfungi: starting up now01:07
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logstash rules to parse libvirtd.txt
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clarkbfungi: it seems happy, all of jenkinses are running the same versions of stuff now01:17
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clarkbI am going to switch to doing chores around the apartment now01:28
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* fungi has already done so. i'm afraid i've been neglecting my living conditions for weeks now01:33
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harlowjaclarkb fungi  is it possible to check that zookeeper is running after that zookeeperd change?01:45
harlowjaa test that i have that should be finding it doesn't appear to be running, so just wanted to verify01:45
fungiharlowja: sure, let me see when it merged01:46
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fungiyeah, i'm just seeing if it was long enough ago as to be before we built fresh images01:47
harlowjafungi ah, k, is that outside of the usual 45min cycle?01:48
fungiif it's configuration being applied to a single-use node type, those are built from cached images generated every day01:48
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: add getVersion and listPlugin commands and update replicate command
harlowjafungi ah01:50
fungiharlowja: looks like it's there...
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harlowjafungi k, let me check a test again01:51
harlowjaor recheck it to make it run (since it ran earlier today)01:51
fungii don't remember what socket you said it listens on, so there's a netstat for you01:51
harlowjaya, 218101:51
fungiit's open then01:52
harlowjafungi agreed, thx, let me do some further investigation01:52
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: add getVersion and listPlugin commands and update replicate command
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lifelesstaking the tripleo testenvs offline temporarily02:12
lifelessscaling it up by 1002:12
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* lifeless watches the undercloud meltdown02:13
lifelessI'm betting on a keystone fail02:14
jog0lifeless: you should become a bookie on betting these things02:14
jog0it could be fun, we are seeing libvirt in gate02:14
clarkbseeing libvirt in gate?02:15
jog0clarkb: libvirt issues02:15
clarkbwith 0.9.8?02:15
jog0at leaast that is the hunch , that and kernel02:15
lifeless# nova list02:16
lifelessERROR: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-56542813-88b7-47ae-a972-8aec5b79c2a7)02:16
jog0clarkb: btw have you seen
lifelessERROR nova.api.openstack [req-56542813-88b7-47ae-a972-8aec5b79c2a7 2de96ce5da9902:16
lifeless4575a08447c93bcafd53 4956c533154c476799c688eda7ed65ab] Caught error: Connection to neutron failed: Maximum attem02:16
lifelesspts reached02:16
jog0lifeless: clarkb: too many errors02:16
jog0lifeless: whee,02:17
jog0it could still be keystone underneath02:17
lifelessjog0: has been in the past, yeah02:17
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lifelessat least all the ports appear to have wired up in the deployment properly02:17
jog0lifeless: you would like the solution here
lifelessjog0: we have WILDLY different definitions of 'like'02:18
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jog0lifeless: use ext4?02:18
lifelessjog0: cause, I LOVE that one :)02:18
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jog0clarkb: I think that one may need a infra bug? ext3=>ext402:19
clarkbjog0: ?02:19
clarkbwe don't do ext4 because openstack02:19
jog0clarkb: read end of
jog0clarkb: ohhh do tell02:19
jog0the fun never ends02:19
clarkbthat is fing hilarious02:19
clarkbopenstack refuses to default to ext4 so our clouds give us ext302:20
clarkbif openstack wants ext4 they should change their defaults02:20
harlowjahmmm, fungi, ok something interesting, if u have a sec on that zookeeper machine, seeing 'Connection dropped: socket connection error: Connection refused' , is it possible to see if u can access 2181 from inside the box?02:20
jog0lifeless: tried that haha02:20
lifelessjog0: not sure whats up with grenade in that02:20
clarkbjog0: while we could fix it in infra, I feel that on principle we souldned02:20
jog0lifeless: grenade?02:20
lifelessjog0: you did? That should have totally disabled file injection02:20
clarkb*shouldn't. our clouds will catch up in about 10 days if openstack fixes it02:20
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lifelessjog0: look at the jenkins output02:20
harlowjafungi i can give u a command or 2 to try, if u want02:21
clarkbalso can you sanely ermout / anyways?02:21
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jog0lifeless: which jenkins output -- too much multitasking02:21
lifelessjog0: you said you'd tried disabling file injection, when I pointed you at my patch for that.02:22
lifelessjog0: I said I don't know whats up with grenade, which barfed post-upgrade on that patchset02:22
clarkblifeless: did you see the ext4 thing above? I am sure you will eb entertained too02:22
lifelessclarkb: I am hilarity itself02:22
jog0lifeless: I think we are getting converations crossed (or my brain is just crossing wires) where did I say the disable file injection02:23
jog0and grenade output02:23
jog0I was talking about ext402:23
lifelessok, at least one broker seems to be back up02:23
fungiharlowja: i'll pop into one and try to open a socket02:23
lifelessjog0: ok, so I was pointing you at my patch to disable file injection by default02:23
lifelessjog0: which will entirely avoid the nbd question02:24
harlowjafungi much appreciated02:24
clarkbharlowja: what ip are you connecting to?02:24
clarkbnot localhost will be firwalled02:24
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support to list running jobs to zuul client
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow workers to send back metadata
clarkbharlowja: I wonder if using localhost:2181 would make a difference (not sure how the kernel deal with wildcard dests)02:25
harlowjasee def _zookeeper_exists():02:25
harlowjaodd, let me try localhost again02:25
jog0lifeless: ohh right, I haven't looked at that too much actually -- been in bug hunter mode02:26
lifelessjog0: but apparently it made grenade have a hernia02:26
lifelessjog0: so it needs some deeper probing02:26
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support to list running jobs to zuul client
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow workers to send back metadata
jog0lifeless: ahh
lifelessjog0: yes02:28
harlowjafungi clarkb  an idea a co-worker had, instead of doing these kind of probes for ports for mysql,postgres,zookeeper, is there anyway environment variables could be set (ZOOKEEPER_AVAILABLE_HERE) for example02:28
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clarkbharlowja: you could do that, the problem with it is it adds overhead for people running tests02:29
lifelessharlowja: all things are possible02:29
clarkbfungi: I suppose we could set fstab to mount / as ext4 when we make the image02:29
lifelessharlowja: so in other projects I've created Fixtures to represent the running service02:29
clarkbthen tests would run with ext3 mounted as ext402:29
clarkbbut really we should push back on oepnstack being sane02:29
lifelessclarkb: just use glance, upload your own image02:30
lifelessclarkb: oh right, noone uses it :/02:30
harlowjalifeless i created a microzookeeper in-memory 'server' also02:30
harlowjabut still really nice to run against zookeeper :)02:30
jog0lifeless: what happenend to you chaning the default?02:30
jog0ext4 that is02:30
lifelessharlowja: and the fixture could look at environment variables to use an existing, or spin one up as needed02:30
clarkbsles happened02:30
lifelessharlowja: this worked very very well02:30
lifelessharlowja: we wrapped up postgresql, rabbitmq etc etc02:30
jog0clarkb: and that is our problem? :(02:30
fungiclarkb: yeah, changing the fstype there will "fix" it on launch/boot02:31
lifelessjog0: apparently we support users running shit02:31
clarkbjog0: well a bunch of other people complained too02:31
clarkblifeless: broken shit02:31
harlowjalifeless so it would actually install those services, or start them temporariliy or mock them?02:31
lifelessjog0: there was also an issue due to the 'default' image key not encodingnit the fs in the filename02:31
jog0lifeless: ohhh right02:31
lifelessso things could get confused in non-greenfield setups02:31
lifelessharlowja: not install, start stop etc as appropriate02:31
jog0sounds like we may have to push on this one to get into icehouse02:31
harlowjalifeless how does that work in parallel tests?02:32
lifelessjog0: so it needs a base logic fix, then a deprecation etc02:32
jog0lifeless: right02:32
lifelessharlowja: so you run each one on a unique port02:32
harlowjalifeless ah, k, that would work02:32
lifelessharlowja: for instance02:32
lifelessin your test you just do02:33
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lifelesswith RabbitServer():02:33
lifeless    code here has a running rabbit02:33
clarkbthough hpcloud is ext4 iirc02:34
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clarkbdo we have trouble on hpcloud?02:34
lifelessrabbit = self.useFixture(RabbitServer)):02:34
harlowjalifeless ya, looks nice02:34
lifelessclarkb: hpcloud's ubuntu images will be ext4 because thats the base they import, AIUI02:34
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lifelessharlowja: I really like that idiom02:35
jog0lifeless: so looking at the grenade blowup02:35
harlowjalifeless i'd imagine oslo.messaging needs something like this, taskflow maybe soon too02:35
lifelessharlowja: I'm happy to show people existing code/advise etc02:35
jog0look at this req-id req-c418c670-7669-4aeb-8d20-64422579aefe in
lifelessharlowja: I don't have cycles to commit to doing new ones up myself atm02:35
harlowjalifeless its either that or hope that the kombu in-memory approach is ok02:36
jog0lifeless: ahh the compute node stopped reporting02:36
lifelessjog0: recheck? new bug02:36
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jog0lifeless: not sure02:37
jog0to the logstash02:37
jog0 has not been heard from in a  while02:37
jog02014-01-30 23:26:08.816 INFO nova.filters [req-c4e395ce-522e-4416-b972-2fb7210ccf33 ServersTestManualDisk-1356459449 ServersTestManualDisk-745008596] Filter ComputeFilter returned 0 hosts02:37
lifelesswe're running with this config applied02:37
lifelessin ci-overcloud02:37
jog0err has not been heard from in a  while02:37
lifelessand while we have issues, its not nova-compute shutting up shop :)02:37
lifelessit's things like mellanox card firmware deciding it wants a holiday02:37
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Collect list of installed packages at end of run
lifeless8 environments up02:38
jog0lifeless: it looks like it has happend before02:38
harlowjaok, fungi enabled the test to make it happen, seeing that 'Connection time-out' happens, weird02:38
clarkbfungi: I can poke at to `sed -i 's/ext3/ext4/' /etc/fstab`02:39
jog0message:"has not been heard from in a  while" AND filename:"logs/screen-n-sch.txt"02:39
clarkbI shoudln't need to change anything else right?02:39
harlowjafungi thats to localhost:218102:39
clarkbI am not interested in doing a proper conversion02:39
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harlowjafungi anyway for u to create a venv on a slave, install kazoo and try to create a client using localhost?02:41
* harlowja i am wondering if maybe not all the precise slaves have it running (could be?)02:41
lifelessjog0: so, recheck ?02:41
jog0lifeless: yup, looking for a bug number02:41
jog0I don't see one02:41
jog0so file one02:41
lifelesshmm 105 testenvs on one server. This is wrong :P02:41
jog0don't do recehck no bug!02:42
jog0lifeless: or the bug gods will smite you with rath02:42
fungiclarkb: shouldn't need to, i wouldn't think, no02:42
jog0lifeless: let me know the number and I will add some info02:42
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Mount ext3 filesystems as ext4 on single use slaves
clarkbfungi: jog0 ^02:43
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jog0clarkb: that was quick!02:43
clarkbI haven't tested that or anything but that should cover all of our clouds if they give us ext302:43
fungiharlowja: so of interest, the taskflow py27 unit tests seem to run on long-running slaves (not single-use), in the case of the log you linked it was precise2302:43
fungiharlowja: i'll see if something's "different" there02:44
harlowjaqq, whats the diff between long-running?02:44
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jog0lifeless: haha02:44
jog0nice bug report02:44
jog0I can make it better02:44
harlowjalifeless what other fixtures exist out there on launchpad??02:44
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lifelessharlowja: theres on pypi, which is a postgresql on02:45
lifelessharlowja: theres ones for selenium02:45
harlowjafungi i just enabled alot more logging (u can see what kazoo is doing),
harlowjasearch for 'ZK loop started'02:46
lifelessharlowja: theres my fixtures library, which is lower level plumbing
jog0lifeless: so the n-cpu log just stops short02:46
fungiharlowja: i think it's crashing02:46
lifelessharlowja: theres a few wired up within the LP source, but they aren't likely to be super applicable02:46
harlowjau killed zookeeper02:46
fungii'm looking at logs now02:47
harlowjak, let me know if i can help02:47 /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2/snapshot.0 (Permission denied)02:47
harlowjathe zookeeper data storage area02:48
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fungii assume is does need write access there... i wonder whether the package isn't setting it up correctly?02:48
jog0lifeless clarkb: this looks fun
jog0search for traceback02:48
jog0swift dead02:48
harlowjafungi precise u said right, i am running linux mint, and didn't hit that error, wonder if that was a bug02:48
lifelessjog0: HTF does disabling file injection trigger that :P02:49
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Mount ext3 filesystems as ext4 on single use slaves
jog0lifeless: it doesn't you hit a gate bug02:49
fungiharlowja: yeah, precise. somehow /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2 is root:root but /var/lib/zookeeper is zookeeper:zookeeper02:49
jog0me thinks02:49
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harlowjafungi arg, precise02:49
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fungiharlowja: though it didn't seem to do that on the single-use slaves02:50
fungiwhich are also precise02:50
harlowjais using single-use slaves ok?02:50
clarkbjog0: I have commented on the bug02:50
jog0but your one bug behind02:51
harlowjafungi the other thing is snapshots can be disabled02:51
fungiharlowja: should be fine. though i'm curious why this is broken... the last modified date on /var/lib/zookeeper/version-2 is december 13, fwiw02:51
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openstackgerritPeter Portante proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1266616 (was bug 1273479)
harlowjaonly way for that to be that old is someone else was running zookeeper02:52
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harlowjazookeeperd was installed yesterday02:52
harlowjasooo, only other user i know doing it is tooz02:52
fungithough the jenkins jobs don't have root access, so i suspect something with the zookeeper package setup02:53
clarkbclearly we should just use a thing that works02:53
clarkbto etcd!02:53
fungii'll check the ownership being set for it on the single-use slaves, but if i reset ownership on those directories, maybe it will help02:54
harlowjaclarkb ya, soon enough :(02:54
harlowja*i mean :)02:54
harlowjafungi sounds good, maybe it was just something that happend around december13th02:55
harlowjai think snapRetainCount=0 could also be done02:55
fungithe single-use slaves have zookeeper ownership on that dir, which seems sane. i'll just fix the long-running slaves real quick02:55
harlowjawonder how that happened :-/02:56
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harlowjathx fungi02:57
fungiand precise23 already has a snapshot.0 file now02:58
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fungigo ahead and try again02:58
fungii can telnet to the socket and not have it instadead02:58
harlowjaare there fedora slaves that can be targeted to (like centos6)??03:01
clarkbyou are welcome to fix the broken that is fedora though :)03:01
clarkbfungi: did you see that fedora now has a fedora account instead of root? I wish distros wouldn't do that03:02
locke105isn't fedora broken by definition?03:02
* clarkb waits for debian installer to give out debian accounts by default03:02
jog0gah no timestamps
clarkbjog0: check syslog03:02
clarkbproxy logs to syslog too03:03
jog0they rate limit03:03
fungiclarkb: i did not. how unfortunate03:03
clarkbfungi: I think you can still root but it yells at you similar to ubuntu03:03
jog0and line length limit?03:03
fungiclarkb: you only need to connect to root once, so set up your toor account ;)03:04
clarkbjog0: line length limit should've been bumped03:04
clarkbbut yes rsyslog us ugh03:04
jog0clarkb: its not log enough ^_^03:05
clarkbjog0: if you go too long it causes rsyslog to crash03:05
clarkbthen everything fails03:05
harlowjafungi cool, i see zookeeper connections happening, woot,
harlowja'Zookeeper connection established, state: CONNECTED'03:05
jog0clarkb: sigh03:05
fungiharlowja: good luck and happy hacking then03:06
jog0portante: ping03:06
harlowjafungi thx much :)03:06
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lifelessypu, looks like hanging on keystone to me :(03:08
lifelessand keystone logs -nothing at all- (not even requests...)03:08
jog0lifeless: is it worse then this:
jog0search for traceback03:09
lifelessjog0: at least you know the process is running :P03:09
jog0not for
jog0it just stops loggingg03:10
portantejog0: pong03:12
portantejog0: does that new patch set make sense?03:13
lifelesserm, nova DERP03:13
lifeless| 6882adf7-9a5d-4c7c-9228-6859ec91eaf0 | testenv-testenv0-x6fabjotw5xp          | BUILD  | spawning   | NOSTATE     | ctlplane=               |03:13
lifeless| d626d77f-8303-49b5-82dd-395bca6f2db7 | testenv-testenv8-vewc22gllh32          | BUILD  | spawning   | NOSTATE     | ctlplane=, |03:13
jog0portante: search for stacktrace03:13
lifelesswhats wrong with that03:13
jog0portante: what is swift doing?03:13
* portante looks03:13
jog0portante: haven't got around to your patch yet03:13
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lifelessjog0: I'm smelling another cross-thread/request/something context fail in nova's use of neutronclient03:14
* jog0 thinks he needs more beer03:14
lifelessjog0: what, because nova thinks one machine has two ips, on the same network, with one owned by a different instance?03:15
lifelessjog0: sheese, let me get you something really bad, like the swift thing :P03:15
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lifelessthere's only one port with 181 on it..03:15
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jog0lifeless: happy hunting03:16
jog0I am done with bug hunting for today, except to follow up with our resident swift expert03:17
* jog0 waves at portante 03:17
lifelessI;m abou tto have to stop for family time03:17
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portantewe have seen this before, I think this always happens03:18
lifelessportante: ?!03:19
lifelessportante: from an ops perspective, thats a terrifying concept :)03:19
portanteI think it is a "how the upgrade proceeds thing", but have to confirm ...03:20
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jog0portante: yeah it happens every time in grenade
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jog0sounds like a grenade/swift bug to fix03:23
jog0portante: thanks03:23
jog0until next time o/03:23
portantejog0: night03:24
jog0lifeless: so turns out that bug may be invalid, as the recheck hit the exact same issue03:26
jog0and considering how rare it is ....03:26
lyxusAfter a dev submit a patch for review, how much time does it take to receive it on the gerrit stream ?03:27
clarkblyxus: should be near immedaite03:27
clarkbtcp is probably the biggest delay03:27
morganfainberglifeless, ping03:28
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Log gerrit comment when running in nocomment mode
morganfainberglifeless, nvm03:29
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portantejog0: the "old" swift code would be havana in this case, right?03:31
lyxusclarkb, humm... ok thanks !03:31
jog0portante: correct03:31
jog0and havana devstack03:31
jog0grenade does havana devstack => trunk devstack03:31
morganfainberglifeless, re-ping , i think i found a bug in fixtures03:32
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morganfainberglifeless, ah nvm, found it.  my mistake  *grumble*03:36
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lyxusHi, I am trying to do a review. I think i need to add the username that was created for me in the settings page, however I have a Application error, Server error .04:02
clarkblyxus: you are trying to push code or leave a review?04:03
lyxusclarkb, leave a review using my service account04:03
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clarkblyxus: and what gives you the application error?04:03
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clarkbit is possible that your service account doesn't have rights to vote +/-1 yet04:05
lyxusclarkb,let me explain what is happening.  I was trying to leave the review thourgh SSH, and I got a (Permission denied (publickey)); and I realized that the ssh username is not registered04:05
clarkblyxus: it should be, that is what happens when the service account is created04:05
clarkblyxus: what is the accoutn?04:06
lyxusclarkb, the ssh username is nuage-networks04:06
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clarkblyxus: I see the username as nuage-networks it is in the DB correclty04:07
clarkbare you ssh'ing to port 29418?04:07
clarkbhave the correct private key select?04:07
lyxusssh -vvv  -p 29418 nuage-networks review -m '"test" --verified=1 If20b385b04:08
lyxusi believe so. That's the one that I provided04:09
clarkbright so that isn't hwo you should specify the username04:09 or use the -l option04:09
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clarkband it should be gerrit review blah blah. Testing with gerrit ls-projects is a good place to start04:11
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lyxusI see, does the +1 shows right away ?04:11
clarkbif it is applied properly yes04:11
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lyxusclarkb, thanks so much ! It worked ! I was also wondering how can I change the Display Name of the service account04:15
clarkbyou can submit a request to do that. Is there something wrong with the existing name?04:15
lyxusWell, we are building third party test account which we want to name as "Nuage CI". Currently its the name of the company "Nuage Networks" :)04:16
lyxusNot a big deal but just to set it right04:16
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lyxusI will send an email. Thanks !04:18
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lifelessjog0: interesting04:45
lifelessjog0: in a wtf way04:45
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lifelessmorganfainberg: heh04:47
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make pip install from upstream better
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wenlockclarkb: you had a question on that review about if pip::python3 installs python3... i tested and verified it does04:57
clarkbwenlock: ok just checking because it uses `python` and not say `python3`04:58
wenlockoh, i see!04:59
wenlockyou would prefer it say python2 on the 2 , and python3 on the 3 for running the script?04:59
clarkbif that works05:00
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wenlocksweet, leme make a re-do on that guy05:00
wenlockbeen testing it on a vagrant box, so shouldn't take long to verify05:02
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openstackgerritTim Landscheidt proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Retrieve remote pushurl independently of user's locale
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openstackgerritEdward Raigosa proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make pip install from upstream better
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wenlockclarkb, will you be able to review that one at some point again?
clarkbwenlock: yup, I have just been going through reviews as much as possible this week. Hopefully will have time to do that again tomorrow05:38
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wenlockclarkb, cool, thanks!  have a great night, ttyl05:39
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clarkbyou too05:39
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mordredmorning clarkb05:50
clarkbmordred: not yet05:51
mordredwhat? it's not?05:51
clarkb:) how is sprint / fosdem05:51
mordredclarkb: did I miss anything good yesterday?05:51
mordredsprint is good - I believe we all understand what the MVP is now and when infra can start using it :)05:52
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clarkbsort of, you were on the list for things during the meeting05:52
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mordredthere was a meeting?05:52
clarkbyou might want to check the meeting you carried over a couple actions from the previous one05:52
clarkbyup it was productive too05:52
mordredoh - I read the logs actually05:53
clarkbso when should infra start using it?05:53
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clarkball of our jenkinses are running the same version with working scp plugin05:54
clarkb is a thing because reasons05:54
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clarkbactually you are one of my TC representatives so I think we should talk about 7028305:54
clarkbif you follow that over to you will see that neutron has trouble with the precise and saucy kernels. And it has been suggested that not using ext3 may help05:55
clarkbbut lifeless' change got shot down and was reverted. So I think we need to make a plan for killing ext3 in a way that doesn't make people scared05:56
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abhishekhi all05:57
abhishekI am facing issue with jenkins05:58
abhishekjenkins works on check but failed during gate jobs05:58
abhishekthere are no issues in my patch
abhishekcurrently I have added reverify bug 1209086 but nothing has happened in last two days05:59
abhishekcan any one help me on this??05:59
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clarkbabhishek: yes hold on I am trying to untangle the comments on the change06:00
abhisheksure, thanks06:00
clarkbthe reason the reverify bug XXXXX did not work is your change does not have the votes needed to go into the gate06:01
clarkbit is missing the +1 approved vote06:01
clarkbso to address all of the other stuff going on06:02
clarkbcode always has bugs it is never perfect :)06:03
clarkbthe glance unittests are actually quite unreliable and I don't think that has anything to do with jenkins06:03
clarkband 'reverify no bug' does nothing anymore. You must supply a bug to reverify06:03
abhishekI have +1 approve from mark earlier, but I guess mark has given no score later when jenkins failed in gate jobs06:03
clarkbso to address the unittest failures there should be a bug, if there isn't one already then add one06:03
clarkbthen recheck on that bug06:04
abhisheki have verified the console.html and I haven't found any error there06:04
abhishekso should I proceed with recheck no bug?06:05
clarkbFAIL: glance.tests.unit.v2.test_registry_client.TestRegistryV2Client.test_get_index_sort_status_desc06:05
clarkbthat failed06:05
clarkbfailing tests are bugs...06:05
clarkband shows why the grenade test failed06:06
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clarkber wait maybe not /me digs more06:06
clarkb shows it not the container service06:07
clarkbthe point behind all of this is to do our best to track why things fail so that we can prioritize fixing these bugs06:07
clarkbif we recheck no bug where there are obvious failures we lose that data06:07
lifelessmordred: clarkb: oh hai06:08
abhishekSo I need to find if there are any bugs related to this and if not then add that bug?06:08
clarkbabhishek: thats the idea06:08
mordredlook, it's lifeless06:09
lifelessmordred: where?06:09
abhishekclarkb:ok, thank you06:10
mordredclarkb: /me goes to look at 7082306:10
mordredclarkb: I have an idea for that - which is that we shoudl stop using precise and saucy kernels :)06:10
abhishekclarkb:one last doubt, if I added the bug, then I need to wait until that gets resolved?06:11
clarkbabhishek: no, we are tracking the bugs with this not necessarily fixing them06:11
lifelessits better that way06:11
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clarkbwith the goal being that we can prioritize the ones that need fixing06:11
clarkbmordred: well the implication to me is that neutron is broken when it comes to linux06:12
mordredclarkb: re: starting to use storyboard ... should be _Very_ soon - the TDL for an MVP is very small06:12
clarkbbecause seeing the same fail between 3.2 and 3.11 doesn't instill confidence06:12
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mordredthat is true.06:12
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lifelessclarkb: 70823 - I thought that was nbd ?06:12
mordredotoh - the linux part is currenty out of our hands, and god knows ubuntu doesn't have good server kernel engineers working on anything06:13
clarkblifeless: he got the number wrong 7028306:13
mordredI bet neutron works great on TVs06:13
clarkbmordred: I am trying to suggest linux is fine and neutron needs fixing :) it is easy to blame the kernel06:13
clarkband even if the kernel isn't fine neutron needs to run on those so something needs to be sorted06:13
lifelessclarkb: I am confused; thats a nova problem06:14
clarkblifeless: ?06:14
clarkblifeless: oh follow to the bug06:14
lifelesslet me page it in06:14
abhishekclarkb:thank you for your time, I will get back if I have further doubts06:14
clarkblifeless: neutron is saying they need ext406:14
clarkbwhy? I do not know it makes no sense but I am happy to entertain the notion06:14
lifelessclarkb: The kernel bug manifests when mounting of nbd devices is combined with ip namespace operations.06:14
lifelessclarkb: this is file injection breaking things06:15
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mordredclarkb: I'm just saying, if a different kernel fixes it, it _might_ be a kernel issue, and being able to point that out so that our downstreams can fix their dependencies is also a choice06:15
lifelessclarkb: e.g. is aimed at the actual problem - we have a bad thing in use.06:15
mordredI mean, we do not make our things run with all versions of everything - we have opinions on many of them06:15
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mordredI don't know how to qualify this on our side yet ... :)06:15
clarkblifeless: wait so file injection is breaking neutron?06:16
clarkbit is too late at night for me to think to hard about this06:16
lifelessclarkb: 'neutron' here means 'the test called neutron'06:16
mordredclarkb: +2 of the patch from me06:16
lifelessclarkb: which actually means06:16
lifelessclarkb: neutron + use metadata-server not config-drive.06:17
clarkblifeless: no it is literally neutron, nova network is fine06:17
clarkband neutron isolated seems to be worse06:17
lifelessclarkb: it is *also* metadata server.06:17
lifelessclarkb: as I said, 19:17 < lifeless> clarkb: neutron + use metadata-server not config-drive.06:18
lifelessclarkb: now, orthogonal to all of that, nova defaults to doing file injection06:18
lifelessclarkb: AND06:18
lifelessclarkb: it defaults to doing it with nbd06:18
lifelessclarkb: which is frankly a POS.06:18
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clarkbI see06:19
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lifelessclarkb: note that nbd involves the kernel talking to network devices.06:19
lifelessclarkb: so, when you use neutron.06:19
lifelessclarkb: and you run the metadata agent, you get a neutron metadata agent in a netns06:19
lifelesswith a socket leaked out of that to escape the virtual network06:19
lifelessclarkb: and you also get nova doing nbd based file injection06:19
lifelessclarkb: and the proposed defect is that doing netns + nbd on the same kernel leads to bad.06:20
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: remove extra item from listGroups and listProjects methods
lifelessclarkb: I suspect in fact that your patch is pointless06:20
clarkblifeless: me too06:20
lifelessclarkb: because its the file system within the nbd device that matters.06:20
clarkbbut like I said I would entertain the notion06:20
lifelessclarkb: which is the cloud under test.06:20
clarkbeven better06:20
lifelessclarkb: but I haven't read the kernel backtrace or anything yet.06:20
clarkbwe really should change the default fs then06:21
lifelessclarkb: you think ? :)06:21
lifelessclarkb: other options to fix it are russelb's patch to install guestfs which will avoid nbd06:21
lifelessclarkb: and my patch to turn file injection off by default06:21
clarkbwell that fixes it in the gate06:21
clarkbdoesn't fix it for people using nbd06:21
clarkbok so, guestfs I saw that go by as a thing for devstack iirc and you have 7030106:23
clarkbshould I WIP my change and focus on those other changes instead?06:23
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lifelessI think your change might be useful, but not because of this bug. But let me re-scan the bug for hints06:24
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: remove extra item from listGroups and listProjects methods
clarkber your change isn't 70301 but you have a change :)06:25
lifelessI do06:25
lifelesswhich is omg failing on grenade06:26
lifelessfor no apparent reason06:26
clarkbwhich was your discussion with jog0. I get it now06:27
clarkbclearly thinking at night after being dentisted is not a good thing06:27
clarkb is russellb's change06:27
lifelessso I'd do 70237 ASAP06:27
lifelessif it passed06:27
chmouelmordred: are you all in brussels today?06:29
mordredchmouel: we are!06:30
clarkblifeless: it is weird to me that russellb's change doesn't enable guestfs06:30
chmouelmordred: cool, i may try to come over this arvo to say hello06:31
clarkblifeless: seems like it should do that too in devstack, then you flip the bit on nova to change defauls then the world is happy06:31
mordredchmouel: woot06:31
lifelessclarkb: I think the default is guestfs with fallback to nbd on not-installed06:32
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clarkband guestfs is broken in icehouse06:32
lifelessis it? YAY06:33
clarkblifeless: according to sdague's comment yes06:33
clarkbbecause it isn't tested or some such06:34
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clarkbmordred: if krottabcompletenotworking is around, I think it might be good to talk about how to deploy the thing06:40
clarkbmordred: the python bits are git repo up to date and pip install06:40
clarkbmordred: the js bits are tarball unpack. Which is honestly kind of painful in puppet because how do you know if the things has changed and that you got the correct bits and so n06:41
clarkbmordred: the argument for tarball si then you don't have to have all the js dev tools on the server which is nice06:43
clarkbmordred: maybe we should https tarballs and upload sha1sums too06:43
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mordredclarkb: yeah - that's the whole thing with the tarballs - and I believe that there was a curl thing they were looking at to only download the tarball when it's changed06:45
mordredbut YES we should put https on tarballs for the love of god06:45
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clarkbthe curl thing didn't pan out because you get an HTTP 200 regardless so curl exits 006:46
clarkbI mean it is technically correct but not useful for scripting. I think wget spits out stdout that can be parsed to make decisions though06:47
mordredwell, we COULD use more salt06:47
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mordredand just tell puppet to run on the host when and only when we update puppet06:47
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mordredor, rather, when we update the storyboard repos06:48
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mordred(when we start fighting the tools to get them to understand "install these files from this tarball" I want to shoot someone)06:48
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mordredclarkb: zomg. I just had a ridiculous hacky idea07:06
mordredclarkb: what if ...07:06
mordredwe add the storyboard-webclient git repo as a thing in puppet - but we don't install from it07:06
mordredinstead, we have it listed as "lastest"07:06
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clarkboh man I see where this is going07:06
mordredand we subscribe to it with the download tarball puppet resource07:07
clarkb++ yup that is where I thought it would go07:07
clarkbI think it is a hack but it would be relatively sane07:07
mordredI'll suggest it in the room in just a little bit07:07
mordredit's not even an evil hack, really07:07
clarkbnope just a hack07:07
mordredit's a way for us to tell puppet "update from this tarball when something merges to this git repo"07:07
clarkbmordred: though there is a delay between merge and tarball upload07:08
mordredk. we have a puppet resource that deletes the tarball. that only runs when the gitrepo is updated07:11
mordredthen we have a resource that, if the tarball isnt' there, tries to download it ...07:11
mordrednow it's starting to get bonghits07:11
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mordredwe could put in a script which tries to download a storyboard-webclient-$sha.tar.gz that we could run in the context of the git repo07:12
clarkbcould do that07:12
clarkbhonestly you know your dev env is bonghits when it is scary to put it on the server07:13
mordredwell, I'm not sure I agree07:13
mordredI'm not scared to put it on the server07:13
mordredI think it's a waste to put it on the server07:13
mordredbecause the server does not need to run it07:13
clarkbmordred: right but going from git to tarball should be a fundametal thing07:13
clarkbmordred: also I finally got around to reading (well skimmed) and that is exciting07:14
mordredwe could TOTALLY just build a new tarball on the server - it all works via tox07:14
mordredin venvs07:14
mordredbut honestly, I think it's pretty bonghits that puppet cant do the right thing here07:14
clarkbI agree on that as well07:15
mordredwhere's bodepd when you need him?07:15
mordredI mean, this: is an inication that puppet is missing a fundamental feature07:16
clarkbyup, there is actually a half decent puppet forge thing I saw way back when07:17
clarkbwe might look at that, not sure how it handles remote file updates though07:17
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Remove Zuul ref replication.
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Move the merger to a JSON-compatible API
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hashargood morning08:56
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jeblairhashar: good morning; we're waiting on several people to show up before we resume the storyboard meetup08:58
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hasharI wish I was there :(09:02
hasharI was in SF last week so I am staying home this week + week-end to take care of my familly09:03
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hasharI have started a tiny Zuul script to fetch repositories with the proper Zuul ref / branch.  Aka a reimplementation in python of your devstack-wrap shell script09:05
hasharit is horrible though09:05
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chmouelhow hard would be to implement line numbering hash thing on console.thml ?09:57
chmouelso people can point to it in link09:57
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jeblairchmouel: i think it already exists:
jeblairchmouel: the date-time is the link10:00
chmoueljeblair: oh nice10:01
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chmoueljeblair: will jump in a train after lunch and will see you guys out there10:03
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jeblairchmouel: great!10:04
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chmouelmordred: do you have a mobile number to find where you guys at?10:05
chmouelor jeblair ^10:06
jeblairchmouel: ttx would probably be best10:06
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chmoueljeblair: cool but seems I am all fine to find the place with the wiki page directions:
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ttxchmouel: yep, that should get you sorted. See m yphone number in PM if you get lost10:12
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: scms: MultiSCM is generated for scms hidden in macro
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sdaguettx: so storyboard all done yet?12:06
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sdaguejeblair: the nodepool graph is dead, looks like a graphite error on collectors12:15
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openstackgerritJoão Vale proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add attachment pattern expression and matrix trigger mode to email-ext.
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openstackgerritJoão Vale proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for TestNG publisher.
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jeblairsdague: graphite filesystem is full13:13
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sdaguejeblair: awesome.13:22
jeblairwe added a bunch of metrics with the jenkins servers i guess13:24
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jeblairi'm slowly working on adding a cinder volume13:47
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chmouelttx: i think i am going to have to cancel13:53
ttxcancel fosdem ? or seeing us ?13:54
ttxchmouel: reed wanted to see you at some point13:54
chmouelttx: yeah fosdem since I have the kid birthday13:55
chmouelI got him in touch with fred lepeid who's coming13:55
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jnollermorning infra14:19
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jeblairstopping apache on graphite14:24
jeblairjnoller: morning14:24
jnollerjeblair anything I can fix this morning? Did we see how the HVM images worked out?14:25
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jeblairjnoller: i don't know, i'm at a sprint and not able to pay close attention14:27
jnollerfungi: you around?14:27
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MellissaTheBest_Is here! What we were looking for!14:36
MellissaTheBest_ !!!14:36
MellissaTheBest_Ups, wrong channel14:36
MellissaTheBest_Sorry Guys, Love you, Bye!14:36
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jeblairrsyncing whisper files now14:37
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fungijnoller: yeah, i'm back15:21
jnollerfungi: whats the word15:22
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fungijnoller: still catching back up, but initial eyeball comparisons against other jobs in iad showed the new images were faster15:22
jnollerthis pleases jesse15:22
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fungijeblair: want me to take over the graphite rsync-watching? just need to remount that in the right place and start services back once it exits?15:35
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fungioh, i see you freed a little space and statsd is still running15:35
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fungiso presumably stop statsd, re-run the rsync real quick to catch up, then remount and start statsd/apache again15:37
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jeblairfungi: i stopped apache and carbon-cache since we were losing data anyway, this way it would be faster15:38
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Ajaegerinfra team, is there a chance to get our new book published quickly (today), please? This is the review: Thanks!15:39
jeblairfungi: so steps are: finish rsync (it is running in root-owned screen), move*, unmount, rm the tree, mount, start carbon-cache and apache15:39
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fungican do. i'll keep tabs on it15:40
anteayamordred: more salt is coming your way15:40
jeblairfungi:  *move == i think i rsynced it one level down from where it should be, so i think we need to 'cd /mnt; mv storage/* .' or something like that15:40
jeblairfungi: thx; looks like we're halfway, so probably 1 hour out15:41
fungijeblair: ahh, yeah we want it mounted on /var/lib/graphite/storage so that's easy enough to fix15:41
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ArxCruzjeblair: who knows about nodepool? I mean, the code itself15:48
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fungiArxCruz: i know some. jeblair wrote the majority of it (and adapted some of it from devstack-gate scripts)15:49
fungiArxCruz: are you having trouble with it?15:50
ArxCruzfungi: jeblair so, in the  def _waitForResource(self, resource_type, resource_id, timeout):15:50
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ArxCruzwhen the VM is in ERROR state, it just log it15:50
ArxCruzand continue trying for some time in the for loop15:50
jeblairArxCruz: sometimes vms move out of error15:50
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ArxCruzthen what? is it return the resource with status ERROR ?15:50
ArxCruzjeblair: and what if don't ?15:51
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jeblairArxCruz: so nodepool will delete the vm if it stays in that state for a certain amount of time; the cleanup thread handles that15:51
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ArxCruzjeblair: how long ins this? my vm was in error state for hours, and wasn't cleaned :/15:51
jeblairArxCruz: i think those times are all hard-coded, they could be config values if that would be useful15:51
ArxCruzjeblair: so, a patch for that is welcome ?15:52
jeblairArxCruz: I think it's 8 horus15:52
ArxCruzwow :/15:52
jeblairNODE_CLEANUP = 8 * HOURS     # When to start deleting a node that is not READY or HOLD15:52
fungii suppose if we really wanted to get knob-happy we could have different stale times for each state15:53
jeblairfungi: yeah15:53
jeblairArxCruz: yes to patches welcome15:53
ArxCruzjeblair: for our CI 8 hours is too much, a patch to have this as a config in yaml  ?15:53
ArxCruzjeblair: okay, I will work on that15:53
jeblairArxCruz: cool thx15:54
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ArxCruzjeblair: talking in nodepool ;)16:04
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fungiArxCruz: awesome catch! lgtm, approved16:06
ArxCruzfungi: thanks :)16:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Switch node id and ip in debug output
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markmcclainsdague: would you agree it would make sense to move 70354 to the top of the gate?16:23
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hashardo we have a way to triggers tests on a Gerrit draft ?16:26
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fungihashar: nope. for openstack's gerrit instance we simply encourage users not to use drafts (and we're working on possible ways to disable the feature entirely)16:30
fungihashar: it may be possible to subscribe the account zuul authenticates as to watch the gerrit event stream, but also gerrit does not allow votes (only comments) on drafts16:31
hasharthat make sense16:31
hasharplus it is only listening for patchset-created events, not drafts-created :D16:31
hasharI will have to publish my lame code16:31
fungihashar: also be aware that the particularly venerable gerrit version we're running for the openstack project does not emit any event on draft publication (newer gerrit releases add that feature), so you'll have to leave a "recheck no bug" comment after you publish or maybe push a new patchset16:32
sdaguemarkmcclain: if we get a reset, sure. There is a devstack patch we need after that16:33
sdaguethat isn't testable until that goes in16:33
fungihashar: and there's an open bug against zuul right now for failing to enqueue changes which have drafts depending on them (zuul tries to inspect the entire dependency tree including changes depending on the one in question, then throws an exception when it encounters the draft)16:34
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: cloner to easily clone dependent repositories
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hasharfungi: I have deleted my draft change and created a new one16:35
hasharfungi: thank you!16:35
fungihashar: that works too. you're welcome16:36
hasharI came with the crazy idea of porting the devstack shell script to python. A new Zuul utility I named zuul-cloner :-]16:36
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fungisdague: markmcclain: i'm happy to promote 70354,1 to the front of the gate the next reset i catch16:37
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markmcclainfungi: awesome.. thanks16:37
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fungilooks like we're very close on the graphite data sync16:53
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jeblairwill it finish before i'm kicked out of the conf room? :)16:54
jeblairapparently not16:55
jeblairfungi: i'm out for now, thanks and ttyl16:55
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make python-swiftclient gate symmetrical
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fungijeblair: happy conferencing16:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add new CLI Reference document
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fungirsync just finished. cleaning up now17:13
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fungiold whisper file copies removed from root filesystem, new volume remounted in their place with files reshufled down a dir level as discussed, statsd service restarted, carbon-cache and apache2 services started back up17:20
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zaropabelanger: ping17:25
pabelangerzaro, pong17:25
zaropabelanger: thanks for the gerrit command format tip.  i didn't see it in the docs.17:25
pabelangerNP, I was hacking a way on it before you patch went up17:26
pabelangerwas using it to parse out :)17:26
zaropabelanger: does plugin ls --format work for you on gerrit 2.5?17:26
zaropabelanger: it doesn't work on gerrti 2.4.x17:26
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pabelangerI can test 2.5 stuff, since I am running it17:27
zaropabelanger: ok.  thanks.  it's mysterious that it only works on certain commands.17:27
zaropabelanger: how about ls-groups and ls-projects?17:28
fungilooks like the nodes graph is busted in the new location though... CorruptWhisperFile: Unable to read header (/var/lib/graphite/storage/whisper/stats/gauges/nodepool/target/jenkins05/devstack-precise-check/rax-iad/building.wsp17:28
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pabelangerzaro, I believe so, checking17:30
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pabelangerzaro, Yup17:31
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Tiny  improvement in paths
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Pretty up the post-run df call
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zaropabelanger: with the --format json param?17:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable pidstat by default
pabelangerzaro, ls-projects yes, ls-groups no17:33
zaropabelanger: ok, i'm seeing the same thing on 2.8.  the format param is not available at all on 2.4.17:33
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fungilooks like this happened back on may 5, the last time the graphite server filled up its filesystem (and i wound up resizing the server). i can't find positive confirmation in my channel log, but i think we simply removed any zero-byte whisper files after the resize and allowed them to be recreated17:34
fungiahh, yes, we did17:35
fungirepeating the exercise17:35
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fungigate reset. promoting 70354,1 now17:38
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fungiyay, graphs are back17:43
fungifor reference, i ran...17:44
fungisudo find /var/lib/graphite/storage/ -type f -name "*.wsp" -size 0 | xargs sudo rm17:44
fungithen restarted statsd, carbon-cache and apache2 again for good masure, though that probably wasn't necessary17:44
fungioh, i should restart snmpd too since we have a new filesystem mounted17:45
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clarkbfungi: thank you for the reference :)17:50
fungiclarkb: yw17:50
fungii grep my weechat logs to see how people reacted to prior fires, so i always like to return the favor ;)17:50
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change mysql package for Fedora >= 19 for bare-precise
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sdaguefungi: well we had a local reset, but it was swift failing on it's unit tests again17:53
sdagueand I think we'll merge around it anyway17:53
fungitoo fun17:53
sdaguethe queue is pretty short now17:53
fungibeautifully so17:53
notmynamesdague: got a link? I'm about to go to a meeting, but I'd like to take a look17:53
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clarkbI missed jeblair :(17:54
fungishort to the point where for the first time in ages we're not going into the weekend hoping the gate will catch up while everyone's out drinking17:54
sdaguefungi: it was empty this morning17:54
clarkbwould like him to chime in on if folks see him. Don't need a full review, mostly looking for him to say that he doesn't completely hate the mechanics of it17:54
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clarkbfungi: we have a few of those hanging around where git appears to have actually merged the code but gerrit didn't catch on17:55
clarkbfungi: last time that happened restarting gerrit corrected the UI problem17:56
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clarkbfungi: perhaps we should plan a quick gerrit restart? arethere any gerrit config changes we can roll into that?17:56
clarkbsdague: where are we on fixing e-r logging? I would like to poke at that this morning17:56
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fungiclarkb: hmmm... none that i've spotted, though there's that chef repo which will want a rename soonish and also savanna will be renaming all the things (if you missed the ml thread)17:57
fungithough i don't think they've voted on their new name yet17:57
clarkbfungi: oh right (that is what prompted my use cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alpha:]' | head -c6 comment17:58
funginow with extra context. moar funnie17:58
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clarkbthat gives us what 26^6 name combos? from that we can remove any obvious trademark issues. I bet it is still on the order of 26^6 names :)17:59
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clarkbfungi: if you aren't already bogged down this morning, do you want to try a thing where we merge as many things as possible?18:00
clarkbfungi: I can give you reviews I have +2'd that are at the top of my list and you can give me those you have +2'd and we can try to flush them out18:00
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1270212
sdagueclarkb: I haven't looked yet, let me do that in a couple18:01
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change mysql package for Fedora >= 19 for bare-precise
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clarkbfungi: we can start with I wanted jeblair to look at it but we don't seem to consume gerritlib from git (only releases) so I think I will go ahead and approve. What do you think?18:04
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fungiclarkb: i actually have a query which i use in my normal review workflow which shows me unmerged reviews with at least one +218:04
fungiand then i work from the oldest since last update18:04
fungias for naming, i like... echo $(shuf /usr/share/dict/words|head -n$[$RANDOM%3+1])|sed -e 's/[^a-z ]//g' -e 's/ /-/g'18:04
clarkbfungi: right so 52986 won't show up in that query because you already voted on it18:05
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fungijust got aracelsus-ouisas18:05
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clarkbanyways I am relatively comfortable approving without jeblairs review because we can revert later if it helps18:05
clarkbso am approving18:05
sdaguegah18:06 - in the last 48hrs swift is failing unit tests 11% of time (3 our of 27)18:06
sdagueit looks like 10% might be on the high side for small sampling, but it seems like it's > 5% fail chance18:06
fungii think i'm about to the point where i can buckle down on reviews for a few hours18:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Add connection attempt limit
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clarkbfungi: great, I am trying to buckle down and do some of that myself now18:08
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clarkbfungi: should be quick and easy18:09
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: add getVersion and listPlugin commands and update replicate command
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Allow startWatching to take in watcher connection limits
sdagueover the whole data set18:10
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: if we have a logging config file, use it
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clarkbfungi: and + can go in in tandem if you are happy with them18:11
clarkbthough 62085 will need a rebase18:11
sdagueclarkb: ^^^ maybe18:12
clarkbfungi: if I rebase 62085 do you want to give it a once over and push through?18:12
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clarkbsdague: looking18:12
clarkbdid your ZNC die?18:12
sdaguesomething happened18:12
sc68calHet all, just pusehd my first elastic recheck patch ever, so I plan on idling in here from now on :)18:13
sdagueI don't know if it was burp between znc and freenode, or me and znc18:13
sc68calwanted to say the wiki doc for how to create a new recheck was very well written, very easy to follow - kudos18:13
jog0sc68cal: congrats, we also chat in openstack-qa as well18:13
jog0as this is both infra and qa18:13
sc68calk I'll join that too18:13
clarkbsdague: that change looks good to me, I will approve if the tests come back happy18:14
clarkband they did, approving18:14
sdaguejog0: can yuo look at that as well18:14
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clarkboh I hit the go button already >_> but yes take a look18:14
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pabelangerAnybody know how to download a raw unified diff from gerrit?  Cannot seem to figure it out18:15
sdaguepabelanger: click on the (gitweb) link18:15
sdagueyou can get it from there18:16
pabelangersdague, Ah, thanks18:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: if we have a logging config file, use it
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project configuration.
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clarkbfungi: ^ rebased, I think we should try to get those in before any more changes to the project list happen18:18
clarkbpabelanger: I git review -d and use git diff locally if I find I need that18:18
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wenlockclarkb im available today to work  if we could get a review that would be great18:20
clarkbsdague: makes the simple cells gate job gating18:21
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clarkbsdague: want to skim that to make sure there are no obvious gaps in gating on that?18:21
fungiclarkb: on line 233 does argparse.ArgumentParser() dtrt with --project_config vs --project-config?18:23
clarkbfungi: do we use --project-config elsewhere?18:24
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clarkband it is a good question, I know that internally --project-config becomes args.project_config but unsure if those are equivalent in the opt list18:25
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clarkbfungi: uses --project_config so it should work18:27
fungipabelanger: also note that gerrit refs are replicated to git.o.o so you can simply
fungiclarkb: thanks18:28
clarkbfungi: trying to figure out where project_config is consumed now. I know I dug into this last time18:28
pabelangerfungi, Ya, didn't see anything specific to that in the gerrit web interface18:29
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clarkbfungi: I think that code may be buggy for other reasons now that I am looking at it agan18:30
clarkbit is weird how doing review mutliple times becomes a good thing18:30
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fungipabelanger: i think the gitweb pattern feature in our older gerrit can't currently make the mutations needed to link to cgit urls, but sounds like later gerrit will get us that18:30
clarkbfungi: I think --project_config is unused, there was a switch to use and the --project_config arg became redundant18:31
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logstash rules to parse libvirtd.txt
clarkbfungi: do you agree? instead we rely on which uses an env var or a default18:32
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clarkband the default will work for us, let me edit both changes18:32
fungiclarkb: i believe so... thinking back through what we changed for the new config split18:33
fungibut yes, i think that became dead code when the yaml processing was relocated to and was just never cleaned up18:33
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project configuration.
fungiclarkb: also, with mordred's recent patch finally merging, we should be able to get rid of the jeepyb.projects._hardcoded_is_direct_release() function too18:35
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Allow configurable mappings to different LP projects
clarkbfungi: yup, he has a change up for that so we just need to review and push through18:35
sdagueclarkb: so honestly, my concern here is adding yet another job everywhere18:35
clarkbI have rebased both of mikal's changes now. If they look good to you I think you can approve them18:36
fungiclarkb: aha, just reminds me how far behind i am :/18:36
clarkbsdague: that is my concern too :) but it was mostly running in those places before18:36
sdaguewe actually have to start putting some limits on the test matrix18:36
sdagueclarkb: it was in experimental18:36
clarkbsdague: another thing to consider is that it doesn't test much. The lack of testing it does is quite frustrating18:36
clarkbsdague: oh18:36
sdaguemy preference is this is a nova check job only18:37
fungisdague: is weird... like neutron wasn't fully installed by devstack for some reason. look familiar?18:37
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clarkbsdague: want to -1 and leave a comment with how you think it should be tested?18:37
clarkbsdague: I am happy to follow your lead on this one18:37
sdagueI was hoping to defer this conversation until summit18:37
sdagueyeh, I will18:37
clarkbsdague: if we could get feature parity across the board, I would like to see something like nova network * [mysql, postgres] and neutron * [mysql, postgres] similar to what we have today. Then tack on qpid to one job, rabbit to another, zmq to the third. Do libvirt qemu on one, libvirt containers on another, docker, and Xen maybe if xen wasn't so weird. And on and on18:39
clarkbwe can have 4 tsets that give us a sane slice of the test matrix while making people happy18:39
lifelessthere's a AB test layout18:39
sdagueyep, that's kind of what I was thinking. For cross crecks we end up with 4 slots, and then make people agree on those slots18:40
lifelessthat given N independent tests gives you the minimum set of locations to probe18:40
sdaguebecause the config matrix is currently about 70 bagillion18:40
lifelessI forget its name18:40
clarkblifeless: maybe do that in a fifth job? I just think the at would create weird problems for gating but for check tests might be interesting18:41
clarkbor are you suggesting use that to build a static test list?18:41
lifelessI'm suggesting we could use it to write a thing that generates the job permutations needed18:41
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sdaguelifeless: honestly, that's only good if you plan on covering the whole matrix18:45
sdagueand we can't18:45
sdaguethis is going to need to be a negotiation18:45
lifelesssdague: is that because we have many non-binary items in the matrix?18:46
sdagueso, take the thing we were dealing with yesterday18:46
lifelesssdague: because (for instance) if there were 500 two-valued independent config options, 2 tests would give coverage18:47
sdagueconfig drive, vs. file injection (vs. type of file injection) vs. metadata server18:47
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lifelessactually, I have to run; Ihave C today and she's in chief mischief mode18:47
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fungiclarkb: looking over 62074 in more detail, we've already renamed launchpad->group in projects.yaml so we may want to think about some key other than docimpact_launchpad for this?18:49
fungifor the sake of storyboard18:49
fungi(oh won't somebody think of the storyboard!)18:50
clarkbfungi: hrm probably. docimpact_group ?18:50
fungiclarkb: sounds good. i'll fix up the changes18:50
fungior maybe just docimpact? we need to translate between _ and - between python and yaml for cleanliness otherwise18:51
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make leave_comment take an event
clarkbfungi: docimpact doesn't really convey what the value for that field should be18:53
clarkbdocimpact-group says this is the group to report docimpacts too18:53
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flashgordonsdague: want to bounce a quick idea off you:18:54
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sdagueoh no....18:54
fungimakes sense. bug-group might similarly be better than group in the long-run, but for now i can make docimpact-group/docimpact_group work18:54
flashgordonsdague: I am reworking e-r so that when it comments in gerrit, it says says the following jobs failed due to the following bugs, where each job as a list of bugs18:55
flashgordonbefore I invest more time into that want to make sure that sounds like a useful change18:55
clarkbthat ++ belongs to all the ideas above18:56
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flashgordonsdague: thanks, just wanted to sanity check before I spend the day doing it18:56
sdaguehonestly, can we get the target message put off in config somewhere, or template18:56
sdagueit's huge, and I dislike it being in python code18:56
flashgordonsdague: sure, right now our data model doesn't support this so thats step 118:56
flashgordonbut a template sounds like a great idea18:56
sdagueflashgordon: well, we have templates in there now with the jinja2 stuff18:57
sdagueeasy to include :)18:57
flashgordoncool, will check that out later today18:57
sdaguehow we do uncategorized.html18:57
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flashgordonin an urelated note it looks like we may land over 400 patches this week18:59
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sc68calflashgordon: that's pretty cool19:02
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clarkbmtreinish: any chance you tested locally?19:04
clarkbmtreinish: I can hit the go button on that if you did, otherwise I should spin up an instance19:05
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mtreinishclarkb: no I haven't tested it. Although sdague made the same change in the e-r bot.19:06
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clarkbno biggy shouldn't take long to spin up a test bot19:06
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fungiclarkb: the more i look at this the more i'm starting to worry that didn't go far enough. we still have code in jeepyb looking for "launchpad" project parameters in projects.yaml19:09
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dhellmannwe have 3 repos on stackforge that the oslo team is planning to adopt so we can add them to the gate. IIRC, renaming them will require a gerrit restart, is that right?19:14
fungidhellmann: yes, that's right19:14
harlowjafungi interesting outcome, it appears the zookeeper version in precise is actually missing some features taskflow is using (transactions), seems to have some interesting side-effects (where the tests don't actually fail, but instead the slave times out), when 14.04 LTS comes out that should be better, any idea when that would happen (i think it gets released in april019:14
dhellmannfungi: do you  have a restart planned for any other reason?19:15
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clarkbdhellmann: for a couple :)19:15
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dhellmannok, maybe we should try to piggyback on that to avoid extra downtime19:15
dhellmannwhen is that planned?19:15
clarkbdhellmann: a chef cookbook repo is renaming and savanna is going to become whatever the result of `cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc '[:alpha:]' | head -c6` is19:15
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clarkbdhellmann: I think we are waiting on savanna to choose a new name19:16
harlowjasavanna needs a new name ?? :(19:16
dhellmannI wasn't aware they need to change19:16
clarkbdhellmann: there is a ml thread19:16
* dhellmann makes a note to read it19:16
clarkbtl;dr we suck at naming and should let pseudorandom name generators do it for us19:16
* harlowja too19:16
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dhellmannso this is planned but not scheduled?19:17
dhellmannbecause we're waiting for the name to be set?19:17
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dhellmannhow do I add my 3 repos to the list? :-)19:18
fungibut oslo, being an official program, can happen sooner if you need it sooner19:18
dhellmannthere's no particular rush, but soon would be good19:19
fungidhellmann: we'll throw it onto the weekly infra team meeting agenda so we can discuss scheduling with the rest of the group more easily19:19
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dhellmannok, I can do that19:19
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fungieven better. thanks!19:20
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clarkbthat ^ and if you propose a change to openstack-infra/config that "does" the rename and WIP that we will have somethign to work off of19:20
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clarkbjust s/stackforge/openstack\/oslo./ or whatever19:20
dhellmannclarkb: I've imported new stuff, but never done a rename19:20
dhellmannah, ok19:20
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clarkbdhellmann: the actual rename requires human involvement, so reflect the state you want at the end of that in the change19:20
dhellmannall in one patch, or 3 separate patches?19:20
clarkbdhellmann: all in one is fine19:20
dhellmannclarkb: makes sense19:21
clarkbnow I am waiting on someone to propose a change to openstack-infra/config so that I can see if my bot works19:21
clarkbfungi: you are going to propose updates to the miakl change right? also :( on the launchpad thing19:21
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dhellmannfungi, clarkb : thanks for the help, as usual19:23
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clarkbhrm, I should've connected to review-dev. Let us try this again19:25
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fungiclarkb: yeah, i started down a rabbit hole of looking for places where the launchpad->group switch may have gone wrong19:26
clarkbfungi: hehe19:26
fungii think i may have satisfied myself that it's fine and i can just swap this out easily19:27
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fungireally we're just lacking corrected examples in and generalizing a couple of lp-specific options, but it's purely cosmetic19:29
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clarkbmtreinish: it worked approving now19:30
clarkbfungi: oh good nothing terrible19:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Actually use super calls for init functions in
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Allow configurable mappings to different LP projects
clarkbfungi: that change was simple. lgtm. I say go ahead and approve the batch when you have config updated too19:32
mtreinishclarkb: ok cool19:32
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fungiclarkb: will do--working on the config change now19:33
fungiclarkb: the rebase of 62085 missed the launchpad->group transition on the turbohipster addition anyway, so fixing that too19:34
openstackgerritMalini Kamalambal proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Support for Marconi
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clarkbfungi: grabbing lunch. I trust your projects.yaml change I say approve at will19:37
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project configuration.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Allow configurable mappings to different LP projects
openstackgerritMatt Farina proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: Adding Matt Farina.
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malinifungi: ping20:04
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fungimalini: hi there20:07
malinifungi: hello!!20:08
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fungisdague: on 69075 i think i may be misunderstanding your comment. please see my reply20:08
malinifungi: I just rebased/updated a couple of marconi related patches (, . Can you take a look when you get a chance?20:08
fungimalini: sure20:08
malinifungi: thank you! Sorry it took me so long to do a rebase :-$ ..Got bogged down by a few other stuff20:09
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fungimalini: 65145 looks good but needs to finish running check jobs before i'm okay reapproving it. 65140 needs that first review merged and also has a small mistake which you'll need to correct20:20
malinifungi: thanks!! will chk 65140 now20:22
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Oslo is adopting cliff, stevedore, and taskflow
fungidhellmann: at first glance that ^ looks right. i'll do a more thorough review shortly i hope20:26
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dhellmannfungi: thanks20:26
dhellmannfungi: there's more to be done to set up the gating tests, but I figure moving the repository is step 120:27
* fungi nods20:28
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sdaguefungi: ug, yeh... sorry I was reading the continuation wrong20:29
sdaguefungi: honestly, can you just do long lines instead20:29
sdaguewe don't enforce line length in base20:29
sdaguebash, and the continuations feel weird to me20:30
fungisdague: would you like me to fix up the preexisting lines in that section then? i'll be glad to20:30
sdaguefungi: yeh20:30
fungiroger wilco20:30
sdagueit's just the one above it right, the rest seem to just be long lines20:31
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sdaguethe other option would be continuation before the string, so the string could be indented20:31
dhellmannmordred: ping?20:32
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dhellmannsdague: when the gate runs, it uses a source checkout of pbr, right? so if we cut a release that wouldn't be likely to cause any issues?20:33
sdaguealso, honestly, can you explain the 'a' in the sed command to me. There are times that devstack bashisms go beyond my instant recognition20:34
fungisdague: i took that as a literal letter "a" in the replacement text20:34
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sdaguefungi: how would that work there exactly? that doesn't seem like it's right20:35
fungisdague: oh, that's add... and it needs a newline20:35
dtroyer_zzuh, I don't think you want to change thos elines…the 'a' there is a sed append command20:35
fungiso my new patchset is actually wrong, i misread that20:36
dtroyer_zzindention is optional, but the added line would be indented in the conf file20:36
fungisdague: the newline in the string is sgnificant in this case20:36
sdaguedhellmann: yes -
sdaguedtroyer_zz: ok20:36
dhellmannsdague: ok, thanks, it's late enough in the day that I may wait for Monday20:36
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fungisdague: so if we don't mind those lines being indented in the mysql config file, i can indent them but the newlines need to come back20:37
dtroyer_zzfungi: correct.  we have other places in devstack like this (rsyslog.conf comes to mind) so they're ok with me unindented20:37
fungisdague: so i just pushed yet another one with the newlines indented as if they were continuation lines (even though they're really not meant to be)20:39
fungii'm happy to format this however devstack cores agree it should be, i would just like to be able to stop generating a 1gib query log on devstack-gate runs for hpcloud servers that only give us a 10g root filesystem20:41
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clarkbok back form lunch20:47
openstackgerritMalini Kamalambal proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Job for marconi-tempest integration
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clarkbfungi: link to patch?20:48
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fungiclarkb: oh,
denis_makogonhi, guys, i've got one question to @all20:49
fungithe hope is that once that lands we can pass an option in devstack-gate scripts (or straight from the jobs) to turn off query logging, particularly for the slow-log20:49
fungidenis_makogon: what's the question?20:50
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denis_makogonwhat about performing tests on Ubuntu quantal, instead of 12.04 LTS ?20:50
clarkbfungi: yup I caught on to the context but didn't see the change itself20:50
clarkbisn't quantal EOS at this point?20:50
clarkbwe use LTS because it is the only ubuntu release with more than 9 months of support20:50
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clarkboh wait quantal was the last 18 month release right?20:51
clarkbin any case quantal was undone due to change in support from ubuntu20:51
fungidenis_makogon: with the change in ubuntu support schedules, if we don't standardize on lts then by the time our cloud providers have images and we overcome the various changes needed to go from one release to the next, the support period for us would only be a few months before starting over again20:52
denis_makogonhere fig. with ubuntu releases and lts'ses
fungithough admittedly rackspace and hpcloud have gotten better about adding images for new ubuntu releases sooner than they used to20:53
fungipreviously it was taking months from ubuntu release date until there were images available for us to use20:53
denis_makogonhm, i see20:54
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fungiand since neither provider offered a glance endpoint (or alternative means of uploading our own images) we had to either wait or do very hacky things20:54
clarkband quantal doesn't buy us much over the LTS. zul is kind enough to manage that cloud archive thing and we have access ot new kernels if we need them20:54
fungiso for a variety of reasons, we decided to stick with lts releases20:54
fungiyeah, there's that too. ubuntu cloud archive is only for lts releases20:55
clarkband we would still get root ext3 I think so meh :P20:55
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added clone-workspace publisher
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denis_makogonthanks, i think i've got the answer20:56
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: make scm test as the example
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clarkbfungi: ready to approve ?20:58
fungiclarkb: no, jeepyb isn't updating on review.o.o for some reason (head is weeks old). puppet may be having problems there so i'm investigating20:59
clarkbok holding off the approval20:59
fungionce i'm sure that change is in place, we can approve the config update20:59
fungibut for example mordred's jeepyb patches we merged in the past few weeks aren't active there either21:00
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fungiJan 31 20:58:43 review puppet-agent[7911]: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed to parse template openstack_project/gerrit_patchset-created.erb:#012  Filepath: /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/puppet/parser/templatewrapper.rb#012  Line: 67#012  Detail: Could not find value for 'welcome' at21:01
fungi13:/opt/config/production/modules/openstack_project/templates/gerrit_patchset-created.erb#012 at /opt/config/production/modules/openstack_project/manifests/gerrit.pp:290 on node review.openstack.org21:01
clarkbfungi: when you are done seems like a really good thing to have21:06
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added clone-workspace publisher
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run cells jobs that d-g can run successfully
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fungiyeah, this is going to be a few minutes21:16
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fungisomehow the change to add the keyfiles for the welcome message account never materialized in the config repo, but we (i?) merged the change that tries to use them. i did add them to hiera at least (because there was a bug requesting it)21:17
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clarkbfungi: do you have a link to that change handy?21:18
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clarkbmaybe it got auto abandoned and forgotten?21:18
fungii don't even know whether it existed at all21:18
clarkbeven better21:18
fungiso i'm just writing it real quick21:19
fungirather than revert the other bits21:19
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Don't run large-ops on cinder, heat, horizon
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jeblairfungi: graphite ok?21:25
fungijeblair: seems to be21:25
clarkboh hey a jeblair21:25
jeblairclarkb: o/21:25
fungijeblair: i cleared some zero-byte whisper files which were causing graph rendering errors, but otherwise everything worked as hoped21:26
clarkbjeblair: if you get a chance an opinion on would be great. Don't really need full review, just looking for more of a hate it or not21:26
clarkbjeblair: I know in the past you didn't like fitlering based on job names but I think for a start with grenade logs it iwll be useful21:26
jeblairclarkb: not opposed; after all, zuul basically does that too.  my only thought is "are http gets that bad?"21:27
clarkbjeblair: I don't think they are *that* bad, but the RTT is non trivial when talking millions of log events21:28
jeblairfungi: makes sense, i think we've had to do that before.  did you by chance do a find for 0 byte files?21:28
jeblairclarkb: wfm now.  maybe a back-of-head thing to think about other ways to solve that...21:29
fungijeblair: i did. there were a total of 92 and i removed them all21:29
jeblairfungi: cool.  fwiw i basically did the same thing we have with static on graphite (lvm, etc)21:30
jeblair(i just followed the static docs and replaced the names)21:30
flashgordonclarkb: I think you mah have approved i the wrong order21:31
jeblairso remind me to update the docs at some point if i forget.  :)21:31
flashgordonclarkb: err sub-optimal based on
clarkbflashgordon: oh shit ya21:31
clarkbflashgordon: I left a comment saying how e should do it too iirc21:31
flashgordonif I don't have to trust myself I prefer not to ;)21:31
fungijeblair: yeah, it looked identical (lvm with cinder volume as a pv)21:31
clarkbbut I got trigger happy on friday. flashgordon want ot push another patchset t okick it out of gate or I can just remove my +A21:32
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clarkbflashgordon: which would you prefer?21:32
flashgordonclarkb: if you can just remove the +A that works21:33
flashgordonclarkb: thanks21:33
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clarkband sorry for that21:33
flashgordonclarkb: haha np, this is the first time I have asked someone to stop approving my patch21:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: make scm test as the example
clarkbsdague: flashgordon can I get reviews on that and if you think it is good mabe we can index grenade logs today21:39
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flashgordonclarkb: nice21:40
flashgordonclarkb: I have the libvirt logs patch up too21:40
clarkbI will babysit and all that. Just looking for extra eyes21:40
clarkbflashgordon: oh I will review that21:40
zarojeblair: would you be able to take a look so i can start testing zuul against review-dev?
flashgordonclarkb: so that patch looks good one gotcha though:21:41
flashgordonwe have to update our e-r fingerprints to say file:x or file:new/x or file:old/x21:41
flashgordonwhich is fine21:42
clarkbflashgordon: file*screen-n-cpu.txt should work I think21:42
clarkber file:logs*screen-n-cpu.txt21:42
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: webapp: set cache-control headers to prevent caching
* clarkb tries that with existing logs names21:43
flashgordonclarkb: oh right,21:43
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clarkbyup seems to work21:43
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clarkbfungi: should we also consider switching all rax nodes to pvhvm base images?21:45
clarkbperformance did seem noticeably better21:45
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fungiclarkb: if the numbers look good, then i say yet21:46
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fungifixed the welcome message puppetry only to find a new issue!21:46
fungierr: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Could not find template 'openstack_project/review.projects.ini' at /opt/config/fungi/modules/openstack_project/manifests/gerrit.pp:353 on node review.openstack.org21:47
clarkbflashgordon: reviewed the libvirt log thing, one small change then its good21:47
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flashgordonclarkb: cool, thanks21:48
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banixHad a question regarding Gerrit plugin for Jenkins. When the build is triggered due to a "Comment Added" event, how do I check the content of the comment. I need to look for "recheck" and possibly a bug number.21:49
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logstash rules to parse libvirtd.txt
clarkbbanix: no idea, we use zuul for that21:49
flashgordonclarkb: hopefully I got it all right this time ^21:49
clarkbI am not sure if parsing the comment for strings is something that plguin supports21:49
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banixYeah I do not see anything in the environment variables.21:50
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Install and use the Gerrit welcome-message keypair
banixI see how this can be specified in Zull with comment-filter ...21:51
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banixWe are using the primitive approach for now though (using the Gerrit plugin) :)21:52
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clarkbbanix: I am not sure if that is possible. Havne't looked at the plugin in about a year and a half21:54
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Correct projects_config template file name
clarkbfungi: that isn't correct we moved the file21:55
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fungiclarkb: huh?21:55
clarkboh wait that is the ini file21:55
clarkbignore me21:55
fungiwith those two config patches, puppet agent is happy again on review.o.o21:55
banixclarkb: ok thanks. You think asking on infra mailing list would be ok?21:55
clarkb+2 from me on the second, looking at first now21:55
clarkbbanix: sure21:55
fungiand jeepyb is now up to date on review.o.o as a result21:56
fungiso i'm approving 6208521:56
clarkbfungi: for the keys change, do we need that on review-dev too?21:56
clarkbI suppose we can swing around on that21:56
fungireview-dev should get those ignored since they default to empty21:57
fungiand there are if statements wrapping the file objects and the hook line21:57
fungianyway, until those or something like them merge (i'm sure there are still style errors, but they at least seemed to work when applied to review.o.o) 62085 isn't going to get applied anyway21:58
clarkbfungi: small nit on 7044921:59
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fungii started out doing that actually, but we also need those file objects to depend on their parent directory objects22:00
fungiso we can't *really* generalize them anyway22:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add project configuration.
fungiunless i'm overlooking an option22:01
clarkbfungi: in that case you should remove the private key location var and hardcode in the erb as well22:01
clarkbor make it a local var and not a parameter22:01
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make cells job gating
fungiyeah, probably true22:01
clarkbso that it isn't implied to be configurable22:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Correct projects_config template file name
clarkbsdague: any chance for review on
clarkbI am about to go apply it by hand to the srever and babysit it22:03
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Install and use the Gerrit welcome-message keypair
fungiclarkb: ^22:04
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Clarify H403 message
clarkb+2 from me I think you should approve at will22:05
fungii've got to dash out to dinner before the friday-night crowds get bad, but i'll check back in when i return22:06
clarkbhave fun22:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ZUUL_PROJECT to periodic test
clarkbapplying grenade logs change now22:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Install and use the Gerrit welcome-message keypair
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add grenade logs to logstash.
clarkbfound at least one problem with it >_>22:14
clarkbnow we wait for a grenade job to finish22:19
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clarkbflashgordon: sdague: you have grenade logs. if you do filename:logs*screen-n-cpu.txt for example that works22:27
clarkbhave fun22:27
clarkbflashgordon: you will need to rebase your libvirt change because it iwll conflict with mine22:28
clarkbfungi: I will also try testing your libvirt change locally so that we can make sure the filter is happy22:28
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clarkber flashgordon ^22:28
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Oslo is adopting cliff, stevedore, and taskflow
clarkbI think everyone + fungi disappeared. I am not just tlaking to myself22:32
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Shrewsclarkb: you have been shunned. shuuuuuuuuuned22:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add grenade logs to logstash.
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clarkbShrews: beer thirty happeend everywhere but here apaprently22:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: point zuul-dev to review-dev
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_david_clarkb, fungi am i right in assuming that we don't need Gerrit DRAFT workflow?22:45
clarkb_david_: yes, I think we would like to disable it22:45
clarkbas it leads to confusion and problems around CI22:45
_david_Shrews, clarkb, jeblair Cool ! then i think, that today is the day where WIP workflow is going to be merged upstream22:46
clarkbI self approved a change >_> it removes cell jobs from d-g that do not pass22:48
clarkbpleia2: still around? where are we on fedora + nodepool?22:49
clarkbI see one change to remove deprecated vars22:49
clarkbanything else I can do to help move that along?22:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make cells job gating
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Only run cells jobs that d-g can run successfully
clarkbsdague: I did approve ^ based on the discussion, the commit message update and the blueprint targetted to juno22:51
clarkbtl;dr I believe everyone is happy with it now so I hit the go button22:51
pleia2clarkb: I've been keeping this etherpad up to date
flashgordonclarkb: ack22:52
clarkbflashgordon: note the cells job approval too. I went ahead and put that in as there was consensus22:53
pleia2clarkb: I can't get to work (may be my own ssh auth issues though, my keys do work, going to test with ubuntu next with my tripleo cd account)22:53
clarkb:/ hopefully we can figure that out22:54
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clarkbpleia2: I love that there is an upstream fedora bug about the sudo thing22:55
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clarkbpleia2: I have reviewed both outstanding changes at this point. When it is not friday afternoon ping me and I can make sure the iptables changes don't bork our firewalls in any weird ways22:56
pleia2clarkb: if only it had a status other than NEW :)22:56
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logstash rules to parse libvirtd.txt
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clarkbflashgordon: couple more things for your libvirtd log parsing change. I am testing it locally. Just about have it working23:14
ktbentonHello, I have a question about and the openid connection to I'm thinking of changing my launchpad id so the openid endpoint will change. Will it correctly connect associate back to my account since the emails will match?23:14
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clarkbktbenton: I want to say it may create a second account in gerrit for you but I don't remember for sure23:16
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ktbentonclarkb: is there someone that would be able to update the account manually for me so i don't lose my reviews/patches?23:18
clarkbktbenton: yes, we had to do that quite a bit way back when. Fungi is like a wizard when it comes to account updates in gerrit23:19
clarkbktbenton: in fact I bet fungi would have a definite answer for you when he gets back23:19
ktbentonclarkb: i will test with a dummy account to see what happens23:19
clarkbktbenton: you can use review-dev to test it too23:20
clarkbrather than adding accounts to review.o.o23:20
clarkbthough that is a different version of gerrit right now...23:20
ktbentonclarkb: the test is mainly on the launchpad side. i need to see the effect when i use a different openid endpoint23:21
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flashgordonclarkb: thanks23:26
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logstash rules to parse libvirtd.txt
flashgordonclarkb: btw even though that is revision 7 for something easy, I am amazed on how few revisions it took for me to write a patch for something I can't test well and know very little about23:29
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clarkbflashgordon: it is actually not too hard to test, but you do have to mock up all of the pieces. I should probably try doing that in an actual test at some point23:30
ktbentonclarkb: looks like it worked. It must associate with the email address. Thanks23:30
clarkbflashgordon: basically you setup a logstash that talks to stdout instead of elasticsearch and point a loggearmanworker at that then add a job to gearman23:30
flashgordonclarkb: ahh cool, next time23:30
Shrews_david_: srsly? wow, awesome23:30
clarkbflashgordon: I already have that stuff locally so went ahead and did it23:30
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_david_Shrews, yeah. your original change more or less ,-)23:31
dtroyer_zzAre there any gate jobs anywhere that still run the DevStack exercises?23:31
clarkbdtroyer_zz: yes, the cells jobs. Just added them back in. also grenade23:32
dtroyer_zzclarkb: ok, thanks.  Grenade only does it for 'old' devstack, correct?23:33
dtroyer_zzclarkb: ah, I typed too soon, it does both23:34
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove unused main in
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make leave_comment take an event
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Log gerrit comment when running in nocomment mode
clarkbzaro: the current problem is zuul-dev cannot get stream events. I believe it is a new permission that needs to be grated23:55
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fungiktbenton: go to your gerrit account settings and make a note of the numeric account id you have. then after you update your lp account and log into gerrit again, see what the new numeric account id is. let me know those two things and i should be able to blank out the new account in gerrit and associate its new openid with your old account instead. also we're rather annoyed that lp doesn't preserve23:56
fungiyour openid url when you make account changes in it... wtf?23:56
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fungiclarkb: zaro: yeah i recall seeing the new stream event acl permission mentioned in one of the gerrit release notes23:58

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