Thursday, 2014-02-06

fungidoing 10 in parallel over the ~300 which had been in a delete state for at least 0.3 hours00:00
jeblairStevenK: no, a change to nodepool ended up slowing our node turnover rate; we've reverted it and are cleaning up00:00
StevenKjeblair: Ah, excellent.00:01
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Send swift upload instructions to workers
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add oslo fixture module and update everything else
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notmynamehow is a new meeting time scheduled?00:06
notmynamedoesn't seem like I was able to catch ttx while he was online today00:07
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jeblairnotmyname: add it to the wiki page00:07
jeblairnotmyname: ttx watches that and will update the ical feed00:07
notmynamejeblair: I did00:07
notmynameah ok00:07
notmynameI'll send him an email too. thanks00:07
jeblairnotmyname: cool00:07
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jeblairfungi: yay noticible upticks on the graphs00:09
fungiseems so anyway00:09
clarkbjog0: elasticsearch/logstash is just over an hour behind00:09
fungiat peak today, the jobs launched graph says we were pushing ~1000/hr00:10
fungiwith gerrit events up around 400/hr00:10
clarkbfungi: is now still a bad time to start an image build?00:10
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fungiclarkb: if you pick one of the check images or a provider with low representation, it's probably not too impactful00:11
* fungi assumes we don't currently have a good way to trigger new image builds besides deleting an existing image00:12
clarkbfungi: was thinking devstack-precise-check and a bare-precise to start00:12
jog0clarkb: cool thanks00:12
clarkbfungi: there is an image built command00:12
fungiclarkb: sure, why not. sounds fine00:12
fungioh, nodepool image-build?00:12
fungii should --help more often00:12
clarkbimage-update iirc00:12
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fungiso there is. lookie there00:13
fungii think i must have known about that00:13
clarkbbuilding bare-precise in rax-ord first00:13
jeblairfungi: how are your deletes coming along?00:14
fungioh, i know why i had sometimes resorted to deletes. when a provider is failing to build a fresh image 90% of the time, it gets the weeks-old stale image out of circulation and causes nodepool to loop creation until it sticks. ugly, but it works00:14
fungijeblair: still running00:14
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fungiwe seem to be turning over building->used about as quickly as deletes are getting cleared, so the building count isn't jumping much but the used count sure is00:16
jeblairfungi: i wonder if we should have a max-age for images (where it does that for us)?00:16
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fungijeblair: that, and also i need to spend some time coming up with a better answer for weeks-old images than "that provider az is terrible"00:16
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fungiclearly there's something we're not accomodating with regard to the situation. first skim of the logs suggested ruby timeouts in the puppet apply00:17
fungibut only on hpcloud-az200:17
fungiand the -bare images had it worse than -devstack00:18
fungimaybe because moar puppet or something00:18
jeblairfungi: clarkb's change gives us less puppet00:19
jeblairso yay00:19
clarkbbut it doesn't seem to be working00:19
jeblairthe spike is rounding off00:19
clarkbthe value passed to the sudo flag was an empty string00:19
jeblairclarkb: did nodepool detect the failure correctly?00:20
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jog0random question: any way to get a list of blueprints via launchpadlib?00:20
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jeblairclarkb: (so we don't have to worry about it using nodes from borked images)00:20
clarkbjeblair: yes, it bailed out, threw an exception and died00:20
jeblairjog0: probably, and probably by querying the 'openstack' project group00:20
clarkbjeblair: and said INFO:nodepool.NodePool:Deleted image id: 15482900:21
jeblairclarkb: cool00:21
jeblairoh yay, the gate got nodes00:22
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jog0jeblair: just found the asnwer
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: make command parsing compatible with python 2.6
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jeblairjog0: cool00:25
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clarkbsudo puppet apply --modulepath=/root/config/modules:/etc/puppet/modules -e 'class {'\''openstack_project::single_use_slave'\'': sudo => , }'00:28
jog0jeblair: trying to generate a list of patchs that don't have approved BPs00:28
clarkbnot sure why $SUDO became '' there00:28
StevenKclarkb: Undefined?00:28
clarkbStevenK: earlier in the script it is set to $2 which should be set00:29
jeblairjog0: btw, this is the kind of thing we want to make a lot easier with storyboard00:29
jog0jeblair: cool00:29
clarkbStevenK: I suppose it could be a problem a few levels higher00:29
jog0actually this should be pretty easy now00:29
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jog0lp.projects("nova").valid_blueprints is all valid blueprints00:29
jog0then just need to search through gerrit commit messages00:30
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jeblairjog0: well, i mean making this kind of workflow easier with closer integration (with storyboard tasks directly linked to gerrit reviews)00:30
jog0jeblair: right00:31
jog0this is a ugly hack until then00:31
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jeblairjog0: yeah, in the future, it can be in the ui and not just a script00:31
jeblairjog0: just an fyi, not attempting to alter your current plans00:32
fungiclarkb: is there any chance that it's using the old slave scripts for some reason?00:32
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fungiclarkb: nevermind. then it would have old too00:33
jeblairwe have 492 nodes in use and 12 being deleted00:33
clarkbfungi: ya the only way would be new and old prepare_node_bare.sh00:33
jeblairand 66 being built00:33
jog0jeblair: I look forward to that day00:33
clarkbfungi: which maybe that is the case? /me reads up on how file copies happen00:33
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fungijeblair: yeah, my delete loops all completed00:34
clarkbthe file in /etc/nodepool/scripts are up to date00:34
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* clarkb tries again, maybe those files were not up to date previously00:34
fungijeblair: it's possible it also lost track of some used nodes which should have transitioned to delete, but i'll give it a couple hours and then do a follow-on pass over slaves which have been used for far too long00:35
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jeblairclarkb: i believe i saw them get updated when i ran puppet agent --test00:35
clarkbjeblair: was that a few hours ago?00:35
jeblairfungi: yeah, hopefully not too many if the downtime was short00:35
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zaroclarkb: could you kindly unblock me from testing zuul-gerrit?
jeblairclarkb: right around 22:30 based on my irc log00:35
clarkbzaro: done00:36
clarkbjeblair: thanks00:36
zaroawesome, thanks!00:36
jeblairi wish the yaml parser could catch that00:36
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* fungi needs to take a break and have some semblance of an evening/dinner/whatev... bbiab00:37
jeblairfungi: good evening, thanks!00:37
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jeblairi'm going to wind down too00:37
clarkbis false being interpretted as a shell built in?00:37
jeblairmaybe tomorrow i'll get to work on zuul00:37
clarkbit shouldn't be, it is in an argument list00:37
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clarkbstill doing it so yeah files were probably up to date a long time ago00:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: remove extra projects section
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jog0jeblair: the whole script to get the patches with unapproved BPs is just 50 lines01:09
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Be explicit about args.
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clarkbjeblair: fungi ^ that is the fix for the scripts. By the way, bare-precise does not include mysql and postgres and a bunch of other stuff for testing01:18
clarkbbut that isn't a result of my change, it has been that way for a while01:19
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mattoliveraujeblair: re: nodepool image logs, is this what you had in mind:
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fungiclarkb: how have nova py27 jobs been working with no mysql?01:22
clarkbactually hmm, maybe my change changes that, looking at it more01:22
clarkbfungi: those tests don't run if mysql isn't present, but yeah I think this may have worked before. I had a small misunderstanding01:23
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clarkbso while the old bare_slave application could not fix sudo, it did install the additional packages and things01:23
clarkbfungi: fixing now01:24
fungii'm still around to approve stuff if you want to keep prodding it. i'll postpone any particularly heavy drinking01:25
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clarkbfungi: thank you, should have a second patch up in must a few minutes01:25
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fungithe first one lgtm too... i had started pondering down those lines, but it didn't dawn on me that hostname isn't set sometimes (doesn't the default shell environment have it even?)01:26
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clarkbits confusing because we call it a bare node but it isn't a bare node01:27
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fungiit's less bare than the devstack nodes in some ways01:27
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: [WIP] MVP Storyboard Client
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Handle the slave bare flag properly in nodepool.
clarkbfungi: ^ there we go01:29
clarkbfungi: I am going to apply those by hand on nodepool.o.o and rebuild rax-ord's iamge01:29
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fungier, okay01:31
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clarkbimage is rebuilding01:32
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: [WIP] MVP API for Storyboard
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Be explicit about args.
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clarkbfungi: so while applying bare_slave.pp was intended to remove sudo rights it actually added a bunch of needed packages01:35
clarkband i missed it until just now :/01:35
fungiclarkb: 71433 is a bit too quick and dirty for my tastes. the true and false parameters need some context. how about we just gratuitously set those as local vars and then pass the varnames on script invocation?01:35
clarkbfungi: sure01:36
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fungiit would make it far more readable without needing to flip back and forth through the spaghetti of scripts calling scripts to figure out what the parameters are01:36
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* fungi is having sco flashbacks. everything was a tangle of ksh scripts invoking one another01:37
fungiif you never admin'ed sco unix, count yourself lucky. it was even worse than hp/ux, and i did rather hate hp/ux too01:38
clarkboh gah, locally applying that to nodepool.o.o doesn't help because the git repo is cloned01:38
* clarkb hurries up to address comments so we can merge this01:38
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Handle the slave bare flag properly in nodepool.
clarkbfungi: ^ there you go01:40
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fungiyep, lgtm. i had to spend a moment convincing myself that quoting the var which was assigned a quoted string wouldn't add a layer of quotes01:44
fungi' vs " brain fart01:44
fungiwow, my initial approve on that caused gerrit to return an internal server error page01:45
fungiretried and it worked01:45
clarkbI have deleted the bad rax-ord image manually01:46
clarkbthere may be some straggler nodes out there though :(01:46
fungiyeah, that's one thing nodepool misses tracking is the image id associated with a given node01:47
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fungiso you can't say "let's delete all nodes built from image x"01:47
fungibuilt from image id x, not image name x (it knows the latter, of course)01:48
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fungi"No local packages or download links found for pbr>=0.5.16,<0.6"01:51
clarkbwhat failed on that?01:52
fungithat requirements change dying at the top of the gate right now01:52
fungihit it in the requirements-integration job01:52
clarkbiirc that job talks to pypi.python.org01:52
fungi shows plenty of versions in the acceptable range for that01:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Handle the slave bare flag properly in nodepool.
clarkbok trying a new build of rax-ord bare-precise in jus a moment01:56
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Map failed jobs to bugs in gerrit comment
clarkbgah looks like the postgres stuff may have failed02:02
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clarkbthis should cause the build to fail though and I am about ready to deal with day old images and fix it tomorrow02:02
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clarkb need to bump the version of puppet-postgresql to 3.1.002:10
clarkbif this image build properly fails and is deleted I will push that off until tomorrow02:10
clarkbhrm doesn't look like it will fail nicely02:12
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ArxCruzjhesketh__: clarkb do you have any documentation about how to configure jcloud + swift ?02:16
clarkbArxCruz: no, its an upstream plugin02:16
ArxCruzclarkb: do you know the plugin name? Just jclouds? I have one installed on my jenkins, however, it seems to be pre-configured with some cloud services02:17
ArxCruzI have my own swift server :/02:17
clarkbjclouds jenkins plugin02:17
clarkbit should support raw swift as well02:18
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ArxCruzclarkb: oh, mordred is one of the maintainers02:23
ArxCruzmordred: help! :D02:23
ArxCruzmordred: well, I can bug you tomorrow, good night :)02:23
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clarkb so I think this must have been happening for a while02:31
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banixhave a question about using git review; for a patch I have been making changes and doing git commit --amend and then git review. Now, I am getting an error when I do git review:02:41
banixerror: could not apply e12dee1... Deals with fails in update-*-postcommit ops02:43
banixWhen you have resolved this problem run "git rebase --continue".02:43
banixIf you would prefer to skip this patch, instead run "git rebase --skip".02:43
banixTo check out the original branch and stop rebasing run "git rebase --abort".02:43
banixI did a git rebase --continue which I am think I shouldn't have02:43
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banixnow with review I get the following error:02:44
banix(you are not allowed to upload merges)02:44
banixerror: failed to push some refs ....02:44
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banixany suggestions as what I need to do to fix this?02:45
clarkbbanix: you want to go back to the old state before the rebase (you can use git reflog to find the old sha), then do the rebase and fix the merge conficts before doing git rebase --continue02:47
banixclarkb: Thank you02:48
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clarkbbanix: I can be more verbose if it helps too :) sorry I just realized that my directions may be a bit vague03:06
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clarkblet me know if you want me to expand on anything03:06
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banixclarkb: Thanks. Trying to figure out where to rebase to. so I have done a git reflag and03:07
clarkbbanix: the rebase was started before because git-review detected a merge conflict. Were you proposing your change against master? if so you want to rebase onto an up to date master03:08
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banixso would I do that by making my master up to date and then rebasing my branch?03:10
banixI may not make sense so let me explain a bit more. I have a master and say branch b1 where I do my work. So I should go to master and do a git pull … there, come back to b1 and rebase?03:11
clarkbyes, I like to do `git remote update ; git checkout master ; #check that I can fast forward ; git pull origin master ; git checkout b1 ; git rebase -i master`03:12
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hub_caprandom Q. does gerrit support git notes? like if i wanted to put a list of Co-Authors or a list of dependent reviews (for instance in another git tree, referring to their change-id)03:13
StevenKclarkb: If you never make changes on master, you should always be able to fast-forward03:13
clarkbhub_cap: gerrit does, but that is where it writes review data03:13
hub_capclarkb: for sure i sees that on commits03:13
clarkbhub_cap: so I am not sure how it will handle other people using them for stuff03:13
banixI start in b1 or master?03:13
clarkbhub_cap: eg I don't know if you can read them via gerrit03:14
clarkbbanix: either one03:14
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hub_capclarkb: sure, or if itll clobber it when it writes its own notes :)03:14
hub_capso the answer is, i should do some digging if im interested :D03:14
clarkbhub_cap: yup, feel free to give it a spin on review-dev03:15
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banixclarkb: Will this have any effect on my other branches?03:16
clarkbStevenK: right, don't assume that is the case :)03:16
clarkbStevenK: quite a few of us have bad habits of hacking on master and using git reset --hard later03:16
clarkbbanix: it shouldn't03:16
clarkbbanix: the git remote update will only fetch upstream changes not pull them03:16
StevenKclarkb: I've explicitly tried to avoid that particular habit03:16
clarkbStevenK: it is a noble thing, but once you have a gerrit... meh03:17
banixclarkb: Ok thanks; let me try it.03:17
StevenKclarkb: But branching is *so cheap*03:17
hub_capclarkb: what is this review-dev in which u speak???03:18
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clarkbStevenK: `git branch | wc -l` says I have 288 branches in openstack-infra/config03:18
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clarkbhub_cap: https://review-dev.openstack.org03:18
StevenKclarkb: Haha03:19
hub_capwhat the deuce03:19
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hub_capthx clarkb i will totally give it a whirl. i hate seeing all the Ugly-Extra-Junk: in_my_commits03:19
StevenKclarkb: I tend to git branch -d <foo> after a pull when it's merged03:19
clarkbStevenK: so for a long time we had openstack-infra/config set to cherry pick not merge. This meand git branch -d never worked03:20
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clarkbso you had to cross your fingers and git branch -D, which leads to git reset --hard origin master03:20
dimsAnyone recognize this? "Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Could not find declared class openstack_project::slave_template at line 2" - trying to followi README.rst from devstack-gate to build a vm locally03:20
StevenKclarkb: Oh, cherry-pick doesn't preserve the commits from the other branch?03:22
clarkbdims: oh fun, I need to update README.rst in d-g03:22
clarkbdims: sorry we just renamed some stuff to make it clearer in puppet. Try using openstack_project::single_use_slave instead03:22
banixclarkb: At the last step above 'git rebase -i master' I get an editor opened where I see noon at the top of the file and everything else commented (list of commands). Just close the editor or do I need to add anything to the file?03:22
clarkbStevenK: nope and Gerrit makes sure of it by changing the commit messages03:22
banixI see noop03:22
dimsclarkb, thx will try03:22
clarkbbanix: so your commit isn't listed?03:23
clarkbbanix: your commit(s) should be listed with a prefix of 'pick'03:23
dimsclarkb, much better :)03:23
banixI see noon then the lines are all starting with # and the first line i: # Rebase db6dafc..76a0486 onto db6dafc and then list of commands03:25
banixnoon and noon03:25
banixnoop not noon03:25
banixsorry cannot type!03:26
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banixclarkb: any comment as to what I need to do next?03:33
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clarkbbanix: if local git thinks you are good I would try git review again on the b1 branch03:34
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banixclarkb: None of my changes are in my branch any more03:35
clarkbthat would explain why the rebase was clean, you need to restore your changes by referring to the reflog and checking out the sha with your changes on it03:36
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banixclarkb: ok thanks03:36
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a testr specific builder
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clarkbharlowja: we already have one of those...03:40
harlowjaclarkb ?03:40
harlowjaclarkb should i call it unittest (not sure of the best name)03:41
clarkbthe commit message confuses me03:41
clarkbExtend unittest jenkins builder <- or similar might be slightly more indicatve of what the cahnge is doing03:41
harlowjaclarkb k03:41
harlowjaclarkb agreed03:41
clarkbwe do still run nose too :(03:41
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harlowjaya, let me adjust the names, wasn't quite sure what was a good name :)03:42
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Extend unittest jenkins builder
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update python-openstacksdk from the global-requirements file
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: pbr: update to 0.6
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add support for Python 3 requirements
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openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
jog0ImportError: No module named pbr.version03:56
jog0where did the beer go03:56
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fungiwent flat03:57
clarkbfungi: I think I have the postgres trouble debugged and will submit a fix tomorrow, but everything should be working as is tonight (at least as compared to yesterday03:57
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fungiclarkb: looking forward to seeing the fix--thanks03:59
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Rename slave_template to single_use_slave
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make gerrit/ES timeout configurable
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lifelessclarkb: what do you mean 'lifeless style of review' ?04:31
lifelessjog0: that was a mistake :)04:31
jog0lifeless: heh I know, I was told to never let you live that down04:31
clarkblifeless: you push commits for every little refactor04:32
StevenKfungi, clarkb: If you're still around, does it look like the running job on 71054,1 has hung?04:32
clarkblifeless: when really one or two commits would cover the bases of distinct changes and still be very reviewable04:32
clarkbStevenK: it probably is, timeout will kick in soon I think04:33
StevenKclarkb: And then everything gets retried :-(04:33
lifelessclarkb: thats not a review style, its a commit style04:33
lifelessclarkb: </pedant>04:33
lifelessclarkb: I see jeblair is reverting the nodepool work - did we capture the data needed to postmortem?04:33
StevenKlifeless: Like you'll stop being a pedant.04:33
lifelessStevenK says, being a pedant04:34
clarkblifeless: yes I believe we have the extra log data on the server04:34
lifelessclarkb: ok cool; I'll need that if I'm to track down what went wrong04:34
clarkblifeless: roger, will try to remember to dig it out of the logs tomorrow04:35
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update gat trigger to match new workflow label on review-dev
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zaroclarkb: almost verified every pipeline on zuul-dev.  just need to verify one more, the gate.  got time for a quick review?05:24
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zaroclarkb: i can't believe how many times the radio stations are rerunning the superbowl game, it's getting rediculous.05:25
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ttxnotmyname: updated on the ical11:04
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Database fixture added
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Load projects from yaml file
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ArxCruzmordred: around ?12:16
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openstackgerritIlya Sviridov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added MagentoDB ( project to Stackforge
openstackgerritJaroslav Henner proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add script trigger.
lcostantinoHi, i am reworking some patches for a bp that were abandoned by another author. Is it possible to restore them to keep the same review?12:38
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SergeyLukjanovlcostantino, you can ask infra folks in mailing lists to do it13:03
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lcostantinoSergeyLukjanov,  thanks, will do that.13:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Unpin kazoo
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openstackgerritIlya Sviridov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added new MagentoDB project to Stackforge
openstackgerritIlya Sviridov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added new MagnetoDB project to Stackforge
ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: hey, around ?13:38
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, yup13:38
ArxCruzdo you know about jclouds + swift configuration in jenkins ?13:38
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SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, nope :( probably I could have some ideas, do you have a specific question?13:39
ArxCruzI want to upload my jenkins job logs to my swift server13:39
ArxCruzthe jclouds seems to have a few providers already configured13:39
ArxCruzbut I have my own swift13:39
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SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, it's your own jenkins?13:42
ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: yup13:42
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, AFAIK jclouds plugin in jenkins is only for slaves creation13:43
ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: according clarkb it has support to swift :/13:43
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, oh, correct, I've found the README section about it -
ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: checking, thanks13:44
isviridovSergeyLukjanov, thx for support with patch13:44
SergeyLukjanovisviridov, np13:45
* ArxCruz should search more before ask13:45
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, are you using only jenkins w/o zuul?13:45
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ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: I'm using the same infrastructure that o-infra uses13:45
ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: i'm aware about the zuul patch13:46
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, than probably it'll easier to use swift-related patch13:46
SergeyLukjanovoh :)13:46
ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: I'm following closer this, but I don't know when the core will decide to merge that13:46
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miquiso in vm i am seeing hundreds of /usr/local/bin/recheckwatch processes  (and the vm is not really busy with many jobs)13:56
miquisound familiar?13:56
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ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: The plugin also provides a way to store your build artifacts on JClouds supported cloud storage providers13:57
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ArxCruzbleh, only for supported cloud storage providers :@13:58
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, I think swift is supported13:59
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, btw afaik swift provides s3 compatibleapi13:59
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ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: yeah, it's supported, but only for the supported providers14:00
ArxCruzlike s3, azure, hpcloud etc14:00
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fungimiqui: the recheckwatch service is for building a page like so you probably don't need to run it on your system14:08
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miquithanks fungi....its running many times and eating up resources and brings everything else down with it..14:09
miqui, but thing is that perhaps we do...i am mean if you want to see the status of the zuul gates....14:10
fungimiqui: the recheck list page is completely separate from the zuul status page14:11
miquifungi: btw, i get a 404 on your posted URL...14:11
miquiah ok...14:11
miquithanks fungi: so how do i disable recheck?14:11
fungisorry, my browser has decided to eat all my ram so i had to guess at the url... i think it might be rechecks (plural)14:11
fungimiqui: it's got an initscript. i would just configure that not to run or if you're using puppet then configure that service not to start14:12
miquiyeah its plural..14:12
miquicool...thanks fungi14:12
fungiit's basically just a little daemon which connects to gerrit, watches the event stream and any time it sees a recheck or reverify comment with a bug number it adds the statistic to a table in a pickle file, then occasionally writes out that bug list html from it14:13
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fungiwe use it purely for keeping track of how many rechecks/reverifies there are for which bug numbers, but that page and service are being obsoleted by soon anyway14:14
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fungiit was a fairly quick and dirty service to start with, so we'd rather just get rid of it than spend time trying to track down and fix problems in it14:15
fungiugh... firefox. y u want 18gb ram?14:16
miquibut fungi: you guys are running so, my next question is you are probably seeing many rechecks what ram capacity do you have now14:16
miquito deal with this currently.?14:16
fungimiqui: there should only be one instance of the recheckwatch service running, so if you have multiples of them then something has gone terribly wrong with it14:17
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fungiyeah, just checked on and there's only one running recheckwatch process, started about a month ago (the last time we rebuilt zuul)14:18
miquik, thanks fungi...14:19
fungiyou're welcome!14:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add XenAPI to OpenStack dependencies
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, is it difficult to restart zuul? it'll expose last_reconfigured time in API that'll be available on status pages too14:28
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning14:29
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dstaneki have a patch that fails installing dependencies because GCC can't find libxml/xmlversion.h.  where should i file that bug?14:32
fungidstanek: file it against openstack-ci... but it's probably from one of clarkb's failed experiments building new images last night--i know he ended up with a few stray vms launched from one which was lacking some necessary system packages14:34
dstanekfungi: thanks14:34
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: good morning! restarting zuul is not complicated, but it does require waiting for it to quiesce all running jobs so that it can safely restart without losing results14:35
dstanekfungi: should i bother filing it then? or do you want to keep track of these kinds of failures?14:35
fungidstanek: we don't really keep track of them per se, but your job probably wasn't the only one hit so someone will likely wind up opening a bug to recheck against anyway14:36
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, oh, got it, SIGUSR1 + restart when queue is empty14:39
fungiSergeyLukjanov: yes. and it was last restarted ~2 weeks ago according to the process list14:40
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update python-keystoneclient to 0.5.0
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miquifungi: diggin a little on recheckwatch it seems  pid file is not being created during /etc.init.d/recheckwatch start15:37
miquichecked perms,etc...etc...but no dice..15:38
fungimiqui: maybe the directory it wants to put that file in doesn't exist? usually the initscript should create and chown that directory (in my opinion) but we might have missed doing that15:38
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fungiif you're running it on a system which keeps /var/run in tmpfs for example (which is somewhat common practice)15:39
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fungimiqui: the permissions/ownership on that directory for us looks like drwxr-xr-x 2 recheckwatch root 40 Jan 18 03:14 /var/run/recheckwatch15:49
miquithanks fungi: i'll grab this info and comp...15:51
miquithe /var/run/ dir does exist and the final path of recheckwatch/ does seem to be created..but no pid file after that..15:52
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miqui..thanks again...15:53
banixHi everybody. A question: Are the Infra people also deal with/review/maintain devstack?15:54
fungibanix: not as much, though we do sometimes contribute patches to fix problems in it15:55
banixfungi: Thanks. Do you know who are the main people there? Can't seem to get an answer to my questions regarding adding a file there to support a new plugin.15:56
banixfungi: Thanks!15:56
fungibanix: primarily dtroyer, sdague and chmouel i think. so maybe try to bring it up in #openstack-qa15:57
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banixfungi: Thanks, will do.15:58
openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added clone-workspace publisher
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added clone-workspace publisher
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dhellmannfungi: ping?16:27
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
flaper87clarkb: hey, could you take a look at this patch again?
flaper87clarkb: sdague and I commented there16:33
flaper87clarkb: and there's a -1 you left :D16:33
fungidhellmann: hi there16:33
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dhellmannfungi: I'm looking into renaming oslo.sphinx to get it out of the oslo namespace package to fix a devstack problem16:34
dhellmannit *looks* like I can just do all of that in the current repo, without renmaing it16:34
dhellmannwe had an issue with a project where the repo name didn't match the package name in the past (WSME?) but I think you fixed that, and I wanted to confirm16:34
fungidhellmann: yes, we can do that (the script now looks at the metadata in the repo for the package name), though it should be avoided for the sake of clarity if at all possible16:36
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dhellmannfungi: ok, I'll go ahead and submit another pull request to rename the repo. maybe include it in the list tomorrow?16:36
fungiwhat are you looking at renaming it to? and how do we think the requirement transition will go down?16:37
dhellmannoslo.sphinx -> oslosphinx16:37
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fungishould presumably be able to do a new release of the new name mostly the same as the old release and then edit the requirements on depending projects accordingly i guess16:37
dhellmannwe can change the name, tag a release, publish, wait for the mirror to sync, add it to requirements, update the projects, then remove the old name from requirements16:37
mtreinishdhellmann: how do you pronounce that?16:37
dhellmannmtreinish: "the sphinx theme for openstack" :-)16:38
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dhellmannwould have called it openstacksphinx but bnemec pointed out possible issues with using the trademark name there and we didn't want to wait for an answer to the question16:38
sdaguefungi: any word on when tripleo is going to have working nodepool again? The 100+ jobs that are filling up the status page blocked on that kind of bothers me16:39
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fungisdague: i haven't heard any new timeline, and when i ask in #tripleo nobody seems to speak up. i'll check again today but i suspect we won't know anything until lifeless is up and about16:40
sdaguefungi: alternatively, can we make tripleo be a separate check queue? I feel it's kind of a UI denial of service right now16:40
sdaguebecause it makes it much harder to understand the upstream state16:41
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fungisdague: agreed. we might look at clearing their special-node jobs from zuul's config and flushing them out of the pipeline if it goes on much longer. they're definitely piling up16:42
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sdagueand honestly, I feel like if someone wants upstream zuul running against their backend nodes, we should have an expectation that nodepool outages will be kept to < 1 day16:43
fungizuul itself seems to be handling the situation just fine, but i agree the status page is becoming harder to review16:43
sdagueit's been 4 days now (almost) since top of check came in16:44
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sdaguewhich I find really irresponsible that the tripleo team hasn't dropped everything else to fix this16:44
fungii think the tripleo plan is to have redundant regions, so ought to be less of an issue for them once that happens16:44
sdaguefungi: redundant regions is only good if the regions are inherently more reliable than this16:45
fungiwell, this time was more of a freak occurrence i think. someone accidentally deleted the entire cloud so it's being rebuilt from scratch16:46
sdague1) how did that happen?16:46
sdague2) that takes 4 days?16:46
jeblairsdague: yes, we definitely have some expectations around service level; part of this experiment is burning in the tripleo cloud to see if it meets them16:46
jeblairit doesn't yet16:46
jeblairsdague: but it is _well_ understood that this is not the sort of thing we expect to happen when it's in production16:47
sdagueI always expect the unexpected :)16:47
sdaguejeblair: so how about a 2nd check queue for them, so it doesn't push all the working parts off the page?16:48
jeblairsdague: if we're going to reconfigure, i say we yank the jobs.16:49
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.sphinx to oslosphinx
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sdagueok, they have an ETA for when this is going to be back? Because given their throughput, I think it will take a week to clear that backlog16:50
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jeblairsdague: let's remove the jobs today, and i'll look into adding a (configurable) timeout to zuul, where, say, after 24 hours it declares a job LOST...16:54
fungithey very well may want those pending job runs cleared anyway, since many are probably no longer relevant to the changes in question16:54
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sdaguejeblair: sounds good, that needs to be per/queue though16:55
sdaguebecause gate has legitimate reasons to back up that far16:55
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sdaguecheck does not16:55
jeblairsdague: i was thinking that it would be if a job hasn't started 24 hours after zuul requested it be built... so per-build not per-change (queue item)16:56
jeblairsdague: jobs should _generally_ start within moments of being requested, and if we are exhausting slaves, maybe a few hours.16:56
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jeblairsdague: so 24h is probably generous enough for us in current circumstances.  but definitely configurable.16:57
notmynameI'm seeing some swift-docs jobs failing (on jenkins05 only). and
fungiright, even in the worst of the churn we saw last month, it never got to the point of taking 24 hours to start a job16:57
sdaguefungi: fair16:58
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funginotmyname: that looks like the job got cancelled. i'll see if it was for one which was actually reported to the change or behind a failing change in a gate reset16:58
jeblairnotmyname: what change is that for?16:58
notmynamefungi: thanks16:59
notmynamejeblair: not sure yet. I started looking when I saw my graph of gate success rates take a dip16:59
fungihuh, weird. i second jeblair's question... it says "No changes."16:59
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jeblairnotmyname: that job was not reported to gerrit16:59
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funginotmyname: java.lang.InterruptedException is what we often see when zul cancels a running job. jenkins incorrectly reports that as a failure17:00
jeblairnotmyname: it's one of the builds that zuul canceled because its speculative execution failed17:00
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jeblairnotmyname: here's the change:
notmynamejeblair: ie a gate reset?17:00
jeblairnotmyname: yep17:00
funginotmyname: this is why the qa team stopped tracking failure stats for the gate directly... jenkins often reports failures for cancelled jobs17:00
notmynameok, thanks.17:00
notmynamefungi: so what's the better way to track failures?17:01
fungiwhich makes failure stats look far, far worse the longer the gate gets17:01
jeblairnotmyname: zuul cancels _so many_ jobs.17:01
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.sphinx to oslosphinx
jeblairnotmyname: which metric were you watching?17:01
notmynameand cancel is reported as failure? that would inflate numbers17:01
funginotmyname: i believe jog0 was working on something to do log analysis to confirm whether the failure was for a job which completed17:01
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jeblairnotmyname: it depends on where jenkins is; sometimes it's reported as ABORTED, sometimes FAILURE.17:02
notmynamejeblair: on the graphite measurement of gate-swift-docs (SUCCESS / (SUCCESS+FAIURE))17:02
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shivhfungi: will i be able to get the service account today to allow me to i start posting votes?17:02
fungishivh: hopefully. i want to catch up on the past couple days of third-party account requests after lunch17:03
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shivhfungi: thanks17:03
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jeblairnotmyname: zuul should not report the results of canceled builds to statsd, so that should not affect that metric17:04
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jeblairnotmyname: there could be a bug in that though; it's a somewhat indirect process17:05
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jeblairnotmyname: if you can't find another explanation, we should entertain that possibility17:05
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notmynamejeblair: ok. jenkins05 was the only box to show any failed runs for that job. and the 3 console links I sent are all I found17:06
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jeblair1 sec17:11
ArxCruzclarkb: jeblair do you know a way to get the console log from jenkins? I see that the scp-plugin is the one who generate it17:11
clarkbflaper87: responded17:12
clarkbArxCruz: jenkins generates it, scp plugin has a hack to grab it and put it somewhere else17:13
jeblairnotmyname: i don't see any gate failures for the past 24 hours for that job17:13
ArxCruzclarkb: scp get it through build.getLogText()17:13
ArxCruzthen pass to an outputstream transforming in html17:13
clarkbArxCruz: yes, and it does that in an independent thread so that the job thread can complete and write the entire log17:14
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ArxCruzclarkb: exactly, so, this console log doesn't exist physically in the VM correct ?17:14
clarkbArxCruz: not on the VM, but it does "physically" exist on the master as something weird like a base64 encoded file17:15
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.sphinx to oslosphinx
notmynamejeblair: thanks for looking17:18
clarkbI think whatever mordred had must've crossed oceans, /me is fending of $disease today17:19
zaroclarkb: quick review to test zuul-gerrit?
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clarkbzaro: is that in support of WIP? I think you need to keep the approval vote17:21
clarkbzaro: or is approval being replaced by workflow in gerrit too?17:21
zaroclarkb: yes, it was jeblair's suggestion to combine them.17:21
clarkbah ok I get it17:21
fungiyeah, that's the -1=wip/0=ready/+1=approved17:23
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pafuentHi. I'm working on devstack support for Climate project. The thing is that when Jenkins run the job can't clone one of the repositories of the project (climate-nova). Here are the logs:
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clarkbpafuent: if you look at the localrc you will see ERROR_ON_CLONE is true17:29
clarkbpafuent: this is because we require that devstack-gate set the state of all repos under test before devstack runs17:30
clarkbI think you may need to update the PROJECTS list to have it do the right thing17:30
pafuentclarkb: This file  modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml?17:31
clarkbpafuent: like that17:31
clarkbpafuent: no devstack-gate has a PROJECTS variable17:31
clarkbpafuent: is the default value17:32
clarkbbut stackforge projects can extend it as in the solum tet17:32
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: update git trigger to match new workflow label on review-dev
pafuentclarkb: So I need to add all the projects that I need to clone on that variable, right?17:35
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clarkbpafuent: yes I believe so17:36
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pafuentclarkb: Thanks17:36
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Start renaming oslo.sphinx to oslosphinx
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clarkbdhellmann: what is the difference between oslosphinx and oslo.sphinx?17:42
fungiclarkb: namespaces17:43
dhellmannclarkb: what fungi  said17:43
clarkbwhy the change?17:43
clarkboh I see in sb now17:43
dhellmannhaving oslo.sphinx installed in non-editable mode with oslo.config and oslo.messaging installed in editable mode breaks devstack sometimes17:43
dhellmannsince oslo.sphinx is not production code, we're just moving it out of the namespace package17:43
openstackgerritPablo Andres Fuente proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the climate-nova project
fungidhellmann: it's technically only a documentation building/rendering requirement, right?17:44
funginot run-time or test-time or install-time?17:44
dhellmannfungi: yes17:44
dhellmannalthough because of the way the doc build works, it is listed in test-requirements.txt17:44
* dhellmann would like to change that, but it would require even more work than this17:45
fungisure. we overload test-requirements.txt to mean "anything which isn't a run-time requirement"17:45
fungiso sort of poorly named17:45
clarkbare namespaces just broken? (my impression of them a year ago was that they were and caused all sorts of fun problems with setuptools)17:46
dhellmannI'd like to just have a doc-requirements.txt too17:46
dhellmannclarkb: they are broken in some specific cases, such as this17:46
dhellmannbut they do work quite a lot of the time17:46
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dhellmannalthough dstufft doesn't like them :-)17:46
clarkbdhellmann: my gripe with that is (and I don't want to sound like a politician) but where does it stop?17:46
dhellmannclarkb: where does what stop?17:47
clarkbI don't think we need that level of distinction between non runtime requirements17:47
dhellmanna new developer coming into a project has no idea how to even build the docs17:47
dhellmannthe answer is something like:17:47
fungii would be fine with just not calling the file test-requirements.txt i think17:47
dhellmanntox -e venv python build_sphinx17:47
dhellmannwhich is sort of nuts17:47
dhellmannI'd like the answer to be "tox -e doc"17:47
clarkbdhellmann: why is that nuts?17:47
clarkboh I see17:47
dhellmannbecause someone who doesn't know how tox, sphinx, and setuptools works doesn't have any idea what that command line even means :-)17:48
clarkbdhellmann: right so maybe building docs is an opportunity to teach?17:48
dhellmannand if we have "tox -e doc" then we can have doc-requirements.txt used only for that env (with the other 2)17:48
* fungi doesn't know what maven build command lines mean17:48
dhellmannclarkb: there are other times and easier examples17:48
clarkbI think our devs need to have a greater understanding of what is going on under the hood17:48
dhellmannI would like that, too17:48
clarkbbut tox -edoc is nice and convenient regardless of understanding17:49
clarkbfungi: maven build lines are basically make but with xml17:49
dhellmannyeah, I don't know how many other places we use that "-e venv" trick, but the doc case is one where I think we could benefit from a specific tox target17:49
fungisudo maven me an xml sandwich17:49
* dhellmann doesn't think that sounds like a very good sandwich17:50
fungii tried it. it's not17:50
dhellmannxml is sort of stringy17:50
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clarkbprotip, if you stand outside in the could for an hour or two with 700k people you will be sick the next day17:50
clarkbugh, should've watched from my window17:51
fungidhellmann: i use the "-e whatev" trick constantly. it's very useful for choosing specific tests/actions17:51
dhellmannclarkb: what were you doing?17:51
clarkbdhellmann: superbowl parade17:51
dhellmannfungi: sure, I'm not saying remove it, I'm saying for the things we do a lot (and want other devs to do) we should make it harder to type the wrong command so we're always consistent17:51
dhellmannclarkb: ah17:51
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fungidhellmann: oh, i see. you mean "venv" literally as the tox env name. right it's a bit of a hack17:52
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dhellmannfungi: yeah17:52
dhellmannit's a clever hack, but clever tends to be bad for repeatability and teaching17:52
fungiin jobs we use it for sdist builds too17:52
fungiand i agree. anywhere we use it is fair game for a more specific env name17:53
dhellmannis that so pbr is installed in the tox env?17:53
dhellmannmaybe next cycle I'll be able to carve out some time to work on that17:53
clarkbdhellmann: I think so17:53
fungii'm not even sure. i should try writing one called "tarball" to encapsulate the same concept and see if that works as expected17:53
clarkbfungi: dhellmann: I actually dislike having too many targets17:53
clarkbthe nice thing about the venv target is I can change one file and update how we do doc builds17:54
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clarkbif we go to tox -edoc I have to change 20 soemthing files17:54
fungiclarkb: you're such a make-hater ;)17:54
clarkbfungi: :)17:54
fungiin makeland, every file is a target17:54
clarkbthe implicit rules are great17:54
fungiin former soviet make, files target you!17:55
clarkbseriously though, if tox fixes themselves we have to udpate a ton of files17:55
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dhellmannclarkb: yeah, holger needs stern talking to about that INI change17:55
fungihe's been basically silent on that bug report17:55
clarkbfungi: but it has been so much fun17:56
fungii think he's letting the dev who implemented the change defend it or take the flak17:56
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added clone-workspace publisher
clarkbdhellmann: I mean it would be fine if they said "whoops" and worked to fix it in a 1.7.117:56
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clarkbor even stated they would accept a fix for it17:56
clarkbbut the response of "no, that is intended behavior we need to change our docs" makes me cranky17:56
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fungithe last word in the bug sounds to me like "old behavior changed and is now the new behavior--if you still want old behavior that should become a new feature in a later release"17:57
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dhellmannfungi, clarkb : do you have a link to that bug handy?18:01
dhellmannif not I can find it18:01
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dhellmannclarkb: thanks18:02
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dhellmannclarkb: that answer seems exceptionally unhelpful18:09
dhellmann(on the bug)18:09
dhellmannis there something we can do to our tox.ini files to make them work with 1.7?18:09
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clarkbdhellmann: not if we want to continue to pass posargs as arguments to a specific argument in a subcommand18:10
clarkbdhellmann: the new behavior basically ensure posargs will be posargs to the subcommand18:10
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* dhellmann doesn't like how quickly this is making him think about forking tox18:10
dkranzclarkb: Are we supposed to do "reverify bug xxx" when elastic recheck posts in a comment to do that, or not?18:10
clarkbdkranz: its up to you18:11
dkranzclarkb: ok, thanks18:11
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clarkbdkranz: ideally folks would review the bug, see if it applies then make a decision on whether or not to run the gauntlet again18:11
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clarkbdkranz: its possible the failure rate is 100% and should not be reverified18:12
dkranzclarkb: Got it.18:12
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jeblairclarkb, dhellmann: hashar just added a 'doc' env for zuul:
clarkbdhellmann: the trouble here is we want to do `python test -t ''` in the case where no posargs are passed and `python test -t 'my args'` when posargs are passed. The current implementation of tox breaks that because it eats the ''s18:13
jeblairdhellmann: basically the same arguments18:13
clarkbdhellmann: that leaves us with `python -t` when no posargs are passed which is an argument parser error because -t take arguments18:14
annegentleI'm behind on what's up with storyboard... I see meetings, who all's involved?18:14
jeblairclarkb: i think whether we use -evenv or -edoc for doc builds is a separate question from whether -edoc exists; there's ups/downs to both18:14
clarkbdhellmann: we could tell everyone to `tox -epy27 -- ''` to get around that but ugh18:14
jeblairannegentle: infra, hp and mirantis folks so far18:14
jeblairannegentle: also jcoufal18:14
jeblairannegentle: ttx18:15
clarkbdhellmann: or we can ditch python test and go back to the clunky multistep inline bash script18:15
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, highlighter triggered :)18:15
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: tempest-dsvm-neutron-heat-slow graduates from experimental
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dstufft|laptopclarkb: Why can't you just let tox handle all the run stuff? What does the bash script do that tox can't?18:15
dstufft|laptopor what would it do I mean18:15
jeblairdstufft|laptop: lots of file moves based on zuul branch/tag names for one18:16
fungidstufft|laptop: have the ability to correctly pass arguments to subcommands18:16
jeblairfungi: zing18:16
jeblairannegentle: we're trying to get a really basic system up asap so it's self-hosting18:17
annegentlejeblair: cool thanks. storyboard on openstack18:17
clarkbdstufft|laptop: is this re targets or re tox 1.7?18:17
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fungiannegentle: were you breaking the ice in here because you're about to ask for an ops guide edits branch, or are you not ready for that just yet?18:18
clarkbdstufft|laptop: re tox 1.7 is tox fails fast, sometimes you want the collective result of several commands, need a bash wrapper for that18:18
clarkbdstufft|laptop: re targets, it requires updating files all over the place, it is just a lot of busy work18:18
dstufft|laptopclarkb: ahh, gotcha18:18
dstufft|laptopalso jeblair and fungi too :)18:18
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dstufft|laptopmostly wondering because I hadn't seen many people actually use test outisde of openstack :)18:19
clarkbdstufft|laptop: because they all use nose and nose wraps this stuff for you too18:19
dstufft|laptopnose is crazy pants18:19
dstufft|laptoppy.test ftw :D18:19
fungialso nose cuts off you to spite your face18:19
dstufft|laptopbut yea18:19
clarkbnose is equivalent to test in this case. The difference is the name of the command, but you pass different flags based on the additional actions you want18:19
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dstufft|laptopclarkb: I actually want folks to use a standard entry point to testing eventually, so I can implement something that'll record test runs ala cpan testers18:20
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clarkbso we could probably tackle this by exposing testr args directly though test rather than doing a pass through18:21
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clarkbeg python test --slowest becomes testr run --slowest18:21
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fungior we prefix and mangle args like python test --testr-slowest (to give us less chance for namespace conflicts)18:22
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mtreinishclarkb: that'll get tricky --slowest isn't a testr arg. It's a pbr flag that calls 'testr slowest' (maybe just a bad example)18:23
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clarkbmtreinish: yup I would rather avoid it18:24
fungii also feel like we've got an unusually high number of layers there... tox->setup->pbr->testr18:25
fungithough i suppose and pbr are sort of one in the same when you pbr18:25
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markwashmaybe wrong room, but. . anybody here know how to run testr (via tox) with an option to suppress log output for failed tests?18:28
clarkbmarkwash: OS_LOG_CAPTURE=0 may work18:30
clarkbthat might also dump your logs to stderr though...18:30
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mtreinishclarkb: won't that just disable the fixture that injects the logs into the subunit stream18:32
mtreinishthe regular logging will still happen18:32
mtreinishoh that's what markwash wants nm18:32
clarkbmtreinish: ya so now it wont show in the failed test results instead it will go to someplace else18:33
mtreinishclarkb: it depends on how logging is configured it will do whatever is set there18:34
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix management queue test errors
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make queue processing more efficient
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Split the merger into a separate process
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Move the merger to a JSON-compatible API
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Remove Zuul ref replication.
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Remove push refs to gerrit feature
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, you're a batch processor in terms of Big Data frameworks xD19:02
clarkbfun things to review! but first I need to push my postgres test slave fixe19:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: Adding Matt Farina.
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make postgres work on Jenkins slaves again.
markwashmtreinish: any theories about how I can simulate nose's --nologoutput option with testr?19:10
clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ that should fix postgres for any new slaves built (including single use slaves)19:10
clarkbmarkwash: did OS_LOG_CAPTURE=0 not help?19:10
markwashah sorry thought that was shot down, trying now. . .19:11
pafuentNikitaKonovalov_: Hi. I noticed that you have assigned Are you ok if I continue with it?19:11
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1252704 in climate "Value error raises if 'lease_create' get incorrect date format" [High,Confirmed]19:11
clarkbmarkwash: I think it may be the first piece of a two piece puzzle. Second piece is probably setting log config such that logging doesn't happen (or redirecting stderr to elsewhere)19:11
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
openstackgerritAaron Greengrass proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Module to handle package management via hiera
lifelessfungi: derek was working on bringing it up last night, I'm back on it today (yesterday was a pub holiday...)19:19
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zaroalright, i believe i've finally finished testing zuul gerrit 2.8 integration19:20
zaroclarkb: ^ thanks for the help with zuul.19:20
markwashclarkb: no extra step needed, thanks!19:21
fungilifeless: my country needs more pub holidays. not enough days on the calendar dedicated to spending time in pubs19:21
lifelessfungi: you know it19:21
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zarois it normal for zuul to trigger a check job on -1 vote?
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fungizaro: as of yesterday, if the change has not been tested for at least 48 hours, then yes19:27
fungiany comment left on a change will trigger that recheck19:28
fungithis helps us ensure fairly recent check results for changes under active development19:28
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zulfungi:  hey for the ": Cannot find 'pm-is-supported' in path: No such file or directory" in the libvirt error logs pm-utils needs to be installed (# 1274772) I just fixed it in trusty19:30
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fungizul: oh, interesting19:31
zulfungi:  its listed as a suggests19:31
fungizul: will the pm-utils in precise{,-backports} do or is it going to be in uca?19:31
zulit should do19:31
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fungizul: do we think that's the only known blocker now for switching our ci to current libvirt in uca?19:32
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zulfungi:  except for the nwfilter race as well should be fixed in trusty (then via uca)19:33
fungiand in a related vein, can the libvirt package in uca get a backport of the suggests->recommends/depends patch?19:33
fungi(so apt-get will pull in pm-utils when libvirt is upgraded?)19:34
zulfungi:  if you are using the icehouse pocket (libvirt 1.2.x it will alrready be there)19:34
fungioh, excellent19:34
fungidims: ^19:34
zulwhen i upload it19:34
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fungizul: you're uploading that to precise uca, not trusty uca though, right?19:35
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* fungi can't remember whether icehouse uca is trusty-only19:35
zulprecise-icehouse uca19:35
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zuldoes someone have the bug number for the nwfilter bug?19:39
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mriedemi'm probably behind on the latest gossip, but why did jenkins just 'no score' this?
mriedemzul: nwfilter in use libvirt error?19:40
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mriedemit's fixed19:40
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mriedemzul: see
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1276772 in nova "Instance deletion fails due to race condition on Hyper-V" [High,In progress]19:41
mriedemthe revert yesterday made that drop off logstash19:41
sdaguemriedem: that's the auto recheck feature19:41
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mriedemsdague: auto-what-now?!19:41
mriedemclearly i'm behind on mail19:41
sdagueso reviews without current results are getting auto rechecked when people comment on them19:42
zul is the one i was referring to19:42
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1228977 in nova "n-cpu seems to crash when running with libvirt 1.1.1 from ubuntu cloud archive" [High,Confirmed]19:42
sdagueso we don't have the issue with month old invalid test results pushing things into gate queue19:42
dimszul, fungi , i am trying to build/run the 1.1.1-maint libvirt git tree since this morning it has the patches from Daniel19:42
mriedemzul: ah19:42
mriedemsdague: cool - and that's not bashing the check queue?19:43
sdaguedoesn't seem to be19:43
sdaguewe're set to 48hr freshness right now19:44
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mriedemlike a spring rain...19:44
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zuldims:  if you gimme a couple of minutes i can throw what im working on into a ppa for you until it hits the cloud archive19:45
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zuldims: so you can test it out, etc, etc, etc, etc19:45
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dimszul, the environment is precise with uca - so it has libvirt 1.1.1. will the ppa be 1.1.1 based?19:50
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added clone-workspace publisher
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zuldims:  trusty has 1.2.119:57
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dimszul, understood, all our gate/check jobs are on precise.19:59
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zuldims:  so with the ca enabled it will be with 1.2.1 when its put through the paces19:59
dimsyou mean 'deb precise-updates/havana main' will end up providing us libvirt 1.2.1?20:01
zuloh no i mean precise-updates/icehouse20:03
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zulill see what i can do to get it backported20:03
dimszul, ah ok. thanks!20:04
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fungiclarkb: not sure if you caught it in scrollback, but do you expect bug 1277109 was from one of the handful of servers launched off that failed image build experiment?20:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1277109 in openstack-ci "Job failed to install dependencies - libxml dev package doesn't appear to be installed" [Undecided,New]
clarkbfungi: yes20:10
clarkbthe timestamps seem to line up too20:10
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fungicool, updated and closed out. thanks clarkb20:14
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mriedemis there a way to filter logstash queries based on stable branches only?20:19
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mriedemi want to see if we backported a race bug from master20:20
clarkbmriedem: yes there is a new build_branch field20:21
fungimriedem: AND build_branch:"stable/havana"20:21
mriedemnice, thanks20:21
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mriedemjog0: does e-r report on stable branch patches? not seeing this reporting on
mriedemhmm, logstash isn't finding it either20:23
mriedemon stable/havana at least?20:23
clarkbmriedem: please don't search all time...20:24
clarkbI am going to rip all time out of the options list20:24
mriedemok, 7 days doesn't hit either20:24
clarkbright it won't affect the content of results, but all time is basically go nuts mode for elasticsearch20:25
clarkbwhen you give it boundaries queries are much more responsive20:25
clarkbmriedem: can you link to a log file that should match that?20:25
mriedemok, so back to my main issue - i'm seeing an error we have an e-r query for in a stable/havana patch but it's not hitting in logstash20:25
mriedemwell damn20:26
mriedemi think our e-r query must be busted....20:26
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mriedemi think jog0 and i must have been drunk one night when we changed it...20:26
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mriedemdoesn't matter anyway, stable/havana isn't showing up in logstash for this:20:30
mriedemfilename:"console.html" AND message:"SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner"20:30
mriedembut it's in that log above20:30
clarkband the log is indexed20:31
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Start renaming oslo.sphinx to oslosphinx
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clarkbmriedem: filename:"console.html" AND build_branch:"stable/havana" AND message:"SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner" AND build_uuid:"df2d911e4e674e0088ce3340a208baa4"20:31
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mriedemhmm, why is build_uuid needed to make it work?20:32
clarkbmriedem: I was just using it to filter more, It shouldn't be necessary20:32
mriedemah weird, this works filename:"console.html" AND build_branch:"stable/havana" AND message:"SSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner"20:33
mriedemit seems that ordering of the filters matters?20:33
clarkbmaybe? that would be weird20:33
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mriedemclarkb: well now this is working for me: message:"raise SSHException(\'Error reading SSH protocol banner\' + str(x))" AND filename:"console.html" AND build_branch:"stable/havana"20:35
russellboops, looks like we have gantt in the integrated gate ... probably should take it out for now20:35
mriedemclarkb: did you hit the "pay clarkb today" button?20:36
clarkbno that happens in ~9 days20:36
russellbso how do i get gantt to run run in the main gate queue20:38
russellbit's not worth letting it get in the way of other things right now20:38
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russellbnot* run20:39
clarkbrussellb: we need to edit the zuul layout.yaml fiel so that gantt doesn't share tests with any of the integrated projects20:39
annegentlefungi: or clarkb: or jeblair: requesting a branch of openstack/operations-guide cut from commit 3a86619f1b41b3d41a7ecf05495c1079cab01fc3 what should it be named? It's the one for O'Reilly20:39
clarkbthe tempest tests are probably shared which is why it ends up there20:39
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russellbclarkb: ACK, will do20:40
fungiannegentle: feature/edits maybe?20:40
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
fungirussellb: if gantt wants equivalents of the integrated gate jobs, it can instantiate some from similarly-named but not identical templates, as placeholders until it's graduated20:41
clarkbfungi: russellb: ironic does this with -nv named jobs20:41
fungirussellb: and marconi now20:42
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, fungi, russellb, and savanna already have -nv named jobs20:42
openstackgerritJaroslav Henner proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Enhance project specific parameters example.
fungiright. there's plenty of precedent then!20:42
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Trim down gantt check/gate jobs
SergeyLukjanovfungi, yup, we can now name in standard approach :)20:42
russellbclarkb: fungi thanks!  No need right now, until we actually have variants of those jobs that can use it20:43
russellbbut i've asked the folks working on it to look at doing that next20:44
fungiannegentle: i've created a feature/edits branch of openstack/operations-guide from existing commit 3a86619f1b41b3d41a7ecf05495c1079cab01fc320:46
annegentlefungi: sure20:46
annegentlefungi: and thanks!20:46
fungiannegentle: we'll presumably want to set up an acl to allow merging between that branch and master20:47
annegentlefungi: yes!20:47
annegentlefungi: please!20:47
fungiannegentle: but we can address that later when you're ready to try to sync things up if you want20:47
annegentlefungi: it can just be me for now20:47
fungiannegentle: sure thing. i'll put together the acl change for that20:47
annegentlefungi: I'll email O'Reilly now20:47
fungiannegentle: and i'll get you the link to the feature branch workflow documentation20:47
annegentlefungi: also do we need any special ACL for that branch specifically? I don't think that was a requiremen but my memory is fuzzy20:48
fungiannegentle: just for being able to push merge commits to review. for normal change commits it should work similarly to master20:49
annegentlefungi: oh ok, pushing merge commits to review is usually which entity?20:49
fungimerge commits will be needed when the time comes to either import updates from master into the feature branch or fold the feature branch back into master20:49
annegentlefungi: ok, I know we need that bidirectional movement for commits20:49
fungiannegentle: the feature branch merge commit concept is detailed in
openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Delivery Pipeline Plugin
annegentlefungi: who else uses feature branches? nova?20:51
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fungiannegentle: keystone was using them for api v3 i believe, swift for erasure coding, zuul did for gearman support. there have probably been more20:52
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fungiso the workflow has at least been tried out a few times with successful results20:52
annegentlefungi: nice, thanks, hadn't made that connection20:52
annegentlefungi: So glad you guys make these connections for me :)20:53
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openstackgerritTerry Howe proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: Terry Howe added to other files
* fungi connects things all day20:53
clarkbdstufft: greghaynes has a problem downloading ipaddr 2.1.11 from google via pypi. On pypi that release seems to have disappeared. Is this a case of a removed release?20:54
clarkbjeblair: these zuul changes are pretty meaty20:54
clarkb in particular is spinning some gears in my head20:55
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clarkband the one after that is going to take some time20:57
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fungii haven't had time to start looking at it yet, but figure i'll need to be in the mindframe for meaty-meat-pie reviewing21:01
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clarkbfungi: it ramps you up21:01
clarkbthere are a few simple changes, then you get into the slightly more complicated change then bam rip out mergers21:02
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devanandais jenkins not voting for checks now?21:03
openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Delivery Pipeline Plugin
clarkbdevananda: depends on the tests run21:04
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devanandaclarkb: check jobs finished ~2hr ago, i don't see another in the queue, but there's no +1/-121:05
clarkbdevananda: kill all drafts with fire21:05
clarkbyes I believe thta is a draft change21:05
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clarkbwhich is why no one can vote on it21:06
devanandaoh jeez21:06
devanandaStatus: review in progress....21:06
devanandait would be great if the status said "draft" or something21:06
devanandasorry for the noise21:06
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clarkbdevananda: they are supposed to be secure ish21:07
clarkbI think the idea is you don't want to leak state21:07
clarkbbut it does so anyways21:08
devanandayea, i get the draft thing, just forget to look for that litte "(draft)" tag on each rev, and given that you guys changed jenkins yesterday, my mind jumped to maybe-its-related21:09
devanandarather than thinking "look for taht wierd draft thing"21:09
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fungialways be on the lookout for that wierd draft thing21:12
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openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: added missing blank line
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Fix the regex for setting topic
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
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openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Delivery Pipeline Plugin
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clarkbjhesketh_: morning21:34
jeblairclarkb: yeah, to be fair, including docs with the change makes it look a little bit bigger; also there's a git mv of which pretty much doesn't change anything...21:35
jeblairclarkb: but the last one isn't small21:35
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make postgres work on Jenkins slaves again.
clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ should be ready now21:35
jeblairclarkb: let me know if there's anything i can elucidate21:35
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clarkbjeblair: I am writing notes as I go, one of the earlier changes has questions21:35
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add http(s) protocol support to set_hooks_commit_msg
jeblairclarkb: ok cool, i'll do a pass now; looks like there's some verify-1s too21:36
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jeblairjhesketh_: good morning; i just want to let you know the swift stuff is on my radar; i've been looking at bits of it casually and hope to do proper reviews soon...21:37
jeblairjhesketh_: i kind of had to get the merger change out of my system21:37
jhesketh_no worries jeblair :-)21:37
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openstackgerritEli Klein proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added clone-workspace publisher
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow merge commits for operations-guide
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
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clarkbjeblair: I have commented on the full stack at this point21:53
lifelessclarkb: reminder to get me the diagnostic logs21:54
clarkblifeless: thanks21:54
lifelessmy hunch is rate limiting making the batch delete slow21:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make postgres work on Jenkins slaves again.
lifelessso it's waiting a full batch21:55
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jeblairclarkb: thx, i'm working through it now21:56
openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: added support for Environment Script Plugin
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openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: added support for Environment Script Plugin
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lifelessclarkb: how long was the new logging running for ?22:09
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lifelessclarkb: I can only see rax-dfw finishing and starting *once* in that log22:10
lifelessclarkb: which is hours long22:10
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jeblairlifeless, clarkb: i believe two of the rax providers stopped working22:11
clarkblifeless: it was just a handful of hours22:11
clarkbnot very long22:11
jeblairlifeless, clarkb: that may be related to adding the rate limit value to the config22:11
lifelessjeblair: in nodepool (we stopped using it) or externally (it died and we couldn't use it) ?22:11
jeblairlifeless: in nodepool22:11
fungilifeless: it was fairly brief. part of the problem was that the new changes seem to have made the 'nodepool delete' cli a no-op (as far as i was able to observe) and we were hemmoraging pending deletes all over our quotas so when we saw that it wasn't bringing down the delete volume appreciatively, we reverted it all asap22:12
jeblairlifeless: so that could be a related or separate bug...22:12
fungibecause without nodepool delete as a fallback, we really had no way to easily bring the pending delete volume back down far enough as to no longer be starved for nodes22:13
jeblairlifeless: it's possible that changing a rate value in the config would even break nodepool without the delete changes; i think it's untested.22:13
lifelessfungi: ah yes, cli goes in through the path that became nonblocking22:13
lifelessfungi: rolling back was entirely sensible22:13
lifelessI just want to figure out what went wrong enough to either discard the approach or fix it22:13
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fungilimiting the volume of testing so as to leave some buffer/breathing room for deletes to happen seems to have made improving delete performance less urgent, but i still agree it would be nice to improve it22:14
openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: added support for Environment Script Plugin
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make requirement update proposals more robust.
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zaro*** review-dev.o.o will be down for a few minutes for testing ****22:25
lifelessfungi: so its taking up to a minute to go from node to node in the loop cleaning them up22:26
lifelessfungi: I think its the rate limiting22:26
lifelessbecause our deletes are so inefficient22:27
fungizaro: thanks for the heads-up!22:28
fungilifeless: this sounds entirely possible given the behavior we were seeing22:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make queue processing more efficient
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix management queue test errors
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Remove push refs to gerrit feature
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Split the merger into a separate process
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openstackgerritMatthew Oliver proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Nodepool image logs accessible via HTTP
jeblairlifeless: i'm not following: rate limiting should account for no more than 1 second of time between calls; a delete should only take ~3 calls at most, so rate limiting should account for 3 seconds of the node-to-node time22:30
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jeblair(at most)22:31
jeblair(0 seconds if the far end is slow enough)22:31
lifelessjeblair: if there are no other sources of API requests within nodepool22:31
lifelessclarkb: can you extract (for the same time period) /everything/ that mentions rax-dfw ?22:32
clarkblifeless: sure22:32
* fungi is being called to cook dinner, but will read scrollback in a bit22:32
jeblairlifeless: are you suggesting the server builds are impacting it...?22:33
jeblairthat could be the case...22:34
lifelessso, data we have: from before 2014-02-05 20:28:00 (start of log extract) until 2014-02-05 21:32:5 dfw was doing a cleanup22:34
jeblairlifeless: perhaps it's processing all of the build-related requests between each node delete.22:34
openstackgerritMatthew Oliver proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Nodepool image logs accessible via HTTP
lifelessthen it started another at 2014-02-05 21:33:00, and did not finish until after 2014-02-05 23:33:10, (end of log extract)22:34
lifelessthats > 1 hour for the first segment, and > 2 hours for the second22:35
lifelessthat explains why node deletes were not happening fast, because they were picked up on the next cycle22:35
lifelessbut the cycles were meant to be fast22:35
jeblairlifeless: the current approach tries to be fair to all tasks by having each one in a thread, and they all run as fast as possible while the task manager handles their requests in order22:36
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
jeblairlifeless: it effectively serializes the requests across all of them because they all put in their requests at once, and when they get a response, if they are looping, they put in another request which goes to the end of the queue22:37
lifelessjeblair: thats definitely not fair - because python threading has no fairness guarantees on wakeups etc22:37
jeblairlifeless: but the task manager processes them in order22:37
jeblairlifeless: and that _is_ fair22:37
lifelessanyhow, if there were say 130 servers to cleanup22:38
jeblairlifeless: so you end up with something that looks very close to the task manager servicing one request for each thread, for all of the threads22:38
lifelessand we have 3 requests per thats 690 API calls, or 690 seconds at the 1/second default.22:38
lifelessthats mumble 10 minutes which is nowhere near hours.22:38
jeblairlifeless: or in other words, the behavior of the current approach converges on something close to servicing all of the nodes, then servicing them all again...22:39
jeblairlifeless: your approach explicitly puts all of the delete servers in a loop22:40
jeblairlifeless: to try to get roughly the same effect, but possibly with more strict sequencing, in a single thread22:40
jeblairlifeless: that's probably not compatible with the other part of the program still using the other method22:40
lifelessjeblair: and the [not implemented] opportunity to remove a bunch of the api calls22:40
jeblairlifeless: yeah, i'm very keen on that22:41
lifelessjeblair: IIRC there are two other parts of the rest of the program22:41
lifelessignoring template builds22:41
lifelessthere are probes for servers22:41
lifelessand there are spawns22:41
jeblairlifeless: yeah, it's the spawns that i'm thinking about -- that's where you could end up with GetServer calls for every spawning server between each of the node deletes22:42
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jeblairlifeless: (because there are 100 spawn threads all able to submit a task while there is only one delete thread able to submit a task)22:42
lifelessjeblair: we talked about using batch launches possibly22:42
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lifelessjeblair: e.g. ask the provider to create 50 servers at once rather than 50x1 ?22:43
jeblairlifeless: that sounds great22:43
lifelessjeblair: perhaps that would be a safe thing to bring in before the delete work ?22:43
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lifelesssince its strictly a reduced number of API calls (but perhaps the providers are fragile?)22:44
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jeblairlifeless: i think we'd want to be careful that we don't invert the problem22:44
lifelessjeblair: we'd still create N threads22:45
lifelessjeblair: just after doing a single create call22:45
jeblairlifeless: wasn't there a way to check on the status of multiple servers too?22:45
lifelessjeblair: just listServers should do it22:46
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lifelessclarkb: jeblair: visual inspection suggests 90% of rax-dfw traffic was GetServerTask22:47
openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Don't encourage reverify
lifelessI'll poke more closely later. Right now, I have a cloud to build22:48
mikalHey, is an example of gerrit noticing a comment on an old patch and rechecking?22:48
jeblairlifeless: ok.  well, i have the feeling it would be safest to drop the hundreds-of-threads approach for both spawn and delete at once, but perhaps there's a path where that could be incremental22:48
lifelessand meetings and shit.22:48
mikalCause if it is, that's cool22:48
clarkbmikal: yes22:48
mikalclarkb: awesome22:48
jeblairmikal: we hope to remove the 'starting check jobs' spam, but it's required atm22:49
jeblairclarkb: i thought of another in-gerrit way to address that...22:49
jeblairclarkb: if we could remove the vote without leaving a comment (cause really it's leaving the comment that bothers us about that)22:49
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jeblairclarkb: so an api equivalent of the "x" box near the vote in the ui22:50
clarkbI like that22:50
clarkbmight be visually confusingto see things disappear but only for a moment22:50
jeblairclarkb: something to consider if the first idea isn't well received22:50
jeblairclarkb: yes.  s/moment/50 minutes/22:50
jeblairclarkb: also, i think i botched the git rebase on that zuul stack.  it'll take me a few mins to fix.22:51
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zaroclarkb: i'm getting an error when attempting to clone from review-dev.o.o, error is "SSL certificate problem: Invalid certificate chain"23:06
zaroclarkb: only happens when clone with https, works ok when clone with ssh protocol23:07
clarkbzaro: yes, git checks SSL certs, but the one for review-dev is self signed. You need to tell git to ignore bad certs or add the review-dev cert to a trusted list23:07
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zaroclarkb: how is review different in that i don't have to do that?23:08
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zarojeblair, clarkb, fungi: i converted tables on review-dev to utf8 and seems to be working ok, bug 97922723:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 979227 in openstack-ci "convert gerrit's mysql tables to utf8" [Medium,Triaged]
zarowas wondering whether that's something we should do before OR after gerrit upgrade?23:10
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clarkbzaro: we did not pay money for the cert on review-dev23:12
clarkbit uses the self generated snakeoil certs23:12
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fungizaro: there is an envvar you can pass with git to have it ignore cert verification issues23:13
fungigoogle knows it, i just keep losing it out one of the holes in my head23:13
zarofungi: yeah, i think i saw that on google, but was wondering why review and review-dev was different.23:13
fungizaro: right, we generally only get ca-signed certs for production systems. dev systems use self-signed snakeoil23:14
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make queue processing more efficient
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix management queue test errors
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Move the merger to a JSON-compatible API
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Remove Zuul ref replication.
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Remove push refs to gerrit feature
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Split the merger into a separate process
jeblairokay.  jeez.  thanks git.23:15
zarofungi: cool.  any opinion on my question about that bug?23:15
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jeblairzaro: let's make sure to ask mordred about that23:16
fungizaro: oh, utf-8 upgrade23:16
fungiyeah, ask mysql people, but in general i would say before we upgrade (less to convert in case gerrit adds more data) but in general anything added as part of the upgrade is probably ascii anyway so it's still the same under iso-8601 or utf-823:17
jeblairlifeless: sorry if this is a dupe question; but would you say your eta for tripleo cloud is more like some time today or after today?23:18
clarkbjeblair: is the last reconfigured note at the bottom of the zuul status page empty because the html/js is up to date but the running zuul is not?23:20
fungifrom what i gathered, apparently building an openstack (multi-node, non-devstack) cloud from scratch using master branches of everything is a great way to find new bugs ;)23:20
clarkbfungi: I think they are also running on some really flaky mellanox gear23:20
lifelessjeblair: have finally confirmed that trunk of everything works again23:20
lifelessjeblair: so am now doing a single meeting, then bringup23:20
fungilifeless: if it's before i fall asleep, i can get a revert of the tripleo removal from nodepool.yaml pushed through and new images built/nodes launching23:22
jeblairfungi: has someone written that change yet?23:22
fungijeblair: i'll just do that now23:23
jeblairclarkb: yes, that's the case, re zuul.23:23
lifelessfungi: thanks.23:24
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jeblairfungi: oh, revert of nodepool. right.  misread.  carry on.23:24
jeblairwhat i had meant to ask was if someone had written the 'remove from zuul' change23:25
fungijeblair: i'll write that too, in case we end up needing it23:25
fungishould be easy/quick23:25
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Temporarily remove tripleo-ci nodepool provider"
jeblairfungi: sounds good.  let's go ahead and put that in; i'm sure tripleo doesn't want to run all those jobs anyway.23:26
clarkbjeblair: is it ok for me to approve changes like now? or do you have a plan for avoiding merge conflicts in the zuul work?23:28
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jeblairclarkb: i have no plans; aprv at will23:29
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mordredjeblair: ola!23:31
fungiit's a mordred!23:31
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Temporarily stop running tripleo seed/undercloud
mordredzaro: what should you ask me about?23:31
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zaromordred: bug 979227, should we convert gerrit db tables to UTF8 before OR after upgrading gerrit?23:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 979227 in openstack-ci "convert gerrit's mysql tables to utf8" [Medium,Triaged]
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Temporarily stop running tripleo seed/undercloud
mordredthe script works on 2.8 still?23:35
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mordredI'd do it then23:35
mordredor, wait23:35
* mordred sucks23:35
mordred(was thinking about migrating data, not in place upgrade)23:35
clarkbjeblair: doc fix for zuul's rate limiting23:35
mordredstill - if the script works on 2.8 and it looks good, I say do it post upgrade23:36
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zaroi feel like i'm pretty much done with testing gerrit 2.8 upgrade on review-dev so i'm going to stop doing that.  if anyone has concerns or questions go ahead and ask.23:37
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clarkbzaro: were you going to redup the nodepool manifests?23:39
clarkbdoesn't look like that happened23:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Don't encourage reverify
clarkbzaro: I think you want a nodepool.pp and a nodepool_dev.pp23:40
clarkbbasically add a new manifest rather than having different ones23:40
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jeblairmikal: what's the expected outcome of ?23:41
jeblairsdague: ^ ?23:41
zaroclarkb: that wasn't mentioned in the review, but ok. i'll check that out.23:42
clarkbzaro: it was on the previous patchset23:42
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sdaguejeblair: just to stop educating people to do blind reverifies23:42
clarkbjeblair: my interpretation. There were classified bugs that resulted in comments to reverify. Problem is that several of those bugs failed 100% of the time23:42
sdaguewhich they do, way too much23:42
jeblairsdague: but an e-r prompt isn't blind, right?23:42
clarkbso people would just reverify the bug and the gate would explode23:43
clarkbjeblair: correct, but it may classify bugs that are known to just cause trouble23:43
jeblairclarkb: oh, i see23:43
sdaguejeblair: so because a run failed and hit a race, doesn't mean it *only* failed because of that race23:43
sdagueit may have also failed for other reasons23:43
clarkbjeblair: in particular the neutron nbd stuff was a near 100% fail23:43
clarkbwe classified it but neutron devs needed to stop reverifying until the underlying issue was fixed23:44
sdaguehonestly, I still think we should completely remove reverify23:44
jeblairsdague, clarkb: okay; my main concern is that a possble outcome of this is that we provide worse service to developers who don't know they can reverify when it's really okay and create more work for core devs23:44
jeblairand that defititely will create more work for core devs :)23:44
sdaguejeblair: it will23:45
clarkbjog0: is that still a thing?23:45
sdaguehowever, my experience watching this for the last month23:45
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sdaguewe get tons of reverify on patches that can't pass23:45
sdagueby devs23:45
sdagueeven by core devs23:45
jog0clarkb: its a WIP in progress still23:45
sdagueso clearly we've failed in educating people, don't do that23:45
jog0no need to review it now23:46
clarkbjog0: can you WIP it?23:46
jeblairsdague: the require-check change will mitigate that, right?23:46
jog0clarkb: done23:46
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zaromordred: fungi says we should do before upgrade.23:46
sdaguejeblair: maybe23:46
jeblairsdague: (if it can't pass at all, it won't pass check)23:46
mordredzaro: I'm fine either way - I do not think it matters23:46
jog0clarkb sdague: but,n,z is still a think23:46
mordredfungi: why do you think it matters?23:46
sdaguethe hyperv guys just run reverify on any patch in the gate when it gets kicked out23:46
sdaguethey were doing it on merge conflict patches23:47
fungizaro: i defer to mordred on database things. i hardly know how to spell db23:47
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sdagueso honestly, I think there are too many bad actors at this point to police23:47
sdagueand the net effect is worse experience for everyone23:47
mordredfungi: I'm deferring to you23:47
fungimordred: i don't think it matters, which is why i said might as well do it first. might as well also do it last23:47
mordredI COMPLETELY agree23:47
mordredmight as well do it first. might as well also do it last23:47
zarook just need to get on the schedule then.23:48
sdaguebtw, it's nice that incheon airport has free wifi :)23:48
fungii have doubts that any new transforms or data added by the gerrit upgrade will include any data which is non-ascii, so the utf-8 conversion should be basically the same regardless of whether it's before or after the upgrade23:48
jeblairmordred, zaro: has that been tested with a copy of our production db?23:49
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zarojeblair: no, are you suggesting we copy data from prod to review-dev and then convert tables?23:49
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zarojeblair: there is a revert option if there are errors.23:50
jeblairmordred: didn't darragh identify problems with the utf8 upgrade?  did those get resolved?23:51
mikaljeblair: the outcome of that review is just that we don't actively encourage reverify any more23:51
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jeblairmikal: yeah, i chatted with sdague about it.  i'm concerned about increasing core reviewer workload, but not enough to object to it.23:51
fungimikal: the reason for encouraging (well, mentioning) reverify syntax in the comment was because otherwise contributors wander into irc channels or onto mailing lists asking how to get their change resubmitted to the gate. if there's something different we should be telling them, we could in theory do that in the comment too23:52
sdaguejeblair: honestly, I expect it's offset by less unpassable code in the gate, which means less time core folks are babysitting patches23:52
jeblairzaro: i think the upgrade should at least be run on the real data.  testing it with a gerrit is optional.23:53
jeblairsdague: sure, again though, the 'unpassable' code problem should be fixed by requiring check jobs to pass.  that leaves actual passable code, which means _someone_ has to re-enqueue it.  this path heads toward core reviewers doing that work.23:54
mordredjeblair: I believe darragh's concerns were that he wasn't 100% sure that all comment data went right23:54
fungijeblair: zaro: i can copy a mysqldump from review.o.o somewhere (to review-dev even) so it could be tried out23:54
fungiwe have nightlies anyway, so it's just a quick scp away23:54
mordredbut yeah - I agree about running it on copy of prod23:54
mikaljeblair: I think you have a point, but core reviewers are also the ones best positioned to identify if a reverify is the right answer23:55
zarofungi: wfm23:55
mikalI imagine that new devs are going to come and ask a core anyways23:55
jeblairfungi, zaro: we should be careful that we don't have a gerrit start spamming people or anything.23:55
fungizaro: the bigger issue is knowing what to look for in the db as a sign that the conversion was bad23:55
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fungijeblair: right, i didn't mean to load into a running gerrit23:55
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fungicould shut down gerrit service, import the prod dump, run the conversion, look it over, load the -dev backup and then start gerrit again23:56
jeblairmikal, sdague: k.  i'm willing to go along with it.  just consider me cautious and concerned.  :)23:56
jeblairfungi: or just load it into an alternate db23:56
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fungijeblair: zaro: or simply load the dump into a local mysql server23:56
fungijeblair: or that23:56
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zaroi'll check with darragh to see if he knows what to look for.  otherwise i'm clueless.23:57
sdaguejeblair: if I hadn't witnessed so much abuse, I'd be with you. But I ended up pulling 100 patches out of the gate manually during the week of death.23:57
jeblairsdague: look at the check sparkline23:57
fungizaro: mostly it'll be finding places in gerrit where there is arbitrary text (comments, display names, et cetera) which contain non-ascii characters and make sure they end up with the utf-8 equivalents. particularly for codepoints where iso-8601 and utf-8 don't overlap23:58
sdagueit would be nice if the sparklines actually started at y=023:58
clarkbfungi: zaro: you should be able to identify bad strings with a simple python script23:59
sdagueotherwise they are a little hard to tell what's going on, except in a case like this23:59
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