Friday, 2014-02-14

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anteayahappy utc valentine's day everybody00:00
jeblairjog0: since this bug is a behavior change, that suggests: (a) we are doing way more lookups than before (b) they have changed something about their servers (rate limiting/reliability/etc)00:00
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openstackgerritJohn Dickinson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: clean up swiftclient jobs
jeblairjog0: suggestion: determine whether (a) is happening, and if so, is it necessary, or did we do something silly that's causing extra lookups that we should revert00:01
mtreinishsdague: I guess I just don't ever run java if I can help it I didn't realize the syntax was the same00:01
sdagueyeh, that's why I use it00:01
jog0jeblair: ahh00:01
fungijeblair: or c) the recent rise in conficker traffic has started beating their nameservers very, very hard00:01
jog0jeblair: not sure how to figure out if we are doing extra lookups00:02
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jog0fungi: that would be pretty wild of conflicker is hurting our gate00:02
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jeblairjog0: and if it we really are doing the correct number of lookups (and it's huge), then i think we need to do what fungi suggests and add a caching resolver to devstack00:02
mordredprolly not a terrible idea00:02
jeblairjog0: (i think it should go in devstack since it would, apparently, be needed to run tests in some environments)00:03
jeblairfungi: i think i need more time than eod-now to find/fix the gate/re-enqueue bug.  i think we should revert todays layout and logging changes now.00:04
fungijeblair: i confer. we have debug data we can pour over00:05
fungier, concur00:05
fungiwant to propose the reverts or shall i?00:06
jeblairfungi: i'm on it00:06
jog0jeblair: sounds reasonable should i add devstack to that bug?00:07
jeblairjog0: yeah00:07
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert requiring a recent positive check result
jeblairfungi: +3 ^ ?00:08
jog0clarkb: btw I just saw some 502s from elasticSearch00:10
fungiwaiting for check to report before i approve, since, well, you know why00:10
clarkbjog0: may be related to creating the new index for the day as the 0000 hour rolled over00:13
sdaguesorry, catching up, what do we think is impacting us from devstack?00:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Revert requiring a recent positive check result
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove taskflow sqlalchemy 0.9 testing
jog0clarkb: cool just wanted to let you know00:15
fungisdague: devstack-gate/devstack/tempest/grenade might be making lots of dns lookups00:15
sdaguehmmm... could be00:15
sdaguewell we are installing dnsmasq already for nova, might as well configure it for upstream cache00:16
fungisdague: we got a ticket from rackspace about one single-use slave doing so many queries that they configured their resolvers to throttle it00:16
sdaguethat's weird00:16
sdaguethe pypi lookups?00:16
sdagueI guess I could believe that, pip doesn't have a real offline mode00:16
fungisdague: and we have an open bug which is apparently the current highest e-r match about name lookup timeouts00:17
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sdagueanyway, I think it's dinner + beer time here. I'll chat with folks in the morning00:17
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove taskflow sqlalchemy 0.9 testing
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jog0sdague: o/00:24
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update to new hp3parclient
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Updated from global requirements
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harlowja_hi guys, could we get a quick look over (to unblock taskflow reviews)00:30
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove taskflow sqlalchemy 0.9 testing
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add cmd2 for cliff
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add grenade-dsvm-rolling test
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Support grenade-svm-rolling rename to *-partial-ncpu
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Set up opportunistic bare-metal postgres db
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: eliminate false positives for bug 1253482
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harlowja_thx fungi01:03
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Mark resolved queries
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lifelesstestenvs are back online02:27
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amrithwhen I try to "git review" I get an error:02:32
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amrithamrith@amrith-vbox:~/stackalytics$ git review02:32
amrithEnter passphrase for key '/home/amrith/.ssh/id_rsa':02:32
amrithEnter passphrase for key '/home/amrith/.ssh/id_rsa':02:32
amrithfatal: ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information.02:32
amrithPlease review your contact information:02:32
amrithfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly02:32
amrithI checked my profile02:32
amrithI have provided valid contact information02:32
amrithwhere else should I be looking for possible issues?02:33
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clarkbamrith: doe the username shown by `git remote -v` in the gerrit remote match the username in the webui?02:36
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lifelessdoes python-gear automatically reconnect to the server?02:40
clarkblifeless: yes02:40
* lifeless bounces geard02:42
lifelessI'm trying to figure out why we have: 2014-02-14 02:18:35.848 | + ./testenv-client -b -- ./toci_devtest.sh02:42
lifelesswith no further output02:42
lifelesswe have 31 test environments AFAICT02:43
lifelessenough for 10 patches02:43
lifelessthere are only 9 in zuul02:43
lifelessand all are showing that hang02:43
lifelessthat is the broker IP addr02:44
lifelessclarkb: is there a manhole or some way to get a trace of activity ?02:44
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clarkblifeless: 'status' against port 4730 returns the list of jobs, the number of queued instances of each job, the number of jobs being run and the number of workers available for that job02:45
lifelessare jobs the same as endpoints  ?02:46
lifelessI mean02:46
lifelessia job is a named function one can call ?02:46
clarkbsorry I am overloading jenkins terms here02:46
lifelessso I have all the callbacks02:46
lifelessbut not the te function02:47
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lifelessclarkb: can you see attached clients ?02:47
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clarkblifeless: no idea can you netstat for that?02:48
lifelesslockenv is what I'm looking for02:48
lifelessclarkb: not really - I can see connections yes but02:48
lifeless        self.worker = gear.Worker('testenv-client-%s' %
lifelessthat diagnostic02:48
lifelesswould be super useful02:48
clarkblifeless: sorry I am not on machine with keys atm can switch when I finish debugging amrith's issue02:49
lifelessno worries, I'm logged into the broker geard02:50
lifelessjust trying to see whats wrong02:50
lifelessI suspect remaining testenv bug02:50
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lifelessI can at least ssh into the macines02:52
lifelesshah, that ssh key is clearly wrong :)02:53
lifeless'{"remote-operations":"1", "host-ip":"", "seed-ip":"", "node-macs":"52:54:00:31:4c:6e 52:54:00:69:07:a0 52:54:00:d9:ef:c1 52:54:00:7b:19:f2", "ssh-key":"-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE'02:53
lifelessoh, :200 stripped - fine02:53
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lifelesshahahahaha bad broker address02:56
lifelessok this I can fix02:56
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow workers to send back metadata
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fungiamrith: there's some additional detail on troubleshooting cla-related errors like that one in our faq so i'd suggest reading through that first if you haven't already, and then asking any questions it's not answering for you03:15
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clarkbfungi: sorry we mostly sorted ti over there ->03:16
clarkbfungi: is a case of multiple accounts causing confusion03:16
fungiahh. ignore me then!03:16
clarkbthere should be a bug with details from amrith indicating which account should go away03:16
fungiyet another multi-account issue. yay03:16
fungii'll check if you haven't already fixed it03:16
clarkb9664 and 10396 are the ids03:17
clarkbI think amrith is trying to sort out which to keep03:17
lifelessok, we have a lockenv up03:18
lifelessclarkb: one thing gear could do better03:18
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lifelessclarkb: status should show functions for which there are no workers, only requests.03:18
lifelessclarkb: e.g. lockenv 23 0 003:19
fungimy plan for catching up on e-mail real quick and then knocking around for a quiet evening of relaxation has turned into spending all evening not quite being able to believe just how far behind on e-mail i was03:19
clarkbI think that would be an extension to the protocol , maybe a status-extra or just ignore what the protocol says03:19
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clarkbfungi: you are more caught up than me, new device fun is slowing me down03:19
lifelessclarkb: huh, seemed like a bug in the server to me :)03:19
clarkblifeless: that behavior is part of the gearman protocol03:20
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow workers to send back metadata
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clarkbI think (its possible geard just does it wrong)03:20
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markmcclainhmmm…is anyone working on the fact the gate can't merge anything?03:36
amrithclarkb/fungi, I will enter the bug and request multi-account merge. thanks!03:37
amriththere are two more ids ;)03:38
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markmcclainsdague, jog0:
markmcclain70k hits < 4hrs03:46
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jeblairmarkmcclain: it looks like the first occurance is about 3 hours ago.  the images we're running tests on are 0.8 hours old, so this was happening on both the old and new images.03:50
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jeblairmarkmcclain: it seems to affect all devstack jobs and all providers03:51
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markmcclainjeblair: yeah was surprised at how widespread it was03:52
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jeblaircloud-init facter and grub-legacy-ec2 are the only debs that are different03:57
jeblairi wonder if the grub-legacy-ec2 change is related04:01
markmcclainI was wondering the same thing04:02
jeblairmarkmcclain: i have to go now, but i think this is looking to be a non-infra bug so it should be diagnosable and correctible without my help;  hopefully someone waking up now can pitch in on it.  :)04:07
markmcclainjeblair: yeah…I have to head out too.. thanks for digging on it04:08
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StevenKjeblair, clarkb, fungi: So grub-legacy-ec2 and cloud-init are both built from the cloud-init source package, but the 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.10 changes only look to touch smartos04:18
fungi70 thousand hits in less than 4 hours? that doesn't even seem possible04:20
clarkbits not 70k jobs just matches04:21
fungioh, many recurrent lines in each job04:21
fungiyeah, i'm curious to see who fixes what to resolve it, but i doubt there's much we can do... i suppose devstack itself could pin a specific package version04:22
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fungias long as the old version is still retrievable from the apt repos04:23
StevenKfungi: On
fungiStevenK: i believe we hit apt mirrors within our cloud providers04:24
fungiso would probably need to be there04:24
StevenK0.6.3-0ubuntu1.9 is already gone from primary04:24
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StevenKIt's still fetchable from Launchpad04:25
fungino idea how quickly the cloud providers expire previoys package versions from their mirrors04:25
StevenKfungi: It's usually not up to them04:25
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StevenKIf they just mirror what is on their upstream mirror04:25
StevenKAnd I'd be surprised if mirror operators choose to keep expired binaries around, given current mirror churn04:26
StevenKfungi: You can't just dpkg -i it and then hold it?04:27
fungiStevenK: devstack probably could04:28
StevenKThat seems like the wrong layer, to my mind04:29
fungidevstack installs those packages. why would it be the wrong layer?04:29
fungiat least i assume they're in the apts list in devstack, but i'll confirm that04:30
StevenKI thought they were installed into the images04:30
fungino, because different branches of devstack can want different packages installed04:31
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fungidepending on whether it's grizzly, havana or icehouse devstack04:32
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StevenKfungi: I can not find any mention of grub-legacy-ec2 or an install of cloud-init in devstack04:33
fungiyeah, i'm looking as well04:34
fungiunless they're dependencies of something else in the apts lists04:34
fungichecking a setup log to see04:34
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StevenKOn my saucy system, grub-legacy-ec2 has no rdeps04:35
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stevemaranyone know whats going on with the gate failures04:36
StevenKAnd the only rdep of cloud-init is ec2-init04:36
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fungino references to either of those packages in openstack-infra/config or openstack-infra/devstack-gate either04:37
fungistevemar: not yet, but we welcome anyone figuring it out04:37
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StevenKfungi: I think they're both on the cloud image base04:37
StevenKI think they come with cloud-init at least04:37
StevenKBut it's been years since I poked at the cloud image build machinery04:38
fungiseems to just be tempest jobs and not tempest large-ops04:38
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StevenKAnd I don't think I have a local copy of the precise seeds ...04:38
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fungiStevenK: i can't imagine we'd be doing anything to interface with either of those packages if we're not declaring that they should be installed... if devstack/tempest really do anything with them then they can't just assume anyone running those tools will already have either of those packages04:39
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fungiso it could be a red herring04:39
StevenKfungi: Sure, I'm investigating since it was pointed it out that was the only source package that changed04:40
StevenKAnd when it was accepted into -updates fits the timeline04:40
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StevenKfungi: Right, cloud-init and grub-legacy-ec2 are in the cloud image itself --
fungiyeah, both those files were present on a bare-precise node i grabbed04:45
fungiso nothing devstack pulls in would have even ended up on that node type04:45
fungimore important, i think, is to get nova and/or qa devs to work out why it would be causing breakage04:46
fungiwe don't want to prematurely "fix" this from the infra side of things and reduce the urgency of someone looking into the underlying cause04:47
fungibecause whatever this is, it probably just broke for everyone running a devstack with ubuntu unattended updates04:47
fungior worse, everyone running an openstack with ubuntu unattended updates04:47
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fungihaving the gate humming along quietly while the rest of the world burns isn't a great place to focus efforts04:49
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fungigiven the error pattern in the console log for failing jobs, unless i'm looking at the wrong failures it seems like it's tempest tests which rely on launching new nodes and nova not reporting those nodes as launched successfully (over and over and over)04:51
fungiso i concur that if the host copy of cloud-init or grub-legacy-ec2 is being embedded into the cirros images it's launching, that could maybe explain it04:52
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lifelessfungi: cloud provider ubuntu mirrors?04:53
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fungior, rather, inserted into those vms as they're being created04:53
lifelessfungi: therein lies a tae :)04:53
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lifelessfungi: Canonical tries to arrange to run the Ubuntu mirror themselves, as part of the  source-ip-mapped cloud-archive.ubuntu.com04:53
lifelessso you get a geographically local mirror in any public cloud04:54
lifelessfungi: but. politics.04:54
fungilifeless: oh, so is actually just mapping to an ubuntu-managed pool somewhere?04:54
fungi(using http rewrites i guess, since there's probably also non-ubuntu stuff being hosted from that same domain name)04:55
lifelessfungi: no; there's a special dns name for it (I forget what it is) and generally ubuntu cloud images have that04:55
lifelessfungi: and ubuntu have a dns server with public range views on it04:56
fungilifeless: oh, we're not running ubuntu cloud images, necessarily. we're running rackspace (or whatever) images of ubuntu04:56
lifelessit might even be on archive.u.c now,04:56
* lifeless shrugs04:56
lifelessfungi: yes, running the reference image in e.g. aws this happens, AIUI.04:56
lifelessfungi: StevenK: is probably more up to date, or we could ask smoser04:57
fungiin the tripleo-ci cloud we have actual ubuntu cloud images, because you have glance04:57
lifelessfyes :)04:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove taskflow sqlalchemy 0.9 testing
lifelessfungi: erm, yes, but you saw my reference to politics04:57
fungirackspace seems to doctor their images with inconsistent sets of packages, links to their own local mirror package inside rackspace, et cetera04:58
clarkbhave we confirmed the problem is related to those packages? can we throw up a simple devsatck change that downgrades them first?05:00
fungiclarkb: no confirmation has been done. this was just a basic timing correlation i think05:00
clarkbya seems likely just wondering if we had managed to confirm05:01
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clarkbnotmyname: I get removing the py33 job, but isn't swiftclient used in the functional tests?05:04
fungii would think a simple devstack patch to d/l the previous versions of those from archive.u.c and dpkg -i them into the system before starting services05:04
fungiwould be pretty quick to try05:04
notmynameclarkb: because
notmynameclarkb: swift does not use python-swiftclient any more, so the swift functional tests don't even exercise any python-swiftclient code05:06
clarkbnotmyname: gotcha05:07
notmynameclarkb: and the main reason for pulling swiftclient out of swift as a dependency is so that we can do revs of swiftclient with py3 support without pulling in a bunch of transitive dependencies to swift that swift can't possibly use (because swift doesn't support py3)05:07
notmynameclarkb: so ya, it used to be there. you aren't misremembering. the final "remove swiftclient" patch only landed very recently (~ a month ago)05:08
clarkbok +2 from me05:08
notmynameclarkb: thanks :-)05:09
notmynameclarkb: we'll add the py33 stuff back whenever we can actually have a hope of it passing :-)05:10
notmynameclarkb: did you see my note about python-swiftclient releases earlier this afternoon?05:10
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clarkbI saw them, not sure I processed them05:13
clarkbshould I reread them?05:13
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clarkblooks like it went smoothly \o/05:14
fungiStevenK: worth noting, the machines i'm looking at, some of them upgraded grub-legacy-ec2 almost 24 hours ago05:14
fungiso in theory this should have been biting us much, much earlier in the day05:14
notmynameclarkb: just that if everything blows up by the am, maybe cert checking in swiftclient broke something unexpected :-)05:14
notmynameclarkb: although I strongly suspect that won't happen ;-)05:15
fungiStevenK: 2014-02-13 06:36:35 upgrade grub-legacy-ec2 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.9 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.1005:15
fungiStevenK: (that's utc time)05:15
notmynameclarkb: I jsut finished my announce email. I'll send it out tomorrow05:15
clarkbnotmyname: sounds good thanks05:15
StevenKfungi: Hm05:16
StevenKSo about 23 hours ago05:16
StevenKWhy does that now smell of red and herring05:17
fungiStevenK: that was gleaned from the dpkg.log of a random static host, but since devstack does an apt-get upgrade when it starts, it should have been finding it at least that long ago too05:17
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fungiStevenK: do you know whether anyone's compared the pip freeze between failing and succeeding runs? maybe one of our actual dependencies had a new release a few hours back05:21
StevenKfungi: I don't think so.05:22
clarkbswiftlcient! >_>05:22
notmynamewait what?05:22
notmynameclarkb: fungi: StevenK: something I need to look at? swiftclient messing up?05:25
funginotmyname: doubtful05:25
notmynamefungi: FWIW, the swiftclient change happened at Thu Feb 13 2014 16:41:39 GMT-0800 (PST)05:26
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notmynameso about 5 hours ago05:27
funginotmyname: too early for what we're looking for anyway, sounds like05:27
fungioh, pst05:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Quote group names in case of spaces
fungiwell, maybe. seems unlikely it could be involved unless glance is using swiftclient to get cirros images into and out of a swift backing store and the error is bubbling up as vms failing to launch05:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update gerrit project rename instructions
notmynamefungi: I don't know enough about that process to know if it's unlikely or not05:31
funginor do i, i'm afraid05:32
notmynamefungi: eg ?05:32
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notmynamefungi: does it fail on your local devstack? if so, try manually pinning the python-swiftclient version at <2.0 and see if that fixes it. if it still fails, even once, you know that's not the issue05:34
funginotmyname: hmm, that one looks different. what i was looking at was
fungibut anyway, i should shuffle off to bed and leave this to people who have daylight upon them05:35
zarofungi: is it possible to tell gerrit gitprep to clone into sub directory?05:36
clarkbzaro: I don't think so, I believe the git clone $URL . is hard coded. You could probably make it a parameter with a default value of . though05:37
clarkbthen change it for the gerrit jobs05:37
zarook. let me look into that.  buck and gerrit dir needs to be at same level.05:38
fungizaro: well, your job could move the contents of the curdir into a subdir before grabbing buck05:38
fungias an alternative05:39
fungii want to say we have at least one job which does that... maybe the jjb xml comparison job?05:39
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zarofungi: hmm that's a good idea but does that work on subsequent job runs?  because gerrit git prep will run again right?05:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Solve hacking/pbr requirements conflict
clarkbfungi: ^ I just approved a couple gaer changes05:45
clarkbpretty sure we consume that via releases so +205:46
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Remove tox locale overrides
fungilooks like jgriffith opened bug 1280072 against nova for our new gate blocker05:48
fungiclarkb: cool05:48
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fungizaro: i think gerrit-git-prep will blow away and reclone the workspace contents if it can't do a remote update in them, but it's getting late so i could be wrong05:50
clarkbzaro: fungi: yeah it does a git clean -xfd05:51
fungiclarkb: well, git clean won't buy you much if you also move the .git dir, but maybe skipping dotfiles when moving (mv * newdir/) would solve that too05:52
clarkboh right, it starts from scratch if there is no .git05:52
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fungithough you know what, optimizing for reusing this workspace is kinda pointless. this will run on a single-use node anyway05:53
clarkboh right05:53
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clarkbzaro: ^ so I woudln't worry about it a whole lot05:55
clarkbsingle use nodes make it mostly unnecessary to worry about the second time a test runs there05:55
fungii would have pushed the change today to switch all other non-sensitive jobs to single-use, but ran out of round tuits05:55
clarkband still making me look bad :P05:56
clarkbtomorrow is going to be a catch up on review day since I think the logstash fires are mostly put out05:56
fungii would love to catch up on review05:56
clarkbI do need to scale back the number of workers per node though and start puppet again, but that is easy05:56
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fungii was staying up to catch up on e-mail so that hopefully tomorrow will be a get-shit-done day not a i-can't-figure-out-what-all-i'm-still-behind-on day05:57
fungiso with that in mind, i'm going to get sleep done, and try to make an early start of it05:57
clarkbgood night05:58
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fungialso need to take the gf out to lunch or something, in honor of j.g. hallmark's pocketbook05:58
fungiassuming the roads are clear enough05:58
clarkbfungi: before you go05:58
* fungi nods05:59
zaroclarkb: good night. thanks.05:59
clarkbfungi: is the mysql permissions thing on slaves fixed? and if so can you point me at what the problem is/was05:59
zaroclarkb: i'll bring the dvd for you tomorrow.05:59
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clarkbzaro: nah its ok I don't need it06:00
fungiclarkb: i think it's fixed now but haven't rechecked. patch was
clarkbzaro: I got it sorted, yazz helped out06:00
clarkbfungi: danke06:00
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix wrong pathname in source/target for ops-guide
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notmynamefungi: StevenK: clarkb: full disclosure. we found an issue with python-swiftclient 2.0. it's now been fixed. finishing up last jenkins test now and then I'll tag 2.0.1. see if that clears up any gate issues07:57
clarkbnotmyname: btw07:59
clarkbif that does fix the gate then ^ should prevent such fails in the futre07:59
notmynameclarkb: yes, absolutely07:59
notmyname(/me is happy that's not in now to help with getting patches landed to fix stuff)07:59
notmynameclarkb: ok, our patch has landed. tagging now. can you rerun some of the failing gate jobs to see if they clear up?08:00
clarkbnotmyname: there seems to be a steady rate of test in the check queue, I think we will know soon enough08:00
clarkb I want to say that test started late enough to pick up the swiftlclient change08:01
notmynameclarkb: I just now pushed the tag08:02
notmynameclarkb: ok, pypi just now got it
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AJaegernotmyname: not yet on
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notmynameclarkb: and I'll be honset :-)
notmynameAJaeger: do you know how long that will take? or is it simply lazy-loaded when needed?08:06
clarkbit is probably an hour out08:06
clarkbbut integrstion tests are from source so no rush08:06
notmynamedoes that mean patches won't pick it up until then?08:06
clarkbthe test I linked should use it08:07
AJaegerclarkb, is there any chance to get my stupid typo fix reviewed, please?
clarkbAJaeger: done08:09
AJaegerclarkb, thanks a lot!08:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix wrong pathname in source/target for ops-guide
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ruby metrics plugin support added
unicellanyone around?08:15
unicellThere're so many gate jobs failed
unicellseems to be caused by VM boot failure with a "qemu: linux kernel too old to load a ram disk“ in n-cpu log08:17
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unicellJust wonder if could some infra change causing this issue?08:18
clarkbunicell read the scrollback. initial analysis is no not an infra change08:19
clarkbbut most of us are either sleeping or should be sleeping so feel free to investigate08:19
openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ruby metrics plugin support added
unicellclarkb: will try to dig into it. free free to sleep. :)08:20
unicells/free free/feel free08:20
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notmynameclarkb: well, it seems that jobs are still failing. ones that should have swiftclient 2.0.108:26
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unicellnotmyname: anything to do with the swiftclient?08:31
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notmynameunicell: I have no hard evidence that any change in python-swiftclient has caused the gate issues. however, there is some suspicious timing with a swiftclient release done several hours ago. a fix was just pushed about an hour ago, though08:33
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unicellnotmyname: this gate failure seems be affecting both nova and neutron side. the earliest failure I can track is about 6 hours ago08:37
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macdomatHi all, re gate job, could it be a re-introduction of in some form (unless you already have the answer!)09:24
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Basic gating and release jobs of openstackid project
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openstackgerritQiu Yu proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Temporarily cap swiftclient version to fix upload error
openstackgerritQiu Yu proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Temporarily cap swiftclient version to fix upload error
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openstackgerritAndreas Rehn proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Delivery Pipeline Plugin
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritQiu Yu proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Temporarily cap swiftclient version to fix glance gate failure
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mikajeblair: regarding the jjb issue I asked, a friend of mine came up with - maybe you want to have a look at that and let us know whether we should take care of submitting that for review in upstream?10:31
therveThe gate seems to be failing with "qemu: linux kernel too old to load a ram disk". Is it a known problem?10:32
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therveunicell, So it's a swift problem which corrupts the ram disk?10:35
unicelltherve: I believe it is the new swiftclient version breaks the glance image upload10:37
unicellthus vm failed to boot with corrupted image10:37
therveNice :/10:37
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tristanCunicell: swiftclient is now using python-requests, this got merged 10 hours ago. I'm trying to understand what's going on...10:56
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tristanCjust did a swift upload of a 40Mo file with the same requests version tempest is using (2.1.0) and it worked11:07
tristanCnow trying to do that with glance11:07
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add jasondunsmore to heat-core
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tristanCalright, I can reproduce the corruption bug on glance download11:16
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apevecafazekas, ping - any ideas about
apevecas ihrachys found libvirtd has issues, but it's not libvirt, it's the same version as day before11:52
apevechow can I see versions of all packages on the test node?11:52
apevecI want to compare Feb 13 (known good) vs Feb 14 (bad)11:52
apevece.g. (Feb13)11:53
apevecvs (failure today)11:54
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afazekasapavec: from the console log:
apevecok found it, dpkg-l.txt11:54
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Refactor REST API to work on top of DB API
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apevecafazekas, no changes in any package version11:56
afazekasthis message can been found in earlier logs11:57
apevecafazekas, ok, that's updated package, but still end dpkg -l shows no diffs between good and bad run11:57
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apevecso it's not power mgmt11:58
apevecso it's qemu: linux kernel too old to load a ram disk11:58
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* afazekas searching for SUCCESSFUL job with this message 12:00
apevecafazekas, there are two linux-image installed in both runs, now which one was running in each case?12:01
apevecis uname -r logged anywhere in devstack?12:02
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apevecafazekas, one diff I noticed: Feb13 node was devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-136779812:09
apevecFeb14 devstack-precise-139199846812:09
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apevecis that from different cloud?12:09
apevecSergeyLukjanov, ^^^ ?12:10
SergeyLukjanovapevec, reading scrollback12:10
apevectl;dr - all tempest periodic jobs failed this morning, trying to figure out why12:11
apevecfrom libvirtd.logo looks like different kernel12:11
SergeyLukjanovapevec, ok, got it12:12
apevecand now gate is failing too
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SergeyLukjanovapevec, anyway thd one more diff is jenkins07 / jenkins0212:13
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apevecwhat is difference among all our jenkins' ?12:14
SergeyLukjanovapevec, it should be no difference ;)12:14
SergeyLukjanovapevec, except slave pools12:14
apevecright, slave where worked yesterday was hpcloud12:14
ihrachyslibvirt machine settings that failed: Anything suspicious?12:14
apevecnot sure which one is today?12:15
markmcapevec, fwiw, it'd be good to file a bug and track your findings there12:15
SergeyLukjanovapevec, due to the12:15
SergeyLukjanov15:53:41]  <apevec> e.g. (Feb13)12:15
SergeyLukjanov[15:54:05]  <apevec> vs (failure today)12:15
markmcapevec, even for 'reverify bug ###' later12:15
SergeyLukjanovboth slaves are hpcloud12:16
afazekas'qemu: linux kernel too old to load a ram disk'12:16
apevecihrachys, please file LP for this, you noticed it first12:16
apevecihrachys, so you get all the glory :)12:16
apevecafazekas, right, that's what kills qemu process12:17
apevecafazekas, but I cannot tell which kernel was actually running12:17
ihrachysafazekas: this message looks like a generic one. same as for pm-is-supported12:18
apevecmaybe I'm blind, but don't see kernel version in kern_log.txt oro syslog12:18
afazekasapavec: if it is not updated:
apevecafazekas, there are two linux-image packages installed12:18
apevechow do you tell which one was running?12:18
ihrachysafazekas: ha, not really:
ihrachyssee Traceback12:19
apevecihrachys, that's obviously fatal qemu error, process exits12:20
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ihrachysapevec: the question is whether 'qemu: linux kernel too old' part is the reason, or just part of the stdout of the failed qemu12:25
apevecyeah, we can't tell, qemu.log is not captured12:27
therveIt's swiftclient bug12:28
tristanCtherve: and the fix is waiting here
therveah cool12:30
ihrachystherve: tristanC: great!12:30
thervetristanC, Should we land a requirements change in the mean time, or do you thing the release can happen quickly enough?12:31
tristanCtristanC: what do you mean by a requirements change ? I think this can be merge quickly, though no swiftcore are available right now12:32
thervetristanC, I mean change global requirements.txt to add swiftclient < 2.012:33
tristanCoups, tab fail, therve: ^12:33
therveTo unblock the gate12:33
apevectherve, from pip-freeze I see tempest is taking swiftclient master12:34
apevecso we need to land the fix12:34
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therveapevec, That sounds surprising12:35
tristanChum, is swiftclient the reason of the 'linux kernel too old' ?12:35
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apevecI guess that qemu message is just side-effect if image is corrupted12:36
thervetristanC, Yeah12:36
afazekasihrachys, apevec: a corrupted guest kernel image can cause similar issues12:36
therveThat's as bad as an error message as you can get :)12:36
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tristanCwe may need to push that requirement change as this is preventing the swiftclient fix to psas12:38
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therveWell if it uses master we're screwed12:41
therveWe may need to force the change in12:41
apevecit used swiftclient branch of the review
apevecso it's failing for some other reason12:44
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apevecERROR: Invalid OpenStack Nova credentials. ?12:45
therve I think12:46
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tristanCtherve: I don't that new error. Seems related to chunk encoding12:55
tristanCdon't understand*12:56
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openstackgerritFlorent Flament proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add ospurge project
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Replace install-deploy-guide-$LANG jobs
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SergeyLukjanovAJaeger, ping14:05
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added send-to options support to email-ext plugin
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: make gate-pycadf-python33 non-voting
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* ttx wonders if there is a simple way to see the gerrit username of someone14:26
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SergeyLukjanovttx, I don't know how do it14:47
SergeyLukjanovttx, I'm always looking on reviewstats and trying to map folk to names specified there14:48
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Support reviewers stats for stable branches
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: good evening! :) When you set up your CI slave nodes for savannah, did you use the jenkins::slave puppet module from openstack-infra/config?14:52
ttxSergeyLukjanov: haha14:53
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ttxapevec, adam_g: see for a version of reviewstats that lets us generate review stats for stable/*14:53
ruhejaypipes: yes we did14:54
ruhejaypipes: here is a link to our ci config
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SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, morning (?)14:55
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: yep, morning :)14:55
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jaypipesruhe: thx, I did not know about that script. Interesting to see similarities between it and
jaypipesruhe: I think this might be the piece I am missing:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable py26 tests for storyboard
jaypipesruhe: I am getting this on the jenkins master when adding a new node with SSH key containing master private key:
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jaypipesruhe: and the slave has the private key in /home/jenkins/.ssh/id_rsa15:00
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jaypipesruhe: so I'm wondering if it's a known_hosts issue or something (but I installed the no-host-key-checking jenkinsuser.pp module on the slave, so that should not matter, right?15:00
ruhejaypipes: yes, you need to override jenkins public keys in puppet scripts. otherwise the one from will be used15:03
jaypipesruhe: doh. that's probably it :) ty sir.15:04
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ruhejaypipes: also you need to use credentials-id in nodepool config to pass key for slave nodes15:04
jaypipesruhe: I'm not using nodepool (yet). Just creating the node manually in jenkins for now.15:05
ruhejaypipes: which means you need to manually create credentials in jenkins ui and copy credentials ID from url15:05
jaypipesyup, I did that.15:05
ruhejaypipes: oh, ok15:05
ruhejaypipes: you should use it, it's a really good software :)15:06
jaypipesruhe: yes, I know. I just taking things step by step for a tutorial... I'll add nodepool in a bit.15:06
fungittx: i can query it in the database... the new gerrit may have a feature to let you do it in the gui/api15:07
fungialso, glad people figured out what was causing the tempest failures. it was well past my bedtime when they came to my attention15:08
boris-42_sdague pls merge it already 2x+2 and 1x+1 =)15:08
ruhejaypipes: i hope eventually we will not need something like or ; we only need to make puppet modules modular and configurable enough to allow 3rd parties to use them without modification15:08
boris-42_sdague it is blocking work in Rally =(15:08
jaypipesruhe: agreed.15:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Extracted DB API layer
jaypipesruhe: Slave successfully connected and online ... w00t. :)15:16
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fungitristanC: notmyname: we should probably go ahead and merge mtreinish's too once the swiftclient fix gets in15:17
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fungii think it would have prevented this15:17
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notmynamefungi:  likely so. can you join -swift where we're talking about the swiftclient stuff?15:17
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: dequeue abandoned changes
funginotmyname: you bet15:17
notmynamefungi: you coming?15:22
funginotmyname: oh... i joined #swift, no wonder it was so quiet :/15:22
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notmynamestudents with an interest in the future of technology15:23
ruhejaypipes: congrats :)15:23
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hasharholy hell15:36
hasharI managed to write a test for Zuul \O/15:36
mordredhashar: w00t!15:36
hasharthe first version was horrible James commented on it and took me a good half hour to figure out what he was explaining to me :D15:37
fungihashar: congrats! i haven't even done that yet15:37
hasharfungi: I should write some documentation maybe :]15:37
fungihashar: i should read some documentation maybe15:38
hasharZuul test writing 10115:38
hasharfungi: there is none afaik. At least not a high level doc, you get to read the code15:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make python-swiftclient gate symmetrical
fungicode is documentation. c'mon man, this is sparta^H^H^H^H^H^Hfree software!15:39
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo in openstack-install-deploy-guide-{lang} job
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jeblairfungi: good morning15:44
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jeblairhashar: hi there!15:44
mordredlook, it's jeblair15:44
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, morning15:44
jeblairfungi: what's the latest on the qemu thing?15:45
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, mordred: good morning to you too!15:45
AjaegerMorning, here's my weekend wish from the documentation site - a few fixes for our gates: ,, Thanks!15:46
jeblairttx: i found a username recently by finding a change they had reviewed then ran the ssh command "gerrit query ####" which outputs the usernames of people who commented15:47
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hasharjeblair: good morning :]15:48
fungijeblair: fix is being retested here with tempest jobs added to swiftclient gating:
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jeblairfungi: yay we found a hole in the gate!15:49
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fungijeblair: to be fair, we knew about the hole in the gate, and mtreinish had 70378 up for review for weeks15:49
hasharjeblair: I finished tests for Zuul abandoned changes :-D   Nothing urgent.15:50
fungiproof that if it's not tested it's broken15:50
jeblairfungi: ++15:50
mtreinishfungi: I've been fighting the "I told you so" urge all morning :)15:51
jeblairmtreinish: i'm sorry i didn't get to that :( i'm personally quite behind on reviews due to firefighting.  you certainly never had to convince me of the value of it.15:51
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mtreinishjeblair: no it's not that I'm not upset it already had 3 +2s15:52
mtreinishI'm behind on reviews myself too15:52
fungii'm partly at fault for wanting to wait for the ptl to acknowledge his awareness of that change being approved15:53
fungibut, um, it's been acknowledged now ;)15:53
jeblairfungi: /win 1215:53
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jeblairwow.  i'm going to eat breakfast and try this "morning" thing again.15:54
fungithat's #-qa for me15:54
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notmynamefungi: seems that all the "problems" here are because of PTLs. go us!15:54
funginotmyname: i should be an honorary ptl in that case. i cause all sorts of problems15:55
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* jeblair votes for fungi as openstack ptl15:57
fungiplatform: i'll technical all the openstacks15:58
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mordredwindow 12 for me is Shrews16:03
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Shrewsyay for knowing order of importance!16:03
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Shrewsmy life will be complete if i make top 1016:04
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mordredShrews: too bad for you I value knowing your number more than I value maintaining a strict value ordering16:05
fungiShrews: i'm afraid to admit that your window is somewhere in the 40s for me. probably because i lurk in way too many channels16:05
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Shrewsfungi: well i was going to buy you a beer after the meetup next week, but now i must reconsider16:07
fungiShrews: however, if you can overlook that, we should totally grab drinks after the user group meeting next week16:07
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fungihas olaph recovered from the plague finally? he needs to get out more16:08
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Shrewsi think he may have succumbed to snowmaggedon16:08
fungii just acted like a shut-in for several days. finally shoveled some of the ice crust off my walkway so i can go check the mailbox16:09
jeblairfungi: any mail?16:09
fungijeblair: i haven't actually checked yet, just shoveled16:10
fungiat the insistence of the gf. i would have just walked on it, but whatever16:10
jeblairfungi: i think it's safest to just go ahead and sit down and slide.16:11
fungii could... we're on a pretty steep hill... but the mailbox is in the other direction, against the flow of gravity16:12
fungiwell, against the pull of gravity or against the flow of spacetime16:12
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* mordred got a picture of olaph's cow yesterday16:16
anteayaha ha ha16:16
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mordredthat's right16:16
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fungiwas the photo from before or after it was butchered and cooked up all tasty-like?16:17
fungior was it the milk cow?16:18
anteayafungi is 20, jeblair was in the mid-twenties but is now in the 90's due to nick changes and mordred is 2916:18
anteayafungi was just the first one I needed to pm16:18
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fungiglad to know there's an alternate universe where i'm still 20 rather than pushing 4016:19
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anteayaI'm all about alternatives16:20
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olaphthe milk cow.  she sends you all her love16:21
anteayaha ha ha16:21
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fungi says "Offline due to Gearman request"16:45
fungii'm going to reboot it and then relaunch the slave agent on it16:46
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fungiwe have changes hanging in the release pipeline waiting for py26 mirror runs16:46
jeblairfungi: oops, we may have messed up the offline regex in layout.yaml16:46
jaypipesfeedback welcomed from you guys :)
fungidid it somehow match on periodic-mirror-python26?16:47
fungii bet it did... checking16:47
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fungiyep, working on the trivial negative match for it now, and i've onlined it again16:50
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fungigood news is, it won't get offlined until the periodic jobs run again tonight16:50
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fungiso i can fix this after lunch16:50
jeblairfungi: cool.  in other news, i found the problem with the gate-enqueue-after-check thing yesterday.16:50
clarkb:) have fun /me is almost really here16:51
fungithe swift fix is confirmed and at the front of the gate. got to take the gf out to lunch in celebration of st. hallmark's day16:51
clarkbjeblair and wrote a patch I remember reviewing16:51
* fungi will bbiaw16:51
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add jasondunsmore to heat-core
jeblairclarkb: that's a different thing.  :)  this is where it was supposed to enqueue into gate on a +1 from jenkins if there was an approved vote, but it wasn't.16:52
fungijeblair: i will be thrilled to review the fix upon my return, if there are no new fires16:52
* fungi goes up, up and away!16:52
jeblairclarkb: the thing you reviewed was about what happens when there's a -2 verified16:52
clarkbyup, I didnt realize there were two things16:53
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clarkbanyways afk for a short time to un afk16:53
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Re-enable requiring a recent check result for gate
openstackgerritZiad Sawalha proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add satori - Configuration Discovery
jeblairclarkb, fungi, sdague, SergeyLukjanov:  should get us where we thought we were yesterday.17:20
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Re-enable requiring a recent check result for gate
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: i'm going to do some interactive debugging on nodepool that will involve some stop/starts and running it foreground inside of screen.  i'm having trouble reproducing the memory leak locally17:28
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clarkbthe reason that layout change works is zuul checks submittability correct?17:37
jeblairclarkb: yeah, for everything involving the gate pipeline, mentally add "and can be submitted if jenkins votes +2" to all the trigger conditions17:38
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reedhello folks17:43
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reedI'd be glad to help you investigate errors like this one for gerrit "fatal: ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information."17:43
reeda user reported it to me but I'm not sure I can help him17:44
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clarkbreed was the user amrith?17:45
reedclarkb, yes :)17:45
clarkbreed: I think we got amrith sorted last night. Last step is amrith should submit a bug sorting out which of the multiple accounts needs to die17:45
reedgot it17:45
reeddamn multiple accounts17:45
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup tooling and jobs for openstack Gerrit ver 2.8 and beyond
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openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Switch over to oslosphinx
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clarkbjeblair: going to push through and get puppet running everywhere18:02
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jeblairclarkb: +218:03
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clarkbthen finish up laptop transition and then code review18:04
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mordredclarkb: btw - I have a script for turning off the trackpad should that be a thing you want to do18:06
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clarkbmordred: I turned it off via xfce settings18:06
clarkbwas simple18:07
clarkbmordred: also ubuntu will use systemd18:07
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notmynamepython-swiftclient 2.0.2 tag pushed to gerrit. should be in pypi momentarily18:08
mordredclarkb: oh wow, really?18:08
mordredSpamapS: ^^18:08
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mordredclarkb: I actually never thought about looking in xfce settings :)18:08
fungiwe have a gate full of mostly green stuff once more18:09
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Upgrade to logstash 1.3.3 and ElasticSearch 0.90.9
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tomheHello, I have a Zuul question: I run tests on embedded target hardware in my check and gate pipelines, but the hardware resources are a bottleneck so I would like to model my projects in layout.yaml so that the hardware verification job only runs if all the host verification jobs pass. Something like "run job c, but only if jobs a and b pass". Is it possible to model such a dependency in layout.yaml?18:12
fungireed: right, in short what happens is that the user ends up with one account tied to their ssh username and another tied to their web session... then signs the cla and submits contact info as the second while their patch submissions get rejected by the first18:12
reedfungi, why does that happen?18:12
fungitomhe: you can run job b if a passes, and then run job c if b passes18:12
fungitomhe: but success criteria can't be grouped for job dependencies easily18:13
jeblairtomhe: see
fungireed: usually the cause is that they sign into gerrit from lp, which creates an account associated with their openid url and pulls in their ssh username based on their lp username, then later they do something which causes launchpad to start using a different openid url (switch e-mail addresses, combine lp accounts, or just plan have more than one lp account)18:14
tomheThanks, that's what i thought.18:14
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fungijeblair: my gut says that the nodepool memory leak is from persisting novaclient sessions to providers, but i have no evidence whatsoever to back that up18:15
jeblairfungi: that would explain my inability to reproduce it with local testing18:16
jeblairit's a _fast_ leak too.18:16
fungiit could just as easily be paramiko not garbage-collection or something like that18:16
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reedfungi, thanks18:17
reedfungi, is there something we can do with the new openid provider to solve this particular issue?18:18
clarkbreed: partially, if merging accounts don't change openids18:18
fungireed: yes, make sure that people don't get more than one openid url, or add an ldap backend and point gerrit at that or something similar18:18
fungibut mainly just keep their openid url stable and all shouldl be well in gerritland18:19
openstackgerritZiad Sawalha proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add satori - Configuration Discovery
fungigerrit likes to autocreate an account whenever it sees a new openid18:19
clarkbfungi: reed: we will still have trouble if people actually create multiple accuonts18:20
fungiand doesn't give the user any way to merge them. it lets you add multiple openids to your account, but you have to know your additional openid urls prior to signing into gerrit wit them, which is sort of cart-before-the-horse18:20
reedfungi, clarkb: we'll have to file a feature request or something against that project to remember that18:20
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openstackgerritZiad Sawalha proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add satori - Configuration Discovery
fungithe launchpad openid provider implementers/maintainers claim (and i can see their point) that the openid itself shouldn't be the unique key for an account. the provider should have a key like username or something, and the consumer application should tell you when you're authenticating with a previously-unseen openid and walk you through creating or combining accounts18:22
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fungibut regardless, that's not how gerrit implemented their consumer layer, and lp likes to spontaneously grow new openids for existing accounts, so they're sort of incompatible implementations18:23
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Change description of oldest reviews
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jeblairi forgot to set the statsd vars before starting nodepool in screen, so the graph is wrong;  i'll fix that on the next restart18:28
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fungiare there good python libraries you can easily import to do memory profiling without heavily overhauling the original source?18:29
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add gerrit-git-prep option to clone into a sub directory
clarkbfungi: python profiling tools don't like threads18:29
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SpamapSmordred: yeah, systemd. What are ya gonna do right? :-P18:32
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fungiSpamapS: start a kilothread on debian-devel called fsck-lennart?18:32
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zarojeblair: wanted to get your opinion on change
SpamapSfungi: well I was going to threaten physical violence too, but somebody stole that idea.18:33
zarojeblair: was wondering if that would be bad?18:33
fungiSpamapS: that idea's older than our species. no use hoping to get the first post there18:34
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clarkball elasticsearch machines are now back to normal puppeting, goign t odo the same for logstash workers and drop the worker count to 2 per box18:35
SpamapSfungi: there are no new ideas, just new applications of the same ideas. :)18:36
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fungi(mostly new and interesting ways of applying threats of physical violence from a hushmail account)18:38
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fungialso, kilothread is one of my new favoritest words. there are not many mailing lists out there which can rival the gigantic alt.flame and alt.cascade threads of old18:40
fungidebian-devel should be forklifted back into usenet18:41
fungi(and i don't just mean through a m2n gateway)18:41
jeblairsince i bet russ already does that18:42
mordredfungi: we should move all of our mailman traffic to usenet18:45
fungijeblair: i'm sure it's served via afs too18:46
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fungimordred: we could certainly refine the oldschoolness of our community that way18:46
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fungiwe can offer to uucp posts in addition to straight nntp18:47
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fungiand offer uucp routing addresses for the mail-to-news gateway18:48
* fungi has sufficiently beaten this dead horse18:48
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove maven usage from api-jobs.yaml
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fungii hate to say it, but i feel like 73418 needs a flowchart for the sanity of all involved19:05
* fungi normally hates flowcharts19:06
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clarkbfungi: is that why you have -1'd? your comments are descriptive not prescribing any changes (just making sure i understand your concner)19:07
fungioh, i forgot to click save when i added to the last comment. fixing19:07
fungino, nevermind, i did19:08
fungithe comment at line 6319:08
jeblairfungi: responded19:08
* anteaya is not a fan of being eaten by a grue19:08
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clarkblogstash workers should be happy now19:10
fungijeblair: okay, that seems fine then. thanks for the schooling19:10
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, fungi, clarkb, sorry, was afk19:12
SergeyLukjanovlooking on 7341819:12
clarkbjeblair: fungi: if yo uguys are ready to keep an eye on zuul I will approve19:14
clarkbI guess I will let SergeyLukjanov have a look too19:14
jeblairfungi, clarkb: thanks to objgraph i have determined that the Config objects are not being gc'd in nodepool; it generates a new one of those each time through the loop.  they have no backreferences.19:14
fungiclarkb: i am19:14
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clarkbjeblair: ouch19:15
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fungijeblair: yeeowch19:15
jeblairit's a start, at least.19:15
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, 2 mins please ;)19:15
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: no rush19:15
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notmynamemordred: jeblair: jog0: fungi:
funginotmyname: thanks@19:16
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, clarkb, fungi, small question - will the check rules be applied before the gate ones?19:17
jeblairnotmyname: thank you19:17
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: in this case yes, order is preserved but it depends on your layout list19:18
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: technically i believe so, but it considers all pipelines for all events and will happily enqueue a change into multiple pipelines if it matches.  so those _should_ be designed to only match either one or the other.19:18
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove maven usage from api-jobs.yaml
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, clarkb, got it, thx19:20
SergeyLukjanov+2 from me too19:20
SergeyLukjanovI hope I understand now how it works19:20
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zarojeblair: was just wondering whether this is a bad idea?
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jeblairzaro: or instead you could cd into the directory before calling it; see the check-dg-tempest-dsvm-full job for an example19:27
jeblairzaro: it uses the experimental-devstack-checkout builder macro19:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Re-enable requiring a recent check result for gate
zarojeblair: you mean call bash script correct?19:28
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jeblairzaro: yep19:29
jeblairzaro: just make a shell builder that does 'mkdir; cd; ggp'19:29
zarojeblair: ok. that seems like a good alternative.  thanks.19:29
jeblairzaro: we still might want to do your idea with ggp; it's a good one.  but this will keep you moving without us having to worry about changing ggp right now.19:30
jog0notmyname: thanks19:31
zarojeblair: cool. i used the copy to subdir after clone workaround in the job, but i like your idea better.19:31
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Change description of oldest reviews
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fungiwhat was the gotcha we determined with using owncloud's "swift" support? there was some significant but non-obvious limitation with it right?19:39
* anteaya tries to remember19:39
* anteaya reads again19:41
anteayain my notes I have that I had to open the gui and add swift from there19:42
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anteayaand at the time i tried that, I was running a version of owncloud that was too old to have that access to the gui19:43
anteayaI have not attempted anything with owncloud lately19:43
anteayait appears owncloud 6 is available now
anteayawhich was the release that was going to make auto config available19:44
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anteayalooking promising:
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Don't offline after periodic-mirror-python26
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup tooling and jobs for openstack Gerrit ver 2.8 and beyond
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fungianteaya: right! we determined that installing and configuring owncloud via puppet wasn't actually doable at the time19:47
funginow i remember19:47
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jeblairconfiguring gerrit via puppet isn't doable.19:48
anteayabut now it looks like it is worth another try19:48
anteayalooks like i have to config a mysql first then the owncloud then enable swift from the owncloud gui19:49
fungijeblair: good point19:49
jeblairespecially if owncloud's config information is stored in a (trove) database, that's fine if some of the bootstrap stuff doesn't live in puppet19:50
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fungiright, presumably that would at least allow us to rebuild it and reconnect it to the old database19:50
anteayaI will see about standing one up and see how much trove/swift we can point at19:50
anteayaI think I got it working with trove last time19:51
anteayayes, looks like the msql is required to fire it up, then we can modify19:51
* anteaya goes back to trying to figure out how to stand up a gerrit with puppet for the purposes of testing manage-projects19:52
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove maven usage from api-jobs.yaml
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Switch over to oslosphinx
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Don't offline after periodic-mirror-python26
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mordredanteaya, fungi: wasnt' there something about the swift support in owncloud not actually being usable for storing the content?20:32
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sdaguejeblair: where do we stand on freshness check?20:33
fungisdague: merged20:33
fungisdague: i'm exercising it at now20:33
fungireverify caused it to restart into the check pipeline20:34
anteayamordred: I don't think I got far enough to find out20:34
fungiwe'll see if it ends up in the gate if/when that succeeds20:34
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anteayamordred: I was instructed to use the gui but couldn't get the text box or button to show up so I could add swift20:35
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sdaguefungi: ok, cool, was wondering about being about to lean on +A on old results and it would trigger all fine20:35
AaronGris there any chance some of the people who reviewed previously could re-check it and maybe merge it?20:37
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fungisdague: should be fine to do so, assuming it works as we intend20:38
fungiAaronGr: i would calculate that chance as being a non-zero value, at least20:39
AaronGrfungi: as would i, given an unknowable future.20:40
fungiAaronGr: i'm hedging my bed slightly, by actually reviewing it20:41
* anteaya wonders how fungi would hedge a bed20:41
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fungianteaya: with very short shrubberies20:42
anteayaand a herring?20:42
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: install gerrit core plugins
AaronGrfungi: you're my new favorite person.20:43
fungiAaronGr: i'll try to fix that misperception soon, don't worry20:43
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.sphinx to oslosphinx
* anteaya hads AaronGr the 'u' he forgot20:46
anteayaI know thou art a canuck20:46
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fungiAaronGr: edumacate me on teh rubies. what does the @ in @certname mean there (in modules/openstack_project/templates/puppet.conf.erb)?20:47
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mordredwow. I missed something20:47
mordreddhellmann: we renamed oslosphinx to oslosphinx?20:47
dhellmannmordred: yes20:48
fungimordred: yes, for great justice20:48
mordreddhellmann: what's the tl;dr ?20:48
dhellmannmordred: we didn't have enough going on20:48
AaronGrfungi:  best practice is to @variable vs @variable, to prevent pulling in a global in place of a local afaik20:48
funginamespaces, namespaces, namespaces20:48
mordredIm glad we foudn somethign to make us busy20:48
dhellmannmordred: namespace packages and in editable and production mode do not mix20:48
dhellmannsorry, that first response wasn't actually in response to your question :-)20:48
fungiAaronGr: ahh, so @ signifies a global?20:48
mordreddhellmann: are you just saing "python packaging is broken" using more words?20:49
dhellmannyes, I am being specific about the way its brokenness hit us this time20:49
mordredawesome. I'm so excited about taht20:49
AaronGrfungi: turns out i was wrong:
mordredbtw - I believe we should just start using npm and bower to package our python code20:50
AaronGrsee under referencing variables fungi: t's to prevent collision with ruby method names.20:50
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fungiAaronGr: ah! we should be doing this in many more places, i guess20:51
AaronGrfungi: yep, and there will even be warnings in the syslog on the puppetmaster about it20:51
fungimordred: can't we just put our packages on cpan?20:51
AaronGrfungi: for now, just adjusting what i'm working on, to keep the patch small20:52
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make main savanna dg job 'full'
clarkbfungi: pleia2 has a change up with that addition of @s for fedora puppet20:52
fungiAaronGr: that's fine, just making a mental note to use safer variable reference syntax in the future20:52
clarkbI need to test that somewhere and make sure it doesn't break firewall rules20:52
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fungiclarkb: AaronGr: i'm going to noop test 66072 on the master just make sure puppet doesn't see problems i missed, but otherwise lgtm20:53
AaronGrfungi: thanks!20:54
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clarkbfungi: ty20:55
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clarkbI think I have the most important new machine bits sorted, I am going to dive into review now20:55
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dhellmannI just had a docs job fail because it couldn't install sphinx -- is that something we're seeing a lot of, or is this new?20:56
dhellmannhmm, I wonder if that version # is right20:56
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clarkbfungi: is there a change to have git-review tests reduce concurrency? if not oen of us should write it and have the other review and approve20:58
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clarkbfungi: I think the tsets are more reliable due to some of the other changes that happened so reducing concurrency should get us out of the woods20:58
fungidhellmann: should find 1.1.3 (i see it on the mirror)20:58
anteayaAaronGr: I always believed @variable was an instance variable, am I wrong here20:58
fungidhellmann: though "Cannot fetch index base URL"20:58
fungidhellmann: could be broken network, or static.o.o didn't respond20:59
dhellmannfungi: didn't I hear something about sporadic dins issues?20:59
dhellmannfungi: the patch just after it in the gate passed ok20:59
dhellmannI'll resubmit it in a while20:59
fungidhellmann: we have been seeing a few of those. quite a few apparently. seems to only affect slaves in rackspace too20:59
dhellmannhmm, when I run that command locally I get a weird error about "source_dir must be a directory name" and then it reports the name of a thing that is a directory21:00
fungidns timeouts i mean. in this case not sure if the failure is dns related (pip may be hiding that from us)21:00
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dhellmannyeah, that seems likely21:00
fungiyou know, for kids!21:01
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove maven usage from api-jobs.yaml
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dhellmannthe sphinx error I get locally looks like it is
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fungidhellmann: ahh, yeah, that looks familiar. i forgot how/whether we work around it21:04
fungioh, we pin <1.221:05
fungiand use a new enough pip so as to not automagically install pre-release versions21:05
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dhellmannah, I ended up with 1.2b3 in this environment21:05
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fungicomputers are conspiring against you21:06
dhellmannok, well, I just wanted to verify the docs did build so I ran sphinx-build directly and all is well21:06
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clarkbfungi: want me to push the git-review test reduction change? if I do that can you push it through?21:07
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fungiclarkb: sure21:08
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: do not gate on unit tests, docs, or pep8
sdagueso.... can folks look at that?21:09
sdaguebecause I'm curious if it will have other fall out21:10
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anteayasdague: I too am curious, as I stated in my comment21:12
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Reduce testr concurrnecy to 2.
clarkbfungi: ^21:15
clarkbsdague: looking21:15
clarkbsdague: I think that is all that is necessary less areas where the template isn't used but all of openstack* should use the template at this point21:15
sdagueyeh, spot check seemed sane on that21:16
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sdagueoh, not quite21:17
sdaguehow do I convert something to template?21:17
fungisdague: you want to create a new template, or add an existing template to another project?21:17
clarkbsdague: if you look at say openstack/nova you will see template application21:17
clarkbiirc it is 'templates:\n  - template-name\n'21:18
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fungihowever this can also be implemented piecemeal if necessary. if we miss jobs for a project or two, we can spot those after it's applied and take care of them in a follow-on change21:19
mfischis zuul backed up? I have a commit with a +2 that's just been sitting there since last night21:19
fungimfisch: got a link to the review/>21:19
clarkbmfisch: not that backed, up can you link to the change?21:19
clarkbfungi: :P21:19
clarkbmfisch: jenkins has voted, what were you expecting to happen instead?21:20
fungimfisch: it failed to merge, then you ran recheck instead of reverify21:20
fungioh, it's not approved anyway21:20
fungiright, what clarkb said then21:20
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: do not gate on unit tests, docs, or pep8
sdaguethere are a few other projects which are weird, like heat21:20
mfischI thought +2 was approved, missed that21:21
fungimfisch: so you have a successful check verification from jenkins and positive core review votes from dolphm and bknudson, but no approval21:22
fungimfisch: once a core reviewer for keystone approves that change, then it will be tested again in the gate and (hopefully, if all goes well) merge21:23
mfischfungi: yep, I misconstrued +2 as == approval21:23
mfischthanks and sorry for the noise21:23
fungimfisch: no worries21:23
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clarkbjeblair: fungi: jenkins slave sudoer rights, is that something that should wait for post weekend due to image build delays?21:26
clarkbif we are comfortable pushing that through today I can approve things as I review them. Otherwise will mark votes as appropriate less approvals21:27
fungiclarkb: i'll be around all weekend if we need to undo it21:27
clarkbin that case I will use the go button21:27
jeblairclarkb: we should probably be around for the image build on that; i'd say trigger one now, but i keep restarting nodepool, so lets wait till next week21:27
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clarkbjeblair: unless we want to give fungi a break21:27
clarkbwhich is a very valid thing to do :)21:27
funginext week is fine by me21:28
clarkbok, I have starred the beginning of the stack to remind me where to look next week21:28
clarkbwill review now21:28
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fungiclarkb: i also have a couple changes to git cloning for image builds hanging out there which might want to wait for us to test image building again21:29
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: do not gate on unit tests, docs, or pep8
clarkbfungi: roger21:29
clarkbI think that stuff and zaro's gerrit changes are high on my list21:29
clarkbthen swing around and do chronological review21:30
fungii'm still trying to figure out why puppet agent --test --noop --environment=fungi isn't showing any delta at all on the puppet master (i have 66072 cherry-picked into my dev env)21:30
clarkbfungi: pretty sure it shouldn't right?21:31
clarkbits an in place cleanup so no delta is good21:31
fungiahh, yep. if we *did* have a delta, that would indicate a problem21:31
fungitotally agree21:31
fungiclearly friday afternoon brain cache miss21:31
anteayaanother reason you should take the weekend off21:32
anteayaclear the cache21:32
fungii normally clean my cache with an all-natural grain alcohol21:32
jeblairsdague: then next time you respin that, can you change the commit message?  it asserts some things that i don't think we actually believe (eg, gating on unit tests doesn't make sense).  basically i don't think it's contextualized right.  i'm fine with it being shorter or longer; mostly just different.21:33
anteayafungi: stored in a mason jar, I presume?21:33
fungianteaya: no, but that would be amusing21:33
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anteayasomething to shoot for21:34
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anteayajaypipes: I love that your workbox is called cranky21:39
jaypipesanteaya: heh21:41
jaypipesman... is a beast to download... took almost half an hour :(21:41
clarkbjeblair: please see comments on
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add grenade-dsvm-rolling test
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fungijaypipes: maybe you want
jeblairclarkb: i didn't put revoke-sudo on jobs on long-running jenkins slaves which don't have sudo enabled; however, it does seem like it would be unlikely to hurt, so i could go ahead and add them just for more better future proofing.21:45
jaypipesfungi: nah, this is something in nodepool script... I think.21:45
jeblairso on the nodepool memleak front, i was wrong (user error with objgraph); the problem is not related to config reloads21:46
clarkbjeblair: yeah I was thinking it would reduce the amount of thought cycles needed t odetermine if it is necessary21:46
fungijaypipes: oh21:46
jaypipesfungi: just noticed it was taking a while when executing that script on slave nodes..21:46
jeblairjaypipes: yep.  and we don't use it either.21:46
jaypipesLOL :)21:46
mordredmaybe we should delete the reference to it21:46
jaypipeswell, luckily, it only gets pulled once.21:46
jaypipesand cached...21:46
jeblairmordred: devstack _can_ use it; however, i think since devstack has grown plugin mechanisms, perhaps including that in the default config could be revisited21:47
anteayainstalling it never is faster than installing it once21:47
mordredanteaya: ++21:47
fungijaypipes: also, 73073 and 73076 will probably speed up image builds a good bit too21:47
mordredjeblair: nod21:47
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mordredfungi: any reason to not +A those?21:48
jeblairmordred: we're giving fungi the weekend off21:48
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fungimordred: jeblair is troubleshooting nodepool memory leaks, and we'd probably want to babysit the image builds21:48
mordredjeblair: great reason21:49
fungiwe apparently don't keep enough bare-centos6 nodes on hand... 73715,1 has been waiting on a worker for gate-git-review-python26 for 35 minutes and counting21:50
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1280072
fungishall i bump the minimum reserve?21:51
jeblairfungi: just a sec21:51
fungijeblair: no hurry, just making a mental note that we ought to tune it up21:51
jeblairfungi: well, now isn't the best time to evaluate node starvation because of my debugging21:52
fungigood point21:52
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jaypipesfungi, mordred, jeblair: Here is some output from devstack-based test runs on a slave: . Curious about the sudo issue there... I'm executing devstack-checkout macros and then trying to ./ in the job. How do you solve sudo problems on the Jenkins slaves upstream?21:58
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jaypipesI've installed the jenkins::jenkinsuser manifest which installs the jenkins-sudoers-grep sudoers config, but anything else I'm missing you can think od?21:59
jeblairjaypipes: devstack-precise nodes are contstructed by nodepool with the puppet param to allow sudo21:59
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jeblairjaypipes: unit test slaves do not allow sudo21:59
mordredjaypipes: what jeblair said22:00
jaypipesjeblair: aha... got it. let me pass sudo => true.22:00
jeblairjaypipes: and everything about that is about to change (see,n,z )22:00
jaypipescrap :)22:00
jaypipesthx for the heads up!22:00
jeblairwell, almost everything22:00
jaypipesjeblair: well, looks like those patches actually clean all that up substantially, which is great. when they merge, they merge into my solution, too... so I should be ok.22:01
jaypipes(since i'm using as close to upstream as I could)22:02
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jeblairyeah, the end goal is all slaves start by allowing sudo and then jobs revoke it themselves when not needed22:02
jeblair(this only works for single use slaves; but all our slaves are going to be single use)22:03
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jaypipesgot it. makes sense now that nodepool is responsible for spinning up and maintaining the pool.22:03
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1280464
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Mark resolved queries
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: disable the jeepyb trivial rebase hook on review-dev.o.o
clarkbzaro: ^22:10
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1280072
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1280464
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openstackgerritWalter A. Boring IV (hemna) proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update hp3parclient low version number
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anteayahemna: ah you are walter the fourth22:24
hemna_anteaya, yah22:24
anteayaa buddy of mine is george the fourth, he doesn't go by it though22:24
hemna_King George! :)22:25
anteayahemna_: cool, nice to place a number to the nick22:25
anteayaah, not so much22:25
anteayajust unimaginative family naming22:25
hemna_soren, question regarding my patch actually22:25
hemna_my cinder driver unit tests are still failing because it's using 2.9.2 on the jenkins box22:25
hemna_even though my last patch to update the requirement to <4.0.0 landed22:26
hemna_soren, my latest patch is to update the low number to >=3.0.0 from >=2.0.022:26 has 3.0.0, so I figured it was safe to post the new patch requiring a minimum of 3.0.022:26
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mordredhrm. interesting that it's using 2.9.2 if the irror has 3.0.022:30
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BobBallJust noticed the spike in test nodes... Dunno if it's a problem if if you guys are already aware :)22:32
hemna_mordred, the mirror has both 2.9.2 and 3.0.022:32
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jeblairBobBall: i'm causing it.  :)  friday afternoon interactive debugging.22:33
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BobBallThat's the second best sort of debugging.  The best being four-pint debugging of course.22:34
jgriffithhemna_: I still don't see any value in those external libs at all22:35
mordredBobBall: ++22:36
jgriffithhemna_: I thought you were working on changing that?22:36
hemna_we'll look at removing the unit test dependence on the external lib.22:37
hemna_but probably not until juno22:37
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run all non-sensitive jobs on single-use workers
fungithat's a thing. probably an ugly implementation, but we can refine it22:40
fungiclarkb: the current node starvation in the check pipeline is delaying results for the git-review change, so we can't approve it just yet anyway... i need to pop out and grab some dinner but i can check back in on it later22:41
clarkbfungi: ya no rush22:41
clarkbit is getting late before the weekend after all22:42
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fungioh, 73732 has a typo :(22:42
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run all non-sensitive jobs on single-use workers
fungiall better22:43
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clarkbfungi: left a comment with a question22:46
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fungiclarkb: replied. i can look into it after dinner22:48
* fungi disappears22:48
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update All-Project configuration for gerrit 2.8
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: jobs /win 2222:52
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: replied in review22:52
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sdaguejeblair: sorry, was away for a bit. Because we use a single template, is there any good way to pull those jobs on just integrated projects? Should we make a second template?22:58
jeblairsdague: i think probably a second template; openstack_python_jobs or something22:58
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sdaguejeblair: or, what if there is a gate-on-python-jobs template?23:00
sdaguethen just add that to the projects that want to do that?23:00
sdaguehmmm... actually that's probably more error prone23:00
jeblairsdague: yeah, the other way is following the conventions in jjb too23:00
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clarkbAaronGr: fungi: lgtm, did not approve as I am hoping fungi our fearless tester may be willing to babysit23:01
clarkbif he has ENOTIME let me know and I can babysit23:01
jeblairclarkb, fungi: actually, i want AaronGr to babysit23:01
jeblairclarkb, fungi: which means that we need a puppetboard up first23:01
clarkbI see23:01
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i discussed this with AaronGr recently, it shouldn't be a surprise...23:02
clarkbjeblair: ok23:02
clarkbwill keep that in mind as I review, thanks23:02
jeblairclarkb, fungi: his plan is to make major changes to puppet, which is great, but it's not efficient for us to just tail logs all day seeing if something broke somewhere23:02
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AaronGrjeblair: sorry, i hadn't realized you meant all changes. I'll hold off on any other patches/requests.23:06
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: do not gate on unit tests, docs, or pep8
ewindischI'm seeing automatic rechecks happening after people review patchsets23:07
ewindischI presume that shouldn't be happening?23:07
jeblairewindisch: depends on how old the last recheck was23:08
ewindischjeblair: ah. okay. yeah, the review sat for 3 days from the last check, then sdague gave it a +2 and it rechecked23:08
jeblairewindisch: i think we're currently rechecking things at 72 hours, and then if something is approved, we recheck if its older than 24h23:09
ewindischacknowledged- thanks23:09
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sdagueewindisch: right, this is working as designed23:10
clarkbthe goal being that reviewers always have relatively up to date results so that out of date code that can't get through the gate doesn't end up in the gate23:10
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: remove extra item from listGroups and listProjects methods
anteayaAaronGr: what do you need to get a puppetboard up?23:14
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anteayamy understanding is puppetdb, is that correct?23:14
anteayaand nibalizer was working on that and then hit puppetdb firewall not mixing with our iptables solution23:15
anteayais there something new in that23:15
anteayaor that is where we stand23:15
AaronGrthat's current state afaik23:15
jog0jeblair: when did the 24h rule land?23:15
anteayaso we need an item on next week's agenda to hash out puppetdb firewall meshing with our iptables, correct?23:16
clarkbis puppet db running its own firewall?23:16
anteayano idea23:16
* clarkb thinks puppetdb should be a db not a firewall23:16
anteayathis is what I understand from nibalizer23:16
clarkbnibalizer: ^ poke23:16
anteayaI agree with you clarkb23:16
sdaguejog0: earlier today23:16
sdaguetop of gate is currently reset on a py27 fail in neutron23:17
anteayajust talked to markmcclain about it23:17
sdaguethe bulk of failures I saw earlier today where in unit tests and pep8 (just spot looking)23:17
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sdagueanteaya: yeh, this is mostly in response to jog0's review comments23:17
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anteayahe will talk to nicira vshield people about fixing their races in their unit tests23:17
mordredpuppetdb is running a firewall?23:18
anteayasdague: very good23:18
jog0sdague: were those before or after the 24h patch landed?23:18
anteayamordred: yes, this is nibalizer obstacle de jour23:18
sdaguejog0: after23:18
anteayaor of the week23:18
jog0clarkb: hasn't updated  since yesterday23:18
sdaguethe py27 is23:18
jog0see timestamp23:18
clarkbmordred: anteaya: fungi are we still running manage-projects by hand for those?23:18
anteayajog0: I saw all tests pass on that patch this afternoon23:19
anteayait would have passed check23:19
sdaguethe others were before, but they weren't stale failures, they were races, either inherent or network based23:19
jog0anteaya: which patch?23:19
anteayaclarkb: I think that automatically is back up, though it might fall over23:19
anteayajog0: I watched in the gate this afternoon23:20
clarkbanteaya: thanks23:20
anteayaall green at least once23:20
clarkbjog0: looks like the lock is in place and the crons haven't udpated, did I merge that change?23:20
anteayaclarkb: np23:20
sdaguejog0: also - nova failing on py26, on what looks like a node setup issue23:20
clarkbno I didn't merge that change so cron thing isn't a problem23:20
sdaguecaused gate reset23:20
clarkbjog0: but yeah something died and didn't clean up the lock best I can tell23:21
clarkbwill clean it up23:21
sdagueright now23:21
jog0clarkb: thanks23:21
anteayaand has a dependency, the logging patch23:22
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clarkbhrm maybe it wasn't locked, don't know what is going on23:23
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jog0sdague: so that looks like a new race caused by  taht patch23:24
jog0sdague: that is23:24
jog0anteaya: ^23:24
jog0only one hit for that bug in the check queue and its for that patch23:24
jog0if we didn't have that py27 this would have landed and broke neutron23:25
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jog0erp wait23:25
jog0ignore that, I clicked the wrong button23:25
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jog0sdague: this is  the type of race condition that you don't like, you win this one!23:26
clarkbjog0: not sure what is going on, do they work for you locally?23:26
* jog0 files a neutron bug23:26
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anteayanibalizer AaronGr Hunner: new item on next week's agenda to discuss puppetdb firewall and iptables conflict23:26
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jeblairanteaya: why do we need to talk about that at the meeting?23:27
clarkbanteaya: is that conflict described anywere?23:27
anteayajeblair: well discusion seemed to disolve the other day when nibalizer brought it up23:27
sdaguejog0: I will be very surprised if you look at the fails over python27 in the gate, and > 10% of them were a real issue.23:27
anteayaclarkb: not that I know of, just going by what nibalizer said23:27
clarkbanteaya: was that logged in channel?23:27
sdaguereal issue == caused by that patch23:28
* clarkb googles23:28
anteayaif we can discuss it earlier I am all for it23:28
sdaguethis is why I'm promoting this POV23:28
anteayajust don't want it to not get discussed23:28
clarkbgoogle fails me23:28
jog0sdague: I assume you mean starting since the 24 hour rule landed?23:29
jeblairanteaya: what needs discussing?23:29
mordredclarkb: I should just ignore that puppetdb requires postgres shoudln't i?23:29
clarkbmordred: yes23:29
anteayajeblair: puppetdb has a firewall that interferes with our iptables23:29
sdaguejog0: ever. It's not just a freshness issue23:30
jeblairanteaya: yep, someone needs to solve that.23:30
clarkbjog0: so theory time, elasticsearch upgrade tickles something in e-r?23:30
clarkbjeblair: the all and gate json files are old too23:30
clarkber jog0 ^23:30
anteayaso it felt like to me that nibalizer needed some additional direction about how to proceed23:30
anteayabecause after he announced that I haven't seen him since23:30
jog0clarkb: it failed for me locally23:30
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jog0ValueError: time data u'2014-02-14T16:07:47.718+00:00' does not match format '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'23:31
jog0ahh I know the issue23:31
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openstackgerritKenny Jones proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Updated parse_requirements to align to PIP
jog0I guess not23:32
anteaya timestamp 2014-02-12T00:15:3723:32
sdaguewhat' failing?23:32
jeblairanteaya: i think he has a pretty good grasp of the issues, but if he has something further to ask, i'm sure any of us would be happy to help.  but i think this is a rather vague topic for the meeting.23:32
sdagueon e-r23:32
anteayaI am fine with that characterisation23:32
jog0sdague: timestamp = time.strptime(result.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")23:32
anteayabut not having puppetboard is blocking more and more work23:32
jog0looks like a different timestamp format in ne ES23:33
clarkbjog0: try replace fZ with Z?23:33
anteayaand i have no idea how to address this myself23:33
anteayaso since it is expanding its importance, I feel it needs some airtime23:33
jog0clarkb: there is the new +00:0023:33
jeblairanteaya: then people need to shift priorities.23:33
anteayawhich people?23:33
clarkbjeblair: yeah it gives you timezone23:33
clarkbgah jog0^23:34
anteayajeblair: who and what priorities would you like them to have?23:34
jeblairanteaya: people for whom the lack of a puppetboard is blocking work should probably start working on puppetboard.23:35
jeblairanteaya: i don't get to set priorities for people though.  i'm not their manager.23:35
anteayawell puppetboard isn't blocking any of my work23:35
anteayaI foolishly figured that since I know ruby and rails (or did at one point) that puppet stuff would be something I could understand23:36
anteayabut I don't23:36
anteayait is not a well written tool23:36
sdagueclarkb: is that going to remain constant?23:36
anteayaand doesn't fit any rails conventions23:36
clarkbsdague: it should23:36
sdaguebecause +%z isn't valid in strptime23:36
anteayaso I am happy to not be involved23:36
clarkbsdague: ? /me looks harder23:36
anteayaand can easily remove the item from the meeting agenda23:37
sdagueclarkb: ValueError: 'z' is a bad directive in format '%Y-%m-%dT:%M:%S.%f%z'23:37
sdague%z is what it should be23:37
clarkbright its int te table23:37
clarkbsdague: I guess I don't understand why %z isn't valid23:37
sdagueI don't either23:38
jog0me neither23:38
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jog0clarkb: is it safe to say that the timezone will always be UTC or rather +00:00?23:40
clarkbjog0: yes23:40
jog0clarkb: good23:40
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sdagueit's a platform level issue23:41
clarkbman strftime(3) on status.o.o shows %z23:42
sdaguejog0: the general suggestion is to use python dateutil23:42
jog0I have an ugly hack23:42
jog0patch coming soon23:42
jog0we always now its +00:00 so just hard code23:42
clarkbjog0: that should be fine23:44
sdaguehonestly, why not actually bring in the dateutil parse23:44
sdagueto future proof us here23:44
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jog0sdague: I am fine with that, but don't exepct the timezone to change away from +00:0023:46
sdagueuntil the next upgrade, when it goes back to UTC, or something :)23:46
clarkbjog0: it might be different on other folks' ES23:47
clarkbor that ^23:47
sdagueI have a fix, let me run local unit tests first23:47
sdaguethen I'm calling it a night23:48
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jog0sdague: cool, I have the alternate version23:49
jog0I like how such a simple thing is so hard in python23:52
nibalizeranteaya: hi23:52
nibalizeri haven't made the openstack PR yet, but i've sortof resloved the problem23:53
nibalizeronce is merged, we can pull puppetdb module in from install_modules.sh23:54
sdaguejog0: you have clearly not spent enough time with calendars, otherwise you would realize it is always hard23:54
nibalizerand i've been able to rectify that with openstack_project::base23:54
nibalizerthough not openstack_project::server23:54
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: parse both new and old timestamp formats
sdagueso I'm hitting an issue where time delta subtraction is failing, so I give up for now23:55
jog0sdague: pushing that up just in case, I prefer your solution23:55
* fungi readz all teh scrollbacks23:55
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: wip: partial solution to real date parsing
sdaguejog0: so the top level logic is right23:56
sdaguethe issue is in the facet calculation23:56
sdagueand the math to build histograms23:56
sdagueand, with that, I'm done, time to make dinner23:56
sdaguegood weekend all23:56
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Parse both new and old ES timestamp formats
jog0sdague: o/23:57
jog0sdague: whats missing from your patch?23:59
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