Sunday, 2014-03-02

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mikalanteaya: sorry, wandered off for coffee00:01
* mikal counts00:01
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mikalIts the 2nd of March here (and in Tokyo)00:02
mikalSo, this 4:36pm on 28 February00:03
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mikal>>> age = - datetime.datetime(2014,2,28,6,35)00:04
mikal>>> print age00:04
mikal2 days, 4:28:55.39441600:04
anteayawhat is the timezone of the 4:36pm?00:04
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anteayagerrit server timezone?00:05
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mikal4:36pm was the timestamp on the log entyr on the ryu jenkins, right?00:05
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anteaya log /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/ryuplugin-tempest/workspace/logs/devstack.2014-02-28-00380600:06
anteayaMarch 2, just after midnight tokyo time00:06
mikalOh, well that was only about 9 hours ago00:07
mikalIts March 2 at about 9am in Tokyo now00:07
anteayaand the time of 4:36pm was coming from the gerrit account page for that account00:07
anteayaMarch 1st00:07
anteayais 24 hours worth00:08
anteayaso 24 hours plus 9 hours00:08
anteayasorry February 28 just after midnight00:08
mikalSo 48 hours + 9 hours00:09
anteayaah yes, Feb 28 and March 100:10
anteayafrom this I have a new requirement of 3rd party tests00:10
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anteayaall tests must have a timestamp of the test run in utc time00:10
mikalSounds fair to me00:11
anteayaI still don't know how gerrit is showing that neutron ryu voted -1 on a patch at 4:36pm - I don't know what timezone that time is in00:11
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mikalDid ryu vote twice perhaps?00:13
anteayaI am uncertain00:13
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clarkbgerrit shows you your local time (as stated by the browser)00:17
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding a utc timestamp requirement for 3rd party test logs
anteayaclarkb: is there anyway I can convince gerrit to show me utc time?00:20
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anteayabanix: hi00:22
anteayahow is neutron ryu doing for your patches?00:22
clarkbanteaya: set your browser timezone to utc00:23
anteayaclarkb: I'm looking how to do that00:24
clarkbfor chrom* I think it reads the system timezone. Firefox may make it configurable in the browser00:25
mikalanteaya: a first cut at a CI report for neutron00:25
mikalclarkb: do you have any idea when we might get to a more modern gerrit?00:29
clarkbrsn, fixes pointed out by review dev are mostly in now. We are still sorting out build stuff for newer gerrit though00:29
clarkbonce we have that we should be able to scheduel a time and upgrade00:29
mikalThat would be nice00:30
mikalI'd like timestamps for comments in the event stream specifically00:30
anteayamikal: thank you for that00:30
mikalanteaya: "unknown" means my parser couldn't work out what the vote was, which is generally because its a zero vote comment with non-standard text00:31
* anteaya nods for timestamps00:31
mikalI shall clean those up when I can00:31
anteayamikal: it looks like a good start, thank you for doing this00:31
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anteayaso banix was the dev that told me about neutron ryu failing00:32
anteayaI hope to hear from him if he is still getting -1 votes from a broken ci00:32
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banixanteaya: hi00:33
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banixanteaya: looks like, the Ryu now votes +1 on my patchset; I see the NEC CI voting incorrectly now; I think at some point it was decided that we don't post -1s but that does not seem to have been picked up by everybody.00:35
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anteayabanix: okay I am glad that ryu is voting on your patchset correctly (at least i hope it is correctly) can you please update your email to them and the infra ml with your findings on neutron ryu00:43
banixanteaya; Will do shortly.00:44
anteayaif NEC ci is now voting incorrectly on your patch, please email them and cc the infra ml00:45
anteayafunny I am looking at the NEC account page:
anteayaand I am not seeing any -1 votes for their system00:45
mikalanteaya: we have a report for that!00:46
anteayamikal: can we get NEC added to
* mikal adds NEC to the neutron list00:46
anteayaso ahead of me00:46
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mikalNEC OpenStack CI voted on 260 patchsets (95.24%), passing 214 (78.97%), failing 57 (21.03%) and unparsed 0 (0.00%)00:47
anteayaclarkb: so far it looks like mozilla wants me to change my os time
* anteaya refreshes00:47
mikalNoting that when the report changes it can take a couple of refreshes00:48
mikalAs the web backends take non-zero time to sync00:48
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anteayamikal: you are wonderful, thank you00:50
anteayaI have to run away now00:51
anteayalast night's plans that fell down and made me sad seem to be working out for tonight00:51
anteayabanix: good luck00:51
anteayasee you later00:51
banixanteaya: thanks. good night.00:52
morganfainberganteaya, clarkb, so I briefly talked w/ fungi about monitoring stuff for infra, I'd like to discuss a bit more (e.g. eavesdrop/meetbot and moving to other things as needed) - it seems like we might want some mechanism for monitoring stuff like that beyond "oh it's offline", is there any interest? should i just toss it on the -infra meeting and show up on tuesday?00:53
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morganfainberganteaya, clarkb, mordred, i bring this up because meetbot/eavsedrop was offline a better part of a day last week and while it's not super insanely mission critical, it's a service we all do rely on / enjoy the benefits of having00:53
clarkbI do think more monitoring / alerts would be a good thing. But also stress that I am pretty sure we don't intend on being on pager duty. But having better monitoring will give us info on what needs fixing/attention/replacement/etc00:54
clarkbthat said have you seen how flaky freenode has been lately?00:55
morganfainbergno no i woudn't want that00:55
morganfainbergclarkb, yeah i know :(00:55
morganfainbergclarkb, I don't see a benefit to PD type service, but something that could help us identify issues (especially if it helps save someone hours diagnosing) or making it easy to see that some resource is missing, would be beneficial00:56
clarkbif we want to be super hip we could run sensu00:57
mordredwhat's that?00:57
morganfainbergclarkb, not familiar with it00:57
clarkbmordred: its basically salt with alerts00:57
clarkbbut written in ruby and using amqp00:57
morganfainbergoh interesting00:57
mordredit would be better if it was not in ruby00:57
morganfainbergmordred, ++00:57
clarkbI think AaronGr and pleia2 have had ideas about monitoring stuff00:58
morganfainbergclarkb, do you want me to toss this up on the infra meeting for tuesday and just hang out post keystone meeting? get more eyes on it?00:58
clarkbiirc they both run local home monitoring systems because awesome00:58
morganfainbergclarkb, hehe.00:58
clarkbmorganfainberg: sure, throw it up on the agenda beforehand00:59
morganfainbergcool, will add it to agenda now.00:59
openstackgerritAllison Randal proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adds time-view filter to uncategorized page
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morganfainbergclarkb, added to agenda01:03
morganfainbergclarkb, :)01:04
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morganfainbergmordred, why does everything seem to come back to "<something something cool/usefule> but implemented in Ruby"? :P01:05
clarkbruby makes snse for that sort of thing since dealing with regexes in it isn't terrible01:05
clarkband I bet you use a lot of regexes to monitor all the things01:06
morganfainbergclarkb, sure. but you could make the same argument for perl ;)01:06
morganfainbergclarkb, I guess i am just biased...I like Python01:06
clarkbI have the same bias but python is terrible for dealing with string parsing01:07
morganfainbergclarkb, now let me see if I can refactor the apache stuff in devstack so we can run keystone on port 80 (shared with horizon)01:07
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morganfainbergclarkb, and clean up the icky port issue01:08
morganfainbergclarkb, it's a massive refactor though :( need to change how we build VHOSTS because it has to share the same vhost since we don't really use "hosts" in this case01:08
morganfainbergclarkb, i'll def tag you on the review chain so you can weigh in.01:09
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clarkbyou can have different vhosts if you do loaclhost/keystone or keystone.localhost or something01:09
morganfainbergclarkb, sure. but i wasn't sure if we wanted to need to hack in things to say... hostfile?01:10
morganfainbergclarkb, we kindof rely on everything being IPs or same IP/HOST right now01:10
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clarkbhrm yeah we probably wouldn't want to do that in devstack01:10
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morganfainbergclarkb, i'm looking at making http://<host>/keystone/main go to keystone public and http://<host>/keystone/admin go to admin01:11
morganfainbergclarkb, the hard part is that it mixes up ErrorLog01:11
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morganfainbergclarkb, it would be way better if we had distinct Vhosts.01:11
morganfainbergclarkb, but it doesn't play nice if you want / to go to horizon and same vhost /keystone to be keystone01:11
morganfainbergclarkb, though... would it be terrible to muck with the hosts file in devstack? make it so you always refer to "keystone" and you set keystone IP as a var?01:13
morganfainbergwould even work well for multi-node devstack.01:13
morganfainbergsince you could specify the <ip> that 'keystone' points to01:13
clarkbnot sure, dtroyer and sdague could comment on that01:15
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clarkbyou could default to + 35357 >_>01:15
morganfainbergclarkb, we do that now, don't we?01:15
morganfainbergclarkb, it port issue still occurs01:15
clarkbno I mean the ip address01:16
clarkbas an homage01:16
clarkbis that the right word? /me fails at english01:16
clarkbya thats right01:16
morganfainbergso int( + 3535701:16
clarkbya :)01:16
morganfainbergclarkb, hmm. might actually be best to just support that idea.  use an alternate IP (localhost) for keystone in devstack-gate and also support port 80 httpd for it01:17
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morganfainbergclarkb, ++ i like :)01:18
morganfainbergno host-file mucking really needed then. though, would be easier to do that way)01:18
morganfainbergstill want to fix the way we config apache services, so i'll do that first01:18
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mordredmorganfainberg, clarkb:
morganfainbergmordred, hey, that looks like it makes sensu way easier to use01:24
morganfainbergmordred :)01:24
morganfainbergdon't need to start from scratch with it01:24
jeblairwhat problem does sensu solve?01:24
morganfainbergjeblair, the same as any monitoring software really01:24
mordredjeblair: it's the newer 'hipper' thing to use to monitor things apparently01:24
jeblairmorganfainberg: there's a lot of different monitoring software and they solve different problems01:24
morganfainbergjeblair, right, this seems like notifications of events01:25
jeblairmordred: that hasn't really sold me on it.  :)01:25
morganfainbergjeblair, but the core of monitoring with a "hip" way of notification01:25
morganfainbergjeblair, amqp01:25
jeblairmorganfainberg: who would act on these notifications?01:25
morganfainbergjeblair, i am not sure it's a useful tool for what i see as a benefit to infra.  i think something that can help save hours diagnosing issues would be more useful.  but i never heard of sensu until clarkb talked about it today01:26
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clarkbI just mentioned it as the hip thing. They "sell" it as a replacement for nagios01:27
morganfainbergjeblair, so i'm far from the expert on sensu vs other systems i've used.01:27
clarkbbecause ti fixes a lot of problems that nagios has apparently01:27
jeblairmorganfainberg: i love having tools that help diagnose issues.  we have found cacti to be fairly instrumental in this sort of thing:
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jeblairmorganfainberg: however i'm skeptical of systems like nagios, or sensu, having run them in the past.  they produce quite a bit of noise (unless you spend quite a bit of time tuning them)01:28
morganfainbergjeblair, aye cacti is good. i also think there are some (perhaps) gaps for things such as meetbot etc that should be monitored in a fashion besides "oh look <openstack> left the irc channel01:28
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jeblairmorganfainberg: to my knowledge, meetbot has never died01:29
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morganfainbergjeblair, last week for over a day01:29
jeblairmorganfainberg: meetbot gets on the wrong side of netsplits01:29
morganfainbergjeblair, or it was on the wrong netsplit01:29
jeblairmorganfainberg: right, and that's not a problem that can be solved with monitoring01:29
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mordredwe could run another bot that coudl check to see if it was in the same channel as openstack ... ;)01:29
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jeblairmordred: and run 100 of those and say that if the majority of them are in the same channel as openstack, everything is okay? :)01:30
mordredjeblair: yes01:30
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jeblairso if the problem at issue is that freenode is unreliable, perhaps we should consider moving to oftc instead.  i'd rather fix the underlying problem...01:31
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mordredjeblair: we _could_ configure meetbot to look for you and me and fungi and clarkb and if it's not in the same channel wtih all four of us, to ping the remaining ones01:32
mordredwhich, on the one hand, is a bit crazy - but on the other hand, - if the four of us aren't here, something has gone sideways01:32
* mordred is mostly kidding though01:32
jeblairmordred: i hope :)01:32
mordredI support our new oftc overlords01:32
morganfainbergi'm still shocked that freenode has maintained 127* address space in their RRDNS for chat.freenode / irc.freenode01:33
morganfainbergit really makes it hard to use them sometimes.01:33
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morganfainbergor well, those addrs keep getting added/removed (sure it's for DDOS mitigation but ugh)01:34
morganfainbergnot sure if there is a better way01:34
jeblairmorganfainberg: how interesting, i didn't know they were doing that01:34
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morganfainbergjeblair, that is why people were complaining about freenode being down01:34
morganfainbergjeblair, 127.* takes priority for most connections01:34
jeblairmorganfainberg: no, i mean i knew about the ddos, i didn't know that was one of their mitigation strategies01:35
morganfainbergjeblair, so my client would never connect until i hard-coded a list of "real" servers01:35
morganfainbergjeblair, yeah that was what i heard them say.01:35
morganfainbergjeblair, or at least some people in the freenode channel who seeeeeemed to be an authority01:35
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morganfainbergjeblair, it all happend about the same time as that host that they evicted from the network for adding a +o magic rule for themselves or such01:35
* morganfainberg read something on the blog01:36
jeblairsounds like a class act01:36
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morganfainbergwell it started is back last year around then01:37
morganfainbergbut yeah classy01:37
morganfainberganyway, DDOS etc being "fun" for the network01:37
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clarkbfoundation folk re I think it would be about a billion times more excellent if the winning design was part of the summit swag01:54
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clarkbreed isn't here :( maybe I need a twitter accout just to point that out01:54
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lifelessfungi: / SpamapS: any news?03:58
pcm_Anyone? I'm hitting an issue with tox multiple threads and mocks. Can anyone advise?04:05
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pleia2morganfainberg: yeah, AaronGr and I have talked about getting a nagios instance running but I think we've both been pretty busy, it's definitely something I think we should be doing :)04:11
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morganfainbergpleia2, :)04:12
morganfainbergpleia2, well i toss it on the agenda for infra meeting on tuesday04:12
morganfainbergpleia2, maybe we can work towards it :)04:12
pleia2morganfainberg: that would be great04:12
morganfainbergpleia2, ^_^04:12
morganfainbergpleia2, i am in process of setting up a near mirror to -infra stuffs for CI internal to my company04:13
pleia2morganfainberg: cool04:13
morganfainbergpleia2, mostly because we need to test our code + what we plan to submit upstream04:13
* pleia2 nods04:13
morganfainbergpleia2, so figure if we can combine efforts to define a monitoring footprint04:13
pleia2yeah definitely04:14
pleia2I don't have a good strategy for managing nagios files, at $old_job we used a homebrewed yaml solution04:14
lifelesspleia2: Heat04:15
morganfainbergnagios files suck to manage in ${cms_solution}04:15
pleia2so honestly I haven't looked at what's out there recently04:15
pleia2lifeless: hehe04:15
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lifelesspleia2: no really, we have a nagios element. Of course, it needs love...04:15
morganfainberglifeless, i... */me bows out, no good response*04:15
pleia2lifeless: here yet, or between airplanes?04:15
lifelesspleia2: between planes.04:15
pleia2lifeless: good to know :)04:15
morganfainberglifeless or on a plane? :P04:15
lifelessmorganfainberg: no internet on planes I get, mostly.04:16
lifelessmorganfainberg: trans pacific...04:16
morganfainberglifeless, oh right04:16
morganfainberglifeless, i forgot the _one_ vendor didn't see that as profitable. so they cancelled the service (not that it was widely available)04:16
morganfainbergnext trans-pacific flight i do... will need to be business class04:17
morganfainbergcause i am tired of cattleclass for 10+hrs04:17
lifelessproblem is you need business class or at least premium economy for enough space for laptop work04:17
morganfainbergnot that i have had to do that flight much (HK summit has been the only excuse so far)04:17
lifeless(with most laptops)04:17
morganfainberglifeless, yeah04:17
lifelessmorganfainberg: also preach it, HP fly us cattle :(04:17
morganfainbergawwww :(04:17
morganfainbergdude i'm so sorry04:18
morganfainbergthat is brutal04:18
pleia2I just take sleeping pills and it's over fast :)04:18
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morganfainbergat least for Paris summit, i can stop in NYC for a night (or at least a few hours) and cut the flight in 1/204:18
morganfainbergand stretch04:18
morganfainbergheck, for ATL i'm almost planning a layover :P04:19
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morganfainbergactually prob will just spring for business/first since it's domestic to ATL04:19
lifelesspleia2: Expect Zombie Lifeless on monday.04:20
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morganfainberglifeless, should we head to the winchester, have a cold pint and wait for this to blow over?04:21
morganfainbergzombie apocalypse and all04:21
morganfainberg /shaun of the dead response to all things zombie04:21
pleia2lifeless: me too, I have a cold again! (I'll try to steer clear of everyone)04:22
lifelesspleia2: get a mask04:23
lifelesspleia2: serious - if you have reasonable expectation that you're contagious04:25
lifelesspleia2: basic public health measures - mask, wash hands regularly, 1m space around you, and the likelyhood of infection drops to ~004:26
lifelesspleia2: and *everyone* will be super appreciative04:26
morganfainberglifeless, is 1m enough?04:27
* morganfainberg gets sick infreuqently enough that it's hard to remember these things04:27
lifelessmorganfainberg: yes04:27
lifelessmorganfainberg: I have a friend with bone marrow cancer, name escapes me04:27
morganfainbergi've been "really" sick (e.g. no something like a migrane, which isn't contagious) 1 time in ~5yrs04:27
lifelessmorganfainberg: he has no immune system04:28
morganfainbergnow... it flattented me for 8 days04:28
morganfainbergbut it's rare04:28
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Remove .gitreview
morganfainberglifeless, cool, if 1m is enough for that guy, enough said.04:28
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Remove version constraints in
lifelessmorganfainberg: when combined w/mask and sterigel on hands that is ;)04:28
morganfainbergoh yeah04:28
lifelessyou can get masks cheaply at the chemist usually04:28
morganfainbergsterigel = alcohol stuff, right?04:28
lifelessyeah, squeeze onto hands, washing motion, dries in a few seconds04:29
morganfainberglifeless, yep.04:29
morganfainberglifeless, i am in favor of that stuff.04:29
morganfainberglifeless, how often you travel state-side?04:30
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lifelessmorganfainberg: 3-4 times a year04:36
morganfainberglifeless, ah cool.04:36
lifelesshad a lull recently04:36
lifelessbut there's this trip04:36
lifelessthen in 3 weeks later florida04:36
morganfainberglifeless, hehe04:36
lifelessthen ATL04:36
lifelessthen I'm sure mordred will find something :)04:36
lifelessLynne and I are just debugging Cynthias reaction to my absences at the moment.04:37
lifelessShe gets a little discombombulated, which is stressful all around.04:37
lifelessShe's old enough to know I'm not there, but not old enough to really get 'business trip' as a thing or be patient for my return.04:38
morganfainbergzigo, ping04:41
morganfainberglifeless, ahh04:41
morganfainberglifeless, no one in my life that age, but a ton of friends who have them, and they all know that04:41
morganfainbergzigo, wanted to make sure i'm duplicating SQLA stuff correctly and get that fixed ASAP04:42
zigomorganfainberg: pong04:42
morganfainbergzigo, so for keystone, you're just doing a straight update to 0.9.3 SQLA and trying to run tests?04:42
zigomorganfainberg: Correct. The only thing which broke is migration from 14 to 16, afaict.04:43
morganfainbergzigo, makes me want to smush those migrates down04:43
morganfainbergreally pull a nova and say "no we don't keep pre-H migrations for I"04:43
morganfainbergso i'll fix that test then worry about collapsing the migrations if possible04:44
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morganfainbergzigo, cool easy. let me finish coffee and head to my office (a block away) and i'll get some power and see if i can smush that out for you tonight04:44
zigoCool! :)04:45
zigoI'll try to git review the patches for migrate today as well.04:45
morganfainbergsounds good04:45
morganfainbergzigo, i'll tag you on the review when it's posted04:45
zigoCheers! :)04:46
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lifelessclarkb: are you around by chance?04:47
zigolifeless: There's no .gitreview in sqla-migrate, how do I "Please manually create a remote named "gerrit" and try again" ?04:47
zigo(what's the URL...)04:48
zigoJust adding:04:48
zigois ok?04:48
zigo(obviously, with migrate instead)04:48
zigoproject=stackforge/sqlalchemy-migrate.git ?04:49
lifelesszigo: yes, exactly04:49
lifelessthats covered in btw04:50
zigoOh, my bad...04:50
zigoIt was there.04:50
morganfainbergoh wonderful we can't run test_sql_upgrade in isolation04:50
morganfainbergDatabaseAlreadyControlledError yay i get to unwind that04:51
morganfainbergzigo, do you have a paste of the specific error you have?04:51
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morganfainbergzigo, cool04:53
zigoI have lots of other unicode strings error which would be nice to fix too, but I don't think that's blocking.04:54
morganfainbergzigo, yeah i need to make it so we can run our migrate tests independant of any other tests...alas... so let me work on solving your specific issue first04:54
zigo(and I had them before)04:54
zigoCool! :)04:55
morganfainbergzigo, 2013.2.2 that's Havana right?04:56
morganfainbergnvm i'll just checkout the tag04:57
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zigomorganfainberg: Yeah, because I need patches for havana.05:05
morganfainbergzigo, np.05:05
zigomorganfainberg: Though the issue should be in Icehouse too.05:05
morganfainbergzigo, looking at H first.  icehouse has a far bigger issue w/ that test05:05
morganfainbergand by bigger, i mean... i can't run that test w/o running the entire test suite05:06
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zigomorganfainberg: With SQLA 0.9?05:06
morganfainbergat all05:06
morganfainbergit's a test isolation issue05:06
morganfainberglooks like it cropped up in I sometime05:06
morganfainbergi'll deal with that before we hit RC05:07
morganfainbergactually prob by tuesday.05:07
morganfainbergbut still, separate issue05:07
morganfainbergzigo, i also see an error with test_downgrade_to_005:08
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morganfainbergzigo, do you have a bug ID for this?05:30
morganfainbergzigo, also, you do know that H specifies SQLAlchemy>=0.7.8,<=0.7.99 as the requirement, right?05:30
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morganfainbergzigo, and
morganfainbergzigo, i need a bug id if you have it, justifying the port of this to stable/havana05:40
morganfainbergbut the fix is posted and should solve your concern05:40
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zigomorganfainberg: I don't have a bug ID.05:57
morganfainbergzigo, if you could file one and explain why this is important for both havana and icehouse (grizzly?) that would help get it through05:58
zigomorganfainberg: I do know that Havana specify SQLAlchemy>=0.7.8,<=0.7.99, though this doesn't mean I think it's a good idea to have such specs, when SQLA 0.9 has been released long ago! :)05:58
zigoI don't care Grizzly.05:58
morganfainbergzigo, haha05:58
zigoCurrently filling-up the review patches for -migrate05:59
morganfainbergzigo, well I'll need more than "this is a good idea" to get it into stable/havana, you might get away with a packaging patch file based on the change05:59
zigoSure! :)05:59
zigoWill do.05:59
morganfainbergzigo, but it's posted for you.05:59
morganfainberghopefully it passes (don't see why it wouldn't)05:59
zigoIn fact, I'm ok with package specific patches, as long as Icehouse is fixed.05:59
zigo(and that we start gating on SQLA 0.9)05:59
morganfainbergstill a bug for I would be perfect.05:59
morganfainbergthanks :)06:00
morganfainbergi can abandon the havana one if it's not justifyable (the requirements make it a hard sell)06:00
morganfainbergbut you have the fix :)06:00
zigoMy fixes for -migrate:
zigoTest with current keystone in trunk: <--- shows problems with Keystone db migration.06:06
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zigomorganfainberg: Your patch fails in Jenkins.06:35
morganfainbergthe havana one? it's a transient06:35
zigomorganfainberg: What's that mean?06:36
morganfainbergit is a transient bug, something didn't become "Ready"06:36
morganfainbergwhen it was expected, unreleated to keystone unit tests(s)06:36
morganfainbergi need to chase down what bug to "recheck" against06:37
zigoGot it.06:38
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morganfainbergzigo, if you can comment on the reviews i'll get them updated with the bug id06:55
zigomorganfainberg: Not sure what to add as a comment ...06:55
morganfainbergzigo, just add "bug id for this is <link>"06:55
morganfainbergjust in gerrit, no specific line number06:56
morganfainbergjust will be eaiser for me to find that way rather than hunting through irc logs06:56
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Test for email-ext publisher
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: ArtifactDeployer Plugin support added
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added send-to options support to email-ext plugin
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add attachment pattern expression to email-ext.
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Content-Type can now be set for email-ext publisher
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Delivery Pipeline Plugin
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for python virtualenv plugin
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use venv to build documentation
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: update grenade old fails to stop bug
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: python-dateutil requires six, be explicit about it
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: fix quoting of the filename
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: update grenade old fails to stop bug
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: python-dateutil requires six, be explicit about it
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: fix quoting of the filename
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DeeJay1hi. I have a problem setting up zuul, it seems it cannot read the ssh keyfile and I get an SSHException: not a valid DSA private key file error :(12:18
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zigosdague: What do you mean by "put these in a series"? Is there a series feature in gerrit that I didn't know of?12:59
sdaguezigo: if they are a series in git, that dependency chain with go through to gerrit13:00
zigosdague: I have no idea what you're talking about! :)13:00
* zigo is out for 30 minz, kid's bath ...13:00
sdagueinstead of 4 commits against master13:00
sdaguebuild a branch, make the commits one after another on it13:01
sdaguethen you get something like this in gerrit -
sdaguenote the "Depends On"13:02
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openstackgerritLukasz Jernas proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Periodic documentation build for translators
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openstackgerritLukasz Jernas proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Periodic documentation build for translators
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fungii've taken a stack trace of nodepoold and am restarting/cleaning up after it15:36
fungiseemed not to be successfully building any nodes in the tripleo-ci overcloud15:36
fungiand any of my attempts to perform deletions from the cli met with sqlalchemy lock errors15:37
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, oh15:46
SergeyLukjanovfungi, could it affect other providers?15:46
jeblairi'll go fix graphite15:47
fungiSergeyLukjanov: it didn't seem to be affecting any other providers15:47
fungijeblair: i started to look at the graphite traceback... any idea what the cause is? (no module named timezone?)15:47
jeblairfungi: not sure yet, but we do cd master there...15:48
jeblairi think they may have just bumped their django requirement to 1.415:48
fungioh, master has moved to possibly no longer supporting django 1.3 it seemed15:48
fungiyeah, that15:48
fungiand we currently install django from ubuntu-provided debs. though perhaps precise also has django 1.415:49
jeblairdoes it?15:50
fungii was going to check. no idea yet15:51
fungisomething is wonky with my wireless here, so without going down to my office this is very slow going15:52
anteayaprecise-updates django 1.3.1:
jeblairfiled this
jeblairlooks like it's this commit
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fungiyeah, i'm not finding any django1.4 or similar backports for precise16:00
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clarkbCloud archive may have it due to horizon16:03
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jeblair#status log stopped puppet and manually rolled back graphite-web on graphite.o.o pending resolution of
jeblairso i'm doing that until we see if they want to support 1.3 or if we should upgrade to 1.416:13
anteayathe git blame for graphite's requirements.txt give a timestamp of16:13
anteayafor the django move to 1.416:13
anteayawhy would that only hit us now?16:13
jeblairoh, sorry, we track 0.9.x which lists 1.3 as a requirement16:14
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fungilifeless: SpamapS: after the nodepoold restart, i can see in our debug log that we're frequently getting overlimit errors (OverLimit: Quota exceeded for instances: Requested 1, but already used 100 of 100 instances) and the few that do manage to build never come up/become reachable (Exception: Timeout waiting for ssh access)16:15
jeblairfungi: what prompted you to restart?16:16
fungijeblair: all attempts to delete nodes from the command line failed with sqlalchemy waiting for lock timeout16:16
fungifor the past several days16:16
jeblairfungi: were you trying to delete machines that were already in the delete state?16:16
fungiso i took a stacktrace a little bit ago and restarted16:16
fungithey were in a building state16:17
jeblairfungi: for how long?16:17
jeblairfungi: i think the current timeout for a building node is 8 hours16:17
fungitrying to either switch them to a delete state or delete --now both met with the same traceback from sqlalchemy16:17
fungibut yes, the cleanup thread seemed to be reaping them at the 8 hour mark just fine16:18
fungiand i didn't see similar lock timeouts in the log16:18
jeblairfungi: so i think that's because those nodes all had active threads working on them16:18
fungiso i have to assume nodepoold was locking for update and never released16:18
fungiyeah, makes sense16:18
jeblairfungi: i don't think nodepool has a way to switch a building node to delete16:19
funginodepool delete (the command line) is what i was trying to use to switch them to delete state16:19
jeblairfungi: right, but since there was still a build thread running, there's nothing that would make it stop16:20
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fungibut yes, i didn't seem to be able to forcibly delete them without restarting nodepool to release the lock on one of those records so i could delete and watch it try to build a current node in that cloud16:21
jeblairfungi: so afaict, nodepool was operating correctly, but it doesn't seem to be meeting your expectations...16:22
jeblairfungi: why did you want to delete the currently building nodes?16:22
fungibecause they'd been sitting in that state for hours, and i wanted to try to get it to build one fresh16:23
jeblairfungi: so would you like a shorter timeout for building a node?16:23
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fungiunder normal circumstances, i'm not sure16:24
fungithe tripleo people were begging me to find out why nodepool was not assigning nodes to jenkins from their cloud, and insisting they had everything fixed and back in working order so something must be stuck on our side16:25
fungipretty sure at this point they're wrong16:25
jeblairfungi: oh, i didn't see any of that16:25
fungiit was yesterday/last night, but i only just glanced at a computer for a few minutes, it being teh weekiend16:25
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sdaguedid something hiccup?16:28
jeblairsdague: what?16:29
sdague didn't seem to get assigned anything for tests16:29
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sdagueand it's er, so I expect it to get processed in a couple minutes16:29
sdagueuploaded a review 1.5hrs ago16:29
jeblairfungi: i don't think there's a bug to fix in nodepool.  i'm not sure why those nodes never left the building state, but i think if we want to have nodepool handle more manual interaction (like aborting a build thread while in progress), i think that would be an enhancement16:29
jeblairsdague: i'll check16:30
sdaguejeblair: thanks16:31
notmynameI saw some import errors when trying to do some graphite graphs from openstack about 20 minutes ago. seems to be working now, but ya, it seems something hiccuped16:31
sdaguenotmyname: this would be a different issue16:31
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fungijeblair: okay, thanks. mainly i was just confused and didn't anticipate nodepoold holding a record lock for the duration of the node build. what i was seeing makes more sense now16:31
anteayanotmyname: could you paste your errors?16:31
jeblairanteaya: it's the thing i just fixed16:31
notmynamesdague: not saying they are directly related. just that I too saw something16:32
anteayajeblair: how did you fix it?16:32
notmynameanteaya: I don't have it anymore. IIRC, something about "couldn't import module timezone"16:32
anteayanotmyname: yes it was the same issue affecting
jeblairanteaya: "stopped puppet and manually rolled back graphite-web on graphite.o.o pending resolution of"16:32
jeblairnotmyname: ^16:32
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anteayajeblair: oh okay, I read that but it didn't click, thanks16:33
sdaguefrom an er perspective, it will be very good to get to the end of the week and age out the old results. It looks like about 80% of the uncategorized content is failures in logs we didn't used to index, but started last weekend.16:33
sdagueI think the one remaining log we really need is horizon error log16:34
jeblairzuul doesn't seem to be seeing any gerrit events16:34
notmynamejeblair: I pushed a tag for python-swiftclient a little more than 10 minutes ago. normally it would be on pypi by now, but it isn't yet. should I wait, or is there something else going on?16:34
sdaguebut that will require clarkb to help, because it's a different time format16:34
sdaguejeblair: odd16:34
sdaguejeblair: just recheck?16:34
anteayacheck and gate queues are empty16:34
jeblairsdague: no events16:34
sdaguewell I just ran a recheck no bug16:35
jeblairzuul has 2 established tcp connections to review:29418; review has 3 established connections to zuul16:35
anteayanotmyname: zuul isn't seeing the gerrit event16:35
sdaguestill doesn't seem to pop up16:35
notmynameya, just saw jeblair say that. I'll check in later16:35
sdaguejeblair: yeh, looks like at least 3 changes in gerrit that have been completely missed:,n,z16:36
jeblairthe last event it saw from gerrit was at 14:42:1716:37
* DeeJay1 just uploaded a new patchset - nothing happened16:37
anteayaDeeJay1: yes we are tracking why now16:37
anteayazuul has been deaf for the last two hours almost16:37
sdaguejeblair: actually, 1816:38
anteaya18 hours?16:38
sdague18 reviews with no Gerrit vote since 14:42:17 UTC16:39
sdaguethere's one at 14:4316:39
anteayaI saw changes in both gate and check last night16:39
sdagueso that's a pretty solid indicator16:39
jeblairi think this is probably another half-closed connection like what we saw when rax was having those network issues16:39
anteayawith might have been about 18 hours ago16:39
fungino obvious blips on its cacti graphs16:39
sdagueanteaya: no, it's 2 hrs ago16:39
jeblairparamiko is waiting for a packet16:39
sdague18 missing events16:39
funginoir on the review.o.o graph16:40
jeblairfungi: so i think there's little left to do other than restart zuul.  i think the fix for this is figuring out how to add tcp keepalive to the ssh connection16:42
fungijeblair: greed--i was just lkooking at paramiko's set_keepalive16:42
jeblairfungi: would you agree that the 2 established connections on zuul's side vs 3 connections on gerrit's side points in that direction?16:42
fungiyes, probably an asymmetric connection reset16:43
jeblairrestarting zuul now16:43
fungimisbehaving router between them or something16:43
jeblairzuul and its mergers have been restarted16:44
fungii can retrigger notmyname's tag jobs16:45
notmynamefungi: thanks16:45
jeblairfungi: cool, thx16:45
fungithen after that, i have to disappear. i'm supposed to be cleaning ;)16:46
anteayabest way to spend a Sunday16:46
anteayaif I should be seeing anything on the status page, I am not yet16:46
jeblairfungi: oh, i think we were wrong16:47
jeblairi still didn't see any events in the zuul log16:47
jeblaireven after i left a 'recheck no bug'16:47
fungijeblair: connectivity problems then?16:47
jeblairso i ran "ssh review gerrit stream-events" locally16:47
jeblairit connected, i left another comment, but nothing16:47
jeblairso i think gerrit may actually be at fault16:47
anteayawhy would gerrit suddenly stop streaming events?16:48
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jeblairfungi: same behavior running stream-events on review.o.o connecting to localhost16:48
jeblairls-projects works16:49
jeblairfungi:  ssh review gerrit show-queue16:50
jeblairis interesting16:50
fungii can ping6 -Q0x10 in both directions between them, so it's not our qos/dscp friend16:50
jeblairfungi: have you run the tag command yet?16:51
jeblairfungi: if not, don't16:52
fungii haven't no16:52
jeblairfungi: i'm curious if we 'gerrit kill 9e0a9030' will it become unstuck?16:52
fungicurrently looking at gerrit bug reports about stream-events hanging16:52
jeblairor rather just 'kill 9e0a9030' i think16:53
jeblairfungi: shall i try that?16:53
fungiworth a shot. i was trying to interpret which of the threads was at fault there16:53
jeblairfungi: before i do that, should we look at the javamelody page?16:53
fungithe first 9 of them aren't waiting16:53
jeblairfungi: is that what you are doing?16:53
fungioh, no i was just trying to interpret show-queue16:54
fungii can't seem to find my notes on how to access the javamelody interface for gerrit16:54
fungibased on my reading so far, when all the available stream handler threads are occupied, the others will sit in a waiting state until one is freed up16:56
jeblairfungi: are they all waiting for an ssh write operation to finish?16:57
fungii'm trying to figure that out from the gerrit logs16:59
jeblairthe tracebacks for all of the 'SSH-Stream-Worker-#' threads look like that16:59
jeblair'gerrit show-connections' isn't returning very quickly for me17:01
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jeblairit returned17:02
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jeblairi wish i knew which hosts those threads were trying to write to17:04
fungiyeah, the hash values for them seem to not really be related to those in the queue at all17:06
jeblairfungi: gerrit docs say that tcpkeepalive defaults to true for gerrit's sshd17:07
fungiwhich would cause gerrit to at least tear down dead ssh client sockets, though without keepalive from the client the other end might not be aware still17:08
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fungiwe at least know 98f5ade1 should be dead at this point17:09
fungistarted at 22:26:59, idle 02:24:0917:09
fungicorresponds to roughly when zuul stopped receiving events17:10
anteayawould the number of systems we have connected to gerrit play any role in this?17:12
fungii'm wondering whether queue task 522c096f (the last one in the list which isn't waiting) is at fault?17:12
fungianteaya: no idea... we've got about 70 established ssh connections gerrit knows about at the moment17:12
jeblairfungi: i don't think it's the events that are at fault, i think it's the connections17:13
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jeblairfungi: i think those threads take events from the queue, format them, and push them to the ssh connections17:13
jeblairfungi: and i think they are all trying to do that17:13
jeblairfungi: so i'm pretty sure if we killed one of those processes, it would just get stuck on the next one17:14
jeblairfungi: we can try that if you want17:14
fungiand in theory if we started killing connections, we might eventually find that one in particular un-sticks the remaining tasks in the queue?17:14
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jeblairfungi: except i don't know how to kill a connection17:15
jeblairfungi: only the gerrit task (or thread) (which doesn't map 1:1 to an ssh connection)17:16
jeblairfungi: but if we could destroy connections, yes17:16
fungilooks like hashar saw something similar at wikimedia?
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* fungi really wishes his wireless network would stop flaking out. a neighbor must have started running something on te same frequency today17:22
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anteayatheir bug seems to hinge on the use of apache sshd 0.6.017:25
anteayawhat version of apache sshd is our gerrit using?17:26
jeblairi believe ours is still using 0.5.117:26
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anteayado we have something that automatically closes idle ssh connections?17:27
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fungiwe might have simply had an unfortunate culmination of network issues to trigger a similar symptom17:28
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jeblairfungi: yeah17:28
anteayashould we open a bug to track our findings in case this happens again?17:29
fungiunfortunately they were resolving it with gerrit restarts, which is a fairly hefty hammer17:29
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fungii have no doubt that would clear the situation, but won't help us preserve any pending events and get them sent out to the hung streams17:31
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jeblairfungi: ever used tcpkill?17:34
fungiit's been a while. i think it runs and continues to issue tcp/rst packets for any connecting matching a particular pattern17:37
fungirereading the manpage now17:37
jeblairoh it might not work for idle connections17:37
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fungibut yeah it seems to loop indefinitely and kill all connections matching the given pattern as soon as they arise17:40
anteayaso you can't kill tcpkill?17:43
fungimight be able to use hping to spoof a tcp/rst back to the client17:43
jeblairfungi: i'm about ready to say this isn't worth debugging java deeper, try killing the gerrit task(s), and then restarting gerrit if that doesn't work...17:46
fungiyeah, i was starting to dig into how we might cause a "connection reset by peer" using hping3, but that's getting into the weeds17:47
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jeblairok, i'll kill the top gerrit task and we'll see what happens17:47
fungiat this point we can kill as many of them as we like for experimentation purposes. the gerrit restart's going to do that in the end anyway17:48
jeblairfungi: yeah, they all just shifted up and all 9 workers are still waiting at the same spot17:49
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jeblairfungi: same result with killing the bottom one in the non-waiting stack17:51
jeblairfungi: restart now?17:51
fungii'm zeroing in on ways we might be able to diagnose this better next time, but let's not hold up the boat17:52
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jeblairfungi: installing jstack might be helpful (it's better about diagnosing lock contention), but that would pull in the jdk and LOTS of packages17:52
fungidid you want me to restart it?17:52
jeblairfungi: i'll do it17:53
mordredmorning guys - sounds like a fun morning17:53
mordredbut that it's in hand - anything you want me to jump in on?17:54
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jeblairfungi: if you have the prep for notmyname's tag job handy, i think it's safe to do that now17:55
jeblairfungi: if you need to go, i can do it17:55
jeblairmordred: not that i can think of17:55
fungii'll get it running17:55
openstackgerritLukasz Jernas proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Minor fixes to styling and coherency
DeeJay1seems to work17:56
jeblairsdague: the problem was gerrit; we restarted it.  events were lost.17:56
sdaguejeblair: ok17:56
sdaguewell, at least it didn't happen on a busy day :)17:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: added query for broken rax mirror
anteayadid you want me to recheck no bug this list?,p,002b7a3800012e3f18:00
jeblairanteaya: that would be swell, thanks18:01
funginotmyname: should be all set now. sorry about the delay18:02
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DeeJay1anteaya: hmm, wasn't that this list instead,p,002b681c00012ae718:04
sdague,n,z is actually the right query I think to pick up everything that's left18:05
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sdaguejeblair / fungi: thanks for digging in on a Sunday18:06
jeblairsdague: no prob.  i'm trying to enjoy the wknd, but i also planned to be around to make sure things are in shape for this coming week.18:08
sdagueyeh, honestly, I was sifting through ER data this weekend, I think we're actually in pretty good shape right now18:09
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anteayaI did some on the link I posted and then switched to the link sdague posted18:11
anteayaI may have missed some18:11
anteayaDeeJay1: thanks18:12
fungilooks like the hping3 trick would require some scripted timing to be able to plug in the right seq and ack for the forged packet. also hping3 doesn't support ipv6. to really do this effectively we'd probably need to use something like scapy instead18:12
openstackgerritLukasz Jernas proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Periodic documentation build for translators
* DeeJay1 has a love/hate relationship with zuul after patchset nr 7...18:14
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anteayaI went through the list again, I don't think I missed any that were listed18:29
anteayaI didn't see the swift tag job, I think fungi had gotten to it already18:29
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change operations-guide-jobs to not use maven
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kevinbentonis something wrong with the gate? there was an approved patch this morning that disappeared19:24
kevinbentonbut another patch made it in now so I will need to update the alembic migration script before this can merge19:25
kevinbentoni just want to make sure everything is back to normal if there was a problem19:25
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kevinbentonanteaya: ^^19:28
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clarkbkevinbenton: see scrollback. gerrit was unable to emit events for a few hours and was restarted19:30
kevinbentonclarkb: ok, it's good now, right?19:31
kevinbentonclarkb: because i can't see anything in the gate.
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clarkbkevinbenton: yes it should be fine19:32
kevinbentonclarkb: ok. thanks19:33
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anteayakevinbenton: I see 2 in the gate right now, a cinder and a neutron19:57
anteayaand 74306,12 in check19:58
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notmynamecan someone give me some help on ? console log on the failure is
anteayaNo distributions at all found for pastedeploy>=1.3.3 (from -r /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-swift-python26/requirements.txt (line 5))20:49
notmynameright. but what's the bug?20:49
notmynameI need some invocation to put into the gerrit comment box20:49
anteayadon't forget to throw salt over your left shoulder as well20:50
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SpamapSfungi: thanks for looking into it btw. Not sure we were "begging", but we definitely didn't have insight into why jobs weren't starting/vms weren't being built21:12
SpamapSfungi: I think we found a quota bug where resources aren't being freed ...21:12
SpamapSfungi: if there is somewhere that we can look to see nodepoold's state in the future we won't have to bug you ;)21:15
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SpamapSfungi: btw, I have 9789 deleted ssh keypairs for openstack-nodepool .. I wonder if the quota system has a bug around that (that is the only quota that is 100)21:21
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SpamapSlooks like floating ips aren't working hmmm21:23
SpamapSwell.. l3 agent not running would PROBABLY have something to do with that21:23
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lifelessfungi: thanks21:45
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SpamapSfungi: quotas "fixed" to reflect reality now.. and nodepool seems to be spinning things up22:09
SpamapSfungi: and I can get to SSH on the vms22:09
SpamapSso we may be back "up"22:10
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:43
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jheskethhey anteaya, how's things in Canada?22:43
openstackgerritStefano Maffulli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add track chairs mailing list
anteayakeep having to wear my coveralls when I go outside22:45
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anteayahow are things with you?22:45
jheskethnot bad thanks, summer finished over the weekend though22:46
jheskethbut autumn (or do you call it fall?) is my favourite season so I'm happy22:47
anteayaI like autumn/fall too22:47
anteayaI use both22:47
anteayadid they ever get the shark hunt drum fishing issue resolved?22:47
jheskethnot sure, I haven't heard anything about it22:48
* jhesketh isn't very good at following news22:48
anteayamaybe it was just in perth22:48
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