Wednesday, 2014-03-19

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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run neutron functional job as tempest user
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marunreviews welcome ^^00:01
dstufftmy brain pattern matched d-g stuff with dstufft and I though y'all were trying to get rid of me :[00:02
marunI'd like to see that functional job gating before too long so we can start migrating some of our 'unit tests' over.00:02
* clarkb looks00:02
clarkbdstufft: no we like you00:02
clarkbdstufft: please don't o00:02
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dstufftclarkb: if I go where will I complain about pbr!00:03
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clarkbthats the spirit00:03
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a net-info job builder macro
fungijeblair: clarkb: ^ (i simply added it to every job which had a link-logs macro)00:08
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fungii'll draft a similar patch to rip that out of d-g00:09
fungi(not rip the stuffing out of dstufft)00:09
jogofungi: looks like your right about override branch thing00:10
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Make tools/ take a branch
fungijogo: yay! i'll take whatever small victories the universe flings my way. thanks!00:11
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clarkbmarun: reviewed. left a couple comments that are mostly for my understaning of stuff +2'd00:16
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jogofungi: also passed !00:16
fungijogo: congrats!00:17
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Stop printing network diagnostics
clarkbjeblair: fungi isn't that a noop now? iirc the /opt/git cache stuff is in use on git review hosts00:17
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* clarkb double checks00:18
jeblairclarkb: no, that's the list of projects that devstack-gate is going to manage00:18
clarkboh nevermind we use for PROJECT in PROJECTS to determine what to run setup_project on00:18
jeblairuh huh00:18
clarkbya, its just that there is a comment in saying we should stop doing that once the cache does its thing00:19
clarkbhad me confused00:19
clarkber maybe I am just misreading the comment00:19
clarkbin any case I understand now00:19
jogothats what I based the commit msg on00:20
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jeblairjogo: oh interesting.  there may be a problem then, because you have a default value for that, but it seems that d-g will default that to zuul branch00:21
jeblairjogo: basically, your default value of master will never be used00:21
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fungithat's a good point which hadn't crossed my mind00:21
jeblairjogo: (in cases where runs from devstack-gate)00:21
fungihowever, for changes to the master branch of projects, ZUUL_BRANCH will be master, right?00:22
fungiif so, i think it's moot (and the default is still potentially useful if someone runs this outside of a d-g context)00:23
jeblairfungi: yes.  i think i agree with all of that.00:23
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jogoyeah that is why I added a default, so if ron outside of d-g context00:24
jogoso the catch with all this is I haven't tested any of it ...00:24
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fungithe summary is that we want this script to use the branch of openstack/requirements which matches the branch of whatever change is being tested on a project, rather than always assuming master even when testing changes to not-master. i think the fix there should do what we want00:25
jeblairfungi: moreover, for changes to stable branches, the default in d-g will set it to be the stable branch (not master, as one might expect from the pbr change)00:25
jeblairfungi: at least, for the main job (rather than the stable cross-check jobs)00:25
jeblairfungi: agreed00:25
funginow let's just hope it works like we expect ;)00:26
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fungithe reason i suggested using OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH instead of just ZUUL_BRANCH there is so that we *can* override it from the job definition later if we need, on special occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, bank holidays)00:27
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clarkbis ip a thing on centos yet?00:31
* clarkb tests00:31
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mattoliverauip as in the command ip?00:32
clarkbseems like centos is behind the times on stuff like that whenever I try to make changes to centos00:33
clarkbeg grub 100:33
clarkbmy hpcloud centos6 box has ip00:34
clarkbin /sbin which I am going to assume is in the jenkins users path00:34
clarkbis that a bad assumption?00:34
clarkbfungi: ^00:34
mattoliverauLOL yeah, but ip has been around for ages, people just got stuck using ifconfig :P So I am almost 100% sure it does. as in I used it a few years ago in another job and it was a redhat shop.00:35
clarkbmattoliverau: but why grub 1 :P00:35
fungiclarkb: i'll try a centos node on hpcloud and rax to be sure00:35
mattoliverauclarkb: lol, good question, to be honest though, grub 1 was pretty awesome, and when grub 2 came out the slight changes in syntax for the commandline (when you got stuck in the bootloader) and the config file was annoying.00:38
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fungiclarkb: yep, tested all four ip commands unqualified from the environment path of the jenkins user on centos6 nodes in hpcloud and rax. both worked00:38
clarkbfungi: awesome00:38
mattoliveraubut now I sound like an old man.. in my day, etc etc :P00:39
clarkbmattoliverau: config file is annoying but it helps protect you from screwing things up with a single file edit00:39
fungimattoliverau: i debugged korn shell on sco uphill both ways in the snow00:39
mattoliveraufungi: lol, exactly :P00:39
* fungi shakes his cane at these young linux whipper snappers00:40
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fungiclarkb: we so need coremudgeon tee shirts00:40
clarkbfungi: change lgtm00:41
clarkbfungi: YES!00:41
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mattoliverauip existed in centos5 and probably 4 as well. It's like there is also a "replacement" for netstat but trying to supersede netstat is blasphemy :P00:42
clarkbyes I need my netstat00:43
clarkbnestat -np the only thing you ever need00:43
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fungimattoliverau: the ip command comes from iproute2. it's useful because it actually uses "new" (linux 2.6.x i think ,but maybe it was 2.4 or 2.2) kernel interfaces to gather the data00:43
mattoliverauyeah i agree, I love ip :)00:43
clarkbhow does one do netstat -np with ip?00:44
fungiwhereas ifconfig, route, arp and friends use (well probably not any longer) the deprecated interfaces00:44
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mattoliveraubut around the same time ss came out, and is a replacement for netstat. It even takes most of the same switches.. but I'm a netstat man myself :)00:44
clarkbfungi: honestly I think the biggest problem with ip is the man page00:44
mattoliverauyou use ss not ip00:44
clarkball of those replacements have good man pages00:44
clarkbip has a terrible man page00:45
fungiclarkb: i will not disagree that $RANDOM_CLI_TOOL has incomplete manpages. it's all the rage with kids these days to not document things, after all00:46
jesusaurusit takes some getting used to, but i kinda like that the ip manpage defines a grammar that defines the options00:46
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Loosen the fingerprint for 1291926
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mattoliveraulol, yeah, ip has the worst.. it reminds me of
jesusaurusclarkb: you dont use ip for netstat -np, you use lsof00:47
fungijesusaurus: i do concur that the standardization it brings to getting at a lot of that data is useful. i only use ifconfig on my openbsd boxes these days, and wish it had iproute200:47
fungijesusaurus: or ss, as mattoliverau noted00:47
* jesusaurus is unfamiliar with ss00:48
clarkbjesusaurus: it defines the grammar but none of the behavior00:48
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Really stop supplying the zuul url to ggp
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fungiclarkb: any opinion on 80723 before i approve it and recheck a stable and a master requirements change?00:49
jesusaurusclarkb: sure it does... scroll down...00:50
clarkbjesusaurus: there are one line blurbs that aren't even sentences for eachthing00:51
clarkbfungi: looking00:51
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clarkbfungi: nothing aside from jeblair's comment. I will approve00:52
clarkbfungi: done00:53
fungiclarkb: and as we discussed after that comment, the commit message is arguably correct (d-g does actually ensure it's set to the value of zuul_branch if not provided in the calling environment)00:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Loosen the fingerprint for 1291926
fungiproof that the universe is actually shrinking rather than expanding: every couple years i discover that i no longer have small enough torx drivers for whatever new piece of technology i want to open up00:55
fungilast year i needed a t5 for something. now i need a t400:56
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clarkbfungi: clearly you need one really big hammer00:56
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fungii'm just going to get a precision set which also has a t3, so i'll be prepared for next year when the universe shrinks further00:57
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: turn off voting on pypy jobs
sdagueok, that's the only medium grumpy version of that, just blanket turn off voting01:02
clarkbsdague: come on we can do full on grumpy :)01:03
* fungi is already full-on grumpy01:03
fungiit's not just a mood, it's a lifestyle ;)01:04
sdagueI feel like I've been beating up too many people of late, so decided only medium grumpy01:04
sdagueI can stack full grumpy on top of it :)01:04
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fungisdague: fwiw i try not to be be too hard on the pypy folk, as i suspect they're innocent bystanders in this. i'm getting a stronger and stronger sense that this is something wrong in setuptools01:05
sdagueI agree01:05
sdaguehowever, making all the projects land a local fix is problematic01:06
fungihowever, something about pypy sure is exposing whatever this is in ways which other interpreters are not01:06
sdagueand, honestly, I'm not sure I understand the justification for testing pypy anyway. Because it's not default python on any system I know.01:06
fungiand yes, i don't want to have to land and revert a tox.ini patch in every project gating on pypy01:06
clarkbsdague: because it makes things more performant01:07
clarkbsdague: apparently swift + pypy is happy times01:07
sdagueclarkb: ok, do any other servers run on it ?01:07
fungisome people want to run openstack things in pypy for fastgood01:07
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clarkbsdague: vishy got nova to run under it once01:07
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sdagueI thought it was only half running under it01:08
sdaguebecause of eventlet01:08
fungiclarkb: i think that's just one of those motivational posters01:08
clarkbsdague: ya something like that01:08
clarkbit was a feat of programming prowess01:08
dstufftpypy is pretty fast but it's probably not going to be the default python anywhere since it's not compatible with c-exts01:08
dstuffter all c-exts*01:08
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sdaguedstufft: so that means not compatible with pyopenssl?01:09
dstufftsdague: pyopenssl 0.14 it is01:09
dstufftNot sure about before that01:09
dstufftpyopenssl 0.14 switched to a cffi based binding to OpenSSL01:10
dstufft(one of the benefits of cffi is that it works with PyPy)01:10
sdaguedstufft: cffi isn't on my good side01:10
dstufftsome c-exts work afaik, some segfault as I udnerstand it01:10
dstufftsdague: cffi has some serious faults :/ They are fixing them though afaik01:11
sdagueafter loosing a friday debugging the whole 2 cffis versions on one system causes explosion01:11
sdaguedstufft: yeh, I saw the bug you were on for that01:11
dstufftimplicit compile and the fact that they are version locked to the exact cffi version are the two big ones01:11
sdaguedstufft: thanks for injecting sanity01:11
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dstufftcffi is real nice to work with as the person developing the thing01:12
dstufftbut the implicit compile makes it near impossible to actually tell if things are working sanely01:12
dstufftI monkeypatch it disabled on my stuff01:12
clarkbdstufft: the implicit compile gets monkey patched? how do you make the things that need C work?01:13
dstufftclarkb: cffi can build stuff in just like a c-ext01:13
clarkboh gotcha, so rather than running when you execute the python thing you have it build and package into the egg?01:14
clarkbor wheel or whatever01:14
dstufftthat's supported always, but if you don't remove the implicit compile bugs in doing that are hard to discover01:15
dstufftbecause when you use it locally it'll just implicit compile01:15
clarkband it may not be talking to the thing it expects at that point01:15
clarkbwhereas the build time linkage should continue to just work01:15
dstufftone bug i found was it was compiling with one extension, but looking for another on Python 3+01:15
dstuffttook me 3 hours to find that and that's what finally made me kill implicit compile01:16
dstufftbecause it wasn't till I killed that I actually figured out what it was01:16
sdaguedstufft: is there a reasonable fix that that we could apply in the gate?01:16
sdaguebecause that was a bear to track down01:16
dstufftsdague: to the PyPy setuptools issue?01:16
dstufftor cffi?01:16
sdaguethe cffi issue01:17
fungidstufft: to yeah01:17
fungioh, are we still hitting cffi problems?01:17
sdaguefungi: no01:17
dstufftthe cffi issue I just spoke of is fixed afaik01:17
sdaguebut I want to protect us from it01:17
sdaguedstufft: is that version of cffi released?01:17
dstufftit was like 0.7 or 0.6 or so01:17
dstufftit was months ago01:17
sdaguedstufft: we hit this 2 weeks ago01:17
fungisdague: that was setuptools 3.0 removing the feature class01:18
fungiwhich cffi still used01:18
dstufftI'm real sorry about all that :(01:18
sdaguefungi: no, I mean the tempest wedge01:18
sdaguewhich was a different thing01:18
sdaguewhere we had 0.8.1 of cffi installed in site01:18
dstufftI have it on my list of things to try and make a CI infra that will try to install a known set of popular and working packages on all pieces01:18
dstufftbut it's kind of a complicated thing to do in general :/01:19
clarkbES continues to recover, slowly. I am going to stop staring at it for the day01:19
sdagueand 0.8.2 installed in the tempest venv01:19
* clarkb &01:19
sdagueand explode01:19
fungisdague: oh, the system site packages venv and cffi thing01:19
sdaguethat one I'm sure will screw us again some time01:19
fungisystem site packages in venv == teh eeeeevil01:19
sdagueyeh, well, so it is01:19
fungifruits of teh debbil01:20
sdaguewe do that all the time though01:20
sdagueso that's the one I want to protect us from01:20
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fungii have a feeling we could encounter the same class of failure from other uses of system site packages where we're mixing different versions of the same libs getting accessed via different paths01:21
dstufftsystem site packages are fragile01:23
dstufftvirtualenv itself is a big pile of giant hacks01:23
dstufftand system site packages add some extra hacks ontop of it01:23
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Open ports 8003, 8004 for heat API calls from compute
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fungijhesketh_: did you see my follow up to your comment on 78504 or did you have any other related concerns?01:59
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jhesketh_fungi: oh yeah, so I agree with the comments there (that a) it should be cleaned up and b) that you're just fixing the bug at this point)02:00
jhesketh_so I don't really mind if it's fixed or not in this change but would like to see it cleaned up02:00
jhesketh_I'll update my review to reflect that02:00
fungijhesketh_: cool, agreement then ;)02:01
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jhesketh__sdague: just wondering if you have a second to discuss 76796?02:04
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: zuul.gerrit.Gerrit.isMerged should not return None
fungijhesketh__: ^02:07
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fungidon't say i never play requests ;)02:07
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jhesketh__fungi: nice stuff :-)02:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Submitted is _not_ necessarily merged in Gerrit
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lifelessshould git.o.o be available on ipv6 ?03:12
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lifelesshmm, worked second time03:14
lifelesspulling/updating diskimage-builder03:14
lifelesserror: Failed to connect to 2001:4800:7813:516:3bc3:d7f6:ff04:aacb: Network is unreachable (curl_result = 7, http_code = 0, sha1 = 46a19cec345eb1a032c1a88ff125fc432dc93d2e)03:14
lifelessis what I saw03:14
clarkbdo you haev a global ipv6 address?03:14
clarkbwe have seen git do weird stuff on nodes that don't03:14
clarkbor at least shouldn't (hpcloud VMs)03:14
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lifelesshmm I thought I did, but tis not currently configured03:15
clarkbyup so I think in some cases git will get the AAAA record and do the wrong thing03:16
clarkbbut we haen't been able to pin it down to anything more specific than that03:17
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jayveereferred here from #openstack-dev06:05
jayveeI'm re-using the module in a project of my own, and I noticed the package asterisk-sounds-extra-en-g722 that it depends on doesn't seem to exist any more in the Digium repo06:05
jayveewould anyone be opposed to making $sounds a parameter to the class, so one can include the class without only some sounds, e.g. class { 'asterisk': sounds => [], } ?06:05
nibalizerjayvee: sure!06:05
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nibalizerdo you know how to send commits to openstack?06:05
jayveeno, although I presume it's some form of "spend about 40 minutes wrangling with `git pull --rebase`", "git format-patch", "mail", and "pray it gets accepted" :-)06:06
jayveeI haven't actually finished hacking on the module yet, but if I am happy with that modification, I'll be sure to send a patch(es)06:07
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nibalizerjayvee: check out the gerrit workflow kashyap posted06:11
nibalizerif you get stuck come find us06:11
nibalizerno patches to email for us! :)06:11
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nibalizerhow many tests do we run a day (on average?)06:16
clarkbnibalizer uh 15k? maybe06:17
clarkbthe zuul status page has graphite stuff you can manipulate to get better answers06:17
clarkbin particular the jobs launched graph can be made to give daily data06:17
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix horizon-upstream-translation-update
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, I've approved "turn off voting on pypy jobs"06:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: turn off voting on pypy jobs
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add support to check swift for log files
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jayveenibalizer: cheers06:47
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nibalizerjayvee: :)06:58
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add support to check swift for log files
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openstackgerritClint "SpamapS" Byrum proposed a change to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: Fix run-mirror writing wrong project directory
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lifelessSpamapS: have you tested that? It DTRT ?08:14
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SpamapSlifeless: yes I did test it08:25
SpamapSlifeless: and my images built w/o going through apache :)08:25
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lifelessSpamapS: great :)08:31
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Initial openstackdroid commit for Stackforge
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jamespagedims, fungi: something to be aware of - the qemu-kvm packages in the icehouse cloud archive and for 14.04 no longer provide the 'kvm' package - which breaks devstack09:22
jamespagethe right package to install is actually 'qemu-kvm' (that works on precise as well)09:23
jamespagedims, fungi: one of my team is working on a change for that right now09:23
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: thanks10:04
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zigovishy: FYI, when there's no ./ command, I just indeed run testr directly this way:10:13
zigo        set -e && \10:13
zigo                TEMP_REZ=`mktemp -t` && \10:13
zigo                python testr --slowest --testr-args='--subunit  ' \10:13
zigo                        | tee $$TEMP_REZ | subunit2pyunit || true ; \10:13
zigo                cat $$TEMP_REZ | subunit-filter -s --no-passthrough | subunit-stats ; \10:13
zigo                rm -f $$TEMP_REZ ;10:13
zigolifeless: Can you confirm that the above is correct, and that there's no better way?10:13
zigolifeless: Also, yesterday I was looking for the --python-version option, what is it exactly? As an option to testr or... ?10:14
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zigoI'm sure I saw it somewhere, but can't find the right syntax.10:14
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lifelesszigo: thats not running testr directly10:21
lifelesszigo: 'testr' is running testr directly :)10:22
zigoOh ok! :)10:22
zigoThis was opposed to using, but nv mind.10:22
zigolifeless: What's best btw? Using testr directly, or through python
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lifelessthe python shim really just gets in the way, its got its uses but ...10:23
zigolifeless: What's the way if I want to do python3 tests?10:24
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lifelesszigo: 'testr'; make sure the .testr.conf will run the python you want to use for the backends; the python version of the frontend is only loosly coupled (by the subunit wire protocol)10:25
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zigolifeless: Oh ok. So then, basically, I shouldn't care about this in my packaging, and upstream will write the correct thing in .testr.conf, right?10:25
lifelessall the openstack .testr.conf should have  ${PYTHON:-python} in them10:26
lifelessso yeah10:26
lifelessjust export PYTHON=python3 and run testr10:26
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zigoAh, ok, easy enough.10:26
zigoBTW, testr & subunit are GREAT.10:27
zigoThanks for them.10:27
lifelessyou're most welcome10:27
zigoThe only thing is that it'd be nice to have man pages. :)10:27
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ekarlsois there support for trusty yet in devstack ?10:38
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sdagueekarlso: no, patches welcomed10:53
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pleia2good morning10:56
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anteayapleia2: early for you11:03
pleia2anteaya: I'm in Maine this week, and doing long lunch with my mother around noon eastern11:04
anteayastill early for maine even11:04
pleia2I'm staying with a 2 year old, turns out I can't sleep through baby-cry11:05
pleia2fortunately he sleeps pretty well overall :)11:05
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anteayaah baby-cry, things click into place11:07
anteayayou must welcome the quietness of irc then11:07
anteayaand it is rather quiet atm11:07
anteayaand I'm glad overall he is a happy chap11:08
* pleia2 nods11:09
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dimsjamespage, ah coo. thanks for the heads up11:13
jamespagedims, np11:13
jamespagedims, digging a bit it also looks like we could make the use of openvswitch dkms optional -  3.13 kernel in 14.04 has everything we should need11:15
* jamespage goes to have a hack on that11:15
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dimsjamespage, ack. any ETA on the 0.9.8+ fix landing in an official repo? sdague indicates this is breaking us badly (see last 2 comments in
jamespagedims, it will be recorded on the bug when it enters proposed11:20
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jamespagewhich I now can;t find11:21
dimsjamespage, cool. thanks (don't want to miss it!)11:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254872 in libvirt "libvirtError: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock" [High,Fix released]11:22
jamespagedims, I think the sru team agreed to accept without a full test case11:22
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jamespageits prob just waiting review and acceptance11:23
* jamespage looks11:23
dstufft < PyPy + Setuptools11:24
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dstufftMarcus is a hero11:24
dstufftfungi: clarkb sdague etc11:24
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sdaguejamespage: well this is our #2 bug at the moment so some urgency here would be appreciated.11:28
jamespagesdague, I've pinged an SRU team member11:28
sdaguejamespage: thanks11:28
sdaguedstufft: nice11:29
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added db_api for comments
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: wrap log lines
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sdaguefungi: once this passes tests - it should get promoted in the gate12:07
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sdaguethat's bug #3 in gate resets12:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 3 in launchpad "Custom information for each translation team" [Low,Fix released]
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ttxsomething wrong is going on at the gate, but i guess most people around here know that12:21
ttxwe definitely need to make more use of openstackstatus12:21
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anteayattx what are you seeing in the gate?12:22
ttxwould avoid a lot of people pinging folks and asking wtf12:22
ttx15 hours top-of-gate queuing at 11:00 UTC, not a good sign12:22
SergeyLukjanovttx, yup, it that's a good idea12:22
anteayaI see three failing patches, a swift, a nova, a ceilometer12:22
ttxanteaya: ^12:22
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anteayazuul memory usage looks, concerning to me:
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anteayazuul cache looks high and growing12:25
anteayait hasn't gotten into swap though12:25
ttxyeah, don't think we can blame load and usual gate bugs12:26
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ttxsomething weird happened at 6 UTC12:26
ttxtop of gate job been running for 2h3012:27
anteayattx so far I am not seeing the weird thing12:27
anteayattx you witnessed it at 6 UTC?12:27
ttxnot just looking at graphs12:28
anteayaI wonder if the weird thing made it into the logs12:28
* anteaya goes back to the graphs12:28
ttxanteaya: that gate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full job on the swift change at top of gate is definitely wedged12:28
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ttxbeen running for 2hours 32 min now12:29
ttxbut then it still logs12:29
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anteayaif memory serves, the timeout is 3 hours12:30
anteayaso 28 minutes remaining to finish12:30
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ttxLooks like usual ETA is ~32min12:30
anteayathe question I would have is why is it taking over 2 hours to run12:30
anteayaand yes, in the zuul job queue graph there was a steep jump up which looks like it took place around 6 UTC12:31
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ttxNot the first time I see that bump. isn't it when we renew the images ? If yes, is it a good idea to do that while most infra-core are going to sleep ?12:32
anteayathere was a huge jump up in the check queue about that time12:32
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anteayaI don't know what time the image cron job runs, but I do believe it occurs during night time north america time yes12:33
ttxfungi: I fear your breakfast is served :)12:33
anteayaI think the reason for that was that north america sun up time is the time of greatest activity on the system12:33
anteayaa hearty morning meal of logs12:33
anteayahis favourite dish12:34
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anteayaI am also seeing the check tests taking over 2 hours to run12:34
ttxcouldn't spot a weirdness in that job log. It's just painfully slow. No big timeouts/jumps in time12:35
anteayawe increased timeouts on small things here and there to deal with job failures due to timeouts12:35
anteayaperhaps we need to reassess some of those timeout increases globally12:36
ttxmaybe the image is borked and randomly makes tests go way too long12:36
anteayasince I do remember a time when tests took about 40 minutes to run and now we are over 2 hours12:36
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ttxanteaya: same tests took 32 min in the nova change that goes in position #312:36
anteayattx possibly, but borked images have in the past hit our git farm hard, but nothing is hitting git.o.o hard atm:
ttxhmm that was stable/havana12:37
* fungi bellies up to the table to see what's for breakfast12:38
anteayaha ha ha12:38
ttxgate-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full took 1h12 on devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-285220012:38
ttxfungi: symptom: 15-hour pileup12:39
ttxfungi: symptom: top of gate blocking job ran for 2h4012:39
fungii see plenty of random devstack job failures in the gate currently12:39
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ttxstill running12:39
ttx+ more than average resets12:39
ttx+ weird graphs trends starting around 6:00 UTC12:40
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ttxfungi: suggestion: do not run remarkable events at 0600 UTC12:40
fungioh yeah, whatever the issue on that postgres job is, doesn't seem to be failing, just running nice and slow (approaching 3 hours now)12:41
fungiBranch: feature/ec12:41
ttxbecause if fail, won't be fixed before 12:00 UTC12:41
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ttxfungi: i'm pretty sure the swift branch is not the issue explaining slowness :)12:41
* ttx should definitely go to lunch now12:42
fungijust wondering if ec is making it run a lot more slowly as an image backend for glance in tempest tests or something, but if so i'd expect the other jobs on that change to have run similarly long12:43
anteayaseeing ERROR: gate_hook failed in 3 of the 4 gate failing jobs12:43
ttx ran for 1h12, sounds long too12:43
fungianteaya: yep, "gate_hook" is the tests12:43
fungianteaya: you'll have to look in the devstack log for details on what tests fail12:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Don't separate bug links with ','
fungiwe don't echo them into the console any longer, because it was getting way too huge12:44
ttxbut yeah, most took ~50min12:44
fungiagreed, so this slow job must be node-specific not change specific12:45
ttxfungi: anyway, that slow job won't account for the &5-hour pileup all by itself12:45
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove er query for 1248757
fungiit was piling up since yesterday. sdague attributed it primarily to increasing nondeterministic failures in jobs12:45
ttxfungi: ok. and the weird trends lines at 6am are just regular activity from daily image refresh ?12:46
ttxcould be12:47
ttxif you do that while the gate is very busy12:47
fungittx: that spike is actually when the auto-abandon runs. there's a bug in the auto-abandon script right now that it leave a comment separate from the abandon message and zuul sees that as a reason to re-run freshness checks on hundreds of changes at once12:48
ttxfungi: ok12:48
fungiso it's a surge in check jobs, but generally has been clearing fairly quickly (i guess replaced by actual activity this time)12:48
ttxso maybe there is no one big issue, more a pileup of small ones reaching critical mass12:48
fungi81503,1 is looking good in check so far, so i'll promote that here in the next 30 minutes or so hopefully12:49
ttxfungi: that swift change will timeout soon, expect one reset to come up soon12:49
anteayafunny I can't find a match for "gate_hook" in tempest12:50
fungittx: it's actually wrapping up12:50
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ttxERROR: gate_hook failed12:50
fungianteaya: gate_hook is a function in the functions file of devstack-gate12:50
sdaguettx: that's normal run length on those jobs now12:50
anteayasdague: how did we get from about 40 minutes to over 2 hours?12:51
sdague1h12 minutes is a normal time12:51
ttxsdague: OK, still doesn't explain the 2h58 run12:51
fungiahh, yep, that swift change with the 3-hour postgres job did hit a degredation error of some sort i think...12:51
fungiDetails: Server 464028c7-69eb-45cc-b065-e68a00e49e6e failed to reach ACTIVE status and task state "None" within the required time (196 s). Current status: BUILD. Current task state: None.12:51
fungithat's the libvirt issue, right?12:52
sdaguefungi: maybe12:52
ttxso that will reset anytime now12:52
mordredmorning all12:52
sdaguettx: a run to 2h58 is probably a fail in a way that goes very far south12:53
sdaguefungi: we could probably pull back in the timeouts, I have to get to a car apt though12:53
ttxsdague: couldn't spot any big jump in time in that one, it's just slower12:53
fungisdague: hope your car feels better soon12:53
ttxok, so the pileup is ~16h30 now12:54
fungimorning, mordred. are you in a western-hemisphere timezone again, or are you just saying good morning for the sake of people for whom it actually is morning?12:54
mordredfungi: I'll let you decide12:54
mordredeither could be and both perobably are true12:54
mordredunless they aren't12:54
* mordred is sleep deprived and silly12:54
fungimordred: i'm going to wager the last bar just closed and you had nothing better to do ;)12:55
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mordredfungi: why would a bar close?12:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove er query for 1248757
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fungimordred: it could be situated in a country which doesn't truly understand bars12:56
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hasharmost of France cities enforce bar closing at 1am / 2am12:58
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fungihashar: same for most of the usa, with the french-most city being its primary exception, strangely enough12:59
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fungiactually, i think new orleans does require bars to close for a minimum of 15 minutes every day, though the patrons aren't required to leave. some weird city ordinance13:00
fungior at least it used to be that way, but it's been a while since i visited so maybe they've fixed that bug now13:00
hasharRyan Lane could confirm, he used to live here13:01
hasharand coffeeee time13:01
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ociuhandumordred: hi, can you please have a look at the updates on the blocking pbr bug for Windows? it's at Thank you13:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add Oleg Bondarev to Neutron core
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mordredociuhandu: looking13:15
mordredociuhandu: +2 - maybe fungi will +2 you too13:17
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fungimordred: ociuhandu: that is indeed a very interesting portability issue. i'll have to keep that in mind for the future13:19
mordredfungi: is it too strange of me that I think that the suprocess call shoudl handle it for us?13:20
fungimordred: maybe it does in later python interpreters?13:20
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fungimordred: the only thing i find in the 2.7 module reference about subprocess environment on windows is the statement "If specified, env must provide any variables required for the program to execute. On Windows, in order to run a side-by-side assembly the specified env must include a valid SystemRoot."13:23
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mordredfungi: that doesn't seem as helpful as other things13:26
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fungiociuhandu: did you have a link to any python documentation describing the portability concerns with casting environment contents to b'' on windows?13:30
fungii mainly just want to make sure we continue doing the right thing in clients and libs which might get run there13:31
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fungiAlex_Gaynor: when you wake up, it looks like the ball is squarely back in your court on
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fungiAlex_Gaynor: "...pypy is importing a Python 3 feature into Python 2 and without the accompanying API to manage or detect the feature..."13:32
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fungisdague: mtreinish: did one of you want to approve 81503 so i can shove it to the front of the gate? check tests look good on it13:37
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: [WIP] Comments controller
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sdaguefungi: just did13:46
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ociuhandumordred, fungi|: sorry, was out for a few minutes. All the documentation we could find on this is the official python one, so we relied on extensive testing for validation (both on 2.7 and 3.X)13:48
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fungiociuhandu: it might be worthwhile to also submit a patch to the official python docs adding a warning about that potential pitfall13:50
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sdaguefungi: something else occurred to me that might optimize our system this morning. What if we kept test results on commit message changes.13:51
ociuhandufungi: sure, going to check on how to do it13:51
ociuhandufungi, mordred: we're looking into adding a CI for pbr as well, as soon as possible13:52
fungisdague: well, right now we consider trivial rebases and whitespace-only changes to be a subset of commit message changes. and that's not exposed in the gerrit event stream in any practical way either (unless you want to consider parsing the contents of the comment left by the hook script)13:53
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sdaguefungi: sure, I just have seen plenty of instances, especially with clean check, where there is too much disincentive to get the commit message right because of the time delay it will add13:57
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fungisdague: well, that and it wipes all review votes too13:57
fungii think that adds more of a disincentive than the recheck it triggers13:58
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mordredociuhandu: that woudl make me super happy - I hate it when I break you guys13:58
sdaguehonestly, not as much13:58
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sdaguefungi: the issue is, besides the couple of hacking rules, the commit message is only the realm of humans.13:59
sdagueanyway, it was a thought, probably part of an optimizing the gate session in Atlanta14:00
fungisdague: though that does bring up an important point... if you're fixing a hacking compliance issue in your commit message, you'd have to explicitly recheck14:00
sdaguefungi: sure, or we disconnect the commit message checking from the pep8 jobs14:01
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fungialso, we just cleared a batch of jobs at the head of the gate, so i'm promoting that fix now14:04
sdaguefungi: thanks14:04
sdaguethat should help some14:04
fungihere's hoping14:05
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santibaldassinhey folks.....quick question....I have a review which is failing due to a couple of tests in tempest which has to be updated according the changes in my review...14:05
santibaldassinhow's the procedure in this case...14:05
santibaldassinthis is my review
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fungisantibaldassin: you probably want to talk to the tempest developers in #openstack-qa about submitting patches to update tests in it14:06
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santibaldassinfungi: thanks14:07
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: wrap log lines
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zarohashar: around?14:10
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hasharzaro: yes!14:10
zarohashar: would you have time to review this one?
zarohashar: it's been on review for a while and other good things are waiting on it.14:12
hasharyeah sorry I am lagging out14:12
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hasharzaro: I havent looked at that patch yet to be honest.  It scares me :]14:13
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zarohashar: np.  i can get someone else if you don't want to.14:14
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: change 3 hr jobs to 2 hrs
sdaguefungi: that's probably worth getting in soonish14:17
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hasharzaro: yeah it is safer to ask someone else.  Will attempt to review it though14:18
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Ajaeger1Hi infra team, my recent translation fixes work - but now I found the next broken one, could you review , please?14:25
Ajaeger1mordred: thanks for your quick fix this morning, I'm still waiting to see whether it worked...14:25
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Ajaeger1thanks, fungi!14:30
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openstackgerritMatt Farina proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Updating the group config for the golang-client project to reflect the core and ptl structure.
jeblairfungi, ttx: also the periodic jobs run at 0600, so there should always be a little bump there14:46
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dimssdague, looks like we are seriously considering, want me to yank the log_level out from there?14:49
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dstufftsdague: fungi clarkb whoever So more information about PyPy + setuptools14:53
dstufftit's not PyPy's fault, it's a patch debian makes against PyPy14:53
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fungidstufft: yeah, so the debian pypy package maintainer(s) backported pep 3147 support to it?14:53
dstufftand it's not quite right14:54
dstufftwell mostly likely they did that so you can run pypy and python next to each other without them overwriting each other's .pyc files14:54
fungii'm digging up the package changelog entries associated with that now to find rationale (and targets of ire)14:54
dstuffta script that shows the problem14:54
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dstufftthey just need to make sure they only create a __pycache__ directory only if they have a file to put in it14:55
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openstackgerritSolly Ross proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Limit psutil to <2.0.0
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Alex_Gaynorfungi: We're working with the PPA maintainer now to get htis figured out15:00
fungiAlex_Gaynor: awesome--thanks!15:00
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fungiAlex_Gaynor: should we go ahead and switch our pypy tests to non-voting in the interim so projects which were gating on it are no longer blocked or inserting unsavory workarounds in tox configs?15:01
Alex_Gaynorfungi: that would make me sad, since it gives us a window in which thye might break :-(15:01
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added db_api for comments
fungiAlex_Gaynor: well, if you expect the ppa will have fixed packages today, then it's probably not worth the effort to make them non-voting and switch them right back15:02
Alex_Gaynorfungi: let me figure how long this is expected to take15:03
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dstufftAlex_Gaynor: fungi we can probably patch this in pip, but not sure if that's reasonable for openstack to depend on pip 1.5.5 or not15:07
Alex_Gaynordstufft: If there's some way to also get a fix into pip, that'd be super cool, this seems pretty implementation detail-y15:08
jeblairmordred: maybe we should chat in irc about when you have a few minutes15:08
fungidstufft: it's likely to reach us faster if solved in the pypy packages15:08
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dstufftAlex_Gaynor: probably pip should record which directories it installs too15:08
dstufftnot just which files15:08
dstufftOh look, I did it right I think
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reedgood morning yall15:09
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fungidstufft: that looks right15:10
fungi(debianista hat on)15:10
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dstufftfungi: bug reported from my mac, don't tell them that though they might not fix it !15:11
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anteayamorning reed15:19
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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move channel reg requirement to top of IRC docs
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete third argument check from ggp
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openstackgerritMalini Kamalambal proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add post test hook to copy marconi logs
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sdaguefungi: any idea what's up with ES?15:28
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sdaguelike why we still aren't recovering15:28
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: question on
fungisdague: high log volume?15:28
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sdaguefungi: it's not that high15:29
pleia2fungi: can I get your eyes on this one? I still have pip problems to work through, but it would be nice to get this much in so I don't need to rebase again15:29
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fungisdague: it does look like we never made it completely out of the backlog from last night15:29
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dstufftsdague: fungi how hard would it be to add an environment variable to the gate that would fix the PyPy problem?15:34
fungipleia2: does 'sudo yum -y install wget' no-op and return 0 successfully on systems where it's already installed?15:34
fungidstufft: what environment variable? we might be able to set it in the scripts which run tox, as long as exports in the calling environment convey through tox itself15:35
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fungidstufft: right now the challenge is that pip is getting invoked by virtualenv/tox which is where we're running into issues15:36
jeblairsdague: can we make rstcheck an out of repo tool so that all the -spec repos can use it?15:36
dstufftfungi: I have to test it still - I may be wrong, but I think disabling Wheel will work around the issue15:36
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fungidstufft: i was still hitting it with pip --no-use-wheel15:36
dstufftyou know15:36
dstufftyea I'm wrong15:37
dstufftbecause pip/setuptools are installed into the virtualenv using wheel15:37
fungii didn't mention it in the bug report because it seemed irrelevant15:37
SpamapSugh.. hacking on pypi-mirror is.. scary.. no unit tests..15:39
SpamapS(or well hidden unit tests)15:39
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sdaguejeblair: probably, like bash8 I wanted to incubate it a little first, because right now it was 30 minutes of hacking15:39
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sdagueI'll probably try to do the bash8 extract in down week before summit15:40
jeblairsdague: yeah, though there are two specs repos in active use now, and i think it's important they don't evolve conflicting conventions15:40
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove Branch and Milestone legacy tables
sdaguewell, I think it's still very much an experimental phase, so I think they might for a while to figure out what works for them15:41
sdagueright now, I'd rather try a few things, and figure out what seems like common checking15:42
jeblairsdague: then running those jobs is premature.  we don't normally have more than one team diverging from our standard tools at a time; part of the reason is to make it less confusing for contributors (that's why we standardize all this)15:44
jeblairsdague: since we do have two teams trying this divergence, i think you ought to be talking to each other and trying to keep things as in-sync as possible15:44
jeblairsdague: so that contributing to nova and tempest aren't two completely different things (which are, in turn, both different than contributing to neutron)15:45
sdaguejeblair: so qa-specs repo isn't allowed to introduce it's own tests?15:45
sdagueI really don't understand how this is any different from the fact that we allow local hacking rules in source trees15:46
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SpamapSsdague: funny, I was working on a thing to check markdown for common mistakes too.. (I'm assuming thats what rstcheck is)15:47
sdagueSpamapS: it's actually not even doing that yet15:48
jeblairsdague: this isn't about allowing or not allowing anything15:48
SpamapSsdague: just parsing?15:48
sdagueit's enforcing line length and the file ends in .rst15:48
SpamapSlovely, that's basically what I wanted to do too15:48
SpamapSlost it though.. becuase it got -1'd for being in the wrong repo and not having unit tests.. and I was like "meh" :-P15:48
SpamapS(of course I also wanted to extract source code blocks and try to parse them as well)15:49
sdaguejeblair: review #2 in qa-specs had those 2 issues, which I wanted to have automatically failed instead of manually failed15:49
jeblairsdague: i really don't want to end up with two ways of dealing with specs repos that are completely different.  let's look at this another way -- how are you working together with nova-specs?15:49
jeblairsdague: if you had those issues, i bet they will/have too15:49
sdaguejeblair: maybe, and maybe they don't care15:49
openstackgerritClint "SpamapS" Byrum proposed a change to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: Fix run-mirror writing wrong project directory
jeblairsdague: can you ask?15:50
sdagueso I'm participating on that side as well15:50
sdaguehowever the point here was to experiment with what works and what doesn't, I thought15:50
jeblairsdague: my main concern about starting these both up at once was ending up with a divergence.  what's the plan to make sure we don't end up with that?15:51
sdaguejeblair: in the experimental phase divergence is fine15:51
sdaguebecause the whole point is to figure out what works and what doesn't15:52
sdagueand if we're constantly saying one repo can't try something unless the other one signs up for it15:52
sdaguethen we're not going to get those answers about good ideas or not15:52
jeblairsdague: so at some point, you'd be okay adopting one standard for qa-specs, even if it's ditching everything you have come up with in favor of what's happened in nova specs?15:52
jeblairsdague: and will reformat the repo if necessary?15:52
sdaguejeblair: why? We don't make tempest rewrite to conform to nova15:53
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jeblairsdague: actually we do.  we're asking new projects to ditch falcon to use pecan, etc..15:53
jeblairsdague: but regardless...15:53
sdaguethere are common things between the code bases15:54
sdagueand there are divergences15:54
jeblairsdague: this is about replacing part of the develpment process, and it's very important that the development process for openstack be consistent15:54
jeblairsdague: that's who we are and what we do15:54
sdaguebut i think, 4 days after these repos exist, is not the time to standardize15:54
jeblairsdague: yeah, i'm trying to work with you on that15:54
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SpamapSclarkb: commented in the review too, but fixes file:/// usage of pypi-mirror-created pypi mirrors.15:54
jeblairsdague: i'm talking about in many months time, at the J or K summit perhaps.15:55
jeblairsdague: after the "experimental phase", let's talk about what that means15:55
SpamapSclarkb: which we have been trying, and failing, to use for a while for TripleO. One less thing that we have to do to the developer's box.15:55
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added db_api for comments
sdaguejeblair: sure, I expect that the experiences from both of these groups are going to come together to figure out a common pattern that works, and what local variance is needed15:55
sdaguebut we need a lot more experience to do thaf first15:55
sdagueI'd expect that to be at K summit15:55
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sdaguehacking was copy and pasted between projects for 6 months before we extracted it15:56
sdaguewhich is fine15:56
sdagueand it actually meant you could figure out "so, you liked that part, but deleted this other part, ok, so that's where the natural commonality is"15:56
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jeblairsdague: right.  but in the long run, it's not going to be okay if someone has to write .rst for nova and .md for qa, and other random pointless differences.15:57
sdaguejeblair: we're both using .rst15:57
jeblairjust an example15:57
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pleia2heading out to extended lunch with mom, bbl15:58
sdagueanyway, lunch time, away for a bit15:58
jeblairsdague: so i need to know if you're okay with standardizing at some point, just like everything else in the project (bugs on launchpad, code passes pep8, etc.)15:58
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary workaround for Time out errors from libvirt
derekhquick question, is there any plans to do a new release of gear?16:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: pbx: Add a shared account
jeblairderekh: there's an outstanding change here:
jeblairderekh: but after that, we should, as a couple of important bugfixes have landed.16:06
derekhjeblair: ok, thanks16:06
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fungijeblair: on a related note, is benign noise in the logs?16:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1289432 in openstack-ci " failure: 'Exception in poll loop'" [Medium,Triaged]16:07
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jeblairfungi: well "Exception in poll loop" is usually gear's way of saying "someone disconnected".16:08
jeblairfungi: we should probably capture the normal case of that and log it without a traceback16:09
jeblairfungi: so it's usually benign.  I can't really tell about that bug though, because maybe they weren't expecting it to disconnect?16:09
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fungiokay. i spotted it in the logs a couple weeks ago when i was troubleshooting unrelated issues, and then coincidentally saw that bug report16:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a net-info job builder macro
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: zuul.gerrit.Gerrit.isMerged should not return None
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ttxjeblair, fungi: when you have free cycles, would welcome your help in debugging
ttxLooks like some pip version conflict on the py33 test nodes16:14
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ttxdhellmann looked into it but couldn't find the issue16:14
dhellmannttx, jeblair, mordred : it looks like a similar problem to the one reported for translation jobs on the -infra ML recently16:15
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ttxhe launched two bottles at sea: and
dhellmannmordred's proposal is to "revert the pbr >= 1.4 patch" (which I think means pip in pbr, rather than pbr itself)16:15
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dhellmannif we agree that's the right approach, I can put together a patch16:16
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* anteaya pictures dhellmann in a liferaft hefting bottles into the water, a al robert redford in all is lost16:17
* dhellmann does not view being compared to redford unfavorably16:17
dhellmannoh, and mordred's follow-up points out that there is an "unmerged puppet patch" that will remove the apt-installed pip, so I wonder if that's the more correct fix16:18
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jeblairdhellmann: yeah, the problem is that patch could break every system we run, and mordred hasn't been around to babysit it.  our latest thinking was that we should get puppetboard up and running before merging that so that more people can find and fix errors16:19
jeblairdhellmann: so that probably won't happen today16:20
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dhellmannjeblair: ok, I understand risk. We can't make any changes to oslo.rootwrap right now because of this. Is there some other work-around we can use in the mean time?16:20
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jeblairdhellmann: however, i'm a little confused because i thought the single use slaves were already doing what his unmerged puppet patch does16:21
jeblairdhellmann: (the transifex slave is not single use, so i expect it to be different)16:22
fungiit's also unclear to me why tox is not using the version of pip in the virtualenv when running sdist-make16:22
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dhellmannfungi: according to a later error, pip is not being installed in the virtualenv tox creates16:22
fungidhellmann: right, which i also find equally odd16:22
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dhellmannI could change pbr, but that would force a release, and I'd had to go through all of that if we don't think it would fix anything.16:23
dhellmannfungi: keep in mind this is python3, so I don't know if there's any difference in the node setup16:23
fungijeblair: i think the change you're thinking of is which also isn't merged yet16:23
dhellmannfungi: that does look like it might be related16:24
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fungidhellmann: i can try manually re-running that job with and without first trying the from 75213 to see whether it helps the situation16:25
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dhellmannfungi: ok16:25
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jeblairfungi: oh, i had forgotten about that change.  that's a _different_ change that could break lots of things that mordred hasn't been around to babysit16:26
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fungijeblair: right. different but similar but different but similar16:26
jeblairfungi: also, i'm guessing that merging means we wouldn't need to merge
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jeblairbut is the more expedient fix.16:27
jeblairfungi: so yeah, why don't you test that out, and i'll rebase to get it ready to merge if we want to do that16:27
fungiright, the will simply tell us whether this is the class of problem we think it might be16:27
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run neutron functional job as tempest user
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fungijeblair: i think you held a few nodes for image update tests several days ago. do you still need them held (nodepool seems not to be reaping held nodes)?16:29
jeblairfungi: i need none of those nodes, you can delete them16:29
marunsdague: Do you have concerns about this?
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Initial openstackdroid commit for Stackforge, with review changes
fungipleia2: ignore my earlier question about yum install... seems to do what we expect (i was worried about causing image updates to fail on bare-centos6 nodes)16:31
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix pip on py3k/pypy nodes
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jeblairttx, dhellmann, fungi: ^16:33
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ttxbit scary, but I guess that's far from the only thing you run as root downloaded from the internet16:35
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fungi"zipimport.ZipImportError: bad local file header in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist16:36
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jeblairttx: it's actually the second time that same script is downloaded and run.16:36
ttxjeblair: twice the fun!16:36
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fungidstufft: you may be interested in this...? ( throwing "zipimport.ZipImportError: bad local file header")16:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: change 3 hr jobs to 2 hrs
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fungii wonder whether we should also be removing any local python-pkg-resources distro packages16:44
fungitrying now16:44
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fungiseems unrelated... and the throwing it is the one in the tempdir anyway16:48
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clarkbSpamapS: right my comment was more I think you are attacking a symptom not a cause16:50
clarkbSpamapS: so likely to run into more problems with that16:50
clarkbSpamapS: projects have the wrong case in their requirements for example and so on16:50
clarkbSpamapS: so while it is a bug and I have no problem with it getting fixed I don't think fixing that particular bug will fix your problems16:51
* clarkb reads scrollback to see if something is broken16:51
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fungiclarkb: SpamapS: i think i recall hearing that newer pip does (or soon will?) look case-insensitively for packages in local filesystem mirror trees, but the current workaround for it in integration jobs is that we test the resulting local copy by fronting it with apache and tell pip to access it through that16:53
clarkbfungi: correct16:53
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clarkbbut more importantly making the mirror do the correct case doesn't mean individual projects will so you will still be broken16:54
fungiright, we have situations already where we develop package A which depends on package B we don't develop which depends on package C using an inaccurate naming pattern. you can endeavor to fix the entire web of those dependencies with various parties, or you can find a better solution16:55
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mtreinishjeblair: so on: 81366 what do you think Or is that too weird16:55
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clarkbSpamapS: so my comment was trying to say that while fixing that bug isn't a bad thing it won't help either16:55
clarkbSpamapS: which I may have failed to say correctly because it was early16:56
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jeblairmtreinish: weird but i understand it.  :) or work for me too.16:57
jeblairclarkb, fungi, SergeyLukjanov: ^ opinions?16:57
clarkbjeblair: ++ run_bash8 is confusing16:58
clarkband those two suggestions seem reasonable to me (and I can't come up with anything better)16:58
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jeblairoh, yeah, should be hyphens, not underscores (
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mtreinishjeblair: heh so my first suggestion would become run-run_tests.sh17:01
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jeblairmtreinish: yep.  that would be the blindly consistent version.  :)17:01
jeblairmtreinish: or :)17:02
jeblairokay, but seriously, maybe or are the best bets17:02
rcarrillocruzjeblair: could you please +2 ? I changed the topic to new-project as reviewed...17:02
fungithe problem for me is that we generally don't call directly from job builders/slave scripts... perhaps in that repository could use a little name tweaking too for consistency? basically we have a non-python test runner we want to invoke, right?17:02
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mtreinishjeblair: ok I'll push out a rename patch with one of those in front of the rstcheck job patch17:03
fungiso instead of using tox to call testr and other things, we're using a different entry point which is not tox. having a standardized name for it which is maybe not the name of something we also have in some projects which we don't use to run jobs could help17:04
mtreinishfungi: yeah basically. Blame sdague for the run_tests naming17:04
clarkbES is green again by the way17:04 is a bit overloaded in its use elsewhere to make a good standard as a job backend name too, in my opinion17:04
mtreinishfungi: it's really only non-python projects that do this though17:04
mtreinishclarkb: cool17:05
fungimtreinish: right, but we're accumulating more and more of those17:05
fungiso this is a good time to pick something consistent and clear before it spreads too far17:05
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jeblairfungi: so does 'run-test-wrapper' fit the bill?17:06
fungisince whatever we're doing in the initial few will get cargo-culted everywhere later17:06
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fungijeblair: maybe
mtreinishfungi: that's a fair point17:06
jeblairfungi: i'm hoping that bash8 and the rst checker will split out of their respective repos, and then we can have proper scripts for them.17:06
mtreinishwell the tests are actually normally python17:06
mtreinishand the wrapper is shell17:06
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fungibut we don't run those python-based tests via tox?17:07
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jeblairfungi: because the projects themselves aren't python17:07
jeblairfungi: which doesn't stop us with running javascript tests for storyboard with tox17:07
jeblairamusingly enough17:07
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jeblairbut i don't think we have scaffolding to make a shell script project (or loose collection of rst files) a python project17:08
mtreinishfungi: I think it was tox requires a or something like that17:08
jeblairwe could make the specs repos a sphinx project17:08
mtreinishwhich is why sdague didn't pull it in17:08
mtreinishbecause that caused other problems17:08
clarkbmtreinish: it does, because it installs your code into the venvs17:08
clarkbmtreinish: not sure how it causes problems though. our puppet repo has one17:08
dhellmannjeblair: that's what I was planning to do for the oslo specs repo, so we could publish approved docs (esp. with images)17:09
dhellmannjeblair: but now that I see there is some discussion of standardization, I'll wait to see how that falls out17:09
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fungijust making sure we have a good reason for special snowflakes which aren't tox-based... because if minor work could make them run via tox we already have the job running mechanisms for that standardized anyway17:09
dhellmannjeblair: fwiw, for oslo I was going to do /$release/$libname/$bpname.rst or /$release/$libname/$bpname/index.rst (for bps with lots of attachments)17:10
dhellmannfungi: is that py33 test still running?17:10
jeblairfungi: ++, dhellmann: let's explore the idea of making specs repos sphinx projects, and just using tox to run the tests (and build and eventually publish them)17:10
mtreinishfungi: I'm fine with it on the specs repo especially if start using sphinx (that's a really good idea) because that'll make it easier, just use the python job.17:10
mtreinishI remember there was some objection with devstack but we can keep that separate from the specs stuff17:11
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fungidhellmann: i'm still trying to figure out how to get mordred's proposed fix to work. apparently setuptools 3.3 doesn't play nice with ez_setup.py17:11
jeblairrussellb: ^ what do you think of having nova-specs be a sphinx project?17:11
dhellmannfungi: ok, thanks, I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything while I was in a meeting17:11
fungidhellmann: if you want to join in the fun17:12
* dhellmann may already be having too much fun for today17:12
dhellmannfungi: why is that installing to python2.7 for a python 3.3 job?17:12
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fungidhellmann: we have both python 2.7 and python 3.3 installed on these systems, and try to run for both of them17:13
dhellmannfungi, jeblair : I see running for both versions but get-pip only for one17:13
fungidhellmann: ubuntu won't run if you gut python 2.7 out of it17:13
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dhellmannfungi: ok17:14
fungidhellmann: supposedly pip is python-version-agnostic so you need only one of it17:14
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russellbjeblair: i saw someone mention that before ... would love to see it prototyped17:15
fungidhellmann: and anyway, sudo python3 fails in exactly the same way for me as sudo python ez_setup.py17:15
russellbi think all options are still on the table17:15
dhellmannfungi: you're taking all of the fun out of this17:15
clarkbpleia2: I am going to approve that, but fungi's inline suggestion is a good one for a follow up chnage17:15
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clarkbpleia2: (adding a new change on top of jeblair's change that documents the channel management stuff17:15
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dhellmannfungi: is /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg a valid zip file?17:16
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fungidhellmann: it seems to be a shell-stubbed executable17:17
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move channel reg requirement to top of IRC docs
clarkbfungi: by the way we are getting near where I think we may want to bump the ES volume backed FS to 2TB17:18
fungidhellmann: these are the initial lines of the egg before it switches to 8-bit data:
clarkbfungi: individual nodes have between 200GB and 300GB free space currently which is about 1.2 TB across the cluster which is getting closer to the 800GB needed to recover when a node fails17:19
clarkbfungi: basically we need to make sure that the cluster wide free space is > max(data on any given node) so that if a node fails we can recover cleanly17:19
dhellmannfungi: oh, boy17:20
clarkbsdague: jogo ^ btw any idea why we are indexing so many documents recenlty? we are up to 3/4billion per day17:20
sdagueclarkb: not really, the only recent add was that http_errors one17:20
fungiclarkb: so, we have a 25tb cinder quota at rackspace currently... we've got 13tb attached to static.o.o, 1tb each on the 6 new elasticsearch cluster members, 1tb on graphite.o.o...17:20
mtreinishclarkb: billion!?17:20
sdagueclarkb: do we have a trend line?17:20
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sdaguemtreinish: 1 log line == 1 document17:21
fungiclarkb: we could probably add 0.5tb volumes to each of them?17:21
clarkbmtreinish: oui numbes for yesterday 713,117,965 documents 489GB (that includes the replica)17:21
mtreinishsdague: ahh that makes sense17:21
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jogoclarkb: we don't graph file size trends do we?17:21
clarkbjogo: we don't17:21
clarkbfungi: yeah .5tb per node gives us an additional 3tb cluster wide which should help17:22
clarkbfungi: but at this rate I wonder if we might also want to consider adding nodes instead17:22
jeblairclarkb: i bet we could have the workers spit out statsd numbers for sizes17:22
jogoclarkb: ceilometer-collector is 7.7MBs17:23
clarkbjogo: we don't index ceilometer anything17:23
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dhellmannfungi: too bad doesn't seem to have an option to turn off the egg archive creation17:23
jogoclarkb: ohh right indexing17:23
dhellmannfungi: running it locally produces the same header, and running the egg through bash does a bootstrap installation of setuptools17:24
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clarkbfungi: jeblair: I think we have some breathing room to consider options, I do not think this needs to be done today17:25
clarkbjogo: I think I am going to start a thing where people post queries instead of links17:25
jogoclarkb: oh that is only 2k most recent never mind17:25
jogoclarkb: its not a query its a page17:25
clarkbwhat do you mean?17:25
sdaguejogo: it is a query17:25
jogotrying to see which filename has the most hits17:26
jogoin a given time window17:26
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sdagueclarkb: how I wish logstash used actual params instead of the uuencoded json17:26
clarkbsdague: me too17:26
sdagueclarkb: can we get documents / filename / build ?17:27
sdagueas some kind of statistics17:27
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clarkbsdague: with some queries I am sure17:27
clarkbdo queriy by filename then map reduce based on build17:27
jogolooks like kibana can'17:28
jogocan't get us the information you want17:28
clarkbfungi: jeblair: in any case if we have an emergency disk situation short term fix is to delete old indexes to make room17:28
clarkbfungi: jeblair: this is easy to do via elasticsearch-head or curl on one of the machines17:29
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ttxtop of gate now at 17h46 min, not sure what our record was17:29
clarkbttx: record was close to a few days iirc17:29
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ttxclarkb: great!17:30
sdagueclarkb: ceilometer reports into syslog17:31
ttxatleast it's mostly stable now. Was 15hour 5 hours ago17:31
sdaguettx: we topped 60hrs in january17:31
ttxsdague: how quick I can forget17:31
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sdaguethough I'm not sure I'd count it currently as stable17:32
clarkbsdague: wait really?17:32
jogoa quick count shows we had about 75 known gate resets in last 24 hours17:32
clarkbsdague: that might do it17:32
sdaguethe tempest change at possition #4 was at position #6 3 hrs ago17:32
jeblairjogo: known gate reset == reset due to classified bug?17:32
jogojeblair: correct17:32
jogojeblair: sum from this page
sdaguewe're at 83% classification over 14 days17:33
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ttxlooks like it's time to ring the gate bug bell again17:33
ttxbefore it adversely impact our capacity to release17:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add django_openstack_auth
sdagueclarkb: it also looks like someone is running amqp debug level in syslog17:34
* clarkb cires17:35
sdaguethough proxy-server, I thought that was swift17:35
clarkbsdague: proxy-server is swift17:35
sdagueMar 18 23:25:35 devstack-precise-rax-dfw-2836361 proxy-server: STDOUT: 2014-03-18 23:25:35.864 27814 DEBUG amqp [-] Closed channel #1 _do_close /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/amqp/ (txn: tx38decff13287498aa41ab-005328d5ef) (client_ip:
ttxsdague: that may explain those 2h30 runs17:35
sdagueso that totally confuses me then17:35
jogoclarkb: n-cpu is massive too17:35
sdaguejogo: not at info17:35
clarkbjogo: we filter n-cpu to > DEBUG though17:35
jogosdague: oh right17:35
sdaguettx: no, that wouldn't impact run time17:36
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sdagueclarkb: I didn't think swift used amqp17:36
ttxanyway, time to get some exercise. Talk to you all later17:36
notmynamesdague: it doesn't17:36
clarkbsdague: neither did I17:36
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notmynamesdague: maybe some middleware installed? (ceilometer?)17:37
sdagueso that can't be the same proxy server, right?17:37
clarkbso proxy-server must be something else17:37
jogottx: o/ btw we have been pushing on bug fixing quietly17:37
jogocinder fixed two already17:37
sdaguenotmyname: yeh, that could be17:37
sdagueceilometer middleware could cause it17:37
jogooh ceilometer17:37
notmynamesdague: actually, it's only going to be ceilometer or keystone17:37
sdaguenotmyname: well keystone wouldn't use amqp either17:37
notmynamesdague: then ceilometer it is :-)17:38
sdagueclarkb: so yeh, that's probably the culprit17:38
sdagueyeh, if you look at s-proxy logs -
fungiso if we curtail that in ceilo, utilization on the cluster should fall back off somewhat over the neaxt couple weeks, yeah?17:39
sdagueand remember that everything in swift is going to syslog as well17:39
sdaguefungi: it will definitely have an impact17:40
sdaguethat's ~80k log lines indexed per devstack run17:41
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sdagueactually scratch that17:41
sdague80k is a neutron run17:42
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sdaguethis tempest full run I'm looking at is 180k17:42
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sdagueso we're probably talking about 3/4 million documents per changset17:43
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sdagueand I think 600 changesets a day was a working average17:43
sdagueso that's probably 50% of our content17:44
sdaguein logstash17:44
sdagueif 3/4 billion documents is our daily17:44
sdagueok, so how do we do this right?17:45
sdagueis there a sane way to turn ceilometer logging down in the swift middleware17:45
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add http(s) protocol support to fetch_review and list_reviews
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sdagueI'm also completely happy just removing the ceilometer swift middleware and making them sort this out later17:47
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clarkbsdague: well it isn't an emergency yet :)17:47
clarkbsdague: that said I find it somewhat awesome that we can be more aware of this stuff now17:47
jeblairsdague: is swift logging to syslog and screen?17:47
clarkbbecause I would consider this an actual deployment bug17:47
sdagueit is in the fact that it's crippled17:48
sdaguejeblair: yes17:48
clarkbhowever we don't consume swift-project from screen17:48
clarkbso having swift *proxy go to syslog is kinda nice17:48
sdagueclarkb: so in my mind this is an emergency17:48
clarkbsdague: ok17:48
sdaguebecause ER is now blind17:48
sdagueas we are 30k events behind17:48
jeblairsdague: so my first thought is can we turn off swift syslogging?17:48
clarkbsdague: well it isn't blind, it is mostly keeping up (the biggest behindness was cluster recovery after the OOM)17:49
clarkbsdague: but agreed this makes recovery much slower17:49
sdagueclarkb: the bot keeps timing out17:49
sdagueso it's not reporting on changes17:49
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Git review assumes the wrong ssh default port
clarkbsdague: yeah we havne't been able to catch up since recovery happened17:49
sdaguewhich is why I am calling it an emergency17:49
sdaguejeblair: if we disable syslogging on swift we don't have timestamps17:50
sdaguebecause swift doesn't use olso logging17:50
clarkbsdague: but only for swift proxy17:50
clarkbthe other swift files mostly work17:50
fungidhellmann: so, anyway regardless of what zipimport thinks, the unzip utility is able to extract the contents of that egg just fine17:50
sdagueclarkb: sure, though isn't swift proxy the place we normally are finding the issues?17:50
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clarkbsdague: yes I think so :/17:50
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jeblairsdague, clarkb: would we normally deal with this by not indexing DEBUG on the swift logs?17:52
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sdaguejeblair: correct17:52
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sdaguejeblair: though this case is probably also different17:52
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sdaguebecause ceilometer log levels .... not good17:52
clarkbrcarrillocruz: reviewed. sorry if there was confusion17:52
sdaguewhich is why we don't index any of ceilometer logs today17:53
sdaguebecause they are basically completely unuseful17:53
sdagueand giant17:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Make tools/ take a branch
jeblairclarkb, sdague: two ideas: reconfigure rsyslog to filter them?  grok filters to ignore them?17:54
sdaguejeblair: well, the experience is if you got to grok, it's too late17:54
notmynameI only noticed this conversation when swift was mentioned, but I don't have any context. what's the problem du jour?17:55
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jeblairsdague: though, i mean the theoretical "CEILOMETER_LOG_SPAM=disabled" in localrc sounds nice.17:55
sdaguenotmyname: we were trying to figure out why we were up to 3/4 billion documents a day in logstash in the gate17:55
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sdagueand we think we narrowed down that 50 - 60% of that is ceilometer middleware in swift17:56
sdaguethat 3/4 B documents is currently exceeding the capacity for our logstash cluster to keep up17:56
fungidhellmann: also inserting zipfile.is_zipfile('/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg') immediately after the install phase fails in returns True, so that's really weird17:56
notmynamesdague: ah, ok17:57
sdaguejeblair: rm -rf /opt/ceilometer ? :)17:57
sdaguejust to show an example, this is what ceilometer logging looks like -
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jeblairand my browsers dead17:57
clarkbsdague: does ceilometer use local* for its level? maybe we can filter that way?17:58
clarkbjust have syslog dump it on the floor for us17:58
sdagueclarkb: so the problem is, it's in the swift address space right?17:58
Ajaeger1jeblair: our transifex version is not able to create new resources - and I need to have for trove an initial resource created.17:58
sdagueso it's just using whatever swift is using17:58
clarkbsdague: oh right so ya that17:58
Ajaeger1Can you do this, please?17:58
notmynameclarkb: sdague: which is configurable per-middleware via the config17:59
Ajaeger1jeblair: you're admin for trove in transifex...17:59
jogoin last 12 hours 107 million logstash entries tagged syslog17:59
clarkbAjaeger1: fifieldt and daisy have been doing most of that17:59
jogoout of 279 million hits in same duration17:59
sdagueok, so 35%17:59
notmynamesdague: clarkb: any idea if the swift ceilometer middleware is using swift's get_logger? or maybe it's using oslo? (I don't know)17:59
sdaguenotmyname: I don't know18:00
jogonotmyname: when did swift ceilometer middleware get turned on?18:00
Ajaeger1clarkb: jeblair has the permissions on trove - and only he. I've been debugging transifex problems with both...18:00
Ajaeger1(exactly: Jenkins and jeblair)18:00
jeblairMar 18 23:47:51 devstack-precise-rax-dfw-2836361 proxy-server: STDOUT: 2014-03-18 23:47:51.661 27814 DEBUG amqp [-] Closed channel #1 _do_close /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/amqp/ (txn: tx1366227f15414831bcc11-005328db27) (client_ip:
clarkbAjaeger1: oh gotcha18:00
fungidstufft: any hints on why zipimport might think that the shell-stubbed setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg isn't valid even though zipfile.is_zipfile says it's legit?18:00
notmynamejogo: I have no idea. I'm generally not aware of changes that are made to swift in the gate :-/18:00
notmynamejogo: ie devstack18:00
jeblairsdague: is that the kind of line you're interested in?18:00
sdaguejeblair: right those are things we should be dumping18:01
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sdaguethough I was actually pointing to the notification service which we don't index18:01
jeblairAjaeger1: ack18:01
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sdaguebecause it is equally unhelpful18:01
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Ajaeger1jeblair: just create the resource "trove-translations", please18:02
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Ajaeger1jeblair: Here's a quick URL:
jeblairwe _can_ apply regexes in rsyslog...18:02
jeblairi'm not sure we want to start chasing that thogh18:03
dstufftfungi: not a clue, i don't know much about zipimport18:03
dstufftfungi: there was a bug in 3.3 though if it's that version of python18:03
fungidstufft: running into it when trying to run ez_setup.py18:03
fungidstufft: i hit it with both python 2.7 and 3.318:03
jeblairAjaeger1: trove is part of the openstack hub project, so all the openstack maintainers can manage it18:04
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jogojeblair: this sounds like a ceilometer bug why not disable the ceilometer swift patch until its resolved18:04
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add a file that can detail the requirements files
fungidstufft: the output looks like
sdaguejogo: I'm fine with that18:04
jeblairjogo: that sounds like what sdague is proposing; i'm just brainstorming.18:04
sdagueit was added a long time ago, but it's just an include of the ceilometer egg18:04
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jogosdague: do we have a bug for this that I can use?18:05
sdaguejogo: no, there is no bugg18:05
jogoI was just going to comment out those lines18:05
jogoand say skipped until bug x is fixed18:05
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Ajaeger1jeblair: Shall I ping Daisy instead?18:05
jogosdague: thoughts?18:06
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jeblairAjaeger1: adding a new resource requires uploading a .po file18:06
sdaguejogo: so why don't you propose that, please file the bug as well, and we'll see if anything in our tests require that running18:06
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add a file that can detail the requirements files
sdagueit will take an hour to get those results anyway18:07
jogosdague: ack18:07
sdaguewe can decide then18:07
Ajaeger1jeblair: I know. Unfortunately, the transifex client is broken in its latest release and does not automatically create a new resource. This is fixed i ngit but not released yet.18:07
Ajaeger1jeblair: I can give you the current po file.18:08
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jeblairclarkb: can you verify that you have access to this?
jeblairjust to make sure the hub thing works as expected18:09
clarkbjeblair: checking now18:09
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Ajaeger1clarkb, thanks!18:09
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clarkbjeblair: Ajaeger1 yup works for me18:10
jeblairAjaeger1: so the regular admins should be able to help in the future.  if this is blocking you, i can upload the po file if you tell me how18:11
Ajaeger1Yes, due to the bug in the transifex client and me not having the permissions, it's blocking. ;)18:11
Ajaeger1jeblair: easiest thing: Give me rights on trove, let me upload - and revoke again ;) I'm jaegerandi on transifex18:12
Ajaeger1Otherwise, I can email you the po file- let me check the webui...18:12
jeblairAjaeger1: you have access now18:13
clarkbAjaeger1: is the bug in the client fixed? eg should we be updated the client somewhere18:13
dhellmannfungi: too bad doesn't include the file_offset value18:13
Ajaeger1The bug is fixed in git.18:14
fungidhellmann: at this point i'm just trying to figure out how/why is working for anyone...18:14
jogosdague: lets see how this goes
clarkbAjaeger1: but hasn't been released yet? I suppose we should wait for the release18:14
dhellmannfungi: it definitely works for me locally using 2.7 and 3.318:14
Ajaeger1Yeah, updating the client would be nice - just don't know how you do it. Let me create the resource now.18:14
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Ajaeger1clarkb: not released - correct18:14
sdaguejogo: cool, thanks18:14
clarkbAjaeger1: will do it for us when they make a new release18:15
fungidhellmann: ubuntu 12.04?18:15
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Ajaeger1jeblair: Uploaded, you can revoke my permissions again.18:15
dhellmannfungi: precise is 12.04, right?18:15
jeblairAjaeger1: done, thanks!18:15
fungidhellmann: yep18:16
clarkbfwiw I am happy to let Ajaeger1 have those perms permanently18:16
clarkbbut may need to run that by daisy, not sure how they are organizing those18:16
dhellmannfungi: python 2.7.3 and 3.3.3 (the latter installed from deadsnakes)18:16
fungidhellmann: if so, then there's something pythonbroken on our nodepool nodes18:16
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dhellmannfungi: bad zlib?18:16
Ajaeger1clarkb: hope there are not too many missing resources - Daisy gave me already permission to fix openstack-manuals-i18n where 4 resources where missing.18:16
dhellmannfungi: s/bad/different/18:16
fungidhellmann: zlib1g 1:
Ajaeger1clarkb: will ask daisy if I notice more things to fix. I didn't know about the Hub thingie and that that only clarkb had permissions...18:17
dhellmannfungi: same18:17
fungidhellmann: that *does* look like a made-up version number ;)18:18
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clarkbAjaeger1: I just approved so hopefully stuff moves on that front too18:18
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Ajaeger1clarkb: Great, thanks! I'm trying to fix what I can in this area right now...18:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix horizon-upstream-translation-update
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fungidhellmann: dstufft: even weirder... python -c 'import sys;sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg");import setuptools;print(setuptools.__file__)' returns /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg/setuptools/__init__.pyc18:21
fungiso zipimport *seems* to be working with that file18:22
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fungiwhich makes me wonder whether there's some sort of sync race on the file18:22
clarkbfungi: jeblair for changes like we are good to approve those during the week right? then they will get caught in the new project stuff on friday? (the manage-projects script must be manually triggered today so I think this is fine)18:22
fungiclarkb: seems fine to me18:23
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: wfm18:23
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fungiclarkb: though that group won't exist and acl won't be effective until then18:23
fungier, acl won't be updated. it'll be as effective as it is now until then18:24
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clarkbfungi: yup18:25
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jogonever seen this bug before:
jogoValueError: Unable to compute factors p and q from exponent d18:28
fungijogo: rsa?18:28
fungisounds like an rsa-related operation anyway18:29
* fungi looks at the log18:29
jogoyeah from paramiko18:29
fungiahh, yep, busted ssh key18:29
jogofungi: how does that happen?18:30
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revoke sudo from most jobs
fungijogo: i'm going to guess a paramiko bug, or issue in some underlying crypto primitive system lib it's relying on18:32
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow bare-precise nodes to sudo
fungijogo: i think it's trying to derive the public key string from a generated private key18:32
jogofungi: yeah18:32
jogoanyway next bug18:32
jogo ERROR: Failed to upload files18:33
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jogo83 hits in 2 days18:34
fungijogo: pycrypto more likely than paramiko, and i suspect paramiko is failing to preserve the original traceback for the exception it caught and rethrew18:34
jogomessage:"Failed to upload files" AND tags:"console"18:34
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jogois that a valid infra bug?18:35
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jeblairdims: why do you remove the ubuntu cloud archive in ?18:35
fungijogo: ERROR: gate_hook failed18:35
fungijogo: i think you're looking at a cascade failure there18:35
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jeblair2014-03-18 19:08:56.792 | Caused by:
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jogoalthough those both got marked as unstable18:37
jeblairjogo: see the interrupted exception?18:37
jeblairjogo: i don't believe that job was reported to gerrit18:37
jogojeblair: ahh makes sense18:38
jeblairjogo: which means it's probably an aborted zuul build18:38
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jogoI thought we had a hidden bug for that18:38
jeblairjogo: maybe it doesn't quite match that signature?18:38
fungijogo: jeblair: correct, that failure never ended up hitting (occurred somewhere in the vast span of time it was in the gate, so almost certainly related to a gate reset)18:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Updating the group config for the golang-client project to reflect the core and ptl structure.
jogojeblair: yup   message:""18:40
jogo  AND message:"hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher.launch"18:40
jogo  AND filename:console.html18:40
jeblairjogo: i think you should get rid of hudson.Launcher$RemoteLauncher.launch18:40
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jeblairjogo: i'm pretty sure any in the console log is going to be related to zuul aborts18:40
jeblairjogo: (possibly job timeouts, but i don't think it's important to distinguish for this purpose)18:41
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jogojeblair: agreed18:42
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Loosen fingerprint for bug 1260311
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260311 in openstack-ci "hudson.Launcher exception causing build failures" [Undecided,Invalid]
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add a file that can detail the requirements files
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fungidhellmann: i'm testing now to see whether i can recreate this issue running 'sudo python' on an otherwise pristine ubuntu 12.04 vm in rackspace (i've confirmed it fails on both our bare-precise and py3k-precise nodepool node types)18:57
fungihopefully i can separate the wheat from the chaff this way18:58
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dhellmannfungi: thank you for spending so much time on this18:58
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only initialize transifex if there's no .tx directory
dstufftfungi: sorry I'm not more help :[18:58
fungidhellmann: no problem. i've also confirmed that directly zipimport'ing from that egg fails in exactly the same way if i stick it at the end of the script, but running the exact same commands in an interactive python shell imports from it just fine. inserting a time.sleep(5) also made no difference18:59
fungidstufft: 'sokay. i'll have a bug report against *something* soon enough18:59
Ajaeger1clarkb, fungi: The change I did in is needed elsewhere as well ;(, seems nobody check all translation jobs for properl working ;(. See 81599 for the next patch.19:00
clarkbAjaeger1: yup reviewed19:00
fungiAjaeger1: yeah, they've been mostly broken for a while. proof that nobody usually looks at jobs that run in post19:00
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clarkbjeblair: mordred: so the mysterious zuul merger dying phenomena appears to be deadlock around git operations19:00
Ajaeger1clarkb: you're ultra-quick - thanks.19:00
clarkbjeblair: mordred: I have a thread that is >30 minutes old trying to do a git operation via subprocess.communicate19:01
Ajaeger1fungi: I agree, failures in post jobs need some visibility19:01
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clarkbjeblair: mordred: and is just stuck there. Good news is I think that means the zuul merger itself is sound \o/ but now need to figure out why git is unhappy with pygit19:01
fungiAjaeger1: maybe we should have an e-mail reporter like we use for periodic jobs and use it to pester the -dev ml19:01
jeblairclarkb: do you have something else touching those repos?19:01
clarkbjeblair: have you seen that before with pygit? I can paste the threaddump too if you are interested in looking at it19:01
dstufftfungi: what are you running in the python interactive btw?19:02
dstufftwhich liens19:02
clarkbjeblair: good question. I don't think so but somehow we did end up with two zuul mergers (the older one wouldn't even respond to sigusr2 and the pid in the pidfile was for the newer one)19:02
fungidstufft: python -c 'import sys;sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg");import setuptools;print(setuptools.__file__)'19:02
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clarkbjeblair: so I won't rule that out, certainly a possibility given ^19:02
dstufftfungi: try importing pkg_resources first19:03
fungidstufft: those commands raise the same exception from within but not when run outside its context19:03
fungidstufft: trying19:03
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary workaround for Time out errors from libvirt
fungidstufft: python -c 'import pkg_resources, sys;sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg");import setuptools;print(setuptools.__file__)' works too19:04
clarkbjeblair: I think my next step is to check if the git process is still around when it happens and strace that19:04
dimsjeblair, sorry, in this review, i don't use UCA at all, it's a left over from another review.19:04
jeblairdims: ok, so those lines can go away?19:04
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dimsjeblair, y i nuked 'em19:04
jeblairdims: awesome, thanks!19:04
dstufftfungi: python -c 'import sys;sys.path.insert(0, "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools-3.3-py2.7.egg"); import pkg_resources; import setuptools;print(setuptools.__file__)' ?19:05
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SlickNiksdague: Just discussed mockito at the trove meeting.19:05
SlickNiksdague: timeline to move away is next 3-4 days.19:05
fungidstufft: just tried that and it works too19:05
sdagueSlickNik: nice!19:05
SlickNiksdague: I'll be taking care of it.19:06
Ajaeger1fungi: yeah, might help. But don't send it for each failing job, create some rate-limit.19:06
sdaguethanks much19:06
dstufftfungi: ok that was my brilliant idea anyway s:/19:06
dstufftpkg_resources does some bad things sometimes19:06
sdagueso we'll make sure to get the others through to requirements19:06
SlickNiksdague: No worries. It's something that we need to do sooner rather than later. :)19:06
SlickNiksdague: Thank you!19:07
fungidstufft: ooh! i also once got this out of a moment ago... "zlib.error: Error -5 while decompressing data: incomplete or truncated stream"19:09
dstufftfungi: you might want to put a print here and see what downloader is being used
dstufftare you checking the exact file that is downloaded, or did you download it yourself19:10
fungidstufft: downloading directly19:10
fungii can't reproduce this on a pristine ubuntu 12.04 vm though, so it's something to do with what combination of system packages we do or don't have installed i think19:10
* fungi will brb19:11
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vishydhellmann, dstufft, et. al.: anyone familiar with entry points?19:13
dstufftfamilar enough to know i'll probably regret saying yes19:14
lifelessjeblair: and a release with that is still at the top of our jeblair christmas list19:14
vishydstufft: so I'm trying to run the nova tests19:15
vishyfrom a source code checkout and stevedore isn't picking up the api extensions19:15
vishyit appears that perhaps nova needs to be installed for the tests to work?19:15
vishydoes that make sense?19:15
jeblairlifeless: that may not be the change you're thinking of (it has already merged)19:15
dstufftextension points are in the package metadata19:15
dstufftit has to be installed, but you can install it while still running locally19:16
jeblairlifeless: but yes, i plan on merging that one and releasing soon19:16
dhellmannvishy: right, what dstufft said19:16
dstufftpip install -e or develop will "install" your local directory19:16
dhellmanndevstack uses pip install -e19:16
jeblairlifeless: may be the one you were thinking of19:16
lifelessjeblair: shows 'review in progress' in gerrit19:16
lifelessjeblair: oh, yes 76588 was our xmas present19:17
lifelessjeblair: 80304 is a new different leak19:17
dstufftpip install -e is probably what you want19:17
dstufftexecuting directly is typically a recipe for some kind of pain19:17
lifelessjeblair: thank you for 7658819:17
jeblairlifeless: yeah, seeing made me look for other possible instances. should never be an issue but is nice to clean up anyway19:18
dstufftit might be minor pain, like you bumped into a table, it might be major pain like you cracked open your skill and got poison ivy at the same time19:18
jeblair(it would only affect a process that stops and starts the gear server a lot)19:18
dimsjeblair, question for you - is there anywhere we can host the files from serge? - i'd hate it for it to go away or someone blocking network access to it19:18
fungivishy: our tox-based tests mostly use develop19:18
fungibut either is probably fine19:18
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jeblairdims: i'm not sure we have a location that could stand up to our own use; maybe we could stick it in swift and use the rackspace cdn...19:19
dimsjeblair, something i can do myself? pointers please19:20
jeblairdims: no, we generally don't do things like this because we only test with released software so we don't have anything set up for it19:21
jeblairdims: when do you think it will make it to the ubuntu archive?19:21
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jeblairdims: (well, if you have access to a swift cluster with a cdn somewhere, you could put it there yourself)19:22
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: convert to filename from tags
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: convert to filename from tags
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dimsjeblair, it will get into proposed today hopefully from what i know. now sure when it will get promoted from precise-proposed to precise-updates19:25
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jeblairdims: i'll stick it in a swift container in the openstackci account19:25
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dimsjeblair, thanks! let me know the url and i'll update the review19:26
jeblairdims, sdague: i just realized something19:26
jeblairdims, sdague: devstack-gate is distro-agnostic now19:27
sdaguejeblair: I suppose so19:27
jeblairdims, sdague: so we shouldn't add ubuntu-specific commands (at least, not without protecting fedora/centos)19:27
sdagueit would be nice if those other distros reported test results :)19:27
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dimslol, jeblair i'll add checks for ubuntu only :)19:28
jeblairsdague: i think pleia2 is working on that19:28
sdaguejeblair: cool, will be extra happy to see it19:29
sdaguejeblair: yeh, so force installing that update is basically a stop the bleeding measure19:29
jeblairdims, sdague: how bad is this problem, btw?19:29
sdague#2 gate bug19:29
sdague9 resets in the last 24hrs19:30
jeblairbecause i'm a bit uneasy about violating the 'only test on released artifacts' thing; i'm not really keen on trying to fix the whole world19:30
sdaguejeblair: I'm with yuo19:30
jeblairok cool19:31
jeblairdims: wait before you push up a new version with the check, and i'll give a a cdn url for the debs19:31
sdaguebut I really think that given the current reset rate we should try to get over this hump, especially as ubuntu has acknowledged the bug, and is working the fix through process19:31
dimsjeblair, yep. will wait19:32
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Ironic check jobs via tripleo-ci
lifelessdevananda: ^ may interest you19:37
lifelessalso NobodyCam and GheRivero ^19:37
lifelessdevananda: I'm wondering if you want those jobs on Ironic to be check rather than experimental (but still nonvoting)19:37
devanandalifeless: i'm late for my bus... but taking a quick look19:38
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devanandalifeless: experimental is fine if you're still working out things in tripleo to make them start functioning19:39
devanandalifeless: check-nv would be good as soon as you think they should be passing with some regularity19:39
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adam_gwhat part of the gate infra is responsible for generating the localrc used in the devstack jobs? specifically the ENABLED_SERVICES setting?19:43
sdagueadam_g: devstack-gate-wrap19:44
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adam_gsdague, ah!19:45
sdagueadam_g: actually, d-g itself -
sdagueand the next 50 lines19:45
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adam_gsdague, great, taking a look. thanks19:45
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1292141
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1292141 in tripleo "Cannot fetch index base URL" [Critical,Triaged]
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lifelessdevananda: we require CI to pass on all landings19:50
lifelessdevananda: its nonvoting as an escape clause for systematic failures at the moment - e.g. that we have only one cloud19:51
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable Neutron for Ironic Devstack jobs
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clarkbok back from lunch20:02
lifelessdevananda: done20:04
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Ironic check jobs via tripleo-ci
lifelessclarkb: would quite like to get ^ in, once it passes verify :)20:05
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jeblairi am apparently incapable of uploading a file to rackspace cloud files20:05
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jeblairyeah, the rackspace cloud files web ui is not working for me when i try to upload a file20:08
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JayFjeblair: you had commented on this, wanted to make sure it was good and get the reviews aligned for new-project-friday20:12
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zzelleHi everyone20:14
clarkbzzelle: hello20:14
zzellei have a trouble with git-review testing on py3320:15
zzellei get the following pip requirement error20:15
zzelleclarkb, hi20:15
clarkbfungi: is ^ related to the pypy thing?20:16
fungiclarkb: not the pypy thing but related to the whatever i was trying to test whether running and would solve20:17
fungiclarkb: the issue oslo.rootwrap is running into with python33 unit test jobs20:17
zzellei did some research using kibana, the trouble seems to be 2 days old20:17
fungiand it's all fairly spontaneous, which leads me to believe this is possibly fallout from the setuptools 3.3 release20:18
clarkblifeless: where does USE_IRONIC come from?20:19
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jeblairnotmyname: i'm trying to use python-swiftclient to talk to rax cloud files and it seems stuck at "INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):"20:26
jeblairnotmyname: do you know of someone who would be interested in that^ ?20:26
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notmynamejeblair: interested? or who could fix it :-)20:28
dstufftfungi: with the latest version of you don't need first btw20:28
dstufftsince like20:28
dstufft1.5.1? I think20:28
dstufftor .220:28
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jeblairnotmyname: "interested in and capable of fixing it immediately" would be the ideal, but you know, however close to that we can get.  :)20:28
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: upgrade review-dev.o.o to gerrit 2.8.3
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notmynamejeblair: I'm very interested, and I'd probably look to pandemicsyn or ahale (or maybe gholt or creiht) or talk to someone in support in #rackspace20:29
fungidstufft: oh! i'll see if that helps get me out of this rathole--thanks!20:29
dstufftsince 1.5.whatever pip can install Wheels without setuptools isntalled at all20:30
dstufftstill needs it for sdists20:30
dstufftso we exploit that to have install setuptools and pip from Wheels20:30
morganfainberglifeless, for testr (or anyone else) is there a way to get the worker ID from within python?20:30
clarkblifeless: thank you, wasn't seeing it in d-g so figured it was something in tripleo20:30
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Ironic check jobs via tripleo-ci
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lifelessmorganfainberg: within a backend? For DB isolation I presume? You can use your pid :)20:31
morganfainberglifeless, yeah i was going to use the PID but i liked the worker-id concept better ;)20:31
morganfainberglifeless, if it was available20:31
morganfainberglifeless, but PID was my fallback alternative20:31
lifelessmorganfainberg: so worker id is actually 'routing path'- for now pid is better.20:32
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Initial openstackdroid commit for Stackforge, with review changes
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fungidstufft: works!20:32
fungidhellmann: ^20:32
morganfainberglifeless, ok sounds good, PID it is20:32
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fungiseems to solve the oslo.rootwrap python33 test issues... i'll fix up mordred's patch some20:32
* dhellmann reads backlog20:33
dstufftfungi: cool :) sorry I didn't think of it earlier, it didn't really register why you were (probably) running ez_setup.py20:33
fungidstufft: should we also be ripping out distro-supplied python-pkg-resources first too, or is removing python-setuptools python-pip first enough?20:33
dstufftfungi: well pip will probably stomp all over it20:34
dstufftand replace it with whatever comes with setuptools20:34
dstufftyou're probably gonna have a harder time getting rid of it though20:34
fungibasically trying to make sure we cleanly gut any preinstalled python packaging debs before running get-pip.py20:34
dstufftpip itself won't use it20:34
dstufftit has a bundled copy of pkg_resources it uses20:34
dstufftsetuptools will use it though20:34
fungibut will pip call things which might call their own copies?20:35
dstufftsetuptools via yea20:35
fungipip -> some -> setuptools -> system pkg_resources20:35
fungigot it20:35
fungisetuptools will bootstrap a new pkg_resources into the system though, correct?20:36
* dhellmann adds a chalk mark to the tally of beers owed fungi and dstufft 20:36
dstufftfungi: yea installing setuptools will overwrite the system pkg_resources.py20:36
dstufftbecause you know, silently overwriting things is a cool thing to do20:37
dstufftwell I slightly lie20:37
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dstuffton Debian based system you'll end up with the system located in /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/, and one installed by pip in /usr/local/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/pkg_resources.py20:38
dstuffton like Fedora and shit it'll just overwrite20:38
fungidstufft: so the one other wrinkle here... we're trying to support pip-installing into a python 3.3 virtualenv... any special things we need to do to make sure appropriate setuptools/pkg_resources get installed for all interpreter versions on the system? do we need to re-run under multiple interpreter versions for that?20:38
dstufftso lets back up a second20:38
dstufftare you installing anything into the system python? or only into virtualenvs20:39
fungidstufft: well, we're running tox and possibly some testr bits outside of the virtualenv20:39
dstufftany reason you don't run them inside the virtualenv?20:39
fungiwell, for tox it's a bootstrapping question. we run tox and virtualenv outside of a virtualenv because they're creating teh virtualenv we're going to run things inside20:40
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1294824
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1294824 in tempest "Volume test quota race condition" [Undecided,In progress]
dstufftso tox handles being called from inside of a virtualenv just fine20:40
fungibasically we need newish tox on the system. so that we can run it to create the virtualenv we'll test inside of20:40
fungiand the way we're getting new tox is with pip, in the system context20:41
clarkbdstufft: right but then you have to manage a virtualenv which is what tox is for20:41
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1294824
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1294824 in tempest "Volume test quota race condition" [Undecided,In progress]
fungior are you saying we should create a virtualenv, install tox into that, then use the virtualenv'd tox to create other cirtualenvs?20:41
dstufftyes that one fungi20:41
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dstufftvirtualenv shouldn't clash with any of the preinstalled python packaging packages20:41
jeblairdims: ^20:41
dstufftand even if it did, virtualenv can run without being installed20:42
fungidstufft: ahh, okay, i do that on my workstation so i don't have to pip install it system wide there, so i know it works fine for me20:42
jeblairdims: sorry it took so long20:42
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gerrit-2.8: Add secondary index support
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gerrit-2.8: Allow encoded path separators in URLs
dstufftand you isolate yourself from having to worry about ripping out all these packages20:42
clarkbjeblair: are we hosting specific debs for libvirt now?20:42
dimsjeblair, thanks, will give it a whirl20:42
fungidstufft: so this takes us back to the fact that we're using puppet's pip package provider to install virtualenv and tox20:42
fungiwhich i guess we would just have to not do20:43
dstufftdoes puppet have a git provider?20:43
dstufftto clone a repo?20:43
clarkbit has a thing to do that yes20:43
dstufftI assume so yea?20:43
fungiyeah, we use vcsrepo for other things20:43
fungiso it's possible we could grab it that way20:43
jeblairclarkb: apparently the fix is making its way through ubuntu process, sdague thinks it's worth the emergency measure20:43
dstufftclone and do python -ppython2.7 /pah/to/virtualenv20:43
clarkbjeblair: roger, I saw mention of emergency measure didn't realize this was the way to emergence it20:43
dstufftno need to install anything then20:43
dstufftand you isolate yourself from the system python :)20:44
jeblairclarkb: it's on, but dims thought it would be nice for us to not hammer/rely on that20:44
sdagueclarkb: yeh, it's our #2 gate failure, and something that needs a new libvirt to fix20:44
clarkbdstufft: but now you have two problems instead of 120:44
dstufftclarkb: how?20:44
clarkbdstufft: because now you have to manage system python and the virtualenv python20:44
dstufftif you pretend the system python is for the OS you don't have to manage it :)20:45
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fungiclarkb: it makes things harder to update, but this might be fine for single-use worker nodes since we build those and then throw them away again when we're done. heck, could possibly even bootstrap the virtualenv'd tox from cached sources on the filesystem20:46
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clarkbfungi: yeah I think it is definitely doable. But giving up on system python seems oh so very unlinuxy to me20:47
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder bug 1291162
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1291162 in tempest "tempest failure in tempest.api.volume.admin.test_volume_quotas" [Undecided,In progress]
dstufftit's a chroot :D20:47
dstufftsort of20:47
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary workaround for Time out errors from libvirt
clarkbat this point why bother testing on any particular distro? we are just going to slurp in a different python anyways20:47
jeblairclarkb, fungi, dstufft: remember that whatever it is we do on the test nodes is what we expect developers to do20:47
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fungiclarkb: well, the moment we try we're basically giving up on system python for this purpose20:47
dstufftclarkb: you're not testing the distro if you're ripping out the system installed packaging tools anyways20:48
jeblairclarkb, fungi, dstufft: so this means we expect that developers can't bootstrap their own test environment from the distro20:48
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dstufftyou're testing a particular openstack flavored version of the distro20:48
clarkbdstufft: no see jeblairs comment20:48
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clarkbI mean yes it is still in a chroot venv thingy. but getting there from distro is straightforward for everyone20:48
dstufftNever use the system python has been advice for every Python developer ever fwiw20:49
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dstufftthat way lies pain20:49
dstufft(otoh distro maintainers yell at me sometimes so there's that)20:50
jeblairdstufft: you and i disagree on that point.  we don't need to hash it out here and now though.  :)20:50
dstufftjeblair: :)20:50
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jeblairdstufft: well, i'm pretty sure we agree that it's pain, actually.  :)20:50
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: upgrade review.o.o to gerrit ver 2.8.x
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dstufftWhen the python packaging tools fail most of the time I hear about it in some form, I get less complaints when people stop using the OS Python and isolate themselves (this is on any OS that provides Python, not just Linux). I want to make this better but as it stands shit just stomps all over each other and sooner or later somebody cries20:51
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dstufft(I'm equating less complaints with it works better in practice, maybe they just give up too idk)20:51
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dstufftbut it's up to y'all of course :) If you want to do what you're doing you should probablly get rid of pkg_resources before doing this too20:52
morganfainbergany infra folks able to provide a ban in #openstack? got some lovely language going on there20:52
morganfainbergjeblair, ++ thanks20:53
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jeblairnp, we're putting together an irc ops team with global access so there should be a bunch of people able to help out with that soon20:53
jeblairmorganfainberg: not quite fully organized yet20:53
morganfainbergjeblair, let me know if you need help w/ it20:53
morganfainbergjeblair, i lurk around a lot20:53
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jeblairmorganfainberg: cool, thanks.20:54
morganfainbergjeblair, /me should learn not to volunteer :P20:54
morganfainbergjeblair, ^_^20:54
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mattoliverauMorning all21:00
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jeblairmattoliverau: good morning21:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Close server connect pipes on cleanup
jeblairlifeless, derekh: gear 0.5.4 pushed21:06
clarkbjeblair: that includes a bunch of other fixes includeing the function reregistration fix right?21:07
lifeless\o/ thanks21:07
jeblairclarkb: yep, i'm bumping it in zuul now21:07
clarkbcool, I will plan to restart the geard on logstash.o.o in the near future21:08
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Require gear 0.5.4
clarkban all of the workers too I guess21:08
jeblairclarkb: it's not really urgent, it won't affect them since they only have one function21:08
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clarkboh right that loop will do the right thing in that case21:08
derekhjeblair: thanks, lifeless will rebuild the image21:09
lifelessderekh: do you mean you will or I will ?21:09
derekhlifeless: I will21:10
clarkbjeblair: has a response you may be interested in when gear is sorted21:10
jeblairfungi: oops
lifelessderekh: argh. Do you mean 'derek will' or 'lifeless will' !21:10
derekhlifeless: I have kicked off a new image build :-)21:11
jeblairlifeless: clearly the answer to that question is "yes"! :)21:11
fungijeblair: um... neat! apparently very old centos image21:12
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fungijeblair: i'll whip up a quick patch to make sure we install iproute2 everywhere21:12
clarkbwow we even checked that21:13
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clarkbjust not on that machine...21:13
fungiclarkb: yep, i guess rax started adding it to later centos images21:13
clarkbfungi: could it possibly be a path issue?21:13
clarkbimage changes seem more likely I suppose21:13
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fungiclarkb: oh, good point... /sbin/ip is on mirror2621:14
fungiand it's in my path21:14
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fungiwhy is it not in jenkins's path?21:14
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fungiit's in the jenkins user's path21:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: convert to filename from tags
fungion that machine21:15
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fungiis the jenkins agent sanitizing the path there?21:15
clarkbdoes that script set PATH?21:15
clarkbyeah I wonder if jenkins is doing something funny21:15
fungimaybe i can just export PATH=$PATH:/sbin in that builder macro?21:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Loosen fingerprint for bug 1260311
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1260311 in openstack-ci "hudson.Launcher exception causing build failures" [Undecided,Invalid]
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clarkbfungi: or maybe we give ip a fully rooted path in the macro?21:17
clarkbmy saucy box has it in /sbin/ip too21:17
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clarkbeither way wfm21:17
fungican we assume it's in /sbin on every platform i wonder21:17
clarkbprobably not21:18
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clarkbdistros like Arch put everything in /bin or was it /usr/bin21:18
fungiappending to the current env path seems safer21:18
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jeblairi'm not worried about arch21:18
fungiwe can certainly spot-check the set of systems we care about, but...21:18
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clarkbjeblair: but rax has arch images >_>21:19
jeblairif it's in /sbin on centos and precise, isn't that good enough?21:19
clarkbmaybe we need to check fedora too then it iwll be good enough21:19
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clarkbsince pleia2 is close to having fedora images working21:19
asalkeldhi guys, I think solum's dsvm tests are getting terminated early (destack is running and the job just get killled)
fungithe question is whether we /sbin/ip on several commands or add PATH=$PATH:/sbin at the start of the builder21:19
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clarkbjeblair: I see you +2'd but didn't approve is that because babysitting?21:20
asalkeldis there a timeout I can increase anywhere?21:20
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clarkbpleia2: I think you are semi vacationing but if you are up for it we can approve that change tomorrow and deal with fallout if it happens21:20
clarkbasalkeld: in the job are two timeout values. the jenkins timeout and the devstack timeout. you can tweak those values as appropriate21:20
asalkeldo, cool - thanks clarkb21:21
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fungiasalkeld: out of curiosity, why do you think that job hit a timeout? looks like devstack only ran for about 10 minutes...21:22
asalkeldwell, why did it get killed?21:23
fungiis "ERROR: Invalid OpenStack Nova credentials.21:23
fungi" a benign warning or something?21:23
asalkeldI see that all the time21:23
fungii see it a bunch in that particular devstack log21:23
asalkeldjust not sure why is works sometimes but not others21:24
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fungi"ERROR: gate_hook failed" suggests something failed during "Running devstack"21:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Make zuul more worker agnostic
asalkeldok, I'll double check that locally21:25
asalkeldthanks fungi21:25
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Add turbo-hipster to gearman-launchers
clarkbdstufft: have an opinion on that?21:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1272417 in openstack-ci "Unable to install software dependencies due to: "Cannot fetch index base URL"" [Medium,Incomplete]21:27
clarkbdstufft: mostly the last couple comments21:27
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lifelessclarkb: whats up with ?21:27
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dstufftclarkb: if it's a timeout then increasing the timeout is a reasonable solution, you can probably add -vvv to the pip call to get the exact error21:28
dstufftoh it's via tox21:29
fungilifeless: looks like a network issue getting from a worker in rax-dfw to (which is also in rax-dwf)21:29
fungier, dfw21:29
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fungilifeless: on my workstation just a few minutes ago i also got a similar "Fetching origin ... error: fetch died of signal 13 ... error: Could not fetch origin"21:31
fungimaybe network problems in dfw?21:31
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jeblairclarkb: yes21:33
jeblairclarkb: and image rebuild timing, etc; which i think is improved now :)21:33
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add /sbin to the net-info job builder path
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clarkbjeblair: ok, I will work with pleia2 to get that in tomorrow21:39
clarkbpleia2: assuming tomorrow is good for you21:39
jeblairclarkb: or we could aprv it now and it will be rebuild in time for us to see the results in the morning21:40
clarkbjeblair: yeah I am slightly worried it will just go sideways overnight and we will wake up to massive logs and leaked ssh keys again21:40
jeblairclarkb: leaked ssh keys?21:40
clarkbjeblair: yeah remember the key leakage when builds don't happen properly. I don't think we fixed that by moving to a single key for everything yet21:41
jeblairoh, that kind of ssh keys21:41
jeblairclarkb: yeah, but builds are now timed so that they finish when we're all awake21:41
clarkbthat did make it in. Won't the builds start now though since there is no existing image?21:42
clarkbnodepool ignores the cron when there is no image21:42
jeblairclarkb: for the new stuff, yes.21:42
jeblairclarkb: but we won't start running jobs on those yet, so it's not going to affect zuul21:43
clarkbok /me hits the go button21:43
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clarkbyou have convinced me that there is less to worry about than I thought :)21:43
jeblairthe key leakage would be annoying, but we can deal with that.  i'll see if i can track that down real quick21:44
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jeblairjhesketh_: good morning!21:49
clarkbjhesketh_: mattoliverau you guys must've done come off DST as we went on it21:49
clarkbbecause you wake up really late now :P21:49
jeblairjhesketh_: if you have a minute to review that would be great (should help a teensy bit with our test node quota)21:50
jhesketh_clarkb: we don't come off until the 6th of April21:50
clarkbhuh so it will be even later later21:50
jeblairclarkb: hrm, testing a failed image build in az2 does not result in a leaked keypair21:51
jeblairi stuck "exit 1" in the prepare script21:51
jhesketh_jeblair: sure, looking21:52
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jhesketh_clarkb: it's just before 9am here21:52
clarkbjeblair: hrm. Maybe it only leaks with nova boot fails?21:53
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clarkbjeblair: perhaps this problem is less nasty than I thought21:53
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morganfainberglifeless, running into a strange issue, it seems like the group_regex i'm doing in testr.conf is causing me to run really fast through some tests but then all ungrouped tests endup on a single worker?21:55
jeblairclarkb: that might be it21:55
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morganfainberglifeless, or that somehow a bunch of tests are being lumped onto one worker (bad balance)21:56
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clarkbmorganfainberg: the initial run should be naive and do a 1:1 ration across all workers. But subseuqent runs use timing data in the testrepository to balance more properly. Is it possible that is causing the imbalance?21:57
morganfainbergclarkb, that doesn't seem ot be what i'm seeing21:57
morganfainbergclarkb, let me start with a clean .testrepository21:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add support for Fedora 20 to nodepool
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morganfainbergclarkb, ideally i would like to see the more nieve approach of even balancing as long as the few specific tests are grouped together21:58
morganfainbergclarkb, naive21:58
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* morganfainberg tries to spell21:58
clarkbits ok I spelled ratio as "ration"21:59
sdaguemorganfainberg: so first pass through it should be binning alphabetically21:59
sdague1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4 .... through all the tests21:59
morganfainbergsdague, hmm.21:59
morganfainbergsdague, except where explicitly grouped i assume21:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add saharaclient to global requirements
sdagueafter that it bins similarly, but sorts the list by longest to shortest time run22:00
morganfainbergsdague, so longer tests run at the end?22:00
morganfainbergerm start22:00
morganfainbergsdague, aha i found the issue, clean testrepository made my wierd grouping go away22:01
morganfainbergmust have just gotten wedged with bad data over my multiple runs.22:01
sdaguemorganfainberg: yeh, you maybe had some pathologic training data22:01
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morganfainbergnow i just need to figure out this DB migrate issue and life will be good.22:02
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jhesketh_jeblair: reviewed22:03
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Delete created keypairs if nova boot fails
jeblairclarkb: ^22:07
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clarkbjeblair: do we need that special case in the normal vm launch code? I am trying to remember if we get a genearted key there too22:09
jeblairjhesketh_: also you may want to check out gear 0.5.4 which fixes a bug that could affect turbo-hipster re-registering functions on reconnect22:09
jeblairjhesketh_: also affected the zuul merger22:10
jhesketh_jeblair: yes, I've been waiting for those new gear changes to come in :-)22:10
jeblairclarkb: no, we don't generate a keypair for that, we expect the setup scripts to ensure we can log in, so we log in with jenkins key22:10
jhesketh_nice stuff :-)22:10
clarkbjeblair: and nova won't insist on giving us one?22:11
jeblairclarkb: how could it?  it doesn't store the private key; we generate both and upload the public one22:12
jeblair(keypair seems to be a bit of a misnomer in this context)22:12
clarkboh right22:12
clarkbjeblair: I think because of the way passwords work I thought maybe it did the same with keys22:12
jeblairclarkb: amusingly, even hpcloud gives us a password.  it doesn't work.22:13
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1294874
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1294874 in openstack-ci "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code" [Undecided,New]
jeblairjhesketh_: also finally got around to doing the alternate impl you suggested
jhesketh_oh awesome, you've had a busy day!22:14
clarkbjeblair: huh, weird.22:15
clarkbI should review that change.22:17
clarkbjeblair: I think is ready for your review now. Especially since the zuul merger issues we are having seem to be git related and not related to that change22:18
clarkbjeblair: mostly curious to see what you have to say about the test changes22:18
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jeblairclarkb: ack; i'm nearing review burnout for today though.  maybe tomorrow?22:21
clarkbjeblair: sure, I am getting there myself22:22
clarkbso wouldn't be able to address comments quickly anywyas22:22
asalkeldclarkb, re: Invalid nova credentials (in my devstack gate output). I noticed something odd22:23
asalkeldopenstack user create swiftusertest1 --password=testing --project e41446fcdd1c41a89ce17614c305fb3f --email=test@example.com22:23
asalkeldnova --os-password secret --os-username swiftusertest1 --os-tenant-name swifttenanttest1 x509-create-cert22:23
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asalkeldseems to use the wrong password22:23
asalkeld(not at all related to my stuff)22:24
clarkbdevstack bug?22:24
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asalkeldmaybe we can just turn off swift22:24
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pleia2clarkb: tomorrow is fine, I'll be around all day22:27
clarkbpleia2: well we went ahead and did it22:28
clarkbpleia2: I need to check nodepool shortly to see how far it has gotten22:28
pleia2hah, oh ok :)22:28
pleia2I'll have a look at backlog once I'm back at my laptop22:28
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clarkbpleia2: jeblair convinced me it isn't as scary as I thought and poushed a nodepool patch to fix the one issue I was actually worried about22:31
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clarkbpleia2: though now I realize that the change doesn't actually add the image type to nodepool so we are mostly safe22:33
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clarkbpleia2: maybe push that change up and we will get that in tomorrow?22:33
clarkbjhesketh_: the assertTrue on line 3702. are the two args to or identical?22:35
jhesketh_clarkb: not quite22:36
clarkbok I will reread it22:36
jhesketh_clarkb: we don't know the order of the dict so it's testing both possible orders of smtp/gerrit or gerrit/smtp22:36
clarkbaha! I get it now22:37
clarkbyay python python dicts are secure22:37
jhesketh_if you have a neater way of testing that, le tme know22:37
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clarkbmeh wfm22:37
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fungidhellmann_: so... having reproduced the issue a few different ways, the root of the problem seems to be that the distro-installed python-pip3 1.3.1 package is in some way getting picked up from /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages when tox is first trying to set up the venv for the job, even though there's also a pip 1.5.4 in /usr/local/bin22:47
fungidhellmann_: removing the python3-pip package seems to allow the job to run successfully22:48
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lifelessmorganfainberg: its possible. untimed tests get round-robined. timed tests fill buckets up fastest bucket first22:59
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jogoI am having trouble finding 'gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-heat-slow' in graphite23:02
jogooh woops23:03
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morganfainberglifeless, all working now, i just had a lot of old / bad data in .testrepository23:08
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sdaguejogo: - I think that's the right devstack fix23:17
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Increase the default pip socket timeout
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Increase the default pip socket timeout
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable Neutron for Ironic Devstack jobs
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix pip on py3k/pypy nodes
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jogosdague: cool, any insight from git blame on why it was that way at all23:28
dhellmann_fungi: makes sense -- is that something we can do to the nodes "permanently"?23:28
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sdaguejogo: I didn't look23:29
sdaguebut now it's time to make dinner, so I'm probably done for the night23:30
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dhellmann_fungi: lgtm23:30
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sdaguefungi: can you promote - next time there is a chance23:31
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kevinbentonhi, i just filed this today and i've hit it a couple of times
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1294715 in neutron ""Build timed out" gate-neutron-python2[6,7]" [Undecided,New]23:31
devanandasdague: feel like ticking off a few small devstack patches for ironic?23:31
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sdaguefungi: it's #7 in gate resets today23:32
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sdaguedevananda: morning, need to make dinner23:32
devanandasdague: ack23:32
fungidhellmann_: oh, testing that shows that it's still not quite right... apparently removing pkg-resources rips out tox23:33
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fungisdague: okay23:34
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pleia2clarkb: so I am still having pip issues on fedora preventing it from fully completing the nodepool scripts, puppet on fedora doesn't see the pip that's installed, even though /usr/bin/pip exists and other users can see it23:44
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pleia2was working on it this morning, works if the python-pip package in fedora gets installed, need to figure out what the difference is as far as puppet is concerned23:45
jeblairpleia2: do we need to revert that change?23:46
pleia2jeblair: no, it's fine as long as we don't add it back to tripleo using it yet23:47
clarkbjeblair: no we shouldn't it didn't actually add it to the nodepool.yaml23:47
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clarkbfungi: jeblair what hotel are people staying in at the summit?23:51
* clarkb books trip23:51
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fungiclarkb: you want the omni23:52
clarkbfungi: you speak from experience? :)23:52
fungiclarkb: yeah, i've stayed before. it's not bad23:52
* clarkb realizes the flight back will be on his birthday... meh23:53
fungiatlanta is a hole (no offense to anyone unfortunate enough to live there) but the omni isn't too bad of a hotel23:53
fungii'm planning to get into atlanta on saturday, but i have to fly to asheville friday afternoon because my brother's getting married on that saturday after the summit23:54
clarkbI am probably going to fly in sunday23:54
fungiso my friday there at the end will be sort of rushed23:54
clarkband fly out saturday23:54
Alex_GaynorWhat does one do when a build feels with UNSTABLE?23:55
fungiAlex_Gaynor: feel harder23:55
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Alex_Gaynorfails* :-)23:55
fungiAlex_Gaynor: if you have a link, i can try to hunt down why it didn't report23:55
fungiassuming it's fresh, the trail in jenkins console logs may not have grown cold yet23:55
lifelessfungi: if you have a minute23:56
clarkbugh alaska flight leaves at 6:50pm from atlanta saturday23:56
clarkbmeh I can late checkout and find BBQ or somethinbg23:56
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jeblairclarkb: i'm in a similar situation23:57
jeblairand that was pretty much my thought as well.  :)23:58
jeblair(hey, there's always bbq)23:58
fungithere is *always* room for bbq23:58
fungiwe should just crash a pig pickin'23:58
jeblairi'm getting in on saturday so i'm around for any potential board/tc/defcore shenanigans on sunday23:58
jeblairbut maybe i'll just get bbq then instead.23:59
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fungisounds like an excellent plan23:59
pleia2ooh, snowing23:59
fungiwe can probably get Shrews on board with it too, sounds like ;)23:59

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