Wednesday, 2014-04-02

asselinfungi, mattoliverau it is a 'recent' change...sometime in the past few hours because I was getting past that after that step backwards, I'm now back to the issue I was resolving. Thanks.00:04
mattoliverauasselin: yup, I think the puppetlabs repo was updated a few hours ago.. causing this headache00:04
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clarkbfungi: any idea why that still fails? (the change being tested adds the newlines)00:10
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clarkbfungi: I am not sure I inderstand after reading that change00:11
clarkboh wait, we check before and after?00:11
fungiclarkb: there's a function to read requirements files. it gets used to read the old and new reqs so it can compare them, but it performs a style check both times00:12
clarkbis that to get a diff against whcih we check for matching global requirements?00:12
clarkbfungi: aha! thanks00:12
fungii already updated the bug with a rudimentary explanation of that00:12
fungibut was probably not terribly clear00:12
clarkbfungi: the update was what prompted my nova-docker patch00:12
fungiclarkb: part of the problem is that cookiecutter likes to create files without trailing newlines00:13
fungior at least this is what i've heard00:13
fungii vaguely remember lifeless saying it hit a tripleo and/or gantt projects which were cookiecutter'd00:14
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lifelessso yeah I opened a bug that the check whinged on stuff pip accepts00:15
lifelessbut it was closed WONTFIX00:15
lifelessand yes cookiecutter makes every new project hit tis00:16
clarkb:( I am rechecking that change00:16
* fungi shakes his fist at rackspace dns blacklists00:17
fungilifeless: the trailing newline thing? was it affecting hacking jobs on python files too i guess, not just requirements checks?00:18
dhellmannfungi: we hit that on oslotest, too, iirc00:19
fungidhellmann: too awesome00:19
lifelessfungi: everything00:19
fungiwell, at least that will hopefully fix the requirements check00:19
lifelessfungi: its about as annoying as it can possibly be00:19
dhellmannfungi: I thought it was our template, to be honest00:19
lifelessdhellmann: no, cookiecutter trims the strings.00:20
dhellmannlifeless: and audrey said no to fixing it?00:20
lifelessno idea00:20
dhellmannoh, I thought you said closed wontfix, but maybe that was something else00:20
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lifelessthe bug I opened about the infra check on requirements files00:20
dhellmannlifeless: ah00:21
marunclarkb: still looking for some love for adding neutron's non-voting functional job to the devstack check queue00:21
fungilifeless: i thought that was a bug against hacking, not the requirements job00:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286695 in openstack-ci "requirements newline" [Undecided,Won't fix]00:21
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fungiahh, so it was!00:21
dhellmannI don't see cookiecutter explicitly chopping the file, so maybe it's the template tool it's using00:21
jeblairlifeless, dhellmann, fungi: yep.  i marked that wontfix.  i mean, we explicitly wrote that into the check.00:22
clarkbthe bug is in cookiecutter not infra00:22
fungii guess 1300843 is a dupe of 1286695, sort of, except the job is also brokenish00:22
jeblairclarkb: i agree, that's what i wrote in the bug when i closed it00:22
lifelessyep, I agree that cookiecutter is broken00:23
clarkbfungi: yes, I think your fix makes sense00:23
fungijeblair: well, there is also a bug in infra, which is that the script is enforcing what amounts to a style check on an existing file, rather than just to the proposed version, making the file impossible to fix00:23
dhellmannyes, we had to turn that job off to fix oslo.test's repo00:23
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fungi(without temporarily making the job non-voting anyway, and then setting it back after approving the change)00:24
dhellmannthis looks relevant:
clarkbmarun: done00:25
marunclarkb: danke!00:25
clarkbmarun: but it needs a second +2 and +A00:25
mattoliverauI'm off to lunch, meeting the wife for some dumplings! bbl00:25
marunfungi: your turn :)
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clarkbfungi: should todays images include jeblair's use google everywhere change assuming we can get them all built?00:27
jeblairthat's and i think it should get another +200:28
fungiclarkb: good question--i have one i can check00:28
fungioh, right, it's not approved yet00:28
clarkboh I thought that had merged too for some reason00:28
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fungiit's approved now00:29
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fungialso openstackgerrit is back now00:30
fungimarun: approved. looks like sdague gave his blessing on having it as a non-voting check for devstack on an earlier patchset as well00:32
marunfungi: awesome, danke!00:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Always forward to on test nodes
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Detect neutron net-changes on reconfigure.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add neutron functional job to devstack check queue
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fungii wonder if something like that would finally sway the proponents of google-hangtime or whatever01:02
pleia2might be worth a try, see if it's stable, easy to get going on linux and mac and the bandwidth requirements are reasonable01:04
lifelesswe have 12 jobs running atm01:04
lifelessbut 19 instances in ACtiVE01:04
lifelesswhat are the other 7 doing ?01:04
lifelessfungi: ^ ?01:04
fungilifeless: sneering in the corner? probably still being set up and registered with jenkins would be my guess... checking01:05
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lifelessfungi: thanks01:09
fungimy guess would either be in delete state but not deleted yet or in building state because they're being finalized once the instances have booted01:10
fungithat's a lot in delete though--i suspect some may not be real nodes?01:11
fungia lot of them have been in delete for more than 30 minutes, but most are under an hour01:12
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lifelessrunning reset-state on the ERROR state VMs01:18
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fungiclarkb: you determined that having only a non-voting job in a voting zuul pipeline like in is fine because the absence of voting job results will cause it to default to a success vote on the change, right?01:19
clarkbfungi: yes01:20
clarkbfungi: watch I will eb wrong about that, but am 99% sure about it01:20
lifelessgrr | ee1eda63-b4fd-4b93-9627-56d3f78bb83b | | ERROR  | deleting   | Running     | default-net=; tripleo-bm-test=                 |01:20
funginow i'm just trying to spelunk in d-g to make sure that $BASE/new/heat-templates will actually exist when that job tries to access it01:21
fungii don't see heat-templates in the projects array in devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh01:22
fungiprobably needs to be added in an envvar in that job, i'm guessing01:22
lifelesshypervisors are still checking in ok01:23
lifelessbut we're getting | fault                                | {"message": "No valid host was found. Exceeded max scheduling attempts 3 for instance 08d9d440-e951-4aa8-9174-066cb4e6e17d", "code": 500, "details": "  File \"/opt/stack/venvs/nova/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/nova/scheduler/\", line 140, in run_instance |01:23
lifeless|                                      |     legacy_bdm_in_spec)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |01:24
lifelessI think I'm going to blame the ram -1 weight01:24
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lifelessand this is why some vms are failing...
fungiwho wrote that openstack stuff anyway?01:28
jogoI tried pushing up a patch to milestone-proposed and hit a bug01:28
fungijogo: do go on01:28
jogoboth have same swift failure01:29
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fungii assume you're merely expressing surprise that we're about to release software with a bug?01:30
jogofungi: I am confused to why that is only hitting  milestone-proposed and not trunk01:31
fungior do you think it's something related to branch selection in devstack-gate?01:31
jogoas there is a neutron patch I need to land on milestone-proposed01:31
jogofungi: I haven't dug into the root cause yet, was partially wondering if that has been seen before01:31
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funginot that i'm aware of... i'm pouring over now just to make sure it dtrt01:32
fungilooks like it's successfully checking out milestone-proposed for projects which have that branch, and master for projects which don't01:35
clarkbis it possible a change was made to milestone proposed branches that broke it?01:36
clarkbthey are not necessesarily static (as your proposed change indicates)01:36
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fungilooks like it checked out the right neutron change too via a zuul ref, so i don't think there's likely any infra issue targeting m-p branch changes specifically01:37
fungiat least branch selection behavior looks like how i expect it to01:37
jogono milestone proposed patches are passing01:38
fungior could we have a milestone-proposed hole in one of the branch-specific conditionals in the d-g scripts maybe?01:38
fungimaybe some service or option we normally disabled on master is falling through to a non-master default?01:39
lifelessright finally stabbed them hard enough to clear it up01:40
fungilifeless: bravo01:40
lifeless42 instances for nodepool01:41
clarkbjogo: the failure is that that method isn't raising an exception. Instead http 200 is returned and everything is happy01:42
lifelessI'll give it a few minutes then we should see more slaves01:42
jogoyeah maybe the config is wrong?01:42
lifelessfungi: that said I see 6 slaves but 32 active services01:43
lifelessfungi: which is odd...01:43
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fungilifeless: me too...
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clarkbthe time for expiration is Tue Apr  1 23:36:00 UTC 2014, 2014-04-01 23:36:01,365 when the response was logged.01:45
lifelessso thats 2401:45
lifelessso I guess nodepool will notice they are gone soonish01:45
clarkbjogo: so that may be a legit regression in swift01:45
clarkbjogo: but also possibly in tempest01:45
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lifelessfungi: nova list --all-tenants | grep cloud | grep delet | wc -l01:46
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jogohow come its only being seen milestone-proposed?01:47
clarkbjogo: swifts milestone proposed looks really old. is it possible this is related?01:47
jogome checks if that is the case01:47
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clarkbjogo: swift milestone proposed is more than a month old01:47
clarkbmaybe there is a fix that should be backported?01:48
clarkbor possibly swift's milestone proposed branch should be killed01:48
clarkbnotmyname: ^ ideas?01:48
fungilifeless: yeah, i think most of these are deletes which nova didn't act on, leaving the instances in a running state (or possibly the instances never existed and the error response was vague such that nodepool didn't think it successfully deleted anything_01:48
fungilifeless: i'll try deleting some of them through nodepool myself and see what it does01:49
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jogowhere is the logic that checks out milestone proposed?01:49
lifelessfungi: thanks01:50
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clarkbjogo: it will check out the zuul ref for all projects that have it, then checkout the same branch as the proposed change in all projects that have it and finally fall bac kt omaster iirc01:53
clarkboh the comment above that line has a list01:53
clarkbjogo: right so I think the fix here is maybe swift needs to remove its milestone proposed branch01:53
clarkbbecause it is old01:54
clarkband the tip of the milestone proposed branch is the 1.13.0 release01:54
fungiclarkb: like from last cycle?01:54
clarkbfungi: well 1.5 months ago01:54
fungioh, do they use m-p for their out-of-integrated-cycle released?01:54
clarkbsince swift does cycles weird01:54
jogoahh I was looking at the wrong file devstck-gate-setup-workspace01:54
clarkbfungi: yes01:54
fungigot it. yeah, so m-p branches should be deleted as soon as a release is tagged/stable-ized01:55
clarkbbut swift makes this weird01:55
clarkbbecause swift does haev stable/* branches too01:55
lifelessfungi: ok so 34 active vms, still only 6 jobs running01:56
clarkbnot sure what the proper fix is here. It may also be backporting 79094 to milestone-proposed and releasing a point release01:56
jogoso that milestone is from Feb 24th01:56
funginotmyname: if you're around, is your current milestone-proposed branch okay to be deleted? it seems to be outdated and getting tested with new milestone-proposed branches for integrated release projects01:56
jogofungi: I think you have it backwards01:56
jogothey cut the milestone-propsed really really early01:56
clarkbjogo: yes, then did a release01:56
fungilifeless: the node i picked to try to delete is probably going to time out on me--the delete call has been hanging for about 5 minutes, but i'll hopefully have a paste for you in a bit01:57
clarkbjogo: but for some reason didn't get rid of the milestone proposed branch01:57
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jogoclarkb: on Feb 24th?01:57
clarkbjogo: see
clarkbjogo: no I think the last commit in the stablization was created on the 24th. tagging happened march 6th ish01:57
lifelessfungi: I'd really love to be churning through our backlog 5 * faster :)01:57
lifeless5 trying to delete01:58
jogoanyway I am gonna propse a patch to there stable and see what happens01:58
jogoand notmyname can sort it out01:58
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clarkbjogo: they don't have a stable for icehouse yet01:58
clarkbwhich complicates this further01:58
clarkbdoing a release without a stable branch is weird01:58
jogoI think that is what milestone-propsed is01:58
jogothey have stable branches for every other release01:58
jogonotmyname: ^01:59
jogoportante: ping^01:59
clarkbjogo: that is not what milestone proposed is for01:59
* jogo is confused01:59
clarkbmilestone proposed is for the work leading up to a release, once you ahve a release you make a real branch01:59
jogoclarkb: I thought the branch gets renamed or the equivalent of that02:00
clarkbjogo: yes02:00
clarkbjogo: but swift didn't/doesn't do that apparentkly02:00
jogowhgat is that then?02:00
clarkbthat is havana, which happened 6 months ago02:01
fungijogo: that's a stable branch from the last swift release prior to the integrated havana release, i believe02:01
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clarkbjogo: since then they have done ~3 releases02:01
fungijogo: the most recent swift release is 1.13.0 from four weeks ago02:01
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jogoI thought they do both numbers and openstack releases02:01
jogothey just map them up02:01
clarkbjogo: 1.11.0, 1.12.0 and 1.13.0 do not have a stable branch associated with them02:02
jogoclarkb: no but stable/havana does02:02
clarkbso I am not sure how you can map them up02:02
fungithey created the current milestone-proposed branch one week before they tagged 1.13.002:02
clarkbjogo: right which is 1.10.0?02:02
* clarkb checks02:02
jogoright because 1.13.0 will turn into icehouse02:02
clarkbyup havana is 1.10.002:03
jogoanyway hopefully notmyname or portante or someone can sort this out02:03
clarkbjogo: right so how do you backport a fix to 1.12.0?02:03
clarkbjogo: you can't02:03
jogoclarkb: heh right02:03
clarkbjogo: but it also means the lack of a stable/icehouse for 1.13.0 is currently breaking everyone else02:03
jogounless they retag ...02:03
clarkbjogo: no you can't do that02:03
jogoanyway we will see what swift folks say about and all that02:03
jogotime to go AFK o/02:03
funginot sure whether they expect a 1.14.0 around the icehouse release date or what, but regardless i think the current swift milestone-proposed branch was probably meant to be deleted when 1.13.0 was tagged02:04
portantejogo: not sure I understand what is up02:04
portantethought that fix was already posted to master02:04
jogoportante: what is milestone-proposed in swift for?02:04
clarkbportante: swift milestone proposed is more than a month old02:04
clarkbportante: so any testing of openstack milestone proposed fails against month old swift02:05
jogoportante: it is but we use milestone-proposed branches assuming they are all in prep for icehouse02:05
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jogoportante: so if milestone-proposed becomes stable/icehouse then you need that patch otherwise just delete milestone-proposed02:05
portanteI think notmyname has not updated milestone-proposed to be for 1.13.0 yet, probably still 1.12.002:05
clarkbportante: no it is 1.13.002:05
clarkbbut 1.13.0 doesn't include the fix02:06
clarkbmaster does02:06
portantebut a month old? that does not seem right02:06
jogoportante: what is milestone-proposed for?02:06
portanteI don't know what notmyname using it for, so it is best to wait for him to answer02:06
portanteI am curious as well02:06
clarkbportante: commit is from Feb 24th and was tagged march 302:06
fungiportante: i suspect it's just an oversight from the last swift release02:06
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fungiit looks like m-p for swift gets created a week before the release, and then probably deleted again immediately after the release under normal circumstances, but wasn't this last time02:07
portanteclarkb, jogo, fungi gonna guess here, but I think back at the end of february there was a consideration of making a 1.13.0 release, but we decided it was not ready, and just left the tag there02:08
portanteI am almost positive that much of what is on master is going to be milestone-proposed, and including that pipeline patch, but notmyname will have to confirm02:08
lifelessfungi: we're down to 5 slaves now :(02:10
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lifelessfungi: so those two are more old ones, let me stab them. I'm more worried about the 19 or so spawned and active vms that aren't running jobs02:11
jogoportante: sounds good, well lets get to the bottom of this soon,as its blocking any RC2s from being cut02:11
jogofungi clarkb: the more I look the more I think I am wrong, and your right02:12
* jogo wonders off to find food02:12
fungiportante: got it. swift's definition of what constitutes a release differs from most of ours i guess. even though is tagged and published, it wasn't a release because there was no announcement i guess02:12
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notmynameholy buffer playback, batman02:13
notmynameportante: clarkb: what's up?02:13
notmynameI see my name a lot02:13
funginotmyname: just wondering if you meant to leave that milestone-proposed branch around02:13
portantenotmyname: sorry, just texted you02:13
funginotmyname: integration tests are using it for m-p changes for the integrated projectys02:13
notmynameI don't manage that (I don't have perms). ttx does.02:14
notmynamethe milestone-proposed branch is used for swift releases02:14
funginotmyname: he probably forgot to delete it. if you aren't using it, i'll prod him02:14
portantenotmyname: kewl02:14
clarkbnotmyname: tl;dr is swift milestone proposed does not work with the rest of openstack milestone proposed02:14
notmynamewe're not. we haven't done an RC yet for icehouse, so if it's still there its from the 1.13.0 release02:14
clarkbnotmyname: so we either need to back port or remove branch02:14
notmynameclarkb: which is actually a different question. why not?02:14
notmynamewhat's broken?02:14
lifelessfungi: ok no error state VMS02:15
clarkbnotmyname: tempurl isn't run by default in 1.13.0's config02:15
notmynameclarkb: remove the branch02:15
clarkbnotmyname: and apparently stuff depends on tempurl in the rest of openstack milestone proposed02:15
notmynameclarkb: was it earlier? when did it get removed if it was?02:15
notmynameclarkb: in devstack?02:15
lifelessfungi: 34 ACTIVE, 5 in state delet02:15
clarkbnotmyname: it wasn't, but 1.13.0 is more than a month old02:15
clarkbnotmyname: no in swift itself02:15
clarkbnotmyname: devstack just copy pasta's your config02:15
portantesample config, that is02:16
lifelessfungi: so thats 29 vms, 4 slaves.02:16
lifelessfungi: there is something very wrong here :(02:16
lifelessnova list --all-tenants | grep cloud | grep ACTIVE.*unning | wc -l02:16
fungilifeless: trying to delete 3384049 now02:16
fungilooks like that worked02:17
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notmynameclarkb: looks like it was added to the sample config on mar 702:17
notmynameand that is after 1.13.002:18
clarkbthat would do it02:18
funginotmyname: yeah, i think if ttx deletes the milestone-proposed branch for swift, this problem goes away02:18
clarkbI don't think this is necessarily very urgent, it was just very weird due to swift's release process being different02:18
notmynamewhatever is depending on it /should/ be using the discoverable capabilities. that's what it's there for. you can't count on tempurl being there in any swift deployment.02:19
clarkbbut that depends on the nature of the fixes going into other projects' milestone proposed branches02:19
clarkbnotmyname: its the testing suite02:19
clarkbnotmyname: we need to test that02:19
notmynametest the testing suite?02:19
clarkbno, test suite needs to test tempurl02:20
notmynameclarkb: ah ok, so tempest (?) is relying on tempurl being there02:20
clarkbnotmyname: yes02:20
notmynameclarkb: yes, agreed. but raise a SkipTest if it's not enabled02:20
notmynamesame with a ton of other swift features02:20
clarkbnotmyname: that wuold have masked the problem02:20
fungilifeless: i'm re-trying to delete a6e2c5de-2906-44f6-b12f-31a07e5e9175 and it's timing out again02:20
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clarkbnotmyname: which is arguably no better02:20
fungilifeless: should it be doing that?02:20
notmynameno, it's arguable better. it wouldn't block RCs02:20
clarkbnotmyname: but it would allow potentially broken swift + openstack to release02:21
lifelessfungi: thats _ovs_vsctl(['del-port', bridge, dev])02:21
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clarkbwe should fix tests not skip them02:21
notmynameclarkb: we should not continue this discussion about the stability of swift releases and just agree that testing is good ;-)02:22
notmynamepoint being, for now, we need the m-p branch deleted02:22
lifelessfungi: stabbed02:22
fungilifeless: and it returned immediately after you did. cool02:23
fungilifeless: need the same for 48cb454d-175f-48ae-83e5-b266571b3fd9 looks like02:23
lifelessdifferent hypervisors02:24
lifelessso not one bad hypervisor02:24
lifelessfungi: try now02:24
fungilifeless: i bet that just makes your day02:24
lifelessneutron vif plugging glue failed under load? news @ 1102:24
lifelessthough the stack trace is weird02:25
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lifeless it looks like we're still using the hybrid stuff02:25
fungi"load" meaning a few dozen instances with one tenant02:25
lifelessso there may be newer better stuff02:25
lifelessfungi: load refers to churn02:25
lifelessfungi: not scale :P02:25
fungiahh, okay yes we do churn pretty heavily, granted02:25
fungiokay, that one deleted02:26
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funginova boot seems to be whacked out though02:28
fungiwhich is why you're not getting new nodes...02:28
fungiClientException: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-43db38fd-5b65-40be-960f-d00bf74e23b9)02:28
lifelessfungi: well we have 29 ACTIVE that aren't acting as slaves02:29
lifelessfungi: this is what concerns me :)02:29
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clarkblifeless: fungi did those 29 return http 500 then go active?02:29
clarkbiirc we have seen that before02:29
fungii see 29 "building"02:29
lifelessI see that they don't have floating-ips02:29
lifelessnova floating-ip-list  | pastebinit02:30
lifelessfungi: are there errors in nodepool about floating ips ?02:31
lifelessall those with - seem to be leaked, to me02:31
lifelesslet me zap em for you02:31
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lifelessnova floating-ip-list | awk '$5=="-" { print $2}' | xargs -n1 nova floating-ip-delete02:31
lifelessrunning now02:31
fungilifeless: yeah, the HTTP 500 i quoted above was attempting to do floating-ip create02:31
lifeless/var/log/upstart/nova-api.log:2014-04-02 02:30:03.375 7736 ERROR nova.api.openstack [req-43db38fd-5b65-40be-960f-d00bf74e23b9 d5af62d2183d431796d74c5bb119ec9f e01e473a9250498883955b80966a1e58] Caught error: 409-{u'NeutronError': {u'message': u"Quota exceeded for resources: ['floatingip']", u'type': u'OverQuota', u'detail': u''}}02:32
lifelessyou might want to file a bug about how thats a useless feedback to the user02:32
fungiwhat, a message saying "either something went wrong or else it went right but wasn't what you wanted" is useless feedback? ;)02:33
lifelessyour floatingip quota is 6002:34
lifelesswhich is = instance quota02:34
fungithat ought to be sufficient given that max-servers is now 5502:34
fungibut why were we leaking those, i wonder02:34
lifelessright, max-servers = 55 + 1 for te broke + 2 for image buidlds + 2 for slack02:34
lifeless= 6002:35
lifelessclearly there is a nodepool bug02:35
fungii just witnessed a node go ready, so i think this is working02:35
lifelesswill you file the bug ?02:35
lifelessor shall I ?02:36
clarkbnodepool just says give me a thing02:36
lifelessclarkb: leaking floatingips? nodepool - it is responsible for deleting them02:36
fungiand yeah, i know we plugged at least one floating-ip leak, but not sure where others might lurk02:36
lifelessclarkb: since its responsible for creating them02:36
clarkblifeless: no, novaclient does it02:36
clarkbunless I missed something in the use of floating ips its just an arg to novaclient02:37
lifelessclarkb: nodepool/ line 13602:37
fungimordred has a wip change to reuse created floating-ips which aren't assigned to an instance any longer02:37
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lifelessfungi: that should help02:37
funginodepool normally just tries to delete/create02:37
fungilifeless: well, it would help more if it wasn't wip i think ;)02:37
clarkbfungi: I think that is an anti feature02:38
lifelessclarkb: what is?02:38
clarkbfungi: he wrote it to solve a percieved problem that HP had but isn't necessary to solve that problem02:38
clarkblifeless: nodepool reusing particular floating IPs02:38
clarkblifeless: mordred wanted it so that he could have static firewall rules02:38
lifelessclarkb: well I like it because its less churn02:38
fungii figured it was just an efficiency measure to keep from deleting and creating the same floating-ips over and over02:38
lifelessclarkb: so rather than create + associate + delete02:38
lifelessits create + associate, + associate ... + delete.02:39
clarkbfungi: nope, it was purely because lol network firewalls02:39
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fungiokay then02:39
lifelessok we have much slaves now02:39
clarkblifeless: my problem with it is it shifts the management of 1k floating IPs to humans02:39
lifelesseither way02:39
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lifelessclarkb: huh why?02:39
clarkblifeless: because someone needs to preallocate them02:39
lifelessclarkb: god no02:39
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lifelessclarkb: thats a totally different 'feature'02:39
clarkblifeless: right its an anti feature02:40
lifelessclarkb: allocate when there are none available02:40
lifelessclarkb: delete if more than (say) 50 are unused02:40
lifelessclarkb: reuse when possible02:40
clarkblifeless: ah so you are talking about something different02:40
clarkblifeless: mordred's change depends on preallocating all that you need so that you can write firewall rules for them02:40
clarkbthen only let nodepool use that particular pool02:40
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lifelessclarkb: yes, so I think we agree thats entirely different02:40
lifelessclarkb: its not about reuse per se, its about staticness02:41
clarkbya what you describe I can see doing02:41
clarkbbut mordred's change doesn't do that02:41
fungiBadRequest: Error. Unable to associate floating ip (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-1491460b-3ca8-415e-b31f-fd06ea00fbd4)02:42
fungicame immediately on the heels of an occurrence of the other error, which we're also still getting02:43
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fungilifeless: bug 130111102:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301111 in nodepool "nodepoold provider manager leaks floating-ips" [High,Triaged]
lifelessfungi: cool. should I file one for nova on the 500 inscrutable error ?02:47
lifelessfungi: that VM appears to have its ip addresses the wrong way around02:48
fungilifeless: you might be able to muster more snark than me--it hasn't been daylight here for about 6 hours now02:48
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fungi5 hours. something like that02:48
* fungi is running out of steam02:48
fungiso i'm guessing this is an multiple interface order + floating ip issue02:49
fungisome instances ending up with their interfaces swapped, causing floating ip allocation to get tried on a non-matching network02:50
lifelessnwcache order issue perhaps02:50
lifelessbut yes thats exactly it02:50
fungiand then nodepoold not dealing gracefully with that failure mode02:50
clarkblifeless: fungi I think is why the floating ips leak02:50
lifelessfungi: so actually nodepool should use neutron for floating ips when using neutron nics02:50
lifelessfungi: more code - need to query nova and neutron find the port then associate02:51
lifelessbut it would avoid the failure mode entirely02:51
clarkbgoing back to lifeless' paste the server field for the ip is blank02:51
clarkbwhich would make that check always fail02:51
clarkbis that a nova/neutron bug at heart?02:51
clarkbor is there something nodepool can do to assocaite a floating ip that hasn't been associated?02:52
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fungiright, so we're iterating through the list of allocated floating-ips looking for the one which says its assigned to the instance we're deleting02:52
clarkbyup but none are associated so we leak02:52
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fungibut if the floating-ip gets orphaned, it hangs around indefinitely then02:52
fungiyeah, ugly02:53
clarkbso, we may want a thing that says if not intance id or instance if == node id02:53
lifelessfungi: can I get the error it threw?02:53
lifelessfungi: the quota error02:53
clarkbthat will then remove unassociated IPs, but could possibly race against allocations that haven't been allocated yet02:54
fungilifeless: it's in bug 130111102:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301111 in nodepool "nodepoold provider manager leaks floating-ips" [High,Triaged]
fungiClientException: The server has either erred or is incapable of performing the requested operation. (HTTP 500) (Request-ID: req-bb4664c5-614a-4242-97c0-c927135e5d04)02:54
fungithat one was the wrong-interface issue, but the error message is the same as when there was no quota02:54
fungibecause, you know, if you're going to have a vague and meaningless error, you really ought to use it in every possible situation you can02:55
clarkbupdated bug with what I found02:55
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fungiclarkb: thanks. i think that about does it for me tonight anyway02:56
lifelessclarkb: I've never seen ServerId filled in02:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301117 in nova "floating ip quota error neutron" [Undecided,New]02:57
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clarkblifeless: it apparently works with hpcloud unless we are leaking ips there (but the quota is 600 so we would know)02:57
fungilifeless: thanks--that should be entertaining02:57
clarkbmaybe that comes from a different table?02:57
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lifelessthe floatingip code hasnt' changed in ages03:02
lifelessso not a nodepool change03:02
lifelessperhaps a nova change03:02
lifelessI may be misremembering 'never seen it filled out'03:02
lifelessjogo: ^03:02
lifelessthis completely breaks nodepool03:02
lifelesspresumably with neutron03:03
clarkblifeless: your idea of keeping track of how many are in the pool would work around this I think. As we could synchronize creates and deletes more easily03:04
clarkbhowever I would expect serverid to be populated03:04
lifelessyou might expect that03:04
lifelesswhile true; do nova floating-ip-list | awk '$5=="-" { print $2}' | xargs -n1 nova floating-ip-delete; done03:07
lifelessI'm going to run that indefinitely03:07
lifelessfiling a bug on the blank server id03:07
clarkboh wait, everything is already synchronized per ProviderManager03:10
clarkbI think03:10
clarkbso making the check if not instanceid or instanceid == serverid should work03:10
* clarkb will write that change and jeblair can -1 it tomorrow :)03:10
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clarkboh nevermind I see the race. Create and add are distinct03:13
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301128 in nova "nova floating-ip-list has blank server id field" [Undecided,New]03:17
lifelessclarkb: can't we just check on fixed ip address ?03:17
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lifelessclarkb: that *is* filled in03:17
clarkblifeless: maybe?03:17
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* clarkb tries to think of cases where you wouldn't have a fixed IP and can't come up with anything03:18
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Synchronize floating IP ops to prevent leaks.
clarkblifeless: ^ is not great but may solve the problem in nodepool03:24
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Synchronize floating IP ops to prevent leaks.
clarkbnow with more bug tracking03:25
clarkboh wait, needs more fixing03:27
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Synchronize floating IP ops to prevent leaks.
clarkband the more code I read the more I think there is a better way to fix this03:31
lifelessclarkb: I don' tthink you've thought that patch through entirely03:32
lifelessclarkb: (reviewed)03:32
lifelessbbiaw, C pickup time03:32
clarkblifeless: ya, I see a completely different approach that is better and actually correct03:32
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Immediately delete a floating IP if doesn't attach
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mgagne./ --help => invalid project package name  Try ` --help' for more information.03:58
mgagneI'm trying :O03:58
clarkbmgagne: what is that rom?03:58
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mgagneclarkb: trying to use on an other project, looks to not be a turn-key solution :D03:59
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mgagneclarkb: --help looks to not be of any help. :D04:00
mgagneclarkb: don't worry, just ranting about how funny it is04:00
mgagneclarkb: I won't get pbr for now, but I'll probably get oslo.config :D04:01
clarkbmgagne: could you use a passphraseless key to sign tags, you'd be getting functional pbr but not necessarily secure tags04:02
clarkbmgagne: maybe note that in the tag commit thing04:02
mgagneclarkb: that's what I'm thinking of. I'm not that familiar with GPG keys yet, even less gpg-agent/passwordless stuff so that would be something to learn first.04:03
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jogoclarkb: I see milestone proposed is still there04:09
clarkbjogo: yes, we have to wait for ttx to fix it04:10
jogoclarkb: oh PTLs can't delete branches?04:10
jogodoes sdague have have power?04:11
clarkbI think release managers have the power04:11
clarkbttx will be around before sdague04:11
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clarkbyup and ttx will be the next one to be awake04:12
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jogoclarkb: that sounds like a good reason to go AFK04:14
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lifelessclarkb: ok, so now we're down to 3 slaves04:21
lifelessclarkb: whats nodepool seeing?04:21
clarkblifeless: no idea, I don't ahve access right now04:22
clarkblifeless: this is my way of separating real life from work >_>04:22
StevenKYou forcibly revoke keys?04:22
lifelessclarkb: when can we get non-US ops please?04:23
clarkbStevenK: I leave keys on other machines04:23
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StevenKclarkb: Yeah, my way is rather more difficult to recover from. :-)04:24
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Don't include recheck instructions when unclassified failures
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lifelessclarkb: how would infra feel about slaves calling home rather than being sshed into ?04:32
lifelessclarkb: no need for floatingips at all then04:32
lifelessclarkb: as an option anyhow, maybe not the only mode04:33
clarkblifeless: it would break gozer04:33
clarkblifeless: but possibly could be a configurable thing04:33
lifelessgozers control node is behind the firewall?04:33
lifelesssilly gozer :)04:33
wenlock_anyone tried tonight?04:35
mattoliverauwenlock_: yup, what's up?04:35
wenlock_ puppet-common : Depends: facter (< 2.0) but 2.0.1-1puppetlabs1 is to be installed04:35
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wenlock_wondering if something changed with apt repos from puppetlabs04:36
mattoliverauwenlock_: A patch has been merged which fixes it, just update the repo. facter needed to be pinned04:36
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wenlock_do you have the change number?04:37
wenlock_awesome, ty!04:38
mattoliverauno probs04:38
lifelessI'm seeing lots of04:38
lifeless2014-04-02 04:32:53.331 | Temporary failure in name resolution04:38
lifelessfailures in tripleo-ci jobs04:38
lifelesshost git.openstack.org04:38 has address has IPv6 address 2001:4800:7813:516:3bc3:d7f6:ff04:aacb04:38
lifelessfrom within another VM in that cloud with the same two interfaces04:38
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mattoliveraulifeless: what do you use as the DNS resover in the hpcloud, is it down/over loaded? Can you dig it directly from the working server?04:45
lifelessmattoliverau: this isn't hpcloud04:45
lifelessmattoliverau: this is tripleo's test cloud's HP region04:45
mattoliverauisn't it. I though trible 0 stuff was04:45
lifelessmattoliverau: anyhow, infras jenkins slaves futz with DNS04:46
lifelessmattoliverau: and I'm not sure what the current setup is04:46
clarkblifeless: they should all use unbound to forward requests to
lifelessclarkb: for instance
clarkblifeless: can you check how old the tripleo precise image is?04:48
lifelessclarkb: built fresh on tuesday04:48
lifelessclarkb: oh you mean the base image? pulled from ubuntu's cloud site my monday afternoon04:49
clarkbno the nodepool created snapshot04:49
clarkblifeless: merged this afternoon PST04:49
lifelessclarkb: | dcf09ac5-00a9-4137-9d99-6fcd407c8258 | | qcow2       | bare             | 5164957696 | active |04:50
clarkbwhich applies the google dns unbound forwarding to all slaves, wondering if maybe that had unexpected sideeffects in tripelo land04:50
lifelessclarkb: well it broke due to the two-networks the first time you tried to use it04:50
lifelessclarkb: jeblair had a fix, I thought04:50
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lifeless| updated_at                            | 2014-04-01T01:30:49                               |04:50
lifelesshelpfully there is no TZ on that time04:51
clarkbok, so that rules out 84320 assuming the TZ thing is sane (UTC)04:51
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lifelessso the neutron-local resolve thing04:52
lifelessor what if tripleo clouds had good DNS guaranteed (seems like a fairly important deployment feature....)04:53
clarkbif you had good DNS guaranteed, we could probably special case you and rely on the neutron/tripleo provided resolver04:54
lifelessmattoliverau: our current deployment strategy is as the DNS server in the default overlay network04:54
lifelessclarkb: so we want to make these builds fly04:54
lifelessclarkb: and are planning cloud local caches of ubuntu, fedora, pypi, etc.04:55
lifelessclarkb: including dns04:55
lifelessclarkb: the question for tripleo-CI is whether those things are part of the cloud, or part of openstack-infras responsibility.04:55
clarkblifeless: our experience so far has been that our clouds cannot provide working DNS (not talking about tripleo cloud here) so we have had to assume responsibility04:56
lifelessclarkb: the bigger picture - given we want basically gozer-as-a-service as part of the deployed cloud, is whether we can codeshare with infra on the deployment (given we're not about to use puppet for the baseline deployed infrastructure)04:56
clarkblifeless: the cost of doing that for one more cloud (tripleo) is really low04:56
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lifelessclarkb: yes, I get that :004:56
clarkblifeless: ideally, we infra, want no part in this :) clouds should give us working dns04:57
lifelessclarkb: (we want gozer-as-a-service not to do development on openstack, but to CI validate things we're about to deploy)04:57
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lifelessclarkb: which means - building images quickly and efficiently etc04:57
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lifelessdstufft: probably wants to supply the VCS location for pip :)05:54
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add timeout-var option to the timeout module
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add build-timeout macro
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add timeout-var option to the timeout module
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add timeout-var option to the timeout module
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add build-timeout macro
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a new job for heat-templates
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Make hacking Python 3 compatible
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openstackgerritMark McLoughlin proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add oslo.messaging project
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ttxjogo: stale milestone-proposed branch ? which repo ?07:28
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ttxah, swift07:31
ttxnotmyname, jogo, clarkb, fungi: stale milestone-proposed branch for swift removed07:31
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ttxsorry about that, but branch deletion is the only thing we could not automate in current gerrit07:32
* ttx proposes a new motto: "if it's not automated, it's broken"07:33
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StevenKttx: Your motto could use some improvement: "if it's not automated, tested, used or documented, it's broken"07:44
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lifelessclarkb: I had another simpler idea08:56
lifelessclarkb: the server.addresses list contains the floating ip its using.08:56
lifelessclarkb: just matching the floating ip against the servers ip addresses should be sufficient08:56
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Join gerritbot to the satori IRC channel
openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Hacking: enable the Python 3 gate.
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sdaguetrippleo cloud hung again?12:36
fungittx: thanks!12:38
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roeycHi, I'm having problem running evstack12:44
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roeycthe problem is originating in the oslo.config module, I believe.12:45
roeycCant install oslo.config properly:
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roeycIdeas, anyone?12:49
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dhellmannroeyc: this problem is caused by having 2 copies of an oslo library installed (probably not oslo.config), one using "pip -e" and another using "pip"12:50
dhellmannor if not "pip" sometimes a system package12:51
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roeycdhellmann: Ok, thanks, this was helpful12:55
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Extract experimental-tripleo jobs to template
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-scenarios job
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add the check-tripleo-overcloud-f20 jenkins job
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sdagueroeyc: how current is your devstack?13:53
sdaguebecause we were supposed to have fixed that yesterday13:53
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Parameterize library cross-test job
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable cross-testing of oslo.test with dib and t-i-e
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run unit tests in tripleo-image-elements
roeycsdague: Devstack install as part of our 3rd party CI, we clone from master14:12
roeycThe problem started yesterday, so I believe the fix has something to do with it14:13
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dhellmannjeblair, fungi, clarkb, sdague: given that yesterday we had another case of an oslo lib release breaking unit tests in another project, it would be really good if we could merge the chain starting with soon14:26
sdagueroeyc: you are reusing nodes?14:28
fungidhellmann: agreed... re-reviewing now14:28
dhellmannfungi: thanks14:28
dhellmannfungi: once that chain is in, I'll go through and figure out which cross-tests we need and submit those separately (bnemec proposes some in that chain, but not all)14:29
fungidhellmann: yeah, i expect it to be a sizeable list, but the volume of changes triggering those is relatively small compared to some of the higher-volume projects we have so it should even out14:30
dhellmannfungi: right14:30
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dhellmannfungi: are unit test nodes reused, or is this going to trigger a lot more VM consumption?14:30
roeycsdague: yep, we need to use physical-host in-order to properly test our plugins14:30
fungithey're not reused these days, but don't worry too much about consumption (we're already burning through many thousands a day, this will probably be a drop in the ocean)14:31
sdagueroeyc: right, you'll probably need to reset those nodes fully. Or at lest rm -rf /opt/stack/14:31
dhellmannfungi: heh, ok14:31
fungidhellmann: my bigger effect concern is that it will significantly slow the pace of development on library projects, since an unrelated gating bug on any one consuming project will effectively block you from merging changes14:32
fungihowever, hopefully that won't be an issue, and i still see the benefits of this outweighing the drawbacks14:32
dhellmannfungi: yeah, I have some concern about that, too, but the current situation is demonstrably bad so maybe this will make it better14:33
dhellmannfungi: it's possible we would be able to dial down the cross-testing by doing more alpha releases14:34
bnemecdhellmann: fungi: Gate bugs shouldn't be as much of a problem for this since it's only running unit tests, not tempest.14:36
bnemecAnd since most of our unit test bugs are due to missing cross-testing... :-)14:36
dhellmannbnemec: we're adding tempest gates to the libs, too14:36
dhellmannbnemec: that "integrated-gate" job template14:37
fungibnemec: keep in mind that those other projects unit tests are suddenly becoming integration tests for the libraries though, so it will actually be similar (for you) to failing tempest tests for example14:37
openstackgerritVictor Boivie proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for matrix axis as a space-delimited string
openstackgerritVictor Boivie proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: triggered-builds: Support property file injection
fungiat least from a pace of gating perspective14:37
openstackgerritVictor Boivie proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Job name override - used when storing
bnemecdhellmann: Oh, yeah that will be interesting. :-)14:39
bnemecfungi: Right, but the unit tests generally don't have as many heisenbugs, do they?14:39
openstackgerritVictor Boivie proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for matrix axis as a space-delimited string
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openstackgerritVictor Boivie proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: triggered-builds: Support property file injection
fungibnemec: you would (er, will!) be surprised14:41
openstackgerritVictor Boivie proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Job name override - used when storing
fungino, probably not as many, but you're spreading the surface area for bugs to collect on by cross-testing against all projects14:42
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bnemecfungi: Yeah, I say that and then I think about the number of intermittent failures we've had in incubator since enabling the parallel testing and I start getting kind of nervous. :-)14:43
bnemecBetween tripleo and oslo I think I'm going to see just about every bug that happens anywhere in OpenStack. ;-)14:44
fungiand then it will be time to join the release cycle management team ;)14:44
dhellmannwell, maybe we should start slow and only add cross-test jobs for projects we consider to have stable unit tests?14:44
* dhellmann wonders which projects those might be14:45
fungii think it should be fairly easy to turn different ones on and off while fine-tuning this in the beginning14:45
fungiprobably easier to just start and identify the pain points rather than speculating14:45
dhellmannfungi: good point14:46
dhellmannwe can make the unstable ones non-voting fairly easily14:46
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openstackgerritRyan Petrello proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Report pecan changesets, merges, and +2s to #pecanpy
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fungibnemec: 83885 seems to have a layout issue14:57
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fungibnemec: looks like oslo.test vs oslotest in the job names is the issue14:59
bnemecfungi: Whoops, yeah.  I probably missed that in the rebase.  I'll get a new patch set pushed.15:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Parameterize library cross-test job
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Report pecan changesets, merges, and +2s to #pecanpy
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable cross-testing of oslo.test with dib and t-i-e
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run unit tests in tripleo-image-elements
fungibnemec: that looks better--thanks!15:03
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bnemecfungi: np, thanks for looking at these15:03
fungibnemec: thanks for writing them!15:04
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bnemecIt's been a learning experience. :-)15:05
fungithose are the best (only?) kind15:06
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dhellmannfungi: thanks!15:06
sdaguefungi: BRANCH_OVERRIDE question15:07
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sdaguefungi: how would I specify in a job that we should be running master tempest with stable/havana everything else?15:08
fungisdague: hmm, we may not have a variable yet for that exactly15:09
fungioh, you know what, branch override should actually do that15:10
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mtayloryes. I think that it should15:10
fungiif you have a job with a branch override to havana and only run it for changes to tempest master, it ought to get you what you need15:10
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fungithe trick is when you want to test a nova change on havana with master tempest where i think this gets hairy15:10
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fungiso i think you may want to run it non-voting until you're ready to delete the stable/havana branch from tempest officially15:11
sdaguefungi: so that's ok15:11
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fungiotherwise it won't be easy to set up symmetric gating15:11
sdaguethis would be mostly a sniff test15:11
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fungiyep, then you can probably just reuse the jobs we have for testing d-g15:12
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mtaylorsdague: oh - are you working on one-tempest-to-rule-them-all?15:13
fungimtaylor: see scrollback in -qa for lots of detail15:14
fungialso, you're looking very official today15:14
sdaguemtaylor: pondering it15:14
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phschwartzfungi: agreed. I was confused at first to might be impersonating mtaylor15:15
phschwartz*who might15:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Immediately delete a floating IP if doesn't attach
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add tempest stable non-voting jobs
sdaguefungi: so that?15:16
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fungisdague: very close15:18
fungisee comments15:19
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mordredah. thatś better15:20
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fungimordred: clearly an imposter. the mordred i know doesn't have an ś key on his keyboard15:21
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add tempest stable non-voting jobs
sdaguefungi: cool, fixed15:22
fungiḱ yes, but not ś15:22
mordredfungi: for some reason, my keyboard has decided to shift to compose keystrokes15:22
sdagueif we could land that quickly, we'd like data today on this15:22
fungimordred: that's always superfun15:22
sdagueto help inform how terribad things are15:23
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sdaguemordred: you want to send it through - ?15:30
sdaguepassed layout, and it's non voting jobs15:31
openstackgerritRandy Coulman proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for URLTrigger plugin
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zaromordred: is this what you wanted?
mtreinishsdague: does 84749 just work because the zuul ref is from tempest master? because we use the same jobs for the stable stuff too.15:41
zaromordred: inline diff in email notifications.  it's already in gerrit 2.915:41
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fungimtreinish: yes, we use those same jobs to test devstack-gate master against stable/havana of the various projects. the expectation is that it will check out the zuul ref for the tempest master change, which will prevent tempest stable/havana from being used to run the tests15:43
fungimtreinish: i say "hope" because we haven't tried before to make devstack-gate not use an existing branch which matches the override branch, afaik15:44
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fungibut if it doesn't dtrt there, i think we consider that a bug and solve it15:44
mtreinishfungi: ok that's what I thought, just wanted to confirm15:45
sdaguemtreinish: yeh this isn't the full solution by any means15:45
sdaguehaving this run on stable/havana devstack would be real work15:47
sdaguethat part of the matrix isn't supported in current d-g15:47
sdaguebut lets see the terribad15:47
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mordredzaro: well... that's a good step forward - but I was really hoping for the whole diff - not just the parts with inline comments15:50
zaromordred: isn't that excessive?15:54
* fungi imagines the mailbomb you get from a many-thousand-line translation update proposal change15:55
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mordredzaro: launchpad does it for merge requests and it's fine15:57
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mordredI mention it because sometimes I'm on my phone reading an email, and I might want to read through the content of the change - but I don't really want to launch gerrit in my phone15:57
fungiclearly google is missing a key integration opportunity there, by writing your code review system and your phone operating system...15:58
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zarocan't imagine that i would like to see entire diff on my phone but hey whatever floats your boat.16:00
zaroit's probably already there as an option, but if not shouldn't be too difficult to add that option.16:00
* anteaya notes zaro is copping some attitude16:01
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* anteaya applaudes16:01
zarothat's what 4yr olds will do to you ;)16:02
anteayaha ha ha16:03
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mordredzaro: to counfound you even more - I'd like to be able to reply to the email and have my comments added as comments on the change, and any in-line comments I made go to the appropriate place as in-line comments :)16:04
* fungi needs to step out and run an errand, hopefully back in less than an hour16:04
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add the ironic-python-agent project
devanandajroll: ^ proposal to start counting stats for IPA in the Ironic program, now that Juno is open16:05
mordreddevananda: you did that on purpose didn't you?16:05
devanandamordred: yes16:05
devanandamordred: because I cant drink beer16:05
mordredjeblair: ^^ I beleive devananda is beating turbo-hipster for most hipster still16:05
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zaromordred: now that would be nice!16:07
pleia2good morning16:08
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow the `test` command to write to stdout
devanandamordred: reply to gerrit-review-email? holy smokes, yes!16:10
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add build-timeout macro
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jeblairdevananda: nicely done.  cheers!16:13
anteayapleia2: morning16:13
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: add tempest stable non-voting jobs
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zaroSergeyLukjanov: do you have time for quick review?
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clarkbdhellmann: to be fair the unit tests were already broken :) oslo only tickled that16:33
anteayamorning clarkb16:34
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clarkbthis table is not level16:34
clarkband it bothers me16:34
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anteayafolded paper is my table leveler of choice16:36
anteayajunk mail and flyers come in handy for that16:36
clarkbanteaya: the low end is bolted to the wall and the legs don't appear to get shorter16:36
clarkbthis is a very curious installation16:37
anteayawhere are you?16:37
clarkbanteaya: seattle office, I can show you if you are ever here16:37
anteayawho bolts a table to the wall without leveling it first16:37
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anteayaah the incentive to visit the mothershiop16:37
anteayaI was actually thinking of showing up for a bit of time in august16:38
anteayaI bet the unlevel table will still be in existance then16:38
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dhellmannclarkb: well, true, but we keep finding problems like that after a lib is released rather than before16:46
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jrolldevananda: on does it matter that the core team is different for API?16:47
devanandajroll: ooh. good question16:47
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jroller, s/API/IPA16:47
devanandaquestion for folks re: reviewstats repo. when a program has different core teams for different projects, how should that be represented?16:48
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: jenkins-job-builder: Allow `test` write to stdout
fungidevananda: mordred: at the summit we can have pbr vs ipa drink-offs. i think i'll have to side with the ironic crowd for that event16:55
devanandafungi: we need a whiskey project next16:56
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fungidevananda: it's pronounced "wsgi" but yes16:57
devanandaah, of course16:57
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devanandafungi: question on core team things. do any programs have different core teams for different projects? is there an easy way for me to check this?17:00
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jogottx: thanks17:01
mordreddevananda: usually the program core team will be included in a specialied core team17:02
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fungidevananda: there are times when they are completely separate, i think, though no good examples spring to mind17:02
fungimostly not at least, it's more of what mordred describes17:03
fungidevananda: so, like, ipa-core might have ironic-core as an included group17:03
devanandaah, gotcha17:04
fungidevananda: and ipa-ptl might include both the ipa lead developer and the ironic ptl for oversight17:04
devanandahow is taht modeled in reviewstats? just lump it all together?17:04
fungidevananda: i think so, yes. russellb could probably tell you with more certainty17:04
devanandai'm looking eg. at projects/tripleo.json, and it's just one list for core-team17:05
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JayFdevananda: this group makes a damn good gf beer, although I haven't tried the IPA because I'm more of a lager guy :D17:05
mordredyeah - it doesn't get broken out by subteam17:05
devanandaJayF: so i've heard. haven't tried their beers yet, tho17:06
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fungidevananda: got it. i've got this script which could calculate the actual core reviewers (approvers) per repository, but it relies on mysql queries against the gerrit backend db at the moment17:06
JayFdevananda: All gf beers I've had have been terribad, except those. They actually taste like beer :)17:06
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devanandaJayF: "All gf beers I've had have been terribad" <-- yes.17:07
fungiJayF: devananda: i rather like echigo koshihikari (they make a good rice lager and rice stout)17:07
devanandahence why i stick to wsgi17:07
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1301027
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301027 in neutron/havana "Permission denied error in unit tests" [High,In progress]
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devanandafungi: thanks, but i think folks have answered my question17:08
devanandafungi: i'll update my proposal to reviewstats shortly17:08
jogoclarkb: is bette rnow?17:09
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add the ironic-python-agent project
devanandajroll: ^ updated to include ya'll in the core stats17:13
devanandajroll: please verify that I got all the gerrit account names correct17:13
JayFI'll take a gander17:14
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JayFthese should be gerrit user ids?17:14
jrolldevananda: ^17:16
devanandaI *think* so. russelb?17:16
JayFjroll: assuming yours as jroll is accurate?17:16
jrollgerrit ID? no, it's like Jim-Rollenhagen, I think17:17
jrollJayF: and yours is Jason-Oldos iirc?17:17
JayFin /gerrit/ it's not the same as in /launchpad/17:17
JayFin gerrit mine is JayF17:17
JayFjroll: -> login -> "settings" -> What's the user name in the top row of the table?17:18
jrollI'll post a comment17:18
JayFI've got it17:18
devanandaif you 'git remote -v | grep gerrit', what's the user name17:18
jrollyeah, jimrollenhagen17:19
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SergeyLukjanovzaro, looking on
russellbdevananda: yes17:25
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add the ironic-python-agent project
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JayFdevananda: ^ what does that do, exactly? I know about stackalytics, but didn't know about reviewstats17:28
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Treat input filename of "-" to mean stdin
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Document using "-" to mean stdin or stdout
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devanandaJayF: reviewstats tells stackalytics what to base its stats on, I beleive17:30
devanandaJayF: so eg, in Icehouse, IPA wasn't part of the ironic program, so it's contributions were not counted in
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mordreddevananda: reviewstats and stackalytics are not related17:31
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devanandamordred: oh?17:31
devanandamordred: where does stackalytics get it's list of core reviewers from?17:31
SpamapSOk, ci-overcloud _seems_ to be working17:31
mordreddevananda: from people who cast a +2 or a +A or a -2 vote17:31
devanandamordred: and where does it get the list of projects in a "project group" from?17:32
fungidevananda: i think they scrape gitdm and a few other sources to piece something together (possibly the gerrit webui)17:32
SpamapSnot sure who to ping to ask to have nodepool try again. :-P17:32
devanandahm, ok17:32
mordreddevananda: there isa  json file in the stackalytics repo17:32
mordredfungi: they do not17:32
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mordredthey pull info from gerrit, and then they infer core status as above17:32
fungimordred: i thought they did initially to put together that json file when they started17:33
devanandamordred: and projects in a group?17:33
mordredin a json file17:33
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fungithough ideally they should fix it to identify project->program mappings from the governance repo17:33
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funginow that we have that17:33
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devanandareviewstats probably should pull from there too :)17:34
devanandaJayF: to answer your question --
mordredfungi: ++17:34
JayFI appear to be losing to josh and jroll, I'd better review more code ;)17:35
rcarrillocruzfungi: hi, do you have +2 powers? if so, and if you are not busy now, could you please have a look when you have a minute ?17:35
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fungircarrillocruz: ahh, yep--i already had that one open in a tab. just a sec and i should be done reviewing it17:36
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fungircarrillocruz: lgtm17:38
rcarrillocruzsweet , thx sir17:39
german_I am new to all this and have a few questions17:39
SergeyLukjanovfungi, devananda, stackalytics is already using governance repo for program -> project mapping17:40
german_I am trying to update a branch for the libra stack-forge project by cherry picking things from the main branch. But zuul id failing them since pep8 got more strict17:40
fungiSergeyLukjanov: excellent!17:41
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german_is there a way to bypass the pep8 checks?17:41
fungigerman_: you might want to pin pep8 in the test-requirements.txt on the stable branch to an acceptable version from when that branch was cut17:42
SergeyLukjanovgerman_, you need to fix the hacking version (pep8/flake8 probably too) for stable branch17:42
SergeyLukjanovto avoid addiitional checks17:43
fungigerman_: or if there are specific pep8 errors you want to silence, you can add an exclusion list in the tox.ini for those specifically17:43
mordredSergeyLukjanov: oh! I didn't realize it had started using that. neat17:43
SergeyLukjanovmordred, I think it's using gov for a few month17:43
mordredSergeyLukjanov: neat17:44
german_well, git cherry-pick makes the system commit things before I can add changes17:44
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SergeyLukjanovgerman_, you need to make a separated change for stable branch that'll fix gating and make you able to cherry-pick stuff17:45
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mordreddevananda: you know there is a similar page here, yeah:
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german_thanks SergeyLukjanov I will give that a try17:46
zarofungi: would like to get this thru so i can do further testing, just a quick review.
zaroSergeyLukjanov: thanks for the review.17:46
fungisdague: i assume you meant to ping me here and not in the vmwareapi meeting17:47
SergeyLukjanovzaro, np, I hope that version-properties are already in place17:47
sdaguemy tabs switched locations17:47
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sdaguethis is my 3rd openstack... tab, meetings is 4th17:48
zaroSergeyLukjanov: yes, many existing jobs are currently using it.17:48
devanandaSergeyLukjanov: so, we added ironic-python-agent to governance repo, and its in the ironic group now, but its core reviewers aren't (*)'d17:48
SergeyLukjanovzaro, okay17:49
asselinHi, I have a question about the nodepool puppet script. I'm running behind a proxy and working through those issues. There's a 'catalog' script that runs for 4550 seconds (75 minutes) constantly failing due to dns issue. Sure enough the settings in /etc/resolv.conf were no longer valid. Then, all of the sudden it works. The contents of this file were restored by the script. Any ideas why it would do this?
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: gerrit plugin builds need to use
SergeyLukjanovdevananda, I've checked all CRs for your agent and it looks like shows all cores17:52
SergeyLukjanovdevananda, I mean all folks how placed +2 in this repo17:52
devanandaSergeyLukjanov: yes, but does not17:52
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add stable filters for neutron functional+api jobs
devanandaSergeyLukjanov: even though, in governance repo, both python-ironicclient and ironic-puthon-agent are part of the program17:53
devanandaSergeyLukjanov: maybe I misunderstand something17:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Add support for notification of releases on IRC
SergeyLukjanovdevananda, oh, got it, I'll ping stackalytics maintainers tomorrow17:53
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devanandaSergeyLukjanov: thanks! fwiw,w e're discussing merging the review teams now. so the separate core group may go away (or may become a subgroup?) at some point17:55
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: jenkins-job-builder: Allow read/write stdin/stdout
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zarosdague: with these three changes you should be able to modify your jobs to access a 'BUILD_TIMEOUT' env var:  84512, 84630, 8463717:55
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SergeyLukjanovdevananda, FWIW IMO core review teams for subprojects should contain main core review team17:55
fungisdague: okay, i see why...
fungisdague: zuul builds refs based on branch+change17:56
JayFdevananda: this exists in that stackalytics repo, but is named test. hmm. markwash might have had to solve this same problem for Glance?17:56
fungisdague: and so devstack-gate is trying to fetch refs/zuul/stable/havana/Zb19b0edd1f1c46b188b5e1cd8bc5f69b instead of refs/zuul/master/Zb19b0edd1f1c46b188b5e1cd8bc5f69b17:56
fungisdague: i think we can fix this in the setup script. just a minute i'll see if i can work out what variable needs swapping17:57
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sdaguefungi: well, I wonder if what we should do is provide a TEMPEST_BRANCH_OVERRIDE17:57
JayFdevananda: aha, it appears to be using the governace stuff. So it should be right?
sdaguebecause BRANCH_OVERRIDE won't be able to make us have tempest master on stable/havana devstack17:58
sdaguewhich we'll need pretty quickly to fix issues17:58
fungisdague: well, it will *as soon as* we delete tempest's stable/havana branch17:58
sdaguebecause most of those will be devstack fixes for generating the tempest config17:58
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fungisdague: but agreed, if we want to test it from non-tempest proposed changes before deleting that branch, then we need a separate variable17:59
sdaguefungi: well, I expect there will be a long interim period for fixes17:59
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fungisdague: however, this has still exposed what i think is technically a bug in devstack-gate, that it tries to assemble the zuul ref for the zuul project based on the override branch rather than the change branch18:00
fungiwhich will never work afaik18:00
fungisince zuul builds that ref to encode the starting branch name for the change being merged18:00
fungiwe don't normally notice it because the places where we rely on that behavior we just have a master branch on the project, or at least no branch matching the name of the override branch18:01
sdaguefungi: ok, how would you like to proceed?18:02
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sdagueI feel like we'll need a TEMPEST_OVERRIDE_BRANCH rsn anyway18:02
sdagueso my instinct is to do that18:03
fungisdague: two-phase. fix this logic bug (which without having looked yet seems like it should be fairly trivial) and then introduce a separate variable like tempest_branch18:03
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fungii'll try to whip out the bug fix real quick18:03
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: jenkins-job-builder: Allow read/write stdin/stdout
fungiworking on it now18:03
sdaguefungi: ok, I'll look at the larger override18:03
fungisdague: great18:03
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andrew_plunkhello all. I am trying to set up third party testing for the openstack heat project at Rackspace, I have been following the documentation here:
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: OVERRIDE_BRANCH should not apply to ZUUL_PROJECT
fungisdague: i *think* the fix is that ^ trivial18:15
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andrew_plunkI would like to set up a service account, I sent an email with the required information to the mailing list, but it looks like that post is waiting for moderation, would anyone mind taking a look at that?18:15
fungiandrew_plunk: this one?
andrew_plunkcorrect fungi18:16
sdaguefungi: does that break other parts of stable?18:16
sdaguelike if we are actually testing stable nova18:17
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: allow for generic branch overrides
fungiandrew_plunk: sorry for the silent treatment--we tend to batch these up and i hadn't gotten to it yet. that one looks like it has all the info i need, so just a sec and i'll take care of it18:17
sdaguefungi: can you look at that? ^^^18:17
andrew_plunkI really appreciate it fungi!18:18
sdaguebecause I think it will give us the flexibility to do this on any project18:18
fungisdague: how are you thinking about that fix breaking tests of changes to stable nova?18:18
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sdaguefungi: I'm not sure, my brain is vaguely jumbled on the branch flips right now18:18
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sdagueso probably ignore me :)18:18
fungino, not ignoring you--my thinkmeat gets overcooked just trying to ponder it as well18:19
fungiyour concern may be legit18:19
fungii'm just not spotting what it would be18:19
jeblairfungi, sdague: are you considering deleting branches from tempest?18:20
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sdaguejeblair: we are collecting data18:20
sdaguejeblair: mostly there is an interesting question on whether or not we should create an icehouse branch for tempest18:20
jeblairsdague: is there previous discussion you can point me to where i can catch up?18:20
sdague-qa from this morning18:21
fungijeblair: right, lots of scrollback on it earlier in #-qa18:21
jeblairi'll try to do that real quick like18:21
fungijeblair: summary is, wouldn't it be nice if tempest didn't have branches and just got backward-compat tested against everything. the trouble is in the getting there18:21
jeblairfungi, sdague: yeah, the top layer of my thinkmeat likes the way those words sound.  :)18:22
sdagueright, because openstack versions end up being kind of senseless in deployed clouds anyway18:23
sdaguethe api should be the api18:23
fungithe idea behind it is that it would make tempest more usable by third parties without having to run a tempest branch closely-related to the deployed cloud release (and how you even figure that out as a typical cloud admin)18:24
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sdagueright, you'd just run tempest, the newest verison18:24
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sdagueand we could even have tempest versions for convenience, but they wouldn't be branch versions, because it should be always working like the clients18:25
sdagueanyway, step #1 is data18:25
sdaguehow bad would it be to get tempest master to work with stable/havana18:25
fungibut also, we're in a very briefly useful window where we have only one supported stable branch (havana) so if the delta in making tempest master work with havana isn't huge-huge, then yeah18:25
sdagueto figure out our existing drift18:25
jeblairgotcha (in fact, that's exactly where i am in my scrollback reading :)18:25
fungisdague: interesting dynamic with the eval in 84829. looks useful and would allow us to also skirt the current bug if we don't want to fix it (but might make the fix for it more complex if we do)18:28
sdaguefungi: yeh, I decided that it was probably worth trying to do that dynamically so if we had other overrides we wanted the infra would already be there18:29
sdagueand some eval stuff crept into devstack recently18:29
fungisdague: it's basically the inverse of the OVERRIDE_BRANCH envvar18:29
sdagueyes... I think that's right18:30
fungiwhich should override the branch of everything except the project tested18:30
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fungiyours should override only the branch of the project tested18:30
mtreinishkrtaylor: your powerkvm ci is screwed up on stable branches:
fungier, only the branch of a specific project18:30
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mtreinishkrtaylor: it's not pulling any of the stable branches for the other projects so you get tons of failures18:30
fungi(which i think due to the other bug, also cannot be the project being tested)18:30
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add .travis.yml for Travis CI
fungisdague: though i think trying to shoehorn that into the existing dsvm job templates might be hairy. we probably are stuck doing project-specific branch overrides in separate job definitions instead18:32
mordredwhy would someone add .travis.yaml files?18:32
fungimordred: isn't travis used to test everything?18:33
mordredI just -2'd that18:33
fungiwe're replacing zuul with it18:33
sdaguemordred: it wasn't even Apr 118:33
mordredsdague: right?18:33
fungii figured they were just late with that one18:33
jeblairmordred: lol18:33
* fungi proposes a patch to add vim style comment lines into emacs sources18:34
sdaguefungi: so you are probably right that we'd need new jobs for this18:35
sdaguehowever, I'm ok with that for now to get it working, because we'll minimally need this on devstack + tempest18:35
pabelangerso, are you guys having a problem with puppetlabs apt repo too?18:35
pabelanger puppet-common : Depends: facter (< 2.0) but 2.0.1-1puppetlabs1 is to be installed18:35
fungipabelanger: see fixes to openstack-infra/config yesterday, but yes18:36
pabelangerfungi, danke18:36
sdaguethere is also a really interesting side effect of master only tempest18:36
fungisdague: right, these jobs are transitional, but the feature which would support them is nice to keep as a parting gift18:36
sdaguein that people would notice when stable branches were broken much faster18:36
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jeblairsdague, fungi: i think i'm caught up18:38
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fungiandrew_plunk: any objection to me making the human readable name "RAX Heat CI" and the ssh username "raxheatci"?18:39
sdaguejeblair: curious on your thoughts18:39
andrew_plunksounds good to me fungi18:39
jeblairsdague: what do you think the invocation will look like?  changes to tempest master set OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH=stable/havana and then set OVERRIDE_TEMPEST_BRANCH to master?18:40
jeblair(for that single job, obviously)18:40
sdaguewell, actually, we'd probably carve a new job18:41
sdaguewhich would override_tempest_branch=master18:41
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sdagueand put it nv on tempest and devstack18:41
fungisdague: jeblair: i *think* 84828 will at least get the current devstack-gate backward-compat jobs working to glean initial results on tempest master changes18:42
jeblairso it's a hierarchical override: the general variable overrides the preferred branch for all projects, and the more specific variable takes precedence over that18:42
jeblairsdague: yep, just making sure i understand the intended use correctly18:43
sdaguethat's my first take on the inner override18:43
jeblairsdague: okay, i like the idea and i think it will work.  i'm going to drop a few code organization type comments in there in a sec18:44
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adam_ggot a quick one that could use another peek if anyone has a minute.
adam_ginterested to see if the UCA icehouse pocket will really break the world18:52
fungiadam_g: well, there are other ways, have you sync'd up with dims on the test jobs he's been running with tempest?18:53
adam_gfungi, alternatives to DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX?18:53
krtaylormtreinish, thanks, I'm on it18:54
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fungiadam_g: what dims was doing to test uca was proposing a wip devstack change which added the repo early in setup, and then he checked the tempest test results from rerunning it a bunch18:57
jeblairsdague: okay, reviewed.  not as many code org comments as i thought actually.  mostly just "please add docs and tests" by the end of it.  :)18:57
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fungiadam_g: which didn't require temporarily modifying a job to get some idea of whether or not it worked18:57
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adam_gfungi, oh, well.. im mostly more curious than anything, we actually need a newer libvirt regardless. we are setting up the havana UCA  currently, but that package is slow to get the bug updates we need. the trusty/icehouse UCA has it and other fixes released18:58
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fungiadam_g: ahh, got it18:58
jeblairmordred: your -2 got a response18:59
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clarkbwow sb19:01
jeblairsdague: also, it looks like there's a technical error in your patch since it doesn't pass the current unit tests:
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clarkbwhy are we wanting to test havana against master tempest? I think i miseed that19:01
jeblairclarkb: the long answer is in -qa scrollback; the short answer is that we want to see if we can drop all branches from tempest and have it master-only (since the api is the api)19:02
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clarkbjeblair: the swift failure last night is a clear indication that we can't19:02
clarkb(not that those issues can't be fixed)19:02
sdagueclarkb: so yeh, you have such sb19:02
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sdaguejeblair: ok, all valid points in review, I'll circle around on that shortly19:03
sdagueI also mostly made it lc because the project name was going to be lc19:03
jeblairsdague: awesome; i'll get lunch! :)19:03
sdagueand it seemed less confusing in some way19:03
jeblairsdague: yeah, no great answer there -- i will say that we went with the (possibly) mixed case with the zuul parameters for swift log uploads19:04
sdagueit's also a local variable19:04
sdagueso lc seems ok19:04
sdagueat least that was the convention we use in devstack19:05
jeblairthat's a similar situation (all current ZUUL_* params are uppercase, but swift container names might be lower, so they could end up as SWIFT_something_FOO19:05
sdagueUC_VAR for globals, and lc_var for locals19:05
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jeblairsdague: but there is an input var, right?  the actual override_tempest_branch variable?19:05
jeblairsdague: yeah, i like that convention, i think d-g mostly follows it too19:05
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sdaguedid I miss one?19:06
jeblairsdague: so it's just the var that we would end up setting in the jjb defn, which aiui is override_tempest_branch (or OVERRIDE_tempest_BRANCH), right?19:06
sdagueI thought I localized the all19:06
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run jobs with neutron on neutron changes
sdaguejeblair: yep19:06
mtreinishmarkmcclain: ^^^ I think that should fix it19:06
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sdagueexport override_tempest_branch=master19:06
sdaguethat was the intent19:07
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jeblairsdague: yeah, so that's the one i'm thiking of19:07
fungiclarkb: the failure last night is the sort of thing we want to see a gap analysis on so we know what tempest master needs to be able to run against havana servers19:07
jeblairproject_branch_var and project_branch i agree should be lc19:07
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sdagueok, gotcha19:07
sdagueso if we want OVERRIDE_TEMPEST_BRANCH19:08
markmcclainmtreinish: awesome… hopefully this is only temporary as we're really close to enabling the full job and grenade19:08
sdaguewe could case transform19:08
jeblairfor the exported one, i have a weak preference for OVERRIDE_tempest_BRANCH because on average, it's more like the other input variables and matches the arbitrary decision we made in a similar situation19:08
sdagueI can add that to the var changes19:09
mtreinishmarkmcclain: I think that their will still be separates jobs for neutron grenade though right?19:09
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markmcclainI'm assuming we're going to want to run the full and grenade jobs w and w/o neutron for nova once we're ready right?19:10
clarkbok lunch for me too19:10
jeblairsdague: i could probably live with case transform too if you like that better19:10
mtreinishmarkmcclain: yeah that's what I figured19:10
markmcclainmtreinish: cool19:11
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markmcclainmtreinish: yeah happy that session was proposed19:12
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sdaguejeblair: PROJECT=`echo $PROJECT | tr [:lower:] [:upper:]`19:13
sdagueseems simple enought19:13
krtaylormtreinish, y, it looks like we are not handling stable branches correctly, rfolco and I are discussing (while we are in a meeting)19:14
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devanandahi guys! question on the nova.virt.ironic driver. specifically for sdague, russellb, and mordred -- if/when it is added to nova, can tests for the nova.virt.ironic driver be voting in nova? does that change if/when ironic graduates, or would they still be considered third-party tests (as it's not the libvirt driver)19:22
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russellb3rd party, or at least non-voting tests for now i think19:23
devanandarussellb: after graduation, does that change?19:23
devanandathat's the key piece i need to understand19:23
russellbdepends how it's implemented19:23
russellbright now, nothing 3rd party is gating19:24
devanandaour tests are all run by infra today19:24
devanandaso the tests aren't third-party19:24
russellbOK, then presumably we could look at making it gating after integrated, yes19:24
russellbi think that's the general process we've been following19:24
russellbi think?19:24
devanandanone of the other hypervisor drivers are gating, tho19:25
fungiright, if we can run it in official infra (for example, if you get tripleo to the stability requirements necessary to support that) then we could technically have those tests gating, at which point it's more up to nova to decide whether or not they should be19:25
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russellbdevananda: right, but they're all 3rd party CI19:25
devanandawe can run a subset of tempest on ironic today, within HP/RS cloud19:25
devanandadoesn't need tripleo-ci19:25
devanandathough taht'll be great, once it's up19:25
russellbso in that case, it'd be up to nova to decide when we're ready to gate on it19:25
fungidevananda: oh, if they can run without nested virt or anything then it's possible we could run them upstream now even (again, voting/gating would still be up to nova in that case though)19:26
devanandacan we avoid having ironic's developers suffer while the nova.virt.ironic driver is gating for *us* but not for nova?19:26
devanandafungi: we already do runthem upstream. uses cirros images. it'snot fast, and adam_g has been working on teh tempest stuff19:27
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devanandato filter out things ironic doesn't support (eg, snapshot)19:27
fungidevananda: right, assuming 84543 is what you're talking about, so long as it runs correctly you could in theory gate ironic on it now (and other non-integrated projects in your program for that matter, if it helps)19:27
devanandabasically, can we manage a large chunk of ironic's code (which is gating for ironic) but have it in the nova tree (where it would not be gating)19:28
devanandafor all of juno19:28
devanandaand possibly longer, if nova doesn't want to gate on ironic19:28
adam_gfungi, that one + a baremetal scenario test for tempest19:28
mtreinishclarkb: I had a question about: how exactly do I use the branch designator to just change the job name?19:28
mtreinishI wasn't aware that was an option that's why I duplicated the job definition19:28
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fungiadam_g: btw, lgtm, clarkb's concern about uca aside19:29
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fungimtreinish: just add additional branch designators for it on a project in the jjb projects.yaml19:30
devanandafrankly, this seems like a nightmare to me19:30
fungimtreinish: you could simply embed the 2 into the branch designator parameter19:31
mtreinishfungi: ok, I'll give that a shot19:31
adam_gfungi, cool. ive been doing a bit of testing with it on RAX and HP and seems to work fine for the ironic case.   and thanks for tipping me off to , will be keeping an eye on that19:31
fungimtreinish: there should already be examples in the jjb projects file to draw from19:31
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Limit Tempest tests in virutal Ironic devstack job
dwalleckdevanada: The filtering part? That actually shouldn't be too bad, especially since it's clear what works and what doesn't19:32
fungiadam_g: yeah, i think he's very close now with the patched libvirt debs19:32
devanandadwalleck: filtering?19:32
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dwalleckFiltering out of tests for features a driver/hypervisor doesn't support.19:33
devanandadwalleck: sorry, i mean the previous discussion19:33
adam_gdwalleck, <- i'm hoping this will filter out enough to get the current virtual-ironic job passing (
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devanandadwalleck: adding the nova.virt.ironic driver to nova's tree and having it not vote in nova19:34
fungidevananda: not vote (+1/-1 in check) or not gate (+2/-2 in gate)?19:35
devanandafungi: there's no longer a difference, afaict19:35
devanandafungi: if a job is voting in check, and -1's, it doesn't merge19:36
fungidevananda: oh, right you mean non-voting jobs in upstream ci, not third-party ci19:36
dwalleckOh wow. Test filters are regex's? That sounds painful19:36
adam_gare there any other non-libvirt drivers being tested as part of the upstream CI?19:36
devanandaadam_g: afaik, no. but imbw.19:36
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fungiadam_g: not yet--i think the xenserver and docker crowds are working on stuff19:37
devanandafungi: i expect ironic tohave thirdparty CI once we get upstream CI working19:37
devanandafungi: and I think that'll be voting, not gating, on ironic project only19:37
devanandafungi: but having a job which is gating in ironic, non-gating in nova, and the code that it's testing is in nova, seems ... awkward.19:39
devanandafungi: so i'm seeking suggestions on how we can move forward with adding the nova.virt.ironic driver back to nova19:39
fungidevananda: i agree. it does sound prone to breakage and interruption/loss of development inertia19:40
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change names for duplicate neutron jobs
mtreinishfungi: ^^^ so something like that?19:40
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change names for duplicate neutron jobs
fungimtreinish: i think you don't need the additional entries in the job group, since that's just the list of templates against which parameters should be enumerated to define actual jobs19:42
fungimtreinish: but otherwise, yes19:43
adam_gseems there needs to be a discussion about graduating from non-gating third party CI to integrated CI that runs as part of upstream infra and has the ability to -219:43
mtreinishfungi: ok, I'll remove that bit then19:43
devanandafungi: russellb: worth a summit slot?19:43
jeblairadam_g: i think some terms may be being confused here...19:44
adam_gi can't imagine ironic is alone in your nightmare, devananda19:44
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adam_gjeblair, probably :)19:44
mtreinishfungi: yeah those entries wouldn't do anything anyway since -2 is the branch designator19:44
jeblairthe only reason to run a third-party ci system is because it's testing something that _can't_ be tested upstream (usually something proprietary)19:44
jeblairwe'll happily run anything we can to test open source software upstream -- we want to test as much as possible19:45
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change names for duplicate neutron jobs
devanandajeblair: right. and we're doing all the testing of ironic upstream today.19:45
jeblairadam_g: so anyway, short version is that 3rd-party-ci vs upstream ci, and gating vs non-gating are separate questions19:45
devanandajeblair: my question is largely directed to nova. will they allow nova to be gated on the nova.virt.ironic driver upstream tests?19:46
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adam_gjeblair, sure19:46
fungithey form a 2x2 matrix, where the "third-party x gating" corner is "never"19:46
devanandajeblair: russellb's answer was, " it'd be up to nova to decide when we're ready to gate on it"19:46
jeblairdevananda: agreed, i think that's the right question19:46
devanandajeblair: which is reasonable, but puts ironic in a strange position19:47
devanandain that we could end up being gated on code we don't control, in a project fo rwhcih that code is *not* gating19:47
fungidevananda: fwiw, some library projects do that today by choice19:48
devanandafungi: interesting. examples?19:48
jeblairdevananda: i agree -- normally we have an aversion to gating integrated projects on integrated ones because they are less mature, more prone to breakage, and still in a period where we expect them to be coming from outside of the project and not fully up to speed on processes, etc.19:48
jeblairdevananda: i don't think that all applies to ironic though19:48
fungidevananda: running unit tests of a consuming project to ensure changes to the library don't break the project, but the project can change in ways which potentially prevent that library from merging code as a result19:48
fungidevananda: pecan/wsme are a couple examples19:49
jeblairdevananda: and i think the argument that ironic is more tightly coupled with nova than our typical incubated project is also very reasonable19:49
jeblairdevananda: so i think you make a good case, but it's true we really need to get russelb/nova on board with it19:49
devanandafungi: ah, yep, that's fair. and fwiw, pecan/wsme added ironic to their gate because of asymmetric breakage a while back ;)19:50
sdagueI agree chasing is not fun, however, there is also fairness in play about what projects prevent nova from making behavior changes19:51
fungidevananda: and oslo in general is about to probably start doing a ton of that too19:51
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devanandajeblair: right. the typical asymmetric gating between incubated/integrated projects makes a lot of sense, even for ironic, with respect to our neutron/glance/keystone/etc bindings19:51
devanandathe difficulty (at least in my mind) is around teh nova.virt.ironic driver code, which is really very tightly coupled to ironic19:51
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devanandabecause it places ironic in the position of being dependent upon an _internal_ api19:54
devanandainstead of a public one19:54
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sdaguejeblair: so the is super dependant on order?20:05
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hdddoes something like "recheck turbo-hipster" exist? I have a change that jenkins passed, but t-h failed, and don't want to recheck everything unnecessarily20:08
fungimikal: ^ ? (if you're around)20:09
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fungihdd: suggests "recheck migrations" may work?20:11
pleia2jeblair: are we planning on having a nodepool docs site? (I've been pointing folks to the .rst files in cgit)20:11
fungipleia2: i bet if you added tooling like we use to publish zuul and jenkins-job-builder docs to ci.o.o, it would be welcomed20:12
fungiat this point we're probably just missing the publish jobs?20:12
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fungijeblair's recent documentation additions were fairly comprehensive20:13
pleia2fungi: yeah, I think we can probably just dump it at and the job will be similar to zuul's20:13
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fungii assume that was his intent20:13
pleia2thanks, I'll poke around20:14
hddfungi: thanks, I'll give it a whirl20:14
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: allow for generic branch overrides
sdaguejeblair: ok, I think that's good now20:14
sdaguetests and all20:15
sdaguetests found real issues as well, so tests good20:15
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jeblairsdague: cool; i don't think they should be dependent on order, but i might have messed up some bash scoping thing :/20:16
sdaguethe fact that all the functions use global vars means they stomp20:17
sdagueand sometimes carry over20:17
fungii'm still marginally worried that we have a subtle way a job can be constructed which ends up not testing the proposed change, and i think the failing unit test on 84828 actually gets it wrong... looking closer20:18
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sdaguefungi: so I actually suspect the unit tests might not being doing the right things based on the ordering20:20
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devanandajeblair, fungi: fwiw, summary of what we jsut talked about --
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SpamapShey, I don't see any nodes coming from nodepool on .. is it not trying or getting some errors?20:24
SpamapSfungi: ^?20:25
SpamapSclarkb: ^?20:25
SpamapSjeblair: ^?20:25
fungiSpamapS: looking20:25
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: allow for generic branch overrides
SpamapSfungi: ty20:26
sdagueoops, there was a stray echo in there20:26
fungiSpamapS: well, it's not error nodes or leaked floating ips, digging into logs20:27
SpamapSfungi: I do see 3 in BUILD state20:27
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fungiSpamapS: we have a ton in delete state in nodepool which don't show up in nova list20:28
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SpamapSalso nova hypervisor-list shows numbers that don't jive with nova list --all-tenants20:28
fungiSpamapS: most going back 9-10 hours20:28
SpamapShypervisor-stats I should say20:28
SpamapS| running_vms          | 67      |20:28
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fungithose don't seem to be in our tenant anyway20:29
clarkbreuben consumed that was good20:29
fungiwe just have a handful according to nova list20:29
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clarkbmtreinish: did you get an answer about the branch thing?20:29
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mikalhdd: "recheck migrations" is what you're looking for20:29
fungiSpamapS: assuming the delete nodes are hanging around because there was some broken around 10 hours ago, i'll try to delete some through nodepool and see what happens20:29
SpamapSfungi: ok cool. I'm trying to figure out why my stats show 67 running20:30
fungiSpamapS: one of the instances, fbc7943f-6ea8-4c3e-ad2a-277fdb6dc714, i tried to delete just now in nodepool and it was successfully removed20:31
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fungithat one had been in a delete state previously for 9.75 hours20:31
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1301027
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1301027 in neutron/havana "Permission denied error in unit tests" [High,Fix committed]
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jogohas this been seen recent;y:
SpamapSfungi: I see that one with an odd traceback error20:33 timeout20:33
SpamapSfungi: failed to spawn about 10 hours ago20:33
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fungiSpamapS: yeah, we have/had about 50 like that20:34
SpamapSfungi: but they're not ERROR on our side, so.. weird20:34
fungii suspect they're all in the same boat, but i can give you more uuids20:34
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jeblairjogo: the requirements gate jobs don't use our local mirror (on purpose) so they are at the mercy of pypi.python.org20:34
fungiSpamapS: they may have leaked into the nodepool database and not been deleted because of the particular way in which they failed to spawn20:35
fungiSpamapS: i'm checking the logs for an example of one now20:35
SpamapSfungi: gotchya20:35
SpamapSwe have in fact found every way to fail20:35
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SpamapSand we're not working on inventing new ways to fail20:36
fungiSpamapS: you can only hope, but i doubt it20:36
fungithere are plenty of new ways to fail, as of yet undiscovered20:36
SpamapSfungi: do you have 151c7f69-b3d1-4682-8fae-259c90e0084b ?20:36
jogofungi: have you thought about using devpi-server to help with that?20:36
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jogoalthough that is pretty low priority20:37
fungiSpamapS: i do. nodepool id is 339228220:37
jogoI use it locally with great results20:37
fungiSpamapS: i'll get the log entries for it now20:37
SpamapSfungi: ok, that is stuck in BUILD20:37
SpamapSfungi: has no hypervisor host assigned20:37
fungiSpamapS: we see it in a nodepool delete state20:37
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fungifor 2.28 hours20:38
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SpamapSfungi: manually deleted it20:38
SpamapSfungi: nodepool agree it is gone yet?20:38
fungiSpamapS: not yet, but it retries deletes periodically20:40
fungiSpamapS: that's all we had in the debug log for that node20:42
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fungilooks like it never left a building state20:42
fungiuntil nodepool gave up, anyway20:42
mtreinishclarkb: yeah, fungi gave me the answer20:42
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lifelessI've reset state on the two stuck builds20:47
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lifelessthey're now gone20:47
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jobs to publish nodepool docs
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funginodepool doesn't seem to have retried the delete on 151c7f69-b3d1-4682-8fae-259c90e0084b yet and it's been over 10 minutes20:49
fungii'll go ahead and delete the others from that timeframe but leave that one untouched to see if it does eventually get properly reclaimed20:50
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fungithe building count on the tripleo cloud should be spiking in our tenant now20:53
fungihi mrmartin20:54
mrmartinguys, may I get a review on this patch:
mrmartinthis was posted 5 days ago, and it is related to openid project20:55
rfolcomtreinish, you know if I have to repeat "branch: ^(stable/).*$" for every project name or there is a place I can put just once ? I was thinking to add here
fungimrmartin: lgtm (i reviewed it last week), but i'm guessing we're all a bit behind on reviews. it looks like it can really only impact the openstack-id dev server right now, so i'm okay approving it and letting you keep tabs on to see if it throws any errors20:56
mrmartinit will affect to prod server also, because I have a patch waiting there:
fungimrmartin: right, but the prod server doesn't exist yet20:57
fungiso it can't (yet!) be impacted by that change ;)20:57
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mrmartinyeah, it is our goal to deliver one :)20:58
fungiSpamapS: lifeless i show 52 nodes building20:58
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fungimrmartin: agreed. i'm quite excited about it20:58
mrmartinbut it requires prod ssl cert, instance creation, puppet config.20:59
* fungi is going to disappear to grab an early dinner, then be back in a little while20:59
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clarkbjeblair: fungi: was my nodepool change applied to running nodepool? curious if it is making things better21:02
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clarkbalso we should double check that we aren't leaking in region-b21:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Openstackid site-update feature
lifelessfungi: nope21:04
lifelessfungi: no building VMs21:05
lifelessclarkb: ^21:05
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add tempest-master jobs
jeblairclarkb: i have not restarted nodepool21:05
sdaguealright, I'm off for the evening, lug meeting tonight, however I think that layout change + the d-g change should give us the expected results21:06
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sdagueand if there is any possibility for quick review, it would be great to get data on these as soon as we can, so we can make a decision about skipping the icehouse tag for tempest (and even what it would take to delete the havana one)21:07
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mtreinishrfolco: no I don't know that sorry. jeblair will what rfolco suggested above work for him?21:13
mattoliverauMorning all21:18
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sdaguemtreinish: I think it will21:20
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lifelessclarkb: / jeblair: any errors in nodepool log w.r.t. tripleo-cloud and/or how many nodes does nodepool think you have?21:24
zaromordred: yo, looks like email notification with diff is actually in 2.8 and it looks like there's an option to include entire diff.
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zarofungi: there's even an option to limit the size. so no email bombs, or well limited bombs at least.21:30
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add access control
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mordredzaro: awesome!21:50
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add access control
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lifelessclarkb: jeblair: fungi: still no sign of nodepool21:52
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred, SpamapS, jhesketh: ^ i think with , all of the pieces for the move to post-jenkins are on the board21:52
jeblair(i mean, still quite a bit to do, but hopefully we can start to see how it all fits together now)21:53
jeblairlifeless: it looks like i'm on deck to triage that; will take a look21:54
lifelessjeblair: thank you21:54
jheskethjeblair: awesome :-)21:54
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mordredjeblair: ooh, really? neat21:57
jeblairlifeless: i think the connection is half-dead21:58
mordredjeblair: I've been thinking - what if we replaced gearman with an email queue that we had a bunch of humans respond to and take manual steps?21:58
jeblairmordred: this gozer thing you guys are working on sounds swell.  :)21:59
mordredjeblair: :)21:59
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jeblairistr that we have had a discussion about the fact that this stack (novaclient, requests, httplib, ssl) doesn't seem to have a keepalive22:00
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jeblairand that it was desirable for it to have one.  but i don't recall if someone had done the work to figure out where it should go and how to get it in there.  or volunteered to do the work.22:00
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jeblairmordred, clarkb, lifeless, fungi, SpamapS: ^ does that ring a bell?22:01
mordredjeblair: well, I'd characterize it more like it holds open connections and doesn't handle them going away well22:01
mordredbut yes22:01
clarkbjeblair: I remember it dying and people fiddleing with tcp tools to kill it but I don't remember if there was a plan to fix it22:02
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lifelessjeblair: ahha! yes22:03
lifelessjeblair: and we found and used a tool to reset it last time22:03
jeblairmordred: you are right.  i mentioned keepalive because that was the proposed fix (not for the side effect of keeping established connections alive, but for the side effect of actively noticing when they fail)22:03
lifelessnow what was the dang tool22:03
lifelessjeblair: ahha -
jeblairlifeless: i'm not really interested in manually fixing tcp connections in the long run.  i think we need to get a real fix for this bug.22:04
lifelessjeblair: thats already installed on the nodepool box22:04
lifelessjeblair: I agree.22:04
lifelessjeblair: however, I'd like to not wait for that to get service back today, if thats ok22:04
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lifelessjeblair: someone from the sprint was looking into fixing requests to have a keepalive22:04
lifelessjeblair: it might even have been SpamapS22:05
jeblairlifeless: i restarted nodepool22:05
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lifelessthank you!22:05
jeblair(we're not in a critical stage like we were last time, we can handle a restart now)22:05
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jeblairSpamapS: we're all rootin for ya.  :)22:06
openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
lifelessI'll add a card to trello22:08
markmcclaincan request that this be retried in the gate without another 1.5 hr detour through the check queue?
lifelessjeblair: any errors? I'm not seeing either templates or nodes being spawned22:09
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix neutron configuration error
jeblairlifeless: yes there are errors ^22:10
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lifelessmordred: ^ please review asap22:11
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lifelessjeblair: \o/ nodes.22:12
jeblairlifeless: i've restarted it with that change manually applied22:12
jeblair2014-04-02 22:11:25,708 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool:     <AllocationGrant of 55 of tripleo-precise from tripleo-test-cloud>22:12
lifelessjeblair: thank you22:12
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openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
SpamapSkeepalives in requests made my brain explode22:20
SpamapSthere are so many places the timeout may be set and/or lost22:20
jeblairSpamapS: wow.  that's a really terrible thing for a fundamental library like requests to get wrong.22:21
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Tightened up story detail UI
jeblairSpamapS: is it hopeless?22:21
openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add jobs to publish nodepool docs
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix neutron configuration error
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lifelessjeblair: clarkb had a fix for floating ip leaks right ?22:28
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SpamapSjeblair: no, it is just spaghetti22:29
SpamapSjeblair: I may have been expecting it to be easy.22:30
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clarkblifeless: I did, I think it would've just been applied with the recent service restart22:30
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lifelessok I'll remove my workaround22:32
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lifeless(while true; do nova floating-ip-list | awk '$5=="-" { print $2}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty -n1 nova floating-ip-delete; sleep 300; done)22:32
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clarkbjeblair: what prompted the new gear feature? is that something gearman supports?22:36
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jogoanteaya: am I reading  this right: glance and marconi have no one running22:38
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pleia2jogo: yeah, she sent a mail out yesterday to encourage applicants22:41
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jogopleia2: haha22:42
mtreinishjogo: go for it22:42
mtreinishjogo for the first double ptl22:42
jogomtreinish: oh i have a commit in glance on Jan 10th22:43
fungiokay, back22:43
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jogonothing in marconi22:43
fungiseems if i just go to dinner, everyone solves all the problems while i'm gone22:43
mtreinishjogo: you've got >24hrs :)22:43
jogoif no one else runs, I can run with the platform: I can technically run so I am22:44
jogomarkwash: ^22:44
markwashdeadlines are made to be stared down22:45
fungijogo: it's a good platform... if nothing else, it'll teach people the value of not ignoring the election schedule22:45
jogomarkwash: haha if you slip up I am gonna run ;)22:45
fungiplatform: i can read a calendar22:45
* markwash forces UTC to become PST by force of will22:45
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Adds metadata to story detail page
lifelessclarkb: looks like its still leaking ips22:50
fungilifeless: i'll double-check the floating-ips22:50
clarkbmordred: jeblair: so this jshint/jslint thing going on in the mail list has me wondering why storyboard (and possibly zuul) uses jshint at all. We use open source tools. jshint isn't erally open source22:50
clarkblifeless: its possible my fix was only a partial one. It handles cases where add floating ip returns an error and deletes that floating ip immediately (this was what appeared to appen in fungi's stacktrace in the bug)22:51
lifelessfungi: I see 24 VMs ACTIVE with no public IP22:51
lifelessclarkb: oh the leak is on VM delete22:51
lifelessclarkb: not on create22:51
clarkblifeless: not according to fungi's stacktrace22:51
fungiclarkb: ZOMG it's THAT license22:51
lifelessclarkb: fungi's stacktrace shows what happens once you've leaked to quota22:51
clarkblifeless: it did + it showed a leak22:52
* jogo addes a note to my calendar for 5:59 UTC APril 4th22:52
clarkblifeless: there were two stacktraces showing both halves22:52
lifelessclarkb: ack22:52
lifelessclarkb: is your fix in review or landed?22:52
clarkblifeless: it is landed.22:52
fungii had entirely spaced on the fact that jshint uses the json license22:52
mordredclarkb: jshint or jslint?22:52
clarkbfungi: I agree with peopel saying it isn't a legal issue for us to test with it (or shouldn't) but it isn't open either22:53
fungimordred: it's the "must be used for good, not evil license from json"22:53
clarkbmordred: both apparently. jslint is the bad bad one and jshint uses jslint's parser22:53
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fungithere was a kilothread (or nearly anyway) on debian-devel about it months back22:54
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fungiit's borrowing from
fungi"...The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil..."22:55
clarkband my right to be evil must be preserved22:55
fungiclarkb: while i may not agree with your evil, i will fight to the death to preserve your right to be evil ;)22:56
mordredI do not feel strongly enough about this to have a real opinion. I think the line in the license is silly and would be laughed out of a courtroom22:56
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mordredI'm probably in the minority on that22:56
mordredso I'll defer to others22:56
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fungias a decidedly silly person, in the mpfc sense of the term, i think that software licenses are not at all the appropriate place to be silly22:57
clarkbmordred: forget silly, it isn't a recognized open source license22:58
lifelessI'm seeing something very odd22:58
funginow, nobody likes a good laugh more than i do... except, perhaps my wife... and some of her friends. oh, yes, and captain johnson. come to think of it, most people like a good laugh more than i do, but that's beside the point22:58
lifelesson e.g. 78787,322:59
lifelessI saw a job 25% through and then it toggled to 'queued'22:59
lifelesswhat would cause that ?22:59
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fungilifeless: if the jenkins job gets terminated in certain ways, zuul will consider that a reason to requeue it (primarily if it doesn't return a job status)22:59
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clarkbthe slave connection dying is a common cause of ^23:00
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lifelessso this is a little worrying ;)23:01
lifelessSpamapS: could I ask you a favor?23:01
lifelessSpamapS: can you prep a kernel upgrade for the network node?23:01
fungiBadRequest: Error. Unable to associate floating ip (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-2432d252-14df-49d1-b6c0-1e15a0d39e84)23:01
fungigetting a lot of those23:02
fungidigging further into logs now23:02
fungibut that was confirmed to be a tripleo provider request23:02
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lifelessgro is on23:03
lifelesslet me turn it off23:03
lifelessnow that api23:03
lifeless/var/log/upstart/nova-api.log:2014-04-02 23:02:40.934 29859 WARNING nova.api.openstack.compute.contrib.floating_ips [req-2432d252-14df-49d1-b6c0-1e15a0d39e84 d5af62d2183d431796d74c5bb119ec9f e01e473a9250498883955b80966a1e58] multiple fixed_ips exist, using the first:
fungi"gro" is an acronym with which i am entirely unfamiliar23:03
lifelessgetting the wrong port order23:03
lifelessfungi: generic-receive-offload: on23:03
fungisounds like openstack stuff23:04
mordredclarkb: I hear taht argument. I'm still meh on it. it does not offend my open source sensibilities. I see if might offend a different person's open source sensibilities. I don't think our use of it is particularly troubling, nor do  I think it, itself, is particularly troubling23:04
lifelessfungi: hardware accelerated TCP23:04
fungioh, kernel23:04
mordredbut as I said - my opinion here is not strong eough that I will fight hard against consensus to the contrary23:04
fungiyep, that knob23:04
clarkbmordred: I think you will find that debian will flip tables23:04
lifelessSpamapS: is there a bug for the timeout thing ?23:04
mordredclarkb: I don't care23:05
clarkbmordred: which considering it is a node thing probably doesn't matter23:05
jeblairclarkb: er, what thread on the list?23:05
clarkbmordred: right, don't forget we already package zuul in debian23:05
mordredbut you don't need jshint to pacakge zuul for debia23:05
clarkbjeblair: openstack-dev and let me find the subject for you23:05
clarkbmordred: well if you do it the way zigo does it you do23:05
fungimordred: i think licenses like that irk lawyers, and we might want to keep a few in our pocket for when things turn "bad"23:05
clarkbsee many threads that have worn out this topic for details23:05
mordredthat is zigo's problem23:06
mordredhe has chosen to make life hard for himself23:06
lifelessI'm going to try mass-updating nova to have that ordering fix23:06
clarkbjeblair: 'Javascript linter'23:06
lifelessand see if it makes things better23:06
lifelessuna momento while I prep that23:06
fungilifeless: sounds like a guaranteed win23:06
mordredit it not important that the debian packaging scripts run a javascript linter to be able to make a package23:06
clarkbmordred: personally I find licenses that limit what I can use software for to be bothersome23:06
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mordredsure. I'm just saying - how bothering, vs. what we're using it for. for me, it's a judgement call and it does not bother me23:07
clarkbmordred: I am on board with restrictions about how things must be distributed and so on (to make sure stuff stays open) but saying I can't use X for Y is terribad23:07
fungiclarkb: i have a hard time thinking of javascript as software, though i know in the back of my mind it is, but for the most part i agree23:07
mordredit WOULD probably bother me if we were shipping it as a depend23:07
clarkbregardless of the values of X and Y23:07
mordredbut as a code linting tool, the weirdness thing is not vexing to me23:07
fungiprojects like node took the joke of treating javascript as a programming language as a personal challenge23:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: If dependency not in global reqs exit with a 1
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Altering the > to -gt to check number of processors
jeblairclarkb: i did not realise jshint was not free software.  or open source software.23:09
jeblairi see that it is not.23:09
fungijeblair: clearly you were not evil enough to discover you should not use it23:09
jeblairmordred: it violates the free software definition _and_ the open source definition.  i don't think we should use it.23:10
mordredjeblair: ok. like I said, I defer to the consensus23:10
fungifrom a humor standpoint, i found it amusing that the json author went on the record as offering exemptions to the license, free of charge, to anyone who truly wished to do evil with it23:10
mordredI disagree, because I think the sentence is a no-op23:10
lifelessrolling deploy in progress23:11
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mordredand if the sentence is a no-op, then the license does not violate either definition23:11
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mordredbut I'll make a patch to disable23:11
jeblairmordred: it's worth noting that zuul is pure evil, so it's pretty much a non-starter.  :/23:13
lifelessfungi: ok, so - gro is now off, which should make tcp more reliable23:13
lifelessfungi: AFAIK we may go down again soon due to wrong kernel, but hopefully SpamapS is on that23:13
lifelessfungi: I've restarted all the nova-computes with a new neutron api.py23:13
lifelessfungi: and they are still up23:14
lifelessfungi: hopefully all new VMs will have their interface order as requested, not python dictionary order de jour23:14
fungilifeless: okay, i'll see if things get any better and, if not, delete some nodes23:14
lifelessnova list --all-tenants | grep ACTIVE | grep -v 138.35 | wc -l23:14
lifelessthats better23:14
fungiseems realistic anyway23:15
lifelessthough I really didn't expect it to work that quickly23:15
fungii have 15 building and 38 used23:15
fungisomething tells me some of those are a lie23:15
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lifelessI'm running my while loop again to trim floating ips every 300 seconds23:16
SpamapSlifeless: mellanox?23:16
lifelessSpamapS: yeah23:16
lifelessSpamapS: saucy image23:16
SpamapSlifeless: I'll whip up an element so we don't forget again23:16
lifelessSpamapS: the reason it was rebooted23:16
SpamapSsince it will likely be ~ 6 weeks until we get trusty23:16
lifelessSpamapS: was cmd_alloc fails and TCP sessions not.23:16
lifelessSpamapS: \o/23:16
SpamapSlifeless: yeah. I have to run get kids but the driver is here if you are feeling intrepid:
lifelessSpamapS: I'm so not ;)23:17
clarkbout of curiousity, is mellanox a side effect of hand me down hardware or is it intentionally used to make your lives painful23:18
lifelessmellanox make very very high end network adapters23:18
clarkbyes, but their drivers are bad23:18
lifelessthe problem is with great power comes great ability to fail23:18
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lifelessno, this is the hardware spec HP cloud 0.1 or whatever rolled out23:18
SpamapSclarkb: the new drivers are really nice23:18
lifelessI'm fairly sure newer stuff uses mellanox too23:19
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SpamapSyeah it's more that it just takes a lot of time and bug reports to get things right23:19
clarkbSpamapS: or you could get intel 10Gbe nics and have no problems23:19
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lifelessclarkb: why do you say that?23:19
SpamapSclarkb: There's some special sauce in the mellanox versions23:19
SpamapSlike really23:19
SpamapSthey pour thousand island dressing into the card23:19
SpamapSok really23:20
* SpamapS disappears23:20
lifelessclarkb: as in what makes you think intel 10Gbps cards are fault free ?23:20
clarkblifeless: Intel's non wireless drivers are pretty solid (I have never had trouble with them but maybe that is confirmation bias from working at Intel)23:20
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lifelessclarkb: ah - inside knowledge23:20
clarkblifeless: they aren't fault free, but I have never seen the significant number of issues tat you have had with mellanox using intel nics23:20
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clarkband we had thousands of them23:20
lifelessclarkb: you were using 10Gbps with GRO etc etc?23:20
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lifelessclarkb: so we've had basically one issue, its fixed upstream its fixed in trusty (they updated) but trusty isn't released and we hadn't baked 'pull mellanox stuff down' into automation23:21
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update the jjb timeout global defaults and add a build-timeout macro
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fungiyeah, we used both mellanox and intel 10gbps nics at $oldhell with vmware esxi and the intels were far more stable, but i'm not entirely sure that tweaked drivers on a hacked-up/trimmed-down and outdated rhel really provides much perspective on driver quality23:23
fungiwe had similar experiences with nic drivers on checkpoint splat, but again same story23:24
clarkblifeless: we were using X * 10Gbe LACP links and never had trouble, not sure what all options were used server side23:24
jogomtreinish: ;)23:25
fungihaving seen, over the years, things that proprietary linux kernel embedding vendors do to hardware drivers, i take anything which isn't an off-the-shelf distro install with a dump truck of salt23:26
funginodepool says, miraculously, that at this moment there are 55 of the 55 max-servers for the tripleo provider in use23:28
fungilifeless: SpamapS: ^ possible?23:29
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lifelessfungi: like I say though, trusty fixes this, OTS :)23:30
lifelessfungi: I see lots of slaves on the zuul status page so perhaps yes :)23:31
lifelessfungi: now, the question is whether the DNS issue we saw last night will come back23:31
fungilifeless: not arguing... once trusty releases i'm very eager to get it into production asap23:31
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openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
zaroclarkb: would you mind moving this along?
fungimore just questioning the ability to really compare nic driver stability and performance apples-to-apples unless all parties are on a level (vanilla kernel) playing field23:32
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lifelessfungi: vanilla kernel doesn't claim to be usable23:34
lifelessfungi: years back they explicitly moved to 'and distros will stabilise and ship' as a model23:34
fungilifeless: true, but comparing drivers/hardware without a level playing field is questionable at best23:34
lifelessbut define level playing field23:35
lifelessI'd say 'what the hardware vendor recommends' is a level playing field23:35
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fungiand i'm taking "vanilla kernel" in the less traditionally strict sense by meaning "not including random out-of-tree/proprietary lkms and patches"23:35
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fungii think the hardware vendors who actually bother to work with the kernel developer community on upstreaming support deserve a home-field advantage, as it were23:36
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jogomarkwash: now my only hope is marconi ;)23:37
openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
fungijogo: itym s/marconi/macaroni/23:38
mtreinishjogo: hahaha23:38
mtreinishjogo: now I need to get a marconi commit in so I can vote for you :)23:38
fungijogo: now is the time to announce your candidacy for ptl of macaroni23:38
jogomtreinish: I just posted two23:38
jogofungi: that would be my platform23:39
mtreinishjogo: that's 1/2 the marconi review queue!?23:39
jogomtreinish: woot! good odds of me landing a patch in time23:40
lifelessfungi: homefield is not level :)23:40
fungijogo: you should go nag anyone at all in their irc channel for reviews too ;)23:40
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jogofungi: I'll wait for jenkins to run first23:41
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fungilifeless: i can only hope the homefield slopes toward freedom23:41
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mtreinishjogo: you won't have to worry about passing tempest though it's nonvoting :)23:42
jogomtreinish: haha23:42
openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
markwashyou guys probably know how to do this: I want to run just one file of keystone unit tests with tox or testr or whatever23:42
jogotox -epy27 keystone.tests.test_file_name23:43
mtreinishjogo: isn't there a '--' for the posargs?23:44
jogomtreinish: its not always needed for some reason23:44
jogobut it can't hurt23:44
jogotox -epy27 -- keystone.tests.test_file_name23:44
fungiprobably only needed if you need to get dashopts down into testr from tox23:44
mtreinishfungi: ah, that makes sense23:44
ianwsdague: sorry about the silly comments from redhatci, i've fixed the issue23:44
ianwon your recent changes23:45
openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
mtreinishhaha, it looks like marconi doesn't even start properly in the tempest marconi jobs :)23:47
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fungizaro: on 69768 if you can "gerrit plugin ls" then you're new enough to use the "replication start" syntax (implying replication plug-in) and otherwise use the old "gerrit replicate" syntax? what is the getVersion() method used for there (the commit message mentions adding it, but seems unused so far)?23:50
openstackgerritAndrew Grimberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow custom settings configs for maven projects
mtreinishjogo: hmm looks like a config thing or devstack thing. The server seems to be started during the run...23:51
tykealhaha! success... only after 8 attempts at that silly thing. that's what I get for rarely doing python ;)23:52
fungitykeal: apparently indentation is semantic or something. at least that's what i heard23:53
tykealfungi: lol no, what was biting me the most was the pep8 line length requirements23:54
tykealwhen I did some refactoring to shorten up the lines I kept screwing up variable renames and such :D23:54
fungiyeah, there aren't many people still around who code on 80-column terminals. probably just me23:54
tykealwell... in my case I just was running into some rather unfortunate strings that didn't want to break apart nicely23:55
fungiand for everything else, there's the #noqa tag23:55
tykeal#noqa tag? umm... I don't think I want to know ;)23:56
fungifrom the flake8 docs... "lines that contain a # noqa comment at the end will not issue warnings"23:57
davidlenwelllol my commit from 5 minutes ago says its 12 days old in github..23:57
tykealcommitting backwards in time. I like that23:58
fungidavidlenwell: did you amend an older commit?23:58
davidlenwellfungi: nope23:58
fungiwow--that's exciting. keeping spare chronotons in a mason jar behind the monitor?23:58
nibalizerdavidlenwell: if you look at my github page i have a commit from the future which breaks their js visualizer23:59
funginibalizer: clearly you use your software for evil, not good23:59
davidlenwellits happening on a lot of files .. like  says its 13 days old .. but that was changed and merged today23:59

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