Wednesday, 2014-04-09

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asselinHi, I've been stuck trying to get my new jenkins slave talking to my jenkins master. logs is here which shows the jenkins stack trace.
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asselinI'm not use "credentials" since documentation says it optional and I couldn't figure out what it is, but it seems to be needed?00:03
clarkbasselin: which docs?00:03
clarkbasselin: is this with nodepool?00:03
asselinclarkb, nodepool00:03
clarkbasselin: it is optional if your jenkins is configured with a default set of credentials. Otherwise it is required iirc00:04
clarkband you ahve to give nodepool a credential ID00:04
asselinclarkb, do you have references for credentials docs? I've searched but still missing it....00:05
asselinclarkb, also, what does it even look like? integer? random hex string?00:05
asselinclarkb, I have the user and apikey set....00:06
clarkbit looks like a sha100:06
clarkbor uuid00:07
clarkbbasically hex00:07
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asselinclarkb, and it's not the same as the api key? (that's also hex)00:07
clarkbasselin: no it isn't the same. the api key is like a password00:07
asselinclarkb, so credentials id is something setup with jenkins, right? or in the nodepool.yaml file?00:08
clarkbthe credentials id can be find in credentials.xml in the root of your jenkins home dir00:08
clarkbit is something jenkins has that you need to tell nodepool about00:08
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clarkbyou manage it through the credentials config in the jenkins UI00:09
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asselinclarkb, ok, I see the 'id' in the credentials.xml file....not in the ui. I will try that.00:11
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asselinclarkb, that was it! INFO:nodepool.NodeLauncher:Node id: 42 added to jenkins00:15
asselinclarkb, of course, there's the next issue....:)00:16
asselinI'll save that for tomorrow. thank you clarkb!00:17
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fungii didn't know about credentials.xml and just fished it out of /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml00:19
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add posargs to tox -epep8
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move hacking to pep8 1.5.4
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sdaguefungi: I thought the fedora image was cached - ?00:31
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sdaguebetter link00:31
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Use pep8's noqa argument
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fungisdague: just checked a ready node of that type in the same provider, and it has /home/jenkins/cache/files/Fedora-x86_64-20-20131211.1-sda.qcow200:37
fungimd5sum is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e00:37
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fungiso presumably cached on the same image00:38
sdagueso are we missing a piece to copy it to the devstack tree?00:39
fungii think d-g copies the contents of /home/jenkins/cache/files to /opt/stack/new/files00:43
fungier, /opt/stack/new/devstack/files00:43
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sdagueso it's on a different image
sdaguethe failure is in devstack-precise-hpcloud-region-b-351226500:46
sdagueyeh, all the fails are hp-region-b00:46
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fungii wonder whether those nodes were from stale images?00:49
fungithe node i checked in a ready state had it00:49
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sdagueI don't know00:50
sdaguebut I had 4 hp region b fails on -
sdagueand everything else seemed to work00:50
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: should i start reiussuing all our certs?01:31
clarkbjeblair: yes, I think we should revoke then reissue01:31
clarkbjeblair: we were waiting on you for that because you had done them before so presumably have account creds to do such things01:31
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harlowjaqq, how often is refreshed against ?01:51
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clarkbonce a day at least, but possibly more often if we release code that triggers an update01:59
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harlowjaclarkb thx02:12
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tchaypodstufft: have you had a chance to look at my pull request since I rebased?05:56
tchaypo(and fixed the embarassing line-too-long issue)05:56
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make rally-scenarios job non-voting
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openstackgerritVladan Popovic proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Add tox -e genconfic for sample conf generation
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eyerediskinhi all. have a question about DEVSTACK_GATE_EXERCISES08:41
eyerediskincan i set this variable inside pre_test_hook?08:41
eyerediskinexport DEVSTACK_GATE_EXERCISES=1 # in pre_test_hook08:41
eyerediskinseems like this doesnt work08:42
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eyerediskinis this variable should be set only in job - builders: shell: - section?08:42
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eyerediskinjust like here:
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Improve message posted when inactive changes are abandoned
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix pre_test_hook in rally-scenarios-job
eyerediskinshame on me. i understand why exported envs are not available >_<09:25
chmouelmordred: do you know if have sleekxmpp support (or if i can send a patch for this)09:33
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Hard delete for auth stuff
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reedchmouel, where do we use xmpp?09:59
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chmouelreed: in openstack in general? i don't think we do, I just wanted to run it for notifying internal xmpp server i have10:01
reedchmouel, oh, ok10:01
reedi wish we had more xmpp and less irc :)10:01
reedmaybe with plans to add some webrtc to the mix10:01
chmouelreed: I am not so sure, groupchat are not that great in xmpp compared to irc chat room10:02
chmouel(or the bitlbee interaction with it)10:02
rcarrillocruzguys, i'm trying to pull info from gerrit DB. If I do a 'select subject from changes', it will only show the first line of the subject of the change10:02
reedlarge chats maybe, small group chats are good for me10:02
rcarrillocruze.g. the patchset shows in the gerrit UI "Add README' and then a new line, and then 'Closes-Bug: foo'10:03
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rcarrillocruzwhy the sql query will only show 'Add README'10:03
rcarrillocruzanyone knows?10:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Remove tox locale overrides
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sdaguettx: - thoughts on this, it's currently blocking barbican IIRC10:29
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sdaguechmouel: I think xmpp would be welcome addition to bots, there was some conversation about that the other day. Lots of internal orgs have hipchat which would let the bots talk to it10:30
ttxsdague: I think it makes sense10:31
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ttxsdague: that said i wasn't really involved in the original design so there may be a consequence I'm not seeing10:31
ttxwould be good to get mordred's +2 on that one10:32
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sdaguejogo was, but he's only +1 on the repo10:33
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: you about?10:33
SergeyLukjanovsdague, hey10:34
* SergeyLukjanov reading scrollback10:34
sdagueso I'd *really* like to get this landed - because we've got about 6 days before we'd set the tempest branch10:34
sdagueand I'd like to see it working before we decide to not set the branch10:34
SergeyLukjanovsdague, looking on it10:37
sdaguecool, thank you10:37
SergeyLukjanovI'm a bit behind the reviews due to the "release is coming" :(10:37
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: yeh, no problem10:37
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, looks nice10:40
SergeyLukjanovsdague, am I right that it's needed for testing clients on stable branches for example?10:40
sdagueclients will test fine because they don't set stable branches10:41
sdagueoh... wait, yes, it could be used to test master clients on stable servers10:41
SergeyLukjanovsdague, yup, that's what I mean :)10:41
sdagueI hadn't thought about that, but yes, it could be used for that10:41
sdagueI had one use case in mind, but I wrote it generically, and I think we'll find it generally useful10:42
SergeyLukjanovsdague, your use case is to test stable server on master tempest?10:42
SergeyLukjanovI really like that it's a general approach10:42
SergeyLukjanovwe could reuse it for mostly all branch override manipulations10:43
sdagueit's actually only needed for testing master tempest on stable servers10:43
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sdagueyeh, the matrix will get interesting10:43
sdague doesn't seem to match the README.rst in devstack-gate, any idea where that's located?10:44
sdagueor what we need to do to fix the doc connect10:44
SergeyLukjanovsdague, do we need for someone else or I can approve it?10:45
SergeyLukjanovsdague, openstack-infra/config doc/source/devstack-gate.rst10:45
sdagueI feel like I addressed all the feedback. jeblair would be nice to look at it again, but there is also a time issue here.10:46
sdaguebecause we're going to get stable branches in the servers on tuesday10:46
sdagueand we really need the infra working by then10:46
SergeyLukjanovsdague, it couldn't breaking anything I think10:46
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, first jeblair's comment is unanswered -
SergeyLukjanovsorry, need to go, will return back in ~40 mins, last chance to have lunch before the meetings10:50
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: is Sergey Skripnick on irc?11:14
SergeyLukjanovsdague, hm, let me check11:15
sdagueThere are days I wish there was meta reviewing in gerrit, so you could -1 someone's -1 :)11:15
sdaguebecause I think he missed that - is going away from bash parsing11:16
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, redixin == Sergey Skripnick11:17
SergeyLukjanovsdague, there is already a +1 from him :)11:18
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eyerediskinsdague: xD11:19
SergeyLukjanovsdague, +2 from me for, but I prefer to wait for today someone else to review/approve it11:20
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: ok, cool11:22
sdagueas long as we merge today, I'm fine. I'm just getting nervous on not having this run enough before release to find bugs in it11:22
jeblairchmouel: talk to kiall about xmpp support; he was looking into a bot framework that supports both11:28
chmoueljeblair: like err? ^11:28
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jeblairchmouel: that's the one; i also wanted to know if we could use it to replace all of our different bots (including meetbot) with just one11:29
chmoueljeblair: yeah it probably could11:30
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chmoueli started that before I saw err11:30
jeblairchmouel: search for 'errbot' there ^11:31
jeblairchmouel: there's lots of good conversation about it11:31
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chmoueljeblair: cool, so it seems that you guys on it :)11:33
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jeblairchmouel: i think we'd like to do it, i don't know if kiall has had time; this could still be your thing.  :)11:34
chmoueljeblair: hah well i need it for some internal thing, not sure if moving everything over errbot is going to be straightforward as add porting gerritbot to use xmpp11:35
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jeblairchmouel: porting gerritbot to errbot might be about as easy and it means we can port the others over later11:36
chmoueljeblair: cool you convinced me :) let's give it a try11:38
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jeblairsdague: couple more things on
jeblair(comments inline)11:40
jhesketh_jeblair: you're up early!11:41
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: allow for generic branch overrides
sdaguejeblair: done11:43
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: discover all errors
sdaguebased on the patches I'm getting bounced, I think we're basically nearly wedged in the gate over the heat / keystone issue, we've just got so little patch flow it's not been noticed11:48
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chmoueljeblair: errbot code is weird, it's using py3to2 and using it with python3 print some obv python3 error :(12:00
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openstackgerritJason Kincl proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Copy Artifact project copy permissions
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openstackgerritMatthias Runge proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Avoid IndexError
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Missing docstrings added
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kialljeblair / chmouel .. I've not had time yet .. Other things keep popping up making me work weekends ;)13:03
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-cli job
mriedemlogstash still down?13:58
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fungimriedem: the elasticsearch cluster is still replicating since the restart... 4 shards left but they're all from the last few days so it's impacting indexing performance until it completes14:20
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mriedemfungi: about how long do you expect that to take?14:23
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mriedemand i'm getting 'oops something went wrong' in kibana - i'm assuming a result of that?14:23
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fungimriedem: perhaps, but not sure. clarkb was going to dig deeper once we're a little further along with heartbleed catch-up14:28
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Extract experimental-tripleo jobs to template
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anteayastabbings in penn, stabbings in TO, weird14:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: allow for generic branch overrides
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jeblairclarkb: i'm in a room with holger, btw14:41
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lcostantinosdague, regarding tempest tests. It's feasible to do multi-node tests right now?15:04
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clarkbgood morning infra15:24
clarkbjeblair: oh fun maybe you can talk about that bug15:24
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rcarrillocruzmorning guys, i have a question. I'm wrapping up a bugfix for gerrit-lp integration, and that implies changes to two different projects/git repos. What's the convenntion in terms of commits? I assume i must put the same 'Closes-Bug: foo' in both, but should I also reference in the commit message that there's another patchset in other project addressing this bug?15:27
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phschwartzclarkb: morning15:29
fungircarrillocruz: a couple of options depending on the situation15:29
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fungircarrillocruz: if the two repositories correspond to separate projects in launchpad then you can just add bugtasks on that bug for each project and use closes-bug in both commits15:30
rcarrillocruzthe two repos are jeepyb and openstack-infra/config15:31
fungircarrillocruz: if the two repositories share a single project in launchpad, then whichever change needs to merge first should have a partial-bug header and the change merging second can use closes-bub15:31
rcarrillocruzi guess my case fall in the first case you described15:31
fungiand yes, config+jeepyb would fall into the latter category (both use openstack-ci as the project on launchpad currently)15:31
* rcarrillocruz recalls last comment15:31
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rcarrillocruzthx fungi15:32
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: `test` command read/write stdin/stdout by default
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add ability to parse from a file object
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notmynamewe've got a proposed patch to python-swiftclient that adds a dependency to requirements.txt (it's already in global requirements). however, jenkins never passes because grenade fails with an ImportError error15:36
notmynameany ideas on why that happens or how to fix it?15:36
clarkbnotmyname: have you asked #openstack-qa?15:37
clarkband do you have a link to the change?15:37
notmynameno, I haven't asked in -qa15:38
sdaguelcostantino: it is not15:39
lcostantinosdague,  ok thanks. will add that as a comment regarding the test. so when it's available i can incorporate them15:40
jeblair <-- where to learn about what's going on in python packaging15:40
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clarkbsdague: does grenade sync in requirements from older branches?15:43
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clarkbsdague: if so what does that mean for clients that want to add dependencies?15:44
clarkbnotmyname: if you look at the grenade log it doesn't appear that the futures lib is synced into the reqs15:44
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notmynameclarkb: ya, sdague is helping in -qa :-)15:45
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zaroa jjb test job just said it could not connect to git.o.o.  anybody know anything about this?15:45
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clarkbzaro: temporary failure in name resolution. DNS continues to plague us15:47
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lifelesscoudl someone promote 86367,1 in the trpleo check queue please? we believe it will fix a systematic failure of all jobs15:54
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sdagueclarkb: right now it means they need to backport those requirements to stable/* g-r15:56
sdaguewhich in one way seems weird, but in another way, we don't cut stable/* for clients, and they have to be able to coexist with stable/* servers on the same env15:57
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fungilifeless: on it15:59
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fungilifeless: done15:59
lifelessfungi: thanks15:59
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run jobs with neutron on neutron changes
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Change names for duplicate neutron jobs
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sdaguefungi / clarkb: any idea what's up with ES recovery?16:06
clarkbsdague: yeah, 3 shards left to recover16:06
sdaguewe've been at a really light patch load, so I'm concerned that it's taking this long16:06
clarkbone is almost done  which will get us to 216:06
clarkbsdague: I think there were disk pressure issues16:06
sdagueclarkb: ok, what happened to set it off?16:06
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clarkb05 ended up recovering a ton of shards compared to the others ending up with almost no disk16:07
clarkbthat means indexing has been slow16:07
clarkbbut recovery and indexing compete with each other16:07
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clarkbnext time we do this I think  Iwill completely disable indexing until the cluster is green16:07
sdagueis it something we can get ahead of? I wasn't really paying attention to the even that pushed things over the edge16:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Copy Artifact project copy permissions
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clarkbsdague: I think there is a good chance. We seem to be keeping up now16:08
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clarkband it is almost done recovering16:08
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clarkbwhich should allow it to go back to normal relatively quickly16:08
clarkbwe will have much better numbers once it recovers16:09
sdagueclarkb: ok, I was more thinking about in future. We seem to lose ES for a couple of days pretty regularly16:09
clarkbsdague: this was induced16:09
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sdaguefor cert reissue?16:09
clarkbI did for X in elasticsearchnodes sudo reboot16:09
clarkbto patch openssl yes16:09
sdagueso I'll consider this one an extradinary event16:10
clarkbmonday evening we made the decision to reboot the world rathe rthan try to keep track of patch levels16:10
clarkbit has caused some bumps but means we are secure16:10
fungisecurity is an illusion ;)16:10
clarkbfungi: after monday I completely agree16:11
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clarkbyou mean to tell me the library encrypting half the worlds encrypted traffic will let you read memory from either side?16:11
clarkbalso, the proper news has picked up on it and the amount of wrongness they are reporting makes me sad16:11
clarkbPFS isn't a magic bullet people16:11
clarkbI am glad I got an early start this morning16:12
sdagueclarkb: especially when it's a mem leak16:12
clarkbstill haven't been able to dive into #heartbleed today16:12
clarkbsdague: right, PFS fixes one particular aspect of the issue. But not the really scary bits16:13
clarkbbut the people on my TV are saying facebook et al are safe because PFS16:13
dstufftDepends on what the scary bits are :]16:13
sdaguelast night at the makerspace one of the guys demonstrated a little bit of python that connected to sites and scanned for session cookies in known formats16:13
dstufftIf you've been bulk collectiong SSL data waiting for a chance to get the private key, well not having PFS is kind of scary16:14
clarkbdstufft: I am less worried about people reading traffic in the future via decrypting captured streams and more worried about leaked credentials and private certs making mitm and direct exploit possible16:14
sdaguehe pointed it at and in the first few packets got their ssl priv key16:14
fungipfs really only helps you if the nsa didn't observe you while you did session set-up (or hasn't backdoored your system to leak keys to them via one of a number of basically undetectable side channels)16:14
clarkbdstufft: granted I am not a super secret agent person and am more concerned for my parents banking info16:14
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add change abandoned logic to jeepyb
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dstufftfungi: hrm? "didn't observe you" ?16:15
clarkbdstufft: I think PFS is a good thing, but really don't think faces on TV should tell the world they are safe beacuse PFS16:15
clarkbwhich is what they were doing last night16:16
dstufftyea well that's stupid16:16
sdaguethe whole read out the whole webserver memory over the network is just epicly bad16:16
clarkbsdague: indeed16:16
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dstufftlet's run the entire world on some netcode written by like 2-4 guys which is a giant unmaintinable mess, what could possibly go wrong16:17
dstufftwatching people discover that revocation is a pipedream is fun tho!16:18
clarkbalso, it is funny that I told people I know about this monday and it took a full 24 hours for news cycle to pick it up16:18
clarkbI think my family thought I was crazy in that 24 hours16:18
clarkb"You want me to do what? I hvae to change all of my passwords? more than once? and shouldn't use online banking? how am I supposed to pay bills?"16:19
fungidstufft: in theory pfs helps you against an adversary who started recording your traffic some time after your initial peer relationships were established, and also increases the effort of playing the entire session forward for someone who got the entire thing, but in the latter case it is basically possible to work out the diffie-hellman exchanges in series as i understand it (you just need to know16:19
dstufftmy family just assumes I'm right :V16:19
fungiall of the ones which came before)16:19
sdaguedstufft: yeh, the fact that all the browsers gave up revocation for speed.... so the mitm won't actually be solved until the old certs expire16:20
fungiso yes, pfs is useful, but it's no magic bullet16:20
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clarkbwe are down to one shard recovering, it is a shard in an active index16:21
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dstufftfungi: hm, i'm pretty sure that's not true, but i'd have to go look at the relevant specs again. the various DH exchange in PFS should mean that even if you have the private key that you cant derrive the session key, course then you have things like session tickets thrown in the muck which are stored in memory most the time :(16:22
dstufftsdague: It wasn't just speed, even when they bothered to check the revocations it was always a soft fail16:23
dstufftbecause SPOF16:23
fungidstufft: right, but it's not entropic, it's deterministic, just needs a ton of brute-forcing16:23
fungidstufft: it saves you from the adversary who simply relies on getting a copy of your keys, but doesn't completely eliminate the threat of an adversary engaging in offline brute-forcing of your traffic16:24
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fungibut also, it's been theorized that some black-box ipsec vendors, for example, implemented code at the request of the nsa so as to leak rekey updates in the stream so they can be figured out without needing to brute force much or possibly at all16:25
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dstufftwell for DHE you're brute forcing the discrete log problem, so unless the DHE keys are tiny a brute force should be infeasable16:25
mordredsdague: re: patch above on requirements ... shouldn't that project just not list themselves in the requirements repo?16:25
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mordredsdague: I mean, the list in taht repo controls whether we enforce reqs on them by way of the mirror16:26
sdaguemordred: possibly16:26
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mordredsdague: it seems that we should have one and only one place to keep the enforced/not-enforced list16:26
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mordredthat said - it's possible we still need the flag you have there16:26
fungidstufft: agreed. today's infeasable doesn't protect you against tomorrow's new mathematical breakthrough when all your encrypted communication was logged, which is what some of the pfs hype seems to imply16:26
sdagueI guess the question was how to track something like barbican that is starting with more and moving towards compliance16:26
mordredand a way for $something to read the reqs list and set the flag16:26
sdagueand to not self wedge themselves on devstack jobs16:27
sdaguebecause if you don't req sync your git trees, good luck16:27
sdagueI agree this one might have other options16:27
sdaguemaybe we should poke the barbican folks on it16:28
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add documentation jobs for python-ironicclient
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mordredsdague: I'm in support of your goals - I just want to make sure we don't make two different lists that have to be maintained16:32
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clarkbsdague: ok we are green now. some shards are relocating to free up more space on 05, but we should see the backlog drop. I am using the zuul status graph shifted to the last two hours to watch it16:33
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clarkbsdague: I think we may have found the scaling limits of geard :(16:40
sdagueclarkb: in queue depth?16:40
clarkbsdague: yeah, looking at the workers they are sitting in the GRAB_WAIT state for longer than I expect16:41
clarkbwhich I think means that the geard side isn't giving them work to do quickly enough16:41
clarkbjeblair: ^ is that something you can peak at?16:41
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mordredclarkb: uhoh16:59
mordredclarkb: does that mean it's time for us to start working on patches to c-gearmand?16:59
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clarkbmordred: maybe, I think logstash gearman can get away with c gearmand without trouble17:01
clarkbzuul has more specific use cases17:01
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mordredclarkb: oh - this is logstash gearman scaling?17:04
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anteayaclarkb: reading backscroll - I got my mom to check her version of openssl using the terminal17:06
anteayathe pain but she listened and she did it17:07
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hogepodgeThis has been in the queue for a while. Not really critical, but any thoughts on it?
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add `browse` command
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jeblairclarkb: you figure the geard queue size is impacting the perf?  like grabbing a job is O(n)?17:17
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clarkbjeblair: ya17:18
jeblairclarkb: it's quite possible (it's not designed for performance and is not at all tuned; to be fair, the docs say not to use it, but of course there's no reason we can't use it and make it better)17:18
mordredjeblair: :)17:19
clarkbya :)17:19
clarkbhowever I am happy to switch to the C server for this since it should just work17:19
clarkbI think one line of code needs changing in the workers17:19
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jeblairclarkb: yep, grabbing a job is O(n)17:20
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jeblairhrm, though that should be worst case17:20
jeblairclarkb: for logstash i think it should be O(1)17:21
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clarkbok, it could also be swap causing problems. We are apparently dipping into that17:22
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, geard itself should be O(1) in this case, but it's possible that queue.remove or other queue methods could be slow; i haven't examined their performance17:23
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rloohi, we want to generate docs for python-ironicclient. I thought I'd add Jenkins job for it:
rloobut how do I test it?17:33
mordredrloo: you probably also want to add entries in teh zuul layout.yaml17:33
clarkbhogepodge: we are still fighting the heartbleed fires. I wouldn't expect the review queues for infra to move much this week17:33
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mordredrloo: tox -evenv python build_sphinx17:34
rloomordred: yes, I thought I would test the jenkins job first to make sure it works. but maybe I just add to zuul too, and hope it all works after it is merged?17:34
mordredrloo: is what you should run lcoally17:34
mordredif that works and puts docs in doc/build17:34
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mordredthen the jenkins jobs should work17:34
rloomordred: yes, that works in python-ironicclient.17:35
mordredgreat! then the job templates should Just Work™17:35
rloomordred: so I will add zuul changes too. But will the changes need to be merged, before it can all be verified to work?17:35
rloomordred. ha ha, ok, I'll hope that it just works then ;) Thanks!17:36
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hogepodgeclarkb of course. my bad17:37
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sdagueclarkb: is there anything that folks from the outside of infra-root can help with on heartbleed mitigation?17:38
clarkbsdague: not really. We are completely patched now (and were Monday evening PDT) and are now going through the laborous process of swapping out crednetials and secrets17:38
clarkbturns out you can't just do these things in random order which has made it fun. Also, lots of things depend on other people patching and redoing certs and things from their side first (eg lp, github,pypi)17:39
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funginot to mention it's a list of ~200 credentials we're replacing/reissuing/whatever17:43
fungifor all manner of arbitrary stuff17:43
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sdaguemordred: so did you have an opinion on the pbr requirements change - ? (the -1s are because of keystoneclient race with heat, unrelated)17:44
anteayaI've mostly seen my role as staying out of the way17:45
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clarkband we are doing our best to do it in a non impactful way17:46
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add change abandoned logic to jeepyb
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: PEP8ify
mordredsdague: looking17:57
openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add documentation jobs for python-ironicclient
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mordredsdague: works for me17:59
therveclarkb, Do you have 5 minutes to talk about ?17:59
clarkbtherve: sure18:00
therveclarkb, I put a comment after your review. I think devstack is the most straight forward way (and what I had been suggested), but we can try other ways18:00
clarkbtherve: if it needs all of those things running then devstack is the way to do it18:01
clarkbtherve: but now my question because why do you need all of that stuff to validate a template?18:01
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therveclarkb, I'm using the public API to do it.18:01
clarkbtherve: oh are you actually deploying the template?18:01
clarkbnot just doing static analysis and compilation checks?18:02
therveclarkb, No heat has a validating API18:02
therveThe heat server is doing that, mostly.18:02
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Changed task states
mordredtherve: -1 - bug in that template18:02
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thervemordred, Yes?18:03
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: PEP8ify
therveGood catch thanks18:03
* mordred has to get his -1 stats up18:03
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Updated UI for tasks status
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therveclarkb, The validation could be done using heat-as-a library, but it wouldn't be the same as using the client and public API.18:04
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a new job for heat-templates
clarkbtherve: right, but you aren't testing heat, you are testing your template18:05
clarkbtherve: note I am actually fine with the test as is after your explanation18:06
therveclarkb, I'm testing both. I want to have the same gate on heat itself later on18:06
clarkbtherve: it just seems ridiculous that this is the way heat wants users to test things18:06
clarkbseems like it should be a function of heatclient not heatserver18:06
jeblairtherve: maybe the test of the heat api could be in tempest?18:06
therveclarkb, How would the cloud users know the cloud deployed codebase though?18:07
clarkbtherve: they shouldn't need to, the templates should be backward and forward compatible18:07
clarkbits basically another api18:07
therveOK. I think you said you're fine, so I'll just shut up for now :)18:09
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make all help text start with lowercase letter
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mgagnezaro: ping18:18
mgagnezaro: what prevents us from migrating JJB to hacking?18:19
sdagueclarkb/fungi: a client exploit demonstration has been released -
glenngLooking for some infrastructure help: I had my Launchpad username changed and I need to get my Gerrit review username updated to match. Anyone know how?18:20
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fungisdague: neat--thanks!18:20
fungiglenng: you can adjust your git global config to use the old ssh username when connecting to gerrit with git-review18:21
fungiglenng: gerrit doesn't provide a way to change ssh usernames on accounts18:21
glenngfungi: Yes, but others will have to use old username when working with me and that is what I wish to avoid.18:21
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fungiglenng: why would the ssh username on your gerrit account be something anyone besides you would use?18:25
glenngfungi: It isn't the ssh username, it is the profile username.18:26
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add `browse` command
fungiglenng: gerrit uses numeric user ids for profile urls18:27
glenngfungi: When someone wants to add me to a review request for example, then see the old username.18:27
glenngfungi: Understood, but somewhere there is a database with numeric ID to username.18:27
fungiglenng: there is, yes. gerrit chose not to support changes to ssh usernames around the 2.3 release because it could lead to conflicts with some personal repository features they implemented in that timeframe18:28
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glenngfungi: So it cannot be changed… perhaps my only options is to create a new account.18:30
msabramomgagne: What is "hacking"? Why would you migrate JJB to it?18:30
clarkbglenng: people can add you by name and email address18:31
mgagnemsabramo: it is the tool OpenStack projects use and created to run pep8 tests.18:31
clarkbglenng: it is rare to add people to reviews by ssh username because most people don't tell others what their ssh username is18:31
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msabramomgagne: Does it do stuff on top of pep8? Like set up different defaults or something?18:32
mgagnemsabramo: it enforces the Openstack style guides18:32
fungiglenng: and also, while gerrit does allow accounts to be added to reviews and groups by their ssh username, it doesn't provide anywhere in the webui to actually look up the ssh username of an account unless you are the account holder (in which case it's in your preferences page)18:33
msabramomgagne: Thanks!18:34
mgagnemsabramo: the end goal is to make it uniform across all projects and so far, hacking has been the tool used to run pep8. JJB hasn't been converted to hacking due to lack of time. My wish is to not diverge from the established standard to ease maintainability.18:34
tomhejeblair: clarkb: Would the submit type "rebase if necessary" in Gerrit be a bad idea to use in a Zuul/Gerrit environment? My users are asking for it and I've been hesitant to switch from "merge if necessary" as Zuul/Jenkins would be verifying other commits than will be actually submitted.18:35
clarkbtomhe: we found rebasing worflows to be bad18:35
mgagnemsabramo: My suggestion would be to fix errors reported by hacking and then migrate to it. Not sure how we can make a smooth transition without breaking the gate.18:35
clarkbtomhe: actually wait, we used cherry pick18:35
clarkband cherry pick was bad because it edited every commit even if it was the equivalent to a fast forward18:36
clarkbrebase if necessary may not do that18:36
fungitomhe: clarkb: yes, cherry-pick caused changes to be modified, which altered the committer and the gitsha, and broke git branch -d behavior18:36
mgagnemsabramo: if you can help with it, that would be great. Otherwise I make it happen this week with the help of zaro.18:36
fungitomhe: clarkb: i expect rebase if necessary to do something similar when it does decide to rebase18:37
tomhefungi: clarkb: Rebase would effectively rewrite the commits18:37
fungitomhe: clarkb: since that would still change the gitsha of the commit and probably the committer18:37
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fungimerge if necessary has the benefit that it does not alter the original commit, merely adds a merge commit with the original commit and the branch tip as parents18:38
tomhefungi: clarkb: How do you deal with the complex log caused by all merges? I get complaints on the log being hard to grasp.18:38
clarkbtomhe: it isn't that bad18:38
clarkbtomhe: especially when you consider that you are just shifting complexity18:39
jeblairtomhe: zuul does its own merging for tests, and i don't think rebase-if-necessary has been added to zuul, which means that its conflict detection and what's actually tested might be a little different...18:39
fungigit log --no-merges or git log --max-parents=118:39
clarkbwith merge commits your local repo can resolve things against upstream18:39
clarkbwithout them your brain must do that for you18:39
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jeblairtomhe: (so if clarkb and fungi don't convince you that merge-if-necessary is better, you might want to add support for that to zuul to bring it in line with gerrit)18:39
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tomhejeblair: :)18:40
jeblairwe have seen gerrit's rebase button do the wrong thing before too; so i think some of us are a little scared of automatic rebasing18:41
fungialso, you learn quickly when looking at merge commits in the log that the first parent is the branch tip at the time of the merge and the second parent is the commit being added18:41
jeblair(it's rare, but can happen especially in repetitive code)18:41
tomhejeblair: Good to know18:42
tomhejeblair: fungi: clarkb: Thanks all18:42
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tomhejeblair: Oh, one more thing. I have a job filter using files matching which triggered correctly for the check and gate pipelines but nothing got triggered for post. Does the files matching not work in the post pipeline?18:48
clarkbtomhe: it doesn't because the event for post does not include a file listing18:51
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: PEP8ify
clarkbtomhe: if you look at the gerrit docs, there are docs on what is included in each event. or you can run the stream events command and see the events directly18:52
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tomheclarkb: ok, thanks18:54
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hasharnot sure who is in charge of upgrading Gerrit to 2.8, it apparently supports the TrivialRebase notifier out of the box now . Can be done in the All-Projects project.config :D19:00
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clarkbhashar: zaro is the person to talk to and I think he plans to implement that19:00
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hasharcopy pasting to his email :-] thanks clarkb19:01
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fungiyep, that got brought up as one more thing we can stop maintaining a patched version of19:06
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fungiand excess tooling around19:06
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arosen1Hi, I had a quick question i figured you guys would know the answer right away. I ran: python /opt/stack/requirements/ /opt/stack/novadocker19:08
arosen1Then uploaded the patch that resulted in here:
arosen1but  the console log is now failing with: error: invalid command 'testr'19:08
arosen1I needed to run and update nova-docker otherwise the devstack patch for it keeps complaining that the requirements are out of sync.19:09
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce number of files send for propose_translation
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* ttx has been waiting for the top gate test to complete for the last 40 min19:42
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ttxstill running, very slowly19:43
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ttx..aaand fail.19:45
sdagueclarkb: do you think that gearman is going to recover? or should we just drop the log queue and call it a loss19:47
sdagueI'd rather have working current results than stay blind for the rest of the week19:48
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derekhanybody know why we don't seem to be getting any f20 nodes in the tripleo-check queue? nodepool seems to be only spinning up precise nodes again?19:51
fungiderekh: looked to me like that cloud was probably strangled again19:52
fungii'll take a peek real fast19:52
derekhfungi: thanks, I don't see any nodes in ERROR state,19:53
fungii show 33 in use running tests right now19:53
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msabramo1mgagne: I'm playing around with hacking now; there are TODOs with no name; what do I do with those? TODO(unknown)?19:54
mgagnemsabramo1: that would be my suggestion19:54
mgagnemsabramo1: which errors are you fixing?19:54
mgagnemsabramo1: I'm working on some of them atm19:54
msabramo1mostly import sorting19:55
mgagnemsabramo1: damn, I fixed those already lol19:55
mgagnemsabramo1: import order, multiple imports19:55
msabramo1there are a ton in jenkins_jobs/modules that are easily fixed by inserting a blank line between std imports and 3rd party19:55
msabramo1oh, haha19:55
mgagnemsabramo1: yep19:55
msabramo1alright, maybe i'll hold off then19:56
mgagnemsabramo1: JenkinsJobsException is kind of a pita to fix19:56
mgagnemsabramo1: well, I should have noticed you ^^'19:56
fungiderekh: looks like the demand for precise nodes is high enough that the proportional demand for f20 nodes within the available capacity ends up only being a couple nodes... probably want to increase the min-ready on them above 219:56
msabramo1mgagne: in one file, I changed it to errors.JenkinsJobException everywhere and reindented. In another I got lazy and did JenkinsJobException = errors.JenkinsJobException :-)19:57
mgagnemsabramo1: haha, true, not sure what's the "correct" style, some are using jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobException19:57
msabramo1mgagne: I have a branch where I added hacking to tox.ini; do you have that yet? I suppose you do19:57
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mgagnemsabramo1: mostly fixing locally in a branch19:57
fungiderekh: i think we got into the same situation after the jenkins master reboots for heartbleed as we were in when the node label was first added (went for a while with the label not registered because the existing demand for precise nodes won out and no f20 nodes got built until the backlog dropped far enough)19:58
mgagnemsabramo1: and last commit will be switch to hacking19:58
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mgagnemsabramo1: want me to ship branch so you can continue working on it?19:58
fungiderekh: zuul spent a while not running any f20 jobs, which due to a chicken-and-egg issue with worker registration, caused nodepool to think there was no actual demand for them19:59
msabramo1mgagne: well I have to do some real work and you're on it now so might as well continue as long as it interests you, but you can ship it when you're done working on it19:59
msabramo1mgagne: and then I can pick up, but I will be busy soon getting ready and traveling to PyCOn19:59
mgagnemsabramo1: oh, nice20:00
mgagnemsabramo1: right in Montreal =)20:00
msabramo1mgagne: You are in Montreal?20:00
mgagnemsabramo1: yep20:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Updated UI for tasks status
msabramo1mgagne: Cool, spending a lot of time at PyCon?20:00
mgagnemsabramo1: yep going, trying to find presentations fitting my interests20:01
msabramo1mgagne: Last two years, PyCon was in my neighborhood and it was easy. Now it's your turn. :-)20:01
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mgagnemsabramo1: haha20:01
mgagnemsabramo1: my employer is sponsoring the event =)20:01
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msabramo1mgagne: Cool, mine too - SurveyMonkey20:01
mgagnemsabramo1: oh nice20:02
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msabramo1could add to tox.ini but keep optional:20:02
msabramo1+deps = flake820:02
msabramo1+commands = flake820:02
msabramo1+deps = hacking20:02
msabramo1+commands = flake820:02
derekhfungi: ok, so will I increase min-ready f20 nodes to say 5?20:02
fungiderekh: that may help20:03
msabramo1mgagne: ^20:03
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mgagnemsabramo1: ok20:03
msabramo1mgagne: Do you work on python-jenkins?20:03
mgagnemsabramo1: the project itself?20:03
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msabramo1mgagne: Sent some PRs for that for Python 3 compat and such -
mgagnemsabramo1: no, I'm just an OpenStack dev/operator contributing whenever possible =)20:04
mgagnemsabramo1: zaro should be able to help you I guess20:05
msabramo1zaro: :-)20:05
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Increase min-ready for f20 nodes to 5
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derekhfungi: would be great if you have a chance ^^, thanks20:06
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jogosdague: so sorting out the deps issue for hacking rev20:12
sdaguejogo: yep20:13
jogosdague: what is the latest?20:13
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sdagueI believe we need -
sdaguethen we can unwind the mirror bit here -
sdaguethen we can let hacking have full control20:14
sdaguebut we need the pbr change to land first20:14
jogoI like that first patch, the old code is just strange20:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Changed task states
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sdaguethis is one of those situations where Depends-On: would be awesome20:15
sdaguebecause then we could figure out if all this worked together instead of lock stepping it20:15
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support recursive processing of paths
jogosdague: yup20:16
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sdagueso while waiting for that20:16
sdaguejogo: are you still working on the ephemeral buffer for debug message testing?20:17
mordredsdague: you want me to land that? like, it's safe?20:17
jogonope, I finished working on it20:17
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use yaml local tags to support including files
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support lazy resolving of include yaml tags
jogosdague: err that isn't true20:18
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: PEP8ify
sdaguemordred: well, to the best of my understanding it's safe. It passes all the pbr tests. Though I'm not sure if it violates some other black magic20:18
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jogosdague: my patch worked when tested locally20:19
sdaguejogo: I thought the NullHandler skipped all of that20:19
mordredsdague: ok-  here goes20:19
jogohave to sdague must messed something up there20:19
jogosdague: it doesn't try to format the log though20:20
jogosdague: see
sdaguejogo: yeh, I was looking20:20
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sdaguejogo: you want me to take a spin on this?20:21
jogosdague: for I am a little confused at where the new mirror-reqs file gets pulled in20:22
sdaguejogo: from the best of my understanding, the mirror script basically reads *requirements.txt20:22
jogosdague: nah, I will push another rev now20:22
sdaguejogo: ok, cool20:22
jogosdague: looks like a rebase issue20:22
sdaguejogo: it would be nice to self test this20:22
jogosdague: ahh thats what I assumed but wasn't sure20:22
jogosdague: yeah not sure how to do that though20:23
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sdaguecreate a test which does a try loop around a crappy formatted debug message20:23
sdagueand make sure you get the exception20:24
jogosdague: even better mock out handle20:24
sdagueor that20:24
sdaguethis is definitely self testable thought20:24
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make overrideDefaultExcludes line into 3 lines
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support pep8 & hacking (flake8) in or out of tox
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jogosdague:  that should do it
jogosdague: now with a simple test20:42
clarkbsdague: I am not sure if it will recover, looking at how it did while I was at lunch now20:43
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jogoclarkb: anything I can do to help get logstash back online?20:45
clarkbit looks like it is still a sad panda20:45
clarkbjogo: make geard better20:45
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jogoo_O what happend anyway?20:46
clarkbsdague: jogo: I can restart the geard service to start queuing from scratch20:46
clarkbjogo: we rebooted everything, elasticsearch took its time recovering, and geard has >400k events queued20:46
clarkband having 400k events queued appears to make it slow20:46
jogoso if you restart geard we loose some data?20:47
jogoalthough not ideal I am fine with it20:47
clarkbjogo: yes everything between when I do it and sometime yesterday afternoonish20:47
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add grenade-dsvm-neutron to integrated gate
jogoclarkb: its unfortunite to loose data but sure20:47
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jogoclarkb: if that gets us out of this mess20:48
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jeblairdhellmann: what could be added to either python2 or python3 to make supporting both versions in the same source easier?20:48
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clarkbsdague: jeblair you still think restarting geard is a good idea?20:52
sdagueclarkb: the recovery rate does not currently look promissing20:53
clarkbya I agree20:53
sdagueso unless we think that's going to change for some reason, I'd rather declare bankruptsy20:53
clarkbjeblair: anything you know about geard that may indicate it would change for some reason?20:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Use pep8's noqa argument
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move hacking to pep8 1.5.4
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sdaguemtreinish: hah20:55
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Finish puppeting accessbot
jogomtreinish: I think is better then  your solution
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jogoplus I have a test on mine too20:57
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mtreinishjogo: considering mine doesn't even work I tend to agree :)20:58
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sdaguejogo: one comment20:59
sdaguethen I'm +220:59
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zaromgagne: yo!20:59
mgagnezaro: hi!21:00
sdagueok, going for a walk while it's still nice out21:00
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zaromsabramo1: i'll review your changes when i get a chance however i'm not approver on that.  you'll need to talk to jeblair if you want anything approved there.21:01
msabramo1zaro: ok, thanks!21:01
jogosdague: patch fixed. enjoy the good weather21:01
zaromsabramo1: i also have a patch waiting for approval.21:01
zaromgagne: hacking?21:01
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mgagnezaro: flake8/hacking21:01
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* jogo wonders why git review is so slow21:02
sdagueit's slowest on nova21:03
sdagueit does depend on the project21:03
zaromgagne: hmm, i just recently saw a patch for flake8.21:03
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mgagnezaro: yes, that's what I suggested msabramo1 to use instead of developing around pep821:04
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msabramo1mgagne, zaro: I can remove the .pep8 file; personally it makes more sense to me than putting the options in tox.ini21:05
zaromgagne: your 'add me' button is coming.. ;)21:05
mgagnemsabramo1: yes, that's what I'm doing =)21:05
mgagnemsabramo1: if other projects use flake8/hacking and tox.ini, I don't see why we couldn't21:05
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mgagnemsabramo1: hardest part is composing a commit message =)21:06
msabramo1mgagne: cool!21:06
clarkbsdague: jogo it does rebases and stuff21:06
msabramo1mgagne: hacking and flake8 seem very nice and with the .pep8 file I was able to see all of their feedback in my vim21:06
zaromgagne: jjb has been busy lately.  need you back!21:06
clarkbit tries to reduce the amount of thinking you have to do but that means a few network roundtrips and not cpu cheap operations21:06
mgagnezaro: =)21:07
jogoclarkb: ?21:07
jogomsabramo1: you don't  need .pep8 to get hacking working in vim21:07
zaromgagne: actually msabramo1 is why we need you.21:07
clarkbjogo: re git review21:08
mgagnezaro: haha, that's what I figured out =)21:08
msabramo1mgagne, zaro: Sorry to put a load on you guys21:08
jogoclarkb: ohh yeah I know, I am on a train and bad connection21:08
mgagnemsabramo1: it's alright, I'll have to figure out a way to find more time and scale my review process =)21:08
zaromsabramo1: np, can redeem yourself by reviewing jjb.21:09
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msabramo1mgagne, zaro: I like JJB though and we're starting to use it as the basis for an internal tool21:09
msabramo1zaro: yeah, was thinking that already21:09
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix H306 errors reported by flake8/hacking
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix H301 errors reported by flake8/hacking
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix H302 errors reported by flake8/hacking
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix H101 errors reported by flake8/hacking
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix H403 and H404 errors reported by flake8/hacking
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix H902, H233, H231 and H703 errors reported by flake8/hacking
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Migrate to flake8/hacking
mgagnezaro, msabramo1: here we go, we should have hacking now21:10
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mgagnezaro: I started working in my free time on other python projects written by our devs. So I found time to explore tools written and used by OpenStack which I didn't use/learn yet and port them to it. =)21:11
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zaromgagne: your way ahead of me, i have no idea what hacking is :)21:12
mgagnezaro: looks to be a plugin for flake8 to enforce OpenStack style guidelines21:12
mgagnezaro: flake8 wraps around pep8 and pyflakes21:13
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: [WIP] Collate story metadata for status
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zaromgagne: ahh, seems convoluted.  maybe i'll let the brain trust handle that one.21:13
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SergeyLukjanovmgagne, zaro, there was a discussion about using hacking in infra and agreement was not use it because of small projects21:15
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ^^21:15
mgagneSergeyLukjanov: of small projects?21:15
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* zaro ?? as well21:16
SergeyLukjanovmgagne, the argument of jeblair was that our projects in infra are not so large as OpenStack ones, so, there is no need to use hacking21:16
SergeyLukjanovit was discussed when I proposed hacking enable for zuul21:17
zaromgagne, msabramo1 : know anything about voluptuous?21:17
SergeyLukjanovI'll try to find some links21:17
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mgagneSergeyLukjanov: that one will need more explanation as the hard work (complying with hacking style) has been done =)21:18
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use snakeoil certs on numbered jenkins masters.
mgagneSergeyLukjanov: and I guess people did not believe it was good invested time due to the small size of the projects21:18
mgagneSergeyLukjanov: ?21:19
zaromgagne, msabramo1 : no, not the woman figure, the app to validate parameter types.21:19
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, mgagne: we can use hacking in order to get the deps, etc; but we ignore the H rules21:19
msabramo1zaro: voluptuous - I think I saw this recently on PyPI but don't recall the details21:19
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup, that's I mean21:19
msabramo1zaro: similar perhaps to schematics? which I have played with a tiny bit21:19
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jeblairzaro: voluptuous is a yaml syntax checker, zuul uses it21:20
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, "ignore the H rules" is a precise wording21:20
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zarojeblair: thanks, was seeing if msabramo1 or mgagne had interest to make work with jjb as well.21:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: make pbr use hacking directly
msabramo1jeblair: Got a python-jenkins change for you to look at:
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pabelangerHmm, looks like I'm having some delete issue with rax and nodepool.  I _think_ infra has the same issues, but don't see the starvation because of the multiple providers you use21:31
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dhellmannjeblair: to the language, or the stdlib?21:34
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fungipabelanger: our providers sometimes ignore nova delete calls completely, which is why nodepool retries them21:35
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dhellmannjeblair: I think one of the things that prevents us from just using tulip/asyncio is the use of "yield from"21:37
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clarkbdhellmann: doesn't trolius fix that?21:39
clarkbso you ifdef based on python version but from openstacks perspective the api is the same21:40
dhellmannclarkb: well, yes, but the reason that fork exists is largely because of the syntax issues preventing us using the original code21:40
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dhellmannclarkb, jeblair : haypo (victor) is probably at pycon, too, and he'd be the best person to ask about that specific issue21:41
dhellmannI'm not sure there's anything else we're "blocked" on in a similar way21:41
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use snakeoil certs on numbered jenkins masters.
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msabramo1mgagne: your hacking/flake8 changes look great. Made some tiny suggestions for the last one: which you can take or leave22:03
mgagnemsabramo1: do you have tox installed? tox -epep8 should take care of everything for you22:05
msabramo1mgagne: Yep, I have tox22:05
mgagnemsabramo1: the pep8 target is used by Jenkins (and all other projects) to run the pep8 job, we can't rename it22:06
msabramo1mgagne: ah ok, didn't realize the "pep8" target is special22:06
mgagnemsabramo1: well it is "special" because it is actually actively used by someone (Jenkins)22:07
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openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Migrate to flake8/hacking
msabramo1mgagne: "The [pep8]" addition was so that folks can run pep8 outside of tox, in case they don't have or use tox for some reason or maybe their editor's linter is going to do pep8 checks (mine I think uses flake8 rather than pep8 but who knows what other people have)22:08
msabramo1mgagne: Just trying to make as many things work as possible22:08
clarkbmgagne: msabramo1 fwiw we want to rename it to something list pep8 specific. Something like staticcheck or whatever22:08
mgagnemsabramo1: I understand22:08
clarkbbut that requires adding a target in all of our projects, changing the jenkins scriptage then removing the old target from all projets22:08
clarkband it is a relatively low priority item with lots of effort ot make it happen22:09
msabramo1clarkb: yeah, sounds like a pain22:09
mgagneclarkb: rename it? you mean the pep8 testenv?22:09
msabramo1clarkb: I guess projects could have both targets for a while until everything is in place22:09
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use snakeoil certs on numbered jenkins masters.
clarkbmgagne: ya22:11
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mgagneclarkb: is there a way to answer the need of msabramo1 (adding pep8 section) without duplicating the configs from flake8?22:13
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clarkbmgagne: I think you have to duplicate them22:14
sdaguejogo: - py26 doesn't have NullHandler22:15
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msabramo1mgagne, clarkb: too bad that this doesn't work22:16
msabramo1ignore = {[flake8]ignore}22:16
msabramo1exclude = {[flake8]exclude}22:16
mgagnemsabramo1: requires tox 1.422:16
mordredtox doesn't process those sections - pep8 does22:16
msabramo1mordred: ah right22:17
mordredbut yeah22:17
mgagnemsabramo1: right =(22:17
mattoliverauMorning all22:19
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openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Migrate to flake8/hacking
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openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Minor README.rst tweaks
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use yaml local tags to support including files
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support lazy resolving of include yaml tags
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support recursive processing of paths
mattoliveraumorning jhesketh_22:49
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sdagueSlickNik: where's the trove change to dump pyflakes at?23:09
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sdagueSlickNik: can you approve it?23:10
sdaguethat looks like my next fail point in -
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make all help text start with lowercase letter
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clarkbsdague: did you see logstash bankrupcy happened? we are "caught up" now23:12
sdaguenope, but awesome23:13
SlickNiksdague: Done. It's in the merge pipeline now.23:15
sdagueSlickNik: thank!23:15
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Read the has-github value from the defaults file
jogosdague: damn, its is really small I can just make one here23:27
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StevenKclarkb, fungi: Could I have one of you take a quick look at ?23:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Also clone os-cloud-config in
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StevenKfungi: Thanks!23:59
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