Friday, 2014-04-11

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fungipabelanger: i think we're all scared to approve nodepool and zuul changes jeblair hasn't reviewed while he's still at pycon, lest we anger the computer gods00:09
pabelangerfungi: Ah, fair enough. Didn't see he was in MTL.00:10
clarkb I present to an almost working simple makefile00:14
clarkbnote the dependency resolution for venvs isn't quite right and it doesn't do everything like tox. It will fail fast rather than running all the things00:15
fungiclarkb: i tip my hat to you00:15
clarkbif someone can see why .venv/$(VNAME) deps seem to be met if and .venv/$(VNAME) exists I would be so happy but I have ot run and pick up new glasses now00:15
fungiclarkb: you can solve the rest with setuptools, i swear (and if you can't, it'll be amusing to watch anyway)00:15
* fungi inadvertently mixes his environments this time of night00:16
clarkbI don't even think autotools is super necessary. But I may be wrong00:16
clarkbanyways that does work if I make clean between target changes00:16
fungino, it's not. i was just trying to add to the absurd00:16
fungithat however is a remarkably succinct makefile00:17
clarkbya what we do with tox isn't terribly complicated00:17
clarkbvirtualenv ends up doing most of the tox like work for us00:18
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* fungi welcomes our new "make all" overlords00:19
clarkbmordred: ^ please apply your make wisdom to that file00:19
clarkbnote that isn't windows friendly00:20
clarkbok really need to go get glasses /me &00:20
fungiclarkb: go00:21
fungias for deps being considered met when (file|dir) exists, that's an optimization of make unless i'm misunderstanding you00:21
fungie.g. don't recompile foo.c if foo.o exists00:22
clarkbyup but it should stat the subdir right?00:22
clarkbit seems that .venv satisfies .venv/py2700:22
fungioh... i'll ponder that a little longer00:22
fungianyway, go obtain replacement bionic eyes00:23
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fungiugh... just booted a debian vm in my rax account and note that the sources.list on it also omits security.debian.org00:25
* fungi sighs00:25
fungipeople were even complaining about it this week on the debian-cloud ml00:26
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clarkbya I had to edit my sources on my irc box00:27
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fungiapparently amazon did the same on their images00:28
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praneshpHi, is the gate-entropy-python33 check broken?00:45
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praneshpa couple of my jobs are stuck in that one check00:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable baremetal scenario test in Ironic's d-s-g
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fungipraneshp: it looks like nodepoold still isn't trying to build any py3k-precise nodes at all. i'm checking its logs now to see if i can tell why00:49
clarkbpraneshp: there may be node contention. we had to remove hp slaves00:49
praneshpclarkb:  cool. It looked like an outage or something to me because its 5 hours now.00:49
fungiclarkb: have you gotten new eyes yet?00:49
praneshpthanks fungi00:49
clarkbor that /me gets out of fungi's way00:50
fungiyeah, we have absolutely no py3k-precise nodes in any state now that i've deleted the handful stuck in a building state in hpcloud regions a while ago00:50
clarkbfungi yes now dinner and eyes adjusting00:51
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praneshpthanks fungi and clarkb00:51
fungii think maybe nodepoold does get confused when sum(min-ready)>max-servers00:52
fungii'm going to stop puppet agent on nodepool.o.o for a few minutes to experiment00:53
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fungijust spotted the issue00:54
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Temporarily stop using rax for py3k-precise nodes"
fungipraneshp: clarkb: ^ that ;)01:01
fungicramming through01:02
praneshpha, first openstack-infra review for me :)01:02
clarkbfungi oh lol01:02
fungi(a revert in name only, given that the entire configuratio has been refactored out from under it since the introduction of nodepool labels)01:03
fungii may need to force some image updates for those too... checking now01:03
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funginope. nodepoold has been dilligently building completely unused images there the entire time. hopefully they still work01:04
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Temporarily stop using rax for py3k-precise nodes"
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fungipraneshp: clarkb: JayF: i have 10 py3k-precise nodes building in nodepool now01:12
fungihopefully the congestion will be lifted in short order01:13
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praneshpthanks fungi01:21
fungiyep, looks like they're running now01:24
fungiand up to 40 py3k-precise nodes in various states now01:25
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praneshpis there  a way to see job-wise queues?01:26
praneshpfor example all queued jobs for py-33?01:26
fungipraneshp: you could probably digest into whatever orientation you want with a little bit of python01:27
praneshpgreat, thanks01:28
fungithat's the data the status page at is built from01:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Minor README.rst tweaks
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Fix capitalization of my gerrit username
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jogofungi: I am not sure either, but I figured I want version x or y and thats it01:52
fungiweeeeeird that it actually works01:54
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add monotonic time library for python 2.x
jogofungi: I figure  comma is like an or operator01:56
fungiexcept if "," is "or" then the "!" negation would be a no-op01:57
funginot to mention other comparative operators like < and > and their inclusive endpoint variants01:58
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fungii mean reading ">1,<2" as ">1 or <2" is nonsense02:00
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fungigiven that every member of the universal set is greater than one or less than two02:01
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jogofungi: hmm you make a good point, I don't know what to say02:02
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fungii am merely a victim of having taken logic in multiple departments while at university02:04
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fungii found the overlap between mathematics and philosophy simultaneously disturbing and comforting02:05
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StevenKfungi: Strange use of the word 'victim' :-P02:05
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fungiStevenK: rational though has been thrust upon me through no fault of my own02:06
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* fungi attempts to escape back into fantasy for a little while02:06
jogofungi: ^_^02:09
jogothe requirements jobs are backed up on pypy
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fungiyeah, see scrollback just above... should clear up soonish02:12
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StevenKfungi: I'm guessing the tripleo image build finished sometime while you were unconscious?02:17
fungiStevenK: shortly after, gauging from the ages i saw on the newest images when i awoke02:17
StevenKfungi: Ah, excellent.02:18
StevenKLet's rebase and review and see if I'm loved now02:18
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fungijogo: sorry...
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fungiso it doesn't all asplodey, but it also doesn't test with the later versions02:35
* StevenK grumbles at more failures02:36
jogofungi: so how is the right way to do it?02:36
fungijogo: just increase the cap to allow the newer versions you want?02:37
jogowe want version a or b02:37
fungii'm pretty sure you want something which isn't pip in that case02:37
jogofungi: I think it actually is working02:40
jogoat least with the order reversed :)02:41
fungijogo: well, yes, the change isn't self-testing that the latest specified version is installable however02:41
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fungijogo: and the mirror is going to mirror the version that pip installs, which won't be those newer versions you're wanting02:42
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fungijogo: oh, it just dawned on me, that job was using the versions specified in the test-requirements.txt, not global-requirements.txt02:44
jogowhich is hacking02:45
fungijogo: but yeah, if we have flake8==2.0,==2.1 in global-reqs, pypi-mirror is going to download and cache 2.0, so we'll still not have 2.1 in the mirror02:45
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jogofungi: why won't pypi-mirror do that?02:46
jogoit works as a pip req02:46
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fungijogo: your paste demonstrates it02:46
fungipip downloaded 2.0, not 2.102:46
jogothat was against our pypi mirror02:46
fungioh, gotcha02:47
jogoFWIW I am just as confused as you02:47
fungiif you don't override PIP_INDEX_URL you get 2.1?02:47
jogo(venv)jogo@lappy:~/Develop/venv$ pip freeze | grep flake802:47
jogostrange how 'logic'works02:48
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fungiso it has been suggested that pip works in a last-match fashion most of the time02:48
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fungiperhaps this is what we're seeing demonstrated in that case02:48
jogois the rule I was testing02:49
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dstufftI need to get around to fixing our version selector :[02:50
fungiseparate the components of the version spec at the commas... for each component if you have an existing install which doesn't meet the requirement uninstall it, then select the highest version matching that comparison. repeat for each additional element in the comma-separated list?02:50
fungiviolates principle of least surprise, but then again if you're easily surprised, pip is not the tool for you ;)02:51
jogofungi: :)02:51
jogofungi: so now that i can prove my patch works, even though it shouldn't want to +2 it?02:52
fungijogo: shall i assume the next patch will be coming along right behind it to remove the first == components of those once the mirror updates?02:53
fungiand that this is a two-step update purely to work around the co-gating/mirror-update race?02:54
jogoso that would work actually, I was going to switch the versions over but clarkb didn't want a backwards incompatible change02:55
jogofungi: let me post that patch next -- with a note saying not to approve right away02:55
jogobefore landing this one02:55
fungiright. backwards-incompat change causes changes behind you in the gate (and in check once you merge) to fail until the mirror has a working package set meeting the new reqs02:55
fungianyway, going ahead and approving this one, then taking a break for the evening02:56
jogohmm I think I should have added pep8 1.45, 1.46 and 1.5 in this but didn' think it would take so long to land02:57
jogogoing to add 1.5 in the next patch02:57
fungis/==1.45,==1.46/==1.46,==1.5/ in the next change then?02:58
jogonot sure what version of 1.5 to put in though02:58
jogoa new one was just posted today 1.5.502:58
jogosigh pep8 is soo buggy02:58
jogoand afraid to add in 1.502:59
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove old pep8, pyflakes and flake8 versions
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Use pep8's noqa argument
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Speed up license checks
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move hacking to pep8 1.5.4
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Only compile regex for hacking_except_format once
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move except checks into there own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move comment checks into there own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Make test_doctest use entry points
jogorebase ^03:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Revert "add mirror requirements list"
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump pep8, pyflakes and flake8 versions
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add node def for puppet3 master
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tchaypodstufft: around? I'd like to talk about which things I should test for my pip change06:50
tchaypoIdle time of 78 minutes suggests not.06:50
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mspreitzIs it just me, or is pypi wedged?07:29
mspreitzOK, unwedged now07:30
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make logger available during tests
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow to specify multiple branches per project in Gerrit trigger
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow to specify multiple branches per project in Gerrit trigger
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add fedora devstack instances to nodepool
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for multiple Gerrit servers in Gerrit trigger
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sdaguefungi / jeblair: looks like nodepool has starved out pypi and py33 jobs again11:04
sdagueso everything is stalled11:04
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Navigate to story details after create complete
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pelixIs there anything else required to get approved?12:48
pelixI have a change that will be much simpler once this and a few others are merged first :)12:48
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jeblairsdague: ack12:53
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jeblairsdague, fungi: there are 8 nodes stuck in the delete state, 2 are building12:55
sdaguejeblair: it also looks like the mix right be wrong. With things like refstack and rally using those kinds of nodes, the old limits might not be enough12:56
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jeblairsdague: *nod*12:57
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jeblairso the easiest way out of this is to add the hpcloud capacity back... let me see if we have a node i can check12:58
sdagueis there a way to make this adaptive?12:58
jeblairsdague: in what way?12:59
sdagueor what would be the way to make it adaptive. Because I think node mix might vary over time12:59
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fungijeblair: oh, fun12:59
fungitaking a look now12:59
jeblairfungi: was the error that http connects to pypi.o.o always failed?12:59
sdaguebasically we're starved right now because we have the wrong node mix12:59
fungijeblair: it was intermittent. maybe 1 in 100, which leads to >half the run there jobs failing, which led to all teh changes failing13:00
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anteayaI see by the clock on the wall (or the time stamp in my irc client) it is 13:01 utc13:01
anteayado I see correctly?13:01
fungii'm checking in a bit to see if either rs or hp listed any events from yesterday that they corrected before reverting the disable change13:01
fungianteaya: yes, your clock matches mine13:01
anteayawonderful thank you13:01
anteayaclosing polls13:02
jeblairsdague: looking at the allocation reports, i think we may have an error in the allocator related to providers with min-ready=013:02
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jeblairi'll look into it later, but in the mean time, we may want to remove providers from labels instead of setting max-servers to 013:02
sdagueso the answer is that it should be rebalancing, but there is a bug that just needs to be worked out13:02
fungijeblair: but if we divide by that, we can have an infinite number of nodes13:02
jeblairsorry, i should have said max-servers=0 the first time13:03
fungigot it13:03
sdaguefungi: would it be a countable or uncountable infinity :)13:03
jeblairsdague: yeah, that's the first thing to check; there may be something else we can do after that, but first i'd want to get the negative numbers out of the allocation report :)13:03
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jeblair2014-04-11 13:00:29,354 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool:       <AllocationSubRequest for -317.0 (out of 317.0) of bare-precise from hpcloud-az2>13:03
fungisdague: aleph-null13:03
fungisdague: not aleph-prime13:03
sdaguejeblair: nice :)13:03
jeblairthe totals actually work out though, so it may just be weird, not terribly incorrect13:04
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fungijeblair: okay, so i guess we're tending toward +/- infinity (in which case -317 has a way to go still)13:04
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jeblairif the negative numbers aren't harmful, then probably the thing we want to look at is...13:05
jeblairunder constraints, np uses the normal server mix to decide how to allocate its constrained resources13:05
fungitrying a delete --now on one of the oldest py3k-precise stuck in a delete state, looks like the nova call is going to time out on it13:05
jeblairsdague: so i think we'd want to factor the current demand ratio in to that more...13:06
jeblairsdague: or only look at that.13:07
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jeblairsdague: can you file a story for that?13:07
sdaguesure, is there active storyboard being used for this?13:07
jeblairfungi: my wifi is about to die, can you take over looking at hpcloud?13:07
fungijeblair: yep, researching currently13:08
jeblairsdague: as of now13:08
fungijeblair: looks like it *could* be related13:08
sdagueurl for starting point?13:08
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jeblair(i'm in the keynote which is about to start, so everyone is on laptops in one room)13:09
jeblair(nodepool doesn't have an existing bug tracker so it gets to go first)13:09
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jeblairwell, second after storyboard13:10
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jeblairok networks dead, bbl13:10
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fungii've got a couple of idle instances in hpcloud downloading the latest pbr tarball from pypi.o.o repeatedly in a loop. prognosis not good13:26
fungiwhen it fails, it looks like
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kiallfungi: that's weird - why is it even trying IPv6? Pretty sure we don't have IPv6 for instances at HPCloud yet13:32
fungikiall: that looks like a fallback behavior from wget13:32
fungisilly to try it when it doesn't even have a route to that prefix13:32
kiallYea.. Just never seen that before :)13:32
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fungii did confirm, those instances definitely only have linklocal v6 addresses on their interfaces and default gateway13:33
fungino default v6 gateway, that is13:33
kiallAnyway - What region/az is the instance in?13:33
fungithe two i'm testing are in az2, but we were also seeing this yesterday from az1, az2 and region b13:34
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fungii'm still building up an acceptable sample set, but it looks like about 1 in 200 connections times out13:35
fungiwhich is plenty enough to stop devstack dead in its tracks13:36
sdagueyep, well we set -o errexit for a reason13:36
kiallfungi: humm .. So, your seeing it from region-a and region-b ? (Sounded like az1/az2 in A and also region-b)13:37
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fungier, i meant yesterday we also saw it from az213:40
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fungimy fingers clearly don't want to hit the right keys today13:40
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fungino packet loss on icmp/echo for the same path though, seems to be impacting tcp sockets, so i suspect an overloaded nat or other state-management device mucking with layer 413:43
fungii've set up a similar download loop from another region in rackspace and no failures at all13:44
fungiso at least between rackspace regions we're not seeing this, but from hp to rackspace we are13:44
kiallChecking with our NOC for any known issues... Maybe they've had other similar reports..13:44
fungiwhich matches what we were seeing with test failures yesterday13:44
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Pass change and pipeline to the status_url
kiallAlso - Can you paste bin your script?13:45
fungigoing to try to collect some slightly better stats with hping313:45
fungii can paste it right here--it's a one-liner after all ;)13:45
fungicount=0;while wget>/dev/null;do rm pbr-0.8.0.tar.gz;count=$[$count+1];done;echo $count13:45
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dhellmannfungi: do you have any gerrit downtime scheduled? we could go ahead and rename the oslo.test repository when it's convenient13:47
fungidhellmann: i don't think we've scheduled anything yet. i believe moving barbican from stackforge to openstack and renaming climate (once foundation legal weighs in on the new name choice) are currently on the list, along with the attic moves13:48
fungidhellmann: can you add that one to the agenda for teh infra meeting?13:48
fungiwe've been keeping a tally of them in there so we can review status at the weekly meetings13:48
dhellmannthere's no rush, so whenever you're going to do the others is fine13:48
sdaguekrotscheck: should I file new stories for bugs I find in storyboard?13:49
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dhellmannfungi: added13:49
fungidhellmann: thanks!13:49
dhellmannfungi: fridays are bad for landing big ci changes like but maybe early next week?13:52
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fungidhellmann: yeah, i don't want to approve something like that without it getting a second core review, especially since i'm leaving for two weeks in the morning13:53
dhellmannfungi: oh, yeah, I wasn't asking for you to approve it on your own13:54
fungidon't want to create a mess and then leave others to clean it up ;)13:54
dhellmannand I don't want to create a mess right before the weekend :-)13:54
dhellmannI'll see how things are looking monday and ask for some attention then13:54
dhellmannI was going to ask this week on heartbleed day :-)13:54
fungisounds like a good idea13:55
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a check for nova-docker
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Don't use flake8: noqa
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fungihping3 from a couple instances in hpcloud got me 28 tcp connect timeouts out of 2000 (spaced in 1-second intervals) so that roughly correlates to what i was seeing with the wget loops14:16
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sdaguefungi: any idea if it is hp, rax, or something inbetween that's dying?14:18
fungisdague: not sure yet. between rax azs i see no problem. i'm testing from hp to google now to get another baseline14:19
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sdaguejeblair: if you have a few minutes today, I'd like to discuss the feature selection in d-g relative to the needs of -
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sdaguefungi: is there any way to manually rebalance nodepool14:49
sdaguecheck queue is 177 right now14:49
sdaguewith an 8hr delay14:49
fungisdague: i'm trying14:50
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sdagueI also wonder if a good zuul future change would be to wait no more than 1 hr past the normal job completion for non voting results14:50
fungii've ripped hpcloud out of the configuration entirely, restarted nodepool, reset min-ready way up for the less common node types, clearing away some cobwebs and seeing if i can get things back into shape for now14:50
sdaguebecause in at least 1/3 of these cases, we're stalled waiting for non voting results14:51
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sdagueok cool14:52
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fungialso still trying to nail down enough details about the network flakiness between hp and rs to have something useful we can put in a trouble ticket14:54
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Drive puppet from the master over ssh
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Zake 0.0.15 released
sdaguettx: when do the stable/icehouse branches get set? There is a ton of qa process that can't start until those exist.15:05
sdagueespecially with branchless tempest15:06
fungisdague: release day15:06
ttxsdague: yeah15:06
ttxwhat fungi said15:06
sdaguettx: well that basically means we'll have a bunch of days where stable is breakable15:06
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sdaguebecause we can't start testing tempest master changes gating on stable/icehouse until after stable icehouse is created and we can get working jobs on it15:08
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sdagueit also means we're currently fully exposed on upgrading from what will be stable/icehouse to master15:09
mordredsdague: could we test branchless tempest on the proposed branches?15:09
sdaguemordred: possibly, but there is a bunch of logic that took a long time to be right in all the d-g grenade work15:09
ttxsdague: you mean, we aren't testing tempest changes against milestone-proposed at all15:09
fungihave the jobs look for stable/icehouse and then fall back to looking for milestone-proposed and treat them the same?15:10
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sdaguettx: we are testing m-p against tempest15:10
ttxfungi: that would work15:10
sdaguebut not tempest master against m-p15:10
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sdagueso people could land a tempest change that wedges m-p15:10
fungisdague: we do test tempest master against m-p right now, as long as tempest doesn't have an m-p branch itself15:11
ttxsdague: not if we do what fungo said15:11
fungioh, wait15:11
fungiwe test milestone proposed against tempest master15:11
fungii see what sdague is saying15:11
sdaguettx: sure, but this is the issue I brought up the other day15:11
fungiit's asymmetrical15:11
sdaguefungi: correct15:11
ttxsdague: it's only an issue in the new, branchless tempest world, right ?15:12
fungitempest changes are checked against master server branches, but m-p server changes are tested against tempest master15:12
sdagueand more importantly, putting logic in for m-p which only exists real < 20% of our time means it's going to break15:12
sdaguettx: the grenade issue is an existing issue15:12
sdagueand honestly a giant pain15:12
fungittx: no, it's how it's been even in previous releases15:12
sdaguefungi: right, the tempest issue existed in previous releases as well15:12
ttxsdague: hmm, I wouldn't touch that one week before release, but we need to close that hole15:13
sdaguebasically the release process doesn't really support the current testing process very well15:13
ttxfor the time being I would suggest not landing too many changes in tempest for the coming week :)15:13
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fungittx: right now someone could land a change to tempest's master branch which works with master branches of all the servers but not m-p branches or eventual stable/icehouse branches of the servers, effectively breaking milestone-proposed tests until fixed15:13
fungiif tempest cut m-p branches in previous cycles around rc for the servers, then maybe this wasn't an issue back then15:14
sdaguettx: but it has other substantial implications, like the fact that the nova team can't make certain changes until grenade is going stable/icehouse -> master15:14
fungior was but only much more briefly15:14
sdagueand we can't do that until stable/icehouse exists15:14
sdagueand even then, it takes time15:14
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sdagueso the infra to do stable/icehouse -> master can't be ready on release day15:14
mtreinishfungi: we only did that for grizzly15:15
ttxsdague: right, but the tooling is very reliant on branch names at this point. The last thing I would change one week before release would be to rename branches15:15
ttxI agree it's a problem we need to solve15:15
ttxbut we might need to live with it for the last week of this cycle and address it early in the next15:16
mrmartinguys, is everything allright with zuul?
sdaguettx: ok. As long as it doesn't get lost15:17
ttxsdague: so at this point i would freeze changes that might put us in trouble. One more week.15:17
ttxsdague, fungi: where would you want to discuss that ? QA track ?15:17
sdaguettx: honestly, it's hard to really determine those15:17
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sdaguettx: this is release issue honestly15:18
fungimrmartin: trouble adding new workers to run jobs. i'm currently trying to sort it out15:18
mrmartinfungi: ok.15:18
ttxsdague: Ok, will file against RelMgt15:18
ttxsdague: that means I lose by wildcard slot so we need to accept reed's cross-project session :)15:18
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sdaguewell you can fight mtreinish to see if he wants to dedicate a slot :)15:20
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therveQuick ping about for the heat-templates job15:21
thervefungi, jeblair and others if you have time15:21
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pabelangerfor the people running zuul, has anybody had a problem getting statsd working properly?  I have it setup properly (env variables, but seems zuul (specifically statsd lib, doesn't properly send the data over the wire).15:27
pabelangeryou can see my success rate:
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ttxsdague: -- merged it with the requirements session15:38
ttxif requirements are discussed somewhere else, we can remove it from that session15:39
sdagueworks for me15:43
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Mark projects that use storyboard
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Only create projects we ask for
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fungiokay, part of my confusion after the nodepool restart was that i missed that nodepoold was returning control without exiting nonzero, but then quietly dying when it found an existing pidfile15:59
fungii've got the stale nodes mostly cleared at this point and it's running and bringing up new ones16:00
fungiso with hp entirely out of the configuration rather than just set to max-servers=0 it hopefully should dtrt with ratios16:00
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fungiyep, i see a pypy job running16:02
fungiand changes in the gate are getting nodes too16:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat timeout bug 1306029
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1306029 in heat "tempest.api.orchestration.stacks.test_stacks times out during tearDownClass" [Undecided,New]
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clarkbfungi: woot, so nodepool is happy again?16:15
clarkbfungi: did that also require editing the min values?16:15
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fungiclarkb: just doing some remaining cleanup but it seems to be back on track. i ended up just removing all traces of hpcloud from the config since it looked like the demand ratio was being miscalculated when only zeroing max-servers16:16
clarkbmordred: btw I wanted to mention I have been using wheels built for precise on my saucy laptop without any apparent problems16:16
fungii ended up not changing any of the min-ready values16:16
clarkbfungi: interesting16:16
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add nova-specs
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fungii've got puppet stopped on it for the moment, but will prop up a temporary change matching my config edits shortly so we can get puppet agent going on it again16:17
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superdanwhat's going on with the check queue?17:08
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fungisuperdan: it should be catching up now17:12
superdanfungi: okay, what happened?17:12
fungibut slowly since we're running only on rackspace for the moment17:12
superdanah, I guess that answers the other quesiton? :)17:12
fungithe way we removed hpcloud yesterday apparently screwed with how nodepool does its demand ratio calculations17:12
superdanoh, why did we remove hp cloud?17:12
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fungiso things were wonky until i fiddled with it a little while ago17:12
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fungitcp connection timeouts to our servers in rackspace17:13
fungiaround 1-2% but enough to make most jobs run there fail badly17:13
superdanhuh, interesting17:13
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: More thoroughly temporarily pull hp from nodepool
fungiokay, that ^ should allow me to turn the puppet agent back on before i head to lunch17:16
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clarkb I think that gets Makefiles out of my system for the day17:19
clarkbit is slightly repetetive but fixes yesterdays issues17:19
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clarkbyou can use it as an almost drop in tox replacement now17:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: More thoroughly temporarily pull hp from nodepool
fungipulling that ^ onto the puppetmaster and then onto nodepool and starting puppet there so i can grab lunch17:22
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fungidone. puppet agent is back running on nodepool.o.o17:24
funginow disappearing for food17:24
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jeblairfungi: nonono don't remove hp from the config entirely!17:25
jeblairthat's not what i suggested at all17:25
jeblairjust remove it from the node labels17:25
jeblaireg, tell it "don't build devstack-precise nodes on hp"17:25
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add qa-specs to tracked projects
clarkbjeblair: ooohhhh17:25
jeblairfungi: if you remove it entirely, the next time it cleans up images, it will delete the existing images in hp17:25
clarkbjeblair: yes that already happened17:26
jeblairfungi: and then we'll be spending two days trying to get17:26
clarkbor is happening17:26
jeblairclarkb: can you please add hp back and start doing image builds in a loop there?17:27
jeblairso that when the problem is fixed we don't have to wait _days_ to get an image build that makes it through hp's metadata server?17:27
clarkbjeblair: sure17:27
jeblairclarkb: thanks17:28
clarkbI will propose two changes a revert of the removal and one on top of that to remove them from the node labels17:28
jeblairsdague: i think branchless tempest is going to have to wait until next week, sorry17:28
jeblair(rather, the questions you want to ask me about it)17:28
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sdaguejeblair: ok. Though there are time constraints, because the minute we set the stable/icehouse branch we need to be about ready to go. But if we can do it monday, that's cool17:30
clarkbwoo vim still segfaults on that file17:31
* clarkb installs emacs17:31
mtreinishclarkb: don't go over to the darkside17:34
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clarkbmtreinish: I wish I didn't need to but saucy's vim compile segfaults on nodepool.yaml.erb17:35
clarkbI could build vim from scratch and debug the problem but installing emacs gets this edit done quickly17:35
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "More thoroughly temporarily pull hp from nodepool"
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Don't use hpcloud as a label provider.
clarkbjeblair: fungi ^17:37
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jeblairclarkb: vim mode17:38
clarkbooh /me investigates this thing17:38
clarkbjeblair: if my changes look good to you you can approve and I can babysit17:38
jeblairclarkb: lgtm17:39
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jeblairclarkb: erm, though you might want to force-merge them17:39
clarkboh right17:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Revert "More thoroughly temporarily pull hp from nodepool"
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Don't use hpcloud as a label provider.
clarkbpuppet is going to update shortly, I won't fight it17:43
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rcarrillocruzhey guys, anyone with some spare time to review ? it adds LP-Gerrit integration for changes that are abandoned...17:50
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use threads to update jobs in jenkins
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clarkbjeblair: hrm, looking at the jobs launched graph I wonder if what you suggest doesn't work as expected18:21
clarkbjeblair: there is clearly a spike where fungi did his thing then a fall off later18:21
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clarkbfungi: ^18:24
clarkbhrm a py3k test did just start so maybe not?18:25
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jeblairclarkb: 1 building node, 1 used18:34
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jeblairclarkb: since we now have single-use nodes with sudo, we could conditionally change the version of tox on the system based on the content of tox.ini18:35
jeblairclarkb: to handle a phased migration across projects18:35
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jeblairif we don't convince hpk18:36
clarkbjeblair: ya18:36
clarkbjeblair: did you see my makefile?18:36
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clarkbI think it is not sucky >_>18:36
jeblairclarkb: no, and neat :)18:36
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clarkbjeblair: the other thing we can do to be slightly mean is change tox versions forcing all projects that don't update before hand to update as first order of business18:37
clarkbjeblair: tested with zuul18:37
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jeblairthings i learned about ansible: it fails fast, and stores a retry file so it can try failed hosts again18:37
clarkbmake venv ARGS='command I want to run'18:37
mgagnejeblair: and I guess you stayed for the puppet one18:38
jeblairmgagne: actually i just jumped over to the angularjs talk18:38
jeblairbut then i'm going back for the salt talk18:39
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sdaguejeblair: they lest angularjs in to pycon? :)18:39
jeblairsdague: "straigtening out angularjs with python" :)18:40
clarkbjeblair: looking at 5 minute graph points from graphite for jobs launched over the last 3 hours it actually doesn't look too bad18:40
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clarkbI think ourchange may not have impacted things like I initiall thought18:40
jeblairstoryboard is using it and horizon is looking so i figured i should drop in18:40
jeblairclarkb: cool18:40
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clarkbI think deletes on rax are not as instantaneous as would be desired18:41
krotscheckwha? who? someone said angular?18:41
clarkbso deleted nodes hang around for a while preventing new nodes from being allocated18:41
jeblairansible has lots of included modules, and lots of roles are available in a community-contributed 'galaxy'18:42
jeblairwe should be able to easily do the separate password thing like we do with hiera18:42
jeblairand it has openstack api support18:42
jeblairand the primary author is in durham and went to ncsu18:42
jeblairmordred, fungi: ^ important angular stuff; especially the last :)18:43
jeblairerr ansible18:43
jeblairsomeone in the room keeps saying angular18:43
clarkbjeblair: I wasn't a fan of the config files. They read very clunky18:43
clarkbbut relying on ssh instead of $othertransport is a really neat feature to bootstrap nodes18:43
jeblairclarkb: the examples he showed looked like nice yaml; they're going for "infrastructure is data" rather than "infrastructure is code"18:44
jeblairclarkb: but i haven't seen many yet; i should look more18:44
clarkbjeblair: right, but then they treat that data as code :P. iirc its basically an imperative lisp like language with yaml as the representation18:44
jeblairclarkb: i'm sold!18:45
jeblairok, paying attention to talk now, bbl18:46
clarkbI have evil working in emacs now btw18:46
clarkbfor whenever vim decides to segfault18:46
clarkbI need to grab lunch shortly18:46
fungijeblair: clarkb: the hpcloud images had already been marked for deletion, though i think that was because of the updates for the new jenkins ssh keys?18:47
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fungithough if they're not deleted completely yet, i can un-mark them in the db18:49
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fungialso, my earlier tcp pings from hpcloud to pypi.o.o are now returning 0.0% loss, so whatever was going on seems to have subsided18:57
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fungirunning a few more tests, but whatever the issue was seems to have finally subsided19:06
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clarkbfungi: no, I hadn't marked anything for deletion because of keys, I think nodepool did that when it noticed the provider had gone awway19:07
Shrewsjeblair: many awesome people are in durham19:08
clarkbfungi: that is great news. I had kicked off some hpcloud image builds for new keys and not delete state19:08
clarkbfungi: I will continue to kick those off so that we have vialbe images if we can use hpcloud again19:08
fungiboth copies of old images in hpcloud-az{1,2,3} for all four image types have been switched back from delete to ready after confirming via nova image-list that they still all actually do exist19:08
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fungibut yes, updated images in those azs would be good. you want my "loop until created" shell script i've been using?19:10
clarkbfungi: I may switch to that, first I want to be able to watch it a bit more so that I can understand where the trouble may exist19:10
fungiwell, looping over them doesn't stop you from seeing where they fail, but in the past i've definitely seen them timing out consistently trying to get a response from the metadata server19:11
clarkbok, I should try to follow up on that more forcefully19:11
clarkbI see that happen in my personal account too. dunno why tracking down this issue is so problematic19:12
fungiin region b they build the first try every time19:12
fungibut in the old azs they time out on that most of the time19:12
clarkbhuh region b iswhere my personal account fials19:12
fungior at least in region b they succeed quickly enough i never notice19:13
fungiokay, several more tests of 1000 tcp/syn packets each from a couple old nodes in az2 and i had only one timeout19:13
clarkbI'm here to help if it becomes a problem again but we are in a pretty sad state without those extra nodes19:14
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fungii also find it hard to believe, comparing the graphs vs the changes in flight, that we're running anywhere near as many jobs as is implied by the used node count19:18
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mgagnejeblair: not sure why each "properties" are prefixed by an hypen if they are unique like an hash/map key =)19:33
jeblairmgagne: is ordering useful at all?19:35
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mgagnejeblair: you mean the implicit top to bottom execution or the ordering implied by the YAML syntax used?19:36
jeblairmgagne: this is an implementation detail, but pyyaml will not raise an error if you duplicate a key, but you can check for that if you put yours keys in a list19:36
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jeblairmgagne: the second; i'm brainstorming why they might have done that19:37
jeblairmgagne: but yeah, aside from those ideas, i don't know; it looks like a dict would work fine :)19:38
mgagnejeblair: I agree19:38
mgagnejeblair: or it could be that "templates" could be used/reused in a resource (user) definition19:39
mgagnejeblair: could this be done?
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove devstack-check label and increase centos/py3k values
fungijeblair: mgagne: i've noted we've used list types in a lot of our various yaml files where associative arrays would have made more sense19:42
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^19:42
jeblairworth considering; but i can't basysit right now; up to you ^19:42
mgagnejeblair: I like the reactor thing. Could it be used to orchestrate/sync a multi-node deployment where an other node could depends on a particular state of an other node?19:42
fungijeblair: mgagne: though agreed on the long-standing and oft-requested feature of getting pyyaml to raise exceptions on duplicate keys in an associative array19:43
clarkbit lgtm and I can babysit19:43
clarkbfungi: want to look at that change and force it through if you think it will help?19:43
jeblairmgagne: yes, anteaya and fungi were looking into that but didn't get all the details worked out19:43
fungiclarkb: yep19:43
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mgagnejeblair: cool, will keep an eye on your work, I have an interest in salt19:43
jeblairmgagne: i'm not sure if we're going to finish that soon -- we will probably do something hacky near term to fix our manage-projects problem19:44
jeblairthen do something nicer after that19:45
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fungialso, we could probably consider turning hpcloud back on soon... my repeated tests are continuing to come back clean (0.0% failure rates now)19:47
jeblairfungi: ++19:47
fungithough not a couple hours ago it was around 1.5% failures19:47
fungiso depending on how long we want to see it stable before we jump back in...19:48
jeblairfungi: i think we've got the pattern for taking it in/out quickly now19:48
fungiagreed. simpler if we need to do it again, and we know what to be looking for this time19:48
fungiso we'll be able to diagnose the situation much more rapidly as well19:48
jeblairmgagne: i'm heading to the openstack booth now19:49
mgagnejeblair: cool19:49
fungiwas there already a wip change up for readding hpcloud, or shall i go ahead and get it ready?19:49
clarkbfungi: with current node starvation levels you may have to force submit that change to get it in19:49
clarkbfungi: there is not a wip change yet19:49
fungiclarkb: force submit isn't needed19:50
fungiclarkb: i merely jumped the check with zuul enqueue19:50
fungisince the gate has priority19:50
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove devstack-check label and increase centos/py3k values
fungiand there it is19:50
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reenable hpcloud in nodepool
fungiclarkb: jeblair: mordred: SergeyLukjanov: ^20:00
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clarkbfungi: lgtm, though if we can wait a little longer on it so that I can try to finish buildingthese hpcloud images that would be great20:01
fungiclarkb: agreed, having fresh images there would be convenient20:01
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clarkbwe need 7 more to build20:02
fungiif i were a betting man, i'd say 4 of those are in az220:03
clarkb2 are in az2, 4 are az1 and one is az320:03
fungioh, wow, so you haven't had an image stick yet in az1?20:03
fungimaybe az1 is the new az220:04
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clarkbI am going to start trying concurrent builds shortly20:06
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sdagueis out of commission?20:09
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fungidoesn't seem so. system load and memory utilization are relatively nominal20:12
sdaguehmmm... ok. Well I'm connecting from public wifi, so maybe it's just silly20:13
sdagueoh, it finally connected20:13
clarkbfungi: region-b and az3 are done now20:14
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dhellmannare the issues you're working on related to the long queue waiting for pypy nodes?20:15
fungidhellmann: indirectly, yes20:16
dhellmannfungi: ok, as long as that's not a new problem :-)20:17
fungidhellmann: putting hpcloud back into service shortly after about 24 hours of connectivity issues between it and servers in rackspace20:17
fungidhellmann: so we've been running below 50% of our usual capacity20:17
dhellmannso just a capacity thing, and not that some node types only run in one cloud?20:18
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fungiand starvation is bringing out some corner cases of our node type demand calculations, so we're also doing some retuning there while we have the opportunity20:18
fungidhellmann: right20:18
fungiwe're down ~500 nodes of capacity20:18
dhellmannok, like I said, I knew there were some issues with hpcloud and wanted to make sure that the pypy thing wasn't different20:19
fungidhellmann: yep, related20:19
dhellmannah, neat, I haven't really looked at the nodepool stuff before20:20
fungithat's the change to turn hpcloud back on now that we're seeing the network issues have subsided, but we're also trying to get fresh images there while we're at it since we need those to be able to phase out some keys we're replacing as part of post-heartbleed due dilligence20:21
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dhellmannmight as well clean things up while the azs are offline anyway20:24
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clarkbdown to 2 centos6 images and one bare-preice and one devstack-precise20:32
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Navigate to story details after create complete
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make jenkins proposal jobs use dedicated user.
clarkbfungi: ^ how does that look? I can generate the new key and create the jenkins-proposal service account if it looks good to you20:50
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Navigate to story details after create complete
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clarkbfungi: thoughts on putting hpcloud into use with the exception of the 4 images we are still waiting on?20:53
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fungiclarkb: well, we have images for them, just not as recent20:54
clarkbhpcloud az1 centos6, hpcloud az1 devstack-precise, hpcloud az2 centos6, and hpcloud az2 bare-precise20:54
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clarkbfungi: I think jeblairs change may have affecting things oddly20:56
clarkbwe are running fewer tests now...20:56
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clarkbfungi: re images, I cannot swap out the jenkins key until after all slave images have the new key20:56
clarkbthose 4 above don't have the new key yet20:56
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fungiclarkb: right, it's a question of whether you want to hold off using part of hpcloud and rotate the keys early, or keep trying to get those last few images20:58
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fungiclarkb: one option would be to just delete the handful of old images for those so that we won't get broken nodes and nodepool will keep retrying to make new images in the meantime20:58
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clarkbyeah I had considered that but that may leave that az out of commission for a very long time depending on how this goes20:59
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Adds metadata to story detail page
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Adds metadata to story detail page
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fungiclarkb: what are the odds that nodepoold is gauging the demand for devstack-precise nodes as low because it's seeing all the dsvm jobs in the check pipeline as wanting the devstack-precise-check label?21:02
clarkbmaybe it is doing that? I wouldn't expect it to since it doesn't know about the check label anymore right?21:03
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tjonesim trying to ./ on a mac.  it's always dying on EnvironmentError: mysql_config not found.  do you think i need to install all of mysql to get this working?  or is there a subset?21:04
clarkbtjones: I would use tox21:04
tjonesclarkb: not make ;-)21:04
clarkbtjones: right not yet. Tox is still the thing21:04
clarkbwould require a lot of work to stop using tox21:04
tjonesclarkb: ok i'll give that a shot.  thanks21:05
clarkbtjones: and you should only need mysqlclient libs for unittests21:05
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tjonesclarkb: can you remind me which version of tox?21:06
tjones1.6.1 or something?21:06
fungiclarkb: perhaps the main loop is doing nothing now because of that keyerror exception21:06
clarkbtjones: yes that is the version21:06
clarkbfungi: that would explain it, I guess we can't remove labels without a restart?21:07
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fungiclarkb: starting to look that way21:07
fungitime to add a story21:07
sdaguetjones: you still need mysql_config today21:07
clarkbhpcloud az2 bare-precise is built now21:07
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tjonessdague: can you point me to which package contains mysql_config?21:08
sdagueon a mac, no idea :)21:08
sdagueit's whatever has the development headers21:09
tjoneson ubuntu (may be the same)21:09
sdaguethe mysql driver needs to be compiled21:09
mordredmorning clarkb21:09
clarkbmordred: morning21:09
tjonessdague: i'll ask google ;-)21:09
sdaguetjones: libmysqlclient-dev on ubuntu21:09
NobodyCamtjones: you prob have the file just looking in the wrong place21:10
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clarkbfungi: may as well add the key back for now?21:10
tjonesNobodyCam: i was trying to avoid installing all of mysql21:10
* NobodyCam thinks thats how I fixed.. but I agree with clarkb I run tox21:10
tjonesNobodyCam: limited download from where i am21:10
krotscheckfungi: I should add carriage return support, shouldn’t i....21:11
fungikrotscheck: meh, i like the one huge paragraph look... ;)21:12
fungiclarkb: i was just going to restart nodepool again since it's doing nearly nothing now anyway21:12
fungiclarkb: objections?21:12
clarkbfungi: that works too21:12
clarkbgo for it21:12
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make jenkins proposal jobs use dedicated user.
clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ that makes the new proposal bot account slightly better documented21:15
clarkbif you guys are happy with that name, email address, and username I will create that user and merge the change21:15
fungiclarkb: lgtm21:16
mordredclarkb: looks good - why review@o.o ?21:16
mordred(_much_ clearer to have it split out with its own name)21:17
clarkbmordred: because that address actually has an MX that cares about it21:17
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clarkbmordred: I can use the address too21:18
clarkbmordred: open to ideas here21:18
fungithe ml doesn't seem like a bad choice there21:19
mordredI wish we ran o.o email (not really, but a little bit) so that we could add mail aliases in commits like this where we're adding system accoutn things21:20
clarkbfungi: mordred ok I will switch it to he list address21:20
mordredproposal-bot@o.o would be nice - but not sure it's worth the effort21:20
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mordredclarkb: honestly, I think I'm fine with review@o.o - either way really21:20
clarkbthe list is a bit more clear I think21:20
fungiif we really wanted we could puppet lists.o.o:/etc/aliases lines21:20
fungiand make infra.o.o a cname to it and add it as a local domain name in exim21:21
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fungithen would just dump to openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org21:22
fungior something along those lines21:22
mordredfungi: I was just thinking a similar thing - but we probably don't have to do that today :)21:22
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make jenkins proposal jobs use dedicated user.
clarkbthere, I have added the hiera keys to hiera so you can approve at will21:23
clarkbI still need to create the account though21:23
clarkbbut wanted consensus on the details before doing that21:23
fungimordred: *i* am almost certainly not going to do that today. it's about time for me to stop working and start packing for the next two weeks of internetlessness21:23
clarkbfungi: how is nodepool doing?21:23
fungiclarkb: graceful restart is going to have to be aborted i think21:24
fungii'll make a quick list of remaining nodes between killing and starting, then delete those in an hour or so once i'm sure they're no longer busy21:24
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fungiokay, nodepoold is running again now21:26
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clarkbfungi: mordred: so current account details good? I will create the account if so21:27
fungias for hpcloud, my two scratch instances there looped redownloading the pbr tarball a combined ~20,000 times in a row without a single failure21:28
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mordredclarkb: ++21:29
fungiclarkb: e-mail change lgtm21:29
clarkbaz1 and az2 are missing centos6 images, otherwise all images are up to date21:29
mordredfungi: ooh. so hp is fixed?21:29
clarkbI have 2 concurrent builds going for each to hopefully pseed things along21:29
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fixed display of user-entered whitespace.
krotscheckclarkb, fungi: ^^21:29
fungimordred: as of a couple hours ago when i returned from lunch, the communication issues have magically cleared up21:29
clarkbok creating new account now21:30
fungikrotscheck: that was quick!21:30
krotscheckEasy repro, easy fix.21:30
fungikrotscheck: i even thought about entering a story for that, but hadn't gotten around to doing so yet ;)21:30
mordredkrotscheck: w00t21:30
krotscheckI also happened to be digging into that part of the code at the time, so everything was set up :)21:30
krotscheckThough, well, the queue’s a bit wonky21:30
clarkbfungi: mordred: when I create propsal bot via the ssh command line which group should it go in?21:30
fungiwhite-space: pre-wrap21:31
fungithere's the magic beans21:31
mordredkrotscheck: so, how hard would it be to also get it to display urls in comments as links? am I getting ahead of myself?21:31
clarkbNon-interactive users?21:31
mordredclarkb: yeah, I thin kso21:31
clarkbor continuous integration tools?21:31
krotscheckmordred: That requires rather more sophisticated HTML parsing.21:31
clarkbI think we want non interactive21:31
krotscheckSo, maybe 15 minutes?21:31
clarkbso that this doesn't get special privs that jenkins/zuul would get via group membership21:31
clarkbthat sound right?21:31
mordredclarkb: yeah - non-interactive21:32
krotscheckmordred: That’s actually a bigger question, because right now the form fields are click-to-edit, which I don’t think is going to fly if we want different sections of the text be clickable.21:32
mordredkrotscheck: that is an excellent point21:32
fungiclarkb: hrm... i think so. checking the all-projects acl now21:32
krotscheckI suspect that click-to-edit is less useful than having links in descriptions.21:32
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fungikrotscheck: ctrl-meta-cokebottle-click-to-edit21:33
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fungi"ease of use!"21:33
mordredfungi: M-x edit-field21:33
mordredkrotscheck: can we add an embedded emacs?21:33
krotscheckmordred: only if we can embed storyboard in emacs.21:34
mordredfungi: and will let me go clean up the db, btw21:34
mordredkrotscheck: I _have_ written an emacs major mode before ... it may have been a few years though21:34
krotscheckIt’s emacs, all the way down.21:35
fungiclarkb: yeah, "Non-Interactive Users" looks safe since we just need a registered user for this anyway21:35
clarkbyup creating user now21:35
fungiclarkb: it seems to have no special rights at all in all-projects21:35
mordredkrotscheck: now if only emacs could deploy emacs on bare metal...21:36
* mordred shuts up21:36
clarkbfungi: ya I think it is a collection point for service accounts that don't need special rights21:36
* krotscheck lights the devananda signal!21:36
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clarkbok user is created21:38
clarkbmordred: I have evil working in emacs now as my emergency editor21:38
clarkbI am going to approve the puppet change21:38
fungiclarkb: so it's worse than that... jenkins node labels which nodepool doesn't know about cause that error, restart or not21:39
clarkbbecause they are in geard?21:39
fungiclarkb: in short, it's still throwing that error after the restart21:39
clarkb:( I guess we add the label back?21:39
fungiand continuing to do nothing21:39
fungiyep, reverting that part of the change21:39
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clarkbare you going to do it in place or propose a change?21:41
fungiclarkb: both21:41
clarkbif in place we can add in all but az1/2 centos6 to the label list21:41
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fungiclarkb: in that case should i amend 87014 with those tweaks instead?21:42
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clarkbfungi: sure21:42
fungithat way we don't have to stop puppet agent on nodepool and then have people forget it's stopped21:43
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reenable hpcloud in nodepool
zarofungi: gerrit 2.8.4 was just released.  what is your preference on picking this one?21:50
zarofungi: i mean how should we update our current 2.8.3 fork with 2.8.4?  A few of our changes have already merged in our gerrit-2.8.3 fork.21:51
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fungizaro: we should probably port forward to 2.8.4 before we upgrade our production systems, so as to reduce the delta of patches we're carrying21:53
fungizaro: though clarkb/mordred/jeblair will have to help with that... i'm about to vanish in an unreachable way until the upgrade week21:54
fungizaro: and if we do end up only upgrading to 2.8.3+morepatches because of lack of manpower/testing for 2.8.4, it's probably not the end of the world21:55
fungigrar stray whitespace in my new patchset. fixing21:56
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reenable hpcloud in nodepool
zarofungi: ok. that's what i thought.  thanks.21:57
fungiclarkb: if 87014 lgty i'll go ahead and pull it from a puppet dev env onto nodepool.o.o21:58
fungioh, apparently needs a rebase21:59
clarkbfungi: +2 otherwise21:59
fungior not--my dev env needed a reset ;)22:00
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bump OS_TEST_TIMEOUT for ironic-virtual d-s-g
clarkb/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/timeout.rb:64:in `rbuf_fill': execution expired (Timeout::Error) is what is plaguing centos6 btw22:06
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clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred fyi I am going to have my eyeball(s) looked at again on Monday morning PST. They will probably be dilated again and I won't be useful until the afternoon22:07
fungiclarkb: i think that is the facter trying to access the metadata server issue22:07
clarkbfungi: ah good to know22:07
fungiclarkb: though i could be wrong, i believe it manifested as a ruby execution timeout22:08
clarkbyeah because facter sees the ec2 stuff and tries to get it22:08
fungiin happier news, nodepool's debug logs look MUCH healthier22:08
devanandakrotscheck: ??22:09
devanandakrotscheck: ooh. no. it should be vim.22:10
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Reenable hpcloud in nodepool
fungiand things ^ are being tested/merged once more!22:11
fungidevananda: agreed, we already have an operating system anyway22:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Mark projects that use storyboard
krotscheckfungi: I hope you’re talking about AmigaDOS. Because nothing else comes close.22:11
fungikrotscheck: vax/vms 4evar!22:12
krotscheckIf my scotch is older than your operating system, I’m not interested.22:12
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fungikrotscheck: Initial release October 25, 1977; 36 years ago22:14
fungikrotscheck: sounds like it would make some mighty good scotch!22:14
krotscheckWow, it’s almost as old as I am!22:15
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fungiamigaos (of which amigados was a part) is only 28 years old, but would still be pretty darn tasty22:16
nibalizerare we gonna get openstack running on a PDP11 next?22:17
funginibalizer: that's what hp has decided on for the new new new project moonshot, didn't you hear?22:17
nibalizeromg yess22:17
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Only create projects we ask for
fungiarm and atom are so last quarter/fiscal year22:18
funginibalizer: on the other hand, if they retarget it to pdp-10, then you could run it on a toad too22:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Hard delete for auth stuff
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Logging configuration improvement
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fungipuppet is running again on nodepool.o.o22:26
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: make contactstore option overridable
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mordredkrotscheck, fungi, clarkb: double check me here:
fungimordred: i personally know of no others we're using it for yet22:39
mordredfungi: does the sql seem reasonable?22:40
krotscheck…seeems ok.22:40
fungimordred: i'm not really up on the storyboard schema, but syntax looks reasonable22:40
krotscheckWe may want to purge all stories that have no tasks?22:40
clarkbI don't know storyboard'd schema but that list of projects looks good22:40
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mordredkrotscheck: hrm. those are possible?22:41
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krotscheckmordred: Yup. As per the meeting on monday, we’re allowing hard deletion of tasks. That means we can theoretically have a story whose tasks have all been deleted.22:47
mordredkrotscheck: so then we _shouldn't delete task-less stories22:48
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mordredI'm running the queries - I've taken a db backup in case I'm doing something terrible22:48
mordredkrotscheck: ok. done22:50
mordredthe db is now clean22:50
mordredand I've re-run load_projects by hand just to make sure we didn't grow them again22:51
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fungii guess the only new project patch proposed this week is jeblair's 86627 for stackforge/python-jenkins23:00
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fungithough we do still need to run manage-projects to catch acl changes which were made over the course of the week (i forget which ones they were)23:00
krotscheckmordred: Awesome. Looks good23:00
fungianybody have opinions on whether we should merge 86627 and/or run manage-projects?23:01
clarkbfungi: might be good to save that for after mordred is done23:02
fungiclarkb: agreed23:02
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mordredfungi, clarkb: I wouldn't mind using that as a test-case for some things ...23:25
clarkbyeah we can hold off on it for now23:25
mordredkrotscheck: has there been any discussion aroudn the possibility of making urls operate on names too?23:26
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krotscheckOh, you mean having the URL be human readable rather than an ID?23:26
mordredkrotscheck: like, it would be neat if:!/project/668/stories was also reachable by!/project/openstack-infra/nodepool/stories23:26
mordredso that I can type them from memory :)23:26
mordredor infer them23:26
mordredI have no idea how hard/involved that woudl be or what the ramifications are23:27
mordred!/story/63 seems fine - I dont' expect to ever want to express that any other way23:27
krotscheckWe started there, actually - the issue was that we ended up with name conflicts.23:27
mordredon the projects urls?23:27
NobodyCamfungi: did I see that use just rebuilt the bm nodes? I'm really strange  ssh errors
krotscheckAnd, quite frankly, if you’re having to resort to direct URL modification to navigate storyboard, then the UI has failed.23:28
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Enable log analysis for Ironic
clarkbNobodyCam: I rebuilt teh tripleo precise image today23:29
NobodyCamgah... s/I'm really strange/I'm SEEING really strange/23:29
clarkband we have added a second key to authorized_keys for the jenkins user23:29
clarkbwhat are the details on that particular ssh connection and why does it insist on trying over and over?23:30
krotscheckmordred: It’s basically the same as reaching for google maps because highway signage sucks. Better ways of navigating make secondary workarounds unecessary.23:30
clarkbNobodyCam: that looks like the seed node isn't starting ssh?23:30
clarkband not actually something related to the host slave?23:30
NobodyCamack just saw the errors, didn't recall see ehis error b4 ... thought I'd check23:31
mordredkrotscheck: indeed to taht - I think my  main usecase tends to be giving people references to lists of things in slides, irc or emails23:34
mordredlike "look at the zuul bugs at" (as a for instance)23:34
fungikrotscheck: i'm not entirely convinced of that argument. for me the primary ui entrypoint is my web browser, not a specific web page where i click things to find the things i want. being able to see in my url tab completion which url was the one to the bugs for a given project is helpful23:34
fungibased on prior navigation history23:34
krotscheckI can buy that.23:35
fungibrowser bookmarks are so 1995 ;)23:35
mordredwait - your browser supports bookmarks?23:35
* mordred surfs the web with curl and vi23:35
fungiand tab-completing the url to the thing i want saves me additional interaction23:35
NobodyCamlynx command line browser all the way23:36
NobodyCamcurl and vi tooo much work :-p23:36
fungianyway, just a use case anecdote. i don't feel so strongly that i think it should be prioritized in any way23:36
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mordredgerrit certainly does not have a url scheme like that - I _do_ tend to bookmark searches there23:37
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fungithe browser plug-in i use for mouseless interaction implements keyword-based autosearching through my url history, so with a couple keywords on the browser command line i actually quite easily get to prior gerrit searches i've performed23:38
clarkbmordred: any chance you can poke people about metadata servers not being reliable particularly on centos6 images?23:39
mordredclarkb: I can try?23:39
clarkbmordred: fwiw I tried before23:39
fungifor example, i found the list of new projects for this week not by typing a query into the gerrit search box, but just by typing new-project into the command line of the browser and it was the first result in my history23:40
NobodyCamclarkb: will thoses test time out? the code does not look like it will.23:41
clarkbNobodyCam: eventually it will23:41
clarkbNobodyCam: your code really should give up after a couple hundred attempts :P23:42
clarkbmaybe even after 1 attempt23:42
clarkbsince permissions denied probably won't change23:42
NobodyCamack will put a patch to time out23:43
mordredclarkb: permissions denied might change23:43
clarkbNobodyCam: actually, there may be a race between ssh keys being put in place by whatever injection mechanism you are usign and you starting ssh23:43
mordredyeah. that23:44
clarkbmordred: yeah I just realized that nodepool runs into that too23:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add nova-specs
clarkbNobodyCam: so a timer would be good23:44
clarkbNobodyCam: iirc we have a 120second timer on nodepool23:44
clarkbbut it is configurable pre cloud23:44
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fixed display of user-entered whitespace.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add qa-specs to tracked projects
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