Wednesday, 2014-04-23

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zaroclarkb: gerrit fails when building on HP VMs.  i'm wordering if it might be difference in java version?00:12
zarojava version "1.7.0_51"00:12
zaroOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea 2.4.4) (7u51-2.4.4-0ubuntu0.12.04.2)00:12
zaroOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode)00:12
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zaroclarkb: anyways you can check on the rax VMs?00:12
clarkbnot right now I am not on laptop anymore00:13
zarowha, huh?  you must be joking :)00:14
clarkbthey should all be up to date precise though00:16
jeblairzaro: i'll check00:18
zarojeblair: ohh, cool.  my VM is..00:18
jeblairzaro: which rax region specifically did it fail in?  dfw, ord or iad?00:18
jeblairzaro: the info you supplied exactly matches the output on a bare-precise node in rax-dfw00:20
zarosorry had some snaffu with my keyboard.00:20
jeblairoh, sorry i got the success/fail backwards (i see you said it fails on hp, so rax must have succeeded)  but that doesn't change the results00:21
zaroyes, that is correct. tests pass on rax.00:21
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zarohmm.  do you have any ideas?00:21
jeblairzaro: nope.  those 4 changes are identical to the ones we already had, right?00:23
jeblairzaro: i say we bash them in and figure it out later00:24
zarojeblair: ohh wait, looks like it's passing on my 2nd attempt at running.00:24
zarojeblair: yep, must be some timing thing.  but does seem pretty reproducable on hp VMs only as 3 out of the 4 patches failed on review.o.o00:25
jeblairzaro: i've approved them all; feel free to recheck as needed to get them in00:25
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zarojeblair: ok.  i'll try rerunning a few more times to see if something obvious rears it's head.00:27
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tchaypodstufft: do you remember my pip patch to be case-insensitive when using a file:/// index-url?00:29
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tchaypodstufft: I've been looking at writing a test for my patch... and I've realised that there's a test that seems like it should exercise the right code and demonstrate the bug - except that the test uses "--no-index -f file:///blah" rather than "--index-url file:///blah"00:30
dstuffttchaypo: --find-links and --index-url are two slightly different code paths00:31
dstufftthough if I recall00:31
dstufftit shouldn't matter for what you're doing00:31
tchayposo if I start writing a test that exercise "--index-url file:///" instead of "--no-index -f file:///", that's likely to be useful and not just be met with "But you should just use --no-index -f file:///"?00:33
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update gerrit core branch
dstuffttchaypo: yea00:35
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tchaypocool, I'll try to get that done this morning then.00:39
dstuffttchaypo: if I don't notice things just keep poking me, I had like 30 threads going at any one time and lately i've been having a hard time keeping track of them all00:40
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tchaypodstufft: fwiw, I was busy on other things last week, then i had a 4-day weekend - I haven't been waiting for you :)00:46
anteayatchaypo: did you vote?00:49
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anteayasome people who were away for 4 days might not have voted yet00:49
tchaypoanteaya: ptl yes, tc no00:49
StevenKI took ~ 30 minutes yesterday and did my tc vote00:49
anteayafind thou thee tc ballot and be sure to vote before friday at 1300 utc00:49
StevenKRe-read all platforms, etc00:49
anteayaStevenK: woohoo00:49
anteayawell done00:50
anteayait is a time commitment00:50
tchaypoI don't know I feel like I don't know enough of the people to make a useful vote00:50
anteayatchaypo: they have candidate platforms00:50
StevenKtchaypo: So do what I did, and read the platforms00:50
tchaypobut maybe reading the platforms would help fill the void..00:50
anteayatchaypo: and all candidates are available for questions00:51
anteayaso find them on the ml or irc and ask them about their platform00:51
anteayaand please vote00:52
* tchaypo opens a tab00:53
clarkbI did my best to read platforms as people declared their candidacy00:53
clarkbspread the work out00:53
* anteaya nods00:54
anteayathat helps00:54
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dstuffttchaypo: that's good :) Just wanted to let you know that if you get blocked on me just keep botering me00:55
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tchaypodstufft: one question - I'm going to be writing some new tests that fail without my commit but pass with it. Should I do anything to show the output before my patch?01:01
dstuffttchaypo: nah01:01
dstufftwe mostly trust that the tests fail without the patch01:01
dstufftunless it looks wonky01:01
dstufftthen maybe we'll pull it down and test it01:01
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anteayazaro: my patch merged:
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anteayaapparently I submitted it to stable 2.8 and the patch was abandoned and then applied to stable 2.901:25
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anteayaso I guess I can add Gerrit upstream committer to my bio now01:26
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morganfainberganteaya, gratz!01:39
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create groups-static-pages project
SergeyLukjanovmorning folks02:08
clarkbI am pretty sure SergeyLukjanov is another North Carolinian robot that doesn't need sleep02:11
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, nope, I need some02:12
clarkba lot less than I need :)02:12
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, just need to finish something before the trip :)02:13
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, I'm feeling like /me will have afternoon sleeping time today :)02:13
clarkbah yes the fabled nap02:13
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asalkeld_can anyone have a moment to look at this?
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add solum-dashboard (horizon plugin for Solum)
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clarkbjhesketh: I just approved but I did leave some comments inline for things that may need improving03:04
clarkbjhesketh: but at this point I think it is more important to actually start doing the thing than nitpick over little details03:04
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clarkbjhesketh: curious about what you think of those comments though03:04
jheskethclarkb: thanks03:04
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jheskethI'll take a look03:05
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jheskethclarkb: responded03:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a slave-script to Jenkins for pushing to swift
clarkbjhesketh: doesn't file_list = file_list[:payload['max_file_count']] take the first half of the list?03:11
jheskethah, yes :-(03:11
jheskethokay, well, ignore those comments then :-p03:12
clarkbin any case I think that is a small problem and it is more important to start using swift03:12
clarkbwe can sort out these little things as we use it03:12
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add puppet-storyboard as a unique project
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nibalizer /win 9003:21
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Longgeek- -~03:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1306967 in openstack-ci "thstack-ci service account" [Undecided,New]03:39
LonggeekFor ninth days, without any feedback。03:40
clarkbLonggeek: we have been pretty swamped with heartbleed and gerrit upgrades03:41
LonggeekWell, so can I know the schedule, what's time "thstack-ci" can be integrated in third party testing?03:46
clarkbwe don't have one03:46
clarkbI can certainly try to do it tomorrow if more important things don't come up03:46
clarkbbut I am still trying to dig out of the review hole03:47
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LonggeekThanks so much, if any good news you have, let me know quickly, please.          thanks agian.03:49
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nibalizerhi, what am i doing wrong here:
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clarkbnibalizer: looks like it wored03:57
clarkbnibalizer: was there a particular thing that is wrong?03:58
nibalizeroh maybe i wasn't patient enough03:58
nibalizeroh haha!03:58
nibalizerya i thought jenkins was ignoring me03:58
nibalizerwoot clarkb++03:58
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ryanpetrelloanybody active in here this time of night/morning?05:37
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openstackgerritMathew Odden proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create bash8 project in openstack-dev
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clarkbryanpetrello: I think it is morning for SergeyLukjanov05:38
ryanpetrelloclarkb: think I actually figured it out05:38
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openstackgerritPavel Sedlák proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix recursion depth error cause by Git-remotes
openstackgerritPavel Sedlák proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix recursion depth error caused by Git-remotes
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-cli job
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openstackgerritIlya Sviridov proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Added MagnetoDB project
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SergeyLukjanovryanpetrello, yep, it's 2:22 pm for me10:22
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, could you please take a look at when you have some time10:25
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openstackgerritAlexei Kornienko proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Added argcomplete requirement
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: looking10:42
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: is the backwards compat stuff still needed in master?10:42
SergeyLukjanovsdague, yup, patch is on review for enabling common auth configs10:43
SergeyLukjanovsdague, so, after merging it, I'll propose removal of backward compat10:43
SergeyLukjanovsdague, thx!10:43
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Introducing the event timeline
SergeyLukjanov(I'll propose removal right now to not forget to do it :) )10:43
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: any idea what's up with nodepool?10:52
sdaguewe go stupid again with allocating nodes?10:53
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, /me looking10:55
SergeyLukjanovsdague, what's wrong?10:56
sdaguetop of gate is waiting on nodes, all of them10:56
sdaguecheck queue is huge for this hour of the day10:56
SergeyLukjanovheh, my internet is too slow to download status.json, still waiting :)10:57
sdagueincluding top of check being a qa-specs job which has been waiting for 4 hrs to get a docs node10:57
SergeyLukjanovoh, yeah... I see10:58
sdagueyou can see in the zuul events queue something happened at 6am UTC10:59
SergeyLukjanovsdague, mmm, periodic jobs?11:00
sdaguewe've never recovered since11:00
SergeyLukjanovsdague, or terrorists...11:00
sdaguealso tripleo cloud looks offline again11:00
sdaguebut currently we've got 10 changes in the gate that could merge, except top of gate is busted11:01
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, yup, triplo cloud looks dead11:02
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, on the other hand we have about 300-400 slaves in use due to the charts11:02
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, jenkins looks good - jobs are running https://jenkins05.openstack.org11:03
sdagueyeh, I get concerned when the check queue isn't getting processed in order though11:04
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, both check and gate have the same priority IIRC11:06
sdagueyeh, that's not my issue :)11:06
sdaguemy issue is really old things in check queue getting ignored11:06
sdaguei.e. it not acting like a queue11:06
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, yeah, I understand you, just noticing aloud11:07
SergeyLukjanovthat's really strange that it's not action like a queue11:07
sdagueI think it just is zuul being broken11:09
sdaguemy experience is that if it loses track of a change, it's done11:09
sdagueI'm kicking out the taskflow change now for that reason11:09
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rediskinSergeyLukjanov sdague fungi I added some README about gate stuff. could you pls take a look?
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add check-rally-dsvm-glance job
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SergeyLukjanovXenServer CI posting -1s again -
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AJaegerHI infra team. Are you aware that the  gate is not working at all?12:22
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AJaegerreading eavesdrop, you seem to be aware of the issue ;)12:26
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openstackgerritVladislav Kuzmin proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Correction logic for work with new KVM/QEMU provider manager
openstackgerritVladislav Kuzmin proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add initial layer for work with KVM/QEMU hosts
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YorikSarsdague, SergeyLukjanov: mb it's a good time to upgrade Zuul? :)12:50
anteayaYorikSar: zuul and nodepool are having issues right now12:53
anteayawe are waiting for jeblair to come online to hear his thoughts12:53
YorikSaranteaya: I get it. That's why I think noone will notice Zuul restart12:54
anteayait is possible he might decide to restart zuul, but i don't know12:54
* anteaya nods12:54
anteayawe will have to wait to hear jim's thoughts12:54
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anteayaI'm guessing we dropped from 800 to 600 nodes because we ran out of quota in a region13:30
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, yup, it's possible I think13:30
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anteayathiagop: you got your issue from yesterday resolved?13:53
thiagopanteaya: yeah, suddenly the tests passed on a (third) recheck13:54
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anteayathiagop: odd13:55
anteayabut I am glad they passed13:55
thiagopanteaya: isn't it?!13:55
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anteayathiagop: do you know how to search for or file a bug if it happens again?13:57
thiagopanteaya: no13:58
anteayalet's remedy that13:58
anteayawhat project to you contribute to mostly?13:58
thiagopanteaya: please! :)13:58
thiagopmostly Horizon and Keystone13:59
anteayalog into launchpad.net13:59
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anteayasearch for either openstack horizon or openstack keystone13:59
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anteayaat the top of the project page, find the bugs button14:00
anteayawhich takes you to the bugs filed against that project14:00
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anteayatell me when you are there14:00
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mroddeneven xenserver ci likes the idea of a new bash8 project...
anteayamrodden: awesome14:03
mroddenwondering why it picked up that patchset14:03
thiagopanteaya: Ok, found it14:04
mroddenthey must want to test -infra/config for some reason?14:04
anteayaI guess, BobBall would have more to say about that14:04
anteayathiagop: well done14:04
anteayanext find your logs from your failures yesterday14:04
anteayafind the error message, or a keyword from it and search the bugs for that keyword14:05
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thiagopanteaya: search for "volume not attached"14:08
thiagopseveral results14:08
thiagopI'll see if something is related14:08
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Setup jobs and hooks for Murano docs
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jeblairhi there14:24
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Added MagnetoDB project
anteayahey jeblair14:25
jeblairthe flat lines on the nodepool graph don't look good14:25
anteayaeverything appears stuck14:26
jeblairnodepool is running and jobs are completing though14:26
jeblairthere is a problem with hpcloud region b14:26
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jeblairi'm not sure that explains the flat lines though14:26
BobBallAwaymrodden, anteaya: it's because I made a mistake :D14:27
anteayaBobBallAway: okay14:27
anteayaglad your system liked the patch though14:27
BobBallAwaywe love it.14:27
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anteayaBobBallAway: you have voted in the tc election, right?14:28
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anteayaBobBallAway: can you convince some fellow contributors to vote too?14:28
BobBallAwayOf course I have :) And spread the word.14:28
BobBallAwayI guess voting rates are low?14:28
anteayathank you so much14:28
anteayawe have expanded significantly14:29
mroddenits open to all ATCs?14:29
anteayawe would like to get the percentage up14:29
anteayayes 1500+14:29
anteayaso lots of votes but we need the percentage14:29
BobBallAwayAm I allowed to ask how many have voted so far? just for my curiosity14:29
anteayaso talk it up, and thank you14:29
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jeblairi'm starting to think the flat lines are graphite related14:30
anteayawe would like to be over 30%, so we are getting there14:30
BobBallAwayAh... That's not ideal.14:30
anteayajeblair: that would be interesting14:30
BobBallAwayIndeed.  I'll prompt a few people just to make sure they have voted14:30
anteayaBobBallAway: yeah, we need more participation14:30
anteayaBobBallAway: thank you14:30
anteayaBobBallAway: if anyone you talk to has questions or concerns tell them to find me14:31
anteayaI want to help them14:31
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jeblairokay, i think nodepool was rebooted because of the memory leak/swap issue, and for some reason didn't start sending data to graphite14:32
jeblairi will restart nodepool14:32
jeblairthat should be fixed now14:32
BobBallAwayhow do you guys manage nodepool btw jeblair? I run it as a daemon but each time I restart it I have to remove the pid file which is frustrating...14:32
jeblairnow, for the hpcloud region b problem, which anteaya correctly surmised is responsible for the 200 count node drop...14:33
jeblairBobBallAway: if you can fix that, that would be great.  :)14:33
jeblairOverLimit: Maximum number of ports exceeded (HTTP 413) (Request-ID: req-1915fd0f-6d38-4e7e-9713-edc68bfbd3f8)14:33
jeblairthat ^ is what we're getting from hpcloud region b.  that one is new to me.14:34
BobBallAwayhahah ;)14:34
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anteayajeblair: wonderful14:38
jeblairi think we're going to have to open a ticket with hpcloud about that14:38
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, morning14:48
AaronGrCan someone tell me what raid level infra uses for it's permanent servers? (static.o.o in particular)14:50
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mroddenover 900014:50
BobBallAwayraid 9000 wow14:51
mroddensorry, couldn't resist, i dont actually know14:51
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jeblairAaronGr: we use rackspace cinder on static14:51
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Pass pngcrush on status png files
AaronGrjeblair: as standalone volumes, or part of an mdraid?14:52
jeblairAaronGr: lvm concat.  i believe rax backs them with some kind of raid, but am unsure as to level.14:53
jeblairAaronGr: they use raid1014:54
AaronGrok, nice. thank you :)14:54
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jeblairthey have a faq now, which actually recommends using software raid1 in case their controllers fail14:56
mordredoh - wow14:56
jeblairrefreshingly realistic advice :)14:56
jeblairbut anyway, if we lose all the log data because of a catastrophic event: meh.14:57
mordreddo they have anti-affinity rules for provisioning cinder volumes?14:57
pleia2good morning14:57
jeblairmordred: very good question14:57
mordredbecause that raid1 isn't going to help if both volumes are from the same phyiscal raid controller :)14:57
jeblairpleia2: morning14:58
mroddenmordred: darn you and your logic14:58
mordredAaronGr: other than static, we're just using the normal filesystems on the cloud servers14:58
AaronGrmordred: thanks, perfect.14:58
mroddenif they use cinder, it would be there with the schedule hints/anti collocation scheduler14:58
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mroddenfilter... thing14:59
mordredmrodden: cool14:59
jeblairmordred: we did start using cinder on graphite.  we have 0.95TB of data there14:59
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Reduce IAD usage by 50%"
jeblairmordred: ^ self approved15:01
mordredjeblair: you know, when we make the new review.o.o - maybe we shoudl think about a raid1 cinder volume pair for /home/gerrit2 - not because we cant' recover from a failure - but because recovering from a failure would be very boring15:02
mordredjeblair: ++15:02
jeblairmordred: we do back it up15:02
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lxsliHiya, the gate seems stuck - anything happening about that please?15:04
jeblairmordred: we're getting interesting errors from hpcloud region b; how should we communicate that to the hpcloud region b folks?15:05
mordredjeblair: oh - well, that looks like a neutron quota issue15:06
mordredI wonder if we're leaking something15:06
mordredor if they are15:07
jeblairmordred: i don't think we do anything with neutron explicitly15:07
mordredjeblair: let me poke for 3 seconds, and then I can file a ticket15:08
jeblairmordred: cool15:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Filter non public fields for user list
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Delete endpoint removed for Projects
anteayamorning pleia215:12
anteayalxsli: much is happening about that15:13
anteayaI need to read backscroll to know the current status15:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Exclusion plugin
jeblairit's clearly not actually stuck ^.15:15
lxslianteaya: OK thanks, I'll butt out!15:15
anteayalxsli: no, no worries15:16
jeblairjust slow since we are running at 65% of capacity15:16
anteayaso jeblair restarted nodepool, we lost 200 nodes due to some error in hp region b, which mordred is looking at, and jeblair just increased our capacity with rax iad15:16
anteayalxsli: ^15:17
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hasharcould the OpenStack foundation maintain its own cloud of machines instead of relying on third parties? (sorry if that sounds stupid)15:18
lxslithat's great thanks15:18
anteayalxsli: np15:18
jeblairhashar: the foundation isn't really staffed at a level to do that, however, the project, in the form of the tripleo program, is doing something similar15:18
hasharwe could run a banner to get you some donations so you hire moaar people :]15:19
jeblairhashar: the tripleo program operates a CD openstack cloud with two regions which provides the nodes for the 'tripleo' pipelines in zuul15:19
mordredhashar: we'd rather the foundation not hire more people and instead have folks pony up regions into the tripleo cloud I think15:20
jeblairit should be able to provide nodes for regular jobs eventually, but it's not there yet (i believe it's offline right now)15:20
jeblairmordred: ++15:20
hasharthe tripleO cloud being a cloud you administer but build on top of 3rd parties clouds is it?15:20
jeblairhashar: no it's on real hardware15:20
jeblair(but 3rd parties hardware, yes)15:21
openstackgerritThomas Herve proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix gate-heat-templates-dsvm shell script
hasharso tripleO would be unifying all the hardware material provided to you ?15:22
jeblairhashar: i believe they allocate a bunch of machines and give remote admin capability to the tripleo admin team, then they run tripleo on it to bring up openstack15:22
thervejeblair, SergeyLukjanov : As you were kind enough to review my previous attempt ^^15:22
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jeblairhashar: basically, yes -- they take raw hardware in random places and turn it into a region of a cloud that the ci system can consume15:22
hashardoes it let you administrate the triple0 over cloud  without requiring additional rights from third parties?15:23
hasharI should get in touch with tripleo folks :D15:24
jeblairhashar: they admin the overcloud and the undercloud15:24
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jeblairhashar: they are in #tripleo also many of them are here15:25
hasharyeah i joined a while back. I should follow up there maybe.  Thanks!15:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Navigate to story details after create complete
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ruheis it expected to have XenServer comments on changes in openstack-infra/config?15:33
jeblairruhe: link?15:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Adds metadata to story detail page
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jeblairanteaya: do you know who runs that ^?15:34
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Reduce IAD usage by 50%"
jeblairBobBallAway: do you run the xenserver third-party ci?15:35
mordredjeblair: (neutronclient)root@ci-puppetmaster:~# neutron quota-show15:36
BobBallAwayor I mean uhhh depends who's asking and why...15:36
mordred| floatingip          | 600   |15:36
mordred| port                | 70    |15:36
BobBallAwayI was too hasty in accepting responsibility there, wasn't I :D15:37
mordredso - although we have 600 floating ip's of quota, we only have 70 ports of quota :)15:37
jeblairBobBallAway: heh.  it seems to be leaving comments on infra/config patches15:37
BobBallAwayI think I've fixed that - I added the wrong project by mistake, sorry :)15:37
BobBallAwayBut hopefully it didn't fail any of them? :P15:37
jeblairBobBallAway: strangly no!15:37
BobBallAwayah, yes it did...15:38
BobBallAway but there was a second patch so all's good15:38
BobBallAwayah, no, there was a recheck issued15:38
jeblairmordred: how many of those are used?15:38
BobBallAwayBut hopefully it won't do it any more :)15:38
mordredjeblair: 7015:39
mordredjeblair: a port is used for each automatic private 10. address15:39
mordred| f9d6a528-58f3-43f7-b51c-8db05dcfc255 |      | fa:16:3e:0a:a5:24 | {"subnet_id": "790e5c02-abe8-4bc5-b880-40e6b5061460", "ip_address": ""} |15:39
mordredis an example line from "neutron port-list"15:39
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jeblairmordred: nodepool knows about 57 nodes, which seems like more than a margin of error away from 70  :/15:40
jeblairmordred: but there are 10 aliens, so that probably does put it within the margin of error of 7015:41
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mordredjeblair: and actually, it would be 69 - I didn't subtract enough header lines15:44
mordredjeblair: I'm requesting that the port count be increased appropriately15:44
anteayasorry, my mother is here to help me deal with water, so I am here then gone for a bit15:44
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ttxjeblair: weird status for
ttx"Change cannot be merged due to unsatisfiable dependencies."15:45
jeblairthat looks like the special spamaps method of uploading a change with dependencies that aren't in gerrit15:45
* ttx blames SpamapS 15:45
jeblairmordred: do you recall the process for that?15:46
* SpamapS pwns gerrit15:46
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* ttx used to blame everything on SpamapS 15:46
ttxnow I must be selective15:46
mordredjeblair: I don't- just that SpamapS has special powers15:46
SpamapSttx: join the club, my whole family plays that game. ;)15:46
ttxI blame this one on SpamapS15:46
jeblairor maybe SpamapS remembers15:46
jeblairi know you can do it if you push to gerrit without using git-review; i can't recall if there's a way to do it when using git review15:48
SpamapSjeblair: I do, IIRC we had to manually push the deps into gerrit.15:48
jeblair(eg, if you push to refs/changes/foo, it's quite easy)15:48
jeblairbut git-review pushes to refs/for/branch15:49
SpamapSbtw I flipped to this window just before seeing my name because I heard that there are connectivity issues in hpcloud and wondering if they are documented anywhere15:49
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SpamapS(since our HP tripleo test rack is also in an hpcloud DC)15:49
jeblairi'm unaware of connectivity issues15:49
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anteayaSpamapS: this was the error jeblair was getting: OverLimit: Maximum number of ports exceeded (HTTP 413) (Request-ID: req-1915fd0f-6d38-4e7e-9713-edc68bfbd3f8)15:52
jeblairkrotscheck: did you use git-review to upload patch set 3 of
jeblairkrotscheck, ttx: at any rate, the solution is to rebase that patch on patches that are actually in gerrit and upload again15:54
krotscheckjeblair: Yup.15:55
krotscheckI can fix it.15:55
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ttxjeblair: yes, I assumed that much -- just wanted to highlight another occurence, as I know you like to understand what they come from15:55
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SpamapSahh max ports is different, ok15:55
krotscheckGeez, it’s just HTML too :)15:56
jeblairttx: yeah; i'm guessing krotscheck doesn't have the exact command sequence used to upload ps3 still laying around :/15:57
jeblairkrotscheck: ?15:57
krotscheckjeblair: I did have some issues where I accidentally committed the same “Id: dfjkdsafjkladsf” twice15:57
sdaguekrotscheck: if you have some time, I clearly got lost in the woods on - and can't figure out how to get it to run and work. Any thoughts you have would be great.16:00
krotscheckThat seems od16:00
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krotschecksdague: Alright, I’ll look at that next.16:00
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anteayajeblair: not sure what is in your top 5 of things todo right now, I assume figuring out hp region b is somewhere in the top 316:02
jeblairanteaya: nope, mordred is opening a ticket, it's out of my hands16:03
anteayajeblair: whenever you get a chance to let me know which option you would like to take on infra-manuals job templates:
anteayaah okay16:03
jeblairanteaya: my priority, through next monday is the gerrit upgrade16:03
* anteaya nods16:03
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anteayawaiting for sweston to come back online to see where we are with his docs16:03
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anteayahe couldn't get to them last night for internal reasons I dont' fathom16:04
jeblaircool.  i'm trying to figure out what flavor of server to use16:04
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anteayawhat are the options?16:05
jeblairanteaya: then check to see what we're actually using16:05
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mordredticket opened16:05
jeblairi'm thinking we should go with a 30g performance 2 node16:06
anteayaha ha ha16:06
anteayaI was guessing that would be where you wanted it16:06
jeblairit gives us the same vcpu count we have now (though they are faster), so it should be a modest performance gain16:06
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added story status to project story list.
jeblairbut mostly it's the same amount of ram.  we're only using about 10g, but the host seems to make ample use of the remainder for caching16:07
jeblairi think 15g would be enough of a reduction that we would see a performance hit16:07
krotscheckjeblair: I generated a new change ID. Hopefully that’ll work16:08
jeblairkrotscheck: er now you lost the review history16:08
krotscheckIsn’t that tied to the Change ID?16:08
krotscheckMy hypothesis was that it’s the change ID that’s the problem.16:08
jeblairkrotscheck: yes -- which is why you shouldn't change it.  you just needed to rebase it on a change that is in gerrit16:08
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krotscheckjeblair: Alright, let’s try that too16:09
anteayayes, I agree we should be looking at the 30GB flavour at least16:09
anteayajeblair: any case for the 60GB vm?16:09
nibalizerhey guys i'm famous now!
anteayanibalizer: w00t!16:11
anteayasuch a great picture16:12
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jeblairkrotscheck: if you start a new branch from master, then do:16:13
jeblairgit cherry-pick f7161106f34498506694595be2d5399f27c764e116:13
jeblairgit cherry-pick f2b28db72b67d36ba794d8e36e118c8588f1d13116:13
jeblairgit cherry-pick d81c02e29ce1adf1644968f1bd808b7d1cc2ee5016:13
jeblairgit review16:13
krotscheckjeblair: Ya know, I think I’m just going to wait for the other patches to collapse.16:14
nibalizeranteaya: thats my srsbsns face16:14
jeblairkrotscheck: start a new branch from master16:14
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jeblairkrotscheck: git reset --hard f2b28db72b67d36ba794d8e36e118c8588f1d13116:14
jeblairkrotscheck: git cherry-pick d81c02e29ce1adf1644968f1bd808b7d1cc2ee5016:14
jeblairkrotscheck: git review16:14
jeblairkrotscheck: please do that; it's very confusing to reviewers to have multiple versions of patches outstanding in gerrit16:15
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jeblairkrotscheck: and we also like to keep review history intact -- starting a new change for a previously reviewed one hides reviews16:16
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krotscheckjeblair: I’m aware of that.16:16
krotscheckjeblair: I misunderstood your original suggestion on how to fix it.16:16
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jeblairthe most recent suggestion should fix it and not touch the other changes already in gerrit16:17
jeblairanteaya: i don't think we need the extra ram at this point16:17
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wenlocknibalizer, grats, im already sharing the article with others :P16:18
jeblairmordred: so we will need a cinder volume to put ~gerrit2/review_site and the apache mirror16:19
mordredjeblair: oh- well, I guess that solves the conversation from earlier16:20
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jeblairmordred: (i assume we'll need to either bind mount or symlink one or both of those)16:20
jeblairmordred: so do you want to use software raid for it?16:20
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zaroanteaya: congrats on your patch.  but it won't get into our gerrit until you backport that patch to our forked gerrit.16:21
jeblairmordred: i lean toward no -- it's additional complexity and without knowing the anti-affinity answer, i'm not sure it would be worth it; i think i'd rather rely on backups in that case16:21
mordredjeblair: ++16:21
mordredjeblair: why bindmount or symlink?16:21
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jeblairmordred: /home/gerrit2/review_site and /var/lib/git don't share a path root16:21
mordredjeblair: why not just make /home/gerrit2 mount /dev/xvda5 or whatever the volume will be?16:21
* mordred groks the words jeblair is now saying16:22
anteayajeblair: okay16:22
jeblairmordred: heh, we could use two volumes.  :)16:22
anteayazaro: thanks16:22
mordredjeblair: ooh. we could16:22
anteayazaro: alright, I will work on backporting that patch to our forked gerrit, which fork?16:23
anteayanibalizer: it is a nice face16:23
jeblairmordred: also, i'm pretty sure that _all_ of the replicas are full git replicas, right?  so we already have 6 live off-site copies of the git repos16:23
jeblairmordred: (the ones on the git mirrors get their refs packed, but in a disaster, that's probably not a big deal)16:23
mordredjeblair: sake of argument - do we need /var/lib/git on gerrit? why don't we just serve ~gerrit2/review_site/git with apache directly?16:24
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zaroanteaya: clone the then checkout "openstack/2.8.4" branch16:24
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zaroanteaya: ohh remember to remote update and pull new changes first16:25
zaroanteaya: then you'll want to cherry-pick your merged changed (using the commit id).16:25
jeblairzaro: did those changes land?  are you blocked on anything i can help with?16:25
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openstackgerritMohammed Naser proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1311778
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fixed text display on Task Status dropdown.
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1311778 in nova "Unit tests fail with MessagingTimeout errors" [Undecided,New]
mordredjeblair: btw - speaking with the folks at hp support, they suggest that perhaps we might not want all 600 nodes behind one single router16:26
mordredjeblair: on one network16:26
mordredI'm going to find a room and talk to a guy with a whiteboard to get more info16:26
zarojeblair: nope.  the first change didn't land, tried to recheck about 4 times yesterday always get an HP slave.16:27
jeblairzaro: good news!  your changes of getting an hp slave are lower right now! :)16:27
zarojeblair: just tried again a few minutes ao.16:27
zaroao/ ago16:27
anteayaha ha ha16:27
jeblairchances even16:27
zarojeblair: well see..16:28
mordredjeblair: our neutron port limit has been increased to 61016:29
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jeblairmordred: yay!16:29
mordredjeblair: turns out ports are also used for the network and the two connections in and out of the router16:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added task status display to story list view
mordredjeblair: so we fudged the quota slightly higher than needed16:29
krotschecksdague: Looking at your thing while I wait for all the patches to land.16:30
jeblairkrotscheck: are you going to upload a new version of 86719 ?16:30
anteayazaro: what am I doing wrong?
krotscheckjeblair: Yes, once all the other patches land.16:31
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added story status label filter
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anteayazaro do I have to have the remote branch local?16:31
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zaroanteaya: i think it's just 'git checkout openstack/2.8.4', no branch in that command16:32
anteayazaro you are correct16:34
anteayaI was overthinking16:34
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mnaser < IBM PowerKVM went crazy here16:37
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Work around atexit bug in python < 2.7.4
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch review.o.o to testmode
jeblairmordred, clarkb: can you review so i can safely spin up a replacement review server?16:42
mordredjeblair: +216:43
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jeblairi've lowered the ttls for review.o.o to 30016:45
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krotschecksdague: You need to add chosen to the injector context. See the line that reads ‘localiytics.directives’16:47
krotscheckAfter you do that, there seems to be some kind of an initialization error that you should be able to trace.16:48
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jeblairmordred: i'm looking at the trove dbs in the ci account16:49
jeblairmordred: there seems to be gerrit-dev and gerrit entries, but i don't think they are used.  right?16:50
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jeblairmordred: etherpad says it's using 1.9 of 2GB.  i suppose we should increase the disk space there.16:50
jeblairmordred: there are also a bunch of monitoring checks like cpu, load, memory, "mysql" (whatever that is).  none of them have any data tohugh16:51
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Added argcomplete requirement
jeblairthe one for storyboard does, so i wonder if it's a generational thing16:51
jeblairmordred: i propose to delete the gerrit-*-MySQL trove instances, and create a new one for production.  what ram/disk values do you think we should use?16:53
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jeblair/var/lib/mysql on review.o.o is 2.1G16:54
jeblairso maybe 10G of disk?16:55
jeblairmordred: vmem of the mysql process is 3g with an rss of about 200m.  4g or 8g of ram?16:55
nibalizerkrotscheck: i'm still struggling with getting my local storyboard up16:56
nibalizerbut I'm at work now16:56
jeblairmordred: somehow the Gerrit-MySQL trove db is using 500MB16:56
nibalizercould we arrange a time to put our heads together on this, after 5pm pacifict time?16:56
mordredjeblair: hey - yeah - I do not believe that we're using them16:56
mordredjeblair: it's possible that we did an import of an old copy of the db as a test a while back16:57
nibalizernot sure what your timezone is, im flexible except for a giant block in the middle of the day I can't do openstack work16:57
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mordredjeblair: i _think_ 4G should be fine - and I agree on etherpad16:58
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jeblairetherpad is resizing now.  i guess we'll see what that entails.  :)16:59
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krotschecknibalizer: Pacifist?16:59
jeblairnot a big deal, apparently, it's done and working.16:59
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nibalizerkrotscheck: pacific, sorry17:03
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mordredjeblair, clarkb:fyi - support cases can be filed with hp cloud now at
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move import checks into their own file
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Compile python 2-> regular expressions
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move python 2->3 checks into their own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Speed up license checks
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Only compile regex for hacking_except_format once
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move except checks into their own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move docstring checks into their own file
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move comment checks into their own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Make test_doctest use entry points
* mordred throws a wet cat at jogo17:03
* jogo fixed code at the bottom of his branch17:03
jeblairmordred: cool, thx17:04
* jogo ducks17:04
anteayamnaser: thanks I will email them, have you seen any other instances of them doing this? I can't view their project page for some reason17:04
* anteaya grabs her hat again17:04
mnaseranteaya: i just saw that as i was glancing over reviews, first tiem i think17:04
anteayamnaser: thanks17:04
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mtreinishjeblair: do you know what's going on with the jobs stuck on the top of the check pipeline?17:05
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mtreinishit looks like a handful of jobs have been sitting there as queued for hours17:06
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mordredI agree with mtreinish17:07
mordredit does look like that17:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1311778
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1311778 in nova "Unit tests fail with MessagingTimeout errors" [Undecided,New]
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anteayamnaser: I hope they at least acknowledge the email within 4 hours17:09
mtreinishanteaya: I'll bug rfolco about it17:09
mtreinishbut I just deployed a larger cloud behind the firewall and they were migrating the infra to the new one17:09
mtreinishso I'm sure it's just migration pains17:10
jeblairi think zuul lost its connection to its gearman server about 10 hours ago17:11
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anteayamtreinish: great thanks17:11
anteayamorning clarkb17:11
zarodrat got hp slave again!!17:11
anteayazaro: you have the best luck17:11
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* mordred hands zaro a wet cat17:11
clarkbjeblair: reviewing change for replacement gerrit server now17:12
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clarkbjeblair: I am going to try and address the comments in my stack of zuul changes today so that hopefully they can go in either before or during my absence17:12
zaroanteaya: maybe you should trigger to see if it makes a difference.17:12
anteayazaro: so do I just delete lines 15 and 34, save the file and git add .; git commit?17:12
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jeblairclarkb: afaic, everything is secondary to the gerrit upgrade at this point.  we still have a lot to do.17:13
jeblairso i might not get around to reviewing them before you leave17:13
anteayazaro: what do you mean trigger it?17:13
clarkbjeblair: ok17:13
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clarkbjeblair: thats fine. Mostly I want to make sure that I don't let it idle on my side for so long that picking it up again is hard17:14
zaroanteaya: yep, that looks right.  when you push do 'git review openstack/2.8.4'17:14
mordreddon't just delete lines 15 and 3417:14
clarkbjeblair: has two +2's but I didn't approve because zaro has a comment that should at least be confirmed17:14
zaroanteaya: retrigger='recheck no bug'17:14
mordredyou need to resolve the merge conflict17:14
clarkbjeblair: I say go ahead and approve it if my comment is correct17:15
anteayazaro k I'll do that17:15
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jeblairmtreinish: they won't run; the particular way in which zuul lost that job is a bug, i believe.  you may be able to snipe them out with a new patchset.17:15
anteayaI have nothing on gerrit yet to recheck17:15
mordredanteaya: I _think_ you're talking about wanting to delete lines 15-20 and line 3417:15
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mordredanteaya: so that the relevant section from your patch is the one used, and not the one from HEAD17:15
jeblairclarkb: yes, i forgot to mention in commit message17:15
mordredanteaya: the ======== on line 20 is the separator between teh two versions17:16
mtreinishjeblair: ok I'll ask the author to push a new revision to retrigger the jobs then17:16
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch review.o.o to testmode
jeblairmordred, clarkb: ^ commit message changed17:16
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mordredjeblair: +217:17
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Ajaeger1infra team, is there anything I can do about the stuck openstack-manual jobs in the gate?17:18
* Ajaeger1 already unapproved but zuul does not see it17:19
clarkbunapproving doesn't removing things from the zuul pipelines17:19
jeblairit should; it's a bug that it doesn't.17:19
clarkbjeblair: is that related to the geard connection loss?17:19
anteayamordred: no, I just need to add in the "the" on line 2117:20
anteayamordred: very small change17:20
zaroanteaya: i think you want to keep lines 16-19, just replace line 20 with an empty line17:20
jeblairAjaeger1: i think the only option at this point is either a zuul restart, or pushing new patchsets to kick them out of the queue17:20
jeblairclarkb, mordred: do you think we should take the hit and restart zuul?17:20
zaroanteaya: then push it up for review and i'll double check.17:20
clarkbjeblair: I'm not sure I fully grok the issue yet17:21
Ajaeger1jeblair: Ok, I'll push new push set17:21
clarkbit looks like most changes are moving17:21
clarkbbut those are all newer17:21
clarkbthings between 6 and 10 hours old are stuck?17:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Enabled functional tests
jeblairclarkb: the changes that have been in the queue for 10+ hours with queued jobs will never run because of the gear disconnection17:21
clarkbin that case maybe we should take the hit17:21
clarkband restart zuul17:21
jeblairok will do.  i'll mark all the nodepool nodes for deletion while it's down so hopefully we'll recover faster.17:22
Ajaeger1jeblair, clarkb there're only two for openstack-manuals - I can push updates for both of them...17:22
jeblairAjaeger1, mtreinish: don't worry about uploading new patchsets17:22
Ajaeger1jeblair: done - and the queue is moving forward!17:22
jeblairok nevermind then.  :)17:22
Ajaeger1jeblair: sorry, i was too fast17:22
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jeblairmtreinish: cancel my last.  :)17:23
anteayazaro: that looks wrong to me:
mtreinishjeblair: heh, ok :)17:24
anteayamordred might be correct17:24
SpamapSmordred: so elements/source-repositories/extra-data.d/98-source-repositories is the script you probably want to inspect17:24
anteayaand I have too many change ids17:24
anteayaI'll get rid of the middle one17:24
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zaroanteaya: remove the conflicts infro as well.  make sure the change id matches the one from your upstream change.17:25
anteayaoh really17:26
zarothat's odd, no msg to openstack-infra channel on your new patchset17:26
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zaroanteaya: you think you want to fix that?17:27
anteayaI'll abandon the other17:27
anteayait might not be tracking this branch17:28
rfolcoanteaya, just turned CI off until we resolve the issue. Sorry for the inconvenience.17:29
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Support configurable mysql host in gerrit
anteayarfolco: thanks for the quick response17:29
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anteayarfolco: was it just that one patch? I can't see the project page for that account for some reason17:29
anteayamnaser: ^17:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Support configurable mysql host in gerrit
mnaseranteaya / rfolco: i haven't really done a lot of reviews today... but spotted that one17:30
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zaroanteaya: you could have just uploaded a new patch to 89900 instead of abandoning it.  but what you did is ok as well17:30
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anteayazaro: the change id created a new patch17:31
jeblairclarkb, mordred, zaro: when lands i'll go ahead and move review-dev to trove17:31
anteayathe system wanted a change id at the bottom, I didn't know I needed to keep the same change id as upstream17:31
clarkbjeblair: ok17:31
mordredjeblair: +217:31
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anteayazaro: so I did just upload a new patchset, but gerrit saw the new change id as the bottom one and created a new patch17:32
zaroanteaya: ohh ok, that makes sense.17:32
anteayasub optimal but now I know17:32
rfolcoanteaya, not sure, hopefully didn't cause much damage. I'll fix the problem with SSL certs first and make sure everything is good before reporting again.17:33
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added story status to project story list.
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anteayazaro: so if we compare to my patch, mordred is correct and I should get rid of lines 13 - 1717:34
anteayarfolco: /nod17:34
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mgagnecould someone help me find the root cause of this error?
anteayamgagne: hmmm, yes not a lot to go on17:36
krotscheckjeblair: ^17:36
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anteayamgagne: found this:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1271133 in testrepository "Cryptic error from subunit when an import fails" [High,Fix committed]17:38
mgagneanteaya: all I found when I got this error in an other project of mine is a bad combination of python-subunit and testtools...17:38
mgagneanteaya: not sure how other projects are successfully testing against py33...17:38
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anteayamgagne: my trail lead me here:
anteayayes I have no status on py33 testing across projects17:40
anteayahopefully that info and a place to track it will be discussed at the py3 summit talk17:40
mgagneanteaya: Marc and I are about to start with JJB17:41
mgagneanteaya: but having the test failing to initialize itself is kind of a blocker =)17:42
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zarojeblair: trove, cool!17:42
anteayamgagne: makes sense to me17:42
anteayamgagne: all roads point to lifeless as far as I can see17:43
anteayaany chance you can overlap timezones with him for a chat?17:43
zaromgagne: are you able to repro on any machine?17:43
mgagnezaro: will test on mine17:43
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anteayazaro: so what do you think? remove lines 13 - 17 on my patch?17:44
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Moved main navigation into fixed sidebar.
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zaroanteaya: i've reviewed already i vote -217:44
zaroanteaya: sorry :(17:45
anteayawell I learned a ton17:45
anteayawill abandon17:45
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zaroanteaya: at least we got something out of that :)17:46
anteayawe did17:46
mgagnezaro: looks like ConfigParser can't be imported. I used tox -epy33 to run the tests. AFAIK, jenkins uses testr instead.17:46
jbrycei have a random question for anyone who’s interested in providing a random answer17:46
anteayaI got a Gerrit upstream patch in, never thought that was possible17:46
anteayajbryce: 4217:46
jbryceanteaya: i figured someone would throw that out = )17:47
anteayawet cats17:47
anteayaI've got more17:47
mgagne =)17:47
anteayamgagne: ha ha ha17:47
zaromgagne: not supported on py33?17:47
mgagnezaro: got renamed to configparser I think17:47
mgagnezaro: I trashed my venv and started the tests again17:48
mgagnezaro: I now have the same output as Jenkins17:48
anteayajbryce: go ahead ask all the random questions you want, didn't mean to cut you off17:48
mgagnezaro: I probably downgraded subunit and testtools earlier17:48
jbrycein addition to official tc-accepted projects, is there a list of other projects that make use of openstack ci anywhere?17:48
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anteayathat make use of openstack ci, as in goes through our testing pipelines?17:49
zaromgagne: does the test even run?17:49
mgagnezaro: no17:50
anteayajbryce: I think that would be covered here:
zarojbryce: i think wikimedia uses openstack ci17:50
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mgagnezaro: marc already fixed this import issue by introducing a compat helper:
mgagnezaro: tests are however still failing17:51
anteayajbryce: the projects start here:
mgagnezaro: so it's not just it17:51
jeblairjbryce: the full list of projects in gerrit is visible here:  or here
zaromgagne: run but failing or not running at all?17:51
mgagnezaro: not running17:51
mordredjbryce: do you mean use the openstack instance of infra? or the tools?17:51
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mordredjbryce: because as zaro mentions, we have other projects, like wikimedia, running copies of many of them - and then jeblair is pointing out an excellent way to see the list of things that are in our copy17:52
zaromgagne: like is it failing to compile (syntax check)?17:52
mgagnezaro: it's the error I pasted above17:53
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mgagnezaro: I retesting Marc's change on my machine with previous versions of subunit/testtools17:54
jbrycemordred: both17:54
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mordredjbryce: j. well, jim's list is for the second - I'm not sure we have a comprehensive list for the first17:54
jeblairthe usual open source problem of not knowing who's using your software17:54
jbrycemordred: anecdotal is totally fine17:55
jeblairif random support requests are any indication, many openstack related companies are running much of this infra internally.  several non-openstack projects/organizations are as well.17:55
jeblairand some of those are completely proprietary17:55
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jbrycethanks all17:59
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pleia2Utopic Unicorn \o/18:00
anteayathe graphics team will have been waiting for a shot at this wallpaper for some time18:02
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Containers now left-align
pleia2anteaya: HEHE18:03
pleia2woo capslock18:03
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jeblairclarkb: when you have a sec, i'm ready for
mordredpleia2: oh wow18:05
pleia2best name ever18:05
pleia2especially since a pink dragon with a tutu sits on my desk, I call her zuul, she can now hang out with a unicorn18:07
anteayaha ha ha18:07
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clarkbjeblair: looking18:09
anteayajeblair: line 8 mysql_password stays?18:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Switch review.o.o to testmode
jeblairanteaya: yep, it just becomes the password to the trove db instead of the local mysql db.18:10
anteayaah okay18:10
jeblairwell, that's true for review-dev, and will be true for review on monday.18:10
mordredjeblair: ^^ see pleia2's comment- I believe we've just learned the the mascot for zuul is a pink dragon18:10
jeblairanteaya: until then it remains the password for the local db on review.18:10
jbryceso i count 265 projects in gerrit…does that sound about right?18:11
anteayajbryce: it does to me18:11
mordredmordred@camelot:~/src/openstack-infra/config$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-projects | wc -l18:11
clarkbjeblair: do you want to control when 89901 is approved?18:11
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jeblairpleia2: that's wonderful!18:12
jeblairclarkb: go for it18:12
adalbashello! One question regarding the tempest full run in  gate: Is there a reason to not stop the run at the first failure, instead of running all the testcases everytime.18:12
clarkbadalbas: yes, to catch more failures18:13
mordredadalbas: if it fails in several places, it might be useful information for the developer18:13
clarkbjeblair: done18:13
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adalbasclarkb, mordred : alright, i want to confirm this was already been discussed. I see the good point of doing so is to have less timing consuming jobs, but i agree on getting more info.18:15
clarkbadalbas: it is more time consuming to fail fast if you consider that several runs may be needed to shake out all fails18:15
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swestonI have the first round of documentation on for Gerrit 2.8 upgrade, and new features on Etherpad, if anyone would like to have a look?
adalbasclarkb, yes, good point!18:16
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zarojbryce: yes18:16
anteayasweston split them into two etherpads due to the size, over 1500 lines over the two files18:17
anteayaI have to run errands and will be back in a few hours18:17
anteayathanks sweston!18:17
swestonanteaya: sure, thanks for yours!18:18
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openstackgerritMathew Odden proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create bash8 project in openstack-dev
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jeblairmordred: gear was downloaded from pypi 2x as much as jjb last month18:20
mordredjeblair: nice!18:20
mordredjbryce: ^^18:20
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mordredjeblair: do we auto pip install either of them in any of our things? I don't think we do - so those are probably real downloads, right?18:20
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jeblairmordred: i think zuul may; but i still don't think that should affect the numbers18:22
jeblairoh, zuul unit tests might18:22
jeblairso maybe knock a few hundred off for that18:23
mordredoh right - because we don't mirror for infra18:23
zarosweston: so i don't understand the intent of the doc.  can you xplain?18:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update authorship information
swestonzaro: so the purpose was to introduce the most important features that folks would be concerned about/interested in.  There is still a lot of work to be done, it is very rough right now .. but everything after the feature list was copied and pasted -- it is meant to be removed ...18:27
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Collate story metadata for status
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jeblairzaro, sweston: i think the main things we need to focus on are the parts of existing workflows that are changing (eg, the workflow label, important changes, ssh keys)18:30
jeblairzaro, sweston: then i think there's some room to highlight some particularly interesting new features; but probably not too many18:30
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swestonjeblair: ok, how long would you like it to be, then?18:31
jeblairzaro, sweston: basically -- we're about to change how 1500+ people interact with this system.  they are busy -- most of them just need to know how to do what they were doing.  a few will be interested in exploring new things.18:31
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zaro+1 that18:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Support configurable mysql host in gerrit
jeblairsweston: the parts about workflow changes should be as long as they need to be to explain the changes (i would expect that's on the order of a small number of paragraphs each, or less)18:33
swestonjeblair:  ok, that will be easy enough :-)18:33
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jeblairsweston: for new features we should highlight just a handful in a bullet list18:33
zarosweston: well anyways i ignored the entire feature section.  best to provide a link there i think.  just point out the items that jeblair wrote in his upgrade reminder msg.18:34
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zarosweston: i think one thing we need to add is that the 'important changes' dashboard link has moved into the "Projects" menu18:35
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sdaguejeblair: is there any way to kick the "lost" jobs in zuul to run again?18:35
sdagueor do we need to just upload over them18:35
jeblairsdague: the ones stuck for 10+ hours?18:35
jeblairsdague: upload over18:35
swestonzaro, jeblair: ok, will do!18:37
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sdagueis this an edge case in zuul that it's possible to recover from in the future? post summit I was planning to work on the Depends-On: so could sling around here some as well18:37
jeblairsdague: i believe there's a bug in that zuul should have known that the job was not submitted to gearman and marked it as such18:38
jeblair(i mean, it recorded the traceback indicating that, it just didn't give the job a status)18:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added story status to project story list.
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sdagueyeh, it's times like this when gerrit detecting that no change was made is less fun :)18:42
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jeblairmordred: /usr/bin/mysqldump --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf --opt reviewdb > reviewdb.sql18:53
jeblairmordred: lgty?18:53
jeblair(for dump/import into trove)18:53
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morganfainbergoooh mysqldump18:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Moved main navigation into fixed sidebar.
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morganfainbergjeblair, i _think_ --opt is the default (though doesn't hurt to specify)18:59
jeblairah good18:59
adam_g2014-04-23 01:23:26.994 | /opt/stack/new/devstack-gate/ line 264: bc: command not found19:00
adam_g^ is this a known issue ATM?19:00
jeblairsdague: ^ whoops19:00
jeblairadam_g: first i've heard of it, but i believe i know the recent change that caused it19:01
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jeblairi suspect this is a result of different providers using different images (i really can't wait to use dib)19:02
adam_gjeblair, yeah i see lots of occurences in longstash19:02
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sdagueoh, man, we don't have bc :)19:05
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sdagueok, there is a way to do math in bash right?19:05
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sdagueyeh, that's the slow devstack detection code19:05
adam_g$[x + y] :)19:06
jeblairyeah, looks like the rax images don't have it19:07
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sdagueok, I'll get a fix shortly19:08
adam_gjeblair, the only packages that get added to nodepool images are those pulled from devstack's apt files, right?19:09
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: change time calculation to not require bc
jeblairadam_g: those are cached and then devstack installs them;  some other packages are installed on the image before that though -- the ones listed in our puppet manifest for slave nodes19:12
adam_gjeblair, ah, right. thats what i was looking for19:12
jeblairhypothetically if we wanted to fix this that way, puppet would be the place to add bc i think19:13
sdagueadam_g: that should fix it19:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove queries for fixed bugs
jeblairthough i like the non-bc way better19:13
sdagueyeh, I forget that bash can do real math19:13
sdagueso used to using bc for that stuff19:13
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jeblairsdague: a computer without bc feels like a computer that can't do math.  it's weird.  :)19:14
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sdagueyeh :)19:15
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Collate story metadata for status
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Support email lists in require-approval
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jeblairrestarting review-dev19:23
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jeblairzaro, clarkb, mordred: review-dev is running against a trove db now19:24
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Ajaeger1infra team, the propose-requirements-update job failed - see
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove require mysql::db from gerrit init
Ajaeger1Seems there's a problem pushing to cliff19:28
jeblairclarkb, mordred:
jeblairAjaeger1: wow.  how do you find the error in there?19:29
Ajaeger1jeblair: searched for "error" ;)19:29
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* Ajaeger1 checked for failures in post-jobs on - wanted to check that translations work still fine...19:30
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jeblair ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master/openstack/requirements (no changes made)19:30
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Ajaeger1ok, that can be ignored.19:31
clarkbyup iirc we handle that properly now but still report failure because it did fail19:31
Ajaeger1ah, ok...19:32
jeblairclarkb: so failure == everything's okay?19:32
Ajaeger1in that case everything looks fine to me - just confusing ;(19:32
clarkbjeblair: not entirely19:32
clarkbjeblair: ideally we would be able to check that particular "failure" and ignore it19:32
clarkbjeblair: iirc git + gerrit make this hard19:33
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clarkbactually I want to say that at one time we grepped for no changes made19:33
clarkbdid that get ripped out? /me looks at git log19:33
clarkbor maybe that change was proposed and died19:33
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clarkb"$OUTPUT" =~ "no new changes" is what we check19:34
clarkbwas that just the wrong string or does gerrit do multiple strings?19:34
mroddeni feel like the config-compare-xml should be saying there are changes since the new project should have new python jobs?
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clarkbmrodden: it doesn't diff new files only changes to existing files19:35
jeblairclarkb: multiple19:35
mroddenoh ok19:35
clarkbjeblair: gah ok, I will update that script to handle this othe message too19:35
jeblairclarkb: "no new changes" is "you pushed the same commit (sha) already"19:35
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jeblairclarkb: "no changes made" is "you pushed an identical commit"19:35
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jeblairreally good docs, actually :)19:36
Ajaeger1clarkb: will you fix it? Otherwise I'll give it a try.19:39
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Handle additional reqs push failure as non failing
clarkbAjaeger1: jeblair ^ that should fix it19:39
Ajaeger1clarkb: you're too quick for me ;) - will review it. Thanks!19:40
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added status filter to story API
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Expose assignee_id to API
jeblairclarkb: did you see the conversation about a cinder volume for review.o.o earlier?19:47
jeblair(the new review, that is)19:47
jeblairclarkb: also, specs for new review?19:48
jeblairclarkb: was thinking 30g performance2 node to maintain the cpu/ram levels we currently have (but should see a modest performance improvement due to the cpu upgrade)19:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove require mysql::db from gerrit init
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add launchpadlib timeout
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jeblairhas anyone tried running on trusty yet?19:54
jeblairi get E: Package 'rubygems' has no installation candidate19:55
sdaguejeblair: gem was baked into ruby in 1.919:56
sdagueand 1.8 is no longer on trusty19:56
jeblairyeah, that's the conclusion i was coming to; so we probably just drop that package on trusty....19:57
jeblairi'm a little worried the next thing i'll find is that puppet2 doesn't work with 1.9 or something19:57
sdagueyeh, that was the only change I need to make to my base puppet policy on all my personal machines19:57
sdaguethat's entirely possible19:57
sdagueI flipped to puppet 3 with 13.10 iirc19:57
jeblairsdague: yeah, nibalizer has just started taking the first step to upgrade us to puppet319:58
sdaguethe trusty shipped puppet is 3.4.319:58
jeblairi anticipate it will take most of the juno cycle to upgrade19:58
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sdagueis this a nodepool concern, or a wider concern?19:59
jeblairsdague: immediate concern is for the new gerrit server20:00
jeblairfallback is we keep using precise there, but upgrading it is a _chore_ so i'd like to try to avoid it.20:00
nibalizerjeblair: sdague yea we should probably cook up an etherpad to collect the info/plans for puppet 320:01
sdagueI only tripped over a couple of things when I did my policy conversion. That was much smaller than infra's, but it wasn't actually that bad.20:03
sdaguenibalizer: what's the prescribed method you recommend for going through20:03
jeblairhrm, for some reason i've been lead to believe infra will be complicated20:04
mordredI dont think it's going to be that bad, based on poking at nodepool recently20:04
mordredthe biggest challege is actually more related to supporting trusty - puppet3 wasn't really a problem20:04
sdagueI think the real question is if some of the puppetforge modules that are really old need an upgrade as well in the process20:04
jeblairsdague: i assume the process might involve host-by-host fixes and testing them against the alternate master20:04
nibalizerya we need to get a p3 master up20:05
nibalizerthen go through fixing individual nodes20:05
nibalizerso that means a fair ammount of work from the infra rooters to test against the p3 master20:05
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nibalizerit also may be needed to have a long-lived and often-rebased branch with all the noncompatible puppet3 changes20:05
jeblairmordred: can you elaborate on the 'supporting trusty' bit?20:05
lifelessjeblair: what are your thoughts on trusty jenkins slaves ?20:06
lifelesshah, jinx20:06
mordredjeblair: package renames20:06
jeblairlifeless: ask mordred20:06
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mordredjeblair: things that work different20:06
mordredlemme point at something...20:06
lifelessso my interest is the tripleo slaves specifically20:06
mordredhrm. my patches are on a server - I have lke 3 lines of patch it takes20:07
mordredto run puppet3 on a trusty node with our slave stuff20:07
sdagueyeh, I would expect it's just a couple of package removes20:08
jeblairmordred: do you expect our server manifests to work on trusty?  if not, what do you think needs to be changed?20:08
mordredjeblair: I do, acually20:08
jeblairmordred: if running new review.o.o on trusty is a huge project, i want to avoid it, but if it's just a matter of fixing a few things we should do it20:08
mordredI expect there to be unforseen issues - such as the  name of a java package being renamed20:08
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jeblairlifeless: morderd is working on adding dib support to nodepool, then we can build and use consistent images everywhere20:09
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jeblairpuppet agent --environment production --server --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --pluginsync true --certname review.openstack.org20:10
jeblairNotice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'Disabled by default on new installations');20:10
jeblairUse 'puppet agent --enable' to re-enable.20:10
jeblairthat's exciting.20:10
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jeblairso, um, i guess i'll do what it says?20:11
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mordredjeblair: yes. I'd do that20:12
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jeblairmordred: your change looks like it does trusty and puppet3 at once20:13
mordredjeblair: yeah - the focus of that patch was getting nodepool able to launch trusty slaves20:14
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Changes to get nodepool working with trusty
mordred(that fixes the puppet lint change)20:15
jeblairmordred: okay, but why the puppet3 change at the same time?20:15
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mordredbecause trusty has puppet3 baked in already and I don't think there was a puppet2 apt repo from puppetlabs for trusty when I tried it?20:15
jeblairmordred: oh, there seems to be now, at least, it's getting well past the install puppet phase20:16
mordredwell - can certainly split it into two patches20:16
jeblairmordred: i think we should separate the concerns, otherwise if we merge your patch, we'll have to move new-review to puppet3 if we put it on trusty)20:16
mordredif there's a trusty puppet2 now, that makes it much easier20:17
jeblairsdague, mordred:   $java_home = $::lsbdistcodename ? {20:17
jeblair    'precise' => '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre',20:17
jeblairsdague, mordred: have a guess as to what that should be on trusty?20:17
jeblair(tbh, i'm not sure why that is there -- it's the only value)20:18
sdaguejeblair: that dir is on my trusty boxes20:18
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jeblairokay, i'll just dup it for now20:18
sdagueI actually just finished upgrading all my boxes to trusty about 15 minutes ago20:19
sdagueso ask away on questions :)20:19
mordredsdague: did you do puppet3 too?20:19
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sdaguebut I think I took that update during the 13.10 upgrade20:20
mordredjeblair: nibalizer's suggested process was "spin up new puppetmaster running puppet3, run them in paralle, point one host at a time at new puppetmaster" right?20:20
sdaguebecause I'm using puppet from the distro20:20
jeblairmordred: i believe so20:21
jeblairpuppet agent --environment corvus --server --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --pluginsync true --certname review.openstack.org20:21
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jeblairWarning: Local environment: "corvus" doesn't match server specified node environment "production", switching agent to "production".20:21
jeblairwhat is that about? ^20:21
jeblairi mean, it did a bunch of stuff between those 2 lines20:21
mordredthat seems like a terrible thing to do20:21
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jeblairlooks like it synced the plugins, then errored out on that20:21
mordredHunner: ^^ ?20:21
mordrednibalizer: ^^ (in case you happen to be aroudn)20:22
jeblairoh and actually somehow we did end up with puppet320:23
sdagueis there a way that we could loop on the puppet3 server with certname and dryrun to expose any syntax issues?20:23
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mordredjeblair: it's entirely possible that issue is puppet3 client with puppet3 server20:26
mordredjeblair: it's entirely possible that issue is puppet3 client with puppet2 server20:26
jeblairmordred: i think you are right20:26
sdagueyes, that's what the bug seems to state is root cause20:26
clarkbjeblair: I think we should 1:1 new review20:26
clarkbjeblair: so 30G nodesounds good20:26
clarkband I did not see the conversation for a cinder volume20:27
jeblairi'm a little disappointed that the error condition for the package pin on puppet is "install puppet3"20:27
clarkbdo we need one?20:27
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Story detail view cleanup
jeblairclarkb: yes, for the git repos20:27
asselin_Hi, I have a question about the single-use-slaves. They seem to be getting reused...where/how are they restricted to single-use?20:27
jeblairasselin_: link to a job where it was reused?20:27
asselin_jeblair, in my own environment20:28
jeblairasselin_: that might be a good thing to mention in your question next time.  :)20:28
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Initial commit of home brewed apt_mirror module
asselin_jeblair, yes...sorry...didn't mean to start a fire or anything of the sort :)20:28
jeblairasselin_: zuul sets a job parameter that the gearman plugin for jenkins sees and marks the slave offline after the job completes (OFFLINE_WHEN_COMPLETE i think); then nodepool deletes slaves when jobs are done20:29
jeblairasselin_: setting that parameter is done in the part of our zuul config20:29
jeblairmordred, clarkb, sdague: so aiui, we can't upgrade to trusty without upgrading to puppet320:30
mordredjeblair: ok - so the above trust+puppet3 patch may not need to be split then20:30
asselin_jeblair, ok I see...will look into that thanks20:30
mordredjeblair: do you think it's worth spinning up a puppet3 puppetmaster so we can do this with trusty? or leave it for a step 2 later on down the road?20:31
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Expose assignee_id to API
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added status filter to story API
sdaguethe theory is that once you deal with any incompatibilities with puppet3 syntax on the puppet master you can just stand up the server, right?20:32
sdaguebecause what's fed to the clients isn't version specific20:32
sdagueso puppet3 server, all the clients as is20:33
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sdaguethe one thing I did find was the cert path defaults changed20:33
sdaguefor bootstrapping purposes20:33
sdaguethat was the one thing I remember running around in circles on for a couple hours20:34
jeblairmordred: i don't want review.o.o to be the odd one out until we actually get around to doing this seriously20:34
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Story list views now filter with status
mordredjeblair: nod20:36
mgagnepleia2: ping20:36
jeblairmordred: so i think we need to move to puppet3 across the board while on precise, then we can upgrade to trusty20:36
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clarkbjeblair: yes, we knew that20:37
sdaguejeblair: that seems sane20:37
jeblairsomeone might have mentioned that instead of saying "++ new review on trusty"  :)20:37
pleia2mgagne: pong20:37
sdaguejeblair: is there an attempt yet at bringing up infra / config on puppet3 ?20:38
mgagnepleia2: FYI, we are using reprepro to manage our internal mirrors (not the public ones we are hosting here at iWeb)20:38
clarkbsdague: yes, the slaves work under it20:38
clarkbI think I figured that things would mostly work20:38
mgagnepleia2: imo, it's much more flexible than apt_mirror20:38
pleia2mgagne: ah, good to know, I looked at ubumirror and apt-cacher20:38
jeblairclarkb: install_puppet doesn't work -- mordred has a patch for that20:38
mordredclarkb: so far, the do seem to mostly work -other than puppet3 client/ puppet2 server communication - one you have my patch20:38
pleia2mgagne: I have a bug outstanding where I'm trying to track ideas, can you share some thoughts?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1311855 in openstack-ci "Create puppet module for Ubuntu repository mirror" [Undecided,In progress]20:39
mgagnepleia2: with apt-mirror, you end up with a structure of folders matching the URL of the mirror you are mirroring which wasn't what we needed20:39
* pleia2 nods20:39
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jeblairmordred: do the single use slaves talk to the puppetmaster?20:39
clarkbjeblair: no, that is something I didn't consider20:39
clarkbso puppet apply would work but not puppetmaster arg20:39
clarkbor mostly work at least20:39
jeblairwell, puppet apply is how we spin up the slaves, right, so they are in a better position20:40
sdaguewell that alt least means the pieces of policy they touch work20:40
mordredthat's right. we can support trusty for the slaves with puppet3 before we do the other thigns20:40
pleia2mgagne: reprepro looks cool, I'll dig in20:40
clarkbthat slipped my consideration of puppet320:40
mgagnepleia2: I can copy/paste a configuration we use20:40
mordredpleia2: AaronGr will want to talk to you about ...20:40
mordredAaronGr: what' the name of the thing you prefer over reprepro ?20:41
pleia2mgagne: that would be great20:41
mgagnepleia2: we also use debmirror with one of our other mirrors (yes, we do have a bunch internally)20:41
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pleia2mordred: heh, I figured we'd all have opinions on this :)20:41
clarkbso I looked at doing a mirror for ourselves and I don't think we can solve the package index out of sync issue20:42
mordredpleia2: I missed the ping - what are you looking to do?20:42
clarkbyou have to accept pushes from the upstream to make that work correctly20:42
clarkband unless we get pushed to from ubuntu how would that work?20:42
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dstufftmirrors are a cool way to attack packaging infrastructure20:43
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pleia2mordred: tripleo wants their own ubuntu (and fedora) and pypi mirrors, tossing it in -infra since we might want to do one someday too20:44
mgagneclarkb: as an official ubuntu mirror, AFAIK, we do rely on upstream to trigger the sync20:44
clarkbmgagne: but we aren't official20:44
clarkbunless I am missing something20:44
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mgagneclarkb: I know =)20:44
clarkbis this not a thing to fix the problem of rax mirrors derping?20:44
mordredpleia2: well, aaron has some puppet for this already but I don't hink has submitted it upstream yet because it wasn't something we wanted to do in infra yet20:45
clarkbs/rax/rax and hpcloud/20:45
clarkbmordred: I am not sure we ever want to do it20:45
mordredclarkb: right20:45
mgagneclarkb: just stating that if you are official, you do get the benefit of receiving a trigger instead of relying on a cron job20:45
clarkbmgagne: right and that is the only way to avoid the errors we hae with the existing mirrors aiui20:45
clarkbotherwise there will alwas be index races20:45
pleia2mordred: ah ok, I'll follow up with AaronGr20:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Expose assignee_id to API
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add an entry for a new puppetmaster for puppet3
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Changes to get nodepool working with trusty
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Story detail view cleanup
mordredclarkb, jeblair: for whenver we want to get aroudn to it ^^ I made a change for adding a new puppetmaster too - with a flag to turn off the remote-ssh execution on the new puppetmaster20:48
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jeblairmordred: how is it different from nibalizer's?
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mordredah - I did not find that by searching the list for "puppetmaster" - my bad20:50
jeblairmordred, clarkb: new review is at 2001:4800:7815:104:3bc3:d7f6:ff03:bf5d20:51
clarkbjeblair: that is 30G precise node with cinder volume?20:52
mordredwell, main difference is that mine assumes no pinning of puppet at all on trusty, and also has the flag for turning off the remote puppet execution - but I'll work with nibalizer on combining the two20:52
jeblairclarkb: well, it doesn't have a cinder volume yet20:52
clarkbjeblair: ok. I am really not a fan of using cinder volumes if we can avoid it20:52
clarkbjeblair: becaues there doesn't seem to be a good way to deal with config managemtn + cinder volumes20:52
mordredclarkb: what do you mean?20:53
jeblairclarkb: erm, enotenoughspace20:53
clarkbjeblair: I know20:53
clarkbI think we have to here20:53
clarkbI am just pointing out the suck that is cinder volumes20:53
mordredclarkb: I just still don't know what you mean20:53
clarkbmordred: there are so many manual steps20:53
clarkband they are racy with config management20:53
clarkband package installs20:53
mordredyou create a node, you add a volume, you mount it, then you run config management20:54
mordredwhat does that have to do with package installs?20:54
jeblairmordred: except that's not what we do20:54
jeblairmordred: we create a node then run config management, then add a volume20:54
clarkband since every package ever wants to start services when installed you end up with races20:54
jeblairmordred: so anything that config management touches on that path needs to be manually moved to the volume20:54
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mordredwhy do we run config management before mounting the disks?20:55
clarkbbecause mounting disks is a manual process20:55
clarkbbooting and configuring a node is a one stop shop automagic process20:55
mordredbecause we wrote a script for it20:55
clarkbright which would need a significant rewrite/addition to do volumes20:56
HunnerLovely. 2.7 agents *should* function with puppet 3 masters though...20:56
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jeblairmordred: even if our magic script did deal with volumes, you'd still have the race conditions --20:56
HunnerBut not the other way around20:56
clarkbHunner: thats good to know20:56
clarkbso we may be able to get away with a single puppet3 master20:57
jeblairmordred: it couldn't mount something in /var/lib/path/to/some/service without creating the directory, and we would normally expect the directory to be created by config management20:57
mordredright. I think that's all just about design - but I'm perfectly willing to just defer to the two of you because you've actually touched the problem and I haven't20:58
clarkbmordred: well this leads to my next idea20:58
clarkbI think nova should just do this for us20:58
clarkbbut I am lazy20:58
jeblairmordred: AFS, otoh, does not have this problem.20:58
clarkband really nova shouldn't do all that stuff for us20:58
clarkbit would be pretty cool to nova boot with volume already attached though20:58
mordredI think that clouds give me apis to do things I'd do with my hands if I was in a server room20:59
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mordredso I think that if I had a server, and I wanted to add a new disk, I'd add a new disk20:59
mordredthen I'd mount it20:59
clarkbmordred: no no20:59
mordredthen I'd run stuff to put stuff in that location20:59
clarkbmordred: if you had a server it would come up workable20:59
clarkbyou don't randomly add disks to servers usually. You may swap disks out though20:59
mordredthis is a pointless argument21:00
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clarkbmordred: well not entirely21:00
clarkbmordred: I think it comes back to that nova partitioning feature21:00
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clarkbmordred: if we can have that + preattached volumes we are golden21:01
clarkbbut we don't have that yet21:01
jeblairwanting to put /var/log on a cinder volume is particularly problematic, and i think clarkb's suggestion may address that21:01
mordredI still think this is just a deficiency in our launch script - you can do _everything_ you want to do - we just don't do it21:01
mordrednow, is it worthwhile to fix the launchs cript? probably not21:02
zarojeblair: curious, did you puppetize review-dev to setup trove?21:02
mordredzaro: puppet doesn't setup trove21:02
clarkbzaro: no trove is via the apis21:02
jeblairmordred: sure, but the launch script would be duplicating config management if it did things like mount something at /home/gerrit221:02
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add base test class to make subclassing possible
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix races in timer trigger tests.
jeblairzaro: i also did not run puppet there because i didn't know the state, so i changed the config files manually.  if it's safe to run puppet though, it should be identical.21:03
jeblair(eg, the files on disk related to database reflect the current state in puppet)21:04
jeblairclarkb, mordred: so anyway, how do we want to handle the extra space needed by /home/gerrit2/review_site and /var/lib/git?21:04
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sdagueclarkb: is there a reason we can't pass --block-device-mapping on our nova boot?21:05
sdagueor am I missing something21:05
clarkbsdague: there are two steps. First is attach device, second is partition and format device21:05
clarkbsdague: without both steps we lose21:05
clarkbsdague: I think current upstream nova can do this for us21:05
clarkbour cloud providers don't21:05
zarojeblair: i think it it's up to date.  I would like to run the agent so we see it on puppetdb.o.o.21:06
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Handle NullChange "merges" gracefully.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a remote url override location
clarkbjeblair: ok I have zuul out of my system now21:06
clarkbjhesketh: ^ btw21:06
jeblairzaro: run "puppet agent --test" and check out the output first; then /etc/init.d/puppet start21:06
sdagueclarkb: because the volume is presented as an unformatted block originally?21:06
clarkbsdague: yup21:06
clarkbsdague: and isn't mounted21:06
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zarojeblair: ok.  will git that a go.21:07
sdagueand we can't shove that down cloud-init?21:07
mordredsdague: we don't use cloud-init for things21:07
clarkbsdague: possibly, but that isn't race free21:07
jeblairokay i'm about to just do stuff and tell everyone what i did later.21:07
mordredbecause it's hard to debug and often doesn't work21:07
clarkbyou need it to be done before the OS boots21:07
clarkbjeblair: ++21:07
mordredjeblair: I support you21:07
clarkbjeblair: I think that is really the best we can do. I would do the lvm stuff21:07
clarkbjeblair: since that is consistent with our other volumes21:07
mordredsdague: I do agree with clarkb that this is one of those places where as a user of a cloud I feel like we're not getting the thing we actually want here21:08
sdagueclarkb: ok, I thought cloud init happened early enough that it could handle a case like this, but I can see where it wouldn't be21:08
jeblairone lv or two?  if one: bind mount or symlink?21:08
clarkbsdague: it has to happen before / remounts rw21:08
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sdagueclarkb: gotcha21:09
jeblairor disable the local mirror?21:09
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clarkboh arg21:09
sdagueso you could use a sacrificial vm to prep volumes21:09
sdaguebut getting the mount point that early, yeh, that's a problem21:09
clarkbjeblair: why don't we go with two and mount21:10
clarkbjeblair: they should be approximately the same size right?21:10
clarkbjeblair: so we can grow them together if we ever need to and it shouldn't be confusing21:10
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mordredany thoughts on serving apache git from ~gerrit2 ?21:10
jeblairmordred: why didn't you configure it that way to start with?21:11
mordredjeblair: I honestly am having trouble coming up with a reason21:11
clarkbits because you can restrict what you replicate21:11
clarkbif you serve direction out of gerrit2 you get everything21:11
clarkbat least that seems like a good reason for it :)21:12
mordredbut we don't actually restrict what we replicate at this point?21:12
jeblairthe "bypass gerrit acl" reason21:12
clarkbmordred: we do iirc21:12
mordredok. sold21:12
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clarkb:( I feel bad about that21:14
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jeblairclarkb: let me know when you have made a swap partition and mounted it on the new review.o.o server21:14
jeblairi'm going afk for a while.21:14
clarkbwhat is xvde on these macines? is that the ephemeral disk?21:17
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clarkbalso do we want a full 30GB of swap or just 2GB like on the old node?21:22
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bnemecHowdy, infra.  I'm looking to resolve the dependency issue with diskimage-builder discussed here:
uvirtbotbnemec: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found21:27
bnemecAfter some discussion in tripleo, we think the right thing to do is split dib-run-parts into its own thing.21:28
bnemec(and possibly some other pieces of diskimage-builder)21:28
bnemecWhat I'm wondering is whether we need a completely new project for that, or if there's some other way to handle it.21:28
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mordrednew project21:29
clarkbjeblair: mordred see newreview:~clarkb/fix_swap.sh21:29
clarkbI have notes21:29
mordredbnemec: everything in infra assumes one repo == one output21:29
bnemecmordred: Okay thanks, that's what I needed to know.  Are there docs about setting up a new repo?21:31
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zaromordred: should manage_projects run for review-dev?  puppet is giving me an error
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clarkbif we are happy with the stuff I have commented on in I can run that21:34
mordredzaro: it should21:34
mordredclarkb: looking21:34
mordredclarkb: seems reasonble - I dont' see any reason to not mount the excess on /opt21:35
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clarkbmordred: I think my only concern is it is an ephemeral disk and maybe we want /opt to not be ephemeral?21:36
clarkbmordred: but currently as used it should be fine21:36
clarkbmordred: what about the size of the swap partition?21:36
mordredclarkb: well, we could also leave it unmounted - but I don't think that we put any information we care about in /opt21:36
mordredclarkb: it's worked for us on our last machine, so I'm fine with it21:37
clarkblast machine didn't have ephemeral disk21:37
clarkbit was one giant /21:37
clarkboh you mean 2GB works for last machine21:37
mordredI thought you said the last machien had 2G ... yeah21:37
clarkbcontext switches21:37
clarkbwhy is "* os-refresh-config depends on diskimage-builder package (yuck!)" yuck?21:38
clarkbthat is the actual dependency21:38
mordredclarkb: orc is somethign that's expected to be installed on every machine as a guest agent21:38
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mordredclarkb: there is a script inside of dib that orc is using21:39
mordredclarkb: which is the reason taht orc would need the depend - but it doesn't actually depend on dib itself21:39
clarkbsure, its just that dib run parts is part of dib so you depend on dib21:39
mordredor, you make dib run parts its own thing and depend on that21:39
clarkbya thats definitely a better option. I just don't understand the problem with depending on your dependecny :)21:40
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bnemecYeah, apparently they are quite opposed to pulling in another dep because o-r-c is going to be included on cloud images, and they want those to be as small as possible.21:40
mordredyeah - it's a footprint size issue21:40
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clarkbjeblair: any thoughts on size of swap (2GB vs 30GB)? and the /opt mount?21:41
zarojenkins-dev is no longer reporting to puppetdb.o.o, anybody looking into that?21:42
clarkbzaro: puppet doesn't work on it21:42
clarkbbceause of the nodepool thing21:42
clarkbwhich is another change that got abandoned21:42
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zaroit got replaced with the one jeblair uploaded21:43
mordredclarkb: I believe, based on his change, jeblair is in favor of swap that is MEM=`grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2; }'`21:43
mordredclarkb: adn the rest in opt21:43
clarkbmordred: ya21:43
clarkbbut now that we are applying it to something like review.o.o I am curious if that still holds21:43
zaroclarkb: here's the new nodepool fix
mordredclarkb: I mean, I think his intent was that it apply to everything we run puppet on21:44
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zaromordred: do you have any idea why managed_project script fails when run on review-dev?
clarkbmordred: ok /me updates script to match the install_puppet proposal21:46
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clarkbI did the math on 2048 wrong anyways21:47
clarkbthats 2MB :/21:47
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mordredthat's plenty of swap!21:49
mordredwho needs more than 2M of anything?21:49
mordredzaro: it looks like an ssh key mismatch21:49
clarkbmordred: ok how does it look now?21:49
mordredclarkb: looks great21:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a swap partition if needed for new servers
clarkbmordred: do you think I should wait for jeblair to look or just do it?21:50
zaromordred: what does that mean?  i'm running as root on review-dev, so should have the right key correct?21:50
mordredjeblair: ^^ I restored your change and split it in to two scripts as per clarkb's review - if you are opposed to that, I'll revert21:50
mordredclarkb: I think you should just do it21:51
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clarkbok just doing it now21:53
jeblairclarkb: wfm; if you do mount /opt, be sure to rm what's there already21:53
jeblairto avoid confusion21:53
clarkbjeblair: ok21:54
clarkbI am doing it by hand rather thanrunning the script21:55
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clarkband will do the rm after the rsync21:55
clarkbWarning: The resulting partition is not properly aligned for best performance.21:56
clarkbI can redo the parted commands with a different $MEM value to fix that21:56
* clarkb figures out how to do that21:56
jeblairclarkb: check devstack-gate; i think sdague fixed it there21:57
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jogoso looping back to an old item: how do I get '' to have nova-specs?21:59
sdagueclarkb: yeh, just put 1 as the start instead of 021:59
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clarkbsdague: does that work when the end of the range is kB?22:00
clarkbsdague: or should I convert both to megabyte?22:01
clarkbwould be '1 30720' for MB22:01
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* clarkb does that22:01
sdagueyeh, I don't know, that was in MB22:01
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anteayazaro: I was getting key errors all the time when I tried to run m-p on my gerrit vm22:02
anteayaI don't know the fix22:02
jogoclarkb jeblair: ^22:02
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clarkbjogo: isn't a thing22:04
clarkbat least according to DNS22:04
clarkbso we would need to update that22:04
clarkbhowever, is this another thing that should be hosted as docs?22:04
jeblairjogo: can we work on that after the gerrit upgrade?22:05
anteayabnemec: if you haven't found anything better, here is a template patch for starting a new repo22:05
jogoclarkb: its not a think yet, this was a old ML thread. about where to make *-specs docs live22:05
anteayabnemec: note the new-project topic22:06
jogoand everyone agreed it would not be in docs directly22:06
jogojeblair: sure. this isn't a priority. just wanted to see what would be involved to get the ball rolling22:06
* jogo will revist after gerrit upgrade22:06
jeblairjogo: mostly manual steps requiring infra root, which is mostly why i was suggesting deferring it; i don't think there's much to be done outside of that at this point.  thanks22:07
bnemecanteaya: Thanks!  I was looking through
clarkbjeblair: all done22:07
clarkbjeblair: I will update your change with what I learned about alignment warnings22:08
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jeblairclarkb: cool, thanks22:09
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anteayabnemec: you can go the cookiecutter route if you like22:11
anteayabnemec: it is up to you, if you have source you want to bring in ensure the source repo has trimmed down branches and tags22:12
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anteayabnemec: this might be helpful too:
bnemecanteaya: Yeah, it's actually a little weird for this project since right now there's no Python code, which confuses cookiecutter a bit.22:13
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anteayaI haven't used cookiecutter before, so I will take your word for it22:13
bnemecanteaya: I'll have to play around with it a bit and figure out what's going to work best.  I'm sure I'll be back with questions. :-)22:13
clarkbbnemec: anteaya I don't think you want cookiecutter22:13
anteayathe patch deals with jobs, acl, bot (if you want it)22:13
clarkbinstead you want git filter branch if talking about dib run parts22:13
anteayawhat clarkb said22:14
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bnemecclarkb: Okay, thanks.22:14
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bnemecI guess this is more like graduation than a completely new project, so that makes sense.22:14
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clarkbyou want to preserve all of the history of the dib run parts22:15
clarkbwhich means doing surgery on the existing repo22:15
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anteayabnemec: cobble together an initial patch and we can groom it through the comments22:16
bnemecanteaya: Will do.  I have to take off shortly, but I'll revisit this tomorrow.22:17
bnemecanteaya: clarkb mordred: Thanks for all your help.22:17
clarkbjeblair: both sides need to be MB rounded. so 1 8096 on an 8GB machine for example22:18
* clarkb is trying to do maths on MemTotal to make that generic22:18
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zaromordred: took a deeper look, looks like managed projects fails when calling listProjects.  listProjects fails due to the mismatched keys.  The key in gerrit2 looks ok to me so not sure why it's not matching up.22:22
zaroclarkb: ^ did we replace the gerrit key?22:23
clarkboh probably22:24
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zaroclarkb: i think we need to update this key? /home/gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_project_rsa_key22:26
clarkbif that isn't puppeted22:26
clarkbactually I bet that key is correct and puppetted22:27
clarkbI think the review-dev DB needs updating22:27
zaroclarkb: it does looks like the keys are puppeted.22:30
zaroclarkb: are you referring to hiera when you say review-dev db?22:30
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Creator field added to a Task model
clarkbzaro: no, I am referring to the key for the project creator user in the mysql DB for review-dev22:33
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zaroclarkb: is that in puppet?  i don't see it.22:35
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clarkbit isn't22:36
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a swap partition if needed for new servers
clarkbjeblair: mordred ^ I caved and used python for the roudning. Hope that is acceptable22:44
clarkbjhesketh: hi there22:45
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wenlockhi, im hoping someone might have an idea on a problem im having with Package['jenkins'].  we are getting this error when we pre-create the jenkins user like in jenkinsuser.pp   i'm wondering if anyone recently encountered that issue on ubuntu jenkins package?22:54
wenlocki do get teh same error when trying : bash -x /var/lib/dpkg/info/jenkins.postinst22:55
wenlockadduser command fails, because i already have the jenkins user pre-setup22:55
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Alex_GaynorWhat's up with the unstarted qa-specs at the head of the check pipeline? They aren't disturbing anything (AFAIK), but I'm curious :-)23:00
sdagueAlex_Gaynor: scroll.... way back :)23:00
Alex_Gaynorsdague: uhh, how far, my logs go back 8 hours and no one said "qa-specs" :-)23:01
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sdague"jeblair: is there any way to kick the "lost" jobs in zuul to run again? " - it wasn't just qa-specs23:02
sdagueabout 5 hrs back23:02
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sdaguejeblair: probably should +A it to get it in23:18
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sdagueor clarkb :)23:19
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jeblairsdague: done23:20
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openstackgerritMatthieu Baerts proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Python2: fixed UnicodeEncodeError
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anteayawenlock: I haven't tried to do what you are doing, I have no experience with that error23:30
sdaguejeblair: thanks23:30
openstackgerritMatthieu Baerts proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Python2: fixed UnicodeEncodeError
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clarkbwenlock: couple of things. the package you are installing is for a very new version of jenkins which won't work with gearman plugin23:31
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wenlockanteaya, yeah, i think what im doing is trying to avoid installing another server for a slave, and the jenkins account setup on master , is not compatible with what slave.pp does23:31
jeblairclarkb, mordred: back and looking at the gerrit filesystem...23:31
clarkbwenlock: is it possible that newer package fails differently than older once on the user?23:31
wenlockclarkb, yeah, i'm thinking the older one usto fail differently23:32
wenlockyou guys probably don't mix slave + master, right?23:32
clarkbwenlock: nope23:33
wenlockok, bingo... if you did, you'd see it23:33
clarkbwenlock: now for a fix. I would make sure the package is installed before the user23:33
clarkbalso why would you do that?23:33
wenlockyep, that makes alot of sense23:33
wenlock:d resources arn't cheap23:33
clarkbya but jenkins master is a beast23:33
wenlockok, thanks for the clues guys, much appreciated!23:34
wenlockas always23:34
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jeblairah the "jeepyb" copy of the git repos are also in /var/lib23:37
clarkboh right because it caches that now23:37
jeblairmost of /root/ is a restore from backup23:38
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jeblairso we can disregard that23:38
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jeblairi'm striking out things we can disregard for the purposes of figuring out what the new server will look like23:41
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jeblairhuh.  "nova flavor-list" says we get "40" under "Disk"23:43
jeblair/dev/xvda1       20G  1.8G   17G  10% /23:43
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openstackgerritMatthieu Baerts proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Python2: fixed UnicodeEncodeError
jeblairthat doesn't seem te be what we actually get?23:43
mordredjeblair: maybe we're supposed to divide by 223:44
mordredit's telling us sizes in terms of 1000s of 512k blocks23:44
* mordred has worked with mysql-cluster before - has flashbacks to units of measure being insane23:45
clarkb17G free was definitely what I saw when I looked23:47
jeblairmikal: rackspace is being weird: flavor-list says disk=40 for a performance2-30 but we actually get 20G.23:47
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for disk-image-builder in nodepool
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mordredok. that still probably needs more work - but I think it's got all of the big pieces, is structurally there23:47
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jeblairmordred: i mean, i can't argue with that -- it does, indeed, appear to be reporting in units of 1000s of 512k blocks.23:48
arosen1Hi, just checking if you guys were aware of this:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1311835 in openstack-ci " line 264: bc: command not found" [Undecided,New]23:48
arosen1I was about to file that bug as well but noticed that.23:48
mordredjeblair: that makes me want to die inside a little bit23:48
jeblairarosen1: yeah, the fix for that has been approved23:48
arosen1jeblair:  awesome thanks.23:49
mordredlifeless, greghaynes ^^ next time you get 5 minutes, I wouldn't mind some dib expert review on ... no rush, I know you have things on your plates23:49
jeblairclarkb, mordred: do we actually want to reduce the mysqldumps there?  we currently have 1 month's worth of daily dumps23:50
jeblairi kind of like having a bunch there so that if there's a glitch with bup, we can still catch up23:50
mordredjeblair: I can go along with that reasoning23:50
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swestonjeblair: zaro: anteaya:  so I can get the docs we discussed out to you this evening.  Also, who should I work with in order to complete the upgrade timing?  I would like to get started on that tomorrow, if that works for everyone?23:57
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jeblairsweston: cool, thanks; probably zaro on upgrade timing23:58
mikaljeblair: huh23:58
mikaljeblair: is that true in all regions?23:58
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swestonjeblair: always glad to help ;-)23:58
jeblairclarkb, mordred: see etherpad -- if we put /var/lib and /home(/gerrit?) on cinder, then we use 11.7G on /23:58
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jeblairmikal: i don't know; i can check some performance1-8 nodepool nodes real quick23:59
clarkbjeblair: I think that sounds good23:59

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