Tuesday, 2014-05-20

praneshp_jeblair: pinky swear :)00:00
clarkbpraneshp_: do you pinky swear? and can you confirm the name of the tag you want removed?00:00
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praneshp_clarkb: stackforge/entropy, tag name is 5.1900:00
praneshp_its the only tag00:00
praneshp_morganfainberg: sure!00:00
bknudsonis there some reason gerrit seems to become unresponsive at this time every day?00:01
clarkbpraneshp_: done00:01
clarkbpraneshp_: it may take a few minutes to propogate to the mirrors and github00:01
praneshp_clarkb: thanks a lot00:01
praneshp_i already see it has vanished from github00:02
praneshp_sorry for the trouble00:02
clarkbbknudson: it is responsive to me, we do have a scheduled DB backup though00:02
morganfainbergbknudson, i'm not having issues on this end.00:02
* clarkb checks time for DB backup00:02
bknudsonok, I always seem to be making a comment and gerrit gets stuck with "working"... then I check the time and it's the same every day.00:03
bknudsononly lasts for a minute or so so not a big deal00:03
clarkbyup backups happen at 0000 UTC daily00:04
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clarkbwe can shift that to be more middle of the night PST which is the deadest time for us00:04
bknudsonclarkb: thanks! at least I have an explanation00:04
jeblairah yeah, that might be a mysql lock00:04
clarkbjeblair: http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph.php?action=view&local_graph_id=34&rra_id=all looks funny00:05
jeblairyeah, it pushed a lot of data today00:05
clarkbwondering if something is hitting our APIs quite a bit more00:06
jeblairclarkb: outbound eth0 matchen inbound eth1 so it seems like it was moving a lot of data from the db to the Internet00:07
clarkbah yup00:07
clarkbit would be funny if that is all gertty :P00:08
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jerryzclarkb: i find that gerrit hook is not updating bugs i just reported00:14
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openstackgerritNachi Ueno proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add Review Stat WebUI  https://review.openstack.org/9428800:18
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jeblairclarkb: i wonder if the zuul loop was part of it00:21
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boris-42jeblair ping00:27
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openstackgerritNachi Ueno proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add Review Stat WebUI  https://review.openstack.org/9428800:38
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openstackgerritNachi Ueno proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add Review Stat WebUI  https://review.openstack.org/9428801:05
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boris-42mordred ping01:05
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jogoso far both keynote speakers here at linuxcon japan mentioned  openstack01:20
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Delete fingerprint for 1224001  https://review.openstack.org/9427601:23
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SlickNikjogo: the OpenDaylight keynote and the OpenCloud panel I take it?01:28
jogowell the guy doing the intro and the opendaylight01:28
jogonow apache01:28
jogowondering if they will hit it too ;)01:28
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jogojeblair: https://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/issues/236 ohh pep8 -- it is now taking our rules01:35
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jogoAlex_Gaynor:  https://github.com/jcrocholl/pep8/issues/23601:39
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Alex_Gaynorjogo: what'd I do?01:42
harlowjaAlex_Gaynor thx for the help on doc8 :-P01:42
Alex_Gaynorharlowja: no problem! Thanks for working on it, we've already started using it in cryptography01:43
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harlowjaAlex_Gaynor https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94236/ also01:43
harlowjamight as well just move it off my own repo, lol01:43
harlowjai also refactored alot of it last night, lol01:43
harlowjamuch better structure now @ https://github.com/harlowja/doc8/tree/master/doc801:43
harlowja*simple but good enough, haha01:44
jogoAlex_Gaynor: you got pep8 the project to enforce a hacking rule that isn't in pep8 itself01:44
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jogoAlex_Gaynor: which is very confusing IMHO01:45
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praneshp_clarkb jeblair: ping03:15
praneshp_I;m trying to help someone sign the ICLA03:15
praneshp_and keep seeing an error saying cannot store contact derails03:16
praneshp_is there a known workaround about this03:16
clarkbmake sure they have joined the foundation and the email address there matches the email address in gerrit03:17
praneshp_clarkb: yeah, doing that03:17
praneshp_we just found a launchpad bug about this03:17
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jogolooks like the gate is down http://jogo.github.io/gate/05:34
StevenKjogo: It's strange seeing you in a reasonable timezone05:35
* jogo is in Tokyo05:36
jogoStevenK: haha05:36
jogoohh so trove doesn't gate on postgres https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92845/405:40
* jogo files a bug and begins pushing patches05:40
jogoany infra cores around: fungi clarkb  etc05:41
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate on Postrgres in trove.  https://review.openstack.org/9430705:52
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chmouelfungi: if you want to +2A this patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92988/ now that notmyname has +1 it05:54
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openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swift specs repository  https://review.openstack.org/9414005:57
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praneshp__jogo: ha, you have given me good news :)05:59
praneshp__one of my changes in glance has been failing forever on postgres06:00
openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swift specs repository  https://review.openstack.org/9414006:00
jogopraneshp__: well now we need a trove core to approve my fix06:00
jogoerr revert06:00
praneshp__sorry, I’m not one ;)06:00
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1321093  https://review.openstack.org/9430806:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321093 in trove "*-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full failing on trove-manage db_sync" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132109306:01
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yfriedguys, I want to ssh to localhost, how can I get user and pass/key during runtime?06:08
yfried^ during tempest test for debugging06:08
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yfriedfungi: ping06:09
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Gate on Postrgres in trove  https://review.openstack.org/9430706:58
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tempest-dsvm-postgres-full into the integrated gate  https://review.openstack.org/9431106:58
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Save sql logs  https://review.openstack.org/9431407:09
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jogoSergeyLukjanov: ping07:26
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skraynevCould anybody explain, what happens with check-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full gate ?08:58
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therveskraynev, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94315/09:12
therveAnd https://bugs.launchpad.net/trove/+bug/132109309:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321093 in trove "*-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full failing on trove-manage db_sync" [Undecided,New]09:12
therveI wonder if some trove guys are around09:12
SlickNiktherve: We're working on a fix09:13
therveSlickNik, A different one?09:14
SlickNikNope: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9431509:14
SlickNiksame one.09:14
SlickNikI'm smoke testing it before I approve to unblock the gate.09:14
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skraynevtherve: thanks ;)09:26
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Refactor preference provider  https://review.openstack.org/9433009:26
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make Timeline configurable  https://review.openstack.org/9343309:37
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make Timeline configurable  https://review.openstack.org/9343309:47
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Small refactor for preferences  https://review.openstack.org/9433209:50
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add xtstatic and xtstatic-jquery for Horizon  https://review.openstack.org/9433710:27
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rdopieralskihello there, I've heard that there is a way to use jslint/jshint for Horizon on the gate without adding it to our requirements or including in the project's tree, how would I go about setting that up?10:45
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rdopieralski(we can't depend on it because of license issues)10:46
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jpichrdopieralski: I'm not familiar with the details but I believe storyboard is the project that uses it, maybe you'll find some more information looking at the jobs they're running and how10:51
jpichwhile waiting for someone more knowledgeable to wake up and provide actually useful information10:52
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rdopieralskijpich: thanks10:56
rdopieralskiaah, I see it's just a tox job that installs all the js stuff10:58
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openstackgerritThanassis Parathyras proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding Greek Language mailing list in the corresponding puppet module.  https://review.openstack.org/9434211:20
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SergeyLukjanovjogo, pong12:24
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I'll take alook, thx!12:27
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rcarrillocruzzaro: saw your message about getting rid of drafts in gerrit this morning? Should I mark https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1078231 as invalid then?12:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1078231 in openstack-ci "Draft shouldn't update Launchpad before being Published" [Low,In progress]12:29
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openstackgerritAleksandra Fedorova proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: New fuel-specs repo for Fuel designs and specs  https://review.openstack.org/9356012:36
phschwartzMorning infra12:36
SergeyLukjanovphschwartz, hey12:38
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, clarkb, jeblair, mordred, folks, I'll not be able to attend todays infra meeting - I'll be on plane, we'll be completely available at Thursday12:39
SergeyLukjanovzaro, anteaya, ^^12:39
SergeyLukjanovI'll be here for next 1-2 hours12:40
bookwaranteaya, we already discussed this acl issue, could you please re-review https://review.openstack.org/93560 ?12:40
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openstackgerritThanassis Parathyras proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding Greek Language mailing list in the corresponding puppet module  https://review.openstack.org/9434212:41
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openstackgerritThanassis Parathyras proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding Greek Language mailing list in the corresponding puppet module  https://review.openstack.org/9434212:43
anteayarcarrillocruz: it might be a bit of time before we can get rid of drafts, but it is a goal12:45
anteayarcarrillocruz: let's leave that bug as it is for the moment12:46
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: ack, and safe flight12:46
anteayaphschwartz: morning12:46
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, thx!12:46
anteayabookwar: hi, yes, I saw the new patchset, just finding my post summit self, I have it on my list of patches to review12:46
phschwartzanteaya: How are you this morning?12:47
anteayaphschwartz: well rested and smiling, thanks for asking12:47
anteayahow about yourself?12:47
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phschwartzanteaya: Doing good. Today is my 7th wedding anniversary so it is a really good day.12:47
bookwaranteaya: thanks12:49
anteayaphschwartz: congratulations, and happy anniversary to you both12:50
anteayaphschwartz: any plans?12:50
phschwartzanteaya: Going to this nice gourmet restaurant that we haven't tried before. http://www.sixtablesbocaraton.com12:50
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack/requirements: django_compressor: bump to 1.4  https://review.openstack.org/9435712:54
anteayathat looks like a lovely night out12:54
anteayaI hope you have fun12:54
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: add dashboard support to jeepyb  https://review.openstack.org/9426013:01
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Netifaces: bump to 0.10.4  https://review.openstack.org/9435813:01
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rdopieralskiis there an official openstack user on the pypi?13:22
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rdopieralskiopenstackci, I assume?13:24
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fungirdopieralski: yes, make openstackci a package index owner13:26
fungirdopieralski: that will allow our release automation to upload packages and trove metadata13:26
anteayahey fungi13:26
fungianteaya: hi there13:26
anteayahow was your weekend?13:27
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anteayaI see you took one, well done13:27
rdopieralskifungi: thanks13:28
fungianteaya: i was staying in a lodge up on a mountainside with no cell phone service13:29
fungideep in a national park13:29
fungiit was... relaxing13:29
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BobBallI know it's only the second day back after the conference, so I'm very happy to be told to wait - but is https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1319184 in the right place to get me set as the PTL for xenapi-os-testing?13:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1319184 in openstack-ci "Request initial member: xenapi-os-testing-core" [Undecided,New]13:29
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fungiBobBall: sure, just a sec and i'll add you13:29
BobBalloh perfect! :D13:30
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fungiBobBall: actually, looks like there may have been a problem with the acl for stackforge/xenapi-os-testing (i'm digging into it now)13:31
anteayafungi: oh I'm so glad13:32
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anteayathat sounds awesome13:32
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BobBallhmmm OK - let me know if you need me to do anything.  I'll be honest I was just following without understanding so it's quite possible I got something wrong.13:32
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Refresh token support  https://review.openstack.org/9436313:34
funginothing jumps out at me as being syntactically wrong... checking the logs on the server for any related errors just after 2014-05-09 19:00 UTC13:35
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Implement Depends-On: IdempotentID  https://review.openstack.org/9436513:35
fungiwhich should correspond with the merging of https://review.openstack.org/8768013:35
sdaguenow I need jeblair to be up to give me ideas about why that is just generating alarm events in my unit tests13:35
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AJaegerfungi, that sounds like an excellent weekend!13:36
fungiAJaeger: well, i wasn't there for long, and was in town primarily to help set up/break down/participate in my brother's wedding. but to be able to get away from family in between, i booked a room at a lodge in the middle of a national forest about 45 minutes away from them ;)13:39
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix StoryBoard spelling  https://review.openstack.org/9340613:41
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jeblairsdague: welcome to the wonderful world of testr and zuul.  :(13:43
jeblairsdague: an alarm probably means you're hitting a test timeout, and test timeouts don't come with any logs13:43
jeblairsdague: it's the most maddening thing13:44
jeblairsdague: so the process is something like this:13:44
sdaguehmmm... I thought we got those in tempest13:44
jeblairsdague: a) guess which tests might be timing out -- sometimes this involves reading subunit streams.  if you're lucky, you already know which test timed out.13:44
jeblairsdague: b) run that test in the foreground (there are some commands in TESTING that do this)13:45
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sdagueI have no idea what timed out13:45
sdagueit's hitting it on 4 threads13:45
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jeblairsdague: we have to use a hard timeout -- the soft timeout doesn't actually kill the test, and i believe it's the hard timeouts that lose logs13:46
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jeblairsdague: so yeah, i think the best process people have come up with in this case is to examine the subunit log and see which test started but did not finish13:46
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jeblairsdague: or, since this is likely to be reliably reproducible (eg, not racy), you might be able to run all the tests sequentially and print their names13:47
jeblairsdague: i think there's a command in TESTING that illustrates that too13:47
sdaguejeblair: yeh, honestly, I'll probably pull the tempest subunit filter over, that makes life readable, even if only in my local tree13:47
fungimordred: clarkb: jeblair: yay new (old?) manage-projects issue... stackforge/xenapi-os-testing was created on may 9th but didn't have an acl applied. i dug through the gerrit error/ssh logs (syslog had been rotated into oblivion weeks ago) and found no smoking gun. manually re-running manage-projects for that project seemed to add the acl just fine :/13:48
jeblairsdague: that works too.  though the commands under "Hanging Tests" in the TESTING.rst file are the ones i'm thinking of that do something similar13:49
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anteayafungi: :/13:49
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jeblairsdague: fyi tests.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_jobs_launched is sort of the 'hello world' test; it's a good one to just run and tell you if you've broken everything13:50
jeblairfungi: well, we do have a LOT of new project creations coming up in the spec repos13:50
anteayafungi: do we have any logging around the acl application event currently?13:50
jeblairso we may be able to get more data13:51
sdaguefungi: so I was in that code13:51
sdaguemy guess is that it raced on gerrit building that file13:51
sdagueand just bailed out early silently13:51
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fungiwhile i was out, did any additional logging of manage-projects get added to a not-syslog location which might still be hanging around weeks later?13:52
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add xstatic and xstatic-jquery for Horizon  https://review.openstack.org/9433713:53
fungibut yeah, hopefully we can spot this quickly enough to have a record of what happened next time13:53
anteayawe have one error message: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/jeepyb/tree/jeepyb/cmd/manage_projects.py#n48713:53
sdagueI've got a clean up here - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94196/3 - but if that's all just syslog logging, it won't change that13:53
jeblairanyone know if Radomir is on irc?13:55
fungiwhee! more launchpad bug update timeouts. "Server error, please contact an administrator."13:55
anteayaI don't know who that person is, so not me13:56
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anteayafungi: where are you seeing that?13:56
anteayais that in our gerrit launchpad hooks?13:57
fungianteaya: adding a comment to bug 1319184 before i mark it fixed13:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1319184 in openstack-ci "Request initial member: xenapi-os-testing-core" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131918413:57
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fungianteaya: nope, just a plain old user clicking his browser in launchpad13:57
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anteayafungi: the timeout in plain sight13:58
fungianteaya: according to StevenK the number of "administrators" to contact on lp problems is rapidly approaching the null set13:58
anteayayeah, heyho storyboard13:58
fungiyay! only took four tries to add my comment13:58
anteayawell done13:58
sdaguejeblair: so if I dump over the pretty tox from tempest, I get the following - http://paste.openstack.org/show/81000/13:59
fungiBobBall: you should be all set now13:59
sdaguewhich is that 7 workers hung?13:59
BobBallthat's wonderful - thanks fungi.13:59
fungichmouel: i just noticed that https://review.openstack.org/92988 should also be adding that job to the gate pipeline when making it voting, so i'll push a quick patchset to fix that before approving14:01
anteayasdague: line 179: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94196/3/jeepyb/cmd/manage_projects.py14:01
sdagueanteaya: old or new side?14:01
anteayathe logic changes and matches the logic on line 17714:01
anteayanew side14:01
anteayahelp me understand what is happening14:01
sdaguediff --quiet returns > 0 if there are changes14:02
sdagueif there are not changes, we throw an exception so that no further processing inside the try happens14:02
jeblairsdague: sounds about right; most of those tests exercise multiple items in a dependent pipeline14:03
BobBallsdague: return value from that push_acl_config seems to be ignored?14:03
anteayaokay so we evaluate status, adjust the value of status, and evaluate status again14:03
anteayaand if the value never adjusted we stop14:03
sdagueBobBall: yep, it was before as well14:03
sdagueanteaya: right14:04
anteayasdague: great, thanks14:04
BobBallthat could be where the issue hit by xenapi-os-testing was though14:04
* anteaya continues to review14:04
sdagueBobBall: I actually expect the issue is the copy14:04
sdaguecopy_acl_config really depends on gerrit creating an initial version14:05
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sdaguebecause it's assuming the acl is an already versioned file14:05
sdagueso there is definitely a race there14:05
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make swiftclient python3 job as voting  https://review.openstack.org/9298814:05
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fungisdague: good point. maybe a busy-wait with a timeout+raise there would help14:07
sdaguefungi: it could14:07
fungisdague: i think clarkb added something similar for group creation too14:07
sdagueoh, maybe in group creation I was reading about that14:07
anteayathis was posted this morning, a netifaces bump: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94358/ since this created an issue last time I just wanted folks to know14:08
anteayaI don't know how to test this myself, yet14:08
fungianteaya: looks like we got that version in our mirror yesterday, so should be fine... http://pypi.openstack.org/openstack/netifaces/14:10
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anteayawas that the issue last time, it wasn't in our mirror?14:11
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fungianteaya: well, "the issue" is a little vague (we've had plenty of mirror/reqs/integration issues)14:12
fungianteaya: also, https://pypi.python.org/simple/netifaces/ has tarballs now, so we should be able to take it out of our whitelist in the integration test script in the pbr repo14:12
anteayaI thought there was breakage, but I could be remembering wrong14:12
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fungioh, not pbr, but run-mirror is where we have that whitelisted now... http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/pypi-mirror/tree/pypi_mirror/cmd/run_mirror.py14:14
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: ping14:14
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danpbi'm guessing this has probably been raised before....  is there a reason why the wiki SSO session timeout is so short ?14:14
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danpbit is frustrating to get logged out of the wiki multiple times a day, while gerrit happily leaves us logged in for much longer14:15
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Re-enfranchise the PyPy jobs  https://review.openstack.org/9437314:15
fungidanpb: i think we have an open bug against that and Ryan_Lane was looking into it... let me see if i can find it14:15
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chmouelfungi: okay14:16
fungidanpb: bug 117275314:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1172753 in openstack-ci "Wiki timeout too short" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117275314:16
danpbfungi: thanks for the info14:17
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fungidanpb: seems to have been rotting in its current state for roughly a year :/14:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make swiftclient python3 job as voting  https://review.openstack.org/9298814:18
fungichmouel: ^14:18
eglynnanother potential gerrit issue introduced by the upgrade?14:18
eglynnmere mortals seem to have lost their non-binding +1 ability on goverance patches14:19
chmouelfungi: sweet!14:19
eglynne.g. https://review.openstack.org/8752614:19
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eglynnwhere "mere mortal" == !"TC member"14:19
fungieglynn: i believe that has always been the case (i've never been able to +1/-1 governance changes, only comment)14:19
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: pong14:20
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add pyscss and django_pyscss for Horizon  https://review.openstack.org/9437614:20
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: For the pypy builds, if we want the new package that was just released, we need to build a new image?14:20
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eglynnfungi: a-ha, ok, thanks! ... nijaba, jd__ & /me recalled being able to +1, but maybe we were mistaken14:21
fungieglynn: tc members get -1..+1 code review on that repository, and the tc chair gets -2..+2 code review, -1..+1 workflow on it14:21
eglynnfungi: cool, thanks ... apologies for the noise :)14:22
jeblaireglynn, fungi: correct; however, we may be able to add a new column to governance for non-binding votes.  please do leave comments though, we definitely want them14:22
jeblaireglynn: (it was merely a technical limitation of gerrit 2.4 that caused us to disallow votes)14:22
eglynnjeblair: thanks, we prolly just confused it with the policy on the other repo for which we're not core14:22
sdaguejeblair: if my current random debugging is correct, the real issue seems to be that self.sched.wake_event.wait(0.1) doesn't actually timeout14:22
jeblairsdague: that doesn't sound right14:23
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: i believe so14:24
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: what does it take to rebuild that image?14:24
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: happens daily, may currently be in progress.  hpcloud fails 98% of the time and may take weeks to propagate there.14:24
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fungiAlex_Gaynor: also, is the new package in the ppa we're pulling from?14:25
Alex_Gaynorfungi: yup; ina legacy system this would just be apt-get update && apt-get upgrade14:25
sdaguejeblair: nope, sorry, it's earlier, it's blocking trying to get a lock14:25
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: http://nodepool.openstack.org/image.log14:25
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: that's the full log from all the builds (interleaved, so grep for the one you're interested in)14:25
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: eg "grep rax-ord.py3k-precise image.log"14:26
fungiAlex_Gaynor: worth noting, there are 33 images in the midst of being built right now14:27
jeblairso yeah, in progress as we speak14:27
jeblairstarted about 10 mins ago14:27
fungi6 are py3k images14:27
sdagueself.fake_gerrit.event_queue.join() that's where the hang is for me (even on concurency 1)14:27
Alex_GaynorOk, so sounds like we just wait a bit and then we can land https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94373/ ?14:27
fungi(which is where the pypy jobs get run)14:28
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: we'll want to make sure they all updated successfully14:28
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: okey doke14:29
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jeblairsdague: that probably means one of the loops errored out, therefore the test never finished.  at this point it's probably worth capturing the full log output and looking for an exception14:40
jeblairsdague: (so run the test alone in the foreground and redirect stdout/stderr)14:40
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rcarrillocruzanteaya: you think it's worthwhile working on a fix then? I started a branch on that draft gerrit integration, depending on how far we will get rid of it I would continue working on it...14:42
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phschwartzIs the process for requesting gerrit groups still through launchpad14:46
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sdaguejeblair: ok, well, same thing, it's hanging on that join. Which is not true before my patch. So any chance at looking at the patch for where I might be doing a bad thing?14:48
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jeblairsdague: which test are you running?14:48
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jeblairsdague: run: .tox/py27/bin/python -m testtools.run tests.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_build_configuration14:50
mriedemclarkb: i've got a query for bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1320670 but it's only hitting on experimental queue jobs on master, but it does show up in stable/icehouse jobs in grenade,14:51
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1320670 in grenade "404 on GET /v3/OS-SIMPLE-CERT/ca at grenade" [Undecided,In progress]14:51
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mriedemclarkb: wondering if i'm missing something? or the query just won't hit stable/icehouse grenade jobs for some other reason, i.e. not indexed or something14:51
jeblairsdague: you should see the error14:51
anteayafound the netifaces thing: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2014-05-03.log timestamp 2014-05-03T19:36:1714:51
sdagueok, got it14:52
anteayarcarrillocruz: well it all depends on when we are getting rid of drafts in gerrit14:52
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Support node configuration  https://review.openstack.org/8960414:52
anteayarcarrillocruz: I had thought that was going to happen when we upgrade to gerrit 2.9, and as far as I know we don't have a time for when we are moving to 2.914:53
anteayasince we just moved to 2.814:53
anteayarcarrillocruz: I think we should hear from zaro and others14:53
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Support node configuration  https://review.openstack.org/8960414:53
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Support node startup with the JNLP Launcher  https://review.openstack.org/8960314:54
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Support node configuration  https://review.openstack.org/8960414:54
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anteayaphschwartz: what gerrit group do you need created?14:57
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anteayahey Ryan_Lane14:58
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phschwartzanteaya: The ones for vinz that you also noted in your review of my patchset14:59
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anteayaphschwartz: I am not sure if the groups get created automatically by manage-projects or if they are created manually after the patch merges15:00
anteayabut having them in the patch is sufficient for you communicating that they need to be created15:00
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anteayaI am assuming you are the vinz-ptl?15:00
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phschwartzanteaya: The docs say after the merge to crete a bug in lp for it. Just wanted to make sure that it was needed that way still15:01
anteayahmmm, I don't know15:01
anteayafungi: any input?15:01
phschwartzanteaya: Probably to start yes. And after we get established and moving forward with more people working on it, it would probably be up for a vote like other projects.15:01
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anteayajhesketh: when you are next online, I have commented back to you here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93562/315:04
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anteayaa repo in the openstack-infra space should require a contributor agreement, should it not?15:09
anteayarepos in stackforge don't need to and spec repos don't need to, but I think openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard should15:09
anteayanotmyname: why does swift need a new repo for a ceph backend? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93102/15:11
phschwartzkrotscheck: so get this. Accessing the REST API for Gerrit 2.8.4 using HTTP requests works fine for me, but js from mod_proxy was a cluster F*** still15:11
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anteayanotmyname: obviously I am missing something here15:11
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notmynameanteaya: that's a community-developed thing (like the zeroVM and glusterFS ones). I don't know much about it, but it seems the devs there want it to be in stackforge15:12
notmynameanteaya: similar to how the swift3 middleware is in stackforge15:12
* anteaya looks at what is in stackforge15:13
chmouelanteaya: that's a stackforge project15:13
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anteayanotmyname chmouel okay, I will review for accuracy of creating the repo and would be good to have your input on the patch from a "should this exist" point of view15:14
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notmynameanteaya: to be very clear, it should not exist inside of swift. and I don't care if it exists in stackforge. that is, I support it's development in the community, but I don't have any opinions on where they should host their code15:15
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anteayanotmyname: *nod15:16
chmouelanteaya: +1 to notmyname, i don't think we have the right to give opinion about "should this exist" on stackforge projects15:17
chmouel(althought this is made by my colleagues so obv involved with it)15:18
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anteayachmouel: okay, thanks for bringing me up to date15:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/specs-cookiecutter: Update readme to refer to specs-cookiecutter  https://review.openstack.org/9045115:19
msabramozaro: I would love to hear your thoughts on https://review.openstack.org/90114 whenever you have the time15:20
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Implement Depends-On: IdempotentID  https://review.openstack.org/9436515:25
sdaguejeblair: not quite passing existing tests, but it's closer, and at least blows up in a way that one can work through test issues15:26
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rcarrillocruzanteaya: ok, thx15:27
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jeblairsdague: controlled detonation as a development model.  i like it.  :)15:28
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sdagueso there is no way to make the thread explosions return to testr in the general case?15:29
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sdagueI also believe I integrated all your feedback in the jeepyb patch yesterday - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94196/315:31
sdagueas well as putting a dashboard support patch on top of it15:31
openstackgerritChmouel Boudjnah proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add swift specs repository  https://review.openstack.org/9414015:31
fungiphschwartz: anteaya: (sorry, was afk, skimmed just now) if i understand what you're asking, we probably want 1) a review to add the skeleton openstack-infra/vinz project (probably already exists--i'm behind on reviews), an infra spec for vinz (once the openstack-infra/infra-specs repo exists, if it doesn't already) and a storyboard project for vinz15:31
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jeblairfungi: ++15:33
fungiphschwartz: as for how to request gerrit groups associated with the vinz code review repo, requesting them in here, in an lp bug against openstack-ci or on the openstack-infra ml are all fine15:33
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jeblairfungi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93929/  probably worth prioritizing that one15:34
fungiphschwartz: however, it works best to request them once the project is created, so that we don't forget to do it later ;)15:34
phschwartzfungi: awesome, that makes it easy. Yes, the review to add the skeleton is up. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93953/, nothing for the spec yet.15:34
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fungijeblair: next on my agenda. thanks15:34
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phschwartzfungi, jeblair, anteaya: I have some things todo internal post summit and once done with those, I will start on the spec.15:35
anteayachmouel: no tests now for you?15:35
anteayachmouel: I'm fine either way, just seems like a change of heart from yesterday15:36
phschwartzfungi: for note, the groups for gerrit will be vinz-webclient-core and vinz-ptl15:36
jeblairphschwartz: no problem; that gives us time to set up the specs repo.  :)15:37
james_liclarkb, fungi: could you pls take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92655/  ?15:38
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phschwartzzaro: Morning15:40
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anteayazaro: morning15:42
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anteayazaro: rcarrillocruz has some questions about our timing around getting rid of gerrit drafts15:42
anteayazaro: what information do you have on that?15:43
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jeblairsdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88289/15:43
sdaguejeblair: do we know the current pass rate of that job?15:44
phschwartzAs part of my work internal here at Rax I created a set of ansible playbooks to automate creating the puppetmaster and launching nodes as needed. If there is interest in them, I can put them up as a WIP review for you guys to look at and if liked, we can work them into the config repo.15:44
sdaguesalv-orlando you feeling comfortable with that change?15:44
zarorcarrillocruz, anteaya : actually the right word is 'disable' drafts in gerrit.  will probably happen in by end of week.  i think will will talk about it today in infra meeting.  i would recommend to stop work on 1078231.15:46
anteayazaro: awesome thank you15:47
* anteaya notes the use of the word disable15:47
fungiphschwartz: while i'm not opposed to ansible (and what brief introduction/demos i've had do make it seem more attractive a choice than puppet), i'd rather not consider integrating ansible into our current infrastructure unless we had some consensus that we want to start replacing puppet with it (which would be a massive undertaking). worth discussing however15:47
anteayaphschwartz: some folks have deployment tool files in the stackforge space15:48
phschwartzfungi: I am actually not looking at it to replace puppet for infra. But in the same manner we use it here at Rax to add orchestration outside of puppet as you see with things like the launch_node.py and other such scripts.15:48
anteayachef cookbooks and such15:48
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rcarrillocruzk, thx15:49
anteayafungi: have you had a chance to look at my feedback on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93065/115:49
jeblairfungi, phschwartz: i think mordred did a POC of using ansible for the ssh puppet trigger15:49
anteayathe normalize acl script patch15:49
anteayafungi: I'm just wondering if you have any thoughts on my feedback15:50
phschwartzjeblair: That is basically what I did, lol. Should have asked as that would have saved some time. But I have been using it to replace launch_node.py (and created a playbook for automating the creation of the puppet-master.)15:50
krotscheckphschwartz: Reading scrollback right now. That makes some sense, though it might be a mod_proxy configuration flag that’s missing.15:52
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jeblairjesusaurus: are you around to babysit 89708?15:53
zaromsabramo : sorry, i've been avoiding the python 3 stuff because openstack does not support it yet.  however it looks like python 3 support is coming soon, so good time to dive in.  will give it a look soon.15:53
msabramozaro: no problem15:53
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msabramozaro: Victor Stinner seems to be pushing a lot for more Python 3 support in openstack15:54
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anteayahey clarkb15:59
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: update gerrit app on review-dev.o.o to same version as on review.o.o  https://review.openstack.org/9441316:00
james_liclarkb: hey morning16:00
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jeblairnice, i have 70% packet loss to review over v616:02
jeblairseems to be he.net16:03
jeblairi noticed that because gertty keeps dropping into offline mode.16:03
anteayagertty works over ipv6?16:04
clarkbjeblair: is there a specific proposed gertty change you would recommend I install? it looks like you branched the change tree16:05
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jeblairi did? huh, lemme see16:06
chmouelanteaya: it was a discussion we had on #openstack-swift and I lost :)16:06
jeblairclarkb: no, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94097/ is the tip16:07
jeblairclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92747/ has a branch, but one of them is abandoned16:07
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jeblairclarkb: so it should be a straight line from HEAD to 9409716:08
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chmouelanteaya: i mean lost to convince that tests in specs are useful :)16:08
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anteayachmouel: :( I think tests in specs are useful16:10
anteayachmouel: I have +1'd the patches you offered since they will create the repo, but up to swift to decide on tests16:10
anteayaI don't think we have had a general conversation on tests for spec repos16:11
jeblairthere's one on the -dev list now.16:11
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Implement Depends-On: IdempotentID  https://review.openstack.org/9436516:11
sdagueok, going to get out and ride for a bit, will try to stare a zuul some more later16:12
jeblairi think they should all have the -docs gate job, at a minimum.  i don't have an opinion currently beyond that.16:12
zarojeblair: tried to release jjb today, but was not able to because i don't have permission in gerrit.16:12
boris-42jeblair hi there16:12
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anteayachmouel: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-May/035256.html16:12
zarojeblair: need to do 2nd part of this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56823/16:12
anteayasdague: enjoy the bike ride16:12
zarojeblair: you think you can help with that?16:12
boris-42jeblair could you remove -1 pls from here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90402/ ?16:13
pleia2good morning16:13
anteayachmouel: so you have that thread and jeblair's opinion that specs should at least have a docs gate job16:13
zaropleia2: morning16:13
anteayachmouel: try again16:13
jeblairzaro: done16:13
anteayamorning pleia216:13
jeblairzaro: who else did we want to add?16:13
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chmouelanteaya: any chances that you can mention it on the review so other can coment there?16:14
anteayaI will do so now16:14
zarojeblair: not sure atm.16:14
jeblairboris-42: done16:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Set KEEP_LOCALRC for enabling CEDARISH in solum  https://review.openstack.org/9265516:15
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boris-42jeblair thank you16:15
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fungiboris-42: i removed mordred's -1 workflow (wip) too16:17
boris-42fungi thank you=)16:17
anteayachmouel: let me know if you need more16:17
fungisince it looked like he was setting it to wip for the same reason16:17
boris-42fungi yep16:17
chmouelanteaya: cool tks16:17
boris-42fungi because of John's -116:17
anteayachmouel: go get some tests16:17
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zarorcarrillocruz: hey, since your doing the LP update, would you like to take ownership of this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/101170516:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1011705 in openstack-ci "update_bug should use review owner instead of latest commiter" [Low,Confirmed]16:19
rcarrillocruzsure i can16:20
rcarrillocruzjeblair , fungi, clarkb: hello there. if you have some time, could you please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93773/ ?16:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create an infra-specs repo  https://review.openstack.org/9392916:21
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jeblairrcarrillocruz: my review queue is 135 items long.  your change is at position #58.  please feel free to review some infra changes if you have time.16:24
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jeblairdprince: are you up for creating a puppet-yum module/repo as suggested by jesusaurus in 90874 ?16:27
dprincejeblair: yes, I'm happy to make that change16:28
rcarrillocruzoops, sorry :/16:28
jeblairdprince: cool, thx16:28
zarojeblair: just made a jjb release, do you happen to know why the overview info is missing in pypi?  https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jenkins-job-builder/0.8.016:29
zarojeblair: ver 0.7.0 has the info.16:30
pleia2dprince: I spoke to morganfainberg about this yesterday, any objections?16:30
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pleia2dprince: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94266/16:30
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dprincepleia2: I have mixed feelings I suppose. Some people do like to see WIPs I think.16:31
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zaroare we no longer mirroring to github?16:32
dprincepleia2: I'm probably okay removing them for now if they are problematic though...16:32
fungizaro: we are trying, but sometimes project setup there breaks in jeepyb due to api throttling16:32
fungizaro: did you spot one which broke/.16:32
pleia2dprince: not problematic really, just the reason for reviewday seems to be to find important reviews to focus on, and WIP doesn't seem like it should be there :)16:32
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fungiAlex_Gaynor: fyi, the only nodepool region which failed to build a fresh precise-py3k image a couple hours ago was hpcloud-az216:33
zarofungi: ohh forgot i was looking at github.org/openstack-ci instead of openstack-infra16:33
dprincepleia2: yeah. well the idea was they should always be ranked near the bottom. Fair enough though, not showing them is probably fine16:33
Alex_Gaynorfungi: so do we kick that builder again, or just wait until it runs automatically?16:33
* dprince has trouble finding WIPs sometimes though16:33
* dprince although the big red X should help!16:34
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jeblairzaro: i don't know off hand why it's missing; you may want to check the release jobs and see if there's anything there.16:34
dprincepleia2: we missed you in Atlanta BTW16:34
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zarofungi, jeblair : i think the info on pypi still points to github.com/openstack-ci instead of openstack-infra and maybe that's why no overview info?16:34
pleia2dprince: thanks, missed you all too!16:34
jeblairzaro: no, that's built from the setup.py/setup.cfg files16:35
jeblairfungi: http://logs.openstack.org/0a71ef9/post/reddwarf-coverage/6/cover/  should all have been deleted, right?16:35
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zarojeblair: ahh thanks.  i think hashar made a change to that recently.16:37
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fungiAlex_Gaynor: i've started a while loop over rebuilding the image in that region, so hopefully we'll get a fresh one some time in the next day or so if we're lucky (the current most recent image there is over a month old)16:38
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fungijeblair: yes, those are hella-old. i'll see if i can spot why they stuck around16:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added resolveSessionState method  https://review.openstack.org/9263916:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Created new Dashboard module  https://review.openstack.org/9264016:40
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Removed new story button on index  https://review.openstack.org/9264516:40
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anteayakrotscheck phschwartz http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/infra-specs/16:41
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jeblairanteaya: we need to populate it with a template first16:41
jeblairi will do that16:41
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Alex_Gaynorfungi: fun times16:43
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anteayagreat, since I don't know what you are looking for in a template16:44
zarojeblair: "home page" section for jjb on pypi still points to github.com/openstack-ci.  This doesn't look like it comes from setup.cfg. is that an account config setting?16:44
jeblairzaro: it all comes from the setup file16:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Ajust tox.ini  https://review.openstack.org/9340516:46
anteayaI can see things now in gertty16:46
anteayaby things I mean diffs, yay16:46
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Alex_Gaynorfungi: ok, so the CR I sent is blocked until that's resolved?16:48
zarojeblair: yeah, i see it now.16:48
krotscheckWhat’s the appropriate way to handle “Hey we got 2 x +2 on this but the patch failed because a different merge included an alembic migration with the same # so I had to rename a file to make the patch clear”?16:48
krotscheckApprove it, or let it go through another round of review?16:49
zarokrotscheck: usually another round.16:49
krotscheckzaro: Got it16:49
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anteayaI think I have time to get a walk in before meeting season starts16:50
anteayaback in about an hour16:50
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fungiAlex_Gaynor: yeah, for safety reasons, we really don't want jobs breaking at random depending on where they run16:51
Alex_Gaynorfungi: that's reasonable :-)16:51
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clarkbthe logstash queue has taken off :(16:52
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clarkbseems to be falling now. I have no idea what happened there. maybe just post summit rush?16:56
clarkbI will keep an eye on it today I guess16:57
clarkb(everything looks healthy)16:57
zarodoes anyone know how the overview page on pypi works?16:58
fungizaro: its contents are built from the data in a project's setup.cfg file16:58
zarodoes it read the README.rst from a project then just display it?16:58
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jesusaurusjeblair: yeah, im around to babysit now. i will want to manually rebase before it's approved to make sure that we don't lose any slave_scripts that might have been added in the past week16:59
jeblairjesusaurus: okay, why don't you go ahead and do that and let me know when you're ready16:59
zarofungi: what is the result of the setup.cfg?  can i look at that resulting file from a build?16:59
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fungizaro: no, it's a file in the project's git repository17:00
fungizaro: such as http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder/tree/setup.cfg17:00
fungizaro: if i understand from scrollback, you want to adjust the metadata.home-page parameter there to no longer be https://github.com/openstack-ci/jenkins-job-builder17:01
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zarofungi: so what about the overview (or stuff from README.rst) here https://pypi.python.org/pypi/jenkins-job-builder/0.7.017:02
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fungizaro: so you'd just submit a change in gerrit to alter that line, and then it will be correct on pypi the next time jenkins-job-builder tags a release17:02
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fungizaro: yes, it also embeds the contents of README.rst there any time a new version of the package is released17:03
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zarofungi: ok. do you happen to know why README.rst is missing in 0.8.0?  that probably has nothing to do with setup.cfg, does it?17:04
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zarofungi: build job looks ok to me https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/jenkins-job-builder-pypi-upload/1/console17:06
clarkbjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92753/2/gertty/sync.py has onion layers of db session context management. Does sqlite handle that ok? I think it should because it is multi thread that it fails at while this is still single thread17:06
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fungizaro: in 0.7.0 the pypi metadata seems to have been included directly in setup.py instead of setup.cfg, so maybe something got missed in the change which ported it over?17:08
jeblairclarkb: where are the layers?17:08
jeblairclarkb: i only see one session block17:08
zarofungi: ahh, ok.  let me check that.17:08
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* eglynn doesn't want to be a pest17:08
eglynn... buuut17:08
eglynn... it would be great to get the ceilo-specs patch landed17:09
fungizaro: looks like it's missing metadata.description-file like http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/setup.cfg#n4 has17:09
clarkbjeblair: SyncChangeTask has a with on line 183 and it dispatches a SyncChangebyCommitTask with on 16317:09
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-specific config out of ::jenkins  https://review.openstack.org/8970817:09
dstufft fungi to be specific, if there is no long descriptionn pypi will attempt to read a readme.rst17:09
eglynn... so that we can start churning out detailed BP specs while the goings-on at summit are still fresh17:09
dstufftand probably some other files17:09
dstufftto discover one17:09
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fungidstufft: good to know--thanks!17:09
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jeblaireglynn: it will be a few more hours at a mininum, but we'll try to land those asap17:09
eglynnjeblair: excellent! thank you sir!17:09
fungizaro: i suspect the addition of metadata.description masked it from trying to read the README.rst file17:10
jeblairi'd like to bring up the question of repo naming conventions at the project meeting17:10
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jeblairclarkb: that just enqueues a task, it doesn't actually run it17:10
dstufftfungi:  dunno if it's useful for y'all or not, but sooner or later there wil lbe a lib to verify that pypi can render your description17:10
jeblairclarkb: (that == submitTask)17:11
clarkbjeblair: does something prevent a context switch to running it right there? does the dispatcher run in the same thread?17:11
fungidstufft: that would be nice. i can imagine us adding a gate job for projects configured to release to pypi17:11
dstufft(sorry, my typing is bad i have a brace on my hand)17:11
jeblairclarkb: yeah, tasks aren't threads -- there is a single thread that runs each task in series17:11
dstufftfungi: github.com/pypa/readme is how warehouse renders, which is slighly diff than pypi. but it's already there for warehouse... just need to make a cli interface17:12
clarkbjeblair: got it thanks17:12
fungidstufft: similarly, i'd like to add a gate job which would catch things like being unable to build a tarball, since we get a lot of false failures which turn out to be incomplete release configuration within a given project source tree, so i can see adding checks like that to the same job17:12
dstufftfungi: you might like this project, one sec17:12
jeblairfungi: we build a tarball for every test17:13
jeblairthat's one of the reasons we switched to tox17:13
dstufftfungi: https://warehouse.python.org/project/check-manifest/17:13
clarkbnew tox worked with zuul btw \o/17:13
clarkbso once there is a new tox release we can upgrade to it17:14
jeblairclarkb: yay17:14
fungidstufft: awesome! taking notes17:14
dstufftfungi: i use check-manifest in warehouse's tests17:14
dstufftit's pretty ok17:14
dstufftsaves you from the mistake of forgetting to add some package data17:14
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fungidstufft: agreed, that would be helpful. does it also catch when people mistype or make up nonexistent trove classifiers which the pypi upload interface is going to reject?17:15
pleia2jeblair: was there time at the summit to talk about debian&fedora mirrors? (saw your update to one of the fedora patches re: putting it in a separate module)17:15
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fungipleia2: yeah, we chatted with some of the tripleo folk in the dev lounge about it17:16
dstufftfungi: no17:17
dstufftfungi: sounds like a use thing to make tho17:17
pleia2fungi: I have a debian patch+bug hanging out there, so I'll need to get up to speed at some point17:17
krotscheckDesign question on OAuth - should refresh_tokens expire?17:17
fungidstufft: yeah, that's been one of the other common opaque failure modes for our release automation... inability to guess what pypi will reject17:17
* krotscheck is pondering 9436317:18
dstufftfungi: some day pypi will reject invalid markup17:18
jeblairmorganfainberg: thoughts on krotscheck's question?17:18
fungipleia2: if memory serves, the rough consensus was that infra would like puppetry to build package mirrors for platforms on which we run gate jobs, since we may also want to embed some in our various providers/regions/zones17:18
morganfainbergjeblair, looking at the qeustion.17:19
fungipleia2: but if tripleo plans to run their own outside of infra systems management, then it should go in a separate tenant at a minimum17:19
pleia2fungi: ok, thanks17:20
morganfainbergkrotscheck, what would the impact be if a refresh_token expires? need to log in again?17:20
krotscheckmorganfainberg: Well, it would set two expiration dates - expiration of the access_token and expiration of the refresh_token some time after that.17:20
krotscheckmorganfainberg: User impact would be that they’d have to log in again.17:20
krotscheckmorganfainberg: Dev impact would be that we’d have to handle an additional edge case.17:21
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krotscheckmorganfainberg: Security impact would be… dunno, that’s why I’m asking.17:21
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morganfainbergkrotscheck, right.17:22
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morganfainbergkrotscheck, from a pure security standpoint, yes refresh_token should expire. Otherwise it would be possible to re-use something waaaaaay down the line17:22
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phschwartzmorganfainberg: Agree to that completely17:23
phschwartzanteaya: perfect, I have a place to put the spec when it is ready17:24
krotscheckmorganfainberg: kk, that changes a few comments on my code review.17:24
phschwartzdo we have a specific format for the specs for infra or is copying the nova format good to start17:24
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jeblairphschwartz: working on it now17:25
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jeblairphschwartz: it will be different17:25
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jeblairanteaya: did infra-specs get use-storyboard:True?17:26
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: update URL references to project.  https://review.openstack.org/9443017:26
phschwartzjeblair: awesome, I will keep an eye out.17:26
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morganfainbergkrotscheck, cool. i am not sure on what a sane refresh period is (might be in the spec)17:26
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use storyboard in infra-specs  https://review.openstack.org/9443117:29
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ speedy approve?17:29
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clarkbspeedy approved17:31
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jesusaurusis there a known ongoing issue with nodepool? I'm just noticing a "Looks like the node went offline during the build." failure from half an hour ago17:32
fungioops, double-approved ;)17:32
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a doc8 stackforge project  https://review.openstack.org/9423617:32
jeblairjesusaurus: was the test reported to gerrit, or was it one that zuul aborted?17:32
jesusaurusno, zuul reported as FAILURE17:33
jesusauruspatch 7 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/89708/17:34
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fungiand that one was hpcloud-az2 again17:36
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clarkbya last I checked az2 was the only one exhibiting that symptom17:37
clarkbyou can ask logstash for that info17:37
fungiit really seems like we see a disproportionately higher ratio of these sorts of failures there vs overall quota17:37
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jeblairyeah, that's starting to look like jenkins marked it offline, probably due to a loss of connectivity17:37
jeblairnodepool logs look normal17:37
jeblairresolution: stop using az217:38
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jesusauruslogstash shows that my quoted error above occurred 3 times in the past 4 hours. 2 of them were in az2, the other was hpcloud-az117:40
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fungijesusaurus: clarkb: i think it may be hard to differentiate those from aborted/deleted runs when only analyzing the console log?17:41
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add overview info to pypi  https://review.openstack.org/9443417:41
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fungijesusaurus: clarkb: or do they always present distinctly?17:41
phschwartzWho ever looks at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93953/ hold off on approving it please.17:42
clarkbfungi: I think you are correct. Specifically it depends on when in the run it happens17:42
fungiphschwartz: mark it work in progress (workflow -1)17:42
clarkbfungi: I think that a job that runs past normal jenkins inity stuff says something along the lines of node was marked offline and that is dstinct17:42
clarkbbut if it happens early in the job run it is a dice roll on message17:42
jesusaurusfungi: i think that logstash will have build_status:"FAILURE" vs build_status:"ABORTED", but I only see FAILURE in my results17:42
phschwartzfungi: Was doing that as I messaged the channel.17:42
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fungiphschwartz: party on17:42
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zarofungi: thanks for the help.  what do you suggest i do with release 0.8.0 that has already gone out to pypi?  it doesn't show README info and it has references to github.com/openstack-ci17:43
phschwartzNeed to work out how things need to be done for things like auth. Do we share with storyboard or move out to a common oauth endpoint some where, etc..17:43
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zarofungi: have create 2 patches to fix it, not sure if i should make another release to fix that up?17:44
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fungizaro: if it's urgent then a 0.8.1 release, otherwise i'd just leave it that way until 0.9.0 or whatever17:44
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mordred_phschwartz: if we ran a keystone, we could register storyboard and vinz in it as services...17:45
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clarkba wild mordred has appeared17:45
clarkbmordred_: lifeless has pbr version semver questions for you17:45
fungiphschwartz: probably openstack-infra/openstackid (soon to be hosted at openstackid.org)17:45
clarkbmordred_: do you have scrollback from sunday?17:45
phschwartzmordred_: would we prefer to do that over oauth directly?17:46
* mordred_ is in a car right now17:46
harlowjaqq guys, for the irc review notification bot, is there anyway to make it not publish notifications for WIP reviews?17:46
mordred_phschwartz: unsure. just pondering17:46
fungiharlowja: probably not easily, since the patchset is uploaded before someone will set it to wip17:46
zarofungi: i prefer 0.8.1, would it be possible to fast track these to do 0.8.1 release? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94430/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94434/17:46
mordred_clarkb: have scroll back, haven't fully digested it yet17:46
harlowjafungi hmmm17:46
phschwartzfungi: That is my thoughts, but I want to share code with storyboard as much as possible and their oauth is controlled from a rest endpoint in the storyboard api server. I am thinking breaking that out into a separate rest server and plugging things pertaining to projects like storyboard, vinz, etc into it might be a good idea.17:47
jesusaurusjeblair: clarkb: 89708 is rebased and ready17:47
fungiharlowja: we'd likely have to introduce a delay to see whether it's set wip by someone before a specified timeout17:47
krotscheckSo, wait.17:47
harlowjafungi or if its -2 would that accomplish the same (except it wouldn't be lost)17:47
harlowja*the WIP wouldn't be lost17:47
mordred_phschwartz: also, you could just make it a thing that both programs could import ... like a pecan plugin or something17:48
phschwartzThat also brings up the need no matter what for a vinz project as well as the vinz-webclient to provide the backend requirements for oauth token storage and such  that can't be done from the webclient directly.17:48
krotscheckAn ‘other’ service would start issuing API auth tokens for storyboard, and storyboard would have to check that ‘other’ service to see whether a token is valid?17:48
fungiphschwartz: i believe the upshot of the storyboard design session was that its eventual openid endpoint would point to openstackid17:48
krotscheckOn every API request?17:48
krotscheckI like pecan plugins.17:48
dstufftmordred_: you may (or may not) find this useful/interesting - https://github.com/dstufft/packaging/pull/117:49
phschwartzkrotscheck: very good point, that would be horrific.17:49
phschwartzkrotscheck: I also like the idea of doing it as a pecan plugin17:49
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mordred_dstufft: nice17:49
mordred_phschwartz, krotscheck : may need to sort right way to do token storage in a plugin ...17:50
phschwartzmordred_: agreed, but I think that is the best way to go forward with that.17:50
dstufftmordred_: trying decide if I want the "suggest" thing or not :/ 95.26% compatiblity w/ pypi w/o it... so fa I have up to 98.78% compat but it's starting to feel real janky :/17:50
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krotscheckFYI, devananda has expressed interest for a common pecan auth plugin, but it would need to be configurable for keystone as well as openid.17:51
fungiphschwartz: oh, ignore me. i thought you were talking about just the external authentication itself, not how it gets consumed17:52
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krotscheckAlthough devananda was drunk at the time, so I may be putting words in his mouth.17:52
phschwartzfungi: I figured as much. But I think the goal is to move from LP oauth to openstackid oauth no matter what.17:52
fungiphschwartz: agreed17:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use storyboard in infra-specs  https://review.openstack.org/9443117:53
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krotscheckIncidentally, ttx pointed out that storyboard got some press this week: http://www.eweek.com/cloud/openstack-building-storyboard-for-the-software-defined-economy.html17:54
clarkbjeblair: no module named alembic. I think there is a missing dependency somewhere17:55
jeblairclarkb: yep17:55
clarkbadding it to my venv gets past that error17:55
clarkbnow having issues with somethin related to palettes17:55
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zaroclarkb, fungi, jeblair, mordred_ : puppet agent isn't running on review-dev.o.o. you have any problems with me starting the service?17:56
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mordred_zaro: we don't use agent anymore17:56
zarosame with jenkins-dev.17:56
fungizaro: we don't run puppet-agent as a daemon any longer17:56
fungizaro: it gets runs triggered directly via ssh from the puppet master17:57
clarkbjeblair: looks like palettes are required now because we iterate over them17:57
zaroi htought that's what allow it to report ot puppetboard?17:57
fungizaro: it reports to puppetboard *when* the puppet master triggers an agent run on it17:57
jeblairclarkb: that's a bug; there should be sane defaults17:58
clarkbjeblair: ok do you mind if I test a fix and push an update to your change?17:58
jeblairdid anyone fix infra docs publishing?17:58
jeblairclarkb: please and thanks17:58
clarkbjeblair: yes I think i fixed docs publishing17:58
clarkbfor infra17:58
zarofungi: ohh, looks like jenkins-dev and review-dev are no longer communicating to puppetboard.17:58
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krotscheckphschwartz: I’m going to be focused on getting storyboard up to infra-spec in the near future, but a common auth plugin is something I really want. Maybe after we ship 1.1 I can focus on that.17:59
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zaroso i guess i can't fix.  will leave it up to admins to look at the master then.17:59
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jeblairclarkb: hrm, i don't see the stuff about disabling puppet17:59
anteayakrotscheck: thanks for adding infra-specs to storyboard17:59
anteayakrotscheck: now I have to learn how to use storyboard17:59
krotscheckanteaya: Urm, that was jeblair, but I’ll take credit for it :)18:00
phschwartzkrotscheck: Sounds good if I don't get to it first as we will need it for vinz and no point just doing a cut and past of the current storyboard code.18:00
clarkbjeblair: http://ci.openstack.org/puppet.html#disabling-puppet-on-nodes18:00
krotscheckphschwartz: You might want to loop NikitaKonovalov in to it, he wrote most of the code for storyboard18:00
anteayakrotscheck: ah okay, thanks jeblair18:01
phschwartzkrotscheck: will do when I am done with my internal gerrit setup here.18:01
anteayaand I can see it in storyboard now18:01
jeblairclarkb: thx18:01
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phschwartzstepping away for lunch. will look at scroll back when I am done.18:02
clarkbwoot gertty is syncing. Will push my fixes shortly18:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-cli job  https://review.openstack.org/8633118:03
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comstudSo, I'm seeing -1's sticking around patchsets, it seems18:07
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comstudis that by design?18:07
comstudi'm also seeing +1 and +2s sticking around, despite no mention of 'trivial rebase'18:08
zarocomstud: yes18:08
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comstud-1s now carry over to new patchsets?18:08
comstudi didn't think I read that with the new gerrit release18:08
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Allow skipping patchsets with WIP subjects  https://review.openstack.org/9443818:09
zarocomstud: only for code-review vote18:09
harlowjafungi what do u think about ^18:09
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comstudzaro: Ok, what about +1, +2.. those should certainly reset, right?18:09
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fungicomstud: gerrit 2.8 (unlike 2.4) no longer adds comments when it detects a trivial rebase, it just carries over the votes transparently. it also now does this on patchsets which are only commit message edits as well18:09
comstudahh okay18:09
jeblairzaro: really?  approvals are copied even for non-trivial changes?18:10
comstudthat explains that18:10
comstudbecause this should have been a trivial rebase18:10
Ajaeger1harlowja: how will this work? I push something and only set WIP a minute later.18:10
comstudbut there was no comment saying so18:10
anteayayay for new tox working!!18:10
harlowjaAjaeger1 this is in the commit subject18:10
jeblairoh ok, we're talking about trivial changes, nm.18:10
harlowjanot in the WIP button on gerrit18:10
comstudBut, the -1 that carried over in a different patchset was not a trivial rebase18:10
comstudso I was more concerned about that... but if that's by design, then cool18:10
Ajaeger1harlowja: Ah! Sorry, should have read better...18:10
zarojeblair: no, i don't think so.  non-trivial change should reset18:11
jeblaircomstud: are you talking about two different instances?18:11
fungicomstud: its definition of a trivial change may also differ slightly from what our previous hook detected18:11
comstudyeah, sorry, i'm being confusing, probably18:11
comstudjeblair: ^ :)18:11
fungicomstud: do you have a link for the non-trivial change which exhibited this behavior?18:11
comstudreview #1: +1 and +2 carried over on a trivial rebase (or should have been trivial), but no trivial rebase comment was left.18:11
jeblaircomstud: if there's an instance of a vote carrying over on a non-trivial change, we should take a look18:11
comstudThat appears to be 'okay'18:11
comstudjeblair: In review #2, I have a -1 carry over on something that was NOT a trivial rebase18:12
jeblaircomstud: agreed regarding review#118:12
comstudJust wanted to make sure that is by design18:12
jeblaircomstud: i don't think it is; why don't you give us a link and we can take a look18:12
comstudThat's the one with -1 that carried over18:12
comstud-1 is on patch set 718:13
comstudbut i'm on #9 now18:13
comstudand I know I changed the commit reason and 1 line in the code since #7.18:13
anteayajeblair: sorry I was walking when you asked if infra-specs was using storyboard and thanks for fixing that18:15
comstudhm, well, maybe this patch set didn't have a line of code changed, but the commit reason changed18:15
jeblairyeah, i don't think that should happen.18:15
anteayaman, a lot happens in an hour18:15
comstudyeah okay, I'm confusing patch sets...18:15
devanandakrotscheck: i probably said something like that. ironic uses the keyustoneclient.middleware.auth_token today18:15
comstudThis one didn't change a line of code18:15
jeblaircommit message might be considered trivial18:15
comstudbut I *did* change the commit message.18:15
comstudapparently it did18:15
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Perform http calls outside of the db session  https://review.openstack.org/9409718:15
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add custom palettes and commentlinks  https://review.openstack.org/9409418:15
comstudit's unclear since there's no comment about it anymore18:15
clarkbjeblair: ^ fixed18:15
pleia2setup.py is making me feel dumb, any idea how to add README.md to the list of data_files https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/reviewday/tree/setup.py ? tried ('', ['README.md']), and about 25 other variations and it still won't land in my sdist package18:15
jeblairi think our old script would have considered that a non-trivial change, but it would not surprise me if gerrit 2.8 considers it trivial18:16
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comstudyeah, a commit reason change before would reset votes18:16
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fungicomstud: jeblair: yes, i have witnessed gerrit 2.8 carry votes over on commit-message-update-only patchsets18:16
comstudlike, I'm not sure a +2 should carry over if you change commit reason.18:16
comstudalthough it's less concerning than the code changing18:17
clarkbI think this is configurable18:17
jeblairthis may be colliding with the intended ease of use of the TTW commit message editing feature as well18:17
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* clarkb looks18:17
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zaropleia2: this? http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/setup.cfg18:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Initial commit  https://review.openstack.org/9444018:18
comstudanyway, not really complaining about anything, but just making sure there's not unintended behavior here18:18
zaropleia2: description-file reference18:18
jeblaircomstud: thanks18:18
fungicomstud: previously we were doing this via an external script called from a gerrit hook, so we had a lot more control over nuance (such as detecting commit message changes, whitespace-only changes, et cetera). when gerrit folded this functionality in they seem to have made its behavior relatively non-configurable. i'd consider it something worth trying to get improved upstream18:18
comstudfungi: nod18:18
clarkbcopyAllScoresIfNoCodeChange is what we want18:19
pleia2zaro: thanks, I'll give that a shot18:19
comstudThe loss of 'trivial rebase' comment is kinda sucky, but I guess you can infer it from votes carrying over18:19
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clarkbset that to false and set trivial rebase to true18:19
zaroremoving is same as set to false18:20
fungiclarkb: it claims to default to false... perhaps we enabled it?18:20
clarkbfungi: ya18:20
fungithe down side is that it doesn't immediately point out that the new patchset only changed the commit message, but i suppose selecting the patchset delta view makes that fairly obvious18:21
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pleia2zaro: this seems to be a much different format for setup.py (older maybe?) than the one for zuul18:21
fungiwe are still missing identification of whitespace-only changes however (i suspect those may be getting treated as trivial rebases)18:21
clarkbpleia2: I think it is a dprince special :)18:22
lifelessclarkb: thanks18:22
lifelessmordred_: yohi18:22
clarkbor was it ttx? in any case it was never part of the standardized setup.py stuff18:22
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zarofungi: it's documented that we set those to true http://ci.openstack.org/gerrit.html18:22
pleia2clarkb: yeah dprince, maybe I should just rewrite the whole thing ;)18:22
clarkbfungi: the documentation indicates that they shouldn't be18:22
clarkbfungi: since it says the diff must be identical18:22
* pleia2 seeks snack first18:23
fungiclarkb: oh, hrm... that's good then i suppose. the original hook script (before we modified it) considered them the same and i had to do some substitution magic to make it not. but it was relying on git patch-id to decide what was "identical" (and that treats whitespace changes as irrelevant)18:24
zaropleia2: ohh setup.py, i think setup.cfg is for pbr. let me see if i can find something.18:24
fungifrom the manpage: A "patch ID" is nothing but a SHA-1 of the diff associated with a patch, with whitespace and line numbers ignored.18:25
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fungi(i believe this choice stemmed from git being used initially for the kernel, thus tracking patches for c, where whitespace really is usually irrelevant)18:25
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clarkbhrm then maybe the docs are wrong18:26
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish translated localized API documents  https://review.openstack.org/9113218:27
fungiclarkb: well, their internal implementation may no longer use git patch-id to accomplish it18:28
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anteayajeblair: a missing ) in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94440/1/README.rst18:28
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jeblairanteaya: thx18:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Initial commit  https://review.openstack.org/9444018:30
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anteayagreat thanks, +118:31
anteayakrotscheck phschwartz, you're up: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94440/18:31
Ajaeger1jeblair, clarkb: I see you're back in the reviewing cycle - thanks! I would appreciate a review on https://review.openstack.org/9299718:31
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krotscheckanteaya: Already in it.18:32
phschwartzanteaya: looking18:32
zaropleia2: sorry, can't help you further.  i just took a look at nose-html-output but there's no reference to README.  however it does appear on pypi.  http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/nose-html-output/tree/setup.py18:32
openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: django_openstack_auth: make the Python 3.3 gate voting  https://review.openstack.org/9444218:32
openstackgerritNachi Ueno proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add Review Stat WebUI  https://review.openstack.org/9428818:33
zaropleia2: ^ maybe clarkb can help because he's the author.18:33
jeblairAjaeger1: that's at position #11 in my queue18:33
anteayakrotscheck phschwartz great thanks18:33
pleia2zaro: if it was a .rst or just README it would automatically be included, README.md is not :\18:33
fungizaro: earlier dstufft said that if a metadata.description is not specified, then pypi tried to figure one out by including readme or other files18:34
dstufftI went to bitbucket to find the code, and bibucket changed their design QQ18:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add configuration option to disable top level menu for javamelody plugin  https://review.openstack.org/9117618:34
krotscheckOh man, I can’t wait until this process is automated…18:34
zaroREADME.rst wasn't auto included in the last jjb release18:34
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fungizaro: so my guess as to why jjb 0.7.0 had the readme displayed on pypi while 0.8.0 did not is that 0.8.0 added a description field in the setup.cfg18:34
Ajaeger1jeblair: that's high enough for me ;)18:34
Ajaeger1jeblair: thanks!18:34
krotscheck…wait, what? We use LaTeX?18:35
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dstufftfungi: https://bitbucket.org/pypa/pypi/src/929afe98295ac47528bcff7fca8e82526dd50a89/description_utils.py?at=default#cl-17218:35
fungikrotscheck: if only. i miss tex18:35
dstufftthere is code18:35
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* ptippett[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes18:37
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fungidstufft: and it only does that if metadata.description is unspecified, right?18:38
krotscheckShould setup.cfg’s license be Apache or Creative Commons?18:38
dstufftfungi: well if long_description is blank, I assume that maps to metadata.description18:38
jeblairptippett[A]: Hi, this is the third time we've asked you to disable your away message.  Please feel free to rejoin the channel after you have done so.18:38
anteayawhat are the options for getting rid of ptippett[A]'s away message? addressing this person directly doesn't seem to be effective18:39
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jeblairanteaya: that.18:39
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anteayathat is effective18:39
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zarodstufft, fungi : this one has a description but yet still renders the README http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/nose-html-output/tree/setup.py18:40
dstufftdescription isn't a field18:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add mistral-dashboard project to stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/9129618:41
dstufftor well it might be summary18:41
* dstufft is hurting so a little out of it18:41
dstufftdescription is the short summary18:41
dstufft~1 sentence or so18:41
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dstuffthttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/requests/ "Python HTTP for Humans" is description18:42
dstufftlong_description is the long descripion, where you can shove multi line stuff and gets rendered rst and whatever18:42
pleia2https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/reviewday/tree/setup.py is what originally started this, this script fails now (used to work fine, pep8 change?) because README.md, the long_description is no longer in the sdist file so it can find it and dies18:42
dstufftyea becase you have open("README.md")18:43
pleia2so all reviewday checks are failing18:43
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dstufftyou need to include that in the package18:43
dstufftMANIFEST.in it18:43
Ajaeger1pleia2: don't you need to add it to MANIFEST.in?18:43
pleia2dstufft: ah MAIFEST.in18:43
Ajaeger1"include README.rst"18:43
pleia2I was trying to add it to data_files18:43
Ajaeger1pleia2: Just a single line that contains the include18:43
dstufftMANIFEST.in controls what fiels get added to the datball, data_files/package_data cotrols what gets installed18:43
pleia2aha, thanks guys18:44
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mordred_pleia2: or, just pbr it18:45
anteayabookwar: I have reviewed 9356018:46
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anteayadstufft: what did you do to your hand?18:47
dstufftanteaya: oh, it's just an RSI, but i've been ignoring it b/c the braces make it hard to type and i didn't wanna wear them18:47
dstufftnow it hurts and i'm weaing the braces and chicken pecking my keyboard -.-18:48
anteayadstufft: megadoes of vitamin B help you at all?18:48
dstufftdunno never tried18:48
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anteayait turns your urine neon yellow which is interesting18:48
bookwaranteaya: thanks18:48
anteayabookwar: np18:49
anteayabookwar: now you just have to track down jhesketh, he is on Aussie time18:49
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fungijeblair: so... turns out that http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/log_archive_maintenance.sh#n11 only deletes files which are at least 120 days old *and* end in ".gz"18:53
sdaguejeblair / pleia2: got to go do a CSA pickup before the TC meeting, might be able to hit the end of the infra meeting. Especially interested in talking about the dashboard patch for jeepyb18:54
fungijeblair: i think if we want to start deleting more than just .gz files, we'll need to repeat (or refactor) some of the compression exclusion logic in the earlier conditional stanza18:54
* anteaya envisions lots of garlic scapes in sdague's CSA basket18:55
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add MANIFEST.in to include README.md in sdist pkg  https://review.openstack.org/9444618:55
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jeblairfungi: now that it's a standalone script, that doesn't trouble me very much18:56
jeblairsdague: ack18:56
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fungijeblair: cleaning up the files for the commit you pointed out frees up 192k, though en masse that might add up to a measurable amount of space (and there could be jobs leaving other larger files around which are ignored due to similar logic)18:57
* pleia2 always forgets bug comments in commit messages18:58
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* pleia2 writes a git hook to echo "is there a bug related to this?"18:59
jeblairpleia2: it may be easier to remember when we have "bugs" (stories) for more things.18:59
pleia2jeblair: yeah18:59
fungimeeting time19:00
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fungi(once keystone wraps up)19:00
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fungiwhich they just did19:00
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: No longer whitelist externally-hosted requirements  https://review.openstack.org/9444719:03
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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add MANIFEST.in to include addl files in sdist pkg  https://review.openstack.org/9444619:03
fungimordred_: dstufft: ^ (yay!)19:03
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Change Ironic bm flavor to use ephemeral partition  https://review.openstack.org/9445619:31
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Textareas now autoresize their height.  https://review.openstack.org/9293919:33
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish troveclient documentation  https://review.openstack.org/9256219:53
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ianwam i going nuts or is my reverify command not getting picked up on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92748/?19:54
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jesusaurusianw: infra is in a meeting, should be done in the next couple minutes19:55
fungiianw: recheck bug 1321093 is what you probably want there19:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321093 in trove "*-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full failing on trove-manage db_sync" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132109319:55
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ianwfungi: doh, check, verify ... i'll just claim it's too much to differentiate at 5am :)  thanks19:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Only download nearly finished translated files  https://review.openstack.org/9299719:56
Alex_Gaynordstufft: happy dance:19:58
dstufftoh hell yea19:58
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* dstufft gives it a +1 although my +1 will have little actual affect but still +120:00
pleia2I'd really appreciate pushing this through soon, all reviewday checks are broken until this is in, including the one to fix reviewday itself (it's broken, hasn't updated since yesterday) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94446/20:01
krotscheckSo, the a bunch of UX people are having a pretty active storyboard-related discussion in a non-gerrit side channel here - http://invis.io/TUULORSC - Now, I don’t want to get caught between two groups that end up reaching different kinds of consensus, any suggestions on how I can make everyone happy?20:01
clarkbpleia2: +220:02
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fungipleia2: i take it reviewday isn't pbr-ized20:02
sc68calsoo, ipv620:02
sdagueI seem to have completely been over ambitious in thinking I could complete the CSA outing in < 1 hr. Will go back through the infra meeting pings post TC meeting20:02
anteayakrotscheck: can everyone involved have a common place to talk?20:02
pleia2fungi: right20:03
anteayakrotscheck: can you suggest they come here?20:03
clarkbjeblair: gertty has a bunch of infra/config changes it knows about with the refs in the git repos. Is the simplest way to fix that to move my db and git repos aside?20:03
clarkbjeblair: I can also give you a traceback if you want20:03
anteayasc68cal: yes, we are listening20:03
anteayasc68cal: where were we?20:03
dstufftpleia2: I gave you a comment20:03
dstufftI think your MANIFEST.in is wrong20:04
sc68calhaha sort of a bum rush at the end of that meeting20:04
dstufftbut it's distutils so who actually knows20:04
clarkbgood thing I wasn't the only one reviewing that20:04
krotscheckanteaya: I’m not certain that IRC provides the kind of asynchronous, out-of-band discussion & annotation on screenshots that UX/UI reviews require.20:04
krotscheckanteaya: I can suggest it, yes.20:04
fungidstufft: pleia2: oh, unapproved ;)20:04
sc68calSo - I've been pushing a couple patches into Gerrit around Tempest and DevStack20:04
sc68calprepping for ipv6 testing20:04
anteayakrotscheck: what format do they usually use?20:04
dstufft-> bus stop to pick up daughter20:04
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anteayakrotscheck: in person?20:04
krotscheckanteaya: Take a look: http://invis.io/TUULORSC20:04
clarkbkrotscheck: neat it took me half a second to realize what was going on there20:05
fungisdague: yeah, we had a few items in there you probably want to provide feedback on20:05
krotscheckanteaya: Though now that I think about it, the discussion can be linked from a spec.20:05
anteayasc68cal: yes, we have to stick to our hour20:05
clarkbkrotscheck: can we -1 the windows logo?20:05
clarkbas far as coalescing the review body goes, this is a hard problem and one of the reasons we looked at phabricator way back when20:05
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anteayayeah I'm -1 on the windows logo too20:06
sc68calsorry - trying to juggle a couple different things and the chainsaws are starting to fall on the floor20:06
anteayasc68cal: yup20:06
fungisc68cal: yeah, easy way to lose your hands20:06
clarkbkrotscheck: maybe the thing to do is tie a spec to the mock up?20:06
anteayacan you link to the patches you have up?20:06
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krotscheckclarkb anteaya : you can -1 all you want :)20:06
clarkbkrotscheck: then at least both sides of the discussion can see it20:06
krotscheckclarkb: That’s actually what I’m thinking.20:06
anteayaha ha ha20:06
clarkbuntil we have something better20:06
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add MANIFEST.in to include addl files in sdist pkg  https://review.openstack.org/9444620:07
pleia2dstufft: there you go ^^20:07
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pleia2fungi: agreed re: pbr, I'll toss up a bug for now so I can look at it when I get my head around pbr ;)20:08
zaroaconrad: new jjb release has been created20:08
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fungisc68cal: so, just to recap. if there are specific hardware requirements for things you want to test, then that will likely have to be third party. however, anything we can test to ensure working ipv6 within a devstack environment using virtual networks (keeping in mind that this could include multiple devstack virtual machines connected via gre tunnels or the like) we ought to try to do upstream20:09
aveigasc68cal: are your devstack patches tied to provider networks?20:10
clarkbsc68cal: aveiga keep in mind that anything you do upstream is work that you don't have to do and developers must make it pass20:10
lyxusI was wondering why do download the fedora qcow in devstack20:10
aveigaclarkb: totally agreed.  We just don't want to mistakenly break someone's work while we get it right20:10
clarkband ipv6 should be base functionality that we should make work20:10
aveigathe guy who breaks gate is the guy who never commits again20:11
clarkbaveiga: huh20:11
sc68calaveiga: I have some patches in devstack regarding provider networking20:11
clarkbaveiga: the infra team probably breaks the gate more than anyone else :)20:11
fungiaveiga: that can be solved simply by having a separate non-voting test until it's sane enough to be voting20:11
clarkblyxus: because it is needed for heat testing iirc20:11
aveigaheh, I'd be afraid to commit again20:11
sc68calthat'd be used for some of the provider network scenario tests that we will author20:11
sc68calsince we do not deploy the l3 agent20:11
aveigaok, I can attempt to configure some bits of my lab to do gre and see if the incoming patches work with l3-agent20:11
sdaguejeblair: in looking at scroll back, I'm curious what feedback I missed here - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94196/ - I thought I'd had it covered20:12
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fungisc68cal: aveiga: yeah, unless i'm missing something, there shouldn't be anything specific about provider networks, as a feature, which would preclude upstream testing (e.g. by configuring virtual provider networks to make that work)20:13
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lyxusclarkb,, I will need to mirror it in someway downloading 200M everytime for CI is too much !20:13
sc68calfungi: true, but we'd need to add some stuff to devstack to simulate a hardware device20:13
aveigafungi: is there something that emulates a provider net somewhere? The only thing our provider net does is act as a .1q switch and provide RAs20:13
fungilyxus: we cache it on our nodepool images and devstack has logic to prevent downloading if it already exists20:13
lyxusfungi, so if i put the file where it's supposed to be  downloaded it. it will not do it again ?20:15
clarkbsc68cal: aveiga you can't use an openvswitch setup on the test node(s)?20:15
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aveigaOVS doesn't generate packets.  Something has to act as a router and issue the router advertisement packets20:15
fungisc68cal: aveiga: i'm not super familiar with what's already there for emulated provider networks in devstack, but it should be able to be added i would think, and would not likely be rejected by the devstack developers20:15
sc68calclarkb: this might help explain - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/88043/20:15
clarkbaveiga: you can always attach a process to a port on the switch20:16
jeblairkrotscheck: i can't wait until we can have that in storyboard itself20:16
clarkbunless I am missing something I don't see why hardware is necessary20:16
aveigaclarkb: true, we could bolt radvd onto it20:16
fungiaveiga: installing and configuring rdadvd for example20:16
fungier, radvd20:16
sc68calYes - we just need to add those pieces to devstack to simulate20:16
aveigaok, let me ponder this setup and try it in the lab.  If we can get it to run the same tests as our prov-net devstack, we can upstream it20:17
anteayasc68cal: so the topic for 88043 is very specific to that patch, if you used something like ipv6 or ipv6-testing, it would be easier for us all to find20:17
clarkbaveiga: great20:17
sc68calanteaya: Agree - that's why i registerd a BP on the tempest side20:17
anteayasc68cal: as a for instance: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/neutron-specs+branch:master+topic:ipv6-provider-nets-slaac,n,z20:17
anteayasc68cal: I don't see a bp link in 8804320:18
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sc68calbear with me fetching it from launchpad20:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add MANIFEST.in to include addl files in sdist pkg  https://review.openstack.org/9444620:19
sc68calI tried to explain it on the devstack side - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/devstack/+spec/neutron-provider-networking20:19
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sc68calobviously a next piece would need to be to launch a radvd process and simulate an upstream router20:21
aveigasc68cal: I think I can help there20:22
sc68calright now it's just that we have a lab environemnt that has worked very well for us, and we're trying to pull more of it into devstack and then into software20:22
sc68calfrom the hardware layout we currnetly have20:22
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fungisc68cal: yeah, i think that working on that is likely to be time far better spent than setting up a 3rd-party test system. we can easily help you run your new virtual network configuration in a non-voting test for however long it takes to shake out any serious bugs, and then it's an easy toggle to start enforcing it on all new changes20:24
clarkbjeblair: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/91 I am going to try moving my db and repos aside now and resync20:24
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sc68calfungi: ok - I will work on the devstack & tempest patches20:26
sc68calI feel bad bugging anteaya and sdague at the summit about it but I've got tons of patches that never landed in icehouse - really don't feel like adding more on top of the pile.20:27
anteayasc68cal: you needed to talk to us20:27
fungisc68cal: don't feel bad. we (infra) have a vested interest in ipv6 support in neutron, after all20:27
anteayaand talking to us about something like this is important, it isn't bugging20:27
anteayaopenstack needs ipv620:27
anteayaso we need to be able to test it20:27
openstackgerritNachi Ueno proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add Review Stat WebUI  https://review.openstack.org/9428820:28
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anteayaand yeah, if your workflow is blocked we need to help you get it flowing again20:28
fungii (selfishly) need neutron to support ipv6, because i want openstack infra to be able to make use of ipv6 within our donated provider resources without relying on their hacky non-openstack bolt-on solutions which differ from one to the next20:29
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sc68calcool. I'll talk with everyone tomorrow once I get things back on track. Have a ton of paperwork that was neglected while at the summit20:31
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clarkbohman me too20:31
* anteaya nods20:31
clarkbexpense reports20:31
clarkbI should do those20:31
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anteayasc68cal do you and aveiga share workspace?20:32
anteayaor separate lab environments here?20:32
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sc68calSame rack, or adjacent rack20:33
sc68calaveiga does QA on the packages we build, from the patches I test out on our fork of devstack20:34
anteayaah nice20:35
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Configure swift credentials for workers to push to  https://review.openstack.org/9268320:36
clarkbmordred_: fungi ^ that addresses your concern20:37
clarkbwould be great to move that along in the near future20:37
lifelessmordred: o/20:39
fungisdague: do we need to be renaming grenade logs to make them more consumable in browser, and so that our compression scripts catch them? for example, see http://logs.openstack.org/74/93874/1/check/check-grenade-dsvm-neutron/af51965/logs/20:39
clarkbfungi: ++ we only need the non dated file20:39
fungisdague: i suspect we should add some log handling logic for those in d-g cleanup20:39
clarkber files20:39
fungiclarkb: well, we have four files there... we should just keep the .log and .log.summary and append or substitute .txt suffixes on them?20:40
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mordredlifeless: I ALMOST have brainspace for you20:41
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clarkbfungi: yes20:41
fungiclarkb: okay, i'll throw in a d-g change shortly for that20:42
markwashhi hi folks. May I get glance-ptl added as an "included group" in glance-specs-core for gerrit / review.openstack.org ?20:43
fungimarkwash: yep, just a sec20:44
markwashI think that is the one step that is needed so I can self-administer20:44
markwash(gerrit, not alcohol)20:44
markwash((heck, both))20:44
fungimarkwash: done20:45
fungisee if that works for you20:45
fungithough there may be additional changes needed before you can self-administer alcohol20:45
lifelessmordred: yay. PLEASE.20:46
markwashfungi:  seems to be working, thanks!20:47
sdaguefungi: yes, we need to redo the grenade artifacts to make them more logviewer friendly20:47
mordredlifeless: I read the scrollback - but do you have a brief tl;dr ? when I read it, I was still post-summit braindead20:47
mordredlifeless: something about pre-release OR dev release precedence, right?20:47
clarkbanteaya: I just approved the third party doc requiring utc timestamp20:48
anteayathank you20:48
clarkbanteaya: we should write a follow up change soon that documents the other things we decided on20:48
anteayaI'm hoping to sort out that stuff this week and document the best I can and have it someplace for review20:48
anteayagerrit or wiki20:48
anteayaso we can get the changes communicated20:49
lifelessmordred: what version should teh 5th commit after an alpha tag have20:49
lifelesse.g. git tag && git commit && git commit ... && setup.py sdist -> ???20:49
lifelessmordred: there are two options; and
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fungiderekh: check-nova-docker-dsvm-f20 seems to archive a lot of files which we're not compressing and which aren't easily viewable in a browser. what's lacking to allow us to add .txt extensions on those (and are some of those files unnecessary)?20:50
lifelessmordred: semver.rst seems to imply the latter.20:50
fungioh, derekh isn't around :/20:51
mordredlifeless: so, since an alpha tag is a pre-release tag, I would think it doesn't want to persist for the comits between a4 and a520:52
mordredlifeless: BUT - maybe that's overthinking20:52
mordredand we should just always apply post-versioning rules to the most recent tag in the history?20:53
lifelessmordred: the question is - do we want to be able to tell that hash abcdef has some relation to alpha420:53
lifelessmordred: or only to
lifelessmordred: oh, my question above was buggy. let me fix20:54
dstufftare you all aware that those versions aren't PEP440 compliant, or maybe I already told you that20:54
lifelessmordred: what version should teh 5th commit after an alpha tag have20:54
lifelesse.g. git tag && git commit && git commit ... && setup.py sdist -> ???20:54
mordreddstufft: because of the git sha? yeah, we know20:54
lifelessmordred: there are two options; and 1.2.3.dev4.gabcdef20:54
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lifelessmordred: now, for a tag 1.2.3, the options are20:55
mordredlifeless: and 1.2.3.dev5.gabcdef, no?20:55
lifeless1.2.4.dev4.gabcdef and 1.2.4.dev4.gabcdef20:55
lifeless so thats easy20:55
dstufftmordred: yea, at some point in the future pip will either split out --pre and --pep440 or just stop accepting things that we can't make pep440, but no idea when that'll be but yea b/c of the sha20:55
mordreddstufft: yah - but I keep getting promised some way to put the sha into a metadata somewhere at some point20:55
lifelessmordred: my scenario was tag; then 5 commits.20:55
mordredwe'll use that as soon as it's deady20:56
mordreddstufft: ready20:56
dstufftmordred: makes sense20:56
mordredlifeless: k.20:56
dstufftmetadata 2.0 has a "source version" or some such thing which is meant for that, PEP440 also has a local version syntax that could be abused for it20:56
mordredlifeless: yes. I agree with the tag 1.2.4 scenario20:56
lifelessmordred: there are four sorts of tags. non-versions; release versions < 1.0.0, release versions >= 1.0.0 and pre-release versions.20:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Configure swift credentials for workers to push to  https://review.openstack.org/9268320:56
lifelessnon-versions we should ignore; release < 1.0.0 and release >= 1.0.0 we should treat the same for this case; pre-release versions are the one that I need input on20:57
clarkbfungi: jeblair anteaya everyone else, for the new repos should we go ahead and approve at will or do we want to do it in a controlled manner for debugging?20:59
jeblairclarkb, fungi: hold off for a bit20:59
jeblairi want to ask about project-specs vs program-specs at the project meeting today20:59
clarkbjeblair: rgr20:59
anteayaclarkb where is sdague's patch?20:59
anteayaI'd like the extra logging if it is close21:00
clarkbanteaya: it is still up for review. jeblair indicated it hadn't addressed all of his concerns but I don't grok them in that case21:00
sdaguejeblair: if you could give me a little more direction on what I missed, I'll respin it. I actually thought I'd addressed the issues.21:01
fungijeblair: good point. so far it's seemed very ad-hoc, which is thus inconsistent and not easily discovered as a result21:01
fungi(and may subsequently pose challenges for automated publication as well)21:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adding a utc timestamp requirement for 3rd party test logs  https://review.openstack.org/7737621:07
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clarkbjeblair: can you see the comments on 88432?21:08
lifelessmordred: so21:08
mordredlifeless: I think the most important thing is that the sequence is followable21:08
mordredlifeless: I don't think it's important that commits after 0a4 express relationship to 0a4 per se21:08
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mordredexcept in as much as it may or may not break the sequence nature of the commits21:08
mordred(like, se break the sequence now which is lame and people don't like, so if we're going to change how we do things a bit, we should go ahead and fix taht)21:09
lifelessmordred: ok so how about we do just .dev.gabcdef ?21:10
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lifelessmordred: semver says there is no comparison possible between dev versions21:10
mordredlifeless: ++21:10
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lifelessthe reason I suggest this is that if there is and
lifelessyou get multiple .dev1 versions - the first commit after each21:11
mordredlifeless: if someone wanted to make debs or rpms per commit and put them into repos21:11
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clarkbjesusaurus: I am guessing your jenkins change should go in before 88477?21:11
mordredlifeless: what mechanical tranform can we apply to get versions that would work for that21:11
lifelessmordred: right, so this is why I started down the path of doing so that there *was* a sortable relation between those builds21:12
mordrednod. I think _having_ a sortable relation would be nice, even if we do it in such a way that we tell people to not imply meaning from it21:12
lifelessI wonder21:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add database-api publishing jobs to trove  https://review.openstack.org/8805021:13
lifelesswhat if we could dev from the last release21:13
lifelessso there is a 1.2.2 tag21:13
lifelessand a 1.2.3.a0 tag 10 commits up21:13
lifelessthe first commit after gets 1.2.3.dev1121:13
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jesusaurusclarkb: let me take a peek at 8847721:13
mordredthen the 0a0 commit jumps the sequence for the CD packaging repo people21:14
lifelessmordred: thoughts? also brb21:14
mordredlifeless: I think we might _have_ to do
jesusaurusclarkb: yeah, there is going to be a conflict there21:15
mordredit seems like the only thing that is consistent and understandable21:15
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clarkbjesusaurus: thanks, I think we should get yours in first because yours is the more difficult of the two21:16
lifelessmordred: the CD folk would perhaps be better with a way to say 'ignore pre-release tags'21:17
lifelessmordred: so they get .dev10 for that21:17
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clarkbjeblair: 90402, are we ready to approve that since jgriffith +1'd?21:20
jesusaurusclarkb: if you feel like approving 89708 i can babysit puppetboard21:20
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* clarkb looks21:21
clarkbjesusaurus: and you checked that the rebase is clean?21:22
* jgriffith hopes he doesn't regret :)21:22
jesusaurusyeah, i did that a little while before the meeting21:22
jesusaurusand then jeblair got busy21:22
clarkbok approving21:22
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clarkbgertty should post that shortly21:23
* jesusaurus watches puppetboard and zuul for errors21:23
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clarkbapparently my gertty is behind21:31
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clarkbjeblair: maybe gertty reviews should be high priority tasks21:31
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, jeblair, /me'd like to have gertty for iPad :(21:32
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clarkbjesusaurus: I went ahead and approved in web ui21:35
clarkbdidn't want to wait for gertty much longer21:35
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jesusaurusugh, and it needs to rebase again21:37
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-specific config out of ::jenkins  https://review.openstack.org/8970821:44
anteayamorning jhesketh21:45
anteayawhen you have time, you have a comment on a patch of mine, a -1 actually: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93562/21:46
jheskethwill do21:46
anteayai have thrown it back to you, if you have some suggestions for wording21:46
anteayaafter coffee of course21:46
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jheskethheh, you read my thoughts!21:46
* jhesketh 's kettle just finished boiling21:47
lifelessmordred: what do you think?21:48
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jesusaurusclarkb: jeblair can you give 89708 another review?21:58
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openstackgerritGaudenz Steinlin proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add e-r query for bug 1320670  https://review.openstack.org/9448621:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1320670 in grenade "404 on GET /v3/OS-SIMPLE-CERT/ca at grenade" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132067021:59
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jeblairokay, word from the project meeting, after 30 minutes of bikeshedding, is program-specs and we should rename the existing project-specs repos22:01
jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: ^ so we should -1 the pending specs repos that use project names22:01
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anteayawell at least we don't have to rename22:03
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jeblairanteaya: or tripleo or qa22:03
anteayaI'm going to have to refer to this a lot of find what I am looking for: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/reference/programs.yaml22:04
mattoliverauMorning all22:04
anteayamorning mattoliverau22:04
mattoliverauHey anteaya, did you get home ok?.. has the noise stopped?22:04
clarkbjesusaurus: yup expense report is done switching back to reviews22:05
jeblairanteaya: oh good point; we did reckon we could use the short names, like 'object' instead of object-storage.  not sure those are in there, but should give you the idea.22:05
mordred_lifeless brilliant. I love it22:05
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create baremetal-specs git repo  https://review.openstack.org/9411322:06
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anteayamattoliverau: I am home, the noise has stopped22:07
anteaya15 hours of sleep last night22:07
anteayajeblair: yay for short names22:07
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clarkbjeblair: jesusaurus: the conflict was a thing for translation updates that I approved without mapping as a conflict. sorry about that. The change has my +2 in its current state22:10
* anteaya 's homemade pizza is ready22:10
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jesusaurusclarkb: yeah, i was surprised to see that that change conflicted, but git was able to auto-merge and i didn't see anything wrong with the resulting tree22:12
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clarkbjesusaurus: jgit just being silly22:14
openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: django_openstack_auth: make the Python 3.3 gate voting  https://review.openstack.org/9444222:15
Alex_Gaynorjogo: pep8 now says to prefer `is not` over `not ... is`22:15
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jeblairsdague: i think i placed my inline comment on the wrong line on your change22:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Test creation of multiple jobs from templates  https://review.openstack.org/9196022:18
jeblairsdague: i have left updated comments on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94196/ sorry about the confusion.22:21
jeblairclarkb: ^22:21
jogoAlex_Gaynor: wow that was fast22:21
fungijeblair: thanks for the heads-up on program-specs. does "infra-specs" qualify or do we need to rename to "infrastructure-specs" (or similar)?22:22
clarkbjeblair: thanks22:22
jeblairfungi: i think our short name is infra; openstack-infra is significant prior evidence22:22
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fungiprograms.yaml needs a short-name key ;)22:23
jeblairfungi: ++22:23
fungiprograms.telemetry.short-name=ceilo and win!22:24
jeblairalso, just because i happened to notice it... infra has nearly half the number of git repos that openstack has. :)  though that won't last long since openstack is about to get several more.22:24
clarkbI am reviewing d-g changes right now to avoid conflicts with jesusaurus' config change22:25
clarkbianw: I think I just approved a good chunk of your fedora support changes22:25
fungiclear evidence we're falling down on the job. time for a few frivilous new projects22:25
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jesusaurusjeblair: but infra will also get a few more repos if we get around to breaking up the puppet modules22:25
jeblairfungi: and to move melange :)22:25
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fungioof, friday here we come22:26
jeblairjesusaurus: push us over the edge!22:26
ianwclarkb: thanks, if you could also approve https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92748/ that would be great, others depend on that22:26
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fungi"rough data point... it requires as many new projects to run openstack as there are within openstack" (who wants to write another blog post?)22:28
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* jeblair is starting to see another talk materialize...22:29
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notmynameI've noticed some 500 errors from paste.o.o a few times recently. eg now. http://paste.openstack.org/show/81020/22:29
clarkbianw: done22:29
* notmyname is hoping that has nothing to do with using trove for it now22:30
anteayanotmyname: no it is browser caching22:30
anteayaclear your browser cache and try again22:30
anteayathat link renders for me22:30
funginotmyname: so far we've seen those clear if you delete old cookies for paste.o.o (if you have already done that and still see them, let us know)22:31
notmynameloading now. but why would it have a 500 response anyway?22:31
clarkbfungi: I hit the 500 too22:31
clarkbso this is different htan the cookie thing22:31
clarkband it does load for me now22:31
fungioh, fun22:31
anteayait is?22:31
ianwclarkb / sdague : awesome thanks!  i'll let those filter through, then rebase a fix for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92981/ and fingers crossed ... should clear all known issues22:31
fungithis is probably an unanticipated race from moving paste's db to an external source22:32
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ianwclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92981/ <- not showing as approved?22:33
fungiianw: also not showing as passing tests22:34
clarkbianw: that one is -1'd22:35
clarkbI don't see where lodgeit may be doing any logging22:35
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ianwclarkb: bah, sorry, copy paste errror, i meant https://review.openstack.org/92748 but yes, that's gone through now, thanks!22:35
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clarkbmtreinish: you still around?22:38
anteayathis patch has a broken link in the comment, which apparently is intentional and I disagree with it: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94044/22:38
clarkbmtreinish: your change to grab the failure logs should rename them to .txt files22:38
anteayaanyone else want to weigh in?22:38
anteayabroken link in the commit message22:38
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openstackgerritMathew Odden proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Fix documentation template issues  https://review.openstack.org/9449222:39
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fungianteaya: glimpsed it briefly, and i'm not personally as concerned about commit messages--a url in a commit message doesn't *necessarily* have to link to something real. while i agree the commit message could probably be written just as clearly omitting it, i'm also not particularly picky about it22:44
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fungiothers, of course, are welcome to (and almost certainly do in some cases) disagree22:45
krotscheckSo if I want to create a new spec, does that go into specs/storyboard? specs/implemented? specs/implemented/storyboard?22:46
zaromsabramo: have you requested a pbr release for this? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8738222:47
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anteayafungi: k thanks22:50
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: localize variables  https://review.openstack.org/8530922:50
anteayaI think links should work22:50
anteayaand samples should be samples22:50
clarkbsdague: ^ I took the liberty of fixing that change for you22:50
clarkbit needed a non trivial rebase22:50
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clarkbmordred_: sdague SergeyLukjanov jeblair fungi 92736 is something we should probably have an inclusive discussion about23:01
clarkbgertty should post an initial comment from me shortly23:01
jeblairkrotscheck: according to the docs in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/94440/ just 'specs/'.  but that's a good idea, feel free to -1 that and suggest it.23:03
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jeblairclarkb: i'm eagerly awaiting your comment on that!  what's your sync counter?  :)23:05
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clarkbsync counter is 24123:07
clarkbit got to 1.7k earlier today and I restarted it23:07
clarkbI think it doesn't trend to 0 for some reason23:07
fungicomment just appeared23:08
msabramozaro: No I haven't requested a pbr release; don't know what the process is for that23:08
anteayamsabramo: I think the process is bug mordred23:09
jeblairclarkb: that's disturbing and worth looking into23:09
anteayado we have something more formalized than that?23:09
fungianteaya: "bug mordred" isn't formal?23:09
clarkbjeblair: ya, I ran it under debug mode once but I don't think it happened then23:10
mordredanteaya: what's the thing we need a release for?23:10
fungiand no, "bug someone" is about the most formalized solution we have for requesting releases23:10
clarkbjeblair: do you tend to float around 0?23:10
mordred(also, lifeless and I are close to landing the version update code)23:10
mordredso I'd like to just do one release instead of two23:10
jeblairclarkb: yes; i also generally run in debug mode23:10
msabramomordred: pbr, specifically jjb is interested in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8738223:10
openstackgerritEoghan Glynn proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create telemetry-specs git repo  https://review.openstack.org/9404423:10
msabramooh oops that's the jjb bug23:11
msabramohttps://review.openstack.org/89205 is the pbr task23:11
jeblairclarkb: i only have 14 projects susbscribed right now23:11
mordredmsabramo: I support releasing based on that23:11
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clarkbjeblair: I think I have more than that23:11
clarkbjeblair: also, debug logs were huge and I didn't want to make my ssd have a sad :)23:11
msabramomordred: cool!23:12
msabramothat will let JJB start to measure coverage23:12
jeblairclarkb: moar ssds.  mine is 67M since i started it this morning.23:13
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Shrewsclarkb: you want i should change the commit msg for you on 94456? huh? huh? huh?  :)23:15
clarkbjeblair: I have closer to 50 projects subscirbed23:15
clarkbShrews: I don't think it is super necessary23:15
clarkbShrews: but a lot of commit messages do leave out the why :)23:15
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openstackgerritEoghan Glynn proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create telemetry-specs git repo  https://review.openstack.org/9404423:16
Shrewsclarkb: k. but short answer - we want to test 'nova rebuild --preserve-ephemeral'23:16
clarkbjeblair: I am trimming my list of subscriptions now23:17
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clarkbAlex_Gaynor: for 93458 maybe we can just stop using nose for ypthon 3?23:19
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Alex_Gaynorclarkb: that's reasonably, I honestly don't have an opinion... do we even use nose? I don't know how testtools testrepository works23:19
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: some projects still use nose23:20
clarkbI think they should stop using nose :)23:20
mordredAlex_Gaynor: nose is deprecated, but still in use23:20
Alex_GaynorThat's reasonably, I think this was probably swift23:20
clarkbyes swift is one of them23:20
mordredwhat's the issue?23:20
clarkbI really want that nose plugin to die23:20
clarkbmordred: patches against nose html output23:20
mordredoh. weird23:20
mordredwell, I mean, if someone wants to own it, I don't care23:21
clarkbwell we own23:21
clarkb* own it23:21
Alex_GaynorI definitely dont' want to own it :-)23:21
mordredwe're about to do renames ... why not put it on stackforge and give it away23:21
Alex_GaynorSwift test-requirements.txt require that, and it doesn't work on py323:21
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jeblairmordred: do we use it?23:21
clarkbmordred: that requires a group of people that care about it23:21
clarkbyes swift requires it for html output for nose runs23:21
mordredclarkb: right, I'm saying, if we're not willing to take patches for it, and someone wants to write patches for it23:21
mordredthen we should reconsider its ownership structure23:22
mordredit it's important that we own it, then we should take patches23:22
clarkbmordred: I think its ok to not take patches that make it future compatible23:22
jeblairmordred: we don't have to take every patch given.  this is starting to turn into a strange conversation.23:22
clarkbfixing bugs for today is a different story23:22
clarkband python3 for swift is a future thing23:22
mordredjeblair: yes. I think I may have been trying to nudge it that way23:22
mordredwithout meaning to23:23
mordredclarkb: that's fair23:23
mordredbut if they're working on getting swift python3 compat and this is a blocker - and also there is no work on getting swift on to testr ...23:23
eglynnjeblair: note s/ceilometer-specs/telemetry-specs/ as you discussed earlier with the PTL group ... https://review.openstack.org/9404423:23
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mordredI mean, I dunno. maybe we just make a stronger stance about testr there?23:24
jeblaireglynn: cool, thanks23:24
jeblairmordred, SergeyLukjanov: fyi i just sent mail about reviewing changes for new specs repos.23:25
mordredjeblair: awesome. will go read23:25
sdaguejeblair: was at dinner, reading scrollback23:26
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: New specification for StoryBoard UX overhaul  https://review.openstack.org/9449923:26
clarkbmordred: Alex_Gaynor I left a comment with my position. I am happy to move it to stackforge if people want to care and feed for the things23:26
sdaguejeblair: I can change that part back to true/false. I could also use a distinct exception which we catch and pass for just the NothingToDo case23:26
sdagueI was mostly trying to unnest the logic, as that seemed pretty error prone23:27
clarkbis 76796 safe to approve for the reason I mention?23:27
clarkbjeblair: sdague jhesketh ^23:27
jeblairsdague: i'm not generally keen on the "exception for normal conditions" pattern, so i think it might be worth keeping that one level of nesting.23:28
openstackgerritEoghan Glynn proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create telemetry-specs git repo  https://review.openstack.org/9404423:28
jeblairsdague: i don't feel strongly about that though.23:28
jeblairclarkb: i have no independent knowledge of that but trust your evaluation, so +123:30
clarkbwoo gertty fails on binary files23:30
jheskethclarkb: sorry, haven't been following.. what was the question there?23:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/publications: Updated projects list to match today  https://review.openstack.org/9283723:30
jeblairjhesketh: it's in the review23:30
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jheskethjeblair: the nonexistant config file?23:31
sdaguejeblair: ok, that's fair. I was trying to not mix the styles, but I don't feel strongly either.23:32
mordredjeblair, clarkb: HP has asked if we can make another try to move our workload to their new area- do we feel comfortable attempting that again?23:32
sdagueclarkb: if you can baby sit it, 76796 seems fine. I really want to see it tried on a real env23:32
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: use exceptions instead of return True/False  https://review.openstack.org/9419623:32
jeblairmordred: i think you have the most knowledge about failure rates; if you are okay with it, i think it's great; az2 has been making us very unhappy.23:32
sdaguejeblair: ok, how about that23:32
jheskethjeblair, clarkb: that rounds right to me (re config not existing)23:33
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clarkbsdague: I can babysit23:33
* clarkb rereads change really quickly then will approve23:33
mordredjeblair: currently, 1.1 and ORD have the best rates23:33
sdagueclarkb: it will be really interesting to see how it performs once it's out there somewhere23:34
mordredjeblair: 1.1 doesn't have great build times during peaks23:34
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mordredjeblair: now that we've got stats on stuff, I think it's worth a try23:38
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clarkbjhesketh: sdague jeblair approved23:39
clarkband it couldn't be merged apparently23:39
clarkboh well, jhesketh want ot look into that?23:40
openstackgerritEoghan Glynn proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create telemetry-specs git repo  https://review.openstack.org/9404423:41
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: New specification for StoryBoard UX overhaul  https://review.openstack.org/9449923:42
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clarkbjeblair: after cutting my subscription list in halfish I trend to 0 now23:46
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Revert "Stop using hpcloud az1-az3 in favor of region-b""  https://review.openstack.org/9450323:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Revert "Stop using hpcloud az1-az3 in favor of region-b""  https://review.openstack.org/9450323:48
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Revert "Stop using hpcloud az1-az3 in favor of region-b""  https://review.openstack.org/9450323:48
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: add dashboard support to jeepyb  https://review.openstack.org/9426023:49
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mordredjeblair, clarkb ^^ there's a change to move stuff back to HP 1.123:50
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sdaguepleia2: you still about?23:53
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sdagueI'm thinking about - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93608/1/modules/openstack_project/files/status/common.js and the conversation at summit23:53
pleia2sdague: hey23:54
pleia2sdague: yeah, we talked about it at our meeting today too, let me grab the link23:54
sdagueright, i skimmed that23:54
sdagueso my pov is that current rechecks page is broken, we shouldn't fix it, and we should just replace it completely with elastic recheck.23:54
sdagueThe question is whether we build back the bulk queries23:55
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* pleia2 nods23:55
sdagueto use as possible bug indications for people classifying23:55
sdaguebut I think was can actually do that independantly23:55
clarkbjeblair: zaro fungi mordred SergeyLukjanov and everyone else ^23:55
clarkbhow does that look? I am not sold on the date I just picked one very conservatively23:56
sdaguepleia2: so I'd actually not add Elastic Recheck per say, i'd replace Rechecks with the Elastic Recheck page23:56
pleia2sdague: since it's broken, is there any reason to hold off on replacement?23:56
sdaguepleia2: no23:56
jogopleia2: agreed23:56
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Use pbr, pep8 checks & fixes, add "doc" tox target  https://review.openstack.org/9045523:56
sdaguebut my -1 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/93608/1/modules/openstack_project/files/status/common.js  would be basically, we should also remove the rechecks link23:57
pleia2ok, I'll abandon the one change and adjust the other accordingly23:57
pleia2thanks sdague and jogo23:57
* jogo is happpy to see the old rechecks page go away23:57
sdaguepleia2: cool, thanks for doing it23:57
sdagueI'm trying to get my bulk query hacky scripts to do the right thing here23:57
jeblairclarkb: one change to drafts email, otherwise, lgtm.23:57
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clarkbthanks. How do people feel about the date? I could do this friday as well but we are already doing renaming then23:59
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clarkbthe change itself is tiny and easy to backout so I am not super worried about it23:59

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