Friday, 2014-05-23

clarkbrm if I make it b4 I get no data as well00:00
clarkbbut nodes are being spun up in b400:00
* clarkb digs in graphite dashboard00:00
jeblairclarkb: have any finished?00:01
clarkbthat explains it, just not in graphite. jeblair do we need to restart nodepool to get new graphite date?00:01
clarkbjeblair: yes there is at least one ready node in b400:01
clarkbit is used now00:01
clarkbb3 has a ready node too00:01
jeblairclarkb: what explains it?00:01
clarkbjeblair: the data isn't ni graphite00:02
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clarkbhence no data, so not a bad query00:02
jeblairclarkb: that sounds more like the problem statement than the solution.  :)00:02
jeblairclarkb: i think we're on the same page now.00:02
jeblairclarkb: they are being sent to graphite, so the problem is not on the nodepool side00:05
jeblairwe are really good at filling up graphite's disk.00:05
jeblairwe now have 1TB of data00:06
jeblairit's cindered though, i'll add another vol00:06
clarkbI am still poking around at how the new "providers" are doing00:07
clarkbso far with the limited info I have I don't see anything to crazy00:07
clarkbgoing to start grepping logs though00:07
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clarkbSpamapS: lots of maximum number of ports exceeded for your clouds00:08
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clarkbactually that may just be a rh1 problem00:08
clarkbI need to get some load on zuul00:09
clarkbwe actually don't need to spin up any nodes right now00:10
clarkboutside of tripleo00:10
jeblairclarkb: push up some devstack-gate changes? :)00:11
jeblairPerforming an on-line resize of /dev/main/graphite to 536868864 (4k) blocks.00:11
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clarkbrecheck no bug may be in order >_>00:13
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix up fetching jquery.visibility
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add in sparklines to status page pipelines
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make zuul javascript app more modular
jeblairclarkb: stats should start showing up now00:13
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Move app.js to
jheskethjeblair: if you have time to look at my comment on that'd be good please :-)00:14
jeblairjhesketh: actually i didn't have a problem looking at the change -- it turns out gertty handled that case much better than gerrit did00:15
jheskethah cool00:15
jheskethI'm interested in what you think about keeping it in the current level of inline js etc00:16
jhesketh(I divided it up for neatness)00:16
jeblairjhesketh: so about the html -- basically my concern was that at some point we added all of those sections to the status page.  and in the future, we might add/remove more00:16
jheskethjeblair: right, but why can't that be done in the HTML?00:16
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jeblairjhesketh: i like the idea that someone should be able to just drop this into an existing website (naturally, since that's what i want to do) without them needing to maintain it00:17
clarkbok rechecked 3 changes, that should generate a little load00:17
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jeblairjhesketh: the more stuff we put in the html, the harder that becomes (we have to change html that's external to zuul, which means we have to ask users to change it)00:17
jheskethjeblair: sure, but in my opinion it's not a large drop in.. in fact it's more flexible as you can drop in parts to integrate with your current page better (for example, maybe you want filters off to the side)00:17
clarkbby the way I think the graphite delete numbers are off due to fungi's cleanup maybe00:18
jheskethjeblair: only if they want to add/remove sections themselves.. the point being that they can more easily choose which parts they consume00:18
clarkbthe purple on zuul status page is very big but nodepool list doesn't show that many00:18
clarkbits only 35 according to nodepool00:19
jeblairclarkb: it doesn't look big to me00:19
jeblairclarkb: maybe you need to reload?00:19
jeblairsometimes i think it stops updating00:19
jeblairjhesketh: i'm not opposed to supporting that kind of flexibility, but i also think we can and should support the very simple case of 'drop this into your web page'.00:20
jheskethsure, okay00:20
jheskethso I actually toyed with moving more dom building out of the javascript and put it inline (for example building the filter form) to allow for more html flexbility00:21
clarkbyes I needed to reload. that will teach me00:21
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jheskethjeblair: are you suggesting that we build the dom in the javascript still?00:21
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jheskethor keep the dom as I currently have it and move more javascript back into a .js file00:22
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clarkbjeblair: needs a thirdish +2 since sdague and I have both hacked on the change00:22
clarkbjeblair: but if yo uapprove that it will generate more load00:22
clarkbthere are also a handful of other d-g changes ready for +2 +A00:23
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jeblairjhesketh: my primary goal is to never have to change anything about the status page in the config repo other than css and stuff we stick above/below it (like graphs).  i think the best way to do that is to make the footprint there as small as possible, so i think it should be one dom element and one function call.00:23
jeblairjhesketh: so maybe we can build the dom in the js in that case, but if someone wants to supply parts manually, handle that too00:24
jeblair(if they're doing that, they're already more inclined to keep up with changing expectations of the js app)00:24
SpamapSjeblair: regarding accounting even when nova creates somethign but returns error.. I wonder if you can use the name to do that sort of tracking (by only ever giving nova a unique name, if you see a name that you thought was an error, you should delete it, right?)00:25
jeblairSpamapS: yeah, that's about the only solution.  it's really lame though.00:25
SpamapSjeblair: agreed. Heat has this problem as well and that is the only way Heat can solve it too.00:25
SpamapSjeblair: some people specced out an "idempotency key" for Nova, but it was rejected.00:26
jeblairi feel like i can commiserate with them.00:26
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SpamapSOne might argue that name should be unique.. :-P00:27
jeblairSpamapS: i want to know who thought it was a good idea to create a server after returning an error response.  i will shake my fist at them.  shake it i say.00:27
jheskethjeblair: okay, fair enough. I'll build the dom in a new javascript file, but I might do it on the tail of that change00:27
jeblairSpamapS: yeah, our names are unique (the number in them is actually the db primary key), so it shouldn't be too hard.  it'll be just another instance of "don't actually believe the response code".00:28
SpamapSjeblair: I'm pretty sure thats not by design. It happens when there are communication breakdowns between the client and api endpoint.. probably other times too00:28
jeblairSpamapS: which is pretty much every time we get a response code.00:28
jeblairjhesketh: wfm00:28
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clarkbpreliminary statsd data looks good00:29
SpamapSjeblair: 500 is merely a suggestion that you should look elsewhere for enlightenment.00:29
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clarkband both look healtyh00:30
clarkbthat is only a 1 hour window because it scales funny when there is no data in the past00:30
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jeblairclarkb: you could have shortened the first one even more to "/"00:31
clarkbjeblair: :)00:31
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clarkbI have colors turned off in weechat so it wouldn't be the same00:31
clarkbwhen we restart zuul tomorrow that will allow us to start working on the swift stuff \o/00:32
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clarkbjhesketh: did you see my comment on the job updates to do that?00:32
jeblairThe filesystem on /dev/main/graphite is now 536868864 blocks long.00:32
clarkball the blocks00:32
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jeblairexactly all of them in fact00:33
clarkbbe right back I think I have packages to pick up at the front desk00:34
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jheskethclarkb: which now?00:35
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SpamapSclarkb: ok, I'm deleting "the lost boys" .. I think the weirdness behind the flavor change caused this.. all of the ones that have been sitting around doing nothing are h1.large00:36
SpamapSI suspect r2 may have more too00:36
SpamapSI should figure out how to login to that region :-P00:36
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clarkbjhesketh: the one that adds jjb defaults and macros00:38
mayu_zuul of third party ci revceive gerrit message from openstack ci, but not trigger local jenkins to run a job, any body can help  ?00:38
jheskethclarkb: ah, right. I haven't looked yet sorry00:39
jheskethanything in particular?00:39
jerryzmayu: we can talk00:39
mayu_thank you jerryz00:39
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mayu_I will show you zuul layout.yaml00:40
SpamapS     16 BUILD00:40
jerryzmayu_: in paste00:40
SpamapSclarkb: ^^ yay00:40
clarkbjhesketh: yeah the addition to defaults confused me00:40
clarkbjhesketh: not sure where that zuul logs thing comes from00:40
jheskethclarkb: the slave script takes a --name parameter to pick an instruction set that zuul hands it00:41
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jheskethzuul can hand swift upload creds for multiple containers/destinations (eg different one for logs vs assets)00:41
clarkbjhesketh: well it was called as if it were a jjb builtin or a macro00:42
clarkbbut didn't appear to be either00:42
mayu_jerryz: is there something wrong with layout.yaml ?00:42
jheskethclarkb: isn't it just setting a default value?00:43
jheskethor do I need to do it under the shell builder..00:43
jerryzmayu_: can you remove the filter from template and just leave recheck huawei00:43
clarkbjhesketh: no that sets default wrappers builders etc00:43
SpamapSclarkb: do you have ?00:44
jheskethokay, let me try again00:44
mayu_jerryz: ok, i will try00:44
SpamapSclarkb: I think I found another class of lost instance. :)00:44
jerryzmayu_: reload will read the new config00:44
SpamapSclarkb: oh wait thats a dead template.. I bet that can just be nova deleted00:44
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clarkbSpamapS: ya I don't have it and should be safe to remove on your side00:45
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mayu_jerryz: jenkins master is restarting, I will try 'recheck huawei' .00:46
jerryzmayu_: qianlin is helping you?00:47
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mayu_jerryz: he can not help00:48
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Name the integrated queue
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mayu_jerryz: it does not work00:50
mayu_jerryz: hi, there ?00:51
jerryzmayu_: let's talk in private00:51
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fungiSpamapS: i do sometimes look at the nodepool alien-list output and nova delete things i know are cruft00:56
fungiquite often those are orphaned templates from image builds which got aborted during an ungraceful nodepoold restart (heck, sometimes rackspace just blindly reboots that whole server to get it to stop swapping... fun times!)00:57
jheskethclarkb: can you provide a default to macros?
clarkbjhesketh: not really01:01
jheskethright, didn't think so :-(01:01
clarkbjhesketh: what you can do is compose macros01:01
jheskethoh well, each job will have to supply the instructionset01:01
ianwfungi: a question about (Keep logs in $BASE instead of $WORKSPACE)01:01
clarkband have simple ones with a value already set01:01
clarkband others that accept values01:02
jheskethgood idea01:02
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fungiianw: what's the question? i can at least recall the rationale on that one, thankfully ;)01:02
ianwfungi: i think this is the reason we have the* files in ?01:02
ianwfungi: we should probably clear out all but
fungiianw: i think those should be there, we just need to rename them and remove the duplicate dated copies like we do with other logs in the cleanup function01:03
jheskethclarkb: right, so something like this:
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clarkbjhesketh: yup01:04
fungiianw: i had started to work on a patch to fix that (editor's still open on the script) but have too many balls in the air apparently01:04
ianwfungi: ok, i will fix that up with
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fungiianw: great!01:04
jheskeththanks for your help clarkb.. new patches up for review :-)01:04
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in JJB macros for pushing to swift
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add slavescript to grab console log
clarkbjhesketh: thank you! I am very excited about this stuff01:04
sdagueianw: looks like merge conflict on that01:05
sdaguecan you rebase?01:05
jheskethjjb hurts my head... very difficult to visualise what the output will look like with all the macros and builders etc01:05
jheskethbut I'm learning my way around slowly01:05
ianwsdague: yep, just fixing it up, i left in a copy that shouldn't be there01:05
clarkbjhesketh: ya, there are definitely flaws in it01:05
sdagueianw: awesome01:06
ianwsdague: i still haven't figured out why things don't bail out when grenade sanity check fails01:07
ianwsdague: as you say, exit on err looks like it is set01:08
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Only copy symlink name of logs
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a doc8 stackforge project
clarkbhpcloud graphs are still green01:18
clarkbbut we haven't thrown significant load at it01:18
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jeblairjhesketh: the key thing to know about jjb is that it's project-oriented.  it's mostly about applying the same (templated) jobs to multiple projects.01:19
jeblairjhesketh: anything else starts to get into the weeds.01:19
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jheskethsure :-)01:20
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jeblairjhesketh: also, it's actually not hard to run locally and have it dump out the output to see if it's doing the right thing :)01:20
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix up fetching jquery.visibility
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Move app.js to jquery.zuul.js to indicate a plugin
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make zuul javascript app more modular
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Move status dom into js app for easy reuse
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jheskethjeblair: How's that ^01:31
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zarojhesketh: haha, config hurts my head cause i cant run it locally01:35
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix zuul's app.js name
zarojhesketh: the jjb tests help a lot01:38
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ianwsdague/clarkb: if you could re-review (Modify horizon log copy for Fedora -- just a rebase) that would be awesome, last fedora specific patch :)01:46
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mordredlifeless: so, I grok that you do published releases, but we need to be able to test tip of git for things that participate in the gate02:39
mordredlifeless: mainly because the act of tagging and releasing is not gated02:39
mordredand we don't want to wedge the gate (this is not just theory, it's happened _many_ times before)02:39
mordredso while it's fine to have a mode that installs releases (and that's a thing we want to ADD to the devstack worldview)02:40
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mordredwe also need to make sure we can feed in the states of the tip of the git repos for every repo that should be participating in the gate02:40
mordredand/or that the testing thing, such as whatever dib is doing, can be pointed at the set of repo-states that have been pre-prepared by the testing structure02:41
clarkbmordred: initial numbers for the hpcloud network reconfiguration are promising02:41
mordredclarkb: woot!02:41
mordredclarkb: that's EXCELLENT to hear02:41
clarkbbut we haven't thrown a lot of load at it02:41
clarkbtomorrow morning will be a good test02:42
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mordredlifeless: ALSO - since we want to more broadly be able to test "tip of branches vs. current released release things" in a non-tripleo context too02:43
mordredit would be great if any infrastructural needs to do that would be generalized in such a way that we're not repeating ourselve02:43
lifelessmordred: right, which derekhs approach does very nicely IMO02:44
mordreda good example of this is "test tip of master/proposed changes of all servers with currently released versions of client libs"02:44
mordredlifeless: awesome02:44
lifelessmordred: to whit: build a pip repo containing the zuul ref versions of things02:44
mordredlifeless: I'm mainly babbling here just to make sure we're on the same background page02:44
lifelessmordred: and install with that in the pip index list02:44
mordredlifeless: do you happen to know where I should look for derekh's stuff?02:45
lifelessmordred: we may also want/need version locking to do older things (but thats a fair thing to want when installing anyway)02:45
mordredlifeless: ++02:45
lifelessmordred: abandonded proposals in tripleo-ci02:45
lifelessok, back to beddish for me02:45
lifelessso sick02:45
mordredlifeless: get better02:46
mordredlifeless: stop talking to crazy yanks on the intertubes02:46
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pleia2our zanata contact may have the openstack summit plague (out sick), I'll catch up with them next week, the rest of the team thinks their puppet configs are "in no fit state to share"02:58
pleia2so I'll see what I can do about that :)03:01
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mordredclarkb: ^^ there's a modification of jeblair's last graph that does your new split regions03:03
mordredclarkb: you may already have one - but I wanted to see it - so I made one03:03
mordredpleia2: nice03:03
openstackgerritDavid Lenwell proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: added use-storyboard flag to refstack
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jheskethclarkb: if you have time to look at my response to your comment on my nodepool patch that'd be shiny :-)03:17
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openstackgerritZhongyue Luo proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fixes git repository brower line number misalignment
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Implement a simple mysql reporter.
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zarojeblair: does my comment make sense?
zaroopps, i meant jhesketh ^03:53
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jheskethzaro: yep, that makes sense04:02
jheskethI'll re-review shortly04:02
jheskeththanks :-)04:02
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Alex_GaynorDoes anyone recognize this test failure:
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Alex_GaynorIt looks like it's caused by but I don't really know anything about bash04:35
Alex_Gaynor(and I assume it would have been breaking things for people for like a week)04:35
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix zuul's app.js name
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update zuul module to take params for smtp
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update zuul module to take params for smtp
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, jhesketh, zaro, thanks for reviewing renaming patches05:46
jheskethno worries Ser05:47
jhesketh* SergeyLukjanov05:48
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Only copy symlink name of logs
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move barbican from stackforge to barbican
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move database-api to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-chef to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename neutron-specs to networking specs
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename glance-specs to image-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.test to oslotest
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve blazar project acl
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-qa repo to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo-specs to common-libraries-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move python-melangeclient to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move melange to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete #openstack-climate channel
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
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SergeyLukjanovopenstackgerrit ping06:35
SergeyLukjanovopenstackgerrit, isn't alive :(06:35
StevenKSergeyLukjanov: You killed it with your rename madness :-P06:35
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve blazar project acl
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo-specs to common-libraries-specs
SergeyLukjanovStevenK, it's not madness06:35
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete #openstack-climate channel
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename murano-api repo to murano
SergeyLukjanovStevenK, it's renaming club ;)06:35
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in JJB macros for pushing to swift
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add sahara to bugday
ttxsdague, fungi, clarkb: the list is at as usual. Will build the shortlist at the next TC meeting07:08
ttxfungi: and it's Kepler street. not Keppler.07:08
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update releasestatus conf for Juno cycle
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add sahara to releasestatus
SergeyLukjanovttx ^^07:14
ttxSergeyLukjanov: awesome, will look!07:15
SergeyLukjanovttx, thanks!07:16
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: you got the counts wrong on the first patch08:06
ttxSergeyLukjanov: it's number of weeks before the milestone week, so a bit confusing :)08:07
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Refactor preference provider
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make Timeline configurable
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Configure Timeline from Story details
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make Timeline configurable
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SergeyLukjanovttx, /me trying to understand08:56
SergeyLukjanovttx, oh, thanks for comments, now it's a bit clearer for me08:56
ttxSergeyLukjanov: the only way to understand is to test and see the result :)08:56
SergeyLukjanovttx, yup08:57
ttxI tested with my values and it works08:57
ttxalso the last cycle shows "5" on the final release line, despite there being 6 weeks between i-3 and release08:57
ttxIt's actually used for the number of ticks that should show between the two milestones08:58
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ttxin the gauge showing progress08:58
ttxso it's number of weeks -108:58
SergeyLukjanovttx, got it08:58
ttxwe should probably edit the comment in that yaml file08:58
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add sahara to releasestatus
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update releasestatus conf for Juno cycle
SergeyLukjanovttx, I'll propose an extended comment08:59
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jd__could I be added to gnocchi-core on Gerrit guys, 'cause looks like the group is empty :)09:03
SergeyLukjanovjd__, I don't have root permissions yet, so, you should wait for jeblair, fungi, clarkb or mordred09:04
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add example and details to the releasestatus config
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SergeyLukjanovttx, ^^ probably it'll make the config file easier to understand :)09:05
SergeyLukjanovttx, should we wait for someone else to review it?09:05
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add example and details to the releasestatus config
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: commenetd minor nits09:10
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: as for approval, maybe wait for at least one external +209:11
SergeyLukjanovttx, sure09:11
SergeyLukjanovttx, thx for comment09:11
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add example and details to the releasestatus config
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adding #openstack-containers IRC bot
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: added use-storyboard flag to refstack
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair morning10:34
SergeyLukjanovI just see your email re specs naming ;)10:34
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Refresh token support
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Refresh token support
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jcoufalHey everybody, the UX team is starting with regular meetings and I wanted to ask you, how I can edit the iCal to add the meeting time in there...?11:00
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StevenKjcoufal: I think you need ttx for that.11:06
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jcoufalttx: any chance you are here11:18
jcoufalStevenK: thanks11:19
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ttxjcoufal: o/11:31
ttxStevenK: FWIW I'd be happy to transfer that fun task :)11:32
ttxjcoufal: saw the notification, will update now11:32
jcoufalttx: o/, thank you, wednesdays, 15000 utc, meeting-311:33
ttxonly the first and third wed in a month, right11:33
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ttxjcoufal: so it alctually overlaps with another meeting11:35
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ttxjcoufal: I just added it11:35
ttxand it conflicts with the PHP SDK meeting11:35
ttxwhich happens 15:30 UTC every wed on openstack-meeting-311:36
jcoufali see, half an hour conflict11:36
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jcoufallet me have one more look11:36
jcoufalttx: the rooms got filled really fast, 3 weeks ago all slots in our poll were free, now majority of them are taken :-/11:38
ttxjcoufal: you might want to check tif those meetings actually happen11:38
jcoufalttx: I will11:39
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jcoufalttx: okey, can we move it to 1st&3rd Monday, 1700 UTC11:47
jcoufalttx: it should be empty if I didn't overlook something11:47
jcoufalmeeting-3 again11:48
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ttxjcoufal: ack11:49
jcoufalttx: thank you11:49
jcoufalttx: I will change the wiki11:49
ttxdone on the ical11:50
jcoufalttx: the folder in will be created automatically after the first meeting?11:50
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jcoufalttx: perfect, thanks a lot11:52
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fungijd__: added to,members and,members just now12:21
fungilet me know if you have any trouble managing those groups12:21
fungiSergeyLukjanov: is,n,z the entire set of reviews for the rename today? i have to pop out for a quick errand this morning, but will get those all reviewed and whip up the mysql/shell command sets for the maintenance when i return (assuming nothing breaks in the meantime)12:24
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning, yup, it's the list of all renamings for today12:26
SergeyLukjanovfungi, but due to the jeblair's emails it sounds like we'd like to rename specs from program to codename12:27
SergeyLukjanovfungi, but all other changes are ok12:27
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: i support codename as an alternative to program full name, especially when the codename is shorter and/or already in use ;)12:28
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, agreed, I prefer sahara-specs (not data-processing-specs)12:28
SergeyLukjanovI need to go now, I'll return back ~1900 UTC and I can continue working on renaming CRs12:29
SergeyLukjanovfungi, when are you planning to perform rename?12:29
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: 21:00 according to
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jd__thanks fungi12:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: localize variables
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fungikrtaylor: ArxCruz: do you happen to know which ibm division/project this third-party testing service account request is for? (ibm service accounts are becoming very prolific, so just making sure it's not redundant)12:51
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ArxCruzfungi: checking12:51
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fungithough given the timing, i suspect it's for a cinder block storage driver12:53
ArxCruzfungi: yup, he's from storage12:53
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fungiArxCruz: okay, thanks!12:54
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ArxCruzfungi: ibm have several, several, several, several divisions, all using openstack, all creating 3rd ci12:54
fungiArxCruz: this is obvious ;)12:54
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* fungi is disappearing now, but should be back in no more than an hour12:55
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: okay that should take care of the renaming reviews from me13:03
anteayano outstanding items I see, thank you13:03
anteayawhat do you want to do on this one?
anteayayou offered a one line change to the governance repo, and I commented with other repos that needed to be added to bring us in to sync13:04
anteayawhat do you want to do with that?13:04
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: The process for making a Third-Party CI voting needs docs
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openstackgerritMatthew Montgomery proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Force SSL Configuration Parameter
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openstackgerritMatthew Montgomery proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Force SSL Configuration Parameter
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openstackgerritMatthew Montgomery proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Force SSL Configuration Parameter
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mordredfungi: when the project makes decisions, like "let's not put editor files in gitignore files" - we should really record that stuff, ya know?13:33
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signed8bitmordred: Ah... that one is mine. I'll amend.13:35
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mordredsigned8bit: cool. I mean, I was going to put something in a review, but I wanted to give a link to a doc or something, and then I realized that we did not quite have a doc or something :)13:36
signed8bitheh... yeah I've seen it both ways over the years and generally like a clean status so I default to ignore for that stuff.13:37
mordredsigned8bit: I agree - I like the clean status myself13:38
mordredsigned8bit: has a thing about how to create a ~/.gitignore for yourself13:38
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signed8bitmordred: I've avoided global ignore as I've some projects where the .idea stuff is shared13:39
msabramomordred: what's the best way to request a new release of pbr? Launchpad ticket?13:39
openstackgerritMatthew Montgomery proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritbot: Force SSL Configuration Parameter
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mordredmsabramo: usually just pinging me here is the right way - lemme go poke real quick (I'm actually, you know, working today)13:42
mordredI REALLY want reviewable tags in gerrit13:43
mordredzaro: ^^ this is a great example of the use case ...13:43
mordredzaro: msabramo _should_ be able to propose a tag with no special permissions - and I should be able to review it and accept or reject it13:43
msabramomordred: OK, no pressure. That's why a some kind of tool or process for requesting would be nice, so you could handle it at your leisure13:44
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mordredmsabramo: yah. I agree13:44
mordredmsabramo: I mean, in theory, filing a ticket in launchpad would be the 'right' way - but in practice, I'm actually less likely to see that13:44
msabramoyeah I get the feeling that Launchpad doesn't get looked at much by anyone?13:45
msabramomy coworker asked a question on the "ask" feature of Launchpad and it got closed after 15 days because of no response13:46
mordredoh, yeah - we _Definitely_ don't use the questions thing13:46
msabramohe was also asking for a new release, in this case he was asking for a new release of JJB13:46
msabramoso another example in favor of this reviewable tags feature13:46
mordredyah. I've wanted it for a while - I don't like tagging being a 'special' action only special people can do13:47
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mordredand honestly, I'd like to be able to run tests that the tagged version is going to do the right thing, and that I'm not crazy13:47
msabramoyeah creates a bottleneck13:47
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mordredit looks like there is nothing in pbr master that is a behavioral change for current things13:47
mordredit's essentially doc fixes, the addition of the coverage thign you want, and some logging improvements13:48
mordredso I think it can be 0.8.1 safely13:48
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msabramoyeah the coverage thing will unblock a couple of reviews that can't be merged withoutit13:49
msabramothank you!13:49
mordredit may take a little bit for that to filter to our mirror - BUT - I don't think any of the reviews waiting on it use our mirror13:50
mordredand it's on pypi13:50
msabramoah I see it on PyPI now13:50
msabramowow, just like that13:50
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mordredit's one of my favorites of our automation13:50
mordredgit tag -s 0.8.1 ; git push gerrit 0.8.1 ; # o hai pypi!13:51
msabramohonestly, I thought doing a release was a much bigger deal, because ppl were saying "we have to do X..."13:51
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mordreddepends on the thing13:52
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msabramozaro: Ok, your turn now. New release of JJB? :-)13:56
msabramomordred: Thanks again!13:57
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fungimordred: sheesh. you and your desire for written history14:02
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fungiso much harder to just make stuff up if you do that, yaknow?14:03
anteayamordred is such a stickler for precision14:05
cody-somervilleHas anyone ever seen this before?
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anteayaonly when I have a problem with my hard disc14:09
fungicody-somerville: ooh, that's fun! what java-based gearman service is that?14:09
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: I have made a comment on line 31 of
cody-somervillefungi: nodepool/zuul I think14:10
anteayayou can't see it since apparently all of infra really likes turquoise14:10
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fungicody-somerville: weird. nodepool and zuul aren't java based14:10
anteayaand I thought I was being so unique14:10
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mordredcody-somerville: is that the jenkins gearman plugin?14:10
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cody-somervilleYea, that thing.14:11
fungithat's sort of what i'm suspecting14:11
fungichecking symbol names to confirm14:11
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mordredcody-somerville: so, no, I've never seen that - but zaro is your man to track down what's up14:14
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fungicody-somerville: i want to say that looks like a java bug. i wouldn't think that a java program should be likely to cause the java interpreter to overflow and trigger a __fortify_fail in libc14:18
fungibut i am not really very hip to java, so i could be entirely wrong about that14:19
mordredyah. sounds like "oops, java derped"14:19
cody-somervilleIt's probably issue in _nss_ldap_getgrgid_r. Java is in process of making native call.14:19
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cody-somervilleWhich also means you can now say "Oooo!! ldap. Not our problem!", lol.14:20
fungicody-somerville: Oooo!! ldap. Not our problem! ;)14:20
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fungialso, i don't think we wrote the java gearman server. i believe zaro merely incorporated an existing one into the jenkins-gearman plug-in14:21
fungianother possibility, though... are you maybe running a stand-alone gearman server for zuul instead of the pure python implementation integrated with it?14:25
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fungibecause if this was the jenkins plugin and a /usr/bin/java process was terminated, i would think that would have torn down the entire jenkins service as it runs entirely within a jvm14:26
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msabramoI pinged zaro about a new release of JJB on IRC14:41
msabramooops :-)14:42
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mordredmsabramo: that's the right choice14:50
msabramomordred: which? abandon change to remove pbr from requirements.txt for JJB?14:51
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mordredmsabramo: hrm. I should perhaps butt out - I may not know what you're talking about14:53
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msabramomordred: which review are you talking about?14:54
mordredmsabramo: none of them14:54
msabramooh :-)14:54
mordredmsabramo: I was talking about "msabramo | I pinged zaro about a new release of JJB on IRC"14:54
msabramoso you're saying pinging zaro is the right way to go?14:54
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mordredyup. or, at least, it's a good way to go - he can accomplish that14:55
mordredfungi, clarkb: the hp 1.1 multi-network thing seems to be holding up this morning14:56
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jeblairoooh yay14:56
fungiyep, checked in on it earlier and seems stable under our current modest load14:57
fungitripleo hp region still seems to be struggling though14:57
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mordredjeblair, fungi: we _are_ still gettting some errors at some peaks14:58
mordredwhich might suggest that the optimal ratio is still a little bit lower of nodes/network14:58
mordredbut the theory that nodes per network is related to the issues seems to be holding up under data14:58
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add tox "coverage" target
fungiyeah, maybe adding a couple more nets and dropping down to 150 per14:59
fungii guess we could get to that with just one more14:59
jeblairmordred: well i think we had a revised theory yesterday that it wasn't some vague "more is worse" thing, but actually clarkb found that the network only had 256 ips because it was a /24.15:01
jeblairfungi: ^15:01
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jeblairfungi: i think we're at 114/per net right now15:02
fungijeblair: right, definitely pushing beyond the available address count on the allocated network is not feasible ;)15:02
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mordredjeblair: oh wow15:03
mordredjeblair: that actually makes perfect sense15:03
fungioh, i was misremembering how many we'd put in each network too. for some reason i though it was 18815:04
fungibut yeah, 114 each at the moment15:04
mordredI'm only seeing errors now when we reach the apex of that - so there still may be a scaling issue at play15:05
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mordredbut the 256 hard limit is _certainly_ a thing15:05
mordredoh - I wonder if there is an ip release delay15:05
jeblairgood question; i would hope that as soon as the server is deleted the ip/port would be available again15:06
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mordredyah. but if it's not, then that could explain the error spikes as we hit the tip of things15:06
mordredlike, either there is an arp cache problem, or there's just another async queue thing15:07
jeblairyeah.  that would be annoying.  if we have the information, we can deal with it.  nodepool includes deleting servers in its calculations, so it should never request more than half the network.15:07
jeblairbut if that's hidden, then we're in the dark15:08
mordredworth investigating15:08
mordredalthough also, the error rate at the moment is completely within the normal operational margin of errors we see other places15:08
mordredI mean, it's less than the rax regions15:09
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mordredjeblair: what do you think next steps are here? it seems that we're in good enough shape that perhaps adding 2 or 3 more networks and lowering the ratio a bit gets us to a good place for now, then we can remove 1.0, then we can work on a patch to elastic the routers in nodepool?15:10
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msabramozaro: I think this is ready now:
jeblairmordred: we could do that or test the same theory by increasing the ratio on our current networks and using fewer (that's slightly less work)15:12
mordredjeblair: drop b5 to 0 and raise the other 4?15:13
jeblairmordred: maybe b4 and b5 and do 190/per15:14
jeblairsee if the ready/error ratio gets worse15:14
mordredjeblair: you want to do that through gerrit? or just change the nodepool.yaml file in place?15:16
jeblairmordred: lets do it through gerrit15:16
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Raise the ratio of servers to routers
mordredjeblair: there ya go15:17
jeblairand done15:17
mordredthis is actually a fun little experiment15:18
anteayareed ping15:18
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anteayareed so I added a projected deadline of deciding time and place as June 1st to the etherpad:
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anteayareed I think we have to agree to time and place by June 1st at the latest for our time slot of before OSCON to be realistic15:19
anteayaand if it is after OSCON I really won't be available until September15:20
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anteayaah there you are15:20
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anteayareed: the last few lines before you joined:
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reedanteaya, agreed on the deadline15:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Raise the ratio of servers to routers
reedanteaya, I'm in Austin next week, I'll make sure we have a decision by then15:22
anteayacool, thanks15:22
anteayaand so far noone has balked at the location being austin15:22
anteayaso let's focus on time15:23
anteayamtreinish: has the qa meetup timing been determined?15:23
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fungijeblair: (dawned on me that we were being somewhat hypocritical about use of program names and codenames)15:25
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jeblairfungi: well i don't _think_ we were being hippocritical as in our chat at the project meeting we figured shortened versions of program names (eg, 'object' instead of 'object storage') were okay15:27
jeblairfungi: but i suppose if we have a codename, that would be it, so ++15:28
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fungijeblair: we seems to use "infra" on far more things than we do "infrastructure" at any rate15:29
fungis/seems/seem/ (gollum)15:29
jeblairbut still, after looking at the whole list, i do think codenames are the right way to go, and if enough people think so too, i think we should probably defer the spec renames today and then talk about renaming the 5 we approved earlier15:29
jeblairi really don't like rushing into these sorts of things :(15:30
fungifair enough. i know fifield would be happy with that outcome15:30
dhellmannmordred: I'd be happy to take a stab at rebasing the wheel publishing changes in if you'd like15:32
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anteaya+1 for delaying the rename of specs repos pending outcome of jeblair's email15:35
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mtreinishanteaya: not yet, I'm going to figure it all out this afternoon15:37
anteayamtreinish: k, thanks15:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: request-kerberos
anteayafungi: hey how was eddie izzard last night?15:43
fungianteaya: night before last, but great15:44
fungihe's always hilarious15:44
anteayahe is15:45
anteayaI love his costumes15:45
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fungihe's doing the current tour in a john steed/james bond inspired look15:46
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anteayaI love his james bond material from before15:46
anteayaI hope this material will make it to the intertubes15:47
jeblairwell i'm pretty sure fungi didn't record video with his phone15:54
fungimy corneal implant gets much better resolution and framerate, but lacks a youtube upload plugin15:55
jeblair"ok eye, upload to youtube".  [eye blinks in confusion]15:56
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mordreddhellmann: yes please!15:57
dhellmannmordred: ok, I'll poke you for a review when I've updated it15:58
anteayamorning zaro15:58
mordreddhellmann: you make me a happy human15:58
anteayanot sure I would want to watch a vid captured by corneal implant15:59
dhellmannmordred: as opposed to a happy squirrel? :-)15:59
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mordredor a dancing pigeon16:03
zaromsabramo: i created a jjb releas just last week.  is there a real need for another one atm?16:03
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anteayaI can picture you as both a happy squirrel and a dancing pigeon16:05
anteayamake it happen dhellmann16:05
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msabramozaro: oh, you did? we might've missed it - let me check16:08
msabramozaro: looks like it was this week in fact — 2014-05-2016:09
mordredanteaya: what about a happy dancing pigeon squirrel?16:09
anteayathat would be a challenge for a costume maker16:09
anteayasquirrel tail though16:09
pafuentHi. I read on the ML about the project renames and is not clear for me if I should do something about it (I'm core reviewer of Climate)16:10
anteayaI could see you in meetings with a twitchy squirrel tail16:10
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anteayahi pafuent16:10
anteayawell climate is being renamed to blazar16:10
anteayaso you are covered16:10
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anteayayou could review the patch though if you want, pafuent16:10
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fungipafuent: see the note after step 15 at
fungipafuent: about updating your git remote on existing clones16:11
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fungipafuent: though we'll generally mention that in the follow-up e-mail after we're done too16:12
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pafuentanteaya: fungi: Thanks16:12
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pafuentanteaya: fungi: So I need to wait and that's it. Sorry to ask this dumb question but this is new for me.16:13
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fungipafuent: not a dumb question at all16:14
pafuentfungi: :)16:15
msabramozaro: Thank you very much! That JJB release looks like it will do the trick!16:16
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msabramoI did notice that the PyPI page for 0.8.0 is missing a ton of info for some reason16:16
zaromsabramo: i may do another release soon, just to fix the missing info on pypi.  waiting for this one to merge..
msabramocompare to
msabramozaro: ah, what I just said :-)16:17
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msabramoI noticed the home page on pypi is wrong too16:17
msabramopoints to which is a 40416:17
zaromsabramo: yes, those will be fixed with next release.16:17
msabramozaro: cool16:18
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added tempest job to manila project
msabramoI'll look at the change16:18
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zaromsabramo: this is the one (i hope) that fixes most of the info on pypi..
zaro(or at least fungi seems to think it will)16:20
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msabramocan probably check it by doing `python egg_info` and expecting the metadata that gets generated16:21
anteayafungi when next you feel like splunking the gerrit db, chuckC (I have just discovered) has two accounts, so can you bring the contents of 9093 into 11598?16:21
anteayahe also has two foundation profiles, I don't yet know how to fix that16:22
msabramozaro: Hmmm AUTHORS file is blank16:22
anteayahe wasn't showing up in stackalytics and tried some stuff16:22
zarojeblair, SergeyLukjanov : would it make sense to combine python coverage job with the py26 and py27 jobs?16:22
pafuentanteaya: fungi: I'm checking and I'm not sure is OK16:23
zaro^ in reference to
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anteayapafuent: do state any concerns you have16:23
pafuentanteaya: fungi: The line 467 is using the original repo of climate, not the actual one16:23
anteayaah yes16:23
pafuentanteaya: fungi: Is that OK?16:23
anteayayes it is16:23
anteayasince that is just transferring that information16:24
zaromsabramo: can you propose a fix?16:24
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anteayasince the repo exists in gerrit, that file doesn't use the source url anymore16:24
fungipafuent: the "upstream" entry in that file is just cruft and can be deleted in a separate change16:24
anteayait is preserved for historical reasons16:24
fungipafuent: it's only ever used once for the initial import and then ignored after16:24
msabramozaro: hmmm seems to work in my git tree, so maybe it was already fixed16:24
pafuentanteaya: OK. So the blazar repo on github will be created using the actual climate code, right?16:24
fungipafuent: correct16:25
msabramoalthough my AUTHORS is from May 116:25
pafuentanteaya: fungi: OK, and thanks again16:25
zaromsabramo: i guess we cool then :)16:25
anteayapafuent: thanks for reviewing!16:25
pafuentanteaya: :)16:25
msabramozaro: I don't know how to regenerate files like AUTHORS and ChangeLog; I don't know enough about how pbr works. Maybe mordred can chime in here?16:27
anteayafungi: chuckC also has two launchpad accounts, again I don't know what to do here16:27
msabramooh, `python sdist` did the trick16:27
mordredmsabramo: python sdist16:27
mordredmsabramo: they're teh autogenerated16:27
fungianteaya: i can look into it in a bit and then disable one of them16:27
anteayafungi: k, thanks16:27
msabramoyeah, AUTHORS looks good in my git tree when I did `python sdist`16:28
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anteayaI think the most recent one is the active one, yes chuckC?16:28
msabramosomehow the AUTHORS file in JJB 0.8.0 ended up being blank16:28
mordredis that the most recent one?16:28
mordredor an other jjb?16:28
mordredthere was a bug a little while ago where authors files were being broken iirc16:28
msabramoyeah, zaro built that on 2014-05-2016:28
mordredhrm. that's vexing16:28
chuckCanteaya, yes16:29
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msabramowell not completely blank, AUTHORS is a 1 byte file :-)16:29
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zaromsabramo: is that a pbr issue or is it something with setup.cfg?16:30
msabramozaro: to be honest, I don't know16:30
msabramozaro: and sounds like mordred doesn't know either16:31
msabramozaro: maybe you should do a `python sdist` and check that AUTHORS and ChangeLog look sane?16:31
* zaro is just as clueless16:31
msabramomight've been related to the setup.cfg change but that is a wild guess16:32
zarowhat would be the result of an empty AUTHORS file?16:32
fungichuckC: it looks like your two accounts are entirely separate. one is from a launchpad account with a ccarlino@ e-mail address and ssh username of ChuckC circa 2013-10-21, while the other is for chuck.carlino@ and ssh chuckcarlino created yesterday16:32
zarono author info on pypi page?16:32
chuckCfungi: yes16:32
anteayamorning pleia216:32
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fungichuckC: was there something specific you needed done?16:33
msabramozaro: No PyPI doesn't show that; only result that I know of is just an empty AUTHORS file in the distribution16:33
anteayaif he migrates to the new gerrit account, he loses his merged patch on the old gerrit account16:33
chuckCfungi: I wasn't seeing anything I did show up in stackalytics, and noticed that my review username differed from launchpad16:34
anteayahe created the new accounts because he wasn't showing up in stackalytics16:34
fungianteaya: we don't really have an easy way to merge accounts. we can disable one...16:34
anteayapersonally I would be all for getting rid of the new stuff16:34
anteayasince it was all created yesterday16:35
anteayaand figuring out a different way to address the stackalytics mystery16:35
anteayaany support for this direction?16:35
fungianteaya: we also don't have control over stackalytics. you might want to talk to the stackalytics devs about that16:35
pleia2ttx: happy to help manage the openstack ical (I still manage the meeting one for Ubuntu)16:35
anteayafungi: yes, that is now on chuckC's agenda16:35
chuckCanteaya: ok16:36
anteayachuckC: so it is okay to get rid of the new accounts?16:36
anteayause the old ones?16:36
fungianteaya: it may just be that there's a file in the stackalytics git repo which needs an entry added/changed (it's in stackforge)16:36
zaromsabramo: i just ran python sdist on master and i do see stuff in AUTHORS file.  so whats the problem?16:36
mordredzaro: when we created the source tarball in the publish jobs16:37
mordredwe apparently created one without an authors file16:37
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chuckCanteaya: if we can get the old one working, that's best16:39
mgagnezaro: stuff? an ascii art?16:39
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zaromsabramo: no usernames16:39
morganfainbergclarkb, i noticed your fix for tox got merged! does this mean we can start looking at using newer versions of tox soon? (pending a release incorporating it)?16:39
zaromgagne: no, i see usernames16:39
mgagnezaro: AUTHORS is automatically populated from git log by pbr16:39
jeblairmorganfainberg: i believe that's exactly the case16:39
jeblairmorganfainberg: clarkb tested the tip manually and it works, so just waiting on a rel16:39
mgagnezaro: "AUTHORS: Generate AUTHORS file from git log"16:39
morganfainbergjeblair, awesome! that makes me happy.16:39
anteayafungi: yes, that was what I was thinking in the first place16:39
anteayagoing to chat with SergeyLukjanov when he is next up16:39
anteayachuckC: so can you sign into your old gerrit account and use that one from now on?16:39
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msabramozaro: It might've been fixed by the setup.cfg change that was recently merge16:40
msabramoproblem is that if you download and untar it and look in the AUTHORS file, it is a 1 byte file16:40
msabramobut that PyPI release had a few things wrong with the metadata anyway so maybe it's all related and new release will fix it16:40
msabramo❯ curl -s\#md5\=e5d07daf7d8db595f02095d314b32712 | tar tvzf - | grep AUTHORS16:40
msabramo-rw-rw-r--  0 jenkins jenkins      1 May 20 09:14 jenkins-job-builder-0.8.0/AUTHORS16:40
msabramothe "1" before "May 20" is indicating that the file size is 1 byte16:40
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zarook. i see you mean current release.  should be all fixed in next release.16:41
clarkbmorgainfainber: yup, also please test with projects you care about16:41
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chuckCanteaya: I'll try that out this morning.  With everything I tried, I won't know it all works until I put something up for review.16:41
clarkbyou can hg clone the pip install that into a virtualenv16:42
anteayachuckC: okay thanks16:42
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clarkbthen run that tox. should be version 0.7.2.something-dev iirc16:42
anteayabest to keep to one chuckC16:42
* mordred goes to look for job logs to indicate errors16:43
mordrednothing in here indicates anything out of the ordinary16:45
mordredand it's got these:16:46
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mordred2014-05-20 16:14:55.097 | [pbr] Writing ChangeLog16:46
mordred2014-05-20 16:14:55.137 | [pbr] Generating AUTHORS16:46
mordredas well as16:46
mordred2014-05-20 16:14:55.243 | [pbr] In git context, generating filelist from git16:46
mordredwhich indicates that it did detect properly that it was in a git repo16:46
* notmyname is tagging python-swiftclient for release16:48
notmynamemordred: jeblair: ^ FYI16:48
notmynamettx: ^ FYI16:48
mordrednotmyname: excellent. let me know when you've done it - I'd like to double check your release for accuracy given the recent scrollback16:48
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notmynamemordred: ah?16:49
mordrednotmyname: we had some empty files in a thing from a few days ago (authors and changelog)16:49
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mordredwhich, while not massively a problem, leads me to wonder "hiccup, or problem"16:49
mordredI see nothing indicating anything _should_ have gone wrong16:50
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mgagneIs there anything preventing someone from publish twice the same version on tarballs.o.o? Does the use of signed tags the only way to make such release idempotent if it ever happen?16:50
mordredmgagne: the use of signed tags and the fact that he don't really let people delete tags16:51
mordredsince releases are tied to tags, the way to fix a botched release is to bump version and go again16:51
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mgagnemordred: s/he/we/ or does he refer to an omnipotent god? =)16:52
mordredmgagne: both :)16:52
mgagnemordred: alright thanks =)16:52
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pleia2anteaya: you had mentioned reviewstats the other day, do we want to be hosting that somewhere?16:53
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notmynamemordred: tag 2.1.0 pushed to gerrit16:53
zaromordred, clarkb, jeblair : does it make sense to generate coverage with one of the python jobs that run tests?16:54
mgagnemordred: how can someone consume projects from trunk as an egg? Is there a place where egg are generated and could be used/tested before a release or is it left to an exercise to this potential user/dev?16:54
mordredmgagne: we don't generate eggs, but we do generate source tarballs of trunk16:54
mordredand they're at tarballs.o.o/$projectname/$projectname-master.tar.gz16:54
mgagnezaro: IMO, coverage should be split into its own job16:54
mordred(it gets overwritten each time)16:54
mordredso if you want to pip install trunk of a project16:55
SlickNikclarkb: Had to rebase Please can you take another look when you get a chance? Thanks!16:55
mordredpip install
zaromgagne: it's already setup that way.  but takes a lot of time if it's a seperate job.16:55
mordredjeblair: error rate on 1.1 is still good16:55
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mgagnemordred: oh, I didn't know you could install from tarballs. (not that I tried it)16:56
mordredmgagne: works same as eggs16:56
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anteayapleia2: I did, and I do16:59
anteayanot sure if there is consensus about that16:59
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anteayado you have any thought about it, pleia2?17:00
anteayarussellb is a tad busy these days17:00
anteayawould be nice to have access to the info without bugging him17:00
anteayabut not wanting to step on his toes either17:00
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mordrednotmyname: thank you. there is, in fact, an issue. now to look in to what it is17:02
mordredfungi: ^^ any thoughts on how we investigate this?17:02
mordredfungi: it works locally for me17:02
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Removed tabs, changed to four spaces.
fungimordred: i can try rerunning under precise and see if i can make it happen17:03
notmynamemordred: I see that it was published to
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notmynamemordred: am I going to have to burn a version number?17:04
mordrednotmyname: it should be perfectly functional - the code is correct17:04
mordrednotmyname: the authors file is bs17:04
notmynamemordred: ok17:05
mordredfungi, dhellmann: didn't we fix this bug like 2 months ago?17:05
mordredchangelog file is correct as well17:05
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fungitrying on a held bare-precise node with tox -evenv python sdist17:06
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fungifor swift master, AUTHORS is 168 lines17:07
mordredfungi: python-swiftclient?17:07
mordredfungi: what's the node? (I can log in too...)17:07
notmynamefungi: mordred: I manually generate the AUTHORS file in swift at release time. not python-swiftclient17:07
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notmynameperhaps I should do so for swiftclient too17:07
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mordredwell, _this_ should just work, since it works on my laptop17:08
fungioho, i should have tested swiftclient. trying again17:08
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mordredalthough if you want to do that, you're welcome to - I'd like to consider the two orthogonal17:08
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zaromsabramo: you gonna propose a change to move python-jenkins & jjb coverage to check pipeline?17:08
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zaromsabramo: don't think it's gonna happen globably.17:08
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gyeeis there a way to change the owner of an existing review?17:09
anteayagyee: not really17:09
anteayawhy do you ask?17:09
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anteayawhat are you trying to solve?17:10
gyeeI want to transfer ownership of my existing review to my colleague17:10
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gyeehe's going to take over that patch17:10
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anteayayour colleague can pull down your patch and submit patches17:10
fungimordred: yeah, the resulting AUTHORS file was just a newline and no other content17:10
gyeeright now he can mark the review as work in progress17:10
anteayacores for the program can abandon or unabandon17:10
gyeeI mean he can't17:10
mordredfungi: awesome. well, it's reproducible at least17:10
anteayaand set and unset wip17:10
anteayagyee: no he can't, but cores can17:11
fungimordred: same even outside of tox17:11
gyeeanteaya, so I'll have to do it for him?17:11
zarogyee: your colleague should make a new chagne from your chagne. then abandone your change17:11
anteayaor cores17:11
anteayazaro: that removes history from that patch17:11
zarogyee: then he will have ownership17:11
pleia2anteaya: I'd like to see it in -infra, shouldn't be hard to set up, I can put together a proposal and add him as a reviewer17:12
anteayawhich isn't really how we like to do things17:12
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zaroanteaya: yup, only way to do it right now.17:12
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mordredfungi: seriously. I swear to god we fixed this 2 months ago. it's the old git version thing17:12
anteayazaro: not if we want to preserve history17:12
anteayapleia2: great17:12
fungimordred: setup_requires=['pbr'] doesn't seem to cause it to fail to python sdist even when there's no pbr installed17:12
mordredfungi: it's the git log command17:12
zaroanteaya: just do a reference.17:12
mordredthe one we use is "git log --use-mailmap"17:12
anteayapleia2: if russellb likes it, then that is great17:12
mordredexcept git on precise does not have that option17:12
anteayazaro: I don't know, I would want to hear jeblair's views on it17:13
fungifatal: unrecognized argument: --use-mailmap17:13
zaroanteaya: ok, but i'm just echoing what jeblair has said in the past.17:13
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dhellmannmordred: I vaguely remember an issue with the authors file generation, did we release pbr since the fix went in?17:13
mordrednotmyname, msabramo: I'm sorry. this is 100% on me - I made a patch for this, like, in april and then didnt' follow it through17:13
gyeeanteaya, zaro, thanks, I'll mark the review as work in progress for him for now17:14
mordreddhellmann: the fix didn't make it in17:14
dhellmannmordred: ah, ok -- did you see clarkb's comment about a missing function?17:15
anteayazaro: okay, I must have missed it in the past17:15
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anteayagyee: I might be wrong about this, but I would rather hear from jeblair how wrong I am than just sort of be wrong and not know for sure17:15
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Revert "Let git do mailmap mapping for us"
mordreddhellmann: yup. there ^^ that shoudl fix it17:16
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Promote tempest-dsvm-virtual-ironic job
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Symmetricaly test dib and ironic
fungianteaya: yes, starting a new change loses the review history for the previous change, but since gerrit doesn't currently have a mechanism to transfer change ownership that's about the only option besides bugging the original owner or core reviewers to wip and un-wip it for you17:19
clarkbmordred: reviewing it now17:19
anteayafungi: so zaro suggestion is the accepted process?17:19
fungianteaya: accepted or not, it's basically the only available process17:20
anteayagyee: support is evident for zaro's suggestion17:20
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: did all the images get updated?17:21
fungiAlex_Gaynor: the loop i started to regenerate the py3k-precise image in hpcloud-az2 is still trying after several days17:22
Alex_Gaynorfungi: womp womp :-( computers17:22
fungiAlex_Gaynor: there's a good chance we'll stop using that az before we get a fresh image in it17:22
Alex_Gaynorfungi: "The Cloud: Sometimes you run stuff in a loop and a few days later you give up and use a different cloud somewhere else." (TM)17:22
anteayaha ha ha17:23
anteayaI have to get a walk in17:24
anteayaback in a bit17:24
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clarkbAlex_Gaynor: no, hpcloud az2 still hates me17:25
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: but I think we are getting close to turning that off so meh17:25
clarkbmordred: what graphs for 1.1 are you looking at? I don't see any red17:25
fungimordred: upgrading .tox/venv to pbr (your change) and rerunning sdist in it gets me an 82-line AUTHORS file for python-swiftclient now17:25
clarkboh needed to widen the time range. I see red now17:26
pelixfungi: does git on precise have 'shortlog'?17:26
fungipelix: yep17:27
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pelixmight require less code as it's supposed to use mailmap behind the scenes17:27
fungipelix: yeah, the manpage for git-shortlog does indicate that it applies .mailmap17:27
pelixgit shortlog --format="%aN <%aE>" --summary -e17:27
pelixget rid of the count in front and I think you should have your authors list17:28
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fungipelix: though git log also respects .mailmap for certain format macros17:28
fungiagain, according to the git-log manpage17:28
gyeeanteaya, cool, thanks17:28
clarkbmordred: thanks17:29
pelixfungi: always fun seeing what really works17:29
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mordredpelix: not a bad idea17:29
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clarkbmy only concern with that is the revert is known to work17:30
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clarkband I can approve it right now, tag a release and everyone is happy17:30
clarkbwith shortlog I have to be paranoid because we are reverting for raisins17:30
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fungigit log --format="%aN <%aE>" | sort -u17:31
mordredclarkb: I think we shoudl followon with the shortlog patch potentially17:31
mordredI verify that fungi's command uses mailmap17:31
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pelixfungi: when it says respects .mailmap, does the 'see git-shortlog(1) or git-blame(1)'  just mean that it only applies to when you use those commands, as instead of reproducing the full format list, those man pages redirect you to the man page 'git-log(1)' for the allowed format strings17:32
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mordredfungi: so, actually, you're saying that the canonicalize_emails line may be useless17:33
mordredas may the --use-mailmap option17:33
mordredsince that's the default behavior17:33
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fungipelix: it seems to use them for git log, based on my testing17:33
mordredlike, we may have been overthinking this the whole tie17:33
clarkbmordred: jeblair: so trying to understand the 1.1 experiment. We are doing more nodes per network:router to see if it holds up?17:33
mordredclarkb: yeah17:33
mordredclarkb: to see if the _actual_ problem was exceeding the 256 nodes in a /2417:34
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pelixfungi: wonder why it even has the option --use-mailmap for git-log so17:34
jeblairclarkb: mordred still sees some failures, so we're trying to correlate failure rate with % of network range used17:34
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mordredjeblair: failure rates are actually flatlined now17:35
mordrednot seeing any17:35
mordredbut also request rate is low17:35
jeblairmordred: but use is low17:35
fungipelix: it may be that --use-mailmap extends mailmap use to macros like %an without having to explicitly use %aN instead17:35
clarkbya we need to ramp up use17:35
clarkbwe can push ~10 d-g changes and zuul will go crazy17:36
pelixfungi: ah, well that's nice and unintuitive of the git devs17:36
clarkbmordred: revert is +2 from me17:37
fungii confirm that using "%an <%ae>" produces un-mailmap-deduped output while "%aN <%aE>" seems to apply the .mailmap17:37
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mordreddhellmann, clarkb: what do you think? the full revert? or a new patch that just removes the --use-mailmap?17:38
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clarkbif we can test the smaller change I think that is better, but we should properly test it17:39
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fungimordred: removing --use-mailmap and diffing the result against the AUTHORS file generated by the revert shows that it introduces two additional authors... Jenkins <> and OpenStack Jenkins <>17:39
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Remove --use-mailmap as it's not needed
* fungi does a second more format test just to be sure17:40
mordredfungi: oh - because we filter those specifically in the thing17:40
mordredlet's land the revert then17:40
mordredand we can re-address later17:40
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dstufftmordred: the best thing about packaging is how hacks (pbr) ontop of hacks (setuptools) ontop of terrible (distutils) conjoin with more hacks and terrible (pip) to create a big ball of sad17:42
mordreddstufft: that is, in fact, my favorite part about it17:42
mordredeveryone will tell you I prefer big balls of sad17:42
dstufftSomeday I'm going to write a book about all the terrible things people do in their packaging tools and why they are bad and should feel bad17:43
mordredit should be titled that17:44
Alex_Gaynor"One time I tried to install a package: A memoir, by Donald Stufft"17:44
fungimordred: ftr, the jenkins account stripping seems to happen elsewhere outside of the revert, so the AUTHORS file generated by 95225 is identical to that generated by 88627, at least where python-swiftclient is concerned17:44
mordredfungi: god, really?17:45
mordredfungi: oh - wait - you're right, it is in there17:45
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mordredfungi: so you're saying that both commits, as best you can tell, produce something akin to "correct" ?17:46
fungitested installing pbr (change 95225) vs pbr (change 88627)17:46
mordredthen if the simple one fixes it too - I vote for the two line change over the revert17:46
fungimd5sum of the AUTHORS file produced by both is identical17:46
mtreinishfungi, sdague: so here's something fun when I went to push the '1' tag for tempest I get: "! [remote rejected] 1 -> 1 (prohibited by Gerrit)"17:46
mordredjeblair, clarkb, dhellmann ?17:47
fungimtreinish: acl on the tempest project in gerrit probably. checking17:47
mtreinishoh I just assumed 1 was reserved, but that makes more sense :)17:47
dhellmannyeah, I've also seen that when I didn't have the ssh key right but the acl is the most likely cause17:47
fungimtreinish: yep, acl isn't set up to allow tags. i'll propose a change for you real fast17:48
dstufftmordred: someday i'd like to hammer out an idea I keep thinking of, something that would move the stuff that pbr does to package creation time instead of at execution time17:48
clarkbmordred: either way is fine with me if we can test the new solution17:49
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mtreinishfungi: ok cool, thanks17:49
mordreddstufft: funny story, I've been having the exact same thought17:49
mordreddstufft: I was talking with notmyname about it at the summit - my lame version of talking about that is having pbr shove a static generated into the sdists it creates17:50
clarkbwouldn't it be nice if we cold just get rid of completely?17:50
dstufftclarkb: it'll happen17:50
mordredclarkb: well, yeah.17:50
dstufftI promise you, it'll be an option at some point17:50
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mordredclarkb: I believe fungi and I have both tested both and they both work - (on precise too)17:52
jeblairmordred: what's your question to me?17:52
clarkbmordred: cool it has my +217:52
mordredso I'm fairly 'happy' with them17:52
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mordredjeblair: we have two different solutions to today's pbr bug17:52
mordredboth produce the same results17:52
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mordredlooking for votes on which one to pick17:52
jeblairmordred: oh that didn't land yet?17:52
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mordredjeblair: sigh. nope.17:52
* mordred stabs self in eyeballs17:53
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jeblairmordred: oh, because we're not using the addresses anyway17:54
* zaro visiting dentist. afk until off chair17:54
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mordredjeblair: I don't understand your question17:55
jeblairmordred: why is it safe to remove use-mailmap and not replace it with the mailmap functions?17:56
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow tempest tags and release tarballs
fungimtreinish: ^17:56
mordredjeblair: because git does them naturally with the format string we're using17:56
mordredjeblair: --use-mailmap is not needed, and it doesn't exist on precise git17:56
mordredjeblair: fungi | i confirm that using "%an <%ae>" produces un-mailmap-deduped output while "%aN <%aE>" seems to apply the .mailmap17:57
mordredjeblair: ^^ that's the relevant two format strings17:57
fungimordred: jeblair: if you look at the manpage for git-log circa ubuntu precise, it explicitly calls out that %aN and %aE apply .mailmap17:57
mordredso, --use-mailmap makes %an use mailmap settings like aN17:57
mordredbecause $sanity17:57
jeblairokay.  well in that case i rather like 95225 which, like clarkb, i have not tesed :)17:58
mordredI think that's my preference too17:58
jeblairbut i have read the manpage and agree with fungi that it says that :)17:58
* fungi will paste up a confirmation of it working17:58
fungiif it helps17:58
* mordred +A'd it17:59
mordredok. I'm going to grab food. I'll be back before the great rename of death17:59
fungibasically cherry-picking each of those changes (the revert and the command line cleanup), installing them into the .tox/venv for a pbr-using project which has a .mailmap and doing the sdist dance via tox for each of them produces an identical AUTHORS file18:00
mtreinishfungi: thanks18:00
fungion the platform we're using to generate tarballs18:00
mtreinishone thing though is I don't think there is a tempest-ptl gerrit group. Or was that to create it?18:01
fungimtreinish: it will get created automagically, but i can make that a different group if you want18:01
fungimtreinish: also, note that if you ever plan to start making tempest pip-installable, we probably need to think hard about what to do regarding
mtreinishno that's fine I can't imagine anyone else needing to push a tag18:02
mtreinishhmm, yeah that could be an issue although I don't think we have any plans to do that right now18:04
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fungiclarkb: quick +2/+a on 95230? i'll add mtreinish to tempest-ptl once it lands18:05
fungithen he can get on with his releasing18:05
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clarkbfungi: done18:07
fungii suppose i should test tagging in a local checkout and making sure the sdist tarball gets correctly versioned18:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Allow tempest tags and release tarballs
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clarkbfungi: jeblair mordred I am going to approve jesusaurus' change now18:12
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reedguys, how do I change topic on #openstack-community?18:12
clarkbreed: as an op you need to /topic this is my new topic18:13
clarkbreed: I think you should have perms right?18:13
reedclarkb, next question, how do I get op? :)18:13
jeblairreed: /msg chanserv op #openstack-community reed18:13
pleia2you can just /msg chanserv topic #openstack-community blah blah blah18:14
pleia2no need to op up18:14
jeblairpleia2: ++18:14
jeblairreed: we should start a wiki page for the irc ops, maybe listing the team members and helpful commands like this18:14
reedah! thanks18:15
reedmaybe I should have consulted freenode help page18:15
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Teach PBR about envra versions (useful for rpms).
reedI thought that openstackstatus had something to do with the topic18:15
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fungireed: it can change the topic temporarily if we're experiencing project-wide infrastructure issues we need to warn everyone to be alert for18:16
fungibut it should change it back on its own afterward to whatever it was before18:16
reedcool, no problem18:17
reedI'll read the docs on freenode next time18:17
reednot sure we need to duplicate info on our wiki18:17
clarkbso what do people think about me pushing ~10 throwaway changes to d-g in order to exercise hpcloud 1.1?18:18
reedwhat's openstack-attic?18:18
clarkbis that just wasteful and we wait for monday/tuesday to see how it handles load?18:18
jeblairclarkb: go for it18:18
jeblairreed: where we're putting projects we've abandoned18:18
clarkbreed: it is the island of misfit toys^H^H^H^Hrepos18:19
Alex_GaynorSo many people have bene making "island of misfit toys" references lately.18:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-specific config out of ::jenkins
* nibalizer is rememebering the dollhouse attic18:19
reedfor some reason I thought that the attic was a good place to be :)18:19
fungiclarkb: exercising hpcloud region b hardly seems wasteful however you do it18:19
fungireed: when it floods, perhaps ;)18:19
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reedthe word 'attic' reminds me of mansards in Paris, cute, cozy and romantic18:21
* jeblair is reminded of CVS18:21
pleia2hot and full of wasps18:21
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notmynamemordred: (was in meeting, reading scrollback now) yes I'm excited about pbr generating a static in a tarball. and I'll start bugging you about that probably next week :-)18:22
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE test change 1
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE test change 2
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE test change 3
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE test change 6
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE test change 7
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE test change 8
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE test change 9
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fungimtreinish: added you to,members and fwiw, i did a tox -evenv python sdist in tempest after adding a signed 1 tag to the branch tip, and it produced tempest-1.tar.gz so should be all set18:24
clarkbjeblair: any reason not to approve your change that names the integrated gate?18:24
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mtreinishfungi: ok cool, I tagged an older commit to try an coincide with icehouse but that shouldn't be any different18:27
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mtreinishI'll push out the tag in a sec18:27
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fungiclarkb: we seem to be building 100 additional nodes in region b now. awesome18:28
fungithough deletes have crept up coincident with that, it's probably a relatively proportional18:29
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clarkbya there is a nice spike on the graph18:30
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clarkband the errors have crept up slightly18:31
clarkbbut nothing really insance18:31
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish troveclient documentation
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clarkbthough I think this confirms the error rate isn't a function of network:router sizes18:33
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clarkbjeblair: mordred ^ in a little bit the data should be more clear18:33
anteayamansards full of wasps, interesting18:33
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish troveclient documentation
reedis ttx on holiday?18:34
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fungihe was around earlier18:34
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anteayaI talked to him this morning18:35
anteayawell this morning for me18:36
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: The process for making a Third-Party CI voting needs docs
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anteayapleia2: please confirm an absense of red squares:
pleia2anteaya: yep, looks good :)18:40
ttxreed: no holiday for the braves18:40
pleia2I'll browse rendered one last time once the jobs are done then can +118:40
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* anteaya wipes her brow in relief18:41
anteayahow are the braves doing anyway?18:41
jesusaurusare there any jobs that run on the jenkins master? is the master also a slave?18:43
anteayatop of the national league east:
clarkbwe can remove the masters use of slave_scripts18:43
ttxdid anyone see mordred today ?18:44
clarkbttx: yes he was around18:44
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove jenkins slave_scripts from jenkins masters
jesusaurusclarkb: ^^18:46
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Shrewsfungi: got a sec for a super easy review?  I kinda need that in before my tempest changes I've put up. Forgot about the dependency  ;/18:47
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Shrewssdague: gracias18:49
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fungiShrews: approved18:49
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Shrewsfungi: gracias x 218:49
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fungioh, sdague beat me to it18:49
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Shrewsfungi: also, heard from olaph re: next week?18:50
fungiShrews: no, i assume he's still stuck under a cow18:50
Shrewsoh, he gets all the fun jobs18:50
Shrewsi'll ping him18:50
sdagueShrews: no worries. Was just checking in quickly and seemed simple enough18:51
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mtreinishsdague, fungi:
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mtreinishit seemed to work correctly18:54
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fungimtreinish: however
fungii'll figure out where it croaked18:54
sdaguemtreinish: you might want to change setup.cfg as well18:55
sdagueit still uses the os based release version in it18:55
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mtreinishsdague: oh, yeah that's a good point18:55
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sdaguethat's in the docs18:56
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move jenkins-sudo bits to openstack_project
jesusaurusclarkb: also ^^18:56
mtreinishsdague: what's in the docs?18:57
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jeblairclarkb: i am not positive the running zuul has that capability; i think it does but i haven't double checked.  it will definitely be safe after the renames though, so may as well just do it then18:59
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jeblairclarkb: (gate name change)18:59
sdaguethe setup.cfg version ends up in there18:59
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clarkbjeblair: ok I will wait then, thanks18:59
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* SergeyLukjanov partially here19:01
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fungimtreinish: so... the tarball job seems not to have run. i wonder if your version number was too "simple" for our release tag regex ;)19:02
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I'm here19:02
clarkbjeblair: fungi zaro mordred everyone else: gerrit upstream is talking about ripping out openid support in 2.1019:03
clarkbbecause they hate us19:03
fungimtreinish: yep!
SergeyLukjanovzaro, enabling coverage could affect some testing IMO (at least increase time for running them)19:03
clarkb(well actually because google accounts are silly apparently, but still this is annoying)19:03
clarkbso uh ya19:03
fungiclarkb: wow!19:03
dstufftfungi: I have a pretty thorough regex/PEP 440 parser thing19:03
clarkbI am digging up a link to the thread now19:03
dstufftfungi: FWIW19:03
mtreinishfungi: ha, it needs a minor version19:03
* anteaya stands by for clarkb's link19:04
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clarkb!topic/repo-discuss/Hjn-6BV3KBU no decision is made yet but ripping out support is mentioned19:04
SergeyLukjanovfungi, jeblair, clarkb, anteaya, should I update renaming CRs?19:05
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: to do what? sorry I think I am missing context19:05
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, for todays renaming session19:05
SergeyLukjanovsounds like we decided to keep codename-based naming for specs19:06
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: right, but do they need updating?19:06
clarkboh that19:06
mtreinishfungi: so should we try this again as "1.0"?19:06
SergeyLukjanovprobably we need to rename spec repos that are now named using the program name19:06
mtreinishand just ignore the minor version unless we need it19:06
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: maybe we can put those changes at the end of the list so that we can use them if we want but ignore them if we don't want them19:06
clarkbI don't really care much about what we call them so will defer to jeblair and others19:07
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, I'll recheck changes and reorder them19:07
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: there is still an email thread being discussed about that19:07
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, probably we should to postpone the specs renaming for some time when we'll decide about it?19:07
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: so some renames is deferred for today:
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: yes, that is what has been decided, postpone the specs renaming19:08
clarkbmordred: jeblair the error rate after my d-g push looks really similar to the error rate from before. I think that means it is independent of network:router numbers and size19:08
fungimtreinish: nah, we should fix our regex. looking at dstufft's suggestion momentarily19:08
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, okay, thanks19:08
anteayaproject renaming, climate to blazar, barbican and to -attic is still a go19:08
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, are we postponing the whole renaming or only specs?19:08
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, oh, got it ;)19:08
dstufftfungi: PEP 440 isn't locked down yet, so it's still subject to changing but
anteayaclarkb: so the early indications are we move to Google+ signin, OAuth2.0 signin or spin our own19:09
anteayaclarkb: do I read that correctly?19:09
clarkbanteaya: not quite, that is for upstream19:10
clarkbanteaya: gerrit still supports other auth mechanisms. They are suggestion they will remove openid though19:10
anteayaand we use openid right?19:10
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, fungi, I'll cleanup changes in the next hour19:11
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: I think it is mostly fixing the dependencies, is it not?19:11
anteayaI think all the patches are in good shape vote-wise19:11
jesusaurusjeblair: my refactor missed two things: is needed for puppet to run on the jenkins masters, is a matter of sanity and cleanliness19:11
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I think yes19:12
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: k19:12
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: if you need stuff re-reviewed, I'm standing by19:12
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, clarkb, fungi, mordred: yeah, i think the consensus is heading toward codenames, so at this point i'm pretty sure we should not rename repos that currently have a codename19:12
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, thanks!19:12
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, clarkb, fungi, mordred: i've gotten explicit confirmation from devananda and notmyname that they are okay with renaming their program name repos to codename; haven't heard from dolphm eglynn or zaneb yet19:13
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clarkbjeblair: ok19:19
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anteayaglad we are heading toward codenames19:21
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow single-digit release tags
fungii think those ^ solve tempest's case without being too loose19:24
dstufftwth is a "g"19:26
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fungino idea really19:27
dstufftalso, is that supposed to allow 1.a19:27
devanandajeblair: side note, for renaming baremetal-specs, we'll also need to rename the review team19:27
fungidstufft: yeah, it has so far, though it's worth debating whether we want to support that or reject it19:28
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fungipbr already has some internal logic on how to convert tagged versions into python package versions19:29
fungii believe it either morphs 1.a into 1.0a or maybe mordred was merely contemplating that as a solution19:29
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mtreinishfungi: doesn't that still need a period because of the "+\."? (I suck at regex for the record)19:31
fungimtreinish: ? means 0 or 1 instance of the element19:31
fungimtreinish: so \.? means no \. or only one \.19:31
fungimtreinish: oh, you're talking about the release regex, not the prerelease one19:32
fungimtreinish: the ()* takes care of that (any number of including 0 of)19:32
fungiso the missing match against ([0-9]+\.) is fine because * allows to match 0 times19:33
mtreinishfungi: yeah I was, ok cool just wanted to check19:33
fungiwhereas before the + meant 1 or more occurrences of the ([0-9]+\.) element19:33
dstufftfungi: once PEP 440 is final I'm going to go on my crusade to make everyone conform >:]19:34
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mtreinishfungi: ok, I see that now. Thanks19:34
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fungidstufft: i for one welcome our new pep versioning overlords, as long as we can still convert between them and something semver-like and debian and red hat version semantics19:35
dstufftfungi: one of the PEP people is a Red Hat employee, so I sure hope so :)19:35
fungihaving a defined mechanical transform between all of those will be useful19:36
dstufftI can add that to the list19:36
dstufftthough we have some of that already19:36
dstufftroughly informal though more of a "well here's how you could do it"19:36
fungitricky part is to deal with how different schemes represent pre-versioning vs post-versioning for non-releases19:36
notmynamejeblair: remember when we were in the bookstore in Perth and there was a recommended book there that we both looked at? It's called Altered Carbon.19:36
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notmynamejeblair: I've been reading it (about halfway through now). it's pretty good. reminds me a lot of snow crash.19:37
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dstufftfungi: ya19:37
SpamapSHey, so the tripleo test R1 rack is down and likely to stay that way for a while due to unexplained DC networking issues.19:37
SpamapSNot sure what needs to be done to tell nodepool to give up.19:38
fungimtreinish: manually triggered your job, and is a thing now19:38
fungimtreinish: checksums at
dstufftfungi: PEP 440 allows some real bad version numbers (lol who can guess how sorts)... but mosly for compat purposes ;(19:38
SpamapSI'm stopping nova-api so that we don't get intermittent access19:38
fungidstufft: i think you misspelled "combat" there19:39
fungi(weaponized version numbers ftw!)19:39
dstufftfungi: haha19:39
mtreinishfungi: awesome thanks. I like that tempest-119:39
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fungiSpamapS: nodepool won't give up until we unconfigure it by setting the max-servers there to 0 and removing it from all labels, probably, but thanks for the heads up19:41
clarkbSpamapS: nice!19:41
SpamapSfungi: ok thats probably fine19:41
fungimtreinish: hopefully 95257 or something like it merges before tempest 2, and then it should be automagic19:41
SpamapSby stopping nova-api until we get it back up we'll prevent spurious failures on new nodes19:42
mtreinishfungi: yeah I have faith, tempest 2 won't be until havana eol so there is plenty of time19:42
* SpamapS disappears for a while19:42
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* anteaya is hearing thunder19:46
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anteayaif lighting is close I will be disappearing19:46
anteayayeah so I've lost power once already19:51
anteayasee you when it is over19:51
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clarkbfungi: 95257, I think you can remove [0-9]* from the regex as well19:54
clarkbfungi: is that worth a -1?19:55
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clarkbfungi: commented in either case but +220:02
fungiclarkb: on line 121?20:02
fungioh, i see the comment now20:02
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fungiclarkb: i do believe you're right, since ([0-9]+\.?)+ will also match [0-9]* now20:03
clarkbya, I almost thought we could do [0-9.]+ but that allows for a . prefix20:04
clarkbwhich we don't want20:04
fungiclarkb: however i don't believe the same is true for line 130 since it needs a non-empty-set somewhere20:04
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fungiunless we don't care that ^refs/tags/([0-9]+\.)*$ will also match "refs/tags/" with no actual tag20:05
clarkbfungi: it works if you use the same regex in both places20:05
funginot sure what you mean by "the same regex"20:05
clarkb^refs/tags/([0-9]\.?)+ that bit20:06
fungiare you suggesting ^refs/tags/([0-9]+\.)+$20:06
SergeyLukjanovrenaming bomb20:06
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move barbican from stackforge to barbican
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move database-api to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-chef to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.test to oslotest
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve blazar project acl
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-qa repo to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move python-melangeclient to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename murano-api repo to murano
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move melange to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete #openstack-climate channel
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
fungiclarkb: oh, you're suggesting ^refs/tags/([0-9]+\.?)+$20:06
fungiclarkb: however that will match "refs/tags/1."20:07
fungiwhich we probably don't want20:07
clarkbfungi: hrm ya20:07
fungiso i think line 130 is about as distilled as it can be, but i agree on 12120:08
jeblairjesusaurus: those changes look good to me; aprvd20:08
SergeyLukjanovfolks, I've removed specs renamings from the chain20:09
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow integer-only release tags
SergeyLukjanoveverything else is ready20:09
jesusaurusjeblair: awesome20:09
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clarkbzaro: that response is amazing20:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove jenkins slave_scripts from jenkins masters
bknudsonis not getting updated?20:10
bknudsontop one is "Last seen: 2014-04-28 16:27:40 UTC"20:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move jenkins-sudo bits to openstack_project
jeblairnotmyname: cool, thanks; i added it to my list20:11
fungibknudson: probably broken again. i'll see if it's stuck20:11
fungibknudson: most of us have just been looking at and thus wouldn't notice20:12
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SergeyLukjanovI'll be here if some renaming changes will be needed << fungi, jeblair, clarkb20:12
bknudsonfungi: I'm still working off
fungibknudson: yeah, unfortunately that's still official for a little longer20:12
fungiSergeyLukjanov: thanks!20:13
harlowja_hi guys, is it possible to just merge (basically i had to do a ~trival rebase of the last attempt)20:13
jesusaurusis there an etherpad or something that describes all of the upcoming project renames?20:14
jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi: you should all vote on
fungijeblair: yes indeed20:16
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jeblairfungi, mordred, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: 3/5 spec repos we created a couple days ago confirmed they are okay with codename20:21
jeblairfungi, mordred, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: i'm considering going out on a limb and just renaming them now so we can put it to bed20:22
zaroclarkb: you mean openid plugin one?20:22
jeblairi very much get the idea no one has strong feelings and would just like to be consistent20:22
fungithe non-codename ones have existed for such a short time that they very well may not have any users or changes in them at all yet20:23
jeblairfungi: that's what i'm thinking.  it's almost a public service to just do it now.20:23
fungiagreed. i'm in favor, we just need to whip up the change to rename them and the additional cut-n-paste commands20:23
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: ... you mentioned you're still around... want to do a few more rename changes? :)20:24
fungii'll get the additional commands into the etherpad for review... what's the list?20:24
jeblairfungi: added list to etherpad20:26
jeblairfungi: (just the list, not any commands)20:26
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fungijeblair: thanks. whipping them up now20:26
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Remove --use-mailmap as it's not needed
SergeyLukjanovI'm here20:28
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, what's up?20:28
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: was wondering if you have time to make changes for the 5 repos listed in "Last-minute additions" on ?20:29
* clarkb joins the etherpad finally scrollback++20:29
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, we'd like to rename from program name to codename?20:29
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: i think so; the mailing list thread is heading that way, 3/5 of those explicitly told me it's okay, and i'm pretty sure the others don't feel strongly20:30
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: since they are so new, i think it's probably better to rename them asap before they really get used20:30
jeblairand then we can go back to real work :)20:30
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, okay, I'll do it now20:30
clarkbjeblair: I'm gessing reviewing SergeyLukjanov's changes is the current priority?20:31
clarkbI will start that in just a minute20:31
jeblair#status notice Gerrit will be offline for about 20 minutes in order to rename some projects starting at 21:00 UTC.20:32
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice20:32
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit will be offline for about 20 minutes in order to rename some projects starting at 21:00 UTC.20:33
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openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice20:34
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fungicut/paste is updated in the etherpad for sql and shell commands for all 16 projects20:35
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fungii'm going to precreate openstack-attic dirs on gerrit and the git servers so i don't forget to make them when we start20:36
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clarkbstate = read only <- is that a thing? I am searching in gerrit docs and not finding it20:38
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i emprically tested it20:38
jeblairclarkb: it's what shows up in the config if you set the state multiple-select in the gui20:38
jeblairer single-select20:39
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clarkbnot approving anything until after the renames20:40
clarkbjeblair: SergeyLukjanov I see status = read only and state = read only20:41
clarkbare they equivalent?20:41
jeblairclarkb, fungi: what do you think is the best way to stop our new puppetmaster launch-puppet script from running?20:42
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, it should be state = read only20:42
jeblaircause i think we want to pause that during the downtime20:42
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: says status20:42
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, oops20:42
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, I'll fix it20:42
clarkbjeblair: it is a cron that runs a script maybe we can replace that script with `true`?20:42
jeblair(eg, pause puppet-runner, approve changes, do rename, unpause puppet-runner)20:42
SergeyLukjanovI'm now making new changes20:42
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: I haven't checked for any others yet20:42
clarkbbut will keep an eye out20:43
jeblairclarkb: is that how puppet is run on ci-puppetmaster?20:43
clarkboh good question20:43
clarkbI think so, but would have to double check20:43
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fungiokay, openstack-attic dirs precreated on gerrit and git farm20:45
clarkbjeblair: I don't see a puppet agent daemon on the master and it does a ca listing to get nodes which would include the puppetmaster. I believe this means puppetmaster is puppeted just like everything else20:45
jeblairclarkb: over ssh too, i wonder? :)20:45
jeblairfungi: thx20:45
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clarkbjeblair: it says PermitRootLogin forcedcommandsonly20:46
clarkbalso I have no idea why the script isrun out of the git repo then calls out ot usr/local/bin20:47
clarkbthe comment in there says call external so that the above git fetch updates it which is wrong20:47
clarkbbecause git fetch update the local thing20:47
clarkbmordred: ^ mind explaining that when you have time20:47
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fungigood news... i just double-checked the database schema and our renaming instructions still refer to valid table/column names ;)20:49
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename baremetal-specs to ironic-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename object-specs to swift-specs
jeblairfungi: cool!  see any fancy new tables?20:50
jeblairfungi: we should probably do a mysqldump after we shutdown and before we start changing20:50
fungijeblair: great idea. also, erm, gerrit had so many tables in oldentimes that i'm not sure i'd notice a few new ones :/20:51
fungiso there *is* the distinct risk that we'll discover new tables we should add to the instructions for future renames20:51
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename orchestration-specs to heat-specs
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clarkbis someone doing a DB dump now?20:54
clarkbI just got a 500 errorfrom gerrit20:54
clarkbtrying to leave a +2 on a change (which did happen oddly even though I also got a 500)20:55
fungioh, ew. i was testing the mysqldump command. i guess it's not so gentle20:55
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jeblairmysqldump --opt --ignore-table mysql.event --all-databases | gzip -9 > gerrit-2014-05-23.sql.gz20:55
jeblairfungi: i was thinking something like that ^20:55
fungiwe run it every night at 00:00 utc, so i suppose we're doing that to our users semi-regularly20:56
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clarkbfungi: yes people have noticed :)20:56
fungijeblair: yep, that's basically what i put in the etherpad20:56
AaronGrmysqldump is always a blocking operation20:56
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AaronGrfwiw, xtrabackup isn't, other than about 5 seconds during it's finalize.20:57
AaronGrthough that's a binary backup, and not an sql dump.20:57
clarkbfor should we remove the upstream?20:57
clarkbI think its safe to leave them there, mostly wondering about whether we want to do that cleanup20:57
jeblairfungi: how do you want to do group renames?  in the db or in the webui after we bring it back up but before we run m-p?20:58
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename identity-specs to keystone-specs
jeblairclarkb: let's do it later20:58
fungijeblair: webui. the db doesn't take care of groups files in the individual repos20:58
jeblairk, i'll work on a list of group renames we need to do20:58
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jeblair(i don't see one so i'm assuming that hasn't been done yet)20:59
funginope--hadn't thought about building that list20:59
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fungiAaronGr: looks like xtrabackup isn't in ubuntu until saucy, but once we upgrade everything to trusty we'll be golden ;)21:00
fungioh, wait, used to be percona-xtrabackup21:01
AaronGrfungi: correct21:01
funginevermind, still only saucy and later21:01
fungiat least officially21:02
AaronGrunless you pull in the percona copy, yeah.21:02
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename orchestration-specs to celometer-specs
SergeyLukjanovI think that's all, /me need to fix some nits21:02
jeblairfungi, AaronGr: I have this thing about thinking that sql backups are inherently better.  :)  but we can beer that another time21:03
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clarkbjeblair: ++21:03
clarkbto beer and them being inherently better21:03
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, only one status -> state?21:03
AaronGrjeblair: that's a discussion i'd be happy to have with you another time :)21:03
fungibeer is inherently better21:04
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: so far that is the only one I have found21:04
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: maybe you can git grep 'status =' in your repo21:04
fungiclarkb: yeah, my acl normalization script takes status&state into account because there was at least one typo21:04
jeblairmordred: vote on
jeblairmordred: then check out
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move barbican from stackforge to barbican
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move database-api to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-chef to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.test to oslotest
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename orchestration-specs to heat-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename identity-specs to keystone-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move python-melangeclient to attic
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename orchestration-specs to celometer-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename murano-api repo to murano
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename baremetal-specs to ironic-specs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename object-specs to swift-specs
SergeyLukjanovrenaming machine ;)21:05
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, only i bash8 project ;)21:05
SergeyLukjanovI think everythin is ready :)21:06
mordredjeblair: should I +A it as well since I'm the last +2 ?21:06
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: has a confusing commit message21:07
jeblairmordred: ++21:07
fungiSergeyLukjanov: are the specs changes linked in the etherpad? also the new ones seem to lack the renaming-may-23 topic21:07
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, does you mean missed "I"?21:07
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: Rename orchestration-specs to celometer-specs21:07
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: should be "Rename telemetry-specs to ceilometer-specs"21:08
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: the orchestration/telemetry error bothers me more :)21:08
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: the actual change looks fine21:08
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SergeyLukjanovI'm a bit over-"renamed"21:08
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: you're putting a lot into this, and these are hard.  thank you very much.21:09
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename telemetry-specs to ceilometer-specs
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, trying to help :)21:09
SergeyLukjanovI've added changes to the etherpad21:11
SergeyLukjanovfungi ^^21:11
SergeyLukjanovI hope everything is ok now21:11
fungiSergeyLukjanov: awesome--thanks!21:11
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jeblairokay i came up with 2 group renames; added to etherpad as step 10.521:12
clarkbin addition to a DB dump should we also make backups of all the renamed repos after shutting gerrit down?21:12
fungijeblair: perfect. i suspected there wouldn't be many21:12
fungiclarkb: maybe... but other than group renames i can't think of much in this process which would alter their contents21:13
clarkbfungi: mostly thinking its new gerrit and being paranoid21:13
fungithey're just directories getting moved on disk21:13
SergeyLukjanovtopics fixed too21:13
fungibut we could, sure. i wonder how long an rsync of that would take21:13
clarkbprobably not long, these repos are relatively small21:14
fungioh, just rsync the ones we're moving/renaming... good point21:14
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SergeyLukjanovreview request for release status folks -,n,z21:15
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jeblairwe're a bit late :(21:16
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jeblairclarkb: want to put together the rsync commands?21:16
clarkbuh ok21:17
jeblairi'm on puppetmaster right now, and it's mid-run21:17
clarkbI was thinking git clone would me sufficientish21:17
clarkbbut that doesn't actually get everything I guess21:17
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Correct source file location
fungii'm working on the rsync command already21:17
jeblairclarkb: ^ nm21:17
clarkboh ok21:17
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jeblairstill waiting on puppetmaster; i disabled the cron, though i'll need to check again when it's done with its run21:19
jeblairit's into the "brazenly run" part of the script21:20
clarkbI am logged into github and ready to rename things there21:20
clarkband/or delete as appropriate21:21
mordredI'm prepped and read for the mirror renames21:21
* anteaya is back and reading backscroll21:21
fungilogged into review.o.o and can do steps there21:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update releasestatus conf for Juno cycle
jeblairi'll take care of puppetmaster and zuul then21:21
mordredit's like we're the aqua teens - except there are four of us21:22
mordredwho the hell are the aqua teens21:22
mordredI meant the wonder twins21:22
* mordred is VERY ready for this rename21:22
fungibtw the rsync got tested once already, so should be viable21:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add sahara to releasestatus
jeblairmordred: there are about to be 5 of us :)21:24
mordredjeblair: I know! it's very exciting21:24
mordredjeblair: there have never been 5 of us at once have there?21:24
fungidepends on how much stock you put in the continuity of spacetime21:24
mordredwow. that, I believe, is a thing that just about everything depends on21:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add example and details to the releasestatus config
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add slukjanov to users
jeblairfungi: you are no longer the new guy! :)21:25
mordredwow. fungi has been the new guy for a really long time21:26
jeblairpuppet has stopped21:26
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jeblairi have disabled the cron job again, so i think we're good21:26
jeblairwaiting/working on zuul now21:27
clarkbmordred: if you look at the 1.1 error over success graph its like 100 is the magic number21:27
clarkbmaybe we also want to try say 100 nodes per router:network?21:28
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mordredclarkb: yeah.21:29
jeblairclarkb: so new hypothesis?  the change from <100 to >100 causes errors, but increasing beyond that doesn't affect the rate?21:29
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clarkbjeblair: ya, I am not super convinced of that, I think its a global number issue21:29
clarkbbut worth testing to see21:29
clarkbsince we don't see errors until we get to >=100 nodes ish21:30
fungigreater than two digits is clearly the problem. it's y2k all over again!21:30
jeblairi'm waiting for one more change about to report21:31
clarkbso once this is all done I think we go back to 5 providers with max servers set to 100 each then recheck no bug my test d-g changes21:31
jeblairSpamapS: do you want to declare bankruptcy on the check-tripleo queue?21:31
fungisounded like it wasn't going to catch up any time soon, with their largest region back down again all day with network breakage21:32
anteayajhesketh: we are here:
jeblair#status alert Gerrit is offline in order to rename some projects.  ETA: 22:00.21:33
openstackstatusjeblair: sending alert21:33
jeblairzuul is stopped21:33
jeblairfungi: all yours21:33
fungidisabling puppet agent on gerrit and stopping the service now21:33
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jeblairso i don't think we need to disable the puppet agent anymore since i stopped it on puppetmaster; but i guess that's belt and braces21:34
jeblairi mean belt and suspenders21:34
fungiyeah, mainly in case we want to start it on the puppetmaster before on review21:34
fungigerrit is now offline. starting database and git backups21:34
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is offline in order to rename some projects. ETA: 22:00.21:34
*** ChanServ changes topic to "Gerrit is offline in order to rename some projects. ETA: 22:00."21:34
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mordredrunning the renames on the git farm21:36
fungibackups complete and in ~root now21:36
fungistarting db updates21:36
openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending alert21:36
clarkbshould I start github now?21:36
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jeblairclarkb: i think that's safe.. though oddly we have that in a later part of the instructions...21:37
clarkbok doing that now21:38
jeblairprobably just to minimize downtime, but we have extra hands right now21:38
fungino errors on mysql queries. doing filesystem changes on review.o.o now21:38
mordredI was just about to see if fungi wanted help with the filesystem21:39
mordredgit farm renames are done21:39
jeblairwe're at 4/5 explicit okays for the specs renames21:39
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fungimv: cannot stat `/var/lib/git/openstack/baremetal-specs.git': No such file or directory21:40
fungimv: cannot stat `/var/lib/git/openstack/object-specs.git': No such file or directory21:40
mordredfungi: on review?21:40
fungimv: cannot stat `/var/lib/git/openstack/orchestration-specs.git': No such file or directory21:40
fungimv: cannot stat `/var/lib/git/openstack/identity-specs.git': No such file or directory21:40
jeblairfungi: oh!21:40
fungimv: cannot stat `/var/lib/git/openstack/telemetry-specs.git': No such file or directory21:40
fungithose were all21:41
jeblairi think we changed the location of the mirror21:41
fungicrappity. yes we did21:41
fungicorrecting course21:41
* mordred blames cinder21:41
mordredjeblair: clearly we should have been using AFS21:41
jeblairmordred: i believe that would have prevented this.21:42
mordredand all problems21:42
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clarkbok github renames done, moving to github deletes21:42
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clarkbfungi: does that mean the rsync backups fetched the wrong things?21:42
clarkbor did they get the right location?21:43
jeblairclarkb: he backed up the canonical repos21:43
fungiright, the rsync was fine21:43
clarkboh thats the mirror21:43
clarkbok barbican and friends are being deleted on github now21:43
fungialso done with the renames in /opt now21:44
fungiare we ready to start gerrit again?21:44
jeblairfungi: i think so21:45
fungigoing once...21:45
jeblairso... do we want to actually run all of SergeyLukjanov's changes through the gate or just force-merge them?21:45
fungifirst i need to rename those two groups, right?21:46
jeblairfungi: puppet is stopped, so order isn't critical there21:46
fungigood point21:46
jeblairstarting zuul21:46
clarkbgithub is done21:46
fungiso we should probably run them through the gate just in case we have merge conflicts somehow (i didn't 100% confirm the change dependency chain)?21:47
jeblairzuul is not starting; debugging that now21:47
fungiwell, zuul did get new code21:47
fungiswift stuff21:48
clarkbjeblair: ugh it could be that the removal of the project id was insufficient. I tested swiftclient in python interpretter but not zuul directly21:48
jeblairfungi: we can, though gerrit will still bomb out on merge conflicts21:48
fungifair enough21:48
clarkbjeblair: if that is the case can you try setting the project id to something wrong eg 'myproject' and see if that fixes it?21:48
clarkbthough we had something wrong in there before and it didn't work... yay clouds21:48
jeblairit's an un-logged startup error :( so it'll take a minute to diagnose21:48
mordredjeblair: yay!21:49
fungii can go ahead and merge those changes then while you're debugging zuul21:49
jeblairfungi: ++21:49
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jeblairswiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: No tenant specified21:49
clarkbso that totally worked when I set tenant_name to None manually21:50
clarkbwhere is that exception coming from21:50
clarkband you can't pass in a space as a value in python ini files21:50
clarkbso I'm stumped21:50
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-qa repo to attic
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move melange to attic
JayFDumb question: what is openstack-attic?21:51
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Sanitize the output file name
clarkbJayF: it is the island of misfit toys^H^H^H^Hrepos21:51
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jesusaurusJayF: its where we put the dusty projects that collect spiderwebs21:51
fungiJayF: it's where we keep all the dusty odds and ends nobody uses any longer21:51
clarkbjeblair: ok, simple thing is to remove the swift config again, unless you can figure out a way to pass in ' ' as the tenant_name21:51
clarkbjeblair: but ConfigParser chomps strings21:51
mordredJayF: it's where I keep my boxes of stuff21:51
clarkbso I couldn't figure it out21:51
JayFclarkb wins for the most clever of answers21:52
JayFty :)21:52
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable zuul swift config
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clarkbjhesketh: maybe you can get rax to fix this on your side?21:53
jeblairclarkb: can you review that, and mordred can you approve it?21:53
clarkbjeblair: yup21:53
jeblairclarkb: particularly that that does what i think it does21:53
clarkbjeblair: it will make zuul not attempt to auth at all?21:53
jeblairclarkb: i think that will cause puppet to not insert the entire block21:54
fungipatchbomb inbound21:54
jeblairzuul is starting21:54
clarkbah yup21:54
mordredjeblair: on it21:54
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move barbican from stackforge to barbican
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move database-api to attic
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-chef to attic
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.test to oslotest
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename orchestration-specs to heat-specs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename identity-specs to keystone-specs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move python-melangeclient to attic
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename telemetry-specs to ceilometer-specs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename murano-api repo to murano
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename baremetal-specs to ironic-specs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename object-specs to swift-specs
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
clarkbfungi: needed a rebase?21:54
jeblairfungi: how far did you get before the bogus jgit conflict?  4 patches merged?21:54
fungijeblair: yep21:55
jeblairi love that21:55
mordredthe zuul swift thing is so frustrating21:55
clarkbmordred: yes21:55
clarkbthis is an easy fix if our config could represent ' '21:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move python-melangeclient to attic
jeblairreloading queue21:55
clarkbbut the fact that we need that at all is crazy21:55
mordredclarkb: well, you know, the fact ^^ that21:55
mordredI shouldn't need to configure ' '21:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move openstack-chef to attic
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move database-api to attic
mordredclarkb: we could put something into the config processing in zuul: if val == "None": val=None21:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename oslo.test to oslotest
clarkbif val == "metaspace" then val = ' '21:56
SergeyLukjanovsorry, I was in taxi going to home21:57
clarkbmordred: so it used None there and it failed. I tested that and I thought it worked21:57
SergeyLukjanovanything bad happens?21:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move barbican from stackforge to barbican
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: we had to fix the zuul swift change21:57
mordredSergeyLukjanov: mostly fine - other than the swift zuul patch21:57
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: nope, all ok.21:57
clarkbbut our python clients are so ridiculously meta programmed that you can't determine how any of the args are supposed to work21:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename climate to blazar
clarkbbecause clearly obfuscated client apis is a good thing21:57
mordredclarkb: but that means that the args can be introspected by the factories that introspect the args from the factory factories21:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename murano-api repo to murano
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename baremetal-specs to ironic-specs
mordredclarkb: notmyname DID release a new version of python-swiftclient today - it's possible that the world changed since you tested21:58
clarkbmordred: its keystoneclient where the problem is21:58
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename object-specs to swift-specs
sdagueclarkb: fun story21:58
clarkbwell keystoneclient talking to rax ID21:58
mordredclarkb: I do not believe that notmyname released a new version of that21:58
* mordred stabs rax ID in the face21:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename orchestration-specs to heat-specs
* mordred throws a wet burning cat at rackspace's not-a-keystone21:59
sdagueyesterday I started writing a new javelin in python to let us do more complicated stuff21:59
jeblairfungi: i'm guessing we should try to keep series like this based on master -- it seems like as long as it can FF it's okay, but merge commits bomb out after 4 on a branch21:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename identity-specs to keystone-specs
fungijeblair: yeah, pretty sad really21:59
mordredjeblair: but jgit is better21:59
sdagueafter 4 hours of not being able to get our python clients to do sensible things, I gave up, and started using tempest's clients21:59
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mordredsdague: wow21:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Rename telemetry-specs to ceilometer-specs
jeblairsdague: can you release those so nodepool can use them? :)22:00
sdaguethe client library state is a mess22:00
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fungiokay, all changes merged now22:00
clarkbsdague: mordred: so I think I know my way around python relatively well, and the fact that even after RTFS'ing I can't figure out how to auth with keystone is ridiculous22:00
sdagueclarkb: agreed22:00
mordredsdague: I do not believe jeblair is kidding, btw22:00
clarkbideally it would just be documented, but the code is available so the fact it isn't documented means I can read the code, but its just scary22:00
sdaguemordred: yeh... so it would require unwinding some of the tempest conf bits22:01
* mordred blames morganfainberg22:01
jeblairfungi: renaming groups now?22:01
clarkbI really like how command line arg parsing happens22:01
sdaguewhich... honestly I've considered doing as part of this22:01
clarkbthere is about 5 layers of indirection to parse a single argument22:01
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mordredisn't this why openstacksdk was going to be written? how's that going?22:01
anteayacan everyone update the etherpad so we know what has been done?
anteayaso we don't miss anything22:01
* mordred checked my stuff off22:02
anteayaawesome thank you22:02
jeblairanteaya: we're at step 10.522:02
sdaguemordred: yeh, I don't know where their progress is22:02
anteayajeblair: *nod22:02
jeblairanteaya: and it's the only thing left on the etherpad, but we still have more on
sdaguethe tempest clients aren't a gold standard by any means, but, they are a bit more straight forward22:02
notmynamemordred: I stepped away. back now, and I see in scrollback that you're using my name in vain and cursing swift. or something. what's up?22:02
clarkbnotmyname: we continue to be unable to auth against rax swift due to rax id service22:03
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mordrednotmyname: we're mainly cursing auth22:03
clarkbnotmyname: the state of client code has not helped our debugging but it is keystoneclient not swiftclient that is the problem22:03
anteayajeblair: thanks, following along22:03
mordrednotmyname: but we happen to be doing swift, so we're cursing you for good measure22:03
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notmynameclarkb: mordred: I can join you in cursing auth ;-)22:03
clarkbthe root of the problem is rackspace having an ID service that does not return a complete catalog when you provide a correct tenant name22:03
jeblairwe should probably delay this conversation for a few minutes to make sure we don't miss anything22:03
mordredjeblair: +22:04
notmynameclarkb: mordred: ok, let me know if I can do anything.22:04
fungigroups renamed in gerrit now22:04
jamielennoxclarkb: keystoneclient is a mess because it's trying to change and keep backwards compatability22:04
jamielennoxwhat are you trying to do/22:04
notmynamemordred: also, just to clarify, is there any issue with the swiftclient release? AFAIK, everything is ok there22:04
jamielennox(also they all suck)22:05
anteayajamielennox notmyname we have the conversation on pause for a few more moments please22:05
clarkbfungi: marked that off on the etherpad22:05
jeblairfungi, mordred: so do we need to do the jenkins cleanup step on our persistent slaves?22:05
anteayafungi is still finishing up the rename22:05
jeblairmordred: do we still have solt running such that we can do that?22:05
fungijeblair: mordred: i think the pypi upload and proposal slaves may need it22:06
fungishould be the same list of project names which needed deleting from github22:06
jeblairclarkb: can you work on that?22:06
clarkbsure I will start on pypi.slave22:06
* SergeyLukjanov lurking22:06
jeblairfungi: i think we're ready to re-enable puppet in review now22:06
clarkbjust removing the workspaces correct?22:07
fungijeblair: done22:07
fungiclarkb: yes22:07
jeblairfungi, mordred: so shall i just run the "run_all" script in screen on ci-puppetmaster to kick us back off again?22:07
clarkbactually it will be naything that was renamed too because the git remotes have changed22:07
fungijeblair: unless you want to have manage-projects run separately22:08
clarkbI will delete workspaces for any renamed or deleted things on github22:08
clarkboh wait nevermind new name == new workspace22:08
fungiclarkb: renamed things are fine, just cruft22:08
jeblairfungi: well it starts by running them in the right order, so...22:08
fungiahh, okay22:08
jeblairmordred: still around?22:09
mordredjeblair: hey22:09
mordredjeblair: yes22:09
jeblairok, doing that now22:09
clarkbnone of those projects have workspaces on pypi.slave. looking at proposal.slave now22:09
* fungi is watching via screen -x22:09
jeblairWarning: Missing dependency 'puppetlabs-vcsrepo': 'nibalizer-puppetboard' (v2.3.0) requires 'puppetlabs-vcsrepo' (>= 0.1.2)22:09
jeblairis that a known thing?22:09
fungiit is22:09
mordredjeblair: yes22:09
mordredjeblair: you don't want to know more22:10
jeblairokie.  istr something about 'forcing depends'.22:10
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jeblairi'm tailing the log in window 222:10
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clarkband none of them have workspaces on proposal.o.o22:10
jeblairor 1.  or whatever you call the second one.22:10
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clarkbI htink since they were mostly unused repos they never got special jobs for publications and translations and things22:11
jeblairmordred: do you want to do .gitreview updates?22:11
clarkbso I think we are fine with jenkins slave cleanup. nothing to do there22:11
fungiclarkb: seems likely22:11
mordredjeblair: god, do I ever22:11
jeblairmordred: you'll get to vote in lots of elections22:11
anteayaha ha ha22:11
* anteaya keeps track22:12
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clarkbjeblair: fungi: what are you watching via screen -x?22:13
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jeblairclarkb: puppet run all22:13
jeblairon ci-puppetmaster22:13
clarkboh there it is further up in sb22:13
jeblairit's not exciting22:13
clarkbok I won't attach then22:13
jeblairwe're on git0522:13
fungiit's like watching paint not peel22:13
clarkbthe 1.1 error rate seems to have grown22:14
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jeblairon review.o.o now22:14
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clarkbit is higher than the success rate now22:14
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jeblairclarkb: we launched a lot of nodes; is that the ratio or absolute value?22:14
clarkbI am looking at both22:15
clarkbabsolute value went up and the lines for success and fail crossed22:15
jeblairso > 50% error22:15
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clarkboh hey I am now subscribed to 7 github repos22:16
clarkbI take it review.o.o is being puppetted now22:16
anteayalucky you22:16
fungiseems that way22:17
jeblairwe should add a foreground mode to this script22:17
fungilooks like it finished22:18
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jeblairheck of a time for statusbot to netsplit or whatever22:20
fungii can /ping it22:20
fungiit came back right after22:21
fungi#status ok22:21
openstackstatusfungi: sending ok22:21
jeblairyeah it rejoined22:21
anteayaso we're done?22:21
jeblairi don't see why it was disconnected in the logs.22:21
anteayamordred: did you finish updating the .gitreview files?22:22
clarkblots of LaunchStatusException status: Error for hpcloud 1.122:22
fungisupposedly "Remote host closed the connection" but yeah, logs unhelpful22:22
clarkbunfortunately not more info than that22:22
jeblairhowever, i think there's a bug where on reconnect it re-saves the topic.22:22
jeblairbecause it's currently setting them all to the alert.22:22
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending ok22:23
jeblairi'll fix em.22:23
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fungigot the github notification for 7 projects created, so manage-projects did something at any rate22:25
clarkbfungi: yup22:25
clarkb is there and looks happy22:25
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fungispot checks show acls applied correctly22:26
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use 100 servers per hpcloud network:router pair.
clarkbmordred: ^ when the gerrit stuff settles down we should consider that I think22:28
clarkbmordred: if you look at your graph for 1.1 you will see why22:28
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mordredclarkb: yup!22:28
clarkbmordred: also I wonder if this is a rate limit thing because if you look at your graph that cloud can handle more nodes22:29
clarkbmordred: but its falling over now when we put a lot of requests for new nodes in22:29
anteayamordred: finished the .gitreview changes, yes?22:29
jeblairokay i think that's done22:29
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mordredanteaya: just did22:29
anteayamordred: great thanks22:29
clarkbthe area under the blue line is is much bigger than in previous loads22:29
mordredclarkb: any reason to not just go ahead and land it?22:30
jeblairoh i just approved it :)22:30
clarkbmordred: I don't think so22:30
jeblaircrontab is back to normal on puppetmaster22:31
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clarkbnotmyname: swiftclient is fine. This is a known problem with rax id made worse by being unable to understand how to pass bogus data to keystoneclient22:35
clarkbif you provide swiftclient a tenant_name or id when authenticating against rax id you do not get a complete catalog. The catalog you get does not have an object files entry. To get the object files enty you need to provide ' ' as your tenant_name22:36
jamielennoxclarkb: this doesn't sound like a problem with keystoneclient22:36
clarkbwhen I testsed it appeared that passing None as tenant_id worked but zuul threw up on that so apparently not22:36
clarkbjamielennox: it isn't. The problem in keystone client is figuring out how to auth in the first place22:36
clarkbmade more complicated by needing to pass in bogus data22:36
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jamielennoxclarkb: right, so auth has changed recently and it means it routes all over the place22:37
clarkbwhen I tested keystoneclient directly I got it to work with a None tenant_name22:37
clarkbwhen zuul uses it it dies22:37
jamielennoxyou need CLI or the library?22:37
clarkband I have no idea what is going on because its spaghetti22:37
jamielennoxclarkb: subclass with something that makes sense for rax22:37
clarkbI'm guessing that zuul constructs a client in a subtley different way than I was doing it in python directly which results in complettely different code paths22:38
jamielennoxyea - backwards compatability is a bitch, especially when the initial thing sucks so much that people were hacking into it directly22:38
clarkblooking at again I think swift may actually be checking for the tenant_name and not keystoneclient22:39
clarkbso while keystoneclient is cool with a None tenant_name swiftclient is not22:39
clarkbwhich arguable is fine because tenant_ids should be athing you use22:39
* clarkb reads more code22:40
jamielennoxswiftclient is extracting that from keystoneclient22:42
clarkbnot sure yet22:42
clarkbif (not 'tenant_name' in os_options): # nope swiftclient does the check itself22:43
clarkbnotmyname: so maybe swiftclient is at fault22:43
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clarkbbut it depends on whether or not tenant_name is actually a required thing22:43
clarkbjamielennox: is tenant_name required to auth with keystone?22:43
jamielennoxnot required22:44
clarkbnotmyname: ^22:44
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jamielennoxbut you probably want either tenant_name/tenant_id/project_name/project_id to get a scoped token22:44
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clarkbjamielennox: right, but ti doesn't work with rax id22:45
clarkbso if possible use it, otherwise cry :)22:45
shivharisclarkb: what privilege do i need to be able to change the importance of launchpad bugs?22:45
Alex_GaynorOf note on Rackspace for cloud-files you get a different tenant_id than for everything else22:45
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: hrm really?22:45
mordredAlex_Gaynor: oh?22:45
jamielennoxAlex_Gaynor: oh, joy22:45
clarkbmaybe that is part of the problem22:45
mordredso maybe if we configure to use _that_ id22:46
clarkbbecause using the regular tenant id I don't get object files in the catalog22:46
clarkbmordred: ya22:46
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: Yes, if you look at the raw service catalg you can see it. Specifying tenant_id=" " works around this22:46
mordredwe'll get a proper catalog?22:46
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: yes thats the workaround but is there actually another tenant id? and if so wtf22:46
clarkbI will look into this22:46
mordredAlex_Gaynor: but we can't specify tenant_id=" " in our case  ... can we get the tenant_id itself?22:46
Alex_Gaynormordred: Yeah, you could look at the raw service catalg and grab it, not sure if there's a better way22:46
mordredthat's fantastic22:46
Alex_GaynorYeah :-(22:47
shivharisanteaya: hi22:47
jamielennoxin theory you could get the unscoped token and then list the tenants you hae access to22:47
mordredquite literally nobody has ever tried to use any of these services nor seem to care about actual users22:47
mordredbecause that's just insane22:47
Alex_Gaynorand yet we have petabyte of crap in there, inexplicable :-)22:47
jamielennoxbut there maybe be rax-isms there as well22:47
* mordred rants and raves22:47
mgagnemordred: haha22:47
mgagnemordred: as someone pointed out, you can't use the catalog to access glance, you have to override the URL22:48
mordredmgagne: yah. there's that too22:48
shivharisfungi: hi22:48
* mordred can't say anything nice, so will stop talking22:48
notmynamemordred: also,
anteayashivharis: hi what are you trying to do?22:49
mgagnemordred: now sure how their tests are passing (if there is any) =)22:49
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clarkbwell now I can't auth using the workaround22:50
clarkbso I have no idea what is going on22:50
* clarkb tries a bigger hammer22:50
mgagneclarkb: can't we poke someone from rackspace about it?22:51
shivharisanteaya: i happen to be the ML2 bug czar, but do not have the privilege tochange bug importance...22:51
shivharisanteaya: what can i do to get this priv.22:51
fungishivharis: you need to be in whatever group is configured as the bug supervisor in launchpad for the project in question22:52
fungishivharis: the project is neutron, i assume?22:52
shivharisfungi: yes it is neutron22:52
clarkbmgagne: no need figured it out with a bigger hammer22:53
clarkbso ya the tenant id is different22:53
clarkbbecause you know22:53
clarkbI will propose a change to use this tenant id22:53
mgagneclarkb: different identity backend but with the same tenant name?22:53
fungishivharis: at on the right side of the page you'll see that the Bug supervisor is "Neutron Bugs"22:53
clarkbmgagne: apparently22:53
clarkbmgagne: er now, its the same endpoint with two different tenant names22:53
clarkbso everything is the same but the tenant22:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use 100 servers per hpcloud network:router pair.
fungishivharis: you can request membership from the current admins of that group at
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fungishivharis: and you can see who the current members and admins are at
shivharisfungi: thanks. i sent the request.22:54
clarkbok I will try cleaning this up. Do we want the tenant_id/name to be hiera data or in the manifests?22:55
clarkbjamielennox: tenant name/id isn't sensitive correct?22:56
anteayashivharis: of the listed admins, I would suggest tracking down markmcclain22:56
shivharisfungi: should I also send a separate email to Mark M. or Dan W. for admission to this group, since there a many pending requests22:56
anteayashivharis: I don't think the other two admins are active22:56
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anteayashivharis: if you send an email, send it to mark22:56
shivharisanteaya: i will send mail to Mark M.22:57
anteayaI don't think dan has contributed in quite a while22:57
fungishivharis: or maybe just ping them the next time you see them in irc or ask in the next neutron team meeting22:57
clarkbwell the other id is in hiera so I will put this one in hiera as well22:57
* clarkb acquires hiera lock22:57
shivharisfungi, anteaya: I will get in touch with Mark and cc: kokura22:57
anteayashivharis: kukura22:58
shivharisanteaya: i hope he is not logged in at this time.. :-)22:59
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clarkblock released22:59
anteayashivharis: he isn't in this channel23:00
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jamielennoxclarkb: id is uuid - i don't remember on name23:01
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pass tenant_name to zuul config.
clarkbjamielennox: I am justgoing to keep it secret since we appear to have done that with the compute tenant name23:02
clarkbjamielennox: don't think it is necessary though23:02
clarkbjeblair: jhesketh fungi mordred ^23:03
zaromgagne: ping23:04
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: would it be possible to put entries for both tenant_names in the catalog? that will be backward compat and comaptible for suckers like me that don't understand why you would do such a thing :)23:04
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: Can you remind me about this issue on Wednesday? I tried to get this fixed a few months ago, but I got distracted, I'm happy to bang on it again, but I'm nominally on vacation right now :-)23:05
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Alex_GaynorJust putting both in there seems like the right solution23:06
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mgagnezaro: pong23:12
zaromgagne: should this work?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298568 in openstack-ci "Jenkins jobs builder job-group parameter substitution not working" [Undecided,New]23:12
mgagnezaro: I once tried to do what the guy is trying to do23:12
zaromgagne: noticed you made the change to enable such things..
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: sure I can bug you later23:13
zaromgagne: well he is correct, that does not work23:13
mgagnezaro: and the answer I got from clarkb or jeblair was that there is no substitution done for job parameters23:13
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: Ok. I'll try to remember as well, but if I don't and you yell and me, I'll do stuff :-)23:13
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* SergeyLukjanov still not sleeping O_O23:14
mgagnezaro: hmm23:14
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: ya having both will allow me to use one openstackrc file with different services23:14
zaromgagne: the example you put in the doc suggest that there is substitution.23:14
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: anytime I need to use different rc fiels for what should be the same endpoint is silly23:14
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: Cloud interoperability??!?23:14
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I found access to *.o.o servers :)23:14
mgagnezaro: yes, now I'm not sure why I did it :-/23:14
mgagnezaro: I'll test with my use case23:15
mgagnezaro: I guess my example is misleading23:16
zaromgagne: i briefly just looked at the code to do substitution on the list.  seems very magical.  not sure how you would make sub work for job params.23:16
mgagnezaro: might be that parsing was failing if a job-group had a list of jobs with parameters23:16
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: yay!  next week we'll walk you through some of the basics23:16
zaromgagne: not failing, just not doing it.23:17
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup, I need some tour through the o.o world :)23:17
mgagnezaro: yes but it was failing before the patch23:17
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mgagnezaro: so I guess I fixed it halfway23:17
zaromgagne: anyways, i think the issue that was reported is an actual feature request rather than a bug.23:17
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mgagnezaro: even before my "fix", there was an example suggesting it was possible23:18
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, should the gerrit admin perms manually added or I missed conf?23:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Promote tempest-dsvm-virtual-ironic job
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Symmetricaly test dib and ironic
fungiSergeyLukjanov: it's separate--and manual... i'll check it23:19
zaromgagne: i'll make a change to the doc so that feature won't be so misleading.23:19
SergeyLukjanovfungi, okay, thanks!23:19
zaromgagne: do you remember which other examples might mislead?23:20
fungiSergeyLukjanov: also we need to add you to some lp groups so you have admin access to some stuff which is granted via openid23:20
fungiSergeyLukjanov: i've added you to the administrators group in gerrit now23:21
anteayaso this is the initial commit to the infra-manual project:
anteayaand I'd like the patch to get merged some time soon23:22
anteayaso I will start drawing attention to it23:22
mgagnezaro: samples/pipeline.yaml23:22
SergeyLukjanovfungi, thanks!23:23
fungiSergeyLukjanov: added you to as well, to cover things which use that openid group for elevated privs23:24
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add tox "coverage" target
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clarkbI am going to recheck my test d-g changes to put some load on the new balance of hpcloud servers23:25
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, cool, sounds like I'll find some new buttons in some services :)23:28
* fungi needs to knock off for the evening and get stuff done around the house23:28
fungiso much still to do before i move23:28
clarkbfungi: gl hf23:29
anteayafungi: happy organizing23:30
zaromattoliverau: those samples are not useful, we should just git rid of em.23:31
zaroi meant mgagne ^23:31
mgagnezaro: I agree with you23:31
mgagnezaro: if they aren't tested, we shouldn't include them23:32
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zaroi git blame pipeline.yaml, owner is Manuel Desbonnet but i can't find the history in gerrit of this person having anything merged.23:32
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clarkbzaro: which pipeline.yaml?23:45
clarkbthis is in jjb?23:45
clarkbzaro: fwiw git blame shows you the commit so you can git show commitsha123:45
clarkband see which commit did the thing and take the change id from there23:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Correct source file location
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