Thursday, 2014-06-19

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clarkblifeless: 'db type could not be determined' happens to python-novaclient running py34 tests. Is that a testr thing?00:09
clarkboh you know what00:09
clarkbnevermind the virtualenv is giving me `python` as python3.4 so that is fnie00:11
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clarkboh duh its teh shared db00:16
* clarkb deletes some thinsg and tries again00:16
clarkbwoot it works00:17
clarkbI am going to start testing some infra stuff now so that we can dogfood00:18
mordredclarkb: neat00:18
mordredclarkb: have I mentioned I'm looking forward to our new puppet3/trusty overlords?00:18
clarkbso far neutron and nova seem happy00:19
clarkband I was most worried about them because they do libvirt and networky stuff00:19
clarkbthe experimental jobs are still going so tempest and grenade are still a question00:20
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mordredclarkb: actually, AIUI, neutron should be HAPPIER - because it really wants a newer kernel00:21
clarkbmordred: awesome00:21
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clarkbzuul, nodepool, and jjb run `tox -epy27` on trusty just fine00:25
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openstackgerritCraig Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the python-monascaclient with comment about support for python 2.6 and 3.3
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clarkb SUCCESS!00:29
mordredclarkb: woot00:30
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clarkbso depending on how adventurous the qa team feels we might be able to a lot of stuff rsn00:31
ianwclarkb: cool00:33
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clarkbconfig tests seem to be happy on trusty too00:36
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clarkbwhat level of starting to move stuff are peopel comfortable with?00:37
clarkbcan I eg do all of openstack-infra/ in one go?00:37
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clarkb grenade success too00:37
mordredclarkb: fine by me00:38
mordredclarkb: but I'm crazy - we should get jim to weigh in00:39
mordredclarkb: also - is it dangerous to run infra tests on trusty and then deploy on precise?00:39
mordredclarkb: we _do_ use some amount of OS libraries in our deploys00:39
clarkbthat is a good question00:40
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clarkbparticularly for zuul00:40
clarkbI am inclined to say maybe we go with it until it shows itself to be a problem?00:40
clarkbbut I haven't properly thought that through00:41
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python-monascaclient to stackforge
clarkbmordred: so ya definitely wait on jeblair for opinions there00:43
jeblairclarkb: break all the things00:43
clarkband for openstack proper I think I will defer to the qa team as this has the potential to put them back in panic mode00:43
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clarkbjeblair: oh hey you are back. so first thing gearman plugin and build timeout plugin on jenins07?00:43
clarkbjeblair: is that it? if so I will restart now00:43
jeblairclarkb: i don't know anything about gearman plugin00:43
clarkbjeblair: well its out of date on 0700:43
jeblairclarkb: i thought it was just build timeout00:44
clarkbI noticed that when I took a look at
clarkbjeblair: me too until I saw gearman plugin is old00:44
jeblairclarkb: i would ask zaro00:44
jeblairclarkb: or just do it :)00:44
clarkbjeblair: I am tempted to just do it00:44
clarkbwhy not lets do this00:44
jeblairit is the pilot, after all00:45
clarkbbuild timeout and gearman plugins are being updated now00:45
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clarkbjenkins07 coming back up now00:48
clarkb neutron success too00:48
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clarkbjenkins 07 reports the versions I expected00:51
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clarkbit is running jobs which I am watching for oddness00:52
mattoliveraufungi: So I've been playing with my own gerrit server, and I must say it took me longer then expected to find the refs/meta/config branch for the config... that's what I get for not looking too closely at any tutorials or manuals :P00:53
reedany chance someone can look at this patch today?
clarkbI see jobs passing and failing on 07. Nothing looks broken00:55
reedclarkb, jeblair, mordred, anyone?00:55
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add doc8 a documentation style checking package
clarkbreed: it looks good to me except for one thing. the conf_cron_key hiera key is not in hiera01:05
clarkbreed: and I have no idea what that data is supposed to be01:05
clarkbreed: do you know?01:05
clarkbreed: is whre it gets used01:06
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clarkbhrm not sure how to handle that01:07
clarkbsilly drupal you should let me generate it01:07
clarkb doesn't really help01:08
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clarkbmordred: before we add any more projects we should merge my jeepyb patch01:09
clarkbmordred: otherwise they will be incomplete project additions01:09
mordredclarkb: ok.01:10
mordredreed: also, I agree with clarkb01:10
clarkbreed: mordred specifically 'XXX' will be used as the default01:11
clarkband that will msot definitely be wrong01:11
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mordredclarkb: +A01:11
anteayamattoliverau: fungi is mostly out with his move right now01:11
anteayamattoliverau: he was supposed to get internet in his new house today but the last I saw of him was last night01:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Fix remote updating
anteayamattoliverau: and scrollback is getting so thick it is hard to get it all if one misses 24 hours01:12
clarkbmordred: thanks01:13
mattoliverauanteaya: ahh ok, thanks for letting me know. It wasn't anything important, we were talking about gerrit yesterday and he talked about hte benefit he got in playing with a test version when he just started with infra, so I thought I'd have a play.01:16
anteayamattoliverau: good idea01:18
anteayaI tried that for a bit myself01:18
anteayagot a gerrit up and that was okay01:18
anteayanever could get manage projects to run01:18
anteayaif you get it working, sit beside me for part of a day in germany and show me how?01:18
anteayaand yeah, it is a good education01:19
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mattoliverauanteaya: ok, lets see if I can figure it out :)01:21
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clarkbmordred: once that jeepyb changes makes it onto review.o.o I will retry cachemonkey then al lthe things01:24
clarkband what do you know it is updated now running manage projects01:25
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anteayamattoliverau: awesome thanks01:25
clarkb,access success01:26
anteayamattoliverau: you are really working hard on the reviews btw01:26
anteayamattoliverau: well done!!01:26
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Show expected output in test-case error
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clarkbmordred: though  Ithink there may be another bug...01:29
clarkbmordred: not one that breaks it but one that makes it loop too much01:29
mattoliverauanteaya: thanks, I've pretty much all but finished version 1 of nodepool building our TH CI environnemt, in our 3rd party testing envoronment, so have found myself with more time to review :)01:29
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Fix flow control when updating remotes
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clarkbmordred: ^ that should probably be merged before we do a big run01:32
clarkbotherwise we will do lots of remote updates01:32
mordredwhy did I ... oh01:33
anteayamattoliverau: you have put it to good use my friend01:33
mordredI hadn't configured my phone to not auto-away01:33
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anteayaha ha ha01:34
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anteayayeah, that is irritating01:34
clarkbhrm no adrian_otto01:34
clarkbsolum-specs should be good too01:34
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clarkblet me know if you find any other broken repos and I can do them specifically01:35
anteayaI'm still confused about the refs/heads/stable in the devstack-vagrant acl file on sdague's patch 9683501:37
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anteayawhy do you need stable branch permissions on a devstack-vagrant, a project which will not be in the gate, so the commit message implies01:38
clarkbanteaya: maybe he wants to support brances that spin up devstack for stable branches01:39
clarkbanteaya: so that testing icehouse is as easy as checkout stable/icehouse and run vagrant01:40
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clarkbok I am going to detach myself from box with keys01:41
clarkboh ok01:42
anteayacan you tell me if line 8 is necessary?
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clarkbanteaya: line 6 makes it necessary01:43
anteayaokay I need to learn more about acl code for stable01:43
clarkbthough since they aren't stable mainting that whole section can be removed01:43
clarkbbut meh not worth a -101:43
anteayano, but this is my first look at stable in acl01:44
anteayaso I want to understand it01:44
anteayathe arent' stable maintaining01:44
anteayawhere do you see that?01:44
clarkbanteaya: it is in the groups chosen01:44
anteayawhere would stable maintaining be set?01:44
clarkbthe code review +2..-2 would be for the stable maintainers group01:44
clarkbinstead of devstack core01:45
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anteayaokay thanks01:45
clarkbthe integrated projects do not allow core groups and even ptls from approval code on stable/*01:45
clarkbthis is what we were talking about earlier today with notmyname about swift01:45
anteayawould this be considered an integrated project?01:45
clarkbbut since the same group is used in both places we don't need that extra section01:45
clarkbanteaya: no its a utility for devs01:45
anteayayeah, caught part of that01:45
clarkband I doubt the stable maintainers want to be responsible for it01:45
anteayaokay so lines 5-10 could be removed01:46
clarkbya I think so01:46
anteayabut it doesn't hurt if they are there01:46
anteayaokay thanks01:46
anteayaI'm done01:46
anteayathanks for sticking around01:46
anteayahappy evening with no more keys in it01:46
anteayaI will do some more research tomorrow before I comment though01:47
anteayaI already blocked the patch once, don't want to do it again01:47
otherwiseguyanteaya: so is there any way to keep from re-running tests when just making a commit message change? I saw that I could edit it via gerrit and hoped it wouldn't resubmit the job, but apparently it does.01:50
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anteayaotherwiseguy: yeah, that keeps coming up in conversation01:50
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add templated uploading jobs for doc8 project
anteayaright now the current thinking is that the resources to run the tests are well worth doing01:51
anteayasince any change risks not running the tests enough01:51
jheskethclarkb: hmm, any thoughts why the experimental-swift-logs-config-pep8 jobs aren't being picked up? It seems like Jenkins isn't taking them01:51
clarkbjhesketh: that bug I fixed, still haven't had a shot to restart zuul01:51
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anteayaand allowing either races to get into the code01:51
otherwiseguyk. didn't know if there was some sneaky way to avoid it or that was 'just the way it was'.01:52
clarkbjhesketh: maybe I will start computer with keys back up after dinner and restart zuul01:52
anteayaor having frustrated devs who get to a certain point in their development and then are surprised when tests fail01:52
clarkbotherwiseguy: is there a specific reason where not running tests again is desirable?01:52
anteayaotherwiseguy: right now it is 'just the way it was'01:52
clarkbotherwiseguy: for better or worse we have tests that check ocmmit messages01:52
clarkbso it can be important to rerun tests01:52
otherwiseguyclarkb: because there is no way that a commit message change is going to change the outcome of the tests.01:52
clarkbotherwiseguy: that isn't true01:53
clarkbif you use hacking it absolutely can01:53
clarkbhacking checks the commit message01:53
clarkbif it finds something it doesn't like -101:53
jheskethclarkb: right, but that fix shouldn't stop the jobs from being accepted and then failing?01:53
clarkbjhesketh: what happens is zuul gets a KeyError then reschedules the job01:53
clarkbjhesketh: so it is constantly retrying to run the job01:54
clarkbotherwiseguy: so for this reason we actually want to run those tests01:54
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otherwiseguywith "those tests" being the subset of tests related to commit messages?01:54
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clarkbyes, the cheap way is to just run them all01:55
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clarkbI am not sure how easy it would be to have zuul be smart about this01:55
otherwiseguyclarkb: we have different definitions of the word "cheap". :)01:55
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otherwiseguyEasy is expensive. :D01:55
clarkbotherwiseguy: well we do run a giant botnet01:55
clarkbletting it do the work for me is cheap01:56
clarkbme hacking on zuul to fix this is not so cheap01:56
anteayasince bugs creep in01:56
jheskethclarkb: ah, bugger, sorry for enqueing another one then01:56
clarkbjhesketh: its ojk01:56
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clarkbit will die in a little bit if I restart zuul01:56
anteayaand then we miss running tests on things that should be tested01:56
otherwiseguyclarkb: Yeah, and I'm probably thinking more about the times when things are falling around our ears with ~50 hour queues when that isn't the default.01:57
jheskethclarkb: fyi, I added some extra hardening around the zuul swift stuff that's in review if you want to look at it first01:57
clarkbjhesketh: cool01:57
anteayaotherwiseguy: when that happens running tests on commit message changes is not going to make the difference01:57
anteayathat is host issue or races in the gate01:57
otherwiseguyanteaya: yeah. that's the only time I notice things is when they're broken. :p01:57
anteayaso this conversation comes up everytime there are gate issues01:58
anteayaor after01:58
clarkbjhesketh: ok I reviewed most of that stack01:58
anteayaas well as recommendations taht we should impliemtn the algorithim in the gaet taht we impliment01:58
anteayabut noone looks at it when it works01:58
anteayaand when it is broken is the wrong time for design changes01:59
otherwiseguyI just was worried that I was using too many resources. :) Glad Im' not. It is a little annoying when lots of people have +1'd something and everything gets reset, but I'll justmake a note to not make silly little unimportant changes after people have reviewed. :)01:59
clarkbanteaya: otherwiseguy: to implement it you would haev to diff patchset n against n-101:59
anteayasince you run the risk of introducing bugs01:59
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clarkbcheck that the only diff is in the commit message01:59
clarkbthen trigger only jobs that care about commit messages01:59
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anteayaotherwiseguy: you aren't01:59
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anteayaotherwiseguy: and anytime you want ot use your angst for good, let me know and I will teach you the basics of elastic recheck02:00
anteayaand how to submit patches for queries02:00
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anteayasince that helps keep the gate clean all the time02:00
otherwiseguyanteaya: I brought up the germany trip and my manager's boss heard and thought I wanted to change teams and told my manager to discuss it with me! She was a bit worried and I had to explain that I was mostly trying to get a free trip to Germany to learn about stuff, not to jump ship. :)02:02
anteayayeah, manager fear kind of interferes with the learning02:02
anteayahope you can attend the germany thing, you are awesome02:02
otherwiseguyand budgets.02:02
otherwiseguyalways the budgets.02:03
anteayaand that02:03
anteayain the meantime, give this a look:
anteayait is wip now but you might offer some suggestions since you have beginner's eyes02:03
anteayacan't management understand it is all about the travel?02:04
clarkbjhesketh: queues are actually slow enough I am going to start a non destructive zuul restart now02:04
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anteayaI mean germany, woooooo02:04
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anteayawho wouldn't want to go?02:04
jheskethclarkb: cool, thanks :-)02:04
otherwiseguyanteaya: Yeah, when I told her that she felt much better. :) The thing is, there are several people on our team in Czech Republic, so it would be cheaper if one of them wanted to pick things up.02:05
anteayabut I want you to go02:05
anteayatell your manager that02:05
otherwiseguyI'll still see if I can sneak in. :)02:05
otherwiseguyI will!02:05
anteayatell her Anita from infra asked for you specifically02:06
anteayawe need otherwiseguy!!02:06
clarkbjhesketh: we will need to bump that change out of the xperimental queue though02:06
clarkbjhesketh: otherwise it will never restart. can you push another patchset?02:06
anteayaI'm not blowing smoke when I say you are awesome02:06
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anteayaI remember some of your patches from last winter02:06
jheskethclarkb: can I do that on merged patches?02:06
clarkboh hrm its merged already02:06
anteayathen you disappeared for 3 weeks02:07
anteayaand I was sad02:07
clarkbwell this might not be so graceful afterall02:07
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otherwiseguyanteaya: yeah, I was doing a lot of release/packaging stuff. I was sad too. :)02:08
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anteayaotherwiseguy: :(02:08
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otherwiseguyI have lots of help and do much less of it now. Happiness!02:08
anteayaso you deserve to attend02:08
anteayayay happiness02:08
anteayaanyone who does packaging needs to be able to travel02:09
anteayaI mean c'mon packaging02:09
clarkbjhesketh: so I am going to give the changes in there are few minutes to clear out, then dump queues, stop zuul forcefully and let it start again02:09
otherwiseguywent from writing lots of C code on the Asterisk project at the last job to doing lots of packaging/deployment stuff. It was a bit of a transition.02:09
jheskethclarkb: sounds good02:09
anteayaI bet02:10
anteayaI didn't know you worked on asterisk02:10
otherwiseguy<3 Asterisk02:10
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* otherwiseguy worked for Digium02:10
anteayathats cool02:10
otherwiseguy(with Russell Bryant)02:10
anteayawe have asterisk up on a server02:10
* anteaya nods02:10
anteayamakes sense02:10
otherwiseguyindeed. :)02:10
anteayabut I don't think anyone is using it02:11
anteayatell her you have much to bring to infra with your asterisk knowledge02:11
anteayayou are a great openstack assest and infra needs you to share02:11
anteayano really, if we ever do use it and there are problems, we will need you02:12
anteayaand russell02:12
anteayaso now you have to attend02:12
anteayathat was easy02:12
otherwiseguyAnita "Problem Solver" Kuno02:13
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anteayayou guessed my middle name02:15
anteayadon't tell anyone02:15
anteayaat one point I did some career evaluation stuff02:16
anteayaI was told I had a mind like a chain saw02:16
anteayaand if I didn't have enough problems to solve I would turn it on myself02:16
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anteayaI have to have a constant stream of problems to keep me happy02:16
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anteayainfra suits me02:16
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add a tox env to check requirements overlap
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clarkbok zuul stuff happening now02:21
anteayaclarkb: yay02:21
harlowjainterseting, whats the new stuff with zuul02:21
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harlowjai thought i broke it, lol02:21
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clarkbharlowja: applying a bug fix for the swift upload stuff02:23
harlowjai was like oh crap my patch just broke zuul02:23
clarkbjhesketh: want to check experimental on a change that won't merge for a while?02:24
clarkbjhesketh: :P02:24
jheskethclarkb: not on one of those already merged changes?02:24
clarkbjhesketh: ya because something that won't merge for a while can have a new patchset pushed to clear out any weirdness we may run into02:24
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jheskethI'll just propose something02:25
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: DO NOT MERGE
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jheskethclarkb: it's in zuul, but the swift job isn't being picked up still :-(02:27
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morganfainbergsee when someone names their review DO NOT MERGE ^ I kinda want to merge it02:27
morganfainbergnot that i can merge things in infra.02:27
morganfainbergjhesketh, :)02:28
clarkbjhesketh: well that may just be a lack of nodes02:28
jheskethmorganfainberg :I was tempted to do "rm -R * && git commit -a"02:28
clarkbnote the check jobs are queued too02:28
jheskethbut I want pep to run02:28
clarkbI am going to look in logs though02:28
morganfainbergjhesketh, LOL02:28
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clarkbjhesketh: I don't see any tracebacks like last time02:30
clarkbI am trying to be patient and hope it is just a lack of nodes ;)02:30
clarkbI will keep digging though02:30
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jheskethclarkb: I suspect you're right, there are a lot of queued jobs02:30
clarkbya I didn't kill any of the running jobs when I killed zuul02:31
clarkbso nodepool is like urg must boot nodes02:31
clarkboh there the check queue goes...02:31
clarkboh and there pep8 goes02:32
morganfainbergclarkb, random side thought...with your patch merged to tox... it's now possible (when the release including it occurs) for us to move to the new version right?02:33
jheskethdarn, I missed it02:33
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clarkbstill not quite happy but I think that may be because the script makes a bad assumption about what vars it should have?02:34
clarkbI think it needs to construct that value from what it does have02:34
clarkbjhesketh: you can look at that jobs parameters to see what it got02:34
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jheskethyep, digging :-)02:36
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clarkbI am rechecking things that had their events dumped when I hard restarted zuul02:36
clarkbI think we are good now02:40
clarkbjhesketh: should it be SWIFT_logs_URL02:41
clarkband SWIFT_logs_LOGSERVER_PREFIX02:41
clarkbrather than DESTINATION_PREFIX02:41
clarkbif you propose a change to fix that I can approve02:41
clarkbzuul is running tests and that test ran with data so I think this was a success02:42
jheskethclarkb: I think it's just LOG_PATH02:43
clarkbjhesketh: well the error there seems to be it complainging about SWIFT_logs_DESTINATION_PREFIX which does not exist but SWIFT_logs_LOGSERVER_PREFIX does02:44
jheskethyeah so the prefix is like '' and the LOG_PATH is calculated changeid stuff like '07/93970/3/gate_job_this'02:44
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix the swift destination prefix
jheskethclarkb: ^02:46
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clarkbjhesketh: thats still not quite right, need to remove the text substitution02:50
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clarkbbut ya I think LOG_PATH is what you need there02:51
clarkbleft comment on change02:52
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix the swift destination prefix
jheskethyeah I think I made the deterministic path change after zuul_swift_upload02:52
jheskethclarkb, try that02:52
anteayaokay I have to stop now02:53
anteayaI mean it this time02:53
clarkbjhesketh: I think line 113 needs to be and os.path.join too02:54
clarkbjhesketh: otherwise you will have filename joined to swift_destination prefix without a /02:54
jheskethclarkb: great catch02:56
clarkbya I had to rereview that stuff to make sense of what that arg is supposed to be :)02:56
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix the swift destination prefix
jheskethclarkb: hopefully that's closer ^02:57
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clarkbjhesketh: almost02:58
clarkbjhesketh: os.path.join takes args02:58
clarkbnot one string preappended02:58
jheskethsigh, I am failing today02:58
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix the swift destination prefix
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clarkbjhesketh: approved03:01
clarkbnow we wait03:01
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jheskethclarkb: we'll need to wait for new nodepool nodes right?03:01
clarkboh ya boo03:02
jheskethclarkb: I don't suppose you're feeling daring enough to rebuild the image manually?03:02
clarkbya I can do that in a bit03:02
clarkbI need to finish this sandwich first though but that should give it time to go through the gat eand get puppeted03:02
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clarkbjhesketh: just bare-precise right?03:03
jheskethclarkb: correct03:05
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clarkbdstufft: do you think when that exception happens you could have pip output the peer's name or address?03:06
clarkbdstufft: would help a lot in debugging03:06
clarkbdstufft: that is happening in ssl though which must be because we don't ssl yet :/03:07
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clarkb arg what?03:07
jheskethclarkb: a fluke perhaps?03:13
clarkbya maybe that node lost its ability to talk to its filesystem03:16
clarkbit just succeeded in the check queue03:16
clarkbok round 203:19
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clarkbjhesketh: do you guys manage to catch any of the world cup? I think the timing of it is terrible03:21
clarkbjhesketh: but the matches have been good03:21
clarkb* terrible for being located in australia03:21
jheskethit's like 3am or something for live matches03:21
mordredthe south africa world cup had the 4am matches on the us west coast03:22
jheskethlast couple of times a few friends have pulled all-nighters for important matches but sadly a few of them have moved interstate so I'm not sure we'll get to that this yea03:22
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mordredI enjoyed getting up and going to my friend Alex's house and yelling at the tv while drinking coffee03:22
mordredvery surreal03:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix the swift destination prefix
jheskethmordred: yep, we cooked heaps of bacon for breakfast while watching03:22
clarkbsweet it just merged03:23
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clarkbnow I think I can run the image builds now and it will clone a current config03:23
clarkbmordred: ^ do you know? iirc only the nodepool scripts matter03:24
clarkband since the update is to a slave script we should get teh correct version doing a build now03:24
harlowjahave u guys seen (might just be a recent issue)03:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1331901 in openstack-ci " : [: : integer expression expected" [Undecided,New]03:24
clarkbin other news I think httpretty may have broken us03:24
jheskethclarkb: do you need to run git pull on the puppet master?03:24
clarkbharlowja: that shouldn't cause a failure03:24
clarkbjhesketh: no I don't think so because the image update does its own git clone against whatever is on the mirror now03:25
clarkbharlowja: and sdague has a change to d-g to fix it03:25
harlowjaclarkb k03:25
clarkbbut that isn't why your change failed03:25
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harlowjakk, checking03:26
clarkbjhesketh: I will kick off image builds in just a sec03:26
harlowjahmmm, "Max retries exceeded with url: /openstack/oslo.config/oslo.config-1.3.0.tar.gz"03:26
jesusaurusclarkb: how are you thinking that we set hiera defaults in
clarkbjesusaurus: just replace hiera(...) with XXX03:27
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jesusaurusoh just set them all to XXX?03:28
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jesusaurussome of them require datatypes like sysadmins being an array03:28
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mordredclarkb: uhm. ...03:29
mordred(to your earlier question)03:29
mordredjesusaurus: so - in a previous incarnation of a patch I wrote that is lost to time ...03:30
mordredjesusaurus: instead of doing puppet apply -e "foo" ...03:30
clarkbarg HPCLOUD can you stop renaming your images kthxbai03:30
mordredjesusaurus: I did cat >file.pp <<EOF puppet things here EOF ; puppet apply file.pp03:30
mordredclarkb: REALLY?03:30
clarkbmordred: hpcloud precise builds are currently failing03:31
mordredclarkb: sigh. this is why I'm definitely ready to not be using cloud provider images ever again03:31
clarkbbecause that image doesn't exist anymore03:31
clarkbbecause you know who could depend on that03:31
mordredclearly nobody03:31
clarkbchange incoming03:31
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clarkbmordred: in other news I am trying to remember how we can make zuul run the same job on different nodes for different branches03:33
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clarkbmordred: do you know if we ever did that with gearman plugin03:33
mordreduhm. I believe we always just made different jobs03:34
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clarkbwell with the non gearman stuff we could do it with the same job using some switch in parameterized jobs03:35
clarkbbut maybe different jobs is the solution here made easy be the templatized stuff03:35
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update HPCloud Precise image name
clarkbmordred: jhesketh ^03:41
morganfainbergclarkb, that is all sorts of ... dumb that you had an image disappear like that03:44
clarkbmorganfainberg: welcoem to the jungle03:45
morganfainbergclarkb, hehe03:45
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clarkbmordred: I am so on board wit hnot using those images03:45
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clarkbjhesketh: rax builds are in progress03:46
clarkbjhesketh: so in a little bit you can play roulette and see if yo uget lucky03:46
jheskeththanks clarkb :-)03:46
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clarkbmorganfainberg: in othernews I think keystoneclient is currently dead due to httpretty03:47
morganfainbergclarkb, /me cries a little03:48
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morganfainbergclarkb, thats annoying. httpretty - such a good idea... so...03:48
jamielennoxclarkb: ugh - seriously03:50
jamielennoxi saw that he pushed a new release03:50
morganfainbergclarkb, let me take a look.03:50
clarkbjamielennox: morganfainberg I think it just doesn't install03:50
jamielennoxmorganfainberg: i wrote my own replacement for httpretty, i think i'm going to try and get it used instead i'm sick of this03:50
morganfainbergjamielennox, bad upstream is bad i guess?03:51
jamielennoxhe seems to break something every release03:51
jamielennoxupstream test cases are a mess, and he's been pretty much unresponsive for a couple of month until this release03:51
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clarkbjhesketh: 2/3 rax regions have new image04:08
clarkbjhesketh: third one had to be restarted so is a bit behind04:08
jheskethzuul isn't stupidly busy at the moment so I may as well try my luck04:08
clarkbjhesketh: you have a 2/8 chance ish04:09
jheskethnope, caught an hp instance04:09
jheskethclarkb: well I also need to catch a node that's launched with the new image04:09
jheskethso it's even lower again04:09
clarkbya :/04:09
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clarkbspearce found the enovance git on swift stuff and posted it to gerrit list04:13
clarkbjhesketh: 3/3 rax are up to date04:14
clarkbjhesketh: put my money on red04:14
jheskethheh, okay, I'll spin the wheel04:14
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clarkbno :(04:16
jheskethHP has it again04:16
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mordredmorganfainberg, clarkb: *sob*04:27
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mattoliverauclarkb: so in my experiments, a group can delete a non-master branch from the gerrit UI, if they have the force push ACL ('push = +force group <group>') or are set as an owner in i.e in ('refs/heads/*').04:38
clarkbmattoliverau: cool we don't want force push but can probably get away with owner04:38
mattoliverauclarkb: unless owner is just granting them force push as part of the permission.04:39
clarkbmattoliverau: I don't think so04:40
clarkbyou can probably test that too04:40
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mordredI believe the intent is that an owner can manage branches - since they own a thing04:42
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mattoliveraumordred, clarkb: yeah true, I'll test it to find out :)04:46
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zarojhesketh: how does this change exclude 3rd party ci tests?
jheskethzaro: it assumes 3rd parties are matching on comments such as 'recheck no bug'04:58
jheskethso when you have a comment that says 'recheck jenkins no bug' then the 3rd party shouldn't match04:59
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clarkbjhesketh: did you see my comment about the non binding ci?04:59
clarkbjhesketh: was curious to see what you thought about that and didn't remember until zaro's question05:00
zarojhesketh: comments are per pipeline.  doesn't 3rd party run on same pipeline?05:00
jheskethclarkb: umm, I'll take a look05:00
jheskethzaro: no, this layout.yaml is specific to infra, each 3rd party will have their own05:00
jheskethwith their own trigger rules05:01
boris-42jhesketh hi05:02
zarojhesketh: ohh yeah, i see. so you are proposing upstream change to a more specific comment.05:02
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jheskethclarkb: good point, see response please05:02
jheskethHi boris-4205:02
boris-42jhesketh how are you?05:02
jheskethzaro: correct... it'll allow people to target which system they want to re-trigger more directly than a general 'recheck everything05:03
jheskethsort of how you can recheck turbo hipster by leave 'recheck migrations'05:03
jheskethgood thanks boris-4205:03
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zarojhesketh: not really feelin' 'jenkins' in the comment though.  i'll leave a comment in gerrit.  thanks for the explanation.05:04
boris-42jhesketh so sorry for being to annoying but05:05
boris-42jhesketh there is no logaas-ptl and logaas-core groups05:05
boris-42jhesketh so I am not able to merge anything in logaas05:05
boris-42jhesketh could you help with this?05:05
boris-42jhesketh thanks05:05
jheskethboris-42: That's something I haven't done before sorry...05:06
boris-42jhesketh ok thanks05:06
jheskethclarkb: Am I able to add groups (I think I've seen it in gerrit but I haven't poked)05:06
jheskethand if so, do we have any documentation?05:06
jheskethand if not, would you mind showing me this time so I can take care of it next time ;-)05:06
jhesketh(unless it's a root thing)05:06
clarkbjhesketh: group creation should be completely automated but jeepyb manage projects had another bug...05:07
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jheskethclarkb: does it create groups based off acl files?05:07
clarkbjhesketh: boris-42: it is on my list of things to do to get the last part of the fix in and rerun manage projects for everyone05:07
clarkbjhesketh: yup05:07
jheskeththat's neat :-)05:08
boris-42clarkb great=)05:08
clarkbjhesketh: boris-42 is the second part of the fix05:08
clarkbfirst part already merged05:08
boris-42clarkb oh seems tricky =)05:08
boris-42clarkb ah actually not so tricky05:09
clarkbya it was just a derp05:09
clarkbjhesketh: you technicaly can do it by hand but I haven't done that in over a year now05:11
jheskethit's okay, I don't want to learn how to break things ;-)05:11
clarkbjhesketh: and this will be a good test that everything is wroking again05:11
boris-42clarkb so why we are iterating 10 times?05:11
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clarkbboris-42: well it turns out gerrit does things asynchronously and returns true before things have actually happened05:12
clarkbboris-42: so we are basically saying if gerrit doesn't finish in 20 seconds then give up05:12
boris-42clarkb but we will try to call multiple times remote update --prune05:13
clarkbboris-42: correct as that will update the repo05:13
clarkband we are waiting for gerrit to populate the initial ACLs05:13
boris-42clarkb one question05:15
boris-42clarkb should we still print log.error?05:15
boris-42clarkb in 141 line05:15
boris-42clarkb or maybe just relax to debug?05:15
jheskethclarkb: remind me to go to a casino with you.. your luck is very consistent05:16
clarkbjhesketh: boo05:16
clarkbboris-42: print log.error?05:16
clarkbboris-42: I need more context05:16
jheskethclarkb: oh look, one got onto rax!
jheskethand of course it doesn't work05:16
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boris-42clarkb I mean it's error if we are going to repeat it multiple times05:17
clarkbboris-42: oh I see, I guess it won't hurt either way. Really a failure to update is pretty darn important though05:17
boris-42it's not error*05:17
boris-42clarkb yep it won't hurt )05:18
reedclarkb, thanks for the review05:19
reedclarkb, I don't have an answer, martin will reply when he gets up hopefully05:19
jheskethclarkb: so does Jenkins screw with environment variables?05:20
boris-42clarkb oh there are bug in this file05:20
boris-42clarkb lemme push pathc05:20
lifelessjhesketh: if by screw, you mean export a bunch... yes05:20
jheskeththe SWIFT_logs_HMAC_BODY has '>' instead of '\n' 's for line breaks05:20
clarkbboris-42: I am sure there are bugs05:20
boris-42clarkb bugs are everywhere =)05:21
boris-42clarkb I mean in all programms=)05:21
clarkbboris-42: no really every time we touch that file it breaks in new and exciting ways. we really need to hook it up with gerrit functional tests like git review05:21
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clarkbexcept those tests are super flaky because gerrit's ssh server sucks...05:21
clarkbjhesketh: that is weird05:22
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jheskethclarkb: as a side note, I didn't realise that the swift signature was visible in the jenkins UI... that poses a threat where people could push logs into swift05:23
clarkbjhesketh: yes05:23
clarkbbut the risk is minimized because they are single use?05:24
clarkbdefinitely something to htink about05:24
jheskethclarkb: I'd have to check if they are single use... I suspect not though, but they do have an expiry and a limited destination05:24
clarkbjhesketh: but this gets back to the trouble with using swift in this way... I think we are just going to have to compromise with things or write lots of java05:26
jheskethyeah I don't think it's a huge threat either... somebody screws with our logs, not the job results05:27
jheskethso worse case is it makes debugging hard05:27
jheskethclarkb: so looks like we need to update the envinject plugin05:27
clarkbI wonder if jenkins ACLs are granular enough to not let normal users see injected things by default05:28
clarkbbut still see logs05:28
clarkbprobably not05:28
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update Jenkins EnvInject plugin
jheskethclarkb: ^05:29
clarkbjhesketh: ya that looks fine. We just started a plugin upgrade with 07 being the prod guinea pig (tested -dev first) we might be able to sneak this in too05:31
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clarkbjhesketh: I think I managed to upgrade jenkins-dev by hand05:35
clarkbthe puppet stuff won't actually facilitate a proper upgrade for us...05:36
clarkbjhesketh: going to try running a job with line breaks now05:36
jheskethclarkb: shiny, thanks05:36
jheskethclarkb: might be worth running a dsvm job to make sure it doesn't break the wider set of things?05:36
clarkbya that may be trickier to set up though05:38
clarkbI won't be able to do that tonight05:38
clarkbjhesketh: also it supports "password" parameters which are masked05:38
clarkbwe may be able to convince the gearman plugin to treat some values as "passwords" and mask them for us05:39
jheskethhmm interesting05:39
clarkbjhesketh: the trick may be to have jjb specify the parameters again so that they get typed05:44
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clarkb that seems to work05:44
clarkband if you look at the parameters for that job it is *'d out05:44
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clarkbjhesketh: we removed the parameters from our JJB for simplification as the gearman plugin just makes it work05:45
clarkbjhesketh: but in this case we may be need to do that again05:45
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Don't use instances of complex types as a default value in args
boris-42clarkb ^05:49
clarkbboris-42: careful05:49
clarkbjeblair will -2 changes like that05:49
clarkbthey aren't strictly bugs05:50
clarkbthey can be bugs05:50
boris-42clarkb they can be quite hard catchable bugs05:50
clarkbI agree05:50
boris-42clarkb from my personal expirience=)05:50
clarkbbut jeblair will -2 changes like that if they aren't actually bugs05:50
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boris-42clarkb hehe=)05:50
boris-42clarkb I will imho prefer to avoid even potential bugs in such case=)05:51
clarkbso the question is, is the default arg ever updated?05:51
clarkbboris-42: I agree, I am just saying05:51
boris-42clarkb yep sure, that probably it works=)05:51
clarkband in this case I am 99% sure it isn't actually a bug05:52
clarkblines 88 and 89 being important05:52
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boris-42clarkb one small wrong step and happy debugging=)05:53
clarkbboris-42: like I said its not me05:53
boris-42I'll talk about this with jeblair =)05:53
clarkbbut I have had jeblair refuse to merge similar changes from me05:53
clarkband its fine because in cases like this it isn't actualyl a bug05:53
boris-42clarkb but there is not such level of quality of code that is enough=005:53
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boris-42clarkb I didn't report a bug05:54
boris-42clarkb so it's just code improvment05:54
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boris-42make the world a better place*05:54
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clarkb is a lot like that rake not found issue05:57
clarkbjhesketh: ^05:57
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clarkbboth were in rax but two different regions05:57
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jheskethclarkb: cool (re the test). so should we update the rest of Jenkins' or give people time to review etc05:59
jheskethclarkb: I've got nothing on the rake/pypy issue... maybe puppet failed to set something up?06:00
clarkbjhesketh: I guess, except we don't see a ton of failures06:00
clarkbwhich I would expect with bad images06:00
clarkbjhesketh: we have to do jenkins restarts to get the plugin updated. We can roll that into the current rolling restarts if everyone else is happy06:01
clarkbjhesketh: I can poke people in the morning PDT and see what they think06:01
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jheskethclarkb: right, lets not rush it then06:01
jheskeththat sounds good, thanks :-)06:01
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update EnvInject for Jenkins
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openstackgerritMaxime Vidori proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Nodejs is not installed each time tox is called
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: [RFC] Track last allocations to ensure forward-progress
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afazekasIs it possible to host on the or somewhere close to test Nodes ?06:18
clarkbafazekas: we cache images like that on our slave images06:18
clarkbafazekas: if they are included in the devstack image list thing then they get cached06:18
afazekasSo first I need to change this
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afazekasThen wait half day and change this:
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clarkbI don't understand why you have to wait half a day06:21
clarkbbut yes I think you update devsdtack and we accomodate that06:21
afazekasclarkb: I do not really know how the precache supposed to work06:22
clarkbneither do I06:22
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afazekasAFAIK sdague added it because otherwise we would have high download failure rate06:22
clarkbwe just call that iirc06:22
clarkbwhatever it spits out we cache06:23
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: [RFC] Track last allocations to ensure forward-progress
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afazekasThe image will be there only for several weeks, but it contains no_timer_check kernel parameter related bug:, failed alternative hack:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1312199 in nova/icehouse "cirros 0.3.1 fails to boot" [High,In progress]06:38
clarkbwell if its only going to be there for several weeks...06:38
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rgerganovmordred, any chance you can take a look at again?06:42
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yjianghi folks,I have a question that should the tempest cases used by 3rd part testing be upstream?Can I add my custom tempest cases?06:47
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* afazekas I need to confirm the url's lifetime. 06:54
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mattoliverauNight all, I'm calling it a night.07:20
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add templated uploading jobs for doc8 project
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Display dates in timeago format
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added devstack job for manila
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added devstack job for manila
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Alex_GaynorUgh, are all the requirements jobs broken? Something with the latest httpretty release?07:43
Alex_Gaynorjamielennox: You mentioned it earlier, was that an install issue, or something else?07:43
Alex_Gaynor is the TB07:43
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jamielennoxAlex_Gaynor: yea, i haven't done anything to fix it but at least keystoneclient is broken07:43
jamielennoxthe 0.8.1 release is broken07:44
Alex_GaynorLooks like is the upstream bug07:44
Alex_Gaynorwahoo, totally uninstallable07:44
Alex_GaynorI guess I'll give them until i wake up to fix it, otherwise pin it?07:44
jamielennoxAlex_Gaynor: yea i think so - i wrote a replacement for it, now i'm thinking i need to push to get it into openstack07:44
jamielennoxit's caused too many problems now07:45
Alex_Gaynorjamielennox: how long do you thikn it'd take us to port?07:45
jamielennoxi did keystoneclient in about 90 minutes07:45
jamielennoxit's only a week or two old, i was going to let the ideas marinate for a while before declaring it ready07:46
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yamahatahi, can you review for new project on stackforge?07:50
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Shift elasticsearch retention to 10 days.
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove duplicate dsvm-postgres-full jobs
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gchahi guys, is someone here is able to help me about my two gerrit account08:16
gchaI need to delete one ...08:16
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: dequeue abandoned changes
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Use OpenSSL to generate test host server keys
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openstackgerritIvan Kolodyazhny proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Optional Ceph backend for Cinder
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Support for alternate trunk name (not master)
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding second failure option to the email-ext module
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add presend-script to email-ext
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, heh, just read the scrollback11:36
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, (I'm traveling today)11:36
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I've created accounts for all open requests I found11:40
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, including the ML request you mentioned11:40
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KiallFYI - openstackgerrit is AWOL11:57
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sdagueyeh, just noticed that myself12:40
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gchafungi: are you around ?12:51
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anteayagcha he is moving this week and so far might not have internet at his new house12:56
anteayagcha:  what is on your mind?12:56
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: thank you!12:56
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gchaanteaya: hi, I just want to remove a duplicate gerrit account12:57
anteayagcha okay please post the account id numbers for both accounts in channel, the account you want ot keep and the account you want removed12:58
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anteayabefore we delete the other account we have to merge any review data in the db so it doesn't get lost12:58
anteayaand someone with gerrit db access will do it once they get a chance12:59
anteayaalso what usernames are associated with both accounts please12:59
anteayaso we confirm we have the right accounts12:59
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gcha1) TO BE REMOVED: username: gchamoul, Email:, Account ID: ????? (I don't know cause I've deleted it but it's still visible to gerrit)13:01
anteayaI have no idea how you delete a gerrit account id13:01
gcha1) TO BE KEPT: username: gchamoul, Email:, Account ID: 1149113:01
anteayahow did you delete your gerrit account id?13:02
gchaanteaya: no I mean I deleted the first account13:02
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anteayahow did you delete the first account?13:02
anteayaI don't know if we are talking about the same thing13:03
anteayagerrit still has it in the system:,n,z13:03
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gchaanteaya: sorry !!! I created a new account linked with the same launchpad account but with one another email13:06
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anteayaso what is it that you deleted?13:06
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gchaI deleted nothing13:08
anteayaI'm confused13:08
anteaya"I don't know cause I've deleted it"13:09
gchaI was wrong13:09
gchadon't care about this sentence13:09
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gchabut I don't get access to it anymore13:09
anteayaoh okay13:09
gchaso I can't say the id13:10
anteayawell if that isn't enough to go on, someone will ping you13:10
anteayaplease stay in channel13:10
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gchaok sorry for the confusion ....13:10
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anteayagcha: np13:15
anteayasince I can't check the db myself, I can't see what is actually there13:15
anteayaso I ask questions to ensure the info is there for the person who can check the db13:15
anteayain most cases, it speeds things along13:16
anteayabut not always13:16
sdagueSergeyLukjanov / jhesketh either of you folks want to push me over the edge with - ?13:18
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anteayaalso SergeyLukjanov when you have a chance, here is my patch for documenting the name format for third party ci:
pelixzaro: Any idea on what fixed the problem around the sphinx documentation generation where it used to need the '/' at the start but now no longer appears to be an issue13:33
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pelix^^^ in JJB13:33
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anteayapelix: he usually shows up in about 3 hours from now13:37
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mtreinishanteaya: who runs the radware third party ci. I'm not exactly a fan of the random tarball from dropbox results logs:
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mtreinishoh broken random tarball on dropbox link13:51
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mtreinishanteaya: did you see my above messages? it looks like your connection dropped...13:54
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pelixanteaya: oh well, hopefully he has 'nicksaid' installed or something similar :)13:57
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sdagueclarkb: trusty just passes all the configs that you put up there13:58
sdagueI'd say that we just make that master today13:58
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anteayamtreinish: yeah, thanks I don't know who runs that ci14:00
anteayamtreinish: I haven't been able to find out14:00
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anteayamtreinish: the only thing I can do now is ask for their account to be disabled and see who comes calling14:01
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mtreinishheh, I'd be ok with that :)14:01
anteayaand I agree, a tarball hosted in a dropbox account is unacceptable14:01
mtreinishespecially a broken link14:01
anteayamtreinish: they dont' give an email address so emailing them isn't an option14:01
anteayaI'm wrong they do give an email address14:02
mtreinishanteaya: there is this:
anteayalet me try it and see if I get a response14:02
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anteayalet's try the email lottery and see what happens14:03
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anteayamtreinish: let's see what we get as a response14:09
anteayapelix: I'm not sure if he does14:09
mtreinishanteaya: cool thanks14:09
anteayathanks for bringing it to my attention14:09
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pelixanteaya: j/k I'll ping him later :)14:10
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Alex_Gaynorjamespage: I'm going to send a CR pinning httpretty14:11
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IzikPensoanteaya: Hi , I'm from radware got your mail about our CI system.14:23
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anteayaIzikPenso: hello14:28
anteayathanks for your fast response14:28
anteayaIzikPenso: are you able to disable your system from commenting until you get the logs on a secure server and browsable?14:29
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IzikPensoanteaya: I can, but this requirement wasn't mentioned here
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anteayaIzikPenso: no it wasn't14:34
anteayaI agree14:34
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anteayasince third party ci systems seem to do things we never imagined they would do14:34
anteayadon't use dropbox didn't occur to us14:34
anteayasince we never thought anyone would do that14:34
anteayasince all of our logs are browsable14:34
anteayawe took that as a given third party ci would do the same14:35
anteayawe cna't say just do what we do14:35
anteayaso we play whack a moel14:35
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anteayaand when a new requirement comes up, we include it14:35
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IzikPensoanteaya: I don't understand what why dropbox is bad here. I guess it will take me some time to change it, couldn't we leave it up and I will change it in the background ? we wouldn't want to miss a change that breaks us.14:41
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anteayawell dropbox is not open source14:42
anteayaand we are an open source project14:42
anteayaso we expect that our contributors to our open source project not be forced to use or interact with non open source software14:43
hasharthe OSS Virus!14:44
anteayaalso folks browsing logs should not be forced to download anything14:44
anteayahashar: I has it14:44
anteayaI had it and then I got it worse from mordred14:44
anteayaso now I has it bad14:44
hasharwe do the same at Wikimedia :D14:45
sdaguehonestly, using dropbox isn't really the sin in my perspective14:45
sdagueit's that the logs aren't online viewable14:45
sdaguebecause I really don't want to have to download 100MB tar file14:45
sdaguethen sift through it14:45
sdagueto figure out why you failed14:45
mtreinishsdague: ++14:45
hasharthe document at  might use a section explaining how to publish the logs and some prerequisites14:45
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anteayahashar: I agree14:46
anteayahashar: do you want to take a swing at a patch for it14:47
hasharpotentially with a recommended software stack and how to set it up (ex: logstash of doom, with a change-patchset-buildnum: field for easy filtering)14:47
anteayaI'm happy to review14:47
sdagueespecially because doing that from a coffee shop isn't really an option14:47
hasharanteaya: I am barely involved in OpenStack despite jenkns job builder and Zuul and have no clue what is expected from 3rd party tests . Much less how the logs work14:48
hasharsorry :-(14:49
anteayajust stating that there seems to be agreement that the docs are lacking14:49
anteayaand I agree they are14:49
hasharI am just thinking out loud14:49
anteayabut it is really hard to keep up with 60 systems all going in different directions and demanding they be allowed to do so14:49
anteayahashar: sure14:49
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anteayaif I had my way, every ci system would have to hire dprince and he would maintain the system14:50
* anteaya thinks about putting that in the docs14:50
hashardev.getByName( 'dprince' ).clone().times( 60 )14:50
anteayalike that14:50
anteayaIzikPenso: how long to fix your logs?14:51
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notmynameclarkb: I saw something in the scrollback buffer about swift tempurls being exposed. did you know that a tempurl can be set just for a particular verb? therefore you can make one for PUT and one for GET14:54
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anteayaIzikPenso: also I need to change the name of your third party ci account to match our newly establishing name format guidelines:
anteayaIzikPenso: I'm leaning toward Radware CI15:06
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anteayaIzikPenso: we have to remove testing and 3rd party is redundant15:07
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anteayaIzikPenso: you don't have to do anything, this is a change we would be making ourselves15:07
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anteayaIzikPenso: any thoughts?15:07
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IzikPensoanteaya: ok, Radware CI is fine. changing the logs will take week or so probably less, but I'm OOO next week. can it wait a bit ?15:11
anteayanot really15:11
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anteayaexpecting devs to download a tarball isn't fair15:12
anteayaif it can be fixed in 24 hours it can stay up15:12
anteayabut a week is too long15:12
anteayaif you can't address it in 24 hours please disable your system until it is fixed15:12
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anteayaand thanks on the name15:12
anteayawe havn't scheduled the name change yet, so it won't happen immediately15:13
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IzikPensoanteaya: alright I'm giving up :) ,  btw the largest tar we store is something like 1.5 MB and it actually will be faster then opening few different online viewable files.15:15
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anteayaIzikPenso: that is your choice15:24
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anteayaif yours were the only system, we could discuss this15:24
anteayaI have 60 systems to oversee15:24
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anteayayou can disable the system voluntarily allowing you the ability to reenstate it as your choice15:25
anteayaif you leave it to us, it is a more difficult and lengthy process to get it reinstated15:25
IzikPensoanteaya: I'm disabling it now15:26
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anteayaokay thanks15:27
anteayaI look forward to when it is reinstated15:27
anteayaI hope you have a restful week afk15:27
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IzikPensoanteaya: Thanks, have a good day.15:29
anteayathanks, you as well15:29
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sdagueclarkb: whenever you wake up, the trusty runs looked very solid that have triggered on experimental. I'd say full speed ahead on whatever is needed to do to switch master to them. I think any deeper issues won't be discovered until we're running in bulk.15:30
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eharney appears to no longer be configured correctly (says must be configured -- doesn't show a bug list)15:43
jeblairjgriffith: ^ let's start with a sanity check -- the cinder project used to and should have bugs in launchpad, right?  I mean, were there bugs there like yesterday?15:46
jeblairttx: ^ fyi15:46
eharneythe bugs appear to still be there if you go to them directly:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1300148 in cinder "cannot attach volume as regular user with lioadm iscsi helper" [Undecided,In progress]15:46
jeblaireharney: ok, thanks; i couldn't find one15:47
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sdagueeharney: it looks like someone changed the toggle - to 'bugs are tracked somewhere else'15:48
jeblaireharney: okay, it looks like a simple misconfiguration; i've corrected it15:49
eharneyi saw that setting but i didn't want to touch it :)15:49
sdagueeharney: apparently someone else did :)15:49
jgriffithjeblair: yes15:50
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jgriffithjeblair: I never knew about that magic page15:51
jgriffithhmmm... what sort of awful things can be done here15:51
jgriffithjeblair: eharney thanks for figuring that out and getting our bugs back15:52
jgriffithwell.... on second thought!15:52
jgriffithDARN YOU!15:52
anteayamake the bugs go away15:53
anteayathen you can claim bug free15:53
sdaguejgriffith: maybe someone got the wrong message for bug triaging, and figured 'there, I fixed it!'15:53
anteayaha ha ha15:53
jgriffithsdague: I like that15:53
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annegent_jgriffith: snickering over here15:55
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jgriffithohh... it was annegent_ helping us out :)15:55
jgriffithbug fixer extrordinaire15:55
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annegent_jgriffith: any time, any time. It's like unsubscribing to mailing lists over vacation... just make your bug list take a vacation.15:55
jgriffithooohhh... I like that, I'll need to steal that idea15:56
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zaropelix: i thought we still need the leading slash for literalinclude.  is that no longer the case?15:59
pelixzaro: appears to be the case looking at the docs outputted, but I've no idea why16:00
yolandamordred, testing nodepool and dib with the approach that jeblair suggested. But i cannot find anywhere in the dib elements where it adds the jenkins key to authorized_keys, is that done and i'm missing something? if not, we need an element for each different type of node, that adds this key, in order to authorize nodepool to connect16:00
pelixzaro: newer version of sphinx or a sphinx config change?16:00
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yolandawell, and also jenkins ,as it will be the same key16:01
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clarkbsdague: cool16:01
anteayahey clarkb16:01
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anteayafeeling any better today?16:01
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clarkbyup I think yesterday was when things started to get better16:02
anteayaclarkb: yay16:02
jeblairyolanda: the key is installed by puppet16:02
anteayaclarkb's back!!16:02
sdagueclarkb: is there already facility for doing that kind of node selection on branches?16:03
sdagueor is there going to be trickiness16:03
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jeblairsdague: there's a facility in zuul for it; we haven't used it in a while16:03
clarkbsdague: I think there will be trickiness because ^ ya it hasn't been done in a while16:04
sdaguejeblair: cool, well I say release the hounds.16:04
sdagueeverything I saw in those runs looked good16:04
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sdagueI actually think our neutron fail rates might drop quite a bit in the process due to new openvswitch16:04
clarkbcool I will put that right at the top of todays agenda then16:05
clarkbjeblair: did you see from last night that jhesketh ran into issues with the env inject plugin chomping newlines in build parameters?16:05
Alex_GaynorCan anyone r? Right now all requirements changes are blocke16:05
jeblairclarkb, sdague:
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jeblairclarkb, sdague: last used one year and 70,000 changes ago.  ;)16:06
clarkbjeblair: tl;dr is env inject plugin 1.89 fixes that problem and we installed it on jenkins-dev16:06
sdagueAlex_Gaynor: can you != 0.8.1 instead?16:06
clarkbjeblair: in my minimal testing there (without gearman plugin) it fixed the problem16:06
sdagueso we don't have to uncap when we circle around again16:07
Alex_Gaynorsdague: >=0.8,!=0.8.1?16:07
clarkbjeblair: the other thing was whether or not we shoudl attempt to mask the hmac details16:07
sdagueAlex_Gaynor: yeh16:07
Alex_Gaynorsdague: sure16:07
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jeblairclarkb: right, so the answer to both is to remove the envinject plugin :)16:07
jeblairclarkb: which is a nearly completed task16:07
jeblairmaybe completed?16:08
clarkbjeblair: I think completed from jjb perspective yes16:08
Alex_Gaynorsdague: uploaded16:08
sdagueAlex_Gaynor: thanks16:08
jeblairclarkb: cool, then i think we may want to start removing the plugin; that will remove the page that shows the env vars and job parameters16:08
yolandajeblair, i see, on slaves there is a reference to jenkinsuser class, then this class adds a key16:08
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sdagueAlex_Gaynor: +216:09
clarkbjeblair: and in theory won't chomp newlines16:09
clarkbjeblair: wfm16:09
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jeblairclarkb: losing that page will make us a little sad, so we should also add jjb builders to echo $ZUUL vars we care about so we can retrigger jobs easily, etc16:09
jeblairclarkb: but we don't have to block on that16:09
jeblairclarkb: should we go aheand and start removing the plugin while we're doing the upgrades?16:09
clarkbjeblair: I was just going to suggest that :)16:10
anteayakrtaylor: are you available to lend a hand with figuring out log formatting for sweston?16:10
clarkbwe need to make sure that puppet doesn't reinstall it for us first16:10
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jeblairclarkb: (also, for the record, it's not the end of the world if the HMAC info gets out for a normal job -- it just means someone could upload something to the log location for that specific job for a short amount of time)16:10
anteayakrtaylor: he is doing good work over in the sandbox and needs to know how to get his log formatting correct16:10
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clarkbjeblair: right that is basically what jhesketh and I decided. The potential damage is low16:11
jeblairclarkb: (more care will need to be taken in the future for things like tarball publishing jobs though)16:11
zaropelix: no idea.  do you think move to pbr might have something to do with it?16:11
krtayloranteaya, sweston sure, I am a bit busy atm, but I have a few moments16:12
anteayakrtaylor: great thanks16:12
clarkbjeblair: going back to using trusty. NODE_LABEL was a jenkins without gearman thing iirc. Do we have an equivalent thing in zuul to run the job as job:label instead of just job?16:12
clarkb NODE_NAME maybe?16:13
* clarkb does more digging16:13
clarkboh its ZUUL_NODE16:13
anteayakrtaylor: the Brocade OSS CI:
pelixzaro: could do, I would have to do a regression test to find out why, maybe later.....16:13
swestonkrtaylor: ok, maybe it would be best to start by posting your macros.yml file on
clarkbok I think I know what to do patch incoming16:14
anteayakrtaylor: he needs to know how to publish a console log, and not publish the .sh and .py files16:14
jeblairclarkb: sounds good16:14
clarkbsdague: so all tempest jobs move to trusty for juno?16:14
sdagueclarkb: yep16:14
zaropelix: well anyways, good to not have to nag people to put leading slash :)16:14
clarkbsdague: then we deal with the non integration tests on a case by case basis?16:14
sdagueclarkb: yeh, I think that's the right call16:15
sdagueI'm sure we'll hit an edge condition here16:15
jeblairsdague, clarkb: last time we did it one project at a time; we still have the facility in the jjb defns for that16:15
sdaguebut full, neutron, grenade all saled through16:15
pelixzaro: indeed, particularly as it was annoying in that it wouldn't error if the file wasn't found16:15
jeblair(for the non-integration jobs)16:15
krtaylorsweston, will do, but with high latency, I am jumping between irc meetings16:15
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sdagueclarkb: policy wise, I wonder if we want grenade juno on precise or trusty?16:16
swestonkrtaylor: that is okay, latency is expected if you are busy.16:16
sdagueit seems to work both ways16:16
sdaguesome things are simplified with trusty16:16
sdaguebut it does mean starting old side icehouse on trusty16:17
clarkbsdague: it works so I am inclined to say roll with it16:17
sdagueclarkb: good enough for me16:17
clarkbsdague: we did release icehouse at the same time as trusty16:17
clarkbso people are presumably running it on trusty16:18
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sdaguesame day even :)16:18
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jeblairclarkb, sdague: we have access to the job name in that function, so we _can_ do something different for forward vs reverse if we want16:18
zaroclarkb: what was that setting to allow ssh login?16:18
sdaguecompletely unrelated, over beers last night, I had a crazy idea16:18
jeblairanteaya: ++16:19
anteayayou having crazy ideas?16:19
anteayaits contagious16:19
sdaguewhat if when you pushed a patch, a tool went out and figured out what of the rest of the in flight patches for that project were merge conflicts with you, and told you16:19
sdagueto help realize how much wrecking the world your patch would be, or what other stuff might be duping it16:20
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sdaguegiven how deep our in flight queues are, I wonder if that would be helpful or not16:20
clarkbzaro: the security groups?16:21
clarkbsdague: that may actually be related to that thing markmc said last night when I was awake for some silly reason16:21
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zaroclarkb: ohh i remembered it.  PasswordAuthentication is the setting16:22
clarkbzaro: oh right, don't do that but yes :)16:23
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sdagueclarkb: oh, cool. So that's maybe not total craziness16:23
zaroclarkb: you running gertty on your laptop or a VM?16:24
clarkbzaro: laptop16:24
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andreafsdague, clarkb: new version of passing check - with DEVSTACK_GATE_FEATURE_MATRIX and allowed branch list in features.yaml16:26
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andreafsdague, clarkb: if you have a sec for a review ;)16:26
sdagueandreaf: +216:28
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andreafsdague: thanks!16:29
clarkbjeblair: potential complication. gearman plugin registers jobs based on the label jenkins side. If label says eg devstack-precise we won't get any devstack-trusty gearman jobs registered. So we need to make the JJB side 'devstack-precise || devstack-trusty' then make zuul choose? that sound right to you?16:31
clarkbI think in the pre gearman world jenkins would just do what you told it16:31
craigbranteaya: Is there documentation for what check vs gate is in modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml?16:33
anteayajeblair: I need to champion infra-manual first patch:
anteayajeblair: where on the list is responding to the comments thus far?16:34
anteayacraigbr: hello!16:35
anteayamight you be craig bryant?16:35
craigbrThat's me16:36
anteayacraigbr: wonderful, welcome16:36
anteayacraigbr: glad you are here16:36
anteayacraigbr: and probably not, none that I know of16:36
anteayacheck and gate reference two testing pipelines16:36
anteayacheck is on the left and gate is in the middle16:37
anteayaall new patchsets go through the check queue16:37
anteayapatches in the check queue don't depend on any other patches in the check queue, they are tested individually16:37
anteayawe can test a lot of check queue patches all at once16:38
clarkbanteaya: craigbr explains gating16:38
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craigbrOk. Since the python 2.6 will probably fail on python-monascaclient, then I need to remove that from check16:38
anteayaand python3316:38
anteayaif I remember correctly16:38
anteayaand jhesketh is correct in his comments16:38
craigbrYes, thanks for the quick response. I'll get that changed pronto16:39
krtaylorsweston, I finally got a chance to go see what you were doing, you are trying to add a link to your logs to the comment?16:39
anteayaand let me know when you have time to learn more16:39
anteayakrtaylor: he has a link to the logs16:39
anteayabut the logs have .sh files and .py files which he doen'st need16:40
anteayaand lacks files he does need like a console file16:40
swestonkrtaylor:  are you using a custom script for this or the jenkins scp plugin?16:40
krtayloranteaya, ok, I understand16:40
anteayakrtaylor: awesome16:40
krtaylorsweston, yes we have a script that we push the logs into swift16:41
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craigbranteaya: Will do16:41
anteayacraigbr: thanks16:41
krtaylorsweston, now I understand why you want to see our macros.yaml16:41
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jeblairclarkb: i think that will work or actually just removing the node specifier altogether; you'll probably need to have zuul specifying the node (always precise currently) before you make that change though16:42
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swestonkrtaylor: Yay!! you can take any account info out of macros before posting, if that is a concern16:42
jeblairanteaya: infra-manuals is probably not this week, unfortunately :(16:42
anteayajeblair: understood16:43
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anteayaI will be pushy about it though16:43
anteayaso heads up16:43
jeblairanteaya: please and thank you :)16:43
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anteayaand i don't know how to address the comments made thus far, otherwise I would make an attempt16:43
clarkbjeblair: with my proposal we can do it in one change and its a bit safer (protects against runs on the 'thick' slaves)16:43
clarkbjeblair: let me see hwo this ends up and people can look at it in gerrit16:44
jeblairclarkb: unless i misunderstand, your proposal also needs zuul to specify the node before you expand the set of nodes it can run on16:46
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anteayaoh and I think openstackgerrit is awol16:46
anteayaif someone could dig it up16:46
krtaylorsweston, we have a publisher that runs a script, nothing special really, the script that pushes to swift needs to be cleaned up16:46
krtaylorclarkb, was interested in the swift script as well, I need to push that higher in my priority list16:47
swestonkrtaylor:  awesome, that is enough information to get me started, no paste is necessary.  thanks so much for the help!!16:48
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clarkbjeblair: oh hrm ya. Otherwise we will race with jjb16:48
jeblairclarkb: ++16:48
krtaylorsweston, no prob, let me know how it works out16:48
swestonkrtaylor: you bet16:49
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clarkbwe have a lot of *tempest* jobs. This is going to be interesting16:51
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sdagueclarkb: yes we do :)16:53
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jeblairclarkb: are you matching on dsvm?  i think that's still in place16:58
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clarkbjeblair: well lots of stuff uses dsvm that isn't tempest16:59
clarkblike swift functional testing and stackforge tests16:59
clarkbI could change all them too for simplicity16:59
clarkbthen we also have tempest master against icehouse everyone jobs17:00
jeblairclarkb: that seems reasonable17:00
clarkbsame for d-g17:00
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clarkband I am trying to think ahead to the non integration jobs so that I don't have to reinvent the wheel when that happens17:00
clarkbthere is a lot going on here :)17:01
jeblairclarkb: i mean, i think we want everything running on trusty, so i wouldn't sweat it too much17:01
mordredclarkb: maybe we should refactor the entire system real quick17:01
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clarkbjeblair: ya I agree. More thinking about how to keep centos6 separate17:03
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clarkbjeblair: but ya the thing to do may be to have zuul make all of these decisions for us17:03
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clarkbI may be overcomplicating it considering that jenkins can sort of do it17:03
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sdagueyeh, I wouldn't over think it. It's going to be another 2 years before we do this again, so anything automated is likely to bitrot by then17:05
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clarkbhrm and I can only haev one parameter function per job17:09
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clarkbjeblair: what do you think of moving a lot of this logic out of the jobs list in layout.yaml and into the function itself?17:11
clarkbjeblair: eg have one functions for ^.*$ that decides for all the jobs17:11
jeblairclarkb: what logic?17:12
clarkbjeblair: reusable vs not, log url, node label17:12
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jeblairclarkb: wfm17:13
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reedzehicle_at_sbuck, sbuck? new job or just new job location? :)17:15
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harlowjadprince yt, u want to have another packaging mini-irc-talk sometime?17:17
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yolandahi, so i did a full test of , patchset 17, and works fine, clarkb, mordred, jeblair, do you have comments about it?17:18
dprinceharlowja: sure, would be nice to wait until derek is back. I know he is interested17:18
harlowjadprince cool17:19
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zarojeblair: do we need to send email to openstack-dev list to nominate someone for jjb core?17:21
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jeblairzaro: i'll do it; who?17:24
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zarojeblair: Marc Abramowitz and Darragh Bailey17:26
harlowjamarc abramowitz ftw (a former coworker of mine) :)17:27
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zarojeblair: and probably good to have Marc for python-jenkins as well.17:27
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* mordred supports our new jjb overlords17:30
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nikhil___hey, we've fixed the errors on sync-ing the global requirements for failing tests here . Wished to know how to get new rebased patch set up?17:33
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nikhil___any ninja here?17:34
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mrmartinclarkb: are you here?17:36
clarkbmrmartin: yes I am around17:36
mrmartinclarkb: on groups project infra patch, you just need to put any random string or a guid into cron_key variable17:36
clarkbnikhil___: you should be able to push a change to update them manually if necessary17:36
clarkbmrmartin: does the length matter? eg should it be a proper guid?17:37
mrmartindoesn't need to be17:37
mrmartina guid length is totally valid17:37
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anteayamordred clarkb jeblair can someone give openstackgerrit a kick please?17:41
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reedI read jib instead of jjb... I though we had more sailors in the channel17:42
anteayamoar sailors17:42
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nikhil___thanks clarkb,  much appreciated!17:42
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jeblairphschwartz: ^17:47
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devanandajeblair: ack17:57
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devanandajeblair: i was watching the announcement streamed from gigaom17:58
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jeblairdevananda, phschwartz:  (new hackernews item)18:00
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devanandajeblair: gotta run ... bbiafh18:01
ctraceyhello #openstack-infra! Wondering if we could get an approve on  We are closing out our mid-cycle LBaaS hackathon and it would be great to have this as an accomplishment.18:02
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sdaguejeblair: maybe we could get quota there for ES :)18:03
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phschwartzjeblair: devananda: Yes, that was our big announcement today. OnMetal is on the way :) Now isn't that Ironic.18:08
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jeblairctracey: lgtm, but we can't approve it until after 2200 UTC because it will restart meetboot mid-meeting; will you be around then to remind us?18:08
phschwartzewww, failed net split.18:09
JayFjeblair: We're all here and willing to answer questions if you guys have any, fwiw. We're all super grateful to the Openstack community for helping us get started and having a platform for us to use to build cool stuff with.18:09
mordredphschwartz: nice18:09
JayFjeblair: and as a note, our production deployment is going to be 'open' as well. jroll has a blog post already written, awaiting to be posted (we're going crazy that it's not up yet) about how we're running this today.18:10
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ctraceyjeblair: thanks18:10
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jeblairJayF, phschwartz: neato!  congrats; are you 'jayofdoom' on hn?18:12
JayFjeblair: Yes, and @jayofdoom on twitter18:12
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ctraceyjeblair: anything we need to do re: meetbot on that review?18:13
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clarkbjeblair: sdague
clarkbI think I managed to stagger that in a race free way that shouldn't break anything too obvious18:18
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sdagueclarkb: they lgtm18:21
sdagueaparently the first one failed pep8 though18:22
clarkboh ya those regexes...18:22
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sdagueI'm going to go drop off for a bit for a bike ride, should be back in a couple hours, and ready to hot fix things18:22
* clarkb fixes18:22
clarkbI almost prefer the regex to be one long string18:23
clarkbwhat do yo uthink about me assigning the re's to variables and noqa'ing those lines?18:24
clarkbthen the function calls can be short18:24
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jeblairclarkb: you will get absolutely no objection from me on that.  :)18:25
sdagueI'm fine with that18:25
sdagueI also find splitting long regex on a | is good if you want to pass pep818:26
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sdaguethat's what I did here -
sdaguealso... there are 2 quick os-loganalyze patches that will let syslog and grenade logs get date links :)18:27
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sdagueand it will be interesting to see if jeblair rage hammers me for - :)18:28
sdagueok, biking for real, back in a bit18:28
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clarkbsecond patchsets pushed lets see how those do18:30
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clarkbhuh noqa doesn't work?18:30
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clarkboh it has to be at the end of the line. fixes coming18:34
mordredsdague: I enjoy the jeblair rage hammers18:35
Alex_Gaynorbknudson: I haven't seen a bug for the httpretty thing18:36
bknudsonAlex_Gaynor: i'll open one18:36
mordredsdague: oh, I  made that patch locally a while back too - I think it's a good patch myself18:37
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clarkbjeblair: sdague I think it is ready for proper review now18:38
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clarkbmordred: ^ you too. stack starts at 10128318:38
mordredclarkb: I'm about to be in a car for a little bit - but I'll jump on it when I'm back on18:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1332266 in openstack-ci "httpretty 0.8.1 fails to install, causing job failure" [Undecided,New]18:40
bknudsonwant me to update the requirements patch with the bug #?18:40
Alex_Gaynorbknudson: I can do it, what's the right metadata, References-issue: #...?18:41
bknudsonCloses-Bug: #133226618:41
Alex_Gaynorbknudson: done18:43
clarkbjeblair: sdague mordred it is worth mentioning one alternative to this method is to suffix job names with node label18:43
clarkbthen switch off of that in the node list, but I think that becomes more work especially when we move beyond tempest18:43
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mroddeni think jeepyb might have tripped over some acl-config issue18:48
mroddenbut the data-processing cookbook doesn't seem to have that ACL18:49
mroddenin Gerrit18:49
mroddenseems pretty blank actually;a=blob_plain;f=project.config;hb=refs/meta/config18:49
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nibalizerso openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard is a repo18:51
nibalizervery abandoned18:51
nibalizerit feels like i should clean it up.... is there a natural process for that?18:52
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mordredwell .... we're not using puppet-dashboard anymore ...18:58
mordredwe should probably move it to the attic next time we do renames18:58
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nibalizerit would also be good to remove from the puppet forge if we're not interested in using or maintainng it any more18:59
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clarkbyou can remove things from the forge?19:00
clarkb(removing things is bad when it comes to packages but ok)19:00
clarkbmrodden: ya known bug I can fix really quickly19:00
mroddenclarkb: thanks19:00
mroddenchef guys are kind of blocked on it19:00
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mroddeni didn't find a bug in launchpad for it19:01
clarkbhows it look now?19:01
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clarkbmrodden: oh right that bug was probably closed (the perpetual manage projects doesn't work bug)19:02
mroddendata-processing looks good19:02
mroddenwas the other one19:02
mriedemcan we pick up httpretty 0.8.2 in our pypi mirror to fix this?
clarkbmrodden: what about now?19:02
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mroddenclarkb: sweet thanks, looks good19:02
VekCould we get httpretty freshened in the pypi cache for the gate?19:03
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Vekthere was a bug that broke testing on at least novaclient and probably others; author released a fix a few minutes ago as 0.8.219:03
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mriedemjust to tack19:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1332287 in openstack-ci "httpretty needs to be refreshed to 0.8.2 in the gate" [Undecided,New]19:05
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clarkbmriedem: Vek: so before I trigger a mirror build. Have you guys tested the new version?19:06
mriedemi haven't no19:06
clarkbwell I think that should happen first19:06
clarkbbecause if it is still broken it may be ebtter to remove things fro mthe mirror than add them19:07
mriedemi can build locally quick19:07
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mriedemnot looking good19:10
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clarkbmriedem: if it doesn't work we should update the requirements change that blacklists the broken version(s) then I can clean up the mirror19:15
mriedemlet me grab the package by itself and try to build it19:16
mriedemmake sure i didn't screw something up, or if it's a novaclient issue somehow19:16
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mriedemclarkb: meanwhile
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clarkbjeblair: sdague mordred ok my stack of 3 changes pass testing now19:22
clarkbI am going to work on subsequent moves examples (ceilometer because tehy want mongodb is going to be first)19:22
ttxjeblair: someone may need to clean up cinder-drivers :)19:23
ttxI suspect Jesse Andrews, in hte living-room, using Safari19:24
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clarkboh I just found another bug in the zuul method. This is clunky19:24
clarkbjeblair: need to make sure that jobs that need to run on proposal and pypi mirror slaves actually run there19:24
clarkbmore patches shortly19:25
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bodepdare you guys enabling gearman from puppet? It installed in the not enabled mode19:38
bodepds/gearman/gearman jenkins plugin/19:38
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clarkbbodepd: thats part of the global config right? if so then no puppet doesn't manage that19:38
clarkbbecause jenkins is well jenkins and you can't touch the global config19:38
mordredslave list in config.xml ftw19:39
bodepdclarkb: so it is a manual step?19:39
clarkbbodepd: yes19:39
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bodepdclarkb: I am just remembering why I don't want to use jenkins :)19:40
bodepdclarkb: buildbot ftw? turbo-hipster?19:40
clarkbbuildbot is ugh19:40
clarkbturbo hipster is something we are working towards19:40
bodepdhave you guys looked at dronci?19:40
clarkbnever heard of it19:41
clarkbI looked at go recently19:41
clarkbwhich other than the terrible name was slightly interesting19:41
bodepdit's one of those hot new go apps :)19:41
clarkbwell go in this case isn't a go app19:41
bodepdoh, I meant golang19:41
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clarkbjeblair: mordred sdague ok the stack in its current form is basically what I have in mind for the process19:48
clarkbit captures what unittests moves may look like as well19:48
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clarkbmriedem: how did you build httpretty 0.8.1?19:49
clarkbmriedem: did you pip install it?19:49
clarkbthat is what pbr will do19:49
mriedemclarkb: cloned master and then 'python build'19:49
mriedemi can try install19:49
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clarkbno you need to do pip install .19:49
clarkbor just pip install httpretty==0.8.119:49
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clarkbwhich fails19:51
clarkbwith no pbr19:51
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mriedempip install . was ok19:51
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mriedempip install httpretty==0.8.1 failed19:51
clarkbya so I think the issue is their sdist is missing the files they need19:51
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clarkbpip install . finds it in the local dir19:52
clarkbbuilds its own sdist19:52
clarkbbut whatever is on pypi is bad19:52
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harlowjahmmm, damn httpretty19:52
harlowjais it failing for others to?19:52
harlowjahmm, link doesn't work for me :-/19:53
harlowjaya, damn19:54
harlowjaanyone find where gabriel falcao lives? :-P19:55
mriedemhe said he's busy19:55
mriedemso looking for a pull request19:55
harlowjaya, good question19:56
harlowjamagic packaging19:56
clarkbmriedem: if you `python sdist` then copy that sdist to /tmp, cd /tmp, pip install sdist name. I woudl expect that to reproduce19:56
clarkbwithout pypi19:56
mriedemclarkb: i think that's what Vek did, he commented on that in the issue19:56
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clarkboh the last comment there is interesting19:57
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harlowjaya, my sdist tarball has readme.rst, odd19:58
mriedemyuck makefiles19:59
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clarkbthe world needs more makefiles :)20:00
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clarkbI have a tox reaplcing makefile laying around20:00
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harlowjais he like running it on windows and windows is like uppercasing file names?20:01
anteayaclarkb: can you dig up openstackgerrit?20:02
mriedemso i'm assuming something bad here
anteayaI miss the news20:02
mriedemthat's after the 0.8.0 release which was ok20:02
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clarkbanteaya: eating lunch but afterwards sure20:03
clarkbI think it got lost in the netsplitting20:03
nibalizeris the redirect for http://cacti.o.o/ working for people who are not me20:04
clarkbnibalizer: yes you have to know magic path because cacti or something20:04
clarkbnibalizer: try something like that20:05
harlowjamriedem ya, maybe pandoc is screwy20:05
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nibalizerya hrm20:06
anteayaclarkb: kk20:06
nibalizerthere is a rewrite rule in the apache config20:06
anteayaclarkb: it was lost sometime in the night20:06
anteayahasn't been around all day20:06
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clarkbanteaya: ya there have been several splits the last few days20:06
nibalizerwe go hide on OFTC20:08
harlowjamriedem it could also be markment
harlowjamaybe that got released also and broke20:09
mriedemclarkb: harlowja: i built the sdist for 0.8.2 locally on ubuntu and it installed fine20:09
mriedemso maybe he is building on windows20:09
harlowjamriedem k, was in process of doing that20:09
harlowja*not building on windows, haha20:09
clarkbpeople do that?20:10
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harlowjamriedem ya verified running make docs isn't overwriting readme.rst20:13
mriedemclarkb: should i update global-requirements?20:14
boris-42fungi clarkb jhesketh SergeyLukjanov mrodden I don't know who did the group for logaas but thank you!=)20:14
clarkbmriedem: there is an existing change up to blacklist 0.8.120:14
clarkbmriedem: you probably want to update that change20:14
clarkbboris-42: o/20:15
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boris-42clarkb ;p20:16
Alex_Gaynormriedem: Seriously... 0.8.2 is broken as well?20:17
mriedemAlex_Gaynor: that's what i saw when trying to build novaclient with httpretty==0.8.220:17
clarkbit is broken20:17
clarkbpip install httpretty==0.8.2 fails with the same error20:17
Alex_Gaynormriedem: I've got to go for lunch, do you want to take over the thing and revert to my origin "just pin to 0.8.0" patch?20:18
Alex_Gaynorthis way I can +2 when I get back ;-)20:18
mriedemAlex_Gaynor: sure thing20:18
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boris-42clarkb btw could you take a look at fixing name of job in zuul layout. I called logaas-coverage rally-coverage =(
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boris-42clarkb thank you20:22
mriedemVek is on the case:
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sdagueok, back20:39
sdagueclarkb: so any time you think we're ready to land things, I'm ready to see about picking up pieces20:40
VekOK, looks like httpretty 0.8.3 has fixed the issue...20:40
clarkbsdague: well I am hoping jeblair will give it a +220:40
clarkbsdague: as this is a relatively complicated and new thing20:41
clarkbsdague: but ya super excited to jump on this when we get there20:41
sdaguesounds good20:41
jeblairclarkb: starting on it now20:41
sdagueAlex_Gaynor: you got a modified requirements patch?20:41
Vekwe should be clear to bump the version of httpretty in the pypi mirror...20:42
clarkbjeblair: thanks20:42
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sdagueok, it's because the author uses a mac.... :(20:43
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sdagueclarkb: you want to jump that to the gate?20:48
sdagueI think it's worth fast pathing20:48
jesusaurusmordred: can you resurrect ? i have a new patchset to push to it20:49
clarkbwell they fixed the issue20:49
clarkbsdague: maybe its better fo rme to just clean up the mirror?20:49
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sdagueclarkb: sure, then Alex_Gaynor can land the !=0.8.1,!=0.8.220:50
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sdagueif Alex_Gaynor is up for another patch spin :)20:50
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Alex_Gaynorsdague: mriedem was updating the patch20:55
mriedemright now it's ==0.8.020:55
sdaguemriedem: you want to respin then? clarkb can pull from the mirrors20:55
sdaguethat will get us back working20:55
sdaguethen we'll land the right change20:55
mriedemsdague: so you want !=0.8.1,!=0.8.2 ? i was not in channel for awhile20:56
mriedemisn't it going through right now?20:56
* mriedem is confused20:56
sdagueit's not in the gate yet20:56
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sdagueand it's only about 1/2 way through it's test runs20:57
sdagueso I'd say just restart it now with a new patch20:57
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mriedemoh i see the guy released 0.8.3 with Vek's change20:57
mriedemredoing now20:58
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mriedemsdague: Alex_Gaynor: dtroyer:
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jesusaurusclarkb: can you resurrect 74943 for me?21:01
dtroyerugh…if that thing ever breaks again I'm going to tattoo a pin into every package with a flamethrower….21:02
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clarkbjesusaurus: done21:02
jesusaurusclarkb: thanks21:03
anteayadtroyer: you're not asleep today21:08
ianwjeblair: thanks for the comments.  i'll have a go at passing in the object to the allocator as you suggest, and keep it just in memory.  with more history, i think the round-robin should work (with n labels and n rounds of history, under the worse-case scenario i think that should bounce between them)21:09
jeblairclarkb: why params['ZUUL_NODE'] = 'proposal' ?21:09
clarkbjeblair: because that is the node that those jobs have to run on21:09
clarkbjeblair: so if we don't do that then they will run on default node and fail21:09
jeblairclarkb: their default node is 'proposal'21:10
clarkbjeblair: yes but we have to select a node for all jobs now21:10
jeblairclarkb: why?21:10
clarkbit really doesn't work halfway otherwise the regexes get crazy21:10
clarkboh I see what you are saying21:10
clarkbbecause I already have the regex there hrm21:11
clarkbya I think that would work because the elif won't fall through to the else21:11
clarkbI can clean that up really quickly21:11
clarkbjeblair: same thing with mirror nodes right?21:12
jeblairclarkb: same for mirror?21:12
clarkbjeblair: do you want one condition for them or is it easier to read as two?21:12
clarkbI kind of like two21:13
jeblairclarkb: i think 2 would be nice, but whatever you...21:13
jeblairyeah then :)21:13
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jeblairclarkb: aprvd21:16
clarkbo_O ok everyone strapped in?21:17
sdagueclarkb: damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead21:18
* mrodden buckles up21:19
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jeblairclarkb: i got most of the cleanup in 101284 but don't see the deal with experimental-tempest-dsvm-neutron and experimental-tempest-dsvm-neutron-pg21:20
clarkbjeblair: in projects.yaml I removed the devstack experimental jobs for the new kernel21:21
clarkbjeblair: that is what those experimental jobs are21:21
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clarkbjeblair: I figrued tehy were completely redundant with the wholesale move to trusty21:21
sdagueyeh, I think so21:22
sdagueespecially as they were using saucy kernel IIRC21:22
jeblairclarkb: grokked21:22
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clarkbjeblair: right we need to approve that after zuul has new functions21:24
clarkbthen we approve the third change after jenkins has new jobs21:25
jeblairclarkb: so looking at 101303 -- the 1st project migration...21:25
jeblairclarkb: 1 sec21:26
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jeblairclarkb: i guess this goes back to the first change: why set the node for 26,27,33 jobs in zuul?21:28
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clarkbjeblair: ya so  Ithink that may have been me over thinking it21:28
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clarkbactually 27 needs overriding21:29
jeblairwhy's that?21:29
jeblair(i've revoked +A while we hash this out)21:29
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clarkbbecause it will be trusty for master and precise for eg icehouse21:29
clarkbon 2721:29
jeblairah true21:30
clarkbbut 26 and 33 are currently centos6 and py3k precise for all nodes so they can be simplified21:30
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jeblairyeah, though i'd be okay keeping them like that for symmetry21:30
clarkbin the future I think we will drop 33 and do 34 on trusty21:30
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clarkbwhy don't we leave it for symmetry then21:30
jeblair+A again then...21:31
clarkbsince we don't do 33 on any stable branches the switch to 34 should be pretty direct21:31
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jeblairclarkb: okay so back to 303... what about doing the same pattern where we add the precise||trusty pattern to all projects at the same time21:32
clarkbjeblair: we can do that21:32
jeblairclarkb: then make the zuul changes one-by-one after that21:32
jeblairclarkb: cause i think we'd have a similar race21:32
clarkboh right21:32
jeblairclarkb: and then for the zuul changes, are you sure you want to go back to yaml rather than putting the project selection in python?21:32
clarkbjeblair: do you think 303 should just change the label?21:32
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, i think so21:33
clarkbjeblair: yeah I like yaml for the zuul changes bceause it will probably be simpler for projects to propose that change themselves21:33
clarkbjeblair: rather than needing to udnerstand the inner workings of the zuul functions21:33
clarkbthat was my thought at least21:34
jeblairclarkb: oh, i'm kind of thinking we would do this21:34
clarkbwell we will for openstack21:34
clarkbbut for stackforge?21:34
clarkbif you think we should just do it across the board that wfm too21:34
jeblairclarkb: i say we change them all at once after openstack is done21:34
jeblairclarkb: it's part of the service we helpfully provide :)21:34
clarkbsounds good21:35
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clarkbI am trying to do hp paperwork of my own really quickly21:35
clarkbjeblair: any chance you want to approve the second change when zuul gets the new functions/21:35
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jeblairclarkb: i suspect we're equally distracted atm; let's play it by ear21:37
jeblair(i did just restart gerritbot)21:37
anteayaI miss it especially given the current conversation21:38
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sdagueclarkb: those IO nodes .... would be kind of awesome for the ES cluster21:47
clarkbya I want to look at that stuff21:48
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clarkbsdague: that may be the magic bullet21:48
sdaguewe'd probably need many less nodes as well21:49
clarkbsdague: I imagine you get better network out of it too21:49
clarkbsdague: well they are only 1.6TB of disk21:49
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sdaguewhat's our current usage?21:49
clarkboh wait21:49
clarkb3.2 TB21:49
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clarkbwe are currently 6x1TB21:49
jeblairdo they cinder?21:50
clarkbso ya we might be able to do a smaller beefier cluster with better IOPS21:50
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anteayadhellmann: I see oslo-core is able to tag with oslo projects that have a merged acl, has that ever presented a problem with oslo tagging? config, db, rootwrap, version, sphnix and test have -core for tagging, i18n have -milestone, messaging has no tagging, vmware has -vmware-milestone21:50
sdaguejeblair: don't know21:50
jeblairsdague: would be cool :)21:50
sdaguebut the volume speed was a big part of the problem21:50
clarkbya volumes are kind of the issue...21:51
clarkbget a noisy and neighbor or whatever that was and dead21:51
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anteayadhellmann: olso is a bit all over the place with acl permissions, do you want a clean up or leave it?21:51
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jeblairclarkb: oh.  well, there's ssd though it seems potentially excessive21:52
clarkbjeblair: ya though dstufft indiicated yo udon't get dedicated iops there either21:52
clarkbjeblair: it is probably worth doing ssd before going to metal21:52
dhellmannanteaya: we should probably clean that up so that we use oslo-core for all of them.21:52
sdagueclarkb: the metal nodes are also more memory21:53
dhellmannanteaya: I think in practice, few of us have actually tagged (maybe 3-4 people), so it hasn't been an issue21:53
sdaguewhich iirc, was also part of the issue21:53
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dhellmannanteaya: actually, on second thought, a separate -milestone group for each lib would let me delegate that work easier, so can we do that?21:54
clarkbsdague: ya it can be a concern. Though once you get in that territory the jvm really doesn't deal well with all that memory21:54
clarkbjeblair: ready for me to approve that?21:54
clarkbjeblair: I think we can do the first three changes without me fixing the fourth and potential fifth21:55
anteayadhellmann: I can offer an oslo acl clean up patch21:55
anteayaand then we can debate the pros and cons of each choice21:55
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anteayaand if you would like to be able to delgate responsiblity to a group, and you want the group to be -milestone, I can work with that21:55
anteayadhellmann: do you need a separate oslo-vmware group still?21:56
dhellmannanteaya: yes, we have a separate "core" group for each library21:56
anteayaoslo-core was what I saw the most of21:56
* anteaya checks gerrit groups21:56
dhellmannwell, some of the old libs are just oslo-core, but for the new stuff we're making separate groups21:57
ctraceyjeblair: (or anyone) still possible to get the meetingbot review pushed at 22:00?
dhellmannanteaya: and I haven't gotten around to this cleanup you're proposing, so thank you :-)21:57
ctraceywould be very much appreciated :)21:57
anteayadhellmann: I was looking at dims patches for new groups21:58
anteayaand went over what oslo currently has21:58
clarkbctracey: it will kill any running meetings21:58
anteayalet me offer a draft and then we start by looking at the same thing21:58
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clarkbjeblair: do you agree? I don't want to self approve without at least that much :)21:58
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ctraceyclarkb: jeblair indicated that 22:00 was a window....thats why I ask21:59
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sdagueclarkb: there look to be no running meetings atm22:01
sdaguenova just ended22:02
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ctraceysdague: thanks22:02
anteayadhellmann: are you okay if the olso-ptl or oslo-group-ptl does the tagging?22:02
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anteayaas opposed to all of the core?22:03
anteayait is more consistent with the rest of the openstack projects22:03
clarkbsdague: ctracey oh I see22:03
anteayadhellmann: or do you want tagging to be the -milestone group?22:04
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clarkbjeblair: looks like you will need to remove your approval from 303 before we should approve the other things22:05
clarkbor I can just push a new patchset for 30322:05
lyxusanteaya, I am still working on the blogpost for the Third Party CI, I should have something for next week. I have also added ( so the blogpost will be less hacky :)22:06
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NobodyCamanyone have a (hahaha) free minute to take a look at , already has two +2's22:06
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anteayalyxus: interesting, thanks for the update22:07
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anteayadtroyer: any initial thoughts on
anteayadtroyer: motivated by lyxus who is running a third party ci22:10
clarkbarg we haev f20 images too22:10
clarkbjeblair: I think this will break tripleo22:10
clarkbwe may need more time to let this ferment...22:10
clarkbsdague: ^22:10
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sdaguewhat's the f20 issue?22:12
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clarkbsdague: well its more of a general tripleo issue. We will try to run tripleo jobs on non tripleo images with the current state of the changes22:12
jeblairclarkb: sorry about the approval on 303, fixing22:13
clarkbsdague: I need to add another check for tripleo and if tripleo use the correct tripleo image22:13
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clarkbsdague: so we might get that bit done today22:13
jeblairclarkb: looks like i did that one instead of 283; i've reapproved 28322:14
clarkbI just don't know about tempest. we'll see22:14
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clarkbjeblair: well 283 may not be erady22:14
sdagueok, I start to become less available shortly22:14
clarkbjeblair: that is what sdague and I were just talking about22:14
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sdaguebut I think things are in a good state, and overall throughput is pretty low, so if there are some edge cases I can work through them in the morning22:15
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jeblairclarkb: i see.  do you want to rework your zuul change so that it only sets the node when needed?22:15
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clarkbjeblair: I think that may be harder22:16
clarkbjeblair: do you have an idea of a good way to do that?22:16
sbalukoffHey y'all! Are there any meetings going on now? Do y'all think we could push this now?
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dstufftclarkb: you get dedicated IOPS on the cloud servers once you spend like 500/month per server22:17
jeblairclarkb: the alternative seems to be "set the node in two places which might race" which seems to be awkward22:17
dstufftbut less than that you don't22:17
dstufftdunno what th eonmetal price is going to be, if it'll be < a 500/month or not22:17
jeblairctracey: sbalukoff done22:17
sbalukoffRad! Thanks!22:18
ctraceyjeblair: thanks!22:18
clarkbjeblair: I think the number of exceptions to the default rule is fewer than the number of places we would have to apply the 'default'22:18
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clarkbjeblair: I am also a muc bigger fan of the one image type plan now22:18
dhellmannanteaya: oslo-ptl should be in the milestone groups, but I want to be able to let the maintainer of each lib tag so I don't have to do them all22:20
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dhellmannanteaya: in fact, if you make it oslo-core in *-milestone then we can have releases when I'm on vacation22:20
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clarkbjeblair: also this makes me think that maybe the job defs should be something zuul knows about...22:21
clarkbjeblair: or figure some way to have gearman deal with this like jenkins did22:21
jeblairclarkb: i'm not following22:22
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clarkbjeblair: well previous to using gearman you could just tell jenkins to run a job on a node even if the job didn't support that label by default22:23
clarkbwhereas now zuul is the decider which isn't a terrible thing, except zuul doesn't know much bout a job other than its name22:23
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clarkbif zuul knew more about jobs it could set the node on its own22:23
jeblairclarkb: erm, well, you're teaching it about jobs22:24
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jeblairclarkb: i'm not sure relying on the node-selection-parameter plugin for that possibly unintended behavior is a fantastic idea...22:25
clarkbya it probably is22:25
clarkbby the way since I am editing that first chagne again I am going to stop setting nodes for py26 and py33/pypy22:26
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bring some uniformity to olso acl files
jeblairclarkb: i think we should just keep this in mind post-jenkins22:26
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anteayadhellmann: ^^22:27
dhellmannanteaya: looking22:27
anteayaand I was working on them before you latest comments22:27
jeblairclarkb: a potential simplification is doing no node selection in jjb and doing all of it in zuul; at least it's not duplicative22:28
jeblairclarkb: something to consider22:28
clarkbjeblair: ya22:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add Octavia to Stackforge
anteayadhellmann: I left out oslo specs and olso incubator22:29
anteayadhellmann: I was just focusing on the oslo projects22:29
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dhellmannanteaya: ok22:29
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update jenkins jobs to optionally allow trusty
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run all dsvm jobs from juno onwards on trusty
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Prep JJB jobs for running on bare-trusty
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Explicitly set node label for every zuul job.
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clarkbjeblair: now with tripleo handling and bare-trusty everywhere at the end of the stack22:30
clarkbjeblair: sdague: what do yo uthink about picking this up in the morning?22:30
clarkbI am afraid that if we push too hard this afternoon/evening we may end up in a weird state for dinner22:30
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clarkb(also I may be trying to drive to portland tonight)22:30
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clarkb(or drive tomorrow morning but I think driving tonight is better then I can pick this up in the morning when sdague is awake)22:31
dhellmannanteaya: it looks like you're using oslo-milestone unless there was already a more specific group?22:31
dhellmannanteaya: that's not necessarily wrong, I'm just looking for the pattern22:31
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20WAAHXAJMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Error message & notification handling
20WAAHXAJMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: [WIP] Added search interface
20WAAHXAJClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Prep JJB jobs for running on bare-trusty
dhellmannanteaya: my meetup is starting, so I'm going to be less responsive for a while22:40
anteayadhellmann: confirmed, that is my pattern22:40
anteayadhellmann: happy meetup22:40
anteayaopenstackgerrit has a new coat22:41
anteayabut at least the news is still rolling22:41
clarkbok the stack is +1'd by jenkins again22:44
clarkbjeblair: oh you know what. It may make sense to let the jobs section in layout.yaml take a label: option22:44
clarkbbut that is a future problem22:45
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:48
clarkbjhesketh: jeblair says we should just remove the envinject plugin22:49
clarkbjhesketh: the gearman plugin is smart enough to inject for us and that will hide things too22:49
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mattoliverauMorning everyone22:51
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anteayamorning mattoliverau22:53
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clarkbya  Ithink I will leave those patches there for now. This way we don't rush as the day ends22:58
clarkbjhesketh: your zuul knowledge on the stack beginning at would be great22:58
clarkbjhesketh: trying to move to trusty22:58
sdagueclarkb: yeh, I'm on dinner duty shortly, so I'll just be back on my normal early.22:59
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sdagueI'll shoot for doing my ride in the morning so I should be back by the time you get on23:00
sdagueand will set asside my afternoon for this tomorrow23:01
sdagueshould be fun23:01
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clarkba grand adventure23:01
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clarkbthere and back again the journy to Tahr23:02
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jheskethclarkb: I guess we could see what happens if we remove it from jenkins-dev23:06
clarkbjhesketh: ya but would probably be best to setup gearman plugin there23:07
jheskethclark: will review shortly23:07
clarkbzaro: ^ is that maybe somethign you can help with?23:07
jheskethclarkb: oh, the gearman plugin isn't on jenkins-dev? How is it triggering23:07
clarkbjhesketh: i think it is but it may not be connected to a zuul23:07
clarkbzuul-dev was a thing23:07
clarkbI think it was mostly working at one point23:08
20WAAHXAJmark mcclain proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: add neutron-specs
20WAAHXAJmark mcclain proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Pretty print projects/neutron.json
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20WAAHXAJSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Allow trailing slashes for comments
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20WAAHXAJA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update readme with more guidelines for writing queries
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