Friday, 2014-08-22

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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Fingerprint for bug 1360011
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360011 in neutron "SSH Auth fails in AdvancedNetworkOps scenario" [High,New]
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smcginnisHey anyone around that might know why I am getting this following Jay Pipes third party CI instructions?00:06
smcginnisIn the zuul debug logs:00:06
smcginnisSSHException: not a valid DSA private key file00:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Maintain the trigger cache after reconfiguring
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fungismcginnis: i've seen that error when you set it to use a file which is not an ssh private key, or one which is encrypted (you need one with no passphrase for this)00:07
smcginnisfungi: Hmm, I know the one I generated following the blog instructions is not envrypted.00:08
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Fingerprint for bug 1360011
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360011 in neutron "SSH Auth fails in AdvancedNetworkOps scenario" [High,New]
smcginnisfungi: Can you point me at where zuul is configured to make sure it is actually set to use my cert?00:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: BuildSet now has a representation
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smcginnisfungi: OK, nevermind. I found /etc/zuul/zuul.conf00:12
fungismcginnis: ahh, good. i was about to pull up an example copy of our config template for it00:12
smcginnisfungi: Thanks. Sometimes I ask things before looking at the obvious. ;)00:13
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fungismcginnis: yeah, looks like gerrit.sshkey is the parameter you want, and we set ours to /var/lib/zuul/ssh/id_rsa00:14
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smcginnisfungi: That is what mine is set to, and cat'ing that file looks like a legitimate private key.00:15
clarkbthe error says its not a dsa key00:15
clarkbare dsa and rsa keys getting mixed?00:16
fungiclarkb: yeah, though that's a fallthrough since paramiko first tries to see if it's an rsa key, then if not tries to see if it's a dsa key, then in typical fashion spurts a misleading error00:16
clarkboh fun00:16
fungiit really should say "i can't figure out what kind of ssh private key this is"00:17
smcginnisclarkb: Thanks, that was going to be my next question. I have an RSA key.00:17
fungiinstead it just gets overly specific about the last thing it tried00:17
smcginnisSo I doubled checked that the public key is the one we used when requesting our CI account and it matches. The private key looks good. Anything else I can look at?00:18
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asselinanyone run into this issue? Duplicate declaration: Package[python-lxml] is already declared in file /root/config/modules/zuul/manifests/init.pp at line 64; cannot redeclare at /root/config/modules/nodepool/manifests/init.pp:39 on node ci-repomaster.novalocal00:19
fungismcginnis: is it possible the zuul user doesn't have read access for that file?00:19
smcginnisGood idea, I'll check.00:19
fungiasselin: yeah, you'll probably need to make both of those conditional on whether the package is already installed, since you're trying to put zuul and nodepool on a single server00:20
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smcginnisfungi: 400 zuul:zuul. It should be able to read it fine. Should only need read access, right?00:21
asselinfungi, too bad puppet's not smart enough to figure that out :(00:21
fungismcginnis: i believe so, yes... but did you check the parent directories as well, or su to zuul and try to cat that file?>00:21
fungiasselin: yes, we curse it for that regularly00:21
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smcginnisfungi: Yep, zuul user is able to cat the file just fine.00:22
fungismcginnis: huh. try to use a normal ssh client to connect to your gerrit system account with that key?00:23
* smcginnis googling how to ssh with specific key file00:24
fungismcginnis: something like 'ssh -p 29418 -i /var/lib/zuul/ssh/id_rsa gerrit ls-projects'00:24
fungismcginnis: but obviously put whatever your proper username in gerrit is00:24
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fungi(for that system account associated with the key)00:25
smcginnisAs zuul user I was able to get a project list successfully using "ssh -p 29418 -i /var/lib/zuul/ssh/id_rsa gerrit ls-projects"00:26
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fungismcginnis: okay, so that's a usable key00:27
funginarrows down possible reasons zuul/paramiko might complain about it at least00:27
clarkbis maybe the path zuul is using wrong?00:27
smcginnissshkey path in zuul.conf does point to the right location.00:28
jeblairsmcginnis: any chance you have the wrong username configured in zuul.conf?00:28
smcginnisclarkb: fungi: Oh hold on. May be a dumb error.00:29
jeblairsmcginnis: i see auth failures from "dell-storage-ci" in gerrit00:29
jeblairsmcginnis: but "dell-storagecenter-ci" succeeds00:29
smcginnisNope. I think I originally had the account name wrong in the zuul.conf file and I hadn't restarted the zuul service since I changed it.00:30
smcginnisRestarted it and didn't see the error right away in debug log, but once things settled down it's back to the same thing.00:30
fungiohhhhh, i wonder if paramiko even throws that same error message when it can't authenticate to the remote server00:30
smcginnisjeblair: Is the user name stored multiple places?00:30
jeblairsmcginnis: i'm still seeing attempts for dell-storage-ci00:31
smcginnisfungi: Looks like that error may be misleading.00:31
smcginnisjeblair: I've restarted so it shouldn't be. I'll do some grep'ing and see where it might still have the original mistake.00:31
smcginnisjeblair: Thanks for checking on that.00:31
smcginnisgrep -r storage /etc/zuul/* only shows me my corrected name in the zuul.conf file.00:32
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smcginnisDo I maybe need to restart any other services?00:32
jeblairsmcginnis: may want to double check that zuul actually stopped00:32
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jeblairlooks fairly continuous in the zuul log; i don't see a gap00:33
smcginnisjeblair: service zuul stop reports none running bit service zuul status says it is running.00:34
smcginnisjeblair: pkill zuul no effect.00:34
clarkb is weird00:34
clarkbwhy do we need
jeblairsmcginnis: the process is called 'zuul-server'00:34
smcginnisRegular kill won't make them go away.00:35
jeblairclarkb: 'intersphinx' sphinx plugin00:35
smcginnisWhat is the correct way to restart zuul?00:35
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smcginnisI suppose I could just reboot.00:35
jeblairsmcginnis: i usually use '/etc/init.d/zuul stop'; it's a hard stop.  'restart' tries to do a graceful restart.00:36
jeblairsmcginnis: looks like you got it.00:36
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smcginniskill -900:36
smcginnisjeblair: Starting up again. Debug log looks OK so far.00:37
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smcginnisThanks everyone. Looks like it may be working fine now. My CI didn't kick off, but the zuul piece seems to be OK.00:39
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smcginnisOn to the next problem. :)00:39
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Replace all check/gate: noop with a template
mroddenso when new nodes that are more static-ish are added, do they get configured with puppet-apply or do they check into the puppetmaster and get their stuff from there.... ?01:16
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mroddentrying to get more familiar with the puppet side of things... i'm more of a chef guy usually01:17
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clarkbmrodden: the long lived "static" nodes run puppet agent and communicate with the master. However, we don't run puppet agent as a daemon. Instead we have ansible trigger puppet so that we get a little orchestration out of it01:19
mroddenoh. it runs it periodically i'm assuming?01:20
lifelessclarkb: were you aware of the effort ?01:20
fungimrodden: every 15 minutes01:20
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clarkblifeless: not at all01:21
jeblairlifeless: nodepool has per-process mysql db more in the way you describe (i think you may have helped review it?)01:21
clarkblifeless: I did show ^ that code to zzzeek01:22
clarkband the gertty sqlite migration stuff01:22
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lifelessI mean its cool that the instance hook can do what they need, but it totally wasn't the intent... and doing it this way will preclude the other01:23
clarkblifeless: ya I think it should be a -2 honestly01:23
lifelessclarkb: I can't -2 on that tree01:23
clarkblifeless: as soon as any other project uses that code we are stuck using testr to run those tests01:23
clarkband this is where I get frustrated with oslo01:23
lifelessbtw the bad versions thing01:24
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lifelessnova stable was broken by the jsonschema thing too01:24
lifelessthat fix is on its 5th recheck01:24
lifelessonce it lands01:24
clarkbthe codify bad practices all over the place then we are stuck with them01:24
lifelessthen the setup.cfg version fix can enqueue01:24
lifelessand then we can move forward on pbr again01:24
clarkbthe test cross process locking, oslo.config's weird put the config all over the place, ^, and so on01:25
clarkblifeless: noted01:25
lifelessthere's a few murano old releases that can't CI cleanly too01:25
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lifelessbut they're wedged for other reasons, so this won't make that recovery significantly01:26
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lifelessand there's os-purge or whatever, but thats not entangled in the gate01:26
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jeblairi've -1d that patch01:28
clarkbreading zzzeek's comment I don't understand why he would want to go with that approach01:28
clarkbif you want py.test parallel to work you will do what nodepool does01:28
clarkb may explain it01:29
mroddenjeblair: do only certain versions of python-jenkins get published to
clarkbmrodden: no, I think there were issues with publishing python-jenkins that haven't all been sorted out01:30
clarkbzaro: can we publish the working version? what do we need to do for that/01:31
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mroddenzaro directed me to jeblair last time i asked about a release01:32
mroddenbut zaro is the only individual in the ptl group with tagging priv.s01:33
mroddenthat doesn't seem to be the issue though, there is a 3.2 and i think even 3.3 that aren't on pypi01:33
mroddenso i wasn't sure what happened there01:33
clarkbmrodden: the releases were broken01:34
mroddeni mean, there is a 3.2 tag and 3.3 tag01:34
clarkbmrodden: releases are manual because at the time those releases did not fit into our release tooling01:34
clarkbmrodden: the working release has not been put on pypi. (I think 3.3 actually works)01:34
mroddeni can maybe pull that into my local bandersnatch mirror...?01:34
clarkbmrodden: possibly if you make an sdist and put it on disk there01:35
clarkbnot sure what will happen if/when 3.3 shows up on pypi01:35
mroddenwonder if it will clean it up next run01:35
jeblairyeah, i'm going to make a 3.3 release tomorrow01:35
jeblairit's manual01:35
jeblair(since it's pre-pbr)01:35
jeblairwe don't do that sort of thing around here very often  :)01:35
mroddeni c01:35
mroddenwas wondering why it was manual01:36
jeblairyeah, all future releases will be automated01:36
pleia2camunoz: thanks for the email01:36
mroddeni actually started using pbr for some of my personal projects01:37
mroddenits pretty handy01:37
camunozpleia2: no worries! pinged you earlier to see if you could upload another public key to that server as I am working remotely today, but sean helped me out with that01:37
jeblairmrodden: yeah, i don't even know what to do without it anymore :)01:38
clarkbjeblair: I was about to say that. I had to debug a (a real one) a little while back and it was weird01:38
jeblairmrodden: in a similar vein, i don't know how to use github.  :)01:38
pleia2camunoz: ah! sorry about that, coffee meeting went longer than expected :) glad you got sorted01:38
jeblairi'm like 'i have to clone in the web?  then set up a remote to point to my clone?  then push to that clone?  then click some stuff?'01:39
jeblair'git review'01:39
mroddenyeah <3 git review01:39
clarkbjeblair: even better is when you clone a thing then later decide to fork it. you have to read the git remote man page to figure out how to change your origin remote01:39
mroddenalthough when you have to explain advance push commands to people after they are used to using git review a lot...01:40
jeblairwhich is pretty much all i ever do01:40
StevenKjeblair: Launchpad gets a large number of questions asking where the clone button is, and the answer is "No, just push it, LP will figure it out"01:40
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clarkbStevenK: but bzr made it easy01:40
clarkbbzr clone01:40
StevenKThat part of bzr is nice, it's just the other parts :-)01:41
StevenKI'm now spoilt by multiple branches in one repo01:41
r1chardj0n3sfungi: do the jenkins VMs use virtualenv installed from ubuntu or from pypi?01:42
lifelessso sqlaclchemy uses py.test?01:42
clarkbStevenK: and lightweight branches01:42
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lifelessI'd be happy enough to help things be more compatible there01:42
clarkblifeless: I think it can use it and it uses a plugin system?01:42
clarkblifeless: honestly I think that is an anti pattern01:42
StevenKclarkb: bzr has lightweight checkouts, but it requires some fiddling to set up01:42
lifelessclarkb: py.test is?01:42
clarkbaren't these test frameworks supposed to hae a runner compatiblity layert01:42
lifelessboom tish01:42
clarkblifeless: no, the special code to make py.test work01:42
clarkbat least when I switched projects to testr I ensured testr and nose both worked01:43
lifelessright :)01:43
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mroddenso.... ansible runs this python script that runs puppet agent that checks into puppet master and then gathers the module and runs them ?01:47
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clarkbmrodden: it just runs a few things in a specific order with parallel branching where possible01:48
mroddenit == ansible?01:48
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clarkbmrodden: yes01:49
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clarkbso that python file is just tellign ansible how to run puppet and check the return codes01:50
fungir1chardj0n3s: pretty sure we're installing the latest tox from pypi and it either pulls in or vendors its own virtualenv01:50
clarkbthe actual orchestration happens in modules/openstack_project/files/ansible/remote_puppet.yaml01:50
clarkbmrodden: ^01:50
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add oslo.serialization to
mroddenah k, i'll check that out01:51
clarkbmrodden: and the separation there is puppet module for ansible to run puppet (wow that got confusing fast) and openstacks use of the ansible module to run puppet01:51
r1chardj0n3sfungi: well, the good news is that I can reprodce the problem on a local ubuntu system01:51
r1chardj0n3sfungi: the bad news is I have, literally, no idea what the hell is going on :)01:51
clarkbmrodden: that basically says run puppet on git nodes, then on review.o.o, then on everything else01:51
lifelessclarkb: so when I say be more compatible, I mean work with him to get what sqlalchemy/oslo.db need in a clean fashion01:51
clarkbmrodden: and when the number of nodes in each step is >1 it will do them in parallel but sync before it moves to the next step01:51
clarkblifeless: right, do what nodepool does01:52
clarkblifeless: which should work in any test runner01:52
mroddenok, so its pretty much a sequential orchestration thing01:52
clarkbmrodden: yup01:52
lifelessclarkb: note that py.test is less a test runner and more a totally different environment for running tests in01:52
lifelessclarkb: it has a shim to run unittest tests, but thats not its native model01:52
clarkbmrodden: we needed that because creating new projects safely means updating the git mirrors, then gerrit, then everything else01:53
lifelessclarkb: similar to nose, but nose is much less different vs stdlib01:53
fungir1chardj0n3s: python packaging, huh? crazy stuff that01:53
r1chardj0n3sfungi: in short, there's a "local" directory inside the virtualenv that is only created on ubuntu, and it contain symlinks to the non-"local" "lib", "bin", etc. virtualenv directories (where stuff is actually installed) and that "local/lib" is in the sys.path earlier and so it all falls about laughing.01:53
clarkblifeless: ugh then why does everyone keep wanting to use it with openstack01:53
clarkblifeless: thats like saying we should rewrite all of our tests01:53
lifelessclarkb: precisely01:53
r1chardj0n3sfungi: there's some weird-ass debian /local/ stuff going on here01:53
lifelessclarkb: that is exactly what they want01:53
clarkblifeless: I don't even... I guess if they want to rewrite ~100k tests they should have a go01:53
fungir1chardj0n3s: debian patched python, huh? crazy stuff that01:54
r1chardj0n3sfungi: those wacky guys01:54
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r1chardj0n3sfungi: so now I figure out how to work around it; shouldn't be impossible...01:54
clarkbr1chardj0n3s: fungi: don't look at centos6 the patching that happened there is scary01:54
clarkbtheir 2.6 has 3.3 in it01:54
fungiclarkb: rhel, but yah01:54
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mrodden"their 2.6 has 3.3 in it" .... wut? :/01:55
fungicentos just suffers from reusing it01:55
clarkbmrodden: yes red hat has backported bits of 3.3 (maybe 3.2) into 2.601:55
clarkbmrodden: it broke eventlet for a lot of projects because monkeypatching didn't work right01:55
clarkbthey fixed this in eventlet not rhel01:56
mroddenall of a sudden i don't feel bad about my essex-folsom hybrid of nova01:56
fungiclarkb: technically so does debian (in their case to support multiple interpreters)01:56
r1chardj0n3sfungi: ok, time to liberally apply os.path.realpath :)01:56
clarkbfungi: the path thing? imo that should be standard01:56
clarkbfungi: because the alternative is what happens on rhel and its way broken01:56
fungiclarkb: yeah01:56
r1chardj0n3stime for lunch first01:57
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clarkbsince we are in a ranting mood >_> can we talk neutron incubator01:57
r1chardj0n3sactually, this job takes ages; patch and rerun and then I can lunch ;)01:57
clarkbI haven't found the definitive thread to disagree with that plan anyone know where it is?01:57
* fungi is about to get ready for sleep. later all01:58
clarkbfungi: gnite01:58
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mroddenis that the actual plan or a proposal ? neutron-incubator01:59
clarkbmrodden: there is a proposal, let me find it02:00
clarkbmrodden: there doesn't seem to be a good forum for discussing it yet though02:00
clarkbmrodden: I don't like the idea of it because it makes the assumption that the least logical place to put neutron code is in the neutron repo02:01
clarkbits just paperwork and red tape02:01
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clarkbcode graduates via code review...02:01
mroddenoh they want to kick out VPNaaS and the other L3 things02:01
clarkbit goes from proposed to merged02:02
clarkbyou don't have to enable it by default if you find that it needs work02:02
jeblairi'm totally okay with them kicking them out :)02:02
jeblairhowever, if that's what they want to do, let's not engineer a whole process around the fiction that things would go into neutron this way02:02
mroddenyeah we have a way of building technical systems and metrics to solve political issues02:02
clarkband oslo-incubator is a thing we are tring to remove? or at least working very hard to not use extensively. So taking that model and using it elsewhere seems like a step back02:03
jeblair++ (or --)02:03
mroddencode review stats is a great example02:03
jeblairclarkb: oslo-incubator code graduates out into real repos, that last part at least is sensible02:03
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder/keystoneclient bug 1360034
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360034 in cinder "safe_minidom_parse_string raising ExpatError in Jenkins runs since 8/20" [Undecided,New]
jeblairclarkb: graduating _into_ a repo is not sensible02:03
clarkbjeblair: agreed. and my understanding is that over time oslo incubator will die on the vine02:03
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jeblair(if you can exist as an external library, well, you should just stay as an external library)02:03
jeblaircause that's the best way to modularize around a known interoperability mechanism02:04
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jeblair(people before us have invented good ideas sometimes)02:04
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pleia2hooray zanata w/ wildfly install directions on the etherpad now
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clarkbpleia2: nice02:06
pleia2and my hpcloud instance is sending emails, I thought they didn't do that02:06
mroddenseems like they want to say "yes we love new contributions" but also "no we don't because you make our core stuff unstable"02:06
clarkbpleia2: they do but are severely rate limited iirc02:06
clarkbpleia2: so not completely blocked and if you don't send much will be fine02:06
pleia2clarkb: ah, that explains why it's been sporatic :)02:06
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clarkbmrodden: I think there is some good stuff in there too. The express requirement for open source implementations that work, and the concept of code reaching a "stable" point02:08
clarkbmrodden: I just think we can do that without the extra paperwork02:09
mroddenmy idea was to fork neutron and rip out the vendor plugins02:09
mroddenbecause i just want a stable networking as a service thing02:09
mroddendon't care about nicera or bigswitch or whatever02:09
mroddenopenvswitch + linuxbridge and some firewall/l3 magic is all i care about02:09
mroddenwas going with 'neutrino' if possible :)02:10
lifelessmrodden: so if I may suggest02:11
lifelessmrodden: I'd like to break it up instead02:11
lifelessmrodden: one little API for DHCP management02:11
lifelessmrodden: one little API for router management. There is /no/ connection needed between them that can't be addressed by one calling the other in a cleanly disconnected way.02:11
lifelessmrodden: Ironic, for instance, is adding a dhcp-api abstraction internally so that some folk can deploy it without Neutron02:12
lifelesswhich would be a lot less attractive I think if there was a trivial microservice that they could stub out in an afternoon02:12
lifelessmrodden: I might be a big fan of small do-one-thing APIs02:13
lifeless(but do it well)02:13
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mroddenonly issue i see is we have a lot of rest apis we call already in the chain to spawn a VM02:13
mroddenit does add some significant issues and latency...02:13
lifelessmrodden: I don't think it needs to add any latency: we have a token from keystone already, so no new roundtrips there02:14
mroddenthere is still issues if the token is expired before we get that far02:15
mroddennot sure if we ever came up with a good solution to that02:15
lifelessmrodden: sure, but not any different to today02:15
mroddenthe other one is that neutron and nova are tightly coupled with the nova neutron callback api02:15
mroddenwhich makes me sad everytime i think about it02:16
mroddenhaven't thought of a better solution yet though02:16
lifelessmrodden: webhooks02:17
mroddenthe one time pad URLs would be cool though02:18
lifelessmrodden: nova should give neutron a callback url (e.g. nova/servers/$server-uuid/vnics/$id) with the vif plug call02:18
mroddenpost JSON body to neutron that says "hit me at these urls for these events" ?02:18
lifelessmrodden: neutron should POST to that when that vnic plugs successfully (or fails)02:18
mroddenyeah that would work02:19
lifelessthen for Ironic which also cares about port callbacks (it wants the port to be in DHCP before powering on the server) Ironic can give a different URL in its port-update call02:19
lifelessand Neutron would then POST to that.02:19
lifelessIf the call is just success/fail we arguably don't even need auth02:20
lifelesssince the server uuid is nondeterministics02:20
lifelessand if you can see the server uuid you are either the user or the admin02:20
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder minidom parse bug 1360034
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360034 in cinder "safe_minidom_parse_string raising ExpatError in Jenkins runs since 8/20" [Undecided,New]
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mroddenthe more i think of it, i would appreciate a nice stable DHCP as a Service thing02:36
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lifelessmrodden: me too!. also it would make doing e.g. differnet backends (isc-dhcpd anyone?) easier, less code to look at02:40
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r1chardj0n3s\o/ we have a pip-missing-reqs failure in nova by way of jenkins :)02:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Avoid httpretty version 0.8.3
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Test puppet only on precise to fix the gate
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pleia2jeblair: I made you and mordred stick puppets for puppetconf!
clarkbpleia2: those are amazing03:44
clarkbis that next month?03:44
clarkbprobably down the street from you03:44
pleia2yeah, like 2 blocks away03:44
pleia2oh my gosh, twilight sparkle has pink sunglasses03:44
clarkbI don't knwo what that is but if they are for the puppet you must03:44
pleia2she's a my little pony sitting on my desk03:45
pleia2haha PERFECT
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StevenKclarkb: Can you have a poke at , please?04:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add python33 jobs for os-{apply,collect}-config
clarkblifeless: did python-fixtures release a brkoen release?04:20
clarkbthe answer according to pypi is most likely04:20
clarkblifeless: looks to blame04:22
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zaromrodden, clarkb: i do not have permission to upload python-jenkins to pypi04:22
clarkbzaro: ya, jeblair said he is going to do it tomorrow04:22
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zarowhere's fungi ?04:25
lifelessclarkb: on it, fixing.04:27
clarkbfungi: <- right there?04:27
clarkblifeless: thank you04:27
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lifelessclarkb: 0.3.16 on pypi.04:31
lifelessclarkb: not verified on 2.6 (who has that shit anymore) but should be fixed.04:31
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clarkblifeless: thanks04:32
clarkblifeless: rhel604:32
clarkband suse04:32
lifelessclarkb: like I said04:32
lifelessclarkb: who04:32
clarkbpeople use it appaerntly04:32
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zarofungi: I think Dave mean remove the abililty to add/remove httpPassword and ssh-key from set-account commands,
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zarofungi: which would those would require admins to change.  I don't see a problem with that, do you?04:38
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zaro*would/ would mean04:39
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Replace all check/gate: noop with a template
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lifelessclarkb: yes, but I mean developers :)04:39
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HenryGI came here looking for possible info on py26 unit test issues with fixtures. I see some chatter but I am not sure what the status is?04:42
lifelessHenryG: its fixed, the next bandwersnatch mirror push should correct it04:43
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HenryGlifeless: yay! thanks04:44
clarkblifeless: mirror is updated04:44
HenryGlifeless: This is the symptom?
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HenryGlifeless: can I recheck now? Bug #?04:45
lifelessHenryG: not aware of a bug #, yes you can recheck04:45
HenryGlifeless: tyvm!04:45
lifelessoh yay, from taht oslo.db change " Let it be known that this is entirely incorrect, as well as that I *despise* testr, and I'd much prefer we use pytest. "04:45
lifelessthats lovely, lets get all critical of things04:45
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zarofungi: sorry, i think i stated my previous thought incorrectly.  not remove the command just remove the commands from modifyAccount capability. only gerrit admins can use that command04:48
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add attrdict to global requirements
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stevemarzuul, why you so red!05:08
clarkbstevemar: fixtures had a release that was not happy with python 2.605:09
clarkbstevemar: was fixed and things should clear up05:09
stevemarclarkb, ah, good to know sir05:10
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stevemarclarkb, so if something is in the gate queue now... odds are it shouldn't hit that problem?05:10
clarkbstevemar: ya05:11
clarkbour pypi mirror has the fixed version05:11
clarkbso any tests that download that version as of about 25 minutes ago should be fine05:11
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Propose new Code Review -1 text
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pleia2clarkb: fixed in git \o/ (the self profiles issue)
pleia2so at least there's that :)06:09
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] capacity testing for nodepool
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] capacity testing for nodepool
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tiantianhi all, sorry to trouble06:30
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tiantian, we can't git-review today06:31
tiantiando anybody can help?06:31
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tiantiando anybody can help?06:35
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tiantian, we can't git-review today06:35
StevenKtiantian: Please don't re-ask the same question, people will see it and reply at some point.06:36
tiantianok, sorry :)06:37
StevenKtiantian: "Bad file number" means you can not connect, are you sure there isn't a firewall in the way blocking your connection?06:38
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tiantianStevenK: tks, before today, it works, I will to check06:46
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable parallelism on DVR job
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HeOSfungi, clarkb, zaro which results with clean db on 2.8 version?08:37
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rick__Does any one know how to export ci result or log to the specified path?09:25
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rick__anteaya: HI.09:28
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rick__clarkb: HI09:28
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Promote Nova check for docker to silent
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mcginHey there, I've had a change sitting in review for a week with nothing happening on it.  I'm wondering if I need to do anything with it to get it reviewed?
mcginit's gotten a +1 from jenkins10:48
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openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create merlin repo
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/release-tools: Use double-bracket style everywhere in rc*.sh
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/release-tools: Support oslo-incubator in final release scripts
openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create merlin repo
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1357677
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import os-net-config project under TripleO
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add a lower limit to oslosphinx
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
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ihrachyshkasince very recently, I started getting the following in gate unit tests for all branches: TestCase.setUp was already called. Do not explicitly call setUp from your tests. In your own setUp, use super to call the base setUp.12:43
ihrachyshkaany ideas what's the problem?12:43
ihrachyshkaI see that ne testtools were released very recently (today)12:44
ihrachyshkaah, here it is:
ihrachyshkaso probably we should pin versions for now12:44
HeOSWho knows why in gerrit (v. 2.9) database no system users?  Where Gerrit takes them?12:47
HeOSIn gerrit v. 2.8.X i can see this users in database.12:47
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Pin testtools version to < 0.9.36
ihrachyshkaI've sent review for testtools issue: ^^12:48
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HeOSIs it bug or feature?12:48
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dhellmannihrachyshka: which projects report that failure?13:02
ihrachyshkadhellmann: I saw neutron, glance13:03
ihrachyshkathough maybe there are more13:03
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dhellmannihrachyshka: ok, it might be better to just let those 2 projects fix their tests if it's only a couple of them13:03
dhellmannihrachyshka: pushing out the requirements change and then rolling it back across all projects may take more time13:04
dhellmannihrachyshka: so if only a few projects are blocked, then it's easy enough for them to fix that13:04
fungiHeOS: the google gerrit developers are trying to move more data out of the database and into git repositories. you might want to ask in #gerrit for details13:05
ihrachyshkaok, let me do some elastic magic13:05
sdagueihrachyshka: glance failure seemed unrelated13:05
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sdagueyeh, I'd rather focus on projects having to fix their own unit tests on something like this. Right now I'm seeing neutron unit tests that are passing gate side, so I'd suggest more targetted approach13:05
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HeOSfungi, thanks.13:06
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ihrachyshkasdague: dhellmann: hm, indeed, I can't find glance failures other than this one:
ihrachyshkaand neutron fails in havana only (?)13:10
ihrachyshkaso yeah, glance fails too13:11
openstackgerritchandan kumar proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Added amqplib>=1.0.2 package to the global-requirements
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fungitiantian left. hopefully figured out the firewall issue... "bad file number" errors from ssh were new to me. apparently that's a windowsism (which would explain why i'd never seen it before)13:18
fungimcgin: i suspect the jjb reviewers are a bit backed up... you're specifically looking for reviews from hashar, zaro, msabramo, mgagne and the others listed at,members13:20
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fungiihrachyshka: were you running into that issue only under python 2.6, or 2.7 as well? i believe python-fixtures had issues on 2.6 which were corrected with a brown-bag fix shortly after it was noticed... (fixed in 0.3.16 it looked like)13:24
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ihrachyshkafungi: which issue? with new testtools? see: (one of the latest runs for glance)13:25
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fungiihrachyshka: i was wondering whether it was actually the python-fixtures issue and just looked like it was manifesting through testtools (they're part of the same suite)13:26
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fungibut yeah, this seems to be impacting python 2.7 jobs as well? potentially a different problem13:26
fungilifeless: ^ if you're not asleep yet13:27
ihrachyshkadifferent one for sure. I've already found how to fix it in neutron (and it was in havana only, so simple backport does the job)13:27
StevenKfungi: He flew in from NZ today, and so is probably comatose.13:27
fungi"TestCase.setUp was already called. Do not explicitly call setUp from your tests. In your own setUp, use super to call the base setUp."13:27
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fungithat looks like good advice regardless13:28
fungiStevenK: noted--thanks!13:28
fungihrm... looking at the failing glance 2.7 run there, it looks like it *could* be pythonhashseed related instead13:29
StevenKI think will fix the fallout from the new testtools13:30
StevenKWhich I can propose quickly if required13:30
fungiStevenK: it would be a great way to confirm, for sure13:30
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fungibut, like, this mismatch error is just plan silly:
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fungiis assertEqual() really smart enough to deal with unordered data types?13:32
StevenKfungi: Nope, it's not clever enough to do so13:32
fungithat's the sort of problem which makes me suspect this cropped up as an ordering difference due to new tox's pythonhashseed randomization13:33
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fungior that perhaps we're looking at manifestations of separate issues triggered by different changes (new tox for some, new testtools for others?)13:34
StevenKfungi: I think you're right13:34
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fungiregardless, these are all bugs in the tests, not the tools. changes in the tools just brought them into view13:36
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make unit tests around bug_urls_map order indifferent
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kgiustiHi - any pointers/advice on how to test a new CI job I'm proposing for config?
mriedemfungi: could we get this promoted so we can get e-r working again and get a few gate bug queries through, since it seems the gate is kind of hosed right now
kgiustiThe job depends on devstack and olso.messaging changes that have yet to be merged.14:13
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mriedemkgiusti: salv-orlando and arosen have done some patches before where they change the actual refs to be cloned for different projects to test them together, maybe you could do something similar - the patch never merges, it's just for cross-project interdependency testing14:15
stevemarwhere is the code for 'openstack proposal bot' hosted?14:16
stevemarand how does it determine what projects to propose changes to?14:16
stevemaralso, good morning14:16
fungimriedem: elastic-recheck isn't part of a shared queue, so as soon as it gets test results it should head straight into the gate and merge shortly thereafter14:17
mriedemfungi: that job has been queued in zuul for awhile (as in not a normal while)14:17
fungimriedem: 37 minutes it says14:18
mriedemstevemar: i'd assume this
mriedemfungi: yeah that's a long time14:18
mriedeme-r things usually move through quickly14:18
fungiwhen the gate pipeline is demanding a lot of resources, the check pipeline starves a bit and looks like it currently takes a couple hours to return initial results14:19
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fungii'm not sure i'd call half an hour unusually long except when there's nothing going on14:19
stevemarthanks mtreinish14:20
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kgiustimriedem: thanks, I'll check those out. But honestly, I'm totally noob and I really don't even know how to run CI locally in order to test it. :(  Any docs etc on how to get started?14:20
fungimriedem: so, this fix for elastic-recheck is preventing you from landing pending elastic-recheck signatures for existing bugs?14:20
fungimriedem: just trying to get clear on the rush before i try to jump the normal testing cycle for it14:20
mtreinishfungi: yeah hashseed broke the unit tests14:20
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fungii'll see if i can force it into the gate (not the same as promoting it within the gate as was originally requested--that wouldn't have helped this)14:21
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stevemarmtreinish, i had initially selected that project, but it's readme says "Gerritbot is an IRC bot that will notify IRC channels of Gerrit events", so i skipped it :(14:21
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fungistevemar: the "openstack proposal bot" is really just a jenkins job. the list of projects it proposes to are the projects.txt in the openstack/requirements repo14:22
mriedemkgiusti: you just want to run tempest?14:23
stevemarfungi, ahhh there we go!14:23
mtreinishstevemar: oh, I assumed based on mriedem's message you were looking for the gerrit irc bot14:23
mtreinishI didn't see your original message14:23
fungistevemar: that's also the list of projects which should have the requirements list enforced on them--they're synonymous for design reasons (we only propose requirements sync for projects which we enforce requirements on)14:23
mriedemkgiusti: i'd probably get a devstack setup with the change you need for devstack, then clone in your oslo.messaging change and restack (restart the services), then run tempest14:23
stevemarmtreinish, you associate me with the likes of mriedem :(14:24
stevemarfungi, hmm, so the only -spec project on this list is keystone, are the others not enforced?14:24
fungistevemar: probably not, no. any reason a -spec project needs requirements synchronized? i guess it can't hurt, but it's not like downstream distributions and deployers are going to be packaging/redistributing/rebuilding it14:25
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mriedemthe only requirements in those are like sphinx right?14:26
kgiustimriedem: ok, that _sounds_ like what I need, assuming I can get tempest to fire off my new job.  I've got changes to the zuul layout.yaml too - can I get tempest to exercise those?  (Thanks for the help, btw!)14:27
fungimriedem: mtreinish: as luck would have it, the change you wanted me to rush into the gate is failing tests14:27
mriedemkgiusti: tempest doesn't have anything to do with the infra config change14:27
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fungi./elastic_recheck/tests/unit/ E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent14:28
mtreinishoops sry14:28
mtreinishI just ran the unit tests locally, I forgot about pep814:28
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mriedemrookie mistake14:28
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* mriedem goes to get more coffee before making a similar error14:29
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stevemarmriedem, yeah, mainly sphinx and|or oslosphinx14:30
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stevemarmriedem, you has disappointed jenkins, womp womp14:30
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mriedemstevemar: me? or mtreinish?14:33
mriedemwe are only the same person on fridays14:33
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make unit tests around bug_urls_map order indifferent
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mtreinishfungi, mriedem: ^^^ That should fix it14:34
fungioh, right, it's friday!14:34
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mtreinishalthough it turns out I broke flake8 locally so it was still by eye :)14:34
stevemarmtreinish, mtrenish-dplgnr clearly i need coffee14:34
mtreinishmtrenish-dplgnr: heh14:34
* stevemar skulks away in shame14:35
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mtrenish-dplgnroh wow this is getting confusing14:35
mriedem-dplgnrmtrenish-dplgnr: yep, let's see how long we can keep it up :)14:35
fungimtreinish^2: it's back in the gate now14:35
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mriedem-dplgnrI'm sure everyone will want to kill us by the end of the day...14:35
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fungihowever, when it comes to the climax of the film, i won't know which of you is the real mtrenish/mriedem and which one i'm supposed to shoot14:36
mtrenish-dplgnrhmm, if this were 'face off' would i want to be travolta or nicolas cage14:37
mtrenish-dplgnrfungi: the answer is always shoot both14:37
fungiyep, good point14:37
openstackgerritMathieu Gagné proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Uninstall puppet before running puppet jobs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make unit tests around bug_urls_map order indifferent
mtrenish-dplgnrlet the rebases begin14:38
mriedem-dplgnr^^^ hey I got it right :)14:38
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder minidom parse bug 1360034
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360034 in cinder "safe_minidom_parse_string raising ExpatError in Jenkins runs since 8/20" [Undecided,New]
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mtrenish-dplgnrso did something change in the nodes wrt lxml recently? like on 8/20?14:40
mtrenish-dplgnri'm seeing lots of xml parsing errors failing runs in all branches since then14:40
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fungimtrenish-dplgnr: i believe lxml may also suffer from ordering issues14:41
mtrenish-dplgnroh that would suck14:42
mriedem-dplgnrmtrenish-dplgnr: there was a bug in tempest around ordering14:42
mriedem-dplgnradam_g: pushed a fix last night14:42
mtrenish-dplgnrmriedem-dplgnr: would that explain this?
fungilooking at a few issues for lxml, it looks like attribute ordering may be influenced by dict ordering internally, but still researching14:44
mriedem-dplgnrmtrenish-dplgnr: yes that was the behvaior we were seeing14:44
mriedem-dplgnrmtrenish-dplgnr: although that specific one should have been fixed by the pythonhashseed=0 backport on tempest14:44
mriedem-dplgnrbut that only merged 7hrs ago14:45
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stevemarfungi, mtrenish-dplgnr, so it looks like the *-specs projects usually have a few more than just sphinx/oslosphinx14:45
mtrenish-dplgnrmriedem-dplgnr: yeah when e-r merges my query i think this is our top gate bug atm
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360034 in cinder "safe_minidom_parse_string raising ExpatError in Jenkins runs since 8/20" [Undecided,New]14:45
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mriedem-dplgnrmtrenish-dplgnr: ok, yeah the backport should have fixed that now14:47
mtrenish-dplgnrso cinder has a latent bug then14:47
mtrenish-dplgnrjgriffith: ^14:47
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mtrenish-dplgnrdid clarkb have a bug for the hashseed work he was doing?14:48
fungimtrenish-dplgnr: yeah, lemme dig it up14:49
mriedem-dplgnrmtrenish-dplgnr: but what is tickling it on the cinder side? because cinder isn't being run with a random hashseed in the gate just tempest14:49
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mtrenish-dplgnrmriedem-dplgnr: it's gotta be related, cinder randomly explodes on all branches since 8/20 when doing some minidom parsing of xml14:50
mtrenish-dplgnrof a request14:50
mtrenish-dplgnrthat timestamp lines up with the tempest failures14:50
mriedem-dplgnrmtrenish-dplgnr: I'm thinking that it's the same tempest bug14:50
mriedem-dplgnrbecause with a random hashseed tempest was sending invalid xml14:51
mtrenish-dplgnroh hrm14:51
mriedem-dplgnrand you know being xml the errors make no sense14:51
mtrenish-dplgnri'll update that query then14:51
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mtrenish-dplgnrwhat 'line 1 column 1 is sad' isn't helpful?14:51
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fungimtrenish-dplgnr: bug 134881814:52
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1348818 in designate "Unittests do not succeed with random PYTHONHASHSEED value" [High,In progress]
mtrenish-dplgnrfungi: thanks14:52
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mtrenish-dplgnrchecking to see if the cinder fialures have dropped off too14:53
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mtrenish-dplgnrmriedem-dplgnr: yup, the cinder query drops off this morning14:53
zarofungi: did you see my questions about modifySsh capability change in scrollback?14:57
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Classify tempest lxml hashseed bug 1360034
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360034 in tempest "safe_minidom_parse_string raising ExpatError in Jenkins runs since 8/20; lxml random hashseed failure" [Critical,Fix committed]
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fungizaro: yes. to summarize my concerns, we want to be able to prevent a user in an account manager role from being able to add/modify the ssh keys and api passwords of administrators, while allowing them to create new system user accounts with ssh keys. also we want to make sure that when they do create new user accounts, they can only add them to groups over which they already have control14:59
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fungizaro: those precautions, however they're accomplished, should hopefully accomplish what we need without risk of privilege escalation15:00
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zarofungi: ok. remove capability for account manager to muck with http password and ssh keys would satify #1 & #2, i have not tested #3 though but i think that's just nesting groups so should work.15:15
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fungizaro: right. i suspect the complication, from a pure scoping perspective, is letting them add an ssh key when creating a new account but not letting them change or add an ssh key to an existing (at least administrator, but that distinction seems to be arbitrary based on group membership) account15:16
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add zaqar to
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jeblairzaro: did you want 0.3.2 and 0.3.3 both released, or just 0.3.3?15:46
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zarojeblair: only 0.3.315:47
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jeblairzaro: ok, thx15:47
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zarojeblair: i'll bump the version to 0.4.0 after you release to signify post-pbr, sound ok?15:49
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jeblairzaro: sounds good15:50
fungizaro: post-pbr you don't need to have version info in the repo at all, right? you just tag the version you want when the time comes...15:51
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jeblairyeah, i think the version stuff has been correctly removed; double checking15:56
zarofungi: sorry, you said what i meant.15:56
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fungizaro: yep, i agree with your comment on that review too15:57
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openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add periodic Icehouse jobs
zarojeblair: do you know where the version info in the jjb doc comes from?
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jeblair(yes, python-jenkins looks to be correctly pbr-ified, so pushing a tag should work)16:00
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jeblairzaro: looking into your question16:00
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jeblairzaro: so spinx doc versions are set in the in the doc dir16:01
jeblairzaro: usually they are set by hand16:01
jeblairzaro: but jjb uses pbr16:01
jeblairdoc/source/ = jenkins_jobs_version.canonical_version_string()16:01
jeblairdoc/source/ jenkins_jobs.version import version_info as jenkins_jobs_version16:01
jeblairfrom pbr.version import VersionInfo16:01
jeblairversion_info = VersionInfo('jenkins_jobs')16:01
zarojeblair: thanks. makes sense16:02
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jeblairzaro: those last two things are what you need to do to get a version from pbr16:02
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jeblairzaro: so you could either do it directly in, or add a file like jjb and zuul have (probably what i'd do)16:02
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jeblairzaro: (that makes it convenient for including in other places, like command line output, etc)16:03
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KanagarajMjeblair: I have submitted a patch for new project creation and could you have a look?16:09
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jeblairKanagarajM: lgtm, thanks for the updates :)16:11
jeblairfungi: can you help me understand this?
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fungioh awesome16:13
fungilooks like a busted centos6 vm16:13
KanagarajMjeblair: Thanks.16:13
jeblairfungi: in the way that you were looking into last week?16:14
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fungijeblair: maybe, though this is a slightly different manifestation than i saw before. more likely this is one which didn't get properly aborted on some bad puppet16:14
fungian image update i mean16:14
jeblairah ok16:14
clarkbfungi: because puppet returned eg 1?16:15
fungii'll see if any other nodes booted from the same snapshot have this behavior (if it's possible to find one still)16:15
jeblairfungi: i'll look into the image build logs16:15
fungiclarkb: right, saw a similar behavior with the bundler conflict16:15
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fungijeblair: the image update logs may not help. we haven't done automatic image updates since the 19th, so this *could* have been booted from a manually updated image16:16
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clarkbdo we have image builds working again (we restarted nodepool after fungi's fix)16:16
jeblairfungi: i see that now :)16:16
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fungiclarkb: we do have the patch in, but i didn't restart nodepool until after today's would have triggered16:16
fungii was hoping to catch it last night during a lull but there was never a lull while i was around16:17
fungiso i finally gave in and did it this morning, except i misremembered the start time and did it about 45 minutes too late to have helped for today16:17
jeblairso if it's a bad image, it could still be the current one16:18
clarkbfungi: so the image above would have had to be from my rebuidls on the 20th?16:18
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fungijeblair: right16:18
fungiclarkb: probably, yes16:18
openstackgerritMatt Kovacs proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding project saml-generator
fungithat node was created 2014-08-21 23:49:41 according to the nodepool log16:19
clarkbhrm thats a day later16:20
clarkb(I ask ebacuse I was trying to watch the builds for issues after the bundler thing and don't recall anything)16:20
funginewest image for that is 43.90 hours old16:20
jeblairoh interesting, the new python-jenkins has broken the layout compare script16:20
jeblairi'm going to dig into that16:21
clarkbfungi: ya ok so it lines up16:21
fungiso that's what it should have booted from, suggesting that if it's a problem image then other current nodes of that type and region should also be screwed16:21
clarkbfungi: I don't recall seeing any errors in that build16:21
jeblairzaro: ping16:21
*** signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_ZZZzz16:22
jeblairzaro: python-jenkins 0.3.3 is broken; it can't pip install16:22
jeblair      File "/tmp/foo/build/python-jenkins/", line 5, in <module>16:22
jeblair        with open('requirements.txt') as f:16:22
jeblair    IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'requirements.txt'16:22
fungii've held to investigate further16:22
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zarojeblair: i think that was fixed.16:23
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* zaro checks16:23
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fungicurrently running this job
clarkbfungi: it did rpm: command not found in rax dfw16:23
clarkbfungi: maybe we are seeing that behavior come back16:23
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fungiclarkb: yeah, 'which rpm' works fine on the held node from the same image16:24
fungiand /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins-sudo exists on the held node too16:25
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fungichecking my logstash queries for those three symptom bugs now16:25
zarojeblair: this was the fix
fungiyep, two of the three queries start returning hits again as of the 20th16:26
jeblairzaro: yeah, except that depends on requirements.txt being in the current directory16:26
jeblairzaro: i will propose a very simple fix16:26
fungiphschwartz: our mystery broken snapshot boots have returned in dfw as of two days ago16:27
clarkbfungi: maybe it went away because we stopped building new images16:27
clarkbfungi: and happened to have images without the symptoms16:27
clarkbfungi: as a hack workaround we can `which rpm` in the nodepool ready scripts16:27
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phschwartzfungi: Can you get me some id's so I can look at them? I am in Sat and can bug people directly today16:27
fungiclarkb: well, it had subsided a week ago, and we were still autobuilding new images at the time16:27
fungiphschwartz: you bet16:28
openstackgerritKevin L. Mitchell proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add
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fungiclarkb: the queries i've been using as a litmus test...
clarkbfungi: thanks16:31
jeblairzaro, clarkb, fungi: the config repo is dead in the water until the python-jenkins situation is resolved.16:31
fungiclarkb: the timing and pattern suggests that they may be booting from your discarded/failed image updates on the 19th/20th?16:31
clarkbjeblair: rgr, reviewing those changes now16:31
fungijeblair: oh, amazing. switching gears16:32
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adam_gfungi, reading backlog.. the xml issues i was looking at in tempest yesterday all came down dict generated xml strings on the client side16:32
jeblairzaro, clarkb, fungi: do we: a) force the python-jenkins changes through and push up 0.3.4 to make it resolved quickly; b) push through package pins in jjb to make it resolve quickly; c) let it resolve slowly and start beer early ?16:32
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clarkbjeblair: its only 9am so beer this early is probably a bad idea :) both of your changes lgtm and I would be ok with forcing though and pushing 0.3.416:33
fungiadam_g: yep, that sounds like what i would suspect for the random hashseed impact16:33
jeblairzaro: does that sound good to you?16:33
zarojeblair: ++16:34
fungijeblair: i would go for force and not lose a friday to drunken revelry16:34
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jeblairi am disappointed in you both16:34
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fungii reserve my fridays for drunken working instead16:34
clarkbjeblair: it is the life of a coremudgeon16:35
jeblairzaro: okay those changes are merged;  do you want to tag 0.3.4 now?16:35
* fungi correlates introduction of bugs to specific weekdays to confirm16:35
zarojeblair: will do.16:35
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jeblairzaro: cool, let me know when you've pushed it up16:35
* jeblair prepares to do the pypi dance again16:36
fungiclarkb: so i think what has happened is that dfw eventually flushed out older stale/broken snapshots, but then the puppet issues around bundler earlier this week added new ones. it still very much seems to support the possibility that dfw is booting from different snapshots than it claims to be at times, randomly16:36
clarkbfungi: and it starts right there on 8-20 at least for the one query I ran16:37
* fungi nods16:37
jeblairour occasionally producing broken images appears to be a critical debugging tool16:37
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fungiaccording to phschwartz their logs indicate that nova *claims* to have booted from the same snapshot uuid as we asked, which suggests the broken is at a lower level16:38
phschwartzfungi: From what we saw, correct16:39
jeblairi was about to ask if there was a tempest test that covers this, but since tempest is black-box, it wouldn't know (it would see no more than what phschwartz has seen)16:39
jeblairthough i suppose it could test for the existence of a file or something16:39
jeblair(after actually logging into a node booted from an image)16:39
phschwartzLet me see if I can get our glance guys looking again16:39
fungiphschwartz: i'll get you a list of server uuids here shortly and try to correlate them to image uuids16:40
phschwartzfungi: ty16:41
mriedem-dplgnrjeblair: tempest test for what?16:41
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clarkbmriedem-dplgnr: that nick is really confusing btw16:42
clarkbmriedem-dplgnr: checking that glance + nova booted the image you wnted them to boot16:42
fungiclarkb: it's no more confusing than mtreinish-dplgnr is16:42
jeblairwas just asking in -qa16:43
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KanagarajMjeblair: gate job is failed for the review . so i tired to give comment 'reverify no bug' but the jobs land in the check queue, but was expending on the gate queue. do i need to use some other comment?16:50
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jeblairKanagarajM: that's normal; it has to have a passing jenkins vote to get into the gate queue, so it goes back to check to get one.  one of our jobs is currently broken, and we're working on fixing it.16:51
jeblairKanagarajM: recheck will not help16:51
jeblairKanagarajM: in general, you should only use recheck when you understand the problem and believe that it will not happen again16:51
jeblairKanagarajM: it's not to be used to just keep trying until it works16:51
zarojeblair: did something change, this command no longer works: git push gerrit VERSION_NUMBER16:52
zarojeblair: fatal: 'gerrit' does not appear to be a git repository16:52
jeblairzaro: that's a local git error, it probably means you don't have a remote set up for gerrit.  maybe you need to run 'git review -s'16:53
fungizaro: do you have a gerrit remote? if this is a fresh clone of the repo and you didn't create a gerrit remote (for example by running git review, maybe with just the -s option) then it won't exist yet16:53
fungier, ditto to what jeblair just said ;)16:53
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zaroi have a .gitreview file with gerrit remote setup.16:54
jeblairzaro: paste the output of 'git remote -v'16:55
zaroohh i forgot to run git review -s after creating the .gitreview16:55
fungizaro: it's the .git/config which matters in this case, not .gitreview16:55
zarojust pushed the tag up.16:55
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fungi.gitreview is only read by git-review, not by git push16:55
KanagarajMjeblair: sure16:56
fungigit push is looking at your ~/.gitconfig and .git/config16:56
KanagarajMjeblair: once check jenkins gives +1, will gate job will trigger automatically in this case?16:57
jeblairzaro: 0.3.4 is uploaded and installs16:58
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zarojeblair: thanks.  msabramo, mrodden ^17:00
adam_gi heard from a bird its possible to get gate fixing things bumped in the queue.  if so, is it possible for  to cut? been in queue for 7 hrs, ironics gate is blocked on it17:00
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jeblairadam_g: it's possible to get changes that fix nondeterministic errors in the integrated gate promoted17:03
jeblairadam_g: since that isn't blocking other projects, and any changes to ironic which are enqueued behind it will benefit from it, i'm not sure it fits the bill (but we're getting into a grey area for sure)17:04
fungi(and also in unusually bad situations, changes which improve debuggability/identification of nondeterministic failures)17:04
adam_gjeblair, ah, ok. no problem.17:05
fungiaside from changes related to high-frequency nondeterministic failures and failures impacting gating for the integrated gate, the only other exceptions we generally consider are for severe security fixes and addressing legal issues17:06
jeblairadam_g: it's a moderately disruptive process (it causes a gate reset, so we try not to use it unless it's clearly worth it), and we also just don't want to be in the business of handing out indulgences (which is why we try to adopt a pretty clear policy around it)17:07
fungialso, if you hold your teeth right, that change could merge in less than an hour by zuul's estimate (you just need the 9 ahead of it to also merge successfully)17:07
jeblairthe best case now is currently better than the worst case if we promoted it (because it would have to wait for nodes)17:08
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jeblairclarkb: i like zaneb's suggestion for the -1 message: "Today, I have chosen to obstruct your work for the greater good of the project" :)17:10
adam_gfungi, jeblair thanks for the explanation.17:10
jeblairsomehow i doubt we're going to come to consensus on that one though17:10
fungii too found that suggestion pretty awesome17:11
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clarkbjeblair: we are utilitarian17:12
fungiphschwartz: so for a start, just to sanity check, i have logs from two instances which we *believe* should have booted from snapshot 4321371d-aad5-45ac-832d-1da4a947d31617:12
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fungiphschwartz: 8ece49ec-ae4b-4224-8c56-cf8efa49b5b3 booted around 2014-08-21 23:49:42 and seems to have been broken in such a way that it looks like it could have booted from a different snapshot entirely17:13
fungiphschwartz: while c8390302-7617-46ff-8b35-12789d622819 booted around 2014-08-22 16:14:56 from that snapshot and seems to have been just fine17:13
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phschwartzfungi: hmm, they appear to have both been booted from the same image17:18
fungiphschwartz: is a list of 8 instance uuids with their respective approximate boot times which acted like they were not booted from the snapshots we requested (in fact all seem to have booted from older snapshots we had already deleted)17:19
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fungiphschwartz: and as before, we continue to only see this in dfw, nowhere else17:19
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phschwartzfungi: Let me dig some more, but it looks like at least the first 2 you gave me both booted from the same image, 1 was fine and 1 wasn't which is weird as the base should have been the same17:21
fungiphschwartz: yep. best guess is that for some reason nova/glance think they're handing out a different snapshot than they actually are under some weird and rare circumstances, and so your logs are lying to you17:22
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phschwartzfugni: yes which makes finding the issue really really hard17:22
fungiphschwartz: particularly, it seems like they're actually booting from snapshots which should no longer exist because we deleted them17:23
fungithough unfortunately i don't think we have any record of what those older snapshot uuids would have been (if we do, i'm unable to figure them out from the nodepool debug log)17:24
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leakypipesanteaya: afternoon, ma'am :) I have a couple colleagues wondering about the 3rd party CI account request for the Coraid cinder CI system. If you have a few moments, feel free to ping me on any status you might know of on that and if they or I need do anything. Thanks in advance! :)17:26
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pleia2clarkb: so both our pootle bugs are fixed in git, but it turns out rc1 is really buggy, I'm thinking we go with stable/2.6.0 as suggested here:
jeblairfungi: i wonder if that would help17:28
* pleia2 frowns at "very buggy" RC17:29
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clarkbpleia2: :( ok so I should give installing from tip of that stable branch a go?17:29
clarkbpleia2: I can probably do that today17:29
pleia2clarkb: yeah, that'd be great17:29
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pleia2then by Monday we should have both Pootle 2.6 and Zanata w/ Wildfly demos up and running to test \o/17:30
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fungijeblair: possibly improvement commented on the review. if that turns out not to be feasible though, i'm +2 on the idea17:33
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clarkbfungi: jeblair: should we also try a `which yum && which rpm` ready script check? I suppose that will prevent those nodes from running the unittests with the echos though17:35
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fungiclarkb: i think that would likely only catch the ones we've seen which are missing those files or have a screwy path envvar17:36
clarkbfungi: oh good point17:36
fungiclarkb: also, it would allow us, i think, to not notice we had bad images17:36
jeblairfungi: i think your suggestion is a good idea, but i think i'd like to implement that in nodepool itself rather than our scripts17:36
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jeblairfungi: i was thinking the quick hacky thing could get through and running soonish (at least, it's the fastest of any option we have around here)17:36
fungijeblair: fair enough. we could do this first for sure17:37
jeblairfungi: and maybe we could swing back later and have nodepool itself do a better job17:37
jeblair(maybe even include more information)17:37
fungijeblair: yep, totally agree17:37
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jgriffithclarkb: ping17:44
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clarkbjgriffith: pong17:45
clarkbjeblair: fungi: the only other thing I have to add there is maybe the echo should be done in run-docs too?17:45
jgriffithclarkb: hey...just saw your email about tox.  Trying to figure out how to "fix"17:45
clarkbjeblair: fungi: though unittests are the biggest offender right?17:45
jgriffithunit tests that call setUp twice, via super17:45
fungiclarkb: well, and we totally miss it on devstack-gate jobs17:45
clarkbjgriffith: the actual fix is to not treat dicts as being ordered. the testtools thing is independent and probably means finding all the occurences where setUp is called twice17:46
fungiclarkb: i took the point as to just get some coverage for now so we have at least a sample we can correlate17:46
jeblairfungi, clarkb: the other common run- scripts have -e set and i didn't want to bother/risk screwing something up17:46
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clarkbjeblair: ok works for me then17:46
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jeblairbtw, i restarted openstackgerrit17:46
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jgriffithclarkb: well.. yeah but;  Oh, hold on a sec17:47
fungioh, had it gone to lunch?17:47
jgriffithclarkb: it's actually not the setUp... I might have something.  Never mind17:47
jgriffithclarkb: ahhh... I see what they did.  addCleanup that calls out to a method that has another tearDown :(17:49
jgriffithclarkb: ok... sorry for the distraction.  I think I've got this fixed up17:49
clarkbjgriffith: no problem. It is a bit confusing with several things going on at once17:49
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asselinHi I periodically run into this issue where zuul cannot be restarted. any ideas? cat: /var/run/zuul/ No such file or directory17:57
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clarkbasselin: if the pid isn't there that usually means zuul died and cleaned up the pid for some other reason18:00
clarkbasselin: in that case you can just start the service18:00
clarkbasselin: but I think we want to debug why it would die18:00
asselinclarkb, zuul is still running. so somehow that pid file is getting deleted....?18:00
clarkbasselin: ya, the pid file shouldn't be deleted if zuul is still running18:01
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asselinclarkb, so maybe there's something going on with my puppet script that updates/restarts zuul and causes this issue....??18:02
clarkbasselin: that could be18:02
clarkbor maybe with an init script if puppet uses that18:02
clarkbasselin: I would double check that /var/run/zuul exists and that it is indeed empty18:03
asselinit is empty18:03
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clarkbI need to afk for a bit to move my atoms from home to office18:08
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fungitechnically you're moving through spacetime in an attempt to intersect with where your office will be18:09
nibalizerclarkb: technically they were already there, just with very low probability18:10
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Vekhaha :)18:12
Vekactually, the size of your wave function would probably have to be significantly larger than the current size of the universe, so the probability is essentially nonexistant, but...18:13
* fungi thinks we should begin a new tradition... cosmology fridays18:15
Vekwell, we haven't even begun talking about cosmology.  You'd have to start talking about things like inflation to get there :)18:15
fungithat will require substantially more beer18:15
* Vek imagines pickled mushrooms when fungi starts talking about beer...18:16
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adam_gis possible to show CI comments in gerrit reviews by default?18:17
fungiVek: if we can verge into biology fridays for a moment, yeast *is* technically fungi ;)18:17
Vekhehe, point :)18:17
fungiadam_g: possibly with some javascript and something like greasemonkey18:17
adam_gfungi, ah18:17
fungiadam_g: all that toggle button is doing is setting a js variable i believe18:17
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fungiadam_g: if the need is to be able to see when the most recent results were posted, on the other hand, that might be something which could just be inserted into the table header for each ci18:21
fungi(by the current javascript)18:21
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fungiadam_g: what specifically are you missing that you want to see all the ci comments by default?18:21
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adam_gfungi, lately i've been doing a lot of searching history for when things broke and would prefer to have the full CI history displayed when looking at a review.18:24
adam_gfungi, for typical usage the new display is great18:24
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clarkbadam_g: fungi: the toggle ci button should probably save a cookie that retains that state across changes for you18:33
clarkbsimilar to the way zuul status does searches and expansion of boxes18:33
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack/requirements: bump pycadf to 0.6.0
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jeblairwell, also this should all just be in gerrit :)18:38
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack/requirements: bump pycadf to 0.6.0
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clarkbapaprently I am bad at afking /me tries again18:42
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pleia2jeblair: did you see your puppet?18:51
fungithough mordred's ping heart-shaped rockstar sunglasses were hard to top18:52
pleia2yeah, mordred is the funner puppet18:52
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jeblairi uh.  what?18:54
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pleia2mordred and jeblair puppets will tell the story of open sourcing our infrastructure at puppetconf18:54
jeblairthat's wonderful!18:54
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat UserKeyPairMissing bug 1360415
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360415 in heat "test_nova_keypair_resources fails with UserKeyPairMissing" [Undecided,New]
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markvanfungi: hi, did you ever get a chance to " .*ruby.* packages installed on rax vs hpcloud and see if that turns up any leads"?19:12
fungimarkvan: they seemed to be the same19:12
fungimarkvan: i take it you're still seeing issues in rax but not hpcloud for those jobs?19:13
markvanfungi: yup, still hitting the issue:
fungimarkvan: just a sec, i'll get you a diff of the package list for what's installed on ubuntu trusty workers in hpcloud vs rax19:15
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markvanfungi: also seeing that the bundle install order always changes, not sure if that has anything to do with issue, but I have  to try to calm that down a bit.19:18
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jeblairr1chardj0n3s: is the missing-reqs job expected to pass?19:21
clarkbjeblair: my understanding last night was that it was initially passing when it should fail, but now it fails correctly19:22
clarkbjeblair: nova doens't list a requirement that it depends on19:22
jeblairis silent the correct place for it?19:22
clarkbjeblair: probably not. The fix is "simple" we just need to edit nova's requirements then we can make the job voting19:23
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clarkbjeblair: so probably reasonable to make it a check job non voting then switch to voting when nova's requirements are correct19:23
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jeblairwell, that's not much different than silent from a "we're using 37 nodes to run that test" pov19:24
jeblairif we're about to turn it on, that's fine.  i just didn't want to run jobs for no reason19:24
clarkbjeblair: thats true, but it may encourage people to fix it? though I assume r1chardj0n3s is already working on that19:24
clarkbI think it is something we should have turned on. Though now that I think of it it should probably go in the "pep8" job19:25
clarkbsince it is a static checker of our requirements19:25
jeblairclarkb: or the requirements job?19:25
jeblairbut yeah, shortly after we latch it voting, we should fold it into something; doesn't seem like it should need its own node19:26
clarkbjeblair: ya or the reqs job19:26
clarkbjeblair: ++19:26
clarkbjeblair: fungi: for 116176 I figure it can ferment over the weekend then early next week I can put it in place (assuming that there is no major disagreement with the change itself)19:27
fungijeblair: clarkb: yep, already talked to r1chardj0n3s about that. probably add it to the unit tests or something19:27
fungiclarkb: sounds good. in a similar vein, 115759 needs to be tested out19:27
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clarkbfungi: reviewed19:30
clarkbjeblair: any chance you want to review so that we can get that into the centos6 image builds too?19:31
clarkbpleia2: ^ sorry I didn't provide an example cfg file that would have been a good thing to add to the comments19:32
clarkbmattoliverau: thank you for providing that info19:32
clarkbalso I love that the file says "do not edit". I am the sysadmin I shall edit all the files !19:33
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fungii'm going to go grab an early dinner before the last of the tourists descend on the brewery, then pitch in once i'm back19:35
jeblairpleia2: i showed your puppets to li.. she said "what's that? oh, well, one of them is you... the one with the hat... but who's the other one... oh, well, the jacket is sparkly, could that be monty?"  then i clicked over to the picture with the glasses and she said "oh, yes! that's monty"19:35
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jeblairpleia2: so, um, i'd say they did pretty well in blind user testing (i gave her no introduction before showing the pics)19:35
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Sukhdevfolks, is this correct IRC to ask devstack related questions?19:44
clarkbSukhdev: I think usually we point people to the qa channel but here works too19:45
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clarkbjeblair: you may want to read zzzeeks email to the list and maybe point at nodepools fixtures19:45
Sukhdevclarkb: Thanks - let me explain the issue (which I believe is a bug) in devstack - but, I could be wrong :-)19:45
SukhdevWhen I run devstack, I see the error captured in this paste
clarkbmriedem-dplgnr: maybe you too because you have used testresources a lot in tempest right?19:46
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jeblairclarkb: i mentioned it in the review19:47
clarkbjeblair: well it seems to have gone missing as an option in the mail thread19:47
SukhdevWhen I look at the code in devstack at the following line
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jeblairclarkb: what's the thread19:47
clarkbjeblair: Acceptable methods for establishing per-test-suite behaviors19:48
Sukhdevand the line 336
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: namos - Device and service manager
mriedem-dplgnrclarkb: we actually don't use testresources in tempest, we've got some fixture usage and testscenarios19:48
Sukhdevthe paths for the image seem to different. I believe that causes the error captured in the paste19:48
mriedem-dplgnrbut for resource sharing it's still all done manually in setupClass19:48
jeblairclarkb: would you agree that there are not acceptable methods for per-test-suite behaviors?19:49
clarkbmriedem-dplgnr: thanks I was mixing up scenarios with resources then19:49
mriedem-dplgnrbut we need to change that soon because it's blocking a bunch of things19:49
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Sukhdevclarkb: does my explanation make sense?19:49
clarkbjeblair: yes, I think that there are ways of doing per test suite behaviors that are not acceptable19:50
clarkbSukhdev: looking now19:50
clarkbexcept that paste isn't working :/19:50
Sukhdevclarkb: weird - let me re-paste it19:51
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clarkbSukhdev: no its fine it loaded19:52
clarkbthe paste server has DB issues occasionally19:52
clarkbSukhdev: so I think we test that upstream and it works19:52
clarkbSukhdev: my first guess would be that the s3 image just didn't download19:52
Sukhdevclarkb: it is failing every time -19:52
Sukhdevclarkb: however, look at the paths in the code - which I pointed out - I believe that has something to do with it19:53
Sukhdevclarkb: succeeds even with this error - however, when I run tempest tests (test_network_basic_ops) it fails because of wrong image19:54
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clarkbSukhdev: right, but we run the boto tests upstream so it must be working somehow19:55
Sukhdevclarkb: I have been trying to chase the issue to see why do I not get right image - and ended up with this information19:55
jeblairclarkb: he asks for a per-test-run fixture...19:55
jeblairclarkb: the fixture that we have in nodepool -- how often is that used?19:55
jeblairclarkb: is it per-test, or per-test runner, or ...?19:56
clarkbjeblair: I think it is per test I am double checking19:57
Sukhdevclarkb: I have no idea about the upstream boto tests, hence, can not comment on it - as to why is it working --- but, does my analysis makes sense to you?19:57
clarkbjeblair: ya, DbTestCase instantiates a new fixture in each test that runs under it via setUp(). This fixture sets up then tears down each one19:58
clarkbjeblair: I think zzzeek wants fancy reuse too whcih is where testresources come from but the nodepool solution is so simple I can't really argue against it19:58
clarkbjeblair: if/when it breaks its fixable because simple19:58
clarkbSukhdev: I don't know enough about devstack's boto materials to know19:59
clarkbSukhdev: I really think it would be odd if it used the wrong path for image upload though19:59
jeblairi'm kind of hesitant to weigh in here because i think i'm detecting a bit of an extreme reaction to a -119:59
Sukhdevclarkb: I agree - hence, I decided to ask folks here19:59
jeblairand i kind of don't want to get into some emotional thing he's got going on19:59
clarkbjeblair: thats fair20:00
Sukhdevclarkb: who do you believe will know who can help - trying to get my tests to work...20:00
clarkbSukhdev: well it failed there too so maybe that is the issue. You can always change the path and rerun to see if it fixes20:00
clarkbSukhdev: dtroyer is the person to talk to usually20:00
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Sukhdevclarkb: cool - thanks. dtroyer will be here or #oepnstack-dev channel?20:01
clarkbSukhdev: I think he hangs out in a bunch of channel20:02
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dtroyerSukhdev: gere, -dev and -qa primarily20:02
Sukhdevdtroyer: Ah cool - thanks for responding20:03
jeblairclarkb: and he's core on oslo.db now20:03
dtroyerSukhdev: trying to catch up…20:03
Sukhdevdtroyer: I do not know if you followed my chat with clarkb20:03
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dtroyerSukhdev: TBH, I didn't write accrc and I don't use it at all so it'll take me a bit to sort it out20:05
Sukhdevdtroyer: what is accrc?20:05
dtroyerthat's the script that set up a bunch of stuff for these tests20:06
dtroyerIIRC  it was not originally meant for tempest, but it looks like tempest uses some of its artifacts20:06
jeblairclarkb: i have responded in a way that i hope will not trigger a flame war20:07
pleia2jeblair: hooray for passing blind test20:07
Sukhdevdtroyer: Oh I see…. you can see the paste that i pasted showing the error (which clarkb pointed is happening at other places) - which seems to be silent failure and then the two links showing the code using mismatched path20:07
Sukhdevdtroyer: I was thinking about logging a bug, but, was not sure, hence thought I discuss it here -20:08
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dtroyerI think it is worth a bug, possibly something went south with the change to using the CIRROS_* variables rather than hard-coding everything20:10
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openstackgerritRobbie Harwood proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Query changes for all projects with one query.
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Sukhdevdtroyer: OK - I will file a bug.20:12
Sukhdevdtroyer: against devstack, right?20:12
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Save and report nodepool image names
dtroyerSukhdev: yes.  include the link clarkb posted with the other ocurrence too20:13
Sukhdevdtroyer:will do - thanks20:13
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lifelessfungi: that mismatch might be an ordered dict or something20:14
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lifelessfungi: ah no, its comparing literal bytestrings20:15
zarohashar: you'll need to rebase these jjb template default changes 100020, 105155, 10313420:15
hasharzaro: ahh20:16
hasharzaro: sorry I have been busy this week :-/   Will attempt to have a look at it tonight, no promise though20:17
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jesusaurushow does zuul determine what gets grouped together into a change queue? such as the integrated gate vs the infra/config gate20:19
clarkbjesusaurus: any projects with shared test names in a dependentpipeline20:19
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow zuul & nodepool to be installed on one VM
clarkbjesusaurus: for us that is typically gate-dsvm-tempest-full. but it is transitive20:20
jesusaurusah, so if projects run the same test then they end up in the same group20:20
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jesusaurusis it possible to explicitly group projects together in layout.yaml?20:21
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clarkbjesusaurus: no20:22
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jesusaurusim thinking about the future puppet module projects20:22
clarkbjesusaurus: for the puppet module projects they should all run eg gate-config-puppet-integration20:22
jesusaurusand im not sure if they will share a test, but we want them in the same group20:22
clarkbwhich is a thing I just made up20:22
jesusaurusoh that makes sense. just create an integration test that we run on all of them20:23
clarkbjesusaurus: maybe even modify the existing puppet apply test (that may be what jeblair was talking about yesterday)20:23
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jesusaurusyeah, but it will need some extra logic to know which project it is testing so that it will do the Right Thing™ with the zuul ref20:24
clarkbjesusaurus: there is work to make zuul do that20:24
clarkbjesusaurus: so yes but you may get it for free20:25
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jesusauruswell, with my downstream setup im doing something similar with infra/config and our internal config20:25
jesusaurusits not difficult, but it might take a couple brain cells to scale out past two projects20:26
clarkbjesusaurus: no really it will be done for you :)20:26
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jesusaurusoh? how so?20:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix unbound on rax centos6 nodes.
clarkbjesusaurus: zuul is growing a zuul-cloner tool that will set up repos for you20:27
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clarkbjesusaurus: then all your test needs to do is run20:27
jesusaurusoh, is that what zuul-cloner is for?20:27
clarkbjesusaurus: ya20:27
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clarkbI wouldn't use it just yet20:27
jesusaurusso you give it a list of projects and they get cloned for you in $known_location?20:27
jesusaurusis this going to replace gerrit git prep then?20:28
clarkbjesusaurus: I think so, the cloning in d-g too20:28
jeblairjesusaurus: yeah, i'm working on setting up a config + puppet module integration test job, mostly because i thought no one else was20:28
clarkboh hey the unbound fix merged20:28
clarkbjeblair: fungi: I can build new centos6 shortly20:28
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jeblairand yes, finishing zuul-cloner is the first step in that20:29
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch some oslo library jobs to voting
clarkbnibalizer: jesusaurus did you get a chance to see my comments on 99990?20:30
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nibalizeri did20:30
clarkbnibalizer: the latest one?20:30
nibalizerif i understand correctly, you want infra/config to track master?20:30
* nibalizer looks20:30
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch some oslo library jobs to voting
clarkbnibalizer: yup20:30
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clarkbnibalizer: and my argument for that is I think it will make us more disciplined in code review and it will keep us away from doing large point to point release updates that are scary20:31
jeblairclarkb: yeah, agree with your comments there, and i think the apply integration test i'm working on will facilitate it20:31
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Sort the gerrit failed event bug urls map for predictive tests
jesusaurusclarkb: yeah, i agree that we want to track master of the puppet modules20:31
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nibalizerclarkb: works for me20:31
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gordcclarkb: any advice on how to fix the gate-ceilometer-doc error we're blocked by?20:32
jesusaurusclarkb: nibalizer ive been meaning to set aside time to add more better words to the problem description, but havent been in much of a literary mindset. proposed wordings are very welcome20:33
clarkbgordc: I couldn't reproduce it and I don't think it is related to the infra changes that were made20:33
clarkbgordc: however you could try a hashseed of 020:33
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jeblairjesusaurus: i don't think that's the most important thing20:33
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clarkbgordc: so I am stumped20:33
gordcclarkb: yeah, no one can reproduce it...20:34
clarkbgordc: we could try holding a slave and reproducing on the lsaves themselves20:34
gordci'll try the hashseed option20:34
* gordc doesn't know enough about test system to know how to debug it.20:34
jesusaurusjeblair: noted20:34
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clarkbgordc: it runs `tox -evenv build_sphinx` on trusty machines using latest tox20:35
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clarkbgordc: which should be functionally equivalent to `tox -edocs` if I read the tox.ini correctly20:36
gordcclarkb: i assume all slaves pull libs from same source?20:36
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clarkbgordc: not complteely. they all use the same pypi mirror but apt packages come from cloud specific package repos20:37
clarkbgordc: they also have different base images. but this failure happens on both rax and hpcloud pretty evenly so I don't think we are looking at cloud specific issues20:38
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gordcclarkb: yeah, it's pretty random. seems to pass once and then a few hours later it'll fail on same slave20:38
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clarkbgordc: well that was easy I got it to fail on my laptop20:40
clarkbclearly I shoudl've tired here instaed of my desktop20:40
gordcclarkb: :) that's good to know20:41
clarkbtox -evenv python build_sphinx is what I did with master checked out20:41
asselinclarkb, I'm debugging the missing zuul pid. I enabled debug logging. let me know if anything stands out as a possible error:
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gordcclarkb: darn still passes for me with that command (i don't have a debian machine though)20:42
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clarkbgordc: running a second time seems to pass20:43
* clarkb tries again with clean venv20:44
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gordcclarkb: :( i guess the hashseed approach might be required? or is that totally unrelated.20:44
clarkbgordc: not sure yet. It is possible that it is required due to a bug in the wsme thing (or elsewhere)20:45
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clarkbjeblair: in the fix cloner test change what is the else block after >=2 for?20:45
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clarkbjeblair: we should check change 1, then change 2, then stop looping right?20:45
clarkbjeblair: oh duh its for the case where change = 120:46
hasharspeaking of Zuul cloner, I am slowly migrating Wikimedia jobs to use  it :-]20:46
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hasharstill have to support the per project branch override :(20:46
clarkbsometimes "talking" out loud is the thing I need to do to make my brain work20:47
clarkbgordc: a rebuild of the venv worked. so this is very sporadic even on my laptop20:49
clarkbgordc: do we know what the TypeError is? is path None so join() fails?20:50
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Apply defaults to job-templates parameters
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i decided that approach wasn't scalabale and dropped it in future patchsets; i could backport that if we wanted, but probably it's not a big deal20:50
jeblairhashar: oh hi!20:50
jeblairhashar: we were just talking about the series starting here:
gordcclarkb: yep, i'm assuming its None20:51
clarkbgordc: ya I bet we are falling through to
jeblairhashar: i did that work on the cloner we talked about (it didn't need much!)20:51
clarkbjeblair: ya not a huge deal, just wrapping my brain around it as I go20:51
clarkbgordc: now to sort out why that could be20:52
gordcclarkb: same. something wrong with scan_services20:52
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jeblairclarkb: the idea that it checks the state for every change in the queue (and that things will be different for each) is kept, so that's worth groking20:52
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Integration tests for templates defaults
gordcclarkb: i've a feeling its but i'm not sure what why it'd work 10% of the time20:53
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jeblairclarkb: (and yeah, this whole thing is screaming for a testscenarios refactor, but i think we can do that later)20:55
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hasharzaro: I have rebased two of the changes, a trivial conflict with JJB doc/source/configuration.rst that was renamed20:59
hasharzaro: the last change ( ) I can't remember offhand, and I had too many ale (beer) to really think about it right now. Left a comment though.21:00
jeblairhashar: and the end of my zuul-cloner series adds the per-project override21:00
hasharyou are awesome21:00
hasharI hope you make it to Paris in Nov && you like beer21:01
jeblairhashar: no, you are!  i hardly had to change anything :)21:01
hasharcause I owe you a few gallons21:01
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hasharthe whole zuul cloner idea came from a discussion with jhesketh when he presented me turbo-hipster21:01
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clarkbgordc: the iteration in scan_services seems to be deterministic21:01
hasharhe basically had to write a bunch of python around devstack gate21:01
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clarkbgordc: dir() returns a sorted list for example21:02
clarkbgordc: so if it is hashseed related it would need to be a result of the order the paths are called?21:02
jeblairhashar: i'm about to start using it for an infra job, and once i have that worked out, i'll start working on using it in devstack-gate21:02
gordcclarkb: hmm...possibly. first time really looking at wsme code.21:03
gordcclarkb: i'll try pushing a hashseed patch to see if that passes.21:03
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clarkbgordc: sounds good21:05
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gordcclarkb: thanks for taking a look21:05
clarkbI am still trying to get it to fail a second time21:06
clarkbmay start doing a complete git clean first21:06
hasharjeblair: not internally it uses git clone, so if the destination already exist   git clone exit 128  because the directory already exist.21:07
lifelessclarkb: oh hi; I have invoked you for input in #openstack-nova21:07
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hasharjeblair: the trick is to have the parent repo cloned first :  i.e. clone  myproject  before  myproject/plugin121:07
hasharjeblair: might not be an issue for you though.21:07
pballandis there any “standard” in openstack for taggint non-release milestones?21:08
pballand( only talks about tags for releases)21:08
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jesusaurusnibalizer: do you have a link for the git-subtree %B bug? i cant seem to find it21:08
clarkbpballand: they should follow python rc/alpha/beta release scheme. we have a regex to match that21:09
* clarkb digs that up21:09
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pballandclarkb: thanks - so 1.0alpha or 1.0.alpha ? (both look fine by the regex)21:13
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harlowjaqq, maybe its better fixed or something tiny, but has/was there any adjustment to infra that made it so that custom tox environments that run can get there testr results published correctly? ex, (this is one of those custom environments outputs)21:14
clarkbharlowja: I think those tpyes of jobs should use the run-unittests runner which may require modifications to that runner21:15
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clarkbpballand: I wnt to say one is actually less correct. lifeless ^ you are deep into versioning right now21:15
harlowjaclarkb let me try that switch and we'll see how this goes21:16
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clarkbharlowja: I think the biggest thing is run-unittests assumes a py* prefix for the target name21:16
pballandclarkb: looks like projects are using the <version><dot><prerelease> version, but it isn’t always followed21:16
clarkbharlowja: we can stop assuming that and force everything to provide an actual complete name21:16
harlowjaya, hmmm21:16
harlowjai think taskflow can try this and see what happens, taskflow envs have that prefix21:17
harlowjasee how it goes21:17
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clarkbharlowja: oh ya so its cheap for you to switch21:18
harlowjai do like the cheap, ha21:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Sort the gerrit failed event bug urls map for predictive tests
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asselinclarkb, I'm finding that the zuul pid is created, then deleted about 6-8 seconds later (via  watch -n 1 ls -l /var/run/zuul). but the 2 zuul-server processes are still running. any ideas how to debug?21:23
clarkbjeblair: 116098 has a couple small cleanups I -1'd for. let me know if you would rather leave it as is21:23
clarkbasselin: are you running latest zuul?21:24
clarkbasselin: that sounds like a bug in the daemonization process21:24
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch taskflow to use the unittests slave script
asselinclarkb, operating system bug or installed library?21:25
harlowjaclarkb if u get a sec ^ ; pretty sure thats right21:25
clarkbasselin: I think installed lib or zuul21:25
zarohashar: doc error in
clarkbasselin: the OS doesn't really have much part in it other than syscalls21:25
clarkbharlowja: I think that is correct. let me double checking the zuul node selection21:26
openstackgerritAtin Ruia proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding feature to specify the user id for jenkins user credentials
clarkbharlowja: yup that looks like it will be fine21:27
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harlowjaclarkb thx much, should be helpful in seeing the testr outputs and such21:29
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clarkbjeblair: one of your changes was hit by the double teardown thing21:30
clarkbjeblair: I think that is a zuul wide issue and not related to your change. I am going to see if I can debug21:31
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch taskflow to use the unittests slave script
harlowjajust comment update ^21:31
harlowja^ commit message update i mean21:32
hasharzaro: fixing it21:32
ianwwhat does the || mean in "node: 'devstack-precise || devstack-trusty'"21:32
ianwi see it sets assignedNode in the jenkins xml21:32
ianwis that "precise first, trusty if not available"21:33
clarkbianw: it means that the job can run on devstack-precise or devstack-trusty on the jenkins side. then we have zuul select which one to use21:33
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ianwclarkb: how does zuul select, round-robin?21:33
clarkbianw: it is a short circuiting ||. We do that as an artifact of how jenkins registers jobs with gearman21:33
clarkbianw: no, we have a zuul layout function that selects them based on job21:33
clarkbianw: we could register all jobs on all jobs by leaving the node specification in jenkins blank then have zuul do all the selection but I went with this to restrict how big fires could get if zuul did the wrong thing21:34
clarkbianw: and it helped in at least one case so I didn't change it :)21:34
clarkbjeblair: confirmed zuul master is affected21:35
ianwclarkb: oh, default_params_trusty() and around there i guess in zuul?21:35
clarkbianw: yup21:35
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Apply defaults to job-templates parameters
clarkbit basically has a set of rules based job name and job branch to select the nodes21:36
gordcclarkb: seems like a wsme issue. tests are sporadically failing there as well...21:36
gordcclarkb: down the rabbit hole i go.21:36
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clarkbgordc: have fun21:37
clarkband don't let the crazy cat get you21:37
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hasharzaro: the tests are badly falling because of dictionary orders :-(21:37
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hasharzaro: I mean the JJB tests (random example )21:38
clarkbhashar: zaro you can work around that by overriding the hashseed value21:38
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clarkbhashar: but long term we should make it work with arbitrary dict order or use ordered dicts from collections. I think there is a JJB change up to start using ordereddict21:38
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Classify tempest lxml hashseed bug 1360034
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360034 in tempest "safe_minidom_parse_string raising ExpatError in Jenkins runs since 8/20; lxml random hashseed failure" [Critical,Fix committed]
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat UserKeyPairMissing bug 1360415
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360415 in heat "test_nova_keypair_resources fails with UserKeyPairMissing" [Undecided,New]
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hasharclarkb: how come it suddenly started to fail?  Is that some python / nose version that has been bumped?21:39
ianwclarkb: thanks, hopefully my comments on make sense21:39
clarkbhashar: we upgraded the version of tox21:40
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clarkbhashar: latest tox sets a random pythonhashseed value21:40
fungihashar: latest versions of tox randomize the python hash seed on python 2.x to match the behavior of 3.x21:40
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zarohow do you fix that?21:41
clarkbianw: yup lgtm21:41
hasharI have just graduated from 101 Python21:41
hasharneed to look at 102 Python hash seed messing up dicts21:41
hasharclarkb: fungi: thanks for the explanation :]21:41
fungizaro: you fix places where you didn't realize your tests (or the program itself) depend on the order of elements in an unordered data type21:42
hasharzaro: I guess ordereddict is the answer21:42
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fungior you work around it by setting an explicit PYTHONHASHSEED=0 envvar and pretend it's not a problem, and then hope someone else rewrites it for you before it's ever used on python 3 ;)21:43
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hasharsetenv =21:43
hashar    PYTHONHASHSEED = 10021:43
hasharnew in tox 1.6.2
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Handle latest testtools tearDown checks
zarowould this fix it?
clarkbjeblair: fungi ^ that should make zuul tests happy again21:43
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Error on duplicate job names being found
clarkbhashar: ya but set to 0 if you want the old behavior21:44
clarkb0 is the default21:44
fungizaro: potentially21:44
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hasharI dont understand PYTHONHASHSEED honestly21:44
hasharif you have everything with PYTHONHASHSEED=42  , you should end up with ordered dict dont you?21:45
clarkbianw: also note that because dsvm is in that test name it will default to trusty. explicitly saying f20 in the name will hcange that if you want f2021:45
clarkbhashar: yes you would end up with consistent ordering, but that consistent ordering may be different than the consistend ordering from HASHSEED=021:45
fungihashar: the short story is that it was discovered a few years ago that you could predict hash collisions for python dicts, and so as one of the mitigating solutions they grew a feature to allow you to specify your own seed value to alter how the hash was generated21:45
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clarkband in python3 it is random by default but python2 is still 0 by default21:46
fungiand for py3k this was randomized completely between invocations, to be even less predictable, yes21:46
hasharso in python3 hash are randomized to make sure they yield elements in random orders?21:47
fungihashar: right21:48
hasharI should propose a pep  to rename dict() to  dict_randomized()21:48
hasharand have ordereddict renamed to dict() :D21:48
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fungihashar: you could just do that in your software if you really wanted (renaming/replacing built-in functions is actually not hard at all)21:49
hasharanyway,for JJB: we have to convert to ordereddict21:49
hasharsince we want the same XML output to be rendered21:49
hasharfungi: yeah what puzzle me is why py3  actually randomize the hash21:50
hasharseems like a trick to make sure developers think twice before using a dict (i.e.: ask themselves: do I care about key order?)21:51
clarkbhashar: yup21:51
fungihashar: because it was still fairly low-adoption so they could get away with doing it there (as opposed to python 2 where some significant percentage of the existing install base may depend on arbitrarily ordered data from what were presented as being unordered data types)21:51
hasharwhich is evil21:51
hasharbut clever21:51
clarkbhashar: well not quite it is a security bug21:51
clarkbhashar: you don't want predictable hash collisions21:51
clarkba side effect of that is that your dict keys are not ordered21:52
hasharyou guys should host Python hackercamps21:52
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hasharI basically learned python by chatting here21:52
hasharclarkb: got it :-]21:53
fungiin fact, your dict keys never were ordered per se... if you ran the same program on two different platforms with the same python release or on the same platform with two slightly different python releases, you got different ordering21:53
hasharfungi: but it works for me!!!! ™21:53
hasharI can imagine the number of bugs it caused21:53
fungithis just makes it so that you get different ordering every time you run, even on the same platform with the same python release21:53
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump zake up to 0.1
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hasharfungi: yeah that make sense22:00
hasharfungi: clarkb: thank you two for the hash seed explanation. Much appreciated22:00
lifelessclarkb: hi, context ?22:01
lifelessclarkb: oh versions - IIRC, let me double check22:01
clarkbjeblair: can you see my comment on 116105?22:02
clarkbjeblair: just making sure I understand as I go22:02
lifelessclarkb:     The identifier MUST comprise only a, b, rc followed by non-negative22:03
lifeless    integer value. The identifier MUST NOT be empty.22:03
clarkbpballand: ^22:04
asselinclarkb, figured it out, thanks. I submitted a bug report with my investigation notes & tips to resolve.
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360456 in zuul "zuuls fails to reload/stop due to missing PID" [Undecided,New]22:04
lifelessjeblair: hi, I'd like to get two nova patches ninjad into stable/icehouse, and clarkb has tagged you as infra person to $approve/$assist something22:04
lifelessjeblair: dprince and mikal are pro doing this, and there's more context in #openstack-nova22:04
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clarkbasselin: oh good, I think we avoid that by gating on the layout check22:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add open reviews to elastic-recheck status page
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asselinclarkb, yea, good idea. I'll see if I can add that to my script.22:08
jesusaurusclarkb: asselin ive seen that as well (when layout.yaml is valid yaml but with unknown options)22:10
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
r1chardj0n3smight make people happy: I've just got site-wide config into pip for the 1.6 release :)22:11
jeblairlifeless: #openstack-nova is not logged, can you repeat here?22:12
lifelessjeblair: sure, sec22:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Classify tempest lxml hashseed bug 1360034
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1360034 in tempest "safe_minidom_parse_string raising ExpatError in Jenkins runs since 8/20; lxml random hashseed failure" [Critical,Fix committed]
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use OrderedDict to preserve key order in created dicts
jeblairclarkb: regarding your first comment on 116105, it's stable/havana branch tip because it's overriding the fallback branch to stable/havana.  so in d-g terms it's $BRANCH22:14
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Stash keystone apache httpd logs
clarkbjeblair: I think that is a deviation in behavior then22:15
jrollttx: did you mark these started? why? they have no code proposed :/
jeblairclarkb: no, in d-g, we set $BRANCH to stable/foo on the old side of the grenade job22:15
jeblairclarkb: because we want grenade to, assuming it's testing no change, check out stable/foo22:16
clarkbjeblair: hrm I must be missing how that works then22:16
jeblairclarkb: well, let's talk about the desirability first -- does it make sense that when performang an upgrade test, you want the old side to be stable/foo and the new side to be master?22:17
clarkbjeblair: yes22:17
jeblairclarkb: so the mechanics of that are:22:17
lifelessjeblair: (btw you are in the channel so it should be in your scrollback :P)22:17
jeblairsetup_project openstack/nova $GRENADE_OLD_BRANCH22:17
jeblairlifeless: the log isn't for me22:17
jeblairlifeless: it's because you're asking one of us to break protocol22:18
lifelessjeblair: roger22:18
jeblairlifeless: i'm not doing that because you asked nicely.  everyone gets to be on the hook on the record for that.  :)22:18
lifelessjeblair: thats totally fine22:18
lifelessI can add a bit more context too, sec22:18
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jeblairlifeless: what is this actually blocking, a pbr change?22:19
* persia is discovering reasons that it would be nice to have $BRANCH of stable/foo and test changes towards stable/bar, but may have been chatting with the wrong folk22:19
jeblairpersia: we can handle that too22:19
lifelessjeblair: better paste -
lifelessjeblair: top of that explains22:19
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lifelessjeblair: we can't make semver error on bad versions until we have no bad versions in the gate branches22:20
lifelessjeblair: and grenade pulls in stable/icehouse for changes to trunk22:21
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jeblairlifeless: is passing tests22:23
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lifelessthat was the 10th? recheck.22:24
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Start running bashate on config (nonvoting)
lifelessjeblair: unless something environment has just been fixed, I fully expect to cause a gate reset and bounce out22:24
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clarkbjeblair: is what I am looking at. And I agree that the behavior codified by the new test is what we want. So I guess my question may be how is d-g doing it the way we want22:29
bknudsonis elastic-recheck working for others?
clarkbalso in other news I think we should vote for Gerrit, Zuul, and Jenkins as the three most influential people in openstack22:29
jeblairlifeless: i don't object, but i also don't have time to actually do it right now; i'm about to run out22:30
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clarkbbknudson: no :(22:30
lifelessjeblair: can clarkb do it now that its approved?22:30
clarkbI can do it22:30
clarkband it sounds like we have a form of agreement from dansmith, jeblair and others22:30
jeblairclarkb: because we call setup_workspace with $GRENADE_OLD_BRANCH as an argument22:30
* clarkb prepares the ninja suit22:30
jeblairclarkb: which gets set somewhere in devstack-gate22:31
dansmithclarkb: there's my jsonschema fix and what else?22:31
clarkbjeblair: right but in that set of conditions it will try the oldbranch ref, then the master ref, then old branch proper then master proper22:31
jeblairclarkb: yep, and it's oldbranch proper we want and get22:31
clarkbjeblair: right so how does it skip grabbing the master zuul ref22:32
clarkbjeblair: since it tries that first I would expect it to not keep falling through to get old branch proper22:32
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jeblairclarkb: i think the documentation for setup_project may be wrong22:33
lifelessclarkb: I need to relocate; do you need me for the ninja? If so, is in ~25m ok ?22:33
clarkbdansmith: is the other change22:33
clarkblifeless: I don't need you to do this. just going to confirm with dansmith on the second change22:33
dansmithclarkb: and the need to ninja is that we need both at the same time?22:34
lifelessdansmith: no22:34
lifelessdansmith: its that its so fragile - 10 rechecks to get green on *check*22:34
lifelessdansmith: both patches are going to have the same fragility since neither affect that22:35
dansmithso this doesn't fix the problem, you just want it in?22:35
dansmithI see22:35
jeblairclarkb: tracing the code in this case, i think it actually tries: stable zuul ref, stable zuul ref (a second time), stable tip, master.22:35
clarkbdansmith: we need jsonschema first, then the second one will have a marginally better chance22:35
clarkbjeblair: oohhhh that would explain it22:35
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos
clarkbjeblair: I will reread and see if I get that concluson too22:35
jeblairclarkb: nope that's wrong, it's actually: stable zuul ref, stable zuul ref (a second time), stable tip, master.22:35
jeblairclarkb: grr22:35
lifelessok, back in 25m22:35
jeblairclarkb: nope that's wrong, it's actually: stable zuul ref, stable tip, master.22:36
jeblairclarkb: there, it doesn't do it twice.22:36
jeblairclarkb: anyway, in cloner, i reworked the documentation, i think it may be more correct there.22:36
jeblairokay, really going now.22:36
clarkbjeblair: what happens to that second git fetch || git fetch?22:36
clarkbjeblair: ya no rush it seems to be working as expected so I won't worry22:36
jeblairclarkb: i think fallback zuul ref is "" because the project _does_ have the stable branch22:36
* fungi thought it did stable zuul ref, stable branch tip, master zuul ref, master branch tip22:36
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clarkbjeblair: oh thats it22:37
jeblairclarkb: so the path is override, (skip fallback), stable, (master does not run)22:37
clarkbjeblair: that is exactly what I was missing. its the hasbranch check earlier22:37
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jeblairclarkb: which, be careful, is logic-reversed in cloner22:37
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clarkbdansmith: so I will defer to you on this22:37
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use OrderedDict to preserve key order in created dicts
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jeblairyeah, honestly i'm pretty uncomfortable with tho whole situation because we normally only ninja merge stuff that can't get in otherwise (catch-22 on races)22:38
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jeblairi would really prefer that people not ask us to do things like this22:39
dansmithjeblair: yeah, I'm kinda nervous about it22:39
clarkbfungi: jeblair we are running new centos6 images in the three rax AZs now. We should see hostnames in jobs that fail on those nodes now22:39
clarkbdansmith: jeblair: in that case maybe we should hold off22:39
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fungiclarkb: well, yes and no. if they fail because of the "booted from an older snapshot than we asked for" they won't have the slave script updates and additional file, but at least it'll be that much more obvious22:40
jeblairbut since this fixes a test, (apparently to a high degree of confidence to the nova devs), i didn't feel like i should block it22:40
jeblairi would be quite happy if we decided not to do it though22:40
jogofungi: the first iteration of the open reviews listing on is up22:40
jeblairokay, really really leaving now :)22:41
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clarkbfungi: right22:41
clarkba node I just spotchecked has the image-hostname file and is using unbound as its resolver \o/22:41
fungijogo: what am i looking for? i'm likely staring straight at it22:41
jogo'Open reviews'22:42
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jogofungi: ^ search for that term22:42
pleia2jogo: cool22:42
fungijogo: aha!22:42
clarkbjhesketh: fungi: jeblair for when weekending is not impending will unstick zuul tests22:42
jogopleia2 fungi: thanks, I am bad with UI so if you have some ideas to make it better22:43
fungiclarkb: yep, lgtm--was just waiting on it to prove itself. +2 now22:43
fungijogo: you want it larger and bolder i think22:43
fungijogo: blink tag, flaming text, spinning skulls22:44
* fungi is clearly even worse at ui22:44
jogofungi: hmm yeah, I have a long plane ride ahead to figure out how to make it larger and bolder22:44
pleia2fungi's first idea was good though ;)22:44
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clarkbfungi: marquee22:44
* fungi uses as his go-to site for what the web should look like22:45
jogofungi: can use a promotion to the top of the gate22:45
jogoif it isn't already22:45
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fungijogo: i think that's one of the ones clarkb/dansmith are coordinating promoting or not22:47
fungior were they for master and that is that the icehouse backport of one of them?22:47
clarkbfungi: not coordinating, ninja merging22:48
clarkbbut I get the feeling that ninja merge is making uncomfortableness and should be avoided22:48
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jogofungi: this is the icehouse backport22:48
jogofungi: don't know if its already promoted or not22:49
fungiclarkb: you choose to dishonor your real ultimate power? y u no ninja?22:49
jogo is another gate bug patch22:49
jogothat is in the queue22:49
jogohmm that one has some unit test failures though22:49
asselinis there a way to configure a zuul job to not post any comment at all? Run the job(s), upload log files, and stop, don't post results for any jobs marked as "private", but post the others.22:49
fungijogo: yeah, also a stable branch fix22:49
fungijogo: i think that's the other icehouse backport of the two clarkb and dansmith were discussing22:50
fungioh, maybe not22:50
fungithe master version of that one is already landed22:50
fungiasselin: you could put the jobs in a "silent" pipeline22:51
asselinfungi, thanks will look into that22:52
jogotime for my flight22:52
pleia2have fun22:53
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lifelessok back22:59
clarkblifeless: so jeblair and dansmith both are uncomfortable with ninja merges so I haven't done it22:59
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dansmithmy reasoning is because it's not a ninja patch to fix an issues of circular dependencies or some other reason we ninja things in23:00
dansmithit's to land two things we need, despite the fragility and I think that's the wrong reason to ninja things23:00
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lifelessdansmith: what makes you nervous ?23:00
dansmithlifeless: the precedent it sets23:01
asselinclarkb, fungi, a quick review of this would be appreciated. some cinder ci folks setting up 3rd party ci also need it. currently cherry picking
openstackgerritKevin L. Mitchell proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Work around PYTHONHASHSEED-related problems
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lifelessdansmith: ok, so the issue is - we're not going to backport things like the neutron callback on vif plugging etc23:02
lifelessdansmith: the jsonschema patch has to be the next patch to land on stable/icehouse23:03
dansmithicehouse already has the neutron callback, unless you're talking about something else23:03
lifelessdansmith: ah, I did have memory fail :)23:05
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Allow zuul & nodepool to be installed on one VM
lifelesswell, we'll see what happens23:09
clarkbpleia2: arg I didn't get to 2.6.0 stable install yet23:09
clarkbpleia2: I am going to try that really quicly now23:09
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pleia2clarkb: no worries23:10
lifelessbut at the heart of this I am concerned I don't have the depth of time to fix stable/icehouse gate instability23:10
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use OrderedDict to preserve key order in created dicts
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clarkbpleia2: done, that was quicker than I expected23:14
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clarkbpleia2: if you login I will superpootle you23:14
clarkbpleia2: and confirmed I can view my own profile when logged in23:16
pleia2clarkb: lyz created23:16
clarkbpleia2: done23:17
pleia2thanks :)23:17
clarkbpleia2: was the .pot upload supposed to be fixed too?23:18
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clarkbI am going to give that a go23:19
pleia2clarkb: yep23:19
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clarkbno spinning thing so thats progress23:20
clarkbI don't see any strings to translate though23:21
clarkbthere are a ton of warnings in the log23:21
clarkbI will look next week23:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add the tuskar and python-tuskarclient projects
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.db to >= 0.4.0
pleia2clarkb: ok, thanks23:22
pleia2we pretty much have zanata going now (just some things to tidy up, I'm sure they'll get to it on their Monday (Sunday)) and that'll give them something to start with23:22
clarkbpleia2: oh now I have strings23:23
clarkbpleia2: I guess it is laggy?23:23
clarkbpleia2: so it may be ready now. clarktest is a thing with nova.pot in it and afrikaans23:23
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pballandclarkb, lifeless: thanks23:27
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Be more careful about when to close pull requests
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
pleia2clarkb: btw, changed admin's default password because it was abysmal23:38
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ensure dict orders are deterministic
clarkbpleia2 thanks23:39
* fungi imagines that the initial login was really "admin/abysmal"23:41
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch taskflow to use the unittests slave script
harlowjaclarkb fungi if u can recheck ^ seems like i need (?) to add a job template?23:46
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Some tweaks to get closer to Python 3 compat
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos
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pleia2fungi: tsk, now I need to change it again23:49
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Error on duplicate job names being found
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos
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jrollour "reverify" comments don't seem to be working, known issue?
JayFjroll: I'm digging deep, but I think recheck may be used now for verifys as well23:51
pleia2jroll: they work, jenkins just doesn't tell you anymore when it's starting jobs23:51
jrolloh huh23:51
jrollthanks pleia223:51
pleia2jroll: search for the change on the zuul status page if you want to confirm it's running:
jrollyeah :)23:51
pleia2sure thing :)23:51
JayFjroll: it already failed another voting check :(23:51
pleia2and yeah, recheck and reverify are synonyms now23:52
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JayFjroll: check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-icehouse23:52
JayFjroll: has already failed on that check per the great zuul23:52
jrollI don't care until I can recheck it :)23:52
clarkbharlowja: oh right because we have py26 and py27 et al as special jobs23:53
clarkbharlowja: so a generic template for unittests may need to be added23:53
harlowjaclarkb ya, i think i added it, not sure if i got it right though ;)23:54
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support lazy resolving of include yaml tags

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