Tuesday, 2014-11-25

jeblairzuul is moving again00:00
fungibare-precise nodes take a long time to build... the one old nodepool started builfing half an hour ago in hpcloud is still going00:01
fungier, new nodepool00:01
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fungidevstack-precise i mean00:01
fungistill hasn't successfully added one00:02
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clarkbgah I may have derped my strace /me tries agin no wonder I was confused00:02
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swestonasselin: the merge didn't work, or the history was not saved/00:03
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jeblairfungi: maybe the important question is why there seems to be no queue of merge jobs00:03
asselinsweston, it merged all of master, undoing the subtree00:03
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asselinsweston, not sure why I though it worked before....??00:04
swestonasselin: eeeew00:04
asselinsweston, --rejoin seems to be what we need. testing it out now00:05
fungijeblair: yeah, i think as soon as they end up in the gearman queue the merge workers snap them up, as gearman perpetually reports none are waiting00:05
mordredfungi: but a merge worker should only snap up one at a time00:06
fungimordred: right. for whatever reason merge work requests seem to be trickling into gearman very slowly00:07
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jeblairokay, no one objected.  i'm making the call to revert everything00:09
swestonasselin: so the workflow is to start with your local repo, then do a git remote add, then a fetch and merge.  you are doing it differently, right, by starting with subtree split?00:09
jeblairclarkb, fungi: can you get old nodepool in shape?00:09
clarkbya I will update dns now00:09
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clarkbsomeone should stop new nodepool service00:10
clarkbfungi: ^ you want to do that?00:10
jeblairi will clean up zuul00:10
fungijeblair: yeah, doing00:10
swestonasselin: if --rejoin doesn't work, then i'd try with the steps here http://git-scm.com/book/en/v1/Git-Tools-Subtree-Merging00:10
clarkbfungi: we should also run puppet on old nodepool prior to starting to pull in changes00:10
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funginodepoold stopped and puppet agent disabled on new nodepool00:11
asselinsweston, here's what I'm doing: http://paste.openstack.org/show/137782/00:12
fungipuppet agent enabled and updated on old nodepool server00:12
clarkbA and AAAA records updated00:12
fungithanks, was about to ask00:12
clarkbso ~5 minutes from now I will kick iptables on zuul and the jenkinses00:13
fungias soon as puppetmaster sees the updated dns entries i'll refresh the known_hosts entry for it00:13
swestonasselin: ok00:13
fungiokay, known_hosts updated on puppetmaster00:14
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fungigear 0.5.2 is the one we want, right?00:15
jeblairfungi: yep00:15
fungithat's the one currently on old nodepool, so no changes needed00:15
clarkbya old nodepool should be ok00:15
jeblairi'm running a geard on zuul atm so nodepool can gracefully start without zuul running00:15
fungiwe need to reupdate iptables on zuul?00:16
clarkbfungi: yup once dns goes propogates00:16
jeblairfungi: it currently has both actually00:16
fungior is it still open from when jeblair manually added it back earlier?00:17
jeblairsince i manually added it for testing00:17
fungiyeah, that00:17
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clarkboh right then not on zuul but on jenkinses00:17
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fungiahh, right. need to update iptables on the 7 jenkins masters00:17
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fungijust start the iptables-persistent initscript on them?00:17
clarkbyup I can do that in a minute00:17
clarkbwant to make sure dns is updated first00:18
fungiahh, yep00:18
jeblairzuul is ready when we are00:18
clarkbok I get new records locally going to get the jenkinses00:18
clarkbfungi: jenkins01 is done can you test telnet from old nodepool to that node over port 888800:19
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clarkball 8 are done now00:20
fungii just checked them all too00:20
clarkbI think that means we can start nodepool service on old server00:20
fungii think you were opening each just ahead of me00:20
jeblairwait on that00:20
jeblairi think we need to delete things in the alien list first, right?00:20
fungisome of those aliens may be running jobs right now?00:20
jeblairrequests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='ci-overcloud.tripleo.org', port=13000): Max retries exceeded with url: /v2.0/tokens (Caused by <class 'socket.error'>: [Errno 110] Connection timed out)00:20
jeblairfungi: but zuul is stopped00:20
clarkbjeblair: I didn't use the alien list I just used nodepool cli on server to list then delete all nodes with xargs -n 500:21
fungii will do that on the trusty nodepool now00:21
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jeblairfungi: ok thanks00:21
fungiclarkb: what was trusty nodepool's ipa?00:21
clarkbit worked well something like nodepool list | cut -d'|' -f 2 | xargs -n 1 -P 5 nodepool delete --now00:21
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mmedvedeasselin: can you explain  in two words the main idea behind the split job? I do not understand the part when it does curl of existing split repo, overlaying it on top of system-config00:23
fungithey're deleting now00:23
fungithis can happen in parallel with starting precise nodepool presumably?00:23
clarkbfungi: I think so00:24
clarkbjeblair: ^00:24
asselinthe curl creates the remote repository. it either succeds, or errors saying it already exists.00:24
jeblairsounds reasonable00:24
clarkbI did it in parallel when we went the other direction00:24
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fungii'll do another pass for alien nodes from precise nodepool's perspective once this is completed00:24
fungiany other last-minute objections before i start precise nodepoold?00:24
clarkbnone here00:24
asselinmmedvede, the idea in 2 words is "automate sub-tree"00:24
mmedvedeasselin: ah, neat00:25
mmedvedeasselin: and what is the benefit of --rejoin?00:25
fungiokay, started00:25
fungi57 nodes building00:26
asselinmmedvede, still unconfirmed, the idea is to be able to do a re-subtree and only process the new commits, insead of starting over.00:26
asselinmmedvede, so obviously much faster00:26
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fungi63 building now00:27
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jeblairsome nodes are registering00:29
fungiyeah, we have ready nodes00:30
fungithough no bare-precise or devstack-precise yet00:30
jeblairfungi: let me know when we have bare and devstack versions of precise and trusty00:31
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fungiwill do. it just errored out a bare-precise and started building a new one00:31
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fungithere's a bare-precise ready now, devstack-precise still building00:37
fungiclarkb: looks like the centos7 diskimage isn't happy00:37
fungiclarkb: devstack-centos7-dib seems to be in an image build loop00:37
clarkbya known issue with precise00:38
clarkbits the reason we upgraded to trusty00:38
fungioh, right. hurrr00:38
fungii think only half my pistons are firing today00:38
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mmedvedeasselin: thanks for explaining. I am going to do a couple of quick tests to check if --rejoin does help. I have a bad feeling it does not00:39
asselinmmedvede, please00:39
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fungiabout 5 minutes into a new devstack-precise build. the last one fell victim to a nova boot error in rax-dfw00:43
clarkbcurrent one is in rax iad00:43
openstackgerritSurojit Pathak proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Fixing broken while loop in imports.py  https://review.openstack.org/13651700:44
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jeblairwhy in the world is this taking so long?00:46
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clarkbI just remember to update iptables on graphite.o.o so thats done00:48
clarkbnow our graphs should better reflect reality00:48
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fungirackspace boot from snapshot seems to take 10-20 minutes under good conditions, and a significant percentage of the time ends in a nova boot error. doesn't help that nodepool has a min-ready of 1 for those precise labels now too00:48
jeblairi'm going to go ahead and start zuul00:49
jeblairthe additional demand might help us get a working node faster00:49
fungihere's hoping00:49
clarkbsounds good00:49
jeblairand too bad about the not_registered for icehouse jobs00:49
fungii'll keep an eye out for signs in the precise nodepool logs of any similar gearman client timeouts00:49
clarkbugh looks like the precise node that was building failed00:50
fungiyeah, another LaunchStatusException but this time in rad-iad00:51
fungier, rax-iad00:51
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jeblair  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/novaclient/exceptions.py", line 217, in from_response00:53
jeblair    return cls(**kwargs)00:53
jeblairTypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'retry_after'00:53
jeblairthat's some nice forward compatability there, novaclient00:53
clarkbjeblair: is that from nodepool?00:53
jeblairthat's happening a lot00:53
jrollfungi: yeah, rackspace's boot times on custom images are really really sad00:53
clarkbif we update novaclient we also need to update six00:54
jeblairit kind of looks like rackspace is running a version of nova that is returning extra information in error responses that novaclient does not know how to deal with00:54
jeblairthis is the sort of thing that makes me hate using openstack00:55
clarkbtelling us to try again later00:55
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jeblairmordred: ^ fyi00:55
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jeblairugh and you know what?00:56
jeblairbecause it's an error that we don't know about00:56
jeblairnodepool deletes it00:56
fungilooks like jogo reported that as bug 136525100:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365251 in python-novaclient "TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'retry_after'" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136525100:56
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clarkblooks like it was fixed in novaclient though00:57
clarkbwhich means we need latest novaclient...00:57
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jeblairthat's not a fix :/00:58
clarkbjeblair: right00:58
jeblairand yep00:58
jeblairthe fix is specific to this thing00:58
jeblairso the next new "feature" that's added will have the same problem00:58
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jeblairwell, rackspace is currently useless to us because of this :(00:59
clarkbshould I upgrade novaclient?00:59
clarkbhowever new novaclient/six may have contributed to new nodepool issues...00:59
jeblairclarkb: exactly00:59
clarkbjeblair: though is nodepool only deleting nodes that errored anyways?01:00
clarkbI guess figuring out what the exception is may be helpful01:00
fungioh, is six where it was theorized async i/o issues were arising?01:00
jeblairclarkb: that exception causes nodepool to delete nodes01:00
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clarkbjeblair: right but its in exception handling01:01
clarkbjeblair: so maybe it was already a failure?01:01
clarkbfungi: no, but its a thing that was different between the nodes01:01
jeblairclarkb: i assume "retry_after" comes with a rate limit error01:01
jeblairwhich normally does not cause us to delete nodes01:01
fungiyeah, digging in nova now to find out01:02
clarkbjeblair: looking at that code it seems assocaited to overlimit errors01:02
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clarkbexcept that class appears to handle kwargs so likely its another exception that does not handle kwargs /me looks01:02
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clarkbrate limit and overlimite should handle it properly01:03
clarkbso likely a different exception01:03
fungiso, er, yep01:04
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jeblairoh, i was mistaken, the bugfix for that in novaclient is supposed to make novaclient more resilient generally01:04
jeblairso that's good at least01:04
fungiand that _retry_after() method is responsible for adding headers = {'Retry-After': '%d' % retry_after}01:04
clarkbjeblair: ya I think nova server started putting that data in more responses01:04
clarkbso the bug is really in nova server imo01:05
jeblairit looks like there's a bug in nova-api where retry_after is being added to responses where it should not be01:05
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jeblairjogo, mikal: fyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+bug/1365251 is hitting us for real, and causing quite a lot of issues booting nodes in rackspace01:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1365251 in python-novaclient "TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'retry_after'" [High,Fix released]01:06
jogojeblair: lookking01:06
fungiJayF: ^ ;)01:06
jogojeblair: can you pastebin the stacktrace you are getting01:07
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jeblairjogo, mikal, JayF: and we are not in a position to upgrade novaclient right now to get that fix :(01:07
funginor are we in a position to patch rackspace's nova installs ;)01:08
jeblairjogo: http://paste.openstack.org/show/137795/01:08
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JayFfungi: I'm not in that position either (thankfully)01:08
mordredjeblair: wow01:08
clarkbjeblair: fungi: what if we install nodepool to a virtualenv01:09
jogojeblair: can you get the underlying error? for example in http://paste.ubuntu.com/8229361/plain/01:09
jogoits a quota limit01:09
clarkbon precise01:09
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clarkbthen we can always fall back on the global install if it exhibits old behavior with gear01:09
jeblairjogo: that page wants me to log in but i don't want to :(01:09
clarkb(I am thinking out loud here. feel free to tell me its a bad idea)01:09
jogojeblair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8229361/plain/ is that better?01:09
jogojeblair: RESP BODY: {"forbidden": {"message": "Quota exceeded for instances: Requested 1, but already used 10 of 10 instances", "code": 403}}01:10
jeblairclarkb: we've lost a day of work because the ci system was broken, i'm just trying to get a working system going again, and to do that, i'd really like to start with a known working state01:10
jeblairjogo: no01:10
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jeblairstill asks for login01:10
clarkbunfortunately rax appears to have moved beyond known working independently01:10
jeblairclarkb: well, hopefully it will work well enough with the extra failures01:11
clarkbthats certainly possible01:11
jeblairclarkb: (it's designed for clouds to fail, that doesn't bother me as much)01:11
mordredI have very bad internet right now01:11
jeblairclarkb: then we can decide how to proceed01:11
mordredextra useless mordred01:12
jogojeblair: can you tcpdump or something?01:12
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jogojeblair: if you cannot upgrade novaclient, and we don't know what the specific error you are getting is. not sure what to try next01:12
jeblairjogo: i really hope the connection is encrypted01:12
fungijogo: https01:12
jogojeblair: hehe woops yeah01:13
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fungiwe'd need to inject a proxy01:13
jroll01:10:09             jogo | jeblair: RESP BODY: {"forbidden": {"message": "Quota exceeded for instances: Requested 1, but already used 10 of 10 instances", "code": 403}} <- what flavor are you booting?01:13
jrollalso, why is openstack CI limited to 10 instances?01:13
jogojroll: not sure if that was from rax01:13
jrolloh, ok01:13
jeblairyeah, we don't know the actual exception01:13
fungijroll: that wasn't an example from our system01:13
jogojroll: jroll that was from the bug from a while ago01:13
jrollright, ok01:13
jogojeblair: can you turn novaclient debug logging on?01:14
fungiall we know is we're getting an api response that novaclient 2.14.1 can't interpret01:14
jrollfungi: jeblair: if you can get the actual error message, I can poke things01:14
jrollwhich isn't the real fix01:14
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jrollbut it might help get things working at least01:14
clarkbwe can probably turn on debug logging via the logging config file01:14
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clarkbwould require a nodepool restart thoug01:15
jogoclarkb: is this happening every time or just sometimes?01:15
fungimight be a better idea to look at nova limits reported for that tenant/region first. i'll see if anything looks maxxed out01:15
jogofungi: yeah, that is what I am thinking01:15
jogoyou may have been leaking some resource01:16
jrollthere's known bugs in quotas where we can end up with them out of sync01:16
fungiseeing it in at least dfw and ord01:16
jrollfungi: what's the tenant?01:17
jeblairi have to go now.  i have not seen any timeouts like we saw earlier; hopefully we're at least not hitting the errors from earlier01:17
fungijroll: openstackjenkins01:17
fungithanks again jeblair!01:17
jrollfungi: have a tenant ID?01:17
jrollit's a number01:17
fungijroll: yeah, just a sec01:18
JayFjroll: you can get there from that01:18
JayFjroll: I'll show you01:18
jrollfungi: I've got it, thanks01:18
JayFbrb, keystone cops operating a cloud01:18
fungijroll: okay, thanks01:18
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clarkbfungi: are you happy with how things generally look? I should be outside raking before it gets too late01:19
fungiclarkb: yep. i too am about to knock off once i shepherd the last of the alien nodes cleanup through01:20
funginova rate-limits and absolute-limits look sane for dfw01:21
clarkbok I am going to step out and do that. will check back in after01:22
jroll^ I'm seeing this too01:22
jrollI'm going to see if I can get it reset anyway, just to be sure01:22
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fungiwondering if maybe we were hitting the api to rapidly and running afoul of an actual api call rate limit01:23
fungier, too rapidly01:24
fungibecause rate-limits and absolute-limits look reasonable on ord too01:24
jrolllooks like the rate limits are pretty high01:24
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set up ssh_known_host based on hostname  https://review.openstack.org/13659601:38
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fungitrusty nodepool seems to have failed to delete 21 nodes in total01:46
fungigiving it a second pass before i switch to checking for alien nodes from precise nodepool01:46
clarkbfungi: try a second pass? there were a handful old nodepool didn't get either but a second pass made it happy01:47
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dimshi all, anyone point me to the mox3 git and bug tracker?01:52
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fungimordred: ^ ?01:54
fungidoesn't seem to be in our gerrit that i can find01:55
pleia2dims: looks like https://code.google.com/p/pymox/01:55
fungialso hasn't released in more than a year01:55
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fungipleia2: i think that's the pymox page, not the mox3 page01:55
pleia2hm, or not01:55
dimspleia2: fungi: i was scratching my head as pypi says it came from us - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mox3/0.7.001:56
pleia2I was following the link on the pypi page01:56
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lifelessPackage Index Owner: openstackci01:56
lifelessthats fairly conclusive01:56
fungilifeless: conclusive that someone who has the password to the openstackci account uploaded a tarball01:56
fungidims: it's a monty side project afaik. probably https://github.com/emonty/pymox is as official as you're going to find01:57
dimsthanks fungi01:57
dimslifeless: and pleia2 as well01:58
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dimsfyi, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8905472/python-unit-test-how-to-use-mox-to-mock-the-gzip-with-statement does not work well with mox3 (just switch "import mox" to "from mox3 import mox"01:59
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jogoI assume its known zuul's queue  is backed up02:06
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fungioh yes02:08
fungiit's about caught back up though02:08
pleia2it was a long day in CI land02:08
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fungiwe ended up switching back to the nodepool server we were running before friday02:09
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fungizuul only has about 1000 waiting jobs now and is churning through about 500 in parallel02:09
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jeblairfungi: 2 timeouterrors from 1:20 and 1:2202:11
jeblairfungi: but i don't see the hysteresis in the graph from earlier02:11
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fungithe frequency of timeouts seems to be considerably less02:12
fungiperhaps it's something about network performance on the trusty nodepool, or somethign to do with the network path between it and zuul which the precise nodepool isn't seeing?02:13
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jeblairfungi: that's my best wildly unsupported guess atm02:13
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fungior it's related to time of day and we'll see it pick back up again tomorrow02:15
clarkbnew node is oerformance flavor02:16
clarkband pvhvm image02:16
jeblairthen we'll have learned something02:16
clarkbiz zuul performance yet?02:16
jeblairi think today we did a great job of identifying all the variables we can change; tomorrow we can regroup and decide in what order we want to change them.  :)02:17
fungiand hope that in the process we don't get stuck with some new variables02:17
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fungisecond pass of the 21 straggler nodes on trusty nodepool was able to delete 6, leaving 15 still in the list02:18
fungiquite a lot of them timeout waiting 10 minutes for a response from nova02:19
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jeblair2014-11-25 02:18:51,660 DEBUG zuul.Gearman: Function set_description:jenkins04.openstack.org is not registered02:20
jeblairthat is going to contribute a bit of load ^02:20
jeblairfor some reason that function didn't get registered (there should be one for each jenkins master)02:20
fungilooks like the node deletion timeouts are mostly in dfw and some in ord (same places we were getting odd ratelimit responses from novaclient)02:21
jeblairzuul is going to ask gearman for the status list every 5 seconds02:21
fungijeblair: would restarting the gearman plugin on jenkins04 (or restarting jenkins04) be likely to help?02:21
jeblairfungi: probably...02:21
fungii'll give it a go02:22
jeblairthe stop function for 04 is also not registered02:22
clarkbhold on02:22
fungisounds like 04 may just be misbehaving then02:22
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* fungi holds on02:22
jeblairbut it's running jobs....02:22
clarkbjust disable enable a job02:22
clarkbthat forces registration02:22
fungioh, good point. that might help02:22
jeblairclarkb: are you sure that will update the master's registration?  (it's worth a shot as a first thing anyway)02:22
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clarkbya I think it will02:23
fungidone. checking gearman status i'm not seeing it though02:24
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jeblairyeah, not showing up in 'workers' or 'status'02:25
fungii can give disabling and enabling the plugin a shot unless clarkb wants to try/check anything first02:25
clarkbno if its not there its not there02:25
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jeblairfungi: that will probably kill all the running jobs on 0402:26
jeblairmaybe we should leave it be until tomorrow02:26
fungioh, in that case i'll just put it into prepare for shutdown and gracefully restart it02:26
jeblairfungi: that should work02:26
jeblairfungi: maybe even don't restart it, but rather:02:27
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fungiit's preparing for shutdown now. once it quiesces i can try toggling the plugin first02:27
jeblairfungi: prepare for shutdown; wait until idle; disable gearman plugin; enable gearman plugin; check 'status'/'workers'; if ok, exit prepare for shutdown...02:27
jeblairfungi: yep that :)02:27
jeblairfungi: and then if that doesn't work, do a restart02:28
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jeblairanyway, i'm sure that can wait until later; i think it's probably slowing things down a little, but it's not killing us02:29
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mmedvedeasselin: if you're around -  I have tested, the subtree --rejoin would not work. There is a workaround to make something similar to --rejoin  work, but it shows that rejoin would make the split slower. Ping me, I can show you the test script02:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Clean up 'images' documentation  https://review.openstack.org/11516803:25
fungiokay, remaining cruft from the nodepool cut-back is cleaned up excepting 9 nodes in dfw and 4 in ord which refuse to nova delete03:27
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fungithe last job running on jenkins04 is wrapping up now, so i'll have a go at wanging on it until i get it registered properly in zuul again03:27
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fungiindeed, bouncing the gearman plugin did in fact get set_description:jenkins04.openstack.org registered in zuul03:30
fungicancelling shutdown for jenkins04 now03:30
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fungiand it's running jobs again03:31
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fungino new gearmanclient timeouts for precise nodepool since the two a couple hours ago around 01:20 utc03:32
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fungiand zuul seems to be nearly caught up03:33
fungithink i'm going to take this opportunity to pack it in. night all03:33
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Create puppet-forge credentials on the pypi slave  https://review.openstack.org/13483503:43
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Update Rakefile and module info  https://review.openstack.org/13695903:58
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-httpd to modules.env  https://review.openstack.org/13696204:13
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swestonmmedvede: still around?  I have some working tests on the git commands for the puppet modules05:18
swestonasselin: ^05:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Flush out the db api documenation  https://review.openstack.org/12940505:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Reorganize the python api documentation  https://review.openstack.org/12940605:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add section on the basic data model  https://review.openstack.org/12940705:29
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harlowjaqq, anyone know why the following would fail? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136938/05:31
harlowjais it due to those 'NOT_REGISTERED' ?05:31
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jogowhat user does nodepool set the ssh keys up for in aiopcpu?05:34
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adam_gjogo, i think 'stack' is the user05:38
jeblairjogo: jenkins:  http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/nodepool/scripts/multinode_setup.sh05:39
jogojeblair: thanks, that makes sense. So the libvirt URI should be libvirt URI qemu+ssh://jenkins@... ?05:40
jogoor should we set up the keypairs for stack as well?05:41
jogo(in devstack-gate)05:41
adam_gjogo, i think devstack gate already does for stack05:41
jogoadam_g: I may be reading the stacktrace above wrong, but it doesn't appear to be05:42
adam_gjogo,  http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/tree/devstack-vm-gate.sh#n39005:42
adam_gjogo, yeah--so i ran into some weirdness last week where it would work in one direction and not the other05:42
adam_geven tho manual testing the connection worked fine. the debug output is not very informative about what user/keypair its trying to use05:43
jogoadam_g: hmm what is stack's home directory05:43
adam_gjogo, /opt/stack/new/ IRRC05:43
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jogoadam_g: yup sudo useradd -U -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack/new -m stack05:46
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jogoadam_g: hmm I get a different error in the other direction - http://logs.openstack.org/96/136596/8/experimental/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-aiopcpu/9770468/logs/
adam_gjogo, maybe archive /var/log/auth.log to check out what the other ssh server is claiming?05:48
jogoadam_g: well found one bug so far: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136158/6/devstack-vm-gate.sh,cm05:51
adam_gjogo, eh?05:52
jogomissing a quote05:52
adam_gim not familiar enough with the nodepool host naming scheme. does that look correct? one with 'devstack-trusty-2-node-rax-iad-3210505' and the other '$that+-415'?05:52
jogoso I was writting to /etc/hosts/ on the same node twice05:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: pulling in unmerged devstack patch  https://review.openstack.org/13650405:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set up ssh_known_host based on hostname  https://review.openstack.org/13659605:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup /etc/hosts for aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/13615805:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT COMMIT disable config drive  https://review.openstack.org/13583105:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13463905:53
jogoadam_g: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136158/6..7/devstack-vm-gate.sh,cm05:54
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adam_gjogo, ah05:56
adam_gi gotta run. good luck05:56
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jogoadam_g: o/ thanks06:02
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SpamapSjeblair: Been out for a few days in the mountains. Seems like the thing Clark mentioned was resolved. I don't really know which way is right either. :-P06:03
SpamapSjeblair: (re the gear review from earlier today)06:03
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13650406:10
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set up ssh_known_host based on hostname  https://review.openstack.org/13659606:10
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tchaypofatal: Couldn't find remote ref refs/changes/94/136894/207:33
tchaypoboo, hiss. doesn't that usually mean someone has uploaded a change as a draft?07:33
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run ceilometer rally scenarios  https://review.openstack.org/13265009:05
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run ceilometer rally scenarios  https://review.openstack.org/13265009:07
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setting up a StoryBoard python client  https://review.openstack.org/13600409:59
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setting up a StoryBoard python client  https://review.openstack.org/13600410:01
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apevecwhat does it mean when jenkins job is NOT_REGISTERED e.g. https://review.openstack.org/136899 ?10:08
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bigohi, all , when i giva a reivew on the code , why is there no mail send out ?10:12
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bigoi gave a code review and comments ,10:14
bigothe review and comments should be send to all reviewer via email ,10:15
Mithrandirwhy do you believe there's no mail sent?10:15
Mithrandirafaik it's just not sent to yourself.10:15
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bigoi've watched the projct10:16
bigoall changes and commented should be send mail to me10:16
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bigobut my comments on code review is not send out mail to the reviewer10:17
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bigoi did recieved mail on code reviewed and comments by others10:18
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tsufievSergeyLukjanov, hello! do you know what's happening with zuul? 2 approved patches here https://review.openstack.org/#/q/owner:%22Vlad+Okhrimenko%22+status:open,n,z but no sign of them in http://status.openstack.org/zuul/10:21
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tchaypobigo: https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/projects has settings where you can control what notifications you get for projects you watch10:32
tchaypobigo: https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/preferences has an option to CC you on comments you write10:33
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tchaypobigo: if you think Gerrit should support some other behaviour, there's a "report bug" on the bottom right10:33
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bigotchaypo:thanks ,10:42
bigoother reviewers suppose to recieve email when i give a code review comments,right?10:43
bigotchaypo:other reviewers suppose to recieve email notification when i give a code review comments,right?10:44
chandankumarfungi, ping10:44
bigowhethere i'm a new comer or a core reviewer10:45
openstackgerritTim Kelsey proposed openstack/requirements: Bumping PyKMIP version from 0.1.0 to 0.2.0  https://review.openstack.org/13701610:46
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gilliardHi. This patch is approved a few hours ago but not merged yet and I don't see it anywhere in zuul: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136266/11:05
gilliardI've probably missed something easy but shouldn't it be in the check or gate queue after a +a?11:05
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mpavlaseHi, I'd like to ask, what does mean NOT_REGISTERED result in Jenkins gate (tempest project) from several jobs? I did recheck (is in progress now) and the same subset of jobs got NOT_REGISTERED again...11:15
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yolandahi, i have a question about recheck/reverify comments. Are they supposed to do the same action? I got the feedback from users, that recheck is retrying the check queue, and reverify is retrying the gate queue, but looking at the code i don't see where is that achieved11:47
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sdagueyeh, something is wrong with all the icehouse nodes11:51
sdagueyolanda: they do exactly the same thing11:53
yolandasdague, that's what i thought11:53
kashyapchandankumar, A gentl note - blank pings are not useful when people come back to check scroll. You might want to ping with context - http://blogs.gnome.org/markmc/2014/02/20/naked-pings/11:53
sdaguejhesketh: you back from vacation yet?11:53
markus_zmpavlase: I was told that this is an issue with the gates not your review. I ran into the same issue. I hope that some information about that will be provided in this channel in the near future.11:54
* sdague tries to figure out which infra-core can look into the no icehouse jobs registered issue11:54
sdaguewhich probably means.... precise nodes don't exit?11:54
markus_zsdague: thanks11:55
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mpavlasemarkus_z: thanks, at least good to know something (I'm not only one who hit this issue) that nothing11:56
mpavlaseplease ping me, when you notice something new about that11:56
markus_zmpavlase: sure, I'll do11:57
mpavlasemarkus_z: thanks!11:58
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yolandasdague, user says in the wiki there is that info "To re-run the check jobs (before a change has been approved), leave a comment with the form "recheck bug ####"." /12:08
yolanda"To re-run the gate jobs (after a change has been approved), leave a comment with the form "reverify bug ####"." . What's the point for that? just track the information on where the process fails?12:08
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sdagueyolanda: there is probably that info in the wiki, it is horribly out of date12:11
yolandasdague so yes, the reality is that both commands do the same, as spotted on layout.yaml, and the users can choose the command they want to use, right?12:12
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sdagueyolanda: yeh, it should be collapsed to 1 command. It needs a volunteer to go clean up all the places reverify is referenced.12:13
yolandasdague, but even on the pipeline reverify is used, this command is deprecated?12:15
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sdagueyolanda: yes, it's deprecated12:21
yolandasdague, ok, thx for the feedback12:21
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gilliardThis change has been +A twice and both times I don't see anything happening (no gate fail, no merge fail, just nothing) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136266/ - What can I do?12:54
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AJaegergilliard, just try a simple "recheck"13:07
gilliardThanks AJaeger - it's popped into the check queue now. Will it go to the gate automatically after that?13:08
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openstackgerritJaroslav Henner proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow multiple comment-added events in gerrit trig.  https://review.openstack.org/12456813:08
AJaegergilliard, it should - let's wait and see...13:09
gilliard:) Thanks.13:09
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make nova functional tests voting  https://review.openstack.org/13705013:09
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sdaguegilliard: yeh, I expect that some things got lost during gerrit / zuul restarts13:21
jklarehi, somebody there who could help me with implementing nonvoting tests for the openstack-chef project?13:22
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jklarei basically need a hint where to get started or where to look for more info13:22
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Story project is defaulted to the current project if available  https://review.openstack.org/13705713:25
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AJaegerjklare, what is your challenge: Defining a job - or making it non-voting?13:26
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jklarei basically want to run all existing jobs for openstack-chef also on a ubuntu14.04 instance but make the result non-voting13:27
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jklarecurrently they are locked to precise13:27
jklarebecause the cookbooks dont work on trusty13:27
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jklarebut to get started with implementing support for trusty we decided it might be a good idea to start tests as nonvoting13:28
AJaegerjklare, create jobs with a different name and change zuul/layout.yaml to have "voting: false" for the jobs defined.13:28
AJaegerjklare, yes, good idea.13:28
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AJaegerjklare, so you want to have a gate-openstack-chef-repo job for trusty?13:29
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sdaguegilliard: yeh, it looks like a bunch of stuff was lost. I just mass rechecked the things that jenkins lost13:30
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sdaguejklare: typically if you know things don't work, you should put them in the experimental queue13:30
sdagueso they aren't burning test nodes on unrelated patches13:30
AJaegerjob is in jenkins/jobs/chef-jobs.yaml. You could copy that job with a new name and then add it to zuul/layout.yaml13:30
AJaegersdague, yeah, indeed. First in experimental, then non-voting, then voting.13:31
jklarethis experimental queue sound good13:31
jklareok so let me check these files quickly13:31
sdaguejklare: jobs in experimental queue are only run on a patch if you add 'check experimental' as a comment13:31
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jklareso i would create something like chef-jobs-experimental.yaml in jenkins/jobs and then run it from the zuul/layout.yaml as non-voting right13:35
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AJaegerjklare, http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/zuul/layout.yaml#n27413:36
AJaegerYou add the job to the experimental queue - not the check or gate one13:36
AJaegerNo need to make it non-voting13:36
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AJaegerjklare, send a patch and we'll help polishing it up ;)13:38
jklareAJaeger: i am on it ;) thx for the help so far13:38
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yfriedanyone knows what NOT_REGISTERED means in jenkins results? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136981/13:40
gilliardsdague: thanks. That was overnight for me, so I didn't know what had gone on.13:41
AJaegeryfried, on icehouse jobs? Broken setup of jenkins ;(13:41
AJaegeryfried, it means that a job should be available but somehow there's nobody registered to take it :(13:41
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yfriedAJaeger: it happend twice. should I recheck?13:41
tchaypobigo: yep, that's my understanding - anyone listed in the "reviewer" section + anyone who has starred the issue + anyone watching the project with appropriate notifications set up should all get an email for each review (except their own, unless they also turned on that setting)13:43
AJaegeryfried, those are icehouse related - wait until some of the infra experts have it fixed.13:43
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yolandasdague, what needs to be cleaned in order to get rid of the reverify comment? zuul layout.yaml in project-config, doc in wiki? what else? in the past, it was working in a different way? seems that users here have the opinion that recheck is for retrying the check queue, and reverify is for retrying the gate queue13:46
AJaegeryolanda, that was the case in the past. Nowadays reverify and recheck do the same - both enqueue in the check queue13:48
AJaegerand if the patch is approved, it goes afterwards in the gate13:48
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jesonWhen I setup the 3rd CI master, I got the following errors:13:51
jesonError: Error: /Stage[main]/Os_ext_testing::Master/File[/etc/zuul/openstack_functions.py]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///modules/openstack_project/zuul/openstack_functions.py13:51
jesonWhy this file openstack_functions.py not in system-config?13:52
jklareAJaeger: how can is set the node option for these experimental tests to trusty? https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L508 its set to precise by default for all these jobs if i understand this correctly13:52
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AJaegerjklare, put for this specific job after the general regex a new rule that uses  set_node_options_default_trusty13:53
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asselinmmedvede, sweston I'm around now13:54
AJaegerjklare, and specify "bare-trusty" in the node line of the job13:54
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yfriedAJaeger: is there a bug open for this?13:56
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AJaegeryfried, I don't know.13:56
mmedvedeasselin: yesterday I used this script to test if --rejoin would work to speed up the split: http://paste.openstack.org/show/138180/13:57
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sdagueyolanda: I think that sounds about right13:57
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mmedvedeasselin: it did show that it would not work with vanilla --rejoin, and if I try to mimic the rejoin mysel, it does take longer with it, than without13:58
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openstackgerritBalazs Gibizer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Increase gate-{name}-pylint job timeout to 40 mins  https://review.openstack.org/13707213:58
jesonDoes anyone have seen this error when set up 3rd CI:13:59
yolandaAJaeger, what was the reason for that change of behaviour?14:00
asselinmmedvede, I did notice it wasn't as 'fast' as I expected. I was thinking it is because there are too many sub-trees.14:00
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asselinmmedvede, I was thinking of creating a clean clone of system-config for each subtree, and try that.14:00
AJaegeryolanda, the infra team changed the way jobs are queued. Sorry, don't have the full background on it.14:00
AJaegeryolanda, this was more than 6 months ago AFAIR14:00
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jklareAJaeger: so basically i want to run all the tests defined in check (https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L422-425) also on the experimental queue but with {node} defined as bare-trusty14:01
asselinmmedvede, but in my test, it took 2 hours for the first, and 30 minutes for the subsequent14:01
mmedvedeasselin: I think the culprit with git subtree split is that it would always go through ALL commit history for every split. The only way to speed it up is to make something custom.14:02
mmedvedeasselin: It could be because on subsequent runs you had it cached, so it did not have to do as many disk reads14:02
asselinmmedvede, here it says it won't go through all the history: https://github.com/apenwarr/git-subtree/blob/master/git-subtree.txt#L23414:02
jklareAJaeger: can i somehow only set this node = bare-trusty for the experimental queue14:03
AJaegerjklare, sorry, can't help with that question....14:03
AJaegerjklare, in another meeting now...14:03
jklareAJaeger: ok ty anyway14:03
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asselinmmedvede, in your tests, did you observe that it produces the incorrect result?14:04
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mmedvedeasselin: in my test, the --rejoin prevented the further splits altogether, it failed on first update14:04
asselinmmedvede, :(14:05
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mmedvedeasselin: It could work if you have separate repository per split, I did not test that14:05
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asselinmmedvede, ok, I'll play around with it some more14:07
swestonasselin: mmedvede: Good morning!  So I have a script for you all to try out: https://github.com/Triniplex/puppet-module-split14:09
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jklarehi, anybody out there who knows if one can set the node to run on only for a specific queue?14:09
swestonasselin: mmedvede: let me know when you are ready, and i can walk you through it14:10
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asselinsweston, reading through it now14:10
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fungijklare: the parameters for a given job are immutable. instead you create two different jobs from a common template with the node parameterized, and then add those differently named jobs to different pipelines in zuul14:10
swestonasselin: ok, I'll give you a few minutes :-)14:11
sdaguefungi: morning14:12
sdaguefungi: so all icehouse dsvm jobs are now NOT_REGISTERED14:12
swestonasselin: the test is only with one repo, however it will be really trivial to add a loop to iterate through all the modules14:12
sdaguewhich means tempest / python libraries / most of oslo is blocked14:12
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fungisdague: yes, oddly we have bare-precise and devstack-precise nodes ready in nodepool. i'm looking in gearman now to see if i can tell what's still not right14:13
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fungithe chances of me getting to, well, anything i carried over on my to do list are seeming slim at best14:14
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jedimikeclarkb, I found the exact problem with the new gitpython and zuul :) there are a few ways we could fix it, emailing openstack-infra later so we can decide which one is the right way14:15
asselinsweston, this won't pull in all of master back into the subtree? https://github.com/Triniplex/puppet-module-split/blob/master/module_split.sh#L7014:16
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swestonasselin: nope, right before that we switch to the module branch created earlier, which only includes the subtree we're interested in14:17
asselinsweston, I see14:17
funginevermind, there are no devstack-precise nodes (i was mistaking devstack-precise-dib nodes for them)14:18
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funginodepool's trying to build one right now. looking to see if we have any detail on why none have booted to completion14:18
swestonasselin: once the initial split runs on each of the modules, just pass the -s flag in, and the merge is extremely fast14:19
jeblairfungi: wow, so none built since yesterday?14:19
fungijeblair: seems that way14:19
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jeblairfungi: istr that lack of a certain node type was one of the issues we were dealing with early yesterday, but we chalked it up to not receiving demand and the allocator's behavior there.  was that node type devstack-precise by any chance?14:21
fungiLaunchStatusException with status: ERROR for the first couple i've looked at14:21
asselinsweston,"-s ours" so that's why it didn't work for me yesterday. I see14:21
fungijeblair: it was. we saw similar issues with bare-precise but after half a dozen tries it seemed to finally successfully launch one14:21
jeblairfungi: hrm.  we may have a lot of things that are just a little broken.  :/14:22
fungijeblair: nodepool seems to only want to try launching devstack-precise nodes in rax-iad14:22
jeblairfungi: devstack-precise-check is configured for iad only, but devstack-precise is configured for all of them14:24
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fungiweird. i haven't seen any devstack-precise-check nodes at all14:24
fungimin-ready is 0 for those14:25
jeblairfungi: we don't use them, but they are still in the config14:25
swestonasselin: yes, and the other step that is crucial is switching the config repo to the target subtree, doing a merge from upstream, and then pulling those changes into the split repo14:25
jeblairianw: ping14:25
fungiit's picking the last entry in the providers list for the devstack-precise label, fwiw14:26
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fungiwe have built other precise-based nodes in rax-iad14:28
swestonasselin: this will make sure we don't have to pull down the history every time, and preserves the history on the split repo, allowing a clean merge14:28
jklarefungi: so i already have these job-templates (https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/jenkins/jobs/chef-jobs.yaml) which are grouped and assigned to the queues in this project-template (https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L421-428). The node parameter is set here (https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L508-509) on basis of the singl14:28
jklaree job templates. How can i run all these chef-jobs (https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/zuul/layout.yaml#L3997-L4115) with node=precise for the check and gate queues and node=trusty for the experimental queue (without duplicating a lot of code)?14:28
asselinsweston, so what's next, run it on all the modules?14:30
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swestonyup.  I wanted to run it by you first to make sure it made sense to you.  let me update the code to run on all the modules.14:31
fungijklare: i can have a look some time when i'm not firefighting, otherwise maybe someone else can help walk you through it14:31
swestonasselin:  ^14:31
jklarefungi: ty, i will also keep looking14:32
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jeblairfungi: i think it's because it never requests more than one devstack-precise at a time, so it gets filled from the first provider in the list (which is a hash, so is in "random" order, but consistent throughout the run)14:32
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fungijeblair: aha, that's what i was just digging in the source to try to confirm14:32
asselinsweston, yeah, take a quick look at what mmedvede did: http://paste.openstack.org/show/138180/14:32
jeblairfungi: have we tried forcing an image rebuild?14:33
fungijeblair: i suppose there's something unluckily wrong with the most recent devstack-precise image in rax-iad that nova fails to successfully boot from it, and we keep getting persisted to it14:33
fungijeblair: an image update?14:33
fungii was about to try that14:33
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think we went to the same place.  :)  sounds good.14:33
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jeblairfungi: also, deleting devstack-precise in rax-iad may get us immediate relief (and simultaneously try the experiment of booting a similar image in another region)14:34
fungii was thinking the same14:34
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jesonAny one have seen this error when setting up 3rd CI:14:35
jesonError: Error: /Stage[main]/Os_ext_testing::Master/File[/etc/zuul/openstack_functions.py]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///modules/openstack_project/zuul/openstack_functions.py14:35
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Gerrit Trigger Comment Contains Expression  https://review.openstack.org/13660514:36
jesonSeems can't find the file "openstack_functions.py"14:36
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setting up a StoryBoard python client  https://review.openstack.org/13600414:37
fungijeblair: one thing i find worrisome, nodepool.yaml is set to start image updates at 14:14 which was only 23 minutes ago, but i see no images building right now at all14:37
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fungiokay, most recent devstack-precise image in rax-iad (from 95 hours ago) is deleted now and the next boot there should try with the remaining one (167 hours old)14:39
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swestonasselin: looking over it now.  seems like the script is doing a subtree split every time it runs?14:40
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fungiand i've got a new image building for it now14:41
asselinsweston, yes, but with --rejoin, which is supposed to make it 'smart'. He found that the performance is not good, but perhaps using a syste-config repo per module can help.14:41
fungiand i shuffled the providers list for that node label in the nodepool.yaml temporarily to see if that gets it building in another provider14:41
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jeblairfungi: i think it ends up in dict hash order, so not sure if it really got shuffled.  look at the output from the allocator to see the order it's using.14:44
fungijeblair: yeah, i thought that might happen. maybe i should temporarily remove rax-iad from that list instead14:45
jeblairfungi: well, it will be interesting to learn if rax iad can boot the older image14:45
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fungijeblair: as for periodic image updates, it looks like it's processing dib image updates but not snapshot image updates14:46
jeblairfungi: yes, i was just reading that code14:46
jeblairfungi: i believe that the periodic update will not run snapshot image updates until all of the dib updates have completed14:46
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mmedvedesweston, asselin: I did try doing separate repository per split with --rejoin, the subtree fails after more than one update. My implementation of rejoin was wrong, so this is why my tests took longer with it. There is still hope to use custom rejoin to speed things up, but I am not going to have much time until later. Here is the script to reproduce the failure:  https://gist.github.com/mmedvede/cf3a62fa395c18714b7514:46
fungithat seems like a bug14:46
jeblairyolanda: ^14:47
jeblairfungi: so i think for now we need to revert centos7 out of the config?14:47
fungijeblair: apparently something at least caused it to start its next devstack-precise node build in rax-dfw instead14:47
mmedvedesweston, asselin: subtree split expects rejoin commits to be of certain form. Was looking into subtree implementation14:48
jeblairfungi: oh maybe we don't need to revert centos714:48
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fungijeblair: do tell14:48
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asselinmmedvede, yes, I see those commits in my job's repo.14:48
Sinclerhi, excuse me i have a question about the communication between github and gerrit, you can make am mirror from github to gerrit using jeepby, but if i made commits to gerrit those are not being pushed to github, how are you doing that?14:48
jeblairfungi: maybe it will just fail that single build and then proceed.  so maybe we just need to wait until all the dib builds that can complete are complete, and then we should see snapshot builds?14:49
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asselinmmedvede, they happen automatically with --rejoin14:49
fungijeblair: entirely possible14:49
fungiSincler: you have to configure gerrit's replication plug-in14:49
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mmedvedeasselin: yes, it would have been nice if it worked. In tests I did it fails after some time. So you might not see a failure right away. Could be a bug with subtree14:50
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asselinmmedvede, ok, btw, sweston has another approach: https://github.com/Triniplex/puppet-module-split/blob/master/module_split.sh14:51
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fungijeblair: the devstack-precise it tried to launch in rax-dfw also ended with a LaunchStatusException of status: ERROR14:51
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fungijeblair: i'm tempted to stop building devstack-precise nodes in rackspace14:51
jeblairfungi: yeah; i do want to know if the replacement image boots, but until then, removing them seems like a good idea.14:52
yolandajeblair, yes, the updateImages call is waiting for dib images to be created prior to uploading all the snapshots14:52
jeblairremoving rax from the config for that image that is14:52
fungijeblair: okay, change incoming14:53
jeblairyolanda: but it's also waiting for them before starting the snapshot image builds14:53
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swestonasselin: mmedvede: also, before each rejoin, we should switch to the branch the split was done from.  I am not seeing where the script is doing that.14:53
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Gerrit Trigger Comment Contains Expression  https://review.openstack.org/13660514:54
yolandajeblair, yes, as it's not applying any difference in the type of snapshots. It builds the dib images, to be sure that all sources are available. Then it uploads the dib snapshots or the normal snapshots in same pack14:54
yolandai could redo the logic a bit, first upload the normal snapshots, then to the dib builds + upload dib snapshots, by that way we are not blocking normal snapshots14:55
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Don't build devstack-precise in rax for now  https://review.openstack.org/13708914:56
mmedvedesweston: good point. Could be this is why my test was failing14:56
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fungiyolanda: i guess the confusion there is that snapshot image updates aren't uploads. so what's being delayed is the start of building the images, not just an upload14:57
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder volume delete hang bug 1396186  https://review.openstack.org/13709014:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1396186 in cinder "(TestVolumeBootPattern:_run_cleanups) Failed to delete volume within the required time" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139618614:57
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fungijeblair: okay, after a couple retries it successfully built a devstack-precise in rax-dfw after all14:59
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jeblairyolanda: i think your proposal sounds good -- it will start the snapshot builds at the scheduled time as well as start doing the dib builds (serially) and then upload the dib images when all dib builds are complete...14:59
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fungijeblair: so we could still do 137089 if we want, or abandon that now14:59
jeblairfungi: does that sound good ^ ?14:59
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fungijeblair: yolanda: yeah that does seem preferable to the present behavior15:00
yolandajeblair, yes, that waitforbuildimages is blocking all the other processes to be executed15:00
jeblairfungi: lean toward ignoring/abandoning that change if it's not necessary15:00
fungijeblair: same. abandoned!15:00
swestonmmedvede: I think so.  I've also separated the split process from the update process, although there should probably be some logic added to only do a split when there is no local repo to pull the history into the split branch15:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Add autokick.py  https://review.openstack.org/13682015:00
yolandawhen i built that i was thinking mostly on exclusive builds, either by dib or snapshots, so i didn't consider the 2 types of builds case, and the blocking it was causing15:00
yolandai'll send a change for that15:01
jeblairyolanda: yeah, and i think we all hoped we would have switched by now :)15:01
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fungijeblair: i worry that boot from snapshot in rackspace may just be getting increasingly less reliable15:01
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jeblairfungi: yeah, i'm hoping with a little more poking, we'll have a reasonable problem statement for the rax folks15:02
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fungijeblair: yolanda: as we discovered yesterday, we have a second roadblock to using dib with rackspace, which is that we'll probably have to install nova agent to get ip addresses configured there15:02
jeblairfungi: in other news, the async gear io change passes zuul's tests :(15:03
jeblairfungi: what?15:03
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fungijeblair: apparently rackspace doesn't currently support setting instance addresses via dhcp or config drive15:04
fungijeblair: if you look on any of our servers or nodepool nodes in rax, you'll see we have nova-agent running15:05
jeblairi'm pretty sure we talked about the question of how to configure networking early on15:05
yolandafungi, why do you need ip addresses for dib?15:05
jeblairi thought someone looked into that15:05
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fungiwe were told yesterday that without it we won't get ip addresses15:05
fungiyolanda: we need something to set the ip address of the instance booted from the image dib creates15:05
yolandafungi, ah, but that's on next step, when you are spinning up a node based on dib, right?15:06
jeblairfungi: i thought mordred looked into that :/15:06
fungijeblair: mordred was about to go on a rant yesterday when it got brought up. apparently it was news to him too15:06
jeblairi'm not entirely sure why we embarked on the whole dib thing without knowing something basic like that15:07
fungiyolanda: well, yes, but the image needs to contain whatever mechanisms are needed for the provider to be able to set the instance's ip address15:07
dteselkinSometimes I see that zuul stops processing of events from 'events stream', however two 'zuul-server' processes are alive.15:07
yolandaok, understand now15:07
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jeblairfungi: how do i find this conversation?15:07
fungijeblair: yesterday it was mentioned that rackspace hopes to experimentally have network information presented in the configdrive data real soon now15:07
fungijeblair: irc log. lemme get you a timestamp15:08
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dteselkinIn such situations I see only 'Looking for lost builds' messages in debug.log15:08
dteselkinAnd I have to restart zuul service to get it working.15:09
dteselkinIs it a known issue?15:09
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jeblairfungi: oh found it15:10
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fungijeblair: 2014-11-24 16:27:3015:10
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dteselkinFor example, here is a part of logs http://paste.openstack.org/show/138207/15:11
openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Gerrit Trigger Comment Contains Expression  https://review.openstack.org/13660515:11
jeblairfungi: so mordred is going to get us options :)15:12
jeblairfungi: do you know what nova agent _does_ with networking?15:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cinder volume delete hang bug 1396186  https://review.openstack.org/13709015:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1396186 in cinder "(TestVolumeBootPattern:_run_cleanups) Failed to delete volume within the required time" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139618615:13
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fungijeblair: i'm guessing it modifies files on the filesystem or something... i'm checking now to see if rax publishes the source code15:14
jeblairhttps://github.com/rackerlabs/openstack-guest-agents-unix ?15:15
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fungiit's also python, so i'm looking at the copy on a recent server15:15
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jeblairfungi: it's very confusing that one of the things it does is "file injection"15:16
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jeblairfungi: i thought when people referred to that, they meant modifying the image filesystem before booting15:16
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fungijeblair: yep, that looks like the same source code15:17
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jeblairfungi: but in reality we have a thing that can write to our config files at any time.  that may actually explain some of the weird things we saw when working on unbound15:17
fungijeblair: and agreed, it never dawned on me that they didn't mean file injection in the traditional sense of injecting files into the filesystem pre-boot15:18
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jeblairfungi: what nova agent does should be called "rudely overwriting your sysadmin's carefully configuration-managed files without asking"15:18
fungijeblair: sounds about right15:19
jrolljeblair: fungi: AIUI, nova-agent should only modify things on (first?) boot and hotplug events (like adding a block storage volume)15:19
gilliardWhat's the lifetime of CI logs in logstash? Should I be able to search logs from July?15:20
fungijroll: any chance the provider sometimes "generates" hotplug events to update things like network configuration?15:20
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fungigilliard: we only have enough room for about 10 days15:20
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jrollfungi: great question, but I kind of doubt it?15:20
jrollwhy would it update network configs t random15:20
gilliardfungi: yeah I thought 1/3 of a year was a bit optimistic :)15:20
jrollat random?15:21
fungijroll: no idea... backend route changes? gateway updates? dns resolver address changes?15:21
clarkbjeblair mordred did look into it and rax jas docs on how to not use nova agent. what they dont tell is oy doesnt work15:21
jrollfungi: but someone else likely knows more, I like to pretend nova-agent doesn't exist15:22
clarkbyou have to ask johnthetubaguy for that info15:22
jrollfungi: those should be very rare :|15:22
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fungijroll: "very rare" is not the same as nonexistent, and we've seen things like our custom dns resolver configuration get quietly undone15:22
fungijroll: not sure if it was nova agent doing it, but it's a potential culprit15:23
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jeblair(we have a custom dns resolver config because rackspace dns has a blacklist that lags behind reality, so we boot new machines that can't resolve names quite a lot if we use it)15:24
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fungii was looking at setting up my own recursive resolvers in rackspace so i can work around rackspace's disturbing lack of dnssec support, but now i'm wondering if it will periodically get undone and my virtual machines might just get set back to using the old resolvers15:24
clarkbfungi my new boot check at git.o.o resolves seems to have worked around it15:24
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clarkbat least according to e-r last I looked15:24
jrolljeblair: what kind of blacklist? like, the dns servers blocking IPs?15:25
fungiclarkb: that's good news at least15:25
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Revert "Add query for cinder volume delete hang bug 1396186"  https://review.openstack.org/13709815:25
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1396186 in cinder "(TestVolumeBootPattern:_run_cleanups) Failed to delete volume within the required time" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139618615:25
jeblairjroll: yep; aiui, it's an auto-blacklist of abusive tenant ips15:25
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* jroll cries15:26
fungijroll: rackspace has a mechanism in place to blacklist abusive internal consumers of their resolvers. it looks like abusers may just frequently recycle instances to get new ip addresses and work around it. unfortunately the blacklist doesn't un-blacklist those addresses before handing them out to new instances for other tenants15:26
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jrollfungi: right, I've accidentally gotten onto that blacklist, it isn't fun15:26
fungiso we get a significant percentage of nodes booted in rackspace which are unable to resolve dns through rackspace's recursive resolvers15:26
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i hesitate to say this, but if mordred comes back with no other options, we could consider running a modified nova agent.15:27
* johnthetubaguy wonders if he can help?15:27
funginot because our instances were blacklisted, but rather because the previous asignees of those addresses were blacklisted. rackspace support basically explained that this was the case and that there was nothing they could do about it15:27
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clarkbjeblair yes I think that is where we got yesterday. or we wait for config drive15:28
fungii could understand if this were some sort of external blacklist over which rackspace had no control, but it's systems within their network denying the connection. seems poorly-thought out to me15:28
clarkbwe have about 5 other issues with dib + rax so time may be abundant15:29
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add cli option to subunit2sql to specify run_id  https://review.openstack.org/13129815:29
fungijeblair: clarkb: it does indeed appear that we could fork rackspace's nova agent. it's apache 2 licensed15:29
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jeblairfungi: we'll want to, um, change the gitconfig before we make any commits.15:30
johnthetubaguyfungi: what do you need the agent to do?15:30
fungijeblair: ha!15:30
fungii find it amusing that nova-agent.py is copyright openstack llc too15:30
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sdaguejeblair: that's hilarious :)15:30
johnthetubaguyfungi: we can try merge changes you need, if you need them15:31
* jroll PRs git rm gitconfig15:31
clarkbif only there was some dynamic host configuration protocol we could use...15:31
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jrolljohnthetubaguy: if you have merge rights there, https://github.com/rackerlabs/openstack-guest-agents-unix/pull/5715:32
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i'm wondering if something like "have nova agent drive a dhcp server" is a sane idea15:32
fungijohnthetubaguy: basically neuter it to handle the initial network setup but otherwise not be able to do anything destructive (and also we should probably uninstall it as soon as initial boot is over)15:32
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jeblairfungi: yep15:32
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johnthetubaguyfungi: we might have image properties for most of that stuff15:33
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johnthetubaguyfungi: what specific thing do you not want?15:33
johnthetubaguyI guess you only want network changes, and nothing more?15:33
openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove hardcoded variables from openstack_project module (Jenkins)  https://review.openstack.org/13710015:33
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fungijohnthetubaguy: well, keep in mind this is from the perspective of us building custom images to upload into glance. we basically would want it to set the interface addresses and routes, but likely nothing else15:34
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johnthetubaguyfungi: got you there15:34
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johnthetubaguyfungi: rather than over-write the whole file, just modify it in place?15:35
johnthetubaguyfungi: I think there was a "i am finished" call back thing15:35
fungijohnthetubaguy: potentially, yes. mostly just brainstorming at the momenty15:35
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johnthetubaguyfungi: I would be cool merging that, its been a TODO for a while15:36
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fungibut since boot from snapshot seems to be getting considerably worse based on recent observations, we have more urgency around working out the remaining show-stoppers for switching to glance uploads15:37
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jeblairjohnthetubaguy: (for full context what we really want is to use the same image on hp and rax, so getting network config via a standard like dhcp is ideal; otherwise we want to minimize the differences)15:37
johnthetubaguyfungi: yeah, I have been hotfix snapshots for the last week, agreed, there was an incident open for that15:37
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johnthetubaguyjeblair: yeah, that totally makes sense, making config drive is my hope there15:38
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fungijohnthetubaguy: glad to know it's a somewhat known situation then. i didn't see anything mentioned for it on status.rackspace.com15:38
johnthetubaguyfungi: latest openstack code pull broke us badly, to be fair it was a patch a rackspace person wrote15:38
johnthetubaguyfungi: it should have been up there earlier in the week15:39
fungijohnthetubaguy: ahh, i likely missed it then15:39
openstackgerritIvan Udovichenko proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove hardcoded variables from openstack_project module (Jenkins dev)  https://review.openstack.org/13710215:39
fungijohnthetubaguy: though it seems to be ongoing, at least what we're witnessing15:39
johnthetubaguyfungi: basically we had images goning active, even though they failed15:39
jeblairjohnthetubaguy: the beauty is that now it's hard to get the fix merged because we're having trouble booting nodes from snapshots :)15:39
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johnthetubaguyfungi: right now, the failure rates are too high, but it fails safe, we got the error rates down somewhat, but we can't fix this right now15:40
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fungijohnthetubaguy: oh, i definitely found one of those. nodepool got a response from rax that the snapshot was successfully created, but then boot from it was perpetually failing with "requested image is not active" or similar15:40
swestonasselin: mmedvede ok, running live against github now, on all modules15:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Revert "Add query for cinder volume delete hang bug 1396186"  https://review.openstack.org/13709815:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1396186 in cinder "(TestVolumeBootPattern:_run_cleanups) Failed to delete volume within the required time (dup-of: 1373513)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139618615:41
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373513 in cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137351315:41
jeblairjohnthetubaguy: fails safe?15:41
fungijohnthetubaguy: but yeah it was from like friday i think15:41
johnthetubaguyfungi: yeah, thats been fixed now15:41
swestonasselin: mmedvede anybody know if github has a limit on number of public repositories? :-D15:41
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fungisweston: we have a few hundred in stackforge at this point, so if they do it's at least higher than that15:41
johnthetubaguyjeblair: well, when its a partial upload, it now fails, we had an issue where image when active, but nova eventually deleted it, once nova detected the upload failed15:41
mmedvedesweston: I think you should be fine15:42
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swestonfungi: hehe ok .. (crosses fingers)15:43
fungisdague: jeblair: i see icehouse dsvm jobs running now, so at least the not_registered should be under control at this point15:43
mrmartinfungi, can I help somehow, and issue a self-signed certs for groups-dev.openstack.org ?15:43
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sdaguefungi: \o/15:43
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fungimrmartin: sorry, i didn't mean to hold you up. we've had a series of different failures and bugs sucking up most of our time for the past 5+ days15:44
mrmartinfungi, I see and can help in cert issue, the question here, how to exchange them in a safe way15:44
markus_zfungi: What should I do with my review if I ran into the not_registrated issue?15:45
fungimrmartin: the cert generation isn't the time consuming part15:45
fungimarkus_z: recheck15:45
bknudsonwhat does "NOT_REGISTERED" result mean? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/102403/15:45
fungimarkus_z: should be fixed now15:45
asselinsweston, I didn't have any issues yesterday15:45
clarkbfungi jeblair so we are in stableish spot now with nodepool?15:45
markus_zfungi: thanks, I'll do that15:46
fungiclarkb: seems so. i checked about an hour ago and saw no new gearmanclient timeouts since the two we observed around 01:2015:46
markus_zmpavlase: You ran into this issue, too, right?15:46
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hogepodgeWhat does "NOT_REGISTERED" mean in the Jenkins logs?15:47
hogepodgeOh, just saw someone else asked.15:47
hogepodgeI'll recheck no bug. :-)15:47
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clarkbit means we had no knowm location to run that job15:49
clarkbI believe fungi has reported that this is corrected now15:49
bknudsongreat, thanks15:50
mesteryHi infra folks! If I could get some time for this super simple review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134309/. It enables an updated version of ODL in devstack, which fixes IPV6 there and lets the Tempest API tests run again. We need this to land to re-enable our CI.15:50
mesteryThanks for yoru time!15:50
mesterytykeal: ^^^15:50
tykealmestery: thanks :)15:51
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fungijeblair: also the manual image update of devstack-precise in rax-iad succeeded15:53
mpavlasemarkus_z: NOT_REGISTERED issue? Yes, I do15:53
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clarkbmestery that is a devstack change most ofus here are not devstack cores15:53
clarkbwe typically point at openstack-qa for that15:53
mesteryclarkb: Ah, will move to #opestack-qa, thanks for the correction! :)15:53
fungijeblair: and as predicted, the scheduled image updates did eventually proceed15:53
fungithey're all running now15:54
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update snapshots prior to dib image builts  https://review.openstack.org/13711015:54
markus_zmpavlase: fungi has reported that this is corrected now. Leave a "recheck" comment (without the quotation marks) in your review.15:54
clarkbwhy not use two crons?15:54
mpavlasehogepodge: I also tried the same, but I've got NOT_REG again before that jobs even started15:54
clarkbyolanda ^15:54
mpavlasemarkus_z: great! Thanks for notice :-)15:54
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markus_zmpavlase: you're welcome!15:55
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yolandaclarkb, actually they are running on independent threads, the blocker was waiting untill all dib items in the queue were completed15:55
clarkbbut now ww wait on snapshots?15:55
yolandaactually i've always seen that as a problem that all snapshot updates are being executed at the same time15:55
clarkbnot sure how that is  more correct15:56
openstackgerritAysy Anne A. Duarte proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for insufficient free space  bug 1386249  https://review.openstack.org/13211815:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1386249 in tempest "Tests from package tempest.api.volume.admin sometimes fails due "insufficient free space"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138624915:56
clarkbor does the snapshot stuff not block?15:57
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jeblairclarkb: it does not block15:57
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yolandait's non-blocking15:58
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mrmartinfungi, groups-dev.openstack.org seems to be down: http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph_view.php?action=tree&tree_id=1&leaf_id=13815:58
clarkbok I can rebase my change to allow mixed image types on that change then15:58
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fungimrmartin: i was able to ssh into it just a moment ago16:00
fungiand apache is running16:00
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clarkbjeblair what do you think next step in debugging is? do we nees to connect to zuul geard from new nodepool and do more debhgging of gear?16:01
mrmartinyeap, too late here, I rewrite the hostname in local /etc/hosts and forget16:01
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jeblairclarkb: not sure yet; i'm going to grab some breakfast; maybe regroup in 30 mins?16:02
clarkbI need food too16:03
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rediskinHi all. I sent an email to third-party-announce a week ago, but still no response. What I'm doing wrong?16:11
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove heat-slow job and definition  https://review.openstack.org/13712316:11
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rediskinfungi jeblair SergeyLukjanov someone please help T_T16:12
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sdaguefungi / clarkb / jeblair - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136846/ - removes the pylint job from nova, has 3 nova core +1s on it.16:21
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fungisdague: though so did https://review.openstack.org/136013 which merged last night :/16:24
fungirediskin: we've been extremely backed up on those, sorry. i haven't looked but we're presently working on options to make it self-service16:24
sdaguefungi: mine had an ML thread16:24
sdagueno one is looking at that job16:24
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sdaguewe had the PTL +1 on the ML and a number of active cores vote on the ML and in gerrit - http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-November/051436.html16:25
sdagueI mean, we could just keep wasting test nodes, but I'd kind of like them to do useful things :)16:26
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update snapshots prior to dib image builts  https://review.openstack.org/13711016:27
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sdaguefungi: thanks, though apparently I need to rebase16:28
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove nova pylint  https://review.openstack.org/13684616:29
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Doc job specification branch: handles refs  https://review.openstack.org/13713016:29
sdaguefungi: rebased - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136846/216:30
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fungimrmartin: i've got the dev and production certs/keys in hiera now. i've marked a few inline comments on 136846 but am happy to make the indicated edits myself if you like16:36
mrmartinchecking that16:36
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added experimental-{name}-chef-rake job-template  https://review.openstack.org/13713416:39
mmedvedefungi, clarkb: would of you volunteer to shepherd elasticsearch module split merges, or would you volunteer some one else?16:40
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mrmartinfungi: do you think that it is better to provide a snake-oil cert instead of leaving those values undef?16:40
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fungimrmartin: if we do, then someone copying the groups_dev.pp to set up their own dev server doesn't need to pass in site_ssl_cert_file_contents and site_ssl_key_file_contents (though we need to inject them from hiera because we'll need the same cert added to the trust chain on openstackid-dev)16:43
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mrmartinok, but then I need to rewrite the entire vhost part16:45
mrmartindoing that anyway16:45
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Use Change-Id instead of URL for dependent patches  https://review.openstack.org/13713516:49
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-discoverd to #openstack-ironic IRC channel  https://review.openstack.org/13713616:49
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fungimrmartin: yeah, that makes it more consistent with how we're doing ssl in other vhost templates anyway16:52
mrmartinalmost ready16:52
fungimmedvede: i agreed to shepherd two more puppet modules last week for nibalizer and then let him down, so i shouldn't agree to do any more until i get those pushed through16:53
thingeeI was noticing the python-cinderclient is still getting some jobs as not registered https://review.openstack.org/#/c/91946/16:53
fungithingee: we didn't have it solved until a couple hours ago16:54
thingeefungi: ok thanks16:54
fungithingee: that result is from long, long before16:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove nova pylint  https://review.openstack.org/13684616:54
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dteselkinfungi, sorry to bother you, but I faced the problem with zuul again. Do you ever met the situation when it stops fetching events?16:54
mmedvedefungi: np. Would you suggest who else I should ping?16:55
nibalizerfungi: no worries :)16:55
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable SSL in groups-dev.openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/13570816:55
mrmartinfungi: I moved the cert override up to site.pp16:56
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clarkbmmedvede: right now puppet splits are low on my priority list. Trying to get nodepool sorted16:57
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mmedvedeclarkb: Understand. I am not trying to push it through now. Just need somebody to put into commit message as a shepherd16:57
mmedvedeI'll ask around16:58
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable SSL in groups-dev.openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/13570816:58
clarkbjeblair: fungi: ok I am back from breakfast. going to review yolanda's change now then rebase on it16:58
fungidteselkin: probably running tcpdump on your zuul server looking for packets coming back from the gerrit event stream would help you to know if you have a network issue. it's possible the socket is disconnected due to a network problem (such as an aggressive timeout in a gateway) and your zuul is unaware it's a dead socket16:58
pleia2good morning16:58
clarkbpleia2: morning16:59
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dteselkinfungi, ok, I'll check it. Thanks!17:00
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swestonasselin: mmedvede: ok, it seems to be working, with all the modules now. the initial subtree splits will take a while, but once it runs through once, it will be much faster17:01
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asselinsweston, yeah, my initial one took 2 hours. if yours is working, I'll take a look a the next steps.17:02
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mtreinishclarkb, fungi: if you get a sec can you run this query on the subunit2sql db: "SELECT tests.test_id,tests.success,tests.failure,tests.run_count FROM tests ORDER BY tests.failure DESC LIMIT 25;"17:03
mtreinishI'm curious what a weeks worth of failures looks like17:03
swestonasselin: ok, will keep you updated when I have some results17:03
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow labels to have snapshot and dib images  https://review.openstack.org/13087817:08
clarkbok there is the rebase17:08
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fungimrmartin: closer, but i still have a couple comments on that last patchset17:12
fungimtreinish: just a sec17:12
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm back too17:13
asselinis there an infra meeting today?17:14
fungiasselin: at 19:00 utc, yes17:14
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mordredclarkb: I'll be on an working in about 45 ... do we have captured the deets on the novaclient nonsense?17:14
asselinfungi, is the agenda up-to-date? looks like last week's17:14
clarkbmordred: we have a stacktrace17:14
jeblairlet's clean the agenda up17:15
fungiasselin: i probably forgot to clean up any of my addressed entries. i'll do that real quick17:15
asselinfungi, thanks17:15
mmedvedejhesketh, mordred, jeblair:  any of you can  shepherd  elasticsearch puppet module split merges?17:15
clarkbmordred: jeblair had put up a paste of it yesterday17:15
fungimtreinish: http://paste.openstack.org/show/13827817:16
jeblairmmedvede: could probably do it after 2100 utc17:16
mtreinishfungi: awesome, thanks17:17
mmedvedejeblair: ok, I would add you on commit message than. Thx17:17
jeblairwe're adding that to commit messages?17:17
clarkbI was just going to ask...17:18
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jeblairseems like that should be a comment, not a commit message thing17:18
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jeblairmmedvede: ^17:19
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mmedvedejeblair, clarkb : we want it to be clear who is supposed to approve the merge, as discussed previously17:19
jeblairmmedvede: i'm totally okay with being clear.  i'm not sure it belongs in the commit message.  that creates unecessary reviewer churn17:20
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jeblairand it's not related to the commit -- it's temporal17:20
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fungiokay, meeting agenda is straightened up relative to what we covered last week17:21
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jeblairfungi: heh, and i just got to see mediawiki's conflict detection in action :)17:22
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fungijeblair: ha, oops! sorry...17:22
jeblairfungi: np, you (understandably) did a slightly better job than i did :)17:22
fungitoo many cooks in the kitchen17:22
mrmartinfungi: checking that17:24
mmedvedejeblair: there is this spec for splits were we try to get the work flow right: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/puppet-modules.html . It is desired that related merges be synchronized. Leaving that information in a comment would mean accident merge could happen. Making patch WIP would mean none would review it...17:24
jeblairmmedvede: yeah, i don't see anything in the spec about changing the commit messages17:24
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mmedvedejeblair: sorry, It has not been merged yet https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135452/ . But it has been discussed in past meetings17:25
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jeblair19:30:56 <jeblair> #agreed when dependent puppet-module splits are completely ready to merge, a core reviewer will commit to approving them in the appropriate order or coordinate with another reviewer to take over17:26
jeblair19:31:00 <jeblair> #agreed system-config module removals should include Depends-On: in commit message referencing corresponding project-config module adds17:27
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jeblairyeah, nothing about putting core reviewer names in commit messages.  it's just an understanding that whoever approves a project-config module add must ensure that the removal is approved17:28
jeblaireveryone who is core on project config shuld know that, and if they do it anyway, then we need to have a conversation with them17:28
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fungifwiw, sdague expressed a concern that having the ability to accidentally merge a patch which is not ready or which is waiting for someone specific to approve and monitor results in infra having a separate core review workflow from other projects when we should not, to reduce burden on cross-program cores17:30
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jeblairfungi: i can not parse that sentence17:30
fungii had trouble distilling it17:30
fungilet me try to rephrase17:31
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable SSL in groups-dev.openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/13570817:32
fungisdague said that he doesn't like that we have patches we don't want merged which are not either wip or -2, and that expecting core reviewers to pay attention to other reviewer's comments before approving a change means that we're deviating from how other programs do core review, or some such (he can likely explain his viewpoint better than i can)17:32
jeblairoh, "monitor <end of phrase/> results" not "<phrase>monitor results>"17:33
jeblairsdague: ping17:33
fungiputting directed comments in the commit message was suggested as a compromise17:33
sdaguejeblair: pong17:33
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clarkbI still don't grok why WIP is not acceptable17:33
mrmartinfungi: the changes are there ^^^^17:33
clarkbif you are corralling people to do the reviews anways WIP shouldn't be a problem17:34
fungithanks mrmartin17:34
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jeblairsdague: so here's the thing -- we're in the middle of this big project that's a lot of work and is an exceptional situation.  during this time, we need project-config cores to know that there's some tricky sequencing to specific types of changes -- those that are puppet module splits from system-config.17:34
sdaguejeblair: ok, so my question is why WIP wasn't part of that workflow.17:35
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jeblairsdague: so, yeah, it's exceptional, but that's exactly it -- it's exceptional, and it will be over eventually :)17:35
clarkbsdague: because people are afraid that marking things WIP will kill reviews17:35
nibalizerya you dont get reviews if you WIP17:35
clarkbnibalizer: but this is different17:35
nibalizerunless you badger people in chat, and that feels improper too17:36
clarkbnibalizer: because y'all are here asking us specifically for reviews17:36
clarkbnibalizer: no you are alread doing that17:36
sdagueand they have to go in a specific times with people monitoring them17:36
fungiwell, there's a timing-related issue as well. essentially the patch gets into a ready state where it is not expected to change, and then wip is being used not to indicate that the patch is still in progress, but rather that there are external dependencies/workflow which will need addressing in parallel with it17:36
sdagueanyway, I can also just blanket ignore all the puppet stuff17:36
nibalizerclarkb: i've tried not to be a bother ~~17:36
jeblairsdague: that's not exactly it17:36
nibalizerthis feels a bit like the growing pains of a split project-config/core and system-config/core group17:37
nibalizermore than anything else17:37
jeblairsdague: it's this -- please don't approve the change unless you know that someone is able to approve the system-config change too17:37
fungiand also can confirm or can have someone confirm that the module being split out hasn't received additional changes since the last time the split copy was refreshed17:38
jeblairsdague: i would love for you to continue to review things.  i acknowledge that this is exceptional, but i also think that it's not unreasonable to keep some context about what's going on in the project in mind when reviewing.17:38
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sdaguejeblair: so... I think it's safer if I just remember to ignore puppet changes. Because I look at a lot of code, and I'll lose context that something else had to happen, and nothing in gerrit was holding back the patches.17:41
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clarkbadam_g: see comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131604/17:47
clarkbadam_g: does that remove the need for the -1? also not sure how to debug the metadata thing17:47
clarkbadam_g: do you have thoughts on that?17:47
mmedvedeOpinions are split :)  I'll WIP my split patches then17:47
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out elasticsearch module  https://review.openstack.org/13715517:51
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harlowjaqq, are the 'NOT_REGISTERED' issues that i'm seeing across oslo libraries gonna be resolved sometime today? :-/17:52
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fungiharlowja: are those still happening somewhere? they should have been solved at least several hours ago now17:53
adam_gclarkb, oh, yeah. i must have changed defaults or something locally. re metadata, that was my bad. i forgot that you need to run a nova-metadata-ec2 service on each compute in multi host17:53
harlowjalet me see what happens with a recheck i'm doing fungi17:53
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clarkbadam_g: cool for metadata does devstack do that for us? or do I need to update that?17:53
adam_gclarkb, i have a patch, one sec17:53
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jklarecan somebody help me with this? http://logs.openstack.org/34/137134/1/check/gate-project-config-layout/30a9254/console.html17:53
jklareor point me into the right direction?17:54
adam_gclarkb, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136179/17:54
adam_gjogo ^17:54
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-elasticsearch as split out module  https://review.openstack.org/13715617:54
clarkbadam_g: cool thanks17:54
jeblairsdague, clarkb, fungi: so i don't think we should put names in the commit message, but i think we could say we should add a warning about needing coordination to the project-config commit message (in addition to the needed-by)17:54
clarkbadam_g: any idea why icehouse failed there?17:54
clarkbjklare: if you scroll to near the very bottom of that log you will find a list of jobs that are not defined17:55
clarkbjklare: so 137134 is trying to run those jobs in zuul but we don't have corresponding jobs in jenkins. you need to add the jobs to jenkins via jjb as well17:55
adam_gclarkb, wrapt17:56
fungijeblair: works for me. it's at least a more explicit reminder as to the expected workflow17:56
clarkbadam_g: rgr17:56
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jklareclarkb: ty, i was acutally looking at the bottom but saw this reolve error first17:56
jeblairfungi: added suggesting wording in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135452/17:57
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sdagueadam_g: I'm pretty sure that's not needed at all17:58
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sdagueand more importantly, I don't think it does what you think it does17:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-elasticsearch as split out module  https://review.openstack.org/13715617:58
clarkbI will let sdague review that change then :017:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-elasticsearch as split out module  https://review.openstack.org/13715617:58
clarkber :)17:58
adam_gsdague, nova-network multi host /w no config drive17:58
sdagueadam_g: yep17:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out elasticsearch module  https://review.openstack.org/13715517:58
sdaguethe metadata server is always there in the api17:59
jklareclarkb: now i am even more confused. why is the node set in the jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml as well as in the zuul/layout.yaml?17:59
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clarkbjklare: I don't follow17:59
clarkbthe node?17:59
sdaguethat change will just make it run in a separate process17:59
sdaguewhich is not needed17:59
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jeblairmmedvede, sdague, clarkb: how's this look?  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137156/17:59
clarkbjklare: keep in mind jenkins/jobs only configures jenkins. and zuul/layout.yaml onl configures zuul17:59
sdaguejeblair: wfm17:59
adam_gsdague, right18:00
clarkbjeblair: looks good18:00
adam_gsdague, for 2 node devstack thing, running n-api-ec2 on the second node with n-cpu and n-net18:00
mmedvedejeblair: lgtm. I did WIP it though18:01
clarkbadam_g: oh you should base that on the change that runs n-net on the subnode too if its only nova multi host that needs it18:01
adam_gsdague, wasn't able to get ec2 metadata working for instances on node 2 from the central API server on the first node18:01
clarkbadam_g: since its based on code that doesn't nova multi host yet18:01
jeblairasselin: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135452/2  some comments on your proposed spec change;  if you agree, we should get it going soon18:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Precreate temp holding dir in static publish job  https://review.openstack.org/13692118:01
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openstackgerritTerry Howe proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add automated pypi release job for openstacksdk  https://review.openstack.org/13715918:01
sdagueadam_g: that's because if you want to use the metadata server you're supposed to set up ip forward rules at the switch level18:02
asselinjeblair, will look into it now18:02
clarkbsdague: that sounds terrible18:02
jklareclarkb: so the job needs to run on a specific node right? and zuul should take care of that? why is node: 'bare-precise || bare-trusty' defined in the projects.yaml while the parameter-function in zuul/layout.yaml is set_node_options_default_precise?18:02
sdagueclarkb: which is why I say it's bonghits :)18:02
sdagueand that people should use config drive18:02
clarkbjklare: so that jenkins restricts those jobs to those nodes18:02
adam_gsdague, in this case the node's ENABLED_SERVICES=n-cpu,n-net,n-api-meta18:02
jeblairmmedvede: so i can approve that this afternoon, but we do need to collect some +2s on those before then18:03
clarkbjklare: otherwise it could run on any node (it basically helps prevent fires if things go bad)18:03
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yfriedclarkb: AJaeger: any news about the NOT_REGISTERED icehouse jobs on gate?18:03
jeblairmmedvede: i wouldn't worry about WIPing the system-config changes18:03
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jklareclarkb: so this job will run on precise only or on precise and trusty?18:03
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sdagueso... we're already doing live block migration in this attempted test, I'm not sure why we don't just fix config drive to be able to be block migrated18:04
clarkbyfried: its been fixed18:04
mmedvedejeblair: you mean WIP only project-config?18:04
jeblairclarkb, fungi: okay, i'm going to try to start the "how should we proceed with nodepool" conversation again :)18:04
yfriedclarkb: so I should recheck my jobs?18:04
yfriedclarkb: tnx18:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing docimpact for fuel repos  https://review.openstack.org/13498618:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing docimpact for fuel repos  https://review.openstack.org/13498618:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Cue rtfd hook  https://review.openstack.org/13662418:04
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fungijeblair: eating, but here and can discuss18:06
jeblairclarkb, fungi: so i think we need to decide whether to debug with the current gear, or get async io working first18:06
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jeblairi sort of lean towards getting async io working first, because if there are any network/throughput/etc related problems, it _should_ make the system more resilient to them18:07
fungijeblair: and also, the work to support that is mostly written18:07
clarkbthat sounds reasonable to me18:07
jeblairotoh, if we go with debug the current system, it may be simpler.  though we may just end up with "we need robust async io" 2 days later :)18:07
sdagueadam_g: ok, I guess we can go down that path18:08
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added experimental-{name}-chef-rake job-template  https://review.openstack.org/13713418:08
sdagueI'll have to say all of - http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/section_metadata-service.html is just confusing and terrible. It seems like the metadata service should just be in n-net18:08
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jeblairso if we want to work on async io, i have two thoughts -- one: read the zuul log and see if we can figure out where it went wrong; two: run a local zuul and see if the behavior manifests again18:08
sdaguebecause you basically have to pair it with it all along anyway18:08
jeblair(because all of the local testing of gear i have done, including running the zuul tests, doesn't show a problem)18:09
fungijeblair: agreed. i'm not one for dwelling on the past if we already know where we're going18:09
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clarkbjeblair: I like the idea of local zuul simply because I don't expect the zuul logs to expose much about the async event loop18:09
adam_gsdague, yeah.. running the (n-net, n-api-meta, n-cpu) per compute host is how i've been doing it since multi host came along, at least for something that works out of the box18:09
sdagueadam_g: though on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136179/1 you *also* need to run it on the server I think, otherwise things are going to be wokny18:10
sdagueadam_g: yeh, that's fair18:10
adam_gsdague, on which server? the central one?18:10
fungibtw, just checked the logs again, still no gearmanclient timeouts on precise nodepool18:10
jeblairokay, i will start on that this afternoon; i don't know what else we could do in the mean time though :/18:10
sdagueif nothing else, for consistency18:10
adam_gsdague, its enabled by default and served by the monolithic nova-api18:10
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jeblairmaybe give new nodepool a second dns entry and add it to the firewall config so it's easier to switch? :)18:10
clarkbjeblair: so thats partially my question. did you want ot hold off on all nodepool changes until the gear stuff is sorted?18:10
sdagueadam_g: yeh, but is it relying on the special address in the all in one case?18:11
clarkbbecause there are now ~3 nodepool changes that would be good to get in18:11
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adam_gsdague, yeah18:11
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jeblairclarkb: i think that it's okay to evolve the nodepool code, but not to switch the server18:11
clarkbjeblair: ok18:11
sdaguewhich it won't be on the compute, right?18:11
adam_gsdague, in all cases, n-net sets the iptables rule to forward instance traffic to the appropriate server18:11
clarkbI can put together a new nodepool dns record and add that to iptables rules18:12
adam_gsdague, to by default, or $my_ip or whatever18:12
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clarkbany preference for that name? nodepool2.openstack.org?18:12
clarkbor even nodepool-dev.openstack.org?18:12
fungijeblair: clarkb: right, we're running the same nodepool checkout on both servers, so it seems unlikely that pending nodepool improvements will touch those code paths (if they do, then maybe we put just those on hold)18:12
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sdagueadam_g: ok18:13
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update module issues_url & include storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13545218:13
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clarkbnibalizer: mmedvede do we want to merge any changes like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137155/ before nibalizer's dedup change of the integration testing project list gets in?18:14
clarkbnibalizer: have a link to that chang handy?18:14
nibalizersure sec18:14
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fungianybody know if puppet agent is intentionally disabled on git.openstack.org right now?18:15
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sdagueadam_g: ok, +2. Also I did the recheck, the icehouse requirements issue should be addressed18:15
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bcourthi, I'm poking at the setup scripts used by nodepool when configuring an image.  nodepool.py seems to explicitly copy only the immediate contents of the scripts directory over to the image.  Any subdirectories are ignored.  This makes things a little more complicated if I want to use a custom puppet module to apply changes in absense of a puppet master.  would folks consider a patch to nodepool t18:17
bcourto include subdirectories of the script-dir?18:17
adam_gsdague, cool. related, juno grenade is still failing. hoping these will check clean https://review.openstack.org/#/q/I7f06a030cd9f31f3741c1ea4c97a2be3b76b978c,n,z and fix it today18:17
clarkbfungi: it may be related to me rebuilding git.o.o18:17
clarkbfungi: possibly I derped the ssh host key there too18:17
fungiclarkb: oh, maybe. the last reported date is about the same as the uptime18:17
clarkbya  Ibet that is the problem18:18
* clarkb fails18:18
fungialso it seems the dns resolvers on that server are not pointing to unbound18:18
fungifun times18:18
clarkbfungi: jeblair: I am going to create a nodepool-dev set of DNS records if there is no opposition for that name18:18
sdagueadam_g: ... don't you need that in juno?18:18
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mordredclarkb, jeblair: ok - from reading the scrollback in a more connected world, it doesn't seem like there are specific things that need to be attacked regarding the novaclient issues from yesterday18:19
sdagueI'm +2 on all of that... also, it amazes me that pip fails to do the right thing there18:19
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mordredother than needing a newer novaclient and needing to vet whether or not newer novaclient was part of our problems on trusty nodepool18:19
clarkbmordred: no, I think mostly we yell at nova. say don't do that again18:19
adam_gsdague, nope. the juno eventlet had alreayd been bumped to >=0.15.118:19
mordredright. but there isn't work to be done by us in that arena right now18:20
clarkbI don't think so18:20
fungimordred: other than possibly turning on debug logging for novaclient so we can see what the conditions are surrounding that unparseable (in older release) error response18:20
mmedvedeclarkb: I forgot about the nibalizer 's refactor patch.  +1 on holding off on new module splits until it lands18:20
sdaguemaybe instead of xstatic packages we should package all our python as js npm packages as that actually knows how to install a thing that depends on another thing18:20
clarkboh I +2'd that change and it failed tests18:20
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: WIP of Docker spec  https://review.openstack.org/13716318:20
* clarkb rereviews nibalizer's change18:20
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adam_gsdague, whats more annoying is that we dont hit this conflict on icehouse tempest runs because those run on precise with a distro packaged eventlet of 0.9.x, causing pip to do the correct thing18:21
fungiclarkb: okay, you predicted correctly on the git.o.o puppet issue. i've corrected the known_hosts entry now18:21
sdagueadam_g: except when it completely fails to realize that it has to upgrade a dependency18:21
clarkbfungi: ty18:21
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sdagueI'm actually not even clear how that's the case18:22
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clarkbnibalizer: lgtm18:24
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nibalizerclarkb: woo18:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup gerrit ACLs  https://review.openstack.org/13622218:25
jamielennoxis there any point to continually reverifying https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135903/ ? the last few fails have all been due to tests NOT_REGISTERED - is that going to go away if we keep trying?18:25
fungisdague: it's the situation dstufft was describing last week where pip (in absence of -U) believes the first version directives it encounters for a package name in a given run, so your most specific version constraints need to be mentioned earliest when taking the (depth-first i think?) transitive dependency tree into account18:25
clarkbjamielennox: that should be fixed now /me looks at timestamps18:26
clarkbjamielennox: ya the most recent one is from forever ago18:26
fungisdague: i'm also wondering if this is a more recent behavior change, because we definitely saw later version constraints causing pip to replace earlier ones it had already installed18:27
jamielennoxclarkb: most recent fail?18:27
fungiin old pip18:27
clarkbjamielennox: on that change you linked is from ~5hours ago18:27
clarkbjamielennox: we have since fixed the issue18:27
clarkbif you have evidence of failures from the last hour pointing us at those would be great18:27
jamielennoxclarkb: ok, was just thinking forever ago might have been longer than my yesterday18:28
jamielennoxclarkb: thanks18:28
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clarkbnodepool-dev records added.18:29
clarkbpuppet change to allow that node in firewalls is incoming18:29
sdaguefungi: yeh, I don't know. But it seems odd that it doesn't process each stanza atomically18:30
sdagueI require this, is it done, no do it18:30
sdaguethat's I think what used to happen18:31
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sdaguewhich ... granted, can cause other crazies18:31
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sdagueand was the reason for global requirements18:31
fungisdague: yeah, i recall that being how it worked as well, but maybe that was with version caps combined with install -U18:31
sdaguebut... it at least does the things it's asked to do18:31
sdaguethe current behavior is definitively broken18:32
fungidstufft was suggesting that it likely won't improve until someone implements a dep solver in pip18:32
mordredsdague: amusingly enough, I've had the same npm thought before18:32
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow traffic from nodepool-dev  https://review.openstack.org/13716718:33
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clarkbjeblair: fungi ^18:33
mordredsdague: we could also go back to using distro packages of everything in the gate and maintaining our own overlay distro repo. I turns out that _those_ have excellent dependency management - we'd just have to get into the business of maintaining a defacto derivative distro18:34
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sdaguemordred: you are vaguely tempting me to build a package management system into devstack18:36
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sdaguedon't do that18:36
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mordredsdague: well, if we're going to build a package management system, I'd like to do so generally - I have thoughts18:39
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clarkbmeh just run gentoo/arch/sabayon18:41
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/reviewday: Add os-net-config.  https://review.openstack.org/13716818:41
clarkb(seriously though some distros have solved these issues not sure why we would solve them in the context of rhel/ubuntu_18:41
mordredclarkb: what do you mean?18:43
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clarkbmordred: well a couple things. one is gentoos slots18:43
mordredclarkb: like, not being obtuse - how would gentoo/arch/sabayon help? I'm pretty much all ears18:43
clarkbmordred: one of the places this comes up is we want to optionally have latest libvirt18:43
clarkbwell gentoos has solved that18:43
dprincepleia2: thanks for looking at the reviewday fix18:44
mordredoh - I'm _just_ talking about solving the fact that pip doesn't do dependencies18:44
clarkbthe other thing is simple packaging system that makes it easy to slap stuff over the OS18:44
clarkbarch's ports are really damn good at that18:44
mordredwhich means we'd have to express the depends in some alternate scheme - but if we get extra features from gentoo like slots, neat - I'd be happy to maintain a gentoo whatever if that's the right thing18:44
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clarkbrather than taking say ubuntu and making a derivative distro18:44
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pleia2dprince: np18:45
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mtreinishclarkb: +1 for arch :)18:45
mtreinishexcept for you know the python==python3 craziness...18:46
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fungisdague: on the ironic/nova co-gating thread, i believe devananda mentioned in a summit session that the triggering incident was that someone approved changes to nova which broke the contract and simultaneously adjusted the contract tests to make them pass18:50
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fungisdague: which still in my mind is not a reason to go back to enforcing it with an external testset, just a human (reviewer) problem which needs to get solved18:52
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sdaguefungi: agreed, and I want to get the instance18:53
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vishyso does anyone know why the stable postgres tests are failing?18:59
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fungimeeting time19:00
mordredjeblair, clarkb: so - here's what I'm thinking re: dib images and rackspace19:00
mordredI guess I can say it there19:01
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13650419:03
mordredessentially - but in an init script that tries to mount a config drive partition if it's there, and if it is able to do that and there is network information in the config drive instance, replace the DHCP config with static config based on what's pulled from config drive. if there isn't a config drive, then fail with no error19:03
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ssh key to root user  https://review.openstack.org/13717619:03
devanandasdague: so I started digging into that (caveat distractions) this morning19:04
devanandasdague: the original API contract tests were deleted from Nova, and in their place is a more automated thing now which I haven't looked at much19:04
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devanandasdague: see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/111425/19:04
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sdagueright, those tests were deleted on the driver land, which had all kinds of ironic folks on it19:04
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sdagueI just went and found that19:04
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sdaguethat is definitely not the commit that broke ironic19:05
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sdagueso I want to know the commit that broke ironic19:05
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sdagueso that we can work backwards from that and figure out what the actual failure condition was19:06
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dolphmwhat does elastic-recheck-success do? the help message isn't too helpful19:08
sdagueit's kind of the text version of the webpage19:09
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dolphmsdague: so i should just run it and find out?19:10
sdagueyeh, or read the code19:10
dolphmsdague: but lazy19:10
sdagueyeh, then just run it19:11
dolphmsdague: fwiw, i'm finally looking at moving spandex into elastic-recheck/19:11
sdaguedolphm: nice :)19:11
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devanandasdague: there are three commits which show up as having changed that file (aside from the deletion), none of which broke Ironic's tests during that time19:12
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devanandasdague: I think I was thinking of this patch, though - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/68942/19:14
dstufftfungi: sdague fwiw the "first found" thing is regardless of -U, the fact -U fixed it was more ana ccident becasue the first found was a >= so upgrading it upgraded to the latest19:15
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added experimental-{name}-chef-rake job-template  https://review.openstack.org/13713419:16
fungidstufft: oh, fair point. if the first round was a cap at <1.2.3 and then a later entry requested the same package at <1.0 then you'd end up with a later version than you actually wanted19:16
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dstufftfungi: yea19:18
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harlowjaanyway i can get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136657/ merged so that elastic recheck finds this one (it still seems to be happening alot)19:20
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1395368  https://review.openstack.org/13665719:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1395368 in tempest "ExternalNetworksTestJSON.test_delete_external_networks_with_floating_ip (icehouse) failures" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139536819:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add MongoDB plugin support  https://review.openstack.org/13130119:33
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sdaguedevananda: so that was litterally a million years ago, and should have just been a conversation with danpb and vishy19:36
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13650419:36
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ssh key to root user  https://review.openstack.org/13717619:36
vishysdague any info on the postgres stable fails?19:37
vishyis anyone looking at it?19:37
sdaguevishy: you have a link to a failed job?19:37
vishyis it a known issue?19:37
vishythe stable builds have been failing for 3 days19:37
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sdagueI don't know anyone looking at it, but I won't count as being totally in the know19:37
devanandasdague: Juno cycle isn't a million years ago. That's Iceage, I mean Icehouse, territory :)19:37
adam_gvishy, yeah19:37
sdaguedevananda: in this conversation it's a really long time ago19:38
adam_gviglesias, if its the failure im thinking of, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136538/ is meant to address it19:38
devanandasdague: three months is a "really long time ago"??19:38
adam_gvishy, ^^19:38
sdaguedevananda: it was before the driver land. I thought we were talking about something after19:38
vishysdague: http://logs.openstack.org/periodic-stable/periodic-nova-python26-juno/6f8aa3119:39
adam_gvishy, yeah, thats the one. see 13653819:39
sdagueso it really is a long time ago, because we are talking about changes to code that is now obsolete19:39
vishyadam_g: ah thx19:39
adam_gvishy, we're waiting on a couple of other things to fix icehouse before the grenade job will let that merge, tho19:39
vishyi see19:40
vishyok i so sounds like it is being looked at19:40
devanandasdague: are we talking about whether non-voting tests provide input which is valued? or something else?19:40
vishyI won’t try and dig in myself then19:40
vishyadam_g: if you link me the other reviews i can review them though19:40
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adam_gvishy, review on that backport welcome, it wasn't a clean cherry-pick and required some refactoring19:40
adam_gvishy, they're both gating now, https://review.openstack.org/#/q/I7f06a030cd9f31f3741c1ea4c97a2be3b76b978c,n,z19:40
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vishyok cool19:41
sdaguedevananda: I'm trying to figure out why we need that job in the check queue when this should be something which is fully covered by defined interfaces19:41
devanandasdague: let's actually clarify what it is we're talking about. Having Ironic provide non-voting test results? Ironic running in the check but not gate queue? And whether we're discussing well-defined interfaces, poorly-defined interfaces, or support from other projects like tempest and devstack?19:42
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devanandasdague: for reference, I've dug up a change in each of devstack, devstack-gate, and tempest -- all which broke Ironic's gate during Juno, but before it landed in Nova.19:45
sdaguedevananda: sure, before the driver landed, which changes the surfaces dramatically19:45
devanandasdague: so I'm going to stick to saying that non-voting check tests *were* ignored. Yes, that's a social problem.19:45
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devanandasdague: so I'm going to stick to saying that non-voting check tests *were* ignored. Yes, that's a social problem, and yes, we all have been using a technical solution19:47
sdagueI'm not arguing to make them non-voting. I'm talking about figuring out what actually needs to be tested to keep things working, instead of running the world19:47
sdaguebecause I think that in a bunch of cases we don't need that job19:47
devanandaok - so that's why I'm asking for clarification :)19:47
sdaguewe can solve it with the right tests in other jobs19:47
sdagueright, so I thought that my email made that clear19:48
sdagueif not, I messed up on intent19:48
devanandayour email and the -2 vote on my patch seem like you object to ironic being in the check or gate queue for [nova, devstack, tempest, ...]19:48
devanandathat was my read, anyway19:48
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devanandaI'm delighted to have a narrow-but-meaningful test surface, and really don't want to test the world on every commit19:49
sdaguethe -2 vote on your patch was to not put it into the gate queue19:49
sdaguewhich I think we don't need with clean check19:49
sdaguethe email came far before the -219:51
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devanandasdague: consider me perpetually behind on email ...19:52
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devanandasdague: so, question. is your objection to putting ironic in the gate queue based on existing precedent, or on the big-tent-discussions // longer term goals // ongoing refactoring?19:53
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sdagueexisting precedent19:54
sdaguethere are so many jobs on devstack / tempest that if we replicated them on gate as well we'd basically never be able to merge code19:54
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sdaguea project's spurious failure ends up being massively magnified there19:55
sdaguewhich is often the place that we need to change code to help with races19:55
sdaguewe haven't had check match gate in devstack or tempest since we instituted clean check19:56
sdagueand it's been fine19:56
devanandaI know I'm behind on many of the things in project-config19:57
devanandashould Ironic have a "template: integrated-gate" entry?19:57
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mtreinishsdague: fyi, we did manage to thread the needle last week when a stale check pass had a really high stable failure rate during the reqs fires19:57
mtreinishit was fun to try and unwedge that...19:58
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sdaguemtreinish: well, stale check is a thing that we might need to address again then19:59
sdaguedevananda: so in a world where we are blindly following policy vs. being smart, yes. However, I think we should be more smart :)19:59
devanandasdague: heh :)20:00
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devanandasdague: not to go into this bikeshed, but just to point out that that's very inconsistent with respect to other recently-integrated projects20:02
pleia2also, AJaeger and I got the Ansible playbooks for Zanata from Red Hat, I'll be working on translating them into a Puppet module, and more eyeballs on the related spec would be great too: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/13322220:02
* pleia2 should add things to the agenda \o/20:02
sdaguedevananda: so we've got to start somewhere. Apparently everyone wants to do this be smarter thing, unless we start with their project.20:02
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: adjust swift testing definitions to things that actually test swift  https://review.openstack.org/13718420:03
devanandasdague: nope. I'm fine starting with Ironic. but also, I'm not an infra-config expert and continually playing catch up to how to model tests there20:03
sdagueyep, you will notice I did start 3 different threads today about smarter testing20:04
mordredpleia2: we could also just run them as ansible playbooks ...20:04
sdaguenot just the ironic one20:04
devanandasdague: if you're saying that "clean check" + ironic being in the check queue for devstack, tempest, etc, means that someone breaking Ironic's tempest tests will notice it when they propose a patch to tempest20:04
pleia2mordred: consensus on this was "no"20:04
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sdaguedevananda: yes I am saying that20:05
mordredpleia2: darn20:05
devanandasdague: and thus there's no need to have that same job in tempest's gate -- and that that's teh direction you want some?many?all? projects to go20:05
devanandasdague: then great :)20:05
sdaguedevananda: yes20:05
pleia2mordred: we don't want to hurt the brains of people duplicating our infra by introducing another config mgmt system for service configuration (it's ok for the weird things ansible does for us now)20:05
sdagueI'm also saying, for devstack, I'd like to figure out a way to do service testing without running all of tempest20:05
mtreinishsdague: bring back the exercise? :)20:06
sdaguebecause having every job decide to test their devstack setup by "do all the tests run" is actually very far away from where the devstack code ends20:06
devanandasdague: also to note, I originally proposed this change two months ago. which is like, for ever ago :)20:06
devanandasdague: I've been asking clarkb how to do that for a year now! (without using really long regex's)20:06
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mtreinishsdague: so we just need to cleanup the tempest tags and make them useful20:07
sdaguedevananda: so... actually, I think you and I are talking different things20:07
clarkbdevananda: asking me how to do what?g20:07
devanandasdague: I'll be sooo happy when there is a job which tests only the things that Ironic cares about, and when I can see that job voting in the check queue for other things that want it there20:07
sdaguedevananda: sure, but that job is not going to be running on every devstack commit20:07
clarkboh that. I have nothing to do with that20:07
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sdaguebecause we need to define a smaller set of things which is did devstack do it's job20:08
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dteselkinfungi, I've checked network on my zuul server. tcpdump shows traffic from port 29418, and in the logs there are messages from https://github.com/openstack-infra/zuul/blob/master/zuul/lib/gerrit.py#L4020:08
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dteselkinHere they are http://paste.openstack.org/show/138358/20:08
dteselkinSo it doesn't look like a network issue20:09
sdaguemtreinish: which... is sort of the exercise. Honestly I'd be happy if it was a healthcheck tag in tempest or something20:09
fungidteselkin: it looks like it's saying it received no data from the gerrit event stream20:09
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sdaguethe exercises were completely terrible to debug though, and also kind of ran into the issue that they depended on the client output20:09
fungidteselkin: or rather received empty events20:09
sdaguewhich again, was actually way outside devstack control20:10
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devanandasdague: if/once devstack and tempest are able to consume libraries from within the trees of the projects we want to test, then sure. but we're not there yet AFAIK20:10
sdaguedevananda: a job which tests only the things that Ironic cares about == ironic functional job20:11
dteselkinOh, I forget to sayd that I modified line where logs are generated20:11
dteselkin* to say20:11
sdaguedevananda: well, on the devstack side, soon. chmouel is putting up a proposal for that in qa-specs20:11
dteselkinI replaced .debug with .info and remove line 4120:11
fungidteselkin: i was about to mention that i don't see that string in our zuul ;)20:11
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fungidteselkin: er, in our zuul production debug logs i mean20:12
fungii do see it in the source tree of course20:12
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dteselkinI've added line 41 so now I'll be able to see the messages next time it hangs20:13
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devanandasdague: great. I think we are (and have been) saying very similar things about that. we might just be talking about things in different times20:13
sdaguedevananda: yes, I think I agree20:14
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nibalizerfungi: so im about to step out for some lunch20:14
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fungidteselkin: yes, it would be useful to compare the json blobs from before and after the change in behavior20:14
nibalizerso if you need me around you have me for about 15 mintues or wil have to wait a couple hours20:15
funginibalizer: cool, i'm pulling up those changes now20:15
funginibalizer: the refactor one first20:15
dteselkinfungi, and it's useful to know what data it receives when the problem happen20:16
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devanandasdague: patch abandoned20:16
funginibalizer: you want to rebase your system-config split changes for pip and hithub on top of 134723?20:17
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Support multiple image formats in a diskimage  https://review.openstack.org/12674720:19
mordredclarkb: wow. ok. so - the information we need to get an IP up and going is there20:19
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mordredclarkb: in the rax config drive info20:19
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clarkbmordred: does it match what was nova agent configured?20:19
funginibalizer: i'm about to approve it, just going over the puppet apply job logs carefully to make sure it did those things20:19
mordredHOWEVER, it is amazing how much information that nova knows about this instance is _not_ in config drive20:19
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mordredclarkb: yes.20:19
mordredclarkb: or, at least, it matches enough that we can do what we need to do20:19
clarkbok all three of those nodepool hcnages I linked in the meeting should be ready for review20:19
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fungimordred: which file path in the configdrive? i didn't see ip addresses/gateways/et cetera in there20:20
mordredclarkb: which is, it'll make sure that the node has a public ip20:20
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jrollmordred: is there something in particular you want in configdrive, that isn't?20:20
clarkbmordred: what about private ip? we need those too20:20
mordredjroll: literally everything that's in the server_info entry for the nova host in the external api20:20
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jrollmordred: is that a thing nova typically does?20:21
mordredjroll: also, intended gateway for the network would be nice ... but we can fudge it20:21
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mordredjroll: no idea - I mean, just having dhcp work would be stellar20:21
jrollmordred: I want to see, where is configdrive located20:21
clarkblol fudging your gateway20:21
mordredyou have to boot with --config-drive set20:21
fungijroll: on my systems you need to then mount /dev/xvdd20:21
mordredmount /dev/disk/by-label/config-2 /mnt/config20:22
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mordredcat /mnt/config/./ec2/latest/meta-data.json20:22
clarkbI am going to go to lunch in a few minutes, but reviews on those nodepool changes would be excellent20:23
mordredand you'll see the IP in local-ipv420:23
mordredfungi: don't get me started20:23
fungii just assumed i shouldn't need to look in ec2 :/20:23
mordredit's not in the openstack namespace20:23
mordredit's also wrong20:23
fungibecause, you know, there next to it is a directory called "openstack"20:23
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mordredbecause it's the public IP20:23
mordredI don't care20:23
mordredbecause the data is there20:23
clarkbmordred: we need private as well20:23
mordredclarkb: why?20:23
clarkbmordred: multi node testing20:23
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clarkbbut maybe nodepool can give the nodes that info20:24
mordredclarkb: sorry - I have not fleshed out step 2 here20:24
fungihey, lookit there... ip addresses20:24
mordredI just want this to get a basic workable ip address20:24
clarkbdo you get masks?20:24
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clarkbor is that left out along with the router?20:24
mordrednope. but they're all the same20:24
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clarkbthat seems dangerous to rely on20:24
fungiyeah, no netmask, no gateway20:24
mordredI don't think so - I find it highly unlikely that they're going to start getting clever there20:25
funginot sure this is safely sufficient20:25
clarkbso given the derpyness of that data20:25
clarkbis it better than just using nova agent?20:25
mordredand we run that on our hp nodes too?20:25
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clarkbmordred: sure, they will noop on hp ya?20:25
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Pull pip module out.  https://review.openstack.org/12620520:25
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Removing github module.  https://review.openstack.org/12645020:25
fungialso no ipv6 in there20:25
nibalizerfungi: okay all set20:26
JayFmordred: on Rackspace cloud, look at vendor_data and some of that network info is there (I /think/ we enabled that patch on virt cloud as well as OnMetal, imbw) ... it's a downstreamed version of the patch here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85673/20:26
funginibalizer: thanks, going over those now too20:26
funginibalizer: have a good lunch and i'll catch up with you when you're done20:26
clarkbor is nova agent really stupid20:26
nibalizerya github depends on pip too so we dont have merge conflicts when we try to land it right after pip20:26
mordredJayF: nope20:26
mordredJayF: only a list of IP whitelists20:26
jrollJayF: that's only onmetal20:26
clarkbanyways must food. curious to see what you figure out20:26
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JayFjroll: mordred: :(20:27
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markmcclainI've got a question about a skipped job in zuul: https://review.openstack.org/12725720:27
jrollJayF: though maybe we could talk virt into enabling that20:27
mordredjroll: if we can't have dhcp, putting the actual network info (all of it) into the config drive would be hella nice20:27
markmcclaintrying to determine why it is marked as skipped20:27
nibalizerfungi: okay thanks!20:27
fungimordred: i think that's what johnthetubaguy said was in the works20:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Source modules.env from apply-test.sh  https://review.openstack.org/13472320:27
jrollmordred: we do that in onmetal, we can likely do it in virt as well but that wouldn't be up to me personally20:27
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jrollit's just a config option afaik20:28
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JayFjroll: we'd also have to make sure no bad info leaked from nova20:29
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jrollJayF: what sort of bad info? idgi20:29
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mordredJayF: you're already putting the root password into the stuff in config drive - I cannot possibly imagine what _worse_ thigns could leak20:29
jrollJayF: obviously we would need to test the output before deploying, I don't think it will be an issue though20:29
JayFjroll: like when we enabled it for onmetal, we had to play with the policy.json to get the right fields exposed and some undesired fields unexposed20:29
openstackgerritTerry Howe proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add automated pypi release job for openstacksdk  https://review.openstack.org/13715920:29
jrollJayF: ugh20:29
JayFmordred: ++ there's a reason OnMetal only supports key based auth20:29
* morganfainberg stepped into a scary conversation.20:30
mordredmorganfainberg: back away slowly20:30
JayFthis isn't that bad of a conversation :)20:30
fungimorganfainberg: it's nova not keystone, so you can just pretend you never saw that ;)20:30
* morganfainberg reads "root password" and "config drive".20:30
JayFjust mordred giving us support for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85673/ :P20:30
morganfainbergI think I should pretend I didn't see it.20:30
fungimorganfainberg: yeah, pretty insane20:30
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jrollto be fair, how else do you get the root password generated by nova into the instance (and still support password auth)20:31
mordredjroll: other than being snarky in IRC, is there anything I can do to get such a thing prioritized by the fine folks in virt?20:31
mordredjroll: I'd say "don't support password auth"20:31
ZZelle_fungi, clarkb, hi20:32
jrollmordred: I would agree :P20:32
yfriedanyone familiar with the process of creating a new job (experimental) in openstack-infra/project-config?20:32
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morganfainbergSo related to infra stuff. Anyone have contacts at Microsoft that like us? I'm trying to get some support for 3rd party CI on adfs and keystone.20:32
jrollmordred: so, I can push for it or you can, I suppose, idk what the easiest route is20:32
ZZelle_fungi, clarkb, when you have some times, could you have a look to https://review.openstack.org/116035 (was approved)20:32
jrollmordred: the only extra thing I can do is spam internal IRC and bug trackers :P20:32
* jroll makes a ticket20:33
* jroll or something20:33
JayFmordred: we already do support key based; there's just no option to not set a root p/w20:33
dolphmelastic-recheck is only storing 10 days of logs now, correct?20:33
mordredjroll: well, with troy gone and pvo not hanging out in channel anymore, I'm not sure who the right person to poke is20:33
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fixed bug in working directories.  https://review.openstack.org/13719720:33
jrollmordred: ok, yeah, poking people now20:34
fungiZZelle_: that rebase looks fine, so i reapproved it20:34
ZZelle_fungi, thanks20:34
dolphmor elastic search / kibana, anyway20:34
jrollmordred: idk how soon it could get out but will do what I can20:34
fungidolphm: yep20:35
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fungidolphm: it's all we can reasonably store given the volume of log data we collect and the extent to which it explodes when indexed into elasticsearch (no compression and annotated with tags/metadata)20:36
fungidolphm: the crazy thing is, we strip debug-level log lines before we load them too, so that's just the volume of non-debug logs from jobs20:36
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dolphmfungi: thanks!20:37
fungidolphm: we've gotten the log volume down a bit and could probably extend that back out some, but not more than maybe a week best case20:38
fungiwe've got 8tb of storage across the cluster and seem to be utilizing it at ~50% presently20:38
fungibut also change volume has been lower as usual since the summit, so this is slump-size20:38
sdaguefungi: it picked up again last week20:39
fungisdague: yep, i expect to see it around 75% utilization next week20:39
sdaguewe merged 525 commits last week20:39
funginot too shabby20:40
fungihighest weekly total across those repos for a couple months20:40
clarkb6tb right?20:41
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clarkbalso we need ~1tb free to handle failovers20:41
sdagueclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136179/ adam_g's metadata server change is passing tests now20:41
sdaguefungi: yeh, people were busy last week20:42
fungiclarkb: oh, yes 6tb not 820:42
fungifor some reason i forgot it was a 5-way cluster20:42
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fixed bug in working directories.  https://review.openstack.org/13719720:42
krotscheckUgh rookie bugs20:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review: Prefer git-config over git-review config files  https://review.openstack.org/11603520:44
fungikrotscheck: at least you killed three bugs with one patch20:44
krotscheckfungi: True20:45
krotscheckStill, I should have written tests in the first place.20:45
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fungiwell, they're easy fixes to review ;)20:46
clarkbsdague adam_g that should be rebased on my change to enavle nova multihost20:46
clarkbotherwise it will conflict and does no good without that change20:46
morganfainbergkrotscheck: I need to talk to you re: storyboard after thanksgiving.20:46
morganfainbergkrotscheck: want to know if there are small things I can do to help out.20:47
krotscheckmorganfainberg: LOTS20:47
morganfainbergBut can't think too much about it till then.20:47
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krotscheckmorganfainberg: Ping me when you’re ready :)20:47
morganfainbergkrotscheck: ++20:48
fungikrotscheck: oh, also, i dunno if clarkb has discussed it with you, but i think for the interface drafts we may want to switch to a stroyboard-dev server to cut out an easy source of social engineering20:48
fungier, storyboard-dev20:48
krotscheckSocial engineering?20:49
krotscheckOh, right20:49
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fungikrotscheck: that's also something we can work on spinning up next week if you have time20:50
krotscheckLet me add a story and put it on my list.20:50
krotscheckOr it could be something morganfainberg can help with :)20:50
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fungijhesketh: welcome back! we assigned all things to you. mattoliverau said it would be fine20:51
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jheskethfungi: the flaw in your trap there is that mattoliverau is still on vacation ;-)20:51
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jheskethhowever, that does mean we can assign everything to mattoliverau and I can say it's fine20:52
fungijhesketh: done20:52
krotscheckfungi: Does this capture it all? https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200002820:52
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alexpilottiHi guys, I have a stackforge patch taht for some reasons does not trigger Jenkins: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136740/20:54
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alexpilottiDoes anybody have an idea on the possible reason?20:55
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update module issues_url & include storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13545220:56
fungikrotscheck: yeah, i'm unclear on what the project-config change is for (review-dev projects.yaml maybe?) but the rest makes sense20:56
AJaeger_alexpilotti: let's recheck it.20:56
alexpilottiNevermind, looks a recheck did the trick20:56
krotscheckfungi: We can always re-examine that later.20:56
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split out elasticsearch module  https://review.openstack.org/13715520:56
alexpilottiAJaeger_: yep, tx20:56
AJaeger_alexpilotti: we lost some events with jenkins - and the +2 will not start without a recheck.20:56
krotscheckfungi: Also, having a dev instance allows us to selectively disable emails on that box.20:56
krotscheckfungi: Because that would be BAD20:57
alexpilottiAJaeger_: tx, I was actually expecting the +2a to retrigger it, that explains everything20:57
fungialexpilotti: AJaeger_: looks like the second patchset for that was uploaded while we had zuul offline, thus it wasn't around to se the gerrit event20:57
fungikrotscheck: yep, agreed20:57
sdaguealexpilotti: yeh a bunch of events were lost, I did a bulk recheck of the openstack/ that looked lost20:58
sdaguebut didn't do stackforge20:58
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sdagueoh... a thing I discovered20:59
sdaguethere are 6 open patches on attic - https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:%255Eopenstack-attic.*+status:open,n,z20:59
sdaguesorry 720:59
alexpilottifungi sdague: np tx, didn’t know the +2a was not retriggering it, everything makes sense20:59
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mordredclarkb: have you done a nova flavor-list in rackspace recently? there are some really interesting looking flavors that might be useful for elasticsearch21:01
clarkbI have not21:01
mordredclarkb: for instance: | memory1-240      | 240 GB Memory v1        | 245760    | 0    | 0         |      | 32    | 10000.0     | N/A       |21:01
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mordredclarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/138383/21:02
jrollmordred: /me plugs | onmetal-io1      | OnMetal IO v1           | 131072    | 32   | 3200      |      | 40    | 10000.0     | N/A       |21:02
JayFThose new memory flavors are diskless (CBS only)21:03
mordredJayF: yah. some of our things might enjoy being diskless21:03
JayFjroll: I think they need cbs21:03
JayFjroll: which onmetal doesn't have21:03
jrollelasticsearch seems like it should have decent IO21:03
jrollignore me, then21:03
mordredJayF: we may or may not need cinder for some things21:03
JayFthe perfect fit for es is onmetal-memory1 + CBS, but we don't support that yet so :/21:03
jrollalso, onmetal-io1 is missing from mordred's paste O.o21:03
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mordredjroll: I'd love to think about ways in which we can leverage onmetal for some stuff21:04
mordredjroll: but I havent' quite gotten there yet :)21:04
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jrollmordred: anything that would benefit from super fast IO is a candidate21:04
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asselinjeblair, removed "READ"21:05
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clarkbes on metal would be great21:09
fungisdague: hah, i guess setting acls to read-only for those repos was insufficient to get them to reject new changes21:09
fungisdague: oh, wait. those are from before they were shelved. so i think it probably is fine i should just abandon them21:10
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, jeblair, clarkb, mordred, could you please help a bit - in sahara we're going to rename endpoint name to data-processing (from underscore) for consistency21:11
SergeyLukjanovbut it means need to update devstack and tempest in the same time21:11
SergeyLukjanovonly ninja merge could help?21:12
fungiSergeyLukjanov: did you discuss that with the qa core reviewers?21:12
fungiSergeyLukjanov: they're the ones who probably need to weigh in on any possible alternatives for simultaneous changes in devstack and tempest21:12
mordredSergeyLukjanov: I think you'll need to figure out how to support both for a bit, no? I mean, otherwise you're going to have upgrade/compat problems in the real world too21:12
SergeyLukjanovmordred, client is compat, but tempest have hardcoded endpoints21:13
mtreinishSergeyLukjanov: shouldn't be21:13
mtreinishit should be a config flag the default might use the underscore, but it pulls the endpoint from keystone catalog21:14
jrollSergeyLukjanov: what about people using the rest api directly, rather than the client?21:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Pull pip module out.  https://review.openstack.org/12620521:14
SergeyLukjanovjroll, it'll not break anything, just endpoint rename, different openstack installation / distributions could have different endpoint type names21:14
fungihuh, even after strapping on my gerrit superpowers cape, i can't get an abandon button on read-only projects21:15
SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, yeah, the default endpoint type name21:15
jrollSergeyLukjanov: oh, the name in the service catalog, not the actual URL?21:15
SergeyLukjanovjroll, yeah21:15
jrollgot it21:15
mordredah - so the name that you use to look up the url in the service catalog21:15
* mordred understands21:15
SergeyLukjanovI mean to rename data_processing to data-processing21:15
SergeyLukjanovit's just a type21:15
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SergeyLukjanovlike a compute and object-storage21:15
mtreinishSergeyLukjanov: ok, then just push a devstack change out which changes the name there and overrides the tempest default21:15
jrollhat could still break people that have written code around that, but probably more minimal impact21:15
mtreinishthen we can change the tempest default21:15
mtreinishand then remove the config override21:16
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SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, oh, just override the default from the devstack code/21:16
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SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, yup, got it, thanks for the advise21:16
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mtreinishSergeyLukjanov: yeah, devstack writes the tempest.conf so if we're changing the catalog type just have devstack makes sure tempest knows that21:17
mtreinishand we can fix the defaults everywhere after21:17
mtreinishSergeyLukjanov: sure np21:17
SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, any tips on the correct way to re-write default?21:17
mtreinishSergeyLukjanov: I would just add an iniset in lib/tempest, based on the var which you use to add the catalog entry for sahara21:18
mtreinishbut, I haven't looked at the service catalog bits in devstack in a while21:19
SergeyLukjanovmtreinish, ok, got it, thanks21:20
mordredjeblair: so - clarkb and fungi don't like my idea of pulling just the IP address from the config drive info and inferring that the netmask is pretty much always the same on rackspace21:21
mordredjeblair: which leads us back to just running the nova-agent on the host21:22
jeblairmordred: netmask is not provided?21:22
mordredjeblair: nope21:22
funginor gateways/routes21:22
funginor any ip address besides the eth0 interface for that matter, and just the ipv4 address for that even21:22
mordredjeblair: we've also asked rackspace to include more info in their configdrive - but that may not hit tomorrow or anything21:23
jeblairok cool21:23
mordredso maybe we start with nova-agent, then move to configdrive once all the datas are there21:23
jeblairmordred: i feel like nova-agent may be a reasonable interim step21:23
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mordredcool. I will work on adding that to some elements21:23
mordredalso ... while we're on the subject21:23
fungiyeah, the current state of config drive is "we can probably identify a reachable ipv4 address to set on eth0 and then guess everything else and hope get it right"21:24
mordredthe elements I was working on the past couple of days was for infra _Servers_ ... but it seems there is some stuff that would want to be shared between infra servers and nodepool nodes21:24
jeblairas long as we think we can eventually move to configdrive, doesn't seem worth engineering around it.  i look forward to helping the rax folks test this out when it's ready :)21:24
mordredjeblair: so it seems to me that those should live in system-config - and we shoudl add system-config/elements to the nodepool elements path21:24
jeblairmordred: network configuration among them, i think :)21:25
mordredjeblair: yah21:25
jeblairmordred: that seems reasonable21:25
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mordredcool. also, I think the puppet element can be split21:25
jeblairthat may make it harder for downstreams21:25
jeblairbut that may make it easier again :)21:25
mordredinto "get puppet installed and bootstrapped on this image" and "run puppet stuffs"21:25
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jeblairmordred: basically, we want downstreams to be able to use our image elements, right?  i mean, cause they will anyway so we may as well not make it hard on us21:26
mordredbtw - I've pushed a lot of yesterdays work to the dib repo itself21:26
fungithough some downstreams may turn out to be more interested in just reusing our images instead21:27
jeblairfungi: true21:27
mordredyay for images with my ssh keys on them in the wild!21:27
fungithat's a very good point... we set up our accounts in our nodepool dib images now, and that is probably a negative for reusability of those images21:28
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fungithough on the other hand, we need to at least configure the images with credentials sufficient to allow our nodepool to ssh in and do post-boot setup21:28
jeblairmordred: i'm sort of uncertain that having project-config rely on system-config elements is a good idea21:29
fungiso either way we're potentially distributing images downstream that we'd have ssh access into21:29
fungi(once we decide to start making them available for download anyway)21:29
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jeblairmordred: i think that should take a back seat to dib nodepool for now21:30
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mordredjeblair: yah. well, most all of the issues I need to solve are the same21:31
jeblairand i kind of want to avoid making that more complicated for us and downstreams yet; at least i'd like to actually start using it first21:31
jeblairmordred: k, so maybe we let them be parallel for a bit and see what it looks like?21:31
mordredjeblair: and where the elements will live doesn't hurt me either way in the hacking on it21:31
ryanpetrellois there anything you all need from me in regards to pecan and the py26 support removal?21:32
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mordredjeblair: actually, I betcha a nova-agent element is a thing that should live in dib - because it's general useful21:32
ryanpetrelloor will py26 jobs just disappear one day?21:32
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clarkbit will just disappear if you dont scream21:32
mordredjeblair: but yeah - I'll focus on getting dib nodepool stuff going and can reorg later if/when it seems necessary21:33
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ryanpetrelloclarkb: that's fine, I'm perfectly equipped to run my own tooling to ensure py26 support in the future21:33
ryanpetrelloI do the same for py3221:33
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jeblairi'm going to go into a hole and work on gear/zuul.  bbl.21:33
ryanpetrellojust wanted to make sure you all wouldn't be waiting on me21:33
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fungijeblair: don't forget to take a torch21:34
* jeblair was eaten by a grue21:34
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fungisdague: okay, i got those attic changes abandoned21:37
fungithanks for the heads up21:37
sdaguefungi: no worries21:37
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sdaguejeblair: I always felt like that was the appropriate statement everytime you eventually found your way to the urinals in that wc near the infra room21:38
fungisdague: it was a twisty maze of white tile passages, to be certain21:39
mordredweirdest bathroom ever21:39
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fungii'm testing an hpcloud-b1 bare-trusty image update now that the changes splitting out the puppet pip module have merged, to ensure it hasn't unexpectedly hosed us21:45
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sdaguecan I get a +A on this - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/137050 so that I can get the nova functional tests seeded without a test gap21:46
sdaguenibalizer: and your -1 on that, we still need branch selection21:46
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fungisdague: it claims to depend on a change of yours in nova which is still wip21:47
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fungisdague: was that supposed to say "needed by" instead21:47
sdagueoh, sorry, I stuck a change under the one listed21:48
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Plugins may now register cron workers.  https://review.openstack.org/12960921:48
sdagueso that it would work to go in before it21:48
fungii see, the "dummy patch" change21:48
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fungijogo: you were taken aback when there was insufficient nova core reviewer visibility into an infra change adding voting jobs for nova. care to bless 137050 before it gets approved?21:50
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* jogo /ooks21:52
sdaguejogo: tl;dr it's the functional test job21:52
* krotscheck is pondering his cron change.21:52
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make nova functional tests voting  https://review.openstack.org/13705021:52
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fungicorrected the commit message accordingly ^21:53
sdaguefungi: ok, coolio21:53
fungithanks jogo21:53
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jogofungi: thank you21:54
jogofungi: although that was proposed by a nova-core which is enough IMHO21:54
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fungijogo: wfm. didn't know how many nova cores make it sufficient21:54
sdaguejogo: so, as soon as that lands, I have the giant move21:54
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13650421:54
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ssh key to root user  https://review.openstack.org/13717621:54
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sdaguejogo: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/136772 - which is the nova side21:55
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jogosdague: nice!21:57
jogogood start21:57
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sdagueyeh, once that is split over I'll start refactoring it into hopefully more sanity, and shorter run time with testresources21:57
jogoI'm still surprised live migration works atall21:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Removing github module.  https://review.openstack.org/12645021:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add in postbuildscript plugin for Jenkins  https://review.openstack.org/13317922:02
fungijhesketh: ^22:02
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jheskethfungi: oh shiny!22:04
* jhesketh has heaps of backlog to work through22:04
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fungiclarkb: minor question related to 137167... why do we have nodepool subscribing to zmq on jenkins.o.o at all anyway? there shouldn't be any nodepool nodes there...22:06
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clarkbI think thats old from befoee many jenkinses22:07
fungiahh, yeah, perhaps. that part of the timeline is a little fuzzy for me now. anyway, i suppose we can clean that up22:09
fungibut in another patch22:09
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova-api-metadata for multi host nova-network  https://review.openstack.org/13617922:14
adam_gclarkb, sdague, sorry had to run out. there ya go ^22:14
sdagueadam_g: oh... hey, you lost n-net22:15
adam_goh, hey22:15
sdagueI must have missed it the first time22:15
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova-api-metadata for multi host nova-network  https://review.openstack.org/13617922:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Update snapshots prior to dib image builts  https://review.openstack.org/13711022:19
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sdaguefungi: so... what's the puppet apply jobs on project-config doing?22:23
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i have a local zuul watching prod with one worker and 2 mergers and i haven't seen an issue yet :/22:23
sdaguebecause I didn't think there was any puppet really left in there22:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: make nova functional tests voting  https://review.openstack.org/13705022:23
fungisdague: our puppet manifests use some of the files from that repository22:24
sdaguefungi: ah, ok22:24
fungisdague: so in theory a change, say, removing one of them might show up as a failure22:24
sdaguefungi: well it seems to be mostly erroring22:24
sdagueeven though it's passing22:24
jeblairthat's a new feature of puppet 3!22:24
fungisdague: yeah, same on system-config. it's a bit of a mess right now22:25
sdaguewell it was weird enough I thought I'd bring it up22:25
fungiapparently some errors aren't errors22:25
fungior something22:25
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fungiso sayeth puppet 322:26
sdagueso say us all22:26
fungialso it's crazy full of ansi escapes22:26
sdagueok, time for me to call it a day and do family things. Enjoy folks22:26
jeblairsdague: 'night22:26
fungihave a good evening sdague22:26
fungii will be vanishing soonish once i get an opportunity to sync back up with nibalizer22:27
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fungiso far no catastrophic failures with those modules split out, and the image update i tested didn't complain either22:27
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fungialso i won't be around much from wednesday afternoon through the weekend. cooking, driving, visiting, the usual holiday drill22:29
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nibalizerfungi: hi22:37
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funginibalizer: so far so good22:39
fungianything you want to check?22:39
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job that tests rally and tempest integration  https://review.openstack.org/13723222:39
nibalizerfungi: uhhhh22:40
nibalizeri mean if pip was busted... we would know :P22:40
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funginibalizer: yep, that's why i tried an image build22:41
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clarkbjeblair maybe it is triggered by accessing the admin commands?22:44
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clarkbjeblair which zuul + merger + worker wont do22:45
jeblairclarkb: i keep typing 'status' in a telnet session22:45
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jeblairclarkb: that does leave 'cancel job' as untested though22:45
jeblairclarkb: i'm digging through the zuul logs now looking for a clue22:46
mordredfungi, jeblair: I thought we were doing the good stuff with puppet to get proper errors on errors22:46
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mordreddo we need to pass "puppet apply --no-seriously-please-die-on-errors-kthxbai" or something/22:46
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set modulepath to the first element of puppet's modulepath.  https://review.openstack.org/13723322:46
nibalizersdague: oh okay my bad22:46
fungiapparently there are issues with ask.openstack.org and evgeny is working on them22:46
funginot related to anything we did though22:47
nibalizeri guess i don't know what the branch selection does22:47
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add CLI command for executing queries  https://review.openstack.org/13723422:47
fungimordred: no i think it's that we're running them in noop so it complains loudly about all the things it's not doing because they depend on resources it won't update in --noop mode22:48
mordredoh. right22:48
jeblairoh, i thought it was more than that22:48
fungimordred: like complaining that it didn't do stuff related to the apache module because it didn't install the package for apache or whatever22:48
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fungithere may be more, that's just the main class of errors i end up wading through trying to look at the puppet apply logs usually22:49
clarkbexecs trip noop mode a lot22:49
mordredright. because it didn't actually make the change to the system, since you told it not to, so things that depend on that thing having been created complain because their resource isn't there22:49
clarkbsince execs are black boxes to puppet22:49
jeblairlooking at http://logs.openstack.org/50/137050/2/gate/gate-infra-puppet-apply-centos6/4ca633a/console.html22:50
jeblairthere's a lot of deprecation errors22:50
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jeblairthen there's:22:50
jeblair2014-11-25 22:16:46.510 | [1;31mError: /Stage[main]/Cgit::Selinux/Selboolean[httpd_enable_cgi]: Could not evaluate: Execution of '/usr/sbin/getsebool httpd_enable_cgi' returned 1: /usr/sbin/getsebool:  SELinux is disabled[0m22:50
jeblairi dunno if that's a thing...22:51
jeblair2014-11-25 22:16:48.247 | mError: /Stage[main]/Haproxy/Concat[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg]/File[/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) file:/var/lib/puppet/concat/_etc_haproxy_haproxy.cfg/fragments.concat.outm22:51
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jeblairdon't know why that's an error22:51
nibalizerconcat fragments fail really hard on noop22:51
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* jeblair looks askance at puppet22:52
nibalizersince the concat module puts files in a temp directory before concating them together22:52
jeblairthat seems like the sort of "noop" that you could "op" :)22:52
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nibalizerya this module https://github.com/richardc/puppet-datacat is the future, replacing concat, with such features as working in noop contexts22:53
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fungii guess "needs to create files somewhere" is one of the places it draws the line on what is a non-operation22:53
jeblairi mean, maybe my lisp is showing, but i don't think string concatenation should have side effects :)22:53
jeblairnibalizer: working is an excellent idea for a new feature! :)22:54
fungirelease notes: "now works!"22:54
* mordred looks at jeblair's lisp22:54
nibalizeryea... concat is an example of a hack that was so useful but gross but now is in use pretty much everywhre22:54
* mordred ducks22:55
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add CLI command for executing elastic-recheck queries  https://review.openstack.org/13723423:01
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job that tests rally and tempest integration  https://review.openstack.org/13723223:01
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dims_mordred: ping23:02
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dims_mordred: i see a mox3 on your github, Anyone we know familiar with internals? got a nasty bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/139614423:04
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1396144 in openstack-ci "mox3 fails for context manager based mock testing" [Undecided,New]23:04
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add CLI command for executing elastic-recheck queries  https://review.openstack.org/13723423:05
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clarkbjeblair: anything else I can do to help?23:14
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jeblairclarkb: not atm; i'm piecing together what happened from the logs.  i'm hoping i'll find something interesting -- i have found where zuul took 8 minutes to complete an enqueue event; trying to figure out what it was doing during that time23:15
clarkbcool going to start putting together the third party self serve changes then23:15
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mordredjeblair: maybe it took a break to watch TV23:16
mordreddims_: I have very little knowledge there - I think zul was doing some stuff with it?23:17
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Create puppet-forge credentials on the pypi slave  https://review.openstack.org/13483523:17
dims_mordred: ack, will ask23:17
dims_mordred: thanks23:17
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clarkbdims_: also aren't new test cases supposed to use mock?23:17
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jeblairmordred: the real housewives of gozeria?23:17
dims_clarkb: true. takes time...i hit it when i was trying to use oslotest (uses mox3) with nova23:18
clarkbwhy would oslotest use the thing we want ot deprecate23:18
* clarkb decides it isn't important and goes back to third party things23:19
dims_clarkb: hehe, phased move if you really want to see (which i don't think you do :) - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135944/23:19
clarkbright but oslotest is new... you don't phase move the new thing you just use new things23:20
clarkbwhy do 2 migrations when you can do one?23:20
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use storyboard for all infra puppet modules  https://review.openstack.org/13659423:21
mordrednibalizer: zomg. are we actually getting automated uploads to puppet-forge?23:22
dims_clarkb: i hear ya. we can do this on oslo channel when dhellmann is around :)23:23
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nibalizermordred: yup23:25
nibalizera rooter has to make the new module first time i think23:25
mordredthat's fine - we have to do a similar thing for PyPI23:25
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jeblairclarkb: okay, i have a lead -- during those 8 minutes, it wanted to launch jobs for an icehouse change and none of the devstack-precise jobs were registered.  each time it wanted to launch one of those, it took ~90 seconds to determine they were not registered (which it did one at a time [there is a cache, but the ttl on the cache is set at the beginning of the query and is 5 seconds, so a 90 second query will always bust it])23:38
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jeblairthat happened at least 5 times, so that accounts for almost all of the time it was hung23:38
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jeblair(also, one of them timed out)23:39
jeblairso it's almost certainly related to the status admin command... possibly in using it on the same connection that's also being used for job submissions; i don't think that i have tested that23:40
asselinanyone seen this issue with jjb? pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (python-jenkins 0.2 (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('python-jenkins>=0.3.4'))23:41
clarkbjeblair: oh interesting23:42
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jeblairalso, btw, gearman has 12484 jobs registered23:43
swestonasselin: I recall having some problems with it on install ... it ended up being a python path problem/conflict with the os packages and pip23:44
asselinsweston, how did you resolve?23:44
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swestonasselin: uninstalled the os packages, re-installed the pip requirements, updated jjb from source, and compiled it, then installed23:45
asselinsweston, which os packages?23:46
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13650423:47
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set up ssh_known_host based on hostname  https://review.openstack.org/13659623:47
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup /etc/hosts for aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/13615823:47
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add ssh key to root user  https://review.openstack.org/13717623:47
swestonasselin: it was a long time ago, I am having trouble remembering23:47
swestonasselin: let me check my puppet manifest git logs23:47
asselinsweston, pip freeze shows python-jenkins==0.2, but fails during the uninstall23:48
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Document new third party self service accounts  https://review.openstack.org/13724023:49
jeblairjogo: i'm not paying close attention to what you're doing, but fyi in case this helps -- i believe we have sshd configured to disallow logins as the root user by default23:49
clarkbjeblair: krtaylor fungi anteaya ^23:50
clarkbchange to create ci-sandbox is next23:50
jogojeblair: that is probably a good and thing and not a problem here23:50
clarkbjeblair: jogo ya we do but jogo should be setting up root to other accounts so it should be fine23:50
jogojeblair: libvirt(which runs as root) needs to be able to login as stack23:50
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jeblairok cool :)23:51
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jogojeblair: now that I look at that commit message title, it isn't very clear23:52
swestonasselin: is the python-pip class installed?23:53
asselinsweston, no23:53
swestonasselin: python-yaml?23:54
fungiasselin: sweston: we *just* merged a change to split the puppet pip module out into its own project separate from the system-config repo23:54
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fungiasselin: sweston: not sure if you're bumping into that at all23:54
asselinsweston, no23:55
asselinfungi, ok, maybe...?23:55
swestonfungi: good to know, thank you23:55
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a ci-sandbox project.  https://review.openstack.org/13724223:56
clarkbboom and that shouldn'tmerge until we fix project creation23:56
clarkbfungi: have a link to your jeepyb change handy? I will review that next23:56
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fungiclarkb: oh, right that's something i wanted to try out. i believe my jeepyb change is still hand-applied on review.o.o and rudimentary tests were not failing like we had been seeing23:57
clarkbfungi: woot23:57
fungiclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/13607923:57
fungiclarkb: apparently mysqldb.Connection.ping() is magicsauce23:58
fungiespecially if you pass True as its one poorly-documented positional parameter23:58
fungisince that tells it to automatically reconnect if it detects that it's not connected23:59
swestonasselin: do a git checkout of jjb from github, and then do a pip install --upgrade -r test-requirements.txt23:59
clarkbfungi: looks like magic23:59
fungiclarkb: unfortunately i found no equivalent for psycopg2 so left that unimplemented23:59
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asselinsweston, ok, seems it was a local thing. I did this and it worked: sudo apt-get remove python-jenkins23:59

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