Friday, 2015-02-27

david-lyleI'm open to better ideas regarding the above patch ^^00:00
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david-lylepinning to an older version of firefox was the first attempt, but I did not find a common version between precise and trusty00:02
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david-lyleso instead of introducing a fair amount of logic temporarily, I made the tests non-voting, at least that's the intent00:02
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* SpamapS adds some more super basic unit tests to shade and finds that os-client-config is not py3 clean.. doh00:04
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openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support additional features in Build Flow project
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Add support for starred changes
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Set priority of initial change sync to normal
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Fix reversing changes
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the neutron func job (nv) to devstack-gate
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Disable InsecureRequestWarning
tchaypookay, so now that I’m back in the right part of the world00:08
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Security: Require config file to be mode 0600
jeblairtchaypo: i left some suggestions on your keybinding changes00:11
tchaypothanks :)00:11
tchaypoin other news00:11
SpamapSthis makes me wonder.. do we graph code coverage anywhere?00:13
tchaypowe have two bastion hosts, one for each hp region00:14
pleia2ok, back, time to cinder this up00:14
tchaypohow are we going to handle those being taken over by the infra team?00:14
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add basic unit test for shade.openstack_cloud
tchaypoI’m thinking that the easiest thing to do would be for me to add ssh public keys to the shared account we’re currently using to log in00:16
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tchaypoand then the boxes can be emborgenated by puppet perhaps?00:16
tchaypoor at least, infra-root people can hammer the machines into a shape that they like00:16
SpamapSalright, my contribution to testing coverage done.. I must now retire to Hockey, Karate, and dinner. I bid you all farewell until 9pm. ;)00:16
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clarkbpleia2 did you see that a single 1tb volume in lvm to start seemed reasonable?00:23
clarkbit gives us twice what we have now00:24
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, makes sense00:26
* pleia2 creates cinder volume on ORD instead of DFW this time00:26
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jeblairpleia2: details :)00:27
pleia2at least it was an easy mistake to recover from :)00:27
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mordredpleia2: you would have enjoyed when jeblair and I were standing up AFS00:31
mordredpleia2: I'm not going to say that that didn't happen 2 or 3 times that afternoon00:31
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Overdue update for the ironic project group
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jeblairanteaya, reed: i replaced the gerritworkflow wiki page with a link to the infra manual (i think most links were updated to point to it a while ago, and i think enough time has passed to make this change)00:50
jeblairalse gerritjenkinsgit00:50
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add instructions for vgcreate to sysadmin docs
mordredooh. docs00:50
jogoclarkb: so wtf trove
jogotrove on stable/juno is pulling
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jogowhich takes an hour00:55
mordredyeah. I believe that's what we asked them to do00:55
clarkbit should be cached00:56
jogodoesn't appear to be on juno though00:56
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jogoso the location of the image was changed 4 months ago in on master01:01
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pleia2clarkb: we're putting backups in /home/bup-$server? D:01:03
clarkbpleia2: ya, but I think we can change that if it makes mounting filesystems easier01:03
clarkbpleia2: or maybe symlink only other filesystem? I should actually think about this for a bit01:03
pleia2I don't think we want to put all of /home on a cinder volume01:03
pleia2clarkb: in the meantime, if you want to hop on and confirm my vg and lv looks ok, much appreciated01:04
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pleia2updating fstab now too01:07
pleia2er, actually once I know where to mount it01:07
clarkbpgs and vgs output looks correct to me01:08
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clarkbpleia2: so here's what I think we should probably do for mounting. Put the mount on /opt/backups or similar since we tend to use /opt for extra volumes. Then when we create the users create their homedires under that path01:10
clarkbjeblair: ^ that seem reasonable?01:10
clarkbpleia2: we would then only need to update the docs as creating the user is a manual step iirc01:10
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create and upload heat test images to tarballs
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support custom static nameserver during build
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greghaynesclarkb: ^01:30
greghaynesfor now, ill break out the nameserver to its own element later01:30
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
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bhunter71If I was to, hypothetically, have lost my gerrit cinder volume, what did I lose?   Is there state in there beyond ~gerrit2/review_site/git that I care about? (I do not think so, and I can recover all git repos)01:43
mordredbhunter71: no - other state for the gerrit is in the mysql db01:45
mordredthe only interesting stuff is the git dirs and the db01:45
bhunter71mordred: thanks, that's my impression.  here goes nothing01:45
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pleia2clarkb: let's can pick up backup organization in the morning, crisis of space on current system is triaged and I'm heading off to evening $event soon01:56
clarkbpleia2: yup have fun01:56
pleia2clarkb: but one last thing, does hpcloud have cinder volumes? or are we just using a bigger flavor there?01:56
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clarkbpleia2: it does have cinder volumes, I don't know what our quota is like though.01:56
pleia2clarkb: ok, maybe we'll explore that in the AM too then :)01:57
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jeblairclarkb, pleia2: user homedirs in opt sounds good02:09
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nibalizercinder volumes yes02:10
nibalizercapped at 2T size tho02:10
clarkbnibalizer: thats fine, we are capped at 1TB by rax, so we lvm a bunch of them together when we need more02:11
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nibalizerdo you raid on them too?02:11
nibalizergozer raids on cinder because trust in hpcloud is low02:11
clarkbwell we didn't because there was and is no way (that we can figure) to tell cinder that these volumes should come from different hosts02:11
clarkbso if you raid and backend goes awa all your volumes could go away too02:12
clarkbso why raid02:12
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clarkbalso if anyone knows how to deal with ^ I would love to be educated :)02:15
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add behavior to enable ironic noauth mode
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use sudo when manipulating git for image list
clarkbjogo: mtreinish ^ that is the simple fix02:21
clarkbI am about to ru nthat locally and see how it does02:22
clarkbexcept now my test machine is hosed and its late02:25
clarkbI will pick that up in the morning02:25
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update the description for grey icons on status pg
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gitdm: Add Adam Sheldon to email mapp file.
armaxanyone knows how to nudge in?02:48
asselinqick question (hopefully) does infra use the same nodepool images for juno and master?02:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Improve gate-check logging
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mordredasselin: yes03:22
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gusDoes anyone have info on why neutron pylint checks were failing a few days ago and moved to non-voting?03:37
gusI'm equally confused how it was made non-voting - I _think_ layout.yaml still says it's voting (but I've interpreted that file incorrectly in the past)03:38
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gusaha novaclient broke it somehow: I found the change where it was removed from gate (but left as a check, which threw me): I10d68b976d81be1575df50ba009c8407b54e10ff03:43
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openstackgerritRichard Jones proposed openstack/requirements: Add new prettytable requirement for nova
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gusThis change to project-config seems stuck:
gusIt has workflow+1 and passed jenkins check (but not gate?) and just seems to be sitting there.05:04
gusIs this waiting on something that will resolve itself, or does it need a human to rescue it?05:05
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deepakcsgus,  i have seen that behaviour before for one other patch, it probably looks liek if the core reviewer gives workflow +1 and then code review +2, it doesn't consider the workflow +105:08
deepakcsgus,  the right order is coder review +2 and then workflow +1, then it auto merges..05:08
deepakcsgus, thats my observation tho' , not sure if gerrit is designed to do that explicitly or its a bug :)05:08
gusdeepakcs: huh.  So I need to get clarkb to +2 separately to his workflow+1?05:10
gusclarkb: ^ ?05:10
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deepakcsgus, as i said, i am not sure, but i have seen that behaviour before05:15
deepakcsgus,  but ur patch also said "Need verified", canu try giving a +1 for verified urself ?05:15
StevenKVerified is only set by Jenkins05:16
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gusyeah, I think we're waiting for the jenkins gate check - I just didn't expect that to take 30+ hours, so I assume something has gone wrong...05:19
StevenKgus: But it also doesn't show up on status.o.o05:19
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pleia2hm, looks like it didnt finish/complete in the gate queue for some reason, I can give it a try05:25
pleia2it's in the queue now, we'll see how it goes05:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove explicit pylint job for Neutron
pleia2gus: tada ^^05:34
pleia2dinner now05:34
gus\o/  - thanks05:34
StevenKWhen it doubt, throw more Workflow+1 at it05:36
jerryzpleia2: would sequence matter?05:36
jerryzpleia2: we also met similar problem. the core reviewer first give it a workflow +1 and later a review +205:37
gusfwiw, this change also had a Depends-On.  The dependent change was submitted after the original workflow+1, perhaps the gate check doesn't get (re)queued correctly when a depends-on dependent has been submitted?05:37
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jerryzpleia2: workaround it by taking out the workflow +1 and redoing it.05:38
StevenKgus: That sounds plausible05:39
jerryzgus: i didn't see a dependency in the patch you posted05:41
gusYeah I didn't notice it either until just now, but has a Depends-On05:42
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openstackgerritTrinath Somanchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add project 'networking-freescale' to Stackforge.
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add reference to IRC services document
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Exclude pyMySQL v0.6.4
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Reduce the number of timezones under test.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added milestones
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: User abort call instead of returning response
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Replaced python-crontab with apscheduler
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deepakcsAJaeger, ping08:58
deepakcsanteaya, ping08:59
AJaegermorning, deepakcs08:59
deepakcsAJaeger, morning08:59
deepakcsAJaeger, BharatK started 2 experimental jobs in
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deepakcsAJaeger, but we only see 1 job in the jenkins job home page @
deepakcsAJaeger, why the discrepancy ?09:00
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deepakcsAJaeger, from the patch if u follow the job links, they points us to 2 different jobs, but why doesn't jenkins page show 2 jobs , since it run 2 times09:01
AJaegerclick on the "toggle ci" to see all results09:02
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deepakcsAJaeger, didn't get u.. i did use toggle CI09:07
deepakcsAJaeger, 'guess you didn't get my Q.. The patch ran glusterfs CI job twice, but jenkins job page shows just 1, why ?09:07
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AJaegerdeepakcs: I see it twice at  06:31 and 7:5609:14
AJaegerbut only after toggle CI09:14
deepakcsAJaeger, psl visit
deepakcsAJaeger, this show just 1 job, so was curious why it shows 109:15
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AJaegerdeepakcs: use the link from
deepakcsAJaeger, i see the 2 run in the patch, but my Q is on the jenkins page as above (Not on the patch page)09:15
AJaegerjobs are executed on several jenkins systems09:15
AJaegerresults are and
deepakcsAJaeger, even if they are executed on several jenkins systems, they should be collated on
AJaegerthey are collected on logs.openstack.org09:16
deepakcsAJaeger, this means that jenkins doesn't see the 2 check experimetnals as 2 jobs, it still 1 job, but 2 runs, maybe ?09:17
AJaegerthe other job might have been executed by jenkins01 or 02...0609:17
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deepakcsAJaeger, 01..07 are just mirrors/HA , not different slaves09:24
AJaegerdeepakcs: they are different slaves - not mirrors/HA09:25
AJaegereach runs independendently and zuul distributes the jobs to them09:25
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AJaegerso, a job run on jenkins02 will not be seen via jenkins0709:25
AJaegerTherefore, don't check jenkins, use the links from review.openstack.org09:26
BobBallAny idea why I get AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'name'09:30
BobBallerrors from Zuul?09:30
deepakcsAJaeger, i don't think thats correct, i jsut saw - it lists the same job that was on o709:32
deepakcsAJaeger, u r right... my bad09:33
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deepakcsAJaeger, so there is no way to figure which jenkins {01..07} the jobs are scheduled ?09:33
AJaegerdeepakcs: the same job definition09:34
deepakcsAJaeger, for eg: i forgot the patch URL, just wanted to monitor all the jobs spawned, I need to check jenkins {01..07} manually ?09:34
AJaegerBut not the same change09:34
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AJaegerSo, you can check to monitor when jobs get started and see on which jenkins09:34
AJaegerBut this is non-deterministic, depending on load of the jenkins systems09:35
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AJaegerand afterwwards, you go to your change on and click on the experimental link to get the log files09:35
deepakcsAJaeger, thanks, get it now09:36
abhishek_cbhi, can anyone tell me that using this command will help me running tempest for cinder or not "sudo -H -u tempest tox -e all -- volume"09:36
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BobBallHow does zuul get installed through puppet?  I'm trying to find out why I get version 2.0.0.post351 and if there is a newer version that'll fix my issues (seems that the NoneType issue is linked to cross-project dependencies)09:48
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deepakcsabhishek_cb, and this too:
deepakcsabhishek_cb, the cmd you gave might work too.. what happens when u run it ? I never tried that, but it does looks logical09:52
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abhishek_cbdeepakcs : that i have to see, i figured it out fro sos-ci beacuse they are using this command to run tempest09:53
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deepakcsabhishek_cb, then you should just run adn see ;)09:54
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abhishek_cbdeepakcs : that command is running but with a minor change "sudo -H -u tempest tox -eall -- volume"10:38
deepakcsabhishek_cb, good to know10:38
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Added branches controller
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove is_active from task model
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add slack notification support, largely inspired by hipchat module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add rally job to ec2-api project
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup accessbot and gerritbot
abhishek_cbhi all, after following ramy's guide i have setup the Ci environment but it is not able to read gerrit events can anyone help me with that??12:37
AJaegerabhishek_cb: here's the current information:
AJaegerAFAIK that's updated since ramy's guide was written12:39
AJaegerI can't help further.12:39
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup accessbot and gerritbot
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Sort accessbot/channels.yaml
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add behavior to enable ironic noauth mode
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Sort gerritbot/channels.yaml
ctlaughI've got nodepool running, and it is successfully building an image.  It is, however, failing when it tries to launch a new VM and ssh into it.  I can see error messages in the debug output saying login failed due to a bad key.  I have tried manually ssh into a running VM (ssh ubuntu@vm-ip-addr) using the key in nodepool's ~/.ssh/id_rsa and it works.  Any ideas?  Possibly another config option I've missed somewhere...?13:41
BobBallno ctlaugh13:41
BobBallthis is a frustration13:41
BobBallthe docs I was following were wrong too13:41
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BobBallyou need the env var NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY setup in the environment you run nodepoold from13:42
BobBallthat's present in /etc/default/nodepool so should be there if you're using the init scripts, but for some reason they don't always work.13:42
BobBallAlso, if you set up your env using os-ext-testing then the key will have spaces in, which isn't allowed13:42
BobBall is what I think you need13:43
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ctlaughBobBall: Yes - I setup using os-ext-testing, and, following the instructions, was launching nodepool using nodepoold -d to test it.  That explains why the env var isn't getting set.13:47
ctlaughBobBall: Thank you so much13:47
BobBalld'oh - typo in those instructions - should be sourcing /etc/default/nodepool13:48
ctlaughBobBall: :)13:48
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Sort gerritbot/channels.yaml
pc_mI have some questions on operating system support in tests and devstack, anyone able to answer?13:49
ctlaughBobBall: I was going to ask this later, but how do you get nodepool to start automatically?  The instructions show launching manually, but that can't be done long-term.....13:49
pc_mWondering if devstack works with only ubuntu 14.04, or will it work with 14.10?13:49
BobBallNo idea ctlaugh - seems the init scripts don't work.  I did want to look at that a while ago, but other priorities have pulled me away :)13:50
BobBallI'm just running it manually in a screen session13:50
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ctlaughBobBall: I haven't gotten that far either, yet.  Thanks for the help13:53
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ctlaughBobBall: ah - one more ?.... My key in NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY has spaces in it, i.e. ='ssh-rsa AAAAblahblah.. ubuntu@server' is that ok?  I saw various instructions saying that the key needed to have no spaces, and wasn't sure if I made another mistake somewhere.13:54
BobBallThat's another bug in os-ext-testing.  I said that too :) Also fixed in the commit I referenced13:55
openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Functional test job for Kolla
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ctlaughBobBall: Sorry, I didn't scroll down far enough... I only looked at the change in  Thank you!13:57
BobBallno probs :)13:57
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add behavior to enable ironic noauth mode
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anteayajeblair: ack14:15
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mkj_wkZZelle: thanks for the detailed review yesterday.  Very helpful, much improved as a result.14:40
ZZellemkj_wk, :)14:40
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mkj_wktake a look at the test case that I put on a diet, and see if you think it can squeeze in as it is14:42
mkj_wkI can easily split it in two, but the part that tests the first half will invoke the original test because everything in the original test is required to set up for the second half14:42
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mkj_wkso it would be duplicate work, and it's already two 15-20 second test cases, most of which is in the setup/teardown14:43
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mkj_wkand I hate to make tests unnecessarily longer because I've seen it lead to people skimping on running tests before submitting code14:44
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openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest gate for Midonet
mkj_wkwith that in mind, I'll still split it apart that way if you feel that the slimmed-down test case (with the worst of the "how" bits removed) still needs to be broken up, as you see it14:45
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron ipv6 bug 1426397
openstackbug 1426397 in neutron "tempest.scenario.test_network_v6.TestGettingAddress.test_slaac_from_os intermittently fails with MismatchError" [Undecided,New]
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anteayapc_m: we test on precise and trusty14:51
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anteayapc_m: we only use ubuntu versions which are long term support versions14:52
anteayait takes us too long to set things up to use any of the versions in between and they aren't supported long enough for our needs14:52
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sdaguepc_m: devstack isn't testing all the time on 14.10, but it probably works14:53
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pc_msdague: anteaya: Thanks. The issue was that it looks like we would need two different commands for 14.04 and 14.10, due to an issue.14:55
pc_mwas concerned about how to support that difference. Seems like we don't have to worry about it.14:55
sdaguepc_m: well, the patch is welcomed in devstack14:56
sdaguewe have conditional ability there if you want to propose it14:57
pc_mLooks like there is currently an issue, where an apparmor command is different in 14.10 and they have a request to make it the same.14:57
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Support authentication in run_http_exc
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Taz
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jedimikewhat version of git is running on the server that runs manage-projects? we're getting hit by this which was fixed in the 1.8 series, but precise comes with 1.7, so are you running trusty on the gerrit server? or using git from a ppa?15:08
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openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest gate for Midonet
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron ipv6 bug 1426397
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openstackbug 1426397 in neutron "tempest.scenario.test_network_v6.TestGettingAddress.test_slaac_from_os intermittently fails with MismatchError" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Henry Gessau (gessau)15:12
pc_msdague: Given the time crunch for K-3, probably want to just support 14.04 right now. Can follow up later with conditional if it makes sense to do that for a non-LTE release.15:12
anteayajeblair: I hope I am understanding your conversation with marun from last night correctly, in that you have been operating under the belief that devstack-gate check stable branch jobs should be non-voting and aren't15:12
anteayajeblair: I've take a look at past patches and I see the check jobs to devstack-gate changed around Oct. 8 - 1515:13
anteayaa merged patch from Oct. 8 showing devstack-gate check jobs:
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anteayaa merged patch showing check jobs from Oct. 14 and 15:
anteayafrom what I see stable branch check jobs were never non-voting15:15
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Support authentication in run_http_exc
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create our own rally job for ec2-api
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anteayaah sorry I didn't go back far enough15:26
anteayaI will continue to dig15:26
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zxiiroWith Jenkins Job Builder, does it support switching job types for existing jobs? or do I have to delete a job first?15:29
zxiirofor example if I wanted to change a Maven Project to a Matrix Project15:29
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anteayajeblair: they also went through a period of time where stable branches didnt' test devstack-gate in check15:30
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jeblairanteaya: i'm not sure the archeology is as important as just fixing them :)15:31
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jeblairzxiiro: i believe for some job type like that, you have to delete15:32
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jeblairzxiiro: at least i know it's the case for maven->freestyle15:32
zxiirothat's what i figured, thanks for confirming15:32
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anteayabetween sept. 4 and sept. 6:
anteayaoh I thought you said you wanted to know what happened15:33
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Move running check in getJob
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gear: Fix race between stopWaitingForJobs() and getJob()
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs to the magnum gate
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openstackgerritOleg Gashev proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Update requirements to fix "python --help-commands" call.
annegentletoo early for reed :) Anyone know when the next batch of ATC badges will be run?15:55
anteayaannegentle: I do not no15:55
openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Functional test job for Kolla
jgriffithmordred: BTW, my FAVORITE github README is still and likely always will be the one you put together for Shade15:56
AJaegerannegentle: I remember something about Kilo315:56
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
jgriffithmordred: "hipster, narcissitic...."15:56
jgriffithjust the best15:56
rcarrillocruzjgriffith: i had the same feeling the first time i read it :D15:57
jgriffithrcarrillocruz: :)15:57
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mordredjgriffith: :)16:00
mordredjgriffith: glad you're enjoying it16:00
annegentlea-okay thanks y'all16:01
anteayajeblair mtreinish I think I might have found the issue, devstack-gate and tempest use the same job names for the stable branch testing, devstack-gate wants them non-voting and I'm going with tempest wants them voting?16:01
jeblairanteaya: i believe that's the case16:02
mtreinishanteaya: yes if they're not voting on tempest we will break everyone all the time16:02
anteayaokay you two decide16:02
mtreinishwhich honestly I'd be fine with as long as I don't have to fix the stable branches16:02
anteayalet me know what you come up with and I will compose patches16:02
jgriffithmtreinish: BTW
jeblairanteaya: devstack-gate needs -nv jobs16:02
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anteayathat is an easy fix16:03
anteayaI'll do that16:03
Shrewsjgriffith: mordred: it's both funny and sad16:03
mtreinishjgriffith: yep I saw that and already poked sdague and mriedem about it :)16:03
mriedemit's got it's own tab, warm and safe16:04
mriedemrolling through some other reviews first16:04
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mriedemjgriffith: shall i ping jungleboyj to ding you on the typo in the commit message :)16:04
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mordredShrews: btw - we should also plumb the insecure, verify and cert args to all of the shade client constructors16:06
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mordredShrews: and then add all three of those as params to the central openstack_full_argument_spec thing in the ansible repo - they are valid arguments for _everything_16:06
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Shrewsmordred: We need to start bug tracking or something. Too many things we "need to do" to remember them all.16:07
ShrewsWould also help people who want to get involved16:08
mordredShrews: ++16:08
Shrewsmordred: and then we can assign them all to SpamapS16:08
mordredShrews: I like the way you think sir16:08
mordredShrews: so you're saying my etherpad is _not_ the best way to handle this16:09
Shrewsmordred: sadly, no16:09
* mordred sadlys16:09
Shrewsetherpads require bookmarking b/c who the heck can remember them or google search for them16:10
* Shrews stabs etherpad with an etherspoon16:10
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anteayajeblair: the default for -nv jobs is being off for stable:
anteayaso I'm writing out specific rules for the devstack-gate jobs?16:13
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asselinanyone getting this error stacking on master? "Routes is in an unsupported or invalid wheel"
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jeblairanteaya: i guess so.  i'm not entirely sure why that rule should be the case though.16:22
jeblairanteaya: i worry that it's based on a particular situtation from a while ago (like ironic-nv jobs on nova or something), and i don't know whethere it is still needed.  it doesn't seem a very future-proof rule :(16:23
jeblairanteaya: i guess we would need an inventory of -nv jobs to find out whether the balance has shifted16:23
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
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anteayajeblair: I put the history in my commit message16:26
anteayalet me know what you think16:26
anteayathe history I found anyway16:26
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anteayaI'll see what we currenly have by way of -nv jobs in zuul/layout.yaml16:27
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anteayaone job: check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-parallel-nv currently in ironic's check pipeline and tempest's experimental pipeline16:29
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jeblairanteaya: it may be worth specifying that job as specifically excluding stable branches and then removing the stable exclusion from *-nv16:30
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anteayaI can try that16:32
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jeblairif it's only one job, i think that will make things more clear and reduce future confusion16:32
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anteayaI'll offer that is a parent to my change16:33
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change default behaviour of -nv
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openstackgerritRalf Haferkamp proposed openstack-dev/pbr: "packages" might list multiple directories
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
anteayamorning zaro16:46
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change default behaviour of -nv
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change default behaviour of -nv
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zarojeblair, mordred : would you be able to look at this one?
jedimikeare you having problems with Routes-2.1? Looks like the new wheel is broken, fix for it last time was to exclude version 2.0 and we're seeing broken wheel for 2.116:50
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
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jeblairzaro: done16:53
openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Updated the Chef repo description
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openstackgerritMike Heald proposed openstack/requirements: Exclude Routes 2.1
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zarojeblair: thanks. change  'depends-on' the one you just approved but i don't see it in the zuul queue yet. shouldn't it go thru another merge check?17:07
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jeblairzaro: enqueuing of reverse dependencies via Depends-On is not automatic; so someone needs to approve that again17:10
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jeblairzaro: (probably after the dependency lands)17:13
anteayaI wonder if recheck would get it moving?17:14
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clarkbrecheck won't because the +1 verified doesn't change so gerrit doesn't emit the proper event17:16
clarkbI am going to try testing my image build image caching fix now17:17
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anteayaclarkb: ah okay17:18
clarkbanteaya: it is a gerrit optimization where if the vote value doesn't change the event for the coment added doesn't include the value17:19
clarkbits a bit annoying since its supposed to be an event system and revoting +1 is a new event ...17:19
anteayaah okay17:19
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clarkbok appears to work for at least dib builds17:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add clarifications about when to file an ER query
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Elaborate on leaving Change-Id alone
clarkband my reading of the snapshot builds is that we explicitly run the cache script as the jenkins user during snapshots so it should need the same fix17:23
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clarkbmtreinish: "Caching ubuntu_mysql.qcow2 file from" from a local dib build using my patch17:26
pleia2good morning17:27
mtreinishclarkb: cool17:27
SpamapSspock died. :(17:27
anteayaI heard he was in the hospital17:28
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* SpamapS should respect the vulcan culture and not :(17:29
pleia2I'm going back to bed!17:30
cineramahe's only 1/2 vulcan17:30
pleia2(not really)17:30
SpamapS:/ ?17:30
cineramaso some amount of feels are OK :)17:30
SpamapSIt's like the scene in Christmas Story where the dogs eat the turkey...17:30
SpamapS"No more Nimoy pictures, no signatures, no convention visits, no time travel to talk to future-old-spock"17:31
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Document Cross-Repo Dependencies
zaroclarkb: that optimization can be made optional if that helps.17:33
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cineramanow i want to watch the Futurama ST episode (though we were missing De Kelley even then :()17:34
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clarkbzaro: I am thinking it should be, anytime we have an event the entire info for the event should be reflected IMO17:34
clarkbzaro: because these fields aren't necessarily cacheable17:34
jeblairSpamapS: oh no. i am saddened.17:35
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zaropleia2: have time to take a look? and
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pleia2clarkb: so I could use some insight with a couple procedural things re: new backups server 1) should we useradd them all again like on sysadmin.html#backups or just copy users over from /etc/passwd /etc/shadow, etc?17:35
pleia22) do we just rsync existing data from the old server to the new, or start fresh on backups?17:35
clarkbpleia2: I would adduser locally simply because the homedir is changing, then rsync/scp the authorized keys over (I think that reduces the number of things that may break given the homedir move)17:36
pleia2zaro: I'll add them to my queue, but no promises :)17:36
clarkbpleia2: for 2) I think jeblair wants to rsync the existing backup data over17:36
pleia2clarkb: ok, thanks :)17:37
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zaroclarkb: hmm, i don't think gerrit community shares that view.  but i think they would be open to make it optional, like a gerrit.config option.  i'll look into that.17:38
clarkbzaro: I don't understand why not, if this were purely for a db update I could see not doing it, but an event should encompass the entire data of the event17:38
clarkbzaro: esepcially since listeners may not have heard the initial event that set the verified value to +117:38
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clarkbbut I haven't broght it up with upstream because I am sure you are right that this is intentional and that I am wrong17:39
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jeblairclarkb: didn't you write a patch?17:40
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create our own rally job for ec2-api
clarkbjeblair: that was a different patch which ended up not being needed17:40
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clarkbjeblair: the patch was to update the timestamp on a comment if a new comment was posted and newer gerrit did that properly (so the upgrade fixed it for us)17:41
anteayaI just read the ny times article and realized the voice in my head was his17:42
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jeblairclarkb: ah right, that was what i was remembering17:43
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jeblairor mis-remembering17:43
jgriffithmriedem: fixed the sp errors :)17:44
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clarkbarosen: can you abandon 157899? will remove it from reviewers review lists17:45
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update docs for bup user home in /opt/backups
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abhishek_cbhi all, in my Ci build is not starting while giving any event in gerrit sandbox project, can anyone help me resolving this issue??17:48
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AJaegerinfra team, I cleaned up our IRC channels with patch My ping on some channels got already fixes for three channels and thus I updated the patch.17:51
clarkbAJaeger: awesome17:51
AJaegerI would like this patch and the sorting of the channel list - and merged quickly if you agree with the way forward17:52
clarkbabhishek_cb: are you using zuul? if so check the zuul logs17:52
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AJaegerEspecially the last patch might cause merge conflicts but I would rather have it in soon that rebasing too often - and it should reduce conflicts in the future17:52
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clarkbfor ianw's f21 dib images to work I need to restart nodepoold to pick up the change that fixed release info if it is an integer in the yaml file17:53
clarkbjeblair: mordred pleia2 I am going to restart nodepoold now to get that done if there is no opposition17:53
pleia2clarkb: cool, I think some of the builds could use the changes17:54
abhishek_cbclarkb : in zuul logs the zuul is watching them and also no error is coming but it is not triggering any event to german17:54
AJaegerthanks, clarkb!17:54
jeblairclarkb: wfm17:55
jeblairi proposed 3 governance changes that have infra implications.  i don't think they are controversial, just fyi.17:56
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clarkbrestarted, initial log output looks good17:57
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jeblairwill add to infra meeting agenda17:57
clarkbso I guess just keep an eye on it but the list of changes made were relatively small and often quite well tested17:57
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create our own rally job for ec2-api
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jpeelercan i get a quick gate sanity check here? fails in the gate, but works locally17:59
jpeelerthe sample config file shouldn't need updating, so i'm very confused18:00
clarkbjpeeler: we always test with your change rebased against latest target branch, from the log that can be fetched with `git fetch refs/zuul/master/Z7d681670fc1842b6b57add73a82abcfe` can you test that ref?18:01
clarkbdon't forget to git checkout FETCH_HEAD after fetching it18:01
mtreinishjpeeler: the gate is probably pulling in the latest oslo.db release which isn't updated in tuskar's sample config file18:01
clarkbabhishek_cb: the zuul log indicates that the event is received? if so I would double check your pipeline config to make sure the event matches18:02
mtreinishjpeeler: recreate your tox venv when you run the test locally and you should see it too18:02
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* jpeeler recreates venv18:02
abhishek_cbclarkb : well is there anything else with the pipeline config I had to do to make it working??18:03
clarkbabhishek_cb: it depends on what your config is and what events you want to trigger jobs on18:04
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abhishek_cbclarkb: right now it is the fresh CI so basically it will run on comment-added event in sandbox project18:06
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clarkbflashgordon: what do you think about adding aiopcpu jobs to neutron experimental so we can debug those failures with potential neutron fixes too?18:07
jpeelermtreinish: thanks, i didn't even think about the venv being stale18:08
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jpeelermtreinish: though now i'm getting and ImportError, presumably because olso config has evolved18:08
clarkbabhishek_cb: does it need to be a specific comment like `recheck`? regardless the other thing I would check is that you have nodes available to run the jobs and that they are registed with gearman18:08
mtreinishjpeeler: np, the new oslo config options is a common problem with running check_uptodate it's why most projects have abandonded using it18:08
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clarkbabhishek_cb: connect to gearman (by default on port 4730 of your zuul host) using something like `telnet localhost 4730` on your zuul host and enter `status` to get a registered jobs listing18:09
abhishek_cbclarkb: it is showing the same as mentioned in join fu blog, no issue with that18:10
clarkbabhishek_cb: so you have the job available to run your test against the sandbox repo?18:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup accessbot and gerritbot
abhishek_cbclakb: yes18:10
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Refactor Gerrit plugin build jobs
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a job for Gerrit javamelody plugin ver 2.9
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clarkbabhishek_cb: sounds like zuul doesn't think the generated events match the pipeline then18:11
clarkbI would double check that you are creating events that match your pipelien config18:11
abhishek_cbclarkb : from my side what can i do to resolve this, any suggestions??18:12
clarkbabhishek_cb: check the event content, do a manual gerrit stream events over ssh to get the info and cross check the included data with your pipeline config18:13
abhishek_cbclarkb : thanks will proceed with the same18:13
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clarkbmordred: your input on would be much appreciated18:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Sort accessbot/channels.yaml
zaropelix: just a comment on
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mordredclarkb: users shoudl exist -that's operating in the chroot after puppet is run18:16
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mordredclarkb: so you should be able to chown as needed, if youd' rather do that18:17
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clarkbmordred: no its way before puppet runs18:17
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clarkbmordred: this is one of the first things that happens18:17
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mordredoh - well hrm18:18
mordredclarkb: so - we could move its order, or also I don't hink the sudo call is evil either18:19
clarkbI think it runs early like that beacuse its creating the file that tells dib what to cache for the rest of the build18:19
clarkbso its bootstrapping a major portion of the image build18:19
AJaegerjeblair, anteaya Thanks a lot for the reviews and approvals!18:20
clarkbhrm actually maybe thats only true for a small portion of the extra data18:21
AJaegerclarkb: I'm not insisting on the chown - just wondering whether that would be easier...18:21
clarkband maybe we can split things up a bit more?18:21
openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting tempest gate for Midonet
SpamapSmordred: So I think you have to do a release of os-client-config so can pass....18:22
SpamapSmordred: but I also think it might make sense to add a few more unit tests to send a few more lines of code through the py34 shredder first. :)18:22
mordredSpamapS: ++18:23
mordredon the testing18:23
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support for keystone projects
mordredmorganfainberg: ^^18:23
mordredmorganfainberg: feedback on that would be most welcome18:23
morganfainbergwill do... post coffee ;)18:23
mordredmorganfainberg: no rush18:24
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morganfainbergalso yay shade!18:24
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Limit target projects for the neutron func job
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morganfainbergi plan on digging into shade and doing a mass "open bugs for people" and use it as references this weekend18:24
mordredclarkb: honestly, it might be worth diving deep in to how we're doing that with greghaynes18:24
morganfainbergprovided i have time.18:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Sort gerritbot/channels.yaml
mordredclarkb: there is a thing we're doing which is a hack because there wasn't a more dib way to do something18:25
clarkbmordred: it may be but also our images are pretty broken for stable jobs in the mean time18:25
mordredclarkb: sure - no, I mean, for now, we should just land the sudo patch18:25
anteayaAJaeger: thanks for fixing up those files and bringing them up to date18:25
mordredbut if we can get greghaynes head wrapped around the dance that's going on there of needed to clone a repo to get values from which we construct a list of repos to clone18:26
mordredall of which we want hooked in to the caching mechanism already in place18:26
mordredclarkb: I have a hunch betterer in the future might be forthcoming :)18:26
mordredclarkb: I'm going to +3 the current patch - k18:26
clarkbthank you18:26
mordredbecause win now18:26
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clarkbmordred: I question because I am still waiting on ansible and the perfect fix for that :P18:27
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* mordred hides18:27
* clarkb acknowledges that sometimes hacks are hacky but being broken is also :(18:28
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* nibalizer nods18:28
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Temporarily disable swift-dsvm-functional for Icehouse""
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Temporarily disable swift-dsvm-functional for Icehouse""
jhuttonHi, does anyone know if master tempest still supports stable/icehouse?18:33
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Temporarily disable swift-dsvm-functional for Icehouse""
jhuttonIt seems that master tempest requires tempest-lib, but tempest-lib does not get installed in stable/icehouse devstack18:34
clarkbjhutton: #openstack-qa would know for usre but my understanding is yes master tempest should work against icehouse juno and master (kilo)18:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use sudo when manipulating git for image list
clarkbjhutton: tempest is expected to be run from a virtualenv now using tox18:34
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jhuttonyes, i see that being done in master devstack but stable/icehouse doesn't do that yet18:35
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create our own rally job for ec2-api
clarkbjhutton: I think it does, devstack-gate runs tempest and its using tox for all branches I think18:36
clarkb(devstack does not run tempest)18:36
jhuttonclarkb: hmm, but if you do a search for "install_tempest_lib" in stable/icehouse devstack, that function exists but it is not used anywhere18:37
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clarkbI don't think it is necessary if running tmpest with tox18:38
clarkbits possible that just wasn't cleaned up properly when the switch to tox  virtualenvs was made18:38
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Tweak for Superuser UI in projects.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: User typeahead permits unassign.
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Initial commit of Zanata-specific sections
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jhuttonclarkb: i'm still using "testr run" so maybe that's why it's not working for me18:40
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clarkbjeblair: are those failures familiar to you? I don't think they are related to my change but I am looking at it18:40
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clarkbjeblair: looks like a race around aborting some jobs where it is possible for them to get through successfully first18:41
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clarkbthanks everyone for reviews on 156788, I will babysit that when I get a moment18:42
jeblairclarkb: not familiar, sorry18:42
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clarkbjeblair: are you comfortable with me rechecking that change or should I hold off and debug the race condition a bit more?18:43
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
jeblairclarkb: i think is okay to recheck; someone should probably try to fix it though.  i'd be happy to, but won't be able to for several hours18:44
clarkbya I need to go do morning things then prep for ride downtown, maybe will leave it as is for the moment and use bus time for mental code path tracing18:45
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Temporarily disable swift-dsvm-functional for Icehouse""
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greghaynesclarkb: mordred hrm? re: users being created18:49
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greghaynesMaybe I can get clarkb to give me the full context dump at lunch :)18:53
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mordredgreghaynes: we're abusing dib for some things18:54
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mordredgreghaynes: and itmight be useful to have a smart person have an alternate theory of doing the right thing18:54
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greghaynesdib is great at being abused18:55
mordredgreghaynes: basically, we have a copy of the source repos code that we use to clone a source repo before source repos runs, we then use the contents of that source repo to generate a source-repos file to be input to the real source repos command18:55
mordredthis is, clearly, wrong18:56
greghayneshah, ok18:56
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mordredjeblair: actually - any reason we have to read projects.yaml and don't just do gerrit ls-projects?18:57
arosen clarkb abandon'ed18:57
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morganfainbergmordred, commented on shade patch. the only real issue i see is you're goign to run into cases where you wont get the project you expect if using V3 and not adding in domain support.19:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a job for Gerrit javamelody plugin ver 2.9
clarkbyes I will fill greghaynes in at lunch19:04
clarkbarosen: thank you19:04
clarkbmordred: so I have been thinking about the ansible puppet stuff and I think there are two major steps in it. The first is getting ansible to write supplementary fact files that augment or extend the master's hiera data so that we can fix this race with git checkouts. The second is full on write hiera files (and ditch the facts) for local puppet apply19:05
mordredmorganfainberg: so - do I need to pass in a domain to the project search stuff? or if I connected with a domain scoped auth will it be ok19:05
morganfainbergmordred, i am fairly certain you need to pass domain to project search, so keystone knows to filter on that19:06
mordredclarkb: did you look at my patch to ansible-puppet?19:06
mordredmorganfainberg: ok.19:06
clarkbmordred: no, I keep forgetting that is a repo now19:06
* clarkb adds it to the watch list19:06
mordredclarkb: I need to add an example usage to it from jeblair's feedback, I'll get that done today19:07
morganfainbergi think we have a bug in ksc.19:07
clarkbmordred: I was hoping you wouldn't do it in the module...19:07
* morganfainberg goes and looks at something19:08
clarkbmordred: because in theory ansible can dump json places without any effort19:08
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mordredtotal fabrication19:08
morganfainbergnope no bug. nvm.19:08
mordredclarkb: that was my first thought19:08
jeblairmordred: is that what you're talking about?19:08
mordredjeblair: yup. so we should to that TODO :)19:09
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jeblairmordred: yep.  rest api did not exist at the time.  ls-projects requires an ssh key.  but rest api does not, so it should be fine.19:09
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mordredjeblair: that might actually make the chicken-and-egg weirdness we do there much simpler19:09
mordredwell, in the dib part19:09
zxiiroanyone available / mind to review this patch?
jeblairmordred: note however, that is still at least just doing http -- it's not doing a git clone19:09
jeblairmordred: that's basically a curl on the projects.yaml url19:10
clarkbjeblair: mordred that isn't related to the chicken and eggness fwiw19:10
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clarkbthe chicke and egg is specific to devstack19:10
mordredclarkb: RIIIIGH19:10
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mordredthank yo19:10
jeblairwe're talking about devstack?19:10
mordredI forgot what the chicken and egg was - brain correcet19:10
clarkbwe need devstack checked out in order to get the list of images to cache19:10
mordredyup. I remember now19:10
clarkband we need it early enough for the dib caching to do the work for us19:10
jeblairclarkb: yep;  i saw talk about listing projects for caching which is what i was responding to19:11
mordredjeblair: I asked the wrong question19:11
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clarkbmordred: ok that ansible-puppet change lines up mostly with that I expected it to look like. Was hoping asnible made it easier though but can live with that19:13
mordredclarkb: in any case - you seem to have this aversion to library files in ansible and an interest in writing logic in the yaml files - and I'd like to connect on that19:13
clarkbmordred: yes for similar reasons to why we don't write puppet providers for everything19:13
mordredwell, we dont' do that because we hate ruby19:13
mordredit's probably the right thing to do more of the time than we do it19:13
clarkbmordred: it encodes a bunch of generically useful info in a non generic way and means any time you want to do it someplace else its a complete rewrite19:13
mordredbut also - puppet's dsl is a logic language19:13
nibalizerits a real pain19:13
mordredansible's yaml files are to encode a sequence of commands19:13
clarkbmordred: right and commands are rich enough to do ^19:14
clarkbmordred: supposedly ansible knows how to take an internal data structure and just write a .json somewhere with it19:14
clarkbso its not even exec bash but an intneral ansible command19:14
mordredclarkb: I do not belive that to be the case - but I will certainly keep looking for reference of it19:14
clarkbmordred: but my aversion is config managment agnostic. I think people like to layer on a bunch of their own logic which isn't necessary /me looks at that JJB puppet module19:15
greghaynesthis is what we did in tripleo-ansible also19:15
mordredclarkb: totally - I think that just seems to my like what you're suggesting19:15
greghaynesjust write out a json blob for os-collect-config to consume19:15
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greghaynesthat was a custom module IIRC19:15
clarkbmordred: did you know that a group of people wrote a puppet module that incoporated JJB into the puppet DSL rather than just exec puppet like we do?19:15
mordredgreghaynes: link?19:15
mordredclarkb: right.19:15
mordredbut that's exactly my point19:15
clarkband this feels very similar to that19:15
mordredI tink putting logic into the yaml file is the equiv of that19:15
mordredthis is "please just do this thing kthxbai"19:16
clarkbwe can just run puppet and check a few things via ansible primitives, or we can layer on unneeded abstraction19:16
mordredright - but we can't - because the things we have to check are too complex to do sanely there19:16
mordredlike "are these strings contained in stdout"19:16
clarkbmordred: yes puppet certainly doesn't make it easy19:16
mordredthere is a logic threshold where python is a nicer language than yaml :)19:16
clarkbwhich is unfortunate because it should be easy :/19:17
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mordredgreghaynes: thanks19:17
greghaynesthat where the magic happens19:17
mordredgreghaynes: yes. that was what my first stab looked like19:17
clarkbanyways going back to what I was original trying to get to, I think an important thing that hasn't been explained/solved/fixed is how do we manually run puppet without ansible overwriting our stuff19:17
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clarkbI think it involves an ansible lock on a node, maybe by mangling ansible inventory or killing ssh access or similar19:18
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mordredclarkb: aha! yes, thank you - there is a bug in that code19:18
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mordredit goes too far before discovering a puppet disable lock19:18
clarkbmordred: right because even if I disable puppet ansible pwns you19:18
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mordredk. I'll fix that - thanks!19:19
anteayajeblair: so this approach fails: since tempest can't find the -icechouse and -juno jobs it needs19:19
anteayarefining the devstack-jobs affects both projects19:19
clarkbmordred: fwiw I am ok with using the script, its there, it mostly works, I just think it makes using ansible as a tool harder which is where I am grumping19:19
jeblairanteaya: yeah, you'll probably need to add new ones19:19
clarkbbecause we have this non standard abstraction for a specific thing that isn't part of ansible proper19:19
anteayacopy them and have a designator -icehouse and -icehouse-nv?19:20
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mordredclarkb: well, honestly, I'd land it upstream into ansible, actually19:21
clarkbmordred: also I did confirm that /etc/facter/facts.d facts are overridden by env facts, so possible that you only need to deal with file facts in that role19:21
clarkbmordred: then humans can use env facts when running puppet manually19:21
mordredclarkb: cool, I'll just do that19:21
mordredclarkb: landing functionality like this library into ansible upstream is highly normal activity - it's mildly strange in this case specifically because it's a module for running puppet19:22
mordredI have not talked to the new project lead19:22
mordredbut last time I talked to michael, he was a little averse to landing it upstream because he didn't want to convey the message that ansible needed another config management system to do config management19:23
mordredbut he's not running things anymore19:23
mordredso i'll bring it u19:23
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
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mordredin general, I agree - things should go into the ansible modules library and just be part of ansible19:24
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SpamapSmordred: I think Michael was a little off on that one. The community by and large likes Ansible because it orchestrates well.19:24
clarkbmordred: I noted the two things about locking and env facts above on the review19:24
mordredSpamapS: I agree19:24
mordredclarkb: sweet. thanks!19:24
SpamapSok, on the road for a while..19:25
clarkbmordred: but I am excited to get this in19:25
* SpamapS goes into the quiet place19:25
clarkbmordred: should be abandoned right?19:25
anteayaSpamapS: travel safely19:25
clarkbmordred: and will need to be updated to use whatever fact we settle on19:25
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mordredanteaya: yes and yes19:26
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anteayawhat did I ask?19:26
mordredbut first - I will now eat food19:26
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* anteaya forgets19:26
mordredanteaya: gah19:26
anteayaenjoy food19:26
mordredclarkb: yes and yes19:26
mordredanteaya: I mistook you and clark19:26
anteayaI can understand how that could happen19:26
reedsdague, when you say "We already purge old stuff that's unmergable" is that a manual process or automatic?19:26
mtreinishreed: there's a script to do it which is manually run19:27
clarkbmordred: thanks, I abandoned that change and can update the second whenever we get far enough to have a fact name19:27
reedmtreinish, what's the criteria that trigger the run?19:28
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clarkb(it should be noted I think its cool that people like JJB so much they shoved it into the puppet DSL, I just think its the wrong way to go about solving that problem)19:28
reedmtreinish, is that used only in nova or other projects too?19:28
mtreinishreed: it's run periodically by someone who has +2 on the repo19:28
mordredclarkb: so ... follow up question ...19:29
mtreinishreed: I've run it on tempest and I think neutron uses it too19:29
reedok, thanks mtreinish19:29
mordredclarkb: do we need both hiera and facter output support actually?19:29
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clarkbmordred: yes I think so. For the transition where we have a master with hiera data doing local hiera too is potentially painful19:29
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mordredclarkb: I meant the other way19:29
clarkbmordred: so facts can be the supplementary data, then when we switch to puppet apply we can kll off facts19:29
clarkbthough having fact support in general is probably useful19:30
mordredwhat value does outputting hiera give us when we can just output facts19:30
clarkbmordred: puppet variable resolution is hiera smart so you can scope things and do other fun stuff19:30
mordredoh - right19:30
clarkbwhereas facts are purely top scope19:30
mordredyah. kk19:30
mordredjust making sure I wasnt' doing two things for "completeness" and not a reason19:30
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP - Do not merge - Trying a different locale
clarkbmordred: nope I think the general shape of what you have is good19:30
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anteayayay 159900 passed check tests19:39
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sigmavirus24So was marked as unstable because scp'ing the logs failed. It isn't very clear to me why that failed though. Is there a way I can help debug this/fix it?19:43
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anteayawell if logs fail to upload it is usually one of two things19:49
anteayaone a host issue with the connection19:50
anteayatwo a problem with the log server, usually a memory issue, as in no space19:50
anteayalet's check the log server first19:50
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anteaya is our log server name19:51
anteayamemory looks good, there is lots of space19:52
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anteayacpu, it was into io wait for about 12 hours but that has passed19:52
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anteayathe test might have run during the period of time the cpu was in io wait19:54
anteayasigmavirus24: try doing a recheck19:55
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anteayanot sure what was happening on the log server for that 12 hour period19:55
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sigmavirus24I'll try a recheck19:55
anteayasigmavirus24: thanks for asking19:55
sigmavirus24Thanks anteaya19:55
sigmavirus24TIL about cacti.openstack.org19:55
anteayait is handy19:56
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anteayaI always get to it from:
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anteayaas the url needs a .php ending and I always forget the syntax19:56
anteayahopefully someone with root can take a look at the server logs to see what was going on19:57
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sigmavirus24anteaya: sounds like it's happening on every check20:00
sigmavirus24We just added a publisher macro to project-config last night it seems20:00
* sigmavirus24 didn't realize it was merged already20:01
anteayadid we20:02
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clarkbthey did, could be a perms problem20:02
clarkbI double checked about the path because /openstack was interesting :)20:03
anteayasigmavirus24: on every check on everything or every check on that repo?20:03
anteayaclarkb: do expand20:03
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clarkbit just looks like a relative path but I am told they use /openstack rooted on /20:03
sigmavirus24clarkb: yeah the /openstack/log path is correct20:04
anteayasigmavirus24: it looks to be like every recent jenkins run on that repo20:04
sigmavirus24clarkb: so that's where we bind-mount back the service's log directories from the containers20:04
sigmavirus24anteaya: correct (/me was about to confirm in our channel)20:04
sigmavirus24Let me check the permissions on this AIO I have running20:05
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anteayawhich still doesn't explain what was happening on the log server for that 12 hour period of time20:05
clarkbanteaya there are semi established rules that tell you where logs go /var/log/openstack for example not /openstack/log20:05
clarkbya perms would be next thing to check20:05
anteayaare these rules anywhere I can look up20:05
anteayaor you just know them?20:05
clarkb is a reasonable intro20:06
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anteayaah so rules not specific to us20:07
anteayaeven better20:07
sigmavirus24clarkb: yeah I'm wondering if there were issues creating the bind-mounts back into /var/log/etc.20:07
anteayaand thanks20:07
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clarkbthere are no hard rules though and /openstack/log will work. it will just make ops people cranky when they cany find the logs20:07
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anteayathanks clarkb I'm an idiot but I like learning stuff20:11
clarkbalso worth noting /opt is supposed to be for optional installs which is why we use a lot of it20:11
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clarkbbut devstack puts its logs under its install dir so we have /opt/stack/new/devstack/logs20:12
clarkbwhich is no better :)20:12
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anteayaha ha ha20:15
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP - Do not merge - Trying a different locale
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anteayaclarkb: what do you think was happening on the log server for that 12 hour period of time that cacti shows it was in memory buffer and io wait?20:16
clarkbprobably doing its compression run20:17
anteayaso wouldn't cause a failure to upload files20:17
anteayahow often does it do it's compression run?20:18
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pleia2progress on new backups server: mounted cinder volume and added to fstab, all back users set up and I'm in the process of rsyncing backup data (groups done, etherpad in progress)20:19
clarkbevery 4 hours but with alock so if it takes lng it wont start another20:19
pleia2s/back users/backup users20:19
anteayapleia2: nice work20:19
clarkbpleia2 woot!20:19
anteayaclarkb: interesting, thanks20:19
clarkbI'm on my way downtown so greghaynes can help me fix our dib20:20
clarkbalso lunch20:21
pelixzaro: I'll have to look through the reviews over the weekend, just too much to get sorted and I'm already 3 hours late finishing20:21
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anteayasigmavirus24: so for another time, perhaps a better commit message title?
anteayasigmavirus24: this is what I have to look through:,n,z20:24
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Fedora 21 image build to nodepool
sigmavirus24anteaya: I'll pass that on to rackertom20:24
anteayathank you20:25
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sigmavirus24So looking at the permissions, these files should all be readable by any user on the node20:26
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sigmavirus24anteaya: it wouldn't make any sense for the hierarchy to be too deep for that publisher, would it?20:33
sigmavirus24I mean, would it be plausible that creating openstack/log/aio1_utility-etc/logfile1.log inside of logs/ would be problematic?20:34
sigmavirus24The directories should be accessible by everyone and their contents readable by everyone (from what I can tell with our AIO) so this seems like a really bizarre problem to be having20:35
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anteayasigmavirus24: at this point I will redirect you to clarkb or pleia220:36
anteayaas they would be in a better position to intelligently answer this question20:36
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anteayaI too look forward to the response20:37
sigmavirus24anteaya: I'm really just grasping for straws here20:37
anteayaall I can do is offer emotional support20:38
* anteaya offers emotional support20:38
anteayaas I don't know either20:38
sigmavirus24thanks anteaya20:38
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anteayabest I have to offer atm20:39
pleia2unfortunately I'm not familiar enough with this yet to give a helpful answer, sorry20:39
sigmavirus24I'm going to try something else to see if I can reproduce this20:40
anteayagood idea20:42
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron DBDeadlock bug 1426543
anteayamorning jhesketh20:44
openstackbug 1426543 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Spike in DBDeadlock errors in update_floatingip_statuses since 2/27" [Undecided,New]
anteayayou know things about logging20:44
anteayaonce you get settled, sigmavirus24 has some logging concerns20:44
anteayain that the new macro on their repo prevents it20:44
* jhesketh has limited time before his Saturday breakfast and Linux Australia council meeting20:44
anteayasaturday for you20:45
anteayahappy saturday20:45
jheskethbut happy to look20:45
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sigmavirus24Silly other side of the world20:45
jheskethsilly people in the past ;-)20:45
openstackgerritSean Roberts proposed openstack-infra/system-config: patch to create test-certification-standards ilist
anteayaother side of the world is awesome20:45
anteayaI love it20:45
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jheskethanteaya, sigmavirus24: what do you mean by 'prevents it'?20:46
sigmavirus24jhesketh: let me grab a console log for you20:46
anteayathe job marked unstable20:46
anteayait failed during scp20:46
sigmavirus24anteaya: is way too fast for me20:46
anteayayou should see when fungi is here20:46
anteayacan'at see him for dust20:47
anteayaall recent jenkins runs on that repo fail with unstable:,n,z20:48
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sigmavirus24oh wow20:48
sigmavirus24I need to read tracebacks closer20:49
sigmavirus24Caused by: Expecting Ant GLOB pattern, but saw '/openstack/log/**/*.log'. See for syntax20:49
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sigmavirus24I thought I had seen **/*.log earlier in the macros file20:49
sigmavirus24seems **/*.log isn't allowed?20:49
anteayawell tehre is the answer to your question20:49
anteayaso depth matters20:49
flashgordonclarkb: ++ to adding aiopcpu to neutron experimental20:50
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sigmavirus24anteaya: so uses **, which means maybe it just doesn't expect the /*.log20:51
sigmavirus24although works too20:51
* sigmavirus24 goes to research ANT's grammar20:52
jheskethsigmavirus24: I would have thought that would be okay20:52
jheskethie, that glob path look sfine to me20:52
sigmavirus24jhesketh: same here20:52
sigmavirus24jhesketh: for normal shells it would be20:52
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sigmavirus24but perhaps ant doesn't care for it20:52
* sigmavirus24 is reading20:52
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jheskethit seems to be the only glob that doesn't begin with '**' out of all our jobs20:53
jheskethmaybe it's a permissions thing?20:53
sigmavirus24jhesketh: looked at permissions already20:54
sigmavirus24I haven't tried to scp with a non-root user yet though20:54
sigmavirus24the others don't keep their hierarchy though20:54
jheskethsigmavirus24: ah, maybe it doesn't know how to glob with hierarchy20:55
sigmavirus24I think it does20:55
sigmavirus24because the docs-draft jobs do20:55
sigmavirus24but they only do /foo/bar/bogus/**20:55
sigmavirus24they don't do /foo/bar/bogus/**/*.something20:56
sigmavirus24so perhaps the answer is to eliminate the /*.log from the end20:56
sigmavirus24probably unnecessary anyway20:56
jheskethsigmavirus24: well then you'll need one *20:57
sigmavirus24jhesketh: I'm considering updating it to just be /openstack/log/**20:57
sigmavirus24wouldn't that recursively copy the files in those directories?20:57
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sigmavirus24Also, I wonder if some kind of tests around ANT's parsing of globs would be good to have at the project-config gate20:58
jheskethsigmavirus24: hmm, I /think/ you can just point it at a dir and it'll copy all the contents, but I'm not sure now20:58
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sigmavirus24jhesketh: I'd expect that's how the docs-draft and docs-publish jobs are working20:58
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sigmavirus24I should probably check for documentation of the macros too just to make sure keep_hierarchy means what we think it does20:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron DBDeadlock bug 1426543
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openstackbug 1426543 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Spike in DBDeadlock errors in update_floatingip_statuses since 2/27" [Undecided,New]
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flashgordonmordred: looking forward to what looks like in a week from now21:10
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flashgordonwith the new definition in place21:10
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jeblairreed, mtreinish: if there are any metrics systems that need to discount reviews that are not active, please do so in those metrics systems21:11
jeblairreed, mtreinish: do not count on something like the abandon old reviews script to abandon changes21:11
sigmavirus24jhesketh, anteaya: so on my aio from a regular user to another regular user, I can scp /openstack/log/**/*.log without issue21:11
sigmavirus24It must just be an Ant grammar issue21:11
jeblairreed, mtreinish: i think it is very rude to automatically abandon someone's change, particularly since there is no longer any need to do so with new dashboards and such21:11
jeblairreed, mtreinish: the facility for core reviewers to personally abandon changes was set up so that core reviewers would have discrection to personally abandon changes that were no longer relevant21:12
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jeblairreed, mtreinish: using that as the basis of an automated system was not our intent21:12
Ngmordred: do you happen to have easy access to the contents of an OnMetal config drive that I can poke around with locally?21:12
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jeblairreed, mtreinish: particularly with nova saying things like "-2 this change can't land until liberty opens", that seems particularly incompatible with abandoning reviews21:13
mordredNg: I do not21:13
mordredNg: but! you don't need one - all yo uneed is a normal rax vm config drive21:13
mordredNg: it's rolled to their vm nova too21:14
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Ngcan I pinch a copy of a vm config drive off someone? I don't currently have any rax stuff21:15
JayFNg: I am about to board a plane, but if I have an onmetal box booted I can give you a configdrive from it, sec21:16
sdagueanyone understand why jenkins -1ed this -, because the whole stack just got pushed and the patches below it seem fine21:16
NgJayF: awesome! thanks21:16
JayFNg: you really just want vendor_data['network'], I'm guessing?21:17
morganfainbergsdague, the parent failed to merge?21:17
NgJayF: that's the bit I'm most interested in, yeah, but I wouldn't object to the whole thing, if that's not problematic21:17
sdagueright, which it didn't21:18
JayFNg: just trying to optimize for time21:18
JayFliterally my plane boards in <5m21:18
morganfainbergsdague, yeah chasing the chain, wow, weird.21:18
NgJayF: I'm going to get evil looks if I don't stop working and sleep soon, so I am also fine with trying again on Monday :)21:19
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JayFNg: I don't have a VM booted /with configdrive/. Sorry.21:19
NgJayF: np, thanks anyway!21:19
morganfainbergsdague, jgit being picky about something?21:19
JayFNg: feel free to ping me on monday and I can help you out :)21:19
morganfainbergsdague, but usually thats the blue bird of merge conflict.21:19
morganfainbergsdague, hmm...21:19
morganfainbergsdague, the parent also claimed it failed to merge, but jenkins +1'd it21:20
morganfainbergPatch Set 4: Verified+1This change depends on a change that failed to merge.21:20
sdagueoh, that's even weirder21:20
morganfainbergsdague, this looks like maybe a wire or three got crossed somewhere21:21
sdagueyeh, these aren't running tests at the moment21:21
morganfainbergbecause 2 layers up in the chain i don't see the failure21:21
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix glob pattern for os-ansible-logs publisher
rackertomsigmavirus24: Would you like me to submit a fix for this? I suspected the /*.log would be trouble21:22
sdagueI just rebased again, and it still got marked the same way21:22
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make test_queries runnable as gating test
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add launchpad test to test_queries
morganfainbergsdague, ok that is just wierd.21:22
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rackertomsigmavirus24: 👍 Nice21:23
morganfainbergsdague, maybe a cranky jenkins?21:24
sigmavirus24morganfainberg: jenkins? cranky? nevvvvverrrrr21:24
morganfainbergsdague, the +1 with the failure notice is weirding me out21:24
sdagueyeh, something is pretty wrong. oh well.21:24
morganfainbergsdague, wow21:24
morganfainbergsdague, look at it, you are getting 2 notices21:24
morganfainberga -1 failure, and a +1 failure on the parent21:25
sdagueand I *just* rebased this stack21:25
morganfainbergyep i see that21:25
mtreinishmorganfainberg: I would just blame jgit...21:25
mtreinisheven if it's unrelated :)21:25
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morganfainbergmtreinish, haha ok well sure.21:25
sdaguemtreinish: except, it's a cleanly rebased patch tree21:26
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morganfainbergsdague, i think you have 2 things getting triggered somehow. and it's causing something to lose it's mind.21:28
* mordred loses his mind21:28
morganfainbergunfortunately, i don't think either of us can see that deep into -infra logging of things like jenkins21:28
reedjeblair, I don't have a strong opinion on that. I think it's also rude to send a patch and leave it languish there... I don't argue in favor of auto-abandon21:29
morganfainbergsdague, at least i'm at my limit of what i could see ;)21:29
reedjeblair, maybe auto-abandon should also come with an offer to mentor?21:29
jeblairreed: we have a lot of tools now to help prioritize workflow now, including gerrit dashboards which can automatically filter out patches which people feel are inactive21:30
reedjeblair, something like "This patch has no chances of merging as is and if you want, you can reach out to me and I'll help you to fix it"21:30
jeblairreed: i think that if nova's workflow is now, literally, "go away for 3 months", we can hardly blame people for leaving patches sitting outstanding for 3 months21:30
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jeblairreed: i think it's fine to leave a message like that, but i don't think it needs to be abandoned.  my oldest patch is from july.  it should still be revised and merged.  i don't think anyone thinks it's rude that hasn't happened yet.21:31
jeblair(if anyone did, they could, of course, fix up the outstanding comment)21:31
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reedjeblair, maybe a better workflow is to collect the list of patches that need attention and make a call for actions instead21:31
jeblair(and i don't think it's bothering anyone that it's still sitting there, except me, which is as it should be :)21:31
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reedI think we should keep the conversation on the list though, this is important knowledge we should capture...21:32
jeblairreed: that seems good too, except we should still account for the fact that maybe the action for some of them is wait 3 months until nova is willing to talk to them again :)21:32
reedjeblair, ACK... although that workflow seems flawed to me :)21:32
jeblairreed: i agree, i think i replied to the list with many of the points i made here21:33
jeblairreed: no argument there, but then, that's what those two threads are about, eh? :)21:33
reedjeblair, neat, thanks. I didn't read that message yet21:33
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jeblairsdague, morganfainberg: recently merged but is not active because we have not restarted zuul to pick it up21:35
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sdaguejeblair: ok21:35
jeblairsdague, morganfainberg: it _may_ have a bearing on the behavior you are seeing; i think the best way to proceed is to see if we see something like that again with that patch in place21:35
morganfainbergjeblair, ah21:35
morganfainbergjeblair, cool.21:35
jeblairand zuul is actually quiet enough that i think i could do a restart now21:36
* morganfainberg quickly queues 1 billion things up *shifty eyes*21:36
* jeblair restarts zuul21:36
morganfainbergfriday getting close to end of day most everywhere but pacific coast... yeah it's probably quieted down21:36
morganfainbergjeblair, ooh i need to respond to your zuul thread on the ML.21:37
* morganfainberg just remembered21:37
morganfainbergmordred, so talked with jamielennox about DNS serv records... we just need to find the right place to stick it. but i think everyone would like that nice little QOL change.21:38
morganfainbergmordred, fyi21:38
mordredmorganfainberg: yay!21:38
jeblairsdague, morganfainberg: zuul is restarted now and is running master; let me know if you see it again21:38
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jeblairmorganfainberg: oh yeah, dns srv++21:39
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morganfainbergjeblair, i think it can go in the discover code. *think*21:39
morganfainbergbut i need to go rip that apart cause that is some of the crazy dense code in ksc that makes up session21:40
morganfainbergbut thats cause session is.. well trying to make other clients less complex.21:40
jeblairmarun, flashgordon: zuul is restarted; i left a comment indicating so on 15958221:40
mtreinishjeblair: so something interesting I see post-restart, on the zuul status page I see 143159,25 queued on check, but there are already results for that reported (and no recheck)21:41
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flashgordonjeblair: thanks!21:42
jeblairmtreinish: ah, i think my script to save queues has a defect, thanks, will fix.21:43
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update zuul-changes to use the enqueue command
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marunjeblair: great!21:47
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* dims_ reading scrollback to see if i can find why zuul page is all "queued"21:49
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dims_ah. "zuul is restarted" paydirt21:49
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jeblairdimsum__: thanks, i think a bug was introduced in a recent change, tracking it down21:54
dimsum__jeblair: cool21:55
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jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: ping22:00
anteayajhesketh: is saturdaying with a meeting, pleia2 is eating a sandwich22:00
anteayanot sure what I can do but I'm here22:00
jeblairanteaya: i want to ask clarkb what motivated him to write 15759222:01
jeblairanteaya: it appears related to the bug we are seeing, but it does not mention why it should suddenly be necessary22:01
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anteayaI think it was due to a type of error the swift logs were throwing22:03
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anteayajeblair: found it: 2015-02-19T23:14:09  <clarkb> AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'format'22:10
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix int conversion in swift
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jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: ^ i am manually applying that as well as 15759222:19
jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: the change in puppet-zuul to start specifying that value in the config file triggered the bug, as that value is read as a str with no conversion, while defaults in code are ints22:20
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anteayaand tests are testing22:23
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anteayasdague: thanks22:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Add conditional skips for nova jobs""
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change default behaviour of -nv
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clarkbjeblair: catching up22:34
mrmartinpleia2, fungi, jeblair: please check this review: I need an approval, because the scheduled tasks are broken on groups.o.o portal without this patch. thnx.22:34
clarkbmordred: I got greghaynes to figure this thing out22:34
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clarkbjeblair: gah sorry,22:35
clarkbjeblair: so we fixed it for the layout.yaml ints but not for ini strings to ints22:35
greghaynesyea, its part of a larger deal where we need to make source-repositories a bit more featureful22:36
clarkbmordred: greghaynes says that we should do the caching late with a bind mounted dib cache in the image22:36
flashgordonjeblair: so landed, but it will take some time for it to come into effect correct?22:36
greghaynesand also get rid of the you copying the whole source-repositories into an element *shakes fist*22:36
flashgordonanteaya: look at mellanox CI22:37
flashgordonthat voted way too quick to do anything22:37
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clarkbflashgordon: has anyone writtn the change to put aiopcpu in neutron's experimental queue yet?22:38
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flashgordonclarkb: oh no, I'll do that now22:38
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jeblairflashgordon: you can check the 'last reconfigured' time at the bottom of the zuul status page22:39
mordredclarkb: I'm just going to trust greghaynes22:39
reedjeblair, I found someone who had at least two patches automatically closed ... at least I have someone to talk to and ask for personal opinions22:39
flashgordonjeblair: neato, thanks22:39
greghaynesmordred: famous last words22:39
jeblairflashgordon: i think it should happen within maybe 30 minutes based on current ansible puppet performance?22:39
reedjeblair, quite a lot of auto-abandoned actually, all those on Dec 522:40
flashgordonjeblair: thanks22:40
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add aiopcpu neutron job to neutron experimental
flashgordonclarkb: ^22:41
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clarkbflashgordon: thanks22:41
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jeblairreed: i know what would happen to me if one of mine were auto-abandoned.  i would never notice.  until, maybe, someday, something happened and i thought to myself, "i thought i fixed that".  and after a couple of hours of digging, i would find out what happened, and i would be furious.  i would probably never contribute to the project again.22:42
anteayaflashgordon: well that and there are no job logs linked22:42
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anteayaflashgordon: it didn't vote it commented22:42
openstackgerritAkshay Chhajed proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Solum: Modify requirement flag
reedjeblair, yeah... but I wonder how much of that feeling is the amount of comments on the reviews or the auto-abandon... if you see some of those reviews, at some point he failed to respond22:43
anteayaflashgordon: can't seem to find anyone associated with that system in channel22:43
anteayaflashgordon: did they ask nova's permission to comment on nova patches?22:43
reedjeblair, on one instead, after he worked for a long time, his patch ended up being made obsolete by someone else's contribution22:43
jeblairreed: yeah, not saying my case is universal, just giving you an anecdata point :)22:43
flashgordonanteaya: not that I know of, but I may have missed that22:44
reedjeblair, like this one: multiple +1,  then at the end 'fix the commit message' and silence after that22:44
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reedor this one lots of work then "oops, I forgot you did this already here and my patch already merged... please abandon it"22:45
flashgordonanteaya: looks fairly sporadic though22:45
zaroclarkb: try without being optional:
jeblairreed: yeah, someone probably should have just fixed the commit message, huh?22:46
reedjeblair, yeah... there is a trove of anecdotes in there :)22:46
anteayaflashgordon: what looks sporadic? that account commenting on nova patches?22:46
jeblairreed: here's another anecdote:
jeblairreed: jaypipes has, apparently, abandoned his work despite it just needing a minor correction22:46
jeblairreed: because the patch is still there, i know about it and can see the state.  i'm about to just pick up his work and fix it22:47
anteayaflashgordon: that is just on the openstack/nova repo, correct?22:47
reedjeblair, yes, that behavior is to be encouraged I think22:47
jeblairreed: (even though, tomorrow, it would be eligible for auto-abanonment by the commonly-used script)22:47
clarkbzaro: thanks, we'll hvae to see what they say22:47
flashgordonnot filtered so all repos not sure if that is just nova or not22:48
flashgordonanteaya: using my last comment script22:48
reedjeblair, i'm leaning toward your position that we should not self-abandon but mark the items for review by humans22:48
anteayaflashgordon: well their wikipage just identifies them as testing neutron:
anteayaflashgordon: ah okay, well it is a handy script, but they are allowed to comment on neutron22:48
reedsort of like "flagging for action: do we still need this? what does it take to finish it?"22:49
anteayaflashgordon: and vote on neutron:,members22:49
reedfood for thoughts... I need to finish the newsletter now22:49
jeblairreed: omg i would love tags in gerrit for something like this22:49
anteayaflashgordon: I'm guessing that somehow they changed their config and got commenting on nova patches22:49
flashgordonanteaya: just thought it was odd they have no-op comments on nova patches22:50
flashgordonits not a big deal though22:50
anteayaflashgordon: it is, thanks for bringing it to my attention22:50
anteayaflashgordon: how would it sound if I post to the third-party-announce email list telling them to stop commenting on nova patches and giving them until monday to comply22:51
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flashgordonanteaya: sounds reasonable to me.  no-op comments are sort of silly22:51
flashgordonand there is no way this is testing anything meaningful22:51
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clarkbjeblair: so the failed test was testing that abandoning a change works correctly. We get I think the exception means the job isn't cancelled so gets status SUCCESS22:56
clarkbjeblair: looking into how that exception could occur now22:56
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Add some INFO level log messages
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Add INFO log level potential with --verbose flag
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Speed up the toggling of reviewed/hidden changes
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Release DB session thread lock earlier in syncs
jeblairclarkb: cool, i have to run again, sorry :(22:57
clarkbjeblair: I think the race is that we abandon the job before any job statuses are passed in22:57
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clarkbjeblair: no problem I think we can fix this by just setting the manager to None upfront22:57
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jeblairmordred: oh, check out the tip of that branch (143165) and see if it feels more responsive (and if not, try to note what's going on when it isn't)22:58
clarkbso I am writing that change now22:58
anteayaflashgordon: let me know on monday if you are still seeing it22:58
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anteayaand my evening is arriving shortly23:00
anteayahave a good weekend23:00
flashgordonanteaya: o/23:01
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openstackgerritSean Roberts proposed openstack-infra/system-config: patch to create test-certification-standards ilist
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openstackgerritjose-idar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding pep8 gate check to Opencafe
mordredjeblair: I look forward to such things23:14
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flashgordonfungi: looking at zuul for nova patch 16002723:31
flashgordonwhich only  touches docs/ so it is only running pep8 and docs23:32
flashgordonand the expected time says 57 minutes which sounds closer to the expected time for the full set of tests23:32
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wznoinskasselin: are you around?23:43
asselinwznoinsk, hi, yes23:43
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wznoinskhi there, I maintain Intel Networking CI (, I haven't requested access to Third Party CI group in Gerrit, in what circumstances I may need this membership?23:45
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asselinwznoinsk, all, I can do that now23:46
wznoinskyes, please23:47
asselinwznoinsk, done,members23:47
asselinIntel Networking CIopenstack-networking-ci@intel.com23:47
wznoinskthanks, when I may need to send email via gerrit (not sure what that's used for to be completely honest)?23:48
wznoinskis it to request code review and such?23:49
asselinwznoinsk, no, it just mean when you CI posts a comment, then Gerrit won't send an e-mail to all the reviews23:50
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Set __gearman_mananger on builds at launch time
clarkbjeblair: ^  Ithink thats the fix23:50
asselini.e. stops the spam :)23:50
wznoinskgood, thanks23:51
asselinwznoinsk, np23:51
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wznoinskspeaking of permissions to comment on projects (ie. mellanox on nova), I wasn't aware you have to get permissions to comment on projects (or it's just our special Nova has that) ?23:53
dvorakI've got a review that's got +1 workflow label, but isn't merging, and there are no gate tests for this project23:54
dvorakany idea what might be going on?
dvorakI don't see anything on zuul for it23:54
wznoinskI would like to avoid breaking any rules, good practices before I have our Compute (numa) CI commenting on NOva soon23:54
wznoinskasselin: <-23:54
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asselinwznoinsk, the rules should be here under "Requirements"
asselinwznoinsk, I looked quickly and don't see a mention of the rule to get permission on a project. perhaps that needs to be added so it's clear.23:56
asselinwznoinsk, I have to go now, have a nice weekend.23:56
wznoinskyes, didn't recall these when I was following that guide, I'll request them beforehand,23:57
wznoinskhave a good one asselin23:57
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clarkbdvorak: does the project not have any gate tests? if not then nothing can merge, you will need to add some tests. there is a noop test that can be used23:59
clarkbhrm looks like it has tests configured23:59
dvorakit's not my project, but this worked earlier today23:59

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