Thursday, 2015-03-26

jeblairclarkb: yeah, i'm with you, and feel much more strongly about this than => alignment.  :)  otoh, it's tough to say no to code already written, but there's ongoing maintenance and what we want to spend our time writing and reviewing to consider.00:00
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jeblairi'd like to see if we can get consensus if possible00:01
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split diskimage-builder built images out
clarkbnibalizer: and question on 16484500:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: heat-dsvm-functional enable build pip mirror
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sdakeregarding rename happenign shortly00:06
sdakedoes anyone hae an example review of how this is done?00:06
sdakewant to get magnum renamed00:07
anteayasdake: if you look at the bottom of
anteayain the section renames, you will notice a number of patches00:08
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anteayapick one, use it as a template and then add yours to the same section00:08
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Add held changes
sdakeanteaya thanks!00:09
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anteayasdake: thanks for asking00:09
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Copy in matching hiera files
mordredclarkb, nibalizer: ^^00:13
asselinnibalizer, clarkb (or other puppet expert) any idea why templates can't be found on my change here?
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openstackgerritSteven Weston proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Third Party CI Dashboard Spec
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fungisdake_: thanks for noticing the subtle nudge in the announcement ;)00:16
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clarkbasselin: you need to use the module name template(openstackci/foo.erb) iirc00:17
asselinclarkb, ok will try00:17
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clarkbnibalizer: still around? curious about your thoughts on my comments on the hiera changes00:19
mordredclarkb: the ones to add the other paths?00:19
openstackgerritSteven Weston proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Third Party CI Dashboard Spec
openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add an IPv6 enabled job to neutron experimental pipeline
clarkbmordred: yes00:19
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack->magnum
* mordred goes to read clarkb's comment00:19
sdake__anteaya how does that look?00:20
mordredclarkb: I'm not sure I undersatnd your english00:20
mordredclarkb: but that might be the cachaca talking00:20
openstackgerritSteven Weston proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Third Party CI Dashboard Spec
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mordredclarkb: would you mind re-stating for my adleminded brainhole?00:20
clarkbmordred: first one is jenkins.o.o should be part of the jenkins group00:20
mordredclarkb: should it?00:21
mordrednevermind - I agree00:21
clarkbmordred: second one is we have a comment there saying "don't scope this because its in node scope" why not just explicitly use the node scope then isntead of commetning why there is no explicit scope00:21
clarkbmordred: yes I am pretty sure we want that master to be in the same group00:21
dstufft+= 100:21
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clarkbBUT I don't actually know if node scope is a thing you can be explicit about in puppet00:21
mordredclarkb: yeah - I think that's the thing he's saying00:22
clarkbbecause puppet scoping is something one does not simply understand00:22
mordredbut I agree, I'd like to learn more00:22
mordredfrom him00:22
mordrednibalizer: stop drinking and answer us!00:22
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anteayasdake__: the tests will come back asking you to aphabetize your projects.yaml and layout.yaml entries00:22
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Add mouse wheel scrolling
anteayasdake__: you can wait or fix it now00:22
asselinclarkb, that was it thanks.00:22
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sdake__I thought I did :)00:22
sdake__apparently my abcs are off00:22
mordredclarkb: there is also one impdence mismatch - in that a node in ansible can be in more than one group, and in this layout it is one node per one group00:23
mordredclarkb: I think taht's fine, because we're humans00:23
mordredbut it'sa  thing to note00:23
jeblairmordred: speak for yourself00:23
mordredthe ansible playbook will look for any group yaml file matching a group that the node is in00:23
mordredby ansible's reconning00:23
mordredjeblair: I may be dancer00:23
jeblairmordred: some of us may have been replaced by a small python script00:24
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anteayasdake__: gerritbot channels.yaml looks like it needs to change as well, plus you might as well do magnumclient in the same patchset00:24
mordreddude. that ahppened to me ages ago00:24
mordredclass WetAnimal(object): def throw(self, targets) class WetCat(WetAnimal): class WetLlama(WetAnimal):  ...00:25
jeblairMonty's Moist Menagerie00:26
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fungiew. just... ew00:26
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack->magnum
anteayayeah I'm with fungi00:27
sdake__anteaya yup apparently my brain was broken when I submitted that first revew - should be all fixed now :)00:27
dstufftmordred: get you some composition00:27
anteayasdake__: it happens everytime00:27
anteayasdake__: no worries00:27
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mordreddstufft: I could write a wet cat factory factory that returns factories that return wet cat factories00:28
anteayasdake__: fortune and project-config don't hang out much I find00:28
mordreddstufft: and then I could use dependency injection to turn those factory factories into factories taht return different factoires00:28
sdake__its all good00:29
mordreddstufft: all driven, of course, by some simple xml that can be modified by xslt00:29
dstufftmordred: seems legit to me00:29
* mordred has done enterprise development before00:29
sdake__projet config reviews are typically very fast00:29
dstuffthow did anyone throw wet cats before they had xml00:29
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anteayasdake__: the gerritbot channels.yaml file? did you want to take a look at that file too, it appears to me it could use a refresh00:29
anteayasdake__: yes00:29
anteayasdake__: on both sides00:29
mordreddstufft: well, they had to do them by hand. why do that when you can write a system to generically throw things that might be cats or wet or animals and which you could also use to pitch or lob or hoist things with?00:30
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack->magnum
sdake__thanks anteaya00:30
anteayathank you00:31
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anteayasdake__: add in python-magnumclient to it and you are all set00:32
sdake__anteaya I was going to do a seprate patch for that one00:32
anteayasdake__: just do what you did for the config file, projects.yaml and layout.yaml00:32
sdake__shoud I merge them into one?00:32
anteayasdake__: we prefer one patch00:32
sdake__sounds good00:33
clarkbmordred: I don't know if yo usaw but recently spearce wrote about how google runs gerrit on the gerrit ml. and now I know why gerrit uses dependency injection when the open code basically has no use for it00:33
anteayaas gerrit has limits about how many rename patches it can merge before it gets upset00:33
anteayasdake__: so the more in one patch, the better for us00:33
anteayaI think the limit is 5?00:33
clarkbmordred: because google replaces significant portions of gerrit to use bigtable and megastore00:33
mordredclarkb: of course they do00:34
mordredfunny thing is ...00:34
mordredour gerrit is bigger than theirs00:34
mordredand we run on one mysql00:34
mordredso phbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpb00:34
mordredonce again mysql triumphs over bigtable00:34
* mordred looks over at AdSense and chuckles ...00:35
clarkbgranted they are apparently still working hard on killing the need for any db00:35
clarkbwhich is good for us and them so thats nice00:35
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mordredclarkb: you know - I used to think it was good for us00:38
mordredbut actually, I think scaling git repos turns out to be kinda hard and the db has never really been a problem00:38
mordredin fact, if they did less in git and more in the db - we could do scale out with multiple gerrit servers earier00:38
mordredyou know00:38
mordredthat would just require taking advantage of tried and true architecture00:38
anteayawhat is our plan for scaling gerrit?00:39
mordredanteaya: prayer00:39
anteayaonce we find out the limit00:39
clarkbmordred: so they have described how multimaster would work with only git and no db and its not that terrible00:39
anteayayes that does seem to be the current strategy00:39
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mordredclarkb: ok00:39
anteayaand prayer works well for me personally00:39
mordredclarkb: I'm sure it's great in theory00:39
anteayadoesn't seem to work quite so well for groups I find00:39
mordredand I'm sure that once it's in production it will fail in new ways that nobody  has dealt with at scale in production yet00:39
clarkbmordred: you basically have paxos to keep your masters in sync with git then do specialness for knowing if an operation should block on an update00:39
mordredjust like every other multi-master replication technology invented over the last 30 years00:40
clarkbmordred: yes but thats true of any multi master solution00:40
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mordredclarkb: yes - this is why new multi master tech almost always is great at first and then fails hard00:40
clarkbmordred: put multiple masters in front of one mysql and watch them get cranky at each other over row locks00:40
mordredso you want to wait until it's been sorted out00:40
mordredclarkb: mysql doesn't do multi-master00:40
clarkbmordred: sorry galera00:40
mordredgalera is exactly my point00:41
mordredit's new tech00:41
mordredand will take at least another 10 years to be actually good00:41
mordrednobody doing thing actually at scale uses it00:41
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mordredbut it turns out you don't actually need multi-master for anything other than banking and telco00:41
mordredand those fokls can pay for the ram it takes to do it right :)00:42
dstufftbig iron supremacy00:42
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack->magnum
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clarkbmordred: my favorite outages were always the ones where HA tooling explodes00:42
mordredI'm not going to reference a recent SAN outage that happened in a company I know00:43
clarkbmordred: because then you have to explain to management that that fancy tool they spent tons of money on was the cause of the downtime and we would have been better off without it :)00:43
dstufftsometimes people want me to switch PyPI to some sort of magic nosql multi master thing00:43
mordreddstufft: nope00:43
mordredturns out it'sa  terrible idea00:43
mordreddstufft: nosql will be ready for primetime when and only when Mark Callaghan and Domas Mitzuas say it is00:43
mordredthey're looking at it. hard. and they want it to be ready00:44
mordredand they're still not using it00:44
mordredso once they do, I'll start paying attention00:44
dstufftmordred: made even more terrible by the fact that PyPI has a tiny number of writes00:44
mordred(they run MySQL for Facebook for anyone not familiar with this particular rant)00:44
mordreddstufft: hahahaha00:44
mordredyeah. you don't need anything fancy00:44
mordredyou need front-loaded caching00:44
dstufftwe get like00:44
dstufft~600 new uploads a day00:45
mordrednow  - if you wanted to go fancy00:45
mordredyou should use mogilefs00:45
dstufft(that's obv not all the writes, but it's the major ones)00:45
mordredbecause that shit is SOLID00:45
clarkbdstufft: would you like us to significantly change that number?00:45
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack->magnum
mordredclarkb: :)00:45
clarkbdstufft: beacuse we can totally help you out >_>00:45
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mordreddstufft: if you're like to justify purchasing a san or something00:45
mordredwe could publish a pypi package on every commit that lands00:45
dstufftlol "purchase", we're total beggars00:46
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dstufftI'm not sure my email address is magical enough to get a free SAN tho00:46
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack/magnum
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mordreddstufft: I'm telling you - you should join forces with - we turn down racks of hardware regularly because we don't have a place to put them :)00:47
anteayamordred: please don't swear in channel, I get so tired of it00:47
mordredanteaya: sorry00:48
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anteayathank you00:48
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mordreddstufft: of course, then you'd have to figure out what to do when docker takes over and we can't get a crust of bread00:48
mordreddstufft: so you're probably better off just remaining sane00:49
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mordredfungi: you round?00:49
mordredfungi: your email left os-client-config out ... should I send you a fruit-basket for bribery?00:50
jeblairmordred: now might be a good time to add it to the list here:
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fungimordred: d'oh! i missed it00:52
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jeblair(because it wasn't there)00:52
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fungiindeed. i often miss things that aren't there00:53
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fungialmost as often as i see things that aren't there00:53
dstufftmordred: lol00:53
fungii should probably see a doctor for that00:53
* jeblair is not here00:53
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fungigood call00:53
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anteayafungi: do the things you see that aren't there talk to you?00:54
dstufftmordred: if we take the numbers at the Fastly edge (e.g. total traffic, our read:write ratio on just files themselves, not /simple/ or anything else is like 1:100000000:54
anteayasdake__: getting closer, we need the patch url added to
fungianteaya: oddly no, it's the things i don't see that aren't there that usually talk to me00:54
anteayasdake__: that is the place we go looking for patches00:55
anteayafungi: cool00:55
anteayafungi: I hope they say nice things00:55
sdake__anteaya will do00:55
fungiusually, yes00:55
anteayathat's good00:55
anteayamine too00:55
dstufftif we take the ones that just hit the origin, it's like 3:1000 or so00:55
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack/magnum
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ianwCloning into 'devstack-gate'...00:56
ianwfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly00:56
ianwfatal: protocol error: bad pack header00:56
ianw^ not the first time i've seen this with --depth flag00:56
sdake__sorry for the sloppy work00:56
sdake__been long weeks prior00:56
mordreddstufft: you are the perfect ratio for success00:56
sdake__this is why gerrit rocks :)00:56
fungiianw: yes, cloning from with --depth is broken now that we're running git on trusty there00:56
dstufftmordred: our scaling plan is "cache everything in fastly and never think about it"00:56
sdake__anteaya ^^ :)00:56
clarkbianw: git on ubuntu trusty is broken and does not support shallow clones. You can clone from the git mirror (which is whwere we want people to clone from)00:56
mordreddstufft: its not a terrible plan00:57
anteayasdake__: good work00:57
dstufftturn out that works pretty well00:57
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dstufftwe're at ~2 billion requests a month and I didn't even notice it went up so much00:57
anteayasdake__: what you just saw is typical of any patch of that type00:57
mordredianw: git in upstream master git is also broken - so it's not trusty's fault00:57
dstufft(used to be way under a billion)00:57
anteayasdake__: thanks for staying with it00:57
mordredbasically, upstream git has decided to break shallow clones00:57
ianwfungi / clarkb / mordred : ok, good to know, thanks00:57
fungiianw: for some reason current git releases expect the git-http-backend cgi to be able to write inside the git repos it's serving to support shallow cloning00:57
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add apache configuration for zanata
clarkbmordred: fungi oh is that what the issue is. Thats a bit silly00:58
mordredfungi: it's one of the most truly insane things I've ever seen00:58
fungiclarkb: yep00:58
mordredand that includes TI Basic00:58
sdake__anteaya is there any other way to do the job? :)00:58
anteayasdake__: not currently00:58
fungiclarkb: you can see it plain as day in the apache error logs00:58
dstufftwait what00:58
fungibig fat "permission denied" errors00:58
anteayasdake__: and yes persistence does get a job done00:58
dstufftwhy would git expect to be able to write for a clone00:59
dstufftthat's crazy00:59
fungidstufft: it wants to be able to create a temporary pack file to serve a shallow clone request00:59
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mordredjeblair, fungi: I ahve fixed the wiki00:59
clarkbmordred: also can you enlighten us with your ccla idea? (don't need to do it here, but its a bit annoying to be teased like that :) )00:59
dstufftshouldn't a temporary file go inside of TMPDIR00:59
fungidstufft: and apparently inside the git root is the perfect place to do that00:59
mordredclarkb: it's not my idea00:59
mordredclarkb: it's jonathans00:59
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mordredhe ran it by me, sounded great01:00
mordredI've been hoping he'd follow up with a public plan01:00
anteayasdake__: so just adding it to the meeting page is left to do01:00
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sdake__in process01:00
mordredclarkb: tl;dr - CCLA managed by foundation member data system - corporations that sign the CCLA get an accoutn to manage the people that it covers01:00
mordredclarkb: so developers don't have any need to be bothered by anything related to CCLA at all01:01
ianwfungi: alright, i'm running the cinder + full tempest just like in your example on that host, and i'm piping out a bunch of telemetry data via netcat to a remote host01:01
clarkbmordred: then what good is tracking the data? I thought the whole point was make gerrit aware of it01:01
clarkbmordred: I mean if lawyers are happy with that I won't complain01:01
clarkbbut that seems to be fixing a problem for no good reason01:01
mordredthe best part is that it gets infra OUT of the game of caring01:01
fungimordred: i don't think developers had to care about the ccla before? corporate lawyers were just doing stuff in echosign and sometimes submitting updated schedula a lists for it01:01
anteayaso how does that change the acl files?01:01
ianwfungi: my hope is that it all goes pear shaped and i capture what went crazy01:01
mordredthe thing it fixes is that it makes the lawyers happier01:01
sdake__ok all done01:02
anteayado we remove the cla required line?01:02
sdake__ping me if something else is needed :)01:02
clarkbanteaya: it doesn't. what mordred is saying is we don't have to chang anything01:02
mordredfungi: the thing it fixes is that we might not need devs who are covered by a CCLA to sign an ICLA01:02
dstufftif lawyers get cranky they start suing people01:02
fungiianw: hope so. odds are it will go silent just before you get the good stuff01:02
anteayasdake__: awesome thank you01:02
anteayasdake__: will ping01:02
anteayasdake__: also if you are around during the rename it never hurts01:02
mordredfungi: so if openstackid auth's you - you're good to go. nothing to see here01:02
fungimordred: right, but for that we need some way for gerrit to know they're covered by a cla01:02
anteayajust being available in channel01:02
clarkbcan I shop around for reviews? we need to be prepared before pypi breaks us01:03
sdake__i am always in this channel01:03
mordredfungi: we need gerrit to know they're allowed to upload changes01:03
sdake__just say magnum or kolla or sdake ;)01:03
ianwfungi: that's ok, i'm really hoping to see a process ramping up usage just before it explodes01:03
sdake__one of em will get me01:03
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mordredfungi: in any case- there are details to be worked out01:03
anteayasdake__: cool, good to know01:03
mordredand I don't have enough to be useful here01:03
clarkbmordred: right the tricky bit is enforcement. If we don't need to enforce then cool. If we do need to enforce then this idea isn't so great01:03
fungimordred: right, it's the details which will make or break it. clarkb has at least a proposal for how to do that01:03
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mordredI think the big key there is taht enforcement in the way _WE_ think about it isnt' what they're looking for01:04
mordredwhich is great01:04
clarkbmy understanding was the lawyers wanted enforcement01:04
fungibut involves corporate lawyers getting control of specific per-company ccla groups in gerrit01:04
mordredand we can get out of the game01:04
mordredthey want enforcement01:04
dstufftclarkb: fwiw I can't think of anything else we're likely to change that'll require a bandersnatch update beyond the last thing.01:04
* anteaya will still expect to see needs cla in acl files of namespaces that currently have that01:04
mordredbut they want lawyer-speak enforcement01:04
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mordredthey want the paper trail that  makes corporate lawyers happy01:04
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clarkbmordred: my only concern with that is 6 months from now someone will push code, someone that cares will go "wait you can't do that" then they will ask us to actually enforce01:05
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clarkbmordred: and if we had just solved the actual problem outright it would not be a problem01:05
mordredclarkb: I suggest talking to jonathan01:05
mordredI'm being a bad proxy01:05
fungi(actual problem being the need for a cla at all)01:05
mordredbut I think the problem is being shifted01:05
clarkbdstufft: ya, its probably a reasonable thing to grab latest bandersnatch until it breaks then we can scream about it and install the last working version01:06
mordredand I think the actual problem fungi brings up will be addressed in a way that makes us happier01:06
fungianyway, if there are lawyers saying they're okay with us turning off cla enforcement in gerrit, i'll throw them a party01:06
mordreddstufft: any chance you have any pull with the bandersnatch people?01:06
fungiand by party i mean stop complaining constantly01:06
mordredfungi: yah. that is EXACTLY what they're saying01:06
dstufftmordred: I know Christian and talk to him from time to time01:07
clarkbanother set of changes that would be super handy for swift logs starts at
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clarkbbasically moves the d-g help footer into d-g then we can start adding it to the swift uploaded index files01:08
mordreddstufft: jeblair has this patch outstanding ...01:08
mordredthat would help us out in our mirroring infrastructure01:09
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mordreddstufft: it seems to have been ignored since Dec 2001:09
* mordred bribes dstufft with a fatted calf01:10
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anteayaclarkb: I see no dependencies or depends-on in that linked patch01:12
dstufftmordred: sorry was emailing my daughter's teacher01:12
dstufftmordred: looking01:12
anteayaclarkb: you said it was a set of changes?01:12
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dstufftmordred: there's a merge conflict on it, beyond that I'd just poke christian about it. Normally I tweet at him on twitter or email him01:17
anteayaclarkb: found it, this patch depends-on the patch you linked:
clarkbanteaya: sorry, forgot it was a depends on elsewhere01:17
clarkbanteaya: if you review the topic:enable_swift you should see all of them01:18
dstufftmordred: if y'all fix the merge conflict I'm happy to toss christian an email01:18
anteayaclarkb: unfortunately there is no easy for for me to go backwards in that relationship01:18
mordreddstufft: woot!01:18
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mordredjeblair: ^^01:18
anteayaclarkb: yeah that is how I found it, just wanted to make sure I understood you correctly01:18
mordredjeblair: look at me bridging gaps01:18
mordreddstufft: if we get that in, we can start running our AFS mirror :)01:18
* anteaya hands mordred a cookie01:18
* mordred eats cookie. gets sugar rage. starts running through the streets with a pack of 72 alpacas and one lost goat01:19
dstufftmordred: what's the benefit of an AFS mirror01:20
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mordreddstufft: AFS can do atomic publication to its volumes - so the plan is that we run bandersnatch into a readwrite volume01:21
mordredand then if everything is good and there are no issues, we'll do an AFS publish01:21
dstufftmordred: oh, so a mirror isn't in an inconsistent state?01:22
fungiand publish is atomic across the entire fs01:22
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mordreddstufft: yah01:22
fungioh, mordred said that01:22
fungionce we're through the gerrit upgrade i want to finish doing the same thing for our git push mirrors so we can drop the source affinity in the load balancers and get a more even request distribution01:23
fungithough i'll need to get gerrit running wrapped in kstart01:23
fungidstufft: also afs is a great excuse to dust off your mad kerberos skilz01:24
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mixpix3lsHi everyone.01:25
mixpix3lsI'm trying to get GerritBot working on RHEL. Is there a RHEL-compatible gerritbot.init?01:25
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dstufftfwiw an inconsistent state should probably almost never happen anymore01:25
dstufftI think the only thing that can cause it now is if someone deletes a file, which is rare (especially now that you can't re-upload)01:26
mordreddstufft: awesome01:26
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fungimixpix3ls: not that we've written01:26
fungimixpix3ls: i think the initscript there was just us scratching an itch to be able to start it on our (ubuntu) server01:27
openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: (hipchat) Accept list of hipchat rooms.
* anteaya reconsiders offering mordred a cookie in future01:28
* anteaya thinks of the wildlife01:29
mordredanteaya: the lost goat seems happy01:29
mixpix3lsHm, ya, it's pretty Ubuntu specific. I'm trying to convert it to systemd.01:29
anteayawell there's that01:29
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pleia2mixpix3ls: we'll certainly appreciate that work at some point, the Ubuntu LTS coming out next year will be using systemd (it landed in 15.04 a couple weeks ago)01:31
pleia2+by default01:31
fungimixpix3ls: a systemd unit file would probably be best in that case01:31
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fungiinstead of an initscript01:31
fungithough maybe that's what you meant01:31
ianwfungi: if you have a moment, could you log into a comparable ubuntu vm running tempest atm and do a "free -h" just so i can get an idea of the numbers01:33
fungiokay, the pending renames that i'm aware of are all using a consistent topic for their changes now,n,z01:33
fungiianw: sure, doing that now01:33
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anteayaclarkb: do I read jhesketh's comment correctly here that he wanted to change the name of the job 'zuul-swift-devstack-logs' to 'zuul-swift-devstack-logs-with-console'?
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anteayabecause if that is the case, I don't see that that happened01:35
jheskethanteaya: it's here:
anteayajhesketh: so it is, thank you01:35
fungiianw: is taken from the host running right now01:36
anteayajhesketh: I did read your comment correctly, thank you01:36
fungiianw: so most of the way through the job, well into tempest tests01:36
fungiianw: thought that was in hpcloud. if it needs to be in rackspace it may take more effort to track down a comparable example01:37
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ianwfungi: no, that's cool -- the numbers are in the same ballpark01:37
ianwthat host has stopped though01:38
mixpix3lsfungi and pleia2 thanks for the input.01:39
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ianwfungi: is the last snapshot from the host before it stopped responding01:40
fungiianw: so you're able to reproduce the behavior. excellent01:41
fungiyeah, it was nearly out of memory for sure01:42
ianwthere's no one process that seems to be out of line, its death by a thousand cuts01:42
fungithat's more or less what i get when glancing at the dumps from the oom killer in dmesg too01:42
ianwi'm not sure what to go with other than "need more memory"01:42
fungiwhich explains why it tends to randomly select something, but not necessarily the same something01:43
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ianwbut also from what you paste of the ubuntu vm, it's pretty close too01:43
clarkbthe odd thing is its only centos7 and only on rax01:43
clarkbwhich points to bug not "use more memory"01:43
fungior "bug uses more memory"01:44
mordredbugs use more memory01:44
anteayajhesketh: if I approve this now, what jobs does it affect, after it gets into the images?
anteayaall infra and python-jobs?01:44
ianwfungi / clarkb : did we fix the issues with hp hosts actually having 32gb ram due to missing limits?01:45
clarkbianw: I think fungi fixed it. I can check a random trusty node I have held01:45
clarkbyup random trusty node i have held in hpcloud-b4 has 8GB ram exposed to it01:45
ianwfungi / clarkb: if you can get me an equivalent centos / hp node, i can re-run the test and we can compare the output ...01:45
ianwclarkb: but was it for sure fixed for centos too?01:46
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ianwbecause if it really had more ram, that would hide the problem01:46
clarkbianw: I do not have any centos7 ndes in hpcloud currently to check01:46
fungii recall checking one after the change went into effect and it was correct01:47
fungino guarantees that it still is of course01:48
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clarkbthough we dump that info in devstack logs somewhere I think01:49
clarkbifwe can find logs for it we should be able to tell01:50
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ianwfungi: if you still have that window open on ubuntu, could you run $ "ps --sort -pmem -eo pid:10,pmem:6,cputime:10,nlwp:8,wchan:25,comm:25,args:100"01:52
mordredlifeless, dstufft: I win the setup_requires counts!01:52
ianwi'd like to compare to the fedora output and see if ordering is similar01:52
jheskethanteaya: yep, and some devstack-gate logs... I /think/ if it fails the job will fail01:52
jheskethanteaya: so there is a risk the code has a bug and it breaks a lot of jobs until we fix it01:53
jheskethso possibly one to do when people are around to help fix01:53
jheskethwhich I am, but I don't have root if we need to force something through01:53
dstufftmordred: your prize is you get to stare at setuptools code01:53
clarkbaccording to logstash we have not run any of these tests on hpcloud over the last week01:53
lifelessdstufft: +101:53
ianwi'm still getting periodic telemetry back from the poor dying rackspace host; nothing is going crazy still01:53
clarkbianw: fungi so I think the issue is likely more due to some change that bumped us over a limit less reliably in the past but is now reliable01:53
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* mordred hands lifeless a cookie, braces for alpaca herd01:54
anteayajhesketh: okay good to know01:54
fungiianw: error: unknown user-defined format specifier "ps"01:54
anteayajhesketh: what do you want to do?01:54
mixpix3lsmordred sure likes his cookies ;)01:54
clarkbianw: fungi: so likely that hpcloud isn't involved at all01:54
lifelessmordred: I'd rather a steak01:54
anteayamixpix3ls: and damp wildlife01:54
fungiianw: it also dislikes multiple sort options01:54
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mordredlifeless: you will eat the cookie and you will like it01:55
anteayajhesketh: I'm not for breaking stuff taht is working01:55
clarkbgoing back a bit further to the limits of what logstash has stored we don't have any jobs on hpcloud01:55
ianwurgh, ps is never ps everywhere01:55
mordredmixpix3ls: :)01:55
fungiianw: nevermind--my middle-click bounced01:55
lifelessmordred: poison. Nevah.01:55
anteayajhesketh: at least not without a plan01:55
mixpix3lsmordred, haha, good stuff.01:55
* mordred dangles a lovely port skirt steak in front of lifeles01:55
mixpix3lsWow, Alpacas look like Llamas.01:55
* lifeless salivates01:56
lifelessbb after lunch01:56
anteayaclarkb: what is your feeling on, if I merge and there is a bug it might break a fair few jobs01:56
clarkbanteaya: yes it may but only after the next image rebuild01:56
anteayaclarkb: so you are okay if I merge?01:56
jheskethanteaya: I think we see if clarkb or fungi are going to be around during the next image rebuilds?01:57
lifelessmordred: hell yes01:57
anteayajhesketh: good plan01:57
clarkbanteaya: well I won't be in a great position the next couple days to babysit or fix any major problems. So I don't want to commit to anything01:57
anteayathey usually happen at what 0600?01:57
clarkbanteaya: 1400UTC01:57
anteayaclarkb: okay good to know01:57
clarkb7am PST01:57
clarkbinstead I will be tlaking zuul with krotscheck01:58
anteayafungi: are you willing to fix the world if I break it by merging ?01:58
anteayaclarkb: cool01:58
ianwfungi: thanks; nothing seems totally out of order with
anteayaI can't even picturing tlaking zuul, but I hope it is enjoyable01:58
anteayaand makes krotscheck happy01:58
fungianteaya: jhesketh: sure, i'll be here and awake when they start01:59
anteayafungi: great thank you01:59
* anteaya approves01:59
anteayamy firefox keeps crashing01:59
anteayano idea why yet01:59
anteayait maybe a harbinger of tomorrow though I hope not02:00
anteayaat least for that patch02:00
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pleia2mixpix3ls: yeah, they're like small llamas :)02:00
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anteayajhesketh: I didn't approve any of the rest of the project-config patches because the devstack-gate patch hasn't gone in yet:
anteayaI don't like to approve depends-on changes too early since sometimes one needs time to evaluate one merge at a time02:03
anteayarather than a stampede02:03
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jheskethanteaya: that's cool02:03
anteayathought I'd share my thinking with you02:04
jheskethit's good thinking ;-)02:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: zuul_swift_upload add support for appending help
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ianwfungi / anyone who can log into a host ... i'm narrowing down on swift.  i'd appreciate if i could get a /proc/pid/maps for swift on one of the running ubuntu hosts02:34
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fungiianw: i'll give it a shot02:35
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ianwfungi: see
ianweverything on centos uses a bit more, but swift is double02:37
ianwi wonder if we've done some python import of some big library only on centos02:38
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fungiianw: ugh, i count 29 swift processes. which ones specifically?02:39
fungiobject servers? account servers? container servers?02:40
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fungisync, replicator, auditor, updater...02:40
ianwfungi: yep; they're all bigger on centos02:40
fungireaper (that's a great one)02:40
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ianwmaybe just pick two and paste maps & smaps02:41
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mordrednotmyname: ^^02:42
mordrednotmyname: that seems like one of those things you'd be interested in knowing in your brain02:42
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fungiianw: first randomly-selected process and
fungiianw: second randomly-selected process and
clarkbARG! why are libvirt feature flag names different than the flag names in /proc/cpuinfo02:44
ianwfungi: awesome; thanks.  now have to figure out how to get centos comparison :)02:44
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ianwfungi: if you've got time, maybe we can kill that running host and i can start a new one.  i'll stop it before tempest and see if swift is looking twice as big still02:45
fungiianw: sure, takes just a sec02:46
mordredclarkb: because02:46
mordredclarkb: the /proc/cpuinfo flags made lennart unhappy02:46
clarkbmordred: I want that to not be true but I am afraid to find out02:47
clarkbI am going to try major hacks02:47
mordredclarkb: you're still trying to deal with the cpu stuff aren't you?02:47
lifelesscpu stuff?02:48
ianwfungi: also if you remember which two pids they were maybe add to so we can do 1:1 comparison02:48
fungiianw: ssh jenkins@
fungiianw: i don't recall but i'll see if i can spot them in the ps02:49
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clarkblifeless: yes I am trying to make nova migrations work with 64bit libvirt cpu02:50
clarkblifeless: unfortunately our clouds are not homogenous hardware so we need to construct our own cpu model to do that02:50
clarkblifeless: and it would be so incredibly helpful if libvirt used the same strings as /proc/cpuinfo02:51
fungiianw: ps lines pasted into the etherpad corresponding to those02:51
lifelessclarkb: righto - considered asking on -ops ? Folk may know02:51
clarkboh I mean libvirt is silly and does not do this02:52
lifelessyou know, the folk that deploy openstack02:52
clarkbI know that02:52
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clarkbanyways I will have code we can all laugh at shortly02:52
fungiianw: heading to bed momentarily, but others in here may be able to help or i can pick this back up tomorrow if you need anything else02:53
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try to calculate common CPU feature set
ianwfungi: thanks ... i think i've got enough.  i'm getting devstack up on that new host and we can try to figure out why swift is taking up twice as much memory.  i feel like there's been pretty good progress02:54
clarkb comment on lines 872/873 addresses this02:54
clarkblifeless: ^02:54
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clarkbmostly I just want to prove this is possible in some capacity, then I can bother with making the code less incredibly hackish02:55
mordredlifeless: to be fair to the operators, most of the probably would not attempt to do the thing that we need to do02:55
lifelessmordred: testing deployments in virt? Might be surprised :)02:55
clarkb is the test that should tell us how broken my code is02:56
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clarkbone thing I think we should consider putting in nova is autonegotiation of migration domains02:58
clarkbI should write a spec. But novas job is to figure this stuff out for the operator02:58
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nibalizermordred: lol03:04
nibalizerthere is no way to explicitly ask for node scope03:04
lifelessmordred: not helping!03:06
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clarkboh hrm this isn't going to work because libvirt is installed by devstack later03:07
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try to calculate common CPU feature set
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clarkblooks like an alternative would be to have nova construct the model from scratch? but I don't think nova supports that today03:16
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mordredlifeless: aroo?03:19
openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: add option to use ipv6 for image update and node launching
clarkbI wonder if we could ask rackspace to give us homogenous cpus >_>03:20
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ianwclarkb: if you've got a minute, could you do "ldd /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cryptography/" on a running ubuntu?03:39
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clarkbianw: thats a dib built image on hpcloud03:41
lifelessmordred: the pip discussion, of course :)03:41
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ianwclarkb: so i think i've found some of the problem here ->
ianwon centos we're bringing in the kitchen sink03:42
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mordredlifeless: bah. I'm helping bring either clarity of rage or confusion or apathy03:44
mordredlifeless: I have to at least be helping with ONE of those things03:44
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add a zanata::client manifest
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try to calculate common CPU feature set
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clarkbianw: I wonder if the cffi build is super opportunistic and if all those libs exist it happily thrwos them into crytpography03:48
ianwclarkb: that's what i'm thinking...03:48
clarkbin particular kerberos things and selinux won't be on ubuntu iirc03:48
ianwalso, it's no surprise that i think we started building our own crypto from pip recently, instead of packaged...03:49
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use zanata::client in proposal slave
clarkbianw: oh good point, if that was removed from the distro package list we would do exactly that03:49
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ianwhmm looks like the packaged cryptography brings in about the same03:51
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clarkbcryptography has a severe lack of comments and its too late in the evening for me to parse its build setup03:57
clarkbhowever I don't think it directly wants to pull in krb5 and selinux things. May be transitive03:57
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ianwyeah, looking closer at smaps, hardly any of it is mapped in04:01
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ianwthe difference in size is heap usage04:01
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clarkb is neat in its simplicity. Its basically a giant c file construced on the fly then built04:10
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow JJB to set connection timeout to jenkins server
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try to calculate common CPU feature set
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Clarify meaning of Jenkins master configuration settings in target
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Clarify project-id meaning for Rackspace deployment
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for JClouds Blobstore
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add a zanata::client manifest
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding more configurable options in Notifications plugin
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: publishers: groovy-postbuild changes between 1.x & 2.x
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openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add HAOS project into Stackforge
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Expose jenkins_gitfullname and jenkins_gitemail
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add configurable setting for httpd.conf
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fixed broken links in documentation
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lucasagomeshi, if you have a time please take a look at , this add a job (non-voting) in the openstack/ironic-python-agent project to test the IPA ramdisk with the pxe_* drivers. It's already has 1 +209:56
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/murano to openstack/murano
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/murano to openstack/murano
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Raise cap for Django to allow 1.7
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openstackgerritNikki Heald proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add configurable settings for httpd.conf
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [DO-NOT-MERGE] Enable libvirt debug logs and core dumps
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serg_melikyanHi folks, we have an issue with PyPI mirrors on OpenStack CI11:36
serg_melikyan - here is change that bumps version requirements for newly released python-muranoclient11:37
serg_melikyanPatch is submitted yesterday at 4 pm UTC+311:37
seeghello, concerning -- someone should set up gerrit now, right? :)11:38
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serg_melikyanClient was released hours before this patch, but jobs are still failing due to missing python-muranoclient 0.5.611:38
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serg_melikyan - link to package on pypi11:39
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jrollgerrit bot is dead, in case y'all weren't aware12:14
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seegping concerning  -- should someone on openstack-infra side set up gerrit?12:18
serg_melikyanseeg: what do you mean by setup gerrit?12:19
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seegwell git review throws me Exception: Could not connect to gerrit at ssh:// so I'm guessing this should be setup by someone?12:20
seegI'm trying to submit the cookiecutter patch12:20
serg_melikyanBtw, you guys have empty core team for this project12:21
serg_melikyanNo one will be able to approve submitted patches12:21
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serg_melikyanseeg: and you are using wrong URL12:21
serg_melikyanseeg: git clone
samueldmqand .git at the end12:22
serg_melikyanseeg: You are using openstack instead of stackforge12:22
samueldmqserg_melikyan, seeg git clone ;)12:22
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seegpf, yeah12:22
seegright :)12:22
serg_melikyansamueldmq: it works either way with .git or without12:23
seegthough I have stackforge in git config12:23
samueldmqserg_melikyan, nvm ... yeah it works, sorry :/12:23
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serg_melikyanseeg: clone this repo from scratch and execute git review -s12:24
seegOK, works: :)12:25
serg_melikyanseeg: heh ) - I tested too :)12:25
serg_melikyanseeg: happy development ;)12:26
seegheh, thanks :)12:26
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serg_melikyanseeg: I am not sure how now days you request to create group in gerrit with initial member, but you must to have at least one member in the core group of your project12:32
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seegserg_melikyan, I know -- I asked slukjanov from Mirantis to set this up as i heard he can do it12:33
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serg_melikyanseeg: ok :)12:34
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fungizuul looks unhappy12:47
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fungiwe seem to have ceased running jobs about an hour ago12:47
fungichecking its logs now for signs of badnez12:47
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fungithere's a few tracebacks in the log but i think most are benign. however, this one is different, roughly coincides with when jobs seem to have stopped being added, and just generally looks not great
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mordredfungi: I agree - that does not look good12:54
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fungii'm going to get a couple stack dumps and then restart zuul12:54
cdentgearmans gears are grinding12:54
sdaguefungi: yeh, that's the weird12:54
sdaguefungi: so an hour ago I was approving come project-config changes12:54
sdagueI wonder if one of those actually makes zuul explode, and we did not realize it12:54
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fungisdague: great idea, could be a layout config change did something12:55
fungii'll dig deeper into post-mortem once it's up and running again12:55
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fungihrm, that traceback is actually a few hours earlier than when we saw jobs stop getting triggered, so possibly entirely unrelated13:03
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fungialso last update to layout.yaml was 16 hours ago, so probably not triggered by a change to that13:04
fungirestarting zuul and then rechecking a change does not appear to have triggered anything13:05
fungithis issue may be on the gerrit end13:05
fungichecking its queues now13:05
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fungithere are a lot of waiting stream events tasks in the gerrit queue13:08
fungiwith start times of ~11:36 utc13:08
fungiwhich does look like it corresponds to when the trouble started13:08
funginot sure if those are a cause or an effect13:08
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fungii'm going to restart gerrit now, and then go digging in its ssh log to see if there's a misbehaving client we need to firewall13:09
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cdentfungi: when these kinds of things happen, do you guys do post mortems and post them anywhere? I’m always curious and it really helps to understand how it works and all the pieces fit together.13:10
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fungi#status notice gerrit stopped emitting stream events around 11:30 utc and has now been restarted. please recheck any changes currently missing results from jenkins13:11
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice13:11
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fungicdent: depends on how protracted the incident was13:11
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* cdent nods13:12
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: gerrit stopped emitting stream events around 11:30 utc and has now been restarted. please recheck any changes currently missing results from jenkins13:12
mordredfungi: well that was exciting13:12
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openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice13:13
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fungimordred: morning's always fun. i never know what's waiting for me when i wake up13:13
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fungilookie there... jobs are starting now13:14
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samueldmqfungi, wow, this openstackstatus  is nice, it notifies you when it finishes your request o/13:14
fungisamueldmq: i agree. want the source?13:14
samueldmqfungi, sure, I am curious13:14
fungiit can change channel topics too when things are really bad13:14
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fungiwe tend to just use notice to give people a heads up, but for longer outages and maintenances we use alert/ok to set and revert the channel topics too13:15
samueldmqfungi, nice, and who are authorized to do so  ? anyone in the core?13:15
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fungisamueldmq: the source for statusbot and our puppet-statusbot module are linked at the top of
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fungisamueldmq: there's also a section on that page with basic usage13:17
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fungisamueldmq: right now its config parameters are embedded at
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serg_melikyanfolks, can you also check-up on OpenStack CI PyPI mirrors?13:20
samueldmqfungi, great13:20
samueldmqfungi, taking a look at that ...13:20
fungisamueldmq: so there you can see the list of nicks which are authorized to interact with it (as long as they're authenticated to the irc network) and the channels it lurks in13:20
samueldmqfungi, when do those config params are replaced?13:20
serg_melikyanWe released python-muranoclient 0.5.6 day ago, but pep-8 jobs are still can't find this dependency13:20
samueldmqfungi, the passwd, etc13:20
fungiserg_melikyan: i'll take a look13:20
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samueldmqfungi, ah I see statusbot_auth_nicks, nice13:21
serg_melikyanfungi: - example change-request13:21
fungisamueldmq: the ones which are calling out to hiera() actually get substituted from a private yaml file stored on our puppetmaster server13:21
samueldmqfungi, nice ... so actually if I try it would fail, right?13:22
samueldmq#status notice gerrit stopped emitting stream events around 11:30 utc and has now been restarted. please recheck any changes currently missing results from jenkins13:22
fungisamueldmq: i dunno about would, but should anyway13:22
fungiyep, it's ignoring you correctly ;)13:22
samueldmqfungi, yeah it is :-)13:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: project-config: Merge lint jobs (1/2)
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fungiserg_melikyan: the mirror that py27 job failed on seems to have the packages you want currently:
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marcusvrnhi guys! just a question....Zuul is now working on ubuntu14.04 or it still only working on ubuntu12.04?13:28
fungiwell, if serg_melikyan comes back into the channel, it looks like bandersnatch didn't see the python-muranoclient 0.5.6 release files or index update until 12:00 utc today13:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new tox funxtional test and gate to swift3
fungimarcusvrn: we're still running it exclusively on 12.04 but i think others may have it working successfully on 14.04 and have upstreamed patches to the puppet-zuul module to support it too13:29
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samueldmqfungi, looking at this just merged patch ^13:30
samueldmqfungi, so this is how we add new patches to the gate ( )13:31
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samueldmqfungi, and then the specified project just need to have that env correctly declared into its tox.ini file, right?13:31
fungisamueldmq: well, the files in jenkins/jobs/ are how we configure the jenkins masters to know how to run specific jobs, the zuul/layout.yaml file actually tells zuul when to request that they be run and under what circumstances13:32
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fungisamueldmq: _if_ the job is running tox, then yes a tox.ini in the project in question comes into play13:33
fungisamueldmq: but jobs are configured to mostly run arbitrary shell commands (often tox but just as often something else, like devstack-gate or some random shell script)13:34
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samueldmqfungi, k thanks, nice to know13:36
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marcusvrnfungi: thks for the answer...I'll try to update mine CI to use ubuntu14.0413:41
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marcusvrnmy CI*13:41
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openstackgerritTimur Nurlygayanov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add HAOS project into Stackforge
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mroddenis there someone i can ping/ask about when the last email set for ATC registration codes is going out and if i'm on that list...?13:52
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jrollmrodden: email, unless I'm mistaken13:53
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mroddenjroll, ok. assuming he doesn't mind being emailed directly?13:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat tempest job to heat and tempest
jrolldon't believe so :)13:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-tempest-dsvm-heat
mroddenok thanks13:54
jrollmrodden: doesn't seem he's online at the moment so I think that's the best route13:54
mroddenis his irc nick just stefano?13:54
anteayamrodden: reed13:55
anteayamrodden: and the last patch of emails went out13:55
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anteayamrodden: so if you need to email him to ask for an ATC pass I suggest linking a merged patch of your that took place in the last 12 months (is it 12 for passes or 6 now?) as well as a link to your foundation membership13:56
mroddenanteaya, ok thanks13:56
anteayamrodden: I know you need to have an individual foundation membership for voting I don't know about passes13:56
mroddenmight have gotten lost in my email too13:56
anteayamrodden: it might have, yes check your spam first13:56
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fungianteaya: it's since juno release day13:56
AJaegeranteaya, this release cycle - so last 6 months13:56
anteayafungi: thanks13:56
fungiso actually a little less than 6 months13:57
anteayaAJaeger: yeah I was wondering, thanks13:57
AJaegeranteaya, mrodden
mroddenyeah i saw that13:57
jrollthanks for clearing that up anteaya :)13:57
mroddenbut it hasn't been update in awhile13:57
anteayajroll: sure13:57
fungion or after october 1613:57
anteayamrodden: have you a merged patch in an openstack projects since oct 16?13:57
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mroddeni can find it in a sec13:58
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anteayawell then you should be good13:58
anteayafungi: new images kick off soon yeah?13:58
fungimrodden: also make sure your foundation profile's e-mail address and gerrit preferred e-mail address are correct for you. it's always possible he sent your code to an address you no longer use13:59
sdakeare the centos 6 images bused in some way?13:59
AJaegermrodden, I don't find you on stackalytics for kilo13:59
fungianteaya: in ~14 minutes (14:14 utc last time i looked at the nodepool.yaml anyway)13:59
sdakekeep getting repeated gate faiures13:59
anteayafungi: ah13:59
sdaketimeout on git pull13:59
AJaegermrodden, found it - that was bashate13:59
anteayasdake: logs?13:59
AJaegermrodden, bashate is a stackforge project and that does not qualify for ATC13:59
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mroddenits in openstack-dev14:00
fungiAJaeger: confusing it with doc8?14:00
sdakeanateaya ^14:00
sdakewhat is wierd is it passed the ccheck but failed two rechecks14:00
jogoclarkb: what failed in ? I didn't see things in the logs14:00
anteayamrodden: it has to be a project listed here:
sdakeand the gate as well14:01
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fungisdake: ever since the glibc "ghost" vulnerability updates we've seen git timrout on remote operations a lot on centos 614:01
anteayamrodden: if it isn't listed there is doesn't count for ATC for passes or voting14:01
fungier, timeout14:01
sdakefungi thanks i'll keep rechecking14:01
AJaegerfungi, you're right bashate is openstack-dev14:01
fungisdake: we've still been unable to reliably reproduce the failure so that we can get a better idea of how and hwere it's actually breaking14:01
anteayamrodden: you can still qualify to vote if you merge a patch to one of the projects in that file14:02
mroddenwhen is the cutoff date?14:02
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sdake28 march iirc14:02
clarkbjogo the file copy. because it happens after devstack runs permissions are funny. nees to remote copy to jenkins homedir not stacks14:02
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sdakebut dont quote me - that is when ptl elections open up14:02
fungimrodden: what's your gerrit username?,n,z isn't showing anything14:03
anteayamrodden: for voting? in the past it has been the last day of ptl nominations14:03
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mroddenlocke105 is my gerrit username14:04
anteayatristanC: when you get a chance the latest election pages should be linked under
anteayaor pleia2 ^^14:05
fungimrodden: ahh, yep,n,z14:06
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fungimrodden: so your merged commits were all before the juno release, except the one you merged on the 18th of this month. let me see when i last generated the list for reed14:06
anteayatrey: and actually I think you need to update the section to April 9th cutoff not April 16th otherwise you can't generate the electoral roll until after the election period is over14:07
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mroddenfungi, i think anteaya just said that it has to be an official project in the governance repo14:07
mroddento get on the email list14:07
anteayato vote certainly14:08
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fungimrodden: right, wondering how openstack-dev/bashate didn't end up in the governance official list14:08
mroddenyeah its sort of a weird one14:08
anteayaI had thought the stipulateions for passes were the same14:08
mroddenwe pulled it out of devstack14:08
mroddenand it kind of fell through the cracks14:08
anteayait did14:08
fungioh, so it's supposed to be in the qa project?14:08
fungimtreinish: ^ do you recall?14:08
anteayainterestingly enough we were discussing projects falling through the cracks just yesterday14:09
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anteayatrey sorry tab complete fail14:09
sdakeany folks on here have permissiosn to edit to add Magnum?14:09
anteayatristanC: that was for you as well, not trey14:09
anteayasdake: I think that would be ttx14:09
mtreinishfungi: you know we never really discussed it14:09
anteayasdake: and possibly reed14:09
mtreinishbut sure it's like hacking so we can put it there14:09
sdakethought so pinged him but he is away thanks anteaya i'll ping reed14:10
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anteayasdake: sure14:10
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fungimtreinish: got it. so right now it's sort of sitting there in an official openstack git namespace but not claimed by any projects in the governance repo14:10
sdakereed not on irc-- guess i'll have to wait :)14:10
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mtreinishfungi: yeah I think that's what happened, it might have been part of devstack when it was a program14:11
mroddeni am pretty sure we were leaning towards qa14:11
mtreinishbut I think we just kinda added it14:11
anteayasdake: yeah I don't know his schedule, he travels a lot14:11
mtreinishsort of like sdague's devstack-vagrant repo14:11
sdakeguess i'll hav eto catch ttx on his tz :)14:11
mroddenmeanwhile 'm gonna go look for a typo i can fix... :)14:11
anteayasdake: get up early14:11
sdakeits 7am14:11
anteayamrodden: good plan14:11
sdakemore liek stay up late ;)14:11
jrollsdake: get up earlier >:)14:11
anteayasdake: ah yes stay up late14:12
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anteayasdake: I've found 0800 is usually a good time for him14:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add HAOS project into Stackforge
anteayahe isn't rushed, has time to talk14:12
fungisdake: i _can_ edit that page, but it looks like ttx has been the one to make modifications to it recently so would probably make sense to check with him before i go adding anything to Project_Teams14:12
anteayasdake: not many other demands on his time14:12
sdakei think i'll just send him a mail14:12
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sdakethanks folks14:12
anteayasdake: there you go14:13
mtreinishfungi, mrodden: I'll push the change to add that to the qa program in governance14:13
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mroddenmtreinish, ok cool14:13
mroddennow i really need to show up for the summit :)14:13
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anteayamrodden: that is the problem with making a fuss, you have to follow through14:13
fungisdake: i think that page was supposed to get ditched now that we generate
anteayasee you there14:14
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sdakefungi I mostly care about for magnum election addition14:15
mtreinishmrodden: nah, you just need to vote for me :)14:15
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fungisdake: oh, sorry, i thought you were asking about the other page14:16
fungisdake: yeah, looks like the election officials are handling that page. maybe they don't yet know that the Project_Teams wiki article is obsolete14:17
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sdakefungi thanks ;)14:19
fungitristanC: pleia2: might want to consider updating the "official project team" link on the PTL_Elections_April_2015 wiki article to instead refer to
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fungisince that's automatically updated when the tc approves changes, whereas the old Project_Teams wiki article is stale and probably about to get gutted and replaced with a brief note linking to governance.o.o14:20
mtreinishmrodden, fungi:
fungithanks mtreinish14:20
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mordredok - I love our new thing where we have the puppet modules broken out14:30
mordredbut wow it makes grepping for something that you're not sure where a good example of it is much harder14:30
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jeblairmordred: we need an "infra grep" tool which will git grep all the infra repos14:31
jeblair(i wonder if 'repo' has that)14:31
anteayaalex gaynor was working on an openstack grep14:32
anteayait was awesome14:32
mordredyes - the livegrep server14:32
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mordredit woudl be gerat if that would be picked up and finished14:32
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mordredit would be awesome for us to have a livegrep14:32
nibalizeryea livegrep is great14:33
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mordredjeblair: I hesitate to say this - but having an "infra-puppet" repo that has each of our puppet repos as a git submodule wouldn't be the most unuseful14:33
clarkbmordred install modules :)14:34
mordredI don't know that it would help our deploys in any way - but it would make it easier to keep track of all of the locally14:34
mordredin my source dirs14:34
nibalizeri was setting it up then got quite distracted14:34
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nibalizerwith docker14:35
mordrednibalizer: yeah - I remember - I think the docker part of that was a rathole, tbh14:35
mordredeasy to get caught in14:35
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mordrednot because one couldn't deploy things very sensibly with docker - but because it's a different paradigm and really would, I think, need to be something we wanted to adopt more systemically14:36
anteayawhere is livegrep?14:36
anteayaI thought it was on stackforge14:36
mordredanteaya: there are two half-finished patches in gerrit14:36
anteayawhat project name?14:37
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mordredanteaya: the problem with alex's14:37
mordredanteaya: is that he was trying to do the git repo management directly in puppet14:38
mordredbut we already have this file, projects.yaml, that has the list of all of our repos14:38
nibalizeri suggested to the opw list that finishing livegrep could be a component of an infra project if we got a participant14:38
mordredand we have scripts in jeepyb to create git repos for cgit mirrors and to register things with gerrit14:38
nibalizersame with the 'run stackalytics in infra' project14:38
mordredso really, either re-using or copying and changing one of those commands so that there was a "make livegrep repos" jeepyb command14:39
mordredwould be WAY saner14:39
anteayanibalizer: oh well if you want to save it for opw14:39
anteayago ahead14:39
anteayaI would just really like it is all14:39
nibalizermordred: my problem with alex's was that it used exec to call make14:39
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mordrednibalizer: yeah - we do that in etherpad_lite too - it's not the highest on our list to solve14:40
mordredanteaya: I would not let a theoretical opw person dissuade you from working on livegrep14:40
anteayanibalizer: what do you want?14:41
mordredanteaya: if we get an opw person and you have finished livegrep, we can ALWAYS find something else for them to do14:41
pabelangerjeblair, any thoughts on how zuul could be made smarter to look for lost builds, when nodepool has a label with min-ready: 0?  Currently, zuul always reports the build as lost, until I bring one node online.14:41
pabelangerWe talked about this before last year, but cannot remember what was decided14:41
mordredanteaya: while I understand what nibalizer is saying about exec to call make - I think there are two potentially dangerous ratholes here14:41
mordredanteaya: one is solving that by doing distro packages, one is solving that by using docker14:41
anteayaunless the caliber of opw folks has skyrocketed since I last checked I don't think they would be able to do much with an idea with no design that we don't know how to build anyway14:42
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anteayabut taht is just my opinion14:42
mordredthe problem with both is taht we do not currently have any system for dealing with either building and publishing docker containers or distro pacakges14:42
anteayanot sure how much I could do here anyway, but I am good at making noise14:42
mordredand while it would be neat to have systems for doing both things that fit with an infra workflow14:42
jeblairpabelanger: it should be reporting as 'not registered' rather than lost, right?14:42
mordredthose are both large projects in their own right14:42
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mordredanteaya: you've been wanting a good project to dive in on14:43
hodoshello, can someone help me with the nodepool? I have a question regarding bootstrapServer method14:43
jeblairpabelanger: but i was thinking that we should add an option to skip the registration check at this point14:43
mordredanteaya: if livegrep is somethign you'd like to see accomplished - why not dive in on it?14:43
anteayaI would much rather get a thing working and worry about packaging and automated deployment _after_ it is working14:43
pabelangerjeblair, well, my version of zuul says not register.  However, it is an older copy.  I can test with my 2nd instance here shortly14:43
mordredanteaya: yes14:43
openstackgerritMathew Odden proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix double PL::Python category typo
mordredanteaya: I agree with you14:43
jeblairpabelanger: because the layout check job makes it fairly unlikely for us to mess that up at this point14:43
mordredI think the code that is there that just calls make is fine for now14:43
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anteayawhy do we have docker as part of this conversation?14:44
anteayawhat livegrep problem is docker solving?14:44
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mordredanteaya: it was nibalizer's stab at not having puppet call make14:44
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hodoscan anyone tell me why bootstrapServer method doesn't use the key pair instead trying to log in with the 'root' user?14:45
anteayaI'm going to be a rebel here14:45
pabelangerjeblair, Ya, I'm still on the 2.0.0 release for these instances of zuul.  I should at least upgrade one and retest14:45
anteayaand suggest that I would just have puppet call make14:45
anteayabut since I would just elminate the deployment step entirely until a thing worked14:45
anteayaI wouldn't even havae the conversation yet14:45
anteayaso if I follow alex has a github repo with livegrep?14:46
pabelangeronly 366 commits behind master :)14:46
mordredanteaya: no14:46
anteayaso my first step would be seeing if we can move that to stackforge14:46
anteayaif he is open to the suggestion14:46
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anteayamordred: no to what part?14:46
mordredthere is a patch to deploy it14:46
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mordredthere is nothing to move to stackforge14:46
mordredthere is a patch to system-config that needs to be finished14:46
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anteayawhat are we deploying?14:47
mordredanteaya: livegrep14:47
mordredit'sa  project14:47
mordredon it's own right14:47
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mordredthe biggest problem in his patch is on line 84 of
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mordredwhere he has this puppet thing called "create_resources" which takes an array of repos14:48
anteayalooks like development has tapered off:
mordredthat is what I was suggesting needs to be replaced with a call to a jeepyb script14:48
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mordredthat should be pretty much exactly like the create_cgitrepos script14:49
anteayait is written in go14:49
mordredso line 84 should be "install the projects.yaml file onto the server, and then if the file has changed, run a jeepyb script"14:49
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anteayamordred: I'm not where you are yet14:50
anteayathat what you say makes any sense to me14:50
anteayanow I can just copy paste what you say14:50
anteayabut that doesn't mean I understand it14:51
mordredanteaya: okie14:51
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hodosI'm trying to use nodepool in my thirdparty CI setup and it seems like it has a problem with ssh connection during 'bootstrapServer'14:51
hodosit uses 'root' as a user and ignores the private key from nodepool config. Is it a correct behavior ?14:51
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mordredwell, I'm more than happy to either start from a different place or to give you time to digest - whichever would be more useful14:51
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable PyPi push for the stackforge/faafo project
anteayawell I can't move at the speed you move at, and I don't have the history you do, so perhaps time to digest for me is the best thing at this very moment14:52
anteayamordred: thanks14:52
mordredanteaya: cool! I recommend looking at the livegrep website that fungi pasted in and spend some time with that for a bit, and also to look through the patch from alex when you feel like that would be a useful thing to read through14:53
anteayathank you14:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add "heat-coe-templates" project
clarkbhodos it uses root/ubuntu/fedora user on initial login then runs puppet to install whatever keys you want14:54
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clarkb*may not be puppet14:54
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fungi_we_ use puppet (in our prep scripts)14:55
clarkbthen snapshots that node and boots subsequent machines off of that image14:55
fungibut yeah, something in your image build configuration will need to explicitly set up an account and a ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file for it14:56
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fungiwe get that question a lot. i wonder if our nodepool documentation is deficient on that point14:57
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fungiyeah, looks like we could stand to go into some detail in
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fungioh, though nodepoold will try to ssh into new nodes to confirm they're reachable even if you don't specify a ready-script, so maybe not there15:00
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nibalizermordred: re projects yaml there is a puppet function called load_yaml15:00
hodosok...but i get this i the log all the time15:01
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hodosTraceback (most recent call last):15:01
hodos  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nodepool/", line 49, in ssh_connect15:01
hodos    client = SSHClient(ip, username, **connect_kwargs)15:01
hodos  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nodepool/", line 30, in __init__15:01
hodos    key_filename=key_filename)15:01
hodos  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 251, in connect15:01
hodos    retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr))15:01
hodos  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 270, in retry_on_signal15:01
hodos    return function()15:01
hodos  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/", line 251, in <lambda>15:01
hodos    retry_on_signal(lambda: sock.connect(addr))15:01
hodos  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 224, in meth15:01
hodos    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)15:01
hodoserror: [Errno 110] Connection timed out15:01
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fungihodos: in the future please paste multi-line content into and link the result here15:01
hodosand I can log into the instance using the private key15:01
jeblairhodos: is that the _complete_ traceback?15:02
fungidoes nodepoold's debug log mention the ip address it's trying to reach, and is that address the one you're testing? when you log into that instance with the private key are you testing that from your nodepool server or elsewhere?15:03
hodosyep, that's the address15:03
hodosso I can log into this ip using the private key15:03
hodosand a different username15:03
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hodosyes, nodepool server and nodepool user15:04
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fungistrange that the socket library is raising a error: [Errno 110] Connection timed out15:04
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jeblairthat traceback doesn't make sense.  it appears to start in the middle.15:04
hodosso ssh -i /home/nodepool/.ssh/id_rsa ubuntu@_ip_ works15:04
hodosI know but that's the whole debug traceback15:05
anteayahave image builds finished?15:05
fungiunless that error is misleading, it implies a socket-layer timeout not an account credential issue (which would be coming from further up the stack if that were the problem)15:05
anteayathe spikes on the git farm are over15:05
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fungianteaya: some have probably finished, but we still have 65 image updates going15:06
anteayaah okay thanks15:06
fungianteaya: they tend to mostly finish around 15:30-16:0015:07
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anteayaokay thanks I'll check back15:09
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fungii'm going to have to pop out for a moment to pick up my car from the mechanic, right down the road so should only be a few minutes15:10
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clarkbfungi I want to image that you drive a dune buggy everywhere15:11
hodosok....maybe it's just a slow setup15:11
fungiclarkb: i WANT to get one. apparently people out here collect and restore old ones15:11
hodosi have nodepool running on the same machine as jenkins master15:11
hodosis it OK ?15:11
openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: (hipchat) Accept list of hipchat rooms.
hodoshow much resourses should that machine have ?15:12
fungiclarkb: but no, it's a '95 ford escort hatchback, color is some combination of rust and primer with a bit of green paint in a few places where it hasn't flaked off yet15:13
clarkbyup need a dune buggy15:13
fungihodos: it can vary widely, but for our (fairly large) deployment you can see the resource utilization on our servers tracked at
fungiokay, heading out, back in a few15:14
anteayamordred: so how much would someone need to search all of openstack vs need to search all of infra or all of neutron?15:15
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anteayamordred: if someone were searching for a fairly generic phrase they could get many useless results15:15
anteayaI'm imagining that scoped to project would be helpful15:16
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anteayaand might address our need to constantly update the index, which currently isn't a feature in livegrep15:16
anteayafrom the readme: "livegrep builds an index file of your source code, and then works entirely out of that index, with no further access to the original git repositories"15:17
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anteayagiven the speed with we we update out git repos that relationship will need to be addressed somehow15:18
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fungiokay, back15:28
openstackgerritMathew Odden proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix TODO in tempest testr prep script
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anteayafungi: multicoloured car is speedy15:30
fungimtreinish: you probably want to review
fungianteaya: yeah, it's surprisingly spry for being two decades old15:31
mroddeni didn't see any way to req. a minimum version for subunit2sql15:31
mroddenso i'm not sure if we can just assume that we'll get the latest?15:31
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fungimrodden: i think we continuously deploy on our images, but i'll check15:31
mroddenduring the nodepool builds15:31
clarkbsee commwnt15:31
mtreinishmrodden: we do a pip install -U in a different script there15:31
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mroddenoh ok15:31
clarkbbuild will use latest15:31
mroddenso should be ok15:31
clarkbbut see comment :)15:31
mroddenoh derp15:32
mroddenfind replace15:32
fungiclarkb: good catch. i totally missed that15:32
mordredanteaya: so - your mention that livegrep seems to have tapered off led me to websearch some things15:32
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mordredanteaya: our friends at etsy, who wrote some of the software we run already to great success, have recently released a code search tool15:33
fungimrodden: clarkb: i _hope_ gate-project-config-pep8 catches that15:33
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mordredanteaya: with a few quick pokes - it seems like it at the very least solves one of the ugly parts of livegrep - namely, livegrep assumed your repos were on github15:34
mordredanteaya: and hound seems to undersatnd thatyou might want to configure your web links to point somewhere else15:34
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openstackgerritMathew Odden proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix TODO in tempest testr prep script
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anteayamordred: so right now I just have a node up and upgraded15:37
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anteayaso put up hound?15:37
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mordredanteaya: I think so - I installed it on my laptop and it was very easy to follow their instructions and get one running15:38
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anteayaboth tools reference Russ Cox15:38
mordredI think they both use the same tech on the backend15:38
anteayaokay I will do so on a vm and see if I can confirm15:38
anteayamordred: that is what I see as well, so far15:39
mordredanteaya: here is a small config file that will point it at three of our repos15:39
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mordredanteaya: feel free to use or ignore it15:39
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anteayathank you15:39
anteayaI will evaluate first and then decide15:39
anteayaand thanks15:39
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mordredanteaya: oh neat. in the search interface, it has a place where you can select to restrict your search to a specific repo already15:40
mordredanteaya: so we  might be able to get away with just running one15:41
anteayait isn't very old:
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anteayahowever it does have 17 contributors, so perhaps they are open to contributions, should any happen to be offered15:42
fungibtw, circling back around to this morning's incident, i found no significant correlations in the gerrit logs15:42
anteayafungi: hmmmm15:42
anteayafungi: no explaination for it then?15:42
fungiso pretty sure those waiting stream events tasks were an effect, not a cause15:42
mordredanteaya: yeah - they just released it to the public15:42
jeblairfungi: istr this has happened once before; i'm not sure we ended up with a cause there except the idea that perhaps all of the available ssh-handling threads were stuck on zombie connections15:43
mordredbut etsy has a good track record of being good stewards to open source projects15:43
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fungijeblair: right, this looks basically like what we saw before. again i tried killing tasks that looked like they might be at fault, but it didn't help so i just restarted gerrit before activity started to pick up even more15:44
anteayamordred: okay that is good, and it appears the index gets updated15:44
arosenmordred:  I believe you said yesterday that raw image formatting was in the works for nodepool. I was thinking I could help implement this unless someone has already started on it.15:44
arosenmordred:  i was thinking under diskimages: I can just add image-format: raw and have the default be qcow215:45
mroddeni wonder what a livegrep TODO|FIXME would look like across projects15:45
anteayamordred: I need some help already, I've never used go, I don't know what the go tools are:15:45
anteayaUse the Go tools to install Hound.15:46
mordredanteaya: look slightly further down - they give you a command to run15:46
anteayamordred: and searching gives me harbourfreight (love them) and the game of go15:46
anteayamordred: okay thanks15:46
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mordredanteaya: what they don't tell you is that you'll need to "sudo apt-get install golang"15:46
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anteayaah thanks15:46
mordredanteaya: you'll also want to make a directory for things to go in and then set that as your "GODIR"15:46
anteayaperhaps taht might be a testing of teh waters of offering a patch15:47
jeblairanteaya: do they call it 'harbourfreight' up there?  or are you correcting it for them?  :)15:47
anteayaI'm working on an hpcloud vm15:47
anteayajeblair: ha ha ha15:47
anteayagood point15:47
mordredanteaya: I did "mkdir ~/src/gopath ; export GOPATH=/home/mordred/src/gopath"15:47
mordredanteaya: fwiw15:47
mordredanteaya: and then everyting it did it did in that path15:47
anteayamordred: cool thanks15:47
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anteayamordred: why do they use docker?15:49
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anteayaI'll ask them15:50
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mesteryHi infra! I'm in need of a feature branch in neutron, and I can't seem to find instructions for creating this. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!15:51
jeblairmestery: i think we're asking openstack projects to ask the release team to create feature branches15:51
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mesteryjeblair: Thanks! I'll go and find ttx then :)15:52
jeblairmestery: mostly because there can be a cross-project aspect of these, and it's useful to make sure we have consistent names for the same effort15:52
jeblairmestery: (or purposefully inconsistent names for different efforts)15:52
mesteryjeblair: Thsoe are all great reasons, thanks!15:52
jeblairmestery: once you get past that, the mechanics should be here:
mesteryjeblair: thanks!15:53
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fungiand also, as of a couple days ago, requirements check jobs work correctly for them ;)15:54
mesteryfungi: yay!15:54
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mordredanteaya: you don' thave to use docker15:57
mordredanteaya: they've just got that Dockerfile there if using docker is a thing that you're in to15:57
mordredanteaya: I did not use docker for anything locally15:57
anteayacool thanks15:58
openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable upload to pypi for Shaker project
anteayaand their irc channel was prompt and friendly in telling me the same thing15:59
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mordredjust so everyone knows - I've been banging against booting nodes for teh last several days and I need a break from it16:03
mordredso I'm going to work on ridiculous and useless things today16:03
anteayawhich I'm sure you'll tell us all about16:03
anteayahave fun16:03
mordredI may or may not mention any of them in the light of day16:03
anteayaas you see fit16:04
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ttxpleia2: around?16:05
anteayattx I think she said something about a conference on tuesday16:05
anteayashe was packing for something, not sure how long it lasts16:06
jeblairmordred: how is 140840 related to nodepool dib?16:06
ttxanteaya: I need an election official to add the recent additions (think:Magnum) to the PTL election page16:06
anteayattx yes16:06
ttxI think tristanC is away too16:06
anteayattx :(16:06
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anteayaI have to respect my boundaries and not volunteer to help16:07
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ttxsure, could you just ping her if she returns online ?16:07
anteayattx also I think the electorate patch contribution time needs to be changed from april 16 to april 9th16:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Simplify requirements check run_command invocation
anteayaas the 16th is after the election is over16:08
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anteayattx: will ping unless you get to her first16:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: No need to run the puppet-unit tests on setproxy
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ttxthx! She might just read the backlog :)16:08
anteayattx: she is good like that16:08
fungittx: also should now just provide a link over to
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marcusvrnhey....I'm trying to disable sahara service, but I can't... I tried to disable it in devstack-gate, exporting DEVSTACK_GATE_SAHARA=0, tried to force ENABLED_SERVICES in localrc, but both didn't work...16:09
fungii worry that wiki article will grow more and more stale otherwise16:09
ttxfungi: yeah. Wanted to have the links to the wiki pages but meh16:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove some tests for Gnocchi
ttxwill cut down16:09
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fungittx: well, that list does still link to the wiki pages via the individual homepage links in each team's specific governance page16:10
fungiit's just one extra click now16:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove unnecessary path joining for dib filenames
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anteayamorning zaro16:25
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pleia2good morning16:27
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Ironic: Create and enable pxe_ipa-src-nv on ironic-python-agent
pleia2ttx: I'm around for most of the day, I'll take a look at what I need to do16:29
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openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: (experiment) Test dual-stack without dependency
pleia2fungi: thanks, I'll propose a change16:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix double PL::Python category typo
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pleia2fungi: wiki updated with link16:31
anteayapleia2: morning16:31
anteayapleia2: also take a look at the electorate elegbility times16:31
pleia2anteaya: where is that?16:32
fungianteaya: most of the image updated completed. there's one straggler that's been running for over 2 hours in hpcloud, but if there are going to be job-related issues from the swift upload changes we ought to be seeing them now16:32
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anteayapleia2: the elegibiiltiy period has to be over before the election takes place16:32
anteayafungi: awesome thanks16:32
derekhianw: how did the problem this fix manifest itself ?
derekhianw: [    1.224080] VFS: Cannot open root device "UUID=d355e4e0-5805-45a4-a04c-cd4675044207" or unknown-block(0,0): error -616:33
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anteayapleia2: the electorate has to be committers before April 9th16:34
anteayain order to be able to generate the electoral roll16:34
pleia2anteaya: oh, I misunderstood, I thought we were still talking about eligibility of projects, not voters16:35
pleia2I think fungi is actually generating the list of voters16:35
anteayahe is16:35
anteayabut he has to do so according to the time frame you set16:35
fungiyep, just need to make sure that you tell me the right dates ;)16:35
anteayaand right now the time frame is such he can't generate the roll until after the election is over16:36
fungiif you give me dates which are wrong, there's a chance i might not notice16:36
anteayapleia2: you have't to watch fungi16:36
anteayahave to watch16:36
fungiespecially if i break out into dance16:36
anteayaespecially then16:36
pleia2ok, I'll look back through tristanC's etherpad for these things then (I was really following his lead here and just helping out - and our vacations overlap!)16:36
anteayapleia2: yes I know16:37
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anteayaand this is one of the things that are tiny important details which I was hoping to support him in16:37
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pleia2thanks for your help :)16:37
anteayaas he has been following my lead here and this is the first time he is the decision maker16:37
anteayatotally understand16:37
openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Third party CI: document how to properly format message with Gerrit Trigger
anteayaso all support here16:37
anteayabut we do need to get the dates right asap16:38
anteayaotherwise the electorate will be unhappy16:38
pleia2re: ttx's earlier comment, should probably match - yes?16:38
anteayapleia2: yes16:38
pleia2ok, I'll focus on syncing this up as ttx requested, then I'll look at electorate stuff16:38
anteayapleia2: the projects.yaml file is the canonical file16:38
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pleia2also, maybe finish first cup of coffee :)16:39
anteayapleia2: if any document is out of sync with projects.yaml the governance file is the correct file16:39
anteayapleia2: yes16:39
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anteayasorry to pile on here16:39
anteayaand we aren't finished yet but I'll stop unti lyou have coffee16:39
pleia2no worries, I appreciate the help, I'll ping you when I finish this and think I have my head around the correct dates to confirm16:40
derekhSo the tripleo cloud should be back working again but the fedora vms are failing to boot16:41
derekhis there any way to trigger a new template build (not sure but I think I need a template with )16:41
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asselinnibalizer, clarkb or other puppet expert: is there an easy way to try to use 'latest' and if that fails, use 'present' or '<version number>'?
greghaynesderekh: \O/16:43
greghaynesderekh: well \O/ for its supposed to be working16:43
derekhgreghaynes: ;-)16:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Add ability to configure retention policy
fungiderekh: when was it brought back online?16:44
asselini.e. trying to work issue where 'lastest' 'pip' doesn't work using a proxy after it's already installed....16:44
openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add --server option to openapproved script
fungiif it was before 14:14 utc then we should have built new images there already16:44
derekhfungi: about an hour ago16:45
derekhfungi: so after 14:14 utc16:45
fungiderekh: okay, i'll delete your old ready images there16:45
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derekhfungi: cool, thanks, I'll be gone before its built but will check back later and see how things are going16:46
ttxpleia2: yes, should match projects file16:47
ttxbasically we close the list on the day the election process starts16:47
ttxthat's usually when we cut the voters list as well16:47
ttxso April 216:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix jenkins-job-builder-compare-xml job by using zuul-cloner
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fungiderekh: images are updating for tripleo-f20 and tripleo-precise now16:49
fungiderekh: i'm heading out to lunch myself, but will check back on it when i return16:49
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pleia2ttx, anteaya - Murano seems to have just elected a PTL, so do they do it again? and I can't seem to figure out Magnum16:50
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ttxpleia2: if their process was thorough, you could vet hteir results, I guess...16:50
derekhfungi: k, thanks16:50
marcusvrnasselin: hi! have you ever disabled a service in devstack/devstack-gate? I tried to disable it in devstack-gate, exporting DEVSTACK_GATE_SAHARA=0, tried to force ENABLED_SERVICES in localrc, but both didn't work...16:51
asselinmarcusvrn, I have not16:51
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pleia2ttx: I wouldn't even know where to begin vetting (ask SergeyLukjanov? what criteria means "thorough"?), all I see is the thread
ttxif you don't have visibility over the process they followed, probably easier to redo it :)16:53
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add GERRIT_KEY and GERRIT_SERVER options in scripts
pleia2alright, wiki page updated with the assumption that everyone has one PTL spot open16:55
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anteayapleia2: yes this is the part where the election official needs to make a decision16:57
anteayapleia2: gather all evidence you can and then you make a decision (usually in concert with your co-official)16:57
anteayapleia2: and what you decide goes16:57
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pleia2anteaya: what decision?16:58
anteayaany decision16:58
anteayawhether or not a newly included group needs to have an election or not, for example16:58
pleia2oh, ok16:58
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pleia2I need to jump on a call, hopefully won't take long, then back to looking at dates16:59
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marcusvrnasselin: hmmm ok!17:03
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Create a log server like
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SpamapSOk, so I'm poking at adding some tests to diskimage-builder17:09
SpamapSOne thing that comes up a lot with dib is downloading stuff.17:10
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SpamapSI'm wondering what approach we should take to avoiding massive amounts of downloading from fedora/ubuntu mirrors.17:10
SpamapSclarkb: thoughts?17:10
SpamapSfungi: ^17:10
SpamapSmordred: ^17:10
SpamapSjeblair: ^17:10
SpamapSgreghaynes: ^17:10
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SpamapSI basically just want to have a test that tries to build one of each supported OS with an element that exercises all of the interfaces we expect elements to make use of.17:11
jeblairSpamapS: we could run our own mirrors (we talk about doing that periodically but have not started).17:11
SpamapSso, source-repos, package-installs, element-deps, element-provides.17:11
jeblairSpamapS: we can pre-cache some things on images.  it might make sense to do that after we finish the nodepool-dib + bindep work17:11
SpamapSjeblair: I have heard that somewhere out in the internets somebody made an apt-mirror -> swift thing.17:11
SpamapSWhich doesn't seem like it would be hard.17:12
jeblairSpamapS: if we did os mirrors, we would probably want to use AFS so that we can solve the 'inconsistent debian mirror' problem17:12
SpamapSjeblair: AFS was what I recall as a solution too.17:12
SpamapSBut that's still ongoing yes?17:12
jeblairSpamapS: we have a cell, we don't use it for any production things yet17:13
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SpamapSjeblair: also the incosistent mirror problem can be entirely avoided if you control Expires headers.17:13
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SpamapSwhich is why no longer has it.17:13
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SpamapSBecause they just make sure all of the mirrors return the same Expires:17:13
jeblairSpamapS: apparently, if i update my bandersnatch patch again, they might possibly consider merging it again.  but then again, maybe not.  then we could use bandersnatch on afs.17:14
SpamapSjeblair: my experience w/ bandersnatch devs was not positive. But I was asking that they reconsider its use behind corporate firewalls.. so maybe I was the unreasonable one. ;)17:14
krotscheckzigo_: Hey, are you around, and have some time to talk more about Javascript?17:14
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SpamapSjeblair: anyway, if we did just have an AFS mirror of all the things, how would a check job access it? HTTP or do all the nodepools get it as a mount?17:15
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jeblairSpamapS: http would probably be best17:15
SpamapSOk good, that makes it pretty simple.17:16
zigo_krotscheck: If it's quick (got to take care of kids at this time).17:16
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zigo_krotscheck: How may I help? :)17:16
SpamapSjeblair: btw this is actually in response to some major surgery going on over in diskimage-builder land as a result of nodepool-dib .. so I am not sure it can wait for that work to finish. We're getting slowed down because the only real testing of diskimage-builder right now is TripleO, which has just had a 4 day CI outage. :-P17:16
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krotscheckzigo_: Well, with the assumption that javascript isn't going away, I want to talk to you about what tooling choices (and how we use those tools) will lead to reproducible builds.17:17
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zigo_krotscheck: What's wrong with XStatic stuff, except that Horizon people have to "do the work"?17:17
krotscheckzigo_: I'm not talking about horizon, actually. I'm talking about javascript thick clients. No python.17:18
jeblairSpamapS: oh i see.  yeah, i was mostly thinking that we don't have a great story for on-node caching aside from devstack atm, but that will get better with bindep.17:18
zigo_krotscheck: Like with Fuel?17:18
jeblairSpamapS: btw, are you mostly thinking about packages?  or base image tarball thingies?17:18
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mordredSpamapS: I'd love to figure out how to do functional testing of dib in normal openstack nodes17:18
greghaynes^ YES17:19
SpamapSmordred: that is my intention.17:19
SpamapSmordred: but I wonder if the sudo is too much to ask?17:19
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jeblairmordred: did you see my question from earlier?17:19
mordredSpamapS: aroo?17:19
SpamapSI guess we give devstack sudo already?17:19
mordredjeblair: i did not17:19
anteayafungi: so far so good with swift logs, yes?
jeblairSpamapS: yeah, give a job sudo is an established pattern now17:19
krotscheckzigo_: Let me look at what they're doing, educate myself, and I'll get back to you tomorrow?17:19
* mordred looks at scrollback17:19
SpamapSjeblair: ok good.17:19
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jeblairSpamapS: assume you can do anything you want with a node of any type17:20
zigo_krotscheck: Fuel uses a single web page full of Ajax, no python.17:20
zigo_krotscheck: They used Grunt, and now they switched to Gulp.17:20
greghaynesSpamapS: pre-caching on images could work out well since were using dib to make those images17:20
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* SpamapS makes sweet jazz with a Fedora node and some 1993 bottle of Côte du Rhone17:21
mordredjeblair: oh! it no longer is - it WAS the commit where the process-config-drive element was17:21
mordredjeblair: but that has moved to dib now17:21
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SpamapSSo pre-caching is what I think would work well.17:21
mordredjeblair: it's still stuff that's needed for sane testing by infra humans17:21
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mordredjeblair: so work on dib-nodepool and the images winds up being based on that commit at the moment17:21
greghaynesSpamapS: what I wonder is how would you test the result?17:21
SpamapSBasically just build images, take what is in ~/.cache/image-create, and put it in the test node.17:21
mordredbut landing it is not a pre-req for landing dib-nodepool17:21
SpamapSgreghaynes: boot it17:22
greghaynesSpamapS: so qemu?17:22
jeblairSpamapS: so in future-world, i imagine that you will put a bindep manifest in dib, and the bindep element on our db runs will pre-cache those packages so the dib tests can use them17:22
krotscheckzigo_: That's exactly what I'm trying to figure out.17:22
SpamapSgreghaynes: devstack17:22
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jeblairfungi: ^ bindep17:22
krotscheckzigo_: Do yo u konw what choices they've made to make it packageable?17:22
krotscheck(Off the top of your head)17:22
zigo_krotscheck: It's hardly packageable !!!17:22
greghaynesSpamapS: Sure, the issue is itll be non hardware virtualization for that, unsure how much of a hit it would be17:22
zigo_krotscheck: I had a hard time to do it, and it's not finished.17:22
jeblairSpamapS: that doesn't exist yet, so if we need to do something right now, i think we need to put something in the nodepool prep scripts + nodepool dib elements to cache what you need17:22
mhuHi, I'd like to report a bug on reviewstats, should I use launchpad and/or storyboard to do so ?17:23
SpamapSjeblair: interesting, that does sound more deliberate and clear than just dumping ~/.cache/image-create into the node.17:23
mordredjeblair, SpamapS, greghaynes: I kind of think that once bindep is ready, the package-install infrastructure in dib shoudl consider using bindep17:23
zigo_krotscheck: I've packaged each libjs separately, and did a kind of symlink forest which I use instead of what they get with Grunt / Gulp.17:23
krotscheckzigo_: Ok, so I want to create a web ui project that does not give you a hernia.17:23
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krotscheckzigo_: Happy middle ground.17:23
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greghaynesSpamapS: Maybe not a full devstack is better in that case? I think it might be sufficient to just test booting, get networking, ssh17:23
jeblairSpamapS: you could also decide that change frequency on dib is low enough right now that we don't need to do anything right this moment and can wait for future-world, especially if this dib test does not get run for all openstack changes17:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add extension settings in jjb
jeblairmordred: nice idea17:24
krotscheckzigo_: And I have some ideas on how to make that work, but I need some of your guidance on what can or cannot be done.17:24
SpamapSjeblair: I only want this to run on diskimage-builder changes to allow us to refactor things.17:24
krotscheckzigo_: (For reference, I talked about this with a gentleman named... boris? who is also a package maintainer, and he had some good suggestions)17:24
SpamapSjeblair: I figure the use of dib in nodepool-dib will be a good enough test to make sure OpenStack doesn't break dib ;)17:25
jeblairkrotscheck: ooh, what's the project?17:25
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jeblairkrotscheck: nice17:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Refactor o_p::base into o_p::template
krotscheckjeblair: devananda presented me with the problem of: Can you build a UI for Ironic, that is packageable, that is not dependent on horizon, but that is packaged in a way that can be added to horizon easily.17:26
greghaynesmordred: how does bindep do package mapping per distro?17:26
* mordred supports krotscheck figuring out how to do javascript apps that debian is happy with17:26
mordredgreghaynes: yes17:26
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred, pleia2: ^ that's a major possibly break everything change: "Refactor o_p::base into o_p::template"17:26
mordredgreghaynes: that is, in fact, exactly what it does17:26
zigo_krotscheck: Well, just store a list of *non-minified* javascript files in your project, and do a README.source telling where you got the files and what version it is. Put them in a well identified folder like for example "3rd-party-jslibs". Best would be if you make sure you use versions which are already in Debian, and not just the very latest (example: I can't upgrade Jquery).17:26
zigo_krotscheck: I think that's it ...17:26
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zigo_krotscheck: When packaging, I'll just replace the .js files with the symlinks.17:27
greghaynesheh, im asking how because thatll probably be more of the work than package-installs17:27
greghaynesmordred: ^17:27
krotscheckzigo_: So, wait, lemme get you a link.17:27
zigo_krotscheck: Avoid "automatic downloaders" ...17:27
mordredgreghaynes: let me show you example17:27
krotscheckzigo_: So there's this:
krotscheckzigo_: This particular project actually commits all the dependencies to source, and is designed to run _from source_17:28
greghaynesmordred: IIRC in some places in tripleo we use package mapping to say X -> [package a, package b]17:28
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krotscheckzigo_: Insofar as "Dump everything in the 'app' directory onto a webserver and it'll just work.17:28
mordredgreghaynes: hrm ...17:28
greghaynesmordred: and so wed have to make sure bindep and tripleo pkg-map agree on that17:28
jeblairSpamapS: i don't have a handle on how many test runs we're talking about, but my feeling is that if it's not a huge number, just hit the mirrors for now and wait for bindep to land; adding it to both kinds of image builds for the moment will be a little bit of work (with a large test/debug cycle).17:28
greghaynesmordred: its not a big issue, but just something well have to fi17:29
mordredfungi: I was looking at a patch you made realted to bindep and now I can't find it17:29
zigo_krotscheck: Well, actually, many web projects are designed like this, then later, we want it as package ...17:29
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jeblairgreghaynes: oh, so pkg-map does an extra thing bindep dose not -- 1-to-many mappings?17:29
mordredthere we go17:30
mordredgreghaynes: that's a bindep file17:30
zigo_krotscheck: Why not integrating this project into Horizon?17:30
SpamapSjeblair: I'd guess it will be 10 / day, with about 300MB of download per test.17:30
mordredgreghaynes: it's less featureful than pkg-map17:31
zigo_krotscheck: Also, what's the difference with something like tuskar-ui?17:31
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greghaynesmordred: hrmmm17:32
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krotscheckzigo_: That's a decision that the Ironic team has made- they want the option to run standalone.17:32
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jeblairnibalizer: base refactor change merged17:32
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zigo_krotscheck: That's fine for me, I'm just curious ! :)17:32
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krotscheckzigo_: I figured you'd like things being independent and not-interdependent :)17:33
zigo_krotscheck: If you wish to authenticate against Keystone, there's a Javascript implementation of Keystone in Fuel.17:33
nibalizerjeblair: woooo17:33
zigo_krotscheck: I think it's fine to have independent stuff, yeah. Oh, just one thing, please make sure that your project can be installed somewhere else than on the root of the web server.17:33
zigo_Like for example /i-like-ironic-a-lot17:33
krotscheckzigo_: You got it.17:34
openstackgerritMathew Odden proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix TODO in tempest testr prep script
krotscheckzigo_: Right now I'm test hosting it at
krotscheckSo, yeah, that's already backed.17:34
krotscheckzigo_: Ok, so actually committing the libraries to source is a good thing?17:34
zigo_krotscheck: The usual way to package stuff in Debian is to just drop the web files in /usr/share/<project-name>, then write some nginx or apache Alias directives.17:34
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zigo_krotscheck: I don't think it is a good thing, but I don't know any other ways. I'd prefer you just rely on libjs-* packages in Debian! :)17:35
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zigo_krotscheck: If you wish, I can do the packaging work for any libjs you may need.17:36
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krotscheckzigo_: Yeah, well, I can't exactly tie myself to debian.17:36
krotscheckzigo_: BUT17:36
krotscheckzigo_: I can talk to the npm/bower team to see if I can add deb resolution.17:36
zigo_krotscheck: Do you also care about RedHat?17:37
zigo_I can ask Haikel tomorrow, he does the work for Fedora.17:37
krotscheckzigo_: I care about "Things officially supported by OpenStack"17:37
zigo_Ah ok.17:38
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zigo_And the gate + selenium, I guess...17:38
krotscheckzigo_: Basically17:38
jeblair(so that's a 'yes' on rhat)17:38
mordredgreghaynes: if we can move pkg-map to bindep - or to be able to consume it or whatnot17:39
mordredgreghaynes: then the script fungi is working on to pre-cache everything referred to in all of our repos that has a bindep manifest17:40
mordredgreghaynes: can walk all of the element folders in the tripleo repos too17:40
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greghaynesyea, it also wouldnt be hard to make a cache pass in DIB, which is something weve talked about for a while17:42
jeblaircinerama: totally unimportant question for you in 166073 when you have a minute17:43
cineramahi jeblair17:43
cineramaoh i see your comment there17:43
greghaynesmordred: because packages are part of the issue, but theres also things like cloud images and random binary packages we grab that you really just need to defer to the elements on how to cache17:44
rluciohey guys, i'm getting a ton of email, from every code reviewer on every review that my ci system posts results on... any idea how i can turn all of those notifications off?17:44
mordredgreghaynes: yah - but also, we need to be able to inspect your repos and pre-cache things into the image without running code from your repo17:44
krotscheckzigo_: Ok, so that's something I can work with. I'm going to hack on the ironic webclient for a bit to incorporate your changes and we can pick up the discussion tomorrow or monday. Thanks!17:44
cineramajeblair: i like the idea of fewer moving parts - will give it a spin when i'm done with what i'm working on for the apache part17:44
zigo_Works ! :)17:44
mordredgreghaynes: nope. we can't really do that - we need to be able to know how to find the info from the caching script - we don't want to run your elements to know what pre-caching they need so that they can be run17:44
jeblaircinerama: cool :)17:44
zigo_krotscheck: FYI, at this time tomorrow, I'll be at the "Rohn Alpe meet-up" here in Grenoble, with devananda & ttx ! :)17:45
mordredgreghaynes: that said - you've already got a good readable format in the source-repositories file for expressing things that aren't packages17:45
krotscheckzigo_: Neat! Say hi to devananda for me :)17:45
greghaynesmordred: yea, thats what I was just thinking17:45
greghaynesmordred: what if we allow you to run package-installs to generate a bindep yaml for packages that would be installed for a set of elements?17:46
jeblairyolanda: it wasn't clear from your comment in 166252 -- should that change be abandoned?17:46
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mordredgreghaynes: we'll want to pre-cache EVERYTHING17:47
mordredgreghaynes: basically, our question of the repo would be "what things could you ever want to download from the internet if you were run on $distro-$release17:47
krotscheckzigo_: (Also say hi to ttx for me. I really appreciate that he doesn't think storyboard is dead yet)17:47
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krotscheckSo the next question for Javascript things is more of an infra thing. Yes, we want these things to be easily packageable by debian and centos/rhel. But we also want to make them available to the javascript world.17:48
mordredgreghaynes: that way when we're doing image builds (yes, I recognize the tail-eating) we can say  "I'm building an image for ubuntu-trusty, I have these 500 git repos that  make up openstack, what is the entire sum of things that any of them could ever want to do with the internet"17:48
mordredkrotscheck: ++17:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add py27-scenario-unit tox non-voting job for Sahara
krotscheckWhich means bower and/or npm.17:48
greghaynesmordred: yep. As-is that isnt something we can just answer. We actually need for elements to specify things it is going to download but needs to do it on its own for both packages and source-repositories17:48
mordredkrotscheck: we want debian people to be able to consume them in debian form, but javascript people in javascript form17:49
mordredand for netierh to feel like a second class citizen17:49
krotscheckmordred: Yep, exactly17:49
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jeblairnetierh: are you a second class citizen?17:49
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krotscheckMoving on.17:50
larsksHello -infra folks.  What do I need to do in order to be able to add people to a group for a newly-created stackforge project?17:50
krotscheckSo I'm not even going to talk about npm packaging yet, because isolating problems is useful.17:50
jeblairlarsks: tell us the group and we'll add one person to it and that person can add the rest17:51
krotscheckBower uses a detached-branch approach. put release artifacts into a detached branch, push it, tag it with a semver version.17:51
mordredtwo sides to the bower problem - publication of things (like we publish to pypi) - and local caching/mirroring for jobs we want to run17:51
mordredhrm- that's an interesting problem from our side17:51
larsksjeblair: Thanks.  The group is heat-coe-templates-core (and -release).  Start by adding me (username "lars").17:51
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krotscheckmordred: The second part of that is not a thing- if it turns out we have to commit our bower dependencies to source anyway.17:52
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mordredbecause of the sequence of actions that implies as well as what it implies about the actors performing them17:52
jeblairlarsks: done17:52
mordredso - we don't really need to worry about the "make a detached branch" part17:52
krotscheckmordred: But if it does become a thing we want to do, there's this:
mordredif the code is consumable - it's more the  tag with semver part, yeah?17:52
larsksjeblair: Awesome, thanks!17:52
mordredkrotscheck: oh - wait - I may have misunderstood words17:53
krotscheckmordred: Maaaybe. THere's the question on whether the source resembles the release artifacts. We may want to concatenate for instance.17:53
mordredkrotscheck: let's step back for one second, I think we overlapped for a second and I've now lost the train17:53
krotscheckwords are hard.17:53
mordredthey are17:53
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krotscheckTwo problems.17:53
krotscheckProblem one: Infra builds reach out and resolve bower.17:54
krotscheckAssuming that bower is being run in infra.17:54
krotscheckSolution 1: Commit dependencies, make devs run bower, infra therefore never has to run bower, everyone wins.17:54
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krotscheckSolution 2: Allow bower to run in infra, set up bower mirror as per the puppet module I just posted.17:55
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krotscheckSolution 3: Fix bower (In reality, teach it to resolve a hierarchical tarball uri)17:55
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krotscheck(Solution 3 is actually not that difficult.)17:55
mordredI have a question about 217:55
jeblair(is "commit dependencies" something like "vendor copies of dependencies"?)17:55
mordredgiven the way bower works - where it expects the full thing at a semver tagged git ref17:56
mordredif we did not "vendor" the deps into the source tree17:56
krotscheckjeblair: Urrr... it's basically like oslo-incubator. Resolve it, copy relevant bits into my tree, commit those bits.17:56
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mordredwould we have to come up with a publication thing that did but all the build artifacts into a git branch?17:56
krotscheckmordred: ...yeeess.17:57
mordredlike, given current state of bower, they are going to expect a git repo ref with all the things in it - whether they were in the original "source" or not17:57
* mordred is just repeating things to make sure he understands the state of the bower world17:57
krotscheckmordred: Taht depends on whether you have an app or a lib.17:57
krotscheckmordred: A lib can declare peer dependencies.17:58
krotscheckmordred: an app is assumed to be entirely self contained.17:58
mordredimpl is different, but the split is similar in rust, fwiw17:58
krotscheckUltimately, libs never really package their dependencies, they assume the dev controls that.17:58
mordredand I support having a concept of apps vs. libs wrt dependency management - because the use cases are different17:59
mordredkrotscheck: 3 would, I think, make the infra pov the easiest17:59
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mordredbecause we know how to publish tarballs17:59
mordreda world in which 2 is the developer workflow seems the most like what devs hacking with bower expect the world to feel like, yeah?18:00
krotscheckmordred: Option 2 is.... well, people like it because it's easy, but nobody believes it's a good idea.18:00
krotscheckmordred: That all came out in the NPM SSL Key fiasco a year ago.18:01
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krotscheckmordred: Hell, the NPM documentation even tells you to commit your dependencies.18:01
mordredI remember that. they told me that openstack sucked when I asked if they had an https download url18:01
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mordredwhich I thought was a strange response18:01
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krotscheckI agree.18:01
krotscheckI think they've fixed that...18:02
mordredcommitting dependencies though is considered a bad idea in other circles18:02
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krotscheckRight. Because from the standpoint of someone like zigo_, it forces him to peel apart all the dependencies.18:02
mordredit was one of teh thigns that made me happy about bower's existence - since it meant people could stop doing that18:02
mordredit makes it harder to know what version of dependent libs are there - and to update the libs on your system in response to security things18:03
mordredthe ops folks at the ops summit actually were very loud on a related point18:03
jeblair(and also is just confusing from a source control point of view)18:03
mordredwhich is that they didn't want more than one version of a given lib in their env, even if they were running services on separate servers and physically could18:03
mordredbecause they didnt' want to track depends across things18:03
mordredgah. sorry18:03
mordrednot track depends18:03
mordredtrack security bugs18:04
mordredso they wanted to be able to know they had requests==1.2.5 in their custom-built local apt repo18:04
mordredand taht they should be paying attention to CVEs for it18:04
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* krotscheck gets the idea that he's going to be doing way more talking to people and way less hacking as he pursues this.18:04
sdaguecan have devstack-gate log the cleanup into a separate file?18:04
mordredkrotscheck: you are walking righ tin to one of the most difficult intersections right now18:04
nibalizerkrotscheck: getting consensus is harder than hacking :)18:04
sdagueactually figuring out that this was the error line in this file was pretty challenging -
sdaguebecause there is so much post fail cleanup logging18:05
mordredkrotscheck: but it's one that honestly really needs some answers in the industry18:05
mordredsdague: that's a good idea - I don't know how feasible it is18:05
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mordredsdague: but I do know that it's frequently a confusion point for userse18:05
krotscheckmordred: Is there a common established tarball archive URI structure out there?18:05
SpamapSmordred: been chasing that one since 2010. It's ugly.18:05
SpamapSCassandra was the first thing I ran into that was so heavily vendored it _could not_ be un-vendored.18:06
krotscheckAlso: If I publish a tarball, how is that 'securely' different than pushing a tag? I can --force overwrite the tag, I can replace the tarball.18:06
mordredkrotscheck: not really - there are a few patterns that emerge, but not particularly anything consistent across different backgroudns18:06
sdaguealso, 50% of the console is now cpumap :)18:06
SpamapSkrotscheck: a signed tag and a signed tarball are the same in terms of authentication.18:06
mordredkrotscheck: it's not18:06
mordredmain thing is - we don't have a mechanism for a build job to commit and push to a repo18:07
mordredand we've been trying to keep it that way18:07
mordredbeacuse of skynet18:07
nibalizermordred: so is this a degenerate form of 'create an artifact and store it somewhere' ?18:07
mordredso a build job can make an artifact and publish it18:07
nibalizerkrotscheck: ?18:07
krotschecknibalizer: Yep.18:07
mordredbut we don't have a publication path that is to a git repo18:07
mordredwhich is why if we could establish a tarball convention that could be fetched by bower18:08
jeblairsdague: like ?18:08
jeblairsdague: maybe there's a bug?18:08
SpamapSThis debate has been going on in Debian too, since many teams are packaging things that don't actually publish tarballs by exporting git tags and then uploading that as a source package. They find that silly, and would like to just have the Debian source repositories host git repos.18:08
mordredSpamapS: ++18:08
mordredSpamapS: I, also, find it silly18:08
SpamapSmordred: I think it is under-the-hood meh18:08
mordredSpamapS: yah - except in the case of "I am an upstream and a packager and I don't want to create a tarball, import it back into the git repo, then use that to make the package"18:09
jeblairsdague: error in redirection or something?18:09
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SpamapSmordred: the import-it-back-into-the-repo is not a thing anymore18:11
SpamapSmordred: I mean it can be if you want, but it's not necessary with git-buildpackage.18:11
SpamapSmordred: it's smart enough to match tags <-> tarballs18:12
krotscheckmordred: So, bower takes URI's, sees whether there's a resolver for it, and uses that resolver.18:12
krotscheckHere's a list of resolvers:
mordredkrotscheck: so - perfect from our world view here would be a) no vendored libraries checked in to source repos b) bower runs in test jobs against a local mirror and c) we publish artifacts to a tarball repo that have bower-fetched all of the depends that are appropriate and included them in the tarball18:12
sdaguejeblair: oh, like the file might not actually have gotten written?18:12
SpamapSmordred: if you're an upstream and you want packaging, just make a branch w/ only ./debian in it, and git-buildpackage will use that to make source packages for you. Ergo "plumbing meh"18:12
mordredSpamapS: can you please point me to a simple write up of current modern best practice for gbp ?18:12
sdaguejeblair: sorry, wrong thought18:13
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jeblairsdague: well, i see some stuff in that file that's in console, but also some stuff in console that's not in that file....18:13
mordredSpamapS: because my choices so far are "read about everything I could possibly do with gbp" or "follow alberry's out of date set of notes"18:13
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SpamapSmordred: is the canonical source of information for that lately.18:13
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mordredI've read it - it explains nothing18:13
mordredit's too "you could do this or this or this or maybe you wated to bake chicken"18:13
SpamapSmordred: does18:13
jeblairsdague: so i wonder if there is an error that's causing those contents to also be displayed in console (or perhaps it's working and there's just something in console that's doing the same thing)18:14
krotscheckmordred: Well, for webapps anyway :). For libs I don't think we need to package those.18:14
mordredawesome - me reads18:14
krotscheckBut I get what you're saying.18:14
mordredkrotscheck: awesome18:14
krotscheckLet me go talk to the bower people, see if anyone there is receptive.18:14
jeblairsdague: and i also wonder if there's a step that has no current redirection that has simply gotten longer since the last time we looked at this; maybe that was your original point?18:14
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mordredkrotscheck: so you could totally make a tar.gz resolver most likely18:15
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fungiwow. my lunches are the worst time _ever_ for me to step away from the computer. that's something like 10 pings for me on this channel alone18:15
mordredand it would take you like a minute18:15
mordredfungi: stop eating18:15
krotscheckmordred: Yeah, but I'd like to add versioning.18:15
SpamapSmordred: agree that it's _way_ too Debian.. "we can do things any way we want ever because we don't prescribe anything even if everything else is insane."18:15
* Clint chuckles.18:15
pleia2mordred: repeat to self: work/life balance18:15
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add apache configuration for zanata
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krotscheckmordred: So that the bower uri might be someting like semver://{{version}}/tarball.tgz or something like that.18:16
mordredkrotscheck: a common hosting pattern is{{version}}.tar.gz ... and also{{version}}.tar.gz18:17
krotscheck...aaaactually, if I just add variable substitution support to the fsresolver or urlresolver....18:17
mordredkrotscheck: ooh, that's probably great18:17
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create jobs for a wheel mirror
greghaynesclarkb: ^18:17
krotscheckmordred: Because that's thing I think they'd even be awesome with.18:18
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jeblairclarkb, jhesketh: i'm missing why in 167158 we need to change anything for the scp case -- don't we still have apache handling that for static.o.o?18:18
sdaguejeblair: yeh, jogo is looking now, looks like subnode filter18:19
jeblairsdague: ah, subnodes!18:19
mordredkrotscheck: yah - it's good when we don't have to sell people on why our worldview differs18:20
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Redirect subnode cleanup to devstack-gate-cleanup-host.txt
jogojeblair: ^18:20
jogosdague: ^ should fix it18:20
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* SpamapS goes into the cone of silence to finish working on slides for tonight18:20
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable PyPi push for the stackforge/faafo project
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fungijeblair: SpamapS: yes, my expectation is that nodepool dib image builds will scrape bindep manifests (the existing bindep default is other-requirements.txt but that's open to debate) on all branches of all git repos we cache (all those in our gerrit) to build a list of what to cache (along with the details we pull from devstack already)18:21
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mordredgreghaynes: ^^ fungi didn't ping you18:23
mordredfungi: another thing that came up while you were eating18:23
fungimordred: jeblair: SpamapS: if you're looking for a complex bindep example, mostly turns our devstack-.* nodes into bare-.* nodes at the moment (i need to dig up a few more name patterns to add to it for the database server packages)18:23
mordredfungi: is that, like devstack, dib elements also can want to download more things than packages18:23
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mordredfungi: unlike devstack, they do have a descriptive format for expressing this18:24
mordredthat isn't just in the shell scripts18:24
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mordredfungi: so we might want to learn to read those for generalized cache scraping18:24
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jeblairmordred: did you intentionally reverse the dependencies again in 167607 and 167612?18:26
anteayaI have to go for a walk now, back later18:26
pleia2anteaya: I'll catch up with you later this afternoon (reviewing dates now, then have dr appt+lunch)18:27
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try to calculate common CPU feature set
fungigreghaynes: fair point wrt caching distro packages, all bindep does is tell you for a given current distro (based on what it can glean by running lsb_release) a list of packages you want. it doesn't actually take any action of any sort. think of it as a cross-distro package dependency listing tool and nothing more18:30
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add OpenID login provider support to Zanata config
fungirlucio: in case nobody else has answered yet, the only way to avoid receiving e-mail for changes on which your account has commented is to not have an e-mail address associated with that account in gerrit18:32
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mordredjeblair: nope. totally unintentional. I apologize that the policy confuses me and I keep getting it wrong - it's not intentional18:34
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dprincefungi: derekh poked me to check back on this:,cm, how long before that is effective?18:35
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-diskimage_builder module
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mordredjeblair: fixed18:35
fungiin skimming, i keep seeing references to "commit your dependencies (source into your repository)" which makes me uneasy. i know it's a paradigm in very new programming circles, and from what i've seen they just haven't been around long enough to discover the eventual pain which results from that suggestion18:37
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest-dsvm-sahara
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara tempest job to sahara and tempest
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dimssdague: anteaya: may i request help with adding a dsvm job for magnum?
mordredfungi: I think we're trying to work through possibilities that will make that not necessary18:42
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sdaguedims: +@18:43
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dimsthanks for the elevated +2 sdague :)18:43
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Create a log server like
mordredIf we're using the upstream repo, we can git fetch the new release tag into the repo, in the upstream branch. We need to git merge this branch into master, and to commit the new tarball with pristine-tar. The patches can be rebased with gbp-pq, and git itself can be used to resolve any conflicts that have been created.18:43
greghaynesfungi: mordred Yea, my thinking with DIB is that its actually not that important for us ATM to be able to cache based on elements since our main use of dib is in a case where network access is a requirement18:43
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mordredgreghaynes: but testing dib changes in the gate18:44
mordredor, in the normal gating infrastructure18:44
greghaynesmordred: aye18:44
mordredgreghaynes: would be awesome if we did not have to touch the internets18:44
greghaynesmordred: good point18:44
mordredbecause the internets break18:44
mordredI tihnk mostly because of all the perl18:44
mordredSpamapS: can you explain either why I need to have an upstream branch or how I can get around the need for it?18:45
fungimordred: greghaynes: so maybe bindep needs to learn a second input format so that it can interpret dib elements' package specification, or maybe the two should converge18:45
mordredSpamapS: it seems like what I want to do is have upstream's master be master, no upstream branch, have a debian branch, and have gbp figure out the tag18:45
greghaynesmordred: ok. So I think the path of least resistence is to just write a tool that can query package-installs and spit out a list (which package installs basically does already)18:45
greghaynesfungi: Im thinking why not have dib spit out bindep18:45
mordredI think you both just mainly said the same thing18:46
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try to calculate common CPU feature set
greghaynesyea, its a matter of which side the work goes in on18:46
greghaynesbut yes, same page :)18:46
mordredif you're going to write a tool for dib that can spit out bindep - it seems like maybe just writing a patch to bindep that can read package-install files is easier?18:46
mordredotherwise we'd have to run a tool that's in the dib repo to output data that woudl then be concatted with output from a second tool we'd be running18:47
fungidprince: it's in place on your current images. is it possible your tripleo-f20 node builds are broken by something different?18:47
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mordredgreghaynes: you'd still need the package-install element probably to deal with stuff in-chroot - but bindep could do the reading and consolidation for you on the outside *waves arms*18:48
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clarkbsdague: I see now that you removed a sudo from there? not sure why?18:49
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mordredSpamapS: also: "Since the Debian APT repositories still use tarballs you still have to manage those with this setup, but the pristine-tar exists for that purpose."18:50
sdagueclarkb: so there is a permission denied in scping the file18:50
sdaguebut the target dir looks fine18:50
clarkbsdague: its the target dir that fails18:50
clarkbsdague: the scp runs as jenkins but the dest side is owned by stack after devstack runs18:50
clarkbI think18:50
sdaguewe *just* scped to that directory a couple lines above18:50
mordredSpamapS: btw, I'm not trolling,so I hope it's not coming across that way - I'm actively confused18:50
greghaynesmordred: sure, if were fine adding an appendage like that to bindep then no problem with me18:50
clarkbsdague: before devstack runs18:50
sdagueoh, it was late?18:50
fungigreghaynes: yes, i agree with mordred that running one thing to get the job done is better than running two things, unless this is a unix "do one thing and do it well" with pipes scenario, in which case i might be forced to concede because at&t used to have lots of smart people in the beforetimes18:50
sdagueclarkb: ok, didn't realize that18:51
clarkbsdague: we have to do this after devstack so that libvirt is installed18:51
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mordredfungi: I think it's still one thing18:51
sdagueclarkb: gotcha, so should I just put it in /tmp ?18:51
mordredfungi: it just ahs two file formats18:51
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sdagueso we don't have to worry about that18:51
clarkbsdague: my patch uses jenkins home dir18:51
greghaynesmordred: fungi hah, How about I play around with bindep and see if it sticks18:51
clarkbbut /tmp would work. we should see in ~20 minutes if I am correct18:51
sdagueclarkb: oh, there is a new patch?18:51
mordredgreghaynes: cool18:51
clarkbsdague: ya I just pushed one18:51
greghaynesmordred: fungi (it being making it compile package-installs)18:51
sdaguecan you also integrate the xtrace change?18:52
greghaynesOne issue I forsee - its going to need to know about pkg-map also18:52
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jogoclarkb: ahh I didn't realize how much the devstack run line changes18:52
sdaguealso, this is kind of wonky to debug to the point that I think for subnodes we should define a dropbox so we aren't trying to keep track of perm changes18:52
greghaynesmordred: fungi and actually, package-installs already knows about that, if we were able to make package installs just a python file that you point at and elements dir and it spits out a bindep file....18:52
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greghaynesanyhow, ill play with it18:53
fungigreghaynes: also note the patches i have proposed to bindep to flesh it out a bit. and consider that you may need to add some more patches to get anywhere close to parity with whatever dib wants18:53
greghaynesmaybe we can make package-installs depend on bindep so we dont duplicate that logic18:53
fungigreghaynes: yes, if there's something that can be libified there, i agree it should be18:54
clarkbsdague: yes the file stuff needs to be fixed, I was actually thinking maybe we use the swift install fo rthat18:54
openstackgerritAndrew Boik proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: (experiment) Test dual-stack with dependency
clarkbsdague: since we can get the primary node up with swift, then put files in swift and pull from that on subnodes but that might be too chicke and eggy18:54
sdagueyeh, I think that's way too chicken / egg18:55
sdaguehonestly just /tmp/filedrop18:55
sdagueor something18:55
hodoshey guys can you point me to a good nodepool documentation. to understand it workflow18:57
fungihodos: i assume you've already seen ?18:57
hodosfungi: yep18:58
fungi(which is just a rendering of the rst files from doc/source in the nodepool source tree)18:58
hodosi just have it runnig, creating and purgin instances but never get the nodes 'ready'18:59
fungihodos: the first place to look is the logs from nodepoold (likely in /var/log/nodepool)18:59
hodosyes, doing that19:00
hodosfungi: the only error i get is this: i don't know why i get it though19:01
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hodosi think it just hits the timeout and then removes the instance19:03
fungihodos: that implies that your nodepool server is unable to ssh into the template instance it booted to try and make your initial instance19:03
fungier, to try and make your initial image19:03
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hodosfungi: yep. i guessed so too. but i don't understand why it can't ssh19:04
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hodosfungi: i can do it manually using ssh -i /home/nodepool/.ssh/id_rsa19:05
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fungihodos: since it's using a snapshot-based workflow, nodepoold needs to know how to ssh into an instance booted from the base image. in your /etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml does your providers->images->private-key have /home/nodepool/.ssh/id_rsa set (and does the username also match whatever you're testing as)?19:07
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add an experimental stress identity v3 test
hodosfungi: yes19:07
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fungier, sorry, actually that's for the node ssh access. this stage is dependent on providers->username and providers->password19:08
fungino, sorry again, that's for nodepoold authenticating to the provider's api endpoint19:09
hodoshm, i thought providers-> username and providers->password should be for nova api access ?19:10
fungimordred: jeblair: is nodepool relying on nova keypair functionality to initially log into template instances?19:10
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fungitrying to remember how it obtains initial access to configure the template19:10
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hodoswhy doesn't it use the keypair since it's injected on the boot by the openstack19:11
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fungihodos: i think it does. what username are you authenticating as? it tries several usernames since base images for some distros like to disable the root accouhnt19:13
hodosfungi: it just tries 'root' all the time. i see the code where it iterates through 'ubuntu', etc., but it never gets to that point...19:13
hodosfungi: and my nodepool config has 'ubuntu' as an image user19:14
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove tempest-dsvm-ceilolmeter-mongodb job
fungiyeah, if it gets an auth rejection for root it should try ubuntu. though as you said your log is showing a socket timeout exception so that implies your nodepool server is never reaching the ip address it thinks is associated with that template instance19:15
mordredfungi: yes19:15
fungihrm, though in this case it's raising the timeout rather than the socket library the last person today (i forget the nick) was running into19:16
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fungibut i think they were having trouble getting nodepool to log into the booted nodes rather than the template instance, so nodeutils may just be masking that exception19:17
fungihodos: so yes, as mordred confirmed, nodepoold should be trying to log into the instance via whatever keypair it supplied via the nova api19:19
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hodosfungi: this is not true, as there's a piece of code in bootstrapServer method: host = utils.ssh_connect(server['public_v4'], 'root', ssh_kwargs, timeout=CONNECT_TIMEOUT)19:20
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hodoshodos: i think this is the place where i get the exception19:21
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mordredhodos: so it's throwing an exception rather than connect timing out19:23
mordredor, rather, it's timining out and throwing an exception rather than just failing to log in as root19:23
hodosmordred: yes, i also looked into image log. there's an error that causes the issue?
fungiright, this is coming from iterate_timeout() so it's basically hitting a retry max19:24
mordredoh! no19:24
mordredhodos: you have an error in your puppet19:24
mordredcan you paste in just the snippet of your jenkinsuser.pp where your key is getting set?19:25
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mordredhodos: $key wants to just be the key itself, without ssh-rsa and without the comment at the end19:26
fungiyeah, looks like expects just the ascii key encoding, and uses additional fields for key type and comment19:26
fungihodos: ^19:26
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Shrewsmordred: shade question: what should be the "correct" behavior when deleting a resource by name, and multiple resources with that name may exist? Should we disallow deleting by name and only by ID, delete the first resource with that name, or raise an error?19:27
ShrewsI lean toward raising an error, but much of our code does the 2nd thing and deletes the first it finds19:27
fungiShrews: the current .*clients seem to raise an error when there's >1 match19:28
Shrewsfungi: right19:28
fungiat least from what i've encountered19:28
fungi"pick the first hit when they're likely returned in an arbitrary/random order" seems very dangerous to me19:28
hodosmordred: so i have the same jenkinsuser.pp as the infra repo19:28
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fungihodos: right but where are you supplying that nexenta@ubuntu public key?19:29
mordredShrews: I lean towards throwing an error if more than one host is matched19:30
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fungihodos: it should just be the unbroken base64 encoded key without the "ssh-rsa" at the beginning and without the "nexenta@ubuntu" comment on the end19:30
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-pgsql_backup as a separate puppet module
mordredShrews: but allowing the input parameters for find, update and delete to all be the same, so that if we figure out that "get_server(name_or_id, some_other_parameter)" is a reasonable way to express uniqueness19:31
mordredShrews: that shoudl carry over to update and delete too19:31
hodosfungi: ok, but where do i set it? right in this file?19:32
mordredShrews: this will actually get nicer if we get that refactor for delete to be more like cloud.get_server(args).delete() or something19:32
Shrewsmordred: i agree. so we have a bug. shade needs bug tracking, btw. I would set it up, but I'm not on the core team.19:32
fungihodos: there are several places you could be supplying it. what i asked is where you _are_ supplying it (NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY envvar for the calling environment maybe?)19:33
Shrewsmordred: oh yay19:33
fungihodos: wherever your puppet manifest is picking up your key content from, that's where you need to trim the string you're supplying19:34
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hodosfungi: i do set NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY before launching nodepoold. i thought that's the place.19:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Move tempest log documentation into devstack-gate
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Exclude the slow tag for the Nova Cells V1 job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add coreos-image-builder project
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mordredfungi: it's possible that we haven't used that var since we changed how puppet does keys19:36
mordredfungi: and maybe the thing that sucks in that env var should do the trimming since it's a puppet detail that most folks won't grok19:36
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mordredfungi: oh - nevermind19:37
mordredfungi: we document it properly in th eREADME19:37
fungihodos: yep, so don't add "ssh-rsa" and "nexenta@ubuntu" when you're setting that variable19:37
mordred    export NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY=`cat ~/.ssh/ | awk '{print $2}'`19:37
yolandajeblair, i've set as WIP until i create the change for puppet-pip, not sure if all bits need to be abandoned yet19:37
mordredis the readme line19:37
fungihodos: just the base64-encoded gibberish in the middle is all you should set in that variable19:37
hodosfungi: i understand and thats exactly what's there....19:38
fungihodos: since jenkinsuser.pp (for right or wrong) is hard-coded to ssh-rsa type19:38
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fungihodos: and yet puppet is still throwing a "Key must not contain whitespace" error on it?19:39
hodosfungi: yes.19:40
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hodosmordred: echo $NODEPOOL_SSH_KEY19:42
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mordredk. so somethign else is pulling in your full key19:43
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fungiit looks like it must be picking it up from somewhere else then, or or it wouldn't be seeing ssh-rsa and certainly not nexenta@ubuntu there19:43
arosenshould pip freeze show that setuptools is installed? I'm a little confused that it isn't though pip install setuptools says it's installed.19:43
fungidid you maybe hardcode that into a prep script somewhere, or have a `cat ~/.ssh/` anywhere?19:44
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fungiarosen: pip freeze doesn't mention setuptools, but modern pip versions have pip list which does19:44
hodosfungi: mordred:  i'll try to find where it sits.19:44
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arosenfungi:  hrm i'm hitting this weird issue: have you seen it?19:45
yolandajeblair, thx for the reviews, i answered some of the comments19:45
fungiarosen: pip freeze traditionally tried not to show the syamdard packaging libraries19:45
openstackgerritAndrew Boik proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: (experiment) Test dual-stack with dependency
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fungiarosen: when i've seen that in the past, it's newer pip-installed setuptools importing older distro-installed pkg_resources19:46
fungiarosen: if this is a debian derivative, try `sudo apt-get remove python-pkg-resources python-setuptools python-pip` and see if that works19:47
btullynot sure if this is the place to ask, but in Launchpad how do I reassign a bug to the original owner? I committed a patch and it automatically changed the bug to me as the owner, and there does not appear to be a way for me to set it back to the original owner19:48
arosenfungi: ah thanks that's it.19:49
fungibtully: you can't assign a bug to someone other than yourself unless you're a member of the bug-supervisor group for that project19:50
arosenmordred:  do you have a sec to chat about raw image support for nodepool ?19:50
fungibtully: however you can unassign it if it's assigned to you19:51
btullyahh i see. thanks fungi19:51
btullyshame that it autmatically changes assignee on commit19:51
jeblairfungi: yes nova keypair for first boot.19:51
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fungibtully: usually it's assumed that if you're committing a new patchset to a proposed fix for a bug, that you're taking over the bug assignment. i agree that's suboptimal in some cases19:52
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btullythanks for clarifying. i was scratching my head and just assumed the UI was broken19:53
mordredarosen: yes - but gimme just a sec ... I need to finish a braindump19:54
stevebakerhey, would I need an iptables rule somewhere for a CI guest vm to reach http://$HOST_IP:8899?
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fungistevebaker: in devstack, yes19:57
fungistevebaker: there are a few places, e.g. ironic support, where iptables manipulation happens in a pluggable way if you want to look at that for an example19:58
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stevebakerfungi: ironic in the devstack repo?19:59
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stevebakerah found it19:59
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fungistevebaker: yep20:00
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mordredJayF: ping20:04
mordredarosen: hi!20:04
arosenmordred:  yo20:04
arosenmordred:  so I was thinking about adding a field here to nodepool.yaml called image-format:
mordredJayF: reading the network_info.json patch - it looks like what's in the network_info dict in vendor_json will move to being top level when it lands in network_info.json, right?20:05
mordredarosen: looking20:05
arosenmordred:  whoops i mean here one sec.20:05
mordredarosen: yes. I think that seems like a sane thing to add20:05
arosenmordred:  this way if you have a provider that doesn't support qcow images we can upload raw ones20:06
arosenand reuse the same qcow2 image.20:06
arosenSo if we specify image-type: xxx then we'll call image-convert on the qcow2 image we built before we do glance-upload.20:06
clarkbso I think my cpu model didn't work20:06
mordredarosen: so - yeah - I thnk there need to be two things20:07
clarkbjogo: ^ tempest ran but 66 tests failed20:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running jobs that don't install trove on trove changes.
mordredarosen: there should be a parameter on the image description that is a list of image types to produce20:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-ssh: Add the trusted source as class parameter
mordredarosen: we need this ourselves - we know ahead of time that we want to output qcow2 and vhd20:07
JayFmordred: yes, that's my understanding. I'd also suspect we'll go a couple of releases with it in both places.20:07
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mordredarosen: then, as you point out, in the image-to-nodepool mapping like you have there20:07
mordredarosen: specifying which of the image formats should be uploaded is good20:07
mordredarosen: that way in the disk-image-create call, -t $comma_serparated_list_of_desired_output_formats can be added20:08
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mordredarosen: that way greghaynes's patch to do more efficient things in dib in terms of outputting things can be leveraged20:09
arosenmordred: does disk-image-create already allow you to specify multiple image formats you wanted outputted?20:09
mordredarosen: since dib _starts_ with a raw20:09
mordredthere are two outstanding patches to make its support for that better20:09
mordredincluding one to optimize the raw outpout20:09
mordredsince right now -t raw causes dib to convert frmo raw to raw20:10
jlvillaladam_g: I was thinking for 'stable' branch.  What if on each project created a requirements.txt that capped each and every Python package.  Including the transitive dependencies.  Not sure if that is a good idea or not.  But it is an idea :)20:10
mordredrather than just mv'ing the original raw file20:10
mordred :)20:10
mordredJayF: awesome. I was thinking I'd go ahead and add support to my script for looking in both locations20:10
adam_gjlvillal, projects already have a requirements.txt taht is a subset of global-requirements.txt20:12
arosenmordred:  currently nodepool invokes disk-image-create like this: disk-image-create -x --no-tmpfs  -o /root/nodepool_dib/devstack-trusty-dib-1427400704.qcow2 ubuntu vm openstack-repos puppet nodepool-base node-devstack20:12
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arosenerr let me try the multiple -t's20:13
mordredarosen: its' a single t with a comma separated list20:14
arosenmordred:  yup trying this:  disk-image-create -x --no-tmpfs -t raw,qcow2 -o /root/nodepool_dib/devstack-trusty-dib-1427400704.qcow2 ubuntu20:14
mordredarosen: cool20:14
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mordredarosen: it should work - although it will be mildly less efficient20:15
arosenmordred:  just curious where it's going to write the file. I guess this will also make a :  /root/nodepool_dib/devstack-trusty-dib-1427400704.raw20:15
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mordredgreghaynes: ^^ how do file extensions work with this ^^ ?20:15
clarkbjogo: libvirtError: internal error: Unknown CPU model gate64 so the cpumap didn't stick20:15
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jogoclarkb: :(20:16
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arosenmordred:  cool it looks like it worked.20:17
mordredarosen: woot!20:18
arosenit created it called: devstack-trusty-dib-1427400704.qcow2.raw20:18
mordredarosen: what was the qcow called?20:18
aroseneasy enough to fix that :)20:18
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unneccessary noop jobs from zuul/layout.yaml
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jeblairjogo: updated "topic:devstack-trove"20:20
clarkbjogo: I did restart libvirt-bin so not quite sure what else is missing20:20
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clarkbjogo: sdague however, after talking to dansmith I think we should likely just use the i386 model20:20
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clarkbjogo: sdague: dansmith points out that if that model matters we aren't testing openstack anymore20:21
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clarkbjogo: sdague: though for sanity we probably do want to use the same model across the baord but the specific model isn't very important20:22
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sdagueiirc the guests run slower in i386 than x86_64 because we're doing instruction translations20:23
clarkboh hrm20:23
clarkbI will continue to bang libvirt then20:23
clarkbeventually it will make a shape that works20:23
sdagueI think starting with i386 in the multihost jobs so that we get it working but don't backslide would be fine though20:24
sdagueand move to x86_64 later as an optimization20:24
jeblairclarkb is a test sculptor20:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch devstack-dsvm-f20 to centos7 for solum gate
fungichiseling away the bits20:25
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jogojeblair: nice I saw your grenade patch20:27
clarkbsdague: ok20:27
clarkbjogo: ^ I am much happier about doing that now20:27
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jogoclarkb: works for me20:27
jeblairjogo: i'm about to write what i _think_ are the last 2 patches in the series, then it's just seeing what broke20:27
anteayapleia2: yup sorry I keep missing you20:28
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openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable upload to pypi for Shaker project
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jogoclarkb: so leave the main job on 64bit or change to i386 as well?20:29
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove after using it in install_puppet
hodosmordred: fungi: i think i solved the issue with the in puppet; there are no errors in the image.log. but i'm still experiencing the retry issue:
hodosthe !!! is my own debug string20:31
anteayadims sdake__ this job has a 2 hour timeout for a functional job20:31
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anteayawe are trying to have functional jobs finish in 1 hour20:31
dimsanteaya: will tweak it it's just experimental for now20:32
sdake__make sure its nonvoting ls dims20:32
clarkbjogo: sounds like sdague wants us to get to 64bit on this job too so likely leave main job 64bit for now20:32
arosenmordred:  circling back on this... I think it might be better to just do this with one flag on the provider instead. Then on buildimage we could look at the image types we need for the providers and only build those.20:32
dimssdake__: it is nonvoting and experimental so won't run at all20:32
dimsunless one of us triggers it20:32
anteayasdake__: it is non-voting20:32
sdake__cool i didn't actually look at the patch :)20:32
dimssdake__: haha20:32
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anteayaokay just be aware that we really need to pay attention to how long jobs take20:33
dimsanteaya: yep thanks20:33
anteayaand repos copy pasting 120 minute timeouts is not a good habit20:33
mordredarosen: I'm also fine with that20:33
arosenmordred:  k20:33
anteayadims: can you comment on the patch that you have the intention of ensuring this job finishes in 60 minutes20:33
anteayathen we don't have runaway timeout issues20:33
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove templatedir directive from puppet.conf
dimsanteaya: done20:35
anteayadims: thank you20:35
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dansmithsdague: I don't think i386 guests mean we're translating instructions20:36
dansmithsdague: may be other perf reasons, but I don't think it's that20:36
clarkbdansmith: ^ going to collect cpu models that we have there20:36
jogoclarkb: works for me20:36
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable trove plugin for trove tempest job
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clarkbjogo: do you have links to jobs that failed because the cpus were different? trying to collect the info20:38
samueldmqanteaya, ping - you around? I had an idea and I'd like to share with you20:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Temporarily add trove plugin configuration"
sdaguedansmith: some of the smaller word instructions don't exist in x86_64. I believe I saw a noticable speed difference when changing this in the gate.20:38
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Modernize template syntax
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dansmithsdague: I don't doubt that there are some perf reasons20:39
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clarkbjogo: looks like it may be long enough that those logs were deleted :( I will be happy to have logs in swift20:39
anteayasamueldmq: share away20:39
clarkbanteaya: speaking of did new images cause any trouble?20:39
anteayaclarkb: not that I saw20:39
jogoclarkb: yeah would have to dig in a lot of logs to find it20:40
fungihodos: were you the one earlier this week trying to figure out how to modify nodepoold to connect to an instance address labeled something other than "public"? your paste there shows you only have "private" returned in the addresses hash20:40
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anteayaclarkb: fungi told me when images finished, except for one, and I didn't see any explosion on zuul with regard to python jobs20:40
pelixzaro: discovered that the sphinx linkcheck has a bug in it that will not result in it failing if links are broken, it will only output the failure. Once lands it might be possible to create a separate build job to run linkcheck as a separate job where we can look to scrap the output for errors until such time as sphinx has a release with the fix20:41
dansmithsdague: doesn't mention any such impact20:41
anteayaclarkb: here is a recent one:
anteayaclarkb: looks good to me20:41
samueldmqanteaya, what about something like to run tox jobs for projects20:41
dansmithsdague: but it doesn't matter why, if it's substantially slower, then that's fine20:41
clarkbanteaya: cool, so are we moving forward on the additional changes?20:41
anteayasamueldmq: what problem are we solving?20:41
dansmithsdague: but I'd hate to not get migration testing because the tests take 10% longer20:41
samueldmqanteaya, running tox tests still faster :)20:41
anteayaclarkb: I'm up for it, I like to do one change per image build run and evaluate myself20:42
samueldmqanteaya, and then jenkins would stay with gate jobs, etc20:42
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Honour excludes
lifelessdhellmann: mordred: also re pbr: I had these ^ pending unlanded for some reason20:42
sdaguedansmith: I agree, which is why I said we should do i386 for the multihost case to prevent backslide20:42
anteayasamueldmq: okay well let's see some metrics20:42
sdagueand move to 64bit as an optimization later20:43
dansmithsdague: okay, didn't hear that20:43
anteayasamueldmq: time a run of nova tests with tox now and then with your idea20:43
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sdagueyes, I've consistently said that, including in reviews :)20:43
anteayasamueldmq: I dno't know the framework you propose20:43
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml
anteayasamueldmq: but if faster is what you are going for, there is one sure way to measure that20:43
anteayasamueldmq: make sure you are running tox in parallel when you test20:43
anteayasamueldmq: rather than serially20:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a DSVM job for Magnum for functional testing
samueldmqanteaya, yes I am :)20:44
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mordredlifeless: does the semver path reflect what the fixed version will be?20:44
samueldmqanteaya, that would be something like keystone@home, did you see that link ( ?20:44
anteayasamueldmq: great20:44
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fungianteaya: samueldmq: it's a distributed execution model (boinc et al). would pretty much need to distribute one job as a work unit, we wouldn't be able to break it up more granular than that because of the tight coupling in devstack integration/functional jobs20:45
anteayasamueldmq: I don't know what link you are thinking of20:45
samueldmqanteaya, but I agree, I dont' know how worth it can be without testing it20:45
lifelessmordred: TBH I don't recall. I just spotted the commits sitting around and was like WTF20:45
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lifelessmordred: so I've rebased and pushed it up again20:45
samueldmqfungi, that would be just to the tox py27 tests, not functional ones20:45
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lifelessmordred: they are old review #'s, so were pushed up in the past too20:45
samueldmqfungi, only for those unit/integration ones we already run in parallel locally20:45
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samueldmqanteaya, folding.stanford.edu20:46
fungisamueldmq: ahh, yeah probably possible for the ones which already run under testr (which is most of them) but would need people donating resources by running a client to take on the work units20:46
anteayaclarkb: how many of the new stack could we merge before it affects what builds on the image20:46
samueldmqfungi, ++20:46
samueldmqfungi, we're a big community, arent we?20:46
AJaegerfungi, anteaya, clarkb: The shaker repo wants to upload to pypi as pyshaker - is this possible? See
mordredlifeless: kk20:47
samueldmqfungi, donate you machine and get your tests running faster when you need as well20:47
fungisamueldmq: though it's probably easier to just ask our cloud provider member companies to donate more resources20:47
anteayaAJaeger: do they own pyshaker?20:47
lifelessmordred: I think you or dhellmann or anyone working on pbr trunk should review those first though20:48
clarkbanteaya: I thought the rest of the changes don't affect the image builds. Just the jobs20:48
lifelessmordred: if not take them over20:48
AJaegeranteaya: seems to be the case20:48
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samueldmqfungi, but not as fun as this20:48
samueldmqfungi, each contributor may feel part of the infra for OS20:48
fungisamueldmq: sure, fun _is_ important20:48
clarkbAJaeger: I think it iwll upload what the resulting sdist/whl ends up being20:48
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samueldmqfungi, I'm just arguing about the ideas, etc , not exactly sure about how hard is to make it happen20:49
AJaegerclarkb: So, we need to check the repo whether it does it correctly?20:49
anteayaclarkb: cool, yes then I'm for merging the stack and holding back on the last one20:49
clarkbAJaeger: yes I believe so20:49
anteayaclarkb: the devstack-gate one has to go first20:49
AJaegerclarkb: so, "name = pyshaker" in setup.cfg should be all that's needed, correct?20:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gear: Move running check in getJob
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fungisamueldmq: one thing you'll discover is that good ideas aren't in short supply here. available time to implement them is where we tend to get stuck20:50
anteayasamueldmq: and if you care os means operating system to me20:51
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fungiideas go here,n,z20:51
samueldmqfungi, yeah I understand20:52
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samueldmqfungi, I will dig a bit more on this idea and maybe write a spec later :)20:52
clarkbAJaeger: I think so, if you do a python sdist in that repo what do you end up with at the tarball?20:52
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samueldmqfungi, maybe there are already frameworks to help doing so20:52
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samueldmqanteaya, ah sorry, I meant OpenStack, is there any abbreviation?20:53
AJaegerclarkb: ./dist/pyshaker-79073bc.tar.gz - so looks correct20:53
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greghaynesfungi: mordred bindep question - Are we always going to be bindep'ing on the same platform as were targetting?20:53
AJaegeranother question in this context as raised in the review: If publish-to-pypi template is used in zuul/layout.yaml, we can remove the release/pre-release tarball jobs, correct?20:54
greghaynesfungi: mordred basically, its fine to trust lsb_release to get platform info, I dont need to allow user specified platform info?20:54
fungigreghaynes: we're going to be running it either on a job worker at the start of a job to determine what to install, or inside a chroot when pre-caching things in dib nodepool images (or on template instances for the snapshot nodepool variant if that's still in place)20:54
greghaynesah, ok. So yes I can trust lsb_release20:55
samueldmqanteaya, did you get the principle behind the idea I said, right? just to make sure you understood me20:55
anteayasamueldmq: o.o20:55
fungigreghaynes: though a command-line option to override lsb_release seems like a reasonable addition if we need it at some point20:55
anteayasamueldmq: means usually in reference to a url at like docs.o.o20:55
anteayasamueldmq: I honestly don't find it that difficult to type openstack20:56
samueldmqanteaya, hmm, I already saw this here in this channel :)20:56
samueldmqanteaya, no it isnt20:56
fungiyeah, there's not a lot of great OpenStack abbrevs20:56
anteayaAJaeger: that is a good question20:56
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anteayaAJaeger: I don't know the answer but would also like to know what it is20:57
AJaegersdake__: could you abandon, please? Or let's fix the real problem...20:57
AJaegeranteaya: my understanding is that it's not needed but confirmation would be great indeed20:57
clarkbAJaeger: ya I think you can remove the explicit release and pre releaes jobs20:57
sdake__ajeager abandoned sorry I have so much crap in my jenkins screen I can't find anything :(20:57
fungiAJaeger: but also i believe the parsed list of jobs ends up in the log for the layout check. i might be mistaken about that20:58
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Turn off implicit hiera lookups
AJaegerfungi: yes, it does - let me check there20:58
AJaegersdake__: thanks!20:58
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anteayasdake__: do you know how to use gerrit queries?20:58
AJaegersdake__: before it gets lost: you need to rebase
sdake__anteaya yes20:59
clarkbjogo: fwiw I cannot find the second model of cpu on rax anymore, I have looked at ~20 rax job logs now and they are consistent.20:59
clarkbjogo: going to check logstash now20:59
anteayasdake__: ah okay great, not everyone does20:59
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anteayanova meeting21:00
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clarkbjogo: we don't seem to index thta file21:00
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/magnum -> openstack/magnum
sdake__anteaya ^^ enjoy :)21:01
clarkbjogo: but ya best I can tell the CPUs are pretty consistent now21:02
AJaegerfungi: indeed, the setting from publish-to-pypi is used, so the extra tarballs can be remved...21:02
* AJaeger is doing spring cleaning today...21:02
jogoclarkb: hrm, I don't remember which patch it failed on21:03
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anteayasdake__: thanks will do after nova meeting21:04
jogoclarkb: here is a example of the error
jogoclarkb: but that was on a patch trying to fix it21:06
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jogoand may be slightly different21:09
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hodosjogo: nope, that wasn't me21:10
hodosfungi: nope21:10
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove extra tarball lines
AJaegeranteaya: ^ 41 lines deleted ;)21:11
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anteayaAJaeger: nice21:11
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jogoclarkb: yeah I don't think we have the logs anymore :(21:13
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anteayaI'm away tomorrow for most of the day but should be back for 220021:15
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fungiianw: the image update log breakout patch seems to have worked great
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fungiianw: oh, except it's creating empty logs for anything built via dib21:16
waynranyone have any opinions about whether or not it should be considered a bug that parameters from JJB job-group override parameters from JJB project?21:16
ianwfungi: yep ... also a follow-on for dib images in
fungiread my mind21:16
ianwfungi: i figured there would be bike-shedding over the output name of that one so left it to be split out21:17
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waynrhierarchically, a group can never contain a project so it seems strange to me that it can override settings at the project level21:17
waynrmakes the job-group less re-usable21:18
fungiianw: you mean as far as the dib. filename prefix?21:18
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fungii would have skipped the prefixing, but i have a personal no-bikeshedding policy so fine by me21:19
mordredfungi: I like your policy21:19
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Try to calculate common CPU feature set
clarkbjogo: ^ thats a hand curated list, we shall see how this goes21:20
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fungimordred: though if you think i should rename my no-bikeshedding policy, we can certainly discuss it at length ;)21:20
jogobespoke cpus21:21
ianwfungi: not sure if you saw my email to -dev ... to me it appears swift on centos uses a bunch more heap; it accounts for most of the memory usage difference21:21
clarkbjogo: all natural hand crafted silicon goodness21:21
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fungiianw: yep, your evidence is compelling21:21
waynrclarkb zaro pelix: where should I report JJB bugs?21:21
clarkbwaynr: https://storyboard.openstack.org21:22
jeblairwaynr: i've read your question, and honestly would probably need some examples to figure out the answer21:22
jeblairwaynr: it's not immediately obvious to me21:23
mordredfungi: maybe it's a worldview and not a policy?21:23
waynrjeblair: okay, i'll try to include simple examples in my report21:23
fungimordred: way of life21:23
fungimordred: or perhaps a religion21:23
waynrI know what needs to be done to fix it in JJB source but figured I should seek consensus on whether or not this is a bug first21:24
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use common log server implementation
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fungiwaynr: so you mean with a project instantiating a job group, if the job group has specific parameters set in it then you can't override those from the project? i can see the reasoning that allowing it is unlikely to offend the principle of least surprise21:28
fungiand increases flexibility21:29
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jeblairwaynr, fungi: one question i have is that if the job-group does not specify those parameters, they are passed from project -> job(-template), right?  so the only time this is an issue is if both the group and project supply them, and i'm not sure why someone would do that.21:30
fungiunless they see the job-group as a means to set a default value21:31
jeblairwaynr, fungi: it seems like an 'override' situation, and i'm not sure whether something lower or higher in the stack should have priority, and off the top of my head, i don't know if we have an established pattern in jjb for that21:31
jeblairfungi: yeah, that's a reasonable interpretation.  though i suspect the inverse may also be reasonable.21:31
fungibut yeah, that presupposes that you're including the same job-templates in multiple job-groups21:31
jeblairso it might come down to picking one21:31
fungior else there would be no point21:32
fungiit does seem like a very corner case. i'd want to see a use case at least21:32
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-openstackci to included modules
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use common log server implementation
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fungiin our situation we only ever (afaik) have a given job-template in a single job-group21:33
waynrfungi: i use the same job-group in multiple projects and want to set defaults at the job-group level that can be overridden by the project21:33
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waynrso in my use cases it seems like the priority order should be defaults -> job-template -> job-group -> project21:33
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waynrin order of lowest to hights priority21:34
waynrmy reasoning for this is that a project can't be referred in multiple places so it seems strange that the values it sets can be overridden by the job-group, which can be used in multiple places21:34
waynri also have job-templates that are reused over and over again in many different job-groups21:35
fungiproject is an artificial construct in the first place though right?21:36
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fungii guess it's a defined key, but beyond that it just serves as a place to collect parameters21:36
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fungiso i guess the problem is that it can be argued that the reverse of your priority order could be someone else's preference21:37
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fungiand we seem to have that as an implicit (if somewhat arbitrary) choice in the current behavior21:38
waynrsomeone might argue that, but the limitation i mentioned is actually very real and can specify a job-group within a project, but you can't specify a project within a job-group21:38
fungii agree that your expressed preference makes more sense to me, but not necessarily enough to break the current behavior someone else might already be relying on21:39
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu
waynryeah, i understand someone else might be relying on this behavior...that's very unfortunate21:40
fungimaybe "relying on" is a strong word21:40
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fungithe end result of their current configuration may change if that ordering is switched21:41
waynrwhat do you think about queuing the kind of override re-prioritization for the next major version change?21:41
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waynri could implement the reordering in such a way that the choice of override priority is configurable21:41
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waynrs/kind of//21:42
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jeblairi'm not certain the original intent was cascading levels of override -- i believe our config usually explicitly sets all parameters, usually in the project definition21:42
fungiif it's something others are in favor of, maybe a global configuration switch to change that, defaulting to the current behavior, then in the next release switch the default for it, then in the release after that remove the option and clean up the cruft code associated with it21:42
waynrthat sounds reasonable to me21:43
jeblairso at least with the provided example, i don't think we would have noticed it because we would have set the variable on each project explicitly21:43
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fungiand yes, i agree we (openstack infra) don't really set parameters on job groups in the first place21:44
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu
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pleia2anteaya: still about? as I understand it, Apr 16 2014-Apr 16 2015 is fine for TC elections, but PTL should be Apr 1 2014 - Apr 1 2015, since the nominations period for PTL starts on Apr 2nd21:48
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clarkbmy handcrafted cpu isn't workingeither21:50
waynrfungi, jeblair, clarkb: i'll go ahead and write out the storyboard/bug and work on a patch with the global configuration switch for review21:50
clarkbjogo: ^ I think maybe the bug is in how I am making the cpu21:50
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jeblairwaynr: thanks21:50
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waynri wonder if there would be any value in more general global configuration switch that enables yamlparser features for a specific upcoming version of JJB, like "yamlparser-version: 2.x"21:54
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add SMTP configuration options for Zanata
pleia2cinerama: you're on a roll :) I best get to testing+reviewing!21:54
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cineramapleia2: good idea21:55
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anteayapleia2: here21:56
pleia2anteaya: hey21:56
anteayapleia2: well it is your call21:56
cineramapleia2: lots of progress, we just need to get things landed and deal with the actual functionality of zanata more21:56
anteayathe way I did it before, you can look at the prior wikipages21:56
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anteayamain wikipage > governance > prior elections21:57
anteayais have one eligibility period for both, easier for the electorate to get their heads around21:57
anteayaeasier for fungi to generate both sets of rolls at once21:57
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Reset the client object after proxy timeouts
waynri guess maybe it's not really necessary to set defaults at the job group level21:57
anteayaand the eligibility period ends at the same time ast the ptl nomination period ends21:57
waynr(and then override them at the project)21:58
anteayabut you and tristanC can do anything you like21:58
fungiand i'm happy to accommodate whatever you decide21:58
anteayalarge groups tend to do what they did before, they don't adapt to change quickly21:58
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anteayabut the big thing is the elgibility period has to end in time for the electoral rolls to be generated to run the elections21:59
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pleia2anteaya: I see, so the problem with April 16th is that's after the voting ends for PTL, so it needs to be at least before voting starts21:59
anteayayou got it21:59
anteayahaving two different elegibiltiy periods is mainly going to cause headaches for you21:59
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pleia2ok, I'll leave a msg for tristanC, in spite of vacationing he did just say he'd be "slow to reply" so hopefully he'll pop in before tomorrow and we can get this sorted22:00
anteayaas you try to explain to hte people who email you why they are unable to vote when they insist they can22:00
pleia2anteaya: thanks for your help22:00
* pleia2 nods22:00
anteayayou will have people email you22:00
anteayaevery election22:00
anteayaso whatever you do, you have to be able to go to sleep at night when you tell them they can't vote22:01
anteayaso any communication is for you to be comfortable with your decision22:01
anteayasince some folks will always insist they can vote when they can't22:01
anteayaso making them happy isn't possible22:01
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental bandit job for keystone
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anteayapleia2: also if you look at the governance wikipage linked from the main wikipage22:04
pleia2anteaya: yeah, I'm not so worried about saying no, rules are good :)22:04
anteayapleia2: your wikipages for these elections should be linked in current elections22:04
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anteayapleia2: good, you will be forced to say no, glad you are comfortable with it22:04
anteayasome ballots legitimate go missing22:04
anteayaI can't remember the last time someone was legitamitely not on the voter's list22:05
pleia2yeah, I've run votes for the Ubuntu community before22:05
anteayaokay great22:05
pleia2fair number of "that's the wrong email address" and simple "I didn't get it/deleted it/have no control over email organization" :)22:05
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anteayawe fixed the wrong email address issue when fungi fixed the scripts to collect the gerrit preferred email address, and included a warning to folks to check their gerrit preferred email address22:07
anteayathat helped a lot22:07
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* pleia2 nods22:07
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add ability to configure releaseEnvVar for maven-deploy publisher
anteayapleia2: but yeah a few everytime from corp email servers that eat the ballot22:11
pleia2fun times22:11
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anteayanot so bad once I learned that while condorcet doesn't keep a record you can obtain of voter's you input, it does know when you resend a ballot to the same email address and won't let both ballots be used22:13
* pleia2 nods22:13
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anteayayou just track down what email you used for that voter on the voter's list and send it again22:13
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pleia2cinerama: good plan, thanks, I think I'll be focusing on desired behavior (use of variables, etc) rather than strict functionality, we'll knock it into working order in subsequent changes as needed22:16
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental bandit job for keystone
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cineramapleia2: we need to make sure we can log in and stuff :)22:18
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pleia2cinerama: hah, yeah, basics are good! just will try to be less picky for now22:18
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pleia2and I'm out all next week (family stuff back east), so I want to push this as much as possible so I don't hold things up22:19
cineramapleia2: sounds good22:19
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental bandit job for keystone
openstackgerritEric Larson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create oslo.cache project
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cineramapleia2: i might be out for a little bit in a few...have been waiting for a guy to finish up here22:20
cineramapleia2: our doors actually shut now :)22:20
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pleia2cinerama: stunning weather today, should enjoy it some :)22:21
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Reset the client object after proxy timeouts
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elarsonpleia2: thanks for the comments on the review.22:23
pleia2elarson: sure thing, hopefully that'll get you to the finish line :)22:23
david-lyledid something change in the set up for the nodes running gate-horizon-dsvm-integration ?22:24
anteayadavid-lyle: what are you seeing?22:24
david-lylejobs have been failing all day, I put a skip on the offending integration test and now getting another job failure in the gate on another integrated test22:25
david-lyleis said commented out test22:25
david-lylethat job alone took over 50 minutes, on a local system, maybe 2022:26
david-lylewithout the same setup time overhead of course22:26
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david-lyleare the nodes smaller, slower, have a vendetta against horizon?22:28
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for JClouds Blobstore
anteayadavid-lyle: yes we have a vendetta against horizon22:31
anteayadavid-lyle: you found us out22:31
jeblairdavid-lyle: they change daily to pick up newer caches and update to the latest os, but i don't beleive any of the things you list have changed (also, the actual test run took just over 20 mins)22:31
david-lyleas long as it's out in the open22:31
anteayaha ha ha22:31
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david-lylejeblair: watched the hover over on the job, mis-assumed what the time was measuring22:32
jeblairdavid-lyle: yeah, that's start to finish including devstack setup and teardown22:33
jeblairthe tempest part was 1300 seconds22:33
jeblairer, testr22:33
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jeblairnot tempest22:33
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jeblairjhesketh: 121528 promises a next commit; is that ready?22:34
david-lylejeblair, anteaya: thanks for the sanity check, will go back to applying head to wall :)22:35
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anteayadavid-lyle: well enjoy that too22:35
anteayadavid-lyle: come back if we can offer any more support/dose of reality22:36
david-lyleanteaya: will do22:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fixed broken links in documentation
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derekhfungi: looks like fedora image still failing to boot on rh122:47
derekhianw: did you see my question earlier22:47
derekh2015-03-26T16:33:01  <derekh> ianw: how did the problem this fix manifest itself ?
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derekh2015-03-26T16:33:20  <derekh> ianw: [    1.224080] VFS: Cannot open root device "UUID=d355e4e0-5805-45a4-a04c-cd4675044207" or unknown-block(0,0): error -622:47
fungiderekh: what we were seeing (and only on rackspace afaik) was the bootloader saying it couldn't find a boot configuration over and over22:48
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fungiso that looks decidedly different22:48
ianwderekh: sorry, missed that.  as fungi said, system wouldn't boot22:49
ianwderekh: but ... i would check that your extlinux is not corrupted22:49
fungilooks like your bootloader config is passing a block device uuid to the kernel as the root device, which is almost certainly not valid. should probably use a device name instead22:49
derekhfungi: ok, something is borked with the image being built, will look into it a bit tonight and pick it back up tomorrow22:49
ianwderekh: i have seen it do things before like try to boot new kernels with old initrd's because it didn't understand the layout of extlinux.conf22:50
fungiunless we really are able to reliably predict/set device uuids for the images we're building22:50
ianw(assuming you're using that)22:50
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derekhfungi: yup, going to grab an image now and look, in the meantime want to just let it continue failing or disable something?22:51
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derekhianw: yup, ok thanks will take a look22:51
anteayajhesketh: so merged, how many of the project-config stack should we merge before we stop to evaluate?22:51
jeblairgreghaynes: if you have a minute (well, likely more than a minute unless you are just extra amazing), can you give 121528 another look?22:52
fungiderekh: as long as it's not causing you an issue by repeatedly trying and failing to boot there, i'd just leave nodepool configuration as-is for now22:52
derekhfungi: ok, its no issue with me, hopefully I'll get a solution fairly quickly22:53
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jheskethjeblair: re 121528, no it's not ready sorry. Completely fell off my radar, I should swing back to that next week (on leave for a few days at the moment sorry)22:59
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Temp - making horizon integration tests non-voting
jheskethanteaya: it's pretty safe... We should be able to merge and check that any of the current devstack logs still hvae the right footers23:00
jheskethanteaya: then the rest are about adding the footers to the swift copies of the files so it's extra features23:01
asselin\o/ jenkins passed my downstream-puppet "common log server" patch....through all the depends on AND cross-project depends on, etc. amazing feature.23:02
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ianwfungi / clarkb : see the heap profiles at the bottom of -> ; packaged pyOpenSSL v pip-installed seems to be at the root of the increased memory usage for swift23:05
bookwarif i want two groups OneGroup and AnotherGroup to have the same acls in gerrit, can i write rules as "create = group OneGroup AnotherGroup" or should i create two lines, one per each group?23:05
SpamapSmordred: is there a digital form of the stuff we whiteboarded in Seattle anywhere?23:06
SpamapSmordred: I'm talking to some openstack operators and sysadminy types tonight and I think they'd like to see the nuts and bolts.23:07
mordredSpamapS: uhm - can you say more words about "stuff we whiteboarded"23:07
mordredSpamapS: do you mean the dog and pony show about current infra? or the plans for infra-cloud?23:08
mordredor smethign else23:08
SpamapSmordred: the dog and pony23:08
SpamapSmordred: I'm talking to people about how a bill becomes a law... I mean.. a patch becomes an OpenStack.23:08
bookwarnow i need to see the dog and the pony too..23:08
mordredSpamapS: we have several slide decks23:09
mordredSpamapS: is a good index23:10
mordredSpamapS: I think you may want to look at or23:10
mordredSpamapS: and are good talking points slides23:11
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mordred is also worth looking at and stepping through23:11
jeblairjhesketh: okay cool.  talk to you next week :)23:11
mordredSpamapS: on the last one, clicking the mouse button will advance through the steps of teh animation23:12
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anteayabookwar: why do you need two different groups to have the same permissions on the same repo?23:17
anteayabookwar: you can include one group within another, example:,members23:17
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Add held changes
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Highlight starred changes in list
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Sync own changes regardless of subscription
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anteayaso the group that has permissions on the project-config repo is the project-config-core group, and infra-core is a member of that group23:18
jeblairthat last change would have been helpful today (working on projects i'm not subscribed to)23:18
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: ^ since you probably do that a lot you may be interested in 16818123:19
SpamapSmordred: OH! the mouse click is NOT obvious23:19
jeblair(oh, it's a slide with a dot.  that's great.)23:20
bookwaranteaya: ah, that's actually what i need. I want to have the core "core group" - the one for the whole project, and additional core groups for each repository which is the small subpart of this project23:20
anteayaso one acl file creates the core core group23:20
jeblairbookwar: oslo does this too23:20
anteayaand then the project acl file creates teh project group23:21
jeblairbookwar: what's the project you're working on?23:21
mordredjeblair: nice!23:21
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anteayajhesketh: jeblair has a question about, I'm holding off merging until the question is answered23:21
bookwarjeblair: stackforge/fuel-*23:21
SpamapSmordred: still, I like the idea of showing it as it is deployed, not conceptually.23:21
anteayabookwar: fuel has quite a few groups already:
SpamapSmordred: I think that makes it easier for systems engineers to understand.23:22
jeblairanteaya, jhesketh, clarkb: if jhesketh is away on leave clarkb might be able to answer the question on 16715823:22
anteayajeblair: ah okay23:22
jheskethjeblair, anteaya: writing a response now ;-)23:22
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anteayajhesketh: thanks23:22
jeblairbookwar, mordred, SpamapS: when we do the whiteboard thing, we do it progressively.  i think that any written or recorded form should probably also do that23:23
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jeblairbookwar, mordred, SpamapS: because i think the end product would just make your eyes glaze over if that's the first thing you saw23:23
jeblairbookwar, mordred, SpamapS: but narrating it i think is very helpful in understanding it23:24
bookwaranteaya: yes, these are plugins groups, which were created recently, but we currently have one fuel-core group for all 'main' repos, like fuel-web,fuel-library,fuel-qa,fuel-docs and so on, and i need to split them too23:25
* jeblair acquires strawberries23:25
jheskethjeblair, anteaya: responded, let me know if it makes sense
mordredSpamapS: yeah - I agree with jhesketh - and I would love to put that presentation together - but we don't have it yet23:25
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow JJB to set connection timeout to jenkins server
anteayabookwar: okay23:25
anteayajeblair: mmmmm strawberries23:26
anteayajhesketh: I understand your response, I'll wait for jeblair to take a look23:26
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anteayasavouring strawberries should never be rushed23:28
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zarowaynr: would you like to comment on Di's reponse?
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add DEVSTACK_GATE_NOVA_API for switching Nova API
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add DEVSTACK_GATE_NOVA_API for switching Nova API
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fungistrawberries sound good, but i found a single-malt scotch aged in rum casks. that has stolen my attention for the night i think23:38
fungionly 14 years, but still remarkably smooth23:39
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anteayaha ha ha23:43
anteayasounds like you are all set23:43
openstackgerritSteven Weston proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Third Party CI Dashboard Spec
waynrzaro: sure, thanks for the heads up23:44
openstackgerritAleksandra Fedorova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create core groups for main fuel-* projects
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bookwari wonder what kind of confirmation i need for this patch ^^23:46
bookwargoing to add some of our core members to review23:46
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu job for multi-node testing
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anteayawhy does fuel have so many repos23:52
anteayaI'm really not comfortable reviewing that patch23:53
bookwaranteaya: fuel gives you the ready to use deployment tool _and_ basically the framework to build your own openstack distribution. So there are deployment scenarios (fuel-library), build system (fuel-main), web interface(fuel-web), test subsystem (fuel-qa+fuel-devops) and so on, so yes, it is quite big23:57
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