Wednesday, 2015-04-01

anteayalooks like I'm going to have to boil down tomorrow and on the weekend00:02
anteayalast two days have been the two best runs of the season so far00:02
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fungiclarkb: yay! i am also booked on a train, just need to try to make sure i get from my flight to the train station in time to make use of it00:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Disable our friend's noise
clarkbcool next puppet run should correct things00:05
clarkbianw: sorry for the noise00:05
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mordredclarkb: there were SOUNDS?00:06
fungiand yes, it's all fun and games until someone's sound card gets exercised00:06
fungi(do people still use the term "sound card?" am i showing my age?)00:06
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nibalizerif someone really hates it, they can noscript clippy away pertty easily00:09
nibalizeror use gertty :P00:09
anteayaor burn their laptop00:09
fungiwell, it is april 1 officially now (utc at least). that's an international holiday as far as i'm concerned00:10
fungii have a crate of hand buzzers and whoopie cushions to go unpack00:10
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* greghaynes pokes clarkb about 16950900:12
greghaynesand others who are still up for reviewing00:12
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anteayaI actually think it would be funny if clippy asked people "are you sure you don't want to use gertty?00:19
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nibalizeranteaya: its pretty easy using greg patch as a template to add things like that00:20
anteayajust wondering if others think it would be too00:20
nibalizeri would +1 that00:20
anteayaas it could also spark a backlash00:20
nibalizerits clippy00:20
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nibalizerits gonna spark a backlash00:20
anteayadepending on what folks had for breakfast00:20
dansmithdid we just change something that forces all REST calls in gerrit to https (that wasn't there before)?00:24
clarkbdansmith: I think gerrit was always REST over https before (port 80 redirects to 443)00:25
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dansmithclarkb: me too, but I suddenly started getting errors from about https things00:26
dansmith...and switching to an SSL-supporting python fixes it00:29
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clarkbdansmith: was that the python urllib3 warning about insecure platform?00:31
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dansmithclarkb: nope. urllib2 and just "unknown url type https" which seems to indicate a total lack of ssl support00:33
dansmiththis was a venv from brew's python, which may not support https00:33
dansmithwould have thought it was using it all along, but just suddenly started getting that error00:34
dansmithfixed it by enabling ssl, just wondering if something change00:34
dansmithbecause I didn't change anything locally AFAIK00:34
clarkbwe didn't change anything related to ssl00:34
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jrolldansmith: I think you need to have openssl installed from brew to have that work, maybe?00:35
dansmithjroll: right, I'm saying nothing has changed in this venv for six months00:36
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jrolldansmith: oh huh, I would have assumed fresh install or whatever00:36
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add another action to our friend
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Remove pip_missing_reqs
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/requirements: Keep pyOpenSSL < 0.14
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mordrednotmyname: if I were me and you were you and I wanted to find out why swift uploads to IAD at rax kept giving me 504s, who would I bug?02:44
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notmynamemordred: 504s?03:22
mordrednotmyname: swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: Object POST failed: 504 Gateway Time-out  [first 60 chars of response] <html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>03:24
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mordrednotmyname: is that a thing I should expect? or is it a thing I should raise? (I've gotten that on IAD multiple times now)03:25
notmynamemordred: 5xx is bad and you dont' want that03:25
notmynamemordred: ok, I just confirmed that there isn't anything in swift that would return a 50403:25
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notmynamemordred: which tells me it's probably a LB problem03:25
mordrednotmyname: okie. so it's a racker thing then03:25
notmynamemordred: so, ask in #rackspace. or open a support ticket. I think that's about it, these days03:26
mordrednotmyname: thanks!03:26
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Adds a link for new developers to use sandbox
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Creates a sandbox repo tutorial
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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flaper87LOL @ the clipper! :D06:47
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AJaegerflaper87, any ideas how to kill it?06:47
AJaegerwow, double clicks are nice...06:48
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flaper87AJaeger: no idea, but I don't mind if it it stays there just for today :D06:59
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AJaegeryeah ;)07:02
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yolandahi jeblair, ack. I'm on holiday until tuesday but I want to spend some time on that as well, so i'll dedicate some time to it, thx for that changes07:09
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yfried_anyone knows what's up with the office paper clip that showed up on gerrit?07:41
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StevenKyfried_: Check the date? :-P07:42
yfried_StevenK: :)07:43
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AJaegeryfried_, happy first April!07:53
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AJaegeryfried_, double click on it and have fun07:53
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yfried_AJaeger: I wish it'd do anything. it doesn't... :(07:58
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ajolol, cool april fool's day, I thought I had a trojan for a moment07:58
yfried_AJaeger: where can a submit a but report? :)07:58
ajoor that somebody had installed some sort of "office" in my mac07:59
AJaegeryfried_, against gerrit?07:59
AJaegeryfried_, for me it animates in different ways whenever I double click on it...07:59
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* AJaeger just had a paperclip turned bicylce ;)08:00
ajovery funny08:00
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deepakcsAJaeger, so the clipper is intentional or somebody hacked gerrit :) bcos it reminds me of the M$ office appln08:00
deepakcswondering what that has to do with gerrit ?08:01
AJaegerdeepakcs, I was as surprised this morning as all of you are ;)08:01
AJaegerdeepakcs, it's a joke, does it need to have a relationship? ;)08:01
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deepakcsAJaeger, then its fine, but was surprised to see M$ office paperclip icon on an opensource page ;-)08:02
AJaegerdeepakcs, I hope it'S fine and we're not hacked ;)08:02
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deepakcsAJaeger, yeah :)08:03
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fboAhah clippy has been introduce here :)
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AJaegerfbo, ah, thanks!08:09
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SlickNiknibalizer: nice work on clippy! :)08:57
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Provider helper classes for plugin data management
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openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Catalog project into Stackforge
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xnoxHey, there is something broken on Gerrit10:04
xnoxthere is this metal thing with a piece of paper, clicking on it does nothing, but it can be moved about.10:04
xnoxis it suppose to do something? what is it?10:04
xnoxseems broken to me.10:04
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openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Catalog project into Stackforge
chris___2try double-clicking it10:06
openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds cloud-init to StackForge
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xnoxchris___2: oh, that seems to work - it does tranformations.10:09
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AJaegerxnox, you can move it around.10:10
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kaisers1Hello Infra!10:34
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kaisers1Can someone pls tell me what exactly a 'network name' is? As in FIXED_NETWORK_NAME option for DevStack? A link to some doc would be great for instance...10:35
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samueldmqthere is a clippy on my review pages o/10:37
AJaegerHi kaisers1 , for DevStack, better ask on the QA channel.10:37
AJaegersamueldmq, Happy April's Fool Day!10:37
kaisers1AJaeger: Thanks!10:38
samueldmqAJaeger, haha just loved that :)  Happy April's Fool Day to you too10:38
samueldmqAJaeger, btw, I do not know how it was last April 1st, but this idea is really amazing :)10:38
AJaegersamueldmq, thanks to nibalizer10:39
* AJaeger does not remember either10:39
samueldmqAJaeger, that's why I am liking infra, we have lots of fun here :)10:39
AJaegerdefinitely ;)10:39
samueldmqnibalizer, thanks for making our day funny, and happy April Fools' Day10:41
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HenryGFunny! But ... how do I disable it?11:42
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mordredHenryG: you don't disable it. It disables you.11:46
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AJaegerHenryG, wait 24 hours ;)11:53
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove the tuskar-ui-extras repository from Stackforge
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rdopieraHi guys, we've moved one of our stackforge repositories out of stackforge, what is the procedure for removing the stackforge repository, apart from tha above patch?11:57
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mordredrdopiera: when you say "moved out of stackforge" what do you mean?12:01
mordredgotcha. read the patch12:01
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rdopieramordred: it was Red Hat-specific extension code, and it's now kept in Red Hat-specific github account, but still public12:02
mordredrdopiera: so - actually, we dont' delete things around here12:02
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mordredwhat we can do is move it to the openstack-attic next time we do renames12:02
rdopieramordred: we don't want to have to maintain that repo and keep it up to date12:02
mordredyah - that's what the attic is for - its the place where repos go to have a nice retirement12:03
rdopieramordred: that would work, do I need to do something for that to happen?12:03
mordredrdopiera: yeah - I just added a feedback to the patch - basically, you want to make the patch rename the repo in gerrit/projects.yaml from stackforge/tuskar-ui-extras to stackforge-attic/tuskar-ui-extras12:04
mordredthe other bits, removing the jenkins jobs and whatnot are fine12:05
jaypipesmordred, jeblair: hahahaha on April Fool's joke on Gerrit. love it. :)12:05
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mordredjaypipes: it was all nibalizer ... glad you enjoyed it!12:06
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rdopieramordred: ok, thanks12:13
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove the tuskar-ui-extras repository from Stackforge
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sdaguejaypipes: it's dynamically querying date, so sc68cal got to see it yesterday (being in taipei)12:17
sdagueso his twitter stream leaked it for all the us folks :)12:17
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Migrate API calls to task management
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add task management framework
openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Support for tags
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add statsd counters to the TaskManager
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade to get the client objects
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add tests for shade cloud config parameter
claudiubsdague: hello. If you have some time, could you take a look at the cloud-init project proposal commit?
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add 'rebuild' to shade
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Document installation from repository
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jrollclippy \o/12:55
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AJaegerIs zuul not receiving new events?13:03
AJaeger has been approved 13 mins ago and not queued13:03
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AJaegerfungi, new jobs are not picked up ^13:09
fungiit's possible zuul has ceased receiving events from gerrit again. checking13:10
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AJaegerthanks for checking, fungi!13:13
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zarofungi: when you have a moment would you be able to get me the prod gerrit data for testing?13:14
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fungi12:48:51 utc seems to be the most recent event received by zuul from the gerrit event stream13:16
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AJaegerso, it misses events ;(13:17
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hasharhi guys!13:19
hasharwho the hell is that clippy at the bottom right of Gerrit web page ? :D13:19
fungiyep, gerrit show-queue lists a bunch of stream-events tasks waiting since 12:48:5113:19
fungii'll try killing them, but suspect i'll need to restart gerrit13:20
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AJaegerhashar, happy 1st of April to you!13:22
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sc68calsdague: yeah I did consider deleting the tweets but figured nobody really follows me on twitter so it'd still make a big splash13:24
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fungiyeah, i tried deleting a lot of possible hung tasks in the gerrit task queue, but it's not helping so i'm going to restart gerrit to get things moving again13:25
sdaguesc68cal: :)13:25
hasharAJaeger: good one :)13:25
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fungi#status notice gerrit has been restarted to restore event streaming. any change events missed by zuul (between 12:48 and 13:28 utc) will need to be rechecked or have new approval votes set13:27
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice13:27
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: gerrit has been restarted to restore event streaming. any change events missed by zuul (between 12:48 and 13:28 utc) will need to be rechecked or have new approval votes set13:28
fungiAJaeger: care to add a new approval vote on and make sure zuul picks it up?13:28
AJaegerfungi, approved - and picked up.13:29
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice13:29
claudiubhello folks, if you have a little bit of time, can you take a look at the cloud-init stackforge project proposal commit? .Thanks! :)13:31
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openstackgerritGauvain Pocentek proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the cinder-msa stackforge project
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jrollAJaeger: I fixed up for you13:49
fungizaro: i've got a production db dump copied to ~fungi/gerrit.sql.gz.1 on review-dev for you now13:50
jrollnope, I lied, I should look at the code I rebase13:50
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AJaegerjroll, thanks for fixing it nevertheless ;)13:51
jrollAJaeger: it certainly doesn't fix pep8, just adding a new feature13:51
AJaegerjroll, pep8 should be fixed already, otherwise my patch wouldn't have merged13:52
jrollgood point :)13:52
AJaegerjroll, as you commented: Let the original author fix it...13:52
* jroll clearly needs to find more coffee13:52
AJaegerjroll, pep8 is fixed, see also
AJaegerbut first get your coffee ;)13:54
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jrollAJaeger: yep, this has been pointed out to me :)13:55
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pabelangernibalizer, well played sir13:56
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jeblairanteaya: in the tc meeting yesterday, you had concerns about whether the big tent approach would make your work harder.  what are your concerns?14:00
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malinihello, I have a patch that is approved in workflow, but never got merged (after close to 1.5 days) . Can somebody help me figure out what's going on ?14:01
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zarofungi: thanks.14:03
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scottdaI was very disturbed to see an annoying Microsoft Office paperclip on the pages....14:06
scottdaEspecially on my Linux workstation...14:06
scottdauntil avishay pointed out that it was probably an April Fool's joke.14:07
scottdaNice one!14:07
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Add permalink to change view
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mtreinishanteaya: the depends-on governance patch landed if you wanted to push the big green check on: :)14:22
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openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Fix repository checking
mesteryGood morning infra! Any idea why this patch isn't going into the merge queue? It passed the check queue and it's dependency is merged:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix a use of in where it should be equality
mtreinishmestery: anti-db2 bias? :)14:26
mesterymtreinish: lol, I'm not sure mriedem would be thrilled with that ;)14:26
jrollmestery: there was a thing earlier14:27
jroll13:28:35               -- | Notice(openstackstatus): NOTICE: gerrit has been restarted to restore event streaming. any change events missed by zuul (between 12:48 and 13:28 utc) will need to be rechecked or have new approval votes set14:27
mesteryjroll: Ack, thanks!14:27
mtreinishmestery: yeah, I normally hit try getting someone else to hit +A again when that happens14:27
mtreinishalthough it's normally around Depends-On when I see it not go to gate automatically14:28
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mesterymriedem: Working on getting the DB2 fix in :)14:29
mriedemi rechecked it14:29
mriedemit's in the check queue now14:29
mriedemi have a bias against neutron migrations using direct sql executes rather than using sqlalchemy14:29
mriedemsince sqlalchemy hides the differences in the backends which cause these bugs14:30
jeblairmriedem, mestery: it needs another +A, recheck won't cut it14:30
mesteryjeblair: Thanks! 'm working to find anotehr +A, unless I can remove mine, then re-add it, would that work?14:30
mesteryWoops, HenryG just helped me :)14:30
jeblairmriedem, mestery: since it already has a +1 from jenkins, when it returns from the check pipelen, gerrit will not emit another event and zuul will not notice14:31
mesteryjeblair: I think HenryG just helped us.14:31
mriedemyeah it's in gate now14:31
jeblairmriedem, mestery: yeah, you can remove and re-add a +A14:31
jeblairmtreinish: ^14:31
mesterymriedem: Yay!14:32
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rcarrillocruzclarkb: i addressed your comments on
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add a Fedora 21 node to tripleo cloud
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove hp1 log handlers
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Namespace caching per cloud
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Allow for passing cache class in as a parameter
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Migrate API calls to task management
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add task management framework
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add delete_image call
mordredjeblair: ^^ you may find that last patch amusing14:45
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mordredjeblair: I mean, you probably won't14:45
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mordredShrews: ^^ you may also enjoy the delete_image patch14:48
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mordredjeblair, Shrews: I mean, I personally find it VERY important to change the parameter names between v1 and v2 apis myself14:48
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Shrewsmordred: oh geez... i give up. game over.14:49
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jeblairmordred: it's frustrating i know, but people were confused before and passing in pictures of cats instead of image ids.14:52
mordredjeblair: THAT's why my script was broken14:52
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mtreinishjeblair: but, who would ever want to delete a picture of a cat?14:55
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fungiof course it does14:56
Shrewsmordred: what's the deal with the 'timeout' param change?14:57
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clarkbwhat did I wake up to?14:58
mordredShrews: well ...14:58
clarkbalso we need more cat inages in glance14:58
mordredShrews: oh piddle. I'd intended to make those two patches14:58
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mordredShrews: well - the story there is that glanceclient accepts the param, but it does type validation on it14:59
mordredso if you pass it in, it's going to try to convert it to a float14:59
mordredwhen what we want None to mean at shade is "we're not setting this"14:59
jlvillaldhellmann: I have two changes for that I am working on.  1) Support Fedora.  2) Support specifying a user to run znc, as I like to dedicate a user to run znc.14:59
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jlvillaldhellmann: Would you be interested in those changes?15:00
Shrewsmordred: the other clients accept None?15:00
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mordredShrews: novaclient does - I'm going to walk through the others in just a sec15:00
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mordredShrews: altough we could probably make a helper method to get common keyword args for the client constructors15:01
mordredShrews: and just do the include/exclude in one place and use it everywhere15:01
Shrewsmordred: that would assume SOME consistency b/w clients, so that's just silly  :-P15:01
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nibalizerglad the reaction to clippy is generally positive15:05
mtreinishnibalizer: I hope clippy is here to stay, so many memories. I miss his helpful tips though...15:05
bookwarnibalizer: you sound like there are non-positive reactions. really?15:05
nibalizer if you want to have more fun with it <- jeblair clarkb mordred15:05
nibalizerbookwar: yea idunno why this thing didnt' catch on15:06
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fungii thought the same thing about microsoft bob15:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add statsd counters to the TaskManager
claudiubAJaeger: hello15:10
bookwarhi, do you know why we lost Jenkins vote here: this looks like a standard patch and we have it voting on similar
claudiubbookwar: hello, gerrit was restarted, so new commits / patchsets were missed by gerrit. doing a simple recheck solves the issue :)15:12
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bookwarclaudiub: thanks, i like that it has an explanation :)15:14
claudiubbookwar: no problem. :)15:14
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add delete_image call
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Skip passing in timeout to glance if it's not set
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Poll on the actual image showing up
mordredShrews, jeblair: the tears continue ^^15:21
fungibookwar: change events between 12:48 and 13:28 utc were missed by zuul because gerrit stopped emitting them15:21
mordredjeblair, fungi: <-- sticky -115:22
mordrednot sure why15:22
clarkbtrivial rebase?15:23
bookwarfungi: btw, is there any standard place i should look for such issues? certain status log..15:23
mordredah - I understand15:23
mordredI rebased wrong, and it did trigger trivial rebase15:23
mordredthe system helped :)15:23
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add delete_image call
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Poll on the actual image showing up
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kashyapclarkb: Heya, when you get a moment,15:24
clarkbkashyap: hi15:25
kashyapIs 2MB of libvirtd log file acceptable for all DevStack runs?15:25
kashyapclarkb: I.e --
kashyapPlease see the rationale outlined in the commit message.15:25
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krotschecknibalizer: Nicely done15:25
clarkbkashyap: thats 2 MB compressed, its probably fine as long as you don't try indexing it again :)15:26
openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/murano to openstack/murano
kashyapclarkb: Hmm, you're right.15:27
kashyapclarkb: So, is that a yay or nay for the above change? :-)15:27
mordredclarkb, fungi: btw - I regularly get 504 Gateway Timeouts uploading to swift in IAD15:27
jeblairmordred: at the start of the upload or after a certain time?15:28
mordredclarkb, fungi: notmyname tells me this is not a swift error15:28
clarkbkashyap: I think I am ok with it but will -2 attempts to index that file15:28
mordredjeblair: after a certain time15:28
mordredand it pretty much happens every time in IAD15:28
clarkbkashyap: also we are moving to putting logs in swift which makes this much less of a major concern15:28
mordredso I'm thinking we may need to file a support ticket15:28
kashyapclarkb: The reason I was trying to enable them was, libvirt on Gate is a fossil (and Ubuntu's Virt maintenance is less than stellar)15:28
fungimordred: makes me wonder if rax has a proxy and it's suffering15:28
jeblairmordred: is this new?15:29
mordredjeblair: we've never tried doing it before15:29
kashyapclarkb: So, when debugging all kinds of Virt issues, it saves a ton of time to have the source of the error, right away15:29
jeblairmordred: (or did you just start trying to use iad)15:29
kashyapclarkb: Nice!15:29
clarkbkashyap: my recent expedition into libvirt suggests thats hardly the worst of our issues :P15:29
mordredjeblair: just started trying to use IAD15:29
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jeblairmordred: k.  good to know.  thanks.15:29
mordredjeblair: I mean, I started a few days ago ... but I've had other fish to fry so haven't mentioned it yet15:29
kashyapclarkb: :-)15:29
clarkbkashyap: did you know that virsh will happily read an invalid cpu_map.xml and report cpu models that libvirt lcaims does not exist? I still need to go figure out how to file a bug for that15:29
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mordredswiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: Object POST failed: 504 Gateway Time-out  [first 60 chars of response] <html><body><h1>504 Gateway Time-out</h1>15:29
mordredjeblair: ^^ for reference15:30
kashyapclarkb: First, let's finish this one -- "Will -2 attempts to index that file"15:30
kashyapclarkb: Can you rephrase that?15:30
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kashyapclarkb: About the libvirt bug, please file it here --
clarkbkashyap: yes, previously we attempted to index that log file with elasticsearch, but its too large with the number of jobs we run to do that in a reasonable amount of time15:30
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clarkbkashyap: so as long as its sort of the back pocket log file and not a ZOMG we need this for elastic-recheck its fine15:31
kashyapclarkb: Oh, okay, quick context --15:31
kashyapclarkb: Previously it failed because, it was awfully large, and the log filters were a "catch-all" insane debug level15:31
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Add config option for git clone URL
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Fix changeset fetching
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Allow the configured git-url to override gerrit
clarkbkashyap: its still too large15:31
kashyapclarkb: It's much more targeted and specifc this time.15:31
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kashyapclarkb: Hmm, understood.15:32
* clarkb goes to get an uncompressed size15:32
clarkbkashyap: 21MB15:33
kashyapclarkb: Was about type that here. . .15:33
kashyapclarkb: Okay, fair enough, indexing 21MB of uncompressed is bad.15:33
clarkbkashyap: *25k tests/day15:33
clarkb(that is approximately our test peak under high load iirc)15:33
kashyapHopefully, in the not-too distant future this'll become a non-issue.15:34
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nibalizerkrotscheck: thanks :)15:34
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kashyapclarkb: Thanks for the no. of tests/day stat, it brings things into perspective.15:36
clarkbkashyap: that isn't our load right now since we are post feature freeze but typically in the run up to a feature freeze we get way up there in the tests/day count15:36
kashyapclarkb: Yeah, I noticed you said "peak under high load)15:37
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kashyapclarkb: Please note your comment (along w/ your note on "move to Swift" to alleviate that) on that review, when you get time. So this context is archived for future.15:38
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clarkbkashyap: yup I left a +115:38
krotscheckIn macros.yaml, can I declare a builder with a parameterized name?15:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Allow the configured git-url to override gerrit
kashyapclarkb: And, about the invalid caps libvirt bug you noticed, please don't forget to file one :-)15:39
jrollmordred: this IAD thing makes me sad15:39
mordredjroll: is it a thing thing?15:40
jrollmordred: for you, apparently, idk15:40
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mordredjroll: :)15:40
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jrollmordred: what's your failure rate look like?15:40
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mordredjroll: well, I'm uploading 600M files, so I don't make requests that quickly15:41
mordredjroll: but I'd say "most of the time15:41
mordredjroll: whereas I have not seen that error at all on DFW or ORD15:41
jrollmordred: this is to glance or swift?15:42
mordredjroll: swift15:42
* jroll pokes15:42
mordredjroll: step one - upload to swift, step two, import to glance15:42
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jrollmordred: cool, seeing if I can bug people; I'd still recommend a ticket in parallel15:43
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mordredjroll: cool. thanks!15:43
* mordred goes to lunch - will file ticket when he gets back15:43
zigo_Is there a way to tell jenkins-jobs-builder to ignore certificate errors?15:43
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - Enable Karma as an independent build.
krotscheckclarkb: Is this a thing that's legal?
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clarkbkrotscheck: not quite, the name shouldn't be templated at all (only job templates need templated names) and you need to use a single layer of {}s for variable substition15:48
jeblairkrotscheck: left comment15:48
clarkbkrotscheck: so if you do name: npm-install-package15:48
clarkband remove extra {}s it should be close to what you ant15:48
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sputnik13err, what's with the microsoft office paperclip thing on
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claudiubhello, if any core reviewer has a little bit of time to look at the cloud-init project proposal, that would great! . It already has a +2.16:00
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fungisputnik13: it's a new feature we've added, in observance of the current international holiday16:02
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sputnik13ah, pfff16:03
sputnik13ok :-D16:03
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asselinfungi, sputnik13 :)16:16
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - Enable Karma as an independent build.
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fungi is fun today16:25
openstackjeblair: Error: "ynnuf" is not a valid command.16:26
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JayFsdague: I'd love to get more insight into what you meant here: -- this is the sort of thing that's easy to ignore until a change breaks it again :/16:27
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sdagueJayF: I'm 100% opposed to just piling every single devstack using job on devstack changes, because it makes getting anything done on the devstack project impossible.16:29
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JayFsdague: I agree with that approach, which is why I didn't propose this vote when creating the job. I'm just trying to determine the best way to insure jobs that Ironic gates on aren't broken by Devstack -- the agent_ssh-src job has been broken twice by devstack, because it has interactions between Ironic and Swift that the normal Ironic jobs don't.16:30
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JayFsdague: I want to know what you'd suggest as an alternate solution to running the job to achieve that goal?16:30
jgriffithclarkb: Did you add clippy to the dashboard :)16:31
sdagueJayF: can you point to the changes that caused pain here?16:32
JayFYeah, give me a bit to spulunk it though, it was back during the Ironic mid-cycle16:32
clarkbjhesketh: that was all nibalizer16:33
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sdagueand, honestly, I think a more productive path would be to move the ironic devstack bits back into the ironic tree as a devstack plugin, so that it's directly fixable by the ironic team16:33
sdaguebecause there are a lot of non main path things the ironic paths in devstack do16:34
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jeblairanteaya: i think your draft email looks fine -- i think that's exactly what's needed to kick off a discussion16:36
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fungiheads up, per discussion on #openstack-qa i'm going to manually submit devstack change to merge so as to unwedge stable/juno integration testing. it's currently both blocking and blocked on nova change
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JayFsdague: is the bug, I'm searching right now for the related change that broke it16:37
openstackLaunchpad bug 1421006 in Ironic "agent_ssh tempest job failing with ImageDownloadError" [Critical,Fix released]16:37
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clarkber jgriffith is was all nibalizer16:38
JayFsdague: is the change that broke it, and fixed it16:39
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thingeeclarkb: I've been waiting for clippy to nitpick at code reviews16:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Adds cloud-init to StackForge
thingee"looks like that comments is ending without a period. Would you like to reup the patch?"16:39
claudiubfungi hello16:39
fungiclaudiub: hi there16:40
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claudiubfungi: new project merged, so new cores need to be added. :D16:40
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jgriffithclarkb: :)16:41
fungiclaudiub: yep, it'll take a little while before the group from that change shows up in gerrit. i'll take a look in half an hour or so16:41
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claudiubfungi: ah, i see. ok then. :)16:41
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NobodyCamFYI nice paper clip!16:51
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malinifungi: hello..I have a patch which somehow doesn't seem to get into the merge pipeline ? Can you help me figure out what's going on?16:54
JayFmalini: s/reverify/recheck/ on your comment -- reverify was replaced by recheck aiui16:54
fungimalini: it's missing any code review +2 votes16:54
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malinifungi: duh…I was just looking at the workflow approval16:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add release notes to the README
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fungimalini: since you added your workflow +1 approval vote when there was no code review +2 present, you'll probably need to reset and re-apply that workflow +1 so that zuul will know to add it into the gate pipeline16:59
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fungimalini: e.g. review the change again but set your workflow vote to 0, then once more setting your workflow vote to +1 again. when that happens it should go straight into the gate pipeline17:00
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malinifungi: thanks! I now see it in the gate queue17:01
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fungiyep, looks good17:02
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JayF I'm getting "this patch depends on a change that failed to merge" when the change it depends on quite clearly merged. What's the suggested path to troubleshoot/knock it loose?17:08
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move congress projects from stackforge to openstack
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jeblairJayF: this is similar to a problem we've seen recently but not exactly the same.  i will have to look into the cause which will take a bit.17:14
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fungiJayF: jeblair: yes, in this case i think it's a nice reduction of the other cases we've observed17:14
jeblairJayF: in the mean time, try a recheck (that is a solution to the similar problem, it will be informative to try here)17:14
JayFrecheck which one, the one with the dependency?17:15
fungithe change was in the check pipeline, then the commit message was edited to remove one of two depends-on headers17:15
JayFYes, I did that :)17:15
fungiand that comment event seems to have immediately triggered zuul to report the depending on a change that failed to merge abort17:15
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fungiJayF: yeah, recheck on 165496 should work17:16
JayFit's been issued, thanks. I assumed that might fix it but it seemed an interesting enough case that you all might have wanted a heads up :)17:16
sdagueJayF: I think is a great instance of why ironic support out of tree might be better17:16
JayFsdague: I don't know what that means17:17
JayFsdague: you mean we host our own lib/ironic as a plugin?17:17
JayFsdague: in this case, it was actually the change to the *swift* user that broke us17:17
sdaguewhy do the ironic jobs assume they are swift admin?17:17
JayFaha, in this case17:18
JayFit was SWIFT_ENABLE_TEMPURLS depended on that user being admin17:18
JayFand Ironic Agent is the only devstack job that uses tempurls17:19
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JayFso tempurl support was broken in devstack, nothing tested that except the agent, so we had ~36 hours of busted gate17:19
sdagueso, basically, no one can use ironic agent unless they have admin on their swift cluster?17:19
jeblairsdague: i think it sounds like one's swift cluster must have tempurls enabled to use ironic agent17:20
JayFAt least IPA+agent_* Ironic driver17:20
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JayFIPA now supports the pxe_* class of drivers too, so we gotta be specific17:20
sdaguejeblair: enabling tempurls is one thing17:21
sdagueswift admin is another17:21
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jrollsdague: JayF: no, it doesn't require admin.17:22
jeblairsdague: i think JayF is saying that devstack contains the code to enable tempurls, but the only path that executes it is the ipa agent job.  so when devstack broke its ability to configure that option, it was untested.17:22
JayFjroll: what was it then? I'm confused ...17:22
sdaguejeblair: there is a tempest test for it17:22
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jrollsdague: JayF: it requires configuring the tempurl key as the same user that owns the images17:22
jrollsdague: JayF: since the admin user in this case owns the images, the key needs to be configured by the admin user17:23
jeblairsdague: okay, then my understanding is incomplete :)17:23
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sdaguewhich sounds like a bug in the ironic implementation here, it should probably carve off a non admin user that owns all these things17:24
jeblairjroll: why the 'swift admin user'?  why not an 'ironic user of swift' ?17:24
jeblairsdague: yeah17:24
fungiclaudiub: who should be the initial user of cloud-init-.* groups in gerrit? you, or harlowja or smoser or someone else entirely?17:24
jrolljeblair: sdague that would also work. ironic is by definition an admin-only thing, so I'm not sure how much would need to be untangled to support that17:24
jrollironic's gate was broken here, we were seeking fastest path to resolution17:25
harlowjafungi i think claudiub harlowja smoser17:25
harlowjathat seems ok17:25
harlowjafungi me and scott are the 2 cores in the bzr one17:25
harlowjai mean maintainers17:25
harlowjai mean cores17:25
fungiharlowja: well, i can add one of you and then you can add whoever else you want as long as they have gerrit accounts17:25
sdaguejroll: but no one went back to actually do proper postmortem17:26
harlowjaso i think scott ; me17:26
harlowjaand claudiub is fine to17:26
JayFharlowja: The amount I'm thrilled about the cloud-init going into gerrit cannot be described17:26
harlowjaJayF :-P17:26
harlowjabzr pain gone17:26
jrollsdague: nobody identified this as a problem17:26
jrollsdague: which also falls on us, just saying.17:26
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harlowjaJayF this will just be for the 'new cloudinit though'17:26
jeblairJayF: and some fun testing possibilities :)17:26
harlowjanot older one17:26
JayFharlowja: I know. At least forward movement is occurring though17:27
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sdaguewhich is again why I'm 100% opposed to just throwing more jobs at devstack, because now it becomes my problem to sort out all these unwinds in devstack. And there are too many combinations here.17:27
Krinklejeblair: I filed the issue from yesterday here, Open to suggestions you might have :)17:27
harlowjaJayF cools17:27
harlowjafungi if u just want to add me i can add the rest17:28
harlowjathats fine to17:28
jrollsdague: I'm not saying I'm for or against this patch in particular, fwiw, just helping to understand history. I'm +100000 on this living in ironic's tree.17:28
harlowja*seeing as i've done all this before17:28
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sdaguejroll: awesome, that would be great. Needs an owner to get that moved over.17:28
adam_gjroll, JayF fwiw that works been started here
jrollsweet, we just found an owner :P17:29
fungiharlowja: done17:29
adam_gi think that was blocked on some devstack patches that have landed, so it should get moving again17:29
fungiharlowja: have fun!17:29
harlowjafungi thx :)17:29
jeblairsdague, jroll: moving it is part of it, but also not assuming more than what devstack promises is also part of it17:29
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sdaguejeblair: yeh, agreed17:30
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sdagueadam_g: cool, let me know if there are any other devstack changes you need in the infrastructure to get that moving17:30
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adam_gso lib/ironic does support quite  a bit on lib/neutron, which is a messy bowl of spaghetti.  i dont have much faith that small changes to lib/neutron wont break ironic, let alone a long overdue cleanup/refactoring17:32
jeblairsdague, jroll: i think adam_g has seen this, but you can see the completed and work in progress for the move for trove in "topic:devstack-trove"17:32
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jeblairadam_g: we have learned recently that anything in lib/* is not part of the devstack api17:33
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fungiKrinkle: i had some thoughts on how that might work but never got past trying to figure out how to map the pipeline definition into the layout. it may be able to use the IndependentPipelineManager with some tweaking, but the type of changeish it will use has no analog in the current source17:33
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jeblairadam_g: so if they are entangled, they need to be untangled, which sounds like that might be complex.17:34
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mtreinishfungi, jeblair: do you know how to make a read only link to an etherpad?17:36
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mtreinishI saw pleia2 paste one somewhere before, but am not sure how to generate one17:36
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jeblairmtreinish: first i've heard of it :)17:36
jeblairmtreinish: copy the content to paste.o.o is what i'd do :)17:37
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sdaguemtreinish: there is an html export button, perhaps that?17:37
morganfainbergEther pad has a read only mode?17:37
jeblairmtreinish: 'share', click 'read only', copy link17:37
fungiKrinkle: the ideal behavior for that kind of pipeline, i think, is that when there is a trigger event (for example a change-merged) then queue up jobs to run for that repo's branch tip, which gets actually resolved at the time the job starts. that also might have some interesting implications on the merger daemon side too, since it would imply needing to keep branch tips updated there17:37
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mtreinishjeblair: yep, just found it. I would not have guessed that's what that button did based on the icon17:38
jeblairfungi: we can't do resolution when the job starts since there may be more than one job and they start at different times17:38
Krinklefungi: Yeah, perhaps a generic job that perhaps even bypasses zuul-merge. Or at least pulls a branch tip instead of a zuul/ref.17:39
jeblairfungi: (and they may be interdependent, such as our tarball/upload jobs)17:39
sdaguejeblair: I think you lost a few characters here -
jeblairsdague: thank you! :)17:39
claudiubfungi harlowja: sorry, I was disconnected. I was told that alexpilotti should also be added. :)17:39
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fungijeblair: fair point. if we want that to support all jobs run for a repo in that pipeline operating on the same exact commit, it does get messy17:40
fungiso we can't just feed the job the branch name17:40
sdaguejeblair: I think this can go unWIP - - it's slightly orthogonal17:41
jeblairfungi, Krinkle: you could have a pipeline where it starts jobs for one Item, and then allows at most one Item to be enqueued after it (always the latest) but does not start those jobs until the first Item is complete.17:41
sdagueand we should just land it17:41
Krinklefungi: I'm not too worried about that part though. Deferring the commit resolution to the job start will help if it gets stalled but it will generally start right away. Could even make the job a proxy (e.g. parametised regular job that triggers a job not otherwise triggered that just uses Jenkins GIT to pull the branch and build)17:41
sdagueiirc you need to delete the git_clone here - - because devstack has done that already, and weird things happen if you specify it again in the plugin17:42
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unneeded 'create' from all tags sections
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Krinklejeblair: Ah, nice. One just run-max=1, but run-max=1 and queue-max=1. interesting. That way it will always complete the last one.17:42
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sdagueand actually for - (the project-config change) it would be nice to do this as a 2nd config first so both could be run on trove, the devstack change could be self testing, and once it's known to work the old jobs could be deleted17:43
harlowjaclaudiub ok dokie17:43
sdagueall of that is also left in review comments, but repeated here for clarity17:43
jeblairsdague: i constructed the change series so that wouldn't be necessary17:43
fungijeblair: Krinkle: agreed, that's an interesting compromise17:43
claudiub_harlowje: thanks! :D17:43
sdaguejeblair: in what way?17:43
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest-dsvm-sahara
jeblairsdague: 167412 causes the plugin to be used if trove is enabled17:44
jeblairsdague: so the entire series should be self-testing17:44
sdagueoh, gotcha17:45
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KrinkleHm. i'm slightly confused by the issue tracker.!/project/67917:46
sdaguehmmmm.... the graph isn't working in my head17:46
KrinkleIs there a second page of open issue?17:46
Krinkleor just those handful?17:46
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jeblairKrinkle: it has a bug; i think you can see more if you log in and set your preferred page size17:46
KrinkleI am logged in.17:46
KrinkleI don't see any pagination17:46
fungithat's the bug17:47
jeblairKrinkle: there is no pagination.  that's the bug.17:47
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add sahara tempest job to sahara and tempest
jeblairKrinkle: if you go to preferences and set the page size to 100 you'll see more17:47
sdaguejeblair: ah, right - and the actual plugin need fixing17:47
fungiin this case s/bug/unfinished feature/ if you will17:47
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KrinkleHm.. searching for!/search?q=post-merge and adding project zuul from dropdown results in 400: GET /api/v1/stories/search: Unknown argument: "project_id"17:48
Krinklesame if I add a filter for status>active.17:49
jeblairKrinkle: i get that too17:49
jeblairkrotscheck: ^17:49
openstackgerritChristoph Gysin proposed stackforge/gertty: Add support for auth-type=form
sdaguejeblair: you want me to push some fixes here? I'm curious if this is all going to work actually :)17:50
clarkbI get distracted by linux package management for an hour and the channel goes all active17:51
* clarkb catches up17:51
jeblairsdague: sure thing -- i probably won't be able to give these another pass for a few more hours17:51
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporarily add trove plugin configuration
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sdaguejeblair: ok, the 2 changes made that I *think* are needed to make this work17:54
sdagueand recheck on the DNM patch17:54
sdagueso... we'll see17:54
jeblairsdague: cool; also i agree with the orthoganalness of the grenade patch, so if we want to put that at the head of the series, that works too.  but we can wait until these results come back :)17:54
sdaguejeblair: yeh, I'm fine waiting for test results and merging it all in one go if it's good17:55
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sdaguealso, thanks for running off and doing this. Really good to have someone else exposing assumptions in the process.17:56
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jeblairno prob :)17:56
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clarkbjeblair: sdague it will only break trove righ? couldn't we just update the job and have them merge the change to make the plugin work in trove?17:57
sdagueclarkb: honestly, I'd rather move them from a working state to a working state17:57
sdagueit seems like the polite thing to do17:58
KrinkleHm.. does storyboard support linking to another url?17:58
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sdaguejeblair: hmmm17:58
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sdaguejenkins is the sad on -
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clarkbsdague: sure the change is fine as is, I just don't think I agree with the assertion that we can't test things17:59
clarkbits tested either way, but one way it will break as part of the transition18:00
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jeblairclarkb: what are you talking about?18:00
jeblairclarkb: i think we moved past that.  i explained to sdague that the entire patch series is already self-testing18:00
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sdagueright, I just didn't visualize the graph18:01
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jeblairi had notes when i wrote it :)18:02
sdaguejeblair: the merge conflict is funny with depends-on18:02
sdaguebecause it turns out the devstack remove patch was actually the problematic one18:02
sdaguewhich I had to rebase to recheck the top18:03
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sdagueok, going for a walk with the fam, back in a bit18:03
jeblairsdague: yeah, was just looking into that, it was a conflict in a dependency?18:03
sdaguejeblair: yep18:03
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sdagueit should be good now18:03
jeblaircool, thx18:03
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Krinklefungi: jeblair: Hm.. so this kind of pipeline, that would have to be implemented in Zuul, right? We can't declare such a pipeline with the current feature set?18:08
fungiKrinkle: right, this would need to be a new feature in zuul18:08
fungiKrinkle: at least i was unable to figure out a facsimile within the current feature set18:08
KrinkleCould you gauge the amount of work it would take?18:08
KrinkleAre the building blocks there?18:09
jeblairKrinkle: correct, i think this would be a new kind of pipeline (which is neat! there are only two now!) which is a bit more complex than my suggestion yesterday about simply removing the change (which you correctly point out could end up in a starvation situation)18:09
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jeblairKrinkle: i would guess someone familiar with zuul internals could do this in a day or two, and someone unfamiliar might take a bit longer.  yes, the building blocks are there, but they haven't been assembled in this way before so there are likely to be a few small refactors.18:11
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fungithat was the feeling i got when i first started to dive into it, but didn't go deep enough to determine how much work would be involved18:12
KrinkleI'm looking at how much code is involved in a pipeline18:12
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KrinkleSeems about a 100 lines for each18:13
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fungiyeah, i was thinking of starting from the independent pipeline manager since it's pretty close to the behavior we'd want already18:13
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jeblaircombine that with the concept of a window (perhaps a fixed window of size 1) which already exists...18:14
jeblair(that may not need much or any modification)18:14
KrinkleHm.. I'm not seeing the cancelling behaviour from the independant pipeline18:14
KrinkleI guess it's somewhat implicit18:14
* Krinkle updated
jeblairand then add the logic to replace similar items if they are outside the window18:15
KrinkleI guess the concept of applying a window to non-running builds would be new, though?18:15
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fungiKrinkle: well, the "window" feature is really that anything outside the window is not going to get resources assigned18:16
jeblairKrinkle: well, the window is how deep in a dependent pipeline's shared change queue jobs should start18:16
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fungiso with a window of 1 only the oldest changeish gets resources, the second-oldest would be "outside" the window and just waiting18:17
fungie.g. active vs inactive18:17
Krinklefungi: Hm.. how far outside is this "outside". Would it show up on Zuul dashboard as queued?18:18
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fungiand the specialness of the pipeline would be to just keep cancelling/replacing any outside the window when a new trigger arrives for that queue18:18
jeblairKrinkle: search for 'dequeue_on_new_patchset' to find the dequeuing action18:18
jeblairKrinkle: changes outside the window show up as such, yes18:18
fungiKrinkle: it would show up in the status.json. what does or doesn't show up on the dashboard is more a question of aesthetics18:18
KrinkleSure :)18:19
jeblairKrinkle: 3 changes in our integrated gate queue are outside the window18:19
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Krinklejeblair: state "unknown"?18:19
jeblair"Waiting until closer to head of queue to start jobs"18:20
jeblairKrinkle: no -- time to land "unknown"18:20
KrinkleAh interesting18:20
jeblairKrinkle: mouseover the dot for the state explanation18:20
Krinklejeblair: That pipeline is a dependent pipeline?18:20
jeblairKrinkle: yes18:20
KrinkleRight. And it's doing the speculate-ahead-that-passing concept, but limited to a certain size so that you don't end up allocating too munch of resources on a hunch that may end up being cancelled in case of failure.18:21
jeblaircorrect.  it increases and decreases dynamically based on how often things fail.18:21
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KrinkleI haven't updated our dashboard in a while18:22
jeblair(it's currently at our minimum, if that tells you anything)18:22
KrinkleMissing some features :)18:22
fungiit's frequently (usually?) at our minimum18:22
jeblairKrinkle: the update of the in-tree dashboard (building on your work) is coming along:
jeblairKrinkle: i think we're getting close to be able to use it as our main one18:23
KrinkleHm.. interesting. You've got two zuul dashboards?18:23
KrinkleAh, right.18:23
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jeblairi'm a big fan of the all-in-one progress bar jhesketh introduced18:24
jeblairi have to run now, biab.18:25
fungiooh, that reminded me to check if my last https-enablement patch landed for the zuul status api. it has!18:25
Krinklejeblair: They both consume the same status.json, right?18:25
Krinklejeblair: Ah, yeah, very nice! Makes it less verbose.18:25
fungisdague: ^ we can consume https://zuul.o.o/status.json from https://review.o.o now18:25
KrinkleI like that the dashboard on status.os.o/zuul isn't too verbose.18:25
fungiKrinkle: that's, um... out of necessity18:26
KrinkleYeah, but it makes sense18:26
KrinkleToo much information.18:26
fungiwhen we get several hundred changes deep, it's unmanageable if they're all expanded by default18:26
Krinkleoh, it has an expansion still18:27
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clarkband that happens frequently with the merge checks now18:27
fungiyep, click to toggle18:27
fungii think there's still room to improve on minimizing the profile of inactive changes in the status interface18:27
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fungialso i think we could probably hide the change queue labels if they're for a single project18:28
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clarkbjeblair: have you had a chance to read jhesketh's comment on ?18:29
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clarkbI can get the next round of swift logs stuff in18:30
clarkbbut don't want to approve that change until you have had achance to catch up on it18:30
* Krinkle files a reminder task to incorporate some code from back to ours.18:30
KrinkleNice work18:30
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arosenHi, I'm looking at zuul enqueue. And I was wondering witht he --pipline and --trigger objects mean?18:32
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aroseni'm guessing --pipline would be check18:33
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arosenand trigger could be either: patchset-created, comment-added, change-restored ?18:33
fungiarosen: those should be the name of the pipeline into which you want the change enqueued and the name of the trigger that pipeline uses (probably "gerrit" in your case)18:33
arosenfungi:  ah i see it's gerrit18:34
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Krinklehere is ours running with your data18:35
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jrolloh my, that's pretty if the tests were collapsed :)18:36
fungijroll: is to a great extent what that would look like with the tests collapsed18:36
jrollfungi: yeah, but this is shinier18:37
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jrolloh wait what18:37
KrinkleThis must be what time travelling feels like.18:37
KrinkleIt already exists, jroll :)18:37
jrollfungi: is that new?18:37
fungijroll: is the built-in dashboard (based on work contributed by wikimedia devs)18:37
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jrollI see; what'18:38
jrollwhat's the difference with status.o.o/zuul?18:38
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clarkbit would be awesome if I didn't have to sign up for a new accunt every time I went to submit a bug for $project18:38
arosenfungi:  quick question, when i do gerrit query --format json status:open project:stackforge/congress it gives me the gerrit number but not the patch number. Any idea how to get that?18:38
arosenfor example for --change gerrit_number, patch_number18:38
fungijroll: is the one integrated into our site. they're both rendering the same json from zuul's status api18:38
clarkbI wonder how terrible it would be for bug trackers to allow people to submit a bug pseudo anonymously using only an email address18:38
jrollfungi: interesting, thanks18:39
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clarkbarosen: queries return changes not patchsets so I think its just the way gerrit presents the data?18:39
fungiarosen: there are a couple of patchset-related options to that api. are you looking at the api docs?18:39
clarkbbasically a change != a patchset18:40
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fungiarosen: i think --current-patch-set is what you want18:42
arosenfungi:  no i'm only looking at :
mordredarosen: oh - that's very old18:42
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arosenfungi:  bingo that's it.18:44
arosenI'm writting a little tool that uses gerritlib and zuul.client to recheck failed patches for me in the backend.18:44
clarkbarosen: I think zuul can do that for you but I might be wrong18:45
clarkb thats annoying18:49
openstackgerritChristoph Gysin proposed stackforge/gertty: Add config option for git clone URL
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clarkbwe should just make a script that restarts our jenkins masters every day in a rolling fashion18:50
mordredclarkb: ++18:50
clarkb(not actually a great idea but this jenkins bug is really annoying)18:50
clarkbjenkins04 is starting to leak. 03 appears dead18:51
clarkbneed to check 05-0718:51
mordredclarkb: seems like an easy enough ansible playbook to write18:51
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mordredclarkb: of course, I agree, the need for it is super lame18:51
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clarkbmy favorite thing is jenkins asked me to install a support plugin to get a thread dump, as soon as I add a thread dump (via melody not a support plugin) the bug goes silent18:52
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mordredsounds like a thread race to me :)18:52
clarkbits not even a race, a blocking call blocks in a synchronized method18:52
clarkbat that point its game over you lose do not collect $20018:52
mordredoh ugh18:52
mordredI misunderstood what you meant by "goes silent"18:53
clarkboh I meant that the person communicating via the bug went silent18:53
clarkbwhich is :(18:53
clarkb I may need to fire up a jenkins dev env locally and see if I can fix this plugin18:53
mtreinishfungi, mordred, clarkb: if you get a sec could use a 3rd +2 (and hopefully a +A) :)18:54
clarkbanteaya: ^ any specific reason for not approving tis change?18:55
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yolandajeblair, i haven't had a chance to test simulator today, but i'll have some time tomorrow morning. I like that idea, instead of just exploiting my hpcloud account18:56
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yolandaadded some comments to your change, btw18:56
yolandai need to look at that more carefully, but i'd like if we could make servers stay for x time before dropping them, so we can simulate better when we reach quota and start getting in trouble18:58
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clarkbI just restarted jenkins on 0319:02
clarkbI also grabbed the hs error file from /tmp and put it in my homedir, same story with thread leak19:02
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clarkb05-07 all show signs of the leak too19:06
clarkbI am going to put 04 in shutdown mode now, then once it has stopped running jobs try killing the thread holding the lock19:06
fungithanks. i'm happy to help take turns on restarting them or whatever19:07
fungionce you're done digging19:07
clarkbfungi: I'm thinking we bring 02 back into the rotation since its already settled19:07
clarkbfungi: then we can hold one of the others if we want19:07
fungii'll get 02 cleaned up in that case19:08
fungineed a break from trying to wrestle the dpkg-query behavior differences around multi-arch package naming between precise and trusty for a bit19:08
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clarkbI am going to clean old slaves off of 04 so it is ready to be experimented on once jobs are done19:09
fungiokay, 02 is cleaned and on its way back into service now19:10
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sdaguefungi: \o/19:12
fungihrm, no lifeless around yet19:12
sdaguefungi: does that mean you are now +2 on -
asselin_Hi, I'm running into this bug. Anyone know how to enable this setting during VM install?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1413540 in linux (Ubuntu) "Trusty soft lockup issues with nested KVM" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Chris J Arges (arges)19:13
asselin_"set KSM_ENABLED=0 in /etc/default/qemu-kvm"19:14
clarkbasselin_: we do not nested kvm19:14
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clarkbspecifically because in our testing it did things like ^19:14
clarkband kernel panics19:14
asselin_clarkb, what do you do?19:15
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clarkbwell that and our clouds don't let us :)19:15
clarkbasselin_: we use qemu19:15
fungisdague: apparently so!19:15
asselin_clarkb,where do you set that?19:15
fungii'll keep tabs on gerrit to make sure the javascript keeps getting served after that merges19:16
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clarkbasselin_: we don't set it anywhere. Our clouds don't expose the virtualization features in the cpus given to us so nova automagically uses qemu19:16
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asselin_clarkb, ok....thanks19:17
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fungii can't decide whether bindep on dpkg-based platforms should just ignore multi-arch specifiers so as to support least-common-denominator systems (like precise which doesn't support a binary:Package format macro in dpkg-query) or support them with a legacy fallback behavior19:18
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clarkbasselin_: looks like nova can be explicitly told to qemu19:18
clarkbasselin_: but I am not sure if libvirt will default to kvm or not19:18
asselin_clarkb, ok thanks. yeah just found it here too. will try it out:
clarkbfungi: if we have to specificy arch specific packages we probably have bigger problems?19:18
clarkb*specificy is a new word which means I don't know what19:19
clarkbfungi: I would consider it a bug if we needed i386 pcakages for something on x86_64. Is there any other situation where this might come up?19:19
fungiclarkb: yeah, the quandry is that bindep currently has the beginnings of multi-arch specifier support, but is ignoring them implicitly. i need to decide between ignoring them explicitly and documenting that as not yet supported, or finishing up support for it19:20
clarkbmaybe arm32 vs arm64?19:20
fungiright. for example if you install zlib1g on an amd64 trusty system you get zlib1g:amd64 specifically19:20
greghaynesthats only an issue if something wants the i686 version though?19:21
clarkbya so arch specific is only necessary if you are on a platform that supports multiple arches and for some reason only the non default arch would work19:21
clarkbwhich to me is a bug19:21
fungithe tools on trusty (dpkg, dpkg-query, et cetera) default to explicitly listing the :amd64 for it19:21
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clarkbusually this is only a problem when installing video games19:22
fungibut in good news, you can query zlib1g:amd64 on precise and you get back info for zlib1g19:22
mordredfungi: I think you should ignore it19:22
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greghaynesYea, its probably important to verify we dont have anything with an arch specific bindep... but ++ to we shouldnt19:23
fungii think i'm going to for now, it just calls for at least a code comment that if you specify zlib1g:i386 on an amd64 system, zlib1g:amd64 will end up satisfying the requirements, which is a non-intuitive corner case19:23
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clarkbjenkins01 is acting up as well. I think it is highly possible all of our masters are currently in this state of slow death19:24
fungialso i'm a little worried that the existing package version support is overreaching for this tool (and a lot of additional complexity to support when adding more platforms)19:24
clarkbexcept for 02 until it reenters it19:24
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sdaguejeblair: - doesn't seem like it pulled in the depends-on19:25
fungiin my opinion, we should gut the existing version matching support our of bindep, because the situations where your distro has required package x but not within required version range y..z is a corner case you probably can't easily fix anyway19:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: display zuul in gerrit change
clarkbsdague: "HEAD is now at 5abac15 WIP: Move trove into in-tree plugin" it looks like it did19:27
fungi"you need a newer distro" is of course a helpful thing for a tool to tell you outright, but it's not exactly easy to implement19:27
clarkbsdague: from
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sdagueit's not got the right line in localrc19:31
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporarily add trove plugin configuration
sdaguenever mind, bad regex19:33
sdaguego go bashism19:34
clarkbI just put 01 in prepare for shutdown because it seemed to be the worst off of the lot19:36
clarkbthat leaves us with 5 masters for now which should be fine as we regularly take 2 out of rotation at a time to do restarts19:36
clarkbwell 6 if you count jenkins.o.o19:36
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timrcmordred, So is really cool.  I'll see about using something like graphene or cubism to provide real-time graphing dashboard.19:47
timrcmordred, There's quite a few tasks so I imagine a stacked graph would become quite noisy.19:51
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timrcSo maybe horizon charts for each task?19:52
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the ceph jobs fetch an image-based cirros and use it by default
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use HTTPS when including Zuul status via hideci
fungisdague: i just remembered ^ why i actually -1'd 12594420:08
fungii would have used a procedural -2 instead if i'd been okay with the change, but my -1 meant that i thought you needed another patchset to correct the protocol in the url20:09
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fungisdague: my browser error console throws a "blocked loading mixed active content" because of that20:13
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not merge me - I am for testing.
sdaguefungi: oh, right20:23
sdaguethat would be super cool to merge once the clippy is gone, like reverse april fools20:24
fungisdague: in good news, i did very briefly "fix" that by hand in production and it worked as expected, so yes if we can get that in within the next 3.5 hours...20:24
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dansmithis there any way to link to the zuul status page with a filter set?20:24
dansmithlike status/zuul?filter=xyz ?20:24
fungiclippy will be replaced by something actually useful ;)20:24
jeblairfungi: how do i see the zuul thing20:25
mordredjeblair: I'm confused - I do not have any outstanding patches that are over two weeks stale20:25
* jeblair hands mordred some patches20:25
* mordred puts the patches in his pouch, next to the tinderbox and rations20:25
timrcmordred, All your patches are outstanding.  Don't sell yourself short!20:25
fungijeblair: make that same hideci.js tweak via your javascript console, or convince your browser to allow "mixed active content"20:25
mordredtimrc: aww. :)20:25
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jeblairfungi: oh, i see.  firefox didn't throw as much of a fit as i thought it would.20:26
jeblairi was expecting big yellow page20:26
fungijeblair: it's "quietly protecting you"20:27
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jeblairclarkb: okay, i've read jhesketh's comment on 167158 and for some reason, i still don't understand why we're scp uploading the footers.20:28
hasharDinnermordred: hello monty! You said in an email the jobs are limited in duration to prevent malicious usage ( )  I am wondering how you are handling it :)20:29
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hasharDinnermordred: is that nodepool having some feature to timeout an instance?20:29
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jeblairhasharDinner: jenkins timeout20:29
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not merge me - I am for testing.
mordredhasharDinner: yes, what jeblair said20:30
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hashar\o/  Thanks!20:30
fungiclarkb: i'm deleting all jenkins01 slaves from nodepool except those actively running jobs20:30
jeblairhashar: i hope you enjoyed your dinner! :)20:30
hasharmordred: jeblair: for what it is worth, I had my first meeting today regarding Nodepool / openstack farm for Wikimedia CI!20:30
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hasharjeblair: always!  it is always fun with kids *grin*20:31
jeblairhashar: oh exciting!20:31
mordredhashar: woot!20:31
fungiclarkb: oh, and also except for any in a held status20:31
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fungithough double-checking now, there don't seem to have been any held for jenkins01 anyway20:32
hasharand I have finished a Debian package for our Zuul install !  Next is porting it to Debian and then I will package Nodepool.  Double w00t !20:32
clarkbfungi thanks20:32
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Allow the configured git-url to override gerrit
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add delete_image call
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Skip passing in timeout to glance if it's not set
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Migrate API calls to task management
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Poll on the actual image showing up
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krotscheckWhat is this 'wrappers' annotation I see in job-templates?20:34
jeblairclarkb: do you think you can help alleviate my confusion about 167158?20:34
krotscheckIs that a 'execute around template' thing that could, for example, start up an xvfb thing?20:34
jeblairkrotscheck: it's a particular kind of feature in jenkins20:34
jeblairkrotscheck: which is to say, it's not a generic thing you can wrap around anything...20:35
clarkbjeblair ya give me a couple minutes to reread thibgs and finish my pancake20:35
jeblairkrotscheck: but rather, some features of jenkins jobs are exposed via "wrappers" as opposed to "publishers" and "builders"20:35
krotscheckjeblair: Thanks. I'll do something else for these javascrit nuts.20:35
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jeblairkrotscheck: example: one we use is a timeout.  so in jenkins that's implemented as a "wrapper" for the job, i guess because it applies to the whole job as opposed to a build step20:36
jeblairkrotscheck: you can make a build step that sets up xvfb, and then make jobs that use the xvfb build step plus whatever else they do.  may or may not be the right thing to do.20:36
arosenIs anyone allowed to connect to the openstack-infra zuul-server? Just curious.20:37
jeblairkrotscheck: i think mysql is being set up that way in fungi's work to run all jobs on the same kinds of slaves (with nothing installed)20:37
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krotscheckjeblair: That's what I'm thinking. Right now there's way too much custom scripting to get xvfb working.20:37
jeblairarosen: to the read-only status.json url, yes20:37
krotscheckjeblair: The only concern I have is what happens to the leftover buffer if the build fails.20:37
jeblairarosen: to the gearman server, no20:37
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jeblairkrotscheck: all build slaves are single-use, so it will be destroyed20:38
krotscheckTechnically that _shouldnt_ be a problem since the node is nuked, but it's ncie to clean up after ourselves if the build exit 1's.20:38
arosenjeblair:  how is that secured?20:38
jeblairarosen: iptables20:38
jeblairis how it's "secured" :)20:38
fungikrotscheck: look in the jenkins/jobs/experimental-workers.yaml and at the builder macros from macros.yaml that it's calling20:38
jeblairarosen: geard supports ssl though, so it could theoretically be secured more now20:38
arosenjeblair:  just curious if there was any kind of auth support. Thanks.20:39
jeblairarosen: (that is a relatively recent addition)20:39
jeblairarosen: so the answer is yes, but we aren't using it, and the jenkins gearman plugin doesn't support it.  i think there is unfinished work to wrap jenkins gearman with stunnel to get that.20:39
krotscheckfungi: You mean mysql-prep?20:39
fungikrotscheck: yeah, and other similar builders20:40
jeblairkrotscheck: if you want a cleanup to run regardless of test output, youll need to incorporate it into the test.  like a script that runs the test, saves exit code, cleans up, then exits with exit code.20:40
jeblairkrotscheck: devstack-gate does that (in devstack-gate itself, you won't find that in jjb)20:40
clarkbjeblair: right, my understanding is that with the docs living in devstack-gate we need to upload them to the logs.o.o server too20:41
krotscheckUrgh. Trying to avoid that, it's easier for new projects to handle those thigns.20:41
clarkbjeblair: but I am double checking on that20:41
jeblairkrotscheck: there _is_ a jenkins post-build thing that will run stuff regardless, but we need to limit our use of it because it's not compatible with our direction wrt jenkins20:41
krotscheckIt's easier for new projects to get started if they don't have to write all kinds of custom scripts20:41
fungikrotscheck: basically, builders run in sequence until one of them exits nonzero, then jenkins moves on to things like publishers20:41
clarkbkrotscheck: way too much custom scripting for xvfb? there should be a single script that I wrote about 3 years ago20:42
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krotscheckclarkb: I'm referring to things like
krotscheckLike, why do I even have to have that in there?20:43
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jeblairclarkb: i guess i don't understand why we need to upload them to logs.o.o if we're also using apache footers.  are we going to drop apache footers in favor of stuff uploaded via scp so that we aren't managing them in two places?  i don't see the harm in just leaving the footers there until we have expired everything served from filesystem.20:43
clarkbjeblair: the help text is in devstack-gate now, trying to confirm now that apache is consuming it from there, if it is already doing that then I Think you are correct that the scp copy of the help is unnecessary20:43
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i thought i saw a puppet change that uses what's in d-g.20:44
clarkbkrotscheck: you shouldn't, instead we should've expanded the existing script to xvfb to meet storboards needs20:44
krotscheckclarkb: Well, we didn't. And now I'm fixing it.20:44
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* krotscheck doesn't recall why he wrote a custom script, but he probably had a good reason.20:45
dougwighello infra, topic looks horked in #openstack-meeting-alt.  not sure if someone left a meeting open or what.20:45
clarkbkrotscheck: probabl because the existing one assumed a python project20:45
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clarkbkrotscheck: but that should be fixable in a central everyone use xvfb the same way20:46
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krotscheckclarkb: Likely20:47
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clarkbjeblair: is the consume help from d-g change20:48
jeblairdougwig: fixed, thx20:48
dougwigjeblair: ty20:49
clarkbjeblair: so I think we can approve 167146 then -1 167158 because of the unecessary file copy20:49
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jeblairclarkb: okay, so i'm not insane!20:50
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jeblairclarkb: done20:52
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arosenI'm using nodepool+dib to build a percise image though the CI seems to fail because of:  /usr/bin/pkg-config --print-errors --atleast-version=0.9.11 libvirt20:56
arosendo you guys do anything special to solve this for percise dib images?20:56
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mtreinisharosen: are you trying to use master on precise?20:58
arosenmtreinish:  yes20:58
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mtreinisharosen: I don't think that works because nova bumped the min libvirt requirement20:59
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fungiarosen: right, we test icehouse on precise, juno and later on trusty21:01
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Redirect rsync output in aiopcpu
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openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the ceph jobs fetch an image-based cirros and use it by default
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arosenfungi:  Hrm i seem to be hitting this bug in 14.04:
openstackLaunchpad bug 1413540 in linux (Ubuntu) "Trusty soft lockup issues with nested KVM" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Chris J Arges (arges)21:02
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arosenI'm surprised you guys aren't hitting it21:02
greghaynesjeblair: with - I wonder if it might be possible to use the client fakes to run the actual scheduler21:02
fungiarosen: we don't see that since, as clarkb mentioned earlier, we don't (can't) use nested kvm21:03
clarkbok my experiment on jenkins04 failed. Killing the the thread blocking on the ftp transfer did not unstick all of the other threads21:03
jeblairgreghaynes: i do that in the next change, but that runs in real time21:03
arosenfungi:  Oh must of missed where clarkb said that you don't used nested kvm.21:03
arosenwhat do you guys use then?21:03
clarkbI'm kind of amazed anyone uses nested kvm21:03
clarkbarosen: qemu21:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fetch devstack-gate documentation from dg
clarkbpleia2 looked into it just to see if it would help us and found that there be dragons (kernel panics and lockups and all manner of fun)21:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add os-testr repo
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arosenclarkb: sorry I don't quite follow. You mean you use qemu in the guest right"?21:04
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greghaynesjeblair: oh nice. So the next step is to probably make a model per provider21:04
arosenI'm just running devstack in the guest would that be using kvm over qemu?21:04
* greghaynes might have to play with that21:05
clarkbarosen: cloud provides first layer of VMs to us, we run nova with qemu inside that first layer of VMs to make an innner layer21:05
clarkbarosen: it would use kvm over qemu if you passed virt through21:05
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cineramawow great. so my local zanata is successfully authenticating against openstackid-dev.o.o21:06
asselin_clarkb, nested kvm is the default....21:06
sdagueasselin_: not in any cloud we run on21:06
clarkbfungi: is your jenkins01 cleanup still in progress? there are a small number of offline nodes there that look like they can be cleaned up21:06
fungilast i remember, our providers didn't even expose the processor features needed for us to run kvm inside an instance?21:06
arosenclarkb:  hrm where would I need to look to change this configuration?21:06
clarkbfungi: I can get them if it won't affect you21:06
fungiclarkb: there's one job still running21:06
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clarkbfungi: a I was just going to delete the nodes21:06
cineramathe bad news is that inside the admin interface you can override the values in the config which we so carefully templatized in puppet21:06
cineramaand they never get written back out to the file21:06
fungiclarkb: i can also just delete them from config.xml during the restart21:06
asselin_sdague, well...i'm running my own cloud...hense the default becomes an issue...21:07
clarkbasselin_: no nested kvm is not the default21:07
clarkbat least it wasn't when we looked into it21:07
fungiclarkb: the main reason i did nodepool cleanup was so that jenkins01 wouldn't continue squatting any ready nodes21:07
sdagueclarkb: I think it is now with newer ubuntu21:07
jeblairclarkb: i +2d 126747 with a suggestion for a new patchset.  :)21:07
clarkbsdague: wow21:07
clarkbjeblair: there probably should be a test like that21:08
clarkbjeblair: I can update the existing test to do both21:08
clarkbfungi: good point21:08
sdagueclarkb: cat /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf21:09
sdagueI don't think I changed that on my systems, could be wrong21:09
clarkbsdague: no its set here too21:09
clarkbsdague: which is intesting given the response that asselin_ linked21:09
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clarkbubuntu says "don't do this"21:09
clarkbbut then also turns it on by default. I don't even21:09
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sdagueheh, I didn't realize they said don't do this21:10
asselin_I hope this is not an april fools joke :)21:10
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clarkb seems to imply that you shouldn't nest virt21:11
openstackLaunchpad bug 1413540 in linux (Ubuntu) "Trusty soft lockup issues with nested KVM" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Chris J Arges (arges)21:11
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clarkbfungi: I am going to go ahead and restart jenkins04 now since my thread killing experiment failed21:13
arosenasselin_: are you running with 14.04 guests and seeing this similiar kernel issue?21:13
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fungiclarkb: as soon as this last tripleo ironic job finishes i'll stop the jenkins process, wipe the remaining slaves in the config, then bring it back into service21:13
asselin_arosen, yes21:14
clarkbfungi: on 01?21:14
fungiclarkb: on 01 i mean21:14
clarkbfungi: thanks21:14
fungiand here it goes... logs uploading now21:14
mordredcinerama: wow, that's fantastic21:14
mordredcinerama: are there any reasons one would need to be admin?21:14
mordredcinerama: perhaps we can just not give anyone admin access ...21:15
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cineramamordred: add languages, adjust roles, etc21:15
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clarkbI had to kill -9 jenkins0421:15
jeblairmordred, cinerama: yeah, we talked about that as something we could kick down the road, but if that's the case, we may need to implement it now.21:15
cineramamordred: i should chat with the zanata people about various things21:16
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krotscheckCan I override the required node in a job-template? Horizon uses both precise and trusty, but npm's version on precise is too old.21:16
mordredcinerama: you should tell them that we're not fans of TTW config :)21:16
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mordredkrotscheck: horizon should only actually run on precise for stable/juno changes21:17
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run aiopcpu on stable branches
fungiclarkb: same here, though mine's still hanging around as a defunct zombie21:17
cineramai also needed to import the ssl cert to get the openid to work21:17
fungiclarkb: okay, it finally cleared21:17
krotscheckmordred: Yep. I suspect the JS tests though aren't going to be a thing until liberty.21:17
clarkbI am going to put 05 and 06 in shutdown mode as soon as 01 is up again21:18
cineramawe can either poke at that more or just fix up puppet to create a java keystore21:18
krotscheckmordred: Though I don't think that's going to help much :/21:18
mordredkrotscheck: yah - so, I mean, I don't think you need to override anything21:18
mordredbecause new tests aren't ever going to get run on precise21:18
jeblairkrotscheck: essentially most node specifications in jjb are "what nodes could this _possibly_ be called to run on under various circumstances", actual node selection usually happens in zuul.21:18
fungiclarkb: it's on its way back up now21:18
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jeblairand currently, horizon master tests should be running on trusty21:18
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mordredkrotscheck: zuul/ is where you want to look to see that logic, btw21:18
mordredkrotscheck: in project-config21:19
jeblairbe forewarned: it's mind-bendy.21:19
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mordredjeblair: haven't we deleted stable/icehouse yet?21:19
jeblairwe only touch it every six months usually :)21:19
clarkbfungi: cool 01-04 should be good now then21:19
fungimordred: remember stable/icehouse got extra long support promised21:20
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add NPM Command Execution as a Build Target
mordredfungi: I apologize for not having been in that room to yell and scream21:20
jeblairfungi: and people are keeping it clean?21:20
mordredfungi: yeah - does stable/icehouse still build?21:21
fungijeblair: moreso than previous releases anyway. the stable-maint team has gotten more organized21:21
mordredit would have been great for our first long-term thing to have been one based on trusty and not one based on precise21:21
fungifrom what i've seen they're communicating with each other and staying on top of the stable bitrot job failures21:21
jeblairmordred: yeah, we should plan better next time21:21
clarkbbut only after the major meltdown21:22
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clarkbbut its good to see them step up after all that21:22
mordredjeblair: so - I suppose I should test that my dib stuff builds precise things too then?21:22
mordredjust to make sure21:22
clarkbmordred: yes21:22
jeblairyeah, i think we were 1 week away from deleting it after the usual time frame when the meltdown happened and people stepped up...21:22
jeblairmordred: so, er, precise is an lts21:23
mordredjeblair: yes it is21:23
jeblairmordred: actually seems to be a good thing to base our 'lts' on, yeah?21:23
krotscheckclarkb: So, I'm guessing may not work because of the export?21:23
mordredjeblair: but so is trusty21:23
mordredjeblair: if we'd made juno our first 'lts'21:23
jeblairmordred: okay i gotcha21:23
mordredit would have set us up for less pain21:23
clarkbkrotscheck: correct that won't make it across jenkins shell builders21:24
clarkbkrotscheck: you can load it into the jenkisn job env with a jenkins plugin though21:24
* mordred goes to run dib ubuntu-minimal on DIB_RELEASE=precise21:24
jeblairclarkb, krotscheck: no you can't -- no jenkins plugins for that sort of thing21:25
clarkb05 and 06 are in shutdown mode21:25
jeblairclarkb, krotscheck: jobs are simple shell scripts with no crazy jenkins features21:25
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jeblairclarkb, krotscheck: so that we can stop using jenkins (so that clarkb can stop restarting them all the time :)21:26
krotscheckSo I can't set a global environment variable and just use it in that job script?21:26
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clarkbjeblair: good point :)21:26
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clarkbwhat you can do is run it as a service on a known display21:26
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clarkbso have xvfb running on display99 and anyone that wants to use it just knows to change their display21:27
krotscheckclarkb: There's no way to preload a global env var?21:27
krotscheckEven outside of any of the scripts?21:28
clarkbkrotscheck: thats what jeblair is saying, there are ways but you shouldn't use them21:28
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jeblairkrotscheck: there is no global context within the job -- the builders are all independent scripts21:28
jeblairkrotscheck: but what you _can_ do21:28
clarkbbecause as jeblair points ou I am restarting jenkins right now to work around a jenkins bug that has no upstream traction to debug and it makes jenkins pretty broken21:28
krotscheckI mean, can/t I just write to /etc/environment?21:28
jeblairkrotscheck: is have builders take parameters in jjb, and specify things that multiple builders need as jjb expansion21:29
jeblairkrotscheck: or write to known files, yes21:29
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mordredkrotscheck: yes. you can do that. or write to a file and have other things source that file. or what jeblair said21:29
clarkboh sure you can solve this compeltely outside of jenkins and jjb21:29
krotscheckThe reason I prefer the global approach is that I may not have control over which browsers are invoked, so I just want them to automatically go to the xvfb display.21:30
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jeblairthat is the most future-proof way21:30
clarkbI wouldn't make this too complicated though, you just need to know to use a displa21:30
clarkbkrotscheck: they will do that always if you just use the right displa...21:30
krotscheckclarkb: And using the right display woul dbe.... 0?21:30
clarkbits kinda like how tests know where to look for mysql/postgresql/etal21:30
clarkbwe don't have to do any crazy negotiating for that, the service is running on a known location and that location is queried21:31
clarkbkrotscheck: it would be whatever you tell xvdb to run on21:31
krotscheckclarkb: What you are saying makes sense, however it is lacking the "here's how you make it actually work" context.21:32
clarkbkrotscheck: `export DISPLAY=99 tox`21:33
krotscheckSo if I say: Start xvfb on :9921:33
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova upgrade bug 1438920
openstackbug 1438920 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "specification of a nova network to instance during icehouse->juno partial upgrade fails" [Undecided,Fix committed]
krotscheckThat's the piece I was missing.21:33
fungiclarkb: if you have a moment, this is a one-character change to fix having zuul test status listed in gerrit webui...
clarkbfungi: 1674214 has been held for ~48 hours, any idea why? I think I am going to delte it for 05 cleanup21:34
fungiclarkb: that's one of the nodes i'm doing bindep comparisons on21:34
clarkbfungi: should I leave it then?21:35
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not merge me - I am for testing.
fungiclarkb: yeah, when deleting nodes in nodepool i've been filtering out any in a hold status21:35
clarkbfungi: approved21:35
clarkbfungi: kk21:36
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clarkbfungi: but I can remove it from the jenkins server?21:36
fungiclarkb: sure. it doesn't need to be in jenkins at all21:36
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not merge me - I am for testing.
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clarkbfungi: I don't want it to go online when jenkins restarts21:36
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make the ceph jobs fetch an image-based cirros and use it by default
clarkbfungi: that will allow it ot run a job on your held node21:37
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fungiclarkb: right. i just remove everything in config.xml between the <slaves> and </slaves> line before starting the daemon21:37
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clarkboh I don't do that because then you have to do extra nodepool cleanup21:38
clarkbbasically I try to avoid deleting nodes that we somehow miraculously booted :)21:38
fungioh, got it21:38
clarkbbut both ways work, I am just optimizing for clouds being cranky21:39
fungiwe do seem to be doing somewhat better this week than last21:39
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clarkbok 05 has been cleaned up of stale slaves21:40
clarkbit is ready to be restarted when jobs complete21:40
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fungiclarkb: i mean, it's not the end of the world if you delete these held nodes, but catching more between when they go ready and when they start running jobs is next to impossible unless i do it in the middle of the night when zuul is idle21:40
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jeblairfungi: yes, when i grabbed values for the simulator, hpcloud was at 20 seconds/create, which is where we were 2 weeks ago (last week was 40-60).21:41
jeblairmordred, cody-somerville: ^21:41
jeblairor about 320 nodes per hour21:42
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jeblair(i just used the unit "nodes per hour")21:43
cody-somervillefungi: neat trick. Appreciate you sharing that. We've been deleting nodes by hand via jenkins web ui previously.21:43
cody-somervillejeblair: Whats this simulator you speak of?21:44
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greghaynesclarkb: updated
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add delete_image call
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Skip passing in timeout to glance if it's not set
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Migrate API calls to task management
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Poll on the actual image showing up
greghaynesclarkb: input and output file names make no difference21:44
fungicody-somerville: yes, if you're taking the jenkins daemon offline anyway, vi will make very quick work of deleting hundreds of slaves ;)21:44
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cody-somervillejeblair: nice!21:45
cody-somervillefungi: Oh, it only works if you reboot?21:45
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cody-somervillejeblair: So just to make sure, are you calling out that hpcloud is faster again? So good thing? Or is something wrong and you need me to poke some people?21:46
fungicody-somerville: well, there is also a jenkins api if you want to script live slave removal. i've not tried editing the global config.xml while the daemon is running, though there's also an api call to tell it to reload its config so that might work...21:46
jeblaircody-somerville: just more data.  it's as bad as it was 2 weeks ago, which is better than last week, but still very bad.  i am surprised at the variance.21:46
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mordredspeaking of: <-- statsd counters for tracking such things if jeblair, fungi, clarkb or pleia2 want to review ...21:47
cody-somervillejeblair: Agreed. I'm going to see if we can have them track this if not already.21:48
jeblairmordred: you want the word 'provider' in there?21:48
mordredjeblair: do I not?21:48
mordreddid I fat-finger that again?21:48
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add statsd counters to the TaskManager
mordredjeblair: sorry21:49
jeblairmordred: we only do that for the guages where i think there was maybe a reason for it?  but the launch/delete incr/timing stats have shorter keys21:49
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mordredyah. copypasta error21:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Use HTTPS when including Zuul status via hideci
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greghaynesjeblair: oh, is the idea of your fake-workload that youll just run a real nodepool and the fake-workload provides input and outputs status?21:51
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jeblairgreghaynes: yep.  that's actually usually how i test nodepool (see it's just that normally i don't actually care about simulating the effect of jobs which take a certain amount of time to run.  so fake-workload pretends to run a jenkins job on each node.21:54
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jeblairgreghaynes: sorry the code is so terrible -- it's literally just a bunch of stuff i cobbled together to run nodepool locally "for real" without needing pesky clouds.21:54
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greghaynesjeblair: no, its awesome. I might have some fun with this21:55
greghaynescontrol systems modeling is something I like to do for fun :)21:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova upgrade bug 1438920
openstackbug 1438920 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "specification of a nova network to instance during icehouse->juno partial upgrade fails" [Undecided,Fix committed]
jeblairelapsed: 102948, run: 91421:55
jeblairgreghaynes: considering that's the output i'm getting after 28 hours, i suspect it's not quite right21:56
jeblairgreghaynes: 32 nodes per hour seems really low :)21:56
greghayneshah, I hope thats low21:56
jeblairgreghaynes: have fun!  i've task-switched away from it for a bit, so feel free to push up new patchsets or changes even21:57
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jeblairgreghaynes, cody-somerville: fwiw, the simulator (note the nodepool fake stuff) was within 20% of our actual observed rate.  so it's clearly imperfect, but i think it's in the ballpark and i _think_ it's reasonable enough to get an idea of whether a change is better or worse at least.21:58
jeblair* (not the nodepool fake stuff)21:59
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greghaynesyep, what is really useful for these sytems is to just graph queue depth over time for each model22:00
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jeblairmordred: as i re-review your changes, i realize gertty needs to highlight my name in my review comments so i can be reminded of what i have previously written22:00
mordredjeblair: ++22:00
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jeblairgreghaynes: actually, i think in this system, they should actually level off (the simulator may not quite do that without some randomization).  basically because we have a fixed quota and so will not attempt to create more than X servers, and there's a fixed rate at which they are being created.22:02
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add os-testr commits to gerritbot config
greghaynesjeblair: yep, so what you want to look for is how long it takes to reach that point given an input function22:03
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mtreinishfungi, jeblair, clarkb, mordred: if you get a sec can you populate the new os-testr gerrit groups with my gerrit id22:04
fungimtreinish: doing so now22:04
greghaynesI also might have some nodepoolisms to learn which playing with will probably help with :)22:05
mtreinishfungi: great thanks22:05
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, that would probably be interesting.  my "bottom line" at the moment though is nodes per hour over a multi-hour period, since that's what we care about most when the system is under heavy load.22:05
fungimtreinish: done22:05
jeblairgreghaynes: also, i don't actually want to have to think about this at all.  i would _really_ just like the cloud to behave.  :)22:06
mtreinishfungi: awesome, now to self approve a change and push the first release :)22:06
greghaynesjeblair: Gotcha, so that should have similar properties but good to know22:06
greghaynesjeblair: but we all know we cant have nice things22:07
fungijeblair: sdague: jhesketh: the review test details are now showing properly in the gerrit webui22:07
mtreinishhaha, turns out the os-testr repo doesn't pass pep8 :)22:08
mtreinishI guess I should fix that first22:08
mtreinishfungi: cool, yeah I just saw that pop up22:08
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mtreinishoh, it's the subunit2html script which fails it...22:09
mtreinishoh, and it's not apache licensed...22:10
mtreinishclarkb, jeblair, fungi: ^^^ any advice on that?22:10
mordredmtreinish: it's what, MIT?22:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Add statsd counters to the TaskManager
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Change review->change in zuul table
mtreinishmordred: not sure I didn't recognize it:
mordredmtreinish: ah - BSD22:11
mordredor, BSD style22:11
mordredI'd just add an apache header as well ... fungi yes?22:11
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jeblairmordred: you're suggesting that he add an extra license to satisfy hacking?22:12
mordredjeblair: to satisfy the theory of openstack software being apache - and there being in nothing in the BSD license that prevents such a thing?22:13
fungiit't 3-clause bsd. it does require that the list of conditions and disclaimer be included along with the code when it's redistributed so we certainly shouldn't remove what's there22:13
mordredwe should definitely not remove the bsd license22:13
jeblairyeah, i'm not actually saying it can't be done22:13
jeblairi'm just not yet convinced it's a good idea22:13
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mtreinishfungi: heh, well it's copied from project-config22:14
jeblairbasically, there isn't anything being added to that that is under the apache license, so i think it would simply be confusing to anyone looking at it22:14
mtreinishI'm not sure who wrote it though22:14
mordredWai Yip Tung22:15
mordredit looks like22:15
fungiWai Yip Tung22:15
jeblairmordred: i mean, we'd be saying "we totally grant you a patent license to these zero lines of code".  except we would be neglecting to mention the "zero lines of code" part.  :)22:15
mtreinishthat's who wrote the script it's based on22:15
krotscheckGood lord, I can't believe our javascript builds are as stable as they are.22:15
mordredjeblair: I don't think that's what we'd be saying22:15
mordredjeblair: I think we'd be saying "We are distributing this code to you under the terms of the Apache license - it also turns out that it's licensed under the BSD license, which allows us to relicense it for absolutely no reason"22:16
mordredthat we are not copyright owners of any of the code is immaterial22:16
mtreinishthe subunit stuff was added by someone on openstack22:16
mordredbecause BSD22:16
* mtreinish wants to say clarkb22:16
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fungiaha, yes it says "Original HTMLTestRunner License" at the top22:17
mordredjeblair: I think it'sa  silly thing to do - so I am inclined to agree with you22:17
fungiso, anyway, i think that if there is some value in that hacking check, it needs a mechanism to be overridden at least for files which we know don't need an apache license added because they're already being distributed under some other compatible license22:18
jeblairmordred: ok, we don't need to argue for form's sake then.  however, if we have added anything to it, and we think we have done so under the apache license, i think adding an apache header (and keeping mit) and so indicating is reasonable.22:18
mordredjeblair: aw. but arguing for form's sake is so much fun!22:18
jeblairmordred: i was reviewing your patches :)22:18
fungithere's plenty of other stuff to usefully argue about instead22:18
mordredjeblair: ok. that's more important22:18
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mtreinishso the conclusion is to add an apache header on the top of the file?22:19
mordredmtreinish: nope. it's to tell hacking to get bent22:19
mordredmtreinish: I believe you can put a flake8: noqa in the header of the file22:20
jeblairunless clarkb added new stuff?22:20
clarkbthere were some bug fixes22:20
clarkbit should likely carry both licenses (I thought it did)22:20
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mtreinishall the subunit stuff was added by us too right?22:20
jeblairclarkb: did you write some new code?22:20
jheskethfungi: great, thanks for that!22:21
clarkbjhesketh: yes, the main() function that calls into the existing code22:21
fungiyeah, i think if clarkb feels he usefully extended it and that his additions warrant updating the copyright header, then adding the apache license too is fine22:21
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mordredjroll: swiftclient.exceptions.ClientException: Object POST failed: 499 Client Disconnect  [first 60 chars of response] <html><h1>Client Disconnect</h1><p>The client was disconnect22:21
mordredjroll: I got a new and exciting error, this time from ORD, when trying to upload to swift22:22
clarkbyes I think they do, because the subunit stuff is new and special22:22
jrollmordred: why'd you disconnect your client? :)22:22
mordredjroll: because. I hate texas22:22
fungihowever i also think clarkb should submit the commit to add his copyright line and the header, for clarity22:22
jeblairmordred: yeah, stop disconnecting yourself!  stop disconnecting yourself!  :)22:22
jrollmordred: but that's chicago22:22
clarkbfungi: well lifeless has commits there too iirc22:22
* clarkb uses some git log -p and hopes to not be too disappointed by the repo moves22:22
mordredjroll: are you telling me there is a part of the world that isn't _REALLY_ texas?22:22
fungiclarkb: doesn't meant you can't do it even if he doesn't (or vice versa)22:23
mtreinishfungi: heh, well if it's just the copyright header it'll fail pep8 for other reasons too22:23
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jrollmordred: look out your window, do you see rifles and bbq?22:23
jrollmordred: and like, any spare land?22:23
jeblairmordred: i'm looking at 162148 and can't tell if there was a rebase or a change22:23
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mordredjroll: uhm, I'm in brooklyn ... yes22:23
mordredjeblair: lookin22:23
mordredjeblair: all rebases - I had to fix a merge conflict22:24
mordredjeblair: it has not changed for reals since your last +@22:24
mordredjeblair: it has not changed for reals since your last +222:24
clarkbbut ya I can push a patch to apache license and (C) HP22:24
fungijroll: here in 'murica everyone has guns, barbecue and spare land22:24
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jeblairi only have 1/322:24
jrollfungi: I'm in the bay area, I wouldn't know anything about guns or spare land :(22:25
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mordredjroll: no you would not22:25
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mordredmtreinish: the other pep8 errors are trivial to fix22:25
mtreinishmordred: yeah they are22:25
fungijroll: i thought cascadia already seceded?22:25
jeblairfungi: or are you thinking of the state of jefferson?22:26
clarkbthough wait22:26
jrollfungi: cascadia is oregon and up22:26
clarkbis there anything technically wrong with the statement as it stands?22:26
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jroll(according to wikipedia)22:26
clarkbjroll: I thought the bay area had pletny of guns22:27
jrollfungi: at any rate, I can't reasonably afford a yard and I think that is lame22:27
clarkbits merely incomplete right?22:27
jrollclarkb: yeah, toy guns :P22:27
fungijeblair: neat--i somehow missed the jefferson statehood movement22:28
mordredjroll: why would you think "reasonably" applies?22:28
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mordredjroll: you already said you live in the bay22:28
jrollmordred: I don't like ramen that much :P22:29
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clarkbis hacking going to complain if the first comment block is not apache2?22:29
jrollmordred: at any rate, I need to move back outta here22:29
mordredclarkb: just make the first comment block the apache2 license22:30
mordredclarkb: then follow it with "the original license is: blah"22:30
jeblair(not because of hacking, but because it's appropriate)22:30
mordredjeblair: I'm pretty sure I support the State of Jefferson22:31
jeblairit's the "State of Mind"  :)22:31
lifelessclarkb: commits where?22:32
mtreinishclarkb: I think it just needs to be in the first few lines22:32
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clarkb lifeless subunit2html22:34
lifelessclarkb: ah.only trivial ones I suspect22:35
lifelessclarkb: copyright headaches?22:35
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clarkblifeless: I don't think there is any headache22:37
clarkbjust an incomplete set of data22:37
jeblairmordred: okay, help me out with 16866522:38
lifelessclarkb: ok. what data is needed?22:38
fungihrm... so our devstack-trusty workers have python-requests preinstalled but our bare-trusty workers and .*-precise workers do not22:38
clarkblifeless: I don't think any is needed, it is all in git22:38
mordredjeblair: you are helped!22:39
jeblairmordred: i don't feel helped.  i -1 with 5 comments os ps4.  you're up to ps12 now.  i don't know where to look to find what's changed.22:39
boris-42mordred: hi22:40
boris-42mordred: I tried github + travis22:40
mordredjeblair: gotcha. gimme a sec and I will be more helpful22:40
boris-42mordred: I wanna say that suxxxx22:40
mordredboris-42: awesome :)22:40
* mordred hands boris-42 a nice fluffy moose22:40
boris-42mordred: =)22:41
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add NPM Command Execution as a Build Target
mordredboris-42: yesterday I had to upload 16 different PRs to a github repo - it took FOREVER22:41
boris-42mordred: I think a bit more=)22:41
krotscheckclarkb: Next question- will the invocation of npm run {command} work because it's not in quotes?
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mordredjeblair: the first comment I took care of by creating a different change for that22:44
mordredjeblair: for createImageSnapshot, I reworked it to use all keywords rather than any positional22:44
clarkb are the people and years that things got edited in that file22:45
mordredjeblair: for the task comment, I agree, and I renamed task to glance_task per your suggestion22:45
clarkbso I think its (C) 2012-2013 HP and (C) 2013 IBM22:45
mordredjeblair: and in _tasks I removed both usages of pop - because it turns out I can use a different interface in glance that does not require having an image object22:46
clarkbmordred: sdague fungi lifeless ^22:46
mordredclarkb: works for me22:46
mordredclarkb: I do not know if IBM has a copyright holding special thing like HP does22:46
mordredbut a quick grep of openstack should find the right cantrip22:46
clarkbya, I figured I could find a sdague change from that period and see what sdague did22:47
mordredjeblair: is that helpful at all? *me looks hopefully aroudn the moose he gave boris-42*22:47
jeblairclarkb: i'd just add your own and ask sdague to add himself if he wishes22:47
clarkbjeblair: kk that works22:47
jeblairmordred: did you do those things in a specific patchset?22:48
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jeblairmordred: basically, i _want_ to review your change, but i can't because there is a change hidden somewhere in 8 rebases and i don't know which is which22:48
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lifelessclarkb: WFM22:49
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add license info to subunit2html
clarkbthere that should cover everything but sdague's edits22:49
jeblairmordred: if you could annotate that in some way that would be swell; possibly by replying to my comments, or leaving a comment indicating a change is a real change or a rebase22:50
mordredjeblair: I believe I did them in patchset 522:50
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mordredjeblair: but sure thing22:51
jeblairmordred: oh, i looked there, but assumed not because i saw no response to my first comment22:51
clarkbmtreinish: 169940 should mostly cover you, though it may also want a (C) line for sdague's January 21/22 2013 edits22:51
jeblairmordred: ah, because it was a rebase onto the change that implemented it22:53
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jeblairmordred: so everything after ps5 is rebases?22:54
mordredjeblair: nod. sorry about that ... I have added annotations22:54
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mordredjeblair: no - there are additional fixes found - let me see fi I can make you an interdiff22:55
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mtreinishclarkb: ok I'll port that over to os-testr in a bit22:56
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jeblairmordred: i think i picked em out, thanks.22:59
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mordredjeblair: aw, darn. I just got fancy and made a diff23:00
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mordredjeblair: is what I believe changed between ps4 and current23:02
jeblairmordred: yeah, but a bunch of that router stuff is from a rebase, right?23:03
jeblairoh, no i see23:03
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clarkb05 is ready to be restarted so I am doing that now23:08
clarkb(one job on 0623:08
asselin_i'm running into this:  seems related to
asselin_(just merged...
clarkbputting 07 in shutdown mode now23:12
jeblairasselin_, mordred: wow, i guess that doesn't have test coverage23:12
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jeblairasselin_, mordred: that needs an "if statsd:"23:13
asselin_I can try it now23:14
jeblair(maybe it does have coverage but we only test with statds enabled)23:14
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asselin_jeblair, ok that works for me23:16
mtreinishclarkb: fyi,
mordredjeblair: whoops23:18
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Protect when statsd is not enabled
asselin_mordred, jeblair ^^23:19
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu
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jeblairasselin_: lgtm, thanks and sorry :)23:20
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mordredjeblair: we need to restart nodepool to get the statsd change, yeah?23:22
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mordredjeblair: not that it's urgent enough to warrant that - just making sure I have the grokking23:22
openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Configure sub-nodes for Neutron DVR aiopcpu
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* asselin_ lives dangerously on the tip of master23:25
jeblairmordred: yep23:25
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* mordred hands asselin_ a bowl of sausage ... without asserting whether it's cooked or not23:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Protect when statsd is not enabled
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clarkbrestarting 06 now23:34
asselin_clarkb, well I switched to QEMU and it's much slower to boot....23:37
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clarkbasselin_: yes, qemu is fully emulated with not virtualization23:37 now I need to set some launch/boot timeouts...never needed those23:38
mordredasselin_: boooo23:38
mordredclarkb: btw - I have booked my train ticket23:38
clarkbasselin_: are you nesting real clouds?23:39
asselin_clarkb, yes....I have baremetal running openstack (nodepool instances) running openstack23:40
asselin_I haven't gotten to the 2nd level yet with qemu....23:40
clarkbso the first level should be virt23:40
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clarkbthe second level is no virt23:40
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asselin_so 1st level: use qemu, 2nd level use defualt?23:41
clarkbno 1st level use kvm, 2nd level use qemu23:41
asselin_ok I see!23:42
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* asselin_ switches back23:42
clarkbok 07 is prepped and ready for restart as soon as jobs are complete23:43
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clarkbasselin_: the problem is when you nest virt so the inner level can't use kvm23:49
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clarkbbut you want the outer level to be kvm for more performance23:49
asselin_yeah...I was about to do qemu inside qemu....23:49
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bknudsonI'm not seeing in the zuul status...23:54
bknudsonmaybe it's enforcing my -1 over the +W?23:54
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harlowjaintersting when did 'Review currently being tested' start showing up in gerrit23:57
bknudsonit's an april fool's joke.23:57
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asselin_bknudson, really? seemed to be really working!23:57
jogoclarkb: for debugging the new aiopcpu job
jogosee the bottom with vishy and myself23:59
jogo(didn't see you in the nova room)23:59
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