Tuesday, 2015-04-14

clarkbcinerama: it also looks like their db connection system isn't very good at reconnecting to run new querues00:00
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cineramaclarkb: ugh00:01
clarkbcinerama: I am going to restart zanata too now, which service(s) do I restart to do that?00:01
clarkbis it just wildfly?00:02
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cineramaclarkb: yeah just a service wildfly restart should do it00:03
clarkbcinerama: ok I was able to log in and activate my account00:05
clarkbI think their reconnection logic is buggy, but should be less of an issue iwth the sanity db config applied (it bumps the connection timeout setting way up)00:05
clarkbcinerama: "your username cannot be changed"00:06
clarkbcinerama: how should we handle that for you?00:06
cineramaclarkb: so it might be easiest if i could just do the initial sign-up again since that should turn on magical admin bits00:06
clarkbcinerama: do we need to dump the db and start over?00:07
cineramaclarkb: so i can either figure out how to delete my account database-side or we can dump and start from scratch00:07
clarkblet me know which you think is best/easiest/quicket00:07
cineramaclarkb: if we have a fresh db we can just restart wildfly00:07
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clarkbI think I can just stop wildfl, drop all the tables, then start wildfly00:08
cineramaclarkb: given that we have no investment in this one datawise i think that's easiest00:08
cineramayeah it will populate the tables if it has an empty db to start w00:08
openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add db api methods to delete old runs and test_runs  https://review.openstack.org/17219000:08
clarkbcinerama: I dropped the db, recreated it, and am starting wildfly now00:13
cineramaclarkb: awesome thanks00:13
clarkbcinerama: I am in and activated my account so seems to be working00:14
cineramaclarkb: great00:14
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver  https://review.openstack.org/12465100:16
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Honour MANIFEST.in excludes  https://review.openstack.org/12359700:16
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Better diagnostics on test failure  https://review.openstack.org/17313100:16
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use default empty plugins list for all Jenkins exceptions  https://review.openstack.org/17313200:16
openstackgerritIgor Duarte Cardoso proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds gate-group-based-policy-specs-python27 check  https://review.openstack.org/17313300:16
clarkbcinerama: to reproduce the db errors you can set your connection timeout on the db side to 60 seconds00:17
clarkbcinerama: iirc that is the default that rax uses (which is unfortunately not going to play nice with most applications)00:17
clarkbcinerama: looks like I can create a new project, should I be able to do that as a non admin?00:18
cineramaclarkb: ah ok. it certainly looks better now00:18
cineramaclarkb: i think you can, yeah00:18
clarkbhrm, we may want to restrict that (we don't want 10 different horizons if translators don't agree on strings00:19
cineramaclarkb: yes, i agree - now that we have the server up we can hopefully fiddle with things00:19
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clarkbcinerama: ok I created a project and uploaded a .pot but don't seem to be able to add languages for translation00:25
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clarkbso the general thing works, we just need to sort out workflows00:25
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move Rally to OpenStack  https://review.openstack.org/17270100:25
cineramaclarkb let me see if i can add00:26
clarkbcinerama: I am guessing you have an add language option at https://translate-dev.openstack.org/language/list00:26
clarkbbut I don't00:26
cineramaclarkb: it's in the ellipsis menu if you have it00:27
clarkbI just have sort and search00:28
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cineramathat was deeply weird just now. it took a while to add pt-BR00:28
clarkbthe string interpolation checking is awesome00:29
clarkbit marked one of those strings as being a warning because it doesn't have a %s (should make that an error too)00:30
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clarkbI also like that a project has versions with each version having multiple documents00:30
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clarkbso we can translate horizon as two parts the js and python bits under the same version but clearly separate them00:30
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use default empty plugins list for all Jenkins exceptions  https://review.openstack.org/17313200:32
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cineramaclarkb: i'm just looking at whether we can fine-tune the privileges so we don't have people creating projects willy-nilly00:34
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: One-To-One relationship for Access and Refresh Tokens  https://review.openstack.org/17314000:48
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clarkblifeless: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171714/12 seemed to have worked with nova net (the live migration failure is known and unrelated00:50
clarkbarmax: ^ btw00:50
armaxclarkb: looking00:51
clarkbarmax: though neutron seems unhappy, not sure if related to the change or not00:51
armaxclarkb: agreed…I am also looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158525/ again, as it works for my local env00:52
armaxclarkb: and I am baffled by the gate failures00:52
clarkbarmax: but if ovs is consistently working given a gre key I think we can roll my change in 171714 into 158525 and remove the linux bridge gre tunnels00:53
clarkbarmax: or I can push it up as a followup change00:53
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armaxclarkb: hang on I must be missing something00:54
armaxclarkb: I thought that the ovs-based tunnel setup made the n-net job fail00:55
lifelessclarkb: awesome00:55
clarkbarmax: it did, lifeless pointed out why, so I updated and it seems to work00:55
clarkbarmax: we weren't specifying gre tunnel keys so the two tunnels (one for flat the other for public) were not unique and caused problems00:56
armaxclarkb: that’s great news!00:56
clarkbarmax: now I am setting the key and it works00:56
armaxclarkb: experimental run is still churning for 171714?00:57
clarkbarmax: yes, the neutron job is really unhappy00:57
clarkbarmax: https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-aiopcpu-full/37/console00:57
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fixed scheduler management conflict.  https://review.openstack.org/17314300:59
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Token Cleaner plugin now uses proper session.  https://review.openstack.org/17314400:59
armaxclarkb: I did see a semi-successful run…like with the failure for the migration test00:59
armaxclarkb: but that’s not really comforting01:00
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armaxclarkb: interesting findings about the key, kudos to lifeless01:02
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armaxclarkb: so I think we should really roll 171714 in 158525, there’s no point in doing otherwise01:04
clarkbarmax: works for me, I can't do it right now as I need to prep dinner but can do it tomorrow01:04
clarkbor you can push the update if you like01:04
armaxclarkb: as far as I can tell if the only diff is this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171714/9..12/functions.sh  then the tunnel should work for Neutron too01:05
armaxthe devstack change merged01:05
armaxso we should be good01:05
clarkbyup thats all it is01:05
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver  https://review.openstack.org/12465101:05
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Better diagnostics on test failure  https://review.openstack.org/17313101:05
clarkboh maybe thats my problem? I didn't set up a depends on but if it already merged I should be fine01:05
armaxclarkb: right, it should not be an issue01:06
clarkbarmax: also you need the updates made in devstack-vm-gate.sh so that the offsets are correct01:06
armaxclarkb: the change merged yesterday I think01:06
armaxclarkb: yes01:06
clarkbarmax: see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171714/9..12/devstack-vm-gate.sh its a tiny diff01:06
armaxclarkb: I saw01:06
armaxit’s the ‘signature’ change01:06
clarkbarmax: the other similar thing I have been working on is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172614/ which does setup across nodes in parallel to shave time off of the job runtime01:07
armaxclarkb: I can take care of it, this is a lot cleaner, I wasn’t over the moon with giving in on brctl vs ovs01:07
clarkbarmax: it conflicts with the ovs stuff but I will rebase if necessary01:07
armaxclarkb: which one would you want to land first?01:07
clarkbarmax: lets land the ovs stuff for dvr first01:07
clarkbits been around longer01:08
armaxclarkb: ok, leave it with me, I’ll get it done shortly01:08
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armaxclarkb: then we can bless it later if we’re happy with it01:08
clarkbjhesketh: I haven't forgotten the osloganalyze change yet. Its next up on my list, hope to get to it early tomorrow01:09
clarkbjhesketh: any chance you have the change to select passthrough based on url cooking yet?01:09
armaxclarkb: added a -1 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158525/ for now01:09
armaxclarkb: I need to step away for a bit, but I’ll be back within the hour01:10
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jheskethclarkb: actually I was just about to ping you to talk about that01:12
jhesketh(no rush on the review though, but thanks!)01:12
jheskethclarkb: basically just wanted to discuss your opinion on how we should treat os-loganalyzer. Should it be a file-server first, so that by default everything is just served up via the passthrough view (ie, untouched). Then, perhaps using a config option, you can somehow denote which changes should be formatted by which filters and views01:14
jheskeththat is what I had in mind.. move the logic of selecting .txt.gz etc into the .conf file01:14
armaxclarkb: we don’t set the IP on the interfaces01:14
armaxclarkb: would that be the problem for Neutron?01:14
armaxhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/171714/9..12/devstack-vm-gate.sh like 49101:15
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clarkbarmax oh ya thats probably my problem01:27
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clarkbif we update to do that it should work01:27
armaxclarkb: I did spin up a change with the IP01:27
armaxclarkb: no need01:27
armaxclarkb: I’ll see how my change fairs01:27
clarkbjhesketh that may be simplest01:27
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support  https://review.openstack.org/15852501:27
armaxclarkb: ^^01:27
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints  https://review.openstack.org/17180901:27
tchaypoEtherpad seeems a bit sad to me01:28
armaxclarkb: assumed I haven’t screwed up, that should do it01:28
tchaypoError: The module at "ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/jquery_browser" does not exist. in https://etherpad.openstack.org/static/js/require-kernel.js (line 1)01:28
clarkbtchaypo see -dev mail, try a hard refresh01:28
tchaypoah, found it01:29
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add django-openstack-auth-kerberos project  https://review.openstack.org/17280301:32
jheskethclarkb: yeah it doesn't seem too complicated, but is that a good place to take osloganalzye?01:34
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clarkbjhesketh I think its reasonable, it is evolving into a deal with swift tool01:35
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror  https://review.openstack.org/16524001:35
greghaynesclarkb: ^ just fixing a rebase conflict if you can re +2 :)01:36
jheskethclarkb: okay, I'll spin up that change01:36
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lifelessok thats super weird01:42
lifelessmy pbr branch passes here fails in CI01:45
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lifelessclarkb: could I get a pbr unit test host grabbed for me ?01:46
lifelesshttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/123597/ is whats confusing me01:49
lifelessI'm going to float it to the top of my stack for now01:49
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver  https://review.openstack.org/12465101:50
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Honour MANIFEST.in excludes  https://review.openstack.org/12359701:50
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Better diagnostics on test failure  https://review.openstack.org/17313101:50
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armaxclarkb: test for change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158525/ looks good. It failed for bug #1442494, which we already acknowledged and addressing, the block migration test that seems to affect nova too. So my suggestion is to fire away!!02:38
openstackbug 1442494 in neutron "test_add_list_remove_router_on_l3_agent race-y for dvr" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/144249402:38
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Kennanis there infra-cores here can help?03:13
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KennanI just ask one question what's the devstack env looks like ?03:14
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KennanBecause I tried devstack setup in ubuntu 14.04 produce one issue about requests version03:14
Kennanbut in CI not produce that03:15
Kennandoes CI install devstack on special ubuntu env ?03:15
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notmynamedid I see something about etherpad being updated?03:24
notmynameis it expected to be working right now?03:24
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notmynameoh, interesting. it's just totally broken in safari. works in chrome03:25
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jrollnotmyname: hard refresh03:25
notmynameoh, ok03:26
jroll(that's what I hear, anyway)03:26
notmynameyeah, seemed to sort it out03:26
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack/requirements: Bumping d-o-a to work with Django 1.7  https://review.openstack.org/17316103:28
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mordrednotmyname: I blame things03:30
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tchayponotmyname: there’s an email on -dev about this03:50
tchaypowhich i didn’t see until i mentioned it in here and was told to go read it03:50
notmynametchaypo: yeah, I had seen something which reminded me that a new version was there03:50
tchaypoKennan: what’s the error you’re seeing? can you pastebin it somewhere?03:50
tchayponotmyname: you knew more than me :)03:51
KennanHi, :tchaypo03:52
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Kennanin gate job we found03:53
Kennanpkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (requests 2.2.1 (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('requests>=2.5.2'), set(['docker-py']))03:53
Kennanbut as I try to fix that, use docker-py version to meet 2.2.103:53
Kennanthe python-27 would hit version for03:54
Kennanpkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (requests 2.6.0 (/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-magnum-python27/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages), Requirement.parse('requests<2.5.0,>=2.2.1')03:54
Kennanso it is very strange why gate for python2.7 now install with request 2.6 ?03:54
Kennanonce it was installed with 2.2.103:54
Kennan:tchaypo do you know why ?03:55
KennanI feel strange about infra CI systems03:55
Kennanwhat's (/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-magnum-python27 ?03:56
Kennanwhy it use requests 2.6 now ?03:56
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tchaypohttp://logs.openstack.org/54/173154/1/check/check-functional-dsvm-magnum/f3c06e9/console.html#_2015-04-14_02_58_06_776 is the other mention of requests in that log03:56
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tchaypoif I’m reading that right, docker-py is insisting on >=2.5.2 but oslo-sphinx wants requests!=2.4.0,>=2.2.003:58
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Kennanyes :tchaypo03:59
Kennanthat's I fixed to allow docker-py to use >=2.2.103:59
Kennanbut gate job still failed for03:59
Kennankg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (requests 2.6.0 (/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-magnum-python27/.tox/py27/lib/python2.7/site-packages), Requirement parse('requests<2.5.0,>=2.2.1')03:59
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Kennanit seems gate install requests different versions (for devstack it install requests is 2.2.1)04:01
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Kennanbut for another python unit it install reuqests is 2.604:01
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tchaypoI’m new to this, but that doesn’t entirely surprise me04:03
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tchaypoit looks to me like magnum itself has a transitive dependency on 2.604:05
tchaypothe errors I’m seeing there seem to be magnum complaining that 2.6 isn’t installed04:05
tchaypooh, except for the kg_resources one which is complaning that 2.6 *is* installed04:05
lifelesscurrent releases of pip will install the first encountered version of a dependency04:07
tchaypolooking at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/magnum/tree/requirements.txt - docker-py is listed as >=0.5.1, but far above that, Babel is listed as >=1.304:08
tchaypoBabel==1.3 depends on docker-py==1.1.0 depends on requests >=2.5.204:09
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tchayposorry, i have to run, but it seems to me that there are inconsistincies in the dependencies here and the differences you’re seeing probably just come down to what got installed most recently04:11
tchaypoif magnum gets installed first it’ll install requests >=2.5.2, but then pip might downgrade it later to satisfy dependencies for something else you’re installing04:11
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Bandit job for Barbican  https://review.openstack.org/17316604:32
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openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Bandit job for Barbican  https://review.openstack.org/17316604:47
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openstackgerritGauvain Pocentek proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the cinder-msa stackforge project  https://review.openstack.org/16974005:05
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Kennan:tchaypo babel has no dependence on docker-py05:19
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tchaypoI may have misread pip-compile output then05:24
tchaypoGive me a couple of hours and I can take a deeper look05:24
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Tidy up generators into contained objects  https://review.openstack.org/17271105:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Set proper group for for core reviews and release  https://review.openstack.org/17291606:19
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lifelessmgedmin: welcome welcome welcome06:37
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tchaypoKennan: you’re right, I was misreading the output06:38
tchaypoKennan: Babel is a red herring. The dependency chain is purely magnum->docker-py->requests06:40
tchaypobut now I’ve forgotten what the original problem was *re-reads*06:40
Kennanthe magnum have tox run python 2.7 unit test06:41
tchaypooh right - some tests end up with docker >=2.5.2 and others end up with 2.2.106:41
Kennanand also magnum have devstack gate job test in CI06:41
Kennanif magnum run devstack test06:41
Kennan:tchaypo, it would failed for06:41
Kennan<Kennan>pkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (requests 2.2.1 (/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('requests>=2.5.2'), set(['docker-py'])06:41
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tchaypolifeless: am I right in thinking this sounds like the kind of inconsistency someone (clarkb?) was talking about this morning?06:42
KennanThen I changed our depenence06:42
Kennanforce docker-py to use lower version which require 2.2.106:42
Kennanbut the tox run python unit test (it use pip would fetch request 2.6)06:43
Kennanthen it would failed docker-py requests too low06:43
Kennanso in one word06:43
Kennanif I fix devstack gate job, I failed for python-unit test06:43
Kennanif I not change that, the devstack gate job would have such error06:44
Kennanso do you know why devstack use requests 2.2.1 finally ?06:44
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Kennanyou said other application have such requirements which cause pip not install latest requests06:44
Kennanright ? :tchaypo06:45
tchaypolet me double-check06:45
tchaypofrom my knowledge of the CI system, I believe that the build disk images that come with those requirements pre-installed06:46
tchaypoI think that the options available to magnum at this point are (A) cap docker-py at a version before they bumped the requests dependency06:47
tchaypofrom https://github.com/docker/docker-py/commit/9bed480c2745b06219c629dbbfd46b298c005447#diff-b4ef698db8ca845e5845c4618278f29a it looks like that was only changed recently06:48
tchaypoor (b) update the global-requirements, which will update the thing that the rest of openstack is using06:48
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tchaypoI’m not sure if we can do that at this point in the release cycle though06:48
openstackgerritDave McCowan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Bandit job for Barbican  https://review.openstack.org/17316606:49
garykttx: are you around?06:49
garykfungi: around?06:49
garykAJaeger: around?06:49
AJaegerMorning, garyk !06:50
AJaegerWhat's up?06:50
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garykAJaeger: quick question - maybe you can help.06:50
garykFor the vmware-nsx repo i would llike to create proposed/kilo branch06:51
garykis there any wiki or reference to how i go about doing that?06:51
garykfor do i just create the branch locally and then push?06:51
AJaegergaryk, sure, the infra manual ;)06:51
* AJaeger grabs the link...06:51
lifelesstchaypo: Kennan: hi06:52
AJaegergaryk, http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/drivers.html06:52
garykAJaeger: thanks - much apprecisted06:52
AJaegergaryk, but you do not have the ACLs setup for branch creation06:52
lifelessshort version: pip only evaluates the available version and version constraints for a dep *once* per run today.06:52
lifelessthe error being thrown indicates that a second occurence of the dep was incompatible with the version selected when it was evaluated06:52
lifelesshttps://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/988 - tchaypo Kennan06:53
AJaegergaryk, check https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172982/1/gerrit/acls/openstack/python-neutronclient.config06:53
AJaegerAnd send a similar patch for your ACL06:53
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garykAJaeger: i did that yesterday - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172879/1/gerrit/acls/stackforge/vmware-nsx.config,cm06:54
garykon gerrit i am unable to create the branch - i do not see Admin tab06:54
Kennan:lifeless then what's the proper way to fix that strange version depenences?06:54
Kennanif we use latest docker-py, it not work for devstack installed requests06:54
AJaegergaryk, https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/projects/stackforge/vmware-nsx,access06:55
Kennanif we use lower version of docker-py, the pip python unit test would run requests with 2.6 which break docker-py. :lifeless06:55
AJaegerI meant https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/projects/stackforge/vmware-nsx,branches - can't you create a branch, there?06:55
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garykok, now i see it. thanks!06:56
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AJaegergaryk, if http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/drivers.html#create-proposed-branch is not clear, patches to the manual are welcome (repository openstack-infra/infra-manual)06:57
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garykAJaeger: thank you! helpful as always :). I have managed to post https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173191/07:00
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AJaegergreat, garyk ! Fix the typo in the commit message to make it perfect ;)07:00
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garykAJaeger: will to :)07:02
tchaypoKennan: I think I’ve missed something - why would a lower version of docker-py result in using requests 2.6?07:05
lifelessKennan: what version of requests is compatible with all your libraries?07:05
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Kennanif I used lowe version of docker-py07:17
Kennanit works for devstack job07:17
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Kennanbut for python unit test, if you check07:17
lifelessKennan: I didn't ask for docker-py version; I asked for requests version. What *requests* versions are compatible with the union of requirements across all your deps07:17
KennanI think we need requests  'requests >= 2.5.2',07:18
Kennanif use latest docker-py07:18
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lifelessand what is global requirements today ?07:20
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AJaegerttx, are you around and have a few minutes for discussion?07:21
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ttxAJaeger: I am around07:21
lifelesswhich is too low for your needs. So you need to update global requirements.07:21
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AJaegerI need some guidance on requirements: WE have the doc repositories in requirements, partially because trove uses the doc toolchain, partially because we like the syncing and partially to use same requirements as everybody07:22
Kennan:lifeless, yes, I think update global requirements maynot easy, as it used by many projects07:22
Kennanso I wanted to fix docker-py firstly07:23
Kennanbut it seems not work07:23
AJaegerBut there're also some requirements that are unique to docs and not needed by others., so there was some discussion in the past about separating projects in requirements07:23
AJaegerIdea was to  utilize the soft flag and allow some repositories to not have all requirements in global-requirements.07:23
Kennan:lifeless, seems update global is the best choice ?07:23
AJaegerttx, I have an idea on how to do this - do I need some spec for this? Just send a patch (would be one for project-config and then one for requirements)? Or what's the best way here?07:23
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ttxAJaeger: Maybe try the patch approach07:24
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AJaegerttx, ok, let me do that first and then see ;) Thanks07:25
tchaypoKennan: updating global is probably less scary than you imagine07:25
ttxIf people say that won't work and needs a spec for flesh-out, then so be it07:25
tchaypoKennan: we have CI to test out the change before it lands :)07:25
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Kennan:tchaypo Thanks I would try that07:25
lifelessKennan: you could fix pip, but that would require some patience :)07:25
tchaypo… at least I think we have CI to test out the change before it lands07:25
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Kennan:lifeless :tchaypo it seems update glabl is better, since we want to use latest docker-py.07:26
KennanThanks I would try that07:26
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tchaypoyep, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172315/ has quite a lists of tests that passed07:27
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Handle "soft" repositories in requirements update  https://review.openstack.org/17320007:46
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/requirements: Mark documentation repositories as soft  https://review.openstack.org/17320107:50
AJaegerttx, see 173200 and 173201 ^07:51
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/requirements: Mark documentation repositories as soft  https://review.openstack.org/17320107:56
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garykttx: AJaeger: for the proposed/kil branches that we have created we only have +1 voting. how do we get +2?08:11
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ttxgaryk: that would be an ACL adjustment. One of the reasons you might have wanted to jump directly to stable/* since those should already be defined08:12
AJaegergaryk, see gerrit/acls/openstack/nova.config08:12
garykttx: AJaeger: ok, thanks08:12
AJaegergaryk, you also have no permissions for stable ;)08:13
garykAJaeger: a guy goes on vacation for a few weeks … and he is stripped of all of his rights :)08:13
* AJaeger hugs garyk 08:14
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openstackgerritgaryk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: VMware: add permissions to approve proposed and stable patches  https://review.openstack.org/17320808:29
garykAJaeger: ^ hope that closes this corner08:29
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AJaegergaryk, I hope it does, let's see what other reviewers say ;)08:30
garykAJaeger: thanks08:30
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anteayagaryk AJaeger now my experience with acl permissions on stable branches includes specifying Registered Users: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/gerrit/acls/openstack/neutron.config08:37
anteayaas stable is in our global config and individual acl files would over write global permissions08:37
anteayahence we have to specifically include Registered Users for +1 -108:38
anteayaas well as adding the exclusiveGroupPermissions line08:38
anteayaI'm not sure if this is for stackforge projects too as I haven't encountered many stable branches in stackforge08:39
anteayaso I could be offering a red herring here08:39
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garykanteaya: thanks. at the moment the team is a handful of people. i think that is we grow then we should consider splitting resposibilities. at the moment it is 4 or 5 active people. hopefully that is ok until we grow. what do you think?08:40
anteayawell mostly what I think I am saying is that if you want any registered user who is non-core to be able to vote +1/-1 on your stable branch you have to specify that in your acl08:41
AJaegerah, thanks anteaya !08:42
anteayasince having an acl stanza for stable overwrites the global acl08:42
AJaegergaryk, so, look again at the neutron.config file...08:42
anteayaAJaeger: do you think this applies to stackforge projects too?08:43
* anteaya is uncertain08:43
AJaegeranteaya, I think it does - but I'm also feeling a bit uncertain here...08:43
anteayaso let's cook up the patch and include others who are asleep right now in the review?08:44
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anteayahow does that sound08:44
AJaegeranteaya, sounds fine to me08:44
anteayagaryk: what do you think?08:44
garykanteaya: i am trying to understand what is written above. give me a sec08:45
anteayagaryk: take your time08:45
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garykanteaya: so just to make sure that i understand correct for the stable we need Registered?08:48
anteayaRegistered Users08:49
anteayayes I think so08:49
anteayaRegistered Users is the gerrit group of any signed in user08:49
openstackgerritgaryk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: VMware: add permissions to approve proposed and stable patches  https://review.openstack.org/17320808:50
garykanteaya: makes sense. thanks. ^08:51
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anteayagaryk: now I'm pretty sure you need this line too: exclusiveGroupPermissions = abandon label-Code-Review label-Workflow08:51
anteayathis is almost like declaring a variable for the acl stanza08:52
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anteayaI don't quite understand it myself, but that seems to be the purpose of that line, like instantiating something08:52
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openstackgerritDawei proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add telemetry-dashboard into StackForge  https://review.openstack.org/17321908:55
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set standard "swappiness"  https://review.openstack.org/17322108:56
anteayaianw: great commit message08:58
anteayaand nice work08:58
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anteayaianw: I have a nit, is it swappiness or swapiness as your patch has both08:59
ianwanteaya: it's "swappiness" (double-p) ...09:01
anteayaianw: ah, the comment in the patch has a single p09:01
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anteayaloved the explanation though, I could follow it and everything09:02
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set standard "swappiness"  https://review.openstack.org/17322109:02
ianwanteaya: ^ thanks ... silly made up words09:02
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anteayathey get ya09:03
* anteaya goes back to bed09:03
anteayanight again09:03
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver  https://review.openstack.org/12465109:06
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Honour MANIFEST.in excludes  https://review.openstack.org/12359709:06
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mclarenhi all, we need some help unblocking the glanceclient gate. A review of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172999/ would be really helpful if someone has a spare moment09:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Tasks may now be un-assigned.  https://review.openstack.org/15994809:51
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update register_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132410:19
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update unregister_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132510:20
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openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use gerrit reference to clone networking-midonet  https://review.openstack.org/17289710:31
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: TripleO: Add f20puppet-ha gating job  https://review.openstack.org/17325510:33
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: TripleO: Add f20puppet-ha gating job  https://review.openstack.org/17325510:35
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: TripleO: Add f20puppet-ha check job  https://review.openstack.org/17325510:44
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: TripleO: Add f20puppet-ha check job  https://review.openstack.org/17325511:10
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/project-config: TripleO: Add f20puppet-ha check job  https://review.openstack.org/17325511:12
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic machine power state pass-through  https://review.openstack.org/17228411:34
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic maintenance state pass-through  https://review.openstack.org/17228311:34
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove duplicate puppet-simpleproxy  https://review.openstack.org/17328112:05
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yolandamm, wrong brnach12:06
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update register_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132412:12
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use Oslo core teams for stable maint, too  https://review.openstack.org/17307512:12
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update unregister_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132512:13
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mclarenhi all, we need some help unblocking the glanceclient gate. A review of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/172999/ would be really helpful if someone has a spare moment12:22
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update unregister_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132512:24
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openstackgerritAndrzej Skupien proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add vmware-dvs project into stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/17328912:27
AJaegersdague, fungi, could you review 172999 as well ,please?12:28
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kragnizthanks for the reviews on that patch12:31
ProphidysHello, I don't know if i'm in the right place but I have some issue with gerrit on review.openstack.org to store my contact information and be able to submit a change12:32
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AJaegerProphidys, please read and follow the steps in http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#getting-started12:33
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openstackgerritKai Qiang Wu(Kennan) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump requests version support  https://review.openstack.org/17329012:34
mclarensdague: AJaeger: thank you!12:35
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ProphidysAJaeger: I followed all theses step but visibly the ICLA need a contact information(mailing and phone), when I try to save I got an error "Server Error - Cannot Store contact information"12:36
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AJaegerDid you use your Launchpad ID at the proper places as documented?12:39
ProphidysI will check but account seems to be linked12:40
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kerpanProphidys: Are you registred on https://www.openstack.org/join/register/ with the same launchpad account email address?12:42
AJaegermclaren, oops, sdague and myself reviewed at the same time - and I didn't see his +2. Now approved12:42
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Prophidyskerpan: Maybe not12:43
openstackgerritKai Qiang Wu(Kennan) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump requests version support  https://review.openstack.org/17329012:44
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kerpanProphidys: that should fix it ;)12:44
Prophidyskerpan: thanks12:44
kerpanProphidys: np12:45
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openstackgerritKai Qiang Wu(Kennan) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump requests version support  https://review.openstack.org/17329012:47
Prophidyskerpan: nice it worked12:48
kerpanProphidys: ;)12:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-python-glanceclient-juno  https://review.openstack.org/17299912:52
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mclarenAJaeger: super, thanks13:02
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openstackgerritsean mooney proposed openstack-infra/project-config: extend gerrit acls to allow creation of stable branches  https://review.openstack.org/17330213:11
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run gate-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph job on stable icehouse/juno  https://review.openstack.org/17331913:38
mriedemadam_g: ^13:38
mriedemhowever, we were already filtering the ceph check queue job from running on stable/icehouse and stable/juno so i'm not sure why it ran on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/162112/13:38
mriedemSergeyLukjanov: ^ any ideas?13:39
mriedemthis should be excluding the ceph job from the check queue on stable/juno https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170912/113:39
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spredzyanteaya, AJaeger if you have a minute could I get a review on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173255/ . Thanks13:47
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred, pleia2: i'm going to be mostly afk today, but will be around for the meetings13:47
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow to specify which commit to send  https://review.openstack.org/13970113:48
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Allow the config to set the filter and view  https://review.openstack.org/17332813:51
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add support for setting filters and views per file  https://review.openstack.org/17332913:51
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jheskethclarkb: ^ if you're interested13:51
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: [WIP][NOT FOR REVIEW] Trying to find good docker, requests version for dsvm  https://review.openstack.org/17333013:51
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jeblairjhesketh: oh hi!  late night?  :)13:53
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jheskethjeblair: I work better at nights13:55
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jheskethjeblair: also daylight savings has ended, so it's only (nearly) midnight now, not 1am. Which, incidentally, puts the infra meeting at a happy 5am13:55
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jeblairjhesketh: i dunno what timezone i'm in :)13:58
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jheskethyeah, you were travelling last week?13:58
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jheskethdid you head over to pycon?13:58
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jeblairyeah, i returned from pycon yesterday.  i verified that montreal, chicago, and san francisco all had equally lovely weather yesterday which seems unusual to me :)13:59
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jheskeththat seems like an odd route home (although I know little of US flights)14:01
jheskethbut good to confirm the weather is pleasent - an important task indeed!14:01
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jeblairi had 3 hours of sleep before that, so wasn't good for much else yesterday14:02
jheskethalthough that indicates a good conference?14:02
jeblairyeah -- anteaya found a happy pbr user who isn't affiliated with openstack.  that was pretty cool :)14:03
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anteayaI was surprised14:04
anteayahe was very nice14:04
anteayaand couldn't understand why we were so excited to talk to him about it14:05
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anteayajeblair: glad you got home safe after the extended travel yesterday14:08
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jeblairanteaya: thanks :)14:10
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sigmavirus24o/ jeblair14:16
jeblairi met sigmavirus24 at pycon! :)14:16
jeblairsigmavirus24: hi!14:17
sigmavirus24Actually I was a few people behind you at YUL too14:18
sigmavirus24I saw you at security and then you disappeared14:18
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Davieylifeless1 / jeblair: Would you mind reviewing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142144/ , it has been sat idle since Jan.  Thanks14:20
jeblairsigmavirus24: oh!  well, i did come out the other side of security, to my relief.  :)  i was pretty much a zombie at the airport though.14:21
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sigmavirus24Yeah you looked it14:22
sigmavirus24(I was too fwiw)14:22
jeblairsigmavirus24: good talk, btw!  i think i may have a question or two for you, but i want to do some poking around first.14:23
anteayasigmavirus24: I missed you at pycon :(14:24
sigmavirus24jeblair: my email is always open and my IRC bouncer always connected14:24
sigmavirus24anteaya: =(14:24
sigmavirus24I missed mordred too14:24
anteayasigmavirus24: I'll find you next time14:24
sigmavirus24Everytime I stopped by the HP booth, he wasn't around14:24
sigmavirus24anteaya: I'll be at the summit14:24
anteayasigmavirus24: mordred was gone for half a day when jeblair told me he had left that morning14:24
sigmavirus24I'm the person with (Game of Life) glider for a face ;)14:24
anteayasigmavirus24: I'll make a point of finding you14:25
anteayasigmavirus24: now I'm intrigued14:25
* anteaya fails to recall anyone with black dots on their face14:25
jeblairDaviey: ack -- i think mordred and lifeless are figuring out how to make the master branch releasable again.14:26
Davieyjeblair: Yeah, this is what has prompted me.. I'm worried yet another release will happen without my change :)14:26
garykis there anychance that someone can please look at https://review.openstack.org/173191 so that we can start to get the proposed version patches in and start to backport and apprive…14:27
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anteayagaryk: that is a patch to a stackforge project14:27
garykanteaya: https://review.openstack.org/173208 - this is the one. sorry14:28
anteayathanks for sharing but we can't really do anything with it14:28
garykreview karma would help :)14:28
fungigaryk: AJaeger: ttx: still trying to catch up on scrollback, but acls for refs/heads/stable/* are inherited from refs/heads/* so not needed unless you want them different. the problem with proposed/* branches is that refs/heads/proposed/* has exclusive group permissions for the release managers in the all-projects global acl and so _would_ need to be overridden in individual repo acls14:28
anteayayeah it is still missing the line I talked about last night14:28
fungiahh, i see you wrote a patch. i'll leave comments with my -114:29
anteayaah good, let's consider fungi's thoughts14:29
* jhesketh heads for some sleep before the infra meeting14:29
garykok, thanks.14:29
anteayajhesketh: happy sleep14:29
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sigmavirus24anteaya: I still, somewhat, look like https://us.pycon.org/2015/speaker/profile/231/14:30
AJaegerfungi, thanks!14:30
AJaegerfungi, anteaya where can we write this up?14:30
odyssey4meanteaya here's an odd one - we rebased https://review.openstack.org/170062 this morning and have since tried all sorts of state changed, rechecks, etc but for some reason it appears that gerrit/zuul don't pick up the state changes - the job never goes into the check queue14:30
anteayasigmavirus24: no way do you look like game of life14:30
anteayasigmavirus24: and thanks, I'll keep my eye out for you at summit14:31
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odyssey4meanteaya sigmavirus24 is a bit of jekyll and hyde - he changes form into a troll sometimes :p14:31
anteayaodyssey4me: I'm trying to focus and finish on one thing at a time, so I'm queuing your request14:31
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fungiafter wading through the discussion, i worry that gerrit acls are just a big black box to everyone14:32
odyssey4mezuul has an anteaya queue? fascinating :p14:32
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ttxfungi: yes, sounds simpler for them to just use stable/* instead14:32
ttxproposed/* should be kept for the managed release14:32
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AJaegerodyssey4me, check the source code for the hidden queue and how to push there ;)14:33
ttxsince the exclusive righnts are what we use that branch for14:33
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AJaegerfungi, yes, anything beyond basic is black magic ;)14:34
mordredjeblair, Daviey: I saw lifeless posst a patch yesterday14:35
anteayafungi: where can I see the all-projects global acl? I don't know where to look in system-config and I can't find the right heading (I might need admin gerrit permissions?) to view it in gerrit14:35
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mordredjeblair, Daviey: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124651/14:35
openstackgerritgaryk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: VMware: add permissions to approve proposed patches  https://review.openstack.org/17320814:35
mordredlooks ike it's got a python3-related pep8 issue14:36
garykfungi: anteaya ^^14:36
anteayafungi: and yes I do have some understanding of gerrit acls but then I just kind of fall off the cliff14:36
fungianteaya: we try to keep the all-projects acl documented at http://ci.openstack.org/gerrit.html#access-controls though you may or may not be able to see it at https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/projects/All-Projects,access (gerrit tries to be "secure" in this regard by hiding acl permissions you don't have from your view unfortunately)14:40
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anteayaI can see it, I can only get to it from the full link though, I can't navigate to it14:41
fungianteaya: our basic workflow for changing the all-projects acl is to code review an equivalent modification to http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/doc/source/gerrit.rst and then once it gets approved make the same change in gerrit manually14:42
anteayaand yes I guess I have encountered a time when the docs didn't match the file in play so was wondering if there was a place where the config file lived and I could just read that14:42
fungioh! actually there's a workaround for gerrit's "security" there. you can get to the full file via its gitweb integration. just a sec and i'll build a link14:42
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fungianteaya: https://review.openstack.org/gitweb?p=All-Projects.git;a=blob_plain;f=project.config14:43
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anteayabookmarked, thank you fungi14:44
fungiof course!14:44
fungigerrit and its quirks are part of what makes all this so "fun" ;)14:45
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anteayaare we having fun yet?14:46
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver  https://review.openstack.org/12465114:47
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mordredfungi, dhellmann, Daviey: ^^ I fixed up the test failures from that ^^ on first pass it looks good to me, but we should clearly dig in and make sure14:48
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eantyshevanteaya: Hello! I was running my CI system under personal account, and was disabled on Mar19 for that14:50
marcusvrnhi folks...which version of jenkins are you using? I'm using 1.57 and when I updated to 1.59, all builds triggered from gerrit stop working....all builds are in the queue, but it doesn't run... the return message is: "pending—There are no nodes with the label ‘’"14:51
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clarkbmarcusvrn: 1565.314:53
clarkbmarcusvrn: its posted on the jenkins footer if you look at any of our jenkins servers14:53
anteayaeantyshev: yes so you told me I think that you have created a third party ci account which you will use for testing from now on?14:53
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anteayaeantyshev: I just need your word that you will only use your personal account for your personal patches and reviews going forward14:54
mordreddhellmann: also - when you get a sec - I'd like to chat about sphinx plugins ...14:54
mordreddhellmann: I have a data structure in os_client_config/vendors.py - and it seems like it would be nice to have sphinx turn it into a "vendor support" documentation page14:55
clarkbzaro: we should probably look into making gearman plugin work with latest lts14:55
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marcusvrnclarkb: hmm....It's older than my current version14:56
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odyssey4meclarkb fungi for some reason https://review.openstack.org/170062 review/workflow/rechecks aren't triggering the check queue, any idea why? we've tried rebasing, changing the review votes and the workflow votes, and asking for recheck/reverify but nothing is working14:57
anteayaeantyshev: I'm waiting for you to tell me that you will use your personal gerrit account for personal gerrit activity only before I request it be re-enabled14:58
clarkbodyssey4me: it looks like you have all rechecked/approved/etc ps3 but there is a ps414:59
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clarkbodyssey4me: but ps4 isn't showing as the default patchset so something weird has happened there15:00
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anteayaodyssey4me: okay is clarkb taking care of you to your statisfaction? sorry for the wait15:00
odyssey4meclarkb odd, no ps4 in my view and I'm farily certain that no-one has submitted another one15:00
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odyssey4meanteaya yeah, thanks15:00
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odyssey4meclarkb ah, I see ps4 now - very odd15:01
fungioh, yeah, that's freaky15:01
odyssey4meI can see it in the revision list, but it can't be voted on15:02
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clarkbodyssey4me: ya I do not know what has happened there but I am pretty sure that is why this isn't working15:02
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odyssey4meclarkb so the answer is probably to pull it down, change something, then push it back up again15:03
eantyshevanteaya: I won't do that, I swear15:04
mordredfungi: ValueError: Unknown remainder ['post18'] in '0.17.0.post18'15:04
anteayaeantyshev: thank you15:04
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mordredfungi: that is me running the local pbr changes iwth a local copy of python-glanceclient installed15:05
clarkbodyssey4me: ya you can try pushing a new patchset to see if that moves things along15:05
anteayawould someone kindly re-enable gerrit account 13431 again please? http://paste.openstack.org/show/203885/15:05
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver  https://review.openstack.org/12465115:06
mordredthat fixes it15:06
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odyssey4meclarkb yep, a fresh patch set fixed it - thanks :)15:09
clarkbanteaya: I will get it in just a moment15:09
anteayaclarkb: thank you15:10
clarkbanteaya: eantyshev all done15:10
anteayattx: we are guessing what the release manager wants on this patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173208/ mind telling us what the release manager wants?15:10
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anteayaclarkb: thank you15:10
anteayaeantyshev: thanks for coming back and fixing things up, you are doing well15:11
eantyshevthanks you all!15:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Publish os-client-config docs to docs.openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/17264015:12
ttxanteaya: I'd say at this point it's simpler for projects to just use stable/kilo and not proposed/kilo15:12
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ttxThe only reason why we use proposed/kilo is to have specific acls applied pre-release15:13
ttxwill comment on the patch15:13
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anteayattx thank you15:14
mordredAJaeger: ^^^ I landed the os-client-config doc publication patch because yes, I think just publishing on releases is fine for that library, and honestly preferrable15:15
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ttxanteaya: commented. Basically there is no point in using proposed/kilo is the ACL ends up similar to stable/kilo.15:17
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ttxjust use stable/kilo and spare you an ocean of pain15:17
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fungialso our integration testing will test stable/X and proposed/X together so "following" the branches of the projects you're integration with is not necessary there15:18
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anteayagaryk: does that make sense to you? ^^15:19
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garykttx: anteaya: i guess that i could create stable kilo now. does that make sense? and when neutron is set to stable we will need to update the requirements file to point to neutron instead of proposed.15:30
garykdoes that make sense?15:30
garyki do not mind doing the extra work now and then in the next cycle going straight to stable.15:30
clarkbcinerama: translate-dev appears to be happy this morning15:30
garyki think that having a proposed version is in line with neutron and maybe it is the healthier route - even though we have a few more things to do15:30
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ttxgaryk: what do you mean by "update the requirements file to point to neutron instead of proposed" ?15:31
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garykttx: please look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173191/ - test-requirements15:33
anteayamestery: should you be part of this conversation, I wonder?15:33
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garykthe out of driver pulls in the latest and greatest neutron code (in the case the stable/proposed barnch)15:33
clarkbfwiw that is not really the correct way to do that15:33
clarkbfor many reasons15:33
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* fungi tried to have that argument too, a while back, but that train has sailed15:34
clarkbat the very least you should be using the git cache on the local slave with a tool like zuul-cloner to get the correct neutron sha115:34
mordredright - but that  makes the repo impossible to work with for devs15:34
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clarkbmordred: it doesn't, you can put that in your tox15:34
clarkbmordred: :)15:34
fungiurls to neutron branch tarballs would probably be saner than git links15:35
mordredclarkb: oh yeah?15:35
mordredclarkb: and that'll work for people not running on a d-g node?15:35
clarkbmordred: sure, tox knows how to run python things, have it install zuul cloner and then run zuul cloner15:35
clarkbmordred: yup it should15:35
mordredclarkb: then we should code up an example case of that and start pointing people to it15:36
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mordredbecause "you can just use zuul-cloner" is probably equivilent to some words in mandarin for most folks15:36
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clarkbsure let me see what I can do for 17319115:36
mordredand honestly showing the pattern would probably help TONS of people15:37
garykttx: does that make sense?15:37
* anteaya likes patterns15:37
clarkbalso the other problem here is I am still sure that the dep path is wrong15:37
anteayaI can point to things15:37
clarkbneutron should depend on nsx not the other wa around15:37
mordredanteaya: ++15:37
ttxgaryk: yes15:37
anteayaclarkb: why do you say that?15:37
mordredclarkb: no - I'm pretty sure that's right15:37
clarkb(still need a zuul cloner though so that implementation detail doesn't chnage)15:37
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garykso should i drop the proposed and got directly for the stable?15:37
mordredclarkb: if you're workingon the NSX driver, you need neutron to make sure it works15:38
clarkbanteaya: because the nsx thing is a plugin for neutron15:38
ttxgaryk: I'd say that will spare you a lot of pain15:38
anteayathe point of splitting out all teh things is to have neutron as a dependency for the things15:38
clarkbneutron depends on its plugins15:38
anteayano it doesn't15:38
mordredclarkb: if you're working on neutron, you may not want the NSX driver15:38
clarkbmordred: correct15:38
anteayathe plugins depend on neutron15:38
mordredclarkb: the entire point is that neutron _doesnot_ depend on its plugins15:38
clarkbmordred: it doesn't depend on all of them15:38
anteayaneutron does not care about the plugins15:38
clarkbmordred: but it does depend on at least 1 to function15:38
mordredit sholdn't depend on any of them15:38
clarkbthe default is ml215:38
clarkbmordred: its an in tree plugin but still a plugin last I looked15:38
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mordredI'm talking package deps though15:39
garykttx: ok, cool. ill' drop the proposed15:39
garykanteaya: ^15:39
anteayagaryk: looks like you are finding the successful path15:39
mordredit's like debian packages where you have an evolution-imap and evolution-exchange ... if you do "apt-get install evolution-exchange" you should also get evolution15:39
anteayagaryk: amoungst everything else15:39
mordredthe inverse is not true15:39
clarkbmordred: ya so say if you want to use neutron with vmware-nsx then install neutron then install nsx plugin15:39
clarkbmordred: well actually :)15:40
clarkbmordred: debian installs suggests by default now15:40
mordredclarkb: sure- but the nsx driver needs to declare that it needs neutron to function, no?15:40
mordredclarkb: heh15:40
mordredmy bad for using debian as an example of sane15:40
garykanteaya: after eliminating all of the options, whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth15:40
clarkbor is it recommends? I mix up the terminology but you get a bunch of stuff you don't expect15:40
anteayagaryk: that helps me sleep at night15:40
garykanteaya: a prefer wine15:40
anteayamany do15:41
clarkbmordred: so thats actuall maybe the important point15:41
clarkbmordred: do these plugins actually depend on neutron to function?15:41
Clintclarkb: Recommends, not Suggests15:41
anteayagaryk: apparently train travel is heavy on wine, both seat mates on my recent trip tipped back about a bottle each in 4 hours15:41
anteayagaryk: I was impressed15:41
clarkbanyways I have that change pulled now, testing how to zuul-cloner it sanely15:41
anteayared on the way out, white on the way back15:42
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anteayaclarkb: the plugins can not function without neutron15:42
anteayaclarkb: neutron can function without the plugins, except as you point out the default15:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Updated oslo_db.  https://review.openstack.org/17308315:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Removed hack.  https://review.openstack.org/17308415:44
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morganfainbergmordred: so I just realized how wrong we did things.15:44
mordredmorganfainberg: oh yeah?15:44
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mordredmorganfainberg: which thing did we do wrong?15:45
morganfainbergmordred: client libs should be what sdk is doing. Consumer only use.15:45
morganfainbergmordred: cli can consume said libs15:45
morganfainbergInter-service needs to be something else.15:45
mordredmorganfainberg: YES15:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Updated oslo_log  https://review.openstack.org/17309315:45
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mordredbecause the knowledge you need for interservice is different15:45
clarkbmordred: ok, first zuul-cloner piece of feedback is we may override the wrong direction. cloner command line args override env vars not the other way around. Typically this is what you want except that the upstream testing relies on env vars we we want to override that locally15:45
morganfainbergWhich resolves the stupid stable branches for client libs. Which makes semver useless for clients.15:45
mordredit's OK to know what version of the API you want ahead of time inter-service15:45
mordredmorganfainberg: yup15:46
clarkbmordred: thankfully we can just set up the env I think15:46
morganfainbergBecause what fix gets ported to what thing otherwise.15:46
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morganfainbergThis tells me we need to be careful with keystoneauth.15:46
garykttx: anteaya: fungi: one last question - since we are no longer going the proposed/kil route - how can i delete that branch?15:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Updated all oslo versions.  https://review.openstack.org/17309415:47
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morganfainbergmordred: anyway. I am hitting walls with client and communicating what a version means with the new "stable" thing.15:47
morganfainbergWhat is x.x.x? And do we back port to it? And why not the other one.15:48
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ttxgaryk: I should be able to do that15:49
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garykttx: thanks!15:49
mordredmorganfainberg: yup. you may want to see mailing list posts from me from about 3 years ago when I originally argued with folks about this15:49
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mordredmorganfainberg: but that was when I thought that the client libs were primarily user facing15:49
mordredmorganfainberg: honestly, we should port all of the servers to use tempestlib to talk to each other15:50
morganfainbergI don't know what to do with keystone auth. Do I need a "inter-service" one?15:50
morganfainbergAnd a consumer one?15:50
ttxgaryk: done15:50
* anteaya has lunch15:50
morganfainbergmordred: might be the right move to do something like tempest lib.15:50
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror  https://review.openstack.org/16524015:51
mordredmorganfainberg: honestly, keystone auth should be easier15:51
mtreinishmordred, morganfainberg: I like that idea :)15:51
mordredmorganfainberg: because it shouldn't need much past requests - so backwards compat with the world should be easy and you shouldn't need to pull in things to make command line programs nicer15:52
fungimorganfainberg: consider that when kilo releases, the library api (not the rest api) which kilo servers expect from keystone auth is more or less set in stone. we need a version of _that_ we can keep fixing bugs in, without introducing sweeping changes in the process15:52
garykttx: thanks15:52
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mordredmorganfainberg: otoh - go ahead and take the position that python-*client is not for end-user consumption at all15:52
mordredbecause it's not15:52
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mordredthey aren't designed to be - they're TERRIBLE for that purpose15:53
mordredso they are your intra-service libs right now15:53
mordredand openstack does not yet have an end-user facing thing that's ready15:53
fungiand i agree, the drive to reduce code duplication and make the servers intercommunicate with the same libraries we expect end users to code to for interacting with arbitrary versions of openstack has painted us into a corner15:53
mordredthis is the real state of the wrld15:53
morganfainbergfungi: that is the problem. Client libs should not be set in stone like that because what version do you port security fixes to. It shouldn't be the consumer client lib.15:53
mtreinishmordred: well from my perspective they are terrible for that too15:53
mordredmtreinish: sure - but it's the only think they're good for15:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: Better diagnostics on test failure  https://review.openstack.org/17313115:54
mordredend-user client libs should only ever have an increasing version - and should ALWAYS ALWAYS maintain compat until the end of time15:54
mordredthere is NEVER a valid reason to break them15:54
mordredand APIs should only EVER append15:54
* mordred points again at libmysqlclient - which has been ABI compatible for almost 20 years15:54
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move cliff gerrit announcements to the sdk channel  https://review.openstack.org/17340115:55
mordredthere is a reason that mysql is so successfu ...15:55
fungimorganfainberg: looking at it from yet another perspective... distros packaging openstack servers are also packaging versions of the client libraries contemporary with them, so if we backport fixes to the "juno" release of keystoneclient then distros who stuck to that version because they were also packaging the juno version of keystone will benefit fairly directly from our backports15:55
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fungimordred: i'm curious, did libmysqlclient maintain 100% backward compatibility for the first 4 years of its development, or was there a brief stabilizing period at the beginning?15:57
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mordredfungi: I could go and check - but I believe that since they borrowed the msql protocol, it was probably pretty darned stable for forever15:59
mordredfungi: btw - this is why there are functions like "real_mysql_connect"15:59
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dhellmannmordred: your sphinx question sounds a lot like what we have in the governance repo now for relating tags and projects16:00
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mordreddhellmann: neat!16:01
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mordreddhellmann: https://review.openstack.org/173383 is a patch adding a document by hand16:01
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mordreddhellmann: source file is http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/os-client-config/tree/os_client_config/vendors.py16:01
mordreddhellmann: I'll go read the governance repo patch16:02
dhellmannmordred: oh, nice, you don't even need to parse anything because you already have the data16:02
clarkbmordred: https://review.openstack.org/17340616:03
clarkbgaryk is gone but if you read logs ^16:03
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mordredclarkb: can we do multi-command install_commands?16:04
clarkbmordred: I can see us making a zuul-map.yaml be a standard thing in projects16:04
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clarkbmordred: yes, but it short circuits so if first fails you don't run the next16:04
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clarkbmordred: oh install_commands I don't think so16:04
clarkbbut that would be another way to solve this if you can16:05
dhellmannmordred: although some of the data in the text doesn't appear in the data structure (zone names)16:05
mordreddhellmann: yeah - I was thinking that when I was writing it16:05
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dhellmannmordred: there are a few examples of techniques in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/doc/source/_exts -- I recommend looking at the ones that generate rst text and then call the thing to parse it, instead of trying to generate docutils nodes by hand16:06
morganfainbergWe should get sdk at least partially baked for our users .16:06
clarkbhrm we may need a release of zuul :)16:07
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morganfainbergmordred: I will discuss keystoneauth with jamielennox|away before we spin it off. I am legitimately concerned about weird bug fix backport issues now.16:10
fungiclarkb: the theme of today's meeting will be release-all-the-things16:10
morganfainbergmordred: will ping you then too. Since you'll be an end user of it (good pov to have)16:11
fungiclarkb: we're overdue for a git-review release, hashar has requested a nodepool release since he's packaging it now, and if i can get the rest of my bindep patches merged we should tag an initial release of that too before we start using it16:11
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openstackgerritBharat Kumar Kobagana proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip test_volume_boot_pattern for GlusterFS until bug 1441050 is fixed  https://review.openstack.org/17340816:16
openstackbug 1441050 in Cinder "test_volume_boot_pattern tempest test failure for glusterfs backend" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1441050 - Assigned to Bharat Kumar Kobagana (bharat-kobagana)16:16
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change Ironic node lookups to support names  https://review.openstack.org/17116416:28
greghaynesclarkb: Is there some list of node types that you can use for a jenkins job? trying to figure out what I should be using for these dib functests and im guessing devstack-distro is more than I ant16:28
greghaynesI do notice theres a bare-centos7... is bare-{distro} maybe it?16:28
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fungigreghaynes: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/openstack_project/templates/nodepool/nodepool.yaml.erb#n2316:30
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greghaynesin the nodepool config, that makes way too much sense16:30
fungigreghaynes: you should probably ignore any that have min-ready 0 since those are generally ones we're in the process of deleting16:31
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fungiand -f20 looks like it's not set to min-ready 0 yet but there's almost certainly a patch proposed to do that16:31
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add update_machine method and operator unit test substrate  https://review.openstack.org/17116516:32
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add test of OperatorCloud auth_type=None  https://review.openstack.org/17216516:32
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greghaynesfungi: looks like there are only devstack- for fedora, is there any downside for me using a devstack image in a test that doesnt really need devstack?16:34
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johnthetubaguyjogo: how far did we get moving towards rebuilds?16:35
fungigreghaynes: nah, the "devstack-.*" nodes have a lot of stuff cached on them you may not need, but very little preinstalled (unlike the "bare-.*" nodes)16:36
fungigreghaynes: i have an experimental job right now that runs nova unit tests on a devstack-trusty node just fine, for example. that's the direction we're headed with the bindep work anyway16:36
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greghaynesok, awesome16:37
fungii'm going to go get some lunch and then try to get stuff done before the giant block 'o meetings today16:38
fungiback in a while16:38
openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/murano to openstack/murano  https://review.openstack.org/16793416:38
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add elements for Infra servers  https://review.openstack.org/14084016:42
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update register_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132416:47
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update unregister_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132516:47
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic maintenance state pass-through  https://review.openstack.org/17228316:47
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic machine power state pass-through  https://review.openstack.org/17228416:48
cineramaclarkb: yep, lgtm. thanks for your help yesterday16:48
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sergmelikyanfungi, jeblair Hi, folks, can you take a look at rename commit for Murano? Renaming is scheduled for today AFAIK, and I would like to be sure that I've addressed all the concerns: https://review.openstack.org/16793416:52
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clarkbSwami: armax_ see comments on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158525/ we are very close16:56
armax_clarkb: looking16:56
clarkbSwami: armax_ just need to update docs/comments and add options:local_ip as a belts and suspenders cya16:56
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clarkbarmax_: nova fixed live migrations and both aiopcpu tests passed on that change16:57
clarkbso it is very very close :)16:57
clarkbok I have to go catch a bus now, back before meetings16:57
armax_clarkb: ok, cool16:57
armax_clarkb: new ps coming shortly16:57
Swamiclarkb: thanks16:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Index cells logs  https://review.openstack.org/17223117:01
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anteayasergmelikyan: not sure what gave you the impression that we have a rename scheduled for today, I just looked at the infra meeting agenda, meeting logs from last week and the -dev mailing list for a gerrit downtime announcement and can find nothing that supports a rename scheduled for today17:12
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sergmelikyananteaya, Looks like I was wrong, I decided that from Upcoming Renames section in https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting17:20
anteayasergmelikyan: no worries, I just wanted to ensure I understood what you were talking about17:20
devanandamordred: you've reminded me that i want to pull ironic-discoverd from stackforge into openstack. when's the next window for that?17:20
clarkbSwami armax I forgot to check on the change that enables dvr though17:21
armaxclarkb: it’s good17:21
clarkbwe should remember to check experimental there once we have a new patchset17:21
anteayasergmelikyan: that section of the agenda is where we keep links to patches of projects that wish to be renamed, then we can work them into scheduled downtimes or create one if we have a bunch of them17:21
armaxclarkb: spinned one up yesterday night17:21
armaxclarkb: http://logs.openstack.org/09/171809/7/experimental/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-aiopcpu-full/82b6f5a/logs/testr_results.html.gz17:21
anteayasergmelikyan: we have a scheduled downtime for May 9th to upgrade gerrit, so that may be the time we do the renames, I don't know yet17:21
armaxclarkb: only block migration test failed17:21
clarkbarmax perfect17:22
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anteayadevananda: make the patch add it to https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Upcoming_Project_Renames and we work it in when we can17:22
sergmelikyananteaya, thank you! It is usually announced that renames will be done during maintenance or it is assumed?17:22
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devanandaanteaya: tycm17:23
anteayasergmelikyan: not assumed, we either work them into a maintenance window or create a maintenance window just for renames17:23
clarkbanteaya but tc must merge change adding it first right?17:23
anteayadevananda: :)17:23
anteayaclarkb: I think the murano one is the one left over from last time since the patch was in such poor shape17:24
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clarkbsure just saying we dont add projects to openstack without that iirc17:24
anteayaclarkb: but yes, devananda needs to submit a patch to governance first to get that merged to governance/projects.yaml before we can move the repo17:24
anteayaclarkb: yes17:24
anteayaclarkb: thanks for reminding me, I had left that point out for devananda17:24
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sergmelikyanWe had questions regarding few of our repos (murano-docs and murano-deployment), and unfortunately I was not able to be near my PC to be ready to update patch right away17:25
anteayasergmelikyan: okay next time we schedule the rename try to be available, or ensure someone else on the team is in case something comes up at the last minute17:26
mordreddevananda: ^^ regarding the above, ttx will usually rubber stamp those after a TC meeting as long as the PTL has a +1 on it17:26
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sergmelikyananteaya, sure, thank you17:27
anteayadevananda: we just need the governance repo file to have the correct information17:27
anteayasergmelikyan: sure, thanks for asking about it17:27
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove duplicate link to node prep scripts.  https://review.openstack.org/17343117:34
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fungimordred: devananda: though based on prior conversations, it needs to be proposed by early on thursday for it to end up in the rubber stamp administrivia list, though he seemed willing to fast-track things ahead of a meeting with sufficient tc votes in favor17:42
mordredfungi: I think I'd like to push for more aggressive fast-tracking of PTLs suggesting additional git repos to their existing projects - but maybe that's a topic for the TC meeting17:43
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mordredI mean, it's important to have a process - but also shouldn't optimize in the wrong direction for actions that we are almost never going to reject17:44
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fungimordred: i'm entirely in favor, but i'm also not (today anyway) on the tc17:47
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anteayamordred: as long as projects are listed in projects.yaml I don't care what the process is for them landing there18:16
anteayathis is the only process right now for mergeing a patch to the governance repo18:17
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arosen1clarkb:  a while ago I was hitting this issue with nested nested kvm andn you said that you guys aren't running nested nested kvm. Does that mean in the guest where devstack runs all the tempest tests you use qemu instead or?"18:23
AJaeger_fungi, anteaya : After our confusion about permissions, I quickly wrote up the following: http://paste.openstack.org/show/203914/18:24
fungiarosen1: devstack is configured to use qemu to boot cirros or some other lightweight operating system, yes18:24
AJaeger_fungi, anteaya : Do you think it's worth to add this to our documentation in some revised form? What's the best place for it?18:24
fungiarosen1: it performs horribly, but we don't intend to run any actual workloads on those virtual machines... mostly just test that we can ssh into them and maybe cat a file from their filesystem or something18:25
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack/requirements: Updated oslo.config to 1.10.0  https://review.openstack.org/17344918:25
fungiAJaeger_: refs/tags/* isn't really part of the minimal set. it's only needed for projects which are going to have tags18:26
anteayaarosen1: we discussed this a week ago at a third party meeting and asselin_ pointed out his work around: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1413540/comments/4218:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1413540 in linux (Ubuntu) "Trusty soft lockup issues with nested KVM" [High,Confirmed] - Assigned to Chris J Arges (arges)18:26
asselin_arosen, yeah, that's based on discussion with clarkb18:26
anteayaAJaeger_: well a minimum acl doesn't need tagging or the cla18:27
arosen1awesome thanks guys :)18:27
anteaya<-- not a guy18:28
AJaeger_fungi, anteaya: Do you think something like this is usefull? Then I rework....18:28
fungiAJaeger_: also requireContributorAgreement is only for projects which want to enforce the openstack icla (which only really makes sense for official repos and those which want to be official in some capacity, it's not mandatory)18:28
asselin_arosen,  you can confirm here: http://logs.openstack.org/22/170322/4/check/check-tempest-dsvm-full/1566ca9/logs/etc/nova/nova.conf.txt.gz18:28
anteayaAJaeger_: well I'd use it18:28
AJaeger_fungi, anteaya: Let me rework it on an etherpad then...18:28
anteayaAJaeger_: sure18:28
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asselin_arosen, here's where it gets picked in upstream: http://logs.openstack.org/22/170322/4/check/check-tempest-dsvm-full/1566ca9/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2015-04-06_19_15_08_26518:30
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cineramais openstackid-dev.o.o behaving weirdly for anyone else? can't log in at the moment with what i'm pretty sure is my correct password (works on openstackid.org)18:31
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anteayawhat is my openstackid?18:32
anteayawhat do I use18:32
fungiyour www.openstack.org login18:32
anteayadon't think that helps much, as I have no idea what that is18:33
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anteayacinerama: sorry I'm not very helpful on your testing :(18:33
anteayabut I got the login page18:33
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fungicinerama: my openstackid.org login doesn't work on openstackid-dev.openstack.org no18:35
cineramafungi: that is weird. seemed to be working yesterday18:35
fungimrmartin: ^ are you aware of recent changes on that front?18:35
mrmartinfungi: it can be maybe due to an old database behind openstackid-dev.o.o18:35
mrmartinyou know, it is working from a backup, and it was made months ago18:36
fungithat's a good point. though i wonder what would have changed there since yesterday18:36
mrmartinip ban?18:36
funginothing interesting has merged to the git repo for it for a few weeks18:36
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mrmartin:) I can't login there18:37
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fungiyeah, i'll check its logs18:38
mrmartincinerama: what you mean on login doesn't work?18:38
mrmartinI've received this message now: We're sorry, your username or password does not match an existing record.18:38
AJaeger_fungi, anteaya: updated documentation of gerrit permissions at https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/E7dQRd2gyy18:38
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cineramamrmartin: same here but i feel like i used that username/password against that yesterday when logging into translate-dev18:39
jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: i'm back for a few hours, then away this afternoon for more administrivia.  anything i should take a look at?  i have not read backscroll (but can read the log if there's something interesting i should go back for)18:39
fungijeblair: nothing urgent so far as i've seen18:39
mordredjeblair: are you here for teh TC meeting?18:39
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mordredjeblair: oh - nm, you already +1'd the governance patch18:40
jeblairmordred: infra and tc, yeah18:40
mrmartinfungi: I trying to check it too18:40
AJaeger_fungi, anteaya: If you have time to flesh this out, great - if not, tell me what to do with it so that users can use it. I can submit a change later then...18:41
mrmartincan't access the db18:41
mrmartinfungi: Access denied for user 'os_dev_site'@'' an account change on trove db ?18:41
jbergnanHi, does anyone know why after i do a stack.sh, there is dstat process running in the background outputting stats onto the console? i cant find any information about this anywhere, isn't this a bug?18:42
clarkbjbergnan: its keeping track of the system stats with openstack running18:43
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clarkbjbergnan: it is intentional and not a bug18:43
clarkbjbergnan: you can however disable it in your enabled services list if you do no want it running18:43
mrmartinfungi: the mysql port is open, so it can be some credential issue, or a missing db18:44
jbergnanclarkb: i'm guessing this is with disable_service dstat?18:45
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jbergnanjbergnan: it seems like this feature is more useful for the gate rather than for developers, why not disable it by default?18:45
mrmartincinerama: your account must be ok, it is a db connectivity issue in the background18:46
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cineramamrmartin: thanks for looking into it18:49
clarkbjbergnan: yes disable service dstat. as far as whether it should be on by default that would be a question for the devstack devs18:49
jeblairmordred, fungi: https://review.openstack.org/17346518:50
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AJaeger_ttx, are you still around?18:51
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fungihe may be getting dinner before the tc meeting18:52
mordredjeblair: ++18:52
anteayaAJaeger_: woo, is that a yellow/green18:53
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AJaeger_anteaya: better? ;)18:54
fungijeblair: lgtm, though we do still need some sort of (perhaps async) feedback loop to make sure they still get recorded in the governance repo so that, e.g., contributors get to vote and whatnot18:54
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jeblairfungi: writing that now18:54
anteayaAJaeger_: yes, thanks18:54
anteayaAJaeger_: was looking for my sunglasses18:54
jeblairfungi: i'm proposing that we reverse the dependency direction (except in case of adding a new project(team/program/thingy) to openstack)18:54
clarkbarmax: I see you have responded to my comments saying done but I don't see a new patchset18:55
AJaeger_jeblair: so, adding a project to openstack-infra first and then house-keeping with adding to governance?18:55
armaxclarkb: I have been dragged into something else18:56
armaxclarkb: pushing it in roughly 20 mins18:56
armaxclarkb: I am updating the diagram18:56
clarkbarmax: ok thanks18:56
AJaeger_jeblair: but then approving only on project-config if governance change exists? I'm fine any way, let's jsut document it...18:56
jeblairAJaeger_: yes, that's what i'm writing :)18:56
armaxclarkb: a non-maskable interrupts ;)18:57
fungijeblair: wfm, and we just expect the proposer of the project-config change to leave a review comment linking the id of the related governance change i guess18:58
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AJaeger_jeblair: so, looking at your spec: We would require PTL +1 and a link to the governance change.18:59
AJaeger_jeblair: fine with me...18:59
jeblairAJaeger_, fungi: yeah, i've literally written the text to explain this18:59
jeblairi have just not written the commit message yet18:59
jeblairand i have to start the infra meeting18:59
jeblairbut if i have 45 more seconds to spare, i'll have a change for you to review :)19:00
anteayaAJaeger_: thank you for the etherpad, I personally find it very useful19:00
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AJaeger_anteaya, fungi: What should we do with the text? Part of infra-manual? Wiki-page? Anything else? We can work this out further.19:00
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AJaeger_fungi, thanks a lot for your comments, this is really helpfull!19:01
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anteayaAJaeger_: I would go with whatever jeblair says, for me I'm going to save the etherpad link19:01
mordredgreghaynes: you created a new rackspace cloud account recently, yeah?19:01
AJaeger_jeblair: please advise on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/E7dQRd2gyy19:01
anteayaAJaeger_: agreed, the converstations between you and fungi were very helpful for me19:01
mordredgreghaynes: was there an option somewhere to just get an account? all I can find is signing up for managed service ...19:02
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mordredjroll, JayF: ^^ any thoughts?19:02
jrollmordred: https://cart.rackspace.com/cloud/ ?19:03
jrollyou want managed infra19:03
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jrollnote the $50/mo or whatever19:03
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jrollmordred: there's also a thing for like $50/mo free for 12 months19:03
mordredmeh - I'm going to make hp pay for it19:04
greghaynesmordred: hey19:04
greghaynesmordred: yea, I did the 50/mo thing19:04
greghaynesand then you have to ask for glance access19:04
jrollwait what19:04
greghaynesits possible I didnt have to, but I did because someone told me to19:05
greghaynesand they seemed to think that was an ok thing to ask for19:05
jrollI don't know if I'm sad that this is a thing or that I'm not surprised it's a thing19:05
greghaynesit was a thing with hp cloud too19:05
greghaynesits all pretty :(19:06
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mordredgreghaynes: I did not have to - it all works19:21
mordred(I mean, I asked, but apparently glance is just enabled out of the box)19:21
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AJaeger_jhesketh: we have infra meeting - will you join us or are you there already?19:24
gordcsdague: ttx: just a heads up, i'm planning on cutting a ceilometerclient 1.1 release (targeting kilo) to fix our SEMVER issue. (it also includes a few issues relating to keystonev3).19:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-testr: Add support for having comments in the exclude file  https://review.openstack.org/17298419:25
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mtreinishmordred, dhellmann: qq about sphinx/pbr. Is there a way to get things to setup/install real manpages for console scripts?19:25
jheskethAJaeger: yep, just slept a bit late woops19:25
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mtreinishI know sphinx can generate a man page, but is there a way to get things to install automagically?19:26
sdaguegordc: is ttx signed off on this?19:26
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fungimtreinish: depends on what you mean. python packages don't generally handle manpages in a cross-platform-sane way to begin with19:26
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mordredmtreinish: yes and no19:26
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fungithey can add them as "data" files and install them into a particular directory for you19:27
mordredmtreinish: it will install them, and it will build them19:27
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gordcsdague: included him in ping above... i'll wait for his/your response before tagging19:27
mordredmtreinish: currently the two are not connected in a sane way to accomplish what you want19:27
mordredmtreinish: but I chatted with sdague about it a bit this morning19:27
fungibut you need a lot more logic to determine teh _right_ directory for a given platform, hooks to rerun your manpage indexing for apropos and so on19:27
mordredIdon't think it will be hard to add - but it will be a patch19:27
sdaguegordc: basically this has to be a critical bug that ttx is ACKed on before something like that19:27
sdagueat this phase of the release19:27
sdaguea random irc ping does not count19:27
mordredfungi: we do the "right" directory part. we don't re-run manpage indexing19:27
fungiwell, sort of. installing a manpage when you're using a virtualenv is not exactly a solved problem is it?19:28
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mtreinishmordred: ok, cool. That's what I figured was the case. If you have pointers for on how to do it I can try to spin on it tomorrow19:28
fungipermissions are a bit of a sticking point unless you have a personal manpath addition19:28
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mordredfungi: yeah - but I think probably that doing a stupid thing is fine19:29
gordcsdague: sure. understood... list post or private mail acceptable?19:29
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gordcsdague: ttx: just for reference, the issue is our last tag is 1.0.13 so we can't actually patch stable/kilo if we cap on that.19:30
fungimordred: i guess. i'm still not a fan of running pip with sudo at all on any important machine ever, so stupid is relative19:30
mordredfungi: indeed19:31
mtreinishfungi: heh, where's your sense of adventure :)19:31
fungii left it in my other pants19:31
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove stable-compat-jobs for keystonemiddleware, keystone and ceilometer client  https://review.openstack.org/17347819:32
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sdaguefungi: yeh, well if you are going to do private pip installing, assuming you know how to do private man page path seems fine19:34
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add dpkg architeture facts  https://review.openstack.org/17156019:35
sdagueor give up and write the tools in perl which have man page support built into their install toolchain since the mid 90s. :P19:35
tchaypoI was about to say that I don’t buy that - virtualenvs are something we teach as standard to python newcomers, but setting a private man path is something that’s never occurred to me as being useful19:35
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tchaypobut then I thought “so just stick it in activate.sh"19:36
fungisdague: agreed, it's just that's why i'd sort of given up caring about manpage handling in pip-installed packages, since i'm never going to see the results on my systems anyway19:36
ttxgordc: not sure I understand why we couldn't patch stable/kilo if we cap on that...19:36
sdaguefungi: well, in devstack, it would be nice19:36
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ttxgordc: we'd cap to <1.1.0, so we can patch to 1.0.14 etc19:37
fungiuntil devstack starts installing all services into virtualenvs ;)19:37
sdaguefungi: we kind of backed off of that since philly, way too many people actually seem to want g-r19:37
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sdaguealso, the clients would always get installed in system anyway19:38
sdagueso that they were default available19:38
sdagueand 'man openstack' was where this started from for me this morning19:38
mtreinishsdague: heh, I was just thinking about how I would write docs for ostestr and realized I've never seen a man page from anything :)19:39
ttxsdague: do you understand the "last tag is 1.0.13 so we can't actually patch stable/kilo if we cap on that" argument ? Doesn't seem to make sense to me19:39
sdaguettx: I do not19:39
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support  https://review.openstack.org/15852519:39
ttxsdague: ok, just doublechecking :)19:39
armaxclarkb: ^^ hopefully I didn’t miss/mess anything19:39
mtreinishsdague, ttx: I think they pushed a feature release as a bug fix version bump19:39
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints  https://review.openstack.org/17180919:39
mtreinishand they're cap assuming semver is fubar now19:40
mtreinishbut pushing a new release doesn't really fix that19:40
gordcmtreinish: thanks... ttx, trying to find relevant thread19:40
ttxmtreinish: isn't damage done already ?19:40
ttxI mean, I'm not opposed to a retag, I just don't think that will change anything19:40
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fungithere is a workaround involving several extra tags19:41
fungii could describe it in more detail when meetings aren't underway19:41
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Reverse dependency relationship in project creation  https://review.openstack.org/17348519:45
clarkbarmax: I think you may need to quote the install of ovs on the remote node19:46
clarkbarmax: but testing should tell us19:46
jeblairAJaeger_, fungi: https://review.openstack.org/17348519:46
armaxclarkb: yes, I might have missed that19:46
gordcttx, i'll wait for eglynn to confirm versioning... but what mtreinish says seems about right to me. dhellmann don't know if you see any issues. ^^19:46
AJaeger_jeblair: thanks, will review19:46
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ttxgordc: in all cases it wouldn't hurt to have a bug open to track the rationale for this and archive it for posterity19:50
armaxclarkb: I think the quote are necessary19:51
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gordcttx: sure. sounds reasonable.19:51
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armaxclarkb: no need to wait for the job to barf at me19:51
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support  https://review.openstack.org/15852519:52
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints  https://review.openstack.org/17180919:52
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dhellmannttx, sdague, mtreinish, gordc : the real problem is that 1.0.13 should have been 1.1.0 anyway, and so we're trying to sort all of that out at the same time as releasing some bug fixes into the kilo stream. I'm not sure what the comments about retagging mean?19:57
ttxdhellmann: if it's just retagging nearly the same commit I guess that can't hurt19:58
fungidhellmann: can we tag the same commit 1.1.0 and then tag a new 1.0.14 on top of whatever was 1.0.12 and make the branch require !=1.0.13,<1.1.019:58
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mtreinishdhellmann: sure, but just tagging head 1.1.0 doesn't actually solve your problem19:58
dhellmannmtreinish: right, hence the request for a requirements update at the same time19:58
mtreinishdhellmann: you need to do what fungi suggested19:58
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dhellmanngordc: which shas do you want tagged with which numbers?20:00
dhellmannI thought the whole point of this was that we needed something newer than 1.0.13, which would have been 1.1.1 except that we never got a 1.1.020:00
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dhellmannthere is not yet a kilo branch in this repository, so we're only working with one series right now20:00
dhellmannand we're trying to clean it up and prepare it to be the kilo repository20:01
dhellmannbranch, rather20:01
yolandajeblair, so no time on meeting, but i'd like that you take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/170788/20:01
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zarofungi: so what's needed to fix rejected hostkey to github for review-dev?20:02
hasharmordred: what are the "shades" patch you were refering to in the infra meeting ?20:02
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clarkbmordred: et al to expand on what I am saying I think openstack bsaically elarned that trying to debug and fix a complex system based black box testing that hits the 100th transitive system interaction is almost impossible20:02
mordredhashar: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/168603/20:02
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fungihashar: just a reminder, debian/jessie has been frozen for months and releases in a couple weeks, so you're not getting any new packages into jessie proper (though publishing packages which will install properly on jessie and hosting them in an unofficial location is certainly doable)20:02
clarkbmordred: instead what we should do is do targetted functional testing of individual modules20:03
gordcdhellmann: i'd want current HEAD to be tagged as next release, whether 1.0.14 or
mordredclarkb: totally20:03
clarkbmordred: then from there we can grow into doing the crazy integration testing20:03
gordcsorry was reading logs from last release to pin down exact issue.20:03
hasharfungi: yeah but jessie is what wikimedia production is switching to.  We have our own apt repositories to backport packages into20:03
dhellmanngordc: and then for that to be the base of the kilo branch?20:03
fungizaro: most likely we just need to try connecting via ssh to github as the gerrit2 user on review-dev and accepting or replacing the cached host key it's seeing20:03
hasharfungi: but yeah stock Jessie is going to be difficult / impossible :(20:03
mordredclarkb: I was mainly just cringing at the idea of introducing a second python remove execution framework into our midst ... I totally agree with the goals20:03
clarkbmordred: I really don't want to repeat openstacks mistake of testing at 30k ft and trying to constantly debug that20:03
fungizaro: do you have a more complete paste of the error in context?20:04
mordredclarkb: and if we need to use a second remote ex framework to do it - I can totally live with that20:04
clarkbmordred: oh sure I had just heard envassert as a thing20:04
clarkbmordred: I don't care what we do it with20:04
mordredI'm not opposed to it20:04
mordredjust poking at it20:04
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clarkbasselin_: basically has this working already20:04
jeblairclarkb, mordred: looked at another way -- functional testing of the openstackci module is actually integration testing20:04
clarkbso rather than ignoring that work while we try to make the harder integration testing work we should finish functional testing then20:04
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gordcdhellmann: i don't think it needs to be base... it does include some fixes specifically to keystonev320:04
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jeblairyolanda: thanks20:05
zarofungi: http://paste.openstack.org/show/203918/20:05
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yolandajeblair, willing to see your thoughts there20:05
gordcbut yes, if there was a version to be using, it would be the version that is about to be tagged.20:05
nibalizerso beaker testing was working a couple months ago, no one cared20:05
fungizaro: thanks. i'm looking but also half lurking the tc meeting20:06
clarkbnibalizer: can you expand on that?20:06
nibalizerenvasesert and shell testing can also get done20:06
clarkbnibalizer: because I don't think it was every really communicated20:06
dhellmanngordc: ok, I'm in a meeting now so I may be slow to reply. What I think we need to establish is where the ceilometer team wants to create their stable/kilo branch for the client, and then we can figure out what version that should be and ask for any changes to the requirements settings to be made appropriately.20:06
nibalizerso 'beaker' is the puppet integration tool20:06
hasharmordred: I guess I will have to get Shade packaged as well :]20:06
nibalizeri taugh it (in a sortof janky way) to work in our env20:06
nibalizerand there are example of merged and unmerged use of it in the storyboard module and a couple stackforge/puppet modules20:07
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fungihashar: since shade is a pure python library, making a deb of it should be pretty straightforward20:07
nibalizerdoes the basics we want: install correct modules; apply puppet; assert that files/services/packages are set up right20:07
yolandaleaving now, too late here. I also have a set of changes with downstream-puppet topic, some of them with +2, i'd be grateful to have some reviews there20:07
mordredhashar: we're about to cut some new releases of os-client-config and shade - I'll ping you when we do20:07
clarkbnibalizer: but its rspec right?20:07
nibalizerclarkb: yea20:08
clarkbnibalizer: I think that may be the biggest problem with it20:08
tim_oCan we change: Brocade Fiber CI changed to -> Brocade Openstack CI    Brocade-Openstack-CI@Brocade.com   in the list at https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/270,members  ?20:08
nibalizerclarkb: sure20:08
hasharmordred: we are still using Icehouse though So not sure how it is going to work for us20:08
gordcdhellmann: ah got it. yes, stable/kilo should be created off current HEAD. apologies on confusion.20:08
mordredhashar: doesn't matter20:08
tim_oI was asked to request it here...FYI20:08
clarkbtim_o: you should update that yourself20:08
asselin_tim_o, will take a look20:08
hasharmordred: good to know. That is one less problem :)20:08
nibalizerbut envassert and bash are both gonna be 'roll your own syntax'20:08
mordredhashar: shade/os-client-config are external things ... oh - yuo may have problems with python-*client versions20:08
nibalizerwhich wont be rspec but also wont be anything anyone is used to20:08
mordredhashar: I have a thing coming $soon that will fix that for you20:09
tim_othanks in advance, too!20:09
nibalizerunless maybe there is standard bash testing stuff that I'm not aware of20:09
clarkbnibalizer: except that something lik envassert will run under tox and python unittest20:09
mordredhashar: so - maybe start poking at it - but you won't need it until you upgrade your nodepool after this tag20:09
mordredhashar: so I'll be sure to rework the client stuff between now and then20:09
clarkbnibalizer: which we already know how to run at massive scale in parallel with logged data20:09
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hasharmordred: as long as you guys tag before a breaking feature, I guess we will be fine. Thx!20:09
asselin_tim_o done20:09
tim_ooh...I can do it myself, if I can get an editable page, but do not see that now20:10
clarkbasselin_: how did you update the name?20:10
tim_othanks, asselin_ !20:10
clarkbtim_o: asselin_ hold on20:10
asselin_clarkb, I deleted the old one and added the new one20:10
nibalizerclarkb: okay lets bang on env assert some more20:10
clarkbtim_o: asselin_ OH are there two accounts?20:10
nibalizerill spin up a node now and see what testing looks like20:10
asselin_clarkb, deleted --> removed from that list20:11
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clarkbasselin_: tim_o I see I misunderstood the request then20:11
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tchaypojeblair: gertty continues to perform well. It’s taken about 45 minutes to get down from ~480 to ~180 in the queue - but it’s been steady, previously I’d except it to have bloated out to 3k or more by now before it started to climb down toward zero20:11
mordredhashar: it SHOULD be transparent ... but if you're tied to icehouse versions of python-*client it might break YOU and not us20:11
mordredhashar: so I'll keep that in mind :)20:11
clarkbnibalizer: for me the ideal would be to split deployment from deployment testing20:11
nibalizerclarkb: expand on that?20:12
clarkbnibalizer: just like we split devstack deployment from tempest20:12
zarofungi: i saved the host key as gerrit2 which made 'reject hostkey' go away but now the error is 'auth fail'20:12
jeblairtchaypo: cool, i have not yet had a chance to look at your 2nd log file20:12
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clarkbnibalizer: I dislike a tool that does both20:12
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zarofungi: http://paste.openstack.org/show/203919/20:13
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fungizaro: yeah, looks like it's trying to authenticate to the git@github.com account, which is used for anonymous read access and gerrit won't be able to push to that20:13
tchaypojeblair: it seems low priority. the “second sync”, when I’ve seen it happen, never finds (m)any changes so it only takes a few minutes at most.20:13
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fungizaro: i'm checking now to see what account we have for that in github20:13
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zarofungi: it says 'git@github'20:14
zaroshould it say 'gerrit2@github'?20:14
tim_oJust to state the (probably) obvious:  the initial name was changed to be Brocade-Openstack-CI@Brocade.com20:15
fungizaro: looks like it's openstack-gerrit-dev we authorize for push access to the gtest-org organization on github20:15
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fungizaro: https://github.com/openstack-gerrit-dev?tab=activity20:16
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zarofungi: i can change that in replication configs but would that also need ssh key update as well?20:17
fungizaro: shouldn't as long as the ssh keypair we're using for that account is correct in github20:19
fungii'll check that too20:19
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zarofungi: yeah, still getting auth fail messages20:20
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zarothis is after updating with openstack-gerrit-dev user20:20
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fungiyeah, i'm looking for a good way to test github ssh access since i tend to stay as far away from github as possible most days. it'll take me a few minutes20:24
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fungizaro: aha! git@github.com actually is correct, comparing to what we're using in production20:28
fungiapparently github has you ssh as the user "git" but then decides who you are based entirely on your ssh key20:29
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fungiso anyway, step 1 here is making sure we puppet the right ssh keys for the openstack-gerrit-dev github account onto review-dev20:29
fungii'm betting they were in ~gerrit2/.ssh/ on the old review-dev but not managed by puppet, so they didn't make it onto the new review-dev when we rebuilt it. checking now20:30
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dhellmanngordc: if we instead create the branch at 1.0.13, is it possible to back-port any of the fixes since then? because I think the main objection is going to be any other requirements changes that go along with bumping the client20:33
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gordcdhellmann: possibly. the big ones would be: https://github.com/openstack/python-ceilometerclient/commit/a5df77d8730284e278fde087e8bb3c2520c6ddb1 and https://github.com/openstack/python-ceilometerclient/commit/d6ce587e95527c2c1aaeb2ce28afdcc64b32563f20:36
gordcbut tbh, there are quite a few 'missing option' patches.20:37
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gordcdhellmann: would the branch be 1.0.13 and then liberty be based off 1.1.0?20:38
lifelessDaviey: reviewed20:38
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lifelessclarkb: hi, if you can arrange a captured mid-failure node for me (or tell me what I need to do to enable that) I'd love to get https://review.openstack.org/#/c/123597/ analyzed20:39
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zarofungi: ok. i changed username back to 'git'20:43
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lifelessmordred: commented on your tweaks to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124651/20:43
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mordredlifeless: maxint does not exist in py320:45
lifelessmordred: ok, that ones easy then :)20:45
mordredlifeless: the recommendation for compat is to use maxsize20:45
mordredlifeless: but, better is fine by me :)20:45
lifelessits fine, both are bigger than any anticipated version serial20:46
mordredlifeless: for the second thing- I had python-glanceclient installed on my system and using it with this version of pbr caused an exception to be thrown because pbr could not parse its version20:46
dhellmanngordc: yeah, we would make a 1.0.14 with the backports (after a branch) and then adjust the requirements to allow it to show up in kilo20:46
lifelessmordred: it has a postN version?20:46
dhellmanngordc: the question is, can any of those fixes work without requiring a semver min version change?20:46
lifelessmordred: I don't see that tagged in the repo20:46
lifelessmordred: what was the exact version ?20:47
fungizaro: yep, confirmed the old ssh keys are ~gerrit2/.ssh/id_rsa{,.pub} on if you want to temporarily copy them over (you should still have access to that server, it's not been deleted yet) and then we should look into making sure they get puppeted for the benefit of generations to come20:47
mordredpostN is one of the forms of previously genearted versions20:47
openstackgerritAndrew Laski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip test on cells job which will not pass  https://review.openstack.org/17351320:47
dhellmanngordc: keep in mind, ceilometer is being tested with and works with whatever version is out there now, so if we can release fixes without a semver requirement change (just making the cap <1.1.0) that would be best20:48
gordcdhellmann: i'll take a look at each patch since last release. i don't remember any blocking changes but there might be a weird gotcha like last time when we were porting in oslo libs20:48
lifelessmordred: oh, so it was an untagged local build ?20:48
mordredlifeless: yes20:48
lifelessmordred: that had generated a postN for historical20:48
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lifelessits a new one20:49
lifelessDate:   Wed Dec 17 00:44:13 2014 -050020:49
lifelessthis was written after my branch20:49
lifelesspresumably one of the stable branch updates20:50
lifelessso post -> dev is unconditionally incorrect20:50
lifelessbecause 1.2.3.dev5 < 1.2.3 < 1.2.3.post520:50
lifelessif we're willing to assert that input versions to us are only postN from the stable generation logic20:51
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lifelessthen we can say 1.2.3.post5 -> 1.2.4.dev520:51
gordcdhellmann: got it. so the conclusion is next release should be 1.0.14 unless there's something that might be an issue since last release. in that case we need to branch off 1.0.13 (and backport fixes) and also have a 1.1.020:51
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mordredlifeless: I believe that's a fair assertion20:53
zarofungi: i get permission denied when attempt to ssh to
fungizaro: huh, weird. you used to be able to ssh into it20:55
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fungizaro: you're connecting as zaro@ yeah?20:56
dhellmanngordc: I think that's more likely to be workable with the requirements freeze20:56
zarofungi: yes20:56
zarofungi: oops.  actually i am wrong. i was doing it from review-dev. sorry20:56
fungiahh, okay. was gonna say i didn't see you show up as an auth failure in the log20:56
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gordcdhellmann: makes sense. i don't see any issues with setting next release as 1.0.14 based on patches since last release... the requirements changes are all just bumps/caps on existing libs.21:00
gordcdhellmann: i'll check with eglynn tomorrow morning and cut 1.0.14 then.21:01
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zarofungi: cool, it's fixed. thanks!21:20
openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fixup semver  https://review.openstack.org/12465121:20
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lifelessmordred: fixed (please look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124651/8..9/pbr/version.py and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124651/8..9/pbr/tests/test_version.py)21:22
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lifelessmordred: partly because I want you to see the API in use, partly to cross check me21:22
mordredlifeless: woot21:22
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add Neutron DVR aiopcpu support  https://review.openstack.org/15852521:23
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: ***DO NOT MERGE*** Flip DVR bit to collect experimental run datapoints  https://review.openstack.org/17180921:24
zarofungi: i'll take a look at puppeting those keys.21:24
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clarkbarmax: see the latest failure on the dvr ovs bridge patch?21:24
armaxclarkb: yes, ^^21:24
clarkboh just pushed a new patchset /me reads21:25
armaxclarkb: I got the installation bits messed up21:25
armaxclarkb: I really hate long duplicated lines, I am trying to clean that up a bit21:25
clarkbthanks that should fix it21:25
armaxclarkb: and during the process I am bound to make mistakes21:25
armaxclarkb: yeah I think so21:26
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mikalSo, I am told I should create a stable branch for python-novaclient, but I have no idea how to do that thing in gerrit land. Plase assist me, exo-brain!21:30
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anteayamikal: in your acl in refs/heads/* you need a create line: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/gerrit/acls/openstack/python-novaclient.config21:32
anteayafungi: correct me if I am wrong21:32
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fungimikal: anteaya: i thought the release managers had been helping take care of that21:33
mikalfungi: that would be nice if it was a thing21:33
jeblairzaro: are we actually upgrading to the equivalent of 2.10.2 ?21:33
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anteayafungi: are they?21:33
fungimikal: as in, i recall seeing ttx helping morganfainberg with it for keystoneclient/keystonemiddleware. but i could be wrong21:33
mikalI shall ping ttx and ask21:34
anteayamikal: I think your first stop is ttx21:34
jeblairyeah, i think that is the case for projects that the release team supports21:34
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fungii mean, if we want to have the client dev teams doing stable branch creation from now on, then yes that's the update you'd need to make to each acl to support it, but if the release team wants to take care of it then they already have access to do so21:34
zarojeblair: it's actually from stable-2.10 which is 2.10.2+21:35
anteayafungi: great, thank you21:35
anteayaand jeblair21:35
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zarojeblair: wondering if you ever looked into why i get test errors when building zuul?21:36
jeblairzaro: i have not; ping me again tomorrow about it and i can try to help21:37
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lifelesssadface at busy nodes21:39
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krotscheckCan someone help me out with a failing grenade test? elastic recheck is telling me it found a bug, but I can't find the relevant console lines.21:42
fungilifeless: https://status.rackspace.com/index/viewincidents?group=21&start=142898400021:42
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lifelessfungi: sadder face21:44
lifelessfungi: but thanks for the info!21:44
fungigo-slow is the nodepool killer21:44
jeblairfungi, zaro, anteaya, clarkb, mordred: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/xlOq5KQUw621:44
fungi"yes i'm building (or deleting) that instance for you. you can have it... sometime"21:44
clarkbjeblair: reading21:45
dhellmanngordc: changing the minimum version of a requirement is a semver minor version number change (Y in X.Y.Z), so those are issues. that's why I was asking about whether it would be possible to backport the fixes without those21:46
stevebakerhey, is there a reason SERVICE_HOST= in the gate? I want to write heat tests which have guest VMs making API calls, but the service catalog endpoints are mostly localhost :/ http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/tree/devstack-vm-gate.sh#n13821:46
anteayajeblair: first pass looks good to my eyes21:46
dhellmanngordc: and if the bad tag in the client repo has requirements changes, we probably need to tag something older21:46
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morganfainbergclarkb, who do i bug about not being able to update my profile on openstack.org because "you must add at least one affiliation", my affiliations have not changed.21:47
clarkbjeblair: both lgtm21:47
clarkbmorganfainberg: todd I think21:47
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morganfainbergclarkb, thanks.21:47
clarkbmorganfainberg: but probably best to send email21:47
morganfainbergclarkb, oh totally.21:47
fungijeblair: both announcement drafts lgtm21:47
morganfainbergjust trying to figure out where to send it21:47
morganfainbergto -dev seems like a weird place21:48
zarojeblair: lgtm21:48
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openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove stable-compat-jobs from python-novaclient  https://review.openstack.org/17354721:48
clarkbmorganfainberg: there is an alias I am trying to find21:48
jeblairkrotscheck: ((message:"+ echo \'The following services are still running:") OR (message:"Error: Service" AND message:"is not running")) AND tags:"console" AND NOT (build_name:"check-grenade-dsvm-partial-ncpu" OR build_name:"check-grenade-dsvm-partial-ncpu-icehouse") AND build_change:"173449"21:48
fungimorganfainberg: or open a bug on lp for the "openstack-org" project21:48
jeblairkrotscheck: i clicked the logstash link for that e-r bug and then added the change number to the end of the search string21:49
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morganfainbergaha got loged out21:49
morganfainbergthe error message was wrong21:49
fungiclarkb: todd has his openstack.org e-mail address on the wiki page which says to contact him if there are problems with the site, so it's fair game ;)21:49
openstackgerritStefano Maffulli 'reed' proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Creates a sandbox repo tutorial  https://review.openstack.org/13819521:49
gordcdhellmann: ok to carry on in #ceilometer might be easier to follow (at least for me)21:49
fungiclarkb: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Website21:49
morganfainbergwill open a bug saying this is bad behavior - wrong error handler caught the not-logged-in error21:49
dhellmanngordc: yeah21:49
clarkbfungi: awesome21:50
jeblairkrotscheck: it says that's in logs/grenade.sh.txt21:50
jeblairkrotscheck: so here: http://logs.openstack.org/49/173449/1/check/check-grenade-dsvm/d0b5fcc/logs/grenade.sh.txt.gz#_2015-04-14_18_53_07_43221:50
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krotscheckjeblair: Gotcha, so it did catch the error.21:51
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jeblairokay both sent21:52
jeblairi'm hoping sending them simultaneously will help avoid people thinking they are the same event21:52
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fungijeblair: it's worth hoping, though i've no doubt people will still confuse them21:53
jeblairfungi: i'll be happy if we keep them straight21:54
fungii'll be happy if _i_ can keep them straight21:54
jeblairokay, now i'm going to do more paperwork!  yaay!21:54
fungigo enjoy the pedantry of our modern bureaucracy21:54
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anteayareplied to boris22:02
bknudson"Display avatar for author, committer, and change owner." -- I have an avatar?22:05
fungibknudson: luckily that's only in the new change screen22:05
fungithe old change screen doesn't seem to add that silliness22:06
fungii also suspect that gertty will support gerrit avatars shortly after hell freezes over22:06
bknudsonI hope they never get rid of the old change screen.22:06
fungii think gerrit upstream wants to turn it into a social media platform22:06
clarkbspeakng of I am currently trying to get my capstone project pitch for vinz together with greghaynes22:06
anteayaclarkb: go go go22:07
* krotscheck should probably fix the vinz builds before you get too far.22:07
anteayaclarkb: the specter of avatars as motivation22:08
anteayavinz got as far as having builds?22:08
krotscheckanteaya: Yep.22:09
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clarkbkrotscheck: I don't think there is any code, but jobs to run would be much appreciated22:12
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add update_machine method and operator unit test substrate  https://review.openstack.org/17116522:13
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Change Ironic node lookups to support names  https://review.openstack.org/17116422:13
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update register_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132422:13
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update unregister_machine to use tasks  https://review.openstack.org/17132522:13
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Wrap ironicclient methods that leak objects  https://review.openstack.org/17356722:13
krotscheckclarkb: There's jobs already, they could just use a little updating.22:14
krotscheckclarkb: Do I have a deadline?22:14
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add test of OperatorCloud auth_type=None  https://review.openstack.org/17216522:14
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clarkbkrotscheck: no, we aren't selected as a project yet. I go in on the 27th to pitch the idea then selection happens a week later iirc22:16
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krotscheckclarkb: Ok, give me a heads up if things there need to happen, and I'll bump that up in my todo list (I have to do the same for SB)22:20
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add Gerrit hooks change-owner and kind  https://review.openstack.org/17357122:23
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add Gerrit hooks change-owner and kind  https://review.openstack.org/17357122:24
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clarkbkrotscheck: will do thanks22:26
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add Gerrit hooks change-owner and kind  https://review.openstack.org/17357122:27
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: MonkeyPatch time.sleep in unit tests to avoid wait  https://review.openstack.org/17311022:30
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SpamapSoh look there.. writing tests found an actual bug in shade22:36
SpamapS  File "shade/__init__.py", line 477, in get_user_cache22:36
SpamapS    user_list = self.manager.submitTask(_tasks.UserListTask())22:36
SpamapSAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'UserListTask'22:36
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add test for user_cache  https://review.openstack.org/17358422:39
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add diskimage-builder functests  https://review.openstack.org/17358522:39
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greghaynesSpamapS: ^ :)22:41
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greghayneshrm, I dont think that will actually work because I have to setup the PATH...22:42
greghaynesbut, progress22:42
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SpamapSgreghaynes: sweeeeeet22:42
KrinkleHm.. I'm seeing some strange behaviour in our Zuul instance. The gate had about a dozen things queued up in a dependent pipeline. Everything was passing. The top one was the slowest so everythign behind it was already 'success' but waiting. Then after the top one succeeded as well and completed, eveything behind it suddenly went from 'sucess' back to 'queued' and started over.22:44
KrinkleAny thoughts as to why and where to start debugging this?22:44
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clarkbKrinkle: did the one at the top fail to merge?22:46
clarkbKrinkle: if the one at the top faild in any way including merging then the others would be restarted without it22:46
Krinkleclarkb: It merged fine.22:46
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add diskimage-builder functests  https://review.openstack.org/17358522:46
Krinkleclarkb: hence the confusion :/22:46
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armaxclarkb: nova multi node job looks good on change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158525/22:50
armaxclarkb: http://logs.openstack.org/25/158525/32/experimental/check-tempest-dsvm-aiopcpu-full/481bfca/logs/testr_results.html.gz22:50
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clarkbarmax: cool will review shortly22:50
clarkbI keep getting distracted by all the things22:50
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Invalidate user cache on user create  https://review.openstack.org/17358922:53
sputnik13does the openstack infra team support gerrit UI?22:57
anteayasputnik13: what do you mean?22:57
sputnik13I don't get why some files use a unified diff view while others use a side by side view22:57
anteayawe use gerrit and it has a ui22:57
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anteayasputnik13: how about a link?22:57
sputnik13oh, that's right gerrit isn't an openstack project (doh)22:58
sputnik13that uses the standard side by side view22:58
lifelessok I need +2/+V on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/124651/22:58
lifelessmordred: ^ dhellmann:22:59
sputnik13look at the next file in that review, it should show up with unified view22:59
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sputnik13now I thought maybe I can remove the ,unified from the URL and it'll give me the side by side view22:59
anteayasputnik13: did you read the contents?22:59
sputnik13but no it takes me back22:59
anteayathe file contents didn't change22:59
anteayathe file was renamed22:59
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1442272  https://review.openstack.org/17359123:00
openstackbug 1442272 in neutron "functional.agent.test_ovs_flows.ARPSpoofTestCase.test_arp_spoof_disable_port_security fails" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1442272 - Assigned to Maru Newby (maru)23:00
sputnik13anteaya: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173509/3/cue/tests/functional/api/test_base.py,unified23:00
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use envassert for integration tests  https://review.openstack.org/17359223:00
sputnik13there the content did change, and it's still unified23:00
anteayasputnik13: that I have never seen before23:00
Krinkleclarkb: Actually, zuul logs say the change did not merge23:00
sputnik13well in this instance if I removed ,unified it shows the side by side view23:00
Krinkle2015-04-14 22:37:17,436 INFO zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Resetting builds for change <Change 0x7f97aaae7350 203462,7> because the item ahead, <QueueItem 0x7f97aa01e850 for <Change 0x7f97a8c19890 204163,1> in gate-and-submit>, failed to merge23:00
Krinkle2015-04-14 22:37:18,849 DEBUG zuul.DependentPipelineManager: <QueueItem 0x7f97aa01e850 for <Change 0x7f97a8c19890 204163,1> in gate-and-submit> is a failing item because ['it did not merge']23:01
anteayasputnik13: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173509/3/cue/tests/functional/api/test_base.py23:01
sputnik13anteaya: weird, I didn't get the unified view this time23:01
anteayaI selected the side-by-side option23:02
sputnik13anteaya: yes, as I said if you remove ,unified from the URL for that it shows the side by side view23:02
sputnik13oh, on the top23:02
anteayaunder the diff heading I have two options side-by-side and unified23:02
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic machine power state pass-through  https://review.openstack.org/17228423:02
anteayaI selected side-by-side23:02
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic maintenance state pass-through  https://review.openstack.org/17228323:02
sputnik13yes, I see that, but I never click that, I always get side-by-side as default23:03
jeblairKrinkle: if you look further up in the log, you should find exactly why zuul thought it did not merge23:03
sputnik13anteaya: with this though https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173509/3/cue/tests/functional/api/v1/__init__.py,unified23:03
sputnik13you can only get unified23:03
Krinklejeblair: I'm not seeing anyting else. Though my view is grep filtered for that particular hex id23:03
sputnik13and when I pasted the other page under unified, I was jumping between files using the next file navigation thing right above and below the content23:04
sputnik13and it just gave me the unified view23:04
jeblairKrinkle: look for "Reporting change" prior to "failed to merge"23:04
sputnik13when I never hit "Unified" on the top23:04
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic machine power state pass-through  https://review.openstack.org/17228423:05
Krinklejeblair: The change in question was merged directly by another user.23:05
anteayasputnik13: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173509/3/cue/tests/functional/api/v1/__init__.py,unified similarity index 100%23:05
jeblairKrinkle: zuul expects to be the only thing with permissions to merge (gerrit "submit") changes23:05
sputnik13I find it odd that it drops you in to the unified view23:05
anteayasputnik13: there were no changes to that file, it was just renamed23:05
sputnik13anteaya: I get that, I'm griping about the UI23:06
anteayaI get that you are griping23:06
anteayawe have reached the limit of my ability to help you23:06
Krinklejeblair: Some people bypass Jenkins for backports. It's a bad practice that evolved because Zuul automatically combines alll changes regardless of repo or branch in the same queue due to the simplification of jobs.23:06
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anteayawhat would you like it to show you when the content of a file has not changed and it is telling you so23:06
sputnik13anteaya: I would expect it to stay in the side-by-side view, not switch view modes23:07
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anteayawhen it is telling you that there is no content change23:07
anteayaokay well then that would be a bug to file with gerrit23:07
clarkbKrinkle: that is intentional, it allows you to test upgrades and downgrades properly with gating23:07
KrinkleYeah, I'm well-aware23:07
sputnik13anteaya: yes, I realized that after I asked the question :)23:07
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sputnik13anteaya: thank you for trying to help regardless23:08
KrinkleBut with a job like "tox" or "jshint" that gets triggered for 2000 unrelated repositories, the queue is useless.23:08
anteayasputnik13: welcome, happy continued development23:08
jeblairclarkb: true, though I think that Krinkle is also referring to the _extreme_ simplification of jobs at wikimedia -- like "gate-python27" instead of "gate-nova-python27"23:08
jeblairyeah that23:08
jeblairKrinkle: that's something i have addressed in the zuulv3 spec, but in zuulv2, it very much assumes the "job-per-repo" pattern23:09
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Krinklejeblair: Yeah, but we had to abandon that early due to scaling issues.23:09
KrinkleIt was an emergency measure and we didn't foresee the queue escalation23:09
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1439371  https://review.openstack.org/17359523:09
openstackbug 1439371 in Cinder "Volume creation from image fails for UEC and Glance API version 2" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1439371 - Assigned to Jon Bernard (jbernard)23:10
jeblairKrinkle: what were the scaling issues?23:10
KrinkleUnlike the Jenkins git plugin, zuul-cloner makes a full clone. Doesn't support shallow clones and doesn't clear workspaces.23:10
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KrinkleBut somehow we managed to become dependent on zuul-cloner for tests that checkout multiple repos during a test.23:10
KrinkleSo we can't go back23:10
jeblairKrinkle: you could 'rm -rf $WORKSPACE' at the start of jobs23:10
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Krinklejeblair: Yes, we're intentionally not doing that because we're using the workspaces as a git cache23:11
KrinkleWe do do a git reset though23:11
Krinkleand clean23:11
jeblairwe keep our git cache outside the workspace; it's built by nodepool23:12
KrinkleWhen a change is triggered for a mediawiki plugin, having to re-clone mediawiki-core would take up 15 minutes from a VM.23:12
KrinkleYes, nodepool :)23:12
KrinkleWe're not there yet.23:12
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KrinkleWe're full throttle on making that happne, but that's gonan take a couple weeks first23:13
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Test that deleting user invalidates user cache  https://review.openstack.org/17359623:13
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* SpamapS find himself 8 patches deep into the woods and decides it is time to parallelize23:14
Krinklejeblair: So how does the cloning process work with git cache? Does it allow git to make hard links?23:14
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KrinkleOr clone from disk?23:14
KrinkleMaybe we can add a partial git cache improvised on our pool of slaves.23:15
jeblairKrinkle: anyway, for this problem, only advice i can offer is not to bypass zuul.  it sounds like you'd either need to rework your job structure or change zuul to specify shared change queues manually (like i described in the zuulv3 spec -- that feature probably doesn't need to wait for zuulv3 (it is just required for zuulv3))23:15
jeblairKrinkle: i think zuul-cloner has options for hard-links?23:15
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jeblairor maybe that's a pending change...23:16
Krinklejeblair: Lego at Wikimedia has been giving that a shot: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/#/c/203290/23:16
* jeblair looks23:16
KrinkleWe should probably join forces there23:16
jeblairKrinkle: https://review.openstack.org/11762623:17
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jeblairKrinkle: yeah, please don't fork zuul.  your patches are welcome upstream.  :)23:19
KrinkleYeah, we're not merging any patches in our zuul repo that aren't upstream.23:19
KrinkleLego didn't know our fork is meant to control backports, not to maintain additional patches.23:19
jeblairyeah, we have the same policy with gerrit23:20
jeblairafter we learned the hard way :)23:20
KrinkleYup, we've got a clone of gerrit too23:20
KrinkleSo there's two things that are basically killing us right now: 1) no hard links (making cloning very slow), 2) shared queue23:20
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jeblairKrinkle: and looks like we _almost_ have patches for both of them.  i'll chat with hashar and see about finishing up (1)23:21
KrinkleI'm curious why Zuul would intentionally prevent git from making a hard link.23:22
KrinkleWhat's the risk of allowing it to use hard links for the individual objects?23:22
KrinkleIn what scenario would the option not be desirable23:22
jeblairKrinkle: when you talk to lego, can you suggest a look at https://review.openstack.org/164371 to see how i proposed doing the shared-queue building in zuulv3.  if possible, i'd like to use that syntax/methodology so it's forwards compatible23:22
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add meta method obj_list_to_dict  https://review.openstack.org/17360023:23
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ianwpeople who can approve things : f20 is ready to be removed ... reviews at https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+topic:remove-f20,n,z23:26
jeblairKrinkle: it might be okay.  i think our jobs have just always not used hard links.23:26
Krinklejeblair: I suppose one thing we could do to improve response to self merges is to have Zuul dequeue it directly, not 40 minutes later when it tries to submit.23:27
ianwalso, i believe https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173221/ is the last part of the centos7 OOM puzzle23:27
clarkbany opposition to me creating a new branch in infra/publications with my capstone pitch slides?23:27
Krinklesimilar to how it cancels in response to other events. Not sure if there's an event Gerrit emits that Zuul can use23:27
jeblairclarkb: none23:27
Krinklethe change closes, right?23:27
jeblairKrinkle: yeah, should be a 'change-merged'23:27
Krinkleit does dequeue when it's aborted.23:27
Krinklesomehow when it's merged, it just says in the queue23:28
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jeblairKrinkle: yeah, i _think_ if you removed changes from dependent pipelines in response to change-merged events it should work.  search for 'change-abandoned' in the source to see how the abandoned event is handled23:29
jeblairKrinkle: it's also probably okay to remove it from any kind of pipeline23:30
clarkbgreghaynes: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/173603/23:30
clarkbalso anyone else interested in looking ^ thats the first draft23:30
Krinklejeblair: Can I file this in the issue tracker instead?23:30
jeblairKrinkle: i think the only pipeline you would not want to remove it from is one where it is triggered by the change-merged event23:31
jeblairKrinkle: yep23:31
jeblairKrinkle: just brainstorming with you23:31
Krinklejeblair: OK. So how do I search in the issue tracker for existing issues filed against zuul?23:32
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jeblairkrotscheck: Ie6c45fad43756dae762b8f973b30439c3340f558 merged -- how do we get longer lists of things by default?23:36
fungiclarkb: no objections to more publications branches, no23:36
krotscheckjeblair: You should23:36
jeblairKrinkle: go to https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/679 and log in and set your preferences to 100 results by default23:37
KrinkleI did23:37
krotscheckjeblair: Case and point-> https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project_group/5723:37
jeblairkrotscheck: when i look at either the project list or the story list for a project when not logged in, i see 1023:37
KrinkleBut there's more than 100 issues and no search filter?23:37
clarkbarmax: Swami +2 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158525/23:37
krotscheckThere's probably still some defaults in the various client views.23:37
clarkbarmax: Swami now we just need another d-g core to approve it23:37
clarkbfungi: jeblair jhesketh sdague pleia2 ^ >_>23:37
armaxclarkb: woot23:37
clarkbI am going to abandon my test changes now23:38
armaxclarkb: me too23:38
* krotscheck is currently doing design work for HP Vancouver, can look at client paging tomorrow.23:38
KrinkleOh, there's table.rows (67)23:38
armaxclarkb: thanks a bunch for helping out!23:38
armaxclarkb: much appreciated23:39
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clarkbarmax: you too, was probably easiest to just sit down and focus on it and get it done23:39
armaxclarkb: yup23:40
sdagueclarkb: there are no aio returned results yet on the current patch23:40
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clarkbsdague: the child which flips the dvr bit got results back23:40
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-ovn: enable mysql and rabbitmq  https://review.openstack.org/17360723:41
armaxsdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/171809/23:41
armaxsdague: http://logs.openstack.org/09/171809/10/experimental/check-tempest-dsvm-aiopcpu-full/4113dca/23:41
armaxsdague: http://logs.openstack.org/09/171809/10/experimental/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-aiopcpu-full/006234b/23:41
clarkbnow I need to find the project-config change which flips the dvr bit23:41
Swamiclarkb: thanks23:41
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armaxclarkb https://review.openstack.org/#/c/158415/23:42
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sdaguearmax: ok23:42
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armaxsdague: I guess you meant aiopcpu?23:43
sdaguearmax: yeh23:44
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clarkbarmax: ok I will reapprove 158415 as soon as the d-g change gets in23:45
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harlowjaqq, is there anyway to temporarily disable the checking of the following23:51
harlowjaremote: ERROR:  In commit ea4449c7f1a9ec3684354acdb0e6e1b947c7341e23:51
harlowjaremote: ERROR:  committer email address XYZ...23:51
harlowjaremote: ERROR:  does not match your user account.23:51
Krinklejeblair: Related: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/117240023:51
harlowjai'm trying to resync the bzr cloud-init repo with the stackforge one23:51
harlowjaand need to submit 100+ commits (or do this some other way)23:51
harlowjathe stackforge one is sorta behind...23:51
harlowja* http://paste.ubuntu.com/10824510/ (how many its behind by...)23:52
harlowja*maybe i should just get someone in infra to sync it?23:52
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sdagueclarkb: so, honestly, I'm going to have to trust you on the magic series of ovs commands23:58
sdagueit would be kind of nice to document what each one actually does pretty verbosely23:58
clarkbsdague: as comments?23:58
sdagueclarkb: yeh23:59
clarkbarmax: ^23:59
clarkbwould make a reasonable follow up change23:59
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sdagueagree, as follow up23:59
sdagueI +Aed it23:59
sdaguewe're running aiopcpu (and holy crap we need to figure out a better name23:59
armaxsdague: I can follow up23:59
sdagueon every nova change, so we should be able to figure out reliability kind of quickly23:59

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