Thursday, 2015-04-23

fungiright now, all our libraries are not getting requirements sync proposals on master because $release_reasons00:00
greghaynesremove it from bandersnatch?00:00
clarkbbut only horizon needs an update00:00
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fungipoint for clarkb!00:00
clarkbso update it directly00:00
mtreinishclarkb: sigh, yeah it's pretty bad. The unit tests just stderr those stacktraces all the time00:00
greghaynesah, that works too00:00
mtreinishand it's not fatal00:00
mtreinishuntil I switched cinder over to use subunit-trace no one had any idea00:01
fungiyeah, horizon itself is not exempted from requirements sync and checks, so we could probably deal with this through normal reqs channels00:01
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fungii'll propose a !=2.0.0 to reqs master00:01
david-lyle!= or < 2.0.0 ?00:02
clarkbmtreinish: why is osprofiler enabled when we are not osprofiling?00:02
openstackdavid-lyle: Error: "=" is not a valid command.00:02
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add inventory command to shade
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Raise a shade exception on broken volumes
mordredgreghaynes, SpamapS ^^ there it is00:02
mtreinishclarkb: I have no idea, I just assumed it was always on whether you wanted it or not...00:03
clarkbmtreinish: thats a broken profiler then00:03
clarkbmtreinish: profilers shouldn't make their presence known when they aren't enabled00:03
clarkbpython gives you an entire api to make this sane00:03
mordredclarkb, greghaynes, SpamapS: that stack produces this now:
mordredwhich is more human friendly I think - and then I've got a patch for ansible to consume that class and wrap it in group generation (ansible specific) and to add the ansible_ssh_host key to the dict00:05
mordredthat way we can test the outbound interface of the data we're returning and be sure that things we do arent' going to break the ansible inventory plugin00:05
mordredwithout having to also keep ansible-specific logic in the shade tree00:05
clarkbdavid-lyle: fungi don't forget to file a bug with django-pyscss00:06
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clarkbI can do it if you like00:06
* clarkb files it00:08
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Make default email mandatory
david-lyleclarkb: looks like fungi did already00:09
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/requirements: Skip django-pyscss 2.0.0
fungiyep, linked in the commit message00:09
* fungi remembers doing this back before we had requirements caps! ;)00:10
david-lylefungi should it be != or < ?00:10
fungidavid-lyle: up to you, but this doesn't look like an intentional thing i would expect to still be in 2.0.100:10
david-lyleor just tackle a failure in a subsequent release if it's not fixed00:11
clarkbdavid-lyle: well they claim to still support python2.7 sol hopefully next relase will be fine00:11
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david-lyleok, works for me00:11
david-lylejust skip the one release00:11
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fungithis will need a backport to stable/kilo too, looks like. i'll add that00:12
fungifor whatever reason we capped some things but not this thing00:13
clarkbmtreinish: I appear to be mistaken and osprofiler is enabled00:13
fungiit's capped in juno and nonexistent in icehouse though, so just kilo00:13
clarkbmtreinish: at least I assume thats what the unittests will use?00:13
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mtreinishclarkb: yeah I would guess so, although I don't really know why that would be on by default00:14
mtreinishseems like a pretty limited use case, it should probably be opt in00:14
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/requirements: Skip django-pyscss 2.0.0
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mordredclarkb, fungi, jhesketh: diskimage-builder merged pretty much everything we need for dib-nodepool (one patch outstanding)00:15
fungimordred: huzzah!(?)00:15
mordredso as soon as they release next, I think we can start testing images that use the -minimal base image00:15
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greghaynesoh, I can cut a release now00:16
mordredgreghaynes: well, wait - there are two unlanded patches00:16
* greghaynes takes hand off trigger button00:16
mordredgreghaynes: but as soon as they land, I think we're in the happy place00:16
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jheskethmordred: awesome!00:17
mordredand this: also exists now00:18
mordredso we're all like crazy official and whatnot00:18
* mordred is confused by the sudden pile of massive progress00:18
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fungicome spread some progress over here while you're at it. i keep meaning to work on the same thing for the better part of a couple weeks now and keep getting distracted by emergencies ;)00:19
mordredfungi: stupid emergencies00:20
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements: Add ldap3 to global-requirements
fungimordred: oh! also we might have an outreachy intern, so quickly scribble random thankless tasks here with which to burden her:
mtreinishfungi: would the fabled test result dashboard be something good for that list00:22
mordredfungi: does "get me coffee" count?00:22
fungimordred: no, you get your own coffee around her00:22
fungialso get me some while you're out, would you?00:22
mordredmtreinish: I thnk that might be slightly too much00:22
mtreinishmordred: that's what I was thinking, but figured I'd ask anyway00:23
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mordredmtreinish: ++00:23
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fungii'm hoping we can get back to vkmc tomorrow with some semblance of a poorly-disorganized plan so she can tell us we're terrible people and hopefully how to make it more reasonable00:24
fungideadline fast approaching and all00:25
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mordredfungi: deadlines shmedlines00:28
fungimtreinish: i think the nefarious plan is to draw her in with easy-ish projects, then she gets a job with one of our member companies and comes back lulled into a false enough sense of security that she willingly volunteers to write the fabled test result dashboard00:30
pleia2if someone else could put their name on as volunteer mentors that'd be great too, I don't want to be left holding the bag ;)00:31
anteayaI support you not holding the bag, I also am unable to put down my name, but I support you asking for help and hope that you get some00:32
mordredpleia2: but you're currently holding the bag so well!00:32
anteayashe has been holding the bag for some time00:32
openstackLaunchpad bug 1447400 in osprofiler "Cinder unittest failures have deep stracebacks due to osprofiler" [Undecided,New]00:33
anteayashe got stuck with an internal mentee which noone really knew about since January wasn't it?00:33
anteayaI support you not having to do the same thing00:33
mordredgreghaynes: gah. gerrit's inability to merge multiple things at once struck on the dib patchseries00:33
fungipleia2: i have some inside information that the hopeful candidate is in your timezone (and has fairly diverse programming background), but i am happy to help too00:33
mordredgreghaynes: gonna need a rebase - you want me to?00:33
pleia2fungi: thank you00:34
greghaynesmordred: sure00:34
greghaynesmordred: I have some issues with :(00:34
fungipleia2: so i get the impression the burden will be relatively less this time around00:34
greghaynesmordred: that I dont have great ideas on how to fix00:34
mordredgreghaynes: ossum00:35
pleia2fungi: that certainly helps, and I'm sure all of us will be here to help day to day anyway, as we do :)00:35
mordredgreghaynes: I've pushed up a new centos-minimal one00:35
mordredgreghaynes: I'll look at your issues00:35
fungipleia2: exactly00:35
pleia2but as anteaya says, I'm just winding down from another mentoring program that kind of took the wind out of me00:35
greghaynesmordred: the linux-image-amd64 is the big one00:35
greghaynesmordred: I guess for now we could just install it in an actual install.d script with if arch == foo install-packages ...00:36
greghaynes(Does debian not have a linux-image-generic equiv?)00:36
mordredgreghaynes: it does not00:36
mordredI just checked00:36
mordredgreghaynes: yeah - I guess install.d script is probably the best bet- or I wonder if I can get debootstrap to do it00:37
greghaynesmordred: docs say you just need to specify the pacakage, so :(00:39
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Parameterize node to dsvm-full-plugin job template
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add glusterfs/centos7 experimental job
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mtreinishclarkb: cool, thanks00:46
mordredgreghaynes: bleh00:47
Kennanfor the comments, could you reply
clarkbKennan: the reason we wouldn't necessarily want to jump that version is doing so requires everyone to upgrade to 2.6.0 even if they already have 2.5.200:49
clarkbKennan: but 2.5.2 will fix the problem00:49
Kennanok. :clarkb. I am ok with 2.5.200:49
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KennanBTW, all version bumps now can be merged in kilo or master branch ?00:50
Kennan:clarkb do you know that ?00:50
clarkbbumps will have to be in master unless they fix a release bug00:50
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fungigreghaynes: mordred:
greghaynesclarkb: so, the dib functest job I think got merged a wee bit too soon00:54
fungiis that what you were looking for?00:54
greghaynesfungi: we need a non arch specific one00:55
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clarkbgreghaynes: shoud've used a depends on00:55
funginot just a non-version-specific one00:55
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greghaynesclarkb: correct00:55
greghaynesfungi: yep00:55
mordredfungi: yah - it looks like there is no generic way to say "please install me a kernel kthxbai"00:55
clarkboh and derp your job needs to copy log files00:55
clarkbgreghaynes: ^00:55
greghaynesclarkb: that being said, looks like the job is broke00:55
clarkbI should've caught that in review00:55
clarkbgreghaynes: let me find the log in jenkins00:56
greghaynesclarkb: in theory that patch should be able to merge though since itll pass00:56
clarkbgreghaynes: so ou want to update the job to copy log files (at least the console log) and ^ should help you debug why it failed00:57
openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a repository for stackforge/xstatic-angular-nvd3-directives
clarkbgreghaynes: note the paths, g-g-p is going to be in /home/jenkins/workspace/job_name00:57
clarkbgreghaynes: not /opt00:57
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clarkbI should've caught these things in review but I fail00:59
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add cron job to run weekly prune the data set of db
openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a repository for stackforge/xstatic-nvd3
mtreinishpcrews: ^^^ you might be interested in that puppet change01:01
mtreinishI think that's what we talked about doing with the command once it's released01:01
greghaynesclarkb: its ok, as long as I unwedge dib before any of them notice ;)01:02
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fungii think the requirements fixes for master and kilo aren't going to get resources in the check pipeline for a while because the constant gate resets are basically consuming all available workers at a higher priority01:04
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greghaynesclarkb: so when you say workspace/job_name... if its in a job template...01:05
clarkbgreghaynes its pwd01:05
clarkbso you can use relative path01:05
greghayneswell now01:05
greghaynesthats a lot easier01:05
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix DIB functest path and copy logs
greghaynesclarkb: ^01:07
clarkbgreghaynes almost pwd is the repo01:08
clarkbso I think you dont want diskimage-builder in the path01:08
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix DIB functest path and copy logs
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openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack/requirements: Add new angular nvd3 to global-requirements.txt for Horizon
fungifyi, i've self-approved the requirements fixes for django-pycss, enqueued and promoted them to the head of the gate rather than waiting for the lengthy gate pipeline to burn to the ground so as to find out whether or not it would fix everything01:11
openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack/requirements: Removing unused irdragdrop from requirements
greghaynesclarkb: ^ in theory thats better01:12
greghaynesand if someone else could review to unbreak DIB I would be very grateful :)01:13
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anteayaasselin: are you about?01:23
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openstackgerritKai Qiang Wu(Kennan) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump requests version support
Kennan:clarkb I will send a new review, pls check. Thanks01:24
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fungiso far so good. tempest-full job for 176553 has gotten past devstack setup where broken django-pyscss was previously tanking horizon startup01:27
anteayaasselin: jyuso1 is working on the intel pci ci team and would like to help with your common ci solution01:27
anteayaasselin: he would like to help but doesn't know how, he is in china so china time zones01:29
anteayaasselin: he hasn't helped with anything in infra before01:29
anteayajyuso1: have you offered patches in gerrit before?01:30
anteayaasselin: he is very reliable and wonderful at showing up and following up with questions when he needs more information to complete a task01:30
jyuso1anteaya: not yet.01:30
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anteayajyuso1: okay that is fine, I just didnt' want to assume you had skills you didn't have yet01:31
anteayajyuso1: we can help you01:31
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anteayajyuso1: so asselin is probably offline for the night, he is in pacific time in north america01:32
anteayaso hopefully there will be sometimes when you will be on irc at the same time01:32
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anteayajyuso1: if you want to get started you can begin by looking at some of asselin's patches:,n,z01:36
anteayajyuso1: don't worry if they dont' make sense to you, just look at them01:36
anteayajyuso1: have you a gerrit account? can you sign into gerrit if you want to review a patch?01:36
jyuso1anteaya: yes.gerrit account is ready:)01:38
anteayajyuso1: wonderful01:38
fungiwoo! debian release team status port just went out, linking to the all new
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fungihrm, wonder if that was premature. it's... empty :/01:38
ianw2015-04-23 01:28:32.350 |   File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django_pyscss/", line 4, in <module>01:39
ianw2015-04-23 01:28:32.350 |     from pathlib import PurePath01:39
ianw2015-04-23 01:28:32.350 | ImportError: No module named pathlib01:39
ianw^ do we know about this one?01:39
fungioh, nope. i must have had an old cache. it has qcow2, raw and tarballs01:39
anteayajyuso1: go to,p,00344a1d00029c92 and review any patch01:39
fungiianw: fixes for master and kilo are at the top of the gate now01:39
anteayajyuso1: this is our sandbox so you can practice how to leave a comment and a +1 or -1 on a patch01:39
fungiianw: django-pyscss released a broken package which doesn't properly declare its dependencies for python < 3.401:40
anteayajyuso1: +1 means you agree with the patch as is and it should merge in your opinion01:40
jyuso1anteaya: OK,np.I'll try to review,thanks:)01:40
ianwfungi: thanks ... launchpad search is terrible.  if there was a bug, i don't know01:40
anteayajyuso1: -1 means you disagree and you need to explain what you need to see in order for you to +1 the patch01:40
anteayajyuso1: thank you01:40
fungiianw: it's not a bug in openstack. i opened a bug against django-pyscss to let them know about it, and skipped the version in our requirements01:41
fungiianw: hopefully in ~23 minutes it'll be moot for us01:42
ianwfungi: sure; figuring out django-pyscss is truly at fault is like 99% of the work.  anyway, the ask-on-#infra bug tracker remains the most effective :)01:44
fungiianw: sometimes it's the ask-on-#qa bug tracker. you might need two queries01:45
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jyuso1anteaya: yes.I know that +1/-1 mean thanks for explaining:)01:46
anteayajyuso1: wonderful!01:47
anteayajyuso1: I'm soon going offline for the night, is there anything else I can help you with before I go?01:49
jyuso1anteaya: I'll go to learn something from his patch.Thanks for helping:)01:51
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anteayajyuso1: okay sounds good, have a good day01:51
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anteayaand you're welcome01:51
jyuso1anteaya: have a good sleep.good night:)01:52
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fungimarkmcclain: i'm mildly confused by "I have contributed code and reviews to many of our projects since Sent from my iPad"01:57
fungithough if you _do_ hack from your ipad, that's pretty awesome01:58
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openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Update to 3.6.2
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Skip django-pyscss 2.0.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Skip django-pyscss 2.0.0
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fungibingo bongo02:09
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fungithat's fixed, gate's looking happy, i'm going to find my bed02:09
funginight all02:09
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jogopleia2: any plans to 'get out the vote' for the TC election?02:15
jogoto beat our 26.7% turnout from last time?02:16
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tchaypofungi: i have a half-decent editor, a decent ssh/terminal app, and a reasonable bluetooth keyaboard02:30
tchaypohacking is something I could conceivably do from my ipad02:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Correct internal doc anchor for cinder vol mgmt
openstackgerritAlice Chen proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Let pull request message be customized via file
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mordredfungi: what do we want those for?02:52
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cineramapleia2: whoohoo, i think i have the client secret sauce figured out02:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Make aiopcpu subnode directory more deterministic
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add support for stable/kilo
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greghaynesfungi: clarkb Interesting thing about the pyscss deal, our reqs and theirs are incompatible for pyScss... not sure why we dont explode with unresolveable dependency03:53
greghaynesThe django-pyscss folk say this is the root of the issue, and they are kind of right, although IMO they really should be depending on pathlib too03:55
greghaynesso looks like theres two bugs here :)03:55
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clarkbyes they should they directly use the lib therefore you direcrly depend on it03:56
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greghaynesthats an unrelated fail...04:00
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waynrwooooo, got zuul responding github webhooks!04:10
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greghayneswaynr: nice04:10
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waynrgreghaynes: would be nowhere near this far without your initial patch :)04:12
greghaynesglad to hear thats getting some use04:13
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waynrone of my teammates has been playing around with a mesos dev environment, got me thinking about the possibility of implementing a mesos zuul/gearman worker framework04:17
waynri still have to grok exactly how zuul dispatches jobs04:18
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greghaynesthat looks like a hiccup04:25
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waynrthe dark green on the left?04:26
greghaynesits a merge commit04:26
greghaynesits re-adding the original commit04:27
waynroh, gotcha04:27
greghaynesthats... scary04:28
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waynrit looks like jenkins was used to merge it? (based on email address) is it just an execute shell script stanza that does that or some other tool? or does gerrit perform merges via jgit?04:33
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix duplicate stable acl config in python-glanceclient
greghaynesgerrit merges using jgit04:33
ianwclarkb / others : ^ the above is breaking the system-config gate04:34
clarkbif someone pushes a revert/fix I can approve04:34
clarkbbut on phone so constructing that is hard04:35
greghaynesclarkb: ianw just did :)04:35
clarkboh I blame the phone04:35
clarkbwanyr just use the jenkins mesos plugin04:35
ianwgreghaynes: oh, ok ... yeah i just got some changes that failed with it.  why was this merged so later after it passed?04:37
clarkbor use nodepool (last I checked mesos is bad with highly dynamic resources but so is jenkins ... )04:37
waynroh the zuul mesos framework is just a hair brained idea i might toy with just to understand mesos a little better, our team definitely doesn't have the resources to pursue that idea seriously any time soon when there are already pretty wholesome solutions available04:41
greghaynesianw: I dont understand entirely... im still wierded out that it showed up in the merge commit I linked04:41
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greghaynesianw: it is wierd though04:41
waynrgreghaynes: it looks even weirder to me when looking at it using git04:42
clarkbits two changes add same config04:43
clarkbjgit merges somehow without conflict04:43
clarkbbzr devs laugh at git04:43
greghaynesshhh, we dont want them to see this04:43
clarkbso either is a bug in jgit OR its expected git behavior and why bzr didnt do implicit merges04:44
clarkbeither way its bedtime soon04:44
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ianwoh, i see ... is the one that was sitting around and just got merged04:45
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waynrbed sounds like a good idea04:46
greghaynesyea, it should have failed gate check though so I suspect some other wierdness though04:46
ianwgreghaynes: project-config-gerrit doesn't run in verify ... perhaps it should04:47
clarkbgate check does not use jgit04:47
clarkbso this is completely independent (potentially)04:47
greghaynesyes, so either its git vs jgit or what ianw said04:47
clarkboh that job doesnt run we should do that04:48
clarkbit still may have gone weird but we wouldve caught it early04:49
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ianwclarkb / greghaynes : i can propose a change to do that04:50
greghaynesim about to push one04:50
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run project-config-gerrit job in gate check queue
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix duplicate stable acl config in python-glanceclient
* greghaynes is zuul noob so feel free to fix that if im way off04:51
ianwgreghaynes: not changing the same is setting off my (irrational) inconsistency alarm :)04:53
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clarkblooks right to me04:55
greghaynesheh, sorry04:55
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Parameterize node to dsvm-full-plugin job template
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add glusterfs/centos7 experimental job
ianwclarkb: everything else is called gate-*04:57
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Split diskimage-builder built images out
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* greghaynes could use a +A on
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clarkbgreghaynes I dont think the paths are correct05:15
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greghaynesclarkb: oh?05:16
clarkbyou still use /opt/stack/new05:17
greghaynesah, the PATH05:18
clarkbwhich only exists if devstack runs05:18
greghaynesclarkb: do I need to check out dib-utils manually?05:18
clarkbI -1'd might be easier to make non voting then make job go05:18
clarkbyou need somehing to yes05:18
greghaynesclarkb: I think its only in check actually05:18
clarkbmaybe install diskimage-builder to get deps?05:18
clarkbgreghaynes we require chwck to pass to gate05:18
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clarkbzuul-cloner is another alternative05:19
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix DIB functest path and copy logs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Decrease PO files for Doc team imports
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openstackgerritStefano Maffulli 'reed' proposed openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Enable OpenID logins
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run full tempest on centos7
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Fixes for logstash manifests.
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Add a missing parameter into apache inclusion, that was causing vhost_name to don't be passed properly and generating the vhost incorrectly.
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Fixes for logstash manifests.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change Magnum's bandit gate
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move manage_projects logic to puppet-jeepyb
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Seperate paragraphs in zuul_split spec
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ttxAJaeger: ping06:44
ttxTime to submit any last-minute translation refresh, about to cut RC2s (swift already done)06:45
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move manage_projects logic to puppet-jeepyb
jklarehi, can somebody here give me a hint on how to trigger jenkins jobs via zuul in a branch specific manner?06:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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ttxAJaeger: around?07:13
ttxI see two of you07:13
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openstackgerritSebastian Kalinowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add vmware-dvs project into stackforge
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move manage_projects logic to puppet-jeepyb
AJaeger_ttx, just AJaeger_ - from home ;)07:19
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Add missing vhost_name
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AJaeger_ttx, how can I help?07:21
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ttxAJaeger_: o/07:32
ttxAJaeger_: I'll cut most RC2s today, so it's time to refresh the translations if you think that is necessary07:32
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openstackgerritJan Hruban proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Display Upstream Changes Plugin
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Set zuul server and merger services with ensure running
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AJaeger_thanks, ttx. I don't think we need to update.07:44
ttxAJaeger: cool, will merge the existing ones then.07:45
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ttxAJaeger_: thx!07:45
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AJaeger_ttx, thanks!07:48
AJaeger_you mean the remaining ones ;) Some were merged already07:49
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jklareAJaeger_: could you give me a hint on how to create branch specific jobs in infra, so that some of the gate jobs are only run for specifc branches of the project?07:52
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AJaeger_jklare: you create a normal job and then add some instructions that it only runs on a branch.07:53
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AJaeger_jklare: let me show you an example07:53
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jklareAJaeger_: awesome, ty07:54
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openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Put valid username in repository url string
AJaeger_See all the various "branch: ^(stable/).*$"07:55
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AJaeger_jklare: feel free to send a patch and say clearly in the commit message what you want and I'll review whether it does the right thing ;)07:56
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed openstack/requirements: Add ironic-discoverd
jklareAJaeger_: thx, i will push something soon07:57
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odyssey4mettx AJaeger_ I take it that the rc will be cut from stable/* ?08:09
AJaeger_odyssey4me: yes08:09
odyssey4megreat, thanks08:10
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devvesaHello. I would like to ask for help to inspect the devstack-gate logs08:31
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devvesaRecently I set a DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX to filter the tempest test to run08:32
devvesaHowever, I am not able to see if those tempest test run or not...08:32
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openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add testr_results report
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openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add testr_results report
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andrey-mpHi! Who can help me with my duplicated accounts in gerrit?09:17
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move gate-.*-chef-rake job from experimental to check and gate and run it only for master branch, while running the old gate jobs (lint|style|unit|repo) on the older branches and not on master
openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move gate-.*-chef-rake job and run it branch specific move it from experimental to check and gate and run it only for master branch, while running the old gate jobs (lint|style|unit|repo) on the older branches and not on master
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pelixLooking for some core reviewers for JJB, we want to land which depends on this change, asap as it's a reorg of where the code is located in files to a better layout, but will obviously conflict with any other patches touching these areas.09:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for hipchat notifier 0.1.8
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jd__I got a 500 on guys09:39
jd__isn't Nagios ringing someone?09:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Sonatype CLM plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for Xvfb plugin
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: zuul: drop notifications
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Adri2000indeed is 500ing09:57
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Adri2000and just now it works :)09:57
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dguerrihey guys, just an headsup: is broken!10:00
dguerriit still doesn't work here10:00
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move gate-.*-chef-rake job and run it branch specific
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add gate-heat-specs-python27 job for heat-specs
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AJaeger_jklare: ping10:09
jklareAJaeger_: pong10:09
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AJaeger_patch is fine now - just not sure about the consequeneces ;) This changes 16 projects - are all ready for this?10:10
AJaeger_I'll comment in gerrit and ask - and would like to see some +1 from other cores of the projects for this change (at least one other).10:10
jklareAJaeger_: i am not sure if we will ever be ready for this, but i guess we should at least give it a night10:11
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jklareAJaeger_: i could also put it to wip10:11
AJaeger_jklare: if you have some consensus on it - and it's currently working everywhere, then go for it ;)10:11
jklareAJaeger_: thanks for the help10:11
AJaeger_jklare: you're welcome10:12
AJaeger_dguerri: thanks, will check10:12
jklareAJaeger_: we have a irc meeting later with most of the cores and will talk about this10:12
AJaeger_dguerri: I'll revert our last change to quickly10:12
dguerrithanks AJaeger_10:12
AJaeger_jklare: then add a link to the minutes from the meeting to the review10:12
AJaeger_And mark it as WIP for now10:13
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AJaeger_dguerri: patch approved, will take some time to test and merge but should be fixed asap. Thanks for notifiying!10:19
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andrey-mpAJaeger_: Who can help me with my duplicated accounts in gerrit?10:20
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed openstack/requirements: Bump python-saharaclient to 0.9.0
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: (hipchat) Accept list of hipchat rooms.
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed openstack/requirements: Bump python-saharaclient to 0.9.0
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: hipchat bug fix
ekarlsoso, what's going on with ?!10:53
ekarlsono docs :(10:53
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: (hipchat) Accept list of hipchat rooms.
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AJaeger_andrey-mp: one of the infra roots like pleia2, SergeyLukjanov, jeblair, fungi or clarkb10:54
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AJaeger_ekarlso: I've pushed a patch to fix it - currently in the queue to get deployed...10:55
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: hipchat bug fix
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andrey-mpAJaeger_: thanks!10:57
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ekarlsoAJaeger_: :P11:02
AJaeger_ekarlso: thanks for telling us11:02
ekarlsoAJaeger_: it's on tweeter too :p11:03
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AJaeger_ekarlso: oh? Whom should I answer?11:04
ekarlsoAJaeger_: dont remember the tweet atm but ;)11:04
ekarlsojust saw someone mentioned #openstack with was going 50011:04
samueldmqhi, I am getting 500 at
ekarlsosee ^ another one :p11:06
davidlenwellI was about to report that as well11:06
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* AJaeger_ is so happy to hear that people use ;)11:07
AJaeger_Job is still in the post queue...11:07
davidlenwellfor now I can pick up the docs I was looking for in the source rst .. but yeah .. the 500 error is disconcerding11:07
pelixany other core reviewers for JJB about? jeblair mordred? could do with some reviews on around changes both zaro and myself have submitted but since we're the main two reviewers active they are blocked unless we start self approving.,n,z11:07
AJaeger_pelix: too early for them11:10
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sambettsIf I am on the release team for a stackforge, does that allow me to push up branches if I want to create a stable/kilo branch??11:18
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AJaeger_sambetts: depends on the gerrit acls. What's your project?11:30
AJaeger_Wait - you're not pushing branches, everything is done via gerrit11:31
AJaeger_You might have permissions to *create* branches11:31
AJaeger_sambetts: please check in an hour - right now is broken, should be back soon11:32
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sdagueAJaeger_: just a typo?11:35
AJaeger_sdague: broken redirects using regexes.11:36
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AJaeger_sdague: haven't figured out yet which one broken, need to review the patch again...11:36
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AJaeger_sdague: are you good with redirects?11:36
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sdagueso, there is a keyword issue as well, right?11:36
AJaeger_  is the reversion11:36
sdagueredirect match is not a thing11:37
AJaeger_yes, typo - the extra space ;(11:37
sdagueif it was a 500, that may have been the issue11:37
AJaeger_it was a 50011:37
sdagueit would be at least *an* issue11:37
sambettsAJaeger_: stackforge/networking-cisco is the project I'm managing, I can push tags, I couldn't see the process for doing branchs in the Project Creators Guide11:37
AJaeger_Let me repropose the patch with that changed11:37
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AJaeger_sambetts: read the page I referenced, it contains details on branches11:38
sambettsAJaeger_: Ok excellent thank you :)11:38
sdagueAJaeger_: so... it might be nice to build a functional test for the docs site that actually puts it in apache on a devstack to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen again11:39
AJaeger_sdague: this is the second time I know it happened in two years.11:40
sdagueyeh, it's really bad to take out though11:40
sdaguethe cost of failure here is high11:40
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AJaeger_So, yes worth testing and if somebody sets it up great and I'll help - but not my own top prio to do it on my own11:41
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AJaeger_sdague: could you review , please?11:43
AJaeger_I changed "redirect match" to "redirect" - there was never a regex involved11:43
sdagueso if the manuals team is going to be approving apache htaccess changes, I think you want to put a policy in place that they are all manually tested by core reviewers to avoid a docs outage again11:45
samueldmqAJaeger_, Welcome to OpenStack Documentation :) thx11:46
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AJaeger_sdague: I'll test this one myself...11:46
* AJaeger_ can reproduce locally the error 500 on the broken patch11:54
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samueldmqAJaeger_, sdague is stackalytics also under ci umbrella ?11:56
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sdaguesamueldmq: not yet as far as I know11:56
AJaeger_samueldmq: yes11:56
samueldmqsdague, k, do you know the right place to talk about it ? (it looks to be down)11:56
samueldmqsdague, cc ^11:57
AJaeger_samueldmq: the stackalytics repository is, the infrastructure not11:57
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samueldmqAJaeger_, ah k, infrastructure is managed by mirantis people, right?11:57
samueldmqAJaeger_, is there a channel to talk about it ?11:57
samueldmqI am getting 504 timeout11:58
AJaeger_samueldmq: don't know ;( Yes, ask Mirantis guys11:58
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samueldmqAJaeger_, k will try, thanks11:59
openstackgerritNicholas Randon proposed openstack/requirements: HLM-514 Add packages required for config pocessor
openstackgerritJan Provaznik proposed openstack/requirements: Add python-tuskarclient to requirements
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mordredsamueldmq: it's on our todo list to move it to being in the infra project12:07
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samueldmqmordred, great, thanks12:08
samueldmqbtw, it's back12:08
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fungiAJaeger_: infra hasn't actually formally adopted stackalytics. it's still in the stackforge namespace and not listed as an infra repo in governance12:12
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fungiit's too bad andrey-mp left without providing enough information for me to be able to identify his/her gerrit accounts12:13
fungioh well12:13
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AJaeger_sambetts: stackforge/networking-cisco has no acls for branches12:15
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AJaeger_fungi: yeah, agrred. My first answer was tooo brief12:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Log info about updated and deleted jobs
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sambettsAJaeger_: Does that mean I can or can not create them? Do I need to summit a patch to infra to update the settings for that repo?12:17
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic machine power state pass-through
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Add Ironic maintenance state pass-through
AJaeger_sambetts: I'm in a meeting now - let's ask fungi for help. you need to update in project-config gerrit/acls/stackforge/networking-cisco.config12:18
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sambettsAJaeger_: Ok, thanks for your help :)12:19
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add update_machine method
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Add Ironic maintenance state pass-through
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sambettsfungi: AJaeger_ said you might be able to help be getting branch pushing setup for stackforge/networking-cisco12:21
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openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Ironic machine power state pass-through
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fungisambetts: yes, the file that he mentioned. you just need to add a "create = group networking-cisco-release" line in the [access "refs/heads/*"] section and submit that as a review12:27
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fungiput it alphabetically between the abandon and label lines12:27
fungithat will delegate branch creation to members of your networking-cisco-release group12:27
sambettsfungi: In the other document that AJaeger_ linked me too the, drivers manual, it says that you should see an Admin button on, will that appear if I add that line?12:28
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gordcttx: apologies of eglynn pinged already but is it ok to make a ceilometerclient release for kilo now or are we watching the gate still?12:32
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ttxgordc: waiting for dhellmann to get up to confirm12:34
ttxgordc: 8-ball says "All signs point to yes"12:34
gordcttx: sounds good. :)12:35
ttxA couple of patches to merge first. Hopefully later this afternoon12:35
ttxWill ping you12:35
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gordcttx: awesome!12:35
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fungisambetts: er, i don't think it's called "admin" it's just "branches"12:40
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sambettsfungi: "Select ‘Admin’, ‘Projects’, then the project12:41
sambettsSelect ‘Branches’12:41
sambettsI thought it meant a different subcategory :/ so once I add that line it should enable the Project -> Branches page to let me create a branch?12:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/lodgeit: Update README
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable branch creation for networking-cisco repo
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish infra docs to docs.o.o
mordredanteaya, fungi: ^^ updated - thanks for the catch12:48
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/requirements: Cap django-pyscss <2.0.0
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack/requirements: Cap django-pyscss <2.0.0
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fungisambetts: interesting, i don't have any "admin" i just see "projects" at the top of the screen and if i click it then "list" is one of the available navigation links on the line below it. i put in the repo name in the filter search, click the name once it appears below there, and then "branches" is one of the available links on the second line along the top of the page12:52
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openstackgerritMatthieu Huin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Allow reviewstats to be used with any issue tracker
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AJaeger_fungi, I'm reading through your infra-manual patch. Should I edit and update directly?13:02
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fungiAJaeger_: feel free to take it over. i just wanted to provide a starting point13:03
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* AJaeger_ doesn't want to take over - but has the file in the editor for reading.13:03
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* AJaeger_ will patch13:03
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fungi"feel free to collaborate" i meant ;)13:03
openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Gatling plugin
* AJaeger_ loves to collaborate ;)13:04
fungiand then someone else can take a turn at it13:04
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AJaeger_yep, let's pass the token around ;)13:04
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fungii got my fill already13:07
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AJaeger_you did the heavy lifting13:07
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sdaguefungi / jeblair / dhellmann / ttx - so... this is a sketch of taking a step back on requirements -
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Project does not mean repository? Inconceivable!
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AJaeger_fungi, you were very consistent, I really like it!13:11
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mtreinishsdague: fwiw, tempest is installed in a venv already, we kinda have to for branchless. Although it's probably not worth calling out in that etherpad13:12
mtreinishwe just have it track g-r so we can install it in devstack for dev13:12
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sdaguemtreinish: well, only by odd accident because of the tox thing13:30
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mtreinishit's intentional we just use tox to do the venv management. We could have used run_tempest (or some other script) too but I trust tox more than run_tempest13:32
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sdagueright, but that means that you actually don't have 1 venv, you've got .... N13:35
sdagueand they aren't managed at install time, but at run time13:35
sdaguewhich requires that tempest is installed into a writable directory13:35
sdagueso, it really doesn't install into a venv13:36
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mtreinishsure it does, it just does it in a weird way. (installing it in a hidden subdir where the code lives)13:39
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sdagueno, it doesn't do it at install time13:51
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anteayafungi: can merge anytime?14:09
mordredanteaya: yup!14:10
anteayaokay thank you14:10
anteayamordred: thanks for fixing that up14:11
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mordredanteaya: thanks for noticing that I make bad codings14:14
fungianteaya: basically yes, though documentation will cease updating on once it merges14:16
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fungiand i still need to reach some agreement with the docs team on a suitable theme for the infra index page14:16
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fungiin the meantime i'll just go ahead and try to sync it a little more to what the infra manual uses14:17
anteayafungi: oh sorry14:17
anteayafungi: should I -2 to prevent it from merging14:17
anteayamordred: thanks, well fungi noticed first14:17
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funginothing will disappear from, it just isn't going to get updated any longer until we take additional steps to change dns14:18
anteayaI'll keep my eye out for that patch14:18
AJaeger_annegentle: still around?14:18
fungi(or rather, it will start getting updated somewhere else, but dns won't be sending people to the latest versions until we manually change it)14:18
sambettsAJaeger_, fungi: I've summitted the patch to add the ACLs for branches to networking-cisco, thanks for your help this morning14:18
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AJaeger_fungi, what is this on - "Merged" - but message "could not be merged due to path conflict"14:21
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AJaeger_fungi, oh - it's not merged, just a +2.14:22
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* AJaeger_ should have looked closer14:22
fungiAJaeger_: yeah, zuul thought it should be able to merge but for some reason gerrit said no at the last moment14:22
AJaeger_let me quickly rebase...14:23
fungiit's rare, but it does happen (mostly i think because the java-based git implementation gerrit uses is not bug-for-bug compatible with the c-based git implementation zuul uses)14:23
openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack/requirements: Bump kombu version and add amqp version
mordredfungi: I prettymuch can't merge anything deeper than 3 patches with gerrt these days14:24
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fungiyeah, it's pretty unfortunate14:24
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish infra docs to docs.o.o
AJaeger_anteaya: want to review again, please?14:24
fungizuul does its best to cripple git merge by disabling all the useful conflict resolution algorithms when it calls it, but it's still able to do a better job than jgit apparently14:25
fungipretty sad14:25
* mordred still thinks it'll be nice if/when we can just have zuul push its merge back to gerrit, rather than hitting the submit button14:26
fungiproblems like this will cease to occur14:26
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anteayaAJaeger: thanks for catching that14:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Remove OpenStack library caps for liberty
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Cap django-pyscss <2.0.0
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alfredodezalooking at the gating docs at it mentions that zuul is designed "to handle the workflow of the OpenStack project, but can be used with any project"14:40
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odyssey4mefungi will that django-pyscss cap be backported to kilo as well?14:41
alfredodezabut I was wondering if that means that other projects that don't follow gerrit could make use of it14:41
fungiodyssey4me: it already is?14:41
odyssey4meah, I see it:
alfredodezawould a github-workflow that relies on pull-requests be easily consumed by Zuul?14:41
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fungialfredodeza: right now it has triggers implemented for gerrit's ssh-based event stream, and for periodic tasks14:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Cap django-pyscss <2.0.0
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mordredalfredodeza: the trigger mechanism is pluggable, and there are usecases where we would like to be able to respond to github events14:42
mordredalfredodeza: but so far each time someone starts workign on that they get distracted14:43
mordredalfredodeza: it's a low priority for us - but there's nothing really preventing it14:43
fungialfredodeza: the only event solution github seems to provide is a rest callback to a subscribed url. there's been some work so far to adding a writeable rest api for zuul, which would be the first step in taking advantage of something like that14:43
fungialfredodeza: but as mordred points out it's nowhere near complete enough to use with github14:44
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mordredalfredodeza: is the work in progress14:44
pelixjeblair mordred fungi if any of you might have a chance to review some of the JJB changes,n,z14:45
fungimordred: alfredodeza: also is a spec for it14:46
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mordredpelix: oh yeah - I started doing that earlier ..14:46
pelixmordred: cheers!14:47
pelixwasn't sure if you'd seen the earlier message14:47
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* alfredodeza looks at all the links14:48
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alfredodezafungi: mordred: much appreciated, thanks for the response and info14:49
* alfredodeza will relay the information 14:49
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix get_hostvars_from_server for volume API update
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Only query jenkins plugins if config provided
annegentlefungi: I built the locally and it's fine14:53
annegentlefungi: it's a good collection for your audience14:53
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fungiannegentle: okay, thanks! we'll probably adjust it for better consistency with other documents in that hierarchy, just wanted to get some index page up initially since there's nothing there right now14:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support hacking module <= 0.10.1
anteayafungi: so I need a check job for then I'm good14:56
mordredpelix: in 163995 - how is that error in existence? if that's part of a test, shouldn't it have, you know, tested something?14:56
fungianteaya: yep, on the way. i'm currently sidelined because someone e-mailed me a list of half a dozen security vulnerabilities i need to open bugs for, so it'll be a bit still14:57
odyssey4meis it a known issue that the gerrit new view doesn't do 'cherry-pick -x' (ie note the commit it picked from at the bottom of the resulting patch)14:57
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anteayafungi: oh of course14:58
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anteayajust didnt' want the check job request to get lost14:58
pelixmordred: it never gets sent to the template expansion code since the test is only checking how the yaml itself is read in, not how JJB expands it14:58
mordredpelix: gotcha14:58
pelixso it's a yaml => json comparison14:58
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fungiodyssey4me: which patch?15:00
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fungiodyssey4me: oh, you mean in general15:00
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fungiodyssey4me: if you select "cherry-pick" as your download mechanism, it doesn't add -x even in the old change screen15:00
odyssey4mefungi in general, although a colleague just suggested it may be dependent on whether the patch has merged or not yet15:00
fungiodyssey4me: at least not that i'm seeing15:01
odyssey4mefungi not cherry-pick for download - cherry-pick to add it to another branch15:01
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fungiodyssey4me: oh, having not used the new change screen i have no idea. cherry-pick -x is a standard for openstack at the request of our stable reviewers. we didn't write gerrit so that may just be a designed in behavior, or it might be a configuration option that we didn't know existed and so didn't set15:02
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openstackgerritIgor Belikov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add slack notification support, largely inspired by hipchat module
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odyssey4mefungi I'll keep an eye out on it and see if the behaviour changes for merged patches.15:03
fungiodyssey4me: for all i know, the cherry-pick button likely also generates a new change-id rather than reusing the one from the change being cherry-picked (also a workflow preference of our stable reviewers which simply may not be in line with the opinions of the designers of gerrit itself)15:04
odyssey4mefungi nope, it retains the change ID as far as I recall15:04
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fungiokay, cool15:04
odyssey4meit's been very useful for backports15:04
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fungiodyssey4me: oh! actually i see a cherry pick to button in the old change screen as well, i've just never tried it since i don't spend much time in the webui15:05
mriedemclarkb: figured out what was kiling the disk in our test vm's15:06
dhellmannfungi, clarkb, jeblair, anteaya : we are ready to turn on requirements enforcement for libs on master again
fungidhellmann: was the removal of those from the requirements projects.txt file also reverted yet?15:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Publish infra docs to docs.o.o
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dhellmannfungi: we have that as the next step, with the logic outlined in section 9.8 of -- I would appreciate your sanity check there, though15:07
fungidhellmann: ahh, yep. i'll un-wip so it's ready15:08
dhellmannfungi: I'm not *totally* sure the order matters, but we would need both patches landed to fix issues with updating requirements via sync15:08
fungilanding 174447 reduces the amount of rechecking i think15:09
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fungier, landing 174447 _second_15:09
dhellmannah, ok15:09
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add inventory command to shade
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Have get_image_name return an image_name
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Raise a shade exception on broken volumes
dhellmannfungi: if you make that requirements revert depends-on the infra change, I will go ahead and approve it so it slides right in15:10
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove REST links from inventory metadata
dhellmannfungi: unless we need to wait a while to update caches or nodes or something with the job change15:10
fungidhellmann: happy to add a depends-on but we should give it a little time between them since it will take a few minutes to update zuul's layout15:11
dhellmannfungi: ok, there's no need to depends-on then15:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Treat non-existant output files as empty files
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anteayadhellmann fungi so you are okay if is approved now?15:14
anteayaif I am following correctly?15:15
dhellmannanteaya: yes15:15
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* anteaya will approve then15:15
dhellmannanteaya: thanks!15:16
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anteayathanks for making it clear how to follow along and help15:16
openstackgerritRyan Carey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Artifactory plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Log the job name info when running test mode
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add liberty to feature grid
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: only force off KEYSTONE_USE_WSGI up until kilo
mordredpelix: k. I landed all of the ones where it was you and zaro15:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: fix test in include-raw-escape001.yaml
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pelixmordred: cheers :-)15:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily ignore requirements on master libs"
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
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dhellmannfungi: has merged. I'm going to get lunch, and then approve
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fungidhellmann: thanks15:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Added session parameter to various db_api methods.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Consolidated subscription logic, switched to managed session.
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python34 unit test job to tempest experiemental
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timrcWe are getting pretty awesome times for nodepool tasks on hpcloud now.15:56
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fungitimrc: oh? mordred: should we turn it back on again?15:57
fungizuul's pretty backlogged on waiting jobs, so if hpcloud is really recovered then the added quota will help us burn through it much faster15:58
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clarkband if it isnt we should notice quickly and can turn it back off15:59
timrcfungi, Let me upload a graph really quick (my grafana is running locally)16:00
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cineramapleia2: hi16:00
clarkbthough I put little trust in numbers without us hammering the cloud >_>16:00
fungiyes, from what we've seen, hpcloud struggles when we try to boot 600 instances at once. if you're not testing that, then the improvements may not reflect what we should actually expect16:01
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mordredclarkb, fungi: the database maint is now fully completed - so it's certainly worth trying16:02
fungiwho wants to prepare the revert of the revert of the revert of the... i forget how many levels deep it's gone now16:03
timrcfungi, Yeah our  max capacity is around 100 systems.  We're not under that heavy of a load atm.16:03
mtreinishsdague: on there's just one release so far. Just set that as the min?16:03
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fungii can unless someone else is already writing it16:03
clarkbfungi go for it16:03
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tmcpeaksdague: you around?16:04
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mordredfungi: we could just do the change in prod for a second to test whether we think it's good to go for real too16:05
timrcmordred, It could also be working well now because you've turned it off :P16:06
mordredtimrc: indeed16:06
sdaguemtreinish: yes please16:06
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Revert "Revert "Turn off HP in nodepool"""
fungimordred: we could16:07
clarkbmordred: have we asked about using west yet? we could cut our east use in half16:08
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/requirements: Add os-testr to global requirements list
mtreinishsdague: ^^^16:08
mordredclarkb: I have, in fact, asked about that16:08
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clarkbany cahce we can make a quota bump request and shift some of our load there?16:09
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Add script to update .gitreview files
greghaynesCan I get a review on for our broken DIB job :)16:10
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add an index.html for docs.o.o/infra
pleia2jogo: re: get out of the vote for TC, I had no plans aside from the standard email we're sending out tomorrow, might ask tristanC16:11
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fungianteaya: ^ that should address your comment16:11
pleia2cinerama: morning, backlog tells me you might have figured out the client issue? :)16:12
cineramapleia2: yes! so i got the client working and pulling down the translations. but of course it works differently from transifex...16:12
* fungi can just imagine jogo going door-to-door with tc pollster pamphlets16:13
cineramapleia2: so in order to put the files in the right place, we need to have a zanata.xml file for each project with the mapping16:13
pleia2cinerama: indeed, that's why we'll need to rewrite the scripts, and work with the zanata folks if there is anything we can't do yet and can't work around16:13
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cineramapleia2: so i'm not sure where we want to put them - they could go into each project, or we could have a repo of them where we maintain the mappings etc16:14
pleia2cinerama: oof, that seems like a chore16:14
mordredgreghaynes, clarkb: we want to clone directly from git.o.o and not from the local git cache?16:14
clarkbcinerama: what mappings are we talking about? with transifex we basically told all projects this is the template and the script did one mapping16:14
clarkbmordred: I left a comment that a followup should likely use zuul-cloner16:14
clarkbmordred: but happy to get job working for now16:14
cineramapleia2: the good news there is that i *think* we can cut down on a lot of the prep commands we do now with transifex so there are fewer moving parts - all the science is in the xml and the pull command itself16:14
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mordredgreghaynes: +316:15
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cineramaclarkb: e.g. translations for nova/locale/nova.pot go to nova/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/nova.po16:16
pleia2cinerama: so I assume you're talking about the script that pulls down the 75%+ translated projects and proposes the changes in gerrit?16:16
clarkbcinerama: ya we basically said everyone does it one way16:16
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clarkbcinerama: and the script supported one mapping16:16
greghaynesmordred: ty16:16
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cineramapleia2: oh that's the OTHER thing - i didn't see where we could mess with the percentages16:17
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add script to generate release note email bodies
cineramaclarkb: i'm less familiar with the code than you are but it looks like there are a few other file name & path mappings we set up for horizon, manuals etc16:17
clarkbcinerama: yes and IMO those are bugs16:17
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pleia2so maybe we can work with the translations folks to sync up their translations locations?16:18
clarkbcinerama: they were special because they have different translation domains, but we should be able to say anything under locale/ is a domain and template the rest for example16:18
cineramaclarkb: but we need a zanata.xml somewhere to specify stuff even if we just have the one mapping as i don't think those opts can be supplied on command line16:18
clarkbcinerama: the script can generate that16:18
cineramaclarkb: this is why i asked how we wanted to handle this :) so we'd basically chuck out a zanata.xml on the fly, use it, clean up, & commit the new translations?16:19
clarkb* sorry anything locale/*.pot is a domain16:19
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clarkbcinerama: basically, I think that makes the transition much simpler. Then if any project wants a zanata.xml in tree they can add it at their own pace16:20
clarkbcinerama: if we require that zanata.xml file in every project before hand this will never happen16:20
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cineramaclarkb: yep that is a good point16:20
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cineramaclarkb pleia2 so the other thing i was thinking about doing is making it so we can use transifex in parallel with zanata as we get across. you can tell me if you think that's a bad idea16:22
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pleia2cinerama: yeah, on the spec we have using them both in parallel for a bit while we do zanata testing16:23
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clarkbcinerama: if that simplifies things I would be fine with it. Keep in mind that early in the cycle (nowish) is actually a really quiet time for translations so taking a day "downtime" to switch is likely not a problem16:23
cineramapleia2: so i guess the thing is we don't want "duelling banjos" where both would be trying to commit stuff :)16:23
pleia2cinerama: yeah, it would be parallel just for the interactions with translating strings, not submitting to gerrit16:24
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/requirements: Bump ddt to min version 0.7.0
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cineramapleia2: so i heard back on our bug about project creation - i am not sure when that will be in the pipeline though it's something they'd like to do16:25
pleia2cinerama: can you add the bug links to the etherpad?16:25
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cineramapleia2: good idea16:26
pleia2thanks :)16:26
pleia2they've been good about pushing through feature requests when it's for us, I know daisy got a few in on the translator/UI side earlier this year16:26
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krtaylorpleia2, thanks for third-party-ci-tools repo merge, do you have acls to add to the -core group ?16:28
pleia2krtaylor: I'm sure I do, do you need to be added?16:28
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed openstack/requirements: Add python-manilaclient to global requirements.
krtaylorpleia2, yes, please :)16:29
pleia2hmm, gerrit seems to think there are two of you in the dropdown when I go to add16:29
pleia2same name, same email address16:30
fungiwe should probably clean that up16:30
krtayloroh, thats not good16:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix DIB functest path and copy logs
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cineramapleia2: oh there is also what i think is a bug in that i ended up getting the client stuff working better by specifying the path to zanata.ini even though it would say it was reading it16:31
cineramapleia2: will confirm & file16:31
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krtaylorpleia2, fungi, it looks like the ID one I am using is 566016:31
pleia2fungi: so how do I know which to use? (and I can't see through the web ui how to fix)16:31
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fungipleia2: krtaylor: i agree, account id 5660 created 2012-09-21 has submitted contact info. account id 10666 created 2014-03-05 has not. both are active16:32
cineramapleia2: one of the other things we need to do soon is ask them how we can make it look pretty16:32
pleia2cinerama: custom theming?16:32
cineramapleia2: in other words yes16:32
fungikrtaylor: it looks like it might have happened which switching between an ibm and a gmail e-mail address for authentication to launchpad16:32
fungii'll clean this up and mark the 10666 id inactive16:33
krtaylorfungi, hm, I did merge launchpad accounts too about that time16:33
pleia2thanks fungi16:33
pleia2once that's done, I'll add krtaylor to third-party-ci-tools16:33
krtaylorfungi, thanks!16:33
pleia2cinerama: I just had a quick tour of public zanatas, jboss, fedora... I thought for sure one would be customized theme-wise, but no!16:33
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pleia2cinerama: so might be something else to ask them about, I haven't seen public documentation about it anywhere, and mucking about with CSS on our own... while possible, may not be optimal maintenance-wise16:34
cineramapleia2: it was not super obvious to me that they had a provided mechanism for doing it. we could just mess with the supplied style sheets & graphics i guess16:34
cineramapleia2: might be good to ask on the mailing list16:34
pleia2yeah, I can go ahead and do that if you'd like16:35
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pleia2I can do a little digging through archives and bugs first to see if anything is in the works16:36
fungipleia2: krtaylor: the duplicate account has been cleaned up and is properly marked inactive now16:36
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greghaynesIs there some kind of lag behind when a change to jjb templates merge and when they take effect?16:36
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pleia2krtaylor: and added the correct you to third-party-ci-tools-core :)16:36
krtaylorpleia2, fungi, thanks!16:37
fungigreghaynes: a couple pretty big lags in fact16:37
greghayneshah, ok16:37
greghaynesill be less trigger happy on the rechecking button16:37
SpamapSmordred: I just had a thought about shade's public API16:38
greghaynesdoes it require a puppet run or is there some other mechanism?16:38
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SpamapSmordred: we expose the client libraries in the public API16:38
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run Gnocchi devstack tests for stable/1.0 against Kilo
SpamapSmordred: so we should probably change that now, and make them private, since they won't be there when we do direct REST calls.16:39
greghaynesSpamapS: the nodepool changes currently depend on that16:39
jd__could I have a first review of guys as I don't really know what I'm doing? :)16:39
fungigreghaynes: due to the frequency with which we try to apply puppet updates (on the quarter-hour via cron) and the duration it takes them to complete (>30 minutes typically) it's between 45 minutes to an hour from when a change merges to when it gets applied via puppet. then there's the problem that our jjb config is so enormous that it takes 10+ minutes for it to update on our jenkins masters16:39
fungi(possibly much longer if they're bogged down for some reason, e.g. thread leak)16:39
greghaynesfungi: Ah, makes sense. Ty for the infos16:39
clarkbso I was thinking about that16:39
clarkbI want to try doubling the ansible concurrency16:40
SpamapSgreghaynes: that seems like folly16:40
greghaynesSpamapS: we could make them not do that, the followup changes arent that big16:40
clarkband see if we can trim down puppet run times16:40
clarkbmordred: ^ any thoughts on doing that?16:40
* SpamapS will go -1 them :)16:40
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greghaynesSpamapS: I think the original plan was it would prevent us from having change bombs (I didnt write them), but looks if we just went right into using shade for images, then nova it wouldnt be *that* huge16:41
fungiclarkb: i think the main issue there is that we want to lock around project config updates taking effect on gerrit and the git servers, since having that go out-of-order due to happening twice in parallel could make with the bad16:41
clarkbI think our puppet master should be able to do >10 nodes at once16:41
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clarkbfungi: this shouldn't affect that16:42
clarkbfungi: ansible runs each step in a playbook serially, but it is currently limitted to doing 10 tasks within a step at a time16:42
fungiclarkb: oh, got it, so turning up concurrency within ansible, not firing more than one in parallel16:42
dhellmannfungi, clarkb : can one of you give me edit permissions on so I can fix the references to the git repository to point to ours? pypi user doughellmann16:42
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SpamapSgreghaynes: I think we can avoid change bombs by writing an adapter for nodepool configuration to feed into shade configuration.16:43
clarkbfungi: yup16:43
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clarkbdhellmann: looking16:43
fungidhellmann: done16:43
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clarkbfungi wins16:43
clarkbfungi: do you have the creds for that account memorized?16:43
clarkbthat was fast16:43
fungiclarkb: i have a lookup macro16:43
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greghaynesSpamapS: Yea, I dont think it ended up being that much code, honestly16:44
dhellmannfungi, clarkb : thanks!16:45
greghaynesI do need to write tests though16:45
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clarkboh the default is -f 5 so even fewer concurrent things16:45
clarkbpatch incoming16:46
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dansmithzuul seems backed up?16:48
dansmithneeds fiber?16:48
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Run more puppet agents at a time with ansible
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clarkbfungi: mordred ^ thoughts16:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump python-saharaclient to 0.9.0
clarkbdansmith: needs more cloud16:50
clarkbfungi: mordred also maybe we should just hand apply the reenable of hpcloud and see how it does?16:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump pymemcache to >= 1.2.9
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greghaynesoh wow, our nodepool tests dont hit any of the neutron code AFAICT16:51
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clarkbgreghaynes: wouldn't surprise me since we aren't actually booting a node16:51
fungidansmith: or a nova 20-patch-series laxative16:51
clarkbgreghaynes: so our fakes cut it off before that?16:51
greghaynesclarkb: I think so16:51
dansmithfungi: heh16:51
clarkbfungi: mordred I can apply it to nodepool and disable puppet there16:52
fungiclarkb: wfm16:52
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fungilet's just not forget to reenable puppet there shortly (and either merge the revert first if it's working well, or don't if it's not)16:52
openstackgerritNolan Brubaker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove dsvm from ansible commit job
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sdaguedansmith: we're back to being one cloud16:54
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dansmithsdague: really?16:54
greghaynesapparently rax alone is higher throughput than (rax + hp) in hpcloud's previous state...16:55
sdagueso, fwiw, neutron master is blocked on grenade and we're trying various things to address it (which tripped over other bugs)16:55
clarkbpleia2: see comments on
clarkbya I am about to try hpclodu again as their cleanup has completed16:56
clarkband timrc reports good results16:56
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AJaegercinerama: I'm just reading the backscroll16:57
timrcHere is an up-to-date graph:
clarkbalso setting max servers to 50 to start16:57
AJaegercinerama, pleia2: One issue I have with the xml file is new languages. Right now we download some files only - and if new files get added on the server, we download them automatically.16:58
cineramahi AJaeger, would love to have your expertise16:58
mordredtimrc: those are good numbers16:58
clarkbnodes are launching16:58
AJaegercinerama: pleia2 and myself discussed with carlos from zanata that there would be a way to not specify each and every language in the xml.16:58
AJaegerotherwise we would need to change the xml file everytime a new language becomes available16:59
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clarkbAJaeger: cinerama so maybe it is beneficial to generate it on the fly to start for other reasons16:59
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pleia2I need to jump on a call, hopefully won't be too long16:59
clarkbAJaeger: cinerama we could inspect what languages there are then generate xml appropriately16:59
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cineramaAJaeger: to get the pull to go i think i either have to specify the locale on the command line or a list of them in the xml16:59
AJaegerclarkb: yes, that could work16:59
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timrcmordred, average sum series of means (just to be clear)17:00
AJaegeror we pull down all languages and have in project-config a single language file that we use - that way we only need to update one place for new languages17:00
AJaegercinerama, clarkb: Regarding the locations for the po files: Sphinx has one way to specify it.17:01
clarkbAJaeger: that makes it simple then17:01
AJaegerhorizon and most of openstack-documentation does not use sphinx, so we placed the files somewhere else17:01
clarkbAJaeger: but we could use the same locations elsewhere17:01
clarkbAJaeger: I think it is a bug that we do not17:01
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clarkbBut I also mostly defer to AJaeger and other translators on tehse things17:02
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AJaegerclarkb: there's one more challenge: We have several po files - one for each book - in openstack-manuals17:02
AJaegerhorizon also has three (?) different po files17:02
clarkbAJaeger: couldn't we do something like bookname.pot and similar for horizon17:02
AJaegerclarkb: we have to adjust our tooling to use different pathes17:02
clarkbbut then each of the .po files could be named after the .pot. I think it would work17:03
AJaegerclarkb: Yes, that should work for manuals: a central locale directory and we use bookname.po and LC_MESSAGES/<LANG>/bookname.po17:03
clarkbbut yes would require changes in the non sphinx projects17:03
AJaegerright now it's book/bookname.po and book/ja.pot17:03
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AJaegerclarkb: it just means different ways of tooling - should be doable.17:04
AJaegerIf we want to go this way, let's write down a spec to implement against.17:04
AJaegerI can then look at the manuals side, somebody else at horizon...17:04
cineramafwiw we should be able to replicate what we have for the non-sphinx stuff17:05
sdaguehmmm... so now is ajaxing in the actual build results instead of doing it inline, any idea how I could get those with a simple scraper?17:05
cineramaat least in the interim17:05
clarkbAJaeger: probably depends on how complicated not doing it makes zanata and if we decide we need ti your plan sounds good to me17:05
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clarkbsdague: maybe something like that?17:06
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AJaegerclarkb, cinerama: I'm fine with changing the tools and can definitely help for some parts17:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove superfluous calls to matches()
AJaegerspeaking about tools - pleia2, clarkb: Could you review and  approve , please?17:07
clarkbcinerama: ya, I thinks its a judgement call of which will go quicker, changing things to use one zanata setup or adapting zanata to all the existing setups17:07
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cineramaAJaeger: that would be great if you could. i'm thinking i will put something up as kind of a trial balloon and then we can argue about it :)17:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove YamlParser from jenkins_jobs.builder
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AJaegergo for it, cinerama !17:08
sdagueclarkb: looks like maybe, I'll poke17:08
clarkbhpcloud looks happy so far, lots of nodes going ready then transitioning to used17:09
clarkbI will bump to full quota in a bit if this keeps up17:10
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greghaynesSpamapS: replied on, networking seems to be a minor issue17:16
greghaynesill experiment17:16
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openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack/requirements: Removing unused irdragdrop from requirements
openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a repository for stackforge/xstatic-angular-nvd3-directives
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow blank lines in node{} with apply test
openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a repository for stackforge/xstatic-nvd3
clarkbpleia2: ^ thanks for the review17:19
greghaynesthe only thing better than one csplit is two csplits17:19
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clarkbgreghaynes: SpamapS replied. "because this is simple"17:20
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sdagueclarkb: I can't figure out how to get the slave name17:21
clarkbgreghaynes: SpamapS we aren't going to move the world in one day and the important thing is rax image uploads17:21
anteayafungi: can be merged?17:22
greghaynesclarkb: SpamapS I think the big concern is that shade would then have to maintain the clients as part of the public api17:22
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clarkbgreghaynes: they are already part of the public API17:22
clarkbship has sailed17:22
greghaynesThe impression I got is that shade doesnt consider itself 'stable' yet17:23
mordredwait. no17:23
mordredso 2 things17:23
mordreda) clarkb is right - this needs to be a minimal change, and we need to focus on image uploads17:24
mordredb) the passthrough clients will not be in the 1.0 release17:24
mordredthey are there for consumption as a migration path17:24
mordredwe have an 0.x version, which means I literally do not care about breaking anyone EXCEPT - when an ansible module lands upstream that's using an API in shade, the API needs to be considered stable - and anything nodepool is using has to be supported17:26
mordredbut - we own shade and nodepool - so we don't have to pretend that we don't17:26
clarkbsdague: I think I may have figured it out, confirming now17:26
mordredwhich means I'm fine with nodepool using nova_client as part of a sane transition - and then we'll know when nodepool no-longer does such a thing17:26
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mordredat which point we can remove it17:26
mordredand cut a 1.017:27
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mordredif people would prefer that we put _'s in front of the client objects to make that clear, that's fine by me17:27
greghaynesnono, if were using it then its public17:27
sdagueclarkb: ok, great, thanks17:27
clarkbsdague: you can put a * in the [] and get all the fields17:28
greghaynesMy impression is that these patches ended up not being that large - theres still just the networking bit that hasnt been done17:28
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clarkbgreghaynes: networking should be done by the nova client from shade still17:28
greghaynesand its also untested in nodepool, so first thing is im going to make nodepool test that...17:28
clarkbyes having a test would be good17:28
mordredgreghaynes: that's right17:28
greghaynesclarkb: yes, its a dependency issue though - if networking happens first then you dont actually need the nova client object17:29
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mordredany time we move a nodepool function to use a shade api and not a passthrough client - it shoudl be because we've got good testing in shade17:29
clarkbgreghaynes: yes I do17:29
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greghaynesyou do?17:29
mordredgreghaynes: we explicitly want to not make any changes first17:29
clarkbgreghaynes: because I am not going to merge an 800 line change to nodepool and put it in production before I get rax image uploads working17:29
mordredthe choice to use the passthrough clients is very deliberate17:29
mordredwe want to chagne one nodepool function at a time17:29
SpamapSmordred: I'd rather see us make a new tiny library that takes shade cloud objects and makes clientlibraries, than pollute an 0.x library with things that are never intended for 1.0. This feels like a good way to get stuck with the client libraries forever.17:29
mordredwe're just going to do it17:30
mordredbecause we HAVE to17:30
mordredbecause there is no way to migrate nodepool otherwise17:30
mordredand I will NOT support them for ever17:30
SpamapSNo way?17:30
SpamapSOr no way you want to?17:30
mordredno way that will happen17:30
mordredthere is no way we're goign to land that large of a patch to nodepool17:30
greghaynesIm not sure where the 800 line number is coming from, but I think either way the path forward is 1) make nodepool test for networking, 2) write networking patch then we can decide ordering17:30
SpamapSBecause I mean, it's just configuration data that you're coopting.17:30
mordredit's a CD'd into production service17:30
greghaynesi suspect it will be small but I could be wrong17:30
SpamapSOh I agree the patch should be minimal.17:31
clarkblets backup17:31
clarkbpriority here has nothing to do with shade17:31
clarkbpriority is make rax image uplods work17:31
clarkbif we can make that happen simply with shade awesome17:31
clarkbif we can't then I will go write a nodepool change to do it nstead17:31
mordredwe can17:31
* greghaynes likes this17:31
mordredthe patches are already up17:31
SpamapSSo whats preventing that from happening?17:31
clarkbSpamapS: your -117:32
mordredfinishing these patches17:32
mordredmigrating the rest of nodepool after rax image uploads happens can be done easy and stepwise17:32
mordredas the flavors patch shows17:32
SpamapSok, first, I find your answer very rude and I don't believe that is an earnest reply.17:32
mordredI apologize for being rude - that was not my intent17:33
SpamapSsecond, I will of course back away into the minority position if others are comfortable making nodepool depend on something we are clearly stating will not be there in the near future.17:33
fungianteaya: yes, is completely safe to approve17:33
mordredSpamapS: the intent is for the use of shade.nova_client to be temporary in nature for ease of transition17:33
fungijust builds and uploads an index page to
fungisince we don't have one there yet17:34
clarkbnot to derail the discussion btu I think shade should provide those as a public interface17:34
SpamapSmordred: yes, and I think that is folly, but I am entirely comfortable with registering my position, and not standing in the way of progress.17:34
mordredclarkb: I would not like to discuss that right now17:34
clarkbmordred: ok17:34
anteayafungi: thank you that is what I thought, but I didn't want to break something if I was mis-understanding17:34
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AJaegeranteaya: I approved, had the review open waiting ...17:34
mordredSpamapS: the main reason is that I tried doing  a single patch before - and it's HUGE17:34
AJaegernow working on patch for openstack-manuals so that it can be found17:35
anteayaAJaeger: ah sorry so did I, double approved then17:35
greghaynesok, so next question - with and its parent I should be able to test an image upload to rax with my creds?17:35
AJaegeranteaya: no problem ;)17:35
anteayaAJaeger: ah cool17:35
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1447476
openstackbug 1447476 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "No module named pathlib" [Critical,Fix released]
mordredSpamapS: I mean, nodepool has a bunch of openstack logic in it right now - so the number of places that you have to change to stop using python*client is epic17:35
greghayneser, and its parent17:35
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clarkbgreghaynes: yes17:35
mordredSpamapS: and although we could make passthrough objects that kinda look like the current nova_client17:35
SpamapSmordred: sure, I don't think an adapter for nodepool<->shade configuration would be small. And I accept that with aggressive, focused effort, we won't fall into the trap I see coming. :)17:35
timrcThings are not looking terrible so far for nodepool.17:36
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mordredSpamapS: I  may not be following what you mean by nodepool<->shade configuration adaptor17:36
clarkbtimrc: ya, I am going to go to full capacity shortly17:36
SpamapSI don't want passthrough objects.17:36
clarkbtimrc: I gave nodepool half our quota17:36
clarkbtimrc: but its doing well so full steam ahead17:36
mordredit's not about configuration - it's that nodepool directly manipulates several different python-*client objects17:36
timrcclarkb, Glad to hear.17:36
mordredin several complex ways17:36
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clarkblet me know when I should argue for passthrough objects, because I think there is a specific useful use case for them17:37
SpamapSI'd make a factory that accepts either configuration and spits out client library objects. The code in nodepool would be kept simple, the factory would stay private to nodepool, and we'd remove it when we're done.17:37
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SpamapSAlso if you have an end user wanting the client libraries to remain in shade.. there's that to consider too. So I bow out of the way and invite you all to move forward with caution. :)17:38
mordredclarkb: we can later - but shade is going to stop having python-*client depends because they are not for end users- it's either going to move to python-oepnstacksdk or will start making requests calls directly17:38
clarkbmordred: I think thats a bad idea but ok17:38
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mordredclarkb: the client libraries do not want us as users17:38
mordredclarkb: they are not designed for us17:38
mordredthey will not accept our patches17:39
mordredthey are designed for openstack services to talk to other openstack services17:39
clarkbmordred: but they are the only libraries that currently do any of this stuff17:39
clarkbthe sdk is not there17:39
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clarkband shade shouldn't be an sdk17:39
mordredclarkb: sure. I'm not going to delete them TOMORROW17:39
mordredI'm going to delete them when it's time to delete them17:39
mordredthat's why literally 95% of the design decisions in shade are the way they are17:39
mordredthey are an implementation detail17:40
mordredthey are not an interface17:40
mordredand that's largely because their interface is SO BAD17:40
mordredI mean, it's so epically, monstrously, monumentally bad17:40
clarkbyes and the use case you do get out of the clients is that they work today17:40
clarkbfor various values of work that are greater than anything else17:40
SpamapSmordred: an argument could be made to stop using them, but offer them up for those who want them.17:40
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mordredk. so - let's say this - right now they exist - there isa  disagreement as to whether that should continue to be the case17:41
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mordredtoday we do not have to agree on that17:41
mordredand it might be a better beer discussion17:42
dtroyerfwiw, I think their use exclusively in services is the only reason they should exist long-term17:42
mordreddtroyer: ++17:42
fungiany discussion of the current python-.*clients is more like a tequila shots discussion17:42
mordredfungi: +10017:42
AJaegerfungi, here's the patch to change the index pages on for change:
fungiAJaeger: thanks! can you wip that until we actually have all the content up and confirmed?17:44
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fungijust want to make sure we don't start linking to an incomplete location17:45
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AJaegerfungi, done.17:45
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fungiAJaeger: i also wonder if we shouldn't remove the infra/manual link since this becomes somewhat redundant (the actual equivalent of is becoming really). but that's not critical for now i guess17:47
AJaegerfungi: I was wondering this as well. annegentle what do you think? ^17:47
AJaegerfungi, annegentle I left infra/manual in for now since that manual is so important that I'd like to have it singled out ;)17:47
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clarkbok hpcloud is fully enabled in nodepool now17:48
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sdagueI honestly really wonder how bad things would be if they didn't exist at all, and each project had to write their own. It would decouple a lot of things.17:50
annegent_fungi: oh, hm.17:50
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sdaguemordred: which clients won't take your patches?17:50
clarkbsdague: it would certainly reduce confusion for users of the existing clients17:50
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mordredsdague: not you -you're great! :)17:54
fungiAJaeger: annegent_: yeah, this is sort of also reorganizing things. the system-config repo docs used to also act as our index on, but we've accumulated so much other separate per-repo documentation that we really just need a separate index and have the system-config content on equal footing with everything else now17:54
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clarkbfungi: +117:55
mordredsdague, clarkb: I think a good future state would honestly be for python*client to not exist, for osc and python-openstacksdk to be ready to be the things that end-users use for command line and library - and for projects that need to talk to other projects over their rest api either just use requests directly, or something like that17:55
mordredthat state is CLEARLY not going to happen any time soon17:56
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briancurtinsdk is really not that far away17:56
sdagueit would be nice to set that as direction and put some measured steps to get there17:56
briancurtinbut i dont know what "any time soon" means17:56
fungi"soon come" as they say in the caribbean17:57
fungiwhich often means "when i eventually get around to it (if ever)"17:57
mordredbriancurtin: well, I meant that we won't be a the place where all the servers just use requests any time soon17:57
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briancurtinah, yes17:57
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mordredbriancurtin: and I agree, I imagine that shade could move to the sdk in the next 6-9 months - but there is another discussion lurking in there that I think is best left alone for the moment17:58
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* timrc makes a mental note to read the last hour re: shade before bed because I have an interest in shade (living in Texas and all shade is an important to survival)... but now it is time to go get beer (which is another important part of survival).17:59
clarkbanyways my argument is the clients are useful today. Because you have to do silly dances with them in order to do something as simple as upload an image to rax: first you have to keystone with rax for swift except that rax uses a different tenant id for object store, then you have to upload image to swift, then you have to submit a task to glance to use the image. The first couple steps there are a18:00
clarkbthing that anyone using rax swift must do. It is super handy to have that in shade and not reimplemented everywhere18:00
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clarkbso to make a decision today that we are not going to do something useful for shade users because we have bigger places in 9 months is silly. particularly since shade exists specifically to solve some of these problems18:00
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clarkbif in 9 months openstack is in a better place then great, shade can change its api on a deprecation cycle or make a 2.0 release18:01
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dtroyerOSC's ClientManager does this dance with the existing clients already.  Id say just use it but I don't want OSc to be a library.  you could copy it's function though18:01
sdagueclarkb: yeh, the api works much better -
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mtreinishsdague: why not use the db to get that?18:03
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mtreinishsdague: oh, I guess because the setupclass teardown class times aren't in the subunit18:03
clarkbmtreinish: and devstack isn't included18:03
sdaguemtreinish: are you capturing which cloud ?18:04
mtreinishsdague: yes18:04
mtreinishif it's in the logstash metadata it's in the run_metadata table18:05
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sdagueok, maybe, I had code that already did this18:05
sdagueand it doesn't require a db connection18:05
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mtreinishsdague: well I was making a shameless plug in the hopes you'd add the missing pieces you would need to the subunit2sql db api and commands18:07
mtreinishI can dream18:07
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sdagueyeh, not during weeks when I have to do a requirements unwind :)18:07
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sdagueanyone able to answer a Depends-On hypothetical?18:10
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sdaguefor 176723,418:10
sdaguethe depends on exists in master and stable/kilo devstack18:11
sdaguebut we actually only want it in stable/kilo18:11
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sdagueif we abandon in master, will zuul block it?18:11
clarkbsdague: yes18:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add an index.html for docs.o.o/infra
clarkbthere was talk of changing that behavior and treating abandoned as a merge equivalent since its the authors saying this isn't needed anymore so depending on it is :(18:11
sdagueso there is no way to correct this except test, land, wait, modify commit message, move on18:12
sdagueI guess I could also go modify the idempotent idea on the stable18:12
clarkbanother idea was to optionally allow a branch specification on the dpeneds on so you could depend on a more specific change18:12
clarkbsdague: ya you can make a new change with a new change id18:12
clarkbthis has been the workaround most have used18:12
fungiyeah, modifying the change-id causes it to become a new change. it doesn't "move" the change to a new id18:13
sdagueok, I'll wait until I see if it fixes things, given that it took an hour to get nodes to get started18:13
fungiyou just get two changes, one with the old id and then a new one with a different id18:13
sdaguebut then we should be able to pipeline better for land18:13
sdagueneutron is currently blocked in master18:13
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sdagueso, honestly, I like Abandon changes blocking things18:14
sdaguehowever, it sucks there is no way to kill and abandoned change with fire18:14
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fungii'm on the fence about treating abandoned as merged for that purpose though. i can equally see people surprised by "how did this change merge? the change it depends on got abandoned and so is not in place!"18:14
sdaguelike not only abandon, but make it never have existed18:15
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sdagueyeh, I feel like there is an extra bit of info there we need18:15
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clarkbsdague: we don't like deleting data :) I think it is a good decision that gerrit doesn't let you remove code18:15
sdagueabandon because it's terrible, or abandon because "oops"18:15
fungibranch-specific vs branch-independent depends-on18:15
clarkbworst case you change some passwords, thats doable18:15
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: project-config: Merge lint jobs (2/2)
sdagueclarkb: I guess, this was just a flat oops that had consequences I didn't consider before setting up the test stack18:16
fungiif we had a branch-specific syntax like Depends-On: I30f9965e4ee0ebe850e50edce4224599c6aa608b/stable/kilo then it could just be a matter of updating the commit message18:16
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sdagueI should have asked earlier :)18:16
fungithough then we'd get into the similar project-specific depends-on use case18:17
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Update flavor API for new get/list/search API
fungibecause you can get into the same situation if you depends-on an id which has a corresponding change on two projects and one of those is abandoned18:17
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clarkbyup changes are unique based on the tuple of (changeid, branch, project)18:18
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clarkbmordred fungi: hpcloud is holding up can proably be approved then I can reenable puppet on nodepool.o.o18:19
fungiso we'd likely want to come up with something like Depends-On: I30f9965e4ee0ebe850e50edce4224599c6aa608b^stable/kilo^openstack-dev/devstack-gate and then allow the second and third fields to be empty and trailing ^ to be missing18:19
mordredclarkb: woot!18:20
sdagueok, I'll do the flips now18:20
fungiand that starts to get unwieldy long in a commit message line18:20
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mordredclarkb: wow. the graphs look WAY better18:20
clarkbyup, particularly with deletes and builds18:21
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fungiwe're actually successfully using more than just our rackspace quota, whereas last week enabling hpcloud meant we used less than our rackspace quota in total18:21
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fungii'm checking for signs of fip and alien leaks18:22
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fungiturning them back on make quick work of zuul's job backlog too18:23
fungier, made18:23
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marcusvrn1hi guys, has someone that uses gerrit plugin for jenkins? I'm trying to use the gerrit trigger plugin and it's working, but the verified message is not as can I  format it as required?18:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1447476
openstackbug 1447476 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "No module named pathlib" [Critical,Fix released]
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anteayamarcusvrn1: were you waiting for a guy to respond or is talking to me okay?18:26
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fungilooks like has been waiting on a review for a while18:27
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marcusvrn1anteaya: I'm asking for someone who use gerrit plugin...I don't know who uses gerrit plugin or zuul18:28
marcusvrn1anteaya: do you use gerrit plugin?18:28
anteayamarcusvrn1: no but fungi just pointed to a patch that answers your question:
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anteayamarcusvrn1: my point was I am a woman not a guy18:29
marcusvrn1anteaya: perfect18:29
marcusvrn1anteaya: ah...lol18:29
AJaegerfungi, clarkb: Could either of you review a translation import "optimization", please?
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fungithat just got approved and should end up on our published documentation as soon as we switch over to
fungiAJaeger: cool! i saw the ml thread about this. awesome work18:30
AJaegerfungi: dolphm challenged me ;)18:31
anteayamarcusvrn1: thanks, I do feel folks includes me18:31
fungi"challenge accepted!"18:31
AJaegerfiguring out that it works was the tricky part, the change is minor ;)18:31
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marcusvrn1anteaya: :)18:32
AJaegerthanks, fungi!18:32
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fungiAJaeger: yeah, i'm thrilled that we can now have a 1-2 line translation update change reviewers can look at to see what's actually changing without having to wade through thousands of location change comment lines to find them18:33
anteayamarcusvrn1: thanks18:34
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow blank lines in node{} with apply test
clarkbpleia2: ^ that should be ready now18:34
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pleia2clarkb: thanks, I'll give it a go18:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Revert "Revert "Turn off HP in nodepool"""
dolphmfungi: ++!18:35
AJaegerfungi: yeah!18:35
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AJaegerLet me send the corresponding patch for the other projects and mark it as WIP. we should wait at least two days to see the changes18:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Third party CI: document how to properly format message with Gerrit Trigger
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Make multinode first class with ansible
clarkbsdague: ^ that addressed a merge conflict and your -118:44
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dansmithclarkb: cool :)18:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Decrease PO files for Doc team imports
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clarkbmordred: fungi any change can get quick review? should speed up our puppet run cycle19:02
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Decrease PO files for imports (horizon+friends)
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mordredclarkb: +219:12
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/requirements: Add cachetools requirement
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mordredharlowja: can I make a suggestion? ^^19:13
harlowjamordred always19:14
mordredharlowja: keystoneclient and shade both use dogpile.cache, the author of which works on openstack for redhat - any reason to not use it?19:14
* harlowja didn't think that dogpile.cache had a LRU cache mechanism that worked in memory19:15
mordredit's possible it doesn't19:15
mordredwhich would be a good answer to "why"19:15
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harlowjaya, last time i checked it didn't19:15
harlowjanot that it couldn't,, just doesn't right now19:16
harlowjamaybe dogpile.cache should just use cachetools then and bam...19:17
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clarkbfungi: pleia2 any other takers?19:17
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clarkbI have reenabled puppet on nodepool19:18
mordredclarkb: yay19:18
clarkb--noop showed no diff19:18
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/requirements: Add cachetools requirement
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harlowjamordred i updated with alternative possilbiity19:20
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Decrease PO files for python projects
openstackgerritSean Roberts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update to akanda project
AJaegerdolphm: that's the patch you want next week ^ (176947)19:26
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dolphmAJaeger: +2!19:29
dolphmAJaeger: err, +1!19:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Run more puppet agents at a time with ansible
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AJaegerthanks, dolphm19:30
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anteayamordred: are there infra playbooks in any location in addition to
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mordredanteaya: nope19:39
anteayaokay thank you19:39
mordredanteaya: although I did write one ...19:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Enable OpenID logins
mordredthat has not yet landed19:39
anteayamay I look at teh patch?19:39
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support feature/development for askbot-theme
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anteayamordred: thank you19:45
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anteayamordred: so you want playbooks to remain in system-config19:48
mordredanteaya: unsure19:48
anteayamordred: what else might you be contemplating?19:48
mordredanteaya: I'm not sure I have a strong opinion on it yet - although I could imagine a world where system-config is _only_ a set of playbooks :)19:48
marcusvrn1anteaya: devstack-gate script uses zuul parameters, such as ZUUL_REF, ZUUL_PROJECT,... doesn't it? Using gerrit trigger plugin, how can I use the devstack-gate scripts?19:49
clarkbmordred you should read the system config integration test spec19:49
anteayamordred: oh?19:49
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clarkbmordred I basically assert that the playbooks to make infra go there19:49
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anteayamordred: I personally was thinking that playbooks should be out of system-config in its own space, you are offering that playbooks are the only thing in system-config19:50
clarkbmordred then we can use them to test and do prod which is neat19:50
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anteayamarcusvrn1: first question, answer is yes devstack-gate scripts use zuul paramaters19:50
mordredclarkb: yah. I believe I'm inclined to agree with you - I'll go look for the spec19:51
mordredanteaya: why do you think they should not be there/19:51
clarkbanteaya imo playbooks go in system-config for the reasons I point out on that spec19:51
anteayamarcusvrn1: second question, I don't know the answer there as I have not done what you are doing nor have I talked to anyone who is about that question19:51
anteayamordred: my natural tendency is for new things to not encroach on existing things19:52
anteayamordred: that is the only reason19:52
anteayaclarkb: thank you, I will read the spec19:52
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mordredanteaya: nod19:53
mordredclarkb: I cannot find your spec19:55
anteayaclarkb: I'm looking at gerrit for open infra-specs as well as for published specs and so far what you describe is not jumping out at me19:55
anteayaclarkb: or what mordred said19:55
mordredclarkb: do you mean Specification proposal about system-config testing using containers ?19:55
greghaynesmordred: pretty sure, yes, thats what he means19:55
clarkbya that one19:56
clarkbthe totle should probably be updated its more "perform integration testing of puppet modules and services"19:56
clarkbcontainers is an implementation detail19:56
anteayaclarkb: I support a title change19:57
anteayayes since containers is all I see when I see that spec19:57
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anteayathe testing part gets lost to me19:57
anteayaand I think it is rather the point19:58
marcusvrn1anteaya: hmm...but there's something like devstack-gate that works with gerrit trigger plugin?19:58
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anteayamarcusvrn1: like devstack-gate, we only have one devstack-gate19:59
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anteayaI don't know who else runs gerrit trigger plugin so I don't know who to suggest asking to see if they are doing what you are trying to do19:59
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clarkbyou can probably map gerrit trigger vars to d-g vars20:00
clarkbnot all will apply but the basic ones should20:00
marcusvrn1anteaya: hmmm... I see20:00
marcusvrn1clarkb: yes, I think it can be an alternative20:01
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openstackgerritDawid Malinowski proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Display Upstream Changes Plugin
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fungipretty sure there are at least some third-party ci operators firing devstack-gate via the gerrit-trigger jenkins plugin, i just have no idea who they are20:11
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maishskGood evening all. Anyone here?20:12
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asselinmarcusvrn1, Sukhdev from th mailing list seems to be using gerrit trigger plugin20:13
clarkbsalvatore may do it too20:14
Sukhdevasselin marcusvrn1: I can provide a link, if you are interested20:14
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anteayaasselin Sukhdev thank you20:15
anteayayou are wonderful20:15
marcusvrn1asselin: oh, nice!!20:15
maishskDoes anyone know of any issues with the mailing lists?20:15
anteayamaishsk: what are you seeing that prompts you to ask?20:15
maishskfor reason - I am not getting all of the emails20:15
marcusvrn1Sukhdev: sure!20:15
maishskfor example messages sent to openstack-dev with the tag [all] are not coming through - even though I see them on the archive20:16
anteayamaishsk: that can often happen if are are in a corporate email environment, depending on how the corporation sets up its email servers20:16
anteayamaishsk: corporate email or personal email?20:16
maishskanteaya: gmail.20:17
anteayainteresting, I don't recall problems with gmail before20:17
anteayamaishsk: can you check your trash and spam folders?20:17
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add qemu-img to dib functests
anteayamaishsk: gmail might be helping you to filter out the email20:18
clarkbI had to stop using gmail due to biunces20:18
anteayaclarkb: oh really?20:18
Sukhdevmarcusvrn1: Read the doc on the wiki for details20:18
anteayamaishsk: I stand corrected, clarkb has had problems before with gmail20:18
clarkbanteaya ya but was awhile ago20:18
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greghaynesclarkb: :(20:18
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greghaynesclarkb: the centos test passes though, so in theory the other bits are correct now20:19
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clarkbgreghaynes maybe put that in your script?20:19
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clarkbso you dont have to chase infra20:19
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add qemu-img to dib functests
marcusvrn1Sukhdev: ok, thank you!20:20
marcusvrn1asselin: thanks20:20
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greghaynesclarkb: I dont think running tests should sudo apt-get install, but I am going to put a guard in our script to not run those formats if qemu-img isnt found20:20
clarkbgreghaynes kk20:20
anteayamaishsk: are you one of the tc candidates and missing this email?
anteayamaishsk: I can forward it to you if you like so you can reply20:21
clarkbgreghaynes need to sudo yum20:21
anteayamaishsk: you can pm me your email20:21
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anteayaor it might be better if it comes from an election official?20:22
anteayapleia2: are you able to help maishsk out?20:22
greghaynesclarkb: just updated with that20:22
maishskanteaya: Exactly.20:23
fungimaishsk: looking in the logs on the listserver, i don't see any rejects for delivery to your address (and plenty of successful hand-offs to google for your address). mailman doesn't seem to have recorded recent bounces for any of your subscriptions either20:23
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anteayamaishsk: let's let pleia2 help you out20:24
anteayashe is an election official and I am a fellow candidate20:24
anteayamaishsk: she should be around soon20:24
maishskanteaya: Loved the astrology aspect of your answer... :)20:25
anteayamaishsk: ah thanks :)20:25
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anteayafigured there would be a few who would understand and appreciate it20:25
anteayaI'm looking forward to reading your response20:26
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anteayaclarkb: so your point is that if mordred has a vision for system-config's destiny he should be aware there is a spec in the works for testing?20:33
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clarkbyes because there are interactions between them20:34
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greghaynes has passed tests and is +A'able if anyone would like20:34
anteayamordred: I'm wondering how tangible your vision of system-config only having playbooks in it is, as the testing spec seems to carry the idea of test all teh things in system-config but uses puppet fairly heavily in the language20:34
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anteayaclarkb: makes sense, yes20:34
anteayaperhaps the spec could be more generic in describing all teh things should be tested and just default to modular language rather than specifying puppet20:35
anteayaas in the deployment strategy for zuul should be tested etc20:36
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mordredanteaya: well, I don't think it's important per-se that there be no puppet in system-config20:36
anteayaoh I mis-understood your prior statement then20:36
mordredanteaya: just that I could see the entry point to the repo becoming a set of ansible playbooks to deploy nodes and run puppet in them20:36
mordredrather than site.pp which is the current main thing20:36
mordredwe've been splitting puppet modules out into their own repos quite a bit - one could imagine a world where modules/openstack-project is also in a different repo _maybe_20:37
anteayaI could imagine a world where system config is _only_ a set of playbooks20:37
mordredbut I'm not sure it's the right world20:37
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mordredjust that I can imagine it20:37
anteayaoh okay yeah20:37
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anteayaI made the mistake of trying to catch up to one of your dreams while you where still sampling20:38
anteayasilly me20:38
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anteayaokay yes, playbooks as the entry point is something I also can imagine in system-config20:38
openstackgerritDawid Malinowski proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Display Upstream Changes Plugin
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anteayaI think I need to go for a walk20:40
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zigosdague: Is there a new version of tempest-lib which does *not* include subunit-trace anymore? I'm asking because of adding subunit-trace from os-testr ...20:54
zigoI'd like to avoid conflicts if possible! :)20:55
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clarkbmtreinish: ^21:00
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mtreinishzigo: it'll be removed from tempest-lib in a future release, and os-testr added to tempest-lib requirements21:01
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openstackgerritRon Desmarais proposed openstack-infra/project-config: new-project
mtreinishthings were hung up on requirements/release freeze for a few weeks21:01
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clarkbI think we are puppeting every half hour now21:04
fungiclarkb: improvement!21:04
clarkbthe gerrit/git/afs puppet takes about 10 minutes21:05
clarkbeverything else about 15 so ~25 minutes per run21:05
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clarkbbut reading ansible logs is really hard21:05
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clarkbI know ansible doens't want timestamps but thats crazy21:05
zigomtreinish: The point I'm trying to make, is that I will need to have this transition to happen at once in Debian.21:06
zigoSorry if I wasn't clear...21:06
mordredclarkb: I keep meaning to learn how to fix that21:06
mtreinishzigo: for example:
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Have get_image_name return an image_name
mordredShrews, greghaynes, SpamapS: ^^ added unit and functional test21:06
mordredclarkb: I guess you too21:06
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mtreinishzigo: sure, that'll have to happen when you push the 0.6.0 tempest-lib package, but os-testr will be a new req then21:07
mtreinish(I doubt it'll make it for the next release)21:07
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clarkbmordred: did you see I run the devstack-gate logstamper when running ansible21:08
zigomtreinish: I really hope we're frozen enough so such things wont reach Kilo! :)21:08
clarkbmordred: that actually works pretty well for that particular use case21:08
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clarkbin that change21:08
clarkbwhich should be ready for review now21:09
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mordreduhoh. I could land that and it could go live and the world could be scary21:09
thingeeHi infra. I'm tried to tag os-brick for release. I followed instructions here, but after I push things to gerrit and ran git os-job 0.1.0 and got
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thingeeMight've been related to a bunch of library issues from earlier this week.21:10
thingeeaccording to dhellmann21:11
dhellmannactually I thought it might have been due to some of the gerrit issues we've had lately21:11
thingeemy mistake21:11
mordredclarkb: I'm +2 but did not +A it just in case you wanted other people to review or whatnot21:12
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clarkbmordred: ty21:12
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thingeethe tag shows up on github though
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add test for create_image with glance v1
clarkbya the tag exists21:13
clarkbthat is the correct sha1 of the tag21:13
clarkbthingee: when did you push the release?21:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix get_hostvars_from_server for volume API update
fungithingee: looks like it should be 0b/0b89d9b3e7d899f318eadbeb866f6f675f20ead021:13
clarkbfungi: no thats the sha of the commit not the tag21:13
dhellmannfungi: is also a 40421:13
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clarkbthe problem is there are no publish jobs on that project21:13
fungioh, yep, sorry21:13
clarkbso this is expected behavior21:14
thingeeclarkb: april 21 9:00 utc21:14
dhellmannah! missing jobs21:14
fungiyou're right, 89/89a6b0ae7a61ffa697555306b154119915f0cac0 per
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Revert "Disable syncs to libs to unjam master requirements changes"
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fungios-brick is shy a few release-related jobs or project-templates21:15
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fungiso nothing ran for it in the release pipeline at all21:15
fungiwhich explains why there were no logs uploaded21:15
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thingeedoh ok, thanks21:16
thingeeso after I update that, am I able to start a publish job without doing a new tag?21:17
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clarkbthingee: ya, but you will need an infra core (fungi, myself, pleia2, jeblair mordred etc) to trigger the job21:17
clarkbpleia2: ^ if you are around this ma be a good learning thing21:18
thingeepleia2: :)21:18
clarkbwe basically dump the job onto gearman directly rather than having zuul figure it out from a gerrit event21:18
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fungithough in this case, since nothing at all was triggered for the release pipeline, will there be a zuul merger with the appropriate refs?21:20
fungior i guess we can substitute in place of a zuul merger21:20
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fungioh, however log uploads probably wont work if they're doing it via swift for those jobs already21:21
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clarkbgood point21:22
clarkbhrm as an alternative we can delete the tag and retag the same commit21:22
thingeefungi: so this just needs publish-to-pypi? any others?21:22
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clarkbto force and event.21:22
clarkbside note: if we have a gerrit event proxy we could inject our own events21:22
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fungithingee: hrm, we need tarball jobs for it too21:23
fungilooking now to refresh my memory on what those various project-templates expand to21:23
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fungithingee: ahh, yep those are covered by publish-to-pypi21:25
fungiso that should be sufficient21:25
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thingeenot sure this has gate-os-brick-pep8, gate-os-brick-python27 instead of just using python jobs21:26
thingeeah ok21:26
fungipython-jobs would also add gate-os-brick-docs which you may not have support in the repo for yet21:27
thingeefungi: I see a doc/source dir...21:27
thingeethat's all I know to check for anyways21:27
fungie.g. whether 'tox -e venv python build_sphinx' works in it21:27
* thingee tries it21:27
fungimaybe it grew working documentation builds after the jobs were originally added for brick in zuul21:28
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fungiand nobody ever circled back to start running that21:28
thingeefungi: yeah it works..I'll replace those21:29
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fungithat's really mostly just so that nobody merges a change which breaks your docs build for it21:29
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fungiif you actually want them published somewhere too, then either add openstack-server-publish-jobs (to update the published version on every commit) or openstack-client-publish-jobs (to only update the published version each time a release is tagged)21:31
asselindoes the infra team use ?21:32
asselinuse Openstack/Monasca (not the wiki)21:32
asselinany particular reason?21:33
fungifor starters, i have no idea what it even does?21:33
asselinok :)21:33
fungilooks like plenty of moving parts
fungiaha, monitoring as a service21:35
fungii guess that's something we'd potentially consume from hpcloud or rackspace if either of them have it available?21:35
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add publishing, check-requirement jobs to os-brick
asselinfungi, yeah...I'm looking at ops/monitoring tool. came across that.21:36
fungiasselin: right now we don't (yet) operate an openstack cloud, so would only presumably be able to consume that from one or more of the public service providers donating resources to us21:37
timrc-barIt is something the cloud provider would need to provide (monasca) AFAICT21:37
asselinok I was hoping it's standalone, but conveniently plugs into openstack ui21:38
asselinthanks...I'll dig a bit deeper21:39
clarkbmordred: SpamapS comments on 17602421:40
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clarkbI am slightly concerned about the cache there21:40
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack/requirements: Require flake8 2.4.0
krotscheckIs there a pbr channel?21:42
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dhellmannkrotscheck: most of the pbr contributors are in this channel, even though it is technically an oslo lib21:42
krotscheckdhellmann: Sweet.21:43
mordredclarkb: I agree - we actually have a todo list task to provide a check-status method for things that you might want to poll on21:44
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Don't override package when set in .coveragerc
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Be safe, don't let friends use RawConfigParser
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mordredclarkb: (except with different names) - so I believe we need to make sure that does the appropriate things and whatnot - AND to document polling+cache21:45
clarkbmordred: ok I guess that just leaves the test being funky then21:45
mordredclarkb: also. tasks. facepalm.21:46
clarkbmordred: ya... I was trying to figure out how it was mocking the shade tasks21:46
clarkbmordred: then lightbulb happened21:46
krotscheckSo, I'm helping refstack out with their migration to use angular things, and frankly the two-project approach (like storyboard) is overkill for them - they'll be way happier if they keep it all in one project.21:47
krotscheckWith that in mind, I was wondering if I can make pbr assist with the front-end package resolution. With an end goal of "pip install .21:48
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krotscheck"pip install ." both installing all python requirements and, if present, bower requirements.21:48
clarkbpbr does not currently know how to do that21:48
krotscheckI know this.21:48
clarkbit does however have hook points and one of them is for package installs iirc21:49
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krotscheckMy question is: Should pbr know how to do that.21:49
clarkbso it should be possible to put a pbr hook in refstack that does this21:49
clarkbno I don't think pbr should know how to do that21:49
clarkbbut I do think it is ok to use pbr's hooks to do it21:49
clarkbtrying to find an example, I think neutron did something likethat at one point21:50
krotscheckclarkb: Is this a stevedore thing?21:50
fungithough be mindful of the recent rant on the distutils-sig ml about python packages that do insane things in their setup scripts besides just set themselves up21:50
* krotscheck digs trough pbr to find stevedore things.21:50
clarkbkrotscheck: no its not stevedore, pbr has no deps other than setuptools21:51
krotscheckfungi: Already considered. refstack is not, at present, interested in being python packaged.21:51
fungigot it21:51
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clarkbkrotscheck: you can see how that is applied to pbr in the setup.cfg21:51
krotscheckclarkb: Thanks, I'll clone neutron. Low on tethering battery.21:51
sigmavirus24"Jeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Be safe, don't let friends use RawConfigParser" a.k.a. "Friends don't let friends use RawConfigParser"21:52
fungisigmavirus24: i'll adjust the commit message if you really, really want21:53
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dstufftfungi: why not RawConfigParser?21:53
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mordredclarkb: I disagree a bit - I think pbr should know how to do this21:55
fungidstufft: partly at lifeless's request, but generally interpolation safety?21:55
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clarkbmordred: really? its explicitly python build reasonableness and we have had an assertion that one project per repo is what is reasonable21:55
mordredclarkb: it's a fairly common thing for python folks to want to include javascript things in their thing, and I expect it to become more so - I see no reason why detecting the presence of an appropriate config file shoudln't DTRT21:55
dstufftfungi: well why do you want to interpolate at all21:56
mordredclarkb: ok. I'm going to change the backronyum21:56
clarkbmordred: because we have already said thats not a reasonable thing to do21:56
clarkbmordred: ha21:56
mordredI'm not saying 2 projects per repo21:56
mordredI'm saying a project that has python and javascript components21:56
clarkbmordred: you are saying two artifacts per repo21:56
mordredI'm not21:56
clarkbmordred: its not a python sdist/whl and a javascript minified tarball?21:56
clarkb(I thought thats what bower did)21:57
pleia2clarkb: sorry, was off doing paperwork things (woo expense reports)21:57
greghaynesaw crap, I need to do those21:57
mordredbower pulls in javascript depends21:57
lifelessdstufft: we don't control the config files21:57
mordredclarkb: so - if it's a python project such that it makes sense to have pbr config21:57
lifelessdstufft: if folk are using interpolation elsewhere, we need to support it in our code21:57
dstufftah hm, I was wrong. I thought that distutils used RawConfigParser itself21:58
mordredclarkb: and it needs to have some html/javascript as part of what it maintains21:58
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dstufftjust looked ant it's configparser21:58
clarkbmordred: I thought it also minified and made the resulting thing you host off a weserver21:58
lifelessdstufft: :)21:58
mordredclarkb: I see no reason for it to not use the right tool to do that, to do the things, and then to put those things into the python sdist21:58
mordredclarkb: it may or may not do many of those things - but I see no reason to not do those things as part of building the sdist so that the sdist has the thigns in it that you need21:58
clarkboh you want to put them in the sdist? how do you get them back out?21:59
mordredclarkb: which is to say - I don't think it's unreasonable to go down the path of finding the right way to stich these things together21:59
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clarkbjust thinking out loud here. it is really hard to say install manpages21:59
clarkbso how does one make install javascript any better21:59
mordredwe do it with git-review21:59
mordredand who said anythinga bout installing javascript21:59
clarkbmordred: you did, you said it would go in an sdist, then later presumabl you install that sdist which does the correct things for the javasript22:00
mordredI mean, it's not a thing that needs to go into a location22:00
clarkbotherwise you just have javascript in an sdist which is mostl useless22:00
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add publishing, check-requirement jobs to os-brick
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mordredclarkb: I do not know the answers to all of teh things- but I think if there are good answers, pbr is a great place to put them22:00
mordredbecause there are a non-zero number of projects that want to combine python and javascript in a non-insane way22:01
mordredand it would be nice if there was just a straight-forward way to do that22:01
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mordredkrotscheck: all of teh above notwithstanding - clarkb's suggestion of a hook might be a good way to start poking at what it looks like22:01
clarkbnot to furhter stir things, but how is this different than say xstatic?22:02
mordredkrotscheck: and once you iterate on that a few times, what teh combination of the two feels like might make more sense22:02
mordredclarkb: well, that's the other thing22:02
clarkbeg why not just xstatic if this is what you want22:02
mordredclarkb: that's ignoring the javascript toolchain and packaging javascript in python packages22:02
mordredso taht python packages can depend on it22:02
mordredthis is doing teh opposite22:02
mordredit's saying "I have a python something that wants to consume javascript packaged things"22:02
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mordredxstatic is the assumption that for some reason javascript libraries should be packaged and consumable by pip22:03
mordredwhich is crazy22:03
clarkbmordred: well Ithink its one solution to this problem ( and I agree its crazy )22:03
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clarkbbasically you want python to coexist with javascript so you put things in the python package management system22:04
mordredclarkb: yes, I agree - it is one solution to this problem space22:04
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mordredI'd love it if pbr presented a better solution, should we find that one is possible22:04
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mordredit's possible that getting in to it it will turn out that EFAIL22:04
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lifelesswe might want a dedicated thing which pbr can call into22:05
lifelessI know there is some care needed to do that22:05
fungiwe should find a way to compile python code into javascript22:05
lifelessbut I think we're approximately there now22:05
lifelessfungi: that already exists22:05
mordredlifeless: I might agree with you - could you restate those words though?22:05
lifelessmordred: some classes of 'js from python' will look like tooling that builds packages from js22:05
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lifelessmordred: that might want to be its own dedicated thing22:06
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mordredyah. I think the current working theory is that that dedicated thing is called bower22:06
mordredand this would be about teaching pbr to call it22:06
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mordredpotentially triggered off of the existence of a bower.json file ... but now I'm getting ahead of myself22:07
clarkbmordred: so I think my concern there is you have only described one end of the problem22:07
clarkbthe make sdist end22:07
mordredI think clarkb's questions are all good ones22:07
clarkbthere is the other end which is take sdist and make thing that is useable by humans22:07
lifelessso my larger point is to say that for the pure build-time things, if its non-trivial, having a single focused project may be good22:07
mordredclarkb: yup. needs to be answered22:07
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anteayatristanC: are you around to help maishsk?22:08
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pleia2anteaya: it's not clear to me exactly what the problem is22:09
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pleia2we don't have any elections happening right now22:09
anteayapleia2: he didn't recieve the email with the parent post for the tc question posed to all candidates22:09
anteayaso it isn't offically an election official duty22:09
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anteayabut he needs someone to forward him the parent email so he can reply to the thread22:10
anteayasince he is a candidate22:10
pleia2anteaya: there was no questions email22:10
pleia2we didn't do one this time around22:10
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anteayapleia2: someone in the community posed a question to all candidates22:10
pleia2oh, that's not one we sent22:10
anteayahe would like to reply22:10
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anteayano it isn't22:10
pleia2there's nothing I can do about that, fungi already looked at mailing list archives and said there weren't bounces22:11
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anteayait is from the community22:11
anteayapleia2: can you forward the email to him from your account22:11
anteayaI was going to but I am a candidate22:11
anteayait would look funny22:11
pleia2he could just copy it from the archives22:11
pleia2me forwarding it breaks threading anyway, so there's no difference22:11
anteayahe could do that yes22:11
anteayahe is offline now I have pointed him to you since he had another question anyway which is best if an election official answers it22:12
anteayahopefully he will find you tomorrow22:12
pleia2yeah, I'll be around tomorrow22:12
anteayaokay thanks22:12
morganfainbergharlowja, mordred: dogpile does not have an in-dict cache that does actual LRU. But then again no python lib really does that. even our bad memorycache one from oslo doesn't do LRU it just scans the dict for expires values and does an expensive delete every get/set. dogpile doesn't do that latter part so the dict endlessly grows.  in-memory cache in python is an ugly thing to deal with. things that do proper LRU are better but22:12
morganfainberg usually overkill22:12
morganfainbergwhen in-memory/in-process is what you're looking for22:13
harlowjamorganfainberg ya, i talked with zzzeek and he was fine with adding a LRUCache into dogpile as a backend, if we want22:13
morganfainbergharlowja, yeah, the issue is the mechanism to do LRU. it's just expensive in pure python.22:13
harlowja is probably better than periodic scan crap22:14
morganfainbergharlowja, doing a simple scan/delete is also expensive.22:14
morganfainbergsimilar to the weakref model i did22:14
morganfainbergi did a weakref with buckets22:14
morganfainbergand would expire whole buckets  and let weakref do magic22:14
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morganfainbergbut it's highly complex code and open to lots of errors22:14
harlowjasounds like good stuff22:15
morganfainbergyou know the saying: i have 1 problem, lets add caching, I now have 2 problems22:15
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mordredmorganfainberg: so - in general is seems that were someone to add an LRU cache, using an existing library focused on taht would be the way to do22:15
lifelessmorganfainberg: why is it expensive?22:15
tristanCanteaya: sure, what's going on ?22:15
morganfainberglifeless, because of the scan/look for values to expire.22:15
lifelessmorganfainberg: [I ask having written multiple implementations of efficent, scaled,python LRU caches22:15
morganfainberglifeless, most of the implementations are expensive.22:15
harlowjasounds sorta like impls that shouldn't do that :)22:16
lifelessmorganfainberg: ordered dict  FTW :)22:16
lifelessmorganfainberg: [or similar]22:16
lifelessmorganfainberg: should also be a linear scan to evict, not a full pass22:16
anteayatristanC: sorry I explained it to pleia222:16
anteayatristanC: the post to teh ml
morganfainberglifeless, true. but in general most of the times you need real caching with LRU, in-process isn't what you want. you want a shared cache across process.22:17
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anteayatristanC: didn't reach all candidates22:17
morganfainberglifeless, and in the smal small scale, it doesn't really matter if it's a full scan or not22:17
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morganfainberglifeless: just experience though.22:17
pleia2anteaya: strictly speaking, I'm not sure it's appropriate for tristanC or me to forward it either, since it's not part of the official process22:17
sigmavirus24jeblair: ping22:17
anteayatristanC: so pleia2 is suggesting the candidate that didn't get the post can copy from the archives22:17
thingeefungi: I had to reup...missed a file
lifelessmorganfainberg: sure; so an IPC based interface?22:17
anteayapleia2: yeah, no idea here, this is new22:18
lifelessmorganfainberg: its one step further to be putting it in mysql...22:18
anteayapleia2: so it is whatever the two of you decide22:18
morganfainberglifeless: memcache, redis, etc - simple interfaces, fast servers, and they're optimised on the backend to LRU things sanely22:18
lifelessmorganfainberg: yup22:18
pleia2anteaya, tristanC: I think he should just copy it from the archives if he wants to reply, that's how people usually do it if they miss an email22:18
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lifelessmorganfainberg: I'm not dissing them. I thought the context here was in-memory though22:18
morganfainberglifeless: so i go back to "python may be the wrong choice" :)22:18
morganfainberglifeless: right.22:18
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morganfainberglifeless: pure-python-in-process that is*22:19
morganfainbergharlowja: i wouldn't be opposed to better cache backend for dogpile22:19
harlowjasure, i'll get something up someday22:19
morganfainbergharlowja: for in-memory [especially if it means memorycache in oslo incubator dies a horrive death]22:19
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tristanCpleia2: well the problem is that the archive doesn't display the message-id and therefor you can't properly reply out of it only22:20
pleia2tristanC: forwarding alters it as well22:20
tristanCthough I'm not sure election official are responsible of the mailing list not working properly... it's another reason to work toward a better election tooling :)22:21
pleia2and you can only really edit it anyway if you're using a client like mutt22:21
morganfainberglifeless: would you weakref with the ordereddict to truely get a LRU or just plop things again on the end and use references?22:21
pleia2I'm also not sure election officials are responsible for making sure everyone gets every email forwarded to them by members of the community22:21
morganfainberglifeless: my brain is tired of fighting with concur :P this is a nice diversion22:21
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix swapiness sysctl set
pleia2Chris could have come to us to suggest the questions and do his email so we could incorporate it into our process, but he didn't22:22
* ianw ^ will set "-e" on the gate scripts and see what happens...22:22
lifelessmorganfainberg: value = cache.pop(key, sentinel); if value is not sentinel: cache[key] = value22:23
clarkbtristanC: ftr as far as we can tell the mail list did work properly22:23
clarkbtristanC: if there was an issue it was client side22:23
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-oslo.db-python34 voting
lifelessmorganfainberg: concur can sap ones will to live22:24
morganfainberglifeless: it does.... it really really does22:24
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add -e to gate wrap script
tristanCclarkb: ok, thanks for checking that, it's surely a client side issue that we can't really do much about it I guess22:27
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dstufftmordred: clarkb warehouse packages up js files into the sdist, but it just uses package_data and a static view to serve them *shrug*22:28
clarkbdstufft: so the python application serves them?22:28
dstufftclarkb: yea22:28
mordredclarkb: yah - there are plenty of cases of python apps wanting to be able to do something like that22:29
dstufftin my case I just commit the js into the repo because I'm lazy and that's easy, but i've wanted to make it part of the sdist creation process22:30
mordreddstufft: well, I know I won't suck you into the evils of pbr - but maybe krotscheck's stuff can be re-usable by you and stuff22:31
timrc-barI would not want to share a name with a notoriously crappy beer.22:32
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clarkbhipsters across portland are now mad at you22:33
clarkbbut its ok we also have notoriously good beer here22:33
clarkbfungi: speaking of breakside has a seasonal doule ipa that is really good22:33
mordredclarkb: s/across portland//22:33
dstufftmorganfainberg: I think the stdlib has a real lru_cache btw ..., it's a decorator for a function though not a LRUCache dict22:34
morganfainbergdstufft, hm. yeah that doesn't work with most of the sutff22:35
morganfainbergdstufft, a lot of cases there is a lot of extra logic needed for the memoization.22:35
timrc-barWell I live in Texas so PBR is professional bull riding.  Not sure that is much better22:35
morganfainbergdstufft, but good to know i'll hceck out what it's doing.22:35
dstufftOrderedDict should be able to do it though if you override __getitem__ to pop and reinsert22:35
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dstufftsince OrderedDict maintains insertion order into the dict22:36
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add coverage job to cue check pipeline
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fungiclarkb: oh! must try22:46
pleia2which season? :)22:46
clarkbpleia2: fungi this season, unsure if it will be around in july22:46
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clarkbbut all their beers are excellent so no loss if so22:47
clarkbnotmyname: can I interest you in looking at
fungiindeed. what little i do recall having of theirs was excellent regardless22:47
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clarkb looks like it will be gone by june22:48
fungireplaced by something equally delicious, no doubt22:49
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notmynameclarkb: I've got it starred as a priority review22:53
notmynameif I get a chance, I'll look. otherwise, I'll defer to other cores (who can see it too)22:53
notmynameclarkb: it's reasonable to get it this week I think22:54
clarkbits one of the random things that will make our use of swiftclient for image uploads better22:54
clarkbzaro: did you see the latest on the gerrit 2.10.3 ssh problems thread22:54
clarkbzaro: seems that it may be related to the client and not sshd update22:54
clarkbso for us it may be best to try and reproduce and if we can't then our clients are probbly fine22:55
clarkbI need to go run some errands before the butcher closes22:56
fungiclarkb: though odd that a misbehaving client could cause the webui to become unresponsive22:59
fungithat sounds like an exploitable condition if so23:00
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anteayamorning jhesketh23:04
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clarkbfungi ya23:04
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reedpleia2, are you collecting the candidacy to TC outside of the mailing list archives too? in other words, is there a page where voters can go and see the full list with their candidacy message, too?23:09
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pleia2bottom of the page has confirmed candidates23:09
reedpleia2, lovely, thanks23:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Make default email mandatory
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notmynameclarkb: mordred: done. sam just approved it23:13
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timrcNice to see nodepool is still chugging along on hpcloud.23:14
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timrcmordred, I imagine you talked to the right people in public cloud to make this happen.  Who do we send flowers to?23:16
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mordrednotmyname: woot! thanks23:19
mordrednotmyname: I think that's the first patch that an infra-patch had a depends-on on :)23:19
mordrednotmyname: I think that's the first swift patch that an infra-patch had a depends-on on :)23:19
notmynamemordred: all I did was mention it. clayg and torgomatic did it ;-)23:19
mordredtimrc: well, actually, _you_ should get the flowers23:20
mordredtimrc: because ultimately I believe it was the impact the problem was having on gozer that was the ultimate catalyst23:20
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mordredtimrc: so, you know, thanks!23:20
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timrcmordred, So if we can translate degraded cloud services to lost "story points", business people become motivated to do something about it.23:23
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: How To Avoid Merging Specific Files
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mordredtimrc: yah  man23:25
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: WiP: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP support
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dguerrijust a WiP ^^^ disregard :)23:37
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