Thursday, 2015-05-07

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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add the ability for template to manage exim
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move afs servers to using o_p::template
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add errexit to setup & cleanup functions
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Return command status in tsfilter
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fungipuppet is once again reenabled and jenkins jobs fully updated on all our jenkins masters00:24
mordredfungi: woot00:26
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Use shade to get the client objects
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mtreinishjhesketh: on 179964 is the race you pointed out when we release the write lock on the tables?00:31
mtreinishjhesketh: if so that means I need to move the rename before the select, but still inside the write lock right?00:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Allow comments and blank lines in other-requirements.txt
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fungilooks like we're slightly further on the centos-6 front. we have images in rax now so the snapshot versions are working well enough to complete image creation, but nodes aren't booting successfully there yet00:36
fungino dib versions in hpcloud yet at all00:36
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jheskethmtreinish: yeah, that should help... but what I'm not sure about is if the writes that are pending for the table will go into the newly renamed 'runs' table or will go into 'runs_old'00:40
jheskethmight be worth playing with mysql cli00:41
mtreinishjhesketh: hmm that's a good question, dunno either00:42
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mtreinishmordred: ^^^ it's based off what you originally wrote for the column add migration. Do you know?00:43
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mordredmtreinish: so - before we dive in to that - can we go back to the other thing ... what is it that we're trying to solve with the myisam?01:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add inventory command to shade
Shrewsmyisam??  oh dear. i don't want to know01:07
mordredjhesketh: ^^ I think that should address your concerns - and great call on the duplicate issue01:07
jheskethmordred: will look later sorry, but thanks01:08
mordredShrews: I _think_ the idea was to do a rolling merge-table based thing, so that old rows could be purged with drop rather than delete01:09
mordredShrews: but I want to make sure that I grok the issues before we dive into that01:09
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Shrewsmordred: merge tables aren't buggy at all01:09
Shrews</end sarcasm>01:10
mordredShrews: I find it best to try to forget everything I know about mysql internals....01:10
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mtreinishmordred: well, I was just trying to figure out our data expiration strategy for subunit2sql. I had: up as the first idea01:17
mtreinishbut that would just kill old data, so we were discussing alternatives, and jeblair brought up myisam merge01:17
mtreinishmordred: and you had mentioned that the append only nature of those tables was also a good fit for myisam01:18
mordredwell - it is a good fit - although not if we delete from them01:18
mtreinishso I figured it would only take a few mins. to figure out how to do that if it's the direction we wanted to take01:18
mtreinishmordred: well I think it would be sharding (or something like that) instead of delete01:19
mordredwhen you say "that would kill old data" ... what would you prefer to do with old data?01:19
mtreinishTBH, I haven't thought too much about what I want to do with old data yet. (if anything)01:19
samueldmqhey, do you know where do cross-project blueprints live ?01:20
mtreinishI haven't had too much time to play around with it01:20
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mtreinishsamueldmq: ?01:20
Shrewsmtreinish: partition tables can work well for old data expiration01:20
mordredoh - right - partition tables01:21
Shrewsif they're partitioned by date01:21
samueldmqmtreinish, yeah there is for specs .. I am wondering if it would have a place to launchpad blueprints01:22
mtreinishShrews: hmm, let me google that and how to use it. I'm guessing it should be doable01:23
Shrewsmtreinish: mordred: and using file_per_table with innodb can be helpful if going that route01:23
Shrewsor whatever that option name was/is01:23
mtreinishmordred: thanks01:24
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mtreinishShrews: reading that link paritioning will probably work. It will probably help in general on the big table01:28
mtreinishShrews: if you were curious you can look at the db in question at: mysql://
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mtreinishheh, I guess I just need to figure out how to write a migration to set it up01:31
Shrewsmtreinish: i'm a bit rusty, but probably something like:   SELECT INTO OUTFILE ...  ;  create your partition tables ;  LOAD DATA INFILE ...01:33
Shrewsmtreinish: but don't listen to me. i don't know anything about databases. i'm just making stuff up  :)01:33
mtreinishShrews: heh, rusty is still probably better than new to sql01:33
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mtreinishsamueldmq: I'm not sure they get set to a single lp project. I was of the impression that they were broader guidelines and each project could use it as a common name for a bp to track an effort to implement it if they wanted01:38
mtreinishmordred: heh, my backup plan for data expiration is to just not do anything and let the trove node run out of space and see what happens01:40
samueldmqmtreinish, nice got it, makes sense; the specs provide guidelines and projects create their lp bps to implement that global spec01:42
mordredmtreinish: that'sa  great plan01:42
mtreinishsamueldmq: yeah, at least that's how I thought it was supposed to work01:44
samueldmqmtreinish, it makes sense, I think it works as you described01:47
samueldmqmtreinish, thanks01:47
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Look for yum instead of rpm in elements too
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Adding os-brick for managing initiators
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for libvirt cannot recv data bug 1252947
openstackbug 1252947 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "libvirtError: Cannot recv data: Connection reset by peer" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: beaker: enable voting for puppet-(keystone/openstacklib)
EmilienMcrinkle: I updated this patch ^ - let us know if you still want to wait a bit - jobs look pretty stable now03:15
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Puppet: move from Stackforge to OpenStack
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Update metadata to be diskimage_builder
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Up the test timeout to 60 seconds
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crinkleEmilienM: i removed my -104:44
crinkleEmilienM: but if we add centos jobs things will start breaking again, we're not prepared for that04:44
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add DIB tests to dib-utils
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add DIB tests to dib-utils
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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sdakeanyone around from the openstack infrastructure team that can register an irc channel for me?06:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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deepakcsAJaeger, morning, i read thru the logs of yesterday's discussion on the "job name clash" issues, so looks like fixing jjb is the solution, hence you abandoned your 2patches06:43
deepakcsAJaeger, so I was curious to know how easy it is to fix jjb such that when it throws error it also shows the job templates from where the alleged dup jobs are coming from06:44
deepakcsAJaeger, just to be clear, as fungi said, git grep glusterfs won't help, since job w/ glusterfs in it can come bcos of someone supplying plugin = glusterfs which won't hit the grep command06:45
AJaegerdeepakcs, I never touched the jenkins-job-builder code. According to fungi, it should be easy but I can't help further.06:47
AJaegerdeepakcs, fixing this would be appreciated!06:47
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deepakcsAJaeger, I can try but i would need some help to begin with. I assume there would be folks who already know jjb and how to fix it ?06:49
AJaegerdeepakcs, sure, just ask on this channel during US time06:49
AJaegerand read first
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deepakcsAJaeger, frankly i liked your idea of adding explicit -plugin- in the name and havign parameterized tempest regex, they help debuggability a lot06:50
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ttxjeblair: ack. I assumed they already did07:04
ttxjeblair: although raising a stink post-summit is more likely to be effective (or corner them at summit if they are around). Pre-summit is emergency change mode for them07:05
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viktors|afkHi folks! Can someone look at patch ? It moves Ironic non-voting python34 job from experimental to gate.07:17
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Allow configuring vhost parameter on paste
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add puppet-cgit load balancer class
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Ensure /var/lib/jeepyb exists
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Move gerrit fetch remotes to jeepyb
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Ensure /var/lib/jeepyb exists
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viktorsSergeyLukjanov: hi! Can you please look at  patch ?09:14
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openstackgerritJerome Hourquebie proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Adds Cloudbees folder plugin support
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add heat-config-script to our Puppet CI jobs.
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/requirements: add influxdb
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat to rally job
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Manage logging configuration files (feature flag)
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Let puppet-zuul manage log configuration files
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Let puppet-zuul manage log configuration files
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-nfv to gerritbot
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move Ironic python3.4 job from experimental to gate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip test_volume_boot_pattern for GlusterFS until bug 1444806 is fixed
openstackbug 1444806 in Cinder "test_volume_boot_pattern tempest test failure for glusterfs backend - Part 2" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Bharat Kumar Kobagana (bharat-kobagana)11:31
boris-42AJaeger: hi11:32
boris-42AJaeger: could you help to get this faster
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boris-42AJaeger: because it is blocking work on Rally project fully11:32
boris-42AJaeger: thank you11:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change OpenStack Python SDK gate to experimental
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Need to allow merge commits in vmtp.git
AJaegerboris-42, done - +211:33
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boris-42AJaeger: thank you11:43
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openstackgerritDaniel Izquierdo proposed openstack-infra/activity-board: Enable Liberty release analysis in the dashboard
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Puppet: move from Stackforge to OpenStack
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BobBallmordred: Why did you abandon the RAX configdrive support at ?12:09
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cdentI somehow managed to trigger a rebase on this review despite not having a rebase button in my interface:  What's up with that?12:12
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cdent(that's a ceilomter review and I'm not ceilometer core)12:13
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cdentClearly I need more coffees12:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make glanceclient-dsvm-functional gating
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openstackgerritJoseph Lanoux proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - Enable SSL in devstack
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: run beaker on both trusty & centos7
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add heat to rally job
AJaegerDoes anybody know why this job is not entering the gate queue? I already run a recheck but that does not help: The job seems to have no dependencies, I'm puzzled12:39
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vponomaryovAJaeger: "recheck" does not run gate jobs12:42
vponomaryovAJaeger: "reverify" does it, ASAIK12:43
AJaegervponomaryov, reverify is dead. A recheck should run the check jobs and then enter the gate12:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/activity-board: Enable Liberty release analysis in the dashboard
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openstackgerritMaxime Leroy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add stackforge/networking-6wind project
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fungivponomaryov: it already has a positive check result on it. looks like it was probably approved at a point when the gerrit event stream was hung. you'll need to add a new approval vote or remove and re-add the existing one12:57
fungias for recheck vs reverify, they're synonymous in our configuration12:57
vponomaryovfungi: good to know, thanks12:58
fungisearch for reverify and you'll see it's in an or (|) condition with recheck everywhere12:58
fricklernow that we seem to have reached a calm between the storms, can someone give a push and enlighten the glance+rally folk with the musings of statusbot?13:00
fungibut anyway, the reason that change isn't entering the gate pipeline is that gerrit doesn't emit new vote data if you add a comment with the same vote you already had on a change, so when jenkins is trying to leave a new +1 after the recheck completes, gerrit doesn't reflect that in the event stream and so zuul doesn't know to start gating it13:00
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add a ceph job
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AJaegerfungi, thanks for the explanation.13:00
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add floating IP pool resource methods
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP support
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mordredBobBall: we replaced that with work that went into dib13:09
mordredBobBall: there is now a standalone program called "glean" which does what the scripts in that element did13:09
BobBallAh - perfect.  I'll try and hunt that down.13:09
mordredBobBall: and we include it in the ubuntu-minimal, centos-minimal and fedora-minimal elements13:09
BobBallBTW - did you have any (sometimes major) issues with networking in RAX?13:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Enforce COMPUTESCALE to 1 for CI, except HA jobs
AJaegerfungi, mordred, pleia2, sdague: The translation  imports ("compression") work fine on the projects now, could you review and approve as final step, please?13:10
mordredBobBall: it now properly does static config drive networking as well as ssh keys13:11
BobBallI'll look at updating to that version13:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add two missing channels to statusbot
BobBallOK so pip install glean and then just replace calls to with it13:14
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BobBallHave you see networking problems with RAX when using configdrive?13:14
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mordredBobBall: yeah - you may want to look at and also the udev and systemd files here :
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add a ceph job
fungiAJaeger: you meant to use compress_po_files instead of compress_non_en_po_files for django_openstack_auth right? if so, +213:15
mordredBobBall: not yet - but with rax we're still using snapshot iamges in nodepool13:15
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fungimordred: i've discovered a new hitch with downloading rpms with yum to cache them on centos 6.x...13:15
AJaegerfungi, yes, django_openstack_auth has a normal pot file, only horizon is different13:16
fungimordred: yum install --downloadonly is provided by a separate yum plugin there13:16
BobBallAh right... I'm using nodepool but with config-drive and my prepare_node script uses your read-vendor-json script to parse config drive13:16
AJaegerfungi, thanks for asking!13:16
fungimordred: so we're going to need to preinstall that plugin first. hunting now to figure out where is best to do that13:16
BobBallmordred: Not sure what I'm seeing, but I'm working with RAX support to track it down (90% of servers haven't been getting working networking over the last few days)13:16
jrollohai BobBall :P13:17
BobBalljroll :)13:18
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP support
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Install yum-plugin-downloadonly on nodes
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yolandahi jhesketh, thx for review. About the jeepyb change, it's motivated for this one:
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Ensure /var/lib/jeepyb exists
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openstackgerritLouis Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add extra padding to some entries in layout.yaml
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kragnizpromote the health of one's eyes! ^13:56
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP support
marcusvrnanteaya: hi14:04
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EmilienMAJaeger: when you got time, can you provide feedback on please ?14:18
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openstackgerritJoseph Lanoux proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP - Enable SSL in devstack
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack/requirements: Add InfluxDB
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add statusbot to openstack-ansible
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anteayamarcusvrn: how can I help?14:53
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marcusvrnanteaya: I have created a new CI account (using the new self service method) and one step is to ask to Third Party Coordinators to add the account to the Third Party CI mail filter list14:55
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anteayawith you so far14:56
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anteayamarcusvrn: what would you like from me?14:59
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marcusvrnanteaya: I don't have to do anything?14:59
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anteayaI understand what you said14:59
anteayabut I don't know what you want next14:59
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anteayayou have to ask to be added to the mail filter14:59
anteayahave you done that?14:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Remove tempest from projects.txt on stable
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marcusvrnanteaya:  that's the question, where or how can I ask to be added?15:00
anteayain gerrit when you are signed in15:00
anteayago to people > list groups15:00
anteayasearch for third party15:01
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anteayaclick third party co-ordinators15:01
anteayaask any person in that list15:01
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krtaylormarcusvrn, I can help you with that, I need the account username and/or email address15:04
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marcusvrnanteaya: nice, thanks!15:05
marcusvrnkrtaylor: the account username is hitachi-hbsd-ci15:05
anteayamarcusvrn: you're welcome15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Remove tempest from projects.txt on stable
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Remove tempest from projects.txt on stable
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Look for yum instead of rpm in elements too
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krtaylormarcusvrn, what is the email to be filtered?15:08
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krtaylormarcusvrn, nm, I found it, your all set15:09
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marcusvrntaylor: thanks!! will something need to appear in "included groups"?15:11
marcusvrnkrtaylor: ^15:11
marcusvrnkrtaylor: now I can see the new CI into Third-party group15:13
krtaylormarcusvrn, here is the group, its there ->,members15:13
marcusvrnkrtaylor: thank you :)15:14
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krtaylormarcusvrn, no problem at all15:14
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP support
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clarkbgood morning15:27
jlvillalI would like to make the gate-ironic-python34 job so that it votes.      Would I just delete the 'voting' line or delete the two lines?15:27
jlvillalclarkb: Good morning15:27
clarkbjlvillal: remove both lines, the first is not necessary if you remove the voting: false line15:27
jlvillalclarkb: Thanks! :)15:27
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Have gate-ironic-python34 be a voting job
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clarkbjlvillal: actually, hrm. Will that pass against all branches? you may need to keep the first line then replace voting: false with a branch restriction if say only master passes15:30
jlvillalclarkb: Oh, okay.  Let me look into it.15:30
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clarkbwhat you have is fine if the existing branches work15:31
sdakeany chance an infra core can register an irc channel properly for me15:31
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clarkbsdake: you want a #openstack-* channel? I want to say jeblair is the person with those freenode powers15:32
sdakeclarkb thanks i'll ask him15:32
jeblairsdake: what do you need?15:32
sdakejeblair need a channel #openstack-cloudpulse registered properly for openstack15:32
sdakem0ar stackforge projects15:32
jeblairsdake: oh you're an op there.  just follow these instructions then:
openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Have gate-ironic-python34 be a voting job for master
jlvillalclarkb: Done!  I think :)   ^^^^^^15:33
sdakeI haven't registered the channel15:34
sdakedo I need to do tha tfirst?15:34
clarkbasselin: when you are around, can you fill me in on the state of the robots.txt thing if you have had a chance to debug yet? I want to make sure we get that sorted today (happy to help too but don't want to duplicate work)15:34
jeblairsdake: yes15:34
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sdakejeblair cool thanks i'll figure that out15:34
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jeblairsdake: should just be: /msg chanserv register #openstack-cloudpulse15:35
jeblairsdake: then the command in the doc i sent15:35
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clarkbjlvillal: close, see comment15:36
clarkbjlvillal: its usually best to exclude the known unworking branches so that new branches (liberty and beyond) get tested15:36
jlvillalclarkb: Okay.  So basically everything before yesterday does not work.15:36
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Document IRC channel registration commands
clarkbjlvillal: yup, so my example should exclude all that and will only llow master for now, but will allow liberty when that happens15:37
jlvillalclarkb: Excellent.  Thanks for your help15:37
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openstackgerritJohn L. Villalovos proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Have gate-ironic-python34 be a voting job
clarkbI am going to put jenkins05 and jenkins06 in shutdown mode now15:42
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jamespagecan someone point me at docs for what goes into the images used for functional testing of openstack components?15:45
chmouelhey there, i am trying to change my primary email addr in gerrit, i can't seem to figure out that. this is changed on my setting page but doesn't show in gerrit15:45
jamespageI'd like to reproduce this in the automated package testing we have in ubuntu so we can execute more tests on packages before entry to the archive...15:45
clarkbjamespage: its semi fuzzy because its based on devstack, let me get you a link to the script that does it15:46
jamespageclarkb, ta15:46
clarkbchmouel: you have to change it in gerrit under your settings15:46
chmouelclarkb: it doesn't not seem editable there
EmilienMAJaeger: re - - I don't want to double the number of tests, but be able to validate it works on Centos *and* Ubuntu15:47
chmouelclarkb: oops sorry15:47
chmoueli just foudn it15:47
EmilienMAJaeger: because our puppet modules have specific OS things15:47
clarkbjamespage: is what we use for rax images while we transition to using dib for those images which is what we use in hpcloud
jeblairclarkb: jenkins shutdown for gearman plugin upgrade?15:48
clarkbjamespage: but basic idea is it uses apt/yum to cache but not install the debs/rpms declared as required by devstack. Then when devstack runs devstack can install them without needing to get them from the internet in most cases15:48
clarkbjeblair: yup15:48
yolandafungi, clarkb, i got reported a problem with this upstream change:
clarkbjeblair: 07 is still happy from what I can tell15:49
jamespageclarkb, ah right - thanks15:49
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jamespageclarkb, I think that give me what I need - much appreciated!15:49
jeblairyolanda: what kind of problem?15:49
yolandaTom is rechecking, but change is just passing check, not gate15:50
yolandaand it's marked as +A15:50
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jeblairyolanda: someone needs to approve it again15:51
clarkbjamespage: no problem, happy to help if you have other questions about our image builds. Also, you can run DIB locally with a bit of time, disk space, and bandwidth by running should give you a qcow2 that is basically identical to what we use, including our ssh public keys >_>15:51
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yolandajamespage, cheers :)15:51
jeblairyolanda: if a change already has a +1 from jenkins, an additional recheck won't emit the +1 event from gerrit again, so it doesn't automatically move into gate.  an approval vote will do that though.15:52
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waynrpelix clarkb zaro yolanda jeblair: is anyone aware of planning for JJB 2.x? I have some recommendations I'd like to make regarding backwards incompatible API changes but i'm not sure where that discussion should take place--openstack-infra specs, story board, openstack-infra mailing list?15:52
yolandajeblair, thanks, new thing learnt15:52
clarkbI am wondering if we should just patch the fix for that into gerrit (not for this upgrade though)15:52
clarkbzaro: ^ do you expect your fix to merge?15:53
jeblairclarkb: how's the upstream change going?15:53
clarkbjeblair: let me dig it up15:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Generate machine-readable tree of change approvers
clarkbwaynr: I have not heard of any JJB 2.0 planning15:53
waynri haven't either, if there is no current discussion i'd like to initiate it15:54
jeblairwaynr: probably a spec with discussion on openstack-infra list15:54
clarkb doesn't look like it has gotten any new reviews15:54
clarkbjeblair: ^15:54
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jeblairclarkb, zaro: i guess we need to "bump" it with a new patchset ;)15:55
waynrjeblair: okay thanks, i'll add that to my list of things to do in the next couple weeks15:55
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable a non-voting py34 check for Neutron
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fungiclarkb: speaking of caching things and dib,
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fungievery day i'm learning new things i never wanted to know about that nearly-dead platform15:58
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yolandawaynr, i don't know about it15:58
clarkbfungi: does the dib caching script need sudo powers? it should be running in the context of the chroot at that point so I think the answer is no15:59
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fungiclarkb: great point. fixing now15:59
clarkbfungi: sorry it doesn't use sudo now, I am just trying to determine if it should16:00
jeblairfungi: the following lines use yum without sudo16:00
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clarkbgreghaynes: ^ describing that in your user docs might be good16:00
jeblairso i too think the answer is no and it is correct16:00
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fungiclarkb: oh, oops. i thought you meant i had added sudo unnecessarily16:00
clarkbjeblair: agreed. fungi +216:00
fungilooks like i didn't though16:00
greghaynesclarkb: hrm, looks like our user docs dont mention that at all :(16:01
pleia2clarkb: jenkins07 still looking ok?16:01
fungipleia2: yep, clean as a whistle16:01
clarkbpleia2: yup, I went ahead and put 05 and 06 in shutdown mode16:01
fungisqueaky even16:01
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pleia2clarkb: great16:02
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clarkbfungi: and approved now, noticed that jeblair previously +2'd before I applied my _216:02
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fungii'm going ahead and tagging bindep 0.0.1 now just to get something up on pypi so i can move forward on integrating it. when we get closer to being ready for projects to actually start making use of it individually i'll bump that to 1.0.0 (it's got all the features I think we're going to need for the near future anyway)16:05
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clarkbfungi: for 179612, ubuntu-trusty is the appropriate name and not ubuntu-14.04 ? I am betting you know off the top of your head without my digging up meeting notes16:07
clarkbfungi: also any reason to not approve that given what you have learned from the centos-6 process?16:07
anteayamorning zaro16:08
greghaynesclarkb: yes, its trusty16:08
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fungiclarkb: yeah, we had settled on distro-codename for debian derivatives and distro-majorversion for red hat derivatives16:09
fungiclarkb: dib emites both16:09
fungier, bindep16:09
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fungimoar coffee16:09
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fungimainly because the lsb-determined codenames for centos/rhel are useless and for fedora they're downright silly16:10
fungiand their communities mostly know them by major release version number instead16:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Install yum-plugin-downloadonly on nodes
fungiwhereas debian/ubuntu communities stick to abbreviated codenames and tend to go by those in conversation16:11
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Clintand not remember what the version numbers are16:11
jeblairclarkb, fungi: do you think it's okay for us to switch to the behavior in 117626, where git will hardlink objects if able?16:11
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fungijeblair: i think it's going to be an issue if we switch grenade to use zuul-cloner?16:12
clarkbok I am approving mordreds add ubuntu-trusty image change now16:12
fungijeblair: or similar situations where we might want to operate on multiple clones of one repo from the cache?16:13
zaroclarkb: i've pinged pursehouse about that change a few weeks ago and he said he would take a a look but i think he was busy with 2.11 release.  might try to ping him again.16:13
greghaynesclarkb: \O/16:13
fungijeblair: though i guess this adds a switch and only changes the default behavior, so may be fine...16:13
clarkbfungi: I think it only hardlinks the .git contents but not the working dir16:13
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pelixwaynr: in the mean time before we have JJB 2.0, do you have any thoughts on param precedence and the possibility of nested job-groups (and of course how precedence should occur there)?16:13
clarkbfungi: but we should confirm that for grenade16:13
jeblairfungi: afaik it's just linking the object pack files, and the different repos cloned from there shouldn't see any difference, unless something goes in and makes the pack files go all weird16:14
zaroclarkb: it doesn't seem like something that would be controversial, so yeah i think it will get thru given time.16:14
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: oh! will this cause a problem if we clone as a different user than owns the cache and then try to remote update?16:14
fboI'm trying to find the last tag of gear on pypi but it is still the old 0.5.5 version. It seems that the export job on pypi is setup for gear ( ) - any idea why 0.5.6 sdist still not on pypi ?16:14
fungii'll test that16:14
clarkbfungi: hardlinks can have different perms right? the file entry is separate its just a duplicate inode and counter?16:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add context "libvirt" back into query for bug 1451506
openstackbug 1451506 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "spawn failed with "libvirtError: internal error: received hangup / error event on socket" in the gate" [Undecided,Confirmed]
jeblairfbo: i'll try to find the output from that job16:15
fungiyeah, i think the issue is if you try to modify the hardlinked file without unlinking?16:15
clarkbzaro: awesome, thanks16:15
pelixwaynr zaro: see -> looking for thoughts on precedence of params as I'm finding a local change that implements nested job-groups very convenient with a change to how the order params override16:15
clarkbzaro: and yes, I agree it shouldn't be controversial for the reason I list on my comment :)16:15
fungioh, also we're cloning from /opt to /home in our workers, so won't end up hardlinking anyway16:16
zaroclarkb: i'm trying to figure out how to support both Gerrit 2.8 & 2.10 here so still haven't looked at your gearman-plugin chnage yet16:16
clarkbfungi: we should be cloning from /opt/git to /opt/stack/new16:16
fbojeblair, Ok thanks. I tried on logstash but not sure I put the right query as I found nothing :p16:16
fungioh, er maybe we do... /opt is on / along with /home on at least some workers16:16
jeblairfungi: i think we may move things around in devstack jobs, but not otherwise16:17
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clarkbzaro: will look16:17
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fungilooks like hardlinked clones allow differently-privileged users to update them fine, add new commits, et cetera16:18
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clarkbso I think hardlinking should be fine16:19
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fungihrm, when i cloned it didn't hardlink16:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Upgrade to hacking 0.10.x
fungithat's odd16:20
zaropelix: is the "correct" order just your opinion? or does it solve some use case for you? the current order doesn't seem to happer us.16:20
jeblairfbo: looks like the upload job wasn't registered at the time16:21
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add DIB tests to dib-utils
asselinclarkb, I took a look at robots.txt yesterday and didn't see anything wrong. I will run the script again on a fresh vm to try to reproduce.16:21
fungiyeah, ls -i says the inodes of files in /opt/git/openstack/nova/.git/objects/pack/ are not the same as in .git/objects/pack/ even immediately after cloning16:22
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clarkbfungi: did it hardlink anything?16:22
fbojeblair, ok alright, and should it be possible to manually retrigger that job to push it on pypi ?16:23
jeblairfbo: yeah, i'm working on that now16:23
fungihard to identify without comparing inode numbers or using stat and looking for additional link count16:23
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fungiso far the files i'm looking at in .git are different inode numbers than in the source path16:23
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waynr hmm pelix...i thought that project parameters overrode job-template parameters16:23
fbojeblair, nice thanks you.16:24
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clarkbgreghaynes: see coment on patchset 2 of which is why I -1'd ps316:24
clarkbgreghaynes: figured I would call that out since its a little tricky16:24
waynrso the overall parameter predence low to high would be defaults -> job-template -> project -> job-group16:24
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greghaynesclarkb: ah16:25
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waynri guess your test fixture probably proves what you describe in the commit message16:25
fbojeblair, Wonderful thank you !16:26
zaroclarkb, fungi : so i think trying to get output from 'gerrit.war --version' is not doable in puppet so i think i'll try to get it from the url passed in from review.pp16:27
fungizaro: yeah, i thought that was going to be a little too complex for the benefit16:27
zaroclarkb, fungi : is there an easy way to test a puppet script?  just really want to test the split and versioncmp functions.16:28
waynrpelix: either way, i think this is probably a change that should wait for JJB 2.0...we may not have been properly testing parameter precedence before but this would fundamentally change the behavior of my own projects since i have been using job-group/project/job-template according to the way the yamlparser is currently written16:28
asselinclarkb, this is the issue:
clarkbzaro: ya you can make a test.pp and `puppet apply --test test.pp` then just put the bare minimum of what you want to test inside test.pp16:28
clarkbasselin: looking16:28
asselinclarkb, and disallow_robots.txt was deleted16:28
fungijeblair: clarkb: looks like (based on testing so far) git clone will only use hardlinks when the original repo is owned by the invoking account/group16:28
zaroclarkb: cool, thanks.16:29
clarkbasselin: so we can add it back?16:29
asselinclarkb, yes16:29
greghaynesclarkb: is /opt/git the correct zuul-cloner cachedir for a job?16:29
clarkbgreghaynes: yes16:29
zarofungi, clarkb : i guess i should make sure those functions are available, which version of puppet are we using again?16:30
clarkbzaro: 3.7.x16:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Start building ubuntu-trusty nodes
clarkbzaro: with puppet stdlib 4.0.016:30
waynrpelix: i am also of the opinion that the precedence order really should be (lowest to highest) defaults -> job-template -> job-group -> project, in order to allow project parameters to override others16:30
zaroclarkb: ok looks like those functions are in the 3.x documentation16:31
clarkbzaro: should be fine then16:31
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add DIB tests to dib-utils
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clarkbjeblair: ^ more zuul-cloner use16:33
waynrpelix: i also think nested job groups is a good idea but to be honest i spent about 12 hours hacking on JJB Tuesday and came up with a way to generate XML by writing python classes rather than YAML--my suggested API changes for JJB 2.0 will mostly be directed at making this possible so I can move away from using YAML, eventually I won't have to care about yamlparser behavior at all16:33
openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Manage logging configuration files (feature flag)
jeblairclarkb: woot16:34
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'll go ahead and aprv the cloner change then16:34
clarkbjeblair: sounds good. Good to know git is being smart for us16:34
jeblairclarkb: yeah.  we might want to see if we can start taking advantage of that at some point; should speed things up a lot16:35
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Let puppet-zuul manage log configuration files
waynrpelix: my current proof-of-concept python classes simply inherit from python's 'dict' so that the class can be passed directly to the XmlBuilder class in this patch:
clarkbpleia2: jenkins05 is idle now, waiting on one more job on jenkins0616:36
clarkbpleia2: looks like 06 just finished16:36
pleia2clarkb: yep, have been keeping an eye on them \o/16:36
clarkbpleia2: were you planning to upgrade the plugin on both?16:36
pleia2clarkb: yep, I'll start with 0516:37
clarkbpleia2: great, thank you16:37
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fungijeblair: i think lifeless is hoping to do something similar in the pbr integration test, to keep from burning i/o cloning from the cache. he was looking at just operating on the cache itself, but hardlinking the clones may be nearly as fast16:37
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add back disallow_robots.txt
asselinclarkb, ^^16:38
waynrpelix: by avoiding the yamlparser i also hope to make good use of ordered dicts when actually generating plugin-specific XML which would make this patch unnecessary16:38
clarkbasselin: +216:38
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clarkbasselin: and must be the same file16:39
waynrpelix: i'll include more details about this work when i get around to starting the backwards incompatible API changes discussion (and will be sure to include a bullet point for yamlparser parameter override order)16:39
asselinclarkb, sorry I think it's the wrong folder....16:39
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clarkbasselin: the dest path is different but I think the source is the same16:39
clarkbasselin: working to confirm now16:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Move server outside git_backend class
clarkbasselin: ya source  => 'puppet:///modules/openstack_project/disallow_robots.txt',16:40
asselinclarkb, no...actually it's correct......16:41
clarkbasselin: ya I think your change is good16:41
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP support
clarkbasselin: the files/ portion of the paht is dropped by puppet when referring to files in modules16:42
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fricklerhow long will it take for jenkins to pick up the change from ? Still seeing rally tests fail currently16:42
asselinclarkb, yea....16:42
jeblairfrickler: 10-50 minutes16:43
openstackgerritIlya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable upload to pypi for Shaker project
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fricklerso if it was merged 4 hours ago, something else will be wrong, I assume16:44
jeblairfrickler: probably so; point me to a failed job?16:44
pleia2jenkins05 back up, gearman plugin v0.
clarkba random spot check says that heat is in the enabled services list on jenkins0716:45
clarkbfrickler: its in your failed job too looks like16:46
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clarkbpleia2: yup lgtm16:47
clarkbits running jobs too16:47
pleia2yep \o/16:47
pleia2I'll start on 06 now16:47
fricklerclarkb: right, still later rally thinks heat is not available (, guess I'll go back over to rally with that, thx16:48
clarkbfrickler: sure, just pointing out the change you linked to appears to have been applied, so we need to look beyond that16:50
clarkbjesusaurus: yolanda: have a minute for a question on 179113? wondering if it makes sense to use the puppet built in authorized key manager thing16:52
clarkbrather than the template16:52
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pleia2and now gearman is up and running on jenkins0616:53
clarkbpleia2: 06 is looking good too16:53
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clarkbjesusaurus: yolanda: my initial reaction is no, due to the dance we have to do to get puppet to update those resources16:54
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clarkbpleia2: want to put 03 and 04 in shutdown mode now?16:55
clarkbpleia2: we can basically roll through them and if you end up running out of time I can take over16:55
clarkbpleia2: just let me know when I should jump in so you can do other things16:55
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pleia2clarkb: yep, sounds good16:56
* pleia2 logs into 03 & 0416:56
clarkbmordred: fungi greghaynes ubuntu-trusty is building on nodepool.o.o now16:56
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clarkboh except not really because its queued up behind other builds, but it will be building soonish16:57
clarkbjeblair: looks like the zuul approvals are gonna get kicked out after a python2.6 test fail16:58
clarkbhrm 27 failed as well16:58
greghaynesclarkb: on you mentioned testing with a shaderc, do you mean .config/openstack?16:58
pleia2clarkb: so just Manage Jenkins > Prepare for Shutdown ?16:58
clarkbpleia2: yup16:59
pleia2ok, doing so for 03 & 04 now16:59
clarkbgreghaynes: that sounds right.16:59
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fungiper the ml, rally jobs assumed heat installed in devstack by default, which stopped being the case earlier this week17:01
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clarkbfungi: correct, but enabling heat has not fixed the problems17:01
jeblairclarkb: perhaps the geard release broke something17:01
fungifrickler: ^17:01
clarkbjeblair: oh! possible17:02
jeblairclarkb: i'll go futz with that17:02
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jeblairwe should maybe think about doing integration tests between those :)17:05
pelixzaro: it makes it easier to use job-groups with minor variations instead of needing to defined 6 or 7 different sets which removes the usefulness of having a single name reference a set of jobs17:05
mordredclarkb: woot!17:06
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pelixwaynr: currently job-group parameters override project ones. I believe the current behaviour is undefined as no one was making use of being able to set params in a project on the job-group entry17:07
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pelixwaynr: like to see more about that use of dicts directly to XML as it's likely the small inconsistencies that will make/break it ;)17:12
clarkbmordred: do you have any opinions on using the authorized keys resource in puppet for 179113? I know we are using it in places but it hasn't always been the simplest thing bceause you have to make a newly named resource to get it to update iirc17:12
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mordredclarkb: me looks17:12
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openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack/requirements: Update python-cinderclient to 1.2.1
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mordredclarkb: yeah - I mean, the thing in that module will work more expectedly17:14
pelixwaynr: also would have said that for should be reading the order from yaml keys instead of providing a separate ordering variable.17:14
mordredclarkb: but it makes me question our use of authorized_key resource elsewhere17:14
clarkbmordred: ya17:14
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clarkbfedora21 is doing its qemu img convert now, then we get centos-6 build, then ubuntu-trusty if I am reading things correctly17:15
clarkbso should know if ubuntu-trusty works in about an hour17:15
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fungialso i have working centos-6 nodes in rax already17:17
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fungiso yay17:17
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Prevent puppet certname with mixed-case hostnames
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing services to enable heat in rally job
clarkbSpamapS: did we run into somewhere?17:21
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SpamapSclarkb: yes, my laptop, when building images17:22
clarkbhrm we don't use a master when building images17:23
SpamapSclarkb: but the cert is still set17:23
greghaynesclarkb: thought - we can add tests to project-config that do a dib test build (just like dib testing does now) with some of the infra elements17:23
mordredyah. apply will still read it and be confused17:23
clarkbwait its a problem even if it doesn't use the cert to talk to a master?17:23
clarkbthats amazing17:23
SpamapSclarkb: we could also put a conditional around it and not set certname.17:23
clarkbSpamapS: nah I am +2 on the change just trying to make sure I understand how and where it breaks17:23
mordredclarkb: I'm amazed that you're still able to be amazed17:23
SpamapSclarkb: yes, it's just a problem because puppet tries to load its config and the cert can't be read, because the name is wrong.17:24
SpamapSI think failing pre-flights on security related matters is good actually.17:24
SpamapSAnnoying, but good.17:24
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SpamapS"You said use this cert if I ever talk to somebody, and it failed. 'SPLODE!"17:25
clarkbSpamapS: except that I didn't say to use any cert17:25
clarkbSpamapS: puppet apply never uses a cert17:25
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SpamapSclarkb: yeah that's just a layering problem. :)17:25
SpamapSand separating "things from not apply" from "things from apply" isn't on anybody's radar.17:26
SpamapSI mean yes its wrong.17:26
SpamapSI'm just not all that amazed that it fails this way.17:26
SpamapSthe more amazing part is that the cert name is case sensitive, despite being a hostname.17:26
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/gear: Fix regression in wakeConnections
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ i think that's worth a
clarkbjeblair: looking at ^17:27
openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make python-swiftclient functional tests voting
SpamapSin fact it's not even case sensitive..17:28
SpamapSit is just "must be lower case" :-P17:28
clarkblooks like we both +2'd at the same time17:28
clarkbI can approve17:28
fungijeblair: so this was only impacting zuul's tests?17:28
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pleia2clarkb: woo, my lunch got canceled, sticking around to see these upgrades through today17:30
pleia204 is ready, upgrading plugin now17:31
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clarkbpleia2: on that one I think we have some stale nodes17:32
clarkbpleia2: if you haven't stopped it yet we might want to look at them17:32
pleia2clarkb: oh, cleanup on nodepool?17:32
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pleia2oh, the .xml file17:32
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clarkbya we should cross check the offline nodes on jenkins04 against nodepool17:32
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* pleia2 nods17:32
fricklerjeblair: clarkb: though heat is in enabled services, devstack thinks it is not enabled here:
clarkbpleia2: we don't want to compeltely cleanup the .xml because some of those are valid nodes17:32
pleia2clarkb: ok17:33
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clarkbpleia2: looks like 2394747 at least is "ready" in nodepool17:33
clarkbpleia2: but jenkins reports no build history for that node, its probably ok to restart as is and use that node?17:33
clarkbpleia2: I think this is an occurence of the node leakage and since we don't actually run any jobs on those nodes it is safe for jenkins to use them17:34
frickler also would need updating17:34
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clarkbpleia2: so, I say go for it and don't worry17:35
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pleia2clarkb: alright thanks, I'll remember to check for that too moving forward17:35
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clarkbfrickler: its in the localrc
clarkbfrickler: so you would likely need to take that up with devstack?17:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Prevent puppet certname with mixed-case hostnames
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gear: Fix regression in wakeConnections
openstackgerritAlistair Coles proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make python-swiftclient functional tests voting
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing services to enable heat in rally job
jeblairfungi: yes -- that method is always called with an argu in gear; only zuul's tests used the bare/default call and depended on that17:37
fungijeblair: thanks. that's how i interpreted the commit message and what it looked like in the gear source17:38
jeblair^ some extra letters to fill out my previous sentence as needed17:38
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clarkbjeblair: can we apply the extra letters arbitarily?17:38
jeblairclarkb: whatever scores highest, i guess? :)17:39
pleia2jenkins04 back up, gearman plugin looks good17:40
mordredjeblair: I got into that missing refs state again17:40
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* fungi got m on a triple letter space17:40
jeblairmordred: anything interesting happen?  crashes, weird shutdown/resumes, etc?17:41
jeblairmordred: are you missing refs for new changes or older ones too?17:41
clarkbpleia2: those nodes are still offline, I think that means we should clean them up via nodepool17:41
pleia2clarkb: alright17:41
mordredjeblair: I believe my laptop has shutdown due to power loss at least once17:41
clarkbpleia2: I can do that if you like, or if you want to do it it is `sudo -H -u nodepool nodepool delete --now $id`17:42
mtreinishmordred: mine does all the time, mostly because I always forget to check the battery state17:42
mtreinishand even after a year I'm not used to having a battery which lasts >6 hours17:42
mtreinishso I forget to charge it17:42
clarkbmtreinish: the worst thing is with the 2 day battery on the x240 I getto the third day and have completely forgotten that charging is required17:42
jeblairmordred: assuming you haven't run '--fetch-missing-refs', are there lots of entries in '.git/refs/changes/...' of the relevant repos?17:43
pleia2clarkb: so it's all the ones that still have (offline) next to them?17:43
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clarkbpleia2: ya17:44
mordredbtw - 98306 may be my favorite change, in that the commit message feels like a comp sci lecture, and the patch is maybe 10 lines17:44
clarkbpleia2: and the id is the trailing number 2394747 for example17:44
mordredjeblair: I'll check17:44
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pleia2clarkb: right, figured that one out, thanks17:44
pleia2clarkb: I'll nodepool delete them17:45
jeblairmordred: it sort of sounds like git gc is running, but those refs should prevent it from deleting the commits17:45
jeblairmordred: do you have any git cleanup cronjobs or anything?17:45
clarkbpleia2: cool, you can leave off the --now and let the nodepool cleanup routine get them but instant deletion is so much more instant17:45
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mordredI do not17:45
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pleia2clarkb: alright, will do17:45
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mordredjeblair: and I do have entries in refs/changes17:45
pleia2clarkb: I mean, maybe I'll use now this time?17:45
pleia2er --now17:46
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clarkbpleia2: ya I prefer --now17:46
pleia2clarkb: good to know17:46
jeblairclarkb, pleia2: i think the cleanup routine should get to them within 1 minute, so i usually omit it17:46
jeblairmordred: did you figure out if it's all refs missing, new ones? old ones?17:47
pleia2jeblair: ok17:47
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update to gear 0.5.7
pleia2clarkb: all the tripleo (offline) ones too?17:49
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mordredjeblair: I did not - although one of them was 98306 ... so I'm going to go with "old and new"17:49
mordredjeblair: since 98306 hasn't been updated or changed in quite a while17:49
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clarkbpleia2: ya looks like those should go too17:50
pleia2ok, on it17:50
jeblairmordred: okay, then i think "something changed your git repos behind gertty's back" is where to look.17:51
mordredjeblair: sweet17:51
mordredjeblair: we don't have git review gc'ing repos do we?17:52
clarkbpleia2: I am basically just checking that nodepool knwos about them but thinks they are ready for many hours17:52
clarkbpleia2: that indicates to me that jenkins and nodepool have miscommunicated which is a sign of the leak17:52
jeblairmordred: thing is, gc should be safe because of the refs17:52
mordredjeblair: OH17:52
mordredjeblair: I have this hunch ...17:52
pleia2clarkb: I see, so it *should* be that nodepool thinks they're ready and jenkins thinks they're idle or building17:53
mordredjeblair: I changed my git root a while back to not point to a location different from where I keep my source17:53
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clarkbpleia2: ya, or if they are offline in jenkins nodepool should say the node is used/delet17:53
mordredjeblair: is it possible that gertty's concept of whether or not it has a change might have been thrown off by that?17:53
pleia2clarkb: right17:53
jeblairmordred: my gertty git root is where i edit things too17:53
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jeblairmordred: that is to say, that i do development work in the repos that gertty uses17:54
jeblairmordred: is that what you meant?17:54
clarkbI have seen this gertty behavior once and I don't share repos. So it may be something else17:55
mordredjeblair: yes. well, that's what it is now17:55
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jeblairclarkb: recently?17:55
mordredjeblair: but for a while it was configured to be ~/git instead of ~/src17:55
clarkbjeblair: no17:55
mordredjeblair: and I noticed that and changed it17:55
mordredbecause having two sets of repos is silly17:55
jeblairclarkb: then possibly before it started saving refs17:55
clarkbalso it ended up being a corrupted pack file17:55
clarkbso it couldn't find the refs17:55
jeblairmordred: indeed, gertty is designed for that.  the 'checkout' and 'cherry-pick' commands don't make sense otherwise :)17:55
clarkbmordred: did you try a git fsck?17:55
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing services to enable heat in rally job
mordredclarkb: I have not, no17:56
clarkbmordred: I would run that to see if its a corrupted pack file17:56
mordredclarkb: well, it's perfassive across all the repos17:56
clarkboh, I haven't seen that then17:56
clarkbin my case it was just one repo and happened once17:56
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mordredI'll run --fetch-missing and some fsck's when I get back on dry land17:56
clarkbso I deleted the repo and started over17:56
jeblairgertty emits the error that mordred is seeing iff the actual _commit_ (referenced directly by sha) is missing from the repo.  it saves refs to all of those commits in refs/changes/... to prevent gc from deleting those commits.17:57
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jeblairthat means something deleted the _refs_, and gertty does not do that at all until change
jeblairwhich i don't believe you are running, right mordred?17:57
clarkbjeblair: in my case I saw the behavior because the pack file containing the ref was bad17:57
clarkbjeblair: so git couldn't get it17:57
jeblairclarkb: yeah that makes sense17:57
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clarkbpleia2: jenkins04 lgtm now17:58
clarkbpleia2: one job to go on 0317:58
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clarkbpleia2: we can put 02 in shutdown mode now if you like17:59
pleia2clarkb: ok, on it17:59
SpamapSjeblair: I just noticed that gear doesn't have py34 in its envlist, but does have py26. Do we still care about py26 in gear?17:59
jeblairmordred: is there an entry in .git/refs/changes/06/98306/10  ?17:59
* pleia2 keeps an eye on 0317:59
mordredjeblair: yes17:59
mordredjeblair: although I have 98306 now17:59
jeblairSpamapS: probably not?17:59
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jeblairmordred: oh, well that's less useful information18:00
jeblairmordred: you have run --fetch?18:00
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/gear: Add py34 to tox.ini envlist
clarkbjeblair: SpamapS: we have to keep testing zuul on py26 for at least the zuul cloner, this sets up an indirect and not completely necessary dependency on py26 in gear18:00
mordredjeblair: nope. plane wifi - didn't want to do somethign like that - but ... gertty does always correct itself18:00
clarkbif we rearrange how we do testing for that we can likely avoid testing gear on py2618:00
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SpamapSyeah we can leave it be for now.18:01
SpamapSIt might be one of those 'when it breaks we'll fix it or remove py26' things. ;)18:01
jeblairmordred: do you have .git/refs/changes/98/179498/1 in nodepool?18:02
jeblairmordred: (assuming you have not looked at that change in gertty)18:02
SpamapSactually, we don't have python26-jobs on gear18:02
SpamapSso we're not testing it anyway18:02
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mordredjeblair: yes I do18:03
mordrednow let me see if gertty likes it18:03
sdaguedstufft: before we land this change in the cffi devstack / wheels work around, can I get your eyes on it - ?18:03
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mordredjeblair: yup. gerrty is not unhappy about that one18:03
jeblairmordred: i'm also assuming that you ran your last --fetch-missing-refs on the _new_ repos, right?18:03
dstufftsdague: looking18:04
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jeblairmordred: (that is, you ran fetch-missing after switching from git to src)18:04
mordredjeblair: yes. although tbh, it's possible that never finished? I stopped paying attention18:05
mordredjeblair: I'll re-run it when I get home and pay attention18:05
jeblairmordred: so you're missing a ref from 2 months ago, but you have one from yesterday18:05
mordredjeblair: yah18:05
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jeblairmordred: have you run into a recent change missing a ref?18:05
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jeblairoh sorry, that was from ~1 week ago, not yesterday18:06
mordredjeblair: not to my knowledge - I'll start paying attention to old vs. new18:06
dstufftsdague: +1'd18:06
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sdaguedstufft: thanks18:06
sdaguemtreinish: you want to land this -
mtreinishsdague: done18:07
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jeblairmordred: so think about things that could be manipulating the repos behind your back; make sure you really are in a known good state with no missing-refs, keep running it in debug logging mode and if you hit another change that is missing a commit, look in the debug log for that change and see if it synced it, assuming it is a recent patchset.18:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Log ipv6 addresses for nodes
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boris-42sdague: could you help us to unblock Rally gates ?18:12
pleia2AJaeger_: did you want/need to do any babysitting on 176943? if not, I'll +A now18:13
sdagueboris-42: so... it seems like it would be better to list all the services there, instead of assuming a base18:13
sdagueso this doesn't happen again18:13
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boris-42sdague: can we get this merged18:14
boris-42sdague: after that we will work on fully explicity?18:14
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boris-42sdague: thank you18:14
jeblairboris-42: why is heat required everywhere?18:14
boris-42jeblair: various scenarios can require it18:15
boris-42jeblair: like in soon feature in Murano they will get Heat APP18:15
mordredjeblair: another failure on a change from feb18:15
boris-42jeblair: and we will need to test Heat-Murano stuff18:15
boris-42jeblair: as well there will heat-mistral intergration18:15
boris-42jeblair: so we need as well to test it..18:15
boris-42jeblair: and so on..18:15
jeblairboris-42: as we reduce the shared-gating infrastructure to fewer projects, if rally is gating on those projects it will need to also not depend on anything outside of the smaller set.  otherwise we'll have asymmetric gates18:16
jeblairboris-42: okay, that's fine18:16
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jeblairboris-42: mostly pointing out that we can't have, say, a nova rally job depend on more than the nova tempest job18:16
jeblairif it's gating18:16
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python34 job for proliantutils
boris-42jeblair: not sure that I fully get how tempest and rally jobs are related18:17
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jeblairmordred: interesting; it's smelling more like old changes18:17
pleia2clarkb: ok, so 03 is done with jobs, but none of the (offline) ones are in nodepool18:17
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jeblairboris-42: they aren't.  rally must not expand the set of projects that are tested together in a shared gate.18:18
jeblairboris-42: tempest can't either.  :)18:18
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boris-42jeblair: so for heat we should have separated gate?18:18
boris-42jeblair: I mean we have heat sceanrios that we should test18:19
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boris-42jeblair: what is the proper way to do this?18:19
boris-42jeblair: for now we are trying to reduce amount of resources that are used in gates18:19
clarkbpleia2: if none of the offline nodes are in nodepool you can delete them in jenkins via the ui or via the xml file18:19
jeblairboris-42: the goal is to say that "nova, keystone, neutron, swift, horizon" are tested together.  nova does not have a job that runs a trove tempest test at this point.18:19
clarkbpleia2: since its a subset of nodes probably via the ui is easiest18:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow for no ZMQ publishers
jeblairboris-42: why are you trying to reduce the amount of resources used in gates?18:19
pleia2clarkb: ok, thanks18:19
clarkbpleia2: click on each on, hit delete node, yes18:19
EmilienMclarkb: someone in Puppet OpenStack community is also writing a blueprint about Puppet functional testing:
clarkbpleia2: would be easier to edit file if it wasn't xml beacuse parsing that is :/18:20
boris-42jeblair: because I don't want to spend somebodies resources where it is not required18:20
pleia2clarkb: "delete slave"?18:20
pleia2clarkb: yeah :\18:20
boris-42jeblair: this will make gates faster for all other projects18:20
EmilienMclarkb: I asked him to have a look at yours, but I would ask you to look at his work too, maybe we can consolidate our efforts18:20
mordredboris-42: we have plenty of resources ... spend them18:20
mordredboris-42: all the clouds - all for you ;)18:21
clarkbEmilienM: that one looks a lot like describing what to test, which is important too but seems to be a step after mine18:21
clarkbEmilienM: so I think they complement each other18:21
EmilienMclarkb: good to know18:21
clarkbpleia2: ya delete slave18:21
jeblairboris-42: so as far as the jobs go, create one job for each of the groups of components you test together.  so if you test on the compute kernel, create a job for that and use it on nova,neutron,swift,keystone,etc.18:21
boris-42mordred: I am saying trying to say that Rally team is trying to avoid usage of resources if they are not needed18:21
EmilienMclarkb: we just don't want overlapping. Do you want me to move his blueprint to your repo?18:22
jeblairboris-42: then create another job and use it on heat,mistral,other-project-that-use-heat, etc.18:22
boris-42jeblair: so let me try to expalin how things are working..18:22
boris-42jeblair: we have input task that describes what benchmark scenarios to run18:22
jeblairboris-42: or if they don't relate at all, create a job for each project18:22
boris-42jeblair: so we can specify any sub-set18:22
clarkbEmilienM: no I don't think so, they don't appear to be overlapping. Mine says "this is how we setup then run the test runner" this one says "we should test for idempotency and dependency changes"18:22
boris-42jeblair: of benchmarks18:22
clarkbEmilienM: so they complement well18:22
boris-42jeblair: but I am not sure that this will be simpler for everybody including rally team..18:22
clarkbEmilienM: I think it would be good if we made sure the proposal for how to run the tests enabled these specific test cases though. I will have to read and make sure that is reasonable18:23
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boris-42jeblair: but if you would prefer we will create seprated jobs for every porject18:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing services to enable heat in rally job
boris-42jeblair: at least we will try to analyze this18:24
clarkbcrinkle: ^ do you agree?18:24
boris-42and make some proposal18:24
clarkblooks like crinkle has done most of the review on the spec EmilienM linked18:24
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EmilienMclarkb: ok cool. I just want to let you know: 1/ I'll make sure Puppet OpenStack team follows your BP in review and usage  2/ About the container BP from fbo ( ) We may also be very interested by this work18:25
pleia2jenkins03 done, looking good so far18:25
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clarkbEmilienM: sounds good, thanks for pointing it out18:25
EmilienMclarkb: I see a lot of collaboration between infra & puppet teams, we want to solve the same problems18:25
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jeblairboris-42: i would recommend that you learn about zuul shared change queues and how integration testing is set up for tempest and the rest of the jobs.  i do not know the right answer for your situation.18:25
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jeblairEmilienM: ++ yay!18:26
EmilienMclarkb: in long-term, will puppet be still the tool to configure os-infra ?18:26
clarkbpleia2: yup lgtm18:26
clarkbEmilienM: I think so18:26
boris-42jeblair: btw what is the purpose of doing this?18:26
EmilienMcool, I can sleep tonight18:26
clarkbEmilienM: we are using ansible for orchestration but not any config management18:26
EmilienMand it makes sense18:26
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boris-42jeblair: in any case all our benchmark should pass the gates18:27
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boris-42jeblair: (inside the rally project) so no matter do you have 1 or 10 gate jobs all should pass18:27
clarkbEmilienM: it has actually worked really well fwiw. Ansible knows how to drive things in order and check return codes and all that. And puppet already has tons of config management in it that mostly works :)18:27
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yolandaclarkb, sorry, i was out18:28
yolandachecking the change18:28
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clarkbpleia2: jenkins01 into shutdown mode now?18:28
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mordredEmilienM: \o/ I'm happy about collaboration there18:29
boris-42jeblair: I belive that it is important for projects on top that don't want to be blocked by not related failures*18:29
boris-42jeblair: but in case of rally it won't help =(18:29
EmilienMmordred: I never worried about that :-)18:29
pleia2clarkb: sure, after that it's just jenkins? (and jenkins-dev?)18:30
yolandaclarkb, so i wanted to do it simple, just add a parameter there with a list of keys, and just delegate the stuff of sending the keys to the manifest calling it, to be flexible18:30
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yolandathen people can add the list including ::params classes, passing a list, whatever18:30
clarkbpleia2: yup18:31
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clarkbyolanda: right you can still use a list of keys I think, mostly wondering if it makes sense to use the built in resource18:31
clarkbyolanda: I think mordred has convinced me that using the template is simple and reliable where using the resource leads the trouble18:32
yolandakeep things simpler looks as a good idea18:32
mordredclarkb: I'm sad about that, btw - I really wish the resource was reliable18:33
mordredI'd blame crinkle ... but I suppose it's not her fault anymore18:33
* crinkle scrolls back18:34
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clarkbpleia2: reading your latest comments on I think we should use directions for glanceclient as you may not easily have network access to where horizon is listening from your browser.18:35
clarkbpleia2: I am not sure how best to fix the NODEPOOL_ROOT variable. Its used in both the shell and yaml so I am treating it as a generic variable18:36
crinkleclarkb: i'm not sure what i'm agreeing with, that your spec for how to test should account for our spec on what to test?18:36
pleia2clarkb: wfm, easy enough with devstack, I'll draft them up as I test18:36
clarkbpleia2: would a path like /path/to/nodepool/things/ work better?18:36
pleia2clarkb: I'd say so, $ALL_CAPS screams ennvar to me18:36
crinklemordred: ssh_authorized_key resource? :(18:36
crinklemordred: yeah template is probably simplest18:37
EmilienMclarkb: I'm looking at these blueprints because I have something in mind about longterm, this is about upgrade testing & a grenade job like for our Puppet modules18:37
mordredcrinkle: yah18:37
clarkbcrinkle: I am saying that they tackle different layers. My spec is saying "this is how we should run a test framework" the other one is saying "this is what we should test in the framework"18:37
crinkleclarkb: yes they are two different things18:37
nibalizeroh are we grumping about ssh_authorized_keys ?18:37
nibalizerya we should just use
clarkbEmilienM: ya fbo pointed out something ismilar in the integration testing spec that we will want to deploy from master, then redeploy with latest change18:38
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clarkbnibalizer: or just use a template18:38
EmilienMcrinkle: should we think about having the 2 BP in same repo ?18:38
clarkbEmilienM: which is similar to doing upgrade testing, though generally the delta will be smaller18:38
EmilienMclarkb: some folks are doing CI/CD with Puppet and having this kind of job could really help18:38
yolandanibalizer, yep, i just used a template for that18:38
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clarkbpleia2: we should probably also add a heredoc'd script for example. Its simple but figuring that out from scratch is likely much harder than seeing a script that does it18:40
clarkbpleia2: I can push that up along with some of these other edits18:41
crinkleEmilienM: the only part of gabriele's spec i fully agree with is testing for idempotency, i don't know if the rest of the problems the spec tries to account for are shared with infra18:41
pleia2clarkb: for the glance bits?18:41
EmilienMcrinkle: forget about it then :)18:41
fungiinteresting twist for the centos-6 workers... need to manually start mysqld and postgres before configuring them, and also need to init postgres as a separate step before starting it18:42
clarkbpleia2: no, for the setup: bits in the yaml file18:42
pleia2clarkb: oh, right18:42
clarkbpleia2: basically you need to create a user and add the public key to authorized keys in that script18:42
clarkbpleia2: its pretty simple but having an example is probably super useful there18:42
pleia2clarkb: yeah, definitely18:42
EmilienMclarkb: when you got time to review, do you think we can go ahead with ?18:43
clarkbfungi: what does init postgres involve?18:43
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fungiclarkb: sudo service postgresql initdb18:43
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fungiclarkb: followed by sudo service postgresql start18:43
clarkbEmilienM: ya I can rereview that today likely18:43
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EmilienMclarkb: cool, you may want to use the jobs too if you like18:44
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fungiclarkb: i assume that's to create the master db schema and whatever if it doesn't exist (which it doesn't by default on installation)18:44
fungipuppet was obviously handling those bits18:45
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Move gerrit fetch remotes to jeepyb
clarkbfungi: that doesn't seem too bad at least18:46
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update to gear 0.5.7
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Draft proposal scripts for zanata
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ that has a test race fix, so maybe it will land18:48
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Move gerrit fetch remotes to jeepyb
mordredEmilienM: comments left - one syntax, one conceptual18:48
cineramapleia2, AJaeger: that above is for you18:48
EmilienMmordred: damn it... thanks18:49
AJaeger_pleia2: for 176943 I will check tomorrow's proposal run myself. Thanks for the review - I'll +A now18:49
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cineramapleia2: have you gardened the upstream bugs lately? if not i'll have a quick look18:49
AJaeger_cinerama: will review - and will update that bug now...18:49
fungiclarkb: yeah, it's just something i'm going to need to weap in a conditional18:49
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fungier, wrap18:50
cineramaAJaeger_: bear in mind that some stuff is missing as of now, i just wanted to get something up there so you folks can correct any misunderstandings etc18:50
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fungijeblair: heh... "Also includes an unrelated test race fix."18:51
AJaeger_cinerama: ok18:51
clarkbjeblair: see comment18:51
jeblairfungi: yeah, i could do that as 2 commits with one pinned to 0.5.5... but...18:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make python-swiftclient functional tests voting
fungijeblair: i think that's the race or races i was trying to figure out how to solve in 17031718:52
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pleia2cinerama: nice! thanks for getting these drafts up18:53
fungibut that was a month ago and i got sidetracked in the middle and never got back to figuring it out18:53
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pleia2AJaeger_: great18:54
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: puppet: use a single image for CI
pleia2cinerama: I've been keeping an eye on the bugs mailing list, I should do another run through of them though to make sure I didn't miss anything18:54
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cineramapleia2: did we update the percentage bug with ajaeger's comments yet? i better do that if not18:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update to gear 0.5.7
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ see response and one more patchset :)18:55
pleia2cinerama: I don't think so18:56
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clarkbjeblair: ya if order is important then you need to remove the code you removed otehrwise you would still get arbitrary release order18:56
cineramaright time for a bit of bug filing and gardening18:56
pleia2cinerama: indeed!18:56
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clarkbjeblair: actually do you still need to hold in queue then let ordered_release release them?18:57
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jeblairclarkb: the 'queue' code is okay -- it will actually cause jobs to _start_ in the order enqueued.  but they finish randomly.  the 'build' code determines when they finish (because orderedRelease waits until settled after each one)18:57
clarkbjeblair: right but they will have been released prior to getting there18:58
jeblairclarkb: oh drat, there's a reason the queue code needs to stay18:58
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clarkbI think you want hold jobs in queue = true then run ordered release to release them in an order18:58
jeblairclarkb: nope, i'm wrong.  it can go and the current ps is fine.18:58
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clarkbjeblair: then what is ordered release doing?18:59
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clarkbif we aren't holding anything there shouldn't be anything in the queue to release18:59
jeblairclarkb: it's causing the jobs to finish in a determined order, and finishing is what puts them in history[], and that's where we care about ordering18:59
jeblairclarkb: we're holding them in _build_, not queue18:59
fungiand build is the state after queue, right?19:00
clarkboh release operates on build but not queuing, I thought it operated on queueing19:00
fungiat least that'19:00
jeblairfungi: yeah, it's "make jenkins take a long time to run"19:00
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fungis the way i was following it19:00
jeblairfungi: where as queue is "make gearman wait before giving a job to jenkins"19:01
funginormally if we hold in queue, then release it jumps from queue through build to release19:01
fungias opposed to holding in build, where it's already finished queue19:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Decrease PO files for imports (horizon+friends)
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fungiokay, my understanding seems to have been correct in that case. good ;)19:01
jeblairfungi, clarkb:
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fungibtw, centos-6 post bindep and db prep passes nova py26 for stable/juno! jump for joy!19:02
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update bouncy castle libs for Gerrit 2.10+
greghaynesclarkb: did the ubuntu-trusty build work?19:02
clarkbgreghaynes: appears not to have19:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Adds project-gating description
greghaynesclarkb: womp womp19:03
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clarkbjeblair: right and otherwise we could run 2,1 first because gearman19:03
fungihow do i get testr to tell me the list of skipped tests from the last run?19:04
greghaynesmordred: that looks like a success19:04
clarkbfungi: testr last --subunit | something iirc19:04
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: run beaker on both trusty & centos7
EmilienMmordred: done sir ^^19:04
mordredgreghaynes: I agree19:04
EmilienMmordred: let me know if you like now19:04
EmilienMmordred: I meant, by the new patchset19:05
lifelessfungi: hi, pbr integration tests are faster than devstack now19:05
lifelessfungi: so I've stopped optimising them19:05
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fungilifeless: yep. i just know you had expressed some concern about the i/o from the local clones19:05
mordredEmilienM: why you did remove beaker tests from puppet storyboard?19:05
EmilienMmordred: nibalizer asked19:06
lifelessnext steps for making it faster would be /opt/git use and a tempfs for the actual test work19:06
lifelessjust little point right now19:06
EmilienMmordred: I wanted to do a separate patchset, but since we are refactoring beaker jobs...19:06
EmilienMI dropped all my non-tested modules too19:06
clarkbgreghaynes: mordred
jeblairfungi: feel free to aprv (or -1) 180334 at will; i'm heading to lunch19:07
fungijeblair: will do. was just waiting for the test results to come back on it19:07
mordredEmilienM: looks great to me19:07
greghaynesclarkb: different image than the one mordred linked19:07
EmilienMmordred: thx, will see if tests pass. I did not test it locally19:08
clarkbgreghaynes: ah yup19:08
clarkbgreghaynes: ubuntu-trusty is the node not devstack-trusty19:08
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mordredah. duh19:08
clarkbmordred: greghaynes
clarkbits there because we have to restart for the logging config changes19:09
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clarkbpuppet failed19:10
nibalizerya the storyboard tests never went anywhere19:10
clarkbdid we actualyl build this image before proposing it?19:10
clarkbI didn't because it will take me ~1.5 hours to do so, but maybe we need to do that19:10
greghaynesyea, puppet19:10
greghaynesclarkb: no19:10
greghaynes(re did I actually test that image)19:11
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clarkbgreghaynes: msotly that was directed at mordred :)19:11
clarkbbut it looks like normal puppety things fail19:11
clarkbso should be easy to reproduce19:12
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clarkbnote I did confirm that dib 0.1.44 is installed so I don't think that is a problem19:12
* pleia2 does jenkins02 now19:13
mordredI did19:13
clarkbmordred: with the puppet stuff?19:13
mordredyah - so I' not sure why that's failng - also, we shoudl be explicitly installing dhclient in the element19:14
clarkbmordred: looks like rsyslog may not be included19:14
mordredmaybe I tested locally with the wrong set of elements19:14
clarkbmordred: ya so dhclient and rsyslog are both missing from ubuntu minimal19:14
clarkbwhich is :( because both should be unoptional19:14
mordredyah. well, I'm confused, because I explicitly added dhclient19:15
mordredsince it networking not so much with working without it19:15
clarkbmordred: did that get into the dib shipped element?19:15
fungiclarkb: to answer my question from earlier, activate the venv and then `testr last --subunit|subunit-filter --no-success|subunit-ls`19:15
clarkbor possibly the package installs are not able to write to /etc for some reason19:15
mordredis in simple-init package-installs.yaml19:16
clarkbmordred: what about isc-dhcp-common?19:16
greghaynesmordred: did you include simple-init?19:16
clarkbthats a dep of the client so would expect it to get pulled in19:16
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mordredgreghaynes: that's it19:17
greghaynesI do that all the time when I dev19:17
mordredI had it in my test script :)19:18
clarkbdoes simple-init fix rsyslog? if so that would be really weird19:18
greghaynesclarkb: probably not19:18
mordredno. it does not. so I don't know why that doesn't work19:18
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jeblairpleia2: it is raining here; the weather is coming from the east.  it's freaking me out a bit.  :)19:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add script to split the secret hieradata file
AJaeger_cinerama: Can we map VERSION to branches? Like have master and stable/kilo as separate versions?19:21
AJaeger_That would be GREAT!19:21
openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Be explicit about what services we enable for ODL
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pleia2jeblair: fortunately still dry here, I'm sure it'll start up as soon as I have to walk to caltrain this afternoon19:22
pleia2jenkins02 is back up w/ new gearman plugin19:23
clarkbpleia2: lgtm19:23
cineramaAJaeger_: that's not a bad idea19:23
clarkbpleia2: you can probably go ahead and do jenkins-dev/jenkins.o.o at this point while waiting for 01. They should both be very quick19:23
pleia2going to put jenkins.o.o into shutdown mode, and might be able to do it right away since it's quiet19:23
sdaguedstufft: so... lifeless filed an upstream cffi bug about the writable directory issue -
sdagueand the response so far has been less than promissing19:25
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add CloudPulse
sdaguemight you know anyone that could explain the pain point better?19:25
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Draft proposal scripts for zanata
mordreddstufft knows everyone19:25
sdagueor that the cffi maintainer might listen to19:25
sdagueright, that's why I'm askin :)19:25
pleia2clarkb: should I clean up jenkins-dev?19:26
dstufftarigato isn't online right now, he's in some euro TZ19:26
clarkbpleia2: I lean towards no, those are likely all stale but they are manually managed for the most part19:26
mordredI mean, I hear his concern19:27
pleia2clarkb: thanks, that's what I figured, putting into shutdown mode now, and j.o.o is done19:27
clarkbpleia2: awesome19:27
mordredI don't think lifeless solution being adopted is the important thing - I think the important thing is to not die when you can't write to a dir19:27
clarkbpleia2: I am fixing up the nodepool testing directions now19:27
clarkbmordred: yes19:27
clarkbmordred: but I am biased because I threw that idea out there when everything is broken19:28
sdaguemordred: correct, the issue is there is an assumption in the current code that you can always write to your installed directory as a fallback if things go wrong19:28
dstufftmordred: so the question becomes, do you need it to work with the old API or is it working with the new API good enough19:28
sdaguewhich is not true outside of a venv19:28
dstufftbecause the old API relies a ton of implicitly compiling19:28
dstufftit takes a signifcant chunk of effort to use the old way in a way that doesn't rely on it19:29
sdaguedstufft: well, it would be nice to have some non explode case on the old API19:29
clarkbyes old vs new api isn't really relevant19:29
clarkbnew api does not exist yet19:29
clarkbold api is broken19:29
clarkbthere is a trivial fix for old api to keep things working19:29
clarkblets do that19:29
greghaynesI dont get the push back for performance - its trying to compile the code in this case anyways so its not making it less performant that it succeeds in doing this...19:30
sdaguealso, it takes time for people to move to API19:30
clarkbmordred: also if you have a wheel mirror that you built say with devpi or pypi-mirror you will have to completely rebuilt it if/when cffi changes19:30
greghaynesI mean, I guess actually succeeding *is* slower than exit 119:30
dstufftgreghaynes: once it's compiled and successfully saved you don't pay that cost the second time you import it19:30
dstufftis what he means19:30
greghaynesdstufft: yes, this is only relevant in the case where its already trying to compile though19:30
mordredI would say that compilation on import is about the worst idea anyone has ever had19:31
sdagueright, for daemons, the overhead is going to be *meh*19:31
mordredquite literally19:31
mordredit's INSANE19:31
dstufftmordred: yea19:31
dstufftit's bad19:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Update to gear 0.5.7
dstufftit's going away19:31
sdaguefor cli tools, it would get crazy19:31
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Project does not mean repository? Inconceivable!
sdaguemordred: yes, cffi is crazy pants has been my moto since we figured out it did that19:31
dstufftI can maybe talk him into a fallback and printing a warning19:31
sdaguedstufft: that would be awesome19:31
dstufftas a hold over until cffi 1.0 is a thing and takes over the world or whatever19:32
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sdaguebeing verbose to the user that it's doing this thing which is terrible, but not exploding, and here is how they could fix it would be a great graceful fallback here19:32
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lifelessmordred: so yes, my implementation sketch is irrelevant19:33
mordredlifeless: nothing you ever do is irrelevant19:33
lifelessmordred: the concern is the author preferring things die at runtime19:33
lifelessmordred: to actually following the semantics of every other python module ever19:33
AJaeger_cinerama: as discussed yesterday, I suggest to first do the script - the script that pushes to Zanata/Transifex19:34
lifelessgreghaynes: the concern is that if you have a process doing a lot of fork/spawns19:34
AJaeger_We can merge that change any time you like (as soon as we consider zanata testable)19:34
lifelessgreghaynes: then it would suddenly have a go slow sad in the event that this is triggered19:34
cineramaAJaeger_: i had a look at that - the main thing is that i think there's a bug in the push that means we'll need to supply more data to it than we should have to19:34
sdagueit would also be nice if the die error message was a lot more clear, it took us a really long time to figure out that there even was another cffi that had gotten involved19:34
AJaeger_cinerama: ;(19:35
sdagueif it had died with "this was built with cffi 1.0beta, but 0.9.2 is available, rebuilding"19:35
sdaguethat would have been huge time saving in figuring out the issue19:35
fungizaro: if versioncmp($gerrit_war_version, '2.10') > 019:36
fungizaro: that's some interesting magic19:36
pleia2clarkb: and now jenkins-dev and jenkins01 all done \o/19:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Actually include simple-init for minimal images
Clinthey folks19:36
Clintwhat does the following error indicate?19:37
ClintCode Review - Error19:37
ClintServer Error19:37
ClintCannot store contact information19:37
greghayneslifeless: yea, thats an issue with the mktemp impl. but that can be worked around I think19:37
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Document running Nodepool for testing
clarkbpleia2: ^ I stubbed out the glanceclient stuff because I don't know it off the top of my head19:38
SpamapSClint: when trying to save your contact info on yes?19:38
clarkbpleia2: but everything else should be good in there I think19:38
ClintSpamapS: correct19:38
fungiClint: usually that either your foundation member profile primary e-mail doesn't match your gerrit preferred e-mail, or that your foundation account is community instead of foundation member, or that you don't have a foundation account, or that the network between gerrit and the foundation member system is broken, or that the foundation member system itself is broken/down19:38
greghaynessdague: I think there is a bug in CFFI around that - it had a routine to ensure the build dir exists and it looked like that method was silently failing19:38
pleia2clarkb: great, I'll comment w/ glance stuff when I test this afternoon, going to grab lunch momentarily though19:38
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lifelessgreghaynes: feel free to help negotiate an outcome upstream will accept19:38
lifelessgreghaynes: I'm about 2 functions away from a working resolver impl in pip19:39
clarkbpleia2: so jenkins is done done? thanks for helping out19:39
pleia2clarkb: all done!19:39
sdaguelifeless: \o/19:39
lifelessgreghaynes: I really want that to get over the hump into cleanup and polish19:39
greghayneslifeless: ooo19:40
lifelessgreghaynes: so I'm not going to take on big timesinks right now19:40
greghayneslifeless: yea, fair enough19:40
lifelesssdague: greghaynes: ^ if you're interested in some late-prototype stage stuff19:40
Clintfungi: thanks, it works now19:42
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clarkbpleia2: also I totally have nested heredocs in that change <_<19:43
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AJaeger_thanks pleia2 for your quick +2 on fungi's great "Project does not mean repository? Inconceivable!". I suggest to merge that soonish - any other cores for the infra-manual up for it, please?19:43
clarkbAJaeger_: I can review it19:44
fungiyeah, it has a distinct chance to backslide into merge conflicts19:44
AJaeger_clarkb: thanks - it's a larger change which leads to merge conflicts19:45
AJaeger_fungi: this time it was no merge conflict, just me noticing that the new change (which I edited) needed adjustment19:45
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pleia2AJaeger_: sure thing19:46
pleia2ok, lunch19:47
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update bouncy castle libs for Gerrit 2.10+
clarkbfungi: it bugs me slightly that the governance yaml does tags: name: team:diverseaffiliation. Far too many dict nested levels there19:48
zarofungi: ^ yeah, that versioncmp works.19:48
mordredclarkb: docker should fix that19:48
clarkbmordred: I knew it19:49
zarofungi: not sure how else to extract the version info besides doing those multiple splits19:49
cineramaAJaeger_: oh i forgot there is also another thing where if you use the locale name mapping, it says it's not going to work but then it does19:49
clarkbmordred: btw I am using docker for jenkins testing because mvn hpi:run explodes for me19:49
cineramaAJaeger_: that's a frustrating one19:49
mordredclarkb: it's really good at that sort of thing isn't it?19:49
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clarkbmordred: ya, my only major complaint (and I now know that others have fixed this) is that ubuntu images are useless for running services as services19:50
AJaeger_cinerama: hearing some of your comments, I sometimes wonder whether zanata was the right choice. Thanks for tackling it!19:50
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clarkbmordred: its kinda nice saying start that container and getting a booted image with services running properly19:50
zaroclarkb: are you hpi:runing with same version as on jenkins.o.o?19:50
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clarkbzaro: I am running hpi:run inside the repo of the plugin19:51
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cineramaAJaeger_: on the upside there are some neat features and the team have been very responsive and helpful19:51
AJaeger_cinerama: definitely19:51
clarkbAJaeger_: fungi this change is huge :P19:52
zaroclarkb: ohh yeah, i forgot the version is set in the pom.xml19:53
zaroclarkb: i would try 'mvn clean hpi:run'19:53
fungiclarkb: big change for a big tent19:53
clarkbzaro: I did that failed too19:53
clarkbzaro: the only thing I haven't tried is killing my local maven repo cache19:54
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fungizaro: the splits are fine. i'm just amused by the comparison function and the fact that you (and the puppet example) use >0 rather than ==1 when the function never returns anything higher than 1 anyway19:54
zaroclarkb: that's what i was going to suggest next19:54
clarkbbut I decided to spin up my jenkins docker container would be quicker so did that instead19:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Project does not mean repository? Inconceivable!
AJaeger_clarkb: thanks for reviewing and approving it!19:57
zarofungi: actually i wasn't following an example, just happended by chance.  Maybe provides more leaway in case never versions of the function extend the return value?19:57
fungizaro: perhaps. anyway, that change lgtm19:57
zarofungi: wondering if we care whether people think 2.9 would still work because i don't think it will19:58
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add a Fedora 21 node to tripleo cloud
zarostill work/still work with that change19:58
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add in F21 nonha job
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fungizaro: do you sustect that matching on >=2.9 instead of >=2.10 is warranted?19:59
fungier, suspect19:59
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zarofungi: i don't know if that works either.  i think gerrit may require different lib for 2.8, 2.9, and 2.1020:01
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fungizaro: and the version that 2.10 requires is too _new_ to work with 2.9?20:02
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: run beaker on both trusty & centos7
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zarofungi: actually, looking at commit msg for  shows that 2.8 & 2.9 work with the same libs.  so looks like 2.9 is safe.20:03
fungiokay, cool. thanks for double-checking that20:03
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Update bouncy castle libs for Gerrit 2.10+
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fungilooking like graphite may be unhappy. checking on it now20:17
zarofungi: ^ ok, just updated that info in commit message.20:17
fungi[Thu May  7 19:35:19 2015] Out of memory: Kill process 30401 ( score 752 or sacrifice child20:17
fungii'll start it back up20:17
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fungiwow, statsd runs under node?20:18
fungiit's eating 840m of virtual memory on its own20:18
greghaynestheres about a thousand alternate implementations20:19
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greghaynesmany in python20:19
fungilifeless: heads up, 0.0.1 now at (i've been exercising it fairly heavily before pushing the tag, so should be pretty solid)20:20
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: run beaker on both trusty & centos7
fungigraphite should start working again now. looks like carbon-cache likes to go a little bonkers with memory
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mordredfungi this is the second time this week20:31
fungimordred: yeah, judging from the graph, happened 4 days ago too20:31
mordredmaybe we've finally hit the graphite scaling point where we need to start caring about it20:32
clarkbor we CD'd a new bug20:32
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fungiare you saying it feels unloved and neglected?20:32
greghaynescaring about graphite will only make you unhappy20:32
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greghaynesdidnt youall recently add a bunch of statsd keys from nodepool?20:35
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clarkbnot too many just 2 per cloud?20:36
cineramaAJaeger, pleia2: oh cool, we have a workaround for our bug i think20:38
EmilienMmordred: sorry, I had to fix another error I did, can you +2 again?20:38
pleia2cinerama: yay!20:38
cineramapleia2, AJaeger: so the url in the zanata.ini didn't match the one in the zanata.xml we pulled down from the server20:38
cineramapleia2, AJaeger: when i adjust it it looks fine. so push should be easier20:38
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pleia2cinerama: ok, good20:40
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cineramait's still a bug but we can do the push sooner20:42
* pleia2 nods20:42
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cineramaand i've updated the bug now20:43
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cineramapleia2: can you do me a favour? i'm pretty sure we don't have per-file push in zanata-cli push but can you look at the help etc real quick and see if i'm missing something?20:45
* pleia2 has a look20:46
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade Gerrit from 2.8 to ver 2.10 on review.o.o
tchaypowell that’s a fun migration gertty is doing20:46
tchaypoI think this is a good time to go get some coffee20:47
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Create a jenkins server like
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pleia2cinerama: they have a shiny new as of today, but aaahh finding things20:50
cineramapleia2: i know right20:50
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cineramapleia2: do you think i should change the script so that we get the matching URL when we generate zanata.xml?20:51
cineramapleia2: we should be able to just replace that bit in the xml20:52
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update Gerrit to newer 2.10 build on review-dev.o.o
pleia2cinerama: so based on my analysis, it looks like the best we can do is something like using --excludes or --includes for the directory we point it at, but that's a huge mess20:52
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use common jenkins master implementation
cineramapleia2: yep, that's what i thought. i just like a sanity check before i make big, sweeping statements20:52
pleia2cinerama: re: URL, yeah, I think so20:53
cineramapleia2: like i said before i do have an implementation of file-by-file pull, it's just a bit yucky20:54
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cineramapleia2: basically some lightly modded code from the python client. i would rather not use since i think that might be too much maintenance burden20:54
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pleia2cinerama: right, agreed20:56
cineramapleia2: not that we COULDN'T do it but we might have different priorities20:56
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pleia2cinerama: yeah, long term it seems like a bad idea20:57
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Upgrade Gerrit from 2.8 to ver 2.10 on review.o.o
pleia2particularly as upstream seems happy to add features we need to the java client, eventually20:57
cineramapleia2: if the json we got back from the server changed we'd be in for a hard time20:57
cineramafiling that bug20:58
cineramai'm surprised i hadn't before, i think i was just trying to get stuff working20:58
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pleia2cinerama: nods20:58
pleia2woo moving parts20:58
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fungicentos-6 y u no liek local auth without ident? what a silly configuration default21:01
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fungiand now that's ironed out, mysql authentication is being silly on me too21:02
fungiit will let me authenticate as openstack_citest without a password, but not with the password i set for it21:03
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jeblairtchaypo: are you happy about the output from the migration?21:03
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tchaypojeblair: in that it tells me what is happening, and what the progress is, and gives me a strong hint that now is a good time to go for a coffee?21:04
tchaypoyeah, it’s brilliant21:04
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tchaypo*checks* oh, and it’s hit some it can’t index too, and it’s telling me why21:05
tchaypo*reads again* actualy it’s not telling me why, it’s two difference messages - one for empty diffstats and one for “unable to examine diff"21:05
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade to get the client objects
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Create a jenkins server like
lifelessfungi: cool; tell mgedmin :)21:08
lifelessfungi: also, was my being unable to release bindep deliberate?21:08
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fungilifeless: nope. none of us could. the bindep-release group was empty21:08
fungilifeless: i added you and infra-core21:09
greghaynesclarkb: let me know if was what you were looking for in terms of tests, or if theres some other cases I should hit21:09
lifelessfungi: ah, cool. thanks!21:09
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Adds jenkins default file
fungilifeless: sure thing. i didn't know you had tried to release it. probably lost in the mountain of recent scrollback. sorry about that!21:09
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lifelessfungi: all good21:10
fungilifeless: i would expect to do a 1.0.0 soonish, just wanted to start with 0.0.1 until i was sure we had it working in automation reliably21:10
lifelessfungi: I tried when mgedmin asked for one, failed, pinged you (lost in noise)21:10
lifelessfungi: +121:10
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fungiit's worked great on our new minimal centos-6 workers. my current struggles are pgsql/mysql related now21:11
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fungiGRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'openstack_citest'@'%' identified by 'openstack_citest';21:13
fungithat works fine21:13
fungimysql -u openstack_citest -popenstack_citest21:13
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Simple script to setup and test jenkins server
fungiERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'openstack_citest'@'localhost' (using password: YES)21:13
greghaynesfungi: this isnt the issue, but I also have to give grant perms to run infra tests since youall create and drop db's21:14
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greghaynesfungi: also, did you flush?21:14
jeblairfungi: do you need to 'flush privileges'?21:14
fungiexplicit -h doesn't help either21:14
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for bug 1403291
openstackbug 1403291 in neutron "VM's fail to receive DHCPOFFER messages" [Critical,Fix released] - Assigned to Kevin Benton (kevinbenton)21:14
fungijeblair: oh! maybe. i didn't need to on ubuntu21:14
fungidoesn't seem to help, no21:15
fungistill gives me access denied21:15
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jeblairfungi: have a node i can poke at?21:15
mordreddid you remove the anonymous user21:16
fungigiven that their postgresql default config insisted that ident needed to return the same local username, i wouldn't be surprised if this is more paranoid config wonkery21:16
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fungii did not, though again on ubuntu it didn't seem to matter21:16
fungijeblair: admin password is insecure_slave as usual21:16
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clarkbfungi: you have to grant with grant option21:16
asselintristanC, jenkins change is getting complicated...we really should avoid moving too many things at once.....21:17
clarkbfungi: not sure if related to your error but tests will need that21:17
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nibalizerasselin: ++21:17
tristanCasselin: yes I agree :)21:17
clarkbnibalizer: I was looking for your changes toda and they don't seem to have the right topic?21:17
fungiclarkb: interesting. i copied what we were doing in devstack, but perhaps that's insufficient21:17
asselintristanC, so let's keep and simple. Move stuff around...keep it consistent. Improve on it later.21:17
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add simple-init element to devstack-trusty image
clarkbfungi: ya devstack only uses a single db per service, but in db per test we have to haev the extra perms21:18
asselintristanC, /and/it/21:18
fungiclarkb: thanks. i'll try to tease that out of our puppet class21:18
asselinfbo, ^^ re jenkins change21:19
clarkbpleia2: for can you check if sourcing devstack/openrc works for image uploads21:19
clarkbpleia2: I think that uses the admin account too?21:19
jeblairfungi: datapoint -- setting the host value for that user to 'localhost' makes it work.21:19
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fungijeblair: curious. perhaps that's host lookup being a problem21:20
tristanCasselin: so let's abandon this one  and make depends on
* asselin looks21:20
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fungijeblair: what's odd is that openstack_citest can log in with no password21:20
fungiso maybe it is anon getting in the way as mordred suggests?21:21
clarkbpleia2: beacuse I didn't have to do anything special if using the openrc, uploads just worked21:21
clarkbpleia2: I suppose it could also be a config thing21:21
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jeblairfungi: well, i think you end up as the anon user in that case21:21
mordredalways remove anon usee21:21
fungiclarkb: i'm missing where we specify an extra grant option at
asselintristanC, ok and bring back to patch set 1?21:22
pleia2clarkb: I'll check21:22
clarkbfungi: I think its a side effect of
clarkbfungi: but can double check21:22
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clarkbfungi: fwiw pleia2 and I ran into it in 17984021:23
tristanCasselin: yep!21:23
asselintristanC, honestly, I thought having the jenkins.default as part of puppet-openstackci just fine.21:23
fungiclarkb: oh, so all privileges in puppet may mean more than "grant all privileges"?21:23
jeblairmordred, fungi: yeah, dropping the anon user works21:23
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pleia2clarkb: using latest devstack, devstack/openrc uses the demo account as a default, so you'd have to set OS_PASSWORD and OS_USERNAME21:23
fungijeblair: mordred: perfect--thanks. i'll make sure to have our setup tooling always do that first thing21:23
asselintristanC, that really should be moved again after it merged....need to see what th eissue really was....21:23
clarkbfungi: ya thats what I am thinking21:24
tristanCasselin: well both ways works for me21:24
jeblairmordred, fungi: guessing it's something about the order in which it matches the various fields when deciding what user to actually log you in as21:24
fungiclarkb: crazytown, man21:24
clarkbpleia2: really? they must've just changed this because image upload without the public option totally worked21:24
asselintristanC, this way there are just 2 consistent changes. easier to review and manage21:24
pleia2clarkb: ah, without public, let me see...21:24
pleia2clarkb: aha, that does work21:25
asselinnibalizer, what do you think?21:25
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asselinnibalizer, defer you suggestion to follow on patch:
pleia2clarkb: so yeah, can use openrc and remove --is-public true and it should be good to go21:26
clarkbpleia2: cool21:26
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Document running Nodepool for testing
tristanCasselin: but it also makes sense to have /etc/default/jenkins in puppet-jenkins...21:27
openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Draft proposal scripts for zanata
asselintristanC, yes I agree. my concern is managing many interrelated patches21:27
asselinacross multiple repos21:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: web: Allow clients (browsers, proxies) to cache status.json
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix timer jobs getting aborted from abandoning a change
asselintristanC, so if you want to do that first, then ok. let's just make those two changes: update puppet-jenkins and remove from system-config. Then have a 2nd pair of changes to refactor jenkins out.21:29
clarkbfungi: ya they aren't using grant syntax they are just updating all the rows in the db21:29
clarkbfungi: er columns in the db. That means the grant option is flipped if using ALL21:29
fungile sigh21:29
tristanCasselin: okay, I'll check that in an hour. got to go now.21:29
asselintristanC, thanks21:29
tristanCasselin: anyway, thanks for the guidance :)21:29
clarkbpleia2: thanks for helping independently verify the nodepool stuff. Do you have a test nodepool running now?21:30
hogepodgeI'm wondering if it would make sense to add a command for 'git review -d <changeid>' to review pages. It's such a cool feature.21:30
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race in test_crd_check_duplicate
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clarkbfungi: jeblair mordred pleia2 jhesketh SergeyLukjanov can I get a second review on to hopefully unbreak static.o.o puppeting (along with the pypi mirrors)21:31
jeblairhogepodge: i think that would be relatively simple and possible by adding something to the gerrit 'download commands' plugin which is what produces those21:31
fungiokay, here's some fresh weirdness... the centos-6 dib build is dying while caching rpms for devstack, complaining that pylint and python-nose depend on python-setuptools. i wonder why it doesn't try to cache that too?21:31
pleia2clarkb: not quite, I figure I'll run through the instructions from the top tomorrow (need to head out the door to make it to sunnyvale by 5 soon)21:31
clarkbpleia2: sounds good21:31
clarkbfungi: probably not listed as an rpm in devstack and yum is only doing first layer caching?21:32
fungiit seems to resolve and retrieve other deps21:32
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fungimaybe it's breaking because we uninstall setuptools earlier in the node build process or something21:33
fungii'll see if i can suss it out21:33
clarkbmordred: are you around? so we need a change for simple-init added to ubuntu-trusty and we need to get rsyslog in as a package somewhere?21:34
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clarkbok time for zaro's gerrit lib change21:34
clarkbgreghaynes: but thats an incomplete change21:35
mordredclarkb: also, rsyslog is in the puppet already21:35
mordredclarkb: so, there is nothing needed for that - I beileve the rsyslog fail is a cascading fail21:35
clarkbmordred: oh, hrm21:35
mordredclarkb: you know how puppet likes to fail weird thigns at times for reasons21:35
clarkband simple-init is in dib 0.1.44?21:35
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greghayneswow, weve done a lot of dib commits recently21:37
greghaynes(looking at the commit log)21:37
clarkbzaro: can I request that we have a list organized tomorrow for things that need attention before gerrit upgrade?21:37
clarkbzaro: I think many of us don't have a full picture so collating that and getting things done would be good21:37
clarkb(I know I don't have the full picture in my head)21:37
greghaynesclarkb: yes, its in that release21:38
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clarkbok simple-init approved, lets see how the image build does after that gets in21:39
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greghaynesI should probably cut a dib release too, theres a fair amount of new changes piled up21:39
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mordredclarkb: woot21:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add back disallow_robots.txt
clarkbzaro: I am reading don't we actually need to make sure that all of those run after gerrit init and the tidy otherwise we will remove those files?21:43
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clarkbzaro: and we have to ensure they all run before gerrit start21:44
zaroclarkb: ahh yeah, those need to be called don't they.21:44
zaroclarkb: do you need more than this for the upgrade?
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clarkbzaro: I left a note about the ordering stuff on the chagne21:45
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reedjogo, re:*-specs,n,z the latest set of merged specs...21:46
reedthe gerrit URL is not very useful IMHO if the intent is to show people what has merged recently21:47
reedthe only accessible information 'at a glance' from that URL is the title of the spec and the project21:47
reedit would be IMO a lot better if there was a way to link to specs.o.o instead21:47
clarkbzaro: that helps, added a bit more info to that etherpad21:47
reedso people can read immediately the whole spec as approved21:47
mordredreed: hrm21:48
clarkbeach change returned by gerrit iwll have links to the rendered spec21:49
jeblairreed: individual spec repos have rss feeds; there's an opml file with all of the feeds; but i'm unsure if that helps.  i don't think there is a single feed that combines all the individual feeds.21:49
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jeblairreed: dhellmann did the rss stuff i think21:49
reedjeblair, I was thinking of 'planeting' those in fact21:49
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reedor just write a simple script to assemble a list I can put on the newsletter21:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Actually include simple-init for minimal images
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reedI still think that it would be useful also to have a "new specs proposed this week" section21:50
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reedso people can get notified of incoming specs21:50
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dhellmannreed, jeblair : I decided not to put them on planet because I wasn't sure everyone reading planet would want the specs, but if you think they would that would be fine21:50
reeddhellmann, it should be a separate planet21:51
dhellmannreed: makes sense21:51
reedbut a script that gets titles and URLs is good enough21:51
reedlike a firehose from which I can copy-paste into the newsletter21:51
reedlet's see if people find it useful21:52
zaroclarkb: i don't think the order matters in that change21:52
clarkbzaro: it does, otherwise you could download the libs then tidy will delete them21:52
clarkbzaro: or start gerrit before downloading them21:52
zaroclarkb: the tidy removes 'bcprov-jdk*.jar' but the download renames the jars to21:53
zaroclarkb: the tidy removes 'bcprov-jdk*.jar' but the download renames the jars to 'bcprov.jar'21:53
zarotidy will not remove the jars that are downloaded by the script.21:54
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clarkbzaro: gotcha, so then order would only matter for running before gerrit starts21:54
clarkbzaro: but not for the tidy21:54
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clarkbok double checking that ordering now21:54
clarkbzaro: ya the gerrit-start exec oes not have the appropriate requires to enforce that order21:55
clarkbzaro: do you want me to update my comment on the change? it will still be a -1 but I can restrict it to being about the start ordering21:55
zaroclarkb: ok. i'm not seeing the problem21:56
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clarkbzaro: gerrit-start could run before we install the libs21:57
clarkbzaro: but we need it to run after otherwise gerrit may not have any libs to load21:57
zaroclarkb: i'm wondering whether puppet will always get the $gerrit_war_version before we reference it later in the script?21:57
clarkbzaro: variables are all done before everything else and you don't have to set order for them21:58
zaroclarkb: ahh,, good to know.21:58
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zaroclarkb: i see now, but that's always been missing right?21:59
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zaroclarkb: i don't see a requires for for init in install of BC libs from packages.21:59
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clarkbzaro: ya I think it may have been missing, we don't need a require for init in the install of BC libs. All that says is do this after that which isn't sufficient22:01
fungiSET default_storage_engine=MYISAM also no good on centos-6? moar sigh22:01
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clarkbzaro: we need gerrit-start to require the lib installs, or the lib installs to before => Exec['gerrit-start']22:02
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mikalDid you guys see that tonyb is going to try and trick you?22:03
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anteayamikal: I saw something in the meeting about tonyb22:04
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anteayamikal: expand on how he is going to trick us22:04
mikalSo... We're curious about if a private gerrit for embargoed security reviews is possible these days22:05
mikalWe've wanted one for a while, but its never happened22:05
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add CloudPulse
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anteayaright you mentioned in the meeting that you had a conversation about it before22:05
mikalAnd we really really miss CI when we do the reviews for these things22:05
mikalAnd the launchpad code review UI is horrible22:05
mikalYeah, like two years agoish22:05
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clarkbmikal: well private gerrit would not come with ci fwiw (at least if we went with the age old plan to make a private gerrit)22:05
zaroclarkb: hmm, so 'gerrit-start' requires libs for 2.10 _or_ libs for 2.8 ?22:05
mikalIs there anything like ACLs in modern gerrit?22:05
clarkbmikal: there are ACLs but all our CI is public and making it unpublic is not trivial22:06
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Adds jenkins default file
mikalAnyways, I just wanted to give you a heads up that this is still a pain point in nova and we might want to brain storm over beer in Canada22:06
mikalI don't particularly expect you to solve it now22:06
anteayaCanada has beer22:06
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use jenkins default file from puppet-jenkins
clarkbzaro: it should be both22:07
zaroclarkb: can you put all that all in a list that puppet will understands?22:07
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mikalAnyway, I have to run22:07
clarkbzaro: you definitely can if you do the before => think22:07
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mikalBut I will come be sarcastic in here some more later22:07
clarkbzaro: I want to say it will not work if you require all of them on the gerrit-start side22:07
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anteayamikal: welcome anytime22:07
anteayamikal: enjoy your run22:08
clarkbnibalizer: crinkle ^ can you require resources that don't end up getting declaired due to if else branching?22:08
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding create permissions to networking-vsphere
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mikalOh, not literal run22:09
crinkleclarkb: no22:09
mikalMore "get dressed, find food, get to office" in time for another meeting22:09
anteayamikal: ah well enjoy that22:09
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nibalizerclarkb: no it wll break22:11
nibalizeryou can have the thing being if blocked before => other resource22:11
clarkbnibalizer: oh right puppet 3 respects ordering22:11
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clarkbzaro: so you can probabl get away with just moving all that stuff above gerrit-start then leave a comment that the order is important22:12
crinkleno no22:12
clarkbcrinkle: then what use an anchor?22:12
crinklehe means add a before metaparameter22:12
clarkbya ok22:12
crinkleso resource { 'thing': before => Otherthing[foo] }22:12
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clarkbzaro: ^ basically those things should do that for Exec['gerrit-start']22:12
zaroclarkb: yeah, i see that.  making the change now22:13
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Get libs before running Gerrit
zaroclarkb: ^22:19
zaroopps made mistake there, need another patch.22:20
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jogoreed: I am not sure if the firehose if all the approved specs is useful22:21
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jogoreed: I think some human review would be useful22:21
clarkbzaro: ya I commented, see if thats what you noticed22:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add DIB tests to dib-utils
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Get libs before running Gerrit
zaroclarkb: ^ yeah, noticed that right after pushing it.22:24
zaroclarkb: you suggesting that i make that a change on top of current master instead?22:25
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race condition relating to change updates
clarkbzaro: no, just update the existing change (the parent)22:25
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zaroclarkb: seperated because it never existed in the first place.22:26
clarkbzaro: ok22:26
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: ^ just as i was started to get tired of functional tests with race conditions, i find one that uncovered a real production bug.22:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Document IRC channel registration commands
zaroohh shoot, now i have one rocket ship mis-aligned :(22:27
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clarkbjeblair: fun, thankfully the fix looks simple22:27
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Get libs before running Gerrit
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Be explicit about what services we enable for ODL
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jeblairclarkb: do you understand these failures?
jeblairclarkb: this goes with it
clarkbjeblair: it looks like the test runners bailed out22:30
jeblairreturncode -1422:30
fungimikal: yeah, i'm planning to bring off the back-burner once we're through the gerrit 2.10 upgrade and summit
clarkbjeblair: but the return code is wrong for test timeouts iirc returncode is 142 if it timed out22:30
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add the ability for template to manage exim
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move afs servers to using o_p::template
clarkbjeblair: I am waiting for the subunit log to load up in my browser22:31
jeblairfungi, mikal: zuulv3 should make the zuul part of security reviews feasible -- log storage and display would still need to be solved though, but it's at least another step in the process.22:31
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mordredjeblair: yah - I just +2'd hat22:32
fungijeblair: yeah, i think the initial phase was to just be able to review things on it, and then punt on the rest (workflow would involve reproposing the same change to public review once the embargo was lifted)22:32
mordredclarkb: in your nodepool testing doc, you have a grant all on *.* so that the tests can create a database, but then the next step is creating a database ...22:32
mordredclarkb: do you really need that create step?22:33
jeblairfungi: yep.  just thinking way ahead22:33
mordred(obviously it won't breka things)22:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race in test_crd_check_duplicate
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zaroclarkb: maybe the depends-on doesn't make sense in ?22:34
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zaroclarkb: we really want the plugin update to happen before starting the gerrit service.22:34
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clarkbmordred: yes because the tests also expect that specific db to exist22:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Allow for Jenkinsless targets
fungiso... sometime between mysql 5.1 and 5.6 "set storage_engine" became "set default_storage_engine". i suppose in our setup i should just try the more likely one and then if that fails, try the less likely one22:35
fungimordred: jeblair: am i interpreting the documentation correctly there?22:35
mordredclarkb: kk22:35
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mordredfungi: yes. I think you should do the 5.6 one and fall back to the 5.1 one22:36
mordred5.1 is ANCIENT these days22:36
fungimordred: yep, so is centos 6 ;)22:36
mordredclarkb: I -1'd for a different reason - otherwise, patch looks great22:36
clarkbyou mean 5.5 one22:36
mordredfungi: ++22:36
clarkbmordred: thanks22:36
mordredclarkb: the > 5.1 one22:36
sharikapongubalahello, I can't update my contact information in Does anyone have any idea why it is not allowing me to change my info?22:36
fungithe less ancient one before the more ancient one22:36
clarkbzaro: the depends on is a gerrit change thing though and won't affect puppet running right?22:37
clarkbzaro: we will merge both then run puppet with all the things together22:37
fungisharikapongubala: either your foundation member profile primary e-mail doesn't match your gerrit preferred e-mail, or that your foundation account is community instead of foundation member, or that you don't have a foundation account, or that the network between gerrit and the foundation member system is broken, or that the foundation member system itself is broken/down22:37
mordredgreghaynes: 179537 in python-openstackclient is something you may want to look at22:37
mordredgreghaynes: dtroyer is working on tests for os-client-config override precedence22:37
Clintfungi: how long have you been pasting that?22:37
fungiClint: this was repeat #122:38
Clintoh good22:38
anteayasharikapongubala: have a look at and see if it helps you22:38
clarkbI usually link the aski.o.o answer22:38
fungiClint: was saving myself some keystrokes22:38
clarkbya that one22:38
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mordredgreghaynes: also, if you were not aware, python-openstackclient now consumes os-client-config22:38
fungiClint: but yeah, we get asked on average about once a day. today is a bonus i guess ;)22:38
mordredclarkb: speaking of ^^ did I mention taht to you?22:38
greghaynesmordred: nice22:38
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anteayaclarkb: actually so does fungi, which is where I learned the link is there22:38
greghaynesmordred: did you see passes?22:38
clarkbmordred: the next ubuntu-trusty run should include simple-init22:39
mordredHAHAHAH. I just went to the gerrit webui and then pressed "d" to get the diff22:39
zaroclarkb: as long as both get merged before we run puppet then it's fine as-is.22:39
mordredclarkb: woot22:39
mordred"d" does not do that in webui22:39
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add utility for inspecting puppet module versions
clarkbmordred: I think so and I had to -1 it for something but did not track it since then22:39
jeblairmordred: excellent22:39
clarkbzaro: ya I think that should be our plan, we can note it on the etherpad22:40
clarkbzaro: but basically stop puppet on review.o.o, merge everything, run puppet22:40
jeblairmordred: what's really weird is i can never get 'local checkout' to work in gerrit.  ;)22:40
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mordredjeblair: you know, I feel like modern javascript should be able to handle that22:41
clarkbmordred: it can but only sandboxed iirc22:41
greghaynesmordred: Are we going to need a release of os-client-config now to get that fix for nodepool?22:41
mordredgreghaynes: yah22:41
mordredgreghaynes: but that's easy :)22:41
mordredI'd lke to get the other patch in too22:42
mordredoh - the other patch is in22:42
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mordredactually - let me hack up the floating ip patch real quick22:42
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Bring in module to manage update-alternatives
clarkbjeblair: I have converted the subunit log to version1 locally (bit easier to read) and it says return code -14022:43
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race in test_crd_check_duplicate more
jeblairsorry about that ^22:43
clarkbjeblair: so that adds to the mystery, best I can tell the test runners all exited while running the jobs that are listed as failing22:43
jeblairclarkb: that's TEN TIMES WORSE!22:43
clarkbjeblair: and in the negative direction22:44
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zaroclarkb: i've updated the etherpad, hopefully it's more clear now.22:45
clarkbjeblair: I would try running one of those tests on its own?22:45
clarkbjeblair: but other than that I am stumped22:45
jeblairclarkb: i'm pretty sure it's a complete fluke22:45
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jeblairclarkb: as in, not at all reproducible22:45
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zaroclarkb: alright, jenkins says +1, so let me know when you want to make that gerrit lib change happen.22:47
clarkbzaro I need to rereview, snack first as I neglected lunch22:47
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade to get the client objects
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greghaynesmordred: ^ should pass once os-c-c is released, and I think there should be tests to make everyone happy now22:49
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agentleexileanyone here know what our Summit voting system is? I think it's Morey-crafted but wondered if there are alternatives? I have a techcomm conf organizer asking me if I know what tools they could use for their conference and they like the Summit one. :)22:53
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anteayaagentleexile: our Summit voting system?22:56
anteayado you mean the voting that takes place for summit talks?22:56
agentleexileanteaya: yes22:56
agentleexileanteaya: I think Todd morey made it?22:56
anteayaagentleexile: might best to talk to todd then22:57
anteayaI'm going with as his email address22:57
jeblairagentleexile: it might be in ?22:58
jeblairagentleexile: also, on the subject of conference organizing software, you may want to chat with mikal and/or jhesketh22:58
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clarkbzaro: current patchset looks good. If we can get a second reviewer we can try getting that in today or early tomorrow23:02
anteayawas that anne?23:02
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mordredanteaya: yes23:04
mordredanteaya: well, at least I hope it was23:04
anteayame too23:05
mordredanteaya: because I chatted with her privately about something for a second23:05
anteayabased upon the dearth of follow up before the departure I hope it was anne23:05
anteayaelse we might have offended a new comer23:05
zaroclarkb: your lingering -1 is on the parent  patch.23:05
clarkbzaro: oh right, sorry23:07
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Move afs servers to using o_p::template
greghaynesclarkb: looks like the dib change to use zuul-cloner is :(
mordredanteaya: if we offended a newcoming - they sure did have an amazing nick23:09
clarkbgreghaynes: oh! you need to use the full path. openstack/diskimage-builder/stuff23:09
anteayamordred: true23:10
anteayamorning jhesketh23:10
clarkbgreghaynes: thats mostly new with zuul-cloner and likely the correct decision, just makes it easy to overlook23:11
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use correct path for DIB tests
greghaynesclarkb: yea, its not a bad idea23:12
clarkbgreghaynes: want to remove the gerrit git prep too?23:14
greghaynesclarkb: sure, what does that do?23:14
clarkbgreghaynes: gerrit-git-prep is the old thing that zuul-cloner is replacing, and it only did the current project23:14
clarkbgreghaynes: so basically you are making a newer better gerrit git prep that understands multiple projects so don't need the old thing23:15
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use correct path for DIB tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump pbr versions.
jeblairjhesketh: good morning; re 180855, we are?23:19
jlvillalWho would know about: gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-agent_ssh test?
jlvillalI'm trying to understand the error.  python-requests was updated in the patch:
jlvillalI'm wondering if the pip version being used is incompatible?23:20
clarkbjlvillal: looks like linecache2 is broken?23:22
jlvillalclarkb: I'll admit I don't know what that is.  I have done recheck twice over a period of several days and still fails.23:22
clarkboh wait thats just noise23:22
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clarkbjlvillal: looking at that23:23
clarkbjlvillal: but then pip says it successfully installed so I dunno what is going on there23:23
jheskethjeblair: clarkb discovered it actually
clarkbjlvillal: looks like pip install ironic-python-agent is the actual fail23:24
jlvillalclarkb: I notice that the next step.  Yes.23:24
jlvillalclarkb: And is it using pip 1.5.2?23:24
jlvillalWhich seems old.23:24
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clarkbjhesketh: that seems reasonable23:24
jlvillalclarkb: I was wondering if python-requests 2.5.2 is incompatible with pip 1.5.2?23:24
clarkbjlvillal: I do not know what version of pip that coreos docker build thing does23:24
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jeblairjhesketh: hrm, my read of that is different -- i'm thinking that until we prove otherwise, the remote-url-override change is suspect, as in, i suspect it of causing a performance degredation.  touching git operations, it's certainly capable of that.23:25
clarkbjlvillal: basically ironic has decided to be compeltely and super special there and I don't know anything :)23:25
jlvillalclarkb: Okay.  I will ask the IPA guys.  Thanks.23:25
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jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: slowest tests on the changes i've been doing are coming back with 13, 12, 8, 8, 8, ... seconds23:26
jheskethjeblair: hmm good point23:26
clarkbjeblair: that would indicate a regression then23:26
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clarkbjlvillal: if I had to make a guess, pip version there is too new/old for the requests version23:29
clarkbjlvillal: while we typically control and make sure all of that works for you, the use of a container in an image we have no cntrol over subverts that23:29
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
jlvillalclarkb: That was my initial thought.  I'm chatting with IPA guys.23:29
JayFclarkb: So we're using, in this case, stock pip from Ubuntu Trusty23:30
JayFclarkb: should we not expect that to work?23:30
clarkbJayF: apparently not. especially if you are changing the requests version23:30
clarkbmordred: you know, for all the work we do to make images that solve these problems it is really easy to get around that23:31
JayFIt seems... broken if our software can't be installed from a stock pip in a relatively new distro (1y old)23:31
clarkbmordred: not sure there is a good answer for that though, just thinking about DNS rsolvers, pip mirrors, cached files, etc and doing work in a container throws it all out the door23:31
clarkbmordred: you might have ideas on how to deal with that23:31
JayFI can add a pip install pip to the dockerfile if you tell me what version I could install?23:31
clarkbJayF: its not our softwares fault23:32
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clarkbJayF: pip is broken, has nothing to do with openstack23:32
JayFclarkb: it could be pip that was broken :)23:32
JayFclarkb: I agree with you, just worded it strangely23:32
clarkbit clearly is, its importing a thing from requests that does not exist23:32
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clarkblifeless: may interest you, appears to be testtools install failing under pypy23:33
JayFOK, I think jroll has a beat on a fix. ty23:33
clarkblifeless: sorry, testrepository23:33
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clarkbmordred: maybe we can aufs over the top of the host machine and use that as the base?23:34
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make tempest-dsvm-sahara job voting
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove integrated-gate template from sahara
lifelessshouldn't, since I test on pypy before releasing23:34
clarkblifeless: I suppose it could be related to the version of pbr under test now that testrepository uses pbr?23:35
jeblairclarkb: i may not be following, but is the bug under discussion not a legitimate bug in the image?23:35
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jeblairclarkb: (in which case we would not want to alter the test environment to 'mask' it)23:35
lifelessclarkb: it could be. I don't think we have a pypy gate around pbr23:35
clarkbjeblair: its not a bug in the image, our image is perfectly fine. The test then goes and does all of its work in a docker image we have no control over23:35
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lifelessclarkb: I can't see the pypy log there can I?23:36
clarkbjeblair: so what they do there is their business I guess. There really isn't much we can do to fix that if projects decide that oeprating on a chroot is more important to them then reliability23:36
lifelesstox log23:36
jeblairclarkb: i thought the docker thing was the thing under test -- as in, IPA runs in a container, and if the docker image it is using is broken, that's a legitimate test result23:36
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clarkbjeblair: I don't think the docker image is broken23:36
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove sahara from the default configuration
clarkbjeblair: I think they do somethign to the image that is broken that they would not be doing if running on the host23:37
clarkbjeblair: eg upgrading requests but not pip23:37
clarkblifeless: doesn't look like it23:37
lifelessclarkb: so how/why do we think its testr failing?23:37
lifelessclarkb: the error i see is a pip fail23:37
clarkblifeless: error: option --single-version-externally-managed not recognized23:37
lifelessERROR:   pypy: could not install deps [setuptools>3.4, -r/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-requirements-pypy/test-requirements.txt]; v = InvocationError('/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-requirements-pypy/.tox/pypy/bin/pip install -U setuptools>3.4 -r/home/jenkins/workspace/gate-requirements-pypy/test-requirements.txt (see /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-requirements-pypy/.tox/pypy/log/pypy-1.log)', 1)23:38
clarkblifeless: and that happens when installing testrepository23:38
lifelessah, found it23:38
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clarkblifeless: it almost looks like it used a really old setuptools or distutils23:39
clarkboh ya distutils is in the paths there23:39
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clarkbmordred: greghaynes rsyslog is still broken with simple-init23:40
lifelessyeah, thats really out of testr's hands23:40
clarkbmordred: greghaynes are you sure that rsyslog is part of ubuntu-minimal23:41
clarkbthe dhcpclient issue did go away though23:41
lifelessclarkb: when from setuptools import setup gets you bad stuff, its going to break23:41
greghaynesclarkb: im not, mordred said puppet installs it23:42
lifelessthe pip debug log may have more info23:42
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lifelessI can't tell what version of setuptools is actually being installed there23:42
lifelesstestr doesn't use pbr yet23:42
clarkblifeless: oh! I think I know what the problem is23:43
clarkbthe problem is we upgrade setuptools in that invocation of pip23:43
clarkbthat will likely break23:43
clarkbso we start with setuptools 2.2 then upgrade to latest and that explodes23:43
lifelessits across a process boundary23:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use correct path for DIB tests
lifelessthats plausible23:44
lifelessis this new? when did it start breaking?23:44
clarkblifeless: its the first time I have seen it23:44
clarkbbut I know cryptography has a specific workaround for pypy for things like this23:44
clarkbthey normally install setuptools as a install_requires (for pkg_resources) but do not with pypy23:44
clarkbgreghaynes: ya looks like an order of operations bug23:46
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update rsyslog config after install
clarkbmordred: greghaynes ^23:48
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clarkblifeless: though maybe I misread the commit message23:50
greghaynesclarkb: yep. that looks like puppet.23:51
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jeblairclarkb, fungi:when you have a sec, tail the zuul debug log; it's a lot quieter :)23:54
clarkbwoot, thank you pleia223:54
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clarkbjeblair: still getting AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_ZuulGearmanClient__gearman_job' though23:55
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update Rally meeting.
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race condition relating to change updates
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race in test_crd_check_duplicate more
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jeblairi'm reversing the dep order on those and will just self-approve23:56
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jeblairclarkb: that's so weird :/23:57
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fungiit's the time of night when i'm beginning to sample some of the local rum, so not approving anything else23:57
clarkbI am about to go prep dinner23:57
jeblairoh look! a farmers market!23:58

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