Wednesday, 2015-05-13

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clarkbjogo: I do not see a REPO_ROOT there00:00
clarkboh I must be behind00:01
jogoclarkb: I update my local copies on a regular basis with
clarkbjogo: if we can get my zuul-cloner change in we can switch to using that (I guess I need to fix the bug there too)00:02
clarkbjogo: you should use zuul-cloner :)00:02
* jogo looks at zuul-cloner00:02
clarkbjogo: its missing a change to make it useful locally though, but I pushed it up so hopefully soon00:02
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greghaynesclarkb: you have a -1 on your zuul cloner patch fyi00:04
jogoclarkb: where does it get a list of repos to clone from?00:04
clarkbgreghaynes: gah thanks00:04
clarkbjogo: you provide it on the command line or in a "map" file that maps sources to dests00:04
greghaynesjogo: is an example00:05
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clarkbthere is an issue with our git cache repos interacting with GitPython that I need to sort out too00:05
openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add config for Cinder LVM Thin configuration
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jogoI just fetch/clone/pull everything except the -attic  orgs00:06
jgriffithzuul piece00:06
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clarkbjogo: then zuul-cloner will work well for you00:07
jogoand dhellmann has a bash script that does the same thing somewhere too00:07
clarkbjogo: you point it at that cache and it makes working repos for you that are correct based on zuul parameters or it falls back safely to sane defaults00:07
greghaynesjogo: I think theres like 5 tools around openstack that do this :(00:07
clarkbjogo: the real killer feature is you should be able to use the same tool in the gate to get the right thing to test and locally to do dev00:07
clarkbgreghaynes: and zuul-cloner is the only one you can use in the gate00:08
clarkbgreghaynes: which is wh it wins imo00:08
jogoclarkb: well I just used it to keep my repos fresh so grep works accross them00:08
jeblairdougwig, fungi: is someone working on making the neutron jobs use zuul-cloner?00:08
jogoI query gerrit for the API list and go00:08
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Simplify cloner required parameters
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ thanks00:08
clarkbjeblair: we need 181694 first, so I guess I am00:09
greghaynesWe also should fix that bug first00:09
clarkbgreghaynes: ++00:09
greghaynesits not terribly useful otherwise00:09
jogoclarkb: but my thing is more of just a fun little script to mess around with then anything else00:09
jeblairclarkb: why is 181694 needed?00:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Don't shallow clone from file:// in integration test
dougwigjeblair: no, i was going to stop force cloning in the CI.  but can you point me at what youre' talking about?00:09
clarkbjeblair: because otherwise zuul-cloner does not work without a zuul env and these scripts are expected to run locally on `tox`00:09
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jeblairclarkb: oh, well, i'm interested in neutron using zuul-cloner in the gate00:10
clarkbme too00:10
clarkbbut one of their requirements is it work locally too00:10
jeblairoh i see00:10
clarkb181694 should allow that00:10
jeblairdougwig: zuul-cloner is what every job should (and will in the not too distant future) use to set up the git repos under test00:11
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jeblairclarkb: so assuming your patch lands, how will the various neutron repos be set up and installed for the test?00:11
jeblair(eg: zuul runs tox, and tox runs zuul-cloner, and...?)00:12
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clarkbyup and each tox target could have a specific set of repos to update00:12
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jeblairbut that means that each repo has to maintain tox targets in sync...00:13
clarkbbecause right now its all adhoc, hacking does one thing, neutron another00:13
openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add config for Cinder LVM Thin configuration
jeblairclarkb: how is hacking involved?00:13
clarkbjeblair there should only be one for each test00:13
jeblairclarkb: but we're talking about integration tests between neutron repos and neutron, right?00:13
clarkbyes but only one repo has the tox target00:14
clarkbhacking is involved because it also breaks integration testing like neutron00:14
clarkbit fixes a regression so I approved it but that script has the same general problem00:14
jeblairokay, so neutron and neutron-* all run a job that zuul-cloners neutron, and then runs "tox something" which zuul-cloners neutron and all the plugins and then installs them?00:15
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jeblair(so all the plugins and neutron end up running a tox target from neutron)00:15
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clarkbya thats the idea00:16
clarkbbasically each integration test has to have one source for the test itself, but then we can wrap zuul-cloner around that as necessary to get the right refs for all the deps00:16
jeblairwe can do that with only one zuul-cloner call, but i guess it won't hurt either way00:17
jeblair(if we specify the repos under test in the shared job definition)00:17
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clarkba more concrete example is change to networking-foo comes in, it runs job that grabs latest neutron and networking-foo with zuul-cloner then it runs tox in neutron00:17
clarkbjeblair: ya00:17
jeblairclarkb: okay, i think we're on the same page; dougwig do you follow?00:18
jeblairclarkb: so how is hacking involved?  not actually in this scenario, right -- just a similar problem?00:18
clarkbor I guess to make it more local dev friendly you might want to run tox and have it do a second repo update just so that you don't always have to start from latest neutron?00:19
clarkbjeblair: correct similar problem00:19
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clarkbjeblair: hacking has a job that tests against nova as an integration test. Except that test won't properly apply zuul ref'd nova for hacking if I am reading correctly00:19
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clarkbso its possible to wedge things by getting a change in at the right moment00:19
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jeblairclarkb: does nova use CD hacking?00:20
jeblairclarkb: i thought nova would use a hacking release00:20
clarkbjeblair: no, it uses a release00:20
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clarkbjeblair: we would wedge hacking dev not nova's00:20
clarkbbut maybe thats ok00:20
jeblairclarkb: yeah, but that can happen anyway00:20
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jeblairclarkb: if no hacking changes are in flight, you can still land a change that will wedge hacking00:21
jeblairclarkb: if no hacking changes are in flight, you can still land a change to nova that will wedge hacking00:21
jogonothing CDs hacking00:21
jeblairso i think in this case, we're just wanting to use zuul-cloner to do the right thing with git repos00:21
jogothe hacking integration check that runs on the nova tree, is a non-voting job to get some information on what a test looks like on a bigrepo00:22
jeblairwe won't solve that particular wedge case with zuul-cloner, we either need to make that job non-voting, co-gate with nova, or accept that the current risk profile is the one we want00:22
jeblairoh okay, non-voting sounds like exactly the right thing for that00:22
jogoalso it always returns success00:22
clarkbah ok00:22
jeblairjogo: why always return success if it is non-voting?00:23
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jogojeblair: because it runs hacking with all tests enabled00:23
jogoit would always fail otherwise00:23
jogoI haven't been able to come up with a useful binary value to return00:23
jeblairokay, so you're reading the output.  at least, theoretically.  :)00:24
jogojeblair: correct00:24
jogowhen looking at reviews for new rules I often do00:24
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jeblairmakes sense00:25
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jogojeblair: here is a nice example
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jeblairclarkb: i think there's a fundamental problem in your change00:29
clarkbthere may be00:30
jeblairclarkb: because of the mechanism for pulling vars from the environment is to set the command line parameter defaults for each of the ones in the list to what's in the environment00:31
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clarkbjeblaur it does check all are set if any are set00:34
dougwigjeblair: i believe so, and i don't think i need to mess with it, correct? i just need to trust that the local repos have been setup correctly, and not reach around them.00:34
jeblairdougwig: that's the idea.  zuul-cloner has one job and we expect it to do it well.  :)00:35
jeblairclarkb: i think removing something from the list will cause it to stop being a parameter at all.  the parameters are built from that list.00:36
jeblairclarkb: (ZUUL_ENV_SUFFIXES)00:36
clarkbjeblair correct so the ones I removes are unused00:36
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jeblairclarkb: oh, you are saying zuul closer just flat does not actually use them?00:37
jeblairclarkb: ah, then i think your patch may be fully correct.  :)00:38
jeblairclarkb, dougwig: so what will actuall install neutron and the plugins inside the tox environment?00:40
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jeblairclarkb, dougwig: will we specify the dependencies in tox or add them to the neutron requirements file, or something else?00:41
dougwigjeblair: what i'd like to try is lifeless's suggestion of putting neutron into requirements, making the local unit job install it manually (as now), and all other tox jobs just use pip, which should grab it local (plus or minus some command-line tweaks).  but... since neutron isn't in global-requirements, either crossing that bridge first, or adding00:43
dougwigsomething like project-requirements.txt that tox can use as an additional requirements file.00:43
dougwigthat change would be in the sub-repos.  neutron itself would not change.00:43
dougwigthat's not without its own warts, since we can't version pin at all, but in CI land, that shouldn't be an issue.00:44
jeblairdougwig: if you want to run the same job on multiple repos, then you should define that job in one place.  i had been assuming you would define it as a tox env on neutron.  where do you want to do define it?00:44
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dougwigit's an lbaas api job, defined in the lbaas repo.  it then runs against lbaas changes or neutron changes.00:45
dougwigright now, it's a tox env in lbaas.00:45
jeblairdougwig: are the only repos involved neutron and neutron-lbaas?00:45
dougwigjeblair: correct.00:45
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anteayadougwig: this is the same pattern for fwaas and vpnaas too, yes?00:48
dougwigno, fwaas has no co-gates, and vpnaas doesn't use tox in its single co-gate, so it doesn't run afoul of this.  but i will modify them to use whatever mechanism lbaas ends up adopting for running unit tests outside of CI.00:50
jeblairokay.  that makes sense to have the tox env on the lbaas repo do the setup for this.  but the details about how to actually install it are important.  i would lean towards having the tox env specify that they should be installed from pre-existing local repos.  that could be done now without clarkb's patch, but it will make it harder (but not impossible) to use that repo for local devolpment.00:50
dougwig(previous was for anteaya)00:50
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove Blazar Meeting
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Move Cue meeting to Monday
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dougwigjeblair: i have to run out. can i add you as a reviewer and we can refine there?00:51
jeblairdougwig: please, but i'm also deferring to clarkb since it sounds like he has a plan :)00:51
jeblairi'm just trying to help out00:52
dougwigjeblair: ok, i'll add him too.  :)00:52
dougwigthank you, i appreciate it.00:52
clarkbwell semi plan mostly trying to get beaker working too and its similar issues00:52
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jeblairclarkb: the disconnect for me is that our ci system can know where to put the repos; i'm not sure where a developer-run test should place git checkouts00:53
jeblairsplatting them in ~, for instance, may not be the right answer.00:53
clarkbya, for beaker it can know because its a vm but good point about neutron00:53
dougwigjeblair: if that's really a holdup, i'd be fine with one env for devs and one for ci.00:53
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jeblairwell, i mean, we could decide that they go in .tox/git/ or something00:54
dougwigbut i think lifeless' point was that if they're running it local, they must already have devstack, so neutron is going to be there.00:54
openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add config for Cinder LVM Thin configuration
jeblairbut tox creates a virtualenv so if devs are running tox, whatever devstack installed will be invisible to it00:55
dougwigbut the pip that runs outside to venv, to set it up, can see the local package.  so if it's in requirements (unpinned), it'll just reuse it.  right?00:56
dougwig /to venv/the venv/00:56
jeblaironly if you set tox to re-use site packages, which we don't, because it always messes something up00:57
dougwigoy.  :)00:57
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dougwigok, i need to eat, and i'm really high on cold meds right now. which is either making pip easier to understand or harder.  maybe i can selectively use the site package for neutron only?00:58
dougwigjeblair: ^^00:58
anteayadougwig: ha ha ha00:58
jeblairdougwig: no, it's all or none:|False00:58
jeblairdougwig: and i can't convey the amount of pain that ensues whenever we have set that to true in the past :)00:59
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dougwigjeblair: not arguing to go global.   :)    but i can pass any flag i want to the deps, not just -r.00:59
lifelessjeblair: ah, i thought we had site-packages on on most venvs?00:59
lifelessdougwig: so, are you ok with forcing devs to pull down a new neutron?01:00
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jeblairlifeless: i think it's the opposite.  i think we might even have finally gotten it to be disabled everywhere.01:01
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dougwiglifeless: i'd prefer not, but i was going to get around that by proposing that we force a git clone if we don't see CI env vars, along with a TODO on that line to remove it one the server package hit pypi.01:01
lifelessjeblair: cool01:01
lifelessjeblair: I heartily support such endeavours01:01
jeblairyes, so much pain01:01
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dougwig /one/once/01:01
lifelessdougwig: well as I keep coming back to, we have to install non-pypi for CI01:01
dougwig  " if we don't see CI env vars"01:01
lifelessdougwig: so the ting being on pypi is not relevant for the CI discussion. It may be relevant for the dev discussion, but only if lbaas can run with 'last release' of neutron01:02
dougwigmy comment was solely confined to the dev discussion.01:02
lifelessdougwig: since i don't know - can lbaas run with a previous release of neutron?01:02
dougwigno, it certainly can not in all cases (and this problem spreads to about 20 repos, not just lbaas.) i'm operating under the assumption that we can release for each of the branches regularly, as if it was a library (and if that means 'experimental' flag for master, fine.)01:04
dougwiglifeless: ^^01:04
dougwigbut, wait, back to your original question, we can auto-install neutron for devs in the non-CI case until those details are sorted out, as today.01:05
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lifelessdougwig: well, what it means is that for the dev story we want git neutron, and for CI we want git neutron.01:06
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lifelessdougwig: My personal inclination would be to do two things; set the source dir in pip.conf in CI to point to the checked out neutron (solves the cloning-fresh issue)01:07
dougwiglifeless: i failed to parse that.  it means that for the dev story we want (pip install git+url), and for the CI we want (pip install local).01:07
lifelesssecondly change install_command in tox to include the git neutron with ZUUL refs (or whatever jeblair recommends)01:08
lifelessdougwig: no - pip install git+url both times; tell pip where the local git tree is for CI01:08
jeblairlifeless: can you elaborate on "pip.conf in CI to point to the checked out neutron" ?01:08
jeblairlifeless: not sure what that means01:09
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lifelessjeblair: for git+ urls pip will check them out to a source directory. It defaults to src at the root of the venv.01:09
lifelessjeblair: but we can set it in ~/.pip/pip.conf - if we set that to /opt/stack/new, it will find the existing neutron git tree01:09
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dougwiglifeless: oh, that's pretty neat.01:10
lifelessjeblair: if you look in pip install --help at the option --src01:10
jeblairlifeless: ok.  i've never used a git+ url with a zuul checkout before, and i'm wary of it.  the pattern that i prefer is that something (zuul-cloner) set up git repos, and then something install from those repos.01:10
jeblairlifeless: basically, i don't think anything should perform git operations except zuul-cloner01:11
lifelessok, you can certainly do that too01:11
lifelessas long as we edit the requirements before pip encounters them01:11
jeblairthat's not ideal either01:11
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lifelesshere are the constraints (in current pip)01:12
lifeless1) you can't give the same requirement twice in different ways. You *might* be able to give the exact same one twice, but I'd need to check that.01:12
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lifeless2) whats in the repository should not reference locations, because they can't be reflected sensibly into setuptools kwargs.01:13
dougwigi have to run out.  i will check back in after dinner, and hopefully see a consensus that i can implement.  thanks, all.  :)01:13
lifeless(And we just removed the local glue that kindof-sometimes-made-that-work)01:13
anteayathanks dougwig01:13
jeblairlifeless: but we can have requirements pre-installed, possibly by tox.01:14
lifeless3) we're running under tox, so there's no convenient point to stop and install things01:14
lifelessjeblair: hah :)01:14
lifelessjeblair: there was a thread about this last week on -dev IIRC.01:14
lifelesswe can hack install_command to do something01:14
jeblairlifeless: we can literally specify requirements in tox01:14
lifelessjeblair: yes01:14
jeblairwe use it all the time01:14
lifelessjeblair: its my understanding that tox needs to work for both devs and users01:15
lifelessdevs and CI01:15
jeblairlifeless: yeah, i kind of think that we should get it working for ci, and if there's a way to make it work for devs, fine.01:15
lifelesssorry, local interrupt, back soon01:15
jeblairi think dougwig is okay with that01:15
jeblairbut we have the pattern _well established_ for ci, so we should implement that here, and think about improving it later01:16
jeblairand the pattern is: checkout, install, run.01:16
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dougwigIf it comes to it, I'll burn two tox envs.  Worse has been done.01:17
jeblairindeed, much worse has been done :)01:17
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jeblairdougwig, lifeless: install_command may be the way to make it work for devs and ci, because honestly, i think we need some kind of logic switch like dougwig was talking about01:19
jeblairanyway, my turn to leave. :)01:19
anteayaenjoy your evening01:20
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update Neutron Service chaining Meeting
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fungijeblair: clarkb: sorry, was afk. skimmed... the neutron-lbaas api job currently looks like it relies on devstack-gate and devstack to set up neutron, then runs a "tempest" tox env to perform the testing, and as a side effect of initializing that env the neutron-lbaas requirement on neutron getting installed into tempest's virtualenv is merely a side effect01:29
fungiat least that's what i was able to figure out by digging in the devstack-gate hook scripts for it01:30
fungii suppose i could be misreading them01:30
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fungithe gate hook configures the services overrides for devstack and then the post-test hook copies a custom tempest config into place and runs it under tox like a typical devstack+tempest job01:34
fungiso i _think_ that implementing this with zuul-cloner is basically the "reimplement devstack-gate using zuul-cloner" project?01:35
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fungithat "tempest" tox env is simply inheriting the install-this-project's-deps configuration from the default testenv in tox.ini01:36
lifelesssounds like not using a venv would be a win01:37
lifelessif everything is already installed01:37
lifelesscan we tell tox topo ?01:37
lifelesse.g. just call testr ? whats tox doing for us in this context?01:37
fungii think it's simply copying the fact that normal devstack+tempest jobs run tempest from a virtualenv01:39
fungithough it's not just neutron it's having pip install from a git url. it's doing the same to install tempest from git too01:40
lifelessfungi: ok so that AIUI is to decouple tempest from the global requirements01:40
lifelesswe have a more pressing issue01:40
lifelessneutron is still bust01:40
lifelessand grenade is now failing01:40
lifelessfungi: well the non-voting was meant to unblock landing the actual fix to neutron01:41
lifelessfungi: which is 18243801:41
lifelessfungi: but thats failing in grenade on a omg-it-must-be-separate issue ^01:41
TheJuliaWould anyone happen to have handy documentaiton or a script that one can allow someone build a their own shiny new bare-trusty node as nodepool would have it?01:43
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fungilifeless: i see openstackclient barfing on a too-new python-cinderclient... trying to figure out if that's before or after upgrading01:45
lifelessfungi: yeah, wondering if perhaps its time to force-merge 43801:46
lifelessfungi: since it passes everything else, and *everything* using neutron master is currently broken01:46
fungitrying to figure out if this is new complication (e.g. from the openstackclient version which just got released) or old broken related to this01:47
lifelessI think its new, but can't prove it01:48
lifelessfungi: its got a bug open. its new01:49
anteayaTheJulia: I think we steer folks to disk-image-builder for that01:49
lifelessfungi: [openstack-dev] [release] python-novaclient 2.25.001:49
lifelessfungi: in -dev01:49
fungilooks like between 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 a requirements sync capped cinderclient in openstackclient's reqs on stable/kilo01:49
lifeless'And openstackclient 1.0.4 broke grenade:01:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1454467 in python-openstackclient "Latest version 1.0.4 doesn't work with master" [Undecided,New]01:49
lifelessI think we need a 1.1 release for trunk and make sure caps are set so its not used in stable/kilo. Or something like that.01:49
lifeless[have I mentioned I really don't like this stable-branches-of-non-servers thing? ]01:50
fungi"latest" python-openstackclient is 1.2.001:50
fungilifeless: without stable branches how do we backport fixes to older releases contemporary with the api server releases which use those libraries?01:51
tchaypo2m5s just for git review to tell me it can’t rebase because I have unstashed changes.01:51
lifelessfungi: what we used to do was roll forward01:51
lifelessfungi: AIUI we're doing stable branches of these things because API compat is too hard or something. But I'm going to derail us with a rant if I don't focus, so... lets move past this.01:52
fungilifeless: yep, and then distros disliked that we didn't provide them with backports to the versions contemporary with the stable releases of the servers too01:52
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fungimoving past ;)01:52
lifelessfungi: so ? :)01:52
lifelessfungi: they aren't the ones wearing the engineering cost of the matrix01:52
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: WIP: Teach pbr to read extras from setup.cfg
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fungiso, something is pulling in newer cinderclient than what stable/kilo requiements sync'd to openstackclient01:53
fungichecking now to see who's wrong01:53
tchaypomaybe one day my git review will learn about that and return me to the command line01:54
anteayaone day01:54
fungistable/kilo global requirements also says cinderclient <1.2.001:54
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fungiCollecting python-cinderclient>=1.0.6 (from glance-store<0.5.0,>=0.3.0->glance==2015.1.1.dev1)01:55
TheJuliaanteaya: Yah, thats what I would figure, just trying to figure out complete weirdness between bare-trusty, and multiple end user installed trusty machines01:56
lifelessfungi: yes but and which will fix this01:56
fungiso glance-store isn't updated with global-requirements on stable/kilo in its last release01:56
lifelessfungi: are still open issues01:56
lifelessanything we install from pip will have old requirements by definition01:56
lifelessunless we release the whole strongly connected set each time any of them change01:57
fungiwell, ideally their requirements don't arbitrarily change on stable branches01:58
anteayaTheJulia: what weirdness are you witnessing?01:58
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TheJuliaanteaya: libvirt spitting out "error: unknown OS type hvm" when trying to create a domain02:00
lifelessok, I need to go02:01
fungiokay, i think i see the "problem"02:01
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anteayaTheJulia: any of your searches providing useful results?02:02
anteayaI got two results both solutions look different02:02
fungiopenstack/glance_store is not listed in stable/kilo (or master for that matter) requirements projects.txt and so is not getting requirements update proposals02:03
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anteayawhat do you get?02:03
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anteayafungi: that would be a problem02:03
greghaynesTheJulia: I get that when booting a kvm guest without kvm enabled/installed02:03
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anteayathat is consistent with one of the blog posts I found:
TheJuliaanteaya: basicaly ^^^ except the kvm module was just not loaded.  I went ahead and updated my process go ensure that the module was loaded, still no dice, tried other methods.02:06
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greghaynesTheJulia: I dont entirely understand what youre attempting to do? that should be a hypervisor setting...02:07
* TheJulia determines sleep and cofee is required in the morning02:08
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TheJuliagreghaynes: basically, fire up a vm that I can start/stop via ironic's pxe_ssh driver02:08
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greghaynesah! tripleo02:08
TheJuliaeh, not exactly02:08
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greghaynes(had to make the joke)02:08
TheJuliayeah :)02:08
greghaynesso, that seems like a hypervisor issue WRT the guest definition, not an issue with the guest image02:09
greghayneswhich makes me thing that the nodepool image shouldnt be your issue02:10
TheJuliathat is what I'm thinking, but i wanted to spin up a replica locally so I could peer into it and compare/contrast02:12
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greghaynesTheJulia: on hpcloud I believe the devstack-trusty images are made with DIB02:13
greghaynesTheJulia: So you need to dib with those elements which come from project-config/nodepool/elements02:14
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greghaynesas for the snapshots (which is how rax works) I have no idea02:16
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greghaynesTheJulia: also, other note would be to make sure kvm is enabled in the bios of the system youre using ;)02:18
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greghaynesI might have ran into that on my laptop recently which is why I recognize the error02:18
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TheJuliagreghaynes: new laptop?02:21
greghaynesYep, X1 v302:21
greghaynesand it even has linux drivers now!02:21
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tchaypoTheJulia: might i suggest you try coffee in the morning instead?02:23
TheJuliaYes... That would be an excellent idea!02:26
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clarkbyou cant hvm on our nodes there us no virt passthrough02:43
clarkbyou can qemu02:43
clarkbso ya no kvm sorry02:43
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clarkbTheJulia greghaynes ^02:44
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greghaynesoh, yea, it didnt occur to me this might be running on a cloud02:44
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TheJuliathats what I was very quickly suspecting02:47
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openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add functional test job for cinderclient
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openstackgerritSwaminathan Vasudevan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make neutron-dvr job voting at the gate
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: WIP: Teach pbr to read extras from setup.cfg
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lifelessI presume fungi has halt()ed05:16
lifelessjogo: / clarkb: whats the status on unwedging the gate?05:17
lifelessI see 182438 is still stalled05:17
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greghayneslifeless: jogo posted thinking it would unwedge the gate before I think he EOD'd, looks like it didnt pass05:20
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greghayneslifeless: looks like relevant backscroll is in #openstack-qa05:22
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lifelessI thought was the thing he proposed per the list05:23
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greghayneslifeless: Ah, yep, that was a few lines up in backscroll05:25
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jogolifeless: that was a different patch06:00
jogolifeless: this is the one
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Jenkins Job Builder 2.0.0 API Changes
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openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Jenkins Job Builder 2.0.0 API Changes
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lifelessjogo: thats the one I thought it was ;)06:22
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openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Develop gitub-integration spec.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Updated config for CentOS 7 and Apache 2.4
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openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix path issue to controller-config-pacemaker
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openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make `networking-midonet` tempest test vote
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lifelessjd__: the gate is doubly wedged for pbr09:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove Blazar Meeting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Move Cue meeting to Monday
lifelessjd__: neutron's trunk is un-installable (see my mail to -dev) and pbr's integration tests run that09:11
jd__lifeless: ah thanks for the heads-up09:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update Neutron Service chaining Meeting
lifelessjd__: and neutron's fix can't land cause grenade is bust (see joe's mail to -dev)09:11
jd__I've a bit of backlog on -dev09:11
lifelessoh, its been fun :)09:11
jd__I bet :(09:12
lifelessjd__: OTOH I finally pulled together a blog post about the packaging plumbing stuff09:16
lifelessjd__: which was satisfying09:16
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jd__lifeless: it's on my to-read list yeah I saw that :)09:17
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openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make `networking-midonet` tempest test vote
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AJaegerlifeless: thanks for that blog post, it's great to get such overviews!09:32
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow to specify which commit to send
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openstackgerritNikki Heald proposed openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: If we specify a branch, always use it
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow to specify which commit to send
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samueldmqmorning :)10:39
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pelixjeblair zaro mordred waynr: when you get in, you might take a look at which is improving the performance of JJB by a whooping margin (order of magnitude improvement) by reducing the number of queries for the list of jobs in Jenkins from per job, to a single query at the start.11:14
pelixThink that should be landed ASAP11:14
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pelixfungi: ^^ think that might allow you to run with the threading patch subsequently without bringing the jenkins master to it's knees11:16
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openstackgerritSamuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Devstack job for Identity v3 API only
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notnownikkii'm getting failures on check-requirements-integration-dsvm that seem unrelated to my change, can I get some help debugging please? change is at , failure seems to result from
sdaguezaro: so, I see that the groups fix for gerrit is abandoned - - is there someway we can get that moving again? I feel like that's a big constrictor in the current review workflow11:37
sdaguenotnownikki: there is an ML thread from lifeless about pbr vs. neutron11:38
sdagueI guess that is not yet resolved11:38
notnownikkioh :(11:39
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mordredsdague: anything I need to do related to the neutron/pbr before I do other things this morning?11:56
mordredlifeless: ^^?11:56
fungiwondering if the neutron patch got rechecked after the grenade fix (182526) landed11:58
sdaguemordred: I do not know11:58
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sdagueI'm actually not very up on the current break status, that mostly started failing at my end of day11:59
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fungisame. i was starting to fade when it all started up12:01
mordredsdague: same here12:01
fungi182438 made it into the gate 20 minutes ago12:01
mordredwell, it's good that the three of us grok it all :)12:01
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fungiunless the trove change ahead of it fails, should merge in ~13 minutes12:02
notnownikkiyay :D12:02
mordredpelix: done. WOW12:03
mordredfungi: you should read pelix's final review comment on 181364 btw12:04
samueldmqmorning, any core on d-g who could approve 'Remove arbitrary devstack config options' ?
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samueldmqit already has a +2 from mordred, but I guess it needs another one12:05
samueldmqthe project-config change on that already merged days ago12:05
fungiwow--job queries invalidate the jenkins cache? craaaaazy12:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Query all jobs once
mordredyolanda: ^^ nice work12:06
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openstackgerritSamuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Devstack job for Identity v3 API only
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mordredfungi: btw - clarkb finished testing 168603 - so I think we can land it now12:10
samueldmqmordred, yes that is nice .. but in
samueldmqmordred, L 173, wouldn't it be useful if we invalidate the cache and refreshed it ?12:11
yolandahi mordred, thx12:12
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yolandasuper fast approval on this one :)12:12
mordredsamueldmq: yes - it would. maybe yolanda will make another patch to do that12:13
yolandamm, let me check12:14
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samueldmqmordred, yolanda nice12:15
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yolandasamueldmq, wel, it was trying to use jenkins as a fallback there12:16
yolandaif for some reason cache is empty or fails to return for some problem, still go to jenkins and chck12:16
yolandait shouldn't happen, but just in case12:17
samueldmqyolanda, yeah but in that case, we've detected a cache inconsistency, right ?12:17
mordredyolanda: yah. I think he's saying that if you get a result back from jenkins, maybe you should update the local cache?12:17
samueldmqyolanda, if so, fix up the cache12:17
yolandasamueldmq, yes, in that case is due to cache inconsistency12:17
yolandait will be worth a retry there, yes12:17
samueldmqmordred, exactly12:17
yolandaif that fails for timeout or some temporary jenkins problem12:18
mordredfungi, sdague: also - while I'm bothering you - 182061 would help me out if I could get it in today12:18
yolandacool, i'll add a patch for that12:18
samueldmqyolanda, ++ thanks12:18
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sdaguemordred: sure12:22
sdagueso... the problem with the breaks yesterday, is based on what I saw, if I looked into them in depth I'd mostly want to light people on fire. So I'm staying away.12:22
mordredsdague: yes12:22
mordredsdague: I think lifeless has been doing an excllent job of diving in to them12:22
mordredsdague: and not lighting anyone on fire12:23
mordredso I vote that he continue in his excellent work12:23
sdagueyes, that makes me happy :)12:23
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix ACL(s) for oslo.cache
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Use fakes instead of mocks for data objects
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ryanpetrelloanybody know why doesn't seem to want to run gate tests and merge?12:41
ryanpetrelloit was approved yesterday and never merged12:42
ryanpetrellomordred fungi or sdague ^?12:43
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ryanpetrelloweird, I did a -Workflow and then Workflow+1 and it started12:47
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openstackgerritKai Qiang Wu(Kennan) proposed openstack/requirements: Fix the empty string issue for pip
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electricalHi all, I'm having some issues with the jenkins-job python app. giving a TypeError when its trying to fetch the plugins. running on latest Jenkins with python 3.4.312:56
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electricalMore info about the issue i'm having at!/story/2000261 ( sorry for the duplicates in there, storyboard didn't show them up for some reason )12:59
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fungiryanpetrello: not weird. that's the workaround for changes which got approved at some point when zuul wasn't listening to gerrit's event stream or an approval event gets lost. it also triggers when a jenkins +1 vote is applied to a change, but if there was already a +1 on it then gerrit doesn't emit a new vote for replacing an existing vote with one of equal value13:01
ryanpetrellookay, good to know13:01
fungiwhich is why rechecking those doesn't help13:02
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samueldmqfungi, does that occur very often ?13:04
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samueldmqfungi, if so we could add something to check the change status (workflow +1 ? ) and then ensure gate jobs have been started13:04
fungisamueldmq: not usually, except for the past couple months we've had a rash of problems with gerrit's event stream hanging and some emergency restarts13:04
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electricalpelix: zaro yolanda with regards to jenkins-job-builder. perhaps worth to put a note it only works with python 2.7,x? i tried 3.3.x and 3.4.x and doesn't work with all kinds of weird errors :-)13:05
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fungisamueldmq: well, it's more complex than that, because you also need to check a number of other factors to confirm that the change is ready to merge (git dependencies, cross-repo dependencies, et cetera)13:05
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pelixelectrical: I believe there is a bug with using JJB on python 3.4 not related to this change13:05
electricalpelix: ah okay. with 3.3.x it doesn;t work either. with a different error. TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object13:06
samueldmqfungi, well ... not sending it to be merged already ... just ensuring the gate jobs (tests etc) have been started .. wasnt't that the case ?13:06
electricalfails on the same part though13:06
pelixelectrical: can you try and see if it fixes that?13:06
electricalpelix: checking it out now.13:06
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samueldmqfungi, whatever need to be done, but avoiding people to do that workaround above ^13:06
fungielectrical: pelix: that suggests our current python 3.4 test coverage is incomplete, i suppose13:06
pelixelectrical: I think the patch might be better being reworked to always use unicode13:07
samueldmqfungi, but as this doesn't happen very often, not sure it's worth it to do13:07
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electricalfungi: 3.4 and 3.313:07
fungisamueldmq: yes, fixing software to avoid outages will avoid that needing to be done. we definitely prefer to spend time eliminating bugs rather than implementing piles of hacky workarounds13:07
fungielectrical: we don't test it on 3.3, only 3.413:07
electricalah okay13:07
electricali could try out some other versions of 3.x as well if needed13:07
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pelixfungi: we're finding out the hard way our coverage is incomplete in a few areas, that change add some tests, and there are others added to check it the CLI with --delete-old in the future that caused the previous regression when the threading patch landed.13:08
fungipelix: yep, quite familiar with that one ;)13:08
electricalpelix: i dont think that patch will solve it since it fails with fetching data from my jenkins server ( plugin list )13:08
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pelixhmm, wonder if that means there is a bug in python-jenkins with python 313:09
electricalpelix: that's my guess at the moment13:09
electricalLet me try out 3.1 as well13:10
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pelixI suspect unicode issue, so it probably is broken for python >= 313:10
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fungii would look at the traceback in that story, but at the moment storyboard won't let me log in... {"error_description":"You did not provide a valid redirect_uri.","error":"invalid_request"}13:11
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* fungi sighs13:11
fungichecking logs now13:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove arbitrary devstack config options
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fungi[Tue May 12 13:31:06 2015] [error] [client] IOError: failed to write data, referer:
fungithat's no good13:12
fungioh, wait, that was yesterday13:13
electricallol :-)13:13
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fungiyeah, fungi need coffee13:13
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electricalfungi: pelix TypeError: can't use a string pattern on a bytes-like object  on all 3.x Python versions13:15
electricalfails on the get_plugins_info function from the jenkins-python library13:15
fungiyeah, agreed that looks like a python-jenkins bug13:16
pelixelectrical: find the line 'response = urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout).read()' in 'def jenkins_open(...' in the python-jenkins library and change the line to read:13:16
pelixresponse = urlopen(req, timeout=self.timeout).read().decode("utf-8")13:16
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electricalpelix:  now giving    TypeError: must be str, not bytes13:17
pelixI think that may fix it, but obviously means the unit tests for python-jenkins are assuming the type of the response incorrectly on python 3.13:18
electricalbut now on the update job13:18
electrical  File "/home/richard/.pyenv/versions/3.1.4/lib/python3.1/site-packages/jenkins_jobs/", line 346, in update_job13:18
fungiapparently we do also gate python-jenkins on python 3.4 unit tests. but that code path must not be traversed (wondering ig we have any coverage over the there13:18
pelixfungi: I think the code is covered, but the response type is different between python 2.7 and python 3 which is not accounted for in the tests.13:19
electricalpelix: the error i get now might be solved with the patch you linked me earlier.13:19
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electricalso i think patching the jekins-python with the utf8 thing and the patch you linked me it should work on python 3.x13:19
electricali think :-)13:19
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pelixjust need to work out how to update the tests for python-jenkins to show the problem in the first place...13:20
electricalgood question13:20
fungiyeah, it seems to just be using the right type in the tests, so misses this class of failure13:21
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electricalI'll use python 2.7.x for now. using pyenv anyway :-)13:22
fungielectrical: fwiw, we're running it under 2.7 in production13:23
electricalI do have an other question while you guys are here. Im hoping to implement this for our environment at Elastic ( Elasticsearch ) we are using some things that there are no definitions for yet. I did read the documentation so i'm going to try and build them. but me being a ruby programmer it might be a slow process :-)13:23
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matrohonhi all;13:24
electricalespecially all the xml stuff is a bit confusing at times for me :-)13:24
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matrohonI'd like to schedule on tuesday a design session with folks to finalize a spec...13:25
matrohonI'm looking for a suitable location at vancouver for that...13:26
matrohondoes anyone can help me?13:26
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fungimatrohon: i think all of the projects have already selected the topics for their design summit sessions13:27
fungimatrohon: which project is the spec for? you should probably approach the corresponding ptl to discuss further13:28
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electricalfungi: pelix feel free to ping me regarding testing with 3.x I'm gonna have some further fun with the job builder. Hope i can replace all the manual job builds with it :-)13:28
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matrohonfungi : yep, and we have a slot on friday in neutron contributor meetup, but we would like to have a first meeting earlier, unscheduled13:29
pelixelectrical: I think there is a patch to support raw xml directly from yaml blocks where we've yet to add support for something. Not sure it's landed though.13:29
fungimatrohon: the infrastructure team doesn't manage the design summit scheduling13:30
electricalpelix: ah interesting. I rather do it directly the right way so i'll start hacking on it :-) should be a nice learning curve starting from 0 regarding python :-)13:30
matrohonfungi : ok, I was hoping ttx was around to halp me...13:30
pelixelectrical: it's only meant as a crutch to keep people moving forward until support is added, just better than being completely blocked.13:31
ttxmatrohon: o/13:31
electricalpelix: very true. in my case its more of a challenge and see if i can convince people internally to move to it. I'm tired of mass changing jobs manually :-)13:32
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fungielectrical: that was basically why it got written. openstack had a lot of jobs and the jenkins admins were tired of having to add/modify them or grant random people access to add new ones willy-nilly13:33
electricalfungi: hehe yeah. in some of our cases we have like 100 of the same type  of jobs. just different name and github repo.13:33
fungiwhen we migrated our existing job definitions i want to say we had around 500 and it took something like 3-6 months13:34
electricalwow that's allot13:34
funginow we have ~5500 jobs13:34
electricallol :-)13:34
fungiso, it definitely allowed us to scale13:34
electricalhehe yeah indeed13:34
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electricalWe currently have 3 different jenkins masters for different projects. would be nice to have a central place to manage it all in an easy way13:34
electricalfor example some of my own jobs i have to add different puppet versions to.. not in the mood to change it in every job13:35
fungidefinitely. we have 8 jenkins masters (not counting a dev instance to test new jenkins releases and plugins), but they all share a common job set13:35
electricalvery handy ::-)13:35
electricali'm hoping we will be moving to use this13:35
fungiand then we evenly distribute jobs between them via gearman13:35
electricalahh i see, very nice :-)13:36
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fungibecause jenkins as we've seen starts to fall over when you go beyond about 100 slaves registered in a given master13:36
electricalwow. we don't have that many yet :p13:36
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fungiwe create and delete slaves on demand, spiking up around 800 at peak usage13:37
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electricalwow okay. that's allot indeed13:37
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electricalWell, i hope to send some PR's your way soon for adding some plugins to it for the things we use.13:38
fungiat this particular moment we've got about 250 in use running jobs13:38
electricalgithub PR builder and logstash logging are just 2 of them13:38
fungibut that count will rise as people further west begin to wake up13:38
electricalAhh, i see13:38
matrohonttx, fungi : ttx helped me out, thanks13:38
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add floating IP pool resource methods
fungielectrical: also, i'm excited to hear that the elasticsearch community may use some of our software! we definitely use some of yours ;)13:40
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/requirements: Increase stable/kilo python-heatclient upper cap to 0.6
electricalfungi: hehe, very cool to hear!13:40
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linuxmaniaczaro: do you still have concerns about ?13:40
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Add glance_store to projects.txt
mriedemflaper87: ^13:40
electricalfungi: i do remember something about the CI builds or something that is being logged into ES ?13:40
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electricalor was it something else?13:40
fungielectrical: specifically, we have a fairly large elasticsearch cluster backing a logstash instance where we dump the logs form our ci jobs for analysis13:41
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electricalfungi: ah, we are planning to do the same. using the logstash reporter in jenkins. or are you using something else?13:41
flaper87mriedem: thnx13:41
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fungielectrical: homegrown scripts/services to collect, process and inject the logs13:42
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electricalfungi: ahh i see, okay13:43
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fungielectrical: also a service that checks job failures for signs of known bugs based on lucene queries against that data and reports into our code review system on any hits
electricalI've been using the logstash plugin for jenkins. reports quite a nice amount of data including junit stuff13:43
yolandaclarkb, jeblair, i'm dealing with for a downstream sync, and tests are not passing13:43
yolandai see you both had some comments there13:44
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yolandait's failing for me in all runs, so there is something wrong in this patch13:44
mriedemdhellmann: fungi: sdague: should pbr be the first requirement in requirements.txt for a project? i'm syncing glance_store's requirements with master g-r and it added the comment about how order is important, but i thought that was specifically for pbr being first.13:44
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mriedemglance_store doesn't have pbr in requirements.txt today13:44
electricalfungi: that's damn handy :-)13:44
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add port resource methods
fungimriedem: i believe it should... our cookiecutter requirements list it first13:45
mriedemfungi: ok, will add pbr then13:45
fungimriedem: oh, it only needs it if it imports it somewhere13:45
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mriedemwell, it's in setup.py13:45
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electricalfungi: <-- this is why i remembered it :p13:46
fungimriedem: not having it in the requirements list is not necessarily a bug. having it in setup_requires in doesn't necessitate adding it to requirements afaik13:46
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fungielectrical: yep, clarkb set up most of that. he'll be awake fairly soon i expect13:46
notnownikkicould i get a review on please? it's a really small change that lets us run pypi-mirror against proposed branches of openstack/requirements13:46
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electricalfungi: hehe cool.13:47
mriedemfungi: ah, ok, i see nova/glance import pbr for version stuff, glance_store doesn't have that so i won't add, thanks13:47
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electricalfungi: pelix thanks for the help so far with jenkins-job generator. will try to send some patches soon-ish for missing plugins :-)13:48
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Shrewsfungi: is it possible we lost some gerrit voting history since yesterday?13:50
sdaguemriedem: order is always important, so don't change order if it's working13:51
openstackgerritAnthony PERARD proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Copy Xen log files after tempest run
mriedemsdague: i just ran the python from the requirements repo
mriedemit didn't change order, just added the comment and made me think about pbr13:52
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Add glance_store to projects.txt
sdaguemriedem: yeh, so I think there was a version of that stripped comments13:54
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sdaguethat caused other issues13:54
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electricalfungi: btw, did you guys ever consider to use our official ES puppet module? ;-)13:55
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone service resource methods
anteayaShrews: do you have a patch in question?13:57
anteayaShrews: to the best of my knowledge all gerrit did yesterday is run13:58
Shrewsanteaya: i know SpamapS left a +1 on it (still have the email) shortly after uploading patchset 5, yet it is mysteriously missing13:58
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anteayaShrews: I see voting history in the comments and current voting table has cleared due to the upload of patchset 513:59
anteayaShrews: have you a timestamp from the email for when that missing +1 took place?13:59
yolandaclarkb, also increasing timeout to 60 fixed tests for me13:59
Shrewsanteaya: 3:15pm EST14:00
anteayawhich would have been 19:15 utc if I calculate correctly14:00
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anteayawe were in our infra meeting, now after infra meeting clarkb changed the gerrit db so that stevebaker could use his webui14:01
waynrpelix: nice work!14:01
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anteayato the best of my knowledge that was the only row changed in teh db14:01
anteayaso here is the log from 19:15 utc yesterday:
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Shrewsanteaya: I wouldn't worry about it too much. I can always ask for a re-vote. If it happens again, though, I'll get more worried.14:04
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anteayaShrews: thanks for the alert though, we do need to know if data is getting dropped14:06
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anteayalooking at the logs stevebaker's account was the only one returned in clarkb's query so I'm going with it was the only one that had the date format changed14:06
mordredclarkb, fungi: also: - that came out from yesterday's nodepool testing - I'd like to get it landed before we land the nodepool change14:06
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mmedvedeAnyone knows why still did not merge? Related change is in and now zuul status is broken14:07
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone service resource methods
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/requirements: Avoid httpretty 0.8.9 as it breaks unittests
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone endpoint resource methods
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fungimmedvede: i think that approval hit when we were having some gerrit issues. i've reapproved it now14:17
fungiShrews: what change are you looking at where you're suspecting gerrit voting history issues?14:18
mmedvedefungi: ok, makes sense. Thank you14:18
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Shrewsfungi: what anteaya said14:19
fungielectrical: i can't remember if your puppet module existed when clarkb first set this up, but presumably he recalls14:19
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fungiShrews: yeah, caught up now14:19
electricalfungi: very possible it didn't exist or was of poor quality :-)14:19
electricalbut its been out for almost 2 years14:20
electricali think :-)14:20
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electrical2 Dec 2012 first commit :p14:20
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add port resource methods
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electricalI hope to be doing a 1.0 release soon-ish14:21
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fungielectrical: yep, definitely predates ours by a couple months: (2013-01-29)14:23
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electricalhehe yeah.14:23
electricalWell, just something to think about perhaps worth switching.14:24
fungiwell, almost 2 months14:24
fungielectrical: yep, definitely!14:24
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electricalAdding Debian 8 support atm and package pinning14:24
fungiwe do like replacing our puppet modules when we can. getting rid of some of the >50 we maintain would be swell14:24
electricalhehe yeah :-)14:24
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove nova temprevert
electricalEventually our LS puppet module gets a facelift as well14:25
electricaland hopefully build a kibana one as well14:25
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fungihrm, yes we have one of each of those too ;)14:25
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electricalclarkb: feel free to ping me on IRC regarding the puppet modules whenever. I'm usually around :-)14:27
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for osc 1.0.4 grenade bug 1454467
openstackbug 1454467 in python-openstackclient "Latest version 1.0.4 doesn't work with master" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Stop leaking server objects
fungisometimes i feel like this channel exists solely so that bots can hold conversations with each other14:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Move dependencies into lib/ folder
claudiub_fungi: hello. Quick question. Pushing a pre-release through gerrit (e.g.: 1.0.0a1) will not publish to pypi, right? Only releases.14:31
electricalfungi: haha yeah14:32
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fungiclaudiub_: it depends entirely on what jobs that repo has configured to run when. we do have pre-release jobs which usually upload wheels but no sdist tarballs14:32
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claudiub_fungi: I see. thanks for the answer. :)14:33
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fungiclaudiub_: also the latest pbr release has some interesting consequences in our build/upload tooling with respect to pre-release tags. you probably want to use but try building an sdist or wheel with the tag locally before you push it to make sure the version that pbr calculates matches the tag you used14:34
fungiwe're hashing out ideas to cope with that in
clarkbthe only logstash/elasticsearch module I could find that was useable was GPL licensed14:35
clarkbit was actually well done but incompatible for license reasons14:36
clarkbI do not know if this is the module being referred to above14:36
clarkbelectrical ^14:37
electricalclarkb: ours is apache licensed14:37
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fungiahh, right, the whole "instantiating a class from a module in another module is tantamount to linking a library in gpl terms"14:37
anteayaclarkb: can you confirm the only gerrit db surgery you did yesterday was to stevebaker's row?14:37
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clarkbfungi at least thats tge theory14:38
claudiub_fungi: I see. I'll take a look. doing a sdist locally looks fine.14:38
clarkbelectrical then I dont think it existed at the time14:39
electricalclarkb: very possible yeah :-)14:39
electricalit used to exist under my own name but when i started working for Elastic i moved it14:39
clarkbalso is the jenkins plugin the one jesusaurus wrote? thats neat14:42
nibalizerelectrical: hiya14:42
fungiShrews: so you have an e-mail showing a code review +1 from SpamapS on 181513 which was added at 05-12 19:15 utc, a minute after your ps5 upload, and it's not visible in the webui (that much i can confirm)14:42
* nibalizer reads scrollback14:42
electricalnibalizer: hiya mate :-) how are you doing?14:42
clarkbwe dont use it because we don't redis and have a bunch of logs that need to be indexed that jenkins may not even know about14:42
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clarkbbut it seemed to work well for jesusaurus14:42
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electricalclarkb: that's the one yeah14:43
electricalwe just want to log the jenkins output. works fine for us :-)14:43
electricaland gives some of the nice junit numbers back as well14:43
Shrewsfungi: yup!  but, as i said, if the reason is not immediately known, don't worry about it unless you fear deep failure somewhere14:43
mordredfungi, clarkb: I'm not sure I agree with that theory, btw14:43
clarkbmordred ya its certainly debateable14:43
mordredfungi, clarkb: the gpl triggers on distribution, not use14:44
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clarkbmordred but iirc thats the Puppet theory14:44
fungielectrical: we basically stand up virtual cloud deployments and need to collect hundreds upon hundreds of discrete service logs, system logs and other data/configurations from each of them before we destroy them again, so yeah our jenkins is completely unaware of most of that14:44
mordredclarkb: the puppet theory is taht the GPL is a EULA?14:44
electricalfungi: ah yeah, makes sense yeah :-)14:44
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clarkbmordred no that class inclusion is like linking14:45
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clarkbmordred iirc puppet did a giant relicensing at one point as a result14:45
mordredclarkb: well, it's an interesting theory and I think it's based on wishful thinking on someone's part14:45
fungimordred: basically that one library designing to the interface of another means that it becomes a derivative work14:45
jeblairmordred: sure, though i would like our software to be redistributable.14:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for osc 1.0.4 grenade bug 1454467
openstackbug 1454467 in python-openstackclient "Latest version 1.0.4 doesn't work with master" [Undecided,New]
mordredjeblair: _that_ is a different thing altogether14:45
nibalizerelectrical: im quite good, this is my 'home' project as it were14:46
mordredfungi: I believe that we do not want a world where APIs transfer copyright14:46
jeblairthis is probably a better beer conversation14:46
mordredprobably so14:46
nibalizeri'd love to move us to the official elastic modules (and rtyler/jenkins for that matter) but its hard and low on my list of priorities14:46
fungiagreed. we have lots to get done before this weekend14:46
nibalizermordred: clarkb you should talk to electrical about beaker+docker since he led that effort14:46
nibalizerelectrical: got a link to your jenkins handy?14:46
mtreinishfungi: it still doesn't feel like it's that soon14:47
electricalnibalizer: always :p
fungimtreinish: i think my liver is already bracing for impact14:47
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clarkbstill no word from Gerrit on our upgrade fun that I can see :/14:48
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fungineither in their irc channel or ml14:50
nibalizer is where some of the 'magic' is, i'd like to see the pattern of s_h_a setting a proxy in the host become standard14:50
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mnaserwelp, fun mess today14:50
fungimnaser: which one? that's not narrowing it down unfortunately14:51
nibalizerelectrical: this is our current spec discussion
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fungimnaser: oh, that. i detest marketing names for security vulnerabilities14:51
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electricalnibalizer: taking a look14:52
mnaserfungi: same.  it looks like they're trying to use this as marketing material to promote their business14:52
fungibut i think it's cute that we still emulate floppies in virtual machines after all this time14:52
mordrednibalizer: isn't that something that could be put into a gem and required?14:52
mnaserfungi: the scary part is.. " It needs to be noted that even if a guest does not explicitly have a virtual floppy disk configured and attached, this issue is exploitable."14:52
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mordrednibalizer: like, I'd love it if as much boilerplate as is possible could be put into a gem or something so that we can just require 'openstack-infra-rspec' or something14:53
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fungimnaser: business promotion has basically been the ploy behind every one of the carefully-marketed vulnerabilities ever since heartbleed showed that it was a viable strategy and made it a trend14:53
mnaserfungi: yep, heartbleed really started a trend, heh14:54
funginow they all need cute names or they didn't happen14:54
mnaseri think it's to get more online exposure by media, etc.. they love these cute names14:55
mnaserin the meantime, i have to figure out if we're making our own packages or hearing something from ubuntu14:55
electricalnibalizer: mordred clarkb If you guys need any info regarding beaker / docker / etc feel free to ping me. can always make time to have a chat about puppet module stuff14:55
electricalas in testing them :-)14:55
nibalizermordred: yea that seems reasonable14:55
mordredelectrical: awesome. thanks! our main interest around here is actually in running beaker without having beaker manager any vms or containers for us14:56
mordredelectrical: but - conversations about testing puppet modules is definitely a thing we're excited to talk about14:56
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electricalmordred: makes sense. there is a vmpooler thing so that beaker doesn't manage them. perhaps that's useful.14:57
mordred(although I could also see that it would be potentially nice for devs to be able to run the same tests locally with some docker)14:57
clarkbalso how does anyone actually update their deps properly (but most existing work seems to only consume releases)14:57
mordredelectrical: well, not really - we really don't want beaker to know anything about vms14:57
clarkbmordred: vmpooler is basically nodepool14:57
mordredelectrical: we have this giant system for creating single use vms already14:57
clarkbmordred: but with redis and an api for devs to use instead of jenkins14:58
mordredand running workloads in side of those vms14:58
nibalizerelectrical: check out that nodeset14:58
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mordredso I think one of my goals would be that we help in whatever we can to make the experience of "hey beaker I already have a node and you're already on it" better14:58
electricalnibalizer: ah yeah. that uses vmpooler / nodepool thing right?14:58
mordredwhile at the same time making sure we enable devs who are not sitting inside of our CI system to be able to do testing ina  sane manner14:59
nibalizerright now a node spins up, we install beaker on it, then beaker ssh's into localhost and runs puppet/test14:59
electricalnibalizer: ooh so, i see14:59
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mordredit would be neat if we could skip the ssh into localhost part :)14:59
mordredbut it does work15:00
electricalmordred:  something like that?15:00
clarkbmordred: we call that fork/exec15:00
electricalor you could write your custom hypervisor code :-)15:00
mordredelectrical: hah. so - we have clouds15:00
nibalizerelectrical: idunno if thats true....15:00
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nibalizerelectrical: its pretty tied to the ssh model15:00
mordredelectrical: we don't want beaker to know about vmpooler/nodepool - that's the wrong layer of abstraction for us15:00
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nibalizerofc you know that codebase better than I do15:00
electricalhehe. whole beaker is fairly ssh focused yeah.15:01
nibalizerbut they did allow for remotewindows support without ssh so its probably abstracted /somewhere/15:01
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nibalizerbut yea writing a hypervisor so that our beaker is a little less terrible is on my list15:01
electricalalso serverspec / specinfra is ssh centric15:01
nibalizeras you can see, i have quite the list15:01
mordredit's possible that we may just have to live with ssh  localhost for a while15:01
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nibalizermordred: did you see my proposal to create a zuul job-doer that runs beaker and gets its nodes from nodepool?15:02
jeblairnibalizer: a zuulv3 one?15:02
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mordredyah. that sounds like a zuul v3 thing15:02
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add port resource methods
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Disable puppet-askbot resources temporarily
nibalizerjeblair: yea it heads in the other direction from zuul v315:05
mordrednibalizer, electrical: the fundamental problem with having beaker manage vms is that we have a ton of jobs that are not puppet related. so we have to do all of the things that beaker wants to do with not-beaker as well. so beaker doing those things is anti-helpful.15:05
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mordrednibalizer, electrical: i do not want 20 different things that want to manage vms15:05
mordredI want one thing15:05
nibalizermordred: well note that we could teach beaker (easily) to check a vm out from nodepool15:06
mordrednibalizer: we could - but why would we?15:06
clarkbnibalizer: thats still the wrong layer15:06
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nibalizerim saying that one of the roles that ansible plays in zuulv3 could be done by beaker15:06
mordrednibalizer: it's the wrong layer of abstraction - we already know about workload to node relationships15:06
dimsfungi: or any infra core: can you please add oslo-core to the oslo-cache-core in gerrit please (,members)15:06
mordrednibalizer: yes. we could chose to use beaker instead of ansible15:06
mordredbut we will not chose to do that15:06
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Askbot module refactor
mordredbecause ansible is more generally applicable to the task of "run this arbitrary workload on this node" and beaker is a tool for testing puppet modules15:07
mordredtesting puppet modules is only one of the things we do15:07
mordredwhereas ansible can easily express _All_ of the thigns we do, including testing puppet modules15:07
nibalizermordred: the idea though that there is code running outside the system-under-test that does things to the system-under-test is a good idea15:07
mordrednibalizer: isolation is a good thing - but we need to solve it once generally and not once per workload type15:08
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Add glance_store to projects.txt
nibalizermordred: sure but that puts us back in the spot where we are now15:11
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mordrednibalizer: right. where I want the thing that runs tests to be able to run on the host I tell it to run on15:11
mordrednibalizer: and I'd liek to request that it not try to manage the lifecycle of such things15:12
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mordrednibalizer: if I want to do a 2-node test - workload on one box connecting to second box that is being tested15:12
electricalmordred: you can supply a host and login to run it on in the nodeset config. not sure if you could do it via env vars or something else15:12
mordrednibalizer: I can already express the 2-node setup15:12
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mordredelectrical: yah. I _think_ that's what we're doing now, right?15:13
electricalmordred: yeah. without setting a hypervisor and setting an IP you tell it where to connect to.15:14
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electricalso you will have an other process getting the VM you want to test on and passing it to beaker15:14
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mordredright. although it's, for us, always going to be "localhost"15:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update ci for F21 jenkins nodes
mordredat least until we get to the point where having more than one host involved makes sense15:15
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clarkbwell you also have to specify the distro even if no hypervisor is involved15:15
clarkband Linux isn't specific enough apparently15:16
electricalah yeah very true15:16
nibalizeridunno how jira works really:
clarkbgiven it uses vagrant I was hoping that would be useable15:16
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nibalizerclarkb: that should be better once we write our own hypervisor15:16
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pelixwaynr: mainly yolanda 's work, I just helped describe the size of the impact ;)15:16
mordrednibalizer: so - when you say "write our own hypervisor"15:17
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yolandapelix, you helped a lot also in making that code more elegant and robust15:18
mordrednibalizer: you mean "write a beaker driver that works like we want" right15:18
nibalizermordred: yep15:18
mordrednibalizer: you do not mean write our own hypervisor like write our own hypervisor15:18
nibalizer libvirt example15:18
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mordredso we'd write a no-op hypervisor that does not provision things and returns localhost as the IP?15:18
nibalizermordred: ofc I'm not tracking what greghaynes is doing, so that could be in the works, idunno15:19
clarkbmordred: no he means make beaker understand a thing they call hypervisor which may be cloud or just fork15:19
nibalizermordred: yup15:19
nibalizerclarkb: i dont think we can just fork15:19
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clarkbnibalizer: thats unfortunate15:19
nibalizerthats not trivial anyways15:19
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nibalizerits really tied to returning connection information15:19
clarkbshould be possible to fork with a pipe/socket between parent child then have child run puppet things15:20
waynrd'oh! sorry yolanda, nice work both of you :)15:20
clarkbya so you can still do that with a fork15:20
clarkbbut instead of tcp its unix15:20
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yolandawaynr, no problem for the credits, if jjb is faster i'm happy, it could be pelix, zaro, you , whoever15:22
fungidims: done15:22
dimsfungi: awesome thanks!15:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: If we specify a branch, always use it
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electricalclarkb: im staying out further of the discussion how to connect to the VM's. i can help though with any other puppet module testing questions ;-)15:23
electricalor docker related stuff with it15:23
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Allow to specify which commit to send
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anteayaI've lost track, changing the commit message is considered a new patch and purposely zeros out prior votes, yes?
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jeblairanteaya: yes15:30
anteayagreat thanks for participating in my reality check15:30
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clarkbya we can have it carry votes forward but we put depends-on in commit messages and some tests check commit message content15:31
jeblair(and some people -1 on commit msg content)15:31
anteayajust ensuring my rememberances of reality sync up with current reality15:32
anteayaI sometimes get folds in the space-time continum15:33
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clarkbdhellmann: sdague IIRC you were looking for a python3.4 compat openstack job for running under devstack with python3.4. Looks like Ironic's unittests pass python3.4 now at least, possible that it is a good option to be the devstack python3.4 guinea pig?15:35
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Allow puppet jobs to also run on F21
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb, mordred: so it looks like some of the stable issues are being caused by pycadf 0.6.1 from last week not actually making it to pypi15:38
mtreinishany chance you guys could kick off the pypi job on that 0.6.1 tag again?15:38
mriedemtrue story
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gordcmtreinish: just came to mention that15:39
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mriedemgordc: we're nerding it up in #openstack-stable btw15:39
gordcmriedem: thanks. i'll join15:39
clarkbdoes pycadf have a pypi release job? /me goes to look15:40
clarkbappears to15:40
gordcclarkb: it does... i'm guessing it failed at the publish task when i released last week15:41
mtreinishclarkb: yeah it does:
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clarkbhrm it made sdist and whl but no job log for it15:41
mordredmaybe it happened to happen at just the right time to catch the wrong part of a system restart15:42
fungii wonder if the log upload failed, and so the job didn't succeed thus no pypi upload job ran15:42
mordredor that15:42
clarkbfungi: thats possible15:42
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clarkbso two ways we can fix this, we can rerun the pypi upload job or gordc can upload to pypi15:42
fungiwhich would explain why 1. no log and 2. no pypi upload15:43
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mordredre-running the pypi upload job will ensure that the tarball in tarballs.o.o is the same as the one in pypi15:43
clarkbmordred: well gordc should use the tarball on tarballs.o.o but ya15:43
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clarkbI can trigger the pypi upload job15:43
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gordcclarkb: cool cool. works for me.15:44
fungii'm checking zuul logs from the 5th15:44
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fungitheory disproven... 2015-05-05 14:26:41,516 INFO zuul.Gearman: Build <gear.Job 0x7fb76558ba50 handle: H: name: build:pycadf-tarball:bare-trusty unique: be7d9522939b43718b2a01600a5ab45d> complete, result SUCCESS15:45
mordredoh. well gross15:45
fungi2015-05-05 16:34:52,048 INFO zuul.Gearman: Gearman job <gear.Job 0x7fb7a1bdfe50 handle: H: name: build:pycadf-pypi-both-upload unique: c551987d85e44f5cac8da0a1b6124efc> lost due to disconnect15:46
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mtreinishoh, that's something15:46
clarkbfungi: so its possible the console log upload thread went away15:47
fungino job history at all for
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clarkbfungi I am ready to retrigger the job if you are15:47
fungigo for it15:47
fungilooks like it's running now15:48
fungiHTTPError: 400 Client Error: This filename has previously been used, you should use a different version.15:48
clarkbI think thats pypi telling us it alrady has the file15:48
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gordcfungi: argh... that might have been me15:49
clarkb except not15:49
fungigordc: yeah, pypi will let you delete a file, but won't let you reupload a file with the same name as one uploaded in the past15:49
fungigordc: so if you uploaded and then deleted it, that would be an explanation15:50
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gordcfungi: that's some good rules... :/15:50
gordcfungi: i guess we need to move to 0.6.2?15:50
fungigordc: that would be simplest15:50
fungire-tag 0.6.1 as 0.6.2 should work fine15:51
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gordcfungi: ok. i'll grab the right sha15:51
gordcapologies on the madness15:51
fungiit happens15:52
gordci should probably delete the empty 0.6.1 listing on pypi since it's effectively useless15:52
fungiyeah, would be safest15:52
clarkbdid the delete happen such that the original job may have gone sideways due to that15:52
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fungithat's what it sounded like anyway15:53
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gordc./ juno 0.6.2 b9c1d41b83e2f5937a69070df8dd7c12439e333a pycadf15:57
gordc^ seem sane?15:57
clarkbgordc: we don't use release_library around here so I dunno15:57
clarkbbut I can check the sha1 in just a moment15:57
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clarkbgordc: b9c1d41b83e2f5937a69070df8dd7c12439e333a is the commit that 0.6.1 points to so that lgtm15:58
gordcclarkb: cool cool. i'll confirm the release_library stuff... will push once i've done that.15:59
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fungiyeah, i think that's dhellmann's tool which generates the release notifications and stuff too. haven't really looked at it16:00
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gordcclarkb: fungi: cool cool i've kicked off another job. for 0.6.216:04
electricaluhg. co-worker is not seeing the advantages of using jenkins job builder thing :-(16:05
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fungielectrical: templating engine, also easier to write/edit/review/maintain yaml in a revision control system than xml16:06
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mriedemelectrical: tell them to own all of the jenkins job configs in your CI then and have fun doing copy/paste everywhere16:07
mriedemelectrical: maybe that's the point - job security :)16:07
electricalmriedem: haha :p16:07
electricalhe doesn't even maintains the jobs :p16:07
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mriedemeveryone has to go through bob to get jenkins changes rather than help themselves to add new configs or update jobs16:07
mriedemthen ignore bob16:07
electricalhehe yeah16:08
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electricalTo be fair, i don't really care if he wants to use it or not, i'll defo use it16:09
electricalgot my account and api key so i can manage them anyway16:09
mriedemmrodden: is much happier that we use jjb and i don't have to bug him for job changes internally16:10
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mriedemi just have to bug him to review the changes16:10
electricalhehe i can imagine :-)16:10
electricali fully maintain my own jobs anyway :-)16:10
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gordcmriedem: just an fyi, pycadf 0.6.2 is released and on pypi16:12
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mriedemgordc: sweet16:13
greghaynesoh hey, is 2x +216:13
greghaynesclarkb: fungi ^ when youall want to try out the first nodepool-shade bits?16:14
clarkbgreghaynes: mordred wanted that other change in first which I pulled up to review then got distracted. Let me do that now16:14
clarkbthen I am assuming mordred wants to release? then we shade nodepool?16:14
greghaynesclarkb: oh? the cacert one?16:14
clarkbgreghaynes: a16:14
greghaynesclarkb: b16:14
clarkb*ya :P16:14
fungiclarkb: mordred: greghaynes: oh, right, we needed to tag a nodepool release which includes dib support. not sure if that should be pre-shade or post-shade16:15
clarkbfungi: we should robably make a tag pre shade but that can happen after shade code lands I think16:16
greghaynesah, does the puppet code only deploy releases?16:16
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clarkbgreghaynes: not ours16:16
clarkbgreghaynes: but for other consumers16:16
clarkbnoted a style thing inline but +2, can approve if no one else thinks that change should be made16:18
clarkbmordred: greghaynes ^16:18
dougwiggood morning, infra. what is the procedure for a repo rename?
greghaynesmeh, id say just merge it16:19
mordredyah - we can get that later16:19
mordredclarkb: also - yeah - we should tag before we add the shade dependency I think16:19
* clarkb approves16:19
mordredclarkb: so that folks using via packages have a good pausing point before they have to package shade too16:20
clarkbdougwig: this is a move from stackforge/octavia to openstack/octavia?16:20
dougwigclarkb: yes.16:20
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clarkbdougwig: it basically looks like a change that s/stackforge/openstack/ for octavia in openstack-infra/project-config but it requires a gerrit downtime so you want to also add yourself to the list at so we know which ones are in the pipeline16:21
clarkbdougwig: its looking like next batch of renameswill happen post summit16:21
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dougwigclarkb: ok, thanks.  is there a redirect in place after, by any chance?16:22
clarkbdougwig: there is not16:22
dougwigclarkb: ok, we'll mention both urls and the impending rename at the summit then, no worries.  thanks, i'll get the review up today.16:23
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add port resource methods
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add appdirs requirement
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add appdirs requirement
mordredwow. it merged twice did it?16:30
clarkbI think sometimes gerrit gets confused and emits two events16:30
jeblairmordred: we do that for the really important changes16:30
mordredjeblair: cool. we _SHOULD_ do that16:31
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
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clarkbmordred: jeblair fungi pleia2 jhesketh SergeyLukjanov should we go ahead and tag nodepool on the current commit then?16:34
clarkbthen merge the use shade change and restart nodepool some time today?16:34
clarkbI should check if lxml can build on nodepool.o.o16:34
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mordredclarkb: ++16:35
mordredclarkb: good call16:35
clarkbpython-lxml is installed via apt16:36
clarkbso we should be fine16:36
mordredbtw. I just cut 1.0.0 of os-client-config16:36
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greghaynesthat means its done, right/16:37
pleia2clarkb: thumbs up16:38
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/octavia -> openstack/octavia
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Create lib/ folder and change respective requires
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clarkbmake an 0.2.0 nodepool tag16:40
clarkber make the tag on nodepool 0.2.0?16:40
anteayamorning zaro16:41
zarolinuxmaniac: been busy with gerrit lately, will take a look at that change again soon.16:41
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/octavia -> openstack/octavia
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Consume os_client_config defaults as base defaults
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Rely on defaults being present
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Make ironic use the API version system
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Create lib/ folder and change respective requires
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental job for Nova API services under Apache2
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Experimental job for Nova API services under Apache2
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clarkbjeblair: fungi thoughts on a 0.2.0 nodepool tag based on current HEAD?16:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Don't error on missing certs
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fungiclarkb: that seems reasonable16:45
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fungihashar: did you have any packaging preferences on tag version and which commit for nodepool?16:46
fungi(if you happen to be around)16:46
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clarkbfungi: oh good uestion since hashar likely is the biggest ocnsumer of those tags16:47
jeblairclarkb, mordred: what's the delta since the last one?16:47
clarkbjeblair: its actually pretty small, some docs updates, some bug fixes, some logging changes16:48
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Add a note about the order of pycadf and Babel because of pytz
zarosdague: do you have a suggestion with regards to the upstream gerrit query fix?
jeblairclarkb: should it be a 0.1.1?16:48
clarkbjeblair: let me read the diff more carefully, but that is very possible16:49
fungiclarkb: jeblair oh, i missed we grew a 0.1.0 for some reason. 7 non-merge commits16:49
zarosdague: i gave up because I just wasn't getting any help from upstream cores.16:49
jeblairyeah, the 0.1.0 was the "pre-shade" tag that hashar asked for16:49
hasharfungi: clarkb: jeblair: yeah tags when you are breaking dependencies or adding new breaking features would be nice16:49
fungirather, i missed that 0.1.0 was recent16:49
hasharmakes it easier to catch up with your changes :]16:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix path issue to controller-config-pacemaker
fungiso maybe we just tag the commit that drags in shadeing in that case?16:50
jeblairmy read of the changelog looks more like a 0.1.1 which i think is a swell idea16:50
fungithat works too16:50
clarkbjeblair: yup mine too16:50
clarkb0.1.1 is what it should be16:50
jeblairclarkb: all yours if you want it :)16:51
clarkbjeblair: doing16:51
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zaropelix, electrical : do we have to fix something in python-jenkins for python 3.x16:53
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electricalzaro: yeah. the http call needs to do a decode to utf8. i have to run but pelix or fungi have a snippet of the fix16:54
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anteayaso zuul's git refs show the latest zuul tag at 2.0.0: somehow patrickeast's zuul version is 2.0.1.dev392:
anteayacan anyone help me understand where zuul 2.0.1 is coming from?16:55
clarkbtag pushed16:55
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clarkbanteaya: pbr 0.11 increments the version for you based on semver16:56
jlvillalThe openstack/python-ironicclient gate is blocked by this patch:   Have to blacklist httpretty.16:56
anteayaclarkb: ah16:56
jlvillalReviews appreciated.16:56
greghaynesclarkb: awesome, and so when we merge the nodepool change do we have to manually restart nodepool or is that an automagic rollout?16:56
clarkbanteaya: so the next version of zuul will be 2.0.1 and the intermediate commits are the appended .devXXX16:56
anteayaclarkb: that was the piece I was missing thanks16:56
clarkbgreghaynes: we have to manually restart nodepool16:56
anteayaokay thanks16:56
openstackgerritWalter A. Boring IV (hemna) proposed openstack/requirements: Pin os-brick to the current release
clarkbjlvillal: I am pretty sure I said next time we got one of those patches I would remove httpretty from requirements...16:57
clarkbjlvillal: is there a good reason to continue using a lib that we constantly run into problems with?16:58
fungiclarkb: anteaya: well, the next version of zuul will be _at_least_ 2.0.1 but might be higher16:58
jlvillalclarkb: If that happens, can we keep using it.  I'm not sure the work involved in removing it.16:58
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clarkbjlvillal: I am not either, but I do know that ever few months we exclude the next httpretty release for some reason instead of A) fixing our tests or B) replacing the lib16:58
jlvillalclarkb: I guess the good reason is the work required to remove it from all the unittests.  I have no idea the effort involved.16:58
anteayafungi: yes, so 2.0.1 is pbr's best guess at a minimal increment based on the existing tag of 2.0.016:59
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pelixzaro: seems urlopen on python 3 returns a unicode byte string, while json.loads() expects a string. So should be calling '.decode("utf-8")' on the read() before passing it to json.loads(..)16:59
pelixzaro: I expect it would be a good idea to modify the tests to expose this on python 3 first before adding the fix, since I suspect the tests are working around the problem17:00
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fungianteaya: exactly17:00
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jlvillalclarkb: I am mentioning the issue over in the #openstack-ironic channel.  To see if we can add it to an agenda item to discuss.17:01
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fungianteaya: and "dev" means "sort before" (roughly)17:01
jlvillalclarkb: Do you know how many projects use httpretty?  Is there an easy way to find out?17:02
clarkbjlvillal: apparently there has been a patch to upstream since february 20th17:02
jlvillalclarkb: Yes :(17:02
clarkbjlvillal: there really isn't an easier way than cloning all of them and grepping for httpretty17:02
greghaynesclarkb: looks like the httpretty author suggests not using pip :p17:02
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greghaynes(reading their README)17:02
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clarkbjlvillal: commented on the requirements chnage17:03
anteayafungi: thanks17:03
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Experimental job for Nova API services under Apache2
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jlvillalclarkb: Thanks17:04
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clarkbmordred: do you need to do anything else shade side (tag maybe?) before we approve the nodepool change?17:06
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fungiclarkb: jlvillal: cloudcafe, python-surveilclient, surveil, python-openstacksdk, cloud-init*, ospurge, python-group-based-policy-client, python-ironicclient, congress* (*requires but does not import)17:07
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jlvillalfungi: Thanks.  And a fair amount of projects...17:07
fungialso quite a few projects include changelog entries about how they've removed it because <problem>17:08
clarkbanyways I thinkwe should just require <0.8.7 for now, then when upstream fixes we can swing around nd loosen the requirement17:08
fungiso looks like 7 projects in gerrit actively use this, most of which are not actually using openstack/requirements17:09
fungiwould be useful to cross-reference that short-list against who's running requirements sync and enforcement17:09
fungimy guess is somewhere between 2-417:09
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mordredclarkb: I don't think there is anything outstanding that would affect nodepool... lemme check17:11
openstackgerritSamuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Devstack job for Identity v3 API only
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clarkbbut once we get the nodepool shade change in I want to flip over to figuring out this zuul-cloner + dib git cache interaction17:13
mordredclarkb: let me tag current state though - there was a small requirements change and I'd rather make puppet install it all right the first time because *lame*17:13
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anteayasamueldmq: the comment in patchset 4 asked you to include a depends-on in the commit message:
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mordredclarkb: k. 0.6.1 pushed - we should be good to go when it hits the pypi17:14
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fungiokay, we're past successfully building/uploading centos-6 dib images in hpcloud now, but when they boot nodepool can't ssh to them... what's the easiest way to debug? nova console?17:16
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clarkbfungi: I would boot one off the same image17:16
clarkbfungi: if I had to venture a guess we actually do need cloud-init for something17:16
fungiclarkb: just nova boot and then... use nova console once it claims to be active?17:17
clarkbfungi: ya, also your key should be baked into the image so you can try ssh'ing in yourself17:17
fungii've had plenty of luck with rackspace's oob console but my experience with nova console has been hit and miss17:17
clarkbfungi: but if nodepool can't ssh in that isn't likely to work17:17
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clarkbfungi: hpcloud does also have a vnc console thing if you want interactive but we don't have logins17:18
clarkbnova console-log should work though17:18
fungiclarkb: it's "Timeout waiting for ssh access" but i don't recall if that actually means tcp timeout or could be a variety of errors hiding behind it17:18
mordredI build images with a root password in them when I'm debugging things like this17:18
mordredso that I can log in with the console17:18
funginot a bad idea17:19
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clarkbjust don't do it via nodepool or our password will likely get logged :)17:19
fungiheh, indeed17:19
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mordredfunzo_: 4117:19
mordred  echo "root:foobar" | chpasswd17:19
clarkbbut my first guess is we need cloud-init for something during boot and we aren't getting that because cloud-init is uninstalled17:19
mordredfungi: I put that line into an install.d element17:20
fungimordred: ooh, nice and simple17:20
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clarkbwhich is odd because dhcp assigns the address, ssh host keys should generate by init if they don't exist, and we have the users baked into the image17:20
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clarkbI suppose that maybe cloud-init is needed to configure the interface for dhcp and if so I will cry17:20
mordredcan I suggest taht if we're needing to debug boot issues with new images we're making we do it on top of the minimal element where we're just gone through this debug cycle?17:20
fungiclarkb: yeah, entirely possible. we effectively can't install anything depending on python-setuptools because we uninstall it early and it can't be reinstalled via yum17:21
clarkbmordred: no bceause this is a snapshot image17:21
clarkbmordred: and it was working 1000 hours ago17:21
mordredgah. fungi said centos-6 dib image above17:21
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clarkboh am I mixing the streams between images being fixed yesterday and other images being fixed yesterday?17:21
fungiclarkb and i are hunting separate centos 6.x image issues17:21
clarkbbare-centos6 were fixed yesterday17:21
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Raise the cap on oslo.config to <1.7.0
clarkbgah ok my bad17:22
amullerNeutron patches on the check queue are failing with 'substitution key 'envbindir' not found'17:22
amulleris this known already?17:22
clarkbamuller: can you provide a link to the failure?17:22
amullerclarkb: here's an example:
samueldmqanteaya, hi - yes I had forgot that .. will add thanks :)17:22
mordredI mean, I know it's a slightly different stream - but if centos-6 dib is currently not working perhaps using centos-minimal and simple-init might be a path forward where the debugging involved gets us a win. otoh, if we don't want to do that, that's also totally understandable17:23
clarkbguess what released yesterday? tox17:23
mordredclarkb: is that breaking new things yet?17:23
fungimordred: maybe. i haven't actually looked at the centos element to see what it's doing17:23
amullerclarkb: I'll update tox locally, see if it happens17:23
clarkbmordred: yes I think it is the sourec of amuller's failure17:23
clarkbamuller: thanks17:23
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mordredclarkb: yay!17:23
fungiwoo! so tox broke parameter substitution in new and exciting ways this time?17:24
mordred2015-05-13 16:40:41.482 | tox.ConfigError: ConfigError: substitution key 'envbindir' not found17:24
mordredthat's so nice17:24
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amullermordred: clarkb: Updated tox locally and it's happening now as well17:24
amullerso what's the next move?17:24
clarkbamuller: either we update neutron (and other) tox.ini files to support new tox or we pin tox again17:25
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clarkbamuller: I would like to see if we can make it work with current tox if possile17:25
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mordredyay for major releases17:26
clarkbI'm not seeing anything related to envdir specifically in their changelog17:26
mordredit's a 2.0 though17:26
clarkb"introduce parser.add_testenv_attribute() to register an ini-variable for testenv sections." is possibly related17:26
clarkbmordred: yes17:26
fungii don't see any bugs filed about it yet17:26
clarkbmordred: but they have never done semver before17:26
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clarkbmordred: so I don't necessarily treat that as special, instead they incremented .9 and got 1.017:27
clarkbmordred: add that to the 1.9 == 2.017:27
clarkb(sorry I am cranky about how they have done versions in the past017:27
fungithat's openbsd's version scheme17:27
mordredenvbindir does not show up in the new --help-ini command17:27
mordredenvdir does17:27
mordredso I suppose we could change {envbindir} to {envdir}/bin17:28
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clarkbmordred: ++17:28
clarkbamuller: ^ want to test that?17:28
amullerclarkb: trying17:28
mordredwsme is also affected17:29
mordredand networking-bigswitch and requests-mock and python-manilaclient17:29
clarkbthe other thing that may bite us is they don't pass the env through by default17:29
mordredso 5 repos isn't that bad17:29
fungi says it should exist in 2.017:29
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clarkbfungi: likely a bug in either docs or code then17:30
clarkbwe have been good about setting the env via setenv though so don't expect many problems with not passing env through17:30
fungiyeah, should probably be filed. i can open one up with them17:30
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clarkbso ya, if we can just make that small change for now and cruise along with 2.0.0 that would be best17:31
clarkbamuller: if you confirm that makes things happy, we/you/us can push patches to the other affected repos too17:33
clarkband in the maen time I am going to delete some bare-trust images17:34
clarkbunless we want this to be self testing?17:34
amullerclarkb: yeah it works17:34
amullerclarkb: so I can push a patch for neutron. Should each project fix this now? How many are affected?17:34
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clarkbamuller: mordred has a list in scrollback, its not that many, neutron is probably the busiest17:36
mordredneutron, wsme, networking-bigswitch and requests-mock and python-manilaclient17:36
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openstackgerritSamuel de Medeiros Queiroz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental Devstack job for Identity v3 API only
samueldmqanteaya, ^ now I think it's ok17:42
samueldmqto go :)17:42
clarkbso ya I thinkwe should just update tox.ini for now, if we run into more problems we can think about pinning, but pinning tox results in unfun for devs because its hard for us to communicate the specific tox version to use17:42
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anteayasamueldmq: great thanks, I'll wait for jenkins to report on it17:46
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clarkbmordred: shade 0.6.1 is on pypi now. Ready to approve the use shade in nodepool chnage?17:47
samueldmqanteaya, fair enough :)17:48
mordredclarkb: you don't still have yoru nodepool/devstack aroound do you?17:49
mordredclarkb: we did make a change to os-client-config since you tested and I'm waffling on whether I think we should care17:49
clarkbmordred: I do not, but its easy enough to hold a neutron test node and set nodepool up when its done17:49
mordredI mean, it's tested and all and has passed all the tests - but still - you know how it is17:49
anteayasamueldmq: thanks17:49
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openstackgerritRuby Loo proposed openstack/requirements: Use httpretty < 0.8.7 to avoid broken unittests
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clarkbmordred: what changed in os-c-c?17:56
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clarkbmordred: I just held a rax node running neutron-full can set up nodepool there shortly17:57
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mordredclarkb: two things. the change to handle defaults processing in a slightly different order, and the use of appdirs library rather tahn hardcoded XDG_CONFIG env vars17:58
mordredclarkb: it SHOULD be completely no op to shade/nodepool17:58
mordredit SHOULD be no op to everything, honestly17:58
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mordredbut I'm paranoid because this is the first shade-into-infra-production patch :)17:59
clarkbya np, its a quick setup to check now that I have the whole thing written down18:00
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clarkbthen its just waiting for qemu to do its thing18:00
sdaguezaro: so I don't know, I threw out a post on the gerrit ML with as much detail as I could, in the hopes that it would create pointers -!topic/repo-discuss/MYiSeRG5Ras18:00
mordredclarkb: this is the patch I'm worried about - since there _is_ a behavior change in that patch18:01
sdagueit seems to have gathered one response so far18:01
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clarkbgreghaynes: when you tried on hpcloud what flavor did you use? I need to just give it a go on our hpcloud nodes to see if it works at all. If it does next step is a test18:01
fungiokay, getting the infra docs move back on track, openstackid and storyboard haven't published to<reponame>/ yet. not sure if they haven't merged new patches in a while, or if their publication jobs are otherways broken18:02
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fungier, to<reponame>/18:02
* fungi needs to replace his paste button18:02
sdaguezaro: I got as far as working step debugger in eclipse on the gerrit code, but I have to say as I'm watching the relevant section of gerrit here, I'm lost pretty quickly in their data structures18:02
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mordredfungi: I think storyboard has released patches18:02
jeblairsdague: wow.  would you like to take over communication with the gerrit community regarding major data corruption bugs?18:02
krotscheckfungi: We landed one monday morning18:03
zarosdague: maybe i should restore to allow others to maybe pickup?18:03
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greghaynesclarkb: using to 30something gb ram18:03
jeblairfungi: i'll dig into openstackid18:03
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sdaguejeblair: honestly, I think with the other things on my plate you probably don't want me in the critical path for that.18:04
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fungijeblair: thanks--i'm checking the logs for storyboard18:04
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fungikrotscheck: thanks18:04
krotscheckfungi: No prob18:04
zarosdague: yeah, that's probably the most magical part of gerrit i've seen so far.  i can't figure out how it works with lucene.18:04
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mordredsdague: well, I think it's that we sent a data corruption bug and got no responses but got one response, so so far you are infinitely better :)18:05
greghaynesmordred: my similar trick for debugging is to add the 'devuser' element and set the password18:05
greghaynesmordred: re: setting a root pass18:05
mordredgreghaynes: ++18:05
greghaynes(that is precisely why I maded that element)18:05
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sdaguezaro: it's building up some kind of predicate stack, but at some point .... but I think as was listed in the response at some point it's just dropped in an optimization18:06
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clarkbgreghaynes: thanks, thats what we use in thegate too :/18:06
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fungimordred: i think maybe we missed switching the docs job for storyboard
fungipatching that momentarily18:06
mordredfungi: oops!18:07
* clarkb waits for lxml to build18:07
mordredclarkb: it's your favorite thing18:09
mordredclarkb: you know you could have just apt-get installed python-lxml ...18:09
clarkbya :(18:09
dstufftwheel you some lxml18:09
sdaguejeblair: so there is also this thread on the forum -!searchin/repo-discuss/PackFile/repo-discuss/o-HPPbwYn7A/UWcqe7zSXIoJ - which looks very similar18:10
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greghaynesclarkb: oh, you mentioned a while ago that we have an openstack clouds.yaml getting deployed onto the nodepool node?18:11
sdaguejeblair: what version of git is on that machine?18:12
clarkbgreghaynes: ya I think that merged let me double check18:12
jeblairsdague: yeah, we _also_ saw that, but we read that thread and concluded that we could solve that fairly easily by changing how we repack; at any rate, that only happens on sunday, so that was a one time thing.18:12
greghaynesclarkb: ok, we should make sure that lines up with the nodepool.yaml providers and isnt going to override anything...18:12
clarkbgreghaynes: it shouldn't beacuse we don't have a cloud right?18:12
clarkbgreghaynes: sorry, we don't specify cloud: foo in nodepool.yaml yet18:13
greghaynesok, yea18:13
greghaynesso should be fine18:13
mordredyah. we start by just passing in args to the OpenStackCloud constructor18:13
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clarkbok so that should be fine18:14
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: [WIP] Remove dev-requirements.txt
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jeblairfungi, mordred: openstackid has not merged a change since the publish job was changed18:19
jeblair(last was the day before)18:19
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish storyboard docs to docs.o.o
fungijeblair: perfect. that's easy18:20
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fungiand 182778 hopefully solves storyboard18:20
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish traning-guide files from master again
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add rally job to nova experimental queue
jeblairthere's a pending change, but it's 3 kilolines of diff, so i'm not going to review it.18:20
fungijeblair: also, php :/18:20
fungii'll go ahead and test out the redirects too since they should in theory be in place just don't have dns pointed at them quite yet18:21
jeblairi mean, it's mostly removing stuff that probably shouldn't be there, like the foundation marketplace18:21
pleia2mordred (or anyone else, but he +2), dependency merged, any other reason we should wait on this one?
fungiyep, that's moved to the openstackid-resources repo now18:21
jeblairfungi: so i'll work on a manual jenkins trigger of openstackid master18:22
fungijeblair: thanks. i'll do the same for storyboard once the jobs for it update, unless there's a lhf patch i can review and approve there at that point18:22
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fungii thought i had manually tested out the redirects, but it looks like the system-config redirect is getting in the way of the others. i'll work out a fix real fast18:24
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harlowjaperiodic poke for someone to review :)18:25
fungioh... this might be a bit of a problem. having a permanent redirect at ^/(.*) means that browsers are going to root everything there... i think i actually need explicit redirects for each current file in system-config instead18:26
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish traning-guide files from master again
fungiso as to avoid stepping on the other sub-sites18:27
fungihrm, or maybe this can be done with exclusions18:27
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mordredclarkb: I've got to step away for a few - if you're comfortable that you've tested this version, I'm fine with you approving - or you can wait til I'm back18:27
* greghaynes has to go to lunch for a bit18:28
clarkbmordred: kk, just about to turn nodepool on in the test node18:28
greghaynesso might be a good idea to wait until after18:28
clarkbmordred: it will probably take about 20 minutes for it to spit out results18:28
greghaynesor not, up to you ;)18:28
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AJaegerjeblair: do you have any idea why I get on "This change  depends on a change that failed to merge." ?18:29
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting pypy jobs to taskflow
gordcfungi: i think we need a pycadf stable/icehouse18:30
AJaegerI initially pushed 182779 first and then the dependend one which is . Is that higher number a problem?18:31
AJaegerjeblair: this is using "Depends-On"18:31
jeblairAJaeger: looking18:31
gordcfungi: it looks like new pycadf needs pytz<=2014.10 but pycadf 0.5.1 (which icehouse uses) has pytz>=2010h18:32
AJaegerthanks, jeblair !18:32
jeblairfungi: openstackid is fixed18:32
fungijeblair: thanks!18:33
* fungi is still fiddling with mod_rewrite18:33
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AJaegerjeblair: same error message with
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_david_zaro, Around? I can not reproduce
lifelessmordred: 182438 needs to land urgently18:36
lifelessmordred: if it hasn't already18:36
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lifelessah, it has. grand.18:36
jeblairAJaeger: i think there's a bug where if you upload a new patchset of a dependent change, it ejects the change(s) that need(s) it18:36
zaro_david_: it's here:
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_david_zaro /me don't have access to this machine18:37
zaro_david_: anonymous access?18:37
jeblairAJaeger: it's actually not straightforward to fix; i'm not certain what the right thing to do in that situation is; i suspec it would be to restart jobs based on the new patchset of the dependent change.  that will require a bit of development to implement.18:37
AJaegerjeblair: is there anything I can do? Wait for jenkins to finish building?18:38
_david_zaro Ah, now I see it:
jeblairAJaeger: yeeah, your PS2 should be running now with the latest/correct PS of the dependent change, so all should be good soon.18:38
AJaegerjeblair: ok, then I wait. Thanks18:38
jeblairAJaeger: (zuul is doing the right thing, just not the convenient thing; we can make it smarter)18:39
_david_zaro I tried to reproduce it locally, in my environment (on gerrit master) and I can't. Why?18:39
zaro_david_: actually i see you've made changes recently to openid so thought you mind know something but upon further inspection of git history i think this is the change that caused the problem.
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_david_zaro, None of my recent OpenID changes were merged prior to 2.10.3, and you are using 2.10.218:42
_david_zaro, but still i cannot reproduce it. Why?18:43
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_david_zaro my settings are: canonicalWebUrl = http://localhost:8080, type = OPENID_SSO, openIdSsoUrl = and all is fine after login18:44
zaro_david_: ohh maybe because we are using from our fork:
_david_(on most recent master)18:44
_david_zaro, What is simpler: you try vanilla master or /me try your fork? ;-)18:45
jeblair_david_, zaro: i believe our is equivalent to 2.10.3 from what zaro tells me about the additional patches onto our branch18:45
jeblair(and it's a very shallow fork)18:45
_david_jeblair, Do you have my JGit fix ?18:45
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zaro_david_: our fork has jgit ver
_david_zaro, Oh NO. This version is horribly broken18:48
jeblairthere seem to be a lot of changes in .3 that are not in our 2.10 branch18:48
_david_jeblair, 2.10.3 and are broken, because they don't have my JGit fix18:49
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fungi_david_: we dug through the jgit 4 changelog and didn't see any obvious changes which would have fixed the behavior we were getting18:51
_david_jeblair, zaro
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_david_fungi, different story. We had severe performance degradation on both git push and replication.18:52
clarkbperformance degratdation isn't the problem18:52
fungi_david_: yep, did see that discussion18:52
jeblairah, yeah; i don't think we saw that, though maybe we would have eventually if gerrit hadn't thrown out the largest packfiles in our repos :)18:52
jeblair(it's hard to be slow if you aren't actually doing anything)18:52
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_david_jeblair, Have you tried to revert the change you were referencing in your post on repo-discuss ?18:54
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_david_jeblair, and build custom version of JGit and try it if it solves the problem?18:55
clarkbgreghaynes: my hpcloud test node built an image, checking if it can boot it now18:56
fungi_david_: unfortunately that change was implemented in 3.5, so could be a lot to untangle between there and whatever gerrit 2.10 needs, but no i don't believe we tried to do that18:56
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jeblair_david_: we did try gerrit 2.10 with jgit 3.2, but that didn't work for other reasons.18:57
fungi_david_: so far we don't have the ability to reproduce what we saw without another lengthy production outage. we're working on figuring out a better way to make our dev server mirror our production content and activity18:57
fungiin hopes that we can reproduce the failure on demand18:57
_david_fungi, jeblair It would be indeed very helpful if you guys could reproduce it.18:58
jeblair(also, i don't actually think there's an error in that change; or if there is, we haven't found it yet)18:58
fungi_david_: we agree18:58
_david_fungi, jeblair I have some connections to JGit maintainers, here at SAP they could and would help, ...18:59
fungiwould open us up to all sorts of investigation when we're not preventing our developers from gettign work done18:59
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Correct ci.o.o redirects so slashes are optional
fungijeblair: ^ turns out the redirects were *mostly* working18:59
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jeblair_david_: cool, thanks -- we'll ping you when we're able to reproduce; and if you have any more ideas of where to look in the mean time, let us know19:00
clarkbgreghaynes: yup node just went read so not sure what issues you were seeing19:00
clarkbgreghaynes: but I think this means i can make a test19:00
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_david_jeblair, I have one idea: stop using broken JGit version.19:01
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jeblair_david_: that is a good one, probably first thing we should test when we repro.  ;)19:02
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish storyboard docs to docs.o.o
fungimissed a required parameter ^19:02
_david_jeblair, was very serious regression19:02
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jeblairi have to run to lunch; biab19:03
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_david_jeblair, I happen to know, that Google immediately reverted it for all their products. So seriously stop using JGit with this commit inside and move to either: or
AJaegerfungi, that means we can publish once your patch is in. Great!19:05
zaro_david_: we've already  reverted to 2.8 with jgit ver 3.219:05
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AJaeger(and another storyboard patch landed)19:05
AJaegerfungi: thanks for getting all links working!19:05
krotscheckEh? Wha?19:05
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AJaegerkrotscheck: references storyboard but clicking on it gives a 40419:06
_david_zaro, Ah I see, only on 2.1019:06
zaro_david_: you used the latest master to repro the extra forward slash?19:07
krotscheckAJaeger: Ah, yes.19:07
_david_zaro, Yes, I did.19:07
krotscheckI take it we want a storyboard patch to land so that docs can become a thing?19:07
fungiAJaeger: jeblair took care of the missing openstackid, 182778 solves storyboard (once it lands and we either merge a random storyboard change or manually trigger the post job), then 182790 would be a good idea to make the redirects from teh old urls more robust before i adjust dns19:07
_david_zaro just curious, how you downgraded gerrit from 2.10 => 2.8?19:07
zaro_david_: i would expect it to repro there as well.  well i can give that a try and update the issue.19:07
krotscheckOk, lemme see if I have anything useful to land.19:08
* krotscheck doesn't think so.19:08
zaro_david_: we went throught the changes and reverted on db.19:08
AJaegerfungi: once storyboard is up, we can merge as well...19:08
fungi_david_: mordred write up the necessary queries to reverse the db migrations19:08
_david_zaro Wau, respect. I'm asking because some folks were really interested in Gerrit downgrade feature19:09
AJaegerjeblair: thanks for the openstackid publishing!19:09
fungi_david_: it's nontrivial because of how some parts of the migrations are inferred from changes in the java source19:09
krotscheckfungi: I've got something.19:09
_david_fungi, Hey, cool, any chance he can contribute it back to the community?19:09
krotscheckfungi: Ready to land?19:09
AJaegerkrotscheck: not yet19:09
krotscheckAJaeger: KK, ping me when you're ready.19:09
AJaegerfirst 182778 needs to be merged and in jenkins19:10
fungi_david_: and we identified at least one incompatible account preference someone changed in the 2 days we were running 2.10 which had to be manually filtered after the fact to get their access working again19:10
AJaegerfungi, could you ping krotscheck, please? I won't be around that long...19:10
_david_fungi, *LOL*19:10
fungiAJaeger: yep19:11
openstackgerritYanis Guenane proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Specify Redis Virtual IP
fungi_david_: it was far from a clean process, but our other options were exhausted and the dangers in the rollback cleanup were outweighed by having our code review system basically broken any longer than we already had19:12
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annegentleflaper87: hey, which timezone are you in? Ping if you're awake :)19:12
_david_fungi, Sure. I just wondering, that you did upgrade without healthy checks on on 2.1019:13
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fungi_david_: we tested that same build of 2.10 rigorously on review-dev19:13
_david_fungi, But not under heavy load?19:14
fungibut clearly the volume and character of our production data and interactions was not at all well modeled19:14
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fungi_david_: right, we tested for broken features but not for regressions under load19:14
zarobut we are working to fix that going forward19:14
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_david_fungi, zaro, interestingly, we are running for 1 month on 2.10.x and havn't seen any issues. We have big repos too 2GB+ but apparently not the load you guys have.19:16
fungi_david_: around 2k active developers and >600 git repositories19:16
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sdaguefungi: + 200 ci systems watching the stream and reporting changes back19:17
fungiyes, that19:17
_david_fungi, Just for th record, SAP have 10K devs, and 4000 projects. And i happen to know, that they are running on 2.10.2 without any issue19:17
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_david_sdague, OK19:17
sdague_david_: what's your turnover time on 10K new revisions?19:17
fungi_david_: good to know. that makes me feel a little better. are they using filesystem backend? we've heard rumors that most of the large gerrit installations store their git content in databases19:18
sdaguewe're doing that about every 40 days19:18
_david_sdague, I don't know, I'm not affiliated, just heard from the discussion from SAP guys19:18
sdagueso, I looked, and that's about +50% over what android's gerrit is doing on rate19:19
sdagueand we do a lot more ps per rev (some revs have > 80 ps)19:19
_david_sdague, Really? 80? respect, my record for inline edit ~50 ;-)19:20
sdague_david_: I am sure I can find something over 100 :)19:20
_david_fungi, AFAICT, only Google is using GFS, all other folks use normal file system19:21
_david_sdague, show me? ,-)19:21
fungigot it. thanks!19:21
_david_fungi, My proposal: pick sane JGit version:, Or just pick 2.10.4. This version already contained it.19:22
_david_fungi, And try hard to reproduce the breakage. One you are able to do it, it would be much simple to track it down.19:23
sdague_david_: man, if gerrit let me search by ps #, that would be awesome to go find them. :)19:23
sdagueI'll see if I can hack up a search script19:23
_david_sdague, MySQL query?19:24
sdagueI don't have access to mysql19:24
_david_sdague, You are Gerrit admin, aren't you?19:24
sdaguefungi could19:24
fungii have a feeling sdague doesn't want to be a gerrit admin. he already does rather a lot ;)19:24
sdague_david_: nope, just an enthusiast user19:24
_david_sdague, Even not on ?19:24
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sdague_david_: nope19:25
sdague_david_: if you have a moment though, I did post about the issue with group= not working in search on repo-discuss, any thoughts you have on how to fix that would be highly appreciated19:27
_david_sdague, Yes i saw that, ...19:27
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sdagueok, got to do some family things, see everyone tomorrow19:28
_david_sdague, I'm not familiar with this part of code, unfortunately and that's tough topic, because this feature hacked by Qualcomm guys, ..19:28
fungidatabase says our highest patchset count (236) on a change is in ci-sandbox, so that doesn't really count19:29
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zaro_david_: i would continue to try working on that if i could get some help from anybody.19:30
_david_fungi, I am loking for a change with max(ps) fabricated by human?19:30
fungiglance and swift are tied for the #2 spot at 162 patchsets but those are both by bots: and
_david_zaro, We learned very hard one thing contributing to gerrit: Don't give up19:31
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fungiaha! #4 place is held by this glance change with 148 patchsets, not made by a bot:
zaro_david_: haha! it was my first time to give up :)19:32
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bknudson+2227 is going to be difficult to review19:33
_david_fungi, unbelievable19:33
fungiroughly skimming the top patchset counts, we have about 10 at or over 100 made by human hands19:33
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mtreinishfungi: heh, 148 and still going19:33
fungimtreinish: right, it could gain sentience. give it time19:34
zaroahh yeah, that's seems like the same as dead.19:34
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clarkbmordred greghaynes I am lunching but will shade nodepool in about half an hour19:35
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone service resource methods
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notmynameis it possible to do a "related-spec" to auto link to specs like we can with bugs and blueprints?19:41
notmynamein commit messages in gerrit19:41
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mtreinishnotmyname: isn't that what the bp is used for to do the tracking of the work item19:42
SpamapS_david_: BUT, have you seen how magnificant our rainbow bikeshed is? ;-)19:42
lifelessnotmyname: in principle yes but needs to be configured in gerrit19:43
notmynamefungi: thanks19:43
lifelessnotmyname: I'm not sure if regexes can be scoped to projects19:43
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_david_SpamapS, "rainbow bikeshed" ? I'm afraid i missed that?19:44
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fungilifeless: notmyname: yeah, it would probably need to be a subcomponent of a specs.o.o url19:44
openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack/requirements: Increase stable/kilo python-heatclient upper cap to 0.6
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fungilifeless: notmyname: given that it would also be spec lifecycle and project specific, probably specs.o.o needs some sort of normalized query interface to support that19:45
fungiotherwise you're stuck doing something like related-spec: openstack/swift-specs/specs/in_progress/at_rest_encryption19:46
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fungiwhich quickly goes stale once it goes from in_progress to implemented19:46
lifelessits almost like you need a web site19:46
lifelesslike blueprints.launchpad.net19:46
notmynamethose regexes remind me of something that happened recently. someone referenced a Red Hat bug in the commit message (publicly viewable bug, so no issues). but gerrit auto-linked it to launchpad. which is just funny19:46
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funginotmyname: yeah, that supybot plugin assumes "bug somenumber" means lp, but it still recognizes redhat bugzilla entries by url if mentioned19:47
mtreinishlifeless: yes, that was my earlier point. I thought specs were just to review and define a work item. But the actually lifecycle of the work was still in lp19:47
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notmynamefungi: I think this was something like "Red Hat bug: 1234" or something similar. which would match19:48
openstackbug 1234 in Launchpad itself "Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts" [Medium,Fix released] - Assigned to Daniel Henrique Debonzi (debonzi)19:48
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SpamapS_david_: are you not familiar with the term "bikeshedding" ?19:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Publish storyboard docs to docs.o.o
lifelessSpamapS: technicolour rainbow bikeshed pleeease19:53
greghaynesclarkb: ok, i just finished lunch so ill be around19:53
SpamapSlifeless: I prefer chromakey rainbow bikeshed19:54
fungithe irony is, the house i'm buying does actually have a bike shed, and it's in need of a paint job. i'm thinking of doing a poll to find out what color i should paint it19:54
SpamapSfungi: nooooooooooooooooo19:54
anteayafungi: ha ha ha19:54
fungimight make for an interesting photo essay19:55
mtreinishfungi: I vote for my normal etherpad color19:55
mtreinishyou might be able to see it from space then19:55
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Single event email worker.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Factory subject is now a template file.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Revert "Email Outbox"
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone service resource methods
anteayamtreinish: you are consistent with that colour19:55
AJaegerfungi: you could make a draw of participants - they can help painting ;)19:55
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mtreinishanteaya: well until recently, I had several people complain about it so I knuckled under and switched to something a bit easier on the eyes19:56
fungithe house is not subject to community covenants, so i could in theory paint it obnoxious fuchsia and the neighbors would have to put up rith it. but also this is the beach, so it wouldn't be that unusual19:56
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Uncap pytz and add a note on ordering between Babel and pycadf
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add futurist adoption project changes
_david_SpamapS, Sure i'm, but what you mean by color?19:57
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anteayamtreinish: no, your etherpad troll was something I relied on19:58
anteayamtreinish: what colour are you going with now, so I can spot you in future?19:58
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added explicit puppetlabs-apt version to vagrant bootstrap.
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update team structure and add council
mtreinishanteaya: well, apparently I was scaring off contribs to the qa summit brainstorming etherpad because of the wall of red19:59
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fungimtreinish: i rather liked it19:59
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lifelessSpamapS: how about supermarionation rainbow bikesheds?19:59
fungithen again, mine's probably equally obnoxious19:59
mtreinishanteaya: I switched to a more brownish red:
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone endpoint resource methods
mtreinishfungi: heh, I like your color choice20:00
fungiit does stand out20:00
mtreinishso at least we're consistent in our taste20:00
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone endpoint resource methods
fungii just wish etherpad would feather the edges of the background so that it looked more like a grumbly black raincloud bubble whenever i type20:01
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SpamapS_david_: the whole back-story around bikeshedding is not agreeing on color and wasting time selecting one.20:01
_david_SpamapS, OK, I see.20:02
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Remove dev-requirements.txt
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anteayafungi: ha ha ha20:05
anteayaI want to see the bug report to etherpad20:06
anteayamtreinish: you frightening person you20:06
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Submit .gitreview to the right branch
clarkbI just approved the use shade change20:07
* greghaynes drops the baloons20:08
fungi(brace for impact!)20:08
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lifeless_david_: SpamapS: one more note there: its also about arguing over trivia being easy, vs adding real insight to a conversation20:09
greghaynesclarkb: oh, you got your node booting?20:09
clarkbgreghaynes: ya itworked20:09
greghaynesclarkb: the qemu one20:09
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lifeless_david_: SpamapS: e.g. 'do we buy a truck or a motorcycle', lets make it red.20:09
greghaynesclarkb: vivit or trusty?20:09
clarkbgreghaynes: trusty20:10
greghaynesclarkb: about how long did it take? and you were able to ssh in?20:10
clarkbso I am going to write up a devstack plugin for nodepool to run as a devstack service20:10
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clarkbgreghaynes: its about on par with the rax image. just under 400 seconds20:10
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greghayneshrm, not bad20:10
greghaynesim gonna make some dib tests that do that, then20:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade to get the client objects
clarkbok I think if I run puppet on nodepool.o.o now we get that version20:13
clarkbdoing so20:13
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clarkb(just speeding up the normal puppet agent run window)20:14
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SpamapSlifeless: I agree (thank god, otherwise we'd be bikeshedding about what bikeshedding is about)20:15
clarkbgrr lxml was uninstalled for some reason and it tried to build after20:16
clarkbI don't even20:16
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mtreinishjeblair: when you get a sec can you take a look at:
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mtreinishit's needed to plug a testing gap because of kilo20:17
electricalzaro: did you manage to get the details + fix for python-jenkins ?20:17
clarkbthe global requirements lxml version is < that what we have installed20:17
fungikrotscheck: looks like the storyboard-infra-docs job is now known to zuul and the jenkins masters, so approve a change at will20:18
zaroelectrical: i was going to ask pelix detail but he seems to have left the room20:19
fungikrotscheck: in theory some time soonish after it merges you should see content at
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clarkbit is because we do a pip install -U nodepool20:19
krotscheckfungi: Here we go:
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electricalzaro: ah okay. i can create a gist for you with details if you want?20:19
jeblairmtreinish, anteaya: done, thanks20:19
mtreinishjeblair: cool, thanks20:19
zaroelectrical: did you say someone has a fix ready to go?20:19
clarkbfungi: jeblair mordred pleia2 jhesketh SergeyLukjanov I think I am just going to install the dev headers it wants then rerun the install then update our puppet-nodepool manifest20:19
clarkbdoes that seem reasonable?20:19
electricalzaro: we do have a fix yeah, just not coded so you could merge it. but i can gist the fix yeah20:20
fungiclarkb: for lxml? yeah, seems fine20:20
pleia2clarkb: yeah, I think that's fine20:20
clarkbyup so libxml2-dev and libxslt-dev20:20
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zaroelectrical: why not just submit it to python-jenkins?20:20
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fungiclarkb: for some reason i thought we had solved that already, but i suppose not20:21
clarkbfungi: we had, but not with pip install -U20:21
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electricalzaro: could do as well :-)20:21
clarkbfungi: with the -U pip is trying to upgrade to latest lxml via pypi20:21
fungiclarkb: yep, i get it. carry on ;_20:21
zaroelectrical: that would be preferable. thanks20:21
electricalzaro: okay. will do that most likely tomorrow. ( past 9 pm here )20:22
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clarkbjeblair: you ok with that plan? I want to say you had the preference for python-lxml via apt20:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Revert "Email Send Cron Worker"
clarkbjeblair: it sounds like we should have lxml removed as a dep this cycle so I am happy to go ahead with this as the current plan20:24
jeblairclarkb: yeah, it's all a mess until we have packages.  :(20:24
fungikrotscheck: 260a68f storyboard-infra-docs is now queued in the post pipeline20:24
jeblairi'm okay with your suggestion20:24
krotscheckfungi: yay!20:24
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clarkbjeblair: thanks20:25
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clarkbnodepool==0.1.2.dev1 is the version pip freeze reports now, getting the puppet-nodepool change written before I restart nodepool20:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add kilo compat jobs to tempest and devstack-gate
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Install lxml from source to accomodate pip -U
clarkbjeblair: fungi pleia2 ^ thats the puppet side of the change, I am ready to restart nodepool now, anything I should wait on?20:34
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pleia2I see the change, but pretty irc logs + making old ones pretty too is a new thing, right?20:36
clarkbpleia2: is that in response to me? not sure I have neough context to understand20:37
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jeblairclarkb: nak20:38
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pleia2clarkb: no, had just noticed pretty irc logs made by eavesdrop20:38
clarkboh, ya mordred added that late last week iirc20:38
pleia2can now link to specific sections in the logs20:38
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clarkbok restarting nodepool now20:39
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lifelessSpamapS: so meta, much shed20:40
SpamapSlifeless: wow20:40
clarkbits up, doing things including calculating demand and running tasks20:41
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clarkbnext rax dib image uploads :)20:43
greghaynesclarkb: so looking good?20:43
clarkbgreghaynes: ya so far I haven't seen anything bad in the logs20:43
clarkbwill keep watching it though20:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Allow Magnum to conform to global requirements process
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for image uploads
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greghaynesclarkb: ^ so theres a caveat there about shade blocking on v1 uploads20:48
greghaynesnot sure how much we care20:48
greghaynesoh, it should already be a blocking call20:49
greghaynesso not really a change20:49
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clarkbya existing should block20:49
clarkbI think each build runs in its own thread so blocking is fine20:49
fungikrotscheck: it's alive!
krotscheckfungi: Brraaaaaaiiiinssss20:50
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fungianybody else want to +2/approve ? it's been manually tested and works20:50
jamespdwhere does one report errors received on  I'm getting a 'server error' when trying to set my Contact Information.20:51
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fungijamespd: see if solves it20:51
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jamespdfungi: ah, thanks!  In retrospect, I should have been able to find that myself; soz.20:55
clarkbgreghaynes: looking at where does FakeList.create() throw a runtime error?20:56
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Decoupe openstack_project::server from Gerrit
clarkbgreghaynes: slightly worried the fake is trying to emulate shade but missing that piece20:57
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Uncap pytz and block pycadf 0.6.2
mtreinishcan someone do me a favor and kick this: it doesn't want to go into the gate because of the depends-on (which merged a little while ago)20:57
clarkbmtreinish: looking20:58
mtreinishclarkb: normally when that happens I just +A it again, but I can't do that on project-config20:58
mtreinishclarkb: thanks20:59
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greghaynesclarkb: oh, it should be changed now - shade should only throw a OpenstackCloudError20:59
clarkbgreghaynes: right its catching a runtime error to through an openstackcloud error20:59
clarkbgreghaynes: but I don't see anything that would trigger the runtime error21:00
greghaynesclarkb: yea, im not sure where thats from21:01
greghaynesclarkb: we should test that case though21:01
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Clintsdake: could you confirm that you want #kolla logged as well?21:04
clarkbgreghaynes: looks like if we call create on the same object more than once then threading will raise RunTimeError21:04
clarkbgreghaynes: so thats a case that should never happen if I am reading the tests correctly21:05
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fungiokay, rackspace has given us <24 hours (they don't say how much <) to reboot these
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fungisome we can just do immediately, some will take some coordination21:08
fungii'm going to go through real fast and mark the ones we can do asap21:08
pleia2sounds good21:08
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clarkbpleia2: one set that we can do gracefully with a small amount of admin work are the git* hosts. Any chance you are available to help with those and I can walk you through it?21:09
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jeblairfungi, pleia2: should we use the incident room for this?21:09
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mtreinishfungi: what about trove nodes? I would have assumed they're rebooting those too21:10
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clarkbmtreinish: thats a good question, in theory you can't break out of those nodes because you don't get shells on them21:10
jeblair(i don't have a strong opinion, just thought i'd throw it out there; we can also move there only if it gets too chatty here)21:10
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pleia2jeblair: I think so21:10
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clarkbmtreinish: which probably means in theory that they don't consider those nodes compromised?21:10
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fungijeblair: ooh! is it logged already?21:11
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pleia2fungi: it is!21:11
jeblairfungi: it is, all ready to go!21:11
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fungimtreinish: no idea--they didn't say :/21:11
clarkbmtreinish: or rather compromiseable21:11
fungimtreinish: they might not be pvhvm?21:11
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fungicould be any number of raisins21:11
mtreinishclarkb: oh, yeah that's a good point. I guess if you're not allowed to shell into them it doesn't matter21:11
clarkbpleia2: the first thing we have to do with git* is take git02 or git01 out of the DNS round robin21:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch tempest python 3.4 unit test job to gating
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Handle novaclient exceptions during delete_server
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Handle novaclient exception in delete_server wait
fungii agree on using the incident channel21:14
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jeblairokay.  To the incident root!21:14
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openstackgerritWalter A. Boring IV (hemna) proposed openstack/requirements: Pin os-brick to the current release
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fungittx: any chance you might be around? we're going to need to gracefully hard reboot design-summit-prep before rax helpfully reboots it for us21:29
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mtreinishfungi: I thought ttx said he was going to kill it today or tomorrow to lock down the sched21:31
mtreinishbut I could just be making things up21:31
fungiokay, we might be in luck then21:31
anteayamtreinish: any idea where he said that?21:31
mtreinishanteaya: it was either in the x-project meeting21:31
mtreinishor in an email to ptls21:32
* mtreinish checks his inbox21:32
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anteayaI'll check the x-project meeting logs21:32
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Uncap pytz
mtreinishanteaya: didn't see anything in my inbox so it was probably the meeting21:32
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anteayamtreinish: I see this:
anteayawhat is cheddar?21:35
mtreinishanteaya: cheddar is the tool to do the scheduling which is running on that host21:35
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Decouple openstack_project::server from Gerrit
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asselinanteaya, hi...sorry....what was the question from this morning? I lost my scrollback21:36
anteayafungi: looks like we have a winner, ttx announced cheddar with be brought down at EOD wednesday in the x-project meeting21:37
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anteayaasselin: it was about zuul and version numbers, I learned that pbr makes one up if you pull the tip of master21:38
mtreinishanteaya: ttx can totally see the future21:38
anteayamtreinish: he is magic that way21:38
fungianteaya: thanks. i'll just reboot it and let him sort it out tomorrow if he still needs it21:38
anteayaasselin: it bases it off of the last tag and increments by 0.0.121:38
anteayafungi: sure21:38
asselinanteaya, I see21:39
asselinI also see is not working today?21:39
asselinmust be the same issue I ran into yesterday21:39
anteayawe we are in the midst of rebooting the world21:39
asselinor that :)21:39
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anteayaso let's let them finish and then see what is up with zuul.o.o21:39
fungior looks like the resolution is actually just to let ttx reboot it himself if he wants, otherwise allow rax to ungracefully power-cycle it (no idea if they try to halt it first)21:39
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anteayavery good21:40
anteayaeither way priority on contents seems low21:40
fungibtw i'm going to stop paying attention in here until we're wrapping up with the incident21:40's the patch I had issues with.
asselinfor some reason I didn't get the new lib folder created...I guess it's just me....21:41
greghaynesclarkb: so the RuntimeException is being raised by the dummy in fakeprovider21:42
greghaynesclarkb: had to spend a few to page it in21:42
greghaynesclarkb: also ignore me while youall incident21:42
anteayaasselin: you didn't get the new lib folder created, I don't see a new lib folder in that patch21:43
anteayayet the commit message says it should be there21:43
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anteayathank you21:44
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use shade for image uploads
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anteayaso what happened you pulled in the merged version and didn't get the /lib folder created in your environment?21:44
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SpamapSfunctional tests for shade failing21:46
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asselinanteaya, zuul ui was still trying to get the files from the old location.21:47
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asselinanteaya, but I need to see if I have that script...perhaps there's an issue since I'm partially out-of-tree21:47
anteayaasselin: ah yes please check that first21:48
anteayaSpamapS: is there a difference between the two urls you posted?21:48
anteayaif yes, I can't see it21:48
greghaynesSpamapS: huh21:48
greghaynesSpamapS: novaclient regression?21:48
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* greghaynes kicks off a tox -r21:49
SpamapSanteaya: no, I meant to paste a snippet of the content21:49
SpamapSforgot to ctrl-c21:49
SpamapSshade.exc.OpenStackCloudException: Error getting compute endpoint: Error constructing auth plugin: password21:49
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anteayaI know zip about shade21:50
anteayaso I have no insight apart from the obvious21:50
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SpamapSgreghaynes: likely21:50
SpamapSgreghaynes: released today21:50
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anteayaand a new tox was released today as well21:51
SpamapSfor extra great happy21:51
anteayawe didn't have enough happy apparently21:51
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SpamapSit _totally_ helps that there are people on my roof hammering and tarring shingles, and a cleaning person vacuuming up the mess they made yesterday hammering. TOTALLY helping concentration.21:52
anteayaoh yes21:52
anteayaI can totally hear where you are coming from21:52
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: WIP: Teach pbr to read extras from setup.cfg
mtreinishanteaya: oh, based on that changelog the new tox it will likely break some people21:53
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anteayamtreinish: yes it has21:53
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anteayalifeless: ^^21:53
mtreinishanteaya: they added env variable isolation21:53
anteayalifeless: I don't have ops21:53
greghaynesseems legit21:53
lifelessanteaya: ? I don't think I do either.21:54
anteayayou do I saw in teh manifest, give it a shot21:54
lifelessk, sec while I look up the incantation21:54
lifelessanteaya: doesn't look like it21:56
lifeless09:55 <lifeless> akick #openstack-infra add gasgasgas!*@*21:56
lifeless09:55 -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- You are not authorized to perform this operation.21:56
lifelesscan't op myself either.21:56
openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add retry parameters for 'jenkins-jobs update'
JayFlifeless: you're in the access list21:56
JayFlifeless: maybe not identified to nickserv?21:56
lifelessI'm identified, I log in with sasl :)21:56
JayFHeh, awesome :)21:56
JayFstrange it won't work for you then21:57
lifelessbut just in case21:57
Clintlifeless: i think you got unidentified21:57
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anteayathank you21:57
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lifelessdeop lifeless21:58
lifelessClint: yeah, thats where I'd just got to :)21:58
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* Clint nods.21:58
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greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, tox -r isnt failing for me21:58
SpamapSgreghaynes: functional21:58
SpamapSgreghaynes: it's not run by default21:58
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greghayneswell, there ya go21:59
* SpamapS is re-stacking now21:59
SpamapSmy devstack test instance has been up for 327 days21:59
SpamapSthat seems.. wrong. ;)21:59
greghaynesSpamapS: it is annoying we swallow the internal traceback21:59
mordredSpamapS: btw - if you're stacking ...21:59
mordredoh - nm - you're on it already21:59
SpamapSmordred: functional fails in shade?21:59
SpamapSthat is why I'm stacking. :)22:00
SpamapSmordred: novaclient released today.22:00
SpamapSseems.. likely :)22:00
mordredSpamapS: oh. yay22:00
* SpamapS prepares to bisect22:00
mordredwell - we ALSO released a new os-cient-config22:00
SpamapStriple win22:00
SpamapS(tox release today too)22:00
mordredclarkb: did your nodepool test work?22:00
fungireed: we're going to need to reboot groups.o.o and ask.o.o shortly. should be brief. any reason we should wait? does anyone need notifying?22:01
greghaynesmordred: he said he got a qemu node booting and able to ssh in22:01
reedfungi, give me a sec22:01
mordredgreghaynes: great. so there isn't a general problem with current shade and current os-client-config - but there may be something screwy in our tests22:01
mordredjohnthetubaguy: I know you're probably busy, what with the general carnage - but if you happen to be around22:02
mordredjohnthetubaguy: I'm rebooting all these nodes, and one of them is in 'powering-off' state22:02
mordredjohnthetubaguy: and has been for some time ... do I need to file a rax support ticket?22:02
fungireed: sure, no problem22:02
reedfungi, go22:02
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fungireed: thanks!22:03
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fungireed: ask is on its way back up now22:05
clarkbmordred: it did work and nodepool is running with it22:05
mordredclarkb: oh! it's live? neat22:05
clarkbmordred: yup22:05
mordredclarkb: good to know we got something accomplished before today's uberbug22:06
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fungireed: groups should be coming up now too22:06
mordredfungi, reed: have we put in a questions about openstackid?22:06
fungimordred: not yet22:07
fungireed: groups is looking good to me, but ask seems ill22:07
fungitroubleshooting now22:07
reedoh no22:07
reedmordred, it depends on the question :)22:07
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mordredreed: well, we need to reboot it - so the question is "anything special we need to do or special care that needs to be taken?"22:08
reedmordred, oh...  now I get it :)22:09
reedI think it can be rebooted quickly without problems22:09
reedwhat happened?22:09
fungireed: ask seems to have recovered on its own22:09
fungijust takes it a bit coming up i suppose22:09
reedi see internal server error22:09
reedwill try again22:09
reedsame with another browser22:10
mordredreed: same thing with ask and groups - we're going through and rebooting all of our servers because of CVE22:10
reedreboot all the things22:11
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mordredreed: done. openstackid has also been rebooted22:18
SpamapSok... functional tests passing with old novaclient.. trying new22:18
reedmordred, openstackid looks good22:19
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SpamapSpass with python-novaclient 2.2522:20
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SpamapSand os-client-config 1.0.022:20
SpamapS_might_ be server side22:20
SpamapSI didn't git pull everything22:21
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mordredSpamapS greghaynes: totally not important - but we can also remove that unset OS_CACERT now22:23
mordredas shade will properly ignore that it's not there22:23
SpamapSmordred: yay22:23
SpamapSmordred: I have a patch up to stop setting it to a non-existant file in devstack too22:24
mordredSpamapS: neat!22:24
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SpamapSsince that's actually a legitimate complaint IMO22:24
mordredSpamapS: btw - if you get bored - I keep thining that we should get devstack to emit a clouds.yaml22:24
SpamapS"Hey you told me to load CA certs here and there's no CA certs here."22:24
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clarkbSpamapS: there is a specific comment in devstack that refutes that complaint22:25
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clarkbSpamapS: its says "this is fine if tls is not enabled"22:25
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mordredyup. otoh, writing a cert to the file when you didn't create the cert is just messy22:25
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SpamapSclarkb: yes, that was the assumption that was wrong which I have corrected. :)22:26
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mordredand if part of devstack's job is to document things, then the OS_CACERT setting could certainly confuse someone22:26
mordredeven if it doesn't actively break something22:26
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SpamapSIt's pretty normal to have pre-flight checks on configuration values.22:27
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clarkbI dunno, the only confusion I had was that shade would care about that value when not using https, but thats been fixed so I am happy22:28
SpamapSok, so functional tests pass with everything new in the venv. I'm re-pulling everything and re-stacking.22:28
SpamapSclarkb: there's an argument that if a security setting is present, it should be handled in fail-closed mode, as in "You said CACERT, you didn't mean it, but I'm going to fail in case you screwed that up"22:29
SpamapSit's pedantry, and I don't necessarily want to be pedantic, but the argument exists and isn't just in my head.22:30
clarkbSpamapS: except thats not really what happened22:30
clarkbSpamapS: what happened was I said use HTTP not HTTPS but you failed because you checked something completely unrelated to what is going on22:30
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clarkbSpamapS: if however https was in use then absolutely fail22:30
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SpamapSclarkb: The two things are conflicting. The fact that the URL has a higher precedence is not exactly "well thought out".22:31
SpamapSIt's not important.22:31
clarkbSpamapS: the CACERT has no value unless using the protocol22:31
clarkbSpamapS: so its perfectly well thought out22:31
SpamapSyes, but if it is present, there's a clue that you may have meant for the protocol to be https.22:31
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SpamapSIt's not important, it's just one way to handle sensitive configuration.22:32
clarkbSpamapS: in that case your failure mode was wrong anyways22:32
reedfungi, seems to be responding correctly now22:32
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clarkbSpamapS: the failure should be "https is not in use but CACERT is set"22:32
clarkbSpamapS: that is completely different than what shade was doing22:32
SpamapSclarkb: yes, I agree 100%. If this pedantry is intentional, then the error messages have to be clear. It was accidental.22:33
tchaypoIf the user specifies http but *also* specifies https, I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that the user intended http22:33
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tchaypoit seems more likely to me that the user was confused22:33
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fungireed: yeah, it was fine about 3-4 minutes after it rebooted, i was just impatient22:33
tchaypoI don’t think that erroring is “you checked something completely unrelated”, it sounds to me like E_PEBKAC22:33
fungireed: worth noting it returns an internal server error for a few minutes after a reboot22:34
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SpamapStchaypo: I'm ok with there being precedence too. OS_AUTH_URL having http or not is perfectly fine superseding the implied setting that is "OS_CACERT isn't set therefore I use system certs"22:34
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reedfungi, yes, probably because apache comes up before the rest of the machinery behind22:34
greghaynesSpamapS: what do you think about making our shade OpenStackCloudError also print out the internal exception?22:35
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greghaynesSpamapS: Im worried that in production were going to end up having a lot of pain around debugging errors22:35
greghayneser, also print out the internal stacktrace22:36
tchaypoYeah, I think having a precendence is fine too. Either way could make sense to me depending on the context22:36
tchaypoI can’t see either of them as “you failed because you checked something completely unrelated"22:36
tchaypo“you didn’t do what I wanted because your priorities are different from what I expected” perhaps22:36
SpamapSgreghaynes: debug logging does that?22:36
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clarkbtchaypo: the old error message is what you are arguing against22:36
fungireed: that does seem to be the case, yes22:36
clarkbtchaypo: it basicaly say "CACERT doesn't exist go away"22:37
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greghaynesSpamapS: hrm. This is another "we shouldnt have to run prod with debug logging" hole.22:37
jogodo we have a shared doc on running unit tests with tox and whatnot?22:37
SpamapSgreghaynes: might be a case-by-case thing.22:38
mordredgreghaynes: all OpenStackCloudExceptions should be raising with exc_info on if they're re-raising22:38
SpamapSgreghaynes: in general I'd like for us to set a useful message and raise that.22:38
mordredif they're not, it's a bug22:38
greghaynesmordred: all the ones I see str(e) when they make the raised exception22:39
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit and Zuul are going offline for reboots to fix a security vulnerability.22:39
mordredoh - log.debug has the exc_info22:39
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* mordred shuts up and goes to reboot nodes22:39
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jogobecause every repo's developer doc seems to have something different22:40
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SpamapSgreghaynes: we could do this
greghaynesSpamapS: Yes, that is exactly what im thinking22:41
anteaya  jogo I created this a long time ago:
jogoand i just hit a 503 on gerrit :/22:41
anteayajogo: and gerrit is down now so give it a minute22:41
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anteayatiming ftw22:41
jogoanteaya: :)22:41
greghaynesSpamapS: I think in a perfect world we would have two cases - known exceptions where we should have a good enough message from the client to debug and unkown exceptions where we log both stacktraces above debug22:42
anteayathe openstack rickroll22:42
greghaynesSpamapS: but were a ways from that22:42
anteayajogo: here it is:
SpamapSgreghaynes: logging stacktraces in prod is a last resort.. especially for a library.22:42
jogoanteaya: so very nice22:43
anteayajogo: thanks22:43
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anteayaI have a strong feeling noone uses it22:43
jogoanteaya: but was hoping to get something under or something22:43
anteayahowever it does exist22:43
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anteayajogo: people might find it there22:43
jogoand nova has this
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anteayathey can't find it where it is22:43
SpamapSgreghaynes: I'd rather see us say that if we don't know what the exception is, we'll wrap it.22:44
SpamapSgreghaynes: but logging should remain a debug log.22:44
anteayayup, same info22:44
greghaynesSpamapS: Yes, so idea - can we add a property to OpenStackCloudError that is the internal stack, and then in the repr well print both22:44
greghaynesthen its up to the using app whether they care22:44
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anteayajogo: discoverability is the factor, common areas, like a public park or square22:44
SpamapSgreghaynes: something like that yeah22:45
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jogoanteaya: I wonder if we can get that moved to
jogoassuming that is the correct home22:46
anteayajogo: offer a patch and we both find out22:46
jogoanteaya: do you know what repo that is in?22:46
anteayaoslo-incubator is the source, infra-manual is the destination22:47
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pabelangerAre the zuul / gerrit security issues in the host OS or the applications themselves?22:52
Clintkernel bug22:53
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pabelangeranteaya, I seen ttx tweet that.  I lol'd are the marketing too22:54
anteayaso this was initiated by our host and we are responding to their decision22:54
anteayawell that is a legitamate question22:55
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anteayaas it seems folks will exploit any emotion to further their business goals22:55
anteayabut we are responding to our host's decision here22:55
anteayawe didn't choose to do this22:56
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:57
anteayafun in progress22:57
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit and Zuul are back online.22:57
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add futurist adoption project changes
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Keystone service resource methods
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone endpoint resource methods
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fungiokay, my half dozen held nodes are now deleted23:17
clarkbfwiw I am double checking on the logging log situation and it looks like those nodes are special because they are the pvhvm with only 20GB /23:17
fungithere are two remaining held nodes, which i will assume are clarkb's23:17
clarkbso I think thats mostly cleaned up and will write a note to myself to write logrotate rules for these logs so we stop doing that23:17
clarkbfungi: ya I have two, I will delte the one I don't want23:17
clarkbpleia2: looks like DNS is back to normal for git.o.o too :)23:18
fungii had held representatives of each corresponding devstack and bare node in each provider for bindep pre/post package list comparison testing23:18
jeblaircentos6 nodes are ready23:18
fungiwrapped that up earlier this week23:18
pleia2clarkb: cool, I'll bump the ttl back up to a reasonable level in a bit23:19
greghaynesclarkb: updated btw23:19
clarkbpleia2: I think 5 minutes is what we want for the round robin23:20
clarkbpleia2: but maybe jeblair/fungi can say otherwise23:20
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add ChangeLog and AUTHORS to .gitignore
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add Running Unit Tests section to developers doc
clarkbI dunno I have had DNS round robins with health checks that ran on 30 second tlls23:21
jogoanteaya: ^ there23:21
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack/requirements: Add sphinxcontrib-blockdiag
clarkbI am sure that breaks all the DNS rules but it DNS is bad at failover23:21
fungiclarkb: pleia2: yeah, 5 minutes is fine. that's what they were already at before we started23:21
fungifor a round-robin pool i think that's a reasonable choice anyway since you want to be able to take members in and out of it relatively quickly23:22
fungiif you think 30 seconds is short, f5 used to recommend for their 3dns product that you set cache times to 0 or 1 second23:23
clarkbES is slowly but surely recovering23:23
clarkbI will keep an eye on the health of that this evening23:23
openstackgerritDebo~ Dutta proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Cognitive - Machine Learning as a Service
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fungihowever, for the longest time i remember at least a couple of well-known broadband providers that would on their customer-facing recursive resolvers reqrite any ttl less than a day23:24
fungier, rewrite23:24
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pleia2packing up for debian jessie release party in a bit (we have jessie party hats!) but I'm around for a bit longer23:24
fungicowgirl hats?23:24
clarkbgreghaynes: and I never got to debugging dib git cache things23:25
clarkbgreghaynes: but we are using shade now so its not all bad23:25
pleia2fungi: nah, the cone ones that have a picture of jessie on them :)23:25
fungioh, cool enough anyway!23:25
greghaynesclarkb: yes, I really want to dig into debugging that23:25
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greghaynesclarkb: ETOOMANYTHINGS23:25
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fungii had several things i was planning to do this afternoon, but now that the sun's down i think i'm going to wind down too23:26
jeblairfungi: follow the sun23:26
fungion saturday i will, for sure23:26
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fungihrm, puppetboard says all the zuul servers (including mergers) are failing to puppet. ask.o.o too23:28
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fungii wonder if that puppet-zuul change from earlier today is to blame for the former23:28
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fungiyeah, looks like maybe it's trying to make files absent when their parent directory doesn't exist?23:29
fungithat's a rather strange failure mode, but then again, it's puppet23:30
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anteayajogo: commented23:31
jeblairjogo, anteaya: i'm not certain that's the best place for that23:32
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clarkbgreghaynes: you should be able to use our git caching element on a image build, boot that, then run zuul-cloner against it to reproduce23:33
clarkbgreghaynes: thats basically what my plan was23:33
clarkbgreghaynes: my hunch is that GitPython doing a clone locally does something similar to an rsync rather than doing a clone and setting up the remote refs properly23:33
clarkbgreghaynes: but it does so in an incomplete way so that the fetch_remote thing is wrong23:33
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anteayajeblair: great, since we can't figure out a discoverable place for it23:34
jeblairinfra-manual is "the user manual for the project infrastructure", and this is getting into some project-specific stuff.  it's largely the same because we made it the same for openstack projects, but, for instance, it's focused heavily on tox which is only useful for python projects.23:34
anteayait has been in olso-incubator for 2 years now and I'm sure noone finds it23:34
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jeblairanteaya: i don't think the text in oslo-incubator was intendet to be a projcet wide reference23:34
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anteayawell I certainly wanted people to find that file23:35
fungijhesketh: has a problem. see
anteayaand followed the advice I was given23:35
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jeblairanteaya: i think the best place we have for something like that is the wiki23:36
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jeblairanteaya: or within projects themselves23:37
fungijhesketh: aha, i see the problem. patch on the way23:37
anteayajogo: ^^ help yourself23:37
jheskethfungi: ah thanks for letting me know23:37
jheskethfungi: oh you beat me to it23:37
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jeblairanteaya, jogo: the use of "tox" specifically is a red flag for me23:39
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jeblairthis is kind of a grey area -- we do talk about bugs and blueprints, but they interact with gerrit via jeepyb, and that's intended to be universal.  tox is too, to a certain extent, but is still only relevant for python projects, etc, and it's hard to generalize about what tests might be in a project23:40
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Make sure /var/lib/zuul/www/lib exists
fungijhesketh: ^23:40
anteayaI've let it grow mould for 2 years now and am content to continue23:41
mordredjeblair: I could certainly imagine the existence of a thing like infra-manual except that is full of things like that devref23:41
jheskethfungi: thanks, lgtm23:41
mordredbecause we know how putting reference info into the wiki winds up going23:42
mordredrandom people decide to add "help"23:42
jeblairmordred: well, i'm not sure what's wrong with TESTING files in projects23:43
mordredbut given that we're talking about interacting with the Project Testing Interface, it does seem like OpenStack-wide documentation suitable for something23:43
mordredjeblair: because divergence and copying23:43
jeblairmordred: divergence may be necessary23:43
mordredjeblair: it may be - but there is also a ton of openstack-specific things that a dev needs to know that has solid non-changing answers23:44
jeblairthe text as proposed to infra-manual is a series of processes one might undertake to learn how one might run tests that may or may not be any given project.  if the project happens to be in python23:44
jeblairwheras the TESTING file in zuul indicates exactly how one should run tests for zuul23:44
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mordredwe've spent an awful lot of effort in aligning the projects so that I think for non-infra per-project testing files should be considered a bug23:45
jeblairmordred: i agree this may be a useful thing, but i'm uncertain who the audience is23:45
mordredjeblair: people who are working in opensatck for the first time23:45
asselinany cores want to +A this spec?
jeblairmordred: that's not true -- we certainly permit extra tests23:45
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mordredjeblair: we do - but we try not to permit extra test running mechanisms23:46
asselinCI Dashboard Spec23:46
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jeblairmordred: i think pycadf's testing file could easily support saying "you should run these tox environments under these circumstances"23:46
jeblairsince it has like 50 of them23:46
mordredI would think that a per-project TESTING file should indicate specialness or divergence from the norm23:46
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mordredbut we shouldn't have 200 copies of "to run python unittests, run tox -epy27"23:47
jesusaurusjeblair: clarkb: I ran some tox tests on some various zuul commits and put the results at but its hard to draw any conclusions from that since not many tests are duplicated across the different slow lists23:47
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jesusaurusthough we definitely have a trend of tests getting slower, both over time and with 76057 being applied23:48
jeblairmordred: i don't agree that is bad -- i think it's fine for a project to have things like TESTING, README, and CONTRIBUTING which help the project stand on its own.  i also think TESTING could pretty easily link to a wiki page or some other central documentation23:48
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jeblairmordred: so i propose the latter as a compromise positon :)23:48
mordredsure. I can see that. I could also see a slightly more wordy canonical description of how the PTI works and what you should expect to do with it as the content of the thing linked to from the TESTING files?23:49
mordredjeblair: :)23:49
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jeblairmordred: so here are the reasons i don't want it in infra-manual: it's language/repo specific, it's not required to interact with the project infrastructure, and it's not directly tied to the project infrastructure23:50
mordredtotally grok those an agree23:50
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mordredI'm arguing that there should probably be somewhere that somethign liek this should live23:50
mordredI don't know where23:50
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mordredbut I don't think it's a wiki - because of all the reasons23:51
jeblairmordred: yeah, let's see if we can find a place23:51
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Logrotate the indexer.log logfile.
clarkbany chance I can get quick review on ^23:51
clarkbthat fixes aprt of the logging system logs filling disk problem23:51
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boris-42mordred: hi23:51
mordredhi boris-4223:51
clarkbthe harder one is ES because its rotating on its own just not cleaning up, might be easiest to use a find to delete older logs there23:51
boris-42mordred: I see some NOT-REGISTER jobs23:51
jeblairmordred: so ttx, i, and others are writing a guide for new projects; to the extent that we want to tell new projects "you should use the PTI and test running should generally work this way" we can add some of it there23:51
boris-42mordred: is it ok?23:51
clarkbcan logrotate easily not rotate and just delete logs?23:52
mordredfungi: ^^ you were looking at NOT-REGISTERED weren't you?23:52
jeblairboris-42: should be good now, try recheck23:52
boris-42jeblair: so one more left I think recheck will help23:53
jesusaurusclarkb: ive had past experiences where logrotate wasn't deleting the logs because the service itself was rotating them, but that may have been poor logrotate config on my part23:53
jesusaurusclarkb: but i suspect that rotate+delete are tightly coupled in logrotate23:54
fungimordred: jeblair: anteaya: maybe test design and development/testing standards are best published in a similar way and place as the api working group's recommendations?23:54
fungifrom a cross-project recommendations/standards perspective anyway23:54
jeblairmordred: i don't have a suggestion for a developer-oriented place to put this.  i'm open to discussing how to incorporate it into the manual, but part of the reason i wrote the manual is that people kept adding "optional extra things that might help" to the page which was supposed to be "here's what you need to know to be able to submit a change"23:55
jogojesusaurus: I am not sure infra manual is the best place either23:55
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anteayaI stopped caring some time ago, I wrote the file there is is anyone is welcome to use it as they see fit23:55
clarkbjogo: ya I am thinking just cron a find with age rule and delete23:55
boris-42jeblair: okay this one doesn't work gate-rally-install-bare-precise23:55
clarkber jesusaurus ^23:55
jesusaurusclarkb: ++23:55
pleia2clarkb: I think if you use "rotate 0" in the config and use find inline it won't rotate23:55
pleia2clarkb: but at that point, you might as well just use find in cron :)23:55
jogojeblair: what I do think is duplicating the docs per project isn't great and neither is a wiki23:55
jogojeblair: I do see how adding python specific stuff to the general developer manual isn't great, but there is already some stuff in there subtly (not saying that makes it better)23:56
jogojeblair: what about a python specific page on some of this stuff?23:57
jeblairjogo: yeah, i know, i'm struggling with where to draw the line :)23:57
jeblairjogo: you might be on to something23:57
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jeblairjogo: so maybe if, where you put that text, it was instead, "hey you might want to run some tests, see these links for relevent infos", and they could be links to howtos in the manual23:57
jogojeblair: I don't really care where it lives as long as we don't have 20 copies of it that are each slightly different. and I just don't like wikis23:58
jeblairjogo: that would get it out of the critical path of "how do i submit a patch because this isn't github"23:58
jeblairwhich is my biggest worry with that doc23:58
fungiif we do a howtos section of the manual, the current sandbox tutorial page probably belongs there23:58
jeblairyeah, i feel similarly about that23:59
fungithough arguably, the new project creation steps are very howto as well23:59
jeblairit's useful content but does not need to be in the critical path23:59
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SpamapSgreghaynes: so even with latest devstack + latest tip of everything, not getting the failure we see in shade func tests23:59
jeblairfungi: true, though they have their own "guide" section23:59
jeblairjogo: i will update my review with that23:59
* SpamapS tries pip installing the exact versions23:59

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