Wednesday, 2015-08-05

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Clarify future changes in docs
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openstackgerritDavide Agnello proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding RALLY_SCENARIO venv for Cue job
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morganfainberglifeless: question for you - re: supporting something like uwsgi in openstack (devstack)00:27
morganfainberglifeless: should I add this to globalreqs? long term I'm expecting to make it the default deployment in devstack, but I'm not sure if it should be in keystonerequirements.txt or test-requirements.txt here00:27
morganfainbergor is this an extras like pip install keystone[uwsgi]00:28
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mtreinishmorganfainberg: how was mod_wsgi installed?00:30
morganfainbergmtreinish: mod_wsgi is an apache module00:30
morganfainberguwsgi is python / pip installable00:30
mtreinishmorganfainberg: I thought mod_wsgi was just python code too00:30
morganfainbergand is managed separate from the associated apache_module00:30
morganfainbergmod_uwsgi is a direct apache module which would work like mod_wsgi does00:31
mtreinishmorganfainberg: google failed me:
morganfainbergthose are both c/c++ apache/bucketbrigade00:31
clarkbif you do that you have to switch horizon too or use different ports right?00:31
morganfainbergoh it might be cython00:31
morganfainbergi've *never* pip installed mod_wsgi00:31
mtreinishmorganfainberg: but that's what I was asking we have to be getting it from somewhere, are we just relying on the ubuntu package for it?00:32
clarkbin any case it has to be on global reqs before you can use it anywhere properly so do that. then I think I would extras it00:32
morganfainbergubuntu package atm00:32
morganfainbergclarkb: well we could also just do the system package00:32
clarkbno please dont :)00:32
morganfainbergbut with uwsgi it looks like we may want to track faster00:32
mtreinishmorganfainberg: yeah dont00:32
clarkbthat circumvents the shiny constraints stuff00:32
morganfainbergand it would break my end goal of supporting venvs00:32
morganfainbergthe other big win here is this should eliminate the apache can't stop error00:33
morganfainbergsince uwsgi is run separate from apache itself.00:33
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Throw an exception on a server without an IP
mordredShrews: ^^ what about that00:33
morganfainbergwhereas mod_wsgi doesn't do that afaict [plus ini-style configs = win compared to icky apache vhost configs]00:33
SpamapSmorganfainberg: the apache can't stop error?00:34
morganfainbergSpamapS: it's fairly transient but we can't do an apache restart00:34
morganfainbergapache is SLOW to restart with mod_wsgi processes if there are active connections00:34
mtreinishSpamapS: iirc, it's why we don't use keystone in apache on grenade00:34
morganfainbergthat is since apache is directly managing the wsgi processes.00:35
SpamapSalso isn't uwsgi going to give some things up compared to Apache for the simple fact that it's not the 25 year optimized/matured apache daemon?00:35
morganfainbergmtreinish: it's one of the reasons00:35
morganfainbergSpamapS: we would be using uwsgi as jus the process manager in these cases.00:35
mtreinishmorganfainberg: well I was just giving you the benefit of the doubt on the eventlet -> apache thing :)00:35
SpamapSso uwsgi does some kind of socket that mod_uwsgi talks over?00:35
morganfainbergmtreinish: lol don't ever give me that benefit, always ask hard questions [cause i like giving answers like eventlet sucks)00:35
morganfainbergSpamapS: that is one mode, it also can act as a stand-alone http server (migration path from eventlet anyone?)00:36
morganfainbergSpamapS: also mod_wsgi doesn't easily (or even when it does, doesn't do it well) support venvs under one apache00:36
morganfainbergso uwsgi is a good alternative as it can live in the services venv [this isn't devstack relevant, but will help some deployment methodologies]00:37
SpamapSno thats all very interesting.00:37
morganfainbergi'm also fine being told "oh god no" :) hence why bringing up the convo :)00:37
SpamapSI'm kind of thinking in the case where you care about the difference in optimization that uwsgi vs. mod_wsgi offers.. you just use containers or chroots anyway.00:38
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SpamapSI mean, you're talking about probably 0.1% latency at worst given that the real pain is running crypto operations.00:38
morganfainberguwsgi is pretty impressive fwiw00:38
SpamapSYeah it's got a good enough reputation that I think it may not even be worse. :)00:39
morganfainberglooked at the code and was impressed00:39
SpamapSsince php5 came out and claimed to be thread-safe, I've been fighting to try and get app servers to run in apache entirely.00:39
morganfainbergbut it's not hard to be better at that type of code than I am (easily impressed)00:39
SpamapSIt just doesn't work. :-P00:39
mtreinishmorganfainberg: I'm still concerned about evoking ragnarok if we move to it00:39
clarkbanyways for python deos they should all be listed in global reqs so we have full control of the transitive install set00:40
morganfainbergmtreinish: that is always a concern00:40
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flaper87FWIW, we're also looking forward to using uwsgi in Zaqar. We've different transports that could be easily served through uwsgi and it'd be cool to serve them using just 1 tool.00:40
clarkbif we start losing that control things can go wonkt00:40
mordredstackalytics runs in uwsgi in prod, fwiw00:40
SpamapSfcgi was so much faster and more resilient.. there was just no point in ever trying mod_php5 again. And python appears to be the same.00:40
* flaper87 gets a link00:40
morganfainbergclarkb: ok thats good enough for me.00:40
mordredand when I tried running a copy in mod_wsgi, it was way less gooder00:40
morganfainbergclarkb: i'll toss it in g-r and then flaper87 can dogpile and +1 the heck out of it00:40
mordredSUPER unscientific00:40
asselin_nibalizer, crinkle what's better: use heira for all vars or mix them?
flaper87morganfainberg: go for it, I'll +100:41
morganfainbergmordred: another nice data point [even if unscientific]00:41
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clarkbmordred gooder is a scientific unit right?00:41
flaper87that patch is probably not in its best form but you get the idea00:41
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SpamapSI think the problem with mod_{interpreter} is that you don't actually need a whole interpreter for some of the more expensive pieces of serving HTTP, but if you run mod_{interpreter}, python is there, wasting memory, while you're parsing HTTP.00:41
morganfainbergclarkb: last question: should I floor at the latest release of uwsgi (or latest major)?00:41
morganfainbergin g-r?00:41
mtreinishmorganfainberg: I always get yelled at to set a min for a new req in that list00:41
SpamapSmeanwhile with a uwsgi, the same is true, but you don't have all of the Apache<->interpreter coupling to get working well.00:41
mtreinisheven if there is only 1 release00:41
morganfainbergmtreinish: sold I'll set a nice safe minimum00:42
morganfainbergSpamapS: thats what I totally dig about it00:42
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clarkbmorganfainberg if you know that older works set that else latest as we will test latest00:42
morganfainbergthen again I always liked fast_cgi/scgi modes00:42
morganfainbergclarkb: i think we want 2.x+00:42
morganfainbergclarkb: i'll do some quick research before placing the review up00:42
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Shrewsmordred: love it. just a couple of minor tweaks, plz00:44
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: WIP: Initial start at creating sample ci
nibalizerasselin_: you should make that into a parametrized class00:46
nibalizerwhich means you have implicit hiera lookups00:46
nibalizerso you dont need to do any explicitly in your openstackci::master class00:46
asselin_nibalizer, how does that work?00:47
asselin_the implicit heira lookups00:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Throw an exception on a server without an IP
mordredShrews: done00:47
mordredasselin_: it's magic00:48
nibalizermordred: so question, where is the script that generates an ansible inventory from 'puppet cert list'00:48
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Shrewsmordred: +2, for reals this time00:48
clarkbnibalizee in the puppet ansible module iirc00:48
nibalizeraccording to infra-manual, infra-cloud will have  The machines will all be added to a manual ansible inventory file adjacent00:49
nibalizer   to the dynamic inventory that ansible currently uses to run puppet.00:49
nibalizererp that pasted badly but my point is clear i hope00:49
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mordrednibalizer: nope. I cannot read the text if the whitespace is off00:49
mordrednibalizer: -100:49
nibalizerclarkb: aha!00:49
asselin_nibalizer, very neat, so in this case, I will remove all explicit heira lookups00:51
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nibalizerasselin_: ya00:51
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nibalizerand take all variables as parameters to your class00:52
mordrednibalizer: I intend to replace it with an inventory that makes the inventory from nova, btw00:52
clarkbdoes hiera scope to class in those cases?00:52
clarkbhow to deal with conflicts otherwise?00:52
mordrednibalizer: but that was part of the puppet-apply work in my brainhole00:52
mordredclarkb: you can make a hiera value that's like openstack_project.gerrit.sysadmins iirc, right nibalizer ?00:53
nibalizerclarkb: yea trigger warning: may make your eyes bleed
nibalizermordred: yea I am plotting for puppet apply00:54
mordrednibalizer: woot00:54
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack/requirements: Add uwsgi to global-requirements
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morganfainbergclarkb: ^ that is the latest release of uwsgi - rather than fighting bug fix "do we need this" just grabbed the latest knowing it meets the 2.x needs and is less likely to have some wonkyness00:56
morganfainbergSpamapS: ^ cc00:56
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mtreinishclarkb: so I'm debugging an issue with on tempest where a command in tox -edocs isnt being run. Did tox -l always only show job defs in the envlist?01:00
mtreinishbecause that's what the issue was01:00
clarkbmtreinish not sure01:01
clarkbbut maybe? we do tox -evenv -- python build_sphinx with jenkins01:01
mtreinishclarkb: well looking at it does a tox -l to figure out if there is a job named docs01:02
mtreinishif so it uses that01:02
mtreinishotherwise it does the venv thing01:02
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clarkbwe still havent made docspart of the interface have we? anyways I have no knowledge of that01:03
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mtreinishhmm, ok. We added a command before the sphinx build to generate a sample config, I guess I'll just fix the if check there to do a tox --showconfig and grep that01:04
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openstackgerritli,chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: A Devstack-plugin that installs a HDFS backend
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asselin_nibalizer, clarkb any reason this patch needs to wait until puppet-os-client_config has content defined?
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asselin_when we did the moduel-split, this was one of the steps01:13
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clarkbasselin_ I was just trying to figure out what we were doing there first. I have questions about general puppetisms I was hoping to get cleared up01:21
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NakatoInteresting, I've got a tox job that specifies "basepython = python2.7", but it's pulling in system libraries from python3.4.01:21
clarkbin particular why go yaml (hiera) -> puppet dsl-> yaml01:21
clarkbNakato are you on Arch?01:21
asselin_clarkb, understood, but that's more for implementation of the puppet module. Are you suggesting perhaps we don't need that module at all?01:22
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clarkbwe can just drop a yaml file trivially01:22
asselin_I think the reason it was made into a module was to hold the cloud credentials01:23
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix search for docs tox job in
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^01:23
asselin_which would be stored in heira01:24
* mtreinish points out he sucks at regex01:24
clarkbasselin_ you can do that witg a file resource too01:24
asselin_clarkb, so how do you hide the secrets?01:26
clarkbmtreinish I think its always [testenv:docs]01:26
clarkbasselin_ put them in hiera01:26
asselin_and how do they get into the yaml file?01:26
clarkbthen either use a template or verbatim file content01:26
asselin_ok, so the template gets the secrets its needs from heira01:27
Nakatoclarkb: yea01:27
clarkbI just worry we have way overengineered the thing if yaml -> puppet -> yaml is how it works01:28
mtreinishclarkb: well in the normal case, but I don't think anything says it has to be01:28
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clarkbNakato python is broken on arch and their `python` is python301:28
clarkbmtreinish thats built into tox iirc01:28
clarkbI thought testenv is specific01:29
asselin_clarkb, seems to be discouraged:
mtreinishclarkb: testenv is special, but I thought you could build a job which doesn't inherit from it01:29
mtreinishyou just have to define all the required vars in that definition01:29
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mtreinishbut I could be wrong01:30
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Nakatoclarkb: Won't that mean it'll break as systems switch python3 to being the default python, or has something been done terribly wrong in Arch?01:30
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mtreinishclarkb: nope you're right, it'll just be treated as an env definition unless you set testenv01:31
mtreinishthat's what lets you call it01:32
mtreinishI'll respin the patch01:32
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: WIP: Initial start at creating sample ci
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix search for docs tox job in
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clarkbNakato arch is horribly wrong. `python` is always python2 and python3 is python3 according to python01:34
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Nakatoclarkb: thanks.  I'll just stop looking into that then.01:34
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clarkbso default python 3 just means you have `python3` and no `python`01:34
mtreinishclarkb: ugh, yeah don't get me started on arch's default. It drives me mad01:35
mtreinishit just makes things more difficult for no reason01:35
clarkbhey Nakato started it01:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Adds method to get metadata by key/value pair
clarkbmtreinish tumbleweed01:37
mtreinishclarkb: hehe, sorry I actually was looking at something else :)01:37
* mtreinish shakes fist at Nakato for bringing it up01:37
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: No longer ignore exit status of zanata-cli push
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NakatoJust as I wanted a bit curious I found the pep.  :)01:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Edits to_dict() to return correct dict
StevenKUbuntu at least, is also trying to make /usr/bin/python be Python 3, but they aren't there yet01:54
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NakatoStevenK: That's a good note.02:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: debian: properly configure interfaces
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EmilienManteaya: hey, I don't understand
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EmilienManteaya: I just want to run the publisher on a non voting job03:04
anteayaEmilienM: from the commit message "Because this job is non-voting and experimental"03:05
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anteayathe job isnt' in the experimental pipeline03:05
EmilienMthe upgrade jobs are non voting from the beginning03:05
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anteayait is in the check pipeline03:05
EmilienMno and we don't want03:05
EmilienMit's like this for our puppet jobs03:05
anteayayou told crinkle it is in the experimental pipeline03:05
anteayaand it isn't03:05
EmilienMnope, it's an experimental job03:06
EmilienMthat means:03:06
EmilienMnon voting03:06
anteayait is in the check pipeline03:06
anteayaan experimental job means it is in the experimental pipeline03:06
EmilienMit's a vocabulary issue I guess (for me)03:06
EmilienMok sorry03:06
EmilienMbut anyway, the patch is good I guess03:06
anteayaexperimental job has a meaning03:06
anteayathe patch is fine03:06
anteayathe commit message about job pipeline is misleading03:07
EmilienMand Ill loose a +2 and wait again :(03:07
anteayato those who know that experimental job means it is in the experimental pipeline03:07
EmilienMI'm just stuck to make progress on this one and I really hope have it quickly03:07
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: implement copy-puppet-logs publisher
anteayaif crinkle wan't to ack that she knows this is a non-voting check job I'm fine with +A03:08
EmilienMnow I have to wait again :)03:08
EmilienManteaya: I'm waiting for this patch because we *need* logs03:08
EmilienMand this is a first step only03:08
EmilienMI'll send a patch later this week to enable the publisher for all our puppet jobs03:08
EmilienMianw: if you around, can you +2 again please ?03:08
anteayaplease remove  # Experimental job now line 1404 from zuul/layout.yaml please?
EmilienManteaya: this is not related to this patch...03:09
anteayasince this is a non-voting check job03:09
anteayaI know but the comment is incorrect03:09
anteayaso please fix with a different patch03:09
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anteayadid you want to address ianw's shell wrapper comment from patchset 14 while you are at it?03:11
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul/layout: drop 'experimental' from Puppet comments
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EmilienManteaya: done03:12
EmilienManteaya: no03:12
anteayathank you03:12
EmilienManteaya: later03:12
EmilienManteaya: iteration is cool03:12
EmilienManteaya: I want to test it first and of course I'll improve the script and such03:12
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul/layout: drop 'experimental' from Puppet comments
EmilienManteaya: all fine for you ?03:14
anteayavery slow wifi03:14
EmilienMwell, I just updated the commit message03:14
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anteayathanks EmilienM03:19
EmilienManteaya: thanks! I go to bed now03:19
anteayayup, enjoy sleep03:20
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crinkleanteaya: EmilienM I am fine with the job being a non-voting check job03:29
anteayacrinkle: thanks03:29
anteayaEmilienM respun if you want to re-review03:29
crinkleanteaya: will do03:30
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anteayait is just taht "experimental job" means something very specific03:30
anteayaand I wanted to ensure we were all clear03:30
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lifelessmorganfainberg: its a it of both03:47
morganfainberglifeless: ack03:47
lifelessmorganfainberg: but why? doesn't offer anything over mod_wsgi does it?03:47
morganfainbergit does in a number of ways. we can avoid using apache-directly managed processes, and handles venvs (not really a devstack concern)03:48
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morganfainbergit makes apache more of the surface HTTPD server and lets uwsgi handle the service management. for devstack this is a win since we move away from lumping everything into apache and requiring heavy/slow/painful restarts which has resulted in us consistently hitting some specific apache errors. it is also better than directly writing / managing03:50
morganfainbergwsgi-http-socket code in our apps that we wouldn't want in production03:50
lifelessmorganfainberg: hmmm, so this doesn't match my prior experience w/mod_wsgi03:52
lifelessmorganfainberg: its a shame you didn't chat to graeme at pyconau - he's the mod_wsgi author03:52
morganfainberglifeless: i went to...and he was gone03:52
morganfainberggot to him too late03:52
morganfainbergthe issue we tend to hit is an apache specific error03:52
morganfainbergthe reason we do a stop && sleep && start03:53
lifelesswhy ?03:53
lifelessI mean, apache2ctl graceful is the thing to do03:53
morganfainbergwhen apache is managing the unerlying processes (in any form) it gets slow/cranky about restarts. it's been a lingering issue for ... well I hit this back in 2005 and it's just been around03:53
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morganfainberggraceful likewise hits a very slow reload time. it's just how apache manages connections to the open processes. in the case of mod_proxy and similar it is less worried about dropping things on the floor03:54
morganfainbergin production, yes graceful.03:54
SpamapSthis is interesting...03:54
SpamapSapache _is_ the open processes..03:54
morganfainbergSpamapS: yes.03:55
lifelessso look, I don't want to get in the way. uwsgi - sure; global-requirements, plus extras where you want to surface it optionally.03:55
lifelessplus we need to tweak the sync rules around use of extras03:55
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SpamapSso I wonder if it's code that is ignoring/blocking signal reception, or worse, code that is blocking the signal handler itself.03:55
morganfainberglifeless: oh i'm happy to work more with mod_wsgi. this is really about opening the conversation03:55
morganfainberglifeless: thats why i asked instead of just doing :)03:55
lifelessI just would be focusing on mod_wsgi if I was pushing on this space03:55
morganfainberglifeless: i want to find the best direction.03:55
lifelessbased on my prior production experience03:56
SpamapSmorganfainberg: has anybody gone as far as installing symbols/code and attaching with gdb?03:56
lifelessmorganfainberg: I'll leave you in SpamapS ... tender.... hands03:56
morganfainbergSpamapS: I've done it in the past it's a mess back when i did it.03:56
morganfainbergSpamapS: have not done it recently.03:56
SpamapSmorganfainberg: do you have a sense for where it was stuck? stuff in libapr or things in libpython?03:56
morganfainbergSpamapS: mostly in apache handoff iirc03:57
morganfainbergwhere apache was waiting for connections to close down that were ebing handed off via bucketbrigade (perhaps) or whichever similar tech was used03:57
morganfainbergand cranking the timeouts down low enough caused other issues03:57
morganfainbergmod_wsgi is fairly opaque beyond the basics as well from the apache standpoint03:58
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morganfainbergit's fairly rich if you dive in from the other side.03:58
* morganfainberg has always liked split concerns "manage process", "manage http connections and dispatching"03:59
morganfainbergbut thats a design *i* like, it may not be the most correct for our gate03:59
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SpamapSmorganfainberg: I've not ever seen apache get tripped up on that. Especially not with 'restart', because it basically just forcibly closes everything and then the child dies whether the socket is actually closed or not.04:01
morganfainbergSpamapS: it's dependant on how busy the system is.04:01
SpamapSmorganfainberg: with graceful I definitely have seen that, since thats what graceful is supposed to do. :)04:01
morganfainbergwe hit a "cannot restart apache" a lot of times before due to this issue.04:01
morganfainbergand back in $webhosting_platform_days$ we came to realize it was just a known quantity04:01
morganfainbergwe hit = devstack/gate04:02
SpamapSoh and this is prefork yes?04:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins: implement copy-puppet-logs publisher
morganfainbergi don't think we use prefork anymore anywhere04:02
morganfainbergi think we're worker but not event04:02
morganfainberg(default iirc is worker04:02
morganfainbergfor apache these days.04:02
morganfainbergbut i've seen this in both cases. have not checked event, event might be way less prone to it04:03
SpamapSah yeah mod_wsgi and python are thread safe enough for worker.04:03
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SpamapSmorganfainberg: still, makes me wonder about GIL things and whether this is a problem in prefork.04:05
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morganfainbergSpamapS: in 2005 with mod_* things running, we saw similar04:06
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morganfainbergbut prefork was core of the prefork process closing (similar to how the wsgi processes are forked off)04:06
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morganfainbergit looks (afaict) to be a very related edge case. but if we hit it 1 in 1000, it is more than a blip in infra04:07
SpamapSmorganfainberg: I'm certain there's an explanation. Solution.... not so much ;)04:08
morganfainbergin production, the main ask (and i'll be documenting uwsgi for this in either case) is venv support that is much better than mod_wsgi04:08
morganfainbergif it ends up in gate or not, i'm less concerned. but if we can reduce special case code for restarting apache and associated things too, might be worthwhile04:09
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morganfainbergnot that mod_wsgi misses the mark in any particular way. just alternate options is good.04:10
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morganfainberglifeless: in either case i expect to make uwsgi optional (extras) for keystone for sure. beyond that is more open conversation :)04:12
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sdakewhen is the next project rename date?04:15
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SpamapSmorganfainberg: so looking at how it handles HUP, it's still slave to python and mod_wsgi stopping, which may be subject to GIL problems and likely is too conservative04:16
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morganfainbergSpamapS: yeah04:17
sdakehey spamaps kolla big tent proposal was w+1 today :)04:17
SpamapSsdake: fantastic.. we need to talk a bit about Magnum. I'm afraid it's going down a dark road tying so tightly to Heat. :-P04:18
sdakewhat else should it tie with?04:18
SpamapSthe API's of OpenStack. :)04:18
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sdakeisn't that what heat does well ? :)04:18
SpamapSIMO it does it terribly, which is why I proposed convergence. Still quite a bit away from doing that well. :)04:19
sdakewe have our midcycle tomorrow and the next day04:19
sdakeyour welcome to add yoru agenda item to it if you want to bring it up - we hve 2 or 3 unallocated sessions04:19
SpamapSYeah I might. :)04:19
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harlowja_at_homeSpamapS, do u have any idea how much it uses heat, and really does it have to?04:20
sdakeit does reallly ahve to use heat or we have to reinevent a bunch of waht heat does04:20
sdake(which we dont want to do)04:20
sdakei dont quit eunderstand the concern unless its a scaling problem04:21
harlowja_at_homemy read is that's what SpamapS is saying04:21
harlowja_at_home(without convergence stuff it is a scaling problem?)04:21
sdakeya thats how I read it as well04:21
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: i see you are at home :P [there is nothing else I really had to say, but figured it would entertain me to point that out]04:21
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SpamapSScaling, resilience, flexibility..04:22
sdakewe are really locked into heat04:22
harlowja_at_homemorganfainberg, highly likely ;)04:22
SpamapSSolve the first 2 and you still have a really rigid language.04:22
SpamapSMagnum has _python_04:22
SpamapSuse _python_04:22
sdakedoing all this stuff without heat would take 6+ months of rework04:22
harlowja_at_homei like da python04:22
SpamapSsdake: which part do you need Heat for?04:22
sdakeI can't support that work when we have major problems to solve atm with magnum implementation04:22
sdakewe use it to setup neutron networks vm booting etc04:22
sdakeironic booting04:23
sdakecinder volumes04:23
sdakepretty much everywhere04:23
sdakewhat we do is make a coe (container orchestration engine) heat template04:23
harlowja_at_homemorganfainberg, are u at home??04:23
sdakeand that does the heavy lifting04:23
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: I am in a coffee shope in brisbane throwing things and flaper8704:23
harlowja_at_homemorganfainberg, well good cause i'm in your home04:24
harlowja_at_homenever said which home i'm at :-P04:24
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: eh, while you're there, could you put some oil on the bike chains? I want to go for a ride when I get home and feel lazy.04:24
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harlowja_at_homesure, i also tweaked your brakes, and made sure your tire is correctly inflated04:25
flaper87morganfainberg: if those things are wine, don't stop!04:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: zuul/layout: drop 'experimental' from Puppet comments
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: sweet.04:25
* harlowja_at_home also mountain bikes :-P04:25
harlowja_at_homeif u road bike, i'm sorry, can't be BFFs with u04:26
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: triathlon04:26
harlowja_at_homeok, guess thats ok, idk though04:27
morganfainbergbut mostly road. sorry.04:27
morganfainbergbecause tri isn't MTB04:27
harlowja_at_homeya, tri is road, swim, run around or something right?04:27
SpamapSsdake: perhaps my experience trying to boot whole datacenters with Heat has colored my opinion of it a bit. :-P04:27
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: swim, ride, run04:27
harlowja_at_homeya, thats it04:27
harlowja_at_homemorganfainberg, so obvious question, sram or shimano, haha04:28
harlowja_at_homealthough i think road bikes are more dominated by sram, can't remember04:28
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: SRAM Red 22 for road bike, and Shimano Di2 for tri bike04:29
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harlowja_at_homered 22, is that the crazy expensive carbon all over stuff04:29
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: it's more shimano for road, but i like the really mechanical feel of SRAM. but electronic on a bike is sliiiiiick04:29
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morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: red 22 is carbon-y but not crazy pricy... like $1200 for the whole groupset new04:29
morganfainbergthe "force 22" [next step down] is like $800-900ish04:30
harlowja_at_homekk, that stuff gets crazy expensive, i like metal still, lol04:30
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harlowja_at_hometake my metal from my dead hands04:30
morganfainbergi spend more on my frame and wheels than on my groupset04:30
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morganfainberglots and lots and lots of carbon fiber04:30
morganfainberg[hey i have a CF laptop!]04:30
morganfainbergmost of the groupset is metal, i mean... CF doesn't hold up for the cassette, chain, chainrings, spider, pedal body, etc04:31
harlowja_at_homeya, especially on mountain bikes imho, lol04:31
morganfainbergCF MTB is totally doable though04:32
morganfainbergsome slick downhill MTB frames04:32
clarkbjust dont forget your lights light the ninja bike currently riding double wide in bike lane next to me04:32
harlowja_at_homeya, frames, but idk, with the falls i take, i feel like i'd poke through the frame, or shatter it, lol04:32
morganfainbergbut honestly, CX looks more interesting than MTB04:32
clarkb*lights like04:32
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morganfainbergto me at least.04:32
harlowja_at_home (my super bike @ tahoe), lol04:32
morganfainbergclarkb: there are always those who have deathwishes.04:32
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: Nice!04:33
morganfainbergGiant makes good bikes, ESP MTB04:33
harlowja_at_homeya, so far its been good to me (the brand in general)04:33
* morganfainberg rides cannondale and specialized04:33
harlowja_at_homecools, cannondale and mtb idk about they seem to do weird stuff in there higher end MTB04:34
harlowja_at_homelike make there own forks and crap04:34
harlowja_at_homealways seemed odd that they did that but idk04:34
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harlowja_at_home^ also looks, umm, ya, not my style, lol04:35
morganfainbergagain road bike, so...04:35
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Turn anvil venv trusty into a voting/gating job
morganfainbergi'd not do the weird single fork thing canondale does on an MTB04:35
morganfainbergi'd go sworks or giant04:36
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harlowja_at_homemaking the custom fork think makes it harder to do maintaince, change parts ... all the things04:36
harlowja_at_home*custom fork thing04:36
harlowja_at_homeso morganfainberg u want me to start cross-project spec :-P04:37
harlowja_at_homeanother super-fun one, lol04:37
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: sounds good.04:37
morganfainbergharlowja_at_home: i agree with flaper87, i like the plan04:37
morganfainbergand opinionated is a good starting place imo04:37
harlowja_at_homefair enough04:37
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: midonet: Skip jobs where appropriate
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harlowja_at_homeis redhat ready to package zookeeper ;)04:39
harlowja_at_home(dun dun dun)04:40
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openstackgerritCatherine Diep proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move Refstack project from stackforge to openstack-infra.
flaper87harlowja_at_home: LOL04:40
harlowja_at_home i guess does exist, just don't think i've ever seen it in RHEL04:40
flaper87I see what you did there04:40
flaper87harlowja_at_home: I don't that's really a problem. I want what's best for OpenStack04:41
* harlowja_at_home i'm just an innocent child04:41
harlowja_at_homeflaper87, agreed04:41
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clarkbfifieldt: PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /srv/vhosts/ on line 30004:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add python3 non-voting jobs to python-designateclient
clarkbfifieldt: that appears to be the 500 error from based on the apache error logs04:50
harlowja_at_homemorganfainberg, i've also seen quite a few of (and similar on pypi); probably useful for keystone policy sharing stuffs that i've heard about04:51
* morganfainberg nods04:52
morganfainbergi expect to piggyback on the DLM choice for other things in keystone04:52
harlowja_at_homewell then i guess i better not recommend file locks on a netapp filer somewhere, lol04:53
flaper87harlowja_at_home: don't even.. I mean... arrghh04:54
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clarkbfifieldt: I am being called by babies to do other thing sbut hopefully that gives you and others enough to work on04:55
harlowja_at_homei'm actually surprised that neutron folks aren't using this for port mappings and all that, I thought most SDN's required something like it to be able to quickly do similar configuration management stuff04:55
harlowja_at_hometo be able to reconfigure all the things when needed04:56
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harlowja_at_homemorganfainberg, (also probably in your idea-list, or something like it)04:57
morganfainbergyeah similar04:57
harlowja_at_home* (just found that)04:57
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: WIP: Initial start at creating sample ci
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Correct URL in ironic-agent README
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move Kolla to the openstack git namespace
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openstackgerritFeodor Tersin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Neutron vpn service for ec2api Neutron gating job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add migration to add indexes on common search patterns
fifieldtclarkb, sorry, I was noming05:23
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fifieldtBased on that, I'm going to guess that one of the events imported from had some quotes in it that were not properly escaped.05:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enforce python3 support in Anchor
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Turn anvil venv trusty into a voting/gating job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: No longer ignore exit status of zanata-cli push
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/groups: Fix of #208953
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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NgSpamapS: so, FTR, I am removing... A138.35.77.3, A138.35.77.6, A138.35.77.5, A138.35.77.5, A138.35.77.4, and A138.35.77.407:54
NgSpamapS: and changed from to
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openstackgerritJoseph Lanoux proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job with ssh validation
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fwaas: Enable python3 job
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vponomaryovGuys, from core team, please, look at this small change - Manila project needs it to remove merge-blocker08:16
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openstackgerritNadya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-ceilometer-dsvm-functional-mongodb voting
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yushirosdague, hi. Thank you for your review
yushirosdague, clarkb Would you please review it again?
KasDevhello everyone!09:27
KasDevIs it possible to pares in arguments from command line when running the "jenkins job builder"? Eg. "jenkins-job update jobfile.yaml arg1 arg2 arg3" .09:29
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openstackgerritAnastasia Kuznetsova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Mistral gate that run unit tests and use postgresql
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix translation sync with Transifex
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-iptables: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritFeodor Tersin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs
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Zarahi, is there a protocol for people putting things on the infra meeting agenda (eg: review requests) when they are unable to attend the meeting? We (Storyboard) couldn't make it yesterday, but we have a worklists and boards spec that we'd like some eyes on:
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rcarrillocruzZara: you can add items on the agenda wiki page09:59
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed openstack/requirements: Fix url regexp to proceed oslo-specific url's properly
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Zararcarriolocruz: thanks, is it okay to do that if we won't be there for the meeting? (hopefully we'll always be there and this week was a one-off, but it'd be good to know just in case).10:05
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: remove neutron advanced services from grenade
openstackgerritMohankumar proposed openstack/requirements: Add networking-sfc to the list
openstackgerritMohankumar proposed openstack/requirements: Add networking-sfc to the list
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openstackgerritFeodor Tersin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs
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openstackgerritAnastasia Kuznetsova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Mistral gate that run unit tests and use postgresql
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openstackgerritvikram.choudhary proposed openstack/requirements: Add networking-onos to the project list
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pc_msdague: Hi! I'm still having problem with grenade plugin.11:24
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pc_msdague: Fails at upgrade stage. See three things that seem odd. 1) When neutron q-svc starts, it tries to load VPN plugin, but is accessing it in /opt/stack/old. 2) The neutron-vpnaas project is scheduled for upgrade, but at the end of the process and not when Neutron is upgraded. 3) I don't see neutron-vpnaas plugin actions during neutron upgrade.11:28
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sdagueright, so that's an expected problem. How would you expect deploys to address this?11:28
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sdaguehow about you start from an upgrade path that's written down in english about the steps that people will need to take11:30
pc_mnot sure11:30
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pc_mseems like, when neutron is updated, after clone new code and migrate database, each of the enable services need to be upgraded (clone, migrate, run process), and then q-svc process run11:33
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AJaegerflaper87: are you around to discuss the doc review you commented on yesterday?11:34
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flaper87AJaeger: yes11:36
flaper87AJaeger: was it yday?11:36
flaper87jesus, I don't even know where I am nor what era I'm living in11:36
flaper87it's all morganfainberg's fault11:37
morganfainbergNo blaming me :P11:37
AJaegerflaper87, morganfainberg: Hi. I'm here to solve a puzzle not to blame you ;)11:38
AJaegermorganfainberg, flaper87 this is about
AJaegerBasically, when you run "glance --os-image-api-version 2 help image-create" and have no creditionals setup, you get:11:38
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AJaeger"<unavailable>         Please run with connection parameters set to retrieve the schema for generating help for this command"11:38
flaper87AJaeger: just read your answer11:39
pc_msdague: For old services, it happens during upgrade, as DevStack seems to do the clone, ini files, migrate.11:39
flaper87that makes more sense now11:39
morganfainbergI am pretty clueless here.11:39
flaper87morganfainberg: nah, I was just trolling you :P11:39
morganfainbergVery very out of the loop.11:39
AJaegerflaper87, morganfainberg : So how can we document image-create from its help in such a way that it's cloud independent?11:39
* morganfainberg goes back to lurking.11:39
flaper87AJaeger: morganfainberg has nothing to do with this patch11:39
pc_msdague: doesn't seem to be doing similar for devstack plugins. Nor, do I see the process start piece.11:39
AJaegermorganfainberg: Sorry!11:39
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* flaper87 wonders if morganfainberg even knows what glance is #trololo11:40
andrey-mpAJaeger: please, could you review our efforts on ec2api jobs? first we need to move further with testing ec2 with swift3 addon. and second - we need to restore our gating at all (because q-vpn has removed from defaults but our tests use this feature)11:40
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AJaegerflaper87: we basically run "glance help COMMAND" and create a document from it.11:40
flaper87AJaeger: so, I now understand the issue and I'm embarrassed to know that's happenning11:40
AJaegerSo, my question is, what is the best way to document the command now?11:40
AJaegerflaper87: glad to hear...11:40
flaper87AJaeger: thinking11:41
openstackgerritVictor Ryzhenkin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add opportunity to install muranoclient from change
flaper87AJaeger: would it be ok to document it with a running glance instance until we fix this ?11:42
flaper87AJaeger: I can do it if you guide me through the process11:42
AJaegersdague: do you have time to review to help andrey-mp ? I reviewed both patches...11:43
andrey-mpAJaeger: thank you very much!11:43
pc_mAJaeger: andrey-mp see my comments on 19467011:43
AJaegerflaper87: Yes, we could do something there.11:43
AJaegerThe source code is in openstack-doc-tools file os_doc_tools/
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AJaegerpc_m: ah... let's see what sdague  thinks11:45
sdaguepc_m: ignore the devstack case for a second, what is the upgrade path expectations on the deployer. devstack / grenade are there to create approximations of that. I think the hack and slash approach here isn't going to get you anywhere. Step back and write out in english what a production neutron deploy needs to do to upgrade from kilo to liberty11:45
andrey-mppc_m: thanks for comment. should we change PROJECT variable if we change q-vpn to plugin?11:45
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flaper87AJaeger: ok11:45
AJaegerflaper87: or comment in that review and either of us will update it... Thanks!11:46
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flaper87AJaeger: commenting11:47
pc_msdague: ok. will think about it. I thought this was already worked out.11:48
sdagueAJaeger: I agree with pc_m11:48
sdaguepc_m: it's possible it's written down somewhere already, but I feel like the concept of the steps involved is missing here.11:48
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pc_mandrey-mp: I think you need to add a line like L70 only with neutron-vpnaas. You can look at devstack-gate.yaml for example.11:49
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andrey-mpsdague: is it needed modification of PROJECT variable? or just add   export DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG+=$'\n'"enable_plugin neutron-vpnaas git://" ?11:51
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sdagueif it's already in the PROJECT list in devstack-gate, that's it11:55
sdagueand I think this one is11:55
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andrey-mpsdague: thanks, we will change it11:57
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pc_msdague: Here is my stab at the process for kilo to liberty upgrade for neutron (with only VPN service enabled) -
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openstackgerritvikram.choudhary proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements to networking-onos
sdaguepc_m: ok, so that means that all these services are atomic and they aren't separate things12:02
openstackgerritvikram.choudhary proposed openstack/requirements: Add networking-onos to the project list
pc_msdague: So don't need a neutron-vpnaas "project" upgrade for grenade, right?12:04
pc_msdague: Are we just missing neutron doing devstack plugin steps for enabled plugins?12:04
sdagueI really think that's not a direction we want to go either.12:05
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sdagueI think we need a conversation with mestery about what the long term direction here is, because this feels massively broken12:05
sdaguethat neutron advanced services are sometimes distinct things, but they can't exist distinctly12:06
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sdagueand adding another layer of complexity in devstack / grenade to deal with this approach isn't really appealing12:06
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openstackgerritFeodor Tersin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs
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pc_mmestery: Are you around yet? If so, ^^^12:09
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pc_msdague: Would like to have some short term solution, so that grenade testing of neutron-vpnaas can proceed (and commits doing migration can be tested).12:10
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openstackgerritFeodor Tersin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs
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sdaguepc_m: I think the short term solution is to just remove it from testing. Because I don't see changing grenade to do support this 2 level upgrade path. Once the neutron advanced services are actually independent they can be tested in this model.12:17
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pc_m sdague: Concerns with that are A) requires manual testing of dbase migration changes, B) eventually LB (and maybe FW) will switch to using devstack plugins, C) how long it will be for a completely independent adv svcs.12:20
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sdaguepc_m: sure, so C should be the #1 priority of neutron across the board right now12:21
sdagueyou should be able to do reasonable intree testing of A), nova does, and has since grizzly12:22
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pc_msdague: Been doing A, but really would like automated solution.12:29
sdagueno, I mean automated in tree testing12:30
pc_msdague: Could we modify 50_neutron/ to do the calls to services devstack plugin install step for each plugin?12:30
sdaguemost projects have db migration testing in tree. I wrote the infrastructure for it circa grizzly timeframe, and we got it into cinder, glance12:31
openstackgerritNadya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-ceilometer-dsvm-functional-mongodb voting
pc_msdague: Interesting... any pointers on how to do that testing? I've been stacking, creating database entries, running neutron-db-manage and then checking the tables.12:32
openstackgerritImre Farkas proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/python-dracclient project
sdaguepc_m: honestly, I'm not interested in building work arounds here without the full plan on when neutron is fixing the half done split out12:33
sdaguegit grep migration in the nova tree12:33
sdaguethe base infrastructure is all in oslo.db now12:33
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openstackgerritMohankumar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements to networking-sfc
openstackgerritMohankumar proposed openstack/requirements: Add networking-sfc repository to the project library list
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bookwarwe have a lot of errors when cloning from today. Is it a known issue?12:42
openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add Ability to use the AWS Cloudformation Plugin
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bookwar"Error cloning remote repo 'gerrit'" - cloning from gerrit actually, not git.o.o12:43
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nadyajd__: influx failed again :(12:50
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mescanefhi, guys :-) somebody maybe knows how to create a new branch of a stackforge project using commandline instead of gerrit web UI?13:00
sdaguefungi (et al): why is console.html not being served to my browser inline?13:00
sdagueI'm getting really weird freaking headers being returned13:01
sdaguelooks like a massive amount of swift leaking through poorly13:02
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fungifile says /srv/static/logs/25/193725/23/check/gate-nova-python34/caf352e/console.html: data13:04
fungiso that sounds likely13:04
fungilots of non-html content13:04
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Throw an exception on a server without an IP
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fungisdague: jhesketh: i wonder if it's at all related to the change for os-loganalyze to support serving non-text/html file formats?13:07
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fungiwere we maybe previously coercing that into text/plain or html?13:07
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pleia2mescanef: I think these are the docs you're looking for
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sdaguefungi: don't know13:10
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sdaguefungi: was there a push to apache to change mime type detection13:10
sdaguebecause I'd have thought it would do that correctly13:11
jd__nadya: what?13:11
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Be consistent with accessing server dict
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fungisdague: not that i know of, but i'm looking through the git history on that module now13:18
AJaegerpleia2, fungi, clarkb : Transifex blacklists now glossary so I had to fix our scripts, could you review, please? Right now all openstack-manuals sync fail13:18
fungiAJaeger: i have a feeling you mean a different change, though i'm happy to review that change to the openstack-manuals repo if it will help13:20
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openstackgerritNadya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-ceilometer-dsvm-functional-mongodb voting
mescanefpleia2: thanks, but im trying to find specific example on the command(s)13:23
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openstackgerritKATO Tomoyuki proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Translation check site spec
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openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add gerrit groups for monasca-log
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fungimescanef: the syntax is `git push gerrit localbranchname:remotebranchname`13:26
fungimescanef: though you'll need create permissions on refs/heads/* or maybe even refs/* to support doing it that way, i think13:26
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/groups: Install ruby-bundler during bootstrapping
fungiwell, `git push <remote> <localref>:<remotebranch>` technically13:28
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mescaneffungi: thanks, will checkout that :-)13:28
AJaegerfungi: AGreed, let's try - same title ;/13:29
fungiwhere <remote> is the name of your gerrit remote or the full remote url, <localref> is the refname (could be a branch or something else) and <remotebranch> is the name of the branch you want created from it13:29
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Be consistent with accessing server dict
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AJaegerpleia2, clarkb: is the change I meant.13:31
AJaegerfungi, thanks for reviewing13:31
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mescaneffungi: btw, what is required (the access) for creating not a new branch but tag(s)?13:37
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mescaneffungi: like refs/heads/*?13:39
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fungimescanef: though i recommend the entire document if you haven't read it yet13:42
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fungiis it mornight already?!?13:42
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AJaegerfungi: afternoon here ;)13:44
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mescaneffungi: yeah, cool, thanks :-)13:44
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pabelangerhaven't read backscroll, but is there an issue with puppet-zanata?13:45
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StevenKpabelanger: java_ks was added to system-config in 325c7d5, do you need to rebase?13:48
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pabelangerStevenK: zuul should have done done that for me.  rechecking now13:49
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Be consistent with accessing server dict
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Throw an exception on a server without an IP
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pabelangerthat is odd, had the proper depends-on headers but zuul the job still failed to work properly13:53
pabelangerwill have to look into why13:53
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Adding new meeting for Horizon Drivers
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openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel Ironic plugin integration
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openstackgerritAustin Anderson proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Jobs can now be configured to re-run if they fail
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dougwigsdague pc_m mestery : there are reviews in flight where neutrons separate alembics register themselves on install, so I don't think hard coding it into grenade should happen.14:24
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openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel NSXV plugin integration
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AJaegerthanks, flaper87. Will review later14:36
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flaper87AJaeger: more a heads up but reviews are welcomed14:37
* AJaeger likes the commit message already ;)14:38
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silehtHi, can someone can take a look to , it already have a +214:38
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openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add gerrit groups for monasca-log
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silehtianw, ^14:49
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akuznetsovaguys, hi, how can I re-run Jenkins gate jobs ?14:50
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fungiakuznetsova: the answer depends on the reason you need to rerun them. have an example?14:51
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akuznetsovafungi, I got second +2 on my commit, one of Jenkins gate jobs failed because of one unit tests (I assume that it can be periodic fail)14:53
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openstackgerritlitong01 proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new kiloeyes repository for OpenStack monitoring service
pabelangerfungi: do you mind approving ?14:54
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fungiakuznetsova: if there's a workflow +1 on it already, then just leave a review comment starting with the word "recheck"14:55
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fungiakuznetsova: and it will enter the gate pipeline once the check pipeline succeeds14:55
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akuznetsovafungi, thanks, I thought that it will run only Jenkins check jobs14:56
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SpamapSNg: thanks, that should do it.14:57
fungiakuznetsova: zuul sees a jenkins +1 comment as a potential trigger to enter the gate if other merge criteria are met (dependent changes already mergeable, change has at least one code review +2 and at least one workflow +1 and no workflow -1 or code review -2)14:57
* SpamapS said 8 hours later. :)14:57
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akuznetsovafungi, thanks for an explanation14:58
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andrey-mpfungi: please, could you review our efforts on ec2api jobs? first (it has +2) we need to move further with testing ec2 with swift3 addon. and second - we need to restore our gating at all (because q-vpn has removed from defaults but our tests use this feature)14:59
clarkbStevenK: are you still awake?14:59
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix search for docs tox job in
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andrey-mpclarkb: maybe you could review our efforts? :)15:00
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mtreinishfungi: ^^^ that should be a simple patch to review15:00
clarkbStevenK: if you happen to be around, curious about how you want to do the zanata upgrade. I should probably approve that change during hours that work for you and carlos? Let me know what you think15:00
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-infra-puppet-apply-dsvm-centos7 voting
clarkbandrey-mp: whats with the unrelated changes on 208535?15:01
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clarkbpc_m: ^ so there are things that do use q-vpn, should they be using something else?15:02
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clarkbandrey-mp: according to pc_m q-vpn support will be removed from devstack? I would check with pc_m what you should be doing there15:02
andrey-mpclarkb: Ian Wienandasked me to regroup new lines, so i regrouped them in other job also15:03
fungiahh, yep they're not changed, simply reordered15:04
andrey-mpclarkb: q-vpn disabled here -
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clarkbandrey-mp: yes I know I approved that change15:05
clarkbandrey-mp: but it was removed there so it could be removed from devstack15:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add centos7 support for
clarkbandrey-mp: which means you can't use it at all15:05
clarkbandrey-mp: so you should find out what the replacement is supposed to be15:05
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andrey-mpclarkb: q-vpn can be used as plugin (as we did) and it present in PROJECTS in devstack-gate`s definition15:06
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: Do you also mind pushing through today? I'm diving into nodepool logs and that would help greatly15:06
pc_mclarkb: Yes saw that they are using q-vpn in ec2-api. Suggested they use the devstack plugin, instead of enabling the service.15:06
andrey-mpas I understand devstack doesn't know about neutron-vpnaas plugin and we can enable it in our job definition15:07
clarkbok so that enables neutron vpnaas not q-vpn15:08
pc_mclarkb: The neutron-vpnaas is the name of the devstack plugin for the neutron-vpnaas repo, which is the service for q-vpn.15:09
andrey-mpfungi: should I just rewrite commit message in 208535?15:09
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fungiandrey-mp: if you add a sentence to your commit message about the unrelated cleanup in the other job template that's probably sufficient15:09
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fungiotherwise it looks like it might be there by mistake15:10
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clarkbpc_m: you don't name the service "neutron-vpn" or similar? seems like the perfect opportunity to finally drop the q15:10
pc_mclarkb: History, neutron had a q-vpn service. The adv services were split into their own repos - VPN to neutron-vpnaas. Recently, I made a devstack plugin for that repo, so that we could use the new plugin arch instead of hardcoding the service in devstack.15:10
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clarkbpc_m: ya I know, but I also know that we want to stop using the ancient 'q' is for quantum names or at least I thought we wanted to15:10
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clarkb(also I think devstack wanted to go verbose and move away from single letter service indicators)15:11
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pc_mclarkb: Yeah, didn't get rid of that.15:11
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding swift3 to list of projects for particular ec2 job
pabelangerAre we actually running thick_slave.pp these days?15:12
clarkbpabelanger: yes on all the bare nodes iirc15:12
andrey-mpfungi: i've made it.15:12
fungipabelanger: that's what's used on bare-.* nodes, yes15:12
pabelangerokay, that explains it. We don't have bare-fedora2115:12
pc_mclarkb: Was trying to keep in compatible for a while and modified devstack to accept either name.15:13
fungipabelanger: i hope we can make the thick_slave class go away soon15:13
pc_mclarkb: I'm worried... as I see that heat, nodepool, and sahara yaml files in project config use the q-vpn name. Don't expect them to use the service, but I didn't expect ec2 to use it either.15:14
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clarkbpc_m: this is what I was trying t ofigure out yesterday15:15
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pc_mclarkb: We may want to hold on 201119, until we are sure q-vpn is not used, or all uses have been switched (or removed).15:15
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clarkbpabelanger: reviewed15:17
pc_mclarkb: I put 201119 into WIP state, until this is sorted out.15:17
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-apply converage to both node types
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-apply converage to both node types
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-apply converage to both node types
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andrey-mpfungi: thanks!15:25
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add fedora support for
fungiclarkb: if you get a sec, 207472 and 208937 are needed in preparation for the askbot trusty migration/redeploy15:28
pabelangerclarkb: thanks for review, checking it out now15:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add VPNaaS to ec2api Neutron gating jobs
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clarkbfungi: 208937 has a confusing commit message15:33
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clarkbdid we disable these services to do the trusty upgrade or are we enabling services to do the trusty upgrade?15:33
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fungiclarkb: the module needed a heavy refactor which was going to break production, so the commit being reverted commented out use of the module for the prod server only15:37
fungithen it was proven viable with the newer askbot release on the ask-staging server15:37
fungirunning on trusty instead of precise15:37
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funginow that we're ready to switch to the newer askbot version and newer ubuntu release in production, it's being brought into sync with how ask-staging is puppeted15:38
clarkbfungi: so is it safe to approve or will this change merge need to be coordinated?15:39
fungiclarkb: safe to approve since, per my comment, puppet agent is disabled on the current ask.o.o and will only be enabled on the replacement ask.o.o i've built15:40
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fungihoping to schedule an outage rsn to do the migration and then we can delete the old precise-based ask server15:40
fungiand turn google authentication back on for people who had been using it15:41
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fungiand work out the remaining details for the integrated akismet support15:41
fungiwhich seems to be their answer to combatting spam posts15:41
fungier, combating15:42
fungiunfortunately the support in puppet-askbot for trusty and newer askbot versions couldn't sanely coexist. water under the bridge from a couple months ago now
clarkbfungi: and it is a revert because we jumped the gun at some point and had to undo that?15:44
clarkbI think "revert" is what is really tripping me up here15:45
clarkbanyways approved15:45
fungibasically we temporarily commented out use of the ::askbot puppet module in production, and this change reverts the commenting out15:45
clarkbapparently I have +2 on puppet-refstack not sure how that happened15:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add solr dist-root to askbot-staging
fungibasically the askbot module was being changed in non-backward-compatible ways to cope with poor/nonexistent release process within askbot itself15:47
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clarkbfungi: I see and simplest way to deal with that was to stop puppeting it on the old srever15:47
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fungiand the hope is that now that's settled, it can be continuously deployed/upgraded in a more seamless fashion15:48
fungithis would be a "2.0.0" release if we were already semver'ing it15:49
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clarkbpabelanger: you around to help debug 203729 if it breaks? I want to approve it now if so15:50
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pabelangerclarkb: yup, here and ready15:50
fungiclarkb: why wouldn't you have +2 on puppet-refstack? it's an infra module15:50
clarkbfungi: its an infra module?15:51
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clarkbI must've missed when all that happened15:51
clarkbya but refstack is stackforge and random thing over there15:51
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clarkbwe don't even control the domain name iirc15:51
fungiclarkb: we're working on deploying the service on an infra server15:52
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fungithen will end up redirecting to once it's running15:52
AJaegerclarkb: good morning. Could you review , please? The recent transifex change did break something ;(15:52
fungiprobably happened while you were otherwise indisposed15:52
GheRiverofungi: you mean
fungiGheRivero: whichever15:53
clarkbAJaeger: sure15:53
fungiGheRivero: i think is a temporary testbed, but i haven't been following closely15:53
GheRiverofungi: ok. thanks15:53
fungiclarkb: would add the server, though it still needs some work (i started the change but haven't had time to follow through with it)15:54
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Revert the ask.o.o resources disabled by trusty upgrade
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pabelangercrinkle: do you mind reviewing:
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clarkbAJaeger: did they do the rename on the server side already? so this all maps properly?15:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-refstack: Add config.json file generation
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AJaegerclarkb: transifex did the rename for us - and I followed it in the script.15:56
AJaegerWe could rename it to something different as well but they are in sync with the change15:57
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clarkbAJaeger: sounds good /me approves15:57
crinklepabelanger: +115:57
AJaegerthanks, clarkb !15:57
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/groups: Add a basic Vagrantfile for a development environment
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Switch to Ubuntu Trusty
fungiclarkb: ^ i noticed that as forgotten15:58
fungier, was15:58
clarkbfungi: +2 as soon as my internet connection allows me to15:58
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Partial migrate to puppet-httpd module
funginot urgent since the staging server was already being tested for trusty anyway, but more accurate15:59
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove puppet-apache now that we have migrated
fungiclarkb: we've got a preliminary migration plan going at
pabelangercrinkle: danke16:00
clarkbpabelanger: out of curiousity with ntp why only go to 3.2.1 and not 3.3.0 or 4.x?16:01
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pabelangerclarkb: that looked to be the minimual bump needed to get fedora22 support16:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix search for docs tox job in
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pabelangerclarkb: I didn't want to refactor stuff right now to get the newer version16:01
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pabelangermind you, we just do include ::ntp, so it should be painless16:01
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clarkbpabelanger: ok, looking at changelogs I don't think we have to refactor anything16:02
clarkbpabelanger: the reason for the semver major version bump is puppet 2.7 support was dropped16:02
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, that is what I seen16:02
clarkbin any case we should be 3.2.1 in aout an hour16:02
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openstackgerritlitong01 proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new kiloeyes repository for OpenStack monitoring service
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qb_hi there, can anyone summarize the current recommendation as to how to go about setting up a complex third party CI?16:05
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qb_last I checked, Ramy from HP was working on making the code more easily consumable.  Is that still the route we should take?16:05
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asselinqb_, hi that solution is still work in progress16:06
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-infra-puppet-apply-dsvm-(centos7|f21) voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix translation sync with Transifex
qb_hi Ramy, now that we have some headcount assigned, would it make sense for us to pitch in and help you?16:06
openstackgerritlitong01 proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new kiloeyes repository for OpenStack monitoring service
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asselinqb_, sure!16:07
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run beaker jobs on puppet-openstack_extras
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asselinqb_ give me a few mins16:07
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openstackgerritBrandon Leonard proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adds view functionality
greghaynesianw: You may like
greghaynesshould make things a little better16:09
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pabelangergreghaynes: cool, I was about to start getting fedora22 dibs going again local16:09
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asselinqb_, Clint we're tracking the stories here:!/story/200010116:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Bump puppet-ntp to 3.2.1
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asselinqb_, Clint we have this etherpad to help track all the patches:
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asselinqb_, Clint right now the focus is on reviewing the nodepool patches.16:13
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asselinqb_, it's more than a simple refactor. It also includes restructuring the nodepool.yaml file so that the private credentials are removed and put into a separate file.16:15
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asselinqb_, Clint then there's a patch I'm working on to create a sample single-node deployment that 3rd party folks can use/customize.16:16
pabelangernibalizer: do you think you could review today? Like to get that merged to continue work on fedora22 dibs16:16
pabelangernibalizer: and follow up patch:
asselinClint, sorry for not getting back to you yesterday. hopefully now's a good time ^^ :)16:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add doc on contributing cloud resources
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Expand documentation on timeouts
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add grafana node into cacti.o.o
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-dashboard: This module is no longer supported
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: is there any reason why jenkins.o.o is not part of the ssl_cert_check domains? It seems to be a self-signed cert16:26
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clarkbpabelanger: because it is a self signed cert16:27
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clarkbpabelanger: the primary interface to all that is gerrit -> logs.o.o we try to avoid exposing jenkins directly as we now have 8 of them16:27
pabelangerclarkb: Makes sense, I _thought_ we had a valid cert for it. Guess we don't any more16:28
clarkbwe did in the past since historically we had a single jenkins and the cert was still good for it. but we let it expire and replcaed it16:28
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clarkbpabelanger: I am worried about the '' -> undef change here
clarkbthey have completely different semantic meanings16:31
clarkband the reason for using '' was to actually override defaults iirc16:31
clarkbundef does not do that16:31
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pabelangerclarkb: my understanding is puppet4 changes the way '' string are handled.  So, what if we removed the default and expected a user to pass something?16:33
clarkbpabelanger: puppet4 does but we are using puppet3 today16:34
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pabelangerclarkb: well, if we bring a fedora22 node online, it will have puppet4. That is the reason for this change to python-jenkins16:34
clarkbpabelanger: sure but my point is this must be compatible with puppet316:35
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pabelangerclarkb: agreed16:35
clarkband I am not ocnvinced that that change is puppet3 safe given the way the modules are written16:35
pabelangerclarkb: to be honest, crinkle can likely explain the changes better. Since most of that Gemfile is from other puppet modules I referenced for puppet-416:36
clarkbbecause now any defaults will be chosen over our overrides16:36
clarkbbecause undef will not override defaults16:36
pabelangerclarkb: so, why do we want jenkinsuser::ssk_key to be empty?16:36
clarkbpabelanger: we don't16:36
clarkbpabelanger: we us ethat as a null/nil/none/undefined value that actually works16:36
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clarkbundef does not work16:36
pabelangerclarkb: Hmm... do we actually leave it as ''?16:37
pabelangerchecking scripts to see16:37
clarkbpabelanger: no I think there is a check to see if not '' then do thing16:37
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crinkleclarkb: we look for those and correct them16:39
zaroanybody know how to override a python dependency to reference a local git checkout from the requirements.txt file?16:39
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nibalizerI mean we can run f22 on puppet 316:39
nibalizeruntil the fleet is ready to go puppet 4 thats what I expect we would do16:39
nibalizerI mean we need an apply test for puppet 4 before anything else really16:40
nibalizerpabelanger: reviewed16:40
clarkbnibalizer: yes the point is puppet3 must still work16:40
jeblairzaro: i just activate a venv, install the local dependency, then install the thing that uses it.  the dep will already be satisfied so it won't try to install from pypi16:40
clarkbignore puppet4 its not an issue16:40
clarkbthe issue is "will this change break puppet3?"16:40
crinkleis there a case where you're not currently passing a value? because I would expect that to be broken before this change16:41
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clarkbcrinkle: the cases I expect to break are where a module has a default value we went to unset to nil16:41
clarkbcrinkle: because undef cannot do that in puppet316:42
nibalizerclarkb: yea there are a lot of places where infra module parameters default to '' which doesn't make sense, those should be required parameters16:42
clarkbnibalizer: yes I agree that we can clean those up16:42
jesusaurusand there are changes to clean a lot of those up16:42
clarkbnibalizer: but we aren't really doing that here, instead we are setting them to undef and not making them required16:43
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reedShrews, do you maintain a list of clouds that are regularly tested with shade? I'm addressing Tom's comments to my patch16:44
jeblairclarkb or fungi: can you review ?  (we may be about to change some of it for the stackforge thing, but i'd like to land it first)16:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Fix one typo on infrastructure manual
Shrewsreed: I only have access to 3 cloud providers. mordred has access to much more (i think because he pays for them).16:45
reedShrews, for you those are HP, RAX and DreamHost?16:46
Shrewsreed: correct. we don't have any sort of automated testing against them16:46
reedShrews, OVH and citycloud have free tier accounts, too, btw16:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add documentation for project renames
pabelangerclarkb: so, checking our puppet modules, if we require ssh_key then nothing will break. We pass '' into it from ::simple_slave and ::slave.  If that doesn't work, I'm open to other suggestions to get the lint-checks to pass16:50
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clarkbpabelanger: requiring instead wfm16:52
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pabelangerclarkb: ack16:52
clarkbas catalog compiles fail early rater than late16:52
crinkleso what i've been doing is things like before to fix those things16:53
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jeblaircrinkle: those are the same link, right?16:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Expand on directions for creating drivers team
crinkle before is what i meant16:53
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Mention license in document footer
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crinkleclarkb: pabelanger if we're going to make $ssh_key required in that patch it seems sort of inconsistent to leave $username and $password undef
jeblairclarkb, fungi: here's the order of events from the nodepool node-reuse we saw the other day:16:58
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jeblairperiodic cleanup thread starts; node 1 is launched; node 1 is ready; periodic cleanup thread finds instance 1 in nova list, but is unable to find it in the local database; periodic cleanup thread deletes instance 1; node 1 is added to jenkins; periodic cleanup thread terminates; much later: node 2 is launched with the same ip, and added to jenkins and runs a job normally, but since there are two jenkins computers for that ip, it runs two jo16:58
pabelangercrinkle: ya, I was just about to look them over to see if they could be changed to required too16:58
jeblairi'm stumped: i can not find any reason that nodepool would not have been able to find the database record for that node id in the periodic cleanup thread.16:58
clarkbcrinkle: we should do it across the boad where it makes sense16:59
clarkbthe ssl certs are likely the only  odd ones16:59
mrmartinfungi: re17:00
crinklepabelanger: clarkb imo i would do it in a prerequisite patch17:00
fungimrmartin: i've always wanted to ask, what does "re" mean in this context?17:00
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fungii see you say it all the time when you join the channel17:00
jeblairfungi: 'hi again'17:01
Clintasselin: ah, how 'bout now17:01
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fungiweird, i never knew that one. also the definition listed there seems to be recursive17:02
mrmartinanyway, the ask-staging solr smartcn fails after the solr-dist patch approval:
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jeblairi can confirm its use on irc back to the mid nineties at least :)17:02
fungimrmartin: but it worked in your test environment?17:02
fungijeblair: likely i just ignored it as people hitting random keys on the keyboard17:03
mrmartinand it seems to be we need to move away the WEB-INF directory of solr to retrigger the download / extract of solr packages to proper directory:
jeblairfungi: i guess that could happen a lot dependon on the channel you're in17:03
mrmartinthis line exactly:
fungimrmartin: is that going to be a recurrent issue do you think, or just a missing transition in the puppet module to support the new location?17:03
mrmartinfungi, don't you mind if I move away the WEB-INF on ask-staging and see what happens next? this one won't be a problem on a new deployment17:04
* jeblair just invented the word 'dependon' whose definition should be self explanatory17:04
fungijeblair: is it a noun?17:04
fungimrmartin: since the replacement server was deployed before that change merged, isn't it likely we'll run into it there too?17:05
mrmartinyeah, the upstream module not supports this type of transitions17:05
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pabelangernibalizer: mind providing some code for the versioncmp logic? not sure I follow17:05
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jeblairfungi: adjective phrase17:06
mrmartinfungi: that's a good a question, the upstream solr puppet not supports any change after a successful deployment.17:06
fungimrmartin: okay, i've moved /usr/share/solr/WEB-INF out of the way on ask-staging. let's see how it goes17:07
greghaynesThe dependons sounds like an alien race in a scifi film17:07
SpamapSgreghaynes: so, lets try to deploy new bifrost nodes today. What do you think?17:07
greghaynesSpamapS: !17:07
greghaynesSpamapS: yes17:07
greghaynesSpamapS: you mean replace bastion?17:07
SpamapSgreghaynes: I'm kind of giving up on the hardware remediation.. so lets just get this thing rocking and we'll fight the noc later.17:08
mrmartinfungi: ok, waiting for the next of run of puppet agent there17:08
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SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah, first question I have: was I just lucky in picking ic-006 to test ssh'ing to the ilo's from, or have they messed up and given the entire access to the ilos?17:08
greghaynesSpamapS: I suspect the latter17:09
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SpamapSme too17:09
greghaynesSpamapS: but unsure17:09
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openstackgerritDavide Agnello proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding RALLY_SCENARIO venv for Cue job
SpamapSgreghaynes: so whatever happens, lets make a static inventory, pick two boxes that we know work, put them on addresses that are not in the general population with the others, and call those "the hardware cloud"17:10
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SpamapSgreghaynes: also lets start backing up our inventory. ;)17:10
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greghaynesSpamapS: Yeeep. Where to do that do it is a wierd question17:11
greghaynesSpamapS: maybe to hp2?17:11
SpamapSthats the permanent backup home17:11
SpamapSbut we're not there yet17:11
jeblairSpamapS: the inventory has private info?17:11
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clarkbansible inventory?17:12
greghaynesIts out ipmi creds, macs, etc inventory17:12
zarojeblair: thanks.  i usually do it like that as well but i was hoping that there would be a way to reference locally from requirements.txt so i can just run with tox and let it work its magic.17:12
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jeblairis it the nodes.json file we also have on the puppetmaster in the infra-cloud directory?17:13
jeblair[{"pm_password": ..., "mac": ["..."], .... ?17:13
greghaynesthat looks like a form of it, yes17:13
greghaynesthe source of truth for that right now is a directory of yaml files, we have to compile taht into bifrost format which is what that looks like17:14
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jeblairi'd love it if the yaml files could go in system-config17:14
jeblairit's pretty much just the ipmi passwords we want to secret, right?17:15
greghaynesI'm not sure if were ok with the ipmi creds being public17:15
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greghaynesThose are mostly homogenous...17:15
jeblairwhat are your thoughts about making them the same for all the hosts?17:15
SpamapSjeblair: so, I think we can put all but the pm network info/user/password in system-config. We could very easily just have that stuff in hiera.17:15
jeblairthen we would have a bunch of yaml that can be public, and one secret we can stick in hiera17:15
greghaynesI like the homogenize and keep the one secret separate idea17:16
SpamapSjeblair: that requires use of the proprietary ilo cli tools to automate setting.17:16
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greghaynesSpamapS: You cant change pass from ssh prompt?17:16
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Require ssh_key, username and password
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greghaynesSpamapS: We dont have a 10.x route on .2 anymore17:18
greghaynesIs that intentional?17:19
jeblairwhat's the current bastion?17:19
SpamapSgreghaynes: hah I just found that17:19
SpamapSgreghaynes: it was the em3->eth0 problem17:19
nibalizerpabelanger: my thought is if you set the default on $version to 'latest' then you can if $version == 'latest' { ...17:19
nibalizerthat way you avoid having to use version compare17:19
greghaynesjeblair: stack@
SpamapSwe haven't infra-puppetized it yet17:20
SpamapSas it is marked for death. ;)17:20
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jeblairgreghaynes: can you throw my key on it?
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mrmartinfungi: ask-staging looks better now:
* SpamapS notes 'ssh-import-id corvus' will work17:21
jeblairSpamapS: dude17:21
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
SpamapSjeblair: sweet?17:21
jeblairSpamapS: sweeet.17:22
SpamapSit works w/ github too17:22
greghaynesjeblair: added17:22
SpamapSit assumes lp, but 'ssh-import-id gh:xxxx' works too17:22
jeblairgreghaynes: thx17:22
nibalizerwow TIL17:22
jeblairi am not corvus there so do not care17:22
greghaynesSpamapS: so, I found the property in the ilo ssh prompt..17:22
greghaynesI kind of want to try writing to it17:22
SpamapSgreghaynes: ?17:22
greghaynesfor ilo pass17:23
jeblairgreghaynes: you are ahead of me :)17:23
SpamapSoh the set thing17:23
SpamapSso expect script then?17:23
greghaynesyes, which I already have written :)17:23
greghaynesbecause of NOC inventory madness17:23
SpamapSlook at the big brain on Greg!17:23
jeblairdo you actually need expect?17:23
greghaynesyes :(17:23
fungimrmartin: cool, and it looks like the replacement server never got far enough to create /usr/share/solr/WEB-INF anyway17:23
greghaynesits not real ssh17:23
SpamapSyeah it doesn't do bare commands, just terminal17:24
* SpamapS is hoping somebody will disprove this one too17:24
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-fujitsu project
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greghaynesyou know...17:25
greghaynesI could do something even more cool17:25
greghaynesand load ssh keys for the ilo users17:25
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mrmartinfungi: can I see the puppet-run report of new ask.o.o on puppetboard?17:25
fungimrmartin: no, it won't be there until we switch dns17:26
greghaynesshow map1/accounts1/Administrator password is the ILO command BTW17:26
fungimrmartin: though if i run it manually it may report there17:26
SpamapSgreghaynes: but we use IPMI ... ;)17:26
fungimrmartin: i'll give that a try17:26
mrmartinoh ok, and do you see the status of the new node?17:26
greghaynesSpamapS: ah, right17:26
pabelangernibalizer: okay, if people are fine with the change in functionality17:27
greghaynesjeblair: SpamapS: looks like it set17:27
SpamapSgreghaynes: if we had gen8 servers, we could use an ilo driver btw17:27
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greghaynesyep, totally works17:28
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nibalizerpabelanger: does that change functionality somehow?17:28
greghaynesSpamapS: jeblair so, ill try and get the expect script set up to homogenize these?17:28
fungimrmartin: it's not getting far enough to report the error it has17:28
jeblairssh Administrator@ "set /map1/accounts1/Administrator password=..."17:28
nibalizerI guess 0 could be passed in via a manifest17:28
jeblairgreghaynes: ^ that wfm17:28
greghaynesjeblair: oh nice!17:28
fungimrmartin: Error: Failed to apply catalog: Could not find dependent Httpd::Vhost[askbot::site::ssl] for File[/etc/ssl/certs/] at /etc/puppet/modules/askbot/manifests/site/ssl.pp:2117:28
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nibalizerwe should check for that17:28
pabelangernibalizer: well, guess not. actually17:28
pabelangernibalizer: ya, checking for that17:29
pabelangerdon't see anything right now17:29
greghaynesoh! I know what I ran into before - you cant do command1; command217:29
jeblairgreghaynes, SpamapS: so throw a "-p" in there in a script and we don't need expect17:29
mrmartinfungi: it is related to the certs somehow, the prod server have a different cert configuration then ask-staging17:29
jeblairgreghaynes: aah17:29
fungimrmartin: do we need to change the parameters we're passing in from site.pp?17:29
mrmartinfungi: I don't think so17:29
greghaynesjeblair: SpamapS so, ill make them all same ipmi pass as bastion?17:29
mquincan anyone point me towards whoever runs 'openstackgerrit'?17:30
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mrmartinit is a dependency issue in puppet-askbot17:30
fungimquin: the irc bot? the openstack community runs it17:30
jeblairgreghaynes, SpamapS: this seems reasonable to me... fungi, clarkb: any reason we shouldn't homogenize the ipmi passwords?17:30
fungimquin: is it creating a problem in one of your channels?17:31
mquinwe're seeing an exceptionally high number of authentication failures to its account17:31
crinkleSpamapS: greghaynes i wrote to help with bifrost deployment, but it has no information about inventory17:31
mquintrying to find out if that's malicious or something misconfigured17:32
jeblairmquin: oh interesting; can you give us source ips?17:32
fungimquin: is it coming from or 2001:4800:7818:102:be76:4eff:fe05:9b1217:32
mquinjeblair: openstackgerrit_!~openstack@
fungimquin: yep, sounds like someone decided to try to deploy a copy of our configuration but doesn't have our credentials17:32
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Gate on puppet-lint-version_comparison-check
mrmartinfungi: maybe this dependency is wrong, it was not tested before because we used previously the built-in self-signed certs of the17:33
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greghaynesjeblair: oh, the other issue - we dont have ssh keys so you have to somehow type in the pass to ssh17:33
greghaynesjeblair: which requires expect AFAIK17:33
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fungimquin: feel free to block that ip address. it's not operated by anyone with control of the openstackgerrit account17:33
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jeblairgreghaynes: or "sshpass"17:34
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SpamapSgreghaynes: we may want to ask if the NOC wants us to not set those.. they likely have databases of IP<->PW17:34
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
SpamapScrinkle: thats ok, we just want to deploy the software and get it running17:35
greghaynesSpamapS: hrmm17:35
greghaynesSpamapS: jeblair ok, I can ask, thatll probably be a bit so maybe just punt on backing up until they confirm whether or not we can set them17:35
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove puppet-apache now that we have migrated
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greghaynesWe can also temporary backup to hp2 for now if we want..17:36
jeblairgreghaynes: sounds good17:36
pabelangerclarkb: green fedora21: that is better17:37
pabelangerjeblair: are you fine with the following?
jeblairgreghaynes, SpamapS: and then we can add the yaml to system-config, and the answer from the noc will just determine whether we have 1 password in secret-hiera or many17:37
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for gate-neutron-dsvm-api vpnaas bug 1481862
openstackbug 1481862 in neutron "test_vpnaas_extensions.VPNaaSTestJSON is broken in gate-neutron-dsvm-api on stable/kilo" [Undecided,New]
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nibalizer++ to the inventory being in system-config17:37
clarkbjeblair: not that I can think of, ironic is own the castle anyways17:37
greghaynesjeblair: SpamapS sounds good17:37
nibalizer'the yaml' is the ansible inventory for infra-cloud right?17:38
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jeblairnibalizer: i think 'bifrost pre-input' in this case17:39
nibalizerah right17:39
jeblairpabelanger: yes17:39
nibalizerthere will also be an ansible inventory file thats used to kick of puppet apply runs ya?17:39
jeblairnibalizer: what went wrong here?
nibalizerjeblair: bug fixed in
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greghaynesSpamapS: ok, so gettin bifrosty with it...17:42
pabelangerjeblair: great, thanks17:43
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Resolve SSL certificate dependency issue
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mrmartinfungi: the fix for ask.o.o ssl dependency issue:
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add Ability to use the AWS Cloudformation Plugin
SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah, do you see /home/clint/inventory.json ? Thats in the bifrost dynamic inventory format.17:48
SpamapSgreghaynes: and I think you already found ;)17:48
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove puppet-apache now that we have migrated
greghaynesI always wanted a file format named after me17:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-apply converage to both node types
fungimrmartin: ahh, yep i expect that was overlooked in the config vs site/ssl refactor17:49
mrmartintypical copy-paste error :)17:50
fungiclarkb: 209614 also needed for the askbot migration17:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Enable apache modules before starting the server
SpamapSgreghaynes: also did we ever figure out why we only have 22 nodes?17:52
SpamapSI mean, frankly, I'd be happy to get 22 nodes up in an openstack.17:53
SpamapSand just iterate forward from there17:53
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greghaynesSpamapS: Yes, the inventory when you bifrosted was just the nodes I was able to contact (the other nodes were in various states of dead). I updated the inventory to be all the nodes and more info if I could contact them and we never re-enrolled17:53
greghaynesin theory redoing it should try to enroll all the nodes though17:54
SpamapSgreghaynes: ah ok, nice17:54
clarkbfungi: sitename is "askbot" but it is being used as a vhost name according to that change. typically we use fqdns there right?17:54
SpamapSgreghaynes: so what we should do is go ahead and try to boot them all, but we should pick two and name them 'baremetal0' and 'baremetal1' instead of ic-xxx17:54
clarkbfungi: apparently we pass that through so thats correct17:55
fungiclarkb: yeah, that would be more consistent with our other modules, but seems to be arbitrary in this case17:55
clarkbI guess it is just a puppet resource name doesn't affect the actual vhost17:55
fungithe main issue is that it was missing17:56
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fungiand we were passing the wrong variable into the templates17:56
clarkbpabelanger: ntp 3.2.1 is in place so any subsequent runs will use it17:57
fungijenkins02 is in a bad way. i'm putting it into prepare for shutdown17:58
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fungijenkins01 and 07 look like they're probably getting unhappy as well. i'll do them later18:00
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clarkbthe good news is we got independent confirmation of this bug18:00
pabelangerclarkb: great18:00
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clarkbmaybe upstream will start looking into it18:00
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greghaynesSpamapS: did you see the response from NOC?18:03
greghaynesSpamapS: They say they will change the ILO passwords for us, even :)18:03
greghaynesbut they do want to know18:03
greghaynesSpamapS: We should probably wait until we do a deploy though - when we file a ticket we dont really know when theyll go around and change the passwords18:04
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SpamapSgreghaynes: oh nice!18:05
SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah, lets try to aim at a deploy we don't need to re-do en-masse and then file that ticket.18:05
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: First stab at making things bifrosty
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add openstack-modules.env
greghaynesSpamapS: Do you want to use .3 as baremetal0?18:07
greghaynessince that is clenish18:07
SpamapSgreghaynes: we need to reinstall it18:07
SpamapSgreghaynes: I resized it too far to test resizing/grub fail18:07
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SpamapSgreghaynes: unless you can get it into a rescue mode and downsize / ;)18:08
crinklegreghaynes: SpamapS is the inventory list something publicly available?18:08
SpamapScrinkle: not yet18:08
pabelangertook a few days, but both centos7 and fedora 21 now passing 100% :)18:08
SpamapScrinkle: but we were just talking about making it so18:08
greghaynescrinkle: nope, we were just discussing how to do that18:08
SpamapSI mean, honestly, it's mostly a puppet manifest at that point...18:08
pabelanger kicks them to voting18:08
greghaynesSpamapS: .3 is enrolled in the ironic on .2?18:09
SpamapSthe yaml files are all "the way greg's ansible saw it at that point in time" .. so I'm not sure if we want to check those into system-config18:09
SpamapSgreghaynes: correct18:09
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SpamapSgreghaynes: perhaps what we should do, is delete all the other nodes that we don't want to be baremetal0 and baremetal1 from .2, and then re-run deploy.yaml there.18:09
SpamapSgreghaynes: note that we should document how we see this bootstrap going for other regions. :)18:10
SpamapSI started to and forgot about it.. some etherpad somewhere..18:10
* SpamapS hopes it's still in firefox history18:10
greghaynesSpamapS: deploy.yaml will then re-enroll baremetal0 and baremetal1 AIUI18:11
SpamapSgreghaynes: not so much.. everything is already enrolled18:11
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SpamapSgreghaynes: deploy.yaml will just tweak them into deploy mode.18:11
SpamapSif they're in available/enroll status.18:12
greghaynesah, sweet18:12
greghaynesso alternative idea18:12
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greghaynesredeploy .3 as a new node, do a whole new bifrost install (because id like to), enroll everything but current bastion and itself on there18:13
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krotscheckMornin' everyone. How're things broken today?18:13
greghaynesIf you want to not kill that much time though its fine with me though18:14
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SpamapSgreghaynes: thats fine. I was thinking that we'd build .3 and a .4 as baremetal0 and baremetal1, and otherwise the same.18:15
greghaynesah, ok. Same idea just different order then18:16
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greghayneswell, if we use .3 as the bm host we deploy from, we can then redeploy .2 when were happy we have everything off and .2 and .3 are then baremetal0 and baremetal118:16
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greghaynesand in theory starting from a new host is good for knowing what all info we have to pull off18:17
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greghaynesSpamapS: What did you use for an image?18:17
SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah, you can also let install.yaml rebuild that.18:18
SpamapSgreghaynes: and note local_bifrost_settings.yaml18:19
greghayneshaving to either impersonate you or go as root18:19
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HenryGmriedem: come back to the neutron channel? I was having lunch.18:20
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Gate on puppet-lint-version_comparison-check
greghaynesSpamapS: heh, the reboot I think was not good to our ironic18:21
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greghaynesSpamapS: wow, nagios is on this box even18:26
greghayneskill it with fire18:26
SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah its AMAZING18:27
SpamapSit's the "Oh I need to run something" box :)18:27
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clarkbfungi: jeblair can I get eyes on that? there are a few failures in nova that we are hitting and I think getting it running a bit more often will help debug that. I also have open for one of the big hitters18:29
openstackLaunchpad bug 1445569 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "No dhcp lease after shelve unshelve" [High,Confirmed]18:29
clarkband theory is it does hit single node jobs just less badly since we don't ssh there?18:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Expand documentation on timeouts
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix glossary recognition
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new kiloeyes repository for OpenStack monitoring service
AJaegerclarkb, fungi: My change was in the wrong branch of the if, could you review carefully again, please ^18:33
fungiclarkb: lgtm, and i take sdague's +2 to also be speaking for qa on that one18:33
greghaynesSpamapS: oh! since ironic couldnt talk to the ilo's because the bad route it updated the state of all our nodes18:33
clarkbfungi: ya I think sdague is happy as long as its not voting/gating and someone is working the issues (I am trying to)18:33
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fungiAJaeger: got it, so you only need the glossary workaround for non-rst documents18:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for gate-neutron-dsvm-api vpnaas bug 1481862
openstackbug 1481862 in neutron "test_vpnaas_extensions.VPNaaSTestJSON is broken in gate-neutron-dsvm-api on stable/kilo" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Paul Michali (pcm)18:36
AJaegerfungi: exactly. The glossary is in docbook XML18:38
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fungiclarkb: looking at the nodepool image-list i think the ubuntu-trusty uploads succeeded yesterday?18:38
fungiat least i don't recall uploading them myself18:38
greghaynesSpamapS: TheJulia If I want to force ironic to resync the power state for nodes...18:38
greghaynesany protips?18:38
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clarkbfungi: yes looks like it updated across the board yesterday18:39
fungiwow. nova says we have 74 error nodes and 4 active nodes in iad18:40
fungiseeing if it'll let me manually delete them now18:41
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fungiyeah, doesn't seem like it18:42
AJaegerfungi, clarkb: Thanks for the reviews!18:42
SpamapSgreghaynes: it will always force sync the power18:44
SpamapSgreghaynes: if you turn a node off it thinks should be on.. just wait18:44
greghaynesSpamapS: I think if it cant talk to a node for long enough it puts it in maintenence mode automagically18:45
openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move from stackforge/magnetodb to openstack/magnetodb
greghaynesit also removes instance UUID...18:45
openstackgerritAndrei V. Ostapenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changes jobs description for MagnetoDB
greghaynesand AFAICT its no longer updating the one I turned maintenence mode off for18:45
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SpamapSgreghaynes: yes thats true.18:45
SpamapSgreghaynes: the point of maintenance mode is "hands off ironic"18:46
fungii've updated the currently open rax ticket asking to have the instances which are stuck in a pending deletion state in dfw and iad cleared out, though no idea if they're going to come back and want specific uuid lists for them18:46
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SergKHi, who can help me ( to become a member of fuel-mirror-core group, this stackforge project was recently created and the corresponding patch was successfully merged
pabelangerfungi: do you mind reviewing:
clarkbSergK: I can add you18:48
SergKclarkb, thank you very much18:48
clarkbSergK: done18:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to using full multinode jobs everywhere
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SergKclarkb, thank you, can i kindly ask you to have a look on some permissions updates regarding this (fuel-mirror) project
AJaegerfungi: ianw has a change to remove puppet-apply jobs from project-config. Could you review the system-config part and the project-config one: , please? Clarkb already +2 and since this reduces running job, I wanted to point it out. But this is not urgent...18:51
clarkbSergK: done, you should glob te release string so we don't have to update every time18:51
pabelangerSo looking at our check jobs for system-config, I see gate-openstackci-beaker-trusty-dsvm is failing. Is anybody looking at it to make it voting?18:52
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pabelangermore in general, how is working on beaker jobs for system-config?18:52
clarkbpabelanger: I think nibalizer was, there were issues with http mod installation order18:52
clarkbhave to install mod rewrite before we can restart apache with rewrite config18:53
clarkbwhich I think was a patch to the httpd module18:53
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SergKclarkb, thanks will check18:54
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nibalizerclarkb: patch to openatackci19:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make job gate-manila-tempest-dsvm-neutron-scenario non-voting
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timrcpabelanger, Remind me how dashboards are going to get loaded into Grafana with grafyaml? I remember you saying you were doing to do something similar to jjb?19:06
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pabelangertimrc: Yup. We'll take yaml, convert to json and post into grafana.19:06
clarkband thats straight into the db or via an api?19:07
pabelangertimrc: however, work needs to be done on the caching dashboards. Right now, we can just force push over them.19:07
pabelangerclarkb: RestAPI19:07
timrcpabelanger, So is the work to pull dashboard yaml to the grafana server and then process it with grafyaml still in the works?19:07
pabelangertimrc: for the most part it is done.  I am working on upgrading to grafana 2.1.0 to get some basic auth support.  But, once that happens, we can get grafyaml running local to manage our first dashboard19:08
pabelangerhere is the review to upgrade grafana:
pabelangerI still need to get puppet-grafyaml going19:09
pabelangerhave it local, just need to get a review up19:09
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Create playbook to puppet InfraCloud nodes
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openstackgerritRyan Moats proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move multinode dvr job to neutron check list.
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding swift3 to list of projects for particular ec2 job
timrcpabelanger, Awesome.19:12
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pabelangertimrc: one of the first dashboards I'm working on is rendering zuul like we do on status.o.o/zuul19:13
timrcpabelanger, Interesting that authentication was a motivation for your upgrade?  Are people going to be logging into Grafana?19:14
pabelangertimrc: no, grafyaml is.19:14
timrcPersonally I think building dashboards in Grafana is the way to go.  I couldn't imagine doing it in yaml.19:14
timrcpabelanger, Isn't grafyaml already authenticating with a token?19:15
fungi(doing it in yaml means you can check it into config management)19:15
pabelangertimrc: it is, but there is no way to automate the token creation.  Otherwise, we need to hack the database to inject it19:15
timrcfungi, Certainly _exporting_ and _importing_ your dashboards would be useful for that.19:15
pabelangertimrc: so, I had upstream grafana add basic auth support19:15
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timrcpabelanger, Ah, I see.19:16
timrcWell the LDAP authentication support is going to be tremendously useful for us downstream.19:16
pabelangertimrc: you'll still be able to manually build dashboards, and export them in grafana.o.o, just not save them19:16
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timrcpabelanger, Oh yeah, anonymously.19:16
greghaynesSpamapS: ok, im going to just unenroll all the things19:17
greghaynesnot sure how to apply hammer to make nodes resync properly... not going to get all hung up on that19:17
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb: nibalizer: do you guys think we can land: today? Thats 1 of 3 patches to complete puppet-httpd migration19:22
SpamapSgreghaynes: +119:22
fungipabelanger: looking19:22
SpamapSgreghaynes: if you delete all the things, they should all be turned off19:22
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fungipabelanger: not quite sure how to parse that first sentence in the commit message. is it fork but missing a k?19:23
jeblairclarkb: marked for after lunch19:23
pabelangerfungi: oh, ya. that is an old typo19:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add fedora support for
pabelangerfungi: thought I fixed it19:24
jeblairclarkb: context:
fungipabelanger: thanks, interpreting accordingly19:24
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clarkbjeblair: oh I think fungi got it19:24
clarkbjeblair: feel free to do post merge review though :)19:24
harlowjafungi clarkb jeblair one of u guys mind +A (would be much appreciated, hopefully the last one of those patches, ha)19:24
fungiyeah, i approved it already19:24
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i win? :)19:24
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run beaker jobs on puppet-openstack_extras
fungijeblair: you win several additional seconds, or you would have, except you squandered them discussing it19:25
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greghaynesSpamapS: you mean I should turn them off, or they will end up turned off?19:25
openstackgerritTerry Howe proposed openstack/os-testr: Convert file names to regular expressions
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Don't clone project-config for puppet-apply jobs
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greghaynesI assumed when you re-enroll ironic asserts power off19:26
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harlowjafungi thx :)19:26
clarkbI have to say the ::foo is really annoying since you can'tdo that for built in resources19:26
clarkbso we hvae ::http but then httpd_mod19:27
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asselin_nibalizer, I'm trying to test my sing-node ci solution, but puppet is returning without running anything. Any tips?
fungii assume this is puppet^4 madness?19:27
clarkbfungi: yes, its apparnetly how we have to do it19:27
crinkleclarkb: I haven't found a satisfactory answer about whether we should be doing that for defined types19:28
crinkleclarkb: just for classes as far as I know19:28
clarkbone wonders if the engineering team at puppetlabs is actually using puppet19:28
clarkbcrinkle: iirc you can't do it for proper types19:28
clarkbI asked nibalizer and he said its a parse fail19:28
crinkleclarkb: right, but it works for defined types e.g. httpd::vhost19:29
crinklei just don't know whether we should care19:29
clarkbwell I care in that supposed I have to do include ::httpd but also have to do httpd_mod instead of ::httpd_mod or include httpd19:29
clarkbit just doesn't read well19:29
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fungipabelanger: you plan to have eyeballs glued to puppetboard for a while after 198819 merges?19:30
clarkband reminds me of perl and fighting $ @ %19:30
fungiclarkb: at least in perl it looks like you're swearing19:30
pabelangerfungi: yes sir19:30
clarkbis this a scalar array hash? why should I have to keep track19:31
fungipabelanger: thanks! it's punted into the hopper, on its way through the sausage grinder now19:31
pabelangerom nom nom19:31
clarkbfungi: any progress on ubuntu-trusty package caching?19:32
clarkbI need to see if the latest image build passes the devstack jobs but its possible we can switch those over soonish19:32
fungiclarkb: i'm playing with an updated node now... it looks like we're successfully caching _some_ things, but not everything that the image build log claims was downloaded19:33
fungiso even more confusing19:33
fungiwell, i _will_ be playing with an updated node when nodepool eventually gets around to booting one anyway19:33
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clarkbI should note image uploads are very slow19:34
clarkbso while reliable don't happen quickly19:35
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: WIP: Initial start at creating sample ci
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run puppet-apply jobs for project-config
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fungiyeah, it's taking somewhere in the neighborhood of 6-8 hours for our nodepool image updates to complete lately, if memory serves19:35
clarkbwe can probably shift the image build cron kickoff a few hours earlier and still get new images after we are awake19:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: telemetry: add integration tests job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: midonet: Enable tempest run_validation
* greghaynes mentions that theres nodepool builders patches up for review19:37
greghayneswhich should help speed up builds a lot19:37
clarkbgreghaynes: oh right and it doesn't need the db anymore/19:38
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clarkband does it pass the devstack job?19:38
fungiclarkb: i'm tempted to parameterize the image-update time and then pass ours in from out global site manifest (or even hiera)19:38
greghayneswith those patches it still does, but removing the need for the db would be next step19:38
greghaynesclarkb: good question19:38
pabelangergreghaynes: review?19:38
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clarkbgreghaynes: I think I will -1 until it passes the dsvm test since a big part of thta is acutlly upload an image19:38
clarkbgreghaynes: :P19:39
SpamapSgreghaynes: if you change their status to 'deleted' in ironic, Ironic will try to turn them off.19:39
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greghaynesclarkb: yea, it definitely shouldnt merge if it doesnt pass that19:39
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clarkboh wait19:40
clarkbit doesnt dib (yet)19:40
clarkbso it really shoukd pass19:41
greghaynesand that failed19:41
fungijeblair: do you still need those two nodepool nodes with the same ip address held, or should i recycle them now?19:41
clarkbgreghaynes: check the nodepool log19:42
pabelangergreghaynes: thanks, will check that out\19:42
greghaynesSpamapS: hrmmm, I apparently dont understand ironic as well as I though19:45
greghaynesSpamapS: cant delete when in provision state acrive19:45
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clarkbgreghaynes: to make it dib we need to be able to build a super light dib image that supports sftp19:45
greghaynesand also, have to lunch meeting19:45
clarkbwhich ubuntu isn't really though it would work just be very slow19:45
greghaynesclarkb: why super light?19:45
greghaynesclarkb: you have to boot and sftp something in?19:45
clarkbgreghaynes: so that build doesn't take long as we already need 42 ish minutes19:46
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greghaynesclarkb: builds take only a couple mins at most19:46
clarkbgreghaynes: yes nodepool uses sftp to write files to disk after boot19:46
greghaynesor at least they should19:46
clarkbgreghaynes: ah ok in that case maybe ubuntu is fine19:46
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: jeblair: last one for today! now that our centos7 and fedora21 jobs are green19:46
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greghaynesclarkb: yea, id just try ubuntu, if theres an issue we can maybe get funky with ubuntu-minimal19:46
pabelangeralso, looking forward to Clint plan for project management :D And interested to see how we'll track it all19:46
Clintiteratively, i imagine ;)19:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Resolve SSL certificate dependency issue
fungimrmartin: ^ i'm rerunning puppet agent on the new ask.o.o replacement now19:48
clarkbfungi: dont forget to update the module on the master first19:49
fungiwell, once the modules update on puppetmaster anyway19:49
fungiheh, jinx19:49
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pabelangerlooking at puppetdb.o.o, seems that grafana.o.o has not checked-in in 4 days:
pabelangerany infra-root mind check?19:50
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jrollgreghaynes: ironic node-set-provision-state uuid deleted, to make them inactive, then you can delete19:51
fungipabelanger: The authenticity of host ' (2001:4800:7815:105:be76:4eff:fe05:f5de)' can't be established.19:51
fungipabelanger: i'm accepting the ssh host key on our puppetmaster now19:52
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fungipabelanger: it should begin puppeting at the regular cadence with the next pulse19:52
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fungiokay, jenkins02 has finally quiesced. cleaning it up and restarting it now19:54
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for bug 1476770
openstackbug 1476770 in OpenStack-Gate "_translate_from_glance fails with "AttributeError: id" in grenade" [Undecided,Fix committed] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)19:55
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-infra/puppet-infra-cookiecutter project
pabelangerfungi: perfect. Thanks20:03
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fungiclarkb: on the package cache front, note for example that shows it downloading mysql-client-5.5 at 2015-08-04 18:01:00,196 but if you ssh into there is no such deb in /var/cache/apt/archives20:06
fungiclarkb: i have a feeling our uploads may be failing and nodepool doesn't know20:07
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openstackgerritCatherine Diep proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move Refstack project from stackforge to openstack-infra.
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greghaynesjroll: ah, ty20:08
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pabelangerfungi: did you check /var/cache/apt/archives on nodepool.o.o?20:09
fungipabelanger: it won't be there. this happens in a chroot20:10
pabelangerpossible they are getting saved outside path of diskimage builder?20:10
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fungiclarkb: pabelanger: yeah, i think the image is stale? that same log shows it's downloading libpython2.7-stdlib amd64 2.7.6-8ubuntu0.2 but in the archive on that node in find libpython2.7-stdlib_2.7.6-8_amd64.deb (-8 instead of -8ubuntu0.2). places the window between march 22 and june 2220:12
mrmartinfungi: what's the status of new puppet run on ask.o.o ?20:12
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AJaegerdo we have a problem with zuul? Looking at, the first entry is greyed out which looks wrong - and then there are a couple of jobs that are finished but zuul is not cleaning them up.20:15
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fungimrmartin: after the module updated on our puppetmaster now i applied on the replacement server and it's all green. puppetboard report did post for that at after i triggered it20:16
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mrmartinfungi: thnx.20:17
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pabelangerfungi: looking at the DIB_APT_LOCAL_CACHE setting, seems to be we want to set it to 0? To disable the shared cache?20:17
fungiAJaeger: i have a feeling the windowing minimum is being applied across multiple queues20:17
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AJaegerwindowing minimum? In the check queue?20:18
fungiAJaeger: oh, in check. i was looking at the gate20:18
AJaegerfungi: Yes, check20:18
AJaegerjust look at the first and third job there - and there are more further down with 0 minutes20:19
fungiAJaeger: looks like the status page failed to draw a line between that and the one after it20:19
AJaegerbut what about the zaqar and manila ones? Shouldn't those get cleaned up?20:19
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AJaegerwe can wait another minute but I looked already for a few minutes on a change further down...20:20
AJaegerOr am I just not patient enough?20:20
fungiAJaeger: yeah, it seems to claim that there's a window being applied in the check pipeline too20:20
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fungiAJaeger: OH! notice we also have named dependent queues in the check pipeline now?20:21
fungijeblair: ^ definitely odd20:21
AJaegerfungi: named dependent queues? Where do you see that?20:21
fungiAJaeger: queues named "integrated" in the check pipeline, for one20:22
AJaegerfungi: I see it now as well - yes, that looks new20:22
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fungichecking to see whether something major changed in the most recent layout update commits20:23
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jeblairfungi, AJaeger: the grey appears to be the usual 'dependent change independently tested', and indeed 209581 --git-depends--> 19261720:25
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
SpamapSgreghaynes: right, you have to set provision state to deleted20:25
fungijeblair: that one, yes, though there are some further down that seem to lack any obvious coupling20:26
SpamapSgreghaynes: because that API was really meant for Nova. ;)20:26
jeblairfungi, AJaeger: so i don't think that's windowing; i'm not certain why there are no jobs, nor why there is no line.20:26
SpamapSnot humans :)20:26
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Gate on puppet-lint-version_comparison-check
jeblairfungi: numbers?20:26
fungijeblair: for example 209660,120:26
SpamapSgreghaynes: for node in $(ironic node-list|awk '/active/ { print $2 }') ; do ironic node-set-provision-state $node deleted ; done20:26
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fungijeblair: 209240,2 as well20:26
jeblairfungi: ah, yes, those greys are 'waiting until closer to head of queue' so are windowing20:27
AJaegerjeblair: to me it looks like finished jobs do not get removed from the queue at all.20:27
fungijeblair: but also, is the named "integrated" queue in the check pipeline a new thing? or have i just never noticed it before?20:27
pabelangerAJaeger: I was going to say that too20:28
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Make the Linux Bridge CI voting
jeblairfungi: i'm not certain; i think its intended behavior is less defined in that context so have not really paid much attention20:28
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fungiother odd things going on there too20:29
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fungifor example 209538,1 seems to be passing and completed but has no jobs associated with it20:29
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jeblairpabelanger, AJaeger: i agree 195010,3 for example should have been removed20:29
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AJaegerjeblair: I was looking at 209622 - it's done since 10+ minutes20:30
openstackgerritTom Jose Kalapura proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-multiclound client to openstack.
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fungizuul-server process seems to be eating an entire cpu at the moment20:31
jeblair"multiclound"  typo, or not?20:31
AJaegerjeblair: typo20:31
fungiohyeah, ERROR zuul.Scheduler: Exception in run handler:20:31
jeblairah, i believe we're in a similar stuck situation as before20:32
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jeblair2015-08-05 19:50:00,737 ERROR zuul.Server: Reconfiguration failed:20:33
jeblairit will take a few minutes for me to get to that part of the log :)20:33
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* AJaeger has to leave and waves good bye...20:36
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] IPv6 only neutron experimental job
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jeblair has notes as i compile them20:40
jeblairfungi: ^20:40
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crinkleSpamapS: are you still working from the patch series starting from 195276? anything i can do to help there at this point?20:42
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Add basic bash completion to --no-discover arg
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jeblairit feels like a result of I2e24b300fe31e6eec5acaca48fba94cd5633f38f but that should be the bug that was fixed already...20:44
fungiwe restarted on august 120:45
jeblairDate:   Fri Jul 31 10:40:16 2015 +000020:45
jeblairMerge "Fix bug with removing a failed job"20:45
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jeblairyeah so that should be in there (and i'm pretty sure we restarted explicitly for that, plus restarted again later for the enqueue-ref thing)20:46
fungipbr freeze says 91e3459 is installed20:46
pabelangerjeblair: so, project-config just landed: which removed infra-puppet-apply-jobs. I think this is the first job to run with out the check jobs20:46
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fungiso it definitely looks like we restarted with those patches in place20:46
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jeblairi wonder if it's because it was removed from a shared queue?20:47
fungithat would certainly have been in a shared queue20:47
jeblairand i'm pretty sure it's not now20:48
fungiyeah, project-config was severed from the shared queue with the puppet modules by that change20:49
jeblairi believe i don't need any more running state to debug this...20:49
jeblairfungi: do you want to work on a restart while i work on a test case?20:49
fungijeblair: yep, getting started on that now. should i expect to be able to sanely dump the current queue states?20:50
openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] IPv6 only OpenStack experimental job
jeblairfungi: yes20:50
fungidumped gate and check and they look like what i expect. have you been dumping/restoring any other pipelines when you do this lately?20:52
fungiyeah, looks like it still can't do e.g. post20:52
fungiokay, restarting zuul now20:52
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fungiseems to have started up okay20:53
fungijeblair: do i need to delay for gearman registrations before reenqueuing or should it be fine to restore immediately?20:54
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jeblairfungi: i'd check with nodepool and see if it looks like there are ready nodes for everything -- i don't think the system went fully idle, so it may be good to wait a sec20:56
clarkbfungi: it should be fine as long as we have nodes attached to jenkins that will register the functions20:56
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funginodepool list seems to indicate there are existing representatives of all the labels we care about anyway20:58
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fungi#status notice Zuul has been restarted to resolve a reconfiguration failure: previously running jobs have been reenqueued but change events between 19:50-20:54 UTC have been lost and will need to be rechecked or their approvals reapplied to trigger testing.21:04
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice21:04
jeblairfungi: oh, i don't think any events were lost21:04
jeblairfungi: only ones during the downtime itself21:04
zigoDoes anyone know bits of RPM packaging policy for libraries? Is it normal for a lib to tweak the rpath?21:04
zigoFYI, in Debian, it shouldn't be done at all.21:05
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul has been restarted to resolve a reconfiguration failure: previously running jobs have been reenqueued but change events between 19:50-20:54 UTC have been lost and will need to be rechecked or their approvals reapplied to trigger testing.21:05
russellbzigo: #rdo would be a good place to ask i thikn21:05
fungijeblair: it kept adding changes even though the main scheduler loop was raising an exception? i'll double check in just a second21:06
zigorussellb: Thanks.21:06
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice21:06
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fungijeblair: you are indeed correct. the last entry i exported from the check pipeline was uploaded 3-4 minutes prior to the restart21:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Ensure missing rpm packages installed & useable for anvil-jobs
fungii'll issue a retraction21:08
fungi#status notice Correction: change events between 20:50-20:54 UTC (during the restart only) have been lost and will need to be rechecked or their approvals reapplied to trigger testing.21:09
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice21:09
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Correction: change events between 20:50-20:54 UTC (during the restart only) have been lost and will need to be rechecked or their approvals reapplied to trigger testing.21:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-infra-puppet-apply-dsvm-(centos7|f21) voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Migrate to puppet-httpd module
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openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice21:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Migrate grafana.o.o to puppet-httpd
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openstackgerritDavide Agnello proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding RALLY_SCENARIO venv for Cue job
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fungi is yet more fodder for 1. our cla does get in the way, and 2. projects which enforce it have people who are willing to bypass it making it basically pointless21:16
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fungirussellb: ^ fun times!21:17
SpamapScrinkle: no we're done with 195276 .. starting over .. but I learned a lot! :)21:17
* russellb perks up21:17
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russellbfungi: nice reference21:18
jeblairgrr... somehow we still have the suggestion that you need to do something other than "git review"21:19
russellbfungi: it's a very good example against the weak argument about "foo % of contributors are already covered by CCLA" because it shows exactly that the people we miss aren't tracked because they just walk away21:19
* jeblair rage-removes text from infra-manual21:19
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create openstack/kosmos project repo and jobs as experimental
fungirussellb: (or someone else just uploads the change for them, ignoring the fact that it's undermining whatever it is the cla was supposed to be protecting against)21:22
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jeblairrussellb, fungi: and those steps can/should be simply "sign in to gerrit" "install git-review" "run git review"21:24
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jeblairwhich is, for the record _less_ difficult than using github21:25
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jeblair("sign into github", "create a local fork", "upload your change to your fork", "create a pull request from your fork")21:26
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nibalizerjeblair: i have 'git fork' and 'git pull-request'21:27
fungithe things done by git review -s are done by any initial invocation of git review, and if your username seems to be incorrect it will prompt you21:27
jesusaurusjeblair: there's also a 'git hub' tool that i have used but not in a while21:28
nibalizermy tooling wraps around that p-o-s21:29
fungithat said, now that git-review is carried in distros, there are some versions of it in the wild with known bugs (particularly around the credential dry-run failure detection) which get confused by cla/contact info errors and claim your username is wrong rather than passing through the actual error message21:29
clarkbI think github wants you to click ui buttona in their gui thing21:29
jeblairnibalizer: yeah, that gets it from 4 to 3 steps, nearly exactly analagous to gerrit21:29
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dstufftgerrit's UI is pretty ugly though21:31
jeblairdstufft: that is hurtful21:31
russellbmeh, it's quite functional IMO21:33
russellbi don't get all the hate21:33
fungigerrit's ui used to be a lot worse21:33
fungithen they borrowed our improvements21:33
russellbi was very disappointed in the tone change at the last board meeting around DCO21:33
russellbi hope it turns around21:33
fungithen they decided to make it worse again ;)21:33
taronugly as it may be it's still more usable than github21:33
openstackgerritKirill Zaitsev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make gate-murano-dashboard-npm-run-lint voting
dstufftrussellb: maybe if you're used to it. I rarely have cause to use it and typically get frustrated when I do *shrug*21:34
russellbyeah, been using it a lot for the last 4 years or whatever21:34
fungirussellb: you mean "oh, there are some lawyers at member companies who haven't heard about this, we should make sure they're _all_ okay with it"?21:34
russellbhard to have the newcomer perspective21:34
russellbfungi: that's what was said, but i think it was a little worse than that, because not a single person in the room actually expressed that opinion21:35
jeblairdstufft: is there something that could be improved for you?21:35
russellbfungi: it was that some particular company's lawyers claimed that in the private lawyer meeting21:35
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russellbfungi: trying to shut the whole thing down it seems21:35
russellbreally frustrating, because it seemed we had consensus21:35
fungirussellb: oh, right. also private lawyer meetups. i can't begin to imagine the punch and brownies they serve at those things21:35
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Davieyrussellb: Forgive my ignorance, but DCO?21:36
fungidstufft: have to say i much prefer gertty to any webui. i'd probably be mildly less allergic to github if it had a polished console-based interface (is there a good one?), though my biggest issue with it is still that it's not free software21:36
russellbDaviey: Developer Certificate of Origin21:37
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fungidstufft: though i get that free software's not for everyone, and that there are probably plenty of people who think i'm a zealot for trying to use only free and open toolchains21:39
dstufftjeblair: I'm not particularly good at UX so I wouldn't feel comfortable trying to make concrete suggestions. It's not really one singular thing but just a bunch of small things. It's quite possible that it doesn't mesh well with my expectations and I'm just the weirdo :) I just know that I tend to get frustrated.21:39
Davieyfungi: Hah, funnily enough - i use that on all my commits by habbit.21:39
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dstufft(I also don't care if folks, or openstack or whatever uses github or gerrit or smoke sigals :V)21:39
dstufftfungi: I'm not aware of a console based interface for github, but I've never attempted to look for one21:39
rockygdstufft, I get frstrated, too.21:39
fungidstufft: i pushed for smoke signals, but the fire marshall overrode me21:40
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rockygBut, part of mine is that I'm on a windows machine.21:40
clarkbrockyg: that is easily fixed21:40
rockygYeah.  Gotta get a "lab" machine to have linux.  They don't let us hook it up to the corporate net.21:41
* fungi is surprised that your corporate security is less afraid of windows. i'd be frightened to have one plugged into my networks21:41
clarkbwhen I had to deal wiht that I just ran a full screened VM on windows21:41
rockygBut also, changed machines twice in the past nine months.  IT copies over all my stuff, and gerritt vomits on the old configs21:41
rockygclarkb, they don't want us to have that on corporate, either21:42
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clarkboh I am sure they didn't want me to either but meh21:42
clarkbit worked better than the windows host for getting work done21:42
clarkband was likely more secure21:42
rockygstill haven't gotten gerritt to work on the new machine.  Same error message as that guy who's been posting to the dev list21:42
dstufftfungi: eh, there's different layers of zealotry I suppose :) My personal line is less "all free all the time", and more about picking whatever tool lets me more effectively do what I want regardless of if it's free/open or not (factoring in how hard it would be to migrate off said thing if I needed to)21:43
clarkbrockyg: can you link to the thread? I am not sure I have seen it21:43
dkallegHi, I'm working on a patch that will pass our local integration tests, but will fail when Jenkins runs the same tests.  I've spent about a day doing trial and error, but what would really help is being able to look at the live setup that Jenkins creates before it is torn down.  I'm told that this can be done on special occasions/request.  Can anybody help me with this?21:43
rockygclarkb, lemme see.  I've got it flagged, just have to backtrack...21:43
clarkbdkalleg: can you point to the failure(s) first so we can see if we can debug it with the existing logs?21:44
dkallegclarkb: you bet, 1 min21:44
clarkbdkalleg: we try to only hold nodes and hand them out in exceptional cases. most of the time the logs are sufficient to at least work on reproducing then debug from there21:44
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dkallegclarkb: I've been pulling as much info from the logs as I can.  I'm with the messaging as a service team.  The test that is failing will provision a cluster of nodes that are running RabbitMQ.  As part of the setup, some setup commands must be ran against RabbitMQ (enabling the management plugin).  The success/failure of this isn't logged.21:47
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clarkbdkalleg: there are a bunch of urlerrors in cue.taskflow21:47
clarkbconnections being refused21:48
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greghaynesSpamapS: ok, back from lunch meeting, im also going to demo this to crinkle while I mess with nodes so she can get a bit of an idea of what were up to21:48
clarkbdkalleg: ok first step is to log those then21:48
dkallegYes.  Taskflow is running a task that will loop for 30 mins until the url open succeeds.  The errors show a connection refused.  If the cloudinit scripts run properly, the management plugin will be enabled and we shouldn't see this.21:49
clarkbdkalleg: wait are you booting VMs and expecting them to do things?21:49
dkallegclarkb: Do cloudinit scripts write log output anywhere that I can access?21:49
dkallegclarkb: yes21:49
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clarkbdkalleg: ok that likely won't work because everything is running under qeu and its super slow21:50
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move Kolla to the openstack git namespace
dkallegclarkb: well, we're not putting a load on it, we're running commands to make sure that a rabbitMQ cluster goes active21:50
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clarkbdkalleg: and yes you can ask nova for the hosts console log21:50
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clarkbdkalleg: yes even that may not be possible with qemu21:50
rockygI think I have old cruft in some of my dev directories' config dirs/files21:51
jeblairfungi: should we file a CVE for the infra DoS vulnerability (mention "CLA" or "github" in channel and the infra team suspends processing for an indeterminate amount of time)21:51
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clarkbjeblair: ha, I am helping dkalleg :P21:51
dkallegclarkb: The test that is failing has been doing this task for a while now.  Before, to confirm that a RMQ cluster was successfully provisioned, we would telnet the RMQ port.  My patch will instead use the RMQ rest api to check if the nodes are clustered.  (So it seems that RMQ isn't init'ing properly since we are seeing url connection refused).21:52
jeblairclarkb has been patched21:52
clarkbdkalleg: OH! in that case you may need to open security groups21:52
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dkallegclarkb: Yes, I believe those are open as well, but could be wrong :)  Our cloud init scripts do this properly when I run these tests locally.  I'm not yet sure where the delta is between my local setup and the Jenkins environmen21:53
fungijeblair: there probably already is a cve for that ;)21:53
clarkbdkalleg: so things I would check: grab console log from nova, make sure security groups in nova allow the traffic to pass that you are making. Also you have to communicate over a floating ip iirc as the 10 net private network is isolated from the tempest host when running devstack there21:53
fungianyway, i'm popping out to find food. back later21:53
clarkbdkalleg: cloud init does not update security groups usually. cloud init only change sthings on the VM itself21:53
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clarkbdkalleg: the localrc we use is published in the logs dir, you can grab it and run devstack again then run your test script21:54
clarkbdkalleg: that should get you a very similar test env21:54
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clarkbdkalleg: just remove the ERROR_ON_CLONE setting21:55
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dkallegclarkb: Ok i'll take some time double checking the nova console logs.  How do I make sure sec groups are set properly in the Jenkins env? (thats one of my biggest suspicions, I just don't know how to prove it yet)  Will nova console logs show that?  I wasn't aware that I needed a floating IP, i'll look into that as well.  Will check out the localrc as well21:58
dkallegclarkb: may come back with new questions :)21:58
clarkbdkalleg: the devstack env does not add any rules iirc so you would hvae to explicitly add them21:59
clarkbdkalleg: in tempest the tests set up whatever rules they need21:59
clarkbdkalleg: and for the private IP I am pretty sure that that isn't expected to be routable from tempest22:01
clarkbas its supposed to be black box testing and not get into the internals so has to be treated as public access22:01
dkallegclarkb: I found where my team is setting the reset of their secgroup rules and added my rule there.  I'm told this should be getting copied to the Jenking devstack host and being applied.  Its under our contrib/devstack/lib/  dir (if that means anything to you, not sure how much of this is standardized)22:02
clarkbI thinkdevstack plugins are supposed to be devstack/ so if that includes from the lib dir that probably works22:03
dkallegand yes, sorry, I had a brain freeze, our cloud init script should be taking care of enabling the RMQ management plugin (which is my 2nd biggest suspicion)22:03
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clarkbI thought puppet-ceph wasn't CLA'd22:05
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clarkbthat was one of their requirements for being gerrited /me checks22:05
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clarkbthats correct no CLA required22:06
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greghaynesSpamapS: huh, I cant ping our bastion from an hpcloud node I made22:09
greghaynesSpamapS: Im thinking theres some messed up routing going on :(22:09
clarkbgreghaynes: are your nodes hosted in hpcloud undercloud land?22:10
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clarkbthats normal if so22:10
jeblairclarkb, fungi, pabelanger: found/fixed zuul bug22:10
jeblairit's a subtle variant of the thing we thought we fixed, only tangentially related to shared queues22:10
greghaynesclarkb: hrm? I mean I just booted a node in hpcloud to dev on, ping bastion and no workey22:10
clarkbgreghaynes: ya hpcloud is not routable from hp22:10
clarkbI think they made ports 80 and 443 work but everything else is bitbucketed22:11
clarkb(or was when I was there22:11
clarkbya it made being on the VPN a real pita22:11
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lifelessgreghaynes: are you pinging from hpcloud to the bastion?22:11
lifelessgreghaynes: cause that should be fine22:12
lifelesshpcloud to corp is a problem, but our bastions were separate IIRC22:12
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rcarrillocruzif it's a LR1 network, it's more than likely that only 80 and 443 is allowed to whichever bastion systems22:13
rcarrillocruzkind of 'standard' network setups within HP22:13
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greghayneslifeless: yes22:13
greghayneslifeless: hrm22:13
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix bug with shared jobs in reconfiguration
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^22:15
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lifelessrcarrillocruz: its a dedicated rack in one of the hpcloud public cloud dc's22:17
lifelessrcarrillocruz: e.g. not 'standard' in any sense of the word22:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix glossary recognition
clarkbjeblair: I see it attached the job because the job existsed but the job no longer belonged to that project22:19
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Rework the examples
jeblairclarkb: yep; we had blinders on looking at the earlier change -- of course the application of the job to the project is just as important as whether it exists at all.  :)22:20
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Rework the examples
openstackgerritDavide Agnello proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding RALLY_SCENARIO venv for Cue job
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clarkbjeblair: lgtm22:23
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greghaynesSpamapS: So, the stuff in your homedir is as your user... im torn between doing stuff as root or adding keys to your user22:28
greghaynesI dont want to uber troll you with perm issues if you try and bifrost later22:28
morganfainbergharlowja: great intro to the DLM stuff22:29
greghayneseh, just gonna do it as root, I want this box dead anyhow22:29
harlowjamorganfainberg thx, i just updated commit message, so now its truely better22:29
harlowjatruley super now22:29
* harlowja will see how long that lasts (the commit message), ha22:29
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morganfainbergharlowja: and I agree with the other thread (and SpamapS and fungi) re: pacemaker - but these are somewhat orthogonal concerns. Good conversations to have22:30
harlowjamorganfainberg i wasn't kidding that i've never heard of a distributed system that needed it before openstack :-/22:30
harlowjano other big distributed system at yahoo has such a requirement, so it confuzzled me and still does that openstack has it listed as the 'way to HA'22:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-testr: update requirements
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Set min pbr version in setup_requires
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andreafcan I get reviews on we're trying to add a non-voting job to tempest with server validation enabled to asses stability of ssh checks22:38
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greghaynesSpamapS: reenrolling .3 as bastion01 on the bastion host...22:38
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fungimorganfainberg: harlowja: i was mostly just trolling said use of definite article22:54
harlowjato much english for me, lol22:54
* fungi needed some amusement this morning, admittedly a selfish indulgence22:54
morganfainbergfungi: and it was good trollllllllololololololololol22:54
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fungiharlowja: i sort of buy the argument that there are systems which, in their endeavor to create a high availability model, may badly reinvent existing high availability wrappers. that's not to say that some systems don't just use the same wrappers to paper over poor design22:56
mordredIRC bouncer died. did I miss anything good?22:57
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harlowjafungi sure i get that22:57
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clarkbmordred: zuul died again for similar reasons to before but jeblair has a fix22:57
clarkbmordred: nodepool dib builds appear t o be uplodaing to both cloud sreliably now22:57
fungimordred: 20968622:58
fungi(reviewing now)22:58
harlowjafungi the ability to distinguish between the 2 is the hard part (and is biased by your scale, your past experience, the shade of the moon...)22:58
mordredclarkb: a) yuck but good - b) AWESOME22:58
fungiharlowja: i prefer the dark side of the moon22:59
harlowjaisn't that where the transformers hide?22:59
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nibalizerfungi: I prefer 'Wish You Were Here'23:00
fungiepic and pink floyd, two great tastes that go great together23:00
funginibalizer: careful with that axe, eugene23:00
fungialso have a cigar and welcome to the machine23:00
fungithose would have to be my top 323:01
* fungi has a vast collection of live floyd bootlegs23:01
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clarkbfungi: pretty sure those make up half of pandoras collection23:01
fungimaybe pandora uses my collection ;)23:02
clarkbfungi: I think live recordings hve different ownership as its a performance or whatever and its easier for them to buy up the rights to them23:03
clarkbfungi: right now a live acoustic version of hotel california is playing23:03
mordredfungi: lgtm23:04
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fungiand it's passing the py26 unit tests too, so approving23:06
greghaynesclarkb: nice!23:07
greghaynesclarkb: now we just need to fix resizing23:07
clarkbgreghaynes: yup and check that devstack-gate things work23:07
clarkbgreghaynes: which they *should* with parted installed but who knows23:07
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: First stab at making things bifrosty
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Create playbook to puppet InfraCloud nodes
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add controller class for Infra Cloud
harlowjamorganfainberg ok, i'll let sit for a while, let's see what people think so far, ha23:13
greghayneshrmm, thi snode sure is hanging out at wait call-back for a while23:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for bug 1476770
openstackbug 1476770 in OpenStack-Gate "_translate_from_glance fails with "AttributeError: id" in grenade" [Undecided,Fix committed] - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)23:15
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krotscheckAnyone out there want to help me do javascript things? I'd need another +2, and someone willing to go register openstackci on npm23:20
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krotscheck(Also, hiera)23:21
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asselin_clarkb, I saw your name on this. Do you know if it was ever implemented?
greghaynesSpamapS: so, when trying to deploy to .3 it looks like its not successfully pxe'ing23:25
greghaynesSpamapS: textcons on the ilo shows attempting to boot from nic, then c:, then just hangs23:25
greghaynesim wondering if we derped up something else with routing where dhcp isnt getting back to ironic from main nic23:25
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Track nova net dhcp failures
clarkbasselin_: I have no idea how my name would be attached to that :) don't know if it was implemented23:26
greghaynesSpamapS: oh, I take that back23:26
clarkbasselin_: that said rules like that are far more trivial to manage at the firewall betwnee your cloud nad the internet23:27
asselin_clarkb, it was hidden in the history :)
greghaynesI got mellanox'd23:27
clarkbgreghaynes: ahahahahahahaha, sorry23:27
greghaynesclarkb: I think we should keep these cards purely for your entertainment23:28
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clarkbgreghaynes: you should23:28
greghaynesyeaaa, doesnt get a dhcp23:29
clarkbasselin_: that looks like I did some sort of formating cleanup probably when we switched Wiki implementations23:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-ceilometer-dsvm-functional-mongodb voting
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements to networking-onos
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check-requirements to networking-sfc
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greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, dnsmasq config looks wierd, seems like its setup to talk to a virbr0 rather than on brbm23:34
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greghaynesSpamapS: did I nuke a config you had in place maybe by running the install playbook?23:34
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clarkbI recommend running the dhcp sserver where the dhcpdiscovers will appear23:38
greghaynesI think I may have found teh problem23:39
greghayneswe will see after 2 mins of HP post though23:39
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clarkbspeaking of slow boots, I keep meaning to check if our dib build images kill the grub timeout23:40
greghaynesclarkb: they do23:40
greghaynesor at least, they did last I checked, im not sure I re-checked for ubuntu-minimal23:40
greghaynesI think the vm element does it though, so should23:40
harlowja'quick/lucrative remote consulting opportunity' oh man, temptation to troll, must resist23:40
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harlowjamust not respond, muuust not, lol23:41
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add controller class for Infra Cloud
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greghaynesSpamapS: yeaaa, I remember you had some funkyness with getting dhcp to work here...23:51
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Track nova net dhcp failures
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minwang2i got a problem when i setup upstream gate23:59
minwang2can someone help me to take a look?23:59

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