Friday, 2015-08-07

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clarkbmtreinish: commented really think we should make the db uri configurable00:04
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mtreinishclarkb: ok, sure. I was on the fence about that, but when I saw that es was hardcoded I erred on the side of laziness00:06
clarkboh is es hardcoded too?00:06
clarkbmaybe I should revoke my -1 then00:06
clarkbmtreinish: thoughts on the other comment? thats mostly me trying to be too smart00:07
clarkbwell then00:07
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clarkbmtreinish: maybe make it a global too jus so its clear and findable?00:07
clarkbeg here is a constant looking like a constant00:07
mtreinishclarkb: nah, I thought about that too, I mean I could make the whole thing one giant query00:07
cody-somervilleWe'd prefer it to be configurable.00:08
clarkbcody-somerville: sure but that should be a follow up change00:08
clarkb(that you can write :) ) as its unrelated to the curent change00:08
mtreinishthe only thing is I'll have to add a db api method to do whatever00:08
mtreinishbut I'm fine with that00:08
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mtreinishclarkb: sure I'll move it to a global, that's easy enough00:09
mtreinishclarkb: also on the sql v python thing, it also assumes we have things properly indexed :)00:10
clarkbmtreinish: good point00:11
mtreinishclarkb: the release today actually included a migration which added a bunch of indexes00:11
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* mtreinish wonders if it crashed or if it's still running00:11
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mtreinishclarkb: if you get a sec can you check /var/log/subunit2sql_migration.log on logstash.o.o00:12
clarkbmtreinish: sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (_mysql_exceptions.OperationalError) (1071, 'Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes') [SQL: u'CREATE INDEX ix_test_id_status ON test_runs (test_id, status)']00:13
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mtreinishhmm, ok well that's something to figure out how to get around00:14
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clarkbis status more than 767 bytes?00:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix erroneously deleting non-leaked instances
mtreinishit's 256 bytes (well a string 256)00:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove terminated image/instance delete threads
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clarkbmtreinish: whihc is utf8 so 3 bytes pre00:16
clarkbI think00:16
mtreinishoh, that would do it then00:17
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clarkbmtreinish: mysql doesn't do variable length utf8 it allocated either 3 or 4 bytes per char dpeending on the utf8 encoding you selected00:17
clarkbthis is appraently an optimization to trade disk space for cpu time00:18
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mtreinishclarkb: well I can look into adding a prefix on the index to limit its size, but that would require changing the migration in a non-backwards compat manner00:20
mtreinishor can we change that limit?00:20
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clarkbthats a question for mordred SpamapS devananda Clint00:21
* Clint squints.00:21
* mtreinish wishes he was better at doing these things00:21
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SpamapSutf8 has 3 or 4 bytes per char()...00:22
SpamapSmysql's b-trees are _fixed_ width00:22
SpamapSso, you have 2 choices really00:22
SpamapS1) if you are only ever going to do ranged queries, you can add a length to the field name, and only index on the prefix.00:22
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SpamapSso if the field is varchar(255)  you can 'create index foo_ix on table1 textfield(64) and only index the first 64 characters.00:23
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SpamapSOR, you can ask yourself if you care about sorting and multibyte characters. If you don't, care about either of those, then you can make the field varbinary(255) and it will justwork(tm)00:24
SpamapSmtreinish: ^00:24
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mtreinishSpamapS: yeah I was thinking about #1 but it would require breaking backwards compat on a released migration00:25
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clarkbI am kinda amaed status needs to be that big00:25
clarkbcan we make it an enum instead?00:25
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mtreinishgranted I don't really know how many users we have out there besides infra, if any00:25
mtreinishbut if we don't have a choice I guess that's what we have to do00:26
SpamapSmtreinish: the length being shortened wouldn't break backward compat. It would just go sllllooowwww for things that were fast?00:26
SpamapSbecause you'd just be making the index smaller and less useful.00:26
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SpamapSbut it would still "work"00:26
mtreinishoh, that's a good point00:26
SpamapSjust that you end up doing index scans sometimes instead of single index key reads.00:27
SpamapSbut you're also scanning a much smaller index.00:27
SpamapSmtreinish: whats the field content?00:27
mtreinishSpamapS: well tbh I really need to shrink that column because it's never that big00:27
mtreinishbut that's a headache because the table is really big00:27
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SpamapSmtreinish: "status" ?00:27
SpamapSmtreinish: binary that.00:27
SpamapSmtreinish: you never have a status of '☃' right?00:28
SpamapSalso wow
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clarkbmtreinish: is status not skip, pass, fail?00:28
clarkbthat can be enumed00:29
mtreinishstatus show only ever be: exists, xfail, unxsuccess, success, fail, or skip00:29
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SpamapSif that's the case then yeah, enum00:29
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SpamapSand mysql 5.5+ has online enum alters so you don't have to worry about "oh now more statuses we have to rebuild the whole table" anymore.00:30
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mtreinishSpamapS, clarkb: ok sure, that makes sense to switch it to enum. But I'm pretty sure I'll have to do that after the failing migration00:31
SpamapSmtreinish: yeah, for the failing one, just shorten the index.00:32
SpamapSmtreinish: that will be backward compatible and quite safe00:32
mtreinishSpamapS: do you know how to do that in sqlalchemy off the top of your head?00:32
SpamapSmtreinish: no00:33
mtreinishok, to the docs I go00:33
SpamapSmtreinish: but probably an arg to the index object00:33
lifelessmtreinish: or pass :)00:36
mtreinishugh, and I'm going to need to add checks before each index add now, because the migration is 75% applied00:37
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add controller class for Infra Cloud
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Set up file conditions for os-loganalyze
jheskethclarkb: ^00:41
jheskethClint: ping00:41
Clintjhesketh: hi00:41
jheskethClint: you wanted to discuss how swift log stuff was going at some point today?00:42
Clintjhesketh: i do!00:42
clarkbjhesketh: +2 thanks00:42
mtreinishSpamapS: it's mysql_length=whatever_length00:43
SpamapSmtreinish: ah right the length thing is mysql specific.00:43
mtreinishclarkb: do you have any idea why we wouldn't have caught this on the migration tests? a different mysql version?00:49
clarkbmtreinish: different encoding type probably00:49
clarkbmtreinish: mysql defaults to latin1 iirc00:49
mtreinishah, ok that makes sense00:50
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix issues in migration 1ff737bef438
mtreinishclarkb, SpamapS: ^^^00:52
Clintjhesketh: so i see 5 open topical changes00:52
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix issues in migration 1ff737bef438
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openstackgerritArkadiy Kraminsky proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add libvirt cpu_map.xml to logs.
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jheskethClint: so as far as I know, is the only one on the critical path. After that we can start moving more jobs across01:00
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Clintjhesketh: anything about look inaccurate?01:03
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jheskethClint: looks good to me01:04
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Clintjhesketh: okay, thanks.  let me know if any blockers should arise01:05
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jheskethwill do, thanks!01:06
clarkbjhesketh: we need to do index generation of higher level dirs01:07
clarkbwill have to query swift for listings and generate o nthe fly I think01:07
clarkbor maybe we can ask swift for an autogenerated index? unsure01:07
jheskethoh yeah, I forgot about that...01:07
jheskethis that a hard requirement before moving jobs across?01:07
clarkbjhesketh: I think jeblair wanted it ya01:07
clarkbas its a ui navigation thing01:08
jheskethyeah I gave it some thought earlier in the week... I haven't checked if swift had some magic index generator, but I wouldn't have thought it did01:08
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jheskethclarkb: the hard part is that due to a psuedo filesystem the top most directory will need to get the list for every object ever in our container01:08
jheskeththat's not somethign we want to do01:08
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jheskethbecause it'll be depth-first bailing early will just give us a partial list01:09
clarkbgood point01:09
clarkbsince swift doesn't do dirs hrm01:09
jheskethso we could only do it once you're a couple of dirs down01:09
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jheskethI'm not entirely sure how useful it is to browse at the very root of the logs anyway01:09
jheskethplus we also need to consider how to join it with filesystem results01:09
jheskethor just fetch 1000-5000 objects at a time and if that doesn't get us the full breadth just add a note in the footer that it's truncated (so it'll probably truncate the root folder but start working once you go down a few levels)01:10
clarkbjhesketh: that seems very reasonable01:11
jheskethor do a fancy ajax keep fetching as you scroll thingy01:12
jheskethdoesn't help with ctrl+F though01:12
clarkbya I think ETOOMANYRECORDS is fine01:12
clarkbespecially at that level01:12
jheskethclarkb: hmm, swift might be able to do it for us anyway... there appears to be a delimiter option when querying the container list01:14
jheskethso I'll have a play and see if there are other ways01:14
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jheskethnot sure what swift does internally though so it might still be resource heavy01:15
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notmynameclarkb: jhesketh: what are you looking for?01:22
jheskethnotmyname: we have a psuedo filesystem for the logs we are storing in swift01:23
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jheskethif we wanted to list the root "directory" contents can we do that without having to do a depth first list?01:23
notmynamejhesketh: if I understand correctly, yes that's possible.01:24
notmynamelet me type up an example01:24
jheskethnotmyname: shiny thanks!01:24
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notmynamejhesketh: that's using normal authenticated requests01:27
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notmynamejhesketh: did I also see something about wanting to get auto-generated index listings?01:27
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jheskethnotmyname: thanks for that, looks good.. Will that handle containers will huge amounts of objects? (ie I assume swift isn't doing a depth first search internally)01:28
jheskethnotmyname: yes, we want to list to contents of the container so that it is browsable01:29
notmynamedefine huge ;-)01:29
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notmynameok, let me demo that01:30
jheskethheh, I believe you01:30
notmynamethere's a trick. hang on ;-)01:30
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jheskethokay :-)01:30
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notmynamejhesketh: ok, this one has a couple of things going on01:34
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notmynamejhesketh: first, I set the listing limit down to 5 (so I dont' have to add millions of objects)01:34
notmynamejhesketh: note in the headers that there are 12 objects in the container01:35
notmynamebut each page is only 5 items long01:35
notmynameso I use the "marker" query to get the next page01:35
notmynamenote also that the dir4 prefix does not exist in the first page of info01:35
notmynamebut, it does show up with the delimiter=/ query01:35
notmynamethus implying a depth-first search internally01:36
notmynamehowever, the good news is that the object name is indexed, so it's not a full table scan01:36
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jheskethnotmyname: did you have a link to it?01:37
notmynameto what?01:37
jheskethto what you were demoing01:37
notmynamelol, sorry01:38
notmynameI completely skipped over that step01:38
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notmynamein this one I created an additional dir5/o1 and dir6/o1 so that the pseudo-folder page would be full
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jheskethnotmyname: doesn't that show that it isn't depth first?01:39
notmynameyes it does01:40
jheskeththanks for that :-)01:40
jheskethso the listing limit is set on teh server, is there a way to query for the limit to know if we need to do a second page?01:40
notmyname /info01:41
notmynameit's the max_container_listing_limit01:41
jheskethawesome, thanks heaps :-)01:41
notmynamejhesketh: but the "rule" is that you (a) look at the limit and (b) request the next page until you get one that is less than the limit (including empty)01:42
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notmynamejhesketh: ok, one last thing. the auto-listings01:42
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notmynameso in that one, I first set the ACl to mark the container as public and also set the x-container-meta-web-listings header01:45
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notmynamethen I requested with no auth creds (ie like a browser) the container, and I get back an html page that has the listings, including links to subdirs01:45
jheskethinteresting, that looks cool01:45
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jheskeththat's pretty much what we need... only downside is to figure out how to hook it into our on-disk listings01:46
jheskethclarkb: we could use the swift index if the directory doesn't exist on disk... but that means we'll never list swift folders from the root dir01:46
notmynamejhesketh: you can also set a css file for the listings and a default index page so that a request to foo/bar/ will give you eg foo/bar/index.html01:46
notmynamejhesketh: docs, such as they are, are at
notmynamejhesketh: and that functionality being enabled is detected in the /info request by looking for the staticweb key (see
notmynamejhesketh: so in summary, seems that swift can do what you want out of the box, I think it's a pretty cool feature, and swift is awesome ;-)01:48
jheskethright, that's quite useful01:48
jheskethnotmyname: do you know if rackspace are using that middleware?01:48
notmynamejhesketh: yes, and exposed through the cdn too (I helped implement that a long time ago). I'm not sure about HP's cluster. I haven't played with that feature there yet01:49
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jheskeththe tricky part is that we don't want to statically serve up the logs, we want to use os-loganalyze to mark them up01:49
notmynamejhesketh: actually, at swiftstack we use this feature, from RAX, as part of our 3rd party CI that runs01:49
clarkbits only exposed via cdb iirc01:49
clarkbwhich is the issue01:49
clarkbit cant do it out of the box01:50
clarkbbecause of the severity stuff and the cdn noise01:50
notmynameclarkb: what is cdb? are you referring to hp?01:50
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notmynameclarkb: ah. the issue is that rackspace doesn't allow public access *except* via the cdn01:51
notmynamenothing to do with this feature, though. their own auth choice01:51
clarkbjust makes for bad user experience01:51
notmynamewhen porting across different swifts, yes. when that decision was made, there's weren't differnet swifts (or even swift, actually)01:52
clarkbwe dont need cdn everything goes through dfw hosted node anyways01:52
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clarkband cdn adds dns and container management overhead01:53
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jheskethnevertheless we have enough to query swift and make index lists01:53
jheskeththanks notmyname :-)01:53
notmynamejhesketh: happy to help :-)01:53
jheskethclarkb: what is your opinion on joining the list with anything that might still be on disk?01:53
clarkbjhesketh that seems reasonable01:53
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clarkbwe are capped at 64k per dir on disk by ext401:54
jheskethclarkb: might make the apache rules more complicated...01:54
jheskethactually, it might make them simpler01:54
notmynameif you end up wanting to use auto-listings but on auth'd requests and run into trouble, let me know and I'll tell you how to get around it01:54
jhesketheverything just goes to os-loganalyze who knows how to serve off disk, create indexes or passthrough etc01:54
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jheskethnotmyname: I think auto-listing won't quite work for us, but will do thanks01:55
* notmyname gets dinner01:55
clarkbthe other issue with auto listing is we were told half million object per container01:55
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clarkbthats like 4 months.01:56
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clarkbwhether or not that is actualy an issue I dunno havent tested it :)01:57
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clarkboh ya and if you cdn its new name per container iirc01:59
clarkbthat was why that was trouble01:59
clarkbso even if we use many containers we need smart proxy thing02:00
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clarkbnotmyname if we wanted to do auto indexing without public access how does that work?02:08
EmilienMclarkb: hey, good evening - have you already seen something like this ?
clarkbmight be a good way to test performance after a few months of data population02:08
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clarkbyou might needmkdir -p02:09
tongliguys, I have created new project repository,  how and who can add members to the core team of the project?02:09
tongliso that patch set can be reviewed +1, +2 etc.02:09
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EmilienMclarkb: neverming, I found it I guess02:09
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins/copy_puppet_logs script: use mkdir -p
EmilienMmaybe can I have a review on ^02:11
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notmynameclarkb: yes. you can do that02:30
notmynameclarkb: basically, you set it all up the same, but you have to send an additional header to get it to trigger. x-web-mode: true02:30
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notmynameclarkb: normally, it skips over the functionality if there's an auth header02:30
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EmilienMclarkb: if you can approve - thanks a lot02:43
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anteayaEmilienM: sorry I tried to look at the patch but I see ianw already self approved03:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: scripts/copy_puppet_logs: Create LOG_DIR
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: midonet: Add an experimental job for ML2 mech driver
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Ensure 'libffi-devel' is installed so that python-cffi can build
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix coverage report links on logs.o.o
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable pushMerge commits for askbot-theme repo
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Nakatolifeless: Re tox.  Nah, I think I've got everything in reviews for now.04:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Set and export DIB_RELEASE for centos7
openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Handle modern sfdisk and correctly align image partition
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openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set octavia gate for  neutron-lbaasv2 tempest test
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack-infra/puppet-infra-cookiecutter project
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Move local replication directory and repack to module
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openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel Trove plugin integration
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel NSXV plugin integration
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Move local replication directory and repack to module
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel Ironic plugin integration
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel NSXV plugin integration
openstackgerritMateusz Matuszkowiak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel Ironic plugin integration
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odyssey4memorning everyone - we have a rather odd situation where some of our reviews appear to be ignored by zuul entirely, we can rebase, change something, change the workflow, etc and it never shows up in the check queue and never merges08:52
odyssey4meI suspect that one of our rules are to blame as this is only happening to our doc changes. An example is
odyssey4meif anyone's around, perhaps I could get some help tracking the issue down?08:53
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odyssey4menvm, I think I found it08:57
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/askbot-theme: css changes for language nav and dropdown menu
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mescanefhi! regarding gerrit ACLS, to be able to delete a "remote" branch what would be required. i guess its about access "refs/heads/*"09:06
ekarlsoWhat's the appropriate way to alter tempest.conf if we need to in the gate ?09:06
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename -check to conform to new style
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename os-ansible-deployment -check to conform to new style
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openstackgerritMarian Horban proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fixed experimental job for Nova API services under Apache2
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename os-ansible-deployment gate checks to conform to new style
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tsufievhello guys! Could anyone advice me what's wrong here with grenade job/Tempest failure?10:02
tsufievseems totally unrelated to the patch contents to me10:02
tsufievor just recheck until it agrees that the patch is fine :)?10:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adds onlyIfSuccessful to ArtifactArchiver publisher
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for externaljob project-type for monitoring external jobs
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/askbot-theme: Merge changes from feature/development to master branch
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openstackgerritKamil Choroba proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add gerrit groups for monasca-log
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/askbot-theme: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/development' into merge-branch
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/askbot-theme: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/development' into merge-branch
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openstackgerritIvan Kolodyazhny proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to test Add Cinder API with Apache
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/askbot-theme: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/development'
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add gerrit groups for monasca-log
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pin puppet-cinder to avoid lock_path patch
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AJaegerfungi, once you've had your coffee, could you check why is beiing ignored? Other changes for that repo seem to run fine, but even a recheck did not help at all. See above for odyssey4me's request as well.12:25
EmilienMgood morning infra12:26
odyssey4methanks AJaeger it is weird that it (and any other document changes) are being ignored12:26
AJaegerodyssey4me: any docu changes? Let me check something...12:27
odyssey4meAJaeger do you think it may have something to do with the regex for the skip? or perhaps something to do with a change in the way skip is implemented?12:27
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AJaegerodyssey4me: see
AJaegersomething strange is happening here for sure...12:28
AJaegerAh, might be that this skips *all* your tests - and then there's not a job to run.12:28
odyssey4meAJaeger yeah, we have a regex for skipping the build checks when it's a document related review so that docs don't have to go through the lint or build checks12:29
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AJaegerodyssey4me: I think - but need clarkb, jeblair, or fungi to confirm - that this leads to a situation where the change has *no* job to run for it.12:29
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AJaegerThe fix might be to just add a noop test for it, so that you have a single test that zuul can give a +1 on.12:29
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AJaegerso, adding " - name: noop-jobs" to the templates - together with a comment why this is needed - is my best guess on fixing it.12:30
AJaegerbut I'd like to hear what others think that know zuul better than me.12:31
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odyssey4meAJaeger that makes sense - this used to work, but I think the underlying changes in -infra have closed a loophole which we were obviously using12:32
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odyssey4meAJaeger so you mean add ' - name: noop-jobs' to ?12:35
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AJaegerodyssey4me: yes - together with a comment stating that the other jobs are skipped...12:36
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odyssey4meok, let me put in a review for that - or should I add it to the existing review?12:36
AJaegerodyssey4me: might also be some kind of bug - that's why I want jeblair, clarkb, or fungi to look at this.12:36
odyssey4meok, I'll wait for them to come online before doing anything12:37
AJaegerodyssey4me: feel free to send the change so that we can review it already...12:37
odyssey4meAJaeger part of the same review ok?12:38
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tongli@AJaeger, good morning,12:39
tongliafter the new project created, what do I need to do to add +2 viewers?12:40
tongliwell +1 and +2 viewers actually.12:40
AJaegerodyssey4me: make a new one12:40
AJaegerodyssey4me: the rename is just cosmetics AFAIU12:41
StevenKAJaeger: Thanks for the review!12:41
AJaegertongli: You need to have one person added to the ACL group  and that person than can add further folks.12:41
AJaegerThose are the core reviewers12:41
AJaegerFor +1: No need to add anyone, reviewing is open for everybody12:41
AJaegerStevenK: You're welcome, I liked the presentation...12:42
tongli@Ajaeger, right, so who should I ask to add myself to the ACL group, I created the new project.12:42
AJaegertongli: ask here for an infra root - best wait another hour12:42
* AJaeger is not an infra root12:42
StevenKAJaeger: Makes me feel better about giving it now that someone who knows the material doesn't start with "So, um ..." :-)12:42
tonglior, this patch set does it?
AJaegertongli: or leave a comment with all details (project and your name/email) - some infra roots normally read the backscroll and will answer12:43
AJaegerStevenK: ;)12:43
tongli@AJaeger, cool. thanks. I thought I had to do that patch set.12:43
AJaegertongli: The ACLs are created empty once the project-config change is in12:44
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/askbot-theme: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/development' into merge-branch
tongli@AJaeger, excellent, you are very helpful as always, thanks so much.12:44
markus_zdprince: Are you around?12:45
AJaegerStevenK: The only "So, um..." was that the goal of translation was somehow missing - that's why I mentioned the "deliverables" like Manuals, dashboard, etc12:45
AJaegertongli: you're welcome12:45
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dprincemarkus_z: yes, whats up?12:47
markus_zdprince: Are you still somewhat familiar with the "reviewday" tool? I'd like to enhance it, so we could sort by type. That would be useful for Nova's bug review day next week.12:48
dprincemarkus_z: somewhat, most of the sorting is all javascript I think12:48
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markus_zI somehow fail to test this locally and I thought you could give me a hint.12:49
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix os-ansible-deployment doc merging
odyssey4meAJaeger ^ there you go :)12:49
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dprincemarkus_z: sounds like a useful feature so ++12:50
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dprincemarkus_z: if you pre-install the required dependencies in a venv you should be able to run review day like this:
AJaegerodyssey4me: thanks, will review later....12:51
dprincemarkus_z: I think we also have a puppet module to configure it for infra (puppet-reviewday)12:51
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tsufievhey, guys! have you heard about some problems with grenade job (for Horizon stable/kilo commits)?12:51
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markus_zdprince: I have the "out_report" folder. The "index.html" should then be able to show all items, right? Or do I have to set up a http server?12:52
markus_zdprince: I tried "python -m SimpleHTTPServer" but all tables were empty.12:53
dprincemarkus_z: when testing locally I usually edit the project list (in the python) to make report generation faster12:53
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dprincemarkus_z: but once it generates the HTML report you shouldn't need a server to view it12:53
dprincemarkus_z: file:// would work fine too12:53
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename os-ansible-deployment gate checks to conform to new style
markus_zdprince: OK, then I'm still doing something wrong, odd.12:54
markus_zdprince: OK, I just wanted to double-check if I'm missing something. I'll push a change in the next view hours, would be great if you could have a look at it.12:55
markus_z"view"="few" ...12:55
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dprincemarkus_z: cool, will try to have a look, thanks12:55
markus_zdprince: thanks!12:56
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witekcould you please add me (witek, to the new groups monasca-log-core and monasca-log-release?13:32
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: ironic-agent element to output a .kernel file
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: ironic-agent element to output a .kernel file
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mriedemquestion about reqs changes - g-r min version doesn't need to match what's in upper-constraints right?13:51
mriedemi.e. we need at least oslo.versionedobjects>=0.6.0, but the latest is 0.7.013:51
mriedemand that's what's been tested with i think13:51
mriedemwell, i guess upper-constraints has ovo==0.6.0 right now13:51
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Raise minimum required oslo.versionedobjects>=0.6.0
mriedemdims_: sdague: ^13:54
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mriedem"upper-constraints.txt is machine generated and nothing more or less than an exact list of versions."13:57
mriedemis that still true? seems it was originally machine generated but now it's changed by humans13:58
mriedempossibly cyborgs13:58
sdaguedims_: is there a pbr version bump in the works for requirements?13:58
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Raise minimum required oslo.versionedobjects>=0.6.0
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dims_sdague: lifeless was working that14:02
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dims_let me check14:02
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: added support for jdepend plugin
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AJaegermordred: are you fine with documenting shade for end-users? See
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pabelangerjeblair: clarkb: could really use your help / thoughts about getting a module sync process in place for openstack/puppet-* modules.  Here is what the team wants to do today:
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pabelangerhowever, -infra has expressed concerns already about automating this process.14:11
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fungiodyssey4me: AJaeger: it looks like your skip clause in layout.yaml skips all your check/gate jobs for changes to your documentation, which means they'll never be enqueued14:17
fungiodyssey4me: you need at least one job which will run. perhaps a docs job?14:18
AJaegerfungi: so, adding noops is the right fix as done in ?14:18
AJaegerfungi: yeah, adding a doc jobs that builds it would be better...14:18
AJaegergood morning, fungi!14:18
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fungiAJaeger: i think projects are only supposed to have noop as a check/gate job if they have no other jobs for those pipelines, otherwise they end up potentially influencing a shared queue for all projects with the noop job14:19
fungijeblair: ^ do you recall?14:19
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fungii know that was a concern back when the noop job was a real job, but not sure if it's still an issue now that it's only a pseudojob14:20
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jeblairyep, it's an issue14:20
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fungiso anyway, the short term fix is to drop some/all of the skip, better fix is to get a documentation check/gate job14:21
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jeblairfungi: ++14:22
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AJaegerthanks for the explanation... odyssey4me, are you still around?14:22
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odyssey4meAJaeger yes14:23
odyssey4mefungi AJaeger right, so is it possible to select a job based on some sort of regex criteria - ie instead of skipping, rather choose a docs job?14:24
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AJaegerodyssey4me: add a docs job (either to build the documentation or to run "doc8") and run it always14:25
tonglican anyone help adding me to the ACL of a new project I created?14:25
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Deprecate the deploy-ironic element
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StevenKAJaeger: Do you in fact have a screenshot or something of Horizon in another language? From what I can see, it's a config option, not something a user can just set LANG for :-/14:26
AJaegerStevenK: you can set it yourself14:26
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StevenKThat's unfortunate, HP Cloud only has 3 kinds of English14:27
AJaegerGot to http://DASHBOARD/settings/14:27
odyssey4meAJaeger ah ok, so to confirm - is it possible to set specific jobs to get skipped based on specific criteria?14:27
AJaegerodyssey4me: the same way you do already today14:29
AJaegerbut I would not optimize to much - like you already did ;)14:29
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AJaegerStevenK: right now I can only send you a SUSE branded screenshot, do you want to have it?14:32
StevenKAJaeger: Sounds perfectly fine14:32
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StevenKAJaeger: I'll attribute the source and so on14:33
AJaegerLet me send you what I have and you can decide - otherwise you know where to change it...14:33
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins/copy-puppet-logs: run the publisher all the time
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openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed openstack/requirements: Bump the minimum version of XStatic-JQuery.TableSorter
fungiStevenK: alternative is that you should be able to set it in a devstack, point your browser at it and take whatever screen captures you want14:34
tongliHi, guys, I have created a new project named openstack/kiloeyes which is a cloud monitoring project.14:35
EmilienManyone from infra-core can have a look at a small change for puppet jobs ? (it's about running copy logs publisher whatever job status)14:35
tonglinow I need someone to help me adding +2 users so that we can start accepting patch set.14:35
tonglican anyone help point me to the right direction what I have to do to add myself (since I created the project) to the +2 user group?14:35
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StevenKfungi: I don't have a running devstack, but I'm probably going to have to do so for at least server translations14:36
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix issues in migration 1ff737bef438
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StevenKAJaeger: Those screenshots look marvellous, thanks14:41
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openstackgerritMarkus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/reviewday: Make the review list sortable by review type
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markus_zdprince: ^14:45
mrmartinfungi: morning, this is the askbot-theme merge patch: please review if you have a few minutes14:45
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odyssey4meAJaeger so I see that os-ansible-deployment is in the section 'OpenStack infrastructure projects' which isn't right, I don't think - should it be in 'Other OpenStack Projects' perhaps, along with chef, puppet, etc?14:48
AJaegerodyssey4me: yeah, would be nicer...14:50
odyssey4meok AJaeger I'll do another cosmetic review to move the stuff around after adding the docs job14:50
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AJaegerEmilienM: +2a14:52
EmilienMAJaeger: thanks14:52
AJaegerodyssey4me: thanks14:52
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timrcI'm building an app that uses the upstream Gerrit event stream? Is there a formalized process for getting permission to do that or am I simply able to open the ssh connection and go?14:55
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timrcHm that first question mark should be a period... though sometimes I wonder :)14:55
timrcAssuming eventually I'd need a third-party account (for the ssh key) if this service launches, but until then...14:56
nibalizerpossible to use your personal key?14:58
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/askbot-theme: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/feature/development' into merge-branch
fungimrmartin: lgtm, approved14:59
timrcnibalizer, For now yeah, I'd use my personal key.  I just want to make sure it's okay for me to consume those events.15:00
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fungimrmartin: diff between that change and the feature branch was just the defaultbranch parameter in .gitreview, so perfect!15:00
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nibalizertimrc: ya it is15:02
mrmartinfungi: yeah, it was a bit strange for me this single file showed up there, but then I realized, that the parent refs describes the merge.15:02
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fungimrmartin: right, gerrit's webui does odd things with merge commits15:03
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fungithey start to look really strange when there are merge conflicts resolved in the commit15:04
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Ensure creation of jeepyb cache dir
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins/copy-puppet-logs: run the publisher all the time
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Log which repo zuul references are created on
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix issues in migration 1ff737bef438
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fungitongli: i've added you as the initial member of,members so you should now be able to add any other users you need to that group15:16
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tongli@fungi, thanks so much Jeremy for the blessing.15:17
fungitongli: you're welcome!15:17
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greghaynesclarkb: hrm
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greghaynesclarkb: thats for adding gearman to the nodepool devstack job15:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove icehouse building for training-guides
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
AJaegerfungi: thansk for approving the training-guides icehouse cleanup. Could you also close the branch, please? I send an email to the list already...15:31
fungiAJaeger: i already did. just mailed out the reply15:31
AJaegerfungi: Ah! Thanks!15:32
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
odyssey4meAJaeger ^ that's the addition of the docs check to os-ansible-deployment15:33
openstackgerritAustin Clark proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Update API docs to include alternative db layer initialization
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fungirax has finally deleted the 72 instances we had stuck pending deletion in iad, so now we're down to just four in dfw i'm trying to get them to clean up15:35
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AJaegerodyssey4me: see my comments...15:36
greghayneser, oops15:37
greghaynestheres an echo in here15:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run any tests on puppet-dashboard
AJaegergreghaynes: how do you trigger the echo? ;)15:38
greghaynesby restricting coffee intake15:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/askbot-theme: Standalone maintenance page for ask.o.o migration
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Define local gerrit replication and cronjob only once
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Supply a default query on search
fungipabelanger: can you reply to nibalizer and yolanda on 205696 when you have a moment? i assume we're safe to approve that one as well now?15:39
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Redisplay after spawning browser
openstackgerritMerged stackforge/gertty: Support '-' as negation operator in query
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* AJaeger wishes everybody a great weekend...15:40
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greghaynesTheJulia: Just hit on node I booted with bifrost15:42
mtreinishfungi, clarkb, jeblair: if you get a sec could you take a look at: the subunit2sql db is part way through a migration which blew up and that should unstick it15:42
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs check to os-ansible-deployment
TheJuliagreghaynes: ouch...15:44
greghaynesTheJulia: Ah, its because my ssh keys file has newlines in it beacause there are multiple keys15:44
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TheJuliagreghaynes: ahhhh15:44
greghaynesnot sure how we want to deal with that... is there a sane way?15:45
pabelangerfungi: commented. It should be save to land, we've removed all references to the puppet-apache15:45
greghaynesI wonder if we should be urlencode/decoding that data...15:45
jeblairmtreinish: +215:46
greghaynesTheJulia: yea, looks like we should. Ill whip up a patch15:47
TheJuliaHmm...  ok15:48
TheJuliagreghaynes: sorry, brain occupied on a call at the moment15:48
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greghaynesheh, np :)15:48
mtreinishjeblair: cool, thanks. I'll +A it and then push a release15:49
mtreinishthat should hopefully automagically fix things and finish applying the migration15:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix issues in migration 1ff737bef438
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Ensure anvil-job has newest six library upgraded
harlowja_at_homeianw, if u get a chance ^15:56
harlowja_at_homeseems needed, borks python-cryptograph rpmbuilding if not done :-/15:56
harlowja_at_home* see
openstackLaunchpad bug 1482696 in anvil "Gate 2.7 six is really way to old" [Undecided,New]15:57
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mrmartinfungi: may I ask you to check on the new ask.o.o site whether the /srv/askbot-site/themes is matching the latest HEAD of openstack-infra/askbot-theme master branch? the commit hash is: 23cce7d1c49d76a0fe47e790eafea699b5e0093216:09
mrmartinthe site skin is still broken, I didn't get why16:10
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jeblairmtreinish: /srv/askbot-sites/slot0/themes is at f9f4bfa085b8c4b9fbf6c71766f7042793de12b916:11
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jeblairmrmartin: ^16:11
jeblairmtreinish: sorry16:11
mrmartinjeblair: it is the old site16:12
fungimrmartin: it won't get automatic puppet updates until we do the switch. until then i have to pull manually16:12
fungidoing that now16:12
mrmartinfungi: oh ok, thnx.16:12
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mrmartinjeblair: we have a production ask.o.o site, and new one under construction, based on trusty16:12
jeblairwhat switch?16:12
fungijeblair: yeah, puppet agent is disabled on ask.o.o pending migration to the replacement16:12
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mtreinishjeblair: nothing to apologize for, I learned something new. Not sure what I'll do with that info though :)16:13
fungias of a couple days ago so that we could merge the updates without breaking the old production server16:13
jeblairfungi: ah, somehow i missed this was happening.16:13
mrmartinfungi: anyway if this skin update works, I suggest to do the switch on next Monday or Tuesday16:13
fungijeblair: yeah, new askbot version requires a lockstep upgrade to trusty16:14
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fungimrmartin: sounds good. i'll write up the announcement as soon as we're sure16:14
fungimrmartin: pulled the update now16:14
mrmartinok, it looks better now16:14
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mrmartinfungi: would you like a test backup / recovery before a final switch?16:15
mrmartinlike / like to do16:15
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fungimrmartin: can do, but won't be able to get to it for about an hour, then i'll give it a shot16:18
mrmartinok, we are not in hurry16:18
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mrmartinthe etherpad.o.o is a bit bugy, sometimes previously added content simply disappears...16:20
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Add puppet-modulesync-configs hook
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pc_mHi! can I get a second infra core to look at ? This adds to neutronclient, so that VPN devstack plugin can be enabled in the python-neutronclient (via
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greghaynesSpamapS: ok, hit when deploying to nodes, rebuilding an image without all my debug stuff in it, if it works going to redeploy the world again16:43
greghaynesSpamapS: You should also have keys on the nodes too since we can now do more than one key16:44
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Support ability to install plugins
mtreinishfungi: can I bug you again to see if subunit2sql-db-manage is running again on logstash.o.o?16:49
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fungimtreinish: root      1222  0.0  1.7 185168 35268 ?        S    16:19   0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/subunit2sql-db-manage --config-file /etc/subunit2sql.conf upgrade head16:51
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fungimorganfainberg_: this keystone commit has three authors and the two in those co-authored-by lines are seeking discount codes for the tokyo summit. i'm going to have them ask you to add them to but, um, it's entirely up to you as to whether you want to do that ;)16:51
mtreinishok, that's a good sign, it didn't crash immediately :)16:51
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mtreinishhopefully that means its doing its thing with bug fixed migration now16:52
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sdaguemtreinish: so what's up with the neutron multinode full being so freaking long to run - ?16:53
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sdaguethere are a lot of > 60 second tests in there16:53
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mtreinishsdague: hmm, dunno yeah it's been running for an ~ 1 hr so far16:54
mtreinishit looks like neutron api is being sluggish16:55
mtreinishlike list tests are taking seconds, I think that's pretty slow16:55
* mtreinish checks16:55
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sdagueok, so I feel like this can't be in the check queue non voting with it's current run time16:56
sdaguethis is basically adding 30 minutes turn around to all nova patches16:56
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mtreinishyeah, checking the db a lot of neutron tests are quite a bit slower then the avg. Are the multinode runs consistently this slow?16:57
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clarkbnova net is same time16:58
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clarkband I thought neutron was in same range too16:59
clarkbwe should look at sample >116:59
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move neutron-multinode-full to experimental for nova
mtreinishclarkb: yeah I agree, 1 run in isolation isn't really indicative of anything17:00
clarkbya its same range as single node ~1hour17:00
SpamapSmtreinish: in theory the shift to PyMySQL may have a severe impact on test run resource usage... more CPU use, less waiting in line doing nothing.. could cause "sluggishness" that wasn't present before.17:00
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SpamapSIIRC Neutron finally switched its default right?17:01
clarkbso not a multinode issue imo17:01
sdague and everything below it, it's about 10 minutes slower than average17:01
clarkbSpamapS we switched a while back and checked times on that too17:01
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clarkbit was equivalent17:01
sdagueyeh, mysql was never getting hit very hard17:02
sdagueit's all noise at these load levels17:02
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SpamapShm is it? What's holding the test back with such tiny datasets if not CPU?17:02
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sdaguewe boot real machines17:03
clarkbcpu in nova/qemu/nrutron17:03
clarkbnot mysql17:03
SpamapSThough IIRC, the nodes we have come with CPU to spare right?17:03
clarkbno cpu to spare17:03
sdagueSpamapS: you can look at the dstat17:03
SpamapSoh I thought we got too many CPU's because we needed moar RAM17:03
sdagueSpamapS: no, the opposite17:03
clarkbno too much ram because hpcloud cpus are almost useless17:04
SpamapSahh right that problem again :(17:04
clarkbsdague anyways single node is slow too so not multinodes fault17:04
sdagueclarkb: multinode adds another 15 minutes on it17:05
clarkbno it doesnt17:05
sdagueI feel like we need to diet these things before we just pile them on17:05
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move os-ansible-deployment to the right section
clarkbI am looking at jenkins reported times its 1hour to 1 hour 10 minutes for single and multinode17:05
greghaynesSpamapS: networking question for these baremetal nodes. should we be giving them 15.x addresses?17:05
clarkb1 hour 9 minutes17:06
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SpamapSah I see, idle only drops below 30% when the qemu is running17:06
SpamapSgreghaynes: yes17:06
sdagueok, well they both need to go on a diet then for the nova case17:06
greghaynesSpamapS: Do we have it documented how we want to partition that up?17:06
SpamapSgreghaynes: I believe we'll have to do the trick where we pop up vlan25, bridge it, put the 15.x on that bridge, and then attach neutron l2 to that bridge as well.17:07
clarkb 58 minutes17:07
greghaynesI think now is a good time to Do It Right(TM) from this bm host17:07
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clarkbits all in the same cloud variance17:07
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greghaynesSpamapS: gotcha17:07
sdagueok, well I'd like there not to be 2 that are in that variance, because it does make it worse17:08
greghaynesSpamapS: Yea, that makes sense, I can go over 10net and try and set that up17:08
sdagueand these jobs need to be slimmer and more targetted17:08
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SpamapSgreghaynes: so I think what we'll have to do is make the first /25 the cloud/controllers, and then all of the rest are for vms.17:08
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SpamapSgreghaynes: the fact that we may have to interrupt 15.x traffic makes me think we may want to try and bake the config into the image.17:09
greghaynesclarkb: hrm
greghaynesclarkb: (re nodepool patches passing)17:10
SpamapSgreghaynes: otherwise in bootstrapping it we'll break ansible or launch node or whatever.17:10
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greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, I do like the 10net over untagged, were going to stop using that?17:11
clarkbgreghaynes I can look into that17:11
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SpamapSgreghaynes: we can keep using it, but people may not like that you have to launch nodes from a box on that network.17:11
greghaynesSpamapS: What about doing the vlan info in config drive17:12
SpamapSgreghaynes: and this really is quite simple I think.. we can probably get a bridge + vlan25 setup in /etc/network/interfaces.17:12
greghaynesIs that a lot of work?17:12
SpamapSgreghaynes: yes that is a lot of work. :-/17:12
greghaynesaye, ok17:12
SpamapSthere was a lot of rage about even suggesting it's a good idea to have it available there.17:12
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greghaynesoh right, that17:12
clarkbsdague can we direct this at neutron. they are the only group that can actually fix. we can tweak jobs but thats just a bandaid if neutron adds 10-20 minutes per cycle17:12
greghaynesSpamapS: ok, so what about just using dhcp17:13
SpamapSgreghaynes: but we might want to write down our thoughts on it, because I have this crazy idea that one day we can use 802.1QinQ to do tenant isolation... and then having vlan info in config drive would be sweet.17:13
greghaynesSpamapS: we cant dhcp because we need vlan to get configed, ugh17:13
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Change many uses of repository to project
jeblairfungi: fyi ^17:14
SpamapSgreghaynes: we can dhcp if we reach in through 10net to do it.17:14
sdagueclarkb: sure, but I'd like to get things rolled back so we're not holding things up, and just make that part of adding these things back in. Because, if we leave them on, they'll never get improved.17:14
SpamapSgreghaynes: also we could write a 'dhcp-all-vlantags' ...17:14
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greghaynesSpamapS: Hrm, is your bake in e/n/i config that we bake in a vlan25 interface that dhcps?17:15
clarkbsdague my point is this is not a regression brought on by these jobs17:15
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sdagueclarkb: right, I get that17:15
SpamapSgreghaynes: yeah we could bake that in for sure.17:15
clarkbwe can roll them back or not but that doesnt change anything17:15
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clarkbbecause the existing single node tests are just as bad17:15
greghaynesSpamapS: I kind of like that idea...17:16
sdaguehowever, I think we need to set some boundaries on adding jobs in terms of their trade offs of time run vs. real coverage17:16
fungijeblair: general thumbs-up, but reviewing17:16
SpamapSgreghaynes: and when we do bake in vlans, we tag it with a comment to the spec for vlan info in config drive so we know where to put our rage.17:16
greghaynesSpamapS: haha, yes17:16
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clarkbsdague we get massive real coverage fron these fwiw17:16
clarkbparticularly for networking17:16
sdagueI disagree for nova changes17:17
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clarkbdid you knoe nova net dhcp is broekn?17:17
jeblairfungi: i'm writing a readme change to try to document my thinking and get a nexus on what we think these words mean in the manual :)17:17
SpamapSgreghaynes: interesting.. VoIP phones have commandered option 129 of DHCP to set VLAN17:17
greghaynesSpamapS: Yea, I saw some stuff when googling, seems like its also a common thing for windows17:17
SpamapS129 PXE - undefined (vendor specific) <-- RFC does not define it17:17
fungijeblair: awesome! that was going to be my first note on the change in fact... asking to have the manual clarify that we do have specific definitions for these terms and aren't just being lazily inconsistent17:18
sdagueclarkb: which is irrelevant to the multinode neutron job17:18
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clarkbsdague yes its a specific example17:19
SpamapSgreghaynes: because honestly.. having the untagged net say "hey whats my vlan?" and a server that knows and answers that... I kind of like it. But the spec seems loose.17:19
clarkbwe find real bugs in nova and neutron doig this17:19
clarkband there is no additional overhead in time17:19
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clarkbits not a regression of the tests themselves17:19
SpamapSgreghaynes: so yeah, build it in, and add our weight to the config drive spec.17:19
sdagueclarkb: ok, so you are telling me I have no voice in what runs on the Nova project17:19
SpamapSgreghaynes: let me see if I can work up a patch to the docs about this.17:20
greghaynesSpamapS: Yep, I dont want to spin on this too much, I mostly just want to get the network layed out somewhat saneish since changing that later will mean changing everything. We can iterate on how we specify that info later without a huge disruption though17:20
clarkbno I am trying to explqin pulling that job out doesnt fix neutron and doesnt make your jobs report faster17:20
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clarkbif you want to stop running the test thats fine I just dont see it as prodyctive17:20
sdagueit does, because it's the longest job, and it has a variance17:20
clarkbthe normal neutron job is the same...17:20
clarkbwhich we arent removing right?17:21
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sdaguesure, but if you have 1 thing with a variance bell curve of 1hr 10 minutes +/- 15 minutes17:21
sdaguethen your average return time is different17:21
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sdaguethen if you have 2 of them17:21
sdaguethat's how statistics works17:22
sdagueso it is a real impact17:22
clarkb(and this job only affects check not gate)17:22
clarkbso productive work imo would be taking this to neutron and getting them to fix17:22
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sdagueand that's fine, but I want this off the check queue first17:23
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sdaguebecause 0 people are looking at these failures if they happen anyway17:24
SpamapSgreghaynes: I think it would be appropriate to keep the TripleO CD spreadsheet up to date, but we will definitely want to add our IP allocation stuff to system-config somewhere.17:24
SpamapSgreghaynes: and make that the source of truth.17:24
sdaguetests that fail with no one debugging them, are completely pointless17:24
clarkbI am trying to look at them and file bugs17:24
greghaynesSpamapS: SGTM17:24
clarkbwhich is how we know nova net has broken dhcp17:24
sdaguewe have 1000 open bugs17:24
sdagueso unless they are also generating patches, they aren't really helping right now17:25
sdaguewhich isn't the place I want to be in, but it's where we are17:25
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add terminology notes to README
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SpamapSsdague: _OW_. Curious.. is nova graphing the bug counts anywhere at the moment? It sometimes helps people feel good about small bug fixes to change the picture visibly, even if only slightly.17:26
sdagueand, because of timing variance and delays in the check queue, we've used 20 - 40% of a bunch of nova cores this week to land dead simple refactoring changes17:26
sdagueso right now, anything that slows that down, means less time to address bugs17:27
jesusaurusi have a jjb question: can the jobs section of a job-group refer to another job-group? or can it only refer to either a job or job-template?17:27
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clarkbjesusaurus I think its not recursive expansion17:27
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clarkbthe template "engine" is very simple17:27
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jeblairSpamapS: sdague: we should throw that into graphite and make a grafana dashboard for it17:28
jesusaurusclarkb: hm, alright17:28
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sdaguejeblair: yep, that would be a thing. I'd be happy if someone did that work :)17:28
SpamapSsdague: so flat.. :(17:28
krotscheckOk, so, I have a trusty question about what an "LTS" release actually means. If I find a package that is no longer supported by the company that publishes it, can I file a ticket against, say, Trusty, and ask them to upgrade it?17:28
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SpamapSsdague: OH! thats 24hours?17:29
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jeblairSpamapS: yeah, that's why graphite would be useful.  actually change the time scale.  ;)17:29
SpamapSjeblair: the LP api is pretty strong there.. I assume thats what bugday is querying.17:29
sdagueSpamapS: so, there are so many ways things to address. And if every attempt at a 1% improvement is "oh, you should do this other thing instead" we mostly go in circles17:29
jeblairSpamapS: yeah, so we should cron it so we run that LP query every <timeperiod> and emit the values as guages to graphite.17:30
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SpamapSsdague: yeah, too many voices sometimes.17:30
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SpamapSjeblair: I like that idea. :)17:30
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SpamapSjeblair: are there already other places that run periodic injections into graphite that I could use as a crib sheet?17:31
* SpamapS says that while infra-cloud's infinite void is staring him in the face17:31
sdagueSpamapS: if you do it, a request is that it also gets run pivotted by tags17:31
krotscheckjeblair: I've reached out to npm, and they've come back with the --ignore-scripts commandline option that landed in v1.3.18. Trusty's version is 1.3.10 (which according to npm is no longer supported, so I should probably go fill out a LTS ticket somewhere). I can use npm to update itself, though I suspect switching to a not-default-to-distro version might make some people mad. Any ideas?17:31
sdaguebecause for a project like nova the whole bug list is too overwhelming, but by tag, it might be burn downable17:31
jeblairSpamapS: i don't think so; though i think the script that produces _those_ files is already a cron.  so basically, one could probably just add a few lines like "import statsd; statsd.guage(...)" to that...17:32
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SpamapSsdague: oh yeah that would be nice.17:33
jeblairkrotscheck: if we need to do that, we can consider having puppet perform an npm upgrade on the release slave.17:33
pelixzaro: if you get a chance would be good to have another set of eyeballs on my review comment for
jeblairSpamapS, sdague: that will work well with graphite too ('bug.count.nova.tag.FOO')17:34
krotscheckjeblair: Oh good, I was hoping we could do that. It'd be release-slave specific :).17:34
krotscheckLet me make sure that that does what we think it does.17:34
jeblairkrotscheck: yeah.  let's also make sure clarkb and fungi don't scream.  :)17:34
krotscheckjeblair: I'll keep them preoccupied with good beer :D17:34
SpamapSjeblair: k, I see the bugdaystats repo.. poking at it17:35
jeblairkrotscheck: essentially we want software on there to be security supported; so either the thing in ubuntu (where we generally assume that we'll get important updates via ubuntu, even if that means patching a non-upstream-supported version), or if we do something ourselves, we want to make sure that we're installing something from a channel that will get security updates.17:35
jeblairkrotscheck: "have puppet use npm to continuously upgrade itself to the latest version" probably qualifies.17:36
krotscheckjeblair: Given that the version on trusty is not supported anymore, is there a way for me to ask the ubuntu people to update it as part of their LTS promise?17:36
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jeblairkrotscheck: the LTS promise isn't "we will always have the latest version", it's more like "we will provide security patches to things in the main distro"17:37
jeblairkrotscheck: that may or may not involve a version change.17:37
fungikrotscheck: the distro "supports" the version they packaged. the promise of lts is that you _don't_ get new versions of things when you update, you only get security patches and critical bug fixes17:37
krotscheckjeblair: I guess saying "Hey javascript is insecure you should update it" doesn't count? ;)17:38
SpamapSkrotscheck: that does count 100%17:38
pabelangercrinkle: nibalizer: thoughts?17:38
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jeblairkrotscheck: however, npm is in 'universe' where there is less of a promise of security support.17:38
SpamapSkrotscheck: the default method for fixing that though, is patch only security problems.17:38
jeblairkrotscheck: SpamapS is far better equipped to elaborate.  :)17:38
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fungikrotscheck: if you're able to point to specific security vulnerabilities which were fixed in later versions, then in theory canonical/ubuntu would backport those fixes to the version they're providing17:38
SpamapSkrotscheck: there's a process, however, for bypassing that default mode when upstream is moving way too fast.17:38
fungier, yeah what SpamapS just said17:39
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pelixany other core reviewers for JJB about (besides zaro any myself?) have a bunch of reviews there that need a +2 & approved or some reason to block:,,,,,,
SpamapSErgo, Firefox, MySQL, etc.17:39
krotscheckSpamapS: Urm, that would be useful. The current version is 2.1.x17:39
SpamapSkrotscheck: despite the micro on there, it includes information on full release exceptions too17:39
marksturclarkb,  Thanks for the manila-coverage fix.  The coverage reports are now a thing of beauty.17:40
krotscheckSpamapS: Cool, will read and doublecheck.17:40
SpamapSkrotscheck: also, specifically, if an external service is changed in such a way as to make a package useless, then all bets are off and a new version is happily waved in under the Stable Release Updates process.17:40
clarkbmarkstur sorry for thr trouble :)17:40
SpamapSso if npm's servers don't answer the old insecure things, then npm will be updated17:40
SpamapSkrotscheck: that process is closer to this
SpamapSkrotscheck: is this just npm, or more things?17:41
SpamapSlooks like even Debian is failing to keep up17:41
SpamapSa year old the last upload is</yoda>17:42
SpamapSClint: ^^ opportunity!17:42
SpamapSoh my, looks like upstream is 3.2.017:42
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SpamapSkrotscheck: ftr this may end up like pip.. everybody from node will be like "uhhmm, no don't use distro npm" and everybody from distro will be like "never touch my drumset... and never use npm"17:44
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Update creation for stackforge namespace retirement
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ClintSpamapS: gosh17:50
fungiSpamapS: krotscheck: yeah, distro packages of non-distro package management tools (cpan, pear, et cetera) don't make a lot of sense. it would make more sense for the point of collaboration to be finding a mechanism for users of various distros to bootstrap and update to the latest versions of those tools, and in turn hopefully the authors of those tools don't run roughshod over your17:51
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fungidistro-package-managed files17:51
SpamapSgreghaynes: btw, this is actually approved for Liberty.. not sure if it's all of what we would need...
fungibut having distro packages of those non-distro package managers is sort of a silly situation17:52
SpamapSfungi: pretty much all of those tools use /usr/local or /opt/something ... I've never understood why distros package them really.17:52
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fungiSpamapS: well, pip at least is in an unfortunate situation. and the python community sort of didn't agree with debian's solution for having more than one place to add things to the library path17:53
fungion red hat i think it's still the case that pip install foo overwrites the files created by the rpm of foo in /usr/whatever17:53
fungii believe python has finally mostly come around that people want to be able to have distro packages install python modules in /usr/something and then separately be able to pip install or manually insert things into /usr/local/something17:54
SpamapSfungi: eh? I thought pip uses /usr/local17:54
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SpamapSfungi: though IIRC it will rm stuff from /usr/lib now that I'm thinking about it.17:55
fungiyeah, there's a pep i think that describes a mechanism for distros to be able to define alternate module paths. looking it up17:56
fungibut the behavior (at least until fairly recently) was less desirable on rpm-based platforms17:57
clarkbSpamapS: thats a debianism17:57
clarkbSpamapS: on rhel that doesn't happen and it breaks python there17:57
SpamapSah lovely17:58
SpamapSwhat a mess17:58
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running neutron multinode against nova
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harlowjamorganfainberg_ yet another fun one ;)18:00
harlowjaSpamapS u to, since u'll love it, ha18:01
Clintfungi: they totally make sense if what you want is the same level of integration and vetting for all the software you install18:01
fungiClint: i don't see how. if you install a distro-packaged non-distro package manager, what uses does it have except to install non-distro packages? in which case why have a distro package of that package manager?18:02
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fungithe non-distro packages cease to have the same level of integration and vetting as the distro packages18:03
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Clintfungi: to cater for people who want to install things without caring about the things i care about, and also they tend to do many other things besides install software18:04
fungii suppose for the "using them to do something other than install software" use case it makes sense18:04
krotscheckfungi: Well, in the case of npm, it can update itself, so no matter what version you start with you can get to the latest version supported on the installed version of node.18:05
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krotscheckfungi: (Re bootstrapping earlier)18:05
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Clintfungi: for example i do all kinds of things with cabal but i only install haskell libraries from .debs18:05
fungikrotscheck: i'm curious how it does that without getting reverted/mangled by the distro package manager18:05
SpamapSgreghaynes: makes me think of
krotscheckfungi: Great question.18:05
krotscheckLemme see.18:05
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fungikrotscheck: apt-get install npm and you get 1.0 (fictitious example), npm upgrade npm and it updates itself to 2.0. then your distro backports a security fix and your security updates install npm 1.0.backport118:07
krotscheckfungi: The upgraded version ends up in /usr/local/bin18:07
krotscheckThe package version is in /usr/bin18:07
fungiahh, so as long as you have /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin in your path, you'll use the self-updated version18:07
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clarkbgreghaynes: you ok with me pushing a new patchset to your geard chnage?18:08
krotscheckfungi: Yep18:08
clarkbgreghaynes: I think I see the issue18:08
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krotscheckfungi: It's a bit weird though. If i upgrade npm, and then do npm --version, it still shows the old version. But if I spawn a new shell, it finds the new one.18:08
fungikrotscheck: yeah, that's your shell caching the path search18:09
krotscheckfungi: Will that be a problem via puppet?18:09
krotscheckProbably not18:09
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krotscheckWell, it looks like it will only upgrade to 2.13.4, because that's the last version supported by node 0.10.318:10
krotscheckBut that's recent enough18:10
yushirosdague, ping18:11
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fungikrotscheck: though one puppet challenge... if the deb and npm package names for npm are the same, you can't ask both the default package provider and npm package provider to install it18:11
krotscheckfungi: Oh.18:11
krotscheckYeah that's a problem.18:12
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Run gearman server for devstack plugin
fungibecause puppet thinks that a package name is globally unique across all package providers18:12
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ I decided you didn't care :P18:12
krotscheckfungi: I guess i'll have to bash it.18:12
fungikrotscheck: also the npm package provider will hopefully know to look in /usr/local/bin before /usr/bin for its executable. may have to examine some ruby to determine whether it does that18:13
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fungikrotscheck: doesn't seem to have any path munging, so might rely on the system default path in the calling environment. not sure18:14
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mtreinishSpamapS, clarkb: \o/ the updated migration worked! Thanks for the help yesterday18:15
krotscheckfungi: I'll throw together a sample module and test it this afternoon.18:15
SpamapSmtreinish: ossum18:15
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clarkbgreghaynes: what was the reason for not using default geard port (4730)?18:17
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add infra-cloud information about vlans
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krotscheckfungi: After all, we like publishign things without executing arbitrary code :)18:19
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davideag_hello, this patch needs one more core reviewer:
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add infra-cloud information about vlans
SpamapSgreghaynes: ^ totally different.. we actually _can_ use the configdrive format18:28
SpamapSgreghaynes: it's approved and everything ;)18:28
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SpamapSjust not the "how does nova get this in"18:28
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add new graph type to show run_time variace by metadata
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ that might be useful for the discussion we were having earlier about variance18:29
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add infra-cloud information about vlans
mtreinishI'm not quite sure though, because it's still trying to generate the graph after 25 min with 1 CPU pegged and eating 7 GB of ram18:29
mtreinishI'll probably have to change the graph type or trim the data set a bit, because it's kinda funny how long it's taking18:30
clarkbmtreinish: maybe limit to the last day?18:32
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mtreinishclarkb: oh, yeah that's a good idea. I actually already have the cli flags for that, but I just need to pass them to the db call18:33
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greghaynesclarkb: oh, awesome18:34
greghaynesSpamapS: oh!18:34
greghaynesSpamapS: ok, so just gotta make glean support it18:34
greghayneswell, glean and bifrost18:34
* greghaynes will do the glean bit18:34
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yushiroHi openstack-infra team :)  My patch needs one core reviewer:  Would you please review it?18:39
greghaynesclarkb: no reason for me not using default port, I was on a plane without internet so couldnt look it up18:39
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EmilienMI have a stupid question: how often are updated dvsm images ? I updated a jenkins slave script and it's still the old one executed in my jobs18:51
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Bug fix for obj_to_dict()
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ShrewsSpamapS: mordred: clarkb: ^^^^   easy review for a bad bug18:55
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openstackgerritBrandon Leonard proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adds view functionality
fungiEmilienM: usually daily. how recently did the change merge>?18:59
EmilienMfungi: last night iirc18:59
EmilienMfungi: so it makes sense18:59
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fungiEmilienM: we start image updates at 14:14 utc daily, though they take some hours to complete19:00
EmilienMok cool, I need to wait then19:00
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fungichances are if you run now (and if the image updates didn't break) then you should be getting the new version19:00
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EmilienMfungi: that means if I submit an urgent fix on jenkins slave scripts, I need to wait such of time?19:00
EmilienMfungi: why not checkouting the repo? (just wonder)19:01
fungiEmilienM: or else one of our root admins has to manually update all the images19:01
fungiEmilienM: it's an optimization so that every job doesn't also have to clone the project-config repo to be able to run19:01
EmilienMfungi: yeah, I understand well it's optim19:02
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add new graph type to show run_time variace by metadata
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mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ so it turns out that plot type is not useful at all for this. I'll need to find something else19:11
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krotscheckCan we use puppet schedules?19:14
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krotscheckWhooops, wrong channel19:15
mtreinishclarkb: super useless19:15
mtreinishthats with 1 day, I guess it wasn't what I really thought it was19:16
clarkbmtreinish: you probably want to sort by time then graph best fit over that19:16
clarkbmtreinish: show how severe the variance is?19:16
clarkbbasically visualize the derivative of absolute srather than over time19:16
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jeblairmtreinish: i feel like the axes could be more legible19:17
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jeblairi hate to nitpick though19:17
jeblairso i mean, i'm down with your artistic vision19:17
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add flavor functional tests
mtreinishjeblair: haha, yeah that would have been the next step if the data it what it was showing was actually useful19:17
mtreinishclarkb: yeah, that's basically what I do for per test run time it works well for that19:18
mtreinishbut I was trying something different19:18
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
zarojeblair: ^ just created a new PS on same change.  The previous PS didn't actually require much updates.19:22
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jeblairzaro: awesome!19:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bugdaystats: Prettified all HTML files
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fungizaro: great--thanks!19:28
mtreinishclarkb: box and whiskers for attempt 2:
mtreinishI just need to figure out how to get it not cut off the job name at the bottom19:29
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mtreinishwow, we have a lot of dsvm tempest job types: (that's without filtering to the past 24 hours)19:36
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mtreinishjeblair: I really do suck at making the axes legible19:37
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Move local replication directory and repack to module
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add new graph type to show run_time variace by metadata
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mriedemthis is blocked some CI systems
mriedemfor some reason anyway, not totally sure why19:46
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fungimriedem: some of them try to reuse devstack environments19:49
mriedemoh that's fun19:49
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fungiand won't upgrade dependencies unless the packages depending on them declare the previously installed version incompatible19:50
mriedemok, well at least in this case they all found a valid bug19:50
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Swansongrenade having issues on kilo?  Getting a the main setup script failed error...19:52
mriedemSwanson: yeah19:52
mriedemERROR: InvocationError: '/opt/stack/new/tempest/.tox/venv/bin/verify-tempest-config -uro19:52
mriedemmtreinish: did you release a thing?19:52
openstackLaunchpad bug 1482758 in tempest "verify-tempest-config fails on kilo" [Undecided,New]19:55
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mriedemSwanson: oh i bet there was an oslo release which changed tempest configs on stable or something19:57
dimsum__mriedem: not since monday afternoon19:58
mriedemyeah, and tempest doesn't have a kilo branch and no longer checks tempest.conf.sample19:58
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mriedemhere we go
mtreinishmriedem: I released subunit2sql yesterday and today, and os-testr today19:59
mtreinishmriedem: on new:
mtreinishthere's your issue20:00
fungijenkins04 is getting pretty bad. i'm putting it into prepare for shutdown and cleaning it up20:00
mriedemmtreinish: that's separatei think20:00
mtreinishmriedem: no, tempest gets a connection refused trying to talk to swift20:01
mriedemmtreinish: that was on yesterday20:01
mtreinishswift never comes up on new20:01
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SwansonThat looks unhappy20:02
mriedemok, and neutronclient did a release on stable this week20:02
mtreinishalthough I'm a bit confused because that verify script should only be running on old20:02
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mysql_backup: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
mriedemthis is what broke things
mriedemthat's in neutronclient 2.3.1220:05
mriedemreleased on 8/4, logstash shows this start failing after that20:05
mtreinishmestery: ^^^20:05
mriedemdhellmann: ^20:05
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clarkbmtreinish: on the box and whiskers graph what is the y axis? seconds?20:06
mtreinishclarkb: yeah it's sec20:06
clarkbmtreinish: any chance we can get the job names to show up?20:07
mtreinishbut it's a bit misleading because its the sum of all the test run times from the subunit stream for a run20:07
clarkbmtreinish: thats probably decent as devstack time is pretty constant20:07
mtreinishclarkb: on the filtered one, yeah there should be I just need to learn the matplotlib foo the extend it20:07
clarkb(not that we can't make devstack go faster too, just a differnet problem)20:08
clarkblooks like the dvr job is the worst20:08
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clarkbwith regular neutron not far behind20:08
clarkband ceph does well compared to non ceph20:09
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fungimrmartin: i've completed a dry-run of the import on the new ask server and made some corrections to
mrmartinfungi: great, we have some content now20:13
mtreinishclarkb: ceph might run less tests, I'd have to check the config20:13
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mtreinishbut I remember there were driver bugs20:13
fungimrmartin: it's basically cut-n-paste ready now. i'm confident we can keep the outage to roughly an hour unless something goes terribly wrong20:13
mtreinishthat has the legend fixed20:14
mrmartinfungi: the logo seems to be missing, do we have the recovered upfiles directory on his place?20:14
mtreinishbut it kinda makes the plot look tiny20:14
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for juno side of grenade failing bug 1482758
openstackbug 1482758 in tempest "verify-tempest-config fails on kilo (python-neutronclient 2.3.12 caps for juno)" [High,Confirmed]
fungimrmartin: yes, i extracted the old server's upfiles into /srv/askbot-site/upfiles20:15
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fungimrmartin: what's the specific file it's not displaying?20:15
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fungimrmartin: does jetty need a restart too after that, or just askbot-celeryd and apache2?20:15
mrmartinI don't think it is related, jetty is handling the solr server only20:16
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mrmartinwe have this line in html: <img src="None" alt="Ask OpenStack logo">20:16
mrmartinso it is not too informative20:17
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add new graph type to show run_time variace by metadata
fungimrmartin: i see /srv/askbot-site/upfiles/open-stack-cloud-computing-logo-2.png present on the server20:19
mtreinishclarkb: but yeah that clearly shows that neutron is slower in general (or at least since midnight)20:19
mrmartinfungi: do we have proper www access permissions on upfiles directory? It seems to be that have a typo in media root20:19
mrmartinI'm doing the patch.20:20
fungimrmartin: yeah, users in the www-data group can read and write the files in that directory20:21
fungias can the www-data user20:21
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Fix askbot upfiles directory typo
mrmartinfungi ^^^ the fix is there20:22
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fungimrmartin: yep, that typo was also in part of the plan in the etherpad (since fixed)20:23
fungii wonder why it didn't show up on the staging server20:23
mrmartinbecause I not restored the upfiles.20:25
mrmartinit was missing from initial backup, then the task is lost in the matrix somewhere ;)20:25
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Require ssh_key, username, password and url
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add flavor functional tests
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add Gemfile and puppet 4 checks
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Gate on puppet-lint-version_comparison-check
fungiokay, jenkins04 is cleaned up and back online now20:43
krotscheckfungi: Does this seem sane?
fungikrotscheck: oh, neat. i didn't know about schedule resources20:45
krotscheckfungi: Yeah, I figured that running an NPM cache update every 15 minutes might not be a good idea.20:45
fungikrotscheck: does it seem to be working in your testbed?20:46
krotscheckI also don't know if that's a thing that's in our puppet version, but it ran fine on trusty20:46
krotscheckfungi: Yes... insofar as it doesn't run every time, but the schedule's a little ahrd to test.20:46
* krotscheck could wake up at midnight and doublecheck :D20:47
fungikrotscheck: well, more to the point you got latest npm that way and it didn't throw any errors?20:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for juno side of grenade failing bug 1482758
krotscheckfungi: I got "Most recent NPM that run s on the installed version of node", which is recent enough.20:47
openstackbug 1482758 in python-neutronclient "grenade: swift-proxy-server fails to start in juno due to python-neutronclient 2.3.12 caps" [Critical,Confirmed]
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krotscheckSo yes.20:47
krotscheckIt ran20:47
fungikrotscheck: wfm then20:48
* krotscheck goes and updates the release slave.20:48
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Keep npm up-to-date.
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akraminsky_clarkb, I verified that the gate64 model is being added to the cpu_map.xml file with the features being identical on both the host node and subnode, but don't seem to understand why it's still giving me this error "Host CPU does not provide required features: ssse3, vme"20:55
akraminsky_both features seem to be included in the gate64 model20:56
clarkbakraminsky_: you have to tell nova to use that model20:57
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akraminsky_clarkb, oh can you give me some hints on how to do that? :)20:59
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clarkbgreghaynes: btw the nodepool patch to run geard passes now21:07
greghaynesclarkb: \O/21:07
clarkbgreghaynes: do you need to rebase your change on it?21:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-askbot: Fix askbot upfiles directory typo
mriedemSwanson: well i've figured out the problem for stable/kilo21:09
mriedemand it's awesome21:09
mriedemneutronclient 2.3.12 has caps for juno21:09
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mriedemg-r for kilo allows neutronclient 2.3.1221:09
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Keep npm up-to-date.
mriedembut kilo has it's own caps21:10
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krotscheckLeeeeets try that one.21:11
openstackgerritSteve Leon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding python3 check gate as no voting for cue
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fungimrmartin: that typo fix is applied on the replacement ask server now21:14
mrmartinI see no difference, can you do an apache restart?21:15
fungimrmartin: done. any better?21:15
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mrmartinok, it is perfect now21:15
fungiseems like we're probably all set to schedule the migration unless you spot anything else odd21:16
mrmartinI guess I need to add a notification to restart apache on change.21:16
fungigood idea21:16
mrmartinbut it is a minor thing, seems good to me. anyway, let's ask reed to do a final review21:17
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mrmartinand if it seems ok, we can go on with final migration on Monday or Tuesday21:17
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stevemardhellmann: ping21:19
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palendaeHi, can anyone point me to some documentation or an example of a 'simple job' definition in the project-config directory?21:27
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Setup a private gerrit instance for security reviews
odyssey4mepalendae you took the words out of my mouth :p21:31
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EmilienMfungi: can you open ? I see some Gerrit weird things happening21:32
odyssey4mefungi clarkb we're working on and Andreas has put the option there of using a 'simple job' instead of a macro... we simply want to run a script in the repo but I can't find a non-macro example to work from here - thoughts?21:32
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Swansonmriedem: So, not a quick one?21:36
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clarkb is about as simple as it gets21:46
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EmilienMclarkb: can you open ?21:46
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EmilienMclarkb: damn21:49
EmilienMclarkb: "The page you requested was not found, or you do not have permission to view this page."21:50
EmilienMclarkb: I restarted by browser, etc21:50
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clarkbit defaults to ps3 open not ps4 so it maybe unhappy somehow21:50
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EmilienMclarkb: what is ps3/ps4 ?21:52
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Keep npm up-to-date.
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sdake_clarkb do you know whenthe next scheduled move process is?22:06
krotscheckEmilienM: They're gaming consoles published by sony #notbeinghelpful22:06
sdake_or anyone else for that matter22:06
clarkbsdake_ we dont have one scheduled22:06
clarkbpatchset 3 and 422:06
sdake_will it be before liberty 3?22:06
sdake_we have a bunch of people for kolla that will become atcs as a esult and would like a gratis summit pass22:07
clarkbsdake we havent scheduled one so who knoes22:07
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sdake_i just want to make sure they dont get left out on the atc passes22:07
sdake_perhaps there is a different way to solve that ;)22:07
clarkbits based on governance repo too not gerrit org iurc22:07
clarkbso moce has nothibg to do with it22:07
sdake_oh didn't know that22:07
clarkbbut fungi can confir.22:07
sdake_all good then22:07
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clarkbhave fungi confirm but I am pretty sure its set up that way22:08
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sdake_clarkb thanks22:12
sdake_fungi can you confirm if your around?22:12
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krotscheckIs there a naming convention for jobs explicitly meant for different queues? i.e. a job that happens on release tag, a job that happens to push a release tag to a package site....22:22
krotscheckI know there's "gate-{name}22:22
krotscheckAnd check-{name}22:22
krotscheckis there release-{name}? grep failed to find it.22:23
jesusauruskrotscheck: I've seen post- jobs but can't think of any release- jobs22:23
krotscheckjesusaurus: So, post would be post merge, but not necessarily rlease?22:24
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sridhar_ramFolks - how to enable a project to list in ?22:25
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jesusauruskrotscheck: yeah, a cursory glance through zuul's layout.yaml makes it look like most of the release jobs don't have a prefix22:37
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fungisdake_: clarkb: yes, it has everything to do with repos being listed (correctly, not predictively) in the governance repo22:46
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fungiso if it's called stackforge/foo and your tc-recognized project team has stackforge/foo listed in the governance repo in a deliverable it will count. if it's stackforge/foo in gerrit and the governance repo has it listed as openstack/foo because you're expecting it to eventually be correct after the repo is renamed, that won't help22:48
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jeblairkrotscheck: generally no prefix there.  we have 'foo-tarball' and 'foo-pypi-upload' for instance.22:51
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sdake_fungi thanks so in kolla's case we have openstack/kolla for atcs, should I submit a governance repo change to change it to stackforge until the rename happens?22:54
sdake_fungi our repo is still in stackforge because no rename has been done22:54
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sdake_fungi do you have any idea when the l3 atc passes will be sent out?22:55
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sdake_perhaps clarkb would be up for a rename prior to this deadline change :)22:55
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sdake_rather this deadline22:56
sdake_rather this deadline22:56
sdake_sorry for double post22:56
sdake_client error22:56
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sdake_fungi followup question, does the governance repo require any special tag to obtain the atc passes, or are all projects in the governance repo eligible?23:00
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krotscheckalright, I'll go with that then.23:04
sdake_fungi i'm going to hit the mailing list with your quote - hope your ameiable to that, i think this affects alot of projects besides kolla23:04
sdake_fungi if you prefer a different approach let me know before i shoot off the email23:04
sdake_and submit a governance repo change for the repo name23:06
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add section on retiring a project
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add section on retiring a project
fungisdake: sorry, in and out. it's evening here and i'm moving my stuff between homes in my spare time... i'm sending at least a couple more batches of codes out before the rates go up on september 1. there should be a set going out early next week23:39
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sdakefungi cool i fired off an email23:39
sdakefungi so others are aware of this problem23:39
fungisdake: and yes, i can manually error-correct the discrepancy between the governance repo and our infrastructure. i'll try to remember23:40
sdakewell i just asked the tc to change our repo temporarily23:40
sdakebut ya manual correction would rock ;)23:40
sdakethere are only a few projects thatneed rename atm23:40
sdakebut there may be many without correct repos ;-)23:40
fungisdake: since our repo names are (in theory at least) globally unique across all namespaces, i'll see about tweaking the script to just ignore namespaces23:41
sdakecool - i tagged my mail [tc][ptl] iirc23:41
sdakeif thats the solution, that would be easiest for everyone23:41
sdakethen i dont have to revert this change and  the tc doesn't have to approve a change and a revert23:41
sdakeyou can leave a comment in if you like23:42
fungii'll see if i can hack on it a bit from bed this evening23:42
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sdakefungi one problem i'd like to point out with the hacking the script thing is OSAD actually didn't just change their top level project, but also their repository names23:44
sdakeso that will require manual intervention if their to get a fair shake23:44
* fungi has no idea what/who an osad is23:44
sdakein stackforge is something like os-ansible-deploy23:44
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sdakeso they renamed from stackforge/os-ansible-deploy to openstack/AnsibleDeploy23:45
fungioh, yeah i'm not sure i can automatically detect things like that23:45
sdake(dont quot eme on the exact things, its in the governance repo exactly)23:45
sdakeya no way to detect that automatically23:45
sdakeone thing that may help if you do a manual process is to look at the rename list23:45
sdakejust trying to help not make your life harder ;)23:46
sdakejust want fairness for every atc :)23:46
fungii mean, i'm using the same script we also use to determine who gets to vote in technical elections, so it's in everyone's best interests to have what's in governance match what's in our infrastructure23:46
clarkband the same script for at least several summits23:46
clarkband its in openstack-infra/system-config/tools ya? so anyon ecan fix23:47
sdakefungi roger that, its not justabout atc passes then23:47
clarkb(and tecnically we don't give atc passes)23:48
sdakethe big tent is sort of new though so this may not be widely understood by the community23:48
fungisdake: cool, i know it's hard to sync up when infra's available to do project renames and when the tc approves bookkeeping administrivia so they won't always be precisely in lock-step. hopefully getting rid of the stackforge namespace will help a lot of this23:48
clarkb(we give some subset of atc passes that have contributed in the last cycle not the last two)23:48
sdakeclarkb could you expand?23:48
clarkbsdake: atc is not suffiicent23:48
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Move some content to HOWTOs
fungisdake: the criteria for discount passes is not exactly the criteria for voting in technical elections23:49
sdakefungi oh right you mean the 6 month vs 12 month window23:49
jeblairfungi: ^ small infra-manual reorg we've both mumbled about in the past :)23:49
fungisdake: which contributors get complimentary discount registration codes is decided by the event organizers, whreas who gets to vote in technical elections ("atc") is defined in our bylaws23:50
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sdakefungi oh I wasn't aware of that, I thought it was all committers23:50
fungisdake: at the moment yeah it's anyone who is an atc with a commit merged since kilo release day (april 30) but the criteria could change over time depending on a variety of factors23:51
sdakeright it not set in stone got it :)23:51
sdakei recall it used to be 1 year as well and has changed to just the last cycle23:51
fungii mean, the bylaws aren't set in stone either, but it takes rather a lot more effort to change them, whereas who gets discount codes is fairly malleable23:52
sdakebut if anyone that contributes to nova gets a pass because their namespace is stable, whereas in kolla they dont because our namespace is in flux, not toally fair :)23:53
fungiand yeah, it's still looking like ~2000 complimentary discount codes going out to contributors for tokyo. we keep growing openstack rather rapidly23:53
* SamYaple already got his23:53
clarkbsdake: I think we hvae established namespace shouldn't be an issue for this as fungi can drop that part of the comparison23:53
sdakefungi cool its nobodies fault - its just how hte system works23:54
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clarkbsdake: that leaves us just with things that are actually renaming which I am a bit more meh on (so many renames why cant we just pick names that work)23:54
sdakei'm just trying to look out for the kolla committers who under the current system should get a complimentary pass23:54
fungiright. projects like os-ansible-deployment will be a little more touchy to work around but i'll try to keep an eye on things with renames proposed23:54
clarkbput another way tracking renames like that is much harder and while it may no tbe fair its also impossible to assert it will be done perfectly23:55
sdakeclarkb agree its imposibble to make perfect23:56
clarkb(because we do so many renames keeping track is too hard)23:56
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* fungi would like to do a lot fewer renames23:56
sdakei think the stackforge depreation will make that easier23:56
fungime too23:56
sdakeI don't speculate there are many project renames in general except for big tent23:56
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sdakeI could be wron tho, I have no data :)23:57
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fungiat least as of when my local copy of the project list updated this morning, it was 337 stackforge.* repos vs 414 openstack.* repos23:59
fungi751 repos total in our gerrit23:59
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