Wednesday, 2015-08-26

clarkbjerryz: its technically possible I just haen't bothered because we don't have those jobs voting or passing regularly00:00
clarkbjerryz: hopefully with liberity we start doing that00:00
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fungii would expect that any jobs we have voting in master by liberty rc1 will be voting on stable/liberty00:02
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SpamapSfungi: To do that, we have to build the vlan id into the image.00:03
SpamapSfungi: which is fine.00:03
SpamapSfungi: we're basically doing what you just described. :)00:03
* SpamapS disappears00:04
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Run growroot after all filesystems are mounted
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ that should fix the growroot issues00:04
clarkbSpamapS: ^ if you undisappear00:04
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fungiSpamapS: oh, i probably missed some context on why you were trying to figure out how to pxe boot bare metal from a 802.1q tagged vlan00:07
greghaynesits very convoluted ;)00:08
fungii don't doubt that00:08
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jeblairi restarted etherpad due to runaway abiword again00:09
fungido we not have access to configure the switches or something?00:09
greghayneswere trying to boot an image that boots an image, the last image needs to be on a tagged vlan, the intermediate doesnt necessarially need to be on a vlan00:09
fungithanks jeblair00:09
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greghaynesyea, no direct control - we asked about removing the tagged vlan but no dice00:09
anteayajeblair: so people are downloading to abiword and that takes out etherpad? it that what is happening?00:10
fungigreghaynes: oh, one of those cloud-within-a-cloud things where you want the undercloud and overcloud sharing the same switch interfaces but pxe for them on different broadcast domains?00:10
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EmilienMclarkb: I'm still not checkouting the right commit I think - see
greghaynesthis is what you get when tripleo devs are involved :)00:11
EmilienMclarkb: I should checkout
fungianteaya: people are using etherpad's content export feature, which spawns abiword, and sometimes it hangs00:12
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fungibasically it uses abiword (normally a graphical document editor/viewer) to convert pad content to a downloadable format00:12
fungiand then hands that off to the browser00:13
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EmilienMcrinkle: do you think I'm using zuul cloner the right way ?,cm00:14
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anteayafungi: so an internal version of abiword?00:14
EmilienMI don't know if I should specify more parameters to get zuul_ref00:14
anteayait can't assume every use has abiword installed00:14
pleia2yeah, on the server00:15
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clarkbEmilienM: can you show me where you are zuul cloning tempest?00:15
EmilienM2015-08-26 00:07:12.093 | INFO:zuul.Cloner:Prepared openstack/tempest repo with commit 9ef703e165402cde5d04af892bea0ed2aaed324500:16
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clarkbEmilienM: and that change depends on 216796?00:16
EmilienMclarkb: yes00:16
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EmilienMbut it does not look to checkout the right commit00:16
clarkbEmilienM: can yo ushow me the commit?00:17
clarkbshow me that chnage00:17
EmilienMthis is the tempest change ^00:17
clarkbno thats the tempest change. show me where you depend on it00:17
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clarkbEmilienM: and where is fixing the zuul-cloner for tempest thing?00:18
EmilienMclarkb: in
EmilienMas a git dependency00:18
anteayawell I would say how strange but then remind myself this is etherpad00:19
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anteayaI should stop being surprised00:19
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pleia2anteaya: well, there are only so many open source word processing options (I believe google docs used openoffice rendering in the back end at one point)00:20
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anteayahow interesting00:20
clarkbEmilienM: I don't see the lines you psated in the logs for 21641800:20
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EmilienMclarkb: in
clarkbEmilienM: oh! you are running it in run_tests not where the other clones are00:21
EmilienMINFO:zuul.Cloner:Prepared openstack/tempest repo with commit 9ef703e165402cde5d04af892bea0ed2aaed324500:21
clarkbif I had to guess its sudo sanitzing your env removing the zuul env vars00:21
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EmilienMwhere you see sudo?00:22
EmilienMI don't use sudo to zuul clone00:22
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EmilienMI know I use jenkins because I had to chown before, it failed00:22
clarkbEmilienM: its sudo to run_tests.sh00:22
EmilienMI'm using sudo later and before00:23
clarkbEmilienM: likely00:23
EmilienMbut not for zuul cloning00:23
clarkbEmilienM: yes I know, the calling context probably is though00:23
openstackgerritAssaf Muller proposed openstack/os-testr: Add whitelist file support
EmilienMand my jenkins job is running ./run_tests.sh00:23
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EmilienMclarkb: ^00:23
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EmilienMnibalizer: sorry I use github again.. err00:24
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clarkbEmilienM: I do not know then00:26
clarkbEmilienM: its late in my day so not going to be able to debug further today00:26
EmilienMclarkb: no problem, you already helped a lot, thx for that00:26
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add #openstack-gslb to eavesdrop bot
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crinkleclarkb: EmilienM in our other tests we're passing in --zuul-ref etc, e.g. could that be it?00:27
EmilienMcrinkle: I thought about i !00:28
clarkbcrinkle: ya you can be explicit but I thought it would take it from the env00:28
clarkbwhich should be there for zuul run jobs00:28
EmilienMbut the --zuul-ref is for the job repo which is running iiuc00:28
EmilienMso it would be the zuul-ref of puppet-openstack-integration00:28
EmilienMbut I'm not sure, I'm prob wrong00:28
Kennanhi does any new changes happened for test tools or wsme related ?00:30
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KennanI noticed lots of jenkins new failure in our project00:30
EmilienMcrinkle: if you look at our install_modules, it the use same zuul_env each time00:30
Kennantesttools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 201 != 40000:30
Kennansometing like this00:30
Kennanno new changes introduced in our project00:31
EmilienMKennan: yes, see ML there is a thread iirc00:31
Kennanhi EmilienM: what's the topic of that?00:31
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pleia2no meetings for a bit if anyone is about to +A this logging addition
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Order get_tests_run_dicts_from_run_id response by date
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add mysql index length cap on index creation
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix using no dates in create_test_run db api method
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Use ostestr for running unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add logging capture fixture to the unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add more db api tests
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openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use the latest trove client for trove-functional-dsvm job
EmilienMcrinkle, clarkb: adding zuul options did not change - same issue - just yi00:54
ruagairheya jhesketh, did you get my email on gerrit performance issues?00:55
* ruagair notes it's not urgent, just wanted to know the email actually got through.00:55
jheskethruagair: umm, not sure00:55
jheskethruagair: on list?00:55
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jheskethruagair: can't find it, but I haven't sorted through my email this morning yet00:57
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jheskethruagair: time/subject?00:57
ruagairGerrit outage last week.00:57
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ruagairI popped  question back on Monday...?00:57
* ruagair checks sent logs00:57
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ruagairjhesketh: Re: [OpenStack-Infra] Gerrit under high load00:59
ruagair24/08/15 14:3600:59
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* ruagair notes it's not urgent, just wanted to make sure it landed :-D01:00
jheskethruagair: I see the emails I sent, but no replies...01:00
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ruagairJust forwarded it to nitrotech.01:01
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jheskethgot that one, thanks01:02
jheskethruagair: fyi, I can't see your reply in the archive either
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ruagairThanks jhesketh. Wonder what happened with that one? Glad I followed up.01:03
* jhesketh shrugs01:04
jheskethcheck the address you sent from is the one subscribed?01:04
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ruagairTHat's all good. If we have any filters in front, I do often get caught in those.01:07
EmilienMcrinkle: oh maybe it's because of
EmilienMit takes the clonemap in account01:07
EmilienMbut nothing is for tempest01:07
EmilienMand boom01:07
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openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use the latest trove client for trove-functional-dsvm job
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openstackgerritRoland Hochmuth proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Monasca team meeting
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openstackgerritRoland Hochmuth proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Monasca team meeting
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openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add constraints jobs to Jenkins
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openstackgerritGary Duan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Contains the directory name of /sys and /proc
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openstackgerritShamail Tahir proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update Product WG meeting_id
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EmilienMclarkb, crinkle: I gave up for tonight the zuul cloner issue I have, I think there is a bug somewhere, will catch-up tomorrow02:32
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed openstack/requirements: Update pbr to 1.6.0
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Order get_tests_run_dicts_from_run_id response by date
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Use ostestr for running unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add more db api tests
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SlickNikhi folks: can I get some eyeballs on when you get a chance, please? Thanks!02:44
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openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable Barbican in Magnum job definition
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Order get_tests_run_dicts_from_run_id response by date
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Use ostestr for running unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add more db api tests
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Report the per-job build wait time to graphite
timrczaro, I opted to just leave the node name in the list of node labels but also send back the node name as well and let zuul filter it out.02:54
openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/requirements: Add senlin-dashboard to project list
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: get more informations
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Order get_tests_run_dicts_from_run_id response by date
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix using no dates in create_test_run db api method
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Use ostestr for running unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add more db api tests
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Order get_tests_run_dicts_from_run_id response by date
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Use ostestr for running unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add more db api tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update Product WG meeting_id
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add proliant-tools element
openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add proliant-tools element
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated oslo middleware to 2.6.1
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openstackgerritRamakrishnan G proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add proliant-tools element
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Gate ceilometer on its plugin-based grenade job
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Moving ceilometer integration test to voting
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove graphite wrapper class
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Start using local replication features from gerrit module
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add common exclusion for Zanata openstack-manuals
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update tox with supported python versions
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: rm argparse from requirements.txt
openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds os-windows repository
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Reformat docstrings for SCM
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Ensure tests run with ConfigParser object
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow whitespace to be significant
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable mistral plugin for gate-mistral-devstack-dsvm job
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eantyshevjhesketh, would you please look again at, that -1 has been removed07:28
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jhesketheantyshev: will do07:29
jhesketheantyshev: ah, that one, I'm not core on diskimage-builder sorry07:30
jheskethso my +1 stands07:30
eantyshevjhesketh, thank you for that!07:30
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yuanyingping oomichi07:35
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Dependencies from undefined projects
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openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds os-windows repository
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Switch to using the subunit2html packaged in os-testr
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infra-cookiecutter: Add initial version for puppet-infra-cookiecutter
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Add sudo -E option to ironicclient-dsvm-functional job
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openstackgerritli,chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Renaming & moving Manila-HDFS jobs to check pipeline
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eantyshevjhesketh, jeblair, clarkb, rasselin: Please, review this change for zuul, which I hope will make 3rd party CIs more stable:
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openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds os-windows repository
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openstackgerritli,chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Renaming & moving Manila-HDFS jobs to check pipeline
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ttxjeblair: "Failed to find configuration named [{doc-publisher-site}]" project-team-guide publication fail at
ttxweird since it seems to be defined alright09:06
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* frickler is faszinated once again by the creativity of infra people09:09
fricklerwhy on earth can one increase min-ram in the nodepool config, if silently hardcodes a limit of 8G09:09
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BobBallianw: Ping :)09:17
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HeOSHello everyone! I think that gerrit is working slowly today.09:22
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix project-team doc publish job
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/groups: Add alternate user profile image
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: adding support for android emulator
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Exclude gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ipa.* from stable/juno
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BobBallttx: Quick q - How worried do I need to be if the contributors listed on the corporate CLA do not match those who actually contribute?10:02
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ttxBobBall: "slightly"10:05
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ttxYou are not the only one (since it's such a pain to update currently) but that puts your company in a potentially difficult situation10:05
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ttxThere is work to simplify upd ating the CCLA lists, but haven't heard much about progress lately10:06
BobBallPotentially difficult if an ICLA is signed for someone who the company was not expecting to contribute?10:06
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ttxBobBall: I can put you in touch with people that would give you a more accurate sense of how worried you should be. I'm the wrong person to answer :)10:07
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ttxBobBall: send me an email and I'll forward it internally10:07
BobBallOK, thanks.10:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/groups: Add alternate user profile image
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jokke_hi, how do we turn py34 tests off for stable?10:15
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e0nehi all. where is a right place to ask help with grenade job modification?10:40
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Allow to configure jenkins groups on slave
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tonybe0ne: probably #openstack-qa11:11
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e0netonyb: thanks for advice11:21
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Pull instack into upstream tripleo
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable python34 jobs for stable glance_store
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Handle empty PO files
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove devstack-cells job from master
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aarefievAJaeger: hi, are u around ?13:16
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AJaegeryes, I am. What's up?13:16
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aarefievAJaeger: about I just have tried to fix functional job, made depends on, but looks like it doesn't pick up my patch(13:17
AJaegeraarefiev: what do you mean with "made depends on"?13:18
AJaegeraarefiev: Do you have another change?13:19
aarefievAJaeger: I have patch in ironicclient13:19
AJaegeraarefiev: this will not work.13:19
aarefievyea, I see it now,  maybe you can suggest how to test changes in jobs13:19
AJaegerChanges in project-config need to be applied via puppet and a depends-on does not magically deploy it on jenkins13:19
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix ironic-image pkg-map
AJaegeraarefiev: Besides setting up your own CI - there's no way to test this really.13:20
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aarefievAJaeger: I think about making post hook in ironicclient and call it in project-config post hook, e.g. nova does it13:21
AJaegeraarefiev: So, write a message that explains why you do what you do, we review and tell whether that's fine, merge, test ironicclient - and redo again if needed ;)13:21
AJaegeraarefiev: that's an option13:21
aarefievAJaeger: so I'll need to do changes only in ironicclient )13:22
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AJaegeryeah, one way.13:23
aarefievAJaeger: thanks, working on it13:23
AJaegeraarefiev: ok13:23
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Call post hook from ironicclient in functional tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update pbr to 1.6.0
aarefievAJaeger: could you take a look at , please when you have a min13:47
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AJaegeraarefiev: the project-config side looks fine, can't say anything about the ironicclient side of it.13:52
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
aarefievAJaeger: thanks a lot for your help13:52
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flaper87AJaeger: wouldn't removing voting: false make it voting for stable branches ?14:05
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AJaegerflaper87: not at all.14:05
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AJaegerthe regex says on which branches to run it.14:05
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AJaegerThe voting says: On those branches that you run it, make it non-nvoting14:06
flaper87I don't want to run it on stable/kilo14:06
AJaegerYou cannot say - for the same job: Voting on this branch, non-voting on another14:06
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AJaegerIF you don't want to run on stable/kilo, the regex is enough.14:06
AJaegerRead it as follows:14:06
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flaper87yup, I just re-read the whole thing14:06
AJaegerIf the job is X:14:06
flaper87that was a panic patch14:06
AJaegerIf the branch is X: Run job non-voting14:07
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AJaegerIf the branch is not X: Don't run it.14:07
AJaegerpanic is never good ;)14:07
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flaper87AJaeger: it depends, sometimes it can save you14:07
flaper87but you may loose pieces on the way14:07
flaper87oh well14:07
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arajagopaldoes anyone know who owns
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flaper87AJaeger:  updated it14:09
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StevenKclarkb: Hai. When you're around, I was trying to work out what actually calls The docs in system-config say that jeepyb sets up a cronscript for it, but I can find no evidence of this.14:10
AJaegerflaper87: it's fine again!14:10
clarkbStevenK we dont run it anymore14:10
AJaegerStevenK: expire-old-reviews hasn't be run for several months14:11
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clarkbarajagopal I believe it is an alias for some foundation staff14:11
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arajagopalclarkb: right....but who would be a direct contact? i tried sending them an email, and i haven't gotten a response in a few weeks14:12
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AJaegerclarkb: could you review a translation patch, if you have time, please?
StevenKclarkb: In which case I can stop it being a special snowflake, and I can remove the special casing I did for it in
StevenKclarkb: So I shall rip all that out tomorrow and add the docstring for good measure.14:14
clarkbarajagopal I can check to see why it might not be getting attentiin, but direct conteact depends on what you are trying to do14:15
StevenKAJaeger: As an aside, you could have also done if [ -s <.pot file> ]; then  but grep is just as good :-)14:16
AJaegerStevenK: no, that wouldn't work. The file has 626 bytes14:16
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AJaegerBut just the boilerplate, no strings to translate14:16
StevenKAh so not empty, just empty of content14:17
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AJaegerStevenK: see
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AJaegerStevenK: yes14:17
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AJaegerStevenK: Is Zanata happy with these?14:17
StevenKI believe so14:17
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AJaegerCool, we can rip that out soon ;)14:18
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StevenKOh, we don't actually perform the push currently because tx dies14:19
vponomaryovguys, does sync of github repos work now?14:19
vponomaryovalso, gerrit is about to die14:19
StevenKAJaeger: I *think* I've previously done zero-content pushes with no issues, but I've made a note to check14:19
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AJaegerSome repos have zero-content files as log-files. They are ignored by the scripts for TRansifex. You have to check the logs whether zanata is happy as well.14:20
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StevenKAJaeger: Can I have an example, if you have one close by?14:23
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AJaegerlet me check what I can find...14:23
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AJaegerStevenK: oslo.cache has an empty oslo.cache-log-info.pot14:26
AJaegerso, check the logs of taht one...14:26
StevenK2015-08-26 12:25:42.481 | [INFO] pushing source doc [name=oslo.cache-log-critical size=0] to server14:26
AJaegerBut the log above had a Zanta failure ;(14:27
AJaegerStevenK: check
StevenKAJaeger: looks fine?14:28
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AJaegerStevenK: see my link for the warning I noticed14:29
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StevenKAJaeger: Yes, I think that warning is harmless because there are no translations to copy.14:29
StevenKBut I will check with Carlos14:30
AJaegerStevenK: good ;)14:30
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clarkbgerrit is about to die?14:38
clarkbnot sure what that means14:39
fungigerrit needs food badly?14:41
fungi(oh no, someone shot the food!)14:41
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openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add an experimental influxdb storage job for gnocchi
bauzashey folks, silly question but I had a very old Launchpad account that I recently discovered again, that is confusing people who want to put me as a reviewer because then I have a second Gerrit account14:42
openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Revert "Pin puppet-cinder to avoid lock_path patch"
bauzashow can I just remove my Gerrit account ?14:43
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jeblairgerrit is slow and probably needs to be restarted14:44
fungiahh, i'm on from a wireless modem at the moment, so couldn't tell14:45
AJaegerjeblair, fungi : ttx noticed earlier that project-guide is not published properly, could you review my fix at , please?14:45
eantyshevhello! Are there anybody who has +2 on diskimage-builder? Want my change committed:
fungibauzas: it will require a root sysadmin to manually modify rows in gerrit's backend database14:45
bauzasfungi: dammit14:45
fungibauzas: i can take a look, just a moment14:46
bauzasfungi: sure, no worries, thanks for the help14:46
fungijeblair: want me to restart gerrit while i have a few minutes?14:46
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* fungi was unsure whether you were already working on that14:47
pabelangerjeblair: much slow14:47
jeblairfungi: hrm, zuul may be about to merge some stuff14:47
fungii can wait14:48
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fungibauzas: i only see one obvious account for you (searched for full_name like "%auza%" and only find id 7166)14:49
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fungibauzas: do you have some identifying info for the other account?14:49
bauzasfungi: yup14:49
bauzasfungi: 715714:49
fungibauzas: thanks, checking14:49
bauzasfungi: some people are finding my name because of "Sylvain B. <>"14:49
bauzasfungi: I was young, I assume my mistakes14:49
fungibauzas: found, thanks14:50
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Order get_tests_run_dicts_from_run_id response by date
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Use ostestr for running unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add more db api tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Revert "Share a single connection with all systems during migrations"
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bauzasfungi: luckily, I can access my Launchpad account and drop it, but it won't delete my Gerrit account, which is more boring because of that14:50
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bauzasalso, the Foundation will loose one member, if it can support it14:51
bauzasfungi: so tbc, 7157 is the account to drop :)14:51
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fungibauzas: yep, figured that much out. i've deactivated the old account and added the old openid url to your current 7166 account14:53
fungibauzas: may not be completely effective until gerrit's caches expire or we restart it (i could flush them, but if we're about to restart it anyway, there's little point)14:54
bauzasfungi: okay, that's not really necessary to map the old Launchpad account to my new Gerrit account, since I'll drop the Launchpad one too14:54
bauzasfungi: but thanks14:54
bauzasfungi: yeah, no rush14:54
bauzasfungi: thanks a lot14:54
fungiit doesn't hurt, and avoids creating yet a new duplicate gerrit account if you do somehow accidentally authenticate with that old lp account14:55
bauzasfungi: sure thing14:55
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* fungi needs to write a console-based tree viewer for zuul status.json14:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix project-team doc publish job
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pabelangerfungi: woah, I like it15:00
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fungihuh, there's the urwid-based
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fungii may play around with that a little when i get time15:02
clarkbjeblair: seems to confirm15:03
clarkbzaro: ^ this is another erason to upgrade, potential fixes for memory leaks15:03
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pabelangerAsked yesterday after our weekly meeting, but didn't get any responses.  1). Where are we doing the infra-cloud work? Is there some etherpad / irc channel / meeting that happens? I'd like to get more involved but right now not sure the players involved.  2nd, curious is we see the value / need or a google hangout like video server.  Would be cool to get some video streams live from summit for remote15:04
pabelangerpeople :)15:04
clarkbpabelanger: for infra cloud its SpamapS greghaynes and crinkle for the most part aiui, not sure how they are tracking/collaborating15:05
jeblairmostly talking in here, yay! :)15:05
jeblairpabelanger: i used the asterisk server to good effect during the last summit15:05
pabelangerjeblair: right, but I was specifically thinking about video support, a la google hangouts.  Are we interested in hosting something like that?15:06
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jeblairpabelanger: i was working on creating a dedicated box we could put in each room, but i got stuck on the jack module for asterisk not working correctly, and haven't had time to dig into fixing that.15:06
pabelangerjeblair: interesting, any notes on the box?15:07
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jeblairpabelanger: i don't think video would be useful for the summit15:07
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jeblairpabelanger: audio + etherpad should be sufficient; video would basically just be a still picture of some people sitting around :)15:08
pabelangerI was going to setup a video MCU locally, wanted to asked if people have been asking for more video collaboration tools15:08
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pabelangerjeblair: Yup, I agree15:08
jeblairpabelanger: people want to use them all the time, but mostly just because of ease-of-use of hangouts15:09
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AJaegerclarkb, fungi, pleia2, jeblair: I would appreciate some review on a translation sync change: , please15:09
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clarkbAJaeger: yup the translation things are at the top of my priority list currently, should get to related changes today15:10
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AJaegerclarkb: that's an old transifex fix that I identified today15:11
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clarkbAJaeger: rgr15:11
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AJaegerclarkb: but thanks for looking into Zanata!15:11
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pabelangerSpamapS: greghaynes: crinkle: Where is the best place to monitor / get involved for infra-cloud.  I know you are working on a fair bit of ironic stuff, if correct.15:15
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crinklepabelanger: we just talk about it here and the gerrit topic is infra-cloud15:16
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Rename ironic-discoverd to ironic-inspector.
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trownhola compadres, would anyone with +2 on project-config have bandwidth to look at/approve
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pabelangerWhat is the stance on long lived nodepool nodes / jobs. Is that something we like or no?15:25
anteayanot nodepool nodes15:26
anteayawhat do you need a long lived node to do?15:26
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pabelangerFor example, our proposed slaves right now are reusable from nodepool.  I wanted to know if somebody asked to add more, do we want to support them?15:27
anteayaour proposed slaves are reusable15:27
anteayathat statement is news to me15:27
anteayawho is our in the above statement?15:27
anteayathe whole point of having nodes is that they are single use and then recycled15:28
pabelangerSo, with a reusable jenkins node, if code was sandboxed into the current working directory, and deleted / cleaned up when finished.  Any job should be able to run on a reused node right?15:28
anteayanot reused15:28
pabelangeranteaya: but, we do have some node that are reusable15:28
clarkbpabelanger: no because we hand out root15:28
anteayawho is we?15:28
anteayainfra has no reusalbe nodes that I am aware of15:29
anteayaif we need to hold a node we can do so to debug a job15:29
anteayabut that is very rare and request only15:29
pabelangerclarkb: If there was a way to remove root (unsure if possible)15:29
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anteayapabelanger: what do you want to do that you are thinking you need a reusable node?15:30
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pabelangeranteaya: our proposal and release jobs run on a reusable node.15:30
clarkbpabelanger: not really, we intend on relying on root access to do package installs and other things so that we can stop having so many specialized base images15:30
anteayawho is our?15:30
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anteayainfra proposal and release jobs run on reusable nodes? since when?15:31
rcarrillocruztypically the static slaves are privileged slaves15:31
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anteayapabelanger: I see it defined I don't see it invoked anywhere:
anteayaunless it is invoked in a repo hound doesnt' track15:34
pabelangerclarkb: Right, so in my example of a lint job. At least for puppet modules, we down load a gem file into a local .bundled_gems folder. Since the job today doesn't use root or any additional dependencies, I was looking for a way to reduce the overhead of having nodepool launch a node specifically for this. A static jenkins slave came to mind.  However, the ability to run parallel jobs on a single15:34
pabelangernode, might be interesting.  In the case for lint jobs15:34
pabelangeranteaya: line 10815:35
pabelangerwe match on proposal and release jobs15:35
clarkbpabelanger: we have made a decision not to bother with that. We did once upon a time and we had to constantly unbreak nodes, keep them patched, reattach to jenkins etc15:35
clarkbits just easier if we start over15:36
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, thats the down side. sadly15:36
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clarkbits a pretty big downside15:36
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clarkbthe reliability of our test nodes is much better now than in the past15:37
pabelangerjust looking for ways to optimize for some speed. Without throwing more nodes into the pool15:37
clarkbpabelanger: make faster clouds15:38
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pabelangerMOAR CLOUDS15:39
anteayaso we have release jobs:
anteayaI don't know as I have heard of proposal jobs15:40
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Rename ironic-discoverd to ironic-inspector.
jeblairfungi: we could probably restart gerrit now15:41
pabelangerclarkb: so, if somebody came to -infra with rackspace credentials for 100 nodes. Would we use it?15:41
jeblairpabelanger: it would be simpler to increase our rackspace quota by 100 nodes15:42
clarkbjeblair: I think fungi may be afk but I am here too if we wantto go ahead and do that15:42
jeblairclarkb, fungi: oh ok, i'll restart now15:42
clarkbjeblair: do you want to hit the restart button or should I?15:42
rcarrillocruz503 on gerrit anyone?15:43
jeblair#status notice restarting gerrit due to a slow memory leak15:43
clarkbrcarrillocruz: read the last couple lines of scrollback15:43
openstackstatusjeblair: sending notice15:43
tristanCyep, 503 here15:43
pabelangerjeblair: right, I was trying to see what would be better. Show up with $$$ or credentials to help with more nodes15:43
anteayarcarrillocruz: it is being restarted15:43
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jeblairpabelanger: i don't think it would be effective to pay rack rates15:44
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: restarting gerrit due to a slow memory leak15:44
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openstackstatusjeblair: finished sending notice15:45
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ttxjeblair: any chance you could trigger a project-team-guide-publish job ? Or should I fix another typo ?15:56
ttxshould be fixed now that merged15:57
anteayapabelanger: I stand corrected, we do have a node called proposal and one called release, but they are not nodepool nodes15:57
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anteayatests don't run on them15:58
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clarkbright no tests for changes run on them, they run utility jobs15:59
anteayathanks clarkb, I appreciate knowing about them15:59
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Pull instack into upstream tripleo
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anteayamorning zaro16:06
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greghaynesSpamapS: Hey - so thoughts on just baking vlan's into images and doing dhcp? I am starting to think that is a lot less work than current plan16:08
greghaynesSpamapS: I'm up for cycling on images a bit today...16:09
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SpamapSgreghaynes: I think we've put in a bit of time, and haven't gotten a failure yet.. just a few setbacks.16:11
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SpamapSgreghaynes: That said.. I'm 1 or 2 more setbacks from baking vlan ids into images.16:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: correct where stable branch script looks for repo
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greghaynesSpamapS: ok. My thinking is that we still have to make bifrost work with multiple networks and do the script to pop the interface we use on the host onto the bridge we make16:19
greghayneswhich at the end of the day seems fragile compared to having nodes that just boot16:19
nicodemoshey guys, anyone can help adding a external CI in the experimental pipeline?16:19
clarkbttx: if you are still around, what if we just cut stable/liberty on requirements first?16:19
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clarkbttx: this occured to me as I am putting the change I promised you together16:19
greghaynesSpamapS: but... If youre up for charging ahead with this I am too, we can see how it goes :)16:19
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anteayanicodemos: external ci systems don't run jobs in our system16:21
asselin_nicodemos, I don't see why not16:22
anteayanicodemos: you run jobs in your own system and report back to gerrit in comments16:22
asselin_nicodemos, just have your external system look for the 'check experimental' comment16:22
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add kosmos-specs repository
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anteayaasselin_: ah you think this person is asking to trigger their ci system off of the experimental pipeline? I hope your interpretation is correct16:23
anteayaasselin_: as that would be easy16:23
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SpamapSgreghaynes: do you also want to bake the bridge thing into the image?16:23
greghaynesSpamapS: Yea16:23
SpamapSgreghaynes: ok, having poked at this for a week, I've learned what I need to. I'm on board.16:24
asselin_anteaya, yes, that's what I'm interpreting16:24
nicodemosanteaya, asselin_ So we don't need to modify anything on , right?16:24
SpamapSgreghaynes: so, we bake the vlan and bridge config into /etc/network/interfaces.d16:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add common exclusion for Zanata openstack-manuals
asselin_nicodemos, can you clarify what you're trying to do16:24
anteayanicodemos: well we aren't entirely sure what you actually want16:24
SpamapSgreghaynes: and then we tell bifrost to tell the nodes that their interface name is 'br0' or whatever we call it.16:25
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SpamapSgreghaynes: meanwhile, I'll work on bifrost being able to handle two separate ipv4 networks16:25
greghaynesSpamapS: Does bifrost need to tell it anything about networking?16:25
greghaynesI was thinking it would just supply ssh keys in config drive and thats is16:26
greghayneser, it16:26
mgershenWhere can I follow the Jenkins job? I don't see it in zuul and it looked finished here: but I don't have a vote from Jenkins (
zarowaynr, pelix : thanks for moving those jjb changes thru. will do a release soon.16:28
nicodemosasselin_,  anteaya We are developing a driver for ironic, and we want to provide an external CI to test it on our enclosure. We already set a jenkins and it vote in the openstack/ci-sandbox, everything working . Do we need anything else to officially provide it in openstack?16:28
ttxclarkb: then you would have to gate all projects to test their master changes with stable/liberty requiremnts16:28
asselin_nicodemos, so no, you don't need to propose any changes to upstream repos as you have your own independent system.16:29
ttxclarkb: you have to go full circle one way or another, and doing requirements last is the easiest (or at least that's what we came up with when spending an hour with all the people that have an opinion on this together)16:29
SpamapSgreghaynes: OH, we could just set the IP in DHCP couldn't we?16:30
asselin_nicodemos, as I said above, you can run your own jobs along with jenkins in the experimental pipeline when someone add a comment 'check experimental'16:30
greghaynesSpamapS: Yep16:30
greghaynesSpamapS: and be done16:30
SpamapSgreghaynes: which would be relatively easy and static16:30
SpamapSgreghaynes: kk16:30
nicodemosasselin_, ok, thank you16:30
asselin_nicodemos, the other thing left is to ensure you have permission to do so by the project(s)16:30
SpamapSgreghaynes: the terrible cloud is nearly upon us! ;)16:30
bswartzAnyone know who is?16:31
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greghaynesSpamapS: as long as we can do the deal where bifrost can deploy over vlan25 since itll be dhcp over the same mac for both the ironic agent and our image16:31
bswartzis it a bot that integrates gerrit+launchpad? or is it more than that?16:31
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nicodemosasselin_, we already talked in the ironic meeting, thanks.16:31
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anteayanicodemos: do you have a link to the ci-sandbox patch?16:32
greghaynesSpamapS: I dont think that should be an issue though... just have to serve a 15.x ip to the mellanox ipxe16:32
greghayneswhich is what I assume you mean by fix bifrist to work with this :)16:32
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add kosmos-specs repository
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mgershenShould I recheck? I don't see it in zuul and it looked finished here: but I don't have a vote from Jenkins ( ). Please advise :)16:35
clarkbttx: oh right16:36
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nicodemosanteaya, UFCG OneView CI16:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for forbidden file paths in gerrit trigger
anteayanicodemos: your ci can't post Build Started: Build Started
SpamapSgreghaynes: You have to setup vlan25 inside the deploy ramdisk to do that.16:38
anteayanicodemos: you have to ensure it does not post that message16:38
greghaynesSpamapS: Yes, this uses the dib ramdisk deal right?16:38
SpamapSgreghaynes: indeed.16:38
greghaynesok, sweet16:38
asselin_nicodemos, also to get your comments in the table follow these instructions:
asselin_nicodemos, also make sure you use a public log server. Can't access
anteayaasselin_: thanks for checking that, neither can I16:40
nicodemosasselin_, anteaya ok, no problem16:40
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add stable/liberty crosscheck jobs for reqs
clarkbttx: ^ I think that should do it16:41
anteayanicodemos: have you read all of this page?
anteayanicodemos: you are responsible for knowing the content of this page16:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: BugFix: Target field in Job-DSL plugin was not being populated
anteayapay attention to what asselin_ linked but be sure to read the whole page, nicodemos16:41
greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, one other thought - the vm's we allocate in our cloud, are they going to dhcp over vlan25?16:42
greghaynesor how are we going to segment them from the baremetal cloud at the l2 layer16:42
SpamapSgreghaynes: yes.16:42
SpamapSgreghaynes: we're not?16:42
clarkbmgershen: its possible that the job report got lost when we rebooted gerrit16:43
greghaynesSpamapS: yea, so we need some way to put baremetal in the /24 we want16:43
clarkbmgershen: I would recheck the change16:43
greghaynesSpamapS: that might mean listing all of the baremetal macs in our dhcp config?16:43
SpamapSgreghaynes: Right, so we need to configure dnsmasq to be static only.16:43
mgershenclarkb: thank you, I will :)16:43
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SpamapSgreghaynes: and yes, that is precisely what that means.16:43
greghaynesSpamapS: ok, that works16:43
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greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, if both vm's and baremetal share an l2, isnt there security issues there?16:45
greghaynes(sorry to back way up)16:46
greghaynesI can spoof a hypervisor...16:46
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SpamapSgreghaynes: no16:50
SpamapSgreghaynes: we have specifically stated "no squishy middle"16:50
pabelangerI suspect the answer is no, but is there any way today to have zuul template just the organization part of the name: organization/project ?16:50
anteayathat would be an easy phrase to grep16:50
greghaynesSpamapS: I dont understand16:50
anteayapabelanger: I can't picture what you are after16:51
SpamapSgreghaynes: if you could spoof a hypervisor you could spoof the DHCP server too right?16:51
greghaynesSpamapS: yes16:51
SpamapSgreghaynes: so we shouldn't let you do that.16:51
greghaynesSpamapS: Agreed, how are we preventing that though?16:52
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SpamapSgreghaynes: iptables on the hypervisors. iptables -s -j ACCEPT ... -P DENY ?16:52
SpamapSebtables too?16:53
greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, that helps half of the issue, youd have to ebtables too16:53
SpamapSgreghaynes: we can also hook the vms up to a different bridge16:53
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greghaynesSpamapS: I think we'd have to do similar ebtables either way - its a matter of whether nova applies those rules for each mac it knows about which I think it does...16:54
anteayapleia2: nice zanata summary email16:54
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greghaynesSpamapS: ok, my fears are quelled :)16:55
* greghaynes -> baking eni into images16:55
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pleia2anteaya: thanks16:56
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anteayapleia2: welcome16:56
anteayareviewing now, not sure how much help I'll be but I'm looking at it16:57
clarkbgreghaynes: nova net does but not neutron iirc16:57
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greghaynesclarkb: huh. I assumed that would be a nova thing, not n-n... but that is a good question16:57
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clarkbits a nova net thing16:57
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greghayneswelp, hopefully we can get neutron to do this too?16:59
greghaynesalthough I wouldnt be surprised if provider networks == no16:59
clarkbit does if you ovs and l2pop iirc16:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Initial support for ironic enroll state
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Document library release process
clarkbyes provider networks == no iirc because it assumes you control those networks17:00
greghaynesok, well I guess plan B there would be to make a second bridge on other l2... which wont invalidate our current baremetal plan17:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Handle empty PO files
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jlvillalWe (Ironic Python Agent) would like to enable the python34 test job as voting. I have submitted a patch for review:  Thanks17:09
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SpamapSgreghaynes: plan C is to put the hypervisor routable IPs on untagged vlan, and make the baremetal boxes softrouters for that /2417:10
SpamapSgreghaynes: but.. lets keep things simple. :-P17:11
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greghaynesSpamapS: hah17:11
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SpamapSgreghaynes: it's important to remember that _for now_ we kind of sort of trust those vms.17:11
SpamapSnot really17:11
SpamapSbut we kind of do17:11
greghaynesAs long as no one is using it17:11
greghaynesBut yes, there are backup plans. We could even route the /24 on untagged via on of the bastions too17:12
greghayneswhich is simlar to what you said17:12
SpamapSit's what I said, I'm setting booty traps.17:12
clarkbyou could just neutron neutron17:12
greghayneswhoa now17:12
fungijeblair: clarkb: yep, sorry, unexpected medical appointments hours from home so my internet presence is spotty17:13
anteayafungi: hope everyone is okay17:14
greghaynesclarkb: once your fix to growroot upstart script merges im going to cut dib release then we can kick off a rebuild?17:14
clarkbgreghaynes: sounds good17:14
greghaynesjust +A'd it17:14
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SpamapSzigo: <-- seen this?17:17
openstackDebian bug 795974 in src:python-dogpile.core "python-dogpile.core: Non-determistically FTBFS due to unreliable timing in tests" [Serious,Fixed]17:17
SpamapSzigo: oh hah n/m17:17
SpamapSzigo: carry on17:17
clarkbjeblair: nibalizer fungi jhesketh yolanda any other cores can be treated as a high priority review? we need it for zanata deployment sanity17:19
fungibswartz: is the launchpad account we use for updating bugs/blueprints primarily at this point. it used to be named "openstack hudson" but we renamed it to "openstack jenkins" (and later "openstack infra") when we switched from running hudson to running a fork of hudson called "jenkins" (we just never changed the e-mail address)17:20
nibalizeroh nice it got archived17:21
pleia2yeah, testing+writing up the client patch now17:21
pleia2(and thanks clarkb)17:21
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clarkbpleia2: I see from your email that wildfly 8.1 is still being used? how do we check that? I have looked on the host and the wildfly service was restarted yesterday17:22
nibalizerclarkb: pleia2 I think the the Note: sentence in the commit message got confused17:22
pleia2clarkb: /var/log/wildfly/console.log for the last restart, it'll tell you what it launched17:22
clarkbpleia2: thanks17:22
jeblairclarkb: pleia2 +2; should i +3 or leave it to others?17:22
nibalizerit seems to imply that the file both will and will not be changed based on url/checksum17:22
jeblairoh, i will at least wait until nibalizer finishes :)17:23
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clarkbnibalizer: I read it as, change checksum and file will be updated17:23
clarkbnibalizer: change url and file will not be updated17:24
pleia2nibalizer: it does actually make sense if you know what I mean by "it" :D but I can clean it up17:24
clarkbchange both to get things updated17:24
nibalizerpleia2: im cool with you comming along later17:24
nibalizerwell I guess later is too late to fix the commit message17:24
clarkbpleia2: is that the correct interpretation?17:24
nibalizeranyways that is not a -117:24
pleia2clarkb: yep17:24
nibalizer+2 from me17:25
clarkbpleia2: I think you can go ahead and approve it now17:25
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openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Add acceptance tests for puppet-gerrit
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openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Fix race condition in httpd install and config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Rewrite install logic for modules and ROOT.war
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sdakesomeone is spamming our etherpad17:41
sdakecould someone from opentack-infra ban them pleae17:41
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sdakeclarkb any help on this issue appreciated17:46
sdakethey are dmaaging our ability to plan for openstack summit in tokyo17:46
anteayasdake: I don't know if we have any ability to ban people from etherpads17:46
anteayaif they have the url they can use it17:47
anteayathere is no sign in process17:47
anteayaadding their name to the etherpad is a courtesty to others17:47
sdakeits completelly rude and a directed attack agait our project17:47
anteayanot authentication17:47
sdakeI am tlakingabout the ++++17:47
anteayayes I see17:47
fungiif nobody else is accessing that pad i may be able to figure out their source ip address from the apache proxy log and then block that source ip address in iptables17:47
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anteayaany idea who is behind it?17:47
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sdakeno clue17:48
sdakewe haven't really pissed nayone off17:48
fungibut of course if they're persistent, they're just going to keep coming from new addresses17:48
anteayahopefully fungi can block the ip17:48
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anteayasdake: okay sometimes just random people do stuff17:48
sdakewe are always polite to everyone17:49
anteayabut agreed, it is very disruptive17:49
sdakeits definately not pbourke17:49
anteayaI have always found you to be so, yes17:49
sdakeits the other asshat :)17:49
anteayawell let's keep the language clean17:49
sdakethank you anteaya  :)17:49
anteayafungi is doing what he can17:49
sdakesorry I wa angry17:49
anteayaI understand17:49
anteayaI too would be angry17:50
anteayawe will find a way you can work and not be subject to disruptions17:50
anteayanot exactly sure what that looks like though yet17:50
sdakeI have copied th econtent to a diferent pad so I can relay it to ttx17:50
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sdakei can tell you it is someone in #openstack-meeting-4 ;)17:51
fungii'm analyzing the log now to see if i can identify the offender based on number of hits to the interface, but since this is an ajaxy sort of application with almost no logging i sort of have to guess17:52
sdakepbourke is off for the day if the color helps17:52
fungiusernames are irrelevant. it's just a moniker and it's not logged anywhere useful17:52
anteayasdake: thanks for helping us try to narrow this down17:52
sdakecool well our work was disrupted i think eveyrone gave up for now17:53
fungii see three ip addresses with roughly 100 hits out of the last 100017:53
sdakebut i've copied the original to a new etherpad17:53
jeblairfungi: .8 is me17:53
jeblairfungi: (you will see a lot from me as i look at the history)17:53
sdakeso I hve the original work in cae they delete something andthe slider fills up17:53
fungijeblair: yeah, there are a lot more with fewer than 100. you have 7 hits in my sample17:54
sdakelooks like the individual stopped17:54
sdakemust be in openstack-infra too17:54
fungiheavy users ip addresses are ending in .77, .68 and .24617:54
sdakeknows they are being watched17:54
fungihits from the address ending in .68 have trailed way off17:57
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fungiso it could maybe be that one17:58
sdakethey just spammed again17:58
jeblairit looks like "quit being an ... #2" is pbourke; "quit being an ..." is the spammer17:58
fungithe first hit i see from the .68 address to that pad is at 17:14:0618:00
bswartzfungi: thanks for the history, I didn't know that jenkins was previously known as hudson18:00
fungibswartz: jenkins is a fork of a (defunct for a while) project called hudson18:00
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jeblairrevision 1283 is the first spam18:02
fungithanks. seeing if i can correlate in the backend db18:02
jeblair1283 == 10:33:1318:03
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jeblairi think that's browser time, so pacific18:03
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Barbican Gate to use new Devstack config - WIP
jeblairthat should be 17:33:13 utc18:03
rm_workjeblair: hey, you worked on the devstack cookiecutter config thing, rigth?18:03
rm_workjeblair: trying to update Barbican to work with that -- and now ^^ for testing18:04
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rm_workjeblair: would you mind taking a quick glance and telling me if I am doing something horribly wrong? :P18:04
anteayarm_work: he is working on a tracking down some data at the moment18:04
rm_workyeah no rush18:05
anteayarm_work: thank you18:05
rm_workjust if you have time jeblair :)18:05
rm_workor really anyone, I just recall he worked on it18:05
glauco_Error: Could not prefetch package provider 'pip': [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]18:05
glauco_        Error: /Package[yappi]: Could not evaluate: [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]18:05
glauco_is anyone in here having issues applying puppet-zuul? Right now I get the following error18:05
adam_gclarkb, what would typically do this prep on your  production nodes?
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anteayaglauco_: can you use in future please?18:06
glauco_anteaya: sorry about that!18:06
anteayaglauco_: thank you18:06
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crinkleglauco_: is pip installed?18:06
fungiour modules assume you have already installed pip on your server--they don't install it for you18:06
glauco_crinkle: yes! I am installing pip before applying the module18:06
crinkleglauco_: try running with --debug ?18:07
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jeblairfungi: i'm suspecting .77 based on logs+times18:08
SamYaplejeblair: where is that ip based?18:09
SpamapSgreghaynes: so, I'm just now able to circle back and get dirty again. It seems like an element that configs the vlan will work for both, yes?18:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make python3 job voting for ironic-python-agent
SpamapSgreghaynes: so given that, it feels like I need to wait for you to do that.18:09
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fungijeblair: thanks. substring match queries on this db are _painfully_ slow18:10
jeblairSamYaple: i'm a little hesitant to say publicly at the moment due to the weak correlation so far :/18:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel SwiftStack plugin integration
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fungiyeah, etherpad does not have any abuse mitigation designed in, so this is slow and complicated to nail down18:11
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jeblairSamYaple, fungi: i suspect it may be an http proxy -- which would explain the high request count, and also mean that we need to be more careful with correlation18:13
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fungientirely possible18:14
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Use httpd::mod instead of httpd_mod
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Barbican Gate to use new Devstack config - WIP
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jeblairfungi: .77 does look like it only had one etherpad session, so may only be one user in the timeframe we're looking at18:17
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fungiyeah, i'm trying to see if there's more than one browser agent string18:17
greghaynesSpamapS: Yep, I think so. Other thing that needs to be done is static dhcp config for all the bm nodes18:18
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SpamapSgreghaynes: ok, yeah I can do that.18:19
SpamapSgreghaynes: I think it might make sense to make that a bifrost feature actually.18:19
fungijeblair: yeah, just one agent string18:19
dougwigclarkb, SpamapS: neutron will also put in anti-spoof rules, as of kilo.18:19
SpamapSgreghaynes: "I want to DHCP my nodes, make me a dnsmasq config for that."18:19
SpamapSdougwig: \o/18:19
greghaynesSpamapS: ++18:19
greghaynesdougwig: when using provider networks?18:20
zaroFirefishy new jjb released:
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dougwiggreghaynes: yes, because it happens on every neutron port, and even on provider nets, you usually run a dnsmasq in a namespace to service VMs launched onto the provider net.18:20
greghaynesdougwig: yep, that is exactly what we are doing18:21
greghaynesso, awesome :)18:21
SpamapSwe should write some evil scripts that try to breka out18:21
SpamapSbreak out18:21
dougwigi'd love that.18:21
SpamapSrun them in infra-cloud's CD gate when we finally get to a CD infra-cloud18:22
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fungii cannot seem to find the kolla-liberty-tokyo-design-sessions pad in the database18:23
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jeblairfungi: hrm, edits and polls are hard to tell apart from logs; i'm still digging into that18:24
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dougwiggreghaynes: i'd go as far to say that if neutron w/ providers isn't meeting your use case, i'd be interested in addressing whatever it is very quickly, as that is the n-n replacement path, and the new beginner tutorial setup for neutron.18:24
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adam_gafter nodepool has added a node to jenkins, what gets used to actually bring the slave online (from Jenkins's POV) ?18:26
anteayadougwig: thank you18:26
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asselin_I'm seeing an issue where this directory is not getting updated by puppet. any ideas?
fungiadam_g: jenkins uses ssh to install and start the slave agent18:26
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: (WIP) Overall documentation improvements focused on setup and testing
asselin_actually,by asking I might have answered my own question....18:27
anteayaasselin_: yay18:27
adam_gfungi, ah right. and theres the failing ssh log msg. thanks18:28
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fungijeblair: the only pad i can find in the etherpad database with a name starting with kolla-liberty is kolla-liberty-1-announcement18:29
fungii wonder whether etherpad caches writes in memory for a while?18:29
fungiand hasn't actually inserted it yet18:30
fungior if the "schema" for its keys has changed18:30
fungimysql> select `key` from store where `key` like "%kolla-liberty-tokyo%";18:30
fungiEmpty set (13.90 sec)18:30
* fungi baffles18:31
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jeblairfungi: we didn't switch databases or anything did we? :)18:31
fungii bet the /root/.my.cnf is stale :/18:32
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jeblairdid we? (i really can't remember)18:32
fungiyes, we did18:32
fungii think18:32
fungiconfirming now18:32
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spzalaHello, I am trying to create PyPi first time and following instructions. I have generated GPG key but still getting signing error - has error and output of 'gpg --list-secret-keys' - can someone please help?18:34
clarkbfungi it should be updated by puppet18:34
fungiyep! that was the problem18:34
fungijeblair: ^18:34
clarkbbut there is a side loaded one I used for the switch18:34
fungijeblair: pad:kolla-liberty-tokyo-design-sessions:revs:1283 | {"changeset":"Z:1f0>1|6=1h=7*r+1$+","meta":{"author":"a.FUWo3RWcyumluKaM","timestamp":1440610393810}}18:35
jeblairfungi: yay i helped!18:35
jeblairfungi: oh nice, more precise timestamp18:35
jeblairi have a few more revisions, we can probably narrow it down.  1 sec.18:36
jeblairactually, let's work here:
jeblair(cause why not? :)18:36
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jeblair1 sec while i look up the numbers18:36
clarkbsorry I am not helpful right now18:37
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fungii am about to not be helpful, so getting it in while i can ;)18:37
jeblairfungi: can you look up those other 3 real quick?18:38
anteayaha ha ha18:38
anteayalooks like jim was right on the username18:39
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saurabhsHi can we get some eyes on This is blocking some the patches in trove so please help us get this merged soon.18:39 doesn't like the puppet archive module (gives it an unhelpful html text file rather than the actual .tar.gz download)18:39
fungii'm disappearing again for a while18:39
* pleia2 grumble grumble18:39
anteayafungi: thank you!18:39
anteayafungi: good health to everyone18:39
pleia2and their api docs seem to think this url when used programatically should work18:40
anteayawho is me on the etherpad?18:40
anteayajeblair is fushia18:40
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jeblairmaybe the spammer? :)18:41
anteayaI'm wondering18:41
anteayabecause me was also on the kolla etherpad18:41
jeblairanteaya: then probably not18:41
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SamYaplejeblair: if its the link you posted earlier i have it opened in a tab somewhere18:42
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jeblairSamYaple: yep, thanks :)18:43
anteayaSamYaple: ah so me is you18:43
SamYapleis that my name on there?18:44
SamYaplelet me check18:44
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SamYapleah that should help18:44
anteayawell it appears that jeblair is now adding +++'s to the etherpad18:44
SamYapledoes it default to me or something?18:44
anteayaSamYaple: yes thank you sam18:44
SamYapleeh i dont care. thansk for looking into this18:44
SamYapleim heading off18:45
anteayathe first time you open an etherpad whatever name and colour you pick is what gets added to every other etherpad you open18:45
SamYaplegood to know18:45
SamYapleapparently i like to be funny18:45
SamYaplego me18:46
anteayafunny in one context ends up being confusing in another18:46
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anteayaI'm not sure the number of people where the line is18:46
SamYaple'go me' had two meaning :)18:46
anteayaha ha ha18:46
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openstackgerritRyan Hsu proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Whitelist .log.gz files from the passthrough
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Barbican Gate to use new Devstack config - WIP
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm gate to use zuul-clone
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SpamapS:( infra-cloud talk not accepted for summit.18:49
anteayaSpamapS: :(18:49
crinklesadness :(18:49
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NobodyCamgood morning infra folks. I have a general off the wall question.. are there any plans to move to utopic based images? if so what kinda time line are we looking at?18:50
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anteayahi NobodyCam18:50
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm gate to use zuul-clone
anteayaNobodyCam: I have no idea how to answer your question18:51
NobodyCamhay anteaya :) been awhile :) hope all is going well for you :)18:51
anteayaNobodyCam: it is yes, thanks for asking18:51
anteayaand it has been a while18:51
anteayaI hope you also are well?18:51
pabelangerEmilienM: crinkle: ^ update beaker-jobs to use zuul-cloner over gerrit-git-prep18:51
NobodyCamI am :)18:51
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anteayaNobodyCam: glad to hear it18:52
NobodyCamthank you:)18:52
anteayaNobodyCam: well jim is working on tracking an issue, fungi is offline and clarkb is close but he might just be on his phone18:52
anteayaNobodyCam: and pleia2 is working on translation things before she has to leave for a week18:52
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SamYapleSpamapS: dont feel bad, i only got one accepted :(18:53
anteayaNobodyCam: so I'm not sure how long before someone gets to your question18:53
NobodyCamack no rush.. just looking for a very general time frame so we can be ready for such htings18:53
anteayaNobodyCam: good planning18:53
NobodyCamand thank you anteaya :)18:53
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anteayaalways a pleasure18:53
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Firefishyzaro: thx jenkins-job-builder in homebrew will update soon :)
pleia2NobodyCam: utopic is EOL, so no, someone has proposed doing vivid images (there is a review up) but we haven't agreed to support it, we only do LTS for Ubuntu right now18:55
NobodyCampleia2: ack ... thank you :)18:55
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pleia2each image is a maintenance burden for us, and with only 9 months of support for the 6 month releases of Ubuntu it's hard to justify that work18:56
EmilienMpabelanger: looking18:56
zaroFirefishy: ohh cool.18:56
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EmilienMpabelanger: super cool, +118:57
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NobodyCampleia2: yes!18:57
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anteayapleia2: so x would be the next image we support after trusty, if I can count to 418:58
Firefishyzaro: any chance the docs @ could be bumped too?18:58
pleia2anteaya: that's right, the 16.04 release18:58
anteayapleia2: great thanks18:59
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zaroFirefishy: it should on the next code merge19:00
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zaroFirefishy: it's generated off master on every merge of code19:01
Firefishyah ok.19:01
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mmmporki have a question about nodepool's docs... i noticed that the README is an rst file... but it's not included in the tox docs test definition and isn't getting generated19:07
jeblairfungi, sdake, SamYaple: the .77 ip is the only one that submitted post requests for all 5 timestamps we looked up, so it seems likely that's the originating ip address.  SamYaple mentioned that someone in #kolla claimed responsibility (due to malfunctioning keyboard).  that irc nick's hostname matches the .77 ip address, so it seems likely it's them.19:07
mmmporkis that by design?19:07
mmmporki mean, was that intentional? and shouldn't the readme be part of those generated docs?19:07
jeblairmmmpork: the README is for visitors to the git repo; as more docs are in docs, we should scale it down19:08
jeblairand point to the docs19:08
mmmporkok that makes more sense19:08
mmmporkjeblair: ok that makes more sense19:08
spzalaclarkb: fungi: anteaya: I am running into GPG key signing error - has error and output of 'gpg --list-secret-keys' - can you please take a look when get a chance? (I am following
mmmporki've edited it so it's more of a quickstart guide that just gets you set up with a bare bones nodepool so you can verify you got all your dependencies et al covered, then points you to the docs you want to go depending on if you're running in prod or testing19:09
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pabelangerjeblair: interested in your thoughts about creating an organization variable for JJB: Do you see a better way to do it?19:12
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anteayajeblair: oh well let's hope it is a malfunctioning keyboard19:12
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anteayajeblair: I missed where SamYaple said that was the case19:12
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anteayajeblair: however why would the malfunctioning keyboard person select that etherpad username?19:13
jeblairanteaya: SamYaple did not say that, the ftcpops in #kolla said that.19:13
anteayaah sorry19:13
jeblairnow i need to do lunch and other things, we've wasted far too much time on this19:14
anteayaenjoy lunch19:14
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anteayaspzala: I know very little about tagging a release19:15
spzalaanteaya: OK :-) Thanks though. I will wait on some other help. :)19:16
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anteayapatience is a virtue19:16
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spzalaanteaya: :-) Agree.19:17
anteayaspzala: is this your first time tagging?19:17
spzalaanteaya: yes, it is.19:17
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pleia2lunchtime here too, maven woes and archive module being finicky about tar.gz files in general, maybe things will be more clear after a sandwich :)19:19
anteayaokay I confirm the gerrit acl for tosca-parser has tosca-parser-release allowed to pushSignedTag and that you are the sole member of the tosca-parser-release gerrit group19:19
anteayapleia2: yay food19:19
anteayaspzala: so much for the obvious19:19
anteayaspzala: you want your first tag to be 0.9?19:21
spzalaanteaya: :-) Yes. Thanks for confirming.19:21
anteayadhellmann: you about for a tagging question?19:21
dhellmannanteaya: sure19:21
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spzalaanteaya: yes, since this is a repo created for an existing one so it's a mature one and we decided to go with 0.919:21
anteayadhellmann: gerrit acl is in place and spzala is in the -release group19:22
spzaladhellmann: Thanks!19:22
anteayaspzala: just acknowledging that doesn't give you a lot of places to go with your versioning19:22
anteayabut up to you19:22
spzalaanteaya: I agree, I actually had the same point but then 0.9 came from boss19:23
dhellmannspzala: ok, as anteaya says, that version number isn't great as a first release. We try to follow semver, and that provides specific meanings to version numbers. As your first release, I would call this 0.1.019:23
anteayawell boss can live with the consequences I guess19:23
dhellmannyou need all 3 digits for our release machinery to work properly19:23
dhellmannspzala: who's this boss?19:24
austin81andreaf, sdague: Hey guys, in preparation for the upcoming liberty sprint in Fort Collins, I would like to revisit . Has any additional progress been made on developing the spec yet? I would like to spend the majority of my time at the sprint working on it and want to make sure the project goals/reqs are still current.19:24
spzalaanteaya: dhellmann: sure, your recommendation helps me so I am good with 0.1.019:24
anteayaspzala: good, share the logs and go with 0.1.019:24
dhellmannspzala: we have some automation in openstack-infra/release-tools that might be useful to you as well19:24
spzaladhellmann: matt rutkowsky19:24
dhellmannin particular, check out the script19:24
spzalaanteaya: Yup19:25
dhellmannspzala: ok. versions are up to you, but I wouldn't start with 0.9.0 because that doesn't mean anything if there were no previous releases19:25
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anteayaaustin81: is this the qa sprint?19:26
spzaladhellmann: sure, I am good with 0.1.0 that was my first preference too19:26
anteayaaustin81: if yes the #openstack-qa channel might be a better venue for your question19:26
spzalaanteaya: thanks for the log link19:26
anteayaspzala: welcome19:26
austin81anteaya: ah my mistake! thank you19:27
dhellmannspzala: ok, there are some other release-related things we can do to set you up for good automation, if you like. We can talk about those in #openstack-relmgr-office, to keep this channel free for infra stuff19:27
anteayaaustin81: np, see you at the sprint19:27
anteayadhellmann: thanks for the help19:27
dhellmannanteaya: any time!19:27
spzaladhellmann: sure that sounds good. I just joined it..19:27
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glaucosilly question: why zuul-server is not started as part of puppet-zuul?19:33
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glaucoas it is today, it seems that it only executes a reload, but not a start19:33
glaucowhat is the reason behind it?19:33
clarkbglauco there is an entire mailing list thread on the subject but short story is puppet is terrible at orchestrating services19:34
clarkbwe dont want it acting like a watchdog for service uptime19:34
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glaucoclarkb: anteaya: thank you! :)19:36
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: if possible, copy tempest config
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EmilienManteaya: maybe can you have a look at and ? very straightforward I think19:50
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fungisorry for disappearing, back now for a bit19:53
anteayafungi: totally understandable19:53
Clintinvisibility is hard to resist19:54
anteayahope all is balanced19:54
anteayaEmilienM: can I get a link to a current puppet log?19:54
anteayaEmilienM: why would you copy to /tmp?
EmilienManteaya: /tmp/tempest19:56
anteayaEmilienM: would it not be better to copy to something more permanent19:56
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anteayaright but still in the /tmp dir19:56
EmilienMsudo cp /tmp/tempest/etc/tempest.conf $LOG_DIR/19:56
EmilienMI copy into LOG_DIR19:56
EmilienMtempest is in /tmp yes19:56
EmilienMsource -> destination19:57
anteayaor sorry I mis-read19:58
EmilienMnp :)19:58
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pabelangerEmilienM: anteaya: /tmp/openstack/tempest19:58
pabelangeryou have /tmp/tempest19:59
EmilienMoh I did wrong19:59
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anteayapabelanger: ah nice catch19:59
anteayaEmilienM: and while I think it is a delightful French-ism, information is the plural of information19:59
anteayaEmilienM: information is both singular and plural19:59
anteayaEmilienM: it never has an s at the end19:59
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: if possible, copy tempest config
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anteayaput toss it in occasionally20:00
anteayasince I love it20:00
EmilienMI should have followed my english lessons instead of geeking20:00
anteayayou made the right choice20:00
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greghaynesSpamapS: When I was doing this before I was just making the dib images manually, but you have been using bifrost? Curious what the incantation is for that?20:01
zigoSpamapS: I've seen it, and I don't know how to fix it (or even how to reproduce the bug), so I just removed unit tests. This is of course not a satisfying answer at all... ;/20:01
greghaynesSpamapS: Also, im going to pick a bm host at random and start cycling on it20:02
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greghaynesnone of them that are currently enrolled are precious, right?20:02
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Barbican Gate to use new Devstack config - WIP
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clarkbgreghaynes make new dib release yet?20:03
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greghaynesCI fail :(20:03
greghaynesfedora mirror20:04
greghaynesclarkb: rechecking now... so we'll see20:04
anteayabeen raining for 2 weeks at home, I think I may have to start a fire20:04
anteaya15C in the house20:04
SpamapSgreghaynes: the incantation is  'cd /opt/stack/bifrost/playbooks ; ansible-playbook -vvvv -e @/home/ubuntu/local_bifrost_settings.yaml -i inventory/localhost install.yaml'20:05
SpamapSgreghaynes: regarding picking a host a random, they all have a 'devuser/devuser' configured for console login..20:05
SpamapSgreghaynes: so enjoy. :)20:05
SpamapSgreghaynes: in fact they're setup almost right, just with eth2, instead of eth2.2520:06
greghaynesSpamapS: I thought bifrost cached the dib images by default?20:06
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update Barbican Gate to use new Devstack config - WIP
SpamapSzigo: agreed. I didn't see your upload until after I pinged you20:06
SpamapSgreghaynes: oh, and 'rm /httpboot/deploy_image.qcow2' ;)20:06
greghaynesheh, ok20:06
SpamapSgreghaynes: and for you, probably the ramdisk too20:06
SpamapSgreghaynes: I think you could make an image building only playbook if you wanted. :)20:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: get more informations
fungigotta go again for a while. should be back on in a few hours i hope20:09
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anteayafungi: see you20:11
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mugsiehey, looking for a last +2/+W on
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add logging capture fixture to the unit tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add mysql index length cap on index creation
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pc_mAnyone know about running coverage? The 'cover' target for neutron-vpnaas is broken.20:30
pc_mas in doesn't run.20:31
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anteayapc_m: hey there20:31
anteayapc_m: did it ever run?20:31
pc_manteaya: hi!20:31
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pc_manteaya: Yes, used to run fine, but I have not ran it for a few months, so don't know when things broke.20:32
pc_manteaya: Appears that it is rejecting the --coverage-package-name option now.20:32
clarkbpc_m: I think they made a non backwards compatible chnage20:32
clarkbits possible that pbr needs an update to accomodate20:33
pc_manteaya: Without it though, it seems to be running coverage on what is upstream and not on the change set.20:33
anteayapc_m: can you file a bug with pbr?20:33
anteayaclarkb: thanks clark20:33
clarkbassuming its using pbr20:34
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anteayapc_m: it is using pbr?20:34
pc_manteaya: Sure, is there a specific project under launchpad to do that?20:34
clarkbpleia2: anything I can do to help with the puppet archive thing?20:34
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pc_manteaya: Don't really know - not sure how it works under the covers.20:34
anteayaI go with yes:
pc_mclarkb: Is there any workaround that I can do?20:35
pc_manteaya: Oh the project. Yes it does.20:35
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pc_mI thought you meant the coverage test.20:35
pleia2clarkb: maybe, I'll upload my WIP change and notate what goes wrong20:35
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anteayapc_m: start by filing a bug and go from there20:36
greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, im not sure dib ramdisk-image-create is used here20:36
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pc_manteaya: OK. Just looking for a way to move forward.20:37
greghaynesSpamapS: looks like ipa + coreos-image-builder is used20:37
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anteayapc_m: of course20:37
clarkbpc_m: don't use that option20:37
pc_mclarkb: :)20:38
pc_mclarkb: Without it, the coverage does not use the files from the workspace (my committed changes).20:38
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greghaynesSpamapS: That being said, theres nothing stopping me from doing ramdisk-image-create and writing the file out to where the ipa ramdisk image curently is...20:39
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clarkbtry using a .coverrc?20:39
clarkbI would check out coverages docs20:39
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anteayaclarkb: know off hand what project might use a .coverrc file?20:39
greghaynesTheJulia: ^ Am I correct in that bifrost only does coreos + IPA for deployment image?20:39
clarkbI dont20:39
anteayaokay thanks20:40
clarkbbut coverage is well documented20:40
clarkbso I would start there20:40
pc_mclarkb: will look into that. Thanks20:40
anteayanova does20:40
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Use archive module to install zanata-cli
greghaynesSpamapS: actually, hacky workaround for this - we can run two dhcp servers, bind one to the untagged interface and one to the vlan25 interface20:41
greghaynesthe one on untagged is what the deployment image will use20:41
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1489164 in PBR "coverage failing in neutron-vpnaas repo" [Undecided,New]20:43
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anteayapc_m: okay and in the meantime see if using a .coveragerc file helps at all20:44
mtreinishanteaya: fungi, clarkb, pleia2, jeblair: if you get a sec want to hit +W on: all dep changes have landed20:44
pc_manteaya: Thanks. I"ll look at coverage docs.20:44
greghaynesSpamapS: Then we dont need to mess with deployment image at all...20:44
anteayadougwig: can you look at 212864? you have a -120:44
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mtreinishpc_m: your tox.ini is wrong, it just do s/testr/test and everything should work20:46
mtreinishthe pbr command you're trying to use is test20:47
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anteayamtreinish: should a ml post accompany 212864 at all, in case other folks are in the same state as the neutron repos dougwig saw?20:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add kosmos-specs repository
mtreinishanteaya: maybe, but I'm kinda lazy :)20:48
clarkbmtreinish: also do we know if neutron no longer uses the local version?20:48
anteayaclarkb: working on trying to find out20:49
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clarkbor rather the old version20:49
clarkblooks like both are local20:49
anteayamtreinish: well at least give us something to point to when folks say "hey I'm broken"20:49
mtreinishclarkb: I'm not sure, I assumed dougwig went to go fix it after his comment20:49
anteayaassumed and known20:49
anteayatwo very different things20:49
anteayaI'm trying to get some neutron eyes on it20:50
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pc_mmtreinish: OK. I can give it a try. Is this a change from before (it used to use testr)?20:50
mtreinishpc_m: the command was always test20:50
mtreinishor at least that's what I've always used20:51
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pleia2clarkb: poked at some more testing after uploading the change, archive works fine with tar.gz files once I sort out permissions on the directory I'm extracting to ;) but I'm still struggling with the maven url20:52
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pc_mmtreinish: Neutron uses testr20:52
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* regXboi wanders in 20:53
pleia2I never thought I'd say this about a puppet module, but archive module could really do with more errors/warnings and less "All done :D :D" when it's not20:53
pleia2usually I'm wading through useless errors20:53
regXboianteaya: have you reached out to armax or mestery on 212864?20:54
anteayaregXboi: so the question is do you have any idea if neutron still has hooks20:54
anteayaI have not20:54
* armax looks20:54
regXboithey are the other infra-lieutenants for neutron - I'm just an interested party :)20:54
anteayaas I didn't see them in backscroll20:54
anteayahi armax20:54
armaxregXboi: I need metadata on 21286420:54
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pc_mmtreinish: Not that they have it right either, but I think coverage works there.20:54
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armaxwhat’s that? review id?20:54
regXboiarmax: yes that's a patch set20:54
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mtreinishpc_m: but neutron doesn't use that arg does it20:55
pc_mmtreinish: no it does not20:55
anteayaarmax: just wanting to know if dougwig's concerns have been addressed20:55
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armaxanteaya: I’ll look into it20:55
* regXboi pulling latest master to check20:55
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anteayaarmax: thank you20:55
anteayaregXboi: thank you20:55
pc_mmtreinish: Giving it a shot...20:56
regXboianteaya, armax: no, the line is still there20:56
anteayaregXboi: thanks, have we a patch to change it?20:56
regXboineutron/tests/contrib/        .tox/$venv/bin/python $SCRIPTS_DIR/ ./testrepository.subunit testr_results.html20:56
regXboianteaya: that I don't know20:56
anteayaregXboi: in neutron master?20:56
regXboianteaya: ack in neutron master20:57
armaxregXboi: let me get taht sorted20:57
anteayaarmax: thank you20:57
anteayadougwig is offline atm will be back in 1+ hours20:57
* regXboi goes back to fighting with his multi-node stack setup20:57
anteayaregXboi: thank you for your help20:58
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anteayaand good luck20:58
anteayamtreinish: so while we wait, how about that email?21:00
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mtreinishanteaya: I've been slowly drafting one here:
anteayaawesome, thank you21:00
mtreinishbut context switching between 3 things21:00
mtreinishso it's not really anything21:00
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anteayamtreinish: ha ha ha21:01
anteayaha ha ha21:01
anteayabut I must say21:02
anteayakeep that colour21:02
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anteayaat least for a little while21:02
mtreinishanteaya: I don't even think I picked it21:02
mtreinishthe one I was using lately was more brownish21:02
armaxregXboi anteaya: commented21:02
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Remove py33 from the default environment list
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anteayaarmax: thanks21:04
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: (WIP) Overall documentation improvements focused on setup and testing
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anteayajeblair: if you are about can you help us understand if your patch is neutron's best way forward?21:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Remove py33 from the default environment list
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anteayajeblair: before we merge
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anteayajeblair: it is marked wip21:06
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anteayaarmax: can we go ahead with and then sort out jeblair's change later?21:08
amulleranteaya: I see that armax already picked this up but keep me in mind in the future for stuff like this21:08
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armaxanteaya: we could, let me see if it yields the results I hope21:08
armaxanteaya: I’ll keep you posted21:08
anteayaarmax: good idea thanks21:08
anteayaamuller: sorry what would you like me to keep in mind?21:08
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amulleranteaya: feel free to ping me about neutron/infra/testing stuff21:10
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amulleruse me is what I'm saying :)21:10
anteayaah I understand what you are saying21:10
anteayawell armax/mestry and dougwig are the official folks21:11
anteayaand regXboi I know and tapped him because he was there21:11
mtreinishanteaya: I wrote more words21:11
anteayaI don't know you yet so please don't take offence21:11
anteayabut I need to know that who I talk to has the confidence of the other folks21:11
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anteayaso happy to chat with you in neutron but for something like this I would default to folks I know can back me up if I'm wrong21:12
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anteayaamuller: I hope to meet you in tokyo21:12
anteayamtreinish: I see that21:12
anteayamtreinish: friendly words too21:12
regXboianteaya: I'll extend the web of trust here - amuller is who I go to on testing matters21:12
anteayaregXboi: thanks for that21:12
anteayastill go with folks I know here, and looking forward to meeting you in tokyo amuller21:13
amulleranteaya: I wouldn't know if anyone has any confidence in me, or should, but I recently stumbled upon the position of "testing lieutenant" for neutron21:13
anteayadid you21:13
anteayathanks for letting me know21:13
spzalaanteaya: thanks again and just quick update - with dhellman help, I am all good - tosca-parser 0.1.0 is out on pypi.21:14
anteayamtreinish: do you have an example of devstack-gate doing the right thing?21:14
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anteayaspzala: good work21:14
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anteayaspzala: and I saw your conversation with dhellmann, I'm glad it was fruitful21:15
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spzalaanteaya: :-) thanks! Yup, it was. It was great to know about multiple options out there for release, something I will be exploring for future releases.21:16
anteayanice work spzala21:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Customized pollscm trigger
mtreinishanteaya: not of the top of my head, I don't normally run in an env with a gate hook. But the functions in are what get used to do the post processing they should be leverageable21:16
anteayacan you add that as a link21:16
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anteayayou give the option of relying on devstack-gate, some folks will need a road map21:17
mtreinishanteaya: the functions? like:
anteayait is something21:17
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anteayathe more links they have the more places they have to look to try to figure it out themselves before the end up in here21:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Stash publisher's credentials configuration
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Stash publisher's credentials configuration
clarkbsileht: not sure if you saw but that ceilometer change did not merge21:18
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anteayamtreinish: love it, thank you21:19
mtreinishalthough the mechanics of sourcing d-g functions in a test hook I don't know21:19
mtreinishsince I've never had to do it :)21:19
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TheJuliagreghaynes: you can build fredora/ubuntu/debian (and maybe centos, I've not tried it) based IPA images if you so desire, there is a dib element and we do support it, however I have a fix out there for the ironic-agent dib element21:19
anteayawell we've given them somethign to look at anyway21:19
anteayaso thanks21:19
TheJuliagreghaynes: since, as of this morning when I tried it, it was broken :(21:20
mtreinishanteaya: I need to step away for a few min, I'll send that when I get back21:20
anteayamtreinish: thank you, enjoy <thing>21:20
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spzalaspzala: thanks!21:21
anteayaalways good to give oneself a pat on the back21:22
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pc_mmtreinish: test vs testr works! Thanks!21:23
clarkbFYI that swift cve shouldn't be an issue for us since all the objects in that account are publicly available anywyas21:25
anteayaclarkb: thanks21:25
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pc_mmtreinish: Does test do the same thing as testr, in general? In these tests, there is --testr-args='{posargs}'. Wondering if there is a test-args or if should be removed?21:27
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clarkbpc_m: it should also support --testr-args21:28
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SpamapSgreghaynes: I don't think that's hacky.21:30
SpamapSgreghaynes: that's entirely fine. Deployment and production separation is a thing.21:31
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pc_mclarkb: thanks!21:34
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SpamapSgreghaynes: but what I wonder is why we don't build the ipa image w/ diskimage-builder? I thought we did.21:35
pc_mclarkb: I'll test this all out (I have several coverage jobs - two for functional tests that use devstack with different drivers), and will push up a commit for a fix.21:35
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pc_mclarkb: anteaya: mtreinish thanks for the help!!!21:35
* pc_m signing off for the day...21:36
SpamapSgreghaynes: because it says it uses bifrost-create-dib-image21:36
anteayapc_m: night21:36
anteayaand welcome21:36
pc_manteaya: bye21:36
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clarkbpleia2: can you point me to the maven thing and maybe I can fiddle iwth curl?21:38
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clarkbpleia2: nevermind I see it in the comment on your change now21:39
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* pleia2 thumbs up21:39
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clarkbpleia2: I can confirm that firefox at least grabs what it thinks is a tar.gz21:42
clarkbgonna try curl and wget and then start looking at puppet archive source21:42
pleia2clarkb: yeah, wget works too in our current script21:42
clarkbah ok21:43
clarkbmaybe just skip to reading the source then21:43
pleia2and archive worked fine when I had it download a confirmed, works fine tar.gz from my own server21:43
pleia2so it's really just not liking our robot using that url21:43
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nibalizercan I help?21:45
nibalizerarchive problems?21:46
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anteayanibalizer: you can always help21:46
clarkbnibalizer: see comment on
nibalizerpleia2: clarkb 'our robot' ? is that the archive module or something else?21:46
pleia2nibalizer: the archive module21:46
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pleia2we can download the tar.gz we need fine with wget, not with the archive module21:46
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nibalizeris it a user-agent thing?21:47
pleia2or a redirect thing21:47
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pleia2this is what we end up with in zanata-cli-3.7.3-dist.tar.gz with the patch as is:
pleia2(I added .txt so you could see it)21:50
pleia2not helpful, maven site21:50
nibalizerone of the features of this module is: Follows 302 redirect and propagate download failure.21:50
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clarkbthis puppet module is really ocnfusing21:51
clarkblike what decides if curl or wget is used?21:52
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pleia2I think we either need a better url for this tar.gz file (what does want us to use?) or just forget about it, this exec client thing may be fragile but it does actually work for the client21:52
pleia2the manifest isn't strictly broken right now21:52
clarkbpleia2: good point21:53
clarkbwe can shelve this for hwne the time pressure isn't there21:53
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clarkbpleia2: but the wildfly thing probably should be figured out, I htink you said stevenk was looking at that?21:54
nibalizerI'm attempting to poke it21:54
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, he made some changes to support bumping the wildfly module version, so I hope he can look at it in a few hours, and I'll follow up on my Thursday if he can't21:54
clarkbsound sgood21:54
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clarkbpleia2: fwiw it looks like the default in the wildfly module itself is 8.2.021:57
pleia2clarkb: yeah, and we're on 8.1.0 I think21:57
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clarkbI wonder if maybe it doens't know how to install hte newer version?21:58
clarkb looking to make sure we don't override that somewhere21:59
pleia2ah, hm, that may be possible21:59
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clarkbnope we seem to do the correct thing with the versions22:00
clarkboh! this may be a thing like you said with archive where if you don't change the hash it doens't grab the new file?22:00
clarkbso we changed the url and version but not an md5sum?22:00
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pleia2clarkb: that was for zanata22:01
rm_workis there a doc somewhere about how to effectively test project-config changes?22:02
pleia2but it is possible that there's something similar going on22:02
pleia2with wildfly22:02
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pleia2rm_work: there's a lot in project-config, what specifically are you trying to test?22:02
rm_workproject-config changes -> changes to jenkins jobs for a project config22:02
rm_workyeah just realized i was a bit non-specific22:02
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pleia2I don't think we have docs as such22:03
pleia2they're mostly shell scripts22:03
rm_workI tried adding a "depends-on" to a CR in my project, pointing to the change I have in project-config22:03
rm_workbut it doesn't actually work that way I guess22:03
clarkbrm_work: it doesn't because we can't safely let unvetted jobs run on jenkins masters22:03
rm_workhmm k22:03
clarkbrm_work: hopefully with zuulv3 we will be able to run jobs safely when proposed as a way to check them22:04
rm_worksecurity concerns, makes sense22:04
pleia2depends-on only makes it so your change can't merged until the one it depends on merges22:04
rm_workwhich in this case is fine22:04
clarkbrm_work: usually you just want to run your test script as is to check it22:04
rm_workbut i was hoping to make sure it works before i ask people to +2 it :P22:04
clarkbmost jenkins jobs are bash scripts, just run that script22:04
rm_workclarkb: ok, that's the part i'm unsure of22:04
rm_workmy change is
rm_workso i run...22:04
clarkb(where "just" may actually imply complicatedness)22:04
clarkbrm_work: you run everything in that shell block22:05
rm_workhmm k22:05
rm_workbut like...22:05
clarkbrm_work: with devstack-gate checked out22:05
rm_workwhere? :P22:05
rm_workoh ok22:05
clarkbrm_work: on an ubuntu trusty node22:05
rm_workspin a new VM, clone devstack-gate22:05
rm_workthen run that22:05
rm_workgot it22:05
rm_workwill give that a shot22:05
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rm_workclarkb: i assume it has to be in a specific place?22:07
rm_worklet me see if devstack-gate has docs22:07
rm_workit prolly does22:07
clarkbrm_work: it does22:07
clarkbthe readme should tell you ho wto run it locally22:07
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clarkbpleia2: reading the wildfly source there should be a /tmp/wildflyfile that is extracted to another location but listing /tmp doesn't show it22:08
clarkbpleia2: which makes me think it isn't even grabbing it and I think that is beacuse it has a creates => parameter and that file already exists22:08
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pleia2hmm, it had been downloading it every 30 minutes, what did we change...22:08
clarkbpleia2: we upgraded the wildfly module22:08
clarkbI am going to test this hunch by moving the file aside and triggering puppet22:09
pleia2yeah, I thought it was still doing it after we did that, but maybe I got my dates mixed up22:09
pleia2checking the syslog22:09
clarkbyup that did it22:11
clarkbpuppet did a bunch of stuff and the console.log shows 9.0.1 now22:11
clarkbpleia2: iirc new iwldfly module uses archive as well22:11
pleia2it uses the other archive :(22:12
pleia2so we specifically have to be careful not to trigger it22:12
pleia2I think22:12
pleia2no, that was grafana22:12
clarkbpleia2: no it uses the same one because puppet22:12
clarkbpleia2: we have the community one installed and its a shared namespace so it has to use that one22:12
nibalizerhopefully at puppet conf we can merge them22:12
clarkband it seems to have worked so that bit is probably fine22:12
pleia2nibalizer: that would be lovely22:12
nibalizerI specifically have an action item to resolve this22:12
clarkbwe just need a better way to tell it to actually update the file22:13
pleia2good, one less thing to do22:13
nibalizerand until then, there is load_metadata_json22:13
clarkbbut I think this is a bug in the wildfly module so maybe we can find time to submit a PR22:13
nibalizerya I can't get our archive/zanadat thing to work22:14
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nibalizerI'm lagging behind yall clearly :)22:15
clarkbStevenK: if you pop on sometime soon, the issue appears to be that wildfly's use of the archive module means that it won't rerun as long as the jar file that it sets as the creates parameter exists22:15
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clarkbStevenK: since the creates parameter is used to indicate that you do not need to rerun the resource thing22:15
clarkbsimilar to how execs work22:15
clarkbnibalizer: well two different issues, this one is how the wildfly install works the one we first showed you is the zanata client change pleia2 wrote22:16
nibalizerim poking the second one22:16
nibalizerin an attempt to help22:16
nibalizerif that isn't what I should be doing let me know22:16
clarkbnibalizer: no thats helpful22:17
clarkbnibalizer: I think the wildfly module should accept a checksum argument? then it can update whenever that changes22:17
nibalizerwget creates the file as remotecontent?filepath=org%2Fzanata%2Fzanata-cli%2F3.7.3%2Fzanata-cli-3.7.3-dist.tar.gz which is barf inducing22:17
nibalizerbut it is a tarball22:17
nibalizerunlike the other file22:17
clarkbnibalizer: wget via archive or just wget?22:17
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nibalizerwhich as pleia2 pointed out is an html file22:18
nibalizerclarkb: just wget22:18
clarkbnibalizer: any idea how to tell archive to use a different downloader?22:18
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds the 1st initial package for upstream infra packaging
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nibalizerclarkb: provider => blorp I assume22:19
nibalizerI'll investigate22:19
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clarkbnibalizer: maybe we can force wget and try that22:20
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anteayadoes yall have an apostrophe? y'all?22:20
clarkbanteaya: I think so yes22:20
anteayaI'm trying to learn how to spell it correctly22:20
clarkbbut I am bad at punctuation so don't rely on me22:20
anteayathanks clarkb22:20
anteayaah great22:21
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clarkbpleia2: StevenK I think the way to fix the wildfly module is to have it download the file to wildfly::dirname then set the creates to the unextracted filename22:22
clarkbthen when we change the source url the unextracted filename will change and we should rerun22:22
pleia2is that something we can do in our zanata/wildfly.pp, or an upstream patch?22:22
nibalizeranteaya: we're also gonna adopt the appelation z'ull right?22:22
clarkbI can write that patch and make a PR real quickly and other people can tell me if I am crazy22:22
greghaynesSpamapS: I think no one has done the work to make an ipa dib element22:22
clarkbpleia2: its an upstream patch22:22
* pleia2 nods22:22
greghaynesSpamapS: and AFAIK thats the only reason22:22
anteayanibalizer: first I've heard of it, but okay22:22
pleia2clarkb: sounds good re: patch, they're a very responsive upstream22:23
anteayayeah that can work22:23
saurabhshi all, need help getting this merged: there are lot of trove patches blocked by this22:23
anteayaclarkb: you're crazy but not because of any patch you have or might write22:24
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Switch overcloud-f21-nonha to instack
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SpamapSgreghaynes: I thought I saw there was already an element in review22:25
SpamapSbut maybe I"m just dreaming22:25
clarkbhrm this may not work because archive cleans up the compressed source22:26
clarkbnibalizer: ^ can you confirm?22:26
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pleia2you can tell it to not clean it up22:27
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pleia2cleanup => false22:27
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: (WIP) Overall documentation improvements focused on setup and testing
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add check non-voting Sahara job to build plain images
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openstackgerritTim Buckley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new OpenStack QA project StackViz.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Monasca team meeting
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update root level docs to contain information for contributors
mmmporkfungi: ^^22:43
mmmporki added the docs you suggested, i hope i did that right22:43
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mmmporkthis is the storyboard ticket i created:!/story/200033322:44
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mmmporkidk if i'm supposed to link that, it looks like i should have created a bug in lp?22:44
anteayaif you create a story you don't also create a bug in launchpad22:45
anteayait is one or the other22:45
anteayayou can link your story url in the commit message of your patch22:45
anteayaso above the change id22:46
anteayanext patch set22:46
anteayaadd: Story: <url_to_story>22:46
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anteayaif the project is known by storyboard, create a story22:47
anteayaif storyboard doesn't know the project, create a bug in launchpad22:47
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Order get_tests_run_dicts_from_run_id response by date
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Use ostestr for running unit tests
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add more db api tests
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mmmporkanteaya: do we typically use lp or storyboard?22:54
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mmmporkin this case i was told to create the bug in sb but i'm just making sure it's something we're actively using22:54
anteayainfra projects are mostly on storyboard22:54
anteayaso for we == infra, go to storyboard first22:54
anteayamost of the rest of openstack uses launchpad22:54
anteayainfra is using storyboard at this point in time, correct22:55
anteayaand I don't do well with acronyms22:55
anteayaso use them if you like22:55
anteayabut I often need them expanded before I can follow along22:55
mmmporki assumed there was enough context in this case22:55
anteayaassumptions can lead to confusion22:56
anteayajust the two of us talking, fine22:56
anteayamany interruptions can make it tough to follow along22:56
anteayajust sharing my perspective22:56
anteayawhich you are welcome to consider or not22:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix using no dates in create_test_run db api method
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update root level docs to contain information for contributors
clarkbnibalizer: pleia2
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mmmporktimrc: i'm not sure the best way to submit these changes, but when this goes out, the stuff in the README will be redundant -
nibalizerclarkb: ithink you want ${wildfly::dirname}23:07
mmmporki mean, not submit, but link, whatever23:07
clarkbderp I dropped the $23:07
mmmporkit just seemed beyond the scope of that original issue i was editing to make those changes to the README and add the CONTRIBUTING doc23:07
clarkbnibalizer: now is it normal to amend here or should it be a new commit?23:07
mmmporkbut if it makes more sense i can just do it all in the one patch23:08
timrcmmmpork, Ah maybe add 'Depends-On' in your commit?23:08
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clarkbnibalizer: hows that23:09
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mmmporkok i can do that.. it doesn't directly depend on it, if you followed the instructions in the readme, they are incomplete23:09
nibalizerclarkb: --amend and force push yea23:09
nibalizerits derpy23:09
rm_workLOL clarkb good to know fact: the scripts that devstack-gate says to run disable root login T_T23:09
nibalizerbecause it then loses the original commit and any comments23:09
rm_workas a side-effect23:09
mmmporki'm adding a quickstart doc to the testing doc.. i can add that here with that new info instead23:09
mmmporkor to the testing doc patch rather23:09
clarkbrm_work: uh they shouldn't23:09
mmmporkit's basically all the info in the readme put in the actual doc tree23:10
rm_workit messes with sshd_config23:10
clarkbrm_work: they do remove sudo access for stack user but thats it23:10
rm_worksets PermitRootLogin no23:10
clarkbthey do? can you point at it?23:10
mmmporkand cleaned up and improved type of thing23:10
rm_worknot sure where in the scripts23:10
clarkbrm_work: or are you talking about puppet?23:10
rm_workit might be part of the puppet run23:10
clarkbya puppet will do it23:10
rm_worki mean the docs give this huge thing to copy/paste23:10
rm_workto get set up23:10
clarkbanyways that shouldn't be a problem for cloud images23:10
rm_workwhich involves puppet23:10
clarkbsince they all insist on a distro specific root analog23:10
rm_workheh, RAX default user is root23:11
clarkbrm_work: not on ubuntu trusty, it is "ubuntu"23:11
rm_workso i got locked out on my first couple of attempts23:11
rm_workRAX Ubuntu Trusty default user is root23:11
clarkbreally? wow23:11
clarkbI thought they were doing cloud init and getting an ubuntu user23:11
rm_worknot that i'm aware of23:11
clarkbthats how most ubuntu images I have used work23:11
rm_workthey always drop my key into root's authorized_keys23:12
clarkbbut nodepool tries a bunch of things because images are crazy23:12
rm_worki will check and see if some ubuntu user exists that i have literally never used23:12
clarkbrm_work: its the one cloud init makes on ubuntu23:12
anteayamorning jhesketh23:12
clarkbrm_work: and its the one you are expected to use by the distro aiui23:12
rm_workso, with RAX, when you specify an ssh-key to use when booting the server23:13
rm_workit drops it into root, but not ubuntu23:13
rm_workthe ubuntu user exists but i have no idea what the password for it is, and my key isn't installed on it23:13
clarkbrm_work: it should do both23:13
clarkbrm_work: bceause thats how cloud init works23:13
rm_workit does not :)23:13
clarkbok then rax has broken images23:13
clarkbbut we hvae long known this and is why getting our own images uploaded has been focus of much work23:14
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JayFclarkb: just differently configured images :)23:14
JayFclarkb: although I tend to agree in wishing we used the overall cloud defaults23:14
clarkbJayF: thats what we are trying to do23:15
clarkbbut VHD is a pretty bad image format so they are huge and glance doens't work in rax either23:15
clarkb"error 396"23:15
clarkbanyways it is being worked on, but slow progress23:15
pleia2nibalizer: ooh, testing for wildfly module would be <323:15
clarkbpleia2: it does look like they have a travis build running against my PR23:16
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openstackgerritTim Buckley proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Collect DStat CSV logs if they exist.
nibalizerpleia2: aw yiss23:16
timrcmmmpork, Sorry, I was away... I'm dealing with a 4 year old going on 14.  So yeah... the problem with your patch if you don't link it is that someone like me has no context.  All I see is removal of documentation citing its redundant and then I look in the repo and at the docs URL you added and can't confirm that's true.23:16
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clarkbJayF: it helps keep expectations sane23:18
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clarkbJayF: if it works one way everywhere else hten rax does something different thats just bad user experience23:18
clarkbJayF: even if having a distro specific user for each distro is silly its what we seem to have standardized on23:19
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openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update root level docs to contain information for contributors
mmmporktimrc: no problem :) i went ahead and set it up with the dependency so it's more clear23:21
greghaynesclarkb: these fedora mirrors are killing us in DIB :(23:21
mmmporktimrc: thanks for taking the time to review it and to point out that confusion :)23:21
clarkbgreghaynes: stop testing fedora23:21
greghaynesbut I like tests23:21
clarkbgreghaynes: we can't cache its packages because dnf is broken23:22
clarkbdnf refuses to fix23:22
clarkbits a simple solution to me23:22
greghaynesyou couldnt cache this bit anyhow23:22
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clarkbyou can23:22
clarkbdib already does it23:22
greghaynesits failing to get repository metadata23:22
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greghaynesmost of the time23:22
clarkbdib can offline mode23:22
clarkbso if we could build the cache there properly it would work I think23:23
clarkbwe just can't do it23:23
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greghaynessure, then wed only be checking new packages once we redo images23:23
clarkbgreghaynes: whcih is fine I think? ususally you would be worried that you make change to element that cna't build fedora not that new package breaks dib right?23:23
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greghaynesYea, its not the end of the world, but we do break often from broken upstream packaging23:24
clarkbgreghaynes: are you using cloud local mirrors or fedora proper?23:25
clarkbyou might have better luck using rax/hpcloud mirrors if not already using them23:25
greghaynesclarkb: we pin to the 'most sane' fedora proper23:25
* greghaynes thinks of how to encode that logic so dib can use it23:26
clarkbgreghaynes: you'd need something like that anywyas if we ever moved to hosting our own mirrors23:26
clarkbso probably worthwhile23:26
greghayneshrm, yep23:27
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rm_workclarkb: err, so by default for the gate, the project being tested (and the commit being tested, specifically) is cloned/checked out AUTOMATICALLY into /opt/stack/new/ right?23:34
clarkbrm_work: yup devstack-gate does that via the PROJECTS list23:34
rm_workwithout the project-config job yaml having to specify?23:34
clarkbif you don't specify you get the default which is pretty extensive23:35
clarkbbut may not include barbican23:35
rm_workit does not23:35
rm_workbut i need the *specific* barbican CR i'm testing, wouldn't it just check out the default master?23:35
rm_workthere is a lot of "magic" here, sometimes it is hard to tell23:35
clarkbrm_work: you should be able to set a ZUUL_REF the readme explains all of that last I chceked23:35
rm_workyeah i did that...23:36
rm_workwell, i'll try again23:36
clarkbdo that and point to the ref of your change23:36
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rm_workref being...23:36
clarkbthe git sha1 for the commit23:37
rm_workthat explains part of my problem23:37
clarkbor refs/changes/XX/YYYXX/ from gerrit23:37
clarkblots of ways to do that in git23:37
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rm_workyeah that is what i used23:37
rm_workdid not work23:37
rm_workbut maybe commit hash will23:37
clarkbdid you set ZUUL_URL to ?23:37
rm_worki used whatever the default was in that readme -- it occurs to me the ZUUL_URL prolly needs to be reviews.openstack.org23:38
clarkbrm_work: or should both work as the changes are replicated to the git mirror at git.openstack.org23:38
rm_workhmm k23:38
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rm_workoh, REPO_URL is review.openstack.org23:39
rm_workand ZUUL_URL ends up being a local directory (the cache where it has you pull down your project earlier)23:39
rm_workcrap, have to board a plane -- will be trying some more shortly23:39
rm_workthanks for the help23:39
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add meeting_id for neutron-team-meeting
anteayarm_work: let's avoid swearing in future please23:42
rm_workah sorry, i barely even think of that as a swear word, but I'll try to be in polite-mode in this channel in the future :)23:43
anteayathank you23:43
anteayait helps us when we have to work for long periods on hard issues23:43
anteayawhen we just start out being polite it is just one less thing to think about23:43
anteayasafe flight23:44
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clarkbI think I almost have travis happy on this RP23:55
anteayaclarkb: yay23:55
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update DELOREAN_URL to one from 2015-08-26
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