Friday, 2015-09-18

tonybfungi: the person need to be @infra-root to do this correct?00:00
ianwjamielennox: yeah ... something must have changed00:00
ianwduur :)00:00
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fungitonyb: yes, needs to have socket access to query the database for the gerrit server00:00
tonybfungi: cool.00:01
fungitonyb: i have a feeling if i rewrite the correlation tools we're using, it may be possible to make it use the rest api in newer gerrit versions to get the necessary data00:01
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tonybfungi: That'd be cool only in that it avoids extra work in @infra-root.  I'd be happy to help write that if it becomes a thing you're lookign at.00:03
ianwjamielennox: ahh, yeah it's the test hook on the old branch of python-keystoneclient00:03
ianwjamielennox: you want to cherry-pick 3e862bbb1e2a7b488cf2de43651270e6afbb82ad back to the branch i'd say00:04
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jamielennoxianw: ah, ok - thanks00:05
jamielennoxwould be nice if these weren't managed per project....00:05
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clarkbwell we were supposed to figure out what worked after acycle and standardize00:06
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clarkbbut everyone did drastically different things and I think all hope was lost of making it standard00:06
clarkbmight he worth trying again00:06
clarkb"this functional test setup works well lets use it"00:07
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clarkbone big problem is everyone tries to keep service list as small as possible so that may need tweaking00:08
clarkbas thats different for each project00:08
jamielennoxcould be a yaml file with config though rather than shell script if it were standard enough00:10
* jamielennox has not encountered the ways i'm sure these are all different00:10
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fungiclarkb: lifeless and i are trying to use to zero in on the pain points we had with branchless client libraries which i've now mostly forgotten since we branched them. if you have anything to add, more memory cells would help00:15
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fungijamielennox: clarkb: yeah, the let-a-thousand-flowers-bloom philosophy there has led to a garden full of weeds00:17
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Take parameter order from yaml in trigger_parameterized_builds
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/requirements: Set upper limit for manilaclient to 1.4.0
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: stable/juno: adjust python-ceilometerclient version range
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add signatire for 1496678
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: Deploy as a wsgi app
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add odsreg server
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Add "Satisfy any" to default vhost template
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Adds Cloudbees folder plugin support
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tonybIs there anyway to share the this of reviews I have stared with someone else?01:35
ruagairparse error.01:35
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fungised -e s/this/list/ -e s/stared/starred/01:42
fungiand no, not that i'm aware01:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API testing framework
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clarkbyou cqn search for starred by $user01:46
clarkbI forget the specific query though01:46
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clarkbtonyb look in the gerrit docs should be doable01:47
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tonybclarkb: I tried and failed.  I'm about to go looking in the dashboards repo ;P01:48
ianwclarkb: so can we try (install selinux-policy first, then restart)01:49
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fungitonyb: clarkb: aha! i didn't know about starredby:'USER'
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clarkbianw sure but I am at a meetup now so busy01:54
tonybfungi: Thanks.  clearly I didn't read the docs very well :(01:54
fungitonyb: nor i. had to go hunting for it01:54
tonybfungi: An that is exactly the list I wanted to see :)01:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix for sqlite support on migrations
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update ATC and approvers scripts for deliverables
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remap repo names in ATC query script
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openstackgerritMotohiro/Yuanying Otsuka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable barbican plugin to Magnum local config
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable gate-grenade-dsvm-ceilometer in stable/juno
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable gate-grenade-dsvm-ceilometer in stable/juno
mriedemsuper easy fix to unwedge part of stable/juno ^02:59
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anteayafungi: so
anteayafungi: I was talking to piet today at an hp thing in fort collins03:43
anteayaand he told me he was being advised to create a git repo to track his contributors03:43
anteayabut his contributors don't use gerrit, so a repo is useless to him and for this purpose03:44
anteayaI made the above governance patch for him03:44
anteayaand put it up in gerrit before the contributor deadline but it is not merged03:44
anteayaand the tc don't know about it03:44
anteayano idea what the outcome if any will be03:44
anteayabut he didn't know until I told him today the the extra-atc file in the governance repo was a thing created for exactly his use case03:45
anteayaso I wanted you to know about it as the person generating the electoral rolls03:45
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anteayapleia2: yay implemented \o/03:46
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openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix gate-rally-dsvm-zaqar-zaqar
openstackgerritVictoria Martinez de la Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove enable_plugin directive for Sahara
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Generic RPM installation detection
fungianteaya: thanks for the heads up, though actually the cut-off for updates to the governance repo for these elections was actually september 10 apparently, since that's when ttx made the tag04:03
fungii should really be asleep but instead spent the past several hours trying to improve the current atc listing script before giving up--just needs a full-blown rewrite i think04:05
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fungitrying to do things like group by team, deduplicate entries by e-mail address to deal with people with multiple gerrit accounts, integrating extra-atcs who have no gerrit id number or username... pretty much all require a totally different data model04:07
fungiand at that point i may as well work on switching it to use the gerrit rest api anyway04:07
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clarkbyes sleep04:08
clarkbI am about to do that04:08
fungigood call. night!04:09
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Systemd+selinux vs iptables on centos7, round 2
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ianwclarkb: ^ i hate to bang on about it, but ^04:28
ianwthere is a suggestion in the related bug it is fixed in rhel7.2 ... so that's something i guess04:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add --verbose option to show sql statements generated
rm_workhey, can someone explain this to me:04:30
rm_workbranch: ^(?!stable/(?:juno|kilo)).*$04:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: Fix path to
rm_worktrying to decide what it needs to be for my new job definitions04:30
rm_workI see that it is regex... and i can KINDA parse it in my head04:31
jeblairrm_work: it's a negative lookahead04:31
jeblairrm_work: "anything except stable/juno or stable/kilo"04:31
rm_workso, I am adding gate jobs that would NOT work in any version but current04:31
jeblairrm_work: that's the way to do it04:31
rm_workso just leave it like that?04:31
rm_workthat was just copied from another similar job04:32
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jeblairrm_work: we do it that way so that when we stop supporting juno, we pull it out of those regexes... then when we stop supporting kilo we pull it out too, and then there's nothing left04:32
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jeblairrm_work: that way we tend toward _less_ entropy over time.  it's a neat trick.  :)04:32
jeblairself-approving obvious bugfix on
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Split up the Neutron-LBaaS V2 API Tests into multiple jobs
rm_workthanks for the assist jeblair :)04:35
jeblairrm_work: np04:35
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anteayafungi: understood, just doing what I could to help piet as he had no idea about the extra-atc file04:40
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anteayafungi: I did tell him the decision maybe to not allow it for this round and then it will be up for next round, so he has nice low expectations04:41
anteayafungi: just wanted to get it up04:41
anteayafungi clarkb night04:41
anteayafungi: yeah the electoral roll generation certainly has become way more complicated04:42
anteayaPiet: there you are04:42
PietTurns out I was the only one crazy enough to run for the OpenStack UX PTL position04:42
anteayaPiet: yay04:42
anteayaalone in your crazy04:42
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anteayahow is your awesome dog?04:42
PietYep - my special kind of crazy04:43
* anteaya is about to turn in04:43
PietShe's asleep in front of the refrigerator04:43
anteayaha ha ha04:43
anteayadid you get barbeque?04:43
jeblairanteaya: i think the project-team-guide could probably use an update to mention extra-atcs04:44
PietHeh - no - but there is blue cheese in thee04:44
anteayajeblair: very good, I will make a note to myself to offer a patch to do that04:44
anteayaperhaps tomorrow as I tour airports04:44
anteayaPiet: ah yes04:45
anteayamy dog could hear cheese04:45
anteayawhen she was with my mother and I was away04:45
anteayamy mother would say, she can hear cheese04:45
PietYep - should have called her pepper jack (cheese)04:45
jeblairttx: exists; and you have an account on it04:45
anteayawhen my mother was in the kitchen and was opening the fridge for cheese, she was always waiting on the other side of the door04:45
anteayaPiet: yup :)04:46
anteayajeblair: yay!04:46
anteayait lives04:46
anteayayucky css but it will do04:46
jeblairanteaya: oh i think the css is broken04:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: Fix path to
anteayaoh even better04:47
anteayajeblair: I was trying to imagine a world where that _was_ the intended look04:47
jeblairanteaya: imagine 199504:47
anteayayeah I was04:47
anteayaha ha ha04:47
anteayathat was when I had my acupuncture practice04:48
StevenKNot enough <blink> tags for '95?04:48
anteayaha ha ha04:48
rm_workjeblair: so if i tag a job like that, even though it is in the gate list for a project, it just doesn't get triggered?04:48
StevenKAnd the domain name doesn't include :-P04:48
ruagairgot the storyboard dump jeblair. Thanks!04:49
anteayaokay night y'all04:49
jeblairruagair: great, thanks.  i'll reenable puppet there04:49
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rm_workso if anyone remembers, I had named some jobs "-new" and was planning on switching over to them, dropping the old jobs, and dropping the "-new"04:50
rm_workbut since it was pointed out that I can't drop the old jobs completely because they have to continue to run for kilo/juno ....04:50
rm_workI need to keep both jobs in the definition and just set one of them to run only for juno/kilo and one to run only for NOT juno/kilo04:51
rm_workso, what do people think I should do for naming?04:51
rm_workthere was a general dislike of "-new"04:51
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: Fix paths in apache configuration
jeblairanother self-approval ^04:52
rm_workshould I maybe make the new one take the original name, and call the original one "gate-barbican-devstack-dsvm-compat" or something?04:52
rm_workor is "-compat" just as bad as "-new"??04:52
ianwrm_work: maybe "oldstable"04:53
rm_workI'm ok with that04:53
ianwsince presumably when M becomes stable it's not included04:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Systemd+selinux vs iptables on centos7, round 2
rm_workwell, when M is stable, will kilo/juno be GONE?04:53
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rm_workI assume that is correct? L/M will be current04:54
rm_workif so, then yes04:54
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rm_workand what should I put for "branch" to have it ONLY run on juno/kilo?04:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove enable_plugin directive for Sahara
rm_workbranch: ^(?!stable/(?:juno|kilo)).*$    was for "only current"04:56
rm_workbranch: ^(?stable/(?:juno|kilo)).*$04:56
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rm_workso no need for the crazy fancy stuff?04:57
rm_workbranch: ^stable/(juno|kilo)$04:58
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix gate-rally-dsvm-zaqar-zaqar
openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fully migrate Barbican gate to the new jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Disable gate-grenade-dsvm-ceilometer in stable/juno
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: Fix paths in apache configuration
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: change verify group to fuel-plugins-ci
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: change verify group to fuel-plugins-ci
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create puppet-aodh repository
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix gate-rally-dsvm-zaqar-zaqar
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Fedora 22 DIB nodes
openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add os-client-config functional testing
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: change verify group to fuel-plugins-ci
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: make gate-puppet-ironic-puppet-beaker-rspec-dsvm-trusty voting
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openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add constraints enabled tox environment jobs
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add os-client-config functional testing
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix misspelling in comments
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openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Add constraints enabled tox environment jobs
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-bdd to project config
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install three pip packages on the proposal slave
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openstackgerritDoron Chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding a functional test to the storlets project
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ttxjeblair: ok, I'll make it go the last mile, hopefully today06:55
zigoI got my jenkins process dying when trying to build Nova:
zigoIt only does it in Jenkins, building in plain Debian sid shows no problem.06:56
zigoHas anyone seen something like this?06:56
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Split up the Neutron-LBaaS V2 API Tests into multiple jobs
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: gnocchiclient: remove useless jobs
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: gnocchiclient: remove useless jobs
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: gnocchiclient: remove useless jobs
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silehtHi, the gnocchiclient gate in broken because we have setup the repo with some wrong jobs: If someone can take a looks to the fix:
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dtantsurhi folks! could someone review/merge upper-constraint change for ironic-inspector-client?
dtantsurwe're still gate-testing with essentially kilo version of it...09:30
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ozamiatinHi, please take a look and bless we need this much in oslo.messaging09:36
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-bdd to project config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Download a compressed centos cloud images
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gmanndizquierdo: ping10:27
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dizquierdogmann, pong10:28
gmanndizquierdo: I searched how openstack activity dashboard takes projects list data etc10:29
gmanndizquierdo: but did not find the exact location ?10:29
dizquierdosure, this is based on the yaml file from the Foundation10:29
gmanndizquierdo: ON THIS ->
dizquierdogmann, well, that's for puppet10:30
gmanndizquierdo: and for ?10:31
dizquierdoyou can find the exact list of projects and repositories in the database10:31
dizquierdothat dtabase10:31
dizquierdobut, this basically should follow the yaml file10:31
dizquierdogmann, do you need specific info? let me know!10:32
gmanndizquierdo: ok let me check . Thanks10:32
gmanndizquierdo: there are some repo i found missing in dashboard10:33
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gmanndizquierdo: want to know where code compile projects.yaml to get all project and repo info -
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dizquierdoah ok gmann, I get the point now, if that's for personal use, probably the repo you pointed out before is the best place10:34
dizquierdoif this is to understand how the activity board works, then this is still a bit manual process I'm afraid10:34
gmanndizquierdo: you means manually adding the projects and repo etc?10:35
gmanndizquierdo: if any projects and repo needs to be added/modified then manually we need to add right?10:38
dizquierdogmann, I do (for the first question) and you're right (to the second question)10:39
dizquierdowe're now working on an automated way to do this10:39
dizquierdoplease, if you see any inconsistency, let me know10:39
gmanndizquierdo: ok10:39
gmanndizquierdo: yea actually Congress  project repo is not listed in
dizquierdoand if you'd like to help, that would be awesome :)10:39
dizquierdook, I should add Congress then10:39
gmanndizquierdo: pythoncongress client is there10:39
gmanndizquierdo: yea i will be happy if i can10:40
dizquierdothanks for the poniter gmann ! :)10:40
gmanndizquierdo: but first need to the process for the same10:40
dizquierdosure gmann10:41
dizquierdook, gmann let me proceed in the following way:10:41
dizquierdo1- I'll update the list of projects/repositories10:41
dizquierdo2- I'll try to document in the OpenStack wiki how to update such information10:41
dizquierdo3- I'll ping you back to let you know the process and if you're interested in helping, that would be great :)10:41
gmanndizquierdo: cool, that is nice plan. Thanks.10:42
dizquierdothanks again for the bug report gmann :)10:42
gmanndizquierdo: please ping me once congress repo is added. or any way to know that automatically means somewhere you keep track of such bugs10:43
gmanndizquierdo: or just request you on irc works10:43
dizquierdorequests by irc are also fine :)10:44
gmanndizquierdo: cool, ll wait for doc and your reply about process :)10:44
gmanndizquierdo: how much time it takes to reflect the modification in dashboard10:45
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-python-fuelclient-python34 voting + gate
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Deprecate the deploy-ironic element
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
dizquierdogmann, the dash is daily updated, so once changes are applied this shouln't take more than a day11:19
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove redundant stable section from os-win
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/requirements: Bump upper-constraint for python-ironic-inspector-client to 1.2.0
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dtantsurfolks, please review ^^ otherwise ironic-inspector and ironic are still gated with kilo inspector-client..12:39
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tristanCfungi: o/12:59
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fungitristanC: i started running the script when i woke up a little while ago but it takes a few hours to complete at our current scale13:04
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fungitristanC: hopefully in a couple hours i should be able to give you the 7 project rolls and the bit one for the tc as well13:05
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tristanCfungi: oh ok, thanks!13:07
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fungiyou're welcome. i'll let you know as soon as i send you the rolls13:07
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: gnocchiclient: remove useless jobs
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/requirements: Bump upper-constraint for python-ironic-inspector-client to 1.2.0
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silehtHi, the gnocchiclient gate in broken because we have setup the repo with some wrong jobs: If someone can take a looks to the fix:
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update cliff for new release 1.15.0
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: ironic-agent element to output a .kernel file
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update ceilometermiddleware for new release 0.3.0
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/requirements: Update glance-store and python-glanceclient
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flaper87_fungi: jeblair can I bother you with a review request? That completes the migration of Zaqar to a devstack plugin13:33
flaper87_^ or anyone that wants to help reviewing that13:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-bdd to project config
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-plugin-xenserver project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make ZeroMQ gate voting in master branch
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fungiso odd to see you saying that when it's still morning where i am13:49
jroll^ we subscribe to that in -ironic13:51
fungijroll: hah, that's classic13:52
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fungiin this case it's more of a "this isn't when jhesketh _usually_ says 'morning' sort of strangeness"13:53
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lawrancejingfrom UTC+8   aha13:56
jheskethHeh, I just like to state the time of day ;-)13:57
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fungiat the sound of the tone, the time will be 13 hours 58 minutes coordinated universal time13:57
fungiblip blip blip beeeeeeep13:58
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pabelangerianw: Ya, I am hoping to add a CLI command to grafyaml to validate configs, like we do with zuul and nodepool14:04
pabelangerianw: that way, we can gate the grafyaml configs in project-config14:04
pabelangerianw: hope to hammer that out today14:04
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/requirements: Set upper limit for manilaclient to 1.4.0
BobBallOK - so my project was just added ( and I'm a member of fuel-plugin-xenserver-core on launchpad, but I don't have permission to +1 the workflow?  Any ideas why this might be?14:06
lawrancejingcloud someone help review the commit:, thanks a lot :-)14:07
BobBallOh - I guess there might be some period job that updates gerrit's view of the world?14:07
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pabelangerBobBall: are you core in gerrit? You need to be added there manually, there is no sync process between launchpad14:09
lawrancejingBobBall: do you have +2 option?14:09
pabelangerthere are no members, so you need to be added14:09
BobBallAh right I see hehe14:10
BobBallSo I need to ask someone nicely to add me in fuel-plugin-xenserver-core and fuel-plugin-xenserver-release on gerrit14:11
* BobBall assumed there was a nice sync process :)14:11
pabelangerYes, people usually ask here or on the -infra ML.14:12
pabelangerOnce an -infra core reads the backscroll, I'm sure you'll get added14:12
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* BobBall will wait patiently.14:12
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lawrancejingpabelanger: so the tips should add in
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pabelangerlawrancejing: is that what you are asking?14:15
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lawrancejinggot that,hah14:16
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* BobBall had forgotten the 'Before You Start' advice...14:20
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update python-manilaclient for new release 1.4.0
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: www-data needs to own Django DB
ttxjeblair: odsreg.o.o should be good to go once we prevent Puppet from resetting wrong permissions ^14:25
jeblairttx: lgtm!14:26
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ttxjeblair: FTR to make it run I only had to provide a event.json to feed to " loadevent", and fix DB permissions14:27
jeblairttx: cool... if you change even.json and run loadevent again, does that work?14:28
ttxhmm, no idea. Might create dupe events and create hell14:28
jeblairok.  good thing we didn't get around to puppeting that then.  :)14:28
ttxit's probably simpler to make the code smarter and feed the required data in a  config file14:29
ttxespecailly as we don't plan to use the loadslots part14:29
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ttxalso one limitation of the current thing is that you can only have one admin per track, which doesn't work so well for cross(project14:30
ttxbut will work ok as a collection device14:30
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jeblairttx: yeah, i get the impression that this will help with collection, and etherpad may be favored for final decisions/planning14:31
ttxI should probably rewrite it purely as a data collection tool14:31
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jeblairfor anyone who looks at the node graph like me and says 'golly gee it looks like there are >200 building nodes', there are.  it looks like rax is legitimately taking longer than 1 hour to build some nodes in all 3 regions.14:35
fungisounds like our old friend "available address starvation"14:36
jeblairfungi: yeah14:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Fix misspelling in comments
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fungianybody happen to know how to get at the "Submitted-at" field in a gerrit change query? i see gerrit saves it in the git notes but not having luck figuring out which detail option exposes it in the rest api (if any)14:36
jeblairi had a dream about ipv4 address exhaustion last night14:37
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fungisounds exhausting14:37
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update django_openstack_auth for new release 2.0.0
jeblairfungi: i don't recall seeing that; worst case you can scan messages looking for the 'merged' message from the system user.14:39
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fungiyeah, that's about as ugly as just using git to retrieve the notes14:39
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jeblairfungi: yeah, depending on whether you need git for anything else14:39
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jeblairi mean _usually_ it's the updated time, but i'm guessing if you leave a comment on a merged change that updates too14:40
fungihoping if i rewrite our atc list script using the rest api i can streamline to query based on a submitted-at range14:40
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add special case for django-openstack-auth
fungiright, leaving a comment on a merged change updates the updated time14:40
jeblairoh you said query didn't you.14:40
jeblairi wasn't thinking "search query" i was thinking "rest api query"14:40
fungiwell, both (or either)14:41
fungiwould be nice if the rest api response blobs included the submitted-at since gerrit obviously seems to track that14:41
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jeblairfungi: it may not actually store it though -- it really might just be a 'stamp' it puts into git at the time14:42
fungibut ideally if i can trust the query then simply supporting submitted-at for ranges would be sufficient14:42
fungioh, hrm that's a good point. i need to look back at what we're actually querying in the current ssh-based script14:42
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ansible not on hpcloud nodes bug 1497006
openstackbug 1497006 in OpenStack-Gate "gate jobs fail because ansible is not installed on hpcloud nodes" [Undecided,Fix committed]
fungiyeah, gerrit is actually returning a SUBM approval with a grantedOn value14:43
fungilooks like i want an ApprovalInfo object14:44
jeblairfungi: oh, it uses a special "approval", the "submitted" approval, and checks the grantedOn date for that14:44
jeblairbut i still don't think you can search-query for when an approval was granted14:44
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fungiworst case i dump all changes for a repo and then filter the results in script14:45
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jeblairthat's at least slightly cleaner than scanning messages, though structurally similar.14:45
fungias long as i can actually get at the approval info that way it's at least no worse that what we're doing already14:45
fungihopefully more robust than assuming the merge comment text will remain consistent14:46
fungiooh! the old script finished. now i can correlate and clean up our rolls for the current elections14:47
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fungijeblair: anyway, the hope is that if i can get this working through the rest api, anyone (including the election officials) can independently generate and check voter rolls, saving infra a good chunk of time better spent elsewhere ;)14:49
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Add translation-jobs for python-keystoneclient"
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Add translation-jobs for python-keystoneclient"
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: gnocchiclient: remove useless jobs
jeblairfungi: ++!14:51
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openstackgerritBen Swartzlander proposed openstack/requirements: Require manilaclient 1.3 for Liberty
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip neutron python.*-constraints jobs for doc only changes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add paging controls to the result set pager
ttxjeblair: boo, the puppet change I wrote failed indent tests, but i don't think I touched indentation ?15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Implement offset/limit pagination of lists
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ansible not on hpcloud nodes bug 1497006
openstackbug 1497006 in OpenStack-Gate "gate jobs fail because ansible is not installed on hpcloud nodes" [Undecided,Fix committed]
ttxstanding by to fix if someone can tell me what's wrong15:07
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update constraints for liberty libs
ttxI think I got it15:08
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: www-data needs to own Django DB
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Change the page title when different things are being viewed
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AJaegerpleia2: I blocked the python client translations, the translators don't catch up with current projects, no need to add more to the list for now.15:14
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jeblairttx: oh, yeah, the scourge of the extra space.15:22
ttxtook me a while to 'see' it15:22
jeblairttx: i think i hit that with every patch i submitted15:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-odsreg: www-data needs to own Django DB
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Bugfix: 'right click is interpreted as left click'
ttxjeblair: if you can give some guidance on the order in which I should apply and, I'll take it15:30
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ttxjeblair: is up now. I guess we can announce it ?15:39
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jeblairttx: seems good to me15:40
jeblairttx: (i'm still looking at the status thing)15:40
jheskethDoes the TC have a policy on new lists? I'm guessing should be rejected as discussions should be on [dev]15:40
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mordredjhesketh: correct15:43
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jheskethmordred: cheers15:43
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jheskethmordred: the reason I think it's there is for to have periodic reports go to it15:44
jheskethmordred: but my opinion is that they should go to the QA list and the people interested can filter their inboxes by project/topic15:44
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jeblairttx: responded in 22476815:46
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jeblairjhesketh: i like that as a first approach15:47
* jeblair starts imagining X-Zuul-Project email headers15:47
jheskethjeblair: cheers, I've reviewed as such :-)15:47
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ttxjeblair: about odsreg, not sure how to access the admin db to clean it up if necessary. Will probably need to directly edit the sqlite on the server if that happens15:48
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ttx(instead of accessing django admin)15:48
jeblairttx: django admin doesn't work?  oh, is it because i did --noinput so we don't have an admin user?15:48
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jeblairttx: is there an admin bit you can flip (in the sqlite db) now that you have an account?15:50
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jeblairttx: i think it's fine to edit the db directly for now, just trying to make it easier15:50
jeblairgreghaynes: what's the status of your nodepool work?15:50
ttxjeblair: probably15:50
ttxI'll check15:50
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
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greghaynesjeblair: 'morning. I think the patch you started which fixes build and upload we could merge now if we want since that has the fixes we need now. I just started poking at the image-update fixes but its a bit more work than those two fixes15:53
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jeblairgreghaynes: isn't my/our patch failing your test though?15:54
jeblairgreghaynes: also, good morning :)15:54
greghaynesjeblair: it is failing for the image-update command tests. yes15:54
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jeblairgreghaynes: oooh, okay, not nodepoold tests15:55
jeblairyeah, i'm going to fire it off then and restart and try to push ahead on the ovh stuff then15:55
jeblairgreghaynes: thanks!15:55
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jeblairgreghaynes: wait, it looks like it's failing "test_dib_node"15:56
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jeblairgreghaynes: (as well as test_dib_image_update)15:56
jeblairgreghaynes: are you sure that's expected?15:56
greghaynesjeblair: heh, yea, the test I pushed isnt good - let me push what I have now15:56
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greghaynesthat was me hastily pushing something so we could debug15:57
jeblairgreghaynes: oh, the 'waitforimage' is wrong isn't it?15:57
greghaynesI flipped it so I renamed the diskimage rather than the provider label and the tests pass15:57
jeblairsounds good, and i believe you, so i'm approving 82115:58
gangilcan anyone review this ?15:58
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Test different provider and dib image names
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fungitristanC: tonyb: see pgp-signed e-mail from me just now with the subject "Election Rolls 2015-09-18" and let me know if you have any questions/concerns16:00
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BobBallWould someone mind adding me as the owner to the new fuel-plugin-xenserver-core in gerrit?  I'd normally send a ML request, but I'm under pressure to make some deliverables today and in order to commit the doc changes I need to be able to +2 / +1 the workflow.16:01
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Test different provider and dib image names
tristanCfungi: perfect!16:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Display 'about' and 'license' icons on higher zooms
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: rename apache config
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timrcHave y'all ever run into the situation where a change is running in both check and gate pipelines?  It looks like it failed a test in the gate... but if check ends before gate that will produce a weird voting result.16:03
AJaegerBobBall: to fuel-plugin-xenserver-release as well I guess - change is I3b65f8c24f8e058a3e4137e274b46cf50f4df99316:03
fungitristanC: tonyb: time permitting, i'm trying to come up with a script that anyone can run without needing special access to gerrit's database, and which automates more of the currently manual correlation and cleanup, so that hopefully this can be self-service with much faster turn-around in the future16:03
BobBallPlease AJaeger - but I don't need to make a release yet, so that could be a lower priority :)16:03
tristanCfungi: i was thinking about using that base to also validate candidacies in a check-job16:04
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tristanCfungi: anyway many thanks for doing this one more time :-)16:04
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fungitristanC: that would in theory be a much faster operation since it could query changes for a single contributor, but i'll keep the use case in mind when writing this so that it can be an option16:05
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AJaegerBobBall: I don't have those permissions, just wanted to point it out....16:06
BobBallAh :D16:06
* BobBall wonders how many beers he will have to put on the table16:06
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ttxjeblair: ok, so I have admin rights now, but the issue is the admin templates can't be found. Probably not installed or missing pointer to the right location16:09
ttxLet's open the site and fix it later if we need to16:10
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jeblairgreghaynes: have you noticed a race in nodepool.tests.test_nodepool.TestNodepool.test_dib_upload_fail ?16:10
greghaynesjeblair: we did hit a race yesterday, I dont remember where it was16:10
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greghaynesclarkb: ^16:10
jeblairttx: sounds good...16:10
jeblairttx: what's the path for that?16:11
ttxprobably just a pip install and a config line away16:11
jeblairttx: i mean, the url16:11
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ttxreturns generic eror, enabled debug and saw taht it was complaining about missing admin template pages16:12
ttxwhich I couldn't find either locally16:12
jeblairttx: oh, right -- because we aren't using system django anymore, we're using pip installed django16:12
ttxno time to fix it now, but feel free to peek around16:13
jeblairttx: yeah should be simple16:13
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openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Split up the Neutron-LBaaS V2 API Tests into multiple jobs
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pleia2AJaeger: good re: clients translations16:22
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zarojeblair: have you heard? gerrit user conference @ google in early Nov.  thought you might want to talk about gertty :)16:27
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jeblairzaro: oh, thanks!16:28
jeblairzaro: have a link or email?16:28
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tristanCfungi: civs registered and send ballot to all electorate lists, PTL election is now open!16:29
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pleia2tristanC: nice work16:30
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tristanCpleia2: hopefully i didn't messed up this time and the ballots should be valid :-)16:31
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AJaegertristanC: I received 6 mails, thanks!16:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump minimum tempest-lib version
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Updated from global requirements
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update Congress client to most recent version
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Add delete command to CLI
jheskethjeblair: so I'm just looking at the zuulv3+nodepool stuff.. I wonder if we should consider using some kind of rest framework (which is a draft spec for nodepool) for requesting nodes rather than implementing a two-way gearman rpc16:40
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Show output of zuul-cloner
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add a tool to compare the constraints file with existing releases
nibalizerjhesketh: i like that idea16:41
jheskethsince we're going to have to work on nodepool anyway, maybe that work should start on top of a base rest api16:41
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jeblairjhesketh: why is a rest api more suitable?16:41
jheskethjeblair: we want to implement one for nodepool anyway, why not extend that API to being able to request nodes16:42
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from global requirements
jheskethsomething that, in my opinion, sounds like a useful api call16:42
jeblairjhesketh: well, the rest api is for administrative function...16:42
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jheskethpresently, yes16:43
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jheskethjust thinking out loud really16:43
jeblairjhesketh: i think actual node distribution is a different beast...16:43
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jheskethsure, we'd need some kind of acl and possibly other separations16:43
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jheskethbut would it be neater to have it via rest?16:43
jhesketh(neater in a consistent way)16:43
openstackgerritBruno Tavares proposed openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Fix typo on the manifest.
jeblairjhesketh: i like gearman for this because of the low overhead -- i expect this to scale to very high rates -- and also the implied session handling that comes with persistent connectivity16:44
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jheskethjeblair: I'm not sure we're fully utilising the session handling with requiring the node receiver (ie zuul) to register a function that nodepool then communicates back over16:45
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jheskethI mean it feels a little rough16:45
jhesketh(not that I necessarily have a better suggestion)16:45
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jeblairjhesketh: i'm not following...16:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements
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jeblairjhesketh: the reason for the callback is so that nodepool can detect when a node-using client disconnects.  this is more difficult with http.16:47
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jeblairyou'd have to implement a keepalive api call or something16:47
jheskethwhen would a node-using client disconnect?16:48
jheskethisn't that zuul?16:48
jeblairjhesketh: yes16:48
jheskethright, it doesn't know how to take nodes out of IN_USE16:49
jeblairyep, the bookeeping gets really messy; they would just sit there for the full 8 hour (or whatever) timeout16:49
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jhesketharen't we at the same risk... if zuul accepts a node back and then disappears for example?16:49
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jeblairjhesketh: the disconnection will be detected and nodepool can reset the state of nodes allocated to zuul16:50
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jeblairjhesketh: this is what the tripleo ci does16:50
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jeblairjhesketh: at any rate, regardless of this specific thing (which could be worked around), i think the thing is that i don't see this as serving the needs that an external facing API does -- this is more like message passing between tightly coupled components16:51
jheskethjeblair: so nodepool needs to check the gearman connections?16:51
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jeblairjhesketh: gearman does this already, you get a work_fail packet on disconnection16:52
jheskethah okay, so nodepool should handle it16:52
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jheskethjeblair: yep, I agree it's message passing, just trying to flesh out if gearman is the best fit. Perhaps there are other libraries that do messaging that would be another option (I'm not familiar enough in that sapce). The reason I was thinking REST though (which I'm less convinced by) is that when you think about nodepool as a manager of nodes, being able to interact with that in a less tightly coupled way could be useful16:54
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jheskethor at least open it up to other uses that we might not have thought of yet16:54
jheskethwe interact with all our other services over rest too16:54
jeblairjhesketh: i think gearman would be a great way to build other uses of nodepool on16:55
jeblairjhesketh: we interact with a lot of services over rest; i'm not sure i'd say that we're satisfied with any of those interactions.16:55
jheskethheh, okay16:55
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jeblairall of them have scaling, complexity, and reliability problems16:56
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jeblairgearman is _so simple_ and _so efficient_ and the reliability comes with that.16:56
jheskethjeblair: so gearman is more of a job protocol right? we're intending on using it as more of a messaging protocol. I guess I'm not a huge fan of zuul needing to register a function, but I'm not sure what messaging tools might be appropriate16:57
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jheskethand if registering a function isn't harder than altrenative tools, maybe that's good enough16:57
jhesketh(again just thinking out loud)16:57
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump ironicclient to 0.8.1 in upper-constraints
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rm_workhey guys, could we get reviews on possibly? I know probably everyone is saying the same thing, but -- we're almost out of time T_T16:59
jeblairjhesketh: i think it can be considered a messaging protocol in certain circumstances (some folks have looked into adding it to oslo.messaging).  it's not great at fan-out, but we don't need that.16:59
jheskethanyway, I gotta run, will give it some more thought but I appreciate your time explaining it :-)16:59
jheskethyep, I think I'm convinced anyway16:59
jheskethcan't it fan out with multiple servers?17:00
jheskethI thought it supported that17:00
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zaropelix: ping17:01
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AJaegerrm_work: it helps if you describe the change briefly so that interested parties can easier jump to it. I'll look at it in a few minutes now...17:02
zarowaynr: pelix and i have a few jjb changes that need 3rd core reviewer.  was wondering if you are available?17:03
waynrzaro: I can review sometime today, yes17:03
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waynrthere are some changes I was looking at last week that i'd like to get merged before starting work on the 2.0 API (I think I'll be able to get into that again in a week or two)17:04
openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix NOT_REGISTERED failures for devstack-plugin-bdd
waynrsadly i have very little support from my current workplace to do any openstack work :( :(17:04
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waynrbut in a few weeks i'll have more time outside of work to spend17:05
jeblairgreghaynes: can you help me figure out what happened in  ?17:05
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: fix for image-update command
greghaynesjeblair: ^ I think thats the nodepool command fix17:05
AJaegerrm_work: change needs to be reviewed by either of mestery, armax, dougwig as well. please ping them17:05
armaxAJaeger: on my backlog17:06
rm_workyeah already have mestery on iyt17:06
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rm_workand mestery added armax17:06
rm_workah there you are anyway :)17:06
greghaynesjeblair: oh what, another fail17:06
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rm_workmestery +1'd17:06
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rm_workdougwig gave us a verbal agreement that it was OK earlier :P but yeah, will snag him17:07
greghaynesjeblair: worst day for clarkb to take PTO17:07
AJaegerrm_work: you split up the current job and created 5 additional jobs - that's really a lot.17:07
rm_workAJaeger: yes :(17:07
jeblairgreghaynes: what are we actually testing with the devstack job?17:07
rm_workAJaeger: we don't really have other options17:07
AJaegerjeblair, fungi: Do we have any limits on number of jobs created, see
AJaegerrm_work: why not?17:07
rm_workAJaeger: each of THESE jobs takes about 45-50 minutes17:07
greghaynesjeblair: that we can upload an image and boot it IIRC17:08
rm_worktogether there was no way to make it inside the timeout17:08
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AJaegerrm_work: ;(17:08
zarowaynr: sorry to hear that, but don't you guys use jjb? seems like your work too :)17:08
AJaegerrm_work: six times 50 minutes is indeed long ;/17:08
rm_workthe problem is we need to spin up nested VMs17:08
rm_worka lot of them17:08
rm_workand without vx-t enabled... :/17:08
rm_workqemu falls back to software emu and it is sloooow17:09
rm_work(at least it's not ... software ostrich? :P)17:09
AJaegerrm_work: before we can merge this, you need - just to make others aware of it17:09
greghaynesjeblair: nvm, doesnt test booting, but tests building and snapshot, check tools/check_devstack_plugin.sh17:09
AJaegerrm_work: ARgh ;(17:10
rm_workAJaeger: yeah, the dependency is set up17:10
rm_workso it should be ok17:10
jeblairgreghaynes: this doesn't seem extremely reliable, or debuggable.17:10
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waynrzaro: we use JJB but we've reach a stable state where most of the team is satisfied with working around some of the unsatisfactory DSL behavior and no one is really interested in the 2.0 API17:10
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greghaynesjeblair: its found a few bugs so far17:10
jeblairgreghaynes: i mean, i can't see what actually went wrong on that test17:10
greghaynesjeblair: yea, its a big hammer17:10
jeblairapparently there's no ready ubuntu-dib image...17:11
jeblairwhy? i wonder17:11
jeblairgreghaynes: is there a nodepool log?17:11
AJaegerrm_work: so, a followup patch will remove the api test, is that correct?17:11
rm_workAJaeger: err, the remaining api test is for lbaasv117:11
zarowaynr: and and pelix just rebased a bunch of his so i'll let him provide you with his list.17:11
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rm_workit stays until that is fully deprecated17:12
jeblairthat's not a nodepool log17:12
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jeblairi don't know what that is17:12
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greghaynesjeblair: huh? there are other nodepool logs?17:12
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greghaynesthats all the nodepool logger output17:12
jeblairit's all stevedore and iso8601... it's nothing like what we get in production17:13
rm_workAJaeger: unless you mean line 17 here:,cm17:13
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AJaegerrm_work: there's an lbaas-version2 api one as well - and your comment in says "remove later"17:13
rm_workAJaeger: which, yes, because that will be unused once the patch merges (it was so that it would run at least one test))17:13
AJaegerrm_work: yes, that's what I mean17:13
rm_workbut it's not urgent and we can fast-track that on our side17:13
rm_workleaving it wouldn't do anything17:13
rm_workbut it would be nice for it to be cleaned up :)17:14
greghaynesjeblair: yea. looks like it has other devstack loggers in there. We could probably add a logger conf to filter out non nodepoool17:14
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from global requirements
rm_workI could make the patch for that now, I suppose17:14
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rm_workand depend on the project-config CR17:14
greghaynesjeblair: oh, I take that back17:15
greghaynesjeblair: that might just be nodepool17:15
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, it's nodepool, but with no logging configuration17:15
AJaegerrm_work: I don't like unused jobs, so please remove line 1054 - the lbaas-version2 api one.17:15
* greghaynes was surprised stevedore is in there17:15
AJaegerEither as followup to your patch or update yours.17:15
jeblairit comes with all the client libs17:15
rm_workAJaeger: ok, can update17:15
jeblairgreghaynes: which is why a log config is required17:15
greghaynesyea, we can make one17:15
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Split up the Neutron-LBaaS V2 API Tests into multiple jobs
rm_workAJaeger: done17:17
AJaegerrm_work: update and I'll +2 - a little bit grumpy because of those many jobs but willdo ;)17:17
AJaegerrm_work: you're faster than I can type ;)17:17
rm_workAJaeger: yeah it's unfortunate17:17
rm_workAJaeger: if we could get vt-x enabled on the HP and RAX side (we have people working on it internally in both companies) then we could re-consolidate17:18
rm_workit just might not be soon17:18
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jeblairgreghaynes: 2015-09-18 16:49:14,159 DEBUG nodepool.NodeLauncher: Node id: 2 testing ssh at ip:
rm_workas that's a lot to ask :P17:18
AJaegerrm_work: glad to hear that there's work going on - even if slowly...17:18
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jeblairgreghaynes: it looks like it ran out of time17:19
AJaegerrm_work: I gave my +2.17:19
rm_workAJaeger: thanks much17:19
greghaynesjeblair: fun. I have a todo of switching this to fail early and upping the timeout rather than sleep17:19
greghayneser, succeed early17:19
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jeblairgreghaynes: can we make this non-voting?17:21
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greghaynesjeblair: hrm. I'd be up for making the fail fast thing instead?17:21
rm_workreally appreciate you guys working with us when everyone is under crunch T_T17:21
greghaynesjeblair: I have seen it find a fair amount of bugs recently so im kind of a fan17:21
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jeblairgreghaynes: why were those bugs not found by fakes?17:22
pelixwaynr zaro: list is,,,
greghaynesjeblair: Yep. The last one was that we were building images in a loop rather than being done once we built it... I think fakes were just asserting that images were being built17:23
pelixwaynr zaro: would be interesting to get some feedback on, really only works for string defaults, but anything further probably requires something like jinja217:23
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greghaynesjeblair: but with the shade stuff going on I think were effecting a lot of the client code, so its really nice to have tests of it17:23
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, i'm just not sure they are ready or reliable.  this took 40 minutes to erroneously fail17:24
jeblairgreghaynes: i used to detect the kind of error you described by actually running nodepoold17:25
greghaynesjeblair: That is the cost of devstack tests though - any kind of real functional test against clouds is going to be around that long17:25
jeblairi think tdd is cool and all, but the tests have to be better than just running the program, and i'm not sure we're there yet17:26
jeblairgreghaynes: long is okay if they are reliable, but i'm not sure they are17:26
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jeblairmy suggestion wasn't to get rid of it, it was to make it non-voting until it's reliable17:26
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greghaynesjeblair: hrm, this is an upping timeout thing and I think the fix for that is easy enough. Beyond that I think were just going to be hitting normal devstack integration test unreliableness17:27
jeblairgreghaynes: yeah, i'm not okay with that :)17:27
zaropelix: regarding
greghaynesjeblair: which part - the devstack?17:27
jeblairgreghaynes: we need to be able to land things much faster than that.  i'm 3 days into a simple configuration change for nodepool.17:28
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zaropelix: i don't think it's intentional that delete-old is not removing unamanaged jobs.17:28
mesteryHowdy infra folks! Are there still issues with pypi tarball publishing jobs today? I recall hearing something about this earlier this week.17:28
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
zaropelix: i think --delete-unmanaged is actually what delete-old does.17:29
pelixzaro: well, I recall the work being put in place to have the magic string to avoid nuking systems where there would be jobs not managed by JJB17:29
zaro*what delete-old should do.17:29
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pelixmaybe, but might not be a good idea to change the behaviour if anyone has scripted such updates17:30
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greghaynesjeblair: Yea, its sad it took this long... not sure how else we could have sped up a somewhat pervasive issue like this though other than better testing17:31
zaropelix: it's real confusing because of bug!/story/200035717:31
pelix have --delete-old point to a new preferred name, and name --delete-unmanaged something else17:31
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pelixI'm not sure you can do much about if someone adds a job that fakes being created by JJB by copying an existing one, how could JJB distinguish?17:31
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greghaynesjeblair: basically - id like to work on making this test better, I think its something we really need with the work thats going on17:31
jeblairgreghaynes: i'm a fan of better testing.  i don't think that we're going to get that for nodepool through devstack.17:32
greghaynesIs there an alternative for testing our interaction with clouds?17:32
fungimestery: i don't recall anyone reporting problems with pypi/tarball publishing other than one repo someone tagged before they had any publishing jobs defined17:32
pelixunless there was someway to strip the magic string for copied jobs, the options are a little limited, unless you have a list of what the previous managed jobs were stored somewhere lese17:32
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Add delete command to CLI
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zaropelix: so do you tihnk it's a jenkins bug that the copied jobs are registering as managed jobs?17:33
jeblairgreghaynes: we need the bulk of the testing to be fast and local -- ie, fakes.17:33
jeblairgreghaynes: i'm glad we have a check that can tell us if the whole system is breaking...17:33
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mesteryfungi: I recall Ihar mentioning something, let me see. Reason I ask is because I tagged 1.0.1 of networking-odl, and it only published the wheel on pypi, not the tarball.17:33
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mesteryfungi: Yesterday we tagged 1.0.0, and both got published (we found a bug we needed to fix, thus the quick turnaround on 1.0.1)17:33
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fungimestery: okay, i'll take a look at the log for that job17:33
pelixzaro: JJB uses the description to mark them as managed, I'm not sure where else we can store that information and be able to run JJB from different machines but retain the same behaviour on the master17:34
jeblairgreghaynes: but fundamentally, nodepool interacts with some very narrow parts of clouds, through libraries that have their own tests17:34
mesteryfungi: thank you17:34
zaropelix: so if jjb can't tell if a job is managed or not i would prefer it to be consistent and nuke all the ones it knows are not managed.17:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Improve delete all job performance
greghaynesjeblair: hrm. Could we possibly wait until monday when clarkb is non PTO (since he is the author)17:35
pelixzaro: that has a great chance of removing all other jobs unexpectedly for users, so you wouldn't be able to safely use any delete options with servers that have both manually managed jobs and JJB managed jobs17:35
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: rename apache config
fungimestery: it looks like pypi returned a 500 internal server error in response to the wheel upload, so the job aborted before it got to uploading a tarball. i'll see if i can get the latter manually uploaded for you as a workaround17:36
zaropelix: it seems kinda unexpected now if users copied the jobs when creating them thru the UI17:36
mesteryfungi: Thanks so much!17:36
jeblairgreghaynes: i'm happy to discuss it more then.  i'm not promising i won't propose making it non-voting before then though.  if we do, we can always reverse it later.  it's not at all uncommon to make unreliable jobs non-voting until they are reliable.17:36
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pelixDoes the job description contain the message 'this job is managed by JJB' by default?17:37
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack/requirements: Bump django_openstack_auth to 2.0.0
zaropelix: which is (i think) how most jobs get created in the UI17:37
greghaynesjeblair: ok17:37
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jeblairgreghaynes: but at the moment, i'm just not convinced that this should be a gating job -- it would serve it's purpose just as well as a non-voting check job.17:37
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greghaynesjeblair: yea, so nonvoting for now is fine. I have had bad experiences with nonvoting being where test results go to die17:38
pelixzaro: is there anywhere else we could use to store information on what jobs are managed?17:38
pelixon the master17:38
AJaegermestery: did you see the log:
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zaropelix: yes, it retains the description. ahh so that's why17:38
jeblairgreghaynes: in infra, we pay attention to test results.  if you find people +2ing things with important failing results, let us know.17:38
AJaegermestery, fungi: "HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error"17:38
mesteryAJaeger: I did not, and indeed, looks like a 500 error there.17:38
fungimestery: for reference, the log is
zaropelix: well of course unless you change it :)17:39
mesteryAJaeger fungi: Any ideas what would cause a 500 error? The wheel looks like it uploaded ok:
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/requirements: Bump upper-constraint for python-ironic-inspector-client to 1.2.0
fungimestery: dstufft would probably have to check logs on the side17:40
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mesteryfungi: Thanks17:40
fungimestery: we have no real visibility into what's happening when we get those sorts of failures from the endpoint17:40
mesteryfungi: Ack, I figured as much17:41
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dstufftwhats up17:42
fungidstufft: just another 500 error back from a wheel upload to pypi that seems to have succeeded17:42
pelixzaro: that's the problem, we seem to have no way to change it automatically. too bad we can't attach some job specific meta data that is never copied17:42
greghaynesjeblair: this makes me really want to go on a big verified fakes bings in other projects17:42
greghaynesjeblair: because I think thats what we really want17:43
anteayafor all the effort companies but into security and privacy around business dealings you would figure folks would show some more discretion during airport lounge telephone conversations17:43
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jeblairgreghaynes: what do you mean by verified fakes?17:43
zaropelix: what if we add an extra some type of identifier to the xml that won't bother jenkins?17:43
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jeblairanteaya: careful, they may just be doing a pump&dump stock scam.  :)17:44
anteayaha ha ha17:44
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anteayathat is a possibility17:44
greghaynesjeblair: Theres a pattern where as a project you test yourself and provide fakes for yourself. You can also test that the fakes you provide match some functional testing behavior you have.17:44
anteayaI just wish they had their buzzword filled chat a little quieter17:45
fungimestery: i've uploaded that sdist manually now17:45
mesteryfungi: thanks for the help here!17:45
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greghaynesjeblair: for the project itself its not a win, but then your downstream consumers know that by using your fakes they have some level of assurance their testing is valid17:45
jeblairgreghaynes: ah, yeah.17:45
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openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Test get_runs_by_status_grouped_by_run_metadata API function
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anteayamordred: AJaeger would like to hear from you on adding functional testing to os-client-config
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anteayaclarkb pleia2 where are we on translations? I have lost track, is this patch okay to be merged? it removes support for pulling from transifex18:04
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Wait for resources in devstack-plugin check
jeblairgreghaynes: ^18:07
AJaegeranteaya: we wanted to approve this today.18:07
AJaegeranteaya: currently everything is working, so time for the next step ;)18:07
anteayaAJaeger: so safe for me to approve now?18:08
anteayaor are we waiting for something?18:08
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AJaegeranteaya: let's ask pleia2 or clarkb - as you did - to confirm, I'd like them to give a thumbs up...18:08
anteayawe are discussing 223928, yes?18:08
anteayavery good18:08
AJaegeranteaya: yes18:08
* anteaya waits for pleia2 and/or clarkb18:08
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jeblairgreghaynes: why is q-lbaas needed for nodepool?18:10
pleia2anteaya: all good! approved18:11
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gangilpleia2: can you look at this as well?18:11
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anteayapleia2: so I see, thank you :)18:11
pleia2gangil: on my phone at the moment, will have to look post eye doctor :)18:12
anteayapleia2: happy eye doctor18:12
gangilpleia2: cool np!18:12
pleia2anteaya: it's a lovely new office with a great view :D18:12
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anteayapleia2: how wonderful18:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Do not translate gantt
anteayaa good quality in an eye doctor office :)18:13
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fungiAJaeger: anteaya: pleia2: i think clarkb is taking a day off, so work around him if you can18:14
pleia2hehe, can you see Alcatraz? Great!18:14
pleia2fungi: noted, thanks18:14
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mordredanteaya: running devstack on occ doesn't bother me - does devstack properly install occ from git? dtroyer?18:14
pleia2the pending docs change is the last thibg that has to land wrt the Zanata spec, if anyone wants to review that18:15
anteayamordred: I'm not sure if dtroyer is back yet18:15
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mordredanteaya: he is - I was just talking to him in another channel a little earlier18:15
anteayaah awesome!18:15
jeblairgreghaynes: heh, we're not actually running the dsvm in gate anyway; i think someone misfiled it under post.18:15
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anteayawelcome back dtroyer18:16
pleia2AJaeger has done a good job with the wiki docs already18:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove support for pulling from Transifex
* anteaya reviews 22231418:16
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* mordred could imagine dtroyer being "soft"-back which might mean not surfacing in the infra circus :)18:16
anteayamordred: yup, I can see that18:16
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anteayajhesketh is not often online when the sun is in the sky for north america18:17
anteayahe was amazed at the rate we can produce backscroll18:17
jheskethI always knew there was high backscroll, it's one of the reasons I don't read it18:17
jheskethI simply can't keep up :-(18:17
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jheskethI was surprised that I still can't keep up even in the same timezone18:18
anteayajhesketh: hi18:18
anteayain san antonio now?18:18
openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Test get_runs_by_status_grouped_by_run_metadata API function
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jheskethanteaya: yep18:19
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BobBallCould I offer someone a beer in Tokyo in payment for adding me to fuel-plugin-xenserver-core and -release?18:20
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jheskethBobBall: I'll do it for free, but would never say no to a beer18:21
jheskethBobBall: do you have a link to the repo-creation patch please18:21
dtroyermordred, anteaya: DevStack does not have an install for occ, it's only pulled from PyPI.  It would need to be added to test commits18:21
fungioh lovely, our upcoming zaqar release and mailman 3 depend on conflicting versions of falcon, so zaqar is holding back uploads of mailman 3 to debian :/18:21
dtroyerand yes, I'm mostly back, taking breaks as needed though18:21
anteayajhesketh: nice18:22
jheskethBobBall: done18:22
anteayayay river walk18:22
BobBallGreat - __many__ thanks jhesketh!18:23
anteayadtroyer: good call18:23
anteayadtroyer: nice to see you :)18:23
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: (WIP) Add compute class for Infra Cloud
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: (WIP) Add controller class for Infra Cloud
mordreddtroyer: ok.18:24
mordredanteaya: then I think right now putting a dvsm job on occ is prematures18:25
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anteayamordred: great, can you add a comment to the patch?18:26
anteayafungi: I missed clarkb is taking the day until I read the logs, thanks for letting us know18:27
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* anteaya learned a new trick18:32
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anteayaif the seat that is adjustable makes you feel like you are about to fall backwards off the chair don't change it, put it in the cubicle beside you18:32
anteayavoila, empty cubicle beside you18:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Correct missing DIB image detection
anteayaturns out I'm not the only one that doesn't know how to adjust random office chairs18:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-heat-cfntools-python34 voting
anteayamordred: thanks18:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove empty conditions
openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Test get_runs_by_status_grouped_by_run_metadata API function
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mordredanteaya: thanks for pointing me at it18:41
anteayamordred: happy to do something useful18:42
* anteaya was useful today! \o/18:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix NOT_REGISTERED failures for devstack-plugin-bdd
openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Test get_runs_by_status_grouped_by_run_metadata API function
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
anteayajesusaurus: this patch is waiting for your reply:
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anteayamriedem_lunch: when you return did you want to take a look at the patch to disable dsvm-neutron-src for some oslo projects? tonyb replied to you:
jesusaurusanteaya: thanks18:49
anteayajesusaurus: welcome18:49
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openstackgerritAdam Harwell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Split up the Neutron-LBaaS V2 API Tests into multiple jobs
openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Test get_runs_by_status_grouped_by_run_metadata API function
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rm_workAJaeger: lol, the removal of that "unused test" broke it -- remembered that it is not totally unused yet. renaming it to "-minimal" because it needs to be a specific subset for Neutron to run18:55
rm_workAJaeger: will wait until Jenkins +1s this time to ask for reviews tho18:56
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Initial support for singlestat panel
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Fix scopping error with panel validation
AJaegerrm_work: so, is the job used elsewhere as well?18:56
AJaegerIn that case, you might want to rename that other place...18:56
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AJaegerrm_work: I see, neutron uses the lbaasv2-api test - so adding a minimal test there instead of all of them seems like a good idea.18:57
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AJaegerrm_work: sorry for not checking this first18:58
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rm_worknp, i should have checked to make sure too before just blindly removing stuff because someone asked :P18:58
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update constraints for liberty libs
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AJaegerrm_work: ;) Btw. you need to recheck once the other dependend job has succeeded. I'll review now anyway...18:59
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rm_workwell it doesn't actually RUN on that one, does it?18:59
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rm_workdidn't think it'd matter what the dependent job did18:59
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rm_workoh wat19:00
rm_workok i see what you mean, wtf19:00
anteayalet's use polite language please19:00
rm_workanteaya: you really keep me honest :P I forget acronyms even have words behind them sometimes lol19:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: rename apache config
rm_workAJaeger: i am not sure why it says something is failing to merge though?19:02
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anteayarm_work: I do try19:02
openstackgerritBruno Tavares proposed openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Add acceptance tests for puppet-lodgeit.
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AJaegerrm_work: that's a problem with who zuul handles the dependencies ;( nothing either of us can do AFAIK19:03
rm_workAJaeger: so... wait until... when?19:03
rm_worki don't know when to recheck because i don't see anything wrong *now*19:03
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rm_workbut obviously it broke19:03
rm_workwhen Jenkins +1's the other change will that be good?19:03
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AJaegerrm_work: once Jenkins gave his +1 to the neutron-lbaas test, run recheck19:03
AJaegerrm_work: yes19:03
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AJaegeranteaya: thanks for cleaning up!19:06
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anteayaAJaeger: it has been a while since I picked up the broom19:07
anteayaseems the airport lounge in denver is motivating me somehow :)19:07
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anteayatristanC: do you want to keep working on this patch or would you like to abandon it?
gangilhi, I am trying to comment on a patch via a CI user by am unable to do so. I am using the —message option in the gerrit review command with the comment separated via newline. Has anyone encountered this problem before?19:09
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anteayagangil: are you using the ci-sandbox repo for your testing?
anteayagangil: if no, please do so19:10
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anteayagangil: have you read this page?
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gangilanteaya: did partially. Didnt checkout the sandbox section. Looking at it now19:11
gangilthanks :)19:11
AJaegeranteaya: I guess you should stay there a bit longer ;)19:11
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AJaegeranteaya: safe travels!19:11
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tristanCanteaya: oh, not necessarly, that's a demo of
openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Improve performance of get_runs_by_status_grouped_by_run_metadata
openstackgerritJohn Warren proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Test get_runs_by_status_grouped_by_run_metadata API function
anteayaAJaeger: stuck here for another 4 hours :)19:13
anteayaAJaeger: and thanks19:13
anteayatristanC: so do you want to abandon it?19:13
anteayagangil: thank you19:13
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gangilanteaya: also would you mind reviewing this ?19:14
anteayatristanC: 152290 seems like it has been a while since work has been done it too19:14
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AJaegeranteaya: that's long ;(19:15
anteayagangil: I'm working my way through reviews, I'm getting to as many as I can19:15
gangilanteaya: cool thanks!19:15
anteayaAJaeger: yeah, been here for 2 and 1/2 already19:15
anteayagangil: thanks for understanding19:15
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tristanCanteaya: well 152290 is implementing the zuul split spec:
anteayajhesketh: is this a keeper?
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
anteayatristanC: jhesketh's last comment on 152290 suggests that the new zuul3 work might be a better direction19:17
jheskethanteaya: I've been meaning to swing back around to that at some point... why's that?19:18
anteayajust doing some house cleaning19:18
anteayadoes this still fit anyone? do we need to keep this? can I donate these old shoes?19:18
anteayathat sort of thing19:19
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anteayamordred: you are up next, any thoughts on keeping
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mordredanteaya: I have many thoughts on it19:23
mordredanteaya: I'd like to sit on it for a little while longer19:23
anteayamordred: so be it19:23
mordredanteaya: because I need to clean up the thing it's wanting to import19:23
anteayaokey dokey19:23
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update constraints for liberty libs
anteayamtreinish: hi, how are you doing?19:27
anteayamtreinish: I hope you got away successfully, my flight got delayed19:27
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: add a tool to compare the constraints file with existing releases
anteayamtreinish: so I'm housecleaning and you are next:
anteayamtreinish: do you still want to keep 176328?19:28
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove usage of transifex client
AJaegerStevenK: please review the above ^19:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review: Fix one typo on git-review documentation
anteayamordred: if you are still around, more questions for you, is this revert revert use gem mirrors patch still needed?
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove Transifex comments and special cases
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openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
mordredanteaya: yah19:40
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mordredlifeless: responded on list, but that bug is not a reuqirements bug19:41
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anteayamordred: okay thanks19:44
jeblairi'm going to restart nodepool19:45
anteayajeblair: ack19:45
anteayaleakypipes: is this patch/repo still needed?
jeblair2015-09-18 19:45:44,086 INFO nodepool.DiskImageUpdater: Uploading dib image id: 131862 from /opt/nodepool_dib/ubuntu-trusty-1442601863 for template-ubuntu-trusty-check-1442605544 in ovh-gra119:45
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jeblairgreghaynes: ^ \o/19:46
anteayaleakypipes: trying to do some housecleaning19:46
anteayaleakypipes: if yes, it will have to be redirected to openstack/ instead of stackforge/19:47
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mordredjeblair: yay!19:49
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mordredmorgan: lifeless' bug is the occ/osc thing we're working19:56
hasharis there a nodepool command to delete all nodes that are running from obsolete snapshots ?20:00
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jeblairhashar: i don't believe so; in fact, nodepool doesn't keep track of which image a node boots from :/20:02
hasharjeblair: though OpenStack apparently has the information in its metadata :-}20:02
jeblairmordred: OpenStackCloudUnavailableService: Cloud ovh does not have a compute service20:02
hasharso in theory we could build a tree of  images -> snapshots -> instances20:02
hasharjeblair: thanks for confirming !20:02
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jeblairmordred: still getting that (even though apparently we're uploading an image right now?)20:03
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Initial support for singlestat panel
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jeblairhashar: also nodepool could keep track of it too, by adding image-name and image-version to the node table20:04
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dhellmannmordred: who does os-client-config releases?20:05
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mordreddhellmann: me at the moment - we started talking about moving it to the release team a little while ago but never closed the loop on it20:06
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/grafyaml: Enforce properly indentation for json fixtures
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change release ACLs for os-client-config to library-release
dhellmannmordred: ok. You're probably leaving out several steps by not using the tools, so let me know when you're ready and I'll do it. Also ^^20:07
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
dhellmannmordred: one step in particular that I've added recently is to update the constraints file automatically20:08
dhellmannthat hasn't merged, due to lack of reviewers for release-tools20:08
mordreddhellmann: cool. well... so there's this weird thing20:08
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hasharjeblair: usage will tell.  Also I am wondering why image deletions are delayed by a minute ( )20:09
jeblairmordred: OpenStackCloudException: Error fetching image list: Cloud ovh does not have a image service20:10
hasharjeblair: seems it is to give time to scp the console.html.  Which would indicate that Jenkins set a build as finalized before the publishers are completed :-\20:10
* morgan waves at mordred and dstanek20:10
rm_workAJaeger: cool, looks like jenkins is happy now20:10
mordreddhellmann: ok - so we have an issue that dstanek and morgan an dI were just talking abot in keystone20:10
jeblairmordred: it seems to be lacking all kinds of things20:10
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* dhellmann goes to read the backlog in keystone20:10
mordreddhellmann: we have a weird weird20:10
AJaegerrm_work: glad to hear!20:10
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mordreddhellmann: which is that we need to land a patch to osc to handle 1.7.120:11
dstanekmordred: i have no idea about the neutron failure...looks like the token or creds isn't in the env20:11
mordredbut osc needs 1.7.1 to be there for that patch to land20:11
mordreddstanek: I do - I get it now20:11
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mordreddstanek: the lifeless patch was a patch to bump the constraints file20:11
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dhellmannmordred: is this where the entry points are registered in the wrong namespaces?20:11
mordredmy patch is a patch to fix osc for 1.7.1 - but it can't work because the constraints file hasn't updated20:11
jeblairhashar: jenkins copies console logs off of the node in a background process that can actually run past the end of the job20:11
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [WIP] Add grafana dashboard for status.o.o/zuul
mordreddhellmann: nope. this is actually a much simplier thing20:12
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morgandhellmann: yeah looks like osc needs to register in both namespaces? (Cc mordred ?)20:12
mordredmorgan: nope20:12
* morgan waits to hear the real fix20:12
dstanekmordred: the problem that i am having is occ 1.7.120:12
jeblairhashar: so this gives it a chance to finish before actually killing the node (which would abort the process and leave us with an incomplete console log)20:12
mordreddstanek: yes. my patch fixes that20:12
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dstanekmordred: do you have a link handy?20:12
mordreddstanek: that's the fix for 1.7.120:12
mordreddstanek: we don't wnat to do ksa plugins because osc isn't actually USING ksa20:13
mordredthe fix is that occ needs to not attempt to validate using ksa (or make the ksa auth plugin)20:13
morganOh ok20:13
mordredbecaues osc needs to be reworked to use ksa20:13
mordredand that's out of scope for right now20:13
dstanekmordred: will that prevent occ from using ksa's loading?20:13
mordredI think what I need to do is make the patch to osc do a try/except to handle the thing - so that it'll work with both 1.6.4 and 1.7120:14
mordredI think what I need to do is make the patch to osc do a try/except to handle the thing - so that it'll work with both 1.6.4 and 1.7.120:14
mordredthat'll take me about 10 minutes to sort out20:14
mordredthat way we can land that patch, then land the constraints fix20:14
hasharjeblair: so that is very specific to your console plugin right ?20:14
dhellmannmordred: ++ to supporting both versions that way20:14
jeblairhashar: yes20:15
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morganmordred: ++20:15
dstanekmordred: ++ sounds good. i don't understand the interaction between osc, occ and ksa yet20:15
hasharjeblair: ah you need the build to be complete to then fetch the whole console log.  That one is funny20:15
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mordreddstanek: I spent 6 hours hacking it on the plane20:15
jeblairhashar: yep :/20:15
mordreddstanek: I actually understand the entire pie now20:15
dstanekmordred: does that mean the occ is loading the plugins (for some reason) in addition to osc doing it?20:16
mordreddstanek: I did not understand it all when I woke up this morning20:16
mordreddstanek: yes20:16
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: Update constraints for liberty libs
hasharjeblair: I guess I will make the delay a setting.   Thanks!20:16
jeblairhashar: sounds good20:16
mordreddstanek: what was happening is that occ was loading a ksa plugin that would go unused, and of course that doesn't work because there are no osc ksa plugins20:16
mordreddstanek: once you tell occ to not do that, osc happily goes forward and loads its ksc plugins20:16
mordredI hope everyone likes tla soup20:17
fungiis there a surcharge for extra letters?20:17
jeblairmordred: let me know when you have a sec to help me dig into the ovh thing20:18
mordredjeblair: ok. let me make this patch first20:18
mordredit'll need to run through the gate- so I'll have plenty of time once it's pushed :)20:18
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hasharare you going to use OVH as a Nodepool cloud provider ?20:20
hasharit is french!20:20
jeblairhashar: working on it!20:20
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jeblairhashar: i use all kinds of french things!20:21
mordredmorgan, dstanek: latest try20:23
mordredoh. piddle. one sec20:23
mordredI left in the ksc pin I was using for local testing20:24
mordredjeblair: ok. sup?20:24
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jeblairmordred: nodepool (via shade) is telling me ovh has neither a compute or image service20:24
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jeblairmordred: nodepool is restarted, and we have corrected the case problem in clouds.yaml20:24
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
jeblairmordred: so i think we're officially at "huh?"20:25
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mordredjeblair: AWESOME20:25
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jeblairmordred: er20:26
jeblairmordred: maybe we still mispelled it20:26
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jeblairmordred: it looks like it might be GRA-1 not GRA120:26
* jeblair double checks20:27
mordredjeblair: lemme see what I tested with a little bit ago20:27
jeblairi've used GRA120:27
jeblairand that's what's in the openrc i get from them20:28
jeblair(so GRA-1 might be an osc doc bug)20:28
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mordredjeblair: thx. will fix20:29
mordredjeblair: we have debug logging turned on, yeah?20:29
jeblairmordred: just fixed in
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jeblairmordred: er, nodepool debug, not shade debug.20:30
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mordredjeblair: can we try with shade debug logging - in case there is some _other_ problem that's showing up as this?20:30
mordredjeblair: that should just be an edit to the logging.conf file, yeah?20:30
jeblairmordred: and restart; let me see if i can trigger it with alien-list and an alternate config file so we're not so disruptive20:31
mordredjeblair: kk20:31
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jeblairmaybe it's the insecureplatformwarning20:33
jeblairmordred: (there's much more logs than that; i included the command if you want to run it, but that looks like the interesting bit at the end)20:34
jeblair(no alternate config file needed)20:34
mordredjeblair: why is it sstill showing gra1 ?20:34
jeblairmordred: oh, because that's the region in the _nodepool_ config file20:35
jeblairmordred: why is that in both clouds.yaml and nodepool?20:35
mordredjeblair: btw: this is test script I used to verify that shade is working against ovh20:35
mordredjeblair: because in nodepool we should be expressing a selection of one of the configured cloud/region pairs20:36
dstanekmordred: that patch doesn't seem to work with environment variables (OS_USERNAME, OS_PASSWORD and friends)20:36
jeblairmordred: and in clouds.yaml?20:36
mordredjeblair: I believe I should trap for that error and error earlier20:36
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jeblairwhat purpose does it serve there?20:36
mordredjeblair: yeah. because clouds.yaml for a given cloud can express a list of valid regions20:36
jeblairmordred: is it optional?20:37
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mordredjeblair: say, for instance, you wanted to get an inventory of all of your regions in all of your clouds20:37
mordredjeblair: tey do slightly different things - but I grok the confusion this is causing and we shoudl fix that20:37
jeblairmordred: hrm, i feel like i'm not seeing the use case there... if i wanted a list of all regions in all clouds, surely we could ask each cloud what their regions are, yeah?20:38
pabelangertimrc: fair bit of grafyaml patches up now :) When you have spare cycles20:38
mordredjeblair: nope. because that is not a thing you can do20:38
mordredjeblair: it's literally impossible in openstack20:38
jeblairmordred: hrm.  well that's clearly an openstack bug :)20:38
pabelangerhashar: if you are interested too in grafyaml, there are some patches up for review20:38
mordredjeblair: yeah20:38
pabelangertimrc: hashar:,n,z20:39
mordredjeblair: so, let's fix nodepool.yaml for now - and then I'd love to talk to you about how we can make the thing better20:39
mordredmore broadly20:39
pabelangerhashar: also, where was your repo again with json dashboards?20:39
jeblairmordred: ya.  i understand there's a thing that's only possible with the command line client if we do this, yet at the same time, for _most_ of the time here, this is just redundant configuration.20:39
jeblairwhich is error-prone.  :)20:39
hasharpabelanger: I pointed grafyaml to the sysadmin in charge of Grafana.  But he is quite busy.   I don't think we have a plan yet as to how we are going to configure them.20:40
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix the ovh region name even more
jeblairmordred: ^20:40
pabelangerhashar: who is that?20:40
hasharpabelanger: godog (europe based).20:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update cliff for new release 1.15.0
timrcpabelanger, Nice!20:41
hasharpabelanger: Filippo Giunchedi <>  :-}20:41
pabelangerhashar: Ah. thanks.  Ya, still in early stages, but good progress. Mostly fleshing out dashboard validation right now20:41
pabelangeranother week or so, I think we'll be ready to import into production20:41
hasharpabelanger: our page is  .  I am not sure what you mean by "json dashboards"20:41
hasharpabelanger: but if you head to  , click the floppy disk on top right, there is a "Dashboard JSON"20:42
pabelangerhashar: I thought you sourced the dashboards into git some how20:42
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
pabelangerI might be confused20:42
hasharpabelanger: we did for gdash20:42
hasharpabelanger: maybe the ones at ?   That maintains
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update ceilometermiddleware for new release 0.3.0
pabelangerhashar: Ya, not sure20:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Update django_openstack_auth for new release 2.0.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Set upper limit for manilaclient to 1.4.0
pabelangerhashar: either way, will try out some of your dashboards in grafyaml to see if they parse properyl20:46
hasharpabelanger: sure!20:46
pabelangerhashar: first example:
hasharpabelanger: but note we are running an old version of Grafana20:47
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from global requirements
hasharpabelanger: upstream now has a database backend and maybe they support templates nowadays20:47
fungiheading out to get early dinner, back a bit later20:50
pabelangerhashar: here is yaml rendered:
pabelangerhashar: Ya, the rest API works well for grafana20:50
pabelangerhashar: not sure I want to deal with databases any more :)20:50
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openstackgerritRenat Akhmerov proposed openstack/requirements: Bump python-mistralclient version to 1.1.0
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gangilhi, if i am executing the gerrit review command over ssh how do I get the CI to comment on the patchset? Right now its just stating the SUCCESS/FAILURE status and the duration but is not publishing any comments. I was wondering if there is a specific format21:06
hasharpabelanger: quite nice :-}   feel free to poke godog about it21:06
hasharpabelanger: I haven't let him know I gave you his contacts21:06
hashargangil: with Zuul ?21:07
gangilhashar: unfortunately I am not using Zuul21:07
gangilI am using the command directly21:07
hashargangil: yeah, that raw commands accepts --message 'MESSAGE HERE'21:08
hashargangil: I always get it wrong though with newlines / quotes etc.  But it is doable (that is what Zuul does iirc)21:08
gangilhashar: I am trying to configure the VMware NSX CI which you see on this patch21:09
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openstackgerritBruno Tavares proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Fix proxy and redirect configuration file names.
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hashargangil: relevant Zuul code
hashargangil: seems your comment are added aren't they ?21:11
openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ceph to os-brick check jobs
hashargangil: I mean I see "Add review comment "recheck-vmware" to retrigger a new build."21:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix the ovh region name even more
gangilhashar: where? I dont see it21:12
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gangilthe Toggle CI button21:13
gangilhashar: thanks! :)21:13
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gangilI overlooked that button, it toggles CI comments21:13
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
hashargangil: oh yeah obviously sorry :-}21:14
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hashargangil: you should probably do your tests on a different change though. Cause that might spam emails to all reviewers of that change :}21:14
gangilhashar: yup. thanks a lot! :)21:15
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openstackgerritBruno Tavares proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Setup preconditions for acceptance tests.
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack/requirements: Pin pbr<1.8 which ignores Sphinx warnerrors
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openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Pass change and pipeline to the status_url
JayFwom 2421:25
JayFwhoops, sorry21:25
hasharpff pbr and sphinx gives me headhaches.21:25
hasharpbr==1.8.0  does not honor  warnerrors=true with Sphinx before 1.3.1 :-(21:25
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hasharfilled at  if anyone is up for some friday evening headhaches21:26
openstackLaunchpad bug 1496882 in PBR "warnerrors = True no more work with Sphinx < 1.3" [Undecided,New]21:26
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jeblairmordred: OpenStackCloudException: Image creation failed: 403 Forbidden: Attribute 'is_public' is reserved. (HTTP 403)21:30
jeblairmordred: progress!  (?)21:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Correct exception when waiting for image build
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Use the devstack version of nodepool.yaml
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mordredjeblair: that's awesome!21:38
mordredShrews: hey! look! "is_public" is not something we can set everywhere21:38
jeblairvariation is cool21:39
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix cherry-pick syntax
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greghaynesjeblair: nice!21:43
lifelessmordred: that was the automated patches btw - the early warning light21:44
mordredlifeless: yup21:45
mordredlifeless: it did a good job21:45
mordredjeblair: I do not tink we actually need is_public=False anywhere else21:45
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Stop opportunistically pass in is_public=False
mordredjeblair: ^^ try that21:46
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* greghaynes hopes that wont effect the other clouds21:46
mordredgreghaynes: I do not think it will21:47
mordredgreghaynes: I did not put it in because _reason_ - it just seemed like a good idea21:47
jeblairmordred: installing it manually now21:47
greghaynesmordred: hah, ok21:48
jeblairmordred, greghaynes: we _might_ want to give a heads up on the infra list in case this might affect anyone using nodepool in other circumstances...21:48
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jeblair(semi-private cloud?)21:48
lifelessmordred: I think it would be good for os-c-c *at least pre-release* to check for such issues21:48
lifelessmordred: even if we don't gate on os-c-c changes, we could run a devstack run on the releases repo21:49
lifelessmordred: pulling the versions to use from it21:49
openstackgerritJohn Trowbridge proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
mordredlifeless: yeah - we did in most places - just forgot to check openstackclient21:49
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greghaynesjeblair: agreed21:49
mordredlifeless: I'm not sure I understand your last two sentences21:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump upper-constraint for python-ironic-inspector-client to 1.2.0
jeblairnodepool restarted21:50
lifelessmordred: ask me during the week, I have family stuff now.21:50
lifelessmordred: (sorry)21:50
mordredlifeless: kk21:51
mordredlifeless: no worries- let's connect when not family21:51
mordredjeblair: zomg. we might actually almost maybe almost have another cloud?21:52
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hasharnothing better than Friday deploys isn't it?21:52
jeblairmordred: oh i thought we were just about to find out the next thing wrong ;)21:52
mordredjeblair: that's what I menat21:52
jeblairhashar: it's when we can finally get things done :)21:53
hasharsleepy time.  Make sure to celebrate the provider addition21:56
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from global requirements
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jeblairmordred: next thing!
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anteayayay a new error22:05
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
jeblairnote that line# has moved in HEAD; nodepool is on shade 0.13.022:07
jeblairthat's the very bottom of create_image22:07
jeblairmordred: and it's an exception that's masked by a generic exception handler.  :/22:07
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jeblairmordred: which i realize is theoretically compensated for by the fact that it's outputting the original stacktrace in shade's debug log...22:08
jeblairbut we don't log shade at debug.22:08
jeblairmordred: why don't we log that at error level?22:08
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Add translation-jobs for python-keystoneclient"
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stevemarsenor mordred22:17
stevemarerr, maybe i'll bug you in -sdks22:17
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anteayajeblair: not sure if you are tracking changes to the project-team-guide:
anteayathe suggestion you made to me yesterday about the extra-atcs file22:20
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mordredjeblair: error level sounds great22:23
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/shade: Log all exceptions at ERROR level
jeblairmordred: ^ i used an emacs macro for that, so i assume it's completely correct in all cases.  ;)22:25
jeblairmordred: the commit message might be slightly ragey, but you've written worse, so i figure you can handle it.  :)22:25
jeblairmordred: (also, i think you agree with me, so that helps)22:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add a new project syntribos
mordredI do agree, and error is correct22:27
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: (WIP) Add compute class for Infra Cloud
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: (WIP) Add controller class for Infra Cloud
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mordredjeblair: patch looks mostly right. I think if we're not raising we should log debug still ... some of the exceptions are bad normal flow control and not actual exceptions22:32
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mordredbut i can do that22:32
jeblairmordred: i have an idea i'm working on... gimme 5 mins22:33
mordredI'm clarkb ing down the sidewalk22:33
jeblairmordred: wow, er, i somehow imagine that now involves bottle-feeding twins while walking down the sidewalk typing in irc on your phone.22:34
anteayawhat does that look like mordred?22:34
anteayaah jeblair knows22:34
mordredjust without twins22:35
jeblairmordred: with vodka?22:35
anteayabottle feeding rabbits?22:35
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anteayatime for me to get on a plane22:36
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pleia2anteaya: safe travels22:37
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/shade: Store the inner exception when creating an OSCException
jeblairmordred: whatcha think of that? ^22:39
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jeblairmordred: this test script demonstrates the viability:
jeblairmordred: though i'll be impressed if you run it on your phone22:40
jeblairmordred: we can make that "_inner_exception" if you want too.22:40
jeblairmordred: that's also perhaps not exclusive with the other change...22:41
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mordredjeblair: brillian. love it22:44
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: WIP: Initial start at creating sample ci
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mordredjeblair: I'm excited to know what the real error is22:47
mordredjeblair: it sounds like something got a dict and wanted a file (I know, I'm helpful)22:48
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jeblairmordred: savor the anticipation until the next shade release? :)22:48
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mordredjeblair: uhm. why do I have this sinking suspicion that there is YET ANOTHER api difference we might not have taken in to account22:49
jeblairmordred: it's the smart money22:49
mordredjeblair: we've so far been doing v1 PUT and v2 tasks - I believe this will be the first instance of v2 PUT22:49
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jeblairmordred: i'll have a nodepool patch to use that in a few... i'm getting fancy with context manager22:53
ianwclarkb: build logs seem to show that has worked around the issues for the centos7 builds22:53
ianwclarkb: although rax builds seem to work too, even without .  maybe something changed?22:56
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ianwooohh, hang on, ^ purges the package too, not being done ATM22:58
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Log shade inner exceptions
jeblairmordred: ^23:00
mordredjeblair: looking (also, while looking at the big patch, I think I realized - why don't we just put log.exception() in the __init__ of the base OpenSTackCloudException ?23:01
jeblairmordred: hrm, maybe a good idea.23:02
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EmilienMdamn weechat23:02
mordredjeblair: nodepool patch looks great23:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: Fix typo on the manifest.
jeblairmordred: yeah, i kind of think both things in __init__ and skip the big patch are the way to go (and then, actually, _remove_ all those debug logs)23:03
mordredjeblair: yup23:04
mordredjeblair: so a DIFFERENT big patch23:04
jeblairmordred: want me to type that up?  (i assume you're still clarkbing)23:04
mordredI'm back home, so I can do it if you're still ovhing23:04
jeblairmordred: why don't you do the init patch, i'll turn the big patch into a removal23:05
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mordredjeblair: cool23:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Just do the error logging in the base exception
mordredjeblair: ^^ whatcha think?23:13
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack/requirements: Bump os-client-config upper-constraint to 1.7.3
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jeblairmordred: oh... like that!23:18
jeblairmordred: then we don't need a change to nodepool.  you know, if you stringify that in the __init__ method, you don't leak any *client objects23:19
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jeblairmordred: oh, you're just doing the message there, not the traceback... so we do still need the nodepool change23:22
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nibalizer unstable? How do I interpret that?23:22
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nibalizerdoes that mean it failed then passed on recheck?23:23
jeblairnibalizer: no, it means there was a jenkins error23:23
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jeblairmordred: oh, and you only print the inner_exception if there's extra data; may not be what you wanted23:24
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mordredjeblair: good point23:25
nibalizeroh that bubbles up from jenkins? thanks23:26
mordredjeblair: I think we still want the nodepool thing to get the traceback23:26
jeblairmordred: yeah23:26
jeblairmordred: as i was removing all the stuff, i realized that some (but not all) of these messages seem to add some helpful debugging information...23:26
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mordredwe've been trying to add info as we learn what to add23:27
jeblairmordred: some of them are strictly just compensation for the masking, but others are that plus a bit of extra info with formatted strings...23:27
jeblairmordred: like "error with {foo} on {bar}"23:27
mordredjeblair: yah - each time I have to debug an issue, I try to go back and do things like that23:27
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mordred"oh, THIS is what that error is"23:27
jeblairmordred: so now i'm thinking... maybe we should leave all the debug lines alone23:27
mordredleave them all alone - add the error line and inner exception in base exception class?23:28
jeblairmordred: yep23:28
mordredwell - do we gain anyhting by having two different messages? like, maybe we just put the information into the exception message?23:29
jeblairmaybe take a more careful approach in removing them... so that ones that provide no extra info beyond what will show up in the newly added traceback are removed, but ones that add some extra info are kept, but we remove the exc_info from them so we don't drown in tracebacks23:29
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jeblairmordred: or that23:29
mordredjeblair: so let's keep them all for now, and do a slower pass through all of them23:30
jeblairmordred: sounds good.  i'll abandon my change then23:30
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jeblairmordred: my inner_exception change failed all the tests due to something about auth_url23:32
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jeblairmordred: this is that thing you were discussing the other day?23:33
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mordredjeblair: yes23:34
mordredjeblair: wait - your inner exception nodepool change?23:34
jeblairmordred: no shade23:35
mordredjeblair: yes. I have a change we need to land for that - it has to do with how we were constructing fakes23:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Just do the error logging in the base exception
jeblairmordred: should we rebase on that?23:36
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mordredjeblair: yeah - but let me sort that out first23:37
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mordred2015-09-18 15:43:25.905 | 2015-09-18 15:43:25.784 | shade.exc.OpenStackCloudException: Image creation failed: 'dict' object has no attribute 'read'23:38
mordredjeblair: :)23:38
mordredwhatcha wanna bet something changed in the library23:38
jeblairwe're really eating our own tail here23:38
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mordredjeblair: did you get the error early on in trying to do the upload?23:40
mordredjeblair: let me see if I cna synthetic create it on my laptop real quick23:40
jeblairmordred: i'm not sure; if it's important i can try to find out, but would take a few mins23:40
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mordredjeblair: nah - I'm on it23:43
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mordredjeblair: yes. easy to duplicate locally23:44
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove many redundant debug logs
jeblairmordred: a lighter touch on removing the debug lines ^23:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix glance image data upload for v2 put
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jeblairmordred: how did the internal interface land a breaking change?23:50
mordredjeblair: WELL23:50
mordredjeblair: so is the relevant function in glanceclient23:50
mordredbut the traceback shows that requests is being passed something that it always treats like a file23:51
mordredwhich means the 'if' block there is bong23:51
mordredI'm guessin gthis is related to the glanceclient update to use requests sessions properly and the codepath we were using had no tests23:51
jeblairmordred: oh, the internal interface is in glanceclient?  i thought this was just in shade23:51
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mordredthat was a glanceclient breakage23:51
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jeblairgot it; i saw it was calling a shade api, but i guess that just passes through **kw23:52
mordredand yes, that patch fixes it23:52
mordredit passes through some of **kw23:52
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mordredit does things to other bits of **kw23:52
openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: QaD: Pull tripleo related packages from delorean/current
mordredand then it goes through a whole exercise of figuring out what to call :)23:52
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/shade: Just do the error logging in the base exception
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/shade: Remove many redundant debug logs
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/shade: Store the inner exception when creating an OSCException
mordredjeblair: I'm excited about these patches23:55
jeblairmordred: ^ stacked (and the big removal change modified to resolve conflicts with the ksa change)23:56
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mordredjeblair: sweet23:56
jeblairmordred: do we need to combine the get_auth and v2put changes?23:57
mordredjeblair: I think so. I could probably split them into a sequence that would work and make more sense reading history ... but I'm not sure it's worth it23:58
mordredjeblair: I'll wait and see that the v2 test stack works - and if so I'll squash23:58

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