Wednesday, 2015-11-18

mordredanteaya: Ithought at first you were intending on logstashing your new fridge00:01
mordredandI know IoT is a thing00:01
mordredbut still00:01
mordredI think logstash for your new fridge is excessive00:01
clarkbzer0c00l I believe its running qemu VMs via virsh with no virt00:01
clarkbmordred could be useful for knowing when to buy eggs00:02
jesusaurusor the frequency of being out of milk?00:02
mordredclarkb: wouldn't your fridge have to know that first?00:02
pleia2mordred: I thought the same, fridge that tweets, must keep logs...00:02
pleia2but then I thought better of it :)00:02
mordredpleia2: :)00:03
pleia2because for one, the chances of an api to do such a thing... :D00:03
mordrednow - graphite to track the temp of the fridge00:03
pleia2I want a fridge with an api00:03
anteayamordred: logstashing my fridge would be exciting00:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Document SIGINT / SIGUSR2
clarkbmordred they keep threatening rfids on everything00:03
anteayaI do not want a fridge with an api00:03
anteayanor an ice maker00:03
mordredaww. ice makers are nice00:03
jesusaurusthere might also be a form of ocr for common fridge items00:03
anteayadon't want to listen to them00:03
mordredthat would be an issue00:04
clarkbice makers are nice until the feed pops off and fllods the kitchen00:04
mordredI enjoy being able to get crushed ice from a fridge00:04
anteayagetting rid of this one because it never stops running00:04
mordredclarkb: ++00:04
pleia2ice for cocktails is very important00:04
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anteayaclarkb: yup, fridges with no icemakers don't do that00:04
mgagnecan't get enough of those "Hash Sum mismatch" from Ubuntu mirrors :-/00:04
pleia2anteaya: even my modern fridge has an ambient noise to it with the ice maker (also the not so ambient "I made an ice cube!")00:04
anteayapleia2: given my hermit status taht is just +1 more for no icemakers00:04
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clarkbmgagne its a feature of apt repos :/00:05
openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Debug message leads to (n*m) log growth.
anteayait is the I made an ice cube I am not interested in00:05
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mgagneclarkb I didn't get that much in the past, I'm wondering what changed...00:05
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clarkbmgagne it would be tied to frequency of package updates00:05
pleia2fwiw, there have been a lot of ubuntu updates this past week00:05
mtreinishmordred, clarkb, fungi, SpamapS: I started a list of the steps I think we'll need to do for the big subunit2sql migration:
anteayapleia2: nice00:06
pleia2(I keep track of it for the ubuntu weekly newsletter, it was high)00:06
mtreinishlet me know if you think I missed anything (which is very likely)00:06
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mgagneit's a daily occurence for us, to a point where we ended up mirroring our own mirror so it doesn't update that often00:06
mordredmtreinish: step 12 is awesome00:06
mordredmgagne: we have a design for a mirror that will not ever have those errors, but we have not gotten to it yet00:07
mtreinishmordred: it's the most important one :)00:07
mordredmgagne: once we do, we'll hook you up :)00:07
anteayamtreinish: fixed a typo00:08
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mordredpleia2, clarkb: what's the email I should use for signing up for new cloud accounts for infra again?00:09
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mordredalso- what should I use for phone number? clarkb's cell phone?00:09
mtreinishanteaya: thanks00:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
clarkbmordred please no :)00:10
pleia2def clarkb's cell00:10
anteayamtreinish: doing the least I can do :)00:10
pleia2mordred: I'd just look through our aliases in our password file, maybe infra-root@?00:10
pleia2(but infra-root is the canonical one)00:11
clarkbI think we used review@ for hp and rax00:11
pleia2interesting choice00:11
clarkbfor phone it should be something they can call because they often do call and ask if you are spamming00:11
mordredI'll start with mine, we can update it if/when we have a good answer00:12
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clarkbmaybe google voice to forward to all of us?00:13
clarkb(sorry jeblair fungi I have not better ideas)00:13
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pleia2unless we can figure out something with asterisk00:14
pleia2but still need a phone provider (which is what google is)00:14
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Stop attempting to run a mysqldump before migrations
pleia2google voice bothers me less than other solutions for that reason00:14
pleia2s/other solutions/other proprietary solutions for out things00:15
clarkbwhat we need is a robot assistant00:16
anteayathat makes ice00:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-graphite: Set statsd to delete idle counters/timers
clarkbnamed crawford (too much fallout4)00:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Fix logic in selinux execs
clarkbinteresting Gerrit list claims that HEAD is replicated if you change it via the web ui00:19
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clarkb(not true for our gerrit version iirc)00:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Add generic logstash manifests
openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting constraints jobs to nova
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openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-searchlightclient repo
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jeblairwe do have a phone provider, and a phone number00:29
pleia2jeblair: oh?00:29
jeblair+1 512-808-575000:29
jeblairthe conference server :)00:30
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clarkbzaro: maybe useful for fixing the openid bug00:30
jeblairit's not helpful if you want to reach a person00:30
clarkbjeblair: there isn't a mechanism for ya that00:30
jeblairbut there's no need to use google voice00:30
clarkbI know when I signed up for rax at least they called me00:30
jeblairjust to get a telephone number00:30
clarkbso we need something that ends up in front of a human00:31
clarkbjeblair: it also forwards calls to N other numbers iirc00:31
clarkbis that somethin we can convince asterisk to do for us?00:31
jeblairjhesketh: regarding my earlier point about mock spreading: doesn't mocking a fake sound like exactly that?
openstackgerritSteve McLellan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-searchlightclient repo
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jeblairjhesketh: that could all be done with a small enhancement to the existing fakes, and then we could exercise it in the normal code paths, right?00:33
jeblairclarkb: of course.  i'm not sure that i want what we're talking about though.  :)00:34
jeblairi think our providers should just shut us off if there's a problem and send us email.00:34
clarkbthat also wfm00:34
clarkbthey wanted to know what I would use my account for00:35
jeblair(if we _did_ set up telco forwarding, i would probably have that asterisk call my asterisk so it can just go into the bitbucket)00:35
jeblair(er, i mean, voicemail)00:35
pleia2a voicemail box that emails us when someone calls and leaves a message would be tolerable for me00:36
clarkbI am very much a noob when it comes to telephony. Tmobile gives me unlimited data and good international roaming00:36
clarkbthats what matters right?00:36
pleia2I don't like voice calls, I don't often don't answer them00:37
pleia2clarkb: heh, yeah, data was all I had in japan, it was fine :)00:37
jeblairpleia2: yeah, that's what my home asterisk box does with most calls00:37
jeblairi love calls from people i want to talk to.  cloud providers are not on the list.00:38
clarkbI hav emy phone set to drop calls not from contacts during night hours and otherwise its easy enoguh to answer or not00:38
clarkbalso I am aamzed it took ansdroid so long to add that feature00:38
clarkb"I don't want calls at 3am kthxbai"00:38
clarkbone time hpcloud called me at 3am, this feature was not yet avialable00:40
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clarkbok, tomorrow will be pick up logstash 2.0 work. Hopefully we get through the rules and have a working set to use00:42
clarkbthen its redo puppet (maybe with some of my newfound logstash testers)00:42
clarkbthen fix the multiline stuff by deploying logstash 2.000:43
nibalizerpleia2: will do when i get home (a few minutes)00:43
pleia2nibalizer: great, thanks :)00:43
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add wheel_mirror_slaves that use pypi-mirror
docaedoI'm setting a manifest to pip install the app_catalog (as cloned by git) into a virtual environment - is the python::pip module the right one to use (
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zaroyah! power restored00:51
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/meetbot: Add warning if starting a meeting in an unrecognised channel
docaedoand that question is a prelude to - can anyone tell me how to make that module pip-install from a local file rather than pypi?00:52
pleia2zaro: glad to hear it :)00:52
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openstackgerritSachi King proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Set basepython to python2.7 globally
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* docaedo once again trots out his puppet ignorance...00:56
zaroclarkb: it can be fixed but still cannot explain why our gerrit+openid config returns empty token so how to explain the fix?00:57
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clarkbzaro: well they ar etwo completely different bugs00:57
anteayazaro: yay power00:57
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clarkbzaro: so they should be treated as such, conflating them will just make it harder to debug and fix00:57
nibalizerpleia2: sending now00:57
anteayatonyb: I was actually just looking at that, thanks for the credit00:58
nibalizerpleia2: do we have a date that we are gonna try it00:58
tonybanteaya: np As I said it was inspired by you change.00:59
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tonybanteaya: I would have reused that change ID but I wasn't able to restore it00:59
pleia2nibalizer: nope00:59
anteayatonyb: my concern is we will again be redirected to extend the config, have you looked at the supybot config? I fell in there last time and was happy to come out alive00:59
anteayatonyb: no worries00:59
lifelessNakato: when the project-config patches are up; please cc me on them?00:59
anteayatonyb: thanks for looking at it, kind of you to credit me :)00:59
tonybanteaya: Well I added acomment to say I will do the supybot config thing but I need to learn how to do it01:00
pleia2nibalizer: I'm hoping it just gets bumped a couple days, but we still don't have a firm solution ironed out so it's hard to say01:00
anteayatonyb: yeah, I can't figure it out01:00
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nibalizerpleia2: sound ok?01:00
Nakatolifeless: Can do, (you mean co contrib right?)01:00
anteayadon't commit to learning supybot until you look at it01:00
anteayatonyb: the project is old, no activity in 5 years01:01
tonybanteaya: I looked at it it doesn't look too terrible.01:01
anteayatonyb: the homepage is a stackforge page with no documentation I can find01:01
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pleia2nibalizer: short and sweet, lgtm (and I'd still reply to the announcement email)01:01
zaroclarkb: i would fix it by checking for null token and not adding extra '/'.  i think that is missing in gerrit code. do you agree?01:01
anteayatonyb: did you find any docs for it?01:01
tonybanteaya: I created a venv/mocjk env for testing the meetbot plugin01:01
clarkbzaro: no, I think you need to join the urls properly always01:01
tonybanteaya: I had the code written 2 hours ago but I wanted to test it ;P01:01
clarkbzaro: regardless of the token situation01:01
nibalizerpleia2: ok01:02
anteayatonyb: makes sense01:02
tonybanteaya: nothing helpful so I was goign to fallback to reading the code and *lots* of testing.01:02
anteayawell maybe your code will get accepted01:02
anteayayou have helpful error messages01:03
* tonyb crosses fingers.01:03
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lifelessNakato: no, I just mean link me as a reviewer01:03
lifelessNakato: so I get emailed on the discussion is all01:03
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zaroclarkb: the token can be different depending on entry point and where you should get redirected to after login.01:03
Nakatolifeless: Will do.01:03
anteayatonyb: these are the only docs I found:
lifelessNakato: I haven't contributed to the patch, wouldn't make sense to have my name on it IMO :)01:03
clarkbzaro: exactly thats why it should always be handled correctly01:04
zaroflashing lights is not a good sign01:04
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create ansible-role-jobs for JJB and zuul
anteayatonyb: none tell me anything about the various config settings, they expect you to set config via a wizard while running the code01:04
Nakatolifeless: Also I'll point at  Sick of fighting that every time I try and run tox on project-config01:04
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crinklegreghaynes: tests pass on now but will need clarkb or nibalizer to sanity check01:04
crinklebecause i don't actually know how mirrors or slaves work01:04
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Nakatoer, whoops, didn't realise it was checking py26...01:05
zaroclarkb: yes, agreed.  but that's a very generic solution.  i think the code is trying to do that. probably missing a few things though.01:05
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tonybanteaya: Yeah its defined in code which is good and bad01:05
anteayatonyb: not helpful for me01:06
zaroclarkb: well so checking for null token will fix it for us.  so that's one if we get merged upstream will work.01:06
anteayathe only other thing I could think of was to create an ircmeeting/ file as directed here:
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tonybanteaya: Yeah I think that's the right way to do it.01:08
zaroalright, me is signing out for today.  had a long week.  cyas01:08
tonybanteaya: and then drive the values in there from puppet01:08
anteayanibalizer: I see the notice you sent, thank you01:08
anteayatonyb: I think that is config but keeps us away from supybot config01:09
* anteaya shudders01:09
jheskethjeblair: (sorry had an appointment) yeah, I can see your point.. mocking a fake doesn't make a lot of sense01:09
anteayatonyb: but I had figured out what to put in that file yet01:09
tonybanteaya: Oh I thought supybot sourced that for us01:09
anteayatonyb: I think so, it should01:09
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anteayaI had originally looked a supybot config to see if I could add a setting there01:10
anteayaso many settings01:10
tonybanteaya: :)01:10
anteayatonyb: there is a self.specialChannels for the testing channels for meetbot which don't have logs written for them01:11
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Update logstash/elastic search from system-config
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jeblair5f8bdbeef15f9ab7486e2f2f8e7c622a223cdb4e ~~~~01:12
jeblair     ~~~~01:12
anteayaha ha ha01:12
anteayaha ha ha01:12
anteayawords in shas bingo01:13
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greghaynescrinkle: sweet ty01:13
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Update logstash/elastic search from system-config
jeblairnibalizer, clarkb, greghaynes, SpamapS: do you think we might be able to do some simple nodepooly things against infra-cloud (like i've been doing with bb and ovh)?  even though it's not the final hardware, that seems in the spirit of 'continue to poke at current setup to learn/advance as much as we can'...01:15
clarkbcrinkle: ^01:15
jeblaircrinkle: er, ^01:15
tonybanteaya: Yeah but that doesn't seem to be a config oprtion01:15
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jeblairsorry, i miscompleted c<tab>01:15
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nibalizerjeblair: i was heading that direction last week01:16
crinklejeblair: it's really close01:16
nibalizerdidn't get there though01:16
nibalizerfor instance just getting a few nodes and doing the 'how long does devstack take' would be awesome I think01:17
openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove logstash/elasticsearch classes, use puppet-openstackci
anteayatonyb: hmmm01:19
crinkleright now i'm trying to get static ips working for the nodes, which is tricky because glean doesn't totally work and bifrost doesn't exactly support the dnsmasq configuration that would let it dhcp properly01:19
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anteayatonyb: M is meeting and has a channel var:
anteayatonyb: maybe we can test the value of against something?01:22
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anteayatonyb: and other option:
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anteayaso seems to know what channel it is in01:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-logstash: Look for curator in both /usr/bin and /usr/local/bin
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tonybHmm let me try something01:26
* anteaya lets tonyb try something01:28
lifelessNakato: maybe we don't need py26 for zuul anymore ?01:28
lifelessjeblair: ^01:28
lifelessjeblair: does infra run or care about py26 support for zuul ?01:28
lifelessjeblair: (context is
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clarkbthat change in general does not make sense to me01:29
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clarkbwe have python version specific envs01:29
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clarkbpy26, py27, py34 etc01:29
clarkbso why both setting basepython?01:29
lifelessclarkb: tox runs sdist outside the venv01:29
lifelessclarkb: ubuntu has 'tox' actually installed with python301:30
lifelessclarkb: so you run tox, and then it uses a python3 virtualenv and python3 interpreter to make the virtualenv and create the sdist01:30
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lifelessclarkb: for projects that aren't python3 ready, this is bad, it breaks :)01:30
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clarkbthen your ubuntu is broken01:30
lifelessclarkb: it doesn't affect whats *inside* the venvs, naturally01:30
clarkbyou should be pip installing tox01:30
lifelessclarkb: welcome to Ubuntu01:30
clarkb(maybe from another venv)01:30
lifelessclarkb: I recommend that, but this does no harm01:31
clarkbexcept it breaks not py2701:31
lifelessclarkb: how so ?01:31
clarkbthat test failed01:31
clarkbI am just going off of the change you linked me01:31
lifelessclarkb: so, yes, its a hardcoded basepython01:31
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lifelessclarkb: on machines with *no* python 2.7, everythingw will fail01:31
lifelessclarkb: but it doesn't break !py27, you can still run e.g. py34 etc01:32
clarkbthen why did py26 fail?01:32
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clarkb(because there is no py27?)01:32
lifelessbecause the forced basepython doesn't exist on that host01:32
gus(I should have pushed further than neutron)01:32
clarkbok I wouldn't assume that py27 is everywhree then01:33
lifelessbecause there is no python2.7 (which is distinct from py27)01:33
clarkbinstead you should maybe set basepython to python01:33
clarkb(and arch can fail)01:33
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lifelessNakato: is 'python' on your system 3.x or 2.x ?01:33
clarkblifeless: according to python it must be 2.x01:33
clarkblifeless: arch breaks this01:33
clarkbI do not care aout arch being broken01:33
clarkbgus: thats slightly differnet (but related)01:34
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Stop attempting to run a mysqldump before migrations
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Nakatolifeless: 3.x01:37
clarkbNakato: are you on arch?01:38
clarkbthis is important because arch explicitly breaks the rules here01:38
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clarkband as a result I don't think we should bend over backwrads to accomodate that01:38
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Nakatoclarkb: yes, and yes that pep01:38
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NakatoI don't think it means we shouldn't fix the problems either.01:39
tonybanteaya: I have it reading the the 2 optiosn from global config but supybot can't change them dynamically01:39
clarkbI suggest you take it up with your distro01:39
tonybanteaya: looking at that now.01:39
clarkbNakato: there is no sane way to fix the problems01:39
clarkbNakato: they have intentionally decided not to accomodate any problem fixes01:39
NakatoArch pre-dates the pep01:39
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clarkbthey can still fix it01:39
anteayatonyb: if we put something in here and called it and compared it to a value set in a config file?01:40
NakatoAlso it just means enforcing some sane defaults in pep instead of expecting dev systems to run py27.  You'd see similar breakges on systems that run py26 as a default01:40
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clarkbNakato: no, my suggestion would fix that01:41
clarkbbut it won't work on arch01:41
clarkbbut thats why I suggest it because it will work everywhere else01:41
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anteayatonyb: by global config do you mean this?
tonybanteaya: I think doing it in is fine it's just a question (IIUC) of using meeting.Config.New_Option rather than hard coding the list in the code.01:42
tonybanteaya: currently I'm using
tonybbut that may be wrong as it's not being reloaded when I tell supybot to do that thing01:43
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anteayaI agree with your direction01:44
anteayaand I think once we figure out the value we put it in here:
anteayaor did I misunderstand you?01:45
clarkb(I think basepython is actually python already)01:46
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clarkbNakato: would it work for you to make a virtualenv that you use where python is python2.x properly instead?01:46
clarkbhonestly thats likely path of least resistance and how mtreinish does it iirc01:46
mtreinishclarkb: oh, arch pain01:47
mtreinishNakato: yeah as python devs using arch linux it's a burden we have to carry :(01:47
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Nakatoclarkb: Actually it doesn't with project-config01:47
clarkbNakato: even if you source it ahead of time?01:47
Nakatoclarkb: Does not work.01:48
clarkbNakato: maybe thats a bug in project-config then and not in zuul's tox.ini?01:48
Nakatoclarkb: This is why I actually care about fixing this one, usually that's what I do when I hit a problem because it's not worth this arguemnt.01:48
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Nakatotox calls bash which calls zuuls tox01:48
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clarkbbut bash should inherit the calling env?01:49
clarkboh except that tox filters that01:49
clarkbso maybe thats the real bug01:49
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clarkbNakato: if you have tox pass through the env does that work?01:51
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lifelessthat makes sense to me01:53
Nakatoclarkb: I think it's that's dropping the env.  Because tox normally passes PATH though.01:55
Nakatoclarkb: #!/bin/bash ends up with a clean env right?01:55
tonybanteaya: Ah okay I'm not mocking out the correct config stuff that's why the dynamic relaod isn't working.01:55
anteayatonyb: ah ha, knew you would figure it out01:55
clarkbNakato I can never remember and wouldnhave to read the manpage01:56
clarkbI know it looks to bashrc but not bash login or something01:57
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jrollanyone mind an easy "drop 2.6" +A?
anteayajroll: done01:59
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jrollthanks anteaya :)02:00
anteayapleia2: if the reschedule the upgrade conversation comes up before next meeting, I'm out Friday morning through Sunday night02:00
anteayajroll: welcome02:00
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pleia2anteaya: noted, thanks02:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Drop Python 2.6 tests for python-ironicclient
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openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
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openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
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openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Add python WSGI server
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* notmorgan waves at -infra03:22
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* Clint squints at notmorgan03:22
notmorganClint: oh sorry, I'm kindof far away.03:23
* Clint adjusts the focus.03:23
* notmorgan WAVES LOUDLY (yet loud waving) at CLINT03:23
Clintgood job03:23
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notmorganooh. it's like 7:24PM and dark here. this whole more north thing is wierd ;)03:24
Clintit's been dark here since like 5pm03:24
notmorganClint: oh same here. just noticing how dark it is atm03:24
docaedohey, long as you guys are waving at each other, have a second to help explain how I might call from a puppet manifest and make it install something in a virtual env?03:24
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notmorgandocaedo: hm. related to ^ those patches?03:25
docaedoI bet one of you knows what I'm doing wrong here :)03:25
docaedonotmorgan: yes03:25
notmorganwell the issue i've seen is that kindof sucks to call, i've been told repeatedly to not call it directly, always use pip03:25
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docaedoline 113 of is my hassle03:25
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docaedoI would use python::pip gladly if it would install something from a local source03:26
notmorganit will.03:26
notmorganpip install ./<path>03:26
notmorganoh puppet thing might not03:26
docaedook yes - but the python::pip module (which is aware of virtualenvs) does not let you do that03:26
notmorgandocaedo: sounds like a bug in the python::pip module :( lame03:27
Clinti think you should bribe crinkle to fix it03:27
docaedoI would call pip install from an exec if I could make it do something in the virtual env, but it doesn't seem to03:27
notmorganah easy to call the right pip03:27
notmorganyou know the venv path right?03:27
notmorganso <venv>/bin/pip03:27
notmorganuse that.03:27
docaedonotmorgan: yep, tried that, doesn't work (will run again real quick to fetch exact error03:28
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* crinkle has been fighting with puppet all day, it would have to be a very large bribe03:29
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notmorgancrinkle: hehe03:30
* docaedo could probably expense an appropriate sized bribe for this!03:30
notmorgandocaedo: i could probably chip in for an appropriate sized <this is not really a bribe cause that is against policy>03:31
* notmorgan looks at the paste.03:31
docaedoright, no, not a bribe .. a uh, thank you gift!03:31
notmorganare you working in a git repo?03:31
notmorganthis is the wierd PBR tbing...03:32
notmorganhave you *ever* tagged something in this repo?03:32
docaedowell it is again, but now in a brand new place03:32
docaedothe PBR thing was solved finally by two things:03:32
docaedoproper path for wsgi, and updating the source so the package name matched the directory (changed from catalog to openstack_catalog)03:32
docaedothen everything worked, and I was very happy, so very happy03:33
notmorganopt/apps_site is that the right repo?03:33
docaedothen I though 'well now, better make the manifest do all the things' and I am now sad, so very sad03:33
docaedocorrect, that's the repo03:33
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notmorganwonder if this is related to how pip is installed.03:35
docaedoI think maybe if I could get puppet to essentially do the same thing as "source venv/bin/activate" before trying this command, it would work, but it doesn't...03:35
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notmorgandocaedo: i don't tbink it would change this error03:35
docaedoI get the same error if I do install03:36
notmorgandocaedo: you'd still run into it. my guess is distribute or setuptools is wonky in the VENV03:36
notmorganor whateve that is supposed to be today. i can't remember03:36
docaedoah! I saw a swift bug about that once03:36
notmorganit's hit a lot of the python-*clients too03:36
docaedopip install --upgrade setuptools is supposed to fix it03:37
docaedolet for me to try03:37
notmorganremember to do it in a way that the VENV is affected03:37
docaedoyep, trying just from the venv in shell and says it's already up-to-date :/03:37
docaedomaybe I'm wrong about python::pip not being able to do what I want? Can you see a way to tell it to install from local filesystem path here?
notmorgancrinkle: ^?03:40
notmorgandocaedo: my guess is you can use URL03:40
notmorganand do file://03:40
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notmorganno you can't03:41
mordreddocaedo: what you trying to do?03:41
notmorganif it's a local git repo you could possibly do it03:41
notmorganmordred: he's trying to install with puppet python::pip from local fielsystem03:42
nibalizerwhats the code that runs it?03:42
nibalizeroh its in scrollback03:42
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mordredwe install a few things in virtualenvs03:43
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mordredoh - but we do that outside of puppet03:44
docaedoI can recap as needed, because if you lot can't figure this out, it's unpossible03:44
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notmorganmordred: yeah. and he's havint issues with PBR version error exception when using the venv pip in exec03:44
mordreddocaedo: what's the command you're trying to run?03:44
docaedocommand     => "/opt/virtenv-app-catalog/bin/pip install ${root_dir}"03:45
mordredyah. that will run pip inside the venv03:45
docaedoor same thing except python install03:45
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mordredwhich is the same as doing activate first03:45
docaedoyou would think! but then I get this error:
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docaedowhich for one thing is calling system PBR rather then venv (which makes me think it's not really staying in the venv)03:46
mordreddocaedo: can you set cwd?03:47
mordreddocaedo: to be /opt/apps_site03:48
docaedoyep, it's set to that03:48
mordredit certainly does seem to be leaping to the system03:48
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mordreddocaedo: can you conirm that /ops/app_site is a git repo?03:50
mordredalso, can you confirm that git is installed?03:50
mordredI got it03:50
docaedomordred: for sure it is, vcsrepo is the one that gets it03:50
mordred  path        => '/opt/virtenv-app-catalog/bin',03:50
mordreddocaedo: you don't have git in your path03:51
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mordreddocaedo: because you have set path too restrictive03:51
mordreddocaedo: you're gonna want /usr/bin in there at least03:51
docaedomordred: ah ok - will add usr/bin and test03:51
notmorganoh interesintg03:52
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docaedoholy moly that might have done it!03:52
* mordred drops git bombs03:52
docaedoif it did, I'm taking the rest of the year off so I can end on a high note03:52
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notmorgandocaedo: at least the rest of november? ;)03:53
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docaedothanks everyone, I think that was the last bit making this difficult, seems like everything works!! woooo!03:54
docaedoHave some cleanup work to do still but should be able to ask for infra to take a real look at it tomorrow - phew03:55
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docaedonotmorgan: BTW welcome to the PNW where it might be dark and rainy but the beer is best in the country :)03:56
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notmorgandocaedo: had some nice pizza today for dinner03:56
notmorgandocaedo: and a nice winter ale03:56
nibalizerhaha why does that break it03:56
nibalizeroh because you dont' have git03:56
nibalizerbecause of the path03:56
notmorgannibalizer: fun, huh03:56
openstackgerritDaniel Díaz proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for matrices' subset in multijobs.
nibalizerdocaedo: left you some unrelated comments on your patch03:57
docaedonibalizer: thank you!03:57
clarkbthis is the best weather03:58
clarkbturn up the heat, drink stout, get drenched03:58
notmorganclarkb: ++04:00
jrollheh, ++04:00
notmorganclarkb: this weather is part of why I relocated here! :)04:00
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Add python WSGI server
notmorganclarkb: this weather > 80-85F winter in LA04:03
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add in extra connections tests
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Refactor sources out of triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Move Item formatting into Reporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Document the new connections in zuul
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove ActionReporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for sqlalchemy reporter
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up loggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Configure triggers dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for reporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up tests/
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support to reject changes from approvals
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stevemar_since we're not supporting py26 for oslo stuff any longer, when is the massive patch coming for python client libs?04:06
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add bifrost manifest
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Enhance CRD doc with diagrams
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add baremetal hpuswest node definition
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add baremetal node definition for hpuseast
openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for networking-ofagent
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openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Add python WSGI server
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add tests for --cache-dir option
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.config >=2.7.0
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bardiaasselin_: I have gerrit setup for my noop job. it triggers the job from patches and they pass but then i don't see any updates posted to the review page from the jenkins.05:09
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bardiaasselin_: is there anything I'm missing? shouldn't getting job triggers from patches indicate that it works?05:10
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asselin__bardia, need to double-check the project-config zuul layout.yaml file to make sure it's configured to post results05:10
bardiais it zuul that posts results or gerrit05:10
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bardiashouldn't it be the gerrit plugin posting results after it got triggered?05:11
asselin__there shouldn't be any gerrit plugin05:11
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asselin__did you install it manually?05:12
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bardiazuul was not working for me05:14
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asselin__what was not working?05:14
bardiathe builds were not getting triggered after a patch05:15
bardiaI guess I should check the zuul logs05:15
asselin__I recommend you use zuul, but it's not required.05:16
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asselin__but the docs and solution are assuming you're using that.05:17
asselin__"not required" refers to 3rd party ci in general doesn't require you use to use any particular tool05:18
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asselinbardia, sorry, network failed05:23
bardiaasselin: yeah I understand its not required but its the one thats supported and you are here to help :)05:24
openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils to 2.8.0
asselinbardia, yes that's the one I support along with the entire openstack infra team (ppl in this chat room)05:24
greghaynesjeblair: Yep, I think adding infra-cloud to nodepool as soon as we can would be awesome05:25
bardiaasselin: I'm in the process of figuring out why zuul is not working. I'll let you know what I find05:25
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greghaynesjeblair: I think it isnt quite there, but it would also be great to get used to completing the loop on work05:25
openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils to 2.8.0
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sridhar_raminfra team - recently (past week or so) there seems to be a gerrit issue where it no longer marking the bug status properly in the launchpad. For e.g. gerrit patchset with Closes-Bug is not marking the corresponding launchpad bug to In-Progress. In this happening for openstack/tacker project.  LP: and gerrit
openstackLaunchpad bug 1513591 in tacker "Testcase to automate http ping with respawn failure policy" [Low,Confirmed] - Assigned to Santosh (ksantosh-cs)05:29
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sridhar_ramany clue what could cause this ?05:30
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jeblairdocaedo: do you _need_ to use a virtualenv?  we generally do not use them on our servers.05:56
jeblairdocaedo: there are other wsgi servers we run in infra, can you pattern your thing off of those?05:56
asselinjeblair, are there examples where a virtualenv are use?05:57
jeblairasselin: no, because there are none :)05:57
docaedoI do not need to, but it's working with it now? I can take a shot at making it work without if I need to :)05:57
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asselinjeblair, I'm stuck trying to resolve that urllib3 unsupported platform issue05:58
jeblairwhen i said 'generally' i meant 'in all cases' not 'in most cases' :)05:58
jeblairasselin: :( sorry, it's past my bedtime05:59
jeblairasselin: i can take a look at it with you tomorrow05:59
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asselinjeblair, sure thanks. I'm going to revert my attemps to fix it06:01
docaedoOk, I'll take a shot at this with no venv tomorrow, can't wait to find new mysterious errors :)06:01
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openstackgerritdaisy-ycguo proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changed translation scripts to support i18n repo Add translation jobs for i18n repo
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritAlexander Evseev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add possibility to use SSH instead of HTTP to get ref list
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openstackgerritAlexander Evseev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Split pipeline description by double newlines on status page
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add in extra connections tests
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Move Item formatting into Reporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Document the new connections in zuul
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Remove ActionReporters
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for sqlalchemy reporter
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up loggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Tidy up tests/
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish i18n guides also from branches
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AJaegerianw, yolanda : Could you review today, please? It's a simple change to enable translations for manual jobs on branches.06:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/meetbot: Add warning if starting a meeting in an unrecognised channel
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/meetbot: Add warning if starting a meeting in an unrecognised channel
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openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/puppet-meetbot: Add config for recognised channels
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openstackgerritSergey Nikitin proposed openstack/requirements: Updated oslo.db to 3.2.0
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openstackgerritdaisy-ycguo proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Changed translation scripts and add translation jobs for I18n repo
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openstackgerritdaisy-ycguo proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change translation scripts and add translation jobs for I18n repo
openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add specs-jobs to congress-specs
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openstackgerritdaisy-ycguo proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add translation jobs and change scripts for I18n repo
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add dynamic-login element
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Publish i18n guides also from branches
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add python3 jobs to reno
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add controller class and supporting manifests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add compute class
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run gate-horizon-dsvm-integration on stable branches
igorbelikovHi folks, I see that gerrit downtime update email is not posted to openstack-dev ml (like the original announcement), only to openstack-infra.10:34
igorbelikovzaro anteaya nibalizer ^^10:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add release notes jobs for ceilometer
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Install Heat for Sahara scenario jobs only if needed
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix aodh gate
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openstackgerritIgor Malinovskiy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use Manila specific job templates for building images
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openstackgerritMaitê Balhester proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_health: Fix httpd apply in Ubuntu Precise
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: min_compute_nodes set before NOTESTS check
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rework ec2api jobs for new tempest`s plugin technology
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pedroalvarezHi! I'm trying to test that works fine with storyboard using the URL Looks like it does, but it's failing because is not giving access to the name (and I guess nothing else).12:10
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daniloramalhoHello nibalizer crinkle Can you look to this patch, please?12:35
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use prebuilt IPA image for ironic-inspector IPA gate job
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openstackgerritRyan Hallisey proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a job around using tripleo with docker
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for matrices' subset in multijobs.
openstackgerritLi Yingjun proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-searchlightclient repo
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openstackgerritAnastasia Kuznetsova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update jobs for mistral
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rework ec2api jobs for new tempest`s plugin technology
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: telemetry: don't share queue between projects
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mordredinfra-root: I've created an internap account. I am waiting on internap to call me for verification purposes13:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Parameterize setting the selinux mode
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daniloramalhoHello mordred: Can you look to this patch, please?13:54
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create ansible-role-jobs for JJB and zuul
mordreddaniloramalho: done13:58
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daniloramalhomordred: Thanks :)13:58
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mordredclarkb: is 212745 still required? I believe we did something with groovy right?14:00
mordredclarkb: it's got a second +2 on it now, so if it is, feel free to approve14:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Edit instructions for repo creation, include Needed-By
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Add 'debian' user in bootstrapServer()
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Example of how to use targets plugins
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update the sample puppet code block for etherpad
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_health: Fix httpd apply in Ubuntu Precise
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mordredjesusaurus: 194305 there is a question about motivation in the review from clarkb14:11
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mordredrussellb: 174952 has a not-a-minus-one from you, but you said you were thinking about it - I'd rather not create a repo and then destroy it later - any final pushback?14:13
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mordredjeblair: gertty feature request: it would be cool if when gertty would show me the aggregate merged status of depends-on patches in the UI14:18
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hasharmordred: thanks for my Nodepool  patches A+1 :-}14:20
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hashar""I'm actually looking forward to the day when we're not using provider provided images."" <--- I am using provider images myself since disk image builder requires root sudo on the Nodepool host :D14:20
hasharand root is a no/no for us14:20
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mordredhashar: is root sudo a no/no for you everywhere, or just on that host? (we have image-build-workers coming)14:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added new repo for fuel-plugin-plumgrid in openstack NS
hasharmordred: in production realm it is a no/no.  But we might have workers on some staging / labs area :-}14:22
hasharseems that image-build-workers is similar to the zuul merge operations being decentralized14:22
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hasharanyway my base image on the provider is very basic.  I then rely on puppet and to bring it up to an acceptable level and refresh a new snapshot14:23
hasharso not much uses about disk image :-}14:23
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Create subunit proccessor subclass
mordredhashar: k. well, it's good to konw that keeping the snapshot image builder is important to you14:24
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hasharmordred: took me a while to figure out the difference between provider images and the  refresh/snapshot system14:26
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hasharmight be worth asking other third parties and see how they use nodepool14:26
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hasharI would not be surprised if most of them use an outdated base image and rely on to properly configure the snapshot14:27
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mordredyah, I mean, we still use that for half of our images14:28
mordredas we haven't fully finished making the transition yet14:28
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smarcet is timeouting14:31
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mordredsmarcet: just worked for me14:33
smarcetok looking14:33
sc68calworked for me14:33
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Added weekly meeting for Neutron Upgrades subteam
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clarkbpedroalvarez: smarcet eould be a good person to ask your openid question14:41
clarkbpedroalvarez: I think I am seeing similar with mod auth openid14:41
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pedroalvarezI guess it's either  menot configuring it properly, either storyboard needs some sort of new support for openstackid.org14:43
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clarkbsmarcet should be able to help14:44
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clarkbif you can relay the details here14:44
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add user group assignment API
Shrewsmordred: ^^^14:48
mkwiek07hello, can anyone help me with figuring out what's wrong with gate-fuel-astute-rake-dsvm check on this review:
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mkwiek07this is link that jenkins provided: unfortunately, it's not very informative :(14:54
daniloramalhophschwartz: Morning14:54
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openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable Python 3 unit tests for os-win
pabelangermkwiek07: I mentioned this yesterday to igorbelikov but you should be using gate-{name}-puppet-unit-{puppet_version}-dsvm-{ostype}. Your job definition is currently broken because you are missing ostype in the name.  To launch devstack-centos nodes, you need dsvm-centos7 in the job name. It was also decided to make gate-{name}-puppet-unit-{puppet_version}-dsvm-{ostype} more generic.14:56
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pabelangermkwiek07: so, rather then use a duplicate job, switch it to the puppet job, then rename it to something more generic14:57
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mkwiek07pabelanger: thank you!14:58
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igorbelikovpabelanger: thanks for the ostype info, was not expecting current definition to be broken:(15:00
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pabelangerigorbelikov: Ya, we need to do a better job at catching jobs with dsvm in the name. There is some logic in zuul/ to setup zuul node params.15:02
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EmilienMhello, I have a quick system-config patch about IRC channel, if anyone can look : - thanks!15:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Stop using uuid in functional tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add test for os_nova_flavor Ansible module
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mordredShrews: oh wow. that keystone api bit is awesome15:07
Shrewsmordred: isn't it though?15:08
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mordredShrews: so, I had this thought about our use of random ids in our functional tests and a future state where we might use betamax against live clouds and then replay that15:09
mordredShrews: and random names don't work nearly as well with replaying http responses from clouds15:09
mordredShrews: made me think - why not base the names off of the method name of the currently running test?15:10
mordredthat way its still unique, but it's also consistent from run to run which would make doing an http requestts replay more easier15:10
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Only run gate-tempest-dsvm-multinode-live-migration on master
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mordredinternap has determined that we are not fraudulent15:12
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Shrewsmordred: that's how getUniqueString() works, except it tacks on a unique integer to the test name15:14
mordredShrews: also, that throws a keystoneauth1 exception? OH - I guess becaue that's a ... wow15:14
mordredShrews: oh - well that's cool then15:14
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mordredI wonder if we could get it to not tack on the unique integer15:14
Shrewsmordred: so we *could* use, maybe?15:15
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Fail if no tests were successful executed
mordredwell - but then we have the problem of like where you need a user and a group15:15
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mordredShrews: it seems like getUniqueString('user') should return + 'user'15:16
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mordredsince that's guaranteed to be unique and also allows specifying which string you wnat for this test15:16
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Shrewsmordred: no, it's actually 'user' + unique-int15:16
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mordredShrews: I'm saying I'd like it to behave differently15:17
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Shrewsjust use that?15:17
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Shrewsi might be missing your argument15:18
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mordredI might not be making it well15:18
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mordredShrews: I'll try again when I have second coffee15:18
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* mriedem is very happy to see e-r bot working again15:18
Shrewsmordred: oh, you mean the case where we need multiple unique strings in a single test15:18
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes jobs for ironic
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Shrewsmordred: yeah, not sure why the keystoneauth1 exception is being thrown there... seems like an unintended feature to me15:20
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mordredShrews: I believe it's because it's the keystoneauth1 Session that's doing the requests calls, which means if it gets a 404 I guess it's throwing the NotFound15:22
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Fail if no tests were successful executed
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openstackgerritIgor Belikov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch fuel-astute and fuel-nailgun-agent gates to use puppet templates
openstackgerritIgor Belikov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch fuel-astute and fuel-nailgun-agent gates to use puppet templates
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igorbelikovpabelanger: please review ^^15:40
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igorbelikovmaking puppet jobs more generic requires a bit deeper dive, can't do it right now, but it's on my todo list for this week:)15:42
samueldmqif I were to create a gate job for keystone with a specific configuration, such as federation, using ldap, or whatever15:42
samueldmqwhat would be the right approach to it? create a gate job in project-config with a specialized script to do the setup of ldap,idp,etc15:43
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samueldmqwhere would htat script belong to ? ^15:43
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mordredsamueldmq: yah. you want to make sure devstack can be configured to use ldap, or federation or whatever15:44
samueldmqbut devstack would install, let's say, openldap ?15:45
samueldmqseems like the wrong place to do it ?15:45
mordredit would totally install openldap15:45
mordredand configure it15:45
mordredsame as it installs and configured mysql and rabbit15:45
mordredif you have a config variable set to say "keystone-use-ldap"15:45
mordredbecause you want it to be easy for developers to be able to set up a devstack that is configured to use openldap if that's the thing they're hacking on15:46
samueldmqokay, so adding the capability of installing dependencies for different keystone configurations is a thing for devstack15:46
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samueldmqthat is enabled thorugh a flag that is passed from project-config jobs15:46
samueldmqclarkb: mordred yep, that makes sense; thanks for clarifying15:47
samueldmqmordred: also for things like #245304 (this is yours)15:47
samueldmqmordred: it'd be nice to have functional tests on it, wouldn't it ?15:47
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pabelangerigorbelikov: will wait for jenkins, but so far looks good15:48
samueldmqmordred: ++15:48
mordredsamueldmq: adding tests is next on my list15:48
mordredsamueldmq: I just didn't want to bother if people were opposed to the concept of the patc15:48
clarkbalso there is already an attempt to make a two node federation install work woth a WIP patch to devstack gate, not sure where it got to15:48
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Fail if no tests were successful executed
samueldmqmordred: makes sense to confirm before putting more effort, good for you15:48
samueldmqmordred: and for us since now people seem ot agree that's a good addition :)15:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Pin bashate to 0.3.1
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katyaferventHi all15:56
katyaferventCould you please advise if this ok to use closes-bug and implements blueprint in one commit message?15:57
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openstackgerritMark T. Voelker proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Adjust DefCore Meeting
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add listing of installed packages on undercloud node
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mordrednibalizer: maybe we should land ?16:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Add tox -eansible-lint support
anteayaigorbelikov: thank you I appreciate the heads up16:08
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: enable ebtables workaround in devstack
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: OIDC - OpenId Connect Implementation
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mordredsdague: wow16:12
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sdaguemordred: yeh, it's a thing16:13
sdagueit's not a pretty thing16:14
sdaguewe've sort of known about it for a while, but it's been really bad the last couple of months, and not sure why16:14
mordredsdague: this is another one of those things where I wish we had a systemic solution for openstack to be able to say "openstack depends on libvirt>=1.2.1"16:14
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sdaguemordred: sure16:14
mordredit's actually a _better_ example of that than things in the past which have been about getting access to new features for nfv work16:15
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sdagueyeh, we're telling everyone they should update in our release notes -
jeblairsdague: +2; do you want me to +3 or wait for test results?16:16
sdaguewe can wait for test results, we need the devstack patch approved as well16:16
mordredjeblair: don't miss the devstack patch too16:16
mordredjeblair: also, good morning!16:16
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jeblairthat will take slightly longer to review :)16:17
sdagueI tested it for unconditional replacement, but dansmith was going to burn me at the stake for it16:17
igorbelikovanteaya: np, thanks for posting to openstack-dev:) just to be clear, the main reason to delay upgrade is a rollback plan?16:17
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sdagueso I made it an opt in param16:17
sdagueand dansmith was probably right in objecting16:17
clarkband its the sort of thing where if flock times out and fails thats no worse than the current thing16:17
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clarkbwhich is fail without trying16:18
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jeblairmordred: re gertty request -- i agree, but 2 things make that tricky -- 1) depends-on is an openstackism (more or less), so needs to be configurable; 2) that introduces multiple parents which is more difficult to represent graphically, so will require some imagination and ascii-artistry.  :)16:18
anteayaigorbelikov: well right now we have discovered that our git files and db dump we had for testing are asyncrounous so the testing isn't accurate16:18
mordredsdague: do you know about ?16:18
anteayaigorbelikov: so our rollback plan may indeed work however we haven't tested it in an environment we can trust16:18
mordredsdague: I know it's just a debian thing - but perhaps adding a dpkg-divert call if you're on a debian system would help make this safer for debian/ubuntu-based devstack users16:18
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: Fix to prevent mantain unexistent users sessions:
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anteayaigorbelikov: so a fault in our testing was discovered and we need time to re-evaluate16:19
jeblairmordred: we might be getting into lipstick on a pig territory :)16:19
mordredjeblair: nod on multiple-parents16:19
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mordredjeblair: indeed16:19
sdaguemordred: I thought there was something like that16:19
mordredjeblair: that's why I didn't say itin the review - not sure how important the lipstick is16:19
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jeblairmordred: what's really important to get right though is the color16:20
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sdagueyeh, I think we could make the work around better in the future, it would be good to get enough test results to ensure this actually fixes things16:20
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anteayaigorbelikov: the db dump was created while gerrit was running so files were being created while other states were being saved, hence the asyncrous result16:20
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sdaguenova is going to ship instructions on how to do this for mitaka, maybe we'd add that there16:21
sdaguefor people that can't upgrade libvirt (for whatever reason)16:21
sdagueit will be instructions though, not a script16:21
mordredjeblair: ++16:21
clarkbnova could install an entrypoint script thing that is optionally used16:21
mordredfwiw - rpm does not have a feature similar to dpkg-divert16:22
clarkb(I think setuptools can do that)16:22
mordredthe closest rpm has is alternatives, which all packages participating in have to be aware of16:22
mordredso you can't divert out from under a package without the package maintainer knowin about it16:22
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sdagueso, honestly, this will be instructions from upstream. If a distro wants to bake that in, fine16:23
sdaguebut we're not going to have the upstream code actually do that16:23
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mordredI was more suggesting divert as a possible addition to the devstack patch - but since there is not an rpm equiv, it's not that worth it16:24
mordredsince it still would not be safe to just always enable16:24
jeblair(the graphite whisper resize is still ongoing)16:24
sdagueyeh, honestly, centos7 has a new enough version I think16:24
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sdagueas do all supported fedoras16:24
mordredjeblair: cool. btw - the devstack time graphs still look yuck16:24
sdaguewhich is why I didn't add it in that path16:24
igorbelikovanteaya: got it, thanks. So this is an issue with the testing instance, not some bug you found in gerrit itself. We're thinking about upgrading our gerrit instance to 2.11 too and I'm just curious if any outstanding issues were uncovered during your testing)16:24
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mordredsdague: oh! well then in that case, ou could totally do the divert and enable it always in devstack, since that wold be safe, then the flag would not be needed16:25
clarkbigorbelikov: openid post auth redirection is currently broken16:25
anteayaigorbelikov: correct an issue with our testing data16:25
jeblairmordred: yes, they won't stop being yuck until at least the whisper resize hits them; i can check and verify if that's happened (though if it has, i doubt i'll be able to tell if it was 2 days ago or 2 minutes ago)16:25
clarkbbut otherwise ya it was just testing data that needed to be redone16:25
sdaguemordred: right, except people still object to use touching /sbin by default16:25
mordredjeblair: nah. that's cool- wasn't sure if new information was supposed to look good and bad yuck was just for history16:25
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sdagueand I can understand that16:26
mordredsdague: seriously? in devstack?16:26
igorbelikovclarkb: is there a link with more details by any chance?16:26
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clarkbigorbelikov: on what?16:26
sdaguemordred: yeh16:26
mordredthose people have the entirely wrong idea about what devstack is16:26
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sdaguemordred meet dansmith16:26
anteayaigorbelikov: and you know if you felt like helping us that would be great too16:26
sdagueI'm staying out of it from here on out16:26
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mordredhey dansmith - I believe you have the wrong idea about what devstack is and should be. also, good morning!16:26
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igorbelikovanteaya: thanks. And I'd love to help16:27
jeblairi think in this particular case, opt-in is probably a good idea anyway.  we expect it to be a temporary fix, and it will nice to be able to easily disable it later.16:27
anteayaigorbelikov: great go over that etherpad, any issue that is still an issue needs to be addressed, like the openid post auth redirection that is currently broken as clarkb said16:27
jeblair(regardless of whatever policy we may or may not think we have with sbin)16:28
mordreddansmith: I would suggest that given that devstack is and always has been accompanied with the warning "under no circumstances should you run this on anything real" - and since it by default mucks with kernel modules, installs and removes software - being protective of /sbin is misplaced16:28
mordredalthough I agree with jeblair that in this case making this thing optional is a fine idea16:28
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dansmithmordred: because I don't want it screwing with my /sbin? I get that devstack is supposed to obliterate your system to make things work16:28
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sdagueit would be a new threshold of monkeying with your system16:28
sdaguewe've never modified sbin before16:29
mordredit instlals kernel modules16:29
mordredsbin isn't that special16:29
dansmithetc is meant to be modified and configured16:29
clarkbjeblair: I haven't been paying much attention because gerrit and logstash but are we getting a feel for how bluebox and ovh are doing?16:29
igorbelikovanteaya: ok, I'll se what I can do16:29
dansmithpackages expect you to monkey with etc16:29
jeblairclarkb: not really -- looking into that was what sent me into the graphite hole16:29
clarkbjeblair: gotcha16:29
mordredyeah. I understand that for everything in the world that isn't devstack16:29
sdagueanyway, I think what's there is hopefully a reasonable compromise. I'm fine with the flag16:29
mordredbut devstack is not a production tool16:29
mordredand should NEVER be used on a production system you care about - or even a test system you care about16:30
dansmithmordred: no, it's a dev tool and as a dev, any time it makes me blow my machine away to get it working again makes me mad16:30
clarkbsdague: dansmith semi related, but does neutron need to grow support for this too?16:30
clarkband if so is that being done?16:30
dansmithclarkb: I dunno16:30
clarkbfor --concurrent16:30
sdagueclarkb: also I don't know16:30
sdaguemy guess is yes16:30
clarkbok because i am 99% sure neutron touches ebtables too16:30
clarkbso if you fix nova and libvirt but not neutron we will still be broken16:31
* persia wonders about shipping devstack as an OS image constructed with dib, rather than expecting anyone to "install" it, to avoid this class of debate16:31
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mordreddansmith: I was unaware that we'd ever made any assertions that a system would be usable after a devstack run - and pretty much have always asserted that devstack should be run on special-purpose machines or vms16:31
mordredpersia: booting os images is WAY harder than running stack.sh16:31
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dansmithmordred: yeah that's very true and it sucks16:31
persiamordred: `git clone foo; vagrant up`16:31
mordreddansmith: k. I mean, if that wasn't the case, I'd totally agree with you16:31
sdagueclarkb: yes, it appears neutron is also impacted, I'll add them to the bug16:31
dansmithmordred: I don't do my dev in the cloud, nor do I want to, and nor do I want to have to even boot a new instance every time I need to run devstack16:31
mordreddansmith: but since it is, protecting part of the system when we trash the rest seems like too little too late16:32
mordreddansmith: you run devstack in a not-vm directly on your laptop?16:32
sdaguealso, if anyone knows netfilter people and can kindly ask them about the implications of cooperative opt in on non racing conditions, that would be swell16:32
dansmithmordred: no, that would be stupid16:32
mordreddansmith: ok. just making sure I hadn't missed a giant shift in the world :)16:32
mordredpersia: vagrant does not work for me16:32
dansmithmordred: I run it on a dedicated physical machine with a ton of CPU and memory, which I can push a button and reimage on a whim16:33
mordredpersia: and has never worked with any reliability16:33
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persiaFair :)16:33
dansmithmordred: but it takes 30 minutes to do it and I almost only ever have to do it when devstack screws something up beyond what I can figure out how to undo16:33
dansmithmordred: which is okay, and why I have the big red button16:33
mordreddansmith: that sounds awesome. since you can reimage it - why would devstack breaking /sbin be any worse than devstack mucking with kernel modules and other kernel memory16:33
dansmithmordred: but I don't want to have to do that on every run16:33
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sdagueright, I think it's a fine safety valve for devstack on real hardware16:34
jeblairmordred: resize has not hit it yet16:34
mordreddansmith: my assumption is that nuking machines and restarting from scratch is a 5 minute task at most16:34
sdaguemordred: really? the fastest I can get preseed down to is about 20 minutes for a full ubuntu install, and that's with a local mirror16:34
dansmithmordred: it takes me at least five minutes to boot my machine16:35
dansmithmordred: it's an hp rackmount box and it spends five minutes counting dimms and scsi drives16:35
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dansmithmordred: if it was an ibm box, that'd be about 20 minutes to bootloader :)16:35
jeblairdansmith: (i think there's an option in the hp bios to count the ram faster)16:35
dansmithI know, because, well you know :)16:35
dansmithjeblair: shush :)16:35
mordredbecaus that's about how much time it takes for ironic to nuke a machine - 6 if you've got a particulalry slow POST16:35
mordredbut I suppose not everyone has drunk the ironic cool-aid yet - so fair16:35
mordredoh! I guess you've got to re-run destack from scratch at that point16:35
mordredok. I gotcha16:35
dansmithmordred: if this was majorly complicating something in devstack, I'd be on your side16:36
mordredWOW I HAVE 86 SECONDS OF LAG!16:36
dansmithmordred: but this is less work than the argument we're having, and it's purely focused at dev people, which is who devstack is supposed to help16:36
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jeblair"meetings are work product"16:37
sdagueyeh, if the argument keeps going, we might even have test results before it's done16:37
mordreddansmith: sure. I just was concerned about a policy or line of thinking that devstack should avoid touching /sbin because somehow /sbin was precious16:37
mordredwhich I do not think is accurate compared to all of the other crazy things devstack already does. however, like I said, in this case, sure, it's fine to do the thing that sdague did16:37
clarkbmordred: because you wanted to know more about our storms. The had to close I84 between troutdale and cascade locks16:37
mordredclarkb: oh wow!16:38
clarkbmordred: apparently too much wind and trees on the freeway16:38
dansmithmordred: well, it is precious for the above stated reasons of not wanting you dicking with it without asking, but I think that (a) I agree on the goal of devstack and (2) we just disagree on practicalities16:38
jeblairclarkb: because of a particularly dark cloud?16:38
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mordreddansmith: I agree with your a and 2 points16:38
jeblair1b is a non starter16:39
mordreddansmith: and given that "if this was majorly complicating something in devstack, I'd be on your side" I think I'm not worried about a hardline stance about a thing, so I'll say we pretty much agree16:39
clarkb"20 downed trees"16:39
clarkbI recommend not running into 20 trees while driving on the freeway16:39
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mordredclarkb: s/20/any/16:39
dansmithclarkb: the wind took my interwebs away yesterday16:40
jeblairclarkb: what's your recommended number of trees to run into?16:40
mordredsdague: oh - and I was not talking about preseed - I think iso/preseed in this day and age is a complete and utter waste of time16:40
clarkbjeblair: best practice is 016:40
greghaynesya, it got a bit stormy there16:40
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jeblairwe had some lovely clouds at sunset16:41
sdaguemordred: sure, though it gives me an environment I know other people will have16:41
sdaguewhich, for testing devstack, is useful16:41
mordredsdague: those people are starting from a crazy-stance and should be educated, not coddled16:41
mordredbut I hear you16:42
greghayneswe should get our dib images published16:42
dansmithsdague: you and I are crazy and monty is the sane one? didn't see that coming.16:42
mordredgreghaynes: ++16:42
sdaguebelieve me, I've been through this whole image vs. auto-installer thing before16:42
greghaynesthen you would really have an env others have16:42
mordreddansmith: some days are weird16:42
mordredsdague: but these days, what with docker and vagrant and clouds16:42
clarkbour vhd images sort of already are published16:42
clarkbwe would just have to flip the rax bit to cdn them then convince people to not lol at vhds16:43
mordredsdague: pretty much everyone under the sun has gotten used to the idea of simple base OS tat you can specialize with scripts and config-mgmt16:43
sdagueI know, which is why 80% of dockerhub has heartbleed :)16:44
* sdague ducks16:44
greghaynesclarkb: no amound of convincing could make me not lol at vhd16:44
mordredgreghaynes: you should never not lol at vhd16:44
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jeblair(isn't that what a preseed file does?)16:44
notmorgandansmith: whoa, did you just call monty sane?16:45
mordrednotmorgan: it's a strange morning16:45
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notmorganmordred: did I wake up in wonderland?16:45
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dansmithnotmorgan: no, I was sarcastically echoing his assertion of that fact, implying the opposite with my snark, of course16:45
notmorganmordred: cause i suddenly feel like i did.16:45
notmorgandansmith: ok too early sans coffee to parse that sentence16:45
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dansmithnotmorgan: let me try again: "NO"16:46
notmorgandansmith: LOL16:46
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
* mordred will happily choose to avoid preseed and kickstart like the plague and with it also ignore anyone complaining that installing an OS takes any more than slightly longer than the machine POST cycle16:47
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mordredwhichever way people want to assign sanity in that decision is up to them :)16:47
notmorganyeah. going to just opt to go get coffee instead of assigning sanity16:48
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jeblairclarkb, mordred: i've parsed the nodepool logs for runtimes; you can see them in nodepool.o.o:~corvus/runtimes2 if you want17:02
jeblairclarkb, mordred: short version is -- ovh is pretty consistently right between rax and hp, and bluebox is right around hp for almost all jobs17:03
jeblairclarkb, mordred: i've also spot checked failed jobs and don't see any failures that seem correlated with the environment17:04
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jeblairmostly ubuntu archive errors17:04
asselinjeblair, good morning. do you have time to discuss urllib3 insecure platform issues?17:05
jeblairovh may have a slightly higher tendency to have the jenkins slave agent disconnect17:05
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jeblairand bluebox may be showing tendencies to uncover new race conditions in devstack-tempest jobs17:05
jeblairbut i'm thinking that we can probably turn up the dial... maybe bump them both to 20?17:06
jeblairasselin: sure17:06
* anteaya is good with 2017:06
openstackgerritDavid TARDIVEL proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add pypi publishing job for watcher.
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mordredjeblair: I'm good with that17:06
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Increase OVH and bluebox to 20 servers each
jeblairclarkb, mordred: ^17:07
jeblairanteaya: ^17:07
openstackgerritDirk Mueller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable standard python jobs for pymod2pkg
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asselinjeblair, so I tried to resolve it correctly by using this:
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jeblairasselin: do you have a patch?17:08
jeblairasselin: oh no, you definitely don't want to do that17:09
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Change uuid columns to bigint
jeblairasselin: we just want to shut up the warnings17:09
asselinjeblair, I didn't submit upstream as I wasn't sure it's something needed.17:09
asselinjeblair, ok I see, then I will revert and shut up the warnings17:10
mtreinishmordred: ^^^ if you can muster up the courage to review that it would be awesome17:10
jeblairasselin: you might take a look at the requestsexceptions library :)17:10
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asselinjeblair, but it sounds like its something worth to have upstream as well17:11
nibalizermordred: approved :)17:11
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mtreinishnibalizer: do you think you could help with: when the time is right?17:12
asselinjeblair, yeah I did have a working version of just the warnings disabled. I will switch back to that17:12
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nibalizermtreinish: i'd be happy to17:12
nibalizerwhen is that time17:12
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.versionedobjects>=0.13.0
clarkbjeblair bumping dial sounds great will revuew in a few17:16
mtreinishnibalizer: well any time after those 3 patches merge17:17
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mtreinishthe only manual things are for me to push the release, and stopping puppet and the worker17:17
mtreinishoh and I guess starting things back up again after the migration is done (which will probably be several days to run)17:17
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mordredmgagne: our new internap account has no networks in it17:21
mordredmgagne: should I just be patient?17:21
mgagnemordred: go in portal and activate a region17:22
nibalizermordred: when are you looking to do it then?17:22
nibalizermordred: mgagne awesome to get more quota!17:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppetdb_file report processor
mgagnemordred should be here:
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mgagnemordred I have access to so many login pages, hard to find the right one :-/17:23
mgagnemordred should be on that page: bottom right17:23
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mordredmgagne: oh - I mena, I can log in to horizon for it just great17:24
anteayamorning zaro17:24
anteayazaro: what do you want to work on first? I17:24
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anteaya'd like to help you17:24
mordredmgagne: OH!17:24
mgagnemordred you need to "activate" the region so we provision networks for you17:24
mordredmgagne: I need to activate17:24
mordredsorry, I forgot17:24
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mgagnemordred we don't hand out IPv4 to everyone registering for our services for obvious reasons17:25
zaroanteaya: only 2 things with regards to upgrade: rollback testing and URL with '//' on review-dev.17:26
clarkbmgagne: what about ipv6?17:27
mgagnemordred I'm still waiting for a reply to my email. Although we like to joke about our boss doing nothing, he is very busy doing "nothing" not at his desk and replying to emails =)17:27
clarkb(we can in theory operate on ipv6 only though I don't think we have tested this theory yet)17:27
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zaroanteaya: i'm probably going to do both in parallel since 1st one takes long times and requires waiting around for reindex and what not17:27
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asselinjeblair, why just ignore the warning and not try to use the secure packages?17:28
jeblairasselin: because it's insane17:28
mgagneclarkb it would involve a lot more people than our team and we don't have short-term plan to support it. I'll see what can be done.17:29
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clarkbmgagne: its not required just curious if it is an option17:29
zaroanteaya: thanks for the offer but i think since upgrade has been postpone we have lots of time now. i have time to manage17:29
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clarkbmgagne: since I know sometimes when people have trouble with ipv4 they say "what about ipv6 instead"17:29
mgagneclarkb sure. it's unfortunately not an option as of today17:29
jeblairyeah, we just need instances that are on the internet, we don't care which internet :)17:30
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mgagnejeblair I'm sure the amount of IPv4 required will force our team and network admin to consider IPv617:30
jeblairmgagne: we're helping already!17:31
mordredmgagne: :)17:31
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nibalizerah I meant mtreinish when are you looking to do it?17:31
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jeblairmgagne, mordred: which region are we using?17:31
anteayazaro: okay keep me posted on what I can do to help test things, like make new patches when the new db env is up17:32
pleia2good morning17:32
mordredjeblair: I'd say maybe we should start using dallas?17:32
mordredjeblair: since infra control plane is there17:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add test for os_user Ansible module
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anteayamorning pleia217:33
mordredjeblair: and we can add ams and nj later? OR - maybe mgagne has a better idea17:33
clarkbor use !dallas for better geographical diversity17:33
jeblairmgagne: did you have a preference?  istr something about montreal in our conversation...?17:33
clarkb(granted control plane)17:33
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jrollcan someone teach me to graphite? trying to learn about the rate of ironic patchsets (e.g. x/hour17:34
mtreinishnibalizer: hopefully sometime next week all the conditions will be met17:34
jeblairi love that the standard .openrc we get from every openstack cloud has 12 lines of comments explaining how "adding keystone" changes things, and that we've standardized on the term "tenant".17:35
mgagnejeblair this has yet to be defined. Main point is we wish to be able to easily provision new and future hardware17:35
mordredjeblair: that is actually fixed in latest horizon, fwiw17:35
clarkbjroll: we have patchsets per $time in graphite but not on a per project basis I don't think17:35
mordredjeblair: I went to make a rage-patch about that a little while ago17:35
jeblairmordred: thanks :)17:35
clarkbjroll: if you want per project data like that you may have to ask gerrit for a listing over the last month and do maths17:35
jrollclarkb: runs of a particular job would be close enough for me, which we appear to maybe have?17:35
clarkbjroll: yes we keep track of runs of jobs17:36
jeblairjroll: which job?17:36
jrollclarkb: so, right now I'm looking at stats.zuul.pipeline.check.openstack.ironic.total_changes17:36
jrollbut aggregation things aren't being helpful17:36
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mgagnejeblair yes, montreal was in the conversation. We have an iWeb region in Montreal which isn't available through the API for all sort of reasons I'll spare you. We also have another Internap region in Montreal for a beta we made last year for baremetal.17:36
mgagnejeblair We have yet to decide if we will keep it or not as there would be a lot of stuff to do to make it a non-beta region.17:36
jrolljeblair: check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ipa would work17:37
jeblairjroll: oh, that total_changes might work17:37
clarkb(also I thought russellb's review stats crunched out these numbers but I guess thats no longer running?)17:37
lifelessmordred: bug me about ?17:37
mordredlifeless: GUH ... there was a ...17:37
anteayadoes anyone have time to take a peek at javamelody and see what gerrit is doing vis a vis garbage collection?
jrolljeblair: so, the graph I get from that has data points of, is that per-minute/hour/?17:37
mgagnemordred still waiting for UX team to upgrade our Horizon theme. Ours isn't compatible with kilo yet.17:38
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nibalizermtreinish: ok cool17:38
mgagnemordred I'm sure you can install your own inception version within our cloud and customize it to your taste =)17:38
clarkbanteaya: it is not GCing like it does when it gets sad17:38
anteayaclarkb: I see russellb's site updated 15:56 utc today17:39
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anteayaclarkb: thanks for looking17:39
clarkbanteaya: oh where is russellb's stuff hosted?17:39
clarkbjroll: ^ russellb may just have an answer for you17:39
clarkbgreghaynes: failed testing17:39
mtreinishnibalizer: I wouldn't complain if it happened sooner though :)17:40
greghaynesclarkb: ugh, I must have derped merge resolution17:40
jeblairjroll: try "summarize(stats_counts.zuul.pipeline.check.openstack.ironic.total_changes, '1h')"17:40
mtreinishthis should hopefully fix a lot of the performance issues we've been hitting on the db17:40
greghaynesclarkb: oh, but the parents all pass17:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Simplify wait_time stats
greghaynesclarkb: that is scary17:40
clarkbgreghaynes: the one parent does ya17:41
anteayajroll: you can also run it yourself in case russellb isn't tracking what you want:
jeblairjroll: i believe 'stats_counts' is the prefix you want for aggregation -- i think the value in 'stats' has been converted to a rate already17:41
nibalizermtreinish: next week is good since I am traveling this week17:41
clarkbgreghaynes: I am about to be looking at the nasty rebase diff17:41
clarkbgreghaynes: for the parent17:41
jrolljeblair: nice, ty \o/17:41
jrollyeah, makes sense17:41
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jrollI haven't used statsd stuff in a bit :)17:41
jeblairjroll: so stats_counts provides a raw count which you can then feed to summarize to aggregate how you want17:41
jrolljeblair: right, cool17:42
greghaynesclarkb: looks like the devstack fail there was just a slow node17:42
greghaynesclarkb: so that is probably a race :(17:42
jeblairjroll: note this will give you rechecks too -- so strictly speaking, the gerrit query / reviewstats method is better data17:42
jeblairjroll: but if you want a mostly-accurate pretty graph quickly ... :)17:42
jrolljeblair: well, this is for third party CI "what's the volume we need to support" question17:43
crinklegreghaynes: could you look at to see if it makes sense? i can explain the puppety parts if needed17:43
jeblairmgagne: so which resion should we use? :)17:43
jrolljeblair: so that is to say, rechecks are helpful here :)17:43
mgagnejeblair in short: TBD17:43
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* clarkb wonders if people have been restarting nodepool when making non test changes to nodepool17:44
greghaynescrinkle: oh, youre actually commiting the static leasing - I was thinking we would use bifrost to gen that from inventory17:44
greghaynescrinkle: also, when everyone involved is a co-author, who can review? ;)17:44
clarkbthere is a fairly large set of changes according to the diff I am reading that would be good to get in prod (to avoid a massive pileup of new things that could go wrong)17:44
mgagnejeblair I suggest nyj01 for now.17:44
mgagnejeblair as we don't have much capacity in mtl01 due to its beta status17:45
crinklegreghaynes: so i'm not sure how it would work with bifrost, because we also need bifrost to dhcp the 10 net addresses on eth217:45
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crinklegreghaynes: bifrost isn't set up to dhcp on two interfaces17:45
greghaynescrinkle: Yep, bifrost would have to make two dhcp configs17:45
crinklegreghaynes: this seemed easier17:45
jeblairmgagne: ok.  we'll be creating a region-local pypi mirror, so if we want to add/move regions, it will take us about 2 days to do so.  in short, we can be flexble and are happy to move, but making our best guess for what will work for a while would be good too. :)17:45
greghaynescrinkle: I think even if it doesnt manage both dhcp configs, it could gen the static leasing dir and then we just commit the actual dhcpd config17:46
mgagnejeblair I'll poke my boss ASAP17:46
mgagnejeblair we shouldn't be guessing those infos17:46
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greghaynescrinkle: basically I am worried that changing inventory is going to mean we need to remember where else to change rather than just update the inventory17:46
clarkb(nodepool was started on the 15th which is recent so I think we may have those changes in production)17:46
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crinklegreghaynes: i tried for kind of a long time to get bifrost to do that, this was a much shorter path to success. i'd rather spend time getting glean to work properly than getting bifrost to do weird things17:47
greghaynescrinkle: hrm, I thought I had bifrost doing that17:47
crinkleit does either static leases or dhcp-range, not both, and it doesn't accept more than one network interface17:48
crinklegreghaynes: maybe you can show me what you were doing17:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Increase OVH and bluebox to 20 servers each
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greghaynescrinkle: as a middle ground, even if we just had an ansible play that read the inventory and gen'd that dir. Basically I just want to avoid duplicating source of truth for that info somehow17:49
greghaynescrinkle: That actaully might be a better option, bypass bifrost entirely and write a little ansible play17:49
crinklegreghaynes: okay, that sounds reasonable17:50
crinklegreghaynes: if you got it to work on its own that would be better though17:51
clarkbyolanda: if you are around I am not sure is the best course of action for nodepool17:51
greghaynescrinkle: Yea, I am hoping you got that data off disk and didn't type it all in by hand ;)17:51
clarkbyolanda: the laternative is you add the provider back to nodepool, set max nodes to -1, let nodepool cleanup after itself then delete the provider17:52
clarkbyolanda: with that change in nodepool will wipe the DB forcing you to do all the cleanup manually17:52
crinklegreghaynes: ya i wrote some python to parse the inventory json :P17:52
greghaynescrinkle: oh!17:52
greghaynescrinkle: well, we can just use that17:52
greghaynescrinkle: anyhow, I can poke at that17:53
greghaynescrinkle: I need to finish writing up a spec real quick, so after lunch?17:53
crinklegreghaynes: kk17:53
clarkbyolanda: basically I think both the old case and new case are not great17:53
clarkbbut with old case I never had to talk directly to a cloud17:54
clarkbgreghaynes: I don't see any rebase issues at least in the first change17:55
clarkbso reapplying my +217:55
greghaynesclarkb: sweet17:56
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greghaynesclarkb: That race is totally unrelated AFAICT but it seems to be newish17:56
greghaynesso we must have merged a race recently17:56
clarkbgreghaynes: ok its a race in the integration test though?17:56
greghaynesthe dsvm fail was just a slow node17:57
greghaynesin the coverage run17:57
clarkbah ok so race in coverage17:57
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greghaynesclarkb: we should probably document that provider cleanup deal18:00
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clarkbgreghaynes: ya18:00
clarkbgreghaynes: so all that test does is "boot" a vm setting the az flag18:02
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jeblairclarkb, yolanda: er, yes -- that's an _intentional_ leak of nodes from nodepool :(18:02
clarkbgreghaynes: the node goes ready at
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jeblairclarkb, yolanda: nodepool was designed specifically to avoid that case18:03
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yolandajeblair, clarkb, so this change had been on long time under review and i didn't get that feedback :( anyway, what i'd like to avoid is the situation that we had, where you end having to do a manual cleanup on database18:04
yolandaeven having to manually set the -1, etc... doesn't look to me as the right way to disconnect a provider18:04
clarkbyolanda: what is wrong with it? it allows existing VMs to be used and cycle out, no new images will be built then you remvoe the provider18:05
jeblairyolanda: it's currently the only way that cleans everything up.18:05
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clarkb(I agree with greghaynes that it could be better documented though)18:05
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greghaynesAny solution is going to require you to specify provider info and then something to the effect of "put it in cleanup mode", the -1 solution seems kind of like the minimum info you could provide for that18:06
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Disable InsecurePlatform Warnings
yolandaeven documented, or have some action in nodepool, some command to perform the disconnection18:06
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asselinjeblair, thanks for the suggestion. keeping it simple ^^18:06
yolandagreghaynes, i agree with that "put on cleanup mode"18:07
openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Removed No longer attended OpsMeeting
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Revert "Allow to delete nodes with missing target or provider"
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jeblair=-1 is roughtly "put in cleanup mode"18:08
jeblairi guess we could have an option for that that uses words instead of numbers :)18:09
yolandawell, it requires manual intervention on a system that should be automated. And yes, that option is not clear or trivial18:09
clarkbgreghaynes: so test_node_az is waiting for image then waiting for node, its not immediately clear which one we ended up blocking on but according ot log both should've transitioned to the state we want?18:09
greghaynesclarkb: Re: race - It must have not written the node state to the database? I kind of want to add a big of debug to our db polling in the tests that outputs node state each iteration18:09
clarkbgreghaynes: that is one way it could happen18:10
greghaynesclarkb: It is blocking on db polling because the traceback from the timeout hits pymysql18:10
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jeblairyolanda: er, that's not manual -- it's a change to the config file18:10
jeblairyolanda: no manual intervention is required, you're just changing nodepool's operating parameters in the way they are normally changed18:10
greghaynesclarkb: I think that makes sense, at least...18:10
greghaynesclarkb: it actually doesnt go up through the waitForNodes or anything though, so IMBW. more digging18:11
yolandajeblair, ok, then at least some clear documentation is needed. If you look at history of the change, we hit that, and some user showed his appreciation of that change, because he ended on same situation18:11
clarkbgreghaynes: oh its fialing in cleanup18:11
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clarkbgreghaynes: it can't drop the database because something is holding it open?18:11
greghaynesclarkb: hah18:11
clarkbgreghaynes: that says GC fail to me18:11
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openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Added OSOps to the Monitoring and Tools WG
clarkbgreghaynes: but ya it looks like its hanging trying to delete the db but it might also be an order of ops in cleanup issue18:12
greghaynesclarkb: it would be neat if the test case would debug "starting cleanup"18:12
jeblairyolanda: agreed18:12
clarkbgreghaynes: that should be a simple addition if you want to add it18:12
clarkbgreghaynes: but ya18:12
clarkbthe -1 behavior should be documented fwiw18:13
clarkbits just that we don't explicitly call it out as "this is how you remove a provider cleanly"18:13
greghaynesclarkb: I wonder if our order of operations for fixture cleanup is out of wack18:13
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clarkbgreghaynes: thats a possibility18:13
clarkbgreghaynes: cleanup calls should be a stack, so first in last out iirc18:14
clarkblifeless: ^ is that correct?18:14
mordredthat is correct18:14
clarkbso DB should go first18:14
clarkbthen it gets called last18:14
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lifelessclarkb: cleansup are LIFO yes18:16
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clarkblooking at our stack I don't see anything htat should be a problem18:16
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clarkbits basically make config file, fake out subprocess, setup db, setup gearman18:16
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greghaynesYea, there is definitely a lack of info here so kind of grasping at straws18:17
clarkbmordred: what sorts of thing would make drop database block in mysql?18:18
lifelessyou could add attachments to your fixtures to describe what happens18:18
lifelessmaybe you have threads?18:18
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openstackgerritDan Moravec proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add dates to x-axis for subunit2sql graphs
greghayneswe do have threads18:18
lifelessthat are alive18:18
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greghaynesIt is a bit crazy they would block long enough for that timeout18:19
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
mordredclarkb: table lock or something similar18:19
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clarkbthough the periodic cleanup and friends may be at fault18:20
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greghaynesclarkb: we call nodepool.stop before that fixture cleanup18:20
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jeblairmordred: thinking an A1.4 with a cinder volume for the mirror?18:20
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clarkbgreghaynes: I am not sure if that is enough to kill the cron runs18:20
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jeblair| ID                                     | Name                                   | Memory_MB | Disk | Ephemeral | Swap | VCPUs | RXTX_Factor | Is_Public |18:20
jeblair| A1.4                                   | A1.4                                   | 4096      | 80   | 0         |      | 4     | 1.0         | N/A       |18:20
greghaynesclarkb: haha18:20
clarkbgreghaynes: nodepool registers them but does stop deregister?18:20
mordredjeblair: yah. I think I agree with that18:20
greghaynesclarkb: that is a *really* good question18:20
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mordredjeblair: I should work on the change at some point too18:21
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jeblairmordred: yeah, i think that needs a small nodepool change18:22
mordredjeblair: yah18:23
clarkbwhat needs a nodepool change?18:23
greghaynesclarkb: that is the race I hit last week18:24
clarkbthe ready scripts need to be updated18:24
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greghaynesclarkb: looks like its the sam eone18:24
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clarkbgreghaynes: ya look ssimilar18:24
jeblairclarkb: nodepool needs to pass "cloud name" as a parameter to the ready scripts18:25
mordredclarkb: ^^ that18:25
jeblairs/parameter/env var/18:25
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jeblairbut yeah, that, then duplicate dns entries, then update the scripts, then rename the hosts, then drop the old entries.  actually not too hard -- i've renamed one mirror already18:26
clarkboverall process is something like move pypi mirror to /pypi, redirect / to /pypi, update ready scripts to use /pypi path, make new A records, update ready script to use new names (this part requires the cloud to be passed in), remove old name, add extra mirrors18:26
clarkbI suppose you can do the host part before or after the pypi move18:26
jeblairclarkb: you are combining that with the pypi move18:27
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jeblairit probably makes sense :)18:27
clarkbright they don't need to happen together or in a particular order18:27
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jeblairanyway, first step is get the nodepool change in prod18:28
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add internap pypi mirror
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jeblairstupid question, but can we do * in the list of acceptable mirrors for pip?18:29
greghaynesinternap == even more clouds?18:30
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jeblairgreghaynes: ayup18:30
jeblairgreghaynes: mgagne is our contact there :)18:30
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anteayaI read an article about a study of street names, in the states the most popular is main followed by second street, first street became main street in many places18:31
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anteayain canada popular names are king, queen, princess18:31
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anteayaI'm guessing states went with numbers as a pushback against royal names18:31
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anteayabut having everything named one or two gets confusing18:32
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mtreinishmordred, jeblair: might be of interest:
mtreinishfwiw the 100% is on 2 runs18:32
* anteaya hopes for a graph with many labels18:33
mtreinishanteaya: sorry18:33
clarkbanteaya: I really like portlands system north south running streets are numbered and called avenues, east west streets are named and called streets18:33
jeblairwow, the odds of bluebox catching a 2node job are really small :)18:33
mtreinishI was playing with: locally:
jeblairmtreinish: can you point me at the runs?18:34
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Write the cloud name into the provider info
mordredjeblair: there you go18:34
anteayamtreinish: that's okay, I'll keep hoping18:34
clarkbanteaya: and we have 5 quandrants that divide the city and determine where you start counting numbers18:34
anteayaclarkb: that helps, apparently utah is a mess, everything is called temple street18:34
mtreinishjeblair: sure one sec, I'll have to dig it out of the db (the dashboard isn't there yet)18:34
clarkb(just ignore the one place where the numbers go negative)18:34
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anteayaclarkb: ha ha ha18:34
anteayathe art district18:35
clarkbI guess you have to ignore that we have 5 "quad"rants too18:35
anteayaor where the artists live, not the galleries18:35
anteayaha ha ha18:35
* anteaya puts her hand over her eyes18:36
mordredthe streets here below 1 are letters if you're going east-west or a names if you're going north-south18:36
mtreinishjeblair: and
zaroclarkb: i'm testing review-dev18:36
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mordredof course, the area/size of city below 1st street is larger than most other cities I believe18:37
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Improved Bower support
mordredsince that encompases all of SoHo, TriBeCa, Chinatown, Little Italy, the Lower East Side, Two Bridges, Battery Park and the Financial District18:38
jeblairin the civilized part of nyc (that is, not the area mordred is talking about) you can even calculate distance based on street names alone (20 street blocks/mile; ~5 avenue blocks/mile)18:39
anteayamordred: they must be hard pressed to find words for names that start with a18:40
anteayajeblair: I did not know that18:40
mordredanteaya: oh - they streets below 1st are not in alphabetical order18:40
mordredanteaya: they are more london-like in their sprawl18:40
mordredwhat's more - on top of what jeblair said, you can in fact determine what streets a street number falls between up there18:41
anteayamordred: I thought you said below 1 going north-south all street names start with a18:41
mordredas street numbers radiate outward from 5th ave (center of the island)18:41
anteayawhich would put pressure on the pool of names that start with a18:41
jeblairanteaya, mordred: see everything below 14 is confusing.  :)18:42
mordredanteaya: streets below 1st ave which run north/south are named A, B, C and D18:42
mordredanteaya: avenues below 1st ave which run north/south are named A, B, C and D18:42
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
anteayaI thought 5th ave was the centre of the universe18:42
* anteaya recalculates18:42
mordredanteaya: streets below 1st street are named18:42
mordredthe intersection of 1st street and 1st avenue is a fun place18:42
anteayaI bet18:42
mordredas is the intersection of 1st avenue and 2nd street, and the intersection of 2nd avenue and 1st street18:43
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Add python WSGI server
anteayaha ha ha18:43
mordredmakes saying "take me to 1st and 2nd" to a cabbie hard18:43
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anteayathat explains the look I see in most new yorker's eyes18:43
anteayaI say go to the big tree and turn left18:43
anteayatop of the hill18:43
mordrednot so much with you here18:43
anteayanot so much18:43
jeblairanteaya: turn left where the tree used to be?18:43
anteayathat's the place18:44
mordredjeblair: that's in the east village18:44
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mordred8th street and 3rd ave :)18:44
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Clinta tree grows in east village18:44
mordredClint: YOU LIE18:44
anteayaClint: no18:44
* Clint chuckles.18:44
anteayaClint: proof18:44
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
mordredmany trees grow in the east village18:44
mordredit has a very high frequency of public gardens18:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Only run gate-tempest-dsvm-multinode-live-migration on master
mordredoh yes18:45
mordredit's one of the things they managed to save when they prevented the EV from being turned into skyscrapers18:45
anteayagood for them18:45
jeblairmtreinish: looks like a failure in tempest
openstackgerritApoorva Deshpande proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Consolidating database calls in
anteayawhen I sit on a patio in the skyscraper place it feels like I am in a living room with a really tall ceiling18:46
jeblairmtreinish: so this might be 'bluebox performing differently enough to expose new races' but does not look like 'bluebox completely bombed in multinode setup'18:46
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anteayaohhh, proof!18:46
mordredanteaya: and
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anteayawell there are addresses:
anteayanow I understand what you mean about letters for names18:48
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anteayaI find it interesting they picked green maple leaves to use as markers on their site map18:49
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* mordred used to live on 3rd between C and D18:49
anteayamaple trees are my favourite trees I think18:49
mordredanteaya: if you had declared a prefernce for a non-maple tree I would have worried about your canadianishness18:49
anteayaoh I like all trees18:49
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anteayabut maple trees are my family18:50
anteayawhen I lived outside I was dreaming of a time when I had two houses18:50
anteayaa tree house for summer18:50
anteayaand a house below the earth for winter18:50
anteayaI would still like that18:50
anteayajust hard to get power to them18:50
anteayaliving outside was lovely18:52
anteayathe owls told me when I had 30 minutes left before the sun went down18:52
anteayaso I had time to clean up from my work and start a fire to make my dinner before it got dark18:53
anteayaowls are handy as timekeepers18:53
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mordredI have never used an owl as a clock before18:53
pleia2I think california is the first place I've lived where such an arrangement wouldn't result in being covered in mosquito bites :)18:53
Clintmordred: that surprises me18:53
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anteayapleia2: oh there were lots of mosquitos18:54
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anteayaoutside in canada == mosquitos18:54
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anteayamordred: I hadn't expected it but I moved into their home18:54
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anteayaand learned what they did18:54
pleia2anteaya: thought so, the ones in Maine and upstate NY are as big as birds ;)18:54
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add internap to nodepool clouds.yaml
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Pin jaraco requirements to working versions
anteayapleia2: yup, they get large18:55
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anteayaowls are also absolutely silent when they fly18:55
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anteayawatching one fly towards me was surreal as I have never ever seen a bird fly at close range and not heard something18:56
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mordredsandy enjoyed the owl cafe in tokyo a lot18:57
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mordredjeblair: I confirm from graphite that the new nodepool settings have taken hold for bluebox and ovh18:58
jeblairthere was a good nature episode on owls and how they fly silently:
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mordredjeblair: I know you deleted the test instance I had in bluebox - did we go delete floating ips from there too?18:59
anteayamordred: I missed the owl cafe18:59
anteayajeblair: oh nice, thank you18:59
jeblair(the scalloped engine nacelles on the 787 are inspired by raptor feathers)19:00
jeblairmordred: not sure19:00
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jeblairmordred: i know i have done that cleanup a few times, i can't recall for certain whether i did so after that instance19:00
anteayaha ha ha19:00
anteayaI wish jets could fly silently19:01
mordredjeblair: I'm going to doublecheck the places I might have left one19:01
anteayaor I could book a cot and a bunch of owls and been flow instead19:01
sdaguejeblair / mordred - you know what's super awesome. The devstack patch with ebtables race support (default to off)19:01
sdaguefailed on ebtables race19:01
jeblairsdague: ha!19:01
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sdagueso we're just going to have to recheck grind that one through19:02
mordredjeblair: yup there was one. I got rid of it.19:02
* anteaya looks up if she can book owl transport on the travel agent website19:02
jeblairsdague: why don't we reverse the dependency?19:02
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Disable InsecurePlatform Warnings
sdaguejeblair: oh, I guess we could do that19:03
jeblairsdague: should be safe to land the d-g change enabling it first, right?  we still get the same testing19:03
sdaguegiven it's got to recheck anyway, sure19:03
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sdaguethe other might race and fail on the same thigs19:03
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sdagueso honestly, we might as well keep the order and just grind on this one19:03
sdagueit's the same fail rate that everyone is dealing with19:03
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anteayaoh yes, and owls do fly very slow, the wing beats looked like it was in stop time, I was amazed it could stay in the air19:04
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clarkbmmedvede: anteaya ruagair so is now still good (I know ruagair didn't get back and said today was good so I can run through things again tomorrow same time)19:04
jeblairsdague: true enough19:04
anteayaclarkb: good to go19:04
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clarkbmmedvede: anteaya ruagair the first things you will want to do is clone openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor and system-config19:04
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sdaguethe d-g devstack logs look like it did the right thing19:05
anteayaclarkb: will do19:05
clarkbmmedvede: anteaya ruagair those repos have the configuration and scripts in them19:05
sdagueas there is a specific message when the tool installs the workaround which is there19:05
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clarkbmmedvede: anteaya ruagair then you will want to make a virtualenv and pip install pyyaml and gear19:05
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clarkblet me know when you have that done19:05
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anteayawill do19:07
mmedvedeclarkb: done19:07
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clarkboh the other thing we will need to download is and untar that (this is how we "install" logstash)19:08
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anteayaclarkb: download and untar in the venv? or does it matter?19:08
clarkbanteaya: it doesn't matter I would do it next to the venv19:09
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Ignore broken providers
anteayapyyaml and gear installed in venv, gear threw a ton of warnings19:09
jeblairmordred, mgagne: are we waiting on activation or is that done?19:10
mordredjeblair: we're enabled19:10
mordredjeblair: lemme check on the nj activation19:10
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mgagnejeblair it's done. I'm waiting for details around which region should be used so you don't have to move around if it's the wrong one19:10
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jeblaircool, i just tried to create a host in nyj01 and got19:11
jeblair| fault                                | {"message": "No valid host was found. Exceeded max scheduling attempts 3 for instance 283c1c41-9d02-4e06-b85e-93343dc09364. Last exception: [u'Traceback (most recent call last):\ |19:11
jeblair|                                      | ', u'  File \"/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/nova/compute/\", line 2229, in _do", "code": 500, "created": "2015-11-18T19:09:21Z"}                                      |19:11
mordredtwo things19:11
clarkbmmedvede: anteaya let me know when that download is done (its a bit big so may take some time)19:12
mordreda) mgagne sorry, I did not see that you were still waiting on region choice, I have activated nyj01 in the openstackjenkins account19:12
mordredb) jeblair I have not activated any regions in opentsackinfra yet19:12
anteayaclarkb: downloaded19:12
mmedvedeclarkb: done19:12
jeblairmordred: ah, that is the one i was launching in :)19:12
mordredso I can either activate nyj since we have that active in the other account, or I can wait for mgagne to get verification that that's a good region19:12
mgagnemordred no problem, I just wish to make those details clear for everyone so there is no misunderstanding19:12
clarkbone sec salami made a mess19:13
anteayaclarkb: unpacked19:13
anteayaclarkb: k19:13
anteayathat salami19:13
clarkbits tasty but covered in pepper that goes everyhwere19:14
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clarkbwe are going to work our way backwards up the stack this means start  logstash first then the things that feed into it19:14
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mmedvedeclarkb: dumb question, I should be probably running it in a VM?19:14
anteayaah yeah, memories from when I ate meat19:14
jeblairmgagne: should we proceed with nyj01 (even if we might have to move) so we can continue set-up, or do you think you'll have an answer on a region soon and we should just go make a sandwich? :)19:15
clarkbmmedvede: I don't everything runs in foreground happily without affecting my OS19:15
clarkbmmedvede: I suppose if you are paranoid you can19:15
mordredjeblair: you know you have to specify net-id for boot, yeah?19:15
mgagnejeblair up to you, I just wish to avoid you wasting time and money =)19:15
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anteayammedvede: I'm not, your call19:15
jeblairmordred: nope!19:15
bardiaasselin: I think there is a bug in the puppet scripts that sets up zuul. It writes the gerrit ssh key to /var/lib/zuul/ssh/id_rsa whereas it should be writing it to /home/zuul/.ssh/id_rsa19:15
clarkbwe need to make a small change to logstash's config before starting it (tell it to write to stdout instead of ES)19:15
mgagneas billing details still need to be adjusted19:15
mmedvedeclarkb: if it works on yours, I see no reason then19:15
clarkbthat file is at system-cofngi/modules/openstack_project/templates/logstash/indexer.yaml.erb19:15
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bardiaasselin: that was the bug that was failing my setup to start builds based on changes upstream19:15
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mordredjeblair: you will need to pass nics=[{'net-id': $netid}] to the boot call - because there will be two networks in that account19:16
clarkboh its indexer.conf.erb19:16
mgagnemordred this makes me think I need to set this router:external prop19:16
jeblairmordred: launch-node has a --net-label argument19:16
mordredcool. that will work19:16
jeblairmgagne: ++ :)19:16
mordredmgagne: yes - that will be helpful for all of your users19:16
clarkbat the end of that file is the output section we need to comment out or remove the elasticsearch block and replace it with stdout {}19:16
openstackgerritKomei Shimamura proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-kafka project
mordredjeblair: --net-label will work fine19:17
mgagneno argument here19:17
mordredjeblair: you wnat the network with wan in the name19:17
jeblairmordred: want to enable nyj01 for infra?19:17
bardiaasselin: zuul-merger was failing to clone the repo from because of misplaced ssh_key19:17
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mordredjeblair: working on it19:18
mgagnemordred hold on, I see programmatic errors on our sie19:18
ShrewsSpamapS: Can you get time today to review for us? Turns out an ansible module was released months back that depends on that API. :/19:18
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clarkbanteaya: mmedvede once thats done save then start logstsah (this will foreground) with `logstash-2.0.0/bin/logstash -f path_to_config -w 1`19:18
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jeblairmordred: is a neutron network label the same thing as a name?19:20
jeblairwhy couldn't we have just called it a project?  ;)19:21
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clarkbanteaya: keep the output{} and put stdout{} in it19:21
mmedvedeanteaya: I think you need it wrapped, { stdout {} }19:21
clarkbmmedvede: yup19:21
anteayaclarkb: oh19:21
mmedvedeclarkb: \o/, got "Logstash startup completed"19:21
clarkbthe -w 1 flag is important because we use the multiline filter which can't run with multiple threads19:22
clarkb-w 1 says run a single thread (default is num_cpus/2)19:22
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mordredjeblair: I honestly don't know what net.label is19:22
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mordredjeblair: the attribute of the neutron object is name19:22
clarkbanteaya: let us know when you have that running19:22
mordredRESP BODY: {"network": {"status": "ACTIVE", "subnets": ["e9440419-d276-4c3d-9c18-7991b77e2465", "ef3bde66-8ac4-4356-8ab4-099519ba218a"], "name": "Ext-Net", "router:external": true, "tenant_id": "34042578293510", "admin_state_up": true, "shared": false, "port_security_enabled": true, "id": "7da74520-9d5e-427b-a508-213c84e69616"}}19:23
anteayaclarkb: okay don't let me slow you down19:23
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mmedvedeis paste.o.o just slow for me?19:23
anteayammedvede: no it is slow19:24
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anteayammedvede: if I'm wrong again, can you paste what you have that works as a reply?19:24
mordredjeblair: and I don't see anywhere in python-neutronclient that associates the word label with name. nor is it listed as an optional component of the json return structure19:24
mordredjeblair: OH!19:25
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openstackgerritKomei Shimamura proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-kafka project
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anteayammedvede: thank you, I will copy that19:26
clarkbits probably worth addressing why we don't also run an elasticsearch. elasticsearch has basically ust worked and when debugging/testing its just easier to ignore it becuase the problems typically are in the parsing of the events19:27
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mordredjeblair: that is a call in launc_node to nova_client.networks.list()19:28
anteayaokay fair enough19:28
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anteayaclarkb: mmedvede I'm now caught up:
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jeblairmordred: so novaclient calls something a label19:29
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mordredjeblair: right. because nova-network19:29
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jeblairoh i see 3 networks there now, 2 WAN, one with a cidr.  i'm guessing that's the one.19:30
clarkbmmedvede: anteaya great so logstash is running and ready to parse events based on that config. Next step is to give it events to parse. We do that with a gearman client worker setup19:30
mordredjeblair: also, I checked, internap does the nova network proxy19:31
mgagnemordred we do?19:31
mordredso the networks.list() will work and label will match the name19:31
clarkbmmedvede: anteaya: to set that up source your virtualenv with gear and pyyaml in it and run geard -d (this runs a gearman server in the foreground)19:31
mordredmgagne: yes19:31
mordred>>> c.nova_client.networks.list()19:31
mordred[<Network: inap-17037-WAN1654>, <Network: inap-17037-LAN3631>]19:31
mgagneoh yea19:31
mordredHP, fwiw, does not19:31
clarkbmmedvede: anteaya: then copy and save it as worker.yaml (this is our worker process config that tells it which  gearman to connect to and where to talk to logstash at)19:31
mordredso using HP to verify this will not go well :)19:31
anteayaclarkb: oh sorry I was running logstash in the venv, I will stop it and run it not in the venv19:32
clarkbanteaya: thats fine19:32
clarkbanteaya: the venv stuff should only affect ypthon which logstash isn't19:32
mordredjeblair: you should be active in nyj now - so it should work19:33
clarkbonce you have that you can start a geraman worker (again with the venv) using `python puppet-log_processor/files/ -c path_to_worker.yaml --foreground -d path_to_logfile_worker.log`19:33
jeblairmordred: is there a shade launch-node?19:34
mordredjeblair: you wrote one19:34
jeblairah here it is
jeblairoh pep819:35
SpamapSShrews: LGTM19:35
jeblairthat's why we can't have nice things19:35
mordredjeblair: I need to make you a follow up patch for that19:36
mordredone sec19:36
mmedvedeclarkb: got a bunch of gear connections show up on geard, and logfile worker log shows "Polling 1 connections"19:36
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clarkbmmedvede: aewsome that is what I expect19:37
clarkbthe last step is to get a gearman client that tells the worker to do work. Instead of using the one in puppet-log_processor I tend to use something simpler like
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clarkbthis way I can more easily send very specific events rather than needing to involve jenkins. If you grab the code there and save it in a file we can run it in the venv too in order to trigger a job that will parse that console log with logstash19:38
clarkbwhen you do this you should see a bunch of output from logstash with the parsed output19:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add a shade launch-node
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Allow a builder-worker to run on the nodepool host
clarkbanteaya: that looks good, the GRAB_JOB message i sthe worker saying hey give me owrk but there isn't work to do until you send it some jobs19:41
clarkbanteaya: ya you cna call it what you want and just python it19:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use shade for net-id
clarkbit takes no args bceause its a simple test script19:41
mordredjeblair: ^^ that does the net-id thing from shade19:41
jeblairmordred: oh, heh, i was just writing that :)19:41
jeblairmordred: you didn't tell me what your followup patch was :)19:41
mordredmgagne: any chance you can flip the router:external bit on these networks?19:42
mordredjeblair: heh. well, if you'd like to write it - that's cool :)19:42
mgagneoh, I forgot, sorry! doing it now19:42
mordredno worries at all!19:42
jeblairmordred: nope, i had just decided to type approximately those characters, so cool.  :)19:42
clarkbmmedvede: anteaya once you get that done with output from logstash let me know and we can run through everything that happens (and get a bit more indepth with the logstash config)19:43
mordredjeblair: neat19:43
clarkbbut I think its easier to understand with it actually doing something first rather than me hand waving19:43
mmedvedeclarkb: yes, that worked, got a lot of output from logstash19:43
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mordredjeblair: so, my quick and dirty script from last week had a sad with internap - but I have tentatively chalked that up to me working too quick - so if you have trouble with the boot, I'd love to jump on and debug19:44
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jeblairmordred: but without the extra ')'19:44
mgagnemordred: anything we can do?19:44
mordredbecause it's _possible_ that the error I was seeing wasn't pebkac19:44
mordredmgagne: duno if there is a real problem yet19:44
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mordredmgagne: and if there is, it's likely on my side19:45
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smarcet1981mordred: hi, could u review please ? :)19:45
mgagnemordred: ok, as stated, I hot fixed a bug on our side around network metadata generation19:45
anteayaclarkb: yes I learn best my doing something, even if I don't know the significane of what I am doing the first time19:45
anteayaclarkb: feel free to make notes in my paste if you want19:45
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jeblairmordred: have you made a clouds.yaml for puppetmaster yet?19:46
clarkbanteaya: so that ran look at the terminal where logstash is running19:46
mordredjeblair: I have not - would you like me to?19:46
clarkbanteaya: you should have tons of output19:46
anteayaclarkb: as that is my way of both communicating my status to you and keeping notes for later19:46
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jeblairmordred: yeah, i guess we need to translate the whole ~ci-launch directory into clouds.yaml19:46
anteayaclarkb: I don't
mordredjeblair: I could do that by hand for the moment and follow it up with a puppet change19:47
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jeblairmordred: by hand for now sounds good... there's a lot of stuff not in hiera, so puppet will be some work.19:47
clarkbanteaya: is the worker still running?19:47
anteayaclarkb: my log process got control-c'd sorry about that19:48
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clarkbanteaya: everything needs to be running will need 4 terminals (or screen windows)19:48
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anteayaclarkb: yup, now I have output19:48
anteayaI think when I made a new tab I must have control-c'd19:48
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use shade for net-id
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Add documentation for third-party-ci setup
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede: ok great so now ou have functioning log worker and logstash processes19:50
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openstackgerritYan Ning proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add seperate builder/job for monasca plugin in devstack install
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clarkbanteaya: mmedvede the basic flow here is the client says "hey here is a log file with some information about it please run it through the push-log gearman function19:51
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede the log worker has registered itself as handling the push-log gearman function so the geard server tells it to wake up and perform that job given the log file and info about it19:52
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede the log worker then fetches the log file from, unzips it if necessary, then sends a json event per line to logstash over tcp port 999919:52
Swansonzuul question.  What is the minimum I have to setup for smtp to actually function?19:53
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clarkbanteaya: mmedvede each event contains a bunch of info, the current timestamp, the message itself (which usually contains another timestamp), jenkins info like was the job a success, is the job voting, etc and so on19:53
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede if you want to see that you can `sudo tcpdump -A -i any port 9999` then run the client script again19:54
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clarkbanteaya: mmedvede: one of the most important pieces of info in those events for us is the tags field. These tags contain info about the file like its filename and other log processing attributes which we use in the logstash config to determine how to parse the file19:55
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clarkbanteaya: mmedvede some of the common tags are syslog, console, oslofmt, apachefmt, etc basically "what kind of log this is"19:55
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede in this case console.html is in our tags list because that is the basename of the url which means we hit and enter that block for parsing console logs19:56
openstackgerritKomei Shimamura proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add devstack-plugin-kafka project
jrollsomeone mind landing ironic's reno job? yolanda you had a +2 previously
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede within that block we have two filters, the first handles multiline events. The short version of that multiline filter is if I have no timestamp on this message then it is a part of the previous message19:59
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede when the next event to not match that filter comes in the previous multiline event is considered done and is sent to the output19:59
anteayaclarkb mmedvede I haven't done a lot with tcpdump before I keep getting tcpdump: Invalid adapter index, I suspect I am not selecting a good port19:59
clarkbanteaya: port 9999 is just a match rule it may not like -i any. You can change that to -i lo I think20:00
clarkbwhich says tcpdump on loopback interface20:00
anteayaI will try20:00
clarkband the -A says print all the datas20:00
anteayamy fault I think I had read any as <any> and was trying numbers20:01
anteayasudo tcpdump -A -i any 999920:01
anteayatcpdump: syntax error20:01
clarkbanteaya: port 999920:01
clarkbthat tells tcpdump to only dump packets that were sent to or from port 999920:01
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anteayalistening now, no output20:02
anteayasomething now20:02
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clarkbanteaya: you will have to run your client script again to trigger communication over that port20:03
anteayayes I do that20:03
clarkbanteaya: and tcpdump should print out a bunch of json in resposne?20:04
anteayaand then logstash finishes with these two lines:
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anteayait could be json20:04
jrolltristanC: ttx: if either of you are around, mind PMing me please?20:05
anteayayes running the client script produces output in the logstash terminal and the tcpdump terminal20:05
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clarkbanteaya: the tcpdump terminal shows the communication format between the gearman worker and logstash20:06
clarkbthe logstash terminal is the result of logstash parsing that input20:06
anteayawell that is what I am confused by20:06
anteayaas the output in the logstash terminal doesn't look like parsed anything to me20:07
anteayait just looks like a build log20:07
anteayaor is that what it is parsing?20:07
clarkbanteaya: its the parsed timestamp which should be from when the job ran a few days ago and not now, the source of the message ( and finally the message itself20:08
mordredjeblair: ok. clouds.yaml exists20:08
anteayathat is a parsed build log?
jeblairmordred: do we need project name and project id?20:09
anteayaokay thanks yup just me being slow20:09
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update bashate to 0.3.2
asselinbardia, that is the correct location20:09
clarkbanteaya: ya, by default stdout is only going to show you those three fields20:10
jeblairmordred: i only did name in my system-config change20:10
anteayaclarkb: okay20:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add user group assignment API
openstackgerritYan Ning proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add seperate builder/job for monasca plugin in devstack install
clarkbanteaya: if you want to see all of the info that logstash knows about you can change stdout {} to stdout{ codec => json_lines {} } and restart that process20:10
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clarkbthat should print the complete parsed events on the other end20:11
* anteaya does so20:11
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clarkbfor console logs though really all we are parsing is the timestamp and message20:11
clarkbsince there isn't much to them20:11
anteayaright just trying to understand the things I currently have running20:11
mordredjeblair: we do not - I just had them so I put both there20:11
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add test for os_user_group Ansible module
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mtreinishjeblair: yeah it doesn't look like the setup is inherently broken on bluebox20:12
clarkbanteaya: note that the worker should detect the disconnect from the logstash process then wait like a minute before reconnecting iirc20:12
mtreinishjeblair: although the other failure looks like it was caused by io errors on the disk20:12
clarkbanteaya: so there may be a delay after you run the client20:12
mordredjeblair: we had a spike of node create failure son bb20:12
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anteaya line 59620:14
anteayaclarkb: okay20:14
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jeblairmordred: neat; i need to lunch;  if you don't want to look into bb i can when i get back20:14
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jeblairmordred: shade-launch-node is building an instance on internap now20:14
clarkbanteaya: ya that config looks right20:15
clarkbanteaya: lgostash should yell if it isn't20:15
mordredjeblair: cool20:15
clarkband we can go from there to debug20:15
anteayaclarkb: okay it is delaying as you said20:16
anteayathinking about making a tea while it makes up its mind20:16
clarkbanteaya: that delay is there because logstash is slow to start so if it restarts for whatever reason we want to make sure we wait long enough for it to be listening again before talking to it20:16
mordred2015-11-18 20:16:02,639 DEBUG nodepool.NodePool: Instance devstack-trusty-bluebox-sjc1-6323 (f0aa4938-2fa1-4fbf-9ac8-3508fea6976b) in bluebox-sjc1 has no nodepool metadata20:16
mordredthat's fun20:16
anteayayeah everything else is running20:16
* anteaya waits20:16
anteayathere it goes20:17
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jeblairmordred: that may be a leak from my local testing20:17
mordredah. k20:17
anteayaclarkb mmedvede line 609:
jeblairmordred: safe to delete if you want20:18
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anteayaclarkb: that was more along the lines of what my eyes were expecting I think20:18
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clarkbanteaya: cool20:19
jeblairmordred: (my local nodepool has launched a lot of instances!)20:19
* mmedvede changing settings also20:19
anteayaclarkb: wow build_status and tags for every line20:19
anteayammedvede: cool20:19
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede so now the next steps for testing logstash 2.0 are to edit the client to grab a syslog file (and set the appropriate tags for that) and make sure syslog goes through fine20:19
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede and oslofmt and swift and apache etc20:19
clarkbanteaya: yes because we are line based every line has a complete picture of the job as a whole20:20
clarkbanteaya: its inefficient20:20
anteayanow I have a better understanding why it takes 16 or so workers and hours of delay20:21
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clarkbanteaya: thats actually more because our logs are hard to parse and can be very large than the metadata20:21
clarkbanteaya: but ya20:21
anteayaso we have been parsing the same gate infra pupppet apply trusty job log20:21
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anteayaI had just copy/pasted the client code20:22
clarkbanteaya: yes, you can change the client to do other files (thats how I test) you just have to also edit the tags to have the correct tags20:22
clarkbso for a nova log file it would be oslofmt20:22
clarkbfor a syslog file it would be syslog20:22
clarkband so on20:22
clarkband if you read the logstash indexer.conf file you can see what the switches are20:22
* anteaya finds the indexer.conf file20:23
clarkbanteaya: the one you edited for json_lines20:23
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anteayathere it is20:24
clarkb is the one we currently use20:24
clarkbbut if you switch to a nova log file and change the tag to oslofmt you will hit instead20:25
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* anteaya tries that20:26
clarkbalso I think you may need to remove the .gz from the loglines as the workers are smart about adding them20:26
clarkb(and will do the wrong thing if it is already there)20:26
clarkbs/loglines/log file urls/20:26
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clarkbanteaya: mmedvede but ya the process to go through now is grab the various cases and make sure they appear to parse ok. one thing to look for in the output of json_lines is the grokparsefailure tag20:30
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede that is an indication that logstash failed to handle something in the logfile20:30
clarkbanteaya: mmedvede if you end up running through those maybe ping back here with results (and questions if they come up)20:31
anteayaclarkb: line 61920:32
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anteayawonderful thank you20:32
anteayaclarkb: have we gotten to a place where you feel pleased that you got us here?20:32
anteayaare we useful yet or just one step closer?20:33
clarkbanteaya: thats still a console log not an oslofmt20:33
clarkbanteaya: so for that you cna change the url but the tags should remain the way it was20:33
clarkbanteaya: when I say nova log I mean screen-n-cpu.txt and friends20:33
clarkb(logs written by nova)20:33
anteayaI don't know what an oslofmt is20:33
anteayaah I will try that20:33
clarkbits the tag we use to denote that a logfile is in the format that oslo writes20:34
clarkbwhich is different than the format console logs are written in anddifferent than syslog20:34
anteayaoh okay yes20:34
mordredjeblair: when you get back, I do not see failures in the nodepool log to correspond to the error entries in graphite20:34
anteayalogs from screen process == oslofmt20:34
clarkbanteaya: logs from oslo :)20:35
clarkbanteaya: some of the screen logs (like swift) are in other formats20:35
clarkboh though if it is screen you should have something like tags = ["screen", "oslofmt"]20:35
clarkbbecause we actually need to remove the screen header junk at the start20:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Updated oslo.db to 3.2.0
anteayaclarkb: oh okay20:37
anteaya line 66220:37
anteayaclarkb: I will add that20:38
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clarkbanteaya: ya that looks better20:39
pabelangerSo, just learned something today:
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.utils to 2.8.0
pabelangerwhat is the history of calling tox -evenv python build_sphinx over tox -edocs ?20:40
anteaya line 67520:40
clarkbpabelanger: tox -edocs did not exist and is redundant20:40
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greghaynesmordred: SpamapS
clarkbpabelanger: so the history is "we already have a taox target for arbitrary commands its call venv"20:40
clarkbpabelanger: then after some time people decided that remembering how to make a sphinx build was hard and we should have docs targets20:41
clarkbpabelanger: but ther ewas no standardization so we eneded up with like 3 different targets20:41
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anteayaclarkb: 652 through 658 had grokparsefailure20:41
clarkbanteaya: oh good, thats expected if we mismatch the log type and its tag20:41
clarkbpabelanger: doc, docs, documentation iirc20:42
anteayayay I got as expected results20:42
anteayaclarkb: what now?20:42
clarkbpabelanger: one big benefit to the current setup is it means that projects can't get funny with how they builddocs20:43
clarkbpabelanger: everyone has to build with the standard command to do so20:43
mmedvedeclarkb: thank you for the guide, having a working end-to-end debug env is useful. So the gist is every mode of logstash parsing needs to be tested?20:43
clarkbanteaya: talking about the doc tox targets20:43
clarkbmmedvede: yup20:43
mordredgreghaynes: +billion20:43
clarkbmmedvede: anteaya I don't necessarily expect you to do all of that owkr but if you want to that would be great20:43
clarkbI think there are like 5 cases20:43
clarkbconsole, oslofmt, apache (swift), syslog, and maybe its only 420:44
anteayawell I would like to take a walk and then try the other cases20:44
anteayaand then compile my notes20:44
anteayaclarkb: where would you like my notes to live?20:44
clarkbanteaya: probably in the puppet-log_processor repo?20:45
mmedvedeclarkb: I did not have much time budget to spend on it fulltime. I'll tinker with it for a bit20:45
anteayaclarkb: I'll aim for that20:45
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, just surprising. Fixed tox -edocs was standard now20:45
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anteayammedvede: I'll put them together and then ping you when I have something for review20:45
anteayammedvede: is that fair?20:45
clarkbpabelanger: fixed what?20:45
pabelangermy bad20:45
mmedvedeanteaya: wfm20:46
clarkbpabelanger: so ya part of the problem with that is people tried to do crazy funny things in their docs target20:46
clarkbpabelanger: meaning you couldn't just build_sphinx20:46
anteayammedvede: thanks, was nice to work with you on this20:46
clarkbwhich is a problem20:46
* pabelanger nods20:46
clarkbso I believe current stance is to not change how we build docs20:46
mmedvedeanteaya: clarkb: I did compile condenced irc log, can post it if interested20:46
clarkbmmedvede: that would be great20:46
anteayammedvede: that would be nice too20:46
mmedvedeclarkb: anteaya: post it to paste or to etherpad?20:47
anteayammedvede: hey would you like to post to the learn how to debug the gate mailing list thread?20:47
anteayapaste and then link to the mailing list is my choice20:47
anteayaclarkb: what do you think?20:47
clarkbthat wfm20:47
clarkbI don't have much of a preference20:47
mmedvedeanteaya: hmm, that would require quite a bit more editing20:47
anteayammedvede: is that doable for you?20:47
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anteayammedvede: oh well whatever you like20:47
anteayathe point of learning how to debug the gate is people work to learn20:48
anteayait isn't handed to them20:48
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anteayasince they need the skill of digging to debug the gate20:48
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mmedvedeanteaya: clarkb: ok, I'll polish it a bit more, and post it to paste/link from mailing list20:49
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mordredjeblair: looks like ovh is seeing a climbing time for trying to delete servers20:50
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anteayammedvede: thanks so much20:50
anteayammedvede clarkb nice to have many different voices on the learning how to debug the gate thread20:51
anteayaclarkb: thanks very much for your time and your patience20:51
anteayaclarkb: I appreciate it20:51
clarkbno problem20:51
mmedvedeanteaya: clarkb: thank you20:51
anteayammedvede: nice to work with you20:51
anteayagoing for a walk now20:51
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pleia2anteaya: enjoy20:52
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tonybpuppet folks, can you help me understand what's wrong with: , specifically the centos6 failure ....20:55
clarkbtonyb: its probably the broken haproxy module20:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: drop reference to openstack-relmgr-office
clarkbmordred: nibalizer Hunner have we decied how we want to fix that yet?20:56
tonybclarkb: okay that's what it looked like but it's my first puppet module patch ....20:56
nibalizerwhat are we talking about?20:57
clarkbnibalizer: haproxy broke hpcloud centos6 tests20:57
nibalizerclarkb: why aren't we just landing t
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clarkbnibalizer: I don't know I have stayed out of it20:57
clarkbI know there was a revert and ther ewas talk of also fixing it and rolling forward20:57
nibalizerso all the git servers are centos7 now right?20:57
clarkbnibalizer: not the one that runs haproxy20:57
HunnerBah, more breakage?20:58
clarkbHunner: well same breakage20:58
clarkbI just havne't seen anyone say "this is how we want ot fix"20:58
nibalizerclarkb: ya i think we just revert20:58
clarkbI have seen multiple "this is a possible fix"20:58
sdaguemordred / jeblair - the devstack patch is approved, if anyone wants to approve -
nibalizerand Hunner has a patch in to haproxy to fix it20:58
nibalizerwe can deploy that later20:58
nibalizeralso if this broke the haproxy node we would know20:59
Hunnernibalizer: Isn't that what clarkb is saying is still breaking?20:59
clarkbnibalizer: what does new module get us?20:59
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nibalizerclarkb: see the commmit message on the thing being reverted20:59
nibalizerbut one of them is the cleaner refresh thing you wanted20:59
sdagueI am going to be super curious to see what our overall fail rates turn into after that lands20:59
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clarkbooh we can relaod20:59
clarkbthat makes me want to roll forward with Hunner's fix :)21:00
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nibalizerHunner: no we didn't pin to the sha you made for us21:02
nibalizerclarkb: we can do that to21:02
nibalizeri gotta do other stuff right now but I will return21:02
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add bashate test to devstack-gate
pabelangerclarkb: Hmm, that is confusing :) Either way, curious why we didn't catch the failure before the code merged21:10
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clarkbpabelanger: it apparently only affects hpcloud test nodes21:10
clarkbI don't know the details on how they are different enough to be a problem21:10
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Support period in project names for branch override flag
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mordredit's ipv621:20
mordredhpcloud nodes do not have ipv6 node21:20
mordredhpcloud nodes do not have ipv6 addresses21:20
mordredthis means that the ruby code path that's doing things in haproxy gets tripped differently21:20
mordredand when you combine that with ruby 1.8 vs. 2.0 diferences in api21:20
mordredyou hit a place where the code in 2.0 does the right thing but hte code in 1.8 blows up when you don't have an ipv6 address defined on your system21:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump ceilometerclient to 2.0.0
mordredsolutions include: always have ipv6 because future, stop using ruby 1.8 because future, use Hunner's patch to puppet-haproxy which works around past and revert to old haproxy module until Hunner's patch is released21:22
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add #openstack-meeting-cp to eavesdrop
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add temporary pin on jaraco.itertools
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mtreinishinfra-root: is there a way we can check the hardware specs of the subunit2sql trove node?21:24
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mtreinisheven, like what's exposed from nova21:24
mtreinishjust trying to estimate the run time for the upcoming migration21:25
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clarkbmtreinish: we can't shell to it I don't think, so only what mysql can see21:25
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mtreinishclarkb: but it's still a nova instance right? cant we do a get to see the flavor and other stuff?21:25
clarkbmtreinish: its all hidden from the user I think21:26
mtreinishSlickNik: ^^^ do you have any suggestions?21:26
pleia2yeah, afaik we don't have any view into that21:27
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SlickNikmtreinish: A trove "show" on the instance should tell you the flavor. And then a trove "flavor show" or "flavor list" will tell you the hw profile of the instance.21:28
SlickNikhw profile of that flavor*21:29
mtreinishSlickNik: cool, thanks21:29
mtreinishclarkb, pleia2: ^^^21:29
clarkbSlickNik: and thats all via trove client/api not nova?21:29
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pleia2SlickNik: "on the instance"?21:30
Hunnerclarkb: So yeah, the haproxy bug should be fixed with and pinned in (and eventually released in the next release)21:30
mtreinishI assumed it was through trove client21:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add release notes jobs for nova
SlickNikclarkb: Yes, that's all supported via the trove API.21:30
SlickNikpleia2: "trove show <instance-name or id>"21:30
pleia2SlickNik: oh, gotcha21:30
pleia2clarkb: shall I see about installing the trove client on the puppetmaster?21:31
pleia2(writing the patch)21:31
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clarkbpleia2: I would start with just a virtualenv21:32
clarkbI have one in my homedir for neutronclient21:32
pleia2I am eating thick tomato soup and I kind of want to add pasta too it21:32
pleia2clarkb: ah, ok21:32
pleia2mtreinish: investigating21:32
nibalizerclarkb: hi im back21:32
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nibalizerwhats our status on the haproxy thing21:32
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump senlinclient to 0.1.5
mtreinishpleia2: cool, thanks21:33
clarkbnibalizer: I think we just ned to decide which fix we want and approve it21:33
clarkbrevert is fine with me if we ant to do that its has the +2's I just am not sure why no one is approving21:33
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nibalizeri think there may be a sense that I was driving, and I'm not, so that may be the issue21:34
nibalizerclarkb: im good to try to fail forward if you and Hunner want to21:34
nibalizerdo we have a patch that uses the sha1?21:34
clarkbI do not know (I don't know what the sha1 is either)21:34
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tonybnibalizer: ?21:35
jeblairtonyb, nibalizer: yep21:35
yongliheany one know how to get jenkins's vote result for a patch set? thanks21:36
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tonybyonglihe: Can't you toggle CI in the web UI and find the links that jenkins posted?21:36
Hunneryonglihe: Are you in the version2 view? There is a "toggle ci" button at the bottom21:36
yongliheHunner: , i mean via API, to get the vote result, 1 or -1. thanks.21:37
yonglihethere is the way to do that, i don't know how.21:38
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix broken stable-compat-jobs for oslo
pleia2mtreinish: trimmed out some possibly secretish stuff from `trove show`, but basically this is what we can see:
nibalizeri am good to approve 246540 if other infra-root are21:39
clarkbnibalizer: sounds good21:39
nibalizerconfirmed its the right sha21:39
mtreinishpleia2: heh, that's no fun :)21:39
pleia2mtreinish: that's `trove show` and details about the flavor21:39
pleia2mtreinish :D21:39
mtreinishSpamapS: ^^^ you might be interested too21:40
dims_sdague : lifeless : hoping will do the trick of fixing the oslo master libs testing with stable/liberty21:40
mtreinishSpamapS: how does that compare to your machine?21:40
yonglihejeblair: i do a quick check, no jenkins api there, am i right?21:40
mtreinishheh, ok that doesn't tell us much :)21:40
mtreinishI should have waited for paste to load21:40
pleia2heh, yeah :\21:40
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yonglihei looking for the implement behind this tool:
mtreinishpleia2: well it's good to know the 8GB Instance flavor type indeed has 8GB of ram21:41
pleia2mtreinish: hehe21:41
pleia2truth in advertising \o/21:41
mtreinishpleia2: one thing is we'll definitely have to increase the volume size (if possible)21:42
pleia2mtreinish: yeah, I did notice that it's getting a bit tight there21:42
mtreinishthe migration ( ) makes a temp table of everything21:42
sdaguedims_: I think job is fine, we don't need the regex change21:42
mtreinishpleia2: it should get a lot better post migration, the indexes are kinda out of control right now21:42
sdaguedims_: so the project config change, but the d-g change is not needed I don't think21:42
mtreinish(they are bigger than the data)21:42
pleia2mtreinish: yeah, I think I remember the summit discussion21:43
dims_sdague : ok will abandon the tr with '.' to underscore21:43
* pleia2 checks size options21:43
mtreinishpleia2: iirc in that same session fungi said we have up to 500gb available now21:43
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix broken stable-compat-jobs for oslo
clarkbI rmember fungi saying that too21:44
dims_sdague done. stand alone review ^^21:44
pleia2I'm still only showing 320 as the biggest in the web UI21:44
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add a shade launch-node
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pleia2ah, but if I go to "Increase Volume" it will let me grow it to 50021:45
sdaguedims_: and then just make sure the 2 tr stanzas match21:45
dims_sdague : ack. already done21:45
sdagueyep, lgtm21:45
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dims_sdague thanks for the help! tricky business :)21:46
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SwansonGots a lot of these ....21:54
SwansonERROR zuul.GerritEventConnector: Received unrecognized event type 'topic-changed' from Gerrit.                    Can not get account information.21:54
SwansonThat a problem or normal?21:55
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jeblairSwanson: normal -- it means zuul needs to be updated to know about that event type.  in the mean time, there will be some missing information in the unlikely event you use it as a trigger21:58
jeblair(you won't be able to trigger off of topic-changed events from specific users)21:58
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Swansonjeblair, cool.  Thank you!22:00
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notmynamelooks like openstack meeting bot crashed/left/restarted(?) halfway through our meeting in #openstack-meeting. can someone with ops power take a look?22:01
mattoliverauBecause it came back mid meeting, I think it's confused and assumes it's not in a meeting anymore.22:02
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mattoliverauWe may need to start then end meeting.. I guess we've lost the swift meeting minutes tho22:03
jeblairnotmyname, mattoliverau: if so you can startmeeting again.  the minutes will be incomplete, though the channel log is still there22:03
jeblairi'll check the server log22:03
dims_anteaya : if you get a chance please take a look at
sdaguejeblair: you want to +3 the d-g change now - - the devstack one is in the gate22:03
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pleia2jeblair: looks like was merged, which we should do during meetings22:05
jeblairsdague: done, thx22:05
jeblairINFO 2015-11-18T21:02:53 supybot Exiting due to Signal #15.22:05
jeblairpleia2: yep22:05
jeblairwerr, 'not do'22:06
pleia2but it was rechecked, so "oops" no one's fault really22:06
pleia2er, right, not22:06
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add bifrost manifest
crinklegreghaynes: ^22:07
greghaynescrinkle: ok, I just finished a meeting22:07
crinklethe number of times we're running ansible from puppet is starting to get silly22:07
greghaynescrinkle: I have a bit to poke at things22:07
crinklegreghaynes: cool22:07
greghaynescrinkle: hah22:07
greghaynescrinkle: maybe we should find a way to just... run ansible :p22:07
crinklegreghaynes: ofc22:08
greghaynescrinkle: because it is actually running ansible from puppet from ansible22:08
crinklegreghaynes: yes22:08
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crinklemore config mgmt -> better devops22:08
crinklei'm pretty sure22:09
greghaynescrinkle: wow22:09
mordredjeblair: how did your node launch run?22:09
jeblairit succeeded22:10
mordredjeblair: also, I could not find errors in nodepool logs to correspond to the red on the grpahs22:10
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mordredjeblair: I have a patch coming for shade to do the network and boot-from-volume stuff properly22:10
jeblairmordred: yeah, i just started looking into that, and all i see are some fip exhaustion22:10
greghaynescrinkle: so, is there some bit of work I could help with, looks like you got something set up to gen the dhcp config22:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Pin puppetlabs-haproxy to commit containing 1.8 fix
crinklegreghaynes: if bifrost was able to do that on its own that make it less weird22:12
greghaynescrinkle: ok, I'll poke22:12
crinklegreghaynes: alternatively if glean isn't that far away from being usable that would be better22:12
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: boot-from-volume and network params for server create
mordredjeblair: ^^22:12
mordredjeblair: that's basically taking the stuff from launch-node and putting it in here sanely22:13
greghaynescrinkle: the issue is we also need to make the init script to set up networking how openstack needs it22:13
anteayatonyb: looks good22:13
greghaynescrinkle: and I kind of think that would be easier to solve after we have a working system rather than having to work on init scripts from the start22:13
anteayadims_: jenkins is unhappy:
crinklegreghaynes: okay22:14
crinklegreghaynes: if you think 231757 is good enough then maybe we shouldn't spend more time poking bifrost and just start getting things merged22:15
jeblairmordred: oh, i found the rest of the errors, they rotated out into debug.log.2015-11-18_1022:17
greghaynescrinkle: I like merging things22:17
greghaynescrinkle: let me review22:17
dims_anteaya : does the rest of the structure look ok? y, fixing it now22:17
greghaynescrinkle: any thoughts on adding the baremetal node to site.pp?22:18
jeblairmordred: yeah, they are all fip exhaustion22:19
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix broken stable-compat-jobs for oslo
dims_anteaya : re-ran the "tox -e zuul" locally before pushing it this time :)22:20
crinklegreghaynes: there is but tests won't pass until we figure out what to do with the mysql module22:20
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vishpat Hi, I am trying to save contact information, for "" account and am hitting an error saying "Cannot save contact information"22:20
yongliheanteaya: very thanks, that is what i'm looking for22:21
clarkbvishpat: see if gets it sorted out22:21
greghaynescrinkle: ok. I really dont know if theres anything I can do to help with that :/22:21
anteayayonglihe: welcome22:21
anteayadims_: :)22:21
zaromordred, jeblair anteaya : new info on gerrit rollback:
greghaynescrinkle: but that seems like the thing to hack on. Once we run this from site.pp and merge the manifests then were in a much more awesome spot22:21
anteayazaro: woooo, thank you22:21
crinklegreghaynes: agreed22:22
zaroi completely forgot a major step in testing22:22
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zaroi'm looking into the reindex issue now.22:23
anteayadims_: peace be with you22:23
anteayazaro: glad you remembered it now22:23
jeblairmordred: though i don't understand how we can behitting fip exhaustion with 20 instances on a /27.22:23
tdurakovhi, everyone, got question about multinode env, which devstack-gate creates, is it possible to open port between primary and subsides with smth like iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 111 -j ACCEPT22:24
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ianwsudo dnf install libjpeg-turbo-devel <- this seems odd to get zuul unittests working22:25
* ianw doesn't think about it too much22:25
mordredjeblair: that's 'fascinating'22:25
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nibalizerclarkb: pin is in22:26
clarkbcrinkle: nibalizer greghaynes weren't we going to update the apply tests to use the modules in two passes so that it would work?22:27
greghaynescrinkle: hrm, does your puppet manifest add the veth pair needed for openstack?22:27
clarkbthen work on upgrading mysql module? (the jeepyb changes seem to be in at least so that is moving forward)22:27
greghaynescrinkle: or should we also bake the veth pair into
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crinklegreghaynes: adds the veth pairs and that apparently got merged, should have WIP'd it :(22:28
crinkleclarkb: i think nibalizer and i are unclear on what is involved in updating the apply tests22:29
greghaynescrinkle: I think thats fine if it happens as a result of puppet?22:29
crinklegreghaynes: the bridge is added as part of the infra-cloud-networking element, and adding the veth pairs doesn't disrupt the network afaict22:30
crinkleit is kind of strange though22:30
greghaynescrinkle: yea, so it should work22:30
greghaynescrinkle: yep22:30
clarkbcrinkle: nibalizer the existing test run uses the little comment tags to select hosts. I owuld add a new comment thats says "infra-cloud" or something then after the existing trusty (or whatever distro) runs complete reintsall modules using the other module listing and run the infra cloud tests agains that distro22:31
clarkband that change will be self testing22:31
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed openstack/requirements: Bump ddt version to >=1.0.1
clarkbI think most of that is done since nibalizre wrote the stuff to test it22:32
clarkbit just needs to run in one job and be self testing22:32
crinkleclarkb: okay i think that makes sense22:32
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crinkleclarkb: what about for actually deploying it? right now we have one puppetmaster in one environment so we can't have both versions installed22:32
anteayadims_: today is not your day apparently22:33
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mordredjeblair: do we have hidden floating ips somewhere?22:33
clarkbcrinkle: I thought the plan for that was to use puppet apply in infra cloud but maybe the timeline for that isn't conducive to progress on clouding?22:33
clarkbcrinkle: but the idea there was avoid the master entirely I think (due to that reason)22:34
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crinkleclarkb: i thought you had objections to that because it would make it different from the rest of infra22:34
clarkbcrinkle: as an alternative we could setup a different puppet environment for infra cloud during the time they are different22:34
clarkbcrinkle: yes, the goal should be to make them the same22:34
clarkbcrinkle: and the plan is to stop puppetmastering across hte board22:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Raise upper-constraints on python-novaclient to 2.35.0
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Raise upper-constraints on python-novaclient to 2.35.0
jeblairmordred: i just checked all our tenants (so much clicking! why do i have to do that?!) and i didn't see any laying around.  openstackjenkins had 3 unassigned, so i released them.  but that should be within our buffer (we should still have had 4 extra).22:34
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anteayadims_: you have managed to undefine a bunch of existing jobs:
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Use rather than localhost for statsd host
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update to statsd 3.0
nibalizerpuppet apply is pretty darn close22:35
greghaynesclarkb: crinkle If I parse correctly - I would *really* like not push back having the infra-cloud puppet runs kicked off by infra so we can move out of being a hidden working group22:35
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clarkbgreghaynes: ya thats not the plan22:36
greghayneser, I would like to not push back22:36
clarkbgreghaynes: basically puppet apply run by ansible instead of puppet agent22:36
nibalizerwe could also use a puppet environment maybe22:36
greghaynesah, ok22:36
clarkbgreghaynes: but still triggered from ansible22:36
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jeblairwhat's still needed for global masterless puppet?  the hiera split was the hard part, right? :)22:37
crinkleclarkb: nibalizer okay since puppet-apply is pretty close to being a real thing i think it would be okay for infra-cloud to start off using it22:37
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jeblair(maybe dusting off the old puppet apply patches?)22:37
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nibalizeri have a test enviorment with puppet-apply being driven from run_all.sh22:37
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tonybanteaya: Thanks22:38
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anteayatonyb: it looks good! nice work there!22:38
anteayatonyb: tests and everything22:38
nibalizerI think we want to manage puppet.conf and hiera.yaml from ansible22:39
tonybanteaya: I have to admit that I'm not 100% certain it'll work but apart from the tests I don't know what else to do22:39
nibalizerinstead of from-puppet22:39
nibalizerand I think agreeing to that will help move puppet-apply over the edge22:39
tonybanteaya: to be clear I know the code works but I can't test the dynamic reload of the plugin/config22:39
nibalizerif you think about it we need puppet to run using config files, and it can't both be responsible for those files and use them22:40
nibalizerso having ansible lay down the correct configuration files and kick of a puppet run makes a lot of sense22:40
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clarkbnibalizer: is that something we sould add to the ansible puppet module?22:40
nibalizerclark proposed that we just rely on puppet defaults, and I like that more, but I think our configuration needs are too much to use the defaults22:40
nibalizerclarkb: i started that work here22:40
anteayatonyb: yeah that makes sense22:41
jeblairand we can't simplify our configuration? :)22:41
* tonyb probably should have uesed the same topic for all of the changes to make it easier for review22:41
nibalizerthats very much a rough draft22:41
clarkbnibalizer: because of the hiera stuff iirc?22:41
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anteayatonyb: you can change the topics to match22:41
nibalizerclarkb: mostly22:41
jeblairnibalizer: at first consideration, ansible-puppet being responsible for puppet config files makes sense to me.22:41
jeblairmordred: ^22:41
nibalizerif we wanted ansible to manage something like graphite, it would set up the graphite config files22:42
clarkbjeblair: ya (I still wish we could default but if we can't this is the next best thing IMO)22:42
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jeblairclarkb: agreed22:42
tonybanteaya: Yeah, actually I have 2 topics which is right as the changes aren't really related you couls land all of either topic without needing/affecting the other22:42
jeblairnibalizer: this will probably be less mind-bendy in the long run too :)22:42
* tonyb => coffee machine 22:43
anteayatonyb: okay, as long as you are happy, and you know that you can edit topics and commit messages in the gui22:43
anteayatonyb: enjoy22:43
nibalizerim going to get dinner, but i like where this conversation is headed22:44
mordredjeblair, nibalizer: just got back22:44
greghaynescrinkle: one more question - with the puppet element you added, any reason to not just use the puppet element in system-config?22:44
nibalizeris there something in ansible thhat lets us feed our specific configuration of config files to the more general anislbe-puppet role?22:44
mordredSO ... I'm sorry for not being here for the conversation so far ...22:45
mordredbut I do not think we need this to move forward22:45
mordredalthough I think it's cool22:45
greghaynescrinkle: er, project-config22:46
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mordredI think we can have a role which copies hiera files from our hard-coded hierarchy to get us off of a puppetmaster22:46
mordredand that gives us more room to figure out how to do slick parameterization in ansible22:46
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mordredif nobody else can use this role other than us when we go live, I tink that' ok22:47
jeblairmordred: do you have a patch for that?22:47
clarkbmordred: its not the hiera files22:47
clarkbmordred: its the puppet config22:47
adreznec_Hey all, quick question: could somebody take a look this project-config review for me when they have a minute? It has 3 +2s and a Workflow+1 but I can't get Jenkins gate to run against it. I tried a recheck, but no luck.22:47
mordredclarkb: we do not need to solve the puppet config22:47
clarkbmordred: according to nibalizer we do22:47
mordredclarkb:  it is not a problem right now22:47
clarkbmordred: because of hiera22:47
mordredhiera is already configured22:48
mordredthose files are already there22:48
clarkbmordred: since you have to configure it to know where to look and the hierarchy22:48
clarkbmordred: those files are applied by puppet22:48
mordredwe have the outcome of our config hardcoded into the current ansible22:48
clarkbmordred: so there is a chicken and egg22:48
mordredwe do NOT need a thing which can read a general hiera config22:48
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mordredand figure out a general hierarchy22:48
clarkbok I misparsed what you said22:48
clarkbI thought you were saying copy the hiera split out files22:48
clarkbbut you are saying copy the hiera config for hiera hierarchy22:48
mordredI am saying what you thought22:49
clarkbmordred: ok that wont work22:49
mordredI am saying we copy the split out hiera files22:49
mordredwhy not?22:49
clarkbmordred: because hiera won;t lookup our data properly22:49
mordredwhy not?22:49
clarkbmordred: because we are using a non default hiera hierarchy22:49
mordredwe have the hiera config files for that already applied22:49
clarkbwhich needs to be configured22:49
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mordredit's live in production right now22:49
clarkbmordred: where?22:49
crinklegreghaynes: the puppet element in project-config depends on a bunch of other elements that don't make sense for a non-nodepool node22:49
mordredit's been live for like a month22:49
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clarkb(in puppet)22:49
clarkbthis is the problem22:49
mordredone sec ... I have to find it22:49
greghaynescrinkle: awesome22:49
mordredit's in puppet, it's live22:50
clarkbmordred: yup22:50
clarkbmordred: thats the issue22:50
clarkbmordred: so you spin up a new host22:50
clarkbmordred: you have to configure this before running puppet22:50
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crinklegreghaynes: i could be mistaken but i think production nodes install puppet via the script, not that element22:50
clarkbthe suggestion is to have ansible do it22:50
clarkbbecause otherwise puppet can't run22:50
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jeblaircrinkle: correct22:50
clarkbmordred: I had the same argument with nibalizer22:51
clarkbI wanted it to just work but I am pretty sure he is correct and we need something a bit richer in ansible22:51
jeblaircrinkle, greghaynes: launch-node copies system-config/ to the new machine and runs that22:51
greghaynescrinkle: Yea, this is definitely a new thing were doing22:51
greghaynesproduction node from a dib image22:51
mordredit's right there22:51
mordredclarkb: ^^22:51
clarkbmordred: yes thats the problem22:52
jeblairgreghaynes: you may be interested in
mordredwhat is the problem? it's there. it's applied?22:52
clarkbmordred: it is in puppet but puppet depends on it22:52
crinklejeblair: do you think it would make sense to have exist somewhere in system-config?22:52
clarkbmordred: you have to lay that down before you run puppet22:52
clarkbmordred: right now its fine bceause its on the puppetmaster22:52
greghaynesjeblair: oooo22:52
clarkbmordred: so its done for every host22:52
clarkbmordred: but as soon as you move to puppet apply a new host wont have that config and puppet wont work22:52
crinklejeblair: oh now i see the project-config patch :)22:53
clarkbfor existing hosts it may work if you sequence the steps properly22:53
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mordredclarkb: k. nod. it's a static file though -so we can hack around that for a second by having launch-node wget it22:53
clarkbbut can break if not done in proper sequence22:53
mordredit's just a single static file22:53
mordredwe don't need ansible templating of creation of the file22:53
clarkbmordred: right so suggestion is have ansible write it out22:53
mordredI think I'm mostly saying why don't we do simple first22:53
zaroclarkb: so can you explain to me what the rewrite rule 'RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:8081/$1 [NE,P]' does? or what we use it for?22:53
mordredbefore we try to make it dynamic and configurable22:53
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clarkbmordred: sure we could make a middle step of do the hack22:54
zaroclarkb: why it's important22:54
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mordredif we need to have ansible copy it in - fine - let's just put that one static file in the ansible and have it copy it22:54
clarkbzaro: it is importantbecause it makes all of the stuff above it work22:54
jeblairclarkb, mordred: or we can add that to if it's only needed for bootstrapping.22:54
mordredjeblair: yah22:54
clarkbzaro: in particular /p/ for git repo serving does not happen against the java daemon22:54
clarkbjeblair: mordred it is only needed for boostrapping if we continue to manage it in puppet too22:55
clarkbzaro: so that says if all o fthose conditions above are true then proxy the request to localhost port 808122:55
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mordredinstall_puppet comes from system-config, which is also where hiera.yaml is from22:55
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clarkbzaro: so it is deciding when to proxy to gerrit and hwne not to proxy to gerrit22:55
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mordredso whatever gets install_puppet can also get hiera.yaml from the puppet repo, and then then next time puppet is run if there has been a change, then puppet will update it to the new value, no?22:56
mordredthen - as a follow up, once puppet apply is there and works nicely, we cna TOTALLY add the cool thing nibalizer wrote22:56
mordredbecause I like it22:56
clarkbmordred: yes that should work22:56
mordredit's just a lot of moving parts to be something that blocks an already long-lived and touchy migration because of the scope of the change22:56
clarkbzaro: the ^/(.*)$ matches the url path and stores it in $1 then appends $1 to the proxied server path22:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Rename networking-bagpipe-l2 to networking-bagpipe
clarkbzaro: the NE is the same as nocanon in your change and the P sas proxy22:57
jeblair openstack --os-cloud openstackci-internap volume type list22:58
jeblair| df249351-41b7-407d-9681-ec31eadb5d2e | solidfire0 |22:58
mordredjeblair: how fascinating22:58
mordredand yay! osc + occ is working for you :)22:58
jeblairmordred: yep!22:58
mordredjeblair: fwiw, you can also set OS_CLOUD= if you don't want to type that all the time22:59
jeblairmordred: well, i actually just dropped into interactive mode22:59
jeblairwhich is kinda handy22:59
mordredjeblair, clarkb: is also needed - but I think it can also be done differently23:00
zaroclarkb: what or who uses /p/ ?23:00
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mordredI just havne't followed up on it23:00
clarkbzaro: all the things23:00
clarkbzaro: gerrit puts it in clone lines iirc23:00
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zaroclarkb: so if i clone from git.o.o then i'm using /p/ ?23:02
clarkbzaro: no23:02
clarkbzaro: if you clone from for example23:03
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nibalizerhow about an ansible task that just wgets puppet.conf and hiera.yaml in ansible_puppet.yml before running puppet23:04
zaroclarkb: so i never do that.  who does that? zuul? our clone for the jenkins slaves?23:04
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet apply settings to puppet.conf
clarkbzaro: anyone can23:04
mordredclarkb, jeblair, nibalizer: ^^ ok. that's what was I thinking there23:05
nibalizerright beforee it installs or updates all the modules23:05
mordrednibalizer: (sorry, I totally hijacked your change there)23:05
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zaroclarkb: it's not exposed or documented.  so who does?23:05
tdurakovsdague, are you around?23:05
clarkbzaro: its a gerrit thing so its both documented and exposed I think23:05
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clarkbzaro: gerrit suports /p/23:05
clarkbzaro: we don't let gerrit serve that path because it eats up threads23:06
clarkbinstead we hvae apache serve it23:06
mordrednibalizer: we could do that - but I just don't think we need to to take the next step - is already a thing we run one at startup, and after that puppet alreayd manages the file23:06
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clarkbzaro: lets be clear /p/ is not the issue here23:06
clarkbzaro: the issue is openid is broken in newer gerrit23:06
clarkbzaro: we should fix that23:06
mordrednibalizer: if we copy it every time we run ansible, we're introducting ansible config file management, which means now we have two config management systems23:06
clarkbI personally cannot fix it without getting a cla signed23:06
mordrednibalizer: which might be cool - but makes things more complex than we strictly need at the moment23:07
clarkbif it would help to do that I suppose I can figured out what I need to do23:07
zaroclarkb: thanks for the explanation. yeah, i agree with you.23:07
jeblairzaro, clarkb: there were 120488 requests for /p/ yesterday.23:07
clarkbjeblair: thanks23:07
mordrednibalizer: (I like your templated thing which would potentially allow us to grok the actual hierarchy in the role))23:07
zaroi guess i need to read the gerrit docs again.23:07
nibalizermordred: im gonna eat dinner bow23:08
nibalizerpick this up later?23:08
tdurakovclarkb, hi, got 2 minutes? question about d-g, with USE_SCREEN=False in localrc what will be simplest way to restart nova-compute service?23:10
clarkbtdurakov: devstack writes out the process ids I think so you would kill that process and start a new one then update the file of pids23:11
tdurakovclarkb, ok, thank you23:12
tdurakovclarkb, could you also give some feedback for: trying to set up nfs as a shared storage23:13
mordrednibalizer: yah23:14
jeblairmordred: initial bandersnatch run on nyj01 started23:14
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mordredjeblair: woot!23:15
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pleia2anteaya: good luck with the stashing23:17
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clarkb tdurakov you can use all when running the same stuff on primary and subnodes. Also for iptables I would consider only allowing connections between the hosts23:18
clarkbtdurakov: and finally don't forget to squashroot (which may be a default )23:18
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tdurakovclarkb, acked, thanks again!23:20
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tdurakovclarkb, am i right that primary node here is a current node/localhost?23:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: enable ebtables workaround in devstack
clarkbtdurakov: it is the node where jenkins starts the test execution yes23:24
anteayapleia2: thank you23:24
tdurakovwhy it was decided to use ansible for that?23:25
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tdurakovclarkb, ^23:25
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anteayammedvede: thank you for posting that!23:25
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anteayammedvede: nicely done23:26
clarkbtdurakov: because its really easy to classify your machines and just have it work over ssh with ansible23:26
clarkbtdurakov: and ssh is the only initial communication allowed23:26
tdurakovclarkb, ok23:27
clarkbtdurakov: so rather than write an ssh for loop tool just use ansible (it also installs via pip from our mirrors into a virtualenv so does not affect the test environment itself)23:27
anteayammedvede: I had thought you were just going to post a link to the irc logs, that looks like a great patch for the puppet-log_processer docs23:27
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix broken stable-compat-jobs for oslo
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anteayammedvede: that is really nicely done23:29
mmedvedeanteaya: thanks! Would need to ask clarkb ' for permission to his words :)23:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Correct Diversity WG calendar entry The Diversity Working Group holds meetings weekly, at alternating times. The entry for the calendar was never accurate. This patch fixes the wrong times. It also now includes accurate IRC channel.
clarkbdims_: I am not sure I like that change23:30
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clarkbdims_: zuul should always checkout the change under test23:30
clarkbdims_: so not sure what wasn't working23:31
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Update to statsd 3.0
anteayammedvede: of course23:31
clarkbmmedvede: oh sure I don't claim any special ownership23:31
anteayaclarkb: well you do have copyright over everything you say23:32
anteayaunless you say it on facebook apparently23:32
* anteaya doesn't say things on facebook23:32
dims_clarkb : please take a look at gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-src-oslo.config-liberty zuul pulls from master just fine. but then ends up with stable/liberty branch (see pip freeze output for example)23:33
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clarkbdims_: if that is happening the other job is wrong23:33
clarkbdims_: and we should fix it rather than pasting over it with another job23:33
dims_clarkb : apparently this scenario is not supported per sdague23:34
dims_we had a long discussion over on #openstack-oslo23:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Added OSOps to the Monitoring and Tools WG
clarkbI think that is wrong :)23:34
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clarkbdims_: is the problem23:34
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dims_clarkb we need stable/liberty everything running with oslo.config built from master23:35
clarkbdims_: so I thought that the checkout should always fallback on master23:35
clarkbdims_: yes I know I am saying thats how it should work, the fact it doens't work that way is a bug23:35
clarkbjeblair: ^ or am I mistaken?23:35
dims_clarkb : since oslo.config has stable/liberty branch the harness picks that up over master23:36
clarkbdims_: its not supposed to23:36
dims_clarkb what can i say...logs are the evidence :)23:36
jeblairclarkb, dims_: i've been activated.  it will take me some time to understand this.  :)23:36
clarkbdims_: my understanding of the process is try stable/liberty zuul ref if does not exist try master zuul ref (this does exist and should be checked out)23:36
clarkbdims_: yes I am not refuting thats how it works23:36
clarkbdims_: what I hvae concerns with is that instead of fixing the bug we are making a different job23:37
clarkbjeblair: basically if override branch is set to stable/kilo d-g will attempt stable/kilo zuul ref and fail because its a master change, d-g doesn't then try master zuul ref which I thought it should23:37
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dims_clarkb : i want to see if it will work before changing the job that already exists so we don't break everyone23:37
clarkbthen if that fails fall back to the branch itself and if that fails fallback on master23:37
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clarkbdims_: we can test that with d-g and depends on23:38
dims_clarkb i wanted to try setting OVERRIDE_OSLOCONFIG_PROJECT_BRANCH to master23:38
clarkbdims_: no need to make an entirely new job for every oslo project23:38
dims_clarkb fair point, if you can give me a clue on what i can use to switch on that flag in the existing job-template i can definitely try that23:39
jeblairclarkb: i don't think it should try the master branch if override is set to stable/kilo -- i think that's the thing that is being overridden.23:40
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clarkbdims_: you just push a change that hard sets the flag in d-g then depend on that in oslo.config change23:40
clarkbjeblair: I thought it would always fallback to master23:40
clarkbat least I believe that is zuul-cloners behavior23:41
jeblairclarkb: it should match23:41
jeblairit's often easier to think about less in terms of "a then b then c" and more in terms of specifying what branch should be checked out -- generally we check out the branch for the change under test (master in this case) unless you specify otherwise23:42
jeblairthe branch-specific jobs specify otherwise23:42
zaroclarkb: do you happen to know where /p/ is documented?  I cannot seem to find it anywhere in the gerrit docs.  the closes i references to proxing is here:
clarkbjeblair: right and tahts fine in the case of no zuul ref but I thought always get available zuul ref was desireable?23:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Removed No longer attended OpsMeeting
jeblairclarkb: no, it's "get the proposed future state of the branch the user wants", which may or may not have any zuul refs23:43
jeblairdims_: so what do you want this job to do?23:44
zaroclarkb: i've looked in 2.8 docs as well but didn't see anything on it either.23:44
clarkbzaro: I guess its not documented by upstream then?23:47
clarkbzaro: its a valid path you can test it on your local gerrit23:47
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zaroclarkb: yeah, i know. i did test it.  but i guess i had know idea that it existed.23:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Added weekly meeting for Neutron Upgrades subteam
clarkbjeblair: ok I see in zuul-cloner that in this case fallback branch and override branch would be the same so no master ref would be attempted23:48
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zarojust wanted to learn more about it, hoping that the docs would explain.23:48
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Fail if no tests were successfully executed
clarkbdims_: so in that case I thinkyou need to be changing the existing job and not making a new one23:49
clarkbdims_: either way we don't want or need a new job I do't think23:50
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clarkbjeblair: oh wait no23:50
clarkbjeblair: it specifically has a check for zuul branch in zuul cloner23:50
clarkbjeblair: so I think my interpretation of this is what z-c does do23:50
jeblairclarkb: the unit tests are designed to ensure the behavior matches :/23:51
clarkboh wait it then replaces zuul branch with fallback branch23:51
clarkbthat code is very confusing23:51
jeblairclarkb: i "simplified" it.  :)23:51
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clarkbfwiw I think it should fallbak to master zuul ref if present23:51
clarkbor rather zuul_ref23:52
jeblairclarkb: why?  that doesn't make sense to me.23:52
clarkbjeblair: because as in this case we don't test the change23:52
jeblairclarkb: that's because we erroneously told zuul not to test the change23:52
jeblairclarkb: we overrode its default behavior incorrectly23:53
dims_jeblair : clarkb : stepping out for a bit.23:53
clarkbjeblair: I think it is a bug that you can do that23:53
clarkbzuul should always checkout the change if it exists no?23:53
clarkbif override zuul ref does not exist then checkout zuul ref23:53
jeblairclarkb: no -- because sometimes you just want it to check out the tip of some other branch.  that's how upgrade testing works at all.23:53
clarkbif that doens't exist then do branch things as is23:53
jeblairclarkb: it would be really bad to run a grenade upgrade test from master to master, which is what would happen if you could not tell it to check out stable/liberty.23:54
clarkbjeblair: wouldn't upgrade testing have a zuul ref for the earlier branch?23:54
jeblairclarkb: not if there are no changes to that branch23:54
jeblairclarkb: zuul refs only exist if there are changes ahead of the current one that affect that branch23:54
clarkbok so where it breaks is if you have change for newer branch but don't hvae change for older branch23:55
clarkbbecause then you check out change for newer branch as if it were on the "old" side23:55
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jeblairclarkb: i don't believe the checkout logic is broken -- rather, i believe this job does not correctly specify what it wants to do.  unfortunately, no one has told me what they want it to do despite my asking.23:56
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clarkbjeblair: I mean my proposal is broken in that case23:56
jeblairoh, let me reread then :)23:56
clarkbit would work in all other situations I think but that one and that one is common23:56
jeblairclarkb: right23:56
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jgriffithjeblair: mordred I propose we set up a test with that type and I can abandon my CI system altogether :)23:57
jgriffithjust kidding23:57
dims_jeblair : i have a review in oslo.config master, i want to check if i release that as a oslo.config library, will i break existing stable/liberty installation that may end up using it (since we don't have caps in g-r)23:57
clarkbmy concern with the change as proposed is that it assumes that a change to say stable/mitaka should get master checked out23:57
clarkbrathe rthan checking out stable/mitaka zuul ref for testing against stable/kilo23:57
* dims_ running to take his son to a basketball tryout :)23:58
clarkbdims_: I think you need to set that to the ZUUL_BRANCH instead23:58
jeblairdims_: the fact that you have a stable/liberty branch of oslo.config yet want to test master in the stable/liberty context is mighty confusing.  :)23:58
clarkbdims_: and collapse that into the existing job23:58
clarkbjeblair: they want to start doing backward compat again23:58
clarkbjeblair: I think to unravel the stable branch mess for libs23:58
clarkbI will leave comments iwth what I just said on the change as I think that gets us in the correct direction23:58
jeblairclarkb: what's the proposed change?23:59
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zaroclarkb: so i believe the root of the problem  behind that '//' bug is that the gerrit redirect no longer works correctly.  I plan to revert the apache config on review-dev.o.o back to original and do more testing.23:59
clarkbzaro: ok23:59

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