Tuesday, 2016-02-09

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jeblairclarkb, fungi: the voip.ms account for asterisk was set up with my individual professional identity (as i recall, they required PII in order to get a PSTN number).  since the attached address no longer works, i don't think it's appropriate for me to renew it anymore.  can one of you work on a replacement account and i will close mine?00:06
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clarkbjeblair: what we currently have is a USA DID number? so would need to sign up a new account and pay for one of those?00:12
* clarkb is reading docs to determine what is necessary00:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump up eventlet to at least 0.18.1  https://review.openstack.org/27545200:15
clarkbI can probably do that tomorrow morning, though currently distracted by home stuff and image builds00:16
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Sam-I-Amclarkb: oddly enough, something is blocking 9418 all of the sudden :/00:18
Sam-I-Amintermittently to some extent00:18
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nibalizerSam-I-Am: 29418?00:19
clarkbSam-I-Am: are you in rax-ord by chance? that was where we saw the one job fail00:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add Infra Cloud controller node  https://review.openstack.org/20969800:20
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Sam-I-Amnibalizer: isnt git 9418?00:20
clarkbSam-I-Am: it is, and gerrit is 29418 for its ssh server00:20
nibalizeroh i have no idea00:20
nibalizeri was referncing the gerrit port00:20
Sam-I-Amthis is just a stright up git clone00:21
clarkbyes thta is port 941800:21
fungiokay, back now00:21
Sam-I-Amclarkb: this host is at ibm00:21
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fungiSam-I-Am: oh, i think i remember some former ibmers talking about being unable to use certain git protocols00:30
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Sam-I-Amit worked fine for a few weeks00:31
fungijeblair: consensus is that jbryce is the only one who will know what happened around decemberish regarding that mailbox, and he's not around a computer at the moment but i'll follow up as soon as he is00:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add Infra Cloud compute node definition  https://review.openstack.org/21398000:31
anteayadims_: thank you00:31
Sam-I-Amtoday it works too.. sort of, sometimes.00:31
fungiSam-I-Am: i consider networks which work "sometimes" to really not work at all00:32
Sam-I-Amfungi: lol agree.00:32
Sam-I-Amchanging it to http so far works00:32
tonybSam-I-Am: that was a common issue there00:32
fungiSam-I-Am: also i think it was actually git over https which ibm was breaking somehow with their web proxies00:32
Sam-I-Ammight just change git_base to use http00:32
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fungiat least back in the timeframe when sdague and mtreinish were still working there00:33
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anteayaI share fungi's definition of minimum expectation of networks00:34
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tonyblifeless: I don't want to be a pain but can you look at my comment on https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-fixtures/+bug/1542984  If I *have* to patch 30+ projects I'd like to get started.00:35
openstackLaunchpad bug 1542984 in Python Fixtures "fixtures 1.2.0 isn't compatible with testtools 2.0.0" [Undecided,New]00:35
mtreinishfungi: ??00:36
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mtreinishoh, ibm networking. Yeah, they break stuff all the time00:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Experimental jobs for testing against oslo.* from master - Take #2  https://review.openstack.org/27708600:39
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anteayamtreinish tonyb how was lca?00:41
tonybanteaya: I didn't go :(00:42
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anteayaoh yeah, you told me and I forgot00:42
anteayasigh I can't remember anything any more00:42
Sam-I-Amclarkb: i found out you might be able to see this ip in your logs00:42
tonybanteaya: sign of a busy mind.00:42
anteayaor something00:42
anteayasign of something00:43
fungiSam-I-Am: we have logs. which source address?00:43
ianwmordred: what's happening with a glean release?  didn't we do one?00:43
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fungiSam-I-Am: checking now00:44
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fungiSam-I-Am: haproxy logs (for at least the last ~20 hours) on git.openstack.org show no connections whatsoever from that client00:47
fungiSam-I-Am: is it possible you're coming from an ipv6 address?00:48
Sam-I-Amweiiird. what about as http?00:48
fungiSam-I-Am: otherwise, chances are it's coming from a proxy00:48
Sam-I-Amthere's no public v6 on this box00:48
fungiSam-I-Am: i checked all protocols. nothing from that ip address (git, http or https)00:48
Sam-I-Amok, back to the drawing board. was told the ip should see the world without anything funky in-between, but i guess thats not the case.00:49
Sam-I-Ammy http attempt just died too00:49
Sam-I-Amjust in a different way00:49
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fungiSam-I-Am: i was about to suggest pinging git.o.o so i could spot your address, but... lots of unsolicited continuous pings to that server00:51
Sam-I-Amfungi: i can send you a certain size ping or something00:52
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fungiSam-I-Am: tried going to one of those sites like whatsmyipaddress.net?00:53
Sam-I-Ami wonder if that works via curl00:53
mgagnecurl slee.ca00:53
mgagneshows your IP00:53
mgagnecurl compatible00:53
fungithat's a short one--maybe i'll remember it00:53
Sam-I-Ammgagne: cool that was nice00:53
mgagneold employee website, used for debug =)00:53
fungibut yeah, in theory if your web access is being proxied then that's the address of the proxy00:54
fungiSam-I-Am: and indeed, that address has been hitting git.o.o pretty continuously (https that i'm seeing at first glance) so probably a heavily used proxy and not just your traffic00:55
Sam-I-Amfungi: awesome :/00:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Only install mock on Python < 3.3  https://review.openstack.org/26894500:56
fungiSam-I-Am: slightly deeper analysis says that source ip address has initiated tons of https and also some http to git.o.o00:57
fungiSam-I-Am: though no git protocol00:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Collapse groups into one group  https://review.openstack.org/27760900:57
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fungii.e. no 9418/tcp00:57
Sam-I-Amfungi: i wonder if its proxying http/https .. 9418 was going direct until someone turned it off.00:57
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-statusbot: Allow statusbot to take an array of auth nicks  https://review.openstack.org/27425201:00
nibalizercrinkle: ok it is time01:00
nibalizerwell it has to apply to puppetmaster first01:00
nibalizerso more waiting01:00
fungiSam-I-Am: entirely likely01:00
Sam-I-Amfungi: thx for the help. time to dig in a little further... and hope changing to http/https works.01:01
Sam-I-Amit got further this time, then died in another mysterious way01:01
crinklenibalizer: eep01:01
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nibalizercrinkle: controller or compute first?01:03
crinklenibalizer: controller first01:03
nibalizercompute seems like we'd have some ... leeway if it goes sideways01:03
nibalizerlike we can oops on a compute and we still have a bunch of computes01:03
crinklenibalizer: i guess it doesn't really matter for this since everything is already set up, but in general controller would have to go first01:04
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clarkbfungi: Sam-I-Am connections could be dying between source and proxy too01:05
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clarkbfungi: I didn't see any errors in the grafana graphs so don't expect that proxy -> git.o.o is having lots of trouble01:05
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clarkbgreghaynes: http://paste.openstack.org/show/486350/ that upload failed due to an timeout, but database wasn't cleaned up. I used the image-upload command so possible that we don't handle that properly there? I have to go to dinner soon but can dig into that later01:08
fungijeblair: jbryce says he cleaned up accounts that had no logins in months, but it sounds like if you had it set up as a forward he might have missed that01:08
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clarkbgreghaynes: that particular image still shows up as building in the db01:09
Sam-I-Amfungi: interesting that you dont see any git protocol... even over the last week?01:09
fungiSam-I-Am: was just looking at the current log, so last ~20 hours. i can grep rotated logs01:09
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Sam-I-Amthis seems to have started today sometime01:09
nibalizercrinkle: still waiting for the change to have effect on puppetmaster.o.o01:10
crinklenibalizer: ok01:11
fungiSam-I-Am: no connections of any sort directly from to git.openstack.org in all of february from what i can tell. should i look back further?01:12
Sam-I-Amfungi: what about from that 32.x ip?01:12
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fungiSam-I-Am: tons from but only http and https, so i'm guessing that's a shared web proxy01:14
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Sam-I-Ambleh. being told there's no proxy, just nat. however you're revealing something different.01:16
nibalizercrinkle: ok we are in business01:17
fungiSam-I-Am: dunno, former ibmers told me fun stories about web proxies breaking git over https, but maybe the network's been redone in the past couple years01:17
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nibalizercrinkle: several compute hosts are unreachable: http://paste.openstack.org/show/486351/01:17
nibalizerknown issue?01:18
crinklenibalizer: possibly01:18
crinklenibalizer: depends on if those hosts match these uuids https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/infra-cloud-inventory-status01:19
Sam-I-Amfungi: are there any other non-http/https/git ports on g.o.o  that i can poke at?01:19
clarkbSam-I-Am: ssh01:20
clarkbbut otherwise those are the only services exposed01:20
Sam-I-Amclarkb: interesting. i cant see ssh either.01:20
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fungiSam-I-Am: ssh (22/tcp) and snmp (161/udp) should be reachable01:20
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Sam-I-Amfungi: yep, 22 just hangs on syn01:21
nibalizercrinkle: okay I have deemed compute021 to be our guinea pig01:21
fungino, wait, snmp is filtered to only be allowed from our cacti host i think01:21
fungilooking at iptables01:21
fungiicmp ping should be working though for a non-tcp example01:22
Sam-I-Amfungi: i can get to 22 from a non-lab box01:22
Sam-I-Amalso noticed that i cant ssh anywhere from my lab box01:22
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Sam-I-Amwell, anywhere on the internets01:22
crinklenibalizer: okay01:23
Sam-I-Amfungi: i have this feeling the proxy works, but whatever runs nat broke.01:25
Sam-I-Amwhich explains http/https01:25
nibalizercrinkle: huh01:26
fungiSam-I-Am: plausible01:26
nibalizercrinkle: it caused compute021 to submit a cert request01:26
Sam-I-Ami can ping g.o.o though01:26
crinklenibalizer: huh01:26
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: Initialize the logger  https://review.openstack.org/27765401:27
crinklenibalizer: is it using https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234535 ? that was written back when we were still using puppetmaster01:27
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nibalizeri think the issue is we're not sourceing the groupvars01:28
nibalizerso it is falling back to default which is puppetmaster01:28
crinklenibalizer: so you can fix?01:29
nibalizeri think so01:29
nibalizeri mean i have an educated guess01:29
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nibalizercrinkle: okay i have more ducks in rows01:31
nibalizertrying again01:31
clarkbquack quack01:31
nibalizertail -f /var/log/syslog on compute021 is probably the best way to keep up01:31
nibalizeror i can screen on the puppetmaster if any rooters wnat to join01:31
nibalizercrinkle: okay new error is it is cowardly refusing to wipe out the current hiera dircetory structure01:33
ianwclarkb: another yak shaving adventure.  seems that /var/run isn't symlinked to /run on the f23 images.  this puts the system in that awesome state of "mostly working"01:33
nibalizerthe stuff on compute 021 differes in unimportant ways from whats expected01:33
nibalizerso im just blowing it away and then it should work01:33
nibalizertrying again01:33
nibalizerits copying over the puppet modules01:34
ianwnibalizer: if you get a chance; quick fix to the nodepool log cleanup; pretty straight-forward : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277099/01:34
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crinklenibalizer: syslog is not telling me about these things so thank you for the live updates01:34
nibalizeroshi its running puppet01:34
crinkleoh now it's gotten to puppet so it's telling me01:34
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nibalizerokay so its done01:35
nibalizerit failed to submit to puppetdb but thats not that big a deal really01:35
nibalizercan you validate if compute021 is still a happy compute host01:36
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crinklenibalizer: seems ok01:37
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nibalizerwoot ok01:41
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nibalizerso our next step is to try the controller?01:42
crinklenibalizer: i think so01:42
nibalizercan you take a backup of the hiera data01:43
nibalizerbefore i blow it away01:43
crinklenibalizer: have you changed the hiera data? i already have a local source01:43
crinklenibalizer: also what are we doing about SSL01:44
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nibalizerwe're gonna go with the SSL we have, and if we want to redo it we can redo it01:44
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nibalizerok removing local hieradata on controller 0001:46
nibalizerrunning ansible01:47
nibalizercopying puppet modules01:48
nibalizerits running puppet01:49
nibalizerseems to still bee a cloud!01:50
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nibalizerbooting a node to test it01:51
nibalizernode is up and sshing and stuff01:53
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nibalizerok so I think our next step is to do the manual configuration on every compute host (I can ansible this I think)01:55
nibalizerand at that point we can un-disable the infracloud group01:55
crinklenibalizer: awesome01:55
nibalizeroh maybe we should try the baremetal host too?01:55
crinklenibalizer: i think that part is too much in flux to add it right now01:56
nibalizerok so we would just laeve that disabled?01:56
crinklenibalizer: i think so01:56
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add infracloud playbook  https://review.openstack.org/23453502:02
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nibalizercrinkle: ^^02:02
nibalizerbasically your patch updated + the changes we needed in ansible groups02:02
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add infracloud playbook  https://review.openstack.org/23453502:03
crinklenibalizer: cool ty02:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump PyECLib version to 1.0.8  https://review.openstack.org/27518102:07
mgagnewhich method do you use to delete branches in Gerrit? REST? CLI? git?02:07
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add --version option to disk-image-create  https://review.openstack.org/27765802:07
nibalizeri just gui02:08
nibalizerI don't have to do it often02:08
mgagnenibalizer do you have to add yourself to Project Bootstrappers group?02:08
nibalizermgagne: I don't remember02:09
nibalizercrinkle: clarkb thoughts on that script ^?02:09
crinklenibalizer: does ansible not have --no-really-overwrite-this-directory option?02:12
nibalizerit has force but that seems to only apply to symlinks02:13
crinklenibalizer: script seems good to me based on that doc02:14
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nibalizerok i am going to run it02:15
nibalizerthen thats probably it for tonight02:15
nibalizertomorrow we can land 234535 and all the follow on stuff02:16
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crinklesounds good02:16
nibalizergood job making cloud go02:17
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EmilienMmordred: nothing urgent, but when you have time https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/163402:20
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove double slash for individual links  https://review.openstack.org/27655802:26
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove double slash for individual links  https://review.openstack.org/27655802:29
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nibalizerso for anyone reading this tomorrow, the current status is that we've done all the testing and code landing to validate that infracloud can be run from the puppetmaster02:30
jeblairclarkb: yes, usa did -- and we selected voip.ms because of ease of getting international dids if we wanted02:30
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nibalizerall we need to do now is land 234535 which will flip the switch and start the management :)02:30
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EmilienMnibalizer, crinkle: is it expected to install Kilo ? https://github.com/openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud/blob/master/manifests/controller.pp#L5302:36
crinkleEmilienM: yes, until https://review.openstack.org/#/c/267817/ is done02:37
EmilienMthe puppet code is really clean, nice work crinkle02:37
crinklehaha ty EmilienM02:37
EmilienMno logging at all, you could almost use full hiera :)02:37
EmilienMno logic*02:37
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EmilienMcrinkle: where is the code that'll run ansible that runs puppet? I'm working on that too for our integration jobs, so we can do multi node (paul started the work last year)02:39
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nibalizerEmilienM: the entry point is a script called run_all.sh in system-config02:40
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mgagnewow, is there only the Jenkins FTP publisher that strips the source path? :-/02:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Don't write k5start banner to file list  https://review.openstack.org/27759102:51
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lifelesstonyb: looking02:54
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lifelesstonyb: replied02:58
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tonyblifeless: Thanks.02:59
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cody-somervilleIs there any reason we don't use containers for devstack yet? e.g. Does isci linux stuff still not happy with namespaces?03:15
mgagneI'm really not an expert or don't pretend to have the right answer but from what I can remember about it (it was maybe ~2 years ago?), it was a matter of lack of expertise in the support team. and maybe iscsi03:17
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mgagnebut I'm not really the one that should answer that question =)03:18
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tonybcody-somerville: openstack-ansible uses containers for *most* of it services.  So it can be done. and that's about all I know about the subject.03:21
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fungijeblair: jbryce says he cleaned up accounts that had no logins in months, but it sounds like if you had it set up as a forward he might have missed that03:25
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fungiany recollection if that might have been the case?03:25
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fungii'm assuming that means there's no objection to readding your forward, but i can find out if you want03:27
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use deps in testenv:py34 if specified  https://review.openstack.org/27767603:42
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use deps in testenv:py34 if specified  https://review.openstack.org/27767603:46
openstackgerritTony Breeds proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/24611403:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Octavia requires fixes in taskflow 1.26.0 to function  https://review.openstack.org/27654903:56
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Add gitignore files  https://review.openstack.org/27767904:04
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greghaynesclarkb: jeblair Left a comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273703/9 with what is going on for that test fail - somehow gear client is getting in to a state where calling submitJob blocks forever (traceback included)04:09
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greghaynesit looks like it is blocking on getting a submit completed, and this is right after it has disconnected04:10
greghaynesso my guess is there is a narrow window where a disconnect can happen and gear client does not ever get a work completed nor realize that it was disconnected04:11
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ianwmrodden: thanks!  looking forward to getting these ones out of my queue04:17
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mroddenianw: i'm ok if you want to +W those in, i'm just concerned about the last two since devstack does not currently pass those04:36
mroddenah nvm just saw your comment04:38
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ianwmrodden: yeah, i will cycle back to that and fixup devstack side04:42
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openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use SSL for rabbitmq  https://review.openstack.org/27760504:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump paramiko from 1.13.0 to 1.16.0  https://review.openstack.org/26819704:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-diskimage_builder: Add a use_git flag  https://review.openstack.org/27383204:52
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openstackgerritHidekazu Nakamura proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Update Accessing Gerrit over HTTPS section  https://review.openstack.org/25828605:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add os-testr to projects.txt  https://review.openstack.org/27331205:37
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/27770206:23
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openstackgerritFredrik Medley proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Improve job dependencies using graph instead of tree  https://review.openstack.org/23112406:30
cody-somervillethat (not so) hilarious moment when you realize you've just spent 30 minutes trying to debug why an image won't boot when you realize you accidentally downloaded the arm64 instead of amd64 image.06:33
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bkerocody-somerville: just run it through qemu-arm64-static, it'll be fine06:47
cody-somervillethat would work if I had configured the image with that arch, aye.06:48
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/requirements: Add neutron-lib to projects.txt  https://review.openstack.org/27391306:50
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AJaegerjust got "Download error on http://pypi.dfw.openstack.org/simple/pbr/: [Errno 113] No route to host -- Some packages may not be found!"07:13
AJaegerthis is on the proposal slave07:13
AJaegerjeblair, mordred, krotscheck ^ This happened with many of our periodic translation jobs this morning07:15
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AJaegerpabelanger: https://github.com/openstack/ansible-role-jenkins is still empty - please check later today whether it's still the case and if yes, ask for help to fill it. Same problem with your other repo.07:30
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add unit test for api.update_run  https://review.openstack.org/27771707:33
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AJaegermrodden: thansk for the release of bashate!07:55
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vsaienkoplease review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276200/08:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: run Puppet OpenStack integration jobs on puppet-ceph  https://review.openstack.org/27759808:04
AJaegervsaienko: it helps a lot if you give some context - your change is for requirements and infra folks do not review that08:04
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add unit test for api.update_run  https://review.openstack.org/27771708:05
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vsaienkoAJaeger, i thought that global requirements is managed by infra folks.08:13
AJaegervsaienko: infra is only fallback, there's a separate core team, check the access list on review.openstack.org for it08:15
vsaienkoAJaeger, ok thank you understood08:16
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deepakcsAJaeger: ping08:34
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openstackgerritMasayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add unit test for api.update_run  https://review.openstack.org/27771708:39
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make TripleO puppet check jobs voting  https://review.openstack.org/27016509:17
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AJaegerdeepakcs: https://blogs.gnome.org/markmc/2014/02/20/naked-pings/09:45
deepakcsAJaeger: sorry :) quick q on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273326/09:45
deepakcsAJaeger: is there a way to know which patches were part of the data set using which sdague created that graph (which shows that new plugin is failing more often than old one) ?09:46
AJaegerdeepakcs: shoot - but best wait two hours and discuss with sdague09:46
deepakcsAJaeger: sure, i thought u might know hence wanted to cashin :)09:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Don't require 'commit' attribute in merge event  https://review.openstack.org/27212309:46
AJaegerdeepakcs: look at the URL of the graph ;)09:47
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AJaegeropen it in the browser09:47
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AJaegerdeepakcs: the graph just shows those jobs that were run during that time, so it's the same patches for both09:48
deepakcsAJaeger: yeah, i wanted to get into those patches' CI logs for these jobs to figure why one is failing more than the other09:48
AJaegerI guess you need to look at logstash to see which jobs were run during this time. Sorry, can't help with these further09:49
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deepakcsAJaeger: np, thanks for ur time.09:50
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vponomaryovLooking for help of core team in merging two simple commits that add CI jobs for new Manila project drivers that should be tested in CI before FF: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275823/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277446/10:17
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openstackgerritAlexander Charykov proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: Add limit for bulk_query request  https://review.openstack.org/27777310:33
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openstackgerritAlexander Charykov proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: Add limit for bulk_query request  https://review.openstack.org/27777310:34
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-lodgeit: fix puppet-lodgeit to support latest mysql  https://review.openstack.org/27524410:41
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make TripleO puppet check jobs voting  https://review.openstack.org/27016510:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add ZFSonLinux experimental Tempest job for Manila  https://review.openstack.org/27744611:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add LXD experimental Tempest job for Manila  https://review.openstack.org/27582311:02
openstackgerritAlexander Charykov proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: Add limit for bulk_query request  https://review.openstack.org/27777311:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Fix periodic log cleanup  https://review.openstack.org/27709911:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Support stable requirements  https://review.openstack.org/27755011:11
openstackgerritMasahito Muroi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enables Congress to launch with dist_arch flag as True  https://review.openstack.org/27778711:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove tooz testing of etcd/consul on liberty or kilo  https://review.openstack.org/27752611:16
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openstackgerritAlexey Ovchinnikov proposed openstack/requirements: Add pylxd library  https://review.openstack.org/27778911:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch non-infra Ansible roles to using 'linters' tox target  https://review.openstack.org/27747911:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Rewrite use of ::mysql::server in zanata::mysql  https://review.openstack.org/27333911:34
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openstackgerritSam Betts proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a tinyIPA non-voting test to Ironic  https://review.openstack.org/26968411:38
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BobBallmordred / fungi: To stop caching images not used in the gate, I suggest that http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/devstack/tree/tools/image_list.sh#n16 should take a configurable list of drivers and https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/nodepool/elements/cache-devstack/extra-data.d/55-cache-devstack-repos#L118 pass just the drivers that are tested in the gate (ironic12:01
BobBall libvirt dummy) - thoughts?12:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Add pass through for swift_account_temp_key  https://review.openstack.org/27690212:14
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dims_AJaeger : trading reviews :) here's a small thing i needed to get keystone with oslo master to work - https://review.openstack.org/27767612:22
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openstackgerritAlexey Ovchinnikov proposed openstack/requirements: Add pylxd library  https://review.openstack.org/27778912:36
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dims_sdague : if you get a chance, please peek at a couple of quick reviews to get py27/34 running against oslo-master working properly - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277421/ https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277676/13:00
sdaguedims_: I don't really understand why for - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277676/213:02
sdaguelike what is failing that we need to change for that13:02
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dims_sdague : one sec13:03
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dims_sdague : keystone's tox.ini has a "[testenv:py34]" section which adds nose to the deps. if i don't do this, the new section "[testenv:py34-oslo-master]" dynamically generated by run-tox-with-oslo-master.sh fails as nose is not available13:06
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dims_sdague : as [testenv:py34]/commands uses nosetests to run the py34 tests13:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Drop branch selection on oslo-master periodic job  https://review.openstack.org/27742113:11
sdaguewhy does keystone add nose to it's deps?13:12
sdaguehonestly, that should be fixed, right?13:13
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sdagueI really don't like the layers of work arounds13:16
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deepakcssdague: Hi, regards to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273326/13:25
deepakcssdague: I am wondering how to figure why the rate for plugin job is higher, it configures ceph the same way as hook job and for the same projects as the hook job13:26
deepakcssdague: is there a way to know which patches were part of the data set using which you created that graph (which shows that new plugin is failing more often than old one) ?13:26
sdaguedeepakcs: it's just all the upstream test results13:26
sdagueyou need to go look at the fails and figure out why13:26
deepakcssdague: ok, in the past i had done some random picking on patches and most of the time i either saw both jobs pass or fail, rarely saw 1 pass, 1 fail, but ur data provides a diff perspective13:27
deepakcssdague: so i guess the only way is to start looking at individual patches where old job passed but new failed and figure out / debug from there ?13:28
deepakcssdague: ok, thanks13:28
sdaguethat's the responsibility for a new job, to understand every failure and why it's ok that people will be hit by it13:28
deepakcssdague: the data set usign which you created that graph, is it possible to dump the associated patch IDs too ?13:29
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deepakcssdague: i mean dump them in the graph, so that its makes the job a bit easier13:30
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sdaguedeepakcs: no, that's just graphite13:32
deepakcssdague: ok, thanks again, good day13:32
mordredsdague: keystone adds nodes to its deps?13:34
sdaguemordred: for python 3 testing13:34
mordredsdague: tat makes no sense13:34
sdagueblame fungi, it was his patch :)13:34
mordredfungi: I blame you13:35
sdagueat the time, it was kind of the only sane approach, given the initial test had an exclude and testr doesn't do that13:36
sdaguebut we've got an ostestr blacklist facility now13:36
mordredah - ok13:36
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Adjust API Endpoints for Task Links  https://review.openstack.org/27783113:36
sdaguewhich should be done here instead of this I think13:37
sdaguebut yes, we're explicitly running nose on all keystone jobs right now13:37
sdaguesorry, all keystone patches13:37
sdaguein the 34 job13:37
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Set gate-grenade-dsvm-multinode to non-voting"  https://review.openstack.org/27783313:41
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sdague^^^ we should get that voting again now that the provider regressions were addressed13:42
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AJaegersdague: could you enhance the commit message, please? ^13:43
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sdagueAJaeger: it's in the comments13:44
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dims_sdague : they need deps at least for the ldap stuff - http://paste.openstack.org/show/486420/13:45
dims_sdague : i can work with them to switch to os-testr etc and try other possibilities. but right now i am trying get rid of my travis setup13:46
sdaguedims_: ldap is 2.7 only13:47
dims_sdague : yes13:47
sdagueoh, I get what you are saying13:47
dims_yes, we have been talking about ldap support for py3413:47
sdagueso, honestly, it seems kind of pointless to bother with keystone py34 at all until there is an ldap story13:48
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dims_sdague : i know, but a change in oslo master if it ends up breaking keystone 34 unit tests will be a problem13:48
dims_since it's voting13:48
sdagueright, but what are the odds of that?13:49
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dims_sdague : we broke heat py34 last weekend :)13:49
sdagueyou can't be breaking any keystone tests, because you ran them on py2713:49
sdaguedims_: how?13:49
sdagueand you are running py34 with a lot of projects, so you have some general coverage13:49
dims_sdague : i have 2 periodic jobs, one for py27 and one for py3413:49
sdaguedims_: sure13:50
sdagueanyway, I don't think it's worth the work around layer personally13:50
dims_one sec let me show you the example from oslo.db and heat13:50
sdagueif the keystone team wants protection, they should get their python 34 job aligned with their 27 one13:50
dims_sdague : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277328/13:50
dims_sdague : yes, i'll work with bknudson_ and stevemar on that :)13:51
sdaguedims_: and that *only* broke on 34?13:52
dims_sdague : given the time of the schedule right now, it may be a bit hard to do it right away13:52
sdaguehow did it pass on 2713:52
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pabelangerAJaeger: Ya, I noticed that too. git.openstack.org is fine, so I think it was a replicate issue. Thanks for the heads up13:55
AJaegerpabelanger: is it up now?13:55
AJaegerI mean synced...13:56
pabelangerAJaeger: yolanda: do you mind adding me to https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1280,members https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1281,members https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1282,members and https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1283,members ?13:56
yolandahi pabelanger13:56
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dims_sdague : here's how - http://paste.openstack.org/show/486424/13:57
pabelangeryolanda: danke13:58
dims_sdague : py2.7 base exception has a "message" and py34 does not13:58
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sdaguedims_: yeh, I see. The heat code shouldn't have been in the 34 run, it wasn't valid 34 code13:58
sdagueand oslo was masking it13:58
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sdagueanyway, I think it's a bad work around.13:59
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openstackgerritAnton Arefiev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add auto-discovery test job to ironic-inspector  https://review.openstack.org/27784314:02
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mordredAJaeger: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277114 is ready I believe14:07
AJaegermordred: what was going on with the proposal slaves this morning? Did you see my comment in the backscroll?14:07
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mordredso - I'm not 100% what's going on with the transition there - but the pypi mirrors are the old ones14:09
mordredit looks like the proposal slave is still using the old mirrors14:09
AJaegerinteresting that only a part of the jobs failed...14:09
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mordredAJaeger: hrm. I see no pip config pointing at mirrors on the proposal slave14:10
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AJaegermordred: example log https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/designate-dashboard-propose-translation-update/141/console14:12
EmilienMpabelanger: when you have time this week, I might need your help at getting logs when running multi node jobs14:13
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dimssdague : my connection dropped. so repeating last few lines...heat was doing the right thing because oslo.db exception class had a "message" field in it. when we yanked it out heat py34 unit tests broke. so the fault was on oslo.db side too not just heat14:14
pabelangerEmilienM: sure. Have you looked into devstack multinode yet?14:15
EmilienMpabelanger: a little but i'll look more and ask you questions if I have14:15
pabelangerEmilienM: sure14:16
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sdaguedims: right, because the heat code wan't py3414:16
sdagueand oslo was masking it14:16
sdagueanyway, I think it's a bad work around.14:17
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EmilienMmordred: I'm going to push more in ansible/puppet like I did last night, is it ok if I ping your nick on github for the PRs ?14:18
EmilienMI see lot of missing features14:18
dimssdague : in the end we had a review in heat to cleanup and oslo.db has log/warnings to not use message. so it's all good :)14:18
dimssdague : these tests still help is my point :)14:18
sdaguedims: I'm not saying they don't help, I'm saying that keystone can be skipped until they get a system together to work here with normal flow14:19
sdagueand put it back on them14:19
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openstackgerritGeorge Shuklin proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add DIB_APT_SOURCES_INLINE to apt-sources element.  https://review.openstack.org/27785014:20
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dimssdague : understood14:21
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dimsAJaeger : please remind me as my memory slips, what time do the images get built?14:25
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AJaegerdims: start time is 14 or 15:00 UTC - so right now....14:26
dimsAJaeger : ah cool thanks14:26
AJaegerdims: check log files at http://nodepool.openstack.org/14:26
dimsthanks AJaeger14:27
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Allow create/update projects with description into Gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/11000914:27
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mordredEmilienM: yes please14:30
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mordredEmilienM: I'm glad the module is useful to you!14:31
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EmilienMmordred: our puppet CI will use it for multi node testing14:32
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openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove failed job from running list  https://review.openstack.org/27785414:34
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mordredEmilienM: woot14:35
mordredEmilienM: did you see the craziness we're doing with ansible/puppet and copying hiera files around for infra? :)14:35
EmilienMI need to convince crinkle to use Hiera in our CI14:36
mordredno, you had it right the first time - convince14:37
EmilienMshe's right by saying it adds more complexity for our use case14:37
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EmilienMbut by doing multi node deployment, I see a lot of interest of using Hiera14:37
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mordredthat reminds me - I need to sync up with nibalizer on why he doesn't want to use automatic parameter lookup14:38
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yolandahi mordred, i remember seeing some comments from crinkle in that review, complaining about bad performance of automatic parameter lookup14:39
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mordredoh - good - my favorite14:40
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for test_rebuild_instance_with_volume bug 1543607  https://review.openstack.org/27785914:40
openstackbug 1543607 in tempest "test_rebuild_instance_with_volume fails on shared storage backends" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1543607 - Assigned to Davanum Srinivas (DIMS) (dims-v)14:40
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fungisdague: mordred: to be fair, all i did in https://review.openstack.org/118778 was copy the py33 section in that tox.ini and edit it to be py34. it's not so obvious now because since then the py33 section was removed ;)14:44
mordredfungi: I blame you anyway14:44
mordredfungi: also, good morning14:44
fungii accept your blame14:44
mordredfungi: also, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277114 is ready!14:44
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mordredall hail the new AFS-based per-region APT mirrors14:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gerritlib: Bump pbr and hacking version  https://review.openstack.org/19956814:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gerritlib: Stop specifying requirements.txt in tox.ini  https://review.openstack.org/21134714:44
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fungimordred: out of curiosity, why dd instead of cat with the heredocs?14:48
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fungialso some nodepool images have already started building, so even if we approve it right away we're guaranteed to have some nodes built without it until image updates kick off again tomorrow14:51
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dimsmordred : fungi : LOL14:53
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sdaguefungi: shell redirection, right?14:55
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add element to bring up bridge on infra cloud  https://review.openstack.org/27629214:57
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fungisdague: i'm not following14:58
fungithere is shell redirection, but you can redirect cat in a shell14:59
sdagueright, but the redirect happens outside the sudo14:59
sdaguesudo cat foo << > blah14:59
sdagueblah is written as normal user14:59
fungioh! yes i totally missed the sudo15:00
sdagueyou'd have to nest another shell15:00
fungiso this avoids doing a nested... right15:00
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sdaguesudo bash -c is just ugly as sin, so I approve of this dd use15:01
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fungiyep, completely agree15:01
sdaguefyi - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/271434/ - we played around with various PS4 values for devstack and landed on something, that proposes it for devstack gate15:02
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fungiClint: the reason for not signing the mirrors (yet) is added complexity of key management for them given they're only being used on untrusted/disposable systems for now (and it discourages other people from trying to use the mirrors in our ci)15:02
* Clint nods.15:02
sdagueI'm overall mixed on the fact that these make things more ugly, however, they do make it a ton easier to figure out where things went wrong15:02
sdaguehttp://logs.openstack.org/34/271434/2/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-full/97c1bb9/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz - to see what it looks like in devstack15:03
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fungii'm slightly conflicted on the lack of signing, mostly because these machines are also building the sdist tarballs and wheels which we eventually upload to pypi15:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for test_rebuild_instance_with_volume bug 1543607  https://review.openstack.org/27785915:03
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openstackbug 1543607 in tempest "test_rebuild_instance_with_volume fails on shared storage backends" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1543607 - Assigned to Davanum Srinivas (DIMS) (dims-v)15:03
mordredfungi: yah - I think we should solve signing next15:04
mordredfungi: it's not THAT hard - we do have the ability to manage secrets and stuff15:04
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mordredfungi: I was thinking that we could make a keyring for signing to put into hiera, and then infra-root individuals could fetch it via ssh, sign it and add the signature to the key - since we already have a de-facto trust relationship with infra root humans via ssh to the boxes15:05
fungisdague: 271434 lgtm15:06
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fungii actually like that output, after browsing some of the logs from it15:06
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fungimordred: agreed, that's basically what i was thinking with the first few steps at http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/artifact-signing.html#work-items15:08
fungiexpiration was a straw man, to provoke further discussion of key rotation process15:08
fungii'm not particularly vested in doing it every release cycle, it just was a convenient option15:09
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aovchinnikovHi everyone. Could you please have a quick look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277789? It is a change to requirments and now it is blocking a crucial change in manila which came up a bit late before feature freeze.15:10
mordredfungi: nod. so I guess the addition here would be to also add the key to mirror_update.openstack.org so that it could sign the repos15:11
mordredfungi: and that we'd want to make sure to add the key sigs to apt-key on our build slaves when we create them15:11
fungimordred: i suspect we want more than one key, so that we don't dilute the security of one key by exposing it to more than one worker15:14
jeblairmordred: should i +3 the configure mirror patch?15:14
fungior at least a different key for signing the package mirrors than for signing tarballs/wheels15:14
sdaguehttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/277833/ - why did that not get tests run on it?15:15
fungisdague: usual explanation is a circular dependency somewhere. is something depending on that change as far as you're aware?15:15
fungii'll check zuul logs15:15
sdaguefungi: not as far as I know15:16
sdagueI just hit revert button in gerrit15:16
sdagueso changeid should be new15:16
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fungioh. i wonder whether that's a new event type in 2.1115:16
jeblairmtreinish: hi, can we have a conversation about "the direction i want to force on users" ?15:16
sdaguefungi: maybe?15:16
sdagueit just seemed odd to em15:17
sdagueI can recheck if needed, but figured it was worth asking15:17
mtreinishjeblair: ?15:17
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funginope, not a new event type. zuul saw a patchset-created for it and should enqueue. still reading logs15:17
jeblairmtreinish: cause i think i proposed a pretty complete solution in https://review.openstack.org/276318 that requires very little work on your part and "direction you force on users" seems to have a bit of tone to it.15:17
mordredjeblair: yes!15:18
jeblairmordred: done15:18
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fungizuul enqueued 277833,1 into check at 13:43:16 according to its logs15:19
mtreinishjeblair: there wasn't any tone implied in it, maybe just not thinking clearly because of the jet lag. I was not ever -1 on that patch15:19
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mtreinishI just think changing the status quo makes things worse in the short term even if we have a proposed way out15:20
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP Task Links  https://review.openstack.org/27788215:20
jeblairmtreinish: okay, then let's decide on a way out quickly, because we're about to dig ourselves into a hole that's only going to get harder to get out of later if everyone and their mother wants their own zuul pipeline :)15:21
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jeblairmtreinish: so it sounds like investing in the pipeline+project solution isn't a good idea because you immediately see the need for overlapping areas of interest15:22
sdaguemtreinish: where should one file UX bugs/rfe for openstack health?15:23
jeblairmtreinish: does the 'zuul build tag' solution work?  should we attach tags to jobs, projects, or both?15:23
mtreinishsdague: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-health15:23
mtreinishjeblair: yeah build tags should work fine15:23
mtreinishas long as it ends up in the metadata the gearman log client gets that'll end up as a selectable in the ui15:23
mtreinishit'd probably attach to jobs I think15:24
jeblairmtreinish: yeah, any parameters we pass from zuul to jenkins are accessible by that, so no prob.15:24
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jeblairmtreinish: okay, i'll put them there first; if we want to also attach to projects later, shouldn't be a huge change.15:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Update configure_mirror to use per-region APT mirrors  https://review.openstack.org/27711415:25
mordredjeblair: so, now we need to kick new images I think yeah?15:25
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP Task Links  https://review.openstack.org/27788215:26
jeblairmordred: yeah, though builds are already in progress :(15:26
jeblairor should be at least15:26
jeblairdepending on whether things are still broken15:26
fungisdague: for some reason zuul ended up raising an exception when trying to report that change's results in gerrit http://paste.openstack.org/show/486448/15:26
sdaguemtreinish: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-health/+bug/154363515:27
openstackLaunchpad bug 1543635 in OpenStack Health "In efficient project list on main page" [Undecided,New]15:27
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mtreinishsdague: that's a good idea15:30
mordredjeblair: well, I suppose we cna also just wait until new images tomorrow15:30
jeblairfungi: that should only happen if some jobs weren't launched..15:30
mordredjeblair: I have released the locks, btw, so cron should be doing its thing15:30
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mordredjeblair, fungi: have we done any announcements about new mirrors?15:32
fungimordred: not to my knowledge15:33
mordredk. I've got a first draft - I'll etherpad it up in a sec15:33
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AJaegerit's worth a #success as well ;)15:34
fungijeblair: at 13:43:43 in the log i see it submitting a merger:merge job into gearman for that change and then the very next log lines are reporting that change, no jobs for that change, removing it from the pipeline15:34
AJaegerjeblair: thanks for following up on the pipelines. Ok to +A these now?15:34
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jeblairAJaeger: i think so15:35
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AJaegerjeblair: ok, will do soon.15:35
fungibut then down at 14:31:45 it has a merge complete for that, and then just below there says it's unable to merge15:36
fungioh, i may be conflating log entries for check and merge-check pipelines. i need to look a little closer15:37
jasondotstarquestion guys15:38
jasondotstarGM btw.15:38
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix Bugs in Timeline Events  https://review.openstack.org/27738615:38
jasondotstardoes the -infra team 'sponsor' dev environments (and I use that term loosely)15:38
anteayajasondotstar: women work in this channel too15:39
jasondotstarworking with the openstack-salt team, and we are looking for a cloud based dev environment to test15:39
anteayaunless you are only addressing the men15:39
openstackgerritStephen Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip magnum functional test jobs on docs changes  https://review.openstack.org/27789215:39
monesterHi all! please review my patch to python-gerritlib, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277773/15:39
monesterit really can reduce code in some applications15:40
jasondotstaranteaya: no malice intended. i use the term 'guys' loosely15:40
openstackgerritOmer Anson proposed openstack/requirements: Add scapy and python-pytun  https://review.openstack.org/27789315:41
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anteayayeah well some terms that are gender inclusive go over far better herer15:42
anteayaincluding team, group, folks, people, infra15:43
jasondotstarthanks anteaya, I'll keep that in mind.15:43
anteayathank you15:43
mordredjasondotstar: when you say "cloud based dev environment" - what do you mean?15:43
mordredjasondotstar: (I have some suggestions, depending on what you're wanting to accomplish)15:44
jasondotstarwell, we're looking to test our salt formulas.15:45
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jasondotstarthose salt formulas are being used to stand up openstack services (obviously)15:45
dprinceHi infra. We are seeing continued FATAL: hudson.remoting.RequestAbortedException: java.io.IOException: Unexpected termination of the channel, errors in the TripleO jobs today15:46
jasondotstarso the ability to standing up the server side, and minions15:46
sigmavirus24lifeless: when you pop back around, can you take a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/pbr/+bug/1542383 ?15:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1542383 in PBR "wsgi_scripts and python wheels" [Undecided,New]15:46
dprinceThis is using Fedora jenkins slaves. Anyone else seeing similar issues?15:46
clarkbdprince: magnum is/was, the slave(s) were completely unreachable15:46
* clarkb wonders if tests are doing funny things with networking/containers15:47
jasondotstarfrom VMs as opposed to a local dev enviornment (vagrant)15:47
dprinceclarkb: ah, good to know15:47
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dprinceclarkb: example for us here http://logs.openstack.org/42/277742/1/check-tripleo/gate-tripleo-ci-f22-nonha/439c77d/console.html15:47
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jasondotstarmordred: ^^^15:48
clarkbdprince: when I investigated the magnum problems nova console-log showed a dozen or so messages about processes not responding for >120 seconds15:50
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clarkbdprince: and that VM was not accepting ssh connections (and when left overnight didn't accept them in the morning so wasn't just a temporary situation)15:51
AJaegerteam, yesterday two new repos were setup for pabelanger : ansible-role-jenkins and ansible-role-jenkins-plugins. The import worked fine, see http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/ansible-role-jenkins but github has no content: https://github.com/openstack/ansible-role-jenkins (same for the other repo).15:51
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jeblairfungi: i believe there is a recently introduced zuul bug15:51
clarkbdprince: our theory for them was that they were digging into swap deep enough that oomkiller may have been invoked but I half expected to see evidence of that in the nova console-log output15:51
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Do not mention "independent" in announcements  https://review.openstack.org/27790215:51
dprinceclarkb: okay, so what I read here is it could potentially be an issue on our side15:52
clarkbdprince: yes, at least for the magnum tests we know that other tests are functioning on those images and on those cloud regions15:52
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clarkbdprince: as a result we expect the oddity is a result of the specific job run15:52
pabelangerAJaeger: Ya, not sure why it is not replicating atm15:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove periodic-neutron pipeline in favor of periodic  https://review.openstack.org/27631715:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove periodic-qa pipeline in favor of periodic  https://review.openstack.org/27631815:54
fungijeblair: yep, had to step away for a moment but was wondering if we've somehow broken merge failure reporting15:54
fungiwas about to test that theory15:54
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fungiit clicked that several third-party ci operators had wandered in over the past week or so complaining about KeyError: 'LOG_PATH'15:55
mordredjasondotstar: but you want to be able to do that as devs, not necessarily talking about doing that in the gate at th emoment, yeah?15:55
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jasondotstarmordred: right. eventually a beaker-esque gate would be necessary, but for now, just something for us to test our formulas with as the devs15:56
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mordredyah - so...15:56
mordredwe don't really have anything like that we can give people from infra15:57
mordredjasondotstar: first suggestion is trystack.org - which will let you spin up nodes and do things with them but your nodes go away from time to time15:57
mordredjasondotstar: what I do is just get a cloud account on one of the public openstack clouds and make my employer pay for the amex bill15:57
mordredjasondotstar: or, if you do have local machines15:57
mordredjasondotstar: just running devstack on one of them and then using that as a cloud to get vms from is not a terrible way to go15:58
jasondotstarmordred: trystack is an option - the 24 hour termination thing might be an issue15:58
jasondotstarmordred: seeing what my employer is willing to fund is another15:58
openstackgerritDina Belova proposed openstack/requirements: Make osprofiler requirements >1.0.0  https://review.openstack.org/27758316:00
cznewtmordred: we will be hosting lab environments for openstack-salt deployments, you can try that16:00
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mordredjasondotstar: ^^16:02
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jasondotstarcznewt: ack.16:02
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openstackgerritTom Cocozzello proposed openstack/requirements: Bump upper constraint on eventlet to 0.18.2  https://review.openstack.org/27791116:03
openstackgerritMarkus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack/requirements: bump eventlet version from 0.18.1 to 0.18.2  https://review.openstack.org/27791216:03
markus_zdims: ^16:03
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markus_zdims: Whom do I notify about this patch too?16:04
jeblairfungi: i think i see it; i'll link you to it after breakfast.16:04
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename periodic networking jobs  https://review.openstack.org/27636716:05
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AJaegerdougwig, anteaya: Could you review the above change, please?16:05
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markus_zdims: There is another patch too, just seconds older: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/277911/16:07
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anteayaAJaeger: just finishing up reading scrollback16:08
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anteayaAJaeger: then I will review, thank you for writing the patch16:08
AJaegerthanks, anteaya16:09
anteayaoh I thought we had renamed them16:09
fungijeblair: thanks, got sidetracked with a meeting16:09
anteayaunless that is not a new patch16:09
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AJaegeranteaya: it's a rebase plus a change to add -master16:09
AJaegerlet me comment16:09
anteayaah okay yes, will review, almost done backscroll16:09
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AJaegeranteaya: you reviewed the very first iteration of it - now we're at the third...16:10
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clarkbgreghaynes: figured out that exception not being handled quite right from yesterday. the image upload worker needs an onFailed() method to cleanup the snapshot table16:11
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AJaegeranteaya: and please review 274930 again and consider removing your -2.16:11
greghaynesclarkb: ah16:11
anteayaAJaeger: I knew I remembered it16:11
clarkbgreghaynes: I will probably make a stab at that later today16:11
anteayaAJaeger: if that is the pipeline thing then yes, I'm fine to remove -2 if it points to periodic16:11
greghaynesclarkb: did you see the gear client blocking issue I mentioned?16:11
* AJaeger just checking whether we have all pieces together16:11
anteayaAJaeger: thanks for the juggling16:12
clarkbgreghaynes: I saw that you mentioned it but haven't had a chance to look into it yet16:12
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greghaynesclarkb: I commented on the review for handling failed delete with a traceback16:13
jeblairfungi, clarkb, jhesketh: see comments on https://review.openstack.org/22329816:13
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jeblair(be sure to read both comments)16:14
EmilienMmordred: so the current status of ansible/puppet module does not shot any output of puppet runs, right?16:14
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AJaegeranteaya: could you review a small cleanup job to remove unused checks as well, please? Nothing critical, just housekeeping: 27626716:16
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jeblairEmilienM: i think there was a change to make it an option?16:16
EmilienMjeblair: I don't see any param for that in the system/puppet.py file16:17
anteayajasondotstar cznewt so are you looking to revive all the salt-formula repos that are currently in the stackforge name space? http://git.openstack.org/cgit/?ofs=60016:17
jeblairEmilienM: but we turned it off because it made the ansible output unreadable if puppet output a lot of data, which it does if something goes wrong, which is just when you want to be able to read your log files.  so we look on-host instead.16:17
anteayaAJaeger: sure16:17
jeblairEmilienM: ah here it is https://review.openstack.org/27108616:17
AJaegerthanks, anteaya16:17
jasondotstaranteaya: yes.16:18
openstackgerritVincent Françoise proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Watcher multinode Tempest job fixup  https://review.openstack.org/27792316:18
anteayajasondotstar: good so have you got patches up to move those repos?16:19
dulekGerrit seems slow again and I see 502 errors occasional.16:19
jasondotstaranteaya: we've created new ones16:19
fungijeblair: ahh, yep, on regressions you pointed out in 223298, makes sense. it looks like all the needed-by changes are still open, so should we revert or try to tweak it as is?16:19
fungijhesketh: ^16:19
anteayajasondotstar: new ones of what?16:19
dulekLast time restart fixed this.16:19
jasondotstarso we'll have to look at what's in the ones on the stackfoge namespace16:19
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jasondotstaranteaya: there are some that are in the openstack namespace too16:20
anteayawhy were new repos created?16:20
jeblairfungi: i think it will be a simple fix.16:20
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EmilienMjeblair: I'm talking about https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/blob/devel/system/puppet.py16:20
fungidulek: i object to the term "fixed" anytime a reboot is involved (except when having to do with kernels)16:20
clarkbI can confirm via melody that GC time is spiking16:20
clarkbbefore we restart we should get zaro's connection queuing change in (which updates it to match the gerrit 2.12 default)16:21
jasondotstaranteaya: those are the ones we are currently iterating against16:21
fungijeblair: are you working on a fix, or should i, or were you thinking of waiting until jhesketh is around in case he wants to hack on it?16:21
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anteayaclarkb: what is the url of the change?16:21
clarkbanteaya: digging that up now16:21
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clarkboh looks like it did already merge16:21
anteayajasondotstar: my question is why did you create new ones, or better yet why were your patches to create new ones approved16:21
clarkbso next restart will pick up that new configuration value16:22
jeblairEmilienM: so am i :)16:22
anteayasince we have repos collected dust16:22
jeblairfungi: i am16:22
anteayaclarkb: oh awesome16:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add python[3]-jobs and check-requirements to freezer*  https://review.openstack.org/26913816:22
fungijeblair: thanks!16:22
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openstackgerritThomas Bechtold proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove ordereddict support from py26  https://review.openstack.org/24043816:23
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jeblairEmilienM: if you're using the version in ansible, then i believe the output is reported as the module stdout16:24
SotKIs there any chance someone can kill off the rogue workers on storyboard.o.o *before* we find a way to fix it please? I've so far failed to find a way to reliably reproduce the issue (but have managed to occasionally), and have other things to work on which is making it difficult to find a solution quickly (and the situation is causing delays in our changes making it into production).16:25
jeblairEmilienM: if you're using our version, then it is not, except that we are in the process of adding an option to tell puppet where to log, and then, if you don't set that option, it will be sent to stdout.  eventually, this will merge into ansible.16:25
jasondotstaranteaya: the tcpcloud team is our most significant contributor to the salt effort at this point. they've worked on the salt formulas on github for quite sometime. we created the new repos to migrate the work over from their github repos into openstack as new projects16:26
isaacbclarkb, yolanda: Hi, based on our discussion the other day, can you please have a look in: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262787/16:26
jasondotstarim saying this not knowing what work was done in the repos inside the stackforge namespace16:26
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Fix location of GerritBot channels config  https://review.openstack.org/27793316:27
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jasondotstaranteaya: ^16:28
mmedvedeI am looking to get puppet-ciwatch first patch approved, is anyone able to take a peek? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/238606/16:28
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jasondotstarcznewt: do you have anything to add? the question was 'why did we create new repos, as opposed to migrating over the stackforge repos already in existance'16:29
jeblairwe imported stackforge repos into openstack?16:29
anteayano, they got recreated16:30
anteayawe now have a set of salt repos in both openstack and stackforge16:30
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jeblairso we imported them from github into both namespaces?16:30
mordredI think a new set of completely unrelated repos got created that are not based on the repos that were in stackforge16:31
pabelangerthat is how I understand it too16:31
EmilienMjeblair: ok I'm using the one in ansible extras. But I'm interested by having your code in the ansible repo too :-)16:31
anteayawhich are both called salt formula16:31
anteayaAJaeger: I think I have done the list16:31
mordredEmilienM: ya - we were in sync, then we added some stuff locally that I think I still need to sync to upstream16:31
AJaegerthanks a lot, anteaya16:31
anteayaAJaeger: welcome, thanks for being so organized16:31
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jeblairoh, so we have stackforge/nova-salt-formula and openstack/salt-formula-nova ?16:32
EmilienMmordred: ok so iiuc you first patch your module and then upstream, right?16:32
* jeblair goes back to zuul16:32
pabelangeranteaya: well, technically stackforge is glance-salt-formula and openstack is salt-formula-glance. So, not the same namespace16:32
pabelangerjeblair: ^16:32
anteayajeblair: yes16:33
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle image upload job failures  https://review.openstack.org/27794116:34
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clarkbjeblair: greghaynes ^ that should correct the issue, I really should add a test but wanted to get something written before I forgot the problem16:34
anteayaclarkb: so did you restart gerrit and I missed it?16:34
clarkbanteaya: no I havne't16:34
anteayaokay thanks16:34
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Notify #openstack-dev of governance changes  https://review.openstack.org/27794316:35
AJaegeranteaya: if you have time: 269809 would be great as well so that annegentle can move forward with the API documents. Could you review, please?16:35
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/ansible-puppet: Make puppet logout destination configurable  https://review.openstack.org/27108616:36
greghaynesclarkb: replied16:37
mordredEmilienM, jeblair: ^^ we need to land that before we can really upstream our changes16:37
pleia2good morning16:37
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clarkbgreghaynes: that is what I get for copy pasta16:37
clarkbgreghaynes: will fix16:37
greghaynesyep :)16:37
EmilienMmordred: no problem, just asking the workflow. I'm wondering which module should I use now.16:37
EmilienMmordred: for puppet openstack CI...16:37
mordredEmilienM: use the one in ansible16:37
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anteayaAJaeger: yes, done16:38
mordredEmilienM: our copy in infra is for convenience for us to be able to make changes when we see a production issue and can't wait for upstream to land a patch16:38
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle image upload job failures  https://review.openstack.org/27794116:38
anteayamorning pleia216:38
EmilienMmordred: ok Sir.16:38
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AJaegerthanks, anteaya.16:38
AJaegergood morning, pleia2 !16:38
EmilienMmordred: just want to make sure all your nice patches in infra module go upstream16:38
jasondotstarjeblair: yes, that's correct16:38
pleia2been chatting with HPE folks at our sprint venue in ft collins, so I added an agenda item to see if we need anymore info from them16:39
jasondotstarmore accurately, we have stackforge/nova-salt-formula and openstack/salt-formula-nova16:40
mordredEmilienM: I'm about to send my one patch there now16:40
jasondotstarjeblair: ^16:40
pleia2I'm not renting a car, so my own questions have mostly been travel-based, but other people may have other things16:40
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mordredEmilienM, jeblair: https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-extras/pull/164416:41
clarkbI just hope that we have weather like they are having this week16:41
clarkbI won't have to dig out any warmer clothing16:41
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EmilienMmordred: I'm wondering how to return structured logs in ansible output16:43
mordredEmilienM: it's possible to write ansible logging plugins that might give you more flexibility16:44
cznewtanteaya: the stackforge salt repos are not ready and seem retired [as read from README]16:44
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anteayapleia2: now I understand what you are saying16:44
EmilienMmordred: I actually prefer syslog, that's why I asked you about this patch. shipit! lol16:44
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anteayacznewt: well the point of the retirement is that should anyone want to continue the work they take them out of retirement16:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Check branch-override in ofagent job-template  https://review.openstack.org/27493016:45
vincentfrancoiseHi everyone. In https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275167/, I created a new "watcher-dashboard" project along with its "watcher-dashboard-core" group. The thing is that no one is currently in, so could one of you put me in?16:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove git-commit-message check  https://review.openstack.org/27626716:47
anteayavincentfrancoise: thanks for your reviews on project-config, I appreciate you taking the time to help16:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Adds swagger migrate and copy job for api-site repo  https://review.openstack.org/26980916:47
vincentfrancoiseanteaya: you're welcome16:48
anteayavincentfrancoise: I'm not a gerrit admin so can't fulfill your request16:49
anteayabut stand by hopefully someone can when they have a spare moment16:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix default merge failure reports  https://review.openstack.org/27795816:49
vincentfrancoiseok nice16:49
anteayapabelanger: so are you attending infra sprint? The wikipage looks like it says you are, are you?16:49
cznewtanteaya: but there's not much to continue from, I've checked them and they are not complete, they serve one specific deployment, the target to our formulas is to support variety of deployents16:50
anteayalook it is done16:50
jeblairfungi, clarkb, jhesketh, sdague:  https://review.openstack.org/277958  fixes a bug introduced with zuul connections that caused us to stop reporting merge failures on check/gate pipelines.16:50
fungiSotK: i've cleaned up and restarted the storyboard-workers on storyboard.o.o for now16:51
anteayais it just a waste in my mind, as reusing the repos would have kept us from creating more the almost the same name16:51
pabelangeranteaya: Yes, I need to update passport today. But will be attending16:51
anteayabut we can't delete repos once they are created, so now we have lots16:51
anteayapabelanger: wow cutting it close, how long will it take you to get your updated passport?16:51
Zarafungi: thank you! :) much appreciated.16:51
pabelangeranteaya: you can do 24hours, just have to pay for it16:52
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix default merge failure reports  https://review.openstack.org/27796016:52
fungianteaya: cznewt: well, more important is if they shared substantial git history (or if the team working on the new ones could have easily based their work on the old retired repos after simply reverting the retirement commit on HEAD)16:52
pabelangeranteaya: need travel docs to show16:52
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anteayapabelanger: really? I can't do that as I have to travel to whitby16:52
pabelangeranteaya: but, 7days is enough time.16:52
anteayaand they have to mail it to me, but you are in ottawa16:52
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pabelangeranteaya: Ya, helps being in Ottawa16:52
anteayaso must be faster there16:52
pabelangerI just walk into the passport office for drop off and pickup16:53
anteayafungi: well radar got reused and entired changed the git history16:53
anteayapabelanger: nice I'm not allowed to pickup16:53
anteayaI have to get it mailed to me16:53
anteayapabelanger: guess I'll consider ottawa an option if I want to pickup then16:53
cbaderanyone else seeing an issue with eventlet previously set to 0.18.1 and then changed to 0.18.2 and job breaking?16:54
anteayabut if everyone else if fine with folks just creating new gerrit repos, then so be it16:55
clarkbcbader: markus_z sent mail to the dev list about it16:55
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clarkbcbader: tl;dr is they deleted 0.18.1 which we hvae set in constraints16:55
markus_zcbader: http://openstack.markmail.org/thread/jwsmdos4pugtp7nw16:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Add missing entry for localhost  https://review.openstack.org/26767216:56
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pabelangerwow, never seen this jenkins error before: https://jenkins07.openstack.org/job/gate-windmill-deploy-centos7-nv/3/consoleText16:58
pabelangerno workspace from node16:59
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anteayanew one for me too, it couldn't even get the node environment variables loaded17:02
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP Task Links  https://review.openstack.org/27788217:03
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dimsfungi : clarkb : should i be able to do build_name:"periodic-.*-py27-with-oslo-master" on http://logstash.openstack.org/ ?17:04
openstackgerritTim Burke proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Add H203 to check that assertIs(Not)None is used  https://review.openstack.org/27651717:04
clarkbdims: just * not .* iirc17:04
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cznewtanteaya: we have more that 3 years of development of the formulas with variety of deployemnt options, there was good deal of research on existing solutions and their scope was always limited to single node deploys17:05
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dimsclarkb : that does not seem to work either17:05
fungidims: lucene patterns, not regex17:05
dimsfungi : ah17:05
fungidims: do you know if those jobs are indexed?17:05
fungi(into elasticsearch)17:06
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clarkboh drop the quotes17:06
clarkbquotes treat * literally17:06
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dimsfungi : y i can see specific ones17:06
dimsclarkb : i see, let me try that17:06
anteayacznewt: like I said, it is done17:07
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dimsperfect thanks clarkb  and fungi17:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Add link to documentation on network_info.json  https://review.openstack.org/27600317:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Remove the manual start of network interfaces  https://review.openstack.org/27661017:08
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anteayanibalizer: I'm unclear on why this patch was abandoned and split into two patches: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262835/17:11
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anteayaI'm currently getting gerrit errors on every attempt to take any action17:13
anteayaas clarkb said in backscroll he feels we are in gc17:13
anteayadoes any infra-root have time to do a restart?17:13
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fungianteaya: i can... is the current situation more disruptive than a brief complete outage from the restart will be?17:14
fungisince i rarely use the webui and the client i'm using caches and retries queries, i don't tend to notice17:14
anteayayes for me it is17:14
anteayaany other folks care to weigh in on their opinion of their current gerrit experience?17:15
Zarayes, for me too17:15
anteayafungi: fair enough17:15
fungiinfra-root: objections to me restarting gerrit right now to alleviate the current webui errors?17:16
mordredfungi: do it17:16
openstackgerritTimur Sufiev proposed openstack/requirements: Remove version exclusions for selenium  https://review.openstack.org/27628817:18
anteayamorning zaro17:18
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zarofungi: a change merged that might alleviate the problem.  so might be a good idea to restart anyways.17:21
fungizaro: oh, excellent. have we not restarted since the 5th?17:22
fungiyeah, running since 2016-02-0217:22
fungi#status notice Gerrit is restarting now, to alleviate current performance impact and WebUI errors.17:23
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice17:23
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is restarting now, to alleviate current performance impact and WebUI errors.17:24
fungiit's on its way back up17:24
anteayafungi: thank you17:24
fungiclaims to be running again17:24
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anteayazaro: thanks for the backport, let's hope it is an improvement17:24
mriedemfungi: it is17:24
anteayagerrit is up for me17:24
fungiwebui seems to be working for me anyway17:24
zaroyep, works here too17:24
fungii guess let's keep an eye on it and see if this helps the next time java gc is running hard for a while17:25
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice17:25
anteayawonderful, thank you17:25
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* anteaya crosses her fingers the new patch will be an improvement17:26
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zarofungi: yep, check back in about 1 week from today.17:27
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pleia2in puppet, is there a difference between using $admin_password, and $admin_password = '', ?17:29
pleia2we seem to use both, sometimes in the same file, like in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit/tree/manifests/init.pp17:29
pleia2have $mysql_password, and $ldap_password = '',17:29
anteayajeblair: current zuul used memory is 23G: http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph.php?action=view&local_graph_id=392&rra_id=all17:29
fungipleia2: the difference is between making it a required parameter and having a fallback (empty string in this case) default value when not explicitly defined during instantiation17:30
pleia2fungi: thank you17:30
jeblairopenstackgerrit did not report a change i just pushed17:31
jeblairremote:   https://review.openstack.org/277981 Add job tags17:31
fungijeblair: it also did not report a change i just pushed17:31
jeblairmtreinish, AJaeger: https://review.openstack.org/277981  adds the needed support to zuul for job tags17:31
fungiremote:   https://review.openstack.org/277980 Move bindep fallback job-template to infra file17:31
AJaegerthanks, jeblair !17:31
fungii'm checking its log to see if it did not reconnect to the stream automatically17:32
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AJaegersince ttx now duplicated this change, could some more infra-manual reviewers have a look at this change before it's a month old, please? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/266508/17:33
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fungijeblair: it did log connection failures to gerrit while we were restarting, but started seeing events again as early as 17:24:4317:34
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anteayaAJaeger: I already reviewed17:35
fungi2016-02-09 17:30:25,630 INFO gerritbot: Sending "James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add job tags  https://review.openstack.org/277981" to #openstack-infra17:35
fungiso why didn't we see that?17:35
fungino traceback17:35
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jeblairmaybe it's netsplit?17:37
fungicould just be bad timing, yeah17:37
fungithough it reported a change in here at 17:1817:38
fungiso an eerie coincidence if so17:38
fungiit pongs to me on a ctcp ping through freenode too17:38
fungiso i don't _think_ it's netsplit17:38
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add job tags  https://review.openstack.org/27798717:40
jeblairand it's back...17:40
fungiand now it's working again17:40
fungihow strange17:40
jeblair(that's a new push -- not delayed)17:40
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monesterHi all, who can review my patch to python-gerritlib?17:41
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename periodic networking jobs  https://review.openstack.org/27636717:43
AJaegeranteaya: I had to fix my patch due to duplicate definitions ^17:44
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AJaegeranteaya: could you review again, please? Now it passes even locally...17:44
anteayamonester: in gerrit when you are logged in, People > List Groups, search for gerritlib-core17:44
anteayaAJaeger: sure17:44
monesteranteaya: thx17:44
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rbrndtI'm having some difficulty with my devstack install. Our project requires eventlet, but the install can't find the version from the global constraints (0.18.1) on pipit. I'm not sure how to go about fixing this17:46
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anteayarbrndt: there is a post to -dev17:46
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anteayathat version of eventlet disappeared from pypi17:46
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anteayathe -dev mailing list that is17:47
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anteayafungi: on the infra cloud section of today's meeting, can we spend any time figuring out how to include folks who haven't been spending a lot of time on the project so they can review?17:48
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anteayafungi: I'm trying to find a pathway into the reviews so I can get a picture in my mind and offer something useful and I'm having a hard time17:48
fungianteaya: sure, if there are any good ideas for ramping up people, that's cool17:48
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anteayafungi: thanks well for me it would be, this is the first patch to review and the others build on it17:49
rbrndtantenna: thanks I'll go look at it17:49
anteayaI can review the add infra-cloud to nodepool patch but I do believe that is the last one not the first17:49
anteayarbrndt: great17:49
rbrndtwhen did this start autocorrecting me...?17:49
anteayarbrndt: not sure17:49
anteayaI have a new friday nick should I want to use it17:49
anteayarbrndt: thank you17:50
fungihah, that's a fun autocorrection17:50
jeblairanteaya: it's kind of awesome17:50
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anteayaha ha ha17:50
anteayait is indeed17:50
anteayanever thought of it before17:50
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fungiit's the name of a track on kraftwerk's radio-activity17:51
anteayavery cool17:51
anteayaha ha ha17:51
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anteayaevery youtube vid now begins with an ad, so tiresome17:53
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fungiwhat a great album that was17:53
fungiwell, still is17:53
anteayathis track is very interesting17:53
anteayaso far I like it17:53
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle image upload job failures  https://review.openstack.org/27794117:57
clarkbgreghaynes: jeblair ^ now with a test that should cover this case17:58
greghaynesclarkb: nice17:58
clarkbit is a bit convoluted but I want to make sure that the background machinery is processing the fails properly17:58
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cody-somervilleneat. devstack runs twice as fast in lxc container.18:00
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SotKfungi: excellent, thanks! :)18:00
clarkbcody-somerville: compared to what?18:00
cody-somervilleclarkb: compared to a VM on my machine.18:00
clarkbcody-somerville: also to answer your question from previously about why we don't use containers is iscsi is still not namespaced18:01
clarkbcody-somerville: and testing cinder + nova is important to us.18:01
mordredfungi, jeblair: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/5nUo6obvF718:01
mordredmirror announce draft18:01
mordredclarkb, pleia2: ^^18:01
jeblairclarkb: cool.  and greghaynes: i saw a traceback earlier that i need to debug.  i plan to do that.  don't let me forget.  :)18:02
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mordredcody-somerville: btw - we split the reprepro config to be ubuntu and debian separately - thanks for the feedback18:02
greghaynesjeblair: ok, thanks18:02
cody-somervilleclarkb: yea, neither is loopback or multi-device but its okay if you're fine with no isolation.18:02
clarkbcody-somerville: but thats equivalent to what we already do so not sure I see the benefit18:02
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clarkbwe already run everything not isolated :)18:03
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cody-somervilleclarkb: it has benefit for local development.18:03
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mordredI think the main thing is that container in a vm isn't going to add much18:03
mordredfor us18:03
mordredin the gate18:03
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cody-somerville100% agree.18:03
clarkband a non isolated container on your laptop isn't really different than what devstack does today18:03
mordredclarkb: it gets you an isolated filesystem18:04
mordredclarkb: without a VM18:04
clarkbboth can (and probably will) trash your system aat some point18:04
clarkbmordred: iirc you can't isolate fs with iscsi18:04
clarkbsince it touches fs bits18:04
clarkbyou can isolate processes? its a very small list of what is actually isolatable18:04
cody-somervilleI think it boils down to there is no device namespace (I also heard something about iscsi specific bits in the kernel as well)18:05
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added *-npm-publish-draft job  https://review.openstack.org/27799618:05
mordredclarkb: while I agree with the correctness of your statements, I think the organzational isolation that it provides is likely good enough for 90% of local dev use18:05
zarofungi, anteaya : fix to prevent gerrit from creating duplicate group name as gerrit system group merged upstream. https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/#/c/7431218:06
cody-somervillenet + fs isolation is probably 80% of whats needed to help avoid messing up your main host.18:06
mordredyou do get a chroot-like thing, and the devstack in the container does not screw with the networking stack on your laptop18:06
clarkbcody-somerville: but those are the things you need to not isolate to make it work :)18:06
mordredclarkb: you can TOTALLY isolate the fs18:06
jeblairmordred: overall looks great -- i corrected one typo and made 2 offers of suggestions -- take em or leave em :)18:06
mgagnezaro good one +118:06
clarkbmordred: with iscsi and cinder and nova?18:06
mordredclarkb: the container is like a chroot in that18:06
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EmilienMpabelanger: I'm trying to see the magic to copy logs when using subnodes18:06
clarkbI think you can have a chroot but not islated fs18:07
mordredclarkb: so, you get a chroot in which you can do things to the network which do not screw your wifi18:07
mordredthat's good enough for most things18:07
EmilienMI've looked at devstack-gate, I haven't found yet the magic18:07
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clarkbmordred: sort of18:07
cody-somervillePlus I find that kvm in container is much faster than nested kvm18:07
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clarkbmordred: network definitely can't be isolated with iscis18:07
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clarkbso you still have things touching the root namespace and potentially screwing your wifi18:07
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zarofungi, anteaya : i tried to cherry-pick to our Gerrit fork but it was not trivial so it's probably not a good idea to add that.18:07
cody-somervilleclarkb: I'll look further into the iscis stuff and get back to you but I was thinking for local dev I might just use the nfs driver18:07
clarkbfor fs I think the problem there is while you can have an effective chroot nothing prevents the container from mounting the host / and having at it18:08
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cody-somervilleclarkb: (which may still have namespace issues)18:08
cody-somervilleclarkb: oh. my container can absolutely not do that.18:08
clarkbcody-somerville: the nfs driver is just for the storage side18:08
clarkbcody-somerville: iscsi is always required for the nova bits18:08
cody-somervilleclarkb: that is why I didn't let it have access to lvm/dm18:08
cody-somervilleclarkb: weird. It worked just fine for me.18:08
clarkbcody-somerville: did you use cinder?18:08
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clarkb(and test that it worked?)18:08
zarofungi, anteaya, mgagne : it's not really required to fix the duplicate 'Registered Users' group though.  it can be fixed with the script i pushed up and the change from mgagne or myself.18:09
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cody-somervilleclarkb: Yes, I used nfs but devstack didn't set it up properly. I didn't test any of the block storage stuff.18:09
clarkbbasically cinder has two major components, the backend storage driver which can be lvm, nfs, etc. and the frontend that connects VMs to that storage via iscis18:09
mgagneEmilienM https://github.com/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/blob/master/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh#L582-L58318:09
clarkbit is the frontend attach block to VM that is problematic with containers18:09
mordredyes. but there are tons of things you can usefully do with a devstack that do not include attaching vms to volumes over iscsi18:10
clarkband for networking I am just going off of what sdake blogged about when containering neutron18:10
cody-somervilleclarkb: Ok. I'll playa round with that. I just wanted to use NFS instead of LVM as to do lvm would require giving the container access to my volumes on my host.18:10
clarkbit is possible that nova net (devstack default) does work in its own namespace18:10
mgagnezaro yea, can't expect people to upgrade to latest gerrit18:10
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mordredwell, you should never run devstack with nova-net18:10
sdakesup clarkb18:10
EmilienMmgagne: thanks18:10
mgagneEmilienM I learned something too today18:11
clarkbsdake: iirc you posted about needing to run neutron in the root net namespcae to get things working in containers?18:11
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clarkbsdake: was that and is it still the case?18:11
mordredsince nova-net should never be used by anyone other than the people who are already stuck running it18:11
sdakeclarkb yes18:11
EmilienMmgagne: trying to push puppet multinode jobs in our ci18:11
anteayazaro: yay 74312 merged18:11
mgagneEmilienM just look for subnode jobs, see what scripts *could* copy the logs and go from there =)18:11
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mgagneEmilienM nice =)18:11
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clarkbmordred: ^ so you cna't protect your wifies :)18:11
pabelangerEmilienM: what mgagne said.  Just use ansible to sync them to the master node18:11
sdakeclarkb it may be possible to run openstack without -net=host, but we didn't attempt it18:11
mgagneEmilienM we have 80 nodes setup already haha :P18:11
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cody-somervilleclarkb: sdake: You have to expose /dev/net/tun but you can setup private isolated network for neutron.18:11
sdakeclarkb i can't confirm openstack would *not* run without net=host, but it is a huge pain in the ass to make it all work correctly18:12
mgagneEmilienM we use bash to copy logs but I guess ansible is a great alternative18:12
clarkbsdake: gotcha18:12
sdakeso we optimized with net=host18:12
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clarkbcody-somerville: with neutron? or nova net?18:12
clarkbor both?18:12
sdakealso net-host removes docker-proxy18:12
sdakeya neutron will definately need some host bindmounts with or without net=host18:12
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sdakelike i said, without net=hsot = possible, but not worth the pain and a super bandwidth killer18:13
clarkbsdake: gotcha, doable but not practical18:13
clarkbat least with docker?18:13
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet/integ/multinode: copy logs for localhost machine  https://review.openstack.org/27800818:14
EmilienMmgagne: first step ^18:14
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EmilienMpabelanger: ok thanks :-)18:14
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: Initialize the logger  https://review.openstack.org/27765418:14
anteayamordred: do be clear I personally would not be dead without a per region pypi mirror18:15
anteayato be clear18:15
mordredanteaya: that's fair18:15
mordredanteaya: how's that?18:15
* anteaya looks again18:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Fix default merge failure reports  https://review.openstack.org/27795818:16
anteayathat is much more accurate18:16
jeblairmordred: can we drop 'many' from 'many tens of minutes' ?18:16
jeblairmordred: cause it's like two tens of minutes.  :)18:16
anteayaas indeed the gate would be in dire straits without the mirrors18:16
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anteayatwo three18:16
jeblairmordred: or maybe 1.8 tens of minutes.18:16
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jeblairbut certainly not much more than 2 tens of minutes at the most18:17
mordredI want to say 1.8 tens of minutes18:17
cody-somervillespeaking of wheels, would it make sense to add docs to devstack to tell people how to use our wheels mirrors? compiling numpy takes awhile no matter what you're on.18:17
anteayaha ha ha18:18
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mordredcody-somerville: well, they're not (at the moment) intended for non-gate humans to use18:18
anteayamordred: looks good to me18:19
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anteayazaro: alright what is the status of the script you submitted to gerrit to fix the duplicate 'Registered Users' group?18:19
mordredcody-somerville: we could investigate and discuss providing endpoints for non-gate humans18:19
clarkbcody-somerville: mordred in the past we hvae explicitly told people not to use them18:20
clarkbcody-somerville: mordred part of that is selfish18:20
clarkbeg we just turned off the old ones and didn't have to notify anyone18:20
mordredI think now that we have afs we _could_ spin up a non-region-specific web gateway that's just an AFS client pretty easily - but like clarkb says, that increases the surface area we have to care about if we make structural changes18:21
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jeblairi guess if we made it an actual devstack option, that might alleviate it a bit...18:21
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zarofungi, anteaya: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/270537/ and (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/270628/ or https://review.openstack.org/#/c/248126/)18:22
slogan621What remains to be done for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275873/ ? We have 3 +1, jenkins +1 as well. Is it now just basically wait for a infra project owner to approve?18:22
fungimordred: "1.8 tens of minutes" is fun wording18:22
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jeblairit will probably tell us if anyone reads it :)18:23
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anteayamordred: this is zaro's patch with alters the gerrit db can you take a look? or add it to your pile of patches to take a look at, please? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/270537/518:23
fungimordred: announcement lgtm18:24
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mordredshould we wait until we've cut new images with the apt-mirror consumption patch applied?18:24
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AJaegermordred: well written18:25
anteayazaro mgagne can the two of you decide between you which way you want to go either 270628 or 248126 if they are mutually exclusive?18:25
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mordredjeblair: yah - if we did that and made a mirror.openstack.org it might not be too tarrible18:25
anteayazaro mgagne it will save time trying to get reviewers attention to get the solution in place18:26
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fungimordred: sure, might want to hold off until we're actually using the apt mirror in most places (for ubuntu anyway) so that your announcement doesn't serve as a precursor to some implementation disaster we've overlooked ;)18:29
mordredfungi: +10018:30
fungituesday: here's this great new thing we're using, wednesday: oh the humanity!18:30
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fungieasier to explain if things happen the other way 'round18:31
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Install docker for tests  https://review.openstack.org/27802118:35
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jeblairfungi: i made some last-minute agenda mods18:37
fungijeblair: thanks for the heads up18:37
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fail functests if refusing to run tests  https://review.openstack.org/17700218:38
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openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding integration test support for lbaas v2 dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/27539418:38
jeblairthat change number starts with a 1.18:38
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/ciwatch: Add link to source for project under Contact Us  https://review.openstack.org/27802218:38
fungiat least it's not <6 digits!18:38
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Dont pass xattrs to tar if its unsupported  https://review.openstack.org/17755918:42
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clarkbFYI osic will be doing reboots for firmware patching today. Expect funnyness if testing the new accounts18:43
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add tests for building *-minimal images  https://review.openstack.org/18116218:44
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jeblairclarkb: any word on the ips?18:45
SergeyLukjanovfungi, hi, I'll be unable to attend meeting - have a conflicting one, but I'm ready to do renaming on weekdays pacific time18:45
clarkbjeblair: they have said they are itentioanlly being stingy with them, I have reiterated our requirement for FIP per host or ipv6 and said we can use as many as they can give us18:46
fungiSergeyLukjanov: okay, thanks. i'll bring it up (it's still on our agenda for today)18:46
openstackgerritFabio Giannetti proposed openstack/requirements: Add python-monascaclient to the global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/25167418:46
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Dont pass xattrs to tar if its unsupported  https://review.openstack.org/17755918:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Unified Mirrors  https://review.openstack.org/25267818:50
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Properly fail/trap in eval_run_d  https://review.openstack.org/25973418:55
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Don't create new groups for system ones  https://review.openstack.org/24812618:56
zaroanteaya, mgagne ^ consoliated our changes18:56
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anteayazaro: thank you, do you want to abandon https://review.openstack.org/#/c/270628/ then?18:57
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rework devstack-jobs templating  https://review.openstack.org/27803418:57
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zaroanteaya: already did18:59
AJaegerteam, the change above (278034) reworks devstack-jobs, we now generate 360 jobs less, since we only have a few periodic etc. jobs. What do you think of this rework? It passes the tests locally...18:59
anteayazaro: sorry I must have had a lag, thank you for consolidating18:59
pabelangerAJaeger: looks like voting is open for Austin talks.  Going to mention that in the meeting18:59
anteayaAJaeger: will take a look after the stretch of meetings18:59
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anteayaAJaeger: thank you18:59
anteayajhesketh: morning18:59
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fungiit's that (weekly infra team meeting) time again! find us in #openstack-meeting for the next hour19:00
AJaegerthanks, anteaya.19:00
anteayawelcome :)19:00
AJaegerpabelanger: Let's collect some votes then ;)19:00
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anteayaoh please don't play vote for me19:02
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anteayaplaying voting is open is fine, but playing vote for me is just has a domino effect19:03
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openstackgerritCarl Baldwin proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update chairs for Neutron's L3 sub-team meeting  https://review.openstack.org/27803819:05
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mtreinishI just got a couple of unstable results from: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/267824/19:08
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openstackgerritMarkus Zoeller (markus_z) proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: nova bugs team meeting  https://review.openstack.org/27804319:09
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anteayanibalizer: for context it is simple things like complete commit messages, for instance: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/262835/119:22
anteayanibalizer: I have zero idea why this patch was abandoned and what was gained by spliting it into two19:22
anteayaand the two new patches don't tell me in the commit message either19:22
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove non-existing jobs from devstack-jobs  https://review.openstack.org/27805119:25
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dmsimardCould anyone point me at where the magic happens to have the jenkins console output be in html with "linkable" timestamps ?19:27
anteayaI think you want an oslo library19:27
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AJaegeranteaya: FYI 278051 should be a trivial cleanup19:28
anteayatake a look in nova, I believe they use an oslo logging library19:28
anteayaAJaeger: okay thanks19:28
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dmsimardanteaya: huh. I'm not following how an oslo library can help with setting up the console.html page, I would assume that to be done through jenkins ?19:29
dmsimardThis is what I mean, clicky timestamps: http://logs.openstack.org/32/276932/5/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-scenario001-tempest-dsvm-centos7/17624f4/console.html#_2016-02-08_19_26_08_08319:29
anteayait isn't it is done via a library19:29
anteayaI get what you mean, clicky timestamps19:30
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support stable requirements  https://review.openstack.org/27805619:37
slogan621anteaya: What happens next for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275873/ ? Is it just in need of project approval?19:38
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slogan621Ajaeger: Same question, what is the next step for a project that is in this state: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/275873/19:39
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added bower install to post-install hook  https://review.openstack.org/27805719:39
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Corrected license  https://review.openstack.org/27805819:39
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Corrected repository field.  https://review.openstack.org/27805919:39
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Corrected package author  https://review.openstack.org/27806019:39
anteayaslogan621: well you commit message could be formatted consistently with other commit messages19:39
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused templates from devstack-gate.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/27806119:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add Create Story Button in Worklists  https://review.openstack.org/26965619:40
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AJaegerand one more cleanup - templates that are unused since over a year (278061)19:41
anteayaAJaeger: ack, thank you19:41
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Realize infracloud admins  https://review.openstack.org/26836619:41
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AJaegerthanks, anteaya19:41
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slogan621anteaya: we'll need to pass that along to the developer to change his commit message then, could you maybe comment on the bug and cite an example he can follow (or give me an example or link to an example and I will post the comment)?19:42
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Realize infracloud admins  https://review.openstack.org/26836619:42
anteayaslogan621: after the infra and tc meeting19:42
slogan621ok :-) sorry to interrupt19:43
nibalizeranteaya: so 268366 is the only patch any moree19:44
nibalizerwhat doesn't make sense there?19:44
anteayaThis is a re-up of I31e0504f68e196b0b249b5b7b750861a752679ac19:44
mtreinishmordred: so I just read: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-February/086176.html I wanted to check if there was anything special I needed to do for: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Tempest/19:44
anteayawhat am I supposed to understand from that line?19:45
mtreinishI haven't done anything with it except add openstackci as another owner19:45
anteayawhy was the other patch not worthy of moving forward?19:45
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mtreinishbut when I'm ready to push a release any pre-steps I need to do19:45
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nibalizeranteaya: that the first patch attempting to do this work had that change-id, but that was abandoned and now this patch lives on19:45
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mordredmtreinish: that's a flexible heatmap generator19:45
nibalizeranteaya: it was proposed to the wrong repo19:45
mordredmtreinish: but no - there is nothing special19:46
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mtreinishmordred: it was, but it's the same name as tempest. I got the previous owner to give up the slot19:46
mtreinishso we can push new tempest releases to pypi19:46
mtreinishit's part of my evil plan: https://review.openstack.org/27596619:46
mordredmtreinish: neat!19:47
AJaegermtreinish: the infra manual should explain everything19:47
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AJaegermtreinish: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/drivers.html19:47
mtreinishAJaeger: it explains how to take over an existing project on pypi which was different code with a different release versioning?19:47
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AJaegermtreinish: different versioning? Ooh, better ask stuffit (?)19:48
anteayanibalizer: okay great, thank you, proposed to the wrong repo is useful for me19:48
sdaguein my ideal world there would be a "hold please" button on projects somewhere so we could temporarily hold +A from moving to the gate when there was a systemic fail19:48
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daemontool__AJaeger, using python-jobs, do you know how can I enable the gate-{name}-docs gate job only for master and leave the other gate job run for all the branches?19:49
AJaegersdague: +119:49
mtreinishAJaeger: yeah, the previous Tempest heat map project used the date as the release version19:49
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AJaegerdaemontool__: http://jaegerandi.blogspot.de/2016/02/templates-in-openstacks-zuul.html19:49
sdaguefyi, all nova patches are fail, because eventlet 0.18.2 in unit tests19:49
mtreinishwhile openstack tempest uses an int (which pbr covnerts to a normal semver triplet)19:49
AJaegerdaemontool__: does that help?19:50
AJaegerdaemontool__: ah, that does not explain it - but just add a condition for -docs similar as written19:51
daemontool__AJaeger, fan-tas-tic ty19:53
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API  https://review.openstack.org/22196419:55
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anteayasdague: I read your comment in -nova and now your comment in here makes sense19:57
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anteayayou would like a global button so that no new patches are added to the gate when something like a constrained dependency disappears from pypi19:57
daemontool__AJaeger, but would that limit a specific job part of python-jobs, i.e. limit only gate{name}-docs called from python-jobs?19:59
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AJaegerdaemontool__: the conditions only work on jobs, not on templates20:00
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mordredinfra-root: anybody have an issue with me cutting a new release of glean?20:01
fungimordred: no objection from me20:01
yolandafine for me20:02
mordredlooking at the outstanding changes I'm going to call it 1.5.020:02
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daemontool__does a job setting override the template setting? Like if I use python-jobs template and gate-{name}-docs as job, will the settings of the job override the job called from the template?20:02
nibalizermordred: no object20:02
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nibalizerinfra-root: can has reviews on this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234535/1120:03
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daemontool__AJaeger,  the problem I have now, is that I want all the jobs in the template python-jobs execute on all the branchs, but the job gate-{name}-docs called from the template run against master only20:04
clarkbdaemontool__: because of the way that the yaml parser works one of them will win and its parse order dependent iirc20:04
clarkbdaemontool__: you should avoid doing that to avoid future confusion (if parse order changes for example)20:05
AJaegerdaemontool__: conditions *only* match against jobs, never against templates20:05
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AJaegerdaemontool__: jsut add a condition for gate-your-repo-docs20:05
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Handle image upload job failures  https://review.openstack.org/27794120:05
daemontool__clarkb,  AJaeger  ty20:05
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lifelesssigmavirus24: sure20:06
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clarkbsdague: anteaya you could remove all the members of the core group20:07
clarkbthen add them back again when ready20:07
clarkbwell leave at least one person to repopulate20:07
anteayaclarkb: good point20:07
anteayathat would prevent any +A'ing from the group20:07
sdagueclarkb: I suppose, I mostly want hold so that patches in the gate would all get pulled out into a holding bin as well20:07
anteayaand is fast and reversable20:08
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sdagueinstead of having to go and pluck20:08
sdagueand unwind that20:08
sdagueanyway, like I said, in an ideal world20:08
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lifelessdstufft: thoughts on https://bugs.launchpad.net/pbr/+bug/1542383 appreciated20:10
openstackLaunchpad bug 1542383 in PBR "wsgi_scripts and python wheels" [Undecided,New]20:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add playbook to run JJB on all jenkins masters  https://review.openstack.org/27753920:13
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya yeah, I'm in Mirantis office in Sunnyvale ;)20:15
SergeyLukjanovpleia2 I'm ok with 22UTC20:15
pleia2SergeyLukjanov: great, thank you :)20:16
pleia2SergeyLukjanov: also, welcome to the valley!20:16
pleia2(I'm up in SF)20:16
SergeyLukjanovpleia2 thx, cool :)20:16
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: you had said sunnyvale before and I guessed thatwas were the office was, cool20:16
SergeyLukjanovI'll be here for a few month20:16
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SergeyLukjanovso, Friday 22UTC20:17
SergeyLukjanovjust to confirm - Feb 12? :)20:17
anteayayes this friday20:18
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova wsgi unit test eventlet 0.18.2 bug 1543766  https://review.openstack.org/27806920:18
openstackbug 1543766 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "nova.tests.unit.test_wsgi.TestWSGIServerWithSSL fails with testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 'OK\r\n' != 'PONG' and eventlet 0.18.2" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/154376620:18
openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set conditions for gate-{name}-docs on freezer*  https://review.openstack.org/27807020:18
daemontool__AJaeger, something like that would work? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/278070/1/zuul/layout.yaml20:19
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API  https://review.openstack.org/22196420:19
AJaegerdaemontool__: yeah, should - +220:21
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet-ceph: do not run integ jobs for scenario002  https://review.openstack.org/27807220:25
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove {name} jobs from devstack-jobs  https://review.openstack.org/27807320:27
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AJaegerand one more cleanup - a few broken entries20:28
slogan621anteaya: something like this? https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/commit/0fad865d442b4fb864d009b14b5f16e0d7ec1aa720:29
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tempest/experimental: run puppet scenarios on centos7  https://review.openstack.org/27808020:31
pleia2oh hey, what time are we starting on sprint days?20:31
pleia29? 10?20:31
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anteayapleia2: I'm usually there by 9am20:32
anteayawe'll probably get rolling when folks show up20:32
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anteayawe tend to be morning get things going type of folks20:32
pleia2anteaya: ok, going to see if it's easy for them to give us coffee+little breakfast snacks, and knowing *when* would help20:32
daemontool__AJaeger,  brilliant thanks a lot20:32
sigmavirus24lifeless: I'm happy to chat about that too if mattt isn't still around20:32
pleia2in darmstadt we started at 10, but maybe that was just a europe thing :)20:32
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anteayaslogan621: well the commit message on http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/commit/?id=0fad865d442b4fb864d009b14b5f16e0d7ec1aa7 is a bit thin but at least the sentence length is more along the lines of what is a resonable format expectation20:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: bump eventlet version from 0.18.1 to 0.18.2  https://review.openstack.org/27791220:33
slogan621anteaya: So, replace "Adding" with "Add", remove "and jobs". And the rest is ok? Nothing depends on the change, so don't see a need for "Needed-By:"20:33
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anteayapleia2: did we do 10am in darmstadt20:33
anteayaslogan621: can we continue this after the tc meeting is finished?20:33
slogan621oh, sorry, should I monitor in #openstack-meetings?20:33
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lifelesssigmavirus24: sure; see my comment on the bug20:34
* sigmavirus24 looks20:34
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anteayaslogan621: or wait until the top of the hour, whatever works for you20:35
daemontool__clarkb, or anyone if you don't mind +A on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/278070/120:35
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dstufftlifeless: what is a "wsgi_script", is this like a console_script ?20:36
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tempest/experimental: run puppet scenarios on centos7  https://review.openstack.org/27808020:36
dstufftthe only special entry points are console_script and gui_script afaik20:36
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AJaegerdstufft: mtreinish had some questions about releasing tempest on pypi - could you read the scrollback from an hour ago, please?20:37
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clarkbnibalizer: crinkle +2 to managing the controller and computes with ansible puppet20:39
lifelessdstufft: it is; we have a custom writer hooked in from pbr for it20:40
lifelessdstufft: sets up mod_wsgi glue automatically20:40
clarkbdaemontool__: do the docs not exist back on those branches?20:40
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daemontool__unless I backport20:41
daemontool__that changes from master20:41
clarkb(I approved the change was just looking for more of the why)20:41
gtmanfredSpamapS: mordred can i get one of yall to review this? thanks! https://review.openstack.org/#/c/268404/20:41
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Sort devstack-jobs list  https://review.openstack.org/27808420:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/ciwatch: Add link to source for project under Contact Us  https://review.openstack.org/27802220:42
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dstufftAJaeger: I'm not sure the question. If the version numbers aren't equal then just delete everything and start uploading. You won't be able to re-use version numbers but once the old versions are deleted you won't have to worry about ordering issues20:44
dstufftI'm not sure I understand the question*20:44
clarkbplease don't delete...20:44
clarkbeventlet just broke a bunch of people because they deleted20:44
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dstufftThis is "some unrelated thing on PyPI was called tempest, and now some new thing on PyPI is going to be temptest"20:45
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clarkbmaybe its better to avoid the collision?20:45
AJaegermtreinish: ^20:45
dstufftDunnno, your other option is to use epoch versions20:45
sigmavirus24lifeless: so launchpad is timing out while I try to finish my thoughts on that20:45
dstufftthat doesn't work in older setuptools/pip though at all20:46
sigmavirus24dstufft: epoch versions are too ugly for openstack. we've had this discussion already20:46
sigmavirus24Also it's too much of a hassle for downstream packagers to represent our epochs along side their epochs or something20:46
AJaegerdstufft: understood, thanks - hope it helps mtreinish20:46
* sigmavirus24 shrugs20:46
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dstufftthose are your options :]20:46
mtreinishdstufft: so I was planning to just push a new version of tempest to pypi. But I guess it's naive of me to expect things to just work :)20:46
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dstufftmtreinish: depends on ordering20:47
dstufftdoes your temptest version scheme overlap with the old temptest version scheme?20:47
dstufftand if not, does your temptest version scheme sort as older than the old tempest version scheme20:48
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mtreinishwell the current version of Tempest on pypi is 2010.09.26 and the next tempest version will be 10.0.020:48
dstufftSo the answer to the first is No, but the second is Yes20:48
mtreinish(although there is nothing uploaded for 2010.09.26)20:48
dstufftIs there anything uploaded at all?20:49
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dstufftif there's ntohing uploaded it doesn't matter20:49
sdagueclarkb: this is also a super old dead project20:49
mtreinishdstufft: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Tempest/2009.10.31b20:49
mtreinishthat release has something20:49
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dstufftmtreinish: Ok so20:49
dstufft10.0.0 will be < than that20:49
dstufftand thus pip/setuptools will prefer the 2009 release (sort of, it'll be a pre-release so it won't install it by default, but you'll get confusing results from --pre or so)20:50
dstufftso you have to either delete those old versions, or use epochs, or change your version scheme to be > 200920:50
sdagueit really feels like delete should be fine in this circumstance20:51
sdaguethey are different things20:51
mtreinishdstufft: ok I can delete the old stuff. I was hoping to avoid having to do that in order to preserve history, etc.20:51
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mtreinishbut if I have to that shouldn't be a problem20:51
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dstufftI don't have a problem with deletion20:51
sdagueand it will only be massively confusing to see versions unrelated to current software20:51
AJaegermtreinish: if you leave it in with the same name, it causes confusion...20:51
clarkbit mostly depends on if there is anything out there using the old version20:51
dstufftI'm just laying out options fwiw20:51
dstufftpick whatever one you like the most (or hate the least)20:51
sdagueclarkb: their source code is only on google code, which is dead20:52
sdagueand has been for some time20:52
clarkbsdague: that doesn't mean that something else isn't consuming it20:52
dstufftlifeless: re wsgi_scripts, I think you just need to generate the script at wheel build time.20:52
mtreinishsdague: well google code and gitorious (which is also dead and the actual code is deleted)20:52
clarkbI'm just saying you can break people by doing this20:52
sdagueclarkb: you can20:52
clarkbin the same way that people break us and we get mad about20:52
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mtreinishclarkb: the pypi owner gave up control of the repo20:52
sdaguebut people break us by deleting code they published this year20:52
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mtreinishso he's ok with it at least20:53
sdaguenot last decade20:53
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dstufftI can tel you if anyone is downloading that thing20:53
sigmavirus24lifeless: threw an idea into the issue (since I'm toying with a different project's wheel file that uses scripts= with setuptools.setup)20:53
clarkbI don't think we can complain at eventlet or whoever if we do this20:53
sdagueand it would be massively confusing to people to do a pip search and get 2 completely different software stacks20:53
clarkbinstead we will just have to deal with it20:53
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sdagueclarkb: I completely disagree20:53
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sdaguethere are not absolutes, this is shades of grey20:53
clarkbits super simple to solve though20:54
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sdagueif eventlet deleted 0.12 from their repo20:54
clarkbcall it openstack-tempest20:54
mtreinishdstufft: the counts on pypi page show 15 in the last day?20:54
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sdaguemtreinish: I wonder how many of those people are people trying to install our tempest by mistake20:54
mtreinishsdague: I just assumed it was mirrors or something20:55
sdagueyeh, probably20:55
mtreinishclarkb: well except it'll conflict with tempest if the pypi on tempest was installed20:55
dstufftthis is since 1-14-201620:55
dstufftor so20:55
lifelessI guess we don't need to worry about windows for this20:56
sdagueclarkb: right, we also have to rename all the tempest code. If you are really concerned about a collision20:56
clarkbI am less worried about the collision in the code because yo ucan separate the installs20:56
slogan621Ajaeger: thanks!20:56
clarkbbut if you try to intsall one or the other and get the wrong thing and even worse can no longer install the item you want that is bad20:57
sdagueclarkb: well, I believe you a wrong. I think that if people really want 8 year old dead code, that's what the wayback machine is for20:57
clarkbsdague: 1k installs happened in the last month20:58
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mtreinishclarkb: well, at least 2 of those were me :)20:58
* AJaeger just counted jobs defined in JJB and jobs used in zuul - we have 8800 in JJB and 3100 are not used in zuul...20:59
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clarkbAJaeger: wow!20:59
dstufftI (obviously) have no way of determining if those were accidental or not20:59
clarkbAJaeger: how many of those come from gratuitous use of python-jobs?20:59
clarkbmy guess is a good portion21:00
mtreinishdstufft: yeah21:00
dstufft(Personally I'd just delete the old code and move on, but with my PyPI hat on, I have no opinion on what y'all do)21:00
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mtreinishI'm frantically googling try to find another reference to it anywhere and am only finding the google coee page21:00
mtreinishwhich tells you to install it from the tarball: https://code.google.com/archive/p/image-tempest/wikis/PythonInstall.wiki21:00
sigmavirus24lifeless: worry about windows for what?21:01
clarkbmaybe create a tempest-old-and-gone on pypi and dump the old releases there? at least you can point people to it if they really need it21:01
lifelesssigmavirus24: wsgi entry points21:01
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sigmavirus24lifeless: uhh21:01
lifelesssigmavirus24: scripts on windows need to be .exe files21:01
sigmavirus24is Nova using them?21:01
AJaegerclarkb: I expect the majority, currently playing with it...21:01
sigmavirus24also I'm not sure scripts will put those files in the right place21:01
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lifelesssigmavirus24: there's special case logic in pip to build .exe's out of scripts w/in wheels, but I don't recall extactly how its all wired up21:01
mtreinishclarkb: I'd probably do image-tempest, which is the project name on google code21:01
mtreinishbut that's what I was thinking21:01
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sigmavirus24lifeless: I think Nova can be run on windows so if Nova needs them then maybe not?21:02
lifelesssigmavirus24: apache on windows is very rare :)21:02
sigmavirus24Ah good point21:02
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lifelesssigmavirus24: wsgi entry points should really be named 'mod_wsgi' entry points21:02
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* sigmavirus24 never grokked nova on windows but was told it was a thing21:02
dstufftif they're platform specific you can still do that21:02
sigmavirus24lifeless: that makes a lot more sense21:02
dstufftyou just need to generate platform specific wheels21:02
AJaegerclarkb: 2500 comes from python-jobs21:03
lifelessdstufft: so, keystone on windows should work; keystone on windows under apache - I'll wait for the bug reports21:03
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sdaguemtreinish: honestly, I'd wait until someone sends an email21:03
sdagueand then repost it21:03
dstufftlifeless: seems fine to me21:04
sdagueit's not like an automated system will handle it anyway21:04
mtreinishsdague: well I'll have to archive it somewhere then21:04
AJaegerclarkb: 396 times unused pypy21:04
mtreinishand not forget where that is21:04
mtreinishbecause it's not like the repo exists on gitorious anymore21:04
anteayaslogan621: you have what you need?21:04
sdaguemtreinish: yeh, put it in a directory on your computer21:04
AJaegerso, 430 repos define pypy but 396 do not use it...21:05
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anteayaAJaeger: awesome21:05
clarkbAJaeger: wow21:05
AJaegertime to remove pypy for good?21:05
anteayaAJaeger: what gerrit topic are you using for your cleanup patches?21:05
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AJaegeranteaya: cleanup-devstack was what I was working on. Planned as a small spring cleanup...21:06
anteayaah cool, I'll search on that21:07
anteayaperfect thans21:07
anteayaput a k in there21:07
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anteayastill winter here but I like your thinking21:07
AJaegercompare pypy with python34: 430 repos and 219 unused21:07
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AJaegeror python27: 520 repos and 95 unused21:08
anteayaI could use you today in my house, I set two mouse traps yesterday thinking I had one mouse, checked a trap last night, dead mouse (clean kill, yay) and went to bed21:08
slogan621anteaya: I have a +2, but looking for one from you so I suppose the thing to do is nail this commit message. Can I propose one here, get us to agree, and then comment on the review? The developer is likely asleep at this point and so I am acting as his ears and eyes, so to speak.21:08
anteayatoday my other mousetrap is missing, can't even find it in the room where I placed it :(21:08
anteayaslogan621: yeah tidy the commit message please21:09
mtreinishanteaya: they're evolving...21:09
anteayamtreinish: must be21:09
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anteayaI'm staying upstairs for now21:09
anteayaslogan621: here is a great page on commit messages: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GitCommitMessages21:10
nibalizermtreinish: so why is os-tempest pushing out the existing tempest on pypi?21:10
nibalizerthat seems really odd and clunky21:10
anteayaslogan621: you should find all you need for a clear, useful, nicely formatted commit message there21:10
mtreinishnibalizer: we've wanted to host tempest on pypi for a long time. It's either take the space from the dead project or rename tempest21:12
mtreinishrenaming is not a small undertaking, and the owner of the pypi project had no issues giving up the spot on pypi21:12
nibalizerbut packages have different names than the software all the time21:13
sdaguenibalizer: and are massively confusing when they do21:13
dimsmordred : i got some details from the maintainer here : https://github.com/eventlet/eventlet/commit/5bf0a6f32b3e4459b38ad1895c9eb4b0b483dae1#commitcomment-1598761321:16
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nibalizersdague: i argree that it can be confusing21:16
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nibalizerbut wiping out an existing release with completely different software doesn't seem like its ever the right decision21:16
jlvillalsdague: There is a small issue with PS4 I think.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/devstack/+bug/154374921:17
openstackLaunchpad bug 1543749 in devstack "devstack installation with Ironic fails on RHEL7" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Surojit Pathak (suro-patz)21:17
mordreddims: cool - that still doesn't explain actually physically removing 0.18.1 though21:17
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove tempest-dsvm-test-accounts-src from lib-forward-testing  https://review.openstack.org/27809121:18
sdaguenibalizer: I disagree, it's a dead project. Leaving the field of dead everywhere because it existed in a previous decade to confuse people that are used to names meaning the new thing is just another way to surprise everyone.21:18
mgagneI have a successful (and merged) change stuck in zuul status interface (in gate pipeline). in fact, it takes a long time before it goes. any idea? is it waiting for an event from gerrit?21:19
dimsfungi : AJaeger : anteaya : i owe you an update on moving the py27/34 jobs from travis to our CI - here's the etherpad where i am tracking things - https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/dims-periodic-jobs21:20
clarkbmgagne: how long are we talking? a couple minutes while results and event queues get processed and the response fro gerrit on whether or not it actually merged are not uncommon21:20
clarkbmgagne: but if you are talking hours then that would be abnormal21:20
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mgagneclarkb a couple of minutes yea. I'm curious about the reasons21:21
mgagneclarkb because when change is in check pipeline, it's gone in no time21:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: process pypi flag for release announcements  https://review.openstack.org/27646921:21
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove gate-nova-pylint  https://review.openstack.org/27809421:21
nibalizersdague: looking at dstufft's data, it looks like its been pip installed 2k times in less than a month21:21
nibalizerthat sounds decidedly un-dead21:21
fungimgagne: zuul may be polling git trying to figure out whether the change is really merged. i think we recalled recently that we're currently polling a replica rather than the internal jgit in gerrit for that so perhaps your relication is lagging?21:21
clarkbfungi: yup21:22
AJaegerdims: glad to see the progress!21:22
clarkbya so it is basically spending time checking that it merged properly21:22
clarkbit may not need to be so cautious, I pushed a patch to hit gerrit rather than the mirror21:22
clarkbbut it still checks21:22
AJaegeranteaya: enough cleanup for today21:22
* AJaeger waves good night21:22
mgagnefungi it's replicated to github already. is there an other replication I should care about?21:22
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nibalizersdague: i think i see your point, but it looks like people are using it21:23
anteayaAJaeger: good night21:23
anteayaAJaeger: thanks for clean up21:23
sdaguenibalizer: I am doubtful of that21:23
clarkbwell something is downloading it, hard to rule out mirroring etc completely21:23
nibalizersdague: how do you explain the 2k downloads?21:23
fungimgagne: in our case zuul is polling a mirror at https://review.openstack.org/p/<reponame>21:24
anteayadims: you don't owe me anything, but thank you for the etherpad21:24
openstackgerritCraig Vyvial proposed openstack-infra/project-config: run trove experimental run scenario tests  https://review.openstack.org/27809521:24
* anteaya loves a chance to get the big picture21:24
clarkbmgagne: but also it has to process each result and event one at a time21:24
clarkbin order to maintain a consistent internal state21:24
nibalizerdstufft: could you pull the same data for a package that is actually super-dead-broken-not real?21:24
nibalizerthat way we'd see the numbers that are just dumb bots pulling everything?21:24
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slogan621anteaya: what is the best way to share the proposed change? pastebin?21:24
clarkbthe result queue must drop to zero before the event queue is processed21:25
slogan621commit line < 50, lines <= 7221:25
clarkbwhich can also introduce delay if you have a continuous feed of results21:25
slogan621no period at the end :-)21:25
anteayaslogan621: well I would suggest you comment on the patch so the owner can make the change to fix the commit message21:26
odyssey4mehmm, I thought this would be sorted out today - I did a pip wheel build with the index pointing at the infra wheel mirror, and the extra-index pointing at the pypi mirror, and it fails on oslo.concurrency as the wheel mirror doesn't have the version needed. I see that the pypi mirror does though. any thoughts? ref: http://logs.openstack.org/67/265867/12/check/gate-openstack-ansible-dsvm-commit/e4a49b1/console.html#_20121:26
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anteayaslogan621: you can practice your reviews21:26
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clarkbodyssey4me: we are only building what global requirements wants iirc21:27
slogan621anteaya: nod. And I hope you can comment on my comment21:27
mgagnecould it be linked to window-floor config? I'm not sure about its purpose21:27
clarkbodyssey4me: so if you have otherwise pinned or are using older commits that could explain it21:27
odyssey4meclarkb yep, I see that in the wheel mirror - what I don't understand is why the fallback to the pypi mirror isn't working21:27
anteayaslogan621: I'll let you have a round first, you seemed to understand the message of the wikipage21:28
clarkbmgagne: no, that is just configuring how many changes can be "active" in the gate at one time21:28
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fungiclarkb: odyssey4me: the upper-constraints.txt in particular, i believe21:28
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odyssey4mefungi clarkb yeah, the wheel mirror only has the upper contraints and the wheel mirror has normalised names - the pypi mirror does not have normalised names... I'm wondering if that is the issue. dstufft thoughts?21:29
clarkbodyssey4me: we have our indexes the other way around21:29
clarkbodyssey4me: you could just grab it off the host?21:29
clarkbpypi mirror proper is main index, extra is wheels21:29
mgagnetakes about ~12m for change to get removed from UI21:29
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dstufftnibalizer: pick a name and I'll look it up21:30
dstufftodyssey4me: bandersnatch makes both normalized and unnormalized names, if openstack does something else besides that I dunno, but it should make the normalized name available.21:30
mgagne"INFO zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Reported change <Change 0x7f8fdc098790 3,1> status: all-succeeded: True, merged: False"21:30
mgagnelooks to be it21:30
fungiodyssey4me: one of these things is not like the other21:31
odyssey4medstufft so the wheel mirror has http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/wheel/ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/oslo-concurrency/ and the pypi mirror has http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/pypi/simple/oslo.concurrency/21:31
fungiFailed to find 'hacking' at http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/wheel/ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/hacking/. It is suggested to upgrade your index to support normalized names as the name in /simple/{name}.21:31
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fungiwhat's non-normalized about "hacking" there?21:31
odyssey4memy constraints at this sha is looking for oslo.concurrency<=3.3.021:31
odyssey4mefungi this is what is: http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/wheel/ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/hacking/ :) (404)21:32
slogan621anteaya: posted my comment (including the link so the developer can review guidelines, thanks for that)21:32
clarkbwe do need to rewrite oslo.concurrency to oslo-concurrency iirc21:32
odyssey4meie hacking is not on the wheel mirror21:32
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fungiodyssey4me: righth, we don't put hacking and some other linters in the constraints list, so they won't get built in our wheel mirror, however there are wheels of those already in our pypi mirror because we upload them to pypi (they're just pure python)21:33
anteayaslogan621: welcome, thanks for reading and following up, nice work21:33
odyssey4mefungi yep, so I think that's a red herring21:33
slogan621anteaya: and thanks for the help with the learning curve.21:34
dstufftfungi: nothing21:34
odyssey4mefungi that warning appears to just relate to there being nothing in the primary index... I think the issue here  is that pip isn't finding oslo.concurrency in the extra index21:35
nibalizerdstufft: just looking at the download stats of other things in pypi, many packages have 0-0-021:35
clarkbodyssey4me: yes because we don't rewrite it to oslo-concurrency21:36
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dstufftfungi: it 404'd, can't tell the difference between "we needed to fallback to try and discover the name because we don't know the un-normalized name for it" and "fell back because it legitly doesn't exist"21:36
anteayaslogan621: you are welcome, thanks for digging in21:36
dstufftand pip 8 (I think? might be pip 9) just removes that fallback21:36
odyssey4meclarkb nor does pypi? https://pypi.python.org/simple/oslo.concurrency21:36
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openstackgerritCraig Vyvial proposed openstack-infra/project-config: run trove experimental run scenario tests  https://review.openstack.org/27809521:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update chairs for Neutron's L3 sub-team meeting  https://review.openstack.org/27803821:37
anteayaslogan621: some folks believe I'm telling them to go away, I'm not, I'm trying to help, and this is how I do it21:37
anteayaslogan621: thanks for sticking with it21:37
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clarkbodyssey4me: https://pypi.python.org/simple/oslo-concurrency/21:37
clarkbit has to do with name normalization, if you use new enough pip I blieve it will do it client side21:37
clarkbdstufft: ^ is that right?21:38
odyssey4meclarkb oh interesting, so pypi does both normalised and non-normalised names21:38
dstufftclarkb: yea21:38
odyssey4medstufft this is using pip 7.1.2 - what's new enough?21:38
mordredodyssey4me: you should always use latest pip21:38
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odyssey4memordred that would be nice, but breaking changes do not for a stable environment make :)21:39
openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-ovn: Add an install job for networking-ovn + kuryr  https://review.openstack.org/27810121:39
mordredodyssey4me: I hear that - but openstack assumes latest pip and does not make any attempt to work with older pip21:39
mordredodyssey4me: so if you're installing from pip, I strongly recommend installing pip from pip21:39
dstufftPyPI redirects the non-cannonical name to the cannonical name, previously that was "whatever the person originally registered the name as" but that meant that give a command like ``pip install Django`` we didn't know if we need /simple/django/ or /simple/Django/ or /simple/DjAnGo/. It worked no matter what on PyPI proper because of the redirects, but that was hard to do on static mirrors, and failing meant we had to fetch /simple/21:40
dstufft and scan that for links... which is a 4MB download21:40
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dstufftso we switched it so the cannonical name was the normalized name21:40
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dstufftand pip always fetches the cannonical name21:40
dstufftand the fallback to /simple/ was deprecated21:40
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cody-somervillehmm... mordred, jeblair: Were you able to get openafs-client-dkms to compile on Ubuntu Trusty?21:42
odyssey4medstufft so what would the correct approach to use that will work with pip7+ ?21:42
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pleia2come to think of it, I've only used it on the 6 month releases21:42
dstufftodyssey4me: use the normalized name in the repository21:42
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prometheanfireodyssey4me: ohai21:43
dstufftPEP 503 has the simple repository documented21:43
dstufftfollow that :]21:43
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odyssey4medstufft so if requirements.txt has 'oslo.concurrency' then we should convert that before executing the pip install/pip wheel?21:43
dstufftodyssey4me: no21:44
dstufftodyssey4me: pip will convert it21:44
odyssey4meah, so the repo itself is the issue here21:44
dstufftthe repository, e.g.  http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/pypi/simple/oslo-concurrency/21:44
odyssey4mein this case, the pypi mirror needs the names normalised21:44
dstufftnot  http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/pypi/simple/oslo.concurrency/21:44
dstufftif the mirror is built using a recent enough bandersnatch, it should have *both* oslo.concurrency and oslo-concurrency, for compatability sake21:45
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dstufftif it's built using some custom tooling, then adjust that tooling :]21:45
clarkbit is bandersnatch21:46
clarkbthe wheel mirror is alrady correct with oslo-concurrency21:46
sdagueinfra-root: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/278089 can we get that promoted to fix the nova gate21:46
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odyssey4medstufft for our own repo, which is consumes other repositories, I'll check against pep503 compliance... in this case the issue is bandersnatch as its the infra pypi mirror :)21:46
odyssey4meso clarkb if you can point me at something, I'll make the codes if I can fathom what's there :)21:47
jeblaircody-somerville: yes -- but without the lts enablement stack.21:47
clarkbodyssey4me: we may just need to update bandersnatch where we are building the mirror now21:47
clarkband I have no idea where we build the mirror now21:47
cody-somervillejeblair: so an older version of the kernel?21:47
jeblaircody-somerville: the _trusty_ version of the kernel21:47
clarkbwould have to dig backwards in puppet to find it21:47
odyssey4meclarkb ah21:48
dstufft(it's also possible that bandersnatch isn't doing it correctly in all cases)21:48
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odyssey4meI noticed, also, that the wheel mirror is ubuntu only at this point - is that right?21:48
lifelessdstufft: does bandersnatch do it itself, or is it in th efeed data?21:48
jeblaircody-somerville: (i'm not sure that was ultimately a factor, however, having it enabled, installing some things, and then removing it, and then installing openafs definitely doesn't work, which is what was happening with some of our puppet configuration)21:48
dstufftlifeless: bandersnatch does it itself21:48
clarkbodyssey4me: yes since we have to do per distro release and arch builds of wheels21:48
lifelessclarkb: ^ so yes21:48
jeblaircody-somerville: (our solution to that problem was to not use it at all)21:48
clarkbodyssey4me: currently only doing that for ubuntu 14.04 on x86_6421:48
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fungicody-somerville: fwiw, i had no problems with apt-get install openafs-client-dkms, but i was using a relatively current debian/sid21:49
dstufftthis is probably an safe_name thing21:49
dstufftI think it allows .21:49
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fungicody-somerville: though in theory we're installing it on our mirror servers and mirror build workers21:50
fungiwhich are ubuntu-trusty21:50
dstufftprobably replacing the call to pkg_resources.safe_name with the normalize function from PEP 503 will be enough (maybe should move that to the packaging lib, though it seems silly to add a 1 line function)21:50
jeblairfungi: ^ (without lts enablement)21:51
lifelessdstufft: +1 on adding it21:51
clarkbin theory we always use latest bandersnatch21:51
clarkbbut it is working from an existing mirror each time21:51
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jeblairclarkb: we use a fork of bandersnatch21:51
clarkbwe do?21:52
jeblairclarkb: we're waiting for https://bitbucket.org/pypa/bandersnatch/pull-requests/16/add-option-to-dir-hash-index-files to land21:52
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clarkboh for some reason I thought that merged21:52
openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-ovn: Add an install job for networking-ovn + kuryr  https://review.openstack.org/27810121:52
jeblairclarkb: all of the previous review comments have been addressed21:52
jeblairclarkb, dstufft: so i don't expect it to be a problem, but no one has looked at it yet21:53
fungijeblair: ahh, yep, sorry. replying to things in scrollback without first reading all of scrollback again21:53
jeblairclarkb: there have been no bandersnatch commits since our fork21:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: nova bugs team meeting  https://review.openstack.org/27804321:54
clarkbwe will need to do the hg equivalent of a rebase if bandersnatch fixes this21:55
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clarkbor get them to merge both things21:55
jeblairclarkb: aiui there is no hg equivalent of a rebase21:55
jeblair21:44 < dstufft> the repository, e.g.  http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/pypi/simple/oslo-concurrency/21:56
jeblair21:44 < odyssey4me> in this case, the pypi mirror needs the names normalised21:56
jeblair21:44 < dstufft> not  http://mirror.bhs1.ovh.openstack.org/pypi/simple/oslo.concurrency/21:56
mordredmaybe if they fix this, they'll also merge our patch so we can stop using a fork21:56
mordredthat would be neat21:56
fungithey just add commits to address merge conflicts when tying them together?21:56
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jeblairclarkb: so can you summarise the issue?21:56
dstufftHg has rebase21:56
dstufftit's in an extension though21:56
greghaynesI think rebase is just an extension in hg21:56
greghayneslike everything else21:57
clarkbjeblair: the issue is that oslo.concurrency is canonically oslo-concurrency so needs to be at /simple/oslo-concurrency21:57
pleia2called and confirmed that the courtyard has a local shuttle too (thanks cody-somerville for confirming the other two)21:57
mordredclarkb: and this is breaking our mirror?21:57
clarkbjeblair: our wheel mirror does that just fine, but our bandersnatch mirror does not. apparently because the . is extra special in the normalization code21:57
jeblaireven though pypi itself does?21:57
clarkbpip is smart enough that things work21:57
dstufftpkg_resources uses a different regex from pip and PyPI21:57
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clarkbbut it doesn't use the wheel for some reason21:58
dstufftand bandersnatch uses pkg_resources21:58
clarkbit uses the sdist on the bandersnatch mirror that isn't canonicaly pathed21:58
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anteayadims: updated your etherpad with a link to the keystone patch21:58
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dimsanteaya : thanks21:58
clarkbI am guessing because the oslo.conccurency name more closely matches what is in our reqs?21:58
mgagnemoved our first project under Gerrit/Zuul w00t21:58
anteayadims: nice clear etherpad, well done21:59
anteayadims: any leads on how to address the neutron issue(s)?21:59
mordredclarkb: so, in theory we can fix this in our fork of bandersnatch that is in jeblair's repo by changing pkg_resources.safe_name to something else, yeah?21:59
clarkbmordred: yes21:59
jeblairclarkb: so it sounds like two issues, possibly separate?  1) bandersnatch doesn't do oslo-concurrency; 2) we aren't using the wheel for a reason that may or may not be related to (1)?21:59
anteayapleia2: thanks for the update21:59
dimsanteaya : y still toying with it. hopefully will come up with something soon22:00
clarkbjeblair: yes22:00
mordreddstufft: what's the thing we want to use instead of pkg_resources.safe_name() ?22:00
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anteayadims: okay let me know if you need a hand to find some neutron folks22:00
fungi"normalize function from PEP 503"22:00
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dimsanteaya : ack thanks22:00
clarkbjeblair: but it also sounds like odyssey4me's thing is writing its own pip.conf so could be completely separate issue too22:00
anteayadims: and for reference, I'm so tired these days trying to figure out what people are saying, I do favour properly spelled words22:01
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anteayadims: or an attempt as I am a poor speller22:01
mordredclarkb: this is only a problem for odyssey4me ?22:01
anteayadims: and you're welcome22:01
jeblairclarkb: oh, yeah, odyssey4me is going to fix that22:01
clarkbmordred: I havne't confirmed if it is an issue outside of that job22:01
dstufftmordred: digging into this a bit sec22:01
fungii believe odyssey4me is saying that the proposed change to _not_ do special stuff any longer is running into this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/265867/22:01
mordreddstufft: awesome. thanks!22:01
odyssey4memordred well, I'm trying to use the infra pypi/wheel mirror for our builds, and finding bugs :)22:01
clarkbodyssey4me: yes but are you using our mirror config?22:02
clarkbfrom pip.conf?22:02
clarkbwhat you described was different than what we configure22:02
odyssey4meclarkb the particular brokenness is happening in this command execution: http://logs.openstack.org/67/265867/12/check/gate-openstack-ansible-dsvm-commit/e4a49b1/console.html#_2016-02-09_17_54_12_28322:02
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fungiahh, yeah looking at the actual patch in 265867 it looks a lot less like what i anticipated from the commit message22:03
clarkbyup that config is different than ours22:03
jeblairodyssey4me: eventually you are going to use the actual pip.conf files we write, right?22:03
fungii was expecting ^ that22:03
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clarkbfor us extra index url is the wheel mirror and index url is the bandersnatch mirror22:03
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jeblairbecause duplicating infra code in your project is not the best long term strategy.22:04
clarkbso you hvae flipped the order which may or may not play a part here22:04
odyssey4mejeblair yes, this is part of the process to test whether that is an option for us - which it currently is not due to this problem22:04
fungii'm not too inclined to dig much deeper on troubleshooting behavior from tests of that change22:04
dstufftI Hate computers22:04
anteayame too22:04
jeblairand, to be perfectly honest, this is why -- we spent months working through all of this and i don't think we should be solving it again22:04
mordredodyssey4me: how hard would it be for you to test upgrading your build to latest pip before doing your build to see if that makes it go away?22:04
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dstuffta refactor lost half of the normalization at some point in pip22:04
fungiodyssey4me: where is the test of using our pip.conf?22:04
clarkbodyssey4me: wait, it would install it from sdist? is that a problem?22:04
mordredso - reading odyssey4me's patch22:04
fungii don't see that actually tested with this change22:04
mordredhe's passing in the same parameters to his currently parameterized ansible playbook22:05
cloudnullcomputers are terrible22:05
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mordredit looks like the playbook is not structured to take a pip.conf file as input22:05
mordredso he's doing what he can to get the values passed in to the right parameters22:05
odyssey4menope, it's not - that a next step option22:05
clarkbmordred: no he is not22:05
anteayapleia2: could I trouble you for a review of this patch which fixs a bug in our implementation of gerrit, whereby jeepyb can create gerrit groups that are system groups, the upstream patch has merged but backporting is more effort than it is worth: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/270537/522:05
clarkbmordred: the config is inverted22:05
mordredclarkb: I know22:05
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mordredodyssey4me: I suggest trying 2 things22:05
clarkbif we uninverted it that would be a trivial step one22:05
pleia2anteaya: sure, looking22:05
slogan621nothing wrong with computers - it's users that are often the problem :-)22:06
anteayapleia2: thank you22:06
odyssey4meso step back a patch set, and it was inverted the other way22:06
mordredodyssey4me: a) inverting the order of your parameters22:06
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mordredodyssey4me: and b) upgrading pip to latest in your thing22:06
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mordredodyssey4me: that gets you closest to the way the other things are working22:06
odyssey4meok, not a patch set - several22:06
clarkbodyssey4me: and is there some problem installing from an sdist?22:06
odyssey4memordred so upgrading pip is not an option for the stable branches - which means we're stuck with horribleness - so making this work like this is ideal22:07
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clarkbbecause we definitely install oslo.concurrency eselwhere I would just expect it to sdist22:07
odyssey4meclarkb it's slower, apparently22:07
odyssey4mebut yeah, I can invert it and see what happens22:07
clarkbodyssey4me: it wont be that much slower because oslo.concurrency doesn't compile anything22:08
mordredodyssey4me: ok. so - just to be clear - openstack does not support old pip _at_all_22:08
clarkbodyssey4me: your big win with these wheels is on stuff that needs to link to other libs22:08
clarkblxml etc22:08
fungiyeah, wheeling oslo.concurrency should be very fast, especially if all its other requirements are available as wheels22:08
mordredodyssey4me: so whatever your policy is on upgrading pip you may want to rethink otherwise you are setting yourself up to be screwed in an unsupported way22:08
mordredas much as I understand why your policy probablyis the way it is22:08
openstackgerritCarl Baldwin proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: A meeting for discussing and coordinating routed networks  https://review.openstack.org/27811422:08
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odyssey4memordred understood, but pip 8.0 broke us for several days... and made all previous tags unusable... so we had to make a policy call for stable branches22:09
sdaguefungi, et al - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/278089 - will really help prevent everyone recheck grinding nova patches22:09
mordredodyssey4me: totally - believe me - I understand that pain22:10
sdagueit looks like there are no nova patches in gate, so even just pushing it into the gate queue will be helpful22:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Do not mention "independent" in announcements  https://review.openstack.org/27790222:11
odyssey4methank you all for your advice and for digging into it22:11
openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove PTL office hours  https://review.openstack.org/27811622:11
odyssey4mehopefully bandersnatch can be fixed for pep503 - meanwhile, we'll see what we can do to work with this22:11
mordredodyssey4me: good luck!22:12
odyssey4meI'm trying to get something that works better for gating, but also doesn't implement radical changes to how the playbooks work, otherwise backports will not be possible (and we get stuck with horrible things)22:12
clarkbodyssey4me: what I would expect is for the sdist to be used via the bandersnatch mirror which is likely how everything ese is working now22:12
clarkbcan probably find some logs to confirm that from other jobs22:12
mordredright - but if they're on old pip, then it's not going to be doing pre-normalization22:12
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mordredour wheel mirror DOES normalize22:13
jeblairyeah, honestly, using the pip.conf we write is the answer22:13
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mordredit's not22:13
mordredit's not going to fix him22:13
mordredat all22:13
jeblairokay, we've looped back again.  mordred: why don't you explain?22:13
clarkbmordred: I thought 7 was new enough to fix the names22:13
mordredthe problem is the combo of old pip and a wheel mirror that properly normalizes22:13
pleia2"I have breakfast/coffee/tea and lunches ordered for everyday.  Would you like me to have any coffee/tea brought in the afternoon as a pick me up?  Any snacks?" <-- I said yes :)22:13
jeblairokay, so use our pip.conf *and* use our pip.22:13
pleia2so we should be well fed22:13
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Keystone-only uwsgi job  https://review.openstack.org/26499122:13
odyssey4meclarkb I'll switch the index order now, which hopefully will work - otherwise I'll work out another plan. I'm thinking that we may have to introduce the option of multiple fallbacks or something - then the pip.conf from the host can be used22:13
jeblairmordred: yeah?22:14
mordredso - I honestly do not think the pip.conf is a problem - the code he's got is going to wind up with a pip.conf that is identical (he's already tested inverting the order of the parameters)22:14
dstufftpip < 8 does the fallback to /simple/22:14
mordredthat he's only getting the _tarball_22:14
jeblairmordred: no, this is something we need to be very clear on -- jobs _must_ use our pip.conf22:14
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mordredjeblair: I understand that22:14
dstufftso if the /simple/ index is correctly handled an older pip with the wrong normalization rules will work ok22:15
jeblairmordred: we need to be able to change that without having to politely ask every project to please update their scripts22:15
clarkbhttp://logs.openstack.org/41/277941/4/check/gate-dsvm-nodepool/5d87d90/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2016-02-09_21_28_01_816 the other jobs pick up the wheel from the bandersnatch mirror22:15
mordredI'm saying that that is not the actual techincal problem in this specific case22:15
mordredso while we can work on getting him to do that22:15
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jeblairmordred: right, you're saying it's the older pip22:15
mordredimplying that it will solve his problem is not correct22:15
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mordredI do think he should do that22:15
odyssey4mewell, the problem is also that we're not building from head every time - we're doing sha updates on a schedule in order to help manage from being side-tracked - we test at a sha for 2 weeks, then tag, then bump sha's and go again22:15
jeblairmordred: i understand that which is why i'm trying to work with you on evolving a response22:15
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odyssey4meso the wheels we want are from that sha's upper-constraints, not from last night's upper-constraints22:15
fungisdague: i went ahead and pushed it into the gate pipeline22:16
sdaguefungi: thank you22:16
fungisdague: most of the changes ahead of it are probably about to report, so i'm hesitant to promote it22:16
sdaguefungi: sure, and none of them are nova changes22:16
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fungithat too22:16
sdaguewhich means they won't fail out in front of us22:17
sdagueat least not for this reason22:17
sdagueend of gate is fine in this case22:17
clarkband that path is completely not normalized22:17
odyssey4meand jeblair my very first attempt was based on grabbing the values from /etc/pip.conf on the host: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/265867/1/scripts/gate-check-commit.sh22:17
clarkbso I would expect this to just work if the index url is for bandersnatch mirror22:17
fungibut mainly in the interest of shaving off an extra ~hour of wasted nodes from nova devs recheck-spamming their failing patches because we'll never be able to convince them to not do that22:17
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jeblairodyssey4me: right, there's a pip version issue involved here, i stand corrected22:17
odyssey4meand I will return to that, instead of using the current mechanism - but I can only refine the method once I have a pypi mirror and wheel mirror that works for our needs :)22:18
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clarkbI am almost positive that this will work if index-url is set to bandersnatch22:18
clarkbbecause oslo.concurrency == oslo.concurrency which is the path in use there and there is a wheel published22:19
odyssey4meyep, I'm going to kick that off now as a test clarkb :)22:19
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openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-ovn: Add an install job for networking-ovn + kuryr  https://review.openstack.org/27810122:19
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clarkbour wheel mirror doesnt have its own /simple/22:21
clarkbbut since the bandersnatch mirror wasn't the main index it wasn't used, the wheel waas?22:21
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clarkbanyways I think that is what confused it there22:21
fungithat makes sense22:24
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jeblairodyssey4me: i don't believe we plan to quickly delete wheels from our mirrors as requirements update; however, i will not promise that they will stay there.  we may chose to delete them a few hours after they are no longer relevant in any requirements branch.  or we may rebuild the mirror from scratch.22:25
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clarkbhowever the bandersnatch mirrors should be complete, but that may mean falling back on sdists22:25
jeblairodyssey4me: so, on your long-term map, i think there are 3 divergences which we should try to correct: 1) the config files [well under way]; 2) the version of pip; 3) the requirements versions22:25
odyssey4meclarkb you're right - actually I think the wheel mirror needs to be fed into a --find-links CLI parameter, not an index22:26
lifelesssigmavirus24: so your bug: I think you should have enough to start on a patch ?22:26
jeblairodyssey4me: things 2 and perhaps especially 3, may be longer term conversations with lots of people on what exactly you're solving, and how to deal with that in the systems we've developed as a project22:26
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clarkbodyssey4me: it is working fine for us as an extra index22:26
fungiclarkb: jeblair: looks like osic went ahead and gave us 100 floating ips quota22:26
sigmavirus24lifeless: yeah, I'll need to stick my head into PBR though22:27
clarkboh fun I will have to pick up my testing there then22:27
jeblairfungi: good start! ;)22:27
odyssey4meclarkb ok, there goes that idea :p22:27
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lifelesssigmavirus24: ayup22:27
odyssey4mejeblair I'd be very happy to discuss how we can both serve each other's needs better at any time. It might be good for us to set something up at the summit, but I'd be happy to converse earlier.22:28
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openstackgerritVolodymyr Samotiy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/broadview-lib project  https://review.openstack.org/27587322:29
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odyssey4meI do think it would be best for us to give you a clearer idea of what we're doing, because I think that'll help you advise us about how we can perhaps move towards something better that can suit both projects.22:30
jeblairodyssey4me: agreed -- with the exception that we're one project.  :)22:30
jeblairodyssey4me: welcome to openstack :)22:30
odyssey4mejeblair of course :)22:31
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odyssey4mejeblair in some ways I'd rather we figure something out before the summit - anything that isn't already in place in mitaka is going to live in a stable branch for another year (or more)... so the sooner the better :)22:32
odyssey4meI'd rather get good habits into Liberty and Mitaka, and drop bad habits when Kilo dies in a fire.22:33
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odyssey4meafk for a bit22:36
jeblairgreghaynes: the traceback in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/273703/9 looks interleaved?22:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova wsgi unit test eventlet 0.18.2 bug 1543766  https://review.openstack.org/27806922:38
openstackbug 1543766 in OpenStack Compute (nova) liberty "nova.tests.unit.test_wsgi.TestWSGIServerWithSSL fails with testtools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: 'OK\r\n' != 'PONG' and eventlet 0.18.2" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1543766 - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)22:38
jeblairgreghaynes: Thread.__target appears to be called inside of "_sleep(delay)" which i highly doubt22:38
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greghaynesjeblair: oy22:39
greghaynesjeblair: I have some code I can repro it again with, it just takes a while22:39
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jeblairgreghaynes: maybe it was a copy/paste error?22:39
greghaynesjeblair: I did confirm that submitJob is blocking forever though, which is when I went on that debugging22:39
greghaynesjeblair: likely22:39
greghaynesjeblair: the thread dump was huge so I tried to grab the good parts22:39
jeblairgreghaynes: it looks like two complete copies of the same traceback; one stuck inside of the other22:40
jeblairgreghaynes: so i think i can un-interleave it22:40
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jeblairgreghaynes: this looks like the actual thing: http://paste.openstack.org/show/486495/   does that look right to you?22:40
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greghaynesjeblair: yep22:41
prometheanfiregreghaynes: mind taking a look at this 4 line patch? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276578/22:41
jeblairgreghaynes: cool, i'll go with that, thanks22:41
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prometheanfireand this 2 line one (with file rename) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/276581/22:41
prometheanfireianw: around?22:41
greghaynesprometheanfire: yea, ill have a look22:41
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ianwprometheanfire: yep22:42
clarkbwoot my change for upload fails passed one of the two unitest jobs. Looks like unrelated failure in the cover job but I am investigating22:42
clarkbjeblair: greghaynes ^22:42
prometheanfiremordred: is stuff 'stable' enough for a new glean tag?22:42
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greghaynesclarkb: fun22:43
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prometheanfireclarkb: yay having to fix unrelated errors22:43
ianwpromethanfire: we were just discussing this a bit ago and i think mordred is going to tag a 1.522:44
prometheanfireah, nice22:44
mordredoh - yeah22:44
mordredI've got it ready to push - just didn't want to do it while I was in meetings22:44
prometheanfireyay, don't have to override to git anymore22:44
ianwgreghaynes: did you write the growroot stuff22:44
greghaynesianw: I did22:45
greghaynesianw: should I be scared?22:45
greghaynesianw: I make no claim that it is good22:45
ianwgreghaynes: yes, because i am about to mention systemd22:45
prometheanfiregreghaynes: I'm sorry22:45
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ianwgreghaynes: because when we run it under systemd at boot, ID_PART_ENTRY_NUMBER isn't yet showing up in udevadm22:46
greghaynesianw: fun. Is it just running too early?22:46
greghaynesianw: that can run really late...22:46
prometheanfireit can run at any time really22:46
ianwgreghaynes: so i think i've just done it wrong -- what i think needs to happen is it needs a udev rule that matches on added block devices22:47
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ianwand, if the block device is the root one, and it's not embiggened, embiggen it22:47
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greghaynesianw: hrm, it needs to run after that device has been mounted too, though (how else does it know that its the root device)22:48
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ianwgreghaynes: hmm, i *think* if the device rule then has a "wants" or similar on multi-user, it should be at the right point ...22:49
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greghaynesianw: is there no systemd thing for 'run after all local filesystems are mounted'?22:50
greghaynesbecause really thats what i'd use22:50
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ianwgreghaynes: it's not the mounting, it's the udev triggers that add all those flags being probed for22:50
greghaynesYea, but those have to be before the mount22:50
ianwgreghaynes: i don't think so, it's looking at all this /dev/disk/by-uuid/... stuff that is setup by udev rules22:52
clarkbhttp://logs.openstack.org/41/277941/4/check/nodepool-coverage/94b508c/console.html#_2016-02-09_22_31_35_994 it looks like dropping the db hung and timed out22:52
clarkbgreghaynes: that is a known issue with cleanups right?22:52
greghaynesianw: aye, ok22:52
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greghaynesclarkb: yep22:53
greghaynesianw: so ya, if you can express that somehow in systemd then SGTM, I lack the fu to do that.22:53
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clarkbgreghaynes: you should watch kung fu panda and learn :)22:54
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greghaynesclarkb: Is that what I'm missing?22:54
clarkbyes, this is why google gifted you a copy22:55
clarkbor was it amazon?22:55
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greghayneshah, amazon22:55
olaphgreghaynes is the dragon warrior?22:56
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jeblairgreghaynes: do you have any information from the gearman server side?22:57
greghaynesjeblair: I do not - that was in a test case22:57
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greghaynesjeblair: I hacked the thread dumping in to the base class22:57
jeblairgreghaynes: it does have a timeout22:57
greghaynesjeblair: so I have gear logs, I can repro it in a little bit and paste logs if that is better22:57
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jeblairgreghaynes: we have set it to be very high though22:57
jeblairgreghaynes: higher than the timeout for running tests22:58
greghaynesjeblair: ah22:58
greghaynesjeblair: so that is it, then22:58
jeblairgreghaynes: so i do not believe that is a deadlock22:58
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greghaynesjeblair: Is there no way gear client can discover that the socket reconnected or disconnected and kill the wait()?22:58
jeblairgreghaynes: it's the same timeout bump we made to avoid disconnects22:58
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jeblairgreghaynes: perhaps... let me see23:00
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jeblairgreghaynes: it's not clear to me what actually happened though23:01
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openstackgerritFausto Marzi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set conditions for gate-{name}-docs on freezer*  https://review.openstack.org/27807023:02
jeblairgreghaynes: because it should not have tried to submit the job to the old disconnected connection23:02
jeblairgreghaynes: that is marked as invalid before jobs are notified23:02
greghaynesjeblair: Yea, it only happens about 1 of 10 test runs for me locally23:02
greghaynesjeblair: Let me repro it and get a better dump23:03
jeblairgreghaynes: so the fact that nodepool's handleDisconnect was called means that the connection was taken out of the client's list of active connections23:03
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jeblairgreghaynes: so it would have been submitted to a replacement connection23:03
jeblairgreghaynes: why that one didn't respond i don't know23:03
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jeblairgreghaynes: (or if we can confirm it somehow was submitted to the old connection, that would be a bug)23:03
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greghaynesjeblair: http://paste.ubuntu.com/15005243/23:04
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jeblairgreghaynes: when you said a while, i was imagining more than 1 minute23:05
greghaynesjeblair: usually I have to run it in a while loop and go do something else23:05
greghaynesI got lucky23:06
jeblairgreghaynes: are you just running that one test?23:06
greghaynesjeblair: yep23:06
jeblairgreghaynes: (i have run it a few times and have not hit it yet)23:06
dims_clarkb : +1 on kung fu panda :)23:06
greghaynesjeblair: I left the command at the top23:06
jeblairgreghaynes: ah, yep, that's what i'm running23:07
jeblairgreghaynes: your workstation probably has the magic timing23:07
greghaynesjeblair: Yep23:07
greghaynesjeblair: It seems to happen when nodepool reconnects to gear at about the same time we send the submitJob23:07
greghaynesIf you look on line 20423:08
greghaynesjeblair: I have to go afk for a bit, ty for having a look23:08
jeblairgreghaynes: np,ty23:09
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clarkbmordred: educate me, what would you expect to lock up a drop database in mysql resulting in a job timeout23:10
clarkbmordred: something with an open transaction?23:11
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mordredyah - maybe so23:12
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clarkbmordred: nodepool tests occasionally timeout and they seem to be stuck on the drop database cleanup for the db fixture23:13
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mordredoh lovely23:17
clarkbwe create a new db per test23:17
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: use the name we derive from the project instead of the path  https://review.openstack.org/27814323:17
clarkbso I don't think this is multiple tests interfering with each other23:17
clarkbwe must have some background thread that is not dying holding a transaction?23:17
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fungiif rvasilets and redixin had a problem with the speed of reviews in project-config, it would have been nice of them to pitch in rather than ranting like in https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/vote-for-speakers/presentation/883523:24
fungibut it seems they're more interested in doing their own thing rather than participating23:24
fungithis disappoints me23:24
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* Clint fixates on "numeros"23:25
prometheanfiregreghaynes: how goes the reviews :P23:25
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fungianybody recall if they ever voiced concerns or had suggestions which didn't involve replacing what we have with something they wrote from scratch?23:25
funginot really sure how seriously to take this23:26
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clarkbfungi: not really, when rally ci was first proposed I tried to suss out the motivations behind it23:26
clarkbI distinctly remember "simpler config" and not using java23:26
anteayafungi: I don't recall a serious prposal or spec that was offered23:26
fungiaside from the fact that most of the highlights there are slated to be solved with zuul v323:26
anteayanor to I recall a meeting item agenda on the topic23:27
jeblairyeah, considering that 20 people raised their hands for helping on zuulv3 at the summit, and 3 raised their hands when it was actually time to start coding23:27
jeblairif someone is seriously interested in hacking on ci stuff, we certainly have room for them to do so23:27
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add poll.poll() timeout  https://review.openstack.org/27444523:27
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dims_boris-42 : around? what's up with rally-ci? ^^^23:28
clarkbmordred: what is the best way to display the open transactions? show engine innodb status?23:28
clarkbmordred: I think I will add that to our cleanup23:28
clarkbmordred: then next time it happens we can review the state of the owrld23:28
jeblairi am also very surprised to hear that the doors of openstack ci are all closed.23:28
mordredI have nothing productive to add on the topic of rally ci23:29
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clarkbmordred: wha about on the topic of mysql? :P23:29
mordredbut I might decide, should this talk get accepted, to go mercilessly heckle23:29
anteayamordred: your time is better spent elsewhere, being more productive23:29
jeblairi will entertain the idea that our doors are too open.23:29
mordredclarkb: not much useful there either - I think your innodb status idea is a good one23:29
mordredjeblair: ++23:29
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add 'image-api-use-tasks' provider entry for shade  https://review.openstack.org/27209723:29
anteayajeblair: I can support that argument23:30
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anteayafungi: are there any good propsals you have come across?23:31
clarkbAccess denied; you need the PROCESS privilege for this operation hrm23:31
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clarkbthta was wit a root connection, I worry that the test user may not hvae perms, but  Iwill test that explicitly23:32
anteayaclarkb: is this oisc23:32
anteayaor raxtel?23:32
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clarkbneither, debugging nodepool test failures23:33
clarkbit does work with the test user so will add that to nodepool and recheck a bunch23:34
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Show innodb status before dropping db  https://review.openstack.org/27814623:36
clarkbmordred: ^ we will see if that gets us somewhere23:36
clarkband I derped the copy pasta again23:37
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Show innodb status before dropping db  https://review.openstack.org/27814623:37
anteayathere are some good proposals23:39
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jeblairgreghaynes: it looks like the server enqueued a response, but the client never got it23:39
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jeblairgreghaynes: that could be because the server never actually sent it, or the client didn't get notified correctly, or there was some weird network error (seems unlikely over loopback).23:40
jeblairgreghaynes: but lines 206 and 209 look like the the server received, processed, and responded to the request23:41
anteayafungi: some feedback on the vote-for-speakers app, if I select Other at the bottom of the drop down list, I get no content as a response23:42
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fungianteaya: 7337 and 7578 of course but 8020,7155,8611,8338,8396,7618,7542,8081,7634,7334,7935 are pretty infra-heavy topics in the upstream dev track too (and 6956 but it looks like it's a clueless talking head), 8087 and 8013 are stable branch related, 7813 is qa-ish (on static analyzers),23:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove PTL office hours  https://review.openstack.org/27811623:46
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anteayafungi: awesome, thank you for the list23:47
fungianteaya: in summary, i don't think we have a shortage of openstack infra/ci talks proposed23:47
anteayaagreed we have no shortage23:47
fungiif anything, we're in danger of dominating the submissions in that track23:47
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anteayamy concern is what the listener will expect from us as a result of hearing all the talks23:47
anteayaso I hope the selections committee for the upstream development track has some good conversations curating that track23:48
fungianteaya: for the ones which are specifically about the systems/services we're developing and maintaining, i'm pretty confident we'll manage to collectively present an accurate and consistent picture23:48
fungisince the people proposing those are for the most part actively engaged in the team23:49
anteayaoh good23:49
anteayayes I see, many good proposals23:49
anteayathere are more than a few third party ci proposals too23:49
fungiindeed there are23:49
fungipopular topic23:49
anteayahope they set reasonable expectations for operators23:49
odyssey4meclarkb it seems that your suspicion was right - the repo build completed and used both sources... the whole build failed, so I'll figure out why tomorrow - thanks for your help!23:49
anteayaand operator's managers23:49
pleia2wow, so many talks23:50
anteayaso many23:50
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fungii'm pleasantly surprised by the overall quality of proposals in that track23:50
pleia2yeah, it was a great idea23:50
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fungithe ones i'm unsurprisingly disappointed in will likely get nixed by the track chairs anyway regardless of votes23:51
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anteayait is up to the selection committee for each track how much weight they give to votes23:52
fungithough the process is slightly altered this time23:52
anteayawhen I chaired it was easy to spot the voting that was obviously gamed since they had 10x more than the other submissions23:52
anteayachairs can still spot gamed voting, yes?23:52
anteayaand make decisions accordingly?23:53
fungichairs got a chance to do a first pass pre-vote to horse trade or otherwise shuffle poorly-targeted proposals prior to opening voting23:53
anteayaoh yeah, I remember that bit23:53
fungiso hopefully the voting will also be slightly more useful to chairs than in previous iterations23:53
pleia2voting is a useful bit of criteria for figuring out what people want to see23:53
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anteayayes, once the gamed voting ones are removed or accounted for23:54
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pleia2quality, accuracy, expertise, etc is what the track leads get to figure out23:54
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fungiand, to some extent, trustworthiness of the numbers from the vote23:54
jeblairgreghaynes: got it23:56
jeblairgreghaynes: of the choices i listed above, the relevant one is "the client didn't get notified correctly"23:56
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: and the answer is right inside the traceback here: http://paste.openstack.org/show/486495/23:57
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jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: you are submitting a job to gearman from within a callback from gear notifying you that the gearman server has disconnected.  that callback is in the thread that processes input and output.23:57
openstackgerritRussell Sim proposed openstack-infra/gerritlib: Implemented add and remove reviewer functions  https://review.openstack.org/27815423:57
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jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: so it's not going to process the server response until the callback returns, but the callback is waiting for acklowledgement of the submit_job23:58
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greghaynesjeblair: oh!23:59
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: it would be a deadlock except for the timeout23:59
greghaynesjeblair: wow23:59
jeblairgreghaynes, clarkb: so probably, best not to submit gearman jobs from inside gear callbacks :)23:59
clarkbI guess so23:59

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