Tuesday, 2016-04-19

dansmithdid anyone else just lose gerrit?00:03
harlowjacan't seem to login :(00:03
dansmithI was mid comment00:03
clarkbdansmith: daily database backups happen at 0000UTC00:03
clarkbit should be fine in a minute or two00:03
dansmiththere it goes00:03
anteayathat ics file has my thunderbird in knots00:05
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anteayaalso it isn't very useful as the same event is listed four times apiece00:05
harlowjahmmm, on getting gerrit redirected to login, mine still just waits at redirecting :(00:05
clarkbanteaya: lunch?00:05
clarkbthere are apparently several different lunches00:05
* harlowja just wants to login, lol00:05
anteayathe print off the pdf and fold the paper, put it in a bag and get on the plane seems appealing00:05
anteayaclarkb: 4 coat checks00:06
clarkbharlowja: try again?00:06
anteaya4 exams for every exam period00:06
anteaya4 of everything00:06
harlowjaclarkb ya, no workie00:06
anteayamy thunderbird is unhappy00:06
harlowja'Redirecting ...' :(00:06
harlowjabut i think its a lie, lol, its not really redirecting, lol00:06
clarkbharlowja: ok it owrks here00:06
dansmithseems to work here now00:06
dansmithbut slow00:06
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dstanekanteaya: i'll let her know if i do00:11
anteayadstanek: awesome00:12
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openstackgerritPaul Van Eck proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add database backups for refstack.openstack.org  https://review.openstack.org/25442600:53
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Remember the insertion order for pbr.json  https://review.openstack.org/30740501:13
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Restore diskimage-builder-releases permissions to tag  https://review.openstack.org/30753101:51
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: Re-write tripleo-jobs to use gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/30753201:53
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Restore diskimage-builder-releases permissions to tag  https://review.openstack.org/30753102:13
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dstufftanyone know offhand one of the PyPI mirror URLs ya'll have? :]02:20
clarkbdstufft: mirror.dfw.rax.openstack.org02:21
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dstufftclarkb: thanks!02:22
dstufftawesome, http://mirror.dfw.rax.openstack.org/pypi/packages/e0/fb/e94d8e95e97b0a51033e9c5afbc1d11941b8bda9e70222795c2e65ff04ce/dstufft.testpkg-2016.4.18.1.tar.gz#md5=d45b728fe3e3c79aa8ad734a1cd2e66e worked and got pulled in via bandersnatch just fine02:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix updating automatic worklists with no filters  https://review.openstack.org/30736202:33
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jlvillaltonyb, Thanks for the explanation on the start_date value :)03:14
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tonybjlvillal: np I know I'm kinda self-contradictory but I'm working (very slowly) on allowing yamil2ical to store the history like we used to have.03:15
tonybjlvillal: and I think I just came up with a neat idea on how to maintain it long term03:16
jlvillalSeems like a good idea to be able to look at the history. At the moment is it basically the git log or is there something I'm missing?03:16
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jlvillaltonyb, And I was playing some with the yaml2ical code this weekend. Proposed an '--irc-channels' option.03:17
tonybjlvillal: I saw that.03:18
jlvillalMy thought was to get to the point where when a conflict occurs it could maybe say, "hey channel 3 has an opening at that time"03:18
tonybjlvillal: I like the idea and it removes some extra code form irc-meetings03:18
jlvillalNot there yet. But that was my sort of long term goal03:18
* jlvillal has done the old, update irc channel, conflict, try another channel. conflict, try another channel, conflict. And finally figure out all channels were in-use.03:19
tonybjlvillal: we'll you *can* view the claendar in $ical viewer to make that go away but I agree it'd be nice to have some reporting in yaml2ical03:20
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jlvillalOkay dinner time :)03:20
tonybjlvillal: cool cya03:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Go to story from card  https://review.openstack.org/30645403:25
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stevemarso, silly question, why are there only 300ish nodes available? according to http://status.openstack.org/zuul/ anyway ?03:46
stevemardid a miss an announcement or mailing list about stuff and things?03:46
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prometheanfireis firefox really needed for non-debian? firefox [!platform:debian]03:47
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eliqiaohi, I see from zuul that jobs are queued for long time, is there any problem?03:50
prometheanfirefungi: do I have to map everything from http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/data/bindep-fallback.txt to gentoo?03:51
prometheanfirefungi: or is there an essential list03:51
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prometheanfireeliqiao: a provider is down, forget the name03:52
prometheanfireit's the one from france iirc03:52
fungiprometheanfire: that is the list of stuff we used to install on bare-.* workers before we switched all jobs to run on minimal dib images, so it's now the list of packages installed at job runtime for most tox-based jobs unless the project declares a specific set of packages for their jobs to use03:54
fungiprometheanfire: in this case, probably the minimal set of packages necessary to run whatever basic things you expect to run on gentoo might suffice03:55
prometheanfirefungi: ok, my goal though is for openstack-ansible only, which likely doesn't need/want things like firefox03:55
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fungieliqiao: we had to take both ovh regions offline, as well as the rackspace region where we have the most available quota03:56
prometheanfirefungi: osic is down too? or rackspace public cloud?03:56
fungiprometheanfire: none of the providers are down themselves03:56
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prometheanfirejust shifting jobs around?03:57
fungiwe have an open ticket with rackspace because network connectivity between their ord and dfw regions is too unreliable for us to run jobs on now, and we have a ticket open with ovh because they seem to have deleted the project where our mirror servers are03:57
prometheanfireit's not too much extra work to do all the other mappings at least03:57
prometheanfireosic project?03:57
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fungiosic is separate, we don't have any significant issues there afaik but our quota in osic is pretty small by comparison to those others03:58
prometheanfireah, k03:58
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clarkbfungi prometheanfire in osic and bluevox we are leaking fips making both regions basically offline04:08
clarkbat least last I looked04:08
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clarkbnot sure if mordred got that under control04:08
clarkbI believe we are effectively in 2 rax regions and internap right now04:10
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openstackgerritCatherine Diep proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Re-schedule RefStack weekly team meeting from Monday to Tuesday.  https://review.openstack.org/30745004:11
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prometheanfireclarkb: you open a bug for that, if so I could probably bug someone at work to get attention on it04:18
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fungiprometheanfire: not really. it's a nodepool regression04:21
fungii suspect we need to roll nodepool back to a known-good commit and restart it04:21
fungiwe really can't have 80% of our available resources offline like this04:21
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add gentoo support to bindep-fallback.txt  https://review.openstack.org/30755304:22
prometheanfirefungi: ^04:22
prometheanfirefungi: it's not perfect but something we can work from, also, without my bindep commit merged this WILL break bindep, the slashes in package names...04:23
prometheanfirejust realized that now04:23
* prometheanfire needs to remember how to do external deps in reviews04:23
jheskethinfra-root: is anybody else having trouble loading logs.o.o? is somebody working on it?04:24
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fungitrouble loading?04:24
prometheanfireit's slow for me04:24
jheskethfungi: my browser is stuck on 'waiting for logs.o.o'... I'm not sure if it'll timeout yet04:24
prometheanfireya, think this is going to timeout04:25
jheskethapache is running04:25
fungiload average is 004:25
jheskethload looks normal04:25
prometheanfire40 is a nice load04:26
fungiand climbing04:26
jheskethsorry, I meant CPU04:26
fungi100% iowait on one cpu04:26
fungien, on 2 cpus actually04:26
prometheanfireok, closing connection, sorry fot the load04:26
prometheanfirewon't do it again04:27
fungidmesg is full of io errors04:27
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fungii wonder if rackspace is doing maintenance impacting access to our cinder volumes, or if they're having a failure04:27
jheskethfungi: ah yes, I see cpu1 now04:28
prometheanfirefungi: iirc, no04:28
prometheanfireat least nothing I know of maint wise04:28
jheskethhmm back to idle and logs.o.o working for me04:28
prometheanfirefungi: curiousity, does anyone in infra work for rackspace?04:28
fungilook like it started with [Tue Apr 19 04:25:22 2016] end_request: I/O error, dev xvdb, sector 89849898404:28
jheskethprometheanfire: I do04:29
prometheanfirejhesketh: castle?04:29
jheskethbut not for public cloud04:29
jheskethprometheanfire: aus04:29
prometheanfirejhesketh: ah, going to summit? I'm in rpc going to summit04:29
prometheanfirerpc-o that is04:29
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jheskethprometheanfire: yep04:29
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prometheanfiresee you at summit :P04:31
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jheskethindeed :-)04:33
jheskethlooks like logs.o.o is behaving again... probably got scared when fungi logged in04:33
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prometheanfirethat sounds right, he scares me too04:34
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AJaegerjhesketh, ianw, could you put this one on your review list, please? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307402/ It fixes a translation sync problem.04:43
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prometheanfiremore devs need to do DIB reviews :(04:44
jheskethAJaeger: lgtm04:44
AJaegerthanks, jhesketh. Now waiting that it finishes ;)04:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: switch HA meetings to daylight savings  https://review.openstack.org/30700205:08
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use infra-cloud east in nodepool  https://review.openstack.org/28357305:30
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yolandagood morning05:30
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet/periodic: export ZUUL_REF  https://review.openstack.org/30714205:42
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eliqiaohi yolanda. Morning.05:47
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tonybAJaeger: Any chnace you can backport the g-r portion of 305000 to mitaka and liberty (perhaps kilo too)05:53
tonybAJaeger: if not I'll do it tomorrow05:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Translations: Fix sync of releasenotes  https://review.openstack.org/30740206:17
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints  https://review.openstack.org/30679806:21
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Read skip_dns_write option from config file  https://review.openstack.org/30758106:39
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AJaegertonyb: I won't have time today06:52
AJaegertonyb: If you beat me to it, it would be appreciated ;)06:52
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: [WIP] use virt-sysprep to cleanup images  https://review.openstack.org/30758806:52
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tonybAJaeger: cool.  I'll try to get it done tormorrow06:55
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matrohonAJaeger, hi07:48
matrohonAJaeger, could you please have a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307150/?07:48
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed openstack/requirements: Add networking-generic-switch to project list  https://review.openstack.org/30761908:00
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Show the currently running version on the about page  https://review.openstack.org/24911308:04
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zigoAJaeger: I got the first Debian package built on upstream infra!08:15
zigoIT'S WORKING !!!08:15
zigoNext step: publish packages ...08:15
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zigofungi: clarkb: mordred: ^08:15
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openstackgerritNoam Bloom proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Vitrage - Zuul/Jenkins fix  https://review.openstack.org/30763408:29
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openstackgerritDong Ma proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add db api tests for subunit2sql (1/3)  https://review.openstack.org/30503008:31
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openstackgerritSteven Hardy proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix REPO_PREFIX for stable releases in tripleo.sh  https://review.openstack.org/30764408:53
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't use caching in stable jobs  https://review.openstack.org/30764708:57
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Nikolay_Sthi, infra team08:59
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Nikolay_Stwe have 545 commits in a check queue at http://status.openstack.org/zuul/09:05
Nikolay_Stis known problem? and is it a problem?)09:05
yolandahi Nikolay_St , yes, we lost one of our providers for nodepool, so we are limited in number of vms we can spin09:06
Nikolay_Styolanda: thank for clarification09:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Hide the postci logs  https://review.openstack.org/29637509:07
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert split into 2 shell scripts  https://review.openstack.org/30765409:07
openstackgerritsandhya proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Procedure to build UEFI based images  https://review.openstack.org/30765509:07
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evgenylHi, is there a way to delete git tag in the repository?09:19
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openstackgerritNiall Bunting proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable g-api and n-api for glance_store functional  https://review.openstack.org/30767009:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Ryan Petello as astara meeting chair  https://review.openstack.org/30746009:28
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Read skip_dns_write option from config file  https://review.openstack.org/30758109:31
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zigomordred: When you're up again, could you add this etherpad to the topic for packaging-deb please? https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-deb-packaging09:46
zigoI'm really not sure how I could do it myself, probably I can't...09:47
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zigo(I mean, for the content at https://www.openstack.org/summit/austin-2016/summit-schedule/events/9380?goback=1)09:47
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oberezovskyiHi! I've got problems with logging in into https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Main_Page . Does any one else can't login? (I'm getting HTTP 500 error)09:48
vponomaryov1oberezovskyi: works ok09:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Explicitly set num_engine_workers for mitaka and below  https://review.openstack.org/30629609:49
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Read skip_dns_write option from config file  https://review.openstack.org/30758109:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix string formatting  https://review.openstack.org/30745410:01
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove pointless variable creation  https://review.openstack.org/30640110:08
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Show a modal when editing worklists in a board  https://review.openstack.org/30640010:08
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: Re-write tripleo-jobs to use gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/30753210:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/yaml2ical: Remove intermediate datetime.datetime().date() usage  https://review.openstack.org/30735510:32
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Properly populate Worklist.items in automatic worklists  https://review.openstack.org/30771211:06
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sshnaidmnow when jenkins is unavailable, how to view the last statuses of particular job?11:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix dashboard template to show the right information  https://review.openstack.org/30744811:16
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: Re-write tripleo-jobs to use gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/30753211:19
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therveKeystone liberty branch seems broken ?11:25
therveFails with pkg_resources.ContextualVersionConflict: (pbr 0.11.1 (/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('pbr>=1.8'), set(['testresources']))11:25
therveAh someone just sent an email about that11:26
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Wait for floating ip deletion as part of server deletion  https://review.openstack.org/30743911:30
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ryanpetrelloanybody in infra know what causes http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/#Astara_Meeting to be updated?11:36
ryanpetrellohttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/307460/ merged and I'm wondering if it doesn't affect that page, or if there's something else that I need to do11:37
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Wait for floating ip deletion as part of server deletion  https://review.openstack.org/30743911:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Don't allow users to interact with cards in automatic worklists  https://review.openstack.org/30649711:42
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: grafana: added periodic oslo master jobs to unit test 'gate' dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/30751111:44
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therveryanpetrello, Looks like an issue in the post job? It's supposed to be done right there I believe11:49
dimstherve : see backports in keystone branches reviews.11:49
thervedims, Which ones?11:49
dimshttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/307318/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307335/11:49
thervedims, Yeah but it looks like kilo is uninstallable?11:50
therveWhich would explain why https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307318/ fails11:50
dimstherve : i haven't looked at kilo, we should probably ask someone on #openstack-stable or keystone channels11:51
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dimstherve : at the moment, we are trying to cleanup babel references in oslo.* and get a release out soon-ish. so should be back on its feet after that11:52
thervedims, Well, not if we can't land the patches that fix it :)11:52
dimstherve : +1, just saying what i was working on :)11:52
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Wait for floating ip deletion as part of server deletion  https://review.openstack.org/30743911:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make the Add Lane button show the new worklist modal  https://review.openstack.org/30639912:01
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Upload the overcloud images to cache  https://review.openstack.org/30649912:01
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: Re-write tripleo-jobs to use gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/30753212:03
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to build generic debian packages  https://review.openstack.org/30774212:07
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amrithAJaeger, I fixed up https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307161/2. after speaking with peterstac just now I figured that it is best to leave the example to where it was (it is in the paragraph that talks about the depends anyway) and just indicate that the change is to add doc-publisher-site.12:13
amrithhe's +1'ed it.12:13
amrithAJaeger ^^12:13
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mordredinfra-root: ok. I think I may actually have the fip leak issue sorted12:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add final success/failure message to ping test  https://review.openstack.org/30486412:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Require stevedore>=1.9.0  https://review.openstack.org/30747512:19
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amrithttx,  ^^ re: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307161/212:20
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Cleanup leaked floating ips on startup  https://review.openstack.org/30775512:24
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Avoid false positives when filtering projects by subscriber  https://review.openstack.org/30775612:24
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ihrachysmordred: is the fip leak issue showing as an empty IP for nodes allocated? as in http://logs.openstack.org/01/306901/3/check/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-dvr-multinode/aaa16c9/console.html#_2016-04-18_16_42_35_370 ?12:36
sdaguemordred et al, is there a status update about why we're down to 250 nodes?12:37
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yolandainfra-root, so ovh mirrors are back to life now12:42
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pabelangeryolanda: \o/12:42
pabelangeralso, morning12:42
yolandagood morning12:42
yolandawe can restore the ovh provider then12:42
mordredyolanda: woot!12:42
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mordredihrachys: no - it's the "sometimes floating ips do not delete even thought the delete API call is synchronous and it does not return with an error12:43
mordredsdague: it's multuple reasons that have all happened at the same time, lucky us12:43
amrithsdague, would you please review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/306716/; I'd like to start getting the trove team using that dashboard. I believe that you are the maintainer on that repository.12:43
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sdagueamrith: done12:45
amriththanks sdague12:45
amrithsdague, very nifty tool, would love it if I could sort the results a different way but I guess that's not something that gerrit-dash-creator can influence.12:46
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily disable ovh-bhs provider"  https://review.openstack.org/30779112:46
ihrachysmordred: I am trying to understand why the failure rate for neutron multinode jobs is high lately, and that's what I see in all failure logs - nodepool files are empty, so no IPs for nodes are extracted from there, and hence everything fails to set tunnels and all.12:46
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily disable OVH GRA, as we are seeing failures"  https://review.openstack.org/30779212:46
pabelangeryolanda: I can confirm cacti.o.o sees the mirrors again too12:47
pabelangerDid ovh respond to our emails?12:48
pabelangerbut ya, happy to see it back online12:48
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pabelanger741 check pipeline, here we come12:48
yolandapabelanger not to email, but i was chatting by irc with Jean-Daniel12:48
yolandahe has been very helpful12:48
pabelangeryolanda: cool!12:49
sdagueamrith: in what kind of different way?12:49
sdagueamrith: and, yes, it's probably not possible given the constraints, but would be interesting to hear12:49
pabelangeryolanda: as long as somebody at OVH knew the situation, I think we are safe to enable them again12:49
amrithsdague, I don't always want reviews sorted based on the recency of updates12:49
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sdagueah, right, not much that can be done on that12:49
amrithfor example, I would like to group reviews (as I've done in the dashboard) but then I'd like to sort simply on the review number12:49
amrithwhich is the intuitive sort order based on the fact that it is the left most column12:50
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amrithala edward tufte12:50
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mordredihrachys: is it the private ip file that's empty? or all of them?12:50
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ihrachysmordred: /etc/nodepool/primary_node_private and /etc/nodepool/sub_nodes_private12:51
mordredihrachys: yah. we've got a patch up to fix that12:51
ihrachysmordred: woot. link?12:51
mordredihrachys: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/306835/12:51
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mordredihrachys: so it SHOULD be fixed now12:51
mordredbut probably didn't get picked up until I restarted nodepool this morning12:52
ihrachysgreat. we will monitor failure rate. our dashboards are 24h, so will take a bit of time before we see the full effect.12:52
yolandainfra-root, can you review https://review.openstack.org/307791 and https://review.openstack.org/307792 ?12:52
pabelangeryolanda: +212:53
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yolandai have nodepool disabled, so i can update by hand, i guess it will take ages to be on gate12:54
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yolandapuppet on nodepool12:54
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yolandamodred, care +2 +a those?12:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to shade specific statsd for FloatingIPTasks  https://review.openstack.org/30723313:00
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fungicatching up now13:02
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mordredyolanda, fungi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307439/13:04
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yolandaso mordred, the problem was that command to delete floating ip failed?13:05
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mordredthat is one of the problems13:05
mordredand it has the fip leak rate down to VERY low13:05
mordredI ahve one leaked fip on bluebox currently that I'm trying to figure out13:06
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mordredhowever, I have currently found no cause for it13:08
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add docstring for due dates DELETE endpoint  https://review.openstack.org/30780613:08
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Update API docs to include worklists, boards, and due dates  https://review.openstack.org/30780713:08
Shrewsmordred: why do the fips sometimes fail to delete? do we know that yet?13:09
mordredShrews: neutron bug13:09
Shrewsget out of town13:09
mordredShrews: sometimes it just returns success and didn't delete the fip13:09
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mordredI blame mestery13:09
pabelangerpew, Canada dodged a bullet there13:10
fungiinfra-root: we likely need to figure out a solution for the infra-root@openstack.org inbox. that's where we had ovh configured to send our service expiration e-mails (apparently our service with them expires and we have to contact them periodically to renew it?) but that inbox is a dumping ground for backscatter so it's got ~25k unread messages at the moment13:10
pabelangerI don't know how to check that13:11
jheskethfungi: I have to admit I didn't even know about the inbox (let alone where it goes or how to access it etc)13:12
fungipabelanger: it's hosted on rackspace's e-mail service right now (details are in our list)13:12
Shrewsmordred: hrm... we *could* consider keeping a cache of fips so that we have an "insta-delete" process, then a separate thread to process deletes in the background. maybe we don't need to think that complex yet, though13:12
fungijhesketh: &13:12
* jhesketh must have missed that13:12
fungiit's lovely13:12
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mordredfungi: agree. I don't think the current solution is a great one13:13
fungiwe might want to figure out a different distribution list or something to notify our actual humans and list that as the contact address with our providers13:13
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yolandayep, i was ignoring that inbox problem as well13:16
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Cleanup leaked floating ips periodically  https://review.openstack.org/30775513:17
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AJaegeryolanda: regarding https://review.openstack.org/307791 and https://review.openstack.org/307791: CAn you apply them manually on nodepool - or ninja-merge?13:24
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yolandaAJaeger, i manually updated that on nodepool, because anyway, i disabled puppet there since yesterday, when we had the failures13:24
yolandaso i just set the max-servers manually13:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move OpenStack-Ansible CentOS7 jobs to experimental queue  https://review.openstack.org/30736913:26
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AJaegeryolanda: Thanks a lot for getting OVH back online!13:27
pabelangerI always thought you would enqueue a commit to the front of a pipeline.13:27
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pabelangerguess it is promote I was confusing it with13:27
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fungienqueue tacks it onto the end (like zuul would normally)13:27
yolandaAJaeger, glad to help. It was easier for us this time, because of the timezones13:28
fungipabelanger: if it's not enqueued yet and you want it inserted at the head of the line, then you end up needing to do both (enqueue, then promote)13:28
pabelangerfungi: ack13:28
yolandamordred, i can see several errors when deleting floating ips on nodepool log. Is that expected?13:29
fungiyolanda: yes, thanks a bunch. now here's hoping i make some progress with rackspace on the network issues in ord13:29
yolandafungi , any clue about the problems there?13:29
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Translations: Refactor  https://review.openstack.org/30723713:30
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mordredyolanda: yes. you should see errors like "attempted to delete floating ip, but failed, not deleting server"13:30
yolandamordred, yes, several of those13:30
fungiyolanda: cloud support has gotten the noc involved finally, but no update since yesterday no13:30
AJaegeryolanda: What about a service announcement "#status notice we have recovered one cloud and a huuge backlog of jobs to process. Plesae have patience..."13:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add releasenotes jobs for networking-ovn  https://review.openstack.org/30739413:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-cue-python34 voting; add it as gate job  https://review.openstack.org/30695013:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add release notes jobs for networking-bgpvpn  https://review.openstack.org/30715013:30
mordredyolanda: that's part of trying to not leak - if we can't delete it, we also don't delete the server, because otherwise we lose track of our need to delete the fip13:30
mordredand we'll try again later when we do a cleanup pass13:30
yolandaAJaeger, i'll send. It's always good to give good news13:30
mesterymordred: FIPs causing issues again? :(13:31
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yolandafloating ips... :(13:31
fungimordred: oh, was that the solution? defer node deletion until the associated floating ip is no longer listed?13:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add rally job for Senlin service  https://review.openstack.org/30705013:31
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openstackgerritEric Harney proposed openstack-infra/project-config: cinderclient: Move pylint to non-voting check  https://review.openstack.org/30781813:31
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fungimestery: they never stopped unfortunately. apparently at least in some deployments fip deletion is a best-effort call and seems to report success even if it eventually fails13:32
pabelangerfungi: yolanda running promote on the 2 patches... Mostly to say I've run the command before13:32
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fungipabelanger: sure. it's a pretty unexciting command, but have fun13:32
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mesteryfungi: Ugh, that's just terrible :(13:33
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yolanda#status notice We have recovered one of our cloud providers, but there is a huge backlog of jobs to process. Please have patience until your jobs are processed13:33
fungistatusbot is taking another holiday13:33
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mordredmestery: yes. yes it is13:34
yolandai'm identified properly, so yes, statusbot looks bad13:34
openstackgerritNathan Reller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add KMIP Experiment Check to Barbican  https://review.openstack.org/30782013:34
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openstackgerritNathan Reller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add KMIP Experiment Check to Barbican  https://review.openstack.org/30782013:36
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fungiyolanda: well, i said that because it wasn't in channel13:37
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yolandayep, not logging anything since 2 days ago13:37
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yolandai restarted13:37
yolanda#status notice We have recovered one of our cloud providers, but there is a huge backlog of jobs to process. Please have patience until your jobs are processed13:37
fungi2016-04-17 11:19:44     <--     openstackstatus (~openstack@eavesdrop.openstack.org) has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)13:37
fungiwas the last i have on record for it13:38
yolandayes, same date entries in logs13:38
fungianyway, after you restart it, you need to wait at least a few minutes for it to rejoin all configured channels13:38
fungiyou can tail its log to see when it stopps joining stuff13:38
yolandayes, now it should be up but still not processing my entry, it's reconfiguring13:38
openstackstatusyolanda: sending notice13:38
fungithere it goes. was just busy i guess13:39
funginice that it queues that up. i assumed you had to wait until it was done joining stuff13:39
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: We have recovered one of our cloud providers, but there is a huge backlog of jobs to process. Please have patience until your jobs are processed13:39
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: grafana: added grenade dvr multinode job to neutron dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/30782513:41
dansmithI think you mean "exercise patience"13:41
dansmithI have lots of patience stored up, but only use it when necessary :)13:41
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openstackstatusyolanda: finished sending notice13:41
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Shrewsmordred: is nodepool running with your latest shade patch for deleting fips?13:41
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Shrewsmordred: b/c i think there is a big problem with it13:42
fungidansmith: we hoard patience here like squirrels gathering nuts for a nuclear winter13:42
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mordredShrews: oh yeah?13:44
Shrewsmordred: see comments13:44
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP: Re-write tripleo-jobs to use gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/30753213:44
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Ignore uncategorized failures for puppet jobs  https://review.openstack.org/30782713:46
mordredShrews: so - tl;dr is I got rid of the boolean because there was no circumstances where returning false would make sense - but you're right about the if not wait line13:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Wait for floating ip deletion as part of server deletion  https://review.openstack.org/30743913:48
AJaegersdague: could you review https://review.openstack.org/307828 for gerrit-dash-creator, please?13:48
mordredShrews: how's about that13:48
sdagueAJaeger: done13:48
Shrewsmordred: i disagree13:48
AJaegerthanks, sdague13:49
Shrewsmordred: for our other delete APIs, we return False if there was no resource to delete, True if it deleted, or raise exception on error13:49
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Shrewsmordred: you've altered one aspect of that13:50
Shrewsthe False one13:50
mordredShrews: ah - ok. I see what you're saying13:50
mordredone sec13:50
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Shrewsmordred: i am sad that we do not have unit tests that would have caught that. i think i'll write one13:53
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Wait for floating ip deletion as part of server deletion  https://review.openstack.org/30743913:54
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Apt mirror for MariaDB  https://review.openstack.org/30783113:54
openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack/requirements: Add xmltodict to global-requirements  https://review.openstack.org/28631613:56
EmilienMAJaeger: hey, can I use your help please? I'm seeing an error related to my patch on ZUUL_REF http://logs.openstack.org/30/307330/1/check/gate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario001-tempest-ubuntu-trusty/fbdc961/console.html#_2016-04-19_13_11_10_89513:56
EmilienMAJaeger: the patch was https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307142/13:56
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AJaegerEmilienM: a quoting problem ;(13:57
mordredShrews, fungi: so, also, the current patch seems to have fixed things for osic, but not for bluebox13:57
mordredwhich I have to say I find exceptionally strange13:58
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fungimordred: so we have more than one fip race to contend with?13:58
odyssey4meclarkb pabelanger mordred with regards to https://review.openstack.org/307831 I have no idea what I'm doing - that's a blind patch submission in the hope that I did the right thing, if you have a gap to review/comment I'd appreciate it... it'd go a long way to assisting OSA and I suspect some other deployment projects13:58
EmilienMAJaeger: well, the same syntax exiss in some other jjb builders13:58
AJaegerEmilienM: let's look at the log file: http://logs.openstack.org/42/307142/1/check/gate-project-config-compare-xml/9cf73be/console.html#_2016-04-18_17_22_30_47313:58
pabelangerAJaeger: EmilienM: you shouldn't need double {{ }}13:58
AJaegerEmilienM: In a template with parameters, you need to quote { with using {{13:58
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AJaegerEmilienM: in a job or a builder without parameters, use a single {13:58
AJaegerEmilienM: as pabelanger says13:58
fungiEmilienM: jjb unfortunately has different substitution behaviors if the macro is used in a job vs a job-template13:58
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EmilienMok, my mistake13:59
fungii agree it's crazily confusing13:59
AJaegerEmilienM: See the log file, it shows the wrong expansion13:59
AJaegerEmilienM: Sorry, I should have caught that when reviewing...13:59
Shrewsmordred: with your previous patchset, it would never actually wait13:59
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Shrewsmordred: because of the 'result' always being None thing13:59
fungiit makes some sense when it's directly in a job or job-template definition, but the fact that it extends to included macros makes it hard to share a macro between jobs and job-templates14:00
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mordredShrews: ah. well that would do it14:00
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix ZUUL_REF on puppet-openstack-integration-checkout  https://review.openstack.org/30783614:00
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AJaegerEmilienM: looks fine. Is this breaking all your changes?14:01
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fungiif we had the design to do over again, i'd lobby for jobs and job-templates to be synonymous. jobs with parameterized names able to be used as templates, and jobs without parameterized names just instantiate themselves14:01
AJaegerpabelanger: could you promote 307836 to reduce the number of fails, please?14:01
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EmilienMAJaeger: thanks14:02
fungiat least that way the parameter expansion could be consistent14:02
AJaegerfungi: Agreed!14:02
pabelangerodyssey4me: left comment. Aside from that, did you test the code locally by standing up a mirror-update?14:02
mordredopenstackgerrit: so - it's a good start - but I think we'll actually need to add three different mirrors14:02
pabelangerAJaeger: sure, let me check14:02
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger !14:02
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odyssey4mepabelanger nope, I have no idea how to do that :/ my understanding of puppet is close to zero, never mind anything to do with system-config14:03
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Conditionally request a test env from geard  https://review.openstack.org/30650614:03
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pabelangerodyssey4me: okay, can you add that to the review.  Somebody will have to schedule some time to validate reporepro runs as expected14:03
mordredpabelanger, odyssey4me: kind of like with ceph hammer - we have a repo for the hammer relase of ceph on debian-based distros - I think this is likely to be "deb-mariadb-5" "deb-mariadb-10" and "deb-mariadb-10-1" or something14:03
pabelangermordred: makes sense\14:04
mordredor it might be ubutun-trusty-mariadb-514:04
mordredsince it looks like each repo has a precise and a trusty release in it14:04
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mordredpabelanger, odyssey4me: I imagine it'll probably be easier for one of us to help get that patch ready - I think you've got the info in there that someone can work from at least14:05
AJaegerpabelanger: can you manually put 307836 directly in the gate, please - promote and enqueue?14:05
odyssey4memordred I'd appreciate that - my intent was simply to get the ball rolling and to hope to get some help.14:06
mordredyah. I think that's right - it's a system/process that we're still feeling our way around a little bit14:06
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odyssey4memordred I've added a review comment to invite anyone to update the patch accordingly and to note that I have no idea what I'm doing. :p14:08
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pabelangerpersonally, I'd like to land https://review.openstack.org/#/c/289520/ before we start adding more edge case mirrors14:11
pabelangerAJaeger: let me check14:12
AJaegerpabelanger: that'S the one you just approved for EmilienM14:13
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use the cached ironic-python-agent images  https://review.openstack.org/30169914:13
odyssey4mepabelanger fair point, and happy with that - I'm just hoping to get it into the queue :)14:14
pabelangerAJaeger: done14:15
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odyssey4meI'm happy if my patch gets put behind that one as a dep14:15
AJaegerthanks, pabelanger. EmilienM, your change should merge quickly!14:15
EmilienMawesome, thanks a ton14:15
pabelangerfungi: AJaeger: do you have any info on 307553?  Adding gentoo support to bindep-fallback.txt?14:16
AJaegerjroll: for a new report that you add to your project: The goverance change can go in after we merge the project-config change - if you approve the change, ttx will consider it as bookkeeping and just merge it. So, the change needs to exist but orderin here is: project-config first.14:16
AJaegerpabelanger: no info on that. prometheanfire was working on that last night but I didn't read all backscroll14:17
pabelangerfungi: AJaeger: I left a 0 comment on it, asking why we need it.  Especially since we don't have any gentoo nodes in the gate14:17
pabelangerAJaeger: okay, let me check backscroll14:17
jrollAJaeger: sorry, meant to say "until the governance patch is up" :)14:17
AJaegerjroll: Ah;) That's perfectly fine then ;)14:17
fungipabelanger: i was talking to prometheanfire about it last night and providing some guidance but haven't actually had time to review the change yet. i think the main reason to have something in there is to make it easier to introduce an effective functional test of bindep on a gentoo worker (probably non-voting/advisory)14:17
AJaegerpabelanger: around 4:00 UTC14:18
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fungiAJaeger: ^14:18
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pabelangerAJaeger: fungi: Ya, that is the missing piece. I wasn't sure the status of getting a gentoo worker online14:18
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AJaegerfungi, thanks for context14:19
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fungii think there's also a corresponding change to introduce gentoo support into bindep14:19
AJaegerfungi, pabelanger : One question on review is ordering: Alphabetical or logical? prometheanfire added logical but it'S not logical currently (like IceWeasel is alphabetical)14:19
fungiit's a multi-pronged effort and he's working on the various pieces in parallel14:19
pabelangerAJaeger: I would be okay with a check to sort for alphabetic being added14:20
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fungii think the last time i cleaned up that file i sorted with LC_COLLATE=C.UTF-814:20
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fungibut i think generally we're not going to be updating that file much14:21
fungiso a special sort detection job for it is probably overkill14:21
AJaegerpabelanger: I don't think we need a check, agree with fungi14:21
AJaegerBut wanted to check for review consistency, whether a -1 would be ok...14:21
fungiunlike some of the other stuff in project-config where people are adding things weekly or even daily14:21
fungicould just use a sane sort on the file and push up a new patchset instead of leaving a -114:22
AJaegerpabelanger, fungi : Let me sort the change directly and add a comment...14:22
pabelangerjenkins already left a -1 :)14:23
AJaegerthen let me just comment...14:23
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fungiyeah, if it needs a new patchset anyway to pass tests, i'd just leave a comment asking for consistent ordering14:23
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fungithen he can knock them out at teh same time14:24
AJaegeragreed - and commented14:24
AJaegeryeah, zuul check queue is getting shorter, "only" 679 jobs in the queue...14:26
openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Updaate get summit event endpoints  https://review.openstack.org/30784614:26
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add offset/limit pagination to subscription events  https://review.openstack.org/30784714:26
pabelangerAJaeger: were over the hump14:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix ZUUL_REF on puppet-openstack-integration-checkout  https://review.openstack.org/30783614:27
AJaegerpabelanger: I hope - normally it increases around this time with the US starting to work, so let's see...14:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Updaate get summit event endpoints  https://review.openstack.org/30784614:35
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pabelangerfungi: I'm going to start work on puppetdb.o.o replacement server, at least launching it14:38
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dimsAJaeger : fungi : are we low on test nodes?14:39
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mordreddims: yes. we're fighting with several provider outages14:39
dimsmordred : ouch thanks for the update14:39
fungidims: less low now, but recovery will still take a bit of time14:39
mordreddims: we're actually doing better now since ovh is back14:39
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mordreddims: but we're down an entire rackspace14:40
AJaegerdims: we were very low the last 28hours, and start recovering now14:40
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dimsthanks fungi and AJaeger14:42
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clarkbfungi: mestery and by some deployments you mean every deployment we have had to use fips on :)14:44
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fungiclarkb: well, as it turns out the two we have fips on exhibit different races14:44
mordredfungi: it's possible I was wrong abot that14:44
mordredfungi: Shrews found a bug in my patch14:45
mordredmestery: however, clarkb is quite right - this is a problem in every neutron that exists14:45
mordredmestery: I _guess_ someone should file a bug or something maybe14:45
clarkbhp, bb, and psic14:45
clarkber osic14:45
fungigotcha, didn't connect the false returns masking former exceptions as the explanation for the "new" race in bluebox14:45
clarkbthe race has always been, delete fip, get back success, delete server, except fip didnt delete14:46
clarkband now we have no transitive record of it that can be used for deletion14:47
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mordredclarkb: btw -I put up a patch to do periodic fip cleanips for neutron clouds, since we _can_ do that safely14:47
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mordredclarkb: should mitigate while we continue to try to get a bulletproof leak prevention14:48
openstackgerritRossella Sblendido proposed openstack-infra/reviewday: Use pip to install gerrit-dash-creator  https://review.openstack.org/30751014:48
mescanefhello:-) please review puppet nodepools changes: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/299661/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/303306/14:48
pabelangermordred: fungi: which venv should I be running launch-node.py from on puppetmaster.o.o these days?14:49
fungipabelanger: i've just been using the system environment14:50
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pabelangerthat's what I thought: http://paste.openstack.org/show/494651/14:50
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fungioh, right, broken newer novaclient14:51
AJaegerjeblair: gerrit-dash-creator is now on pypi and we can install it from there - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/30751014:51
fungiis ~/git/openstack-infra/system-config up to date with teh tip of master?14:51
rodrigodsAJaeger, ping... could you take a look again at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/298696/ whenever you have some time?14:51
fungipabelanger: i've been running the version in /opt/system-config/production/launch14:51
pabelangerfungi: Ah, good call. let me rebase to be sure14:52
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pabelangerfungi: okay, that helped. Thanks14:52
AJaegerrodrigods: LGTM14:52
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mordredno venv14:52
rodrigodsAJaeger, thanks14:52
mordredpabelanger: sorry, no venv14:53
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pabelangermordred: thanks, fungi's tip to rebase helped14:53
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clarkbmordred: what code are we running on nodepool now?14:54
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Read skip_dns_write option from config file  https://review.openstack.org/30758114:54
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mordredclarkb: nodepool is master. shade is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307439/14:54
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/requirements: Cap testresources<2.0.0  https://review.openstack.org/30785814:55
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prometheanfirefungi: pabelanger AJaeger: ya, noticed that it was alphabetical, but given how we have package categories I wasn't sure what to do14:57
prometheanfirefungi: pabelanger AJaeger: also, the fallback commit needs this first https://review.openstack.org/30749314:58
prometheanfireI realized that after I submitted the change, it's because of the / in package names14:58
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/glean: Read skip_dns_write option from config file  https://review.openstack.org/30758115:00
nibalizergood morning15:01
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/requirements: Cap testresources<2.0.0  https://review.openstack.org/30785815:02
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anteayamorning nibalizer15:05
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clarkbmordred: http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/nodepool-osic what changed at 1130UTC (looking at fip delete and error node graphs)15:08
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pabelangernibalizer: o/15:10
nibalizerhow is our happy little system this morning15:11
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to build generic debian packages  https://review.openstack.org/30774215:11
mordredclarkb: woot! I now know at least one reason why the shade mitigations for this are not helping15:12
clarkbmordred: this can either be good or terrible news :)15:13
mordredclarkb: it's good news ...15:13
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mordredclarkb: (I may have just added some debug trace logging so that I can what the **** is happening)15:13
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mordredclarkb: turns out ... we don't pass wait=True to deleteServer - so the "make sure the fip is deleted" code we just added to shade just flat isn't getting called15:13
anteayaclaire tells me that app support questions that get posted in here are to be directed to summitapp@openstack.org15:14
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for testresources release pbr conflict on kilo  https://review.openstack.org/30786615:15
openstackgerritIan Y. Choi proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Manifest for configuration translation checksite  https://review.openstack.org/27646615:16
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mpaolinoHello, I am implementing a new devstack plugin, and I am not sure I understood everything about how to push this through gerrit15:18
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mpaolinothe plugin wiki page says: "best practice is to build a dedicated openstack/devstack-plugin-FOO project"15:18
mpaolinobut it is not written how to build it15:18
mpaolinohowever, I created a blueprint and a launchpad project15:19
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clarkbmpaolino: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators.html15:19
mpaolinothe objective is to port this devstack patch to a plugin (as requested by the community): https://review.openstack.org/#/c/108714/15:19
clarkbmordred: so what changed at 1130? was that working around the lack of the wait flag?15:20
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mpaolinoclarkb, thanks, I didn't get there. I'll have a look15:20
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for testresources release pbr conflict on kilo  https://review.openstack.org/30786615:22
mordredclarkb: that might have just been me cleaning out fips manually, or something with patchset three15:22
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Re-write tripleo-jobs to use gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/30753215:24
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Switch website to use tripleo-jobs-gerrit.py  https://review.openstack.org/30787215:24
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zigoclarkb: Finally, I fixed the issue by doing "ssh localhost 'cd ${WORKSPACE} ; gbp buildpackage", which does relogin which sbuild expects ! So, now, we finally have built a package! \o/15:26
zigoclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307706/ <--- See the successful build log.15:27
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Cleanup leaked floating ips periodically  https://review.openstack.org/30775515:27
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Wait on server deletion to deal with FIP leaks  https://review.openstack.org/30787515:27
zigoclarkb: mordred: pabelanger: Now that we have an initial package built, how should I work on publishing it on the infra's AFS ?15:28
mordredzigo: that's the thing we need to design next week at the summit15:28
zigomordred: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-deb-packaging15:28
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mordredyup. that also should be on the summit schedule now15:28
zigomordred: Can you insert this etherpad link in the submit's schedule ?15:28
mordredalready done15:28
zigoAh, cool ! :)15:28
zigomordred: do you think we should use something like mini-dinstall, mini-dak, etc. ?15:29
mordredwe use reprepro currently15:29
zigomordred: If so, i can investigate and try them all.15:29
mordredbut that's not the hard bit15:29
zigomordred: What's the hard bit then?15:29
zigoreprepro doesn't have a facility to upload packages, that's one out of multiple issues it has.15:30
mordredwe're going to need to figure out a two-stage system like we do for other publications - where we upload to tarballs.o.o at the end of the build, and then have something trusted download from tarballs and add to the mirror15:30
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mordredzigo: it does not need one15:30
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Tempest for tripleo CI  https://review.openstack.org/29584415:30
mordredzigo: because of how we use things15:30
zigomordred: Sure.15:30
mordredwe will never have a job "upload" packages to a repo15:30
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Tempest for tripleo CI  https://review.openstack.org/29584415:31
mordredbecause of privilege issues15:31
zigomordred: Though what you're saying about "two-stage system like we do for other publications - where we upload to tarballs.o.o at the end of the build", well that's what something like mini-dinstall would do.15:31
zigoOr even dak ... :P15:31
mordredright. but we won't run those on tarballs.o.o15:31
zigoBut I'm not supposing we'll go through setting-up something as complicated as dak.15:31
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Tempest for tripleo CI  https://review.openstack.org/29584415:31
zigomordred: So you want to continue with reprepro?15:31
mordredI do not see any benefit in not continuing to use it currently - we mostly just have to figure out what "uploading the job results" looks like, and what "downloading them from tarballs.o.o" looks like15:32
mordredit's possible that using dget will even work15:32
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mordredI just think its complex enough that talking through it in person is worthwhile15:33
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mordredit's also possible that you're right and dak or mini-dinstall is the thing we need to do15:33
pabelangerI for see a white board too15:33
mordredbut yes15:33
mordredI think a white board and all of us fully grokking all of the bits is super important :)15:33
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zigomordred: Ok, so I *should* try to investigate these repo management tools before the summit session then.15:34
zigoIt'd be useless to just go to the session and say hello...15:34
zigoIt's best to have content ready.15:34
mordredI can walk through the reprepro flow for folks15:34
mordredit's pretty easy to publish locally built packages with it15:34
mordredzigo: it might be useful for you to look at how we're using it for mirroring15:35
zigoYup, but IMO, it's even more easy to *not* use reprepro and use your own shell script based on apt-ftparchive and dpkg-scanpackages.15:35
mordredwhich is slighly different15:35
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zigoFor mirroring, if you're using reprepro, then it will have to be redone in another way, because reprepro wont be able to pickup modified packages of the same (or older) versions.15:36
mordredwhat do you mean?15:36
zigoAnd we do need that feature, since we can modify a package before uploading to distros (and we want to keep debian/changelog a history *in distros).15:36
mordredthese will be different repos15:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Vitrage - Zuul/Jenkins fix  https://review.openstack.org/30763415:36
mordredwe will not publish the packages to the mirror repo15:37
zigoAh, right.15:37
mordredwe've also talked about moving to rsync for mirroring - but we need to develop a repo validity check tool15:37
mordredbefore we can do that15:37
zigoBTW, I intend to help with the packaging of everything that infra is using.15:37
mordredso it's possible that apt-ftparchive or whatever wouldbe fine15:37
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zigoI already attempted to package zuul and nodepool.15:37
zigoI have that kind of ready, but couldn't upload to Sid, due to statsd 3.x compat (which should be solved these days).15:38
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zigomordred: Ok, thanks for your input, will do the repo management tool survey now.15:38
zigomordred: In the mean while: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307742/15:39
mordredzigo: thanks!15:39
pabelangerfungi: clarkb: What is the best way to have launch-node use an open review of system-config?  28487415:39
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi I guess I would update it to support both trusty / precise and get it landed first15:40
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anteayaI'm out Wednesday afternoon, all day Thursday and Friday morning15:40
clarkbpabelanger: on the puppet side? you could use a puppet env in the past15:41
clarkbnot sure if mordreds new masterless stuff supports similar15:41
nibalizerany git repo with a checkout of system-config would work15:41
nibalizercan just do that in your homedir15:42
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clarkbnibalizer: but how does it know to use that?15:42
clarkbthe current ansible copies from/opt/system-config/production iirc15:42
nibalizer'it' ?15:42
clarkblaunch node15:42
nibalizerwell that would be fine right15:42
* nibalizer looks at the patch in question15:43
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Wait for floating ip deletion as part of server deletion  https://review.openstack.org/30743915:43
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Have delete_server use the timed server list cache  https://review.openstack.org/30788715:43
mordredclarkb: ^^ those two and the nodepool patch I sent up a few seconds ago15:43
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nibalizerpabelanger: sweet lets do it15:43
mordredclarkb: should get us into the active codepath for retrying teh deletes15:43
pabelangerYa, just patching it to support both for the moment15:44
mordredclarkb: I believe we should also implement a 5-second cache for floating_ip_list  - since that's now a thing we're gonna run more with this15:44
mordredclarkb: but I think we can do that as an add-on15:44
nibalizerpabelanger: ya i think that makes the most sense15:44
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mordredclarkb: since we're currently running it without a 5-second cache and nothing is unhappy about it15:44
nibalizerrunning two then decomissioning one is what we're actually doing, so our config mgmt might as well reflect that15:44
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clarkbnibalizer: mordred but how do you get launch node to run the unmerged code?15:45
nibalizerclarkb: i don't think we do15:45
clarkbok thats a bug then15:45
nibalizernot necessarily15:46
nibalizerwhy would we run unmerged code?15:46
clarkbit is a loss of functionality15:46
nibalizerthat sounds like a bug15:46
fungiyeah, in the long-ago, in the beforetime, we could pass --environment=foo to get it to use /opt/system-config/foo instead of /opt/system-config/production when trying to launch a server15:46
clarkbto test for one15:46
mordrednibalizer: yah - equiv to what fungi is saying there15:46
nibalizerin 99% of cases you can go to a host and checkout a review and test15:46
fungiit was one of the only solution we had, really, for figuring out whether a full deployment of a server could bootstrap successfully15:47
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppetdb.o.o trusty support  https://review.openstack.org/28487415:47
mordredyah - but there is a thing that has chnaged15:47
pabelangernibalizer: ^15:47
mordredwhich is that servers don't need to be registered with puppetmaster15:47
mordredwhich makes the bringup process potentially slightly different15:47
nibalizerso what can be done is this, run launch node without a nod definition, it will get the default node definition and come up15:47
pabelanger1 sec15:47
funginow we're back to submitting an endless stream of changes and spending a couple days retrying to launch a server until it boots clean and error-free the first time15:47
mordredwe could ACTUALLY skip having launch_node do anything other than ... yes, what nibalizer just said15:48
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppetdb.o.o trusty support  https://review.openstack.org/28487415:48
pabelangernibalizer: Ya, that works too15:48
nibalizerthen you can go to /opt/system-config/production on the host and check out a review and run it15:48
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clarkblets not make this even more complocated...15:48
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clarkbthe current system is 100% automated once you select ehat you need15:49
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clarkbthere is a goal to further automate this15:49
pabelangerI have to walk my daughter to school, so holding off on launch-node ATM. Will read backscroll once I get back15:49
clarkbits why we ansible in the first place15:49
fungiwell, unless we actually switch to a two-phase bootstrapping process in launch-node.py (which i'm not particularly opposed to for reproducibility), puppeting it once with an empty node definition and then again with content is not a valid test of whether it can bootstrap in one shot15:49
clarkba suggestion to manually login and fiddlr with stuff is a regression15:49
nibalizerclarkb: i disagee15:49
nibalizereither way there was fiddling15:50
nibalizereither you fiddled on the puppetmatser or you fiddle on the host15:50
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nibalizerbasically the operator has to set up a set of git repos and call 'execute'15:50
clarkbya but the fiddle on puppetmaster is automated15:50
fungithe up side to when we fiddled on the puppetmaster was that it could be done in advance of launching the node15:50
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fungiso that we could confirm it would successfully bootstrap in one go15:50
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fungiincluding checking out changes to other puppet modules in the dev env being used, not just system-config15:51
nibalizerso if we want to we can hack ansible to be environment aware15:51
nibalizernothing we've done prevents that15:51
fungii get that's something we give up by going masterless, i just think (and probably disagreeing with clarkb slightly) that whatever our test process is should also reflect the actual deployment process step-wise15:52
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clarkbI just want equivalent functiobality...15:52
clarkbI still use the master to launch stuff because we do t have that15:52
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clarkbthe ansibke launch script is inconplete and did/does not have featurea I require15:53
clarkbit was merged before I could review it15:53
fungii on the other hand am fine not having feature-parity with the pre-ansible launch-node.py, but do want whatever mechanism we have for testing un-merged changes in the launch process to be an accurate representation of the real launch process15:53
nibalizerno i mean the ansible role called 'puppet' is where the feature would need to be added15:54
clarkbI checkout old launch scripy and use master15:54
nibalizerbasically right now launch-node.py calls out to ansible's puppet role15:54
nibalizerwhich would need to learn to copy thigns based on environment15:54
nibalizerit can already remotely execute puppet in a different environment15:54
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nibalizerbasically it just needs to know to synchronize other files in different environments15:55
nibalizerit might already have it15:55
nibalizerwe currently pass src: "{{ manifest_base }}/{{ puppet_environment }}" in to the 'copy puppet modules' task15:56
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mordredyes. we just default to production as the environment15:57
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add report URL to status.json  https://review.openstack.org/30789115:57
clarkbI think that there are two major pieces that we neglected. One is volumes because afs and mirrors and all that are far more important today. This is mostly addressed but needs merging? and how to bootstrap things for testing15:58
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clarkbthe first was neglected in old script too (reverted entirely iirc) then I put it back in place whrn I had to make a bunch of mirrora15:58
jeblair307891 is part 1/2 to enable links to logs.o.o on the status page15:59
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fungialso --keep probably just needs to become default now. it used to be that if a launch failed, having the instance automatically deleted was fine because all the puppet stdout was streamed to your console. now the only real diagnostic we have for the puppet phase of things is the syslog on the instance, which is lost if you don't pass --keep16:00
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fungiso the situations where not using --keep are useful are few and far between16:00
clarkbfungi: +116:00
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mordredwe could configure out setup to pass the puppet stdout back to ansible, fwiw16:00
clarkbbut this is why I proposed a workroom at summit16:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Zuul status: Link to logs.o.o on completed builds  https://review.openstack.org/30789216:01
jeblairpart 2/2 ^16:01
mordredjeblair: neat!16:01
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clarkbthere are a lot of minor issues in the ansible that only seem to bite you when ypu actually try to do things that arent run in cron16:01
clarkband a few that hit that that we have ignored16:01
clarkbso set time aside to work on them and make it better16:01
mordredclarkb: I am now running nodepool with the nodepool and shade patches outstanding for the fip issue applied16:02
clarkbmordred: this includes periodic cleanup?16:02
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mordredclarkb: no, I did not apply that16:02
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clarkbok that should let us see how we leak now16:02
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mordredclarkb: because that requires also adding a config value to nodepool.yaml16:02
mordredclarkb: yah. I'm optimistic16:02
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable an environment aware launch node script  https://review.openstack.org/30789416:03
mordredclarkb: I am seeing debug logging indicating that the wait logic is now being exercised16:03
nibalizerclarkb: ok so there you go that probably does it16:03
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nibalizerdefinitely going to be some bugs in there and in the ansible role but those can be ironed out in testing16:03
mordredclarkb: if you want to watch along, I'm doing tail -f /var/log/nodepool/debug.log | grep "DEBUG shade" | grep -v "Waiting ..0 seconds" | grep -v "Endpoint not found"16:04
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clarkbnibalizer: can we add it back in as a script arg?16:04
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nibalizerclarkb: thats literally what I did?16:04
nibalizeri just cheesed out of using getopt or whatever the hip python thing is16:05
clarkbnibalizer: sort of look at the end of the script16:05
openstackgerritKen Dreyer proposed openstack/python-jenkins: add get_whoami()  https://review.openstack.org/30789616:05
clarkbnibalizer: ya you cant do that we already argparse16:05
nibalizeroh ok i better fix that up then16:05
clarkbI would comment on change but it just crashed firefox mobile16:06
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mordredof course it did16:06
jeblairclarkb: i got you covered16:06
fungifirefox immobile16:06
clarkbmordred I am trying ti use firefox mobile because not google and ublock origin16:06
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable an environment aware launch node script  https://review.openstack.org/30789416:06
clarkbbut then gerrit crashes it :(16:06
nibalizerclarkb: reup'd16:07
mordredso - in case anyone is curious watching to see something _not_ happen is boring16:07
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clarkbI should make a concrete list of ansible improvements to try and get done today16:08
anteayamordred: requires much more focus than watching something happen16:08
mordredjeblair: if you have a sec, https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:shade-nodepool is ready for eyeballs16:08
clarkbwill get that dine and share so others can add/update16:08
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mordredanteaya: yup16:08
mordredanteaya: well, also you don't know if it just hasn't happened yet, of if you've done a thing16:08
fungiclarkb: on the etherpad for the summit work session presumably16:08
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jeblairnibalizer: almost -- missed some plumbing16:09
jeblairmordred: ack16:09
clarkbfungi: ya16:10
jeblairmordred: i saw that and went "WAH!" then added "status:open" to that and it's better.16:10
mordredjeblair: uhm16:10
mordredjeblair: so16:10
mordredjeblair: the leak may be even stranger than we might have thought16:10
anteayamordred: yes16:10
mordredI now show 3 leaked osic fips16:10
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mordredI do not show any logging that they were ever even attempted to be deleted16:11
jeblairmordred: first thought -- could they be related to subnodes?16:11
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mordredjeblair: maybe?16:11
jeblairmordred: can you etherpad all the info you have about those 3?16:11
fungii've wondered for a while if some of our fip leaking might be around subnode lifecycle codepaths16:11
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clarkbmordred: if you grep the ip you get the node id and if you grep that you will know if it is a subnode16:12
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jeblairstart with the etherpad so i can help16:12
jeblair2016-04-19 15:48:04,231 DEBUG shade: Need to delete fip: for server a867850e-d112-4de9-ad80-6f85fbfd623516:14
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jeblairmordred: you know that's not the same instance of it because the id (9b92) is different (!=41d7) right?16:14
jeblairmordred: (i'm just verifying my understanding of that log msg)16:14
mordredah. good point16:14
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anteayayolanda: might you know Jean-Daniel's irc nick? when you said you were chatting with that person on irc, I take it that conversation didn't happen in this channel?16:14
mordredyah. so searching for the IP here is not connecting us with the server necessarily16:15
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add openstack-health RSS proxy to api server  https://review.openstack.org/30790516:15
mtreinishfungi: ^^^ that's my first pass at that. But I'm sure I screwed up the regex (I always screw up the regex)16:15
jeblairmordred: yeah, that fip was used on at least 7 servers in the past few hours16:16
mordredjeblair: so I'm going to take those lines out of the etherpad, because they're not relevant16:16
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jeblairmordred: i don't see 41d76dc7-92aa-4e61-8351-3b3bd005aee2 in the debug log16:16
mordredjeblair: I don't either16:16
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jeblairmordred: if we had that, we could establish a positive connection with a server; however, it seems likely that it's related to the last server that used it (on account of it's a leak, after all)16:17
jeblairmordred: however, the last mention of the ip is with a different id16:17
mordredyah - I tink I'd like to add a log message at fip creation time - we should have a server id when we're creating it in shade16:18
jeblairmordred: so it seems like perhaps the ip was somehow related to a server that never got as far as nodepool knowing what the ip is?16:18
mordredthat's what I'm thinking16:18
mordredoh! you know what ...16:18
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nibalizerjeblair: thanks, will fix16:19
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jeblairmordred: i think that's a good idea.  i believe nodepool does learn the server id before fip creation/attachment (between create server and 'waiting for server').  so we should be able to track fips back to nodes with that.16:22
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Allow filtering of worklists and boards by story or task  https://review.openstack.org/28891016:22
mordredShrews: what the hell were we thinking on line 4092 ?16:22
fungiyou know, line 409216:24
mordredShrews: at the end of _delete_server in the if has_sevice(volume) block16:24
mordredShrews: just look at it and be sad16:24
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* jeblair looks at it and is confused16:27
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jeblairbut then again, i'm looking at line 4064, so16:27
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clarkbhttps://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-infra-robustify-ansible-puppet thoughts written down there with two lists of issues16:29
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791316:29
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clarkbmordred: nibalizer jeblair fungi ^ you may all have feedback on that etherpad before we sit down for the session16:29
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pabelangerand back. Catching up on backscroll16:30
Shrewsmordred: that code seems to have snuck in while adding some functional tests. /me will not mention the author16:30
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mordredShrews: I'm sure that the author had good intentions16:31
Shrewsmordred: and yes, i am sad16:31
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mordredShrews: I mean - all three lines are insane16:32
mordredShrews: that has to be a rebase fail16:32
mordredShrews: what does get_volume(server) even mean?16:33
Shrewsmordred: https://review.openstack.org/25115016:33
jeblairmordred: redarging 307875 -- i think there's some extra complexity16:33
mordredjeblair: yah?16:33
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jeblairmordred: nodepool expects deleteServer to be fast and then calls waitForServerDeletion when it wants to wait16:33
jeblairmordred: often times these calls are in immediate series, but not always16:34
mordredjeblair: ok. I see that16:34
jeblairmordred: for instance, when it wants to cause all of the subnodes to be deleted.  it starts the process for all of them in parallel, then waits for them all in series16:34
mordredjeblair: I think we can do what we did for create_server16:34
mordredwhere we break the wait-for into a function that can be separately called16:34
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mordredactually, no, I don't think we can16:35
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jeblairmordred: (there already is one)16:35
mordredyah - I meant in shade16:35
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Shrewsmordred: we can repurpose wait_for_server() for that16:36
openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new virtualbmc project under ironic's umbrella  https://review.openstack.org/30732316:36
Shrewsnow it waits for active, but we could add a delete option16:36
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Shrewsor a general status16:36
mordredShrews: we could - but the problem is, submitting an async delete server task is not generally meaningful16:37
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mordredbeacuse we can't actually submit the delete call until the fips are gone16:37
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mordredwe might have to generate a fake shade-side thing to poll on that embodies the sequence of fips-then-servers16:37
jeblairnodepool used to do this itself in its deleteserver method; i'm having trouble figuring a way to get the desired behavior without going back to that16:37
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* mordred goes away to think for a sec16:38
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add openstack-health RSS proxy to api server  https://review.openstack.org/30790516:38
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Shrewsmordred: i keep going back to my fip cache idea16:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add a function to decide if using cache is appropriate  https://review.openstack.org/30652416:40
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anteayafungi: did you want to populate the infra section of https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Design_Summit/Newton/Etherpads16:43
rcarrillocruzShrews, mordred : addressed comments on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302770/16:43
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rcarrillocruzrebasing the recordsets change based on ^ (i put zones change as dependency)16:44
rodrigodsanyone available to take a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/298696/ ? :) It already has a +216:44
anteayafungi: or do you want us to do it ourselves? I'm fine either way, just curious what you would like16:44
ayoungrodrigods, you were looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/298696/16:44
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ayoungrodrigods, what is that holding up?16:45
fungianteaya: i was planning to, just hadn't gotten to it yet16:45
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fungii'll do that now before i move on to meeting prep16:45
rodrigodsayoung, tests reviews, starting at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302299/16:45
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anteayafungi: cool, thanks16:45
rodrigodsppl need to know if they are passing before reviewing16:45
ayoungrodrigods, ah right16:45
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ayoungrodrigods, that is only running on Keystone checkins, right?16:46
rodrigodsayoung, right16:46
rodrigodsayoung, it should run "tempest -e all-plugin -- keysotne"16:46
rodrigodsand the job is only added to keystone too (non-voting)16:47
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ayoungfungi, can you kick off https://review.openstack.org/#/c/302299/  please?   It will let Keystone drive on with functional testing.  Which will make the world a better place.16:47
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fungiayoung: not sure what you mean by kick off16:48
rodrigodsfungi, +3 i guess :)16:49
rodrigodsafter proper review, of course16:49
fungii'm not a keystone core reviewer16:49
ayoungfungi, nah, this is an infra16:49
fungithough i can try to take a look at the change anyway if you need16:49
rodrigodsfungi, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/298696/16:49
fungiit says the change is for openstack/keystone16:49
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rodrigodscorrect URL ^16:50
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ayoungsorry wrong linkwe need to16:50
fungirodrigods: thanks, that's totally not what ayoung linked ;)16:50
* fungi is marginally less confused now16:50
ayoungfungi, I was one too far in my tab list16:50
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ayoungfungi, and if ever you need to chose between believing me and rodrigods you know which way to lean16:50
* fungi is a believer16:51
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* ayoung is a dreamer16:51
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* rodrigods not a lier16:51
ayoungfungi, anyway, Keystone discussed this in our meeting a couple times...we really want to head this way.16:52
ayounghence two +1s from Keystone core16:52
* anteaya queues up the monkees16:52
* ayoung herds them onto the last train to Clarksville.16:52
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use the cached ironic-python-agent images  https://review.openstack.org/30169916:53
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rodrigodsyay o/16:54
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't use cached undercloud image for element repos either  https://review.openstack.org/30792316:55
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mpaolinoclarkb, after some investigations I have a project in the launchpad. It is still not clear to me how to use git review with this (the git "gerrit" remote does not exist)17:01
clarkbmpaolino: git review talks ot gerrit and has nothing to do with launchpad17:01
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clarkbmpaolino: the link I shared walks you through the process of getting a project in gerrit17:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable non-voting keystone tempest plugin tests  https://review.openstack.org/29869617:01
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mpaolinoclarkb, set up launchpad is part of the link you shared17:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Show a modal when editing worklists in a board  https://review.openstack.org/30640017:05
mpaolinoin any case I completely agree17:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: cinderclient: Move pylint to non-voting check  https://review.openstack.org/30781817:05
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mpaolinohowever I don't see the gerrit/projects.yaml file (as that guide suggest) in any of the devstack plugins of the plugin registry.... thus I am wondering what's wrong :)17:07
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tarball jobs for all Puppet OpenStack modules  https://review.openstack.org/30793117:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Implement higher job timeout for Ansible role jobs  https://review.openstack.org/30657317:10
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anteayampaolino: are you already a contributor to openstack? are you familiar with this document? http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html17:12
mpaolinoyes, I already did this in the past (not recently)17:13
mpaolinoof course I have an account and signed the UCLA17:13
anteayaokay so then you know that gerrit is our canonical git repository for all our repos17:13
fungii hear they have a great basketball team17:13
mpaolinohowever the point is that I don't have a git clone something to do17:13
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mpaolinofungi, UCLA for sure17:14
anteayampaolino: well if you recall your use fo gerrit, gerrit is our canonical git reposititory17:14
anteayampaolino: so the first thing you need to do is have your project on our gerrit17:14
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anteayampaolino: which the link clarkb shared with you earlier instructs you in how to do17:15
rodrigodsfungi, after merged, a new job starts working after...17:15
rodrigodsjust to figure out the whole process :)17:15
AJaegermordred, zigo, fungi: Regarding deb-packing, I think adding one repository per package is the wrong approach. Adding another 300 repos to our already 1000 packages does not really scale.17:15
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zigoAJaeger: I don't see how we could do otherwise !17:15
anteayaAJaeger: I haven't been following the conversation, but I agree with your conclusion17:15
fungirodrigods: automation runs to set up the new job configuraiton on all our jenkins masters and to reload zuul with the corresponding layout change17:16
anteayahaving multiples of repos for every one repo is not a great model17:16
fungirodrigods: probably ~30 minutes but can vary depending on confitions17:16
zigoanteaya: You missread. One repo per package.17:16
rodrigodsfungi, hmm got it17:16
anteayazigo: would that amount to another 300 repos for our already 1000 packages?17:17
anteayaas AJaeger states17:17
fungion the one hand i agree adding another 300 repos for debian packages (and 300 for red hat packages? and 300 for gentoo packages? and...) is unsettling, i'd want to know what the alternative proposals are17:17
zigoanteaya: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=openstack-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org <--- That's how many packages I maintain for OpenStack in Debian, though lots of these libraries, I wont maintain them within infra: only OpenStack upstream stuff, which isn't 371 packages (at least more than 100 are general purpose Python modules).17:19
zigoMy current estimate is maybe 150 packages to begin with, and then it may grow a little bit.17:19
zigoI agree that's a lot, but like fungi wrote: what is the alternative?17:19
anteayaokay 15017:19
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anteayaI think it is worth discussion, the alternative that is17:20
pleia2for the config mgmt stuff we already do that, 130 for puppet17:20
anteayapleia2: yes I know17:20
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anteayapuppet has their 100+, fuel has their 100+, etc17:20
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zigoanteaya: The point I'm trying to make is that there's no alternative that I know about.17:20
AJaegerzigo, last time you said you wanted to add 300 more repositories.17:20
AJaegerzigo: but even 150 is a lot.17:21
anteayafungi: thanks for setting up the etherpads on the wiki page17:21
zigoAJaeger: I'm not really sure yet, sorry.17:21
anteayazigo: right, I get that17:21
fungiit's a matrix expansion of projects x deployment methodologies roughly17:21
anteayafungi: yes17:21
AJaegerzigo: RPM packaging does not need that many, they have one where they store all spec files.17:21
anteayaand I think having a chat about the matrix expansion is worthwhile17:21
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zigoAJaeger: Well, as you know, Debian packaging doesn't work this way (ie: we don't have a single .spec file to design...).17:22
AJaegerzigo, still, you can use a directory...17:22
zigoAJaeger: That's now how git-buildpackage works.17:22
AJaegerzigo: and rpm can use more than a spec file, just wanted to point out that they managed to do this without creating lots of new repos17:22
AJaegerzigo: then let's fix it...17:23
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zigoAJaeger: We're really not there yet...17:23
zigoAJaeger: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-deb-packaging17:23
zigoThat's the etherpad for Austin.17:24
zigoAJaeger: I'm currently investigating mini-dinstall and dak.17:24
anteayahave we set aside time for the matrix expansion of projects x deployment methodologies at summit yet?17:24
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zigoI'm slowly leaning toward using dak... :P17:24
AJaegerzigo: and that's why I'm not going to review deb-spice-html5 - a package that is IMHO completely unrelated to OpenStack and where I first like to see a proper plan - so, let's wait until Austin and then write up a spec.17:25
fungimuch of debian's packaging (not just for openstack) is maintained with a separate git repo to contain the packaging metadata/scripts/patches for each project being packaged, so while this may run counter to how rpm package maintenance is done, it would be a significant divergence within debian to have one git repo covering lots of packages17:25
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zigoAJaeger: The point of spice-html5 is that it has no dependency, which is why I chose it.17:25
zigoAJaeger: If I take something like oslo.messaging, it will require half of all of OpenStack to even start building.17:25
zigoAJaeger: The point is not spice-html5, which I may maintain in Debian only.17:26
zigoAJaeger: I can search for a better toy to play with, more related to OpenStack, if you prefer.17:26
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clarkbmordred: jeblair Shrews is there a tl;dr on the nodepool + shade + fip plan? I think I saw that the current proposed and running patches are working but they make nodepool less async and serialize deletes because of the waits?17:26
clarkbare we planning on sticking with that?17:26
mordredclarkb: I'm about to give a tl;dr17:26
mordredhave a new idea17:27
mordredbut brb17:27
zigoAJaeger: Plus, I 100% agree with what fungi just wrote.17:27
clarkbfungi: and you mentioned that rax was looking into the networking stuff more ?17:27
zigoI wouldn't have write it better myself.17:27
AJaegerfungi, that's really bad - especially if zigo needs to package all dependencies.17:27
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable an environment aware launch node script  https://review.openstack.org/30789417:27
* clarkb wants to have system running well before we all disappear for a week17:27
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AJaegerWith fuel and charm we have already a lot - but those don't need a repo for each and every library17:27
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fungiAJaeger: yes, i agree that hosting packaging for a bunch of openstack dependencies was unforeseen17:28
AJaegerfungi, zigo : Why do we need this at all?17:28
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AJaegerDebian has its own way of building packages, I don't get that we need to replicate that one as well.17:28
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fungiAJaeger: version control for the tree of files (metadata, scripts, occasional out-of-tree patches) used to build deb packages17:29
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AJaegerfungi, plus also building and publishing them?17:30
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fungiAJaeger: zigo's goal is to maintain that data under version control, and test that proposed changes to it work (successfully build packages, install cleanly, pass validation tests once installed, et cetera)17:31
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nibalizerjeblair: are you going to be piping asterisk into some of the rooms this time?17:32
zigofungi: AJaeger: And at the end, test that the package doesn't break a Tempest run too.17:32
fungiand also it can be cross-tested (for example, periodic pipeline jobs) against master branch state of the projects being packaged so that the maintainers can be more reactive to inevitable bitrot in their packaging17:32
zigo(final, ultimate goal, to make sure nothing ever breaks)17:32
nibalizersounds like Hunner won't be able to make it for the ansible-puppet hardening session, but it would be great to conference him in17:32
* zigo goes for dinner17:33
fungiwe could have Hunner-in-a-box next week!17:33
* Hunner jumps out of the box17:34
* Clint shrieks17:35
anteayapleia2 pabelanger I have added some links to the wiki etherpad for next week: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-infra-wiki-upgrades17:35
anteayado add your notes17:35
AJaegerfungi, zigo: I'm still scared by 300+ repos (even 150), especially when I see request for packaging of libraries that are needed but outside of OpenStack ecosystem like html-spice17:35
pleia2anteaya: I would really like to see all this work in a story17:35
pleia2but an etherpad for a session is a fine start17:35
anteayaokay thanks17:36
anteayaand I have no objection to it becoming a story17:36
anteayapleia2: do you want to add your vision to the etherpad?17:36
anteayaAJaeger: I agree with your trepidation17:36
jeblairnibalizer: i have not had a chance to work on that more than what i had at infra-midcycle, but i could bring that hardware again -- it might be useful to try it out hooked up to the room av system17:37
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nibalizerok cool17:37
jeblairnibalizer: (we can also just do it with a laptop which is what i did for clark-in-a-box)17:37
pleia2anteaya: working on it :)17:37
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nibalizeri've been in the box, clark has been in the box, monty has been in the box17:37
nibalizerpaul was in the box for tokyo17:37
anteayapleia2: lovely addition so far, thank you17:38
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nibalizerjeblair: i also have a suspicion we can con bkero into being a box-weilder17:38
fungiAJaeger: i agree. i'm not fully endorsing the idea, simply explaining17:38
nibalizerhe often caries the right gear and fills that role in other situations17:38
anteayafungi: my only conflict with the infra schedule seems to be the nova ci session at the same time as the new landing page session17:39
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fungiAJaeger: it's still worth deeper conversation as to whether and how we draw the line as a team as to what we're willing to review17:39
anteayafungi: so I think I will have to miss the new landing page17:39
anteayaalas I feel I will be the only infra in the nova ci session17:39
fungianteaya: yep, that's why i noted it in the announcement i sent. so people can plan ahead to figure out if there are others who can proxy their positions in some of those sessions17:39
anteayawhich I think kind of is less than what jay was hoping for according to his mailing list posts17:40
anteayayup, I didn't say anything at the time as I knew switching anything wouldn't help17:40
AJaegerfungi: sure, we need to discuss this. I wanted to explain the problems I see and why I'm not reviewing right now any further repos for this effort...17:40
fungihopefully we can get some more infra people to go to that. the wiki landing page work session shouldn't be super exciting17:40
anteayaif I have to miss one of our sessions, this really is the only one I am willing to miss17:40
anteayawell it would be great to have more infra folk in the nova ci session17:41
fungirather, non-wiki landing page17:41
anteayaas I think jay wants someone willing to say they will help put his idea into effect17:41
fungii expect it will be a fairly cookie-cutter clone of what we're doing with governance, releases, et al17:41
anteayaand I can't do more than I am already doing regarding third party ci17:41
bkeronibalizer: box?17:41
bkeroi can do hardware17:42
nibalizerbkero: jeblair often sets up his laptop with an external mic and external speakers17:42
anteayaso anyway those are my thoughts17:42
nibalizerthen hooks it up to asterisk17:42
nibalizeras a way to bridge people in to meetings who couldn't be there17:43
fungithough i gather he's gotten some recentish pi boards to try implementing on17:43
bkeroright right17:43
bkeroLots of opportunities for embedded boards17:43
fungibasically sip client with jackd filter chain to keep stuff audible17:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert split into 2 shell scripts  https://review.openstack.org/30765417:44
fungiif redone on an sbc, it's something we could in theory scatter hither and yon in session rooms for small-scale remote participation17:44
bkeroYeah. Can pi pretty easily17:44
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bkeroset up sd cards with unique creds on each, have them autoconnect to asterisk conf calls17:45
persiaThere are a number of asterisk-compatible SIP speakerphones available commercially, which may avoid some integration work17:45
fungimmm... integration work is the fun part! ;)17:45
persiaAdmittedly :)17:46
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fungifree software toolchains, open hardware design...17:46
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bkeroI imagine a lot of them grab conf from network17:46
bkerowhich might not be possible over greater conf network17:46
pleia2anteaya: did you see pabelanger's comment about ffmpeg on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/285405/ ?17:46
pleia2anteaya: ah, you mention that later17:47
anteayayes, thanks17:48
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pabelangerpleia2: I did not, looking now17:58
pabelangernm :)17:58
pabelangeranteaya: checking now17:59
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791318:00
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Retry floating ip deletion before deleting server  https://review.openstack.org/30743918:00
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't look for invalid image keys for volume invalidation  https://review.openstack.org/30795918:00
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* AJaeger needs to leave urgently...18:01
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anteayaAJaeger: enjoy the rest of your day18:01
anteayaAJaeger: thank you18:01
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Cleanup leaked floating ips periodically  https://review.openstack.org/30775518:01
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pabelangeranteaya: pleia2: Thanks for the link. I added a question about checking if there is an existing community puppet-mediawiki module. Maybe there is a newer solution to our existing module.  I haven't looked at anything but something to maybe ask around about.  I suspect there isn't however18:03
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anteayapabelanger: I responsed in the etherpad18:05
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pabelangeranteaya: great, thanks18:05
anteayathank you18:06
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pabelangerEmilienM: I don't see puppet-aodh tarball on tarball.o.o, was it successful?18:12
EmilienMpabelanger: not yet the patch can wait, I'll -1 it18:13
EmilienMpabelanger: in fact, we should have tarball once post queue is cleared18:13
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-*: allow neutron-release group to push tags  https://review.openstack.org/30796518:13
EmilienMpabelanger: but I'll -1 my patch in the meantime18:13
pabelangerEmilienM: Sure, np. I was mostly curious to see the log file for it18:14
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add support to launch-node for cinder attach  https://review.openstack.org/28547718:16
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Only use one volume for /opt  https://review.openstack.org/30796718:16
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed openstack-infra/gitdm: Add alias for morgan fainberg  https://review.openstack.org/30797318:22
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create an os-net-config ACL  https://review.openstack.org/30797518:24
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't look for invalid image keys for volume invalidation  https://review.openstack.org/30795918:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791318:25
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Retry floating ip deletion before deleting server  https://review.openstack.org/30743918:25
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anteayaNisha: how can we help?18:26
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Nishaanteaya, i had one quick ques18:26
anteayaplease ask18:26
Nishai have enabled two gates in our CI18:26
Nishawhich are triggered comment based right now18:26
Nishawhen i add the comment to the patch to trigger the CI, it triggers only one gate18:27
Nishathe other gate didnt get triggered18:27
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anteayaour tools are designed for the gates to be exclusive18:28
anteayaso one gate is triggered18:28
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anteayaif you want to change that functionality, you will need to look at the triggering mechanism18:28
Nishameans? if i want both the gates to be triggered for a patch, how can i achieve that18:28
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support for Designate zones  https://review.openstack.org/30277018:28
fungii have a feeling there may be a terminology impedance mismatch here18:28
clarkbmordred: commented on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307439/9 note it is an older patchset18:28
mordredclarkb: thanks18:29
anteayafungi: go ahead18:29
clarkbmordred: there is one thing I think you will want to do for defensive measures18:29
fungiNisha: when you say "i have enabled two gates in our CI" do you mean two jobs? or two pipelines? or two of something else?18:29
Nishafungi, yes18:29
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fungiwhich of those18:29
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fungithat was an either/or/or18:30
Nishafungi, check https://review.openstack.org/#/c/306929/218:30
clarkbmordred: comment should still be valid on latest patchset I just didn't copy pasta it18:30
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NishaThis shows HP Proliant CI gate18:30
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Nishathere is one more for another driver, which didnt get triggered18:30
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't look for invalid image keys for volume invalidation  https://review.openstack.org/30795918:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791318:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Retry floating ip deletion before deleting server  https://review.openstack.org/30743918:30
fungiNisha: looks like you have one job running, for gate-tempest-ironic-ilo-driver-iscsi_ilo18:30
mordredclarkb: good call with max18:30
Nishawe have one more18:31
Nishabut that didnt got triggered18:31
fungiNisha: sure, i said "running" (or at least reporting back to the change)18:31
fungiNisha: what does your zuul layout.yaml file look like? can you put that on http://paste.openstack.org/ and let us know the url?18:32
Nishafungi, both the jobs are running...but i dont know why the other one didnt got triggered with the comment as this one got18:32
Nishaboth are running from same jenkinsmaster18:32
fungiNisha: it sounds like what you want to do is run two jobs and have them report back on the change. zuul is capable of doing that as long as it's configured correctly18:33
anteayafungi: somewhere in there if you can get her to test her ci on ci-sandbox, that would be great18:33
Nishafungi, yeah correct.18:33
morgandhellmann: ping - have a question about an update for an external library and best practices18:33
Nishaok let me recheck my zuul if i have gate based check there18:33
dhellmannmorgan : pong18:33
morgandhellmann: adding a new dependency (wrapt) for @positional, should that be a 1.1 release? or a 2.0?18:33
morgandhellmann: that is the only change (and using wrapt)18:34
morgandhellmann: i lean towards 1.118:34
fungianteaya: well, i'm mostly just trying to get Nisha to stop referring to jobs as "gates" as a start, since that seems to be a point of confusion18:34
morgandhellmann: cool. jusrt checking before i do the tagging and all18:34
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Nishafungi, thanks :)18:34
morgandhellmann: :) want to release this *before* my week is shot preparing for travel.18:34
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dhellmannmorgan : dims and I are working on releases as patches pass the check queue18:35
fungiNisha: at least from an upstream gerrit perspective, no third-party ci system gates any changes at all. they are purely advisory reporters on proposed changes18:35
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support for Designate zones  https://review.openstack.org/30277018:35
morgandhellmann: since positional isn't in openstack land...18:35
Nishafungi, ok18:35
morgandhellmann: and is run off my github instead, you have no requirement for it ;)18:35
morgandhellmann: to help that is.18:36
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anteayafungi: agreed, it is a good place to begin18:36
morgandhellmann: it's such a small package... it didn't seem worth looping in infra.18:36
dhellmannmorgan : ah, right, carry on then :-)18:36
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fungianteaya: anyway, i didn't mean to take over your troubleshooting assistance with Nisha, i mostly wanted to understand what "two gates" meant because that makes no sense in our vocabulary18:37
morganoh ... crap. i can't find my gpg key :(18:37
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Designate recordsets support  https://review.openstack.org/30650218:38
Clintcheck under the cushions18:38
fungimorgan: checked your other pants?18:38
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morganfungi: yeah :( it clearly went through the wash18:38
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morganfungi: do gpg keys weather the washingmachine well?18:38
fungidepends on the spin (electron joke!)18:39
anteayafungi: no you made a good call, yes everyone calling everything a "gate" doesn't help newcomers18:39
anteayafungi: and my soup is ready so thank you18:39
fungiwell, i also seem to have driven Nisha away18:40
anteayashe comes and goes18:40
anteayashe'll be back18:40
anteayaI have invited her to third party meetings18:40
fungithat will likely help more than anything18:40
anteayaapparently things are bad enough yet for her to attend18:40
anteayaI agree18:40
fungiit's almost like a support group therapy session18:40
anteayahope she decides to show up sometime18:40
anteayavery much so18:40
anteayaand can be effective for things like vocabulary18:41
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fungimy name is fungi and i've been trying to set up a ci system for more than 3 years18:41
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Designate recordsets support  https://review.openstack.org/30650218:42
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mordredfungi: let me know if you ever get one working18:46
anteayafungi: ha ha ha18:46
fungii'll post a blog18:46
anteayafungi: I feel so much better now18:46
fungi(once i figure out what a blog is)18:46
anteayaI've only been trying about 18 months18:46
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anteayadon't bother with blogs, very transitory18:46
mordredthey're so last year18:47
mordredI believe snapchats are the current rage18:47
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anteayareally I though we have moved to imbedded implants already18:47
anteayaposting your hormone levels and gps co-ordinates18:47
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fungisnapchat already sounds very close to that18:49
morganfungi: ugh. whelp... looks like my gpgkey is gone :( time to get a new one... woo re-doing web of trust.18:49
morganfungi: *sigh*18:49
fungimorgan: did you at least stash a revocation certificate somewhere so you can kill it?18:49
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morganfungi: nope. the whole thing is gone.18:49
fungithough i guess if it's not expected to be compromised, there's no real risk18:49
morganfungi: i serioiusly doubt it's compromised.18:50
morganjust... secret key is long gone.18:50
morganchecked in 5 different backups.18:50
morgannot in any of them.18:50
fungimorgan: i'll have a stack of business cards with my fingerprint on it and multiple forms of photo identification including a passport, so happy to dance with you18:50
morganfungi: just.. annoying is all18:51
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clarkbmordred: my biggest concern with this retry ip deletes thing is that it doesn't garuntee anything18:52
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clarkbmordred: it is a workaround best effort (which may solve the problem in 99% of cases but we will still have to run the periodic thing behind it to clean up what falls through)18:52
mordredclarkb: that is true - we'll combine it with nodepool doing unattached FIP deletes18:52
mordredso yes18:52
clarkbmordred: ya I am just cranky that this is a thing18:52
mordredit's insane18:52
clarkbmordred: neutron should do what it says it does18:52
mordredneutron should not return success on failure18:53
mordredand nova should have an option to delete floating ips when the server is deleted18:53
mordredsince there is one for cinder already18:53
mordredI mean, it boggles my mind that we have an implementation of making sure to delete DATA when a server is deleted, but not to be able to delete a floating ip18:54
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add initial setup for magnum in shade  https://review.openstack.org/24323918:54
mordredthat, combined with not having the port id in the addresses dict, and not having any metadata to tell you which networks are external and which aren't, having the metadata about nat destination be implied by the subnet rather than a quality reported by the network18:55
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mordredit's a sequence of several usability issues that together drive me batty18:55
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Tempest for tripleo CI  https://review.openstack.org/29584418:56
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Shrewsmordred: BREATHE!18:57
* Shrews hands mordred a warm, fuzzy kitten and a cold, foamy beer18:58
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flaper87I don't seem to be able to add my order number to my openstack foundation account. Are there any docs/references I should read? It fails saying it couldn't process my request. My guess is that my primary email in eventbrite is not the same as the one I use for the foundation account18:58
flaper87who should I ping about this?18:58
clarkbmordred: is latest 307439 running yet? it seems fine for me other than it being best effort18:58
jeblairflaper87: what's an order number?18:58
mordredclarkb: yah18:59
flaper87jeblair: 48339183418:59
flaper87jeblair: ah, ops18:59
mordredoh - speaking of18:59
clarkbjeblair: it is the eventbrite invoice number basically18:59
flaper87jeblair: the event brite order number18:59
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mordredclarkb, jeblair: we have enough debug logging now to track leaked fips to server18:59
clarkbjeblair: your unique ticket identifier, quick everyone go to summit as flaper8718:59
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add initial setup for magnum in shade  https://review.openstack.org/24323918:59
mordredclarkb, jeblair: e968d76d-258e-4e0f-82e4-1bbd4988c0bf is a leaked fip18:59
jeblairwhat does it mean to associate it with your foundation account?18:59
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fungiit's that (weekly infra team meeting) time again! find us in #openstack-meeting for the next hour18:59
flaper87clarkb: was that number supposed to be private? I had no idea.19:00
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clarkbflaper87: I don't think it matters :)19:00
* flaper87 epic fail19:00
clarkbflaper87: jst giving you a hard time19:00
mordredclarkb, jeblair: so if you search for it in debug log, you can find things19:00
flaper87clarkb: phew19:00
mordredlike 2016-04-19 18:30:52,337 DEBUG shade: Created FIP for server 77ebb888-f3e4-4746-b3dd-740119f509c419:00
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clarkbjeblair: for raisisn in order to use the mobile app schedule you must tie your eventbrite ticket to your foundation account19:00
flaper87apparently I'm not the only one that just found out about this19:01
jeblairi'm sorry i missed the design session for that.  i'd love to know the reason.19:01
anteayathat is the app support contact19:01
flaper87anteaya: thanks, will email them19:01
clarkbjeblair: what I am told (and I still don't understand it) is that they want to make sure people leaving feedback on sessions are real attendees19:01
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jeblairclarkb: or are, at this point, at least flaper87 ;)19:02
Zara:S I didn't know about that, intended to leave it to the last minute to install it, thanks for the heads up (don't yet know if it'll cause problems or not, but at least I'll recognise it)19:02
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dstufftmordred: IPs are forever but data is transient, seems to be legit19:03
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mordreddstufft: :)19:05
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nibalizerif you look at diff modules/openstack_project/manifests/openstackid_prod.pp modules/openstack_project/manifests/openstackid_dev.pp  you can see there is really no reason for these to be separate files19:20
nibalizerjust as an exmaple19:20
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rcarrillocruzyeah dude19:21
rcarrillocruzthat's terrible19:21
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rcarrillocruzsome cargo cult from the gerrit prod gerrit dev i assume19:21
anteayawill changing this make individual puppet modules more easy to deploy locally?19:21
anteayaI can not figure out how to deploy the puppet-mediawiki module locally19:21
anteayaapache won't start because I can't figure out how to give it the ssl cert paths to certs that don't exist on my vm19:22
SotKnibalizer: it may be worth talking to pedroalvarez if you are interested in hosting/testing an ansible role for storyboard btw19:22
* Zara updates story so it has context on the mention of Ansible. https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200002819:23
Zaraand yes, +5 to talking to pedroalvarez19:23
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pedroalvarezI'll happily help with Ansible and storyboard, and more if needed19:30
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clarkbnibalizer: rcarrillocruz until very recently the big difference there was in the realized users, obviously there are other ways of splitting the ocnfigs but this is one way and it works19:33
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LathaHi I am having trouble in entering contact information I get this when i use gerit review Please review your contact information:    https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/contact19:33
rcarrillocruzsure, i guess there was never a need to do a refactor19:33
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Add baymodel list call for shade+magnum  https://review.openstack.org/30800919:33
rcarrillocruzi mean, the dev one is not spinned 'often'19:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Don't use cached undercloud image for element repos either  https://review.openstack.org/30792319:34
clarkbLatha: are you following http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#account-setup ? that should walk you through the steps19:34
clarkbLatha: if not following that please read that section on acount setup and it should get you through the contact info stuff19:35
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Lathai could setup the account and able to login19:41
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Lathaand error comes when submitting changes'19:41
anteayayou have to set up accounts with launchpad, gerrit and the foundation19:41
LathaI might have missed putting contact info while registering as user19:41
anteayadid you set up all the accounts19:41
anteayaand did you follow the link clarkb posted?19:42
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Lathayes i only see regsiter a project register a team19:44
sdakemordred it looks like internap suffers from the same problem as ovh was suffering from19:44
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anteayaLatha: what are you looking at in http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#account-setup that says register a project register a team19:45
mordredsdake: that was a log from 24 hours ago?19:45
sdakelooks like it19:45
sdakei just triggered a new recheck19:45
sdakeso we will see if the problem stil exists19:45
mordredsdake: the fix should have been running for at least the last 8 or so19:45
sdakeoh i see19:46
sdakeok well i'll get back to youo after recheck finishes19:46
hferenchello all!19:46
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openstackgerritSean M. Collins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode voting  https://review.openstack.org/29984319:48
hferencfinally, i was able to create a cirros image that has an i6300esb watchdog driver in it19:48
Lathai have an account already setup and at that time didn't put my contact info and now when i submit changes it is giving me this19:49
LathaType 'yes' to confirm, other to cancel: yes fatal: ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information.  Please review your contact information:    https://review.openstack.org/#/settings/contact   fatal: Could not read from remote repository.  Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.19:49
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anteayaLatha: did you follow the link clarkb and I gave you?19:50
anteayaparticularly about ensuring you have a foundation account19:50
anteayaand the membership is set correctly19:50
anteayaand that the email in the foundation account match the email in your gerrit account?19:50
hferenci used the lp:cirros repo as a base, however as it turned out the result is not as close to the 'official' 0.3.4 cirros image as i hoped it will be19:52
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hferenccan somebody tell me how the 'official' images are created?19:53
sc68calhferenc: whose 'official' cirros image are you referring to19:55
sc68caland what do you mean by not as close19:55
hferenci meant these: http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.4/ - i think these are the default built in images e.g. in devstack19:57
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LathaYes. I followed the guide  and was trying the tutorial " Learn the Gerrit Workflow in the Sandbox." when I get to "git review" step to submit patch set i get the error as "fatal: ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information." and then when I try to update the contact information in gerrit, I get the error "Server Error. Cannot store contact information"19:58
anteayalook at your email in gerrit19:59
anteayaand look at your email in your foundation account19:59
anteayaare they the same email?19:59
pleia2mordred: your mission is to find me something kosher for passover to drink at the summit19:59
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pleia2agave tequila should be ok, no beer D:20:00
pleia2it's going to be a rough week20:00
bkerofungi: care to bring your chorded keyboard to Summit? :)20:00
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Zaraa musical summit? :D20:01
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mordredpleia2: if agave tequila is ok, then you're fine20:01
mordredpleia2: are avocados, chips or salsa kosher for passover?20:01
clarkbpleia2: I hear there are plenty of margaritas20:01
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fungibkero: i shall. my gen-1 prototype is terribly bulky (it's in an old phone handset), but i'll make room20:01
Lathaanteaya, yes it is the same e-mail20:01
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nibalizerpleia2: i will join you in hunting out good tequilaa20:02
pleia2mordred: depends on ths chips20:02
pleia2mordred: but the rest is good20:02
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pleia2and I can eat meat :d just no bread-things20:02
pleia2texas is good for that20:02
sc68calhferenc: ok. so, you build a cirros image using the tip of the cirros source and it differed from 0.3.4 - doesn't that sound like a truism?20:02
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mordredpleia2: oh - so the stuffed avocado will not work though, because it's breaded20:02
bkerofungi: awesome. I'll probably be bringing my twiddler20:02
pleia2nibalizer: hooray20:02
anteayaLatha: is your foundation membership a Foundation membership or a community membership?20:02
pleia2mordred: ah, yeah20:03
fungibkero: i can bring you a dev board too if you want. i have several extra pcbs. i don't have enough spare component bags though so if you want to build one you'll need to consult my digikey parts manifest20:03
mordredpleia2: otoh - you will be surrounded by so much brisket20:03
pleia2hehe, right20:03
bkerofungi: That might be useful :)20:03
bkeroGot a link to your page that you describe it on?20:03
anteayaLatha: you need to have a Foundation membership _not_ a community membership20:04
SamYaplepleia2: they make a few different good tequilas right there in austin. its one of the things i miss since i moved away20:04
SamYaplealso, suprisingly, vodka20:04
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fungibkero: yeah, http://www.yuggoth.org/wiki/ManMachine/KeyerPCB has details, though i haven't updated it since actually getting the printed boards back and putting one into service20:05
pleia2SamYaple: lovely20:06
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bkerofungi: are those self-etched?20:06
mordredclarkb, jeblair: I cannot see anything in the extra logging that indicates why the leaked fips leaked20:06
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fungibkero: no, i had http://fab.fritzing.org/fritzing-fab do them for me20:07
bkeroAh cool20:07
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fungii like their service and ethos, so happy to support them with my monies20:07
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hferencsc68cal: sure it does, but i've not found the repo that has the sources of 0.3.420:10
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fungibkero: i need to pick this project back up, though the plan for the next-gen build is to integrate keyer into a 3d-printed housing for a forearm-mounted wearable system20:11
clarkbmordred: is there any common thread among the leaks? multinode, maybe a common distro, possibly a subrange of IPs?20:11
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mordredclarkb: nope20:11
Lathahi anteaya,how to change it now from one to the other or have to re-register?20:11
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anteayaLatha: if you sign into your foundation account you should have the ability to change the membership20:11
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fungiLatha: https://ask.openstack.org/question/56720 has a screenshot of the button you're looking for there20:12
anteayaLatha: please don't re-register, that just makes things worse20:12
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sc68calhferenc: are you familiar with bzr?20:12
mordredclarkb: oh - well, actually - maybe20:12
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fungiLatha: you're looking for a button in the upper right of your profile edit screen which says "make me a foundation member"20:12
jeblairmordred: i'll start looking20:12
mordredthe node I started looking at was involved in a timeout20:13
bkerofungi: sounds useful20:13
mordred2016-04-19 19:30:42,714 ERROR nodepool.NodeLauncher: OpenStackCloudTimeout launching node id: 333045 in provider: osic-cloud1 error:20:13
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bkerofungi: I'd be interested in how you'd solve the ergo problems of typing on opposite arms20:13
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jeblairmordred: updating https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vGZsfXNbp620:14
madhu_akhi there, I was trying to verify experimental job in octavia, as per the patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/306053/. It fails because of $PROJECTS variable used in https://github.com/openstack/octavia/blob/master/octavia/tests/contrib/pre_test_hook.sh. Error can be seen in devstack logs: http://logs.openstack.org/53/306053/2/experimental/gate-tempest-dsvm-octavia/4e55e16/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz. Is this the right way in adding PROJECTS20:14
madhu_akvariable in gate hooks than adding in job definition of octavia.yaml under project-config?20:14
clarkbpleia2: the googles tell me there is a group that certifies beer as kosher. sam adams has a big list20:15
clarkbpleia2: but you probably know more about all that than I or google do20:15
fungibkero: i intend to wear it on my left. i'm mostly right-hand dominant so trained to chord-type with my left so that my right hand is free for other fine motor skills. the housing i'm imagining could probably just be inverted pretty trivially but wouldn't likely be easy to make one unit usable interchangeably by both hands20:15
bkerofungi: an alternate would be to wear it on your leg or hanging off a pant pocket20:16
jeblairmordred, clarkb: it timed out waiting for the fip to be attached20:16
clarkbjeblair: ahah!20:16
pleia2clarkb: yeah, just tricky to find while out and about20:16
clarkbmadhu_ak: no, the pre test hook runs after all of the setup is already done20:16
fungibkero: i did a shoulder strap for the current wearable system i have and simply tether the keyer by a retractable usb cord, but it's a bit cumbersome. trying to condense a bunch in the next design20:17
clarkbmadhu_ak: you need to set all that config before devstack gate runs20:17
bkerofungi: Yeah. At least with prototypes they can be as bulky as necessary.20:17
clarkbjeblair: mordred: in that case we don't delete the fip because it isn't attached which is where we get the info to know what to delete20:17
greghaynesdhellmann: Is there a page with info about the different release types and what they mean? I get the impression https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ReleaseTeam/ReleaseProcess is where it is meant to end up?20:18
mordredjeblair, clarkb: ah. hrm.20:18
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madhu_akclarkb, so should I define https://github.com/openstack/octavia/blob/master/octavia/tests/contrib/pre_test_hook.sh#L18 and 19 in https://github.com/openstack-infra/project-config/blob/master/jenkins/jobs/octavia.yaml#L24 ?20:19
anteayagreghaynes: he is in the tc meeting right now so might be a few before he replies20:19
greghaynesanteaya: ah, ty20:19
clarkbmadhu_ak: most of that script actually20:20
clarkbmadhu_ak: I don't think the devstack local config will bubble out, but you can check the logs to be double sure20:20
mordredjeblair: awesome. so - I'd like to add two more pieces of debugging there20:20
clarkbmadhu_ak: and typically you use the features.yaml to select which services to run20:20
mordredjeblair: because we actually SHOULD have enough context at that point in shade to delete20:20
clarkbmadhu_ak: easiest way to see is to check the logs20:20
mordredbut I'd like to make sure I understand what timing out means here20:20
pabelangerclarkb: so, looking into diskimage-builder. I believe this is how they handle setfiles:  https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/diskimage-builder/tree/elements/rpm-distro/finalise.d/11-selinux-fixfiles-restore So, we should be able to do the same20:20
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dhellmanngreghaynes : http://governance.openstack.org/reference/tags/index.html#release-management-tags20:21
pabelangerclarkb: We just need to figure out how to properly call it20:21
clarkbmordred: http://logs.openstack.org/53/306053/2/experimental/gate-tempest-dsvm-octavia/4e55e16/logs/localrc.txt.gz the rest of it looks fine20:21
clarkber madhu_ak ^20:21
greghaynesdhellmann: awesome, thanks20:21
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pabelangerianw: thoughts on how we can breakout ^20:21
dhellmanngreghaynes : release info in the wiki is largely out of date, because we've moved to the project team guide and governance repo20:21
bkerofungi: Just read on the page. I happen to have a set of ST1080s :)20:22
madhu_akclarkb, I could see these from devstack logs:20:22
pabelangerianw: vs just copying it into our nodepool-base element20:22
madhu_akecho 'The /opt/stack/new/barbican project was not found; if this is a gate job, add'20:22
madhu_ak2016-04-14 23:04:36.561 | The /opt/stack/new/barbican project was not found; if this is a gate job, add20:22
madhu_ak2016-04-14 23:04:36.563 | + functions-common:git_clone:533           :   echo 'the project to the $PROJECTS variable in the job definition.'20:22
madhu_ak2016-04-14 23:04:36.564 | the project to the $PROJECTS variable in the job definition.20:22
madhu_ak2016-04-14 23:04:36.566 | + functions-common:git_clone:534           :   die 534 'Cloning not allowed in this configuration'20:22
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clarkbmadhu_ak: yes, please don't paste large amounts of test to the channel, use a paste bin instead20:22
clarkbmadhu_ak: that is happening becaue the PROJECTS list is one of the first things processed in the devstack gate run20:22
clarkbmadhu_ak: you need to set that in your job as yo udescribed20:22
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clarkbpabelanger: ok, I have little experience with that but can probablydig up man pages and figure it out if that helps20:23
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madhu_aksure clarkb will push a patch on project-infra. Thanks for the info20:23
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clarkbpabelanger: looks like it is specfile then path20:24
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clarkbpabelanger: actually, couldn't we just use that element?20:24
clarkbpabelanger: I will test using that element locally20:24
clarkbpabelanger: if that works we can remove our restorecon completely20:25
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pabelangerclarkb: Right, I don't know how to just use part of an element (eg: finalise.d part(20:25
clarkbpabelanger: looking at the other bits they seem harmless20:26
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clarkbpabelanger: and some may also be beneficial20:26
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pabelangerclarkb: I'll defer to ianw, since he did alot of the work. But if we can use it, great!20:26
clarkbya I will run a test locally and if it works from what I can see then push a patch to nodepool.yaml20:27
clarkbthat will give ianw something concrete to review20:27
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fungibkero: what did you think of the st1080? i never got around to picking one up, and need to re-survey the current landscape of lightweight video goggles on the market now20:30
greghaynesdhellmann: hrm, so the question I am trying to find an answer to is - which release tags require the release team to approve a release and which ones dont. Is the independent tag the only one which doesnt require the release team to approve releases?20:30
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dhellmanngreghaynes : we should talk about this in #openstack-release, but all official projects are expected to use the reviewable release process this cycle20:34
dhellmanngreghaynes : though that is being discussed in the ML thread about dib, and will likely be a subject of discussion in the release session at the summit20:35
openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Include PROJECTS list for octavia job  https://review.openstack.org/30802320:35
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madhu_akclarkb, please review ^^ once you get time.20:36
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791320:37
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Delete floating IP on attach timeout when we created it  https://review.openstack.org/30802420:37
mordredjeblair: ^^20:37
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clarkbpabelanger: ok I have a build running with that element in it20:37
bkerofungi: I've been a bit unimpressed. The strap to keep them attached is terrible and comes apart very easily.20:37
clarkbpabelanger: will probably take an hour or so20:37
pabelangerclarkb: great20:38
bkeroThe screens are of limited size and have terrible contrast20:38
bkerobut it is 1080p as advertised20:38
fungibkero: i'd quite possibly hack it up a bit anyway. mostly interested in screen resolution and focus20:38
bkeroalso it has a control box that gets really hot20:38
fungieww, lots of waste heat means eats battery20:38
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bkeroI can bring it to the summit20:39
bkeroI have a wearable computer made with it20:39
bkeroWith a FXi Cotton Candy and Jorno folding keyboard. I have a very stylish Pokemon Blastoise case to hold it all.20:39
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bkerofungi: https://twitter.com/dietrich/status/47391463796074496020:40
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fungiheh, blastoise ftw!20:41
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jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi: we're going to get a neat new behavior from zuulv2.5 -- when you shut down a launcher, it will release all of its nodes back to nodepool automatically20:46
jeblair(i'm going to have it send fake completed events)20:46
fungiworried about thundering herd of deletes?20:46
jeblairfungi: not at all, i'm going to create one :)20:47
jeblairfungi: that's nodepool's job20:47
jeblairfungi: but this way we won't have to do the "i just shut down jenkins07, so now i need to delete all the ready nodes attached to it" thing20:47
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mordredjeblair: nice!20:47
fungiwell, we'll also stop needing to shut down jenkins07 (except for maybe one last time)20:48
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jeblairheh :)  i'm assuming we might need to *occasionally* restart these things, but it's good to have goals.20:48
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mordredjeblair: NO RESTARTING THINGS20:49
mordredShrews: see patch I posted above ... definitely one I'd like to have brains on20:49
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pabelangerjeblair: 2.5 sounds exciting20:50
Shrewsmordred: i'll see if i can find someone matching those requirements20:50
* Shrews looks anyway20:50
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Shrewsmordred: ooh, was that the other leaky thing?20:51
mordredShrews: that, it seems, actually might be the cause of the leaks20:52
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mordredat least in the neutron case20:53
Shrewsmordred: we definitely need a log message there20:53
mordredShrews: error log you think?20:53
Shrewsmordred: yeah. i assume we don't need this for the nova case?20:53
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mordredwell, the nova case leaks ina completely different way20:54
mordredbut it's not possible to reason about what state we're in at this point in the stack for nova20:54
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clarkbpabelanger: my git cache is very out of date and slowly updating20:55
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clarkbI should invest in better disk20:56
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krotscheckCan someone help set up the Gerrit ACL's on the openstack-infra/js-afs-blob-store?20:57
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Delete floating IP on attach timeout when we created it  https://review.openstack.org/30802420:57
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791320:57
mordredShrews: how's that20:57
krotscheckIt should inherit from infra core.20:57
krotscheckMaybe we should create an infra-javascript group? One project doesn't seem like it's worth it yet though.20:58
Shrewsmordred: fine, but... i'm not sure about the use of skip_attach in that logic...21:00
mordredShrews: yah - that's the thing I wanted to talk about21:01
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fungikrotscheck: oh, we have a script to run as long as it's already in governance21:01
mordredShrews:  we know if skip_attach is passed that it's in a flow where the neutron fip create was done on the server port21:01
mordredShrews: that means the user did not pass us in a pre-existing fip to attach to the server21:02
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fungikrotscheck: is the governance change for that addition still pending?21:02
krotscheckfungi: Ah, it's still RC-Vote.21:02
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mordredShrews: since we're actually hiding the fact that the ip is a fip from the user, I think we have to delete it - but it's dangerous if we can get there via another path21:02
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mordredShrews: we could also make a new flag "delete_fip_on_fail" or something and plumb that through21:02
fungikrotscheck: you need to petition your friendly local tc members to vote for that. i think they need a few more still21:03
clarkbmordred: couldn't you just delete if you created there21:03
clarkbmordred: and don't delete if the fip is handed to us and created elsewhere?21:03
mordredclarkb: right. that's the thing we're trying to accomplish21:03
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clarkbbtw I am pretty sure this case is handled in old nodepool, we traded one leak for another :)21:03
mordredclarkb: zomg. its completely different21:03
mordredand no we didn;t21:04
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mordredthe entire mechanism is 100% different21:04
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove publisher site for vendor specific networking-* projects  https://review.openstack.org/30803321:04
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clarkbmordred: if fip attach failed in old nodepool we deleted the fip right there21:04
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mordredclarkb: yes. this is not fip attach failing21:04
clarkbmordred: but we didn't handle the fip didn't delete properly nad now server is gone case21:04
clarkbmordred: it isn't?21:04
clarkbthen I don't understand "Delete floating IP on attach timeout when we created it"21:05
mordredthis is nova server record not refreshing itself21:05
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mordredwe use the attach logic to do the server polling to see the nova record refresh after the fip creation21:05
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mordredsince polling the server for an active fip is the same no matter how it was created or attached21:05
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fungiso the race is service-side?21:05
mordredit's just a failure service side21:05
mordredthere is so far no indication that the server side will ever recover21:06
fungiahh, it doesn't magically show up later21:06
mordredit _might_21:06
mordredwe've never waited long enough :)21:06
clarkbmordred: does the fip function though?21:06
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clarkb(honestly that seems ot me that fip attach failed, regardless of return code from neutron)21:06
mordredso - if it's like the tripleo cloud fail (where this just happens 100% of the time)21:07
mordredthen yes, the fip does function21:07
mordredit's just that nova doesn't show it to you21:07
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mordredbut that's broken enough for _us_21:07
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clarkbI see, any chance we can interrogate the othe rdirection (and ignore nova net for a minute) and ask neutron if the thing is properly attached?21:07
mordredwe can totally do that21:08
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mordredit'll just be generally wonky because it woul require an additional set of neutron calls just to do a server get21:08
clarkbor as another alternative, bubble the error up out of this functio nand handle it in the calling context21:08
mordredbut it would be totally possible21:08
clarkbbecause the calling context shold know if the fip was created by shade under the covers or explicitly by the user21:08
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anteayaso grafana zuul status says 1034 in check: http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/zuul-status21:08
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krotscheckjeblair: Quick update. There should be a way for me to get the registry code to exit when it reaches a wait() state, I just need to hammer out with the yahoo team on where best to hook that in.21:09
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anteayaand http://status.openstack.org/zuul/ says 645 in check21:09
mordredclarkb: yes - looking at it - I believe we can do that21:09
clarkbanteaya: grafana counts the deps in check, status only counts the change under test iirc21:09
krotscheckjeblair: ETA on solution... probably sometime during the infra sessions at the summit.21:09
anteayaanyone know where grafana is getting its numbers for check?21:09
mordredclarkb: let me amend the patch - yeah, I thin kthat'll read clearer21:09
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anteayaclarkb: ah thank you21:09
Shrewsmordred: k, i think i see your logic there. we're deleting in the case where auto_ip=True (basically), but not in other scenarios like where we say "use this pool of fips"21:09
clarkbShrews: yup21:09
mordredShrews: yah21:10
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mordredand clarkb's point about doing it up the stack I think is right on21:10
Shrewsoh, i missed the scrollback. was groking code21:10
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Shrewsyes, higher up would clarify the logic, i think21:10
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clarkbpabelanger: my build seems to have failed on dep resolution installing puppet? I am going to retry to see if it is flaky mirror issues21:11
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pabelangerclarkb: ack21:11
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austin81AJaeger, anteaya, ianw, sdague: Would y'all mind taking a look at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/279317/ for me? I think it's ready to be merged21:13
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jeblairkrotscheck: cool21:15
fungianteaya: my gut says it's counting all changes in the pipeline rather than only active changes (copies of dependent parent changes show up as inactive in independent pipelines(21:15
clarkbalso I learned a new thing, the centos build appears to write an empty /etc/resolv.conf21:15
clarkber centos-minimal21:15
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Delete floating IP on attach timeout when we created it  https://review.openstack.org/30802421:15
clarkbso just checking if the file exists there may not be quite what we want21:15
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/shade: Implement update_stack  https://review.openstack.org/29259321:15
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/shade: delete_stack add wait argument  https://review.openstack.org/29262621:15
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/shade: Document create_stack  https://review.openstack.org/30804221:15
jeblairfungi: i think i checked and i think your gut is wrong (which would be like the first time)21:15
fungianteaya: should probably compare which graphite values are being pulled for the sparkline on the zuul status page and make sure the grafana yaml for the zuul-status dashboard is updated to use the right one(s)21:16
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Delete floating IP on nova refresh failure  https://review.openstack.org/30802421:16
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fungijeblair: my gut is frequently wrong21:16
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jeblairfungi: you're wrong about that21:16
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: restore tagging ACLs for independent projects  https://review.openstack.org/30804421:16
fungihrm, good point. my gut doesn't tell me that it's frequently wrong21:16
Shrewsmordred: yes, that is much more logical21:17
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jeblairfungi, anteaya: oh -- grafana, not the number on status.o.o21:17
jeblairfungi's gut might be right, let me check21:17
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Shrewsmordred: though i think you should log the error before the delete call, in case the delete throws an exception21:18
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jeblairfungi: i think your gut is right :)21:18
fungithat's not a reputation i need. if people think i'm competent they'll give me more stuff to do21:19
jeblairfungi, anteaya: the graphite number includes all items, not just live ones.  the value on the status page is calculated from json.21:19
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jeblairthe number we want is not in graphite; zuul needs a patch to start reporting that (i would just change the calculation for the existing value)21:20
jeblair(because i don't think the value reported is useful)21:20
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* jeblair owes fungi's gut a beer21:20
fungifair point, reporting the number of inactive changes in a pipeline is pretty worthless, so no real benefit to having both and doing math on the other end21:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Delete floating IP on nova refresh failure  https://review.openstack.org/30802421:20
mordredShrews: great point21:20
fungijeblair: oh! though we do want inactive changes outside teh window in dependent pipelines, just not inactive dependency changes in independent pipelines21:21
fungipresumably that's easy enough to differentiate on zuul's end around where statsd is getting spammed21:21
jeblairfungi: those are actually different states -- the things outside the window are 'inactive'.  the ones that are dependency-only changes not being tested are not 'live'21:23
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791321:23
jeblairfungi: (it's easy to remember, an live, inactive change may become active.  a non-live change will not.)21:23
mordredclarkb: I'm gonna run with that now and see if it prevents the rest of our leaked fips21:23
jeblairfungi: (* there is room for future expansion for zombie changes)21:23
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clarkbmordred: ok is that in place of the other retry stuff or on top of?21:23
mordredclarkb: on top of21:23
fungijeblair: oh, much simpler then. for some reason i thought they were conflated, but the json also shows them as separate states21:23
mordredclarkb: I still think retrying is a good plan21:24
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mordredclarkb: although the previous logging showed that we did not have to retry at all21:24
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clarkbmordred: so the changes to review are the retry, the cleanup on attach "fail", and the periodic cleanups?21:24
jeblairfungi: yep, both separately exposed.  i think we just re-used the dot color.21:24
clarkbmordred: ok reviewing those now21:24
fungisee. all my confusion is because we painted two bike sheds the same color21:24
mordredclarkb: Ihave set them all to have topic shade-nodepool21:24
mordredfungi: can I store recumbant bikes in the shed?21:25
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Run tempest tests with periodic jobs  https://review.openstack.org/29703821:25
fungimordred: yes, but no unicycles or tricycles21:25
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mordredfungi: you hate people from harvey mudd?21:26
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mtreinish1fungi: what about quadracycles or velocipedes?21:26
fungimordred: one of my friends is actually tenured there21:26
fungishe's way better at math than me21:26
mordredarmax, mestery: so - we've tracked down at least one of the neutron fip problems to be that the fip is created properly but never shows up on the nova record21:27
mordredarmax, mestery: this is when we create the fip with a port_id argument so that it creates it attached to the given port21:27
mordredarmax, mestery: this method of creating fips fails 100% of the time on older clouds - now it seems like it's down to 1 in 100 or so21:28
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armaxmordred: interesting21:28
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armaxmordred: how much older?21:28
mordredarmax: yah. so - also, I have not waited for forever to see if the nova record eventually refreshes21:28
mordred180 seconds is our current wait timeout for that21:28
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mordredarmax: whatever the tripleo cloud is running21:29
mordredI think that's kilo?21:29
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armaxI’ll fish through launchpad to see if this is a known issue21:29
armaxmordred: unless your searched already?21:30
mordredI have not21:30
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armaxmordred: ok, bear with me21:30
mordredI've been just beating my head against trying to work through it so far21:30
mordredarmax: no rush - I believe we have a good workaround now21:30
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dstufftJust a FYI in case it effects y'all in a way that's noticable, I'm migrating all of the file URLs on PyPI right now (it will take some time). Once it's done your bandersnatch mirrors will either pick them up over time (basically, whenever it decides it needs to sync say "requests", it'll get all the new URLs for requests) or you can kick off a full sync to get all the new URLs immediately. Either should be fine though (and I suspect21:30
dstufft this migration to run for many hours)21:30
armaxmordred: but this happens on newer clouds too?21:30
mordredmostly wanted to let you know cause it's one of those sorts of things I imagine we hit more than other people21:30
mordredarmax: yes - but only sometimes21:30
Shrewsmordred: the code on the retry delete stuff looks, good. i think we should add a comment though explaining the need to verify the delete21:31
mordredarmax: we also have many successful stuff21:31
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mordredShrews: good call21:31
armaxmordred: ack, so to make sure I understood the repro steps21:31
Shrewsmordred: only b/c when i looked at it again i was like "why the heck are we... oh, right. neutron."21:31
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mordredarmax: once I've got this stack cleared, I'll make you a shorter set of steps that are what would trigger it21:32
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mordredI mean, of course, it's racey, so 'fun'21:32
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armaxmordred: a) nutron floatingip-create with --port-id results in the FIP not showing up when listing the FIPs with the nova api?21:33
armaxmordred: ok, that’d be great21:33
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armaxmordred: I can only assume that http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-April/092613.html is pertitent to this very issue21:34
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mordredarmax: yes. that is exactly right21:37
mordredarmax: oh, wait - no21:37
mordrednot quite21:37
clarkbmordred: in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307959/3/shade/openstackcloud.py we are invalidating the cache based on cached info, is that going to function properly?21:37
clarkbpabelanger: this error is consistent, looking more closely it is happening when we cache the bindep fallback packages21:37
mordredarmax: a) nutron floatingip-create with --port-id results in the FIP not showing up in the addresses dict in the nova server record21:37
pabelangerclarkb: log? For centos we shouldn't be caching bindep21:38
pabelangersince we don't validate it in the gate21:38
mordredclarkb: yah - it should work - the point there is that we've deleted the server, so if the server had volumes, we need to invalidate the volume list becaue their attachment info will have changed21:38
armaxmordred: right21:39
clarkbpabelanger: I probably have my element list wrong. It isn't an issue on nodepool21:39
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mordredarmax: cool. just making sure21:39
armaxmordred: I don’t think there’s a floating-ip-show in the nova api, is there?21:39
pabelangerclarkb: ok21:39
armaxmordred: I assume that even nova floating-ip-list fails?21:39
clarkbpabelanger: centos-7 has cache-bindep in its element list21:40
mordredarmax: honestly no clue- the nova server record is how we make decisions about whether a server has ips or not21:40
mordredarmax: but I can try to reproduce again and see21:40
mtreinish1armax: there is a show floating ips api in nova21:40
pabelangerclarkb: right, there is a check in the install script to simple skip caching.  We do need bindep to be install.21:40
mtreinish1armax: don't know if it's in novaclient though21:40
pabelangerclarkb: let me find review for that21:40
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armaxmtreinish1: I can’t see it in the client21:41
mtreinish1it's just GET os-floating-ips/$floating_ip_id21:41
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armaxmtreinish1: thanks for the tip21:41
pabelangerclarkb: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/nodepool/elements/cache-bindep/install.d/50-cache-pkgs#n2921:41
pabelangerclarkb: that should stop the caching for bindep21:42
clarkbpabelanger: it is failing on line 5221:42
pabelangerclarkb: broken package I guess?21:43
pabelangerclarkb: it should only be using bindep-fallback.txt at that point21:43
pabelangerlet me check nodepool.o.o21:43
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pabelangerclarkb: for now, you should be safe to remove it21:44
anteayafungi jeblair thank you21:45
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, looks to be working on nodepool.o.o for todays image21:45
clarkbpabelanger: well I want to figure out why it isn't working21:45
clarkbalso the du really make the logs impossible to read :(21:45
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ianwclarkb: i'd love to fix that :)21:46
mordredarmax: the floating ip created by neutron does show up in floating-ip-list21:46
armaxmordred: but no association with the server id?21:46
mordredarmax: however, our automation currently deletes the server when we hit the timeout associated with this - so I have no good way to tell you at the moment if it shows up in onva floating-ip-list at the time21:46
armaxmordred: ok no worries21:47
clarkbpabelanger: I am going to compare the yum lines to see if the pckages lists are differne,t also mine complates about python34 but nodepool's doesn't21:47
clarkbpabelanger: I wonder if I have a stale repo somewhere21:47
pabelangerclarkb: Oh, wait21:47
pabelangerI know that error21:47
pabelangeryes, stale mirror21:47
pabelangerI've seem that a few times too21:47
pabelangerso, might be worth exporting a specific mirror for your build21:48
clarkbpabelanger: http://paste.openstack.org/show/494716/21:48
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clarkbthose lists look different?21:49
clarkbone has swig and unzip the other doesn't21:49
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clarkbI think something is wrong with my build env possibly21:53
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clarkbproject-config is up to date in my git cache though and that is where the fallback list comes from21:54
clarkboh wait21:54
clarkbdid we add a bunch of stuff to the fallback list since this last ran?21:54
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clarkber last ran on nodepool?21:54
clarkblast run on nodepool is 2 days ago21:54
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clarkbor maybe newer bindep changed behavior?21:56
sdake_mordred test of the gate shows private fields not being set on internap21:56
sdake_this is today about 1 hour ago21:56
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clarkbI don't see any changes to either so now I am really confused21:56
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clarkbpabelanger: are you able to try and reproduce? or maybe ianw?21:57
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clarkbI am going to make a build without cache-bindep for now, but I worry that we are broken in there in a very subtle way21:57
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pabelangerclarkb: sure, I can get a build going here after my walk.21:58
clarkbpabelanger: ty ty21:58
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pabelangerclarkb: so, you are just adding rpm-distro right?21:59
clarkbpabelanger: adding rpm-distro and removing cache-bindep everything else is the same as what is in nodepool.yaml for centos-722:00
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mordredsdake_: awesome22:02
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sdake_mordred our gate ehas been blocked for 4 days, not relaly sure what to do at this point :)22:02
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mordredsdake_: yah - so - sorry about that - tidying up nodepool things like this is the only thing I'm working on - totally thought we had you fixed22:03
mordredsdake_: I'll re-look at it in about 10 minutes22:03
sdake_would another option be for me to use the non-private interfaces instead in the short term?22:04
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clarkbsdake_: only if the private interfaces do not exist22:05
clarkbotherwise you will likely run into nat issues22:05
* sdake_ knew someone was going to say that..22:05
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Delete floating IP on nova refresh failure  https://review.openstack.org/30802422:05
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Don't look for invalid image keys for volume invalidation  https://review.openstack.org/30795922:05
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: DNM - Debugging lines for tracking down FIP leak  https://review.openstack.org/30791322:05
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Retry floating ip deletion before deleting server  https://review.openstack.org/30743922:05
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Have delete_server use the timed server list cache  https://review.openstack.org/30788722:05
craigesomeone just got off a plane...22:06
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sdake_snakes on a plane!!22:06
anteayajhesketh: morning22:07
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mordredclarkb, Shrews: ^^ k. I think I addressed your comments. also, I fixed tests and even added one22:07
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ianwclarkb: i can pull everything and kick off a build.  i'm a few days behind in my local env22:08
Shrewsmordred: adding tests? that's unlike you22:08
mordredShrews: it's getting late in the day22:09
clarkbianw: mostly just want to figure out if htis is happeneing everywhere and nodepool will be broken for a bit of if it is just me22:09
armaxmordred: looks like the issue went undetected for a while, I can’t seem to find any trace in launchpad22:10
mordredarmax: neat!22:11
armaxmordred: not sure that’s the adjective I would use, but still :)22:11
mordredarmax: it might be worthwhile to try to see if the servers would _eventually_ find the IP if we let them go22:11
mordredarmax: I'll see if I can learn if that is the case or not22:11
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armaxmordred: if my memory doesn’t fail me, nova’s cache is refreshed periodically22:12
armaxmordred: so I would imagine that the ip would show up at some point22:13
mordredso it's possible that part of this is us having our timeout set lower22:13
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fungistepping out to grab some dinner but may be around some later in the evening. if not, night all!22:14
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mordredarmax: oh - while I'm poking you about things22:14
mordredarmax: actually, nevermind. I'm not sure I've verified the next thing yet22:14
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armaxmordred: ok22:14
mordredarmax: I'll poke you again if/when I have22:15
armaxmordred: I am pok-able anytime22:15
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: send ZMQ start/complete events  https://review.openstack.org/30805322:15
jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi: ^ there's the zmq stuff for zuulv2.5.  next up -- run jobs, then after that, copy logs.22:16
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armaxmordred: so to be clear, you use neutron directly to allocate fip etc and then use nova to fetch the networking info?22:16
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armaxmordred: do you happen to have a link to the script that triggers the failure?22:17
mordredjeblair: you are a machine22:17
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clarkbpabelanger: ianw I wonder if the || true in PACKAGELIST=`echo "$PACKAGES" | /usr/bindep-env/bin/bindep -b -f - || true` is hiding some error from us?22:19
anteayajeblair mordred one of the best dressed machines I've ever seen22:19
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anteayaI mean how many other machines even know what I tie clip is22:20
clarkbpabelanger: ianw ok error just happened on a different yum run without cache-bindep I think that does mean I am tlaking to a bad mirror22:21
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clarkbpabelanger: ianw: doesn't look like centos-minimal supports DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR?22:22
* mordred likes tlaking22:23
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prometheanfiredunno if anyone has time to review a bindep change, but if you do... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307493/22:23
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clarkbI am trying it with my dib tmp dir cleaned up22:31
clarkbgoing towork on adding dib_distribution_mirror support to yum minimal while I wait for that to run22:31
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greghaynesclarkb: yep, fedora-minimal too IIRC22:34
greghaynesclarkb: our CI *really* needs that fixed, ETIME22:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily disable OVH GRA, as we are seeing failures"  https://review.openstack.org/30779222:36
clarkbgreghaynes: I am just copy pastaing the pre-install script from centos7 to centos-minimal to start22:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily disable ovh-bhs provider"  https://review.openstack.org/30779122:36
clarkbbut I need working image builds in order to test anything, so may not push that naytime soon22:37
greghaynesclarkb: hrm, ok. I remember looking at that a while ago and I am pretty sure I hit some larger issue22:37
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greghaynesclarkb: why does that break you?22:37
clarkbgreghaynes: yum keeps breaking saying there are missing deps22:38
greghaynesThat should just cause you to hit upstream mirrors as is, which in theory should work (most of the time)22:38
clarkbtheory is bad mirror upstream that is lacking those files for some rreason22:38
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greghaynesah, sounds plausible22:38
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mordredwoot! patches from this morning landed!22:41
anteayayay landed patches22:42
mordredclarkb: I ahve restarted nodepool with the latest shade patch series applied22:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Ignore uncategorized failures for puppet jobs  https://review.openstack.org/30782722:43
mordredclarkb: also, fwiw, I'm doing this: tail -f /var/log/nodepool/debug.log | grep "DEBUG shade" | grep -v "Waiting ..0 seconds" | grep -v "Endpoint not found"22:44
clarkbmordred: should I hold off on approvin things?22:44
mordredI just updated the local install so that we can track how it's doing with leaks, and see if there are any additional leak vectors we didn't catch yet22:45
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JayF...is OpenStackId different than what I use to login to everything else openstack?22:46
JayFwent to login for the conference and this is the first time I can ever recall seeing this login screen, and it's on a new domain, smells phishy22:46
clarkbJayF: it is the openid provider used by www.openstack.org and groups.openstack.org and translate.openstack.org22:47
maestro1with nodepool can i manage windows images, ples help me22:47
clarkbJayF: transition is hard when we hvae to figure out user mappings22:47
clarkbmaestro1: my initial guess is no, snapshot image builds rely on ssh and dib image builds rely on dib22:47
clarkbmaestro1: I suppose if you could get ssh working on windows then snapshot builds would work22:48
JayFI'm not complaining there's a second login so much as making sure that's a valid thing before feeding it any credentials :)22:48
clarkbmaestro1: (maybe)22:48
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Re-schedule RefStack weekly team meeting from Monday to Tuesday.  https://review.openstack.org/30745022:48
clarkbJayF: it is a valid thing22:48
JayFI gather that now, thanks :D22:48
clarkbmaestro1: as an alternative you could write your own nodepool image builder daemon that speaks the gearman protocol and have it do whatever is necessary for windows22:48
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clarkbmordred: help me with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/307959/4 that relies on cached data to know if the cached data is wrong to invalidate?22:50
maestro1clarkb : Thnks for suggestion, i think if prepare with ssh based then make sense with dib ? or any better way pls22:50
clarkbmordred: is it possible we won't have the volumes cached and thus not clear the cache to pick up the volumes22:50
clarkbmaestro1: dib doesn't require ssh, the built in snapshot build process does22:50
clarkbmaestro1: basically nodepool assumes you will be able to use ssh or dib to build an image22:51
clarkbmaestro1: I do not think that either one is really straightforward with windows22:51
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clarkbmaestro1: and I do not have any way to test that either22:51
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mordredclarkb: it's not relying on the cached volumes data22:53
mordredclarkb: it's purely saying that if the server it just deleted had volumes22:53
mordredclarkb: that it should invalidate the volume cache22:53
clarkbmordred: ya but the if the server had volumes is relying on the cache22:53
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mordredsure. it is possible that the server from the cache may have stale info that the server had volumes and therefore we'll invalidate one time that we don't need to22:54
mordredwe do know that in the case the server has volumes and we don't invalidate that that is definitely wrong22:54
maestro1clarkb : what work around can start for windwos images22:54
mordredsince we know that the volume list will change after the server delete22:54
maestro1clarkb: disk image create will support windows creation ?22:55
clarkbmordred: I see so it won't make the inconsistency worse it may just continue to propogate until some other thing flushes the cache22:56
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clarkbmordred: re https://review.openstack.org/#/c/308024/6/shade/openstackcloud.py can we add a test for that case?22:56
mordredclarkb: I was afraid you were going to ask for that22:56
clarkbmaestro1: no I don't think disk image builder supports windows22:56
mordredclarkb: I don't wanna write that test. seems gross :)22:56
pabelangerback from walk, firing up local nodepool22:56
clarkbmordred: you have to mock a raise for that error then assert called with on the delete22:57
maestro1clarkb: yes through disk image builder bin not supports windows platforms :(22:57
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clarkbmordred: sorry I -1'd for the test23:00
mordredyah. that's fine23:00
mordredI'll get it in a sec23:00
mordredI'm being whiny23:00
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sakehey folks, we are in our execution phase of remvoing stable/liberty and creating stable/liberty as outllined in phsae 2 of the maiing list23:03
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sakedhellmann indicates the next step is for stable/liberty to be deleted by the infrastructure team for the kolla repo23:04
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sakeshould I send an email to the ml for that or request here23:04
clarkbsake: I thought the release team can do that23:04
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sakeclarkb i'll check with dhellmann he said you ahve to do so23:04
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dhellmannclarkb : I've always had to ask to have a branch deleted. Do I have permission?23:05
dhellmannI can create them, but I thought the acls were different or something23:05
clarkbdhellmann: lets find out23:05
clarkbdhellmann: at https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/projects/openstack/kolla,branches if you check the box next to liberty can you hit the delete button?23:06
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dhellmannno, there's nothing to check and no delete button23:06
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clarkbhuh I must be mistaken then23:07
clarkbdhellmann: sake so that commit has been tagged and the tag pushed?23:07
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dhellmannclarkb : yep, you could verify by looking for liberty-early-demise in that repo23:07
clarkbhttps://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/kolla/tag/?h=liberty-early-demise there it is23:07
dhellmannheh, yeah23:07
clarkbI will delete the branch now23:07
dhellmannthanks, clarkb23:08
clarkbit has open changes, sake will need to abandon those23:08
dhellmannsake : if you give me the sha now I'll go ahead and create the branch while I'm sitting here23:08
sakethanks a bunch folks, inc0 ready to strangle me for this work not being done :)23:08
sakeclarkb will do - do you need that done first?23:08
clarkbsake: yes you cannot delete a branch iwth open changes23:08
pabelangerclarkb: is it just a matter of clicking delete and nothing else?23:08
sakeclarkb ok moment23:09
clarkbpabelanger: I like to double check the branch has been tagged and the shas match (which I did with cgit url above)23:09
sakedhellmann the tag to branch from is f10a625a7210c39e7435b77e2cb4d89f14a6b96f23:09
clarkbpabelanger: then click the check box and delete23:09
pabelangerclarkb: ack23:09
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clarkbgreghaynes: pabelanger and now I can't build anything with cnetos-minimal yum is super unhappy23:10
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dhellmannsake : I have that as tagged correct?23:10
pabelangerclarkb: I should know more in 20mins23:10
clarkbI think I am going to call it quits on centos, this is broken in 3 different ways now23:10
dhellmannsake : let's move back to #openstack-release23:10
clarkband instead of fixing any of them it just keeps getting worse :(23:10
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pabelangerclarkb: motivation for getting our mirror online I guess23:11
clarkbeh, you can't use it yet anyways23:11
pabelangerthat is true23:11
clarkbbut I can't test my change to use mirrors because yum is broken23:11
clarkbCRITICAL:yum.verbose.cli.yumdownloader:Yum Error: Error: rpmdb open failed23:11
clarkbwhich means I can't test if the thing that should fix selinux works23:12
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clarkbsake: let me know when I should try to delete the branch again23:13
sakeclarkb all liberty outstanding reviews just abaonded23:13
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clarkbsake: it is deleted23:13
dhellmannok, creating the new one23:13
sakeclarkb ok thanks23:13
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ianw_clarkb: chown: invalid user: 'jenkins:jenkins' <- this is a new one23:14
ianw_but, cache-bindep seemed to work23:14
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sakedhellmann ok should be good to go with the sha f10a625a7210c39e7435b77e2cb4d89f14a6b96f23:14
dhellmannsake : done, please approve https://review.openstack.org/30806423:14
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clarkbianw_: ya I ran into same issue with other yum install bits of the build. I think it is related to hwatever mirror I am talking to. But now yum is completely hosted so I dunno what to do23:15
clarkbmaybe reinstall yum on my build host23:15
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MarkAtwoodis there an ics or webcal feed for the Austin summit?  i knew how to do it when it used sched.org23:15
ianw_clarkb: hmm, you might have an old lockfile & rpm hanging around, did you bail out during the initial chroot at some point?23:16
sakedhellmann ok tis in progress, we require 2 ack approval of all changes even if they are obviouslly correct:)23:16
dhellmannMarkAtwood : https://gist.github.com/dstanek/83d536af9461eb26d7a19ff73a7391c223:16
clarkbianw_: I did23:16
clarkbdoes it not clean that up using the exit handler?23:16
MarkAtwoodty dhellmann23:17
ianw_clarkb: check as root for ~/.rpmmacros & lock file23:17
clarkbianw_: ya those exist, delete them?23:18
ianw_clarkb: yep.  you're right there should be a cleanup in the exit handler23:18
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clarkbthat seems to make it happy, I am retrying with the osuosl mirror23:19
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clarkb(assuming my copy pasta of DIB_DISTRIBUTION_MIRROR functions)23:20
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maestro1how to start nodepool in devstack,?, ran  nodepoold -d -c /tools/fake.yaml got failed23:25
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clarkbmaestro1: nodepool has a devstack plugin in repo23:25
clarkbmaestro1: you can just enable to plugin and it should install everyting properly23:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Add offset/limit pagination to subscription events  https://review.openstack.org/30784723:26
openstackgerritMike Perez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Allow the CP spec liaisons to vote on OS-specs  https://review.openstack.org/30806923:27
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greghaynesianw_: clarkb root.d might also be succeptable to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/259734/23:30
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greghaynesor have a similar bug23:30
greghaynes(I think I have noticed cleanup fail during that phase before)23:30
clarkbgreghaynes: I think it was root.d/ that I hit here23:31
greghaynesYea, that phase has a similarly odd runner IIRC23:31
openstackgerritJoão Vale proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add Promoted Build parameter.  https://review.openstack.org/30807223:31
maestro1Thanks Clarkb !! have enabled plugin23:31
ianw_greghaynes: in this case, just a bad cleanup effort in a tricky bit of code.  just testing something that cleans it up23:32
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greghaynesianw_: ok23:33
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ianw_why am i ianw_?  damn linode and their constant ddos attacks (where i have my irc bouncer)23:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for testresources release pbr conflict on kilo  https://review.openstack.org/30786623:41
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: yum-minimal : better cleanup of initial yum failure  https://review.openstack.org/30807723:43
ianw_greghaynes / clarkb: ^ should be a bit more robust23:43
clarkbok my local build is still failing even after my attepts to use a different mirror23:44
clarkboh I wonder if it is because I have epel enabled?23:45
clarkbwhich is required for centos-minimal23:45
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clarkbI thought I removed it earlier :(23:45
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pabelangerokay, have nodepool running again. After yakshaving with apscheduler :( https://github.com/agronholm/apscheduler/issues/13023:54
clarkbpabelanger: I highly recommend virtualenvs :)23:55
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pabelangerclarkb: indeed23:56
pabelangerusing stock setuptools on centos7, so that is the issue23:57
pabelangermind you, I should have do my test with ubuntu-trusty23:57
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pabelangerbrb, need a beer23:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Ansible launcher: run ansible  https://review.openstack.org/30808223:58
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jeblairthis change outputs cows ^23:59
jeblairand i got it up to gerrit just in time ;)23:59
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