Thursday, 2016-05-05

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anteayaes06 has figured itself out00:03
anteayaonly 3 unassigned shards left00:03
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding tempest-horizon repo and job
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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anteayanot sure how there are 4 unassigned shards now, but that is what I am seeing01:37
clarkbanteaya: I think they may get assigned then after failing enough get reassigned01:37
clarkbin any case it does look a bit better now but not great01:37
anteayaah okay thanks01:37
anteayayeah like you say01:38
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding new repository trove-image-builder
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding new repository trove-image-builder
amrithpabelanger, hellpo01:58
amriththird time's the charm :)01:58
amrithyes, trove-image-builder01:58
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerritJianghua Wang proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add namespace for nodepool
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add test for mailer plugin
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding new repository trove-image-builder
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openstackgerritRabi Mishra proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run tempest tests in heat grenade job
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Enable undercloud ssl on nonha job
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add test for mailer plugin
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openstackgerritChaozhe Chen(ccz) proposed openstack/requirements: Clean up removed hacking rule from [flake8] ignore lists
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Allow root logins from localhost
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dstufftasselin_: this should fix it on Warehouse, will do the same on PyPI in a few minutes04:35
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openstackgerritfeipeng proposed openstack/requirements: Add crc16 lib to requirments crc16 is used by redis hash storage calculation.redis driver is merged into dragonflow,so we need it add to requirements
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openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add test and update documentation for mailer plugin
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dstufftasselin_: ok, deployed on PyPI and Warehouse now, that should make list_packages_with_serial() signifcantly faster (125% on my local development box, but will be more than that when you factor in lock contention and such)04:50
dstufftgoing to bed now!04:50
dstuffter sorry, not 125%, 125 times.04:51
dstufft(really going to bed now)04:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Correct image name for generated magnum image
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add test and update documentation for mailer plugin
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Start using read/write AFS volume for PyPI mirror
openstackgerritKien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add test and update documentation for mailer plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Kolla-kubernetes
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-elasticsearch: Use current elasticsearch url
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritAlexey Weyl proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Change time and irc channel of Vitrage project weekly meeting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Disable App Catalog periodic job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Vitrage - Jenkins
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add publish-to-pypi job for tripleo-puppet-elements
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 job to stacklight-integration-tests
yolandagood morning06:15
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lennybanteaya: yes, I am still experiencing #link . I am trying to debug another zuul issue and found that zuul uses the command from the pastebin, so I run it manually and failed. It's always on the same commit.06:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add documentation for dib-lint
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set image build in magnum to periodic
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openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix validation for stable branch
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update documentation about infra cloud
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Run ansible-playbook in timeout
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move image update cron back
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: translations: Ignore version failures
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Get translation jobs into healthcheck
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet/experimental: enable puppet4 jobs on xenial
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: User right pipeline for neutron periodic jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change service user domain for identity v3 only test
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop destroying VM's that don't exist
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gsagieHello all, we would like to create sub repositories for project Kuryr, i was wondering if there is a quicker way to do it instead of creating all as new projects and then attaching them to Kuryr in the governance repo?09:01
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add UI for making stories private to a list of people
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Complex priorities UI in stories
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openstackgerritSylwester Brzeczkowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-extension-volume-manager project
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add baymodel list, get and search call for shade+magnum
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add baymodel list, get and search call for shade+magnum
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Fix test_remote_url to work when remote is restricted
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ci-cd-pipeline-app-murano project to openstack
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add magnum baymodel calls to shade.
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix validation for stable branch
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Update section on Gerrit permissions for shared permissions
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding new repository trove-image-builder
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openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Update section on Gerrit permissions for shared permissions
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ci-cd-pipeline-app-murano project to openstack
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openstackgerritSylwester Brzeczkowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-extension-volume-manager project
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ci-cd-pipeline-app-murano project to openstack
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ci-cd-pipeline-app-murano project to openstack
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add ubuntu-precise logging to nodepool-builder
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pabelangerwouldn't mine a +A on the stack above ^ to fix up our nodepool-builder logging configuration11:56
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger: if you get a chance, i'd love to get some other core reviews on my cloud launcher changes12:33
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rcarrillocruzso we can start playing with it to upgrade services to trusty from precise12:33
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: sure, I'll try and look later this morning12:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Removed grunt test-unit in favor of just running karma
openstackgerritSylwester Brzeczkowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-extension-volume-manager project
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix typo in doc of workspace-cleaner wrapper
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Updated README
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use the overcloud full images from the cache
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Integrate shade+magnum neutron job
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yolandahi pabelanger, care reviewing ?13:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Tempest for tripleo CI
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pabelangeryolanda: +A13:18
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yolandathanks, willing to have pypi mirrors available again13:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Start using read/write AFS volume for PyPI mirror
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Run tempest tests with periodic jobs
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: use 24hours everywhere in grafana/neutron.yaml
bswartzis there a plan to phase out jenkins?13:33
AJaegergsagie: there's no short-cut. But what do you mean with sub repositories?13:34
AJaegergsagie: what exactly do you want to do13:35
pabelangerbswartz: yes, we have an effort with zuulv2.5 to migrate from jenkins to zuul-launcher (ansible)13:35
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
bswartzpabelanger: okay thanks -- so I take it that it's a homegrown project that leverages ansible to do more or less what jenkins currently does?13:36
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pabelangerbswartz: Yup, here is our current topic on it.
AJaegerbswartz: to do what we need from Jenkins in OpenStack CI13:37
AJaegerbswartz: we do not need the full feature set of Jenkins, so replacing it is easier13:38
pabelangerbswartz: for the most part, we are using ansible-playbook to drive the nodes.  However jeblair has also written some ansible modules to add some new functionality.13:38
AJaegerpabelanger: could you review and , please?13:38
openstackgerritCarlos Camacho proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix validation for stable branch
pabelangerAJaeger: +A13:40
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AJaegerthanks, pabelanger13:41
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AJaegerteam : I'd like to publish source translation files to - see . Is that a good place to put them?13:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: openstack-manuals has stable branch.
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pabelangerI'm happy to say our ubuntu-precise dib build successfully last night:
pabelangerWe'll do uploads today with nodepool13:47
pabelangerthen add experimental jobs to replace bare-precise13:47
pabelangerand cut over!13:47
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yolandapabelanger, congrats13:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Zuul: Create api-ref-jobs and api-guide-jobs templates
ogelbukhhi, does anyone experience spontaneous log offs from Gerrit, every hour and a half or so?13:52
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ogelbukhI mean Gerrit webui at review.openstack.org13:53
sylwesterBfolks, why does it happen?
sylwesterBi'm trying to create a project
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pabelangerJust had a request from wfoster to update the DNS records for
pabelangerAs a heads up, I'll be making the change to the DNS now14:00 from to be
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pabelangerwfoster: change as been made14:01
pabelanger#status log updated dns records from to be
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add install-bin element
dmsimardCould anyone restart the openstack bot if there are no ongoing meetings ? It hasn't come back to #rdo after yesterday's incident. I would've rather waited until it restarted by itself but it hasn't happened yet apparently.14:07
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Add magnum baymodel calls to shade.
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Refresh log files for tripleo project
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add tinycorelinux element
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: retire puppet-unit-{node} jobs
openstackgerritJay Dobies proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add api-ref jobs for Heat
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add tinycorelinux element
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amrithhello infra, g'morning. am looking for some reviews of, and to make a new repository for trove-image-builder and to upgrade infra-manual on a comment that Craig Bryant had on the first review.14:20
amrithI'm at the point in the documentation where it now says "Wait here" (
amriththanks ...14:21
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use m1.large for centos-7 on tripleo-test-cloud-rh1
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Split pip out of pip-and-virtualenv
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AJaegersylwesterB: you need to define the jobs you want to run in jenkins/jobs/ first. Did you read the Infra Manual's Creator's Guide?14:32
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pabelangeramrith: Is trove-image-builder going to replace diskimage-builder? Or you'll be adding elements for diskimage-builder into the repo14:33
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openstackgerritLucas Alvares Gomes proposed openstack/requirements: Add python-daemon to global-requirements
amrithpabelanger, trove-image-builder will contain tools for building images14:34
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amrithbased initially at least on the existing DIB elements we already have14:34
amriththere's a conversation on the ML on the longer term direction14:35
* amrith runs to get a link14:35
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sylwesterBAJaeger: I just used a template, isn't that enough?14:35
amrithpabelanger, see
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sylwesterBAJaeger: or I use it in a wrong way?14:36
fungiamrith: pabelanger: my read was that it was going to start primarily as the dib elements from the trove-integration repo split out into the new repo14:36
mordredamrith: so, repos are forever ... is there really anything you'd need in a trove-image-builder repo that couldn't go directly into dib?14:36
AJaegersylwesterB: I haven't seen your change: But templates in zuul are just syntactic sugar. zuul triggers when to run a job, jenkins defines how the job looks like. You still need to declare them14:36
mordredtrove-image-elements seems like a potentially better name - trove-image-builder sounds like a fork of or competitor to dib - at least to me14:37
fungiis the contention over the name? like would calling it trove-image-elements help?14:37
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pabelangerfungi: amrith: Ah, okay. Looking at the repo name, I assume it was a replacement to diskimage-builder14:37
mordredI'm mostly just chatting and trying to understand14:37
mordredI'm not sure I'm at the point of contention yet :)14:37
fungiheh, we arrived at the same name14:38
amrithmordred, reading scrollback, one second14:38
* amrith thinks about the question14:38
fungicontention was probably the wrong word. more like confusion i guess14:38
sylwesterBAJaeger: i thought it is already defined as template like 'gate-{name}-python27-db', then I just need to put the project name in {name} and it should work... Am I wrong?14:39
AJaegersylwesterB: see on how to define jobs14:39
amrithso let me answer fungi pabelanger and mordred this way. the one thing that won't be a dib in the short term is a shell script that would build images14:39
amrithbased on some trove specific command lines14:39
AJaegersylwesterB: you're wrong. You need to instantiate a templae in jenkins first14:39
amrithlike, for example <hypothetical>14:39
amrithtrove-image-create mysql 5.614:39
amrithsomething along the lines of the wrapper that clark posted in the ML discussion14:40
fungiamrith: yep, we have a similar wrapper script for hand-generation of our nodepool images too14:40
openstackgerritIvan Kolodyazhny proposed openstack/requirements: Add watchdog to global-requirements
amrithin addition to that there's the fact that I want the things in the tool14:40
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amrithto be versioned (i.e. with trove releases)14:40
amrithand managed with stable and things like that14:40
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fungia script which wraps dib doesn't seem out of place in a repo of dib elements associated with that goal, but i'm going to carefully step back from the naming bikeshed precipice i accidentally strolled up to14:41
amriththere's also the issue of reviews on the elements14:41
sylwesterBAJaeger: - isn't that outdated? None of the already defined projects have 'jobs' section14:41
amrithand I don't think that putting them in dib directly is the best approach at that14:41
mordredk. that makes sense - although I think it does speak to a deficiency with dib that we should fix and I worry that by making a whole repo for it we'll be insulating ourselves from the need to fix the fundamental issue14:41
amrithsince (to the best that I can understand) dib doesn't release along with openstack release.14:41
mordredwhich is the trove and infra both feel the need to write wrapper scripts14:41
EmilienMhi, can we have a final approval on please? maybe PTL needs to approve it14:41
amrithmordred, that's a good point14:42
fungiamrith: i think the question was not about putting trove elements in dib, but rather whether pieces of dib you're (almost certainly not) reimplementing would be better implemented in dib directly14:42
mordredbut that's not a hill to die on - just a concern14:42
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amrithfungi, to be clear, I intend to reinvent 0.00% of dib14:42
mordredotoh - I think we all agree that it's a thing we want to fix14:42
fungiamrith: right, that was my takeaway from the ml thread too14:42
greghaynesamrith: mordred Agreed re: there is probably a deficiency in dib - I don't have any great ideas for fixing that one though :(14:42
amrithI will be using elements from triple-o and the dib tool as far as I can14:43
fungijust trying to clarify for people who maybe didn't follow the thread closely14:43
mordredgreghaynes: I have some thoughts ...14:43
sylwesterBAJaeger: nvm i think i got it, thanks!14:43
amrithliterally all I am doing here is taking elements which are in an obscure trove-integration directory and making them a project unto themselves14:43
pabelangerI'm happy to try trove dibs :) I've been using diskimage-builder a lot lately14:43
tosky_mordred, fungi, greghaynes, amrith: the discussion about the tooling is ortogonal to the repository creation, which would be at least like sahara-image-elements (and I don't see why calling it -builder would lead to confusion about its scope)14:44
greghaynesAbout things living in DIB vs another repo - I think code which is specific to trove should live in a trove repo. In the past we had a not-great time with ironic-specific code in dib which meant that dib cores had to review code that only ironic folks really understood14:44
amrithone thing to do is of course to put the image builder into trove itself. we thought about that a lot and decided not to go that route for a couple of specific reasons.14:44
mordredgreghaynes: I think we should learn a bit from docker ui - and have dib be able to understand "disk-image-create trove/mysql-5.6"14:44
fungiamrith: i think we're all in favor of the plan, some were just confused by the choice of repo name. ultimately i try not to bikeshed on naming things as my time is better spent elsewhere, so i don't care much what you name it14:44
mordredfungi: ++14:44
amrithfungi, let me explain the name14:44
mordredyah - it was just a quick check-in on the name14:44
amrithI wanted to call it trove-image-elements14:44
mordredI dont' think it's actually a big problem14:44
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amrithbut there were those who felt that 'elements' are wedded to the DIB way of doing things14:44
amrithand therefore wanted a generic name that was not tied to DIB14:45
mordredah. so - that IS one of my concerns14:45
amrithmine too mordred14:45
openstackgerritSylwester Brzeczkowski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add fuel-extension-volume-manager project
mordredbecause I think the people who want to ditch dib have still not actually expressed deficiencies that cannot be addressed, so the idea of ditching an openstack project for something else rather than fixing it is a thing I think is quite problematic14:45
tosky_that's an opinion14:46
mordredit is14:46
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amrithTBH, I see a lot of reasons why people want to use a new tool but not a clear articulation that those reasons are shortcomings of DIB. some are shortcomings of our elements (likely) and I've recorded so far one.14:46
mordredit's my opinion14:46
openstackLaunchpad bug 1578454 in Image Builder for OpenStack Trove "reduce the datastore/database matrix in image elements" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Amrith (amrith)14:46
tosky_why the name would be a potential threat?14:46
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mordredtosky_: well, because of the reason given as to why people don't want to call it trove-image-elements like sahara did14:46
mordredwhich is that there are people who explicitly want to leave the door open for not dib14:47
amrithmordred, I am happy to rename the project to trove-image-elements if that is the community consensus. I will equally well call it fred if that's what the community decides.14:47
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greghaynesSo, one fear I would have is that the *-image-elements is a nice convention, and at this point is pretty clearly indicates what the rpo is (and mayb dib can have smarts to automatically make use of those)14:47
tosky_mordred: I still don't get why it would be forbidden to leave the door open, and even if the decision would be DIB, why -builder would be a problem14:47
AJaegersylwesterB: translation support section is accurate and assumes that your repo is gating. Don't add translations for a new repository, do that afterwards once your repo is setup properly...14:47
anteayalennyb: in you say 'its always on the same commit' what do you mean by that?14:47
greghaynesI am not super concerned about the name though, just a thought14:47
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mordredtosky_: because builder implies another tool, whereas elements implies content and maybe helpers for using an ecosystem we have14:48
sylwesterBAJaeger: yeah, I just wanted to use it as an example, anyway I think got it, thanks for help14:48
tosky_mordred: I disagree; I don't like the sahara-image-elements name too, even if it contains DIB, because it contains also a wrapper builder script, and I would prefer sahara-image-builder too14:48
tosky_even with DIBs14:48
mordredtosky_: I can see that14:48
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mordredtosky_: I'm not _strongly_ against the name14:48
mordredmostly just talking out loud14:49
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egaffordIn my experience, the build env isolation issue in DIB is the biggest source of trouble. Errors due to bleed between the host and guest envs is extremely difficult to diagnose in the field when it comes up.14:49
mordredto make sure we've all thought it through and stuff, since there are clearly a bunch of opinions here14:49
egaffordFrom the thread: "Yep, isolation is definitely something DIB currently gives up in  order to provide speed/lower resource usage."14:49
mordredegafford: yah. and I think that's something that can and should be addressed14:49
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greghaynesI mean, theres an existing tool to address it ;)14:49
amrithegafford, I have heard tell of these issues but I have not (in two years of using DIB) ever faced this problem.14:49
greghaynesbut yea, tradeoffs14:50
egaffordIn a customer-facing tool for a use case that's usually going to be occasional, that's not always the right tradeoff.14:50
amrithI am sure that all tools will have some problems14:50
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amrithand I would like some examples of this bleed issue14:50
persiaThere are N tools that build images: building new ones seems odd.  Is there a list of desired features somewhere?14:50
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: WIP: Add magnum baymodel calls to shade.
mordredegafford: right. but virt-dib can solve the problem on the customer level14:50
amrithbecause there are likely ways to prevent it in DIB14:50
amrithpersia, I have not seen one.14:51
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mordredegafford: there are ways to deal with it in envs where it makes sense ... and there are also ways we can make it better for the other envs where things like virt-dib do not make sense14:51
egaffordamrith: To my knowledge you've also not directly supported a customer-facing image gen tool, true?14:51
tosky_amrith: you would write something to prevent them vs having already them prevented14:51
egaffordmordred: virt-dib is a cool idea, yeah (and uses libguestfs with an elements-formatted set of input.)14:51
amrithegafford, I have ... people try to use DIB all the time in the field. so FALSE14:51
egaffordamrith: Okay, fair enough.14:52
persiaMight I suggest that the various groups arguing about image builders collaborate on a feature list?  Some features are fundamentally incompatible (e.g. guaranteed reliability + install-time package scripts), but it would allow the various interest groups to usefully agree about tradeoffs to decide the right number of tools to use within OpenStack.14:52
amrithtosky_, no, I'd try and understand the problem.14:52
mordredpersia: well, yeah, I think that's exactly what I've been trying to get at - we _have_ a tool. I'd like to see a set of clear requests of it, then work through them to see if there can be a plan to address them. if some of them are unaddressable, then bubbling back to the place the current conversation is sitting would be a great next step14:53
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greghaynespersia: That would be *amazing*14:53
pabelangermordred: ++14:53
persiaRight then.  Someone open an etherpad and start adding bullet points.14:53
persiaAre the other parties with feature needs identified?  (I presume not all are in this channel)14:54
amrithpersia, there's a ML thread going on ...
tosky_persia: there is a disagreement whether the points raised on the trove image building spec are self-explaining or valid enough14:55
pabelangerI also agree build isolation for DIB is an issue too.  I've had some problems debugging issues between a centos-7 and ubuntu-trusty build host14:55
greghaynesI think that discussion is going to be use specific though, so probably worth having from the specific group making use of it14:55
tosky_persia: that's where it started, plus the thread that amrith point out to14:55
mordredpabelanger: ++14:55
tosky_persia: which contains feedback from sahara too14:55
egaffordpabelanger: ++ (clearly, but you know)14:55
mordredso yeah - I think persia is right - it's probably time to collect the feedback from the mailing list and the trove spec14:56
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tosky_also, for Trove, we are talking about image customization, more than building (take an existing image, add a package)14:56
greghaynesYa, and what would be equally amazing is bugs filed!14:56
greghaynesespecially in DIB14:56
amrithtosky_, that's news to me.14:56
persiaUnfortunately, I wouldn't get to this until 25th May or so, and I don't think that is fast enough, based on the traffic I've seen.14:56
mordredand extract requirements to present to dib - and then set up a time to start working on soutions14:56
persiaSo I hope someone else can drive this.14:56
tosky_amrith: it matches my experience14:56
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Increase timeout and logging for crm_resource
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mordredtosky_: customization and building are essentially the smae thing- the only difference is where you get your initial content14:57
egaffordThe trouble with prioritizing speed and resource efficiency over reliability is that the flows of this tool, or any image gen tool, will (generally) be exercised seldom, and its outputs used for a long time.14:57
mordredegafford: that's a false assumption14:57
nibalizergood morning14:57
anteayamorning nibalizer14:58
mordredegafford: the tradeoffs are different for different people for sure, but there is not one consistent ansewr to that tradeoff14:58
tosky_mordred: separating the two helps14:58
mordredtosky_: I disagree14:58
egaffordmordred: I respect that may sometimes be false, but it is absolutely the case for the use cases in Sahara and (I believe) in Trove.14:58
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mordredtosky_: the majority of the operations performed in either are the same - the only real difference is "are you starting from something like debootstrap, or are you starting from a pre-built image"14:59
mordredafter that, you're manipulating content14:59
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amrithegafford, given that elements are written infrequently and used numerous times makes your point somewhat moot.14:59
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mordredso - it's very unlikely we're going to solve this right now in the infra channel14:59
mordredI think persia's suggestoin is a good one14:59
mordredwhich is that we should make sure we've actually collected the concerns and desires in a place15:00
amrithonce grooved, elements work well over a very long time ...15:00
persiamordred: There are build systems that start much more basic than that (e.g. raw bootstrapping of the toolchain with multiple cycles into cross and non-cross to avoid "wizard" class bugs)15:00
mordredpersia: yup15:00
mordredpersia: I have built gcc more times than I care to remember :)15:00
amrithI've built os'es more times than I care to remember ...15:01
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persiaI was thinking of models like Aboriginal or Baserock, but yes, we've all done it manually also15:02
mordredamrith: so glad we're not in the business of doing _that_ anymore :)15:02
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amrithI still do for shits and giggles ...15:04
pmackinnamrith, what precisely is being debated here? the name of the repo that we agreed to create?15:04
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds API reference publishing jobs for Swift
mordredpmackinn: we moved on from that into the wider issue15:05
amrithpmackinn, that's where it started.15:05
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mordredpmackinn: I think we're mostly all enjoying a lovely thursday (friday for tokyo/australia) discussion of image building approaches now15:05
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
pmackinnmodred, no need for a "wider issue" if the trove project has agreement on a proposal15:05
pmackinnwhich i thought we had15:06
mordredpmackinn: lack of need has never prevented discussion15:06
amrithpmackinn, I disagree that we had.15:06
amriththat we had an agreement15:06
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mordredpmackinn: and yet I will agree with amrith that I disagree that an agreement was had, and also I'm going to disagree that this is 100% purely a trove thing, since there are clearly cross-project implications to the particular discussion being had at the moment15:07
persiapmackinn: This has come up several times in the past: rather than just pragmatically solving the immediate need, it would be better to understand the problem, so as to prevent future uncertainty and disagreement.15:07
mordredpersia: ++15:07
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* persia has personally created at least 5 tools to generate images and considers this a low number for people working in this space15:07
tosky_persia: I can say that no one is trying to solve an immediate need just for the sake of it15:08
pmackinnmodred, persia: os governance recognizes that there are different toolchains useful for building images15:08
pmackinnDIB is not mandated afaik15:08
mordredthat is true15:09
mordredhowever, it is a thing that exists15:09
mordredand I believe the current request is "could we try to fix the thing openstack made before we try to replace it"15:09
mordredI dont thin kthat's an unreasonable request to be made15:09
mordredit's the sort of thing that we should aspire to as a commmunity of people working on a common problem space15:10
pmackinnnothing is being replaced; an upstream automated trove image build tool doesn't exist today15:10
amrithand beyond that, if there are more than one tool, I think it is reasonable to consider the software engineering cost of that choice should also be weighed.15:10
greghaynesIts also entirely possible this isnt an either-or discussion, but a 'maybe in some cases we need to integrate our tool with another.', but for some reason this problem is repeatedly framed that way15:10
persiaamrith: ++15:10
mordredamrith: ++15:10
mordredgreghaynes: ++15:10
pmackinnsoftware engineering cost of a non-existent tool? help me please15:11
pabelangergreghaynes: agree15:11
amrithIt would lead to a false choice for an end user if we land in a situation where the user has to use tool A for one db's images and tool B for another db's images.15:11
rhalliseyhow can I add the kolla-core group as a subgroup of kolla-kubernetes-core ?15:11
mordredpersia: right. but upstream automated image build tool does - so for trove to desire to solve that problem differently than the current solution implies a community cost, and to do so without trying to fix the existing tool is weird15:11
egaffordgreghaynes: ++ ; I don't think this needs to be overwhelmingly all-or-nothing.15:11
mordredpmackinn: ^^15:11
tosky_greghaynes: it is, and I think this is the case (where mordred disagrees), for the way a Trove image is "built"15:12
persiaRather than expressing this in terms of fixing d-i-b, I think it would be constructive to understand the feature needs.  It may be that something other than d-i-b is a better basis for a tool that solves all the problems we have.  I doubt that, but avoiding the prejudgement allows us to understand the problem more clearly.15:13
clarkbrhallisey: in th group member page there is a section fot adding a group as a mber. add the kolla-core group there15:13
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amrithpersia ++15:13
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yolandamordred, our pypi mirrors look better with your patch15:13
greghaynestosky_: The issue is that its entirely possible the existing tool can be made to fix the deficiencies (possibly by integration), and so we should make sure to know what problems we are trying to solve, whether we can, then decide whether we need to rewrite/replace.15:13
fungias a similar example, we have lots of problems using trove (e.g., things like lack of cross-provider replication), but i'd much rather bring those feature requests to trove and help them add those (if they're interested in them at least), before we go off and invent a separate dbaas that meets our specific needs15:14
amrithI would like to know what problems we have with the current DIB solution so we can fix that. either in DIB, or the existing elements, ...15:14
pmackinnsorry but why is "fix DIB first" the leading supposition?15:14
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pmackinnamrith, which elements?15:14
amrithfungi, would love to know what this issue with replication is (later)15:14
persiapmackinn: Indeed: it shouldn't be.15:14
fungipmackinn: work within the community is the leading supposition, rather than leave the community and do things on your own15:14
rhalliseyclarkb, is that via launchpad?15:15
amrithpmackinn, like the issue you raised yesterday with the os/datastore matrix; that's a choice. maybe a bad one, but we may be able to fix it in the existing elements. we do have elements ...15:15
mordredfixing the exisitng tool rather than replacing it is my personal preference15:15
clarkbrhallisey: no in gerrit15:15
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mordredbut what persia said is right now15:15
mordredbut what persia said is right on15:15
mordredwe should outline the needs first15:15
pabelangerbecause I don't know, where is the current process to build trove images today? Is there any logs around?15:15
clarkbrhallisey: launchpad isnt used for group management15:15
mordredbefore we talk about fixing or replacing15:15
rhalliseyclarkb, cool thanks15:15
openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Update section on Gerrit permissions for shared permissions
tosky_mordred: would this prevent even a proof-of-concept to show the alternative idea?15:16
persiatosky_: In the absence of comprehended requirements, a PoC has limited utility.  That said, if a PoC helps comprehend requirements, it is essential.15:16
greghaynesNothing prevents making a PoC - generally PoC's arent made as permanent repos though15:16
amrithtosky_, why not describe the problem being fixed?15:16
pmackinni've already explained that this automation doesn't exist; how did we get to "leave the community"? os governance recognizes virt-builder15:17
tosky_amrith: I thought it was, and we have a disagrement here15:17
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rhalliseyclarkb, can you add  me to that list so I can add in the kolla team?15:17
rhalliseynot sure how the first person gets added15:17
fungirhallisey: we add the ptl as the initial member on groups for newly-created repos15:18
amrithtosky_, do point me to that and I promise I'll write them down ... there was one in email yesterday and I've logged it in lp. there's this mention of isolation and bleeding that I don't understand and I'd like to know more about. beyond that, what? (see
openstackLaunchpad bug 1578454 in Image Builder for OpenStack Trove "reduce the datastore/database matrix in image elements" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Amrith (amrith)15:18
fungiso sdake in this case would then adjust group membership in gerrit once added as the initial member15:18
rhalliseyfungi, cool thanks, can you add sdake15:18
sdakefungi wfm15:18
fungionce one of us adds him to it15:18
rhalliseythen we'll take it from there15:18
fungiclarkb: were you doing that, or shall i?15:19
mordredtosky_: yah. it does not feel like, from my side, there are a clear set of deficiencies expressed. it's entirely possible I've missed that - so making sure we have a place we can all point to where we can all come to the same understanding of the issues would be fantastic15:19
clarkbfungi: go for it15:19
rhalliseythanks guys!15:19
sc68caldo my eyes decieve me? Does gerrit now highlight RST correctly?15:19
mordredsc68cal: that can't possibly be true15:19
fungisdake: you are now the initial member of the kolla-kubernetes-core group in gerrit,members15:19
tosky_amrith: isolation and no need for root, are strong points, IMHO; then explicit control instead of environment variables passed around, and the native operating in place too (minimize the changes applied to the image)15:20
sdakefungi thanks15:20
pabelangerpmackinn: we do have some jobs with ironic and magnum publishing dibs in the gate.  I'm happy to help with the automation15:20
pmackinnpabelanger, i mean trove15:21
mordredtosky_: the first two I understand. can you expand on what you mean by the last two?15:21
greghaynesIt would be *great* to get those written down somewhere so I don't have to keep replying to those issues :)15:21
amrithtosky_, as I've said in the review, not needing root isn't really a problem, using environment variables was a choice for parameterization.15:21
amriththese are things that we can or should fix in the DIB elements15:21
amrithhaving a partially built image which can be customized is also do'able with DIB15:21
amriththat the existing elements didn't do it doesn't mean that it can't be done15:21
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amrithto greghaynes point earlier, customizing images with DIB is absolutely doable15:22
amrithI do it regularly15:22
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tosky_amrith: I personally think is feasible, of course, everything which can be computed can be implemented, but15:22
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tosky_is it going to be an after-thoughts?15:22
nibalizersc68cal: sorry but I have to read that replacing every instance of 'neutron' with 'pokemon'15:22
amrithtosky_, I don't understand the statement/comment.15:22
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fungiit did seem like a good half of the issues raised in that thread were from people who simply didn't know how dib is implemented or what its featureset is15:22
nibalizerand yes it isn't highlighting random 'if' 'and' 'or's any more15:22
tosky_fungi: and I disagree with that15:22
fungiwhich could indicate a need for clearer documentation15:23
fungiand a more intuitive interface15:23
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pabelangerpmackinn: right, I'm offering to help learn more about trove and seeing if we can get a minimal DIB going with the current elements that exist today.  If the issue is around the automation, count me in15:23
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fungitosky_: i didn't mean to suggest that _your_ particular issues stemmed from that, but a lot of the dogpiled issues did15:23
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clarkbpabelanger: I thought trove already builds an image daily or something15:23
amrithpabelanger, I'm already about 70% of the way there ...15:23
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tosky_fungi: I have the opposite feeling, that the pushback against a proposed alternative (libguestfs in this case) are based on a incomplete knowledge of the tool and related architecture15:24
clarkbthe ubuntu mysql image on tarballs15:24
amriththe eisting DIB's are in the trove-integration project15:24
clarkb(using dib via red stack)15:24
amrithin scripts/files/elements15:24
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pabelangerclarkb: I don't know honestly, I'd have to look into it. But putting the offer on the table.15:24
amriththe redstack command invokes dib with a constructed command line15:24
pabelangeramrith: ack15:24
amrithsimialr to the infra script15:24
amrithI showed that somewhere in the ML discussion15:24
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amrithanyway, as soon as the infra change lands, I'll start pushing dib stuff up there.15:25
pmackinnwhich is not a usable general purpose image builder15:25
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fungitosky_: so you're saying you think a libguestfs content generator in dib would be a poor fit? or did dib authors say that?15:25
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pabelangertosky_: I've linked this in #tripleo earlier today, but ianw is working on some libguestfs support in DIB:
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fungitosky_: or are you saying there was an overwhelming majority of trove contributors who feel that libguestfs is _the_ solution?15:25
tosky_pabelanger: is that the right review?15:26
amrithfungi, I don't believe there is such an overwhelming majority15:26
pabelangertosky_: doh:
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pabelangerthere we go15:27
pabelangercopy / paste fail15:27
tosky_no, that's one tool15:27
pmackinnpabelanger, lol15:28
pabelangertosky_: like I said, it's a start to use libguestfs15:28
tosky_fungi: I have to agree with amrith that there is no overwhelming majority, but there is a interesting group15:28
pabelangerpmackinn: ?15:28
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pmackinnpabelanger, third time is the charm, that's all15:29
tosky_fungi: and for your comment, I think that virt-dib is a possible solution that addresses some issues, and I still hold that for trove image building a simpler solution is possible15:29
sc68calnibalizer: heh. I need to try that now15:29
pabelangerYup, new batteries now15:29
sc68calI had pokemon stadium for n64. It was dope15:29
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add install-bin element
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add tinycorelinux element
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Split pip out of pip-and-virtualenv
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anteayaI've been foisting myself on the scientific working group15:40
anteayawhat a great group of people15:40
anteayawe still are working on the lines of communication thing right now15:40
anteayaso this bit came in a private email rather than a public one15:41
anteayawe are working on getting things where they should be publicly15:41
anteayato that end15:41
anteayathe scientific working group has requested to be able to use storyboard15:41
anteayain addition to other tasks, they have a subteam called stories15:41
anteayawhich they are defining15:41
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
anteayabut would amount to creating user stories for scientific purposes15:42
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anteayadoes anyone have any thoughts on the question "May the scientific working group use StoryBoard?"15:42
anteayaI told them we may need to chew on this question a bit before we arrive at an answer15:44
anteayaso consider this the first round of asking, and I'll come back to it again if the time is not optimal for discussion now15:44
clarkbthere is no existing task set or bug list right?15:45
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anteayaclarkb: correct, they had a first meeting at the ops meetup in manchester15:45
anteayathen two meetings at the austin summit15:45
anteayaso far they are directing the 80 or so folks who showed up at summit to subscribe to the user committee and ops mailing lists for communication15:46
fungianteaya: i would suggest they wait just a little bit. ttx was planning to have a proposal for next tuesday, leading into a tc resolution on a general task tracking solution for the developer community. if it turns out that isn't going to be around long-term then i'd hate to have to roll them into the migration effort15:46
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anteayaI talked them out of starting their own mailing list15:46
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anteayafungi: understood, I felt that might be an argument15:47
anteayaso told them that patience was in order though didn't want to bog them down in the details of why yet15:47
anteayaalso they are getting their heads around booking a meeting slot15:47
fungiif sb ends up being the long-term plan, then we can commit to keeping the service up and running15:47
anteayaI've offered to help them figure that out and I feel they will get back to me when they are ready15:48
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anteayafungi: understood15:48
anteayaand makes sense15:48
anteayamostly wanted to convey the request which came in private for reasons I stated above15:48
anteayaso now you know15:48
fungiat which point the decision for them can be based more on whether the current featureset is sufficient for their initial needs15:48
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anteayaI'll paste the relevent bits of the email, I don't think I'm crossing a privacy line by doing so15:50
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pabelangerclarkb: looks like merged but nodepool didn't start builds. it landed at Thu May 5 07:53:16 2016 +0000 so we should have been fine. Maybe we needed to also restart nodepool-builder?15:51
clarkbyes would need to restart builder to pick up new image15:52
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buntingHi, I have tried to implement upper constraints in python-magnumclient ( Do upper constraints work for clients as it fails with a bit of a cryptic message?15:55
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clarkbthey work for anything as long as your pip is new enough15:56
zxiiroelectrofelix: waynr when are we releasing 1.5? I don't see it on pypi yet15:56
pabelangerclarkb: okay, do you mind helping land and then I'll restart nodepool-builder15:56
rcarrillocruzscientific working group?15:57
rcarrillocruzanteaya: what is that about? just curious...15:57
fungizxiiro: i see it on pypi. are you looking at a different pypi?15:57
anteayarcarrillocruz: yes, they are awesome!15:57
anteayarcarrillocruz: picture tim bell times about 8015:57
anteayaacademic, large research15:57
anteayanational academic networks15:58
rcarrillocruzcloud related, willing to host stuff in our infra?15:58
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mordredanteaya: wait - is that just actually 80 tim bells in a room?15:58
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anteayarcarrillocruz: not so much that15:58
mordredanteaya: or one tim bell that is 80 times the size of a normal tim bell?15:58
anteayaha ha ha15:58
anteaya80 individuals15:58
mordredbecuase of those are TERRIFYING15:58
anteayaeach as wonderful to be around as tim bell15:58
mordred80 individuals who all have similarities to tim bell15:58
fungiit's a tim bell with the strength of 80 tim bells15:58
mordredfungi: also terrifying15:58
anteayamordred: that's the one15:58
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zxiirofungi: ah i'm blind, i didn't see it when i searched15:59
anteayaso high throughput needs15:59
anteayabig storage, large fluctuating compute needs15:59
anteayascheduler issues15:59
clarkbbunting: is the issue, you must have requirements that are of the path or url variety.remove them and it ahould work15:59
zxiiropypi sorts 1.3.0 and 1.4.0 as the top search15:59
fungizxiiro: pypi search is... well let's just say it's somewhat broken and not actively maintained. needs work and current efforts are primarily going into warehouse rather than trying to fix up something which is soon(ish) to be obsoleted16:00
anteayarcarrillocruz: fabulous group of folks16:00
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add magnum baymodel calls to shade.
anteayarcarrillocruz: but very limited resources16:00
anteayarcarrillocruz: academic funding patterns and all16:00
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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rcarrillocruzit's awesome the project is embracing folks doing stuff of that caliber16:00
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fungircarrillocruz: those are the users who make me want to work on openstack. furthering humanity's knowledge rather than helping some corporate exec make the mortgage payments on a fourth vacation home16:03
rcarrillocruzexactly my thoughts16:03
rcarrillocruzdoing stuff that *matters* you know...16:03
buntingclarkb: I don't quite understand what you mean by that?16:03
dstufftzxiiro: fungi is saying it nicely, I'd say that current PyPI search is a tire fire D:16:04
nibalizerrcarrillocruz: any sense of the new ips for infracloud?16:04
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anteayarcarrillocruz: exactly, this is what I tell them16:04
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nibalizeri feel bad for deleting them all >_>16:04
anteayarcarrillocruz: I tell them to make their communication open as quickly as possible since we all want to help them16:04
rcarrillocruznibalizer: i could ssh in to some instances16:04
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anteayarcarrillocruz: so much fun working with them16:04
rcarrillocruzand they are booting up from a lab dhcp16:04
rcarrillocruzwhich means16:04
zxiirodstufft: haha good to know16:04
fungidstufft: i simply didn't want to test out your asbestos underwear16:05
rcarrillocruzthe NIC is not on the vlan we expect16:05
rcarrillocruzbut as the task tracking system is having issues, i can't login to open tickets and all16:05
rcarrillocruzi'm 'hoping' to get that sorted soon16:05
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fungircarrillocruz: the hpe task tracking system?16:05
rcarrillocruzfungi: yeah16:05
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add bug for TripleO timeouts
fungiokay, just making sure it wasn't _our_ task tracking system having issues16:06
rcarrillocruzaka jira16:06
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fungigot it16:06
crinkletask tracking systems* >.>16:06
crinklercarrillocruz: yay some progress \o/ :D16:07
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rcarrillocruz'progress' :D16:07
rcarrillocruzbut hey, we know some are powered on at least...16:07
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crinklewhich is much much better than last week16:07
fungiand no longer waterlogged16:08
clarkbbunting: is the tox log which is a bit easier to read, I thought it was complaining that you had eg -e http://somedep in your requirements file but I think that is how it is installing magnumclient itself16:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove devstack-centos7 logging for nodepool
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clarkbbunting: I would have to look at neutron to see if they do something different16:09
nibalizerrcarrillocruz: crinkle ok just poke whenever the dns needs to be dns'd16:09
nibalizeri know it was annoying last time hobbling along with hosts files and dnsmasq hax16:10
rcarrillocruznibalizer: i will, so... we can haz dns on git repo?16:10
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nibalizerrcarrillocruz: not today :(16:10
nibalizerone day16:10
rcarrillocruzor that's not yet in place?16:10
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crinklewe have the inventory file with hostnames and ips16:10
rcarrillocruzfunny we both wanted that for so long in two different groups16:10
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crinkleso just need to do some sed magic with the dns tool16:10
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rcarrillocruzwe need to have designate v2 on some cloud provider really16:10
rcarrillocruzmaybe we could bribe vexxhost to upgrade16:11
nibalizeri mean we could cerate the infracloud zone and deletgate it to vexxhost and experiment with using vexxhost for dns16:11
nibalizerat that point it would be ansible yah?16:11
rcarrillocruzwell... i put designate v1 on shade to some extent16:11
rcarrillocruzand that broke16:11
rcarrillocruzso mordred  pulled it out16:11
rcarrillocruzas i really put it in a bad moment16:11
nibalizercrinkle: the bifrost inventory file?16:12
rcarrillocruzthey were already moving over in the project to v216:12
crinklenibalizer: yeah16:12
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add ubuntu-precise logging to nodepool-builder
rcarrillocruzwhich is what i've worked on last month, zones and recordsets for designate v2 are now in shade16:12
crinklenibalizer: not that that's up to date16:12
nibalizeryah the first round of dns was generated from that, so yeah, whenveer that gets updated to reality it can go into dns16:12
rcarrillocruzand i just started writing the os_zone ansible module, which i expect to push early next week16:12
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rcarrillocruzafter that will come os_recordset16:12
nibalizeralso if another infra-core could push this through that would make running ansible less annoying16:13
nibalizerit doesn't like it when hosts don't exist16:13
buntingclarkb: I added the line to the neutron client and it seems to cause the same error16:13
mugsiercarrillocruz: rax has designate v2 active16:13
mugsiejust in an early access mode16:13
rcarrillocruzmugsie: o_O orly?16:13
rcarrillocruzmordred: ^16:14
rcarrillocruzthat's awesome!16:14
clarkbbunting I am more curious to see how neutron makes it work than to copy the same broken elsewhere16:14
mugsieyeah - you have to sign up somewhere ...16:14
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mordredmugsie: WOOT!!!!16:14
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mordredmugsie: we can almost certainly get that enabled for us16:14
electrofelixzxiiro: odd, it's showing up as there for me16:14
EmilienMnibalizer: hey, I'll let you check & +a (or not) to make sure I'm not doing wrong16:15
mugsieI would imagine so :)16:15
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nibalizerEmilienM: you can do no wrong in my eyes16:15
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nibalizerfungi: clarkb i'm having a hard time understanding why doesn't affect our precise java hosts (jenkins masters, mostly)16:15
nibalizer <--- this16:16
EmilienMnibalizer: ♥16:16
nibalizeroh maybe because it only appears at 7u99 and precise stopped at 7u7916:16
clarkbbunting but they look the same, your best bet is probably to find Nakato and or lifeless and aee if they recogbize the issue16:18
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add bug for TripleO timeouts
buntingclarkb: The neutron client does not seem to implement it however, but sure ill try and get in touch with them16:19
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use the overcloud full images from the cache
clarkbbunting: not neutronclient, neutron16:19
fungircarrillocruz: nibalizer: crinkle: so... *actually* we could probably do dns in git pretty easily (even without designate at all) for * since all we need is some delegation in the domain. having dns in git for all of is a much bigger conversation since we share custody of that domain with foundation staff whose priorities and tool choices are not16:20
funginecessarily the same as ours16:20
fungiso what is convenient for us is not always convenient for them16:20
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crinklefungi: ooooh this would be neat16:20
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fungicrinkle: that said, i agree with nibalizer on the "not today" part16:21
rcarrillocruzyeah, thing is if we should put a lot of effort on dealing with the current rax dns client issues or rather wait to have designate v2 usable for us16:21
zxiiroelectrofelix: yep we got it sorted out. i was using pypi's broken search16:21
rcarrillocruzi'm ofc in favor of the latter, for dogfooding etc16:21
buntingclarkb: Yeah I got confused there. It seems to run into problems on the clients16:21
fungiwould need to spend a little time trying out existing puppet module(s) for bind 1016:21
fungiand writing up some basic deployment automation16:21
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rcarrillocruzbut for sure, dns in git repo for the subdomain would be great16:21
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* rcarrillocruz yells moar automation plz16:22
fungiif we ended up moving some of our services to * or something down the road, that might be a solution to the shared custody issue16:22
fungie.g. start redirecting from to and so on16:23
rcarrillocruzwe had a supersimilar issue in gozer at some point16:23
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rcarrillocruzwhere we had a lot of our services as *.gozer.hpcloud.net16:24
rcarrillocruzwhereas others in *.hpcloud.net16:24
asselin_dstufft, thanks, bandersnatchmirror now able to do a full sync16:24
rcarrillocruzi pushed to have everything in * , but didn't get much traction16:24
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nibalizerfungi: so before we go full bind, i think we should investigate using vexxhost16:24
nibalizersince they run designate16:25
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mordrednibalizer: so does rackspace now, fwiw16:27
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nibalizeroh is that the cloud beta thing i got an email about?16:28
mugsienibalizer: should have been16:28
mordreddunno. mugsie just told us they have it running now16:28
mugsieif it was the "DNS Early Access"16:28
mordrednibalizer: I agree though - our node launching stuff will be easier to integrate if we can also shade/ansible the dns entries at the same time16:28
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mordredalthough if that doesn't work, running our own also seems fine16:28
fungimordred: agreed, if there is designate available to us, while we may not be able to directly push zonefiles into it the api is hopefully sufficient we can run a translator to check and update the records we're hosting in it16:29
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mordredfungi: actually, designate does accept zonefile imports16:29
nibalizermordred: interesting, because automatically creating dns in launch node is great, but that runs counter to keeping the dns in git16:29
mordrednibalizer: not necessarily16:29
fungieven better. i thought that was what we needed v2 for16:29
mordrednibalizer: if we say "call this server" - we can also say "call this IP"16:29
nibalizerfungi: at gozer i wrote a quick script that idempotently synced a yaml file full of dns records with the designate ip16:30
mordredand those can be in our ansibles for nodes16:30
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mordredfungi: it does not yet support _updating_ an existing zonefile16:30
nibalizerthat being said, we still have N-clouds worth of reverse records to manage16:30
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mordredfungi: but I talked with Kiall about that at the summit16:30
mordrednibalizer: exactly16:30
nibalizer+ infracloud datacenter16:30
fungimordred: that's what i meant. push in a new zonefile to replace the old one (is that what you mean by updating?)16:30
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mordredfungi: yes16:30
KiallAdding update support should be easy enough... at least, for smaller zones.16:31
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mordredfungi: Kiall said that should be possible to add - although there is a performance implication for larger zones16:31
mordredlook! it's Kiall16:31
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pabelangerclarkb: I've restarted nodepool-builder16:31
Kiallmy ears were burning ;)16:31
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mordredhowever, I'm not fully convinced that us managing this via zone files in git would be superior16:31
mugsiemordred: we should be able do it16:31
mordredsince many of the ips we're managing are themselves data we're getting from the cloud16:31
pabelangerclarkb: think we need to do manual builds today?16:32
mordredso we'd have to wind up either templating a zone file (ew) or having a multi-step process for git16:32
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ssh to periodic
mordredlike "create the node, get its ip, make another commit to git"16:32
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pabelangerclarkb: I'm going to kick off a ubuntu-precise, since I'd like to work on it16:33
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fungigonna go grab lunch a little ways down the beach, should be back in ~90 minutes give or take16:33
openstackgerritAnne Gentle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds API reference publishing jobs for Swift
pabelangerfungi: enjoy16:34
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nibalizermordred: i tend to agree, like with ansible we have a split between stuff that is data from the cloud (a records) then stuff that we create and should manage in git (a records for static resources, cname, txt, srv records)16:36
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* rcarrillocruz thinks of a process where one-off plays or actions that imply getting data dynamically triggers a proposed changed in system-config git repo16:38
rcarrillocruzsomething related to the finglonger thing16:38
rcarrillocruzi have yet to experiment with that idea16:38
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clarkbpabelanger: if we have any images that are more than a few days old its probably worth updating them too (debian maybe?)16:40
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rcarrillocruzso that whenever we do a change on an existing resource or service we get the corresponding git change that 'converges' to that state16:40
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clarkbwait designate can't update a zone /me decides maybe he shouldn't think too hard about the one thing a dns management api should manage to do16:41
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clarkbmordred: there is one major reason to do it this way16:42
clarkbactually two16:42
clarkbcentralized control of updates because right now its wild west and you don't fix that if you let random things continue to update records16:42
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
clarkbbut also you could at any time just run a bind and nothing changes except where you copy the file to16:43
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clarkbmordred: it has to be multistep regardless because of how we put things in production16:44
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clarkbI am unaware of any other magical way of saying this service is ready and available please hit it now internet16:44
clarkb(er you can do that without dns like with a load balancer but its multistep regardless)16:45
pabelangerclarkb: ya, we can do debian16:45
pabelangerclarkb: I'll kick that off after ubuntu-precise16:45
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clarkbpabelanger: anteaya: should we continue the es upgrade?16:49
pabelangerclarkb: if anteaya is ready16:49
anteayawas just opening elasticsearch-head16:49
clarkblooking at elasticsearch head it appears that things are happier but not amazing16:49
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
openstackgerritEverett Toews proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove the API WG 0000 UTC meeting
anteayaclarkb pabelanger yup, all ready, thanks16:49
clarkbwe can continue to try the rolling upgrade process16:49
clarkbI just worry we will need to do a full cluster restart at the end anyways16:50
pabelangerclarkb: anteaya: okay, disabling allocation16:50
anteayawe can restart tomorrow can we not?16:50
anteayapabelanger clarkb ack16:50
anteayaelection time!16:50
anteayaI'd like to see one16:51
pabelangerallocation disabled16:51
clarkbanteaya: ya, we can always do a full restart later16:51
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clarkbpabelanger: this is transient allocation disabled?16:51
clarkbpabelanger: just gonna restart 05?16:51
pabelangerclarkb: yes16:51
pabelangerneed to remove 05 from emergency first16:51
clarkbya its still running 1.7.316:51
pabelangeres05 now removed16:51
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pabelangerwaiting for puppet to do its thing16:52
clarkbpabelanger: I thin kwe can actually remove all of them from emergency, I didn't realize it would not restart the srevice for us on package install16:52
clarkbwhich was the big reason for putting them in the emergency file16:52
pabelangerclarkb: sure, I can do that now16:52
pabelangerall remaining elasticsearch hosts have been removed16:53
pabelangeranother 7mins before puppet wheel starts again16:53
mordredclarkb: good point16:54
anteayaah okay, I'll stop refreshing for a few minutes16:54
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pabelangeranteaya: Ya, I'll ping just before I stop es0516:54
anteayapabelanger: thanks16:54
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clarkbmordred: it definitely isn't perfect and I think an even more ideal world would be one where nova and designate automagically do thing sfor you if asked16:55
clarkbmordred: eg nova boot --update-my-dns-kthxbai foo.org16:55
mordredclarkb: guess what ... that exists16:55
electrofelixzxiiro: did you see my comments on
pabelangerclarkb: so, restart the rest of elasticsearch servers first, then reenable transient allocation?16:55
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openstackgerritEverett Toews proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Remove the API WG 0000 UTC meeting
mordredclarkb: designate v2 has that integratoin, and has plugins for nova and neutron to do it16:56
clarkbmordred: oh I was told it didn't because nova and designate didn't have a good way to cooperate16:56
zxiiroelectrofelix: yes, I've talked to my intern about it. He's gonna give it another try to combine the entry points into 116:56
mordredclarkb: so if the deployer has deployed the right config, it is totally a thing16:56
clarkbgreghaynes: ^ make your cloud better16:56
mordredgreghaynes: ++16:56
clarkbpabelanger: lets continue doing one at a time like we did yesterday16:56
pabelangerclarkb: ack16:56
clarkbpabelanger: if it turns out that es really hates that then we can shift gears and restart the entire cluster16:57
mordredclarkb: basically, Kiall and mugsie have made it work the way we've always wanted16:57
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mordredclarkb: now we just have to, you know, wait for deployers16:57
rcarrillocruzyeah, the reverse dns is depicted here:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix typo in doc of workspace-cleaner wrapper
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clarkbrcarrillocruz: does it work for non floating ips too?17:00
pabelangerokay puppet wheel starting again17:00
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clarkbmordred: where I think automagic DNS makes a ton of sense is with multiple zones/domains17:02
clarkbmordred: all your cattle go into the domain, then in you CNAME over to whatever the current herd is17:03
clarkbmordred: in that world you actually need/want both things17:03
electrofelixzxiiro: only if it makes sense to you as well17:03
rcarrillocruzclarkb: i haven't had time to play with it tbh...17:03
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rcarrillocruzKiall, mugsie : ^ ?17:03
zxiiroelectrofelix: yep, i agree. In fact I think it will make documentation easier as it will all be under 1 entry point instead of split between 2.17:03
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EmilienMpabelanger: re - tarballs, ping me if you have time this afternoon to finish the work - otherwise when you can, it's up to you and your schedule17:04
pabelangerEmilienM: won't be today, we didn't build new ubuntu-trusty images in nodepool today17:04
pabelangerEmilienM: so, tomorrow for sure!17:05
EmilienMpabelanger: ack17:05
EmilienMshardy: ^ fyi no tarball for today -- working on the zuul patch in the meantime.17:05
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mugsieclarkb: designate will take any IP and create any of the record types we support. so you could do and CNAME no problem17:05
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mugsieas long as the CNAME is not the root of another domain of course17:06
zxiiroelectrofelix: since 1.5 is released and we can start making backwards incompatible changes for 2.0.  I'm gonna get my intern to start cleaning up code so that we use the convert_xml helper function where appropriate and setting either defaults or required for all functions instead of allowing the indeterministic (optional) settings.17:06
clarkbmugsie: specifically asking about automagic cooperation between nova/neutron and designate though17:06
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clarkbmugsie: so that anytime I make an instead I get A, AAAA, and reverse PTRs for the IP addrs associated with that instance17:06
mugsieoh, soory, did not real enough scrollback17:06
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clarkbI know designate will let me manually manage that domain just fine, which is what I want for the "production" records17:07
clarkbbut if all the behind the scenes can be done for me without thinking to hard that is even better17:07
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mugsiethere is 3 modes for the integration. 1 pushes records for a network into the dnsmasq instance, and when a floating ip is associated woth a port it pushes the record to designate17:08
mugsieanother is push all records for the network to designate (if you have a provider network etc).17:08
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electrofelixzxiiro: just need to keep in mind that AFAIK all openstack CI jobs are still using JJB HEAD, so try and avoid any XML changes even though we're should be allowed to break compatibility. I believe they should be moving to using zuul + ansible and away from jenkins soonish17:08
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add tarball jobs to puppet-tripleo
mugsiebut that has a limitation of a single zone per network, which is not ideal for the shared external network model where VMs just connect to the provider network17:09
clarkboh it doesn't base it upon who the tenant is?17:09
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental ubuntu-precise infra jobs
mugsienot when it is set to push all port dns info to designate (instead of just floating IPs)17:09
mugsiewe identifyed it as a shortcoming in the summit17:10
clarkbmordred: rcarrillocruz ^ so that actually won't work for us in most clouds17:10
mugsieclarkb: you need the clouds to enable it as well17:10
zxiiroelectrofelix: sounds good. i'll keep that in mind with the changes.17:10
clarkbya mordred mentioned we also need the deployers to catch up17:10
mugsieas it has neutron call directly to designate17:10
pabelangerclarkb: anteaya: es05 was just upgraded. Ready to restart the service?17:10
clarkbmugsie: most of the clouds we consume don't let us floating IP17:10
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clarkbpabelanger: I am ready17:10
clarkbmugsie: and ideally we would not floating ip17:11
mugsieyeah - my head was stuck in the private network + floating ip model when I looked at it17:11
mugsiewe need to get it updated17:11
clarkbanyways good info to have, thank you for getting me up to speed17:11
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mugsieping me if you have anyu other questions :)17:11
anteayapabelanger: cool17:12
pabelangerclarkb: anteaya okay, stopping es0517:12
amrithpersia, I created the etherpad you suggested
amrithmordred pabelanger fungi ^^17:13
anteaya07 was elected, that was fast17:13
amrithtosky_, ^^17:13
mordredamrith: awesome!17:13
pabelangernow starting17:13
amrithwho did I miss, pmackinn isn't here, I'll let him know on #openstack-trove17:13
persiaamrith: thank you17:14
clarkbmugsie: ya I think in an ideal world the way our many clouds and many region DNS would work is that we would have the root domain say managed somewhere via a zone file. This would get deliberate updates to add and remove hosts from production and delegate DNS for each of the clouds to their cloud local designate. Then the cloud local designate would mostly automagically update when we17:14
clarkbadd and remove instances. A, AAAA, and PTRs17:14
pabelangerclarkb: anteaya: okay, es05 back online.  enabling transient allocation again17:14
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amrithand egafford in #openstack-sahara17:14
pabelangerand enabled17:14
anteayapabelanger clarkb ack17:14
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anteayapabelanger clarkb 05 took on nodes with good speed17:15
pabelangerya, way faster then es0617:15
clarkbanteaya: ya it is possible it was holding all of the locks, if that is the case restarting it may have fixed us. But I honeslty don't grok the underlying bug/issue that well17:15
anteayayay happenstance17:16
pabelangeranteaya: clarkb: ready to move to es04?17:16
clarkbpabelanger: lets wait a few minutes to see if those shards settle in a bit more17:16
anteayapabelanger clarkb one shard unassigned17:16
anteayayup, I'm fine to see if it gets picked up17:17
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anteayalinux foundation did a survey of open source working conditions:
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clarkbpabelanger: anteaya the yellow shard 1 on es06 appers to be recovering proprely17:19
anteayaclarkb: yay17:19
anteayaalso the phrase big tent has grown a life of its own:
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clarkband the yellow 1 on es0317:20
pabelangerI see 2 yellow shards on es0617:20
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clarkbpabelanger: ya the second seems stalled, this isn't always an issue as es will only recover so many shards per instance on both ends17:21
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clarkbI think if we wait a bit we should see if things are going to be happy17:21
anteayaI see shards numbered from 0 through to 417:21
mugsieclarkb: yeah, that would be ideal. you *could* do something simlar with ansible, just without the PTR. we need to update the ptr code to work on non Floating IP clouds17:21
anteayadoes the number indicates something important?17:21
clarkbanteaya: no, each index has 5 shards with 1 replica (meaning each of the 5 shards is copied once)17:22
clarkbso 0,1,2,3,4 are just identifiers which which pf the 5 shards it is17:23
anteayaokay thank you17:23
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electrofelixzxiiro: seems we got a report about problems with XML whitespace on python 2.6 with JJB. While I'm aware that we deprecated support, I wonder if we possibly should have retained it for the last 1.x release and removed it for 2.0?17:24
anteayaI see nine shards entitled 0 on es0617:24
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clarkbelectrofelix: meh, python2.6 hasn't been supported for years now17:24
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zxiiroelectrofelix: honestly I don't think it's worth the effort17:24
clarkbanteaya: each column is a different index, we make one index per day17:24
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: fix the way we detect the previous version in
zxiiroelectrofelix: we purposely broke 2.6 compatibility if i recall for another issue17:25
anteayaclarkb: ah17:25
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anteayathank you17:25
clarkbsupporting python2.6 at this point is silly17:25
clarkbeven rhel6 has python2.7 abilities iirc17:25
anteayaclarkb: now I see it17:25
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anteayaand we appear to have no unassigned shards at present17:25
pabelangernice, no unassigned shards17:25
* mordred recalls neeting to support 2.4 in the early days17:26
electrofelixzxiiro: I don't think we did have anything specific, just removed the patch to XML minidom and requirements17:26
clarkbmordred: I think nova may still have a small bit of 2.4 code because of xen17:27
electrofelixbut not too pushed, more surprised someone was still using it17:27
mordredclarkb: yah. but there was a time, iirc, when swift had 2.4 nodes in production because lucid17:27
EmilienMI don't know if it's only me, but Gerrit has been performing super slowly for ~15 min17:27
notmynamemordred: ?! I don't remember supporting py24 in swift. py26 definitely17:28
zxiiroI could of sworn that there was some patch that removed something to support py26 merged in the past17:28
clarkbmordred: lucid was 2.617:28
mordrednotmyname: oh yeah? cool. I just remember it wrong then17:28
zxiiroso i had assumed py26 was broken17:28
mordredtoo much ptsd, not enough time17:28
clarkbEmilienM: what does super slowly mean?17:28
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anteayamordred: stig liked your giant tim bell line, he will be posting to the -infra list soon17:28
EmilienMclarkb: random 502 errors and > 15s for a git review or UI update17:29
electrofelixzxiiro: we probably just should have added some kind of release note calling it out specifically17:29
EmilienMtoday should not be super busy, it's holiday in lot of countries17:29
AJaegerteam : I'd like to publish source translation files to - see . Is that a good place to put them?17:29
clarkbwow looks like the GCing has pciked up17:29
AJaegerfungi, clarkb, pleia2 ^: I'd like you to chime in on this, please ^17:29
clarkbmaybe we sould entertain the notion that gerrit has massive memory leaks17:29
anteayaclarkb is pabelanger good to work on es04 now?17:30
zxiiroelectrofelix: yeah in hindsight that probably would have been a good idea17:30
mordredanteaya: thankfully, tim bell liked it too17:30
anteayamordred: oh good!17:30
pabelangerI see 3 yellow shards in total now17:30
clarkbAJaeger: my first inclination would be to have zanata host them17:30
anteayasuch a happy bunch those scientists17:30
jlkany of you using gertty on OSX?17:30
clarkbAJaeger: we can still remove them from the git repos, but if by pushing them to zanata as part of the normal process we can then serve those files to others that would be great17:31
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zxiiroelectrofelix: Ah I was thinking of this patch
clarkbAJaeger: if zanata is not capable of doing that then yes I think that path is fine17:31
electrofelixzxiiro: fancy reviewing
zxiiroelectrofelix: i thought we merged it in master if i'm not incorrect17:31
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clarkbEmilienM: it looks like our old memory issues with gerrit have returned but instaed of hitting htem at 12GB heap we hit them at 30GB heap17:31
electrofelixzxiiro: yeap, that's the one, it prevents the whitespace being added around XML data17:31
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EmilienMclarkb: ok, just reporting in case something happens, maybe it's just me17:32
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anteayaAJaeger: I had gotten as far as opening that patch up in a tab17:32
electrofelixI mentioned it in the issue logged on storyboard, apparently the user is running Scientific Linux 6, so they should have access to python 2.7 anyway.17:32
EmilienMsounds like I'm not, I've seen other complaints17:32
anteayaI just got a gerrit 50217:32
AJaegerclarkb: zanata has them already but not as convenient...17:32
lxslianteaya: me too17:32
zxiiroelectrofelix: I bookmarked the review. I'll take a look at it the next time i review things17:33
skolekonovyep, Gerrit works slowly for me too17:33
AJaegerclarkb: do you mean: A separate location on zanata?17:33
anteayasomebody care to take a look at gerrit's javamelody?17:33
clarkbAJaeger: I was just thinking that maybe zanata had a downlaod this POT link and a resonable url we can use17:33
clarkbAJaeger: if so then that seems like a good option to avoid copying to two locations17:33
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clarkbanteaya: yes thats what I am doing17:33
anteayaclarkb: thank you17:34
clarkbanteaya: see scrollback17:34
anteayasorry I missed that17:34
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AJaegerclarkb: right now you can download pot files but it's rather complicatd to get there ;(17:35
anteayazaro: looks like we again have gerrit memory issues17:35
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clarkbpeaked at about 4.5% GC time, but we hvae twice the cpu now so I think thats roughly 9% on the old scale17:36
AJaeger - and then I can download zip files. And getting there means: Go to project, select version, select language, select document, translate it, go to document overview - and then you can download ;(17:36
anteayalooks like gerrit memory use just expands to take up whatever we give it17:37
clarkbyou have to select a language to get the pot?17:37
AJaegerOh, that's the translated files - not the source ;(17:37
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clarkbAJaeger: ya I would expect the pot to be easier?17:37
AJaegerSorry, let me try finding it again..17:37
clarkbanteaya: ya I think gerrit must hvae a memory leak17:37
anteayalooks like it, yes17:37
AJaegerclarkb: I can't find anything ;((( I thought there was a way to do it but I'm lost right now17:38
pabelangeranteaya: clarkb: down to 2 yellow shards, but I cannot tell if they are still recovering. I cannot see size_in_bytes changing17:38
clarkbpabelanger: it is changing for one of them17:38
clarkb3 on es0717:38
clarkbyou have to hit refresh each time17:39
AJaegerclarkb: so, let's go with my change then if that is the proper location and the right way of doing it17:39
pabelangerI see it at 23376935087 currently17:40
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clarkbpabelanger: if you hit refresh then reopen the shard data you should see it updated17:40
clarkbpabelanger: it won't update the little float window on refresh you have to close and open17:40
pabelangerclarkb: Ah, okay. I was refreshing with the panel still open17:41
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pabelangerI see the change now17:41
anteayaclarkb: pabelanger cool17:42
pabelangeranteaya: AJaeger: do you mind reviewing to add experimental job to test our new ubuntu-precise DIB17:43
* anteaya reviews17:43
* AJaeger will review17:44
pabelanger1 yellow shard left17:44
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clarkbcluster might actually go green for the first time in ever17:45
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mordredclarkb: woot!17:46
clarkbpabelanger: once it goes green I think we are good to do 0417:47
* mordred hands clarkb a cake that he promises he's done almost nothing to17:47
clarkbmordred: do you have bacon and eggs? feel like bacon and eggs for breakfast17:47
anteayagerrit is painfully slow17:47
pabelangerclarkb: woah, what is purple?17:47
anteayacan I advocate for a restart?17:47
clarkbpabelanger: relocating, you can ignore those17:47
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pabelangerokay, all green now17:48
clarkbpabelanger: it does that to better balance shards across the hosts17:48
mordredclarkb: I _had_ bacon and eggs17:48
mordredclarkb: but I have now eaten them17:48
anteayaI see cluster health: green (110 of 110)17:48
pabelangerclarkb: anteaya: disabling transient allocation17:48
anteayapabelanger clarkb ack17:48
clarkbanteaya: we can restart gerrit, might be good to see if zaro has any input first though17:48
anteayaclarkb: fair enough, has anyone seen him so far today?17:49
anteayazaro: you about?17:49
clarkbI haven't seen zaro17:49
anteayaI have not either17:49
pabelangerokay, stopping es0417:50
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anteayapabelanger clarkb ack17:50
pabelangernow tarting17:50
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pabelangeres04 back online, enabling transient allocation17:51
AJaegerclarkb, anteaya, pabelanger: So, if tarballs is the proper place (and I just checked zanata docs, there's no documented way that I could find for downloading pot files), please review once gerrit works again for you.17:51
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zaroanteaya, clarkb : forgot my morning today.  catching up with discussion now17:52
pabelangerclarkb: anteaya: I see 3 yellow shards currently17:52
clarkbpabelanger: ya looks good.  iam going to go find breakfast now that I thoguht about bacon and eggs17:53
clarkbwill keep an eye on irc17:53
pabelangerclarkb: ack17:53
anteayaclarkb: enjoy food17:53
anteayapabelanger: yay fast reallocation17:53
zaroclarkb: did we do anything yet?17:53
anteayazaro: yes we are interested in your thoughts on gerrit17:53
HenryGHi, the Neutron unit test jobs are sometimes getting eventlet dependency failures and I can't figure out why.17:53
zaroanteaya: is it slow for others?17:53
anteayazaro: just looked at the memory usage17:53
anteayazaro: yes17:54
anteayazaro: I looked at clarkb looked at java melody17:54
anteayazaro: also 502 errors again17:54
anteayahey HenryG17:55
HenryGHello there anteaya17:55
anteayaHenryG: I'm trying to recall the last time we had an evenlet version issue question17:55
anteayamy mind is foggy on this17:55
anteayait may have come up during summit?17:55
anteayaI can't recall who had the issue or what the fix was17:56
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anteayaHenryG: I feel that is less than helpful for your needs17:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add tarball jobs to puppet-tripleo
HenryGanteaya: I did a codesearch for eventlet===0.19.0 and got nothing, so I don't know where that upperconstraint is coming from.17:56
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anteayayeah that whole topic is voodoo to me17:57
anteayaI don't know what to suggest17:57
anteayanot very helpful17:57
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zaroanteaya, clarkb : i remember there was a bug on a query that would make gerrit slow.  maybe we should look to see if that's the issue first17:58
anteayazaro: sounds fine to me, are you able to take care of that investigation?17:58
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zaroanteaya: no, would require admin to look at connections i think18:00
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zaroclarkb: maybe look for this,
anteayathanks he is having breakfast now18:01
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Allow the creation of private stories
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mgagneHenryG: it's coming from this dependent change: (Depends-On: Icd3c2d243424e4396218ff43b857c8d7e4bf6f75)18:01
anteayapabelanger: two yellow shards both of which are increasing in size18:03
pabelangeranteaya: ack18:03
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HenryGmgagne: thanks. I guess we will be getting a few hits until that goes all green?18:04
mgagneHenryG: I just happened to read backlog, I'm not sure about the specific of your issue or the underlying issue18:05
pabelangeranteaya: clarkb: green now18:06
anteayapabelanger clarkb yay18:06
clarkbcool, on to 3 now18:06
pabelangerallocation disabled18:07
pabelangerstopping es0318:07
pabelangernow starting18:08
pabelangeres03 back online18:09
anteayathat is a pretty purple18:09
pabelangerenabling transient allocation now18:09
pabelangerokay, I only see 1 yellow shard now18:10
anteayaI have one yellow one purple18:10
pabelangerwoah, green18:11
pabelangerthat was fast18:11
anteayayay fast18:11
pabelangerokay, moving to es0218:11
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pabelangerclarkb: anteaya ^18:11
pabelangertransient allocation disabled18:11
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pabelangerstopping elastic search18:12
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pabelangerstarting now18:12
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anteayaI can't get elasticsearch-head to connect18:12
clarkbanteaya: 02 is the one behind the proxy18:13
pabelangeres02 online now18:13
anteayaI'm dark then18:13
pabelangerenabling transient allocation again18:13
pabelangerelasticsearch-head back online for me now18:13
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anteayaelasticsearch-head is also back online for me too18:15
dlundquistI'm experiencing some strangeness with my gerrit account: I doesn't show all my patches as my own -- patches to openstack/neutron-lib do not appear on my dashboard, and I can't abandon them18:15
anteayatwo purple one yellow shards18:15
anteayadlundquist: well for starters gerrit is a bit slow at the moment due to memory issues18:15
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dlundquistanteaya: I noticed this first last week at the summit18:16
anteayaso it is possible that right this minute that may be the source of the issue18:16
anteayadlundquist: ah thank you that helps18:16
pabelangerclarkb: anteaya: I am showing a green cluster now18:16
clarkball done then ty ty18:16
anteayapabelanger clarkb green, yay18:16
anteayaclarkb: woot, thanks for teaching us18:16
AJaegerdlundquist: please show a change that works and one that doesn't18:16
anteayadlundquist: I'm guessing you have managed to give yourself two gerrit accounts18:16
pabelangerYa, interesting watching elasticsearch do its thing18:16
anteayadlundquist: if so, a gerrit admin will need to search the db and see what is happening18:17
dlundquist <- Bad, <- Good18:17
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anteayayup there are two Dustin Lunquists in the gerrit db18:18
anteayaboth have the same email address18:18
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AJaegerone has username dustin.lundquist (good one), the other dlundquist (bad one)18:19
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dlundquistAJaeger: How difficult is it to merge them?18:20
fungiwow. 400 lines over lunch? that's a lot of scrollback for the week after the summit...18:20
AJaegerdlundquist: for me impossible ;) You need an infra-root, not sure how easy that is...18:21
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Calculate deployment times for the Heat resources
pabelangerAJaeger: dlundquist: I am not sure how to do that currently18:21
clarkbwe dont actuallyerge them18:22
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clarkb*merge them18:22
clarkbwe disable one account and set its openid as valid on the other18:22
clarkbso step one is identify which of the two accounts you want to use going forward18:22
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clarkbpabelanger: it unfortunately involves live db edit to the account_external_ids table18:23
dlundquistI would prefer to use dlundquist for consistency -- will I be the owner of all my reviews18:23
clarkbdlundquist: no we wont update all of the changes18:24
clarkbthis is more of a fix it for the future than a fix all the things18:24
clarkbpabelanger: so I hate doing it:)18:24
dlundquistso on my end I need to fix the username in my git remotes, anything else?18:25
pabelangerclarkb: same :)18:25
clarkbanteaya do you have the account id numbers?18:25
anteayaclarkb: I do not18:25
clarkbdlundquist: thats about it, but also stop making new accounts18:25
anteayalet me see if I can get them18:25
dlundquistclarkb: now I know, thank you18:25
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anteayagerrit ids 11255 and 10558:
anteayaclarkb pabelanger ^^18:27
clarkb10558 is the one we want to keep18:28
anteayaI concur18:28
pabelangerlet me see about getting some SQL syntax going18:29
pabelangerwill update with pastebine18:29
anteayapabelanger: good plan18:29
clarkbpabelanger: careful the user passwords go in that table too18:29
clarkbpabelanger: so you may need to remove some rows18:30
anteayapabelanger: also since this involved editing the db, you always have the option to say not now if you can't give it 100% focus18:30
pabelangerclarkb: okay, looking for documentation first18:30
clarkboh I don't think any of this is documented18:30
pabelangeranteaya: right, won't be doing anything until everybody agrees18:30
clarkbbut maybe I am wrong18:30
anteayapabelanger: sounds like a great approach18:31
anteayaclarkb: I don't know of any documentation18:31
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Retire operations-guide and ha-guide (1/2)
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Retire operations-guide and ha-guide (1/2)
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clarkbI don't think this is a use case that upstream has ever really considered18:31
pabelangerI see:
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clarkbpabelanger: ya thats something we don't like doing (it even says so there)18:32
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anteayapabelanger: look at that18:32
clarkbin this case if you select * from account_external_ids where account_id = 10558; and query for the other id you will see that there are two openids18:33
clarkband a non overlapping set of emails18:33
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* AJaeger cannot count to 2 - just send two patches number 1 of 2 ;(18:33
anteayaAJaeger: ha ha ha18:33
anteayaAJaeger: I have a story18:33
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Retire operations-guide and ha-guide (2/2)
clarkbpabelanger: what we want to do is set the openid for the second account to be valid for the first, then gerrit set-account --inactive 1125518:34
anteayaso long ago I was a camera assistant in film18:34
AJaegeranteaya: at least I double checked ;)18:34
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anteayaand part of our job was to ensure we tracked all the equipment18:34
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anteayaoften we would rent an extra camera package for a day, about 25 separate cases18:34
anteayaand then have to send them all back to the rental house at the end of the day18:35
clarkbpabelanger: fungi is a good one to weigh in on unraveling the openids as he has plenty of experience, I am not sure if the email on the openid row has to match the primary email or what18:35
anteayaeach case had to have a label: 1 of 25, 2 of 25 etc18:35
AJaegerfungi: Yes, I'll get the bonus points ;)18:35
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anteayalegend has it a new trainee was being irrattting to his team so they told him to label the cases and went and had a beer18:36
anteayaafter 90 minutes he announced he had finished18:36
AJaegerany other project-config core to review my translation publishing change? I'll work now on the followup to not propose pot files...
anteayahe had labeled all 25 cases, 1 of 2518:36
anteayaha ha ha18:36
dimsanteaya : LOL18:36
AJaegerWow! That's worth than me...18:36
pabelangerclarkb: sure, will hold off until fungi responds18:36
anteayadims: ha ha ha18:36
clarkbzaro: I am not sure how I can check if other people are running that query18:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove infracloud from ansible inventory
anteayaAJaeger: figured you'd like that18:37
fungiclarkb: pabelanger: yeah, the various db queries in that document are risky. they get exercised less frequently than we upgrade gerrit, so schema changes may render some of it moot or even dangerous18:37
clarkbzaro: gerrit doesnt let us list all of the running queries as far as I know. But the slowness is related to memory use and garbage collecting18:37
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pabelangerfungi: how do you suggest we proceed with dlundquist18:38
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fungipabelanger: these days i basically sql update the account_id in account_external_ids for the "wrong" openid url to be whatever the "right" openid url is (so that they can authenticate with either openid and get to the same gerrit account) and then use the gerrit api to set the "wrong" account --inactive via the gerrit ssh api, and then tell gerrit to flush all its caches18:40
fungier, sql update the account_id in account_external_ids for the "wrong" openid url to be the same as the account_id from the "right" openid url18:41
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fungiso something like "update from account_external_ids set account_id=<good account id number> where external_id=<bad id's url>;18:42
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fungiafaict everything associated with the "bad" id is ignored once that account is set --inactive18:43
fungiyep, clarkb sqlizes superiorly18:44
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* fungi is a poor excuse for a dba18:44
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pabelangerfungi: do you mind doing it this time? And posting your steps?18:45
fungipabelanger: sure18:45
fungijust a sec18:45
mgagne ?18:45
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anteayamgagne: yeah pabelanger linked that above18:45
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anteayawe were commenting on the bit that says infra doesn't like doing this18:46
pabelangeranteaya: did you get a chance to load 313064 for review?18:46
fungimgagne: assumed incomplete/incorrect, probably last tested under gerrit 2.8 or maybe even 2.418:46
anteayapabelanger: I can't remember, I'll check again18:46
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mgagnewill be careful when using those steps on my side :O18:46
fungimgagne: nowadays we mostly just burn the old account down and assume it's gone18:46
anteayapabelanger: I had +A'd and it had gotten stuck18:46
anteayapabelanger: hopefully it is on its way now18:47
fungimgagne: this is probably something that would make a good upstream feature request, and none of us has likely thought to file it18:47
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding tempest-horizon repo and job
pabelangeranteaya: great, thanks18:47
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fungimgagne: mostly gerrit treats openid accounts as an afterthought though, so they likely don't even know this is suboptimal18:48
mgagnenot much progress since 2010-201318:48
jlvillalGetting 502 proxy error from Gerrit. Not sure if known issue.18:48
anteayapabelanger: welcome, thanks for the reminder, the comment window was stuck open in my browser18:48
* jlvillal just got back from lunch18:48
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anteayajlvillal: yes thank you18:48
clarkbjlvillal: ya it has run out of memory again /me is waiting for zaro to get back to on our latest query18:48
fungipabelanger: ssh review.openstack.org18:49
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fungisudo -H mysql18:49
clarkbzaro: so ya I don't know how to check if that type of query is affecting us18:49
andreafhi - small project-config review please, adding tempest test with ssh enabled to periodic:
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fungipabelanger: use reviewdb;18:52
fungiupdate account_external_ids set account_id=10558 where account_id=11255 and external_id like "";18:52
fungissh -p 29418 gerrit set-account --inactive 1125518:53
fungissh -p 29418 gerrit flush-caches18:53
fungipabelanger: that's all done (cache flushing is in progress now)18:54
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pabelangerfungi: great, thanks18:55
fungiso much slow gerrit18:55
anteayaso much18:56
clarkbya I can't find a way to check on the thing zaro mentioned18:56
clarkbwe proably ashould just restart it18:56
anteaya+1 restart18:56
fungidlundquist: if you were previously seeing an account id of 11255 at then you should log out and back in and it will now be the older 10558 account18:56
nibalizer+1 reboat18:56
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fungiwe're going to need a bigger reboat18:57
fungiflush-caches is _still_ underway18:58
dlundquistfungi: thank you, I'm logging in as 10558 now18:58
fungifinally completed18:58
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Do not store source translation files in git
anteayawho wants to restart?18:59
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zaroclarkb: does show connections show it?18:59
clarkbzaro: I don't think so but I can double check19:00
clarkbzaro: because most queries will be via http19:00
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zaroclarkb: i think we saw that query coming from 3rd party ci in the past19:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental ubuntu-precise infra jobs
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clarkbsession start idle user host19:01
clarkbthose are teh columns19:01
zaroclarkb: it was from either REST or ssh19:02
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anteayazaro: I don't know that it was a third party ci19:03
AJaegeranteaya, clarkb, pabelanger: Could either of you review the translation pot publishing change , please?19:03
clarkbzaro: show-conncetions is ssh19:04
clarkbbut it doens't show you what command or query is being run19:04
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clarkbanyways I thin kwe should restart gerrit now. I don't see a way to interrogate gerrit for this info19:04
anteayaAJaeger: 309560 +A19:05
anteayaclarkb: ++ restart19:05
anteayabig boats19:05
anteayawhatever it takes19:05
clarkbfungi: nibalizer pabelanger as the other active roots what say you?19:06
AJaegerthanks, anteaya19:06
anteayaAJaeger: welcome19:06
fungitear it all down19:06
anteayafungi: that's the spirit19:06
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zaroclarkb: how about close connections to see if that fixes it?19:06
clarkbzaro: there are several hundred19:07
clarkbI wouldn't know where to start19:07
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zaroclarkb: close all?19:07
clarkbzaro: but I don't think this is the issue, the issue is we have no memory and spend a ton of time garbage collecting19:07
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nibalizerclarkb: i already +1'd restarting19:08
nibalizeri said reboat though19:08
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nibalizerbecuase I have to add my little flavoring to everything... it a problem19:08
fungiyeah, it seems unlikely that _running_ queries would impact gc workload19:08
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fungimaybe completed queries would contribute to it?19:09
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zaroclarkb: are we sure gc is running now?19:09
clarkbzaro: according to melody yes19:09
clarkbzaro: its the same symptoms as before we upgraded the host19:09
zarook, i thought connections is contributing to the problem19:09
fungijust less often because now it takes more time to fill all our memory19:09
clarkbmy initial reaction is that gerrit has a rather unfortunate memory leak somewhere19:10
anteayaclarkb: I'll jump on that wagon19:10
fungiand is relying on periodic garbage collection in the vm to chip away at it19:10
zaroargh! maybe it's version we are using.  i've not seen anybody else report memory leaks on 2.1119:10
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anteayazaro: the version of what? the jvm version?19:11
fungipresumably gerrit version19:11
zarothe version of gerrit, or fork of gerrit19:11
fungiwe could try re-syncing to latest 2.11.x19:12
zarolatest 2.11 is something like 2.11.8 now19:12
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anteayafungi: what would that entail?19:12
fungichangelog for newer 2.11 mentions memory leak fixes? or just guessing they might have accidentally fixed some?19:12
fungianteaya: fast-forward our openstack/2.11 branch and reapply any outstanding backports we're maintaining19:13
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anteayaI'm guessing maintenance window, db backups etc as well?19:13
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fungianteaya: we could do db backups, but mostly i think it's just a gerrit restart. presumably we wouldn't need an offline reindex to go between 2.11.x versions19:14
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zaroreindex not required19:14
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anteayaso restart today, propose the patch for the update and schedule a time for the restart to fast-forward?19:15
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fungithat's a possibility. still feels like a punt though... we don't know why it's leaking uncollected allocations, and so we don't have any context to suggest it's fixed in a later 2.11 point release19:16
zaroquick review of release notes doesn't seem to indicate any fixes for memory leaks19:16
zaroit could be that we have configured gerrit in a way to expose a leak which other places have not19:17
fungire-syncing with upstream is still not a terrible suggestion, because it's hygienically good to do periodically anyway19:17
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/bindep: [WIP] Add ubuntu-precise support
clarkband we need that patch to alway emit data in events19:18
fungii just wouldn't put a lot of hope in it solving this issue19:18
clarkbok who is restarting gerrit? Should I do it now?19:18
clarkbsomeone else want todo it?19:18
anteayaclarkb: yes please19:18
fungii can19:18
zaroon a side note, just noticed that SAP moved to 2.12 and had lots of issues.19:18
anteayafungi: yes please19:18
clarkbfungi: why don't you do it so I can continue to rest and not worry too much about computers19:19
anteayazaro: is there a list of the issues?19:19
anteayaclarkb: yes rest19:19
fungi#status notice Gerrit is restarting to address performance issues related to a suspected memory leak19:19
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice19:19
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is restarting to address performance issues related to a suspected memory leak19:21
anteayazaro: thank you19:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Translations: Publish pot files to tarballs.o.o
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice19:22
anteayazaro: wow19:23
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AJaegerteam, I fear we have to revert - the display of jobs (sucess/fails) is now completely broken ;(19:25
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anteayaindexing continues to be unhappy making19:25
AJaegercould you double check, please?19:25
anteayaAJaeger: can you offer the revert?19:25
* AJaeger does not see Success / Fail anymore.19:25
AJaegeranteaya: on my way...19:25
anteayaAJaeger: thanks19:25
anteayaAJaeger: also have you a recent example patch that shows the new behaviour?19:26
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fungianteaya: just force reload gerrit19:26
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Fix URL detection in testresult match"
fungiAJaeger: approving now and will restart again as soon as it propagates19:26
AJaegeranteaya: take any and force reload ;(19:26
AJaegerthanks, fungi. So, back to drawing board - ianw, can you try again, please?19:27
* zaro afk for about 1.5 hrs19:27
anteayazaro: ack thank you19:27
anteayaAJaeger: fungi thank you19:27
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pabelangerfungi: clarkb are we interested in standing up ubuntu precise deb mirror for our dib, or simply skipping precise in nodepool/scripts/
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clarkbpabelanger: skip precise, it is going away soon anyways19:29
clarkband we never had a mirror for it19:29
pabelangerI am cool with that19:29
fungiyeah, seems like excess work for little gain19:29
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Don't configure deb mirrors for ubuntu-precise
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Get translation jobs into healthcheck
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: ^19:33
anteaya<-- afk for a bit19:34
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EmilienMpabelanger: do you know why only lint job ran on ?19:50
EmilienMis it because we restarted something or?19:50
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pabelangerEmilienM: I think something is broken? cc AJaeger19:50
pabelangerEmilienM: look in comments19:51
EmilienMI did recheck, it looks ok19:52
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fungiEmilienM: click "toggle ci" and then expand the comment left by jenkins19:54
fungigate-puppet-openstack-integration-3-scenario003-tempest-centos-7 FAILUREin 19m 41s19:54
EmilienMmhh ok I was wondering why the jobs report was different19:54
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fungiEmilienM: once merges and propagates i'll restart gerrit again and get it back to normal19:55
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add tinycorelinux element
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Split pip out of pip-and-virtualenv
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AJaegerand that change just had several timeouts ;(19:59
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
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sdaguefungi: something seems odd in the way jobs are reporting to gerrit20:03
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sdaguelike a format break20:03
sdague last Jenkins is a good example20:03
fungisdague: is a revert for that20:03
fungias soon as it propagates i'll restart gerrit again20:03
AJaegersdague: so, thanks for reporting, should be fixed again soonish20:04
sdagueah, yeh, .+ is never a good idea20:04
* fungi debates sending a status notice about it now that several people have asked20:04
pabelangerclarkb: managed to get tripleo-ci working on our centos-7 dib. Pretty happy about that20:04
pabelangerclarkb: a little more testing, then we should be able to retire the fedora-22 snapshot build20:04
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AJaegerfungi, I'm in favour of status notice20:07
fungii was hoping to just send one more on the next restart but didn't anticipate jobs to have to be retriggered20:07
AJaegeryeah ;(20:07
fungithough we're 2 minutes from gating at this point, so i'll hold off20:07
fungialmost in the clear20:08
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AJaegerpassed check queue...20:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: NPM Jobs now run on Xenial
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AJaegerIs puppet stuck somehow? hasn't been updated for 63 mins - and I'm eager to see pot uploads to tarball ;)20:12
fungichances are ansible is hung again20:12
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pabelangernope, it is still running20:15
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pabelangerI've been tailing logs for a while20:15
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AJaegerthat's long and strange - the run times are irregular: 8:08;8:38;8:53;9:08 - and now 70 mins nothing..20:18
AJaeger(that's local time)20:18
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: Delete the overcloud when finished
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Test overcloud deletion in periodic job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Fix URL detection in testresult match"
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental centos-7 jobs to check-tripleo-jobs
AJaegerfungi: gerrit change merged ^20:20
rcarrillocruzclarkb, pabelanger : i'd appreciate if you could give some love to
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fungiAJaeger: thanks. i think now it should be safe enough for me to hand-patch on the server and restart it since puppet won't re-restart if it flip-flops a couple times20:23
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
AJaegeryeah, puppet finished on proposal slave20:25
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fungi#status notice Gerrit is restarting to revert incorrect changes to test result displays20:28
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice20:28
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samueldmqoops, was about to report 503 from gerrit (cc fungi)20:28
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
fungiEmilienM: sdague: AJaeger: should be all fixed now20:29
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is restarting to revert incorrect changes to test result displays20:29
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: Ya, I should have some time tomorrow morning to dive into it.  Going to try setting up devstack to use it20:29
EmilienMfungi: ack20:29
AJaegerthanks, fungi!20:29
fungiAJaeger: thanks for spotting/reverting20:29
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* AJaeger pushed that change and was eager to have it ;(20:30
fungiwell, at least we know now what _not_ to do in that regex, so maybe the next try will be better. we could also test it out on review-dev for added safety20:30
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice20:30
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: stop puppet-unit 3.3 and 3.4 jobs starting from newton
EmilienMnibalizer: also need your eyes on ^20:34
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AJaegeryeah, pot files are uploaded :
AJaegerbut missing the version ;(20:39
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Calculate deployment times for the Heat resources
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix publishing location for translations
AJaegeranteaya, fungi: My latest change published to wrong location, could you review the above and merge soon if you have time, please?20:48
AJaegerproject-config cores - reviews are welcome ^ Thanks!20:49
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anteayaAJaeger: +220:50
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fungiAJaeger: with keep-heirarchy: true that's going to create tarballs/translation-source/**/*.pot not tarballs/**/*.pot right?20:54
fungilooks like that's what's intended though20:55
fungii should have looked at the script changes first20:55
AJaegerfungi, yes, that's what I want. right now it publishes to - without the version in it.20:56
AJaegerAnd I want*.pot20:56
fungiyeah, makes sense. thanks!20:56
AJaegerso, expect that it now does the right thing.20:56
AJaegerThanks, fungi!20:56
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* AJaeger will check results tomorrow and waves good-bye21:04
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anteayaAJaeger: good night!21:08
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix publishing location for translations
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lifelessbunting: clarkb: whats up?21:11
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fungilifeless: easy bindep review if i can get a +2 from someone i'll go ahead and tag 1.0.0 after that lands21:13
clarkblifeless magnumclient change ti use constraints fails on the you cant use file or url paths21:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: retire puppet-unit-{node} jobs
lifelessfungi: is 3 tested?21:14
lifelessfungi: I'm fairly sure I made sure all the deps were 3 ready...21:14
fungilifeless: nope, ~lhf task would be converting from mox to mock for tests21:14
lifelessoh hullnuts21:15
fungibindep in theory works on py3k, but tests do not21:15
lifeless+2 anyhow21:15
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fungii'm happy to add 3.x classifiers later if we can get to a point where tests succeed under it21:15
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fungii started trying to convert the existing tests to mock, but did not get far what with other distractions21:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/bindep: Update PyPI trove classifiers preparing for 1.0.0
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pabelangerfungi: do you have a moment to review: that's to disable the deb mirrors for ubuntu-precise21:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Don't configure deb mirrors for ubuntu-precise
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding tempest-horizon repo and job
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pabelangerI think bluebox is out of FIPs, is there a new way to clean them up>22:08
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pabelangerusing the method I know how too :)22:10
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pabelangerokay, bluebox happy again:
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:23
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental-project-config-layout for ubuntu-precise
pabelangerianw: should be an easy review ^22:49
pabelangerand our last job to test before removing bare-precise from the gate22:50
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pabelangeralso, pretty happy with ubuntu-precise so far. should be able to move some tests around tomorrow to start using it22:54
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Initial support for centos-7 jenkins slave
pabelangerand tripleo-ci is working under centos-7 ^22:55
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rm_workHey, maybe not the right room, but -- I've heard that PBR doesn't allow building two different packages/eggs from the same repo? Anyone that can shed a little more light on that (or provide some useful reading)?23:06
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anteayarm_work: you are probably going to want mordred or lifeless for the answer to that one23:08
fungirm_work: technically #openstack-oslo i think, but lots of the pbr authors hang out in here too23:09
fungirm_work: i don't know of any examples of doing that, but i also don't know that it's impossible23:09
rm_workyeah, I find that most of the useful people I want to talk to hang out in here as well as wherever else :P23:09
rm_work(or just live here to begin with...)23:10
fungiinfra is the new catch-all channel23:10
rm_workheh, I know I tend to treat it that way >_> (sorry if that's annoying)23:10
anteayaI don't even notice anymore23:11
rm_workmaybe if you weren't so knowledgable <_<23:11
anteayahere is a video of the two folks chairing the scientific working group
docaedoI does make sense - the infra team is the glue that holds this whole crazy mess together you know23:11
anteayarm_work: oh I don't know anything23:11
anteayarm_work: I just know who does23:11
rm_workWTB #openstack-directory-services23:12
anteayadocaedo: would explain the speed with which I find I can get anything done23:12
anteayaglue feet23:12
docaedoanteaya: hahaha23:12
rm_workalright, I guess mordred / lifeless, if you could hit me up when you're around, I have some questions -- we're trying to split out our agent code (which needs to run on a minimal VM) from our main codebase, and I'm not sure PBR will allow us to do that and keep it in the same repo :/23:14
rm_work^^ this is for Octavia23:14
fungirm_work: seems like it would be easy enough to test. the main place i would expect it to fall apart is if pbr looks in the root of the git work tree for configuration23:16
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rm_workwell I'm reading the docs and it's not clear that there's a way to tell it in one config file to make two differently named eggs23:17
rm_workso that's where I'm stuck -- looks like it's kinda designed to assume it's building one package23:17
rm_workand that lines up with what i've been told anecdotally23:17
fungiahh, i was wondering if putting them in different subtrees of the repo would work23:17
rm_workI guess we could literally move EVERYTHING one layer deeper23:18
fungibut i know we've been generally pretty consistent about pushing the one repo one package paradigm because even if you got pbr doing it, the rest of our build and publication pipeline assumes it too23:18
rm_workbut I think that would break everything about how devstack works23:19
rm_workthat's what I was thinking23:19
rm_workmost everything else assumes it'll find things in a specific way inside the repo23:19
rm_workwhether PBR supports it somehow or not, we may just have to split into a second repo :/23:19
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rm_workopenstack/octavia and openstack/octavia-agent maybe23:19
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fungithat's similar to what trove and ironic do23:20
rm_workbut there's a ton of overhead around that :(23:20
rm_workah, so there's precedent there?23:20
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fungialso if you're trying to have two projects in one git repo but use tag-based release workflows, you're relegated to releasing all of the repo in lockstep. you can't tag "part" of a repo23:21
rm_workwell, they do need to be released in lockstep anyway23:21
rm_workthey're very tightly coupled23:21
rm_workso that'd almost be better23:21
fungihow big are they if packaged together?23:21
rm_workwaaaay too big23:21
rm_workso, the fedora image we use as a base seems to be about 220mb23:22
fungia counterexample is zuul, which includes several daemons and client tools all in one git repo/python package23:22
rm_workbuilding including our venv, we run out of space if we do less than a 2GB image with DIB23:22
fungiahh, so maybe packaging them together is not a good model ;)23:22
rm_worklooking at just the prereqs, it is more files than the size of the entire base image, lol23:23
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clarkbthats bigger than our images if your remove our caches23:23
rm_workI am also looking at options involving building a movable venv on the devstack host and then just copying it onto the image, but that gets a little messy and is STILL way bigger than we need23:23
rm_work(right now we build the agent, and thus the rest of our project, ON the VM image with DIB)23:24
rm_workthe agent and its prereqs should be basically nothing23:24
rm_workmaybe we can somehow do a custom build for the agent and not rely on PBR23:25
rm_workand let PBR continue to build the main project as normal23:25
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clarkbin the case of zuul we just install all of zuul its not that big23:26
anteayajust found the intel keynote thing:
anteayaall I can say is wow23:28
rm_workI'm going to look into that -- we don't really need the agent built automatically by PBR, we'll build it ourself via our devstack scripts (and deployers via the CLI tools we provide), so it might be fine to just use a separate build system for it23:28
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Update the cistatus report
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EmilienMfungi: if you have time this week, can we approve please ?23:35
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lifelessrm_work: pbr will not allow you tod o that23:37
rm_workok, that's what I thought23:37
rm_workI think I have a line on a good alternative23:37
rm_workthanks for the confirmation lifeless!23:37
lifelessrm_work: I'm not for or against pbr allowing folk to do that; its a design angle already present when I started hacking on pbr23:37
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rm_workyeah no worries23:38
lifelessrm_work: but at least to date, -infra has been organised around one-repo-one-artifact23:38
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lifelessand pbr is a 1:1 with that23:38
rm_workjust needed to cross off my list "verify PBR can't do this" before I looked at alternatives, due diligence and all23:38
rm_workthere are alternatives, but I try to figure out what the "right way" is before I start hacking something together :P23:39
rm_work"right way" ~= "openstack way"23:39
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kjorgensenHi folks, I am trying to set up zuul at my organization, but I'm having trouble with the gearman jenkins plugin (I think). The connection with our gerrit server seems to be ok, and my test patches are triggering events, but then when zuul launches the job it gets stuck in the queue for my jenkins job.23:48
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kjorgensenfor example, when I check the 'status' in the gearman server I see something like this23:48
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kjorgensenany suggestions on where to look for debugging this issue?23:49
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anteayakjorgensen: have you any logs and if yes can you put information in a paste service?23:49
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kjorgensenyes maybe, which logs?23:50
anteayalets see what zuul thinks is happening23:51
anteayathat is often a good place to begin23:51
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kjorgensenok here is a snippet from /var/log/zuul/zuul.log
anteayaokay so the last line is 2016-05-05 23:15:36,283 INFO zuul.Gerrit: Updating information for 25194,2423:56
anteayadid a comment get added to change 25194 patchset 24 at that timestamp?23:56
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anteayawhat was the content of the comment?23:57

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