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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Revert per-resource dogpile.cache work https://review.openstack.org/362901 | 00:04 |
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ianw | I've declared bankruptcy on scrollback today, so not sure I'm much help :) | 00:08 |
clarkb | ianw: uh tl;dr is funny networking in rackspace to the git mirror. Lots of connections being killed under haproxy both on the front and backends. So I filed a ticket after much debugging | 00:09 |
clarkb | ianw: networking-vpp clogged up the tubes again and has been asked to wait until dhellmann is done with release things before continuing | 00:09 |
ianw | clarkb: ahh, so that was the issue. jhesketh and I were looking yesterday afternoon, that weird situation where nothing seems to be wrong but something is :) | 00:10 |
clarkb | ianw: osic-cloud8 has a weird floating ip setup for our mirror so to start we are just going to use the mirror in cloud1 (by creating dns records for cloud8 that point at cloud1) | 00:10 |
clarkb | ianw: ya its a fun one whatever it is | 00:10 |
clarkb | nodepool is now running the shade fixes for dual stack networking | 00:10 |
jhesketh | clarkb: good to know, thanks for digging :-) | 00:11 |
clarkb | and we have enabled infracloud and internap mtl01 | 00:11 |
clarkb | I think at least some of these things got status logged | 00:11 |
clarkb | I am going to restart the nodepool builder now so that it can learn how to talk to osic-cloud8 and upload images there | 00:12 |
ianw | clarkb: cool, thanks for the update :) | 00:14 |
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clarkb | cloud8 is still set to max servers 0 so should just upload images then idle | 00:18 |
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ianw | clarkb: btw you were right about growroot on f24 -> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1371761 : return status of sfdisk changed | 00:27 |
openstack | bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1371761 in util-linux "sfdisk return code breaks growpart" [Unspecified,Post] - Assigned to kzak | 00:27 |
bkero | ianw: i filed a bug/ml post on util-linux like a year ago for that | 00:28 |
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bkero | That didn't get fixed in the release? *sigh* | 00:28 |
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ianw | bkero: not sure if it's the same issue? this one went in https://git.kernel.org/cgit/utils/util-linux/util-linux.git/commit/disk-utils/sfdisk.c?id=14f644f386a1708483ed446e983c0976e3976a9d | 00:30 |
ianw | i'm really not sure how we're the only people who noticed | 00:30 |
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bkero | There's probably a kludge in libguestfs that works around this | 00:31 |
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clarkb | ianw: it seems like we have a fairly consistent set of failure modes now. init + cloud-init/glean fail to network, growroot fails to growroot, random new firewall software ignores the rules I tell it, new package manager is cranky | 00:31 |
clarkb | rinse and repeat :) | 00:31 |
bkero | Looks to be an adjacent issue. Mine was that the ioctl for sfdisk was failing because loopback device | 00:31 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Log gear at debug level on nodepoold https://review.openstack.org/362455 | 00:32 |
ianw | clarkb: yeah. on my todo list is to check that growroot worked in our setup scripts. the problem was that RAX worked, as there was just enough space. and when i was running experimental with just one node, i didn't get out to other providers | 00:32 |
ianw | but once things started getting heterogeneous ... | 00:33 |
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ianw | but, pabelanger we should still see why out-of-disk lead ansible to hang around for it's full 3 hour timeout | 00:34 |
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clarkb | ianw: if I am going to guess its doing a write that blocks despite not enough disk and just never returns? | 00:35 |
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clarkb | hrm though that should ENOSPC | 00:35 |
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ianw | clarkb: it was something slightly weirder in that console.html showed everything finishing up, but there was an ansible copy process that got stuck. i'll have to dig out the logs, i should make a note for posterity | 00:37 |
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ianw | ahh, looking at the logs, it's zuul_runner that's behaving odd in this case. that makes more sense, being our custom bit | 00:42 |
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pabelanger | ianw: ya, I haven't had a chance to dig into fedora24 yet | 00:44 |
pabelanger | clarkb: cool, osic-cloud8 images already uploaded. We can work on launching servers tomorrow | 00:46 |
ianw | pabelanger: so i remember later -> http://paste.openstack.org/show/565462/ . maybe something in the bg causing ssh exit to hang? | 00:46 |
pabelanger | ianw: is it possible git clone is failing? | 00:47 |
pabelanger | ianw: because we had the same issue today in tripleo-test-cloud-rh1 | 00:47 |
pabelanger | ianw: not failing, hanging | 00:47 |
ianw | pabelanger: possibly ... http://logs.openstack.org/12/363212/1/check/gate-tempest-dsvm-platform-fedora24-nv/fc07025/logs/ the workspace-setup-new is 0 bytes. i'm guessing that means whatever output never got flushed to it, rather than it never ran | 00:48 |
ianw | so what's acutally going on ... shrug? | 00:48 |
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pabelanger | ianw: also, I don't think it is an SSH issue, because ansible async will poll the server every 10 seconds, and usually ansible will bark is SSH connection fails | 00:49 |
pabelanger | ianw: ya, this looks like what I seen in tripleo-test-cloud-rh1 today, if you get into that node, I suspect you'll see hung git clone process | 00:50 |
pabelanger | from devstack-gate | 00:50 |
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ianw | mtreinish: if around, have some questions on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/234447/ | 01:01 |
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ianw | particularly what devstack.subunit it's trying to pick up | 01:02 |
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openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Disable rax-iad due to launch failure rate"" https://review.openstack.org/364012 | 01:16 |
pabelanger | ianw: ^if you don't mind a +A, I forgot to disable that earlier today. Were still having issues in rax-iad | 01:17 |
pabelanger | I was able to reproduce the issue manually, so we can keep the region offline until we know the fix | 01:18 |
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ianw | pabelanger: LGTM | 01:18 |
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pabelanger | ianw: thanks | 01:20 |
ianw | who is responsible for stackviz? | 01:20 |
pabelanger | ianw: I think timothyb89 | 01:26 |
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ianw | pabelanger / timothyb89: cool ... well i'm not sure what it thinks it's doing during grenade runs, but i'm pretty sure it's not doing it | 01:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Disable rax-iad due to launch failure rate"" https://review.openstack.org/364012 | 01:36 |
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timothyb89 | ianw: what's the issue? | 02:17 |
ianw | timothyb89: have a look at 2016-08-31 07:32:32.699 in http://logs.openstack.org/26/363326/3/check/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-ubuntu-trusty/05856df/logs/devstack-gate-cleanup-host.txt | 02:17 |
ianw | timothyb: i'm working on a refactor of bits of this anyway, it's incredibly hard to understand IMO | 02:18 |
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timothyb89 | ianw: ah, hmm. I thought I had the paths for grenade set correctly but I guess not :) | 02:20 |
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timothyb89 | ianw: I'll make sure to take a look at the devstack-gate bits when I'm back in the office tomorrow | 02:21 |
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openstackgerrit | Changcheng Intel proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: update base_email_ext to adapt Email-ext plugin https://review.openstack.org/355139 | 02:30 |
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amrith | did something just hiccup in zuul? | 03:32 |
amrith | I had a recheck running on a review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363654/ | 03:32 |
amrith | and it seems to have vanished without a trace | 03:32 |
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clarkb | its there... the recheck was after you asked? | 03:34 |
clarkb | I am confused | 03:34 |
clarkb | the reverify 3.5 hours ago reported. then you just rechecked and its queued | 03:35 |
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clarkb | from ehat I can see its all working as expected | 03:35 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix devstack subunit output https://review.openstack.org/364045 | 03:35 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] Refactor devstack log copying https://review.openstack.org/364046 | 03:35 |
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ianw | timothyb89: ^ i'm thinking something like this. rolling stackviz into the devstack processing part of 364046 would probably remove the confusion | 03:36 |
timothyb89 | ianw: oh, cool, that would be much better | 03:38 |
amrith | clarkb I see it now | 03:39 |
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amrith | after I refreshed my screen a couple of times | 03:39 |
amrith | I just requested a recheck | 03:39 |
amrith | something weird | 03:39 |
amrith | for sure | 03:39 |
amrith | petr requested the reverify at 8:06 | 03:39 |
amrith | it failed at 9:50 | 03:39 |
clarkb | and that ran and reported fine | 03:39 |
amrith | but at 11:30 I saw nothing | 03:40 |
amrith | just the previous gate | 03:40 |
clarkb | then you did a recheck and it worked fine | 03:40 |
clarkb | you didntcomment untill:33 | 03:40 |
amrith | and on zuul nothing | 03:40 |
amrith | correct | 03:40 |
amrith | I was refreshing a couple of times | 03:40 |
clarkb | yes and it was in zuul at that point | 03:40 |
amrith | on my browser | 03:40 |
clarkb | so worked fine | 03:40 |
clarkb | you were saying ut wasnt queued before you commented | 03:40 |
amrith | from about 10:30 to 11:30, I saw nothing in review.openstack.org | 03:40 |
clarkb | I think maybe you just didnt get the comment to poat in gerrit as quickly as you thought | 03:41 |
amrith | which is when I posted the question here on IRC :) | 03:41 |
amrith | well it is running again | 03:41 |
clarkb | what woukd there have been to see? | 03:41 |
amrith | that it failed at 9:50pm | 03:41 |
amrith | all I was seeing was the previous success | 03:42 |
amrith | so, check passed and it went to gate. and failed | 03:42 |
amrith | petr reverified | 03:42 |
amrith | then it failed in check | 03:42 |
amrith | that failure was at 9:50pm | 03:42 |
clarkb | yes and from what I see thats all rwcorded properly | 03:42 |
clarkb | then you rechecked and it restarted jobs like asked | 03:43 |
amrith | yes, except from about 10:30 to 11:30 I've been refreshing my screen, and checking zuul | 03:43 |
amrith | and saw nothing :) | 03:43 |
amrith | My guess is that after I posted the recheck | 03:43 |
amrith | something happened | 03:43 |
clarkb | I wasnt able to check that but when I did it worked.any chance you have a proxy being overzealous with caching? | 03:43 |
amrith | not that I know of, I'm sitting at home | 03:44 |
amrith | comcast doesn't typically cache this stuff, I don't think | 03:44 |
openstackgerrit | Changcheng Intel proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: [Don't Merge]update base_email_ext to adapt Email-ext plugin https://review.openstack.org/355139 | 03:44 |
amrith | I don't use a proxy at home for sure | 03:44 |
amrith | but, zuul appears to be quite a memory hog | 03:44 |
amrith | zuul.openstack.org, the site that is | 03:44 |
amrith | it makes firefox limp | 03:44 |
clarkb | but zuul isnt what we arw talking about we are talking about comments in gerrit | 03:45 |
amrith | viewed through a browser that maybe the culprit | 03:45 |
clarkb | and yes comcast shouldnt proxy that for you | 03:45 |
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amrith | hmmm | 03:46 |
clarkb | maybe you had toggle ci toggled? | 03:46 |
clarkb | thats actually lrobably the most likely cause | 03:46 |
amrith | toggle CI shouldn't impact the middle of the screen | 03:46 |
amrith | which shows the results | 03:47 |
amrith | it only shows the stuff in the history | 03:47 |
clarkb | that I dont kniw. its a mess of hacky js to parse the gerrit | 03:47 |
clarkb | I tend to rely in the actual comments | 03:47 |
amrith | below the CR +2's, Verified and Workflow is the jenkins check and gate output | 03:47 |
amrith | and that didn't refresh | 03:47 |
amrith | I didn't even look at the history | 03:47 |
clarkb | also if you were looking at an old patchset that also affects the table | 03:47 |
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clarkb | it wont update like you expect | 03:48 |
clarkb | iirc | 03:48 |
amrith | this section: http://picpaste.com/Capture-HJj23Ccv.JPG | 03:48 |
amrith | circled in the image | 03:49 |
amrith | oh, an f5 won't update that section? | 03:49 |
clarkb | if you are on an old patchset it gets weird I think | 03:49 |
amrith | that I did not know. maybe I should just navigate away from the review and back | 03:49 |
amrith | that could be | 03:49 |
amrith | I could, maybe have been on previous patch set | 03:50 |
clarkb | if you refresh on thr latest patchset it shoukd be fine with a hardrefresh at least | 03:50 |
amrith | don't recall | 03:50 |
amrith | good to know | 03:50 |
amrith | in future just navigate away and come back | 03:50 |
clarkb | I dont know enough about the js details to know if a soft refresh is enough | 03:50 |
amrith | it was 10:30, nothing much has worked today | 03:50 |
amrith | someone said something about mercury going retrograde and causing all the computrons to spin in the wrong direciton | 03:50 |
Srinu | hi | 03:51 |
amrith | our stable branches (both) just died inexplicably in the past couple of days; just realized it | 03:51 |
Srinu | anyone face this issue. http://paste.openstack.org/show/565606/ | 03:51 |
Srinu | please help me. | 03:51 |
amrith | but, on the plus side, the helical inclined plane worked and pulled the cork out of the bottle just fine | 03:51 |
amrith | hi Srinu | 03:51 |
Srinu | amrith: hi. did you saw my question | 03:52 |
clarkb | Srinu: that log points you at thr other log files for specificsyou will need to look at them to determine what is happening | 03:52 |
clarkb | do you have a link to the job logs? | 03:52 |
amrith | yes Srinu .. as clarkb says, the error messages are pointing you to the right log file | 03:52 |
amrith | what's the review #? | 03:52 |
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amrith | did he go away? | 03:53 |
Srinu | clarkb,amrith: while the running the block storage tests cases it is killed and then copying logs | 03:54 |
amrith | was this in the gate/CI | 03:54 |
amrith | or on your local machine? | 03:54 |
amrith | looks like CI/gate to me | 03:54 |
Srinu | amrith: ci | 03:55 |
amrith | ok, what's the review # | 03:55 |
amrith | review.openstack.org/#/c/..... | 03:55 |
amrith | or as clarkb said, the link to the file where you got the stuff that you put in paste | 03:56 |
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amrith | clarkb, what tz are you in? | 03:56 |
clarkb | pst | 03:56 |
amrith | ah | 03:56 |
amrith | wondered if you were a night owl too; it is getting close to being tomorrow now. | 03:57 |
Srinu | amrith,clarkb: please check this. http://paste.openstack.org/show/565607/ | 03:57 |
* jlvillal thinks clarkb should be off work by now :) | 03:57 | |
amrith | Srinu, that won't help | 03:57 |
amrith | what's the review # | 03:57 |
amrith | or a link to the logs | 03:57 |
amrith | just a URL would do ... | 03:57 |
amrith | or is this a private CI? | 03:57 |
amrith | which we can't get to? | 03:58 |
clarkb | amrith screaming toddlers keeping me awake | 03:58 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update bashate to 0.5.0 https://review.openstack.org/236815 | 03:58 |
Srinu | amrith: it is not a patch. this error is coming in jenkins ci(private). | 03:58 |
EmilienM | hi, I'm waiting for this review to release tripleo newton-3: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363897/ | 03:58 |
tristanC | ttx: can you please confirm the proposed schedule for upcoming election: http://docs-draft.openstack.org/53/335253/3/check/gate-election-docs-ubuntu-xenial/b8bd2a9//doc/build/html/ (rendered from https://review.openstack.org/#/c/335253/2/events.yaml) ? | 03:58 |
amrith | clarkb, it is quiet here, almost midnight | 03:58 |
EmilienM | if you're project-config core, please look at this patch when you can | 03:58 |
amrith | sorry Srinu can't tell from that error; something took too long, someone got angry and killed it. there are lots of books and movies with the same story. | 03:59 |
clarkb | Srinu: I think that means you timed out | 03:59 |
amrith | some test had a 600s timeout | 03:59 |
clarkb | Srinu: try increasing the timeout or make it run faster | 03:59 |
amrith | and your test didn't run in time ... | 03:59 |
amrith | game over | 03:59 |
Srinu | amrith.clarkb: thank you | 03:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo-ui: add missing jobs for release management https://review.openstack.org/363897 | 04:07 |
amrith | hmm, clarkb is there a simple way to look at the history of a particular job in the CI? project=openstack/trove-integration, job=gate-trove-functional-dsvm-mysql-mitaka. I looked in openstack-health (status.openstack.org/openstack-health) but it seems to only have data through 8/19. | 04:08 |
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clarkb | amrith: the three places are graphite.openstack.org the health dashboard and elasticsearch | 04:09 |
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amrith | ok, thx. let me look at the other two | 04:09 |
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alexey_weyl | Hi Guys, | 04:09 |
alexey_weyl | Please approve this change | 04:10 |
alexey_weyl | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363905/ | 04:10 |
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amrith | wow! this graphite is cool stuff | 04:13 |
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clarkb | amrith: there is also grafana.openstack.org that is a different frontend to the same data | 04:14 |
clarkb | we have a grafyaml config somehwere that you can write out cof igs for dashboard in | 04:14 |
amrith | wow, awesome | 04:15 |
amrith | didn't know I could do this ... | 04:15 |
amrith | does one have to sign in with lp credentials or some other? | 04:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: move tripleo scenario jobs to check pipeline, non-voting https://review.openstack.org/363629 | 04:16 |
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clarkb | no its all public data | 04:16 |
clarkb | read only | 04:16 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix devstack subunit output https://review.openstack.org/364045 | 04:16 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] Refactor devstack log copying https://review.openstack.org/364046 | 04:16 |
amrith | ok | 04:17 |
alexey_weyl | hello, | 04:18 |
alexey_weyl | Can you please check this change: | 04:18 |
alexey_weyl | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363905/ | 04:18 |
amrith | g'night clarkb .. I just pushed a change to revert to the last point where stable passed, will see what tomorrow (crap: today) brings. | 04:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Vitrage tempests https://review.openstack.org/363905 | 04:27 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run bashate test over devstack-gate too https://review.openstack.org/236819 | 04:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Masayuki Igawa proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update the QA team meeting chair https://review.openstack.org/364065 | 04:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Explain difference between two envvars https://review.openstack.org/345935 | 04:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Disabled IPv6 privacy extensions https://review.openstack.org/356456 | 04:41 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: import the dependencies needed for creating stable branches https://review.openstack.org/362418 | 05:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Change ACLs for fuel-qa project https://review.openstack.org/359704 | 05:10 |
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AJaeger | project-config cores, could you review the storyboard publishing change so that Zara has documents, please? https://review.openstack.org/363795 | 05:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: add no_proxy when debootstrap trying to use proxy https://review.openstack.org/345830 | 05:14 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Update GRUB_MKCONFIG for detecting what's installed https://review.openstack.org/358588 | 05:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] Refactor devstack log copying https://review.openstack.org/364046 | 05:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Test high-precision timestamps in console log https://review.openstack.org/331898 | 05:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Andreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update api-jobs https://review.openstack.org/364076 | 05:27 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add IMAGE_ELEMENT_YAML https://review.openstack.org/335265 | 05:36 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Making element overriding explicit https://review.openstack.org/334785 | 05:36 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Convert pkg-map and svc-map copies to explicit variables https://review.openstack.org/335308 | 05:36 |
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AJaeger | ianw, jhesketh, could you review https://review.openstack.org/364076 as well, please? I need some debugging logs for a change... | 05:42 |
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jhesketh | AJaeger: looking | 05:42 |
AJaeger | thanks | 05:42 |
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jhesketh | AJaeger: +w, but we should consider reverting that once you're done (not sure how much noise it'll add to the log storage) | 05:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add tests for building *-minimal images https://review.openstack.org/181162 | 05:44 |
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AJaeger | jhesketh: we have that on all tox based jobs - so I would leave it in unless I hear of a different policy... | 05:44 |
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jhesketh | that's true, I wonder why these were missing.. | 05:45 |
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AJaeger | jhesketh: see also I8ff8bef0aebdfd1a1e3d2e42a9972e9fb438cd0b and Id2ab952a7b1d34e659916bc38b41be48dd4e34f5 | 05:45 |
AJaeger | So, we added some more recently - but forgot these IMHO. | 05:45 |
jhesketh | righto | 05:46 |
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AJaeger | bbl | 05:46 |
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openstackgerrit | Kien Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove fail_required parameter from convert xml https://review.openstack.org/346140 | 05:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Update storyboard publishing https://review.openstack.org/363795 | 05:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Update api-jobs https://review.openstack.org/364076 | 05:51 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch centos7 job to neutron https://review.openstack.org/362608 | 06:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Disabled IPv6 privacy extensions https://review.openstack.org/356456 | 06:11 |
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odyssey4me | jhesketh if you have a moment to review https://review.openstack.org/363640 & https://review.openstack.org/363783 I'd appreciate it | 06:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Generate and use upper-constraints for ironic-agent https://review.openstack.org/360547 | 06:29 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Update portage only if needed https://review.openstack.org/358592 | 06:29 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Clarify OVERWRITE_OLD_IMAGE docs https://review.openstack.org/355607 | 06:29 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack/diskimage-builder: Add blurb about communication to docs landing page https://review.openstack.org/355533 | 06:29 |
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rcarrillocruz | weeee | 06:31 |
rcarrillocruz | infracloud ran jobs during the night: | 06:32 |
rcarrillocruz | http://logs.openstack.org/63/363863/2/check/gate-ironic-pep8-ubuntu-xenial/e3700fb/console.html | 06:32 |
rcarrillocruz | http://logs.openstack.org/periodic-stable/periodic-octavia-docs-mitaka/51235bc/console.html | 06:32 |
rcarrillocruz | MORNING! | 06:32 |
jhesketh | odyssey4me: looking | 06:33 |
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jhesketh | odyssey4me: do you feel like iterating on a nit on 363640 | 06:36 |
odyssey4me | jhesketh can do | 06:36 |
jhesketh | odyssey4me: if it's too nitty though, I'm happy to +W | 06:36 |
odyssey4me | jhesketh hmm, perhaps I need more coffee - not sure what you mean there | 06:38 |
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jhesketh | odyssey4me: you've put the job in projects.yaml twice where the only difference is the suffix -nv right? | 06:39 |
jhesketh | but the voting version isn't currently used in layout.yaml.. so why not just define it the one time and then when you're ready to make the job voting just remove the job-suffix? | 06:40 |
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odyssey4me | jhesketh yeah, oh I suppose I could just use one - assuming they all work right | 06:40 |
odyssey4me | it might end up with a split based on platform | 06:40 |
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jhesketh | odyssey4me: ah, I see... you might make some voting before others.. | 06:41 |
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odyssey4me | jhesketh I'll be doing a folllow up pretty soon to move some of those jobs to voting and can clean it up then | 06:41 |
jhesketh | odyssey4me: I'm fine with how it is, just need to remember to remove the non-voting duplicate once they are all ovitng | 06:41 |
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jhesketh | okay, sounds good to me | 06:41 |
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jhesketh | odyssey4me: +w | 06:42 |
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odyssey4me | thanks jhesketh | 06:42 |
odyssey4me | I have a job ready to test them all - I'll patch again later this morning to move them to voting | 06:43 |
jhesketh | shiny | 06:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Move unsuccessful non-voting OSA jobs to experimental https://review.openstack.org/363783 | 06:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add OSA keystone uwsgi functional tests https://review.openstack.org/363640 | 06:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Ricardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bump Infracloud vanilla max-servers to 50 https://review.openstack.org/364101 | 07:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Tony Breeds proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Update the QA team meeting chair https://review.openstack.org/364065 | 07:12 |
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AJaeger | rcarrillocruz: woot! Great to see the progress on infracloud! | 07:13 |
rcarrillocruz | \o/ | 07:13 |
mptacekx | Hi, I am contributing to intel-nfv-ci, currently we are facing an issue with unstable connectivity to OVH file server (ftp.cluster011.ovh.net,, there are some drop-outs fr e.g. 15mins nearly every second hr producing unstable results. Is it a known issue ? Thanks | 07:14 |
AJaeger | rcarrillocruz: will you be around to babysit the cloud? Then let's ask others to +2A 364101 | 07:14 |
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AJaeger | rcarrillocruz: btw. http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/nodepool-infra-cloud shows vanilla and west. Is west really correct as name? | 07:17 |
openstackgerrit | Peter Zhurba proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add repo for openstack/puppet-glare. https://review.openstack.org/362950 | 07:17 |
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AJaeger | zigo: please check https://review.openstack.org/356795 | 07:24 |
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rcarrillocruz | AJaeger: it is not, that is something that should be corrected | 07:29 |
rcarrillocruz | west = vanilla | 07:29 |
rcarrillocruz | east = chocolate | 07:29 |
rcarrillocruz | AJaeger: yeah, let's not land 364101 for now | 07:29 |
rcarrillocruz | i'm off for a couple hours | 07:30 |
rcarrillocruz | i better wip it, thx | 07:30 |
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rcarrillocruz | i also need to double-check we won't hit quota issues | 07:31 |
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AJaeger | rcarrillocruz: ok | 07:31 |
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rcarrillocruz | AJaeger: actually, i see vanilla/chocolate names on project-config/grafana | 07:32 |
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rcarrillocruz | where do you see that, in the UI of Grafana? | 07:33 |
AJaeger | rcarrillocruz: see the link - in the UI | 07:33 |
rcarrillocruz | ah, yeah, the combolist | 07:33 |
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AJaeger | historic data? | 07:33 |
rcarrillocruz | probably it needs a restart or something | 07:33 |
AJaeger | Ah, ok... | 07:33 |
rcarrillocruz | i'll check with pabelanger later | 07:33 |
AJaeger | thanks | 07:33 |
AJaeger | yeah, it's not in project-config - checked there now. | 07:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Yuval Brik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename Smaug to Karbor https://review.openstack.org/353304 | 07:35 |
ttx | tristanC: Election schedule looks good to me. Note that there is no Requirements team in the PTL list (but that may be ok since there was a very recent election for that ?) | 07:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Martin André proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [WIP] Fix scp command with IPv6 addresses https://review.openstack.org/363545 | 07:41 |
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mptacekxx | ? | 07:41 |
skraynev | AJaeger: hi. sorry for the interruption again. could you please add me to the groups https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1547,members https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1546,members https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1548,members according patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/357745/ | 07:41 |
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tristanC | ttx: thanks! indeed it's missing Requirements, I've added in the last patchset | 07:46 |
ttx | tristanC: I take it you're not in Quebec right now | 07:46 |
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yfried | Hi, looking for help with shade dependencies | 07:55 |
yfried | shade requires os-client-config>=1.20.0 and python-magnumclient>=2.1.0 | 07:56 |
yfried | python-magnumclient: os-client-config!=1.19.0,!=1.19.1,!=1.20.0,!=1.20.1,!=1.21.0,>=1.13.1 | 07:56 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Clone sources of ironic-inspector and ironic-inspector-client https://review.openstack.org/363922 | 08:07 |
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dlahn | good morning | 08:15 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix devstack subunit output https://review.openstack.org/364045 | 08:16 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] Refactor devstack log copying https://review.openstack.org/364046 | 08:16 |
skraynev | sorry for the interruption again. could you please add me to the groups https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1547,members https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1546,members https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/1548,members according patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/357745/ | 08:16 |
AJaeger | skraynev: I can't, I don't have those permissions. I hope somebody reads backscroll and gets back to you. If not: ask when more admins are around - or ask on the infra mailing list. | 08:19 |
skraynev | AJaeger: ok. got it. thank you for advise | 08:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Shorten job names for OSA os_keystone repo https://review.openstack.org/364141 | 08:26 |
odyssey4me | project config cores - an urgent review of the above would be appreciated | 08:26 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update bashate to 0.5.0 https://review.openstack.org/236815 | 08:27 |
AJaeger | odyssey4me: +2A | 08:27 |
odyssey4me | thanks AJaeger | 08:28 |
openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: POC: WIP: oooq undercloud install https://review.openstack.org/358919 | 08:28 |
ianw | that problem keeps hitting us | 08:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Martin André proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix scp command with IPv6 addresses https://review.openstack.org/363545 | 08:29 |
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openstackgerrit | Andrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add one new Fuel's plugin https://review.openstack.org/362002 | 08:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Evgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add missing month argument https://review.openstack.org/364151 | 08:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Ricardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Change west/east naming for vanilla/chocolate on set quotas playbook https://review.openstack.org/364153 | 08:47 |
rcarrillocruz | jhesketh: if you're still around, do you mind reviewing ^ ? | 08:48 |
rcarrillocruz | i need to bump quotas on the zuul projects, prior to bumping max-servers on nodepool | 08:48 |
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rcarrillocruz | and i rather do it via playbook, instead with a one-off command that is not documented/tracked anywhere | 08:48 |
rcarrillocruz | or ianw ^ | 08:49 |
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ttx | project-config core reviewers: could you please approve https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363895/ so that automatic tagging of libraries is fixed ? | 08:50 |
openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: POC: WIP: oooq undercloud install https://review.openstack.org/358919 | 08:50 |
ttx | AJaeger already +2ed it | 08:51 |
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ttx | (and we have a truckload of libs to process today so that would help) | 08:51 |
rcarrillocruz | ttx: approved | 08:52 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Shorten job names for OSA os_keystone repo https://review.openstack.org/364141 | 08:52 |
ttx | rcarrillocruz: awesome, thx | 08:52 |
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openstackgerrit | Ricardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bump Infracloud vanilla max-servers to 50 https://review.openstack.org/364101 | 08:54 |
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openstackgerrit | Pawel Koniszewski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Start LM tests with grenade to test rolling upgrades https://review.openstack.org/364162 | 08:55 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: be more careful using setuptools commands in release script https://review.openstack.org/363895 | 09:04 |
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openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Send notifications to subscribers for worklists https://review.openstack.org/354730 | 09:09 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Make it possible to get worklist/board timeline events via the API https://review.openstack.org/354729 | 09:09 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Don't allow users to subscribe to private worklists they can't see https://review.openstack.org/363776 | 09:10 |
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openstackgerrit | mathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton https://review.openstack.org/323750 | 09:16 |
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openstackgerrit | Vladyslav Drok proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Q_USE_PROVIDERNET_FOR_PUBLIC in multitenant job https://review.openstack.org/364187 | 09:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Alexander Evseev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Replace upstream module by Mirantis' one https://review.openstack.org/364194 | 09:42 |
rcarrillocruz | sweet, after DC folks magic I'm recovering compute005 | 09:43 |
rcarrillocruz | one less to fix | 09:43 |
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openstackgerrit | Yuriy Taraday proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Turn off Puppet jobs on old fuel-octane branches https://review.openstack.org/364199 | 09:50 |
openstackgerrit | Pawel Koniszewski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: LM tests with grenade to test rolling upgrades https://review.openstack.org/364162 | 09:51 |
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YorikSar | Any infra cores around? I've forgot to disable job for old branches before making it voting: https://review.openstack.org/364199 - it blocks octane team, please review. | 09:53 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix scp command with IPv6 addresses https://review.openstack.org/363545 | 09:55 |
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Thelo_ | l | 10:01 |
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rcarrillocruz | thx ianw | 10:15 |
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HeOS | Hello, infra-team! Please repeat review of the following request: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362002/. | 10:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Turn off Puppet jobs on old fuel-octane branches https://review.openstack.org/364199 | 10:22 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Change west/east naming for vanilla/chocolate on set quotas playbook https://review.openstack.org/364153 | 10:24 |
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openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Install tripleo-admin ssh keys on CI nodes https://review.openstack.org/363630 | 10:33 |
openstackgerrit | Bartosz Kupidura proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: [wip] Glare support for app-catalog https://review.openstack.org/359029 | 10:35 |
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openstackgerrit | Masayuki Igawa proposed openstack/gertty: Add size column to change list view https://review.openstack.org/364224 | 10:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Promote working os_keystone nv jobs to voting https://review.openstack.org/364226 | 10:47 |
openstackgerrit | Giulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: [NO MERGE] Test Ceph RadosGW as replacement for Swift https://review.openstack.org/364227 | 10:48 |
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openstackgerrit | Bartosz Kupidura proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: [wip] Glare support for app-catalog https://review.openstack.org/359029 | 10:49 |
openstackgerrit | Jim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1619232 https://review.openstack.org/364233 | 10:50 |
openstack | bug 1619232 in Ironic "Heartbeat()'s race condition: InvalidState: Can not transition from state 'deploying' on event 'resume' (no defined transition)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619232 - Assigned to Lucas Alvares Gomes (lucasagomes) | 10:50 |
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wznoinsk | hi infra | 10:52 |
wznoinsk | do you have any troubles with OVH of any kind today? | 10:52 |
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sskripnick | hi all | 10:57 |
sskripnick | fatal: unable to access 'http://git.openstack.org/openstack/rally.git/': Failed to connect to git.openstack.org port 80: Connection refused | 10:57 |
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sskripnick | rally-ci got banned? -_- | 10:57 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1619232 https://review.openstack.org/364233 | 11:00 |
openstack | bug 1619232 in Ironic "Heartbeat()'s race condition: InvalidState: Can not transition from state 'deploying' on event 'resume' (no defined transition)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1619232 - Assigned to Lucas Alvares Gomes (lucasagomes) | 11:00 |
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AJaeger | sskripnick: there were some network problems that clarkb and others debugged yesterday - in the Rackspace datacenter. I don't know whether those are resolved. Is this a recent result? Is it reproduceable? | 11:00 |
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sdague | we've got a ton of multinode issues | 11:03 |
sdague | where the subnode is not responding | 11:04 |
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sskripnick | AJaeger: like 15% attems are successful | 11:05 |
openstackgerrit | Bartosz Kupidura proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: [wip] Glare support for app-catalog https://review.openstack.org/359029 | 11:06 |
AJaeger | sskripnick: that's sad ;( Best talk later with rest of team... | 11:06 |
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sskripnick | AJaeger: got it. thanks | 11:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Csaba Henk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove manila's glusterfs xenial jobs https://review.openstack.org/359167 | 11:09 |
sdague | http://logstash.openstack.org/#dashboard/file/logstash.json?query=message%3A%5C%22Killed%20timeout%20-s%209%5C%22%20AND%20build_name%3A*multinode* | 11:10 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Promote working os_keystone nv jobs to voting https://review.openstack.org/364226 | 11:14 |
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sdague | any infra-root up? | 11:18 |
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rcarrillocruz | i am | 11:25 |
rcarrillocruz | what's up | 11:25 |
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openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: POC: WIP: oooq undercloud install https://review.openstack.org/358919 | 11:26 |
pkoniszewski | hello infra, is there a way to add grenade to existing job? I mean, I'm trying to work on live migration job with grenade, tried this approach but it did not work at all - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364162/2/jenkins/jobs/devstack-gate.yaml | 11:26 |
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sdague | rcarrillocruz: something is really weird with multinode | 11:28 |
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sdague | the subnode failed to connect rate has gone way up | 11:28 |
sdague | http://logstash.openstack.org/#dashboard/file/logstash.json?query=message%3A%5C%22Killed%20timeout%20-s%209%5C%22%20AND%20build_name%3A*multinode* | 11:28 |
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sdague | rcarrillocruz: it looks like this command hangs for 2 hours - http://logs.openstack.org/61/363061/8/gate/gate-tempest-dsvm-multinode-live-migration/6abf7c7/console.html#_2016-09-01_04_07_26_396005 | 11:30 |
sdague | and the subnode logs just stop a few minutes in | 11:32 |
rcarrillocruz | output is not superuseful | 11:32 |
rcarrillocruz | let me see | 11:33 |
sdague | yeh | 11:33 |
sdague | so this is definitely a spike as of 6 hours ago | 11:33 |
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sdague | it's not isolated to any particular provider | 11:34 |
sdague | which is weird | 11:35 |
tdurakov | sdague: I was wrong, it affects all multinode jobs | 11:35 |
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tdurakov | and there is a spike for last 24 hours | 11:36 |
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sdague | yeh | 11:38 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: any idea if there is an ansible option that would let us fail a bit faster if we lose the subnode? | 11:38 |
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sdague | this is super weird | 11:41 |
rcarrillocruz | you could put the task as async and poll for it | 11:41 |
rcarrillocruz | http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/playbooks_async.html | 11:41 |
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rcarrillocruz | i'm on the subnode | 11:41 |
rcarrillocruz | on a 2-node i just held | 11:41 |
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rcarrillocruz | and i don't see any logging or anything pointing to a lock or doing much stuff | 11:41 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: well, it's not all of them that are dying for sure | 11:41 |
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rcarrillocruz | and the node is pretty much idle, from top output | 11:42 |
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rcarrillocruz | guess i got a 'good' subnode | 11:42 |
sdague | the last thing that runs is - https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/08b1475c2a9923a202b2e5112e03c96aa1f9a5c0/stack.sh#L1386 | 11:42 |
sdague | or at least the last thing that logs | 11:42 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: oh, I have a node that I know is borked | 11:43 |
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sdague | telnet://2001:4800:1ae1:18:f816:3eff:febf:faba:19885 | 11:43 |
rcarrillocruz | eugh, i have no ipv6 | 11:44 |
sdague | the subnode there is in trouble | 11:44 |
rcarrillocruz | i was checking ubuntu-xenial-2-node-rax-ord-4034028 , but i don't see anything wrong with it, again, it may be this one is just fine | 11:44 |
sdague | yeh, let me see if I can find another trouble node that's not ipv6 | 11:44 |
rcarrillocruz | ++ | 11:45 |
sdague | telnet:// | 11:45 |
sdague | I think that one is in the same trouble | 11:45 |
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rcarrillocruz | k | 11:46 |
sdague | I wonder if something is weird with openstackclient 3.2.0 | 11:47 |
openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add basic docs for python client https://review.openstack.org/362878 | 11:47 |
sdague | that spews something that breaks the ssh connection | 11:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Send notifications to subscribers for worklists https://review.openstack.org/354730 | 11:50 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Make it possible to get worklist/board timeline events via the API https://review.openstack.org/354729 | 11:50 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Don't allow users to subscribe to private worklists they can't see https://review.openstack.org/363776 | 11:50 |
openstackgerrit | Adam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Limit PyMySQL to < 0.7.7 https://review.openstack.org/364250 | 11:50 |
Zara | uh oh, another limit | 11:51 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: i don't see anything suspicious on the subnode | 11:52 |
rcarrillocruz | checked stack logs | 11:52 |
rcarrillocruz | syslog | 11:52 |
rcarrillocruz | and nothing pointing to a problem | 11:52 |
sdague | is openstack complete still running? | 11:52 |
sdague | can you give me ssh to the subnode? | 11:53 |
rcarrillocruz | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565679/ | 11:53 |
sdague | so it is still running | 11:53 |
rcarrillocruz | sure, give me your pubkey , you ssh to the node and from there you enter the subnode? | 11:53 |
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sdague | rcarrillocruz: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565680/ | 11:55 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: put your key on zuul user, you should be able to sudo su afterwards | 11:56 |
rcarrillocruz | let me know if you can get in | 11:56 |
sdague | ssh zuul@ ? | 11:57 |
rcarrillocruz | subnode is | 11:57 |
sdague | that fails me | 11:57 |
sdague | Permission denied (publickey). | 11:57 |
rcarrillocruz | | 11:57 |
sdague | yeh, no dice | 11:58 |
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sdague | any thoughts about why my key is no good there? | 11:59 |
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pabelanger | morning | 12:00 |
rcarrillocruz | try know sdague | 12:00 |
rcarrillocruz | i think it's due to the paste | 12:00 |
sdague | nope | 12:00 |
rcarrillocruz | it wrapped the lines | 12:01 |
sdague | right | 12:01 |
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rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364101/ | 12:01 |
rcarrillocruz | infracloud ran tests fine last night | 12:01 |
rcarrillocruz | let's bump it a little further, then we can make the max count for cores/mem quota | 12:02 |
amrith | sdague, I got the public key. it is useless without the private key, would you paste that too please :) PM is fine ... | 12:02 |
rcarrillocruz | (morning!) | 12:02 |
sdague | pabelanger / rcarrillocruz - can we please not change any more cloud things until we figure out why multinode is busted? | 12:02 |
amrith | I would love to do just the same thing, we're having some odd test failures and I'd love to ssh to the host running the tests and look around | 12:02 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: ok, so still not working, what do you need from me to move forward? | 12:03 |
rcarrillocruz | i'm not sure sdague , i pasted 3 times on the zuul authorized_keys user | 12:04 |
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rcarrillocruz | still doesn't work for you? | 12:04 |
sdague | it does not | 12:04 |
amrith | rcarrillocruz, for review https://review.openstack.org/364018, and job gate-trove-functional-dsvm-mysql-mitaka which I just triggered, I'd like to ssh into the test instance. would that be possible? | 12:04 |
amrith | the logs are at telnet:// | 12:05 |
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sdague | rcarrillocruz: and a ton of things are recheck grinding that need to land for the release | 12:05 |
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sdague | because of the multinode fail spike | 12:06 |
rcarrillocruz | rcarrillocruz: try now? | 12:06 |
rcarrillocruz | i copied line by line | 12:06 |
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sdague | nope | 12:06 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: no, take all the line breaks out of it | 12:06 |
pabelanger | sdague: rcarrillocruz: Ya, I'd like to investigate the launch failures in infracloud-vanilla and internap-mtl01 this morning before we bring more nodes online. There were a few of them over night | 12:06 |
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pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: sdague: Also want to make sure we run at least 10 nodes in both region for a few hours to confirm things are stable too | 12:06 |
sdague | pabelanger: sure, it's just we've got this whole other subnode fail spike | 12:07 |
amrith | rcarrillocruz, if you could do that, here's my public key. https://gist.github.com/amrith/ad6e47f805d7f83bdf630ad84ff0141a | 12:07 |
sdague | amrith: that's typically not done unless it's an infra level fail | 12:07 |
pabelanger | sdague: agreed, we need to confirm jobs are stable too | 12:07 |
amrith | sdague, the issue I'm having is likely that | 12:07 |
amrith | what I have is a guest being spun up | 12:07 |
amrith | which can't seem to talk back to the controller | 12:07 |
amrith | trove guest (vm within the infra machine) | 12:08 |
amrith | and I have no way to debug if it can't get back on the network to the controller (the machine infra spins up) | 12:08 |
amrith | hence the request | 12:08 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: are you really sshing to ? i don't see ssh attemps on auth.log | 12:08 |
amrith | we've tried to instrument with code to have the guest ship back logs | 12:08 |
amrith | but for all we can tell, it can't seem to get any data back | 12:08 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_dsa zuul@ | 12:08 |
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sdague | oh, your ssh doesn't allow that | 12:09 |
sdague | debug1: Skipping ssh-dss key /home/sdague/.ssh/id_dsa - not in PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes | 12:09 |
rcarrillocruz | :-) | 12:10 |
rcarrillocruz | can you generate a dummy one with rsa real quick | 12:10 |
rcarrillocruz | ? | 12:10 |
sdague | ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBCkRpGApH9L2PDo+zgwWkuaQ3k5MmPejXu+eWUhvXln5ieAGW7F4dOptBZ+RifJSqFPHD2czwtC7KpNo | 12:10 |
sdague | Rwzm+aU= sdague@ribos | 12:10 |
sdague | ? | 12:10 |
sdague | how about that one | 12:10 |
amrith | use mind sdague :) | 12:10 |
amrith | s/mind/mine/ | 12:10 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: mind doing a paste.openstack, the line breaks and i fear i't going to fial for you | 12:11 |
rcarrillocruz | fail too | 12:11 |
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sdague | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565685/ | 12:11 |
rcarrillocruz | try? | 12:12 |
sdague | nope | 12:12 |
* amrith waits | 12:12 | |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: going to look into this failure from this morning http://paste.openstack.org/show/565684/ Looks like some issues scheduling nodes | 12:12 |
rcarrillocruz | now? | 12:12 |
rcarrillocruz | it's the line wrap i guess | 12:12 |
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sdague | yep | 12:13 |
sdague | ok, I'm in | 12:13 |
rcarrillocruz | \o/ | 12:13 |
sdague | ok, how do I get to the subnode? | 12:13 |
rcarrillocruz | the subnode is: | 12:13 |
sdague | also, are these things held, so they won't go away on me? | 12:13 |
rcarrillocruz | | 12:13 |
rcarrillocruz | yeah, i held | 12:13 |
amrith | rcarrillocruz, may I request ssh access into the machine running the job gate-trove-functional-dsvm-mysql-mitaka in review https://review.openstack.org/364018 | 12:14 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: what key do I use to get there? | 12:14 |
rcarrillocruz | sudo su | 12:14 |
rcarrillocruz | and from there you can ssh in | 12:14 |
rcarrillocruz | amrith: which test | 12:15 |
rcarrillocruz | ? | 12:15 |
rcarrillocruz | ah | 12:15 |
rcarrillocruz | i read now | 12:15 |
amrith | no worries, sorry for interrupting you and sdague :) | 12:15 |
amrith | but I'm at my wits end after trying to debug this all night | 12:15 |
amrith | and happened on your conversation with sdague | 12:15 |
amrith | what we're facing is best seen here: | 12:16 |
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amrith | https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/trove-integration | 12:16 |
amrith | after https://review.openstack.org/355492 | 12:16 |
amrith | no job has successfully passed the tests gate-trove-functional-dsvm-mysql-mitaka andgate-trove-functional-dsvm-mysql-liberty | 12:17 |
amrith | I tried to revert the last change, that failed too | 12:17 |
amrith | the issue is that the controller node that is spun up hosts a guest VM for the trove db that gets tested | 12:17 |
sdague | ok, I think it's the auth prompt | 12:17 |
rcarrillocruz | amrith: try as 'zuul' | 12:17 |
amrith | ok, one second | 12:17 |
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sdague | I think openstackclient is hanging in a password hold | 12:18 |
rcarrillocruz | ++ | 12:18 |
rcarrillocruz | anything else ? | 12:18 |
rcarrillocruz | i was about to go lunch | 12:18 |
amrith | got it, thanks | 12:18 |
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rcarrillocruz | np | 12:18 |
mordred | sdague: it should only prompt for password if it doesn't have a value for PASSWORD ... any chance you can tell how it was executed? | 12:19 |
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sdague | mordred: it's on the subnodes, don't fully know | 12:21 |
mordred | sdague: zomg. it's the tab complete thing | 12:21 |
sdague | https://review.openstack.org/364262 | 12:21 |
sdague | mordred: yep, it is | 12:21 |
mordred | stack 1462 20148 0 10:27 pts/0 00:00:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/openstack complete | 12:21 |
sdague | oh, I know that bit | 12:21 |
sdague | anyway, I think we need to block that release and sort it out later | 12:22 |
sdague | right now this is causing a huge fail on multinode jobs | 12:22 |
mordred | it's an easy devstack fix | 12:22 |
mordred | if you know where it's being executed | 12:22 |
openstackgerrit | mathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton https://review.openstack.org/323750 | 12:22 |
sdague | easy how? | 12:22 |
mordred | openstack --os-cloud=devstack complete | 12:22 |
mordred | will not hang | 12:22 |
mordred | I'm sure the _real_ fix in osc will take more work | 12:22 |
sdague | ok, so what you are saying is everyone using osc anywhere now has to update their scripts using it otherwise their stuff hangs indefinitely? | 12:23 |
mordred | no | 12:23 |
mordred | I'm saying that anyone anywhere who is running openstack complete, just that command, without auth | 12:23 |
mordred | will have to update their scripts | 12:23 |
mordred | the number of people who are doin gthat are likely to be done | 12:23 |
mordred | none | 12:23 |
sdague | that's really the only thing that breaks here? | 12:23 |
mordred | it's a hack - but it'll fix the gate without needing to land an exclusion pin | 12:24 |
mordred | yah | 12:24 |
mordred | all the _other_ openstack commands already specify cloud becaues they're trying to interact with a cloud | 12:24 |
mordred | so they'll hav ea password in clouds.yaml | 12:24 |
sdague | mordred: ok, but this means that --help is going to hang for people the same way, right? | 12:24 |
mordred | lemme try | 12:24 |
mordred | nope | 12:25 |
mordred | help works | 12:25 |
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sdague | you sure, did you reset your env? | 12:25 |
sdague | ok, help works | 12:25 |
mordred | sdague: https://review.openstack.org/364266 | 12:25 |
sdague | openstack ... with no args, prompts for password before you get to the REPL | 12:25 |
mordred | yah. I would expect it to if there is no OS_PASSWORD env var set | 12:26 |
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mordred | this, btw, is amongst the reasons why I have consistently argued that the password prompt is a bad ui choice | 12:26 |
sdague | mordred: ok, I'll take the devstack work around if you register a critical bug somewhere to fix it for real | 12:26 |
mordred | and should not exist | 12:26 |
mordred | yah | 12:26 |
sdague | mordred: ok, what was the change that made this? | 12:26 |
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sdague | mordred: and I 100% agree with you that prompts for password are terrible | 12:26 |
mordred | there was an osc change recently that changed how password prompt on missing password workded | 12:27 |
mordred | we added a hook point in os-client-config for it, and osc started using that hook point | 12:27 |
openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/puppet-user: Add user to adm group too https://review.openstack.org/364268 | 12:27 |
mordred | I'm guessing osc just missed a use case | 12:27 |
sdague | ok, show me the bug, I want to update the code to reference it | 12:28 |
mordred | I have not yet filed one | 12:28 |
mordred | that's next on my list | 12:28 |
sdague | ok, please do that now :) | 12:28 |
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mordred | sdague: how is this not breaking normal devstack runs? | 12:28 |
sdague | don't know, it only seems to trigger on the subnode | 12:29 |
sdague | and only some of the time | 12:29 |
mordred | that makes no sense to me at all | 12:29 |
sdague | me either | 12:29 |
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sdague | well, on the subnode might make sense if we don't give the subnode the right osc vars | 12:31 |
sdague | because we don't actually run any other osc commands there | 12:31 |
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mordred | sdague: https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-openstackclient/+bug/1619274 | 12:31 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1619274 in python-openstackclient "openstack complete triggers password prompt" [Undecided,New] | 12:31 |
sdague | so we just never setup localrc so that any real commands would work | 12:31 |
mordred | sdague: ah - that does make sense then | 12:31 |
sdague | mordred: your fix assumes a clouds.yaml exists, right? | 12:33 |
sdague | oh, I guess this is late enough, it should | 12:34 |
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pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: mordred: looks like one of our compute nodes in infracloud-vanilla is having some ConnectTimeout issues: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565687/ | 12:34 |
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rcarrillocruz | Thx, I will look in a bit | 12:35 |
mordred | sdague: yah. I mean, I tested the fix on the subnode | 12:35 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: mordred: I guess we don't have unbound setup? nameserver | 12:35 |
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pabelanger | ya, looks like we are hard coding DNS to google in our network interface config | 12:37 |
sdague | mordred / rcarrillocruz / pabelanger could we get a gate enqueue and promote on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364266 ? | 12:37 |
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mordred | on it | 12:37 |
mordred | sdague: done | 12:39 |
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amrith | rcarrillocruz, in what linux user name will devstack get run on the test instance? | 12:45 |
amrith | is it zuul or jenkins? | 12:45 |
openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install unbound on infracloud servers https://review.openstack.org/364282 | 12:49 |
pabelanger | mordred: rcarrillocruz: ^ add unbound to infracloud controller and compute nodes | 12:49 |
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mordred | yolanda: ^^ you're using infracloud puppet not for infra ... will that break you? | 12:50 |
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mordred | (I think it won't - but just want to check) | 12:50 |
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rcarrillocruz | back | 12:56 |
* rcarrillocruz reads backscroll | 12:56 | |
openstackgerrit | Jesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting multi-region functional test to OSA os_swift https://review.openstack.org/364286 | 12:56 |
rcarrillocruz | oh nice | 12:56 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: so the strace stuck on the read syscall was due to a pass prompt? | 12:57 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: yes | 12:57 |
sdague | osc goes into a blocking prompt with no timeout | 12:57 |
rcarrillocruz | eugh | 12:57 |
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rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: cool, i was just aware about unbound on baremetal00 | 12:58 |
rcarrillocruz | approved the change | 12:58 |
rcarrillocruz | amrith: let me check , not sure if it was changed from jenkins to zuul | 12:58 |
rcarrillocruz | a job log may show | 12:58 |
amrith | rcarrillocruz, | 12:59 |
rcarrillocruz | amrith: the tests puts the stuff on /home/jenkins/workspace, so I assume it's jenkins | 12:59 |
amrith | I found it | 12:59 |
amrith | it is jenkins | 12:59 |
rcarrillocruz | ++ | 12:59 |
amrith | but I couldn't (initially) get into the trove guest | 12:59 |
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amrith | because it was using a key I dind't expect | 12:59 |
amrith | looks like cloud-init is pooched | 12:59 |
amrith | I can see what is failing | 12:59 |
mordred | woot! | 12:59 |
amrith | have to figure out why | 12:59 |
amrith | I've seen this before | 12:59 |
amrith | once | 13:00 |
amrith | and entered a bug on cloud-init | 13:00 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: ya, I didn't change baremetal00. But good to know it is running unbound | 13:00 |
amrith | and I was given a promise that this problem wouldn't hit u14.04 | 13:00 |
mordred | you could always shift to glean instead of cloud-init ... | 13:00 |
amrith | only 15.04 | 13:00 |
amrith | and 16.04 | 13:00 |
amrith | but this is now on 14.04 | 13:00 |
rcarrillocruz | stack iirc | 13:00 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: ^ ? | 13:00 |
rcarrillocruz | oh sorry, i was scrolled back, responded to the linux username question on devstack | 13:00 |
amrith | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1602373 | 13:01 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1602373 in cloud-init (Ubuntu Xenial) "cloud-init doesn't always land files that one expects" [High,Fix released] | 13:01 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: so the intent for putting unbound is to hit the dns cache to avoid http://paste.openstack.org/show/565687/ , or you pasted it to me for another root cause problem? | 13:01 |
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amrith | hi monty | 13:02 |
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amrith | we're using (at the whim of) whatever nova uses under the covers, we just ask to inject a file. how it gets there (USPS, Fedex, UPS, ...) we don't know | 13:02 |
mordred | right | 13:02 |
mordred | I suggest not using file injection at all | 13:02 |
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mordred | just put an ssh key on the guest and use ssh to put files where you need them - ansible is a good tool for doing that if an ssh key is there, but obviously you can also script that in a ton of different ways | 13:03 |
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mordred | I mean, that's not a thing you're going to change today obviously | 13:04 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: Ya, that was the reason we failed to launch a node with nodepool | 13:04 |
rcarrillocruz | k | 13:04 |
mordred | but one of the things we've learned here in infra is to keep the amount of stuff that happens in the nova-metadata to cloud-init/glean interaction to a bare minimum | 13:04 |
amrith | mordred, the issue is configurations that are injected at runtime | 13:04 |
mordred | yah | 13:04 |
amrith | yes, we could get those too | 13:04 |
amrith | in a bootstrapping manner | 13:04 |
mordred | I'm not saying don't inject them | 13:04 |
sdague | mordred: your patch failed on a subnode issue that is unlogged | 13:04 |
mordred | just don't use nova metadata to do so | 13:04 |
rcarrillocruz | i'm glad is just that and not some net issues on HPE side :D | 13:04 |
mordred | sdague: YAY! | 13:04 |
sdague | http://logs.openstack.org/66/364266/2/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode/63498bd/ | 13:04 |
amrith | the issue here is that the injection isn't working | 13:04 |
amrith | I think I've figured out why | 13:05 |
amrith | bbiab | 13:05 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: Figured, we should setup unbound first and see if we can reproduce, since google will throttle DNS requests | 13:05 |
sdague | there are no subnode logs there | 13:05 |
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AJaeger | mordred: yolanda is on FTO | 13:05 |
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rcarrillocruz | yup | 13:05 |
mordred | sdague: I believe my complete answer is "awlkjevcalskencalserifnasldkcasdf" | 13:05 |
sdague | mordred: it's a super weird fail | 13:06 |
mordred | sdague: although please imagine me banging my head against something whilst saying that | 13:06 |
sdague | can you re promote | 13:06 |
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mordred | yah. one sec | 13:06 |
sdague | this never even got to your code, I have no idea why zuul just shot the node in the head | 13:06 |
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sdague | http://logs.openstack.org/66/364266/2/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode/63498bd/console.html | 13:06 |
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sdague | it starts at 12:41 | 13:07 |
pabelanger | mordred: jeblair_ : rcarrillocruz: So we need to remove HPE from spamhaus: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565695/ | 13:07 |
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sdague | 170 minute timeout set at 12:42 | 13:07 |
pabelanger | cause I am getting flooded with Mail Delivery System emails | 13:07 |
sdague | grenade starts at 12:50 | 13:07 |
sdague | at 12:54 zuul says - job failed | 13:07 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: i have to admit i have no idea how to do that, we fill a form or something? | 13:07 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: Ya, I think we just request it from the website | 13:08 |
pabelanger | but I haven't done it before | 13:08 |
sdague | and the last thing grenade is doing is downloading a pip | 13:08 |
sdague | http://logs.openstack.org/66/364266/2/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode/63498bd/console.html | 13:08 |
sdague | 2016-09-01 12:54:54.323 | Downloading http://mirror.regionone.bluebox-sjc1.openstack.org/wheel/ubuntu-14.04-x86_64/xattr/xattr-0.8.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl | 13:08 |
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mordred | wow: is listed on the Policy Block List (PBL) | 13:09 |
rcarrillocruz | yup | 13:09 |
rcarrillocruz | https://www.spamhaus.org/query/ip/ | 13:09 |
* rcarrillocruz clicks the button "begin the removal process' | 13:10 | |
mordred | oh - because those servers are in an HPE address range but we're not sending email through the HPE mail servers | 13:10 |
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mordred | https://www.spamhaus.org/pbl/query/PBL1525955 | 13:10 |
mordred | rcarrillocruz: ++ | 13:11 |
sdague | 2016-09-01 12:54:50,502 p=21911 u=zuul | fatal: [node]: FAILED! => {"failed": true, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh."} | 13:11 |
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amrith | rcarrillocruz, thx much. I'm done with my test instance for now. I'm going to figure out how to fix it and see what I can do. many many thx (and a great coincidence happening upon your conversations with sdague) | 13:12 |
rcarrillocruz | yw | 13:12 |
mordred | sdague: we're having all the luck this morning | 13:12 |
rcarrillocruz | hmm, the form doesn't seem to allow a CIDR | 13:12 |
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sdague | mordred: yeh, unfortunately I don't even know why zuul was doing that | 13:13 |
sdague | it doesn't make any sense | 13:13 |
sdague | it should have been heads down waiting for grenade run to return | 13:14 |
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sdague | which was chugging along | 13:14 |
sdague | but then it made another ssh call in parallel, which died | 13:14 |
sdague | and it blew up the job | 13:14 |
AJaeger | sdague: could you review later a change to project-config: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364162 - I tend to -1 but would like your review | 13:14 |
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mordred | sdague: that's how async jobs in ansible work | 13:15 |
mordred | sdague: it spawns the job ,and then periodically checks on it | 13:15 |
mordred | to make sure it hasn't blown up | 13:15 |
sdague | mordred: ok... how often does it false negative there? | 13:15 |
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sdague | because from the logs, there was nothing wrong | 13:15 |
mordred | not a ton - there were some problems like a month ago but those got sorted | 13:15 |
mordred | we're just extra lucky this morning | 13:16 |
sdague | but it was downloading packages, so it might have saturated the link | 13:16 |
sdague | what's the timeout on that check? | 13:16 |
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sdague | and is it tunable? | 13:16 |
pabelanger | yes | 13:17 |
pabelanger | I believe we default to 10 | 13:17 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: i'm not a mail master, but would it work if we relayed the mail from those machines to a HPE mail server | 13:17 |
rcarrillocruz | ? | 13:17 |
rcarrillocruz | cos i'm reading spamhaus | 13:17 |
sdague | pabelanger: could we up that to 30 or 60? | 13:17 |
rcarrillocruz | and it seems to remove an entire CDR block we have to have an account or something on spamhaus | 13:17 |
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rcarrillocruz | otherwise is ip by ip, one by one | 13:17 |
rcarrillocruz | :S | 13:17 |
sdague | I can definitely imagine a 10 second timeout might wedge if we're going full bore on the network | 13:18 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: that or we setup our own relay | 13:18 |
rcarrillocruz | i vote the latter | 13:18 |
rcarrillocruz | putting it on the bifrost machinee or something | 13:18 |
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rcarrillocruz | is not going to take much cpu | 13:18 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Allow str for ip_version param in create_subnet https://review.openstack.org/363846 | 13:18 |
pabelanger | sdague: I'm sure we could bump it, I cannot think of a reason not to | 13:19 |
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sdague | pabelanger: can you point me to where it is specified? | 13:19 |
sdague | I'll submit a patch | 13:19 |
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mordred | sdague: line 1106 in zuul/launcher/ansiblelaunchserver.py | 13:20 |
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pabelanger | http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/zuul/launcher/ansiblelaunchserver.py#n1259 | 13:20 |
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pabelanger | http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_configuration.html#timeout | 13:20 |
pabelanger | is the setting | 13:20 |
mordred | pabelanger: ah - we are talking about different timeouts | 13:21 |
pabelanger | Oh | 13:21 |
mordred | sdague: listen to pabelanger - he's righter than me | 13:21 |
sdague | well, is it that, or the watchdog? | 13:21 |
pabelanger | actually | 13:21 |
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pabelanger | I think we need to update ssh_args | 13:22 |
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sdague | https://github.com/openstack-infra/zuul/blob/80fe50f484a2a2617c6645442336d458aeed59b5/zuul/launcher/ansiblelaunchserver.py#L95 ? | 13:22 |
pabelanger | give me a second | 13:22 |
sdague | pabelanger: ok | 13:22 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: are you done with the held node from earlier | 13:22 |
rcarrillocruz | ? | 13:22 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: yes | 13:22 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add deb-bandit and deb-python-hacking repo https://review.openstack.org/362096 | 13:23 |
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mordred | sdague: btw - next week I plan on hacking in this area of zuul | 13:23 |
sdague | mordred: ok, cool | 13:23 |
pabelanger | mordred: sdague: Ya, I think http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/intro_configuration.html#timeout is the right setting that we need to change | 13:24 |
sdague | pabelanger: ok, where would that be set? | 13:24 |
pabelanger | http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/zuul/tree/zuul/launcher/ansiblelaunchserver.py#n1259 | 13:24 |
pabelanger | that is our ansible.cfg per test run | 13:24 |
mordred | pabelanger: I think we should also investigate why controlpersist isn't in effect here | 13:24 |
pabelanger | mordred: maybe we need to bump the value? we only default to 60 | 13:26 |
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pabelanger | mordred: we also poll pretty aggressively, every 5 seconds. Maybe we should bump that to 60 seconds | 13:27 |
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zigo | mordred: pabelanger: fungi: Hi, I'm back. Sorry that I was absent since Friday, but unfortunately, my father died, and I went to see familly and such. Now I'm back at work, even though I not really in such a mood... Anyway, did you guys have time to discuss about giving us merge ACLs within packaging-deb? | 13:28 |
openstackgerrit | Sean Dague proposed openstack-infra/zuul: bump timeout on ssh commands to 30s https://review.openstack.org/364309 | 13:28 |
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pabelanger | mordred: or some percentage of the value of timeout | 13:30 |
pabelanger | zigo: let me find the log | 13:30 |
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pabelanger | zigo: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-infra/%23openstack-infra.2016-08-30.log.html#t2016-08-30T16:07:42 | 13:31 |
zigo | pabelanger: Cheers. | 13:31 |
pabelanger | zigo: that was the discussion on the subject. | 13:31 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Install unbound on infracloud servers https://review.openstack.org/364282 | 13:34 |
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AJaeger | zigo: please check https://review.openstack.org/356795 - I'd like to see that repo fixed. | 13:34 |
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pkoniszewski | AJaeger: thanks for pointing this out, I wasn't aware of it | 13:37 |
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pkoniszewski | AJaeger: so what's the best way to work on such gate? propose new job to experimental queue? | 13:38 |
AJaeger | pkoniszewski: yes, an experimental job is the only way to do this... | 13:39 |
sileht | sdague, hi, do you have sometimes to discus about this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/335479/ ? it seems you perhaps have a better solution. | 13:40 |
AJaeger | pkoniszewski: next time, it would also help if you explain in the commit message what you want to test ;) | 13:41 |
pkoniszewski | AJaeger: okay, I will, and I need to start work on experimental job then, thanks a lot! :) | 13:42 |
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sdague | sileht: I definitely don't have the brain bw to handle that atm | 13:45 |
openstackgerrit | Peter Zhurba proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add repo for openstack/puppet-glare. https://review.openstack.org/362950 | 13:45 |
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sileht | sdague, ok no problem, can I re-ask tomorrow ? or do you prefer to come back to me when you have the time ? | 13:46 |
sdague | sileht: this has to be post freeze once the release has quieted down | 13:47 |
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sdague | honestly, this probably is better to be done in a design summit session | 13:47 |
sdague | because it sounds like there is a broader range of testing that's desired | 13:47 |
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openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Retry ssh connect when EOFError is received https://review.openstack.org/364322 | 13:48 |
openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: DONT RECHECK: periodic jobs https://review.openstack.org/359215 | 13:48 |
sileht | sdague, its for projects that have intermediate release and want to test upgrade with previous synced release | 13:49 |
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pabelanger | jeblair_: please let me know what you think about 364322^, we are seeing random EOFError in nodepool debug logs and think we should retry our SSH connection over aborting. | 13:49 |
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sdague | sileht: right, so here is the thing, it's a bunch of new complexity, for a small number of projects. So I'm honestly not all that keen on the approach. | 13:54 |
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rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: i'm going to add a param to 'images' on the cloud launcher, not tied to the os_image module for pulling images from the internet. Meaning, if we have an image with a field "download_file_url", the launcher pulls it to /tmp and uploads it to glance | 13:55 |
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rcarrillocruz | even if that's not a glance v2 feature, that's super useful to have, we could automate the initial images for our cloud providers to bring up the mirrors, etc | 13:56 |
rcarrillocruz | without having to do it manually | 13:56 |
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mordred | rcarrillocruz: ++ | 13:56 |
mordred | rcarrillocruz: I think that's a GREAT feature | 13:56 |
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rcarrillocruz | i'll show you later mordred , spinning my dsvm local instance (enough infracloud for me , i wanna code!) | 13:57 |
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YorikSar | ianw, rcarrillocruz, AJaeger: Thanks a lot for your swift review. | 14:05 |
rcarrillocruz | np | 14:05 |
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pabelanger | ack | 14:06 |
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rcarrillocruz | doh, spacex falcon 9 has exploded :/ | 14:09 |
openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use proxy on OVB environemnt https://review.openstack.org/364335 | 14:09 |
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pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: unbound live on infracloud | 14:11 |
pabelanger | DNS working too | 14:11 |
rcarrillocruz | awesome! | 14:12 |
pabelanger | Hmm | 14:13 |
pabelanger | SSHException: No existing session | 14:13 |
pabelanger | paramiko raises that from time to time | 14:13 |
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openstackgerrit | Rob Cresswell proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Ironic UI gerritbot to #openstack-ironic https://review.openstack.org/364347 | 14:17 |
openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Nothing to see here https://review.openstack.org/111011 | 14:18 |
sdague | oh neat when did the web console hit zuul? | 14:18 |
sdague | oh, it didn't, just something changed with the way chrome launched it here | 14:18 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Sync the config of the ha JOBTYPE with ha2 https://review.openstack.org/362974 | 14:20 |
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openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Revert "Increase rh1 max-servers to 75"" https://review.openstack.org/364351 | 14:23 |
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pabelanger | mordred: clarkb: ^ Now that nodepool was restarted and shade upgraded, I think we can increase the nodes in tripleo-test-cloud-rh1 again. | 14:24 |
pabelanger | FIP issues appears to be minimal right no | 14:24 |
pabelanger | now* | 14:24 |
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pabelanger | actually | 14:25 |
pabelanger | mordred: this seems new: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565719/ | 14:25 |
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pabelanger | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565720/ is the debug from shade | 14:28 |
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sdague | mordred: patch finally merged | 14:33 |
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mordred | sdague: woot | 14:36 |
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mordred | pabelanger: looking | 14:36 |
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openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: DONT RECHECK: periodic jobs https://review.openstack.org/359215 | 14:39 |
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clarkb | mordred: pabelanger the last time we had ssh issues like that control persist was fine we just broke ipv6. Maybe we are affecting the test instamce with some job side effect? | 14:41 |
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mordred | clarkb: nod | 14:41 |
mordred | pabelanger: I'm seeing nodes be created there - let's consider that one an outlier for the moment | 14:42 |
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mordred | also - we _definitely_ need to add floating ip batching | 14:42 |
mordred | we're slamming the hell out of the neutron api there | 14:42 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: Oh, didn't know that. Have a review handy that shows the fix? | 14:45 |
jpich | Is there a story behind the Dell StorageCenter CI leaving a -1 on every patch in the Gerrit sandbox? Getting a 3rd party build failure notification before you even get the "Welcome, new contributor!" message is a bit rough :-) - https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack-dev/sandbox+status:open | 14:45 |
clarkb | pabelanger: this was the accept ra thing in devstack | 14:45 |
pabelanger | clarkb: okay | 14:45 |
pabelanger | clarkb: I don't know the full back story on the failures, just that sdague wanted to increase the SSH timeout value | 14:46 |
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zigo | pabelanger: The packaging repo needs to hold a copy of the code from upstream for multiple reasons. Do I need to explain? | 14:47 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: right I was just suggesting the last time we had problems with that fiddling with timeout values would have no effect. And that we shouldnt ignore the possibility of another break neyworking scenario in the jobs | 14:47 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: agreed, good to know | 14:48 |
pabelanger | zigo: you might want to sync up with clarkb and fungi. I didn't really give input on that topic. | 14:48 |
zigo | ok | 14:49 |
zigo | clarkb: fungi: Do you have time to discuss this? | 14:49 |
pabelanger | however, I am interested in the discussions | 14:49 |
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clarkb | zigo I am mostly here now. The outcome seemed to be we could just ensure $repo is present to the right version when needed | 14:50 |
clarkb | rather than force pushing into the deb repo | 14:50 |
zigo | clarkb: I don't agree with this outcome, that's the point! :) | 14:51 |
clarkb | ok | 14:51 |
zigo | clarkb: First off, the repo for upstream get EOL very early. | 14:51 |
zigo | I don't want this to happen in the packaging trees. | 14:51 |
zigo | We need to cover the life of Debian Stable for Newton for example. | 14:51 |
clarkb | we dont delete repos | 14:52 |
zigo | But branches are EOLed. | 14:52 |
clarkb | the tags dont | 14:52 |
clarkb | nor should any sha1 go away | 14:52 |
zigo | Anyway, the git-buildpackage workflow *IS* to import upstream tag/branch/tarballs into the packaging branch. | 14:52 |
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mordred | yes, I concur with that | 14:53 |
zigo | There are ways to make it not do that, but then it's going to be over complicated for no reasons. | 14:53 |
zigo | For example, managing quilt patches will be horrible. | 14:53 |
sdague | clarkb: this is not breaking ipv6 | 14:53 |
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sdague | http://logs.openstack.org/66/364266/2/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode/63498bd/console.html | 14:54 |
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fungi | zigo: back now. i understand your _manual_ workflow involves merging a copy of nova commits into the pkg-nova repo, and your automated jobs can do precisely the same thing. that doesn't mean that the pkg-nova repo in _gerrit_ needs to carry a complete copy of nova commits | 14:54 |
sdague | clarkb: the last bit in the subnode log is downloading pip packages | 14:54 |
mordred | fungi: I disagree a bit | 14:54 |
mordred | fungi: because the gate isn't the only place where the packaging repo might be used to create packages | 14:54 |
mordred | so it should not assume the encompasing environment that is our gate | 14:55 |
sdague | in the middle of that download, zuul ansible shoots it in the head | 14:55 |
clarkb | if this is a reqyirement you should be a branch on the nova repo | 14:55 |
zigo | Right. Before an upload to Debian, I'll just git clone and rebuild ... | 14:55 |
fungi | mordred: sure. and the manual process (add a remote for the nova repo, pull from it into an upstream branch, merge) is still a valid workflow in that case, right? | 14:55 |
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mordred | fungi: that's a severe degredation in funcationality over normal git-buldpackage workflow | 14:55 |
clarkb | sdague: I didnt say it broke ipv6 just consider the nodes can break themselves | 14:55 |
sdague | my theory is that 10s may not be enough time if the node is flat out pulling packages | 14:55 |
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sdague | clarkb: sure | 14:56 |
mordred | fungi: like, gbp exists and is used heavily - I don't think we should break it | 14:56 |
mordred | HOWEVER | 14:56 |
openstackgerrit | Sergey Skripnick proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-db-jobs to Glare https://review.openstack.org/364370 | 14:56 |
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mordred | zigo: I'd like to make a suggestion that might be a compromise | 14:56 |
sdague | however, where this is, I don't think that's what happened | 14:56 |
fungi | i'm just concerned that now not only do we have hundreds of separate repos for all packaged software, we have additional copies of all commits for all packaged software | 14:56 |
sdague | clarkb: if you have another thought from those logs, please go and look | 14:56 |
mordred | fungi: right. I don't think we need hundreds of commits in the upstream branch | 14:56 |
mordred | "zigo | Anyway, the git-buildpackage workflow *IS* to import upstream tag/branch/tarballs into the packaging branch." | 14:57 |
mordred | tag/branch is one of the options | 14:57 |
mordred | the other option is upstream tarballs, which get imported in a single commit and then tagged | 14:57 |
mordred | that is in line with how gerrit works | 14:57 |
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mordred | and sohuld not require tons of infra-side automation ... unfortunately, it would be a non-trivial rework of the existing packaging repos I fear | 14:58 |
zigo | mordred: Even if you use tarballs, it imports the code in the packaging branch. | 14:58 |
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clarkb | there is somethi g a little funny about hating vendored code | 14:58 |
mordred | zigo: it does | 14:58 |
clarkb | then requiring it | 14:58 |
mordred | zigo: but it's not 100 commits - it's one commit | 14:58 |
mordred | zigo: whic hmeans you could submit that commit to gerrit using git review like normal | 14:58 |
mordred | then land it | 14:58 |
fungi | also we've come full circle from "you should avoid putting the debian package metadata in your upstream source tree" to "you should put a copy of the upstream source tree in the repo where you have your debian packaging metadata" | 14:58 |
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mordred | fungi: it's not the same thing at all | 14:58 |
zigo | mordred: The point is *also* to be able to use *any* commit upstream (and not just a branch or a tag) and package that. | 14:59 |
mordred | putting debian package metadata in upstream is problematic because of sequencing issues | 14:59 |
zigo | Could you explain what the problem is? Do we lack resources? | 14:59 |
mordred | if you want to release version 1.2 of an upstream software, what state should the packaging be in in upstream tag 1.2 | 14:59 |
zigo | Is it just too big? | 14:59 |
fungi | i understand the reasons, i'm asking that we separate _process_ (steps to build a package) from revision control (data we store for building a package) | 14:59 |
mordred | it necessarily cannot be the packaging that knows how to handle 1.2, because 1.2 doesn't exist until 1.2 exists | 14:59 |
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zigo | fungi: If we get an ACL to merge tags, it is the same process, it goes under the Gerrit code review. | 15:00 |
zigo | I tried, the only issue is the missing ACL. | 15:00 |
zigo | (at least, it looks like it) | 15:00 |
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fungi | all the data we need to build a debian package of nova exists in a combination of the nova repo and the pkg-deb repo. the steps to build the package can include combining those. the combined result doesn't have to get pushed back into the revision control history though, does it? | 15:00 |
zigo | fungi: If we don't, then it becomes a way harder to do *many* things. | 15:01 |
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zigo | Like adding a quilt patch, or building before uploading to Debian. | 15:01 |
fungi | i don't understand. what prevents you from adding a git remote for the nova repo, pulling from it into an unstream branch and then doing a git merge? | 15:02 |
mordred | I feel like we're trying ot fight the current established best practice of debian packaging (use gbp with upstream sources included in the packaging repo) in the context of openstack infra, which seems like a very strange thing for us to be in the business of doing | 15:02 |
fungi | it doesn't seem like we're fighting it at all | 15:02 |
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clarkb | mordred: do you at least agreeforce pushing noca into a different repo is a bad idea? | 15:03 |
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fungi | i'm saying it's a step which can be performed locally, the same as it can be performed in our ci. why does the result (a duplicative, generated result) need to be pushed back into revision control history? | 15:03 |
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mordred | clarkb: I believe we sohuld be importing tarballs using gbp pristine-tarball | 15:03 |
openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: DONT RECHECK: periodic jobs https://review.openstack.org/359215 | 15:03 |
mordred | fungi: but it's a manual step which is not how gbp works | 15:03 |
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fungi | you don'y manually invoke gbp? | 15:03 |
mordred | if it was a normal operational mode of gbp, then sure | 15:03 |
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mordred | yes - but you run git-buildpackage and it does all the thigs | 15:04 |
fungi | it seems like any manual process involves _at_least_ one manual step | 15:04 |
mordred | yes. the one step of running git-buildpackage | 15:04 |
openstackgerrit | Lukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Builders: Add ansible-playbook builder https://review.openstack.org/322243 | 15:04 |
pabelanger | zigo: mordred: What is the objection to pulling in the upstream git repo or tarball at build time? When I was rolling packages with git-buildpackages, I would use uscan to fetch them before git-buildpackage. Obviously skipping using the upstream-branch step | 15:04 |
fungi | before running gbp, you probably _also_ have a manual step of cloning the repo you're going to run it in, yeah? | 15:05 |
mordred | if for openstack packages it's clone the repo, now do this other stuff to get another repo added to this repo, then run git-buildpackage, then we've subverted the power of the tool | 15:05 |
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mordred | the steps are "clone the packaging repo, cd to the packaging repo, run git-buildpackage" ... what I'm saying is that if we inject more manual steps into that, then we're doing weird things | 15:05 |
zigo | fungi: pabelanger: 1/ It makes it very hard to manage quilt patch 2/ it's not the usual git-buildpackage workflow, so it will confuse contributors 3/ It will be a lot of pain points for no reasons maintaining scripts which we otherwise wouldn't need to write | 15:05 |
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zigo | fungi: pabelanger: What's the reason for *NOT* doing it? | 15:06 |
pabelanger | mordred: zigo: I would use overlay, IIFC | 15:06 |
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pabelanger | zigo: eg: https://github.com/pabelanger/jenkins-job-builder-deb/blob/master/debian/gbp.conf | 15:06 |
mordred | pabelanger: right. with overlay you have to maintain local patches in quilt | 15:06 |
clarkb | zigo: the reason for not pushing all of nova into nova deb is nova code has a home it does not need two homes. its goimg to double the size of our test image cahes and so forth | 15:06 |
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pabelanger | yes | 15:06 |
fungi | i guess my point is that i've seen plenty of different gbp workflows. some maintainers import tarballs, some pull from upstream git repos, some use quilt, some use single-patch, some push copies of upstream code back into public revision history and some don't... | 15:06 |
mordred | that is very differnt than using git | 15:06 |
mordred | fungi: right. | 15:07 |
clarkb | you are aslo asking to bypass every control on herrit | 15:07 |
pabelanger | mordred: zigo: yes, that is what I would do, quilt | 15:07 |
zigo | pabelanger: Last time we discussed using this in the Python module team, absolutely everyone but a single person liked using overlay. | 15:07 |
mordred | right | 15:07 |
mordred | so ... | 15:07 |
openstackgerrit | Jeffrey Zhang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Increasing the timeout value for kolla jobs https://review.openstack.org/364377 | 15:07 |
mordred | I do not think we should completely rework the 175 packaging repos that have a multi-year packaging history already | 15:07 |
pabelanger | zigo: hehe, ya, I prefer overlay too | 15:07 |
mordred | to use quilt instead of git | 15:07 |
fungi | i'm requesting flexibility in choosing a workflow that meshes well with the situation where upstream and packaging repositories are already in the same system and avoid keeping duplicate copies | 15:07 |
fungi | mordred: well, they use quilt _and_ git afaik | 15:08 |
pabelanger | mordred: Ya, now I understand the issue. | 15:08 |
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fungi | quilt packages carried in teh debian/patches dir, committed into the packaging branch | 15:08 |
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mordred | fungi: right. but there is no need to introduce quilt into an existing ecosystem that does not already use quilt | 15:08 |
pabelanger | FWIW: I didn't mind quilt, but I am not the one doing the packaging | 15:08 |
mordred | that is one way these _could_ have been done | 15:08 |
mordred | but it's not the way they were | 15:08 |
fungi | well, i wasn't specifically suggesting to use quilt. i was giving it as an example (and i thought zigo already carried debian/patches in his packages but i'll pull a source package and double-check that) | 15:09 |
zigo | I do use quilt, I'm not sure what fungi suggests here... | 15:09 |
mordred | zigo: wait - you're already using quilt? | 15:10 |
mordred | wtf | 15:10 |
mordred | why are we having this argument then? | 15:10 |
clarkb | anyways my biggest concern is we dont bypass gerrit by allowing force pushes and we dont doubt the size of our test images by literally copy.pasting all our repos | 15:10 |
zigo | mordred: I don't understand ! :) | 15:10 |
clarkb | s/doubt/double/ | 15:10 |
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mordred | zigo: importing upstream sources into the packaging repo is a thing you do as an alternative to using quilt to manage local changes | 15:11 |
zigo | mordred: No. | 15:11 |
mordred | zigo: if you're using quilt, then just pointing at release tarballs should be fine | 15:11 |
zigo | I use quilt patches to make sure I keep Debian specific patches separated. | 15:11 |
zigo | I don't see any relationship between using quilt and the current gbp workflow. | 15:12 |
pabelanger | Right, that is how I understood it too. | 15:12 |
mordred | right. in a git workflow you can have each of those debian specific patches in the debian packaging branch and gbp will create the patch overlay and packaging build - you don't need the quilt, you have git | 15:12 |
pabelanger | clarkb: Right, https://github.com/openstack/deb-python-os-client-config/tree/debian/newton | 15:12 |
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mordred | however, that's getting into the weeds | 15:12 |
zigo | Nop! :) | 15:12 |
zigo | That's not what it is about. | 15:13 |
pabelanger | is basically pytnon-os-client-config repo, with debian folder added | 15:13 |
zigo | At least, that's not how I use quilt. | 15:13 |
pabelanger | clarkb: so, a lot of duplicated code | 15:13 |
zigo | mordred: What you're talking about is more like if we were using git-dpm or gbp pq. | 15:13 |
zigo | pabelanger is right. | 15:13 |
pabelanger | I always thought we we're just talking about the debian folder for the packaging repos | 15:13 |
fungi | the question being floated is, for example, whether we should import a complete copy of nova into the pkg-nova repo | 15:14 |
zigo | We're talking about having upstream code/tag within the debian packaging branch, yes. | 15:14 |
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pabelanger | like: https://github.com/openstack-infra/zuul-packaging/tree/debian/sid | 15:14 |
zigo | Which is what 99% of package maintainers do. | 15:14 |
mordred | yah. if we're keeping patches in quilt, I see no point in having the upstream sources in the repo. I _do_ argue in favor of upstream sources in the repo so that quilt can be avoided | 15:14 |
clarkb | pabelanger: no this is literally copying all history an potentially making more than one copy one for each branch (not sure how its organized) | 15:15 |
fungi | and my position, which i've yet to see clear evidence indicating it's not viable, is that pulling nova source into the pkg-nova repo could happen at job runtime rather than being a manual process the results of which are pushed back into the repo in gerrit | 15:15 |
zigo | Then how do you actually manage to run dpkg-source --commit ? | 15:15 |
pabelanger | clarkb: looking at https://github.com/openstack/deb-python-os-client-config and https://github.com/openstack/os-client-config it is slightly confusing which one is upstream, since both master branches are the same | 15:16 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Parameterized Scheduler Plugin https://review.openstack.org/353165 | 15:17 |
zigo | fungi: I'm not saying it's not possible to do it, I'm saying it's a *WAY* more complicated to do what you're describing. | 15:17 |
zigo | fungi: First, you got to design the code to do the pull / push from here and there. | 15:17 |
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fungi | zigo: we actually do a lot of tat in other jobs anyway | 15:17 |
zigo | fungi: Then, when designing a quilt patch, you need to do many things so that you can finally type dpkg-source --commit | 15:17 |
pabelanger | I'm not sure it is way more complicated, but it does delay the packaging process | 15:17 |
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zigo | fungi: Then, we'd have to do more work to upload to debian as well, instead of just git clone, build, upload. | 15:18 |
zigo | I've given my argumentation about why I prefer the current workflow, I still don't get why you prefer not using it. | 15:18 |
fungi | i'm suggesting that when developing locally you can pull from the nova repo while writing your quilt patch, but only push the quilt patch back into the pkg-nova repo rather than merging a copy of all of nova into the pkg-nova repo | 15:18 |
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zigo | fungi: Yes, that's more manual operations ! | 15:19 |
zigo | :) | 15:19 |
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zigo | To me, it just looks like you're saying "whaaaaat? We'll have 2 copies?". Is there any other point of argumentation besides that? | 15:19 |
fungi | and is avoiding that one manual operation worth keeping an entire extra copy of all upstream commits to all packaged projects in gerrit? | 15:19 |
zigo | Also, what would be the workflow if I want to package commit 28af82dec ? | 15:20 |
mlavalle | hi is there anybody here who can help me with a logstash question? | 15:20 |
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zigo | The version should be something like 1:2.3.4+2016.09.01.git.28af82dec-5+13~bpo8+1 | 15:21 |
zigo | Do you suggest that we add some logic to extract the git sha256, and pull the relevant things in the packaging branch, in the build script? | 15:21 |
zigo | This looks very hackish to me. | 15:22 |
clarkb | zigo: I listed my two reasons why I don't like it | 15:22 |
pabelanger | zigo: right, we'd have to do that | 15:22 |
zigo | clarkb: I was on the phone at the same time, I'm sorry, I probably missed them. | 15:22 |
zigo | (now I'm all focussed...) | 15:22 |
pabelanger | zigo: and we do today, some jobs will use zuul-cloner to fetch specific commits. This could be used in your build process with the Depends-On field | 15:23 |
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clarkb | zigo: I don't want multiple copies of every repo floating around as it puts pressure on already large test images which we can't reliably update. I also don't want a git process that bypasses every control in Gerrit | 15:24 |
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pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: over an hour and no launch failures in infracloud | 15:25 |
rcarrillocruz | woot! | 15:25 |
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zigo | clarkb: There's no such thing as "bypasses every control in gerrit", if I understand correctly. | 15:25 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: our time to ready is still a little high, but we could still be distributing images | 15:26 |
clarkb | zigo: what you want is to be able to force push arbitrary commits into your repos | 15:26 |
zigo | clarkb: I believe a git merge -X <tag-name> would just end up in a normal CR. | 15:26 |
clarkb | zigo: that is bypassing the controls we have put in place | 15:26 |
clarkb | oh you are wanting to push a merge commit? ok thats better. The previous discussion said you all needed to push the tags straight in | 15:26 |
zigo | clarkb: That isn't what it seemed when I tried to "git review" a merge commit. | 15:26 |
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clarkb | but its still creates the other problem of doubling (or worse) the size of all the repos in gerrit | 15:27 |
clarkb | mordred: zigo if we do that I will suggest we not cache any of the packaging repos on our test images | 15:27 |
zigo | clarkb: Basically, I want to be able to do: git merge -X theirs <TAG_NAME> .... some packaging change .... git commit -a --amend && git review | 15:27 |
clarkb | because it just doesn't scale that way | 15:27 |
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zigo | clarkb: That, you guys decide, that wouldn't be me. | 15:28 |
zigo | If you think it's better to remove the cache, that's an -infra team decision. | 15:28 |
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clarkb | zigo: not that its better just that I am only interested in carrying one copy of the data in the space constrainted environment | 15:28 |
zigo | I've been doing git clone on each build for a *very* long time on my jenkins, so that's ok to me. | 15:28 |
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zigo | clarkb: We're talking about around 1GB of data here. | 15:29 |
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zigo | Do we really need to save THAT much? | 15:29 |
clarkb | zigo: its not just 1GB | 15:30 |
clarkb | its 1GB in nova then 1GB in pkg nova | 15:30 |
clarkb | then in six months is 1.5GB and 1.5GB | 15:30 |
zigo | Nop, that's the total for all of the Git in all of my packaging. | 15:30 |
clarkb | (illustrative only not real numbers) | 15:30 |
clarkb | zigo: yes trying to illustrate the growth pattern here though | 15:30 |
zigo | Nova is huge, other packages are mostly very small. | 15:30 |
clarkb | and as mroe and more projects happen and you package more and more repos... | 15:30 |
clarkb | the git cache on our images is huge right now and accounts for most of the disk use of those | 15:31 |
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pabelanger | I think the issue is, we are proposing another method of doing it, which is different then the workflow you are accustomed too. And the potential amount of work needed to switch workflows | 15:31 |
zigo | For example, a non-bare repo of deb-python-debtcollector is not even 1MB with all the git history. | 15:31 |
zigo | pabelanger: That's one big issue too. And I'm supposed to have all of OpenStack Newton ready this week too ... | 15:31 |
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pabelanger | We could use openstack-infra/zuul-packaging as a POC, because I always envisioned using git-buildpackage with overlay to produce its package builds. | 15:32 |
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zigo | Could we agree to discuss this *later*, ie when I'm not in the rush of a release? | 15:32 |
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pabelanger | zigo: yes, this would impact that deadline. As we need to workout the process | 15:32 |
clarkb | we turned off the du'ing due to the xenail build issue so I can't easily just look at logs for a disk size number | 15:32 |
clarkb | but over 7GB I think | 15:33 |
zigo | I still hope to release Newton with infra, but if we decide to switch to another workflow, I give up for this release. | 15:33 |
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zigo | I don't want to risk having a bad OpenStack release for Debian Stretch (frozen at the end of the year). | 15:34 |
openstackgerrit | Peter Zhurba proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add repo for openstack/puppet-glare. https://review.openstack.org/362950 | 15:34 |
zigo | (and Mitaka is not an option as Horizon/Mitaka isn't Django 1.10 compatible) | 15:34 |
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pabelanger | Not sure I follow, your going to upload the builds to debian from debian-openstack repo? | 15:36 |
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rcarrillocruz | pabelanger, mordred : https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364397/ | 15:36 |
rcarrillocruz | i still need to put a test for it, but you get the idea | 15:37 |
rcarrillocruz | clarkb: we were also talking about ^ these days | 15:37 |
zigo | pabelanger: I'm saying that I wont have the necessary time to change everything (workflow, build scripts, etc) given the time constraints of the Newton release. | 15:37 |
clarkb | pabelanger: zigo openstack/ is 6.7 GB | 15:37 |
clarkb | so if packaging deb is 1GB you represent more than 1/7th of our entire disk use | 15:37 |
zigo | clarkb: This includes stuff I don't need. | 15:37 |
clarkb | zigo: yes I am comparing you to the whole | 15:38 |
zigo | ok | 15:38 |
clarkb | and that will only grow as the rest of openstack/ grows because you are a copy of a significant chunk of it | 15:38 |
pabelanger | zigo: right, you want to use same build script for both repos. I was confused you wanted to drive package builds from openstack into debian some how. | 15:38 |
* zigo tries now to have actual real numbers | 15:38 | |
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openstackgerrit | mathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton https://review.openstack.org/323750 | 15:39 |
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clarkb | I am totally happy to cache those repos and host them. I just don't think they should include entire copies of the other repos we host | 15:39 |
pabelanger | clarkb: Ya, that was my thought on using overlay option for git-buildpackage | 15:39 |
pabelanger | otherwise, why not just include debian folder into nova? | 15:40 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: seems right, can we add test for devstack? | 15:41 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: Oh, I see you are working on that | 15:41 |
zigo | clarkb: You do realize that this also includes 3rd party python modules? | 15:41 |
rcarrillocruz | yep, follow up patch | 15:41 |
zigo | (so that the reasoning doesn't apply for them...) | 15:41 |
clarkb | we also created some of the repos multiple times in gerrit | 15:41 |
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clarkb | so my ask is just that we bit a bit more careful and not spam gerrit with a bunch of unnecessary copies of things. AIUI this is possible | 15:42 |
zigo | Currently, in alioth.debian.org all the deb-* are 1.5 GB bare git repos. | 15:42 |
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zigo | clarkb: Would it be possible to install the cache only in the Jessie image? | 15:43 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix disabled always returning true https://review.openstack.org/357491 | 15:44 |
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clarkb | zigo: ya there is potential tuning we can do around that. However we have in the past tried to treat them all the same so that you don't have to consider such differences when moving among distros. Focus should be on the distro differences | 15:44 |
clarkb | I think we shoul stick to that goal as much as possible. | 15:44 |
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zigo | Makes sense. | 15:45 |
pleia2 | good morning | 15:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bring osic-cloud8 online with 10 nodes https://review.openstack.org/364408 | 15:49 |
pabelanger | clarkb: rcarrillocruz: fungi: brings osic-cloud8 online^ | 15:49 |
pabelanger | so far both internap-mtl01 and infracloud-vanilla look good | 15:49 |
rcarrillocruz | +2 | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | has the multinode issue being solved | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | sdake: | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | ^ | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | erm | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: ^ | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | sorry mr dake :-) | 15:50 |
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pabelanger | yes, sdague should have included you | 15:50 |
sdague | rcarrillocruz: yes | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | so, we good to bump now | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | ? | 15:50 |
rcarrillocruz | i have a change to bump infracloud to 50 | 15:51 |
rcarrillocruz | and i increased quota this morning on the zuul project | 15:51 |
sdague | so, probably, I'd just ramp slowly and make sure to watch zuul like a hawk to look for new fails | 15:51 |
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sdague | what would be super cool is if nodes could be brought into a test run holding pen where some changes are just duped onto them | 15:52 |
sdague | so we could get burn in without blowing up real work | 15:52 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: So, I want to see what is needed to start getting mcollective going on infracloud. Or some other method for statsd | 15:52 |
pabelanger | sdague: Ya, I've often thought of that too | 15:53 |
rcarrillocruz | sdague: so now it's on 10 nodes, my change is about bumping to 50. I'm cool bumping to less than that | 15:53 |
pabelanger | would be a good tool to help debug clouds without affecting production | 15:53 |
rcarrillocruz | indeed | 15:53 |
sdague | because this only test live thing is just rough if people don't stay on top of job fails for the hours after | 15:54 |
sdague | I seem to be meat nagios for that a bunch | 15:54 |
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rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: i'm confused, statsd is metrics but my understanding is mcollective is puppet orchestration ? | 15:54 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: haha, collectd | 15:55 |
pabelanger | my mistake | 15:55 |
jeblair_ | please don't run collectd on just *some* of our systems | 15:55 |
jeblair_ | if you want to do that, replace cacti completely, and everywhere, and make sure that you get data that is correct like cacti | 15:55 |
pabelanger | I thought that was the tooling for choice from the talks at our last midcycle? | 15:55 |
jeblair_ | we don't need two systems graphing memory in parallel | 15:56 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger , jeblair_ : that seems like a good topic for either mid cycle or summit | 15:56 |
rcarrillocruz | i agree we should stick to one | 15:56 |
pabelanger | Ya, if we can use the same across everything, that makes things easier | 15:57 |
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jeblair_ | rcarrillocruz: i don't think anyone is opposed to it. i'm just saying it's a lot of hard work, and you have to understand what every graph is measuring to be sure to get the data right. our cacti install had *a lot* of work put into it to make sure it's correct. | 15:58 |
jeblair_ | rcarrillocruz: i mean, maybe we should talk about it so i can say this to everyone | 15:58 |
rcarrillocruz | indeed | 15:58 |
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ihrachys | depends-on fails for me lately. somehow zuul forgets to pick up a patch for merge after its dependency lands its repo | 15:58 |
jeblair_ | because this is the second time in the past few days i've given this little speech :) | 15:58 |
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rcarrillocruz | heh | 15:58 |
ihrachys | has anyone noticed? | 15:58 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: do not fail if there are no constraint updates to push https://review.openstack.org/364417 | 15:58 |
sdague | ihrachys: which patches? | 15:58 |
pabelanger | I'm sure its been me twice asking about statsd too | 15:58 |
jeblair_ | pabelanger: in the mean time, we do run cacti everywhere, including infra cloud | 15:58 |
ihrachys | sdague: just nudged https://review.openstack.org/#/c/325208/ | 15:58 |
rcarrillocruz | fwiw, i added all compute hosts to cacti | 15:59 |
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ihrachys | sdague: there were others, but I can't immediately come up with links because I lost context. | 15:59 |
jeblair_ | rcarrillocruz: cool, i'll update the trees later | 15:59 |
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sdague | ihrachys: python-neutronclient isn't in a shared pipeline with neutron | 16:00 |
ihrachys | sdague: another one was https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362772/ | 16:00 |
sdague | so I think that's expected | 16:00 |
sdague | they have to share a pipeline for them to auto process together | 16:00 |
sdague | ihrachys: yep, that would be the same thing | 16:00 |
sdague | same reason it happens for project-config changes | 16:00 |
dhellmann | infra folks, it would be good to have some quick attention on https://review.openstack.org/364417 to cut down the false failures we're seeing in release jobs today | 16:00 |
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ihrachys | sdague: oh I see. not that it's the best user experience because honestly I don't know by heart pipeline setups :) | 16:00 |
pabelanger | jeblair_: Yes. Maybe what I should be asking is how to get data out of cacti to be rendered with grafana. | 16:01 |
jeblair_ | ihrachys: if the two projects are not tested together from source, then the depends-on has a slightly different meaning. it means "this patch can't be enqueued until the other patch lands". | 16:02 |
zaro | morning | 16:02 |
ihrachys | jeblair_: yeah, but even when the first lands, the second does not get anywhere near merge queue | 16:02 |
jeblair_ | ihrachys: (in this case, the depends-on can't be used to incorporate a pending change from another repo) | 16:02 |
ihrachys | jeblair_: so I need to W+0/W+1 it again to get the job done | 16:02 |
ihrachys | jeblair_: you mean by client patch has not really fetched server side? | 16:03 |
jeblair_ | ihrachys: yes, that's true. you could always leave the depends-on header off in that case. | 16:03 |
jeblair_ | ihrachys: correct | 16:03 |
sdague | jeblair_: would it be hard to look for those an enqueue them on patch merge? | 16:04 |
ihrachys | jeblair_: gotcha. it sucks and is confusing, but I guess I just had too many hopes in the magic :) | 16:04 |
jeblair_ | ihrachys: well, if it *did* then the pipeline config is wrong | 16:04 |
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sdague | I've definitely seen it trip people up | 16:04 |
jeblair_ | ihrachys: if it actually *did* pull in changes, then maybe it should be in the same shared queue | 16:04 |
ihrachys | jeblair_: I guess they were passing fine independently, that's why I haven't spotted anything on check queue | 16:04 |
jeblair_ | sdague: i think that would be possible | 16:05 |
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sdague | jeblair_: I think that's the thing that people are expecting, then get confused when it doesn't happen. | 16:05 |
ihrachys | jeblair_: ok, for example neutronclient gates on neutron code via its functional job. wouldn't it mean that they should have had the same pipeline? | 16:05 |
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sdague | ihrachys: only if they share a job name | 16:06 |
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jeblair_ | i guess in this case, neutron doesn't gate on neutronclient | 16:06 |
sdague | jeblair_: correct | 16:06 |
sdague | which is intentional | 16:06 |
openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Document commit message syntax for StoryBoard https://review.openstack.org/360668 | 16:07 |
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openstackgerrit | Khai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: upgrade Gerrit's javamelody plugin https://review.openstack.org/364424 | 16:08 |
zaro | fungi, clarkb: for tomorrow ^ | 16:08 |
jesusaur | infra-root: when you get a chance, I'd like your opinions on https://review.openstack.org/363969 and the output at http://logs.openstack.org/69/363969/1/check/gate-project-config-layout/2386513/console.html#_2016-08-31_23_11_54_465294 | 16:08 |
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mgagne | pabelanger, clarkb: ready for internap-mtl01 | 16:11 |
sdague | any other project-config core folks want to do a quick review here - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363937 ? | 16:11 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: [Rally] Make py35 job voting https://review.openstack.org/361994 | 16:12 |
sdake | rcarrillocruz no need to call me mr :) | 16:12 |
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rcarrillocruz | ;-) | 16:12 |
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openstackgerrit | David Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add craton-dashboard repository (Horizon Plugin) https://review.openstack.org/354274 | 16:13 |
fungi | sdague: in theory we could do something like that with a nodepool-dev/zuul-dev environment. set them up with a limited project list and a check pipeline and only add quota for new providers to nodepool-dev initially | 16:14 |
fungi | (the new provider incubation corral) | 16:15 |
sdague | fungi: that would be kind of nice | 16:15 |
fungi | it would be a nontrivial thing to create and maintain, but it's probably worth entertaining | 16:15 |
sdague | because the onboarding of new providers is great for capacity, but tends to make fail spikes | 16:15 |
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sdague | so is rough during crunch time | 16:16 |
clarkb | I mean | 16:17 |
rcarrillocruz | fungi: so, i assume we'll get chocolate on newton , when we discuss at the mid-cycle no? | 16:17 |
rcarrillocruz | when is newton due? | 16:17 |
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clarkb | have ahve fail spikes in long lived clouds all the time too | 16:17 |
clarkb | I think its more "cluod" than "new cloud" | 16:17 |
clarkb | (like the osic ipv6 thing wasn't a new cloud issue, just cloud issue) | 16:18 |
pabelanger | there is a lot of overhead for nodepool-dev too, image uploads for example | 16:18 |
fungi | rcarrillocruz: worth bookmarking https://releases.openstack.org/newton/schedule.html | 16:18 |
clarkb | that said I think its a reasonable thing to do I just don't want the expectation to be we will never have a cloud issue again | 16:18 |
rcarrillocruz | thanks | 16:18 |
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sdague | clarkb: sure | 16:19 |
mordred | clarkb: to be fair though ... the ipv6 was a cloud config change that we knew about and was _like_ adding a new cloud | 16:19 |
mordred | or could have been seen that way - although I will admit I did not think of it that way at the time | 16:19 |
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sdague | but we had to drop an internap region, and infra cloud in the last 2 weeks | 16:19 |
clarkb | mordred: I didn't (and I still don't really getting a new IP address is not liek getting a new cloud imo) | 16:19 |
fungi | rcarrillocruz: so the infra sprint is the week before final release candidates for newton | 16:20 |
sdague | all of which could be better servered with a holding pen | 16:20 |
mordred | clarkb: totally | 16:20 |
sdague | so those could live debug through issues | 16:20 |
sdague | and once got to a good pass rate, get added to the good pool | 16:20 |
clarkb | sdague: yup I agree. I have always tried to run tests myself on the instances before bringing them into the fold not sure if we managed to do that this time. And having a tool to do that would avoid ah uman needing to think about it. So definitely a reasonable thing to do | 16:20 |
fungi | sdague: clarkb: mordred: though i think having a proving ground shadow ci for new providers in some ways simplifies testing them out when we have to determine appropriate flavors and whatnot | 16:21 |
fungi | er, what clarkb just said basically | 16:21 |
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sdague | fungi: yep | 16:21 |
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sdague | I am well aware we will always have fails :) | 16:22 |
fungi | we hadn't seriously considered it in the past because adding a new provider happened once every year or two | 16:22 |
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fungi | now it seems to be something closer to a monthly occurrence | 16:22 |
rcarrillocruz | heh, yeah | 16:22 |
fungi | what an awesome problem to have, btw | 16:23 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: fungi: Maybe Newton RC1? | 16:23 |
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fungi | pabelanger: i'm not opposed to running infra-cloud on bleeding-edge prerelease code as long as it doesn't get in the way of being able to use it. having early feedback to the community on new releases is great, but i think our #1 goal should be making sure we're able to run _something_ and use it consistently | 16:24 |
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rcarrillocruz | wfm, although i think that bringing up all servers, iron out issues, get back to DC with tickets etc, it could very well get past one-two weeks, just in time for the newton release | 16:24 |
fungi | if sticking with mitaka helps increase our chances of keeping it up and running i'm much more in favor of that | 16:25 |
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pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: What is stopping us from launching infra-chocolate now? | 16:25 |
fungi | and then consider upgrading to newton once newton is releasedc | 16:25 |
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fungi | pabelanger: mostly that there's still work to finish on vanilla, aiui | 16:26 |
rcarrillocruz | i need to double check the inventory of things | 16:26 |
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rcarrillocruz | what took a long time was to find out what those servers were | 16:26 |
rcarrillocruz | cos in our inventory we had ilO ips | 16:26 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: fungi: okay, assign me a task! I'm eager to help | 16:26 |
pabelanger | :) | 16:26 |
rcarrillocruz | no serial numbers | 16:26 |
rcarrillocruz | no nothing | 16:26 |
* mtreinish wants ice cream now | 16:26 | |
fungi | indeed | 16:26 |
rcarrillocruz | but the DC folks they refer them by serial number | 16:27 |
rcarrillocruz | so i had to go one by one | 16:27 |
rcarrillocruz | guessing by macs | 16:27 |
rcarrillocruz | what was what | 16:27 |
rcarrillocruz | registering the racks the machine were put | 16:27 |
rcarrillocruz | etc | 16:27 |
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rcarrillocruz | essetnially, cross-checking two different sources of truth | 16:27 |
rcarrillocruz | but sure, we can start doing provisioning on chocolate | 16:27 |
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rcarrillocruz | as a amtter of ract, i plan to use those machines to do the live demo i promised on the meeting a couple weeks ago | 16:28 |
rcarrillocruz | how to enroll with bifrost | 16:28 |
rcarrillocruz | deploy | 16:28 |
rcarrillocruz | delete | 16:28 |
rcarrillocruz | redeploy | 16:28 |
rcarrillocruz | etc | 16:28 |
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fungi | yeah, and doing a demo with software you already have deployed previously increases the chances that it's a viable demonstration rather than getting bogged down in whatever isn't quite right for newton yet | 16:29 |
pabelanger | okay, is there a list of infracloud-vanilla that needs finishing up? | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | yeah | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: none | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | all that can be deployed, are deployed | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | we have 3 machines with issues | 16:29 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: everything is online? | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | that i have tickets for | 16:29 |
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rcarrillocruz | everything that is ok, is online | 16:29 |
pabelanger | nice | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | check oepnstack-dev mailing list, i did a summary of the machines | 16:29 |
fungi | and i guess the new ansible wheel is churning correctly for them, they're in cacti now, et cetera? | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | sec | 16:29 |
rcarrillocruz | i'll link | 16:30 |
rcarrillocruz | http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-September/102707.html | 16:30 |
jeblair_ | fungi: is there a wiki-dev01.openstack.org server without a forward dns record? | 16:30 |
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rcarrillocruz | fungi: they are all in cacti | 16:30 |
fungi | jeblair_: it's the result of a launch-node.py --keep i'm trying to work through vcsrepo errors for | 16:31 |
fungi | jeblair: i'll be deleting it shortly and relaunching | 16:31 |
jeblair | fungi: ok. pabelanger is not the only one to get NDRs -- i just got one for him for that server :) | 16:31 |
fungi | jeblair: cute | 16:31 |
rcarrillocruz | i was hoping to get ALL fixed today, the lab said 'all is good', but out of 4 with issues just one i brought it back to life today | 16:31 |
rcarrillocruz | so we're down to 3 now with issues | 16:32 |
pabelanger | ya, compute016.vanilla.ic.openstack.org looks to be down right now | 16:32 |
jeblair | pabelanger, rcarrillocruz: i'm happy to help click through the spamhaus records for all the infra-cloud ips, or if we want to set up a smarthost and just do one or two, that should work too. | 16:32 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: yeah, that one has a HD broken | 16:32 |
fungi | rcarrillocruz: pabelanger: do we have any good numbers on relative job runtimes and nondeterministic failures (if any) in our nodepool project in infra-cloud yet? | 16:32 |
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rcarrillocruz | fungi: i think it may be too soon, just one day of real workload | 16:33 |
rcarrillocruz | i really want to see dsvm runs when there are more noisy neighbours in the computes | 16:33 |
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jeblair | fungi: the 2 graphs at the bottom say 'no datapoints' http://grafana.openstack.org/dashboard/db/nodepool-infra-cloud | 16:33 |
rcarrillocruz | cos in my initial test, a nova tempest full run took the same as osic, but you know, the VM has the entire compute for itself | 16:33 |
fungi | looking in grafana myself now, yes | 16:33 |
fungi | looks like it's all building and deleting? | 16:34 |
fungi | oh, i guess we have some in use | 16:34 |
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pabelanger | yes | 16:34 |
rcarrillocruz | jeblair: in regards to the spamhaus thing, yeah, i think having a smarthost would be good | 16:34 |
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pabelanger | fungi: jeblair: So, I'd like some feedback on: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364322/ The current launch failures in infracloud are related to EOFError from paramiko. Not sure if that is the right approach | 16:35 |
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pabelanger | fungi: jeblair: the other failure was related to DNS, we were just using google DNS, so we added unbound to infracloud this morning | 16:36 |
jeblair | pabelanger: i'm suspicious of 364622 | 16:37 |
jeblair | pabelanger: does it happen elsewhere, or just omfra? | 16:37 |
jeblair | pabelanger: and what's *really* going on? i mean, it opened a connection, but then it was closed? | 16:38 |
pabelanger | jeblair: Ya, looks like randomly in rax, ovh, internap and bluebox too | 16:38 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "tripleo-ui: add missing jobs for release management" https://review.openstack.org/364452 | 16:38 |
fungi | what's the failure rate from that? frequent enough we could attempt to recreate it with openssh? | 16:38 |
fungi | and if it's a problem for paramiko, is it also going to happen to ansible? | 16:39 |
pabelanger | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565742/ EOFError from today | 16:39 |
fungi | does ansible (or maybe zuul-launcher) already have a similar workaround? | 16:39 |
mordred | fungi: ansible uses openssh, not paramiko | 16:40 |
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fungi | mordred: sure, which is why i asked whether there's any hope of us finding the underlying cause by testing with openssh | 16:40 |
pabelanger | jeblair: Yes, I am not sure what the issue is right now. It looks to be on the first ssh_connect attempt from nodepool. And because we don't retry, the server is deleted and we move on | 16:40 |
mordred | fungi: good point | 16:40 |
jeblair | right, but i think what's being gotten at here is that some of the choices nodepool makes are about preventing bad hosts from making it to zuul | 16:40 |
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jeblair | so is this really a situation where we *want* to help more things get through | 16:41 |
fungi | agreed, right now _assuming_ this eoferror indicates a problem node, then retry-spamming it into service could be detrimental to whatever job runs on it down the line | 16:41 |
jeblair | this is why i asked what's really going on | 16:42 |
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jeblair | cause the other errors in there all have explanations for why we should ignore them (user not created yet, ssh not started yet, etc) | 16:42 |
pabelanger | right, I cannot answer that. I was hoping retry would better expose the actually issue | 16:42 |
fungi | yep, figuring out what is causing the eoferror paramiko is raising might help us figure out whether it's safe to press nodes exhibiting this behavior into service | 16:42 |
fungi | rather than papering over the failure with retries | 16:43 |
pabelanger | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565743/ is the traceback of the failure | 16:43 |
rcarrillocruz | k folks, gotta run to catch my son | 16:43 |
rcarrillocruz | later | 16:43 |
fungi | is there a way to get paramiko to provide more detail on the failure mode? | 16:43 |
fungi | aha, thanks | 16:43 |
rcarrillocruz | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364397/ mordred , pabelanger , it passed tests | 16:43 |
rcarrillocruz | later | 16:43 |
pabelanger | fungi: I believe we could enabled debug logs for that | 16:44 |
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fungi | logging.getLogger('paramiko.transport').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) | 16:45 |
fungi | apparently | 16:45 |
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openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo-ui: use nodejs4-publish-to-npm template https://review.openstack.org/364455 | 16:47 |
jeblair | fungi: yeah, though looking at the code, i'm not sure we'd learn much from that | 16:47 |
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fungi | https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/issues/520 maybe? | 16:47 |
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pabelanger | jeblair: was there talk of moving away from paramiko in nodepool? | 16:49 |
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jeblair | pabelanger: i don't recall? | 16:49 |
pabelanger | okay | 16:49 |
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Shrews | pabelanger: mordred: rcarrillocruz: fyi, ansible testing WG meeting happening in 9 min. i keep forgetting | 16:51 |
pabelanger | Shrews: Thanks | 16:51 |
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jeblair | pabelanger: i think if you want to chase this down, that's fine -- i would recommend you create a new log message for it though so you can track it | 16:52 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/storyboard: Limit PyMySQL to < 0.7.7 https://review.openstack.org/364250 | 16:53 |
fungi | worth noting, we're on paramiko 1.17.2 for nodepool.o.o | 16:53 |
pabelanger | jeblair: okay, I'll update the patch shortly | 16:53 |
jeblair | pabelanger: and log the exception, so we know where it's coming from. that way if we see multiple eoferrors from the same host, we'll know if they're all from the same spot | 16:53 |
pabelanger | jeblair: will do | 16:53 |
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fungi | ugh. their repo has tags for 1.17.2 and v1.17.2 | 16:54 |
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fungi | context: https://github.com/paramiko/paramiko/blob/1.17.2/paramiko/transport.py#L492 | 16:55 |
fungi | (that file looks to be the same under the v1.17.2 tag as well) | 16:56 |
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pabelanger | fungi: ya, looks like we don't even get to the authentication step | 16:58 |
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pabelanger | does ssh-server restart after keys are generated? | 16:59 |
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fungi | pabelanger: so what's interesting about the failures... none seem to be in osic | 16:59 |
fungi | even though osic is now by far the bulk of our volume | 17:00 |
clarkb | pabelanger: no it doesn't start at all until keys are generated | 17:00 |
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fungi | no rax-iad either, but i could chalk that up to lack of a statistically significant sample | 17:01 |
fungi | however, if this were consistent across providers, i would expect to see lots in osic too | 17:01 |
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pabelanger | rax-iad is currently disabled however | 17:01 |
fungi | hah, that explains that one then | 17:01 |
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pabelanger | Ya, but no osic in any logs on disk | 17:01 |
pabelanger | would should include ipv4 | 17:02 |
pabelanger | oh, maybe not | 17:02 |
fungi | right, i think we're only connecting from nodepool to osic nodes via ipv6 now | 17:03 |
pabelanger | 2016-08-22 is last log, I think we had ipv6 by then | 17:03 |
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fungi | so the question is whether this is a v4-only issue, or an issue than manifests dirrerently (and raises a different error condition) under v6 | 17:03 |
fungi | or an issue that doesn't affect osic for some other reasons unrelated to ipv4 vs ipv6 | 17:04 |
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mgagne | pabelanger: let me know when you are ready to enable more in internap-mtl01 | 17:16 |
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pabelanger | mgagne: I think we are trying to determine how the cloud is preforming right now. Average test runs, if anything is failing, etc | 17:18 |
mgagne | alright, fine with me | 17:18 |
clarkb | pabelanger: are any of thosefailures on precise or trusty? if not maybe its related to systemd socket activation and the service not starting fast enough for paramiko? | 17:18 |
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mgagne | is there any dashboard/link I can read? | 17:18 |
clarkb | pabelanger: basically with socket activation systemd is going to listen on port22 and accept connections for ssh before sshd is ready. Then when sshd is ready it will hand over control of the socket | 17:19 |
pabelanger | clarkb: let me extra the node type | 17:19 |
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clarkb | so wondering if maybe tcp handshake happens then we have a long pause long enough to make ssh unhappy | 17:19 |
pabelanger | mgagne: mostly looking in logstash.o.o and nodepool logs atm | 17:20 |
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clarkb | hrm glance wants to remove -2 perms from their core group? | 17:22 |
fungi | where did we get to with making nodepool logs public? i think we said we'd be comfortable with it once we finished the migration to shade? | 17:23 |
fungi | and that's done now, afaik | 17:23 |
pabelanger | clarkb: seems ubuntu-xenial and debian-jessie: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565751/ | 17:24 |
pabelanger | so you are on to something | 17:24 |
clarkb | I think we are still maybe waiting for swift bits to use ksa? I don't recall if that was required for the password sanitizing | 17:24 |
clarkb | though now all the swift stuff happens in the nodepool builder we could just not serve those logs | 17:24 |
clarkb | fungi: ^ | 17:24 |
fungi | ahh, right | 17:24 |
fungi | especially easy if we move the builder daemon to a separate server | 17:25 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: ya, so that goes back to my question about ssh server being restart. It sounds like what you are describing with systemd could cause issues with the socket | 17:27 |
pabelanger | if we connect early enough | 17:27 |
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pabelanger | So, once https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364322/ is cleaned up, we should see a failure or 2, and then eventually ssh connection | 17:28 |
nikhil | heya.. there're a few glance patches in gate that seem stuck verifying? https://review.openstack.org/363838 https://review.openstack.org/363870 https://review.openstack.org/354332 | 17:28 |
nikhil | based on the status on zuul | 17:29 |
clarkb | In theory it should be fine because systemd just holds the fd but maybe there is a timeout or something more aggressive in paramiko | 17:29 |
openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Enable mod_proxy when proxying status commands https://review.openstack.org/364478 | 17:29 |
nikhil | all of them are really really important for us to tag newton-3 today | 17:29 |
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pabelanger | another option, could be to delay our ssh connections per cloud, with some sort of configuration option. | 17:29 |
jeblair | clarkb, pabelanger, fungi: ^ i just did that manually on the nodepool server | 17:29 |
nikhil | any help/pointer would be super useful! | 17:29 |
clarkb | nikhil: have you pulled up teh console logs/ | 17:29 |
jeblair | clarkb, pabelanger, fungi, mgagne: http://nodepool.openstack.org/image-list works now | 17:29 |
jeblair | as does http://nodepool.openstack.org/dib-image-list | 17:29 |
clarkb | nikhil: says its still running tempest | 17:30 |
mgagne | that's one interesting output | 17:30 |
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pabelanger | jeblair: excellent | 17:30 |
AJaeger | fnikil 363838 is still running... | 17:30 |
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jeblair | sdague: you may find http://nodepool.openstack.org/image-list useful | 17:30 |
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AJaeger | nikhil: sorry for typo ^ | 17:30 |
nikhil | AJaeger: clarkb : that's been running for along time | 17:30 |
nikhil | and the other two seem done | 17:30 |
AJaeger | nikhil: gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial is running - did you see that? | 17:30 |
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fungi | 2016-09-01 17:30:47.614538 | {1} tempest.scenario.test_network_advanced_server_ops.TestNetworkAdvancedServerOps.test_server_connectivity_stop_start [165.255744s] ... ok | 17:30 |
nikhil | AJaeger: yeah, waiting for it for last 1-1.5 hrs | 17:31 |
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fungi | the node seems to be in rax-ord so we can't blame slowness in infra-cloud or anything for this one | 17:31 |
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nikhil | what's the best path forward? (recheck won't work) so, wait fora bit more and bug folks then :) | 17:32 |
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clarkb | nikhil: you'll have to debug why the job is slow | 17:33 |
clarkb | it is still doing stuff though seems like | 17:33 |
nikhil | clarkb: how do I get on this telnet link telnet:// ? | 17:33 |
fungi | looks like devstack setup took from 15:17:41 to 15:56:38 | 17:33 |
clarkb | nikhil: use telnet or nc to that ip address and port | 17:33 |
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nikhil | (that's what I get when I hover on that gate link) | 17:33 |
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clarkb | nikhil: if you are more adventurous there are ways to have your browser do things automatically but I haven't bothered | 17:34 |
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fungi | looks like it's just slow. for example the gap from when test_server_connectivity_rebuild reported and test_server_connectivity_resize reported was on the order of 3 minutes | 17:35 |
AJaeger | nikhil: telnet 19885 (or use nc with same arguments) | 17:35 |
nikhil | clarkb: gotcha, will use telnet | 17:35 |
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nikhil | AJaeger: ty , just hopped on :) | 17:35 |
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fungi | i don't see any tests that have actually failed in that log (yet) | 17:36 |
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fungi | but it's entirely possible this job will continue until it reaches the job timeout and gets killed | 17:36 |
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AJaeger | sdague: for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363937 we should ask the Neutron folks, shouldn't we? armax, dougwig , please review | 17:36 |
* armax looks | 17:36 | |
nikhil | fungi: yeah, it's a change in config & tests are not expected to fail | 17:37 |
nikhil | fungi: ok | 17:37 |
clarkb | I think those tests are the ones that tend to run at the end | 17:37 |
clarkb | but I haven't actually looked at the sorting recently | 17:37 |
AJaeger | Zara: did you merge anything yet on python-storyboardclient? Any dummy commit to get content published? | 17:37 |
openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add due_dates https://review.openstack.org/345995 | 17:37 |
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openstackgerrit | Ben Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add ipv6 nic-configs https://review.openstack.org/364479 | 17:38 |
AJaeger | do we want to merge the internap-mtl01 to 150 increase now? https://review.openstack.org/363984 ? | 17:38 |
Zara | Ajaeger: it's not merged yet but there's a patch over here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362878/ for docs | 17:38 |
fungi | the same job that ran on the two glance changes behind the slow one only took around an hour to complete, so there's probably something terribly wrong with the node this job is running on | 17:38 |
clarkb | jeblair: I went ahead and just approved the mod proxy change since its already been applied by hand | 17:38 |
jeblair | clarkb: thx | 17:39 |
fungi | system load on that node is around 4 | 17:39 |
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openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Retry ssh connect when EOFError is received https://review.openstack.org/364322 | 17:40 |
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nikhil | fungi: saw it succeed in 339 secs! | 17:40 |
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fungi | not an extreme amount of memory pressure | 17:41 |
pabelanger | AJaeger: still confirming if the cloud is ready for more nodes. Should know more in the next little bit | 17:41 |
clarkb | fungi: how many bogomips >_> | 17:41 |
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AJaeger | pabelanger: Mathieu Gagné commented "We're ready" on the review | 17:42 |
fungi | clarkb: around 5200 on all 8 processors listed in cpuinfo | 17:42 |
clarkb | pabelanger: is the current concern the ssh eof error? | 17:42 |
mat128 | mgagne: ^ | 17:42 |
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clarkb | fungi: thats more than my local machine! | 17:42 |
mgagne | AJaeger: pabelanger said " I think we are trying to determine how the cloud is preforming right now. Average test runs, if anything is failing, etc" | 17:42 |
pabelanger | clarkb: for internap-mtl01? Just wanted to confirm job times are in line with what we expect, I haven't actually checked that yet. | 17:43 |
fungi | clarkb: i think the eoferror seems to be consistent across providers (sans osic) so probably not a concern for ramping up | 17:43 |
clarkb | pabelanger: gotcha | 17:43 |
clarkb | pabelanger: oh I remember things re the EOF error | 17:43 |
clarkb | pabelanger: launch node ran into that too when running the restart command | 17:43 |
AJaeger | mgagne: ah, thanks! | 17:43 |
clarkb | pabelanger: but in that case its killing the services really fast. So maybe there is a restart of the service happenign that I didn't expect that is closing very earlyconnections | 17:44 |
AJaeger | project-config cores, could you review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364417 for the release team, please? | 17:44 |
fungi | nikhil: well, it finally finished and the two behind it merged so looks like we're in the clear for now but should keep an eye out for more of the same | 17:44 |
clarkb | pabelanger: you can actually reproduce that pretty easily by sshing into a host with systemd and running `reboot` | 17:44 |
nikhil | fungi: thanks much! | 17:44 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: sdague: AJaeger: Looking at grafana for internap-mtl01, tempest tests are inline with nyj01. So, if everbody is on board, we can up the capacity I think | 17:44 |
mordred | nikhil: o hai | 17:44 |
nikhil | fungi: clarkb AJaeger : I noticed they merged after we'd a chat here. you guys have magic vision to make things work just by looking at'em!! | 17:45 |
fungi | zuul's going to be busy for a while processing the dozen or so merges that piled up behind that glance change | 17:45 |
nikhil | mordred: \o | 17:45 |
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fungi | queue lengths are already starting to rise (events is up to 1k) | 17:46 |
AJaeger | nikhil: we're all part of the magic team ;) | 17:46 |
mordred | nikhil: rcarrillocruz and I were talking about image import yesterday ... and I just wanted to confirm | 17:46 |
clarkb | pabelanger: so yes, I am suspecting some systemd behavior we may be tickling there | 17:46 |
mordred | nikhil: import_from_url is not a thing in v2? or it's a thing but only with tasks? | 17:46 |
fungi | clarkb: was there a systemd vs non-systemd split on the ssh failures then? | 17:46 |
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mordred | nikhil: (my understanding is that I should not consider import_from to be a thing anymore, yeah?) | 17:47 |
clarkb | fungi: pabelanger said its just jessie and xenial | 17:47 |
mrhillsman | mordred fungi pabelanger clarkb for osic cloud8 the best solution is the dns suggestion from yesterday | 17:47 |
fungi | clarkb: in that case, yes, sounds highly likely | 17:47 |
pabelanger | clarkb: I think we are restart SSH for some reason | 17:47 |
pabelanger | getting a logs now | 17:47 |
mrhillsman | attaching public address to the VM directly looks like it is going to require quite a bit of work | 17:48 |
clarkb | pabelanger: though in theory restarting sshd doesn't kill existing connections... at least it didn't with upstart maybe this is new and exciting bugs | 17:48 |
pabelanger | clarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565759/ that is from an random osic ubuntu-xenail server | 17:48 |
mrhillsman | i have to discuss with network folks since cloud8 is setup differently than cloud1 | 17:48 |
fungi | mrhillsman: it's an okay short-term solution, but long term it means that if we lose cloud1 for some reason then cloud8 will also effectively be dead to us | 17:48 |
mrhillsman | understood | 17:48 |
mrhillsman | makes total sense | 17:49 |
nikhil | mordred: import from url won't be a generic one. things will be rather predefined http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/glance-specs/specs/mitaka/approved/image-import/image-import-refactor.html#api-changes | 17:49 |
AJaeger | armax: is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/363937 fine? | 17:49 |
pabelanger | clarkb: I think it maybe glean that kicks off the stop / start under systemd | 17:50 |
clarkb | pabelanger: aha it does a stop start after the reload | 17:50 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: ya I Think that would explain ti then as I have seen the same behavior with launch node on `reboot` | 17:50 |
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nikhil | mordred: as per that value discovery call, and then the info about the what to provide is here http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/glance-specs/specs/mitaka/approved/image-import/image-import-refactor.html#format-discovery | 17:50 |
nikhil | mordred: which says, give me the container name if swift local or give me a stream of data is glance-direct | 17:50 |
pabelanger | So, maybe we should see how to make glean run before networking is started | 17:50 |
clarkb | pabelanger: we may be able to just edit glean to say before sshd | 17:51 |
mordred | nikhil: awesome. thanks. super helpful | 17:51 |
nikhil | mordred: so, once import refactor merges, that will be the case :) | 17:51 |
pabelanger | clarkb: right | 17:51 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: let me get a new server up and play with it | 17:51 |
clarkb | pabelanger: kk | 17:51 |
armax | looking | 17:52 |
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jeblair | sdague, pabelanger: re https://review.openstack.org/364309 i share clarkb and mordred's suspicion that there might be something more subtle at play. ansible uses a persistent ssh connection, so the time/effort required to open a new channel should be greatly diminished. 10 seconds seems more than ample. it's also the case that we saw this sort of thing with jenkins too, which had a different approach to connectivity. having said ... | 17:55 |
jeblair | ... that, i don't have any other suggestions for how to make progress on this. i do think if we decide to do it, we need to check on it after a few days in production and evaluate if it's made a difference. | 17:55 |
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jeblair | (also, it's worth noting that zuul automatically restarts jobs that hit that problem) | 17:55 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: remove old tests https://review.openstack.org/360761 | 17:56 |
pabelanger | I still want to make ansible async ignore ssh failures and keep trying until the timeout is reached. Or some ignore ssh failure limit | 17:57 |
dhellmann | hey, folks, I think I have some logic wrong in the script that tries to propose upper constraint changes when we release libraries. | 17:57 |
dhellmann | it gets the branching for the requirements repo wrong | 17:57 |
jeblair | pabelanger: yeah, i think that would be a nice improvement | 17:57 |
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dhellmann | in this log, it should be trying to check out the stable/mitaka branch to propose the commit there, but it doesn't find origin/stable/mitaka: http://logs.openstack.org/7a/7ad1cd3a0da7a95fb7c14cf9eeb9ae683c247efa/release-post/tag-releases/82a4a38/console.html#_2016-09-01_15_55_56_931716 | 17:57 |
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AJaeger | thanks, armax ! | 17:59 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Enable mod_proxy when proxying status commands https://review.openstack.org/364478 | 17:59 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/storyboard: Don't allow users to subscribe to private worklists they can't see https://review.openstack.org/363776 | 17:59 |
pabelanger | jeblair: I also think, we maybe be too aggressive with 5s polling for zuul_runner. Maybe we should bump that to every 60 seconds or a percentage (5%) of the timeout value | 18:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add basic docs for python client https://review.openstack.org/362878 | 18:00 |
mordred | pabelanger: problem with 60s poll | 18:00 |
clarkb | dhellmann: I think that may be a subtle git behavior where it can't identify a unique thing called that because there may be a file or other item with the same name? | 18:00 |
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mordred | pabelanger: is that then there is a 60s lag between a job finishing and ansible knowing that | 18:00 |
dhellmann | clarkb : maybe? I'm pretty sure there is no file called origin/stable/mitaka though? | 18:01 |
mordred | pabelanger, jeblair: in the ansible zuul work I want to do next week - which involves forward porting 2.5 to 3 - I also want to investigate our own action plugin | 18:01 |
clarkb | dhellmann: right above where you linked you can see where it says stable/mitaka -> origin/stable/mitaka and its up to date | 18:01 |
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mordred | and that action plugin should be able to be MUCH smarter about how async happens | 18:01 |
mordred | because we know our intent | 18:01 |
* clarkb tries to reproduce locally | 18:01 | |
dhellmann | clarkb : I've run into similar issues where the local branch name is not what I expect because of something about how we clone repos that I don't understand. | 18:01 |
jeblair | mordred: ah, neat. | 18:01 |
mordred | whereas the async module from ansible has to be more generic, which means it can't respond | 18:01 |
dhellmann | clarkb : maybe I should change the script to just look for stable/mitaka and not origin/stable/mitaka? it used to be that the shorter name wouldn't exist locally, though | 18:02 |
Shrews | mordred: that's exciting | 18:02 |
jeblair | pabelanger: well, some zuul_runner things are very fast; i'd hate to have to wait 60 seconds for an 'echo' statement | 18:02 |
clarkb | dhellmann: it works locally :/ | 18:02 |
dhellmann | clarkb : yeah | 18:02 |
pabelanger | mordred: exciting | 18:02 |
pabelanger | jeblair: ya, down side | 18:02 |
fungi | dhellmann: the non-remote branch name will generally only exist locally in the clone if the job has requested checking out that branch by name | 18:03 |
sdague | jeblair: zuul did not restart this job | 18:03 |
pabelanger | if only we could have linear increasing polling | 18:03 |
jeblair | sdague: i did not see an error report for it | 18:03 |
dhellmann | fungi : ok. I'm looking for the full remote name and not finding it as origin/stable/mitaka. would it have a different name for some reason? | 18:03 |
fungi | dhellmann: by default, a normal clone only gets the default branch indicated in the remote HEAD (or an alternate branch if you specified one explicitly) | 18:04 |
mordred | oh. crap. I was going to fix a bug for jeblair today | 18:04 |
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sdague | jeblair: we force repromoted it because it was the critical patch to fix multinode | 18:04 |
mordred | jeblair: do you remember what the bug was that I was going to track down today? | 18:04 |
fungi | dhellmann: you also won't have an origin/stable/mitaka until after a remote update | 18:04 |
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fungi | pretty sure | 18:04 |
fungi | testing now | 18:04 |
sdague | it had failed that job, reset the gate, taken everything off of it | 18:04 |
sdague | but we needed that patch | 18:04 |
dhellmann | fungi : this is from the release.sh script doing its own call to git clone to check out the requirements repository | 18:04 |
dhellmann | fungi : and then it does "git fetch -v --tags" and the output from that includes a bunch of branch names, including stable/mitaka and origin/stable/mitaka | 18:05 |
AJaeger | Zara: you're too fast for me - I explained how to use references... | 18:05 |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo-ui: use nodejs4-publish-to-npm template https://review.openstack.org/364455 | 18:05 |
jeblair | sdague: http://logs.openstack.org/66/364266/2/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-multinode/63498bd/console.html this one? | 18:05 |
dhellmann | unfortunately that's all in a temporary directory so it's no longer there to examine | 18:05 |
fungi | dhellmann: yeah, just confirmed, if i `git clone ...` the keystone repo, and then cd into it, `git branch -v` only lists "master" | 18:05 |
sdague | jeblair: yes | 18:05 |
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clarkb | fungi: ya but the job does git fetch -v --tags first which seems to populate the things | 18:06 |
openstackgerrit | Gabriele Cerami proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add IPv6 network configuration for ipv6 job types https://review.openstack.org/363674 | 18:06 |
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clarkb | fungi: at least when I do the same for requriments taht git show works locally | 18:06 |
dhellmann | fungi , clarkb : I can add a "git remote update" if you think that would help, but I thought the fetch was more or less doing that? | 18:06 |
fungi | clarkb: well, except git branch -v still only lists my local master after i do that | 18:06 |
fungi | hrm, maybe i'm using git branch incorrectly | 18:07 |
clarkb | fungi: see git branch -a | 18:07 |
fungi | i wanted git branch -a | 18:07 |
Zara | AJaeger: ahaha, thanks. I'll fix it. :) | 18:07 |
fungi | yep | 18:07 |
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fungi | so even immediately after a git clone, git branch -a actually has all the remote branches for the remote i cloned from | 18:07 |
jeblair | pabelanger, mordred, sdague: hrm. ansible did exit with exit code 1, not 3. | 18:08 |
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fungi | but no local branches except the one referenced by HEAD | 18:08 |
dhellmann | clarkb , fungi : http://paste.openstack.org/show/565765/ | 18:08 |
AJaeger | Zara: and sorry for wrong guideance on ``code`` | 18:08 |
pabelanger | jeblair: yes, because failed=1 | 18:08 |
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clarkb | dhellmann: I think I know what the issue is | 18:08 |
jeblair | pabelanger: why did that end up as a failure? | 18:09 |
clarkb | dhellmann: its a git repo in a git repo | 18:09 |
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clarkb | dhellmann: can you confirm that is how the job is setting the tree up? It seems that way from the log | 18:09 |
jeblair | pabelanger: any chance it's because of the block/rescue thing? | 18:09 |
dhellmann | clarkb : oh! could be | 18:09 |
dhellmann | it does do that, yes | 18:09 |
fungi | ahh, right, git has some funky behaviors around git inside git | 18:10 |
clarkb | dhellmann: so I think the ambiguousness is git not knowing which repo's mitaka to show? | 18:10 |
dhellmann | that could well be | 18:10 |
dhellmann | it should be using our fancy tmp dir stuff, let me see why that isn't | 18:10 |
dhellmann | clarkb : it does seem to be using a tmpdir: http://logs.openstack.org/7a/7ad1cd3a0da7a95fb7c14cf9eeb9ae683c247efa/release-post/tag-releases/82a4a38/console.html#_2016-09-01_15_55_54_084809 | 18:10 |
dhellmann | oh, except that temporary directory is inside the workspace | 18:11 |
pabelanger | jeblair: I don't fully understand why. When I last tried to debug this, I considered our usage of the failed task the issue, but it might also be possible that something is async task is doing it | 18:11 |
dhellmann | which is a git repo | 18:11 |
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clarkb | dhellmann: ya | 18:11 |
dhellmann | ok, let me see if I can fix that | 18:11 |
pabelanger | jeblair: but when we get unreachable=1, we still called the fail task, which leads me to think using fail is not the problem | 18:11 |
* clarkb does a quick test | 18:12 | |
AJaeger | python experts, could you lend me a hand, please? See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362436 - and my comment from 5:30 this morning. Why is pbr freeze showing openstackdocstheme==1.5.0 instead of something like openstackdocstheme==1.5.1.dev2 ? | 18:12 |
jeblair | pabelanger: i'm looking for the cases where we actually get exit=3 | 18:12 |
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fungi | dhellmann: separate (but related) note... we did eventually get /usr/zuul-env/bin/zuul-cloner onto the signing node so that script can likely be simplified again when you're ready to hack on that | 18:13 |
jeblair | pabelanger: and it looks like they are ones where we get an ssh error in zuul_runner, but then we *also* get an ssh error in the zuul_log in the rescue block.... | 18:13 |
dhellmann | fungi : ok, cool, I'll put that on the ocata list | 18:13 |
clarkb | hrm at least my local git knows how to handle that (I am running really new git though) | 18:13 |
AJaeger | fungi, dhellmann : But we don't have a local cache, correct? | 18:13 |
fungi | AJaeger: correct | 18:13 |
jeblair | pabelanger: that makes me more suspicious that the block/rescue thing is converting connection errors from inside the block into failures, *unless* there is also a connection failure in the rescue. | 18:14 |
jeblair | mordred, Shrews: ^ | 18:14 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Ironic UI gerritbot to #openstack-ironic https://review.openstack.org/364347 | 18:15 |
fungi | AJaeger: it would help if we had tox logs collected from that job | 18:15 |
pabelanger | https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/bd68c324cebce599ff07d6fd90c36a224581e065/lib/ansible/plugins/connection/ssh.py#L603 | 18:15 |
pabelanger | seems to imply a problem with ssh client, 255 | 18:15 |
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AJaeger | fungi, we have - see the recheck result | 18:16 |
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fungi | AJaeger: i don't immediately see any indication of you using edit-constraints in that job | 18:16 |
clarkb | AJaeger: I remember reviewing that change I Think :) | 18:16 |
fungi | AJaeger: so you're probably running into http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/requirements/tree/upper-constraints.txt#n196 forcing you to the constrained version? | 18:16 |
jeblair | pabelanger, Shrews: i'd like to back-burner the ssh failures for a moment and focus on the exit code. | 18:16 |
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AJaeger | fungi, http://logs.openstack.org/36/362436/4/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/22ac35d/ | 18:16 |
pabelanger | ack | 18:16 |
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AJaeger | fungi, but I'm not using constraints in that tox.ini | 18:17 |
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jeblair | pabelanger, mordred, Shrews: i'm going to see if i can synthetically create an ssh error, and then put it in a block/rescue and see if it gets converted into a failure | 18:17 |
AJaeger | fungi, I agree, if that repo would use constraints, then we would need edit-constraints... | 18:18 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: put release temporary directories under $TMPDIR https://review.openstack.org/364489 | 18:18 |
openstackgerrit | Zara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add basic docs for python client https://review.openstack.org/362878 | 18:18 |
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fungi | AJaeger: yeah, it's not constraints... i see it | 18:18 |
fungi | AJaeger: http://logs.openstack.org/36/362436/4/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/22ac35d/tox/api-ref-1.log.txt | 18:18 |
mrhillsman | fungi mordred clarkb pabelanger - spoke with network folks and it is possible but will take some time | 18:18 |
AJaeger | fungi, clarkb , I run tox -e api-ref locally and got "openstackdocstheme==1.5.1.dev2 # git sha 670fbd8" in the freeze... | 18:18 |
dhellmann | clarkb : I need to test ^^ locally but I don't have a lib that's going to trigger a stable branch requirements update | 18:18 |
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fungi | AJaeger: Collecting openstackdocstheme>=1.4.0 (from os-api-ref>=1.0.0->-r /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/test-requirements.txt (line 12)) | 18:18 |
mrhillsman | roll with short-term and i will respond when long-term has been implemented | 18:19 |
clarkb | dhellmann: you should be able to just invent one and remove it from your repo when done | 18:19 |
fungi | dhellmann: i think you uploaded right when openstackgerrit was restarting for a config update | 18:19 |
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clarkb | dhellmann: maybe use a temp repo so you don't risk mixing it up with the real world | 18:19 |
fungi | dhellmann: oh, you mean 364489 | 18:19 |
fungi | i didn't scroll back far enough, sorry | 18:20 |
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AJaeger | fungi, so os-api-ref forces the downgrade? ;( | 18:20 |
mordred | mrhillsman: awesome! thnaks! | 18:20 |
AJaeger | fungi, how can I avoid that? | 18:20 |
dhellmann | clarkb , fungi : I tested by re-releasing muranoclient and it did not work. I'll keep tweaking locally | 18:21 |
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jeblair | mordred: it was shade caching images and flavors | 18:21 |
fungi | AJaeger: when test-requirements gets installed by tox, os-api-ref>=1.0.0 gets installed depending on openstackdocstheme>=1.4.0 which triggers a download from pypi | 18:21 |
fungi | AJaeger: looks like pip install -U may be at fault? | 18:21 |
fungi | i honestly can't remember what our position is now on whether install_command should be pip install with -U or without | 18:22 |
fungi | http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/openstackdocstheme/tree/tox.ini#n7 | 18:22 |
* AJaeger removes -U and will test that | 18:23 | |
openstackgerrit | Emilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: pingtest: run 'openstack stack failures list' when failure https://review.openstack.org/363918 | 18:23 |
AJaeger | thanks, fungi | 18:23 |
dhellmann | clarkb, fungi : I found it. I was being bone-headed. | 18:23 |
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fungi | AJaeger: if we want to consider our current cookiecutter templates to be our official advice, then http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/cookiecutter/tree/%7b%7bcookiecutter.repo_name%7d%7d/tox.ini#n8 does not add -U | 18:24 |
fungi | AJaeger: and you're right to be confused, this is a lot of voodoo | 18:25 |
AJaeger | a grep over openstack namespace shows 400 repos with -U and 300 without ;( | 18:25 |
AJaeger | thanks, fungi | 18:25 |
AJaeger | I pushed https://review.openstack.org/364492 and will check it tomorrow. | 18:25 |
clarkb | the erason we had/have -U is pre constraints you needed it to get the requirements updated if things otherwise fit into the reqs ranges | 18:25 |
clarkb | with constraints you will install the constraints version regardless every single time | 18:25 |
clarkb | The small gap without constraints and without -U is setuptools I think. But updating it during the main install run doesn't actually use the new version of setuptools so thats mostly a noop | 18:26 |
AJaeger | ah. Perhaps I should use constraints instead ;) | 18:26 |
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fungi | well, also we had it to deal with the bad old days where lots of projects were using system site-packages in their tox virtualenvs and we had nodes with a bunch of crufty old distro-packaged python libs installed on them | 18:26 |
AJaeger | thanks, clarkb | 18:26 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config: Split auth plugin loading into its own method https://review.openstack.org/364493 | 18:27 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config: Remove validate_auth_ksc https://review.openstack.org/364494 | 18:27 |
fungi | and so without -U we'd end up using ancient versions of dependencies from the distro packages | 18:27 |
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* AJaeger congratulates Zara on absolving the RST master class ;) | 18:28 | |
mordred | jeblair: thank you! | 18:28 |
dhellmann | fungi : since the issue is in my cloning function, I'm going to switch it to use zuul-cloner | 18:29 |
AJaeger | fungi, it did not help, see http://logs.openstack.org/92/364492/1/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/72a739d/console.html | 18:29 |
AJaeger | http://logs.openstack.org/92/364492/1/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/72a739d/tox/api-ref-2.log.txt - is there a version screwup? | 18:30 |
fungi | AJaeger: yeah, i see it definitely still pulling in an openstackdocstheme 1.5.0 wheel | 18:31 |
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AJaeger | yep ;/ | 18:33 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix branch handling in clone_repo https://review.openstack.org/364497 | 18:34 |
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dhellmann | fungi, clarkb : ok, that should do it ^^ | 18:34 |
fungi | AJaeger: weird, it does look like it later installs the git checkout into the venv claiming to be 1.5.1.dev2 but then immediately after that reports "Successfully installed openstackdocstheme-1.5.0" | 18:34 |
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Zara | AJaeger: =D thanks! | 18:35 |
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* AJaeger tries now constraints... | 18:35 | |
fungi | AJaeger: to use constraints, you'll almost certainly need to add an edit-constraints call since this is a repo listed in upper-constraints.txt | 18:36 |
AJaeger | fungi,done already - https://review.openstack.org/364499 | 18:36 |
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fungi | AJaeger: i wonder if you just need tox.skipdist=True like at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-dev/cookiecutter/tree/%7b%7bcookiecutter.repo_name%7d%7d/tox.ini#n4 | 18:38 |
fungi | iirc there are some odd interactions between skipdist and usedevelop | 18:38 |
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fungi | mordred or dhellmann probably remember more clearly | 18:39 |
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dhellmann | I think we usually set both of those, but I think just because building the dist is a waste of time if you're not going to install from it | 18:40 |
mordred | I do not - but I do know that the general intent is to set both | 18:41 |
mordred | yah | 18:41 |
AJaeger | ok, I'll try - thanks. | 18:41 |
mordred | setting both is good for speed when running tox. it's bad for verifying that sdist works, but the tradeoff in the past seemed ot be that devs screaming about tox taking too long trumped the things we might learn from building the sdist every time | 18:41 |
clarkb | and then peopl started using symlinks | 18:42 |
fungi | something definitely seems to be causing tox to force it to the (cached?) wheel rather than the git checkout | 18:42 |
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fungi | mordred: the very end of the tox log here is especially confusing... http://logs.openstack.org/92/364492/1/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/72a739d/tox/api-ref-2.log.txt | 18:43 |
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mordred | fungi: WOW | 18:44 |
jeblair | mordred, pabelanger, Shrews: i have confirmed with synthetic testing that it's neither the block/rescue, nor zuul_runner that's causing the ssh errors to be failures (exit code 1) rather than unreachable errors (exit 3). it seems to be a behavior of the async module -- if it can't connect at the start, it's 'unreachable'. if it can't connect for one of it's poll checks, it's a failure. | 18:44 |
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fungi | mordred: if you back up to api-ref-1.log.txt you'll see it previously pulled in a wheel of 1.5.0 because there's a circular (test) dependency of openstackdocstheme on itself (via os-api-ref) | 18:45 |
fungi | so there will be a 1.5.0 wheel in the cache at that point | 18:46 |
mordred | fungi: but why would that matter :( | 18:46 |
fungi | mordred: i don't think it should | 18:46 |
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fungi | i'm just stretching for odd corner cases that might be exposing a bug we don't normally see | 18:46 |
mordred | fungi: oh - totally - sorry, it was a rhetorical head-against-desk question | 18:47 |
fungi | yeah, no idea whether that has anything to do with the problem, but obviously pip shouldn't be resolving setup_requires for 1.5.1.dev2 and then end by claiming to have installed 1.5.0 | 18:48 |
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AJaeger | still wrong ;( http://logs.openstack.org/92/364492/2/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-pep8-ubuntu-xenial/66f399e/ | 18:49 |
fungi | er, install_requires i guess | 18:49 |
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fungi | AJaeger: was that after switching to constraints, or adding skipdist=true? | 18:50 |
mordred | OH | 18:50 |
AJaeger | Oh, I might have a typo... | 18:50 |
mordred | constraints | 18:50 |
AJaeger | skipdist or skip*s*dist? | 18:50 |
* AJaeger has two changes ;) | 18:50 | |
fungi | mordred: no constraints at play in the log i linked for you | 18:50 |
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mordred | if you do "pip install -c upper-constraints.txt -e . " | 18:50 |
mordred | oh | 18:50 |
mordred | darn | 18:50 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Batch calls to list_floating_ips https://review.openstack.org/364508 | 18:51 |
jeblair | pabelanger, sdague: i believe we might be able to see a little more of what ansible is doing with the ssh connections and perhaps ascertain the likelihood of a connection timeout increase being effective if we run with verbose logs for a bit. i will enable that on one of the launchers and see if we can catch an error before we run out of disk. | 18:51 |
AJaeger | fungi, skipsdist is it, isn't it? | 18:51 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Unsubvert image and flavor caching https://review.openstack.org/364510 | 18:51 |
AJaeger | that's what cookiecutter uses | 18:51 |
fungi | mordred: you can see at the top of the log it only ran `pip install -e .` | 18:51 |
mordred | fungi: yah. that's excessively weird | 18:51 |
AJaeger | I'm talking about https://review.openstack.org/364492 | 18:51 |
mordred | fungi: I kind of want to invoke our friendly pip human | 18:52 |
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fungi | AJaeger: sorry, yes, seems it's "skipsdist = True" and i never noticed | 18:52 |
AJaeger | no worries, fungi | 18:52 |
jeblair | pabelanger: actually, i'm going to do it on all the launchers to try to catch this faster | 18:53 |
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pabelanger | jeblair: okay | 18:56 |
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AJaeger | using constraints: http://logs.openstack.org/99/364499/3/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-pep8-ubuntu-xenial/367d855/ | 18:57 |
AJaeger | "openstackdocstheme==1.5.1.dev3 # git sha f3782e1" | 18:58 |
AJaeger | that looks finally ok... | 18:58 |
fungi | AJaeger: i wonder if we have some sort of strange versioning going on. checkout the tip of master and run `tox -re venv pip list` | 18:58 |
AJaeger | will do | 18:58 |
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fungi | git describe says i've got a commit newer than 1.5.0 but pip list is saying "openstackdocstheme (1.5.0, /home/fungi/work/openstack/openstack/openstackdocstheme/.tox/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages)" | 18:59 |
AJaeger | fungi, http://paste.openstack.org/show/565858/ | 18:59 |
fungi | AJaeger: was that with constraints or no? | 18:59 |
AJaeger | that was master branch | 19:00 |
fungi | weird. that's not at all what i'm getting | 19:00 |
AJaeger | clean tree | 19:00 |
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AJaeger | stranger and stranger ;( | 19:00 |
* AJaeger double checks the tree | 19:00 | |
AJaeger | fungi, you have an old tree - we released 1.5.1 | 19:01 |
fungi | AJaeger: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565860 | 19:01 |
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AJaeger | wrong, other project. 1.5.0 is last tag. | 19:02 |
fungi | AJaeger: strangely, remote update isn't picking it up for me | 19:02 |
AJaeger | Sorry, mixed up releases | 19:02 |
AJaeger | you have pip 8.1.2, I use 7.1.2 | 19:02 |
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clarkb | its noon already? I haven't even gotten through email :/ where did the day go | 19:03 |
fungi | AJaeger: yeah, i'm using tox 2.3.1 and virtualenv 15.0.3 | 19:04 |
pabelanger | clarkb: removing After=network.target from glean, openssh-server just reload, not stop / start | 19:04 |
pabelanger | clarkb: I am going to build an image and see if things still work | 19:04 |
clarkb | pabelanger: I think it can still happen after if you don't have an explicit before | 19:04 |
clarkb | pabelanger: I think it might be better to have an explicit Before sshd | 19:04 |
AJaeger | our test results show pip 8.1.2 and tox 2.3.1 in the actual job | 19:05 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: buit good to know we can manipulate glean's unit file to have it not stop start | 19:05 |
pabelanger | clarkb: sure, we can do that too | 19:05 |
pabelanger | clarkb: also removing After=network.target fixes the dependency cycle that systemd complains about | 19:05 |
fungi | AJaeger: right, i'm starting to wonder if this is a regression in virtualenv/pip/tox somewhere | 19:05 |
clarkb | pabelanger: huh, wasn't that what we had to add to the urandom fixer unit file to make ti work? | 19:06 |
AJaeger | it works with constraints - but I didn't want to enable those here ;) | 19:06 |
pabelanger | clarkb: FWIW: we do have Before=network-pre.target, which should protect before ssh starts | 19:06 |
fungi | AJaeger: yeah, i think there's a bug... i'm going to try to bisect a few tools | 19:06 |
pabelanger | clarkb: yes, and now I thinking more about it, it is also wrong. So we need to patch both | 19:06 |
AJaeger | fungi, thanks a lot! | 19:07 |
fungi | AJaeger: downgrading to virtualenv 14.0.2 gets me the (presumably proper) behavior you're seeing locally | 19:08 |
clarkb | pabelanger: aha gotcha | 19:08 |
AJaeger | cool, fungi. | 19:08 |
fungi | AJaeger: and 15.0.0 has the broken behavior | 19:08 |
AJaeger | So, wouldn't this cause quite some havoc in the gate? We could test wrong things here ;( | 19:09 |
openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Remove After=network.target dependency cycle https://review.openstack.org/364516 | 19:09 |
pabelanger | clarkb: ^ | 19:09 |
pabelanger | like I said, going to do a quick build and test the image | 19:10 |
clarkb | pabelanger: cool I will try to test a local build of that too | 19:10 |
AJaeger | fungi, thanks a lot for your great help with this! clarkb, mordred, others: Thanks as well! | 19:10 |
clarkb | pabelanger: do you know if there is an easy way to make simple-init in dib pull that version of glean? | 19:10 |
pabelanger | clarkb: not sure, haven't tried | 19:10 |
AJaeger | fungi, will you file a bug? Should we block that virtualenv version? | 19:10 |
mordred | clarkb: uhm ... I think so | 19:11 |
AJaeger | Sorry, I have to leave in a few minutes and call it a day ;( | 19:11 |
clarkb | hrm except my lcoal virsh thing appares to have been broken by an update \o/ | 19:11 |
clarkb | qemu-bridge-helper where have you gone | 19:11 |
mordred | greghaynes: ^^ how do we build with dib using simple-init from local source dir? | 19:11 |
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greghaynes | export DIB_REPOLOCATION_glean=/path/to/glean | 19:12 |
mordred | clarkb: see - greghaynes continues to be magical pony | 19:12 |
openstackgerrit | Paul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove After=network.target from initialize-urandom service https://review.openstack.org/364517 | 19:12 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: and urandom fix^ | 19:13 |
mordred | pabelanger: nice catch, btw | 19:13 |
clarkb | pabelanger: cool I am going to attempt to get my local virt setup working again so I can test an image with both of those things in it | 19:13 |
greghaynes | mordred: clarkb one caveat is I think that will grab master of that repo, so you might also want to set DIB_REPOREF_glean=some_ref | 19:13 |
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pabelanger | mordred: Ya, finally getting to optimize our nodepool launches. | 19:14 |
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* AJaeger waves good bye | 19:16 | |
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fungi | have a good evening AJaeger | 19:18 |
openstackgerrit | greghaynes proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add diskimage-builder meeting agenda https://review.openstack.org/364519 | 19:19 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Unsubvert image and flavor caching https://review.openstack.org/364510 | 19:19 |
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rcarrillocruz | Shrews: sigh, my wife had split shift today , could not attend ansible testing meeting | 19:22 |
rcarrillocruz | i'll check chat logs | 19:22 |
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rcarrillocruz | nikhil: that's awesome news, we'll keep an eye to implement that in shade + ansible when the refactor happens :-) | 19:22 |
sdague | jeblair: cool | 19:22 |
sdague | jeblair: it would also be good if the ansible logs got into elastic search | 19:23 |
sdague | to help look for patterns | 19:23 |
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nikhil | rcarrillocruz: aye | 19:25 |
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fungi | urgh, something in one of the virtualenv 14.0.x/pip 6.0.x versions horked up my wheel cache | 19:29 |
fungi | this makes bisection decidedly more complicated | 19:29 |
fungi | er, pip 8.0.x i mean | 19:30 |
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fungi | okay, so the problem seems to have crept in between virtualenv 14.0.5 and 14.0.6 | 19:32 |
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fungi | the release history for 14.0.6 includes "Upgrade setuptools to 20.0" and "Upgrade wheel to 0.29.0" | 19:34 |
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fungi | so we can consider this as probably either a regression between setuptools 19.6.2 and 20.0 or wheel 0.26.0 and 0.29.0 | 19:36 |
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fungi | though interestingly, virtualenv 14.0.6 causes me to end up with setuptools 26.1.1 in the resulting venv | 19:42 |
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fungi | scarily, the official documentation for setuptools only has up through 25.1.3 in their included changelog | 19:43 |
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fungi | oh, good, the CHANGES.rst in their git repo is up to date at least | 19:44 |
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mat128 | I have the answer to that question | 19:45 |
mat128 | fungi: ^ | 19:45 |
mat128 | fungi: for some reason, virtualenv (trying to find it) installs a "bundled" pip with no version cap | 19:45 |
mat128 | and if you have a newer version in your wheel cache, it's going to be used | 19:45 |
mat128 | leading to confusion and virtualenv not acting as it's supposed | 19:45 |
mat128 | I had filed a bug report, trying to find it | 19:46 |
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fungi | mat128: yeah, that's why the claimed version of setuptools bundled in virtualenv is irrelevant, agreed | 19:46 |
zigo | clarkb: fungi: pabelanger: Can we wrap up the discussion we just had a few hours ago? | 19:47 |
zigo | If I understand correctly, the major concern is that each image will eat up to 1.5 GB of cache data, which will globally slow down infra. Is this the only problem, or is there anything else? | 19:47 |
zigo | Also, since things are the way they are right now, and that Newton release is approaching (technically for me, it's already released as b3, and I'm already late), can we delay switching to overlay mode for after Newton? | 19:47 |
zigo | Last, can we decide that we will use the overlay mode *only* for when upstream is OpenStack? | 19:47 |
mat128 | fungi: https://github.com/pypa/virtualenv/blob/bdef7328d47f18ecf9d1df23e33ec5a039f41048/virtualenv.py#L934 | 19:47 |
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mat128 | if that line was changed to pip==VERSION | 19:47 |
mat128 | it'd work correctly | 19:47 |
fungi | mat128: so unfortunately this means the problem is somewhere between pip 8.0.2 and 8.1.2 or setuptools 19.6.2 and 26.1.1 or wheel 0.26.0 and 0.29.0 | 19:48 |
mat128 | in the meantime, flushing your wheel cache seems like the only way out | 19:48 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: okay, I think I have a minimal DIB working with glean and our urandom element, just confirming now | 19:49 |
fungi | zigo: i'm a little worried that we didn't anticipate the nature of the repos you were importing, and that they already include a fair amount of git history from the corresponding upstream project repos. cleaning that up is likely to be complicated | 19:50 |
clarkb | pabelanger: ok I just got my virsh issue sorted out | 19:50 |
zigo | fungi: That's the case indeed. | 19:50 |
fungi | e.g. http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/deb-nova/tree/?h=debian%2Fnewton looks like it's not just the debian directory but rather an entire nova source code tree | 19:50 |
zigo | fungi: We already imported everything. | 19:50 |
clarkb | pabelanger: but gonna try to get the buiod started then go eat lunch | 19:51 |
zigo | fungi: Also, I'm really not sure how I will do for keeping the packaging history and changing the hosted format ... :/ | 19:51 |
zigo | fungi: I really need answers for my above concerns ASAP. Time is running... :/ | 19:52 |
fungi | zigo: yeah, i'm inclined at this point to just go along with what you want because the bulk of the damage is already done and i don't have a good answer for how to go back and fix it | 19:52 |
zigo | fungi: So, would you agree that we delay the transition for after the Newton release? | 19:53 |
fungi | which would probably involve git filter-branch to trim out everything except the debian subtree and forcve-pushing teh result back over the existing repos | 19:53 |
zigo | (if we decide to do so...) | 19:53 |
fungi | zigo: yeah, in the near term merging a few more upstream tags isn't going to make the existing situation considerably worse | 19:53 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Replace watch thread with periodic thread https://review.openstack.org/363217 | 19:53 |
zigo | fungi: In such case, how can I get the ACL to do merge commits? | 19:54 |
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openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Replace watch thread with periodic thread https://review.openstack.org/363217 | 19:54 |
fungi | zigo: we have it documented at http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/drivers.html#merge-commits | 19:55 |
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rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: oh, we have cirros or some other image in our mirrors? | 20:00 |
rcarrillocruz | or which file you refer to | 20:00 |
rcarrillocruz | ? | 20:00 |
clarkb | pabelanger: ok my build is started | 20:01 |
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clarkb | will have to see how that goes | 20:01 |
pabelanger | rcarrillocruz: ~/cache/files is what I was referring too | 20:01 |
pabelanger | clarkb: rebuilding, I messed up the glean variable | 20:01 |
clarkb | gonna grab lunch while its going | 20:01 |
clarkb | pabelanger: what vars do you think you need? I used ehat greghaynes said | 20:02 |
openstackgerrit | Sagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use centos CDN repository with periodic jobs https://review.openstack.org/364534 | 20:02 |
pabelanger | clarkb: Ya, I did use it, I had a typo in my path | 20:02 |
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clarkb | ah | 20:02 |
openstackgerrit | Guillaume Espanel proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create puppet-cloudkitty repository https://review.openstack.org/364535 | 20:03 |
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fungi | confirmed the pip cache is definitely playing a part in this behavior. testing with various versions i got it into a state where older virtualenv releases that had been working for me started exhibiting the problem behavior until i blew away ~/.cache/pip | 20:04 |
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mat128 | fungi: I tried very hard to find the bug report I remember submitting, but can't find anything | 20:04 |
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mat128 | fungi: must have had bad dreams about virtualenv and pip.. can't find any trace of my experiment either :( | 20:05 |
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mat128 | fungi: if you find a way to disable the wheel cache (env variable or smt), that could help as well | 20:05 |
fungi | mat128: i'm less concerned with that to be honest. the current and more troubling issue is that starting with virtualenv 14.0.6 we seem to be installing cached wheels of downloaded releases when we ask it to pip install the current checked out source tree | 20:05 |
mat128 | fungi: are we using explicit versions? | 20:06 |
fungi | i think it's something after wheel 0.26.0 but i'm still narrowing it down | 20:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Thomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add merge commit ACL for packaging-deb https://review.openstack.org/364537 | 20:06 |
zigo | fungi: Like this? ^ | 20:06 |
mat128 | fungi: can you reproduce it easily? | 20:06 |
fungi | mat128: explicit versions of what? | 20:06 |
mat128 | fungi: pip install package==1.0.0 | 20:06 |
mat128 | or constraints | 20:06 |
fungi | mat128: absolutely, i'm whittling down versions of things in the toolchain to narrow down whether it's virtualenv, pip, wheel or setuptools at fault | 20:06 |
zigo | (minus the english mistakes in the commit header... :( ) | 20:06 |
fungi | mat128: no constraints in use in this case | 20:07 |
mat128 | fungi: so let me try to understand the issue: you have software==1.1 in your wheel cache, you issue pip install software==1.0 and 1.1 gets installed? | 20:07 |
fungi | mat128: the short version is demonstrated in http://logs.openstack.org/92/364492/1/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/72a739d/tox/api-ref-1.log.txt and http://logs.openstack.org/92/364492/1/check/gate-openstackdocstheme-api-ref/72a739d/tox/api-ref-2.log.txt | 20:08 |
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mat128 | ouch | 20:08 |
fungi | mat128: it does a pip install -r test-requirements.txt where one of the packages listed there is a circular dependency back on the project being tested and so pulls down the packaged release, then does a pip install -e . and ends up i think installing the cached wheel instead of the current source tree | 20:09 |
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mat128 | what about ``pip install -U -e .`` | 20:09 |
mat128 | ? | 20:09 |
fungi | not sure yet, i'm less concerned with workarounds and more with bisecting to a specific version in the toolchain that introduces this regression | 20:10 |
fungi | it's just a little fiddly since some of teh parts are vendored so there's some chicken-and-egg problems pinning them independently | 20:11 |
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fungi | short answer for a reproducer is to clone the openstack/openstackdocstheme repo and then `tox -er venv pip list` and look at the version of openstackdocstheme it reports installed | 20:12 |
fungi | comparing virtualenv 14.0.5 and 14.0.6 behavior (or 14.0.5 and latest release for that matter) | 20:12 |
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mat128 | openstackdocstheme (1.5.0, /Users/mmitchell/projects/openstackdocstheme/.tox/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages) | 20:13 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: oh nice, did not know we had cirros at cache/files, thanks! | 20:13 |
fungi | as noted, i've had to introduce a `rm -rf ~/.cache/pip` into the loop because of the wheel cache from other versions influencing the test result | 20:14 |
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openstackgerrit | James E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Zuulv3: drop variable interpolation and add nodesets https://review.openstack.org/361463 | 20:14 |
mat128 | fungi: pip 8.1.2, virtualenv 15.0.2 | 20:15 |
fungi | i think i've mostly ruled it out as a regression in wheel. seems more like setuptools but i'm not sure where in its history this crops up yet | 20:15 |
mat128 | oh, virtualenv 14 | 20:15 |
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jeblair | fungi: ^ fixed the merge conflict on that, should be ready for merging when fires are out. or maybe just smoldering. | 20:15 |
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fungi | jeblair: oh, cool! | 20:16 |
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ianw | has the idea of zuul-cloner being a separate thing to zuul been covered before? | 20:16 |
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fungi | ianw: we've talked about breaking out the cli tools, but the arguments for doing so have been fairly shallow | 20:16 |
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fungi | mat128: getting closer... i think it's around setuptools 25 | 20:17 |
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fungi | mat128: bingo... put setuptools==24.3.1 in requirements.txt and compare against 25.0.0 | 20:20 |
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fungi | i wonder if SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE=rewrite changes this | 20:21 |
mat128 | fungi: confirmed here too | 20:22 |
mat128 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565887/ | 20:22 |
mat128 | fungi: yes, that fixes it | 20:23 |
mat128 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565888/ | 20:23 |
fungi | ugh | 20:23 |
fungi | "This project hopes that that few if any environments find it necessary to retain the old behavior, and intends to drop support for it altogether in a future release. Please report any relevant concerns in the ticket for this change." | 20:23 |
fungi | i guess we have one :/ | 20:24 |
mat128 | installing a project from source doesnt seem like a rare case | 20:24 |
fungi | indeed | 20:24 |
fungi | this is probably a pip -e case | 20:24 |
fungi | i'm going to fiddle a little more to see if usedevelop=False changes things | 20:24 |
mat128 | fungi: look at the paths | 20:25 |
openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Batch calls to list_floating_ips https://review.openstack.org/364508 | 20:25 |
mat128 | http://paste.openstack.org/show/565887/ | 20:25 |
mat128 | fungi: one is from site-packages (as you said, pulled via dep resolution) | 20:25 |
fungi | yep | 20:25 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: my local.instance never dhcped | 20:26 |
fungi | okay, so usedevelop=false does indeed cause the problem to go away | 20:26 |
fungi | which means setuptools 25.0.0 basically broke editable installs | 20:27 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: so rebuilding to set apassword to logij on console | 20:27 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: I think thr ordering for glean might be more subtle | 20:27 |
fungi | mat128: i'll update the bug mentioned in the changelog and see where that gets us | 20:27 |
mat128 | fungi: yeah, probably our best bet | 20:28 |
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mat128 | fungi: and the environemnt variable is our temporary workaround | 20:28 |
pabelanger | clarkb: yup | 20:28 |
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fungi | https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/674 for the record | 20:28 |
fungi | mat128: i'll come up with a reproducer that doesn't rely on tox, now that i know what the problem is | 20:29 |
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lifeless | fungi: yay quagmire | 20:32 |
lifeless | fungi: lets all switch to rust :) | 20:32 |
mordred | lifeless: if only | 20:32 |
prometheanfire | someone mind looking at this for the release process? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364497 | 20:32 |
prometheanfire | it'd help with getting the bot submitted reviews for target branches working for requirements | 20:33 |
openstackgerrit | David Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Replace watch thread with periodic thread https://review.openstack.org/363217 | 20:34 |
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openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: do not error if a branch already exists https://review.openstack.org/364544 | 20:36 |
fungi | lifeless: indeed. who needs editable installs anyway? ;) | 20:37 |
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mrhillsman | any thoughts on the time it will take to get some workload on cloud8? | 20:41 |
ianw | lifeless: if around ... http://docs.openstack.org/developer/pbr/#environment-markers <- is it possible to query how you were installed with a various environments? or is the idea you would just do an import and catch exceptions? | 20:43 |
openstackgerrit | Thomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add merge commit ACL for packaging-deb https://review.openstack.org/364537 | 20:44 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix up image and flavor by name in create_server https://review.openstack.org/364548 | 20:49 |
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mordred | armax, dtroyer: neutronclient released. new os-client-config released - the gate does not seem to have completely broken ... so I think we can consider that good! | 20:51 |
ianw | timothyb89: around? I wouldn't mind rolling stackviz cleanup into my devstack-gate cleanup-refactor, just to get it all done. want to pick your brain on what you think is supposed to be happening under regular & grenade | 20:51 |
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armax | mordred: someone in the neutron channel said something got belly up | 20:52 |
timothyb89 | ianw: sure, happy to help | 20:52 |
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mordred | armax: oh no | 20:52 |
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ianw | timothyb89: so see http://logs.openstack.org/46/364046/4/check/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-ubuntu-trusty/f527fe1/logs/ ... that has old & new and each has their tempest run | 20:53 |
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ianw | timothyb89: do you expect that both would have stackviz output too? | 20:53 |
mordred | jeblair: so ... interesting edge case for your brainhole wrt zuul | 20:53 |
mordred | prometheanfire: ^^ (about to mention the neutron thing to jeblair) | 20:54 |
prometheanfire | mordred: we are handling it in -release | 20:54 |
timothyb89 | ianw: ideally if a *.subunit exists, stackviz should too | 20:54 |
mordred | prometheanfire: well, there is a thing here which is, I think, potentially worth considering on the zuul side for future development ... | 20:54 |
prometheanfire | ah | 20:55 |
mordred | jeblair: release automation released a new version of python-neutronclient (yay!) and then submitted a patch to global requirements bumping the constraints for the release | 20:55 |
mordred | jeblair: the tests for that change ran before the release artifact had made it to the mirrors | 20:55 |
clarkb | pabelanger: ok on my local instance I don't see glean or ssh ever start | 20:56 |
mordred | jeblair: I'm mentioning it because it sounds similar to me to one of the things we've heard from distro folks - sometimes they'd like to run a job in response to an artifact being uploaded, not to a git commit | 20:56 |
clarkb | pabelanger: now to determine if it is pebcak during build | 20:56 |
mordred | jeblair: and this seems like a specific case of that for if/when we get around to musing about such a thing | 20:56 |
ianw | timothyb89: so if you look at _copy_devstack_logs in -> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364046/4/functions.sh . if stackviz is installed, can it use the "tempest.subunit" file in there, like the subunit2html file does? | 20:57 |
ianw | timothyb89: would i just "cat tempest.subunit" | stackviz ... ? | 20:58 |
timothyb89 | ianw: there are a few extra steps, but that would work | 20:59 |
timothyb89 | ianw: though specifically on http://logs.openstack.org/26/363326/3/check/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-ubuntu-trusty/05856df/logs/devstack-gate-cleanup-host.txt it looks like a permissions issue of some sort? | 21:00 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: can you see glean in systemctl? | 21:01 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: no | 21:01 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: but it is installed | 21:01 |
pabelanger | Hmm | 21:01 |
clarkb | the command glean is installed I mean | 21:01 |
pabelanger | just bringing my image online now | 21:01 |
clarkb | and its definitely not configuring eth0 which means no dhcp | 21:02 |
pabelanger | looks like glean failed to start for me too | 21:02 |
pabelanger | same with initialize-urandom | 21:02 |
ianw | timothyb89: there is that ... i think it's confusion between when grenade uses "new" v the top-level | 21:03 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: you likely see Ordering cycle found, skipping Network | 21:03 |
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ianw | timothyb89: how big is "stackviz"? if we have old/stackviz and new/stackviz are we duplicating a lot? | 21:03 |
jeblair | mordred: maybe the constraints update shouldn't come from the release tag job; maybe it should happen in response to the artifact upload job? | 21:03 |
ianw | timothyb89: can you have one "stackviz" dir and put two lots of data in? | 21:04 |
jeblair | mordred: (in other words, look at it as not being the reponsibility of the release pipeline to update constraints; look at it as the responsibility of the project to update constraints when it's released (regardless of *how* the release is triggered). | 21:04 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: no its more like glean just isn't enabled at all for some reason | 21:04 |
clarkb | pabelanger: systemctl status glean says Loaded: not-found (Reason: No such file or directory) | 21:06 |
timothyb89 | ianw: stackviz can accept multiple files in one directory, yes | 21:06 |
clarkb | pabelanger: but the unit file is in /usr/lib/systemd/system | 21:06 |
pabelanger | clarkb: it will be glean@eth0.service I think | 21:06 |
timothyb89 | ianw: something like, `stackviz-export -f old/testrepository.subunit -f new/testrepository.subunit $log_path/stackviz/data` would work I think | 21:07 |
mordred | jeblair: I believe that is what the release team is going to do | 21:07 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: there is glean@.service | 21:08 |
clarkb | pabelanger: is your instance working? | 21:08 |
ianw | timothyb89: great, i'll try that. will it work if i do the exports separately, or do they have to be done from the one stackviz-export call? making two calls would be easier and fit into the existing fn | 21:08 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: still figuring that out | 21:08 |
mordred | jeblair: I was more just bringing it up as a local example of a thing people who are not in openstack have expressed wanting to be able to do | 21:09 |
timothyb89 | ianw: right now it would need 1 call, but we can always just make 2 copies like we do now if that's easier | 21:10 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: hrm I still have an After=network.target in that file so I may not have gotten glean/simple-init to install properly | 21:10 |
timothyb89 | ianw: actually, 2 separate may still be the best option so dstat is included ... the export CLI only accepts 1 dstat input right now | 21:11 |
ianw | timothyb89: ok, cool ... let me get something together and we can see how it looks | 21:12 |
timothyb89 | ianw: sounds good! | 21:12 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: ya, same. glean was installed by pip for me | 21:15 |
openstackgerrit | Ilya Shakhat proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename os-failures to os-faults https://review.openstack.org/364556 | 21:15 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: we need to set DIB_INSTALLTYPE_simple_init=repo | 21:17 |
clarkb | pabelanger: so I rebuilding with that. But I don't know why its otherwise broken for me | 21:18 |
clarkb | pabelanger: did glean the service run for you? | 21:18 |
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fungi | mat128: lifeless: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/674 | 21:18 |
pabelanger | clarkb: didn't come up for me, I don't know why | 21:18 |
clarkb | pabelanger: same problem likely then :) | 21:18 |
fungi | dstufft: ^ that issue is probably of interest to you as well, as pip maintainer | 21:18 |
clarkb | pabelanger: I used devuser to create a user with password then logged in on console | 21:18 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: ya, going to do the same | 21:19 |
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fungi | oh, and now i find https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/729 and https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/447 basically already cover this | 21:21 |
openstackgerrit | Matthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Pause before submitting the requirements review https://review.openstack.org/364559 | 21:23 |
clarkb | pabelanger: manually running `sudo systemctl start glean@ens3` worked | 21:24 |
* prometheanfire likes glean | 21:24 | |
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pabelanger | clarkb: okay, lets hope this DIB works | 21:25 |
clarkb | now to figure out why it didn't fire on boot | 21:25 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Refactor stackviz run https://review.openstack.org/364560 | 21:25 |
pabelanger | clarkb: did you rebuild? | 21:25 |
ianw | timothyb89: ^ that's the idea split out | 21:25 |
clarkb | pabelanger: also there isn't au nit file for each individual interface instead the glean@ unit file is a template that takes the interface dev name as an argument | 21:25 |
fungi | mat128: AJaeger: so in summary, https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/3904 has already merged to fix the behavior in pip, and will likely be in pip 8.1.3 or whatever the next release is | 21:25 |
clarkb | pabelanger: still rebuilding. But also debugging on my old broken host | 21:25 |
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fungi | mat128: AJaeger: oh, not yet merged, i misread | 21:26 |
clarkb | pabelanger: oh there was an ordering dependency why did that not show up in dmesg? | 21:26 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: apparently I have to ask journalctl for logs that actually matter :( | 21:27 |
timothyb89 | ianw: that looks a lot better! small issue, though, the '--end' flag copied over is actually an old typo, that should be '--env' | 21:27 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: so its possible the fix might actuall fix this | 21:27 |
pabelanger | clarkb: Ya, that is the original ordering issue | 21:27 |
pabelanger | yup | 21:27 |
pabelanger | for some reason, the magic make it work today | 21:28 |
clarkb | I should just alias dmesg to journalctl -xe | 21:28 |
timothyb89 | ianw: apparently that branch was never followed since it should have been spitting out errors for months... whoops | 21:28 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Refactor stackviz run https://review.openstack.org/364560 | 21:29 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: I am to the qemu img convert so hopefully will have answersoon | 21:29 |
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ianw | timothyb89: heh, it was really really hard to follow. i think too much "organic" growth | 21:29 |
timothyb89 | ianw: that, and probably some poor testing on my part... I guess that explains why dstat hasn't been showing up, though | 21:30 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix up image and flavor by name in create_server https://review.openstack.org/364548 | 21:32 |
timothyb89 | ianw: for what it's worth, I'm hoping to remove the stackviz-export step entirely in the near future, hopefully just the single `sudo cp -r ...` will be required | 21:32 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: ok glean worked but initialize-urandom failed due to no such file or directory. I don't know which file or directory yet | 21:33 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: oh, maybe we are missing haveged | 21:36 |
clarkb | pabelanger: oh! | 21:36 |
clarkb | yes | 21:36 |
pabelanger | I think that is a dependency | 21:36 |
clarkb | its not part of the initialize-urandom element | 21:36 |
* clarkb builds another image | 21:36 | |
pabelanger | ya, we can added it as a pkg-map | 21:37 |
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clarkb | I just added it to infra package needs really quick totest but ya would be better in initialize-urandom | 21:38 |
pabelanger | err, package-install.yaml | 21:38 |
pabelanger | that works | 21:38 |
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pabelanger | rebuild started.... again | 21:38 |
clarkb | :) isn't it fun how fixing things like this ends up being | 21:39 |
fungi | mordred: dhellmann: so... revisiting this apparently intentional behavior change in setuptools path ordering will result in future as-of-yet-unidentified modifications in pip's behavior around editable installs, can you remind me why some projects use them for tox in the first place? | 21:39 |
pabelanger | I'm hoping at the mid-cycle we can talk about DIB elements for a bit | 21:39 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: part of the problem here is the normal builds take forever and are massive due to all the caching so I try to avoid that and just build with ubuntu-minimal simple-init growroot devuser infra-package-needs (for ssh) and initialize-urandom | 21:40 |
clarkb | but then we find where we have undeclared deps between elements | 21:40 |
clarkb | but also undocumented flags in simple-init that need setting aren't fun either | 21:41 |
clarkb | I should push a patch to dib now to fix that | 21:41 |
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pabelanger | Ya, don't want to get into it now. But there is some frustrations around it. I am sure we could make it better, with a little programming | 21:42 |
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mordred | fungi: because it shortens the iteration cycle | 21:42 |
pabelanger | okay, will be back shortly, need to walk down to store for something | 21:42 |
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mordred | fungi: for things like nova, needing install to run after each edit before running tox can be a significant delay | 21:42 |
mordred | fungi: the run_tests.sh that nova used before we went tox did editable installs into a virtualenv rather quickly, and the devs were annoyed by how long tox took | 21:43 |
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fungi | mordred: got it. and specifically they want to do it with tox | 21:44 |
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fungi | so we can't just take usedevelop out. and the SETUPTOOLS_SYS_PATH_TECHNIQUE envvar is targeted for future removal from setuptools | 21:44 |
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mordred | fungi: so - should I go read the bug in question? | 21:45 |
mordred | fungi: like, why have they decided to break -e ? | 21:45 |
fungi | it doesn't look like setuptools is interested in changing this back to the old behavior, and potential fixes have been proposed to pip but don't seem to have garnered much interest from pip maintainers | 21:46 |
fungi | mordred: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/674 explains the reason for the behavior change | 21:46 |
openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Document source glean installs in simple-init https://review.openstack.org/364568 | 21:46 |
mordred | fungi: cool | 21:46 |
clarkb | greghaynes: ianw ^ | 21:46 |
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cinerama | clarkb: thanks! | 21:47 |
mordred | fungi: it seems like what we _really_ want to happen in tox | 21:47 |
fungi | mordred: so anyway, i think we have to consider the possibility that usedevelop=true in tox.ini is simply unsafe (and certainly currently broken with latest pip/setuptools) | 21:47 |
mordred | fungi: is the sequence of "pip install -e . ; pip install -r test-requirements.txt" | 21:48 |
fungi | mordred: other way around | 21:48 |
mordred | fungi: since that should get the -e install to satisfy the transitive/circular dep | 21:48 |
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fungi | mordred: basically tox runs your install_command first, then installs the local tree | 21:48 |
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fungi | so it's in some cases getting a packaged version of whatever we're testing pulled in, and then does the editable install of the local source tree after | 21:49 |
clarkb | pbr has this behavior | 21:49 |
clarkb | we had a workaround in it involving put . in the deps list or something | 21:50 |
clarkb | (since pbr bootstraps itself) | 21:50 |
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mordred | yah | 21:51 |
mordred | deps = . | 21:51 |
mordred | -r{toxinidir}/test-requirements.txt | 21:51 |
ianw | clarkb: lg, it might be helpful to give an example of using a upstream review and getting the ref from there. i've manually talked people through that a couple of times (should have taken the time to document it :) | 21:52 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565895/ looks ok to me it still reloads (and seems to start with a "I shut down ok" message) but I think thats all fine | 21:56 |
clarkb | ianw: oh thats a good idea ya I can make it more verbose | 21:56 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: also initialize-urandom and glean both ran before the ssh things started | 21:58 |
clarkb | (I also really don't like that its ssh not sshd such muscle memory) | 21:59 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: you good with me approving the glean change, then we need a release before we can approve the urandom one | 22:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Document source glean installs in simple-init https://review.openstack.org/364568 | 22:03 |
clarkb | ianw: ^ is that better? | 22:03 |
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ianw | clarkb: cool. you can even do it directly from the review, but people can probably figure that out | 22:08 |
ianw | i mean upstream git. the hardest part is finding the pull-down in the top-right corner of gerrit ui | 22:08 |
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clarkb | ianw: I hope my example also shows how to test local edits by explaining it that way | 22:09 |
clarkb | eg before pushing to gerrit | 22:10 |
rcarrillocruz | pabelanger: mind reviewing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364397/ pls? it pulls from file now | 22:10 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Batch calls to list_floating_ips https://review.openstack.org/364508 | 22:12 |
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clarkb | mordred: what are your thoughts on making a glean release nowish? | 22:15 |
clarkb | mordred: we will need to coordinate that and the fix for initialize-urandom because if we don't then boot doesn't work | 22:16 |
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clarkb | mordred: glean can't bring up interfaces properly if we run the current glean against the initialize-urandom fix | 22:16 |
clarkb | its good fun | 22:16 |
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mordred | clarkb: oh lovely | 22:21 |
mordred | clarkb: well, I am in support of releasing glean anytime you think is good | 22:21 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Refactor stackviz run https://review.openstack.org/364560 | 22:22 |
clarkb | mordred: I want pabelanger to confirm his test build functioned then I think we can get both things in and glean released | 22:22 |
mordred | ++ | 22:22 |
clarkb | dtroyer: stevemar did that osc neutron https thing get merged and released yet? I can't find the bug anymore and I fail at googling | 22:22 |
ianw | i don't want to mess things up, but i have a bunch of glean stuff just sitting -> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack-infra/glean+branch:master+topic:mock | 22:22 |
pabelanger | clarkb: back | 22:23 |
ianw | mostly test cleanups | 22:23 |
mordred | ianw: two of those are merge-conflict now | 22:23 |
mordred | :( | 22:23 |
pabelanger | let me test quickly | 22:23 |
pabelanger | build is done | 22:23 |
jhesketh | Morning | 22:23 |
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openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Refactor side-effect functions https://review.openstack.org/320225 | 22:24 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Patch glean.cmd.open for unit testing https://review.openstack.org/320224 | 22:24 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Use mock patching for most functions https://review.openstack.org/318464 | 22:24 |
openstackgerrit | Ian Wienand proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add selinux context manager for writing files https://review.openstack.org/304357 | 22:24 |
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mordred | clarkb: you have opinons on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/318464 ? | 22:24 |
clarkb | mordred: no I suffer mock where it exists :) | 22:24 |
ianw | mordred: ^ hmm, rebase *seemed* happy ... | 22:25 |
clarkb | mock is the python3 happy one right? | 22:25 |
clarkb | I guess that would be the only thing I would want is to make sure we don't regress like mox | 22:25 |
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mordred | yah. mock is the python3 happy one | 22:25 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: blarg, my build actually failed. | 22:28 |
pabelanger | clarkb: I'm happy to use your tests | 22:28 |
pabelanger | while I figure out why my dib failed | 22:28 |
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clarkb | pabelanger: ok, so shoudl I approve the glean chagne then and ask modrred for a release then we can approve the project-config change? | 22:30 |
pabelanger | clarkb: Ya, lets do that | 22:30 |
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clarkb | ok glean change approved | 22:31 |
dtroyer | clarkb: that was in the release of the SDK that just got put into g-r (0.9.5 IIRC) | 22:31 |
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rcarrillocruz | thx | 22:32 |
dtroyer | I haven't tested it myself yet though | 22:32 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/glean: Remove After=network.target dependency cycle https://review.openstack.org/364516 | 22:34 |
clarkb | mordred: ^ you want to do the honors of a release? | 22:35 |
clarkb | or maybe get some of ianw's in first? | 22:36 |
clarkb | if they are all tests not sure how urgent they are | 22:36 |
clarkb | ianw: any of them make snse to try and get into a release if it happens nowish? | 22:36 |
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ianw | i don't think it's super urgent. the selinux one was to help with, well, selinux. the others were test-cleanups that feel out of trying to test it | 22:39 |
ianw | i'm just catching up ... are you sure it's the After? as described in https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/NetworkTarget/ that's mostly a *shutdown* thing | 22:39 |
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ianw | "network.target has very little meaning during start-up ... It's primary purpose is for ordering things properly at shutdown:" | 22:40 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Unsubvert image and flavor caching https://review.openstack.org/364510 | 22:44 |
clarkb | ianw: I know that those two changes to remove the After result in no more ordering cycle | 22:45 |
clarkb | ianw: and it prevents ssh from being stop started | 22:45 |
pabelanger | right | 22:45 |
mordred | clarkb: let's go ahead and release ... there are a LOT of changes unreleased - I hestitate to land more given the debug cycle | 22:45 |
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clarkb | ianw: there were two interrelated problems. The ordering cycle which just made things messy and ssh was being started then stopped then started | 22:46 |
clarkb | ianw: so if connections came in during the first start they would get killed when the service was stopped | 22:46 |
mordred | clarkb: 1.6.0 ? | 22:47 |
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clarkb | mordred: uh the change I know of should be backaard compat and it just changes a bug so even a point would be fine | 22:47 |
clarkb | but not sure about all the other changes | 22:47 |
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jeblair | pabelanger, mordred, clarkb, and i guess someone can tell sdague if they see him: here's what i've noticed about those ansible ssh connection failures: 1) they seem *vaguely* time correlated. they seem to come in batches, and the batches happen on all the zuul launchers. 2) i suspect they may be hitting a small number of jobs; related: they seem to disproportionately happen on multinode jobs. 3) the ssh failure happens 25 seconds ... | 22:48 |
jeblair | ... after the last poll. our polling interval is 5 seconds, and there is a 10 second ssh connection timeout. i can't account for the other 10 seconds. | 22:48 |
jeblair | there is no additional information from the async module about the ssh error, even with -vvv. (this is perhaps not surprising at this point) | 22:49 |
mordred | clarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565904/ | 22:49 |
mordred | clarkb: that's the changelog entries since the last release | 22:49 |
jeblair | i'm turning off verbose mode on the launchers | 22:50 |
mordred | clarkb: I think bonding additions make it 1.6.0 | 22:50 |
clarkb | mordred: ah ya that would be a new feature | 22:50 |
mordred | ok. Im pushing the tag | 22:51 |
mordred | and done | 22:51 |
mordred | may god have mercy on our souls | 22:51 |
clarkb | mordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364517/1 is the corresponding one now that that is done | 22:52 |
jeblair | pretty sure that ship has sailed | 22:52 |
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clarkb | and yes lets hope new images work :) | 22:52 |
mordred | jeblair: good point | 22:52 |
clarkb | good thing we won't get those until after dhellmann is done | 22:52 |
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mordred | clarkb: that sohuld be safe to land now, yeah? | 22:52 |
mordred | since glean will exist next time an image is built | 22:53 |
clarkb | mordred: ya | 22:53 |
mordred | k. done | 22:53 |
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fungi | woah! https://gerrit-review.googlesource.com/85233 | 22:54 |
fungi | glad to see there will finally be a fix for that issue | 22:54 |
pleia2 | nice | 22:55 |
mordred | neat! | 22:55 |
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clarkb | mordred: pabelanger the good thing is if that breaks xenial/centos/jessie it won't break any jobs | 22:57 |
clarkb | since it will just prevent us from sshing in to unbooted hosts | 22:57 |
clarkb | but I was able to boot locally and dhcp so I am happy | 22:58 |
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pabelanger | ya | 22:59 |
mordred | clarkb: if you have a sec ... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362813 is part of me working through the suboptimal caching in nodepool right now | 22:59 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove After=network.target from initialize-urandom service https://review.openstack.org/364517 | 23:01 |
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pabelanger | clarkb: do we want to kick off an image-build tonight for ubuntu-xenial? | 23:06 |
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openstackgerrit | Clark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run requirements/pbr integration on xenial https://review.openstack.org/364588 | 23:08 |
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clarkb | mordred: tonyb ^ comments on that welcome. I think it should be relatively safe to do as soon as dhellmann is done making milestone 3 things happen | 23:08 |
clarkb | pabelanger: we could. Then upload to osic real quick and see if it works | 23:09 |
clarkb | pabelanger: probably a decent idea. Just make sure that glean hits pypi first | 23:09 |
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openstackgerrit | Monty Taylor proposed openstack/os-client-config: Add ability to configure Session constructor https://review.openstack.org/364589 | 23:10 |
dhellmann | clarkb : the plan is to finish tagging by 1400 UTC tomorrow when the release team meeting starts, then branch after that for the libs that don't have branches, then some time later in the day tomorrow there's gerrit downtime IIRC. I can let you know here when we're done with the branches | 23:10 |
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clarkb | dhellmann: sounds good thanks | 23:11 |
clarkb | mordred: question about that caching change. We have two different cache settings in the one clouds.yaml | 23:11 |
mordred | clarkb: in the ansible one? | 23:11 |
clarkb | mordred: yes | 23:11 |
mordred | clarkb: yah - one is the per-resource cache setting - which is really the batch/poll setting | 23:11 |
clarkb | looks like one is for the inventory cache? | 23:11 |
mordred | clarkb: the other is "how long should an entire copy of the inventory be kept around" | 23:12 |
clarkb | and it won't conflate the two? | 23:12 |
mordred | nope. they're completely different things | 23:12 |
clarkb | ok approved | 23:12 |
mordred | if there is a valid inventory cache, ansible won't execute any shade calls at all | 23:12 |
clarkb | ah gotcha | 23:12 |
clarkb | but while building an inventory it will use the other cache settings | 23:12 |
mordred | yah | 23:13 |
mordred | in the fullness of time, I want to get the other cache stuff good enough that the giant-hammer inventory cache is not really a thing | 23:13 |
mordred | but we're not there yet | 23:13 |
pabelanger | clarkb: okay, once nodepool updates, I'll kick off the build | 23:13 |
jeblair | clarkb, pabelanger, mordred: this is the number of counts of ansible ssh failures per job over the past month: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565906/ | 23:13 |
jeblair | we'd probably need to normalize that by number of jobs run to really pick up a pattern | 23:14 |
mordred | jeblair: wow: 3939 gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial | 23:14 |
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clarkb | mordred: thats the ipv6 issue | 23:14 |
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mordred | yah | 23:14 |
jeblair | it is? | 23:14 |
clarkb | jeblair: ya it only affected jobs using neutron and it was every job using neutron basically | 23:14 |
jeblair | and that showed up as the problem i'm looking at? | 23:15 |
clarkb | jeblair: you should be able to tell reasonably well if it drops off in the last week or so | 23:15 |
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clarkb | jeblair: it showed up as ssh connect failed yes | 23:15 |
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jeblair | clarkb: without setting unreachable? | 23:15 |
ianw | timothyb89: so i guess running it for "old" and "new" doesn't quite work to show separate outputs -> http://logs.openstack.org/60/364560/3/check/gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-ubuntu-trusty/adeae81/logs/stackviz/#/stdin | 23:15 |
clarkb | jeblair: I am not sure what that means | 23:16 |
pabelanger | I think ipv6 was different, because those jobs were requeue in zuul | 23:16 |
clarkb | jeblair: pabelanger I think if you compare the wkeely numbers for the last week and the 3 weeks before those jobs should fall off as being that bad | 23:17 |
clarkb | the ironic jobs all use neutron too (ironic has never supported nova net) | 23:17 |
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openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/system-config: Add floating-ip cache expiration time settings https://review.openstack.org/362813 | 23:18 |
jeblair | clarkb: i'm not convinced that my methodology is not already excluding those | 23:19 |
openstackgerrit | Doug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix networking-hyperv release acls https://review.openstack.org/364591 | 23:19 |
jeblair | clarkb: but i don't want to spend any more days on this than i already am | 23:19 |
jeblair | clarkb: so i will just re-run it for the last week | 23:19 |
openstackgerrit | Derek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove support for legacy rh1 https://review.openstack.org/347918 | 23:19 |
clarkb | ok I think we would probably have noticed with freeze if neutron was failing that hard. We certainly noticed it when ipv6 was broken | 23:19 |
jeblair | clarkb: most of these are being re-queued by zuul | 23:20 |
clarkb | yes that was the behavior we saw with ipv6. The job would run then timeout then ansible would rerun it. | 23:20 |
clarkb | the impact was in slowing down the throughput of the queues by a lot | 23:20 |
jeblair | clarkb: these aren't timeouts | 23:20 |
pabelanger | clarkb: mordred: BTW, I noticed this gem while chasing the ssh-server stop / start issue: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565907/ | 23:21 |
jeblair | they are ssh connection errors | 23:21 |
pabelanger | not sure now to fix that atm | 23:21 |
clarkb | jeblair: yes | 23:21 |
clarkb | jeblair: with ipv6 the existing connections had to timeout then we would get the connection error | 23:21 |
clarkb | we saw both things together because the hosts jsut became unroutable | 23:21 |
clarkb | so tcp thinks its still connected for X amount of time before it gives up and then connection fails | 23:22 |
jeblair | clarkb: okay, that's similar enough that we'd have to get into the weeds to figure out if i'm picking it up. so i'll still just do the last week. | 23:23 |
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jeblair | so just starting with aug 26 | 23:25 |
mordred | pabelanger: wow | 23:25 |
mordred | pabelanger: uhm ... what is that? | 23:25 |
clarkb | pabelanger: mordred looks like a host that has run neutron | 23:26 |
mordred | yah | 23:26 |
jeblair | clarkb, pabelanger, mordred: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565908/ | 23:26 |
mordred | and that glean just picked up all of the things | 23:26 |
clarkb | and glean is gonna try to configure all those interfaces | 23:26 |
mordred | yah | 23:26 |
mordred | and fail | 23:26 |
mordred | jeblair: oh that's much better | 23:26 |
clarkb | ya thats more like I would expect with multinode being more common for whatever reason | 23:27 |
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jeblair | here's the full list sorted by time: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565909/ | 23:29 |
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pabelanger | mordred: Ya, a neutron job. spotted it in passing | 23:29 |
jeblair | you can see them grouping i was talking about | 23:29 |
mordred | pabelanger: oh - wow - is glean getting triggered by udev/systemd every time neutron creates an interface??? | 23:30 |
clarkb | mordred: yes | 23:30 |
pabelanger | mordred: i think so | 23:30 |
mordred | that's amaze | 23:30 |
clarkb | I think its fine if noisy | 23:31 |
mordred | https://review.openstack.org/#/c/364510/ clarkb, jeblair: last piece of inefficient nodepool ... it has passed http://logs.openstack.org/10/364510/3/check/gate-dsvm-nodepool-src-shade/67d715e/ already, which contains the shade fix that enables it (it failed a previous run of that, so the success shows the shade fixed fix it) | 23:31 |
jeblair | 13 jobs failed that way within a second of each other at 21:07 today | 23:31 |
mordred | jeblair: it's interesting to me that it clusters like that ... | 23:31 |
mordred | jeblair: but that also makes me think "cloud network hiccup" | 23:31 |
jeblair | mordred: yes, though it is across all of our launchers, and across clouds | 23:31 |
mordred | hrm | 23:31 |
jeblair | so it's at least a datacenter-scale hiccup | 23:32 |
clarkb | one commonality seems to be the job/project? | 23:32 |
clarkb | like 12:54 today a bunch of multinodes fail | 23:32 |
jeblair | clarkb: yeah, let me regenerate this with project + change info as well | 23:32 |
openstackgerrit | Merged openstack-infra/shade: Fix up image and flavor by name in create_server https://review.openstack.org/364548 | 23:32 |
clarkb | there is a clump of cinder fails too | 23:32 |
pabelanger | clarkb: ubuntu-xenial DIB started | 23:33 |
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ianw | how do we feel about devstack-gate making symlinks in the log directory | 23:34 |
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clarkb | ianw: is this related to the subunit thing? | 23:37 |
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clarkb | ianw: its probably fine though we should be careful not to copy them with the logs | 23:37 |
clarkb | er rather we should follow the links when copying | 23:37 |
ianw | clarkb: yeah, splitting stackviz between "old" and "new" runs in grenade output, but not duplicating the ~3mb of js that's driving it | 23:38 |
clarkb | ianw: I just had to symlink /usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper to /usr/lib/qemu-bridge-helper because virsh would not honor the path I set in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf | 23:39 |
clarkb | so if symlinks can solve this problem too that seems fine with me | 23:39 |
ianw | heh, apparently libncurses split itself in two between fedora 23 & 24, so the other day debugging the sfdisk stuff i symlinked half of the new ncurses back to a libncurses.so which had just enough symbols to make it work. symlinks can do anything :) | 23:41 |
mordred | hahahaha | 23:43 |
pabelanger | clarkb: still didn't get my local DIB working, you were able to SSh into your version? | 23:43 |
clarkb | pabelanger: yup | 23:43 |
pabelanger | okay | 23:43 |
pabelanger | well, giving up now | 23:43 |
pabelanger | since nodepool is building it | 23:43 |
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mordred | clarkb, jeblair: woot. the change finished testing. if you look at http://logs.openstack.org/10/364510/3/check/gate-dsvm-nodepool/3db0c11/logs/screen-nodepool.txt.gz you can see the issue that the shade patch we landed fixed. then in the logs for the passing job all is happy | 23:46 |
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jeblair | i will be so happy when we have afs on the launchers. i'm doing all kinds of copying files around between them right now and it's silly | 23:49 |
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mordred | jeblair: ++ | 23:50 |
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jeblair | i guess i should poke at https://review.openstack.org/305477 | 23:50 |
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jeblair | clarkb, mordred, pabelanger: http://paste.openstack.org/show/565911/ | 23:53 |
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jeblair | it looks like the groupings are not simply "all the jobs for a change" | 23:54 |
jeblair | that seems pretty spread out too | 23:54 |
jeblair | are they all bluebox+osic? | 23:55 |
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jeblair | no, but mostly. | 23:56 |
jeblair | mostly osic makes sense. mostly bluebox does not. | 23:56 |
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jeblair | i wonder if we're looking at a real-time map of internet routing issues :) | 23:57 |
mordred | jeblair: we tend to expose many issues | 23:58 |
mordred | jeblair: why not internet routing issues? | 23:58 |
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jeblair | the project list is pretty broad too. | 23:59 |
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