Friday, 2016-09-23

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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add translation jobs to karbor-dashboard
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anteayatonyb: you about?00:20
anteayatonyb: could you review
anteayatonyb: it is a patch I offered to make the proposal bot job not fail on monasca-statsd for stable/newton00:20
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anteayatonyb: looks like someone on monasca is willing to do the work to keep it in requirements00:21
tonybanteaya: Sure.00:21
anteayacould you advise them on their approach00:21
anteayathey are looking for advise and I don't want to steer them wrong00:21
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anteayathanks tonyb00:21
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anteayaI asked him to expedite so this didn't drag on for months and to his credit his is expediting00:24
anteayas/his is/he is00:24
anteayaI don't actually type anymore, I just kind of mash the keyboard and hope for the best00:25
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fungithat sounds like me00:34
fungiif i smash my face into the keyboard a bunch, sometimes words happen00:34
anteayais it hard on your nose much?00:34
funginot any more00:34
anteayaha ha ha00:34
anteayaI put my face in the snow00:35
anteayaabout a foot or so of soft powder I just stick my face in00:35
anteayaso quiet00:35
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anteayagets warm in there too00:35
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anteayaI think I've had just about as much fun as I can handle today00:38
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asselin__does tox -e zuul in project-config supposed to take a very long time? I see it's 11 minutes long job?00:38
anteayatime for some offline things00:38
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fungiasselin__: yeah, it's using jjb to parse the entire set of jobs, and then making sure all jobs listed in the zuul layout.yaml are actually defined00:44
fungiit's not a quick check00:45
asselin__fungi, yeah...I'm used to it taking ~2 minutes...I guess upstream has a lot more jobs00:45
fungilast i looked it was in the vicinity of 10k job definitions00:45
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asselin__at 2 minutes I don't mind to run it before I 10+ mins, I'll wait for the result. Probably needs some updates to make it scale better.00:46
asselin__wait for CI to give me the result*00:46
fungiyep, i think we're mostly just living with it until zuul v300:47
fungijob definition and scheduling are more intertwined, and the same check may not be needed (or even possible)00:47
asselin__ok cool..good to know this problem will just 'go away'00:47
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add elastic-recheck linters job
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make elastic-recheck linters job voting
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openstackgerritzhangyanxian proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable py35 voting on project designate
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openstackgerritzhangyanxian proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable py35 voting on project designate
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: TEST: DONT RECHECK: periodic jobs
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openstackgerritzhangyanxian proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable py35 voting on project designate
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use low-memory-usage.yaml in ci
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openstackgerritYanyan Hu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Further fix for Senlin integration test
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add elastic-recheck linters job
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make elastic-recheck linters job voting
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Undercloud install with tripleo-quickstart
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yolandagood morning06:18
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AJaegergood morning, yolanda. Did you arrive home safely?06:18
yolandahi AJaeger . Yes, it went smoothly, I arrived yesterday afternoon06:19
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yolandahow was the talk?06:19
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AJaegeryolanda: full room, good questions - now they need to start not only using it but also contriburting ;)06:19
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AJaegeryolanda: could you review , please? This is for stable/newton work06:34
yolandai need to step out for school and I'll start reviews when i come back06:35
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AJaegerno problem. Have a safe trip06:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add stable-compat jobs for tempest and devstack-gate vs. newton
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic newton jobs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Allow ramdisk-create to run without $USER set
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add network config for puppet-infracloud on hiera
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup partial translated files
AJaegeryolanda: hope this is in your queue as well ^ - thanks!07:31
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yolandait will benow07:32
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add newton series jobs to the stable-compat template
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add searchlight-ui-core to searchlight-ui ACL
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add elastic-recheck linters job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Further fix for Senlin integration test
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add translation jobs to karbor-dashboard
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Use smartSummarize on zuul status graphs
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mosquitto: Add more logging
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Remove not used element
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move Puppet OpenStack gate to Puppet 4 voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: set gnocchi 2.2 and 3.0 to correct branches
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move ironic-inspector tempest discovery job to the check pipeline
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move tripleo upgrades job to OVB cloud
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Implement functional tests for OSA plugins repo
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: ooi: add functional testing to the gate
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move PDNS4 job to check
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change Zuul Jobs for Gluon Project
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix typos in &
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Bump rh1 back up to 60 max-servers
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: mistral: add tripleo multinode job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Notify #openstack-containers for newton patches
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Ceph Charm Shared Lib
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Disable devstack job for a doc-only change for Zun
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: elements: opensuse: Add support for openSUSE Leap
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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dtantsurAJaeger, FYI we've got our first dsvm job successfully running on xenial, so we're going to move more jobs soon09:13
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openstackgerritNikolay Mahotkin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: [k8s-docker] Come back noop jobs
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AJaegerdtantsur: Woot!09:19
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AJaegerIs Nikolay Mahotkin around?09:19
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nmakhotkinAJaeger: I'm here09:21
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openstackgerritDenis Laxalde proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix documentation about "allow-empty-results" parameter for junit publisher
AJaegernmakhotkin: thanks! Looking at your change 375341, this is no go. it will break Zuul ;(09:23
nmakhotkinAJaeger: Could you please explain in details what is wrong with it?09:23
AJaegerSo, you could run a simple test - like pep8 - on these branches. Or even a real dummy test...09:23
AJaegerThe problem is that repos that share a job, run together. So, if you submit a change and somebody else submits one which has a noop, then both will be serialized. The unrelated change will wait for yours.09:24
AJaegerThis is intented with testing of nova, neutron etc.09:24
AJaegerBut you don't want to have everybody else wait for any of your changes. noop means: No waiting.09:25
AJaegerYou cannot have in one queue both a noop job and another one. That seriously hurts all repos that have noop jobs.09:25
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nmakhotkinAJaeger: ok, I thing I get it09:26
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nmakhotkinthen I'll define a simple job which will be run on stable branches09:27
AJaegermake it voting, please - you need it for both queues09:27
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jheskethAny other infra-root around or anybody know about logstash not having logs for the last few days?09:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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jheskethturns out we're out of diskspace on logstash... I'm cleaning it up now10:06
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AJaegerthanks, jhesketh !10:12
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nmakhotkinAJaeger: what if a job on stable branch would be non-voting?10:18
nmakhotkinis it ok?10:18
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openstackgerritMaciej Relewicz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: [wip] Glare support for app-catalog
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AJaegerit could be non-voting - but we don't have non-voting jobs in hte gate queue. So, you still would need a voting job there. Or we break best practice ;(10:40
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nmakhotkinAJaeger: I finally realized that10:42
nmakhotkinand then added docs job instead10:43
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AJaegerberendt: looking at the kolla failure: You have a bindep.txt file that installs packages that you need. That list does not include the openssl dev package10:54
AJaegerWas there a release yesterday that now needs those libs?10:54
berendtAJaeger thanks, i will have a look on it10:54
AJaegerberendt: let me do quickly a patch...10:55
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berendtAJaeger should fix this, I have not seen this patch10:56
AJaegerberendt: indeed, that should fix it. I'll abandon my quick one ;)10:56
berendtAJaeger thanks for the quick help10:57
AJaegerberendt: you're welcome10:57
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nmakhotkinyolanda: hi!11:16
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yolandanmakhotkin, hi11:18
nmakhotkincould you please help with ? It is a serious blocker for us now11:18
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nmakhotkinyolanda: thank you so much!11:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [k8s-docker] Docs job now is running on < Newton
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openstackgerritMaciej Relewicz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: [wip] Glare support for app-catalog
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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lucasagomeshi all, the images we use for the gate testing (more specifically the ubuntu xenial) is available for download somewhere ?11:39
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rcarrillocruzlucasagomes: we don't but you can build them11:46
lucasagomesrcarrillocruz, that's great help! Thank you11:47
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dhellmanninfra-core: it would be great to get this d-g change that sets up stable/newton merged today if we can:
openstackgerritTang Chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable ironic functional test
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use HCI Ceph in HA job
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pabelangerI've given up on backscroll over the last few days11:56
AJaegermorning, pabelanger ! Hope you're feeling better than Tuesday?11:58
pabelangerAJaeger: Yup, I was better by the morning. I think the apple strudel was the fix :)11:59
AJaegerin combination with the Ginger Ale ;)12:00
AJaegerdhellmann: I gave a -1 on your change - and pushed this one: . Hope that concludes the changes needed12:00
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Zaranibalizer: thanks for the review on the usage patch! I'll try to fix that later tonight; might be a while before I can get to it.12:05
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dhellmannAJaeger : does your patch replace mine, or should I fix mine?12:09
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openstackgerritMaciej Relewicz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: [wip] Glare support for app-catalog
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pabelangerAJaeger: Also, I'm now using guten morgen when I now come online!12:11
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AJaegerdhellmann: mine complements yours - you need to update yours12:12
dhellmannAJaeger : ack12:12
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add newton bitrot jobs
dhellmannAJaeger : ^^12:13
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openstackgerritJiri Stransky proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Fix grub installation for RHEL
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AJaegerdhellmann: LGTM. pabelanger, do you want to +2A, please?12:18
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add IPv6 network configuration for ipv6 job types
AJaegerdhellmann: if is fine, we can ask pabelanger to review it as well - if he has time...12:18
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openstackgerritMaciej Relewicz proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Glare support for app-catalog
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mriedemclarkb: you want to get this in now?
sdaguedhellmann: are you also handling branching on devstack / grenade?12:27
mnasermaybe not so infra related but perhaps folks here have experience - anyone worked with using jenkins (or any other ci tool) to build images?12:28
mnaserwe're thinking of automating this by downloading vendor images (centos/ubuntu/etc), adding them, running a few tempest tests with the images and if everything is ok, mark it as public12:29
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mnaser(and also, is jenkins job builder master pretty stable or better to stick with tagged releases?12:32
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pabelangermnaser: today we build images from scratch, but orignially, we'd download them from upstream with diskimage-builder, add some bits to let jenkins work, then run tempest on them.  However, we'd mark them public first. I guess you could simply release them with our the jenkins bits once the job passed12:33
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dhellmannsdague : I can handle those, but need to know which commit to branch from12:35
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sdaguedhellmann: honestly, HEAD on master is fine12:35
sdaguefor both12:35
sdagueI'll do any fix ups after branches12:35
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openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use HCI Ceph in HA job
dhellmannsdague : ok, if you have a few minutes to look over and suggest any additions that are missing that would be good. I'm trying to get all of this stuff written down in one place this time12:36
sdagueI moved my +2 on the d-g change back to a +1, because I think the branches should go first12:36
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sdaguedhellmann: ah, yeh, so these were on that list12:37
sdagueso yeh, devstack -> grenade -> d-g is the order we wrote down before, which I think is the right sequence12:38
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dhellmannsdague : grenade done12:38
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use HCI Ceph in HA job
openstackgerritGiulio Fidente proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Make the ovb-updates job work again
dhellmannsdague : devstack done12:39
sdaguedhellmann: great12:39
sdagueok, +2 on d-g change agin12:40
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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dhellmannso I skipped a couple of steps it seems, ok. I'll verify the checklist I'm actually using includes all of these things12:41
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mnaserthanks for that pabelanger -- we'll do a few things here and there and see where we go12:45
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] Don't upload DIB if provider is disabled
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zigopabelanger: nova 14.0.0~rc1-1 was rejected by the FTP masters because of missing copyright holders in debian/copyright, I've fixed it, though the Gerrit repository already has a 14.0.0_rc1-1 tag, can it be deleted so I can push a new one?12:51
zigoI mean, tag name is: debian/14.0.0_rc1-112:51
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: do not run puppet3 xenial jobs on stable mitaka/liberty/hammer
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add newton bitrot jobs
pabelangerzigo: we don't usually delete tags, since we cannot delete them everywhere. We usually ask projects to just increment to the next tag12:53
zigopabelanger: The issue is that tags must match an upload to Debian.12:53
zigoHere, it wont ...12:53
zigopabelanger: "everywhere" means what in this case?12:53
zigopabelanger: I can retag, not a problem, just trying to understand what the issue is.12:54
pabelangerzigo: right, could you not re-upload the package into debian as a new tag? not and existing?12:54
zigopabelanger: Tags are matching the debian version of the package.12:54
zigo debian/14.0.0_rc1-112:54
zigoin this case.12:54
zigoI can do:  debian/14.0.0_rc1-1-correct-tag12:54
zigoSomething like that ... :P12:54
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pabelangerzigo: The tag in git, if we delete the tag now, by local version of the repo will still have it12:55
zigopabelanger: "local" means what?12:55
pabelangerzigo: on my computer12:55
zigoIt should be only me for the moment ...12:55
zigoI don't think anyone touched the deb-nova repo since I uploaded this morning.12:55
zigoThose who did can probably delete their local tag.12:56
zigoIt wont do any "git pull" error anyway (which IMO is a flaw in Git)12:56
zigoI know it doesn't sound the right thing to delete the tag though.12:56
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zigoI'd understand if you completely refused.12:56
zigo debian/14.0.0_rc1-1-the-real-one will do! :)12:57
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zigoIt's kind of my fault, I shouldn't tag something that goes through the NEW queue.12:57
pabelangerRight, we don't want to get into the issue with 2 tags debian/14.0.0_rc1-1 with different sha1 info. Even if you are the only one, we cannot be 100% sure. So, we just ask, increment your tag to the next possible version, and say debian/14.0.0_rc1-1 was a failed release (due to build issues)12:58
pabelangerzigo: great12:58
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zigopabelanger: The main issue here, is that the build script will *NOT* publish 14.0.0_rc1-1 in infra, because of that tag.13:00
zigopabelanger: I'm not sure if you realize it...13:00
zigoIt's not a so big deal, it's just a debian/copyright fix though...13:00
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] Don't upload DIB if provider is disabled
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zigopabelanger: I thought about adding an sbuild DIB element, and now, I'm not so sure it's desirable to do it before we have a real Debian mirror with ftp-sync (because the sbuild-createchroot could fail to download some binaries, then the image would be failed).13:07
zigopabelanger: Your thoughts?13:07
zigopabelanger: Should I wait, or it's going to be fine to have a failure every odd days?13:08
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zigopabelanger: And then, we'd be using the Jessie image from the previous day, or something?13:10
pabelangerzigo: Ya, we don't want to break our image builds in nodepool, I did have something in puppet a while back, I should find that again13:10
pabelangerzigo: So, here is how you could do it today13:11
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: do not run puppet3 xenial jobs on stable mitaka/liberty/hammer
zigoOk, I'll wait for the ftp-sync then (but maybe attempt to write the script still).13:11
pabelangerzigo: we could create a new periodic job to create the chroots, which uploads them to tarballs.o.o13:11
pabelangerthen, when you do a patch build, just download the chroot from tarballs.o.o, update if needed, and go13:12
pabelangerthat would help with build times, and least amount of changes to our base images13:12
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zigopabelanger: Ok, thanks for the tip.13:17
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EmilienMyolanda, AJaeger: hey, in my patch for puppet4 yesterday, I broke stable branch CI (not critical now) and I have a fix, when you have time
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pleia2jhesketh: if you're still around... what filled up on the logstash server? (I'm now a little worried that our mqtt patch is filling the disks with error logs now since the change we added doesn't seem to work13:29
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jheskethpleia2: the log-client-debug.log was filled up... it's still 25GB... (I removed an old one)13:31
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jheskethit's in log-rotate so I'm not sure why it wasn't rotated13:31
* pleia2 nods13:31
jheskethI'm going to poke at that next13:31
pleia2thanks, if it is the mqtt stuff it's an easy patch to shut it off until we can debug further13:31
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jheskethI don't think so, but it looks like logs still aren't being indexed.. so I'm looking into that still13:33
jheskethhad hoped they'd come back as the gearman queue was huge and appears to have gone down, but results aren't coming n13:33
pabelangerzigo: do you have a 1 liner to create the chroot?13:33
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] Don't upload DIB if provider is disabled
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Always configure ipv6 address with net-iso
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openstackgerritLiuqing Jing proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use nodejs4-jobs for senlin
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openstackgerritLiuqing Jing proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use nodejs4-jobs for senlin-dashboard
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: [WIP] Don't upload DIB if provider is disabled
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openstackgerritIgor Belikov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow to configure workflow job in Groovy file
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/diskimage-builder: Shorten DHCP timeout in dhcp-all-interfaces
openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: properties: cover lockable-resources plugin
david-lylefungi, do have time for me to ask some nodepool questions? fairly high leve14:22
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openstackgerritLukas Bednar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: properties: cover lockable-resources plugin
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sjmc7good morning. i just had a new ACL group created - could somebody add me to the members list please? group is searchlight-ui-core,members added in review
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david-lyleor anyone knowledgeable about nodepool and providing openstack clouds for testing? I just have some API requirements questions14:27
nibalizerdavid-lyle: i can try to answer, whats up?14:28
david-lylenibalizer: I was reading through the requirements here
david-lyleand the source code for nodepool14:29
david-lyleI was curious what the volume requirement was used for14:30
david-lyleand a couple other questions14:30
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david-lyleso the volume is used to store a mirror of PyPI?14:32
fungidavid-lyle: the ability to attach a cinder volume? we could probably get by without it if absolutely needed. we use that to give us more control over the filesystem used for our afs mirrors in each provider14:32
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ssh-keygen systemd service to debian / ubuntu
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fungibut we expected the afs caches to be larger than they turned out being14:33
david-lylefungi is it just the basic CRUD around volumes then?14:33
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: I'll be testing ^ today for our ssh-keygen issues on debuntu14:33
fungidavid-lyle: yeah, in fact nodepool does nothing at all with creating/attaching/detaching volumes for workers14:33
fungiwe just manually or semi-manually create a volume to hold the afs cache when we construct the mirror server14:34
david-lyleanother question I see image_snapshot upload is in the nodepool code, but can't quite figure out how it's used, is that as requirement?14:35
fungiand like i said, we could probably just stick that on the rootfs of the mirror server instead given it doesn't grow like we thought it mightt14:35
fungithough having it on a separate volume does make replacing the mirror a little snappier since we don't have to run with a cold cache after14:36
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fungidavid-lyle: we used to build a template vm, snapshot it and then boot workers from that14:38
fungidavid-lyle: but now we build images from scratch elsewhere and upload them into glance14:38
fungithe old snapshot/template support is still in there for now, but will likely be dropped fairly soon14:38
david-lylefungi: are the images just general OS images plus some that are reused, or one per node?14:39
sjmc7AJaeger: when you get a sec could you add me as the initial member of,members please?14:39
david-lyle*OS image (plus some additions),14:39
fungidavid-lyle: they're minimal images built via debootstrap, rpmstrap, et cetera using diskimage-builder14:40
fungidavid-lyle: there are around half a dozen images total, one for each distro/version we test on14:41
fungiso ubuntu-trusty, ubuntu-xenial, centos-7, fedora-24, debian-jessie, et cetera14:42
fungiwe rebuild and replace them (or try to) once a day14:42
AJaegersjmc7: I can't - but others in the channel might as time permits14:42
david-lylefungi: ok, that's what I assumed, wanted to make sure14:42
sjmc7ok, thanks14:43
david-lylefungi, last question, is there a requirement for neutron? or just a public IP per node? what I read indicates a public IP, but wanted to confirm14:43
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jheskethinfra-root: I've been debugging logstash but haven't made a lot of progress sadly14:44
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jheskethit's possible half the services just need restarting but I was trying to better understand the problem14:45
fungidavid-lyle: yes, public ip per node (which could be ipv6, we have some providers with no global ipv4 addresses on the workers and we use v6 there just fine). i'm pretty sure we still work with nova-net but i don't know how recently that's been tested14:45
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jheskethinfra-root: I've documented what I can remember here as I have to leave in a minute:
jheskethhelp fixing/debugging it would be appreciated14:45
david-lylefungi, ok thanks for all the answers I appreciate your time14:46
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fungidavid-lyle: any time14:47
anteayajhesketh: thank you14:47
fungijhesketh: i'll try to pick it up in a bit if nobody else finds time14:49
fungithanks for digging into it14:49
jheskethfungi: cool, thanks14:50
jheskethno worries... sorry I didn't get further14:50
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jheskethI'll try and be around to answer any questions etc.14:50
anteayajhesketh: logstash is tricky14:53
pleia2jhesketh: thanks for getting that started14:53
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anteayadhellmann: you +2'd a patch that I'm being asked to abandon, would you consider it an afront if I abandon
pleia2I'm exhausted and busy with trip turnaround today (fly out again tomorrow), so I might not get to it myself, but I'll try14:53
* clarkb can help debug but probably a good thing if others continue to do it so that more people are familiar with it14:54
dhellmannanteaya : if it's not needed, it's not needed14:54
anteayapost travel you must rest, lest you get post travel illness14:54
anteayadhellmann: very good thank you I will abandon14:54
dhellmannanteaya, AJaeger : is there an explanation of why it's not needed somewhere?14:54
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anteayatonyb gave one in his comment14:54
dhellmannah, ok14:55
jheskethpleia2: you should indeed rest14:55
dhellmannanteaya : thanks for pinging me14:55
anteayadhellmann: mostly I wanted the bot run to work without errors tonyb says his test confirms14:55
pleia2jhesketh: well, I feel bad since it could be the change that mtreinish and I landed that gummed things up...14:55
jheskethfungi: if you or any other infra-root do take a look, if you could please add your comments to the etherpad that'd be appreciated for my learning experience14:55
anteayadhellmann: sure14:55
fungijhesketh: absolutely14:55
jheskethpleia2: I don't think so, but don't feel bad either way :-)14:56
pleia2hehe, k14:57
anteayaclarkb yeah spread the logstash guruship around a bit14:57
AJaegerdhellmann: see the comment in the review: the monasca team backported changes to the branch so that their requirements are clean14:57
jheskethlooking at cacti the logstash disk has been full for some time... maybe that wasn't related:
dhellmannAJaeger : got it, thanks14:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: puppet: do not run puppet3 xenial jobs on stable mitaka/liberty/hammer
AJaegeranteaya: thanks for the change, it triggered a fast action ;)14:57
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Promote CentOS7 job for OSA os_cinder repo to voting
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AJaegerclarkb: could you review , please? That's for python3.5 and mirrors a change in requirements repo.14:58
anteayaAJaeger: it did so, I actually was really impressed14:59
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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AJaegeranteaya: so was I15:01
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clarkbAJaeger: done. we will also need to update the test node for that job but this should happen first as its forward and backward compatbile15:02
AJaegerclarkb: that is on the proposal slave - puppet should update it.15:03
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AJaegerclarkb: or what do you mean?15:04
AJaegerhere's another newton change, reviews are welcome:
clarkbAJaeger: we need to upgrade the proposal slave to xenial before it will use python3.515:05
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fungiclarkb: if you feel like venting, you may want to reply to
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anteayadoes clarkb vent?15:06
fungii guess we'll find outt15:07
anteayaI thought you were too busy shipping babies around to vent15:07
clarkbI made my case to dansmith already. I don't entirely like the answer but I am tiold its EHARD but nova recognizes the use case15:07
clarkbalso that sentence was very badly constructed15:07
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anteayayou are jet lagged15:08
AJaegerclarkb: really? with using python3 instead of 3.5, it should work with both versions. Shouldn't it?15:08
anteayayou have some poorly constructed sentence points to use up15:08
anteayaso that was one15:08
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clarkbAJaeger: it should but we don't have python3.5 on proposal.slave.o.o right now (because its trusty iirc). So just mentioning we have an additional step to do if we want that15:09
clarkbAJaeger: the change is good because it enables us to make that transition without breaking15:09
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AJaegerclarkb: Ah, now I get it.15:13
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clarkbEmilienM: question for you, are the puppet module scenario tests deploying openstack with ssl?15:15
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EmilienMof course15:16
AJaegerproject-config cores, could you review and , please?15:16
EmilienMand ipv615:16
clarkbEmilienM: if so are you not running the full tempest suite? because tempest currently does not work with ssl and yet your jobs do pass15:16
EmilienMwe run smoke15:16
EmilienM+ some other tests15:16
clarkbah ok that explains it. thanks15:16
AJaegermugsie: could you review , please?15:16
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EmilienMclarkb: ^15:16
clarkbEmilienM: we are very close to making the regular full set of jobs working with ssl though :)15:16
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EmilienMclarkb: what is the bug?15:17
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clarkbEmilienM: current one is tempest asserts things about http headers in a swift test that are not valid to assert according to http rfc15:17
anteayamtreinish: this adds neutron xenial periodic stable jobs to tempest, are you available for a +1?
clarkbEmilienM: so just need to stop tempest from doing that since the proxy terminating ssl is cleaning up the responses for us15:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade settings for stable/newton
AJaegerarmax, dougwig: Here're some neutron infra liason reviews needed, could either of you look at them, please?
AJaegeranteaya: thanks!15:19
clarkbEmilienM: what service do you use to terminate ssl? haproxy or apache or nginx or ?15:19
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anteayaAJaeger: thank you15:19
clarkbEmilienM: may also be related to how intelligent your proxy is when it comes to cleaning up invalid http15:19
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EmilienMclarkb: we don't terminate SSL15:19
AJaegerA review for would be appreciated as well. Thanks15:20
EmilienMclarkb: we run all services with native SSL support from oslo service15:20
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EmilienMI know some services are broken or we didn't do it yet in puppet15:20
EmilienMbut really most of them do it15:20
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clarkbI'm not completely sure why devstack decided to go with the proxy route. Probably because thats how people are actually deploying it in the real world?15:22
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pabelangerclarkb: stepping out for some lunch, but once back going to be testing DIBs in infracloud for our ssh-keygen fixes15:26
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clarkbpabelanger: great. did you get a trusty fix too?15:26
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* clarkb grumps about debian being sillty15:26
pabelangerclarkb: Yup, once systemd is happy, I'll get something for upstart15:27
pabelangerland it in the same patchset15:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Promote CentOS7 job for OSA os_cinder repo to voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: requirement-constraints: Update for python3.5
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup partial translated files
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EmilienMclarkb: the proxy route is also fine. We do it in TripleO. In Puppet OpenStack we thought it would be more challenging to go with oslo service route15:34
EmilienMclarkb: and indeed, we found some bugs, reported it and they are fixed15:34
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EmilienMclarkb: either way, puppet openstack support both15:35
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clarkbcool. I was mostly just curious if you had somehow corrected these issues in tempest some other way but I think you mostly avopid them by running smoke (and possibly because you don't proxy_15:35
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AJaegeranteaya: mtreinish might still be travelling. The jobs in are the usual jobs, this is the same pattern we do for mitaka and liberty as well.15:47
* AJaeger will be back later15:48
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run newton to master/ocata grenade on xenial
clarkbfungi: dhellmann ^ there is that change. Passed locally for me. Will work on PROCESS update too15:48
nibalizerfungi: fyi looks like bluebox is gonna do some non-workload-impacting maintenance stuffs15:48
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mriedemwe don't run trusty nodes for any ocata (master) patches now right?15:50
mriedemclarkb: ^?15:50
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clarkbmriedem: it depends on the job since we decided to do the migration on a per job basis15:51
dhellmannclarkb : I'm having trouble reconciling the comment you have there with the regexes15:51
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clarkbnova swift glance keystone are all very xenialed15:51
clarkbneutron cinder not completely because they have a lot more random jorbs15:51
clarkbdhellmann: I was trying to explain what we want there. Its the "new" side that determines the instance type because that grenade job runs against the new side if that makes sense15:52
clarkbdhellmann: so if the job is against newton that means we are doing mitaka to newton and should run on trusty15:52
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make bug name, type, and url explicit
dhellmannclarkb : it looks like the regex on line 1928 is saying that stable/newton should not match, and therefore not run the xenial job. Which part of that am I misreading? (I trust your intent and not my interpretation of the config settings)15:53
dhellmannyes, ok, that's the bit I wasn't getting15:53
dhellmannI was thinking old, not new15:53
dhellmannmaybe add that detail to the comment?15:53
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dhellmannso right now we don't run any grenade jobs on xenial?15:54
dhellmannoh, well, we do master, don't we15:54
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run newton to master/ocata grenade on xenial
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clarkbdhellmann: we don't until we merge this change15:55
dhellmannalright, I think I understand this now15:55
clarkbdhellmann: I hope that comment update makes it easier to udnerstand?15:55
dhellmannclarkb : it does. you could also say explicitly "the regex pattern matches against the branch grenade considers 'new'"15:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable py35 voting on project designate
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EmilienMpabelanger: is the rubygem mirror still in our radar ?
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EmilienMclarkb: question for you now. What version of puppet to you use to deploy Infra Cloud ?16:02
clarkbEmilienM: puppet 3. something16:02
anteayaAJaeger: okay, I do like to ask though16:02
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EmilienMclarkb: I'm asking because starting from stable/newton and beyond, we gate on puppet416:03
clarkbya I saw that but your email said you would continue to also test puppet 316:03
EmilienMwe support puppet3 for stable/mitaka16:03
funginibalizer: thanks, so nothing that'll impact nodepool as i read it. good deal16:03
clarkbthe problem is puppet 3 to 4 is a major transition iirc16:03
clarkband we have more than just infra cloud that we puppet16:03
EmilienMbut in Ocata, we'll remove puppet3 support I think16:03
EmilienMwe need to move forward one day16:03
clarkbwhen is puppet end of lifing puppet 3?16:04
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EmilienMI don't think we are in a hurry of anything but I want to know what is blocking people to upgrade16:04
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EmilienMclarkb: I'm not sure. Hunner ^ ?16:04
clarkbEmilienM: I think what is blocking us is a requirement to rewrite most of our puppet16:04
EmilienMhave you tried to deploy infra with puppet4?16:05
EmilienMwe started with experimental jobs and iterate on it until it passed CI16:05
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fungithere's a lot of conditionals in there that boil down to "if '' {"16:06
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nibalizerfungi: yea sounds like they're just taking their management layer thing offline for a bit16:06
EmilienMI'm sure your manifests will work with puppet4 module some little changes16:06
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fungiEmilienM: so we'll at least need refactoring in places to deal with the change in boolean casting for empty strings16:06
clarkbEmilienM: the problem is we can't choose to run with different versions16:06
clarkbso literaly everythjing hasd to be updated first16:06
nibalizeri want to say pabelanger told me he'd validated puppet416:06
clarkbits a major pita and makes me grumpy puppet did this too us after 2 to 316:06
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clarkbnibalizer: the slave modules work16:07
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fungiwe need to rewrite to make everything work the same in both puppet 3 and puppet 4, and then switch it all from 3 to 4 in a big bang16:07
clarkbsincewe puppet 4 on fedora16:07
nibalizerim not super sure we'd need to big bang now, since we have puppet apply16:07
nibalizerthe openstack_project module, yes16:07
EmilienMclarkb: I agree16:07
fungithe openstack_project module is basically our entrypoint to all the other modules though16:07
fungiso we need them all working correctly with puppet 3 and 4 before we can switch openstack_project from 3 to 416:08
nibalizerbut it is included on the slaves I think, so if pabelanger is saying slaves work on puppet4, then we have that working16:08
EmilienMif infra needs help on 3 to 4 transition, I would be happy to spend little time on it16:08
clarkbnibalizer: we do have that working16:08
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nibalizerso we could do it piece by piece16:08
clarkbnibalizer: no16:08
EmilienMclarkb: do you have syntax/unit puppet4 jobs running on infra modules?16:08
EmilienMwe started by that :)16:09
clarkbnibalizer: you still have to switch everything all at once16:09
nibalizerclarkb: why?16:09
funginibalizer: well, there are a handful of classes in openstack_project that are used in building node images, so that much of openstack_project is working at least, yes16:09
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clarkbnibalizer: you can patch piece by piece but we arent going to make review.o.o 3 and zuul.o.o 416:09
nibalizeryah thats all im saying16:09
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fungiwe'd need a fair amount of additional logic to run different puppet versions on different servers arbitrarily16:10
nibalizerim not sure we would fungi16:10
nibalizerid like to think we could get away with just ansible runs whatever puppet it finds on the filesystem16:10
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EmilienMwhat version of OpenStack is running Infra Cloud ? IIRC it was Liberty but I'm not sure16:10
sigmavirusIs it still okay to include the meeting bot in team channels for when they want to have impromptu meetings of subteams?16:10
fungiat a start, we'd need markers in the global site manifest for which puppet version to use on which nodes, so that we can test them correctly16:10
clarkbnibalizer: but you need something to pick that version..16:10
clarkbEmilienM: mitaka now iirc16:11
clarkbsigmavirus: we have in the past said no so that meetings are discoverable16:11
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funginibalizer: yes we could cowboy it without much added logic, i'm saying to acrually test that we won't break we need a lot more logic in our current jobs16:11
EmilienMclarkb: and do you know when ~ upgrade to newton is targeted?16:11
clarkbEmilienM: I don't16:11
nibalizerits an annoying amount of work to upgrade to puppet416:12
nibalizerfor like, zero value16:12
nibalizerwhich is why I haven't pushed for it at all16:13
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anteayasigmavirus: also any bot maintenance takes our meeting channels into account, not meetings we can't know about16:13
anteayalike restarts and such16:13
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EmilienMnibalizer: zero value?16:14
sigmavirusanteaya: clarkb thank you. I thought this was okay in the past but my memory is clearly wrong :)16:14
anteayasigmavirus: people have done it against our advice in the past16:14
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mtreinishfungi, pleia2, nibalizer, jhesketh: ugh, looks like mosquitto died again...16:14
EmilienMhave we evaluated the amount of work by testing it and listing all puppet failures?16:15
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nibalizermtreinish: womp womp16:16
clarkbmtreinish: can yopu review ? it makes tempest work with ssl16:16
mtreinishclarkb: I can, one sec16:16
EmilienMnibalizer: I see but what happens if OpenStack community wants to include puppet4 features into Puppet OpenStack modules?16:17
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mtreinishclarkb, greghaynes: +216:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic newton jobs
anteayamtreinish: if you can kill mostiquos you would be a hero round my area16:18
anteayatake you on every camping trip I would16:19
anteayawho's that guy?16:19
anteayahe is killing mostiquos16:19
anteayaleave him be and take him his dinner16:19
mtreinishanteaya: haha, well this one seems to be suicidal. We can't keep it running for more than a day16:19
anteayaha ha ha16:19
mtreinishit must be because I announced the firehose on the ML16:20
anteayathat's what we need suicial mostiquos16:20
anteayastage fright16:20
anteayateach it breathing exercises16:20
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fungimtreinish: i was going to ask about that... i was streaming from it, disconnected for a moment to run something else on the terminal, and then tried to reconnect and got connection refusal thereafter16:21
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mtreinishfungi: yeah, pleia2 and I were looking at that in walldorf. We never found an answer, since the logging is at a pretty consistent level (meaning it's not helpful)16:22
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fungiconstantly unhelpful logging is the best logging16:22
fungior, in this case, only logging16:22
mtreinishfungi: I did push a patch to add all the log levels to maybe provide some insight:
mtreinishbut I wasn't holding my breath16:23
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fungimtreinish: i think it may have been killed when logrotate reloaded it?16:24
fungimtreinish: at least there's a mosquitto.log.1.gz which ends with "1474611901: Reloading config."16:25
mtreinishfungi: oh, that could be, and would be super annoying16:25
fungimtreinish: and no /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log16:25
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clarkbyou can tell logrotate to copy the file over then truncate the log16:26
clarkbprobably what you need there16:26
fungiwhich suggests to me that it died while reloading its configuration after receiving sighup, and didn't get as far as opening a new inode for the log16:26
mtreinishfungi: I think /var/log/mosquitto/mosquitto.log was there before when pleia2 and I looked at the earlier crashes. But I'm not sure16:26
fungimtreinish: there's an old crufty /var/log/mosquitto.log from august, before we updated the log path16:27
mtreinishyeah, we probably should delete that one :)16:27
fungiwhich i'll go ahead and delete so nobody gets confused16:27
fungiit's hard enough to read epoch time16:27
nibalizermtreinish: i have restarted mosquitto16:29
fungithanks nibalizer16:29
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nibalizerand it seems to be still running16:29
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nibalizeryah the unix seconds logging is annoying16:29
Hunnerclarkb: puppet 3 is eol end of December I think?16:30
fungii saw we keep an eye on this, and if the future failure causes have consistent symptoms we either try to figure out how to improve mosquitto to handle log rotation better, or as clarkb suggests change to a hackier logrotate method16:30
mtreinishnibalizer: cool, thanks16:30
fungibut at least this time around it looks like it choked during log rotation16:30
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb: I can push a patch to something to flip the logrotate setting if you point me in the right direction16:31
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clarkbmtreinish: I think logstash may use the setting look for copytruncatr iirc16:32
clarkber copytruncate16:32
nibalizerssl errors in the logs now16:32
nibalizerHunner: link to announce?16:32
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mtreinishnibalizer: hmm, maybe from the logstash workers?16:32
fungimtreinish: clarkb: i would have expected to find the logrotate module in use in puppet-mosquitto, but maybe the distro package is setting that up on its own?16:33
mtreinishwhich might explain why I wasn't seeing any messages from there before we left16:33
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mtreinishfungi: yeah, I assumed it was ubuntu16:33
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clarkbfungi: our puppet stuff is set per file16:33
nibalizerfungi: missed you in germany!16:33
mtreinishI know I didn't explicitly set anything up with logrotate16:33
nibalizermtreinish: clarkb had safe and uneventful returns?16:33
clarkbso you'd need a new puppet define for eachfile to rotate16:33
funginibalizer: thanks! hope you had a few liters in my honor16:33
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clarkbnibalizer: yup just tired16:34
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nibalizerHunner: thats all puppet enterprise16:34
Hunnernibalizer: I think the foss lifecycle matches it16:34
mtreinishnibalizer: yeah, it was a straightforward trip back. Definitely glad I paid for premium economy though. It's so nice being able to fit in the seats16:35
* fungi wonders what the puppet 3 fork that everyone ends up using after puppet 3 reaches eol will be named16:35
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mtreinishnibalizer: oh and new top speed on the drive back to the airport, 234 kph16:35
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fungimtreinish: i have to say, while my height isn't advantageous for much, it's nice to still be reasonably comfortable in the modern micro-coach seating most airlines have switched to16:36
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nibalizermtreinish: yea looks like ssl errors related to the logstash workers? or its just saying its connected to the logstash workers, and also getting ssl errors from something else unrelatedly16:37
rajinirCan I manually re-run ./ to debug a failed build? Pre_test_hook is failing and I want to debug it16:37
mtreinishnibalizer: it's probably a config issue (or a bug in the mqtt plugin) on the logstash workers16:37
mtreinishnibalizer: they are configured to use ssl so we don't send the service user password in plain text16:37
mtreinishbut it looks like the ssl handshake is failing16:38
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mtreinishwhich is why there aren't any logstash messages on the firehose16:38
mtreinishpleia2: ^^^ that explains the problem from wed.16:38
fungirajinir: you _might_ be able to, but we don't test that it works correctly. we delete and use a fresh vm every time we run16:38
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clarkbrajinir: you can if you copy all the setup code before it. we do however piblish a script for every devstack gate run which makes this much eaiser16:39
clarkbI would just copy and run that16:39
nibalizerHunner: fun16:39
rajinirclarkb:fungi: Just found the reproduce.sh16:39
wznoinskhi infra16:39
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rajinirclarkb:fungi:  yep, seems to work ...thanks16:39
Hunnernibalizer: It would be nice if it mentioned that foss matches on that page...16:39
anteayadhellmann: can you read the last comment on this patch?
mtreinishnibalizer: I wouldn't expect anyone else to be using ssl, since you have to give the CA cert to the client explicitly and I haven't written the docs on how to do that yet16:39
fungimtreinish: pleia2: is it configured to use the correct port number? does it trust the server cert?16:40
pabelangerEmilienM: On the radar yes, I want to get it online for barcelona16:40
anteayadhellmann: I wanted to get some activity, seems I might have created a panic16:40
wznoinskcould someone help me understand what happened here -> <-, I see +2s despite changing the files and rebasing after I got them16:40
anteayadhellmann: panic was not my intent16:40
EmilienMpabelanger: ++16:40
EmilienMlet me know if I can help16:40
nibalizerclarkb: Hunner so dec 31 looks like16:41
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ssh-keygen systemd service to debian / ubuntu
clarkbis this the new puppet business model?16:41
rajinirclarkb:fungi:  spoke too soon, looks like I have to copy setup code, which is a bit complicated16:41
mtreinishfungi: it should be the right port number:
clarkbmake backward incompatible changes then eol aggressively?16:41
nibalizeri wonder what the plan is here16:41
mtreinishfungi: port 8883 is the ssl'd mqtt port16:41
clarkbrajinir: you shouldnt need to with reproduce.sh16:41
mtreinishfungi: but I'm not sure about the cert trusting.16:41
nibalizermaybe ubuntu will keep a patched 3.x around for us16:41
mtreinishI've got to step away for a little while though16:42
mtreinishI'll bbl16:42
clarkbrajinir: I have been using a lot lately and it mostly just works.make sure you run it with sudo ability for the user16:42
anteayamtreinish: go kill more mostquitos16:42
clarkbI think the comment at the beginning of the file documents that16:42
rajinirclarkb: Its in the logs folder. so is that right one?16:42
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clarkbyes there is only one16:43
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fungipabelanger: when you're caught up, slagle has revived the "status of tripleo-test-cloud-rh1" thread from august, and it looks like we now have some options for redundant tripleo testing environments, which means instead of switching to third-party it could operate in a full upstream mode (no longer needing separate pipelines, with actual voting/gating)16:45
fungii'm personally in favor of any method that ends the years of limbo it's been in16:46
fungiwhether that's third-party ci or finally being fully integrated16:46
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pabelangerfungi: right, I still want to push for 3rd party CI.  Which I think we are talking about next week or so.  I don't think we should bring it into a full upstream mode, as we should do that with RDO cloud (coming online in the next few months)16:47
pabelangerfungi: but yes, I'm hoping to have a good plan in place for Barcelona and start working on it16:48
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slaglepabelanger: is there solid timing on the RDO cloud?16:48
anteayais RDO cloud a potential new host cloud?16:48
slaglei've kind of pushed that to the back of the mind b/c the schedule keeps getting pushed out, so i dont feel we can plan reliably around it16:48
pabelangerslagle: I've heard rumblings for the next few months16:48
fungipabelanger: the main concern with bringing any provider with specialized support for specific jobs online in nodepool is that there needs to be multi-environment redundancy so that the primary ci pipelines don't back up when one provider is offline due to maintenance or network et cetera failures16:48
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pabelangeranteaya: potential, nothing official yet16:49
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fungipabelanger: so if rdo cloud will be more than one region/cloud then sounds like a cool option. though the tripleo cloud also sounds like it's got that option today16:49
anteayapabelanger: very good, thank you16:50
pabelangerWhat I have heard, is tripleo cloud hardware is eventually being absorbed into the new cloud, but I need to see if that is happening or not16:50
slaglepabelanger: eventually that is supposed to happen16:51
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slaglethe timing around that is very much up in the air though, and i've been told now we have the existing hardware for as long as we say we need/want it16:51
fungipabelanger: the other wrinkle is that we're looking at a governance change to move the tripleo-ci deliverable from the infra team to the tripleo team, and i was hoping to first make sure there's a plan for what is actually happening with the ci before pushing forward on that front16:51
pabelangerfungi: right, I would say another 2 weeks before we need to move on that. Some of the people are away next week for a conference.16:52
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fungia lot of us will be away for a conference not long after that ;)16:53
pabelangerThe good news, is I think everybody is on the same page. We just need to validate that, and start making plans16:53
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pabelangerI still need to read and comment on the post slagle did this week.16:54
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fungipabelanger: okay, thanks. i'm open to good arguments in either direction, but since you've been a de-facto liaison for us on this i wanted to wait for you to weigh in first16:56
pabelangerfungi: sure, I'll ready today and get comments in by first of next week16:56
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fungislagle: ^ i didn't want you to think i'm ignoring your ml post, just didn't want to jump into it while most of the team is in transit/sleeping off their sprint travel16:57
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add libselinux-python as a dependency on RHEL
slaglefungi: yea, np :)16:58
slaglei will be travelling next week myself, but will make time to keep the conversation going16:58
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid: Fix on SREG extension
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dhellmannanteaya : I don't understand why these 2 things are related at all. I need to get roland on irc so we can discuss it.17:27
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anteayahe is rhochmuth17:28
anteayahe pm'd me not sure what channels he is in, he isn't in here17:28
dhellmannI hunted for him earlier and didn't find him online17:28
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anteayayeah so my motivation was cleanup, this project wasnt' in the form to get its bit passing in the proposal bot job17:29
anteayaso I offered the patch17:29
anteayaI think he thinks that the repo might be removed from newton or something17:29
anteayarather than removed from requirements17:29
anteayawhich is useless for it to be in there at this point since it isn't serving any purpose17:29
anteayashould I send him to -release if I find him?17:30
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fungiput another way, repos shouldn't be added to the projects.txt file in the requirements repo _until_ they have requirements check jobs running and passing. otherwise the requirements proposal job will fail some basic sanity checks and never propose a requirements update to them (and we'll see the job listed as failing, though in actuality that's just there for signaling the issue and is mostly benign17:32
fungias the job skips repos it can't propose to and still does the rest)17:32
clarkbdtantsur|afk: jroll ran against a devstack deployed with ssl in front of glance17:33
anteayafungi: agreed17:33
clarkbdtantsur|afk: jroll the normal nova job worked fine which makes me think maybe something in the ironic driver there is unhappy with ssl? any chance you can poke at that? (feel free to ask me questions about the job setup)17:33
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clarkbalso might try to see if you can make the error be a bit mroe verbose. Could not connect to glance but what url was attempted and how did it fail?17:34
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pabelangerthink we might be having some networking issues with infracloud-vanilla17:40
pabelangerunable to ssh into controller00.vanilla.ic.openstack.org17:41
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: ^17:41
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clarkbdtantsur|afk: jroll ok I think I have tracked this down to ironic setting urls for services in its config instead of using the keystone catalog...17:47
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clarkbdtantsur|afk: jroll I am going to attempt to hack around that in devstack but maybe ironic should ask keystone instead?17:47
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pleia2pabelanger: just got an email that seems to confirm that (email was general, but I suspect we're impacted)17:52
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fungithat's unfortunate17:54
fungipleia2: planned or unplanned (from their perspective)?17:54
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pleia2fungi: unplanned, and unclear (they're investigating)17:55
fungipleia2: thanks17:56
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clarkbsdague: I am discovering that devstack plugins are going to make ssl tricky :)17:59
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Update 'usage'
clarkbsdague: basically its on the plugin to do all this stuff correctly when we enable ssl in devstack proper. Not a bad thing but will require churn in a bunch of places likely17:59
Zaranibalizer ^ hopefully that takes care of your concern18:00
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clarkbzaro: looks like when you use the built in editor in gerrit if you change the commit message it shows those chagnes in the main change page before you publish the edit18:01
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clarkbzaro: not sure if it does that for all browser sessions or just the one that edited ti. Do you know if that is an issue in newer gerrit?18:01
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fungiclarkb: my guess would be it's a state being presented only to the editing client (similar to draft comments not yet saved)18:07
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fungithough maybe the ui could do a better job of indicating it's doing that18:08
jrollclarkb: we landed support for that in newton but haven't updated devstack yet:
clarkbya I think it should. But not sure if this is already fixed or not18:08
clarkbconsidering all the work on ui things there18:08
clarkbjroll: ya I just pushed a fix to the devstack plugin that I think will work18:09
clarkbjroll: see and 's ironic job will test it18:09
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anteayaAJaeger: my patch remains in the abandoned state18:09
AJaegeranteaya: as native speaker, do you have any comment on , please (nothing urgent) ?18:09
AJaegeranteaya: great! ;)18:09
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anteayaAJaeger: are you kidding me18:10
anteayaadds added imports imported18:11
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ssh-keygen systemd service to debian / ubuntu
anteayaas long as what you do are doing did do is accurate that is the important thing18:11
jrollclarkb: cool, we plan to start using the catalog in ocata18:11
jrollthanks for the fix18:11
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anteayaAJaeger: my mind boggles at why someone thinks this is important18:12
AJaegeranteaya: I wondered whether a native speaker would say that this is far better or refuse to participate in a bikeshet ;)18:14
anteayaput me down for refuse to participate18:14
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AJaegerthen I'll leave a comment and let's see what happens...18:14
anteayahave fun18:15
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anteayaI can't bring myself to comment personally18:15
anteayacan't even look at that a second time18:15
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openstackgerritRichard Theis proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add experimental networking-ovn multinode job
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AJaegersorry, anteaya18:17
AJaegerthanks for your comment, that helped me.18:17
anteayaAJaeger: no no no, don't apologize18:17
anteayayup, I understand why you asked me and it is valid18:17
anteayaI'm just stating that some folks remain a mystery to me18:18
anteayaand will continue to do so18:18
rcarrillocruzpabelanger: yes indeed, i cannot even login to HipChat18:18
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rcarrillocruzjust saw the email about the Houston lab outage18:18
AJaegeranteaya: ;)18:18
clarkbjroll: also we are really close to having tls-proxy work for the services in devstack itself. You may want ot look at using devstack/lib/tls to deploy ironic that way too18:19
anteayaAJaeger: :)18:19
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jrollclarkb: does that go through apache I guess? that's been on our list18:22
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: pleia2: looks like infracloud is back online18:22
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run newton to master/ocata grenade on xenial
clarkbAJaeger: ^ now with more )18:23
clarkbjroll: yup it used to use stud and was never tested then stud became abandon ware so greghaynes just switched it to apache which is already used all over devstack18:23
jrollah nice18:23
AJaegerclarkb: let's try it ;)18:24
clarkb(my personal agenda here is a few weeks ago osc + neutron stopped working against https endpoints so I really want to make ssl our defautl so that if osc breaks we know before we release)18:24
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AJaegerclarkb: enough ")" this time ;)18:33
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
anteayayay enough ")"s18:34
AJaegerjust for the fun of it, I'll share another one here ;)18:35
sigmavirusAJaeger: I think that review to change the verbs in the commit messages is because of OpenStack's commit message style guide18:35
sigmavirusBut few enough projects follow that for it not to be a defacto standard anymore18:35
mtreinishpleia2, fungi, nibalizer: I think germqtt and lpmqtt also crashed because mosquitto was down for long enough the retry connection stuff failed18:35
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AJaegersigmavirus: I would never -1 a change for that ;)18:36
sigmavirusAJaeger: there are projects that do18:36
pleia2mtreinish: yeah, just brought them both back18:36
sigmavirusWhich I suspect is their prerogative because it's in their HACKING files but still18:36
mtreinishpleia2: thanks18:36
sigmavirusAJaeger: that's my guess at least18:36
anteayasigmavirus: thanks, I'm still not reviewing that patch18:37
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sigmavirusanteaya: yeah, that's why I didn't mention you directly. Didn't want to tag you back into this conversation since you didn't seem to want to be part of it.18:37
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AJaegersigmavirus: i left a comment out of respect for the submission - I'm not opposed to it but neither care enough to push it through.18:38
sigmavirusAJaeger: if you want someone else's opinion on it I can comment, but I don't know how to vote18:38
sigmavirusAJaeger: right, I can understand why some projects might care, but I don't think enough do to warrant it18:38
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sigmavirusWhich I guess makes me -118:38
AJaegersigmavirus: feel free to leave a comment without voting - like I did.18:38
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AJaegersigmavirus: but -1s or +1s work as well ;)18:39
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sigmavirusAJaeger: and done18:41
harlowjafungi before a twinkle, nice18:43
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run newton to master/ocata grenade on xenial
fungiharlowja: discussing in an etherpad how to read an ml is an interesting friday afternoon diversion18:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: gnocchi: add upgrade testing jobs
clarkbjroll: hrm still failed probably something else I need to do but the lack of debug output from nova ironic driver/ironic client making this hard18:46
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* AJaeger wishes everybody a sunny weekend18:48
clarkbI wonder if glance_protocol is at fault. the default is http and I don't think I see it reset to https anywhere /me tries18:49
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clarkb(should also be set by the catalog imo)18:49
harlowjafungi its interesting like archeology kind of stuff18:51
harlowjaML-archaelogy , ha18:51
harlowja(which will be a new course that I will teach someday)18:51
anteayaAJaeger: thank you too18:51
harlowjaalong with openstack-archaelogy 20118:51
harlowja(which vish & jay will teach the initial part of)18:51
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fungiharlowja: we'll get it posted as a subsite of vishfacts18:51
anteayait is fun to compose18:52
anteayaI uncertain if the people that need to consume them will consume them18:52
anteayabut at least we would have another thing to point to18:52
anteayathe confidential footer stuns me everytime18:53
sigmavirusanteaya: agreed18:54
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Craton's channels to accessbot and gerritbot
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pabelangerclarkb: 374366 works for xenial, doing debian-jessie now18:59
pabelangerssh-keygen systemd service18:59
irtermitecloudnull: let's bump infra's instance quota to 1024 and see what happens. clear for launch18:59
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anteayasince our node usage peaked at 900 nodes today would an increase in osic to 1024 mean that all of our nodes would come from osic and none of our nodes would come from any other cloud?19:01
anteayathat was my understanding from the noisy neighbour algothrim discussion from last week or the week prior19:01
fungiirtermite: clarkb: we're only using about 450 nodes at the moment and it will continue to fall into the weekend19:02
fungier, s/clarkb/cloudnull/ (sorry clarkb)19:02
clarkbno nodepool scales based on percentage of total per provider19:02
fungianteaya: it would mean even fewer nodes launched in other providers though, yes19:02
anteayaclarkb: okay so nodepool would continue to use all hosts19:02
clarkb1024would be like 75â„… or so19:02
clarkbso about that much would come from osic19:03
anteayamight cause races to get in that are only discovered on non osic nodes19:03
fungibasically adds up all the quotas, then divide a given provider's quota by that and you'll have the proportion of nodes which will be launched there (roughly)19:03
anteayaokay well if I'm the only one with this concern that's fine19:03
anteayajust airing it19:03
pabelangerwe are also down 2 regions today, rax-iad and ovh-bhs119:04
pabelangerrax-iad is fixed, we need a new glean release, ovh-bhs1 we need to follow up about image uploads19:04
fungianteaya: it's a concern insofar as it's a dynamic we need to stay aware of, but i don't think it's something we need to avoid19:04
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irtermiteUnderstood. Seeing as how the utilization of OSIC-Cloud-1 is low and the performance seemed to help you all, we figured it would be a benefit. Up to you if you feel it a hinder. But, sounds like the proportioning will handle it?19:05
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add craton to the status- and meet-bot lists
irtermiteIs this a matter that there is not a need for any more instances to speed up testing, fungi19:05
fungithe vast majority of failures identified by our ci will continue to be failures which are consistent across all providers, so fine-tuning the scheduling algorithm to try to make (much rarer) provider-specific failures more obvious is in my opinion unwarranted additional complexity19:06
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fungiirtermite: it's a few things... first, we're normally low on resource demand on fridays and across weekends as many (probably a significant majority) of our contributors are working business days, and most of those also western hemisphere business hours. but also this is traditionally the quietest time during the release cycle. but also yes there's the fact that all the additional resources we have19:08
fungiare causing us not to end up with lengthy backlogs to test19:08
anteayafungi: fair enough19:08
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Added Gem Mirror to Infra
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anteayairtermite: the additional quota is most welcome, thank you19:09
anteayairtermite: adding 500 additional nodes to the pool though is large enough to merit a discussion of the impact though19:09
anteayato ensure any concerns are voiced19:09
anteayaas I have voiced mine and have been reassured they are worth evaluating and not worth doing anything about at the moment19:10
irtermitecurious to see if it is a benefit or not. can always trim it back to current if it is19:10
anteayawe won't know really until after summit at this point19:10
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anteayaas fungi says this is the slowest time of the cycle19:11
pabelangerHas anybody seen 1k used nodes online? Max I've seen is about 800 used19:11
clarkbpabelanger: you can ask graphtie pretty easily19:12
anteayawe did have 1.2k in the olden days that I recall19:12
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, that's what I'm looking up now19:12
anteayaI don't think it lasted more than a few months19:12
anteayabut I remember it19:12
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fungianteaya: i think that may have been during the hpcloud v1.1 to v2 transition, when we had them both running in parallel19:14
fungibut yeah, it was short-lived19:14
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anteayathat sounds right19:18
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clarkbright I don't think we should reject donations beacuse we are worried that more resources in one location may mask problems with another19:19
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clarkbopenstack is our abstraction and when that breaks down we are lucky enough to be able to lean back on the devs >_>19:19
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anteayadid what I say sound like a rejection?19:21
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clarkbanteaya: I parsed it as "we should consider not accepting these resources to prevent potential regressions in testing"19:21
anteayaI meant lets take a moment to discuss impact19:22
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Craton's channels to accessbot
anteayawhich we did, thank you19:22
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clarkblooks like grenade on xenial is live now19:32
clarkbwill keep an eye on that but I tested lcoally and it was happy so don't expect anything19:32
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pabelangerclarkb: debian works too, on to upstart now19:37
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set logrotate config on mosquitto
mtreinishclarkb, fungi, pleia2, nibalizer: ^^^19:38
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fungimtreinish: though before we change that, i'd like to see the circumstances around the current issue when it recurs rather than just hoping this will help19:39
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fungibut having that coded up and ready to go is a huge help19:39
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mtreinishfungi: sure, that makes sense19:40
fungiif the next outage also sees no post-rotated log, i think we can be reasonably sure it's more than coincidence19:40
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fungithough getting that fixed in the daemon is probably nontrivial if the reason it bombs is related to the load it's under at the time its signal handler is invoked19:41
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mtreinishfungi: well if we can confirm it to be the issue I can file another mosquitto bug about it19:42
mtreinishthey fixed the other one :)19:42
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nibalizermtreinish: looks like the noop test doesn't like the puppet you wrote19:47
mtreinishnibalizer: heh, sounds like most of my puppet :)19:47
mtreinishI'll take a look19:47
nibalizeryah probably don't need the service bit anyways19:47
mtreinishnibalizer: ok, I'll drop that line19:48
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set logrotate config on mosquitto
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ssh-keygen systemd service to debian / ubuntu
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pabelangerclarkb: doing one final test with upstart, but ^ should be all we need for ssh-keygen19:55
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add ssh-keygen systemd service to debian / ubuntu
notmynamedoes the CI system respect the bindep "test" profile?19:58
clarkbpabelanger: cool. reading up on what that upstart does now20:00
clarkbnotmyname: yes it should20:00
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pabelangerclarkb: Ya, that was the best I found to depend on a service. But, happy to change if something is better20:00
notmynameclarkb: ok, cool! I didn't know about it until just now, and our entries aren't decorated like that. I'd like to update it20:00
openstackgerritKevin Carter (cloudnull) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update the max-servers for cloud1 to 1024
clarkbjroll: cool that ironic devstack plugin change gets the traceback to change
cloudnullclarkb: fungi: irtermite: ^ sorry was AFK for a while20:01
clarkbjroll: looks like its breaking on ssl cert verification now. Slowly but surely20:02
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cloudnullI know there was some talk about it's effect but I figured I'd throw over the PR just incase.20:02
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anteayacloudnull: yeah, we talked about it and agreed it is fine to increase20:03
anteayathanks for submitting the patch20:03
anteayaI just didn't know what it would do to our allocation algorithm20:03
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anteayaand have since learned all clouds will continue to be used20:04
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funginotmyname: if it makes you feel any better, swift reviewers are why AJaeger added support for that "test" profile to our jobs and our package caching automation ;)20:05
cloudnullthat's good. we're not looking to cause issue. Just trying to help where we can.20:05
notmynamefungi: cool :-)20:05
anteayacloudnull: oh yeah, totally get that20:05
funginotmyname: or at least i think that was the case. AJaeger can correct me if i'm wrong there20:05
anteayacloudnull: this was me not knowing how our algorithm works20:05
notmynamefungi: now I'm trying to figure out if just adding "test" is ok, or if I also need to update tox.ini20:05
anteayacloudnull: and thank you20:06
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cloudnullanteaya: i have no idea either :)20:06
funginotmyname: yeah, the environment in tox.ini is just intended for the convenience of your developers in setting up their dev environments, but i would suggest having it run `bindep test` instead of just `bindep`20:06
* cloudnull is now curious20:06
anteayacloudnull: I still have no idea, but clarkb and fungi reassure me all the clouds will get some nodes used on them, proportionally based on quota20:06
notmynamefungi: ok. and what if the tox.ini file doesn't have a bindep env at all?20:06
notmynamefungi: (but i'll be adding it. just wondering if it's broken as-is and we didn't realize)20:07
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funginotmyname: our jobs don't rely on it being in tox.ini, again the only reason to add it is so that devs can run `tox -e bindep` and have it tell them what distro packages they're missing to be able to use your other tox targets20:08
notmynamefungi: perfect. thanks :-)20:08
fungiglad to help!20:09
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: 374366 is in working order for ubuntu-trusty, ubuntu-xenial and debian-jessie20:12
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funginotmyname: looks like it still ends up trying to install swiftclient into the tox venv. i think adding usedevelop=false to that environment will fix it. leaving a comment on the review now20:14
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openstackgerritOleksii Butenko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Disable test_volume_from_snapshot tests for Cinder BDD job"
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notmynamefungi: heh, I think tim just beat you to it :-). and thanks20:17
fungiindeed! reviewer race condition20:18
notmynameTBH I just copy/pasted from an infra repo ;-)20:18
notmynameso this is really your fault ;-)20:18
fungiwhich one? i'll check to see if it's warranted there as well20:18
fungitox configuration is fiddly, so there are interactions between the global skipdist and per-environment usedevelop20:19
clarkbpabelanger: for the unit file does the | in ConditionPathExist=|! mean logical OR?20:19
clarkbpabelanger: eg run the command if any one of the files does not exist?20:19
pabelangerclarkb: exactly20:19
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pabelangerclarkb: I don't think we can do that in upstart, unless we add a fail bit of code20:20
clarkbah yup finally found it in the docs. ^F found the | but then it was hard to find it visually20:20
notmynamefungi: openstack-infra/project-config20:20
pabelangerbut ssh-keygen is smart enough not to regen the keys20:20
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pabelangerif they exist20:20
clarkbya man page confirms that20:20
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clarkbpabelanger: reading upstart docs start on starting ssh means run this as soon as that event is emitted which doesn't mean it will necessariyl run before ssh?20:22
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clarkbI am trying to figure out if there is a better way to do that20:24
pabelangerclarkb: is what I found20:24
pabelangerclarkb: but, you might be correct20:24
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funginotmyname: thanks! as it turns out, project-config is not a python package so doesn't get "installed" or have declared python dependencies, making it a bit special in that regard20:24
clarkbpabelanger: oh hrm. I just read it as start on will start sometime after the event is emitted but ssh could continue to start at the same time. But that section seems to say I am wrong reading the other parts of the docs20:25
fungithus running tox -e bindep on it only installs bindep20:25
clarkbseems like "starting" is magical20:25
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fungigonna go grab early dinner. back in a bit20:26
anteayafungi: enjoy dinner20:26
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clarkbpabelanger: so this will install the systemd unit on centos7 and fedora but not enable it right? thats probably good enough20:27
pabelangerclarkb: that is a good question, let me do a build real quick to see20:27
pabelangerI didn't test that20:27
clarkbpabelanger: ok I -1'20:27
clarkbd so that we can include the link to the debian bug too20:28
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pabelangerclarkb: Yup, installed not active for centos20:37
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pabelangerI don't know how to not install it20:37
pabelangerchecking docs for the element20:37
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clarkbpabelanger: I don't think it matters all that much20:38
clarkbbut I am also not dib core20:38
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pabelangerlets see what they say20:39
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pabelangerclarkb: if you have bandwidth, could use some help on 375448, don't upload DIB if provider is disabled. Having some troubles getting a test for that20:46
clarkbpabelanger: sure20:46
clarkbI am mostly just trying to keep pushing on ssl things and waiting on jobs right now20:47
pabelangercool, otherwise I don't mind waiting until next week20:47
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clarkbpabelanger: for testing it I would run the things to set up your provider as normal20:48
clarkbthen update the config and call the update images function directly and check that no new image is uploaded20:48
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pabelangerclarkb: okay, let me give that a go20:51
clarkbpabelanger: basically you want to get nodepool to a state where you can assert everything is as expected. Then update config and check that your state doesn't change with a new image upload20:52
pabelangerthat should work20:52
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: dstat: improve output to track high cpu process
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clarkbjroll: does mean that the agent on the instance was unable to verify ssl?21:04
clarkbI am guessing that we build an image that doesn't "inherit" the ssl config from devstack21:05
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clarkbjroll: ok I think I tracked it down to
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clarkbjroll: I think we can probably go ahead and review then figure out how we want IPA to be talking to glance later21:10
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anteayaclarkb: do you know if anyone did any follow up on logstash after jhesketh worked on it?21:23
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clarkbanteaya: no21:24
anteayaokay thanks21:24
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anteayawhat is going on on the cacti server that there are gaps in the graph?
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clarkbanteaya: usually means the host was too busy to process the snmp requests21:53
anteayaokay thanks21:53
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anteayagraphite is showing the same:
anteayaand zuul:
anteayaI'm guessing something is going on with the cacti server21:56
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anteayahowever since it only offers 3 graphs for localhost I don't know what21:57
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anteaya5 deer grazing in my yard22:02
clarkbits possible that cacti is experiencing packet loss for the snmp requests22:02
clarkbor similar22:02
anteayaokay, fair enough22:02
anteayathe graphs for all the services appear to be affected22:02
anteayaany services I have checked at the very least22:02
anteayalooks like a decent chunk of yesterday is missing22:05
anteayaand intermittent skips starting about 4 hours ago22:05
clarkbwere there network issues in rax dfw?22:05
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anteayapabelanger: said there was a rax region down or having issues, earlier did he not?22:06
anteayarax-iad according to backscroll22:06
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anteayastatus page says a system disruption in london:
anteayaso not north america22:07
clarkbits beginnign to feel a lot like friday22:09
clarkbalso jetlag22:09
anteayaI hear ya22:10
anteaya2 8 point bucks, 2 fawns and a doe22:10
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anteayaI'll see if I can find fungi after he returns from dinner to help me with cacti22:12
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fungii don't know how helpful i am, but i can try22:21
fungilots of gaps in the localhost graphs, that's fun22:22
fungisimilar gaps starting to appear in graphs for remote systems too22:23
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fungicould indicate a network problem in rax-dfw, or a local issue with the cacti.o.o server22:23
anteayaI can buy that22:24
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fungiload average on the cacti server is higher than i'd normally expect22:24
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fungiaround 1.5 for the 15-minute average22:24
anteayahas the addition of the infra cloud nodes upset cacti?22:24
fungiphp processes eating cpu22:24
fungianteaya: any estimate when it started collecting those?22:25
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anteayaI have none let me see if cacti shows anything useful22:25
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fungibaremetal00.vanilla.ic.o.o seems to be in cacti for almost a week22:26
anteayait started tracking compute000.vanilla 4 weeks ago:
fungisorry, almost a month22:26
fungiyeah, same for baremetal0022:27
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anteayacompute045 doesn't show anything:
fungifound the same. working backward to find one that does22:27
anteayacompute027 also nothing:
fungicompute015 had very spotty data22:28
anteayacompute008 doesn't show anything at all:
anteayanot even blank graphs22:28
anteayawhich is an outlier22:28
fungii suspect a bunch of them are not unreachable22:28
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anteaya009 has no data22:29
clarkbyes infra cloud is or was unreachable earlier22:29
fungier, are unreachable or are not reachable. take your pick22:29
anteaya010 has a month, but very large gaps22:29
clarkbrcarrillocruz said networking issues affecting the houston site not jsut infracloud22:29
anteayawhen did cacti issues begin?22:29
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fungilooks like load average on cacti.o.o has been creeping up22:30
fungiand then has a week-long gap about a week ago22:30
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fungiand has been both high and spotty ever since22:30
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fungino, sorry, day-long gap a couple days ago22:31
anteayaa week long gap a week ago?22:31
anteayayesterday is what i see22:31
fungii was looking at the wrong graph scale22:31
anteayaend of 21 beginning of 2222:31
anteayaokay then we are seeing the same22:31
fungiyep, so about 1.5 days ago it started reporting again22:31
fungithe memory usage graph is strange-looking, but if you pay attention to the fact that it's inverted (graphing free memory) it indicates we're running at the edge of available ram there22:33
anteayaoh my22:34
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fungiteh `free` command locally suggests about 85% of ram is in active use, with another ~10% used by cache and buffers22:35
fungilooking at rackspace incident tickets, it appears mirror.iad.rax lost connectivity to its cinder volume and has been spewing kernel panics22:39
fungii'm going to reboot it now in hopes it regains sanity22:39
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fungi#status log has been rebooted to restore sanity following connectivity issues to its cinder volume22:40
openstackstatusfungi: finished logging22:40
fungiit's back online now22:40
fungialso a ticket about the hypervisor host logstash-worker20 is on having trouble22:41
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fungilooks like they rebooted it after they restored the host to working order22:42
anteayawhere do you see the incident tickets?22:43
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fungilogging into the rackspace management dashboard for our tenant22:44
fungiwas hoping to spot something there to explain the cacti.o.o strangeness, but no such luck22:44
anteayathanks for fixing the mirror22:45
anteayaand sharing the logstash worker20 status update22:45
fungiwe had swap memory allocated on cacti.o.o up until sometime in may according to the graphs22:45
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anteayaor, rebooting the mirror (hoping that fixes it)22:46
fungiwhich i think corresponds with us rebuilding it on trusty22:46
anteayayeah I saw that22:46
anteayaI think so22:46
anteayathe sever rebuilds included a number of server changes22:46
fungii've confirmed from a shell that it definitely has no swap configured now at any rate22:46
anteayasize adjustments mostly is what I saw22:46
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fungibut yeah, load average on cacti.o.o really seems to have shot up in the past week or two22:48
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fungiif that coincides with adding the bulk of infra-cloud, them maybe we want to move cacti to a larger flavor22:48
anteayathat is the only thing springing to my mind22:49
fungircarrillocruz: ^ when you're awake/around22:49
fungii don't think it's dire, but it's probably worth hacking on early next week22:49
anteayabut with 40+ nodes which may or may not have data I'm not interested in clicking each individual one22:49
anteayaI know jim likes consistent graphite data22:49
fungioh, as do i22:50
fungiand cacti data too22:50
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jrollclarkb: oh my, that'll be fun22:50
fungii just don't think anybody needs to lose their weekend of well-deserved downtime over it22:50
mtreinishpleia2, nibalizer, fungi: so I just dug through the ruby mqtt code and the logstash mqtt plugin and nothing stuck out as obvious as to why is happening22:50
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anteayafungi: no argument22:51
mtreinishalthough I didn't check the ruby ssl code22:51
fungimtreinish: is there any additional debugging we could turn on client side?22:52
mtreinishbut I am able to confirm that using the mosquitto cli subscriber with ssl and a ca cert downloaded from instant ssl works fine on firehose from my desktop22:52
anteayafungi: since the bulk of infra cloud is offline anyway how hard is it to remove infra cloud from cacti for the weekend?22:53
fungii honestly don't know. i mean i know how to remove it from our configuration in git but it seems like there are additional manual steps involved in purging it from cacti22:54
mtreinishfungi: hmm, not that I saw in the plugin, the code was pretty minimal:
mtreinishfungi: it's probably worth checking the logs of a logstash worker though to see if there was anything in there22:55
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fungimtreinish: looking at worker01, i see some crm114 timeouts23:04
fungii assume i should be looking in /var/log/logprocessor/log-worker-A-debug.log anyway23:04
fungi404 errors pulling the occasional log, i think23:05
fungii'm not seeing any references to mqtt at least23:05
fungimtreinish: is support directly implemented in the log processors?23:06
mtreinishfungi: we install that output plugin on the log processors and add it to the output config23:07
fungii'm not sure what that means. may need a logstash to human filter to translate for me23:07
mtreinishfungi: and that paste nibalizer shared from mosquitto shows at least some workers are trying to connect via mqtt at least23:07
mtreinishfungi: on the worker nodes we run /opt/logstash/bin/plugin install logstash-output-mqtt23:08
mtreinishand then update the config to use the plugin23:08
mtreinishit's not a built into logstash itself is what I was trying to say23:08
fungii'm just trying to figure out where log output from that would surface23:09
openstackgerritAbhishek Raut proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use python-db-jobs for vmware-nsx
fungiwhether it's the log processors or the logstash process23:09
fungilogstash process, looks like23:10
fungi{:timestamp=>"2016-09-23T23:08:04.265000+0000", :message=>"Error certificate verify failed while publishing to MQTT server. Will retry in 10 seconds.", :level=>:error}23:10
fungiso, er, i guess that's the 'splanatorization23:10
mtreinishit's about all the info we get from the mosquitto side logs too23:11
fungiwhere do you configure cert trusts in logstash? no clue. but i'm sure it will be exciting to figure out23:11
fungiif the cert itself verifies against the ca cert, then i'm guessing we're missing a trust on the ca cert23:12
fungilogstash is java-based?23:12
fungiif so, the jvm maintains its own trust chain for ca certs that needs updating directly23:12
mtreinishfungi: we should pass it in via the output.conf for logstash23:12
pleia2ruby running in a jvm23:12
fungiassuming the service is relying on that rather than bringing its own trust implementation anyway23:13
mtreinishfungi: yeah what pleia2 said. The ruby code is what should be talking to mosquitto23:13
anteayathis sounds like too much fun for me23:14
anteayahave a nice weekend all23:14
funginight anteaya!23:14
mtreinishfungi: heh, that's why I looked at the plugin code and traced through it23:15
fungimtreinish: yep, i'm mostly just catching up to your already on-the-ball analysis23:16
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mtreinishfungi: the only ssl handling bits were in ruby-mqtt:
fungiserver says handshake didn't complete. client says server cert couldn't be verified23:16
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mtreinishfungi: heh, actually rereading that method if we don't set a ca_file it doesn't set ssl_verify23:17
mtreinishmaybe we should just do that :)23:17
fungia disappointing but perhaps pragmatic observation23:18
fungithough i'm betting the ca_file being pointed to is simply not in a format that it is able to make use of or something23:18
fungimaybe missing a chain from the ca to the server cert?23:18
fungior wrong encoding'?23:19
mtreinishfungi: oh, perhaps. We just reused the existing thing in heira for the mosquitto ca cert file and dumped it to a file:
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fungiahh, what it probably expects is not a copy of the ca-signed server cert, but the cert for the ca itself23:22
fungiunless i'm misunderstanding what got passed in there23:22
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mtreinishfungi: oh perhaps. I assumed it was looking for the cert for the ca itself. That's what I was using for the cafile param on the mosquitto cli client23:24
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mtreinishlike I just downloaded the cabundle from instantssl and passed that to mosquitto_sub23:24
fungier, yeah, that's what i was saying too, so i'm again just missing context i think23:25
mtreinishbut maybe that's not what the ruby code is expecting23:25
* mtreinish double checks what we're passing to the workers23:25
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fungiwell, the ruby code might expect it in some format other than pem for example, or may only work with the penultimate cert in teh chain rather than the root cert23:25
mtreinishfungi: ah, ok23:26
fungijust trying to think up various ways this could go surprisingly wrong23:26
mtreinishfungi: hmm, the docs seem to imply it's the root ca in pem:
fungi"root" could be confusing here23:27
mtreinishheh, yeah23:27
fungiroot cert plus chain certs that together validate the server cert?23:27
fungior _just_ the cert that directly signed the server cert?23:27
fungithe latter is pretty guaranteed to work if what is being set up is a direct trust23:28
mtreinishfungi: the only thing I see in the docs on that is:
fungithe former is what, e.g., browsers need23:28
fungibecause browsers have an established trust and simply need any intermediate signatories between their existing trust and the server cert23:29
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fungiin hiera, mosquitto_tls_ca_file seems to contain multiple certificates, so likely a chain23:31
fungidepending on how that is getting processed by the client, it could just be picking the first cert it comes to in there, which likely hasn't directly signed the server cert23:31
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mtreinishfungi: well according to the ruby docs it should just be wrapping openssl. Although, I'm not sure what the behavior is there off the top of my head23:36
mtreinishI assume it would be smarter than just reading the first cert23:37
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mtreinishfungi: so I wrote a little ruby test script (which I can add to the firehose docs for fun if you think it's worth it)
mtreinishand that works fine23:55
mtreinishso I bet it's definitely something with the content of the hiera key23:56
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mtreinishfungi: we probably could just download the same bundle I did from instantssl and use that23:57
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